The Role of Private Reserves of Natural Heritage (RPPN) On Natural Vegetation Dynamics in Brazilian Biomes

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Land Use Policy 132 (2023) 106820

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The Role of Private Reserves of Natural Heritage (RPPN) on natural

vegetation dynamics in Brazilian biomes
Fábio Gabriel Nascibem a, b, *, Ramon Felipe Bicudo Da Silva c, d, Alessandra Aparecida Viveiro e,
Oswaldo Gonçalves Junior f
PECIM, University of Campinas, UNICAMP, 13083-970 Campinas, SP, Brazil
Municipal Secretary of Agriculture and Environment of Monte Alto-SP, Brazil
Center for System Integration and Sustainability, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University, United States
Center for Environmental Studies and Research, State University of Campinas, UNICAMP, 13083-970 Campinas, SP, Brazil
School of Education, State University of Campinas, UNICAMP, 13083-970 Campinas, SP, Brazil
School of Applied Sciences, State University of Campinas, UNICAMP, 13083-970 Campinas, SP, Brazil


Keywords: Despite having the richest biodiversity in the world, Brazil has lost vegetation cover in all biomes, with the
Decentralized governance agribusiness being an important driver of such changes. Different governance systems, decentralized actions and
Biodiversity public policies have been developed to control deforestation, and in this study, we focus on the role of Private
Conservation unit
Reserves of Natural Heritage (RPPN) as an instrument for the conservation and recovery of natural vegetation.
Land-use and management
Forest recovery
Therefore, we raise the following questions: How many RPPNs are there and what are their spatial distribution?
Are RPPNs an important mean of conservation/restoration of Brazilian biomes? Do they contribute (at statisti­
cally significant levels) to the conservation of natural vegetation within their respective rural properties
compared with rural properties without private reserves? Thus, we investigated the natural vegetation cover
(between 1990 and 2018) in rural properties with and without RPPNs looking at the municipalities where RPPNs
are found, and analyzing the results at country and biome levels. The results indicate that RPPNs are significantly
associated with gains in natural vegetation cover in the Cerrado, Caatinga and Atlantic Forest biomes. We
conclude that RPPNs have great potential in recovering natural landscapes associated to the Brazilian biomes.
However, their few numbers across the Brazilian territory (1750 units of RPPN) and spatially highly concentrated
in the Cerrado and Atlantic Forest, challenges the capacity of this conservation strategy to deal with the envi­
ronmental degradation promoted by the expansion of economics activities across the country.

1. Introduction surrounding communities and by changing people’s perception of their

relationship with the environment (Broering, 2011). In return, land­
Private Reserves of Natural Heritage (RPPNs), created in Brazil in owners benefit from tax reductions and easier access to farm credit
1990 by the federal decree 98914/1990 and amended by the decree (Souza, 2012).
1922/1996 (Brasil, 1996), are voluntary private areas transformed into Despite belonging to the group of Conservation Units for Sustainable
conservation areas by their landowners. Once designated as RPPNs Use, which allows the presence of human populations and economic
(officially approved by legal authorities), the areas cannot be used for exploitation (Ferreira, Venticinque and Almeida, 2005), RPPNs are
other purposes (e.g., agriculture), and the landowners must assume the considered of Integral Protection by the National Law of Conservation
commitment to conserve the area, sometimes through environmental Units (Brasil, 2000), which mean more restricted uses (Lima and Franco,
education programs, tourism or promoting the development of scientific 2014). Hence, land-use, human occupation or direct exploitation of
research in the area. These activities potentially increase the conserva­ natural resources through economic activities within RPPNs are very
tion significance of the RPPNs by raising awareness among the restrictive. To compensate landowners to do not exploit RPPNs, there

