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Companions &

Allowed Companions.........................................................18
INTRODUCTION 3 Communication & understanding ...................................18
Companion Actions ............................................................19
NEW EDGES 4 Who is in charge? ................................................................20
Riding a Companion...........................................................20
Companion Edge...................................................................4
Carrying a Companion.......................................................21
Companion Boons.................................................................4
Riding Flying Companions................................................21
Advanced Edges....................................................................6
Sidekick and Followers ......................................................22
Kin Bond Edge.......................................................................8
Non fantasy? ........................................................................22
Anything missing? ..............................................................22
Race .........................................................................................9 SAMPLE CHARACTERS 23
Size ........................................................................................10
Ger’dan and Ma’hur............................................................23
Shinzu and Sssra’von .........................................................24
Skills ......................................................................................11
Ayga and Tombaku ............................................................25
Edges & Hindrances ...........................................................12
Zotarr and Balok .................................................................26
Vegnar and Crumbles.........................................................27
Tiffy and Wheezy ................................................................28
Natural Weapons ................................................................13
Raaji and Nahraq ................................................................29
Combat Abilities..................................................................14
YAndor and Brave...............................................................30
Movement ............................................................................15
Tanaka and her Guardians.................................................31
Miscellaneous Abilities.......................................................16
Guilhem de Belgarde and Samuel ....................................33
Advances ..............................................................................17

COVER ART BY: Dean Spencer.
COVER TEXTURES FROM: Pixabay, by Anne-Marie Ridderhof and DWilliams.
INTERIOR ART BY: Bob Greyvenstein (© Grim Press), Dean Spencer, Jacob E. Blackmon, and Paul Jayaraj.

SPECIAL THANKS TO: Members of the Unofficial Savage Worlds Discord community, who helped me
with advice, layout, proofreading, balance, and support. Especially Charlotte Irrgang, Kristian Serrano,
Donavon “DoctorBoson” Bailey, Dylan “SteelDraco” Brooks, Ian Alloway, Jan Jetmar, Lee da Pupper,
Manuel "ManuFS" Sambs, Venatus Vinco, and Richard “Zadmar” Woolcock.

This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at Savage
Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle
makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.

Swamp thing following its marsh druid master
Forest druid attuned to a living shrub companion
■ Mountain druid riding a wild ibex
“Game Master?” ■ Nomad riding horse nobody else could tame
“I would like my character to have a pet following ■ Hunter and predator beast tracking prey
him around who can support him, or do their ■ Ranger scouting through his eagle’s eyes
own cool stuff.”
■ Guardian angel protecting a paladin
“Well, sure. There is the Beast Master that…”
“Come on! Not a druid! I don’t want to play a ■ Tinkerer dwarf building his own automaton
Nature Lover! Let’s try something different!” ■ Sorcerer creating a permanent golem or elemental
“Ok, ok! Wait. I just picked this Fantasy Add-on
about companions, pets and familiars. Let’s ■ Ravens improving witch powers
see what it has to offer!” ■ Necromancer with permanent undead servants
■ Necromancer sharing a wraith’s goal
■ Homunculus helping a wizard in his research
Savage Worlds provides the Beast Master Edge to get
■ Psion sharing their mind with a psychic entity
a loyal companion. However, this mostly covers
■ Spirit totem advising a shaman
characters attuned to nature, since the Edge always
■ Warlock drawing power from demon pets
comes with such an animal magnetism that animals
usually won’t attack the hero, and the pet provided
must be a beast.
Also, the following well known book or movie
In a fantasy setting, there are many more reasons characters are (mostly) made possible:
why you would have a companion and they aren’t ■ Mushu watching over Mulan (Disney character,
just beasts, they can be magical, supernatural, Chinese female fighter and her house dragon)
coming from other planes or dimensions... ■ Yakari and Little Thunder (young Sioux Native
American who can speak to animals and ride a
Savage Worlds Fantasy Companion proposes the
wild pony no one else could tame)
Familiar Edge, which offers interesting options but
■ Brea and Lore (Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, a
remains restricted to small beasts.
winged half-folk that a stone elemental servant
This add-on aims at making the following protected for a while).
characters all possible: ■ Princess Mononoke riding the Wolf Goddess
Moro (at least, this book lets your ride a wild beast)
■ Aladdin and the lamp’s genie (yet, don’t expect
this book to cover the three wishes ability)
First, this book presents you the Companion Edge
I was inspired by:
and its options, inspired from Beast Master and
■ Dylan “SteelDraco” Brooks’ Summoner’s Circle
Familiar Edges. Then, you get to learn how to create
(expanding the summon ally Power) part of
your own Companion using a point-buy system
Savage Worlds Adventurer's Guild
very much like Making Races from Savage Worlds.
■ as well as Richard “Zadmar” Woolcock’s
Next, I prepared for you a few characters and
Savage Abilities (point based system to build
companions to showcase what is possible with this
your own Edges, Powers and Abilities) and
book. Last, we discuss how companions can exist in
Savage Beasts (musing around shape-shifting
your setting and how their relationship with their
masters looks like.
New Edges
Here are replacements, or rather evolution, of Beast Beast Master has three parts:
Master and Beast Bond Edges, you can use in your ■ it grants a loyal companion,
setting, for characters with loyal companions, pets ■ it grants a bonus effect: animals don’t attack
or familiars. you,
■ it provides improvement options.
COMPANION EDGE The Companion Edge has similar design:
■ it grants a build yourself
■ it proposes a bonus pick from a
REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Spirit d8+
Whether he has great charisma, a magic attunement ■ It proposes improvements...however, to keep
of some sort, received a family heritage or built it them easy to understand and refer to, they
himself, your character is strongly tied to a are moved into separate Edges (see
Companion. Advanced Companion Edges, page 6).

The Companion and your character are both Loyal

(like the Hindrance) to each other. While they are
close and usually work together, the Companion
REQUIREMENTS: Arcane Background (any),
can have its own goal and agenda. It gladly helps its
master whenever it can, but also follows its instinct,
especially when survival is at stake. As Companions join the hero, they gain one Power
they can share with him.
Create a Companion (see Making Companions,
page 8). The Companion does not talk or talks in a Each time the character gains the New Powers Edge,
language nobody can understand. It doesn’t he can choose to take a new Minor Hindrance to
understand its master or other people either. If the have his Companions also gain one new Power to
Companion dies, it will come back or be replaced share.
within a few days or weeks.
While the Companion is within a Range of 5x his
In addition to the Companion, choose one Spirit and neither Shaken, Stunned nor
Companion Boons, based on the nature of the Incapacitated, the mage can cast any of the
relationship between the master and its Companion. Companion’s shared Powers, using his own power
points, as if he knew the Power himself.
REQUIREMENTS: Arcane Background (any),
When you pick the Companion Edge, your hero
gains one of the following boons. They work like
Edges, but can only be gained from the Companion The Companions is some kind of magnet or beacon
Edge. A hero can only have one Companion Boon. for the hero’s arcane abilities.
To get another Boon, see the Extra Boon Edge.
As long as the master is within Range of a
Companion’s Spirit, the mage adds +1 to his Arcane
Skill rolls for Tests and Powers activation.
New Edges
AURA beeps…). The character speaks in his native
REQUIREMENTS: Companion language, and yet is somehow understood by his
The hero’s Companions give him self-confidence,
conviction, or bolster his courage. KIN MASTER
Choose one aura:
■ Clarity: the hero gains one free reroll to Spirit or Pick one kind of beings the Companion belongs to.
Smarts rolls to resist Tests. It can be as wide as animals, celestials, demons,
■ Courage: the hero gains one free reroll on Fear spirits or more specific like wolves, dragons, water
checks. creatures or anything similar agreed upon with the
■ Fortitude: the hero gains one free reroll on Vigor Game Master. Beings of this kind won’t attack the
rolls to resist Fatigue from Hazards (including character, unless he attacks them first or they’re
Poison and Diseases). enraged for some reason (as per Savage Worlds’ Beast
■ Morale: the hero gains one free reroll to recover Master).
from Shaken and Stunned.
■ Willpower: the hero gains one free reroll on Spirit
checks to resist Powers (not to shake their effects

The master only benefits from the aura while he

stands in Range of one of his Companions’ Spirit.
Even with multiple Companions, he only receives
benefits once.


Choose one kind of environmental danger, like

heat, acid, cold, water. When the master is within a
Range of his Companion’s Spirit, the Companion
protects him from negative effects of selected
environment (as with environmental protection
Power). For example, a fire elemental protects
against heat, but not against hunger, while a
celestial servant of the goddess of the sea allows
him to breathe underwater.


The hero and his Companions can speak to and

understand each other. A Companion usually uses
a language of its own, that only its master magically
understands (animal squeaks, mechanical golem
New Edges
REQUIREMENTS: Companion REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Arcane Background (any),
The Companions usually live in another plane or
dimension and are somehow linked to the main One Companion becomes a�uned to its master’s
world (a magical lamp, a stone figurine…). They are magic. It gains a 5 Power Points pool (separate from
susceptible to the banish Power. both its master’s and its own pool if any). That pool
recharges at the usual rate (5 points per hour spent
As an action, they can appear into, or disappear
from, the world. While away, Companions are
impervious of the real world and can only hear As a free action, if the Companion is in Range of the
when the hero calls for them. When Incapacitated, a mage’s Spirit and is neither Shaken, Stunned nor
Companion is forcefully returned to its original Incapacitated, the mage can withdraw, or store
plane and locked there until consciousness is back, any amount of Power Points from that pool. If
restored. However, the hero can pull it out, e.g. to the Companion has the same Arcane Background
a�end to its wounds. Edge than its master, it can also spend or store from
that pool.
REQUIREMENTS: Companion, companion is This Edge may be selected once per Companion per
ethereal hero’s Rank. Each additional pick on the same
Companion either increases the Power Points by 5 or
The Companions can manifest into the physical
doubles the recharge rate (up to a maximum of 20 per
world. It takes one action to change between
ethereal and physical forms. While in physical form
it is visible, can be harmed by any attacks, and can COMPANION RESILIENCE
no longer pass through walls. REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Wild Card, Companion

TEAMWORK Choose one of the hero’s Companions. This

REQUIREMENTS: Companion Companion can take a hit without dying. This Edge
may be selected once per Companion.
Whenever the master or its Companions Support
each other, they get +1 to their Support roll. It gains the Resilient special ability. When the
Companion reaches Seasoned Rank, this improves
to Very Resilient. Once Heroic, it loses Resilient and
REQUIREMENTS: Companion, Riding d6+
Very Resilient to become a Wild Card with a Wild
The hero gets a free reroll on Riding skill checks Die and three Wounds but no Benny.
while riding any of his Companions (see Riding a
Companion, page 20).
REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Spirit d10+, Companion

ADVANCED EDGES The relation between your hero and his

Companions is exceptional. Choose a second
Advanced Companion Edges represent Companion Boon the master and his Companions
improvements of the relationship between master will benefit from.
and its Companion.
New Edges

Mutual Understanding is designed for As an action, the master can make a Spirit check to
characters supernaturally changing into their transfer one Wound or Fatigue level from or to any
companion. Try to make the behavior or of his Companion he touches, two on a raise.
appearance change linked to the Trait that was
REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Arcane Background (any),
For example: Companion
■ a hunter whose eyes turn birdlike, while
When the mage actives on himself a Power with the
learning Notice from his eagle companion,
Additional Targets modifier available, it also affects
■ A monkey who starts to dress, bow and mimic
all of his Companions in range for free.
other humans, while learning Taunts from his
■ A druid who grows fangs, when learning REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Companion
Fighting from his panther friend,
The hero developed an unusual telepathic
■ A sorcerer whose skin turns stone gray, under
connection with all of his Companions.
the influence of his earth elemental servant.
The character can communicate with his
Companions. This works as per mind link Power
MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING (without raise effect) which includes master and
REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Companion Companions.

