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Extract Section - 1

Answers and Explanations

1. B - Both Eliza and Emma discover their inner strength through their unique
experiences—Eliza through her unexpected adventure on the balloon ride and
Emma by engaging deeply with her urban environment through art.

2. A - Eliza goes through a literal and metaphorical journey that pushes her
boundaries and results in personal growth, unlike Emma, whose
transformation is more about deepening her existing connections and skills.

3. A - The natural setting of the Lake District and the balloon ride over it is
central to Eliza's adventure and her experiences, whereas Emma's story is set
in an urban environment.

4. A - Emma explicitly uses her art to connect with and interpret the city around
her. Eliza's adventure can be seen as a form of living art, experiencing and
interpreting the natural world around her.

5. D - Mr. Hawkins guides Eliza physically through the balloon ride, provides
emotional support during the unexpected events, and imparts knowledge and
skills related to ballooning.

6. A - The crowd gathering around Emma and the violinist symbolises how art
can bring people together, reflecting the unity and communal aspect of urban
7. A - Eliza's balloon ride faces a moment of danger when a sudden gust of wind
disrupts their journey, unlike Emma's story, which contains no physical danger.

8. C - The narrative shows Emma deeply engaged and inspired by the city’s
elements, suggesting she will continue to draw creative energy from her urban

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Extract Section - 2

Answers and Explanations

1. C - Both locations are described as new and unfamiliar to the protagonists.

2. B - Mars, being an entirely different planet, gives a stronger sense of isolation

compared to the more familiar, albeit adventurous, setting of Moonfleet.

3. A - Only in Extract A do characters explicitly face physical dangers such as

treasure hunters and curses.

4. A - The night in Extract A is described as threatening with the presence of

other treasure hunters and the possibility of curses.

5. B - The characters in Extract A are motivated by the search for a lost treasure.

6. B - Captain Wilder views Mars as an opportunity for new beginnings, reflecting

his optimistic outlook despite the challenges.

7. B - The children in Extract B represent hope and continuity for the future of the
settlers on Mars.

8. D - Both authors use the settings to enhance the stories by making them
central to the plot's progression, evoking fear and suspense, and contrasting
them with the characters' previous lives.

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Extract Section - 3

Answers and Explanations

1. D - Both extracts revolve around the transformational power of locations (the

magical oak and the bookstore), which profoundly affect the protagonists.

2. A - In Extract A, Alice interacts directly with the historical element of the

magical oak.

3. B - Extract B uses the setting of a rare bookstore to evoke a strong sense of

mystery and wonder, particularly through the quest for a rare book.

4. B - Alice is explicitly described as a photographer, while Joshua is the owner

of The Last Bookstore.

5. A - Alice connects with the oak tree by hearing and feeling the stories
embedded in its existence.

6. C - The old book promises personal transformation, as evidenced by the old

man's reaction upon reading it.

7. B - Both characters end their stories feeling enlightened and content with their
new discoveries and experiences.

8. B - In Extract B, the mysterious old man's request for a rare book significantly
influences the direction and development of the plot.

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Extract Section - 4

Answers and Explanations

1. B - Extract A discusses a grove that changes with the seasons and has a
history of forgotten joy, indicating change over time. Extract B addresses
environmental changes due to human activities like deforestation and

2. A - Extract A describes Lydia's personal connection to the grove, where she

seeks solace and contemplates its history. Extract B, while discussing human
impact on the environment, does so from a more general and scientific
perspective without a personal narrative.

3. B - Extract A focuses on Lydia's personal experiences and feelings towards

the grove, symbolizing personal discovery and connection. In contrast, Extract
B deals with broader environmental issues affecting the global community.

4. B - The old stone bench that Lydia discovers symbolizes her deepening
connection to the grove and her curiosity about its past, as it serves as a place
for her to engage more intimately with the grove's atmosphere.

5. B - Extract B outlines several solutions to environmental issues, such as

increased regulation of pollutants and investment in sustainable practices,
which are intended to preserve the environment.

6. C - Lydia's frequent visits to the grove and her reflections on its forgotten joy
suggest a strong desire to connect with the past and understand the history
of the grove.

7. B - Extract B explicitly states that human activities like deforestation,

pollution, and the contribution to climate change are the primary causes of the
discussed environmental challenges.

8. C - Lydia’s character is portrayed as one seeking tranquillity and introspection,

evident from her repeated visits to the grove to find solace and her reflective
nature as she contemplates the grove’s past and present state.

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Extract Section - 5

Answers and Explanations

1. A - Both extracts discuss the advancement of human technology; Extract A
with space travel and Extract B with artificial intelligence.

2. B - Extract B expresses more concern about the implications, focusing on

ethical issues and the potential for AI to evolve beyond human control.

3. B - Dr. Emily Cartwright in Extract B directly interacts with the concept of AI,
analysing and discussing its various impacts, unlike Extract A, which generally
describes technology use without specific interaction.

4. C - The predominant emotion in Extract A is solitude, highlighted by the

vastness of space and the crew's isolation.

5. B - The main theme of Extract B is the development and impact of artificial

intelligence, examining both its capabilities and ethical concerns.

6. A - Extract A involves a team (space crew) working towards the common goal
of exploring a new planet.

7. B - Extract B suggests AI affects human lives by enhancing capabilities and

improving lives through advancements in technology.

