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Sometimes it's not enough to summon a rampaging engine of destruction to the battlefield. Sometimes you have to
become one yourself!

The invoker is an archtype of the summoner class

Hit Dice: d8

This replaces the Summoner's Hit Dice

Limit Breaks (Su): At 1st level, the invoker receives the Limit Breaks (Eidolon's Fury and Eidolon's Sanction)

Eidolon's Fury (Su): This Limit Break allows the invoker to enhance the connection they have to their invoked Eidolon.
Spells granted by an Eidolon to an invoker deal maximum damage. Supernatural Abilities granted by the Eidolon to
the invoker have their damage empowered or their defense bonuses doubled. This Limit Break lasts for 1 round + 1
round per four invoker levels.

Eidolon's Sanction (Su): This Limit Break is quite dangerous to the invoker as it involves great risk as you directly
petition your invoked Eidolon for aid. When you use this Limit Break, roll a percentile dice. On a roll of 1-45, your
Eidolon grants you aid, on a 46+ You are denied aid. Should you be denied aid, that usage of your Limit Break is not
used up, but you cannot Limit Break for 1d6+3 rounds. Should you be granted aid, you immediately take 1d4 non-
lethal damage per level you are below 20, and immediately gain the benefits of a level 20 Invoker's Eidolon Invocation
for 1 round +1 round per 4 levels of the Invoker.

This replaces Avatar Mastery and Avatar Protection

Unarmed Strike (Ex): At 1st level, an invoker gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. An invoker's attacks
may be with fist, elbows, knees, and feet. This means that an invoker may make unarmed strikes with his hands full.
There is no such thing as an off-hand attack for an invoker striking unarmed. An invoker may thus apply his full
Strength bonus on damage rolls for all his unarmed strikes.

Usually an invoker's unarmed strikes deal lethal damage, but he can choose to deal nonlethal damage instead with no
penalty on his attack roll. He has the same choice to deal lethal or nonlethal damage while grappling.

An invoker's unarmed strike is treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells
and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons.

An invoker also deals more damage with his unarmed strikes than a normal person would, as shown above on Table:
invoker. The unarmed damage values listed on Table: invoker is for Medium invokers. A Small invoker deals less
damage than the amount given there with his unarmed attacks, while a Large invoker deals more damage; see Table:
Small or Large invoker Unarmed Damage.


Invoker Small Unarmed Medium Unarmed Large Unarmed This replaces Spell Proficiency and Paragon
Level Damage Damage Damage Summons
1st - 3rd 1d4 1d6 1d8
th th
4 -7 1d6 1d8 2d6 Invoke Eidolon (Su): At first level the invoker
8th - 11th 1d8 1d10 2d8 gains the ability to call upon the powers of the
th th
12 - 15 1d10 2d6 3d6 Eidolons, great beings from beyond the mortal
16th - 19th 2d6 2d8 3d8 veil. These beings grant the invoker powers
20th 2d8 2d10 4d8 based on the level of dedication (Class Level) of
the invoker.
An invoker may invoke at any time performing a ritual that takes 1 minute to complete. Once completed, the invoker is
empowered. The empowerment lasts for as long as the invoker wishes, and the invoker can even sleep while
empowered. If the invoker dies or goes unconscious from anything other than natural sleep, the Invocation ends.
While under the empowerment of an invocation, the invoker counts as both their normal type and an Outsider, and uses
whichever is beneficial to them at any one time.

At first level, the Invoker chooses one Eidolon to invoke. At 3rd level, and every 3 levels thereafter, you gain an
additional Eidolon to invoke. You can only invoke one Eidolon at a time. See below for a list of Eidolons and their

In addition at 1st level, the Invoker, while invoked, gains a pool of Evolution Points to spend. The pool of Evolution
Points increases at 3rd level and every 5 levels there after as noted on the chart below. Evolution Points must be spent on
abilities that mimic their primary Eidolon. If multiple Eidolons are invoked as per the Twin Eidolon class feature, the
invoker must choose one to be their primary Eidolon.