* Corresponding author at: PECIM, University of Campinas, UNICAMP, 13083-970 Campinas, SP, Brazil.
E-mail addresses: (F.G. Nascibem), (R.F.B. Da Silva), (A.A. Viveiro), osgoju@ (O. Gonçalves Junior).
Received 26 February 2021; Received in revised form 29 May 2023; Accepted 15 July 2023
0264-8377/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F.G. Nascibem et al. Land Use Policy 132 (2023) 106820

are economic and tax benefits, which leads private reserves to be Conservation Units in Brazil from the viewpoint of land-use and land-
recognized as a type of payment for ecosystem services (PES). A mech­ cover (Ayach, Bacani and Silva, 2014; Machado et al., 2020) or
anism already implemented by the legislation of several countries, such focusing on RPPNs [i.e., but only local studies (Cordeiro et al., 2008;
as the United States, China, India, Indonesia, South Africa, France and Oliveira and Oliveira, 2018; Zanchetta and Rosa, 2020)], while our
Austria, among others (Bolfe et al., 2013; Picharillo and Ranieri, 2019). study brings a nationwide analysis accounting for 57.4% of Brazilian
In Brazil, PES is little known and explored as a governance strategy to RPPNs. Although scant knowledge has been built on the effective role of
foster the creation of RPPNs (Veiga Neto, 2008; Silva et al., 2016a). RPPNs for the protection and recovery of natural vegetation in Brazil,
However, in order to stimulate the PES as a conservation tool, in 2021, the available literature indicates enormous potential for this private
the Brazilian National Congress approved the law that instituted the environmental governance system to support biological conservation.
National Policy for Payment of Environmental Services (Brasil, 2021). Therefore, this study features a broader view (i.e., at country and biome
The new legal framework included RPPNs as a type of ecosystem con­ level), contributing with new perspectives to the understanding of
servation strategy that is eligible to receive PES. In addition to the policy RPPNs across the Brazilian biomes.
for payment for environmental services, we highlight the Brazilian
Forest Code [Law 12651/2012 (Brasil, 2012)], which is a national policy 2. Brazilian biomes and changes in natural vegetation cover
to enforce conservation within private rural properties. The Code re­
quires a minimum conservation area within each rural property, the Brazil is a megadiverse country and composed by six biomes: Cer­
legal reserve area (which varies according to the biome), and the rado (Brazilian Savannah), Atlantic Forest, Amazon, Caatinga, Pampa
maintenance of natural vegetation around riparian areas and water and Pantanal. The Amazon, Cerrado and Atlantic Forest are considered
springs, which are the permanent preservation areas. These conserva­ important biodiversity hotspots, while the Pantanal is the largest
tion areas within rural properties are compulsory; while the RPPNs, the wetland in the world (Brandon et al., 2005). However, the conservation
focus of this study, are voluntary conservation units. status of these biomes is an issue of great concern (e.g., urbanization,
Shumba et al. (2020) studied the importance of Private Land Con­ agricultural expansion), and the use of natural resources have caused
servation Areas (PLCA) in South Africa, which represents a similar sys­ deforestation and forest degradation with impacts on biodiversity and
tem to the Brazilian RPPNs. Their results showed that between 1990 and ecosystem services (Margulis, 2003; Ferreira, Venticinque and Almeida,
2013, PLCAs lost 3% of natural vegetation cover, while unprotected 2005; Leal et al., 2005; Silva et al., 2017b).
rural areas registered a 6% loss. In Brazil, previous studies indicate that The Cerrado, considered the richest area in savannah biodiversity in
RPPNs are effective in the conservation of forest fragments and threat­ the world (Klink et al., 2002; Brandon et al., 2005), has been severely
ened species, as well as for attracting ecotourism and stimulating the affected by the expansion of agriculture (Machado et al., 2004; Silva
development of research centers (Rylands and Brandon, 2005; Giova­ et al., 2023). Between 2013 and 2015, 1.8 Mha of Cerrado were defor­
nelli and Cantagallo, 2006; Lima and Franco, 2014). ested (BOLSON, 2018). Despite that, no reduction goals or policies have
RPPN owners are considered protagonists of conservation, some­ been stipulated by the Brazilian government under the Paris Agreement
times motivated by altruistic values, economic incentives, or juridical to this biome (Bolson, 2018).