Choose one of the hero’s Companions. The SHARED SENSES

Companion and its master understand each other REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Companion, Notice d6+
be�er and improve by each other example.
As an action, the hero concentrates and chooses one
The master chooses a Trait his Companion is better of his Companions. He can now see, hear, smell or
at and increases this Trait by one die step. Likewise, otherwise feel everything the Companion feels.
the Companion increases one Trait the hero is better However, while riding his Companion’s senses, he
at. Both master and Companion appearance or is blind to his own. It also requires an action to
behavior shifts towards the other. switch to another Companion’s senses, or return to
his own senses. Likewise, a Companion can ride its
This Edge may be selected once per Companion per
master’s senses.
character’s Rank.
REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Arcane
REQUIREMENTS: Novice, Companion
Background (any), Shared Senses
The hero receives another Companion (refer to
While riding a Companion senses, the mage can
Making Companions, page 9). The new
activate Powers as if originating from the
Companion must be of the same kind as the
Companion’s body. Line of sight, Illumination
previous ones, e.g. if the first is an undead, a new
penalties, range and similar situations are
undead joins him.
evaluated from the Companion’s senses and
This Edge may be picked more than once. perspective.
New Edges
Kin Bond is the evolution of Beast Bond.
However Beast Bond is usually inferior to
The hero has a supernatural empathy with one kind Common Bond.
of wild or supernatural beings. It can be as wide as
The latter allows to share Bennies with all allies,
animals, constructs, spirits...or more specific like
not just animals under your command.
wolves, dragons, tree-folks or anything similar
agreed upon with the Game Master. Beast Bond has two slight advantages: lower
Requirements, but for Beast Master players, this
She can spend her own Bennies for any creature of
is useless; and the player spends the Bennies, so
this kind under her control, including mounts and
Elan Edge applies, but it is a pre�y small
Also, at the beginning of each game session, she
That is why, I decided to give Strong Bond two
draws two extra Bennies she can only spend
limited use Bennies. Also, characters with pets
through this bond.
hate to lose them and need ways to protect
them. Kin Bond Bennies is one such a way.

Making Companions
A Companion starts as an Extra of Novice Rank,
I compared Size –3 to Size 0 beasts from Savage
Worlds’ Bestiary, using the Making Races
■ d4 in every a�ribute
point-buy system. They end up between 25 and
■ No skill (and no core skill)
37 points. I tried out a few costs modification,
■ A base walking Pace of 6 with a d6 running die
but the result would still vary a lot. I compared
■ Fists which deal Str damage (and count as
with non beast size 0 creatures, like soldiers and
Unarmed Defender)
zombies, who felt as good a challenge for
■ It can’t equip armor (for a Companion able to
Novice characters as a wolf: same values range.
equip armor, check the Outfittable Companion
Combat Ability) I also compared Size 1 to Size 3 beasts who can
■ It can’t wield weapons (for a Companion able to be used as mounts, like horses. The mule is
wield weapons, check the Prehensile Hands abysmal (11 points), but the horse is about 32 to
Companion Combat Ability) 35 points.
■ It can’t speak nor can it understand its master and
Eventually, I compared to a Novice Extra
other people around (for a Companion you can
created as a character. Taking into consideration
talk to, check Companion Communication
characters can speak, wear armor and wield
Abilities, the Fuzzy Talk Companion Boon, and
weapons, I ended up with 32 points.
the Shared Mind Edge).
■ However, unlike the Beast Master pet, the Since an advance is 2 points, and you get 4
Companion does Advance like any other ally (see advances between Ranks, a multiple of 8 sounds
Companion Advances, page 17). perfectly the way to go, and 32 really felt in the
average beasts from the Bestiary.
Choose a personality for the Companion. See Allied
Personalities in Savage Worlds.
From there, you have 32 points to choose and buy
Companion Abilities. Hindrances and penalizing
abilities have a negative value which provide extra
creation points. Most abilities can only be picked RACE
once while other can be picked multiple times. This
is indicated with a number in parentheses after the To speed up the creation process, you can use one of
ability name. A (U) means the ability is unlimited. the proposed templates in the Companion Racial
Templates table on next page.

Each template costs exactly the sum of the abilities

it encompasses. You find most of them in Savage
Worlds’ Bestiary.

Feel free to create your own Companion Racial

Templates for races that are not represented here but
exist in your se�ing.
Making Companions
Animal –2 • Animal Intelligence (–1)
• Subject to beast friend Power (–1)
If you also use Summoner’s Circle, some Racial
Celestial 2 • Immune to Poison (+1) Templates are weighted differently for
• Immune to Disease (+1) Summons than for Companions.
• Immune to Fear (+2)
• Extraplanar (–1)
• Supernaturally Good (–1) This is either because Cannot Speak and No
Hand Abilities are given by default to every
Construct 8 • Quick Recovery (+2)
• Pain Resistance (+2) Companion or because some Abilities like
• Doesn’t Breathe (+2) Doesn’t Breathe or Immune to Poison, do matter
• Doesn’t Eat (+1)
• Immune to Disease (+1) much more for a Companion than for a
• Immune to Poison (+1) Summon.
• Requires Repair (–1)

Demon 2 • Quick Recovery (+2)

• Immune to Poison (+1)
• Immune to Disease (+1)
• Extraplanar (-1)
• Supernaturally Evil (-1)
Select the Companion’s Size between –3 and +3.
Elemental 6 • Pain Resistance (+2) Note the cost for Size –3 is not an error, as Very
• No Vital Organs (+1)
• Doesn't Breathe (+2) Small Scale is very effective against most opponents
• Doesn’t Eat (+1)
• Immune to Disease (+1) (Normal Scale), since it provides +4 to hit and –4 to
• Immune to Poison (+1) be hit.
• Requires Magical Healing (–2)
Likewise, Size –2 (Small Scale) provides +2 to hit and
Ethereal 10 Companion can’t be harmed by –2 to be hit.
non-magical attacks, can pass
through physical objects, can’t affect
the physical world, and can’t be seen
unless they want to be. COMPANION SIZE
Plant 3 • Animal Intelligence (–1) Size –3 7 This means –3 to Toughness and Very
• Quick Recovery (+2) Small scale. Usually has d4–3 Strength.
• No Vital Organs (+1)
• Doesn’t Eat (+1) Size –2 3 This means –2 to Toughness and Small
• Dependency: Sun (–1) scale. Usually has d4–2 to d4–1
• Immune to Poison (+1) Strength.
• Immune to Disease (+1)
• Environmental Weakness to Fire Size –1 –1 This means –1 to Toughness and
(–1) Normal scale. Usually has Strength d4
While they don’t exactly breathe oxygen, to d6.
they do need air, and wouldn’t be able to Size 0 0 Counts as Normal scale. Usually has
live without. Hence they aren’t Strength between d6 and d12.
considered “Doesn’t breathe”.

Size 1 1 This means +1 to Toughness and

Undead 11 • Toughness +2 (+2)
Normal scale. Usually has Strength d8
• Quick Recovery (+2)
to d12+1.
• Pain Resistance (+2)
• No Vital Organs (+1) Size 2 2 This means +2 to Toughness and
• Doesn’t Breathe (+2) Normal scale. Usually has Strength d10
• Doesn’t Eat (+1) to d12+2.
• Immune to Disease (+1)
• Immune to Poison (+1) Size 3 3 This means +3 to Toughness and
• Supernaturally Evil (–1) Normal scale. Usually has Strength d12
to d12+3.
Making Companions
For each of the five attributes, choose at which die Companions start with no Skill, not even Core Skills
step that Companion starts. Then you can add some (which are meant for human-like characters).
A�ribute Penalty or Animal Intellect on top.
Buy every skill following the Companion Skills
table below (which works like Character Creation
and Advances). In addition, you can select bonuses
or penalties to skill rolls.


1 Start one Skill at d4.

1 Increase one skill one die step up its linked

2 Increase one skill one die step above its linked
1+ Casual Skill Bonus (1/skill): The Companion
COMPANION ATTRIBUTES receives a +1 bonus when using a particular skill
VALUE ABILITY (except frequently used skills like Athletics,
–5 Get one a�ribute at d4–3. Fighting, Shooting, Persuasion, and Arcane
A�ribute maximum is d6.
–3 Get one a�ribute at d4–2. Instead, still for 1 point, bonus is +2 but only in
specific situations (e.g. in wilderness, at night,
A�ribute maximum is d8. against human foes...).
–2 Get one a�ribute at d4–1.
Instead for 2 points, bonus is +2 to every situation.
A�ribute maximum is d10.
You can only pick one penalty or bonus per skill.
0 Get one a�ribute at d4.
2 Frequent Skill Bonus (1/skill): The
A�ribute maximum is d12. Companion receives a +1 bonus with a frequently
2 Get one a�ribute at d6. used skill (such as Athletics, Fighting, Shooting,
Persuasion, and Arcane Skills).
A�ribute maximum is d12+1.
You can only pick one penalty or bonus per skill.
4 Get one a�ribute at d8.
–1+ Casual Skill Penalty (1/skill): The Companion
A�ribute maximum is d12+2. suffers a –2 penalty when using a particular skill
6 Get one a�ribute at d10. (except frequently used skills), or –4 if only
applicable to specific situations.
A�ribute maximum is d12+3.
8 Get one a�ribute at d12. Instead for –2, the penalty is –4 to every situation.

