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Chemistry, Physics and

Volume 1 General Aspects
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Chemistry, Physics and
Volume 1 General Aspects

Third edition

Edited by
Patrick F. Fox, Paul L.H. McSweeney, Timothy M. Cogan
and Timothy P. Guinee


This book is printed on acid-free paper
First published 1987 by Elsevier Applied Science
Second edition 1993 by Chapman & Hall
Third edition 2004

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Library of Congress Control Number: 2004105782

Volume 1 ISBN 0-1226-3652-X

Volume 2 ISBN 0-1226-3653-8
Set ISBN 0-1226-3651-1

Cover images:
Bacteria (detail): reprinted with permission from Donald J. McMahon,
Food Structure, 1993, Vol. 12, pp. 251–258, Fig. 3A.
Sensory Circle: adapted with permission from Pierre Lavanchy et al.,
A Guide to the Sensory Evaluation of Texture of Hard and Semi-Hard Cheeses, 1994, Institut National
de la Recherché Agronomique, Paris.
Electropheresis gel: published with kind permission of Vivek Upadhyay, University College Cork,
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Foreword vii
List of Contributors ix
Preface to the First Edition xiii
Preface to the Second Edition xv
Preface to the Third Edition xvii

Cheese: An Overview 1
P.F. Fox and P.L.H. McSweeney
Rennets: General and Molecular Aspects 19
M.J.C. Crabbe
Rennet-induced Coagulation of Milk 47
D.S. Horne and J.M. Banks
The Syneresis of Rennet-coagulated Curd 71
P. Dejmek and P. Walstra
Formation, Structural Properties and Rheology of Acid-coagulated Milk Gels 105
J.A. Lucey
Starter Cultures: General Aspects 123
E. Parente and T.M. Cogan
Starter Cultures: Genetics 149
M.J. Callanan and R.P. Ross
Starter Cultures: Bacteriophage 163
S. McGrath, G.F. Fitzgerald and D. van Sinderen
Secondary and Adjunct Cultures 191
J.-F. Chamba and F. Irlinger
Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects 207
T.P. Guinee and P.F. Fox
Application of Membrane Separation Technology to Cheese Production 261
V.V. Mistry and J.-L. Maubois
The Microbiology of Cheese Ripening 287
T. Beresford and A. Williams
Raw Milk Cheeses 319
E. Beuvier and S. Buchin
Biochemistry of Cheese Ripening: Introduction and Overview 347
P.L.H. McSweeney
Metabolism of Residual Lactose and of Lactate and Citrate 361
P.L.H. McSweeney and P.F. Fox
Lipolysis and Catabolism of Fatty Acids in Cheese 373
Y.F. Collins, P.L.H. McSweeney and M.G. Wilkinson
vi Contents

Proteolysis in Cheese during Ripening 391

V.K. Upadhyay, P.L.H. McSweeney, A.A.A. Magboul and P.F. Fox
Catabolism of Amino Acids in Cheese during Ripening 435
Á.C. Curtin and P.L.H. McSweeney
Sensory Character of Cheese and its Evaluation 455
C.M. Delahunty and M.A. Drake
Cheese Flavour: Instrumental Techniques 489
J.-L. Le Quéré
Rheology and Texture of Cheese 511
D.J. O’Callaghan and T.P. Guinee
Growth and Survival of Microbial Pathogens in Cheese 541
C.W. Donnelly
Toxins in Cheese 561
N.M. O’Brien, T.P. O’Connor, J. O’Callaghan and A.D.W. Dobson
Nutritional Aspects of Cheese 573
N.M. O’Brien and T.P. O’Connor
Factors that Affect the Quality of Cheese 583
P.F. Fox and T.M. Cogan
Index 609

The art of cheesemaking has been augmented steadily by greater knowledge on the science of cheesemaking. This
evolution has resulted from basic and applied research and from the increased need to understand and control the
characteristics of milk, the microorganisms used in the manufacture and maturation of cheese, the manufacturing
technologies, and the physical properties and flavour of cheese. Traditional methods of cheese manufacture have
been modified by the need for greater efficiencies in the manufacture and maturation of cheese and by changes
in the marketing channels for cheese. Accommodating these changes while maintaining the characteristics of a
given cheese variety has been accomplished by the application of scientific principles. The need for greater under-
standing of the characteristics of cheese has also been driven by the increased use of cheese as an ingredient in
other foods. This has required specific control of selected properties of cheese to impart the desired properties to
the food, and to retain characteristics of the cheese during various food processing technologies.
The successive editions of Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology have documented the application of
science to the art of cheesemaking. Certain characteristics are common in all editions: a thorough description
and evaluation of scientific and technological advances, prodigious referencing to direct readers to more in-depth
discussion of topics, and careful editing to impart consistency of discussion and a smooth transition between
chapters. However, each edition has been revised to incorporate new information and to reflect recent trends in
describing the science of cheesemaking and maturation and in the use of cheese as a food ingredient. Scientific
principles emphasised in Volume 1 cover microbiological, chemical and physical attributes of cheese as in previous
editions. Greater emphasis is given to the genetics and metabolic activity of lactic starters and on the secondary
microflora in the third edition. Conversion of components (lactose, lactate, citrate, lipids, proteins) by microbial
metabolism and enzymatic action is discussed in several chapters. Inclusion of modern sensory evaluation tech-
niques and instrumental identification of flavour compounds recognises the relationship between these areas. A new
chapter on acid gels provides the basic background for discussion in Volume 2 on cheese varieties made by acid
or heat plus acid coagulation that are becoming more important as food ingredients. Volume 2, as in previous
editions, focuses on various types of cheese, but the cheeses have been grouped into more logical categories
based upon characteristics rather than geographical regions of production. The first chapter of Volume 2 pro-
vides an overview of the diversity of cheese varieties and systems of categorising varieties. A similar approach in
the second chapter familiarises the reader with the general aspects of cheese technology to emphasise that there
are common elements in cheesemaking and maturation and that cheese varieties result from specific deviations
from or additions to these common elements. The last chapter is appropriately a discussion of cheese as an
ingredient, which recognises recent trends in the science of cheese.
A substantial bank of knowledge has been accumulated on cheese and this has been rigorously incorporated
into the two volumes. It is inevitable that this bank of knowledge will be revised and expanded. The third edition
of Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology provides the base upon which these revisions and expansions can
be undertaken objectively.
N.F. Olson
Department of Food Science, University of Wisconsin, Madison
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List of Contributors

Dr J.M. Banks Ms Y.F. Collins

CHARIS Food Research Dairy Products Research Centre
Hannah Research Institute Teagasc, Moorepark
Ayr KA6 5HL Fermoy
Scotland Cork
Dr T. Beresford
Dairy Products Research Centre Professor M.J.C. Crabbe
Teagasc, Moorepark Division of Cell and Molecular Biology
Fermoy School of Animal and Microbial Sciences
Cork The University of Reading
Ireland Whiteknights
Reading RG6 6AJ
Dr E. Beuvier UK
Station de Recherches en Technologie et Analyses
Laitières Dr Á.C. Curtin
Institut National de La Recherche Agronomique Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences
F-39801 Poligny Cedex University College
France Cork
Dr S. Buchin
Professor P. Dejmek
Station de Recherches en Technologie et Analyses
Department of Food Engineering
Lund University
Institut National de La Recherche Agronomique
Box 124, 221 00 Lund
F-39801 Poligny Cedex
Dr C.M. Delahunty
Dr M.J. Callanan Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences
Dairy Products Research Centre University College
Teagasc, Moorepark Cork
Fermoy Ireland
Ireland Dr A.D.W. Dobson
Department of Microbiology
Dr J.-F. Chamba University College
Institut Technique Francais de Fromages Cork
74801 La Roche sur Foron Cedex Ireland
Dr C.W. Donnelly
Professor T.M. Cogan Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences
Dairy Products Research Centre University of Vermont
Teagasc, Moorepark 200 Carrigan Building
Fermoy Burlington
Cork VT 05405-0044
Ireland USA
x List of Contributors

Dr M.A. Drake Dr A.A.A. Magboul

Department of Food Science DAL Food Industries
North Carolina State University Industrial Area
Campus Box 7624 No. 1/15 Block 4F
Raleigh Khartoum North, PO Box 708
NC 27695-7624 Sudan
Professor J.-L. Maubois
Dr G.F. Fitzgerald Laboratoire de Recherches Laitières
National Food Biotechnology Centre Institut National de la Recherche
Departments of Microbiology and Food & Nutritional Agronomique
Sciences 35012 Rennes Cedex
University College France
Cork Dr S. McGrath
Ireland National Food Biotechnology Centre
Professor P.F. Fox Department of Microbiology
Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences University College
University College Cork
Cork Ireland
Ireland Dr P.L.H. McSweeney
Department of Food and
Dr T.P. Guinee
Nutritional Sciences
Dairy Products Research Centre
University College
Teagasc, Moorepark
Ireland Professor V.V. Mistry
Dairy Science Department
Dr D.S. Horne
South Dakota State University
CHARIS Food Research
Hannah Research Institute
SD 57007
Ayr KA6 5HL
Dr N.M. O’Brien
Dr F. Irlinger Department of Food and
Institut National de La Recherche Agronomique Nutritional Sciences
78850 Thiverval-Grignon Cedex University College
France Cork
Dr J.-L. Le Quéré Ireland
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique Dr D.J. O’Callaghan
Unité Mixte de Recherche sur les Aromes Dairy Products Research Centre
17 rue Sully Teagasc, Moorepark
F-21065, Dijon Fermoy
France Cork
Dr J.A. Lucey
Department of Food Science Dr J. O’Callaghan
University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Microbiology
1605 Linden Drive University College
Madison, WI 53706-1565 Cork
USA Ireland
List of Contributors xi

Dr T.P. O’Connor Mr V.K. Upadhyay

Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences
University College University College
Cork Cork
Ireland Ireland
Dr E. Parente Professor P. Walstra
Dipartimenta Biologia Department of Food Science
Università della Basilicata The Argricultural University
Campus di Macchia Romana 6703 HD Wageningen
85100 Potenza The Netherlands
Dr R.P. Ross Dr M.G. Wilkinson
Dairy Products Research Centre Department of Life Sciences
Teagasc, Moorepark University of Limerick
Fermoy Castletroy
Cork Limerick
Ireland Ireland

Dr D. van Sinderen Professor A. Williams

Department of Microbiology CHARIS Food Research
University College Hannah Research Institute
Cork Ayr KA6 5HL
Ireland Scotland
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Preface to the First Edition

Cheese manufacture is one of the classical examples of food preservation, dating from 6000–7000 BC. Preserva-
tion of the most important constituents of milk (i.e. fat and protein) as cheese exploits two of the classical prin-
ciples of food preservation, i.e.: lactic acid fermentation, and reduction of water activity through removal of
water and addition of NaCl. Establishment of a low redox potential and secretion of antibiotics by starter
microorganisms contribute to the storage stability of cheese.
About 500 varieties of cheese are now produced throughout the world; present production is ⬃107 tonnes
per annum and is increasing at a rate of ⬃4% per annum. Cheese manufacture essentially involves gelation of
the casein via iso-electric (acid) or enzymatic (rennet) coagulation; a few cheeses are produced by a combination
of heat and acid and still fewer by thermal evaporation. Developments in ultrafiltration facilitate the production
of a new family of cheeses. Cheeses produced by acid or heat/acid coagulation are usually consumed fresh, and
hence their production is relatively simple and they are not particularly interesting from the biochemical view-
point although they may have interesting physico-chemical features. Rennet cheeses are almost always ripened
(matured) before consumption through the action of a complex battery of enzymes. Consequently they are in a
dynamic state and provide fascinating subjects for enzymologists and microbiologists, as well as physical
Researchers on cheese have created a very substantial literature, including several texts dealing mainly with
the technological aspects of cheese production. Although certain chemical, physical and microbiological aspects
of cheese have been reviewed extensively, this is probably the first attempt to review comprehensively the scien-
tific aspects of cheese manufacture and ripening. The topics applicable to most cheese varieties, i.e. rennets,
starters, primary and secondary phases of rennet coagulation, gel formation, gel syneresis, salting, proteolysis,
rheology and nutrition, are reviewed in Volume 1. Volume 2 is devoted to the more specific aspects of the nine
major cheese families: Cheddar, Dutch, Swiss, Iberian, Italian, Balkan, Middle Eastern, Mould-ripened and
Smear-ripened. A chapter is devoted to non-European cheeses, many of which are ill-defined; it is hoped that the
review will stimulate scientific interest in these minor, but locally important, varieties. The final chapter is
devoted to processed cheeses.
It is hoped that the book will provide an up-to-date reference on the scientific aspects of this fascinating
group of ancient, yet ultramodern, foods; each chapter is extensively referenced. It will be clear that a consider-
ably body of scientific knowledge on the manufacture and ripening of cheese is currently available but it will be
apparent also that many major gaps exist in our knowledge; it is hoped that this book will serve to stimulate sci-
entists to fill these gaps.
I wish to thank sincerely the other 26 authors who contributed to the text and whose co-operation made my
task as editor a pleasure.
P.F. Fox
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Preface to the Second Edition

The first edition of this book was very well received by the various groups (lecturers, students, researchers and
industrialists) interested in the scientific and technological aspects of cheese. The initial printing was sold out
faster than anticipated and created an opportunity to revise and extend the book.
The second edition retains all 21 subjects from the first edition, generally revised by the same authors and in
some cases expanded considerably. In addition, 10 new chapters have been added: Cheese: Methods of chemical
analysis; Biochemistry of cheese ripening; Water activity and the composition of cheese; Growth and survival of
pathogenic and other undesirable microorganisms in cheese; Membrane processes in cheese technology, in
Volume 1 and North-European varieties; Cheeses of the former USSR; Mozzarella and Pizza cheese; Acid-coagulated
cheeses and Cheeses from sheep’s and goats’ milk in Volume 2. These new chapters were included mainly to fill
perceived deficiencies in the first edition.
The book provides an in-depth coverage of the principal scientific and technological aspects of cheese. While
it is intended primarily for lecturers, senior students and researchers, production management and quality con-
trol personnel should find it to be a very valuable reference book. Although cheese production has become
increasingly scientific in recent years, the quality of the final product is still not totally predictable. It is not
claimed that this book will provide all the answers for the cheese scientist/technologist but it does provide the
most comprehensive compendium of scientific knowledge on cheese available.
Each of the 31 chapters is extensively referenced to facilitate further exploration of the extensive literature on
cheese. It will be apparent that while cheese manufacture is now firmly based on sound scientific principles,
many questions remain unanswered. It is hoped that this book will serve to stimulate further scientific study on
the chemical, physical and biological aspects of cheese.
I wish to thank sincerely all the authors who contributed to the two volumes of this book and whose co-
operation made my task as editor a pleasure.

P.F. Fox
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Preface to the Third Edition

Very considerable progress has been made on the scientific aspects of cheese since the second edition of this
book was published in 1993. This is especially true for the Microbiology of Cheese and the Biochemistry of
Cheese Ripening; consequently those sections have been expanded very considerably. The general structure of
the book is similar to that of the earlier editions, with the more general aspects being treated in Volume 1 and
the more applied, variety-related aspects in Volume 2. The book contains 36 chapters. Reflecting the very exten-
sive research on cheese starters in recent years, four chapters have been devoted to this topic in the third edition.
Another new feature is the inclusion of two chapters on cheese flavour; one on sensory aspects, the other on
instrumental methods.
In Volume 2 of the second edition, cheese varieties were treated mainly on a geographical basis. While some
elements of the geographical distribution remain, cheese varieties are now treated mainly based on the charac-
teristic features of their ripening. Obviously, it is not possible to treat all 1000 or so cheese varieties, but the
10 variety-related chapters in Volume 2 cover at least 90% of world cheese production and it is very likely that
your favourite cheese is included in one of those 10 chapters.
Cheese is the quintessential convenience food and is widely used as an ingredient in other foods and in the
USA approximately 70% of all cheese is used as a food ingredient. The use of cheese as a food ingredient is a
major growth area; consequently, a chapter has been devoted to the important features of cheese as an ingredi-
ent, including a section on Enzyme-modified Cheese.
Each chapter is extensively referenced to facilitate further exploration of the extensive literature on cheese.
While the book is intended for primarily lecturers, senior students and researchers, production management and
quality control personnel should find it to be a very useful reference book.
We wish to thank sincerely all authors who contributed to the two volumes of this book and whose co-
operation made our task as editors a pleasure. Special thanks are due to Ms Anne Cahalane for very valuable
P.F. Fox
P.L.H. McSweeney
T.M. Cogan
T.P. Guinee
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Cheese: An Overview
P.F. Fox and P.L.H. McSweeney, Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences,
University College, Cork, Ireland

Milk is also a rich source of nutrients for bacteria
Cheese is the generic name for a group of fermented which contaminate the milk, some species of which
milk-based food products, produced in a wide range of utilize milk sugar, lactose, as a source of energy, produc-
flavours and forms throughout the world. Although the ing lactic acid. Bacterial growth and acid production
primary objective of cheesemaking is to conserve the would have occurred during storage or during attempts
principal constituents of milk, cheese has evolved to to dry milk in the prevailing warm, dry climate to pro-
become a food of haute cuisine with epicurean qualities, duce a more stable product – air-drying of meat, fruits
as well as being highly nutritious. Sandine and Elliker and vegetables appears to have been practised as a primi-
(1970) suggested that there are more than 1000 var- tive form of food preservation at this period in the devel-
ieties of cheese. Walter and Hargrove (1972) described opment of civilization. When sufficient acid has been
more than 400 varieties and listed the names of a further produced, the principal proteins of milk, the caseins,
400, while Burkhalter (1981) classified 510 varieties coagulate, i.e., at their isoelectric points – ⬃pH 4.6, to
(although some are listed more than once). Jim Path form a gel in which the fat is entrapped. The rate of acid-
(University of Wisconsin) has compiled a list of 1400 ification by the adventitious microflora would usually be
varieties (visit As discussed in detail slow, allowing the (unhomogenized) fat globules to form
in ‘Diversity of cheese varieties: An Overview’, Volume 2, a cream layer. This layer of sour cream could be blended
a number of attempts have been made to classify cheese into the lower protein gel or scooped off for the produc-
varieties into meaningful groups. The most common tion of butter. Thus originated three of our classical
criterion for the classification is texture (very hard, fermented dairy products: fermented milks, sour cream
hard, semi-hard, semi-soft, soft) which is related mainly and lactic butter, all of which are still produced widely,
to the moisture content of the cheese. Various attempts sometimes depending on the adventitious microflora for
have been made to improve on this basis of classifica- acidification, but now usually through the growth of cul-
tion, for example, by including the milk-producing tures of lactic acid bacteria.
species, moisture to protein ratio, method of coagula- The first fermented dairy foods were produced by
tion, cooking temperature, microflora. These classifica- a fortuitous combination of events – the ability of a
tion schemes are discussed in ‘Diversity of cheese group of bacteria, the lactic acid bacteria (LAB), to grow
varieties: An Overview’, Volume 2. However, no classifi- in milk and to produce enough acid to reduce the
cation scheme developed to date is completely satisfac- pH of milk to the isoelectric point of the caseins, at
tory; the inclusion of chemical indices of ripening which these proteins coagulate. Neither the LAB nor the
would be useful. caseins were designed for this outcome. The caseins
It is commonly believed that cheese evolved in a were ‘designed’ to coagulate following limited proteoly-
region known as the ‘Fertile Crescent’, i.e., from the sis in the stomach of neonatal mammals, the gastric
Tigris and Euphratres rivers, through what is now pH of which is around 6, i.e., very much higher than
southern Turkey to the Mediterranean coast, some the isoelectric point of the caseins. The ability of Lacto-
8000 years ago. The so-called ‘Agricultural Revolu- coccus lactis to ferment lactose, a sugar specific to milk,
tion’ occurred in this region with the domestication of is plasmid-encoded, suggesting that this characteristic
plants and animals. Presumably, humans soon recog- was acquired relatively recently in the evolution of these
nized the nutritive value of milk produced by domes- bacteria. Their natural habitats are vegetation and/or
ticated animals and contrived to share the mother’s the intestine, from which they presumably colonized
milk with her offspring. Apparently, goats and sheep, the teats of dairy animals, contaminated with lactose-
which are gregarious and docile, were the first dairy containing milk; it is likely that through evolutionary
animals domesticated, but cattle have become the pressure, these bacteria acquired the ability to ferment
dominant dairy species in most parts of the world lactose.
(c. 85% of the total world supply of milk is obtained When an acid-coagulated milk gel is broken, e.g., acci-
from cows). dentally by movement of the storage vessel or intentionally
Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, Third edition – Volume 1: General Aspects Copyright © 2004 Elsevier Ltd
ISBN: 0-1226-3652-X All rights reserved
Set ISBN: 0-1226-3651-1
2 Cheese: An Overview

by breaking or cutting, it separates into curds and whey. It While the coagulation of milk by the in situ produc-
would have been realized quickly that the acid whey is a tion of lactic acid was, presumably, accidental, the use
pleasant, refreshing drink for immediate consumption of rennets to coagulate milk was intentional. It was, in
while the curds could be consumed fresh or stored for fact, quite an ingenous invention – if the conversion of
future use. In fact, whey was long considered to have milk to cheese by the use of rennets was discovered
medicinal benefits (see Hoffmann, 1761). It was probably today, it would be hailed as a major biotechnological
soon realized that the shelf-life of the curds could be discovery!
extended by dehydration and/or by adding salt; heavily The advantages accruing from the ability to convert
salted cheese varieties are still widespread throughout the the principal constituents of milk to cheese would
Middle East and small quantities of a number of dehy- have been apparent from the viewpoints of storage sta-
drated cheeses are produced in North Africa and the Mid- bility, ease of transport and, presumably, as a means of
dle East, e.g., Tikammart and Aoules (Algeria), Djamid diversifying the human diet and cheese manufacture
(Jordan), Ekt (Saudi Arabia) and Madraffarah (Syria) (see became well established in the ancient civilizations of
Phelan et al., 1993). the Middle East, Egypt, Greece and Rome. There are
It is presumed that one of the principal families of numerous references to cheese and other foods in the
cheese, the acid cheeses, modern members of which Bible (see MacAlister, 1904). Milk and dairy products
include Cottage cheese, Cream cheese and Quarg, origin- formed an important part of the diet of peoples of
ated in this way. While lactic acid, produced in situ, is the Near East during Biblical times; indeed Palestine
believed to have been the original milk coagulant, an was praised as ‘a land flowing with milk and honey’
alternative mechanism was also recognized from an (Exodus 3.8). Animals herded during Biblical times
early date. Many proteolytic enzymes can modify the for milk production included goats (e.g., Proverbs
casein system in milk, causing it to coagulate under cer- 27.27), sheep (e.g., Deuteronomy 14.4) and possibly
tain circumstances. Enzymes capable of causing this camels (Genesis 32.15). Cows’ milk is rarely specified
transformation are widespread in nature, e.g., bacteria, in the Old Testament, presumably because of the
moulds, plant and animal tissues, but an obvious source unsuitability of the terrain of the Holy Land for cow
would have been animal stomachs. It would have been pasture. In addition to milk, other foods of dairy ori-
observed that the stomach of young mammals after gin mentioned in the Bible include curds (perhaps fer-
slaughter contained curds, especially if the animals had mented milk: Genesis 18.8; Isaiah 7.22) and butter
suckled shortly before slaughter; curds would also have (Psalms 55.21). There are several clear references in
been observed in the vomit of human infants. Before the the Old Testament to cheese, e.g., Job (1520 BC, where
development of pottery (⬃5000 BC), storage of milk in Job remarks to God ‘did Thou not pour me out like
bags made from animal skins was probably common (as milk and curdle me like cheese’; Job 10.10) and
it still is in many countries). Stomachs of slaughtered Samuel (1170–1017 BC; as a delicacy sent by Jesse to
animals provided ready-made, easily sealed containers; his sons (I Samuel 17.18) and as a gift presented to
under such circumstances, milk would extract enzymes David (II Samuel 17.29)).
(chymosin and some pepsin) from the stomach tissue, Cheese is represented in the tomb art of Ancient
leading to its coagulation during storage. The properties Egypt and in Greek literature. Vegetable rennets are
of rennet-coagulated curds are very different from those mentioned in the first work of European literature;
produced by isoelectric (acid) precipitation, e.g., they Homer (c. eighth century BC) implies the use of fig
have better syneresis properties which makes it possible rennet in the Iliad (‘. . . as when fig juice is added to
to produce low-moisture cheese curd without harden- white milk and rapidly coagulates, and the milk
ing. Rennet-coagulated curds can, therefore, be con- quickly curdles as it is stirred, so speedy was his heal-
verted to a more stable product than acid curds and ing of raging Ares.’ Iliad 5) and describes the Cyclops,
rennet coagulation has become predominant in cheese Polyphemus, making ewes’ milk cheese in the Odyssey
manufacture, being exploited for c. 75% of total world (Book 9) using ‘well made dairy vessels’ and ‘pails
production. swimming with whey’. Other Greek authors who men-
Although animal rennets were used from early times, tion cheese include the Father of History, Herodotus
rennets produced from a range of plant species, e.g., fig (484–408 BC), who referred to ‘Scythian cheese’ and
and thistle, also appear to have been common in ancient the philosopher, Aristotle (384–322 BC), who noted
times. However, plant rennets are not suitable for the that ‘Phrygian’ cheese was made from the milk of
manufacture of long-ripened cheese varieties and gastric mares and asses. Apparently, cheese was prescribed in
proteinases from young animals became the standard the diet for Spartan wrestlers in training.
rennets until a recent shortage of supply made it neces- Cheese manufacture was well established in the
sary to introduce ‘rennet substitutes’. Roman Empire and was a standard item in the rations
Cheese: An Overview 3

issued to Roman soldiers. Cheese must have been popu- PAIL OF MILK
lar with Roman civilians also and demand exceeded (Sheep or goat)

supply, forcing an emperor, Diocletian (AD 284–305), Rennet, > weight of

to fix a maximum price for cheese. Many Roman ‘Some degree of heat’ denarius (c. 3.4 g)
(Stand not far from the fire) (Lamb, kid or other)
writers, e.g., Cato the Elder (234–149 BC), Varro,
Columella and Pliny the Elder, described cheese Coagulum
manufacture and quality and the culinary uses of
cheese. Pliny the Elder (AD 23–79) mentioned cheese Drain whey quickly when milk
coagulated using wicker baskets
in his encyclopedia, Historia Naturalis (Book 28) and or moulds. Aid whey drainage
described its uses in the diet and in medicinal applica- using weights
tions. Varro (c. 116–27 BC; De Agricultura 2.3–2.6) Curds
distinguished between ‘soft and new cheese’ and that
which is ‘old and dry’ and described the Roman Place cheese in a cool shady place
cheesemaking season in the spring and summer. Varro
Surface application of dry salt
briefly described cheese manufacture: to about 2 congii
(c. 5.7 L) of milk was added a piece of rennet from
the hare or kid (in preference to that from the lamb). Rind formation
Varro described the quantity of rennet to be added as Pressing using weights
Further application of dry salt
‘the size of an olive’, implying that the rennet was Repeat for 9 days
solid, perhaps a piece of stomach tissue. If so, then Wash cheeses using water

this rennet may be analogous to rennet paste, which

is used today for the manufacture of certain Italian
cheese varieties (see ‘Biochemistry of Cheese Ripen- Place cheeses in rows on wickerwork trays
Allow them to become ‘moderately dry’
ing: Introduction and Overview’, ‘Lipolysis and Pack closely on shelves in an enclosed place
Catabolism of Fatty Acids in Cheese’, Volume 1). Fig not exposed to the wind
Cheese becomes ‘more tender’
latex and vinegar were mentioned by Varro as an
alternative rennet and vinegar is also mentioned as a Cheese can be ‘exported beyond the sea’

means for coagulating milk (as practised today in the

manufacture of some forms of Queso Blanco and CHEESE
However, the most complete ancient description of Figure 1 Flow diagram for the manufacture of a type of Roman
cheesemaking is given by Lucius Junius Moderatus Col- cheese based on the description of Columella (De Re Rustica,
umella, a Roman soldier and author from Gades (mod- 7.8.1–7.8.7).
ern Cadiz), in his treatise on agriculture, De Re Rustica
(c. AD 50). A manufacturing procedure for Roman cheese,
based on the description of Columella, is given in Fig. 1, umella recommended that the smallest amount of rennet
which includes many observations and practices recog- possible be used to ensure high quality cheese. This may
nizable by modern cheesemakers. He recommends that be related to the excessive proteolytic activity of plant
the (raw) milk be held at ‘some degree of heat’ but warns proteinases used as rennets which often produce bitter
against over-heating by placing the pail on the flames of cheese. Whey drainage was through wicker baskets,
a fire. Columella distinguished between cheese with a perhaps analogous to the drainage of whey through
‘thin consistency’ (soft?) which must be sold quickly moulds in the manufacture of certain soft cheeses (e.g.,
‘while it is still fresh and retains its moisture’ and that Camembert). No mention was made by Columella of
with a ‘rich and thick consistency’ (hard?) which may be cooking the curds/whey mixture prior to whey drainage;
held for a long period. Since the concept of pH and the moisture control seems to have been by pressing the
existence of bacteria were unknown in antiquity, no curds during whey drainage or pressing the cheese after
mention is made of starter; the cheese curd was acidified salting. Salting was by means of the repeated application
using the adventitious microflora of the raw milk. How- of dry salt to the cheese surface (which is still practiced,
ever, Columella did discuss different types of rennets e.g., in the manufacture of Blue cheese), which encour-
in some detail. He recommended coagulation using aged further loss of moisture (‘acid liquid’). However,
rennet from lamb or kid but states that milk can also Columella also mentioned brine salting as a method
be coagulated using flowers of certain thistles (perhaps of ‘hardening’ cheese. The cheeses were washed with
Cynara cardunculus), seeds of the safflower (Carthamus water, allowed to form a rind and placed on shelves in
tinctorius), or sap from the fig tree. Interestingly, Col- an enclosed place ‘so that the cheese may remain more
4 Cheese: An Overview

tender’. Interestingly, the comparative form of the adjec- villages and some into larger communities. Because
tive used in the Latin text (tenerior) can also be trans- monasteries and feudal estates were essentially self-
lated as ‘more soft’; if this is the intended meaning, it is contained communities, it is readily apparent how sev-
the first recorded mention of the changes which occur in eral hundred distinct varieties of cheese evolved from
cheese during ripening. Columella also discussed defects essentially the same raw material, milk or rennet-coagu-
which may occur in cheese, including being ‘full of lated curds, especially under conditions of limited
holes’ (perhaps mechanical openings as the remedy rec- communication. Traditionally, many cheese varieties
ommended is increased pressing), too salty or too dry. were produced in quite limited geographical regions,
According to Columella, cheeses were flavoured with especially in mountainous areas, where communities
herbs and coloured with smoke, practices which persist are isolated. The localized production of certain vari-
to a certain extent today. He also described briefly the eties is still apparent and indeed is preserved for those
manufacture of ‘hand-pressed’ (manu pressum) cheese in varieties with controlled designations of origin (Appela-
which hot water is poured over the curds which are tion d’Origine Contrôlée). Regionalization of certain
then shaped by hand, a practice perhaps related to the cheese varieties is particularly marked in Spain, Portu-
kneading and stretching steps for pasta-filata varieties. gal and Italy, where the production of many varieties
Thus, cheesemaking practice appears to have changed is restricted to very limited region. Almost certainly,
little from the time of Columella until the nineteenth most cheese varieties evolved by accident because of
century! a particular set of local circumstances, e.g., a peculiar-
The great migrations of peoples throughout Europe ity of the local milk supply, either with respect to
immediately before and after the fall of the Western chemical composition or microflora, an ‘accident’ dur-
Roman Empire must have promoted the further spread ing storage of the cheese, e.g., growth of mould or
of cheese manufacture, as did the Crusaders and other other microorganisms. Presumably, those accidents that
pilgrims of the Middle Ages. Probably, the most import- led to desirable changes in the quality of the cheese
ant agents contributing to the development of cheese were incorporated into the manufacturing protocol;
‘technology’ and to the evolution of cheese varieties each variety thus underwent a series of evolutionary
were monasteries and feudal estates. In addition to their changes and refinements.
roles in the spread of Christianity and in the preserva- The final chapter in the spread of cheese through-
tion and expansion of knowledge during the Dark Ages, out the world resulted from the colonization of north
the monasteries made considerable contributions to the and south America, Oceania and Africa by European
advancement of agriculture in Europe and to the devel- settlers who carried their cheesemaking skills with
opment and improvement of food commodities, notably them. Cheese has become an item of major economic
wine, beer and cheese. Many of our current well-known importance in some of these ‘new’ countries, notably
cheese varieties were developed in monasteries, e.g., the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, but the
Wenslydale (Rievaulx Abbey, Yorkshire), Port du Salut varieties produced are mainly of European origin,
or Saint Paulin (Monastery de Notre Dame du Port modified in some cases to meet local requirements.
du Salut, Laval, France), Fromage de Tamie (Abbey of Cheese was not manufactured in these regions before
Tamie, Lac d’Annecy, Geneva), Maroilles (Abbey colonization by Europeans; in fact, there were no
Moroilles, Avesnes, France) and Trappist (Maria Stern cattle, sheep or goats in Australia, North or South
Monastery, Banja Luka, Bosnia). The inter-monastery America and there were no land mammals in New
movement of monks would have contributed to the Zealand before the arrival of Europeans.
spread of cheese varieties and probably to the develop- For further information on the history of cheese,
ment of new hybrid varieties. the reader is referred to Squire (1937), Cheke (1959),
The great feudal estates of the Middle Ages were Davis (1965), Kosikowski (1977), Scott (1986), Kosi-
self-contained communities. The conservation of sur- kowski and Mistry (1997) and Robinson and Wilbey
plus food produced in summer for use during winter (1998). For references on Roman agriculture, see White
was a major activity on such estates and undoubtedly (1970).
cheese represented one of the more important of these Cheesemaking remained an art rather than a science
conserved products, along with cereals, dried and until relatively recently. With the gradual acquisition of
salted meats, dried fruits, dried and fermented vegeta- knowledge on the chemistry and microbiology of milk
bles, beer and wine. Cheese probably represented an and cheese, it became possible to direct the changes
item of trade when amounts surplus to local require- involved in cheesemaking in a more controlled fashion.
ments were available. Within these estates, individuals Although few new varieties have evolved as a result of
acquired special skills which were passed on to suc- this improved knowledge, the existing varieties have
ceeding generations. The feudal estates evolved into become better defined and their quality more consistent.
Cheese: An Overview 5

Considering the long history of cheesemaking, one A major cause of differences in the characteristics of
might be inclined to the idea that what have come to cheese is the inter-species differences in the composition
be regarded as standard varieties have been so for a and physico-chemical characteristics of the milk used.
long time. However, although the names of many cur- Although milks from several species are used in cheese
rent varieties were introduced several hundred years manufacture, the cow is by far the most important;
ago (Table 1), these cheeses were not standardized; for sheep, goat and buffalo are commercially important in
example, the first attempt to standardize the well- certain areas. Approximately 85, 11, 2 and 2% of total
known English varieties, Cheddar and Cheshire, was milk is produced from cows, buffalo, sheep and goats,
made by John Harding in the mid-nineteenth century. respectively. However, most sheep’s and goats’ milk is
Prior to that, ‘Cheddar cheese’ was that produced in used for cheese manufacture and therefore are dispro-
a particular area in England around the village of portionately important; many famous cheese varieties
Cheddar, Somerset, and probably varied considerably are made from sheep’s milk, e.g., Roquefort, Manchego,
depending on the manufacturer and other factors. Feta and all the various Pecorino and Canestrato var-
Cheese manufacture was a farmstead enterprise until ieties. There are very significant inter-species differences
the mid-nineteenth century – the first cheese factory in in the composition of milk which are reflected in the
the US was established near Rome, NY, in 1851 and the characteristics of the cheeses produced from them.
first in Britain at Longford, Derbyshire, in 1870. Thus, Major inter-species differences of importance in cheese-
there were thousands of cheese manufacturers and making are the concentration and types of caseins, con-
there must have been great variation within any one centration of fat and especially the fatty acid profile,
general type. This situation persists in a modified form concentration of salts, especially of calcium. There are
today in Switzerland and Italy where there are a large also significant differences in milk composition between
number of small cheese factories, often grouped breeds of cattle and these also influence cheese quality,
together into consortia for the purposes of marketing as do variations due to seasonal, lactational and nutri-
and quality control. When one considers the very tional factors and of course the methods of milk produc-
considerable inter-factory, and indeed intra-factory, tion, storage and collection.
variations in quality and characteristics which occur
today in well-defined varieties, e.g., Cheddar, in spite
Cheese Science and Technology
of the very considerable scientific and technological
advances, one can readily appreciate the variations that Cheese is the most diverse group of dairy products and
must have existed in earlier times. is, arguably, the most academically interesting and chal-
Some major new varieties, notably Jarlsberg and lenging. While many dairy products, if properly manu-
Maasdamer, have been developed recently as a conse- factured and stored, are biologically, biochemically,
quence of scientific research. Many other varieties have chemically and physically very stable, cheeses are, in
evolved very considerably, even to the extent of becom- contrast, biologically and biochemically dynamic, and,
ing new varieties, as a consequence of scientific research consequently, are inherently unstable. Throughout
and the development of new technology – notable exam- manufacture and ripening, cheese production represents
ples are (US) Queso Blanco, various cheeses produced a finely orchestrated series of consecutive and concomit-
by ultrafiltration and various forms of Quarg. There has ant biochemical events which, if synchronized and
been a marked resurgance of farmhouse cheesemaking balanced, lead to products with highly desirable aromas
in recent years; many of the cheeses being produced on and flavours but when unbalanced, result in off-flavours
farms are not standard varieties and some of these may and odours. Considering that, in general terms, a basic-
evolve to become new varieties. ally similar raw material (milk from a very limited
number of species) is subjected to a manufacturing
protocol, the general principles of which are common
to most cheese varieties, it is fascinating that such a
Table 1 First recorded date for some major cheese varieties diverse range of products can be produced. No two
(Scott, 1986) batches of the same variety, indeed probably no two
cheeses, are identical.
Goronzola 897 Cheddar 1500
Schabzieger 1000 Parmesan 1579 A further important aspect of cheese is the range of
Roquefort 1070 Gouda 1697 scientific disciplines involved: study of cheese manu-
Maroilles 1174 Gloucester 1783 facture and ripening involves the chemistry and
Schwangenkäse 1178 Stilton 1785 biochemistry of milk constituents, fractionation and
Grana 1200 Camembert 1791
chemical characterization of cheese constituents,
Taleggio 1282 St Paulin 1816
microbiology, enzymology, molecular genetics, flavour
6 Cheese: An Overview

chemistry, nutrition, toxicology, rheology and chem- in the first volume. The second volume deals with spe-
ical engineering. It is not surprising, therefore, that cific aspects of the principal families of cheese. The
many scientists have become involved in the study of principal objective of this introductory chapter is to
cheese manufacture and ripening. A voluminous sci- provide an integrated overview of cheese manufacture
entific and technological literature has accumulated, and to provide some general background for the more
including a range of books (e.g., Sammis, 1948; Van detailed later chapters that follow.
Slyke and Price, 1949; Kosikowski and Mocquot,
1958; Davis, 1965, 1967; Kosikowski, 1977; Davies
and Law, 1984; Eck, 1984; Scott, 1986; Fox, 1987, Outline of Cheese Manufacture
1993; Buch Kristensen, 1995; Kosikowski and Mistry,
Almost all acid-coagulated and a little rennet-coagu-
1997; Law, 1997, 1999; Robinson and Wilbey, 1998; Eck
lated cheese is consumed fresh, i.e., the flavour, texture
and Gilles, 2000; Fox et al., 2000) and chapters in
and appearance of the cheese are in their final form at
many others.
the end of curd production and the curds are not sub-
In addition, there are numerous encyclopedias or
jected to a period of maturation/ripening. The produc-
pictorial books, with brief descriptions of cheese,
tion of acid-coagulated cheeses can be summarized as:
e.g., Simon (1956), Layton (1973), Mair-Waldburg
(1974), Cantin (1976), Eekhof-Stork (1976), Christian
(1984), Robinson (1995), Jenkins (1996) and
Harbutt (1999, 2002). There are also a number of Acidification Cut/break
country-specific or variety-specific books, e.g., Squire Milk Coagulum Curds and whey
(biological or
(1937), Cheke (1959), Fraser (1960), Meyer (1973), chemical) Cook
Montandon (1981), Rance (1982), Gonzalez and del Wash
Cerro (1988), Berger et al. (1989), Anifantakis (1991),
Robinson and Tamime (1991), Zehren and Nusbaum Cold-pack cheese Curds

(1992), Resmini et al. (1992), Masui and Yamada Optional

(1996), Vizzardi and Maffeis (1999), Ottogalli (2001) heat
and Kammerlehner (2003). homogenize
Most of the above books deal mainly with cheese
technology; the present book concentrates on the Hot-pack cheese
more scientific aspects of cheese. The book is in two
volumes. The more general aspects of cheese manufac-
ture, i.e., molecular properties of rennets, coagulation
mechanism, curd syneresis, starters, salting, rheol- However, the production of the majority of rennet-
ogy, the biochemistry of ripening, pre-concentration coagulated cheese varieties can be sub-divided into
by ultrafiltration and nutritional aspects, which apply, two well-defined phases, manufacture and ripening,
more or less, to most cheese varieties, are considered both of which involve a number of processes:

Manufacture (5–24 h) Cheese Ripening (2 week–2 year)

Milk Mature cheese
Preparation of milk Development of characteristic
Selection microflora
Standardization Metabolism of residual lactose
Pasteurization Citrate metabolism
*Others Proteolysis
Acidification Lipolysis
Coagulation Secondary reactions
Syneresis (dehydration) Fatty acid catabolism
Cut Amino acid catabolism
Cook Lactate metabolism
Other operations, e.g.,
* e.g., bactofugation, microfiltration, addition of colour (annato)
Cheese: An Overview 7

The manufacturing phase might be defined as Some members of the adventitious microflora are
those operations performed during the first 24 h, undesirable. The most important are number of
although some of these operations, e.g., salting and pathogens, the killing of which is the primary objective
dehydration, may continue over a longer period. of pasteurization (see ‘Growth and Survival of Microbial
Although the manufacturing protocol for individual Pathogens in Cheese’, Volume 1). Raw milk may also
varieties differs in detail, the basic steps are common contain several spoilage microorganisms, e.g., coliforms
to most varieties; these are: acidification, coagulation, (which are unlikely to be a problem today), psy-
dehydration (cutting the coagulum, cooking, stirring, chrotrophs (especially if the milk is cold-stored for a long
pressing, salting and other operations that promote period) and Clostridium tyrobutyricium. Growth of this
gel syneresis), shaping (moulding and pressing) and sporeforming organism during ripening of most cheese
salting. varieties results in a defect known as late gas blowing
Cheese manufacture is essentially a dehydration caused by an anaerobic metabolism of lactate to butyrate
process in which the fat and casein in milk are concen- and H2. Contamination with Cl. tyrobutyricum is mini-
trated between 6- and 12-fold, depending on the vari- mized by good on-farm hygiene, contaminants may be
ety. The degree of dehydration is regulated by the removed by bactofugation or microfiltration, or their
extent and combination of the above five operations, growth may be prevented by NaNO3 or lysozyme.
in addition to the chemical composition of the milk. Cheesemilk must be free from antibiotics, which
In turn, the levels of moisture and salt, the pH and the totally, or partially, inhibit the starter bacteria; delayed
cheese microflora regulate and control the biochemical acidification results in an abnormal composition and
changes that occur during ripening and hence deter- microflora and consequently in flavour and textural
mine the flavour, aroma and texture of the finished defects and perhaps very significantly in the growth of
product. Thus, the nature and quality of the finished harmful, pathogenic or food-poisoning microorganisms.
cheese are determined largely by the manufacturing All aspects of cheese curd production (rennet coagu-
steps. However, it is during the ripening phase that the lation, gel firmness, syneresis) are affected by the
characteristic flavour and texture of the individual chemical composition of the cheesemilk, especially the
cheese varieties develop. concentrations of casein, calcium and pH. The specific
effects of compositional parameters on various aspects
of curd formation will be described in detail in several
Selection and pre-treatment of cheese milk
subsequent chapters. For a comprehensive description
Cheese manufacture commences with the selection of of the chemistry of milk and milk constituents, the
milk of high microbiological and chemical quality. The reader is refered to Fox (1982, 1983, 1985, 1987, 1992,
adventitious microflora of milk is normally heterogen- 1995, 1997) and Fox and McSweeney (1998, 2003).
eous. Some of these microorganisms, especially the In modern commercial practice, milk for cheese is
LAB, may be beneficial. Previously, and still for some normally cooled to 4 °C immediately after milking and
minor artisanal cheeses, the indigenous LAB were may be held at about this temperature for several days
responsible for acid production but selected starter on the farm and at the factory. Apart from being selective
LAB cultures are used for acidification in most cases. for the development of an undesirable psychrotrophic
Non-starter LAB (NSLAB) probably contribute posi- microflora, cold-storage causes physico-chemical changes
tively to the ripening of raw milk cheese (see ‘Microbio- (e.g., shifts in calcium phosphate equilibrium and disso-
logical changes during ripening’, ‘Biochemistry of ciation of some micellar caseins) which have undesirable
Cheese Ripening: Introduction and Overview’, ‘Metab- effects on the cheesemaking properties of milk; these
olism of Residual Lactose and of Lactate and Citrate’, changes are reversed on heating, e.g., at 50 °C for
‘Lipolysis and Catabolism of Fatty Acids in Cheese’, 10–20 min or under HTST pasteurization conditions
‘Proteolysis in Cheese during Ripening’ and ‘Catab- and hence are of no practical significance. However, cold
olism of Amino Acids in Cheese During Ripening’, storage after heat treatment aggravates the adverse
Volume 1) but they are variable and uncontrolled and effects of heating on the rennet coagulation of milk; this
may be responsible for some of the variability in raw effect is known as rennet hysteresis.
milk cheese. For large-scale cheesemaking operations, The composition of most cheeses falls within certain
it is preferable to kill the NSLAB by pasteurization compositional ranges, sometimes with legal status. The
(although this is not the primary objective of pasteur- most important compositional factors are fat-in-dry
ization). There is increasing interest in inoculating matter (FDM), moisture in non-fat substances (MNFS;
pasteurized milk with selected lactobacilli as an which is, in effect, the ratio of moisture to protein),
adjunct culture (see ‘Secondary and Adjunct Cultures’, moisture, salt (best expressed as salt-in-moisture, S/M)
Volume 1). and pH. The values for FDM and MNFS are determined
8 Cheese: An Overview

mainly by the composition of the cheesemilk and skim milk by microfiltration (e.g., McSweeney et al.,
extent of syneresis, respectively. The composition of 1993; Beuvier et al., 1997), environmental contamin-
milk should be adjusted to give the desired values of ation has been minimized by manufacturing cheese
fat and protein. Previously, the ratio of fat:protein under strictly controlled microbiological conditions
was altered by natural creaming (which is still used for (McSweeney et al., 1994), ripening cheese at a low (c.
Parmigiano-Reggiano, Grana Padano and some other 1 °C) temperature to reduce the growth rate of NSLAB
Italian cheeses) or by the addition of cream or skim (Shakeel-Ur-Rehman et al., 2000b,c) and the use of
milk. It is now possible, and commercially practiced to antibiotics to inhibit the growth of NSLAB (Shakeel-
an increasing extent, to adjust the concentrations, as Ur-Rehman et al., 1999). Attempts have been made to
well as the ratio, of fat and protein in the cheesemilk by mimic the NSLAB microflora of raw milk cheese by
manipulating the fat content of the milk together with adding selected strains of NSLAB (see Lynch et al.,
protein standardization using low concentration factor 1999) to pasteurized cheesemilk or by inoculating
ultrafiltration. These operations improve the cheese- pasteurized cheesemilk with raw milk (by blending a
making characteristics of the milk and increase and low level, e.g., 1%, of raw milk with pasteurized milk;
standardize the yield of curd. Shakeel-Ur-Rehman et al., 2000a). The results of these
Owing to the importance of Ca2 in various aspects studies suggest that heat-induced changes to the
of cheese manufacture and quality (see ‘Rennets: Gen- microflora of raw milk are the major cause of the dif-
eral and Molecular Aspects’, ‘Rennet-induced Coagula- ferences between raw and pasteurized milk cheeses.
tion of Milk’ and ‘The Syneresis of Rennet-coagulated However, denaturation of certain indigenous enzymes,
Curd’, Volume 1), it is common practice to supple- particularly lipoprotein lipase, may contribute to the
ment cheesemilk with CaCl2. pH is also a critical fac- observed differences.
tor in cheesemaking and since the pH of milk varies Pasteurization of cheesemilk minimizes the risk of
(e.g., increases with advancing lactation and during cheese serving as a vector for food-poisoning or patho-
mastitic infection), it is recommended that the pH genic microorganisms, so that even high-quality raw
should be standardized, preferably using the acidogen, milk may be unacceptable for cheese manufacture. In
gluconic acid--lactone. addition to rendering milk safe from a public health
Although raw milk is still used in both industrial viewpoint, pasteurization renders good quality raw
and farmhouse cheesemaking, most cheesemilk is pas- milk almost free of bacteria and improves the consist-
teurized, usually immediately before use. Pasteuriza- ency of cheese. Pasteurization of milk is essential for
tion alters the indigenous microflora and facilitates the the production of cheese of consistent quality in the
manufacture of cheese of more uniform quality, but large, highly mechanized factories that are common
unless due care is exercised, it may damage the rennet today. Although more consistent than cheese made
coagulability and curd-forming properties of the milk, from raw milk, it is also less highly flavoured. To
as will be discussed in ‘Rennet-induced Coagulation of increase the intensity of the flavour of cheese made
Milk’, Volume 1. from pasteurized milk, it is becoming increasingly
Even when milk is properly pasteurized, the result- common to inoculate pasteurized milk with selected
ing cheese develops a less intense flavour and ripens organisms, usually lactobacilli, isolated from good
more slowly than raw milk cheese. Several heat- quality raw milk cheese (see Lynch et al., 1999;
induced changes, e.g., killing of indigenous microor- ‘Secondary and Adjunct Cultures’ and ‘The Microbiol-
ganisms, inactivation of indigenous milk enzymes and ogy of Cheese Ripening’, Volume 1). Thermization
partial denaturation of whey proteins and their inter- (⬃65 °C  15 s) of cheesemilk on arrival at the fac-
action with micellar -casein, could be responsible tory is common or standard practice in some coun-
for these changes. The relative contribution of these tries. The objective of thermization is to control
factors to the differences between cheeses made from psychrotrophs and the milk is normally pasteurized
raw or pasteurized milk has been an active area of before cheesemaking. Microfiltration and bactofuga-
research in recent years (see Fox et al., 2000; ‘The tion may be used to remove spores from milk to avoid
Microbiology of Cheese Ripening’, ‘Raw Milk Cheeses’ the defect known as late gas blowing (see ‘The Micro-
and ‘Biochemistry of Cheese Ripening: Introduction biology of Cheese Ripening’, Volume 1).
and Overview’, Volume 1). Not more than 75% of the total protein in milk is
A number of approaches have been used to render recovered in rennet-coagulated cheeses. Obviously, a
cheesemilk free from its indigenous microflora or considerable economic advantage would accrue if
to inhibit the growth of NSLAB in order to study some or all of the whey proteins could be incorpor-
their contribution to ripening. Non-starter lactic acid ated into the cheese. Ultrafiltration (UF) offers a
bacteria have been removed physically from raw means for accomplishing this, with considerable
Cheese: An Overview 9

success in the case of semi-soft or soft cheeses, espe- used for varieties that are ‘cooked’ to higher tempera-
cially Feta and Quarg, but with less success for hard tures, e.g., Swiss and hard Italian varieties.
and semi-hard varieties. The application, and associ- Probably the earliest form of starters were ‘slop-
ated problems, of UF in cheese manufacture is com- back’ cultures – a sample of whey from one day’s
prehensively reviewed in ‘Application of Membrane cheesemaking was incubated overnight and used as a
Separation Technology to Cheese Production’, Vol- starter culture on the following day. Such starters are
ume 1. An alternative approach is to heat denature still used for some high-cook cheese varieties (e.g.,
the whey proteins (e.g., 90 °C  1 min) to induce Parmigiano-Reggiano and Grana Padano). Incubation
their interaction with the casein micelles. Normally, of hot whey is selective for thermophilic microorgan-
such severe heat treatments are detrimental to the isms and although slop-back cultures are very hetero-
renneting properties of milk but the effects can be geneous, they work well if managed carefully.
off-set by acidification or supplementation with Originally, and still for many varieties, mixed-strain
calcium (see ‘Rennet-induced Coagulation of Milk’ mesophilic starters were used for low-cook cheese.
and ‘The Syneresis of Rennet-coagulated Curd’, Vol- Because the bacterial strains in these starters may be
ume 1). In the authors’ experience, yield increases of phage-related (i.e., subject to infection by a single
up to 8% can be achieved by this approach, while strain of bacteriophage) and also because the strains in
retaining acceptable quality. However, to the authors’ the mixture may be incompatible, thereby leading to
knowledge, the technique is not used commercially the dominance of one or a few strains, the rate of acid
except for Quarg, e.g., the thermo-Quarg process (see production by mixed-strain starters is variable and
‘Acid- and Acid-Rennet-Curd Cheeses: Part A Quark, unpredictable, even when the utmost care in their
Cream Cheese and Related Varieties’, Part B Cottage selection and handling is exercised. To overcome these
Cheese’, and Part C ‘Acid-heat Coagulated Cheeses’, problems, single-strain mesophilic starters were intro-
Volume 2). duced in New Zealand about 1935. Unfortunately,
many of the fast acid-producing, single-strain starters
produced bitter cheese, the cause(s) of which will
be discussed in ‘Starter Cultures: General Aspects’,
One of the basic operations in the manufacture of Volume 1. This problem was resolved by using selected
most, if not all, cheese varieties is a progressive acidifi- pairs of fast and slow acid producers. Defined-strain
cation throughout the manufacturing stage, i.e., up to mesophilic starters are widely used in many countries,
24 h, and, for some varieties, during the early stages of frequently consisting of a combination of 2–6 selected,
ripening also, i.e., acidification commences before and phage-unrelated strains which give very reproducible
transcends the other manufacturing operations. Acid- rates of acid production if properly selected and main-
ification is normally via in situ production of lactic tained. The use of defined-strain thermophilic starters
acid, although pre-formed acid or acidogen (usually is becoming more common.
gluconic acid--lactone) is now used to directly acidify The science and technology of starters have
curd for some varieties, e.g., Mozzarella, UF Feta-type become highly developed and specialized; ‘Starter Cul-
and Cottage cheese. Until relatively recently, and still tures: General Aspects’, Volume 1, is devoted to these
in some cases, especially in artisanal varieties, the developments.
indigenous microflora of milk was relied upon for Acid production at the appropriate rate and time is
acid production. Since this was probably a mixed the key step in the manufacture of good quality cheese
microflora, the rate of acid production was unpre- (excluding the enzymatic coagulation of the milk,
dictable and the growth of undesirable bacteria led to which is a sine qua non for rennet-coagulated cheese
the production of gas and off-flavours. It is now almost varieties). Acid production affects several aspects of
universal practice in industrial cheesemaking to add cheese manufacture, many of which will be discussed
a culture (starter) of selected lactic acid-producing in more detail in later chapters, i.e.:
bacteria to raw or pasteurized cheesemilk to achieve a
uniform and predictable rate of acid production. For • Coagulant activity during coagulation.
cheese varieties that are cooked to not more than • Denaturation and retention of the coagulant in the
40 °C, a starter consisting of Lactococcus lactis subsp. curd during manufacture and hence the level of
lactis and/or Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris is normally used residual coagulant in the curd; this influences the
while cultures of Streptococcus thermophilus and a rate of proteolysis during ripening, and may affect
Lactobacillus spp. (Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, cheese quality.
Lb. delbrueckii subsp. casei, Lb. delbrueckii subsp. lactis • Strength of the coagulum, which influences cheese
or Lb. helveticus) or a Lactobacillus culture alone is yield.
10 Cheese: An Overview

• Gel syneresis, which controls cheese moisture and ‘Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological
hence regulates the growth of bacteria and the activ- Aspects’, Volume 1.
ity of enzymes in the cheese; consequently, it In a few special cases, e.g., Domiati, a high level of
strongly influences the rate and pattern of ripening NaCl (10–12%) is added to the cheesemilk, traditionally
and the quality of the finished cheese. to control the growth of the indigenous microflora. This
• The rate of pH decrease determines the extent of concentration of NaCl has a major influence, not only
dissolution of colloidal calcium phosphate which on acid development, but also on rennet coagulation, gel
modifies the susceptibility of the caseins to proteo- strength and syneresis (cf., ‘Rennet-induced Coagulation
lysis during manufacture, influences the rheological of Milk’ and ‘The Syneresis of Rennet-coagulated Curd’,
properties of the cheese, e.g., compare the texture of Volume 1).
Emmental, Gouda, Cheddar and Cheshire cheese,
and determines the meltability and stretchability of Coagulation
cheese curd (e.g., Mozzarella and Pizza cheese).
The essential characteristic step in the manufacture of all
• Acidification controls the growth of many species of
cheese varieties is coagulation of the casein component
bacteria in cheese, especially pathogenic, food poi-
of the milk protein system to form a gel which entraps
soning and gas-producing microorganisms; in fact,
the fat, if present. Coagulation may be achieved by:
properly made cheese is a very safe product from
the public health viewpoint. In addition to produc- • limited proteolysis by selected proteinases;
ing acid, many starter bacteria produce bacteriocins • acidification to pH ⬃4.6;
that also restrict or inhibit the growth of non-starter • acidification to about pH 5.2 in combination with
microorganisms. heating to ⬃90 °C.

Mesophilic Lactococcus spp. are capable of reducing The majority of cheeses are produced by enzymatic
the pH of cheese to ⬃4.6 and Lactobacillus spp. to (rennet) coagulation. With a few exceptions (e.g.,
somewhat lower values, perhaps 3.8. The natural ultim- Serra da Estrêla (Portugal) in which acid proteinases
ate pH of cheese curd falls within the range 4.6–5.1. from the flowers of the cardoon thistle, Cynara
However, the period required to attain the ultimate pH cardunculus, are used), acid (aspartyl) proteinases of
varies from ⬃5 h for Cheddar to 6–12 h for Blue, Dutch animal or fungal origin are used. Rennet from the
and Swiss varieties. The differences arise from the stomachs of young animals (calves, kids, lambs, buf-
amount of starter added to the cheesemilk (0.2–5%), falo) was used traditionally. The principal enzyme in
the cooking temperature and schedule which may rennet prepared from young animal stomachs is chy-
retard the growth of the starter microorganisms and the mosin (⬃95% of total milk-clotting activity), with a
rate of subsequent cooling of the curd. little pepsin. However, limited supplies of such ren-
The level and method of salting have a major influ- nets (due to the birth of fewer calves and an increas-
ence on pH changes in cheese. The concentration of ing trend in many countries to slaughter calves at an
NaCl in cheese (commonly 0.7–4%, i.e., 2–10% salt in older age than previously), concomitant with a world-
the moisture phase) is sufficient to halt the growth of wide increase in cheese production, have led to a
starter bacteria. Some varieties, mostly of British ori- shortage of calf rennet and consequently rennet sub-
gin, are salted by mixing dry salt with the curd stitutes (usually bovine or porcine pepsins and less
towards the end of manufacture and hence the pH of frequently, chicken pepsin, and the acid proteinases
curd for these varieties must be close to the ultimate from Rhizomucor miehei and less frequently R. pusillus
value (⬃pH 5.1) at salting. However, most varieties or Cryphonectria parasitica) are now used widely for
are salted after moulding by immersion in brine or by cheese manufacture in many countries with more
application of dry salt on the surface; as discussed in or less satisfactory results. The calf chymosin gene
‘Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological has been cloned in Kbryveromyces lactis, E. coli and
Aspects’, Volume 1, salt diffusion in cheese moisture is Aspergillus niger and chymosin from these organisms
a slow process and thus there is ample time for the pH is now widely used. Reviews on rennet substitutes
to decrease to ⬃5.0 before the salt concentration include Sardinas (1972), Ernstrom and Wong (1974),
becomes inhibitory. The pH of the curd for most Nelson (1975), Sternberg (1976), Green (1977),
cheese varieties, e.g., Swiss, Dutch, Tilsit, Blue, etc., is De Koning (1979), Phelan (1985), Fox and McSweeney
6.2–6.5 at moulding and pressing but decreases to ⬃5 (1997). The molecular and enzymatic properties of
during or shortly after pressing and before salting. The calf chymosin and other acid proteinases used as ren-
significance of various aspects of the concentration nets are reviewed in detail in ‘Rennets: General and
and distribution of NaCl in cheese will be discussed in Molecular Aspects’, Volume 1.
Cheese: An Overview 11

Although it appears to have been recognized since -casein was destroyed on renneting and Wake (1959)
1917 (see Berridge, 1942) that milk is not coagulated by demonstrated that -casein is the only milk protein
rennet at low temperatures, Berridge (1942) is usually hydrolysed during the primary phase of rennet action.
credited with clearly demonstrating that the rennet- Only one peptide bond, Phe1059Met106, is hydrolysed
catalysed coagulation of milk occurs in two phases: (Delfour et al., 1965), resulting in the release of the
a primary enzymatic phase and a secondary non- hydrophilic C-terminal segment of -casein (the
enzymatic phase. The primary phase has a temperature (caseino)macropeptides, some of which are glycosyl-
coefficient (Q10) of ⬃2 and occurs in the range 0–50 °C, ated). The unique sensitivity of the Phe9Met bond of
while the secondary phase has a Q10 of ⬃16 and occurs -casein, hydrolysis of which occurs optimally at
very slowly or not all at temperatures ⬃18 °C. The pH 5.1–5.5 has been the subject of extensive study
two phases can thus be readily separated by performing since 1965 and this work is reviewed in ‘Rennet-
the primary phase at a low temperature, e.g., ⬃10 °C; induced Coagulation of Milk’, Volume 1.
when cold-renneted milk is warmed, coagulation occurs The visual coagulation of milk is really only the start
very quickly. Cold renneting, followed by rapid warm- of the gelation process which continues for a consider-
ing, forms the basis of attempts to develop methods for able period thereafter. Although these post-coagulation
the continuous coagulation of milk but such approaches changes determine many of the critical cheesemaking
have not been successful commercially. Normally, the properties of the gel, e.g., curd tension (which influences
two phases of rennet coagulation overlap to some cheese yield) and syneresis properties (which determine
extent, the magnitude of overlap being quite exten- the moisture content and hence the ripening profile of
sive at low pH, high temperature and in milk concen- the cheese), it is perhaps the least well-understood phase
trated by ultrafiltration. of the cheesemaking process. The recent literature on
The primary phase of rennet action appears to have aspects of the post-visual coagulation phase is reviewed in
been recognized, in general terms, by Hammersten, ‘Rennet-induced Coagulation of Milk’ and ‘The Syneresis
during the period 1880–1890, who reported the for- of Rennet-coagulated Curd’, Volume 1.
mation of small peptides during renneting. Richmond
(1899) described the action of rennet as follows: ‘the
Post-coagulation operations
action of rennet is to split the casein into a dyscaseose,
the calcium salt of which is insoluble and which forms A rennet-coagulated milk gel is quite stable if main-
a curd, and a soluble caseose; the insoluble curd car- tained under quiescent conditions but if it is cut or
ries down with it a large portion of the fat.’ The coagu- broken, it syneresis rapidly, expelling whey. The rate
lation of milk attracted quite a lot of interest during and extent of syneresis are influenced, inter alia, by
the early part of the twentieth century. For example, how finely the coagulum is cut (small pieces promote
Alexander (1910, 1912) proposed that the casein in syneresis; the coagulum for high-moisture cheeses is
milk exists as an unstable colloid which is protected not cut but is ladeled into moulds), milk composition,
and stabilized by the whey protein, lactalbumin (He especially [Ca2] and [casein], pH, cooking tempera-
was probably the first to use the idea of a ‘protective ture, rate of stirring of the curd–whey mixture and of
colloid’ in casein chemistry); he proposed that rennet course, time (see ‘The Syneresis of Rennet-coagulated
coagulated milk by hydrolysing (destroying) the pro- Curd’, Volume 1). The composition of the finished
tective colloid. The protective colloid (Schutzcolloid) cheese is to a very large degree determined by the
hypothesis of the colloidal stability of casein and the extent of syneresis and since this is under the control
rennet coagulation of milk was supported by Marui of the cheesemaker, the differentiation of the individ-
(1926) and Linderstrøm-Lang (1929) but not by ual cheese varieties really begins at this stage, although
Palmer and Richardson (1925) and Palmer (1935) the composition of cheesemilk, the amount and type
who claimed that increased sensitivity of rennet- of starter and the amount and type of rennet are also
altered casein was responsible for the rennet-induced significant in this regard.
coagulation of milk rather than the destruction of a The temperature to which the curds are cooked
protective colloid. The early literature on the rennet varies from ⬃30 °C (i.e., no cooking) for high-moisture
coagulation of milk was reviewed by Palmer and cheeses (e.g., Camembert) to ⬃55 °C for low-moisture
Richardson (1925) and Palmer (1935) and in a long cheese (e.g., Parmigiano-Reggiano).
series of articles in Le Lait by Porcher (1929, 1930, After cooking, the curds and whey are separated by
1931). However, a full explanation of the process had various, variety-specific techniques. The curds for
to await the isolation of the casein micelle-protective most varieties are transferred to moulds where further
protein, -casein, by Waugh and von Hippel (1956). drainage and acidification occur. Curds that have
These workers showed that the protective capacity of undergone extensive syneresis in the vat (i.e., have a
12 Cheese: An Overview

low moisture content) are pressed in the moulds, controlling the moisture content of cheese. Salt has
sometimes according to a programmed increase in several functions in cheese which are described in ‘Salt
pressure, with the objective of fusing the curds and in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects’,
rendering the cheeses free from mechanical openings Volume 1. Although salting should be a very simple
and reducing the moisture content further. The curds operation, quite frequently it is not performed properly,
for two families of cheese, Cheddar and pasta-filata, with consequent adverse effects on cheese quality.
are subjected to special treatments prior to moulding. As indicated previously, cheese manufacture is essen-
Cheddar-type cheese undergoes a process called ‘ched- tially a dehydration process. With the development of
daring’. In the traditional process, the drained curds ultrafiltration as a concentration process, it was obvious
are piled into two beds in the vat, separated by a chan- that this process would have applications in cheese
nel for whey drainage. The beds of curd are cut into manufacture, e.g., for standardizing cheesemilk with
blocks, ⬃10 cm side, which are inverted every 15 min respect to fat and casein, or for the preparation of a con-
and later piled two or three blocks high. This process centrate with the composition of the finished cheese,
continues for ⬃2 h until the pH decreases to ⬃5.4. commonly referred to as ‘pre-cheese’. Standardization of
During cheddaring, the blocks of curd flow slightly cheesemilk by adding UF concentrate (retentate) is now
and the cheese acquires a fibrous texture similar to common in some countries and the manufacture of pre-
that of cooked chicken breast meat. In the modern cheese has been successful commercially for a range of
mechanized process, the drained curds are transferred soft and semi-soft cheese varieties (see ‘Application of
pneumatically to a tower (⬃10 m tall) or to a moving Membrane Separation Technology to Cheese Produc-
belt; in the tower or on the belt, the mass of curds flows tion’, Volume 1).
slightly but much less than in the traditional process.
Previously, it was believed that the flow during ched-
daring was essential for the texture of Cheddar, but it
is likely that the most important change during ched- Some cheeses, mainly acid-coagulated varieties, are
daring is acidification which dissolves the CCP – when consumed fresh and such cheeses constitute a major
the Ca:protein ratio decreases to a certain value, the proportion of the cheese consumed in some coun-
texture assumes the characteristics of Cheddar cheese. tries; the principal acid-curd cheeses are described
The manufacture of Mozzarella curd is similar to that in ‘Acid- and Acid-Rennet-Curd Cheeses: Part A
for Cheddar up to the point at which the pH decreases Quark, Cream Cheese and Related Varieties’, Part B
to ⬃5.4. The acidified curds are then heated in hot water Cottage Cheese’ and Part C ‘Acid-heat Coagulated
to 60–65 °C, kneaded and stretched. It is claimed that Cheeses’, Volume 2. However, most cheese varieties
the kneading and stretching are essential for the charac- undergo a period of ripening (curing, maturation)
teristic fibrous texture and stretchability of Mozzarella. which varies from ⬃2 weeks (e.g., for Mozzarella)
However, it may be that the function of heating and to 2 years (e.g., Parmigiano-Reggiano or extra-
kneading is simply to inactivate enzymes and kill bac- mature Cheddar), the duration of ripening being
teria and, in effect, to stabilize the characteristics of the generally inversely related to the moisture content
cheese. Heating and kneading were probably introduced of the cheese. Many varieties may be consumed at
originally to control the microflora of cheese curd pro- any of the several stages of maturity, depending on
duced from milk of poor microbiological quality. the flavour preferences of consumers and economic
The unique manufacturing schedule for the specific factors.
varieties is not considered in this book and the inter- Although curds for different cheese varieties are
ested reader is referred to appropriate texts (e.g., Van recognizably different at the end of manufacture (mainly
Slyke and Price, 1949; Davis, 1965, 1967; Kosikowski, as a result of compositional and textural differences aris-
1977; Eck, 1984; Scott, 1986; Robinson, 1995; ing from differences in milk compositional and process-
Kosikowski and Mistry, 1997; Robinson and Wilbey, ing factors), the unique characteristics of the individual
1998; Eck and Gilles, 2000). Some chemical and cheeses develop during ripening, although in most cases
physico-chemical aspects of the manufacture of the the biochemical changes that occur during ripening, and
major cheese families are discussed in Volume 2. Flow hence the flavour, aroma and texture of the mature
diagrams for some important cheese varieties are cheese, are largely pre-determined by the manufacturing
shown in Fig. 2. process, i.e., by composition, especially moisture, NaCl
The last manufacturing operation is salting. While and pH, by the type of starter and in many cases by sec-
salting contributes to syneresis (⬃2 kg H2O are lost per ondary inocula added to, or gaining access to, the
kg NaCl taken up), it should not be used as a means of cheesemilk or curd.
(a) Cows’ milk (b) Cows’ milk (c) (d) Raw cows’ milk
Cows’ milk
Standardize casein:fat to 0.7:1.0 Standardize, pasteurize, cool to 30 °C
Pasteurize (HTST) Rennet, Evening milk
Cool to 31°C 30–32 °C thermophilic starter,
±propionibacteria Rennet Gravity creaming overnight
Starter (1–2%, v/v): CaCl2, 0.02%, w/v Coagulum (mesophilic) DL starter
Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris nitrate Raw cows’ milk
Rennet (1:15,000) Semi-skimmed milk
and/or Lc. lactis subsp. lactis
Morning milk
Cut coagulum,
Cook to c. 55 °C Coagulum
Coagulum Copper-plated conical vat
Hot water
Whey Calf rennet Acidification by natural whey cultures
Cut [~1 cm cubes] Pitch curds-whey into moulds c. 36 °C

Stir for c. 30 min Coagulum

Curds and whey
Break coagulum
Press under whey
Cook [Raise temperature: 30 °C to 37–39 °C
over ~30 min; hold for ~1 h]
Dry cheese surface
Cook to 53–55 °C
Apply salt to the surface
Drain [~pH 6.1] Place curds in moulds
1–2 days Whey
Whey 5– 6 h
Place curds in mould
Brine salt
Curds Brine salt Further whey drainage, light pressure
2 days, 8–10 °C
3– 5 days
Cheddar Cool storage Brine salt
Dry rind forms
10–14 days
Mill [pH ~5.4]
10–15 °C, 90% ERH
Fresh cheese
Hot room Fresh cheese
Dry salt [NaCl, ~2%, w/w] 20–24 °C, 80–83% erh
3 weeks–2 months
Mould, press and package Eye development Ripen
Cool storage ~2 years
2–3 months at ~5 °C
1–2 months
Fresh cheese Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese
7 °C
Gouda cheese

Ripen [3–24 months; 4–12 °C] Emmental cheese

Mature Cheddar cheese

Figure 2 Flow diagrams for the manufacture of (a) Cheddar, (b) Emmental, (c) Gouda and (d) Parmigiano Reggiano cheeses.
14 Cheese: An Overview

During ripening, an extremely complex set of bio- in ‘The Microbiology of Cheese Ripening’, Volume 1
chemical changes occur through the catalytic action of and the volatile flavour compounds in cheese and
the following agents: sensory properties of cheese are discussed in ‘Sensory
Character of Cheese and its Evaluation’ and ‘Instru-
• coagulant;
mental Techniques’, respectively, of Volume 1.
• indigenous milk enzymes, especially plasmin and
More detailed discussions of specific aspects of the
lipoprotein lipase, which are particularly important
ripening of the principal families of cheese, extra-hard
in cheese made from raw milk;
varieties, Cheddar, Gouda, Swiss-type cheese, mould
• starter bacteria and their enzymes;
ripened varieties, pasta-filata cheeses and sheep’s and
• secondary microflora and their enzymes.
goats’ milk are given in Volume 2 together with discus-
This secondary microflora may arise from the adventi- sion of processed cheese products and the uses of
tious microorganisms in milk that survive pasteuriza- cheese as a food ingredient.
tion or gain entry to the milk after pasteurization, e.g., While most people consume cheese principally for
Lactobacillus, Pediococcus, Micrococcus, or they may be its organoleptic qualities, it must be remembered that
inoculated as secondary starter, e.g., Propionibacterium cheese is a very valuable source of nutrients, especially
in Swiss cheese, Penicillium roqueforti in Blue varieties, protein, calcium and phosphorus; see ‘Nutritional
P. camemberti in Camembert or Brie, or the cheese may Aspects of Cheese’, Volume 1.
acquire a surface microflora from the environment dur- Cheese is the quintessential convenience food
ing ripening, e.g., the complex Gram-positive micro- which can be consumed in many forms without prepar-
flora of smear-ripened cheeses such as Tilsit, Limburger, ation. In addition, a large proportion of cheese
etc. In many cases, the characteristics of the finished (50–70%) is used as an ingredient (see ‘Cheese as an
cheese are dominated by the metabolic activity of these Ingredient’, Volume 2) or converted to more stable,
microorganisms. more convenient products by heat treatment to yield
The primary biochemical changes which occur processed cheeses which are discussed in ‘Pasteurized
during ripening involve the metabolism of residual Processed Cheese and Substitute/Imitation Cheese
lactose and of lactate and citrate, lipolysis and prote- Products’, Volume 2.
olysis which are described in ‘Biochemistry of Cheese
Ripening: Introduction and Overview’, ‘Metabolism of
Cheese Production and Consumption
Residual Lactose and of Lactate and Citrate’, ‘Lipolysis
and Catabolism of Fatty Acids in Cheese’, ‘Proteolysis World cheese production was ⬃16.5  106 tonnes
in Cheese during Ripening’, Volume 1. These primary in 2002 and has increased at an average annual rate
changes are followed and overlapped by a host of of ⬃3% over the past 20 years. Europe, with a produc-
secondary catabolic changes, including the various tion of ⬃8.7  106 tonnes per annum (⬃53% of world
reactions involving amino acid catabolism (transamina- production) is the largest producing region; North and
tion, deamination, decarboxylation and various lyase Central America produces ⬃28% of world cheese. The
activities ‘Catabolism of Amino Acids in Cheese Dur- production of cheese by country and region are shown
ing Ripening’, Volume 1), fatty acid catabolism and in Table 2.
related reactions (-oxidation of fatty acids, esterifi- Cheese consumption varies widely between
cation, formation of thioesters) and the catabolism of countries, even within Europe; it is noteworthy that
lactic acid to CO2 and H2O or the propionic, acetic or with the exceptions of Israel and the Dutch Antilles,
butyric acids and CO2 or H2. no Asian, African or South American country is
While it is not possible to review the biochemistry listed among the top 23 cheese-consuming countries
involved in the ripening of all individual cheese var- (Table 3). Cheese consumption in most countries for
ieties, an overview of the principal ripening reactions which data are available has increased considerably
is presented in ‘Biochemistry of Cheese Ripening: since 1970.
Introduction and Overview’, ‘Metabolism of Residual Thus, while cheese manufacture is practised world-
Lactose and of Lactate and Citrate’, ‘Lipolysis and wide, it is apparent from Tables 2 and 3 that cheese is
Catabolism of Fatty Acids in Cheese’, ‘Proteolysis in primarily a product of European countries and those
Cheese during Ripening’, ‘Catabolism of Amino Acids populated by European emigrants. However, cheese in
in Cheese During Ripening’, Volume 1. The rheolog- some form is produced in most countries throughout
ical properties of cheese are reviewed in ‘Rheology the world and some interesting minor varieties are
and Texture of Cheese’, Volume 1. Microbiological produced in ‘non-dairying’ countries (see Phelan et al.,
changes which occur during ripening are discussed 1993).
Cheese: An Overview 15

Table 2 Production of all types of cheese (tonnes) in 2001 (source:

World 16507068 Ireland 93750

Israel 102029
Africa 704227
Italy 1020712
Asia 1039789
Japan 123000
Europe (total) 8674772
Jordan 3662
European Union (15) 6834006
Kazakhstan 6750
North and Central America 4653978
Kenya 210
South America 709686
Kyrgyzstan 3500
Oceania 724615
Latvia 12400
Developed countries 14145817 Lebanon 21564
Developing countries 2361251 Lithuania 57900
Albania 12050 Macedonia,The Fmr Yug Rp 1540
Algeria 1540 Malta 282
Angola 1230 Mauritania 2058
Argentina 420000 Mexico 153861
Armenia 2616 Moldova, Republic of 5250
Australia 444000 Mongolia 1260
Austria 145320 Morocco 7716
Azerbaijan, Republic of 10750 Myanmar 31976
Bangladesh 1000 Namibia 70
Belarus 54497 Netherlands, The 660000
Belgium-Luxembourg 65000 New Zealand 280615
Bhutan 44 Nicaragua 13195
Bolivia 6834 Niger 14655
Bosnia and Herzegovina 8700 Nigeria 6955
Botswana 2214 Norway 81700
Brazil 38500 Oman 824
Bulgaria 46150 Panama 7866
Canada 359720 Peru 8934
Chile 57184 Poland 460100
China 217250 Portugal 72800
Colombia 52500 Romania 37500
Costa Rica 6861 Russian Federation 433000
Croatia 21879 Slovakia 54660
Cuba 14500 Slovenia 21684
Cyprus 5030 South Africa 36000
Czech Republic 139074 Spain 180374
Denmark 300000 Sudan 151000
Dominican Republic 2500 Sweden 132000
Ecuador 7265 Switzerland 162300
Egypt 465000 Syrian Arab Republic 93475
El Salvador 2400 Tajikistan 6715
Eritrea 312 Tanzania, United Rep of 2000
Estonia 15500 Tunisia 6420
Ethiopia 3975 Turkey 126156
Finland 106000 Turkmenistan 1600
France 1666850 Ukraine 109000
Georgia 75 United Kingdom 382000
Germany 1773000 United States of America 4073000
Greece 236200 Uruguay 29320
Guatemala 11100 Uzbekistan 20675
Honduras 8975 Venezuela, Boliv Rep of 89150
Hungary 89240 Yemen 11185
Iceland 4860 Yugoslavia, Fed Rep of 11500
Iran, Islamic Rep of 199168 Zambia 773
Iraq 30586 Zimbabwe 2100
16 Cheese: An Overview

Table 3 Supply of cheese (kg per caput per annum) in 2000 (source:

World 2.6 Iran, Islamic Rep of 3.0 Brazil 0.3

Greece 25.4 Russian Federation 2.9 Gabon 0.3
France 23.6 Saudi Arabia 2.8 Turkmenistan 0.3
Netherlands, The 22.5 Uruguay 2.8 Vanuatu 0.3
Italy 20.5 Botswana 2.7 China 0.2
Austria 19.2 Japan 2.6 Malaysia 0.2
Germany 18.9 Antigua and Barbuda 2.3 Philippines 0.2
Sweden 17.4 Swaziland 2.3 Zimbabwe 0.2
Israel 16.7 Jordan 2.2 Angola 0.1
Netherlands Antilles 16.2 Mauritius 2.2 Djibouti 0.1
Iceland 15.5 Mexico 2.0 Eritrea 0.1
Denmark 15.1 Turkey 2.0 Ethiopia 0.1
Norway 15.1 Macedonia,The Fmr Yug Rp 1.9 Gambia 0.1
United States of America 14.9 Dominica 1.8 Georgia 0.1
Switzerland 14.8 Romania 1.8 Haiti 0.1
Finland 14.1 Saint Vincent/Grenadines 1.8 Kiribati 0.1
Belgium-Luxembourg 13.7 El Salvador 1.7 Lesotho 0.1
Czech Republic 13.5 Cuba 1.6 Liberia 0.1
Estonia 13.1 Honduras 1.6 Nigeria 0.1
Malta 13.0 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 1.6 Senegal 0.1
Argentina 12.2 Jamaica 1.5 Tanzania, United Rep of 0.1
Canada 11.8 Costa Rica 1.4 Zambia 0.1
Poland 11.1 Guyana 1.4 Bangladesh 0.0
New Zealand 10.2 Iraq 1.4 Benin 0.0
Lebanon 9.7 Ukraine 1.4 Burkina Faso 0.0
Slovakia 9.4 Yugoslavia, Fed Rep of 1.4 Burundi 0.0
Australia 9.2 Azerbaijan, Republic of 1.3 Cambodia 0.0
United Kingdom 9.2 Niger 1.3 Cameroon 0.0
Hungary 8.9 Colombia 1.2 Central African Republic 0.0
Portugal 8.8 Guatemala 1.2 Chad 0.0
Ireland 8.5 Moldova, Republic of 1.2 Comoros 0.0
Slovenia 8.1 Saint Kitts and Nevis 1.2 Congo, Dem Republic of 0.0
Egypt 7.0 Suriname 1.1 Congo, Republic of 0.0
Kuwait 6.7 Tajikistan 1.1 Côte d’Ivoire 0.0
Spain 6.3 Uzbekistan 1.1 Ghana 0.0
Bermuda 6.0 Seychelles 1.0 Guinea 0.0
Barbados 5.8 South Africa 0.9 Guinea-Bissau 0.0
Cyprus 5.7 Tunisia 0.9 India 0.0
Saint Lucia 5.5 Yemen 0.9 Indonesia 0.0
Syrian Arab Republic 5.4 Bolivia 0.8 Kenya 0.0
Grenada 5.3 Mauritania 0.8 Madagascar 0.0
Croatia 5.2 Algeria 0.7 Malawi 0.0
Lithuania 5.0 Armenia 0.7 Mali 0.0
French Polynesia 4.8 Dominican Republic 0.7 Mozambique 0.0
New Caledonia 4.8 Kyrgyzstan 0.7 Namibia 0.0
Sudan 4.8 Myanmar 0.7 Nepal 0.0
Bulgaria 4.5 Ecuador 0.6 Pakistan 0.0
Trinidad and Tobago 4.3 Korea, Republic of 0.6 Papua New Guinea 0.0
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of 4.2 Nicaragua 0.6 Sao Tome and Principe 0.0
Albania 4.1 Cape Verde 0.5 Sierra Leone 0.0
Panama 4.1 Kazakhstan 0.5 Solomon Islands 0.0
Latvia 3.9 Mongolia 0.5 Sri Lanka 0.0
United Arab Emirates 3.9 Brunei Darussalam 0.4 Thailand 0.0
Bahamas 3.8 Fiji Islands 0.4 Togo 0.0
Belarus 3.8 Maldives 0.4 Uganda 0.0
Belize 3.8 Morocco 0.4 Viet Nam 0.0
Bosnia and Herzegovina 3.7 Paraguay 0.4
Chile 3.7 Peru 0.4
Cheese: An Overview 17

References Fox, P.F., ed. (1987). Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Micro-
biology, Vols 1 and 2. Elsevier, London.
Alexander, J. (1910). Some colloid – chemical aspects of diges- Fox, P.F., ed. (1992). Advanced Dairy Chemistry, Vol. 1, Pro-
tion, with ultramicroscopic observations. J. Am. Chem. Soc. teins. Elsevier, London.
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Rennets: General and Molecular
M.J.C. Crabbe, Division of Cell and Molecular Biology, School of Animal and Microbial
Sciences, The University of Reading, UK

Introduction generally divided into two major groups – pepsin-like

Natural chymosin may consist of up to six molecular and retroviral enzymes. These enzymes have been isol-
species, corresponding to genetic variants A and B, ated from five major sources:
each of which is a mixture of three forms differing at a. The stomach. Several types of gastric enzyme, pepsin
the N-terminus, with one being three residues longer, (EC, pepsin B (EC, gastricsin (EC
and the other two residues shorter, than the mature and chymosin (EC, are produced
chymosin (Lilla et al., 2001). The function of chy- in the abomasal mucosa as inactive precursors,
mosin is to coagulate milk in the stomach. Rennet may zymogens. Pepsin is the predominant proteinase in
be considered as a functional enzyme preparation that adult mammals (Tang et al., 1973). Gastricsins are
is effectively and naturally adapted to the purposes of found in all parts of the mammalian stomach, -cells
cheesemaking (Ye et al., 2000). of pancreatic islet, prostate gland and seminal ves-
Proteolytic enzymes can be classified on the basis of icles. Chymosin is produced early on during gesta-
their catalytic activity into one of the four groups – tion (in utero) in the abomasal mucosa of newborn
serine, cysteine, metallo and aspartic proteinases (Kay, mammals, including calf (Foltmann, 1970), piglet
1985). Chymosin (rennin; EC is a neonatal (Foltmann et al., 1978), kitten (Jensen et al., 1982),
gastric aspartic proteinase and is of commercial import- seal (Shamsuzzaman and Haard, 1984) and lamb
ance in cheesemaking. It belongs to the aspartic pro- (Baudys et al., 1988; Pungercar et al., 1991). The pro-
teinase family which is widely distributed in many duction of these enzymes varies, depending on the
organisms and tissues with different physiological and age of the animal and the feeding regime (Andrén
functional properties (Chitpinityol and Crabbe, 1998). and Björck, 1986).
The nucleotide and amino acid sequences and the b. Lysosomes of many cell types contain cathepsin D
three-dimensional structures of several aspartic pro- (Hurley et al., 2000) and cathepsin E. Cathepsin E
teinases are available and provide information for the is found in gastric mucosa, thymus, spleen and
protein engineering design of this protein family. blood cells (Kageyama, 1995). Human cathepsin D
Enzymes can now be produced recombinantly in vari- is possibly involved in the degradation of intracel-
ous expression systems in sufficient amounts for struc- lular and endocytosed proteins, and is a prognostic
tural and functional studies. indicator of breast tumour invasiveness. There
appears to be a role for this enzyme during proteolysis
Chymosin and Other Aspartic Proteinases in cheese ripening, most clearly in cheese where
rennet activity is low, such as Swiss cheese, Quarg
Aspartic proteinases contain two aspartyl residues and Feta.
(Asp32 and Asp215, pepsin numbering) at the active c. Tissues such as kidney and sub-maxillary gland
site (Tang et al., 1973). They are susceptible to inhibi- produce renin (Kay, 1985).
tion by pepstatin, a pentapeptide naturally produced d. Plants, including squash, cucumber, tomato, barley,
by Streptomyces strains (Umezawa et al., 1970), and to rice, wheat, sorghum and lotus (Doi et al., 1980;
affinity labelling at the catalytic aspartates using either Morris et al., 1985; Polanowski et al., 1985; Belozersky
diazoacetylnorleucinemethyl ester (DAN) in the pres- et al., 1989).
ence of cupric ions (Rajagopalan et al., 1966) or 1,2- e. Micro-organisms. Several aspartyl proteinases are
epoxy-3-(p-nitrophenoxy) propane (EPNP). secreted by fungi, including Cryphonectria parasitica
(Sardinas, 1968), Penicillium janthinellum (Hofmann
Natural sources
and Shaw, 1964), Rhizomucor pusillus (Arima et al.,
Aspartic proteinases can be found throughout nature 1970), Rhizomucor miehei (Sternberg, 1971), Rhizopus
from viruses to higher plants and mammals. They are chinensis (Fumamoto et al., 1967), Aspergillus awamori
Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, Third edition – Volume 1: General Aspects Copyright © 2004 Elsevier Ltd
ISBN: 0-1226-3652-X All rights reserved
Set ISBN: 0-1226-3651-1
20 Rennets: General and Molecular Aspects

(Ostoslavskaya et al., 1986), Aspergillus niger (Koaze, loses approximately half of its activity after incubation in
et al., 1964) and Trichoderma reesei (Pitts, 1992). Pro- 4.6 mol/l urea at 37 °C for 30 min (Sugrue et al., 1990).
teinases have been found in the yeasts Saccharomyces It has been shown that both pro-part and cysteine
cerevisiae (MacKay et al., 1988), Candida tropicalis residues are essential for refolding of chymosin after
(Togni et al., 1991) and Yarrowia lipolytica (Yamada denaturation (Sugrue et al., 1990; Huang et al., 1992).
and Ogrydziak, 1983). Thermopsin is secreted by Chymosin in a crystalline form appears to be very stable
Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, a thermophilic archaebac- (Foltmann, 1992).
terium (Lin and Tang, 1990). Prochymosin is more stable than chymosin at neutral
pH (Foltmann, 1966). At pH values below 5.0, prochy-
Retroviral aspartic proteinases are dimeric, and each
mosin is converted to chymosin whereas at pH above
monomer is about half the size of a eukaryotic aspartic
11.0 the stability of prochymosin is lost due to a confor-
proteinase and carries only one catalytic aspartic residue.
mational change. Pseudochymosin is stable at acidic pH
Retropepsins have been found in several viruses, includ-
for days but is quickly converted to chymosin if the pH
ing human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Rous sar-
is increased above 4.5 (Barkholt et al., 1979).
coma virus, avian myeloblastosis virus and simian
Rhizomucor protease, cryphonectria protease and
immunodeficiency virus (SIV) (Toh et al., 1985; Kotler
S. cerevisiae proteinase A are stable at pH 3.5–7.0
et al., 1989). These proteinases are required for process-
(Sardinas, 1968; Dreyer et al., 1986; Bailey and
ing for RNA dimerization within the virion, and hence
Siika-aho, 1988). Pepsin shows greater general stability
for infectivity.
than chymosin; for example, after incubation in 6 mol/l
urea at 37 °C for 30 min, only 10% of the original
Physical properties and stability of aspartyl
activity is lost (Cheeseman, 1965). The thermostability
of pepsin is reduced in solution at high pH, in the pres-
Molecular weight and isoelectric point ence of urea or salt solution, but is increased in the
Chymosin and aspartic proteinases have a molecular presence of pepstatin (Privalov et al., 1981). At pH 6.0,
weight in the range 32–39 kDa, with a multiplicity pepsin is more stable than pepsinogen. At pH values
of isoelectric points corresponding to a number of between 8.5 and 10.5, pepsinogen is less stable than
isozymes, auto-degradation and post-translationally prochymosin and cannot be converted to the active
modified products. N-linked glycosylation has been form in an acidic environment (McPhile, 1975). Inactiv-
found in several proteinases such as cathepsin D (N67 ation of pepsin can be initiated by dissociation of the
and N183), S. cerevisiae proteinase A (N67 and N263), N-fragment, and the sequence of this portion is a major
rhizomucor protease (N173) and human renin (N67). determinant of enzyme stability (Tanaka and Yada,
Specific receptors for phosphorylation have been 2001). Prochymosin can be efficiently refolded in high
found in porcine pepsin at S68 (Tang et al., 1973), yields by controlled air oxidation (Menzella et al.,
bovine pepsin and human cathepsin D (Martin and 2002).
Corre, 1984; Metcalf and Fusek, 1993). Transgenic Aspartic proteinases containing carbohydrate are more
sheep chymosin appears to be identical to calf chy- stable towards high temperature, denaturants and degrad-
mosin (Mezina et al., 2001). ation than proteins without carbohydrate (Aikawa et al.,
1990; Berka et al., 1991; Brown and Yada, 1991). Glyco-
Enzyme stability sylation of rhizomucor protease by either chemical or
Chymosin is most stable at pH values between 5.3 and genetic modification resulted in a loss of stability and an
6.3. However, even at pH 2, chymosin is relatively stable increase in the ratio of milk-clotting activity to proteo-
(Foltmann, 1959a). Under acidic conditions (pH 3–4), lytic activity (C/P ratio) (Brown and Yada, 1991; Aikawa
the enzyme loses its activity rapidly, probably caused by et al., 1992). The stability of rhizomucor proteinase was
auto-degradation, while at alkaline pH values (above reduced by pre-treatment with acid, oxidation of methio-
9.8), loss is due to an irreversible conformational change nine or modification of the -amino group of lysine
(Cheeseman, 1965). Loss of activity of chymosin A is (Hubble and Mann, 1984; Smith et al., 1991b).
higher than for chymosin B (Foltmann, 1966). Chy-
mosin is more stable at 2 °C than at room temperature Enzyme solubility
(Foltmann, 1959b). Kawaguchi et al. (1987) reported The solubility of chymosin is affected by pH, tempera-
the rapid loss of the activity of chymosin when the tem- ture and ionic strength of the solution (Foltmann,
perature is increased from 45 to 55 °C. Photo-oxidation 1959b). Non-crystallized chymosin is soluble in solution
of histidine, as well as modification of the -amino containing 1 mol/l NaCl and at pH 5.5. In a solution
group of lysine, slightly affects the activity of chymosin of 2 mol/l NaCl, chymosin appears to be insoluble.
(Hill and Laing, 1965; Smith et al., 1991b,c). Chymosin Crystallized chymosin shows higher solubility at 25 °C
Rennets: General and Molecular Aspects 21

than at 2 °C (Foltmann, 1970); however, amorphous A lysine residue (K36P; pepsinogen numbering) is con-
precipitates of chymosin are more stable at 2 °C than at served in all proteinases, except lamb prochymosin
25 °C. At pH values close to the isoelectric point, chy- and barley aspartic proteinase, and this residue has
mosin is very insoluble at an ionic strength of 0.005; its been postulated to interact with the catalytic aspartate
solubility is increased by increasing its ionic strength. residues in the zymogen molecule (James and Sielecki,
1986; Foltmann, 1988). The pro-segments are probably
important for correct folding, targeting and control of
Structure of chymosin and other aspartic the activation of zymogens (Koelsch et al., 1994).
Chymosin is a single polypeptide chain enzyme of
Gene sequence and primary structure 323 amino acid residues with a low content of basic
The genomic DNA of avian and mammalian aspartic residues, and rich in dicarboxylic and -hydroxy amino
proteinases, chicken embryonic pepsinogen (Hayashi acid residues (Foltmann et al., 1977, 1979; Harris et al.,
et al., 1988), human renin (Miyazaki et al., 1984), bovine 1982; Moir et al., 1982; Hidaka et al., 1986). The
chymosin (Hidaka et al., 1986) and human pepsinogen sequence alignment of calf chymosin with those of
(Sogawa et al., 1983), is comprised of nine exons lamb chymosin, porcine pepsin, penicillopepsin, rhi-
separated by eight introns, and all exon–intron junc- zopus protease and S. cerevisiae proteinase A is illus-
tion points are highly conserved. These results support trated in Fig. 4.
the belief that the genes for these enzymes have There are variable numbers of cysteine residues in
evolved from a common ancestral gene. Conversely, in their sequences but their positions, when present, are
several microbial aspartic proteinases, including those conserved. Therefore, there is the potential for two disul-
of S. cerevisiae (Ammerer et al., 1986), C. tropicalis fide bridges in the Rhizomucor and Rhizopus enzymes, a
(Togni et al., 1991), R. pusillus (Tonouchi et al., 1986) single disulfide bridge in the Cryphonectria, Penicillium
and R. miehei (Gray et al., 1986), no intron was found and Aspergillus enzymes, and no disulfide bridges in
in the genes for these enzymes. However, in the genes the Irpex aspartic proteinase.
for the aspartic proteinases of R. niveus (Horiuchi et al.,
1988) and A. awamori (Berka et al., 1990), one and Secondary structure
three short introns, respectively, were found, but their The secondary structure of chymosin consists mainly
exon–intron junctions were at different positions from of -sheets with a few small -helical segments. The
those in the genes for mammalian and avian aspartic secondary structure of chymosin is illustrated in Fig. 5.
proteinases. The sheets and helices are named by analogy to the
Calf chymosin is found in two major forms, A and B, scheme adapted for cryphonectria protease (Blundell
chymosin B being more abundant. Chymosins A and B et al., 1985, 1990). The strands are named aN, bN, cN,
differ at only one amino acid position: chymosin A has dN, a N, b N, c N, d N, qN and rN in the N-terminal
an aspartate residue at position 243 (pepsin numbering), domain and aC, bC, cC, dC, a C, b C, c C, d C, qC and rC
whereas this is a glycine residue in chymosin B. A third in the C-terminal domain. The helices are named hN
form, chymosin C, appears to be a degradation product and hC in the N- and the C-terminal domains, respect-
of chymosin A that lacks three residues, D244–F246 ively. The antiparallel -strands form three well-
(Danley and Geoghegan, 1988). It is likely that chy- defined sheets (Newman et al., 1991). The sheets, 1N
mosins A and B are synthesized from different alleles of and 1C, are formed by seven or eight strands in a simi-
the same polymorphic gene, rather than a multiple gene lar pattern in both lobes and are related by a topolog-
family, as only one locus of the chymosin gene was ical two-fold axis. The b, c, b and c strands form
found from the hybridization of the calf genome with sheets 2N and 2C which occur beneath 1N and 1C,
the chymosin gene (Donnelly et al., 1986). Fig. 1 illus- respectively. Sheet 3 is formed by six -strands, aN, rN,
trates the nucleotide (cDNA) and amino acid sequences qN, qC, rC and aC, all of which are antiparallel. This
of calf chymosin B. The secretion signals of aspartic pro- sheet resides beneath the strands forming the base of
teinases are approximately 15–24 residues long with low the active site cleft. In each lobe, strands labelled a, b,
sequence homology (Fig. 2). These secretion sequences c, d are related to a , b , c , d by the intra-lobe diad
tend to be rich in hydrophobic amino acids. and these strands are related to their equivalents in the
The known pro-regions of aspartic proteinases are opposite lobe by the inter-lobe diad. The helices hN,
shown in Fig. 3. The pro-peptides are 38–54 amino h N, hC and h C occur in topological intra- and inter-
acid residues in length and are rich in basic residues. domain two-fold symmetry in that they all occur after
Although sequence identity is high among the closely the d strands. The fifth helix occurs between the c N
related enzymes, there are variables in the cleavage and d N strands and the sixth occurs at a large inser-
site between the pro-segment and the mature enzyme. tion in the C-terminal domain.
22 Rennets: General and Molecular Aspects

PP1 P1

P10 P20

P30 P40 1

10 20

30 40

50 60

70 80

90 100

110 120

130 140

150 160

170 180 190

200 210

220 230

240 250

260 270

280 290

300 310


320 323

Figure 1 Nucleotide and amino acid sequence of calf chymosin B cDNA (adapted from Moir et al., 1982).
Rennets: General and Molecular Aspects 23

Secretion signal peptides The structure of chymosin B described below was

Fungi solved by Gilliland et al. (1990) and by Newman et al.
A. awamori 1 MVVFSKTAALVLGLSSAVSA*A (1991). The crystals of chymosin have the space group
A. oryzae 2 MVILSKVAAVAVGLSTVASA*L of 1222 with approximate overall dimensions of 40 
R. miehei 3 60  65 Å (Gilliland et al., 1990). The protein has a
bilobal folding pattern formed by the N- and the
R. niveus 5
R. chinensis 6 MTFTLNSSCIAIAALAVAVNAA*P C-terminal domains divided by a deep active-site cleft.
A 2.5-Å extended cleft contains the catalytic aspartates
Bovine chymosin7 MRCTVVLLAVFALSQG*A and the substrate-binding pockets. These two lobes are
Lamb chymosin8 MRCLVVLLAVFALSQG*A related by an approximately 2-fold axis which passes
Porcine pepsin9 MKWLLLLSLVVLSEC*L between the two catalytic aspartate residues, 32 and
Human pepsin10 MKWLLLLGLVALSE*C 215, and forms the approximate intra-molecular sym-
metry (Fig. 7). High symmetry between the N- and the
C-lobes is found inside the active site and the core of
Yeast the enzyme (Newman et al., 1991). Intra-domain
S. cerevisiae (YPA)13 MFSLKALLPLALLLVSANQVAA*K pseudo-diad axes in the N- and the C-domains of chy-
S. cerevisiae (BAR1)14 MSAINHLCLYLILASFAIINTITA*L mosin have rotations of 180° and 177°, respectively,
with negligible translations (Newman et al., 1991).
There are three disulphide bridges at positions 45 . . .
50, 206 . . . 210 and 249 . . . 282. In addition, ion-pairs
Figure 2 Alignment of the secretion signal peptides of aspartic are found between R59 . . . D57, R157 . . . E308, R157 . . .
proteinases. The junctions between putative signal sequence and I326 (COO ), R307 . . . D11 and R315 . . . D138 (Gilliland
proenzyme are indicated by (*) and possible sites are indicated et al., 1990; Newman et al., 1991). Chymosin also con-
by (•). References: (1) Berka et al. (1990); (2) Ward and Kodama
(1991); (3) Gray et al. (1986) and Boel et al. (1986); (4) Tonouchi
tains a single cis-proline, P23, on the -turn connecting
et al. (1986); (5) Chen et al. (1991); (6) Horiuchi et al. (1988); strand bN to cN (Gilliland et al., 1990; Newman et al.,
(7) Harris et al. (1982) and Moir et al. (1982); (8) Pungercar et al. 1991). In rhizomucor protease, cryphonectria protease
(1991); (9) Lin et al. (1989); (10) Hayano et al. (1988); (11) Ishihara and porcine pepsin, a cis-proline is found at an identical
et al. (1989); (12) Birch and Loh (1990); (13) Ammerer et al. position to that in chymosin (Blundell et al., 1990;
(1986); (14) MacKay et al. (1988); (15) Togni et al. (1991);
(16) Runeberg-Roos et al. (1991) (adapted from Orprayoon, 1994).
Cooper et al., 1990; Newman et al., 1993) while two
cis-proline residues are found at positions 23 and 324 in
Tertiary structure rhizopus protease (Suguna et al., 1987) and three cis-
The three-dimensional structure of several aspartic proline residues are found at positions 111, 194 and 297
proteinases has been solved by X-ray crystallography in human renin (Dhanaraj et al., 1992).
(Fig. 6). These include porcine pepsin (Andreeva et al., The active site of aspartic proteinases is highly con-
1984; Abad-Zapatero et al., 1990; Cooper et al., 1990; served and consists of residues, Asp9Thr9Gly, from
Sielecki et al., 1990), pepsinogen ( James and Sielecki, each domain of the enzyme. Nine per cent sequence
1986; Hartsuck and Remington, 1988), human renin identity is observed between the N- and the C-terminal
(Sielecki et al., 1989), cryphonectria protease (Blundell lobes of chymosin (Newman et al., 1991).
et al., 1990), penicillopepsin ( James and Sielecki, 1983), A comparison of chymosin structure with that of
rhizopus protease (Suguna et al., 1987) and retroviral other aspartic proteinases reveals a high degree of struc-
proteinases (Lapatto et al., 1989; Miller et al., 1989; tural homology (Gilliand et al., 1990). Chymosin has
Wlodawer et al., 1989). the closest structural agreement with porcine pepsin. Of
Crystals of chymosin obtained by Bunn et al. (1971) the fungal proteinases, the rhizopus protease molecule
showed that the space group was either I222 or I212121, has higher structural homology with chymosin than
with one molecule in the asymmetric unit. The structure with penicillopepsin or cryphonectria protease.
of recombinant bovine chymosin has been independ- The structural superposition of aspartic proteinases
ently solved and refined at 2.3 Å resolution (Gilliland reveals that the N-terminal domain has greater structural
et al., 1990) and at 2.2 Å resolution (Newman et al., similarity than the C-terminal domain (Gilliland et al.,
1991). Crystallographic studies at 2.0 Å resolution have 1990). The C-terminal domain is more separated from
also been performed on a site-specific mutant of chy- the rest of the molecule than the N-terminal domain,
mosin, in which V111 was replaced by phenylalanine, and the rigid body movement appears in the C-terminal
and the structure has been refined to an R-factor of domain (residues 190–302) (Sali et al., 1992). The great-
19.5% (Strop et al., 1990). All the molecules display very est differences between these proteinases are in the
similar secondary and tertiary structures. surface loop regions. One remarkable difference is the
24 Rennets: General and Molecular Aspects


Figure 3 Alignment of the propeptides of aspartic proteinases. The junctions between proenzyme and mature enzyme are indi-
cated by (*). References: (1) Berka et al. (1990); (2) Ward and Kodama (1991); (3) Gray et al. (1986) and Boel et al. (1986); (4)
Tonouchi et al. (1986); (5) Horiuchi et al. (1988); (6) Chen et al. (1991); (7) Harris et al. (1982) and Moir et al. (1982); (8) Pungercar
et al. (1991); (9) Baudys and Kostka (1983); (10) Lin et al. (1989); (11) Sogawa et al. (1983); (12) Wong and Tang (1986); (13) Holm
et al. (1984); (14) Imai et al. (1983); (15) Faust et al. (1985); (16) Birch and Loh (1990); (17) Ammerer et al. (1986); (18) Togni et al.
(1991); (19) Runeberg-Roos et al. (1991) (adapted from Orprayoon, 1994).

position of the flap (residues 73–85 in chymosin). This from the self-inhibited to the active form can be pro-
region participates in the substrate-binding specificity. In moted by an allosteric activator, the histidine–proline
chymosin, the position of Y77 is stabilized by interaction cluster (9His9Pro9His9Pro9His9) of -casein,
with hydrophobic residues F119 and L32 (Gilliland et al., thereby explaining the catalytic specificity of chymosin
1990). In other aspartic proteinases, Y77 hydrogen- towards -casein.
bonds to W39. In pepsin, the location of the hydroxyl Three-dimensional structures of homodimer retroviral
group of Y77 is occupied by a water molecule, w424, in proteinases are to a large extent similar and bear close
the chymosin crystal. This water molecule forms two resemblance to the structure of bilobal fungal and mam-
hydrogen bonds with the hydroxyl group of Y75 and malian aspartic proteinases (Lapatto et al., 1989; Miller
with the conserved water molecule, w403. In the V111F et al., 1989; Navia et al., 1989; Wlodawer et al., 1989).
mutant chymosin, the flap appears to occupy two differ- The structural superpositions between the retroviral
ent conformations corresponding to that found in native enzymes and the eukaryotic aspartic proteinases appear
chymosin and pepsin (Strop et al., 1990). This suggests to be similar. It is not clear whether the eukaryotic pro-
that chymosin can exist in two alternative structural teinases are derived from a homodimer enzyme by gene
forms: the active form in which S1 and S3 binding pock- duplication and fusion (Tang et al., 1978) or evolved
ets are free for substrate binding and the self-inhibited from a cellular gene by one or more deletion events (Rao
form in which these pockets are occluded by its own Y77 et al., 1991). Nevertheless, an engineered homodimer of
residue (Andreeva et al., 1992; Gustchina et al., 1996). the pepsin N-terminal lobe, which exhibits a general pro-
The structure of S. cerevisiae proteinase A agrees overall teolytic activity, reveals the close relationship between
with other uninhibited aspartic proteinases, although these two aspartic proteinase families (Lin et al., 1992).
the conformation of Y75 occupying the S1 substrate-
The active site
binding pocket is similar to that in chymosin, suggest-
ing a functional significance for this conformation The active-site aspartates, D32 and D215, are situated on
(Gustchina et al., 2002). The conversion of chymosin the corners of the two extended loops (-structures
Rennets: General and Molecular Aspects 25

10 20 30 40 50

Strand a´ Strand b´ Strand c´

60 70 80 90 100 110

Strand d´ Strand q Strand r

120 130 140 150 160

Strand a Strand b Strand c Strand d

170 180 190 200 210 220

Strand a´ Strand b´ Strand c´

230 240 250 260 270 280

Strand d´ Strand q Strand r

290 300 310 320

Figure 4 The sequence alignment of calf chymosin (4CMS, Newman et al., 1991) with other aspartic proteinases based on three-
dimensional structures. References: 4PEP: porcine pepsin (Sielecki et al., 1990); 2APP: penicillopepsin (James and Sielecki, 1983);
2APR: rhizopuspepsin (Suguna et al., 1987); 4APE: endothiapepsin (Pearl and Blundell, 1984); YPA: S. cerevisiae proteinase A
(Dreyer et al., 1986) (adapted from Orprayoon, 1994).

within sheets cNdN and cCdC) in the N- and the formed by the interaction of two loops (residues 31–35
C-terminal domains. The side chains of these two aspar- and residues 214–218) and a central water molecule.
tates are oriented towards each other around the The side chain of T33 and its symmetry-related T126 form
pseudo-interlobe diad axis in a complicated hydrogen- hydrogen bonds across the diad axis to the carbonyl
bonding network, known as the ‘fireman’s grip’ (Pearl oxygens of L214 and F31, respectively, and to the peptide
and Blundell, 1984) shown in Fig. 8. This network is N atoms of T216 and T33, respectively. The carboxyl
26 Rennets: General and Molecular Aspects

Figure 5 A schematic diagram of the secondary structure of chymosin. The directions of the strands are indicated by the large
arrows. The inter- and intra-lobe two-fold axes are shown as large and small diad markers. The main hydrogen bonds are indicated
by arrows in the direction of donor to acceptor (adapted from Newman et al., 1991).

oxygens of D32 and D215 are hydrogen-bonded with and G217 are conserved in all aspartic proteinases. Side
nitrogen atoms of the conserved G34 and G217, respect- chains at these positions would interfere sterically with
ively. In addition, the side chains of S35 and T218 the catalytic aspartates. Residue D303 is conserved
also form hydrogen bonds with the outer oxygen atoms among all proteinases with an acidic pH optimum.
of D32 and D215, respectively. There are some con- However, in renins, which have a more neutral pH opti-
served glycine residues in eukaryotic aspartic proteinases mum, this residue is replaced by an alanine. The effect
which are believed to be important; among them, G34 of the side chain at this position on the pKa has
Rennets: General and Molecular Aspects 27

Figure 6 Three-dimensional structures of aspartic proteinases showing the high degree of structure homology among these pro-
teinases (adapted from Pitts et al., 1992).

