1982 - Fetterman - Etnogaphy in Educational Reseach The Dynamics of Diffusion

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Ethnography in Educational

Research: The
Dynamics of Diffusion
Research Corporation

.Anthropologists have a long tradition study of . . . ," observers were on site particular and less to educational
of studying the diffusion of cultural at only one point in time for 5 days. In research in general.
innovations (Boaz, 1896/1940; Driver, a national study purporting to be Abuses accompany any flurry of
1961; Hallowell, 1948; Kroeber, ethnographic, once-a-week, on-site interest in novel approaches to re-
1931,1952; Morgan, 1877; Sapir, observations were made for 4 months. search. These abuses, however, have
1916/1949; Spindler, 1955; Spindler The methods employed, the raised the ire of many educational
& Goldschmidt, 1952; L. Spindler, researchers' backgrounds, and the data anthropologists. One of the leading
1962; Tylor, 1879). Diffusion occurs collected and reported in the study figures in this debate (Wolcott, 1980a)
during the interaction of two were sociological rather than charges that
sociocultural systems as in times of anthropological.
war or during trade. much of what goes on today as edu-
Similarly, the recent interaction of The problem stems largely from the cational ethnography is either out
ethnographic and quantitative research pursuit of scholastic fads. De-nenberg and out program evaluation, or, at
methodologies results in an inevitable (1969) refers to scholastic faddists as best, lopsided (and undisciplined)
diffusion of techniques, methods, and Zeitgeister-Shysters. documentation, (p. 39)
values. By viewing these two
disciplines as "sociocultural systems" They do their research on topics In response, many researchers have
we gain an excellent opportunity to that are scientifically hot and in. complained of unjust or harsh
study the dynamics of diffusion They are in the Zeitgeist. What criticism. They have received much of
between the two fields. Of particular happens when the Zeitgeist
changes? These people change their the "spillover" of the vituperative
interest is the diffusion of criticism initially directed at the
ethnographic techniques, which are research to conform. As a cha-
meleon changes colors with a shift Zeitgeisters. Moreover, they suggest
among the most visible traits currently in the environment so do these re- that many anthropologists have
being transmitted. searchers change their goals. They become self-righteous purists. Few
lust after research fame and for- educational researchers are aware that
Ethnography and Educational tune. they are standing in the middle of a
Evaluation battleground, caught in the crossfire
Since Zeitgeists often do not last for
Ethnography has become a popular more than a few years, the work between educational policy
buzz word in education. A number of these people publish is exceedingly decisionmakers on the one hand, and
scholars have observed that superficial. They touch the surface university-based anthropologists of
researchers with little or no of an important problem but rarely education on the other. They are
background in anthropology claim to study it in depth. They leave in chastised for using novel techniques
be doing ethnography. In one study, their wake large numbers of papers inappropriately and are labeled
labeled "An ethnographic that add confusion and little else to statistical relics or outmoded number
the field. The signal-to-noise-ratio
of their publications ranges from crunchers if they do not use the new
I am indebted to Lee J. Cronbach, 0.0 to 0.2. Because of the obvious techniques. These researchers are try-
