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found this random notebook in the room they let me use. nothing in it but a couple
ripped pages

im bored. its been a month or so since we got here. i haven't been doing much.

simon doesn't talk to me. i think neither does the others as much as they used to.
i understand.

there is this random emo that keeps looking me up and down.


talked with the random emo. his name is ryan. kinda cute. he told me he could get
me a job if im bored. i said yea. he looks like juno as a man. think im delusional
lol. just the same purple hair i think.

apparently simons mom really is here. she is a nurse. she helped me wrap my finger
when i accidentally cut it while playing with my knife. i like that lady.

ion think i should be here. it doesn't feel right. i dunno. i think im gonna sleep


they gave me the radio room job with ryan. i have a cool keycard now. why is the
radio room in b1?? dont you need to be in a higher place for that???

we don't do much. its basically nothing, we just hang out, drink coffee and talk
with ppl with good connection. there are a few in america. not that much, just like
7 or 8 ig. none of them reached out yet :(

ryan has a little sister, 9 or 10. reminds me of zoe.

ryan let me use his music player. i like his music taste. its like juno's.

i saw simon heading towards the lab. he wont even look at me


i fucked ryan. i dunno why. was nice tho, would do it again. no details

i think they are searching the rooms when we are out. mina doesnt think so.

she tried to talk to me about what happened back there and why i didnt say
anything. what did she even expect me to say? would she say anything if she were
me? i didnt know how to talk about it so i just left.

i keep seeing simon go down to b2. i asked ryan what they did there, and he says
there are labs there for experimenting. experimenting what, exactly? dumb as fuck

today ryan wasnt there and there was a call from somewhere in Chicago. i answered
but he hung up quick. rude


i was hanging on the balcony today when rocky wanted to talk with me. he didnt ask
anything about what happened, we just talked about whatever. it was kinda awkward
but then we hugged. i missed him so much. he says my hair is getting long. he'll
cut it for me.

i told ryan about the call. he told me to not tell anyone about it. like okay
handsome whatever ya want

i also talked with a random greek through the radio today. it was a very low
connection but she talked well. apparently they have a camp there. i wonder if zoe
and mom is


they took me in for a random blood test. i fucking hate needles, so i didnt wanna
at first but the nurse was simons mom so i didnt say much

me and ryan fucked again. it was random but cool.

i like the guy. i hate seeing him as juno. he isnt juno, he isnt juno he isnt juno
he isnt juno he isnt juno he isnt juno


another call from the radio for ryan

i didnt answer

tobias somehow found some booze. he asked me to drink together. i said yea. we had

he talked to me about simon. about how theo looked after he was bitten again.
apparently it was bad. i said i know. i saw it firsthand the first time lol

he said it isn't my fault. that he might have done it if i hadnt. i left


heard a scream today. well, everyone did. a couple windows cracked. how does that
even work? the headmaster, shady dick. solace. solace. i know you, man. shot your
grandson. lmao

he came ahead and told evryn that the scream came from the outside and they were
going to investigate it

it didn't came from outside. it came from b3

i fucking heard it man. i told ryan about it and he told me not to worry. I WORRY.


i stole a keycard and sneaked into b3

what the fuck was that. why are they doing that. theo was there i fucking saw him.
im not insane he really is alive. simon was there. we talked a bit, he seemed
fucking panicked, the little bitch
why didn't simon say anything about theodore man what the fuck. bitchass looks
joyful as hell too

mina is pregnant


i found the camera room. i keep stealing keys now and no one notices. shit is

ryan said he wanted to talk to me about the ppl on the radio but i didnt want to.
we had sex again

i found simons diary


ryan told me about the radio ppl. i told him about the woman, he said he knows.
apparently its alexandria something mavis. i think she is the woman theo ~~and
sim~~ told us about when we met again in texas again.

im gonna check the shit out

i think theyll kill me if i do

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