Catalytic mechanisms
been revealed by site-directed mutagenesis of renin
(Yamauchi et al., 1988) and chymosin (Mantafounis The catalytic mechanism of aspartic proteinases has
and Pitts, 1990). The hydrogen bond between D303 and been modelled based on the structural analysis of
T216 may affect the pKa of D215 via the peptide dipole of several aspartic proteinase–inhibitor complexes. Early
T216–G217 (Pearl and Blundell, 1984). mechanisms (James et al., 1977, 1982; James and
28 Rennets: General and Molecular Aspects

protonation of the nitrogen atom either from bulk sol-

vent or from the catalytic carboxyl group of D215. Pro-
tonation of the substrate carbonyl and nucleophilic
attack may appear simultaneously during the forma-
tion of the tetrahedral intermediate. Similarly, proton
transfer from the intermediate to the diad may occur
at the same time as the protonation of the nitrogen
atom of the substrate during the cleavage of the result-
ant intermediate (Polgár, 1987). Pearl (1987) sug-
gested that the distortion of the scissile bond towards
the enzyme–substrate binding may facilitate the col-
lapse of the intermediate by generating lone pair
orbitals antiperiplanar to the C9N bond but not to
the hydroxyl C9O bond. Therefore, the leaving prod-
uct is a free amine rather than the original nucle-
ophile. In addition, the charged oxygen of a solvent
molecule forms hydrogen bonds with residues D32 and
S35 (Suguna et al., 1987) or residues G76, D77 or Y75
on the flap (Blundell et al., 1987; Pearl, 1987).
Figure 7 A plot of the C position of chymosin. The approx- Veerapandian et al. (1990) have proposed the cata-
imate molecular symmetry axes are shown as follows: (i) the lytic mechanistic model outlined in Fig. 9. The pro-
inter-lobe non-crystallographic 2-fold screw axis relating the R(statine-like) hydroxyl of the tetrahedral carbonyl
N- and C-terminal lobes; (ii) the intra-domain axis for the N-terminal hydrate is hydrogen-bonded to the outer oxygen of D32
domain; (iii) the intra-domain axis for the C-terminal domain
(adapted from Newman et al., 1991).
and D215. The second hydroxyl oxygen of the hydrate is
hydrogen-bonded only to the carboxyl oxygen of D32.
The scissile bond carbonyl is protoned by D32 and is
Sielecki, 1985) proposed that catalysis was initiated by simultaneously attacked by a water molecule polarized
protonation of the carbonyl oxygen of the substrate by into a nucleophilic state by D215. The rigid movement in
a proton from D215, followed by nucleophilic attack on the enzyme–substrate complex may impel distortion of
the carbonyl carbon of the substrate aspartate residue the amide bond and facilitate the attack of nucleophilic
by a hydroxide ion generated from water after dona- water on the polarized carbonyl. Thus, in the tetrahedral
tion of its proton to D32. These protonation events intermediate I, the negatively charged D31 is stabilized
lead to the formation of the tetrahedral intermediate. by extensive hydrogen bonding. The amide nitrogen will
The breakdown of the intermediate is generated by have been pyramidalized with the new arrangement,

Figure 8 The ‘fireman’s grip’ at the active site of chymosin. Hydrogen bonds (broken lines) involved are: T216N . . . T33O1 (2.8 Å),
T33O1 . . . K214O (2.7 Å), T33N . . . T216O1 (2.9 Å) and T216O1 . . . F31O (2.8 Å). Other hydrogen bonds contributing to the stability
of D32 and D215 are also shown (adapted from Newman et al., 1991).
Rennets: General and Molecular Aspects 29

Figure 9 A proposed catalytic mechanism for aspartic proteinases (Veerapandian et al., 1990).

favouring protonation. A proton can be transferred from The extension of 13 residues adopts completely differ-
bulk solvent or from D215. A similar mechanistic pro- ent conformations in the active and the zymogen
posal has been described by James et al. (1992). forms (James and Sielecki, 1986).
Pepsin and chymosin have been shown to catalyse The secondary structure of the zymogen consists
peptide synthesis (Fruton, 1982; Jakubke, 1987; Abdel mainly of -sheet, with an approximate 2-fold axis of
Malak, 1992). Formation of a peptide is catalysed by symmetry ( James and Sielecki, 1986). The activation
chymosin optimally at pH 4–5 which is similar for peptide packs into the active site cleft, and the
peptide hydrolysis (Abdel Malak, 1992). The pH opti- N-terminus (2P–9P) occupies the position of the mature
mum for peptide synthesis catalysed by pepsin is fur- N-terminus (2–9) since the first ten amino acids of the
ther from that for peptide hydrolysis. The catalytic pro-part form -strand aN of pepsinogen. Therefore,
ability of the enzyme is sensitive to the amino acid changes upon activation include excision of the acti-
residues flanking the bond to be formed or hydrolysed vation peptide and proper relocation of the mature
as well as the nature of adjacent amino acid residues. N-terminus. At neutral or alkaline pH, the pro-segment
of pepsin binds and is stabilized across the active site
between the two lobes by electrostatic, hydrogen-
Zymogen activation
bonding and hydrophobic interactions which con-
The structure of porcine pepsinogen has been refined tribute to the binding between the pro-segment and
at high resolution (James and Sielecki, 1986; Sielecki the rest of the protein (Sielecki et al., 1991). Lowering
et al., 1991; Hartsuck et al., 1992). Structural compar- of pH protonates acidic residues on the mature
isons between pepsin and pepsinogen suggest that the enzyme portion of the molecule, thereby disrupting
enzyme and proenzyme structures are very similar. favourable electrostatic interactions with positively
Most of the differences occur in the proximity of the charged amino acid residues on the pro-segment. Sub-
cleft which, in pepsinogen, is covered and filled by the sequent conformational change of the zymogen leads
pro-part (1P–44P) and the first 13 residues of pepsin. to intramolecular proteolytic cleavage that liberates
30 Rennets: General and Molecular Aspects

the pro-segment from the zymogen (McPhile, 1972; not be able to generate the mature form of the enzymes
Nielsen and Foltmann, 1993). as shown in procathepsin D, which cannot autoactivate
The mechanisms of activation of zymogens of the to the mature enzyme at acidic pH (Larsen et al., 1993).
aspartic proteinase are different and depend on the Prochymosin is also activated by proteolytic enzymes,
pH. At pH below 2.5, conversion of pepsinogen is including plasmin, Legionella pneumophila metallopro-
primarily by an intramolecular mechanism. The teinase and Aspergillus oryzae thermolysin (Stepanov
propeptide is cleaved monomolecularly at position et al., 1990).
M16P–E17P, resulting in an active pseudo-enzyme Position 36p in the propeptides of gastric aspartic
which is enzymatically active and may form a com- proteinases is generally occupied by lysine or arginine.
plex with the released pro-segment. At pH values This has led to the conclusion that a basic residue at
below 4.0, the L44P9I1 bond is not susceptible to this position, which interacts with the active-site aspar-
proteolytic cleavage but becomes susceptible at tates, is essential for folding and activation of the
higher pH. At low pH, the cleavage sites differ among zymogen. Lamb prochymosin has been shown by
the aspartic proteinases – F27P9L28P for calf prochy- cDNA cloning to possess glutamic acid at position 36p.
mosin, human progastricsin and chicken pepsinogen, To investigate the effect of this natural mutation which
M16P9E17P for porcine pepsinogen B and L26P9I27P appears to contradict the proposed role of this residue,
for procathepsin D (Barkholt and Foltmann, 1975; calf and lamb prochymosins and their two reciprocal
Barkholt et al., 1979; Truk et al., 1985; Foltmann, mutants, K36pE and E36pK, respectively, were expressed
1993; Larsen et al., 1993). Removal of the entire pro- in E. coli, refolded in vitro and autoactivated at pH
peptide predominately occurs at pH 3–4 through an 2 and 4.7 (Francky et al., 2001). All four zymogens
intermolecular mechanism. It has been suggested could be activated to active chymosin and, at both pH
that cleavage of the F42P9G1 bond of prochymosin is values, the two proteins with E36p showed higher acti-
faster at pH 2 than at pH 4.5 (Barkholt et al., 1979). vation rates than the two K36p forms. E36p was also
The recombinant pepsinogen originally from Rhizo- demonstrated in natural prochymosin isolated from the
pus and produced in E. coli can convert to the active fourth stomach of lamb, as well as being encoded in
enzyme in an acidic medium by a similar mechanism the genomes of sheep, goat and mouflon, which belong
as for pepsinogen (Chen et al., 1991). The pseudo- to the subfamily Caprinae. A conserved basic residue at
rhizopus protease and rhizopus protease are generated position 36p of prochymosin is thus not obligatory for
by the cleavage at N38P9T39P and V45P9A1, respect- its folding or autocatalytic activation. The apparently
ively (p  prochymosin). Moore et al. (1995) have contradictory results for porcine pepsinogen A (Richter
studied the crystal and the molecular structures of et al., 1999) can be reconciled with those for prochy-
human progastricsin at 1.62 Å resolution and suggest mosin. K/R36p is involved in stabilizing the propep-
that human progastricsin has a conformational struc- tide–enzyme interaction, along with residues nearer the
ture and mechanism of activation analogous to those N-terminus of the propeptide, the sequence of which
for pepsinogen. varies between species. The relative contribution of
Site-directed mutagenesis at the two sites for autopro- residue 36p to stability differs between pepsinogen and
teolysis of prochymosin suggests that these processing prochymosin, being larger in the former (Francky
sites can function independent of one another (McCa- et al., 2001).
man and Cummings, 1986, 1988). Changing the prochy- B-Crystallin, the small heat shock protein (Plater
mosin sequence from F27P9L28P9Q29P9K30P9Q31P to et al., 1996; Crabbe and Hepburne-Scott, 2001; Derham
F27P9P28P9R29P9Q30P9Q31P resulted in the partially et al., 2001) can form a complex with prochymosin.
activated zymogen at pH 2, while at pH 4.5, normal acti- After activation, once chymosin is recovered without
vation processing and proteolytic processing occurred bound B-crystallin, the yield of activity is increased
(McCaman and Cummings, 1986). Conversely, when the (Chitpinityol et al., 1998b).
seven residues including the processing site at pH 4.5
were removed, a new cleavage site (S37P9V38P) was gen-
Substrate-binding pockets and specificity
erated at pH 4.5 while the processing site at pH 2 was
not affected (McCaman and Cummings, 1988). A high concentration of NaCl or (NH4)2SO4
The activation reactions are dependent on pH, salt increases the hydrolytic activity of pepsin and retro-
concentration and temperature. At pH 5 and ⬃20 °C, viral proteinases, in addition to broadening their
activation is completed in two or three days (Rand and specificities (Kotler et al., 1989; Tropea et al., 1992).
Ernstrom, 1964), while at pH 2, ⬃20 °C and an ionic Aspartic proteinases have an extended substrate-
strength of 0.1, activation is completed in 5–10 min binding pocket that can accommodate at least seven
(Foltmann, 1962). However, autoproteolysis alone may amino acid residues. Detailed structural studies of
Rennets: General and Molecular Aspects 31

aspartic proteinase–inhibitor complexes have been The fungal and yeast proteinases have an S1 subsite
used to identify the amino acid residues in each sub- with a deeper pocket and broader specificity. There-
site (Bott et al., 1982; Andreeva et al., 1984; James fore, the S1 pocket can accomodate lysine as well as
et al., 1985; Blundell et al., 1987; Cooper et al., hydrophobic residues at P1 (Oka et al., 1973; Hofmann
1987; Foundling et al., 1987; James and Sielecki, et al., 1984; Newman et al., 1993). However, in rhi-
1987; Suguna et al., 1987). In chymosin, the subsites zomucor protease, specificity for lysine at P1 was not
S1 and S1 are shallow pockets within the active site observed due to the absence of polar residues at posi-
cleft. The S1 subsite (for binding of F105) has greater tions 30 and 111. In retroviral aspartic proteinases, the
specificity than S1 , and is blocked by Y75 (Gilliland primary specificities for HIV-1 and HIV-2 aspartic pro-
et al., 1990). Therefore, a significant movement of teinases at P1 are L, M, Y and F, and at P1 are P, M, F
the flap is essential to allow binding of the substrate. and A (Poorman et al., 1991).
The S1 is quite hydrophobic compared to S1 in Among the isozymes of chymosin, chymosin A has
which an additional charged residue, E290, is near to a significantly higher specific activity than chymosin B
the -casein M106 side chain. The S2 pocket has low (Foltmann, 1960) which may be the result of the
specificity and allows the peptide side-chains to enhanced binding affinity of -casein through, possi-
adopt a range of conformations whereas at subsites bly, the stronger electrostatic interactions between the
S1 and S3, the conformation of the side chains is substrate and chymosin A. In addition, these two
strongly restricted (Dhanaraj et al., 1992). Chymosin isozymes have different pH optima, 4.2 and 3.7 for
residues involved in the interactions with the corres- chymosin A and B, respectively. These different values
ponding residues of the substrate are shown may be the result of an extensive hydrogen-bonding
together with a sequence identical to that of the network near the two catalytic aspartates. The opti-
-casein cleavage site in Table 1. There are two differ- mum pH for proteolysis by aspartic proteinases
ences in the S1 subsites of chymosin and the fungal depends upon the species from which the enzyme is
proteinases that promote more hydrophobic S1 produced, and the substrate used (Table 2). HIV-1
subsites (Gilliland et al., 1990). The first is the posi- proteinase and renin have a high pH optimum among
tion of the flap region which is due to the reorienta- aspartic proteinases. The residues S35, T218 and D303
tion of Y75 and a deletion of one amino acid residue have been postulated to play a role in the pH profile of
in this loop. Another difference is the substitution aspartic proteinases. In vitro mutagenesis of A35S of
of L30 in chymosin for the D30 or the N30 of the HIV-1 proteinase (A28S in HIV-1 numbering) showed a
rhizopus protease and penicillopepsin, respectively. lowering of pKa2 (compared to wild type) by 1.2 units
In human cathepsin E, the important specificity- but no effect was found in the pKa1 value (Ido et al.,
determining interactions are found in the S3 (E13) 1991). In contrast, mutation of S35A in porcine pepsin
and S2 (T222, E287, L289, I300) subsites (Raonaik lowered pKa1 and pKa2 but raised it for rhizopuspro-
et al., 1995). Figure 10 summarizes the results of tease. Site-directed mutagenesis of T218A in porcine
cleavage of the B chain of oxidized insulin by chy- pepsin, chymosin and rhizopus protease shifted the
mosin and some related acid proteinases. In chy- pH optimum by 0.2–0.5 units (Mantafounis and Pitts,
mosin, the S1 subsite has favourable interactions 1990; Tang et al., 1992). Mutation of A303D in renin
with aromatic amino acids at P1 whereas the S1 sub- lowered the pH optimum by 0.5 units (Yamauchi
site is less specific (Bang-Jensen et al., 1964; Folt- et al., 1988). Similarly, mutation of D303A in chymosin
mann, 1964; Guillou et al., 1991; Nedjar et al., raised the optimum pH by 0.6 units (Mantafounis
1991). and Pitts, 1990). The double mutations, T218A/D303A

Table 1 The substrate-binding pockets of chymosin. Chymosin residues involved in the interactions with the corresponding residues
of the substrate are shown together with residues at the -casein cleavage site (adapted from Gilliland et al., 1990; Newman et al.,

Subsite -Casein residues Chymosin residues

S4 His102 Ser219, Lys220, Gln288

S3 Leu103 Ser12, Gln13, Tyr75, Phe117, Gly217, Thr218, Ser219
S2 Ser104 Gly76, Thr77, Gly217, Thr218, Lys220
S1 Phe105 Leu30, Asp32, Gly34, Tyr75, Gly76, Phe117, Ile120, Asp215, Gly217, Thr219
S1 Met106 Gly34, Tyr189, Asp215, Thr218, Glu289, Ile301
S2 Ala107 Gly34, Ser35, Tyr189
S3 Ile108 Tyr189
32 Rennets: General and Molecular Aspects

1 10 20 30
Chymosin1 ↑ ↑ ⇑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ⇑ ↑ ↑
Pepsin2 ↑ ⇑ ⇑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ⇑ ↑ ⇑ ⇑
Rhizopuspepsin3 ↑ ↑ ⇑ ↑ ↑ ⇑ ⇑ ↑ ↑ ⇑ ⇑
Penicillopepsin3 ↑ ↑ ⇑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ↑ ⇑ ↑ ⇑ ⇑
Endothiapepsin4 ↑ ↑ ⇑ ↑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑
Proteinase A5 ⇑ ⇑ ⇑
Cathepsin E6 ↑ ⇑ ⇑ ↑ ⇑ ⇑ ↑ ⇑ ⇑
R. miehei APR7 ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ↑
R. pusillus APR8 ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑ ⇑

Figure 10 Comparison of the cleavage specificity of chymosin towards the B-chain of oxidized insulin with those of some other
aspartic proteinases. References: (1) Foltman (1964); (2) Sanger and Tuppy (1981); (3) Oka et al. (1973); (4) William et al. (1972); (5)
Takahashi (1995); (6) Athauda et al. (1991) (pH 3.0); (7) Rickert (1971); (8) McCullough and Whitaker (1971). Legends: (y) Main
cleavage site and (q) other sites of action.

in chymosin affected the pH optimum similarly to that effects of pH on hydrolysis (Dunn et al., 1987). The
of D303A mutatagenesis (Pitts et al., 1993). specificity at P2 towards both K220 and Q288 has been
The substrate specificity of aspartic proteinases is determined by in vitro mutagenesis (Suzuki et al., 1990;
affected by the operating pH and the presence of salts Quinn et al., 1991).
(Kotler et al., 1989; Athauda et al., 1991; Tropea et al., We have studied the effect of replacing threonine 77
1992). The pH dependence of hydrolysis of synthetic of chymosin by aspartate (mutant T77D), as well as the
substrates demonstrates that secondary specificity addition of two residues (9H9G) (mutant PC  2) to
occurs at subsite S3 of mammalian aspartic proteinases the C-terminus of the protein, on the activity of
whereas lower specificity is found in microbial pro- the enzyme on a synthetic hexapeptide, L9S9
teinases (Dunn et al., 1986). In chymosin, isoleucine or F(NO2)9NI9A9L9OMe, as substrate (Chitpinityol
valine is favoured at P3, and tyrosine, valine or serine et al., 1996, 1998a). For the recombinant wild type, the
at P2 (Guillou et al., 1991). The favourable interaction optimum pH was 3.7, similar to that reported for the
between K220 (NH3) of chymosin and glutamate authentic chymosin B using the same substrate (Martin
(COO ) in P2 of the substrate is suggested to cause the et al., 1980). The PC  2 mutant had an optimum pH

Table 2 pH optimum for general proteolysis by chymosin and other aspartic proteinases

Enzymes Substrates pH References

Chymosin Acid-denatured haemoglobin 3.7 Berridge (1945); Fish

Bovine serum albumin 3.4 Foltmann (1959a)
Oxidized B-chain of insulin 3.5 Fish (1957)
-,-Caseins 4.5 Lindqvist and Storgads
Milk-clotting activity 6–6.3 Okigbo et al. (1985a)
Synthetic peptides 4.7 Raymond et al. (1972)
-Casein 5.5 van Hooydonk et al. (1984)
H9P9H9P9H9L9S9F9M9A9I9P9P9K9K 5.4 Visser et al. (1976, 1987)
Pepsin Oxidized B-chain of insulin 2.0 Fish (1957)
Penicillopepsin Trypsinogen 3–4 Hofmann and Shaw (1964)
Endothiapepsin Haemoglobin 2–2.5 William et al. (1972)
Rhizomucorpepsin Haemoglobin 4.0 Arima et al. (1970)
-Casein 4.5 Arima et al. (1970)
Milk clotting 5.5 Arima et al. (1970)
Hammerten casein 3.5 Arima et al. (1970)
z9Phe9Leu9Ala9Ala 3–4 Oka et al. (1973)
S. cerevisiae Acid-denatured haemoglobin 3.2 Dreyer et al. (1986)
proteinase A
A. niger proteinase A Haemoglobin 1.1 Takahashi (1995)
Rennets: General and Molecular Aspects 33

similar to the native enzyme. The optimum pH of T77D of proteolysis (Carles and Dumas, 1985; Miranda
mutant chymosin was shifted towards neutrality by 1 pH et al., 1989). The proteolytic action of microbial pro-
unit, to pH 4.7 from 3.7. The optimum temperature for teases on -casein has been reported (de Koning,
the activity of the T77D mutant was increased relative 1967; Yu et al., 1968; Larson and Whitaker, 1970).
to the wild-type enzyme, from approximately 45 °C for Porcine pepsin A and C, and R. miehei proteinase
the wild type and PC  2 mutant, to 55 °C for the cleave the same bond as chymosin (F1059M106), but
T77D mutant. These changes may be due to the C. parasitica proteinase cleaves the S1049F105 bond
increased negative charge at the ‘flap’ region that may (Drønse and Foltmann, 1989). Chymosin causes lim-
have altered the network hydrogen bonding and influ- ited hydrolysis of -casein, with the formation of only
enced the substrate recognition of the enzyme. macropeptide and para--casein, while fungal pro-
teinases cause extensive non-specific hydrolysis of
Inhibitors both -casein and para--casein (Shammet et al.,
All aspartic proteinases are inhibited by pepstatin, by
Visser et al. (1980) suggested that other residues near
the binding of the hydroxyl group of statine to the two
the cleaved bond are also involved in the hydrolytic
catalytic aspartates (Marciniszyn et al., 1976a,b). The
reaction. From studies with synthetic peptides, two
inhibition constant (Ki) of pepstatin for chymosin
additional residues at both sides of the hydrolysable bond
determined at pH 6.0 and 3.2 is 2.2  10 7 mol/l and
are required for appreciable reaction (Raymond et al.,
3.2  10 8 mol/l, respectively (Powell et al., 1985).
1972). The peptide corresponding to residues 98–111
Pepsin and cathepsin also show pH-dependency of the
of -casein (H9P9H9P9H9L9S9F9M9A9I9
inhibitory effect (Knight and Barrett, 1976; Baxter
P9P9K) was found to provide a complete requirement
et al., 1990), and psuedochymosin is more sensitive to
for hydrolysis (Visser et al., 1987, 1988).
pepstatin than chymosin (McCaman et al., 1985).
Initially, the stability of the micelle is destroyed by
As pepstatin is relatively ineffective towards calf chy-
the action of chymosin. This is followed by a non-
mosin, analogue inhibitors have been developed. A series
enzymatic secondary phase in which the aggregation of
of inhibitors have been designed by Powell et al. (1985),
para--casein and other caseins occurs under the influ-
including R(CO)NH9L9S9Sta9A9I9P9P9K9K
ence of Ca2 and eventually results in gel formation
(R  acyl group) which has a Ki value for chymosin
(Bringe and Kinsella, 1986a; Merin et al., 1989). The
almost 20-fold better than pepstatin at pH 6.0 and
formation of a clot is Ca2 dependent. The primary
approximately 10-fold better at pH 3.1 than pepstatin.
and the secondary phases of milk clotting overlap as
Chymosin is inhibited by the pro-part of chicken
the aggregation of micelles begins before the enzymatic
pepsinogen (Ki value of 8  10 8 mol/l at pH 5.6) but
process is complete (Brown and Collinge, 1986; Bringe
not by its own pro-segment (Strop et al., 1990).
and Kinsella, 1986b).
Several factors influence the milk-clotting process,
including pH, temperature, ionic strength, enzyme con-
Mechanism of Milk Clotting
centration and salts (Foltmann, 1970; Okigbo et al.,
In milk, the primary soluble proteins are the whey pro- 1985a,b; Bringe and Kinsella, 1986a,b). The reaction is
teins, -lactalbumin and -lactoglobulin. The insoluble pH dependent; at high pH (6.6–6.7), the clotting time
proteins are found in large colloidal particles, called and the curd firmness are reduced (Okigbo et al.,
casein micelles. -Casein is a calcium-insensitive pro- 1985a), while at low pH (3–4), the hydrolytic activity
tein which forms a protective layer around the calcium- is high and a decrease in curd yield occurs. Generally,
sensitive caseins ( S1-, S2-, - and -), resulting in milk clotting is performed at pH 6.3–6.6; only when
stable casein micelles. In the presence of chymosin, direct acidification is used does rennet coagula-
milk clotting occurs in two separate steps. tion occur at a pH value down to 5.6. The rate of milk
The first phase starts with the cleavage of -casein clotting increases with temperature as long as the enzyme
at the F1059M106 bond which results in the release of is stable (Berridge, 1942). Increasing the tempera-
a hydrophilic glycopeptide (residues 106–169) that ture above 30–32 °C or reducing the pH from 6.6 per-
passes into the whey, and para--casein that remains mits flocculation at a lower percentage of -casein
in the micelles. para--Casein is positively charged at hydrolysis (Dalgleish, 1982). However, the induction of
neutral pH and causes a decrease of electric repulsive gel formation at 35 °C requires approximately 65%
forces between casein micelles (Green, 1973). hydrolysis of -casein (Carlson et al., 1986). The differ-
Hydrolysis of other proteins in milk, including S1-, ences in milk constituents (both proteins and other
S2- and -caseins and -lactalbumin monomer, by chemicals) as well as the pre-treatment process can
chymosin has been reported with a much slower rate affect the rate of the primary enzymatic stage. The time
34 Rennets: General and Molecular Aspects

taken to coagulate milk decreases with increasing Chitpinityol et al., 1998a). Generally, chymosin was
enzyme concentration, but the formation and firmness synthesized in the form of M-prochymosin or N-terminal
of the gel is not altered (Bringe and Kinsella, 1986a). fusion proteins under the control of E. coli lac pro-
Milk-clotting activity is also dependent on the source moter (Nishimori et al., 1984; McCaman et al., 1985),
of chymosin; for example, porcine chymosin is eight trp promoter (Beppu, 1983; Emtage et al., 1983;
times more active on porcine milk than on bovine milk; Kawaguchi et al., 1984; Marston et al., 1984; Nishimori
calf chymosin is only half as active on porcine milk as et al., 1984), tac promoter (McCaman et al., 1985;
on bovine milk and the activity of lamb chymosin is Strop et al., 1990), PR promoter (Caulcott et al.,
about 20% higher on ovine milk than on bovine milk 1985), pho A promoter (Little et al., 1989) or T7 pro-
(Foltmann, 1992). Calcium ion concentration affects moter (Chitpinityol et al., 1998a).
milk clotting by forming bridges between micelles to In E. coli expression systems, the recombinant prochy-
form the coagulum and minimizes variability arising mosin was expressed at a high level which resulted in
from inconsistency in milk composition (Berridge, the accumulation of highly refractive inclusion bodies
1952; Bringe and Kinsella, 1986b). However, Pyne (Emtage et al., 1983; Kawaguchi et al., 1984; Shoemaker
(1955) reported that other ions, such as strontium, et al., 1985). The inclusion bodies produced were up
magnesium and barium, could affect the Ca2 require- to 40% of the total cell mass and were organized
ment for coagulation. Milk clotting is inhibited by in an irregular mass without any obvious membrane-
anions (Bringe and Kinsella, 1986b). like boundary, with an average diameter of 0.5–1 m
While synthetic substrates have been used to reveal (Marston et al., 1984; McCaman et al., 1985; Strop et al.,
the hydrolytic mechanism of chymosin and other aspar- 1990; Kaprálek et al., 1991). The synthesis of prochy-
tic proteinases (Raymond et al., 1972; Martin et al., mosin as intracellular inclusion bodies causes a fragilility
1980; Visser et al., 1987, 1988), milk clotting is much of cell membranes, and the loss of cell respiratory activ-
more complicated than the hydrolysis of a synthetic ity and their ability to multiply (Marston et al., 1985;
substrate. For cheesemaking, the appropriate enzyme Kaprálek et al., 1991). The production of inclusion bod-
should have a high ratio of milk-clotting activity to pro- ies can be improved by the plasmid construction, plas-
teolytic activity (C/P) (Dalgleish, 1982). The C/P ratio mid stability, host strain, composition of the cultivation
of chymosin is higher than for other enzymes; over 2 medium and growth temperature (Caulcott et al., 1985;
times higher than rhizomucor protease, 4 times higher Kawaguchi et al., 1986, 1987; Kaprálek et al., 1991).
than cryphonectria protease and over 25 times higher The N-terminal methionine of Met-prochymosin can be
than pepsin, trypsin and papain (Martin et al., 1980; removed together with pro-part during acid activation.
Yada and Nakai, 1986). The insoluble form of prochymosin requires denatur-
ing condition (8 mol/l urea or 6 mol/l guanidine HCl)
to solubilize prochymosin, followed by renaturation to
Recombinant Calf Chymosin generate correctly folded protein that can be activated
Chymosin has been used as the milk-clotting enzyme for (Shoemaker et al., 1985). The deletion of disulfide
the industrial production of cheese. Several rennet sub- bonds from prochymosin showed that the presence of
stitutes have been used, including bovine pepsin (from disulfide bonds was not reponsible for inclusion body
adult cows), fungal proteinases and other proteolytic formation (McCaman, 1989).
enzymes. However, they have a much greater level of Improvements in the production of recombinant chy-
non-specific proteolytic activity, and in some cases mosin in E. coli have been successively developed by
higher thermostability that causes more degradation of selection of host strain, the modification of plasmids and
milk proteins to peptides, leading to a reduction in yield the optimization of cultivation conditions (Kawaguchi
and poor flavour development in some types of cheese. et al., 1986; Kaprálek et al., 1991). It has also been found
Consequently, there have been numerous attempts to that a high yield of active recombinant calf chymosin
produce chymosin in micro-organisms. can be achieved by optimizing solubilization and renat-
uration conditions (Tichy et al., 1993; Yonezawa et al.,
1993; Chitpinityol et al., 1996; Chitpinityol et al.,
Prokaryotic expression
1998a,b). In our experiments (Chitpinityol et al., 1998a),
The first report of an attempt to produce chymosin in the recombinant enzyme was refolded by a modified pro-
E. coli was that of Uchiyama et al. (1980). Efforts to cedure based on that of Marston et al. (1984). Table 3
express prochymosin cDNA in E. coli led to intracellu- shows that the yield of chymosin was maximal
lar accumulation of inactive chymosin in the form of when the urea mixture was diluted 25-fold (0.32 mol/l
inclusion bodies (Emtage et al., 1983; Nishimori et al., final urea concentration). If the solubilization mixture
1984; McCaman et al., 1985; Kawaguchi et al., 1987; was diluted over 25-fold, the yield of chymosin was
Rennets: General and Molecular Aspects 35

Table 3 Effect of dilution ratios on the yield of chymosin recovered by refolding. Washed inclusion pellets (protein concentration,
7.9 mg/ml) were solubilized in 8 mol/l urea buffer, pH 8. The urea mixture was incubated at 25 °C for 1 h before the insoluble mole-
cules were removed by centrifugation. The urea solution was then diluted in a high pH buffer (pH 10.7) for renaturation of prochy-
mosin. The protein concentration was determined by using a BCA Protein Assay Reagent

Dilution ratio of urea mixture Final urea Initial concentration Final amount of activated
in buffer pH 10.7 concentration (M) of protein in buffer (mg/ml) chymosin (mg)

1:10 0.80 0.79 0.46

1:20 0.40 0.39 0.49
1:25 0.32 0.32 0.50
1:30 0.27 0.26 0.40
1:40 0.20 0.20 0.26

dependent on the protein concentration in the alkaline the induction of a two-cistron sequence at the 5 region
buffer. Table 4 shows that 0.25 mg/ml protein was opti- of the gene, prochymosin was synthesized as insoluble
mal under the refolding conditions used. This optimized aggregates in B. subtilis cells but the yield was still low
procedure improves the yield of recombinant enzyme (Parente et al., 1991). The extracellular production of
nearly three-fold. prochymosin in B. subtilis can be achieved by fusing the
Since insoluble proteins require a further refolding prochymosin gene to the B. subtilis subtilisin signal
process prior to regaining enzymatic activity, there have sequence and production reached up to 100 mg/l (Par-
been attempts to produce prochymosin extracellularly. ente et al., 1991). Using L forms of a P. mirabilis expres-
The N-terminal sequence of prochymosin was fused to sion system, the fusion of prochymosin cDNA minus
a signal peptide of the outer membrane protein A; this codons 1–4 to streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin type A
resulted in cell lysis after induction (Elliott et al., gene (speA ) sequences resulted in the secretion of
1989). Holland et al. (1990) reported that the fusion of fusion prochymosin up to 40 g/ml of cell-free culture
hemolysin Hly A8 signal sequence to the C-terminal of fluid (Kaprálek et al., 1991).
prochymosin resulted in the production of hybrid pro-
tein up to 25% of the total cell proteins, of which 0.8%
Eukaryotic expression
was a soluble hybrid product. An expression system
for the production of soluble porcine pepsinogen A has Several eukaryotes, including yeast, fungi, insect and
been developed by fusing the pepsinogen and the mammalian cells, have been used for the production of
thioredoxin genes and then expressing the fused prod- prochymosin and chymosin. In S. cerevisiae, the cDNA
uct in E. coli (Tanaka and Yada, 1996). coding for preprochymosin, prochymosin or chymosin
Other bacterial expression systems used to produce has been expressed under the control of phosphoglycer-
prochymosin include Lc. lactis, Bacillus subtilis and L ate kinase (pgk), galactosidase (gal 1 and gal 10) and
forms of Proteus mirabilis (Kaprálek et al., 1991; Parente triosephosphate isomerase (tpi). The proteins are syn-
et al., 1991; Simons et al., 1991). In Lc. lactis, the cDNA thesized mainly as insoluble forms which accumulate in
for prochymosin was expressed under the control of the cells and are difficult to activate (Mellor et al., 1983;
proteinase prtP promoter by fusion with various lengths Goff et al., 1984; Moir and Davidow, 1991). Expression
of Lc. lactis cell envelope-located protease (Simons et al., of preprochymosin cDNA did not allow the secretion of
1991). Under the control of the T5 phage promoter and chymosin, while substituting yeast invertase signal

Table 4 Effect of protein concentration on the refolding of recombinant prochymosin. Inclusion bodies solubilized in 8 M urea were
diluted to various protein concentrations in phosphate buffer, pH 10.7. The urea final concentrations were kept at 0.32 mol/l. The pro-
tein concentrations were determined by using a BCA protein assay reagent

Initial protein Initial amount of Final amount of activated

concentration (mg/ml) protein (mg) chymosin (mg) % of refolding

0.32 1.58 0.33 20.86

0.28 1.42 0.31 21.85
0.25 1.26 0.37 28.99
0.22 1.11 0.28 25.54
0.19 0.95 0.18 18.66
36 Rennets: General and Molecular Aspects

peptide for the chymosin secretion signal peptide led to 1987) whereas in the same expression system, a more
the secretion of approximately 10% of the total prochy- than 3 g/l of rhizomucor protease was obtained (Chris-
mosin made (Moir et al., 1985). The secretion of prochy- tensen et al., 1988).
mosin is critical for obtaining soluble activatable The production of chymosin by Trichoderma reesei
proteins. The failure to form or the incorrect formation has also been reported, using chymosin signal peptide,
of disulfide bonds is characterized by insoluble prochy- cellobiohydrolase I (cbh I) sequence or the fusion of cbh
mosin produced in the cytoplasm of both yeast (Smith I-chymosin signal sequence (Harkki et al., 1989). Chy-
et al., 1985) and E. coli (Shoemaker et al., 1985). Using mosin A was produced at a level of 40 mg/l (Harkki
yeast secretion signals, integration of the transcriptal et al., 1989). A number of chymosin mutants cloned in
units into yeast genome and mutations of the host T. reesei have been reported to exhibit novel properties,
genome, the secretion of prochymosin increased at least including mutants with a shift in the pH optimum,
80-fold which allowed the production of activatable substrate-specificity pocket and an altered surface loop
prochymosin to a level of 20 mg/l of culture medium (Pitts et al., 1991, 1993). These mutants might be of
(Smith et al., 1985; Moir and Davidow, 1991). interest in commercial investigations. The prochymosin
Kluyveromyces lactis has been developed as an alterna- secreted by T. reesei was readily activated to chymosin.
tive host to S. cerevisiae in the expression of recombinant In HeLa cells, calf preprochymosin cDNA has been
proteins. It has been used successfully to secrete prochy- expressed under the CMV-SV promoter (Kolmer et al.,
mosin under various signal sequences. Efficient synthe- 1991). The product was processed to prochymosin prior
sis and secretion of prochymosin to more than 95% of to secretion into the cultivation medium at a level of
the theoretical levels was achieved by using the K. lactis 10–20 mg/l and readily activated to chymosin by acid
lactase gene (Lac4) (van den Berg et al., 1990). Commer- treatment.
cially viable yields have been obtained from this species Recombinant chymosin is now produced in large-
by DSM Food Specialities, Delft, the Netherlands. The scale commercial operations using E. coli (California Bio-
yeast, Yarrowia lipolytica, has also expressed prochymosin technology and DSM Food Specialities, the Netherlands),
using either the Leu2 or the alkaline protease XPR2 Kluyveromyces lactis (DSM Food Specialities, the
promoters (Franke et al., 1988). All of the prochymosin Netherlands) or mammalian cells (Upjohn, USA) as the
produced by these systems was readily activated to hosts (Hodgson, 1993). Many firms, including Genen-
mature chymosin. cor/Genentech, Celltech, Hansen and Novo, produce
Filamentous fungi have also been used as hosts for recombinant enzymes for laboratory use. Varieties of
the production of chymosin. In Aspergillus nidulans, chy- cheese have been made using recombinant chymosin
mosin was synthesized as an active extracellular enzyme and evaluated in comparison to cheese produced using
using the glucoamylase (glaA) promoter from A. niger the natural enzyme. No significant differences could
(Cullen et al., 1987). A commercial strain of A. niger be detected between them, regarding recovery of milk
var. awamori has been used to express prochymosin solids, rate of proteolysis during ripening, as well as in
cDNA under different expression cassettes (Ward, 1989; the characteristics of the final cheese products (Green
Ward et al., 1990). The level of active extracellular chy- et al., 1985; Kawaguchi et al., 1987; Hicks et al., 1988;
mosin was 250 mg/l when prochymosin cDNA was Bines et al., 1989; Flamm, 1991; Ward and Kodama,
fused with the entire coding sequence for glucoamylase 1991). Recombinant lamb chymosin has been used as
and expressed in the host which has been deleted of an alternative coagulant in cheese production, and the
the aspergillopepsin A gene (pepA) (Ward et al., 1990). overall quality was at least comparable to cheese made
The introduction of an N-linked glycosylation site on with recombinant calf chymosin, and was scored better
the flap region resulted in a 10-fold increase in the than cheese made using bovine rennet (Rogelj et al.,
production of secreted glycosylated chymosin over the 2001).
wild-type chymosin, possibly as a result of improved
secretion efficiency. The milk-clotting activity of glycosy-
lated chymosin was reduced to about 20% of the native References
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Rennets: General and Molecular Aspects 37

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Rennet-induced Coagulation of Milk
D.S. Horne and J.M. Banks, Charis Food Research, Hannah Research Institute,
Ayr KA6 5HL, Scotland

tention that so too does the aggregation phase overlap
The first stage of cheese manufacture is the conversion the development of curd structure and properties.
of liquid milk to cheese curd. Traditionally, this was Indeed conceptually, together they comprise the gela-
achieved by the addition of rennet to coagulate the milk tion process. We therefore view this partitioning of
and by the subsequent expulsion of the whey by synere- second and third stages as wholly (or largely?) artifi-
sis. In this chapter, we will be concerned with the first cial and aim to treat the formation of the coagulum,
of these steps, the enzyme-induced coagulation. Later at least to the cutting stage, in a single mechanistic
chapters will review syneresis and curd-handling proced- framework. The drastic changes, post-cutting, take the
ures. We will consider the basic chemistry and physics curd into a completely different environment, and
underlying aggregation and gel formation, and the tech- their treatment is beyond the remit of this chapter.
nological factors (milk composition, processing) that
influence the coagulation process. In doing so, we will
be covering ground treated in two separate consecutive Milk Properties
chapters on enzymatic coagulation of milk (Dalgleish, Cheesemaking capitalizes on the curdling of milk. To
1993) and on post-coagulation phenomena (Green and understand the coagulation reaction, we must look
Grandison, 1993) in the earlier editions, but updating more closely at the individual components of milk to
and broadening those reviews. Attention is also drawn discern their role, particularly the fat, the protein and
to more recent work by Lomholt and Qvist (1999). the minerals.
Milk can also be clotted by acidification or a combin-
ation of significant acidification and minor enzymic Fat
action. These aspects form the subject of ‘Formation,
Structural Properties and Rheology of Acid-coagulated Fat exists in natural milk as small globules surrounded
Milk Gels’, Volume 1. by membrane proteins and in a size range dependent
After the addition of chymosin or other milk-clotting on breed, lactational status and diet of the cow. The fat
enzyme to the milk, nothing apparently happens for in milk helps to produce flavour, aroma and body in
some time until the milk coagulates rapidly. During mature cheese. Unless the milk is homogenized, the
this lag phase, the enzyme hydrolyses the -casein fat globules are physically trapped in the protein net-
which stabilizes the casein micelles. When sufficient work created in gel formation. Hence, their size and
destabilization has been brought about, an aggrega- the network mesh size interact in determining the
tion reaction is set in train and this eventually leads overall yield of cheese. Otherwise, the fat globules play
to a three-dimensional, space-filling gel, the cheese the part of an inert filler in influencing curd rheolog-
curd. Previously, this overall coagulation reaction has ical properties but no active role in gel formation.
been envisaged as occurring in three stages. The enzym- Homogenization of the milk, which creates many more
atic proteolysis forms the first or primary phase, and smaller fat droplets, stabilizes these droplets by utiliza-
leads to the activation of the aggregating species. In tion of adsorbed whey and casein proteins. Where
the secondary phase, which overlaps the first, since the these are caseins, they can be involved in gel forma-
milk may begin to clot before the enzymatic cleavage of tion and influence its development. These aspects are
-casein is complete (Green et al., 1978; Dalgleish, 1979; considered in later sections.
Chaplin and Green, 1980), the destabilized micelles
begin to aggregate and most of the previous discussions
stop with this stage (Dalgleish, 1992, 1993; Hyslop, Two types of protein are found in milk: the globular
2003). Those authors recognize the possibility of a whey proteins, which are soluble in the serum phase,
third stage but consider this to involve changes largely and the caseins which exist in a stable colloidal suspen-
in the curd structure once it has formed. Just as the sion of aggregates known as casein micelles. Cheese-
first and the second stage overlap, it will be our con- making exploits the destabilizing mechanisms nature
Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, Third edition – Volume 1: General Aspects Copyright © 2004 Elsevier Ltd
ISBN: 0-1226-3652-X All rights reserved
Set ISBN: 0-1226-3651-1
48 Rennet-induced Coagulation of Milk

has built into this colloidal system by using the natural The influence of the varying degrees of phosphoryl-
enzyme, chymosin, originally extracted from the stom- ation of the caseins is mirrored in the sensitivity of
ach of the calf but nowadays available in cloned form, these molecules to calcium-induced precipitation.
to hydrolyse the -casein and induce the destabilization Thus, s2-casein is the most calcium sensitive, precipi-
of the casein micelle system to form a gel. The proper- tating at Ca2 concentrations less than 2 mM (Aoki
ties of the caseins and their micellar form play a major et al., 1985), while s1-casein precipitates in the range
role in defining that reaction and its final outcome. 3–8 mM (Parker and Dalgleish, 1981; Aoki et al., 1985;
Farrell et al., 1988) and -casein precipitates in the
range 8–15 mM Ca2 at 37 °C but remains in solution
Casein chemistry
at 1 °C (Parker and Dalgleish, 1981; Farrell et al.,
The caseins are a family of phosphoproteins. In bovine 1988). -Casein remains soluble at all these calcium
milk, the family consists of four distinct gene prod- concentrations and prevents the precipitation reaction
ucts, designated s1-, s2-, - and -caseins. Together, when present with the other casein types, producing
they constitute around 80% of bovine milk protein instead a colloidal suspension.
and are found in the approximate proportions 4:1:4:1,
respectively (Davies and Law, 1980; Walstra and Van Casein structures
Vliet, 1986). Two post-translational modifications of Controversy still exists over the level of secondary
the proteins, newly synthesized in the mammary structure present in the caseins. Previously, much of
gland, have a major impact on the physico-chemical, this was designated to the random coil in line with the
functional and assembly properties of the proteins. open, highly hydrated state presented by the mole-
These reactions are glycosylation and phosphorylation. cules in solution. Because of this, the caseins have
In bovine casein, only -casein is found glycosylated been described as rheomorphic proteins, indicating
with several threonine, and occasionally serine, residues that their conformational structure is dictated by, and
in the hydrophilic C-terminal end of the -casein mole- is responsive to, the molecular environment (Holt and
cule carrying relatively short sugar chains (Zevaco Sawyer, 1993). Views have shifted, however, and cur-
and Ribadeau-Dumas, 1984; Vreeman et al., 1986). rent opinion suggests that parts of - and -caseins
Glycosylation is not complete, however, and the non- might adopt the polyproline II-helix structural motif
glycosylated form is still the major component (Vreeman (Farrell et al., 2001; Syme et al., 2002).
et al., 1986). These oligosaccharide chains increase the From the point of view of their self-association and
negative charge (through inclusion of sialic acid), the micellar assembly, the amphiphilicity of the caseins
hydrodynamic bulk and the hydrophilic character of may play a more crucial role than recognizable sec-
the C-terminal end of the -casein molecule. ondary structural elements (Horne, 2002). The clus-
The second post-translational reaction is phosphory- tering of the phosphoseryl residues has already been
lation. All the caseins are phosphorylated at serine, or mentioned, and these groupings are further flanked by
rarely threonine, residues to varying extents. The phos- polar and charged residues making these regions very
phorylation reaction requires a particular sequence hydrophilic. Other regions of the casein molecules
template, 9Ser9X9A, where X is any amino acid and have a high concentration of hydrophobic residues,
A is Glu, SerP or, rarely, Asp (Mercier, 1981). The pat- conferring on the molecules an almost block copolymer-
tern of serine residues along the amino acid sequences of like structure. Thus, the N-terminal peptide of -casein
s1-, s2- and -caseins ensures that most of the phos- with the phosphoseryl cluster is very hydrophilic and
phorylated residues are found in clusters in these mole- the C-terminal is very hydrophobic. The behaviour
cules, one in -casein, two in s1-casein and three in of this protein on adsorption at a hydrophobic inter-
s2-casein (Swaisgood, 1992). -Casein is unique face reflects this segregation, with the hydrophobic
amongst the caseins in the absence of phosphoseryl C-terminus adsorbing strongly and the hydrophilic
clusters along its sequence. Most -casein molecules N-terminal sticking out into solution (Horne and Leaver,
contain only one phosphoseryl residue but some evidence 1995). Ample experimental evidence from dynamic light
indicates a minor amount of doubly phosphorylated pro- scattering, neutron reflectivity, enzyme proteolysis and
teins but still only as singlets (Vreeman et al., 1977). surface force measurements confirm this view (Horne
Bovine caseins are almost always fully phosphorylated and Leaver, 1995). Further support comes from self-
to the level of their potential. At most only one of the consistent field calculations to determine the segment
template serines is found without its expected phos- density function of a polymer model of -casein, normal
phate residue in s1- and -caseins. Most gaps are to the adsorbing surface (Dickinson et al., 1997a,b).
found with s2-casein where the variability ranges from Similar calculations carried out on s1-casein suggest that
10 to 13 moles P per mole protein (Whitney, 1988). it can be sub-divided into three blocks, a hydrophobic
Rennet-induced Coagulation of Milk 49

N-terminal region, a hydrophilic central loop, con- Casein micelle assembly

taining the phosphoseryl clusters which extends out From these concepts, Horne (1998) devised a poly-
into the aqueous phase on adsorption of the molecule merization scheme for the assembly of casein micelles.
to a hydrophobic surface, and a hydrophobic C-terminal Cross-linking of the molecules is envisaged as pro-
peptide (Dickinson et al., 1997a). Calculations suggest ceeding via two routes, hydrophobic interactions
that these hydrophobic regions are entrained close to between groups on different molecules forming one
the adsorbing surface. Such block structures reflect the pathway, with more than two molecules possibly joining
general distribution of hydrophilic and hydrophobic at such junctions, and a second pathway where chain
residues along these casein protein sequences. By anal- extension is through calcium phosphate nanoclusters,
ogy, a block polymer structure can be drawn for s2- small calcium phosphate crystallites, the precipitation
casein, depicting it as having four blocks. Moving of which is regulated by the presence of the caseins. A
from the N- to the C-terminus, these are a hydrophilic calcium phosphate nanocluster acts as a neutralizing
N-terminal tail with a phosphoseryl cluster, a hydropho- bridge between two phosphoseryl clusters on different
bic train, a hydrophilic loop, containing further clus- molecules of s1-, s2- or -casein. Again, more than
ters of phosphoseryl residues, and finally a second two casein molecules could be involved with any one
hydrophobic train at its C-terminus. -Casein is seen calcium phosphate nanocluster. If the casein molecule
to be a mirror image of -casein, with a hydrophilic is -casein, further extension of this chain is through a
C-terminus, the caseinomacropeptide cleaved off by hydrophobic linkage. Both routes permit branching
chymosin, and a hydrophobic N-terminal block pre- and hence lead to a three-dimensional network struc-
ceding the Phe1059Met106 bond. Importantly, however, ture. -Casein can link only to a hydrophobic region
the macropeptide has no phosphoseryl cluster. on another molecule. Because it has no phosphoseryl
cluster on the opposite end of the molecule to permit
Casein self-assembly further extension, the polymer chain ends there. No
Individual caseins in solution exhibit strong ten- further growth occurs beyond this point. This occurs
dencies to self-associate, and the shape and topogra- for each growing chain and hence the proportion of
phy of the structure adopted reflects the distributions -casein limits the micelle size. In consequence, the
of hydrophobic/hydrophilic residues just described. micelle acquires an external coat of -casein which
Thus, -casein, which resembles a detergent molecule acts as a steric stabilizer for the micelle.
with a hydrophilic head and a hydrophobic tail, forms In devising this mechanism for micellar assembly,
detergent-like micelles with the tails forming a central no new features are ascribed to the casein molecules.
core and the hydrophilic heads sticking out into the The ability to bond and the strength of those bonds is
aqueous solution like the bristles on a hedgehog the resultant of a localized favourable balance of attract-
(Payens et al., 1969). In like fashion, s1-casein self- ive hydrophobic interaction and electrostatic repulsion.
associates in solution to form a worm-like chain poly- Reducing that hydrophobic interaction by lowering the
mer with the hydrophobic ends of one molecule temperature, or increasing electrostatic repulsion by
interacting with those of different molecules (Schmidt, dissolving out calcium phosphate but maintaining pH,
1970). -Casein also self-associates in solution, inter- weakens those bonds and causes (partial) disintegration
acting via its hydrophobic C-terminal, exhibiting a of the micelle.
monomer 4 micelle equilibrium but, here, polymer
growth is also influenced by the intermolecular disul- Casein micelle properties
phide linkages produced by reaction of its cysteine Almost all the casein proteins present in bovine milk
residues (Vreeman et al., 1977; Vreeman, 1979). are incorporated into the casein micelles, together
For s1- and -caseins, it has been demonstrated that with a high proportion of the available calcium and
the size of the s1-casein polymer or the -casein inorganic phosphate. These micelles have an average
micelle produced by self-association is dependent on molecular weight of ⬃108 Da and a mean diameter of
pH and ionic strength, and also sensitively on tempera- ⬃100 nm (range 50–600 nm). The micelles are very
ture in the case of -casein. Temperature is important open, highly hydrated structures with typical hydra-
for the strength of hydrophobic attraction, but pH and tion values of 2–4 g H2O g 1 protein, depending on
ionic strength govern electrostatic repulsion and its the method of measurement. The structure is not
range. The balance of these attractive and repulsive rigidly fixed but dynamic. Cooling the milk from the
components in the overall interaction free-energy equa- 37 °C of the udder to storage at refrigeration tempera-
tion thus controls the aggregate size and, more import- tures brings about solubilization of a significant
antly in a local situation, the strength of individual fraction of -casein, some -casein and much lower
intermolecular bonds. levels of s1- and s2-caseins from the micelles, and all
50 Rennet-induced Coagulation of Milk

of this is pH-dependent also (Dalgleish and Law, 1988). outer layer of -casein molecules, the C-terminal por-
Raising the temperature back to 37 °C reverses this tion of which extends out into the solution (Holt,
process. Almost complete disintegration of the micelles 1975; Walstra, 1979; Holt and Horne, 1996). Repulsion
can be achieved either through the addition of a strong arises due to the increase in free energy brought about
calcium sequestrant such as EDTA (Griffin et al., 1988) when the protein layer of one micelle is brought into
or through the addition of high concentrations of urea contact with (or overlaps) the layer of another micelle.
(McGann and Fox, 1974). Dissociation to molecular The role of chymosin is to proteolyze -casein,
level is not achieved, and the dissociated species have splitting it at the Phe1059Met106 bond and thus shave
average diameters of the order of 10–15 nm and are off the hairy layer, so that the subsequently exposed
also of variable composition (Aoki et al., 1985). micelle cores begin to aggregate, once sufficient of
All of these experimentally observed properties, tem- their -casein has been hydrolysed. The overall milk
perature- or reagent-dependent dissociation, variable clotting process is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 1.
composition with size, location of -casein, inverse Of these stages, only the proteolytic cleavage can be
relationship of micellar size and -casein content are monitored totally independently of the others by fol-
predicted or are manifest as a consequence of the dual- lowing the release of the glycomacropeptide, -CNf
binding assembly model described above. 106–169, or the formation of para--casein, residues
As far as the mechanism of chymosin-induced aggre- 1–105. The aggregation reaction of the destabilized
gation of casein micelles is concerned, the proposed micelles is a consequence of this proteolysis. Its rate
theories largely neglect internal micellar structure or at cannot be separated easily from that of the proteolysis
least regard it as of no consequence to the outcome of reaction. The aggregation overlaps the proteolysis
the reaction. Whilst we do not deviate from this view, as reaction; the latter is certainly not complete before the
described below, we feel that internal micellar structure aggregation begins. Aggregation leads to bigger and
and the modifications to it as a consequence of pH, salt bigger clusters until eventually the system acquires the
and temperature changes occurring during curd manu- solid-like nature of the gel. Again, there is a smooth
facture should also be considered and that these must continuum through this point and beyond as the gel
impact on curd properties. matures. As we discuss in greater detail later, the separ-
ation into aggregation and gelation stages is largely
Micelle stability artificial, driven in most instances by the requirements
The casein micelle system is an excellent example of of the experimental technique or the mechanistic
colloidal dispersion. Repulsive forces hold the micelles model.
in suspension until removed by some external influ-
ence. Because the casein micelles were negatively
charged, resulting in a zeta potential of about 20 mV,
Primary Enzymatic Phase
and this charge is reduced by ⬃50% on rennet treat-
ment (Green and Crutchfield, 1971; Pearse, 1976; The -casein molecules provide a steric stabilizing layer
Darling and Dickson, 1979; Dalgleish, 1984), attempts with their hydrophilic C-terminal peptides protruding
were made to explain the stability of the casein micelle into the aqueous phase. Gel formation is initiated by the
using the DLVO (Derjaguin-Lamdau-Verwey-Overbeek) proteolysis of the -casein molecules which is accompan-
theory of the stability of lyophobic colloids (Verwey ied by the release of a hydrophilic peptide, termed the
and Overbeek, 1948). Such concepts envisage stability caseinomacropeptide, into the serum (whey) phase.
as arising from the presence of a repulsive energy bar- The remaining N-terminal region of the -casein,
rier, the resultant of ubiquitous attractive Van der termed the para--casein remains bound in the casein
Waals forces and repulsive electrostatic forces. Unfor- network. Gradual loss of the caseinomacropeptide is
tunately, as Payens (1979) calculated, this energy bar- accompanied by a decrease in the micellar zeta potential
rier is located at such a short inter-surface distance which results in destabilization of the micelles and
(⬃0.1 nm) as to be physically meaningless, lying well aggregation into a gel.
within the orbit of surface roughness, the loops and Proteases capable of initiating the required proteoly-
the tails of the protein molecules in the outer micellar sis of -casein are aspartic proteinases (EC 3.4.23).
regions. Though the complete DLVO theory is rendered Milk clotting enzymes were obtained originally by
inapplicable by the above and other failures related to extraction from the stomachs of ruminants, and calf
ionic strength changes, the general concept of micellar and adult bovine rennets are widely used in cheese
stability being due to the presence of a repulsive energy manufacture today. Concerns in the 1960s that world
barrier is still valid. It is now accepted that micellar sta- cheese production had increased to such an extent
bility arises from the presence of a sterically stabilizing that the production of rennet products derived from
Rennet-induced Coagulation of Milk 51

(A) Micelles (O) + enzyme ( )

(B) Partially renneted micelles

(C) Aggregating micelles in small clusters

(D) Percolating clusters

Figure 1 A schematic description of the various stages envisaged in the enzymatic coagulation of milk, starting from the initial
mixture of casein micelles and enzyme (A) and proceeding through proteolysis (B), initial aggregation into small clusters (C) and
reaching a gel point at percolation (D).

animal tissue would be insufficient to meet future lactis were used as host organisms (Teuber, 1990; Harboe,
demand led to the development of alternative prod- 1992). The chymosin products generated are now
ucts. Rhizomucor miehei, R. pusillus and Cryphonectria referred to as fermentation-produced chymosin (FPC).
parasitica were used to produce aspartic proteinases by A wide range of clotting agents are now available for
fermentation, and these new coagulants were success- cheese manufacture and the use of these coagulants in
fully introduced to the market. In the late 1980s, cheese manufacture has been reviewed extensively
recombinant DNA technology was used to clone the (Guinee and Wilkinson, 1992; Wigley, 1996; Fox and
gene for chymosin, the main clotting component of McSweeney, 1997; Harboe and Budtz, 1999). Calf ren-
calf rennet. E.coli, Aspergillus niger and Kluveromyces net and adult bovine rennet still dominate in cheese
52 Rennet-induced Coagulation of Milk

production, but market share for FPC continues to 1999). The cloned chymosins derived from Aspergillus
increase, and microbial coagulants derived from R. miehi niger and Kluveromyces lactis are B variants (Harboe
are the third most commonly used coagulants (Harboe and Budtz, 1999).
and Budtz, 1999). The specificity of chymosin for the Phe9Met bond
Chymosin (EC is a gastric proteinase has been studied extensively (see Fox and McSweeney,
which is secreted in the abomasal mucosa of new-born 1997). The length of the peptide and the sequence
ruminants and other mammals during the first days of around the sectile bond are important determinants of
life (Foltmann, 1992). It is the main clotting enzyme in enzyme–substrate interactions. Observations that syn-
calf rennet. The activity of chymosin differs markedly thetic di-, tri- or tetra-peptides containing a Phe9Met
from that of other gastric aspartic proteinases in that it bond were not susceptible to hydrolysis by chymosin
exhibits low general proteolytic activity but is particularly suggested that other residues close to the cleaved bond
active in hydrolysis of the Phe1059Met106 of -casein. are also required for the hydrolytic reaction (Visser
Milk clotting enzymes differ in the rate at which they et al., 1980). Kinetic studies on synthetic peptides
continue to degrade casein following the hydrolysis to indicated that two additional residues at either side of
initiate gel formation. Only those enzymes with a high the hydrolysable bond are required for appreciable
ratio of milk-clotting activity to general proteolytic reaction (Hill, 1968, 1969; Raymond et al., 1972). The
activity are considered suitable for cheese manufac- sequence of His989Lys111 includes all the necessary
ture. A high level of non-specific proteolysis can lead determinants (Visser et al., 1980), and this tetrade-
to a weak gel structure, high losses of protein and fat capeptide is hydrolysed with a kcat/Km of ca 2M 1 s 1,
in the whey and reduced cheese yield. The higher the which is similar to that of intact -casein (see Fox and
level of proteolysis, the greater is the reduction in McSweeney, 1997).
cheese yield. Chymosin activity on -casein is limited The Phe and Met residues in the chymosin-sensitive
with only formation of the caseinomacrpeptide and bond of -caseins are not essential for chymosin action
para--casein, while in the case of fungal proteinases, on caseins. The residues in the chymosin-sensitive
extensive non-specific hydrolysis of both -casein and bond differ across species which suggests that it is the
para--casein occurs (Shammet et al., 1992). The use amino acid sequence surrounding this bond rather
of microbial rennets is generally considered to result in than the residues in the bond itself, which contain the
reduced cheese yield, compared with calf rennet important determinants of hydrolysis (see Fox and
(Olson, 1977; Emmons et al., 1990a; Lucey and Kelly, McSweeney, 1997). Porcine pepsin (A and C) and
1994). The fermentation-produced chymosins have a R. miehei proteinase cleave the Phe9Met bond in a simi-
high ratio of milk clotting to general proteolytic activ- lar fashion to chymosin but the C. parasitica proteinase
ity and no significant differences in cheese yield have cleaves the Ser1049Phe105 bond (Dronse and Foltmann,
been reported between recombinant chymosin and calf 1989).
rennet (Green et al., 1985; Hicks et al., 1988; Ustinol Calf rennet is the standard product against which all
and Hicks, 1990; Emmons et al., 1990b; Banks, 1992; other coagulants are assessed. Adult bovine rennet con-
van den Berg, 1992). tains a higher proportion of pepsin and therefore a more
The properties of chymosin and other aspartic general proteolytic activity. Rennets extracted from
proteinases have been reviewed comprehensively by ovine, caprine and porcine stomachs are the most effi-
Chitpinityol and Crabbe (1998) (see ‘Rennets: General cient at clotting milk of their own species (Foltmann,
and Molecular Aspects’, Volume 1). Rennet preparations 1992).
are generally prepared from multiple calf stomachs and Coagulants extracted from the flowers of the thistle
are heterogeneous in their chymosin content. Calf Cynara cardunculus are used in the production of
chymosin occurs in three forms, A, B and C, chymosin artisanal cheeses in the Iberian peninsula (Sousa et al.,
B being the most abundant in natural rennet. Chy- 2001). The coagulants are aspartic proteinases and
mosins A and B are allelic variants which differ at only comprise of two enzymes, cardosins A and B. Both
one amino acid position; Asp243 in chymosin A is enzymes hydrolyse the Phe1059Met106 bond of
replaced by Gly243 in chymosin B. Chymosin C -casein (Esteves et al., 1995). Kinetic parameters of
appears to be a degradation product of chymosin A cardosin A are similar to those of chymosin while
which lacks three residues, Asp244–Phe246 (Danley and those for cardosin B are similar to pepsin (Verissimo
Geoghegan, 1988). The three variants show differ- et al., 1995). The ratio of clotting to proteolytic activ-
ences in clotting activity, and of the three forms, chy- ity is low compared to chymosin, and non-specific
mosin A has the highest specific clotting activity and casein hydrolysis results in lower gel firmness com-
chymosin C the lowest. The A and B forms are equally pared to that obtained with chymosin (Esteves et al.,
efficient in cheese manufacture (Harboe and Budtz, 2002).
Rennet-induced Coagulation of Milk 53

and Walstra, 1987; Zoon et al., 1988a,b,c, 1989a,b;

Measurement of Clotting Time and
Van Vliet et al., 1991; Horne, 1995, 1996; Lopez et al.,
Curd-Cutting Time
1998; Mellema et al., 2002). Each technique suffers
The most easily detected outcome of chymosin proteoly- from limitations. Light scattering requires a dilute dis-
sis and rennet clotting is the visible observation of the persion of particles so that only singly scattered pho-
presence of flocs in a milk sample in a rotating tube. tons are collected at the detector. Direct conversion to
The time taken for their appearance is defined as the molecular weight and/or size is also limited by the
rennet coagulation time, and for the cheesemaker inter- ratio of particle size to light wavelength. Studies using
ested in the activity of an enzyme preparation, this may light scattering are thus limited to early stages of aggre-
be the only quantity of interest. The importance of its gation, where growth of molecular weight or degree of
determination is reflected in the number of techniques polymerization is obtained as a function of reaction time.
tested over the years (see Lucey, 2002; O’Callaghan Rheological measurements suffer from the opposite fail-
et al., 2002, for reviews of these methods). ing. There, the limitation is instrument-sensitivity and
Since the coagulum is cut sometime after the coagu- a detectable signal is realized only after the reaction has
lation point when it has attained sufficient firmness, progressed to a significant extent. The relationship
the more technically successful techniques are those between measured viscoelasticity and gel structure and
which continuously monitor the development of bonding is also highly model-dependent, as we shall
the coagulum with time by measuring changes in see, and interpretations are often controversial.
some particular physical attribute, such as viscosity
(Scott Blair and Oosthuizen, 1961), reflectivity (Hardy
and Fanni, 1981; Ustinol et al., 1991), thermal con- Kinetic Models of Rennet Coagulation
ductivity (Hori, 1985) or ultrasound transmission The earliest attempt to describe the kinetics of the
(Benguigui et al., 1994) to name only a few. Few of clotting process was made in the 1870s by Storch and
these techniques have entered commercial practice for Segeleke (see Foltmann, 1959, 1971). This simply
in-vat applications not only because the instruments stated that the clotting time was inversely related to
are often difficult to clean and maintain properly but the concentration of rennet used to clot the milk. A
also because the changing processing conditions and further refinement was postulated by Holter (1932)
schedules in response to such instrumental readings and rearranged by Foltmann (1959) to give the famil-
are not always an attractive option to a large modern iar equation:
cheese factory. In such cases, the standardization of milk
protein is the preferred approach, since this minimizes
differences in coagulation and it has been observed RCT  A (1)
that cheese yield does not seem to be very sensitive to [E]
small changes in gel firmness, at cutting, in such stand-
ardized circumstances. where k and A are constants and [E] is the enzyme
Many of the techniques described by Lucey (2002) concentration, RCT being the rennet coagulation time.
and O’Callaghan et al. (2002) have also been devel- This relationship is purely empirical, but it is an
oped from research tools used to study the influence of important relationship which has to be satisfied by any
reaction variables such as temperature, pH and milk more descriptive mechanistic model, even if only over
composition and pre-treatment on gel development. a restricted range of enzyme concentration and RCT
The most useful of these techniques are those where values.
the behaviour of the variable of interest can be pre- The Holter modification separated the coagulation
dicted by a mathematical model based on a mechanis- time into two components, an enzyme proteolysis
tic description of the reaction. Few, if any, techniques stage and a secondary coagulation phase. The equation
provide direct relationships applicable over the entire assumes that there is no overlap between the proteoly-
course of the reaction from micelle to gel. Indeed, this sis and the coagulation phases and that the extent of
is perhaps one reason why gel formation has been split proteolysis is always the same at RCT (Foltmann,
into primary and secondary phases, since the early 1971). Experimental evidence suggests that the prote-
aggregation phase can be followed readily by turbidity olyzed fraction of -casein is very high. Dalgleish
or light scattering (Payens et al., 1977; Dalgleish et al., (1979) suggested 60–80% of the -casein must be
1981a,b; Dalgleish, 1983; Bauer et al., 1995; Lomholt hydrolysed, though his plot shows no significant
et al., 1998) whereas the gel formation and development aggregation below 90% proteolysis. Green et al. (1978)
is most easily monitored in the laboratory by rheometry found that aggregation did not start until after about
(Tokita et al., 1982; Bohlin et al., 1984; Van Hooydonk 60–80% of the RCT had passed, by which time the
54 Rennet-induced Coagulation of Milk

enzyme action was almost complete. In a separate energy barrier model has been tested extensively (Van
experiment, Green et al. (1978) found that the viscos- Hooydonk and Walstra, 1987; Dalgleish, 1988; Hyslop,
ity of milk rose sharply when the enzyme reaction was 1989; Payens, 1989; Hyslop and Qvist, 1996).
⬃86% complete. Other groups have found that viscos- Energy barrier models are mean-field models. They
ity increases well before the visible coagulation time imply the existence of a uniform repulsive force that
indicated by the presence of flocs (Guthy and Novak, decreases gradually with time, and therefore uniform
1977), confirming an inescapable fact that the detec- micellar surfaces. Since the -casein molecules are
tion of an aggregation point is determined by the sen- hydrolysed individually, a more realistic approach might
sitivity of the measuring technique to the presence of be the creation of attractive patches on the micelle sur-
aggregates and also that the two processes, proteolysis face by the removal of sufficient macropeptide hairs, as
and subsequent aggregation, overlap in time. The envisaged in the geometric model of Dalgleish and Holt
extent of overlap, or the percentage of -casein prote- (1988). Continuing removal of -casein hairs would
olyzed before aggregation becomes detectable, is also lead to multiple patches and the creation of conditions
dependent on milk pH and ionic calcium content, necessary for the operation of a polyfunctional model
decreasing as pH is decreased (Van Hooydonk et al., of the Flory–Stockmayer type (Stockmayer, 1943),
1986; Carlson et al., 1987a,b) or as Ca2 content which gives the rate constant as:
increased (De Kruif, 1999; Horne and McCreight,
unpublished observations). kij  K{4  2(f 2) (i  j)  (f 2)2 ij} (2)
The functional description of the overall kinetics of
coagulation must therefore take both proteolysis and where K  proportionality factor; f  number of func-
aggregation reactions into account. The kinetics of the tional sites (functionality); i, j  number of particles of
proteolysis reaction has been discussed by Dalgleish type i, j.
(1993) and Hyslop (2003). In milk, the reaction If f  1, only dimers are possible, if f  2, linear poly-
appears to be of first order, but whether the reaction is mers are predicted and if f 2, chain-branching occurs
truly first order throughout or follows standard and gelation is possible. In the beginning at t  0, f  0,
Michaelis–Menten kinetics for a single-step enzyme- the micelles have no reactivity or inclination to aggre-
catalysed reaction with a relatively high value for the gate, and a realistic model has to account for the growth
dissociation constant of the chymosin–-casein com- of f during the course of the reaction. This is generally
plex, where the Michaelis–Menten equation approxi- done by proposing that f is some function of the degree
mates to a first-order picture, is still undecided (Hyslop, of proteolysis of -casein, most frequently linear. A fur-
2003). ther refinement in this model is to allow the proportion-
Many attempts have been made to model the aggre- ality factor to depend on the energy barrier height
gation reaction, the models differing in how the aggre- (Bauer et al., 1995).
gation rate constant is modelled and how it depends All the various models describe essentially the
on the enzymatic proteolysis of -casein. Beginning growth in average molar mass of the micellar aggregate
with the model calculations of Payens (1976, 1977, with time of reaction. Average molecular weight is most
1989), Payens et al. (1977) Payens and Brinkhuis readily measurable by static light-scattering techniques.
(1986), and Hyslop (2003) has outlined the nuances Due to problems encountered with multiple light scat-
of the various schemes, highlighting their differences tering, where the detected photon has encountered
and critically pointing out their shortcomings. Depend- more than one scatterer in its passage through the sus-
ing on the assumptions made and the experimental pension, these techniques are applicable only in highly
circumstances involved, he concluded that three diluted suspensions (Dalgleish et al., 1981a,b; Brinkhuis
models, step-function (Dalgleish, 1980a,b), energy bar- and Payens, 1984; Bauer et al., 1995), or over very
rier (Darling and Van Hooydonk, 1981) and function- short path lengths, as in the turbidity measurements of
ality theory (Hyslop, 1993; Hyslop and Qvist, 1996) Lomholt et al. (1998).
may be used to describe the aggregation reaction. Increasing complexity in the models increases the
The step-function model (Dalgleish, 1980a,b) is number of parameters the value of which can be varied
based on the idea of a critical level of proteolysis before to fit experimental data. Possibly their most stringent
aggregation is possible, but does not explain why this test so far has been carried out by Lomholt et al. (1998)
should be necessary. A plausible explanation arises if who considered most variations involving energy barri-
an energy barrier is gradually reduced by rennet prote- ers. They found that they could obtain good representa-
olysis, leading to a gradually increasing probability tions of the initial stages of renneting, up to aggregates
of reaction on collision in the aggregation reaction. of ⬃5–10 micelles, with plausible values for the vari-
Introduced by Darling and Van Hooydonk (1981), the able parameters, energy barrier height for native casein
Rennet-induced Coagulation of Milk 55

micelles and after completion of rennet proteolysis. 1

B2  4 (4)
They reproduced the growth of aggregate size with 
time, adequately accounting for the effect of enzyme
concentration and to some extent micellar casein con-

冢 冢 kT 冣冣
centration. They were, however, unable to differentiate B2
between the different model expressions, all giving  4  12 1 exp (5)
equally acceptable fits, and thus were unable to reliably
relate experimental data to any particular mechanistic
picture.  hkT ln 冢 [P][P] [P] 冣

A major disadvantage of these experiments is that
they are concerned only with the initial stages of the
where [P] is the concentration of macropeptide released at
coagulation reaction, largely because of constraints
time t, and the other parameters are defined in Fig. 2, VHS
relating to the experimental techniques. Early light-
being the hard sphere volume 4/3 a3, where a is the effect-
scattering studies (Dalgleish et al., 1981a,b; Brinkhuis
ive micelle radius. The only fitting parameter is h, which
and Payens, 1984) operated in dilute solution because
is of order 2 (De Kruif, 1999). The initial decrease in the
of this but even in the case of the later work of
viscosity arises because of the decrease in hydrodynamic
Lomholt et al. (1998) the effects of multiple scattering
volume fraction, , as the -casein hairs are sheared. This
by large aggregates produced an upper limit to the size
decrease in hydrodynamic size has been measured experi-
which can be extracted from such data (Worning et al.,
mentally using dynamic light scattering techniques in both
1998). Consequently, although they operated in a
dilute (Walstra et al., 1981) and concentrated (Horne and
concentration regime where coagulation eventually
Davidson, 1993) micellar suspensions.
occurred, Lomholt et al. (1998) were unable to derive
In the adhesive sphere model, however, the loss of
any information on the progress of the reaction in this
the -casein-stabilizing hairs also causes the attractive
well depth to increase in proportion to the logarithm
of the normalized hair loss. This stickiness then pro-
duces the observed increase in viscosity in this model.
Adhesive Sphere Models and Viscosity At later times, however, the viscosity also increases
Viscometry was one of the techniques used in early due to aggregation and network formation. Passage to
attempts to monitor the course of the rennet coagula- this status is seamless, and with no indication of its
tion reaction (Scott Blair and Oosthuizen, 1961). The occurrence, making realistic assessment of the validity
relationship between viscosity and molecular weight is of the model at least problematical. Nevertheless, on
rather complex and the results therefore do not lend its basis, De Kruif (1999) has demonstrated that the
themselves to ready testing of the theoretical models micellar system can be flocculated at higher hair den-
outlined above. On addition of chymosin to milk, there sity (lower levels of proteolysis) when ionic calcium
is an initial decrease in the viscosity which then passes level is increased and that renneting time can be short-
through a minimum before increasing sharply as the ened by the inclusion of increasing amounts of
coagulation progresses. Rather than interpreting this rise ethanol. A major disadvantage of the adhesive sphere
as due to the formation of aggregates and from them a model is that its time dependence relates only to the
gelling network, De Kruif and coworkers (De Kruif proteolysis reaction. Indeed, it is confined purely to
et al., 1992; De Kruif, 1999) have proposed a different
mechanism based on treating casein micelles as ster-
ically stabilized hard spheres which become sticky, or
adhesive, as the -casein is proteolyzed. They write the
relative viscosity of skim milk as:

r  1  2.5  5.9 
1.9 2

where  is the micellar volume fraction and  a sticki-

Figure 2 A schematic defining the terminology of the adhesive
ness parameter related through the second virial coeffi-
sphere model. The micelle of diameter () has a hairy layer of
cient (B2) to the depth ( ) of an attractive square well thickness () equivalent to the width of the square well potential.
potential created as the -casein hairs are proteolyzed. The depth of this attractive potential ( ) deepens as the hairs
The relevant equations are: are proteolyzed by chymosin.
56 Rennet-induced Coagulation of Milk

pre-aggregation events and can say nothing of the Thus, when 45°, the viscous component domin-
kinetics of aggregation and gel formation, highly sig- ates, whereas when 45°, the sample appears more
nificant events in the definition of gel properties. like an elastic solid.
Ideally, measurements should be made in the linear
viscoelastic region, i.e., deformation should be propor-
Development of Rheological Properties tional to the applied stress. When the gel is very weak
during Rennet Coagulation in the earliest stages of reaction, it is debatable whether
this situation is achievable. Minimum forces must be
Possibly the most direct way to measure gel formation is applied for the instrument to produce a discernible
to monitor the evolution of rheological properties (Bohlin movement in its geometry, or in the case of a constant
et al., 1984; Dejmek, 1987; Zoon et al., 1988a; Horne, strain rheometer, the movement has to be detectable
1995, 1996). Dynamic rheology applies an oscillatory but a minimum force will be required to overcome
shear stress (0 ) or strain (0) and measures the response inertia, friction in bearings, etc. This minimum move-
from the developing gel. The measurement yields the ment or stress may be sufficient to damage the gel at
elastic or storage modulus (G ), which is a measure of this point in its development. Fortunately, the rennet-
the energy stored per oscillation cycle and reflects how induced gel develops viscoelasticity rapidly and so
the sample behaves as an elastic solid, and the viscous or moves into linear response quickly but, nevertheless,
loss modulus (G) which is a measure of the energy dissi- the gel point may vary between instruments or instru-
pated per cycle and indicates how much the sample ment settings, and too large applied stresses or strains
behaves as a viscous liquid. Their ratio is tan , the tan- should be avoided.
gent of the phase angle of the response to the applied Figure 3 shows an example of the development of
stress or strain. The shear moduli are defined as follows: viscoelasticity in a skim milk sample during renneting.
The sharp decrease in the phase angle, from close to
the 90° of a Newtonian liquid to around 20° coincides
G  冢  冣cos 

(7) approximately with the visible coagulation time. In the
same time frame, gel firmness as indicated by the
growth of shear moduli, becomes apparent. Although
not visible on the scale plotted, G initially lags on
G  冢  冣sin 

(8) growth of viscosity or viscous modulus, G, but
quickly crosses and dominates as gel elasticity rapidly
develops, the transition point occurring at   45°.
G Plots of shear moduli versus reaction time evolve as
tan   (9)
G sigmoidal curves which tend to approach a constant

90 90

80 80
Shear moduli, G ′, G ″ (Pa)

70 70
Phase angle (deg)

60 δ 60
50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 G″ 10

0 0
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3

Time (ks)

Figure 3 A typical example of the changes in viscoelastic parameters observed during gel formation, showing increases in shear
moduli (G , G) and decreases in phase angle () with time after enzyme addition.
Rennet-induced Coagulation of Milk 57

value appropriate to each milk sample at very long teristic length determining the geometry of the net-
times. In practice, of course, the gel is generally cut work, dF is the change in Gibbs free energy when the
at a fixed time after rennet addition or after visible elements are moved apart over a distance dx, and is
coagulation is noted, perhaps after a period of no more therefore related to the bond strength in systems
than 30 min. In either instance, the gel firmness is where enthalphic effects dominate over entropic, as
likely to be of the order of 30 Pa and possibly has not argued by Van Vliet and Walstra (1985). In the case of
passed its maximum rate of firming. particles which are homogeneously distributed over
A rennet-induced milk gel is described as a visco- the available space, or at least homogeneously on the
elastic solid. In rheological terms, the critical gelation length scales of the experimental measuring device, all
point is often taken as the time at which the elastic particles involved in the network will contribute to the
modulus exceeds the viscous modulus (Ross Murphy, network modulus to the same extent. N will then be
1995). Others demand compliance with more strin- directly proportional to the volume fraction of parti-
gent conditions, such as the Winter and Chambon cles in the network.
(1986) criterion which gives the gelation as occurring In describing the formation of the rennet-induced
at the time when both G and G show power-law milk gel, G will be a function of reaction time, and
dependence on oscillation frequency, both dependen- thus the growth of the shear modulus with time will
cies with the same positive exponent. Derived for depend on the rate of incorporation of particles into
chemically cross-linked polymers, this time does not the network and the rate of change of bond strength
necessarily coincide with that for G and G cross-over (or increase in well depth) with time. Two possible
in a single frequency experiment. Depending on the scenarios present themselves. In the first, only the
instrument sensitivity and the reaction, it may not well depth is considered as a function of time. This is
even be possible to detect this cross-over. In some con- akin to the adhesive sphere concept of De Kruif and
centrated systems, the value of G may have already coworkers (1992); De Kruif (1999) and De Kruif and
exceeded G, whilst in others it may occur early in the Holt (2003) would assume that all of the casein
reaction below the instrument detection threshold. In micelles would be considered as a network from time
the latter circumstance, an acceptable working defin- zero, the point at which -casein proteolysis is initiated
ition of the gel point would be when instrument and the attractive well begins to deepen. Dickinson
response rises above the background noise level. What (2003) has emphasized that the hard sphere model
physically defines the gel point and, beyond that crit- operates within the framework of equilibrium statistical
ical point, what defines the dynamic evolution of the mechanics. It therefore describes the gelation for rela-
viscoelasticity of the gel in terms of a mechanism, tively weak, short-range attractions under reversible
describing network, creation and growth are the sub- conditions. That is, the particles are free to dissociate,
jects of the next section. as well as to associate, the dynamic equilibrium con-
stant or bond lifetime being a function of well depth.
With well depth increasing as proteolysis progresses,
Theoretical Basis of Viscoelasticity
the bonds become increasingly stronger and could
Continuity of structure and permanency of that struc- become effectively irreversible within the time-span of
ture are general features of a gel. We continue to visual- the experiment. This bond lifetime or relaxation time
ize the rennet-induced milk gel as a particle gel. The has an important bearing on the response of the net-
spatial distribution of the casein micelles (the particles) work in the rheometer geometry, where the lifetime of
in the gel network and the strength of the bonding a bond must be correlated with the oscillation time of
between those elements define the existence and the the applied deformation.
rheology of the gel. By considering the deformation of Strong bonds with a high energy content will gener-
the network following application of a shearing force, ally have a long relaxation time. They establish the
Van Vliet and Walstra (1985) derived the following permanent or elastic character of the gel. Weak bonds
equation for the modulus of the network: generally break and reform spontaneously over much
shorter timescales. They contribute to the temporary
character of the gel network, appearing as the viscous
G  CN (10) component. Thus, non-relaxing bonds only contribute
dx2 to G whereas rapidly relaxing bonds only contribute to
G. Bonds with relaxation times in the timescale of the
where N is the number of stress-bearing strands per measurement contribute to both G and G. Because
unit area in a cross-section perpendicular to x, the bond lifetime changes smoothly during proteolysis
direction of the external force or stress, C is a charac- and gel formation, in this model from very short to
58 Rennet-induced Coagulation of Milk

very long, the gelling system passes monotonically ios can be envisaged (Fig. 4). The first is a strong gela-
from a viscous liquid to a firm elastic solid and the tion where bond energy is kT and bond formation
phase angle, , passes through the critical 45° value. is virtually irreversible. As depicted in Fig. 4, gelation
Changes in phase angle may therefore more sensitively corresponds to the achievement of a percolation clus-
reflect changes in the nature of the bonds (Roefs, ter spanning the container (Stauffer, 1976; DeGennes,
1985). As Fig. 3 shows, however, during the formation 1979). This critical percolation cluster is present only
of a rennet-induced milk gel, the phase angle decreases for a very short moment. Gel curing continues as the
rapidly in the early stages through the gel point but remaining free particles and clusters are incorporated
remains substantially constant throughout the main into the network, creating more stress-carrying strands.
growth period in the shear moduli, as was also observed This is what is observed as the growth of shear modu-
by Dejmek (1987) and Lopez et al. (1998). This indi- lus with time.
cates that the nature and strength of the bonds does In the second scenario in aggregate growth (Fig. 4b),
not change significantly during this growth. It is there- bonds are weak, aggregation is reversible, and clusters
fore likely that the increase in gel firmness is caused break up as readily as they form. The critical gelation
by an increase in the number of bonds with time, the condition is reached when the clusters achieve a pseudo-
other time-dependent factor in our theoretical expres- close-packed arrangement as depicted in Fig. 4b.
sion for the modulus, G, in equation 10. The majority of potential bonds are satisfied at this junc-
In the second scenario, the micelles aggregate into ture, and increases in shear moduli occur as the system
clusters and these clusters eventually form the gel net- rearranges itself in its quest for an equilibrium structure.
work. The kinetics of this aggregation can be viewed Can the measured kinetics of gel formation assist
as an increase in the number of bonds with time. What in differentiating these two extremes? As is shown in
point in the time course of the progress of this reac- Fig. 5a, gel cure curves, plotted as complex modulus,
tion can be identified as the gel point, and can this be G*, versus t, are typical for each milk. In the set shown,
detected experimentally? Again, two extreme scenar- the same reaction conditions, rheometer settings and



Figure 4 Two different scenarios defining the occurrence of the gel point. (a) The percolation cluster model where gelation is
sensed by the measuring device whenever clusters extend across the container. Note the number of clusters and monomers which
have still to be incorporated into the gel, creating more links and strands to carry applied stress. (b) The formation of a weak gel
where most particles are weakly linked into the network but reversibility allows rearrangements. The larger circles depict the fractal
‘blob’ concept where the system is fractal within but closed packed outside.
Rennet-induced Coagulation of Milk 59

(a) (b)
125 4
5 1
Shear modulus, G ′ (Pa)

G ′/G ′ at 3*tg
75 0.75

50 8 0.50

25 0.25

0 0
0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5

Time from rennet addition (ks) Reduced time, t/tg

Figure 5 Depiction of the derivation of the master curve plot from a series of gel cure curves obtained by renneting individual milks
(1–7) under the same reaction conditions (left-hand plot). The data in the right-hand plot were obtained by dividing the reaction time
(time after enzyme addition) by the clotting time (tg) and then normalizing each individual curve against its particular value at 3tg.

chymosin concentration were used in each case but cates that essentially the same kinetics is dominating
the individual milks exhibit their own gelation times, that reaction. In essence, this is a pointer to the first,
tg, rates of curd firming and ultimate gel firmness. the percolation, scenario as being the more true pic-
When these curves are re-plotted against a reduced ture, with the further incorporation of micelles and
time, t/tg, and each normalized against its particular clusters being simply another part of the ongoing
value at a low multiple of tg, usually two or three, all aggregation reaction throughout all phases of gel
curves collapse onto a master curve (Fig. 5b) (Horne, development. The gel-development kinetics clearly
1995). Such behaviour is known as ‘scaling’. depends on the rate of the proteolysis reaction, the
The fact that the curves can be scaled has several rate controlling the achievement of the gel time.
implications. It implies that the mathematical expres- Lomholt and Qvist (1997) have raised doubts about
sion describing the time-dependent growth of the this scaling approach, showing that multiplying reac-
shear modulus of the curve can be factorized into the tion time by the rate constant for proteolysis, ke, does
product of two terms and written as: not produce a master cure curve in a series of experi-
ments conducted with varying enzyme and protein
G(t)  G f 冢 tt 冣
concentrations. Our results use tg 1 as the reducing
factor, and other groups have found that the product
of tg and ke is not always unity, as attempting to con-
where G is a simple constant, the asymptotic value of sider them equivalent would imply (Tokita et al.,
the shear modulus at infinite reaction time for a particu- 1982). Perhaps the answer lies in the mode of action
lar milk system. As a constant, it embodies all the of the enzyme and how the activation of the micelle
static attributes of the gel. The second term, f(t/tg), is towards aggregation comes about. Proteolysis estim-
more complicated, but it is nevertheless a function of a ates give a global figure for the suspension as a whole
single variable, the reduced time, t/tg, and all data sets which may not relate to the status of individual
follow this master function which describes the micelles, whereas gel times are a direct measure of the
dynamics of the gel-formation process. aggregation behaviour. Further work in this area is
It is important to realize the significance of the undoubtedly required.
dependence on the critical gel time, tg. It is defined as A further advantage of the scaling approach is the
the time required to form the critical gel network and observation that f(t/tg) is a single-valued function, in
is the rate parameter controlling the aggregation reac- the sense that any one value of the ratio t/tg leads to a
tion leading to that network. Its presence as the single value for f(t/tg). That being the case, the value of
parameter also controlling the rate of gel cure indi- G at a defined value of the reduced time, say t/tg  3,
60 Rennet-induced Coagulation of Milk

will always be the same fraction of G. Thus, whilst G and not adjusted to a constant protein concentration.
is essentially unattainable, all information on its behav- Obviously, those fractions from the wings of the size dis-
iour is accessible through the value of the shear modulus tribution have a lower protein content than those
as the multiple of tg selected for comparison purposes. obtained around the mean size. Niki et al. (1994) do not
Based on this accessibility to G, Horne (1996) has give details of the protein content or composition of their
developed a mechanical model for the gel. If it is fractions, making it impossible to recalculate their data
assumed that each micelle has the potential for forming on the basis of the behaviour predicted by equation 13.
an average number of bonds, k, with its neighbours,
then these will all be fully linked into the network
Modelling the Gel-Firming Kinetics
attained at infinite time and will therefore define the
value of G. With all of the micelles incorporated into Many attempts have been made to produce mathemat-
the network, the number of bonds will be proportional ical equations to predict the growth of gel firmness with
to the number of micelles present. Hence, according to time. These range from the purely empirical (Scott
equation 10, G will be proportional to the number of Blair and Burnett, 1958) to those rooted in some
micelles, assuming that all bonds are of equal strength. kinetic mechanism (Tuszynski, 1971; Douillard, 1973;
If the average micelle is of diameter, d, then at a given Carlson et al., 1987a; Clark and Amici, 2003). Tested
concentration of c g/ml, the number of micelles is pro- simply on their ability to fit the observed growth
portional to c/d3. Hence, this simple model predicts: curves, some are more successful than others which fail
to reproduce salient features. Others have no theoretical
c basis which makes them less useful as predictive tools.
G  (12) Scott Blair and Burnett (1958) proposed an empirical
model of the form:

and since G at 3tg is a fixed fraction of G by the scaling

requirements, then G(t)  Gexp 冢 (t 
tg) 冣 (14)

c to describe the increase in shear modulus (G) with

Gat 3tg  (13)
d3 time beyond the gel point occurring at tg,  being a
constant characteristic of the sample and determined
Horne (1996) fractionated casein micelles according by fitting. Dejmek (1987) demonstrated that this
to size from individual cow milks using a sequence model provides a good fit to experimentally obtained
of eight consecutive centrifugation steps, applying cure curves but has non-random residuals, indicating
the centrifugation to the supernatant of the previous that the function may not be appropriate for its
step, as described in detail by Dalgleish et al. (1989). intended purpose. Dejmek (1987) also proposed
These pellets were re-suspended in milk ultrafiltrate equations relating the parameters of the Scott Blair
to the same casein concentration and their average equation to the value of the experimental cure curve
size was measured independently by dynamic light at its inflexion point, obviating the need for measure-
scattering. The micellar suspensions were then ren- ments at extended times, but relying perhaps too
neted under the same incubation conditions. Growth heavily on a few points in that particular region of the
of the elastic modulus was monitored as a function of cure curve. In favour of this model is the observation
time. G* at 3tg was found to be inversely proportional that this function shows an acceleratory growth phase
to the cube of micelle size, as predicted by equation immediately following the gel point, that it evinces a
13. In a separate experiment, milk from a single source maximum rate of firmness and tends to a plateau as t
was concentrated by ultrafiltration and then diluted tends to infinity. Against, it is its purely empirical
back to give a series of milks of the same micellar size nature which makes prediction of the dependence of
distribution but differing in protein concentration. its parameters on reaction variables such as tempera-
When these milks were renneted, the value of G* at ture, pH or enzyme concentration all but impossible.
2tg was found to be a linear function of the concentra- Arguing that the shape of the growth curve was
tion factor, again as predicted by Horne (1996). similar to that for simple autocatalytic reactions,
Niki et al. (1994) also prepared sized fractions separ- Tuszynski (1971) proposed that the growth kinetics be
ated from skim milk by differential centrifugation. They fitted by the model:
confirmed that smaller micelles gave firmer gels but not
as strongly as the inverse cubic dependence predicted. dG
 kG(G G) (15)
Their micellar fractions were, however, used as prepared dt*
Rennet-induced Coagulation of Milk 61

where t*  t tg, G is the value of the shear modulus allowed for each site. The percolation probability, P(p),
at t   and k is the rate constant for the process but is defined as the probability that a site chosen at ran-
essentially a fitting parameter. Again, the model pro- dom will belong to the infinite cluster. With the
vides no indication how changes in reaction variables assumption that P(p)  1 exp( Zp) for p  pc, the
will influence the gel-firming process. Like the Scott critical percolation probability, he equated G to P(p)
Blair model, it too gives sigmoidal behaviour but it is a and went on to derive the Douillard equation. Fitting
symmetric function, predicting that the inflexion occurs his latest data to this equation, Tokita (1989) found
when G  0.5G, and this is not observed in practice. that the reaction rate constant was best described as a
Douillard (1973) proposed a model in which the linear function of the enzyme concentration used,
rate of change of shear modulus with time followed slightly different from their earlier result.
first-order kinetics: The Douillard equation also emerges as a limiting
case of the Carlson model (Carlson et al., 1987a) dis-
dG cussed below. Whilst it is thus widely applied, the
 k(G G) t*  0 or t  tg (16) Douillard equation does not reproduce one of the most
significant features experimentally observed in the gel
cure curves obtained with modern more sensitive
This equation can be integrated to give: rheometers, namely the acceleratory phase immedi-
ately after the gel point, and hence further refinements
to it are required. Some of these are to be found in the
G  G[1 exp ( kt*)] (17) Carlson model.
Carlson et al. (1987a) derived the rather complex
with the initial condition that G  0 at t  tg. model given by:
This equation has recurred several times in the
history of studies on the rennet coagulation of milk.
Tokita et al. (1982) fitted their cure curves to an
G  G 1冤 冢 k k k 冣exp(
kf t*)

nth-order reaction equation and determined that the

first-order form, the Douillard equation above, gave the
best fit. They further demonstrated that the gel time, tg,
 冢 k ⴚk k 冣exp(

klt*) (18)

obtained in these studies varied inversely with enzyme

concentration, and that the rate parameter, k, had a where t*  t tg, kl is the rate constant for the creation
power-law dependence on enzyme concentration with of ‘active’ sites and kf is the rate constant for the
an exponent of 0.8. In their discussion, Tokita et al. destruction of these sites as they are incorporated into
(1982) extended the consideration of the Smol- the gel network. Essentially, the model envisages ‘active’
uchowski equation and its use in the kinetics of polymer sites being created on micelles, which then go on to
gelation by Ziff (1980) and Ziff and Stell (1982) to ren- react with one another in forming bonds in the gel net-
net gel formation. Assuming that ‘gel’ reacts with ‘poly- work. Both reactions, activation and destruction, are
mer’ in the sol phase and that ‘gel’ does not cross-link considered as first-order processes. Activation requires
by itself, they show that the concentration of gel is pro- the enzymatic hydrolysis of -casein, and therefore kl
portional to 1 exp( t). With the further assump- emerges as proportional to the enzyme concentration.
tion that is proportional to the rate constant of the That the site destruction reaction should also be a first-
Smoluchowski equation and that the elastic modulus is order process is an empirical observation which fits in
proportional to the concentration of gel, the Douillard well with the idea of the gel network mopping-up
equation emerges. Tokita et al. (1982) thus reached the smaller clusters and micelles still requiring to be acti-
important conclusion that beyond the gel point, most vated beyond the gel point. When the enzyme concen-
of the growth in gel firmness arises as a result of aggre- tration is large, -casein hydrolysis is rapid compared to
gation between the infinite cluster and the smaller the removal of activated micelles and the Douillard
clusters and micelles in the sol phase. equation is recovered with a rate constant now equal to
In a later paper, Tokita (1989) considered gel forma- that for the activation reaction and therefore governed
tion as a percolation process. In percolation, the bond by the enzymatic hydrolysis process.
formation probability is defined by N/Ntotal where N is In the hands of the present authors, application of
the number of bonds formed up to that point and Ntotal the Carlson model to gel firming curves gave excellent
is the total number of bonds possible in the system. fits with very low standard errors (Horne, unpublished
Ntotal is the product of the number of lattice sites mul- observations). This confirms the views of Esteves et al.
tiplied by their functionality, Z, the number of bonds (2001) who compared its performance to those of the
62 Rennet-induced Coagulation of Milk

Scott Blair and Douillard models, although they finally where R is the radius of the floc, a is the primary parti-
considered the Scott Blair model superior because it cle size and Df is the fractal dimension. The latter is
gave a smaller standard error and lower fluctuations in usually a non-integer and is always less than the geo-
the systematic oscillations of the residuals. Unfortun- metric or Euclidean dimension of three. This equation
ately, as we commented above, the Scott Blair model implies that the cluster becomes ever more tenuous as
has no basis in theory which would permit predictive it grows, as verified in computer simulations of aggre-
use of its parameters. Further efforts should therefore gation reactions (Kolb et al., 1983; Meakin, 1983) and
be directed to more extensive tests of the Carlson experimental measurements on dilute colloidal sys-
model with perhaps extensions to incorporate the tems (Lin et al., 1990). These results demonstrate that
refinements of aggregation models now extant. More extremes of reaction probability give rise to different
quantitative testing of the model would also discover fractal dimensions, ranging from 1.7 for a diffusion-
whether the many parameters involved possess realis- limited cluster–cluster aggregation to 2.5 for a reac-
tic values or whether they are merely ‘best-fits’. tion-limited particle–cluster process.
Along yet another avenue, Clark and Amici (2003) Since the number of particles that could be present
have compared the predictions of cascade theory, a ran- in a close-packed cluster is given by:
dom cross-linking polymerization theory, with experi-

冢 Ra 冣 ,
mental biopolymer gelation curves. The comparison was 3
made of log (G/G) versus tg/t, a linear transform of the Nc  (20)
Scott Blair equation, for calculated and experimental data.
For rennet-induced milk gels they obtained reasonable fits
when the critical gelling concentration (C0) was set much the volume fraction of the cluster is given by:
less than the micellar concentration (C). The calculations

冢 aR 冣
require that the ratio C/C0 be set, so the experimental data Np Df
cluster   (21)
were compared to a series of theoretical curves calculated Nc
for a range of these values. Accepting that the fits are not
outstanding, Clark and Amici (2003) point out that the The average volume fraction therefore decreases as the
cascade model used does not contain any pre-gelation cluster grows. When it reduces to the volume fraction
kinetic terms and, in other studies of polymer gelation of particles in the system, 0, the clusters fill the total
carried out with this theoretical approach, their inclusion space available and the gel is formed. Bremer and
markedly influenced later events beyond the gel point. coworkers (Bremer et al., 1989; Bremer, 1992) define
These theoretical approaches are very interesting and tan- the gel point by this event which implies that all parti-
talizing but more work is needed to fully explore the cles present in the system are incorporated in the clus-
implications of their results before a definitive model of ters. The real question is whether this can be equated
the cure curve can be achieved. to the rheological gel point recognized experimentally
but this appears to be the assumption made.
Fractal Models of Rennet-Induced Milk Gels The decrease in density can be accomplished only if
and Rearrangements the growing cluster develops holes or voids of ever-
increasing size as the cluster grows. This is the mean-
Fractal aggregation theories have been applied to the ing of scale invariance. When such a cluster grows to
flocculation of casein particles by Bremer and cowork- macroscopic size, it should have macroscopic holes on
ers (Bremer et al., 1989; Bremer, 1992). Aggregates can that length scale. No such holes are seen in particle
be considered fractal if their geometry is scale invariant gels, of which rennet-induced milk gels are our exam-
which implies that their structure is similar when ples. Instead, they appear as a homogeneous, solid-like
viewed over a reasonably large range of length scales or mass. Brown (1987) circumvented this difficulty by
magnifications. The emphasis of the fractal concept is introducing the concept of the fractal blob, suggesting
therefore on structure. It is a mathematical description that clusters grow to a size, Rblob, and these then close-
of the distribution of a particle cluster or network in pack homogeneously to give a uniform volume frac-
space. Various models are then used to predict gel or tion defined by that of the blob at that point. The
cluster properties based on that structural organization. picture of the network is then similar to that depicted
The number of particles in an aggregate or cluster in Fig. 4b, and at the gel point the volume fraction
(Np) is given by: achieved is again that originally in the suspension, 0.
With all of the particles (micelles) already bonded

冢 Ra 冣
into the network at the gel point, the only way in
Np  (19)
which gel firmness can grow with time thereafter is
Rennet-induced Coagulation of Milk 63

through rearrangements of the bonds already in the With this background, Mellema (2000) went on to
structure, a phenomenon referred to as ageing by consider four levels of rearrangement in rennet-
Mellema et al. (2002). Various models have been elab- induced gels, operating on different length scales.
orated relating the elastic modulus of the gel to the These were intra-micellar rearrangement, individual
volume fraction through a power-law equation, with micelle shifts, strand rearrangements and in the
the exponent of this equation written as a simple func- whole gel (syneresis), the latter as a result (mainly)
tion of the fractal dimension and other possible of the previous three categories listed. These possibil-
parameters (Bremer, 1992). Such models allow the ities are depicted in Fig. 6. Applying this picture to
stress-carrying strands to be straight or curved. Fur- the cure curves, Mellema (2000) accommodated
ther, in the models of Shih et al. (1990), the elasticity increases in elastic modulus with time by postulating
of the gels may be determined by the elasticity of the changes in the parameter , as the gel aged. This
flocs or blobs (strong links between blobs) or domin- necessitated assuming that the fractal dimension, Df,
ated by the elastic content of the inter-floc links was constant throughout, or that its variation with
(weak-link regime). It perhaps should be mentioned time was measured independently in separate experi-
here that Shih et al. (1990) categorically state that ments (Mellema et al., 2000). Gel cure was therefore
their models apply well above the gelation threshold. interpreted as arising from changes in strand thick-
This creates a total of four possible expressions for the ness, strand conformation and number of linkages
exponent, yet the experimentally observed power-law depending on how was modified but no kinetic
dependence of G on volume fraction gives a single mechanism was derived to predict the dynamics of
value. In some instances, model candidates can be these changes and directly test the speculations, no
eliminated because they yield unphysical values for matter how reasonable.
the fractal dimension. In others, no choice can be
selected without other independent information. In a
summarizing expression, Mellema (2000) has written Milk Processing and Gel Formation
the exponent as: Rennet clotting activity as influenced by milk

 where 2 1 (22) Milk coagulation by rennet can be influenced by a

3 Df number of processing treatments applied to the milk
(Harboe and Budtz, 1999). The gel formation charac-
 is the number of junctions or links per strand (0, 1 teristics of high-pressure and heat-treated milks for
or 2), and the value of is set by the dominant type of cheesemaking have been studied extensively in recent
macroscopic deformation: bending (  1) or stretch- years. Interest in these areas will be sustained as both
ing (  0). treatments can be used to maximize cheese yield.

