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Name: Emi Haruni

Height: 5'4"
Weight: 120lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Age: 235 Physical: 18

Level: 7
HP: 68
RR: 2,296 / 4,592
SPV: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
MPV: 1, 2, 3, 4
DR: 7/-
Wealth: 17
Reputation: 7
AD: 4
Dam: 2d6+3 (Zanpakutou or Unarmed), 9d6+3 (Shikai)
Exp: 26,800 / 28,000
Alligiances: Friends/Family, Love, Soul Society

STR: 16
DEX: 18
CON: 14
INT: 20
WIS: 16
CHA: 18

1. Ranged Shot
2. Weapon Attack
3. Defense
4. Fortitude Save
5. Flash Step
6. Unarmed Strike

1. Knowledge (Kido Lore)
2. Spellcraft
3. Martial Lore
4. Swim
5. Intimidate
6. Concentation
7. Treat Injury
8. Sense Motive
9. Bluff

- Frail
- Vulnerable

Captain: Hotaru
Favorite Foods: Chocolate Rice Pudding or Squid and Egg Ramen
Card Bonuses: 1d4 Feats (1 Illegal), Next Time I Die, Ressurrect at full HP, +2 Int, Spell Prep is Halved, +10
Search and +2 to Attack vs One Target by Touch Attack
• Well-Endowed
• Shinigami
• Noble Blood (Reiatsu Feat)
• Talented (Bluff, Flash Step, Unarmed Strike)
• Spellcaster (Reiatsu Feat x3)
• Martial Study (Reiatsu Feat x3)
• Multicasting (Reiatsu Feat)
• Flaw Feat: Tie Off Kido (Reiatsu Feat)
• Eishohaki (Reaitsu Feat)
• Flaw Feat: Enlightened (Reiatsu Feat)
• Soul of the Mage (Reiatsu Feat) (Squad 4 Magisters level 1)
• Shikai
• Bonus Metakido Feat: Empower Kido (Reiatsu Feat) (Squad 4 Magisters level 2)
• Supersonic Strike (Reiatsu Feat)
• Practice Makes Perfect (Reiatsu Feat) (Squad 4 Magisters level 3)
• Benefit: You may cast kido higher than your level by making a Fort save equal to the kido’s level +15.
You may use this feature 1+ Int mod times per day.
• Bonus Metakido Feat: Maximize Kido (Reiatsu Feat) (Squad 4 Magisters Level 4)
• Reiatsu Healing (Reiatsu Feat)
• Reiatsu Counterspelling (Reiatsu Feat)
• A Wizard Did it (Reiatsu Feat) (Squad 4 Magisters Level 5)
• Benefit: You may add you int mod worth of spells from the srd to your spell list from the wizard, bard,
cleric, or druid lists for each spell level you can cast every time you gain a new spell level add your int
mod of spells to that level.
• Power of the Soul (Reiatsu Feat)
• Blooded
• Leadership
• Oceanic Spiritual Pressure (Reiatsu Feat)
• Superior Reiatsu Sensing (Reiatsu Feat)

1. Spririt
2. Fire

1. Elementalism
2. Warding
3. Healing

1. Create Fire
2. Light
3. Heal
4. Delve
5. Renew
6. Sense Shadowspawn

1. Harden Air
2. Ward against Shadowspawn
3. Clean
4. Arms of Air
5. Flame Dart
6. Calm Animals

- Harden Air
- Arms of Air

1. Fireball
2. Shield
3. Cascaded Lightning (AoI)
4. Kiss of the Storm (UtDB)
5. Drawing from the Well (UtDB)
6. Determine Direction
7. Grenade (Core Book)

1. Immolate
2. Ward against the One Power
3. Eye of the Storm (AoI)
4. Aura of Flame (AoI)
5. Arrows of Ice and Flame (UtDB)
6. Detonate (UtDB)

1. Greater Healing (AoI)
2. Major Healing (UtDB)
3. Cut Weave (UtDB)
4. Weave Deflection (UtDB)
5. Fly
6. Cure Disease (AoI)

