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Social Studies

Contemporary Social Issues

● A social issue is defined as an issue that is wide-spread and has serious consequences,
directly or indirectly for a large section of the population.

● Concern about a social issue may arise because it:

1. Involves what many consider to be unacceptable behavior.
2. Indicates a decline in moral standards or an abundant of traditional values.
3. Has serious financial implications that affect how public money is spent.

● Types of social issues:

Poverty: Poverty is the lack of resources to meet basic needs for food, shelter, clothing,
healthcare, and education.
Causes: unemployment, low wages, discrimination, and lack of access to education.
Effects: hunger, and crime.

● Education - Education is essential for individual and societal well-being. However, many
people around the world lack access to quality education.
Causes: poverty or discrimination.
Effects: limit opportunities for employment and iincome.

● Healthcare - Healthcare is essential for maintaining good health and preventing disease.
However, many people around the world lack access to affordable healthcare.
Causes: poverty, lack of infrastructure, or government policies.
Effects: preventable deaths, illness, and disability.

● Crime: Crime is the violation of laws for personal gain or harm.

Causes: including poverty, lack of education.
Effects: violence, and economic loss.

● Discrimination: Discrimination is the treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction

in favor of or against a person or thing based on personal characteristics.
Causes: race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or disability.
Effects: social division, economic marginalization, and violence.

● Environmental degradation: Environmental degradation is the deterioration of the

environment through pollution and resource depletion.
Causes: industrial activity, agricultural practices, and deforestation.
Effects:lack of human health, lack of food security, and lack of water resources.

● Child Abuse: Child abuse is the mistreatment of a parent or guardian, including neglect,
beating and sexual molestation.
Caues: substance abuse, domestic violence, poverty, poor communication, frustration,
inadequate supervision of child.
Effects: Juvenile delinquency, substance abuse, street children, trust issues.

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