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School Grade Level 11 GAS/ABM/TVL

LOG Teaching
Date and Quarter 1ST

I. OBJECTIVES Objectives must meet over the week and connected to the curriculum
standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and
if needed, additional lessons, exercises and remedial activities may be done by
content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formative
Assessment strategies. Valuing objective support the learning of content and
competencies enable to find significance in joy in learning the lessons. Weekly
objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
A. Content Standard: The learner understands the nature and elements of oral
communication in context.
B. Performance Standard: The learner designs and performs effective controlled and
uncontrolled oral communication activities based on
C. Learning At the end of the session, students will be able to:
Competencies/ Explains the functions, nature and process of communication
Objectives EN11/12OC-Ia-2

Define communication.
Identify the process of communication.
Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the
II. CONTENT teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
Nature and Process of Communication
Lists the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain
children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of
III. LEARNING RESOURCES concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-
on learning promotes concept development.
A. References:
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials Oral Communication in Context Textbook
pages Functions, Nature and Process of Communication
Pages 2-5
Paper Strips, Scotch Tape, Chalkboard, paper/notebook
3. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) Portal
B. Other Learning
These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities
appropriately so that students will learn will. Always be guided by demonstration
of learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment
IV. PROCEDURES activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways
to learn new things, practice their learning processes and draw conclusions
about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previews
knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing Previous
Lesson or Presenting the
New Lesson:
1. Vocabulary – a list or collection of words and phrases
usually alphabetically arranged and explained or
2. Announcement – The act of announcing something or
being announced.
3. Communicative – tending to communicate
4. Intermediate – Being or occurring at the middle place,
stage, or degree or between extremes.
5. Curriculum – the courses offered by an education

After the activity, the teacher will call students to use each word
in a sentence.
B. 0-Establishing a Purpose MOTIVATION:
for the Lesson: Look at the picture, how will you react to the picture?
Explain your answer to the class.

Guide questions:
What can you say about the picture?
How can communication help the people to achieve its goal?
Do you think their communication is successful? Why or why not?
Examples/Instances of Five groups
the Lesson: Directions: Match the Elements of Communication in Column A
and its meaning in Column B.

Column A Column B
1. Speaker a. The source of information
2. Message b. the process of converting
the message into words,
actions, or other forms that
the speaker understands
3. Encoding
c. the information, ideas, or
thoughts conveyed by the
speaker in words or in
4. Channel d. the factors that affect the
flow of communication
5. Decoding e. the recipient of the
message, or someone who
decodes the message
6. Receiver f. the reactions, responses, or
information provided by the
7. Feedback g. the medium or the means,
such as personal or non-
personal, verbal or
nonverbal, in which the
encoded message is
8. Context h. the medium or the means,
such as personal or non-
personal, verbal or
nonverbal, in which the
encoded message is
9. Barrier i. the environment where
communication takes
j. occurs between two or
more people (the speaker
and the receiver).

Nature of Communication
F. Discussing New Group Activity:
Concepts and Practicing There will be 4 groups. Each group will answer the following
New Skills #1: questions and do what is ask.
Group 1 – Sing
Group 2 – News reporting
Group 3 – Reciting a poem

Let us further define communication using the two key terms

stated above, “message” and “understand”.
1. Communication is a message understood.
2. Communication is social interaction through messages.