Figure 6 Diagrams of the various pathways open in rearrangements of the network. These can occur on several length-scales, at
internal micellar links where the individual proteins rearrange themselves and allow more and more links to be formed between the
original particles, along the chains where particles can detach and reattach forming new links (centre drawing) and the detachment
of chains either at one or both ends leaving them to find a new home elsewhere on the network. All three processes contribute to
macroscopic syneresis of the maturing curd (adapted from Mellema et al., 2002).
64 Rennet-induced Coagulation of Milk

High pressure
The reduced release of CMP during the primary
High pressure treatment influences the coagulation and phase for samples treated at 400 MPa or at 300 MPa
cheesemaking properties of milk indirectly through at 40 °C has been associated with the interaction of
a number of effects on milk proteins, including a high-pressure-denatured -lactoglobulin with glyco-
reduction in the size of casein micelles, denaturation sylated -casein, which would hinder the action of
of -lactoglobulin and possible interaction of - chymosin on -casein (Lopez-Fandino et al., 1997;
lactoglobulin with micellar -casein (Trujillo et al., Lopez-Fandino and Olano, 1998). Blocking agents
2000, 2002; O’Reilly et al., 2001; Huppertz et al., 2002). have been used to show that high pressure effects
Gel firmness and cheese yield can be improved by high- observed on RCT are associated with sulphydryl inter-
pressure treatment of milk through an increased recov- actions which cause the -lactoglobulin to bind to the
ery of whey proteins and increased moisture content. surface of micelles via interaction with -casein (Needs
Treatment of milk at pressures of up to 200 MPa for et al., 2000). However, Needs et al. (2000) reported
30 min reduces the RCT while higher pressures, up to that the release of glycosylated CMP was unaffected by
600 MPa, result in RCT values similar to those of high-pressure treatment, and only the second phase of
untreated milk (Lopez-Fandino et al., 1996, 1997; rennet coagulation (rate of micelle aggregation) was
Needs et al., 2000). Changes in RCT observed are affected. Rates of aggregation and gel formation of
associated with changes in both the enzymatic primary milk treated at 200 MPa were considerably higher than
phase of coagulation and the secondary phase of for untreated milk, but these rates decreased at higher
aggregation. These changes would be expected to be pressures. Samples treated at 400 or 600 MPa pro-
associated with changes in micelle size resulting from duced higher gel strengths than samples treated at 200
high-pressure treatment. MPa or untreated samples. The authors concluded that
The average casein micelle size is unchanged in two opposing mechanisms operate to control the rate
reconstituted skim milk treated at pressures of of aggregation – there was a direct effect of pressure on
150–250 MPa (Desobry-Banon et al., 1994; Gaucheron the properties of the micelles, which resulted in their
et al., 1997), although one report (Needs et al., 2000) rapid aggregation (following the hydrolysis of -casein),
suggests a small increase of 9% in micelle size in raw while increasing -lactoglobulin denaturation reduced
skim milk using a pressure of 200 MPa. At pressures the rate of aggregation. Coagulation time was not
between 250 and 600 MPa, micelle size is reduced by related to the degree of -casein hydrolysis, which sug-
40–50% in reconstituted skim milk (Desobry-Banon gested that pressure favoured the aggregation stage.
et al., 1994) or raw skim milk (Needs et al., 2000).
The effect of pressure treatment on micelle size in
Heat treatment
reconstituted skim milk is temperature-dependent
(Gaucheron et al., 1997). Pressure treatment of milk at Heat treatment of milk results in a number of changes
4 °C reduced micelle size, at 20 °C resulted in no in physico-chemical properties. These include the
change and at 40 °C causes an increase in micelle size denaturation of whey proteins, the interactions between
which may be associated with interactions between the denatured whey proteins and the casein micelles
fragments of casein micelles and denatured whey pro- and the conversion of soluble calcium to the colloidal
teins (Buchheim et al., 1996). Transfer of individual state. High heat treatment of milk for cheesemaking
caseins from the colloidal to the soluble phase has provides a potential route for maximizing cheese yield
been observed at pressures of 100–400 Mpa (Law by the inclusion of whey proteins in curd (Singh
et al., 1998; Lopez-Fandino et al., 1998). and Waungana, 2001). However, milk which has been
Treatment of raw milk at a pressure of up to 200 heated at a temperature in excess of pasteurization
MPa for 30 min reduced the RCT, while further has poor renneting and gel formation characteristics
increases in pressures up to 400 MPa resulted in RCT (Morrissey, 1969; Dalgleish, 1992), and a number of
values close to those for untreated milk (Lopez- studies have explored the extent to which the primary
Fandino et al., 1996, 1997; Needs et al., 2000). The enzymatic and the secondary phases of aggregation are
RCT of pressure-treated milk is affected by both the influenced by heat treatment (Van Hooydonk et al.,
temperature of treatment and the pH of the milk. Treat- 1987; Dalgleish, 1990; Leaver et al., 1995; Waungana
ment at 200 MPa at 60 °C or 300 MPa at 50 °C et al., 1996).
inhibits the rennet coagulation of milk (Lopez-Fandino Thermal denaturation of -lactoglobulin is known
and Olano, 1998). Acidification of milk to pH 5.5 prior to affect the cheesemaking properties of milk. It has
to high pressure treatment reduced its RCT whereas been claimed that heating milk affects the clotting
increasing pH to 7.0 had the opposite effect (Arias process by slowing or inhibiting the primary phase of
et al., 2000). rennet action as -casein--lactoglobulin cross-linking
Rennet-induced Coagulation of Milk 65

reduces the susceptibility of -casein to hydrolysis by follow the mobility of particles through the gel point
chymosin (Van Hooydonk et al., 1987; Leaver et al., as they are confined and incorporated into a gel net-
1995). The decrease in the rate of gel formation and work. This will perhaps settle the question as to whether
final gel firmness in heated milks can also be attrib- gel cure is the result of the firming up of a percolated
uted to the association of whey protein aggregates initial structure for the gel as sol material is included
with casein micelle surfaces through the formation of into the network or whether the rearrangement process
a -Lg–-casein complex which may protrude from dominates beyond the gel point, as the fractal models
the micelle surface (Singh and Waungana, 2001). This demand.
association would affect the close approach of the The fractal picture is important, however, because
reactive sites formed on the micelles by the action of it forces us to confront the role of rearrangement in
rennet. Following the hydrolysis of -casein to para- determining gel firmness, particularly the shifts in
-casein, aggregation would occur mostly between bonding within the micelle, which we would argue
micelles not fully covered with -Lg, resulting in the for- should be considered within the context of the dual-
mation of fewer bridges with fewer and weaker bonds. binding model of the micelle described earlier.
The severity of heat treatment will determine the Whilst the majority of model studies of rennet-
extent of inhibition of either the primary enzymatic induced gelation have been carried out (fortuitously)
phase or the secondary aggregation phase (Singh and at high pH where micellar integrity seems assured,
Waungana, 2001). many cheesemaking procedures involve a lowering
The rennet coagulation properties of heated milk of the pH by straightforward adjustment or by fer-
can be partially restored either by (i) acidification of mentative growth of starter cultures. Lowering the
heated milks to pH values below 6.2, (ii) acidification pH leads to a solubilization of calcium phosphate, a
of heated milk to low pH values (⬃5.5) followed by consequent decrease in the number of bonds pre-
reneutralization to 6.7, which is termed pH cycling or serving micellar integrity and an increased propen-
(iii) heating at elevated pH combined with pH cycling sity for rearrangements of protein molecules within
and CaCl2 addition (see Singh and Waungana, 2001, and between aggregated micelles. Horne (2001,
for a review). 2003) has demonstrated the influence of such break-
Acidification or pH cycling has been used in the down in micellar integrity in the context of gel
manufacture of Cheddar cheese from severely heated development in studies of model yoghurt systems.
milks (Banks et al., 1987, 1993; Banks, 1988; Imafidon The rate at which such processes occur will impact
and Farkye, 1993). Improvements in cheese yield of on the rate of increase of the elastic modulus of the
up to 4.0% on a dry solids basis were achieved (Banks gel with time but this aspect is yet to be considered
et al., 1993). in the context of the dynamics of rennet-induced gel
development. Further work in this area is required
to assess that impact, perhaps by looking for devia-
tions in the scaling behaviour as the gel cures, perhaps
by including terms in the Carlson (1987a,b) model to
Despite intensive research effort, now spanning many accommodate reversibility in the removal of activated
decades, there is still no definitive overall description micelles, or perhaps by considering altogether new
of the kinetics of gel formation which would allow models for the network structure and the manner in
prediction of the cutting time from a knowledge of which the elastic modulus is related to that structure.
milk composition and treatment. Even now, we are
perhaps only realizing that we can treat the reaction
as a continuum and that we have largely forgotten
that it was mainly the constraints of earlier theories Aoki, T., Toyooka, K. and Kako, Y. (1985). Role of phosphate
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and confined studies to particular stages of aggrega- Sci. 68, 1624–1629.
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have the instrumentation to directly measure cure of pH on the effects of high pressure on milk proteins.
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The Syneresis of
Rennet-coagulated Curd
P. Dejmek, Department of Food Engineering, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
P. Walstra, Department of Agrotechnology and Food Sciences, Wageningen University,
Wageningen, The Netherlands

Introduction (Note: throughout this chapter we will use the word

‘moisture’ for any liquid that may move through curd
Gels formed from milk by renneting or acidification
or cheese; it is thus generally an aqueous solution and
under quiescent conditions may subsequently show
not just water).
syneresis, i.e., expel liquid (whey), because the gel
Thus, the importance of syneresis is obvious.
(curd) contracts. Under quiescent conditions, a rennet-
Accordingly, numerous research reports have been
induced milk gel may lose two-thirds of its volume,
published, providing many important data on the
and up to 90%, or even more, if external pressure is
influence of various factors on the rate, and sometimes
applied. Often, syneresis is undesired, e.g., during stor-
on the end-point, of syneresis. However, the results
age of products like yoghurt, sour cream, cream cheese
vary considerably according to the conditions during
or quark; hence, it is useful to know under what condi-
the test method employed and are difficult to inter-
tions syneresis can be (largely) prevented. In making
pret. Grounds to a deeper understanding of syneresis
cheese from renneted or acidified milk, syneresis is an
were laid in the late 1980s and early 1990s (van Dijk,
essential step. Consequently, it is useful to understand
1982; van den Bijgaart, 1988; Akkerman, 1992; Walstra
and quantitatively describe syneresis as a function of
et al., 1985). Recent overviews were given by van Vliet
milk properties and process conditions, particularly
and Walstra (1994) and Lucey (2001).
when new methods or process steps are introduced in
cheesemaking. This concerns several aspects:
Gel Formation and Properties
• regulation of the water content of the cheese implies
controlling syneresis; The casein micelle
• the rate of syneresis affects the method of process-
As shown in ‘Rennet-induced Coagulation of Milk’, the
ing, and thereby the equipment and time needed,
caseins of milk occur under physiological conditions as
and the losses of fat and protein in the whey;
large polydisperse aggregates, i.e., casein micelles, up to
• rate of syneresis in relation to other changes (e.g.,
0.5 m. Details of the internal structure of the micelles
acidification, proteolysis, inactivation of rennet
are still being discussed, but there is little doubt that
enzymes) affects cheese composition and properties;
the existence of this aggregated state is dependent on
• the way in which syneresis of curd grains proceeds
hydrophobic interactions and on calcium phosphate
may affect the propensity of the grains to fuse into a
nanoclusters connected to the phosphoserines of the
continuous mass during shaping and/or pressing;
individual casein molecules. The solution stability of
• differences in syneresis throughout a mass of curd
the micelles is dependent on the presence of charged
cause differences in the composition of the cheese
groups and steric stabilization (Walstra, 1990). Both of
between loaves of one batch and between sites in
these can be manipulated in dairy processing with the
one loaf;
aim of destabilizing the micelles and promoting further
• after a cheese loaf has been formed, it may still
aggregation of the caseins. The aggregation may lead to
show syneresis and hence loss of moisture.
a gel and then to gel shrinkage, syneresis.
Most of the -casein of the micelles is at the surface
and the strongly hydrophilic C-terminal part of these
(based on Chapter 5 in the 2nd edition of ‘Cheese: Chem- molecules apparently sticks out from the micelle surface as
istry, Physics and Microbiology’, P.F. Fox, ed., Chapman & a flexible chain that perpetually changes its conform-
Hall, London 1993, by P. Walstra, revised and updated by ation by Brownian motion (Walstra and Jenness, 1984),
P. Dejmek). thereby causing steric repulsion, though only a third of
Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, Third edition – Volume 1: General Aspects Copyright © 2004 Elsevier Ltd
ISBN: 0-1226-3652-X All rights reserved
Set ISBN: 0-1226-3651-1
72 The Syneresis of Rennet-coagulated Curd

the surface appears to be covered by -casein (Dalgleish, 40

1998). The micelles are thus said to be ‘hairy’. They also
% Ca
have a negative charge, causing electrostatic repulsion Pin
between them. Steric and electrostatic repulsion provide 20
complete stability of the micelles against aggregation 30 °C
under physiological conditions.
There are multiple dynamic equilibria between 0
caseins, and different forms of calcium and phosphate in
–ζ (mV)
the micelles and in the solution. The micelles may
change considerably due to changes in their environ- 10
ment. At low temperatures, a part of the casein, espe- 20 °C
cially -casein, goes into solution and additional ‘hairs’
of partly protruding -casein molecules are presumably 0
formed. A small part of the micellar calcium phosphate
500 20 °C
also goes into solution. The micelles attain a higher
G ′ (Pa)
voluminosity (i.e., they swell). These changes are
reversible, although it is not quite certain that the
micelles regain exactly their native structure after cool-
ing and rewarming. At high temperatures, the amount of 0
micellar calcium phosphate increases somewhat. At tem-
peratures high enough for serum proteins to denature, 0.4
tan δ
association of denatured serum proteins with the
0.2 20 °C
micelles occurs, to an extent greatly dependent on pH –
the lower the pH, the stronger the association.
Lowering the pH causes considerable change. Some
4.5 5.5 6.5
trends are illustrated in Fig. 1; in as far as it concerns
properties of a rennet gel, these are discussed later. The
main change is that micellar calcium and phosphate go Figure 1 The proportion of calcium (Ca) and inorganic phos-
into solution, thereby loosening the bonds keeping the phate (Pin) and the electro-kinetic potential () of casein micelles,
micelles together. This leads to dissolution of casein, as well as the dynamic shear modulus (G , frequency 1 s 1) and
the loss tangent (tan , frequency 0.01 s 1) of rennet-induced
especially at low temperature. At still lower pH, electro-
skim milk gels, as a function of pH (from Walstra, 1990).
static bonds between positive and negative groups on
the caseins keep the micelles together, and at the isoelec-
tric pH, these bonds are quite strong, again. In fact, the macropeptides (the C-terminal region), thereby largely
casein particles at this pH are very different from the removing the hairs and greatly reducing steric and
micelles at physiological conditions, although their size electrostatic repulsion. The micelles can now approach
distribution has not changed greatly (Roefs et al., 1985). one another closely and it is observed that they
It should also be noted that a lower pH in milk leads to a flocculate, i.e., remain close together. The kinetics
higher calcium ion activity, which also lowers the nega- of renneting is intricate since two reactions are
tive charge on the micelles. Starting at about pH 5 involved. The enzymic reaction is essentially first order
(Vasbinder et al., 2001) and at not too low a tempera- and the flocculation can be described, in principle, by
ture, the casein particles begin to aggregate; electrostatic Smoluchowski kinetics (van Hooydonk and Walstra,
repulsion is now absent and the -casein hairs, which 1987). The caseinomacropeptide segments are removed
provide steric repulsion, are also lost (they are presum- from the micelles one by one (a micelle contains in the
ably ‘curled up’). Addition of calcium at a constant pH to order of 1000 -casein molecules, and the number of
milk reduces the negative charge on the micelles and micelles is roughly 100 times the number of chymosin
increases the amount of micellar phosphate. This molecules normally added to cheese milk). Conse-
reduces the stability of the micelles and high levels of quently, the reactivity of the micelles, i.e., the prob-
added calcium cause their aggregation. ability that micelles which encounter each other will
become flocculated, at first remains low but strongly
increases as a greater proportion of the -casein has
During the renneting of milk, the proteolytic enzymes been hydrolysed (see also Fig. 2). The reactivity is
in the rennet (mainly chymosin) hydrolyse the -casein roughly an inverse exponential function of the con-
molecules to para--casein and soluble caseino- centration of unhydrolysed -casein molecules on the
The Syneresis of Rennet-coagulated Curd 73

100 somewhat thread-like; these grow to form large tenu-

ous flocs, until they start to touch and form a continu-
ous network (Mulder et al., 1966; Henstra and
Schmidt, 1970; Walstra et al., 1985). Electron
50 microscopy reveals (e.g., Kalab and Harwalkar, 1973;
Knoop and Peters, 1975a; Green et al., 1978) that the
network can be described as consisting of strands of
micelles, 1–4 micelles thick and some 10 micelles
long, alternated by thicker nodes of micelles and leav-
0 20 40 ing openings up to 10 m in diameter.
Time (min)
The essential requirement for gel formation is of
course a thermodynamic instability of the system, i.e.,
Figure 2 Approximate example of the changes that occur in an attraction between the particles high enough (rela-
milk after adding rennet. Degree of hydrolysis of -casein (S ), tive to thermal energy) to bring about the formation of
aggregation of para-casein micelles as measured by viscosity
(V ) and shear modulus (G) of the gel formed as a percentage of
a condensed phase at the existing particle volume frac-
the values after 40 min, as a function of time. tion. Gels are typically formed in systems where the
range of the interparticle attraction is short compared
micelles. As long as less than about 70% is hydrolysed, to particle size. In addition to short range, the attrac-
the flocculation rate is virtual1y zero, at least at tion needs to be sufficiently strong. A weak attraction
physiological pH and 30 °C. If the pH is lowered, the allows the particles to asociate and dissociate until
enzymic reaction becomes much faster and, moreover, they find a position binding with many neighbours,
flocculation starts at a lower proportion of hydrolysed and thus form a compact aggregate. When the attrac-
-casein molecules (van Hooydonk et al., 1986). It tion is sufficiently large, particles will stick at first con-
appears that at low pH, the chymosin becomes tact, and a ramified structure may span the entire
adsorbed onto the micel1es and this causes the hydro- system, provided that the kinetics of aggregation is
lysis of the -casein to be not quite random any more. faster than the sedimentation of the aggregates formed.
Presumably, a chymosin molecule now often makes a The topology of the resulting network can readily
‘bare’ patch on the micelle before becoming desorbed be described by the theory of ‘fractal’ aggregation
and diffusing away, to find another (or possibly the (Family and Landau, 1984; Meakin, 1988). For parti-
same) micel1e on which to act. At such a bare spot, cle gel formation, the fractal mechanism was pointed
the micel1e is reactive. This implies that at a lower pH, out in a qualitative sense by Walstra et al. (1985) and
flocculation starts at a stage where less -casein has quantitatively applied to the flocculation of casein par-
been hydrolysed. The reactivity of ful1y renneted ticles by Bremer and coworkers (Bremer et al., 1989,
micel1es, i.e., those that are ful1y converted into para- 1990; Walstra et al., 1990; Bremer, 1992). The current
casein micel1es, depends little on pH, increases with view of fractal particle gels in foods was summarized
Ca2 concentration, decreases with increasing ionic by Walstra (2000).
strength (NaCl) and increases markedly with tempera- Assuming random aggregation of particles and of
ture, especial1y from 15 to 30 °C (Dalgleish, 1983). aggregates already formed (called cluster–cluster
Above 50 °C, the flocculation rate becomes almost aggregation), computer simulations show the aggre-
independent of temperature, being roughly equal to gates formed to be stochastic fractals, i.e., structures
that predicted by Smoluchowski’s equation for diffu- that are on average scale-invariant at scales larger than
sion-controlled coagulation (Dalgleish, 1983). The that of the primary particles (radius a). The number of
temperature dependence is often taken as indicative of particles in an aggregate or floc is given by:
hydrophobic interactions being responsible for the

冢 Ra 冣
reaction between the para-casein micelles (Dalgleish, D
Na  (1)
1983). An alternative explanation is that with decreas-
ing temperature only the activation free energy for
flocculation increases, presumably because of protru- where R is the radius of the floc and D the fractal
sion of -casein chains. dimensionality, which is always smaller than three.
This implies that the floc becomes ever more tenuous
Gel formation
as it becomes larger; computer simulations show rare-
After a while, flocculation leads to the formation of a fied structures, consisting mainly of long irregular
gel (see Fig. 2). Microscopically, one can observe that strands of particles, which are in most places only one
aggregates are formed, at first irregular, but often particle thick. Equation (1) has been shown to hold
74 The Syneresis of Rennet-coagulated Curd

remarkably well over a wide range of R and under about three particles rather than one (Meakin, 1988).
many conditions, both in simulations and experi- This is in agreement with microscopical observations
ments; colloidal interaction forces and geometrical on casein gels (Bremer, 1992). Such a rearrangement
constraints determine the value of D. The number of does not detract from the initial fractal nature of the
particles that could be present in a floc if the particles flocs or the gel formed from the flocs.
were closely packed, obviously is: Brownian dynamics is a tool which has been used to
probe theoretically how different choices of interaction

冢 Ra 冣
3 potentials can affect the properties of the gel network
Na  (2) (Bijsterbosch et al., 1995; Bos and van Opheusden,
1996; Mellema et al., 1999; Dickinson, 2000; Rzepiela
This implies that the average volume fraction of parti- et al., 2001). The findings modulate the simple irre-
cles in a floc is given by: versible fractal description; the low cut-off of the fractal
regime, i.e., the size of the building block typically
increases in time, and the fractal dimension may
冢 Ra 冣
NP D 3
floc   (3) depend on both the interactions and the volume frac-
Na tion. For low-capture efficiency, the fractal dimensional-
ity tends to 2.35 (Walstra, 2000; Mellema et al., 2002b).
The average volume fraction of the flocs thus For real casein gels, volume fractal dimensions have
decreases during flocculation, and when it has reached been determined experimentally by a variety of meth-
the volume fraction of particles in the system,  (for ods, including wavelength dependence of turbidity,
para-casein micelles at 30 °C, about 0.09), the flocs fill angle dependence of light scattering and analysis of
the total space available and a gel has formed. It also electron or confocal microscopy images. The values
follows that the average radius of the flocs at the most commonly found are D  2.2 2.4 (Bremer et al.,
moment of gelation is given by: 1989, 1990; de Kruif et al., 1995; Mellema et al., 2000).
The experimental values of D obtained are, however,
Rgel  a1/(D 3) (4) much dependent on the evaluation procedure (Mellema
et al., 2000) and the assumptions involved in interpre-
In the above derivation, it has been implicitly assumed tation of the experimental data (Bushell et al., 2002).
that flocculation proceeds undisturbed. But if the liq- Worning et al. (1998) questioned the validity of the
uid is stirred during flocculation, gel formation may be turbidity approach, and the same group found by light
hindered. Another disturbance may be appreciable scattering, D  2 (Lehner et al., 1999).
sedimentation of the flocs occurring before a gel can Assuming the radius of para-casein micelles to be
be formed. The casein micelles in milk are small 55 nm and their volume fraction in milk to be 0.09, it
enough, and differ little enough in density from the is calculated that the average radius of the flocs at the
milk serum, for sedimentation to be negligible. It may onset of gelation is about 2.5 m and that these flocs
thus be assumed that under normal renneting condi- contain several thousand para-casein micelles. There
tions, gel formation occurs unhindered. is, however, considerable spread in these values within
If equal-sized spherical particles flocculate in one gel, and the gel is thus fairly inhomogeneous (see
Brownian motion and if each encounter leads to last- Fig. 3). The average pore size in the gel is of the order
ing contact (so-called diffusion-limited cluster–clus- of Rgel but some pores are larger. Average pore size is
ter aggregation), the fractal dimensionality turns out related to the permeability, B, in the equation of Darcy:
to be about 1.8. Several deviations from this simplest
model, for instance a situation (as during renneting)
in which only a certain small proportion of the v 冢 B 冣p (5)
encounters of particles leads to their lasting contact
(so-called chemically limited aggregation), or which relates the superficial velocity, v, of a liquid of
rearrangements occurring in the floc structure, lead viscosity, , flowing through the gel due to a pressure
to higher D values. Moreover, during gel formation, gradient p. The permeability of a ‘fractal’ gel is, under
the flocs interpenetrate to some extent and this also some assumptions, given by:
causes a higher dimensionality. One type of change
that certainly does occur in the flocs is a rearrange- B  const. a22/(D 3) (6)
ment of just-flocculated particles in such a way that
each particle will touch more than two other parti- The constant is not easily calculated; it is much smaller
cles; this leads, in principle, to strands of thickness of than unity. For D  2.3, the power of  is about 2.9
The Syneresis of Rennet-coagulated Curd 75

Figure 3 Optical sections, made by confocal scanning laser microscopy in fluorescent mode, of rennet-induced skim milk gels,
aged for 1 h (top) or 18 h at 30 °C. The bars indicate 10 m (from Bremer, 1992).

(in agreement with experiments), which implies that globules (average diameter – about 3.4 m; number of
the permeability of the gel depends strongly on the globules larger than 1 m – 3.1015 m 3; Walstra and
initial  and thus on casein concentration. A similar Jenness, 1984). Nevertheless, the pore size distribu-
strong dependence on  holds for some other tion in the gel is, of course, somewhat influenced by
properties and for the size of the flocs at the onset of the presence of the fat globules, and most fat globules
flocculation. are entrapped in the gel.
Above, it has been tacitly assumed that skim milk is
renneted. In the presence of fat globules, flocculation
Rheological characteristics
and gel formation proceed somewhat differently, but
not greatly. The pores in the gel of para-casein micelles The discussion will be based mainly on the extensive
are roughly large enough (about 4 m) and sufficient results of Zoon et al. (1988a,c, 1989a,b). A convenient
in number (about 2.1016 m 3) to accommodate the fat and easily observed characteristic of a gel is its small
76 The Syneresis of Rennet-coagulated Curd

deformation modulus, i.e., the ratio of the applied due to two phenomena. One is that additional junc-
stress over the resulting strain (relative deformation). tions are formed between casein particles, partly
Mostly, the dynamic shear modulus, G, is determined because there are strands of particles that are attached
(which implies that the deformation type is simple to the gel at only one end, partly because additional
shear) as a function of the frequency of deformation, . casein particles and small clusters thereof become
Most gels are visco-elastic materials and these are char- incorporated into the gel. The latter situation will
acterized by two parameters. The storage modulus, G , always occur to some extent during the formation of a
is a measure of the true elastic property of the gel, the particulate gel, but more strongly during normal ren-
loss modulus, G, of the viscous property; G/ can be neting, since at the moment of gel formation not all
seen as a viscosity. We further have G2  G 2  G2. In casein micelles have been fully transformed into para-
these dynamic measurements, the material is brought casein micelles. However, only a negligible amount of
under an oscillating small strain, and G and G can be free casein was found in the whey from a rennet milk
determined separately, each as a function of ; the gel quite early in the renneting process, at G less than
timescale of the deformation is about  1. Values of G 10% of its ultimate value (Mellema et al., 2002b), and
are shown in Fig. 1. The moduli were observed to similar values were found in simulations (Mellema
depend generally on  and to increase steeply with , et al., 1999).
in agreement with the theory of fractal gels (Bremer The other phenomenon is illustrated in Fig. 4,
et al., 1990; Bremer and van Vliet, 1991). The model which is derived from electron microscopical studies
predictions linking fractal dimensionality to rheological (Knoop and Peters, 1975b). Any ‘junction’, by which
properties need to take into account the topology and is meant a contact region between two original
the connectivity of the network, information which is micelles, must contain several bonds, and the number
not contained in the fractal dimensionality (Roberts of bonds per junction increases on ageing. One may
and Knackstedt, 1996; Mellema et al., 2002a). say that the micelles more or less fuse, and after some
An important parameter is the loss tangent (tan   hours the original particles making up the gel can no
G/G ), as it is a measure of the preponderance of vis- longer be distinguished. If no starter is added and the
cous (or liquid-like) or over-elastic (or solid-like) proteolytic enzymes of milk have been inactivated,
properties of the gel. It is related to the relaxation of the increase in modulus continues for about 24 h
bonds in the gel during its deformation, and therefore (Zoon et al., 1988a). The lower the temperature, the
it mostly increases with increasing timescale (decreas- slower and the longer-lasting is the increase in modu-
ing oscillation frequency); this is because, in general, a lus. As mentioned, the increase in the number of
greater proportion of the bonds that are under stress bonds does not lead to a significant change in the loss
can relax when the timescale is longer. For rennet milk tangent.
gels at physiological pH and 30 °C, tan   0.45 0.6 For deformations (in shear) larger than about 3%,
at   10 3 s 1, i.e., under conditions relevant for the rheological behaviour of developed rennet milk gels
syneresis. This implies that a rennet milk gel has a sig- becomes non-linear; during the early stages of gel devel-
nificant viscous component in its rheological behav- opment, the linear range is wider. In curd-making prac-
iour. In accordance with this, it is observed that its tice, the stresses applied are often too large for linear
relaxation time, i.e., the time needed for the stress to behaviour. Figure 5 shows what happens when a rela-
decrease to 1/e of its initial value if a certain small tively large stress is applied (Zoon et al., 1989b). After
deformation is applied to the material, is of the order the instantaneous (elastic) response, the deformation
of only 1 min. The loss tangent does not depend on soon becomes virtually viscous, i.e., d/dt is constant.
casein concentration and is virtually independent of After some, often fairly long, time, the deformation rate
the age of the gel once formed. increases and eventually becomes infinite – the gel frac-
The modulus of the gel strongly increases after it is tures. Fracture does not mean falling into pieces, but
formed (see Fig. 2). Potentially, the increase could be rupture of the gel matrix only – the cleft formed fills

a b c d

Figure 4 Schematic picture of the change in conformation of flocculated para-casein micelles during ageing of the gel (from
Walstra and van Vliet, 1986).
The Syneresis of Rennet-coagulated Curd 77

238 Pa

Deformation (γ)
68 Pa

35 Pa

0 100 200 300
Time (s)

Figure 5 Deformation in shear () of a gel of renneted skim milk as a function of time, applying a constant stress. Temperature:
30 °C, pH: 6.65, gel aged for 3.5 h. The stress applied is indicated near the curves. At 35 Pa, fracture occurred after 1350 s (from
results of Zoon et al., 1989b).

with whey immediately. Presumably, local fracture temperature of a formed rennet milk gel generally causes
occurs already at an early stage, as soon as the linear a very brief decrease in modulus, but the latter subse-
deformation range is exceeded; the small cracks formed quently starts to increase to reach a constant higher level
increase slowly in size and number, and coalesce until a after, say, 1 h. At   10 3 s 1, the storage modulus at
fracture plane throughout the whole test piece has 20 °C is about 2.4 times that at 30 °C. From the effect of
formed. This implies that long before macroscopic frac- temperature on the loss tangent it is seen that a rennet
ture, the gel structure has been altered markedly, which milk gel is much more solid-like at lower temperatures;
has been confirmed in loading–unloading experiments similar behaviour could be seen even in a non-renneted,
(Zoon et al., 1989b). Note that the shear at fracture is centrifuged pellet of casein micelles which gels at a low
very large; values between 1 and 5 have been obtained temperature (Horne, 1998).
(van Dijk, 1982; Zoon et al., 1989b), according to con- The permeability tends to be higher at higher tem-
ditions. It is seen (Fig. 5) that a higher stress leads to peratures; this will be considered later. At large
smaller deformation at fracture and to a much shorter deformations, a higher temperature causes a larger
time than needed for fracture to occur. In other words, deformation and a lower stress at fracture. Some
at a shorter timescale, the fracture stress is higher. Like effects of acidity (Zoon et al., 1989a; Roefs et al.,
the modulus, the fracture stress increases with ageing of 1990) are shown in Fig. 1. Again, one should distin-
the gel. The results of experiments at large deformations guish the pH of renneting from that at measurement,
depend on the type of test applied (e.g., creep or since renneting at a lower pH causes faster gelation.
dynamic), but the same trends are observed. Figure 1 gives results obtained several hours after ren-
Attempts to gain insights into the causal relation- neting at the pH values indicated, and it is seen that
ships between the range and the strength of forces the storage modulus at first increases with decreasing
between particles and network flow behaviour are pH, to decrease again at still lower pH values; the loss
being made by simulations (Whittle and Dickinson, tangent continues to increase, until the pH range
1998; Dickinson, 2000; Rzepiela et al., 2002). where a ‘rennet reinforced acidic gel’ (Tranchant et al.,
Temperature has a big effect on gel properties (Zoon 2001) begins to develop. At large deformations, the
et al., 1988b, 1989b). One should, however, distinguish effects of moderate acidity are not great (Zoon et al.,
between temperature of renneting and of measuring rhe- 1989b); the fracture stress is somewhat higher for a
ological properties. If renneting is at a lower tempera- lower pH, if determined at the same timescale.
ture, gel formation is much slower and the modulus of
Acid gels
the gel may consequently be smaller when measured at
the same time, but this is not a true representation of the The casein particles at pH 4.6 are rather different from
effect of temperature on gel properties. Lowering the those at physiological pH, as is illustrated in Fig. 1. They
78 The Syneresis of Rennet-coagulated Curd

are very prone to aggregation (except at low tempera- ‘Formation, Structural Properties and Rheology of Acid-
ture), they contain no undissolved inorganic phosphate coagulated Milk Gels’, Volume 1.
and they have a (presumed) voluminosity at 30 °C of
about 3.4 ml g 1 (leading to   0.08 in skim milk).
Casein particles from strongly heat-treated milk differ Syneresis
significantly in their properties, and due to their associ- Mechanism of syneresis
ated whey proteins may behave as -lactoglobulin during
acidification (Vasbinder et al., 2001) and recently it was Various mechanisms have been held responsible for
recognized that thiol cross-linking occurs in acid gels syneresis (for an early review, see Walstra et al., 1985).
from heat-treated milk (Vasbinder et al., 2003). Unmodi- Summarizing, the following types of mechanism were
fied caseins form a gel at temperatures above about distinguished:
10 °C. Gel properties have been studied extensively • A decrease in solvation or water binding of the
(Roefs and van Vliet, 1990; Roefs et al., 1990a; Lucey material making up the gel. For a particulate gel,
et al., 1997a,b) including those of gels made by the com- this way of explaining syneresis does not appear
bined action of acid and rennet (Roefs et al., 1990b; suitable and there is no indication that an ongoing
Lucey et al., 1998, 2000, 2001; Tranchant et al., 2001) change in solvation is involved.
and gels from transglutaminase-cross-linked micelles • Shrinkage of the building blocks of the gel, i.e., the
(Schorsch et al., 2000). The gels are in many respects para-casein micelles in our case. This may happen
quite comparable to renneted milk gels (Table 1). They when the pH is lowered or the temperature
are also of a fractal nature and have roughly the same increased, but syneresis also occurs under constant
fractal dimensionality and thereby about the same conditions.
dependence of modulus and of permeability on casein • Rearrangement of the network of para-casein
concentration (Bremer et al., 1989, 1990). The absolute micelles. This is the main cause of syneresis.
value of the permeability is also roughly the same, as is
the pore size distribution. The rheological properties are, The para-casein particles in the gel form junctions
however, rather different. They are treated separately in with a limited number (mostly 2–4) of others. (Strictly
speaking, this is not true. As mentioned earlier, there
is a rapid rearrangement into thicker strands, leading
Table 1 Properties of skim milk gels obtained by renneting to a higher coordination number. However, one may
(aged for about 1 h) or by acidification (aged for 6–16 h). Acid use the same arguments by considering the ‘particles’
gels are of type 1 (obtained by cold acidification and subsequent to be aggregates of, on average, three micelles.) How-
warming) or of type 2 (obtained by slow acidification with glucono-
-lactone at 30 °C). Approximate results at 30 °C (from various
ever, the particles are expected to be reactive over their
sources) entire surface (or to contain numerous reactive sites
smeared out over their surface), and in the initial frac-
Acid gel tal network, by far the greater part of the surface of
each particle does not touch (form bonds with)
Property Rennet gel Type 1 Type 2
another one. Rearrangement of the particles into a
pH 6.65 4.6 4.6 more compact network would thus increase the num-
G at   ber of bonds and hence decrease the total free energy
0.01 rad s 1 (Pa) 32 180 20 (the counteracting loss in mixing entropy is very
Tan  at  
small). But the particles cannot easily attain a more
0.01 rad s 1 0.55 0.27 0.27
Fracture compact configuration because they are almost immobil-
stressa (Pa) 10 100 100 ized in the network. In other words, the network has
Fracture to be deformed locally to form new junctions.
straina ( ) 3.0 0.5 1.1 Thermal motion of the strands may occasionally
bring two particles in different strands close to each
B (m2) 0.25 0.15 0.15
Fractal other so that a new junction is formed, especially
dimensionalityb 2.23 2.39 2.36 shortly after renneting. This would lead to the build-up
dB/dt (nm2 s 1) 20 1 – of a tensile stress in at least some of the strands. The
Initial syneresis fusion process illustrated in Fig. 4 may also cause such
ratec 15 1 1
a stress to develop. As a result, strands may occasionally
a Loading time 1000 s.
break, providing a possibility for the formation of more
b From the relation between concentration and B. new junctions, thereby tending to make the network
c Arbitrary units. contract. These events are illustrated in Fig. 6. Even if
The Syneresis of Rennet-coagulated Curd 79

Figure 6 Schematic representation of strands of para-casein micelles forming new cross-links, leading to breaking of one of the
strands (from van Dijk, 1982).

no syneresis would follow, the changes mentioned The framework attempts to unify the description of
would cause the strands of particles to become straight- all phase separation phenomena, including gel form-
ened. This is indeed in agreement with the relation ation. The gel is considered as a possible transient
found between the modulus and the volume fraction of phenomenon on the way to full phase separation or to
particles making up the gel (Bremer et al., 1990). a final arrest of the phase separation process through
The propensity of the strands to break has been glass transition. A general theory of viscoelastic phase
carefully studied by van Vliet et al. (1991). They con- separation has been developed by Tanaka and collabor-
cluded that spontaneous breakage is possible if (1) the ators (recently reviewed by Tanaka, 2000). The theory
bonds in a junction can relax, and (2) the number of proposes the formation of a transient gel as a possibil-
bonds in a junction is not too high. If the first condi- ity in any system in which one of the emerging sepa-
tion is met, this is reflected in the loss tangent being rating phases has dynamics much slower than the
fairly high on the timescale considered; the second is other, covering both polymers and colloidal systems.
met if the strands are (locally) only one-particle thick In this approach, after the initial diffusion-
and the junction zones fairly small (small particles, lit- controlled spinodal decomposition, diffusion is hin-
tle fusion). For normal para-casein micelle gels, the dered by the viscoelasticity, or more specifically the
critical loss tangent appears to be about 0.4, syneresis bulk and the shear moduli of the emerging ‘slow’
being stronger at a higher tan . To say it in other phase. The bulk modulus of the gel phase, which is
words, the activation free energy for the breaking of assumed to include contributions from the excluded
bonds should be fairly low for syneresis to be possible. volume, the network topology and the particle binding
But also the activation free energy for bond formation energy, and which need not necessarily scale the same
should be fairly low, since otherwise no new junctions way as the shear modulus, is also the origin of gel con-
will be formed. traction, i.e., microscopic syneresis. In very late stages
of the process, it becomes once again dominated by
the, by then slow, diffusional processes. In simula-
Attempts to unify the approach to gel formation and tions, the model correctly predicts the morphology of
the resulting gels both in polymers (Araki and Tanaka,
It has been earlier recognized that casein gels are trans- 2001) and in colloids (Tanaka et al., 2003). The tran-
ient networks (Bremer, 1992; Bijsterbosch et al., 1995). sient gel model clearly emphasizes that the apparent
In the last decade, a unified theoretical framework for ‘equilibrium’ properties of the gel are the consequence
the formation of more or less transient particle gels has of a drastic slowing down of an ongoing process and
been proposed (Poon and Haw, 1997; Tanaka, 1999; can thus not be expected to correlate neatly with the
Prasad et al., 2003), not least due to the convenient thermodynamic state variables such as composition,
experimental system of colloid particles in a non- temperature and pH.
interacting polymer solution. In such a system, because There are several attractive features in the viscoelas-
the centre of gravity of the dissolved polymer is steric- tic phase separation model. One is that it offers a
ally excluded from the region close to the particle sur- predictive dynamic model which relates the thermo-
face, i.e., the surface region is depleted of the polymer, dynamic driving force for separation on a molecular
an effective attractive short range potential between the level to the relaxation bulk and the shear moduli of
particles is created. Both the strength of the attraction the gel. Another is that it allows in the same general
(via osmotic pressure of the solution) and its range (via framework modelling of both the early stages of the
the polymer size) can be manipulated easily. aggregation, where the casein micelles can be treated
80 The Syneresis of Rennet-coagulated Curd

as individual colloid particles, and the late stages After the gel has become firmer, it can withstand a
where a fused casein phase may be better modelled as greater disturbance without exhibiting spontaneous
a viscoelastic fluid. syneresis. Usually, it does not show syneresis at the milk
The thermodynamical driving force, the gradient of surface, either. The composition of the milk surface is
free energy of mixing, can be related to independently not known with certainty. It may be lipid-rich or may be
measurable properties of the system. For renneted covered by protein, presumably -casein (Holt and
casein, the attractive energy has been derived from White, 1999), oriented with its hydrophobic chains
measurements of viscosity and light scattering, evalu- towards the air. If this surface layer is bonded to the
ated with the adhesive hard sphere model pioneered in para-casein matrix, the hydrophobic air interface must
the dairy context by de Kruif (de Kruif et al., 1992, be wetted to allow the serum to leave the matrix, and
1995; Mellema et al., 1999) and it should even be thus the matrix to shrink, thus it is essentially the capil-
accessible to direct measurement in AFM (atomic force lary forces that prevent spontaneous syneresis. As soon
microscope). AFM could also give a direct answer to as the gel is cut or the surface (locally) wetted, syneresis
the much-discussed issue of whether a renneted or occurs. This effect permits experimentally starting
acidified casein micelle can be regarded as uniformly syneresis at any desired moment after a gel has formed.
attractive or as possessing ‘hot spots’. These observations imply that in a constrained milk
As mentioned earlier, attempts have been made to gel, no syneresis occurs. However, the processes
relate the rheological properties of the network to depicted in Fig. 6 will nevertheless occur; there is no
observables such as fractal dimensionality. It has reason to suppose they would not. This implies that
become clear that the fractal dimensionality and volume on a local scale, the gel network becomes more dense;
fraction of the gel phase do not completely determine this has been called microsyneresis (van Dijk, 1982;
the rheological properties of the network; further topo- Walstra et al., 1985). At the same time, the network
logical assumptions or facts are needed (Roberts and will become less dense at other sites; these changes are
Knackstedt, 1996; Mellema et al., 2002a,b). Confocal shown in Fig. 3. The surface-weighted average pore
scaning microscopy (CSM) can provide topographical size will thus increase and it is indeed observed that
information which can then be transformed directly the permeability of a constrained gel keeps increasing
into more model-independent rheological properties (see Fig. 7). It may be argued that the rate of change
(Mellema et al., 2000), or, with time resolved CSM it is of the permeability, dB/dt, is a measure of the tendency
possible to evaluate directly the rheological properties of the gel to exhibit syneresis.
of the network based on the observed movement of the Until now, only the inherent or endogenous tendency
network components under thermal (Brownian) excita- of a gel to show syneresis has been considered. Exerting
tion (Dinsmore and Weitz, 2002). a stress on the gel may be expected to speed up greatly
The above-mentioned hopes for more general pre- the expulsion of whey, because of the increased pressure
dictive theories may be overoptimistic (Walstra, 2003); (see equation 7). Moreover, it may enhance syneresis by
gels are not homogeneous and relevant phenomena
occur on many length scales, involving different types
of bonds, and are therefore not easily interpretable by
localized studies such as microscopy, and pose formid-
able problems to Brownian simulations. 1.5 5.35

Syneresis of renneted milk
Under typical cheesemaking conditions, if the gel is
B (μm2)

formed undisturbed and sticks completely to the wall of 5.97

the vessel in which it is formed (e.g., clean glass), it usu-
0.5 6.33
ally shows no apparent syneresis, at least if the vessel is
not too large and has vertical walls, and if the tempera- 6.68
ture is not too high (e.g., 30 °C) (van Dijk, 1982).
Apparently, the gel is now constrained and cannot 0
0 1 2 3
shrink. Spontaneous syneresis is observed if the milk is
renneted in a conical flask; presumably, the gel tears Time (h)
loose from the glass wall by gravity before it is fully set. Figure 7 Permeability, B, of rennet-induced skim milk gels of vari-
Similarly, spontaneous syneresis may occur in a cylindr- ous pH (indicated near the curves) as a function of time after ren-
ical glass if it is tilted slightly for a moment during setting. neting. Temperature 30 °C (from results by van den Bijgaart, 1988).
The Syneresis of Rennet-coagulated Curd 81

bringing strands of the network closer to each other and, In parallel experiments, the permeability, B, and its
perhaps more importantly, it will enhance breaking of change with time, dB/dt, were determined. Unless stated
strands, thereby providing a greater possibility for the otherwise, the results pertain to renneted skim milk.
number of junctions to increase. As was discussed above
in relation to Fig. 5, deformation of the gel also causes Modelling the process
local rupture of the network, thereby increasing its per- The gel can be considered as two inter-penetrating
meability. Indeed, local densification of the structure and continuous spaces, one consisting of the para-casein
the formation of empty holes was predicted in simula- matrix and the other of whey. If there is to be macro-
tions which specifically included imposed deformation scopic syneresis, the para-casein matrix must contract
(Rzepiela et al., 2002). and the whey move in the opposite direction. This rela-
tive movement is accompanied by a friction force,
One-dimensional syneresis at constant conditons proportional to the relative velocity between the
matrix and the whey. This frictional resistance against
In this section, the detailed investigations by van Dijk,
flow can be described by the equation of Darcy (equa-
van den Bijgaart and coworkers (van Dijk, 1982; van
tion 5), which is conveniently written as:
Dijk et al., 1984; van Dijk and Walstra, 1986; van den
Bijgaart, 1988), as complemented by the recent work
by Lodaite (2002), Lodaite et al. (2000, 2002), Unger
Grundelius (2004) and Unger Grundelius et al. (2000), v 冢 B 冣 " 冢 pl 冣 (7)
will be discussed. They studied horizontal slabs of ren-
neted milk, the top of which was moistened at a prede- where v is the relative superficial velocity of the liquid
termined time after renneting, after which syneresis in the direction of l, the distance over which the liquid
was followed by measuring the change in height, h, of has to flow. The pressure causing the syneresis can, in
the slab; whey could flow out only at the top. The milk general, be written as:
was brought to the desired pH and the apparatus was
kept at a constant temperature. Examples of results are
p  ps  pg  pc (7a)
shown in Fig. 8. The diameter of the cylindrical slabs
was much larger than their thickness (mostly 5 mm).
In this way, one-dimensional syneresis under constant which terms are, respectively, the endogenous synere-
conditions could be determined. This is, of course, an sis pressure, the pressure exerted by the network itself
over-simplification of the situation during actual curd- due to gravity and any external pressure applied to the
making, but it allowed precise and unequivocal deter- network. Results for pc  0 will be discussed first;
mination of syneresis under various conditions, note that pg varies from zero at the top of the slab to a
providing insight into the processes occurring, and per- maximum of g h ! at the bottom, e.g., 1 Pa for a 1 cm
mitting the development and the testing of a simple slab (!  density difference between the para-casein
mathematical model. network itself and the interstitial whey).
Attempts to directly measure ps failed; its value was
too small. Only the order of magnitude could be esti-
mated, and it was 1 Pa (van Dijk et al., 1979; van Dijk,
1982). This is a very small pressure – it corresponds to
the pressure exerted by a water ‘column’ of 0.1 mm
and, as seen in Fig. 8, unaided syneresis is indeed very
slow – it takes 7 h at 30 °C for a 6-mm slab to be
h (mm)

reduced to 3 mm. Since equation (7) must hold, and

4 since the rate of syneresis, v, B, l and  can be meas-
ured, it is possible to determine p indirectly and
2 thereby ps, because pg can also be calculated. The cal-
culation is, however, very intricate, because:
0 2 4 6 8 10 ∞ • permeability increases with time (Fig. 7);
Time (h) • permeability becomes smaller because of syneresis;
• most likely, endogenous syneresis pressure also
Figure 8 The height of slabs of renneted skim milk of various
initial height, h, as a function of time after initiation of syneresis. varies with ongoing syneresis;
Temperature 30 °C, pH 6.7. The values at infinite time are from • pressure due to gravity changes as well;
extrapolation of log–log plots (from results by van Dijk, 1982). • the coordinates change with syneresis.
82 The Syneresis of Rennet-coagulated Curd

Consequently, most variables vary with time and a posteriori, however, the prediction power of the model
location. Syneresis will start in the uppermost layer, remained poor.
thereby altering its permeability, etc., and progressively A possible explanation could lie in the fact that
reach deeper layers. A finite difference model was devel- equation (7) is formulated for the liquid space of the
oped (van Dijk et al., 1984), in which the slab was network. This means that the forces needed for the
divided into parallel thin slices, to each of which equa- deformation of the matrix are not considered explicitly.
tion (7) and the equation of continuity were applied to The intrinic syneresis pressure is thus the observable
calculate the outflow of liquid in small time intervals. By difference between the balance of the thermodynamic
inserting various values for ps and comparing the com- forces attempting to reach a new equilibrium, the even-
puted results with the observed h as a function of time, tual external forces and the forces caused by the vis-
the endogenous syneresis pressure could be derived. coelastic properties of the matrix. The magnitude of
By assuming p and B to be constant, which may be the latter depends on the deformation of the matrix,
assumed to be the case at the very beginning of synere- the deformation rate and the deformation history at
sis, an analytical solution can be found (Biot, 1941), each point in time and space. An order of magnitude
which is mathematically equivalent to the solution of estimate can be based on Fig. 10. Some 8 Pa external
the diffusion equation (Tanaka and Fillmore, 1979). pressure doubled the initial rate of syneresis; thus, the
This would imply that h changes proportionally to the viscoelastic resistance of the matrix would seem to be
square root of time and directly yields the initial endoge- almost an order of magnitude larger than the observed
nous syneresis pressure, ps0. This proved not to be the intrinsic syneresis pressure.
case. In careful experiments, an initial proportionality While the derived intrinsic pressure is not easily
with time t, the power of about 3/4 was obtained by van interpreted, one can argue that the same balance of
den Bijgaart (1988) and about 1 by Lodaite et al. (2000). thermodynamic and viscoelastic forces that causes the
The explanation probably is as follows (van den macrosyneresis is also reflected in microsyneresis, and
Bijgaart, 1988) – an implicit assumption in the applica- thus the rate of change of permeability should be a
tion of equation (7) is that the network can without sig- direct index to the intrinsic rate of syneresis.
nificant resistance comply with the outflow of whey. But Even in the measurement of permeability there are
the initial shrinkage rate of the outermost layer would some caveats. While the observed constrained perme-
then be very high (the proportionality with square root ability and its rate of change, measured by the stand-
of time even implies an infinite rate at t  0) and that is ard tube method was found to be independent of curd
clearly not possible. column length and driving pressure difference by van
A significant effort went into the refinement of the Dijk (1982), it was found to depend on both the size
model and the numerical fitting to calculate the intrin- of the tube and the driving pressure difference by
sic syneresis pressure as a function of time and process Unger Grundelius (2004).
conditions, such as in Fig. 9. The observed trends in Some important results are given in Fig. 11. The
the intrinsic pressure could be qualitatively explained variables, temperature and pH, affect dB/dt in a similar
way, in accordance with the ideas outlined above. All
these trends would cause faster syneresis at a higher
temperature and lower pH; this is indeed observed. An
additional complication, which will lead to syneresis
being given an additional dependency on the physical
2 6.33 dimensions of the synerising sample, is that rapid
syneresis also leads to the rapid formation of a highly
ps (Pa)

6.48 shrunken outer layer, which implies that the permeabil-

1 ity of that layer becomes very low and its modulus high,
thereby slowing down further syneresis. The close cor-
relation between B and dB/dt is presumably due to the
latter factor already causing an increase in B before the
0 1 2 gel is firm enough to allow the estimation of B.
Time (h) Temperature has a very large effect – below 20 °C,
endogenous syneresis is virtually zero. The relations for
Figure 9 The endogenous syneresis pressure (ps) of rennet-
the effect of concentrating the milk by ultrafiltration are
induced skim milk gels as a function of the time elapsed after
renneting when syneresis was initiated, at various pH (indicated different. Naturally, B decreases with increasing concen-
near the curves). Temperature, 30 °C. The broken lines are tration, and the network becomes denser. The bonds
assumed (from results by van den Bijgaart, 1988). remain of the same type, however, which is reflected in
The Syneresis of Rennet-coagulated Curd 83

B (μm2)



20 40 5.5 6.5 0 0.1 1 2 3

T (°C) pH CaCl2 (%) UF

Figure 10 Properties of rennet-induced skim milk gels. Permeability (B), rate of change of permeability (dB/dt), and approximate
initial syneresis rate (syn, arbitrary scale) as a function of temperature (T ), pH, added quantity of CaCl2 and preconcentration by
ultrafiltration (UF, degree of concentration) (mostly from results by van Dijk, 1982; van den Bijgaart, 1988).

tan  remaining constant (Zoon et al., 1988a). Never- The effect of adding CaCl2 is somewhat puzzling – B
theless, dB/dt decreases with increasing concentration. and dB/dt are not affected and neither is tan  (Zoon
The overall result is that the rate of syneresis decreases et al., 1988b), whereas syneresis rate increases. It should
with increasing concentration. The relative shrinkage be noticed, however, that the effect of adding CaCl2 is
rate, i.e., relative to one minus the volume fraction of rather variable and that the time elapsed between addition
para-casein particles in the gel, increases somewhat and doing the experiments also affects the results (van
with increasing concentration (van den Bijgaart, 1988). den Bijgaart, 1988). It would require painstaking investi-
It also appears that the rate of syneresis of a gel from gations to settle these fine points. Some other variables
pre-concentrated milk (by UF) is higher than that of a also (slightly) affect endogenous syneresis. The quantity
gel of the same concentration but caused by syneresis; of rennet added has very little effect, provided that the
at least part of the explanation is presumably that in the time elapsed after rennet addition has been sufficient to
latter case, considerable relaxation of the internal ensure almost complete hydrolysis of the -casein.
stresses in the network has occurred, implying a lower Adding NaCl has very little effect, unless a large
syneresis pressure. quantity is added. Comparison of renneted milk with


Initial rate of syneresis


34 °C

20 30 0 2 4 6 8
Temperature (°C) pe/Pa

Figure 11 Effects of temperature and external pressure (pe in Pa, indicated near the curves in the left-hand graph) on syneresis of
renneted skim milk. pH was 6.68 (filled circles) or 6.33 (open circles) (from results by van den Bijgaart, 1988).
84 The Syneresis of Rennet-coagulated Curd

skim milk shows that the presence of fat globules causes equilibrium voluminosity of para-casein micelles as a
a somewhat lower permeability; dB/dt is not affected, function of pH, temperature and salt content; however,
and syneresis is a little slower. As an example, after 5 h a no such work has been reported.
slab had shrunk to 53% of its height, compared to 48%
in the case of skim milk (van den Bijgaart, 1988).
Syneresis during curdmaking
The effect of ethanol, a less-polar solvent than
water, was investigated by Renault et al. (1997). After renneting has led to a gel of sufficient firmness,
Syneresis decreased in the presence of ethanol, which it is usually cut into pieces to promote whey release.
may suggest that para-casein was more strongly sol- For most types of cheese, the mixture of curds and
vated; micellar casein was found to dissociate on heat- whey is then stirred, often, part of the whey is
ing in the presence of ethanol (O’Connell et al., 2001). removed, and it is fairly common to increase the tem-
Experiments on the influence of an external pres- perature of the mixture after some time (scalding or
sure, pe, were performed by placing a porous disc on cooking), all of which are measures aimed at enhanc-
top of the syneresing slab. Some results are shown in ing syneresis. Moreover, during this process of curd-
Fig. 11. It is seen that the effect is considerable and is making, the pH decreases, again enhancing syneresis.
about proportional to the square root of pressure. The An example of the water content of the curd during
effect of external pressure cannot be seen as an ampli- the course of the process is given in Fig. 13. Note how
fication of syneresis – it is about additive to the time, temperature, acidity and pressure affect the
endogenous syneresis. These results are in accordance water content; the effect of pressure is seen when the
with those of model calculations. Figure 11 also sug- curd is taken out of the whey for moulding, by which
gests that in the presence of an external pressure, the action the pressure due to gravity increases by a factor
lowest temperature at which syneresis can occur is of about 30. All these effects are in qualitative agree-
lower, the more so for a higher pressure. Although this ment with the above results.
has not been verified by experiments, the effect must In this section, the effect of several variables under
exist at least to some extent. conditions during actual curdmaking, or conditions
Presumably, syneresis has an endpoint. Eventually, more or less mimicking these, will be considered. This
the system will be close-packed. Such an end-point is because most published experiments were done in
has, however, not been observed. Figure 12 gives such a way, and methods for estimating syneresis will
some results up to 50-h syneresis. It is seen also that be reviewed briefly. Some effects of milk composition
after a long time, the shrinkage is greater for a higher and pre-treatment will also be discussed.
temperature, a lower pH and a higher external pres-
sure. A higher fat content also causes somewhat less
shrinkage after long time. It would be of great import- 90
ance for theory formation to establish the apparent

% Water

T pe
(°C) (Pa)
30 0 6.67
0.2 34 0 6.67

30 8 6.67
0 2 4 6 8
30 8 6.33
0.1 Time (h)
30 62 6.33
Figure 13 Examples of changes in the water content of curd
0 (determined by oven drying) as a function of time after renneting.
0 20 30 40 50 The gel was cut after 0.5 h and the curd and whey mixture was
t (h) stirred continually. At two moments (indicated by arrows), curd
was removed from the whey and put into a cheese mould. Experi-
Figure 12 Effects of temperature (T), external pressure (pe) ments with (filled line) and without (dashed line) adding starter.
and pH on the shrinkage of renneted skim milk. Relative remain- Temperature of the whey was 32 °C throughout, temperature in
ing volume (i ) as a function of time (t) after renneting. Initial slab the mould gradually fell to 20 °C (recalculated from van de
height 5 mm (from results by van den Bijgaart, 1988). Grootevheen and Geurts, 1977; Kwant et al., unpublished).
The Syneresis of Rennet-coagulated Curd 85

It goes without saying that curdmaking is aimed at the curd, but was not further pursued for syneresis
other things besides regulating the rate and the studies.
extent of syneresis. The main aspect is that a higher All these methods can, of course, be executed
moisture content goes along with a higher sugar con- under various conditions that affect syneresis, e.g.,
tent of the curd, which, in turn, leads to a lower pH. temperature, pH and effective pressure, and at various
This can be modified by ‘washing’ the curd. A lower times after renneting or cutting. Most authors have
pH at the moment of separating curds and whey used method 2a, but methods 2b and 3 have also been
causes the cheese to contain less calcium phosphate. fairly popular, especially in experiments involving stir-
Other aspects are the limitation of the loss of curd ring of the curds–whey mixture.
fines, the inclusion and the activity of rennet in the Hardly ever have different methods been com-
cheese and, in some types, the killing of undesired pared on the same curd. Figure 14 gives an example,
micro-organisms (caused by scalding). and it is seen that the difference is considerable. It
may be concluded that absolute values are hard to
Methods for estimating syneresis obtain and that most methods provide only trends.
The ultimate result of syneresis is reflected in the water Even then, one has to be careful, since the method
content of the cheese after pressing. Determining may not be linear. In relation to this, it should be
only this quantity yields, however, little understanding. realized that at the beginning of syneresis a large
It is much more interesting to follow syneresis during amount of whey has to be removed for the moisture
the curdmaking process, but it is not easy to do this content of the curd to become appreciably lower,
unequivocally. The various methods and their pros and whereas at the end of the process the opposite is true
cons have been reviewed extensively (Walstra et al., (see Fig. 15).
1985); only the salient points will be described here. The Rate equations
methods may be classified as follows: As was discussed above, even for a very simple model
for the case of one-dimensional syneresis under constant
1. Measuring the shrinkage of the curd, either the
conditions, solution of equation (7) in conjunction with
height of a slab (as discussed earlier) or the volume
the equation of continuity leads to complicated rela-
or mass of a slab or pieces of curd (in air or in
tions. This will be even more so for the situations con-
whey). These methods are typically applied in labor-
sidered here, where the geometric boundary conditions
atory experiments.
are more complicated and changing, and where the
2. Determining the amount of whey expelled. This
physico-chemical conditions affecting syneresis are not
can be done in two ways:
constant either. Nevertheless, some authors have tried to
a. determination of the volume of whey drained off.
give simple analytical expressions for the process.
The results strongly depend on conditions, espe-
cially the often imprecisely known external pres-
sure. It also may be fairly uncertain how much
interstitial whey is left between the curd grains.
b. determination of the degree of dilution of an 90
added tracer. This method has an inherent uncer-
tainty, in as much as the tracer may adhere onto
Water content (%)

or diffuse into the curd.

3. Determination of the dry matter content of curd
pieces taken out of the whey. The main uncertainty 80
is the unknown quantity of whey adhering to the
curd particles; trying to remove the adhering whey
may introduce the opposite error.
4. Determining the density of the curd grains by putting
them in solutions of various density. This method is
fairly crude, but is hardly biased if carefully executed. 0 20 40 60 80
Time (min)
In addition to the classical methods, the use of
Figure 14 Water content of curd from skim milk renneted and
low-resolution NMR was introduced by Tellier et al.
kept at 31 °C as a function of time after cutting, determined from
(1993). The method showed great promise, as it was the concentration in the whey of added polyvinyl alcohol (filled
able to monitor both the degree of syneresis and give circles) and by oven drying of pieces of curd strained off (open
a quantitative measure of pore size distribution in circles) (from Kwant et al., unpublished).
86 The Syneresis of Rennet-coagulated Curd

1966; Lawrence and Hill, 1974) found that the amount of

80 whey expel1ed (Vo V) from pieces of curd was propor-
tional to t1/2, and concluded that ‘rate of syneresis is sub-
% Water in curd stantially diffusion-controlled’. Such a conclusion had
also been reached for syneresis in cross-linked polymer
40 gels (Beltman, 1975).
The results quoted above are incompatible; for
Kt  1, equations (8–10) predict that (Vo V) is
proportional to t, not t l/2; more generally, different
0 20 60
authors find different relations. The only conclusion
% Whey removed can be that, under constant conditions, the rate of
syneresis ( dV/dt) decreases as syneresis proceeds.
Figure 15 Calculated relation between the water content of This need not always be true for the relative rate of
curd (from whole milk of 12.3% dry matter) and the quantity of syneresis ( d ln V/dt), although this quantity will also
whey (6.8% dry matter) expelled as % (w/w) of the original milk.
eventually approach zero.

Kirchmeier (1972) reported that the change in volume, Effects of curd grain size
V, of a piece of curd is, under ‘constant conditions’, Cutting the renneted milk gel into pieces creates a free
given by: surface through which syneresis can occur. Before cut-
ting, the gel mostly sticks to the wall and its top sur-
V  Vo exp( Kt) (8) face does not show syneresis, unless it is wetted.
Moreover, the distance over which the whey has to
where Vo  original volume, t  time after starting flow through the curd is greatly reduced.
syneresis and K would be a first-order rate constant, Empirically, cutting strongly enhances syneresis.
linearly dependent on temperature. A similar relation, Tests using the standard cheesemaking procedures,
albeit with some ‘extra’ syneresis immediately after where a body of curd is cut into pieces, compress the
cutting, was observed by Marshall (1982). Apart from curd and can thus induce structural changes or even
the lack of theoretical justification for equation (8), it cracks in the gel. They thus do not allow to differenti-
predicts that V approaches zero for very high t, which ate between the effect of size of the curd grains on one
is clearly impossible. Weber (1984), therefore, modi- hand and the cutting-induced effects on the other.
fied equation (8) to: Unger Grundelius et al. (2000) used curd cylinders of
different sizes, produced by rennetting in plastic
V  Vo [0.15  0.85 exp( Kt)] (9) syringes, but even with the best care, initial whey
expulsion could not be avoided.
where it was assumed that the curd eventually shrinks An indication of the effect of grain size is given in
to 0.15 times its original volume (actually, Weber used Fig. 16; the trends agree with the corresponding one-
mass rather than volume). A further modification was dimensional syneresis data. The time for a given (low)
made by Peri et al. (1985) who introduced the final
(relative) volume, Vinf, as a variable and obtained: 10000
Time [s] to 10% (slab) or 20%

pH 6.4
V Vinf  [(Vo Vinf) exp( Kt)] (10)
(grain) shrinkage

pH 6.0
This would be a correct equation for a simple relaxation
process where 1/K is the relaxation time. As we have
seen, syneresis can certainly not be considered such a
process; nevertheless, Peri et al. (1985) found a good
agreement with their results, obtained under a fairly wide
range of conditions. The good fit may have been due to 100
1 10 100
equation (10) containing two adjustable parameters.
Caron et al. (2001) chose yet another asymptotic two- Slab thickness or 1/2 grain size (mm)
parameter fit, of the same form as the Michaelis–Menten
Figure 16 Initial one-dimensional syneresis in curd slabs
equation. Daviau et al. (2000c) used two exponential (lines) and three-dimensional syneresis in curd grains (symbols)
relaxation times, and thus five adjustable parameters. as a function of size (from Unger Grundelius et al., 2000 and
Several workers (Koestler and Petermann, 1936; Stoll, Lodaite et al., 2000).
The Syneresis of Rennet-coagulated Curd 87

level of initial syneresis scaled more or less propor- renneted milk gel causes cracks to be formed in it.
tionally to curd grain size at pH 6.4, but at a power Experiments in which an amount of renneted milk gel
less than one at a lower pH. Small pieces of curd between two concentric cylinders was brought tem-
shrink more than large ones. The latter implies that porarily under shear and the permeability determined
uneven cutting will cause local variations in moisture before and afterwards (van Dijk and Walstra, 1986),
content and acidity in the fresh cheese. yielded the following results. Up to a shear of 0.35, B
had altered little, a shear of about 0.7 caused an
Stirring increase by, on average, 20%, and a larger shear could
Stirring enhances syneresis (see, for example, Fig. 17). cause a much higher permeability. Unger Grundelius
The main factor may be the prevention of sedimenta- (2004) observed enhanced permeability with time at
tion of the curd particles. Although in a sedimented constant pressure 7.5 kPa/m curd height. It has also
layer the pressure on the curd may be higher, the pos- been observed (Akkerman, 1992) that an external
sibility of the whey flowing out of the curd layer soon pressure of the order of 100 Pa can, under certain, not
becomes small, thereby strongly impeding syneresis very well-known, conditions cause several small
(see further below). cracks to appear at the outside of shrunken curd
Another factor is that stirring causes some pressure grains. (Perhaps the cracks are always formed if the
to be exerted on the curd grains, and external pressure local pressure is high enough, but are often sealed
has a large effect (see below). van den Bijgaart (1988) again.) To what extent these phenomena mitigate the
has made some rough calculations. Stirring causes strong inhibition of further syneresis due to the form-
velocity gradients and consequently, according to ation of a dense outer layer on the curd grains is
Bernoulli’s law, pressure differences. In laminar flow, unknown.
these remain fairly small; they may amount to several Practical conditions of modern curd-making usually
Pa during curd-making. Mostly, flow will be turbulent allow few opportunities to markedly affect syneresis
and pressures up to 160 Pa were calculated, although by varying cutting, stirring, etc. For instance, the size
these exist only for short times. Collision of curd par- to which the renneted milk gel is cut certainly has an
ticles with each other or with the stirrer gives rise to effect on the water content of the cheese, but the effect
brief pressure bursts of the order of 100 Pa, although is small (Sammis et al., 1910; Wurster, 1934; Thomé
the average external pressure will probably be about et al., 1958; Kammerlehner, 1974), at the most some
10 Pa. It has indeed been observed that more vigorous 1% water in the cheese (Straatsma and Heijnekamp,
stirring (Patel et al., 1972) or removing more whey 1988). The main reason presumably is that curd size
(Lawrence, 1959; Birkkjaer et al., 1961), which causes cannot be varied greatly. If the initial particles are very
more frequent collisions between curd grains, hence a large, they will inevitably be broken into smaller ones
higher average pressure, leads to somewhat more whey during stirring as long as they are still soft. If one tries
expulsion. to make very small particles, a considerable loss of
The intermittent deformation of the curd grains curd fines occurs. Stirring for a longer time causes a
occurring during stirring may have another effect. As lower moisture content (see, e.g., Fig. 13), but a cer-
discussed in relation to Fig. 5, large deformation of a tain minimum duration of stirring is needed to give
the particles sufficient firmness. After that, any longer
stirring leads to a slope of, for instance, 0.04% water
80 in the cheese per minute stirring for semi-hard cheese
Stirring (Straatsma and Heijnekamp, 1988). Consequently,
other measures should be taken to influence the water
content, especially varying the temperature.
% Whey

After stirring, the curd particles are usually allowed

No stirring to sediment. If they are sufficiently rigid (which
implies mainly after they have lost sufficient whey),
they will deform and fuse only to a limited extent in
the sedimented layer, implying that any additional
external pressure leads to a considerable loss of whey.
0 1 2 3
This is illustrated in Fig. 18; the lower pressures in
Time (h) after cutting this graph were due to stirring curds and whey, the
Figure 17 The volume of whey expelled (as % of the original higher ones due to pressure exerted on the sedimented
milk volume) from curd kept in the whey at 38 °C as a function of curd layer, either by the curd itself or by the perforated
time after cutting, with or without stirring (from Lawrence, 1959). plates lying on top.
88 The Syneresis of Rennet-coagulated Curd

100 effect of heating, presumably because -lactoglobulin

now reacted primarily with -casein in the serum dur-
ing heating, thus affecting the casein micelles less.
Ovine milk was less sensitive to heat treatment, and
caprine even less so (Calvo and Balcones, 2000).
% Whey

Homogenization of the milk
Homogenization or recombination of milk signifi-
cantly decreases syneresis rate (Vaikus et al., 1970;
Kammerlehner, 1974; Emmons et al., 1980; Humbert
et al., 1980; Green et al., 1983; Storry et al., 1983;
Ghosh et al., 1994). This is related to the incorpor-
0 50 100 104 ation of micellar casein in the surface coat of the fat
External pressure (Pa) globules, which causes the fat globules to become part
of the para-casein network, which, in turn, may hin-
Figure 18 The amount of whey expelled from curd (as % of
the original milk volume) after 2 h at 30 °C as a function of the
der shrinking of the network. A comparable effect on
external pressure applied to the curd (approximate results, syneresis was observed if milk had been concentrated
recalculated from van Dijk et al. (1979) (100 Pa  10 3 bar)). by evaporation and diluted again before clotting
(Cheeseman and Mabbitt, 1968) which has a similar
consequence for the fat globules (Mulder and Walstra,
Effects of other process variables
1974). If fat is homogenized into whey, so that the fat
Numerous authors have studied the effects of product globules do not contain much casein on their surface
and process variables on syneresis rate, beginning with layers, the detrimental effect of homogenization on
Sammis et al. (1910). Other extensive studies were by, syneresis is clearly less (Emmons et al., 1980).
successively, Wurster (1934), Koestler and Petermann
(1936), van der Waarden (1947), Thomé et al. (1958), Various additions to the milk
Stoll (1966) and Daviau et al. (2000a,b,c,d). Several Additions meant to modify specific residues of the milk
others have studied one or a few variables. proteins, in order to study the clotting reaction, will
As will be seen below, the results often vary some- not be considered here. Adding sugars, which are fairly
what. Results that are obviously in error in view of our unreactive, has been reported to cause no effect (Stoll,
present understanding have generally been omitted. 1966; Grandison et al., 1984a), a slight decrease (van
But even then, differences in the individual milk sam- der Waarden, 1947) or a slight increase (Cheeseman,
ples, in the methods used and in the conditions 1962) in syneresis rate. About the same holds for add-
employed, cause variation. Particularly, the stage at ition of up to 10% urea (van der Waarden, 1947;
which syneresis is measured affects the results. More- Cheeseman, 1962).
over, the effect of one variable may be influenced In cheesemaking, some CaCl2 is frequently added
greatly by the level of another, and altering one factor to enhance coagulation. Most authors report that small
often causes other conditions to change also. additions (e.g., up to 10 mM) of CaCl2 enhanced
syneresis somewhat (Wurster, 1934; van der Waarden,
Heat treatment of the milk 1947; Stoll, 1966; Kammerlehner, 1974; Lelievre and
Heat treatment of milk to such an extent that serum Creamer, 1978) while others found little or no effect
proteins are denatured, increasingly diminishes the (Lawrence, 1959; Cheeseman, 1962; Emmons et al.,
syneresis rate of renneted milk, according to many 1980); larger additions were generally found to reduce
authors (Wurster, 1934; van der Waarden, 1947; syneresis (Wurster, 1934; Gyr, 1944; Tarodo de la
Dimov and Mineva, 1962; Stoll, 1966; Kammerlehner, Fuente and Alais, 1975). van der Waarden (1947)
1974; Nilsen, 1982; Pearse et al., 1985; Daviau et al., clearly showed that the main enhancing effect of
2000c). Some found even a slight decrease caused by CaCl2 is due to its lowering the pH; if the pH was kept
mild heat treatments (Siegenthaler and Flückiger, constant, addition of CaCl2 caused syneresis to
1964; Stoll, 1966; Nilsen, 1982), but the others did decrease, while MgCl2 caused a marked increase (van
not. Pearse et al. (1985) found the decrease in synere- der Waarden, 1947; Stoll, 1966; Kovalenko and
sis to be almost linearly correlated with denaturation Bocharova, 1973). Presumably, one has to consider
of -lactoglobulin. Heat treatment of synthetic milk two points – increasing of the calcium ion activity
free of serum proteins hardly affected syneresis. Add- (enhancing syneresis) and of the colloidal calcium
ition of -casein to milk diminished the detrimental phosphate (diminishing syneresis). Presumably, Mg2
The Syneresis of Rennet-coagulated Curd 89

act much the same as Ca2, whereas Mg-phosphates the free surface was kept constant, such disturbance
are much more soluble than Ca-phosphates (addition caused syneresis rate to increase by 20–30% in some
of MgC12 may thus cause some dissolution of col- experiments (Cheeseman and Chapman, 1966). This
loidal phosphate). Lowering the pH causes, of course, may have been due to the disturbance affecting the
a dissolution of colloidal phosphate and an increase in structure of the network. Curd formed solely by acidi-
Ca2 activity. Addition of phosphate, citrate, oxalate fication shows very little syneresis if left undisturbed.
or EDTA (van der Waarden, 1947; Stoll, 1966) at con- In milk clotted below about pH 5, the presence of ren-
stant pH, all reduce syneresis; these additions consider- net was found to enhance syneresis considerably, the
ably reduce Ca2 activity and adding phosphate also more so when the amount of added rennet was
increases colloidal phosphate content. The salt equi- increased (Emmons et al., 1959). Presumably, this sig-
libria in milk are intricate, depend on several condi- nifies a gradual change from an acid to a rennet-
tions and often exhibit slow changes, as discussed by, induced gel and is of importance in the production of
for instance, by Walstra and Jenness (1984). fresh cheese types (Weber, 1984).
Increasing the ionic strength of milk with univalent
ions (e.g., NaCl) has been reported to cause at first no
change (Cheeseman, 1962) or a slight increase in Temperature greatly affects syneresis rate of rennet
syneresis (Stoll, 1966); it tends to reduce the amount curd; some results are summarized in Fig. 19. All
of colloidal phosphate and possibly the Ca2 activity. authors agree as to the trend and all results show that
A large increase in ionic strength causes a decrease in the rate of change of syneresis with temperature (Q10
syneresis (van der Waarden, 1947; Cheeseman, 1962; or d ln V/dT) decreases with increasing temperature,
Stoll, 1966), but then, milk with added salt coagulates but otherwise the results are fairly different. At 25 °C,
very poorly on renneting. Decreased ionic strength reported values of Q10 vary from about 2.5 to 15, at 45 °C
increased syneresis (Daviau et al., 2000c). Addition of from about 1.1 to 1.5.
AlCl3 reduces syneresis (Stoll, 1966).
Most authors agree that rennet concentration has no
effect on syneresis (Sammis et al., 1910; Wurster, 1934;
Stoll, 1966; Lelievre, 1977). Others found that more 80
rennet gave a slight increase (Gyr, 1944; Kammerlehner,
1974; Lelievre and Creamer, 1978; Kaytanli et al., 1994)
or decrease (Kovalenko and Bocharova, 1973) in
syneresis, or observed an optimum concentration 60
(Weber, 1984). These effects should be considered in
% Whey

relation to the time of cutting (Weber, 1984; Stoll, 1966;

Lelievre, 1977). As made clear by, for instance, Weber
(1984), it is the stage of the coagulation process or the
firmness of the curd at the moment of cutting that is the
variable; if cutting is very late, syneresis may be some-
what less. It has also been observed that a higher coagu-
lation temperature leads to slightly less syneresis
(Straatsma and Heijnekamp, 1988); this may be due to
the cutting starting at an effectively later stage.
Whether milk is renneted by chymosin or pepsin
makes no significant difference (Andersson and Andrén,
1990). Renneting with proteolytic enzymes from Rhizo- 20 40 60
mucor miehei or Gyphonectria parasitica caused some- Temp. (°C)
what slower syneresis, but curd firming was slower also,
and when cutting 45 rather than 30 min after adding the Figure 19 The volume of whey expelled (as % of the original milk
rennet, the syneresis rate was observed to be normal volume) from curd set, kept and treated at different (constant) tem-
peratures. Most results were obtained 1 h after cutting (recalculated
(Gouda and El-Shabrawy, 1987).
from  Sammis et al. (1910),  Wurster (1934),  Koestler and
Disturbance of the gel during setting may consider- Petermann (1936),  Gyr (1944),  Lawrence (1959),  Stoll
ably enhance syneresis rate (Wurster, 1934). This was (1966),  Kirchmeier (1972),  Kammerlehner (1974),  Marshall
ascribed to the increase of free surface, but also when (1982)).
90 The Syneresis of Rennet-coagulated Curd

The initial rate is increased, but the final amount of 1936; van der Waarden, 1947; Tarodo de la Fuente and
syneresis may even decrease, as temperature is raised Alais, 1975; Lelievre and Creamer, 1978). Although the
above 45 °C (Huber et al., 2001). It appears that the rate observed trends were mostly the same, there were,
at which temperature is changed (dT/dt) does not, as again, considerable quantitative differences. The deviat-
such, affect syneresis (Wurster, 1934; Patel et al., 1972). ing relation found by Berridge (1970) is not due to inac-
Keeping the milk for some time at a low temperature curacy but may be related to the different experimental
before renneting has been reported to have no effect set-up (syneresis of a cylinder of curd attached to a grid,
(Johnston et al., 1983), a small detrimental effect on in air). The inflection points in the curves near pH 6 are
syneresis (Nilsen, 1982) or a considerable effect – also realistic. Stoll (1966) observed that the effect of pH
holding for 20 h at 5 °C reduced syneresis by about 30% was relatively greater at lower temperature and in the
(Kammerlehner, 1974). Raynal and Remeuf (2000) absence of stirring, i.e., if syneresis was slower. There
observed a similar decrease for bovine milk, but no effect were no appreciable differences according to the acid
on caprine and ovine milk. Any detrimental effect of pre- used (van der Waarden, 1947).
cooling is probably reversed by prewarming the milk to a If the pH falls during syneresis this may enhance
fairly high temperature before renneting, as is commonly syneresis rate to a greater extent than is found when
done in cheesemaking to ensure normal setting. the pH is previously brought to the same value (Stoll,
1966; van de Grootevheen and Geurts, 1977) because
Acidity the building blocks of the protein network tend to
If milk has been acidified to a lower pH before rennet- shrink due to the change in pH. This is also exempli-
ing, syneresis rate is faster. Some observations are sum- fied by some results by Emmons et al. (1959) shown
marized in Fig. 20; other authors have reported similar in Fig. 20. Here, the milk contained variable numbers
results (Sammis et al., 1910; Koestler and Petermann, of starter bacteria, and the pH values indicated in the
figure are those at the moment of cutting. A higher
pH at that stage implies a greater drop in pH after cut-
100 ting, hence more syneresis. Milk that has already been
soured to a very low pH (e.g., 4.5) exhibits only weak
syneresis, even after renneting (Sammis et al., 1910).

80 Washing of the curd

Washing, i.e., adding water after part of the whey has
been removed, has been reported to enhance syneresis
(Kammerlehner, 1974), and to give a slightly, possibly
60 insignificantly, lower water content (Casiraghi et al.,
% Whey

1987). However, washing may coincide with a change

in temperature and a difference in the effectiveness of
stirring, both of which affect syneresis. In studies by
40 van de Grootevheen and Geurts (1977), either water
or an equal quantity of whey at the same temperature
was added at a certain stage during cheesemaking and
the water content of the curd determined at various
20 times. The water content of the curd to which water
had been added was up to two percentage units
higher, but the difference could be fully explained by
taking into account the difference in dry matter con-
0 tent of the moisture (liquid) in the curd. Hence, the
5 6 7
osmotic effects of washing are negligible.

Figure 20 The volume of whey expelled (as % of the original Ultrafiltration

milk volume) from curd set, kept and treated at different pH; in Ultrafiltration of cheese milk and renneting the
some cases, pH decreased slightly during the experiment. Most retentate allows the manufacture of curd in such a
results were obtained 1 h after cutting (recalculated from Wurster way that less, or even no, syneresis occurs. The latter,
(1934), heavy line  average of several experiments;  Gyr (1944);
 Cheeseman (1962);  Stoll (1966);  Berridge (1970);  Patel
i.e., concentrating the milk to a composition roughly
et al. (1972);  Marshall (1982);  Pearse et al. (1984);  Weber equal to that of the (unsalted) cheese to be made, is
(1984). See text for the results of  Emmons et al. (1959)). feasible only for soft-type cheese; it usually involves
The Syneresis of Rennet-coagulated Curd 91

diafiltration also. For harder cheeses, partial ultrafil- milk is usually standardized as to fat content. A higher
tration can be applied and an important point then is casein content goes along with a slower absolute rate of
to what extent syneresis is affected. Some results syneresis, but a hardly different relative rate (see under
were already given in Fig. 11. The comparison of the Ultrafiltration).
conclusions of different studies may be sometimes Minor components may have a larger influence
misleading, as the authors may relate their syneresis and it must be presumed that the calcium ion activ-
rates to the original amount of milk, or the amount ity is an especially important variable. For instance,
of whey to be expelled. separate milkings of individual cows may vary by
Extensive studies were made by Peri et al. (1985), a factor of three in syneresis rate (Koestler and
applying equation (10). They concentrated the milk Petermann, 1936; Thomé et al., 1958; Kammerlehner,
up to 5.2-fold. The rate constant of the first-order 1974; Grandison et al., 1984a,b), but addition of
equation, which is thus a measure of the rate relative some CaCl2 greatly reduces the variation. Minor
to the amount of whey yet to be removed, varied little variation has been observed with the stage of lacta-
with the degree of concentration; clear correlations tion (Kammerlehner, 1974; Grandison et al., 1984b)
with pH or extent of diafiltration were not observed and this may possibly be related to the calcium ion
either. The extrapolated proportion of whey eventu- activity also. Milk from cows suffering severe masti-
ally expelled (Vo Vinf) varied roughly linearly with tis exhibits poor clotting by rennet and somewhat
the reciprocal of the degree of concentration. A lower diminished syneresis (Thomé and Liljegren, 1959;
pH resulted in a lower (extrapolated) final moisture Kiermeier and Keis, 1964; Kiermeier et al., 1967).
content. The effects of diafiltration, pre-acidification Extensive growth of pseudomonads in milk was
and sequestering of Ca were also studied (Casiraghi shown to reduce syneresis markedly (Lelievre et al.,
et al., 1987). When adjusting casein cocentration with 1978). On the other hand, considerable proteolysis
UF or MF retentate powders, Caron et al. (2001) caused by plasmin activity hardly affected whey
found faster syneresis for milks adjusted with MF expulsion (Pearse et al., 1986b).
retentate of preacidified milk. The effect of casein composition has been studied.
Other workers obtained slightly different results Pearse et al. (1986a) made milk with synthetic
(Green et al., 1983; Storry et al., 1983). This may have micelles of variable casein composition. The propor-
been due to variation in the time elapsed after renneting tions of - and -caseins clearly affected clotting time,
before cutting. When renneting normal milk, about 2% but syneresis far less. Dephosphorylation of -casein
of the -casein is still unhydrolysed at the moment of caused the clotting time to increase and the syneresis
cutting, whereas this may be about 12% for a milk con- rate to decrease. Interpretation of these results is very
centrated two-fold by ultrafiltration (van Hooydonk difficult without knowing such variables as micelle
and van den Berg, 1988); this proportion is higher for a size and voluminosity, or loss tangent and permeabil-
more concentrated mi1k. Consequently, the early stages ity of the renneted milk. There also appears to be
of gel formation and syneresis probably proceed some- some correlation between syneresis and genetic vari-
what differently, depending on the moment of cutting. ants of milk proteins, especially with the -lactoglobu-
lin variant (McLean and Schaar, 1989). This may,
High-pressure treatment again, be due to differences in the calcium ion activity,
The effects of high-pressure treatment are twofold, the which correlates with the genetic variants.
breakdown of the casein micelles at pressures of about Other conditions being equal, renneted goats’
400 MPa, and denaturation of -lactoglobulin at higher milk exhibited greater syneresis than cows’ milk, and
pressures, similar to the effects of heating. Casein ewes’ milk syneresed less (Storry et al., 1983). It may
micelle disruption causes faster aggregation and a finer be noted that the latter usually has a clearly higher
gel structure with stiffer gels, but syneresis was only casein content (Walstra and Jenness, 1984). The
affected at pressures above 400 MPa (Needs et al., 2000). effect of several variables on syneresis of renneted
cows’ milk, as discussed above, was often different
for either ewes’ (Raynal and Remeuf, 2000) or buf-
Effect of milk composition
faloes’ milk (Dimov and Mineva, 1962).
Milk composition may clearly affect syneresis, but the
effect is usually not large. A higher fat content in the
Concluding Remarks
milk on average is accompanied by somewhat slower
syneresis (Beeby, 1959; Feagan et al., 1965; Stoll, 1966; The results on syneresis during practical cheesemak-
Kammerlehner, 1974; Emmons et al., 1980; Storry et al., ing presented here (see also a review by Pearse and
1983; Weber, 1984; Grandison et al., 1984a). In practice, Mackinlay, 1989) generally agree with experiments on
92 The Syneresis of Rennet-coagulated Curd

undisturbed curd, although only in a qualitative sense. grains partly fuse to form a coherent mass. Com-
In a practical situation, quantitative predictions on paction may be due to pressure exerted by the layer
syneresis rate can hardly be made. Nevertheless, it may itself or by perforated plates laid on top. Effective pres-
be concluded that the main variables affecting synere- sure ranges from about 100–500 Pa. The compaction
sis rate are: is either allowed to proceed for a considerable time,
after which the curd mass is cut into small pieces
• the geometrical constraints (dimension of the curd
(‘milling’, as for Cheddar types), or, after a short while,
blocks of curd are cut from it, which then are sub-
• pressure applied to the curd (grains), where the rela-
jected to moulding and pressing.
tive effect is greatest in the low pressure range;
The phenomena that occur during compaction and
• pH;
drainage are complicated. At first, compaction occurs
• temperature, where the relative effect is the greatest
due to sedimentation and reorientation of the curd
in the low temperature range.
grains. Further events are summarized in Table 2. The
The effect of the other variables is generally small different processes are mutually dependent, and espe-
(with the exception of intense heat treatment) and cially the deformation of the grains, and the expulsion
tends to be relatively smaller when overall syneresis of whey from them are coupled. Moreover, fusion of
rate is higher. Stoll (1966) observed, for instance, curd grains is greatly enhanced when they are
that stirring the curd–whey mixture almost elimin- deformed. By and large, processes 1 and 2 lead to a
ated differences caused by some variables observed lower moisture content, whereas 3 impedes the loss of
when studying syneresis under quiescent conditions. moisture. Fusion may proceed until the pores between
This was explained by van den Bijgaart (1988) from the grains are no longer interconnected, when further
the over-riding effect of the permeability of the outer drainage virtually stops. On the other hand, some ini-
layer of the curd grains. Any condition leading to tial fusion will promote drainage, as it can prevent fur-
very rapid syneresis also causes rapid development of ther reorientation of the grains into a denser packing.
a poorly permeable layer, which then markedly slows These conclusions may be true enough, but they are
down any further syneresis. In a qualitative sense, only qualitative and thus not very helpful. To arrive at
this has been observed before, e.g., by Koestler and quantitative relations, the processes were studied in
Petermann (1936). Cheesemakers speak of a ‘skin’ some detail by Akkerman (1992) and Akkerman et al.
around the curd grains, and it is even assumed that (1994) for Dutch-type cheese. Lodaite (2002) and
very rapid initial syneresis may lead to an ultimately Lodaite et al. (2002) studied curd deformation and
higher water content in the curd, as compared to a fusion for the conditions corresponding to soft cheeses.
situation where syneresis proceeds more slowly; cf. The Akkerman group used whole milk, mostly without
the high-temperature syneresis results of Huber et al. added starter, and made curd grains that had been left
(2001). to synerese to roughly a quarter of their initial volume
while Lodaite and collaborators used reconstituted skim
milk, and allowed little or no syneresis to occur prior to
Behaviour of Curd during Processing
deformation. The temperature was mostly 35 °C.
When the curd grains are sufficiently dry, they are usu- Expression of single grains, fusion of a collection of
ally allowed to sediment into a ‘bed’ in the cheese vat grains, compaction of a column and change in pore size
or in a drainage pipe. The layer of curd grains com- (distribution) in a column of grains were studied separ-
pacts, more whey is expelled from the grains and the ately. Because of the many variables of importance, the

Table 2 Processes occurring during compaction and drainage of a curd–whey column

Process Results in Depends on

Expulsion of whey from grains Lower whey content of grains Degree of concentration, temperature, pH, effective
Grains less deformable pressure, free surface area of grains
Drainage of whey from column Closer packing of grains External pressure, pore size distribution (hence,
Narrower pores grain size distribution and shape), geometrical
Deformation and fusion of grains Narrower pores Deformability of grains (hence degree of
Smaller free surface area concentration, temperature, pH), external
pressure, duration
The Syneresis of Rennet-coagulated Curd 93

intricacy of the processes and the experimental difficul- curd now being rate-determining. As shown in Fig. 21,
ties, the results are to some extent uncertain, but they the deformation, and thereby the expression of whey,
clearly show quantitative trends. depends on the remaining volume, i, pressure and
time. It is little dependent on the grain size. The
Syneresis under pressure expression reasonably followed the relation:
Some results of Akkerman (1992) on uniaxial expres-
sion of single grains are shown in Fig. 21. The situa- (it iinf)
tion was quite different from that leading to the results  exp( Kpe sqrt(t)) (12)
(i0 iinf)
in Figs 11 and 12. A synerized curd grain was now
involved, which implied that the outer layer was much
more dense than the centre. Moreover, when the pres- with iinf  0.1 and where the rate constant K  4 
sures were generally higher, the curd grain could 10 5 Pa l s 0.5.
deform sideways and most of the outflow of whey was Whereas Akkerman (1992) followed compression
in directions perpendicular to the applied force. It is at various constant pressures, Lodaite (2002) followed
seen that the grain showed an immediate, i.e., elastic, the (non-lubricated) compression of non-synerized
deformation, followed by a viscous one that became curd at different constant (Cauchy) deformation rates.
ever slower. If the pressure was released within a few Some results are given in Fig. 22. The pressure was
seconds, the grain more or less regained its original seen to increase more or less proportionally with
shape, but after some minutes the deformation was deformation, but not in proportion with the deform-
permanent; this agrees with the average relaxation ation rate. The pressures observed were much lower
time of renneted milk of about 1 min found earlier than what would correspond to the permeability of the
(Zoon et al., 1989b, 1990). Analysis of the results led curd; this presumably means that during deformation,
to the conclusion that the deformability of the grain, minute cracks appeared in the curd, vastly increasing
more precisely its effective biaxial elongational viscos- its permeability. An empirical formula of the form of
ity, was rate-determining, the elongational viscosity Hooke’s law, with a compression rate-dependent modu-
markedly depending on (decrease with) the stress lus, described the data:
applied. Akkerman (1992) defined a pseudo Poisson
number, , as: pe  E (1 i) (13)

  0.5 1 冢 d ln
H冣 (11) with E  K (d(1 i)/dt)3/4 and K  40 kPa s 3/4.

The effect of pH was not studied, but in view of the

where V is grain volume and H is the relative deform- effect of pH on the rheological properties of renneted
ation expressed as the Hencky strain. He found, as an milk (see e.g., Fig. 1) and cheese, it must be significant.
average over the first 15 min,   0.27, almost inde-
pendent of conditions. This implies that a (nearly) Curd fusion
constant part of the decrease in height of the grain is
due to shrinkage. The constancy of  agrees with the Akkerman (1992) and Akkerman et al. (1993) evalu-
deformability (i.e., the rheological properties) of the ated the fusion of curd grains in a curd–whey column
by determining the fracture stress when pulling two
parts of the column, separated by a perforated plate,
away from each other. The force divided by the contact
6 0.30 area of the grains was taken as the fracture stress. The
pe = 1200 Pa t = 900 s pressure and time during which it was applied had a
h (mm)

strong effect. At 34 °C, the fracture stress obtained was

3 0.15
about 60% higher than at 32 °C, whereas at 36 °C it

was, maybe, somewhat lower again. The less the grains

0 0 had shrunk prior to the experiment, the higher the
0 500 1000 0 2 4 fracture stress.
Time (s) pe (kPa) Lodaite (2002) and Lodaite et al. (2002) devised a
method for measuring fusion on a single grain pressed
Figure 21 Uniaxial compression of curd grains at constant
stress. h is the height of the curd grain, t duration of pressing, i against a thin layer of curd, allowing the simultaneous
the relative remaining volume and pe the pressure applied (from measurement of deformation. Fusion pressure, fusion
Akkerman, 1992). time and syneresis time, temperature, pH (6.0 and 6.4)
94 The Syneresis of Rennet-coagulated Curd

25 Compaction of a curd column

The compaction of a curd column was studied (Akker-

20 man, 1992; Akkerman et al., 1994) for radial drainage.
The results depended strongly on the geometrical con-
15 straints, especially the radius of the column. The curd
particles tended to stick to the wall, and leakage along
the wall was also of importance. The total pressure
10 exerted was, following Schwartzberg et al. (1985), pre-
sumed composed of three terms:
pe  pc  pl  pw (14)
u = 0.1 mm min–1
A part of the pressure is lost by friction to the wall
(subscript w), and the remainder may not only be on
Compressive stress (Pa)

the network of curd particles (subscript c), but also on

the liquid (subscript l). As soon as the outflow of
whey is hindered by a lack of interconnected pores,
the pressure on the liquid increases rapidly. If the
pores become completely disconnected, all the pres-
sure is exerted on the liquid (except for pw) or, in
other words, the pressure is isotropic, and expression
from the curd grains stops.
Some results are shown in Fig. 24. The total pres-
u = 1 mm min–1
sure exerted appears to be the dominant variable. For
a low pe, the expression increases strongly with pres-
sure, roughly following equation (12). But above a cer-
tain pe, called the threshold pressure, any higher
1200 pressure leads to a progressively increasing pl. Also,
the pressure loss at the wall, pw, markedly increases
900 with total pressure, being, for instance, proportional to
pe2.5. Altogether, at a high pe the effective pressure on
600 the grains, pc, soon becomes very small and expression
(almost) stops. The other results in Fig. 24 speak for
300 themselves; note the very strong decrease of the
u = 10 mm min–1
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 2.5

Relative deformation
2 0–2 kPa, 500 s
Fracture stress [kPa]

Figure 22 Uniaxial compression of a curd slab at different con- 1 kPa, 0 –1500 s

stant Cauchy strain rates. The initial slab height  5 mm, u  linear
compression rate (from Lodaite, 2002). 1.5

and casein and rennet concentrations were varied. It

was concluded that the total deformation (which is of 0.5
course dependent on fusion pressure and time) was
the best predictor of fusion, and for a given total 0
deformation, the fusion was independent of pH and 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
rennet concentration. The fusion–deformation relation- Relative deformation
ship appears to hold even for the results of Akkerman
Figure 23 Strength of fusion of curd grains in a column
(1992) and Akkerman et al. (1993) (see Fig. 23). Lodaite expressed as the fracture stress f after pressing for various
et al. (2002) confirmed the strong effect of tempera- times at various pressures as a function of deformation (recalcu-
ture in the studied range 28–33 °C. lated from Equation 12 from results by Akkerman, 1992).
The Syneresis of Rennet-coagulated Curd 95

drainage rate, as the fine particles tend to block the

10 pores between the grains; the threshold pressure now
30 is much lower. It must be assumed that the curd parti-
cle size (average and spread) has some influence, but
h (cm)

450 not a lot within the range studied. The effect of pH

2100 was not estimated.
Akkerman et al. (1995) further compared the
results obtained for single grains with the compaction
of a curd column by developing a computer model of
the process. Up to pressures of a few hundred Pa, the
calculated results agreed reasonably well with the
experimental data. He also concluded that at a high pe

the curd grains can, in principle, initially be expressed
quite fast, without the pressure on the liquid, pl
becoming substantial. This opens up possibilities for
improving the drainage process.
In the Wageningen laboratory, some preliminary
studies on axial drainage in a curd column were per-
530 formed under a wider range of conditions (Heerink
d (mm)

and Geurts, 1981); actually there may have been con-

siderable radial drainage as well. Curd was made from
skim milk, without a starter. After cutting and stirring
(and removing some whey), a column of curd and
0 whey, 30 cm high, was taken; the curd sedimented
almost immediately to a height of about 20 cm, after
which pressure was applied via a perforated disc, and
the curd column gradually compressed to a height of,
B* (m2)

10–10 for instance, 5 cm; the compression was allowed to

proceed for 90 min. The final moisture content of the
820 curd column was determined and the earlier values
were calculated from the change in height and
10–12 expressed as the mass fraction of moisture (moisture
0 0.5 1 means liquid containing dissolved substances, i.e.,
Time (ks) whey in this case). The proportion of moisture
between the grains was originally about 40%. Also
Figure 24 Compression of a curd–whey column (radius 6 cm) here, very high pressures gave little improvement. At
under uniaxial compression and with radial drainage. Column
height (h), volume fraction of pores (v), volume- average appar-
20 °C, very little whey was expelled from the curd
ent pore diameter (d ) and average radial permeability (B*) cal- grains, in accordance with the strong dependence of
culated as a function of time after applying pressure (indicated the apparent curd viscosity (Zoon et al., 1988b) and of
near the curves, Pa) (from results by Akkerman, 1992). syneresis on temperature.
Some of the conclusions drawn in this section may
permeability of the curd column with time, despite pe in a sense be derived from earlier observations (Vas,
being fairly small. 1931; Tarodo de la Fuente and Alais, 1975; Lelievre,
Other variables affecting drainage are the degree of 1977; Lelievre and Creamer, 1978; Johnston and Mur-
concentration of the curd grains at the beginning, phy, 1984; Grandison et al., 1984a). Especially inter-
given as i0, and the temperature. For a higher i0 and a esting is the work of Scott Blair and Coppen (1940),
higher temperature, the initial rate of compaction is who reasoned that firmer curd grains would permit
higher, but the threshold pressure mentioned above is faster drainage of whey from a mass of grains, and
lower; in other words, the highest pressure that can be made use of this in devising a test method to deter-
applied for the drainage to proceed satisfactorily is mine the ‘pitching point’ of the curd, i.e., the moment
smaller (Akkerman et al., 1996). Threshold pressures at which the grains have lost sufficient moisture, and
are mostly somewhere between 800 and 2000 Pa; they stirring can cease. A volume of curds and whey is put
depend considerably on the geometry of the system. into a perforated cylinder and allowed to drain for a
The presence of curd fines may strongly lower the fixed time; now the ‘superficial density’ is determined,
96 The Syneresis of Rennet-coagulated Curd

i.e., the weight of curd divided by the height of the brine or in dry salt, cheeses lose water by pseudo-
curd column. They found a fairly good positive correl- osmosis to the highly concentrated brine (Geurts et al.,
ation between the water content and the superficial 1974), and thus other things being equal, the more
density, indicating that high moisture, and, thus, soft heavily salted the cheese is the more drier it will be.
grains deformed rapidly to close the channels between In a cheese, the lowest possible water to protein
them, thereby greatly hindering further drainage. Firm ratio may be slightly lower for a lower fat content; in
(i.e., ‘dry’) grains permitted ongoing drainage, leading practice, a lower fat in dry matter content always goes
to a low superficial density, because the voids between along with a distinctly lower water to protein ratio,
particles now become filled with air. As is to be but this presumably is due to faster syneresis. Alto-
expected, other factors affect the draining rate. Scott gether, the final moisture content of most cheeses is
Blair and Coppen (1940) found for the same value of determined primarily by the rate and the duration of
superficial density, a range in water content of about the processes causing whey expulsion, rather than by
14 percentage units. There was a tendency for rapid the equilibrium-swelling state of the para-casein.
initial syneresis, hence presumably the presence of a After curd-making and drainage, one of the follow-
more or less rigid ‘skin’ around the curd grains, to lead ing procedures is usually applied.
to a lower superficial density. Likewise, curd at a lower
• Moulding the curd, followed by further drainage
pH (Cheshire as compared to Cheddar) tended to have
under its own weight; this is applied only for fairly
a lower superficial density. It would be useful to study
soft cheese.
these and other variables in greater detail.
• Moulding and pressing the curd; this is the common
method for semi-hard and several hard cheeses.
The water content of cheese • Letting the curd rest for a considerable time to
develop sufficient acidity (often while allowing the
There obviously is a lowest possible water content of
curd to flow, e.g., cheddaring) after which the
(freshly made) cheese – the para-casein particles have
coherent curd mass is cut into fairly small pieces
a given voluminosity. This aspect was reviewed by
(milling), salted, moulded and pressed.
Walstra et al. (1985) and it was concluded that few
• Intensively working the already acidified curd (pH
hard conclusions can be drawn. The equilibrium volu-
5.3) at a quite high temperature, as is done in mak-
minosity of para-casein micelles at room temperature
ing pasta-filata cheeses.
and physiological pH was roughly estimated to corres-
pond to 1.4 g water per g protein; this would come During several of these process steps, the curd may
down to a water content of an unsalted full-cream lose considerable moisture. Merely taking the curd out of
cheese of about 40%. The voluminosity would be the whey, allowing further whey to leak out, has already a
lower for a lower pH and a higher temperature. The marked effect; see e.g., Figs 13 and 25. Sometimes, the
latter effect is considerable. It is also known that a curd grains are worked after removal from the whey,
cheese or curd may take up moisture when the tem- which leads to a much drier cheese with an open texture
perature is lowered (e.g., Delbeke and Naudts (1970), (numerous small, irregularly shaped holes). The pasta-
on Herve cheese; results obtained in the Wageningen filata treatment also causes appreciable loss of moisture
laboratory on renneted milk ultrafiltration retentate at (high temperature and pressure), although the fairly large
pH 5.2; observations in the Lund laboratory on ren- size of the lumps of curd formed has a mitigating effect
neted microfiltration retentates at pH 6, observations (long distance and relatively small surface area).
in practice on Feta cheese kept in brine). The depend- Pressing of the curd mass is aimed at obtaining a
ence is corrobated by the results of Teo et al. (1996) coherent mass with a closed rind. The formation of a
on reconstituted renneted casein. rind, i.e., an outer layer in which all the curd grains are
Moderate NaCl concentrations increase the volumin- fully fused with their neighbours, is greatly favoured by
osity of both native (Famelart et al., 1999) and ren- the possibility of rapid removal of moisture from the
neted (Creamer, 1985) casein micelles. Electron outer layer, for instance by application of a cloth around
microscopy observations indicated that the volume of the curd mass (Mulder et al., 1966). The closed rind
the casein matrix increased, and the volume of the greatly reduces further expression of moisture. Figure 24
interstitial dilute phase decreased in salt-injected shows that the effective permeability of a drained mass
Muenster cheese (Pastorino et al., 2003) and salted of curd is about 10 12 m2, which still allows consider-
non-fat Mozzarella (Paulson et al., 1998). This would able flow of moisture under a pressure of 10–100 kPa,
appear to be in contradicton to a large number of stud- which are common in practice. The permeability in the
ies showing that a higher salt content correlates with a outer layer may be as low as 10 16 m2 or less, and even
lower level of moisture in cheese, but during salting in a layer of a few mm then makes a substantial barrier.
The Syneresis of Rennet-coagulated Curd 97

The effects of moulding, pressing and resting on the The explanation is that a closed rind is formed at an
moisture content have been carefully studied by earlier stage or of a greater thickness. Pressing at a
Geurts (1978) and some results are shown in Fig. 25. higher initial temperature or having a larger loaf of
It is seen that the lower the moisture content before curd led to a lower water content. Although a higher
pressing, the less the further loss of moisture. The ini- temperature implies a softer curd, and thereby pre-
tial water content has other important consequences. sumably easier rind formation, the overriding effect
First, consider the situation where it is high, say about seems to be the effect of temperature itself on syneresis
55% at the beginning of pressing. Now, pressing at an (see e.g., Fig. 10). A smaller loaf will cool faster and
earlier stage or at a higher pressure leads to a higher thereby lose less moisture (see Fig. 25).
water content (more precisely, a less reduced water These relations are rather different if the curd mass
content); the difference is of the order of 1% water. has a low water content at the beginning of pressing,
say 40%. (Such a low water content can be obtained
only by prolonged stirring at a high temperature and
letting the pH decrease appreciably.) A higher pres-
60 sure, a smaller loaf and a lower temperature all lead to
a lower water content. Presumably, it takes a longer
time to obtain a closed rind, the more so for a lower
temperature, whereby more moisture can be pressed
out of the loaf before the rind is formed.
% Water

Geurts (1978) also studied the distribution of mois-

S ture in unsalted cheese. Some results are shown in
Fig. 26. Apart from a thin outer layer, i.e., the rind,
which has a slightly reduced water content, the lowest
water content is at the centre. This is the region where
the temperature has remained highest, especially in a
40 large loaf. It was even observed that the temperature
increased in the greater part of a large loaf, undoubt-
0 edly due to the heat generated by the growing starter
0 5 10 bacteria. If an unsalted cheese is left to rest, the water
Time (h) content tends to become somewhat lower at the bot-
tom side. It may thus be concluded that the moisture
Figure 25 Water content of a loaf of curd as a function of time
after moulding. The dotted lines give the assumed course during moves away from regions where the temperature is
pressing. Spherical loaves of about 22 cm diameter, except for higher and/or the pressure higher than elsewhere.
one of 12 cm (designated S) (from Geurts, 1978). Soon, however, the process of fusion of curd grains

Moisture content of cheese (%)





0 40 80 120 160 200


Figure 26 Water distributions in unsalted spherical cheeses (1 and 6 kg), moulded from the same curd, lightly pressed and kept for
a few days. The broken lines indicate the average water content (from Geurts, 1978).
98 The Syneresis of Rennet-coagulated Curd

becomes complete, say after two days (Luyten, 1988), 1959) and this may explain why some authors found a
and the permeability of the cheese mass becomes too negative correlation between stirring rate of the
low to permit appreciable transport of moisture. curds–whey mixture and the final water content of the
In several types of cheese, the drained mass of curd is cheese (Kiermeier and von Wüllerstorf, 1963); pre-
allowed to spread laterally for a considerable time (‘ched- sumably, faster stirring caused a higher oxygen con-
daring’). Olson and Price (1970) found that this led to a tent, hence inhibition of starter bacteria, slower
higher moisture content (1–2% more water), compared acidification, and consequently less syneresis.
to curd kept for the same time but which was prevented The main causes of discrepancy may be, however, the
from spreading. Although cheddaring may have caused a considerable effects of the conditions of curd drainage and
slightly lower average temperature, the main cause for further treatment, such as pressing. If these processes are
the differences was presumably that the flow of curd pro- kept constant, as is nearly always more or less the case
moted deformation of the curd grains; hence, closing of during modern cheesemaking, the correlation between
pores between grains and hindering drainage of any syneresis and final water content may be fairly good; one
moisture, still leaving the grains due to syneresis. should then take into account the remark made earlier
The water content of the cheese must, to a consid- about the inhibiting effect of the formation of a dense
erable extent, depend on the amount of syneresis dur- outer layer around the curd grains. Some interesting prac-
ing curd preparation, and the results for syneresis as tical results for the case of semi-hard brine-salted cheese
given earlier, indeed qualitatively, agree with results on were obtained by Straatsma and Heijnekamp (1988), and
the water content of cheese (e.g., Sammis et al., 1910; some of these are summarized in Fig. 27. It is seen that
Whitehead, 1948; Whitehead and Harkness, 1954; most variables have, within the variation that can reason-
Birkkjaer et al., 1961; Feagan et al., 1965; Straatsma ably be applied in practice, a fairly small effect. Only the
and Heijnekamp, 1988). Whether there is exact agree- scalding (cooking) temperature and the acidity of the
ment is uncertain. The water content of cheese always curd had a significant influence. The acidity depends
shows considerable random variation (e.g., Straatsma primarily on type and quantity of starter added, any
et al., 1984) and this makes exact comparisons diffi- preacidification applied and temperature and duration of
cult. During cheesemaking, conditions usually change, acid development. The rate at which the acidity was
for instance pH, temperature and effective pressure reached appeared to make little difference.
acting on the curd, so that one has to take some kind It may finally be mentioned that the water content of
of average. Moreover, the factors are inter-related; for cheese also depends, of course, on salting (by pseudo-
instance, temperature affects the rate of acidification. osmosis, Geurts et al., 1974), drying and proteolysis
The latter is also affected by oxygen content (Gillies, (which causes water to be converted into dry matter).

Change in water content (% units)

60 70 80 5.5 6.0 6.5 33 35 37
Past. temp. (°C) pH after 4 h Scalding temp. (°C)



40 60 80 5 6 0 2 4
Time (min) Grain size (mm) CaCl2 (mmolar)

Figure 27 The effect of some variables in treatment of milk and in curd-making on the water content of unsalted Gouda type
cheese, 5.5 h after renneting, other conditions being equal; time means time after cutting. The water content under standard condi-
tions was about 46% (from Straatsma and Heijnekamp, 1988).
The Syneresis of Rennet-coagulated Curd 99

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Formation, Structural Properties
and Rheology of Acid-coagulated
Milk Gels
J.A. Lucey, Department of Food Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Madison, USA

Introduction micelles. The stability of casein micelles of milk is

attributed to their net negative charge and steric repul-
Fresh acid-coagulated cheese varieties include Cream
sion by the flexible macropeptide region of -casein
cheese, Cottage cheese and Quarg and other cheeses
(the so-called ‘hairs’). Different types of interaction are
where the coagulation of milk occurs by acid rather
responsible for micelle integrity, including Ca-induced
than by rennet, as in most other cheese varieties
interactions between protein molecules, electrostatic,
(e.g., Cheddar). Fresh acid cheeses differ from fer-
hydrophobic and hydrogen bonding. These inter-
mented milk products in having a significant amount
actions are probably also involved in the formation
of the moisture (whey) removed after coagulation.
and structural properties of acid casein gels.
Whey removal methods, such as centrifugal separ-
Various models for the structure of casein micelles
ation and ultrafiltration (UF), are used for Quarg and
have been proposed, and it has been the source of con-
Cream cheese whereas cutting of the coagulum into
troversy over the years. The latest model by Horne
granules and a high cook temperature are used for
(1998) envisages a polymerization scheme (dual-binding
Cottage cheese. Cultures of mesophilic lactic acid bac-
model) for the assembly of casein micelles. Cross-linking
teria (i.e., usually Lactococcus spp. and Leuconostoc
of the molecules proceeds via two routes, hydrophobic
spp.) and sometimes probiotic species are used as
interactions between groups on different molecules
cultures for most fresh acid curd cheeses. A common
forming one pathway, with more than two molecules
factor in all of these acid cheese products is that the
possibly joining at such junctions, and a second path-
initial step involves the formation of an acid-induced
way where chain extension is through a CCP nanoclus-
gel, which is then further processed. The formation
ter acting as a neutralizing bridge between two
and physical properties of acidified milk gels have
phosphoseryl clusters on separate molecules of s1-,
been reviewed recently (Lucey and Singh, 1997,
s2- or -casein. Both routes permit branching and
2003; Horne, 1999; Lucey, 2002a). There has been
hence lead to a three-dimensional network. However,
considerable research on acid milk gels made with
-CN can link only to hydrophobic residues on another
thermophilic cultures for the production of yogurt
CN molecule. Because it has no phosphoseryl cluster to
(e.g., Tamime and Robinson, 1999). The manufacture
permit further extension, the polymer chain ends there.
and technologies involved in the production of fresh
As a consequence, the -CN acquires an external sur-
acid cheeses have also been reviewed (Guinee et al.,
face position where it acts as a steric stabilizer.
1993; Puhan et al., 1994; Kosikowski and Mistry,
As the pH of milk is reduced, CCP dissolves and
1997; Fox et al., 2000; Lucey, 2002b). This chapter
the caseins are liberated into the serum phase (Dalgleish
focuses primarily on the formation of these acid-milk
and Law, 1988). The extent of liberation of caseins
gels and their physical, rheological and microstruc-
depends on the temperature at acidification (Dalgleish
tural properties.
and Law, 1988), which has little effect on the solubil-
ization of CCP. Apparently, little change in the average
Casein micelles
hydrodynamic diameter of casein micelles occurs dur-
Caseins constitute approximately 80% of the protein ing acidification of (unheated) milk to pH ⬃5.0
in bovine milk, with four main types ( s1-, s2-, (Roefs et al., 1985; de Kruif, 1997), although the
- and -caseins (CN)) in combination with appre- internal structure of the casein micelles is altered due
ciable quantities of micellar or colloidal calcium phos- to the loss of CCP (Walstra, 1993). Aggregation of
phate (CCP) in the form of aggregates called casein casein occurs as the isoelectric point (pH ⬃4.6) is
Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, Third edition – Volume 1: General Aspects Copyright © 2004 Elsevier Ltd
ISBN: 0-1226-3652-X All rights reserved
Set ISBN: 0-1226-3651-1
106 Formation, Structural Properties and Rheology of Acid-coagulated Milk Gels

0.25 Casein aggregation during the acidification of milk

has also been modelled using the adhesive hard
sphere theory (de Kruif et al., 1995; de Kruif and
Casein in solution (%)

Roefs, 1996; de Kruif, 1997, 1999). In this model, it is
0.15 proposed that the caseinomacropeptide (CMP) part of
-casein sterically stabilizes casein micelles and is
0.10 considered as a polyelectrolyte brush, which collapses
on the surface of the micelle as the pH of the system
0.05 approaches the pKa of the charged (carboxylic acid)
groups on the brush. Horne (1999, 2003) pointed out
0.00 that this model assumes that only the surface features
of casein particles have any bearing on the structural
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 properties of acid milk gels. However, it has been
pH shown recently that the loss of CCP from casein
Figure 1 Solubility of whole casein in water as a function of pH micelles dramatically influences the properties of
(figure replotted with permission from Strange et al., 1994). casein gels (Lucey et al., 1998c; Horne, 2001, 2003).
Horne (1999) reviewed the suitability of percolation
models for acid milk gels and suggested that such
approached (Fig. 1); under conditions of rapid acidifi- models may be suitable only at the gel point and that
cation and/or agitation, the casein aggregates precipi- it is difficult to use this theory to model the mechan-
tate from solution and this is the basis of acid casein ical properties of acid milk gels.
Physico-chemical mechanisms involved in the
formation of gels from unheated milk

Coagulation Mechanisms Native casein micelles (in milk of normal pH) are
stabilized by a negative charge and steric repulsion
Theoretical models
(Walstra, 1990; Mulvihill and Grufferty, 1995). Some
Acid milk gels are examples of particle gels and at least of the techniques that have been used to study the
three theoretical models, namely fractal, adhesive hard acid coagulation process are listed in Table 1.
spheres and percolation models, have been used to The surface charge of casein micelles can be
model the formation of acidified milk gels (Horne, approximated from the zeta potential and a plot of the
1999; Lucey and Singh, 2003). Only a brief overview changes in zeta potential as a function of pH is shown
is given here and interested readers can refer to these in Fig. 2. Casein micelles exhibit some unusual zeta
review articles. potential behaviour. There is a minimum at pH 5.4
Fractal aggregation theory has been applied to the (negative) and a maximum at pH 5.1 (Schmidt and
formation of various casein gels (Bremer et al., 1989, Poll, 1986; Anema and Klostermeyer, 1996). It has been
1990, 1993; Vetier et al., 2000). From the fractal suggested that the shape of the zeta potential–pH profile
approach, a number of scaling laws have been used to is due to subtle dissociation and association phenomena
derive relations between the physical properties of of the caseins in this pH region (Heertje et al., 1985).
gels and the fractal dimensionality (Bremer, 1992).
The fractal approach has successfully described semi-
quantitative features of casein gels (e.g., rheological
Table 1 Some of the various techniques used to study the acid
properties), but appears to have some deficiencies, coagulation process
including the lack of any allowance for aggregate
rearrangement or interpenetration, and the assump- Viscometry
tion that all aggregates have the same size at the gel Rheometry
point (Dickinson, 1997). If there are only limited Thrombelastography
Texture analysis
rearrangements, the fractal dimensionality probably
Dynamic light scattering
increases, but after severe rearrangements a fractal Diffusing wave spectroscopy
description of the clusters will no longer hold (van Turbidity
Vliet, 1999). Horne (1999) has also questioned the Colorimetry
fractal definition of the gelation point (i.e., the sug- Confocal laser scanning microscopy
Electron microscopy
gestion that all casein particles become part of the gel
matrix at the point of gelation).
Formation, Structural Properties and Rheology of Acid-coagulated Milk Gels 107




Zeta potential (mV)




4.4 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0

Figure 2 Dependence on pH of the zeta-potential of washed unheated casein micelles on pH (from Schmidt and Poll, 1986 reproduced
with permission from Elsevier).

