Torsion Check

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b 400

d 700
fc' 41.3793103
fy 414
fyt 414
db long 25
db web 12
db trans 16
Acp 183616
Ph 1840

Tu 104 kN-m/m
Vu 80

Concrete Strength for Torsion

Tc= 0.75*sqrt(fc')*Acp^2/Ph
88.4007824 kN-m

Stirrups Reinforcement

Sv= 250
St= 1.28Acp*At*fy/Tu 200
S= 125

1/S = or > 1/Sv + 1/St

0.008 ? 0.004 + 0.005
0.008 < 0.009 NOT OK

Longitudinal Reinforcement

At Ph  5 f 'c Acp A At 25bw

Al    Ph t  where, 
st  fy st  st fy

Al 12415.2313 ???????? 1416.22996824

Cross-Section Check against Compression Failure due to Combined Shear and Torsion

  
Vu 2
bw d
Tu Ph
1.7 Aoh
  7.5
f 'c

SQRT((Vu/bxd)^2+(TuPh/1.7Aoh^2)^2) 1.85446274

7.5SQRT(fc') 48.2450641


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