Statistics and Probability Answer Key

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1. The correct answer is C. random sampling.

2. The following are Non-Probability sampling techniques except B. Cluster sampling.

3. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of t-distribution? The correct answer is C. Like a standard normal
distribution (or z-distribution), the t-distribution has a mean of one.

4. What is the level of significance if the confidence interval is 90%? The correct answer is B. 0.10.

5. What will be the degree of freedom of the data with a sample size of 20? The correct answer is C. 19.

6. What will be the t-value of the given problem? To determine the t-value, you need a t-table and the degrees of
freedom (n-1 = 9-1 = 8). At a 0.05 level of significance for a two-tailed test, the answer is A. 1.729.

7. What will be the value of 25th percentile? The correct answer is B. 26.

8. Using the t-table, give the t-value of 95th percentile? With 8 degrees of freedom at a 0.05 level of significance
(two-tailed), the answer is A. 1.729.

9. It refers to the entire group that is under study or investigation. The correct answer is A. population.

10. It is a subset taken from a population, either by random or nonrandom sampling techniques. The correct answer
is B. sample.

11. What sampling technique in which members of the population are listed and samples are selected in intervals
called sample intervals. The correct answer is A. systematic sampling.

12. It is sometimes called area sampling, it applies on a geographical basis. The correct answer is D. cluster

13. What will be the degree of freedom whose t-value is 0.689? Using a t-table, for a t-value of 0.689, the degree of
freedom is C. 3.

14. Find the t-value of 2.5th percentile using the t-table with a degree of freedom of 6. The correct answer is D. -

15. It is the statistical method used in making decisions using experimental data. The correct answer is D.
hypothesis testing.

16. What term is being used to describe a proposed explanation, assertion, or assumption about a population
parameter or about the distribution of a random variable? The correct answer is C. hypothesis.

17. It is also referred to as a probability of committing an incorrect decision about the null hypothesis. The correct
answer is D. level of significance.

18. Which of the following would be an appropriate null hypothesis? The correct answer is B. The mean of a
population is equal to 80.

19. Which of the following symbols is used for population variance? The correct answer is B. 𝜎².

20. Powder milk is packed in 1-kilogram bag. An inspector from Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) suspects
that bags may not contain 1 kilogram. A sample of 40 bags produces a mean of 0.96 kilograms and standard
deviation of 0.12 kilogram. In this problem, 0.96 kilogram is B. sample mean.

21. Which of the following describes a null hypothesis using two-tailed test? The correct answer is A. 𝐻0: 𝜇=𝜇0.

22. Which of the following describes an alternative hypothesis using two-tailed test? The correct answer is C.
𝐻𝑎:𝜇≠50 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠 𝑜𝑙𝑑.
23. Which of the following must be used as the significance level if we want a lower possibility of correct decision?
The correct answer is D. 10%.

24. Which of the following would be an appropriate alternative hypothesis for one-tailed test? The correct answer is
D. 𝐻𝑎: 𝜇<85.

25. When is a Type I error committed? The correct answer is A. We reject a null hypothesis that is true.

26. When is a Type II error committed? The correct answer is C. We fail to reject a null hypothesis that is true.

27. This hypothesis states that there is no difference between population parameters and the hypothesized value.
The correct answer is B. null hypothesis.

28. When the value of parameter has significant difference with the hypothesized value, then it is called D.
alternative hypothesis.

29. The sign of the alternative hypothesis in a left-tailed test is always B. less than.

30. Zorro is a hardworking student who supports his study by selling cooking oil. Zorro’s average income in selling
cooking oil for the past 10 days is Php340. Which of the following will make you decide that the data is
univariate? The correct answer is D. average income.

31. A nutritionist advised his patient that few hours of sleep make a person heavier according to studies. What are
the variables presented? The correct answer is C. hours of sleep and weight.

32. It is a very informative tool for determining the association between two variables. The correct answer is C.

33. It is a unit-free measure of linear association between two variables. The correct answer is A. correlation.

34. Rommel got the following grades on his 9 subjects: six 90s, one 92, and two 89s. Without computing the
average, he estimated that his general average would be around 90. Based on the given situation, what is/are
the variable/s? The correct answer is B. grades on his 9 subjects.

35. What kind of hypothesis is illustrated below? The mean score of all Grade 11 students is higher than 75. The
correct answer is A. one-tailed test.

36. A modern approach in advertisement will not increase the demand for a product. This is an example of A. Null

37. Data that involve two variables are called B. bivariate data.

38. Which of the following is the statistical procedure used to describe the relationship of the variables of bivariate
data? The correct answer is B. correlation analysis.

39. Determine the variables involved in the given situation: Cardo surveyed for the daily allowance and the arm
span of his 10 classmates and he found out that there is no correlation between the variables involved. The
correct answer is D. Daily allowance and arm span of students.

40. A MAPEH teacher wanted to determine the students’ Body Mass Index (BMI). What are the variables involved
needed by the teacher? The correct answer is C. height and weight of the students.

41. A teacher computed that the mean percentage of score of Grade 8-Integrity on their 50-item test in
Mathematics is 72.50. What type of data is illustrated on the situation? The correct answer is D. univariate.

42. A pre-service teacher concluded that based on his study, the number of minutes a student spends in browsing
Facebook is significantly related to his scores in a set of tests. How many variables are involved in the study? The
correct answer is B. two.
43. Chester’s average grade from his 9 subjects is 92.38. Which of the following words will make you decide that the
data presented is univariate? The correct answer is C. average.

44. A nutritionist advised his patient that the more protein he consumes, the more weight he will gain. What are the
variables presented on the given statement? The correct answer is C. protein consumption and weight.

45. From an experiment conducted by a group of researchers, they found out that students who perform good in
Mathematics also perform good in English based on the results of their test scores. What are the variables
involved in the study? The correct answer is C. scores in Mathematics and English tests.

46. In a Zumba class, an instructor recorded the number of minutes spent by the 15 participants and the number of
calories they burned within the month. What are the variables presented in the situation above? The correct
answer is A. number of minutes spent and the burned calories.

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