A�ribute maximum is d12+4. You can only pick one penalty or bonus per skill.
–1 Animal Intelligence (1): The Companion’s –1+ Frequent Skill Penalty (1/skill): The
Smarts counts as Animal Intelligence, that is Companion suffers a –1 penalty to a very
relative to the animal world, not human world. commonly used skill, or –2 if only applicable to
specific situations.
–2 A�ribute Penalty (1/a�ribute): Pick an
a�ribute. This a�ribute rolls are made at –1. Instead for –2 points, the penalty is –2 to every
Instead for –3 points, this attribute rolls are made
at –2. Only once per a�ribute. You can only pick one penalty or bonus per skill.
Making Companions
Companions can receive Edges at creation. They COMPANION COMMUNICATION
represent innate abilities or abilities learned during VALUE ABILITY
0 Can’t speak: This is the default for all
childhood or early times of its existence.
Companions. Either they can’t speak at all or they
speak in a language of their own which is totally
forgotten. They won’t understand any sapient
COMPANION EDGES & HINDRANCES being, their master, or his group.
VALUE ABILITY 1 Lost Language: The Companion only speaks in
2 Edge (U): Receive an Edge. Must fulfill all an ancient language (or from a distant land) and
requirements. doesn’t understand any other language. Rare
characters who know that language can
3 Innate Novice Edge (U): Receive a Novice communicate with the Companion.
Edge. Ignore a�ributes and skills requirements. 2 Common Language: The Companion
4 Innate Seasoned Edge (U): Receive a Seasoned understands and speaks one common language,
Edge. Ignore a�ributes and skills requirements. known by large groups of people. Any character
who knows this language can communicate with
5 Innate Veteran Edge (U): Receive a Veteran the Companion.
Edge. Ignore a�ributes and skills requirements. 4 Polyglot: The Companion knows and
understands all languages, living, ancient or
6 Innate Heroic Edge (U): Receive a Heroic Edge. forgotten, but might still struggle with slang or
Ignore a�ributes and skills requirements. dialect, as per speak language (non raise effect).
— You can’t gain Legendary Edges as Innate Edges.
–2 Major Hindrance (U): Receive a Major
–1 Minor Hindrance (U): Receive a Minor
Hindrance. Pick the Companion senses. The abilities below
usually do not stack. You can’t pick more than one,
except when it makes sense. For example, Flair with
Low Light Vision, Magic Sight with Diurnal Vision
(or Dark Sight).



–4 Blind (1): No sight at all. Suffer –6 penalty to any
physical task where vision is required.
0 Diurnal Vision (1): Standard vision for a
human and most animals. The Companion clearly
sees in light and suffers from Illumination
2 Dark sight (1): Supernaturally can see in pitch
darkness. Ignore all Illumination penalties.
Flair (1): Can detect presence of beings within 6”
by smell. Can move toward them but can’t see
Young, Very Young and Elderly Hindrance them or see what else is around. Once adjacent,
ignores all Illumination penalties to act against them.
change how many attributes and skills a 1 Infravision (1): See heat patterns. Halve
character starts with. There is no such limit with Illumination penalties against warm targets.
Companions. Don’t use those Hindrances. 1 Low Light Vision (1): Nocturnal vision of owls,
cats, and night animals. Only ignore Dim and
Simply take Attribute Penalties, less attribute Dark Illumination penalties.
scores, more skills...Design it the way you want 3 Magic Sight (1): Can detect and clearly see
supernatural beings, enchanted objects, or
it to be! magical effects in sight, as per detect arcana Power
(non raise effect), including ethereal spirits.
Making Companions
1+ Armor Piercing (1): AP 2
Most creatures have between one and three natural 1 Fiery (1): targets touched by this attack can catch
fire for 2d6 (see Fire hazard in Savage Worlds).
melee weapons and some have one breath or one
This is typically the Fiery Touch ability of Fire
ranged weapon. Elemental from Savage Worlds’ Bestiary.
1 High Raise (1): Bonus damage from a raise is
Start with melee weapons. For each one, define its d10 instead of d6.
type (see Companion Melee Weapons table) and This is typically the Rollover ability from Alligator
from Savage Worlds’ Bestiary.
optionally upgrade it (see Companion Melee
3 Life Drain (1): If the attack Shakes or Wounds, it
Options table). also drains energy away. The victim rolls Vigor or
suffer one Fatigue level (this can’t cause
Incapacitation). This is not a Poison.
COMPANION MELEE WEAPONS 2 Magical (1): Attack counts as Magical and can hit
creatures invulnerable to non-magic damage.
–1 Nonlethal (1): Damage dealt by this weapon is
1 Bite (1): Bite dealing Str+d4 damage. Can be used always non lethal.
to Crush while Grappling (see Natural Weapons
in Savage Worlds). Can’t be used with Two-Fisted. This is typically the Slam ability of Water Elemental
2 Claws (1): All limbs end up with Claws, dealing from Savage Worlds’ Bestiary.
Str+d4 damage. Claws provide +2 to climbing 4+ Paralysis (1): If the attack Shakes or Wounds, it
rolls (see Natural Weapons in Savage Worlds). also attempt to paralyze the enemy. The victim
1 Horns (1): Pointy horns stabbing for Str+d4 rolls Vigor or is Stunned. She can attempt to
damage. Horns deals +4 fighting damage after a recover as normal (see Stunned Characters in
5” Run (see Natural Weapons in Savage Worlds). Savage Worlds), but paralysis lasts no more than
1d6 rounds.
1 Kick (1): Horse kick, headbutt, and similar smash
ability. Hit for Str+d4 damage. Counts as Natural Add +2 points and Vigor roll is made at –2.
Weapon. If used in a successful Push, victim
Add +2 points and Paralysis lasts up to 2d6
moves 1” further and suffer –2 to his Athletics roll
to not fall prone. Can’t be used with Two-Fisted.
4+ Poison (1): If the attack Shakes or Wounds, it also
1 Prehensile Hands (1): The classic human-like
applies Mild Poison (see Poison hazard in Savage
weak fist, dealing Str damage only. Counts as
Worlds). The victim rolls Vigor or is Distracted and
Unarmed Defender (not Natural Weapon) but
suffers one level of Fatigue, two on a raise (this
allow the Companion to wield weapons.
can’t cause Incapacitation).
1 Punch (1): At least two limbs can deliver
punches, dealing Str+d4 damage. Counts as Add +1 to +4 to get Poison Strength 1 to 4.
Natural Weapon 1 Reach (3): Weapon Reach increased by 1.
2 Tail Lash (1): A long sturdy tail. Once per round, 1+ Strong (1): Damage increased one die step.
can perform a free attack against up to two foes in
Reach to its side or rear, dealing Str+d4 damage. Instead for 2 points, Stronger, increases damage
Counts as Natural Weapons. by two die steps.
2 Talons (1): same as Claws but for birds. 4+ Venom (1): If the attack Shakes or Wounds, it can
install Paralyzing Poison to the enemy. The
1+ Tentacles (1): One tentacle, dealing Str+d4 Companion chooses to use the ability or not, but
damage. Tentacles count as Natural Weapons, suffers one level of Fatigue each time it does.
and provide +2 to Grapple a�empts. Victim rolls Vigor or is Distracted and is poisoned
Can have up to 3 extra Tentacles for 3 points each (see Poison hazard in Savage Worlds).
(i.e. 10 points). When using its Tentacles for an Add +3 points to instill Lethal or Knockout Poison
action, each Tentacle is considered doing one instead.
separate action (without Multi-Action penalty).
See Tentacles ability in Savage Worlds’ Bestiary. Add +1 to +4 to get Poison Strength 1 to 4.

Making Companions
Next, optionally, proceed with natural ranged
weapons (see Companion Ranged Weapons table)
and ranged options (see Companion Breathes
Options and Companion Ranged Options tables).


3 Breath (U): Pick a Trapping (Fire, Cold, Acid, 3 Additional Action (1): The Companion has
Wind...). Once per round, the Companion can incredible reflexes or extra limbs and perform
spend its full turn and roll Athletics to hit every multi-actions per turn. Reduce Multi-Action
target in a Cone Template. Victims can Evade, or penalties by 2 each turn.
suffer 2d6 damage. See Breath Weapons in Savage 1+ Armor (3): The Companion has a thick hide,
Worlds’ Bestiary. scales or some sort of plating. It gets Armor +2 (up
This ability can be improved, see Companion to +6). It covers everywhere but eyes, mouth, and
Breath Options table. similar areas (typically –6 for Called Shots).
1 Hurl (U): Pick a Trapping (Electricity, Stone, 2 Constrictor (1): The Companion gains +2 to
Acid...). For an action, the Companion can roll Grapple Athletics rolls (does not stack with
Shooting to deal 2d4 damage to one enemy. Range Tentacles bonus) and +2 to Strength rolls to
is 6/12/24. succeed Crushing (not to damage).
–1 Frail (2): The Companion has birdlike bones, is
This ability can be improved, see Companion
slim, or somehow fragile. Toughness –1.
Ranged Weapons Options table.
2 Grab (1): On a raise on any Fighting attack, the
1 Spit (U): Pick a Trapping (Spikes, Poison, Companion can choose to perform a free Grapple
Cold...). For an action, the Companion can roll
a�empt instead of dealing bonus damage.
Athletics (throwing) to deal Str+d4 damage to one
enemy. Range is 3/6/12. 2 Hardy (1): Suffering Shaken when already
This ability can be improved, see Companion Shaken does not result into a Wound.
Ranged Weapons Options table. 4 Immunity (1): Immune to one type (Trapping)
of damage.
COMPANION BREATHES OPTIONS 1 Outfittable (1): Can be equipped with armor
VALUE ABILITY and carry backpack or other things.
1 Fiery (1): targets touched by this attack can catch To wield weapons see Prehensile Hands weapon ability.
fire for 2d6 (see Fire hazard in Savage Worlds). 2 Pain Resistance (1): Ignore 1 point of Wound
4 Intense (1): A�ack deals 3d6 (instead of 2d6). penalties.
2 Magical (1): Attack counts as Magical and can 1+ Parry (3): Thanks to extra limbs, natural reflexes,
hit creatures invulnerable to non-magic damage. or danger sense...the Companion gets Parry +1.
2 Swift (1): Evade a�empts are made at –2. –1+ Poor Parry (3): Due to being slow, clumsy, or
having weak defenses...the Companion suffers
Parry –1. Can’t go below Parry 2.