They proposed that at pH ⬃5.5, there is preferential lowered) there is a decrease in the gelation time and
dissociation of -casein and that at pH ⬃5.2 it reasso- an increase in gel firmness if rennet is used to coagu-
ciates with the micelles and this coincides with a ‘stage late milk (Zoon et al., 1989).
of contraction and rearrangement’. However, recent 2. pH ⬃6.0 to ⬃5.0. The decrease in pH causes a
studies (Law, 1996; Singh et al., 1996) have shown decrease in the net negative charge on the casein
that at temperatures 20 °C, which are commonly micelles, thereby reducing electrostatic repulsion.
used for the formation of acid milk gels, no preferen- The -casein ‘hairs’ on the micelle surface are
tial dissociation of -casein from the micelles occurs charged, so their charged ‘hairs’ may shrink as the
during the acidification of milk. It is more likely that pH decreases. The net result is a decrease in both
this unusual behaviour of the zeta potential is caused electrostatic repulsion and steric stabilization, the
by the solubilization of CCP, which modifies the ionic two factors that are primarily responsible for micelle
environment around casein micelles. stability. The CCP within casein micelles is dissolved
Three pH regions in the acidification of milk completely by pH ⬃5.0 in the case of milk, but a
from pH 6.7 to 4.6 (which is the pH range of interest considerable proportion of CCP remains intact in the
for the various types of acid-type cheeses) can be manufacture of natural, rennet-coagulated cheese
distinguished: (Lucey and Fox, 1993), presumably due to a protect-
ive effect of the higher solids. The dissociation of
1. pH 6.7 to ⬃6.0. The decrease in pH causes a casein from the micelle is very dependent on
decrease in the net negative charge on the casein temperature and pH. The pH of maximum dissociation
micelles, thereby reducing electrostatic repulsion. (at temperatures #20 °C) is 5.2–5.4 (Dalgleish and
Only a relatively small amount of CCP is dissolved Law, 1988), presumably due to loosening of the molecu-
above pH 6.0, so the structural features of the lar interactions between caseins due to the loss of
micelles are relatively unchanged (e.g., size). As a CCP, which causes increased electrostatic repulsion
consequence of this reduced repulsion (as the pH is between the newly exposed phosphoserine groups. At
108 Formation, Structural Properties and Rheology of Acid-coagulated Milk Gels

low temperatures, for e.g., 5 °C, considerable dissoci- On acidification, casein particles aggregate as a result
ation occurs, especially at pH 5.4–5.2; some disso- of (mainly) charge neutralization, the main titratable
ciation occurs at 20 °C, but dissociation decreases groups in milk are shown in Table 2. Acidification even-
rapidly 20 °C, and at 30 °C there is virtually no tually leads to the formation of chains and clusters that
liberation of caseins (Dalgleish and Law, 1988). are linked together to form a three-dimensional network
-Casein dissociates to a greater extent than the (Mulvihill and Grufferty, 1995). Acid casein gels can be
other caseins during acidification at low tempera- formed from sodium caseinate and gelation also occurs at
tures (Dalgleish and Law, 1988); since the -casein pH ⬃5.0 (Lucey et al., 1997b,c). Direct acidification of
‘hairs’ provide a stabilizing layer (both sterically milk at a low temperature may allow solubilization of
and electrostatically), any reduction in this stabil- CCP prior to gelation and therefore these gels may
ization should render the micelles more sensitive to undergo less change in their mechanical properties (e.g.,
aggregation. syneresis) than traditional cultured products. Glucono--
3. pH #5.0. The net negative charge on the lactone (GDL) is also used to acidify milk but these acid-
casein micelles declines with the approach of the induced gels probably have different rheological and
isoelectric point and there are increased electrostatic structural properties from gels produced by in situ acid
interactions and reduced electrostatic repulsion, production by bacterial cultures (Lucey et al., 1998d).
which allow increased hydrophobic interactions Hydrophobic interactions are unlikely to play a direct
(Horne, 1998). In unheated milk gels, in which role in the strength of acid gels as the G of these gels
acidification is the only coagulation method, gela- increases with decreasing assay temperature. Cooling
tion occurs around pH 4.9 unless acidification is such gels results in an increase in G , probably due to
performed at a very high temperature when a higher swelling of casein particles (caused by the weaker
gelation pH is observed. hydrophobic interactions) and an increase in the contact

Table 2 Main titratable groups in milk (reprinted with permission from Singh et al., 1997)

Group (mM)a,b Expected pKac,d pKa (in milk)a

Inorganic phosphate 21.0e 2.1, 7.2, 12.3 3, 5.8, 6.6f
Citrate 9.0–9.2 3.1, 4.7, 5.4 3, 4.1, 4.8f
Organic phosphate esters 2.5–3.5 1.4, 6.6? 1.7, 5.9f
Carbonate 2.0 6.4, 10.1 6.4, 10.1
Lactic acid 0.4 3.9 3.9
Formic acid 0.2–1.8 3.6 3.6
Acetic acid 0.05–0.8 4.7 4.8
Various amines 1.5 ⬃7.6 7.6

Ionizable groups of proteins Concentration (mM)a Expected pKaa,c,d,g pKa (in milk)a
Aspartic acid (-COOH) 19 4.6 4.1
Glutamic acid (-COOH) 50 4.6 4.6
Histidine (imidazole) 6 7.0 6.5
Tyrosine (phenol) 12 9.6
Lysine ( -NH3) 20 10.2 10.5
Phosphoserine (phosphate) 7 1.5, 6.5 2.6
N-acetylneuraminic acid (COOH) 0.5 2.6 5.0
Terminal carboxyl ( -COOH) 3.7 3.7
Terminal amino ( -NH3) } 1.5 7.9 7.9

a Data from Walstra and Jenness (1984).

b Data from Jenness (1988).
c Data from Tanford (1962).
d Data from Edsall and Wyman (1958).
e About 10 mM colloidal phosphate, 11 mM in solution (at pH 6.6).
f pKa values from titration with Ca(OH)2.
g Data from Damodaran (1996).
Formation, Structural Properties and Rheology of Acid-coagulated Milk Gels 109

area between particles. With increasing ionic strength, where 0 is the amplitude of the shear stress, 0 is the
charged groups on casein would be screened, thereby amplitude of the strain and  is the phase angle.
weakening interactions between casein particles. The rheological properties of acid milk gels have
been studied extensively over the past 15 years or so
(see reviews by Benezech and Maingonnat, 1994;
Physical Properties of Acid-Induced Gels Lucey and Singh, 1997). In general, unheated skim
milk forms a weak gel (G 50 Pa), and the pH at
Rheological properties of acid milk gels
gelation is generally ⬃4.8–5.0. An example of some
Acid milk gels are viscoelastic and exhibit shear thin- rheological properties of a high-fat acid milk gel (simi-
ning when sheared and slow recovery after shearing is lar to cream cheese) is shown in Fig. 3. After gelation,
stopped. The textural and rheological properties of G increases rapidly and only starts to plateau during
acid milk gels can be assessed by a range of fundamen- ageing of the gel (in the region of pH ⬃4.6), tan 
tal and empirical methods such as small amplitude decreases to 0.4 soon after gelation and decreases to
oscillatory rheology (SAOR), large amplitude oscilla- ⬃0.2–0.3 during the ageing of acid milk gels. Roefs
tory shear, penetration, texture profile analysis, rota- (1986) demonstrated that for acid gels, G could con-
tional viscometry and flow through an orifice such as a tinue to increase for up to several days, due, presum-
Posthumus funnel (Benezech and Maingonnat, 1994; ably, to slow ongoing fusion/rearrangements of casein
Velez-Ruiz and Barbosa Canovas, 1997). A combin- particles.
ation of techniques should ideally be used to monitor An unusual rheological phenomenon is observed
the gel formation phase, as well as the impact of fur- soon after the formation of an acid-induced gel from
ther processing steps on the gel properties (e.g., stir- heated milk; tan  decreases initially but then
ring). The rheological parameters characterizing acid increases to a maximum value before decreasing
casein gels depend on the number and strength of again (e.g., Biliaderis et al., 1992). A high tan  indi-
bonds between the casein particles, on the structure of cates an increased susceptibility of bonds and
the latter and the spatial distribution of the strands strands in the gel to break or relax, thus facilitating
making up these particles (Roefs et al., 1990a). more rearrangements of the gel (van Vliet et al.,
Some techniques (e.g., texture profile analysis) may 1991). The maximum in tan  may be a conse-
give only a single-point measurement and damage the quence of a partial loosening of the weak initial gel
sample. The initial step in the manufacture of most acid- network due to the solubilization of CCP, while at
type cheeses is gelation, so dynamic non-destructive lower pH values there are increased protein–protein
techniques, such as SAOR, are needed to study this attractions between casein particles as the net charge
process. The SAOR technique involves the application of decreases with the approach of the isoelectric point
an oscillating strain or stress that is within the linear vis- (Lucey et al., 1998c). The maximum in the value of
coelastic region for that material (usually less than 5% tan  occurs in acid gels that have a high gelation
strain for most milk gels). Some of the main parameters pH, e.g., gels made from heated or unheated milk to
determined from these tests include the elastic or storage which some rennet is added (Lucey et al., 1998c,
modulus (G ), which is a measure of the energy stored 2000).
per oscillation cycle, the viscous or loss modulus (G ), An example of some rheological properties of an
which is a measure of the energy dissipated as heat per acid skim milk gel made from severely heated milk
cycle, and the loss tangent (tan ), which is the ratio of (similar to quarg cheese) is shown in Fig. 4. The very
the viscous to the elastic properties (Lopes da Silva and low incubation temperature (23 °C) and the slow
Rao, 1999). These parameters are defined as follows: acidification and gelation processes result in a
smaller maximum for tan  (more of a flattening of
the curve) compared to gels made at a higher tempera-
G'  冢  冣cos 

(1) ture (e.g., 30 °C). Presumably, under those gelation
conditions there is a slower and less dramatic impact
of solubilization of CCP on the mechanical properties
of casein gels (more CCP is solubilized pre-gelation).
G"  冢  冣sin 

(2) An example of some rheological properties of an acid
skim milk gel made from unheated milk with a small
amount of rennet added (similar to Cottage cheese) is
shown in Fig. 5. Gelation occurs at a high pH due to the
G action of rennet and a clear maximum in tan  is
tan   (3)
G observed due to the high incubation temperature (32 °C)
110 Formation, Structural Properties and Rheology of Acid-coagulated Milk Gels

0.50 250 7.0

0.45 200 6.5

Storage and loss modulus, Pa

150 6.0
Loss tangent


100 5.5

50 5.0

0 4.5

0.15 4.0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Time (min)

Figure 3 Rheological changes during the formation of the initial cream cheese gel. Storage modulus (), loss modulus (), loss
tangent () and pH changes (solid line) as a function of time during the incubation of 12% fat milk with 2% of a mesophilic starter
culture at 23 °C. Milk was homogenized at 17.5 and 5 MPa double stage at ⬃60 °C. The applied frequency was 0.1 Hz and the strain
was 1% (unpublished data of Lucey et al., 2003).

and the fast acidification rate (5% starter culture added). Horne (1999) reported that the rheological properties
The G increases rapidly initially but the profile flat- of acidified milk gels exhibit a form of scaling behaviour.
tens in the vicinity of the maximum in tan . These For acid gels made from unheated or heated milk, there
trends are similar to that observed for model gels made are two distinct ‘master curves’, which implies that there
with a combination of rennet and acid (GDL) (Lucey are fundamental differences in the kinetics and dynamics
et al., 2000). of the gel formation process in these two types of gels.

0.50 160 7.0

Storage and loss modulus, Pa


0.40 100
Loss tangent


0.30 40

20 5.0

0.20 4.5
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
Time (min)

Figure 4 Rheological changes during the formation of the initial quarg cheese gel. Storage modulus (), loss modulus (), loss
tangent () and pH changes (solid line) as a function of time during the incubation of skim milk with 1% of a mesophilic starter cul-
ture at 22 °C. Milk was pre-heated at 90 °C for 5 min. The applied frequency was 0.1 Hz and the strain was 1% (unpublished data of
Lucey et al., 2003).
Formation, Structural Properties and Rheology of Acid-coagulated Milk Gels 111

1.0 80 6.6

60 6.2

Storage and loss modulus, Pa

Loss tangent 6.0

0.7 40

0.6 5.6

0.3 4.8
0 50 100 150 200 250
Time (min)

Figure 5 Rheological changes during the formation of the initial cottage cheese gel. Storage modulus (), loss modulus (), loss
tangent () and pH changes (solid line) as a function of time during the incubation of skim milk with 5% of a mesophilic starter cul-
ture at 32 °C. Approximately 1 ml of standard strength rennet was added per 450 kg milk just after culture addition. The applied fre-
quency was 0.1 Hz and the strain was 1% (unpublished data of Lucey et al., 2003).

In experiments where the time-scale of the applied flow behaviour (Benezech and Maingonnat, 1994; Velez-
deformation was varied (frequency sweeps), log G Ruiz and Barbosa Canovas, 1997).
versus log angular frequency gave linear curves with a Fundamental large deformation rheological proper-
slope of ⬃0.15 for various types of acid casein gels ties of acid casein gels have been reported (Bremer et al.,
(Roefs and van Vliet, 1990; Lucey and Singh, 1997). 1990; van Vliet et al., 1991; van Vliet and Keetels, 1995;
This suggests that similar (fundamental) structural Lucey et al., 1997a,b, 2000). Gross fracture of acid
components (bonds) are present in all types of (aged) casein gels made with GDL was observed at a strain of
acid casein gels. 0.5–0.6. The shear stress at fracture increases with
Acid casein gels are very brittle and fragile com- decreasing gelation temperature and with ageing of the
pared with rennet-coagulated milk gels. It is difficult gel. The strain at fracture decreases with ageing of the
to form a gel suitable for cutting and this approach is gel. Heat treatment of milk prior to acidification (with
used for only a few cheeses (e.g., Cottage). Most acid GDL) results in a large reduction in the strain at fracture,
gels when stirred or mixed have a smooth, non-curdy from ⬃1.5 for gels made from unheated milk to 0.5–0.8
texture. Improper equipment design and excessive for gels made from milk samples heated at a temperature
pumping can damage or shatter this fragile gel and 80 °C. Partial rebodying (structural recovery) of acid
result in yield losses. There is little published informa- milk gels occurs after the structure has been disrupted
tion on the fundamental large deformation properties by shearing (Arshad et al., 1993), which presumably
of acid milk gels although this would provide useful reflects reforming of some of the weak (electrostatic,
information on properties that may be related to the hydrophobic) interactions between casein particles.
consistency of the gel during consumption, cutting or
Texture and sensory properties
Mixing and stirring of acid milk gels prior to rheo- The microstructure of acid milk gels has a marked
logical testing means that many reported ‘fracture’ effect on their texture and sensory attributes (Langton
(yield) properties are not those of the original ‘set’ gel et al., 1996). An excessively firm texture can be
(Lucey and Singh, 1997). Another problem that can caused by factors such as a very high total solids
affect viscometric measurements of acid milk gels is content of the mix (both fat and casein) or an exces-
slip when using flow curves (Suwonsichon and Peleg, sive amount of added stabilizers. A weak body can
1999). Unrealistically low values (0.5) that have be caused by factors such as a low solids (fat) con-
been reported for the flow index (n) of stirred acid tent of the mix, insufficient heat treatment of the
milk gels could be due to these problems (Suwonsichon milk, low acidity (high pH) and a too low gelation
and Peleg, 1999). Acid milk gels exhibit time-dependent temperature.
112 Formation, Structural Properties and Rheology of Acid-coagulated Milk Gels

For Cream cheese it is considered that if the pH of Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CSLM) is a rela-
the cheese is too high (i.e., 4.7) the texture will be tively new (but expensive) technique which enables
soft and the cheese will lack flavour. At a very low samples to be observed with minimal preparation pro-
pH (4.6), Cream cheese may become too grainy cedures due to its unique optical sectioning capabilities
and the flavour too acid. Defects in Cream cheese and high spatial resolution (Brooker, 1995) and is very
include whey separation from the product during suitable for observing the overall microstructure of
storage, lack of spreadability and a grainy chalky tex- milk gels (Hassan et al., 1995; Lucey et al., 1997c,
ture, especially in the lower fat types. Textural 1998b,e, 2001). A confocal micrograph of an acid-
defects described as ‘chalkiness’ or ‘grainy’ are objec- induced gel made from heated milk is shown in Fig. 6;
tionable, as consumers usually expect a smooth, its structure appears more interconnected than unheated
fine-bodied product (Bodyfelt et al., 1988). Exces- milk gels, especially if a small concentration of rennet
sive aggregation of protein has been associated with is added (Fig. 7) (Lucey et al., 2001). Confocal images
this kind of chalky or gritty defect. Hot-pack cheese are very amenable to image analysis since the images
has a more brittle texture than cold-pack product are already in a digital form.
due to the additional heating and shearing treat-
ments. Cream cheese should have a spreadable con- Permeability
sistency as it is commonly used on bagels and in
cheesecakes. Quarg from skim milk is smooth and Permeability measurements provide information about
white with a mild clean, acid flavour. Addition of fat inhomogenities at the level of the gel network (i.e.,
improves smoothness. In contrast to most other fresh largest pores). A simple tube method was developed by
acid cheeses, Cottage cheese has a granular, curdy the Wageningen group (van Dijk and Walstra, 1986) to
texture instead of being a viscous, smooth or pasty determine the permeability coefficient of milk gels. Gels
product. are made in open-ended glass tubes. After gelation the
The sensory or flavour attributes of acid milk prod- gel tubes are placed in a measuring container full of
ucts are very important. For many markets, fruits, whey, where the level of whey is above the height of the
sweeteners, spices and condiments are added, which gel in the tubes. The pressure gradient resulting from the
can, to a large extent, determine the sensory properties difference in height of the (top of the) whey container
of these products. (actually an empty reference tube) and the gel tube is
enough to cause the flow of serum through the gel. The
permeability coefficient can be calculated as follows:
Electron microscopy (EM) and confocal scanning laser
microscopy (CSLM) studies on acid milk gels have
冤ln (h(h

B (4)
shown that these gels consist of a coarse particulate [!g(t2 t1)]
network of casein particles linked together in clusters,
chains and strands (Kalab et al., 1983; Lucey and where B is the permeability coefficient (m2), h is the
Singh, 1997). The network has pores or void spaces in height of the whey in the reference tube (m), ht1 is
which the aqueous phase is confined; in fat-containing the height of the whey in the gel tube at t1 (m), ht2 is
products, the presence of (large) fat globules obscures the height of the whey in the gel tube at t2,  is the vis-
the finer details of pores and strands. The diameter of cosity of the whey, H is the height of the gel (m), ! is the
these pores varies considerably, with larger pores in density of the whey and g is acceleration due to gravity.
gels made at a high gelation temperature (usually For most acid milk gels formed at 30 °C, the value of B
30 m) or from milk with a low protein content. is in the range ⬃1 2  10 13 m2 (Roefs et al., 1990a;
There have been several EM studies on the microstruc- van Marle and Zoon, 1995; Lucey et al., 1998e). In gen-
ture of gels formed by acidification of heated milk eral, a very high incubation temperature, use of rennet
(Davies et al., 1978; Parnell-Clunies et al., 1987; Mottar and conditions of rapid acidification, e.g., GDL-induced
et al., 1989). Harwalkar and Kalab (1980) proposed, gels, can all result in gels with high permeability.
based on the examination of electron micrographs, The permeability of rennet-induced gels is in the
that acid milk gels made from unheated milk had same range as acid-induced gels but for rennet-
larger protein clusters (coarse structure) than gels induced milk gels, B increases with time, which has
made from heated milk, which they described as been taken as evidence of ‘microsyneresis’ or breakage
highly branched (fine structure). Similar trends have of strands in the network, resulting in the formation of
been reported for GDL-induced gels (Lucey et al., larger pores (Walstra, 1993). Studies on the permeabil-
1998e). ity of acid-induced gels have shown that the value of B
Formation, Structural Properties and Rheology of Acid-coagulated Milk Gels 113

Figure 6 Confocal laser scanning micrographs of Quarg cheese gel made from skim milk fermented with 1% (w/w) of a mesophilic
starter culture at 22 °C. Milk was pre-heated at 90 °C for 5 min. The pH of the gels was ⬃4.7. Scale bar  20 m (unpublished data
of Lucey et al., 2003).

does not change with time (Roefs et al., 1990a; Lucey are apparent at the initial gelation stage would prob-
et al., 1997c); however in these studies, B was deter- ably require the addition of more stabilizers to pre-
mined in aged gels. It is possible that the value of B for vent whey separation during storage. Acid gels made
acid milk gels could change with time, at least for a from severely heated milks with GDL had a ‘rough’
short period during after gel formation. Gels with surface, with visible cracks and some whey separa-
larger pores (higher permeability) are generally less tion (Lucey et al., 1998a,e). It was suggested that
stable and are more susceptible to whey separation rearrangement of the network during after gel forma-
(syneresis) (Lucey et al., 1997c). tion might be responsible for these defects. Gels made
from severely heated milk have a lower strain at frac-
ture than gels made from unheated milk and this may
make heated gels more susceptible to localized frac-
Most acid milk gels should have a smooth, semi- turing of strands in the network (Lucey et al., 1997a).
solid consistency, with no surface whey even if they The ‘transition’ in the rheological properties (as indi-
are subjected to further processing such as the addi- cated by the maximum in loss tangent) may increase
tion of stabilizers. The appearance of a set gel should the susceptibility of protein–protein bonds to relax
be smooth with no cracks or ‘blemishes’. Defects that and if these bonds have a relatively short lifetime,
114 Formation, Structural Properties and Rheology of Acid-coagulated Milk Gels

Figure 7 Confocal laser scanning micrographs of Cottage cheese gel made from skim milk fermented with 5% of a mesophilic
starter culture at 32 °C. Approximately 1 ml of standard strength rennet was added per 450 kg milk just after culture addition. The pH
of the gel was ⬃4.7. Scale bar  20 m (unpublished data of Lucey et al., 2003).

this may lead to yielding or breaking of strands (van to instability of the gel network (i.e., due to large-
Vliet et al., 1991). scale rearrangements) (see review by Walstra, 1993).
In practice, fresh acid cheese manufacturers often try
to prevent whey separation in the retail product by
Whey separation and syneresis
adding stabilizers (e.g., xanthan gum, locust bean
Whey separation (wheying-off) refers to the appear- gum, carrageenan) or whey protein concentrate
ance of liquid (whey) on the surface of a milk gel and (WPC) prior to packaging. The causes of wheying-off
is a common defect in yogurt. However, in fresh acid during retail storage include post-acidification, tempera-
cheeses, such as Cream cheese, several techniques are ture fluctuations, proteolysis by the starter culture,
used to remove some of the whey from the original and physical abuse (e.g., vibration, shaking, improper
gel. Whey removal increases the total solids content stacking).
of the product, which results in increased firmness The amount of spontaneous whey separation in acid
and viscosity. Syneresis is defined as shrinkage of a gel milk gels can be quantified using simple approaches
and this occurs concomitantly with the expulsion of such as determining the amount of surface whey that is
whey. It is useful to define spontaneous syneresis as expelled during gelation (Lucey et al., 1998a). The
the contraction of a gel without the application of an quantity of whey expelled from acid milk gels as a result
external force (e.g., centrifugation), and this is related of high speed centrifugation may be a useful indicator
Formation, Structural Properties and Rheology of Acid-coagulated Milk Gels 115

of the amount of whey that can be removed during the by slow acidification of milk at a low temperature and
mechanical separation process used for Quarg or Cream under quiescent heating exhibit little wheying-off or
cheese products. Quantifying the amount of whey spontaneous syneresis (Roefs, 1986). Surface whey
drainage from a broken gel distributed over a screen expelled during gelation is sometimes reabsorbed by
gives a measure of water-holding capacity, and is the product on cooling and storage at a low tempera-
more relevant to products such as Cottage cheese ture (Lucey et al., 1997c). Post-acidification, product
where screens are used to separate the curds/whey mishandling and temperature abuse are common
mixture (Lucey et al., 1998a). Some acid milk gels causes of wheying-off in acidified milk products.
may be produced by concentrating the milk (e.g., by It should be noted that acid milk gels undergo
UF) to the desired total solids of the final product, thus much less syneresis than rennet-induced gels even
eliminating the need for a whey removal step. when they are subjected to centrifugation. For this
It has been shown (van Dijk and Walstra, 1986) reason, acid-coagulated cheeses have a very high mois-
that the one-dimensional syneresis of milk gels is ture content (e.g., 50%).
related to the flow of liquid (whey) through the net-
work and is governed by the equation of Darcy:
Effects of Compositional and Processing
Parameters on the Textural Properties
B p of Acid Milk Gels
v (5)
 x The effects of each processing step on the textural
properties of acid milk gels are considered in the fol-
where v is the superficial flow velocity of the syneresing lowing section. A summary of the effects of some of
liquid through the gel (i.e., volume flow rate over the the main processing factors is given in Table 3.
cross-sectional area through which the liquid flows), B
is the permeability coefficient,  is the viscosity of the
Inoculation and gelation temperature
liquid, p is the pressure acting on the liquid and x the
distance over which the liquid must flow. Acidification of fresh acid products by cultures is gen-
In milk gels, a key factor in controlling syneresis is erally performed by either of two methods: slow,
the degree of rearrangement that occurs in the casein 12–16 h at 20–23 °C (long set) or 4–6 h at 30–32 °C
network (van Vliet and Walstra, 1994). The relations (short set). Cultures of mesophilic lactic acid bacteria
between rheological parameters (e.g., G , tan , yield (i.e., mainly Lactococcus spp. and Leuconostoc spp.) and
strain and stress, and the frequency dependency of sometimes probiotic species are used as cultures for
tan ) and syneresis of acid milk gels have been most acid-coagulated cheeses. Sometimes, fresh cheeses
discussed by Lucey (2001). Parameters that affect the are made by the addition of acid, e.g., phosphoric or
time-scale for rearrangements of bonds in a gel lactic acid (direct-acid-set or direct acidification)
include the dynamic moduli, which indicates the and/or GDL.
strength and number of bonds in the network, the Compared with gels made at 20 °C, acid casein gels
yield stress and shear deformation at yielding, which made at 40 °C are coarser, show more rearrangements,
determine the susceptibility of the strands to break- are weaker and less stable (Lucey et al., 1997b,c). In
age, and tan , with higher values favouring the relax- practice, other process variables (e.g., fat content, stabil-
ation of bonds (van Vliet et al., 1991; Lucey et al., izers, heat treatment) can help to stabilize this type of
1997a,c). In freshly made gels, the number of bonds gel. In general, an excessive rate of acid development
between each junction is not yet very high, as indi- (e.g., use of GDL) at a high incubation temperature
cated by the low dynamic moduli, and tan  is higher (e.g., 45 °C) contributes to the ‘wheying-off’ defect and
than in aged gels; these factors might explain why poor gel formation. In various types of acid milk gels
wheying-off occurs sometimes in young but less often formed with GDL, a lower gelation temperature (e.g.,
in aged gels. Syneresis of acid milk gels made with 30 °C) results in a longer gelation time but these gels
GDL increases at high gelation temperatures, high pH can have higher G values than gels made at a much
values and in the presence of even low rennet levels higher gelation temperature (e.g., 40 °C) (Cobos et al.,
(van Vliet et al., 1997; Lucey, 2002a). It has been 1995; Lucey et al., 1998d). This is due to a coarser gel
shown recently that endogenous syneresis pressure is structure (greater rearrangements) in GDL gels formed
generally small in acid gels made from sodium at high temperatures (Lucey et al., 1997c). In cultured
caseinate and this results in a lesser tendency of these products, these gelation temperature-related trends
gels to shrink compared to rennet-induced gels may be less obvious due to the large differences in the
(Lucey et al., 1997c). Acid-induced milk gels formed rate of pH decline between cultured and GDL-induced
116 Formation, Structural Properties and Rheology of Acid-coagulated Milk Gels

Table 3 Summary of the effects of some processing conditions on the acid coagulation of milk and properties of the resulting gel

Condition Impact on acid coagulation and gel properties

Incubation Faster acid production at higher temperatures leads to shorter gelation times. At a very high temperature
temperature (e.g., 35 °C) there are more rearrangements of casein particles in the network leading to lower plateau
values for gel stiffness and an increased likelihood of whey separation than gels made at a lower tempera-
ture (e.g., 26 °C). At very high temperatures, the gelation pH may increase. At very low temperatures
(e.g., 4 °C), no coagulation of casein occurs even at pH 4.6.
Heat treatment Heat treatment of milk at a temperature 78 °C for 15 min causes enough whey protein denaturation to
greatly increase gelation pH, decrease gelation time and increase viscosity/firmness. The high isoelectric
point (5.3) of the main whey protein, -lactoglobulin, is responsible for this effect. Disulfide cross-linking of
casein strands increases gel stiffness but solubilization of CCP occurs in casein particles that are already
participating in the gel matrix, which triggers greater rearrangements and is responsible for the increase in
loss tangent observed in rheological tests.
pH Aggregation occurs as the isoelectric point of casein (#4.9) is approached. Maximum gel firmness occurs
around pH 4.6. In general, a slower rate of acidification results in slightly higher gel firmness (may also
provide more time at a low pH which should favour additional bond formation).
Ionic strength At very high ionic strength (e.g., 0.1 M NaCl), no aggregation of casein particles occurs at pH 4.6 due to
screening of electrostatic charges. A minimum concentration of Ca2 is required for acid coagulation.
Casein content Gel stiffness is proportional to casein concentration
Use of rennet The use of a very small amount of rennet in some fresh-type cheeses results in gelation occurring earlier
(i.e., at a higher pH), and greater syneresis during processing (e.g., cooking).

gels. In cultured products, gels that are made at very Rapid heating of cold-acidified gels to a high tempera-
low temperatures (e.g., 21 °C) are weaker than gels ture (e.g., 50 °C) resulted in firm gels but considerable
made at slightly higher temperatures (eg., 26 °C). The syneresis.
dynamic moduli of acid gels increase with decreasing
measuring temperature (Lucey et al., 1997a,b). Whey
Heat treatment
separation also decreases in GDL gels made at a lower
gelation temperature (Lucey et al., 1997c, 1998a). Heat treatment of milk is one of the most important
Acid-induced milk gels can be formed by slow acid- process parameters affecting the texture of acid milk
ification of milk with acid (e.g., HCl) at a low tempera- gels (Mulvihill and Grufferty, 1995). Milk used for
ture (e.g., 5 °C) followed by quiescent heating some fresh acid cheeses, such as Quarg, is subjected to
(Roefs, 1986). The casein particles at pH values close an extensive heat treatment. Incorporation of whey
to 4.6 are very different from those at the normal, protein into fresh cheese is an important aspect of
physiological pH (Walstra, 1993). In this type of gel, it fresh cheese manufacture because of an increased
has been proposed that the decrease in the voluminos- yield. Acid whey is also considered less valuable than
ity of the casein particles after a gel has formed during rennet whey in terms of its use for the manufacture of
the heating step results in a ‘straightening’ of the nor- high value-added whey products. High heat treatment
mally tortuous strands in the network (Walstra, 1993). of milk is not usually practised for Cottage cheese
Hammelehle et al. (1997, 1998) used citric acid to since heating reduces whey syneresis, which causes
form milk gels by this cold acidification procedure. textural defects, including excessive softness and brit-
They found that close to the isoelectric point it was tleness. Forming a gel that is suitable for cutting is a
harder to get homogeneous gels when the samples step unique to Cottage cheese and is not used in the
were subsequently warmed. Gels were formed at a manufacture of most other fresh cheeses. Cream
lower heating temperature when the acidification pH cheese is manufactured from pasteurized milk (72–75 °C
was lower. The use of a higher setting temperature for 30–90 s) (Guinee et al., 1993) as a higher heat
(e.g., 40 °C compared with 30 °C) resulted in firmer treatment causes difficulties due to not being able to
gels, which is the opposite trend compared with GDL- remove sufficient whey during the centrifugal separa-
acidified gels. It is likely that the structure of GDL- and tion process.
directly-acidified acid milk gels is different. The When milk is pre-heat treated, denatured whey pro-
method of acidification and gel formation (e.g., GDL, teins associate with casein micelles and they cross-link
cold acidification or bacterial fermentation) has a the gel network when aggregation occurs during sub-
major impact on the structure and physical properties sequent acidification of milk. The firmness and viscos-
of acid milk gels (Roefs, 1986; Lucey et al., 1998d). ity of acid gels has been related to the extent of
Formation, Structural Properties and Rheology of Acid-coagulated Milk Gels 117

denaturation of whey proteins during heat treatment is often an optional additive in fresh cheeses. Rennet
(e.g., Dannenberg and Kessler, 1988). Heat treatment may be added shortly after the point when the starter
also results in a reduction in the gelation time. In gels culture is added or more commonly during the fer-
that are formed from pre-heated milk, gelation occurs mentation process as long as the pH is not too low
at a higher pH (e.g., 5.2–5.4) than from unheated milk (typical range: pH 6.0–6.3). Some rennet (pre-diluted
(pH ⬃5.0); these pH values depend on the gelation rennet and other ingredients are added in a product
temperature. The higher gelation pH can be attributed called ‘coagulator’) is often added when making large-
to the higher isoelectric pH (⬃5.2) of the main whey curd Cottage cheese but is rarely used when making
protein, -lactoglobulin, which initiates isoelectric small curd–style, as the curd may be more easily shat-
precipitation/aggregation at a higher pH than for tered during cutting. When rennet is added, the Cot-
caseins which have an isoelectric point of ⬃4.6 (Lucey tage cheese gel is ready to be cut at a higher pH (e.g.,
et al., 1998c). In gels produced from heated milk, the 4.8) than in its absence (e.g., 4.6) or there would be
solubilization of CCP in casein particles that are excessive loss of fines. Increasing the amount of rennet
already part of the gel network can loosen the gel net- added increases the pH of the curd at the point of
work, which assists in curd syneresis. At lower pH val- coagulation (Emmons et al., 1959); if sufficient rennet
ues, electrostatic repulsion is weaker which facilitates is added, milk will coagulate close to the starting pH
greater hydrophobic interactions and as a result, the value, as for rennet-coagulated cheeses. Rennet
gel becomes firmer again and exhibits less syneresis. hydrolyses some -CN and the resulting CMP dif-
In acid milk gels, syneresis is virtually absent at pH fuses away from the micelles, leading to a decrease in
4.6, although this pH is the point of maximum gel the zeta potential, by ⬃5–7 mV (⬃50%), which
firmness (Roefs, 1986). Moderate heat treatment prior reduces electrostatic repulsion between rennet-altered
to acidification had little effect on the extent of solubil- micelles. Removal of the ‘hairs’ also results in a
ization of CCP from the micelles (Law, 1996; Singh decrease in the hydrodynamic diameter by ⬃5 nm,
et al., 1996). High heat treatments also increase the and a loss of steric stabilization. In acid cheeses,
dynamic moduli of acid milk gels (van Vliet and Keetels, the rennet coagulation process proceeds slowly due to
1995; Lucey et al., 1997a, 1998b,c) although the frac- the very low rennet level and low temperature that are
ture strain decreases with increasing heat treatment, commonly used. There have been a number of recent
making these gels more brittle (Lucey et al., 1997a). reports on model acid milk gels made with combined
Heat treatment may increase the susceptibility of GDL rennet addition and concomitant acid production
gels to wheying-off as the gel may undergo greater (Roefs et al., 1990b; Lucey et al., 2000, 2001; Tranchant
rearrangement (Lucey et al., 1998a). et al., 2001). The rheological profiles are often com-
There have been a number of reports on the effects plex due to the effects of solubilization of CCP from
of heat treatment on the rheological properties of acid micelles that are already part of a gel network, and
milk gels determined by dynamic low amplitude changes in casein–casein interactions as the pH
(strain) oscillation (van Vliet and Keetels, 1995; decreases.
Lucey et al., 1997a, 1998b,c). van Vliet and Keetels
(1995) reported that acid skim milk gels made from
Solids non-fat (SNF) content
reconstituted low-heat skim milk powder (SMP) had
much lower dynamic moduli than gels made from It is well known that increasing the solids non-fat
high-heat SMP. Lucey et al. (1997a) reported that (SNF) content of milk increases the firmness and vis-
heating milk at a temperature 78 °C greatly cosity of acid milk gels. The protein or SNF content
increased G compared to unheated milk (⬃15 Pa) of milk can be increased by concentrating milk, e.g.,
and produced gels with G in the range 350–450 Pa. by reverse osmosis, UF or thermal evaporation or by
Increased cross-linking or bridging, by denatured dry-matter enrichment. The sources of dry-matter are
whey proteins, within gels made from heated milk usually SMP and WPC. At similar protein levels, acid
may be responsible for the increased rigidity of the milk gels enriched with Na caseinate have a higher
network (Lucey et al., 1997a, 1998c). viscosity or firmness than gels enriched with SMP or
WPC. The addition of 1% WPC to milk followed by
heat treatment, resulted in an increase in G and a
Rennet addition
reduction in the gelation time for acid milk gels
Rennet is sometimes added in the manufacture of (Lucey et al., 1999). It was suggested that during heat
some acid cheeses (e.g., Cottage and Quarg). The con- treatment, the added whey proteins, as well as the
centration of rennet added is very low (e.g., 0.2–10 ml original whey proteins in milk, were denatured and
of standard strength rennet per 1000 l of milk) and it associate with the casein micelles to provide additional
118 Formation, Structural Properties and Rheology of Acid-coagulated Milk Gels

cross-linkages within acid-induced gels (Lucey et al., surface of fat particles can interact with the protein
1999). Substitution of up to 10–15% of the casein matrix (largely casein but some denatured whey pro-
by WPC has little effect on the final viscosity or sen- teins when the gel is made from heated milks) of acid
sory attributes of acid milk gels but at higher levels of milk gels (van Vliet and Dentener-Kikkert, 1982; van
substitution, flocculation and off-flavors can occur in Vliet, 1988). In acid milk gels made from recombined
the product. The firmness of acid gels made from milk, G increases with an increasing volume fraction
milk with various casein to whey protein ratios was of fat (van Vliet and Dentener-Kikkert, 1982; van Vliet,
similar ( Jelen et al., 1987). 1988; Lucey et al., 1998b). Cho et al. (1999) showed
Milk with a very high (11%) solids content is not that the G of acid milk gels made from either heated
commonly used for Cottage cheese manufacture due or unheated milk is influenced by the nature of the fat
to problems with cutting the coagulum if it becomes globule membrane; gels containing fat globules stabil-
too firm, texture defects, reduced syneresis, increased ized by sodium caseinate or denatured whey proteins
buffering capacity causing a reduced rate of pH had very high G values compared with those stabilized
decline, and ‘stratification’ or layering of the solids can with SMP or native whey proteins.
occur in the vat during the slow coagulation process. Homogenization or shearing of high-fat acid gels,
Both the total solids and the fat content of milk used such as is practised in the manufacture of Cream
to make Cream cheese influence the ease of whey sep- cheese, results in increased firmness, and brittleness
aration, e.g., at a low fat content there may be a high becomes more evident if shearing of the hot cheese is
concentration of cheese in the separator whey as the excessive (Guinee et al., 1993). There is a general trend
density of the cheese (which is greatly influenced by for lower fat products to be more susceptible to a
the fat content) becomes similar to the whey. ‘chalky’ or ‘grainy’ defect (Muir, 2000). This may be due
partly to the creamy mouth-feel imparted by fat to dairy
Fat content and homogenization products.
Fat provides a perception of creaminess and im-
pH and calcium content
proves the mouth-feel of acid dairy products. Homo-
genization of milk for fresh cheese manufacture helps It is usually considered that the optimum pH for the
to prevent fat separation during storage, improves firmness/viscosity of acid milk gels is ⬃4.6. If the pH
consistency, increases whiteness and reduces whey falls below about 4.2, the gel may become weaker and
separation. Milk is usually homogenized at a pres- more susceptible to syneresis. A pH of 4.6–4.75 at cut-
sure in the range 10–20 MPa, at a temperature in the ting is often recommended for Cottage cheese; a higher
range 55–65 °C prior to heat treatment of the mix. pH gives a firmer coagulum while a lower pH gives a
It is considered that homogenized full-fat milk softer curd (Emmons and Tuckey, 1967; Emmons and
produces a firmer gel than those made from skim Beckett, 1984). A higher pH at cutting probably results
milk (Becker and Puhan, 1989). An increase in homo- in a greater retention of Ca as CCP within casein parti-
genization pressure has been reported to increase the cles. Electrostatic repulsion between casein molecules
viscosity of full-fat acid milk gels (Puhan, 1988). In is increased by dissolving the CCP (Horne, 1998). Acid
the manufacture of high-fat acid milk gels, the use of casein gels with a very high pH value (e.g., 4.8) have
a higher homogenization pressure or multiple passes a much greater tendency to synerese than gels with a
to produce smaller milk fat globules in the milk low pH value (#4.6) (van Vliet et al., 1997).
results in an increased G value and a higher yield The total calcium content of most fresh cheeses is
stress value calculated from flow curves (Sanchez low due to the low pH achieved during fermentation
et al., 1995). which solubilizes a high proportion of the CCP, which
The nature of the fat globule membrane determines is lost in the whey during drainage. Calcium chloride is
the types of interaction that can occur between fat often added to reconstituted milk used for Cottage
globules and the protein matrix. Fat globules act as an cheese manufacture (e.g., White and Ryan, 1983),
inert filler if the native fat globule membrane is intact although it probably has only minor effects of gel firm-
since this membrane does not interact with casein par- ness. Calcium fortification of fresh cheese is attractive
ticles (van Vliet and Dentener-Kikkert, 1982; van Vliet, from a nutritional perspective. The addition of CaCl2
1988). The G value of acid milk gels decreases with an (even up to 0.1% which is well above the legal permit-
increasing volume fraction of fat, which has an intact ted level) did not increase the Ca content of Cottage
native fat globule membrane (van Vliet and Dentener- cheese curd (Wong et al., 1976). Presumably, most of
Kikkert, 1982; van Vliet, 1988). In homogenized or the added CaCl2 was soluble at the low pH of acid milk
recombined milk, the native membrane is replaced gels. Acidification of milk to pH ⬃4.9 solubilizes all
largely by casein and some whey proteins so that the the CCP (Pyne and McGann, 1960). In acid casein
Formation, Structural Properties and Rheology of Acid-coagulated Milk Gels 119

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Starter Cultures: General Aspects
E. Parente, Dipartimento di Biologia DBAF, Università della Basilicata, Potenza, Italy
T.M. Cogan, Dairy Products Research Centre, Teagasc, Fermoy, Co. Cork, Ireland

Cheese cannot be made without the use of certain review of starter cultures into four chapters. This chap-
species of lactic acid bacteria (LAB), the major func- ter is devoted to general aspects of starter cultures but
tions of which are to produce lactic acid from lactose it cannot be considered to be exhaustive because of the
during manufacture and cause biochemical changes time required to digest and assimilate the considerable
during ripening, which help to develop the charac- literature currently available on these important bac-
teristic flavour of the cheese being made. The LAB teria. The approach taken is to highlight recent studies
involved are called Primary Cultures. These organisms on important aspects of starter cultures. Further infor-
are also called starter bacteria because they ‘start’ (initi- mation on many aspects of starter cultures can be
ate) the production of lactic acid. Generally, the starter obtained in the symposia on LAB held every three years
bacteria are carefully selected and deliberately added to in The Netherlands (Venema et al. 1996; Konings et al.,
the milk before cheesemaking but, for some cheeses, 1999; Siezen et al., 2002), the colloquia held every few
particularly Spanish and Italian varieties, no starter is years in France (Anonymous 1996, 1998, 2000, 2001),
added. Instead, the cheesemaker relies on adventitious Cogan and Accolas (1996) and Salminen and von
contaminants present in the milk used to make the Wright (1998).
cheese. The main species involved include Lactococcus
lactis, Leuconostoc sp., Streptococcus thermophilus,
Taxonomy and Strain Identification
Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. lactis, Lb. delbrueckii
subsp. bulgaricus and Lb. helveticus but not all of them Except for Sc. thermophilus, there have been no
are used in every cheese variety. The first two organisms changes in the taxonomy of the starter bacteria since
are used in most cheese varieties while the latter are the previous review by Cogan and Hill (1993). In
used in cheeses like Emmental and Parmigiano Reg- 1984, Sc. thermophilus was classified as a sub-species
giano and Pizza/Mozzarella cheese, which are heated to of Sc. salivarius (Farrow and Collins, 1984) but exten-
a high temperature during manufacture. In many arti- sive DNA:DNA hybridization studies under stringent
sanal cheeses, especially those produced in Mediter- conditions and physiological data have provided evi-
ranean countries, other LAB, including Lb. casei, Lb. dence to re-confer species rank on the organism
plantarum, Ec. faecalis, Ec faecium, Lb. salivarius, and (Schleifer et al., 1991). A new species, Streptococcus
Staphylococcus species are also found. madedonicus, has been recently isolated from Kasseri
Other microorganisms are also used in cheesemak- cheese (Tsakalidou et al., 1998). It does not hybridize
ing, e.g., Propionibacterium freudenreichii, Brevibac- with Sc. thermophilus and differs from it in not pro-
terium linens, Debaryomyces hansenii, Geotrichum ducing -galactosidase and in producing acid from
candidum, Penicillium roqueforti and P. camemberti. cellobiose, maltose and N-acetyl glucosamine; Sc.
These organisms have no function in acid production macedonicus shows 96% similarity in 16S and 23S
and are called Secondary Cultures. Their major role is rDNA sequences with those of Sc. thermophilus.
to produce organoleptic and biochemical changes in or Another new species, “Sc. waius”, isolated from biofilms
on the cheese. These include the production of CO2 by formed on exposure of stainless steel surfaces to
P. freudenreichii in Emmental cheese (‘Cheese With pasteurized milk, is identical to Sc. macedonicus
Propionic Acid Fermentation’, Volume 2), the blue (Manachini et al., 2002).
veins in Blue cheese, caused by growth of P. roqueforti Until recently, it was difficult to distinguish between
(‘Blue Cheese’, Volume 2) or the velvet-like coat of strains of the same species but the advent of modern
P. camemberti (mainly) which develops on Camembert molecular techniques, particularly sodium dodecyl sul-
cheese during ripening (‘Surface Mould-Ripened phate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE),
Cheese’, Volume 2). randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and
Since the last edition of this book (Fox, 1993) there pulse field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) has changed this
has been an explosion in scientific information on significantly. Many isolates from natural cheese
starter LAB. This has necessitated the division of the cultures show considerable heterogeneity and these
Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, Third edition – Volume 1: General Aspects Copyright © 2004 Elsevier Ltd
ISBN: 0-1226-3652-X All rights reserved
Set ISBN: 0-1226-3651-1
124 Starter Cultures: General Aspects

techniques have proved to be very useful in determin- lactococci (Tailliez et al., 1998). The analysis resulted in
ing how many strains are present (Giraffa et al., 1998). three major groups, two of which, G1 and G3, contained
Separation of whole-cell proteins by SDS-PAGE or Lc. lactis subsp. lactis and the other Lc. lactis subsp. cre-
DNA fragments by agarose gel electrophoresis results moris. PFGE has also been used to characterize lacto-
in characteristic patterns, which can be scanned, nor- cocci (Tanskanen et al., 1990), and unrelated strains
malized and compared. RAPD is a polymerase chain showed quite different patterns. Phage-resistant deriva-
reaction (PCR) technique in which a random primer of tives yielded identical or almost identical patterns to that
10 nucleotides is used as a template to generate DNA of the parent strain, indicating the usefulness of PFGE to
fragments which are then separated by gel elec- discriminate between closely related strains. PFGE has
trophoresis. This is a rapid procedure. PFGE is a proced- also been used to follow the diversity of Lc. lactis in
ure where the total DNA is extracted from the cells Pecorino Sardo cheese (Mannu et al., 2000).
and hydrolysed with rare-cutting restriction enzymes The divergence in the DNA sequences of Lc. lactis
into large fragments, which are then separated by gel subsp. lactis and Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris is estimated to
electrophoresis. This is a slow and labour-intensive be between 25 and 30% (Godon et al., 1992). Lc. lactis
technique but the band patterns are very reproducible subsp. lactis differs from Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris in
and allow one to discriminate objectively between dif- 9–10 bp in the sequence of the V1 region of the 16S
ferent strains and decide unequivocally if strains are rRNA gene and this has allowed specific DNA probes
the same or not. PFGE was used by Boutrou et al. for the different species of lactococci and leuconostocs
(1995) to classify 18 strains of Sc. thermophilus into to be designed (Klijn et al., 1991). A novel method for
two groups, and by O’Sullivan and Fitzgerald (1998) to distinguishing between Lc. lactis subsp. lactis and Lc.
separate 16 strains of the same species into three lactis subsp. cremoris was proposed by Nomura et al.
groups, which corresponded broadly with their prote- (1999), who showed that Lc. lactis subsp. lactis pro-
olytic and acidifying properties. Moschetti et al. (1998) duced -aminobutyric acid by decarboxylation of glu-
showed that in 51 strains of Sc. thermophilus, the tamate while Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris did not. A
16S–23S rDNA intergenic spacer region gave a single recent study (Kelly and Ward, 2002) has shown that
amplification product of 350 bp; cleavage of the prod- strains of Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris having a lactis phe-
uct with HaeIII gave two different restriction patterns. notype can be isolated in low numbers from dairy and
Considerable heterogeneity was found among 40 plant environments; the opposite, i.e., Lc lactis subsp.
strains of Sc. thermophilus using RAPD-PCR and the lactis with a cremoris phenotype can also be found but
M13 primer; three broad clusters were found, which is rare.
were partly correlated with the source of the isolates
(Giraffa et al., 2001).
Types of Cultures
Various molecular techniques, including RAPD,
PFGE and SDS-PAGE, have also been used to character- Starter cultures may be classified on the basis of their
ize different Lb. helveticus isolates. Lombardi et al. function, their temperature of growth or their compos-
(2002) showed that 67 strains of Lb. helveticus isolated ition. Some examples are presented in Table 1.
from whey starters and cheese could be grouped using a Primary starters are involved mainly in the
combination of genotypic (RAPD) and phenotypic production of lactic acid from lactose, which occurs
methods. The grouping corresponded with the cheese early in cheese production. Therefore, high numbers
from which the strains were isolated in the case of of active cells are added to the cheese milk. However,
Monte Veronese and Provolone cheeses but not Grana many of them also produce volatile compounds, e.g.,
cheese. In contrast, RAPD provided clear differentiation diacetyl from citrate, which is an important flavour
between 23 strains of Lb. helveticus isolated from Grana component of fresh cheese, and CO2 from lactose
and Provolone cheeses (Giraffa et al., 1998). The num- (heterofermentative species) and citrate (homofermen-
ber of isolates (23) in the latter study was small and a tative and heterofermentative species) which con-
greater number may have allowed less clear conclusions. tribute to the open texture of some cheeses. Their
SDS-PAGE of cell-wall proteins clearly separated isolates proteolytic systems are also involved in flavour and
of Lb. heleveticus from Grana and Provolone cheese aroma development in ripening cheeses. Moreover, by
(Gatti et al., 1999). PFGE was used to show that at least lowering the pH and Eh, by competing with spoilage
15 different strains of Lb. helveticus are in use in the US and pathogenic microorganisms and by producing
as starter cultures, including mixed-cultures containing antimicrobial compounds, they also contribute to the
one to four strains ( Jenkins et al., 2002). microbial safety of cheese.
The RAPD technique has also been shown to be use- The secondary microflora is more varied, both from a
ful for discriminating between a large group of strains of taxonomical and a functional point of view: non-starter
Table 1 Examples of cheese types, starter cultures and their function. Cheeses are ordered from soft to hard

Starter microflora

Primary c See
Starter Starter Volume 2,
Cheese function a type b Ln Lc Lc Cit Ec Sc Lb Ll Lh Other Chapter

Cottage, Quarg, Cream LA, D DSS,    13

Camembert, Brie LA, P, L MSS,   Geotrichum candidum, 7
DSS Penicillium camemberti
Mozzarella (Italian) LA, AR NS,       11
Pizza cheese LA, P DSS    11
Roquefort, Stilton LA, C, P, DSS,    Penicillium roqueforti 8
L MSS staphylococci, yeasts
Gorgonzola LA, P, L DSS   Penicillium roqueforti 8
Tilsit LA, P, NS   Brevibacterium linens, 9
SM DSS   other coryneforms,
staphylococci, yeasts
Cheddar LA, P DSS  4
Gouda, Edam LA, C, D, P MSS    5
Emmentaler, Sbrinz, LA, C, MSS    Propionibacterium 6
Gruyere PG, P DSS   shermanii
Parmigiano-Reggiano LA, P NS    3

a LA, lactic acid; D, diacetyl; AR, aroma, other than diacetyl; C, CO2; P, proteolysis; L, lipolysis; PG, propionic acid and gas; SM, surface smear.
b NS natural starter, MSS mixed strain starter, DSS defined strain starter.
c Ln, Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. cremoris; Lc, Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis (Cit ) and/or cremoris; Lc, Cit citrate-utilising Lc. lactis subsp. lactis; Ec, Enterococcus faecium
and/or faecalis; Sc, Streptococcus thermophilus; Lb, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus; Ll, Lb. delbrueckii subsp. lactis; Lh, Lb. helveticus, , dominating species;  species
occurring in lower numbers or occasionally.
126 Starter Cultures: General Aspects

lactic acid bacteria (NSLAB), propionibacteria, coryne- trolled conditions reduces the intrinsic variability
forms, staphylococci, yeasts and moulds may all con- associated to the use of artisanal starters.
tribute to the organoleptic properties of cheeses. Because Natural starter cultures and commercial MSS,
these microorganisms play their role during ripening, because of their long history, are called traditional
high initial numbers are not needed and natural contam- starters (Limsowtin et al., 1996) as opposed to defined-
ination, from milk and the cheese environment, is still strain starters (DSS). These are composed of one or
relied upon in many cheese varieties. However, improve- more strains (cultures with up to 13 strains are used in
ment in the hygiene of milk and the need for standard- Switzerland) which were first used in New Zealand for
ization and acceleration of ripening have resulted in Cheddar cheesemaking in the 1930s. Like MSS, DSS are
blander-flavoured cheese. This, in turn, has prompted selected, maintained, produced and distributed by spe-
the use of many secondary starters or adjuncts to cialized institutions. Because of their optimized, highly
improve the sensory properties of cheese, or its health reproducible, performance, and their high phage resist-
benefits (probiotics) (see ‘Secondary and Adjunct Cul- ance, DSS have replaced traditional starters in the pro-
tures’, Volume 1). duction of many cheese varieties, including some PDO
Primary starters are usually classified as mesophilic European varieties. While the development of DSS is
or thermophilic. The latter are characteristics of Italian still based largely on the isolation and selection of
(Grana, Pecorino, Mozzarella) and Swiss (Emmentaler, strains from raw milk, cheese or traditional starters
Sbrinz, Gruyère) cheese varieties, where a high tempera- (Limsowtin et al., 1996; Wouters et al., 2002), the need
ture (37 °C but generally 48–52 °C) prevails during to improve the control of phage under the high selective
the early phases of cheesemaking. Mesophilic starters pressure imposed by production schedules in large-scale
are used in all cheese varieties in which the temperature cheesemaking and the availability of food-grade cloning
of the curd during the early stage of acid production and gene transfer systems have led to the development
does not exceed ⬃40 °C (Cheddar, Gouda, Edam, and use of genetically enhanced strains in DSS by the
Camembert, etc.). However, this distinction is losing introduction of natural phage resistance mechanisms
some of its meaning, since mesophilic and thermophilic into industrial strains (Coffey and Ross, 2002; ‘Starter
species are often found (or used) together in both Cultures: Bacteriophage’, Volume 1). These strains
mixed and defined starters for the manufacture of are not classified as GMOs according to current Euro-
cheeses like Mozzarella (Limsowtin et al., 1996; Parente pean and US definitions (Kondo and Johansen, 2002)
et al., 1997) and Cheddar (Beresford et al., 2001). and their use is not restricted. Issues related to con-
Probably, the most common classification of starter sumer acceptability have limited the commercial use of
cultures is based on the complexity of the culture and engineered strains of starters, developed to show
the way it is reproduced (Limsowtin et al., 1996). All improved autolysis, improved aroma-producing proper-
starter cultures available today are derived in one way ties, over-expression of peptidases, novel phage resist-
or another from natural (or artisanal) starters of ance mechanisms, etc. (Kondo and Johansen, 2002).
undefined composition (i.e., containing an undefined
mixture of different strains and/or species), repro-
Natural starter cultures
duced daily in cheese factories by some form of back-
slopping. Reports on adding sour cream or buttermilk Natural starter cultures are reproduced daily at the
to cream to improve the quality of butter in Denmark cheese plant by some form of backslopping (i.e., the use
date back to the 1860s and the use of natural whey of an old batch of a fermented product to inoculate a
cultures (i.e., the addition of whey from a previous new one) and/or by application of selective pressure
cheesemaking batch to cheesemilk) for Grana produc- (heat treatment, incubation temperature, low pH). No
tion dates from 1890 (Bottazzi, 1993). Natural starters special precautions are used to prevent contamination
are still used widely in Europe (Limsowtin et al., 1996; from raw milk or from the cheesemaking environment
Beresford et al., 2001) and in Argentina (Reinheimer and control of media and culture conditions during
et al., 1996). However, for many cheeses they have starter reproduction is very limited. As a result, even in
been replaced by commercial mixed-strain starters any given cheese plant, natural starters are continuously
(MSS), derived from the ‘best’ natural starters and evolving, undefined mixtures composed of several
reproduced under controlled conditions by specialized strains and/or species of LAB. The composition and
institutions (Dairy Research Centres or commercial techniques for the production of artisanal starters have
starter companies) and distributed to cheese plants been reviewed by Limsowtin et al. (1996). Two sub-
which use them to build up bulk starter or for direct- types are recognized, whey- and milk-starters, depend-
vat inoculation (see below). While the composition of ing on the medium and techniques used for their
MSS is undefined, their reproduction under more con- reproduction.
Starter Cultures: General Aspects 127

Natural whey cultures are prepared by incubating able acidity is reached. These cultures are usually
some of the whey drained from the cheese vat dominated by Sc. thermophilus but other species may be
overnight under more or less selective conditions. The present (Sc. macedonicus, enterococci, mesophilic lacto-
composition and the biological diversity of the culture bacilli; Limsowtin et al., 1996; Andrighetto et al., 2002).
are strictly dependent on the selectivity of the incuba- The use of natural starter cultures has both advan-
tion conditions. In the manufacture of Parmigiano Reg- tages and disadvantages. They are an extremely valu-
giano and Grana Padano cheese (see ‘Extra Hard able source of strains with desirable technological
Varieties’, Volume 2), whey is removed for the cheese vat properties (phage resistance, production of antimicro-
at the end of cheesemaking at 48–52 °C and is incu- bials, aroma production), although many strains show
bated overnight at a controlled temperature (45 °C), or limited acid production ability when cultivated as pure
in large containers in which the temperature decreases cultures (Cogan et al., 1997).
to 37–40 °C, to a final pH as low as 3.3 (Limsowtin Fluctuations in composition result in variable per-
et al., 1996). The resulting whey culture (siero-fer- formance and this may not be acceptable in modern
mento, siero-innesto) is dominated by aciduric and/or cheesemaking practice. Natural starters are considered
thermophilic strains; Lb. helveticus usually dominates to be highly tolerant to phage infection. Like the
(85%), but other species (Lb. delbrueckii subsp. lactis, ‘practice’ MSS used in Dutch cheese manufacture
Lb. fermentum, Sc. thermophilus) may be present. Sea- (Stadhouders and Leenders, 1984), natural cultures are
sonal and geographical variations in the composition reproduced in the presence of phage, which exert select-
and performance of the culture have been observed. In ive pressure, which ultimately leads to the dominance of
a recent molecular ecology study (Cattivelli et al., resistant or tolerant strains.
2002) it was shown that a limited number of strains Occasionally, the development of highly virulent
(maximum 6) dominates the cultures, that a ‘house’- phage attacking the dominant strains may severely
specific flora can be identified in different plants, and reduce culture activity, and time will be needed for the
that Sc. thermophilus is found only in wheys incubated establishment of a new equilibrium. The presence of
at a low temperature. Similar whey cultures are used in bacteria, like coliforms and enterococci (Coppola et al.,
the production of pasta-filata cheese varieties in Italy 1988; Parente et al., 1997), in some natural starter
(Limsowtin et al., 1996; Parente et al., 1997), hard cultures may also raise some concern. In Europe, the
cheese varieties in Argentina (Reinheimer et al., 1996), standards of identity of many PDO cheeses require the
and Comté cheese in France (Bouton et al., 2002). use of natural starter cultures, because a strict relation-
Other types of whey cultures include deproteinized ship is believed to exist between the use of given nat-
whey starters (scotta-innesto) used for the manufacture ural starter cultures and cheese properties. Molecular
of Pecorino cheese (Limsowtin et al., 1996; Mannu and technological characterization of Lb. helveticus
et al., 2002; see ‘Cheeses Made from Ewes’ and Goats’ strains isolated from natural starters used for Pro-
Milk’, Volume 2), and deproteinized whey starters volone and Grana cheese in Italy (Gatti et al., 1999;
with rennet (Fettsirtenmagenlab, Présure à la ‘recruite’) Giraffa et al., 2000) has indeed shown that strains
which are used for the manufacture of Swiss-type from the cultures used for the two cheeses are differ-
cheeses (Emmental, Sbrinz, Gruyère; see ‘Cheese With ent. On the other hand, Sc. thermophilus strains isol-
Propionic Acid Fermentation’, Volume 2) in small ated from natural milk cultures used as starters for
cheese factories in the Alps. Invariably, thermophilic PDO cheeses produced under very similar conditions
lactobacilli (Lb. helveticus, Lb. delbrueckii subsp. lactis) (Asiago d’Allevo, Montasio, Monte Veronese) cannot
dominate cultures produced under selective condi- be distinguished by RAPD-PCR (Andrighetto et al.,
tions (high temperature) while streptococci (Sc. ther- 2002).
mophilus, but also lactococci and enterococci) often
dominate cultures incubated at a relatively low tem-
Mixed-strain starters
perature (42 °C), which usually show higher micro-
bial diversity (Parente et al., 1997). When undefined cultures are propagated under con-
Natural milk cultures (colture naturali in latte, lat- trolled conditions with a minimum of subcultures, the
toinnesti, lattofermento) are still used in small cheese- stability of their composition and performance is
making plants in both Southern and Northern Italy greatly improved, without losing the advantage of tol-
for the production of traditional cheeses. The selective erance to phage infection (Stadhouders and Leenders,
pressure used for the development of the desired 1984). Mixed-strain starters, obtained by careful selec-
microflora includes thermization/pasteurization of raw tion of natural starters, are maintained, propagated
milk (62–65 °C for 10–15 min) followed by incubation and distributed by starter companies and research
at a high temperature (37–45 °C) until the desired titrat- institutions, and are widely used for the production of
128 Starter Cultures: General Aspects

cheese in Europe (Table 1). The traditional method Cheeses’ and ‘Cheese With Propionic Acid Fermenta-
for the reproduction of MSS, which required several tion’, Volume 2).
transfers in the cheesemaking plant to build up the bulk Even if MSS have a long history of successful use
starter, starting from small amounts of stock cultures, without severe inhibition by phage, one should not
has been replaced by the use of concentrated cultures be overly confident that phage infection will never be
for the inoculation of the bulk starter tank or for direct experienced. Published studies on long-term monitor-
inoculation of the cheese milk, thus minimizing the ing of phage/starter interaction in cheese plants using
need for transfers within the factory and the risk of fluc- MSS are rare. Josephsen et al. (1999) have documented
tuations in starter composition and activity. the development of virulent phages in a factory which
Mixed-strain starters are usually classified as meso- had been using the same MSS almost continuously
philic or thermophilic, with an optimum growth tempera- before occasional slow acidification problems were
ture of 28–30 °C and 42 °C, respectively (Limsowtin experienced. The isolates from the MSS for which
et al., 1996). Mesophilic MSS can be further classified homologous phages were detected in cheese whey
on the basis of citrate fermentation and composition, increased from 16 to 97% over 11 years, and their viru-
as citrate-negative ‘O’ starters (which contain acid- lence increased greatly. In fact, while phages isolated
producing Cit Lc. lactis subsp. lactis and cremoris) or when no acidification problem was experienced had
citrate-positive L, D and DL starters (containing Leuc. restricted host range, long latent times (38–52 min)
mesenteroides subsp. cremoris, Cit Lc. lactis subsp. and relatively low burst sizes (35–84), phages isolated
lactis, or both, respectively, in addition to acid-producing in recent year had broader host ranges (and were able
strains). Thermophilic MSS are used for the production to multiply on strains which were highly phage resist-
of Italian and Swiss cheese varieties, and usually contain ant), reduced latent times (35 min) and greatly increased
Sc. thermophilus alone or in mixtures with thermophilic burst sizes (120–200).
lactobacilli (Lb. delbrueckii subsp. lactis, Lb. helveticus)
(Glättli, 1990).
Defined-strain starters
Like artisanal starters, MSS contain undefined mix-
ture of strains, which differ in their physiological and Mesophilic DSS originated in New Zealand in the
technological properties (including phage resistance). 1930s, as a response to the occurrence of open texture
Plasmid profiles and phage sensitivity have been used defects in Cheddar cheese produced with MSS con-
to estimate the diversity of strains in MSS, although taining Cit strains. The history of mesophilic DSS
other molecular methods (PFGE, RAPD-PCR, etc.) systems in New Zealand, Australia, USA and Ireland
may provide a better estimate of strain diversity. In a has been reviewed by Limsowtin et al. (1996). Since
recent study, Bissonnette et al. (2000) evaluated the the strain and/or species ratio in DSS is defined, their
diversity of Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris in seven MSS used technological performance is extremely reproducible.
for the manufacture of Cheddar cheese in Canada by This is obviously a highly desirable property in mod-
isolating and typing a relatively large number of ern cheese plants with large throughputs of milk and
strains (30) from each culture. Two MSS were domi- tight production schedules. Since only a limited num-
nated by 2–3 strains, three by 7–9 strains but two had ber of strains are used (commonly 2–6), phage infec-
a high diversity, with 18–24 distinct strains; 32 differ- tion may have destructive consequences on starter
ent strains have been claimed to be present in an MSS activity.
used for Cheddar cheesemaking in Denmark (Josephsen In fact, the history of DSS is a continuous fight to
et al., 1999). devise measures to control phage infections. Single-
Because they are derived from cultures which were strain starters were used initially in New Zealand, but
reproduced in cheese plants without protection from rapid onset of destructive phage infections, with com-
disturbing phages, MSS contain many phage-resistant plete loss of activity, occurred. These were then replaced
strains but also harbour their own phages (Stadhouders by pairs of phage-unrelated strains, which were rotated
and Leenders, 1984; Limsowtin et al., 1996; Josephsen daily, and measures to ensure aseptic reproduction of
et al., 1999; Bissonnette et al., 2000). the starters were implemented (Whitehead and Cox,
The development of MSS for the production of 1936). Rotations were cumbersome to maintain and
Dutch cheeses at NIZO (Stadhouders and Leenders, they were replaced by an approach based on the selec-
1984) and thermophilic MSS (Rohmischkulturen) for tion of bacteriophage insensitive mutants (BIM; Heap
the manufacture of Swiss cheese varieties by the Swiss and Lawrence, 1976). This approach allowed develop-
Federal Dairy Research Station (Glättli, 1990) are two ment of 3-day rotations with highly phage-resistant
examples of the successful development and long-term strains, which were subsequently used together in a
use of MSS (Limsowtin et al., 1996; ‘Gouda and Related single multiple-strain starter containing six strains
Starter Cultures: General Aspects 129

(Limsowtin et al., 1977). The difficulty of replacing strain must produce acid rapidly, lack off-flavour
strains led to the reduction of the number of compon- development in milk and be resistant to a mixture of
ents from six to five and finally to three. Such DSS are common phage. Lc. lactis subsp. lactis but not Lc. lactis
in use in Australia, New Zealand, USA and Ireland. In subsp. cremoris has been isolated from red nettles,
general, highly phage-resistant DSS are available either common sow thistle, Himalayan blackberries, potato,
through research institutions (e.g., the Australian cucumber, corn, sweet pea, beans, cantaloupe, corn
Starter Cultures Research Centre, or Fonterra Research and broccoli and many of them were good acid pro-
in New Zealand) or from commercial suppliers. The ducers, coagulating milk in 18 h at 21 °C (Salama et al.,
strategy used for the management of DSS in Australia 1995). In contrast, very few strains of Lc. lactis (the
has been documented thoroughly (Limsowtin et al., sub-species was not determined) isolated from arti-
1997). Today, the selection of BIM has been largely sanal dairy products were good acid producers (Cogan
replaced by strategies based on the introduction of nat- et al., 1997). Some of them produce unusual flavours
ural phage resistance mechanisms into industrial strains in milk. For example, the combination of a ‘wild’
(Coffey and Ross, 2002; see also ‘Starter Cultures: starter, which had low protolytic activity and high
Bacteriophage’, Volume 1). amino acid decarboxylase activity, with a commercial
Thermophilic DSS are also commercially available strain, which had high proteolytic activity and low
for the production of a variety of Italian- and Swiss- decarboxylase activity, resulted in the production of
type cheeses. Starters composed of single or multiple chocolate flavour in milk, due to several branched
strains of Sc. thermophilus are still preferred in Italy for chain aldehydes and acids (Wouters et al., 2002).
the production of high-moisture Mozzarella cheese,
but associations of Sc. thermophilus and Lb. delbrueckii
subsp. bulgaricus (rod:coccus starter cultures) are used
Genome Sequence
for the manufacture of low-moisture Mozzarella cheese
(Kinstedt, 1993; Oberg and Broadbent, 1993). The use Arguably, the most significant advance in starter cul-
of Lb. helveticus in place of Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bul- tures in the past 30 years has been the determination
garicus has been claimed to present several advantages of the complete genome sequence of the chromosome
(Oberg et al., 1991) such as reduced make time and of Lc. lactis IL 1403 (Bolotin et al., 1999). Almost
improved functional properties. Phage-resistance 1500 genes were located and their functions classified
mechanisms are apparently less widespread among on the basis of homology to human proteins. Five
thermophilic starter cultures than in lactococci (Coffey potential or rudimentary prophages were identified in
and Ross, 2002). Due to the relatively narrow host the genome, implying that the ultimate source of
range of Sc. thermophilus phage, use of rotations and phage is probably the starter cell itself. The analysis
BIMs is still relied upon to control phage infection in also showed that Lc. lactis has the potential to synthe-
thermophilic starter cultures (Moineau, 1999). size 20 amino acids and 4 co-factors. However, the
presence of these genes does not mean that Lc. lactis
will not require these compounds for growth. Since
New sources of starters
then, the genomes of three other LAB, Lb. plantarum,
Most, if not all, of the LAB found in starter cultures Lb. johnsonii and Lb. acidophilus, have also been
can be isolated from cheese made without the deliber- sequenced, and 24 other LAB including other strains
ate addition of a starter culture. Such strains are nat- of Lb. lactis subsp. cremoris, Lb. debreuckii subsp. bul-
ural contaminants of milk which grow and produce garicus, Lb. casei, Lb. helveticus, Sc. thermophilus are
acid during cheesemaking. The ultimate source of on-going. Genome sequence projects for other non-
these bacteria remains to be determined. However, it is LAB which are important in cheese ripening have
generally thought that plants and plant material are either been completed (P. freudenreichii) or are on-
the natural habitat of Lc. lactis subsp. lactis. The habi- going (B. linens). The information that these data will
tat of Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris has not been determined generate will be of considerable benefit in understand-
but it can be isolated from dairy products. ing the fundamental metabolism of these bacteria,
Many of the pure cultures of starter bacteria used in including the production of lactic acid, proteolytic
defined cultures are phage-related, implying that the systems, tolerances to heat, acid and salt stresses, pro-
number of different strains of starter bacteria is gener- duction of bacteriocins and other anti-microbials. As
ally limited. Therefore, efforts have been made to isol- many of them also have widely different ecological
ate ‘new’ strains from raw milk, plants and other niches, the data should also be very useful in deter-
natural sources (Salama et al., 1995; Cogan et al., mining why particular species occupy a particular
1997; Wouters et al., 2002). Any potential new starter niche. Such data will also help in the development of
130 Starter Cultures: General Aspects

new strains or modification of common strains used as strains of Lc. lactis differ from the more normal non-
starter cultures (Klaenhammer et al., 2002). citrate-utilizing (Cit ) strains in containing a plasmid
which encodes the transport of citrate. Citrate metabol-
ism in LAB has been reviewed by Hugenholtz (1993).
Metabolism of Starter Cultures In recent years, considerable effort has been devoted to
Sugar metabolism understanding the energetics of citrate transport in
Leuc. mesenteroides and Lc. lactis (Garcia-Quintans
Lactose is the major sugar in milk and its transport, et al., 1989; Marty-Teyssett et al., 1996; Magni et al.,
metabolism and regulation in several different starter 1999). In the absence of any other carbon source, Leuc.
cultures have been reviewed (Poolman, 1993, 2002; mesenteroides and Lc. lactis transport citrate in symport
Cocaign-Bousquet et al., 1996) and will not be with a proton, which leads to the generation of a pH
reviewed further here. The salient features of the path- or proton motive force. In the presence of D-lactate and
ways used by different starter cultures are summarized glucose, citrate is transported by an antiport system
in Table 2. Application of NMR has been very useful in with lactate being extruded; in this case, citrate metabol-
understanding the flux through different pathways dur- ism is also more rapid. This is due to the fact that
ing growth and in understanding regulation of different the exchange between citrate and lactate is much
aspects of metabolism in LAB and the literature faster than the citrate/H symport system. Since
has been reviewed by Ramos et al. (2002). NMR has D-lactate is a product of sugar metabolism, the trans-
also been useful in understanding exopolysaccharide porter operating under physiological conditions
(EPS) production. In the case of glucose metabolism, is likely to be that for citrate/lactate. An electrogenic
the results have shown that the rate of fructose- citrate/D-lactate exchange occurs, generating a proton
1,6-bisphosphate consumption and the magnitude of the electro-chemical gradient across the membrane. This
PEP potential (PGA  PEP) are considerably higher may contribute significantly to the enhanced growth of
when Lc. lactis is grown under aerobic than under Leuc. mesenteroides during co-metabolism of glucose
anaerobic conditions, implying that NADH oxidase and citrate.
activity is important. Co-metabolism of glucose and citrate by Leuconos-
toc subsp. results in a faster growth rate. This has been
Citrate metabolism
attributed to a metabolic shift in the glucose pathway,
Citrate is present at a low concentration in milk and is leading to increased ATP production (Cogan, 1987).
metabolized by Leuconostoc subsp. and some strains of The results of Marty-Teysset et al. (1966) suggest that
Lc. lactis subsp. lactis to CO2, which is responsible for the citrate/D-lactate exchange is also involved in pro-
eye formation in some cheeses, and diacetyl and ducing energy. In Lc. lactis, co-metabolism of citrate
acetate, which are important flavour components in and sugar does not result in a major effect on growth
fermented milks. The latter organism was called rate at neutral pH. However, at acid pH values (4.5),
Sc. diacetylactis in the old literature and more recently the citrate transport system is induced. Metabolism of
Lc. lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis. This name citrate results in an increase in pH to a value at which
has no taxonomic status and the correct way to refer to the consumption of glucose begins (Garcia-Quintans
it is citrate-utilizing (Cit) Lc. lactis subsp. lactis. Cit et al., 1989). More recently, it has been suggested

Table 2 Salient features of lactose metabolism by starter organisms

Cleavage (mol/mol Isomer of
Organism Transport a Pathway b enzyme c lactose) lactate

Lactococcus lactis PEP-PTS GLY pgal 4 Lactate L

Leuconostoc spp. Permease PK gal 2 Lactate  ethanol D
 2 CO2
Sc. thermophilus Permease GLY gal 2 Lactated L
Lb. delbrueckii Permease GLY gal 2 Lactated D
Lb. helveticus Permease GLY gal 4 Lactate DL

a PEP PTS, phosphotransferase system.

b GLY, glycolysis; PK, phosphoketolase.
c gal, phospho--galactosidase; gal, -galactosidase.
d These species metabolize only the glucose moiety of lactose.
Starter Cultures: General Aspects 131

(Magni et al., 1999) that the induction of the citrate Therefore, further growth requires the hydrolysis of
metabolic pathway under acidic conditions makes milk proteins. In fact, the growth of many LAB is
the cells more resistant to the inhibitory effects of diauxic in milk; an initial fast growth rate, during
lactate. which free amino acids and peptides are used up, is
followed by a slightly slower rate during which further
peptides and amino acids are obtained by hydrolysis of
Nitrogen metabolism
Nitrogen metabolism by starters has an enormous Proteolysis is a major event in cheese ripening; the
impact on their activity and on cheese quality. To per- proteolytic system of the primary starter and of the
form their main function of acid production in milk secondary microflora contributes the production of
and curd, LAB must grow to high numbers, from hundreds of flavour compounds through the produc-
⬃1  106 cfu/ml in the inoculated milk to ⬃1  109 tion of low-molecular weight peptides and amino
cfu/g in the cheese curd; syneresis of the curd due to acids and their subsequent catabolism. The role of
expulsion of whey also contributes to the increase in proteolysis and amino acid catabolism in cheese has
cell numbers. Lactic acid bacteria are fastidious been addressed by several recent reviews (Sousa et al.,
microorganisms and are unable to synthesize many 2001; Yvon and Rijnen, 2001) and is described in
amino acids, vitamins and nucleic acid bases. Depend- detail in ‘Proteolysis in Cheese during Ripening’ and
ing on the species and the strain, LAB require from 6 ‘Catabolism of Amino Acids in Cheese During Ripening’,
to 14 different amino acids (Chopin 1993; Kunji et al., Volume 1.
1996). Although milk is rich in nitrogen, it is present The proteolytic system of LAB is composed of a
mainly as protein. It has been calculated that the cell-wall bound proteinase, transport systems for
amount of free amino acids and low-molecular weight amino acids, di- and tripeptides and oligopeptides, a
peptides present in milk can support only limited number of intracellular peptidases and some intracel-
growth (10–20% of the final biomass of a fully grown lular proteinases (Fig. 1). Several excellent reviews
culture of lactococci; Thomas and Pritchard, 1987). have been published on this topic (Kunji et al., 1996;

cell wall

peptidase amino acids
Pro-specific peptidases transport systems
• XDAP (PepX ) aa
• proline iminopeptidase
peptides (2–18 aa)

• prolidase (PepQ )
amino acid catabolism
peptide transport

• prolinase (PepP )
Opp DtpT DtpP

arginine deiminase pathway


general peptidases aa aminotransferases
• aminopeptidases decarboxylases
m c
(PepN , PepC )
m dehydrogenases
• dipeptidases (PepV )
• tripeptidases (PepT )
casein • endopeptidases
m m
(PepO , PepF )

aa biosynthetic pathways
Glu-specific peptidases protein synthesis
• aminopeptidases (PepA )
aroma compounds

Figure 1 Schematic representation of nitrogen metabolism in lactic acid bacteria. The abbreviations refer to enzymes of Lactococcus
lactis. The superscripts refer to classes of peptidases (c, cysteine peptidases; m, metallo peptidases; s, serine peptidases) (adapted
from Kunji et al. (1996) and Sousa et al. (2001), Christensen et al. (1999) and Yvon and Rijnen (2001)).
132 Starter Cultures: General Aspects

Christensen et al., 1999; Siezen, 1999) and only a gen- 125–130 of PrtP, corresponding to the substrate bind-
eral overview will be presented here. ing cleft, result in a variety of specificities towards
degradation of s1-, - and -casein. All CEPs have
Proteinase broad substrate specificity, and no consensus sequence
Lactic starters degrade casein and large casein-derived for cleavage sites has been identified.
peptides produced by milk and coagulant enzymes by a Three further domains (I, A and B) may be important
cell-envelope proteinase (CEP, lactocepin, EC, for the stability, specificity and regulation of the activity
also called the cell wall-bound proteinase; Kunji et al., of the PR-domain, while a helix (H) domain positions
1996; Siezen, 1999). All CEPs from LAB described to PR, A and B domains away from the cell surface. The
date are serine-proteinases related to subtilisins. C-terminus of the proteinase is involved in binding to
The CEP of Lc. lactis (PrtP) is the most extensively the cell wall; deletion analysis show that truncated forms
characterized. The proteinase gene (prtP), which may lacking 130 or more residues are released into the
be located on plasmids or on the chromosome, encodes medium. Incubation of the cells in a Ca-free buffer
a protein of 1902 (Lc. lactis WG2 and NCDO763) or results in auto-proteolysis and release of a fragment of
1962 (Lc. lactis SK11) amino acids; the larger size is 135–145 kDa, which is still catalytically active. Two fur-
due to a duplication near the C-terminus. To date, sev- ther domains, the W-domain, which is a cell-wall spacer
eral domains have been identified in PrtP (Fig. 2). A and spans the peptidoglycan layer and a cell-wall
pre–pro domain (PP) is needed for secretion and pro- anchor, the AN-domain, part of which is cleaved during
cessing. A signal sequence of 31–39 residues at the translocation, anchor PrtP to the cell wall.
N-terminus is responsible for Sec-dependent (general) Further CEPs have been characterized in thermo-
translocation of the pro-proteinase across the cell philic (Lb. helveticus, PrtH; Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgar-
membrane, and a proteinase maturase (PrtM), encoded icus, PrtB) and mesophilic lactobacilli (Lb. paracasei, Lb.
by a gene immediately upstream of prtP, cleaves the rhamnosus). They all belong to the subtilase family and
pro-region between Thr187 and Asp188, producing a share many properties with the lactococcal PrtP,
catalytically active CEP. The catalytically active domain although specificities and domain structure may be dif-
(PR, residues 188–699 of PrtP) is responsible for activ- ferent (Fig. 2). The catalytic domains of PrtP, PrtB and
ity and substrate specificity of CEPs and is highly con- PrtH show higher degrees of homology than the other
served. The three-dimensional structure of the PR domains. The release of the CEP of thermophilic lacto-
domain of all subtilases has been predicted (Fig. 3; bacilli into the medium requires drastic treatments
Siezen and Leunissen, 1997) and this has allowed sci- (lysozyme, osmotic shock, membrane solubilization);
entists to engineer the stability, catalytic activity and although they lack the AN domain, the W-domain is
specificity of the lactococcal proteinase (Siezen, 1999). very basic and may bind to the cell wall by electrostatic
Amino acid substitutions in positions 96–107 and interaction.

Transport systems and peptidases

The activity of CEPs on caseins releases a large variety
of oligopeptides; although most are in the range of
4–10 residues, peptides of up to 30 residues can be
produced from -casein. No appreciable amounts of
free amino acids, di- or tripeptides are produced by the
action of CEP. It is now well recognized that all pep-
tidases of LAB are located intracellularly and therefore
peptides can be hydrolysed only if they are transported
into the cell. Although lactococci (and other LAB)
have many amino acid, and di- and tripeptide trans-

port systems, the oligopeptide transport system (Opp)

cell wall

is essential for growth in milk. Opp can transport

oligopeptides containing from 4 to 18 amino acids
without any significant specificity for their compos-
Figure 2 Representation of the predicted domain structure of ition (Detmers et al., 1998).
the cell-envelope proteinase (CEP) of Lc. lactis (PrtP), Lb. helveti-
Once peptides reach the cytoplasm, they are
cus (PrtH) and Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus (PrtB). PP, pre-
pro domain; PR, protease domain; I, insert domain; A, A-domain; sequentially degraded by a large variety of peptidases
B, B-domain; H, helical domain; W, cell-wall domain; AN, anchor (Kunji et al., 1996; Christensen et al., 1999). Due to
domain (redrawn from Siezen, 1999). the presence of high numbers of Pro and Glu residues
Starter Cultures: General Aspects 133

Figure 3 Three-dimensional model of the -carbon backbone structure of the protease (PR) domain of the CEP of Lactococcus
lactis (PrtP). The conserved core of subtilases (in grey), the position where residues are inserted or deleted (in white), the substrate
binding cleft, the N- and C-termini of the PR-domain and the predicted position of bound calcium ions are shown (from Siezen,

in the caseins, general, Pro-specific and Glu-specific cells. Acceleration of autolysis and over-expression of
peptidases are needed to liberate essential amino acids peptidases have been used to accelerate cheese ripening
for growth. Figure 1 shows the most important pepti- (see ‘Proteolysis in Cheese during Ripening’ and
dases in Lactococcus lactis, some of which (PepN, ‘Catabolism of Amino Acids in Cheese During Ripen-
PepC, PepX, PepV) have also been found in other ing’, Volume 1).
dairy LAB. Many other peptidases have been charac-
terized in other LAB (Christensen et al., 1999). Studies Amino acid degradation
with single or multiple peptidase-deficient mutants Degradation of amino acids has important implica-
have shown that, although lack of any single peptidase tions for the metabolism of starter cultures (e.g., by
does not result in complete inhibition, the growth providing energy in the sugar-depleted environment
rates of peptidase-deficient mutants are usually lower of cheese), for the safety of cheese (e.g., by produc-
than the wild type (7–120% increase in generation tion of biogenic amines by decarboxylation of Tyr,
time; Christensen et al., 1999), with severe inhibition His, Trp), and for the production of flavour and
for multiple mutants. aroma compounds. The breakdown of para-casein to
The contribution of the peptidases of lactic starters amino acids and peptides by a combination of chy-
to the release of free amino acids in cheese is now well mosin and proteinases and/or peptidases of the
recognized. Although these enzymes are intracellular, starter bacteria is generally considered to be the most
they are liberated in cheese following autolysis of the important aspect of cheese ripening. However, amino
134 Starter Cultures: General Aspects

acids and peptides, of themselves, are not responsible Lipases and esterases
for flavour development in cheese. The products of
Except for Parmigiano Reggiano, Pecorino and related
the catabolism of amino acids include alcohols, alde-
Italian cheeses, and Blue cheeses, limited lipolysis
hydes, amines and organic acids and are considered
occurs in cheese during ripening. Nevertheless, the
to be of major significance in flavour foundation (see
limited level, which does occur, is considered to be
‘Proteolysis in Cheese during Ripening’ and ‘Catab-
important for flavour and taste perception. Esterases
olism of Amino Acids in Cheese During Ripening’,
have been purified from several starter and LAB,
Volume 1).
including Lc. lactis (Holland and Coolbear, 1996;
Amino acid catabolism in LAB and in other dairy
Chich et al., 1997), Sc. thermophilus (Liu et al., 2001)
organisms and its relationship to cheese flavour have
and Lb. plantarum (Gobbetti et al., 1997). All of them
been reviewed recently (Christensen et al., 1999;
are serine enzymes that preferentially hydrolyse
Weimar et al., 1999; Yvon and Rijnen, 2001; ‘Catab-
butyrate esters and are optimally active at pH 7.
olism of Amino Acids in Cheese During Ripening’,
Some of them have no activity at pH 5.0; nevertheless,
Volume 1).
a very small amount of activity over a long time could
The arginine deiminase pathway yields energy
result in significant hydrolysis of fat during cheese ripen-
directly through substrate-level phosphorylation. In
ing. The major tributyrin esterase of Lc. lactis has been
addition, decarboxylation of Asp, Glu, His, Tyr and
cloned, over-expressed and characterized (Fernandez
Trp to the corresponding amines yields energy through
et al., 2000). The purified enzyme showed a preference
amine extrusion and the consequent generation of
for short-chain acyl esters and also phospholipids,
electrochemical gradients. Histamine, tyramine and
suggesting that it may be involved in phospholipid
tryptamine are biogenic amines, which have been
metabolism in vivo.
involved in monoamine intoxication (Christensen
et al., 1999).
While some non-lactic microorganisms (Brevibac-
terium linens, yeasts, micrococci) initiate amino acid Chemically defined media (CDM) for the growth of
catabolism by elimination reactions, and threonine is Lc. lactis, Leuc. mesenteroides and Sc. thermophilus have
catabolized by a threonine aldolase (which produces been developed ( Jensen and Hammer, 1993; Cocaign-
Gly and acetaldehyde), the first step in amino acid Bousquet et al., 1995; Foucaud et al., 1997; Letort and
catabolism in LAB is usually a transamination reac- Juillard, 2001). Maximum specific growth rate ranges
tion. Aminotransferases (AT) of LAB have broad and from 0.4 to 1.0 h 1. The medium for Sc. thermophilus
often overlapping specificities. Aromatic amino acid contains only 20 components, including six amino acids
ATs (AraT) and branched chain amino acids AT (BcaT) (glutamine, cysteine, methionine, leucine, isoleucine
catalyse the first step in the catabolism of aromatic and and valine). Addition of pyridoxamine eliminated the
branched chain amino acids, respectively, resulting in need for nucleic acid bases in the case of Sc. ther-
the production of -ketoacids which are potent aroma mophilus and Lc. lactis. Growth of Lc. lactis NCDO 2118,
compounds, e.g., -keto isovaleric acid, which is pro- which was isolated from a vegetable source, and Lc. lac-
duced from Thr, or are converted further to aroma tis IL 1403, which was isolated from a dairy source, in a
compounds (alcohols, aldehydes, esters, etc.) by a CDM were compared by Cocaign-Bousquet et al. (1995).
variety of enzymes. Transamination reactions generally NCDO 2118 required no amino acid (prototrophic),
require -ketoglutaric acid as a substrate, and the con- while IL 1403 required several amino acids, including
centration of this ketoacid is limiting in cheese. In glutamate, arginine, methionine, valine, leucine or
fact, addition of -ketoglutaric acid ( KG) to cheese isoleucine (auxotrophic), when the single omission
has been shown to greatly enhance flavour formation. technique was used to identify a requirement. However,
Alternatively, -ketoglutaric acid can be produced in a simplified CDM, NCDO 2118 required glutamate,
from glutamate by strains with glutamate dehydrogen- methionine, isoleucine, leucine, valine and serine, indi-
ase activity (Yvon and Rijnen, 2001; Tanous et al., cating that proto/auxotrophy is partly dependent on the
2002). composition of the medium. The dairy strain showed
Of necessity, these reactions must be capable of pro- an additional requirement for arginine, histidine and
gressing at relatively low pH (⬃5.0) and the relatively threonine.
high salt concentrations (⬃6%), which occur in most Lactic acid bacteria do not have a functional TCA
cheeses during ripening. Such conditions limit enzyme cycle and hence most of them require the glutamate
activity significantly but small activities acting over but, surprisingly, not the aspartate, family of amino
the protracted period of cheese ripening are of consid- acids. A gene cluster coding for citrate synthase, aconi-
erable importance in generating flavour. tase and isocitrate dehydrogenase has been identified
Starter Cultures: General Aspects 135

in Lc. lactis C2 (Wang et al., 2000). Lc. lactis NCDO tis during aerobic growth if heme is also present.
2118 was able to grow in a CDM containing KG but Lc. lactis MG1363 grown in M17 (glucose) in the pres-
no glutamate, but the lag phase depended on the con- ence of 10 g haemin/ml produced increased biomass
centration of KG added (Lapujade et al., 1998). No and retained almost 100% viability over 70 days at 4 °C
glutamate dehydrogenase activity, the enzyme which is (Duwat et al., 2001). Growth also resulted in changes
used in many bacteria to produce glutamate directly to a heterolactic fermentation. The results were correl-
from KG, was detected but transaminase activities, ated with the production of cytochrome oxidase, which
with several amino acids as amino group donors is required for respiration, late in growth. Another
and KG as acceptor, were detected. Indeed, addition recent study (van Niel et al., 2002) has shown that the
of KG to milk before cheese manufacture also intracellular concentration of pyruvate in Lc. lactis
increases flavour development during ripening (Yvon subsp. lactis ATCC 19435 can reach 93 mM, which
and Rijnen, 2001), indicating the importance of amino rapidly destroys H2O2 non-enzymatically.
acid transferase activity in the maturation of cheese A plasmid-free strain of Cit Lc. lactis DRC1 grew
(see later). at a significantly (5%) faster rate in complex broth
Niven et al. (1998) found biphasic growth of than the parent strain. The slower growth rate of the
Lc. lactis MG 4685 in milk, with a faster initial rate parent was due to the presence of a small (7.4 kb)
(0–4 h) followed by a slower (4–8 h) one. There was plasmid (Kobayashi et al., 2002).
little change in the concentration of amino acids dur-
ing the first phase while the second phase correlated
Metabolic engineering
with increased production of amino acids; however,
significant decreases in glycine and alanine occurred Lactic acid bacteria have a relatively simple sugar
during both growth phases. metabolism and homofermentative strains convert
The growth rates of Lc. lactis ML3 and Wg2 90% of metabolized sugar to lactic acid. Other prod-
decreased rapidly above pH 7 when grown on a syn- ucts, some of which are commercially important, e.g.,
thetic medium containing glutamate but not glutam- diacetyl, are also produced but in much smaller
ine (Poolman and Konings, 1988). If glutamate was amounts. Because LAB are GRAS organisms, with a
replaced by glutamine, the pH of growth was extended relatively simple metabolism, efforts have been made
to 8.0, indicating that the unionized form of glutamic to get them to over-produce these minor products. The
acid, rather than the ionized form, is transported by metabolic engineering of LAB to produce these prod-
the glutamic acid/glutamine transporter in these ucts has been reviewed (Hoefnagel et al., 2002;
organisms. At alkaline pH, the rate of growth in the Hugenholtz et al., 2002).
absence of glutamine is limited because less unionized Diacetyl is produced chemically from -acetolactate
glutamic acid is available at the higher pH values. (AL) which is produced from pyruvate which, in turn,
The effect of different environmental conditions is produced from citrate. -Acetolactate is highly
on the rate of growth of starter bacteria, particularly unstable and breaks down to diacetyl when O2 is pre-
Lc. lactis, has been investigated in several recent stud- sent and to acetoin when O2 is absent. Acetoin pro-
ies. Generally, lactococci produce other products of duction from AL is also catalysed by AL decarboxylase
sugar metabolism besides lactate when grown on but there is no enzyme which produces diacetyl from
galactose or a low level of glucose (Thomas et al., AL. Platteeuw et al. (1995) cloned the AL synthase
1979). In contrast, Even et al. (2001) showed that Lc. gene from Lc. lactis MG 1363 into Lc. lactis MG 5267
lactis subsp. lactis IL1403 retained its homolactic and obtained a 100-fold increase in AL production.
behaviour on glucose and galactose in two different Only lactic acid was produced by the strain under
minimal media of different nutritional complexities, anaerobic conditions but 26 and 42% of the pyruvate
despite significant variations in both growth rate and was converted to acetoin under aerobic conditions at
sugar consumption. pH 6.8 and 6.0, respectively. An LDH-deficient strain
Lactic acid bacteria are essentially fermentative of Lc. lactis MG 5267, grown anaerobically, produced
organisms but they are also capable of consuming oxy- significant amounts of fumarate, ethanol, acetoin and
gen with the formation of H2O2. Under these condi- butanediol. Under aerobic conditions, approximately
tions, various NADH oxidases and peroxidases are half of the pyruvate was converted to acetoin and one-
produced to reduce the toxic H2O2 (Duwat et al., 2001; third to butanediol. To produce diacetyl in such sys-
van Niel et al., 2002). LAB are therefore considered to tems, the acetolactate decarboxylase gene, as well as
be aerotolerant organisms. An NADH oxidase has been the ldh gene must be inactivated. This was partially
purified from Lc. lactis MG1363 (Lopez de Felipe and accomplished by random mutagenesis of three strains
Hugenholtz, 2001). Oxygen can be beneficial to Lc. lac- of a Cit strain of Lc. lactis by Monnet et al. (2000).
136 Starter Cultures: General Aspects

The strains were deficient in ALD and had much lower increased release of intracellular enzymes. Crow et al.
LDH activity than the parent strains. The ‘double’ (1995) and Pillidge et al. (2002) reviewed autolysis in
mutants produced up to four times more AL and ace- LAB, mostly lactococci, and the consequences for
toin and two times more diacetyl than the parent cheese ripening, particularly proteolysis. Prophage-
under partially anaerobic (not defined) conditions and induced lysis should be distinguished from true
grew very poorly in milk under aerobic conditions. autolysins, which are also found in lactococci (Buist
Addition of yeast extract (0.2 g/L) or catalase (70 U/ml) et al., 1998). These findings have stimulated the study
increased the level of AL and resulted in the produc- of the effect of strains with different lytic and proteo-
tion of 5 and 6 mM diacetyl, respectively; however, lytic properties to make different cheeses, including
acetoin was still produced. Recently, the ALD in Cit Cheddar (Wilkinson et al., 1994), St Paulin (Boutrou
Lc. lactis subsp. lactis has been shown to be a key regu- et al., 1998; Lepeuple et al., 1998) and Gouda (Meijer
lator of valine and leucine biosynthesis as well as et al., 1998).
in the production of acetoin by controlling the flux Lysis is normally measured by the release of intra-
of acetolactate (Goupil-Feuillerat et al., 1997). Over- cellular marker enzymes and concomitant increases in
production of NADH oxidase and inactivation of ALD soluble N and free amino acids. In Cheddar cheese
have also been shown to increase diacetyl production ripened at 4 or 10 °C, flavour formation was best in
in aerated cultures of Lc. lactis (Hugenholtz et al., the cheese made with Lc. lactis AM2, the strain show-
2000). ing greatest lysis (Wilkinson et al., 1994). NSLAB
Lb. helveticus has two different LDHs which pro- numbers reached 106 cfu/g within 1–2 months and
duce both L and D lactate. Inactivation of the D LDH flavour was evaluated at 4 months but the contribu-
in Lb. helveticus CNRZ 32 resulted in a strain which tion of NSLAB to the overall flavour of the cheese
produced the same amount of lactic acid as the parent does not appear to have been considered. Strain AM2
strain but all of it was in the L form (Bhowmik and and a prophage-cured derivative have also been evalu-
Steele, 1994). Lb. plantarum also produces both D and ated in St Paulin cheese (Boutrou et al., 1998). The
L lactate. Inactivation of both enzymes resulted in a parent strain underwent greater lysis and produced
strain which produced acetoin (mainly) and small greater amount of amino N; NSLAB counts were 105
amounts of ethanol and mannitol from glucose cfu/g and the prophage-cured derivative produced a
(Ferain et al., 1996). bitter cheese compared with the parent strain. In
Mannitol has a sweetness value about half that of another study on St Paulin (Lepeuple et al., 1998),
sucrose and, since it cannot be metabolized by five starters with different lytic and proteolytic prop-
humans, it is considered a low-calorie sweetener. erties were evaluated for their effect on the flavour of
Therefore, mannitol over-producing strains may have the cheese. Lysis positively influenced the ripening
applications in the production of functional foods. and flavour of the cheese but strains with low pepti-
Lc. lactis can metabolize mannitol (Neves et al., 2002) dase activities and low lytic properties produced bitter
but leuconostocs will produce mannitol during growth cheese. These studies confirm that cell lysis is import-
on fructose (Grobben et al., 2001). ant in the development of flavour in cheese during
Autolysis Autolysis appears to be a general property of LAB
Cell lysis, and the consequent release of intracellular as Sc. thermophilus, Lb. helveticus and several strains
enzymes, particularly peptidases and amino acid- of leuconostocs have also been shown to be lytic
degrading enzymes, is receiving considerable attention (Sandholm and Sarimo, 1981; Lortal et al., 1997; Cibik
as an important aspect of flavour development in and Chapot-Chartier, 2000; Husson-Kao et al., 2000).
cheese since Feirtag and McKay (1987) discovered that It is not clear if lysis also occurs in NSLAB. Temperate
temperatures close to the cooking temperature of phage is involved in Sc. thermophilus (Husson-Kao
Cheddar cheese cause the lysis of many starter strains, et al., 2000) but whether phage are involved with the
including Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris SK11, AM1, AM2, other organisms was not reported. In the case of
US3 but not E8 or KH. This is due to induction of Sc. thermophilus, autolysis occurred in response to the
temperate phage. Interestingly, the thermo-inducible depletion of lactose in the medium.
strains do not produce bitterness in cheese while
the non-inducible strains do. Since then, several
groups have identified other thermo-inducible strains Bacteriocins are proteins produced by various bacteria,
(Langsrud et al., 1987; Chapot-Chartier et al., 1994) which inhibit the growth of other bacteria. The
and the ability to lyse has become an important factor inhibitory host-range and the molecular mass can be
in selecting starters for cheesemaking because of the either large or small. Bacteriocins produced by LAB are
Starter Cultures: General Aspects 137

divided into three classes: lantibiotics, small heat- stresses. Acid-adapted cells maintain a slightly higher
stable non-lantibiotics and large heat-stable bacteri- intracellular pH than non-adapted cells (O’Sullivan
ocins (Nes et al., 1996). Nisin, the best known and Condon, 1997) so that the maintenance of a trans-
bacteriocin, is a lantibiotic which is produced by some membrane pH gradient (pH) via the F0F1 ATPase is
strains of Lc. lactis, and is used commercially in more an important aspect of the ATR (van de Guchte et al.,
than 50 countries as a food preservative to control the 2002). The ability to produce NH3 from arginine, via
growth of spoilage and pathogenic bacteria. Lantibiotics the deiminase pathway in many LAB, or from urea as
are distinguished by the presence of unusual amino occurs in Sc. thermophilus, may also be important in
acids, e.g., didehyroalanine and didehydrobutyrine, maintaining the pH gradient. These responses require
which are produced by post-translational modificiation protein synthesis. Numerous proteins are induced by
of serine and threonine, respectively. Generally, bacteri- heat in lactococci and enterococci and similar proteins
ocins are single compounds but some bacteriocins com- are also produced during osmotic shock but very few
prise two components. For more information, see the of them have been characterized.
recent reviews of McAuliffe et al. (2001) and Twomey Betaine and proline are often called ‘compatible
et al. (2002). solutes’ because they can be accumulated to high con-
Bacteriocins are receiving considerable attention centrations inside cells without affecting their physi-
because many of them inhibit a wide range of Gram- ology or metabolism. Lc. lactis grown under high
positive spoilage and pathogenic bacteria, especially osmotic strength contains high pools of proline or
Listeria monocytogenes. The latter is a particular prob- betaine without any apparent effect on the physiology
lem in cheese because it can grow at high salt concen- of the cell (Molenaar et al., 1993). Betaine is taken up
trations, low temperatures and low pH, all of which by a high affinity transport system while proline has a
typically occur in cheese. The surface of smear-ripened low affinity system which is repressed in complex
cheeses is a particular problem because of the increase media.
in the pH of the surface during ripening (see ‘Surface Storage of cells is also receiving attention. Cells of
Mould-ripened Cheeses’ and ‘Bacterial Surface-ripened Lc. lactis MG 1363 stored at 10 °C for 4 h showed a
Cheeses’, Volume 2). Bacteriocins have also been used 100-fold increase in survival to freezing at 20 °C
to increase lysis of starter cells during cheese ripening (Wouters et al., 1999). This was correlated with the
resulting in better flavour. The number of bacteriocin- synthesis of several cold-induced small (7 kDa) pro-
producing cells must be carefully controlled in the teins. In another study, the flux of guanine and phos-
latter application so that only limited reduction in the phate was implicated in the stress response of
ability of the starter culture to produce lactic acid lactococci (Duwat et al., 1999). Cells of Lc. lactis
occurs during cheese manufacture (Ross et al., 1999). transferred into a medium containing no glucose or
They also have potential in cheese ripening to control limiting glucose remained viable (106 cfu/ml) for at
the growth of NSLAB. least 1 year at 30 °C. However, considerable rearrange-
ment of plasmids occurred during storage (Rallu et al.,
Stress responses 2000). These findings may have potential for the stor-
Lactic acid bacteria are characterized by their ability to age of cultures for cheesemaking.
produce large amounts of lactic and sometimes also
Exopolysaccharide production
acetic acid during growth, which cause a significant
reduction in pH. Some starter bacteria are also sub- Smooth and creamy products, which are also low in fat
jected to a considerable range of temperature during and sugar, have considerable appeal for consumers
cheese manufacture. For example, thermophilic who are conscious of their health. One way of improv-
starters are usually grown at 37–42 °C but must with- ing the smooth texture of a product is to add suitable
stand temperatures of up to 54 °C in the manufacture polysaccharides to the product during processing. Most
of some cheeses, e.g., Emmental and Parmigiano- of the polysaccharides used in food as thickeners and
Reggiano. Thus, tolerance to acid and temperature and stabilizers are obtained from plants (starch and pectin)
indeed other stresses is being actively studied. Acid or different seaweeds (carrageenan, alginates). Except
tolerances can be of two types, a general stress for xanthan, very few are produced by microorganisms.
response, which occurs during the stationary phase of Exopolysaccharide production is an important charac-
growth and an adaptive response, which develops dur- teristic of many LAB involved in the production of fer-
ing the logarithmic phase of growth, called the loga- mented milks. Producing cultures are generally
rithmic acid tolerance response (LATR) (van de considered to be ‘ropy’ and result in the thickening of
Guchte et al., 2002). Induction of the LATR can also the fermented milk. Such cultures are particularly
protect LAB against temperature, salt and H2O2 important in Scandinavian countries, e.g., Langfi in
138 Starter Cultures: General Aspects

Sweden and Viili in Finland. The industrial application ition (a 4:1 ratio of galactose and glucose) but different
of EPS produced by LAB is hampered by low yields, molecular masses. The levels of phosphoglucomutase,
typically 50–500 mg per litre, and efforts to improve UDP-galactose 4-epimerase and UDP-glucose pyrophos-
yields by genetic engineering and by manipulation of phorylase correlated highly with EPS production
culture conditions have been reviewed (Kleerebezem (Degeest and De Vuyst, 2000).
et al., 1999; Jolly et al., 2002). The production of EPS confers no intrinsic resist-
Lactic acid bacteria produce either homopolysac- ance to phage (Deveau et al., 2002).
charides, comprised only of fructose or glucose
residues or heteropolysaccharides, which are com-
prised of repeating units of several different sugars Preparation of Starters
including two or more of the following glucose, galact-
Lactic starters must perform one of their technological
ose, fructose and rhamnose (De Vuyst et al., 2001).
functions (acid production) early in cheesemaking and
They may be involved in a wide variety of biological
a sufficient amount of a metabolically active culture
functions, including prevention of desiccation, protec-
must be used to inoculate cheese milk. Usually, the
tion from environmental stresses, adherence to differ-
initial population of starters in cheese milk is around
ent surfaces, pathogenesis and symbioses ( Jolly et al.,
1–5  106 cfu/ml at inoculation and reaches 1–10 
2002). EPS-producing cultures have also been used to
108 cfu/ml when the curd is transferred to the moulds,
increase the moisture and improve the yield of low-fat
typically 5–6 h later in the case of Cheddar cheese. In
Mozzarella cheese (Low et al., 1998; Perry et al.,
most cheeses, during this time, the pH must decrease
from ⬃6.6 to 5.5; cells which are not fully active or
It is possible to increase EPS production by Sc. thermo-
are sub-lethally stressed at inoculation will show slower
philus by altering the levels of enzymes in carbohy-
growth and consequently slower acid production, thus
drate metabolism, particularly phosphoglucomutase
increasing the cheesemaking time. Except for natural
and UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (Levander et al.,
starters, most cheese plants use cultures provided in
2002). The biosynthesis of EPS has been studied in an
one of several forms (liquid, frozen, freeze-dried) by
EPS strain of Lc. lactis and a derivative carrying a
specialized industries or institutions (see above). An
plasmid encoding the EPS gene cluster (EPS strain)
outline of current systems for the preparation of starters
(Ramos et al., 2001). The concentration of UDP-glucose
is presented in Fig. 4. The traditional approach for the
and UDP-galactose, the precursors of EPS, were signifi-
build-up of a starter culture for inoculation of cheese
cantly lower in the EPS strain than in the EPS strain,
milk, requiring a number of steps from a small volume
while the concentration of the UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl
(1 ml or g) of stock culture to a large volume
pentapeptide, which is part of the cell wall, was
(100–1000 l) of bulk starter, is still in use. However, it is
greater in the EPS strain, indicating that there is
being replaced by the use of frozen or freeze-dried cul-
competition between EPS synthesis and cell growth.
tures for direct inoculation of bulk starter milk or of
These data suggest that the production of EPS could
cheese milk directly, especially in small cheesemaking
be enhanced by increasing both the flux of the EPS
plants. While the traditional system based on multiple
precursors and the lipid carrier precursors.
transfers is cheaper than the direct-to-vat system, it
Response surface analysis of different fermentation
requires skilled personnel and facilities and increases
conditions showed that the optimum temperature, pH
the risk of contamination with phage.
and casitone concentration for EPS production by
Aspects of the commercial production of starter cul-
Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus RR were 38 °C, 5 and
tures have been thoroughly reviewed by Whitehead
30 g/L, respectively. The actual yield, 354 mg EPS/L,
et al. (1993) and Sandine (1996). Here, an overview of
was within the 95% confidence limit of the predicted
the issues related to the production, preservation and
yield (Kimmel et al., 1998). Oxygen, orotic acid and
distribution of starter cultures by companies and of the
carbon source were also important for EPS production
preparation of starters at the cheese plant is presented.
which was greatest during the stationary phase of
growth in a chemically defined medium (Petry et al.,
Propagation of starter cultures
2000). Maximum production of EPS by Lb. helveticus
occurred at pH 6.2 (Torino et al., 2001). The production of starter cultures requires careful selec-
A model describing the growth and EPS production tion of media and operating conditions to obtain opti-
by Sc. thermophilus LY03 has been developed and some mum results in terms of final cell numbers, activity
evidence for EPS degradation has been found (Degeest (prompt growth, reduced lag phase, suitable acid pro-
and De Vuyst, 1999). This strain produces two het- duction, aroma production, proteolytic ability), stability
eropolysaccharides of the same monosaccharide compos- upon storage and, in mixed cultures, composition of the
Starter Cultures: General Aspects 139

Frozen or
freeze dried
concentrated Cheese vat
0.1–2% v/v
Frozen or A
stock culures Mother culture
(1 g, 1 ml) (RSM) C B

1% v/v 1% v/v 1% v/v

Intermediate or
feeder culture

Bulk starter (RSM,

starter media)

Frozen stocks

Figure 4 Examples of the production of lactic starter cultures in a cheese plant. A number of steps are necessary to build up the
bulk starter from frozen or freeze-dried stock culture. Duration and inoculum size for each step are variable, depending on the type of
culture (mesophilic, thermophilic, mixed, defined) and the temperature of incubation. To reduce time for build-up of bulk starter and
the risk of contamination, frozen or freeze-dried starter concentrates can be used to inoculate the bulk starter tank or the cheese vat.
The elements of a typical bulk starter tank are shown: A, agitator; B, sterile air inlet/outlet with HEPA filters to prevent the access of
phages during cooling and operation; C, ports for inoculation and addition of alkali for pH control; D, pH and temperature probes;
E, jacket for circulation of water or steam. Digital or analogic controllers and printer/recorders for temperature and pH, and external
alkali tanks are not shown.

starter. These, in turn, are influenced by several factors, (whey permeate can also be used), they may contain a
including the presence of disturbing phage, medium range of ingredients to improve starter growth, to con-
composition and fermentation conditions (heat treat- trol pH and to inhibit phage adsorption (Table 3)
ment, temperature and pH control during fermentation, (Whitehead et al., 1993). Two of the most important
duration of incubation, storage temperature, etc.). issues in the design of starter media are phage and pH
Although cheese milk was the traditional medium control. Measures for phage control are described in
for the growth of starters in cheese plants, it has been ‘Starter Cultures: Bacteriophage’, Volume 1.
replaced by pre-tested, antibiotic-free reconstituted pH control is important for building up starter bio-
skim milk (RSM) and by specially designed starter mass, preventing acid stress and loss of activity, and con-
media, available from starter culture companies. The trolling the ratio of species and strains in mixed cultures
availability of pre-tested RSM allows better control of (Oberg and Broadbent, 1993; Whitehead et al., 1993;
growth prior to inoculation of milk in the cheese vat. It Sandine, 1996). While lactobacilli and leuconostocs are
can be reconstituted to a higher solid level than that of relatively acid tolerant, mesophilic and thermophilic
fresh milk, thus improving the buffering capacity and cocci are rapidly inhibited when the pH falls below 5.5.
therefore the growth and activity of the culture. Doubl- Therefore, the rod:coccus ratio of thermophilic starters
ing the concentration of solids in RSM from 8 to 16% may be affected significantly by the pH and pH-course
usually results in a doubling of the number of viable during incubation. pH control also allows complete con-
cells (from 5–7  108 to 10–14  108 cfu/ml) with a sumption of the carbohydrate source and retention of
higher final pH (from 4.5 to 4.7). A similar result can viability during prolonged refrigerated storage of fully
be obtained by increasing milk solids by ultrafiltration. grown cultures (Sandine, 1996).
The need to increase cell numbers and improve the Both internal and external pH control are used.
activity and stability of the cultures has prompted the Internal pH control is achieved by the use of soluble or
development of specially designed starter media. insoluble buffering agents. Soluble buffers (phos-
Although most starter media are milk- or whey-based phates) perform the dual role of pH control and phage
140 Starter Cultures: General Aspects

Table 3 Ingredients in starter media and their functions; the most commonly used ingredients are in boldface (adapted from
Whitehead et al., 1993)

Category Ingredients Function and typical concentration range

Carbohydrates Lactose, glucose, maltose, sucrose Energy and carbon source, 10–40 g/L. Glucose 1 g/L
may be used to facilitate recovery of stressed cells
Nitrogen sources Milk proteins, whey proteins, Sources of amino acids, from 1 g/L for hydrolysates
casein hydrolysates, peptones to 20–30 g/L for proteins and peptones
Growth factors Yeast extract, Corn Steep Liquor Sources of amino acids, vitamins, nucleotides and
minerals, 2.5–5 g/L
Chelating agents Phosphates, citrates Inhibition of phage adsorption by chelation of avail-
able Ca2, 7.5–20 g/L (under external pH control)
Antioxidants Ascorbic acid, ferrous sulphate Prevention of oxidative stress due to H2O2
production, 1 g/L
Buffers and neutralizers Insoluble, for internal buffering: Control of pH during fermentation to 5.5–6.5. Amount
Trimagnesium phosphate, calcium added is highly variable depending on carbo-
carbonate, encapsulated sodium carbonate. hydrate concentration and target pH at the end of
Soluble, for internal buffering: phosphates. fermentation
Soluble, for external pH control: ammonia,
potassium or sodium hydroxide

inhibition but the concentration needed to control pH ture and on other practical considerations. The tempera-
effectively can be inhibitory to same species and may ture of incubation may greatly affect starter composition
even reduce cheese yield by chelating Ca2 in the in mixed cultures. Incubation at 18–21 °C is usually pre-
cheese milk. Insoluble (calcium carbonate, trimagne- ferred for cultures of lactococci and leuconostocs,
sium phosphate) or encapsulated (sodium carbonate because both organisms have approximately the same
encapsulated in ethyl and methyl cellulose; Whitehead growth rate in this temperature range, while lactococci
et al., 1993) buffers result in a better performance, with grow faster at 30 °C. For thermophilic rod:coccus
high cell numbers (up to 1010 cfu/ml) and prolonged cultures, a compromise (42 °C) must be found between
stability (up to 10 days) on refrigerated storage. the optimum temperature of the moderately thermophilic
However, internal pH control is unsuitable if the pH Sc. thermophilus (37–39 °C) and that of the thermophilic
of the culture must be maintained at a fixed value. pH- Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Lb. helveticus (45 °C),
controlled bulk starter tanks, fitted with sterilizable although symbiosis between culture components may
electrodes for pH measurement and computer control overcome the problems caused by growth at sub-optimal
with automatic addition of alkali to control the pH at temperatures (Oberg and Broadbent, 1993).
the desired set point are now readily available. The In cultures without pH control, the temperature and
most common neutralizers used in external pH control duration of incubation may be highly related. In gen-
are KOH, NH4OH and gaseous ammonia. NaOH and eral, cultures should be refrigerated shortly after the
Na2CO3 are cheaper but some starters may be beginning of the stationary phase of growth; this
inhibited by high concentrations Na. requirement is less critical when the carbohydrate
Other process factors that affect starter growth and source is exhausted and the pH is controlled. An active
performance are the heat treatment of the growth mesophilic culture reaches the stationary phase in milk
medium, and the temperature and the duration of media in 6–8 h at 30 °C and in 16–18 h at 18–21 °C;
incubation. Time/temperature combinations using the latter combination is obviously more suitable for
during heat treatment are much higher (80–90 °C for overnight incubation. Thermophilic cultures may reach
10–30 min is typical; higher temperatures can be used the stationary phase in 6–8 h at 37 °C.
in commercial production of thermophilic starters)
than commercial pasteurization (72 °C, 16 s). Such
Preservation and distribution of starter cultures
conditions drastically reduce the microflora in the
medium, ensure the destruction of phage, which are While stock cultures are usually stored at the cheese
resistant to pasteurization, and reduce the redox plant for only a limited time, the production and dis-
potential, driving off oxygen and denaturing proteins, tribution of starter cultures on a commercial basis
thus improving starter growth. requires suitable means for the preservation and distri-
The temperature and duration of incubation are bution of cultures in a highly active state. The cultures
highly dependent on the composition of the starter cul- may be preserved by a variety of means (chilling of
Starter Cultures: General Aspects 141

liquid cultures, drying, freezing, freeze-drying) which cryoprotective medium is usually practised. RSM
expose the culture to a variety of sub-lethal and lethal (12–14% with added lactose) may be suitable as a cryo-
stresses (van de Guchte et al., 2002) which negatively protectant, but other agents can also be used, e.g.,
affect the vitality and activity (by sub-lethally damag- 5–15% glycerol, 5% sodium glutamate, 7% sucrose. Cul-
ing the cells, by selectively killing some components tures should be cooled as rapidly as possible to below
of the culture thus changing culture composition). 60 °C. Storage temperature should be between 20 °C
Sub-lethally stressed cells need a longer lag phase to and 40 °C. Frozen cultures should be thawed as rap-
recover, which translates into the need for longer idly as possible to maximize survival.
resuscitation. Historically, cultures have been pro- The need to maintain the culture frozen at all times
duced and distributed in liquid form, in air-dried form makes frozen cultures less practical than freeze-dried
(spray dried), as frozen cultures and freeze-dried cul- cultures for dispatch to cheese plants. However,
tures. The two latter means of preservation are used because of their high activity, frozen concentrated cul-
most widely in the starter industry today. tures (see below) are still preferred as the means for
distributing starter cultures in some countries.
Liquid and air-dried cultures
Chilling of liquid cultures is the oldest method of pre- Freeze-dried cultures
servation and distribution of cultures. CaCO3 (6 g/L) is While removing water at ambient temperature is detri-
usually added to milk to maintain a high pH and the cul- mental to the survival and activity of starter cultures,
tures are stored at a low temperature (2–5 °C). Stability freeze-drying, i.e., removing water from a frozen culture
does not exceed 1 or 2 weeks and several transfers are by sublimation under high vacuum, results in high levels
needed to obtain an active culture. Although chilling is of survival. Freeze-drying has been used for the prepar-
still used for daily distribution of some mixed cultures ation of dairy starters for about a century (Sandine,
for the production of PDO cheese in Italy, it has been 1996). Freeze-dried stocks containing 108–109 cfu/g are
superseded by freezing and freeze-drying. dispatched to cheese factories in vials, serum bottles or
Air- or vacuum-drying of cultures was used in the pouches containing a few grams of powder and need
past to produce cultures in powdered forms (Sandine, several transfers for full reactivation.
1996) but because of poor vitality and activity this means The procedure for the preparation of freeze-dried
of preservation is not used any more. Spray-drying is a cultures is similar to that used for the preparation of
fast and economic method for removing water but cul- frozen cultures up to the freezing step, although add-
tures are exposed to a variety of stresses (heat, dessic- ition of antioxidants like ascorbic acid, together with
cation, oxidation), and survival and activity are usually cryoprotective agents, is common. Cultures are frozen
low (Teixeira et al., 1995; To and Etzel, 1997). rapidly in vials connected to manifolds or in trays and
dessiccated under high vacuum (10 Pa) for 12–24 h,
Frozen cultures to a final aW of 0.1. Vials can be closed under vacuum,
Freezing at a very low temperature ( 80 °C, 196 °C) while powders lyophilized in trays are aseptically pack-
in the presence of cryoprotective agents is the best way aged in a variety of containers under an inert atmos-
for preserving the vitality and activity of bacteria, and phere, since dried cells are highly sensitive to oxidative
freezing is a preliminary step in the production of freeze- stress. Freeze-dried cultures can be dispatched and
dried cultures. Several factors affect the survival of LAB stored at ambient temperature, although survival and
during freezing and their activity after thawing, e.g., activity are improved by storage at 4 °C or 20 °C.
species, strain, growth medium composition, culture con-
ditions, growth phase, composition of the medium used Concentrated starter cultures
for suspending the cells during freezing, type and Conventional frozen and freeze-dried cultures do not
concentration of the cryoprotective agent, temperature contain enough cells for inoculation of the bulk starter
and rate of freezing, storage temperature, temperature tank or the cheese milk and therefore several transfers
and rate of thawing (Sandine, 1996). To obtain high cell are needed to build up sufficient inoculum for the bulk
densities prior to freezing, cells are grown under pH- starter. Frozen and freeze-dried concentrated starters,
control. Stationary cells are more resistant to freezing typically containing 1010–1011 cfu/g and 1011–1012 cfu/g,
than exponentially growing cells. Mesophilic and ther- respectively, for inoculation of the bulk starter (also
mophilic cocci are more resistant than thermophilic known as bulk sets) or the cheese milk (direct-to-vat
lactobacilli and leuconostocs; therefore, care should be cultures, direct vat set cultures) are now readily avail-
exercised in the freezing of mixed cultures to maintain able from starter companies, and are widely used in
the correct strain balance. Removal of the cells from both small and large plants. Although concentrated
the growth medium and their suspension in a suitable starters are more expensive than starter build-up from
142 Starter Cultures: General Aspects

a stock culture, the use of concentrated starters institutions providing on-line catalogs of starter cul-
improves plant flexibility (because of reduction or elim- tures includes:
ination of the time needed for building up the bulk
starter), reduces or eliminates the need for skilled per-
sonnel and equipment for the production of starters and
Rhodia Dairy
reduces the risk of phage contamination in the factory.
Swiss Federal Dairy Research Station http://www.sar.
Starters are grown in pH-controlled milk- or whey-
based media and concentrated by bactofugation or by
microfiltration. When milk media are used, citrate (1%) Development of concentrated starters implies higher
is used to solubilize the milk proteins, even when pH R&D and production costs, which are reflected in the
control is used. Cells are then resuspended in a suitable price of the culture; moreover, not all species and
medium, containing cryoprotectants and antioxidants, strains are suitable for the production of concentrated
rapidly frozen or frozen and freeze-dried. Frozen con- starters for DVI, and the wide diffusion of cultures for
centrated cultures may be packaged directly or frozen in direct vat has also reduced the diversity of cultures
pellet form and then packaged. Freeze-dried concen- available for cheesemaking.
trated cultures are lyophylized in large tray freeze-dryers
and then packaged under vacuum or a nitrogen atmo-
pherein amounts suitable for inoculation of 500–1000 l Acknowledgement
of bulk starter medium or 1000–5000 l of cheese milk. We are grateful to Ian Powell for the information he
Frozen concentrates are partially thawed by putting provided and for useful discussion.
the container in chlorinated (25–50 mg/kg) water at
room temperature for 20 min before adding it to milk,
where thawing is completed in 15–30 min. Freeze- References
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Starter Cultures: Genetics
M.J. Callanan and R.P. Ross, Teagasc, Dairy Products Research Centre, Moorepark,
Fermoy, Co. Cork, Ireland

Introduction cremoris. Of all starter bacteria, Lc. lactis subsp. lactis

IL1403 and Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris MG1363 are the
Within the last three decades there has been intensive
most thoroughly investigated at the genetic level and
study of the genetics of starter bacteria, ranging from
have been the workhorses for studying starter cultures.
plasmid biology to genetic tool development, and lead-
The construction of these two plasmid-free strains from
ing ultimately to elucidation of the complete genome.
cheese starter parents in the early 1980s was instru-
This has facilitated such advances as the metabolic
mental in their selection for further study.
engineering of these commercially important bacteria
and to the improvement of particularly significant indus-
trial traits, such as increased bacteriophage resistance.
The purpose of this review is to discuss some of the The sequencing of the Lc. lactis subsp. lactis IL1403
major advances which have occurred during this time, genome has provided the first comprehensive insight
culminating in the elucidation of the genomes of sev- into the genetics of lactococcal starters. Strain IL1403
eral strains. It is worth emphasising that while the is a derivative of the Streptococcus (now Lactococcus)
chromosomes of a number of strains have been char- lactis strain IL594, isolated from a cheese starter cul-
acterised in detail, many commercially significant ture (Chopin et al., 1984). The 2365-kb circular
traits are encoded on mobilisable elements such as chromosome has a G  C content of 35.4% (Fig. 1)
plasmids and transposons. In fact, many industrially and encodes 2310 open reading frames (ORFs)
important strains have rich plasmid complements, and (Bolotin et al., 2001). This genome is relatively small
it could be argued that much strain ‘individuality’, in when compared to other bacterial genomes, such as
terms of industrial performance, could be attributed to Bacillus subtilis (4214 kb, 4099 ORFs), and most likely
their plasmid genomes. The development of genetic reflects the specialised adaptation of Lactococcus to
tools for strain improvement, in combination with growth in the nutrient-rich milk environment. As
genomic and metabolomic technologies have opened expected, many genes required for de novo synthesis of
new possibilities for the routing or re-routing of essential nutrients and the degradation of complex
metabolism towards desirable metabolites such as molecules are absent from the IL1403 genome. Simi-
flavour compounds, e.g., diacetyl and vitamins, e.g., larly, the machinery that controls gene expression dif-
folate. This, together with the huge array of as yet fers from the environmentally responsive Bacillus. The
un-mined sequence information should lead to the proportion of transcriptional regulators is similar in
development of new and improved starter strains for the two bacteria but IL1403 encodes much fewer
food production. genes that respond to changing environmental condi-
tions. B. subtilis encodes 18 sigma factors and 34 two-
component systems compared with 3 sigma factors and
Genetics of Mesophilic Starters
8 two-component systems in the lactococcal chromo-
Starter cultures used by the dairy industry can be some. There were also a few unexpected revelations
broadly divided into two types, mesophilic and thermo- from the annotated genome sequence. For example,
philic, based on their optimum growth temperature strain IL1403 requires a number of amino acids
(see ‘Starter Cultures: General Aspects’, Volume 1). (isoleucine, valine, leucine, histidine, methionine and
Mesophilic starters have a growth optimum of ⬃30 °C glutamic acid) and vitamins (folic acid, menaquinone,
and are used in the production of Cheddar, Gouda, riboflavin and thioredoxin) for growth in defined
Edam, Blue and Camembert cheeses. Only three media despite having the genetic potential to synthe-
species of the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) group sise all these necessary growth factors (Bolotin et al.,
employed as commercial starters are considered 2001). The genes in the amino acid biosynthetic
mesophilic, Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, Lc. lactis operons appear to have mutations that may be specific
subsp. cremoris and Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. to laboratory strains. In addition, the ability of
Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, Third edition – Volume 1: General Aspects Copyright © 2004 Elsevier Ltd
ISBN: 0-1226-3652-X All rights reserved
Set ISBN: 0-1226-3651-1
150 Starter Cultures: Genetics

Figure 1 Schematic representation of the L. lactis IL1403 genome. The figure highlights the nucleotide composition of the chromo-
some and demonstrates the gross organisation of the entire genome into two divergent blocks arranged around the replication initia-
tion (0 kb) and termination (c. 1250 kb) sites. The figure (available at was generated using Genome Atlas (Jensen
et al., 1999; Pedersen et al., 2000).