solutions to land tenure conflicts (Simão Neto, 2017; Schacht, 2017; The Atlantic Forest, located in the coastal areas of the country, has
Mesquita, 2014; Basniak, 2016a; Slovak, 2017; Barreto, and Oliveira, suffered the effects of human occupation for many years (Pinto et al.,
2019, 2020). In this study we share the understanding of previous au­ 2006; Joly et al., 2014; Silva et al., 2016a), and only fragments of the
thors that forests and natural areas are common goods (Ostrom et al., original vegetation remain, the majority in fragments up to 50 ha (Zaú,
1999; Ostrom, 2000; Dietz, Ostrom and Stern, 2003). In response to 1998; Ribeiro et al., 2009; Lira et al., 2012; Joly et al., 2014). The biome
Hardin (1968)’s tragedy of the commons, Ostrom et al. (1999) argued has about 11–16% of preserved vegetation cover (Rezende et al., 2018),
that people engaged in particular causes promote alternative gover­ with 9% of the remaining natural vegetation protected by conservation
nance models and, consequently, contribute to improve a given situa­ units (Ribeiro et al., 2009). Despite the status of conservation of natural
tion. Hence, in response to the inability of central authorities (i.e., the vegetation areas in the Atlantic Forest, there are regions within Atlantic
government) in addressing environmental issues (Dietz, Ostrom and Forest under forest transition [i.e., net gain of natural vegetation cover
Stern, 2003), decentralized management (Morrison et al., 2019) and in regions previously under deforestation (Baptista and Rudel, 2006;
self-governance strategies adopted by local actors emerge as an alter­ Lira et al., 2012; Silva et al., 2016a)]. The main causes related to the
native to manage and conserve the commons (Dietz et al., 2003; Ostrom, recovery of the natural vegetation are attributed to the abandonment of
1990; Paavola, 2011; Salzer et al., 2020; Shimada, 2014; Ostrom, 2006), areas formerly occupied by agricultural activities, with the consequent
such as the RPPNs in Brazil. natural regeneration (Silva et al., 2016a), but also by the role of public
Despite the potential of RPPNs for biological conservation in Brazil, conservation policies, especially acting on deforestation control (Silva
previous studies have observed conflicts stemming from them (Silva, et al., 2017a, 2017b), and through ecological restoration projects
2017). For instance, local/traditional communities dependent on land (Crouzeilles et al., 2019).
and natural resources can be critically affected by the creation of RPPNs, According to the National Institute for Space Research (INPE),
as local people will have their access banished, may leading them to face deforestation in the Amazon increased by 29.54% between August 2018
socioeconomic difficulties. and July 2019, compared to the previous year (INPE, 2019), further
This study aims to understand the contribution of RPPNs for the fragmenting the biome (Montibeller et al., 2020). Qin et al. (2019),
conservation of natural vegetation areas across the Brazilian biomes. however, claim that the estimates from INPE are underestimated by
The following questions are raised: How many RPPNs are there and 15%, and that in the period from 2000 to 2017, were deforested about
what are their spatial distribution? Are RPPNs an important mean of 40 Mha deforested in the region. The concerns raised by research in­
conservation/restoration of Brazilian biomes? Do they contribute (at stitutes and civil organizations regarding these increased trends of
statistically significant levels) to the conservation of natural vegetation deforestation in recent years led the federal government, between 2019
within their respective rural properties compared with rural properties and 2022, to escalate in its aggressive rhetoric against INPE and other
without private reserves? To address these questions, the study in­ institutions committed with the environmental governance of the
vestigates the natural vegetation cover (between 1990 and 2018) in Amazon. The federal government reactions also supported by agribusi­
rural properties with and without RPPNs on municipalities where there ness sectors caused the dismantling of surveillance agencies, such as the
is the occurrence of RPPNs, analyzing the results at country and biome Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBIO) and the
levels. Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources
The previous literature has broadly discussed the importance of (IBAMA) (Scatimburgo, 2018; Fearnside, 2019a; 2019b). It is known

