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Foraminifera Biostratigraphic Study of Well X, Mbarakpa,

Calabar Flank, South Eastern Nigeria, was conducted on the Calabar

Flank in southeastern Nigeria. Foraminifera are microorganisms with

a significant role in biostratigraphy, as they have well-defined

evolutionary trends and are widely distributed in marine sediments.

This study aimed to establish a detailed chronological framework for

the Calabar Flank and provide insights into the palaeoenvironmental

and palaeoecological conditions of the region

The biostratigraphic analysis involved the collection of

sediment samples from Well-X, a well located in the Calabar Flank.

The samples were processed in the laboratory, and the foraminiferal

assemblages were examined and identified. The identification of

different foraminiferal species and their distribution patterns allowed

for the establishment of biozones, which are intervals characterized

by the dominance or absence of specific foraminiferal taxa.

The results of the study indicated the presence of several

biozones within the well, representing different geological time

intervals. By correlating these biozones with established foraminiferal

zonation from other regions, the age of the sedimentary sequences in

Well-X was determined. This chronological framework provided

valuable information regarding the geological history of the Calabar

Flank, including the depositional environments, sea-level fluctuations,

and paleoclimate.

Furthermore, the foraminiferal assemblages provided insights

into the palaeoenvironmental conditions prevailing during the

deposition of the sediments. Certain foraminiferal species are known

to be indicative of specific environmental parameters such as water

depth, salinity, and temperature. By analyzing the abundance and

diversity of these species, it was possible to infer the paleoecological

characteristics of the Calabar Flank during different geological


The Foraminifera Biostratigraphic Study of Well X in

Mbarakpa, Calabar Flank, South Eastern Nigeria, provided a detailed

chronological framework and valuable insights into the

palaeoenvironmental and palaeoecological conditions of the region.

1.1 Location of the study area

The Well-X is located at Longitude N458695 and Latitude

E556455 in Mbarakpa, Calabar Flank, South Eastern Nigeria (fig. 1).

1.2 Aim and objectives of the study

The aim of the study is to identify the formations in the study

well, as well as determine the age and palaeoenvironment of the

identified formation.

The objectives of the study are:

 To appropriately give the geological description of the well and

ascertain the geology of the study area

 Ascertain the biostratigraphy of the well

 Determine the lithostratigraphic setting of the well and reconstruct

the environment of deposition

 To reconstruct the environment of deposition of the study well

FIG 1: Geologic Map of the Calabar Flank showing location
of the Well-X

1.3 Geology of study area

The Calabar Flank is a sedimentary basin that borders

southeastern Nigeria’s continental margin (Chukwuemeka, 2012).

The Calabar Flank is part of the continental margin of Nigeria

dominated by block faults with NW-SE trending horst and graben

such as Ituk high and the Ikank trough (Anietie et al, 2014). The

evolution of the Calabar Flank is a result of the separation of the

African and South American plates (Chukwuemeka, 2012).

Sedimentation started with deposition of the fluvio-deltaic

clastics of the Awi Formation of probably Aptian age, on the

Precambrian Crystalline Basement Complex of the Oban Massif. The

unconformity between the two is marked by basal conglomerates. The

Awi Formation is overlain by carbonates of the Mfamosing

Limestone deposited during the marine transgression that occurred in

the Mid-Albian times (Tse and Eyang, 2016). The Mfamosing

Limestone is overlain by a thick sequence of black to gray shale unit,

the Ekenkpon Formation. This formation is characterized by minor

intercalation of marls, calcareous mudstone and oyster beds. This

shale unit was deposited during the Late Cenomanian-Turonian times

(Essien and Ufot, 2005).

