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Monte, Jeslyn B.


In the Philippines, a ground-breaking program called the Public Utility Vehicle (PUV) Modernization
Program aims to improve the nation's public transportation system by making it more sustainable,
effective, and user-friendly. In addition to being built to exacting standards, the prototype cars
produced under this initiative have a variety of innovative features that address important concerns for
both operators and passengers.

The dual-fuel system of the latest PUV prototypes is one of their incredible features. Clean fuel's
integration of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) and gasoline systems offers great fuel flexibility. This
implies that the car has a secondary gasoline tank, which allows it to easily switch to gasoline if the
LPG runs out while it's driving. Because it can run on both fuels, there won't be any service
interruptions while the car is traveling until it gets to the next LPG refueling station. This feature is
especially helpful in the Philippines, where it might be difficult to find LPG stations, especially in
remote areas. These updated PUVs are designed with safety as the primary objective. Seat partitions
are an essential safety measure that address a risk. Long benches in classic PUVs put passengers at
risk of pushing up against one another when the vehicle brakes suddenly. Injuries are prevented by the
seat walls and yellow handlebars, which effectively restrict passenger mobility. Furthermore, the large
windows make it quick and easy to evacuate in an emergency, guaranteeing the safety of every

An additional noteworthy feature in the new PUVs is the improved communication system. With the
microphone and speaker system installed, drivers may advise passengers of any important updates, the
vehicle's current location, and its destination while maintaining a high level of awareness. This
function guarantees improved safety and coordination in addition to improving the travel experience.
In order to increase transaction security and efficiency, the modernization initiative also takes
advantage of technology improvements. The use of beep cards in an electronic fare payment system
encourages cashless transactions, lowers the possibility of fare disputes, and improves convenience
for drivers and passengers alike. Additionally, the PUV's overall security is improved, and complete
monitoring is provided by the installation of CCTV cameras at strategic positions inside the vehicle in
addition to a dashcam that records the front and sides of the vehicle. Accessibility improvements are
evident with the inclusion of a wheelchair lift at the rear of the vehicle, ensuring that passengers with
disabilities can board and disembark safely and conveniently. This promotes inclusivity and ensures
that the transportation system caters to all members of society.

Sustainable environmental practices are at the core of the PUV Modernization Program. Public
transportation has a far smaller environmental impact now that LPG engines are used instead of diesel
ones, which emit cleaner emissions. This adjustment contributes to the overall advantages for public
health by falling in line with the general objectives of lowering greenhouse gas emissions and
enhancing air quality. Additionally, technicians have modified the ventilation system to guarantee
uniform flow rates, enhancing passenger comfort and air circulation. The initiative takes an innovative
approach even when it comes to the vehicles' end-of-life phase. PUVs that have been decommissioned
are delivered to facilities for dismantling, where parts are sorted and used again. The engines can be
put to better use as generators or farm harvesters, for example, boosting the agricultural industry and
increasing the market value of car parts. This recycling strategy guarantees that valuable components
are used effectively while simultaneously reducing landfill waste.
Also based on the article, there is no jeepney elsewhere, only in the Philippines that is why they come
up with modernization in our jeepney. It is exclusive to our nation. It's not an off-the-shelf item
in terms of dimensions and other aspects. Consequently, we must truly grow. We should not
stop. That's what we say repeatedly. Technology is constantly evolving. We need to keep up.
Accept PUV Modernization it is not only beneficial for people but also on the environment.
Yes, to sustainable, efficient and passenger-friendly transportation system.

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