F.G. Nascibem et al. Land Use Policy 132 (2023) 106820

that in Brazil the weakening of surveillance and law enforcement (Silva Brazilian Ministry of the Environment. Thus, although incomplete,
et al., 2017a, 2017b; Scatimburgo, 2018; Fearnside, 2019a; 2019b) CNUC has a registry of 307 RPPNs. Based on the RPPNs registered with
enhances the importance of implementing actions through environ­ both SIMRPPN and CNUC until August 2020, a total of 1005 RPPNs were
mental leadership, creating decentralized agreements and management identified (approximately 57.4% of the total)—i.e., 698 at federal level
systems in order to counteract deforestation and forest degradation. In (ICMBIO, 2020), and 307 at state level (Cadastro Nacional de Unidades
this context, RPPNs are of great importance to the Amazon and other de Conservação, 2020). According to the CNRPPN (Painel De Indica­
biomes. dores Da Confederação Nacional De Rppn, 2020), there are 1639 RPPNs
The Caatinga, in the Brazilian semiarid region, also suffers with in Brazil, spread throughout the country’s territory. The data with pri­
agribusiness expansion, which has caused the fragmentation of the vate reserves were organized into a single shapefile with the corre­
biome (Leal et al., 2005). A major problem in Caatinga biome is the sponding centroid (i.e., point) for each reserve, a georeferenced
mistaken view of its ecological value, usually considered “biologically information made available by the SIMRPPN and CNUC systems (Min­
poor,” and the notion that its semiarid condition (e.g., long-term istério Do Meio Ambiente, 2020). Hence, neither of those systems fea­
droughts) must be addressed through irrigation and other water man­ tures the respective RPPN polygons (i.e., a digital mapping
agement projects (Tabarelli and Silva, 2002; Dantas, 2010). In recent representation of the reserve’s boundaries), but only a central location
years, there have been discussions among different stakeholders, such as point – i.e., centroid (Fig. 1A).
scientists, economists, environmentalists and government agents, to­ Based on the Brazilian municipality grid of 2020, provided by the
wards the conservation of the Caatinga, as well as to highlight its Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics [IBGE, 2020(a) (https://
importance for biodiversity, and to change the mistaken perceptions of
its ecological values (Silvino et al., 2016). oriais/15774-malhas.html?=&t=downloads)], the centroids were used
The Pampa and Pantanal also suffer by the agricultural expansion, to identify the municipalities where RPPNs are found. Thus, the 1005
requiring urgent actions combining multi-varied efforts to find solutions centroids identified 567 municipalities across the country (Fig. 1B).
to the present situation of degradation (Pereira, 2014; Miranda, Paranho Subsequently, we extracted information of rural properties (properties’
Filho and Pott, 2018). The main solutions pointed out are a combination boundaries in digitalized map format, i.e., polygons) from the National
of efforts, either by creating/enforcing stringent laws, expanding the Rural Environmental Registry System [SINCAR, 2020 (
creation of protected areas, forming wildlife corridors, but also fostering], obtaining a dataset with all rural
a cultural change in order to economically exploit the biomes’ ecological properties registered in the 567 municipalities. This methodological step
wealth, for example with ecotourism (Brandon et al., 2005; Leal et al., aimed to fill the geospatial information gap of the location of each RPPN
2005; Klink; Machado, 2005; Veríssimo et al., 2011; Lima and Franco, within its respective rural property (i.e., absence polygon shapefiles
2014; Palazzi, 2018). with the RPPN location). The RPPN centroids were used to create two
groups of rural properties: (1) rural properties with RPPN, and (2) rural
3. Materials and methods properties without RPPN. The criterion for the definition of a rural
property “with RPPN” is when the centroid point overlaps the polygon of
This research performs spatiotemporal analyses of remote sensing the rural property (i.e., the centroid is within the property boundaries),
data (years 1990 and 2018) in a Geographic Information System (GIS) while the other rural properties were classified as “without RPPN.” It is
and uses statistical analysis for further understanding the land change important to note that our unit of analysis is the rural property, since the
trajectories associated to the rural properties participants in private RPPN polygons are not available in any of those databases accessed or in
reserve programs. Our approach intends to investigate how the RPPN (a other public/private data sources.
governance system) affected the change trajectories in natural vegeta­ Thus, rural properties with and without RPPN are analyzed to un­
tion cover (in the last 28 years) across Brazilian biomes. While doing derstand how this conservation instrument influences the dynamics of
that, we control the analysis by evaluating rural properties with and natural vegetation cover, allowing comparisons with rural properties
without RPPNs only in municipalities where RPPNs are found. without RPPN (i.e., control group). This approach allows us to verify
whether rural properties with RPPN show different results in the dy­
3.1. Data and spatiotemporal analysis namics of conservation and recovery of natural vegetation between
1990 and 2018. Of the total RPPNs, 79 are found in non-rural areas
We first built a database to deal with all the required information by (RPPN in urban areas) or in rural properties not registered in the SINCAR
gathering and compiling datasets previously distributed and stored in (without boundaries as digital files), totaling 7.86% of the total sample.
different sources and formats. A great part of the RPPNs across the Hence, these 79 RPPNs are not considered in the study.
country are not georeferenced (i.e., not linked to a known Earth coor­ To evaluate the effect of RPPNs on the natural vegetation cover
dinate system), and many Brazilian states have no database for this in­ changes, we used a thematic mapping dataset (raster format) for the
formation. Additionally, there is no centralized platform for geographic years of 1990 and 2018 provided by MapBiomas, collection 4.0, with
information about RPPNs (e.g., spatial information, maps) due to their global accuracy at 80% (Mapbiomas, 2020; Souza et al., 2020). The
different regulatory agencies in Brazil, organized at three levels of MapBiomas thematic maps are produced based on Landsat satellite data
government: federal, state and municipality. Currently, it is known that with spatial resolution of 30 × 30 m per pixel. The thematic maps were
approximately 54.6% of all RPPNs were created at state level, 42.3% at analyzed at biome level (Ministério Do Meio Ambiente, 2020). We
federal level, and 3.1% at municipality level [National Confederation of consider 1990 as the initial year for our analysis, when the RPPN system
RPPNs (Confederação Nacional Das Rppn, 2020) (CNRPPN, on-line, http was created (Federal Law 98914/1990). The MapBiomas data is orga­
s://]. nized into 27 classes of land-use and land-cover, and for the purpose of
At federal level, the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Con­ this study the original classes were reclassified into: (1) natural vege­
servation (ICMBIO) centralizes and discloses available georeferenced tation (forest formations, mangroves, savannas, natural grasslands,
data through the RPPN Monitoring System [SIMRPPN (http://sistemas. wetlands, flood plains, salt formations, dunes, beaches, rock formations], where all private reserves (100%) and other natural formations) and (2) non-natural cover (agriculture,
are registered, a situation not observed for RPPNs created at state or mining, urban areas and other non-natural land covers). The reclassified
municipality levels. However, some of the RPPNs (approximately raster files were cropped by using the polygon with the 567 munici­
34.3%) created by state level agencies are registered with the National palities (extracted from the IBGE municipality grid file) containing
Registry of Conservation Units [CNUC ( RPPNs. To analyze the dynamics of the natural vegetation and
-protegidas/cadastro-nacional-de-ucs)], a system maintained by the non-natural cover in rural properties with and without RPPNs, we