G. D. Spindler, G. K. Tallmadge, and D. spuriousness of their approach to ing to improve their capabilities by
S. Waxman for their assistance in the science, I call these individuals augmenting their research arsenal.
preparation of this manuscript. Zeitgeister-Shysters. (p. 50) Their only transgression is that they
David Fetterman is a Research As- have mislabeled their efforts. Rather
sociate at RMC Research Corporation, The result is a proliferation of poorly than conducting ethnographies, they
2570 El Camino Real, Mountain View, conducted research or non-science. are simply using ethnographic
CA 94025, and the Anthropology Dept. This type of activity contributes little techniques. Moreover, the entire
of Stanford University. to the reputation and credibility of argument
ethnography in 17
March 1982
over terminology is seen by many to the larger picture and to the for the second knows. The winker is
individuals as a purely academic affair interrelated nature of the minute to the communicating, and indeed com-
that gets in the way of getting the job whole cultural system. A municating in a quite precise and
done. Although poorly conducted nonjudgmental orientation prevents special way: (1) deliberately, (2) to
research requires an honest critique, the social scientist from making some someone in particular, (3) to impart
this process of scholarly criticism has a particular message, (4) according
of the more obvious value judgments to a socially established code, and
alienated many conscientious in research. Biases are made explicit to (5) without cognizance of the rest
individuals rather than serving its mitigate their unintended effects on of the company, (p. 6)
intended purpose: sensitizing research. Contextualization demands
educators to methodological issues of that we place the data in its own For Geertz, doing ethnography is a
concern to anthropologists. environment so as to provide a more matter of cultural interpretation. Many
accurate representation. ethnographic classics have been
A Step Toward the Future In addition, anthropology's sci- produced by individuals with little
entifically substantive concerns with formal training in ethnography. Their
Constructive criticism is needed. patterns of culture and social
Educational researchers will continue work was ethnographic because they
organization have been neglected. were able to make sense out of the
to use ethnographic and other Ethnographers are guided by these
qualitative techniques in the future. data from a cultural perspective
concerns, which in turn lead to the Use (Geertz, 1973). Wol-cott (1980b) also
Guidance and dose individual of such appropriate techniques as
critiques are required rather than emphasizes the role of cultural
participant observation, key informant interpretation as compared with
rhetoric and postur-ing. interviewing, and so on.
Anthropologists who criticize are methodology when describing
Educators are using anthropological ethnography:
obligated to specify their objections tools without understanding
and offer constructive suggestions anthropology's cosmology. (See
rather than omnibus condemnations. McCutcheon, 1981, regarding the role One could do a participant-observer
Similarly, educational researchers of interpretation in qualitative inquiry.) study from now till doomsday and
must respect the anthropologist's Much of the current debate will never come up with a sliver of
obligation to see that his or her field is subside when the values and ethnography . , . , We are fast losing
not misrepresented. The use of the cosmology underlying ethnographic sight of the fact that the essential
techniques are understood, accepted, ethnographic Contribution is
term ethnography for any form of interpretative rather than method-
qualitative research is a misnomer. and used to guide ethnographic ological, (pp. 57, 59)
Ethnography is a methodological research.
approach with specific procedures, To turn to more substantive issues or
techniques, and methods of analysis. at least more substantive arguments I argue, however, that both eth-
The adoption of random elements of about existing issues, one might, for nographic techniques and a cultural
this method without attention to the example, ask whether it is the perspective are needed. A cultural
whole results in the loss of many built- techniques or the cultural interpretation perspective is substantially weakened
in safeguards of reliability and validity that makes a study ethnographic. if the data are collected haphazardly.
in data collection and analysis. Geertz (1973) contends that doing Similarly, the data, however carefully
ethnography "is not a matter of collected, are unlikely to be
These difficulties can be considered methods": ethnographic if analyzed from a purely
a result of a faulty or partial nomothetic perspective.
transmission of traits from one so- What defines it [doing ethnography]
ciocultural system to another. This is is the kind of intellectual effort it is: Moreover, there are more productive
not a new phenomenon. In general, an elaborate venture in, to borrow a issues that transcend these academic
traits rather than entire complexes of notion from Gilbert Ryle, "thick
description" . . . consider, he says, distinctions and contradistinctions.
sociocultural systems are diffused at a. two boys rapidly contracting the Ethnography is in the process of being
given time. In this instance, only the eyelids of their right eyes. In one, diffused into education. The questions
ethnographic techniques have been this is an involuntary twitch; in the of how qualitative and quantitative
transmitted. The values, the most other, a conspiratorial signal to a techniques are currently being used in
important elements of the friend. The two movements are, as evaluation and how they can be used
anthropological culture system, have movements, identical; from an I- more effectively together are of
been left behind: phenomenology, am-a-camera, "phenomenalistic" pressing concern to academics and
holism, nonjudgmental orientation, and observation of them alone, one practitioners alike. In addition, the
contextualization. Phenomenology could not tell which was twitch and question arises of how the new merger
requires that investigators be guided by which was wink, or indeed whether of ethnographic and psychometric
the insider's viewpoint, the emic both or either was twitch or wink.