Lactococcus to respire aerobically has remained contro- et al., 1995). This plasticity of the Lactococcus genome
versial but the presence in the genome of the genes for may be an important factor in optimising the genome
the biogenesis of menaquinone and cytochrome d in response to the nutrient-rich milk environment.
agrees with data indicating the respiratory capacity of Moreover, as noted by Campo et al. (2002), the com-
an organism considered to be exclusively fermentative parative genomics of the two strains ‘demonstrates
(Gaudu et al., 2002). that the IL1403 genetic content is probably not repre-
A recent examination of the genetic organisation of sentative for the content of all lactococcal subspecies’.
the two reference lactococci, the partially sequenced This information is important in extrapolating from
MG1363 and the completely sequenced IL1403, the IL1403 sequence data to other starter lactococci.
revealed an average of only 85% identity at the DNA Bolotin et al. (2001) commented on the high level of
level (Campo et al., 2002). There is, however, a high apparent non-functioning genes for amino acid
degree of conserved gene organisation, or synteny. In biosynthesis which may be due to the treatments used
particular, the order is conserved in the oriC region of to cure the parent of the laboratory strain of its plas-
the two genomes but not in the vicinity of the mobile mids. The accumulation of further genomic data on
element-rich replication terminus. Overall, about 9.2% other strains will be necessary to establish the degree
of the Lc. lactis genome is formed by insertion ele- of conservation between laboratory strains and current
ments and prophages, and this percentage reflects the industrial mesophilic starter cultures.
contribution of horizontal gene transfer to the
composition of the genome. For example, there is a
large chromosomal inversion between MG1363 and
IL1403 that covers nearly 50% of the genome and con- The genetic investigation of starter cultures was effect-
tains the six ribosomal RNA operons (Le Bourgeois ively initiated by McKay and co-workers at the
Starter Cultures: Genetics 151

University of Minnesota with the demonstration that the tose. In milk, the disaccharide lactose acts as the carbo-
lactococci contain plasmids that encode traits essential hydrate source. The genetics of lactose utilisation by
in the cheesemaking process (McKay and Baldwin, lactococcal starters has been well-documented (de Vos
1975). In addition to the genetic information encoded and Vaughan, 1994). The plasmid-encoded lac operon
by the chromosome, Lc. lactis species harbour numerous consists of nine genes in the order lacABCDFEGX. They
large cryptic plasmids. The presence of these plasmids are responsible for the transport and incorporation of
helped explain the well-known and problematic instabil- the galactose and glucose constituents of lactose into
ity of key industrial traits. A rapid and reliable method the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway (Fig. 2). Trans-
was subsequently developed that allowed the plasmids to port occurs via the lactose-specific phosphotransferase
be isolated and visualised using agarose gels (Anderson system encoded by lacEF. The operon is directly regu-
and McKay, 1983). Plasmid profiling remains an import- lated at the transcriptional level by the product of the
ant method of differentiating lactococcal starter strains, divergently transcribed lacR gene that represses the path-
although their instability precludes the plasmids from way in the presence of glucose. A second, more global,
providing a permanent fingerprint of strain identity. mechanism of regulation also appears to act in the
Indeed, the plasmid content of strains can vary dramatic- absence of lacR (de Vos and Simons, 1994).
ally during long-term storage. It was also quickly recog- Citrate metabolism contributes the distinctive
nised that it is possible to mobilise a number of the diacetyl/acetate flavour and aroma to products manufac-
plasmids via conjugation. Therefore, the enzymes neces- tured with citrate utilising (Cit) lactococci. It is also
sary to hydrolyse casein, transport and metabolise lactose required for CO2 production resulting in eye formation
and citrate, produce bacteriocins and combat phage in Dutch-type cheese. The ability to metabolise the rela-
could be transferred among industrially important tively low concentration of citrate in milk (8 mM) is pri-
strains. The commercial importance of the plasmid- marily dependent on the presence of citrate permease
encoded traits has resulted in numerous studies, and (Fig. 2). The gene for the permease, citP, is part of the
some of the plasmids have been partially or even plasmid-encoded citBRP operon. The transport genes
completely sequenced (Dougherty et al., 1998; van are not induced by citrate but are induced under condi-
Kranenburg et al., 2000; Boucher et al., 2001). However, tions of lactic acid stress (Garcia-Quintans et al., 1998)
the physiological role of the majority of these extra-chro- reflecting the role of citrate in relieving growth inhib-
mosomal elements is yet to be defined fully. ition by lactate (Magni et al., 1999). Following trans-
In addition to encoding key industrial traits, the port, citrate is cleaved to produce oxalacetate and
native lactococcal plasmids have provided the neces- release acetate. Oxalacetate is converted to diacetyl,
sary material for the development of genetic tools acetoin and CO2 through pyruvate as an intermediary.
required to manipulate Lc. lactis. The original lacto- The distinctive nature of citrate metabolism has
coccal cloning vectors, such as pSA3 (Dao and Ferretti, prompted a number of studies aimed at manipulating
1985), were ‘shuttle’ vectors and encoded two replica- the pathway in order to increase the concentration of
tion origins in order to maintain the plasmid in both desirable end products, e.g., diacetyl. One approach
lactococcal and E. coli hosts. The ability to replicate in has been to manipulate the citrate metabolism pathway
E. coli was necessary to expose the plasmid to the of Cit Lc. lactis through genetic techniques such as
highly advanced genetic techniques available in that gene inactivation and over-expression (Fig. 2). Inacti-
background. Subsequent vectors have been based pri- vation of lactate dehydrogenase, the enzyme responsible
marily on more promiscuous replication origins, such for the production of lactic acid from pyruvate, resulted
as those from the cryptic lactococcal plasmids, pWV01 in increased acetoin production (Snoep et al., 1992).
and pSH71 (de Vos and Simons, 1994). Combined However, to efficiently convert sugars to diacetyl, inacti-
with an antibiotic selection marker, these replicons are vation of -acetolactate decarboxylase (ALDB) and
stable in Gram-positive and Gram-negative hosts and over-expression of NADH-oxidase are required (Hugen-
continue to form the backbone of the most useful lac- holtz et al., 2000). The NADH-oxidase overproduction
tococcal vectors. causes the rerouting of pyruvate through NADH-
independent pathways leading to diacetyl and acetoin
since the cell no longer needs to regenerate NAD
Genetics of industrially important traits
through lactate dehydrogenase. Inactivation of aldB
Lactose and citrate metabolism ensures that the rerouted pyruvate is converted to
The primary function of Lactococcus in an industrial diacetyl and not acetoin, the product of the decarboxy-
dairy fermentation is to produce lactic acid. The bac- lase. These manipulations resulted in a strain with an
teria synthesise this flavoursome and spoilage-preventing increased capacity for diacetyl production. These types
acid as a product of the fermentative conversion of lac- of metabolic engineering studies will be further enabled
152 Starter Cultures: Genetics


Cell wall

Transporter Cell membrane

lac genes
Glucose Galactose

2,3-butanediol galKTE



Diacetyl α–acetolactate
Pyruvate Oxaloacetate
Citrate lysase



Figure 2 Schematic of lactose (closed arrows) and citrate (open arrows) metabolism in LAB. Genes inactivated as part of meta-
bolic engineering strategies for overproducing diacetyl are indicated (see text for detail).

by our increasing knowledge of lactococcal metabolic identified the substrate-binding domain and active site
pathways from genome sequence analysis. residues (Siezen et al., 1993).
The peptides produced by the proteinase are trans-
Proteolysis and amino acid catabolism ported into the cell by three systems. The Opp system
The lactococci are fastidious organisms specially adapted is responsible for oligopeptides of 4–18 residues, while
to grow in the nutrient-rich growth medium that is the DtpT and DtpP transport hydrophilic and hydropho-
milk. Lactose provides a readily utilisable sugar source bic di- and tripeptides, respectively (Kunji et al., 1996).
for energy whereas degradation of the principal milk Both Opp and DtpP are multi-gene systems organised
protein, casein, provides nitrogen sources and supplies in operons. In contrast, the proton motive force-driven
the amino acids for protein synthesis. Casein break- DtpT transporter is encoded by a single gene (Fang
down is initiated by a cell envelope-associated pro- et al., 2000). Once inside the cell, the peptides are
teinase (CEP). The proteinase gene is another of the hydrolysed to their constitutive amino acids by a set
key industrial traits located on the indigenous lacto- of peptidases with various specificities. The genes for
coccal plasmids. The multi-domain CEPs are large 13 peptidases have been described for the IL1403
proteins (more than 1800 amino acids are encoded by sequence, a number of which had been studied previ-
the gene) and are classified based on their caseinolytic ously (Christensen et al., 1999). Of particular interest
specificity (Kunji et al., 1996). The plasmid-encoded are the aminopeptidases, PepN and PepC, and the
genes have been sequenced for a number of lactococ- proline-specific peptidases. PepN and PepC display low
cal strains and the sequence data exploited to investi- substrate specificity and free amino acids by cleaving the
gate the catalytic properties of these important enzymes. N-terminal end of oligopeptides. Casein is a proline-rich
Site-directed and cassette mutagenesis techniques have substrate and lactococci have multiple peptidases with
Starter Cultures: Genetics 153

activity against various proline-containing peptides. amino acids to aroma compounds (Yvon et al., 2000).
The genes for X-prolyl-dipeptidyl aminopeptidase Two further aminotransferases have been cloned and
(pepX), prolidase (pepQ), proline iminopeptidase (pepI) sequenced from Lc. lactis LM0230 (Atiles et al., 2000;
and aminopeptidase P (pepP) are present on the Lc. Dudley and Steele, 2001) but much more work is
lactis genome. In addition, a number of peptidases needed.
shown to cleave internal peptide bonds (endopepti-
dases) and enzymes that hydrolyse di- and tripeptides Bacteriocins
have been described. While inactivation of the individ- It is well established that starter bacteria produce
ual peptidase genes described above did not eliminate a range of substances, including lactic acid and
the ability of Lactococcus to grow in milk, mutants metabolites which aid in the preservation, and con-
exhibit reduced growth rates. Moreover, strains in tribute to the safety of many fermented food products
which multiple peptidase genes were disrupted had (Klaenhammer, 1988; Holzapfel et al., 1995). In add-
significantly reduced growth rates (Mierau et al., ition to the production of antimicrobial metabolites
1996). such as lactate, almost all the different representative
Recently, a comprehensive study on the regulation species have been reported to produce antimicrobial
of the proteolytic system was performed in MG1363 peptides and/or proteins which are collectively
and some interesting observations were made (Guedon referred to as bacteriocins. Of the many bacteriocins
et al., 2001a). The transcription of 16 genes encoding isolated and studied to date, nisin is the only one
12 peptidases, 2 CEPs and the 3 transport systems whose commercial potential has been realised. Nisin
were analysed in response to various environmental was assessed to be safe for food use by the Joint Food
factors. It was found that neither the sugar source nor and Agriculture Organisation/World Health Organisa-
temperature effected transcription with the sole excep- tion (FAO/WHO) Expert Committee on Food Addi-
tion of pepP, which is modified by sugar. Transcription tives in 1969, and is in use in more than 48 countries.
of the 2 CEP genes, 3 aminopeptidase genes (pepX, In the dairy industry, nisin is exploited mainly for the
pepN and pepC) and the Opp transport system operon prevention of clostridial growth in processed cheese,
were all regulated by the peptide content of the dairy desserts and cheese spreads. Nisin has been
medium. The remaining genes, that appeared to be the subject of a wide variety of fundamental studies
unregulated, were expressed at lower levels and it was as to its structure and genetics (Dutton et al., 2002).
suggested that they probably encode enzymes involved It is classified as an antibiotic peptide, a term used
in cellular functions other than peptide utilisation to describe a heterogeneous group of lanthionine-
(Guedon et al., 2001a). In a companion study, a trans- containing bacteriocins that undergo extensive post-
criptional repressor with homology to the CodY regu- translational modification, and has recently been
lator of Bacillus subtilis was shown to regulate shown to exhibit inhibitory activity at nanomolar con-
expression of the genes that were sensitive to the pep- centrations (Wiedemann et al., 2001).
tide content of the medium (Guedon et al., 2001b). A number of genes are involved in the production
The catabolism of amino acids in Lactococcus has and export of, and immunity to, nisin (Rodriguez and
received significantly less attention than the proteo- Dodd, 1996). These genes are tightly linked in the
lytic system (see ‘Catabolism of Amino Acids in nisin cluster, composing a total of 11 genes of which
Cheese during Ripening’, Volume 1). The ability to nisA encodes the nisin precursor itself. Interestingly,
overcome amino acid auxotrophy through degradation the genes responsible for nisin A production and
of casein is well documented but the ability to synthe- immunity are carried on a 70 kb conjugative transpo-
sise various amino acids has not been investigated son called Tn5301 from Lc. lactis NCFB894 (Dodd
thoroughly. In particular, very little work has focused et al., 1990) or Tn 5276 from Lc. lactis NIZO R5
on the genetic components involved. The availability (Rauch and de Vos, 1992) while the genetic determin-
of the genome sequence will redress this situation but ants for nisin Z (a natural variant of nisin, in which
at present the majority of the studies have focused on the histidine at position 27 is replaced by asparagine)
detecting specific enzyme activities associated with the are on transposon Tn5278 (Immonen et al., 1995).
catabolic pathways in various strains (reviewed by Nisin synthesis is regulated by a two-component regula-
Christensen et al., 1999). The catabolism of amino tory system made up of the membrane-bound histidine
acids by lactococci is likely to have an essential role in kinase sensor protein, NisK, and the regulator, NisR
the development of cheese flavour and aroma. Inactiva- (Fig. 3). This regulatory system responds to extracellu-
tion of an aromatic amino acid aminotransferase gene, lar nisin, which leads to the expression of genes
araT, of Lc. lactis NCDO 763 has already confirmed the involved in immunity and synthesis/post-translational
involvement of this enzyme in the conversion of modification (Kuipers et al., 1995).
154 Starter Cultures: Genetics

nisK nisR

Regulated gene Protein X

Nisin induction expression
NisK NisR

Signal transduction NisR

gene X

Figure 3 Protein expression using the nisin-inducible expression system (NICE).

Another lactococcal bacteriocin which has received However, a general feature of Nis strains is that they
considerable attention in recent years is lacticin 3147, are not rapid acidifiers of milk, a quality necessary for
produced by Lc. lactis strain DPC3147, which was origin- successful cheese manufacture. The genetic determin-
ally isolated from an Irish kefir grain (Ryan et al., 1996). ants for lactacin 3147 can also be readily transferred
The bacteriocin is composed of two post-translationally between strains. In this case, the 60 kb self-transmissible
modified peptides, both of which are required for opti- pMRC01 plasmid-encoding lacticin 3147 has been
mal killing activity (Ryan et al., 1999). Lacticin 3147 transferred to more than 25 different lactococcal hosts,
has a very broad spectrum of action which includes all many of which are commonly used lactococcal starters
Gram-positive bacteria tested, including food pathogens in the cheese industry (Coakley et al., 1997; O’Sullivan
such as Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus et al., 1998; Fenelon et al., 1999). The transconjugants
aureus and food spoilage micro-organisms such as are lacticin 3147 producers and can be substituted for
Clostridium tyrobutyricum (Ryan et al., 1996; Galvin et al., the parent strains in commercial applications.
1999). The native lactococcal plasmid, pMRC01, The genetics of bacteriocins, such as lacticin 3147
encoding lacticin 3147 production and immunity has and nisin, has also become important tools for the
been sequenced completely (Dougherty et al., 1998). manipulation of starter bacteria. The best example of
Ten genes are involved in lacticin 3147 production and this is the generation of the nisin-controlled expres-
immunity and are expressed from divergent promoters sion (NICE) system (de Ruyter et al., 1996). It is based
which control two clusters, namely ltnA1A2M1TM2D on the promoter for the structural gene for the antimicro-
and ltnRIFE. The putative functions of some of these bial peptide, nisin (Fig. 3). The nisA promoter is
genes have been confirmed using a series of knock-out autoregulated in response to nisin through the nisPR
deletions in single or multiple genes. Investigation of gene products. The system is very sensitive to nisin
the regulation of the lacticin 3147 gene revealed that concentration and by varying the nisin level in the
the promoter controlling biosynthesis (Pbac) appears to medium, very subtle control of genes cloned down-
be constitutive (McAuliffe et al., 2001). Characterisa- stream of the nisA promoter can be achieved.
tion of a downstream region revealed a stem-loop
structure within the ltnM1 gene which may act as a Bacteriophage
rho-independent terminator, functioning as a signal for The interaction of starters and bacteriophage is cov-
processing of the ltnA1A2M1TM2D transcript. Further- ered elsewhere (see ‘Starter Cultures: Bacteriophage’,
more, the promoter of the ltnRIFE operon (Pimm) was Volume 1) but one particular aspect relates specifically
shown to be regulated by the repressor LtnR. to the genetics of starter cultures, namely the effects of
A very useful general feature of the bacteriocins of prophage and other phage sequences in the bacterial
starter cultures is that they are frequently encoded on chromosome. Phage-related starter failure remains a
mobilisable genetic elements. This has been advanta- problem in the dairy industry, and recent studies indi-
geous for the transfer of nisin to different starters. cate that the chromosomal phage sequences contribute
Starter Cultures: Genetics 155

to the evolution of new phage (Bouchard and capability of the starter in order to select for the intro-
Moineau, 2000; Durmaz and Klaenhammer, 2000). duced plasmid has diminished the usefulness of this
The rapid appearance of new recombinant phage is a approach for strain improvement. As noted above with
constant problem in combating phage infections. The lacticin 3147, bacteriocin production and immunity
new phage can bypass the natural phage defence have proven to be other suitable targets for selection in
mechanisms employed to protect the starter cultures. natural conjugations.
Durmaz and Klaenhammer (2000) demonstrated that In order to genetically investigate any organism, the
the appearance of recombinant phages is dependent on tools for cloning and manipulating the genes of the
chromosomally encoded phage sequences. Therefore, organism must be available. The plasmid vectors cur-
sequences encoded by the lactococcal chromosome rently used to clone lactococcal DNA have evolved from
may have an injurious effect on the strain in the shuttle vectors incorporating non-lactococcal origins to
cheesemaking environment. However, from an evolu- plasmids derived from indigenous lactococcal plasmids.
tionary point, chromosomal phage DNA must confer These plasmids have been adapted further as integra-
some advantage or the lysogenic cells would not be tion vectors encoding expression systems. The isolation
maintained in the population. An obvious advantage is of a temperature-sensitive (Ts) pWV01 origin of replica-
the exclusion from super-infection. Another is the tion was instrumental in the development of an efficient
potential of the mobile phage to exchange beneficial gene inactivation system for lactococci (Law et al.,
genes between strains. It is tempting to assume that 1995). An elegant two-plasmid system was developed
lactococcal strains without prophage would be more whereby a fragment of the gene of interest is cloned on
suitable for dairy fermentation processes but this may a vector encoding the wild-type pWV01 origin of repli-
not be the case. cation, an antibiotic selection marker but no replication
protein. The replication protein is supplied by an addi-
tion plasmid encoding the Ts version of the pWV01 ori-
Genetic manipulation
gin. Once the strain is shifted to a non-permissive
The genetic tools now available allow very sophisti- temperature, the plasmid encoding the replication pro-
cated manipulation of Lactococcus strains. Reliable tein is lost. The plasmid encoding the homologous
gene inactivation and expression systems are available. DNA is forced to integrate when antibiotic selective
The tools have evolved over three decades of research pressure is maintained. The system has been employed
and reflect the investment in Lactococcus genetics. One successfully to generate not only chromosomal muta-
of the key factors in the development of the genetic tions but has recently been adapted to study genes
tools was the discovery of efficient transformation proto- encoded by the native plasmids (Cotter et al., 2003).
cols for lactococci (Holo and Nes, 1995). The potential With the availability of sophisticated genetic tools,
of electroporation to introduce DNA into eukaryotic complex metabolic engineering of Lactococcus is feasible
cells was quickly adopted for bacteria. High-voltage and attractive due to the largely independent catabolic
electric field pulses result in the permeabilisation of and anabolic pathways in Lactococcus (Hols et al.,
the cell membrane allowing the transient passage of 1999). A number of innovative studies have demon-
macromolecules into the cell. Other methods for mobil- strated the potential to manipulate the metabolic path-
ising DNA, such as conjugation and transduction, ways of Lactococcus and exploit these bacteria as cell
were crucial in the early development of lactococcal factories (Hugenholtz and Smid, 2002). However, with
genetics (reviewed by Gasson and Fitzgerald, 1994) respect to lactococcal starter cultures, their direct
but the relative simplicity and reproducibility of elec- incorporation into food products means that the
troporation has made it the mechanism of choice for recombinant DNA technologies required for metabolic
genetic studies. In the case of the indigenous large engineering cannot be used in strain development.
plasmids, conjugation remains the most efficient New food-grade technologies are being developed but
mechanism of transfer. The procedure requires that for the foreseeable future traditional mutagenesis and
the naturally occurring plasmid possesses a suitable natural selection of mutants with high throughput
selectable marker for the transconjugant. Plasmid- screening facilities hold more potential for the devel-
linked phage resistance has been used in numerous opment of improved starter bacteria.
conjugations since the first successful report of
improved resistance to a homologous phage as the
selection basis (Klaenhammer and Sanozky, 1985). The
presence of lactose-fermenting determinants offers an Leuconostocs are heterofermentative LAB that func-
alternative naturally occurring selectable marker. How- tion as starters for fermented dairy products only in
ever, interference with the natural lactose-fermenting association with lactococci. Their major role is to
156 Starter Cultures: Genetics

metabolise citrate to CO2 (eye formation) and diacetyl, and published (Kleerebezem et al., 2003). Lb. plantarum
an important flavour component of cultured butter- differs from the thermophilic starters in its flexible and
milk, cottage cheese, sour cream and ripened cream adaptive behaviour and is encountered in many differ-
butter. As yet, the genetics of Leuconostoc is at an early ent environmental niches, ranging from some dairy fer-
stage and the importance of citrate metabolism has mentations to the human gastrointestinal tract. The
provided the focus for most of the genetic studies of genes encoding the genetic machinery for growth in
Leuconostoc metabolism. Like their mesophilic part- milk, including sugar transporters, EMP and phospho-
ners, the lactococci, the technologically important ketolase pathways and peptidase were identified although
genes encoding citrate and lactose utilisation are plas- no proteinase homologue was found. A relatively large
mid-encoded. The gene encoding the citrate permease, number of pyruvate-dissipating enzymes with a remark-
citP, shares almost complete identity with the gene able degree of redundancy were observed. Lc. lactis
from Lactococcus (Vaughan et al., 1995). This level of also displays some redundancy especially in its lactate
homology suggests that the gene may have been dehydrogenases but the pyruvate-dissipating potential in
acquired by recent horizontal transfer between the two Lb. plantarum is much greater. However, by far the largest
LAB species. The regulation of the citrate transport class of proteins in the large (3.3 Mb) genome is repre-
genes encoded by the citMCDEFGRP multienzymatic sented by transport proteins, including many PTSs for
complex has also been investigated in L. paramesen- sugar uptake. A large number of PTS systems have
teroides (Martin et al., 2000). The results demonstrated already been reported for Lb. casei (Klaenhammer et al.,
that the operon was induced by citrate independently 2002) and it will be interesting to determine the range
of the pH of the growth medium and that a divergently of pyruvate-dissipating enzymes and transport mechan-
transcribed gene, citI, upstream of the operon is isms encoded by the smaller (1.8–2.4 Mb) genomes of
involved in regulation. the strains that remain primarily associated with milk
Genetics of Thermophilic Starters Important traits
The cultures that are regarded as thermophilic starters The genes for lactose utilisation in Lb. delbrueckii and
consist of bacteria with an optimum growth tempera- Lb. helveticus comprise a lactose antiport permease
ture of ⬃45 °C. The ability to tolerate higher tempera- (lacS), a regulatory gene (lacR) and a -galactosidase
tures is related to their use in the manufacture of Swiss for hydrolysis of lactose to glucose and galactose. In
and Italian cheeses, that are cooked to a much higher Lb. helveticus, the lacLM genes encoding -galactosidase
temperature (50–55 °C), and yoghurt. There has been are divergently transcribed from lacR and lacS, which
a rapid growth in recent years of genetic information are separated by 2 kb of DNA (Fortina et al., 2003).
regarding the bacteria that constitute the thermophilic Transcription studies confirmed the regulatory role of
starter cultures, namely Streptococcus thermophilus, Lb. LacR. In Lb. delbrueckii subsp. lactis and Lb. del-
delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, Lb. delbrueckii subsp. lac- brueckii subsp. bulgaricus, the -galactosidase (lacZ)
tis and Lb. helveticus. and permease occur in the order lacSZ. Recent investi-
gation of the regulation of the lactose operon in Lb.
Lactobacillus delbrueckii has resulted in some interesting observa-
Many Lactobacillus species are used in the dairy indus- tions (Lapierre et al., 2002). The lacSZ genes in Lb.
try and some have been subject to detailed investiga- delbrueckii subsp. lactis are regulated by lacR, whereas
tion. In fact, the quantity of genetic information the L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, genes were known
regarding the various lactobacilli is superseded only by to be constitutive and unstable due to the presence of
Lactococcus. In addition, the probiotic potential of insertion elements. Comparison of the lactose
many Lactobacillus species has accelerated the accu- metabolism systems of both species revealed that the
mulation of genetic data. However, most of the lacto- presence of the insertion elements alone was not suffi-
bacilli are used as adjuncts and for the purposes of this cient to deregulate the operon, and mutation in the
review only the Lb. delbrueckii subspecies and Lb. hel- lacR gene must have occurred to make expression con-
veticus will be discussed in detail. stitutive in Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus.
The proteolytic system of the thermophilic lacto-
Chromosome bacilli has been investigated extensively. Cell envelope-
The genomes of many lactobacilli are currently being associated proteinases have been identified in both Lb.
sequenced including that of Lb. delbrueckii and Lb. delbrueckii and Lb. helveticus, and Lb. helveticus CNRZ32
helveticus strains. The analysis of one Lactobacillus may encode more than one proteinase (Pederson et al.,
genome, Lb. plantarum WCSF1, has been completed 1999). In addition, 18 peptidases from thermophilic
Starter Cultures: Genetics 157

lactobacilli have been described (Christensen et al., a third strain, LMD-9, is near completion (Klaenham-
1999). The mechanism of regulation has not been deter- mer et al., 2002). Both completed genomes contain
mined for the peptidase genes with the exception of ⬃1.8 mb of sequence encoding about 1800 open read-
pepQ. A homologue of the CcpA (Central regulator of C ing frames. They are organised as a single circular
metabolism) catabolite regulator has been found chromosome and show 95% identity at the nucleotide
upstream of all LAB pepQ genes investigated and shown level. Analysis of the sequence also revealed several meta-
to regulate the expression of pepQ in Lb. delbrueckii bolic features found in common with pathogenic strepto-
subsp. lactis. cocci even though Sc. thermophilus is characterised as a
GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) organism.
Genetic manipulation
The genetic interrogation of Lb. helveticus strains is far Important traits
advanced than Lb. delbrueckii. A major obstacle with Genes coding for metabolic pathways involved in lac-
Lb. delbrueckii strains was inadequate transformation tose metabolism, protein and peptide utilisation, and
protocols, a problem that has only recently been polysaccharide production have been sequenced and
resolved (Serror et al., 2002). In contrast, the early reso- characterised. Sc. thermophilus appears to be especially
lution of an efficient electrotransformation protocol well-adapted for growth in milk with its preference for
for laboratory strains of Lb. helveticus allowed the lactose as a sugar source for glycolysis (van den
development of gene replacement technologies Bogaard et al., 2000). This contrasts with other LAB
(Bhowmik et al., 1993). Lactobacillus species harbour that show a preference for glucose. Lactose metabol-
many native plasmids (Wang and Lee, 1997) but the ism is initiated by the uptake of the sugar across the
tools for manipulating the strains are derived from cell membrane via a permease belonging to the glyco-
lactococcal studies. The ability to generate mutants side-pentoside-hexuronide-cation symporter family
was instrumental in characterising the proteolytic sys- (Poolman et al., 1996). The gene for the transporter
tem of Lb. helveticus. In addition, it has facilitated the (lacS) and -galactosidase (lacZ), required to hydro-
first metabolic engineering studies. Inactivation of the lyse lactose to glucose and galactose, are organised in
ldhD gene, which encodes D-lactate dehydrogenase an operon with the gene order lacSZ. The glucose is
responsible for the production of the D-lactate isomer, metabolised to lactic acid whereas in most strains
resulted in strains that produced the more desirable galactose cannot be metabolised and is expelled into
L-lactate isomer only (Kyla-Nikkila et al., 2000). Similar the external medium (Fig. 2; Gunnewijk and Poolman,
studies on Lb. delbrueckii await the development of the 2000). However, Sc. thermophilus does encode the genes
necessary genetic tools. Moreover, both species lack (galKTEM) for galactose metabolism upstream of the
proper gene expression systems. lacSZ. The inability to metabolise the galactose appears
to be related to poor expression of galK (Vaillancourt
Streptococcus thermophilus et al., 2002). Transcription of the lac and the gal
Streptococcus thermophilus is used in combination with genes is governed by the sugar present in the medium
other starter bacteria for the manufacture of Swiss and and a homologue of the global regulator, CcpA. This
Italian cheese varieties (with Lb. helveticus or Lb. del- regulator acts to repress the expression of lacSZ, prob-
brueckii subsp. lactis) and yoghurt (with Lb. del- ably to match an overcapacity for lactose uptake with
brueckii subsp. bulgaricus). The use of Sc. thermophilus rate-limiting glycolytic flux (van den Bogaard et al.,
has increased significantly during the past two decades 2000).
because of the increase in the consumption of yoghurt The genetic components of the Sc. thermophilus
and Mozzarella cheese. Sc. thermophilus, like other proteolytic system have not been investigated as
LAB, is responsible for producing lactic acid but it can extensively as those of Lactococcus or some Lactobacil-
also synthesise exopolysaccharides (EPSs) that typic- lus species. As a rule, the thermophilic lactobacilli
ally impart a desirable ‘ropy’ or viscous texture and have greater proteolytic activity than Sc. thermophilus,
viscosity to fermented milk products. EPS-producing and this is one of the facets of their symbiotic rela-
cultures are particularly important in yoghurt manu- tionship. Although most Sc. thermophilus strains
facture and have recently been shown to improve the either do not express or express very low levels of
functional properties of low-fat or part-skim Mozarella CEP activity, a proteinase gene (prtS) has been cloned
cheese (Broadbent et al., 2003). and sequenced (Fernandez-Espla et al., 2000). The
product bears similarities to the CEPs from other LAB
Chromosome being a multi-domain protein belonging to the sub-
The sequence of two strains of Sc. thermophilus, tilase family. Sc. thermophilus has also been shown to
LMG18311 and CNRZ1066, has been completed, while contain at least 14 different peptidases, two of which
158 Starter Cultures: Genetics

possess biochemical activities not observed in Lacto- ation protocols have been established, and tools
coccus (Rul and Monnet, 1997). The genes for a employed in studying Lactococcus have been readily
limited number of these peptidases have been cloned adapted to Sc. thermophilus. For example, the two-
and characterised, including two aminopeptidases plasmid integration system described above, based on
(pepN and pepC), an endopeptdiase (pepO), a X-prolyl- a temperature sensitive pWV01 origin of replication,
dipeptidyl (pepX) gene and a unique aminopeptidase has been successfully adapted for Sc. thermophilus
(pepS) (Anastasiou et al., 2002). Analysis of the (Labarre et al., 2001). There is a requirement for a
genome sequence data should identify the remaining controlled expression system analogous to the NICE
genes corresponding to the activities detected bio- system of Lactococcus but the genomics approach is
chemically for Sc. thermophilus. likely to provide the basis for improved molecular
The important contribution of EPSs to the texture tools for the genetic investigation of Sc. thermophilus.
and rheological properties of fermented milk products,
especially yoghurt, has prompted genetic characterisa-
tion of the large eps gene clusters. Four distinct clusters Genomics of Starter Bacteria
consisting of at least nine genes have been sequenced The genetics of starter bacteria and indeed biology as a
to date although the function of the majority of gene discipline are undergoing a revolution. Developments
products can only be inferred from sequence or struc- in high throughput sequencing technologies have
tural homologies (Broadbent et al., 2003). In general, facilitated the progression to genome-scale sequencing
the genes in the 5 region of the clusters appear to projects. According to the Genomes Online Database
encode regulators of EPS synthesis, chain length deter- (, there are
mination and membrane translocation. These open 717 prokaryotic and eukaryotic genome-sequencing
reading frames are followed by genes, most likely projects ongoing or completed at the time of writing
encoding the glycosyl-1-phosphate transferase glyco- ( June 2003). These include three Lc. lactis strains, ten
syltransferase for assembly of the polysaccharide different Lactobacillus species and strains, four Sc.
repeating unit and enzymes involved in repeat unit thermophilus strains, two Oenococcus oeni strains and
polymerisation. The remaining genes are probably one strain each of Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Pedio-
required for membrane translocation of the polymer coccus pentosaceus. The availability of this information
subunits and production of sugar nucleotide precur- will radically alter our understanding of starter bac-
sors. More definitive data exists for only five of the teria. In addition to delineating the genetic comple-
thirteen-gene Sc. thermophilus strain Sfi6 eps cluster ment of each of the species, comparative genomics will
(Stingele et al., 1999). The epsE, F, G, H and I genes allow the identification of the unique genetic traits
were cloned and over-expressed in E. coli and the data encoded by each of the bacterial strains. Moreover, the
demonstrated that EpsE catalyses the first step in the genomic data opens the door for microarray and pro-
biosynthesis of the EPS-repeating unit. It exhibits teomic technologies. Microarrays, or DNA chips, are
phosphogalactosyltransferase activity and transfers essentially glass slides with a representative sample of
galactose to the lipophilic carrier. The second step is every gene in a genome spotted onto the surface. They
performed by EpsG, which transfers an -N-acetyl- can be used to detect which genes in the genome are
galactosamine to the first -galactoside. The activity of expressed under a specific set of conditions. Proteomics
EpsF was investigated by characterising the EPS pro- refers to new, rapid protein identification systems
duced by an Sc. thermophilus epsF deletion mutant, coupled with improved separation techniques that can
which suggested that epsF codes for the branching individually identify and quantify the proteins present
galactosyltransferase. The epsI gene probably codes for in a cell. Both microarray and proteomic technologies
the -1,3-glucosyltransferase, since it is the only glyco- rely on sequence data to produce genome-wide tran-
syltransferase for which no gene has been assigned and scription and protein expression profiles. They provide
it exhibits similarity to other -glycosyltransferases. real-time data on RNA expression, protein expression
These studies improve our understanding of EPS and protein interactions. The genomics approach ultim-
biosynthesis and will be important for potentially novel ately provides a comprehensive global prospective on
applications likely to emerge inside and outside the the bacterium, its metabolism and response to the envir-
dairy industry for polysaccharides and EPS cultures. onment. High throughput screening technologies based
on these techniques probably represent the future of
Genetic manipulation starter genetics research. These technologies have the
Sc. thermophilus has very few native plasmids but this potential to produce cultures that can be used readily
has not greatly hampered the development of genetic in industrial fermentations and avoid the need for
tools for the manipulation of these bacteria. Transform- recombinant DNA technologies which are unlikely to
Starter Cultures: Genetics 159

become acceptable for food production processes in Campo, N., Dias, M.J., Daveran-Mingot, M.L., Ritzenthaler, P.
the near future. and Le Bourgeois, P. (2002). Genome plasticity in Lacto-
coccus lactis. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 82, 123–132.
Chopin, A., Chopin, M.C., Moillo-Batt, A. and Langella, P.
Conclusion (1984). Two plasmid-determined restriction and modifica-
tion systems in Streptococcus lactis. Plasmid 11, 260–263.
As we enter the post-genomics age of starter research, Christensen, J.E., Dudley, E.G., Pederson, J.A. and Steele,
it is important to appreciate the landmark discoveries J.L. (1999). Peptidases and amino acid catabolism in lac-
that have enabled our detailed understanding of these tic acid bacteria. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 76, 217–246.
industrially relevant bacteria. These have included the Coakley, M., Fitzgerald, G. and Ross, R.P. (1997). Application
elucidation of important traits such as lactose utilisa- and evaluation of the phage resistance- and bacteriocin-
tion and casein breakdown and also the development encoding plasmid pMRC01 for the improvement of dairy
of sophisticated genetic tools. From the genetic point starter cultures. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 63, 1434–1440.
Cotter, P.D., Hill, C. and Ross, R.P. (2003). A food-grade
of view, given the level of complex manipulation
approach for functional analysis and modification of
routinely used with Lc. lactis, it can be considered the
native plasmids in Lactococcus lactis. Appl. Environ. Micro-
E. coli of the LAB, i.e., the genetic workhorse. How- biol. 69, 702–706.
ever, tools are rapidly being developed or adapted and Dao, M.L. and Ferretti, J.J. (1985). Streptococcus–Escherichia
applied to the other LAB. This, allied to the exponen- coli shuttle vector pSA3 and its use in the cloning of strepto-
tial increase in sequence data among the group, will coccal genes. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 49, 115–119.
undoubtedly lead to the development of more reliable de Ruyter, P.G., Kuipers, O.P. and de Vos, W.M. (1996). Con-
and valuable strains. These enhanced strains will trolled gene expression systems for Lactococcus lactis with
likely include those engineered to produce nutritional the food-grade inducer nisin. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 62,
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de Vos, W. and Simons, G.F.M. (1994). Gene cloning and
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Starter Cultures: Bacteriophage
S. McGrath, National Food Biotechnology Centre, Department of Microbiology,
University College, Cork, Ireland
G.F. Fitzgerald, National Food Biotechnology Centre, Departments of Microbiology
and Food and Nutritional Sciences, University College, Cork, Ireland
D. van Sinderen, Department of Microbiology, University College, Cork, Ireland

Bacteriophage cycle (Fig. 1). The specific stages of the phage life
cycle will be discussed later.
Bacteriophages (or phage) are viruses that attack bac-
teria. Unlike prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, viruses
are acellular and are composed of a nucleic acid core Bacteriophage of Lactic Acid Bacteria
surrounded by a proteinaceous coat, and in some cases,
Members of the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) such as Lacto-
a lipid-containing envelope. Viruses are obligate para-
coccus lactis, Streptococcus thermophilus, and Lactobacil-
sites and outside the host cells they are essentially non-
lus, Leuconostoc and Pediococcus spp. are commonly
living organic molecules, whereas within host cells,
used on an industrial scale in the dairy industry for the
they exhibit various functions that are characteristic of
production of fermented milk products such as cheese,
living systems.
buttermilk and yoghurt.
Viruses are not included in the recognised kingdoms
Bacteriophages are associated with most bacterial
of living organisms and they have been divided into
species and are therefore ubiquitous in environments
three large groups depending on the host utilised –
where their bacterial hosts are encountered. Bacterio-
animal viruses (viruses that replicate in animals), plant
phages infecting Lactococcus were first identified by
viruses (viruses that replicate within plants) and bac-
Whitehead and Cox (1935) and have since been
teriophage (viruses that replicate within bacterial
recognised as the major cause of disruption in dairy
cells). Twort (1915) and d’Hérelle (1917) were the first
fermentations. In the modern dairy industry, the dis-
to recognise viruses that infect bacteria, and d’Herelle
ruption of lactic acid fermentations by bacteriophages
coined the term ‘bacteriophages’, literally meaning
can lead to serious economic losses. Although tech-
‘eaters of bacteria’.
nological advances in fermentation processes in con-
junction with stringent sanitisation regimes may have
reduced the incidence of bacteriophage infection, it
Bacteriophage Multiplication
has certainly not eliminated it.
Depending on the type of life cycle employed, bac- The persistent problem of bacteriophage infection
teriophage may be differentiated into two groups: lytic has focused research on developing phage-resistant
or temperate. Infection of a bacterial cell by a lytic (or starter strains. These studies have involved analysis of
virulent) bacteriophage ultimately leads to the death phage–host interactions and the characterisation of the
and lysis of that cell. In addition to eliciting a lytic genetic processes essential for the phage life cycle.
cycle, temperate (or lysogenic) bacteriophages are also Research initially concentrated on phages that infect
capable of entering into a life cycle that does not result lactococcal spp., but more recently interest has
in the death of the host cell. This non-lethal life cycle expanded to other LAB phages, such as those that infect
is accomplished through the ability of the bacterio- Lactobacillus spp. and Sc. thermophilus. The advent of
phage to integrate its genome in a stable manner into molecular biology research tools, such as automated
that of the host cell chromosome. This integrated DNA sequencers and bioinformatics, has enabled the
prophage DNA is faithfully replicated in situ by the complete sequence determination of a still growing
host cell’s DNA replication apparatus during chromo- number of LAB bacteriophage genomes. This research
somal replication, and all progeny cells will therefore has led not only to the improvement of the bacterial
receive a copy of it. Integrated prophages may, in strains used in the dairy industry and the development
response to specific stressful environmental conditions, of phage-resistance systems, but at a more fundamental
excise from the host genome and enter into the lytic level, has provided a detailed understanding of the
Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, Third edition – Volume 1: General Aspects Copyright © 2004 Elsevier Ltd
ISBN: 0-1226-3652-X All rights reserved
Set ISBN: 0-1226-3651-1
164 Starter Cultures: Bacteriophage

A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3

C1 C2 C3

Figure 1 Morphological classification of bacteriophages, based on the classification schemes of Ackermann and DuBow (1987).
A, Myoviridae; B, Siphoviridae; C, Podoviridae; 1, small isometric head; 2, prolate head; 3, elongated head.

phage life cycle and an insight into the evolution of cold disinfection with chlorine and peracetic acid (Cogan
these organisms. and Hill, 1994; Limsowtin et al., 1996; Stanley, 1998).
Traditionally, bulk starter preparation involved sev-
eral scale-up steps from the mother culture through
Control of Bacteriophage in the Dairy Plant
intermediate cultures to the final bulk starter. This
Bacteriophage infection remains the largest cause of fer- process can be time-consuming and may offer the prob-
mentation disruption in the dairy industry. The continual lematic phage a chance to multiply. The finding that
use of a single starter strain (or the same multiple-strain the majority of lactococcal phages have an absolute
culture) can allow phage numbers in a cheese factory to dependence on calcium ions for successful infection
rise to detrimental levels. This can result in the reduction (Reiter, 1956) has facilitated the development of
in starter viability with a subsequent reduction in the phage-inhibitory media, incorporating Ca2 chelating
overall rate of acid production, longer manufacturing agents, such as phosphate or citrate. Various other
times and poor flavour-development. The commercial steps may be taken to minimise the risk of phage
consequences of phage infection include disruption of infection and have been reviewed elsewhere (Cogan
production schedules, reduction in product quality (and and Hill, 1994; Limsowtin et al., 1996; Stanley, 1998).
reduction in commercial value) and, in the most severe The process of bulk starter preparation may be cir-
cases, abandonment of production. cumvented through the use of commercially available
Since lactococcal phages were first identified, a frozen or freeze-dried concentrated cultures. Various
number of strategies for reducing their impact in dairy types are available and may be used either to inocul-
fermentations have been developed. The modern dairy ate the bulk starter or the milk in the cheese vat
plant is specifically designed to reduce the incidence directly (direct-set) (Limsowtin et al., 1996).
of phage infection. The area for starter culture prepar- Starter cultures used in the production of Cheddar
ation is generally physically separated from the pro- cheese may be divided into two main groups: mixed-
duction area, with restricted access in order to avoid strain cultures and defined-strain cultures. Mixed-strain
cross-contamination by personnel. The maintenance cultures contain not only different species of bacteria
of a slight positive pressure in the starter room also but also different strains of the same species. Approxi-
reduces the risk of contamination with phage from the mately 90% of the bacteria in the culture contribute to
factory environment. Further measures include heating acid production whereas the other 10% are involved in
of the bulk starter medium (90 °C for at least 20 min) the production of flavour compounds (Cogan and Hill,
and the filtration of cooling air using high efficiency 1994). The so-called P cultures (P for practice) that are
particulate air (HEPA) filters. Closed fermentation vats widely used in the Netherlands are an example of the
have been introduced and equipment coming into con- use of mixed-strain starters in the modern dairy
tact with the milk is sanitised either by steaming or by industry. These cultures, which are permanently
Starter Cultures: Bacteriophage 165

contaminated with non-disturbing phage, are used con- The original classification was developed by Bradley
tinuously without the need for rotation with phage- (1967) and current classification is based on the work
unrelated cultures (Neve, 1996). of Ackermann and DuBow (1987). Three distinct mor-
The use of defined-strain starter cultures with differ- photypes are defined – Myoviridae (Bradley group A)
ent phage–host spectra within a carefully designed rota- which exhibit contractile tails, Siphoviridae (B) which
tion scheme has proved to be an effective means of have long non-contractile tails and Podoviridae (C)
controlling phage proliferation. Defined-strain starters which have short non-contractile tails (Ackermann and
(DSS) are usually blends of two or more phage-unrelated DuBow, 1987). Almost all phages that infect LAB iden-
strains, which may be used on a rotating basis for tified to date belong to the Siphoviridae family, although
cheesemaking (Cogan and Hill, 1994; Neve, 1996). This some lactococcal phage belong to the Podoviridae
minimises their exposure to environmental phage in the family (Jarvis et al., 1991). Members of the Siphoviridae
plant and consequently curtails the accumulation of a have been further divided into three subgroups on the
specific problematic phage. Heap and Lawrence (1976) basis of head morphology (Bradley, 1967; Ackermann
developed an elegant protocol for the identification of and DuBow, 1987). Group B1 members have a small
phage-resistant starter strains. This method involves the isometric head, group B2 members have a prolate head,
sequential culturing of strains in the presence of a cock- and group B3 have an elongated head. Podoviridae
tail of bacteriophage under conditions similar to those bacteriophages are similarly subdivided into three
used for cheese manufacture. Cultures identified in this groups (C1, C2 and C3) on the basis of head mor-
manner have been used extensively in the production of phology (Fig. 1).
Cheddar cheese. The vast majority of phages that infect lactococcal
The discovery that lactococci contain plasmids and Lactobacillus species belong to the Siphoviridae
(Cords et al., 1974) enabled researchers to begin unrav- morphotype B1 or B2. However, some exceptions
elling the genetic basis for phage resistance in these bac- have been noted, i.e., a number of Podoviridae phages
teria, in earnest. For the dairy industry, a significant that infect Lactococcus have been identified (Saxelin
outcome of this research has been the development of et al., 1979, 1986; Braun et al., 1989). Sechaud et al.
new and improved phage-resistant strains with desir- (1992) identified and classified a number of morpho-
able fermentative traits. This research has been the logically distinct phages that infect Lb. helveticus,
focus of several reviews (Klaenhammer and Fitzgerald, which have an isometric head and a contractile tail of
1994; Dinsmore and Klaenhammer, 1995; Garvey et al., variable length. All Sc. thermophilus phages reported
1995a; Allison and Klaenhammer, 1998; Forde and to date are of the B1 morphotype of the Siphoviridae
Fitzgerald, 1999; Coffey and Ross, 2002). The continu- family.
ous development of novel products coupled with
increasing production in the dairy industry will
Host range
undoubtedly pose new challenges for plant engineers,
food technologists and microbiologists in the preven- Classification schemes for LAB phage based on host
tion of phage infection. range are particularly relevant to the dairy fermenta-
tion industry. However, these schemes rarely agree
with those based on other criteria. For example, in
Classification of LAB Bacteriophage one study it was found that Sc. thermophilus phage
A great deal of research on LAB bacteriophage has with similar host ranges exhibited limited DNA
focussed on the development of a coherent classifica- homology, whereas phage with similar DNA restric-
tion scheme that would accurately reflect the evolution- tion profiles exhibited a completely different lytic
spectrum (Mata and Ritzenthaler, 1988). Similar obser-
ary relationships between phages. These classification
schemes originally relied on the morphological and vations were made for phages of Lactococcus (Relano
serological properties of phage, phage–host interactions et al., 1987). These observations indicate that what-
and protein content. In more recent times, DNA:DNA ever the advantages these classification schemes may
hybridisation and DNA sequence information have have from an applied viewpoint, they are of little
been used. taxonomic value.

Morphology Serology

This is the classical method for viral classification Several attempts have been made to classify Sc.
and relies on direct microscopic examination to charac- thermophilus and lactococcal bacteriophage on the
terise the physical shape of the virus particle (Fig. 1). basis of their serological properties (Kivi et al., 1987;
166 Starter Cultures: Bacteriophage

Mata and Ritzenthaler, 1988; Jarvis, 1989; Brüssow phage species have been defined (Jarvis et al., 1991)
et al., 1994a). However, a serious drawback of this (Table 1).
method is that it is based on differences in antigenic Phages that infect Sc. thermophilus appear to be
properties exposed on the external structure of the more closely related to one another than those that
virion and is therefore indicative of the expression of infect Lc. lactis and they probably belong to a single
only a small part of the genome. homology group (Neve et al., 1989; Benbadis et al.,
1990; Fayard et al., 1993; Brüssow et al., 1994a,b; Le
Structural protein profiles Marrec et al., 1997). However, the degree of homol-
Protein profile analysis has been commonly used to clas- ogy does vary and a number of subgroups have been
sify Sc. thermophilus bacteriophage and has been found proposed (Neve et al., 1989; Prévots et al., 1989; Ben-
to generally agree with other schemes. To date, three dif- badis et al., 1990; Fayard et al., 1993). Four different
ferent types of protein profiles have been described for homology groups have been defined for phage of Lb.
phage that infects Sc. thermophilus. Kivi et al. (1987) delbruekii, with the majority of phages belonging to
described phage containing four major proteins, while one specific group, designated ‘A’ (Mata et al., 1986;
several reports have described Sc. thermophilus phage Lahbib-Mansais et al., 1988; Sechaud et al., 1988;
with either two or three major structural proteins (Neve Forsman and Alatossava, 1991; Forsman, 1993). How-
et al., 1989; Prévots et al., 1989; Benbadis et al., 1990; ever, Lahbib-Mansais et al. (1988) have also described
Fayard et al., 1993; Le Marrec et al., 1997; Stanley et al., a second homology group, distinct from the Lb. del-
1997). There is a correlation between the method of brueckii phage group. This is comprised of five mem-
DNA packaging and the number and type of structural bers, all of which infect Lb. delbrueckii.
proteins, for both Sc. thermophilus and Lb. delbrueckii
phages (Forsman and Alatossava, 1991; Le Marrec et al.,
1997). Lactococcal phages are generally found to have LAB Bacteriophage Epidemiology
between one and three major structural proteins Of the twelve lactococcal phage species described by
together with a varying number of minor structural pro- Jarvis et al. (1991), phage of three species, c2, 936 and
teins (Arendt et al., 1994; Johnsen et al., 1996; Van Sin- P335, represent the majority of industrial isolates. Most
deren et al., 1996). Neve (1996) reported that lactococcal of LAB phages are classified as Siphoviridae, with a non-
phages of different morphotypes tend to have different contractile tail and a small isometric head, such as
protein profiles. members of the 936 and P335 species (morphotype
B1), whereas c2 type phages have a non-contractile tail
DNA homology
with a prolate head and are classified as B2 morpho-
Classification of LAB phage based on DNA homology types (Ackermann and DuBow, 1987). In a survey of
will evaluate the entire phage genome as opposed to a Canadian dairy plants, Moineau et al. (1992) found that
specific portion, which may encode, for example, the members of the c2 species were isolated with the high-
structural genes. On the basis of DNA:DNA hybridisa- est frequency whereas, in a later study conducted in
tion studies, twelve genetically distinct lactococcal the United States, 80% of the phages identified were

Table 1 Lactococcal phage species, type phages and members (adapted from Jarvis et al., 1991)

Family Morphotype species Phage type Phage Members

Siphoviridae B1 936 P008 P008, F4-1, sk1, bIL41, bIL66, US3

B1 P335 P335 P335, LC3, r1t, Tuc2009, TP901-1,
31, 50, Q30, Q33, ul36
B1 P107 P107 P107
B1 1483 1483 1483
B1 P087 P087 P087
B1 1358 1358 1358
B1 BK5-T BK5-T BK5-Ta
B1 949 949 949
B2 c2 c6A c2, bIL67, vML3, 197, P001
Podoviridae C2 P034 P034 P034

a It has been proposed that BK5-T should be assigned to the P335 species (Labrie and Moineau, 2002).
Starter Cultures: Bacteriophage 167

classified as representatives of the 936 species (Moineau the assumed origin of replication and both package their
et al., 1996). Similarly, Jarvis et al. (1991) reported that DNA utilising a cos site. Each has a relatively small
the majority of phages identified in New Zealand, the genome, with the complete sequence of bIL67 being
United States and Ireland were of the 936 species. In the 22 195 bp, compared to 22 163 bp for c2.
last 10 years or so, P335 type phage has been encoun- c2 and bIL67 share about 80% of the overall
tered with increasing frequency and it has been pro- nucleotide sequence identity (Lubbers et al., 1995).
posed that members of this species represent an However, this is not evenly distributed along the entire
emerging dominant phage type in industrial environ- genome, with some regions sharing more than 90%
ments (Alatossava and Klaenhammer, 1991; Moineau identity and others less than 40% (Lubbers et al., 1995).
et al., 1992, 1996; Durmaz and Klaenhammer, 2000). The early region of c2 encompasses approximately 7 kb
of DNA, which harbours 22 putative ORFs. Similarity-
Prolate-headed phage derived functions have been assigned to some of these
The two sequenced Lc. lactis prolate-headed phage, bIL67 and they include a DNA polymerase, a recombination
(Schouler et al., 1994) and c2 (Lubbers et al., 1995), dis- protein, a sigma factor and a transcriptional regulator
play a very similar genetic organisation (Fig. 2). The ( Jarvis et al., 1995; Lubbers et al., 1995). The late
genomes of both phages are divided into two divergently region spans around 16 kb, and 17 ORFs have been
oriented clusters consisting of the ‘early’ and ‘late’ tran- identified in this section of the genome. N-terminal
scribed regions. The divergent clusters are separated by sequence analysis identified three major and eight

c2 (c2)

Early Late

cos ori cos

Replication Lysis Morphogenesis Packaging Morphogenesis Lysis

936 (sk1)

Early Middle Late

ori cos

Replication Packaging Morphogenesis Lysis

P335 (TP901-1)

Lysogenic Lytic early Lytic middle Lytic late

attP genetic switch pac/cos

Integration Replication Packaging Morphogenesis Lysis

Figure 2 Schematic representation of the genomic arrangements of the three main lactococcal phage groups: (A) c2, prolate
headed; (B) 936, small isometric headed; (c) P335, small isometric headed. Blocks represent genomic regions containing genes
involved in the bacteriophage life cycle.
168 Starter Cultures: Bacteriophage

minor structural proteins (many of which appear to be bers of the 936 spp. Six of the remaining eleven
post-translationally processed) (Lubbers et al., 1995). In phages in this group were identified as prophages on
addition, two putative holins and a lysin were identified the Lc. lactis IL1403 genome, and bioinformatic analy-
( Jarvis et al., 1995; Lubbers et al., 1995). sis revealed that three belong to the P335 group of
Similarly, the early region of bIL67 harbours temperate phage, whereas the remaining three are
21 ORFs spanning approximately 7 kb while the late most probably satellites relying on helper phage(s) for
region consists of about 15 kb of DNA, containing 16 multiplication (Chopin et al., 2001). The remaining
putative ORFs. A holin, a terminase subunit, a minor five members are P335-type phages (Table 2).
tail subunit, lysin, DNA polymerase and a protein Three consecutive phases of transcription (early, mid-
involved in recombination were tentatively identified dle and late) were apparent for the 936-type phage, sk1
on the genome (Schouler et al., 1994). (Chandry et al., 1997) (Fig. 2). The remaining sequenced
small isometric LAB phages, include lactococcal P335
spp., and Sc. thermophilus and Lactobacillus phages, all of
Small isometric-headed phage
which share a very similar genetic organisation. The
All remaining LAB phage for which the entire genome genomes of the lysogenic phages are arranged in two
sequence has been determined have a small iso- divergent clusters separated on one side by the attach-
metric head. They include six Sc. thermophilus, three ment site and on the other by an intergenic region
Lactobacillus and thirteen lactococcal phages (Table 2). involved in the genetic switch (Fig. 2). The genome of
Of the thirteen completely sequenced small isometric- the lytic Sc. thermophilus, Lactobacillus and lactococcal
headed lactococcal phages, bIL170 and sk1 are mem- P335 phage is, for the most part, transcribed in one

Table 2 List of bacteriophages infecting LAB for which the genome has been completely sequenced

Small isometric/ Number of

Cos/pac prolate headed, putative
Phage site Size/bp lytic/temperature ORFs Reference

bIL67 cos 22 195 Prolate, lytic 37 Schouler et al. (1994)
c2 cos 22 163 Prolate, lytic 39 Lubbers et al. (1995)
sk1 cos 28 451 S.Ia, lytic (936) 54 Chandry et al. (1997)
biL170 cos 31 754 S.I, lytic (936) 64 Crutz-Le Coq et al. (2002)
r1-t cos 33 350 S.I, temperate (P335) 50 Van Sinderen et al. (1996)
Tuc2009 pac 38 347 S.I, temperate (P335) 56 Proux et al. (2002)
ul36 pac 36 798 S.I, temperate (P335) 59 Labrie and Moineau (2002)
BK5-T cos 40 003 S.I, temperate (BK5-T) 63 Mahanivong et al. (2001)
TP901-1 pac 36 667 S.I, temperate (P335) 56 Brondsted et al. (2001)
bIL285b 35 538 temperate (P335) 62 Chopin et al. (2001)
bIL286b 41 834 temperate (P335) 61 Chopin et al. (2001)
bIL309b 36 949 temperate (P335) 56 Chopin et al. (2001)
bIL310b 14 957 temperate 28 Chopin et al. (2001)
bIL311b 14 510 temperate 21 Chopin et al. (2001)
bIL312b 15 179 temperate 27 Chopin et al. (2001)
LL-H (Lb. delbrueckii ) pac 34 657 S.I, lytic, 52 Mikkonen et al. (1996)
g1e (Lb. plantarum) pac 42 259 S.I, temperate 62 Kodaira et al. (1997)
adh (Lb. gasseri ) cos 43 785 S.I, temperate 62 Altermann et al. (1999)
Sc. thermophilus
O1205 pac 43 075 S.I, temperate 57 Stanley et al. (1997)
7201 cos 35 466 S.I, lytic 44 Proux et al. (2002)
DT1 cos 34 820 S.I, lytic 46 Tremblay and Moineau (1999)
Sfi19 cos 37 392 S.I, lytic 44 Desiere et al. (1998)
Sfi21 cos 40 739 S.I, temperate 53 Desiere et al. (1998)
Sfi11 pac 39 807 S.I, lytic 53 Lucchini et al. (1998)

a S.I, small isometric.

b Prophage identified on the chromosome of Lc. lactis IL1403.
Starter Cultures: Bacteriophage 169

direction. However, transcription of these lytic genes P335 phage

may be controlled in a temporal manner. For example, Members of the P335 phage species are small, isomet-
transcriptional analysis of the P335-type phage, TP901-1, ric-headed with a genome ranging from 30 to 42 kb.
revealed that genes involved in the lytic cycle are tran- Bacteriophages included in the P335 species are het-
scribed in three distinct temporal phases, early, middle erogeneous, with phages utilising both cos and pac
and late, with maximal transcript concentrations pres- sites for DNA packaging, and this is the only lactococ-
ent after 10, 30 and 40 min post-infection, respectively cal phage species that includes both virulent and tem-
(Fig. 2). perate members. The first complete P335 phage
genome sequence published was that of r1t (Van
936 phage Sinderen et al., 1996). This is a temperate phage and
The first complete 936-type phage genome sequence its genome is arranged in two divergent clusters of 3
available was that of sk1 (Chandry et al., 1997). Sev- and 47 ORFs. This appears to be a life-cycle-specific
eral of its 54 putative ORFs show sequence similarity to orientation, i.e., the orientation of the ORFs believed
both the small isometric- and prolate-headed morpho- to be involved in the lysogenic life cycle is opposite to
types. From a transcriptional point of view, the genome the remaining ORFs, which are associated with the
is organised into three segments, represented by the early lytic life cycle. It appears, therefore, that the r1t
(30 ORFs), the middle (4 ORFs) and the late (20 ORFs) genome is arranged such that all of the ORFs involved
transcribed regions. These regions are separated from in the lytic life cycle are grouped in one large contigu-
each other by intergenic regions containing the cos site ous gene cluster. Such a lytic cluster appears to be
(middle and late), a transcription terminator (late and composed of a number of functional modules which
early) and divergent promoters (early and middle). are transcribed and organised in a way that reflects the
The early region consists of ORFs thought to specify chronological order of the life cycle itself, i.e., those
replication functions (the DNA polymerase subunits). ORFs required for replication are transcribed first and
The middle region is composed of four small ORFs are located at the proximal end of the gene cluster, fol-
just upstream of the cos site. No function has been lowed by modules involved in DNA packaging, mor-
assigned to these ORFs. The late region of the genome phogenesis and, finally, cell lysis (Fig. 3). All other
putatively encodes various structural proteins, pro- temperate P335-type phages, the genome of which
teins involved in the DNA packaging and the lysis have been sequenced, appear to exhibit this type of
functions of the phage (Chandry et al., 1997). gene organisation. The most recent complete P335
The complete genome sequence of bIL170 has phage genome available, that of ul36, also represents
been published recently (Crutz-Le Coq et al., 2002). the first virulent P335 member to be completely
Sixty-four ORFs were identified and the function of sequenced (Labrie and Moineau, 2002). Interestingly,
16 of them was assigned by significant homology to the genome of this lytic phage appears to be arranged
proteins in databases. Comparison of the bIL170 in two divergent clusters of 6 and 53 ORFs. The for-
genome to that of sk1 showed that insertion/deletion mer represents a cryptic lysogeny module containing
events involving one or two ORFs were the main genes, the deduced protein products of which display
source of divergence in the early gene clusters. It was similarities to phage integrases, repressors and a Cro
proposed that such events resulted in the replacement protein. An incomplete lysogeny module was identi-
of a direct repeat-containing genomic fragment in fied in another lytic P335 phage, 31 (Madsen et al.,
bIL170, resulting in the acquisition of a new func- 2001). These observations indicate that some virulent
tional origin of replication by this phage (Crutz-Le Coq P335-type phages are derived from the temperate
et al., 2002). phage.
Partial sequence information is available for other
936-type phages, including F4-1 (Chung et al., 1991; Sc. thermophilus phage
Kim and Batt, 1991a), bIL41 (Parreira et al., 1996) and The five completely sequenced Sc. thermophilus phages
bIL66 (Bidnenko et al., 1995). Sequence comparisons appear to have a genetic arrangement very similar to
indicate that these 936-type phages are very closely that of the P335-type species of lactococcal phage, i.e.,
related. For example, over 2 kb of the genome of sk1 they have a modular arrangement made up of replica-
(including most of the middle region) shows 84.9% tion, packaging, morphogenesis and cell lysis compon-
identity to the expressed middle region of bIL66 ents. It has been speculated that O1205 is closely
(Chandry et al., 1997). Also, a 10.2-kb segment from related to the P335 group of lactococcal phage (Stanley
the late region of bIL41 displays between 69 and 98% et al., 1997). Sequence comparisons of Sc. thermophilus
identity to an homologous segment from sk1 (Parreira phage revealed a substantial amount of homology
et al., 1996; Chandry et al., 1997). between them (Bruttin et al., 1997; Desiere et al., 1998,
170 Starter Cultures: Bacteriophage

Phage Phage DNA replication DNA packaging Cell lysis and

attachment to DNA and synthesis of and morphogenesis release of progeny
host cell injection phage proteins phage

Early Late
Adsorption DNA R/M Abortive
interference injection systems infection

Insertional Triggered
mutagenesis Recombinant Antisense Per

Figure 3 Schematic representation of LAB bacteriophage lytic life cycle showing main steps in phage development. (A) Stages at
which naturally occurring phage resistance mechanisms arrest phage development; (B) Stages at which engineered phage resist-
ance mechanisms arrest phage development.

1999, 2002; Lucchini et al., 1998, 1999a; Neve et al., majority of chromosomes analysed are 18–40 kb in
1998; Proux et al., 2002). length, although larger sizes, up to 134 kb, have been
reported (Prévots et al., 1990; Moineau et al., 1992).
Lactobacillus phage Two distinct genome types have been identified, based
The genomes of the Lactobacillus phages, gle (Kodaira on the means by which the phage packages its DNA.
et al., 1997), adh (Altermann et al., 1999) and LL-H Some phage genomes have cohesive ends consisting of
(Mikkonen et al., 1996) have been completely sequenced single-stranded 3 overhangs of variable length, while
and display distinct similarities to the genomes of the others are said to be ‘circularly permuted’ and have
P335 group of lactococcal bacteriophage, as well as ‘terminal redundancy’ (Black, 1989).
those that infect Sc. thermophilus. The putative ORFs on Botstein (1980) has put forward ‘a theory of modular
the genome of these phages are clustered into a number evolution for bacteriophage’ in which he proposed that
of functional modules. Interestingly, although LL-H is a the product of evolution is not a given virus but a fam-
lytic phage, remnants of an integrase and an attachment ily of interchangeable genetic elements (modules), each
site (similar to that of mv4 (Auvray et al., 1997)) can be of which carries out a particular biological function.
discerned, indicative of a direct evolutionary relation- Furthermore, he proposed that evolution does not act
ship between these two Lb. delbrueckii phages (Mikko- primarily at the level of an intact virus, but at the level
nen et al., 1996). Furthermore, the genes encoding of individual functional units (modules). This theory is
some of the structural proteins of these two phages supported by analysis of available bacteriophage DNA
were shown to be highly conserved (Vasala et al., 1993). sequences, where the genomes of phage are found to be
organised in a life-cycle-specific manner, with modules
containing genes coding for integration/excision, repli-
Genome Organisation and Evolution of
cation, structural proteins, assembly, DNA packaging
LAB Bacteriophage
and host cell lysis (Fig. 2). Homologous functions may
All genomes of phages that infect LAB analysed to date be fulfilled by a number of distinct DNA segments that
consist of a double-stranded, linear DNA molecule lack any sequence similarity. Particular modules may be
with a G  C content consistent with that of the host exchanged through recombination among phages belong-
chromosome (37% for lactococcal phages to ⬃48% for ing to an interbreeding phage population. Hendrix et al.
phages of Lb. casei) (Forde and Fitzgerald, 1999). The (1999) have further developed this theory and proposed
Starter Cultures: Bacteriophage 171

a model for the genetic structure dynamics of the global encoded membrane-associated protein, called Phage
phage population in which all double-stranded (ds) Infection Protein (PIP), from Lc. lactis subsp. lactis c2
DNA phage genomes are mosaics with access, by hori- has been identified as being necessary for the adsorp-
zontal exchange, to a large common genetic pool but in tion and subsequent DNA injection of a number of
which access to the gene pool is not uniform for all phages that infect this strain (Valyasevi et al., 1991,
phages. Brüssow and Desiere (2001) have discussed the 1994; Geller et al., 1993; Monteville et al., 1994).
evolution of phages of the Siphoviridae family using Further studies demonstrated that although the PIP
LAB phages as a model, and have proposed the estab- protein is essential for infection by a number of prolate-
lishment of a  super-group of Siphoviridae based on headed phages, PIP-mutants were still susceptible to
structural gene synteny. They also discuss the role of infection by phages of the 936 and P335 species (Kraus
both vertical and horizontal evolutions in relation to and Geller, 1998). Genes homologous to pip have been
these phages. The evolution of new lytic LAB bacterio- identified in all strains of Lc. lactis tested (Garbutt et al.,
phage due to the acquisition of genes and/or entire 1997). Analysis of the PIP protein reveals that it
DNA modules, both of which are most probably derived possesses a putative N-terminal signal peptide and six
from prophage sequences located on host cell chromo- putative transmembrane-spanning domains (Geller et al.,
somes, has been reported in phages that infect Lactococcus 1993). Other studies have indicated that another 32-kDa
(O’Sullivan et al., 1993; Moineau et al., 1994; Bouchard membrane-associated protein is also necessary for
and Moineau, 2000; Durmaz and Klaenhammer, 2000). phage infection of Lc. lactis subsp. lactis c2 (Valyasevi
This finding is increasingly common, is likely to be a et al., 1991). Lucchini et al. (2000) have recently identi-
response to the selective pressure applied by phage fied a chromosomally encoded protein analogous to
resistance systems, and demonstrates the evolutionary PIP in Sc. thermophilus. Insertional inactivation of this
flexibility of phage. gene conferred a phage resistance phenotype on
Sc. thermophilus Sfi11 against all fifteen phages used in
the study (Lucchini et al., 2000).
Life Cycle of LAB Bacteriophage
Lysogenic/lytic switch
The individual steps that make up the bacteriophage
life cycle will be discussed, with specific reference to Regulatory regions involved in the control of the
phages of LAB (Fig. 4). lysis–lysogeny decision of temperate lactococcal bac-
teriophage (Boyce et al., 1995; Nauta et al., 1997; Madsen
et al., 1999), temperate Lactobacillus phage (Kodaira
Lytic life cycle
et al., 1997; Ladero et al., 1998, 1999) and temperate Sc.
Phage adsorption/ DNA injection thermophilus phage (Stanley et al., 1997; Neve et al.,
The exact molecular mechanisms by which LAB phage 1998; Lucchini et al., 1999b) have been described. It
attach to cells and inject their DNA are still not under- has become apparent that the general mechanism for
stood completely. However, studies undertaken so far life cycle decision is similar to that of bacteriophage ,
indicate that the processes involved are consistent with where CI- and Cro-like repressors play opposing roles
those of the better-characterised Gram-negative phage, in a genetic switch mechanism (Ptashne, 1986). CI pre-
such as the T-even phage (Dreiseikelmann, 1994). vents transcription of the lytic genes (and positively
Lactococcal phages appear to attach to the host cell regulates its own expression) by binding to specific
at specific receptor sites which may or may not be DNA sequences (operators) located within the immun-
evenly distributed over the cell surface (Budde-Niekiel ity region, whilst Cro prevents transcription of the
and Teuber, 1987). The majority of phages attach in a genes involved in the establishment of lysogenic growth
tail-first orientation to a carbohydrate moiety of the by binding the same operator sites with different affin-
cell wall. The sugars, galactose and/or rhamnose, have ities (Ptashne, 1986).
been implicated in most cases (Keogh and Pettinghill,  Cro is a small protein consisting of 66 amino acids
1983; Valyasevi et al., 1990; Monteville et al., 1994); within which a helix-turn-helix motif can be discerned.
however, more complex polysaccharide components Cro-like proteins in LAB phages do not exhibit a great
and cell membrane lipoproteins have also been indi- deal of similarity, but many have been putatively identi-
cated (Oram, 1971; Schafer et al., 1991). This initial fied based on their relative genome position and the
phage ‘docking’ is usually reversible and phages can criteria outlined above (Lucchini et al., 1999b).
detach following addition of sugars such as those men-
tioned above. DNA replication
This initial reversible phase of phage adsorption is For initiation of DNA replication to occur, a specific
followed by an irreversible phase. A chromosomally starting point of replication must be identified where
172 Starter Cultures: Bacteriophage

Bacterial cell

Host chromosome

particle Attachment to host cell and
injection of DNA

DNA replication
Integration of DNA into the and synthesis of
host chromosome phage proteins

Induction DNA packaging and

event phage morphogenesis
Cell division

Cell lysis and

release of
progeny phage

Integrated phage DNA replicates along

with the host chromosome

Lysogenic life cycle Lytic life cycle

Figure 4 Lytic and lysogenic life cycles of bacteriophage.

opening of the double-stranded DNA double helix presence of two or more direct repeats, which facilitate
takes place prior to the recruitment of the replication binding of a sequence-specific duplex DNA-binding
machinery. The DNA region representing the initiation protein. Such a nucleoprotein-binding complex gener-
point for (phage) DNA replication, also referred to as ally consists of 150–250 bp of DNA and multiple
the origin or replication (ori) is characterised by the copies of a replication-specific DNA-binding protein.
Starter Cultures: Bacteriophage 173

Formation of the nucleoprotein complex invokes philus have been classified into two groups on the
denaturation of an A  T-rich region of DNA directly basis of their replication module. Members of repli-
adjacent to the ori, the single-stranded status of which cation group I employ an ori similar to that of 1205,
is further promoted by single-stranded binding protein. while members of replication group II use an ori
By so marking the origin and providing a single-stranded similar to one or both oris of 7201 (Stanley et al.,
DNA region, the replication fork proteins can be 2000).
recruited to the correct initiation point, and nascent Another method used to identify phage oris is based
strand synthesis can ensue. Examples of this type of on their ability to act as bona fide origins of replication
DNA replication initiation include the well-characterised for plasmids. A 611-bp intergenic region located between
chromosomal replication systems employed by  phage the early and the late gene regions of the lactococcal
and E. coli (Marians, 1992). phage c2 was identified as an ori in this manner
Analysis of replication modules of LAB phage has (Waterfield et al., 1996). The presence of this DNA frag-
so far been largely at the level of database searches, ment was sufficient to drive plasmid replication in Lac-
with putative functions being assigned to individual tococcus strains but not in E. coli. The absence of any
genes on the basis of similarities to genes of known ORFs within the 611-bp fragment suggests that replica-
function. However, the study of phage oris and the tion of this plasmid requires only host-encoded factors.
exploitation of the interactions between phage/host- The c2 ori contains an A/T-rich region (78% A/T),
encoded replication proteins and their cognate phage which has several small perfect and imperfect inverted
oris has been quite rewarding. and direct repeats, a phenomenon characteristic of ori-
The first LAB phage ori to be described was that of gins of replication. Highly similar sequences were also
the lactococcal phage, 50, followed by that of identified in two other lactococcal phages, bIL67 and
another lactococcal phage, 31 (Hill et al., 1990a; 197 (Schouler et al., 1994).
O’Sullivan et al., 1993). In both cases, it was shown Phage replication module genes likely to code for
that the copy number of an ori-containing plasmid topoisomerases, single-stranded DNA-binding proteins,
drastically increases following infection by a phage replisome organisers, DNA helicase/primases and heli-
utilising the same ori for replication. Furthermore, case loader proteins have been putatively identified on
these plasmids also conferred a phage-resistance phe- the basis of similarity to sequences in the databases.
notype on the lactococcal host. This phenotype was Replication functions for phages infecting Lactococcus,
termed per for phage-encoded resistance. These observa- Streptococcus and Lactobacillus have been identified in
tions led to the conclusion that the phage ori sequences this manner (Forde and Fitzgerald, 1999).
on the plasmid vectors were titrating essential repli-
cation functions away from the phage DNA which DNA packaging
were in turn driving plasmid amplification. A putative For many phages, intracellular DNA replication results
origin of replication for the lactococcal phage, in the formation of large concatameric DNA molecules
Tuc2009, designated ori2009, has also been identified consisting of several phage genome complements (Black,
(McGrath et al., 1999). The ori2009 sequence is located 1989). Bacteriophages may employ one of the two mech-
within the gene coding for the putative replisome anisms of packaging their genome into the (pro)-capsid
organiser protein (rep2009), and its encoded protein prior to assembly and release of mature phage particles
specifically interacts with the ori2009 DNA (McGrath from the cell. Phages whose genome contains a pac site
et al., 1999). In a further study, genes highly homo- employ a so-called headful mechanism of DNA packag-
logous to rep2009, that contained sequences identical ing. Here, the phage DNA is initially cut at the pac site,
to ori2009, were identified in two other lactococcal with each subsequent cut occurring when the prohead
phages, Q30 and Q33 (McGrath et al., 2001), while a has been filled with DNA. This mechanism results in
third rep2009 homologue was identified in another phage containing DNA molecules that are circularly per-
closely related phage, ul36 (Bouchard and Moineau, muted and terminally redundant, i.e., coding for more
2000). The ability of plasmids harbouring ori than one unit length of genome (Streisinger et al., 1967;
sequences to confer a phage-resistance phenotype Tye et al., 1974). Alternatively, phage genomes may
was also used to identify oris in the Sc. thermophilus contain a cos site. Cutting of the concatameric DNA
phages Sfi21, 1205 and 7201, and the Lb. casei phage molecules at these specific cos sites results in single
A2 (Foley et al., 1998; Moscoso and Suarez, 2000; genomic units with 3 overhangs on the DNA which are
Stanley et al., 2000). Interestingly, it was found that self-complementary (cohesive ends) (Murialdo, 1991). It
7201 appears to contain two oris, each of which is has been demonstrated that the actual DNA transloca-
capable of independently mediating a per phenotype tion into the prohead requires the action of several
(Stanley et al., 2000). Phages infecting Sc. thermo- proteins – the terminase complex, portal protein and the
174 Starter Cultures: Bacteriophage

expanded major head protein (Black, 1989). Packaging 66 kDa proteins had the same N-terminal amino acid
is initiated when the terminase binds to the specific pac sequence, which matched the gene product specified by
or cos site. The terminase is composed of two subunits. the l5 gene. Similarly, two structural proteins of 29 and
The small subunit which binds to, and hydrolyses ATP, 28 kDa, although containing different N-terminal amino
is also thought to interact with the phage DNA, while acid sequences, were shown to be encoded by the l7
the large subunit appears to bind to the prohead, and gene. Using immunogold electron microscopy, it was
may be involved in cutting the concatameric DNA mol- shown that the structural proteins of 175 and 90 kDa
ecules. One of the structural elements of the phage, the represented major head proteins, while the 29- and
portal protein, plays a role in forming the entrance to the 60-kDa proteins were the building blocks of the major tail
phage head. The portal protein has also been implicated and tail adsorption structures, respectively. Furthermore,
in conjunction with the terminase in initiating DNA the products of the head protein gene, l5, were suggested
packaging, DNA translocation and in determining the to be involved in forming covalently linked multimers,
amount of DNA to be packaged in phages utilising the including trimers, hexamers and small amounts of pen-
headful mechanism. The major capsid protein also tamers. This type of multimerisation has been proposed
hydrolyses ATP during the translocation of DNA (Black, to be involved in the formation of the -icosohedral
1989). phage head.
DNA sequence analysis of the regions surround- The techniques mentioned above, i.e., SDS-PAGE,
ing cos sites has revealed the presence of several con- N-terminal amino acid sequencing, immunological
served regions, which have been determined as being analysis, as well as homology searches of sequence data-
essential for binding of phage terminases (Chandry et al., bases, have been used to identify structural proteins of
1994; Herrero et al., 1994; Nakashima et al., 1994; many other LAB phages (Hill, 1993; Klaenhammer and
Schouler et al., 1994; García et al., 1997). It has also Fitzgerald, 1994; Garvey et al., 1995b; Davidson et al.,
been reported that cos regions have a high G  C con- 1996; Forde and Fitzgerald, 1999).
tent which is thought to be necessary for stable base-
pairing of the cos region once the phage genome Bacteriophage lysis
has entered the cell. The majority of lactococcal Lysis of the host cell by infecting bacteriophages
phage genomes analysed to date possess cos sites results in the release of progeny phage and requires a
(Klaenhammer and Fitzgerald, 1994); however, pac sites cell wall-degrading enzyme (lysin). Three classes of
have been identified in the lactococcal phage, Tuc2009 lysin have been described to date, and they are differ-
and TP901-1 (Arendt et al., 1994; Christiansen et al., entiated on the basis of the peptidoglycan bond hydro-
1994) and the Lactobacillus phages LL-H and Mv4 lysed (Rodgers et al., 1980). However, only lysins of
(Vasala et al., 1993). Le Marrec et al. (1997) have clas- the first two classes described have been identified for
sified a number of Sc. thermophilus phages into two phages that infect LAB. The first class, termed glyco-
groups, depending on the DNA packaging mechanism sidases, hydrolyses the glycosidic linkage between the
employed. Using Southern hybridisation, they demon- amino sugars of the peptidoglycan and includes endo
strated that all pac-containing phages tested contained N-acetylglucosaminidases (or glucosaminidases) and
homologs of the genes encoding the three major struc- endo N-acetylmuramidases (muramidases or lysozymes).
tural proteins of the pac-containing phage O1205, The second class, N-acetyl muramoyl-L-alanine ami-
whereas all cos-containing phages tested exhibited dases (amidase), hydrolyses the N-acetylmuramoyl-
homology to the gene specifying one of the structural L-amide linkage between the glycan strand and the
components of the cos-containing phage 7201. cross-linking peptide. The third class, endopepti-
dases, break the peptide chain of the peptidoglycan.
Structural proteins It has been proposed that lysin proteins consist of
Structural protein synthesis begins immediately follow- two separate modules, with the N-terminus deter-
ing phage DNA replication. One of the most comprehen- mining the lytic activity and the C-terminal domain
sive studies of the structural proteins of an LAB phage is specifying cell wall-binding (García et al., 1990). In
that of c2 (Lubbers et al., 1995). Three major struc- support of this theory, a chimeric lysin protein
tural proteins of 175, 90 and 29 kDa and eight minor has been constructed by fusing the N-terminal half of
proteins of 143, 82, 66, 60, 44, 42, 32 and 28 kDa were the lactococcal phage Tuc2009 lysin to the C-terminal
identified by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis domain of the major pneumococcal autolysin
(PAGE). The genes coding for these proteins were also (Sheehan et al., 1996). This novel enzyme exhibited
identified. Several of the proteins were thought to have a glycosidase activity capable of hydrolysing choline-
undergone post-translational modification by proteolytic containing pneumococcal cell walls. It is noteworthy
cleavage. It was determined that 175, 143, 90, 82 and that some lysin-encoding genes employ atypical
Starter Cultures: Bacteriophage 175

start codons, and it has been suggested that these act holin has been identified for the E. coli phage, T4,
as a control mechanism to prevent premature lysis of which was assigned to a separate group, III.
the host (Shearman et al., 1994). Several genes encoding phage lysins and their
The second part of the LAB lysis cassette is the deduced protein products for LAB phage have been
holin. Holins are small membrane-associated proteins, characterised at the molecular and biochemical levels.
which cause non-specific lesions in the cytoplasmic These include the lysins of the lactococcal phages
membrane, thus allowing the lysin access to the cell P001, us3, c2, vML3, LC3, Tuc2009 and r1t, as well as
wall (Young and Bläsi, 1995). Holins have several well- that of the Lactobacillus phage LL-H (Table 3). Sheehan
defined characteristics, although they exhibit little et al. (1999) have described a lysis module contained
similarity in either amino acid or DNA sequences. on the genome of the temperate Sc. thermophilus phage
They generally contain a hydrophilic and charge-rich O1205, which contains two putative holin genes and
C-terminus, 2–3 hydrophobic, possible membrane- one lysin. Southern blot analysis revealed that at least
spanning regions separated by a -turn linker region one or more of these genes were present in 30 other
and a hydrophilic N-terminus (Young and Bläsi, 1995). Sc. thermophilus phages examined.
It has been suggested that the expression of active
holin is controlled at the level of transcription, with a
Lysogenic life cycle
methionine dual start motif identified in many holin-
encoding genes. This facilitates the synthesis of two The phenomenon of lysogeny was first reported in
gene products of slightly different size, one of which Lactococcus by Reiter (1949). Lysogeny is widespread
acts as an inhibitor of the other (Bläsi and Young, in LAB, particularly in Lactococcus (Huggins and
1996). Three distinct holin groups have been Sandine, 1977; Jarvis, 1989; Davidson et al., 1990) and
described (Young and Bläsi, 1995). Type I holins are at Lactobacillus (Sechaud et al., 1988), but much less so
least 87 amino acids in length and contain three pos- in Sc. thermophilus (Fayard et al., 1993; Brüssow et al.,
sible membrane-spanning regions. Type II holins are 1994b, 1998; Le Marrec et al., 1997). It appears that the
less than 78 residues in length and contain two pos- mechanisms involved in the maintenance of lysogeny in
sible membrane-spanning regions. Finally, a unique LAB are similar to that of phage  (see above).