The Ekenkpon Shale is overlain by Coniacian to Early

Santonian New Netim Marl. Unconformably overlying the New

Netim marls is the Campanian-Maastrichtian Nkporo Shale, which

consists of dark grey to bluish-black, friable to flaggy carbonaceous

shales with bands of marly and silty to sandy shales and mudstones

(Chukwuemeka, 2012). The New Netim Marl is unconformably

overlain by a carbonaceous dark gray Shales, the Nkporo Formation

(Reyment, 1965). This Shale unit was deposited during the Late

Campanian – Maastrichtian times. The Nkporo Shales caps the

Cretaceous sequence in the Calabar Flank. The Nkporo Shales

sequence is overlain by a pebbly sandstone unit of the Tertiary Benin

Formation (Essien and Ufot, 2005). The sedimentary successions in

the Calabar Flank by various workers are presented in (Tables 1);

with Awi Formation as the oldest at the base and Nkporo shale whose

outcrop section remains the youngest lithologic unit of the Cretaceous

is at the top. The Geologic Map of the Calabar Flank is shown in

figure 1;


Lithostratigraphic Succession in the Calabar Flank by various




Earliest biostratigraphic studies of the Calabar Flank were

conducted by (Reyment, 1965) and (Dessauvagie, 1965). Reyment,

(1965) used ammonites to assign a Cenomanian age to the lower part

and a Turonian age to the upper part of the Odukpani type section.

The Cenomanian age assigned to the lower Limestone (Mfamosing

Limestone) at Odukpani was later supported by Dessauvagie, (1968)

and Fayose, (1979) using foraminiferal evidence.

Odebode and Skarby, (1980), carried out foraminifera studies

of outcrop samples along Calabar- Itu highway and established

Santonian - Campanian age for the lower part of the Nkporo Shale

using the species of the suborder Rugoglobigerina, Heterohelix,

Ventilabrella, Globotruncana and Gabonita.

Several biostratigraohic studies have been carried out in the

Calabar Flank recently. These include the work of;

Ukpong and Ekhalialu, (2015), who used planktonic index

forms of Hedbergella crassa, Heterohelix moremani, Heterohelix

reussi, Hedbergella planispira and Globigerinoides caseyi to assign

Cenomanain-Turonain age to well ET005 in Etankpini, Calabar

Flank, South Eastern Nigeria and to assign shallow marine and open

marine environments to the upper and lower sections of the well


Odebode and Skarby (1980) and Odebode (1982) carried out

foraminiferal studies of outcrop samples along Calabar - Itu highway

and established Santonian - Campanian age for the lower part of the

Nkporo Shale using the species of the suborder Rugoglobigerina,

Heterohelix, Ventilabrella, Globotruncana and Gabonita. Nair et al,

(1981) found that the Mfamosing Limestone is devoid of foraminifera

but pointed out that the overlying shale contains Late Albian to

Earliest Cenomanian planktonic foraminifera assemblage. Hence,

they asserted that the underlying limestone is not younger than Late


Fayose and De Klasz (1976), working on the carbonate/shale

sequence of the Eze-Aku Shales, exposed at the Nkalagu limestone

quarry in Lower Benue Trough, found abundant species of

Heterohelix and Hedbergella suborder and some ostracodes such as

Brachycythere, Ovocytheridea and Paracypris which gave a Lower

Turonian age. Petters (1980) also, used Hedbergella planispira;

Heterohelix moremani; Guembelitria harrisi and Praebulimina fang

assemblages found in the Nkalagu Formation to assign a Turonian age

to the Eze-Aku Shales. This agrees with the Early Turonian ammonite

age given by Offodile and Reyment (1976). The Awgu Shales

exposed in this area was also dated and assigned Late Turonian -

Early Coniacian age.



3.1 Sample collection

Twelve core samples were collected from well-x at 5m interval

for foraminiferal studies. These samples were later composited at 10m

interval and a total depth of 65m was penetrated in the drilled well.

Biostratigraphic sample preparation and analysis: This has to

do with the preparation and analysis of microfaunas contained in the

sample. The microfaunal contain multiple types of microfossils of

benthic and planktic foraminifera distribution. The method for

preparation and analysis of these biostratigraphic samples was

adopted from Boboye and Ademola (2013).