F.G. Nascibem et al. Land Use Policy 132 (2023) 106820

Fig. 1. Map of Brazil with (A) identification of biomes and centroid points with the locations of the RPPNs and (B) federative units highlighting municipalities
containing RPPNs.

calculated the area (ha) of ‘natural vegetation’ and ‘non-natural cover’ hypothesis t-student tests to access if changes in natural vegetation cover
classes in 1990 and 2018, in each biome. were significantly different between rural properties ‘with’ and
Based on the 28 years of land-use and land-cover changes, we applied ‘without’ RPPNs. The hypothesis Wilcoxon test was applied to the cases

Fig. 2. Flowchart with the synthesis of methodological steps.

F.G. Nascibem et al. Land Use Policy 132 (2023) 106820

where the data presented non-parametric distribution [i.e., normal properties considering that both groups are always within the same
distribution rejected at p-value< 0.01 by the Shapiro-Wilk test (Silva municipalities, and therefore exposed to similar conditions of slope,
et al., 2020)]. economic factors and available infrastructure. We present in Fig. 2a
To conduct the hypothesis tests, the area equivalent to the Legal flowchart of the entire methodological procedure to improve the un­
Reserve in each of the rural properties (in both with and without RPPNs) derstanding of our approach for future studies.
where discounted. The Legal Reserve is defined by the Brazilian Forest
Code [Law 12.651/2012 (Brasil, 2012)], which constrain a percentage 4. Results
of the rural property for conservation of the local natural environment,
varying according the biome as follow: 80% in the Amazon biome, 35% We found that RPPNs are not equally distributed across the Brazilian
in the Cerrado areas within the Legal Amazon, and 20% for the other biomes, as our results revealed just 15 in Pantanal (1%), 23 in the Pampa
regions of Cerrado and to the other biomes. Therefore, our tests will (3%), 56 in the Amazon (8%), 86 in the Caatinga (11%), 193 in the
better represent the conservation role promoted by the RPPNs, dis­ Cerrado (24%), and 632 in the Atlantic Forest (53%).
counting the minimum area (legal reserve) set by the Forest Code and The t-student tests for all biomes (nationwide scale) did not find
looking beyond its impact over the changes observed between 1990 and significant results (at p-values < 0.05) for the differences (mean values)
2018. in natural forest cover changes between rural properties with and
This study does not use control variables, such as topography [e.g., without RPPNs. However, given the non-parametric distribution of the
positively correlated with natural vegetation cover (Freitas et al., data, the Wilcoxon test found medians values (Fig. 2) significantly
2010)], or economic and infrastructure factors [e.g., favoring natural different (at p-values < 0.05) for the natural vegetation changes in the
vegetation recovery (Silva et al., 2016a)]. It examines the rural Atlantic Forest, Cerrado and Caatinga biomes and at country level

Fig. 3. Boxplot displaying the natural vegetation changes per biome between 1990 and 2018.