2+ Push (1): When performing Push maneuvers,

COMPANION RANGED OPTIONS targets are moved 1d6” (2d6” on raise), instead of
VALUE ABILITY 1” (2” on raise).
1+ Armor Piercing (1): AP 2
Add +1 to also gain a free Push maneuver when a
3+ Double-shot (1): Rate of Fire is 2. Companion’s attack hits with a raise, instead of
Add +3 to become Triple-shot and increase Rate dealing bonus damage.
of Fire to 3.
1 Fiery (1): targets touched by this attack can catch 2 Quick Recovery (1): The Companion gets +2 to
fire for 2d6 (see Fire hazard in Savage Worlds). rolls to recover from Shaken.
1 Long Range (1): Range is doubled. 1+ Toughness (3): Thanks to its rock-like body,
fiber tissue, or similar...the Companion gains
2 Magical (1): Attack counts as Magical and can Toughness +1.
hit creatures invulnerable to non-magic damage.
1+ 3 Webbing (1): For an action, the Companion rolls
Strong (1): Damage is increased from Str+d4 to
Str+d6, or from 2d4 to 2d6. Shooting to spit sticky webs into a Small Blast
Template up to 6”. Victims are Entangled, Bound
Instead, for 2 points, Stronger, damage is with a raise. Webs have Hardness 5.
increased from Str+d4 to Str+d8, or from 2d4 to
Making Companions
–2 Pace 3, running die d4, –2 to Athletics rolls where
ground movement and mobility count (e.g.
Choose how the Companion moves. First pick how moving to interrupt, chases, acrobatics...)
fast they move on the ground, then you can pick –1 Pace 5, running die d4
options for extra forms of movement. 0 Pace 6, running die d6

If the Companion can’t walk at all (like a Shark), 1 Pace 7, running die d6

assume the standard Pace 6. 2 Pace 8, running die d8

3 Pace 8, running die d10
4 Pace 10, running die d10
5 Pace 10, running die d12
0 Only Aquatic (1): Water native. Can only live
and breathe underwater. Swims at full Pace
(minimum Pace 6, “running” die d6)
Semi-aquatic (1): Can hold breath underwater
for about 15 minutes.

2 Amphibious (1): Can live and breathe both in

air and underwater.
This is the equivalent of Aquatic Racial Ability in
Savage Worlds’ Making Races.
Burrowing (1): Can sink into raw earth and
move at half Pace (can’t run). Refer to Burrow
Special Ability in Savage Worlds.
Instead for 2 points, move at full Pace.
Instead for 3 points, move at double Pace.
Add +1 to be able to sink into stone, concrete, or
similar substances.
2+ Flight (1): Can fly at Pace 6, running die d6 by
using wings which can be Entangled or Bound.

SAVAGE WORLDS’ RACES Instead for 4 points, Pace 12, running die d10.
Instead for 6 points, Pace 24, running die 2d6.

When Savage Worlds Making Races proposes a Instead for 8 points, Pace 48, running die 3d6.

racial ability which would also fit Companions, Add +2 points to fly without wings.
2 Leaper (1): Double jump distance. It Companion
I did my best to stick with Making Races costs. performs a jump while using Wild Attack, it gets
+4 damage instead of +2.
However Poisonous Touch Ability really felt This is typically the Pounce ability of Lions from
too strong (1 point, i.e. half an Edge, Poison Savage Worlds’ Bestiary.
applied on touch). I replaced it with Poison 1 Seep (1): Whether gaseous, shadow, or liquid
form, the Companion can seep through small
Ability from Summoner’s Circle (4 points, Poison holes or porous ma�er, as if Difficult Ground.
applied on Shaken and Wounds). 1 Wall Walker (1): Can walk on walls and ceilings
at half Pace.
For many abilities, I added options or upgrades
to allow for higher Companion variations. Lot
of abilities are heavily inspired by Summoner’s
Circle abilities and Savage Worlds’ Bestiary.
Making Companions
“Lot of interesting things here! What about a Celestial gargoyle
MISCELLANEOUS ABILITIES pet with Alternate Form to become a perfectly still statue?
Or a Will-O-Wisp ever shining blue with Living Torch?
“Innate Power can be fun too: an octopus spiting ink clouds of
darkness; a dryad growing entangling vines, psionic entity using
mind link or mind reading...”
“Oh! Let me take a squirrel that grow larger when angry!”


2 Alternate Form (U): The Companion can morph into some other form of about the same Size. This does not change
any of the Companion’s Traits. However, you might choose that some Edge or ability is only available in one or the
other form. Switching forms takes an action.
You buy all abilities for all forms as normal (as if they were always available), because switching between form is pre�y
unconstrained, restricting an ability to a single form is not a harsh limitation.
–2 Dependency (1): The Companion must consume, bath into, or draw energy from...a given source (water, electricity,
sunlight, blood...) for one hour per day. It suffers one level of Fatigue each day without doing so, until Incapacitated.
Each Fatigue is recovered per each hour spent in contact with such a source.
2 Doesn’t Breathe (1): The Companion doesn’t need air to live. It can’t drown, nor inhale smoke.
1 Doesn’t Eat (1): The Companion requires no food to survive.
1 Environmental Resistance (U): Pick an environmental effect (cold, electricity, heat…). The Companion receives +4
to resist negative effects from it and reduces such damage by 4, as with environmental protection Power.
–1 Environmental Weakness (U): Pick an environmental effect (cold, electricity, heat…). The Companion suffers –4 to
resist negative effects from it and such damage is increased by 4.
–1 Extraplanar (1): Comes from another world, dimension or plane. Subject to the banish Power.
3+ Fear (1): The Companion causes Fear (see Fear special ability from Savage Worlds). Causes a Fear check the first time
the Companion is seen. Its master is immune to the effect, her allies aren’t.
Add +1 to +4 to get –1 to –4 Fear Penalty (affects Fear checks, and rolls on the Fear Table).
2 Fearless (1): The Companion is immune to fear. See Fearless special ability from Savage Worlds.
1 Immune to Disease (1): Can’t be affected by diseases which would affect humans. Can still be affected by rare viruses
which specifically affects their kind.
1 Immune to Poison (1): Can’t suffer from poisons that would affect humans. Can still be affected by rare substances
which specifically affects their kind.
2+ Innate Power (1): Possess one innate Power (limited by Rank) and 15 Power Points as per Arcane Background (Gifted).
Add +1 per extra Power to gain.
Don’t forget to buy the Focus skill. You can also buy Power Points and Rapid Recharge Edges.
1+ Living Torch (1): Whether made of fire, born of pure light, being a firefly, or equipped with glowing crystals, the
Companion spreads light in a Large Blast Template around itself or in a Cone emanating from it.
Add +1 and the Companion can switch the light on and off for a free action.
1 No Vital Organs (1): Companion ignores increased damage from Called Shots aimed at vitals.
2+ Regeneration (1): Can roll for natural healing once per day.
Add +1 to also be able to regenerate permanent injuries, once per week, if only after all other Wounds are gone.
–1 Requires Repair (1): The Companion has no natural healing. Wounds require a Repair roll to fix. Remove one Wound
on success, two on a raise. Each a�empt takes one hour per current Wound level and ignores the “Golden Hour” rule.
–2 Requires Magical Healing (1): Wounds can’t be treated by the Healing skill. Magical healing like healing Power is
required. Natural healing works as normal.
1+ Sleep Reduction (1): Companion sleeps half less as average humans do.
Instead for 2 points, ability becomes Doesn’t Sleep and Companion doesn’t need to sleep at all.
Usually it suffers from a Dependency to keep its vitality up.
–1 Supernaturally Evil (1): count as evil for Powers or Edges like Champion Edge.
–1 Supernaturally Good (1): count as Good for Powers or Edges like (unholy) Champion Edge.
Making Companions
can also use Advances to improve or acquire
ADVANCES Companion Abilities.

Unlike Savage Worlds’ Beast Master’s pets, Companions Each Advance is worth two Companion Abilities
do advance like any ally. points and can only be used for Weapons, Combat,
Movement and Perception Abilities. You can save
To represent a Companion growing up, racial
up Advances to buy expensive abilities later on. For
abilities being revealed or strengthened by time, you
1 point, you can also increase Companion Size by 1,
but only once per Rank.
BEAST MASTER ADVANCES For example, a young drake couldn’t breath, but as
time passes, using two Advances, it now can Fire
Beast Master Edge clearly states the pet does not
Breath (3 points for Breath, +1 for Fiery). An alligator
advance. This is clearly not fun. In fact Beast
could grow up one Size and have its skin thicken
Master does propose three way to Advance.
(Armor). However, it wouldn’t make sense to let a
First, it allows to replace the current companion serpent turn a Poison into a Venom, become
with a companion one Size above. This sounds Outfi�able or develop some Leaper ability.
weak but is very strong. Going from a dog to a
When using Advances to improve attributes, d4–3
lion would be worth more than 20 points of
changes into d4–2, d4–2 increases to d4–1, and d4–1
Companion Abilities, that is 10 advances!
becomes d4.
Instead of having the master player sacrifice an
Advance (picking an Edge) to get a huge DEATH
Advance on the Companion, I chose to allow the
pet to Advance slowly, on its own. A Companion is a very special ally. Losing it makes
the character and the player very sad.
Second, it lets you Increase one of the pet’s Traits
one die type, only once per pet. This requires the An Incapacitated Companion doesn’t mean it is
hero to sacrifice one of his own Advances to dead: it can be simply injured or otherwise out of the
deliver a single Advance to the pet. It is a pretty fight. Let them Bleed Out and take Injuries.
weak option. I replaced it with Mutual
Based on the Companion abilities, you might also
interpret death as temporary unavailable.
Last is the option, available at Heroic Rank, to Otherworldly? Pretend it is locked out until self-
let the pet become a Wildcard. This has two recovery. Ethereal spirit? Pretend it has lost
benefits: three Wounds, that is, the pet is able to connection to the real world for some days.
survive hits before risking to be lost entirely; Regeneration? Let it regenerate back to life over
and the Wild Die, that is, the pet is more efficient time. Shared Life? Let the hero drain its Companion
at skill rolls. It is a very strong option, yet damage upon himself. Mechanical Construct? It will
available very late. I replaced it with need to buy new pieces and take days repairing it.
Companion Resilience Edge: the pet gradually Nature linked Animal? Some dryad snatch the
turns into a Wild Card, starting with the most Companion away to restore it. Alternatively, take
important, survival, and ending up Wild Card the opportunity to run a small Savage Tale: fetch a
at Heroic Rank. competent healer, an exceptional healing brew,
components to perform a ritual...
Companions In Play
ALLOWED COMPANIONS There is often the question about what a Companion
can do and how well they can follow their master
Of all options presented here, some might fit your orders. It mostly depends on the Companion’s
setting, some might not. Maybe, Demons and intelligence, the level of communication and the
Celestial do not exist in the world or there is no such master’s determination.
thing as other planes or other dimensions. As a GM,
By default, Companions can’t talk. It doesn’t mean
you are free to keep or exclude anything you want
no communication. Given time and training, a lot
from this book. It’s your game!
can be done, but not everything.

Besides, be aware some options can break a

campaign. For example, having an ethereal
If they are of Animal Intelligence, they are driven by
Companion going through walls at will, might be
guts feelings, instincts, and loyalty. The hero
hard for you to manage a spy and investigation
certainly taught his Companion to come to him
campaign, just like having a Rhinoceros rider can be
when waving his hand or whistling a certain way.
hard to fit in a city or thieves’ guild adventure.
The Companion instincts might tell him to howl
when unknown person come close to where the
You might also feel some options are too strong or
hero rests. The master can teach his Companion to
too weak. Discuss with your players, what
attack when he screams “Bite!”. The pet can learn to
interesting story they want to build, what you or
sneak when its master crouches and goes silent. It is
they can change or adapt from their character and
much more difficult to teach the animal how to
story to keep things interesting without turning the
disarm an enemy, pick the weapon from the ground,
adventure trivial or impossible.
and drag it away.