Table 3 Identified genes encoding restriction/modification systems in Lc. lactis and Sc. thermophilus

R/M system or
identified subunits Type Location Reference

Lc. lactis
Lla1403I I pIL2614 Schouler et al. (1998a)
Lld I I pND861 Deng et al. (2000)
Unnamed (HsdR, HsdM, HsdS) I pAH82 O’Sullivan et al. (2000)
O’Sullivan et al. (2001)
L0308 (HsdR) I Chromosome of Lc. lactis IL1403 Bolotin et al. (2001)
L0309 (HsdM)
L0310 (HsdS)
Unnamed (HsdS) I pCIS3 Seegers et al. (2000)
Unnamed (HsdS) I pIL7 Schouler et al. (1998b)
Unnamed (HsdS) I pIL103 Schouler et al. (1998b)
Unnamed (HsdR, HsdM, HsdS) I Chromosome of Lc. lactis IL1403 Schouler et al. (1998b)
LlaI II pTR2030 Hill et al. (1989)
LlaDII II pHW393 Madsen and Josephsen (1998a)
LlaCI II pAW153 Madsen and Josephsen (1998b)
LlaBI II pJW563 Nyengaard et al. (1996)
LlaKR21 II pKR223 Twomey et al. (1998)
ScrFI II Chromosome of Lc. lactis UC503 Twomey et al. (1997)
LlaDCHI II Chromosome of Lc. lactis DCH-4 Moineau et al. (1995)
LlaFI III pND801 Su et al. (1999)
Sc. thermophilus
Unnamed (HsdS) I pCI65st O’Sullivan et al. (1999)
Unnamed (HsdR, HsdM, HsdS) I pER35 Solow and Somkuti (2001)
Unnamed (HsdS) I pER16 Solow and Somkuti (2001)
Unnamed (HsdR, HsdM, HsdS) I Chromosome Lucchini et al. (2000)
Sth368I II Chromosome Burrus et al. (2001)
176 Starter Cultures: Bacteriophage

Site-specific recombination in Sc. thermophilus phage (Stanley et al., 1997; Neve

The integration of a prophage genome into the host et al., 1998), although they have been identified in
chromosome is a site-specific integration event between phages that infect Lactobacillus (Kakikawa et al., 2000)
the phage attachment site (attP) and the bacterial attach- and Lactococcus (Madsen and Hammer, 1998).
ment site (attB), which is facilitated by a phage-encoded
integrase. The first such site-specific integration system Superinfection exclusion
described for LAB was that of the lactococcal phage, LC3 Expression of the repressor protein from an integrated
(Lillehaug and Birkeland, 1993), and since then, near- prophage may also prevent the propagation of super-
identical systems have been described for three other infecting phage and is said to confer ‘immunity’ on the
lactococcal phage, BK5-T, Tuc2009 and r1t, all of which lysogenised bacterial host. Temperate bacteriophage
possess integrases belonging to the type I-Int family of may also express so-called ‘superinfection exclusion’
site-specific recombinases (Van de Guchte et al., 1994b; activities. The latter differ from phage immunity/
Boyce et al., 1995; van Sinderen et al., 1996). The repression systems in that they do not play a role in
lactococcal phage, TP901-1, has been shown to utilise maintaining the lysogenic state and are not specific
an integrative system that is significantly different from for homoimmune phage. Superinfection exclusion sys-
that of other temperate LAB phage (Christiansen et al., tems are well-characterised in temperate phages that
1994). In this system, the integrase is replaced with a infect Gram-negative bacteria such as E. coli and
larger resolvase-like protein, whilst the attP and attB S. typhimurium (Susskind and Botstein, 1978; David
sequences are different from those used by other phages et al., 1982; Matz et al., 1982; Yu and Snyder, 1994) and
(Christiansen et al., 1996). had, until recently, not been identified in LAB phage.
Bruttin et al. (1997) characterised the lysogeny
Maintenance of lysogeny module of the Sc. thermophilus phage Sfi21. ORF203
Maintenance of the integrated prophage in the host is positioned between the genes encoding the integrase
chromosome requires the repression of transcription of and the repressor, and it was demonstrated that when
the genes of the lytic life cycle. In , this repression is ORF203 was supplied on a plasmid vector it confers a
facilitated through the use of a repressor protein phage-resistant phenotype against 12 Sc. thermophilus
(Ptashne, 1986). Two classes of LAB phage repressors bacteriophages.
have been identified. Class I repressors consist of A superinfection exclusion protein (Sie2009) for the
polypeptides containing 200–300 amino acids, within temperate lactococcal bacteriophage Tuc2009 has recently
which two distinct functional domains can be discerned. been described (McGrath et al., 2002a). Expression of the
The N-terminal domain contains a helix-turn-helix Sie2009 protein from a plasmid vector confers a complete
motif, which is assumed to be involved in the binding phage resistance phenotype on Lc. lactis MG1363 against
of the repressor to specific recognition sites on the a number of phages of the 936 species. This phage-
phage genome. The C-terminal domain is thought to be resistant phenotype was shown to be due to an injection-
involved in oligomerisation (co-operative binding of blocking mechanism, mediated by the Sie2009 protein.
repressor proteins) and has a conserved Ala/Gly motif
required for RecA-mediated cleavage of the hinge
Natural Bacteriophage Resistance Systems
region between the N- and the C-terminal domains
in LAB
(Little, 1993).
A second class of LAB phage repressors has also Since bacteriophages were first identified as a major
been identified. This group consists of proteins that are cause of dairy fermentation failure, much research
considerably smaller than their Class I counterparts. A effort has been directed at the development of phage-
helix-turn-helix motif has been identified in most resistance systems for use in the dairy industry. The
cases, and the absence of the consensus RecA-mediated majority of this research to date has focussed on lacto-
cleavage site. However, it is possible to induce phages coccal strains, although recently, efforts have also
containing class II repressors into the lytic cycle fol- been made with Sc. thermophilus (Moineau, 1999;
lowing the SOS response (following treatment with Coffey and Ross, 2002). Naturally occurring phage-
mitomycin C or UV treatment) indicating recA-mediated resistance systems have been identified in wild-type
cleavage of these repressors also (Madsen et al., 1999). lactococcal strains. These systems are often encoded on
The majority of class I phage-repressors belong to lacto- native conjugative plasmids, which has facilitated the
coccal phage (Van de Guchte et al., 1994a; Boyce et al., generation of novel resistant starter strains through
1995; Nauta et al., 1996), but these have also been food-grade, gene transfer techniques. These resistance
found in phages that infect Lactobacillus (García et al., systems have been divided into four main groups on
1999); Class II repressors appear to be more common the basis of their mode of action: (1) inhibition
Starter Cultures: Bacteriophage 177

of phage adsorption, (2) blockage of phage DNA more recently, researchers are beginning to unravel
injection, (3) restriction/modification and (4) abortive these processes. Garvey et al. (1996) were the first to
infection (Fig. 3). These systems have been recently report the identification of a plasmid-encoded injec-
reviewed (Dinsmore and Klaenhammer, 1995; Garvey tion-blocking mechanism. They demonstrated that the
et al., 1995a; Allison and Klaenhammer., 1998; Forde naturally occurring lactococcal plasmid pNP40 confers
and Fitzgerald, 1999; Coffey and Ross, 2002) and will an early-acting resistance mechanism against c2. Fol-
only be briefly discussed here. lowing infection with c2, no difference in phage
adsorption was noted; however, 90% of cells harbouring
Adsorption inhibition pNP40 remained viable whereas control strains without
pNP40 exhibited essentially no survival. Furthermore,
Spontaneous bacteriophage-resistance mutants can be
this resistance mechanism could be circumvented by
isolated following infection of a bacterial population
electroporation of phage DNA into resistant host cells,
with a specific phage at a high titre. Analysis of these
whereby such transfected cells released progeny
phage-resistant strains revealed changes in a variety of
phages. The authors concluded that the resistance was
host-encoded biochemical traits such as carbohydrate
due to an alteration in a plasma membrane component
composition, masking of cell surface characteristics or
or components required for c2 infection, but to date
assumed changes in specific phage protein receptors that
the gene or genes responsible for this alteration have
in many instances rendered phage unable to adsorb to
not been identified (Garvey et al., 1996).
the cells (Klaenhammer and Fitzgerald, 1994; Daly et al.,
As mentioned earlier, a phage-encoded DNA injection-
1996). However, these mutants are of only limited value
blocking mechanism acting against a number of 936-
as starter cultures, since their spectrum of resistance
type phages has recently been reported in Lc. lactis
tends to be narrow, while their growth characteristics
(McGrath et al., 2002a). The sie2009 gene (superinfec-
also frequently undergo undesirable alterations.
tion exclusion) of the temperate lactococcal phage
Native plasmid-encoded adsorption inhibition sys-
Tuc2009 is located on the lysogeny module. Data were
tems have been identified in lactococci and it has been
presented showing that the Sie2009 protein was associ-
found that these systems can be separated on the basis
ated with the cell membrane and its expression left
of the molecular mechanism employed. These plasmids
phage adsorption, transfection and plasmid transfor-
generally direct the synthesis of cell surface antigens or
mation unaffected but prevented plasmid transduction
mediate the production of extracellular polysaccharides
as well as phage DNA replication. The authors also
which shield the host’s phage receptors against phage
showed that similar prophage genes are widespread
attachment (Valyasevi et al., 1990, 1994; Schafer et al.,
not only in lactococcal genomes but also in the genomes
1991; Forde et al., 1999). The genetic basis for adsorp-
of many Gram-positive and -negative bacteria (McGrath
tion inhibition remains poorly understood and it has
et al., 2002a).
been proposed that plasmid-mediated adsorption block-
ing may not be a true phage defence mechanism but
rather a secondary effect of some other cellular function Restriction/modification
(Forde and Fitzgerald, 1999). Furthermore, because of
Following successful adsorption and DNA injection,
the instability of plasmids mediating these adsorption-
the next obstacle in the LAB phage life cycle is pre-
inhibition phenotypes, it is possible that mixed cultures
sented by restriction/modification (R/M) systems. First
consisting of both phage-sensitive and -resistant cells
identified in Lc. lactis by Collins (1956), they are
can develop which may limit the significance of adsorp-
found in many bacteria where they act to protect the
tion inhibition as a potent defence mechanism.
cell from invading foreign DNA. A R/M system has to
exhibit two enzymatic activities, i.e., restriction
Injection blocking
endonuclease and methylase, and must also be capable
Following successful adsorption to the cell wall recep- of finding its DNA recognition sequence. The methy-
tors, an energy-requiring, calcium-dependent, irreversible lase modifies the recognition sites on the host’s DNA,
interaction between the phage and the cytoplasmic thus protecting it from restriction by the endonucle-
membrane occurs, allowing DNA translocation into the ase, whereas unmodified recognition sequences on for-
cytoplasm (Monteville et al., 1994). As is the case for eign or invading DNA molecules are specifically
adsorption inhibition, relatively little is known about digested (Wilson and Murray, 1991). The severity of
injection-blocking mechanisms in LAB. Early reports of restriction is dependent on the system and the phage.
such systems in Lc. lactis and Lb. casei did little to elu- In general, the efficiency of plaquing (EOP) of the
cidate the underlying genetic mechanisms (Marshall phage decreases logarithmically as the number of sites
and Berridge, 1976; Watanabe et al., 1984). However, on the phage DNA molecule increases. To date, four
178 Starter Cultures: Bacteriophage

distinct types of R/M system have been identified type against a number of Sc. thermophilus phages, indi-
(Wilson and Murray, 1991). The majority of R/M sys- cating the possibility of using well-characterised lacto-
tems described in LAB are type II. These systems usu- coccal systems to protect Sc. thermophilus from phage
ally have simple co-factor requirements and molecular attack. Chromosomal- and plasmid-encoded R/M sys-
organisations, cleaving at or near the recognition site. tems have also been reported in Lactobacillus strains
Furthermore, type II R/M systems are generally com- (Auad et al., 1998; Bourniquel et al., 2002).
posed of two structural genes, the endonuclease It is clear that host-encoded R/M systems are an
(Enase) and the methyltransferase (MTase). essential component of the cell’s defence systems, thus
The majority of R/M systems that have been char- representing an effective means of protection against
acterised in Lactococcus are plasmid-encoded, with phage attack. However, it is possible for phages to
ScrFI being a notable exception (Twomey et al., 1997). breech these defences. In a phage infection of a cell
Another notable exception to the norm is that several population, a small number of phage genomes may
lactococcal type II systems contain two methylase escape restriction and subsequently be modified by the
enzymes (ScrFI, LlaAI and LlaDCHI) (Moineau et al., MTase. Such modified phage genomes will be able to
1995; O’Sullivan et al., 1995; Twomey et al., 1997). propagate to produce a phage population that will be
Little is known about the role of the dual methylases; insensitive to the particular R/M system. Furthermore,
however, it has been shown that ScrFIBM and Scr- it has been shown that phages that infect various bac-
FIAM independently confer protection against ScrFI terial species have evolved a number of strategies such
restriction (Twomey et al., 1997). as elimination of certain restriction sites from their
In recent years, several type I R/M systems have been genomes, modification of bases, production of pro-
described in LAB. These systems consist of large multi- teins that inhibit host endonucleases and even the
meric proteins consisting of three subunits, HsdR which acquisition of methylase genes (Wilson and Murray,
is responsible for restriction, HsdM which mediates 1991), and it is highly likely that LAB bacteriophages
host DNA methylation and HsdS which determines tar- have evolved similar tactics. Indeed, Hill et al. (1991)
get recognition specificity (Hsd denotes host specificity have demonstrated that the lactococcal phage, 50,
determinant; Bickle and Kruger, 1993). These types of acquired a functional methylase gene through an in vivo
systems have been identified with increasing frequency genetic exchange between its genome and the phage
in LAB (Table 3) and it has been proposed that more resistance-conferring plasmid, pTR2030. This recom-
than 50% of lactococcal R/M systems may belong to this binogenic event thus rendered 50 insensitive to
category (Schouler et al., 1998b). Schouler et al. pTR2030. Higher levels of phage resistance can be
(1998a) were the first to describe a type I system in Lac- achieved through the combination of two or more R/M
tococcus. This system, named Lla14031, was found to be systems, or by the combination of an R/M system with
encoded on a native plasmid harboured by Lc. lactis other resistance systems such as abortive infection.
Il1403. Furthermore, introduction of plasmids encoding
single HsdS subunits elicited new R/M phenotypes,
Abortive infection
indicating that these plasmid-encoded HsdS subunits
are able to interact with the chromosomally encoded Abortive infection (Abi) is a term used to broadly
HsdR and HsdM subunits in trans to determine novel describe any phage resistance mechanism which inter-
R/M specificities. It was proposed that this ‘combin- feres with intracellular phage development after the
ational variation’ may represent a general strategy in phage DNA has entered the cell. Therefore, by definition,
which lactococci can acquire R/M systems with novel Abi systems can interfere with such processes as genome
specificities (Schouler et al., 1998b). replication, transcription/translation, phage DNA packag-
O’Sullivan et al. (1999) identified a Type I HsdS sub- ing and assembly, and cell lysis. Abis are generally char-
unit-encoding gene on a native plasmid of Sc. thermo- acterised by an attenuated infection due to lower numbers
philus, NDI-6. It was demonstrated that plasmid-free of productive infections and a reduction in the numbers
derivatives of this strain were sensitive to a bacterio- of phage progeny produced (Allison and Klaenhammer,
phage which displayed no lytic growth on the parent 1998). Abi-mediated resistance typically culminates in
strain, indicating the functional role of this gene in the death of the infected cell due to corruption of host
phage resistance. Five chromosomally encoded R/M sys- functions, as a result of instigation of the defence activity.
tems have been identified in Sc. thermophilus, but little Many Abi systems have been identified in Lactococcus
is known about their molecular biology (Moineau, (Table 4), but the molecular mechanisms underlying
1999). Moineau et al. (1995) have reported that the many of these systems remain poorly understood. How-
lactococcal LlaDCHI system, when introduced into ever, reports of studies using phage mutants capable of
Sc. thermophilus, conferred a strong resistance pheno- overcoming Abi systems have provided some valuable
Starter Cultures: Bacteriophage 179

Table 4 Lactococcal abi genes for which DNA sequence data are available

Phage species
Abi Location %GC affected Mechanism Reference

AbiA pTR2030; pCI829 27 936, c2, P335 EarlyP335 Hill et al. (1990b)
AbiB Unspecified; pCI642 27 936 Late936 Cluzel et al. (1991)
AbiC pTN20 27 936, P335 Late936 Durmaz et al. (1992)
AbiD* pBF61 29 936 Late936 McLandsborough et al. (1995)
AbiD1* pIL105 26 936, c2 Latec2 Anba et al. (1995)
AbiE pNP40 29, 29 936 Late936 Garvey et al. (1995b)
AbiF* pNP40, pAJ2074 26 936 Early936 Garvey et al. (1997)
AbiG pCI750 29, 27 936, c2, P335 Late936/c2/EarlyP335 O’ Connor et al. (1996)
AbiH Chromosome 26 936, c2 – Prévots et al. (1996)
AbiI pND852 29 936, c2 Late936 Su et al. (1997)
AbiJ pND859 30 936 – Deng et al. (1997)
AbiK pSRQ800 24 936, c2 Late936/EarlyP335 Emond et al. (1997)
AbiL pND861 28, 29 936, c2 Latec2 Deng et al. (1999)
AbiN Chromosome 31 936, c2 – Prévots et al. (1998)
AbiO pPF144 26 936, c2 – Prévots and Ritzenthaler (1998)
AbiP pIL2614 27.5 936 – Schouler et al. (1998a)
AbiQ pSRQ900 28 936, c2 Late936/c2 Emond et al. (1998)
AbiR pKR223 29.8–31.6 c2 Earlyc2 Twomey et al. (2000)
AbiT pED1 33.3, 33.3 936, P335 Late936/P335 Bouchard et al. (2002)
AbiU pND001 26, 25 936, c2, P335 – Dai et al. (2001)

* AbiD, AbiD1 and AbiF are similar (26–47% identity).

insights into their mode of action (Bidnenko et al., 1995; Engineered Phage Resistance Systems
Dinsmore and Klaenhammer, 1997). It has been pro-
The extensive wealth of knowledge that has been accu-
posed that Abi systems may be categorised depending on
mulated regarding LAB phage biology has enabled
whether they act prior to or at the level of DNA replica-
researchers to develop a number of artificial or so-called
tion (early) or after replication has occurred (late)
‘intelligent’ phage-resistance systems. These utilise spe-
(Garvey et al., 1995a). In lactococci, each Abi system
cific genes and/or phage or host DNA sequences which
appears to be unique in terms of regulation, size and
are introduced into the cell either on a plasmid vector
nature of the Abi proteins, number of proteins required
or by chromosomal integration. The presence of these
for activity and phage affected. Nevertheless, a number of
heterologous DNA sequences or the expression of spe-
interesting similarities have been noted. Garvey et al.
cific genes may interfere with the phage life cycle, thus
(1995a) reported that all Abi genes tested displayed an
providing a level of protection to the host strain (Fig. 3).
atypical G  C content of 26–29%, compared to 37% for
This topic has recently been extensively reviewed by
lactococcal DNA. Furthermore, the proteins encoded by
McGrath et al. (2002b) and will be considered only
Abi genes have characteristics of cytoplasmic proteins,
briefly here.
including the lack of an obvious secretion signal and the
presence of hydrophilic, charged residues. To our knowl-
Phage encoded resistance (Per)
edge, Abi systems in LAB other than lactococci have not
been studied, besides a single report of a possible Abi Hill et al. (1990a) noted that supplying a specific 50
mechanism in Sc. thermophilus (Larbi et al., 1992). genomic DNA fragment on a plasmid vector in trans
Tangney and Fitzgerald (2002) have reported on the conferred a phage-resistance phenotype on the lacto-
introduction of the lactococcal Abi system, AbiA, into Sc. coccal host against 50, and that intracellular phage
thermophilus. Data were presented which showed that DNA replication was impeded in strains harbouring
AbiA was effective against six Sc. thermophilus phages at this plasmid. DNA sequence analysis revealed that
30 °C and that intracellular phage DNA replication was this so-called per-conferring DNA fragment contained
affected as for phages infecting Lactococcus. However, at a number of direct and inverted repeated sequences,
37 or 42 °C, AbiA failed to have any effect on phage a characteristic of origins of DNA replication. The
propagation, indicating that this system is unsuitable authors proposed that the per50 fragment was in fact
for application in standard fermentations involving the origin of replication of 50 and that the resist-
Sc. thermophilus. ance phenotype conferred was due to the titration of
180 Starter Cultures: Bacteriophage

essential phage DNA replication factors by the plasmid- moter. It was found that this plasmid conferred a
borne oris. resistance phenotype on the host lactococcal strain
The putative ori for the P335-type lactococcal bac- against 7–9 and a number of related phages. Further
teriophage, Tuc2009 (designated ori2009), has also studies on the application of this technology in lacto-
been used in the construction of a per system. The cocci targeted other genes of unknown function, a
ori2009 sequence is located within a gene coding for a gene encoding a major coat protein and a transcrip-
putative replisome organiser protein (rep2009), and a tional activator (Chung et al., 1992; Kim et al.,
specific protein–DNA interaction between Rep2009 1992a,b; Walker and Klaenhammer, 2000). However,
and ori2009 has been demonstrated (McGrath et al., these systems were found to confer only a very modest
1999). In a further study, it was shown that cloning phage-resistance phenotype.
multiple copies of the ori2009 sequence on a single In an attempt to amplify the amount of anti-
plasmid vector increased the level of phage resistance sense mRNA generated within the cell, Walker and
conferred. Furthermore, ori2009-containing plasmids Klaenhammer (2000) developed the so-called ‘explosive
were found to be effective against three other P335-type antisense RNA strategy’. In this system, different 31
phages, and DNA sequence analysis confirmed that genes (two middle-expressed and four late-expressed)
these three phages utilised oris identical to that of were cloned between the strong Lactobacillus P6 pro-
Tuc2009. Other per systems have been constructed moter and the T7 terminator (TT7) in a low-copy
for use in lactococci, Sc. thermophilus and Lb. casei number plasmid, containing the putative 31 origin of
(O’Sullivan et al., 1993; Foley et al., 1998; Moscoso replication (ori31). Following 31 infection of a cell
and Suarez, 2000). harbouring this plasmid, ori31 allows for ‘explosive’
Per systems generally do not confer a complete plasmid amplification, thereby increasing the levels of
resistance phenotype and do not represent an insur- antisense transcripts late in the lytic cycle. However,
mountable obstacle to bacteriophage proliferation. The while this strategy significantly increased the concen-
level of resistance conferred has been found to be tration of antisense mRNA produced, it had only a
directly dependent on the copy number of the Per- minor impact on bacteriophage proliferation, suggest-
conferring fragments supplied in trans (O’Sullivan ing that the genes targeted were not essential or suffi-
et al., 1993; McGrath et al., 2001). Furthermore, the ciently limiting for the 31 life cycle. In a report by
incidence of per-insensitive mutant phage, capable of McGrath et al. (2001), the effectiveness of targeting a
replicating in Per host strains has been noted by sev- number of different replication module genes was
eral authors and data have been presented supporting studied. These included genes with putative functions
the hypothesis that these mutant phages have, through such as a topoisomerase, a single-stranded DNA-binding
a recombinant process, acquired new DNA from their protein, a replisome organiser protein, a helicase
host strains (O’Sullivan et al., 1993; Bouchard and loader, a type II methyltransferase and a Holiday junc-
Moineau, 2000; McGrath et al., 2001). tion resolvase. All constructs tested (except the con-
struct directed at the Holiday junction resolvase)
conferred a phage-resistant phenotype on the lactococ-
Antisense mRNA
cal host against Tuc2009. Similar replication module
The utilisation of an antisense mRNA strategy genes were identified in three other phages, Q30, Q33
involves cloning of a target gene in the reverse orien- and ul36, and it was demonstrated that constructs tar-
tation relative to an active promoter. The resulting geting the putative replisome organiser protein and the
antisense mRNA produced is assumed to form stable putative helicase loader provided significant protec-
hybrids with the target mRNA, thus inhibiting trans- tion against these phages also.
lation through ineffective ribosome loading, and/or Sturino and Klaenhammer (2002) recently devel-
increased sensitivity to RNA-degrading enzymes (Inouye, oped an antisense system for use in Sc. thermophilus.
1988). This system targets a putative helicase gene which is
Recombinant antisense strategies have been used to found on the replication module of many Sfi21-type
successfully control gene expression in animals (Izant phages and was found to be effective against a number
and Weintraub, 1984), plants (Ecker and Davis, 1986) of phages that infect Sc. thermophilus.
and bacteria (Coleman et al., 1984). Kim and Batt
(1991b) were the first to describe the use of antisense
Gene replacement/insertional mutagenesis
technology for the control of bacteriophage prolifer-
ation in LAB. They cloned a gene of unknown func- The role of the chromosomally encoded host gene, pip
tion (gp51C) from 7–9 in the antisense orientation (phage infection protein), the expression of which is
under the control of a constitutive lactococcal pro- required for infection of Lc. lactis subsp. lactis by a
Starter Cultures: Bacteriophage 181

number of phages, has been discussed earlier. A lacto- orf203, which when supplied in trans on a multicopy
coccal strain that is insensitive to attack by c2-type vector provided resistance to Sc. thermophilus Sfi11
phage has been engineered by replacing the chromoso- against 12 out of 25 phages tested. The orf203 gene is
mal pip gene by an allele that had been mutated in vitro located between the integrase and the repressor-
(Garbutt et al., 1997). This resulted in the production encoding genes on the lysogeny cassette of Sfi21, and
of a food-grade lactococcal strain that contained no while providing protection against heteroimmune
recombinant DNA sequences. This type of engineered phage it does not protect against Sfi21. The deduced
phage resistance is advantageous because of its stable, protein product of orf203 contains a hydrophobic
chromosomal location, which obviates the selective N-terminus, indicating that this protein may be asso-
pressure required for many plasmid-borne systems. ciated with the host cell membrane; however, the
Lucchini et al. (2000) have described a chromo- exact mechanism by which this orf mediates a phage-
somal gene (orf394) of Sc. thermophilus Sfi11, the resistance phenotype remains to be elucidated.
expression of which is necessary for infection by all Cruz Martin et al. (2000) recently described the
tested phages. A second type of phage-resistant mutant construction of a phage-resistant food-grade strain of
was also isolated which had the phenotypic character- Lb. casei. A single copy of the A2 repressor gene
istics of an abortive infection system. In this instance, was integrated into the Lb. casei chromosome using a
it was determined that the insertional mutagenesis site-specific integration vector, with subsequent ‘clear-
event occurred adjacent to a hsdR gene encoding the R ing’ of all non-food-grade DNA by in-trans expression
subunit of a type I R/M system. The authors proposed of a -recombinase gene. The resulting strain was
that this led to the upregulation of the hsdR gene completely immune to A2 infection during milk
resulting in a more active phage-resistance phenotype fermentation.
(Lucchini et al., 2000). It is likely that the naturally occurring phage-resist-
The development of phage-resistant LAB strains by ance phenotypes attributed to some LAB strains are
means of chromosomal engineering may represent one of due, at least in part, to the expression of superinfec-
the most promising strategies for the generation of stable, tion exclusion and immunity factors by (defective)
food-grade, strains for industrial use. This approach has prophages. The identification and characterisation of
advantages over plasmid-borne systems which can be such genes may facilitate the development of new
intrinsically unstable and/or may represent a high meta- broad-range phage-resistance systems for many LAB.
bolic load to the cell, leading to deletions within the plas-
mid or even plasmid loss during non-selective growth.
Bacteriophage-triggered defence
Recombinant superinfection exclusion/immunity A genetically engineered form of abortive infection
has been described in Lactococcus (Djordjevic et al.,
The recently described superinfection exclusion gene, 1997). This system used a phage-inducible promoter
sie2009 (McGrath et al., 2001) has been discussed earl- in combination with the LlaI restriction/modification
ier. When cloned under the control of a constitutive system from a lactococcal plasmid. The middle phage-
promoter on a high-copy number plasmid, sie2009 inducible promoter (31p) was cloned upstream of
mediates a phage-resistance phenotype in Lc. lactis the lethal LlaIR restriction cassette so that infection
against bacteriophages of the 936-type species. Adsorp- of a cell harbouring this plasmid with 31, causes the
tion and electron microscopic analyses demonstrated lethal gene product of LlaIR to be produced, result-
that bacteriophages adsorbed to cells expressing Sie2009 ing in death of the host cell before the infecting phage
as readily as they did to a control strain, whilst intracel- has a chance to reproduce itself. However, as was
lular phage DNA replication was demonstrated not to found for per systems, 31 mutants considerably less-
occur in Sie2009-expressing strains. Analysis of the sensitive to the 31p–LlaIR system were isolated when
deduced Sie2009 amino acid sequence revealed that the phages were propagated on these strains (Djordjevic
protein contains a putative transmembrane-spanning and Klaenhammer, 1997). DNA sequence analysis
domain while cell fractionation and SDS-PAGE demon- revealed that a mutation had occurred, resulting in a
strated that the Sie2009 protein is in fact associated with single amino acid transversion in a transcriptional
the cell membrane. Furthermore, plasmid transduction activator of 31p (ORF2). Furthermore, the ability of
experiments demonstrated that the Sie2009-mediated these mutant phages to induce the native 31p pro-
phage resistance phenotype is due to an injection- moter was demonstrated to be reduced, compared to
blocking mechanism (McGrath et al., 2001). that of the parent 31. Pairing the 31p–LlaIR
Bruttin et al. (1997) described a gene from the system with other abortive infection systems, Per31
lysogeny module of the Sc. thermophilus phage Sfi21, and AbiA, resulted in a reduction in numbers of 31
182 Starter Cultures: Bacteriophage

below detectable limits (Djordjevic and Klaenhammer, contributes to the host cell phenotype, from immun-
1997). ity/exclusion systems and lysogenic conversion to
The ongoing research into the natural phage defence virulence (Susskind et al., 1971; Waldor, 1998;
mechanisms as well as phages infecting other genera of Desiere et al., 2002). Indeed, Desiere et al. (2001)
LAB will undoubtedly pave the way for the develop- published a report on the genome of a highly patho-
ment of similar resistance systems. genic strain of Sc. pyogenes which contains eight
The development of engineered phage-resistance prophage elements, two of which harbour genes cod-
systems in LAB has been the focus of intensive ing for likely virulence factors as well as sharing
research since the early 1990s. Besides the obvious extensive DNA sequence homology to two LAB
benefits, such as the development of phage-resistance bacteriophages. These findings indicate that the sub-
systems with potential industrial applications, it has stantial amount of knowledge amassed on phages
also led to an increased understanding of bacterio- infecting dairy bacteria may be useful in gaining
phage–host relationships, and in turn has stimulated insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying
research in other areas. It would appear that the use of virulence in certain infectious bacteria. Conversely,
single, strong phage-resistance systems is unsuitable it is known that commensal and probiotic bacteria
for industry, due to the selective pressure applied for also carry prophages on their genomes, which intro-
the emergence of insensitive phages. More industrially duces the intriguing possibility that these prophages
robust strains could be developed by the stacking of may contain functional genes that confer an advan-
two or more such systems in a single strain or by the tage on these hosts and possibly play a role in
introduction of engineered-resistance systems into nat- probiotic functionality.
urally phage-resistant strains.
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eered-resistance systems is restricted in the dairy References
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tems with the potential to prevent phage infections in riophage Tuc2009 and identification and analysis of genes
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applied to develop sophisticated genetic tools (Raya and teins. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 60, 1875–1883.
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Starter Cultures: Bacteriophage 183

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Secondary and Adjunct Cultures
J.-F. Chamba, Institut Technique Francais de Fromages, La Roche sur Foron, France
F. Irlinger, INRA, Thiverval-Grignon, France

Introduction chapter, the most important groups of secondary flora,

Two types of cultures are used in cheesemaking: pri- the species found in cheeses, the properties used in their
mary and secondary. The primary cultures include all selection, and the form and use of these cultures as
the starter lactic acid bacteria and are involved in adjuncts will be described. Information on how these
acid production during cheese manufacture and in cultures are produced is very difficult to obtain as it is
cheese ripening. The secondary and adjunct cultures mainly propriety to the institution producing the cul-
involved include yeasts, e.g., Geotrichum candidum, ture. Consequently, it cannot be reviewed in any detail.
Debaryomyces hansenii, moulds, e.g., Penicillum camem-
berti, P. roqueforti, and bacteria, e.g., Corynebacterium, Yeast
Staphylococcus, Micrococcus, Propionibacterium sp. and
heterofermentative lactobacilli and are involved only Yeasts are encountered and used as culture adjuncts in
in cheese ripening. Except for Propionibacterium and many cheeses. They are used mainly in mould and bac-
the heterofermentative lactobacilli, the secondary cul- terial surface-ripened cheeses because they promote the
tures grow mainly on the cheese surface (see ‘Bacterial growth of other microorganisms. For example, yeasts
Surface-ripened Cheeses’, Volume 2). They are called are used as adjuncts in the French cheeses, Brie,
secondary cultures to distinguish them from the pri- Camembert, Pont l’Evêque, Maroilles and Reblochon,
mary acid-producing starters and are as important as in the Belgian cheeses, Herve and Limburger, and in
the primary ones in those cheeses in which they are the Italian cheese, Tallegio. Yeasts are also used in blue-
found. veined cheeses such as Danablu (Denmark), Cabrales
In the past, only a small number of secondary cul- (Spain), Fourme d’Ambert (France), Gorgonzola (Italy)
tures or adjuncts was used, mainly in traditional cheeses and Stilton (UK).
made from raw milk. For example, in blue-veined
Species found in cheeses
cheeses, P. roqueforti was added to the curd before
moulding in the form of grated, mouldy bread. In fact, The species of yeasts isolated most frequently from
the use of moulds as adjuncts in cheesemaking pre-dates cheeses are listed in Table 1. Geotrichum sp. are often
the commercial use of lactic acid starters. Tradition- described as intermediate between mould and yeast
ally, the secondary flora originated in either the milk, and is now recognised as a yeast (Barnett et al., 1990).
the cheesemaking utensils and/or the cheese factory Yeasts colonise numerous cheeses, particularly their
environment. Like the production of traditional smear- surfaces. They can grow during the early stages of
ripened cheese, mature cheeses were smeared, i.e., cheesemaking, e.g., during whey draining after mould-
washed with dilute solutions of NaCl, which may also ing and before salting. Commonly, their population
contain some of the surface microflora (see ‘Bacterial reaches 106–108 cfu cm 2 of cheese surface during the
Surface-ripened Cheeses’, Volume 2), before young first 5 days and remains at this level throughout ripen-
ones. Therefore, the cheese surface microorganisms were ing. Generally, their number in the interior of the
transferred from the old to the young cheeses. Since cheese is 100 or 1000 times lower.
then, improvement in the microbiological quality of raw In traditional cheeses, the source of the yeasts is
milk, the use of thermisation and bactofugation of milk, raw milk, utensils, cheese factory environment, brine
the high level of hygiene and practice modifications in and/or use of natural whey starters used in produc-
cheese factories have reduced the sources of the indigen- tion (Zambonelli et al., 1996). However, Baroiller and
ous secondary flora. Cheese has become more bland in Schmidt (1990) have shown that the great diversity of
taste and therefore cheese factory personnel became yeast species in milk for Camembert cheese was dras-
aware of the decisive role played by the secondary flora tically reduced by the selective action of processing.
in producing good quality cheese and this, in turn, has Today, the use of yeasts as adjuncts is a common prac-
increased the demand for secondary starters. Today, this tice in modern cheese factories; they are added to the
need is true of most cheese varieties. In the present cheese milk and/or are used in the smear preparation.
Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, Third edition – Volume 1: General Aspects Copyright © 2004 Elsevier Ltd
ISBN: 0-1226-3652-X All rights reserved
Set ISBN: 0-1226-3651-1
192 Secondary and Adjunct Cultures

Table 1 Main yeast species encountered in/on the surface activities (Schmidt and Lenoir, 1980; Schmidt et al.,
of cheese 1993). It is generally recognised that Yarrowia lipolyt-
ica, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and K. marxianus subsp.
Perfect form Imperfect form
marxianus are more proteolytic than D. hansenii (Vannini
Galactomyces geotrichum Geotrichum candidum et al., 2001). In addition, G. candidum has higher
Debaryomyces hansenii Candida famata aminopeptidase activity than P. camemberti (Molimard
Kluyveromyces marxianus var. lactis Candida sphaerica et al., 1994). Naturally, proteolytic activity is also used in
Kluyveromyces marxianus Candida kefyr
var. marxianus
the selection of strains by suppliers of adjunct cultures.
Pichia membranifaciens Candida valida The high tyrosinase activity of some strains of
Pichia fermentans Candida lambica Y. lipolytica is thought to be responsible for the pro-
Sacchoromyces cerevisiae Candida robusta duction of brown pigments below the cheese surface
Sacchoromyces dairensis Candida dairensis (Van den Tempel and Jakobsen, 2000; Carreira et al.,
Torulospora delbrueckii Candida colliculosa
Yarrowia lipolytica Candida lipolytica
2001) and consequently this activity is also assessed in
Zygosaccharomyces rouxii Candida mogii commercial strains.

Other minor species: Candida catenulata, Candida intermedia, Lipolytic activity

Candida rugosa, Candida sake, Candida vini, Candida Yeasts contribute to lipolysis in cheeses, and Y. lipolytica
zeylanoides. has the highest lipase activity of all yeast found in
From Nunez et al., 1981; Baroiller and Schmidt, 1990; Nahabieh cheese (Schmidt et al., 1993). In particular, Y. lipolytica
and Schmidt, 1990; Bârtschi et al., 1994; Eliskases-Lechner and is much more lipolytic than D. hansenii and S. cerevisiae
Ginzinger, 1995b. (Van den Tempel and Jakobsen, 2000). However, it is
not used commercially. G. candidum lipase preferen-
Useful properties in selecting yeast adjuncts tially releases oleic acid from milk fat (Gripon, 1993).
Although the contribution of Penicillium, Staphylococcus
Effect on appearance of cheese surface and Corynebacterium spp. to lipolysis in mould, smeared
The yeast flora contribute directly or indirectly to the and blue-veined cheese is greater than that of yeasts,
appearance of cheese. For example, G. candidum varies this activity is generally used as a criterion in the selec-
considerably from slimy cream to velvet mould-like tion of yeast by culture suppliers.
depending on the strain. Consequently, the growth
behaviour of G. candidum is of great importance in Production of aroma
choosing the correct strain for the type of cheese being Yeasts produce aroma compounds. They can produce
produced. ethanol, aldehydes and esters and they degrade amino
acids to ammonia and the corresponding keto acid.
Utilisation of residual sugars and lactate Further metabolism provides numerous compounds
de-acidification activity such as alcohols, esters, methyl ketones and carbonyl
The yeasts encountered on the surface of cheese show compounds. G. candidum produces much more aro-
varied abilities to metabolise sugars, lactate and citrate matic compounds from methionine than other yeasts
(Eliskases-Lechner and Ginzinger, 1995b). Because tested, including D. hansenii and K. lactis (Demarigny
Kluyveromyces marxianus and Debaryomyces hansenii et al., 2000; Spinnler et al., 2001). Nevertheless, the
are able to ferment lactose, their use as adjuncts is relationship between compounds identified by GC–MS
very common. G. candidum assimilates galactose and and the sensorial characteristics of cheese curd inocul-
lactate which is of paramount importance in the ripen- ated with selected yeast were not very consistent (Mar-
ing of mould and bacterial smear-ripened cheese. The tin et al., 2001). Thus, ‘the lack of progress in
degradation of lactate results in de-acidification at the describing cheese flavour in precise chemical terms’,
cheese surface and the increased pH, in turn, stimu- emphasised by Fox et al. (1993), remains topical in
lates the growth of moulds and corynebacteria. Conse- this area. Starter suppliers frequently use sensorial
quently, the de-acidification activity is always taken analysis of model cheeses instead of chemical analysis
into account in selecting yeast strains as culture to select strains of the surface flora. However, the
adjuncts for soft cheese. Degussa Company use both methods to characterise
their strains of surface adjuncts.
Proteolytic activity
Interactions with other microorganisms
Yeasts show a large diversity in proteolytic activity
between species and strains of the same species. They Generally, yeasts promote the growth of G. candidum,
have caseinolytic, aminopeptidase and carboxypeptidase which, in turn, reduces the occurrence of undesirable
Secondary and Adjunct Cultures 193

moulds, e.g., Aspergillus, Mucor and Penicillium spp. duces a more open textured cheese. These cultures are
Therefore, the ability to inhibit Mucor spp., which pro- added to the cheese milk and the ‘smear’ solutions at
duces thin strands of mycelial growth, the so-called ‘cat levels of about 105–106 cfu ml 1
hair’ defect on cheese (in French ‘poil de chat’), is one
of the criteria used in the selection of Geotrichum
strains (Gueguen and Schmidt, 1994). Hansen and Moulds
Jakobsen (1998) have shown that the growth of Moulds are used mainly as adjuncts in two types of
P. roqueforti is not affected by D. hansenii, that its cheese, viz., mould surface-ripened soft cheese, e.g.,
growth and sporulation are inhibited by D. marxianus Brie, Camembert or goats’ milk cheeses (France), and
subsp. marxianus and that its growth rate and colour blue-veined cheeses, e.g., Bavarian Blue (Germany),
formation are increased by S. cerevisiae. The interaction Bleu d’Auvergne, Bleu des Causses and Roquefort
between yeast and other surface microorganisms, such (France), Cabrales (Spain), Gorgonzola (Italy), Danablu
as moulds and bacteria, is taken in to consideration by (Denmark) and Stilton (UK). Moreover, a few var-
suppliers in the selection of yeast strains. ieties of semi-hard cheeses, e.g., Tomme (France and
Moreover, G. candidum can inhibit Listeria monocyto- Switzerland) and Toma (Italy) are also surface-ripened
genes by the production of two components: D-3- with moulds.
phenyllactic acid and D-3-indolelactic acid (Dieuleveux
et al., 1998). This property offers an interesting criter-
Species found in cheeses
ion for the selection of cheese adjuncts to increase the
safety of mould and smeared cheeses. The white mould, P. camemberti, and the blue-green
mould, P. roqueforti, are the two main species of mould
used as adjuncts. Previously, P. camemberti was called
Forms and use of adjunct culture
P. caseicolum Bainier or P. candidum, for strains which
For G. candidum, the diversity in the forms of adjunct remain white during growth and P. album for strains
produced by culture suppliers is generally large. Besides which develop a grey-green colour. Today, these two
appearance (slimy to mould-like, and colour), several phenotypic forms have been amalgamated into one
other activities are taken into account, including species, P. camemberti Thom (Pitt, 1979). Other Penicil-
de-acidification, proteolysis, lipolysis, aroma production lium spp. growing on cheese also have a white
(analytical and/or sensorial), sensitivity to NaCl and mycelium; P. thonii, P. nalglovensis and P. verrucosum.
ability to inhibit Mucor spp. G. candidum cultures are sold P. roqueforti strains can exhibit variations in colour
by several companies such as Clerici-Sacco (freeze- from yellowish-green (called viride in Italy) to dark
dried), Degussa and Chr. Hansen (liquid), Rhodia Food green. Sometimes, it can be confused with a similarly
(liquid, freeze-dried), Standa Industries (liquid) and coloured mould, P. verrucosum var. cyclopium; however,
Wiesby (liquid, freeze-dried). Moreover, some Dairy the latter species produces a strong musty odour. This
Research or Technical Centres provide Geotrichum cul- spoilage mould can contaminate P. roqueforti cultures.
tures for use in their respective countries, e.g., Switzer- Without the use of a selected mould adjunct, many
land. Some major cheese companies also produce other Penicillium spp. may be found in hard, semi-hard
‘in-house’ cultures. These cultures can be added directly and semi-soft cheeses such as Cheddar, Danbo, Port
in the cheese milk or sprayed on the cheeses, generally Salut or Bel Paese. P. commune and P. nalgiovensis are the
after salting. The manufacturer’s recommendations are most common (Lund et al., 1995). The appearance and
about 105 cfu ml 1 of cheese milk or 106–107 cfu ml 1 properties of P. caseifulvum allow its use as a cheese
of suspended cells for spraying. adjunct instead of P. album. Other moulds can grow on
Only a few species of yeasts are available commer- cheeses but they are generally undesirable. Nevertheless,
cially and this does not reflect the diversity of yeast some species occur spontaneously and are desirable on
found on the surface of cheese. In fact, three yeast the surface of certain cheeses, e.g., Chrysosporum sul-
species, D. hansenii, K. marxianus and S. cerevisiae, are fureum is responsible for yellow spot formation on
much more frequently sold than others. Torulospora St. Nectaire cheese. In some cases, these moulds are
delbrueckii (Candida valida) is used occasionally and produced as adjuncts, e.g., P. nalgiovensis, P. commune,
each yeast is sold by a different company. Sometimes, Trichothecium domesticum (Cylindrocarpon sp.) and
yeasts are available as mixed cultures of yeasts and as Verticillium lecanii. C. sulfureum and Sporendonema casei
other surface microorganisms such as G. candidum or (red-orange spot) encountered on some semi-hard
Brevibacterium linens. cheeses are no longer produced by starter companies
S. cerevisiae is recommended for blue-veined cheese (Ratomahenina et al., 1995). Rhizomucor spp. are gener-
because high CO2 production by it from lactose pro- ally considered to be spoilage moulds, producing the ‘cat
194 Secondary and Adjunct Cultures

hair defect’ in most cheeses; however, it is a desirable olism of Fatty Acids in Cheese’, Volume 1). These
mould on Tomme de Savoie and St Nectaire cheese. compounds contribute to the typical flavour of mould-
Consequently, three species R. fuscus, R. plumbeus and ripened cheeses (Cerning et al., 1987). Consequently,
R. sinensis are produced by ITFF, a cheese technical the lipolytic activity of P. camemberti and P. roqueforti is
centre in France. an important criterion in their selection, and this
activity is always indicated in the product specification
Useful properties for which to select moulds of the supplying companies.
as adjuncts

Appearance of mould on/in cheeses Production of aroma

Moulds contribute directly to the appearance of the Besides methyl ketones and secondary alcohols, many
cheese surface or, in the case of blue-veined cheeses, to esters, aldehydes, volatile amines and ammonia also
the appearance of the cheese body. The growth behav- contribute to the aroma of mould-ripened cheeses.
iour of P. camemberti varies according to the strain. The The typical mushroom note of Brie and Camembert
colour and length, and density of the mycelium are very flavour produced by P. camemberti is mainly due to
important criteria in choosing a strain to be used as an 1-octen-3-ol (Gripon, 1993). Like yeasts, mould sup-
adjunct. The colour of P. roqueforti is also of paramount pliers frequently use sensorial analysis of cheese mod-
importance in selecting strains. Generally, strains show- els to characterise their strains and the aromatic notes
ing light blue or yellowish colours are used for Gor- or profiles produced are given in the product sheets.
gonzola cheese whereas dark green strains are used in
Danablu, Bleu des Causses, Roquefort and Stilton cheese. Interactions with other microorganisms
Naturally, this diversity in the appearance of Penicillium Besides the interaction with yeast described above,
strains is indicated in the catalogues of mould suppliers. Hansen and Jakobsen (1997) have shown positive and
negative interactions between 20 strains of P. roquefortii
De-acidification activity and 15 strains of Leuconostoc, Lactococcus, Lactobacillus
P. camemberti and P. roqueforti are able to utilise lactic and Streptococcus spp., many of which were strain-
acid as a carbon source. Therefore, their growth leads to specific. The stimulation of P. roqueforti is mainly due
an increase in pH and proteolysis of cheese and conse- to the release of amino acids, like arginine and leucine,
quently causes the cheese to soften. This property is also by the lactic acid bacteria.
indicated by culture suppliers in their product sheets. Fast growth of P. camemberti prevents the establish-
ment of Rhizomucor spp. which produce a ‘cat hair’
Proteolytic activity
defect on the cheese surface. This property is also used
Both P. camemberti and P. roqueforti have endopeptidase by mould suppliers in the selection of suitable strains.
and exopeptidase activities which make a major contri- The elevated pH of the cheese surface induced by the
bution to proteolysis in cheese. Consequently, the ripen- growth of P. camemberti, in turn, promotes the growth
ing process begins on the surface of the mould-ripened of coryneform bacteria. Moulds produce tyramine, his-
cheese (Gripon, 1993). The extracellular proteolytic tamine and tryptamine by decarboxylation of the corres-
systems of these two moulds are somewhat similar and ponding amino acid but these biogenic amines are
they hydrolyse s1-, - and -caseins. Moreover, their metabolised by coryneform bacteria such as B. linens
peptidases release free amino acids and have debittering which possess deaminase activity (Leuschner and
activity. Amino acids are catabolised with the production Hammes, 1998).
of ammonia and other volatile compounds (Cerning
et al., 1987). Of course, these proteolytic activities are Production of mycotoxins
considered by mould culture suppliers but, generally, P. roquefort produces several mycotoxins whereas P.
methods used in this characterisation are only indica- camemberti produces only one, chloplazonic acid, but
tive. Azocasein has been suggested as a substrate for there is little risk to human health because the toxins
determining proteolytic activity (Larsen et al., 1998). are present in mould-ripened cheeses at very low levels
Lipolytic activity
(Gripon, 1993; ‘Toxins in Cheese’, Volume 1). Since
Lipolysis is much more extensive in mould-ripened this production is strain-specific it must be taken into
cheeses than in other varieties, especially blue-veined account in the selection of moulds for use as cheese
cheeses and the main agents are Penicillium spp. Their adjuncts.
lipolytic activity varies greatly according to the strain.
Form and use of mould adjuncts
Methyl ketones and their corresponding secondary
alcohols are produced by -oxidation of free fatty The number of strains of P. camemberti available from
acids, produced by lipolysis (see ‘Lipolysis and Catab- suppliers varies from 3 to 16, with the largest number
Secondary and Adjunct Cultures 195

being available from Rhodia Foods. Other P. camemberti of 107–109 cfu cm 2 are reached on soft smear cheeses
suppliers are Clerici-Sacco, Chr. Hansen and Degussa. within the first 2 weeks of ripening, and 1013 cfu g 1
The colour and the length and density of the mycelium of rind in Gruyère cheese within the first 3 weeks of
are always shown on product specification sheets. ripening. The bacterial populations remain constant
Growth rates and de-acidifying, proteolytic, lipolytic thereafter until the cheese is consumed (Reps, 1993;
and anti-Rhizomucor activities are also given. These are Eliskases-Lechner and Ginzinger, 1995a). The flora is
sold as liquid or freeze-dried cultures. composed of two principal Gram-positive groups:
For P. roqueforti, 2–7 strains are available, depending coryneform bacteria (irregularly shaped, catalase-posi-
on suppliers, which differ in colour, growth rate, NaCl tive rods) and staphylococci (catalase-positive cocci).
and temperature sensitivities, proteolytic and lipolytic These two groups have certain physiological properties
activities and their effects on the texture and aroma of which permit their growth on the cheese surface; they
cheese. Companies producing P. roqueforti cultures are are aerobic, alkalophilic, mesophilic and salt-tolerant
Clericci-Sacco, CSL, Chr Hansen, Rhodia Food and and cannot grow under acid conditions (see ‘Bacterial
Wiesby. The latter company also has a white mutant of Surface-ripened Cheeses’, Volume 2).
P. roqueforti, which produces the typical flavour of Blue It has been observed that the cultivation methods
cheese without the blue colour. These are sold as liquid, used in the laboratory are always selective and the clas-
dried or freeze-dried cultures. Moreover, some technical sification of coryneform and staphylococci groups
centres such as LIP, Aurillac, France, produce mould is equivocal and confusing, because it is based on
cultures, especially P. roqueforti for private users. Other phenotypic characteristics (Seiler, 1986; Kämpfer et al.,
moulds, e.g., P. album, P. nalgiovensis, Trichothecium 1993; Irlinger et al., 1997). In recent years, molecular
domestimum (cylindrocarpon) and Verticillium lecanii are approaches, such as ribotyping, amplified fragment
produced by Rhodia Foods. The oldest method in polymorphism and randomly amplified polymorphic
which grated mouldy bread is used to inoculate the DNA, have been developed and could give significant
curd of blue-veined cheese remains topical in few cases. insight into specific isolates and dominant microbial
Traditional methods using small units on agar surface populations during cheese manufacture. However, these
or other solid medium to produce Penicillium conidia- techniques are laborious and time-consuming for moni-
phores are still used. Nevertheless, spore production by toring population dynamics and have not been used to
submerged cultivation with sufficient oxygen supply any great extent in classifying the microorganisms.
has been developed for P. camemberti (Bockelmann
et al., 1999). Submerged batch fermentation provides
Coryneform bacteria
high spore yields, short fermentation intervals and
automation. P. camemberti cultures can be added Coryneform bacteria include organisms from the genera
directly to the cheese milk and/or sprayed on the Arthrobacter, Brevibacterium, Corynebacterium, Microbac-
cheese, generally after salting. The general recommen- terium. The term has no taxonomic significance except
dation is ⬃106–107 spores L 1. P. roqueforti cultures are that bacteria in these genera are generally small irregu-
generally inoculated directly into the cheese milk at a larly shaped rods. For a long time, B. linens was consi-
level of ⬃107 spores L 1. dered to be the typical, orange-red pigmented, red
smear-cheese bacterium due to its role in colouring the
surface of the cheese and its ability to produce typical
Coryneform Bacteria and Staphylococci
flavours. For that reason, B. linens is the main adjunct
These bacteria are present on the surface of many culture available and used for smear-cheeses. Neverthe-
cheeses. They are used as adjuncts mainly on smeared less, some authors have cast doubt on the exclusive
soft- and semi-hard cheeses, e.g., Epoisse, Livarot, Morbier importance of B. linens in the cheese smear. The max-
and Munster in France, Limburger in Belgium, Bel Paese imum proportion of B. linens found in Tilsit cheese
and Tallegio in Italy, Romadour and Tilsit in Germany, ranges from 0 to 15% (Eliskases-Lechner and Ginzinger,
Raclette and Appenzeller in Switzerland, Brick and Mon- 1995a). This species was not isolated from the surface of
terey in the USA (Table 2). Some cultures, especially Gubbeen, an Irish smear cheese, even though the cheese
B. linens or Staphylococcus spp. are used as an ‘enzyme surface was deliberately smeared with this species at the
bag’ in ripened cheese without surface microorganisms. beginning of ripening (Brennan et al., 2002); however,
Generally, these bacteria are isolated from soft or 9.3% of isolates were B. linens-like but had different
semi-soft cheeses such as Camembert, Munster, Livarot Pulse-Field Gel Electrophoresis patterns than the deliber-
or Gubbeen, from blue-veined cheeses but also from ately inoculated strain. Moreover, none of the other bre-
hard cheeses such as Gruyère, Beaufort and Comté vibacteria isolated from cheese, e.g., B. casei, have been
(Piton-Malleret and Gorrieri, 1992). Generally, counts found on Tilsit, Brick and other German cheeses or on

Table 2 Diversity and identification of the smear bacteria flora from different cheeses

Number of Characterisation Identification of

Cheese isolates methods Gram-positive bacteria Authors

Limburger, 372 Phenotypic from Seiler (1986) 61% Yellow and white colonies of which: Seiler (1986)
Romadour, – 29.5% Corynebacterium: mainly C. ammoniagenes, C. variabilis
Weinkäse, and unidentified
Handkäse, Munster, – 33% Arthrobacter: A. nicotianae and unidentified
Camembert, – 1% Rhodococcus sp.
Appenzeller 31% Brevibacterium: B. linens
8% Yellow and white non-clustered isolates unidentified
Tilsit 386 Phenotypic from Seiler (1986) 45% Arthrobacter: mainly A. globiformis, A. citreus, A. nicotianae Eliskases-Lechner
and some unidentified and Ginzinger
24.5% Corynebacterium: mainly C. ammoniagenes, C. variabilis (1995a)
and unidentified
21% Brevibacterium: mainly B. linens
5% Curtobacterium: mainly Cu. poinsettiae, Cu. betae, Cu. oxydans
and Cu. helvolum
2% Microbacterium: mainly Mb. imperiale
2% Clavibacter: mainly Cl. insidiosum
0.5% unidentified
Brick cheeses: 195 Phenotypic from Seiler 41% Corynebacterium: mainly C. ammoniagenes, C. variabilis Valdès-Stauber et al.
Limburger, (1986) and unidentified (1997a)
Romadur, 24%: Arthrobacter: mainly A. nicotianae and unidentified
Weinkäse, Munster, 17% Brevibacterium: mainly B. linens
Harzer, Tilsit 10% Rhodococcus: mainly R. fascians
5% Microbacterium: mainly Mb. imperiale, Mb. oxydans and
2% Cellulomonas: C. cellulans
Tilsit unpublished Phenotypic from Bergey 5–15% Staphylococcus: mainly S. equorum, small numbers of Bockelmann et al.
(1986) S. saprophyticus and S. sciuri (1997a)
16s rRNA sequencing 75–95% Coryneform bacteria: mainly unidentified, B. linens
(some isolates) and Arthrobacter sp.
Gubbeen 400 Molecular identification 2.5% Staphylococcus sp. Brennan et al. (2002)
methods: 49% Corynebacterium casei
RAPD-PCR, 25.5% Corynebacterium mooreparkense
PFGE 12.5% Microbacterium gubbeenense
1.25% Corynebacterium flavescens
9.25% unidentified coryneforms
Secondary and Adjunct Cultures 197

Gubbeen (Seiler, 1986; Eliskases-Lechner and Ginzinger, luteus, play a role in goats’ milk cheese, but compared
1995a; Bockelmann et al., 1997a; Brennan et al., 2002). to staphylococci their numbers are not very high and
The occurrence of yellow-pigmented Arthrobacter they decrease rapidly during ripening (Michaux, 1983;
strains, especially A. nicotianae, on surface-ripened Massa and Turtura, 1989; Vernozy-Rozand et al., 1996;
cheeses has been reported (Marcellino and Benson, Caceres et al., 1997).
1992; Valdès-Stauber et al., 1997). Yellow coryneform
isolates from several varieties of Austrian cheese Staphylococcus
were classified as A. globiformis (Eliskases-Lechner Many investigators have noted the predominance of
and Ginzinger, 1995a). This was confirmed by Bock- novobiocin-resistant and coagulase-negative staphylo-
elmann et al. (1997a), who identified several yellow- cocci in cheeses, particularly in hard varieties, made
pigmented strains as A. globiformis. from ewes’ or goats’ milk (Delarras and Laban, 1981;
Some corynebacteria are major components of the Garcia et al., 1988; Massa and Turtura, 1989). Coagulase-
microflora of surface-ripened cheese. The dominant negative staphylococci are found mainly in high cell
genus differs depending on the type of cheese studied. numbers early in ripening and they make up 5–25% of
In Comté, only 12% of the surface flora was assigned to total surface cell counts (Bockelmann et al., 1997a).
the genus Corynebacterium (Piton, 1988; Piton and Staphylococcus spp. are replaced by coryneform bacteria
Fontanier, 1990) while in Brick cheeses it was the dom- after about 15 days ripening (Brennan et al., 2002). The
inant genus (nearly 50% of isolates) (Valdès-Stauber prevailing species in soft, smeared cheeses are Staph.
et al., 1997). In cheese smears, C. ammoniagenes (pre- equorum, Staph. vitulinus and Staph. xylosus (Irlinger
viously named Brevibacterium ammoniagenes) and et al., 1997). This last species is commercially available
C. variabilis (previously named Caseobacter polymorphus) as an adjunct and, is also used as a starter in fermented
were reported when the key of Seiler (1986) was used sausage. A new coagulase-negative and novobiocin-
to identify the isolates. Two newly described species, resistant Staphylococcus, S. fleuretti, has been isolated
C. mooreparkense and C. casei, were isolated from the from raw goats’ milk cheese (Vernozy-Rozand et al.,
surface of an Irish smear-ripened cheese. C. ammonia- 2000). In addition, a new subspecies, Staph. succinus
genes and C. variabile were their nearest known phylo- subsp. casei, isolated from a Swiss surface-ripened
genetic neighbours (Brennan et al., 2001a, 2002). cheese, has been described (Place et al., 2002). This
The genus, Brachybacterium, including three new species has been used as a starter component in typical
species isolated from milk and Beaufort, Gruyère and Swiss cheeses. Naturally, it is necessary to characterise
Camembert cheeses (Brachybacterium nesternkovii, these strains carefully and to confirm that they are food
B. alimentarium and B. tyrofermentans; Gvozdiak et al., grade.
1992; Schubert et al., 1996; Lefresne, 2000), may
be present on other smear cheeses. Brachybacteria are Useful properties for selecting surface bacteria as
highly salt-tolerant and yellow in colour. However, the adjuncts
incidence of Brachybacteium on cheeses has not been Growth
studied systematically. All species encountered on the cheese surface are salt
Microbacterium sp. are widely distributed in various tolerant, e.g., B. linens tolerates up to 15% of NaCl
environments and three species have been isolated (Ferchichi et al., 1985; Collin and Law, 1989). Their
from milk products or cheese, M. lacticium (Collins minimal pH for growth and their sensitivity to the ripen-
et al., 1986), M. liquefaciens (Collins et al., 1983) and ing temperature are the main determinants in colonising
M. gubbeenense (Brennan et al., 2001b). Moreover, the cheese surface. The growth rate at pH 5.8 differs sig-
Eliskases-Lechner and Ginzinger (1995a), Valdès- nificantly between strains of B. linens. Staphylococci pro-
Stauber et al. (1997) and Brennan et al. (2002) isolated mote the growth of other smear bacteria at the
8, 7 and 50 Microbacterium strains from Tilsit, Brick beginning of ripening because they grow rapidly at pH
and Gubbeen cheeses, respectively. Brennan et al. 5.5 and below (Bockelmann et al., 1997a). Conse-
(2002) showed that, generally, M. gubbeenense was isol- quently, sensitivity to pH and temperature are criteria
ated more frequently late in ripening. used in the selection of surface bacteria strains.
Until the mid-1970s, micrococci were erroneously
considered to constitute a major portion of the second- Effect on the colour of cheese surface
ary flora of cheeses and to be important for flavour The colour of the cheese surface is an important char-
development. The Micrococcus strains isolated from acteristic of smear-ripened cheeses. The contribution of
various cheeses were most probably misclassified the surface bacteria varies according to genus, species
staphylococci. However, some reports confirm that and strain. Most strains of B. linens produce distinctive
micrococci, especially Kocuria varians and Micrococcus red-orange carotenoid-type pigments but numerous
198 Secondary and Adjunct Cultures

strains are non-pigmented. Corynebacterium spp. are et al., 2002). A strain of Staph. equorum was found to
similar. Arthrobacter are generally yellow-pigmented produce a macrocyclic peptide antibiotic, micrococcin
and produce the typical red-brown colour of smear- P1, on soft cheese and to inhibit Listeria monocyto-
cheeses by conversion of yellow pigments (Bockel- genes (Carnio et al., 2000). Naturally, these antimicro-
mann et al., 1997a). Brachybacterium spp. found in bial activities provide interesting criteria for the
cheeses are yellow-pigmented and staphylococci pro- selection of strains in order to control the safety of
duce orange pigments. smear-ripened cheeses using specific adjuncts.
Of course, the colour exhibited by surface bacteria
is a major criterion used in the screening and in the Form and use of adjunct culture
selection of strains as adjuncts. Several tests are used, Like yeasts, only a few species and strains of these bac-
the most relevant being the development of colour on teria are commercially available and this does not
cheese models which takes into account the inter- reflect the complexity of the cheese surface bacteria
actions between surface microorganisms. described previously. Of course, several strains of
B. linens are often marketed by the main suppliers
Proteolysis, peptidolysis and amino acid catabolism
(Crerici-Sacco, Degussa, Chr Hansen, Rhodia Food
Although the caseinolytic activity varies greatly and Wiesby). In contrast, A. nicotianae, A. globiformis
between species and strains, this property of surface and C. flavescens are available from only two com-
bacteria has only a small additional effect on cheese panies (Degussa and Rhodia Food). Some Dairy
proteolysis. However, their peptidase activities and Research or Technical Centres may provide coryne-
amino acid catabolism are much more important for form cultures for their domestic cheese producers. For
the production of aroma compounds (Gobbetti et al., staphylococci, S. xyloasus or S. carnosus is recom-
2001; Curtin et al., 2002). Their demethiolase activity mended by Chr. Hansen and Rhodia Food, whereas
produces sulphur compounds, particularly methanthiol other companies (Bioprox, Degussa and Wiesby) do
from methionine (Brennan et al., 2002). Their deamin- not indicate the identity of the staphylococcal adjuncts
ase activity produces ammonia and degrades biogenic in their product sheets. These surface bacterial cul-
amines (Leuschner and Hammes, 1998). Moreover, tures are always available in freeze-dried form but
proteolysis plays a role in the production of the typical Wiesby market their cultures in three forms, liquid,
colour of the cheese surface (Bockelmann et al., frozen and freeze-dried. Several mixed-cultures are
1997b). Naturally, these properties are taken into con- supplied by Degussa, Rhodia Food and Wiesby, which
sideration by culture suppliers in the process of strains contain mixed bacterial species or mixtures of yeasts
selection. and bacteria. In using adjunct cultures, the manufac-
turers recommend direct inoculation of the cheese
Lipolysis milk to obtain 5.104–105 cfu ml 1 or spraying a smear
Staphylococci have higher lipolytic activity than other solution on the cheese surface.
surface bacteria (Bergère and Tourneur, 1992; Curtin
et al., 2002). However, this property is sometimes
Propionic Acid Bacteria
shown in the product sheets of suppliers, but the
methods used to characterise it are not indicated. Propionic acid bacteria (PAB) are used mainly as
adjuncts in cheeses with eyes which are also called
Antimicrobial activities Swiss-type cheeses, particularly Emmental, Jarlsberg
B. linens produces antimicrobial substances which and Maasdam (see ‘Cheese With Propionic Acid Fer-
inhibit the growth of many Gram-positive food-poi- mentation’, Volume 2). They could also be used in
soning bacteria as well as several yeasts and moulds other hard- or semi-hard cheeses for their protective
(Maisnier-Patinaud and Richard, 1995; Motta and effects and their contribution to taste and aroma.
Brandelli, 2002). Some isolates of M. lacticum show
Species found in cheeses and characteristics
anti-listerial activity (Carminati et al., 1999). Kocuria
varians NCC 1482 produces variacin, an antibiotic of The bacteria that produce propionic acid were named
the same class of antimicrobial peptides as nisin. It Propionibacterium by Orla-Jensen in 1898 and their
inhibits food-borne pathogens such as species of Ente- fermentation was studied by Pasteur and Fitz. The PAB
rococcus sp., Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus and were seriously classified only in 1928 by Van Niel but
Clostridium botulinum (Pridmore et al., 1996; most of the current classification keys emerged from
O’Mahony et al., 2001). Staphylococci produce many the work of Cummins and Johnson (1981). The ‘clas-
anti-bacterial substances such as antibiotics (Brennan sical’ or ‘dairy’ PAB should be differentiated from the
Secondary and Adjunct Cultures 199

cutaneous ones which occur on the human skin. Four have a more complex lactate metabolism. Recently, the
species are currently classified as ‘dairy’ PAB: P. acido- use of in vivo 13C-NMR was used to follow more pre-
propionici, P. freudenreichii, P. jensenii and P. thoenii. The cisely carbon metabolism in PAB and indicated the
other two ‘classical’ species, P. cyclohexanicum and presence of six other minor pathways (Deborde et al.,
P. microaerophilus, were not isolated from dairy prod- 1999; Deborde and Boyaval, 2000).
ucts (Kusano et al., 1997; Koussemon et al., 2001). In hard cheese, the rate of the propionic acid fer-
P. freudenreichii is the most common species found in mentation and CO2 production is decisive for the suc-
cheese and, consequently, is the one used as an cessful formation of the desirable round, shiny eyes. A
adjunct. Of course, the number of PAB is high around fast lactate fermentation is needed to accumulate CO2
109 cfu g l in hard cooked cheeses such as Emmental in the cheese (there must be a balance between CO2
which are ripened in a warm room. However, signifi- production in the cheese and CO2 diffusion from the
cant numbers of PAB, between 107 and 109 cfu g l, cheese). Consequently, the growth rates of PAB under
are also found in semi-hard cheeses, e.g., Abondance, conditions encountered in cheese during the ripening
Appenzell, Gouda, Maasdam, Morbier, Tomme de (pH 5.2, 1–2% NaCl, 18–22 °C) is the first criterion in
Savoie and some ewes’ milk cheeses. This is not sur- the selection of PAB. For this purpose, the use of mini-
prising because PAB are part of the natural flora of raw cheesemaking as described by Richoux and Kerjean
milk and they can grow at a low temperature. (1995) is better than in vitro studies.
Propionic acid bacteria are Gram positive, non- Acetic and propionic acids also contribute to the
motile, non-sporing, small rods (0.5–0.8 m  1 to preservation and the taste of cheese.
5 m). PAB are pleomorphic, paired small rods or
coccoid-shaped cells, often in clumps with Chinese Proteolytic activities and amino acid catabolism
characters; sometimes filamentous shapes are seen. The caseinolytic potential of PAB is estimated to be
Their genome size is between 1.6 and 3.1 kb, their 5–15 times less than that of lactococci (El Soda et al.,
G  C content ranges from 65 to 67% and plasmids 1992; Dupuis et al., 1995). Propionic acid bacteria con-
occur frequently (1–3). PAB are anaerobic to aerotol- tain numerous peptidases, including a wide spectrum
erant mesophiles and many strains are able to grow of general aminopeptidase activities and many activ-
slowly at a temperature as low as 3 °C. They are able ities towards proline-containing peptides, e.g., proline
to metabolise many different carbon sources: sugars aminopeptidase, X-prolyl-dipeptidyl aminopeptidase,
(lactose, glucose, galactose, fructose), alcohols (gly- prolinase and prolidase (Lemée et al., 1998; Gagnaire
cerols, erythritol, adonitol), organic acids (lactate, et al., 1999; Stepaniak, 2000). They are mainly intracel-
citrate, aspartate). Biotin and pantothenic acid are lular but, unfortunately, autolysis of PAB in cheese is
essential factors for their growth (Cummins and limited and slow. It is less important than autolysis of
Johnson, 1981). Optimum growth occurs in the pH lactic acid bacteria (Sahlstrom et al., 1989; Lemée et al.,
range 6.5–7, and pH 5.0–5.2 is the lowest limit for 1995; Valence et al., 1998; see Ostlie et al., 1999). Con-
the growth of most strains. Low temperatures and sequently, these proteolytic activities may be omitted in
high sodium chloride concentrations (up to 3%) the selection of PAB as secondary cultures.
enhance the inhibitory effect of low pH on the Propionibacteria are able to catabolise amino acids,
growth of PAB (Hettinga and Reinbold, 1972a,b,c). especially aspartic acid, asparagine, alanine, valine,
serine, tyrosine, glutamic acid, arginine, cysteine and
Useful properties for selecting PAB as adjuncts methionine, to different flavour compounds (Keenan
and Bills, 1968; Brendenhaug and Langsrud, 1985).
Lactate metabolism But today, the production of aroma compounds by PAB
Orla-Jensen was the pioneer researcher on the prop- remains measurable only in real cheeses. However,
ionic acid fermentation in Emmental cheese. He was their ability to metabolise aspartate is easily checked
the first to show the relationship between this in the laboratory. This aspartate deamination pathway
fermentation and eye formation (von Freudenreich leads to high CO2 production which can provoke a
and Orla-Jensen, 1906). Already in 1878, Fitz had late blowing defect in aged Emmental cheese
established the well-known stoichiometric equation: (Fröhlich-Wyder et al., 2002).

3 lactate : 2 propionate  1 acetate  1 CO2  H2O. Lipolysis

Propionic acid bacteria are well known for their
Nevertheless, this fermentation balance is often dif- high lipolytic activity and have 10–100 times more
ferent in cheese where strong propionic acid fermenta- activity than lactic acid bacteria (Oterholm et al., 1970;
tion occurs, such as Emmental. This suggests that PAB Dupuis et al., 1993). In vitro studies, as well as data
200 Secondary and Adjunct Cultures

from experimental cheeses, have shown that PAB attained (⬃109 cfu ml 1), the culture is concentrated
release FFAs in cheese (Chamba and Perreard, 2002). by centrifugation or microfiltration. Then, the biomass
P. freudenreichii exhibits the highest lipolytic activity is frozen or freeze-dried after addition of a cryopro-
but it is strain-dependant. This activity on lipids in tectant(s). The bacterial concentration of commer-
cheese produce aroma compounds through the release cially freeze-dried cultures is about 1010 cfu g 1. The
of free fatty acids and their subsequent catabolism. main commercial suppliers are Clerici Sacco, Centro
This is an important property in choosing strains as Sperimentale del Latte (CSL), CSK, Chr-Hansen,
adjuncts. Rhodhia Foods, Standa Industrie and Wiesby. Most
Unfortunately, the available laboratory methods to commercial strains are P. freudenreichii and, generally,
characterise the lipolytic activity of PAB do not correl- the number available is limited (1–3). In contrast, the
ate well with their lipolysis in cheese (Kerjean et al., portfolio of Standa Industrie contains a large choice of
2000). In order to use the lipolytic activity as a screen- cultures (⬃15) with various technological abilities. In
ing criterion for PAB, improvements in analytical addition, the frequent and strong interaction between
methods are needed. PAB and lactic acid bacteria must be taken into consid-
eration in the choice of the starters associations
Probiotic properties (Chamba, 1994; Kerjean et al., 2000).
Propionic acid bacteria can survive in the digestive The manufacturer’s recommendations for propioni-
tract and reach and maintain high populations in the bacteria are to use ⬃103 cfu ml 1 of milk for Emmen-
human intestine (Bouglé et al., 1999; Jan et al., 2002). tal-type cheese and between 105 and 106 cfu/ml for
They are able to inhibit undesirable intestinal bacteria, other cheeses. Below this amount, the risks of a slow,
and have a growth-promoting effect on bifidobacteria propionic acid fermentation and several defects, e.g.,
(Kaneko et al., 1994). Some dairy strains produce brown spots, and blind cheese, are high.
nitric oxide with a positive effect on intestinal peristal-
sis. To date, it seems that probiotic properties have not
been taken into consideration in selecting strains to be Heterofermentative Lactobacilli
used as cheese adjuncts. In spite of not being added deliberately to the milk,
heterofermentative lactobacilli grow to high numbers
Form and use of adjunct cultures
(⬃108 cfu g 1) in many hard and semi-hard cheeses,
Swiss cheesemakers were the pioneers in the use of especially in the major ripened cheeses produced such
PAB as adjuncts; their Dairy Research Station at as Cheddar and Emmental. Their use as adjuncts is in
Liebefeld-Berne began to produce selected propioni- its infancy. Very few culture producers produce hetero-
bacteria cultures as early as 1926. The use of PAB cul- fermentative lactobacilli as adjuncts. However, their
ture is justified for three main reasons: use could increase in the future.

• to replace the low level of PAB in the cheese milk Species found in cheeses
(natural or after treatment) which often is unable to
reach the necessary level to obtain a satisfactory It is generally recognised that Lactobacillus paracasei
propionic acid fermentation; subsp. paracasei, Lb. rhamnosus, Lb. plantarum and
• to increase the rate of propionic acid fermentation in Lb. curvatus are the main species of facultative heterofer-
order to obtain the desirable openings or eyes (the mentative lactobacilli (FHL) in cheese (Jordan and
balance between CO2 production and CO2 diffusion); Cogan, 1993; Lindberg et al., 1996; Coppola et al., 1997;
• to better control propionic acid fermentation and Bouton et al., 1998; Crow et al., 2001). They are Gram
cheese quality. positive, non-motile and catalase negative, their G  C
content ranges from 44 to 47%. Under the microscope,
Generally, PAB are not cultivated in the cheese fac- FHL appear as short rods. They are aerotolerant and
tories because their cultivation is laborious, time- mesophilic and are able to grow at 15 °C; Lb. paracasei
consuming and sensitive to microbial contamination. In subsp. paracasei and Lb. rhamnosus can grow at 45 °C
the past, liquid cultures were the normal form; today, but Lb. plantarum cannot. Many sugars, such as lactose,
concentrated frozen or freeze-dried cultures are com- glucose, galactose, fructose and especially ribose, are fer-
monly supplied by specialised companies or Dairy mented with production of L- or DL-lactate, but without
Research Centres. These cultures are added directly to CO2 production, and some strains metabolise lactate,
the milk in the cheese vat. Production of PAB is done citrate, amino acids and glycolipids (Williams et al.,
in a sterile fermenter using complex media containing 2000). The fermentation of pentoses results in produc-
lactate. After the desired number of bacteria has been tion of lactic and acetic acids. The heat resistance of
Secondary and Adjunct Cultures 201

heterofermentative lactobacilli varies according to the PepN-like aminopeptidase, which shows broad sub-
species and strain. Lb. paracasei and Lb. rhamnosus are strate specificity (Magboul and McSweeney, 1999).
more resistant than Lb. plantarum. They can survive pas- Amino acid catabolism and the production of
teurisation at 72–75 °C for 15 s (Jordan and Cogan, aroma compounds by heterofermentative lactobacilli,
1999). Likewise, the two former species resist the cook- especially their glutamate dehydrogenase activity,
ing temperature, 50–55 °C for at least 1 h, used in hard appear to be one of the determinant properties for
cheeses such as Emmental and Grana. their use as cheese adjuncts. This activity also provides
Lb. brevis, Lb. buchneri and Lb. fermentum are the -ketoglutarate for transamination of other amino
main obligatory heterofermentative lactobacilli encoun- acids to produce aroma compounds (Rijnen et al.,
tered in cheese. The C  G content of Lb. fermentum, at 2000). This activity is strain-dependant; about half of
52–54%, differs from other lactobacilli. These three Lb. plantarum and Lb. paracasei strains have glutamate
species produce DL lactate, ethanol and CO2 from glu- dehydrogenase activity (Tanous et al., 2002). More-
cose. Gluconate is also fermented and arginine is over, Lb. fermentum and Lb. reuteuri produce aroma
metabolised with the production of NH3. Lb. brevis and compounds from sulphur amino acids but Lb. brevis,
Lb. buchnerii can grow at 15 °C but Lb. fermentum can- Lb. paracasei and Lb. curvatus do not (de Angelis et al.,
not; Lb. brevis does not grow at 45 °C, but Lb. buchneri 2002). Consequently, measurement of aminopeptidase
and Lb. fermentum can. The obligatory heterofermenta- activity and the ability to catabolise amino acids
tive lactobacilli have been considered as a spoilage bac- should be taken into account in their selection.
teria in cheese for a long time, but this opinion should
be revised. Generally, FHL are present in cheese in Formation of biogenic amines
much higher numbers than obligate heterofermenting Amino acid decarboxylase activity of obligately hetero-
lactobacilli. fermentative lactobacilli, particularly Lb. buchneri, has
Heterofermentative lactobacilli are regarded as an been implicated in biogenic amine production in Swiss
adventitious flora in cheese and they originate in the cheeses and outbreaks of food poisoning (Sumner et al.,
raw milk and factory environment. This flora can reach 1985; Joosten and Northolt, 1987). It is certainly an
108 cfu g 1 in most, if not all, ripened cheeses. In spite exceptional case since the use of Lb. fermentum and Lb.
of this observation, which was made over 30 years ago, buchnerii as adjuncts in Emmental cheese produced less
the role of heterofermenting lactobacilli in flavour for- than 10 mg kg 1 of histamine and 50 mg kg 1 of tyra-
mation in cheese is still unclear compared to the mine (Chamba, 2000). However, Crow et al. (2001) take
homofermentative starter lactobacilli. The use of het- the ability to form biogenic amines into consideration in
erofermentative lactobacilli as cheese adjunct culture is screening heterofermentative lactobacilli as cheese
still at an early stage. adjuncts.

Lipolytic activities
Useful properties to select heterofermentative
lactobacilli as adjuncts Like other lactic acid bacteria, heterofermentative
lactobacilli are generally considered to be weakly
Heterofermentative lactobacilli exhibit a large diversity lipolytic in comparison with other microorganisms,
of properties and their effects on cheese characteristics such as PAB, corynebacteria, yeast and moulds in
vary from negative to no effect to positive effects. cheese (Knaut and Mazurek, 1974; Khalid and Marth,
These properties are strongly strain-dependant and 1990; Fox et al., 1993; Gobbetti et al., 1997). There-
offer several ways for their selection as adjuncts. fore, lipolytic activity can be omitted in the selection
of heterofermentative lactobacilli as adjuncts.
Proteolysis and amino acids catabolism
The proteinase activity of heterofermentative lacto- Antagonistic activities
bacilli seems to be lower than that of homofermenta- The production of inhibitory metabolites and bacterio-
tive lactobacilli and their contribution to casein cins by heterofermentative lactobacilli is also problem-
hydrolysis during ripening of Cheddar cheese appears atic in cheese. The first one was observed against PAB in
to be relatively small (Lynch et al., 1997). In contrast, Swiss cheese. Lb. casei and Lb. rhamnosus produce
the peptidase activities, at least in certain strains, con- acetate, formate and small amounts of diacetyl from cit-
tribute to the hydrolysis of bitter peptides to non-bitter rate in cheese and interfere negatively with the growth of
peptides with the release of free amino acids (Gagnaire P. freudenreichii (Jimeno et al., 1995). Swiss researchers
et al., 2001). This is the case for Lb. casei subsp. casei use this ability to prevent secondary fermentation,
LLG which has an active aminopeptidase and a pro- which causes cracks and splits in Emmental cheese.
line-specific peptidase with debittering activity (Park Antimicrobial activities of lactobacilli have been
et al., 1995). Likewise, Lb. curvatus DPC 2024 has a known and recognised for more than 14 years. Many
202 Secondary and Adjunct Cultures

heterofermentative lactobacilli such as Lb. brevis, Lb. cur- bacilli, remain an uncontrolled part of the cheese micro-
vatus, Lb. fermentum, Lb. plantarum and Lb. rhamnosus bial ecosystem. For that reason, their use as adjuncts
produce bacteriocins. Generally, these inhibit several should increase in the next years in order to:
Gram-positive bacteria, including enterococci, clostridia,
• Overcome the probable negative effect encountered by
S. aureus and Listeria spp., but, unfortunately, lactic acid
the growth of the indigenous flora. For this purpose,
bacteria are also frequently inhibited (Klaenhammer
useful strains of heterofermentative lactobacilli must
et al., 1994; Malik et al., 1994). It is possible that this
be able to grow faster than the indigenous NSLAB
property will become important in the future use of het-
without affecting the characteristics of the cheese.
erofermentative lactobacilli as cheese adjuncts.
• Improve cheese quality by using adjuncts with
An interesting inhibitory activity against the spoilage
desirable properties.
bacterium, Clostridium tyrobutyricum, is produced by
Lb. rhamnosus LC705 (DSM7051). This was patented In Switzerland, the use of FHL as adjuncts is com-
and is commercially available (Maÿra-Mäkinen and mon for Emmental cheese to prevent late blowing.
Suomalainen, 1996). This adjunct was tested success- This adjunct is supplied by the Federal Dairy Research
fully in Emmental and Gouda cheeses. In Gouda cheese, Institute, Liebefeld-Berne, and the recommended level
Lb. rhamnosus LC705 provides an efficient substitute for of inoculation is around 1  104 cfu ml 1 of cheese
nitrate. milk.
For Cheddar cheese, Crow et al. (2001) provide a
Probiotic properties very good description of the screening process to select
Some strains of heterofermentative lactobacilli, Lb. casei NSLAB as starter adjuncts which are used at levels of
Shirota, Lb. plantarum DSM9843, Lb. rhamnosus GG, 300–1000 cfu ml 1 of vat milk. They maintain that
have shown probiotic capabilities such as the prevention ‘NSLAB adjuncts are required for improved flavour
and treatment of diarrhoeal disease, intestinal inflamma- control in aged cheeses such as mature Cheddar as
tion or permeability disorders, immunomodulation and uncontrolled adventitious strains of NSLAB can cause
tumour prevention (Huis In’t Veld and Marteau, 1997). defects’. From this sentence, can we understand that
Their ability to survive in the gastro-intestinal tract and the use of NSLAB as cheese adjuncts is now a common
colonise the intestine, especially exopolysaccharide- practice in New Zealand?
producing strains, could be useful in the development of Today, the portfolios of heterofermentative lacto-
probiotic dairy products (Chabot et al., 2001). In this bacilli usable as cheese adjunct from starter suppliers
way, Gardiner et al. (1998) have shown that cheese is a are small. Heterofermentative lactobacilli are frequently
better vector than fermented milk for increasing the marketed as probiotics, for example by Clericii-Sacco,
numbers of lactobacilli in the intestines of piglets. The CSL, DSM Food Specialities, Chr. Hansen or Rhodia
use of heterofermentative lactobacilli selected for their Foods. Only a few cultures are available and often
probiotic properties as cheese adjuncts could be a these are sold as mixed cultures with other lactic acid
possibility in the future. bacteria or with surface-ripening microorganisms.
Wiesby market Lb. rhamnosus strain LC 705 which
Form and use of adjunct cultures inhibits Cl. tyrobutyricum. Generally, these cultures are
The statement of Fox et al. (1993) ‘The contribution of in freeze-dried form for direct inoculation of the vat
NSLAB to cheese ripening and quality is a vexed ques- milk or sometimes for bulk starter preparation.
tion’ remains topical. The main reason for this statement
is certainly the high versatility of heterofermentative
lactobacilli. Their effects are strain-specific, strongly
affected by the technological context and probably by Barnett, J.A., Payne, R.W. and Yarrow, D. (1990). A Guide to
the interactions with other microorganism in cheese. Identifying and Classifying Yeasts, Cambridge University
This is probably why the supply of heterofermentative Press, Cambridge.
lactobacilli as adjuncts is still limited. Baroiller, C. and Schmidt, J.L. (1990). Contribution à l’étude
Nowadays, in modern cheese factories, cheesemak- de l’origine des levures du fromage de camembert. Lait
70, 67–84.
ing conditions are better and more clearly understood
Bârtschi, C., Berthier, J. and Valla, G. (1994). Inventaire des
and good hygiene is practised. The bulk milk is of good flores fongiques de surface du reblochon de Savoie. Lait
quality; the cheese milk is standardised (for fat and pro- 74, 105–114.
tein), clarified and thermised. Technological and envir- Bergère, J.L. and Tourneur, C. (1992). Les bactéries de sur-
onmental parameters of cheesemaking and ripening are face des fromages, in, Les Groupes Microbiens d’Intérêt
under control. Moreover, efficient starters are used. Nev- Laitier, J. Hermier, J. Lenoir, F. Weber, eds, Cepil, Paris.
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Secondary and Adjunct Cultures 203

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Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical
and Biological Aspects
T.P. Guinee and P.F. Fox, Dairy Products Research Centre, Moorepark, Fermoy,
Ireland. Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, University College, Cork, Ireland

which are hypertension and increased calcium excretion
The use of salt (NaCl) as a food preservative dates from which may lead to osteoporosis (see Abernethy, 1979;
pre-historic times and, together with fermentation and Anonymous, 1980, 1983; Moses, 1980; Schroeder et al.,
dehydration (air/sun), is one of the classical methods of 1988; Midgley et al., 1996; Beard et al., 1997; McCarron,
food preservation. So useful and widespread was the use 1997; Beilin, 1999; Cutler, 1999; Feldman and Schmidt,
of salt as a food preservative in Classical and Medieval 1999; Korhonen et al., 1999, 2000; Cappuccio et al., 2000;
times that it was a major item of trade and was used as a Kaplan, 2000; McCarron and Reusser, 2000).
form of currency in exchange for goods and labour. It is Cheese, even when consumed in large amounts (see
perhaps a little surprising that Man discovered the ‘Cheese: An Overview’, Volume 1), as in France and
application of salt in food preservation so early in civil- Switzerland, makes a relatively small contribution to
ization since, in contrast to fermentation and dehydra- dietary Na intake, although it may be a major contrib-
tion, salting is not a ‘natural event’ in foods but requires utor in individual cases where large amounts of high-
a conscious act. It is interesting that the three classical salt cheese, e.g., Blue, Feta or Domiati, are consumed.
methods of food preservation, i.e., fermentation, dehy- Nevertheless, there is interest in many western coun-
dration and salting, are exploited in cheese manufacture tries in the production of low-Na cheese, for at least
and, in fact, are interdependent. The fourth common certain sectors in the population, but, as discussed in
method for food preservation, i.e, use of high and/or ‘Reduced Sodium Cheese’, this has significant reper-
low temperatures, was less widespread than the others cussions in cheese manufacture. The most common
because the exploitation of low temperatures was con- approach at present is to replace some or all of the
fined to relatively few areas until the development of NaCl by KCl, but apart from cost, this practice
mechanical refrigeration about 1870 and, although adversely affects the taste of cheese since the taste of
heating was probably used to extend the shelf-life of KCl is distinctly different from that of NaCl and a bit-
foods throughout civilization, its controlled use dates ter flavour (not due to abnormal proteolysis) is
from the work of Nicolas Appert (1809) and Louis detectable in cheese containing 1%, w/w, KCl (see
Pasteur (1860–1864). In modern cheese technology, ‘Reduced Sodium Cheese’ for discussion on low-
temperature control complements the other three meth- sodium cheese).
ods of food preservation. The third major feature of the use of NaCl in foods
The level (%, w/w) of salt in cheese ranges from ⬃0.7 is its direct contribution to flavour. The taste of salt is
in Swiss to ⬃6 for Domiati (see Table 1). Salt, together highly appreciated by many and saltiness is regarded
with the desired pH, water activity and redox potential, as one of the four basic flavours. Presumably, the char-
contributes to minimization of spoilage and prevention acteristic taste of NaCl resides in the Na moiety since
of the growth of pathogens in cheese (see Naguib et al., KCl has a distinctly different flavour sensation. At
1979; Russell and Gould, 1991; Eckner et al., 1994; least part of the desirability of salt flavour is acquired
Guraya et al., 1998; Bolton and Frank, 1999; Erkmen, but while one can easily adjust to the flavour of foods
2001). In addition to its preservative effect, NaCl plays without added salt, the flavour of salt-free cheese is
two other important roles in foods. Man requires ⬃2.4 g Na, insipid and ‘watery’, even to somebody not ‘addicted’
i.e., ⬃6 g NaCl, per day (Kaplan, 2000) and although to salt; the use of 0.8%, w/w, NaCl is probably suffi-
this requirement can be met through the indigenous cient to overcome the insipid taste (Schroeder et al.,
Na content of foods, added NaCl is a major source in 1988).
modern western diets. In fact, western diets contain In this chapter, we will concentrate on the signifi-
approximately two to three times more Na than is neces- cance of NaCl in cheese ripening rather than on its
sary and excessive intakes of Na have toxic, or at least dietary and direct flavour effects. NaCl influences
undesirable, physiological effects, the most significant of cheese ripening principally through its effects on
Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, Third edition – Volume 1: General Aspects Copyright © 2004 Elsevier Ltd
ISBN: 0-1226-3652-X All rights reserved
Set ISBN: 0-1226-3651-1
208 Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects

Table 1 Typical composition of major cheeses (from various sources)

Cheese Moisture (%, w/w) Salt (%, w/w) S/M a (%, w/w) pH

Blue 42 4.5 10.5 6.5

Brick 40 1.9 4.8 6.4
Bulgarian White 32 3.5 10.9 5.0
Camembert 52 2.5 4.8 6.9
Cheddar 37 1.5 4.1 5.5
Edam 43 2.0 4.7 5.7
Emmental 35 0.7 2.0 5.6
Gouda 41 2.0 4.9 5.8
Grana (Parmesan) 31 2.6 8.4 5.4
Gruyère 33 1.1 3.3 5.7
Limburger 45 2.0 4.4 6.8
Muenster 43 1.8 4.2 6.2
Provolone 42 3.0 7.1 5.4
Pecorino Romano 23 5.5 23.9 5.4
Roquefort 40 3.5 8.8 6.4
Domiati 55 6.0 10.9 4.6
Feta 53 3.0 5.7 4.5

a S/M  salt-in-moisture.

water activity but it probably has some more specific The use of salt, together with buffering capacity, to
effects also. Among the principal effects of salt are: regulate the final pH appears to be confined almost
exclusively to British-type cheeses, i.e., dry-salted var-
• control of microbial growth and activity;
ieties such as Cheddar, Cheshire and Stilton. The curds
• control of the various enzyme activities in cheese;
for most, if not all, non-British cheeses are placed
• syneresis of the curd and thus in a reduction in
in moulds while the pH is still high (6.0) and acid
cheese moisture, which also influences the above;
development continues during pressing. Since a level of
• physical changes in cheese proteins which influence
NaCl 1.5%, w/w, inhibits starter activity, such cheeses
cheese texture, protein solubility and probably pro-
are salted by immersion in brine or by surface applica-
tein conformation.
tion of dry salt. In British cheeses, the pH has almost
reached its ultimate value at hooping and salt is added
Control of Microbial Growth to maintain the pH at that desired value. One could
probably argue that the method of salting cheese that
Probably the most extreme example of the use of NaCl
predominates in a certain region reflects the form of salt
for this purpose in cheese is in the manufacture of
available locally; in regions where salt deposits occur,
Domiati cheese from milk to which 12–15%, w/w,
dry salt was readily available and thus permitted the
NaCl is added to inhibit bacterial growth and thus
manufacture of cheese in which dry salt was added to
maintain milk quality (Naguib et al., 1979; Sußmuth,
the curd or to the surface of the cheese; in regions
1998; ‘Cheese Varieties Ripened in Brine’, Volume 2).
where salt was prepared by evaporation of sea water, it
For all other major varieties, NaCl is added after curd
would have been more convenient to salt the cheese by
formation but nevertheless it plays a major role in reg-
immersion in concentrated brine rather than wait for
ulating and controlling cheese microflora.
The simplest example of this is the contribution of
Curd for Cheddar and similar varieties contains
NaCl to the regulation of cheese pH, which in turn
⬃0.6–1.0%, w/w, lactose at hooping (Turner and Thomas,
influences cheese ripening and texture.
1980); this is fermented during the early stages of ripen-
The pH of cheese may be regulated by:
ing by continued starter activity but this depends
• reducing the amount of residual lactose in the curds by strongly on the salt-in-moisture (S/M) level in the curd
washing the curds with water, as practised in the manu- and the salt tolerance of the starter. Irvine and Price
facture of Dutch-type, Tallegio and Cottage cheeses; (1961) showed that acid development by six commer-
• the natural buffering capacity of the cheese and the cial lactic acid cultures in reconstituted 10%, w/v, skim
toxic effect of the lactate anion which establishes a nat- milk powder (RSM) was either stimulated or not
ural lower limit to pH (⬃4.5), e.g., Blue, Camembert, affected by a low level (1%, w/w) of NaCl but was
hard Italian varieties; strongly inhibited by 2.5%, w/w, NaCl. However, even
• addition of salt. at 5%, w/w, NaCl, acid was produced by all starters to
Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects 209

a level ⬃45–55% of the maximum. In the same study, et al., 1999), decreased to 5.2 at 1 day, i.e., similar to that
portions (454 g) of curd at pH ⬃6.05 were taken after of half-fat Cheddar salted at pH 5.3. This observation
whey drainage and placed in brine containing 0–5%, confirms the findings of Irvine and Price (1961), i.e.,
w/w, NaCl at ⬃38 °C for 2 h; a sample of the curd held that S/M #4%, w/w, has little inhibitory effect on starter
in the cheese whey was used as a control sample (it is lactococci in Cheddar curd, and suggests that the pH of
assumed that the S/M equilibrium between the brine Cheddar is controlled by a combination of salting and
and curd moisture was rapid because of the high tem- buffering capacity. Cheshire cheese has a considerably
perature and the open structure of the mass of curd par- lower pH than Cheddar (e.g., typically 4.7–4.9 com-
ticles). The pH decreased to a minimum of 5.53 at 2%, pared to 5.1–5.3). This low pH is probably primarily due
w/w, NaCl brine but did not fall below 5.9 at 5%, w/w, to a high level of starter (⬃4%) and, consequently, a very
NaCl brine; the pH of curd held in 4%, w/w, NaCl brine rapid rate of acidification, which causes extensive solu-
was similar to that of curd held in water (0%, w/w NaCl bilization of colloidal calcium phosphate and a reduction
brine) (Fig. 1). The pH decreased to 5.65, 5.53, 5.62 in buffering capacity (Lucey and Fox, 1993). As a result,
and 5.90 at 0, 2, 4 and 5%, w/w, NaCl brine, respect- although Cheshire is salted at a level and at a curd acid-
ively (Fig. 1). These results suggest that starter activity ity similar to that for Cheddar (Robinson and Wilbey,
is stimulated by 2%, w/w, NaCl. Overall, the experi- 1998), the pH of the former is lower, because of
ments of Irvine and Price (1961) suggest that the the lower buffering capacity, a higher moisture level, a
growth of lactococci in Cheddar curd is generally not higher lactate content and, hence, a higher lactate-
inhibited by #4%, w/w, S/M and that the inhibitory to-buffering ratio.
effect of NaCl is less in curd than in RSM. This conclu- This importance of S/M in controlling the pH
sion is supported by the results of Schroeder et al. of Cheddar curd is also evident from the data of
(1988) who found that varying S/M level from 0.18 to O’Connor (1974). Curd (presumably at ⬃pH 5.3) was
4.1%, w/w, had little effect on the starter population in salted at a varying level in the range 0.5–6%, w/w
1-day-old Cheddar cheese made with a six-strain cul- (Fig. 2). The pH decreased after salting, presumably
ture of Lactococcus lactis supsp. cremoris. due to the action of starter, at S/M levels 5%, w/w,
The pH at which salt was added to RSM and curd but starter activity decreased abruptly at higher values
(6.7 and 6.05, respectively) in the study of Irvine and of S/M, and the pH remained high or increased. The
Price (1961) was much higher than that (⬃5.25–5.35) grade assigned to the cheese also decreased sharply at
at which full-fat Cheddar is salted in practice and, there- S/M levels 5%, w/w. The control of pH and lactose
fore, may not reflect the full combined inhibitory effect metabolism by S/M concentration in commercial
of salt and low pH. However, the pH of half-fat Cheddar Cheddar cheese, produced with a linear S/M gradient
which was salted at pH ⬃5.75, rather than at 5.3, to of 4–6%, w/w, within a single cheese, was clearly
increase the moisture level (Guinee et al., 1998; Fenelon demonstrated (Fig. 3) by Thomas and Pearce (1981).




Cheese pH





0 1 2 3 4 5

Concentration of brine, %, w/w, NaCl

Figure 1 Influence of NaCl concentration on the pH of Cheddar cheese curds after holding in the brine for 2 h at 37.7 °C; the pH of
the mass of curd particles at the time of placing in the brine was 6.05 (redrawn from Irvine and Price, 1961).
210 Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects

28 The above studies show that inhibition of starter

(maximum 30 points) occurs within quite a narrow S/M range (Fig. 2),
emphasizing the importance of precise control of S/M
Total grade score

level. However, since the sensitivity of starter cultures
to salt varies, the influence of NaCl concentration on
24 post-salting acid production in cheese obviously
depends on the starter used and a general value for
22 S/M cannot be definitely stated. At pH 5.3, Lactococ-
cus lactis subsp. lactis strains are generally more salt-
tolerant than strains of Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris but
there is also considerable variation in salt sensitivity
5.5 between strains of Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris (Martley
and Lawrence, 1972; Turner and Thomas, 1980). If
5.4 starter activity is inhibited after manufacture, residual
lactose will be metabolized by non-starter lactic acid
bacteria (NSLAB). However, the number of NSLAB
present, which is influenced by the level of contamin-

ation at salting, level of S/M, NSLAB strain, rapidity

with which pressed curd is cooled and ripening
temperature (Fryer, 1982; Jordan and Cogan, 1993;
5.1 Bechaz et al., 1998), is usually insufficient (e.g.,
#1000 cfu/g) to cause significant lactose metabolism
5.0 for several days and, consequently, the pH falls slowly.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
In the study by Turner and Thomas (1980), NSLAB,
Salt-in-moisture, %, w/w
mainly Pediococcus, were more salt-tolerant than starter
Figure 2 Relationship between the salt-in-moisture (S/M) level bacteria and metabolized the lactose with the produc-
and the pH () at eight weeks, and between the S/M and the tion of DL-lactate and the racemization of L-lactate.
total grade score (maximum 30) (●) of cheeses made from the Non-starter lactic acid bacteria grew in all cheeses but
same vat but salted at different levels (drawn from data of
O’Connor, 1974, from Lawrence and Gilles, 1982).
their growth was markedly dependent on temperature
and they had little influence on lactose or lactate
concentration until numbers exceeded 106–107 cfu/ml.
The high salt tolerance of NSLAB was confirmed by
1 5.4
Jordan and Cogan (1993) who found that ⬃90% of
NSLAB strains (Lactobacillus casei, Lb. plantarum and
Lb. curvatus) isolated from commercial Cheddar grew
0.8 in the presence of 6%, w/w, NaCl while 58% grew in
Lactose, g/100 g cheese

the presence of 8%, w/w, NaCl. Similarly, Lane et al.

(1997) reported that ⬃6%, w/w, S/M was required to
0.6 retard the growth of NSLAB in Cheddar cheese and
NSLAB numbers after ripening for 6 months were

approximately equal at all S/M levels (2.8–6.1%,
0.4 w/w). The greater salt tolerance of NSLAB was clearly
apparent from the study of Thomas and Pearce
(1981), which showed that the fermentation of lac-
0.2 tose to D-lactate and the racemization of L-lactate in
cheeses with 6%, w/w, S/M occurred relatively late
(90–180 days) during ripening. However, the results
0 5.0 of Bechaz et al. (1998), which showed significantly
4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 higher populations of NSLAB in reduced-salt Cheddar
Salt-in-moisture, g/100 g (1.0%, w/w) than in the control (1.8%, w/w), suggest
that salt level has a major effect on the growth of
Figure 3 Effect of salt-in-moisture concentration on lactose
concentration () and pH () within a single block of Cheddar NSLAB. The salt resistance of lactococci and other
analysed at 14 days after manufacture (redrawn from Thomas bacterial species isolated from African cheeses was
and Pearce, 1981). studied in detail by Sußmuth (1998).
Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects 211

Although acid production can be uncoupled from cell and Lb. lactis subsp. lactis were also less salt tolerant,
growth, it is likely that acid production at low salt levels being inhibited by 0.95 M and 0.90 M NaCl, respectively.
will be accompanied by high cell numbers which tend to Data on the sensitivity of propionibacteria to NaCl
lead to bitterness (Lowrie and Lawrence, 1972). Not sur- appear to be variable: Orla-Jensen (1931) reported that
prisingly, bitterness in Cheddar cheese is markedly influ- concentrations of NaCl as low as 0.5%, w/w, are suffi-
enced by S/M level over a very narrow range; Lc. lactis cient to reduce the growth of Propionibacterium in a
subsp. cremoris HP generally yielded bitter cheese at S/M medium containing calcium lactate. However, Antila
levels 4.3%, w/w, but rarely at 4.9%, w/w (Lawrence (1954) reported that 3%, w/w, NaCl is necessary to
and Gilles, 1969). reduce growth. In fact, salt tolerance appears to be
In the foregoing discussion on the influence of NaCl strain- and pH-dependent (Rollman and Sjostrom,
on the fermentation of residual lactose in cheese curd 1946); in a lactate medium, 6%, w/w, NaCl was req-
by starter microorganisms, it has been assumed that the uired to inhibit the growth of a fast-growing strain of
NaCl is distributed throughout the cheese within a Propionibacterium at pH 7.0 and 3%, w/w, at pH 5.2,
very short period after salting. However, this is not so. whereas a slow-growing strain was more salt-tolerant at
Cheddar cheese curd is usually milled into quite large pH 5.2 than at pH 7.0. The data of Rüegg and Blanc
particles (chips) of cross-section 2 cm  2 cm or larger. (1981) show that P. shermanii was the most salt tolerant
Obviously, dry salt applied to the surface of such chips of the starter species investigated; its critical NaCl con-
requires a considerable period of time to diffuse to the centration was 1.15 M (⬃6.7%, w/w; aw  0.955).
centre of the chips and to attain an inhibitory level Boyaval et al. (1999) studied the effect of varying NaCl
throughout (see ‘Factors that influence salt diffusion in concentration (0–0.8 M; ⬃0.0–4.8%, w/w, S/M) on the
cheese during salting’). Consequently, starter bacteria growth of P. freudenreichii subsp. shermanii CIP 103027
will continue to grow and produce acid at the centre of in a chemically-defined medium (modified M63), Yeast
a chip for a considerable period after growth at the sur- Extract-Lactate medium (YEL), or 10% (w/v) reconsti-
face has ceased. tuted skim milk at pH 7.0 and at 30 °C under quiescent
Experimental support for this is provided by the conditions. Increasing NaCl concentration in modified
experiments of Hoecker and Hammer (1944) who M63 resulted in a progressive decrease in cell growth,
measured the levels of salt and moisture and pH at with a 50% reduction at 0.3 M and almost complete
the surface and centre of individual chips, prised inhibition at 0.7 M. Growth inhibition was due to the
from a block of Cheddar cheese, over a 72 h period osmotic effect rather than NaCl per se, as reflected by the
after salting and pressing. Their data showed that the similar inhibition of growth on substitution of NaCl by
pH fell faster and to a lower value at the centre, KCl or sucrose. In YEL or milk, 0.79 and 0.25 M NaCl,
where NaCl concentration was lower, than at the sur- respectively, were needed to double the generation time,
face. In one experiment, the difference in pH per- and concentrations of 1.5 M and 1.0 M to effectively
sisted for 72 h but in a duplicate experiment the inhibit growth completely. Differences in the effect of
difference in pH had essentially disappeared after 48 h. salt on growth rate in the three media were attributed to
Thomas and Pearce (1981) showed that a higher the presence of different types and levels of osmoprotect-
level of added salt is required to inhibit lactose ive compounds, such as choline and glycine-betaine in
metabolism when the curd is milled into large chips YEL and various choline derivatives and carnitine in
than smaller ones. milk. While some inhibition of P. shermanii is expected
In surface-salted Meshanger cheese, Noomen (1977) in Emmental cheese, the aqueous phase of which has an
showed considerable zonal variations in lactose and osmolarity ⬃0.7 M NaCl (Salvat-Brunaud et al., 1997),
pH throughout the cheese in response to variations in the presence of osmoprotective compounds in milk
S/M concentration. Similarly, Pavia et al. (1999) showed assists growth (Boyaval et al., 1999). Interestingly,
that a decreasing S/M gradient from the surface (⬃9%, Emmental cheese, which contains ⬃0.7%, w/w, is the
w/w) to the centre (⬃0.2%, w/w) of freshly brine- least heavily salted among major cheese varieties.
salted Manchego cheese was paralleled by a pH gradi- Blue cheeses are among the most heavily salted var-
ent in the same direction and a lactate gradient in the ieties, with 3–5%, w/w, NaCl (Stilton 3%, w/w).
opposite direction, indicating inhibition of the starter Ripening in these varieties is dominated by Penicillium
culture. Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus is roqueforti and consequently good growth of this mould
considerably less salt-tolerant than Lc. lactis subsp. lac- is paramount. Germination of P. roqueforti spores is
tis (Rüegg and Blanc, 1981); its critical NaCl concen- stimulated by 1%, w/w, NaCl but inhibited by 3–6%,
tration is 0.4 M (2.34%, w/w), corresponding to an aw w/w, NaCl, depending on strain. However, the growth of
of 0.984, compared with 1.1 M NaCl (aw  0.965) for germinated spores on malt extract agar or in cheese
Lc. lactis subsp. lactis; Lb. delbrueckii subsp. helveticus curd is less dependent on NaCl concentration than is
212 Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects

germination, and some strains grow in cheese curd Kasperson, 1998) and on salting at 1.36%, w/w (S/M 
containing 10%, w/w, NaCl, although growth is retarded 2.55%, w/w) in Mozzarella (Guo et al., 1997). The
compared to that in curd containing less NaCl inverse relationship between casein degradation and salt
(Godinho and Fox, 1981a,b). Morris (1981) reported concentration in cheese is mirrored by the reduction in
that it is fairly common commercial practice to add 1%, the level of pH 4.6-soluble N and/or water-soluble N (as %,
w/w, NaCl to Blue cheese curd before hooping, possibly w/w, total N), and/or NPN in Blue (Godinho and Fox,
to stimulate spore germination, although it also serves 1982), Camembert (O’Nulain, 1986; Table 2), Cheddar
to give the cheese a more open structure which facili- (Thakur et al., 1975; Kelly et al., 1996), Danbo (Kris-
tates mould growth. Since most Blue cheeses are surface- tiansen et al., 1999), Ragusano (Licitra et al., 2000),
salted, a salt gradient from the surface to the centre Romano (Guinee and Fox, 1984; Fox and Guinee,
exists for a considerable period after manufacture; a 1987), Feta (Pappas et al., 1996) and other cheeses (Wis-
high initial level of salt in the outside zone of the cheese niewska et al., 1990). In contrast to the above trends, the
may inhibit spore germination at a critical time and a level of water-soluble N in serum expressed on centrifu-
mould-free zone at the outside is a common defect in gation of unsalted low-moisture Mozzarella cheese at its
Blue cheeses (Godinho and Fox, 1981b). unadjusted pH is significantly lower than that from
Growth of P. camemberti is also stimulated by low levels salted cheese (Guo et al., 1997). However, the higher
of NaCl; 0.8%, w/w, NaCl, mould growth on Camembert water-soluble N in the former is due to an increase
cheese is poor and patchy (O’Nulain, 1986). in casein hydration as a result of a salting-in-effect at a
S/M level of ⬃2.6%, w/w (see ‘Effect of NaCl on casein
hydration in model systems and in cheese’) rather than
Influence of NaCl on Enzyme Activity to proteolysis which is very low in low-moisture Moz-
in Cheese zarella. The latter effect is somewhat similar to the large
increase in soluble N obtained on adding sodium citrate
or sodium phosphate emulsifying salts during the manu-
With the exception of Emmental and similar high- facture of processed cheese, even though the level of
cooked cheeses, the initial proteolysis in cheese is pH 4.6-soluble N remains essentially constant (see
catalysed by residual coagulant. Polyacrylamide gel ‘Pasta-Filata Cheeses’, ‘Pasteurized Processed Cheese and
electrophoresis of cheese during ripening has shown Substitute/Imitation Cheese Products’ and ‘Cheese as an
that in hard and semi-hard, bacterially-ripened cheeses, Ingredient’, Volume 2).
s1-casein undergoes considerable proteolysis but In contrast to the trends noted for s1-casein, proteo-
-casein remains unchanged until an advanced stage of lysis of -casein in dilute solution by chymosin or
ripening (Ledford et al., 1966; Phelan et al., 1973; pepsins is strongly inhibited by 5%, w/w, and com-
Creamer, 1975; Visser and de Groot-Mostert, 1977; Yun pletely inhibited by 10%, w/w, NaCl (Fox and Walley,
et al., 1995; Kristiansen et al., 1999; Fenelon and 1971; Lane and Fox, 1999). Sucrose and glycerol selec-
Guinee, 2000; Feeney et al., 2001; ‘Proteolysis in Cheese tively inhibit proteolysis of -casein by chymosin and
during Ripening’, Volume 1). A similar pattern is evident pepsins (Creamer, 1971; Al-Mzaien, 1985). KCl, LiCl,
during the early phases of mould-ripened cheeses, when NH4Cl and CaCl2 are as effective as NaCl in inhibit-
the coagulant is the principal ripening agent (Godinho ing the proteolysis of -casein (O’Nulain, 1986). Since
and Fox, 1982; Hewedi and Fox, 1984) but fungal pro- the inhibitory effect of solutes is substrate- rather
teinases dominate in these cheeses during the later than enzyme-specific, it appears that NaCl and similar
phases of ripening (see ‘Surface Mould-ripened Cheeses’ solutes cause some conformational changes in -casein
and ‘Blue Cheese’, Volume 2). (Barford et al., 1988) which render its chymosin (pepsin)-
The hydrolysis of s1-casein by milk clotting enzymes susceptible bonds less accessible to the enzyme. The
is greatly influenced by the concentration of NaCl. The nature of these conformational changes does not appear
proteolytic activity of chymosin, pepsins, Rhizomucor to have been investigated but may arise from the
miehei and Cryphonectria parasitica rennets on dilute strongly hydrophobic nature of -casein.
casein fractions is stimulated by increasing NaCl concen- -Casein undergoes significantly less breakdown
tration to an optimum at ⬃6%, w/w (Fox and Walley, than s1-casein in most cheese varieties. The resist-
1971; Gouda, 1987). Activity is inhibited at higher NaCl ance of -casein in cheese to proteolysis is not depend-
levels, but limited proteolysis of s1-casein occurs up to ent solely on the salt concentration since it is also quite
20%, w/w, NaCl (Fox and Walley, 1971; Gouda, 1987). resistant to proteolysis in salt-free, and low S/M (e.g.,
However, degradation of s1-casein is retarded by 2.7%, w/w) cheese (Phelan et al., 1973; Kelly et al.,
very low levels of salt in Cheddar (Phelan et al., 1973; 1996), suggesting that a high protein concentration is
Thomas and Pearce, 1981; Kelly et al., 1996; Mistry and sufficient to induce the necessary conformational
Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects 213

Table 2 Influence of NaCl on pH and proteolysis in Camembert cheese (4-weeks old)a

Water-soluble N pH 4.6-soluble N 70% ethanol-soluble 5% PTA-soluble N

NaCl (%, w/w) Zoneb pH (% total N) (% total N) N (% total N) (% of total N) c

0.20 I 5.5 36.0 43.3 23.7 16.8

O 6.4 100.0 54.4 35.7 18.9
0.70 I 5.3 28.7 29.1 15.8 10.4
O 6.1 100.0 39.2 28.7 15.5
0.93 I 5.2 17.9 17.3 13.3 12.1
O 6.0 100.0 49.5 32.8 15.2
1.14 I 5.2 22.5 23.8 15.8 8.1
O 6.2 93.7 43.4 28.4 10.4
1.73 I 5.1 26.6 28.3 15.8 8.8
O 6.4 85.3 37.1 22.7 10.1
2.4 I 5.1 22.2 23.1 18.0 8.3
O 5.0 63.2 29.8 26.1 9.3

a Compiled from data of O’Nulain (1986).

b I and O correspond to the inner and outer portions of the cheese.
c PTA  phosphotungstic acid.

change(s). A level of S/M 4.9%, w/w, is necessary and possibly higher, but Grufferty and Fox (1988a)
to prevent the development of bitterness in cheese found no dissociation on holding at a pH 4.9 for 4 h.
(Lawrence and Gilles, 1969). This implies that all the plasmin in milk should be
The inhibitory effect of NaCl on proteolysis of present in the curd for most rennet-coagulated cheese
sodium caseinate, s1-casein and -casein is pH- varieties. However, the concentration of plasmin in
dependent, with the extent of inhibition generally Swiss-type cheese is two to three times that in Cheddar
decreasing with pH in the range 6.6–5.4 (Fox and (Richardson and Pearce, 1981; Lawrence et al., 1983)
Walley, 1971; Mulvihill and Fox, 1980; Lane and Fox, while the activity in Cheshire cheese is very low
1999). At low pH, NaCl also alters the proteolytic (Lawrence et al., 1983), suggesting that the plasmin
specificity of chymosin and pepsins: NaCl (2.5%, w/w) content of cheese may be influenced by the pH at
inhibits the formation of -III but promotes the for- hooping (Lawrence et al., 1983). The difference in
mation of -IV and -V (Mulvihill and Fox, 1978). plasmin level between Cheddar and Swiss cheeses is
Formation of the s1-casein peptides, s1-VII and considered unlikely to be due to pH dependent dissoci-
s1-VIII, in solution is stimulated by NaCl (5%, w/w) ation of the enzyme as the pH of both cheeses is 6.1
and these peptides are also formed in cheese (Mulvihill and 6.4 at whey drainage (Grufferty and Fox, 1988b).
and Fox, 1980). The proteolytic activity of R. miehei and The differences may to be due to different rates of plas-
C. parasitica rennets on -casein is less strongly minogen activation in the two cheeses due to different
inhibited by NaCl than that of chymosin or pepsins processing conditions, especially cooking temperature
(Phelan, 1985; Gouda, 1987). (Ollikainen and Nyberg, 1988; Farkye and Fox, 1990),
and possibly the higher pH in Swiss cheese during
Milk proteinase
ripening (Grufferty and Fox, 1988b). The increase in
Milk contains several indigenous proteinases, the most pH in Swiss-type cheese during ripening is paralleled
significant, alkaline milk proteinase (plasmin), is almost by a large increase in plasmin activity (Ollikainen and
exclusively associated with the casein micelles at the Nyberg, 1988). Owing to the relatively high buffering
normal pH of milk, but dissociates from the micelles as capacity of Swiss-type cheese (as affected by the reten-
the pH is reduced (Humbert and Alais, 1979; Fox, tion of colloidal calcium phosphate due to the rela-
1981; Visser, 1981; Reimerdes, 1982; Grufferty and Fox, tively high pitching pH (i.e., ⬃6.4 compared to ⬃6.1
1988a; Sousa et al., 2001; Nielsen, 2002; Visser and van for Cheddar)), its relatively high protein level (i.e.,
den Berg, 2002). Richardson and Elston (1984) reported ⬃29 compared to 24% for Cheddar) and the propionic
that the dissociation of plasmin from the casein micelles acid fermentation, during which lactic acid is con-
is pH- and time-dependent and that it occurs at pH 5.7 verted to the weaker propionic and acetic acids, the pH
214 Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects

of Swiss does not fall as low as, and rises more rapidly Milk also contains an acid proteinase, cathepsin D,
than, that of Cheddar. which apparently has a specificity similar to chymosin
The role of plasmin in cheese ripening has not been (Kaminogawa and Yamauchi, 1972; Kaminogawa et al.,
studied extensively but the presence of -caseins in most 1980; Larsen and Petersen, 1995; Hurley et al., 2000a).
cheese suggests at least some activity (see Farkye and About 80% of cathepsin D is in the serum and although
Fox, 1992). Plasmin appears to make a significant con- it partially survives pasteurization (Larsen et al., 2000),
tribution to the maturation of Gouda (Creamer, 1976; its contribution to proteolysis in most cheeses is prob-
Visser and de Groot-Mostert, 1977), possibly because of ably low. However, it has been claimed to make a con-
the removal of proteinase inhibitors by washing during tribution to proteolysis in Feta coagulated with GDL
curd manufacture, and in Romano-type cheese (Guinee (Wium et al., 1998) or in Quarg (Hurley et al., 2000b).
and Fox, 1984) and in Swiss (Richardson and Pearce, To our knowledge, the influence of NaCl on the activ-
1981; Sweeney, 1984; Ollikainen and Nyberg, 1988; ity of acid milk proteinases has not been investigated.
Ollikainen and Kivelä, 1989) in which the coagulant is
extensively denatured by the high cooking temperature
Microbial enzymes
(Matheson, 1981). However, it has only a limited role in
the ripening of Cheddar (Green and Foster, 1974; There appears to be relatively little information on the
Creamer, 1976; Fenelon and Guinee, 2000; Kubis et al., influence of NaCl on microbial enzymes in cheese.
2001) and soft Meshanger-type cheese (Noomen, 1978). Indirect evidence, e.g., in relation to bitterness in
The coagulant is also extensively denatured in low- cheese (Lawrence and Gilles, 1969; Sullivan and
moisture Mozzarella because of plasticization of the curd Jago, 1972; Stadhouders and Hup, 1975; Thomas and
at ⬃58–60 °C (Feeney et al., 2001; see ‘Pasta-Filata Pearce, 1981) suggests that the activity of starter pro-
Cheeses’, Volume 2), but plasmin makes little contribu- teinase is inhibited by a moderately high level of NaCl.
tion to proteolysis, as reflected by the low levels of P. roqueforti lipases (Morris and Jezeski, 1953) and
-casein (Yun et al., 1993a; Feeney et al., 2001) except proteinases (Madkor, 1985) are inhibited by NaCl
where C. parasitica, a rennet substitute with a high pro- concentrations 6%, w/w. Vafopoulou-Matrojiannaki
teolytic activity on -casein, is used (Yun et al., 1993b). (1999) found that an increase in S/M from 3 to 6%,
However, degradation of -casein is very substantial in w/w, reduced the activity of intracellular aminopep-
Mozzarella made from milk pre-acidified to ⬃5.6 prior tidase, dipeptidylaminopeptidase and carboxypepti-
to rennet addition (Feeney et al., 2002; Guinee et al., dase, but had little effect on the intracellular esterase
2002). This effect concurs with the findings of Grufferty activity of Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. mesen-
and Fox (1988b) who reported no dissociation of plas- teroides strain K1G8.
min from the casein micelles in milk at pH 4.9. Gobbetti et al. (1999a) studied the interactive effects
Noomen (1978) suggested that plasmin may make a sig- of pH (5.5–7.0), S/M (0.0–7.5%, w/w) and temperature
nificant contribution to proteolysis in soft cheeses with a (4–16 °C), under conditions designed to simulate the
surface flora, in which the pH rises markedly during cheese environment, on the peptidase activities (amino-
ripening to a value more favourable for plasmin activity. peptidases N and A, and proline iminopeptidase) of 11
The presence of -caseins in Camembert-type cheese, strains of NSLAB bacteria isolated from cheese: Lb. casei
Cooleeney (Sousa and McSweeney, 2001) and blue- subsp. casei 2107, 2756, 2788; Lb. plantarum 2788,
veined cheeses, including Stilton, Danablu, Cashel, 2789, 2741; Lb. casei subsp. pseudoplantarum 2745 and
Chetwynd and Gorgonzola (Zarmpoutis et al., 1998), 2742; and Lb. curvatus 2771 and 2770. A low pH and a
suggests a high level of plasmin activity, which is high S/M level markedly inhibited the peptidases of
expected in view of the high pH of these cheeses. The Lb. casei subsp. pseudoplantarum and Lb. curvatus. In
addition of plasmin to milk, at levels which increased contrast, the peptidases of Lb. casei subsp. casei and
the activity by 3- to 4-fold the indigenous level normally Lb. plantarum were quite insensitive to pH and not very
found in the cheese, resulted in increased degradation of sensitive to NaCl. The aminopeptidase activities (espe-
-casein and level of pH 4.6-soluble N (Farkye and Fox, cially A) of the latter strains were less sensitive than the
1992); the organoleptic quality of the plasmin-enriched proline iminopeptidases to the combined effects of salt,
cheese was superior to that of the control and the ripen- temperature and pH. In a subsequent study, Gobbetti
ing rate was accelerated considerably. et al. (1999b) investigated the effects of S/M (2.5 to
Noomen (1978) showed that the activity of alkaline 7.5%, w/w), pH (5.0–5.7) and aw on the proteolytic and
milk proteinase in simulated cheese was stimulated by lipolytic activities of starter and NSLAB, including
concentrations of NaCl up to a maximum at 2%, w/w, Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, Lc. lactis subsp. lactis
but was inhibited by higher concentrations of NaCl, T12 and Lb. plantarum 2739. The effect of S/M was both
although some activity remained at 8%, w/w, NaCl. enzyme- and species-specific. These authors concluded
Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects 215

that interactions between these three variables were group of carbohydrates, or the 9NH 3 and 9COO
mainly responsible for changes in enzyme activity groups of proteins;
under conditions simulating cheesemaking. The com- • Zone II consists of multilayer water in addition to
bined effects of NaCl and pH did not significantly the monolayer water;
influence the lipase/esterase activity of Lb. plantarum • Zone III contains bulk phase water in addition to
2739 and it was suggested that strains like 2739 might monolayer and multilayer water.
be responsible for a moderate level of lipolysis during
long-term ripening of cheese. Comprehensive discussions on the general concept
The cell envelope-associated proteinase (lactocepin) of water activity in relation to foods are provided by
of Lc. lactis subsp. lactis BN1 and Lc. lactis subsp. cre- Duckworth (1975), Rockland and Stewart (1981),
moris SK11 was stabilized by NaCl (5%, w/v), espe- Simatos and Multon (1985), Rockland and Beuchat
cially at pH 5.2 (i.e., cheese-like conditions) and by the (1987) and Fennema (1996). More specific aspects in
humectants, polyethylene glycol and sorbitol (Reid and relation to dairy products are discussed by Kinsella
Coolbear, 1998, 1999). The specificity of both proteinases and Fox (1986) and Roos (1997).
on s1-, - and -caseins was changed considerably by The aw of food depends on its moisture content
NaCl level and water activity. and the concentration of low molecular mass solutes
(Russell and Gould, 1991). The aw of young cheese is
determined almost entirely by the concentration of
Influence of NaCl on the Water Activity (aw) NaCl in the aqueous phase:
of Cheese
The preservative action of NaCl is due to its effect on aw  1 0.033 [NaClm]  1 0.00565 [NaCl]
the water activity (aw) of the medium:
where [NaClm] is the molality of NaCl, i.e., moles
p NaCl per litre of H2O and [NaCl] is the concentration
po of NaCl as g/100 g cheese moisture (Marcos, 1993).
This equation was used to construct the nomograph
where p and po are the vapour pressure of the water in shown in Fig. 5, which facilitates the calculation of aw.
a system and of pure water, respectively. If the system The salt content of cheese varies from ⬃0.7%, w/w,
is at equilibrium with its gaseous atmosphere, then for Emmental to ⬃5%, w/w, for Domiati (Table 1).
aw  ERH/100, where ERH is the equilibrium relative Other compounds, including lactic and other acids,
humidity. amino acids, very small peptides and calcium phos-
Due to the presence of various solutes in foods, the phate, in addition to NaCl, contribute to the depression
vapour pressure of water in a food system is always
less than that of pure water, i.e., aw 1.0. The rela-
tionship between aw and the moisture content of food 60
1.00 0
is shown in Fig. 4. Three zones are usually evident:
• Zone I represents monolayer water that is tightly 55 1
bound to polar groups in the food, e.g., the 9OH