3.2 Sample preparation and analysis

The steps for foraminifera sample preparation and analysis are

as follows:

3.2.1 Sample preparation

Each sample was washed free from mud and dried separately to

avoid contamination. A small quantity of the composited sample was

treated with one teaspoonful of anhydrous sodium carbonate for

thorough disintegration. Enough water was added to cover the sample

and each sample was allowed to stand over-night in an enamel dish


The soaked samples were washed using a 63u mesh sieve (wet

sieving) and dried over a hot plate at optimum temperature. The dried

samples were sieved into coarse, medium and fine fractions and

stored in well-labeled sample bags (envelops).

Picking gives representative foraminifera assemblage. A

binocular microscope, a picking tray, a cavity slide, a fine sable brush

and a water bottle are required for picking. The picking tray with

small amount of the sample is mounted on the microscope; the brush

is dipped in the water bottle and used to pick the foraminifera from

the picking tray (with the aid of the microscope) and put in cavity

slide until all the samples have been picked.

The cavity slides were labeled 1-5 according to the depth of

recovery of the forms. The residues of the samples were picked to

make a faunal slide. Sorting was done to separate and collect similar


3.2.2 Analysis

The identification of the foraminifera was done by comparing

picked forms with previously published forms. Quantitative analysis

was done using the number of species count per sample to establish

diversity and abundance of forms.



4.1 Lithostratigraphy

In the sampled section, two distinct lithologic units were

recognized. The first lithologic unit consists of about 50m of dark

grey fossil shales at the top and the second consists of about 110m of

light grey fine-grained limestone at the base. The Lithostratigraphy of

well-x is presented in Table 2.

The upper (5 – 55m) and lower (55 – 65m) sections of the well

correlates with some of the Formations in the Calabar Flank,

specifically the Ekenkpong Shale and the Mfamosing Limestone



Formation of sediment penetrated by well-X

Depth (m) Lithology Lithological Formation


brownish lateritic
0–5 materials

Dark grey, fissile, Ekenkpon

5 – 55 fossilized shales Shale

Light grey, fine- Mfamosing

55 – 65 grained, bioclastic Limestone

4.2 Biostratigraphy

Cretaceous foraminiferal analysis of well-x showed diverse

assemblages of planktic and agglutinated forms with the planktics

exhibiting higher diversity and abundance than the agglutinated

forms. The analyzed samples yielded a total of seventeen (17)

foraminifera species comprising both planktonic (9) and agglutinated

(8) species.

The upper and middle sections of the study well yielded

abundance and diverse foraminiferal species than the lower section. In

general, the biostratigraphic chart of the study well shows a high

abundant and diversity of foraminiferal species (fig. 2). The recovered

foraminifera were subsequently analyzed and interpreted for age and

paleoenvironmental determination.

The co-occurrences of planktonic index forms; Hedbergella

crassa, Hedbergella sigali, Hedbergella delrioensis, Heterohelix

moremani, H. planate, Heterohelix reussi, and Hedbergella planispira

is indicative of the penetration of sediments of Cenomanain-Turonain


Petters, (1980), Ukpong, and Ekhalialu, (2015), Adegbie and

Bassey, (2007) had used a similar assemblage of Hedbergellids and

Heterohelicids to define this age interval. Similar assemblages have

been reported by Fayose (1979), on the Cenomanian-Turonian

sediments in Ituk-2 well. Igwe, et al., (2015) used Late the planktonic

foraminiferal assemblages of Hedbergellids and Heterohellicids to

assign Cenomanian to Turonian age to the Eze-Aku Shale facies.

FIG. 2: The biostratigraphic chart displaying the range, depth of occurrence and abundance of
foraminifera species.

