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Ash Volcanoes


What is a Volcano

A volcano is a natural vent or fissure in the Earth’s Crust through which magma , molten rock and
ash are Erupted unto the surface.


Shape of the Volcano

Volcanoes tend to be conical in shape although they are a variety of forms depending


.The nature of the material erupted.

.The type of eruption.

. the amount of change since the eruption.


What is a hotspot and what does it do

A hot spot is an area on earth over a mantle plume or an area under the crust where magma is
hotter than surrounding magma. The magma plume causes melting and the rocky crust and
widespread volcanic activity.



Subduction allows water from the subducting plate to be driven upward , off the subducting plate
and into the mantle wedge. this lowers the melting point of the mantle , and it melts to form
magma. This magma will rise and leak into the crust forming a volcano.


Formation of a volcano

On land volcanoes form when one tectonic plate moves under another. Usually a thin heavy oceanic
plate subducts or moves under a thicker continental plate. When this happens , the ocean plate
sinks into the mantle.

Hemraj you can do a summary of everything and you can do the introduction so no reading


An Ash Volcano is formed by fragments of solid material that accumulated around the vent to form a
cone.the shape usually depends on the nature of the material. It is usually concave as the material
spreads out near the base and has a steep angle , 30 – 40 degrees depending on the size of the
material . Ash cones are not very high , up to 300m.

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