The ability to create custom Companions using Encourage your player to describe a few tricks his
creation points brings a lot of flexibility, but can also character taught his Companion. Outside of those
break some limits. Once again if you don’t feel tricks, complex tasks are difficult. Barking when the
comfortable with the player’s choice, talk to them. guy with the red hat walks in? Sneakingly go
However, you can always challenge this character’s around and cut the enemy’s escape? Delivering a
and his companion’s weaknesses instead of trying scroll to the nearest garrison? The animal will
to match their strengths. probably never understand such orders.

Make sure the character’s story is interesting, offers CAN’T SPEAK

hooks into your adventure, and fits the se�ing. If they have standard intelligence, they can watch,
analyze, decide and learn. If the master is a fighter,
a Companion understands a sword is a threat. It can
see its master’s face and guess he is worried or in
pain. It can recognize a wink meaning “all is ok” or
understand how serious his wounds are and that
assistance is required.

However, it might not have the society knowledge

Companions In Play
to understand concepts like treachery, sarcasm, slippery to use, or the weather is about to change,
gallantry, heraldry, laws, noble ranks... Its but they won’t start a fire or set up traps.
background tells what the Companion knows and
Most animals will have access to Intimidation.
what it doesn’t.
Taunts is also an option for smart animals like
Fuzzy Talk boon or Shared Mind Edge allows to With standard intelligence and the ability to speak
speak with animals. However, it is still limited by or read, they have access to Social and Knowledge
their understanding. Yet, while they won’t skills. With prehensile hands they can take
understand the concept of wedding, they do manipulation or technology skills like thievery or
understand mating. They don’t understand who repair.
Bunko the Orc Leader is, they do understand
predator, prey, danger, a�acking and fleeing. TESTS & SUPPORT
Like any ally, Companions can Test and Support.
If they Companion has a standard intelligence and They gladly help friends or distract enemies. An
can speak to the hero (Fuzzy Talk boon, Shared animal can bite the opponent’s ankle, bark
Mind Edge, or Companion Abilities), freakingly, jump on the enemy’s back…An air
communication is way easier. Given time, lot of elemental can blow dust into the opponent’s eyes,
things can be explained and learned. buzz at their ear. Many beasts and demons have
Intimidation. Smart ones have Taunt, yet if they
Understanding is still limited to the Companion’s
can’t speak, they will do with gestures and mimics.
world. A water elemental might not understand the
concept of love or breeding. While Angels and You don’t need to resolve everything as Tests. You
Demons might know a lot about the human worlds, can also use Support: see Support vs Test in Savage
they might not understand simple matters, Worlds.
traditions or jokes.
With a ferocious Companion, the master can be the
one helping with Tests and Supports. This makes for
COMPANION ACTIONS Social Edges like Rabble-Rouser or Work the Room,
interesting for master hero. Leadership Edges also
Like any ally, Companions can do actions outside or
apply to the Companion, since they are allies and
during combat. However, depending on their
Extra, but requires training with animals.
nature, they might not be able to do everything a
human character could do.
Companion can have access to Arcane Skills. Either
SKILLS by taking the Arcane Backgrounds edges or with
Most Companions can use physical skills like
Innate Power ability.
Athletics, Stealth and Fighting. They can also use
perception skills like Notice. Sure, they can activate Powers. They can also use
those skills for Tests and Supports. If they share the
Animals rarely attempt actions outside of their skills
same Arcane Background than their master they can
set. They also might be limited in what they can do
Support their master Power activation, Tests or
within a given skill. For example, they can use
Survival to track a prey, identify a path is too
Companions In Play
When failing is important, e.g. for Power activation To be able to take a rider on its back, a Companion
or when used as Support, remember to use Extra needs to set the rider in a way which reduces the
and Critical Failures from Savage Worlds. effort to carry him: comfortably sat on its back,
grabbed by huge talons, held in a stash onto its
Companions, as allies, act on their master’s Action
Besides, the mount also needs to be larger than its
Card. The bonus from a Joker applies to both hero
rider, have enough Strength to carry him, and have
and his Companion(s). So, Edges like Tactician,
enough Vigor to keep carrying for hours. A mount
Quick, Level Headed, and the Hesitant Hindrance
standing on four legs or more, can carry heavier
are interesting for the master character. A
riders before tiring.
Companion learning such Edges would have no
effect. To keep things Fast and Fun, here are the guidelines
to aim for:
WHO IS IN CHARGE? ■ Mounts on four legs can carry 25% of their own
weight without feeling Encumbered.
Companions, as allies, are played by the players, not ■ Mounts on two legs or flying can only carry 10%
the Game Master. of their own weight without feeling Encumbered.
Usually the one playing the master character
If you don’t use Encumbrance, here are alternative
handles it. It might lead to situations where this feels
like speaking to oneself, since he plays both the
■ If rider is Size 0 or above, Mount needs to be two
Master and the Companion. If the group agrees, let
Sizes higher and have average Strength for this
a different player handle the Companion.
Size, or have three Sizes higher.
■ If rider is Size –1 or below, mount only needs to
be one Size higher and have Strength higher than
RIDING A COMPANION minimum for this Size, or have two Sizes higher.

Both guidelines gives slightly different results, but

are good abstractions to keep the game Fast and
Fun. Choose one and stick with it.

If a mount can carry a single rider without feeling

Encumbered, it can also carry two of the same Size

but is Encumbered (–2 to Pace, running rolls, Agility

and linked skills rolls, as well as Vigor Fatigue rolls).

Regarding how fast the mount becomes tired, roll

for Fatigue after eight hours of walk, and every two
hours trotting. Carrying extra weight or extra riders,
riding through difficult terrain, or similar situations
would usually grant a –2 penalty to those Fatigue
Companions In Play
If the hero wants to carry his Companion for long In most fantasy settings, riding flying creature is a
distance, follow the guidelines proposed in Riding thing. Heroes fly dragons, pegasus, wyverns!
a Companion (see page 20), where the master is the
In settings where this is mostly accessible to
mount and the Companion the rider. That is:
experienced heroes, you can let them ride flying
■ a hero can carry a Companion no more than 10%
mounts with a penalty of –4 and the following Fly
of her own weight.
Rider Edge.
■ A Size –1 half-folk, can carry a Size –2 Companion However, if flying mounts are pre�y common
when sporting at least Strength d6, otherwise he (entire races or communities using giant flyers),
can only carry a Size –3. rather use Skill Specialization from Savage Worlds.
■ A Size 0 human of Strength d8+, can carry a Size
–1 Companion, peaceful set in a backpack. Master
REQUIREMENTS: Veteran, Riding d8+, Survival
would need to be Size +1 if he doesn’t have such
■ A Size 0 human of Strength d6 or below, can only The rider understands the effect of winds and
carry up to a Size –2 Companion. currents, how to avoid falling from the mount, and
■ Master would need to be Size +2 and Strength all tricks you can do on a flying mount.
d12, to carry a Size 0 Companion.
You ignore the –4 penalty for riding a flying mount.


Following Encumbrance in Savage Worlds, a
Strength d12 horse would barely carry a 100 lbs
(50 kg) rider. To be more realistic, we have to
assume being four-legged would double the
weight one can carry (so our horse can carry 200
lbs with ease).

However, the table transitions badly above

Strength d12 (+20 lbs per +1). This means, you
need Strength d12+20 to carry a Size 1 500 lbs
large orc! But, a 30,000 pounds dragon (Size 8,
Strength d12+8) should be able to carry at least
half a dozen large orcs!

That is why the Mount/Rider guidelines above

do not follow the Savage Worlds Encumbrance
Companions In Play
One can also apply Trapping to this Edge and use it
SIDEKICK AND FOLLOWERS to provide multiple Extra Companions at once.
However, I strongly advise against it: some
SIDEKICK Companion Edge options and Shared Edges can
Savage Worlds says nothing about what the Sidekick
become extremely strong with lots of Companions.
looks like. It only refers to “others” and “one of
these young crusaders”. It is clearly intended to be So, you can let the player create Followers like
pretty similar to the hero himself, usually another Companions (refer to Making Companions, page
human, or of humanoid race. 9). Yet, do not count Followers as Companions for
Shared Mind, Shared Magic, Shared Senses and
However, as a GM, you can apply a different
Shared Life Edges.
Trapping for the Sidekick, and so allow it to be some
kind of Companion. In that case, design the Sidekick
following Making Companions rules (see page 9),
except the Sidekick Companion starts as a Wildcard
You can still use this book for non fantasy setting.
instead of Extra and gets two Bennies at each session
It’s most probably missing racial templates or
abilities specific to other se�ings like, e.g. firearms.
Be aware that this use of the Sidekick Edge is quite
stronger than going with the Companion Edge. ANYTHING MISSING?
Sidekick Edge compares to Companion Edge with
Companion Resilience and Kin Bond Edges. There is no way I could cover everything possible.
Sidekick Edge requires Legendary Rank, does not Feel free to use this as a base to build whatever else
take Spirit as requirement and is more focused than you need. Often you only need to rename, or
its Companion Edge counterpart. slightly change, existing abilities or Innate Powers.
However, more doesn’t always mean better.
However, Companion Edge is available from
Whenever you can, use what already exists and
Novice Rank, allowing for the Companion to share
rename it.
its master adventures all long, as well as also
providing a Companion Boon.
If Born a Hero is enabled in the setting, Sidekick
Edge is available directly from character creation.
Hence using Sidekick for a Companion might
shadow the Companion Edge.

