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My project looks into the debate of objectification versus empowerment in digital spaces.

I have
always been interested in this topic as I find it intriguing how something that could be
empowering to one person could have a completely opposite negative connotation to someone
else. I wanted to further explore this idea while also considering the impact of expression
through a feminist lens. I organized my research based on the following question: what is the
relationship between objectification and empowerment in digital female suggestive behavior,
and how does this discourse affect feminism?

Digital provocation or sexually explicit content occurs in many forms and on many platforms.
The studies I examined in my research focused largely on these three platforms. OnlyFans, a
subscription based platform which is known for its sex work content, then tumblr and tik tok,
both social media platforms. My discussion also highlights 5 main reasons digital provocation
occurs. For money, for power, for attention, for autonomy over one’s body, and because of
external pressure. In terms of how digital provocation occurs online I categorize it into five main
categories. The first two being text and art, were most commonly present on tumblr. The next
two, expression through sexualized dance and clothing were most prevalent on tiktok. Lastly
porn and other visually explicit content were most prevalent on onlyfans. To dive deeper into
one of these platforms, as an example from my paper. Many users of and creators on OnlyFans
felt very threatened by a possible sexual content ban on the platform in 2021 as they felt it
would subject them to even further scrutiny, as it would further marginalize the digital sex work
community more than it already is.

Through my analysis of whether digital provocation should be considered empowering or

objectifying, I argue that it shouldn’t be defined as either one or the other as that is such a
subjective experience. However, rather than the problem being one versus the other, it is that
the debate itself is harmful to women as a whole because it causes hyperfixation in their
actions. The debate places women under a critical lens allowing them to be scrutinized by
society no matter what they are doing. If they are pro sex work and digital provacation they are
feeding into the patriarchy, but if they are against it, and only present themselves in conservative
manners, then they are ashamed and minimizing female expression. In each study I analyzed,
whether taking a pro provocation or anti provocation stance, the language was heavily focused
around womens actions.

I finish this project with some unanswered questions and I want to present this one here for you
all to think about. How can sexuality and provocation be monitored online for safety reasons
without further perpetuating unfair judgements and stereotypes of women? Where are the lines
drawn, specifically in regards to content that minors both create and have access to?


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