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1. What branch of science studies the origin, evolution, and fate of the universe?

2. Which theory suggests that the universe originated from a hot, tiny, dense mass that

3. Who proposed the Steady State Theory or Infinite Universe Theory in 1948?

4. What is the name of our planetary system?

5. In the Geocentric Model, what celestial body is placed at the center of the universe?

6. Which ancient civilizations widely accepted the Geocentric Model?

7. Who was associated with the Geocentric Model and the use of epicycles to explain celestial

8. What is the modern astronomical model that places the Sun at the center of the solar

9. Who developed and popularized the Heliocentric Model during the Renaissance?

10. According to the Nebular Hypothesis, what caused the collapse of the solar nebula?

11. What formed at the center of the solar nebula due to gravitational collapse and nuclear

12. What material came together in the solar nebula to form planets, moons, asteroids, and

13. What is the name of NASA's rover that landed on Mars in February 2021 to search for signs
of past microbial life?

14. Which planet in our solar system has subsurface oceans on some of its moons, potentially
suitable for life?

15. What interstellar object passed through our solar system in 2017, raising questions about
its origin?
16. What branch of science studies the origin, evolution, and fate of the universe?

a) Geology b) Cosmology c) Paleontology d) Anthropology

17. What theory suggests that the universe has been present ever since, with no beginning and
no end?

a) Big Bang Theory b) Steady State Theory

c) Pulsating Universe Theory d) Nebular Hypothesis

18. What is the most popular version of the Steady State Theory proposed in 1948?

a) Newton's Theory b) Fred Hoyle's Theory c) Galileo's Theory d) Einstein's Theory

19. What is our planetary system called?

a) The Galaxy System b) The Universe System c) The Solar System d) The Celestial System

20. What ancient astronomical model places Earth at the center of the universe?

a) Heliocentric Model b) Nebular Hypothesis

c) Geocentric Model d) Pulsating Universe Model

21. What key feature of the Geocentric Model states that Earth is stationary at the center?

a) Heliocentrism b) Retrograde Motion c) Epicycles d) Geostationary

22. Who was associated with the development of the Heliocentric Model?

a) Ptolemy b) Copernicus c) Galileo d) Kepler

23. According to the Nebular Hypothesis, what did the solar system originate from?

a) A massive explosion b) A giant asteroid impact

c) A rotating cloud of gas and dust d) A collision between two stars

24. What key point of the Nebular Hypothesis explains the formation of the Sun?

a) Nuclear fusion in the solar nebula b) Continuous creation of matter

c) Gravitational collapse and nuclear fusion d) Formation of a flattened disk

25. What NASA rover landed on Mars in February 2021?

a) Curiosity b) Opportunity c) Perseverance d) Spirit

26. Which planet's moons, known as the Galilean moons, are believed to have subsurface

a) Mars b) Jupiter c) Saturn d) Venus

27. What is the name of the interstellar object that passed through our solar system in 2017?

a) Halley's Comet b) Oumuamua c) Asteroid Ceres d) Pluto

28. Pulsating universe states that the universe is and keeps pulsating in and out
a) Dying b) compacting c) Living d) densing

29. “Helio” means?

a) Sun b) Moon c) Earth d) Planet

30. “Geo” means?

a) Sun b) Moon c) Earth d) Planet

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