Beginning at 3rd level, when the invoker chooses to invoke an Eidolon, they may gain one of the following effects. At
8th level and every 5 levels thereafter, the invoker may choose an additional effect to gain when beginning an
invocation. Invocation bonuses may have a minimum level and are noted in their entry. Each effect lasts while the
invocation lasts, and each time you invoke you choose a different set of benefits. No matter how many Eidolons you
have invoked, you gain 1 set of abilities. Abilities may be chosen multiple times, their effects stack.


Effect Name Description Minimum Level (If Any)
Body Fuel Gain +5 Hit Points 3rd
Energy Resistance Choose one element, gain 5 Resistance to that element 3rd
Divine Insight Gain a +1 insight bonus on Saving Throws 3rd
Tough Body Gain Damage Reduction 1/- 3rd
Good Defenses Gain +2 insight bonus to AC 8th
Swift Hits Gain +2 insight bonus on Attack Rolls 8th
Heavy Hits Gain +2 insight bonus on Damage Rolls 8th
Swiftness Gain +2 insight bonus on Initiative 8th
Muscle Building Gain +1 divine bonus to Strength 13th
Quickness Drills Gain +1 divine bonus to Dexterity 13th
Body Training Gain +1 divine bonus to Constitution 13th
Mental Acuity Gain +1 divine bonus to Intelligence 13th
Sageacity Gain +1 divine bonus to Wisdom 13th
Magnetism Gain +1 divine bonus to Charisma 13th
Eidolon's Influence Gain the Slippery Mind Ability* 18th
Bastion of Life Gain immunity to Negative Levels and Ability Damage/Drain* 18th
Mental Lock Gain immunity to mind-affecting effects 18th
Battle Armor Gain Moderate Fortification (75% immunity) 18th
*Cannot be taken more than once.

This replaces Avatar, Shield Ally, Transposition, Greater Shield Ally and Merge Forms

Blessing from Beyond (Su): At 2nd level, an invoker forms a special bond with their Eidolons. Once per day per
Eidolon that the invoker can invoke, when the invoker would be reduced to less than 0 hit points, they may shut off
their Invocation as an immediate action to heal 1d8 + invoker level (Maximum 5) hit points. If this would put the
invoker back over 0 hit points, they remain conscious and healthy.
You cannot re-invoke for 10 minutes after doing this. Each Eidolon beyond the first adds 1d8 to the healing and 5 to the
Level Cap of bonus healing.

• At 4th level, the invoker may extend this healing to a second target by touching the target and releasing their invocation
• At 8th level, the invoker may reduce their healing (Either on themselves or another target) by 1d8 to remove the Blinded,
Shaken or Sickened conditions
• At 12th level, the invoker may reduce their healing (Either on themselves or another target) by 2d8 to remove the Dazed,
Diseased or Silenced conditions
• At 16th level, the invoker may reduce their healing (Either on themselves or another target) by 3d8 to remove the Cursed,
Immobilized, Nauseated, Poisoned or Slowed conditions
• And finally at 20th level, the invoker may reduce their healing (Either on themselves or another target) by 4d8 to remove
the Berserk, Disabled, Paralyzed, Stunned or Zombie conditions.

This replaces Life Link, Summon Monster I and Bond Senses

Dedication (Su): At 7th level, the invoker may invoke their Eidolons faster than normal. Their 1 minute time for their
ritual becomes 1 Full-Round action. This does not reduce the cooldown of “Blessing from Beyond.”

At 19th level, the invoker may invoke as a Standard Action.

This replaces Maker's Call.

Eidolon Senses (Ex): At 10th level, the invoker's bond increases. While invoked, the Invoker gains Darkvision 60ft (Or
+30ft if they already have Darkvision), Low-Light Vision (Doubling the normal range if they already have Low-Light
Vision) and the Scent quality.

This replaces Clear Mind

Eidolon Shield (Su): At 13th level, an invoker's life is precious to their Eidolons, and they don't wish the invoker to
come to harm. At the start of each combat encounter, the invoker gains Temporary Hit Points equal to their (Charisma
Modifier x Their Eidolon Count).

This replaces Life Bond

Eidolon's Armor (Su): At 17th level, the invoker gains one of the final enhancements from their Eidolons. While
invoked, they gain damage reduction equal to the number of Eidolons they have (5/- at 17th level).