50 0.98
g water/g dry matter

45 0.97

40 0.96

% H2O aw % NaCl
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
Figure 5 Nomograph for estimation of water activity (aw) of fresh
Water activity, aw cheese from the percentages of moisture and salt. Examples: for
respective salt and moisture levels (%, w/w) of 57 and 1.5, or 44.5
Figure 4 Idealized relationship between the water activity (aw) and 2.0, respectively, then aw  0.95 or 0.974, respectively (from
of food and its water content. Marcos and Esteban, 1982).
216 Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects

of aw, especially in extra-mature cheeses. Salt increases described above, the aw of cheese can be calculated
the osmotic pressure of the aqueous phase of foods, from its composition but can also be determined exper-
causing dehydration of bacterial cells, killing them or, imentally (see Marcos, 1993).
at least, preventing their growth. The minimum water The concentration and distribution of salt in cheese
activity for the growth of various microorganisms in have a major influence on various aspects of cheese
foods is shown in Table 3. Typical values for the aw of quality, as discussed in ‘Introduction’, ‘Control of
some cheese varieties are shown in Table 4. It will be Microbial Growth’, ‘Influence of NaCl on Enzyme
apparent from Table 4 that the aw of most cheese vari- Activity in Cheese’, ‘Influence of NaCl on the Water
eties is not low enough to prevent the growth of yeasts Activity (aw) of Cheese’ and ‘Overall Influence of NaCl
and moulds and many bacteria but in combination on Cheese Ripening and Quality’.
with a low pH and low temperature, is quite effective in The aw of cheese, factors that affect it and related
controlling microbial growth. aspects have been reviewed by Acker (1969), Rüegg
Measurement of the salt content of cheese is an and Blanc (1977, 1981), Streit et al. (1979), Rockland
important quality control step in cheese production. As and Nishi (1980), Marcos et al. (1981), Rüegg (1985),
Fernandez-Salguero et al. (1986), Larsen and Anon
(1989a,b, 1990), Marcos (1993) and Hardy (2000).
Table 3 Water activity (aw) of some cheese varieties*

aw Cheese Overall Influence of NaCl on Cheese

1.00 Fresh cheese curd, Ricotta
Ripening and Quality
0.99 Beaumont, Cottage, Fresh, Quarg Cheddar cheese
0.98 Belle des Champs, Münster, Pyrénées,
Processed, Taleggio The influence of salt-in-cheese moisture (S/M) on lac-
0.97 Brie, Camembert, Emmental, Fontina, Limburger, tose metabolism in young Cheddar cheese has already
Saint Paulin, Serra da Estrêla
been discussed. There appears to be little information
0.96 Appenzeller, Chaumes, Edam, Fontal, Havarti,
Mimolette, Norvegia, Samsø, Tilsit available on the influence of %, w/w, S/M on lipolysis
0.95 Bleu de Bresse, Cheddar, Gorgonzola, Gouda, in Cheddar and other cheeses. However, Thakur et al.
Gruyère, Manchego (1975) compared lipolysis in salted (1.48–1.79%, w/w,
0.94 Idiazábal, Majorero, Mozzarella, Norzola, NaCl) and unsalted Cheddar; the concentration of
Raclette, Romano, Sbrinz, Stilton
volatile acids was significantly higher in the unsalted
0.93 Danablu, Edelpilzkäse, Normanna, Torta del
Casar than in the salted cheese mainly due to acetic acid,
0.92 Castellano, Parmesan, Roncal, Zamorano which is presumably a product of lactose metabolism.
0.91 Provolone, Roquefort The concentrations of all individual fatty acids, except
0.90 Cabrales, Gamalost, Gudbrandsdalsost, Primost linoleic and linolenic (at certain ages), were also
higher in the unsalted cheese than in the control; the
* Compiled from various sources.
authors did not comment on the markedly lower lev-
els of linoleic acid in the unsalted cheese. However,
Lindsay et al. (1982) found little difference between
Table 4 Minimum water activity (aw) for microbial growth in the level of free fatty acids in cheeses with low (3.5%,
foods* w/w) or intermediate (4–2%, w/w) S/M levels except
for myristic and palmitic acids which were consider-
Pathogen Minimum aw
ably higher in the higher-salt cheese. Reduced-sodium
Shigella spp. 0.96 cheeses will be discussed in more detail in ‘Reduced
Yersinia enterocolitica 0.96 Sodium Cheese’.
Vibrio parahaemolyticus 0.94 Proteolysis is considerably more extensive in unsalted
Pseudomonas spp. 0.95
than in salted Cheddar cheese and consequently
E. coli 0.95
Clostridium botulinum 0.94 the body of the former is less firm (Thakur et al.,
Salmonella spp. 0.94 1975; Thomas and Pearce, 1981; Schroeder et al., 1988;
Listeria monocytogenes 0.92 Kelly et al., 1996). Wisniewska et al. (1990) reported
Micrococcus spp. 0.87 that the salt content Cheddar, Gouda, Tilsit, Roquefort
Staphylococcus aureus (aerobic) 0.86
and Camembert was inversely related to the levels of
Most yeasts and moulds 0.80
Osmophilic yeasts and moulds 0.55 primary and secondary proteolysis and directly to the
time required to attain proper ‘organoleptic’ character-
* Compiled from various sources. istics; the authors suggested that reducing the salt
Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects 217

content may offer a possible means of accelerating Affect the Quality of Cheese’, Volume 1 and ‘Cheddar
cheese ripening. However, as discussed below, a low Cheese and Related Dry-salted Cheese Varieties’, Volume
level of NaCl has been found to adversely affect the 2; suffice it to record here that the S/M specified for
quality of Cheddar cheese and a relatively narrow premium and First Grade Cheddar in New Zealand are
desirable range has been prescribed for premium qual- 4.0–6.0 and 4.7–5.7, respectively (Lawrence et al.,
ity (see also ‘Cheddar Cheese and Related Dry-salted 1993).
Cheese Varieties’, Volume 2). A linear relationship Fox (1975) assessed the influence of moisture, salt
between the extent of degradation of both s1- and and pH on the grade of 123, 10-week-old Irish Ched-
-caseins in young (1 month) cheese and %, w/w, S/M dar cheeses (70 high quality and 53 ‘rejects’) from six
is apparent from the data of Thomas and Pearce factories and 27 extra-mature, high-quality Cheddars.
(1981) and Kelly et al. (1996). During the normal The composition of the cheeses varied widely and
ripening of Cheddar cheese, sl-casein is the principal while the correlations between grade and any of the
substrate for proteolysis with little degradation of compositional factors were poor, a high percentage of
-casein (see ‘Coagulant’); proteolysis of -casein is cheeses with compositional extremes was down-
more extensive at low salt levels (Phelan et al., 1973; graded, especially those with low salt (1.4%, w/w),
Kelly et al., 1996). However, Thomas and Pearce high moisture (39%, w/w) or high pH (pH 5.4). In
(1981) noted that while the normal products of the samples studied, salt concentration seemed to
-casein degradation (-CNf1-192, -CNf1-189 and exercise the strongest influence on cheese quality and
-CNf1-165 produced by rennets, and -caseins by the lowest percentage of downgraded cheeses can be
milk proteinase) were not apparent in their studies, expected in the salt range 1.6–1.8%, w/w (S/M range,
the concentration of unhydrolysed -casein decreased, 4.0–4.9%, w/w). The composition of high quality extra-
suggesting that proteolysis of -casein in low-salt mature cheeses also varied widely but less than that of
cheese may be due to bacterial proteinases. Kelly et al. the young cheeses. Although the mean salt level was
(1996) noted that cleavage of Leu192–193 in -casein identical for both groups of cheeses, the spread was
and Leu101–Lys102 in s1-casein was particularly sensi- much narrower for the mature cheeses and only three
tive to the salt concentration in Cheddar cheese. In had 1.7%, w/w, NaCl. The mean moisture content of
contrast to primary proteolysis, the level of secondary the mature cheeses was 1%, w/w, lower than that of
proteolysis, as measured by the level of 5% (w/v) the regular cheeses.
phosphotungstic acid-soluble N, tended to be higher The grading ratio (ratio of high to low grading
in salted (2.7–5.7%, w/w, S/M) than in unsalted Ched- cheeses) for 486 14-day-old cheeses produced at the
dar at 12 and 24 weeks; no effect of S/M was apparent New Zealand Dairy Research Institute was most highly
at 5 weeks. correlated with the percentage of moisture in non-
At least five studies (O’Connor, 1971; Gilles and fat-substances (MNFS) and second best with the
Lawrence, 1973; Fox, 1975; Pearce and Gilles, 1979; percentage of salt (Pearce and Gilles, 1979). The opti-
Lelievre and Gilles, 1982) have attempted to relate the mum compositional ranges were: MNFS 52–54%, w/w;
quality of Cheddar cheese to its composition. While S/M 4.2–5.2%, w/w; pH 4.95–5.15. Cheese with an
these authors agree that the moisture content, %, w/w, S/M of 3.1%, w/w, received the highest grade in a study
S/M and pH are the key determinants of cheese quality, by Knox (1978) although there was little difference in
they disagree as to the relative importance of these grade in the S/M range 3.1–5.2%; quality declined
three parameters. markedly at S/M 6.4%, w/w.
In a study of 300 Scottish Cheddar cheeses, O’Connor A very extensive study of the relationship of the
(1971) found that flavour and aroma, texture and total grade and composition of nearly 10 000 cheeses pro-
score were not correlated with moisture content but duced in five commercial New Zealand factories was
were significantly correlated with %, w/w, NaCl and undertaken by Lelievre and Gilles (1982). As in previ-
particularly with pH. Salt content and pH were them- ous studies, considerable compositional variation was
selves strongly correlated, as were salt and moisture; a evident but the variation was considerably less for
very wide variation in composition was noted. Based some factories than others. While the precise relation-
on analysis of cheese made at the New Zealand Dairy ship between grade and composition varied from plant
Research Institute over many years and also by com- to plant, certain generalizations emerged:
mercial cheese factories in New Zealand, Gilles and
Lawrence (1973) proposed a grading scheme for • within the compositional ranges suggested by Gilles
young (14-day-old) Cheddar cheese. The influence of and Lawrence (1973) for ‘premium’ quality cheese,
cheese composition on quality and compositional composition does not have a decisive influence on
grading of Cheddar cheese is discussed in ‘Factors that grade, which falls off outside this range;
218 Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects

• composition alone does not provide a basis for grad- 1982; Stadhouders et al., 1983; Gouda, 1987; Banks
ing as currently acceptable to the dairy industry et al., 1993; Kelly et al., 1996; Mistry and Kasperson,
(New Zealand); 1998). However, Laan et al. (1998) found that the
• MNFS was again found to be the dominant factor addition of salt (4%, w/w) and Ca (120 mM), at levels
influencing quality; to simulate those in cheese, increased the aminopep-
• within the recommended compositional bands, tidase activity of starter lactococci and non-starter
grades declined marginally as MNFS increased from lactobacilli isolated from Cheddar cheese. Such
51 to 55%, w/w, increased slightly as S/M decreased aminopeptidase activities, which debitter -casein
from 6 to 4%, w/w, while pH had no consistent effect hydrolysates (Kai Ping Lee, 1996; Parra et al., 1999;
within the range 4.9–5.2 and FDM had no influence Barry et al., 2000; Bouchier et al., 2001), are considered
in the range 50–57%, w/w. The authors stress that important in reducing the risk of bitterness in cheese.
since specific inter-plant relationships exist between The protein matrix in young cheese appears to con-
grade and composition, each plant should determine sist of s1-casein molecules linked through hydropho-
the optimum compositional parameters pertinent to bic interactions between their amino-terminal regions;
that plant. the primary site for rennet action on s1-casein is
Phe239Phe24 (Hill et al., 1974) or Phe249Val25
Apart from the acid flavour associated with low-salt (Creamer and Richardson, 1974), hydrolysis of which
cheese, bitterness has been reported consistently as a weakens the matrix. This specific cleavage is consid-
flavour defect in such cheeses. A complex correlation ered to be primarily responsible for the loss of firm-
exists between the propensity of a cheese to develop ness during the early stages of ripening (de Jong,
bitterness and starter culture, pH, rate of acid develop- 1976; Creamer and Olson, 1982; Fenelon and Guinee,
ment and %, w/w, S/M. There is still some controversy 2000; ‘Cheese as an Ingredient’, Volume 2). Hard and
on the development of bitterness (see Lowrie and semi-hard cheese, such as Cheddar, becomes shorter
Lawrence, 1972; Mills and Thomas, 1980; Stadhouders also during maturation (Visser, 1991; Fenelon and
et al., 1983; Gomez et al., 1997; McSweeney, 1997; Guinee, 2000). Luyten (1988) found that increased
Smit et al., 1998, 2002; Kirin, 2001; Morales et al., s1-casein breakdown in Gouda cheese had little effect
2001; Broadbent et al., 2002), but the subject will not on shortness (which may be best described as the
be reviewed here. inverse of fracture strain). Indeed, the increase in
From the compositional viewpoint, S/M, %, w/w, shortness of Gouda cheese on ripening was attributed
appears to be the most important factor influencing bit- more to in-depth proteolysis (e.g., NPN formation)
terness (Lawrence and Gilles, 1969). The probability of than to gross proteolysis. The increase in shortness
bitterness developing is greatly increased at S/M 4.9%, with maturation may arise as a result of an upward
w/w; pH, in the normal range encountered for Ched- shift in pH away from pH 5.2–5.35 where casein
dar, i.e., 4.9–5.3, where para-casein is most soluble hydration as a function of pH in the range 4.6–6.0
(Creamer, 1985) and therefore most susceptible to pro- (Creamer, 1985) and fracture strain (Luyten et al.,
teolysis, has little effect except at low S/M values, i.e., 1987; Visser, 1991) are maximal (see ‘Cheese as an
4.9%, w/w. Rennet has maximum activity on para- Ingredient’, Volume 2). Indeed, this seems highly
casein in salt solutions between 2.5 and 4%, w/w probable when one considers the production of pasta-
(Stadhouders, 1962). The bitterness of peptides is filata-type cheeses such as Mozzarella and Kashkaval;
strongly correlated with hydrophobicity (Guigoz and the cheeses flow and stretch over a narrow pH range,
Solms, 1976; Bumberger and Bleitz, 1993). The bitter 5.2–5.35, outside which flow is very restricted unless
peptides in cheese appear to arise primarily from some processing changes, such as reduction of calcium
-casein (see Hill et al., 1974; Visser et al., 1983a,b; level or plasticizing in hot dilute brine (so as to par-
Dinakar et al., 1989; Vandeweghe, 1994; Casal and tially solubilize the casein), are implemented (see
Gomez, 1999; Frister et al., 2000) which might be ‘Pasta-Filata Cheeses’ and ‘Cheese as an Ingredient’,
expected since -casein is the most hydrophobic Volume 2). During the time required for the pH to fall
casein (Swaisgood, 2003); however, peptides from from ⬃6.1 at pitching to ⬃5.2 at stretching, little or
s1- and s2-caseins, especially those containing pro- no degradation of s1-casein occurs. It is probable that
line, probably also contribute to bitterness in cheese both mechanisms (i.e., NPN formation with conse-
(Lee and Warthesen, 1995; Kai Ping Lee, 1996; Frister quent movement of pH from the point of maximum
et al., 2000). The effectiveness of NaCl in preventing fracture strain, and hydrolysis of s1-casein) con-
bitterness is very likely due to the strong inhibition of tribute to the age-related rheological/textural changes
-casein hydrolysis by NaCl (Fox and Walley, 1971; to different extents depending on the variety and the
Phelan et al., 1973; Mulvihill and Fox, 1978; Pearce, ratio of primary-to-secondary proteolysis. Owing to its
Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects 219

effects on primary and secondary proteolysis, the salt Cheese’, ‘Proteolysis in Cheese during Ripening’,
content of cheese has a major influence on its rheo- ‘Catabolism of Amino Acids in Cheese During Ripening’,
logical properties, as discussed in ‘Effect of NaCl on Volume 1).
cheese rheology’. In this variety also, NaCl concentration has a major
influence on proteolysis and pH changes, as well as on
Blue cheese surface mould growth (Table 2).
The influence of NaCl concentration on the principal
ripening events in Blue cheese was studied by Other cheeses
Godinho and Fox (1981a,b,c, 1982). Proteolysis, as
Feta and Domiati are special in the sense that they
measured by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and
are stored in brine, containing typically 6–8%, w/w,
the formation of 12% TCA-soluble N, was invariably
NaCl, after manufacture. The high level of salt strongly
lower in the outer (high salt) region than in the mid-
affects the microflora, enzymology and ripening of
dle or centre (lower salt) zones; the differences were
these cheeses (see ‘Cheese Varieties Ripened in Brine’,
apparent both before visible mould growth (during the
Volume 2). In addition to the inward migration of salt,
first two weeks when the coagulant is the principal
outward diffusion of low molecular mass water-soluble
proteolytic agent) and during the mould phase (after
compounds (e.g., small peptides, amino acids, lactate,
two weeks) (Godinho and Fox, 1982; Hewedi and
volatile water-soluble acids, and minerals) occurs and
Fox, 1984). There was a strong negative correlation
these accumulate in the brine. Studies on the diffusion
between salt concentration and TCA-soluble N. Unfor-
of these molecules are lacking. Pappas et al. (1996)
tunately, the formation of amino acid N (e.g., PTA-
studied the effects of S/M level (4.3–5.8%, w/w, S/M)
soluble N) or other more detailed characterizations of
in Feta cheese, by altering the duration of dry-salting
proteolysis were not investigated. With a few excep-
prior to storage in 7–8%, w/w, brine. Increasing S/M
tions, the pH increased faster at the centre than in the
level reduced the moisture content and the levels of
outer region of the cheese, indicating that the catabol-
pH 4.6-soluble N and lipolysis (as measured by acid
ism of amino acids or lactic acid is also influenced by
degree value), or organoleptic characteristics.
NaCl concentration.
El-Sissi and Neamat-Allah (1996) studied the effect
Lipolysis in Blue cheese is also influenced by salt
of different salt levels in cheesemilk (5, 7, 9 and 12%,
concentration, with maximum activity occurring at
w/w, added NaCl) on the ripening and quality of
4–6%, w/w, NaCl (Godinho and Fox, 1981c). How-
Domiati; the corresponding S/M levels in the cheese
ever, the concentration of methyl ketones was rela-
were ⬃6.0. 8.3, 9.5 and 12.7%, w/w. Increasing the salt
tively independent of salt concentration.
level increased yield (2.9–3.5 kg/100 kg), moisture
(⬃61–69%, w/w), pH (⬃5.3–6.5) and reduced the
Camembert cheese
level of pH 4.6-soluble N (% total N) and of total
The ripening of the surface mould-ripened cheeses, volatile fatty acids; these effects were most dramatic
Camembert and Brie, is characterized by a very as the S/M level was increased from 9.5 to 12.8%,
marked softening, almost liquefaction, of the body w/w. The development of the desired flavour and
from the surface to the centre. This ripening pattern is texture/body characteristics was prevented at 12.8%,
mainly due to the combination of s1-casein hydroly- w/w, S/M (even after 4 weeks storage in pasteurized
sis and the decreasing pH gradient from the surface to whey at 14 °C) and delayed at 9.5%, w/w, S/M, com-
the centre, due to the production of ammonia by the pared to cheese with a lower S/M level. The authors
surface mould, P. camemberti, and its inward diffusion, recommended a S/M level of 5–9%, w/w, for accelerat-
and the catabolism of lactic acid, and outward diffu- ing the ripening of Domiati.
sion of calcium (Le Graet et al., 1983; Noomen, 1983; Nájera et al. (1994) reported that the concentra-
Karahadian and Lindsay, 1987). Proteolysis by the tions of individual (C4–C18 and C18:1) and total
coagulant and starter proteinases is also important FFAs in Idiazabal cheese increased on increasing the
and although the proteinases excreted by P. camem- brining time from 12 to 24 or 36 h; however, no
berti undergo only very limited diffusion in the cheese details on cheese composition were given. Kaya et al.
(Noomen, 1983), peptides produced by them do, (1999) studied the effect of storage time in brines of
apparently, diffuse into the cheese (see ‘Surface different NaCl concentration on the ripening and qual-
Mould-ripened Cheeses’, Volume 2 and ‘Biochemistry ity of a Turkish white pickled cheese, Gaziantep, the
of Cheese Ripening: Introduction and Overview’, manufacture of which does not involve the addition
‘Metabolism of Residual Lactose and of Lactate and of a starter culture. Increasing the S/M level in the
Citrate’, ‘Lipolysis and Catabolism of Fatty Acids in experimental Gaziantep cheese from 8.7 to 24%, w/w,
220 Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects

resulted in significant reductions in moisture content manufacture of many protein-based products and
and the level of FFAs, and increases the firmness and ingredients, such as cheese, yoghurt and casein, is
peroxide value. Sensory analysis showed that increas- based on a limited destabilization and aggregation of
ing the S/M level to 13.2%, w/w, increases the inten- the casein micelles. The extent of casein aggregation,
sity of off-flavours, metallic, oxidized, rancid and or hydration, affects the microstructure and nature of
bitterness. attractions between protein molecules within the pro-
Kristiansen et al. (1999) investigated the effects of tein phase of dairy products containing protein. Con-
varying S/M on proteolysis in Danbo-type cheese sequently, it has a major influence on several aspects
brine-salted for different times. Increasing S/M, in the of product quality: rheology, texture and cooking char-
range 0.1–6.4%, w/w, significantly reduced the level of acteristics of cheese (see ‘Rheology and Texture of
MNFS, the degradation of -casein and the levels of Cheese’, Volume 1 and ‘Pasta-Filata Cheeses’ and ‘Cheese
pH 4.6 and 5% (w/v) phosphotungstic acid-soluble N as an Ingredient’, Volume 2); texture and mouth-feel
over the 10-week ripening period. In contrast, higher of yoghurt; and re-hydration characteristics of casein
salt levels had little effect on the primary breakdown in food formulation (see Fox and McSweeney, 2003).
of s1-casein. Capillary gel electrophoresis showed Apart from Domiati, all cheeses are salted after ren-
that the hydrolysis of -casein in dilute solution net coagulation and curd formation, at a level ranging
(0.5%, w/v, in sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0) by from ⬃2.0%, w/w, in Emmental to ⬃12%, w/w, in
chymosin or bovine pepsin was strongly inhibited by Feta. The practice of adding salt to the curd, rather
5%, w/w, S/M, while that by plasmin was not than to the milk, has been deliberate as the early
(Kristiansen et al., 1999); the opposite trend was cheesemakers would have soon discovered that its
noted for s1-casein. These results concur with those addition prior to renneting severely impaired or pre-
of Lane and Fox (1999) who studied the effects of vented the coagulation of milk (Fig. 6) and curd
salt (0–10%, w/w, S/M) and pH on the proteolysis of syneresis (Cheeseman, 1962; Grufferty and Fox, 1985;
-casein and sodium caseinate in dilute (0.5%, w/v) Walstra et al., 1985; Pearse and Mackinlay, 1989;
solutions. The negative effect of salt on proteolysis is Abou-El-Nour, 1998). The adverse effects of salt at the
associated with its effect on ionic strength, which concentrations used in cheese on curd formation are
affects casein hydration and conformation (see ‘Effect probably a consequence of the solubilization of col-
of NaCl on Casein Hydration and the Physical Proper- loidal calcium phosphate as a result of a sodium–calcium
ties of Cheese’), and the concomitant reductions in the interchange, and the positive effect of salt on casein
level of MNFS and aw (Creamer, 1971; Lawrence and hydration, which impairs casein aggregation. In
Gilles, 1980; Rüegg and Blanc, 1981; van den Berg and Domiati cheese, where 5–15%, w/w, NaCl is added to
Bruin, 1981). the milk (Abou-El-Nour, 1998), the effects of NaCl in
A higher S/M level (i.e., 3.0%, w/w) in accoustically curd formation are off-set by the use of water buffalo
brined Mahon cheese, compared to the conventionally milk, which has a higher casein content than bovine
brined control cheese (2.8%, w/w) gave higher levels of milk (see Kosikowski and Mistry, 1997), or by the forti-
all individual FFAs analysed (apart from caprylic and fication of milk with skim milk powder, and/or the add-
stearic acids) and an increase (9%) in the concentra- ition of CaCl2 (M.M. Hewedi, personal communication).
tion of total FFAs (Sánchez et al., 2001). This trend is Owing to the importance of casein hydration on
similar to that noted by Nájera et al. (1994) for Idiaza- cheese quality, the effects of NaCl on hydration are
bal cheeses but disagrees with that reported by Thakur discussed below.
et al. (1975) and Lindsay et al. (1982) for Cheddar
(who reported that increasing the salt level from 0.03 Effect of NaCl on casein hydration in model
systems and in cheese
to 1.78, and from 1.25 to 1.5%, w/w, respectively, led to
reductions in the levels of individual and/or total FFAs) The significance of casein hydration, as affected by
and to that of Freitas and Malcata (1996) for Picante, a NaCl, on the physical properties of cheese has been
hard Portuguese cheese. demonstrated using dilute model systems. Creamer
(1985) studied the effect of NaCl on casein hydration
in rennet-treated skim milk at pH values in the range
Effect of NaCl on Casein Hydration and the
4.6–6.6, by measuring the levels of moisture and
Physical Properties of Cheese
protein in the para-casein pellet obtained on ultracen-
The extent of the hydration and aggregation of casein trifugation at 81 000 g for 2 h. The addition of 5%,
has a major impact on the formation and textural/func- w/w, NaCl to the milk increased the levels of serum Ca
tional characteristics of dairy products, including and casein hydration at all pH values, with a maxi-
cheeses (see Fox and McSweeney, 2003). Indeed, the mum in the pH range 5.2–5.3 (Fig. 7). The increase in
Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects 221



Elastic shear modulus, G′, Pa






0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Time from renent addition, s

Figure 6 Influence of added salt on the firmness, as measured by the elastic shear modulus (G ), of reduced-fat milk (2.0%, w/w,
fat; 3.3%, w/w, protein; 4.7%, w/w, lactose). Salt was added at levels of 0 (), 1 (), 2 (), 4, 6, 8 or 12%, w/w, and stirred into the
milk for 30 min prior to measurement of G using dynamic low amplitude oscillation strain rheometry; no coagulation was detected at
salt levels 4%, w/w. The pH of the milks at the different salt levels was 6.66, 6.48, 6.42, 6.38, 6.35, 6.25 and 6.27, respectively
(T.P. Guinee, unpublished results).

casein hydration with NaCl may be attributed to the

Supernatent para-casein, % of total para-casein

binding of Na by the casein (Gál and Bánky, 1971;
70 Hardy and Steinberg, 1984) and the displacement of
calcium or calcium phosphate from the para-casein by
60 the Na. In effect, the addition of NaCl appears to
50 create a sodium–calcium ion exchange effect with
the para-casein, somewhat similar to that observed
40 between emulsifying salts (sodium phosphates and
sodium citrates) and the casein matrix during the
manufacture of processed cheese products (see ‘Pas-
20 teurized Processed Cheese and Substitute/Imitation
Cheese Products’, Volume 2). Indeed, an inverse rela-
tionship between casein hydration and casein-bound
0 calcium in model systems has been reported by many
4.7 5.0 5.3 5.6 5.9 6.2 6.5 6.8 7.1 7.4 investigators. In these studies, casein hydration was
pH measured directly or indirectly by determining the
Figure 7 Effect of salt, added at 5 %, w/w, on the solubility of a levels of water and protein in pellets obtained on
5%, w/w, dispersion of rennet casein (80%, w/w, protein; 7.1%, ultracentrifugation of milk (Sood et al., 1979, 1980;
w/w, ash). The rennet casein was thoroughly mixed with water Guillaume et al., 2002) or the uptake of water by
() or 5%, w/w, NaCl () and the pH adjusted to different values casein(ate)s with different levels of added calcium
using 20%, w/v, lactic acid. The dispersions were held at 15 °C
on exposure to environments with different aw values
for 22 h and then centrifuged at 3000 g for 30 min at 15 °C. The
protein content of the supernatant was measured and in the range 0.58–0.95 (Rüegg and Moor, 1986). Inter-
expressed as a percentage of the total protein (T.P. Guinee and estingly, a study by Pastorino et al. (2003b) showed
B.T. O’Kennedy unpublished results). that the addition of calcium, at a level of 0–1.4%, w/w,
222 Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects

to Mozzarella cheese by high pressure injection of a offers several advantages over brine-salting, including
40% (w/w) CaCl2 solution resulted in marked ‘weep- savings in plant space (occupied by brine tanks) and
ing’ and water loss, a reduction in pH and a more labour, more uniform salt-in-moisture distribution (at
aggregated para-casein matrix interspersed with large least initially), less zonal variations in texture, melting
voids containing free water; the reduction in mois- properties and quality (see ‘Effect of salt content on
ture was ⬃12%, w/w, at 1.4%, w/w, Ca. These findings cooking properties’ and ‘Attainment of salt and mois-
indicate that the addition of calcium increases casein– ture equilibria after salting’). Consequently, the effect of
casein interactions and thereby reduces casein hydration. dry-salting Mozzarella cheese prior to plasticization in
Conversely, the levels of moisture and non-expressible hot water as an alternative to brining the plasticized
serum, which is an index of protein hydration, in curd in cold brine has been investigated (Fernandez and
Mozzarella cheese increase as the calcium content is Kosikowski, 1986; Paulson et al., 1998; Guinee et al.,
reduced (Guinee et al., 2002). 2000). Plasticization of curd in hot salt solutions con-
In Mozzarella cheese, the effect of salt on casein taining 5 or 10 (Paulson et al., 1998) or 18 (Piacquadio
hydration has been measured by determining the level et al., 2001) %, w/w, NaCl has also been investigated;
of expressible serum (ES), i.e., the serum released on this form of salting is similar to plasticizing dry-salted
centrifugation of the cheese at ⬃12 500 g at 25 °C, and curd in hot-water. A combination of dry-salting (e.g.,
the level of serum protein (Guo et al., 1997). The level 1%, w/w) and plasticizing in hot dilute brine (e.g., 5%,
of ES in brine-salted Mozzarella (49.5%, w/w, moisture; w/w, NaCl) has also been examined (Paulson et al.,
1.4%, w/w, NaCl; 2.8%, w/w, salt-in-moisture) decreased 1998; Guinee et al., 2000). The use of dry salting at
from ⬃16 to 1 g/100 g cheese over the first 10 days of 4.6%, w/w, or a combination of dry salting (to 1%, w/w,
ripening, indicating an increase in the water-binding NaCl) and plasticizing in hot dilute brine (i.e., 5%, w/w,
capacity of the protein (Guo et al., 1997); the level of NaCl) gave the desired S/M level (e.g., 2.3%, w/w) and a
water-soluble protein (WSP) in the serum increased moisture content which was higher (by ⬃2–3%, w/w)
from ⬃5 to 10%, w/w, over the same time period. In than that of conventionally brine-salted Mozzarella
contrast, the levels of ES and WSP for the unsalted (Paulson et al., 1998; Guinee et al., 2000). The higher
cheese (0.13%, w/w, NaCl) changed from ⬃19 to moisture content suggests a salting-in of the casein and
14 g/100 g, and from ⬃3 to 5%, w/w, respectively, dur- a concomitant increase in the degree of para-casein
ing storage. However, the level of pH 4.6-soluble pro- hydration in the cheeses which were dry-salted or dry-
tein in the sera from both the salted and unsalted salted and platicized in hot dilute brine. In contrast to
cheeses was similar, indicating that the differences in the above, Fernandez and Kosikowski (1986) reported
WSP were due to the solubilization of intact casein by that stretching in hot brine (10%, w/w, NaCl) resulted
the added NaCl rather than to differences in proteolysis in a marked decrease in moisture content (3–4.5%,
of the casein. Thus, electrophoretic analysis of the sera w/w) in low-moisture Mozzarella.
showed that the levels of intact s1-, s2-, - and para- The above findings for Mozzarella are consistent with
-casein in the ES of brine-salted Mozzarella were those from the model systems described in this section
higher than those for the unsalted cheese at all times which showed that a low concentration of NaCl
over a 10-day storage period. A similar trend was (⬃5–6%, w/w, S/M) enhances the solubilization of casein
reported for fat-free Mozzarella for which the curd was or para-casein (Hardy and Steinberg, 1984; Creamer,
dry-salted to different levels (0, 0.5 or 1.0%, w/w) prior 1985). Such a trend is expected as the protein matrix of
to stretching in hot water containing 0, 5 or 10%, w/w, Mozzarella, and all rennet-curd cheeses, may be consid-
NaCl (Paulson et al., 1998). At all times throughout the ered as highly concentrated hydrated para-casein.
24-day storage period, the level of ES in cheeses from The influence of low salt concentrations on casein
curds stretched in hot water decreased as the level of hydration in cheese is also apparent from:
dry-salting prior to stretching was increased to give a
• the higher level of 5% salt-soluble N than water-
salt level of 0.14–0.68%, w/w (0.2–1.1%, w/w, S/M) in
soluble N in Cheddar and other cheese varieties,
the cheese. No ES was obtained at any stage from
e.g., 93 and 26% total N for 6-month-old Cheddar
cheeses made from curds stretched in hot solutions
(Reville and Fox, 1978);
containing 5 or 10%, w/w, NaCl and with salt levels
• the uptake of water by cheese in dilute brines, espe-
of 0.85–2.18%, w/w (i.e., 1.4–3.5%, w/w, S/M). These
cially if calcium is absent (Geurts et al., 1972;
results indicate a higher water-binding capacity of the
Guinee and Fox, 1986a, 1993).
protein matrix of cheeses as the S/M level increased to
0.85%, w/w. On salting in brines of typical composition (e.g.,
Dry-salting of cheese (by mixing milled curd pieces 18–22%, w/w, NaCl and 0.5%, w/w, CaCl2), cheese
and salt prior to moulding or further curd treatments) looses water during brining, resulting in a net weight
Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects 223

loss, as discussed in ‘Moisture level’. In contrast, salt- open channels with free serum (whey pockets) distrib-
ing in freshly prepared dilute brine (e.g., #12%, w/w, uted throughout the matrix, which acted as light
NaCl) without added calcium has been found to scattering surfaces and gave the cheese an opaque
increase the moisture content in the rind region of white colour, compared to a translucent, waxy appear-
Gouda (Fig. 8) and in Romano cheese slices (Fig. 9; ance in the salted cheeses in which such fissures were
Guinee and Fox, 1986a). This phenomenon can lead fewer and smaller. These observations suggest that
to a defect known as soft-rind or rind rot (soft, slimy, salt increases casein hydration and are consistent with
sticky surface) in Gouda and other cheeses which are the positive relationships between the NaCl content
salted in freshly prepared brines without calcium (at low levels, i.e., ⬃6%, w/w, S/M) and casein hydra-
(Geurts et al., 1972), unless casein hydration is tion in dilute casein systems and in cheese (see ‘Effect
reduced by adding CaCl2 and reducing the pH to of casein hydration in model systems and in cheese’).
⬃4.8–5.0. The problem rarely occurs in mature (stable
composition and pH) well-used brine because of the
Effect of NaCl on cheese rheology
accumulation of soluble calcium which migrates from
the cheese with the moisture. The influence of NaCl on cheese texture is most obvi-
ous on comparing salt-free cheeses with their salted
Effect of NaCl on cheese microstructure counterparts; the former is generally weak, soft, pasty
Owing to its effect on protein hydration, salt has a and/or adhesive depending on age. In contrast, high
major influence on the microstructure of cheese. Scan- salt concentrations lead to shortness, crumbliness,
ning electron microscopy has shown that the protein dryness and hardness, as observed for curds held in
matrix of salted non-fat Mozzarella (⬃0.25 or 3.5%, brine for an excessively long time. The relationship
w/w, S/M) or Muenster (⬃1.2, 3.6, or 6.7%, w/w, S/M) between cheese rheology/texture and salt level is also
cheeses is more swollen, homogeneous and contin- evident on visual examination of brine-salted cheese
uous, and has a higher specific surface area than their on completion of salting; the outside rind region is
unsalted counterparts (Paulson et al., 1998; Pastorino hard, brittle, dry and white while the inside is more
et al., 2003a). Moreover, the unsalted cheeses had large pliable, waxy, softer and more translucent. The influ-
ence of NaCl on cheese texture is probably due to
its effects on composition (moisture content, MNFS),
para-casein hydration/solubility and conformation, age-
24 44
related effects on pH (see Table 2; Furtado et al., 1982)
and proteolysis. The effects of salt are discussed in more
42 detail below.
Numerous investigators have studied the effects of
Salt-in-cheese moisture, %, w/w

40 salt concentration, or salt-in-moisture (S/M), on rheo-

16 logical properties such as firmness (max, e.g., force
required to attain a given compression, or to push a
Moisture, %, w/w

probe to a given depth into cheese), fracture stress
12 36 (f), fracture strain ( f) and/or sensory hardness.
These studies have shown that increases in S/M
34 within the range 0.4–12%, w/w, result in increased
8 firmness, max, f, and sensory hardness for Camembert
(Pagana and Hardy, 1986; Lesage et al., 1992), Ched-
dar (⬃0.2–6%, w/w, S/M; Thakur et al., 1975;
4 Schroeder et al., 1988), reduced-fat Cheddar
(2.7–4.5%, w/w, S/M; Mistry and Kasperson, 1998),
Feta (6.7–10.5%, w/w, S/M; Prasad and Alvarez, 1999;
0 28 2.0–5.5%, w/w, S/M; Pappas et al., 1996), Gaziantep
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Distance from cheese surface, cm
cheese (Kaya, 2002), Mozzarella (0.5 and 5.14%, w/w,
S/M; Cervantes et al., 1983), Muenster (0.3–7.45%,
Figure 8 Moisture content (open symbols) and salt-in-moisture S/M; Pastorino et al., 2003a), and low pH model
concentration (closed symbols) in Gouda cheese as a function
cheese made from ultrafiltered skim milk retentate
of distance from the salting surface after unidimensional brine-
salting for 4 days at 20 °C in 5 ( , ), 12 (,), 20 (, ) or (2.0 and 4.7%, w/w, S/M; Euston et al., 2002). The
24.8 (,●) %, w/w, NaCl solution (without calcium) (redrawn increase in max and f may be attributed in part to the
from Guinee, 1985) concomitant changes in composition, e.g., reduction
224 Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects



g water lost per 100 g cheese

g NaCl gained per 100 g cheese

8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

0 0

0 100 240 0 100 240 0 100 200 0 100 200 0 100 200
Brining time, min

Figure 9 Moisture loss (open symbols) and salt uptake (closed symbols) by Romano-type cheese slices (0.5 cm thick; 7 cm diam-
eter) brine-salted in 6.5 ( , ), 10.7 (,), 14.8 (,), 18.9 (, ) or 24.9 (,), %, w/w, NaCl solution (without calcium) at 20 °C,
as a function of time in the brine (redrawn from Guinee and Fox, 1986a).

in moisture level and increase in protein, and the concomitant loss in casein hydration at higher S/M
effects of salt on proteolysis (see ‘Cheese as an Ingred- levels (Geurts et al., 1972; Guinee and Fox, 1986a;
ient’, Volume 2). The effect of salt on composition is ‘Cheese as an Ingredient’, Volume 2). An increase in
very evident in brine-salted cheeses, in which there is casein hydration would impart a more viscous (and
generally an increasing moisture gradient from the less elastic) character to the cheese and a transition
surface to the centre, and a salt gradient in the oppo- from elastic fracture behaviour to plastic fracture behav-
site direction (see ‘Salt Absorption and Diffusion into iour, which would necessitate a higher strain for frac-
Cheese’) at the end of salting. However, even in ture (see ‘Rheology and Texture of Cheese’, Volume 1).
cheeses where the other compositional parameters Conversely, a lower degree of casein hydration at the
were relatively constant (Visser, 1991; Euston et al., higher S/M (5%, w/w) would favour a more elastic
2002), salt had a major effect on cheese rheology. This casein matrix and an elastic fracture behaviour, i.e., a
suggests that in addition to its indirect effects on shorter, firmer, more brittle cheese.
rheology via its influence on gross composition, salt
also exerts more direct effects on rheology, e.g., by
Effect of salt content on cooking properties
promoting changes in the degree of casein hydration
and aggregation which alters the ratio of viscous to The development of acceptable cooking characteristics
elastic character in the cheese. Thus, Euston et al. in cheese, such as Mozzarella and Cheddar, generally
(2002) noted an effect of the interaction between salt requires an ageing period (see ‘Pasta-Filata Cheeses’
level and pH on the rheology of model cheeses with and ‘Cheese as an Ingredient’, Volume 2), the duration
similar gross composition. of which depends, inter alia, on the cheese type, man-
Pagana and Hardy (1986) reported an inverse linear ufacturing conditions, ripening conditions and the
relationship between the brittleness of Camembert specifications set by the customer. Age-related bio-
cheese, as measured by fracture strain, and S/M level in chemical and microstructural changes which con-
the range ⬃3–21%, w/w. Visser (1991) noted that the tribute to the development of the desired cooking
fracture strain of model Gouda cheeses increased characteristics include: increases in proteolysis, casein
monotonically with S/M in the range 0 to ⬃4.5%, w/w, hydration and non-globular fat; a concomitant swelling
then decreased sharply to a value which was about half of the protein matrix; and decreases in the levels of
the maximum at 5.5%, w/w, S/M and remained rela- aggregation and continuity of the para-casein matrix.
tively constant thereafter as the S/M was increased to The increase in casein hydration leads to an enhanced
11.3%, w/w. Similar to f and max, the effect of salt on water-binding capacity of the protein matrix, improved
f is probably also attributable to a salting-in effect with moisture retention during cooking, easier displace-
a concomitant increase in para-casein hydration as S/M ment of neighbouring planes of the protein matrix
increases to ⬃5%, w/w, and a salting-out effect with a in the heated cheese mass, and improved (higher)
Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects 225

flowability and stretchability of the heated cheese. Muenster cheese in which salt level was varied by the
Moreover, the heated aged cheese is generally more number of injections of brine.
moist and less prone to blistering and charring than
fresh cheese.
Salt level has a marked influence on the cooking Reduced Sodium Cheese
properties of low-moisture part-skim Mozzarella (Apos- While the physiological requirement of Na as a dietary con-
tolopoulos et al., 1994) and non-fat Mozzarella cheese stituent is universally accepted, there is growing concern
(Paulson et al., 1998), a trend expected because of its that an excess (⬃2.4 g/day for healthy adults) induces
influence on casein hydration, as discussed in ‘Effect of physiological defects, including hypertension (see Beard
NaCl on casein hydration in model systems and in et al., 1997; Beilin, 1999; Kaplan, 2000). Such concern has
cheese’. In these studies, salt level was varied by brin- led to a recommendation for a reduced dietary intake of Na,
ing in salt solutions of different concentration, or by classification of foods (high, medium, low) according to
dry salting at 0.0, 0.5 or 1.0%, w/w, NaCl prior to sodium level, declaration of sodium level on the food labels
stretching the curd in hot water containing 0, 5 or 10%, and an increased demand for reduced-sodium foods,
w/w, NaCl (Paulson et al., 1998). The flowability of including cheese (see Demott, 1985; Petik, 1987; Schroeder
melted cheeses increased fairly linearly with salt level et al., 1988; Morris and Dillon, 1992; Narhinen et al.,
in the range 0.1–0.5%, w/w (S/M ⬇ 0.2–1.2%, w/w) 1998).
and changed only slightly as the salt level was further In addition to its preservative effect, salt in cheese
increased to ⬃2.2%, w/w (S/M ⬇ 0.2 to 3.3%, w/w). exerts a major influence on cheese composition, micro-
The increase in flowability coincided with an increase flora, ripening rate, texture, flavour and quality (see
in free oil and water-binding capacity of the para-casein ‘Control of Microbial Growth’, ‘Influence of NaCl on
matrix, as reflected by a decrease in the level of ES. Enzyme Activity in Cheese’, ‘Influence of NaCl on the
Moreover, the protein matrix of the salted cheese was Water Activity (aw) of Cheese’, ‘Overall Influence of
more swollen and uniform than that of unsalted cheese NaCl on Cheese Ripening and Quality’ and ‘Effect of
which had fissures thought to be pockets of free Salt on Cheese Composition’). The sodium level (%,
unbound water (Paulson et al., 1998). Thus, Kindstedt w/w) in cheese ranges from ⬃0.26, 0.62 and 2.6,
and co-workers (Kindstedt, 1990, 1995; Kindstedt respectively, for Swiss, Cheddar and Domiati (United
et al., 1992) found that zonal variations in salt level, States Department of Agriculture, 1976; Volume 2
which occur in brine-salted Mozzarella, lead to varia- Kindstedt and Kosikowski, 1988). Approaches to reduce
tions in cooking properties at different locations in the the Na level in cheese include:
cheese throughout a 16-day ageing period. Melted
cheese from the high-salt (⬃3.04%, w/w, at day 2, and • reducing the level of added salt per se (Kosikowski,
1.7%, w/w, at day 16) surface region had a higher 1983; Wyatt, 1983; Lindsay et al., 1985);
apparent viscosity and a low level of free oil, and was • partial or complete substitution of NaCl by other
tough and chewy. In contrast, cheese from the low-salt salts such as KCl, MgCl2 or CaCl2 (Fitzgerald and
interior (⬃0.38%, w/w, at day 2, and 0.9%, w/w, at day Buckley, 1985; Demott et al., 1986; Lefier et al.,
16) had a markedly lower apparent viscosity and was 1987; Anonymous, 1993; Iwanczak et al., 1996;
smooth, soft, fluid and gelatinous. After 16 days, the Katsiari et al., 1997; Salem and Abeid, 1997; Abou-El-
melted interior sample had become excessively soft Nour, 1998);
while the exterior sample still remained unacceptably • a reduced salt level in combination with flavour-
tough and chewy. The above trends suggest a salting-in enhancing substances such as autolysed yeast extract
effect of the para-casein matrix with a concomitant (Karahadian and Lindsay, 1984; Demott et al., 1986);
increase in hydration at low S/M levels (e.g., 1.5%, • the use of ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis reten-
w/w) and a salting-out effect and decrease in para- tate supplemented milks to alter the mineral level in
casein hydration at the high salt levels (especially the cheese (Kosikowski, 1983, 1985; Kindstedt and
at 6.3%, w/w, S/M). Consequently, Kindstedt and Guo Kosikowski, 1984b; Lindsay et al., 1985);
(1997) concluded that, in addition to proteolysis, the • alterations of cheesemaking procedure, e.g., wash-
increase in casein hydration, at 3–4%, w/w, S/M is a ing curd at a low temperature (⬃20 °C; to remove
major factor contributing to the development of the lactose) and heating moulded curd to a core tempera-
desirable cooking properties in low-moisture part-skim ture curd of 85 °C (Drews, 1991); or high intensity
Mozzarella during storage. In contrast to the above centrifugation of milk and re-incorporation of the
studies, Pastorino et al. (2003a) reported no effect of bacteria-rich portion after sterilization followed by
salt in the range 0.14–2.8%, w/w (0.34–7.4%, w/w, normal cheese manufacture apart from a shorter
S/M) on the degrees of melt and flowability of 40-day-old brining time (Wessanen, 1983).
226 Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects

Attempts to produce low-sodium processed cheese 1.5–1.75%, w/w, with NaCl, KCl or mixtures of
products include the partial substitution of sodium NaCl/KCl (2:1, 1:1, 1:2 and 3:4). For a given starter
phosphates with the corresponding potassium phos- system, the type of salt did not effect the predominant
phates, the use of flavour enhancers (e.g., monosodium bacterial species in the cheese. Kosikowski (1983,
glutamate, glucono-delta-lactone, enzyme-modified cheese 1985) found that in Cheddar cheeses with a reduced
and cheese pastes) (Karahadian and Lindsay, 1984) and level of NaCl (i.e., 1.05%; ⬃3.0%, w/w, S/M), increas-
the use of selected cheese blends and dairy ingredients ing the protein content of the milk, from ⬃3.36 to
in the production of emulsifying salt-free processed 6.26%, w/w, prior to renneting, by supplementing the
cheese foods and spreads. cheese milk with increasing amounts of ultrafiltered
milk (4.5:1 retentate), was paralleled by a decrease
in moisture and increases in the Ca (from ⬃590
Cheddar cheese
to 730 mg/100 g) and P (from ⬃470 to 556 mg/100 g)
Schroeder et al. (1988) showed that it was possible levels and in the scores for flavour, body and texture
to reduce the salt content of Cheddar to 1.12%, w/w, during ripening at 10 °C over 4 months. Grading
without ill-effects on quality; cheese with 0.73%, w/w, scores for flavour and texture increased to an optimum
NaCl was also acceptable. Fitzgerald and Buckley at a milk protein concentration of 4.97–6.26% in the
(1985) studied the influence of KCl, MgCl2, CaCl2 supplemented milks; at the lower milk protein level,
and 1:1 mixtures of these salts with NaCl on the qual- the cheeses become progressively more acidic, bitter,
ity of Cheddar cheese salted to give an ionic strength pasty and devoid of cheese flavour. The enhancing
similar to the control (i.e., 1.44%, w/w, NaCl in the effect of increased milk protein level on grading score
cheese) ripened at 4 $C over a 4-month period. The was attributed to the increased buffering capacity
use of KCl, MgCl2 or CaCl2 alone resulted in oversoft which prevented a rapid decline in pH (in the absence
cheeses with very bitter and unacceptable flavours. of a normal salt level) during moulding and pressing
These defects may be attributed to the higher mois- and hence excessive loss of calcium and phosphorus
ture level and greater proteolysis and lipolysis in the which influence cheese structure and rate of proteoly-
case of MgCl2 and CaCl2 but not in the case of KCl, sis (Kosikowski, 1983; Kindstedt and Kosikowski,
where the moisture and water-soluble N levels were 1984a,b, 1986). However, the results of Kosikowski
similar to, or slightly higher than, respectively, the (1983) could not be confirmed under practically iden-
controls. Similarly, the cheeses with salt mixtures gen- tical conditions by Lindsay et al. (1985). Contrary to
erally had higher levels of proteolysis and lipolysis the results of Kosikowski (1983), the latter group
than the control but the blends had little effect on found that:
the hardness or firmness, except in the case of the
• the calcium level in low-sodium (1%, w/w, NaCl)
NaCl/MgCl2 blend which gave softer cheese than
Cheddar made from control milk was not signifi-
the control. Both flavour and texture scores for the
cantly lower than that made from milk supple-
CaCl2/NaCl- and MgCl2/NaCl-salted cheeses were sig-
mented with retentate;
nificantly lower than the controls. A KCl/NaCl (1:1)
• the grading scores of cheeses made from supple-
mixture gave cheese at 16 weeks which was not
mented milk were of the same magnitude as, or
significantly different from the control in terms of
slightly lower than, those of the control ‘non-
proteolysis, texture flavour and acceptability.
supplemented’ low-salt Cheddar. Moreover, the for-
Similar results with NaCl/KCl (1:1) mixtures were
mer cheeses were generally softer and had a less
observed for Cheddar (Lindsay et al., 1982), and
intense cheese flavour.
Camembert, Gouda and Camping type cheeses
(Iwanczak et al., 1996). Moreover, both of these stud- The inclusion of reverse osmosis (RO) retentate in
ies reported that reduction of salt (i.e., NaCl or 1:1 UF retentate-supplemented milk gave low-salt Cheddar
NaCl/KCl mixtures) by ⬃30% in these cheeses resulted (1%, w/w NaCl) with grading scores similar to the con-
in no major differences in flavour, texture or accept- trol (Lindsay et al., 1985); such cheeses had a unique
ability scores (Lindsay et al., 1982) or improved them sharpness which could be used to enhance the flavour
(Iwanczak et al., 1996). In Cheddar cheese (⬃34%, of other cheese products, such as processed cheese.
w/w, moisture) salted with NaCl/KCl mixtures, free Undoubtedly, the quality of commercial reduced-
fatty acid levels were higher and grading scores were sodium cheese depends on many factors, including
somewhat lower due to a slight bitterness (Lindsay pitching pH, the type and amount of residual coagu-
et al., 1982). Reddy and Marth (1995) studied the lant in the cheese, types and counts of starter
starter and NSLAB populations in Cheddar cheeses and non-starter bacteria, composition and ripening
made with different starters and salted at a level of temperature. Ranges of compositional parameters for
Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects 227

good quality (New Zealand) Cheddar as proposed by process modifications such as bactofugation of the
Lelievre and Gilles (1982) are: 4.0–6.0%, w/w, S/M; milk and reduction of the cheese moisture level. Lefier
50–57%, w/w, FDM; 50–56%, w/w, MNFS and pH et al. (1987) reported the production of low-sodium
5.0–5.4; outside these ranges quality deteriorates Gruyère (⬃45 mg Na/100 g compared to 272 mg/100 g
sharply. With the modern continuous production in the control) by replacing NaCl by MgCl2. While the
methods for Cheddar, in combination with rapid degree of proteolysis and the concentrations of free
cooling of blocks, it may be possible (though some- fatty acids were similar in both cheeses, the cheese
what more expensive) to produce consistently high- containing MgCl2 had a more bitter taste and a softer
quality Cheddar by reducing the MNFS, keeping the body than the control, but was organoleptically
pH close to 5.1, avoiding the use of bitter starters acceptable. Partial replacement (50%) of NaCl in
and microbial rennets, and ripening at a low tempera- brines with CaCl2, MgCl2, KCl, or a mixture of CaCl2,
ture (i.e., 5 °C). MgCl2 and KCl did not significantly affect the level of
proteolysis, as measured by pH 4.6-soluble N (per-
Cottage cheese centage total N) and NPN in Turkish White
cheese (Güven and Karaca, 2001). However, the pH 4.6-
Because of its relatively large serving size (⬃112 g
soluble N (percentage total N) was numerically high-
compared to ⬃66 g for other cheeses), Cottage cheese
est for the cheeses salted in the NaCl brine and lowest
has been viewed as a potentially high source of
in those salted in NaCl:CaCl2  KCl  MgCl2 brines
dietary sodium (Marsh et al., 1980). Hence, much
during most of the ripening period. Katsiari et al.
interest has focused on various ways of reducing the
(1997) reported that the sodium content of Feta
salt level of Cottage cheese. Wyatt (1983) evaluated
cheeses was successfully reduced by 50%, by partial
preference scores for Cottage cheeses in which the
replacement of NaCl with KCl, without affecting gross
NaCl content was reduced stepwise from 1%, w/w,
composition, water activity, lipolysis (Katsiari et al.,
(control commercial cheese) to 0.25%, w/w, NaCl. It
2000b), proteolyis (Katsiari et al., 2000a), or sensory
was concluded that a 35% reduction in salt did not
or textural properties. Similarly, a 50% reduction in
influence consumer response to the cheese compared
the sodium content of Kefalograviera cheese, by sub-
to the control; however, reduction by 50% or greater
stituting KCl for NaCl, had no effect on lipolysis or
resulted in significantly lower scores. Demott et al.
proteolysis (Katsiari et al., 2001a,b).
(1986) also evaluated consumer reactions to low-
Processed cheese products contain a relatively high
sodium Cottage cheese salted with various mixtures
level of Na (1.0–1.5%, w/w; USDA, 1976) because of
of KCl and NaCl and found that the sodium level
the inclusion of sodium phosphate emulsifying salts
could be reduced by 50% (by adding 1.26%, w/w, of
in their formulation. Karahadian and Lindsay (1984)
an NaCl/KCl mixture instead of 1.26%, w/w, NaCl)
produced acceptable low-sodium processed cheese
without affecting grading scores. Reducing the
(75% reduction, 0.34%, w/w, Na in product) by
sodium level by more than 50% resulted in a signifi-
using reduced-sodium Cheddar cheese and/or various
cant reduction in score (Demott et al., 1984, 1986).
combinations of potassium-based emulsifying salts
Lindsay et al. (1985) also found that a 50% reduction
(citrates, phosphates). A similar process for reduced-
caused no significant changes in consumer acceptabil-
sodium processed cheese, based on the selective use
ity. However, the use of substitutes, i.e., KCl or
of sodium-, potassium- and calcium-based phosphates,
KCl/NaCl, to reduce the level of sodium by 50% gave a
was patented by Henson (1999). The most efficient
significant reduction in quality.
means for reducing Na in processed cheese products is
by eliminating the emulsifying salts, i.e., as in emulsify-
Other cheeses
ing salt-free processed cheese foods and spreads which
Martens et al. (1976) reported the successful manufac- have been commercially available since 1988. The pro-
ture of low-sodium Gouda cheese using mixtures of duction of such products requires careful blending of
NaCl and KCl in curd manufacture and brining. While cheeses (i.e., high and low calcium cheeses, cheeses
the Na and K levels (mg %) in the control cheese were with varying pH and degree of proteolysis) and alter-
⬃830–650 and 120, those of the reduced-sodium ation of processing conditions so as to obtain a stable
cheese were 200 and 200, respectively. However, emulsion (McAuliffe and O’Mullane, 1989; Guinee,
reduction of salt in dry matter (SDM) in Gouda cheese 1991). In the latter products, lack of saltiness is easily
by ⬃20% is claimed to increase significantly the sus- overcome by adding ingredients such as monosodium
ceptibility to butyric acid fermentation (van den Berg glutamate, autolysed yeast extract, ‘high-cured cheese’,
et al., 1986). To prevent such undesirable fermentation cheese powders, enzyme-modified cheese, cheese pastes
in cheeses at salt levels 3.8%, w/w, SDM requires and/or acidulants.
228 Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects

Salt Absorption and Diffusion into Cheese concluded that the penetration of salt into cheese and
the concomitant outward migration of water could be
Methods of salting
described as an impeded diffusion process, i.e., NaCl
There are three principal methods of salting cheese curd: and H2O molecules move in response to their respective
concentration gradients but their diffusion rates are
• direct addition and mixing of dry salt crystals to
much lower than those in pure solution (Georgakis,
broken or milled curd pieces at the end of manufac-
1973; Resmini et al., 1974) due to a variety of imped-
ture, e.g., Cheddar and Cottage;
ing factors. The diffusion coefficient (D) for NaCl in
• rubbing of dry salt or a salt slurry to the surface of
cheese moisture is typically ⬃0.2 cm2/d, though it
the moulded curds, e.g., blue-veined cheeses;
varies from ⬃0.1 to 0.45 cm2/d with cheese compos-
• immersion of moulded cheese in a brine solution,
ition and brining conditions (Geurts et al., 1974b;
e.g., Edam, Gouda, Saint Paulin, Provolone, etc.
Guinee and Fox, 1983a; Guinee, 1985; Turhan and
Sometimes, a combination of the above methods is Kaletunç, 1992; Turhan and Gunasekaran, 1999; Simal
used, e.g., Emmental, Parmesan, Romano and Brick. et al., 2001), compared to 1.0 cm2/d for NaCl in pure
Other methods which have been used less frequently, H2O at 12.5 °C.
mainly in experimental studies, include: brine injection Geurts et al. (1974b) used the term ‘pseudo-diffusion
under pressure, e.g., 17 MPa (Lee et al., 1978; Pastorino coefficient’ in relation to the movement of NaCl in
et al., 2003a); high pressure brining, e.g., at isostatic cheese moisture since the value of the observed coeffi-
pressures up to 500 MPa (Messens et al., 1999), acoustic cient depended on the net effect of many interfering
brining in an experimental scale (28 l) brine vat with factors on true diffusion. The discrepancies between
an acoustic system generating high intensity (300 W) the true- and pseudo-diffusion coefficients, i.e., D and
ultrasonic (30 kHz) waves (Sánchez et al., 2000); vac- D*, respectively, were explained by a simplified model
uum impregnation brining at a vacuum of 3.7 kPa, of cheese structure consisting of moisture and discrete
absolute (Pavia et al., 1999). In high pressure brining, spherical fat globules dispersed in a protein matrix
cheese portions were placed in high-density polythene comprised of discrete spherical protein particles and
containers, which were filled with brine, closed, placed 15% (w/v) bound water. Based on theoretical consider-
in an isostatic press and pressurized. ations, the impedance of various compositional and
structural features intrinsic to the model structure
was formulated and their effects on D quantified.
Mechanism of salt absorption and diffusion The principal factors responsible for impedance of
in cheese
NaCl diffusion in cheese, as postulated by Geurts et al.
Brine-salted cheese (1974b), are:
When cheese is placed in brine there is a net move-
ment of NaCl molecules, as Na and Cl , from the 1. The larger outward migration of water, com-
brine into the cheese as a consequence of the osmotic pared to inward flux of NaCl, during brining. The
pressure difference between the cheese moisture and pores (estimated to be ⬃2.5 nm wide) of the protein
the brine. Consequently, the water in the cheese dif- matrix exert a sieving effect on both the inward-
fuses out through the cheese matrix so as to restore diffusing NaCl molecules and outward-moving H2O
osmotic pressure equilibrium. Gels, including cheese, molecules but the effect is more pronounced on the
consist of a three-dimensional network of strands of former because of their greater effective diffusion
fused para-casein micelles in clusters, which gives the radius, which is approximately twice that of the H2O
mass its structure and a certain degree of rigidity and molecules. Hence, during brining, the H2O flux is
elasticity; the properties of the inter-penetrating fluid approximately twice the NaCl flux. The net outflow
are generally not appreciably different from those of of H2O during brining causes the plane of zero mass
corresponding solutions. It would appear, therefore, transfer (a plane where the average flux of all diffus-
that NaCl molecules diffusing in cheese moisture, ing species is zero) to recede from the cheese/brine
while having a longer distance to travel than in solu- interface into the brine and hence reduces the appar-
tion (diffusing ions must travel a circuitous route to ent rate of NaCl diffusion due to the additional path
by-pass obstructing protein strands and fat globules length through which the NaCl molecules must
through which they cannot penetrate), would not be migrate. The interference, which is most pronounced
appreciably affected otherwise. However, based on the when moisture loss is high, e.g., when using con-
mobilities of NaCl and H2O in Gouda-type cheeses centrated brines or high brining temperature, was
brine-salted under model conditions to obey Fick’s law estimated to reduce the diffusion coefficient by 20%;
for unidimensional brine flow, Geurts et al. (1974b) hence D* ⬇0.8D.
Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects 229

2. The high relative viscosity of the aqueous 5. Frictional effects of protein-bound water. Water
phase of cheese. The viscosity of cheese moisture binding in cheese (0.1–0.15 g H2O/g para-casein;
(juice) is about 1.27 times that of pure water at Geurts et al., 1974a) accounts for 10–15% of the total
12.5 °C due to the presence of dissolved materials, cheese moisture. The bound water increases the
e.g., acids, salts and nitrogenous compounds. When effective diameter of protein particles of which the
the NaCl molecules enter the cheese, they encounter matrix is composed, and, thereby, reduces the relative
collisions/obstructions with the dissolved substances, pore width of the protein matrix. This in turn
an occurrence which retards movement. Moreover, increases the sieving effect on the migrating ions, as
the charge fields of these substances also affect the discussed in 4, and the tortuosity factor (p) as dis-
movement of the diffusing ions. Both of these factors cussed in 3.
reduce NaCl mobility and contribute to the reduction
of the pseudo-diffusion coefficient by a factor of Beginning from a simplified model of cheese struc-
1/rel. ture and considering the relative effects of the interfer-
3. Obstructions of fat globules and globular protein ing factors discussed, Geurts et al. (1974b) postulated
particles. On proceeding from one parallel plane to a theoretical ‘pseudo-diffusion’ coefficient,
another within the cheese, the diffusing molecules
must travel by a circuitous route to bypass obstructing 0.8  DS
particles. Hence, the real distance travelled by diffus- r!rel
ing molecule proceeding from the rind (cheese–brine
interface) to a point x cm inside the rind is x cm While the model cheese structure adopted by
rather than x cm (apparent distance), where  is the Geurts et al. (1974b) is simplified in view of the
tortuosity factor. The ratio of the real to the apparent results of electronmicroscopic examinations of cheese
distance travelled is a measure of the obstructions structure (Kimber et al., 1974; de Jong, 1978; Kaláb,
caused by fat globules (f) and protein particles (p). 1995; Guinee et al., 1998; Auty et al., 2001), the
These reduce the diffusion coefficient by a factor of calculated impedance derived from it was sufficient
1/(fp). Theoretically, f can vary from /2 for a to explain the very low diffusion coefficient of NaCl
close-pack arrangement to 1 for a very low-fat system, in cheese moisture and the variations of D* with vari-
e.g., skim milk cheese. Typical values of f and p are ations in cheese composition and brining conditions.
1.32 and 1.35, respectively, for a Gouda cheese con- A number of later studies (Minarik, 1985; Luna and
taining 29% fat and 43% moisture (Geurts et al., Bressan, 1986, 1987; Luna and Chavez, 1992; Payne
1974b). However, the values of f and p in experi- and Morison, 1999) on the modelling of salt and
mental Gouda cheese vary markedly with composition water diffusion in semi-hard cheeses have verified the
(Tables 5 and 6). low diffusivity of salt in cheese moisture. Using devel-
4. The mechanical sieving effect of the pores of the oped prediction models, these studies found a close
protein matrix on migrating ions. The relatively nar- correlation between the experimental data from earl-
row pore width of the protein matrix exerts a fric- ier studies (Geurts et al., 1974b; Guinee and Fox,
tional effect on the diffusing NaCl and H2O, 1983a) and predicted salt and moisture levels in the
analogous to the restriction of movement of a sphere cheese.
through a pipe with a diameter which varies some-
what and which at its smallest is comparable to that Direct mixing of salt with milled curd
the sphere. In cheese, the pore width, estimated to be When dry salt is distributed over the surface of milled
typically ⬃2.5 nm, is not much larger than the com- curd or curd granules, some NaCl dissolves in the sur-
bined diameters of the Na and Cl , estimated to be face moisture and diffuses slowly inwards a short dis-
⬃0.6 nm (see Geurts et al., 1974b); moreover, consider- tance (Breene et al., 1965; Sutherland, 1974). This
ation of cheese microstructure suggests that pores are causes a counterflow of whey from the curd to the sur-
not uniform in diameter or in orientation (aspect). face which dissolves the remaining salt crystals and, in
The sieving effect (S) reduces the relative diffusion effect, creates a supersaturated brine solution around
rates of the diffusing NaCl and water from 1 in pure each particle, provided mixing of curd and salt is ade-
solution to ⬃0.5 and 0.75, respectively, in cheese quate. However, because of the relatively large surface
moisture. As the effective pore restriction on the dif- area to volume ratio of the curd as a whole, salt uptake
fusion of NaCl in cheese moisture is determined by its occurs from many surfaces simultaneously and less
effect on the larger molecule, i.e., NaCl, the pseudo- time is required for uptake of an adequate amount of
diffusion coefficient was estimated to be reduced by a salt in dry-salting milled curd (10–20 min) than in
factor of S  0.5. brining whole cheeses (0.5–5 days depending on the

Table 5 Influence of cheese composition on salt diffusion in cheese moisture

Properties of unsalted cheese Obstructing factors Diffusion coefficients

Volume Volume Relative

Moisture fraction of fraction of pore width Fat Protein
Cheese Fat Moisture Solids Fat-in-dry in-fat-free fat phase protein of protein tortuosity tortuosity D* D* f
code (%) (%) not-fat (%) matter (%) cheese (%) (f) matrix (p) matrix (y/dp) (f) (p) (cm2/day) (cm2/day)

1 0.00 53.00 47.00 0.00 53.00 0.000 0.466 0.132 1.000 1.425 0.136 0.136
2 10.88 49.00 40.12 21.33 54.98 0.127 0.442 0.152 1.117 1.409 0.153 0.171
3 19.88 45.93 34.19 36.77 57.33 0.227 0.413 0.178 1.229 1.389 0.203 0.249
4 26.25 43.48 30.27 46.44 58.96 0.297 0.394 0.198 1.296 1.378 0.227 0.294
5 0.00 52.90 47.10 0.00 52.90 0.000 0.467 0.132 1.000 1.425 0.140 0.140
6 10.00 48.93 41.07 19.58 54.37 0.117 0.449 0.146 1.105 1.414 0.202 0.223
7 18.25 44.90 36.85 33.12 54.92 0.207 0.442 0.152 1.208 1.409 0.205 0.248
8 30.28 40.50 29.22 50.89 58.09 0.340 0.404 0.187 1.333 1.383 0.236 0.315
9 18.18 49.20 32.62 37.59 60.13 0.207 0.380 0.213 1.208 1.365 0.295 0.356
10 20.00 47.94 32.06 38.42 59.93 0.227 0.382 0.211 1.229 1.366 0.263 0.323
11 21.00 45.02 37.98 38.20 56.99 0.240 0.417 0.174 1.242 1.392 0.207 0.257
12 21.00 44.44 34.60 37.77 56.25 0.240 0.427 0.165 1.242 1.400 0.176 0.218
13 29.00 41.11 28.89 49.24 57.90 0.326 0.406 0.185 1.322 1.384 0.216 0.285
14 27.66 44.02 28.32 49.41 60.85 0.310 0.371 0.223 1.308 1.358 0.247 0.324

For calculation of f and p it was assumed that: (a) cheese moisture contained 5% dissolved solids, density  1 g/ml; (b) the protein matrix consisted of protein  15% water bound
and had a specific gravity of 1.25; (c) the specific gravity of fat  0.93. Cheeses were from four trials, i.e cheeses 1–4, from trial 1; 5–8, from trial 2; 9–12, from trial 3; and 13, 14 from
trial 4. All cheeses were salted in 18.5% NaCl at 20 °C for 3–4 days (from Guinee, 1985).
Table 6 Experimentally determined diffusion coefficient (D*) of salt in moisture in cheese varying in properties and brined under different conditions. Calculation of diffusion
coefficient in moisture (D*v) and of relative pore width of the protein matrix (y/d)e in fat-free cheese

Diffusion coefficient
Properties of non-salted cheese Calculation of factors (cm2/day)

Brine Fat Moisture

(g NaCl/ g fat in content content
100 g H2O) 100 g DM pH (%) (%) v v e (y/d)e D* D* v

19.7 12 5.00 5.3 53.0 0.06 1.04 0.42 0.171 0.164 0.170
19.0 12 5.01 4.9 54.0 0.06 1.04 0.41 0.181 0.185 0.192
19.5 12 4.99 5.0 55.0 0.06 1.04 0.40 0.191 0.162 0.168
20.2 22 5.00 10.9 50.2 0.13 1.12 0.42 0.171 0.152 0.171
19.8 50 5.10 33.0 36.2 0.37 1.36 0.44 0.153 0.100 0.136
20.5 50 4.79 31.2 41.1 0.35 1.34 0.37 0.225 0.160 0.215
20.0 50 5.42 30.9 41.5 0.34 1.33 0.37 0.225 0.160 0.213
19.6 50 5.09 30.4 42.2 0.34 1.33 0.37 0.225 0.172 0.229
20.4 50 5.02 29.9 42.5 0.33 1.32 0.36 0.238 0.185 0.245
34.8 50 5.09 29.9 42.5 0.33 1.32 0.36 0.238 0.148 0.196
14.0 50 5.10 30.2 42.5 0.34 1.33 0.36 0.238 0.194 0.258
19.7 50 5.07 29.2 42.9 0.33 1.32 0.37 0.225 0.187 0.248
13.8 50 5.18 29.5 43.0 0.33 1.32 0.36 0.238 0.177 0.234
20.0 50 5.64 28.9 43.4 0.32 1.32 0.36 0.238 0.168 0.221
13.8 50 4.98 26.9 48.0 0.30 1.30 0.31 0.312 0.235 0.305
20.1 50 4.92 26.6 49.0 0.29 1.29 0.30 0.330 0.258 0.333
19.4 50 5.09 25.8 50.1 0.29 1.29 0.29 0.349 0.239 0.309
20.0 62 5.00 39.1 38.5 0.43 1.40 0.34 0.265 0.179 0.251
20.1 62 4.98 37.1 40.8 0.41 1.39 0.32 0.295 0.224 0.311

v  volume fraction of fat in cheese, calculated from fat content.

v  tortuosity factor of fat, a function of v.
e  volume fraction of protein matrix in fat-free cheese.
(y/d)e  relative pore width of this matrix.
D*  pseudo-diffusion coefficient in moisture in cheese.
In calculating v and e it is assumed that cheese moisture contains 5% dissolved substances (density of solution  1), that the protein matrix consists of protein  15% water
(density 1.25), and that the density of the fat is 0.93. All experiments were carried out at about 12.5 °C (from Geurts et al., 1974b).
232 Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects

dimensions). Some of the ‘brine’ on the surface of curd 0.21

particles drains away through the curd mass while

Diffusion coefficeint, D*, cm2/d

more is physically expelled from the curd particles 0.2
during pressing and is lost in the ‘press whey’. As the
salt/surface area ratio is usually low, and the period 0.19
of contact of the curd surface with the concentrated
brine layer is relatively short (i.e., 20 min mellow- 0.18
ing period), little localized surface protein contraction
occurs compared to that in dry-salted, moulded curds 0.17
(Sutherland, 1974).
Dry surface-salting of moulded pressed cheese curd 0 5 10 15 20 25
A block of curd can be regarded as a very large particle Brine concentration, %, w/w, NaCl
and solution of dry salt in the surface moisture layer is
a pre-requisite for salt absorption in this method also. Figure 10 The effect of brine concentration on the diffusion
coefficient, D*, of salt in the moisture phase of experimental
The counter flow of moisture from the cheese creates a
Gouda cheese (43.6%, w/w, moisture; 49.1%, w/w, fat-in-dry
supersaturated brine layer on the cheese surface and matter) salted for 4 days at 20 °C (redrawn from Guinee, 1985).
salt uptake then occurs by an impeded diffusion
process. Because the surface is in contact with a con-
centrated brine for a long time (several days), there is concentration in the range 5–25%, w/w (Fig. 11;
considerable contraction of the curd surface (salting Breene et al., 1965; Sutherland, 1974; Guinee, 1985;
out of protein) and this probably leads to relatively Guinee and Fox, 1986a; Chamba, 1988; Kaya et al.,
high moisture losses from the surface region and 1999; Prasad and Alvarez, 1999; Melilli et al., 2003).
hence a reduction in the inward mobility of NaCl This is due to the reduction in the concentration gra-
which accounts for the lower rate of salt uptake in this dient of S/M between the cheese moisture and the
method than in brining (Godinho and Fox, 1981b; brine. Hence, in model brining experiments, in which
Melilli et al., 2003). cheese slices of different thickness were completely
submerged in brine, there was a sharp decrease in the
Factors influencing salt absorption by cheese rate of salt absorption (per unit weight) as the differ-
The only pre-requisite for salt absorption by cheese is ence between the NaCl concentration in the cheese
the existence of a salt-in-moisture gradient between the moisture and the brine decreased, especially when the
cheese and the salting medium. However, the quantity
of salt absorbed depends on the intrinsic properties of
the cheese, the conditions of salting and the duration of 7
salting. As the different procedures of salting all involve
salt absorption via an impeded diffusion process, the 6
general factors affecting salt uptake by cheese apply
Salt in cheese, %, w/w

equally to granules or milled curd pieces on mixing

with dry salt and to moulded cheeses which are brined
and/or dry salted. Certain peculiarities of the salting of
milled curd pieces, as in Cheddar, which affect salt 4
absorption will be discussed separately.
Brine concentration and concentration gradient
It is generally accepted that an increase in brine con-
centration results in greater salt absorption and an 2
increased salt-in-moisture level in the cheese (Figs 8, 9);
Breene et al., 1965; Geurts et al., 1980; Godinho and 1
5 10 15 20 25
Fox, 1981b; Guinee and Fox, 1986a; Apostolopoulos
et al., 1994; Pappas et al., 1996; Kaya et al., 1999). Brine concentration, %, w/w, NaCl
While the rate of NaCl diffusion is scarcely affected by
Figure 11 Salt level in Romano-type cheese slices (0.5 cm
brine concentration in the range 5–20% (Guinee, thick; 7 cm diameter) as a function of brine concentration after
1985; Geurts et al., 1974b; Fig. 10), the rate of uptake salting for 50 (), 100 () or 200 (●) min in 20%, w/w, NaCl
increases at a diminishing rate with increasing brine brine containing 0.5%, w/w, Ca (redrawn from Guinee, 1985).
Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects 233

initial difference was large (Fig. 12; Guinee and Fox, to-water ratio of ⬃1:3. Owing to the higher concentra-
1986a). A somewhat similar situation applies to dry- tion of lactate in the moisture phase of cheeses than in
salted cheese: the increase in salt-in-moisture level in the brine, an outward migration of lactate form the
Cheddar curd is not proportional to the increase in the cheese to the brine and a counter-flow of water from
level of dry salt added to the milled curd (O’Connor, the brine to cheese would be expected in all cheeses
1974; Gilles, 1976). This is attributed to increased salt during brine-salting. We are not aware of studies on
losses with increased salting level, which reflects the this but the data of Pavia et al. (1999) show lower con-
decreasing effect of the driving force (concentration centrations of lactate in the surface than in the centre
gradient) in raising the quantity of salt absorbed as the of Manchego cheese. The quantity of lactate lost and
salt-in-moisture level in the cheese approaches that of water gained as a result of this mutual lactate-water dif-
the brine. fusion process depends on the lactate concentration in
While increasing the NaCl concentration in the the cheese moisture prior to salting, with a higher lac-
brine from ⬃19%, w/w, to 25% or 31%, w/w, at 20 °C, tate concentration leading to a higher water uptake
results in an increase in the level of salt absorbed by by the cheese. Hence, all other factors being equal, a
brine-salted Gouda cheeses (Geurts et al., 1980; low level of lactate-in-moisture before brine-salting is
Guinee, 1985), Romano cheese slices (Guinee and Fox, expected to result in a greater net loss of water from
1986a), brine-salted Cheddar cheese cubes (Breene the cheese that occurs as a result of the mutual salt-
et al., 1965), the diffusion coefficient, D*, and hence, water diffusion process during brining. Consequently,
the depth of penetration of salt into the cheese, salting of Ragusano cheese, for which the lactate level
decreases sharply (Fig. 10). is expected to be lower than that of Gouda and other
In contrast, Melilli et al. (2003) reported a markedly non-plasticized cheeses, in high-NaCl brine (e.g.,
lower mean salt content (⬃35%) in Ragusano cheese, 25–30%, w/w) probably leads to a relatively large water
at day 8, on raising the NaCl concentration in the brine loss, especially from the surface layer of the cheese. A
from 18 to 30%, w/w. The discrepancy between the high level of dehydration in the surface layer would
results of Melilli et al. (2003) and previous studies impede salt absorption because of the concomitant
(Breene et al., 1965; Geurts et al., 1980; Guinee, 1985; increases in protein content and the consequent reduc-
Guinee and Fox, 1986a) may be related to differences tion in pore width of the protein matrix (see ‘Moisture
in the lactate content of the cheese, which is likely to content of cheese’).
be lower in Ragusano than in Gouda, Cheddar or
Romano, because of the loss of lactate during plasti- Method of brine-salting
cization of the Ragusano curd in hot water at a curd- High pressure (HP) treatment of cheese during brining
at 100–500 MPa, at 20 °C for 15–30 min, did not signifi-
cantly affect salt uptake in Gouda cheese but in some
0.35 cases reduced moisture loss (Messens et al., 1999).
g NaCl absorbed per 100 g cheese per min

Similarly, vacuum impregnation brining at 3.7 kPa,

0.30 absolute, did not effect the mean S/M level in
Manchego-type cheese (Pavia et al., 1999). However,
0.25 in contrast to observations with HP-brining (Messens
et al., 1999), vacuum impregnation brining gave a more
uniform S/M distribution immediately after brining
0.15 than conventional brine-salting.
The quantity of salt taken up by Mozzarella on
0.10 brine injection under pressure was directly propor-
tional to the number of injections for salt levels of
0.05 0–3%, w/w (Pastorino et al., 2003a); the results of
Lee et al. (1978) suggest that salt retention on pres-
0.00 sure injection is proportional to the square root of
0 5 10 15 20
Δ NaCl level (%, w/w) between
pressure and decreases with the diameter of the jet
cheese moisture and brine orifice.
Figure 12 Influence of NaCl concentration gradient between Cheese geometry
the cheese moisture and the brine on salt uptake by Romano-
type cheese slices (0.5 cm thick; 7 cm diameter) salted in 20%,
It is generally agreed that the rate of salt absorption
w/w, NaCl brine containing 0.5%, w/w, Ca (redrawn from Guinee increases with increasing surface area to volume ratio
and Fox, 1986a). of the cheese (Breene et al., 1965; Gilles, 1976; Guinee
234 Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects

and Fox, 1986a). This is most readily observed on 607, 483 and 600 cm2, respectively, i.e., surface area to
comparing the rate of salt uptake by milled curd (e.g., volume ratios of 0.607, 0.483 and 0.600, respectively.
Cheddar) and whole moulded cheeses (Brick, Emmental, As discussed below, the rate of salt uptake is affected
Romano or Blue-type cheeses) in brine; in the former, by whether the surface is flat or curved; for the above
salt absorption occurs from many surfaces simultan- cheeses, the area of the curved surface is 275, 483 and
eously, and the time required to attain a fixed level of 0 cm2, respectively.
salt is very much less than for brine-salted moulded
cheeses. While at first sight it may appear that smaller Salting time
cheeses would have a higher mean salt content than It is well established that the quantity of salt absorbed
larger ones after brining for equal intervals, this applies increases with salting time (Byers and Price, 1937;
only to cheeses of the same shape and relative dimen- Hoecker and Hammer, 1944; Breene et al., 1965;
sions since salt uptake is linearly related to the surface Sutherland, 1974; Geurts et al., 1980; Godinho and
area to volume ratio of the cheese (Geurts et al., 1980; Fox, 1981b; Luna and Bressan, 1986; Guinee and Fox,
Guinee and Fox, 1986a,b). 1986a,b; Turhan and Kaletunç, 1992; Nájera et al.,
In addition to its influence on the surface area to 1994; Kristiansen et al., 1999; Messens et al., 1999;
volume ratio, cheese shape also affects the rate of salt Melilli et al., 2003). However, the rate of salt absorp-
absorption via its effect on: (i) the number of direc- tion decreases with time due to a decrease in the NaCl
tions of salt penetration from the salting medium into concentration gradient between the cheese moisture
the cheese and (ii) the ratio of planar to curved surface and the brine (Geurts et al., 1980; Guinee and Fox,
area of the cheese (Geurts et al., 1980; Guinee and 1986a,b; Melilli et al., 2003). Indeed, the quantity of
Fox, 1983b, 1986a,b). Geurts et al. (1980) found that salt taken up by a cheese is proportional to the square
on brining Edam-type cheese, the quantity of NaCl root of brining time, √t (Geurts et al., 1980; Guinee
absorbed per cm2 cheese surface was greater for an and Fox, 1986a; Messens et al., 1999). However, as the
infinite slab than for a sphere, and the relative reduc- curvature of the cheese surface increases, the propor-
tion in salt uptake through curved surfaces increased tionality of salt uptake with √t is lost and the relative
with brining time and with the degree of curvature. In reduction of salt uptake per unit area of cheese surface
Romano-type cheeses with approximately equal sur- increases with increasing degree of curvature, and with
face area to volume ratios, the rate of salt absorption time (Geurts et al., 1980). This implies that for cheeses
by rectangular-shaped cheeses (volume: 4000 cm3; three with an equal volume and composition, brined under
effective directions of salt penetration) was higher the same conditions, the rate of salt absorption per unit
than that by cylindrical cheese (volume: 3400 cm3; surface area (and hence the cheese as a whole) would
two effective directions of salt penetration at any time be in the order: rectangular  cylindrical  spherical
during a 9-day brining period (Fig. 13; Guinee and (Guinee and Fox, 1986b); however, aspects of cheese
Fox, 1986b). For cylindrical, spherical or rectangular other than geometry affect the mean salt level, as dis-
cheeses with a volume 1000 cm3, the surface area is cussed above. Geurts et al. (1980) derived a theoretical

0.12 (a) 0.18 (b)

Salt uptake, g/cm2 cheese surface

Water loss, g/cm2 cheese surface


0.08 0.12


0.04 0.06

0 0
0 3 6 0 3 6 9
Brining time, days Brining time, days

Figure 13 Influence of cheese shape on salt uptake (, ) and moisture loss (,) by Romano-type cheese during salting in
19.5%, w/w, NaCl brine at 23 °C. Rectangular cheeses (,), cylindrical cheeses ( ,) (redrawn from Guinee and Fox, 1986c).
Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects 235

relationship for the quantity of salt absorbed through a Initial salt-in-moisture level of curd and pre-salting
flat surface as a function of brining time: Brine-salting of cheese can be an expensive process in
terms of space, maintenance cost and corrosiveness of
Mt  2(C Co) (D*t/ )1/2 Vw (1) the brine. Consequently, pre-salting of cheese as a
means of reducing the brining time of Gouda (Guinee,
where Mt  quantity of salt absorbed over time, g NaCl/ 1985) and Ragusano (Melilli et al., 2003) cheeses has
cm2, C  salt content of brine, g NaCl/ml, Co  ori- been investigated.
ginal salt content of the cheese, g/ml, t  duration of the Guinee (1985) mixed Gouda curds, immediately
salting period, days, D*  pseudo-diffusion coefficient, after whey drainage, with varying quantities of dry
cm2/day, Vw  average water content throughout the salt to give an S/M level ranging from ⬃0.25 (control,
cheese at time t, g/g. unsalted curd) to ⬃14%, w/w, in the (pre-salted)
Applying this theoretical relationship to their model curd. The salted curds were left undisturbed for ⬃5
brining experiments on cylindrical Gouda cheeses brine- min and then moulded and pressed in the usual man-
salted by unidimensional diffusion through one of the ner; the moulded cheeses were stored at the brine
planar surfaces in contact with the brine (Geurts et al., temperature (15 °C) for 1 day, covered with wax on
1974b), Geurts et al. (1980) found that the predicted three sides and the unwaxed side placed in contact
values for the quantity of salt absorbed per cm2 planar with 19.2%, w/w, NaCl for 3 days. On completion of
surface (Mp) were in close agreement with the experi- brine-salting, the S/M levels decreased with distance
mental values (Mt) over a three-day brining period: Mt from the cheese–brine interface until it approached
 0.98Mp. The strong relationship between Mt and Mp that of the pre-salted curd while moisture showed the
confirms the accuracy of the experimentally deter- opposite trend (Fig. 14a). Increasing the level of pre-
mined D* values. salting and, hence, the S/M level in the curd prior to
brine-salting, increased the levels of salt and S/M and
Temperature of curd and brine reduced the level of moisture in the final cheese. A
In model brining experiments, Breene et al. (1965) similar trend was noted for Ragusano cheese which
studied the effect of curd temperature (27, 32, 38, 43 °C) was pre-salted by adding dry salt at a level of 4%, w/w,
on salt uptake by Cheddar curd cubes (1 cm3) in prior to plasticization in dilute brine (4.5%, w/w),
brines (20 or 25%, w/w, NaCl) at the same tem- and brine-salted for 1–24 days in 18%, w/w, NaCl at
perature as the curd. Salt uptake was lowest at 32 °C, 18 °C (Melilli et al., 2003). In agreement with earlier
similar at 27 and 38 °C, and highest at 43 °C. The studies, which showed that the difference in salt-in-
reduction in salt content on changing the brining tem- moisture gradient between the cheese moisture and
perature from either 27 or 38 °C to 32 °C was ⬃6.5%. the brine was a major determinant of the quantity
The low salt uptake at 32 °C was attributed to a layer of salt absorbed (see ‘Brine concentration and con-
of exuded fat on the surface of the curd particles centration gradient’; Equation 1; ‘Salting time’), the
which impeded salt uptake; less fat was exuded at magnitude of the increase in S/M decreased with the
lower temperatures while at temperatures 32 °C, level of pre-salting (Fig. 14b) indicating a decrease in
exuded fat was liquid and dispersed in the brine. the quantity of salt absorbed per unit surface area
Increasing brine temperature increases the mobility of of cheese (Guinee, 1985). However, the S/M level
NaCl and salt absorption in Gouda (Geurts et al., increased in all cheeses and approached closer to that
1974b; Guinee, 1985), Emmental (Chamba, 1988), of the brine with the level of pre-salting prior to brin-
Romano-type (Guinee, 1985; Guinee and Fox, 1986a) ing. A similar trend was noted for Feta cheese stored
and Turkish White (Turhan and Kaletunç, 1992) in brines of different salt concentration (Prasad and
cheeses partly due to an increase in true diffusion and Alvarez, 1999). Indeed, the S/M level in the outer
partly to an increase in the effective pore width of the (rind; 5 mm thick) layer of cheeses pre-salted to
protein matrix as non-solvent water decreases with 6%, w/w, S/M exceeded the NaCl concentration in
increasing temperature (Geurts et al., 1974b). The the brine at the end of the 3-day-brining period, to a
increase in D* for Romano and Gouda cheeses in the degree which increased with the level of pre-salting
range 5–25 °C in 19.2% NaCl brine was similar (Fig. 14a). This occurrence was attributed to an
at ⬃0.0083 cm2/day (Guinee, 1985). Geurts et al. intense ‘salting-out’ and shrinkage of the protein
(1974b) reported that D* for Gouda cheeses salted in matrix in the rind layer of these cheeses because of
⬃20% NaCl increased by ⬃40–50% on increasing the the very high level of S/M (⬃19–22%, w/w) (Guinee,
temperature from 12.5 to 25 °C, compared to an 1985). Hence, the moisture level in rind of the brine-
increase in D in pure water of ⬃20% over the same salted cheese decreased markedly on pre-salting to
temperature range. 6%, w/w, S/M (Fig. 14b).
236 Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects

(a) (b)

22.00 44
Salt-in-moisture, %, w/w


Moisture, %, w/w
6.00 32
0.00 28
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Distance from cheese surface, cm Distance from cheese surface, cm

Figure 14 Salt-in-moisture concentration (a) and moisture (b) as a function of distance from cheese/brine interface in experimental
Gouda-type cheeses which were pre-salted to 0.5 ( ), 4.8 (), 6.0 ( ), 8.4 (), 9.5 (), 10.5 () or 12.5 (●) %, w/w, NaCl before
brine-salting at 15 °C in 19.2%, w/w, NaCl brine with ⬃0.5% %, w/w, Ca. The drained curds were thoroughly mixed with dry salt,
added at the desired quantity; the salted curds were held at room temperature for 5 min, then pressed, and brine-salted; initial NaCl
concentration in brine (redrawn from Guinee, 1985).

Initial moisture content of the curd retention from 59 to 43%, w/w, of the amount applied
Geurts et al. (1974b) showed that the quantity of salt (Sutherland, 1974). Thus, while the extent of salt pene-
absorbed by experimental Edam and Gouda-type tration within each granule increases, there is less salt
cheeses during brine-salting generally increased as the available for uptake as the initial curd moisture
initial moisture content of the curd increased, with increases (salt causes loss of moisture from the curd
the effect becoming more pronounced with the dur- and at the same time is itself removed).
ation of brining. Similar results were obtained by Byers The apparent discrepancy between the effects of
and Price (1937) for brine-salted Brick cheese. This moisture content on salt uptake in brined-salted and
increased salt uptake by the experimental cheeses con- dry-salted cheeses may be due to differences in the
curs with the linear increase in predicted salt uptake degree of contact between the salting medium and the
through a flat cheese surface as the water content curd, and in the length of contact time between curd
increases (see ‘Cheese geometry’). The increased salt and salting medium. On increasing the moisture con-
uptake undoubtedly reflects the concomitant increase tent of dry-salted cheeses, the higher outflow of mois-
in D* as moisture level increases. A high moisture ture may result in ‘excess brine’ which percolates
content leads to a lower protein level, a lower volume through the spaces between the chips, drains away,
fraction of the protein matrix occluding the moisture loses contact with the chips and thereby lowers the
through which NaCl diffuse, an increase in the rela- effective amount of salt available for uptake. This does
tive pore width of the protein matrix and hence not happen when cheese is submerged in brine, as in
a reduced frictional effect on the inward-diffusing brine-salting. Moreover, there is sufficient time for a
Na and Cl . lactate/water (brine) mutual diffusion process during
On dry-salting milled Cheddar curd, the reverse situ- brine-salting whereas this is not expected during dry-
ation occurs: as the initial moisture level increases, the salting as the water ‘drawn out’ of the cheese by the
rate of salt absorption decreases giving lower salt and applied dry salt quickly drains away through the curd
S/M values in the cheese for a fixed salting level bed and loses contact with most of the curd. As the
(Sutherland, 1974; Gilles, 1976). Such decreases were lactate level in cheese increases with moisture content,
attributed to greater whey and salt losses from the a greater influx of water as a result of the lactate/water
high-moisture curds; an increase in curd moisture con- diffusion process is expected. Consequently, an increase
tent from 39.1 to 43.4%, w/w, caused a 30% increase in in the moisture level in cheese prior to brine-salting is
the amount of whey drained off and a decrease in salt expected to reduce the net water loss per given weight
Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects 237

of cheese and increase salt penetration and uptake the effect of brine pH on salt uptake (Geurts et al.,
during subsequent brine-salting. This hypothesis con- 1980), it is conceivable that excessive lowering of the
curs with the increase in D* (see ‘Factors that influ- pH (e.g., 4.6) would lead to protein precipitation and a
ence salt diffusion in cheese during salting’), and the high loss of water at the cheese surface, which in turn
tendency of the flux ratio (i.e., the ratio of water lost would reduce salt uptake.
to salt absorbed during brining) to decrease (Geurts
et al., 1980) as the moisture level of Gouda cheese pre- Factors that affect salt uptake in Cheddar curd
brining is increased. Method of salting
Breene et al. (1965) showed that salting of milled
pH of curd and brine Cheddar curd by brining gives a higher rate of salt
While D* for Gouda cheese was not influenced by absorption and a higher level of salt-in-moisture in the
cheese pH in the range 4.7–5.7 (Geurts et al., 1974b), pressed curd than dry salting. Differences in absorp-
the rate of salt uptake was higher at pH 4.7 than at tion rate were explained on the basis of availability of
5.7 even though the initial moisture content of the salt at the surfaces of the curd. When dry salt is placed
cheeses was similar (Geurts et al., 1980). This finding on freshly milled curd, a portion dissolves in the sur-
was consistent with that of previous studies, which face moisture, creating a very thin layer of super-
showed higher NaCl uptake at low, than at high, saturated brine. The salt-in-moisture gradient between
cheese pH (Geurts et al., 1980). The higher salt uptake the brine and the cheese moisture results in mutual
at lower cheese pH coincides with a lower water movements of salt and water in opposite directions
loss during brining (per unit weight of salt gained), in response to their respective concentration gradients.
which may be attributed to a higher lactate level in Some water is also ‘squeezed out’ of the curd due to
the low-pH cheese (Geurts et al., 1980). A higher lac- localized surface contraction (salting-out of the protein
tate level pre-brining would reduce the net loss of matrix) as a result of contact with the super-saturated
water during brining (see ‘Brine concentration and brine. The level of moisture in the curd, which influ-
concentration gradient’ and ‘Initial moisture content ences whey release, affects the rate of solution of sur-
of the curd’). face salt. When curd is placed in brine, salt absorption
A number of investigators have examined the effect begins immediately through all surfaces. Release of whey
of titratable acidity at salting on salt retention by Ched- occurs, as in dry salting, but its extent is not a limiting
dar cheese curd. However, Cheddar curd dry-salted at factor (Sutherland, 1974).
low acidity retained more salt than more acidic cheeses
(Lawrence and Gilles, 1969, 1982; Gilles, 1976). Since Level of salting
low-acid curd normally contains more moisture than As expected, an increase in salting level (especially
high-acid curd, one might expect more syneresis and when the level is low) increases the rate of salt
higher salt losses, less available salt for absorption, and absorption by, and whey drainage from, cheese, thus
therefore less salt uptake in the low-acid curd. How- giving higher levels of salt and salt-in-moisture and a
ever, for a given salt availability, the rate of salt diffu- lower level of moisture in the cheese after salting for
sion and salt uptake would be expected to increase as a fixed time (Breene et al., 1965; O’Connor, 1970,
the level of moisture in the curd increases, as discussed 1971, 1973b, 1974; Gilles, 1976; Guinee, 1985; Kelly
in ‘Initial moisture content of the curd’). Lawrence and et al., 1996). However, the relationship is curvilinear
Gilles (1969) suggested that the observed difference in (Fig. 15; O’Connor, 1973b), i.e., the increase in the
salt retention may be due to the higher degree of curd salt and salt-moisture levels in the cheese is not pro-
hydration at the higher pH values (i.e., ⬃5.3), which portional to the level of salt added, especially at the
may effect a higher retention of salt by the curd struc- higher salting levels, because of higher salt losses at
ture per se (see Dolby, 1941; Creamer, 1985; ‘Effect of increased salting levels. Although these principles are
NaCl on casein hydration in model systems and in probably generally applicable, the precise relation-
cheese’). ship between salt loss and retention depends on the
In practice, the pH of brine is adjusted to ⬃5.0–5.3, pH and moisture content of the curd and the period
which is close to that of most brine-salted cheeses. of time allowed for salt diffusion into the curd. These
Acidification of the brine has a preservative effect and inter-relationships have been studied by Sutherland
also minimizes the risk of surface defects (e.g., velvety, (1974) and Gilles (1976). Sutherland (1974) showed
non-drying rind) associated with an imbalance in that the volume of whey released from the curd and
[H] which affects the level of casein hydration (see the percentage of added salt lost increased linearly
‘Effect of NaCl on casein hydration in model systems with the level of salt added (over a narrower range
and in cheese’). While little information is available on than that used by O’Connor) while the percentage
238 Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects

9.0 to 5.71%, respectively (Sutherland, 1974). Undoubt-

edly, better mixing leads to salt absorption from more
faces and hence there is less ‘free’ salt to be lost
7.5 in the press whey. Hence, salt losses decreased with
the duration of stirring time even though there was
little effect on the volume of whey released (Sutherland,

Salt-in-moisture, %, w/w
6.0 1974). For a given mixing period, increasing the
surface area of the curd by reducing the size of the
curd chips results in a significant increase in salt
level (Gilles, 1976). Increased mixing time resulted
in a higher loss of fat, probably as a consequence of
shrinkage at the surface of the curd chips and a con-
Salt in cheese, %, w/w

comitant increase in the loss of fat in the salt/water
(Sutherland, 1974).
1.5 Mechanical salting procedures give more uniform
distribution of salt in Cheddar cheese than hand or
semi-automated salting systems (O’Connor, 1968,
0.0 0.0 1970, 1973b; Fox, 1974; Knox, 1978). Because of the
0 2 4 6 significance of salt level and distribution in relation to
Salting level, g/100 g cheese quality, salting of Cheddar curd at factory level
is a carefully controlled operation. It is performed on
Figure 15 Relationship between salting level of curd and the
enclosed inclined, perforated (to allow whey drainage)
concentration of salt (●) and salt-in-moisture () in Cheddar
cheeses, prepared from batches of curd from the same vat belts where a single, or twin, oscillating boom distrib-
(redrawn from Lawrence and Gilles (1982) using the data of utes the salt, delivered from an overhead metering
O’Connor (1974)). device according to a sensor which measures the bed
depth, onto the moving curd bed and overhead stir-
rers continuously mix the curds. Improved means of
of moisture decreased and the percentage of salt, salt- salting cheese curds, e.g., trommel salt mixers, are
in-moisture and pH of the cheeses increased in a being developed (Zahlus, 1986; Cosentino et al., 1987;
curvilinear fashion as the level of added salt was Ryskowski et al., 1989; ‘General Aspects of Cheese
increased. The level of salt added had no significant Technology’, Volume 2).
effect on the loss of fat (⬃0.25 kg/100 kg curd). Kelly
et al. (1996) reported a linear increase in salt and S/M Holding time between salting and pressing
and a linear decrease in moisture with salting level in (mellowing period)
the range 0–3.0%, w/w. Extending the holding time between salting and press-
ing increases the salt and S/M levels in the pressed
Curd temperature Cheddar cheese (Breene et al., 1965; Sutherland, 1974;
Increasing the temperature of Cheddar curd chips Gilles, 1976), e.g., by ⬃0.3%, w/w, on increasing time
from 24 to 41 °C resulted in a marked increase in the from 15 to 30 min. The increase is attributed to a
percentage of added salt lost during holding (mellow- higher total absorption and hence a reduction in the
ing), a decrease in the level lost during pressing, and a physical loss of salt.
slight increase in the percentage lost overall during
holding and pressing (Sutherland, 1974). Conse- Curd depth during holding
quently, the levels of salt and S/M decreased by ⬃11% When the depth of salted Cheddar curd during hold-
on raising the curd temperature from 24 to 41 °C and ing was increased from 12.7 to 68.0 cm, the moisture,
the percentage of fat lost increased markedly, e.g., by salt and S/M levels decreased from 35.1 to 34.9%, 1.81
⬃0.6 kg fat/tonne curd per 1 °C rise in temperature in to 1.68%, and 5.1 to 4.8%, respectively (Sutherland,
the normal working temperature range of 29–35 °C. 1974).
The pH and moisture level in the finished cheese were
essentially unaffected by salting temperature. Moisture content of the curd
Sutherland (1974) and Gilles (1976) studied the
Degree of mixing of salt and curd effect of moisture content, which was varied by
Extending the stirring time of salted Cheddar curd altering agitation speed, degree of whey removal at
from 20 s to 6 min caused a significant increase in half-whey-off stage, and/or the level of dry-stirring,
salt and S/M levels, i.e., from 1.53 to 1.97%, and 4.41 on salt uptake in Cheddar. Increasing the moisture
Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects 239

content of the curd before salting from 37 to 45%, Manufacturing conditions

w/w, resulted in reductions (⬃42%) in the levels of
salt and S/M, and in pH, and an increase in moisture
content. These changes coincided with an increase Cheese dimensions
at salting
in the level of whey released and a reduction in
salt retention, e.g., from ⬃59 to 39% of total salt on
increasing the moisture level from 39 to 43.5%, w/w Curd acidity Shape Surface area Size
(Sutherland, 1974). at salting to volume
Other factors
As well as confirming the work of Sutherland (1974), content
Gilles (1976) showed that salt particle size has little of curd
Salt uptake Brining
effect on salt retention, milling the curd to smaller
particles increases salt retention, and extensive flow (e.g. temperature,
and development of a fibrous structure during ched- % NaCl)
daring leads to increased variation in S/M levels. Salt-in-moisture
Indeed, Gilles (1976) maintained that the best way to
regulate the salt content of cheese is to control its Figure 17 Principal factors that affect the uptake of salt by
moisture content (which can be best done by dry brine-salted cheeses (from Fox, P.F., ed., Cheese: Chemistry,
Physics and Microbiology, 2nd edn, Chapman & Hall, p. 281).
stirring). Regulating moisture content by altering
the level of salt added was considered undesirable
because of the influence of several factors on salt
retention and the effects of salt concentration on duration of salting, brine concentration and the fat
cheese quality. and moisture contents of the cheese.
The interaction of some factors influencing salt In model brining experiments, Geurts et al. (1974b)
uptake in Cheddar-type curd and brine- or dry-salted quantified the influence of variations in cheese com-
cheeses is summarized in Figs 16 and 17, respectively. position and brining conditions on the pseudo-diffu-
sion coefficient (D*) of NaCl in the moisture phase
Factors that influence salt diffusion in cheese during of Gouda cheese. The factors which affect the move-
salting ment of salt in cheese during brining presumably also
While it is well established that the diffusion coeffi- apply to the cheese after brining and hence have a
cient of salt in cheese moisture is much lower than decisive effect on the rate of attainment of equilib-
that in pure water (see ‘Mechanism of salt absorption rium of S/M and of moisture; under normal brining con-
and diffusion in cheese’), there is relatively little inform- ditions (e.g., 18–20%, w/w, NaCl; 0.2% Ca; 10–20 °C),
ation on the factors which influence the movement of moisture and salt move in opposite directions as
NaCl in cheese during salting. The first such study a consequence of diffusion (Geurts et al., 1974b;
was made by Georgakis (1973), who related the diffu- Guinee and Fox, 1983b, 1986a,b). Although continu-
sion of NaCl in Greek Feta to cheese surface area, ing physico-chemical and structural changes during
ripening may alter the situation somewhat, it is
worth noting that the diffusion coefficient for NaCl
Manufacturing conditions
in the moisture phase of a dry-salted, 12-week-old
Cheddar (50% FDM, 37.9% H2O) (Sutherland, 1974)
Curd acidity Curd particle corresponded well with that found by Geurts et al.
at salting size at milling (1974b) for brine-salted Gouda cheese of similar
Moisture Salt uptake
Salting The influence of the various factors on NaCl diffu-
content rate sion in Gouda cheese has been studied by Geurts et al.
of curd (1974b), Guinee (1985), and Turhan and Kaletunç
Extent of
mixing (1992).
Dry salting
Salt-in-moisture Method of
salting Concentration gradient
Brine salting
The concentration gradient between cheese and brine
Figure 16 Principal factors that affect the uptake of salt by
is determined by the difference in the level of salt in
Cheddar curd (from Fox, P.F., ed., Cheese: Chemistry, Physics the brine and the S/M of the cheese, while the concen-
and Microbiology, 2nd edn, Chapman & Hall, p. 281). tration gradient between neighbouring regions within
240 Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects

a cheese loaf is determined by the difference in S/M Concentration of calcium in the brine
level between the two regions. The gradient changes Preparation of brine requires the addition of calcium
with time either for cheeses which are matured after (normally added as a CaCl2 solution) so as to mini-
removal from the brine (as for most cheeses) or mize moisture uptake by the exterior of the cheese
matured in the brine (e.g., Feta, Gaziantep) until S/M (Figs 8, 9) and the associated risk of defects such as
equilibrium is attained (Godinho and Fox, 1981b; rind rot and soft rind, especially where the NaCl con-
Guinee and Fox, 1986a,b,c; Pappas et al., 1996; Kaya centration in the brine is relatively low, e.g., 15%,
et al., 1999; Messens et al., 1999; Pavia et al., 1999; w/w (Geurts et al., 1972; Guinee and Fox, 1986a). The
Prasad and Alvarez, 1999; Melilli et al., 2003). latter defects are due to diffusion of calcium from the
While the concentration gradient is a major determin- cheese moisture to the brine which ultimately results
ant of the rate of salt absorption by cheese during salt- in the solubilization, and loss, of protein-bound cal-
ing, it scarcely affects the mobility of the diffusing cium to an extent depending, inter alia, on the level of
species at concentrations in the range 5 to 20%, w/w, calcium in the cheese and brining conditions (pH,
NaCl (Geurts et al., 1974b; Guinee, 1985). However, temperature, NaCl level, duration, size of cheese rela-
a sharp drop (⬃18%) in D* for Gouda-type cheese tive to brine volume). The depletion of cheese calcium
occurred when the salt content of the brine was increased leads to hydration of the para-casein and associated
from 20 to 24.8%, w/w, at 20 °C, i.e., from ⬃0.205 moisture uptake and softening (see ‘Effect of NaCl on
to 0.17 cm2/day (Guinee, 1985). Similarly, increasing casein hydration in model systems and in cheese’).
the brine concentration from 15 to 20%, w/w, NaCl Typical levels of CaCl2 added give a calcium level in
reduced the moisture diffusivity in Turkish white the brine (e.g., 0.2–0.3%, w/w) which is probably
cheese, with the reduction at 20 °C (⬃17%) being more somewhat lower than that of some semi-hard brine-
pronounced than that at 4 or 12.5 °C (⬃8%) (Turhan salted cheeses, such as Gouda; however, these levels
and Gunasekaran, 1999). While the apparent D* are adequate to prevent the occurrence of the above
decreases on increasing NaCl level in the brine to 25%, defects with typical NaCl level (19–21%, w/w) and
w/w, especially at high temperatures, the true value brine temperature (⬃12 °C). For hard and semi-hard
would be somewhat higher if allowance was made for cheeses, the percentage of total cheese calcium which
relatively high water loss which in effect causes the is soluble increases with decreasing pH, e.g., from ⬃20%
plane of zero mass transfer of all diffusing species to for commercial low-moisture part-skim Mozzarella
recede further from the cheese/brine interface into the (mean pH ⬃5.5) to ⬃37% in Cheddar at pH 5.2
brine. However, since S/M seldom reaches 20%, w/w, (Guinee et al., 2000). Hence, the concentration of cal-
in cheese, except in the rind layer, the large inter-zonal cium in the serum phase is ⬃0.72 and 0.34%, w/w, for
variations in S/M level at the end of brining should not Cheddar and Mozzarella, respectively. The level of
significantly alter the rate of attainment of S/M equilib- serum calcium for other hard and semi-hard cheeses
rium within a given cheese loaf or between loaves of the such as Gouda, Masdammer and Emmental, with a pH
same variety. of ⬃5.3 to 5.4 before brining is probably similar to
that for Mozzarella; the level for low-calcium, soft
Temperature of brine and cheese cheeses with a low pH (e.g., 4.6–5.0) before salting,
Increasing brine (and curd) temperature is paralleled by e.g., Camembert, Cheshire, Brie and Blue-types, are
increasing diffusion mobilities of NaCl and H2O in undoubtedly much lower than 0.34%, w/w. Typical
cheese (Geurts et al., 1974b; Turhan and Kaletunç, levels of total calcium in Emmental, Mozzarella,
1992); an increase of ⬃0.008 cm2/day/°C was found for Camembert, Blue and Stilton are 1000, 710, 530, 475
Gouda-type cheeses for brine temperature in the range and 400 mg/100g, respectively. Hence, the minimum
5–25 °C (Guinee, 1985). This increase was attributed calcium level required in the brine depends on the
(Geurts et al., 1974b) to an increase in true diffusion and type of cheese being salted.
to some effect on diffusion-interfering factors, i.e., possi- Increasing the concentration of Ca in freshly pre-
ble decreases in the relative viscosity of cheese moisture pared brine (19%, w/w, NaCl; 15 °C) from 0 to 1.8%,
and the amount of protein-bound water which effects an w/w, reduced the moisture level (⬃3%, w/w) and
increase in the relative pore width of the protein matrix increased the salt content (⬃1.5%, w/w) of the outer
(in cheese, water non-solvent for sugars decreases with 0.5 cm layer of Gouda cheese (Guinee, 1985). How-
increasing temperature; Geurts et al., 1974a). ever, the increase in calcium had little effect otherwise
Because of the large effect of temperature on D*, on cheese composition or on D* (⬃4% reduction).
the higher the storage temperature, the shorter should Consequently, the levels of total calcium and serum
be the time required for the equilibration of salt and calcium probably have little influence on the rate at
moisture levels within the cheese mass after salting. which equilibrium of S/M is attained post-brining.
Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects 241

Moisture content of cheese

moisture contents were approximately equal but the
It is generally accepted that the moisture content of D*-values differed considerably due to differences in fat
cheese affects the rates of salt absorption and/or diffu- (and hence fat tortuosity, f) and protein (SNF). In con-
sion (McDowall and Whelan, 1933; Byers and Price, trast, D* was almost equal for other cheeses (e.g., 11
1937; Georgakis, 1973). However, from calculations of and 13) which differed appreciably in moisture level.
diffusion coefficients it has been shown (Geurts et al., Similar results, shown in Table 6, were obtained by
1974b; Guinee, 1985) that for two cheeses of the same Geurts et al. (1974b). Therefore, while it is difficult to
variety, the rate of diffusion is not necessarily higher in elucidate the effect of moisture, or indeed of any one
the higher moisture cheese; the diffusion coefficient compositional parameter separately, on salt flux, the
depends on the ratios of fat to solids-not-fat (SNF) and effect of moisture is discussed separately below.
moisture to SNF. These factors affect the volume frac- Within a series of cheeses of the same variety with
tions of the fat and protein phases, which in turn deter- equal FDM, D* increased curvilinearly with moisture
mine the impedance to the diffusing molecules (see content (Fig. 18; Geurts et al., 1974b). Considering
‘Brine-salted cheese’). The results in Table 5 indicate cheeses 9–12, Table 5, it is apparent that the contribu-
the importance of cheese composition, and hence struc- tion of the decreasing fat tortuosity (f) (with increasing
ture, in salt diffusion. The diffusion coefficient for NaCl moisture content) to the increase in D* was small (D*
in the cheese moisture (D*) increased with increasing and D* f increased by a factor of 1.7 and 1.6, respect-
FDM when the percentage of SNF (and hence protein ively, when the moisture content increased from 44.5
tortuosity, p) decreased and the relative pore width of to 49.2%). The principal factor affecting the increase
the protein matrix (/dp) increased (e.g., cheeses 1–8, in salt flux was the reduced frictional effect on the dif-
Table 5) but decreased when both the FDM and SNF fusing molecules as the volume fraction of the protein
levels increased (cheeses 9 and 10). In some instances matrix (p) decreased; hence the relative pore width
(e.g., cheeses 2, 6 and 9 with ⬃49%, w/w, H2O or (y/dp) increased concomitantly with increasing mois-
cheeses 12 and 14 which had ⬃44%, w/w, H2O) the ture content (see Tables 5 and 6).