F.G. Nascibem et al. Land Use Policy 132 (2023) 106820

(nationwide scale), indicating a trend of increase in natural vegetation vegetation cover at significant levels than those observed in unprotected
cover into rural properties with RPPN at significantly higher levels rural areas.
compared to rural properties without RPPN. Here we note that the re­ Given the weakening of federal government surveillance to enforce
sults at significant levels for each biome were observed just for the three Brazilian environmental legislation, in part due to the lobbying influ­
with the higher numbers of rural proprieties with RPPN. ence by the agribusiness and mining sectors (Scatimburgo, 2018;
Descriptive statistics in nationwide level showed that the mean area Fearnside, 2019a, 2019b), the presence of RPPNs within rural properties
of rural properties with RPPN is 3046.6 ha (median = 138.6; standard in the Atlantic Forest, Caatinga and Cerrado biomes has been effective in
deviation = 10504), while in rural properties without RPPN the mean providing encouragement for the conservation of forest remnants and to
area is 133.41 ha (median = 13.5 ha; standard deviation = 4495.7). drive natural vegetation increases.
In the Atlantic Forest, both groups, with and without RPPN, have
5. Discussion shown positive values for natural vegetation cover increase, indicating
that conservation/recovery is taking place, which may be the result of
Our study explored the effects of an environmental governance sys­ natural regeneration in abandoned areas (Silva et al., 2016a), and results
tem that has not been widely explored in the literature, and which has of ecological restoration projects (Crouzeilles et al., 2019). The general
proved to be important to favor the increase of natural vegetation in increasing trend in natural vegetation cover in the Atlantic Forest has
Brazilian biomes. We noted that Amazon and Pampa (Figs. 2e and 2f) already been explained by the forest transition theory (Rudestam et al.,
biomes did not show statistical significance for their results, hence 2015; Zhai et al., 2017), in which socioeconomic changes (e.g., eco­
unconclusive about the role of RPPNs at their biome levels in contrib­ nomic development, rural out migration) and conservation policies in
uting to the stability or to the increase of natural vegetation cover. One the biome has favored the abandon of former agricultural areas leading
reason for this is that there are few RPPNs in these biomes, which does to the return of forest cover mainly through natural regeneration (Silva
not allow conclusions to be drawn. We noticed that at the country level et al., 2016a, 2017a, 2017b; Fioravanti, 2020). In Fig. 4 we present maps
the major tendency was the increase of natural vegetation cover (Fig. 2) of rural properties, with RPPNs, for all biomes, in the years of 1990 and
within the group of rural properties with RPPN, suggesting that this 2018.
environmental governance strategy represents an important driver to From these examples (Fig. 4) we notice that in the Atlantic Forest,
increase natural vegetation in private rural lands. Cerrado and Caatinga, rural properties with RPPNs contributed to the
The group without RPPN has a central tendency around the median recovery of natural vegetation areas. Meanwhile, in the Pantanal, the
in all cases, with a third quartile very close to the median, which is close RPPN’s effect was to control the loss of natural vegetation cover, as
to zero (Fig. 3), indicating that there is little variation in the natural observed in the boxplot (qual figure especificamente).
vegetation cover. In these rural properties, the compulsory mechanisms We found that deforestation increased in recent years as an effect of
of preservation, such as legal reserves and permanent preservation relaxation and actions to undermine the environmental policies of the
areas, according to the Brazilian Forest Code of 2012, may lead land­ previous government -from 2018 to 2022-(Rajão et al., 2020). In this
owners to do not conserve natural areas above the legal minimum context, protected areas are even more important given their potential in
require by the Code. Here we argue that without another type of conserving natural vegetation, such as the private reserves known as
incentive, including a financial strategy, landowners are discouraged to RPPN, which are part of the Brazilian National System of Conservation
