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TOP things

you should know about


Table of contents

01 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

02 10 facts about Lyme disease you should know . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

03 Most characteristic symptoms of Lyme disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

04 Diagnosing Lyme disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

05 Three methods of treating Lyme disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

06 How to decrease the risk of getting bitten by a tick . . . . . . . . . . 14

07 Natural ways of appeasing the effects of Lyme disease . . . . . . . 16


The beginings of Lyme disease

In 1909 a Swedish dermatologist Arvid Afzelius discovered that a skin rash

can be a sign of Lyme disease. Back then the disease didn’t have a name.
In 1982 an American scientist, Willi Burgdorfer, seaprated the Borrelia burg-
dorferi strain. The current name of the disease – Borrelia from Lyme – co-
mes from a name of a town in USA, Lyme, where in 1977 two cases of Bor-
relia where found and desrcibed. The patients were two teenages, both
suffering from arthritis.

Detailed information about Lyme disease

Lyme disease, also known as neuroboreliosis, has been discovered very

recently, only 30 years ago. That’s why there are so many issues with dia-
gnosing it – we usually don’t have any contact with it and its occurance
is not common. Lyme is a multisystem infectious disease caused by bac-
teria from following strands: Borrelia burgdorferi, Borrelia garinii, Borrelia
afzelii and Borrelia japonica.

Getting infected by Lyme is usually caused by a bite of an Ixodes tick, a

carrier of the disease. The most important thing to remember is that ani-
mals can get infected as well as humans. Apart from Lyme carried by ticks
there are also other diseases reffered to as coinfections. Lyme can also be
a direct cause of different illnesses, such as tetany.

Not every tick is a carrier of Lyme. It is estimated, that only over a dozen
percent of arachnids are infected. If there’s an area where more than
20% of the arachnids carry the disease, it is considered to be a problem
similar to an empidemic. Avoiding ticks is not as easy as it may seem. A
lot of people make an incorrect assumption that you can get bitten only
in the woods. Of course it is a place where it is very likely to get bitten, but
ticks live only 1,5 meters above the ground. They hide in high grass, bushes,
meadows and fields. Every year the number of ticks increases. New kinds
are created and they start to be immune to repellants we use to protect

10 facts about Lyme disease
you should know

1. The number of sick patients increases every year.

2. You can have no symptoms of the disease, even for

numerous years.

3. The symptoms can be found in different body parts.

4. Lyme disease can cause tick-borne encephalitis.

5. A medicine for Lyme disease hasn’t been discovered yet.

6. Less than 50 % of infected people notice the characteristic

rash that appears on their skin after gettig bitten.

7. About 40% of patients relapse after antibiotic treatment.

8. Not only ticks carry Lyme disease – so do mosquitoes, flies,

mites and fleas.

9. Covering your body with clothes and chemical sprays do

not guarantee 100 % protection from ticks.

10. You can get infected not only in the woods, but also on
a beach, in a tent or at home.

Most characteristic symptoms
of Lyme disease

blurred vision


sore muscles

joint pain

frequent headaches

sore tendons

sleep disturbance

blurred vision

burning eyes

ringing in the ears

heart disorder

breathing problems

muscle contractions

night sweats

facial nerve paralysis

neurological disorders


skin problems

mood swings

root pain

concentration problems

stomach and collon pain

digestive problems, painful diarrhea

and constapation
Diagnosing Lyme disease

There are no tests confirming or excluding Lyme disease. Serological blo-

od tests, which detect IgM and IgG antibodies against Borrelia’s spiroche-
tes, give an answer only to the question of whether the body has ever been
infected, not whether the body is currently defending against them.

ELISA (Enzyme - Linked Immunosorbent Assay) is a basic blood test of the

cerebrospinal fluid in case of neurological symptoms. In the first stage of
Lyme, the result may be falsly negative - it is called serological window.
Bacteria are in the body, but antibodies have not yet been produced.

False result may appear in case of decreased resistance and problems with
antibodies production. When the result is negative or ambiguous, it is good
to do another test - western blot confirmation test. It is more sensitive than
ELISA and gives certain result at 70-80%. Negative result doesn’t eliminate
Lyme, so it is advised to do the test again after a few weeks.

