Allied Victory in The Pacific

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Allied Victory in the Pacific- “The

Atomic Bomb” 6 Questions

1) Why was it important for the American government to be the first nation to create the atomic
~ It was important for the American government to be the first nation to create the atomic bomb
because it showed that America has the capability to create any kind of weapon and we'll take any
extent to win a war. also because an atomic weapon was being developed in Germany and if
Germany became the first nation to create the atomic bomb, then they would have an advantage
and possibly win the war.

2) Why was President Truman’s decision regarding the use of the atomic bomb on the Japanese
so difficult?
~President Truman's decision regarding the use of the atomic bomb on the Japanese was difficult
because dropping the atomic bomb and having other countries observe its destructive power was
stimulated peace talks and negotiations quickly you. Although Americans had the most powerful
weapon, they were unable to predict the number of innocent lives that would be lost. In addition,
U.S land and Air invasion would be costly for American taxpayers and the U.S. had already spent
$2 billion for the development and research for the bomb and would save approximately 1 million
American soldiers from being killed in battle.

3) When and what happened at the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
~ On August 6th, 1945, an American plane dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of
Hiroshima which destroyed over half the city and killed more than 80,000 people. Since Japan
was unwilling to surrender, on August 9th, 1945 the US dropped another atomic bomb on the
Japanese city of Nagasaki which destroyed the city in an instant.

4) How was Shigeko Niimoto affected by what happened in Hiroshima?

~ Shigeko Niimoto was affected by what happened at Hiroshima since the explosion of the
atomic bomb caused her hands to be burned and unable to move also her face was scarred.
Although she received many operations, the damage of her face would be permanent.

5) How did Hiroshima maiden's impact the lives of woman who survived after Hiroshima and

~ The Hiroshima Maidens impacted the lives of women who survived after Hiroshima and
Nagasaki because they raised money to bring the woman to the United States for medical care
such as treating burned hands and removing scars

6)Do you believe we should / shouldn't limit the countries that possess nuclear weapons?

~I think we should limit the countries that possess nuclear weapons but for the countries that do
possess these nuclear weapons that can destroy so much in one, we should limit the amount of
power they have before they cannot be used. This is because in this atomic bomb, many innocent
lives were killed, and if not killed many were scarred from the explosion that has been recorded
to kill 80,000 people and destroyed over half a city. A child who watched even recorded to
saying,” I would rather blind myself than see such a sight again.”

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