engage in private conservation programs/RPPN, and as consequence, Units (Brasil, 2000). Previous studies highlighted the importance of
prioritizing land for agricultural activities. This decision-making process protected areas and RPPN as a key strategy to cope with deforestation
has already been observed by Pereira et al. (2009), who studied the case and biodiversity loss, such as by promoting education actions to foster
of the Corumbataí River Basin, State of São Paulo, concluding that reflection and awareness in participants and helping to change people’s
without good incentive programs or due to the high cost of surveillance perception of their relationship with the nature (Rylands and Brandon,
to allow Forest Code’s compliance, it will be difficult to advance towards 2005; Giovanelli and Cantagallo, 2006; Santos and Costa, 2008; Lima
the conservation/recovery of natural vegetation areas. and Franco, 2014; Campelo and Melo, 2018; Silva, 2020).
Therefore, from the Wilcoxon tests, we verified that the groups with Other authors are more skeptical, such as Ehlers (2003), who claims
and without RPPNs have statistical differences, indicating that the that the total area conserved by private protected areas is not significant
RPPNs contributed to the recovery and increase of vegetation cover in (as we noted in Amazon and Pampa biomes) and that their contribution
rural properties, above the minimum set by the Forest Code as Legal is restricted to protecting forest fragments, thus being insufficient at
Reserve. biome level or other large scales. Zaú (1998), Ribeiro et al. (2009) and
The results show the relevance of RPPNs to restore natural vegeta­ Tabarelli et al. (2005) argue that private protected areas do not solve the
tion areas in Brazilian biomes, especially for the Caatinga (Fig. 2b), problem of forest fragmentation, by area limitation, and that several
Cerrado (Fig. 2a) and Atlantic Forest (Lima, 2012) (Fig. 2d). Is important wildlife species need natural corridors and larger areas than those pro­
to note that these three biomes are highly threatened by the current vided by protected areas. However, the authors agree that designated
expansion of agribusiness (Gontijo, 2020; Dou et al., 2018). areas for conservation contribute to preserve fragments of natural
In the Cerrado, we can still verify in the boxplot (Fig. 2a) the trend of vegetation, but that efforts to integrate fragments at landscape levels
natural vegetation loss in the group "with RPPN". Studies (Machado would be necessary. Additionally, Ribeiro et al. (2009) suggest trans­
et al., 2004a, 2004b; Rocha et al., 2011; Souza, 2018) have demon­ forming larger fragments into protected areas in order to increase the
strated that the expansion of crop areas (e.g., soybean) and forest fires spatial scale of those natural remnants under protection, which we argue
are driven decreases in natural vegetation cover in this biome (Pinheiro that could be achieved by the implementation of RPPNs. Lima and
& Durigan, 2009), impacting rural properties that have conservation Franco (2014) agree with the argument that the preserved areas may be
units. In the Pantanal (Fig. 2c), we noticed that the benefit of RPPNs was small, but highlights their importance as supplementary actions within a
to avoid considerable losses of natural vegetation, a different situation to broad territorial management perspective. For instance, even small in
the observed in the group "without RPPN", with a clear trend of natural scale, RPPNs could play a significant role in the Atlantic Forest conser­
vegetation loss. vation, as a previous study found that significant trends in natural
Other studies have shown that conservation practices in rural prop­ vegetation loss in the last three decades were majorly observed in
erties increase vegetation cover and biodiversity (Boron et al., 2016; fragments up to 1 ha (Silva et al., 2020).
Silva et al., 2017a, 2017b). We also found similar results to those We noted that the rural properties with RPPNs are of varying sizes,
observed in Shumba et al. (2020), where PLCAs contributed to conserve evidenced by the high SD value, and that many are small and have
natural vegetation and biodiversity in South Africa by reducing loss of limited reach to protect large areas of natural remnants, e.g., to support