We may also give the tick from our body to the lab, if we want to know
whether the tick has bacteria. PRC test checks existence of Borreli spirochete
in the tick’s DNA, but it doesn’t give clear answer. It detect only their existen-
ce, not activity or ability to infect.

At least, we can do LTT test (lymphocyte transformation test), which detect

whether the body ever had contact with Borrelli spirochete. It doesn’t prove
their activity at the time of test.

Main Lyme disease complications:

1. Neurological complications:
- meningitis
- facial nerve paralysis
- optic neuritis

2. Heart complications
- myocarditis
- endocarditis
- fever, night sweats, shivers

3. Joint complications
- arthritis
- stiff neck
- paresthesia

Three methods of treating Lyme

1. IDSA method

In this method patient recieves anibiotics after noticing the first symptoms
of the disease. If the symptoms do not appear, there’s no need for medi-
cation. It is used only in situations, when the patient got bitten by a tick less
than 72 hours ago, the area where it happened has at least 20% of Lyme
infected ticks and there are no contraindications.

The therapy lasts about 3-4 weeks during which the patient recieves one
type of antibiotics. After that month the patient is considered to be cured
and all further symptoms are said to be the ‚post-treatment Lyme disease

2. ILADS method

The specialists from International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society

start the treatment before observing first symptoms of the disease. In their
opinion, it is important to take medication even if you only suspect beign
infected, beacuse the effects of Lyme are vast and very serious. The pro-
bablility of beign infected is high if the tick comes from endemic areas, it
stayed in the patient’s body for numerous hours or hasn’t been removed
completely. The potentially infected patient is given antibiotis for 28 days.
According to ILADS method it is safer to risk antibiotic treatment than let
Lyme disease develop.

3. Mezator BRT

BRT therapy uses electromagnetic fluctuations that resonate with the

organism. The device is a generator, a radiator of modular high
electromagnetic field of high frequency and low intensity, which is the
frequency carrier. By using Mezator BRT, we restore the body’s natural
ability to self-regulate. The effects of the therapy can be obtained at the
cell level as well as the level of organs, systems and even the whole
organism. These levels have been characterized in detail to allows the
use of different frequency and wave parameters for each of them. Such
a precise fit provides the most effective therapy for every level.

The device will treat:

Headaches of
different origins
High fever
Thyroid disorders
Kidney stones
Cardiac Edema
Back pain
Food poisoning

These are just some of the 3123 programs

Find out more on:

How to decrease the risk of
getting bitten by a tick?

1. Take your walks during early evening hours. Ticks are the
most active in the mornings and late evenings.

2. Keep away from grass and bushes, stay on designated


3. If you know you’ll be spending time around trees, bushes and

grass, remember to put on long pants, a top covering your
shoulders and a hat.

4. Use tick repellents. Before you buy one, make sure it

doesn’t have any side effects.

5. After coming back home carefully check your body and

take a shower. You can add herbs such as cistus or tansy to your
bath. Tansy releases a smell similar to camphor,
which scares away ticks, ants, mosquitoes and other insects.
Cistus stops the bacteria responisble for Lyme disease from

Natural ways of appeasing the
effects of Lyme disease

Chlorella – it’s a type of algae with strong detox properties, it prevents the
pecticides and nitrates from penetrating the organism, it streghtens the
immune system thanks to its cleansing properties.

Ginseng – Ginsenosides contained in it support the immune system, add

enegry, speed up the recovery processes and improve memory.

Japanese knotweed – its compounds decrease the pain, in natural medi-

cine it is used as a remedy for inflammation, autoimmune diseases and
cancer. It also protects the nervous system from microorganisms.

Andrographis – it’s got anti-inflammatory properties and is also a good

painkiller. It’s got the ability to kill Lyme spirochete and soothes the symp-
toms of headache and chronic fatigue.

Cistus – it is a reach source of polyphenols – a stron antioxidant. It sup-

ports the immune system, removes free radicals, prevents the damage of
DNA cells, slows down the aging process and potects the organism from

K2 and D3 vitamins – the combination of these two vitamins is a good

support for the immune and skeletal system.

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Presales April 2024

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