Yet the difference, however orientations can be made relevant to
perspective. The concept of holism unphotograph-able, between a policy concerns. It is time to turn to
commands our attention twitch and a wink is vast; as anyone dynamic rather than static issues re-
unfortunate enough to have had the garding these methodological ori-
18 first taken entations.
Educational Researcher
Diffusion of Traits and Whole component has ranged from com- Laboratory's study of teacher effec-
Trait Complexes prehensive studies of large-scale, tiveness, Beginning Teacher Eval-
federal demonstration projects to uation Study (BTES). The aim of
Single traits or sets of traits are more limited ministudies. the research was to identify effec-
often diffused rather than the tive teacher behavior and class-
whole trait complex in the process One of the comprehensive stud- room qualities that contributed to
of acculturation or diffusion, as ies conducted was the Experimen- achievement in mathematics and
discussed earlier. Whole trait com- tal Schools Program Evaluation reading. The qualitative product of
plexes like "real" ethnography— (Burns, 1976; Clinton, 1975; Col- the study was entitled: An Eth-
using ethnographic methods and a fer, 1976; Everhart, 1976; Fitzsim- nographic Study of the Forty
cultural interpretation—can be mons, 1975; Harriott, 1979a, Classrooms of the Beginning
diffused in a manner that meets the 1979b). The Experimental Schools Teacher Evaluation Study Known
concerns of applied educational Program was a federally funded Sample (1975). The study provided
research. A brief review of how effort to introduce innovation and useful data that was used "to better
traits like ethnographic techniques, change in several school districts ensure that beginning teachers
and whole trait complexes such as throughout the country. The inter- receive training in areas that have
ethnography have been diffused in disciplinary evaluation used de- been empirically demonstrated to
educational research provides an scriptive case studies and tradi- affect student learning." The
insight into this process of tional survey and psychometric greatest single drawback to the
adaptation. instruments to understand the credibility of the findings in this
The earliest examples of process of educational change. Abt study was that observers were on
qualitative methods in evaluation Associates conducted a portion of site for only 1 week. This example
research appeared in the late 1960s the evaluation (Project Rural). In represents a partial transmission of
(cf. Giaser, 1969; Mech, 1969). one of their studies they selected anthropological traits.
The "contract ethnographer" an ethnographer to reside in the The Department of Labor funded
literature has grown since that time. school district for 3 to 5 years, the Youthwork National Policy
Presently the literature includes while the remainder of the team Study of Exemplary In-School
discussions of conceptual stayed at the firm. In another study, Demonstration Projects. This
frameworks, techniques, the role of the fieldworker combined efforts large-scale study used the case
the ethnographer in evaluation, and with others on the research team at study approach to address various
procedural suggestions (Brenner, the school site. The study prespecified policy questions
Marsh, & Brenner, 1978; Bri-tan, represents the best approximation regarding the transition of youth
1977,1978; Burns, 1975,1978; of a conventional ethnographic ap- from school to work. The study
Campbell, 1974; Clinton, 1975, proach to research in evaluation. produced a series of intern reports
1976; Colfer, 1976; Coward, 1976; The study was primarily summa- and professional papers. The
Everhart, 1975; Fetterman, 1980, tive in value and the studies pro- results of interviews conducted and
1981a, 1981b, 1981c, 1982; Fire- duced sizeable ethnographic case questions administered in 40 sites
stone, 1975; Fitzsimmons, 1975; studies of the program. One of the were reported in Education and
Hall, 1978; Hamilton et al., 1977; drawbacks with this kind Of ap- Employment Training: The Views
Hord, 1978; Mulhauser, 1975; Pat- proach, however, is that it is more of Youth (Rist et al., 1979).