8. D - Commander Hawkins emphasises the crew's role as pioneers,

underscoring the historical significance and responsibility of their mission.

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Extract Section - 6

Answers and Explanations

1. A - Both texts revolve around exploration and discovery, with Clara discovering
a secret part of the library and Tom investigating an old mill.

2. C - In both narratives, the characters actively engage with and learn from their
environments, which help them uncover hidden secrets and stories.

3. B - Both Clara and Tom are depicted as curious and methodical in their
approach to unravelling the mysteries before them.

4. B - The settings in both stories are integral to the narrative, providing clues
and influencing the characters' actions and discoveries.

5. B - In Text A, the atmosphere of the library grows more intense as Clara reads
about the ancient queen, showing how the setting responds to her
engagement with history.

6. A - Tom's discovery of the map highlights the interconnected histories of the

mill and the surrounding village, pointing to hidden tunnels and past activities.

7. B - Clara's exploration in the library is primarily driven by excitement as she

uncovers and connects with ancient texts and histories.

8. C - The moaning sound Tom hears is most likely the wind passing through
structural gaps in the old mill, a common explanation in settings perceived as

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Extract Section - 7

Answers and Explanations

1. D - Both extracts explore how gatherings, whether a village excursion or a

technology conference, serve to foster connections among participants and
strengthen communal bonds.
2. A - Cooking fish over an open fire is specific to the village’s winter excursion in
Extract A, reflecting a traditional activity unique to that setting.
3. B - Extract A emphasises the vast expanse and visual beauty of the icy lake,
describing it as a "polished mirror" under the midday sun, highlighting its
scenic significance.
4. B - Dr. Elena Mirov’s contribution is the introduction of a new, more efficient
solar panel, which is a significant technological advancement discussed
during her keynote speech.
5. C - Both extracts use their settings effectively to enhance the narrative's
mood—Extract A with its festive, wintery environment and Extract B with its
intellectually stimulating and forward-thinking atmosphere at the conference.
6. B - As the temperature drops in the evening in Extract A, the community
handles the colder weather by gathering around a fire to share food and listen
to stories, enhancing communal warmth and bonding.
7. C - Raj Patel plays a crucial role in advocating for the importance of
community-based initiatives in adopting new technologies, sharing impactful
stories from a rural project in India.
8. B - Extract A primarily focuses on outdoor activities like ice fishing and
playing on the ice, whereas Extract B revolves around indoor interactions such
as speeches, panels, and workshops at a conference.

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Extract Section - 8

Answers and Explanations

1. D - Both extracts discuss how different subjects adapt to their environments,
whether it be humans and animals adapting to life at sea or urban settings.

2. A - Extract A is specifically about a historical sea voyage.

3. B - Extract B focuses on how urban animals interact with human-created


4. B - During the storm, Captain Kingsley actively participates in the rescue of a

crew member.

5. B - Extract B discusses how animals adapt well to urban environments, using

human structures and activities to their advantage.

6. C - The crew in Extract A strengthens their bonds and resolve through the
challenges they face, particularly after the rescue incident.

7. D - The crows in Tokyo using traffic to crack nuts is a clear example of how
animals have adapted to urban environments.

8. B - Captain Kingsley is portrayed as an inspirational leader, directly involved in

rescuing crew and fostering a strong sense of unity and determination among
his men.

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Extract Section - 9

Answers and Explanations

1. A - Extract A - Mark feels a mix of longing for his past and excitement for his
future in the city, clearly excited about his new life.

2. A - Extract A - Mark forms a bond with Leo, an older taxi driver who shares
stories of the city.

3. B - Extract B - Emily's cabin in the woods is explicitly described as her


4. C - A deep connection to nature - The deer encounter represents a profound

moment of connection for Emily with the natural world.

5. C - He is inspired - Mark is drawn into Leo's stories, which inspire him and
make the city feel more familiar.

6. D - The feeling of isolation in a new place - Both Mark and Emily deal with
feelings of isolation in new settings, though they find different ways to
connect and adapt.

7. B - The busy nature of city life - The metaphor of a "river of intentions"

highlights the bustling, purpose-driven movement of city dwellers.

8. B - It inspires her artistic endeavours - Emily's journaling and deeper

connection with nature are inspired by her serene, wooded surroundings.

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Extract Section - 10

Answers and Explanations

1. B - Both extracts explore the deep connections and interactions between

humans and their pets, albeit in different settings and with different species.

2. A - Extract A involves Max participating in physical activities like running and

exploring, whereas Extract B describes more passive interactions.

3. B - In both extracts, the pets provide significant emotional support to their

human companions, enhancing their sense of well-being and companionship.

4. A - Max's behaviour, such as darting off into the thicket and being alert to
unusual sounds, illustrates his protective instincts towards Lydia during their

5. B - Extract B shows a quieter, more reflective interaction, with Mr. Jenkins

sharing stories and the cats showing respect and attentiveness.

6. C - The setting in Extract A, particularly the nighttime and the forest,

emphasises the strong bond between Lydia and Max as they share this
special time together.

7. C - The behaviour of Mr. Jenkins' cats demonstrates a deep understanding

and respect for him, reflecting a complex social dynamic rather than simple
pet-like behaviour.

8. C - The reflection of the stars in the pond symbolises the depth and beauty of
the relationship between Lydia and Max, highlighting a moment of connection
and reflection.

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