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National Service Training Program

UM Matina Gymnasium
Mc Arthur Highway, Matina, Davao City
Telefax: (082)300-0640 Local 147


Date: May 18 2024

Name: Mikhael Venz D. Amamio

Title of the Activity: Enhancement of School Garden and Canteen Re-painting
Project Partner: Langub Elementary School
NSTP 2 Code: 7975

1. What are the top three most significant insights gained during community

- One significant insight gained during the community implementation of the school garden
enhancement and canteen repainting project was the pivotal role of student involvement.
Engaging students in every step of the process fostered a sense of ownership and pride in
their school environment. It not only increased their commitment to the project but also
empowered them to take responsibility for its success and sustainability. Additionally, the
project provided valuable experiential learning opportunities, teaching students important
skills such as teamwork, creativity, and environmental stewardship. Lastly, the visible
improvements to the school environment, including the revitalized garden and freshly painted
canteen, created a more inspiring and welcoming atmosphere for student well-being and
academic success.

2. These insights are valuable to me personally because…

-These insights are valuable to me personally because they reaffirm the profound impact that
involving students in meaningful projects can have on their sense of ownership and pride in
their school community. Witnessing firsthand how students' active participation fosters a
culture of responsibility and commitment inspires me to continue advocating for student-
centered approaches to education. Moreover, seeing students develop essential skills like
teamwork, creativity, and environmental stewardship through hands-on experiences
reinforces my belief in the transformative power of education beyond traditional classroom
settings. These insights fuel my passion for creating inclusive learning environments where
students not only thrive academically but also cultivate a deep sense of belonging and
empowerment within their school community.
National Service Training Program
UM Matina Gymnasium
Mc Arthur Highway, Matina, Davao City
Telefax: (082)300-0640 Local 147

3. How did the project impacted the community or beneficiaries?

-Engaging in the school garden enhancement and canteen repainting activity has deeply
enriched my values and character. Firstly, working alongside classmates and teachers has
shown me the power of teamwork—how coming together and supporting one another can
achieve remarkable results. Secondly, getting hands dirty in the garden and adding artistic
touch to the canteen has taught the importance of caring for the environment and expressing
creativity. Lastly, seeing the transformation of your school's spaces has filled you with a
sense of pride and ownership, making you feel more connected to your school community.
These experiences have not only strengthened my values but have also shaped you into a
more compassionate, responsible, and empowered individual.

4. Reflect on any personal growth or lessons learned during community implementation.

-During our community-led efforts to improve the school garden and repaint the canteen, I
underwent significant personal growth and gained essential lessons. Collaborating closely
with classmates, professors, and local community members demonstrated the power of
collaboration and taught me the value of good communication and collective action in
attaining our common goals. Getting my hands filthy in the garden and putting my artistic
touch to the canteen walls not only broadened my talents, but also strengthened my
connection to the surroundings we were transforming. These hands-on experiences helped me
develop a greater respect for environmental stewardship and the impact of our actions on our
surroundings. Witnessing the development of our school environment gave me a sense of
pride and ownership, which strengthened my sense of belonging within our school
community. This experience of community implementation has left a lasting impression on
my understanding of collaboration, creativity, and responsibility.

5. How do you think this project has contributed to your overall development as a
responsible citizen?

-This project has been instrumental in shaping me into a more responsible citizen. Working
closely with my classmates and teachers, I've learned the importance of community
involvement and taking ownership of our shared spaces. It's made me realize that as citizens,
we all have a role to play in making our communities better. Additionally, getting my hands
dirty in the garden and seeing the impact of our sustainable practices has heightened my
awareness of environmental responsibility. This experience has inspired me to advocate for
environmental stewardship in my daily life. Lastly, leading and collaborating on various
aspects of the project has taught me the value of teamwork and effective communication,
skills that are essential for any community endeavor. Overall, this project has not only helped
me grow personally but has also empowered me to be an active and responsible member of
my community.
National Service Training Program
UM Matina Gymnasium
Mc Arthur Highway, Matina, Davao City
Telefax: (082)300-0640 Local 147



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