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What is Recycling?

- Recycling is the process of converting waste materials into new materials and objects.

Benefits of Recycling :

- The most important reason to recycle plastic is to reduce pollution,waste and harm done
to our planet and the wildlife.

- Recycling can be a livelihood.

Why Black and White?

- Because black and white is timeless.

- It is the easiest colour combinations that could never go wrong .

Why is the design chandelier or lampshade?

- I made this design because I want to show everyone that there’s hope and light in
recycling our waste.

Who inspire you about your design?

- My grandmother because she loves to read beside the lampshade.

Is your product marketable or sellable?

- Yes. Because it is a handmade design and it gives an attractive look and colorful design
to people’s eye’s.

If your going to sell your product . How much would it be?

- I would sell it for P 250.00.

Why is the price low ?

- Because , I’m a beginner and I don’t get to used these things . I sell it for P 250.00 only
for a beginner price




1. 1 Galon (Absolute 6 liters)

2. 1 Pack of Salad Cups

3. 8 Packs of Plastic Spoons

4. 2 Packs of Drinking Straws (Black)

5. 1 Normal Bottle


1. Glue Gun

2. Scissors

3. Cutter


Good Morning Maam !

Good Morning Sir !

My name is Xherine Amber Mabini and I’m from Lugait Central School .

And this is my finished product called Lampasura which means “Lampara sa Basura”.
This is a lampshade that can be converted into a chandelier.

Why does Lampara sa basura ?

- “Lampara sa Basura” means there’s light in our waste . We recycle our plastic
waste, make a new product, sell it and make profit.
- I made this product because I want to show everyone that there’s hope , there’s
light in recycling our plastic waste and I believe that there’s “Pera sa Basura”
- Because of this product I can make a profit.

By: Xherine Amber Mabini

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