Canadian Government Clean Energy

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and our position on the clean
energy crisis.

The world is currently in a clean
energy crisis. Although Canada is
doing very well with using many
renewable energy sources, there
are still some clean energy sources
that are not powerful enough to be
sustained and still creates pollution.

As a result of the entire global population
needing energy sources, it is extremely
difficult to keep up with the demand,
especially using all renewable energy
sources. The most common clean energy
sources, such as solar and wind energy,
cannot be provided 24-/7, and therefore
cannot be provided as quickly as people
need them (

Many provinces use an immense amount
of electricity caused from the
combustion of fossil fuels. Coal is also a
non-renewable that we use as a major
energy producer. We need to find a
renewable resource that we can use to
replace other non-renewable sources
while still being sustained well.

We need to slowly, but effectively,
transfer from non-renewable energy
sources to replenishable and
renewable power sources. We also
need to use more electricity power
sources that are not carbon-emitting
like the ones that we use now.

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