FIG 3: Pictures of some foraminiferals in the study area
(Fayose, 1979)

Figure 3: Sample 5, 3 159. 4, Guembelitria cenomana (Keller),

Sample 5, 3 417. 5, Heterohelix fayose (Petters), Sample 12, 3 227.
Heterohelix moremani (Cushman), Sample 8, 3 313. 7, Heterohelix
reussi (Cushman)

Heterohelix sp is a test biserial without an initial planiserial

coil, its wall is coarsely perforate with costae, not agglutinated. The

form ranges from Upper Albian to Maastrichtian. Heterohelix sp is

characterized of late Campaanian and Maastrichtian planktonic

forminiferal depth habitats and vital palaeoclimatology.

Heterohelix moremain was the only biserial planktonic

forminiferal species from its first appearance in the late Albian up to

the Cenomanian/ Turonian boundary. Within that time, it increased

gradually in abundance relative to other planktonic forminiferal in

five Circum-North Atlantic Sections. Heterohelix moremani is

generally rare in Upper Albian sediments but common in most of the

Cenomanian and very abundant in sediments representing the latest

Cenomanian Oceanic Anoxic Event.

Occurrences of Heterohelix reussi begin conventionally in

Turonian in various atleses. Heterohelix reussi is always very

abundant unusually large from Cenomanian-Turonian sediments.

4.2.1 Palaeoenvironment

The depositional environments identified were based on

recorded fauna assemblages.

The upper section of the study well (interval 5 – 55m), was

characterized by the occurrences of Hedbergella crassa, Hedbergella

sigali, Hedbergella delrioensis, Heterohelix moremani, H. planate,

Heterohelix reussi, and Hedbergella planispira.

A shallow marine environment was suggested for the section of

the study well (interval 55 -65) based on the sparse occurrences of

foraminifera species such as Hererohelix moremani, Ammotium of

nkalagum and Ammoyium of nwalium.

The paleoenvironmental inference therefore, is that the

Mfamosing Limestone (lower section) was deposited at the beginning

of transgression (Shallow marine transgression) while the Ekenkpon

Shale (upper section) was deposited during a deep marine



The depth and lithostratigrahic summary as well as the

depositional environment and sea level curve for well-x.



Foraminferal biostratigraphic studies and lithologic analysis of

well-x showed that the study well penetrated two major sedimentary

formations in the Calabar Flank via: The Ekenkpon and the

Mfamosing Formations which comprise of shale with mudstone

intercalation and limestone repectively. The age (Cenomanian –

Turonian) and paleoenvironment of the studied well have been

determined from the co-occurrence of foraminiferal forms. The

paleoenvironment suggested a transition from the shallow marine

environment (lower section of the study well (55 – 65m)), the open

marine environment (middle section of the study well (5 – 55m)) to

the non-marine environment (upper section of the study well (0 –

5m)). However, the Mfamosing Limestone was deposited at the

beginning of the transgressive phase, and the Ekenkpong Shale was

deposited during the Cenomanian- Early Turonian Transgression due

to climatically controlled eustatic sea level changes.

Systematic palaeontology

1. Systematic Foraminifera

The generally accepted classification of foraminifera is based

on that of Loeblich and Tappan (1964). This is as follows;

Kingdom: Protista

Sub Kingdom: Protozoa

Phylum: Sacomastigophora

Subphylum: Sarcodina

Supperclass: Rhizopoda

Class: Granuloreticulosea

Order: Foraminiferida

Family 1

Family: Hedbergellinae

Genus: Hedbergella

Species: Hedbergella delrioensis

Description: Test free, small, low trochospiral coil of about 3

whorls, almost bicvonvex, umbilical side deeply
umbilicate, equatorial periphery, strongly lobate, axial
periphery rounded; chambers 4 to 6 but usually 5 in
last whorl, much inflated, nearlyspherical increasing
rapidly in size.