This replaces Superior Shield Ally

Twin Eidolon (Su): At 20th level, an invoker has reached the pinnacle of their power. They may now invoke 2
different Eidolons, gaining the full benefits of both.

This replaces Twin Avatar

List of Eidolons and their Effects

Granted Abilities
The supernatural abilities that an eidolon grants are given on the table "Granted Abilities by Level". The following
rules govern these supernatural abilities.

• All powers granted by eidolons are supernatural in origin, even if they replicate spells or abilities that are
normally considered magical
• Limit Breaks granted by invoking an Eidolon are in addition to the Limit Breaks gained from Class Levels, and
run off the same usage limit.
• Supernatural abilities are magical and thus are suppressed in an antimagic field
• Supernatural abilities are not subject to spell resistance.
• Supernatural abilities cannot be dispelled
• Unless they deal damage, supernatural abilities affect incorporeal creatures normally. A supernatural ability that
deals damage has a 50% chance not to affect an incorporeal traget if the source of the ability is corporeal unless
it says differently in the entry
• Using a supernatural ability is a standard action unless otherwise noted
• Some of the supernatural abilities granted by eidolons provide constant benefits once activated. If the duration
of a particular effect is not stated or implied by the ability description, assume it is constant. Typically invokers
take a few moments to activate such abilities immediately after making a connection with their eidolon. Most
effects that are not constant can be used only once every 5 rounds (See ability description for detials)
• If a supernatural ability granted by an eidolon mimics the effect of a spell, the caster level of that ability is
always equal to the invoker's effective caster level.
• The use of an eidolon-granted ability never threatens failure through distraction or damage.
• Supernatural Abilities do not have somatic or verbal components, but certain requirements might apply to the
use of individual granted abilities. For instance, an invoker using a breath weapon must be able to open his
mouth and breath. Similarly a character must have a free hand to make a melee touch attack (In a grapple, the
character makes a touch attack as though armed with a light weapon)
• Supernatural Abilities are neither arcane or divine. Thus no spell failure chance applies to the use of vestige-
granted abilities by an armored invoker, even when those abilities mimic spells
• An invoker shows no outward sign when using a granted ability, unless the ability description specifies that he
must concentrate, or the use of the ability would be obvious based on it's description (such as a ray projecting
from the invoker's eyes).
• When subjected to a supernatural ability that requires a saving throw but has no obvious effect, the target feels a
hostile force or tingle but does not necessarily know the source or nature of the attack.
• Effects created by the invoker's supernatural abilities end when the Eidolon leaves the invoker, or if the invoker
dies while invoked.
• The DC for a saving throw against an Eidolon-granted power is (10 + 1/2 effective invoker level + Charisma
• Abilities that duplicate the benefit of a feat do so even if the recipient does not qualify for the feat.

Eidolon Invoked Effects by Level (Note: You only gain the effects while you have an Eidolon Invoked)
Name Level 1 Level 3 Level 8 Level 13 Level 18
Bahamut Limit Break: Impulse Frightful Presence Gravaja Draconic Crush/Scathe
Carbuncle Limit Break: Searing Healing Ruby Shining Ruby Ruby Light Restoring Ruby
Diablos Limit Break: Black Dark II Pit of Despair Corruption Darkga/Demonic Crush
Ifrit Limit Break: Inferno Fire II Crimson Roar Firaga Hellfire Strike
Ixion Limit Break: Thor's Thunder II Rolling Thunder Lightning Armor Thundaga/ Thundergod's
Hammer Wrath
Leviathan Limit Break: Tidal Water II Spring Water Waterga Grand Fall
Phoenix Limit Break: Flames Fireflash Ashen Blight Megaflash Flare/Holy Flames
of Healing
Shiva Limit Break: Diamond Blizzard II Frost Armor Blizzaga Heavenly Strike
Titan Limit Break: Earthen Stone II Earthen Ward Stonega Geocrush
Valefor Limit Break: Aerial Aero II White Wind Aerial Armor Aeroga/White Blade
Total Evolution 3 (+3) 5 (+2) 8 (+3) 12 (+4) 17 (+5)
Points (Addition)

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