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Nombre: Jaibel Bonilla Mora

Matricula: 20241071

INTERVIEW: Is there a bank near here?

A. Which place did the interviewer ask each person about? Match the person with the place.

a. b. c. d. e.

C 1. bank b 3. restaurant 5. train station

2. newsstand 4. taxi stand
e a

B. Read what the interviewer said. Then choose the person’s response you hear on the video.

1.” Is there a bank near here?” a. No, there aren’t any. b. Actually, there are several.

2. “Is there a newsstand nearby?” a. Yes, there is. b. No, there isn’t.

3. “Is there a restaurant nearby?” a. Yes. b. No.

4. “Is there a taxi stand nearby?” a. Yes, there is. b. No, there isn’t.

C. Complete each sentence.

1. There’s one on the corner up here, and one right behind us, _____across_____ the
street, and then one diagonal.
2. There’s one right down the street, two blocks, make a ____right____________

, go one block, and it’s right on the right-hand side.

3. Just walk straight down this street for about _________30_____blocks and you’ll
run right into it.

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