1. Devoted Spirit
2. Setting Sun
3. Tiger Claw

1. Crusader's Strike (Devoted Spirit)
2. Counter Charge (Setting Sun)
3. Vangard Strike (Devoted Spirit)
4. Martial Spirit (Devoted Spirit)
5. Hunter's Stance (Tiger Claw)
6. Mighty Throw (Setting Sun)

1. Foe Hammer (Devoted Spirit)
2. Baffling Defense (Setting Sun)
3. Clever Positioning (Setting Sun)
4. Claw at the Moon (Tiger Claw)
5. Rabid Wolf Strike (Tiger Claw)

1. Revitalizing Strike (Devoted Spirit)
2. Devastating Throw (Setting Sun)
3. Feigned Opening (Setting Sun)
4. Giant Killing Stance (Setting Sun)
5. Soaring Raptor's Stance (Tiger Claw)
6. Leaping Dragon Stance (Tiger Claw)

Level 4
1. Divine Surge (Devoted Spirit)
2. Comet Throw (Setting Sun)
3. Death From Above (Tiger Claw)
4. Strike of the Broken Shield (Setting Sun)
5. Entangling Blade (Devoted Spirit)
6. Fountain of Blood (Tiger Claw)

Cry, Kaku Kogeki (Nuclear Strike) (Radiation/Something Else)
1. Irradiated Strike: You may activate this as a move action. Your Zanpakutou deals an extra 3d6 desiccation
2. Greater Irradiated Strike: This requires Irradiated Strike to take. This increases your Irradiated Strike's
damage by 2d6 (5d6 total desiccation damage)
3. Mini Bombs: You may launch a miniature nuclear bomb from the tip of your Zanpakutou as a standard action.
This bomb deals your Zanpakutou's full damage to a single target within medium range. You may take this
multiple times to gain the ability to launch an additional bomb during your standard action or to make the bombs
go to long range. You cannot create more mini bombs than you could make attacks in a round.
4. Superior Irradiated Strike
This requires Greater Irradiated Strike to take. This increases your Irradiated Strike's damage by 2d6 (7d6 total)
5. Nuclear Weapon: Requires 4 Radiation Type abilities to take. You can cause your Zanpakutou to explode in a
very large area as a standard action. Everything within 25 feet of you takes your Zanpakutou's damage as force
damage, and your Zanpakutou damage as fire damage. Everything from 26 to 50 feet of you takes half that, and
everything between 51 and 100 feet takes half that much. The reflex save for half damage is Wisdom Based.
This ability destroys your Zanpakutou's blade though you are left unharmed by your own explosion. You may
take this multiple times to expand the areas by 5, 5 and 10 feet respectively each time it's taken.

Level 0
1. Prestidigitation (Sor/Wiz)
2. Read Magic (Sor/Wiz)
3. Detect Magic (Sor/Wiz)
4. Purify Food and Drink (Clr)
5. Create Water (Clr)
6. Light (Sor/Wiz)

Level 1
1. Sanctuary (Clr)
2. Magic Missile (Sor/Wiz)
3. Mage Armor (Sor/Wiz)
4. Cure Light Wounds (Brd)
5. Identify (Brd)
6 Charm Person (Sor/Wiz)

Level 2
1. Scorching Ray (Sor/Wiz)
2. Bull's Strength (Sor/Wiz)
3. Cat's Grace (Sor/Wiz)
4. Knock (Sor/Wiz)
5. Cure Moderate Wounds (Clr)
6. Invisibility (Sor/Wiz)
Level 3
1. Dispel Magic (Clr)
2. Cure Serious Wounds (Clr)
3. Lightning Bolt (Sor/Wiz)
4. Haste (Brd)
5. Displacement (Brd)
6. Remove Curse (Brd)

Level 4
1. Cure Critical Wounds (Clr)
2. Restoration (Clr)
3. Remove Curse (Sor/Wiz)
4. Reincarnate (Drd)
5. Death Ward (Dea/Clr)
6. Neutralize Poison (Clr)

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