The GM should always have the final word about

which Edge can be used, at which Rank, and what

The Followers Legendary Edge provides the hero
with multiple Extra following him. They are not
intended to be purely loyal and very tied to the
character. They can represent mercenaries or
Sample Characters
Race: Spirit — Snow Leopard Totem; Advances: 4;
Rank: Seasoned
GER’DAN AND MA’HUR Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength
d6, Vigor d6
“So. What would you play?”
“Let’s try a hunter with a predator pet. Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Notice d4, Stealth d8
In the Northern Forests. A shaman from the Pace: 8; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
Velkmirs, the Snow Leopard Tribe. Ma’hur is his
Spirit Totem, from the Silent Dream. It gain Edges: Ambidextrous, Two-Fisted
substance and enter the Flesh World.” Special Abilities:
“Ok, good start. Why did he leave his tribe?” ■ Bite/Claws: Str+d4
“He was betrayed.
He loved a girl from another tribe. When his ■ Ethereal
clan killed her. Now he hunts for survival and ■ Infravision
kills them for vengeance.”
■ Speed: Running die d8

Ma’hur can make a good spy, ethereal and unseen, but

D GER’DAN he can’t communicate well with its master.
Race: Human; Advances: 4; Rank: Seasoned
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength
d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Faith
d8, Fighting d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Stealth
d8, Survival d4
Race: Ethereal (+10)
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7(2) Size: +0 (+0)
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Enemy (Minor — the Attributes: Agility d8 (+4), Smarts d4 (+0), Spirit d4 (+0),
Strength d6 (+2), Vigor d6 (+2)
Velkmirs), Vengeful (Minor) Skills: Athletics d6 (+2), Fighting d6 (+2), Notice d4 (+1),
Edges: Arcane Background (Miracles), Assassin, Stealth d8 (+3)
Perception: Low Light Vision (+1)
Companion (Physical Form), Extraction, Shared Communication: Can’t speak (+0)
Senses, Kin Bond (spirits) Movement: Pace 8 (d8) (+2)
Weapons: Claws (+2), Bite (+1)
Gear: hand axes (Str+d6), javelins (Str+d6, 5/10/20), Advances: 1.Ambidextrous 2.Two-Fisted 3.Spirit
thick hide jacket and pants (+2) 4.Fighting & Stealth

Powers: Boost/lower Trait (Limitation: boost only,

transform body parts), darksight (feline eyes), shape
change (morph into felines). Power Points: 10

Ger’dan is useful in group as a scout. He has good JACOB E. BLACKMON

Stealth, shape change, darksight and ability to see
through Ma’hur’s eyes. He also doubles as a reckless
fighter, engaging by surprise, flanked by Ma’hur in
cat’s form.
Sample Characters
SHINZU AND SSSRA’VON Race: Fae Drakeling; Advances: 4; Rank: Seasoned
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
“Another idea! A different one. Another take on Strength d4–2, Vigor d6
the druid, hermit trope, but with dragons!”
“Oh. Somewhere in the Lost Valley of Kaladur, Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d4, Focus d8,
the Dragons’ Cradle? Where, 300 years ago, King Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Stealth d6
Veldork the Greedy funded the Scales Slayers and
declared dragons to be killed on sight.” Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 6(4)
“Yes. Shinzu is a pacifist, adept of Galah, Goddess Edges: —
of Nature and Life, he would never kill a soul. Special Abilities:
Old and wise, he retired in the mountains far
from this war. ■ Scales: Armor +4
One day, he stumbled upon a dragon egg. He ■ Bite/Claws: Str+d4
hatched it. Against all odds, Sssra’von, a fae
drakeling, was born. The Dragons went to ■ Slumber Breath: Athletics roll to fire a cone for 2d6
Shinzu and bowed in respect. The Scales damage, AP 2, always nonlethal, can be Evaded,
Slayers will be happy to find him!”
usable at will, but takes full round to fire.
■ Powers: confusion; Power Points: 15. Sssra’von
D SHINZU sings softly in direction of the target.
Race: Human; Advances: 4; Rank: Seasoned ■ Flight: Pace 12 (d10)
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Strength ■ Size –3
d4, Vigor d6
Sssra’von adds a bit of Intimidation and confusion to
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d6,
the lot. It is not old enough for its bite and claws to
Fighting d4, Faith d8, Healing d8, Notice d6,
pose a serious threat, but its breath can still take a
Occult d6, Persuasion d8, Stealth d4, Survival d10
few weak opponents by surprise. Shared Magic
Pace: 5; Parry: 5 (with staff); Toughness: 5
ensures speed, protection, and safety with burrow on
Hindrances: Elderly, Pacifist (Major)
both Shinzu and his pet dragon.
Edges: Arcane Background (Miracles), Companion
(Kin Master—dragonkin), Healer, New Powers
(Seasoned), Power Points, Shared Magic
Gear: Staff (Str+d4, Parry +1, Reach 1), Healing Kit
Powers: Healing (prayers), protection (natural vitality,
always cast with Toughness modifier), relief
(mediation), burrow (merge with earth), sloth/speed
(Limitation: speed only). Power Points: 15 CREATING SSSRA’VON
Race: Dragon (no Companion Racial Template)
Shinzu plays like your typical group healer, with a Size: -3 (+7)
serious Healing skill, as well as healing and relief Attributes: Agility d6 (+2), Smarts d6 (+2), Spirit d8 (+4),
Strength d4–2 (–3), Vigor d4 (+0)
Powers. His protection and speed Powers can strongly Skills: Athletics d6 (+2), Fighting d4 (+1), Focus d6 (+2),
benefit the group too. His relation with dragons, his Intimidation d4 (+1), Notice d4 (+1), Stealth d4 (+1)
Perception: Diurnal Vision (+0)
Survival and Persuasion skills can save the day. Communication: Can’t speak (+0)
Movement: Pace 6 (+0), Flight Pace 12 (+4)
Weapons: Claws (+2), Breath with AP 2 & nonlethal (+3)
Combat: Armor +2 (+1)
Miscellaneous: Innate Power (+2)
Advances: 1.Companion Abilities (Armor +2, Bite)
2.Intimidation & Focus 3.Notice & Stealth 4.Vigor
Sample Characters
“Let me try a rider, riding something unusual...” TOMBAKU
“An elk, a rhino, a giant turtle...”
“No, let’s do a Gorilla! From the Jungles of Race: Gorilla; Advances: 4; Rank: Seasoned
Kamdu. And the rider is a young lunatic girl. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d8,
The place is full of dangers. The Kaolis, the village
elders, warned her, yet she never listens.” Strength d12, Vigor d8
“How did she get to ride a Gorilla, then?” Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d8,
“After yet another rebuke, she silently fled her Notice d4
village, only to fall onto a band of gorillas with
babies to protect. The Alpha charged at her. Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9
Tombaku, a female ape with no babe, recognized Edges: Brawler, Iron Jaw, Rabble-rouser (roar)
in Ayga, a baby of those Walk-with-no-fur, and
intercepted the Alpha, saving her life. The band Hindrances: Heroic
cast her away. Special Abilities:
Together, they stride the jungle, Ayga sit on ■ Animal: Animal Intelligence and Subject to the
Tombaku’s back, looking for places nobody ever
seen before, foraging for food and beast friend Power.
treasures. ■ Punch: Str+d4. Natural Weapon.
■ Speed: d8 running die.
D AYGA ■ Long arms: Reach 1.
Race: Human; Advances: 4; Rank: Seasoned ■ Size +2.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength
Ayga gladly engages in any adventure which sparks
d4, Vigor d6
her curiosity, especially explorations. She acts as a
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4,
scout and woodsman. She collects whatever she
Fighting d4, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Riding d6,
might find useful to save the day.
Stealth d6, Survival d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 6(1) Tombaku tries to peel opponents away with
Hindrances: Curious, Stubborn, Young (Minor) Intimidation, roars, and Pushes. Ayga has plenty of
Edges: Brave, Companion (Wild Ride), Luck, Bennies to use to ensure success when it matters and
Scavenger, Kin Bond (Animals), Woodsman to watch after
Gear: Bone knife (Str+d4), Sling (Str+d4), Fur rags (+1) Tombaku.

Race: Animal (–2)
Size: +2 (+2)
Attributes: Agility d6 (+2), Smarts d6 (+2), Spirit d8 (+4), JACOB E. BLACKMON
Strength d12 (+8), Vigor d8 (+4)
Skills: Athletics d6 (+2), Fighting d6 (+2), Intimidation d6
(+2), Notice d6 (+2)
Hindrances: Heroic (–2)
Edges: Rabble-rouser (+2)
Perception: Diurnal Vision (+0)
Communication: Can’t speak (+0)
Movement: Pace 8, d8 running die (+2)
Weapons: Punch Str+d4 (+1)
Combat: Reach 1 (+1)
Advances: 1.Brawler 2.Agility 3.Fighting & Intimidation
4.Iron Jaw
Sample Characters
ZOTARR AND BALOK Race: Demon — Imp; Advances: 4; Rank: Seasoned
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength
“What about demons? You like playing Warlocks.”
“Oh, yeah, let’s do a citizen of Gendalis, the d4, Vigor d8
trade city on the Lumar Ocean.” Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4,
“He was an average student at the Tower of
Deera, jealous of more successful kids who were Fighting d6, Notice d8, Occult d6, Stealth d6,
mocking him, until he found the Book of Taunt d4
Secrets. He summoned Demons and requested
knowledge and power. They asked for a finger in Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 4
exchange and took his arm. Hindrance: Bloodthirsty
Now with Balok they stalk former students Edges: —
of Deera. Who is mocking me, now?”
Special Abilities:
■ Alternate Form: Balok morphs into Zotarr lost arm
D ZOTARR and a�ach himself to his shoulder.
Race: Human; Advances: 4; Rank: Seasoned
■ Ancient Knowledge: Shares stun (paralysis),
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength
damage field (blood drain) with Zotarr.
d6, Vigor d6
■ Arcane Ba�ery: Stores 5 Power Points for Zotarr.
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4,
■ Claws: Str+d4, AP 2.
Fighting d4, Language (Dark Tongue) d6, Notice
■ Dark Sight: Ignores all Illumination penalties.
d4, Occult d6, Persuasion d4, Research d8,
■ Demon: Extraplanar, Immune to Disease,
Spellcasting d8, Stealth d4, Intimidation d8
Immune to Poison, Quick Recovery,
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
Supernaturally Evil.
Hindrances: Jealous (Minor), Mean, One Arm,
■ Dependency: Must watch people suffer from Pain
Vengeful (Minor)
once per day. Whoever Zotarr tortures, himself or
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Arcane Battery,
a poor victim, doesn’t ma�er to Balok.
Companion (Ancient Knowledge), New Powers
■ Doesn’t Sleep
(Seasoned), Scholar (Occult)
■ Fear: First sight of Balok requires a Fear check.
Powers: Arcane protection, bolt (Limitation: Touch,
■ Lost Language: Dark Tongue.
heart attack), lower Trait (Limitation: lower only,
■ Size –2.
wither), disguise (Limitation: Self, morph flesh),
dispel. Power Points: 10