ton, 1980; Sobel, 1976; Tikunoff & time consuming than the traditional Interviews conducted and
Ward, 1977). This surge of interest evaluation procedures and rarely questions administered in 36
in qualitative methodology has produces reports for policy or projects were reported in Target-
been the result of a significant dis- administrative decisionmaking in a ing on In-School Youth: Four
illusionment with quantitative timely fashion. Strategies for Coordinating Edu-
methods. This disillusionment also The Field Studies in Urban De- cation and Employment Training
has extended to the use of the segregated Schools Program is an- (Rist et al., 1980a). Both of these
experimental design, the corner- other large-scale federal study (see reports were based on an average
stone of quantitative methodology Cassell, 1978; Riffel et ah, 1976). of once-a-week, on-site observa-
in educational evaluation (Cron- However, this study more closely tions. In the latter report site visits
bach et al., 1980; Scriven, 1978; C. resembled basic research rather were made over a period of 4
.Weiss, 1974; R.Weiss & Rein, 1972, than evaluation research and as months. The final report of this
among others). In fact, governmen- such is less relevant to the process study provided a useful analysis of
tal agencies, most notably the Na- of ethnographic adaptation to interinstitutional linkages between
tional Institute of Education (NIE), evaluation. There also have been education and employment training
have funded several qualitative other large-scale evaluation organizations (Rist et al., 1980b).
evaluation studies over the past 5 projects outside the field of educa- Smaller scale evaluations such
years in response to the problems tion that have employed an eth- as the study of an urban alternative
from the application of nographic approach such as a re- school used ethnographers to
experimental design to natural so- cent study of a HUD housing conduct the research (Wilson,
cial settings. These studies have allowance program (Chambers, 1977). These studies have been pri-
generally included ethnographic 1977). marily formative in nature. Their
fieldwork as one component of the most significant contribution has
evaluation. The ethnographic NIE also funded the Far West
been their ability to provide feed- tion Centers of America, Inc. (OIC/ elicit data from the emic or "insid-
back to those in programs. A), founders of an international er's" perspective. Two-week site
NIE's Experience-Based Career skills development organization. visits were made to each site every
Exploration Program provided an OIC/A contracted Gibboney Asso- 3 months for a period of 3 years. In
opportunity to explore the utility of ciates, a social science research or- addition, regular contact was
ethnographic ministudies. Part- ganization, to evaluate the pro- maintained by telephone, corre-
time fieldworkers were selected to totype. Gibboney's (1977) positive spondence, and special visits. The
conduct short-term fieldwork (ap- results were corroborated by the study attempted to be nonjudg-
proximately 100 hours). A brief re- Joint Dissemination Review Panel mental, holistic, and contextual in
port of 20-25 pages was produced (JDRP), and the program was de- perspective. A tape recorder and
by the fieldworkers. The report clared eligible for funding and dis- camera were invaluable in collect-
identified subtle features of pro- semination. CIP was funded by the ing and documenting the data. (See
gram operations, for example, in- Department of Labor; its dis- Fetterman, 1980 for details
formal education in the learning semination was carried out by regarding the methodology of the
center (Alvarez & Hishiki, 1974). OIC/A and monitored by NIE. NIE study.) In practice, data collection
This approach represents the small- in turn selected RMC Research and reporting activities overlapped
scale or mini application of Corporation, an educational re- for each segment of the study.
