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Hi Jeysson

Hi Estefi, what are you doing?

I am doing a new project to my uncle´s company.

Wow, and what is about it?

Is about street dogs and how we can protect them, they suffering a lot.

Can I help you? I always think about street dogs, specially when is raining because they don’t have a
house or maybe food to keep warm

Really? Sure! I appreciate it, do you ever wonder how to save these dogs?

Yes! I think that we can pay one dollar in our neighborhood shop, in this way the owner of the store
we can buy dog´s food and share with the street dogs, you know.

Woow that is a fantastic idea, but I don’t know if all people are agree because my neighbors hate
street dogs because they search in the trash and then my neighbors feel angry.

I get you, but I think we can start doing a survey about this topic and in this way we can see if this
idea will be successful

You are very intelligent, you are right, I think that if in a future we have money we can create a
little dogs shelter.

Can you imagine? Is a crazy dream, but we can do it if we work hard

Yes, of course, we can have many ideas about it and realize the project.

thanks for making me part of this project, we can go talk to your uncle if you want

Of course, let´s go :D

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