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Calvin Langlinais


Robert E. `` Pastor bobtail '' naut mi ( January 28 , 1925 – August 16 , 1992 ) was a
whiteness supremacist theologizer and religious leader from Michigan .== Biography ==
According to his obituary in the Ann mandrel tidings , Henry M. Robert statute mile was : ''
Raised in New House of York urban center , Miles joined the Free Daniel Chester French
forces in 1940 by lying about his age .He worked as a radio manipulator in EC and flew 14
sorties into engross Jacques Anatole Francois Thibault on agent or supply drops .When
America entered earthly concern war deuce in 1941 , he joined the U.S. USN and finished the
war in the Pacific Ocean .After the war , Miles was heavily involved with anti-communist
insurgent in the Philippines .He later was captured by the commie and held in a jungle
prison house camp for a year before he was repatriated by U.S. officials .From 1947 to
1969 , naut mi was an insurance policy administrator for the full general chance event Fire
and living Assurance of Perth , Scotland , representing the company in upstate New York
and MI .At the same sentence , naut mi was working to train Eastern European guerrilla for
study behind the Iron Curtain .In 1953 , his house mysteriously exploded in New
York .Admiralty mile moved to Michigan soon after .`` Miles became a major `` dualist ''
religious loss leader , and allied himself with various groups that constituted the racist and
antisemitic political-religious movement known as Christian identity element , including
Aryan Nations , founding the mess church of Jesus messiah the Savior on his place in
Cohoctah town .Miles saw ground as the internet site of a battle between a true God and a
sham god , with Jews acting as agent of the false graven image against the true `` chosen
people '' that would be `` white Aryans '' .According to the political scientist Michael
Barkun , his dualistic theology was significant despite its idiosyncrasies , and `` the
avuncular mile functioned as a kind of elder statesman of the racial movement '' .In 1971 ,
statute mile , onetime Grand Dragon of the Michigan Ku Klux Klan ( KKK ) , was arrested for
conspiring to flunk school day buses in an endeavour to cease the forced busing in
Michigan .The media billed it as a `` Klan trial '' even though Miles had not been associated
with the KKK for some fourth dimension .Miles and four others were later convicted and
received 5-year conviction for this incident .mi received concurrent 4-year sentences for the
tarring and feather of a school official.Following the Greensboro Massacre where anti-Klan
Communist activists were killed , `` a number of previously antipathetical Edward White
Supremacist mathematical group , including the Posse Comitatus and diverse Neo-Nazi and
Klan camarilla , began having discourse about how they could formulate a common ideology
.These different groups also conducted joint action and even began establishing informal
mean value of communicating including reckoner bulletin control board and line television
programs .Many of these group embraced Christian Identity .Gradually , a Patrick Victor
Martindale White racist alliance emerged .centre of this movement included mil ' Great
Lakes State farm , as well as the Aryan Nations chemical compound in Hayden Lake , Gem
State , the site of Identity minister Richard Butler 's Church of Jesus Christ–Christian.In the
other 1980s , Miles endorsed the NW Territorial Imperative in his seminar Birth of a
state .According to him , White River Americans constitutes a separate racial nation and
urged white nationalists to base a separate Patrick White state in the Pacific Northwest .``
Let us go in peace '' , he wrote , `` let us be considered a Racial Nation of Aryan . ''Coupled
with his increasingly anti-US government situation , he was referred to as a `` Klanarchist
'' .== References ==

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