Process of Communication
Let us now try to consider the process of communication.
1. How does communication take place?
2. Who are involved?
3. What processes are considered?
Rubrics for Singing
Excellent Good Acceptable Partial
5pts. 4pts. 3pts 2pts.
Demonstrates Demonstrates some
Demonstrates good
knowledge of knowledge of
knowledge of
Demonstrates choreography. choreography, but
choreography. Keeps
excellent knowledge Keeps up with unsure of some
Singing up with group. Few
of the choreography group. Some movements.
errors, however it does
and does it well. errors(3-5 errors) Sometimes hesitates/
not interfere with
causing brief pause watches others and
in performance. makes several errors
Shows a complete Shows a basic
Generally accurate
understanding of Accurate in beat, understanding of
in beat, tempo,
tempo and beat and tempo, rhythms of tempo and beat, but
Rhythm/Tempo rhythms of dance
stays on rhythm dance sequences falls behind and/or
sequences most of
throughout the throughout the dance. speeds up in places or
the time.
dance. makes errors in rhythm.
The content is The content is
The content is good. The
outstanding. The somewhat
words memorable. The The content is not
content shows coherent. The
Content content shows coherent. The content
enthusiastically content is well
enthusiastically received is not memorable.
received by the received by the
by the audience.
audience. audience.
Rubrics for Reciting a Poem
Excellent Good Acceptable Partial
5pts. 4pts. 3pts 2pts.
Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and
Speaks Clearly distinctly enunciates distinctly most of the distinctly some of distinctly some of the
each word clearly. time. the time. time.
Enough points Points presented Points presented not
Many good points
presented; information was somewhat clear.; information
Content presented; just enough
given was more than clear; too little does not support
points presented.
what was expected. information. ideas.
Volume is loud Volume is loud
Volume is loud enough
enough to be heard enough to be heard Volume is often stoo
to be heard by all
Volume by all audience by all audience soft sto be heard by all
audience members
members during the members some of audience members.
most of the time.
entire presentation. the time.
Rubrics for News Reporting
Main points fairly clear; Presentation jumps
Clarity and Main points clearly Main points must be
some missing links or among random topics.
Organization stated and explained; inferred by
transitions. Main points unclear
logical, smooth audience; holes are
organization. evident.
Enough points Points presented Points presented not
Many good points
presented; information was somewhat clear.; information
Content presented; just enough
given was more than clear; too little does not support
points presented.
what was expected. information. ideas.
Audience could Speakers spoke to the
Audience could see &
Audience could see & mostly see & hear screen or mostly to one
hear speakers clearly,
Style and hear speakers clearly. speakers. Speakers person in the
most pauses & verbal
Delivery Effective pauses and show some audience. Poorly
intonation were
verbal intonation. hesitation or timed. Appears to
uncertainty. have not practiced.

G. Developing Mastery: Individual Activity:

Now that you know what communication is and how it works, list
down real examples of communication that occurs around you.
Make a table similar to that table below and write your answers
on your Communication Activity Notebook.

What Where Who How

You share your
Talking with You and your
In school experiences and
friends friends

H. Finding Practical Following the process of communication, write a scenario on how

Applications of the process is done in your actual conversation.
Concepts and Skills in 1. Do you apply the process of communication in your daily
Daily Living: conversation?
2. What is a good communication?
3. How would you describe good/effective
4. What are the greatest challenges in the process of
5. Has the development of the internet and social media
caused a change in the way you communicate?
 Need volunteer to answer with explanation.
I. Making Generalizations What is communication?
and Abstractions about Explain the process of communication.
the Lesson: Do you think man can live without communication? Why or why
 Need volunteer to answer with explanation.
J. Evaluating Learning Match the concepts. Match the concepts found in Column A with
the concepts in Column B. Write your answers on a piece of

Column A Column B
_________ 1. Channel a) the factors that affect the
flow of communication.
_________ 2. Message b) the fact, idea, message, a
piece of information, a note
from the speaker in words or in
_________ 3. Receiver c) the source of the data,
information or message
_________ 4. Receiver d) the medium used such as
verbal or non-verbal, face to
face or not, in which the
encoded message is
_________ 5. Speaker e) It is a process of sending
and receiving information.
_________ 6. Communication f) the one who receives the
message and decodes it
K. Additional Activities for Write a scenario on how the process of communication is done
application or in actual conversation. Do this in a one whole sheet of paper.

VI. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your
students, progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help
the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can help for
you so when you meet them, you can ask several questions.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% of the formative
B. No. of learners Who require
additional activities to
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovations or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with other

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