Zotarr plays as a debilitating mage. If he ever joins CREATING BALOK

a group, they will appreciate his knowledge and Race: Demon (+2).
Size: –2 (+3)
Research skills, as well as the disguise Power, and a Attributes: Agility d4 (+0), Smarts d8 (+4), Spirit d6 (+2),
convincing Intimidation. Strength d4 (+0), Vigor d8 (+4)
Skills: Athletics d4 (+1), Common Knowledge d4 (+1),
Balok is a very good guard: he never sleeps and Fighting d4 (+1), Notice d4 (+1), Occult d6 (+2), Stealth
d4 (+1), Taunt d4 (+1)
perfectly sees in darkness. Attached as Zotarr’s arm, Hindrances: Bloodthirsty (–2)
he can watch its master’s back from an eye in middle Perception: Dark Sight (+2)
Communication: Lost Language (+1)
of its palm. While not very powerful, he scares Movement: Pace 6 (+0)
enemy away and like to strike them by surprise. Weapons: Claws with AP 2 (+3)
Miscellaneous: Alternate Form (+2), Dependency (–2),
Doesn’t sleep (+2), Fear (+3)
Advances: 1.Agility 2.Fighting & Notice 3.Notice &
Stealth 4.Agility
Sample Characters
VEGNAR AND CRUMBLES Race: Ghoul; Advances: 4; Rank: Seasoned
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d6, Spirit d4, Strength
“Wait! Even better: a Necromancer!”
d8, Vigor d8
“There is no such thing in our setting. But it
could exist in Drakonheim, where the Grey Skills: Athletics d4, Fighting d8, Notice d6, Spellcast-
Society rose to fight along side humans against ing d6
the Goblin Horde.”
“He would dream of leading an army of perfect Pace: 5; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9
soldiers, easy to control, easy to obey, easy to Edges: Brawny, Fast Healer
replace. Like a mad scientist in a laboratory, he
created a servant of flesh. Crumbles is far from Special Abilities:
the perfect soldier but it is an efficient acolyte. ■ Bite/Claws: Str+d4
With the ongoing war, the goblins will give him
loads of opportunities to test and improve ■ Undead: Doesn’t Breathe, Doesn’t Eat, Immune to
his creation!” Disease, Immune to Poison, No Vital Organs,
Pain Resistance, Quick Recovery, Supernaturally
Evil, Toughness +2
D VEGNAR ■ Low light vision
Race: Human; Advances: 4; Rank: Seasoned
■ Reduced Pace: d4 running die
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength
■ Regeneration
d6, Vigor d6
■ Resilient: from Vegnar’s Companion Resilience.
Skills: Athletics d4, Battle d6, Common Knowledge
■ Size +1
d4, Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, Notice d6,
Persuasion d4, Spellcasting d8, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 6(with spear); Toughness: 7(2) CREATING CRUMBLES
Hindrances: Obligation (Minor — The Grey Society), Race: Undead (+11)
Size: +0 (+0), Brawny Edge pushes it up to +1.
Overconfident, Driven (Minor — leading an army Attributes: Agility d4 (+0), Smarts d6 (+2), Spirit d4 (+0),
of perfect soldiers) Strength d6 (+2), Vigor d8 (+4)
Skills: Athletics d4 (+1), Fighting d6 (+3), Notice d4 (+1),
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Command, Spellcasting d4 (+1)
Companion (Arcane Beacon), Companion Edges: Brawny (+2)
Perception: Low Light Vision (+1)
Resilience, Hold the line!, Shared Life Communication: Can’t speak (+0)
Gear: Full Cuir Bouilli and Helm (+2), Spear (Str+d6, Movement: Pace 5 (–1)
Reach 1, Parry +1) Weapons: Bite (+1), Claws (+2)
Miscellaneous: Regeneration (+2)
Powers: Blind (eyelids meld), fear (scream), summon Advances: 1.Strength
2.Spellcasting & Notice
ally (assembles body parts). Power points: 10 3.Fighting
4. Fast Healer
If a group would accept Vegnar oddities, they
would find out he is a good leader. He strengthens
the party with well-placed orders on the battlefield,
a bit of intimidation and powerful tactical spells.

Crumbles Supports its master spellcasting the best

it can. He also insures his master’s spells count,
defending him against foes or taking pain and
fatigue away from him.
Sample Characters
TIFFY AND WHEEZY Race: Automaton — Clockwork Owl; Advances: 4;
Rank: Seasoned
“Hmm, we could even push further. I could play
a character who actually build her companion?” Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
“What do you mean? Build, like with actual tools Strength d4–2, Vigor d4
and materials?”
“Meet Tiffany Shernock, born in the gnomish city Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d4, Notice d12, Stealth d8
of Copperlead. Her friends call her Tiffy.” Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 4
“Oh, I see it coming, an Investigator?” Edges: Alertness
“Exactly. Her parents were killed when she was
young. She swore to find their murderers. She Special Abilities:
tinkered Wheezy, a clockwork owl, to help ■ Construct: Doesn’t Breathe, Doesn’t Eat, Immune
in her quest.”
to Disease, Immune to Poison, Pain Resistance,
Quick Recovery, Requires Repair.
D TIFFY ■ Clockwork: Wheezy never sleeps (Doesn’t Sleep),
Race: Gnome; Advances: 4; Rank: Seasoned
however, someone needs to rewind its mechanism
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength
for about one hour, every day (Dependency).
d4, Vigor d6
■ Flight: Pace 6, d6 running die.
Skills: Notice d10, Common Knowledge d6, Athletics
■ Headlights: Wheezy can switch on a beam of light
d4, Healing d4, Persuasion d6, Stealth d4, Fighting
in a Cone Template emanating from its eyes.
d4, Repair d8, Research d8, Science d6
■ Size –3.
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5(1)
■ Talons: Str damage, Unarmed Defender.
Hindrances: Driven (Major — find her parents’
■ Tiffy’s Mutual Understanding: Wheezy became
murderer), Mild Mannered, Quirk (Minor — feet
more joyful and confident, improving its Spirit
tapping on the ground)
from d4 to d6.
Edges: Companion (Fuzzy Talk), Investigator,
■ Weakness: Electricity.
McGyver, Mutual Understanding, Streetwise
Gear: Leather dungarees over a dirty shirt (+1), A Wheezy is an excellent scout. She is also always on
pair of tinker glasses. a watch, alerting Tiffy of possible threats. However,
Special Abilities: like for her mistress, don’t count on Wheezy to fight!
■ Clever: Gnomes are smarter than humans. They
start with d6 Smarts, and Smart maximum is
■ Mutual Understanding: Tiffy improves her Notice
Race: Construct (+8)
from d8 to d10, by replicating the mechanical owl Size: –3 (+7)
sensors into her favored pair of glasses. Attributes: Agility d6 (+2), Smarts d6 (+2), Spirit d4 (+0),
Strength d4–2 (–3), Vigor d4 (+0)
■ Small: Gnomes are a rather small race. They are Skills: Athletics d6 (+2), Fighting d4 (+1), Notice d12 (+8),
considered Size –1. Stealth d6 (+2)
Edges: Alertness (+2)
Perception: Diurnal Vision (+0)
Tiffy is a resourceful gnome: keen eyes, sharp mind, Communication: Can’t speak (+0)
investigation, bookworming and tinkering. She is at Movement: Pace 6 (+0), Flight Pace 6 (+2)
ease in the streets, she usually quickly finds the Weapons: default “Fists” Str damage and Unarmed
Defender (+0)
information she needs (except for her parent’s Miscellaneous: Dependency (–2), Doesn’t Sleep (+2),
Environmental Weakness: Electricity (–1)
murderers who seem to elude her). Advances: 1.Agility 2.Athletics & Stealth 3.Companion
Abilities (Living Torch) 4.Ability
Sample Characters
RAAJI AND NAHRAQ Race: Flame Elemental; Advances: 4; Rank: Sea-
“Now, let’s have some elemental familiar.”
“A wizard with a fire familiar?” Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength
“No, something funnier...Let’s go to Urzarath, d4–2, Vigor d6
the capital of the Desert of Ashes. Meet Raaji! Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d6, Focus d6, Notice
Or rather, Sheikh Raaji, the Great Fakir, the
Fire Walker, and Flame Juggler, as he pleases to d4, Performance d6
announce himself.” Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 4
“No wizard... Too bad, I like wizards.”
“Raaji used to visit and perform tricks for an old Edges: Dodge, Extraction
mage. On his deathbed, the old man asked him Special Abilities:
to take care of his familiar fire sprite, Nahraq.
Over time, they developed a strong affinity with ■ Elemental: Doesn't Breathe, Doesn’t Eat, Immune
each other. to Disease, Immune to Poison, No Vital Organs,
Now they go from squares to taverns and Pain Resistance, Requires Magical Healing.
perform together for something to eat and
somewhere to sleep. ■ Fiery Spit: Str+d4, 3/6/12, targets can catch fire.
Nahraq empowers Raaji’s show! Shall Raaji walk ■ Fiery Touch: Str+d4, targets can catch fire.
on burning ember, Nahraq protects him from
heat! While he juggles wood sticks, Nahraq lights ■ Fire Aegis: from Raaji Companion Boon.
them up on the fly! And when Raaji tumbles ■ Flight: Pace 6, d6 running die.
and dances, the sprite performs the
fireworks!” ■ Immunity to Fire.
■ Living Torch:
Light on Large
D RAAJI Blast Template
Race: Human; Advances: 4; Rank: Seasoned
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength
■ Powers:
d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d4,
Fighting d4, Notice d4, Persuasion d8, Perfor-
Limitation: Fire only.
mance d8, Stealth d4, Survival d4, Taunt d4,

Power Points: 15.
Thievery d6
■ Size –1.
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
Hindrances: Can’t swim, Impulsive, Thin Skinned
Edges: Acrobat, Attractive, Companion (Elemental
Aegis), Extraction, Shared Mind, Work the Room
Race: Elemental (+6)
Gear: Throwing knifes (Str+d4) Size: –1 (–1)
Attributes: Agility d10 (+6), Smarts d4 (+0), Spirit d6 (+2),
At ease among men, Raaji serves as the group’s face Strength d4–2 (–3), Vigor d4 (+0)
Skills: Athletics d10 (+4), Fighting d6 (+2), Focus d6 (+2),
and will negotiate for them. He also brings a lot of Notice d4 (+1), Performance d6 (+2)
utility, with Taunt Tests, some Thievery, as well as Perception: Diurnal Vision (+0)
Communication: Can’t speak (+0), but Raaji picked
Persuasion and Performance Support. Shared Mind.
Movement: Pace 6 (+0), Flight Pace 6 (+2)
Nahraq adds to this support role, with fire elemental Weapons: Punch with fiery touch (+2)
manipulation, permanent light and Performance Combat: Immunity to Fire (+4)
Miscellaneous: Living Torch (+1), Innate Power (+2)
tricks of its own. He can also Support his master’s Advances: 1.Vigor 2.Extraction 3.Companion Abilities
Performance. (Fiery Spit) 4.Dodge.
Sample Characters
YANDOR AND BRAVE Race: Mind Shard; Advances: 4; Rank: Seasoned
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d8,
“Instead of a wizard, let’s do a psion.”
“Psions from the techno-city of Navalorn don’t Strength d4, Vigor d8
have familiars, they have personality shards. A Skills: Athletics d4, Fighting d8, Focus d4, Notice d4
part of their subconscious awakes and manifests
as a floating crystal around them.” Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 3
“Yeah, same thing. Hindrances: Impulsive
So, Kontor is a coward. Every time he sees Edges: Danger Sense
danger, he flees. To avoid any danger, he would
never go outside, and never take any risk. Special Abilities:
His mentor decided it had to stop. He went deep ■ Fearless: by its nature, Brave is immune to Fear.
into Kontor’s mind to unlock his inner courage
into a shard: Brave. ■ Instinctive Thoughts: Brave thinks and behaves by
It is now on Kontor’s shoulders, helped by instinct, like animals.
Brave, to face and chase his fears. Once. ■ Levitation: Flight, without wing. Pace 12, d10
running die.
■ Mental Radar: projects telepathic waves to detect
D YANDOR walls and beings.
Race: Human; Advances: 4; Rank: Seasoned ■ Mind Shard: Doesn’t Breathe, Doesn’t Eat,
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Strength Immune to Disease, Immune to Poison, No Vital
d4, Vigor d6 Organs, Pain Resistance, Requires Magical
Skills: Academics d8, Athletics d4, Common Healing.
Knowledge d6, Fighting d4, Notice d6, Persuasion ■ Powers: havoc. Power Points: 15. Telekinetic forces
d8, Psionics d10, Stealth d4 projects opponent away. Always apply the Cone
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5 modifier.
Hindrances: Hesitant, Yellow ■ Psychic Strike: Str+d4, always nonlethal, if used in
Edges: Arcane Background (Psion- a successful Push, victim moves 1” further and
ics), Companion (Aura of suffers –2 to Athletics roll to not fall prone.
Courage), Mentalist, Shared ■ Size –3.
Mind, Shared Senses (Imp)
Gear: Staff (Str+d4, Parry +1)
Powers: Beast friend
(mental implant, always CREATING BRAVE
with Mind Rider on), Race: Elemental (+6)
Size: –3 (+7)
empathy (aura reading), Attributes: Agility d4 (+0), Smarts d4 (+0), Spirit d8
illusion (mind hallucina- (+4), Strength d4 (+0), Vigor d6 (+2), Animal
Intelligence (–1)
tions). Power Points: 10 Skills: Athletics d4 (+1), Fighting d6 (+3), Focus d4 (+1),
Notice d4 (+1)
Hindrances: Impulsive (–2)
Perception: Dark Sight (+2), renamed to fit thematically
Communication: Can’t Speak (+0)
Movement: Pace 6 (+0), Flight Pace 6, no wing (+4)
Weapons: Kick Str+d4 with nonlethal (+0) bonus to

