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Name: Charlene Dee Obaña Date: February 26, 2021

Course: BS Accountancy 1 Instructor: Mr. Marben Adova

Activity No. 3

Answer the given questions. Use at least three to five sentences.

1. Explain briefly Rizal self-manifestation and improvements.

- Rizal has focused his life in education, and in his works, his travels which all of those things he did, he
never left behind his love for our country. Rizal was a very productive and intellectual person. And he
used his time well in improving himself. Hence, his improvements were shown not only in his writing, in
arts, but also in his perspective. His intellectual power has taken him to express his mind and emotions
and be able to influence people in a good way.

2. Explain the life of Rizal abroad.

-Rizal has travelled many countries in which most of these were to have further studies abroad. Since he
was studying medicine, it is part of his life abroad to study his profession. Writings is one of Rizal’s
intellects, hence some of his books were written during his stay outside the country. His life there
evolves in different cultures and different languages, hence he has learned their languages abroad.

3. Explain briefly the writings of Rizal.

a. Me Piden Versos

- It is one Rizal’s work that is about his love for his country, the Philippines. Sadness was felt while he
reminisced his childhood days in this work. All of what’s in his mind and the emotions he kept were
written here on what he felt while Spaniard were after our country, and here shows how much he
missed our country and the pain it led him for upon leaving the Philippines.

b. Amor Patrio

- This is the work of Rizal where he showed us how we should patronize our own country. And that we
have our own native land, that we never belong to Spaniards. He also showed how much love he has for
his country, and served as an example to us to mind our own native land.

c. Noli Me Tangere

- This work of Rizal is more about the characters who symbolizes us Filipinos in which it depicts the
situation of Filipinos under the colonization of Spain. It is also used by Rizal to open our minds and
enlighten ourselves with who we really are. This book is also about how much influence the Spaniards
has brought us, and the anomalies Spanish Catholic friars have done in the ruling government. It
somehow gives us Filipinos motivation to fight for our country.

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