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private agreement
I, Mr. / Ms ... ......................................... ... ......... ............................... resident recognized
You requested a sum of .................... ... for a loan Sgr. Carlos velosos

I expressly agree to repay the amount of ............. .. ... over a period of months ... ... with a monthly fee
of ... ... . ..... ..... if not, I take that will lead to sanctions.

General requirements:

1 - the borrower must make payments every month or early the first day of each month. (Except
Saturday, Sunday and holidays).

2 - Payment can be made by bank transfer or Western Union transfer to the borrower's

3 - The borrower must have a life insurance for the entire loan in case of death.

4 - the borrower must report any change of address 48 hours before the move.

5 to 1 borrower can provide additional capital without penalty and without additional cost to
quickly solve its debt.

6 - Do not suffer a penalty of $ 87.

I have read and signed the Escrow payment proves to be serious and can be used against me if I
Mr. / Ms .................... .. .... ..................................... do not meet the conditions in the future .
Do it .... / ... / 2016
Name first name and signature

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