ethnographic techniques to educa- search organization, to evaluate the The study offered a model for
tional evaluation. four CIP sites. The following ethnographic evaluations, at-
The Career Intern Program (CIP) discussion is based on information tempting to apply traditional eth-
study represents one of the earliest derived from the ethnographic nographic techniques to educa-
substantive attempts to apply component of the RMC evaluation. tional evaluation within the con-
ethnographic techniques and As an important social and edu- straints imposed by contract re-
anthropological insights to a large- cational experiment, the CIP is sa- search. The most significant con-
scale project within a time frame lient to many kinds of audiences. tributions the ethnographic com-
established to accommodate a more Policymakers have been interested ponent of the study made to
traditional educational evaluation. in the program as a viable response educational evaluation included
Ideally, more time and additional to serious labor market problems: providing a context to interpret
ethnographers would have been high school dropout rates and meaningfully the data, demyth-
available for a study of this type. youth unemployment. Social ologizing the qualitative-quan-
While it must be acknowledged reformers, however, have viewed titative dichotomy, and producing
that there are many drawbacks in the program as a vehicle to redress programmatic and policy recom-
reducing time normally required to historically based social inequities mendations (Fetterman, 1981d).
conduct extensive fieldwork, the and promote upward social The study provided a description
study suggests what can be done mobility for minority groups. The of the program's neighborhoods to
ethnograph-ically within an program is also of interest to illuminate the program's physical
extremely limited time frame. academicians and researchers be- context. A description of the inner
cause it provides an opportunity to city where pimping, prostitution,
The Career Intern Program: A murder, and theft are common
explore the processes of socializa-
Whole Trait Complex tion, cultural transmission, and occurrences provides an insight
equal educational opportunity in into the influences shaping many
The CIP study, similar to the the United States. urban youth and challenging any
studies discussed above, demon- educational program. In addition,
strates how ethnography can be The study was subdivided into program attendance Statistics were
diffused into applied educational four tasks: (a) implementation, (b) provided with reference to an
research, in this case as a whole outcomes, .(e) interrelationships, attendance baseline. For example,
trait complex. The CIP study and (d) comparison with similar a 70 percent attendance figure
focused on an alternative high programs. The ethnographic gains significance when compared
school program for dropouts and component of the study task with that former dropout's zero
potential dropouts. It was selected focused on the interrelationships attendance baseline figure.
for study because it represents one and causal linkages between The investigation also attempted
of the few exemplary programs for implementation and outcomes. to break down the quantitative-
disenfranchised and economically Ethnographic data collection in- qualitative dichotomy by reporting
disadvantaged minority youth. struments, methods, procedures both types of program outcomes.
The CIP study consists of four and perspectives were employed. The outcomes included
sites, three located in major urban The task also relied heavily on in- descriptions of attitudinal change
centers—(pseudonyms) New Bor- formation gathered through and improved self-presentation
ough, Plymouth, Oceanside—and nomothetic methods and perspec- skills as well as formal quantifia-
a fourth in a small city, Farm- tives. Traditional techniques such ble measures of program success
ington (32,000 population). These as participant observation, non- and stability, for example, atten-
sites were organized according to a participant observation, use of key dance, turnover, graduation, and
model developed in Philadelphia informants, triangulation, struc- placement statistics.
by Opportunities Industrializa- tured and semistructured, and in-
formal interviews, were used to Educational Researcher
Finally, the study provided pro- feel they must make the strongest case nents, community environments, local
ammatic and policy recommen- possible before Congress, on whom and national affiliates, governmental
itions. For example, the study they depend for future funds. Since agencies, and evalua-tors. The study
commended that the use of the controlled randomized experiments differs also in its multidimensional
:perimental design be aban-med in are generally accepted as providing emphasis, discussing federal
evaluations of social wel-re the most credible evidence, it follows involvement, evaluation design, and
programs when the no-cause iseline naturally that they will be selected the role of reinforcing world views. It
required cannot be estab-;hed and regardless of their suitability for the represents both an opportunity for and
when empty slots exist the program. task at hand. a test of ethnography in its emerging
One of the most rportant problems This approach is highly visible in role in educational evaluation.