F.G. Nascibem et al. Land Use Policy 132 (2023) 106820

Fig. 4. Rural properties in different biomes where it was found statistical significance for the effect of RPPNs on the recovery/conservation of natural vegetation.

the conservation of sensitive species to edge effects or to support species protected area (Pimentel and Guarim, 2008). According to the authors,
(e.g., mammals) dependent on large continuous habitats (Zaú, 1998; one example of the economic benefits is through the employment of
Tabarelli et al., 2005; Filgueiras, Ianuzzi and Leal, 2011). On the other local people to become part of local fire brigades. In addition, RPPNs
hand, they make important contributions to the provision and conser­ may promote tourism wherever they are located, boosting local econ­
vation of ecosystem services, source of seeds and seedlings of the local omy (Sanches et al., 2011).
native flora, essential for successful projects of ecological restoration, Although important to conserve and to foster increases of natural
and habitat of many local wildlife species, such as pollinators – key vegetation, the RPPNs face many challenges to achieve conservation
functional groups for numerous agricultural activities, provided there is goals at national scales. They are often small areas and they lack of
planning to interconnect them (Dondina et al., 2016; Santos et al., 2020; technical knowledge about native plants (Machado, 2007), they need to
Halinski et al., 2020). This corroborates the importance of increasing the improve management capacity of their staffs (Basniak, 2016b; Simão
number of RPPNs across the country. Neto, 2017), and face the lack of economic incentives, which often
For some cases, the potential economic benefit is one of the main makes it difficult to create new reserves. Economic incentives have po­
motivations to create RPPNs. In Mato Grosso state, an example emerges tential to turn RPPNs attractive for landowners less prone to adopt this
from a community living near by a RPPN, that is economically and similar conservation strategies at the rural property, which is a
benefiting from the many actions and activities developed within the challenge to be tackled by policymakers in order to promote a future

F.G. Nascibem et al. Land Use Policy 132 (2023) 106820

where more landowners will join the conservation cause (Pelin et al., the work reported in this paper.
2009; Mesquita, 2014; Schacht, 2017; Barreto, 2019). In a context where
the compliance level of rural properties with the Forest Code is limited Data Availability
(i.e., less natural vegetation cover than the minimum) (Azevedo et al.,
2017), other studies has noted the importance of monetary incentives, No data was used for the research described in the article.
such as PES to foster natural vegetation increase within rural private
lands (Simedo et al., 2020; Pissarra et al., 2022; Siqueira et al., 2022; Acknowledgements
Silva et al., 2023). Hence, we argue that the new National Policy for
Payment of Environmental Services will create not only a mean to The authors wish to thank State University of Campinas/UNICAMP for
achieve higher compliance levels across rural properties and biomes all the support provided. We also thank the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoa­
with the Code, but will also foster additional increases of natural mento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES), grant no.
vegetation cover through the creation of RPPNs. 88882.435459/2019-01, and the Espaço da Escrita (Pró-Reitoria de Pes­
RPPNs grant landowners the possibility of deducting federal taxes (if quisa/UNICAMP) for the language services provided. We are very grateful
they are in rural areas) or municipal taxes (if they are in urban areas). to MapBiomas who generated the land-use and land-cover data used in
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