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a) i) Bond energy is the amount of energy to break 1 mole of a particle

bond into one mole of gaseous molecules.

ii) As the length of the bond decreases, the bond energy increases due to
the greater the forces of attraction in the bonds.

b) CH4(g) + Cl2(g) —---> CH3Cl(g) + HCl (g)

ii) 4(C-H) + (Cl-Cl) —-> 3(C-H)+(C-Cl) + (H-Cl)

4(410) + 244 —----> 3(410) + 340 + 431
1884 —----> 2001
ߡH = sum of products - sum of reactions
= 2001 -1884
= +117 KJmol-1

iii) it is endothermic

Measure temperatures of 75 cm³ of both solutions, Label them T1, T2…

Place the thermometer in KOH(aq), add HCl(aq) and stir.
Record the highest temperature observed.
Calculate the average temperature of reagents i.e. (T₂+ T₂)/2 = T4.
Use mc△T to calculate enthalpy of neutralization.
m (mass) = 0.15 kg, c (specific heat capacity of water) = 4.18 kJ kg¹ K¹ and
△T(change in temp) = (T3-T4)

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