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Operations Strategy

22 March 2024 08:05

Unit 4 Page 1
Unit 4 Page 2
Unit 4 Page 3
Dummy activities are placeholder elements used in network diagrams, like
those in project management, to accurately represent the dependencies
between different tasks. They don't consume any time or resources and are
signified by dotted lines.
Here's why they're important:
• Maintaining Logic: Network diagrams rely on a clear sequence of tasks.
Network Analysis - Critical Path Analysis - A Level Business Dummy activities ensure the diagram reflects the correct order even when a
straightforward connection isn't possible.
• Dependency Representation: Imagine two tasks that rely on a single
preceding task, but one also needs another task to be done first. A dummy
activity helps depict this complex dependency.
Think of them as bridges between tasks, ensuring a clear visual representation
of the project flow.
Here are some additional points to consider:
• Use dummy activities sparingly. An excess can make the diagram cluttered.
• Their main purpose is to clarify dependencies, not to add workload.

From <>

Extremely useful video on critical path and network diagrams

Unit 4 Page 4

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