in the quan-tative component of the governmental circles today as The study develops an analytical
evalua-on was the application of the evidenced by a major document model to explain the programmatic
eatment-control experimental ;sign produced by Boruch and Cordray model developed by the CIP. The
to a population of dropouts id (1980): An Appraisal of Educational analytical model holds that educators
potential dropouts. The use of Lis Program Evaluations: Federal, State, can treat students par-ticularistically
design was methodologically and Local Agencies. Boruch and while teaching them skills required to
isound. Assigning students to te Cordray, in their executive summary succeed when evaluated by universal
control group created a nega-ve for Congress, recommend that criteria of achievement. In analyzing
treatment, and high attrition ites the way educational differences are
invalidated the assumption ' random the higher quality evaluation de- related to social stratification, the
equivalence between •oups signs, especially randomized ex- study challenges the traditional
(Fetterman, 1982). periments, be authorized explicitly assumption of horizontal social
in law for testing new programs, mobility by demonstrating how an
Ethnographic fieldwork helped new variations on existing pro- alternative school can socialize
entify systematic differences be- grams, and new program compo-
r economically disadvantaged youth for
een the treatment and control nents. vertical (upward) mobility.
oup—differences traced to dif--
The application of ethnographic
ential treatment (knowledge of
Once again this approach is rec- techniques to educational evaluation
elusion or exclusion from the
ommended regardless of the study remains a new endeavor. The attempt
ogram). "Basically, the "non-
problem (see Cronbach et ah, 1980; to adapt traditional anthropological
satment" condition produced a cial
Fetterman, 1982; Tallmadge, 1979). techniques to intensive, short-term
organization and a cultural eaning
Fieldwork, with its close attention studies poses many challenges. Thus,
that negatively affected e
to the details of program im- each successful application constitutes
participants. The rejection im the
plementation, can identify causal a significant contribution to the de-
program was not "the ab-nce of x
features and causal linkages that may velopment and refinement of this new
but a phenomenon in its m right—a
be overlooked or misat-tributed on the methodological approach.
y or 2." According to colleague,
"Here anthropology's ncern with basis of correlational analysis of
survey data or predetermined
social arrangements id cultural Conclusion
observational category systems. This
meanings informs ir understanding
study, following those discussed
of these real-e settings, and shows
earlier, demonstrates why researchers Good data is required to "play the
the control oup condition to be
ecologically valid." On-site need not always employ a randomized causation-identification game." The
observations also cumented experimental design to plausibly most appropriate use of ethnography is
recruitment difficul-;s linked to the demonstrate the probability of to borrow the whole trait complex, not
use of this de-sm. For example, causation. a few traits. Securing good data,
recruitment forts were dampened The CIP study represents an however, requires the whole trait
when the ndidates were informed important shift in emphasis from the complex of ethnography and the
that eir chances of entering the pro- urban educational anthropology whole trait complex of traditional
am depended on 5 hours of test-g research of the previous decade evaluation research: "to show broad
and a lottery. Ethnographic re-arch because it focuses on school success patterns across a set of sites across
also provided the reasons r the for minority youth rather than school time."
continued use of this de-gn, despite failure. It differs from the traditional Ethnography has been misun-
site and evaluator otests throughout ethnography of schooling in derstood and misused in educational
the study. incorporating findings from a research. The misuse of ethnographic
multidisciplinary evaluation effort. techniques, however, is due as much
The impetus to employ ran-mized The research concerns not a single to overzealousness and faddishness as
experimental designs and apply school, but an entire demonstration it is to the anthropological tradition of
pressures to meet numeri-1 goals, project in several sites. The analyses ritualizing methodology. Ethnography
preestablished sched-es, and examine: classrooms, program compo- is not a panacea. It is one useful
inflexible deadlines ems from the
federal bureaucrat-climate.
Governmental agencies
arch 1982 21
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