push fits thematically being a telekinesis strike.

Miscellaneous: Fearless (+2), Innate Power (+2)
Advances: 1.Vigor 2.Companion Abilities (Flight
upgraded to Pace 12) 3.Fighting 4. Danger Sense
Sample Characters
TANAKA AND HER GUARDIANS Race: Elemental Celestial — Wind spirit; Advances:
4; Rank: Seasoned
“Let’s do one with two companions.”
“You could also use Otherworldly, releasing the Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength
companions from chess pawns.” d4, Vigor d6
“I would rather use body tattoos.” Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Focus d6, Notice d6,
“Are we going to visit the Four Seasons Temple
in the Fagushi Peaks?” Stealth d6
“Exactly! Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 4
Tanaka has successfully passed the Trials of Fall Edges: Dodge, Extraction
and Spring. She now bears two mystical tattoos,
each she can release a guardian spirit of nature. Special Abilities:
She wishes to attempt the next trials. However, ■ Celestial Elemental: Doesn’t Breathe, Doesn’t Eat,
she is not ready and her temple can’t teach her
more. She leaves the peaks for the first time in Extraplanar, Immune to Disease, Immune to Fear,
her life, to reach distant temples, from other Immune to Poison, No Vital Organ, Pain
regions, to learn new ways of fighting and new
philosophies. She won’t be complete Resistance, Requires Magical Healing,
without it.” Supernaturally good.
■ Flight: Pace 12, d10 running die.
D TANAKA ■ Powers: deflection. Power Points: 15. Small winds
Race: Human; Advances: 4; Rank: Seasoned raise and protect the target. Usually cast with the
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength Hurry modifier.
d6, Vigor d8 ■ Size –1.
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4, ■ Wind Lashes: Str+d4 damage.
Fighting d10, Notice d6, Occult d4, Persuasion d4,
Stealth d4, Survival d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 6 (7 with staff); Toughness: 7(1)
Hindrances: Clueless, Heroic
Edges: Companion (Otherworldly), Martial
Warrior, Nerves of Steel, New Companion
Gear: Fists (Str+d6, +2 Fighting rolls), Staff (Parry
+1, Reach 1, Str+d4), Leather (+1)

Race: Celestial (+2) and Elemental, but without counting
Immunity to Disease and Poison twice (+6 and –2)
Size: –1 (–1)
Attributes: Agility d8 (+4), Smarts d6 (+2), Spirit d6
(+2), Strength d4 (+0), Vigor d6 (+2)
Skills: Athletics d8 (+3), Fighting d6 (+2), Focus d4

(+1), Notice d4 (+1), Stealth d4 (+1)

Perception: Diurnal Vision (+0)
Communication: Can’t Speak (+0)
Movement: Flight Pace 12, no wing (+6)
Weapons: Punch Str+d4 (+1)
Miscellaneous: Innate Power (+2)
Advances: 1.Extraction 2.Focus & Notice 3.Fighting &
Stealth 4.Dodge
Sample Characters
Race: Elemental Celestial — Water spirit; Advances:
4; Rank: Seasoned
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength
d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d4, Fighting d8, Focus d6, Notice d4,
Race: Celestial (+2) and Elemental, but without counting
Survival d4 Immunity to Disease and Poison twice (+6 and –2)
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5 Size: –1 (–1)
Attributes: Agility d4 (+0), Smarts d4 (+0), Spirit d6 (+2),
Edge: Extra Effort Strength d6 (+2), Vigor d8 (+4)
Special Abilities: Skills: Athletics d4 (+1), Fighting d8 (+5), Focus d4 (+1),
Notice d4 (+1)
■ Amphibious: Can live and breathe both in air and Perception: Diurnal Vision (+0)
underwater, and swims at full Pace. Communication: Can’t Speak (+0)
Movement: Pace 6 (+0), Amphibious (+2)
■ Celestial & Elemental: Doesn’t Breathe, Doesn’t Weapons: Punch (+1) with Str+d6 (+1), nonlethal (–1) and
Eat, Extraplanar, Immune to disease, Immune to Life Drain (+3)
Combat: Push, improved (+3)
Fear, Immune to poison, No Vital Organ, Pain Miscellaneous: Innate Power (+2)
Resistance, Requires Magical Healing, Advances: 1.Strength 2.Brawler 3.Companion Abilities
(Hardy) 4.Extra Effort
Supernaturally good.
■ Hardy: Suffering Shaken when already Shaken
does not result into a Wound.
■ Powers: healing. Power Points: 15. Aikko rains
herself onto Wounds to seal them.
■ Size –1
■ Slam: Str+d8, nonlethal damage. On a raise, may
gain a free Push maneuver instead of dealing
bonus damage. If the attack Shakes or Wounds
the target, she nearly drowns and rolls Vigor or
suffers one level of Fatigue (can’t cause
■ Strength of the Ocean: When performing Push
maneuver, target moves 1d6” (2d6” on raise).

As allies join Tanaka in her quest, they get a good
fighter. Her fists strike hard. However, she will use
her staff when in need of extra defense or on the
roads. Her heroism won’t let the group down.

Gatsu is a filthy rogue, with great mobility. Its

strikes are weak but enough to distract
opponents. Its deflection can protect anyone in the

Aikko is the last resort. On high tide, it will jump

in battle as a bodyguard. When all is calm, they all
will appreciate its healing rain.
Sample Characters
GUILHEM DE BELGARDE AND SAMUEL Race: Human; Advances: 4; Rank: Seasoned
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength
“What if the companion was simply human? Like
an old friend.” d6, Vigor d6
“Like a preceptor of a noble family?” Skills: Academics d8, Athletics d4, Common
“Yes. Samuel was already at the service of King
Martel at Gerald’s birth. When the invaders Knowledge d8, Fighting d4, Healing d8, Notice
stomped the castle, Samuel picked Baby Gerald d4, Occult d4, Persuasion d8, Riding d4, Stealth d4
and fled. The Duke De Belgarde, old friend of
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 4
Martel, gave them shelter. He claimed Gerald to
be his bastard son and named him Guilhem.” Hindrances: Anemic, Mild Mannered
“Nice, I have a great hook for my campaign! Edges: Brave, Charismatic, Healer, Reliable
Guilhem will want to reclaim his throne.”
Gear: Dagger (Str+d4)
Special Abilities:
D GUILHEM DE BELGARDE ■ Common Language: Samuel speaks the common
Race: Human; Advances: 4; Rank: Seasoned language of the region.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength ■ Outfi�able: Can wear armor.
d8, Vigor d6 ■ Prehensile Hands: Str damage, Unarmed Defender
Skills: Academics d4, Athletics d6, Battle d4, but can wield weapons.
Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d10, Notice d4,
Persuasion d4, Riding d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 10(3); Toughness: 8(3, one less on
I designed Samuel to match Character Creation process (core
legs) skills, 12 skill points, 5 attributes points). I only used two minor
Hindrances (Extra are not heroes).
Hindrances: Code of Honor, Death Wish (Kill the evil
Race: Human (no racial template)
king), Secret (Heir of the former king) Size: 0 (+0)
Edges: Aristocrat, Common Bond, Companion (Aura Attributes: Agility d4 (+0), Smarts d8 (+4), Spirit d6 (+2),
Strength d6 (+2), Vigor d6 (+2)
of Morale), Countera�ack, Strong Willed Skills: Academics d8 (+3), Athletics d4 (+1), Common
Knowledge d8 (+3), Fighting d4 (+1), Healing d6 (+2),
Gear: Long Sword (Str+d8), Large Shield (Parry +3),
Notice d4 (+1), Occult d4 (+1), Persuasion d6 (+2),
Chainmail Shirt (+3, torso and arms), Chainmail Riding d4 (+1), Stealth d4 (+1)
Hindrances: Anemic (–1), Mild Mannered (–1)
Helm (+3, head), Chainmail Leggings (+3, legs) Edges: Brave (+2), Healer (+2)
Weapons: Prehensile Hands (+1)
Guilhem is a typical fighter with good offense and Perception: Diurnal Vision (+0)
defense. His strong will makes him hard to stop, Communication: Common Language (+2)
Movement: Pace 6, d6 running die (+0)
especially with Samuel’s morale support. He will Combat: Outfi�able (+1)
never do harm to women or children. Samuel is old, Advances: 1.Spirit 2.Charismatic 3.Reliable 4.Persuasion
& Healing
and wise, full of knowledge. The preceptor also
encourages and assists them wherever he can.

“Wait! I have another idea! What about an half-folk slinger shooting from his tall tree-
folk friend’s shoulders? Or, a dark mage whose own shadow is in fact a deadly assassin
We just created ten different characters, maybe it’s now time to pick one and stick
with it?
I need to see our friends and help them with their characters too.”
“You are right. Let me think over it next week, pick one, write its background and
motivations, and I’ll share them to you by email. Ok?”
“Let’s do that. Have fun!”

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