Dimension: Maximum Diameter: 0.21 – 0.44mm
Maximum Thickness: 0.11 – 0.18mm
Species: Hedbergella crassa

Description: Test free, small, low trochospiral, spiral side flat,

umbilical side inflated, peripheral lobate, chambers 5
to 6 in whorl, globular to subglobular, compressed on
spiral side, increasing regularly in size; sutures
distinct, depressed.
Dimension: Maximum Diameter: 0.21 – 0.44mm
Maximum Thickness: 0.11 – 0.18mm
Species: Hedbergella sigali
Description: Test free, small, low trochospiral, almost bicvonvex,
umbilical side deeply umbilicate, equatorial periphery,
strongly lobate, axial periphery rounded; calcareous
Dimension: Maximum Diameter: 0.10 – 0.28mm
Maximum Thickness: 0.06 – 0.18mm
Species: Hedbergella planispira

Description: Test free, small, low trochospiral, compressed, spiral

side flat to slightly depressed, axial peripheral
rounded, equatorial peripheral lobate; chambers 5 to
7, usually 6 in last whorl, globular, increasing
regularly in size, compressed on spiral side; wall
calcareous, finely perforate, surface finely hispid to
nearly smooth; umbilicus wide and deep.
Dimension: Maximum Diameter: 0.11 – 0.29mm
Maximum Thickness: 0.07 – 0.18mm

Family 2
Family: Heterohelicidae
Subfamily: Heterohelicinae
Genus: Heterohelix
Species: Heterohelix moremani
Description: Test elongated, 3 times as long as broad, gradually
tapering throughout, only slightly enlarging in the
later portion, biserial, periphery strongly lobate,
numerous chambers; wall calcareous, smooth,
smooth, finely perforated.

Dimension: Maximum length 0.35 – 0.45mm

Maximum width: 0.15 – 0.18mm
Species: Heterohelix planata
Description:Biserial test, small, compressed about one and half
times as long as broad, rapidly tapering with greatest
width at last pair of chambers, periphery slightly
keeled in the early portion and deeply lobate in the
later portion; wall smooth, finely perforated.
Dimension: Maximum length 0.21 – 0.35mm
Maximum width: 0.16 – 0.24mm
Maximum Thickness: 0.12 – 0.15mm
Species: Heterohelix reussi

Description: Test small, about one and half times as long as broad,
rapidly tapering, greatest width formed at last pair of
chambers, biserial in adult and early chamber may be
planispiral, periphery of early part usually entire but
later distinctly lobate, sutures distinct, depressec, wall

Dimension: Maximum length 0.40 – 0.50mm
Maximum width: 0.28 – 0.30mm
Maximum Thickness: 0.22 – 0.25mm

Family 3
Family: Lituolidae
Subfamily: Ammomarginulininae
Genus: Ammotium
Species: Ammotium cf nkalagum

Description: Test small, rough and round, compressed, chamber is

planispiral, has agglutinated wall, finely perforate.

Dimension: Maximum Diameter: 0.11 – 0.29mm

Maximum Thickness: 0.07 – 0.18mm

Species: Ammotium cf nwalium

Description: Test small, rough and round, compressed, chamber is

planispiral, has agglutinated wall, finely perforate.

Dimension: Maximum Diameter: 0.11 – 0.29mm

Maximum Thickness: 0.07 – 0.18mm

Genus: Ammobaculites

Species: Ammobaculites coprolithiformis

Description: Test small, rough and about one and half times as long
as broad, compressed, chamber is trochospiral, has
agglutinated wall, finely perforate.

Dimension: Maximum Diameter: 0.11 – 0.29mm
Maximum Thickness: 0.07 – 0.18mm

Foraminiferal Plate

a. Hedbergella delrioensis

b. Hedbergella planispira

c. Hedbergella sigali

d. Ammobaculites coprolithiformis

e. Heterohelix moremani

f. Heterohelix planata

g. Ammotium cf nkalagum

h. Ammotium cf nwalium

i. Heterohelix reussi

j. Hedbergella crassa

PLATE 1: Foraminiferal forms


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