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Good morning everybody, today I am going to talk about animals in extinction around the world.

We know that an animal in is extinction when all the representants of the same specie are in the
situation of disappearing of the world.

There are many reasons why an animal is in extinction, maybe the destruction of his natural habitat,
the climate, illegal hunters, and more.

Next I will say to you about animals that we have to protect because they are in extinction.

We find the polar bear, panda bear, chimpanzee, red tuna, mountain gorilla, Iberian lynx, white
rhino, and more animals. Around the world exist approximately 5.200 spices in extinction.

For example, polar bears depend of the ice, if they want to catch the prey and if ice is melting
because our planet is warming up they cant catch the prey, they cant eat, and if they don’t eat, they
will die in a moment, thus is the consequence of don’t be careful with the earth .

Now we have an interesting question, and is “What we can do to protect this animals and save
them?” and the answer is easy to think but hard to do it, because we can try to stop the
deforestation and illegal hunt but people can´t do it because they can´t understand the situation. I
thi k that the governments can put a judgment to this people and in that way maybe the destruction
of habitats can reduce a little. If we follow the advices of world pollution like don’t contaminate or
vote trash, we can stop the climate change and fight for the conservation of this animals.

Tim Flach is a photographer who takes photos about animals in extinction because he has the idea of
“If I create imagines that makes the people feel emotional, I can do that this people feel obliged to
change our relationship with the environment” So I think is a good idea because some of this photos
are really sad and I just think about the suffering and pain that this animals feel.

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