D* (cm2/day)

60 50 40 30 20 10



30 40 50 60
Moisture content of cheese (%)

Figure 18 Diffusion coefficient of NaCl in cheese moisture (D*) as a function of the initial moisture content of the cheese. Param-
eter is g fat/100 g DM in unsalted cheese. The solid lines are experimental values, broken lines are extrapolations (from Geurts et al.,
242 Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects

The relationship between the diffusion coefficient in protein matrix, the protein tortuosity and fat tortuosity,
the fat-free cheese, D* f, and the relative pore width of respectively (Guinee, 1985). The strong positive correl-
the protein matrix is seen in Fig. 19 (Geurts et al., ation between moisture content of the cheese and D*
1974b); D* f can be considered as the ‘theoretical’ suggests that S/M equilibrium in brine-salted cheese is
value of D* for a system with the same structural fea- attained more rapidly with increasing moisture con-
tures as cheese but from which the impedance to salt tent. This is indeed the case as reflected by the much
diffusion, due to the physical presence of fat globules, shorter time required for attainment of equilibrium in
has been eliminated. While the decrease in the protein soft cheeses compared to hard cheeses, e.g., 3 days
tortuosity (p) contributes to the increase in D* associ- in Camembert (Hardy, 2000), ⬃45 days in a 2.2 kg
ated with increasing moisture content (e.g., cheeses Blue cheese (mean moisture, ⬃40%, w/w; Godinho and
9–12, Table 5), its effect is small as it varies little Fox, 1981b), and ⬃60 days for a 3 kg cylindrical
within the range of p values encountered. The role of Romano-type cheese (mean moisture, ⬃40%, w/w;
moisture as the main compositional factor affecting salt Guinee and Fox, 1986c). However, the rate of attain-
flux has been confirmed by Morris et al. (1985) who ment of equilibrium, as discussed later, is very depend-
found that the D* values for different commercial ent on cheese dimensions and weight.
cheese varieties (⬃37.3–49% H2O; ⬃23.5–27.5% fat; While D* is strongly dependent on the composition
⬃40.5–49.5% FDM; ⬃28–35% SNF) were directly and structure of the unsalted cheese, especially the
related to the moisture content of the unsalted cheeses moisture content, it is, surprisingly, scarcely affected by
(Fig. 20). Of the variation in D* which could be variations in composition along the different planes of
attributed to compositional factors (⬃70% of total vari- a cheese resulting from salt uptake and moisture loss
ation) in the latter cheeses, ⬃49, 29 and 22% could be during brine salting. This is reflected by: (i) the consist-
attributed to variations in the relative pore width of the ency of D* over the region of salt and water movement

D*λ f (cm2/day)



0.1 0.2 0.3

Relative pore width of protein matrix (y/dp)

Figure 19 Diffusion coefficient of NaCl in the moisture in fat-free cheese (D * f), as a function of the relative pore width of the
protein matrix (y/dp). Brine concentration, 19–20 g NaCl/100 g H2O; temperature, 12.5 °C; 50%, w/w, fat in DM; pH 5, unless stated
otherwise. g fat/100 g DM: ●, 12; , 22; , 62; , pH 4.79; , pH 5.50;  brine concentration, 14 g NaCl/100 g H2O (from Geurts
et al., 1974b).
Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects 243

0.23 gradient within the cheese during salting or post-

A salting should have little effect on salt diffusion in
cheese moisture.
0.21 C
Fat content of cheese
D As discussed in ‘Mechanism of salt absorption and dif-
fusion in cheese’, the diffusion coefficient of NaCl in
D ∗, cm2/day

cheese moisture is much lower than that in pure solu-
tion, i.e., ⬃0.2 cm2/day compared to ⬃1.0 cm2/day at
0.17 12.5 °C. This is because salt diffusion in cheese takes
place in moisture held in a matrix which is comprised
G of protein aggregates and occludes fat globules, both
0.15 of which obstruct the movement of diffusing mol-
ecules and increase the real distance travelled by a
salt molecule on proceeding from one parallel plane
to another (see ‘Brine-salted cheese’). Therefore, the
35 39 43 47 51 physical presence of fat per se reduces the apparent
Moisture, g/100 g
D-value due to the inverse of its tortuosity, i.e., 1/f.
However, D* increases with fat content in cheeses
Figure 20 Dependence of the pseudo-diffusion coefficient of with equal moisture content (Fig. 18). In unidimen-
salt in cheese moisture (D*) on the initial moisture content of sional brine salting experiments, Geurts et al. (1974b)
cheese salted in ⬃20%, w/w, NaCl brine at 15–16 °C. Blue
cheese (A, B), Gouda (C, D), Romano-type cheese (E), Jarlsberg
observed that for Gouda cheese with 50% moisture,
(F), Emmental (G, I), unsalted milled Cheddar (H) (from Morris but with 11 or 26% fat, the D* values were 0.15 and
et al., 1985). 0.25 cm2/day, respectively. While the fat tortuosity fac-
tor increased with fat level, i.e., 1.12 and 1.29 at 11
and 26% fat, respectively, the relative pore width of the
and with time (Geurts et al., 1974b; Guinee and Fox, protein matrix also increased (i.e., 0.17 and 0.35 at 11
1983a) and (ii) the almost-constant D* value for brine and 26% fat, respectively). Hence, the increase in D*
concentrations in the range of 5–20% NaCl (Geurts with fat content is not due to fat per se (which actu-
et al., 1974b; Guinee, 1985). Thus, while pre-salting ally reduces D* by a factor of 1/f) but rather to the
the curd to different S/M levels prior to brine-salting concomitant decrease in the protein volume fraction
(as described in ‘Initial salt-in-moisture level of curd and, hence, the increase in the relative pore width of
and pre-salting’) reduced the level of salt absorbed, it the protein matrix. The reduction in the sieve-effect of
had little effect on D*, which increased from 0.18 to the protein matrix on the salt molecules overrides the
0.19 cm2/day on increasing the S/M level from 0.3 to increased obstruction caused by increasing fat levels
4.7%, w/w, or the penetration depth of the salt during and, hence, D* increases. Indeed, for cheeses of equal
subsequent brine-salting (Fig. 14a) (Guinee, 1985). moisture content in fat-free cheese (i.e., cheeses with
These results confirm that compositional changes equal protein volume fractions), D* is always higher in
accompanying salt uptake have little, or no, effect on cheese with the lower fat content (Geurts et al.,
D*. Consideration of the physico-chemical changes in 1974b). However, in practice, reducing the fat level
cheese associated with the physical presence of salt per se of cheese, while increasing the moisture percentage
and ageing may provide a tentative explanation (Geurts per se, results in a reduction in the level of moisture in
et al., 1974a). Salting and ageing of cheese are paral- non-fat substances and an increase in protein level
leled by a reduction in the amount of protein-bound (see Fenelon and Guinee, 1999). Hence, the concomit-
water (i.e., water unavailable as a solvent) and a ant increases in p and p and reduction in relative
decrease in the mean diameter of the protein particles pore width would be expected to reduce D* signifi-
(Geurts et al., 1974a,b) and hence an increase in the cantly, unless the reduction in fat content is small
effective moisture concentration and relative pore (e.g., 1–3%, w/w) and the cheesemaking process modi-
width of the protein network. Such changes possibly fied to prevent a reduction in the MNFS.
offset the impeding effects of moisture loss during brin- From the foregoing, it is apparent that the effect of
ing on salt flux, and hence D* remains essentially con- varying any cheese compositional parameter on salt
stant during brining. Moreover, as concentration mobility depends on the concomitant changes it
gradient in the range 0–20% S/M has no effect on causes in the cheese structure (i.e., the ratios of fat to
D* (see ‘Concentration gradient’), the variations in salt solids-not-fat, and solids-to-moisture). Since increasing
244 Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects

the fat level in cheese reduces syneresis (Whitehead, 44

1948; Marshall, 1982; Walstra et al., 1985; van Dijk
and Walstra, 1986; Pearse and Mackinlay, 1989), D*
should generally increase with increasing fat content 20
due to the concomitant decrease in p.

Cheese geometry
Cheese geometry influences the rate of attainment of
salt-in-moisture equilibrium via its effect on the rela-

Moisture, %, w/w
Salt-in-moisture, %, w/w
tive dimensions of the cheese. Guinee and Fox (1986b)
working with commercial Romano-type cheeses of dif- 12
ferent shapes, showed that at any time during storage, 38
the net difference in S/M concentration along layers of
the cheeses increased with layer length. This observa-
tion is consistent with the fact that the depth of salt 8
penetration during brining is proportional to the 36
square root of brining time (Geurts et al., 1974b;
Guinee and Fox, 1986a). Using differently shaped
cheeses, it was found that the rate of attainment of S/M
equilibrium is not necessarily directly proportional to
the volume when comparing cheeses of the same var-
iety (Guinee and Fox, 1986c). 32
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Attainment of salt and moisture equilibria Distance from cheese surface, cm
after salting
Figure 21 Moisture content (open symbols) and salt-in-moisture
Brine- and surface dry-salted cheeses (g NaCl/100 g H2O) (closed symbols) in Gouda cheese (initial
In cheeses which are salted by immersion in brine fat-in-dry matter 49.1%, w/w; moisture, 43.64%, w/w; pH, 5.26)
and/or by surface application of dry salt there is a large as a function of distance from the salting surface after unidi-
mensional brine salting (20.3%, w/w, NaCl) for 1 (, ), 2 (,●),
decreasing salt gradient from the surface to the centre
3 (,) and 4 ( , ) days at 15 °C (redrawn from Guinee,
and a decreasing moisture gradient in the opposite 1985).
direction at the completion of salting (see Fig. 21;
Guinee, 1985; Guinee and Fox, 1986a, 1993; Turhan
and Kaletunç, 1992; Messens et al., 1999; Pavia et al., Sutherland (2002) reported 7–10 days for Camembert
1999; Turhan and Gunasekaran, 1999; Melilli et al., (0.25 kg, flat disc; 55%, w/w, moisture), 4–6 weeks
2003). Due to the slow diffusion of salt from the rind for Edam (2.5 kg sphere; 46%, w/w, moisture), 7–9
inwards, these gradients disappear slowly and equilib- weeks for Gouda (10 kg wheel; 42%, w/w, moisture)
rium of S/M is practically reached at some stage of and 4 months for Emmental (60–130 kg wheel;
ripening, depending on cheese type, size of cheese and 36%, w/w, moisture). However, on consideration of these
curing conditions (Fig. 22; Guinee and Fox, 1986b; data and times reported elsewhere (see ‘Moisture con-
Messens et al., 1999; Pavia et al., 1999). tent of cheese’), it is clear that intra- and inter-variety
Salt absorption is a relatively rapid event, varying differences occur as a result of variations in cheese
from 15–30 min for salt uptake by Cheddar-type dimensions, surface area-to-volume ratio, composition
curd chips (Sutherland, 1977, 2002) and ⬃7.5 h and brining conditions (which may affect cheese com-
(Camembert) to ⬃15 days (e.g., Parmesan). In con- position and distribution of salt and moisture at the
trast, diffusion of salt and moisture post-salting, and end of brining).
hence the rate of attainment of S/M equilibrium Though the importance of the mean, and the uniform-
throughout the cheese mass, is a slow process, e.g., ity of, S/M levels in cheese in relation to quality have
10–12 days for Limburger (McDowall and Whelan, received much attention (see ‘Overall Influences of NaCl
1933; Kelly and Marqurdt, 1939), 8–12 weeks for on Cheese Ripening and Quality’ and ‘Effect of NaCl
Gouda (Morris, 1961), Brick (Beyers and Price, on Casein Hydration and the Physical Properties of
1937), Blue (Godinho and Fox, 1981b) and Cheese’), the factors that affect the diffusion of NaCl and
Romano-type cheeses (Guinee and Fox, 1983b, moisture in cheese after salting and hence the rate of
1986b), ⬃40 days for Feta (Georgakis, 1973) and attainment of equilibrium have received little study.
⬃10 months for Parmesan (Resmini et al., 1974). However, as for diffusion during the brine/dry-salting
Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects 245

22 Cheddar and dry-salted varieties

Top surface layer, A1 Salt is fairly uniformly distributed in Cheddar-type
Centre layer, I1, I2
cheese initially, as salt is mixed with the milled curd.
However, in contrast to brine-salting or surface
Bottom surface layer, A2
dry-salting, complete equilibrium is slow and rarely, if
18 ever, reached (McDowall and Whelan, 1933; Morris,
1961; O’Connor, 1968, 1971, 1973a; Sutherland, 1977;
Thomas and Pearce, 1981; Morris et al., 1985; Wiles
and Baldwin, 1996). Thus, significant intra- and inter-
block variations in salt concentration occur in mature
14 commercial Cheddar cheese, giving rise to considerable
Salt-in-moisture, g/100 g

variations in the rate of ripening and grading quality

(O’Connor, 1971, 1973b, 1974; Fox, 1975; Thakur
et al., 1975; Sutherland, 1977; Thomas and Pearce,
1981; Lawrence et al., 1984; Kelly et al., 1996; ‘Ched-
10 dar Cheese and Related Dry-salted Cheese Varieties’,
Volume 2).
A preliminary investigation of brine-salting Ched-
dar curd chips (Breene et al., 1965) showed that ade-
quate uptake of salt could be accomplished by placing
6 chips (3/8 in  3/8 in  2 in) in 25% brine for 5 min
and holding for 15 min after removal from the brine
before pressing. Considering the problems encoun-
tered in controlling salt uniformity using the dry-
salting procedures, brine-salting of Cheddar could be
2 potentially useful and appears to warrant further
0 O’Connor (1968) assessed the uniformity of salt
–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 distribution in cheeses salted by hand, semi-automatic
Distance from cheese surface, cm or fully automatic systems; one plug from every 10th
cheese per vat was analysed. While the range of mean
Figure 22 The mean salt-in-moisture levels in discs A1/A2, salt content was relatively narrow, there was very con-
B1/B2, C1/C2 etc. (as indicated) of cylindrical Romano-type
cheese salted in 19.5% NaCl brine at 23 °C for 1 (●), 3 (), or
siderable intra-vat and inter-vat variation in salt con-
5 (■) days or salted for 5 days and stored wrapped at 10 °C for tent, with greatest variation in the hand-salted cheese
30 () or 83 () days (redrawn from Guinee and Fox, 1986b). and least with the fully automated system; an inverse
correlation between salt and moisture contents was
apparent. Further evidence of high within-vat varia-
process per se, the salt diffusion during ripening/storage, tion in salt distribution is provided by O’Connor
and thus the rate of attainment of S/M equilibrium (1973b).
within a cheese loaf, is undoubtedly similarly affected by: The findings of O’Connor (1968, 1973b) were con-
firmed and extended by Fox (1974) who showed that, in
• cheese dimensions and shape, which determine the
general, mechanical salting systems gave more uniform
distance between the high salt exterior zones and
salt distribution than hand-salting systems or a semi-
low salt interior zones at the end of salting (Guinee
automatic system. Considerable within-block variability
and Fox, 1986c);
(12 samples per 20 kg block) in salt concentration was
• temperature;
also demonstrated. Morris (1961) also found very large
• concentration gradient between different zones;
differences in the salt content of blocks from the same
• cheese composition (see ‘Factors that influence salt
vat (spread of 0.6%, w/w, on a mean of 1.38%, w/w).
diffusion in cheese during salting’).
All the foregoing investigators stress the impor-
Though not investigated to date, conditions of rela- tance of inter- and intra-block variations in salt con-
tive humidity, rate of air circulation, and frequency of tent, which is inversely related to moisture content.
turning the cheese during storage possibly alter the Since it is generally agreed that the quality of cheese is
rate of attainment of salt and moisture equilibria as a strongly dependent on moisture, S/M and pH (which
result of alterations in cheese moisture. was not reported in any of the above studies) (see
246 Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects

‘Cheddar Cheese and Related Dry-salted Cheese Vari- found that equilibria of salt, moisture, and hence, S/M,
eties’, Volume 2), it might reasonably be expected that were not established after 25 weeks at 13 °C. Samples
the quality of cheese also varies between blocks from situated 7.6 cm apart, which showed an initial differ-
the same vat and even within the same block. It is nor- ence in S/M concentration of 4.27%, still showed a dif-
mal cheese-grading practice to grade a vat of cheese on ference of 1.56% at the end of the 25-week period. As
the basis of 1–3 plugs taken from a single cheese per zones of high and low salt within commercial cheese
vat, at any one time; obviously, the quality of this sam- blocks (⬃20 kg, ripened at 4–7 °C) are likely to be
ple may not be representative of the vat. For similar more widely separated, it was concluded that equil-
reasons, calculation of mass balances in cheese factor- ibrium of S/M within such cheeses is unlikely. A simi-
ies on the basis of a few plug samples per vat may be lar study by Thomas and Pearce (1981) showed that
very inaccurate. there was only a very slight shift towards equilibrium
In practice, salting of Cheddar is performed of S/M during a 6-month ripening period in Cheddar
mechanically on salting belts where the salt is deliv- cheeses prepared with an approximately linear S/M
ered by oscillating booms in proportion to curd depth gradient diagonally across the blocks. Equilibration of
and the salted curd is mixed by rotating peg mixers NaCl in Cheddar cheese intentionally prepared with
mounted over the belt. The method of salt application poor salt distribution was studied by Morris et al.
used in Cheddar cheese manufacture would appear to (1985). Salt and moisture analyses were performed on
be particularly amenable to ensuring accurate control samples taken from 32 selected locations in 20 kg
of salt concentration with respect to both level and blocks (stored at 10 °C) over a 24-week ripening
uniformity. However, in commercial practice, it has period (a similar sampling pattern was used on each of
been difficult to achieve uniform distribution (Morris, six occasions); the results indicated that there was
1961; Fox, 1974), possibly because of the many fac- only a slight equilibration of salt over the 24-week
tors which influence salt uptake by curd (Fig. 16) and period.
the design of salting equipment capable of giving ade- Hoecker and Hammer (1944), who measured the
quate mixing in the time allowed. Undoubtedly, a salt and moisture levels at the surface and centre of
more consistent salt level and distribution could be individual chips, prized from a block of Cheddar, over
obtained by: a 72 h period after pressing, found that salt and mois-
ture equilibria were established within individual
• the production of curd with more consistent
chips 48 and 24 h after hooping, respectively (a com-
parable study by Morris et al. (1985) gave almost iden-
– e.g., via standardization of milk protein level (i.e.,
tical results). However, analysis of two 4-month-old
by ultrafiltration or addition of milk ingredients)
cheeses showed significant intra- and inter-block vari-
and protein-to-fat ratio;
ation in both variables. Hence, while salt and moisture
– a more defined cheesemaking process where
equilibria are attained relatively rapidly within chips
stages/operations are regulated (e.g., levels of rennet
because of the short distance over which NaCl mol-
and starter in proportion to casein level; pH at set,
ecules have to diffuse from the surface to the centre,
drain and milling; firmness at cut; faster curd/whey
the variations throughout the block, as a result of the
emptying, especially from larger vats; washing to
different quantities of salt absorbed by individual
constant lactose level in the curd);
chips, do not disappear during normal ripening. The
• more thorough mixing of salt and curd, e.g., via the
foregoing observations suggest that movement of salt
use of curd/salt mixers or tumblers (Sutherland, 2002;
and water across the chip boundaries, and hence the
‘General Aspects of Cheese Technology’, Volume 2);
cheese mass as a whole, even where a concentration
• better control over the temperature/humidity condi-
gradient exists, is inhibited because:
tions of salt storage and salting room to ensure uni-
form delivery to salt application device;
• the contracted protein layers (salting-out of protein
• optimum performance of the curd mill by regular
at chip surfaces possibly occurs because of the high
maintenance to ensure uniform chip size.
initial S/M concentration before equilibrium is
established) at the surface of individual chips;
Salt and moisture equilibration during storage • and/or microspaces between milled curd (chips)
Although salt is fairly well distributed in Cheddar junctions which break the continuity of the inter-
cheese during the initial salting, in contrast to brine penetrating gel fluid/moisture (in which salt is
and/or dry salted cheese, full equilibrium is approached dissolved);
slowly. Sutherland (1977), who prepared Cheddar • lack of a continuous S/M gradient in combination
cheeses (9.5 kg) with regions of high and low salt, with an impeded diffusion process.
Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects 247

Indeed, milling results in the development of a 2.5

‘skin’ which has fewer fat globules and hence a denser (a) (b)
protein matrix than the interior of the chip (Brooker,
1979). Moreover, light microscopy studies (Rammell,

NaCl, %(w/w)
1960; Kaláb et al., 1982; Lowrie et al., 1982) show that
the ‘skin’ at milled curd junctions appears much 2.0
thicker than that of the curd granules. Observations by
Morris (1961) on salt diffusion in Cheddar cheese
lend support to the view that the milled curd pieces
‘trap’ absorbed salt; the spread in salt level within indi-
vidual cheeses at 3 weeks was the same as that
observed immediately after hooping. Days
Morris et al. (1985), who also studied salt diffusion 1
in model Cheddar cheese systems, found that equilib- 3
rium was established rapidly in cheeses prepared from 14
alternate discs (2 cm thick) of salted and unsalted, 28
unmilled curd, but not in model cheeses prepared
from alternate layers (2 cm thick) of salted and
unsalted chips. In agreement with the results of a simi-
lar experiment by McDowall and Whelan (1933),
NaCl diffusion across the interface formed between
the salted and unsalted layers of milled curd was very 0.5
slow (Fig. 23). Morris et al. (1985) suggested that the
fragmented structure of Cheddar cheese (due to its
construction from chips) may retard salt diffusion but
a further experiment, the results of which showed that
4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4
the diffusion coefficient for NaCl in the moisture
phase of a brine-salted block of Cheddar prepared Distance from interface between
(a) unsalted and (b) salted curds, cm
from unsalted chips at 0.15 cm2/day was as expected
from its moisture content (see Fig. 20), could not ver- Figure 23 Distribution of salt (NaCl) throughout a 7.5-cm Ched-
ify this. Thus, it appears that the slow diffusion of dar ‘cheese’ prepared from half-salted curd and half-unsalted curd
at 1, 3, 14, 28 and 56 days after manufacture. The preparation of
NaCl in the moisture phase of Cheddar is due to con-
the ‘cheese’ involved half-filling aluminium cans with unsalted
tracted protein layers between salted chips, which pos- chips (2  2  2 cm) of Cheddar curd and pressing lightly; filling
sibly offer a very tight screening effect on the diffusing the remainder of the can with salted (4%, w/w, NaCl) chips of
molecules, and thereby override the effect of low dis- Cheddar curd; pressing the cheese in the can overnight; storing
continuous gradients in various directions in commer- cheeses in cans at 5 °C (from Morris et al., 1985).
cial Cheddar or even at interfaces between salted and
unsalted regions where the concentration gradient is
high (see ‘Concentration gradient’). The absence of a etrating the surface of curd granules (no light
continuous salt-in-moisture gradient and the fact that microscopy studies have been reported on unsalted,
salt diffusion in moisture is impeded, as discussed in milled Cheddar curd).
‘Mechanism of salt absorption and diffusion in cheese’
and ‘Factors that influence salt diffusion in cheese Effect of Salt on Cheese Composition
during salting’, also reduces the tendency for salt and
moisture equilibrium, especially between locations in In the light of studies (O’Connor, 1968, 1971, 1974;
a block which are far apart. Sutherland, 1974; Gilles, 1976; Morris et al., 1985; Kelly
The surface of chips in unsalted milled Cheddar et al., 1996) showing that varying salting levels in Ched-
would not be as dense as those in dry-salted milled dar cheese manufacture are associated with large compo-
Cheddar due to their higher moisture and fat contents. sitional variations in the cheese, the effect of salt on the
Hence, the sieve-effect of the matrix on the diffusing gross composition of cheese merits brief discussion.
molecules would be much lower than in the latter.
Moisture level
Indeed, the impedance on the salt molecules penetrat-
ing the surface layers of milled Cheddar chips during The moisture content of cheese curd is influenced primar-
brining is possibly similar to that encountered on pen- ily by syneresis of the cheese curd during manufacture
248 Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects

which is, in turn, influenced by the composition of the roughly half of the whey is released during mellowing
cheese milk, i.e., fat, protein and calcium levels, the and the remainder during pressing. Although other fac-
level of rennet used, firmness of the gel at cutting, and tors, e.g., curd temperature, stirring time after salting,
curd treatments during manufacture, i.e., size of curd depth of curd, degree of mixing of salt and curd, and
cut, degree of curd agitation, cooking rate, cooking duration of mellowing period influence the ratio of
temperature, rate of acid development, extent of dry- whey released during mellowing to that released on
stirring of curd and depth of curd during cheddaring pressing, the overall level of whey released was not sig-
and size of pressed cheese (Whitehead, 1948; Emmons nificantly influenced by these factors (Sutherland,
et al., 1959; Lawrence, 1959a,b; Aiyar and Wallace, 1970; 1974). The moisture content of the cheese was
Lelievre, 1977; Geurts, 1978; Marshall, 1982; Walstra inversely related to salting level (Sutherland, 1974).
et al., 1985; van Dijk and Walstra, 1986; Fenelon and Geurts et al. (1974b) expressed the relative fluxes of
Guinee, 1999; ‘Cheddar Cheese and Related Dry- NaCl and H2O during the unidimensional brine-salting
salted Cheese Varieties’, Volume 2). Further syneresis of Gouda-type cheese in terms of the flux ratio, p:
occurs on addition of salt after milling (e.g., for Ched-
dar and Cheshire), during pressing and brine and/or Wx ⬇ pSx
dry salting.
It is generally accepted that there is an inverse rela- where W and S are the changes (from the unsalted
tionship between the levels of salt and moisture in cheese) in the g H2O and g NaCl, respectively, per 100 g
cheese. This is most readily observed in brine and/or cheese solids-not-salt in planes of cheese x cm from
dry salted moulded cheeses during, or immediately the cheese/brine interface; the minus sign indicates the
after, salting, where a decreasing salt gradient from loss of water from the cheese to the brine. Experimen-
surface to the centre is accompanied by a decreasing tal values for W and S are shown in Fig. 24, together
moisture gradient in the opposite direction (see Fig. 21; with theoretical curves calculated for various values of p.
McDowall and Whelan, 1933; Beyers and Price, The experimental curve for W approximated the theor-
1937; Geurts et al., 1972, 1974b; Godinho and Fox, etical curve for p  2 (i.e., when the amount of H2O
1981b; Guinee and Fox, 1983a,b, 1986a,b; Turhan and leaving the cheese is twice that of the NaCl entering)
Kaletunç, 1992; Messens et al., 1999; Licitra et al., 2000; but varied from 1.5 at the salt front to 2.34 at the
Melilli et al., 2003). The inverse relationship between
salt and moisture levels is also observed in cheeses
where the mean salt level is varied by brine- or surface 20
dry-salting for different times (Guinee and Fox, 1986b; 4
Freitas and Malcata, 1996; Kristiansen et al., 1999) or
Salt in moisture (g NaCl/ 100 g H2O)

for similar times in brines of different NaCl levels 16

Moisture content of cheese (%)

2 40
(Guinee and Fox, 1986a; Pappas et al., 1996; Kaya
et al., 1999). A similar trend was observed in brine-
injected Muenster cheese for which the salt content 12
increased linearly with the number of injections,
applied 24 h apart (Pastorino et al., 2003a).
O’Connor (1971) found that there is a negative cor- 32
relation between the salt and moisture concentrations
in commercial Scottish Cheddar cheeses. Although
there was considerable scatter, the data of Fox (1975) 28
show an inverse correlation between the percentage of
moisture and percentage of NaCl in 123 commercial 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Irish Cheddar cheeses. Direct evidence of this relation-
ship is also apparent from the work of O’Connor (1970, Distance from cheese surface (mm)
1973a,b) and Kelly et al. (1996) for Cheddar cheeses Figure 24 Moisture (●) and salt () content of a full-cream
from the same batch of curd salted at different levels. Gouda cheese after 8 days of brining, as a function of penetra-
An inverse correlation between %, w/w, moisture tion depth; pH 5.64, brine concentration 20.5 g NaCl/100 g H2O,
and %, w/w, NaCl in Cheddar cheese is not surprising temperature 12.6 °C. Experimental moisture values (●); (1) mois-
since a considerable volume of whey is released from ture content calculated from salt content and a flux ratio
(g water:g salt) p  2.5; (2) the same, but p varies from 1.7 at
Cheddar curd following salting and during pressing the cheese–brine interface to 2.9 in the cheese surface; (3) the
(Sutherland, 1974). The amount of whey released is same, but p  1; (4) the same, but p  0 (from Geurts et al.,
directly related to the amount of salt added to the curd; 1974b).
Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects 249

brine/cheese interface and was always 1. While a protein solubility. There are several reports on the com-
similar trend in p values was observed by Guinee and position and maintenance of brines and brining times in
Fox (1983a) for commercial Romano-type cheese relation to cheese quality (Jakubowski, 1968; Geurts
(salted for 9 days in 19.3% NaCl brine), the value of p et al., 1972; de Vries, 1979; Brazhnikov et al., 1986;
varied more, i.e., from 3.75 at the rind to 1 in a Blanchard, 1987; Cohen-Maurel, 1987; Chamba, 1988;
region between the rind and the salt front. Guinee Schaegis, 1988).
(1985) concluded that the value of p at a particular
location within the region of salt and water movement Salt content
depends on the concentrations of NaCl and H2O at the
Higher salt levels in Cheddar cheese usually coincide
location; indeed, this is possibly the reason why p
with increased fat content (O’Connor, 1971, 1974;
decreases from the rind inwards (Geurts et al., 1974b;
Thakur et al., 1975), probably due to the greater loss
Guinee and Fox, 1983a), along which significant vari-
of water than salt uptake during salting. Thus, it
ations of salt and moisture occur as a result of salt
is noteworthy that the moisture content of Cheddar is
uptake. Indeed, changes in cheese texture and appear-
inversely related to the salt content (O’Connor, 1971;
ance corresponding to the changes in p which occur
Sutherland, 1974; Jordan and Cogan, 1993; Kelly
in the region of high salt and moisture movement are
et al., 1996). However, on considering the findings of
visible when a brined cheese is cut parallel to the
Breene et al. (1965), the fat content may decrease,
direction of brine movement, during or shortly after
especially at high salting levels if the curd temperature
brining (Geurts et al., 1974b; Guinee and Fox, 1983a;
at salting exceeds 32 °C.
Bochtler, 1987). In the outermost region (0.3–1.3 cm
depending on the duration of brining) bordering the Lactose content and pH
brine, where the S/M level is high, e.g., 12%, w/w,
the cheese is hard, brittle, dry and white (indicative of As discussed in ‘Control of Microbial Growth’, the lac-
salting-out), whereas further removed from the inter- tose content and pH of cheese are strongly influenced by
face, where percentage of S/M 3% and 10%, the the level and time of salt application (Fox et al., 1990).
cheese is soft, yellowish and somewhat waxy translu-
cent (indicative of protein hydration and swelling);
between the ‘waxy’ layer and the salt front, the cheese
had a uniform appearance and resembled the unsalted Clearly, salt plays a multi-faceted role in cheese ripening
cheese (Guinee, 1985). It is noteworthy that pockets with an influence on the physical, chemical and micro-
of free serum in unsalted non-fat Mozzarella provide biological attributes of the mature cheese. While a con-
light scattering surfaces and thereby contribute to siderable amount of information is currently available
opaqueness of the cheese (Paulson et al., 1998); in on many aspects of the significance of salt in cheese and
contrast, the increase in protein hydration in salted on salt diffusion in cheese curd, many gaps persist, e.g.,
Mozzarella led to a significant reduction in the level of its effects on individual enzymes, protein–protein inter-
free serum and a more translucent appearance. The actions (and its consequences in hydrolysis, rheology
extent of the outer dry white layer in brine-salted and functionality), effect on the growth of pathogens,
cheeses is augmented by a low cheese moisture and a interaction with pH and other hurdles in controlling
low brine pH, i.e., 4.6 (Bochtler, 1987); such factors cheese microbiology.
contribute further to protein insolubility.
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Application of Membrane Separation
Technology to Cheese Production
V.V. Mistry, Dairy Science Department, South Dakota State University, Brookings, USA
J.-L. Maubois, Laboratoire de Recherches Laitières, Institut National de la Recherche
Agronomique, Rennes Cedex, France

Introduction buffaloes, production of milk powders with good

cheesemaking properties (Maubois et al., 1973), restor-
Membrane processing has revolutionized the dairy
ation of the rennet coagulation properties of ultrahigh
industry in many interesting ways and has led to signifi-
temperature (UHT)-treated milk (Maubois et al., 1972;
cant new process and product development. This revo-
Ferron-Baumy et al., 1991), on-farm concentration of milk
lution has been in the making for the past 34 years and
(Maubois, 1979), removal of somatic cells (Le Squeren
has encompassed not only ultrafiltration and nanofiltra-
and Canteri, 1995; Maubois, 2002) and bacteria from
tion but, more recently, microfiltration as well. In 2001,
cheese milk by microfiltration (Trouvé et al., 1991;
more than 450 000 tonnes of cheese were made using
Saboya and Maubois, 2000) and casein enrichment of
ultrafiltration technology. The history of cheesemaking
cheese milk by microfiltration (Fauquant et al., 1988;
using membranes commenced in the late 1960s with
Maubois et al., 2001). These developments were cata-
the invention of the MMV process (Maubois et al., 1969;
lysed by improvements in membrane components
Maubois and Mocquot, 1971, 1975). This process, named
such as the development of mineral and ceramic mem-
after its inventors (Maubois, Mocquot and Vassal), opened
branes, studies on physico-chemical equilibria of UF
up new avenues for significant advances in cheesemaking,
retentates, characterization of the rheological behav-
including improvements in plant efficiency, increases in
iour of protein-enriched milks, studies on the growth
cheese yield, development of a continuous process and
and activity of starter bacteria in liquid pre-cheeses
possibilities for creating new cheese varieties. As a result,
and in the resulting cheeses, and more importantly by
numerous plants all over the world, but mainly Europe,
the generation of new ideas and the acceptance of new
now use this process to manufacture a wide range of
cheesemaking concepts in laboratories and in cheese
cheeses (Korolczuk et al., 1986; Maubois, 2002).
plants around the world.
Since the introduction of the MMV process, com-
In this chapter, cheesemaking using UF, reverse
mercial applications of membranes in the cheese indus-
osmosis and microfiltration will be discussed as well as
try, as well as research efforts aimed at developing new
other cheese-related applications using these processes.
applications and understanding and improving current
Initially, some membrane terms, membrane design and
applications, have expanded all over the world. For
configuration will be discussed briefly.
instance, it was reported by Kosikowski (1986a) that
during the period 1979–1983, a total of 213 scientific
papers were published dealing with membrane separa-
Membrane Design and Configuration
tions in food processing. Of these, publications dealing
with cheese formed the largest category at 25%. Publi- Membrane technology is a broad term that encompasses
cations dealing with cheese and whey, combined, repre- several molecular separation processes. Each process
sented 50% of the total. In a more recent literature requires its own specialized equipment and has its own
search, it was found that more than 1200 publications characteristics that make it suitable for some applica-
on the application of membranes in food processing tions but not for others. Reverse osmosis and ultrafiltra-
appeared between 1995 and 2002. These data clearly tion are two of the most commonly used membrane
illustrate the magnitude of effort that has been invested processes in the dairy industry (Glover, 1985; Van der
in developing and understanding applications of mem- Horst and Hanemaaijer, 1990) but nanofiltration and
branes in the food industry. microfiltration have emerged and have demonstrated
Since 1969, cheese-related applications of mem- tremendous potential for dairy applications for the
branes have expanded into numerous areas, including future (Gregory, 1987; Eriksson, 1988; Fauquant et al.,
the manufacture of fresh, soft, semi-hard and hard 1988; O’Shea, 1990; Kelly et al., 1992; Saboya and
cheeses from the milk of cows, goats, ewes or water Maubois, 2000; Maubois, 2002).
Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, Third edition – Volume 1: General Aspects Copyright © 2004 Elsevier Ltd
ISBN: 0-1226-3652-X All rights reserved
Set ISBN: 0-1226-3651-1
262 Application of Membrane Separation Technology to Cheese Production

Definitions (Maubois and Brulé, 1982; Cheryan, 1998). The char-

acteristics of each of these configurations are described
Ultrafiltration (UF)
Ultrafiltration is a process which selectively separ-
ates macromolecules having a molecular weight of
1000–200 000 Da from solvent and dissolved solutes.
In this configuration, feed flows through a tube,
With cross-flow over a membrane surface at a rela-
85–600 cm long and 3–25 mm inside-diameter. The
tively low pressure (less than 1000 kPa), UF produces
inside wall of the tube is lined with the membrane and
from milk a permeate (also called ultrafiltrate) con-
the outside consists of support material. Several tubes
taining water, lactose, soluble minerals, non-protein
may be connected in series or in parallel as a bundle
nitrogen and water-soluble vitamins, and a retentate in
and are housed in a stainless steel cartridge. A multi-
which the proteins, fat and colloidal salts are increased
channel tubular geometry was developed in France
in proportion to the amount of permeate removed
(Gillot and Garcera, 1986) and in the USA (Renner
(Maubois et al., 1969; Maubois and Mocquot, 1971;
and Abd El-Salam, 1991) for MF and UF mineral
Glover, 1985).
membranes (Fig. 1).
Reverse osmosis (RO) Tubular membranes are easy to clean and allow
Reverse osmosis (sometimes known as hyperfiltration) recirculation of liquids with a high level of solids and
is a dewatering process which operates at pressures at viscosity (Mahaut et al., 1982; Maubois and Brulé,
least five to ten times higher than those used for UF 1982; Cheryan, 1998). However, they have the lowest
(Glover et al., 1978; Glover, 1985; Dziezak, 1990). surface area-to-volume ratio and therefore require a
Reverse osmosis membranes separate solutes with a high feed flow rate and consequently, a high running
molecular weight of approximately 150 Da or less. energy (0.6–1.0 kW/m2) (Maubois and Brulé, 1982).
Hence, fat, proteins, lactose and all undissociated miner- Reverse osmosis operations are conducted at high
als are retained and concentrated by the membrane, and pressures; hence tubular membranes for RO require add-
only water and some ionized minerals pass through. itional support material to withstand the high pressures.

Microfiltration (MF) Hollow fibre

Microfiltration is a process which selectively separates Hollow fibre membranes can be thought of as the
particles with a molecular weight greater than 200 000 tubular-type except that they are self-supporting. Hol-
Da. According to the membrane pore size, milk mater- low fibres also have a much smaller diameter than the
ials removed by MF include somatic cells, fat globules, tubular-type membranes. The diameter of each fibre
bacteria, casein micelles (Saboya and Maubois, 2000), ranges from 0.19 to 1.25 mm (Cheryan, 1998). In a
aggregated whey components (Maubois et al., 2001), see-through casing, 50–3000 such fibres may be bun-
-casein (Terré et al., 1987) and -lactoglobulin dled together in parallel. Each such unit is referred to
(Maubois, 1988; Léonil et al., 1997). as a cartridge. Hollow fibre membranes have a very
high surface area-to-volume ratio, providing for very
Nanofiltration (NF) low floor space requirements.
Nanofiltration, also known as loose-RO (Horton, As in the tubular design, feed flows through the
1986), falls between RO and UF. It separates low inside of the fibres, and permeate is collected outside in
molecular weight compounds (200 and 1000 Da) from the casing. A disadvantage with this system is that even if
larger molecules. Small ionized molecules, such as dis- only one fibre fails, the entire cartridge must be replaced.
solved mineral salts, are removed, at a rate inversely Replacement costs of membranes are, therefore, high. On
proportional to their valency, along with water, the other hand, since hollow fibres are self-supporting,
whereas other materials such as lactose, proteins and operating pressures are low (Maubois and Brulé, 1982).
fat are retained, making it suitable for desalting cheese Transmembrane pressure is limited to 170–270 kPa.
whey (Daufin et al., 1998a), for recovering of water While this is an advantage in terms of energy consump-
generated during thermal concentration of milk or tion (0.2 kW/m2), this configuration may not be suitable
whey or for recycling cleaning solutions (Daufin et al., for applications requiring high pressures. One of the
1998b). greatest advantages of hollow fibre membranes, as bun-
dled tubular membranes, is the ability to backflush. This
Membrane configuration
aids in cleaning the membrane as well as in preventing a
Four basic configurations are currently available for build-up of fouling material on the surface.
UF, RO, MF and NF applications: (1) tubular, (2) hol- Hollow fibres such as those described above are
low fibre, (3) plate and frame and (4) spiral-wound used for UF and MF applications. For RO applications,
Application of Membrane Separation Technology to Cheese Production 263

Figure 1 An arrangement of multi-channel geometry ceramic membranes (courtesy of GEA filtration, Hudson, WI, USA). (See
Colour plate 1.)

even smaller fibres, known as hollow fine fibres, are frame configurations are available in horizontal as well
used (Cheryan, 1998). In these fibres, feed flows from as vertical designs. The surface area-to-volume ratio is
the outside of the fibre to the inside. between hollow fibre and tubular designs. The required
pumping energy is around 0.5–0.7 kW/m2 (Maubois
Plate and frame and Brulé, 1982).
This configuration consists of a stack of plates and flat
sheet membranes, much like a filter press arrangement Spiral-wound
(Fig. 2). The flat sheet membrane and its support are This configuration is the most widely used in the dairy
sandwiched together in large numbers to form a mod- and food industries and is also the most inexpensive
ule. Feed flows parallel to the membrane surface, and (Fig. 3). Spiral-wound membranes consist of two flat
permeate is chanelled out of the module. Plate and sheet membranes along with spacers wrapped around

Figure 2 Plate and frame UF system (courtesy of GEA filtration, Hudson, WI, USA). (See Colour plate 2.)
264 Application of Membrane Separation Technology to Cheese Production

Figure 3 Spiral-wound UF membranes (courtesy of GEA filtration, Hudson, WI, USA). (See Colour plate 3.)

a perforated permeate-collecting tube (Cheryan, 1998).

As feed passes over the membrane surface, permeate
spirals its way to the centre of the tube. Spacers are
included in the assembly to promote turbulence,
thereby minimizing fouling, but sometimes cleaning
and sanitizing difficulties are experienced, especially
when highly viscous retentates are recirculated. Spiral-
wound membranes are available for UF, RO, MF and
NF applications. The nature of the membrane support
and the general design permit operation at high trans-
membrane pressures without damaging the membrane.

Vibrating membrane system

Developed by the Pall Corporation (Boston, MA), this
is a relatively new concept in which vibration energy is
used to reduce the thickness of the fouling layer and
consequently to improve the flux rate. This is accom-
plished by vibrating a disc filter stack at 50–60 Hz on
the vertical axis to generate shear rates of 100 000–
150 000 s 1 on the membrane surface. Membranes are
bonded to both sides of stainless steel discs, which are
then arranged in a stack to obtain a total membrane
surface area of up to 40 m2 (Fig. 4). With this system,
it has been possible to separate milk proteins effect- Figure 4 Vibrating membrane system (courtesy of Pall Corpor-
ively. While commercial applications have not been ation, Portsmouth, UK). (See Colour plate 4.)
Application of Membrane Separation Technology to Cheese Production 265

developed yet, there is potential for the future (Hurwitz flora (Rash and Kosikowski, 1982) and water-holding
and Brantley, 2000). capacity of the cheese mass during ripening. A similar
Good quality membrane material is critical for the increase in buffering capacity is also observed when
proper operation of UF, RO, MF or NF plants. Cellu- milk is specifically enriched in micellar casein by the
lose acetate was the most common material for UF and use of 0.1 m MF membranes.
RO membranes but these have now been almost com- According to the volumetric concentration factor
pletely replaced by polysulphone membranes, especially (F) (ratio of the volumes of milk and retentate),
for UF applications. Numerous other materials have higher production of lactic acid by lactic starter bac-
been assessed, e.g., polyamide, polyimide, polyvinyl- teria is required to obtain optimum pH in cheese, usu-
idene fluoride, etc. Mineral membranes, specifically ally 5.2 in hard cheeses and 4.6 in soft and fresh
zirconium oxide, or titanium oxide supported by car- cheeses. For the latter category, the increase in
bon or by alumina and ceramic membranes are now required lactic acid production was quantified by Brulé
being used increasingly for UF, MF and even NF. These et al. (1974) and was expressed as:
materials have high mechanical strength and tolerate
wider pH and temperature ranges than polymeric QL  4.4 F  1.5
membranes. They are more expensive but have a sub-
stantially longer life than organic membranes (at least where QL is g of lactic acid per kg of pH 6.7 UF retentate.
5 years compared to 18 months). Consequently, for most cheese varieties, use of pH
The above overview is concerned only with mem- 6.7 retentates results in acid-tasting products (Maubois,
brane processes used in cheese applications. Other 1979). On the other hand, a large quantity of calcium
membrane processes, such as dialysis and electro- salts is released into the aqueous phase of cheese curd
dialysis and details of UF, RO, MF and NF, such as during acidification. Ionic strength is strongly increased
flux rates, thermodynamics of operation, fouling and and casein micelle aggregation is modified. Cheese
concentration polarization have been discussed in depth texture is crumbly or sandy (Brulé et al., 1975), and
elsewhere (Cheryan, 1998; Meireles-Masbernat et al., spreadability and stretching properties are poor (Green
1998) and will not be addressed here. and Grandison, 1987). The buffering effect of pH 6.7
UF retentates leads to higher numbers of lactic starter
bacteria in curd and resulting cheese than in non-UF
Membrane Applications in Cheesemaking
curd and cheese (Mistry and Kosikowski, 1985;
Ultrafiltration is the most widely used membrane Goudédranche et al., 1986). While this may result in
process for cheesemaking and is fairly well-advanced. bitterness in some cheeses, such as Quarg (Mortensen,
Microfiltration techniques for the removal of bacteria, 1985), it has been used to advantage in the development
separation of milk fat globules and enrichment of of a new bulk starter (Mistry and Kosikowski, 1986a).
micellar casein have been developed and have already This starter is manufactured by fermenting a whole or
entered industrial operations. skim milk retentate containing 12% protein with a
To successfully make cheese by UF or MF, specific mesophilic lactic culture at 22 °C for 12–15 h (Fig. 5).
properties of the protein-enriched products must be It has a built-in internal pH control mechanism due to
well understood because they strongly determine the the buffering capacity of the UF retentate, which
quality of the end products, as well as economy of the maintains the pH of the starter steady at 5–5.2. It,
use of the membrane technology. therefore, has a greater activity than traditional bulk
starters made from pasteurized milk and maintains its
Properties of UF retentates activity for 10–12 h at room temperature. The UF
Buffering capacity retentate starter also has a high protein content which
If milk is ultrafiltrated at its normal pH (6.6–6.8), contributes to increased cheese yield (Mistry and
mineral salts (Ca, Mg, P) bound to casein micelles are Kosikowski, 1986b; Mistry, 1990), making it suitable
concentrated in the same proportion as proteins. This for either traditional or UF cheesemaking.
results in an increase in the buffering capacity of UF The increased buffering capacity of pH 6.7 UF milk
retentates which will consequently modify the basic could also offer a favourable environment for the
parameters of the cheesemaking process – acidification growth and survival of certain bacteria such as
kinetics by lactic acid bacteria, ultimate pH value, ren- enteropathogenic E. coli (Rash and Kosikowski, 1982).
net coagulation kinetics and rheological characteristics This underscores the importance of adjusting the min-
of the curd, activity of ripening enzymes, lysis of eral content of UF retentates to avoid the unfavourable
mesophilic lactic acid bacteria during ripening (Saboya consequences in cheesemaking due to the increase in
et al., 2001), growth and rate of survival of spoilage buffering capacity of pH 6.7 UF milk. This aspect was
266 Application of Membrane Separation Technology to Cheese Production

(Brulé et al., 1974). An increase of ionic strength also

lowers the isoelectric pH of casein, which may offer an
increased security margin to the cheesemaker for
handling acidified UF retentate.
Addition of NaCl to milk or reduction of the pH by
acidification reduces UF flux because of increased
membrane fouling but it is obvious that any cheese-
maker will prefer to have satisfactory cheeses even at
the expense of reduced performance of UF equipment
rather than defective cheeses resulting from a process
involving the highest UF flux. It must also be remem-
bered that milk having a pH lower than 5.0, when
ultrafiltered, leads to a higher UF flux than that
observed at pH 6.7 because of the weak texture of the
polarization layer at the isoelectric pH of casein (Mahaut
et al., 1982).

Rheological behaviour of UF retentates

Milk can be considered as a Newtonian liquid, while
UF retentates behave differently. The higher the pro-
tein content and/or the lower the temperature, the
more pseudoplastic is their behaviour (Culioli et al.,
1974). Such a rheological behaviour must be taken
into consideration in the design and in the operating
parameters of UF equipment (for example, in the
restarting procedure after an electrical failure to avoid
a hydraulic ram).
Figure 5 Flow diagram for the production of retentate starter
(derived from Mistry and Kosikowski, 1986a).
The viscosity of UF retentates increases markedly
with an increase in their protein content. At 30 °C, at a
shear rate of 437.4 s 1, the observed viscosity is 45 cP
emphasized by Brulé et al. (1974), who suggested sev- at a protein content of 19.6%, w/w, and 370 cP at a
eral suitable ways for adjusting the mineral salts con- protein content of 20.6%, w/w (Culioli et al., 1974;
tent of UF retentates, which is specific for each cheese Goudédranche et al., 1980). The manufacture of semi-
variety. The first method involves a reduction in milk hard or related cheese from these highly viscous UF
pH before or during ultrafiltration by the growth of a retentates requires removal of all dissolved gases
lactic starter or by any approved acidifying agent which are entrapped in the liquid and the use of special
(glucono--lacatone or organic acids in some coun- mixing devices (static and dynamic) to enable thorough
tries). Acidification leads to solubilization of colloidal blending of rennet and lactic starters (Maubois, 1987).
calcium and magnesium phosphate salts, which pass If dissolved gases are not removed by application of a
into the permeate. Reduction of milk pH from 6.6 to vacuum, a spongy curd is obtained and the appearance
6.0 and 5.6 increases the Ca content of UF permeate and the taste of the cheese are poor. If rennet is not
from 0.38 to 0.50 and 0.80 g per kg, respectively. Con- mixed satisfactorily, the resulting curd will be flaky
sequently, a 5X UF retentate obtained at pH 5.6 has a due to localized coagulation.
Ca content 2.6 times that in milk instead of 3.8 times
for the 5X UF retentate prepared at pH 6.6 (Brulé Rennet coagulation
et al., 1974). The second method, which eventually If the same amount of rennet is added to equal vol-
can be combined with the first one, is the addition of umes of milk or UF retentate, the rennet-clotting time
NaCl (0.5–0.9%, w/w) to UF retentate during or after is not affected by the increase in protein content (% P)
ultrafiltration. The increase of ionic strength resulting but the time from clotting to cutting is reduced
from NaCl addition reduces the ionization of casein (Maubois and Mocquot, 1971; Garnot et al., 1982;
phosphoseryl groups and consequently leads to solubil- Lucisano et al., 1985; Garnot, 1988; Maubois, 1989).
ization of colloidal calcium in the permeate or in the This is the net result of numerous phenomena – there
aqueous phase of UF retentate (up to 15–18%, w/w, is an increase in the velocity of the enzyme reaction as
depending on the pH and amount of NaCl added) the protein content is increased (Garnot, 1988) but
Application of Membrane Separation Technology to Cheese Production 267

the degree of proteolysis at gelation decreases as % P whey. A slight increase in the protein content by UF
increases. At pH 6.6 and at the normal casein content eliminates these difficulties. In many cheese plants,
of milk, coagulation occurs when 80–90% of the generally those using highly mechanized equipment,
-casein has been hydrolysed. However, in a 4X UF the protein content of cheese milk is increased to
retentate, hydrolysis of only 50% is necessary for curd 3.7–4.5% throughout the year (Korolczuk et al., 1986;
formation (Dalgleish, 1980). Because the secondary Mietton, 1990). Protein-standardized milk is used in
phase of rennet action is a diffusion-controlled process, Europe for the manufacture of Camembert cheese
an increase in protein content leads to a sharp increase (Korolczuk et al., 1986) using an Alpma coagulator or
in the rate of aggregation (Garnot, 1988). The final firm- similar equipment. It is also used for semi-hard and hard,
ness of rennet-induced coagulum is generally directly cooked cheese. In the USA, the acronym, LCR (low-
related to the casein content (Maubois and Mocquot, concentrated retentates), was proposed (Kosikowski,
1971, 1975; Maubois et al., 1972, 1973; Korolczuk et al., 1986b) to characterize this use of UF in cheesemaking.
1986; Kosikowski, 1986b; Ferron-Baumy et al., 1991). Several pilot plant and industrial studies have reported
This is of particular importance when low-concentrated on the use of the LCR concept for Cheddar and other
retentates (LCR) are used to make cheese because tradi- hard cheeses using either direct concentration or sup-
tional equipment is employed. This would require plementation (Chapman et al., 1974; Kealey and
stronger knives and agitators to handle the firmer, Kosikowski, 1985; Kosikowski et al., 1985b; Sharma
stronger coagulum (Kosikowski et al., 1985b). et al., 1989). These studies concluded that the opti-
If the primary phase of -casein hydrolysis by ren- mum degree of concentration for making these cheese
net is slightly affected in UHT milk (Ferron-Baumy et al., varieties is between 1.7:1 and 1.8:1. In the LCR or pro-
1991), coagulation does not occur owing to the tein standardization process, cheese is made using con-
increased electronegativity of the casein micelles ventional equipment and a cheese plant can easily
resulting from the covalent binding of -lactoglobulin adapt this application of UF. Manufacturers of UF
with -casein (Dalgleish, 1990). Erdem (2000) has equipment have now proposed specially designed
suggested that a decrease in the surface hydrophobic- ultrafiltration systems that are equipped with in-line
ity of proteins due to UF is the cause of the unique protein and fat sensors (Friis, 1985). This will make it
renneting properties of UF milk. Increasing the pro- possible to determine the fat and protein content of
tein content by UF before or after UHT treatment the incoming milk and to standardize the cheese milk
restores curdforming ability (Maubois et al., 1972). for fat and protein simultaneously.
According to Ferron-Baumy et al. (1991), such a phe- The cost of UF for this application is balanced by
nomenon would result from lowering the zeta poten- a slight increase in manufacturing efficiency due to
tial of casein micelles on UF. This hypothesis, which increased production of cheese per vat per day, reduced
must be confirmed by direct observations, agrees with rennet requirements, improved quality of cheese
the fact that UF retentates coagulate at a lower degree (Kosikowski, 1986b) and a slight increase in yield
of -casein hydrolysis than normal milk. (generally less than 1% for most varieties). This
increase in yield results from reduced losses of fat and
Applications of UF in cheesemaking casein particles in whey and better retention of whey
Cheesemaking using UF can be divided into three proteins in the aqueous phase of cheese. The increase
main categories: in retention of whey proteins with LCR is relatively
small compared to the MMV process. The effect of this
1. protein-standardized milk; on cheese yield can be estimated according to the for-
2. intermediate or medium concentrated retentates; mula proposed by Vandeweghe (2000). Another
3. liquid pre-cheeses, i.e., UF retentates having the advantage is the possible added value of the resulting
composition of the cheese variety to be made. whey, which has an increased content of protein/total
solids. However, it must be said that in industrial situ-
Protein-standardized milk ations these advantages are minor. Therefore, it is
The protein content of milk collected by dairy plants somewhat surprising that a large number of UF plants
varies according to season due to multiple factors – have been installed for protein standardization in
stage of lactation, weather, feeding and breed of lactat- Europe. An indirect but important advantage of the
ing cows. Such a variation in the composition of the LCR/protein standardization concept is the utilization
incoming milk requires adjustment of processing of permeate to reduce the protein content of fluid
parameters by cheesemakers. Moreover, at a low pro- UHT milk to the minimum required by law – 2.8%,
tein content the rennet-induced coagulum is weak and w/w, in most EC countries but 3.15%, w/w, in France.
leads to relatively high losses of caseins as fines in Such a practice, which is forbidden in the EU since
268 Application of Membrane Separation Technology to Cheese Production

1997, had led to considerable profit for many UHT and the yield increased. A recent study demonstrated
milk processors. The payback of UF investment was the possibility to further enhance the impact of UF on
less than six months. While it is possible to detect cheesemaking by homogenizing the cream (Oommen
dilution of milk with water, it is impossible to detect et al., 2000). Cream containing 35%, w/w, fat was
dilution with permeate. homogenized and mixed with skim milk and UF milk
A number of cheese varieties have been made using to obtain 6%, w/w, protein for Cheddar cheesemaking.
the LCR concept. These include Cottage (Mattews Fat recovery in the cheese was 96.8% compared with
et al., 1976; Athar et al., 1983; Kosikowski et al., 1985a; 94.7% for the control cheese. It was possible to also
Kealey and Kosikowski, 1986b; Zall and Chen, 1986), improve the meltability of cheese as well as its texture.
Mozzarella (Fernandez and Kosikowski, 1986a,b) and The LCR concept has been used to improve the
Saint Paulin (Abrahamsen, 1986). Industrial and pilot- quality of low-fat cheeses. Ultrafiltered sweet butter-
plant trials with Cottage cheese indicate that a concen- milk has been used to manufacture low-fat Cheddar
tration ratio in the range of 1.2:1.7 is optimum for (Mistry et al., 1996; Turcot et al., 2002), Mozzarella
yield, flavour and body characteristics. Above these (Poduval and Mistry, 1999) and Processed cheese
levels, the texture becomes firm and the cheese has a (Raval and Mistry, 1999). The UF of buttermilk allows
flat flavour. Thermization of milk (74 °C for 10 s) for the selective concentration of its phospholipid con-
prior to UF gives the highest increase in Cottage tent, which may play a role in developing the texture
cheese yield compared with thermization after UF or of cheese.
no thermization (Zall and Chen, 1986).
Good-quality low-moisture Mozzarella cheese with Medium or intermediate concentrated retentates
excellent stretching and melting properties can be pro- Numerous cheese varieties, ranging from soft to hard,
duced from low-concentration retentates at 1.75:1.0 have been made from medium-concentrated reten-
ratios (Fernandez and Kosikowski, 1986a,b). Cheese tates. In this approach, cheese is made by using spe-
from higher concentrates was firmer and had greater fat cially designed equipment able to cut and handle the
losses in the brine. Using LCR, it is possible to produce firm gel resulting from the coagulation of 2:1–5:1 con-
both starter-acidified and directly acidified Mozzarella. centrated retentates, eventually diafiltrated with pure,
The LCR concept has also been applied to Brick salted or acidified water. The main application, which
and Colby cheese (Bush et al., 1983). LCR Brick is in industrial operation, is the manufacture of struc-
cheese had a lower pH and higher fat losses in whey tured Feta cheese (Hansen, 1985).
than in controls. The cheese was firmer and more APV-sirocurd process. An Australian dairy research
mealy and scored lower in overall preference than con- team, in collaboration with the APV firm, devel-
trol cheese. For Colby, the use of UF made it possible oped this process. Commercial plants were installed in
to eliminate the curdwashing step. Sensory scores Australia and USA but the process has been discon-
were similar to those of controls. Reduction in cook- tinued for technical and economic reasons. The details
ing time and rennet usage was reported. In studies on of the process have been discussed by Mistry and
Edam cheese by Pahkala et al. (1985), 2:1, 4:1 and 6:1 Maubois (1993). This process had the potential to
retentates were used. LCR (2:1 concentration) pro- increase cheese yield by 6–8% under continuous and
duced the best cheese with the fewest defects. In this automated conditions.
cheese, the rate of proteolysis of s1-casein was similar
to that in control cheese but that of -casein was Structured Feta-like cheese. This approach in mak-
slower. With UF Danbo cheese, made from 2:1 diafil- ing Feta-like cheese was developed in Denmark in
tered UF milk, a slight increase in yield, a 50% reduc- response to consumer demand from many Mediter-
tion in rennet requirements, and a 40% increase in ranean countries where people desired cheeses having
the cheesemaking capacity of vats was possible (Qvist an appearance and texture (presence of mechanical
et al., 1985). holes) similar to those of traditional products, charac-
The LCR concept for cheese appears to have been teristics they did not find in UF Feta-like cheese made
well-accepted commercially for cheeses such as Ched- from liquid pre-cheeses (Mortensen, 1985). Pasteur-
dar, mainly because of increased yield without the ized, fat-standardized milk, generally homogenized at
need for additional equipment. Its application in cor- 18 MPa and 60 °C, is ultrafiltered at 50 °C. The final
recting the effects of seasonal variation in milk concentrate contains 28.5%, w/w, TS, which corres-
composition on Cheddar cheesemaking has been stud- ponds to a concentration factor of 3:1. Lipase, starter
ied (Broome et al., 1998a,b). It was suggested that culture or glucono--lactone are added to the UF
when milk was ultrafiltered up to 4.5%, w/w, protein, retentate, previously homogenized at 5 MPa at 65 °C,
the moisture content of Cheddar cheese was optimal heat-treated to 80 °C for 60 s and cooled to 34 °C.
Application of Membrane Separation Technology to Cheese Production 269

After a short storage period in a tank, the UF retentate and handling equipment were required to produce sat-
is pumped to specially designed Alfa-Laval Alcurd or isfactory Blue cheese. That was successfully accom-
Pasilac equipment. Rennet is added in-line. In both plished in 1996 by the French Guilloteau Society
types of equipment, rennet is mixed thoroughly and which produced the award-winning ‘La Roche’ variety.
the UF retentate coagulates in tubes. The resulting Egyptian workers describe the use of recombined
coagulum is removed from the tubes, cut into cubes, ultrafiltered milk for making Blue cheese (Abd El-Salam
moulded and drained (16–24 h at 10–14 °C) until the et al., 1988; Abdou et al., 1988; Dawood et al., 1988).
pH has decreased to 4.8 (Skovhauge, 1987). The prod-
General considerations on the use of intermediate
uct of this process is virtually indistinguishable from
UF retentates. Benefits accruing from the use of
the traditional product. A yield increase of about 14%
on a solids basis is claimed over the traditional process intermediate UF retentates for making any cheese var-
(Mortensen, 1985), a far smaller value than that iety must be substantial enough to justify substitution
obtained with the process using liquid pre-cheese of traditional cheesemaking technology. Moreover, the
(30%). Such a difference explains why only a few organoleptic quality must be acceptable to the con-
plants produce structured Feta-like cheese. sumer. Investments involve not only UF equipment, as
in the LCR concept, but also additional equipment,
Other cheeses produced from medium concentration
such as curd makers. Increased cheese yield is strongly
retentates. Several experiments on the use of UF
related to the volume concentration factor (F) and to
retentates of up to 5:1 concentration have been reported the difference between the composition of the UF
for making Havarti, a semi-soft cheese of Danish origin, retentate and the final cheese (Jacobsen, 1985). The
containing approximately 26%, w/w, fat and 56%, w/w, saving of skim milk increases logarithmically as the dif-
solids (Bundgaard et al., 1972; Qvist et al., 1986, 1987; ference becomes smaller but UF-operating costs also
Qvist, 1987). Cheese milk used in these experiments increase logarithmically with F. The economic study to
was not pre-acidified, and diafiltration was not per- be made by cheese plants to assess investment must
formed with acidified water. Consequently, the buffer- also take into consideration the potential value of the
ing capacity of the UF retentates was high and it was two by-products obtained – drained whey, which con-
reported that more starter was required than with the tains more protein and fat than normal whey, and per-
traditional process or the use of specially selected cul- meate; each is of interest to a different downstream
tures (Skovhauge, 1987). However, the taste and the industrial network. Minor benefits also accrue from
flavour of UF cheeses were similar to the traditional reduced rennet consumption and reduced requirement
product. The texture was, nevertheless, softer and the in volume and floor space.
melting properties poorer. A 10% saving in the cost of Liquid pre-cheeses (LPC concept)
skim milk cheese manufacture was claimed, resulting in In this approach, cheese milk is concentrated by UF
a net profit of US$42 000 per year for a production of to the composition of the drained curd being made
600 tonnes of cheese (Skovhauge, 1987). before addition of rennet. There is very little whey
In experiments with Gouda cheese (Spangler et al., drainage, and there is no need for cheese vats
1989, 1990), whole milk was first ultrafiltrated to (Maubois et al., 1969; Maubois and Mocquot, 1971).
3.3:1 and then diafiltered to 3.6:1–5:1 concentration. This principle was first applied to Camembert cheese
Gouda cheese produced from 5:1 retentate was similar (Maubois et al., 1969; Maubois, 1979) but many
in moisture, hardness and proteolysis to controls pro- applications have been developed successfully for the
duced from non-UF milk. A savings of 33% in the cost manufacture of other cheese varieties, ranging from
of rennet was reported. Flavour development in UF ‘fromages frais’ or Quarg to semi-hard cheeses, such as
Gouda cheese could be accelerated by using a combin- Saint Paulin.
ation of liposome-entrapped enzyme and freeze-
shocked Lactobacillus helveticus cells. Fresh unripened cheeses. In early attempts to apply
Attempts have also been made to manufacture Blue UF for the manufacture of cheese varieties belonging
cheese from UF milk (Mahaut and Maubois, 1978; to this category, milk was preconcentrated prior to
Maubois, 1979; Abd El-Salam et al., 1988). According starter and rennet addition. The cheese produced had
to French studies (Mahaut and Maubois, 1978), the a highly acid and metallic taste, frequently associated
organoleptic qualities of cheese made from UF reten- with bitterness. These defects were attributable to the
tates with a protein content ranging from 3.2 to 10% high mineral content of the curd and consequently its
and treated in traditional cheese vats were similar to high buffering capacity (Brulé et al., 1975; Mahaut
reference cheese. Above 12%, w/w, protein, modifica- et al., 1982; Lawrence, 1987). Some reduction of acid
tions of cheesemaking parameters and new cutting flavour was observed when pre-acidified (pH 6.0) milk
270 Application of Membrane Separation Technology to Cheese Production

was ultrafiltered or when milk was concentrated to a neting characteristics, because of the high heat treat-
higher degree than necessary and subsequently diluted ment generally applied to cream before churning, is
with water (Brulé et al., 1975). Introduction of new due to its high content in phospholipids, which give a
membranes, such as mineral membranes and specially very unctuous texture.
designed membrane supports that permit the UF of Many other fresh unripened cheese varieties are
high-viscosity products (Maubois, 1979; Herbertz, now made according to the LPC approach or the MMV
1984a), has made it possible to solve this organoleptic process. Some examples include Ricotta (Maubois and
defect completely by using the process initially pro- Kosikowski, 1978; Skovhauge, 1988), Cream cheese
posed by Stenne (1973), i.e., first fermenting the milk (Covacevich and Kosikowski, 1977; Resmini et al.,
to pH 4.6 with a conventional mesophilic culture, 1984; Dos Santos Neves and Ducruet, 1988) and
adding rennet and then ultrafiltering to remove lactose Mascarpone (Resmini et al., 1984; Sordi, 1984).
and mineral salts but retaining whey proteins. A high The manufacture of Ricotta presents special prob-
initial flux rate and a decrease in flux rate with con- lems because of the complexity of precipitation and
centration were observed when pH 4.6 milk was ultra- requirements for suitable texture and flavour (Maubois
filtered (Mahaut et al., 1982), both phenomena being and Kosikowski, 1978; Kosikowski and Mistry, 1997).
attributable to the highly porous structure of the In one UF process (Maubois and Kosikowski, 1978),
polarization layer (Maubois, 1979). Because of the rela- whole milk is acidified to pH 5.9 with lactic starter,
tively high protein content (12%), this use of UF was acid whey powder or food-grade acid and ultrafiltered
successfully developed for the manufacture of Quarg, a at 55–60 °C to 12%, w/w, protein. The acidified liquid
German cheese variety (Baurle et al., 1984; Anon, pre-cheese is heated in a scraped-surface heat exchanger
1984b,c; Herbertz, 1984b, 1985; Patel et al., 1986; at 80 °C and filled directly into packages. In another
Koch International GmbH, 1987). For application to process (Skovhauge, 1988), milk or whey is pasteur-
similar French cheeses, which contain much less pro- ized, acidified to pH 6.3 and ultrafiltered to 30%, w/w,
tein, it was necessary to develop specially designed UF solids at 50 °C. The retentate is heated to 90 °C at a
equipment, which minimized the mechanical shear pressure of 1–1.5 bar, following which the pressure is
stress applied to the retentate (Fig. 6). The viscosity of reduced to atmospheric to aid curd formation. The
pH 4.6-acidified curds decreases markedly with the product is cooled to 70 °C, packaged and chilled to
increase of mechanical treatment imposed during cen- 10 °C. No whey drainage occurs.
trifugal drainage or UF concentration (Mahaut, 1990). Another interesting application of UF for the manufac-
Thanks to UF technology, it was possible to make ture of cheese varieties belonging to this high-moisture
fresh unripened cheeses from buttermilk. Interest in category is the procedure developed for the produc-
using this new starting material, which has poor ren- tion of ‘Faisselles’ or ‘country cheese’. Traditionally,

Figure 6 Commercial UF system for the production of fresh cheese from pH 4.6 milk (courtesy of TIA, Bollene, France). (See Colour
plate 5.)
Application of Membrane Separation Technology to Cheese Production 271

this cheese is made from whole milk inoculated at that of traditional cheese because there are no mechan-
18–22 °C with a mesophilic starter and rennet. After ical openings. Since French consumers are accustomed
overnight cooling to 12–16 °C, pieces of coagulum are to buying Camembert cheese by the piece and not by
scooped by hand into moulds for slight whey weight, they are conscious of the volume of this cheese
drainage. The drained curd is then removed, always variety and get the impression that they receive less
by hand, from the moulds and gently laid down in cheese for their money when buying UF Camembert
the retail cups. This production was disappearing (Qvist et al., 1985; Maubois, 1987).
because of the increasing cost of labour. Use of UF The commercial failure of UF Camembert has led
has allowed the draining step to be eliminated and French cheesemakers to develop new varieties, most
consequently labour requirements are reduced sub- of which have achieved a very rapidly growing pro-
stantially. The production of this cheese variety has duction. For example, ‘Pavé d’Affinois’ was developed
now reached its former maximum level (Maubois, in 1982 and reached a production of 5000 tonnes in
1985). 2000 (Fig. 7). This cheese is made from 4:1 UF whole
milk retentate fermented with a thermophilic lactic
Soft cheese. Camembert, a French surface-moulded starter. Rennet is added and the mixture is poured into
cheese variety, was the first cheese to be made accord- rectangular plastic trays that are 5 cm high. The trays
ing to the MMV principle (Maubois et al., 1969; are set in an incubator at 43 °C for 6 h to allow acidifi-
Maubois and Mocquot, 1971). Several recipes were cation and coagulation to occur. After cooling to room
proposed (Maubois and Mocquot, 1975; Maubois, temperature, the cheese slabs are removed from the
1979, 1989) to optimize the use of UF with industrial trays and cut with an automatic dividing knife to 96
cheesemaking constraints (24-h production of UF pieces, each having the size and form of a small rec-
retentate with moulding for 16 h) and to obtain the tangular paving stone (approximately 7  5  5 cm).
very delicate equilibrium in calcium salts in the curd The resulting fresh cheeses are ripened for 10 days, as
required to obtain texture and flavour similar to trad- for Camembert (Korolczuk et al., 1986). Several other
itional Camembert cheese. The procedure used with soft cheese varieties (bacterial and mould surface-
the continuous moulding and demoulding equipment, ripened, Blue) have been developed according to the
‘Camatic’, developed by Alfa-Laval (Hansen, 1981; same principles and have achieved commercial success
Gutter, 1984; Korolczuk et al., 1986), is the following – (Maubois, 2002).
HTST-pasteurized milk is ultrafiltered at 50 °C to a The greatest success worldwide of the MMV
pre-cheese concentration of 5:1 and a total solids con- process is unquestionably the manufacture of Feta-like
tent of 35%, w/w. The resulting pre-cheese is cooled to cheese (Fig. 8) (Hansen, 1980, 1984; Mortensen, 1985;
30 °C, and 2%, w/w, mesophilic lactic starter and Lawrence, 1987). Until the EU regulations changed
0.75%, w/w, NaCl are added. Then, the mixture is market dynamics in 1997, Feta accounted for 35% of
allowed to acidify to pH 5.5 and is automatically filled all cheese produced in Denmark and more than 90%
into forms with online inoculation with rennet. Curd of it was produced by UF.
wheels develop rapidly and are continuously and gen- Most of this cheese was manufactured for the Iran
tly moved in the Camatic equipment for 45 min. After market but UF Feta cheese has been produced in Iran
being inverted once, a continuous electric current is itself for several years (Ziabary and Hoffmann, 2001).
applied to each cheese between the air-exposed surface The LPC concept for making Feta has made feasible an
in contact with a carbon electrode and the stainless old dream of cheesemakers – to make the cheese in its
steel cup holding the cheese. Limited electrolysis of retail package. Yield increases of 30% were reported,
whey occurs and the use of an air injector allows per- higher than could be expected from the retention of
fect demoulding of the wheels onto cheese trays. whey proteins in the cheese (22% at most). The differ-
Then, the fresh Camembert cheeses are brined for ence must be related not only to the total elimination
about 30 min, removed, sprayed with Penicillium of curd particle and fat losses arising from the coagula-
camemberti spores and held for 12 days at 11–12 °C to tion and curd cutting inside the retail tins but also to
permit development of the white mould covering. A the retention in the curd of all the -caseinomacropep-
yield increase between 12 and 15% is obtained. Several tide (4%, w/w, of the casein content of the LPC).
units of Camatic equipment have been sold, mainly in A similar concept was applied to the manufacture of
Germany. In France, UF Camembert cheeses have Domiati, an Egyptian cheese variety – 5:1 UF whole
encountered ‘psycho-commercial’ difficulties. The milk retentate was homogenized, 5%, w/w, NaCl, 2%,
organoleptic qualities of UF Camembert were indistin- w/w, lactic starter and lipase–rennet mixture were
guishable from those of traditional cheese but the bulk added prior to pouring into 18-kg tins (Al Khamy,
density of the UF cheese paste is much higher than 1988) or Tetra Pak packages.
272 Application of Membrane Separation Technology to Cheese Production

Figure 7 A selection of cheeses made by UF using the liquid pre-cheese concept. (See Colour plate 6.)

UF processes for Mozzarella have been reported quent continuous process for low-moisture Mozzarella
since the mid-1970s (Covacevich and Kosikowski, (Resmini et al., 1984; Kosikowski, 1986b), pasteurized
1978). In one of the first attempts to use the MMV skim milk was pre-acidified to pH 6.0 to reduce its cal-
principle for Mozzarella cheese (Covacevich and cium content. It was then ultrafiltered/diafiltered at
Kosikowski, 1978), retentates were adjusted to 33.6% 54 °C to approximately 10:1 concentration. The reten-
solids with freeze-dried retentate, and then blended tate was blended with cream to obtain 20%, w/w, fat,
with 69% fat cream to 45–50% solids. This mixture was 28%, w/w, protein, and then dosed with starter and ren-
fermented, and rennet curd was prepared. It was con- net. Coagulation occurred continuously, followed by
cluded that diafiltration is required to produce good conventional stretching and moulding at pH 5.2. Some
flavour, stretch and melting characteristics. In a subse- problems encountered with this process included poor

Figure 8 A UF plant for producing Feta cheese by the MMV process (courtesy of TIA, Bollene, France). (See Colour plate 7.)
Application of Membrane Separation Technology to Cheese Production 273

stretching characteristics of the cheese. Lack of proper w/w, solids. On the other hand, cheese base made by UF
stretching of UF Mozzarella cheese may be attributed can satisfactorily replace the young cheese component
to the incorporation of large quantities of whey pro- in the manufacture of conventional processed cheese.
teins and their denaturation during cooking, an improper An Australian process (Ernstrom et al., 1980) was
calcium:protein ratio (Hansen, 1987; Lawrence, 1987), commercialized in the USA (Kosikowski, 1986b). In
inadequate removal of dissolved gases and incomplete this process, whole milk or whole milk acidified to pH
blending of rennet (Maubois, 1987). 5.7 was ultrafiltered to 40% of its original weight and
then diafiltered to 20% of its original weight. The
Semi-hard cheeses. Saint Paulin is a bacterial sur-
product was fermented with a lactic starter for 16 h at
face-ripened, semi-hard cheese of French origin and
30 °C and then vacuum-evaporated to 64%, w/w,
contains approximately 47%, w/w, moisture and 2.5%,
solids. A similar process was developed in Denmark
w/w, salt (Kosikowski and Mistry 1997). In the manu-
(Madsen and Bjerre, 1981b).
facture of this cheese by UF, it is necessary to obtain at
Spraying pre-fermented LPC onto the surface of
least 21%, w/w, protein (45%, w/w, solids) (Maubois,
fresh cheese curd instead of using hand or mechanical
1979). This is more easily attainable with mineral mem-
washing can also represent an interesting improve-
branes (Goudédranche et al., 1980) than with polymeric
ment of the process for making bacterial surface-
membranes. Procedures have been developed for both
ripened varieties because it allows for a concentrated
brine-salted and dry-salted cheese. Increases in cheese
layer of lactic acid bacteria on the surface of the cheese
yield up to 19% may be realized, with 85% savings in
and thereby avoids generalized contamination by
rennet (Goudédranche et al., 1980). Acid flavour and
undesirable bacteria such as Listeria or Pseudomonas
slow ripening of UF Saint Paulin cheese can be con-
and accelerates ripening.
trolled by reducing the lactose and ash content of the
By means of ultrafiltration and drying, a pre-cheese
retentate to less than 1.9% each (Delbeke, 1987). The
powder can be produced for subsequent reconstitution
flavour of UF Saint Paulin may be improved by adding
and conversion into cheese (Maubois et al., 1973;
lysozyme at 0.5–1.0 g/l (Goudédranche et al., 1986),
Glover, 1985). The primary use is for export to coun-
which increases the proteolytic count and reduces the
tries with low milk production or where the milk sup-
mesophilic count of the cheese or by adding broken
ply is very seasonal. In the importing country, the user
lactococci cells (Saboya et al., 2001).
needs only to add water, starter and rennet to make
A new cheese variety, with propionic bacteria fer-
cheese (Maubois and Fauconneau, 1977; Madsen and
mentation, has been studied in France (Ducruet et al.,
Bjerre, 1981a). Such powders could also be used in
1981; Maubois, 1987). The procedure includes the
dairy countries for home-cheesemaking (Maubois
preparation of a 7.5:1 retentate in two steps – first with
et al., 1973; Le Graet and Maubois, 1979). Pre-cheese
continuous diafiltration at 3.0:1 concentration regulated
powders offer many advantages to both exporting and
by a refractometric sensor inserted in the permeate
importing countries – cheesemaking characteristics are
line, followed by heat treatment at 4.0:1 concentra-
better than those of even low-heat normal milk powders
tion, and second, with continuous ultrafiltration to
(Maubois et al., 1973; Le Graet and Maubois, 1979;
7.5:1 using specially designed equipment (short car-
Lablée, 1982; Mahaut and Maubois, 1988), cheese-
tridges and positive displacement recirculation
makers in the importing country have no whey prob-
pumps) for handling highly viscous products. Original
lem, and economy of production is favourable for both
mixing devices for starters and rennet addition were
countries since both spray drying and transport costs
used. The moulding equipment includes a vacuum
are cheaper than those for normal milk powder
step for removing dissolved gases and a special injec-
(Maubois and Fauconneau, 1977). However, this
tion head for pouring renneted LPC into two-part
application of UF has found very few uses, mainly
spherical or cylindrical moulds.
because of the regulations of dairy-exporting coun-
Other applications of the LPC concept. Jolly and tries, such as the USA and the EC, which subsidize the
Kosikowski (1975) pioneered an original application export of milk solids regardless of the amount of liq-
of UF in processed cheesemaking by proposing the uid milk used to make 1 kg of these milk solids
substitution of UF skim milk retentate previously (Maubois and Fauconneau, 1977).
incubated with blue mould spores for aged cheeses.
Some interesting results were reported by Sood and Cheese quality
Kosikowski (1979) for the replacement of Cheddar Texture. Although UF cheeses offer moderate to sig-
cheese – fully acceptable processed cheese was nificant yield benefits and have been well-accepted by
obtained by substituting 40% of aged Cheddar cheese consumers, they possess some inherent characteristics
by enzyme-treated UF retentate containing up to 30%, that make them unique with respect to composition,
274 Application of Membrane Separation Technology to Cheese Production

ripening characteristics and texture qualities. It has olytic activity of rennet (Creamer et al., 1987) and
even been suggested (Lawrence, 1987; Lawrence et al., plasmin (Visser, 1981). Undenatured whey proteins
1987) that separate standards of identity for UF found in UF cheeses are resistant to proteolysis by
cheeses would be advisable, and that a new range of these proteases, as well as by starter-derived enzymes.
cheese varieties should be developed rather than The high buffering capacity of UF cheeses prepared
duplicating traditional varieties. from pH 6.7 ultrafiltered milk is the most probable
Most texture defects of UF cheeses, such as sandi- cause. Indeed, it retards or even completely inhibits
ness, firmness or crumbliness, are caused by the higher the rate of autolysis of mesophilic lactic starter
content of Ca salts if UF retentates of pH 6.7 are used (Goudédranche et al., 1986; Saboya et al., 2001) and
for making cheese. Mineralization of the drained curd consequently hydrolysis of the casein network. The
(total Ca and repartitioning of Ca between the casein rate of s1-casein breakdown, as well as of -casein,
matrix and the soluble phase) play an essential role in has been found to be reduced in UF cheese (Creamer
the rheology of the cheese variety (Maubois and et al., 1987). The rate of flavour development of UF
Kosikowski, 1978; Kindstedt and Guo, 1998). The min- cheese may be improved by adding flavour-producing
eral content may be adjusted as described above under enzymes (Spangler et al., 1990) or cell extracts (Saboya
Properties of UF Retentates. et al., 2001) which are totally retained in the retentate,
One of the most notable characteristics of UF contrary to what happens in traditional cheesemaking
cheese is the incorporation of whey proteins in the where 80–90% of the added enzyme is lost in the
cheese. The quantity of whey proteins retained depends whey. Non-starter bacteria or slow-acidifying lactic
on the variety and the degree of UF concentration. If micro-organisms may be used for their proteolytic and
all the whey proteins of milk are retained, they will flavour production potential because UF cheesemak-
represent approximately 20% of the total protein in ing permits separate management of acidification,
the cheese. Lower quantities will be retained when the drainage and ripening flora.
LCR method is used. Part of the casein is replaced by
whey proteins, which act as an inert filler and may Functionality. When cheeses are used as ingredients,
soften the cheese (De Koning et al., 1981). On the various characteristics become important. These
other hand, the water-binding capacity of whey pro- include melting behaviour, shredding ability, viscosity
teins is much higher than that of casein, and UF and stretchability (Kosikowski and Mistry, 1997). The
cheeses are less susceptible to drying during retailing ultrafiltration of milk prior to cheesemaking alters the
than traditional cheeses. UF cheeses also contain more physico-chemical properties of cheese in a way that has a
Ca phosphate salts and -GMP, both components with distinct impact on some of these functional properties.
interesting nutritional and nutraceutical properties Acharya and Mistry (2002) reported that the meltabil-
(Maubois et al., 2001). ity of processed cheese manufactured from Cheddar
cheese base made from ultrafiltered milk (up to 6%
Proteolysis and ripening characteristics. It has been protein) is lower than that from control (regular)
commonly observed that UF cheese ripens more Cheddar. These cheeses also had the highest calcium
slowly than traditional cheese (De Koning et al., 1981; content. These observations were also true for the base
Hickey et al., 1983; Creamer et al., 1987; Lawrence et al., Cheddar cheese; Cheddar cheese made from UF milk
1987, Furtado and Partridge, 1988; Harper et al., containing 6% protein had a melting value of 62 mm
1989; Guinee et al., 1994, Broome et al., 1998a,b). compared to 77 mm for the control. Likewise, the vis-
Generally, the larger the amount of whey proteins cosity of molten processed cheese at 80 °C was signifi-
incorporated, the slower the flavour development. cantly higher for the UF cheese (1043 cP) than for the
Large variations in the flavour quality of UF cheese control (557 cP). Methods to reduce the calcium con-
have also been observed and these have been attributed tent of cheese, such as pre-acidification, should help
to the varying levels of immunoglobulin and proteose- improve functionally.
peptones in the whey proteins (Lawrence et al., 1987). Madsen and Qvist (1998) attributed the impaired
The effect of whey proteins on flavour development is melting of UF Mozzarella cheese to the presence of whey
less pronounced in LCR cheeses due to the smaller proteins and suggested the use of proteolytic enzymes to
quantities of whey proteins present but is more signifi- accelerate the degradation of casein to improve melting.
cant in cheeses made from higher retentate concentra- The primary cause of the altered functionality
tions and those that are ripened for long periods. appears to be the difference in the calcium equilibrium
The retarded maturation could be due to several and its relationship with the casein structure but the
reasons. The high content of -lactoglobulin in UF texture and the proteolysis characteristics discussed
cheeses could inhibit to some extent the general prote- earlier are also involved. For example, the reduction in
Application of Membrane Separation Technology to Cheese Production 275

the rate of proteolysis and the presence of whey proteins acceptance in cheesemaking. However, there are several
impact directly on the melting characteristics of cheese. plants in the USA that already use thermal evaporators
The consumer is the final judge of cheese quality and to pre-concentrate cheese milk (Sandfort, 1983; Honer,
the success of any new cheese or traditional cheese made 1984). Excess lactose and minerals in the curd are
with new technology, such as membrane separations, will removed by washing with water. Benefits of the overall
depend to a large extent on acceptance by consumers. process must therefore be examined closely.

Reverse osmosis in cheesemaking On-farm concentration

Richardson (1929) proposed the use of evaporated Interest in on-farm concentration of milk started in
milk in cheesemaking. This idea was revived some 30 1974 in France (Maubois, 1979), and in 1977, the Alfa-
years later by Stenne (1964), but within the frame- Laval company developed an on-farm UF-processing
work of an original combination with the observa- unit (Kosikowski, 1985). It was believed at that time
tions of Berridge (1951) on the separation of the that on-farm concentration of milk by UF would reduce
primary and secondary phases of rennet action at a milk transportation costs due to reduction in milk vol-
low temperature. The same basic idea lies behind ume. An increase in cheese yield was also anticipated.
increasing the solids content of cheese milk by At four French farms, milk was concentrated to 2:1 and
adding dried milk or by concentration using reverse then delivered to a cheese plant for the manufacture of
osmosis. Emmental and St Paulin cheeses (Anon, 1984a). Perme-
For Cheddar cheesemaking, reverse osmosis was ate produced at the farms was fed to cows, resulting in
proposed for preconcentrating whole milk to 20–25% savings in feed. The French on-farm operation ther-
solids (Agbevavi et al., 1983; Barbano and Bynum, mized the 2:1 UF milk prior to cooling and delivery.
1984; Bynum and Barbano, 1985; Mayes, 1985; The microbiology of on-farm UF milk was favourable
Schmidt et al., 1986). Cheesemaking is conducted in (Benard et al., 1981). Slack et al. (1982a,b) studied the
traditional equipment, and the gross composition of economics of on-farm ultrafiltration in the US by using
the resulting cheese is identical to that of cheese from milk concentrated 2:1–3:1. Economic advantages were
unconcentrated milk. The amount of starter and rennet possible when the on-farm concentration concept was
required are reduced by 50 and 60%, respectively used on farms with 100–1000 cows. In a year-long
(Agbevavi et al., 1983), and with a 20% milk volume study in California, a 900-cow herd was used to study
reduction by RO, a 2–3% increase in cheese yield can the feasibility of on-farm UF (Zall, 1987). Retentate
be expected (Barbano and Bynum, 1984). However, fat from this farm was delivered to cheese plants for
losses in the whey increase with increasing solids con- cheesemaking. The regulatory aspect of this operation
centration due to a partial homogenization effect dur- was not fully resolved. The use of RO to concentrate
ing processing. A sudden release of pressure during RO milk on the farm has been evaluated in Australia (Cox
can induce lipolysis in the milk and cheese. A 15% vol- and Langdon, 1985; Cox et al., 1985).
ume reduction, representing 1.8:1 concentration, has Another approach to treating milk by UF and ther-
been reported to be optimal (Barbano et al., 1983). For mization at the producer level was studied in France
Cottage cheese, a 5% increase in yield can be realized (Kosikowski, 1985). During two years, milk collected
with an 8% skim milk volume reduction by RO from 22 farms located on an island south of Brittany
(Barbano, 1986). Such yield increases result from the was concentrated 2:1 every second day. The retentate
entrapment of concentrated whey within the network was HTST pasteurized and cooled to 2 °C. Pooled
formed by calcium paracaseinate in the cheese. retentates were shipped to a dairy plant twice a week.
Depending on the degree of concentration, the same The mesophilic flora of the UF retentate was on aver-
consequences for cheese quality result from a greater age 7700 cfu/ml. A net benefit of 0.0482 FF/litre of
retention of minerals as described for UF retentates. In milk was achieved.
RO cheese, there is a high concentration of residual While concentration of milk on the farm showed
lactose, which may lead to a resumption of lactic acid promise in its early years, the idea was abandoned after
fermentation after several days in the ripening room, various large-scale attempts because of unfavourable eco-
when sufficient lactic acid has been consumed by nomics (capital investment and membrane-replacement
ripening micro-organisms. This is almost always very costs relative to returns), safety of the process on the
detrimental to organoleptic qualities (Richard et al., farm and regulatory considerations. These problems have
2000). apparently been overcome, and the North American Milk
Reverse osmosis is widely used for processing whey Products Company has been successfully using the
but it is doubtful whether it will find widespread process since 1997 (Fig. 9) in Texas, California and New
276 Application of Membrane Separation Technology to Cheese Production

Figure 9 Farm with a UF facility in Dexter, New Mexico, USA (courtesy of North American Milk Products, LLC, St Louis, Missouri, USA).
(See Colour plate 8.)

Mexico in the USA (Fassbender, 2001). In this process, Microbial epuration of raw milk by MF
raw milk is ultrafiltered at 8 °C to approximately 3.5X Decontamination of raw milk is generally achieved
(28%, w/w, total solids and 10%, w/w, true protein). The through heat treatment. Various combinations of time–
total bacterial count of the product is less than 300 000 temperature treatments can be used, depending on the
per ml and is classified as a Grade A product according desired bacteriocidal effect. While heat treatment is neces-
to the US Food and Drug Administration. The concen- sary to ensure the safety of milk and milk products, it
trate is then shipped by truck at 4 °C to several cheese almost always induces irreversible modifications of milk
plants in other parts of the country where it is used components, alters physio-chemical equilibria and also
to standardize milk to 13.5–15%, w/w, total solids for adversely affects the organoleptic quality and cheese-
making several varieties of cheeses (Cheddar, Monterey making properties.
Jack, Mozzarella). In total, an excess of 1 million kilo- As with bactofugation, MF allows the heat treatment
grams of raw milk is processed per day. Permeate is used for decontaminating milk to be minimized, but MF
for animal feeding or spread on land; other applications appears to be more efficient than bactofugation. Holm
are being developed. et al. (1986) and Piot et al. (1987) were the first to sug-
gest the use of MF for the removal of bacteria from
Applications of microfiltration in cheesemaking
milk. Initially, permeation of milk components and
Microfiltration, curiously often referred to as cross- retention of bacteria were very satisfactory, but serious
flow microfiltration whereas the terms ‘cross-flow UF’ fouling of the MF membrane occurred rapidly. To over-
and ‘cross-flow RO’ are never used, is a relatively new come this, a new hydraulic concept, developed by Sand-
processing technique in the dairy industry. Introduc- blom (1974), could be applied because of the
tion really started with the development of mineral development of new MF ceramic membranes with a
MF membranes made from alumina (Gillot and highly permeable structure and a multichannel geom-
Garcera, 1986) or from zirconium oxide supported etry (Gillot and Garcera, 1986). It includes a recircula-
on carbon (Cacciola and Leung, 1980). In 1990, the tion loop of micro-filtrate, which permits a constant
total area installed in the world dairy industry was and low transmembrane pressure all along the MF
less than 750 m2 (Van der Horst and Hanemaaijer, tubular membrane in spite of a high retentate recircula-
1990), but studies have projected a potential market tion velocity (7 m/s). Commercialized equipment using
six to seven times higher than that for UF. In dairy- this concept for the removal of bacteria, named ‘Bacto-
ing, MF applications have gained increasing attention catch’, is used as follows (Holm et al., 1986; Maubois,
because of the wide range of available pore size, 1990); raw skim milk is microfiltered continuously using
which makes it possible to separate and fractionate 1.4 m pore size membranes at a temperature between
all milk particles. 35 and 50 °C. Retentate flow from the corresponding
Application of Membrane Separation Technology to Cheese Production 277

loop generally represents 5% of the entering milk flow tyrobutyricum (Trouvé et al., 1991), are likely due to
but it can be reduced to 0.5% by using a second MF binding of bacterial spores to a part of the cell wall, con-
equipment in cascade. This retentate, which contains sequently resulting in an apparently larger cell size.
the bacteria and somatic cells in the milk, may be used Retention of Listeria monocytogenes, Brucella abortus,
for animal feed after heat treament, or it may be Salmonella typhimurium and Mycobacterium tuberculosis
blended continuously with cream for fat standardiza- during the Bactocatch process, using double-layer MF
tion. The cream–retentate mixture is subjected to a membranes, shows a decimal reduction of 3.4, 4.0, 3.5
moderate UHT treatment (115–120 °C for 3 s), cooled and 3.7, respectively (Madec et al., 1992; Saboya and
and incorporated into the microfiltrate (Fig. 10). Maubois, 2000). Such results mean that MF cheese skim
Because of the high content of thermostable enzymes milk will contain less than 1 cfu/l of these pathogenic
(present in the retained bacteria and somatic cells) in bacteria, bearing in mind the usual level of contamin-
the MF retentate, such a practice could have negative ation at the farm. Such results have led French regula-
effects on cheese quality and is inadvisable. Fat stand- tory authorities to permit the provisional use of MF milk
ardization must be done only with heat-treated cream. for the making of Protected Designation of Origin
MF fluxes ranging from 500 to 700 l/h m2 are (PDO) raw milk cheeses (CNA, 2002).
obtained for 10 h, with an average bacterial removal of While treatment of milk by the Bactocatch process
99.6% (Malmberg and Holm, 1988; Vincens and Tabard, tremendously improves the hygienic quality and shelf-
1988; Meersohn, 1989; Olesen and Jensen, 1989; Trouvé life of manufactured dairy products (Malmberg and
et al., 1991) regardless of the initial count in the raw Holm, 1988; Meersohn, 1989; Kosikowski and Mistry,
skim milk. Improvement of the degree of bacterial 1990; Maubois, 1990; Saboya and Maubois, 2000), it
removal to 99.96% was obtained by using double-layer also raises the problem of how to make good quality
MF membranes (Saboya and Maubois, 2000). Morph- cheese from ultra-clean cheese milk, often described
ology of bacterial cells and cellular volume slightly influ- by cheesemakers as ‘dead milk’. Extensive research
ence membrane retention. High retention levels (greater must be conducted to understand fully the growth of
than 99.98%; 99.998% with the double layer MF mem- lactic starters in these ultra-clean cheese milks. It
brane) observed for spore-forming bacteria, such as appears from French studies (Maubois, 1990) that
Bacillus cereus (Olesen and Jensen, 1989) or Clostridium each cheese variety requires an independent study. For
example, satisfactory distribution of eyes in Emmental
cheese made from Bactocatch-treated milk requires
the incorporation of specific non-starter lactic acid
bacteria, such as heterolactic strains, along with
mesophilic lactic, thermophilic and propionic starters
added to this milk at the start of cheesemaking
(Maubois, 1990, 2002). The development of typical
flavour in Camembert cheese requires the addition of
Hafnia alvei, a bacterial species able to produce
volatile sulphur compounds from methionine in the
cheese (Cousin, 1994)

Casein enrichment of cheese milk by MF

Microfiltration of skim milk with 0.1 m pore size mem-
branes enables the selective separation of micellar casein,
i.e., native calcium phosphocaseinate (Fauquant et al.,
1988; Maubois et al., 2001). Depending on the amount of
microfiltrate (MMF) removed (referred to by Maubois as
‘ideal whey’ because of its sterility and composition), the
casein content of the retentate increases. Consequently,
applications of MF retentates, such as those aforemen-
tioned for UF retentates in cheesemaking, can be done
but prior removal of microfiltrate from the cheese milk
offers the cheesemaker a method for optimizing both the
cheese process and the value of derived co-products
Figure 10 Flow diagram for the treatment of raw milk by the (Maubois et al., 2001). Rennet coagulation of a 20%
Bactocatch process (Maubois, 1990). casein-enriched cheesemilk is improved (Saint-Gelais
278 Application of Membrane Separation Technology to Cheese Production

et al., 1998; Maubois et al., 2001), leading to a significant size MF membranes (Terré et al., 1987) or by 100 000 Da
decrease in curd fines and fat in the whey and conse- cut-off UF membranes (Murphy and Fox, 1991a). The
quently an increase in cheese yield of 2–4% (Daviau, retentates have a casein content with an increased s/-
2000). MMF is easily transformed by UF and diafiltration casein ratio and the microfiltrate is a solution of almost
to a highly purified whey protein isolate (WPI) pure -casein (Terré et al., 1987). Such a separation
(protein/total solids ratio0.975) with very interesting process may allow in the future, if the economics are
functional properties such as gelling, foaming and solu- favourable, cheesemaking from milk with a variable
bility (Bacher and Konigsfeldt, 2000). This WPI is also a s/-casein content (Terré et al., 1987; Murphy and
convenient starting material for the purification of major Fox, 1991b). Existing knowledge on cheese made from
and minor whey proteins (Maubois et al., 2001). Partial goats’ or ewes’ milk and on the role played by the
removal of -lactoglobulin from milk through this use of degradation of each individual caseins in the develop-
0.1 m MF membranes according to the process of ment of cheese flavour suggests that a large range of
Quiblier et al. (1992) eliminates the detrimental effects new cheese varieties might be possible from -casein-
of the heat treatments caused in drying and consequently adjusted milks.
allows the production of new powders showing very Recent developments in ceramic membrane tech-
interesting cheesemaking characteristics (Garem et al., nology allow the MF permeate recirculation loop to be
2000). Microfiltration membranes of 0.1 m pore size removed, and thus reduce the investment cost per m2
combined with diafiltration with water allows the prepar- of installed equipment with a saving of consumed
ation of a new dairy product. This product, called micel- energy. The first system, known as ‘Membralox GP®’,
lar casein powder (Schuck et al., 1994), has potential was developed by Garcera and Toujas (1998). The
either for fortifying yoghurt and cheese milks with pro- required counter-pressure on the permeate side is
teins or Ca, for replacing cheese curd in processed cheese obtained by a continuous variation of porosity of the
formulations or for preparing individual caseins or membrane support. In the second system, named
-casein glycomacropeptide (Maubois et al., 2001). ‘Isoflux®’, the required UTP (uniform transmembrane
These are examples of strategies to produce nutraceutical pressure) is obtained by a continuous gradient of
derivatives from milk proteins (Maubois and Ollivier, membrane thickness. Both developments should be
1997). used for well-defined applications, i.e., a product and a
Casein enrichment by MF has been used for Moz- selective separation.
zarella and Cheddar cheeses. For Mozzarella (Brandsma
and Rizvi, 1999), concentrations of 17.9% were achieved
Milk protein concentrates
with 0.2 m membranes. Calcium content was reduced
by approximately 20% by lowering the pH of the reten- Milk protein concentrates (MPC) have emerged over
tate to 6. For Cheddar cheesemaking, milk was microfil- the past decade utilizing UF, MF or a combination of
tered 2-fold (4.2% casein) such that casein was 87% of various concentration technologies and have become
true protein (Neocleous et al., 2002a,b). Fat recovery in important products for cheesemaking (Mistry, 2002).
cheese was not affected but protein recovery increased. They present interesting new technical possibilities
in cheesemaking and have also initiated intense dis-
Selective fractionation of globular milk fat cussion concerning their impact on trade and local
Separation of milk fat into small and large globules milk production in some countries, particularly the US.
was proposed by Goudédranche et al. (2000) through Since there are no specific standards of identity in
the use of special ceramic MF membranes under any country for MPC, they, like whey protein concen-
hydraulic conditions which cause no damage to the trates (WPC), cover a wide range of compositional
native fat globule membrane (FGM). Using a patented parameters (in the dried product, the milk protein
process, cheese made from milk with small globules content may range from 35 to over 85%) and func-
had a higher yield and a smoother and finer texture, tional characteristics. Unlike WPCs, MPCs contain
probably because of the interaction of FGM with the both major milk protein groups in proportions similar
cheese casein matrix, and the differences in triglycerides to milk.
content of the fat globules according to their size. Manufacturing technologies for MPC include UF,
diafiltration and spray drying, if the end product is to
Modifications of ␣s /␤-casein ratio by MF be in the dry form (Mistry and Hassan, 1991). It is
Hydrophobic binding entraps most of the -casein in essential to have raw milk of good quality (low total
micelles. On cooling milk or a caseinate suspension to and spore counts). Skim milk is ultrafiltered and diafil-
a temperature lower than 5 °C, -casein is solubilized. tered to approximately 21% total protein. With diafil-
This soluble -casein can be separated by 0.2 m pore tration, the lactose content is reduced such that the
Application of Membrane Separation Technology to Cheese Production 279

final product contains less than 0.5% lactose. The physiochemistry, inter-relationships between protein
diafiltered product is then spray-dried to less than 5% and minerals, dairy microbiology, rheology, etc.
moisture. This dried or liquid product can be used to The future of the use of these technologies in the
supplement milk for cheesemaking using techniques world dairy industry is very promising. Many new
described earlier. For example, in experiments with cheese varieties might be prepared by combining the
Gouda cheese, it was shown that fortification of milk properties of mineral-adjusted UF retentates and
with 1% MPC increased cheese yield (Mistry and Pulgar, enzymic abilities of lactic starters. Microfiltration has
1996). This was attributed to reduced losses of casein opened new and much diversified avenues for research
and better retention of whey proteins. Milk protein and technology. Some have already quickly penetrated
concentrates have introduced new possibilities in the cheese industry. In the future, numerous ideas
cheesemaking, as demonstrated by recent patents for cheese scientists and technologists may also origin-
(Bhaskar et al., 2001; Blazey et al., 2001; Moran et al., ate from microfiltration applications. For example,
2001a,b). Moran et al. (2001a) developed a continuous somatic cells are the only milk components which con-
method for manufacturing Process cheese in which tain all the genome of the producing animal. Their
acidified milk is ultrafiltered and diafiltered to a con- specific separation by MF and the use of molecular
centration factor of 4–7, followed by evaporation up to genetics could be the starting point for determining
70% solids to give reduced-calcium pre-cheese. Process the origin (producing cows) of all dairy products
cheese is made from this pre-cheese in the traditional except those made from MF milk. Removal of the
manner using flavouring agents and emulsifiers. No entire contaminating flora by MF also offers a means to
cheese base is required, but, instead, high protein con- study precisely how each type of starter bacteria added
centrates are used as the base material along with to the cheese milk will act on ripening of different
flavouring agents. cheese varieties.
Concentrates with a high micellar casein content
have been developed using microfiltration (Schuck
et al., 1994). The casein content of such powder is References
approximately 90% and forms almost 96% of total pro-
Abd El-Salam, M.H., Dawood, A.H., Abd El-Hady, S.M.,
tein (Saboya and Maubois, 2000). When used in Abdou, S.M. and Montasser, E.A. (1988). Manufacture of
cheesemaking, increases in cheese yield have been blue-veined cheese by ultrafiltration techniques. Egypt.
reported (Caron et al., 1997). Such powders also pro- J. Dairy Sci. 16, 149–156.
vide flexibility in usage regardless of the extent of heat Abdou, S.M., Abd El-Salam, M.H., Abd El-Hady, S.M.,
treatment because the -casein–-lactoglobulin com- Dawood, A.H. and Montasser, E.A. (1988). Proteolysis
plex typically found in NDM does not exist due to the and lipolysis during ripening of blue-cheese made by
removal of the -lactoglobulin during microfiltration. ultrafiltration. Egypt. J. Dairy Sci. 16, 249–256.
Abrahamsen, R. (1986). Membrane filtration, an aid to dairy
technology. Meieriposten 75, 18–27.
Concluding Remarks Acharya, M.R. and Mistry, V.V. (2002). Comparison of effect
of vacuum condensed and ultrafiltered milk on pasteur-
Membrane technologies have, during the last 20 years,
ized Process cheese. J. Dairy Sci. 85 (Suppl. 1), 90
opened new avenues for improving traditional cheese- (abstr.).
making procedures and consequently improved not Agbevavi, T., Rouleau, D. and Mayer, R. (1983). Production
only the overall quality of a number of cheese varieties and quality of Cheddar cheese manufactured from whole
but also increased net profit resulting from this transfor- milk concentrated by reverse osmosis. J. Food Sci. 48,
mation of milk. Membrane processing has truly evolved 642–643.
from processes requiring highly specialized equipment Al Khamy, A.F. (1988). Studies on Developing Domiati Soft
to those that have now become an integral part of the Cheesemaking by Ultrafiltration Technique. PhD Thesis,
cheesemaking operation. They have also allowed the Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Azhar University, Egypt, 152 pp.
survival of cheese varieties that require unacceptable Anon. (1984a). L’ultrafiltration à la ferme: l’idée fait son
and tedious manual labour by the traditional process. In chemin. Tech. Lait 983, 7–10.
Anon. (1984b). Quarg from ultrafiltration concentrates
addition, they have led to the creation of new cheeses in
(German). Deutsche Milchwirtsch. 35, 1000, 1002–1004.
response to consumer demand. Anon. (1984c). Quarg manufacture using ultrafiltration
On the other hand, because of difficulties encoun- (German). Deutsche Milchwirtsch. 35, 1108–1109.
tered in making cheeses with satisfactory organoleptic Athar, I.H., Spurgeon, K.B., Gilmore, T.M., Parsons, J.G. and
qualities through membrane technologies, an impres- Seas, S.W. (1983). Ultrafiltration of skim milk prior to
sive amount of knowledge has been acquired in numer- Cottage cheese making. J. Dairy Sci. 66 (Suppl. 1),
ous fields of dairy science – protein biochemistry and 69–70.
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The Microbiology of Cheese
T. Beresford, Dairy Products Research Centre, Teagasc, Moorepark, Fermoy,
Cork, Ireland
A. Williams, CHARIS Food Research, Hannah Research Institute, Scotland, UK

Introduction Techniques used to Study Micro-organisms

in Cheese
Micro-organisms, including bacteria, yeast and
moulds, are present in cheese throughout ripening When studying the micro-organisms in cheese it is
and contribute, in a positive manner, to the matur- important that the complete flora is monitored and that
ation process either directly through their metabolic the individual components are accurately identified and
activity or indirectly through the release of enzymes characterised. Approaches used to achieve these object-
into the cheese matrix through autolysis. The cheese- ives include methods that: (1) depend on cultivation
maker encourages the growth of such organisms; followed by phenotypic characterisation, (2) depend on
however, other micro-organisms, such as food-borne cultivation followed by molecular characterisation and
pathogens, have a negative impact on cheese quality, (3) are culture-independent methods. These approaches
and thus technologies to remove or prevent their and their associated advantages and disadvantages were
entry to cheese are required. In this chapter we will reviewed recently (Beresford et al., 2001). Useful media
review the major groups of those micro-organisms are discussed in Cogan and Beresford (2002).
which contribute in a positive manner to cheese
The microflora associated with cheese ripening is
Source of Micro-organisms in Cheese
extremely diverse; however, it may be conveniently
divided into two groups – the starter lactic acid bac- Micro-organisms gain entry into the cheese either by
teria (LAB) and the secondary microflora. Starter deliberate addition as part of the starter culture or are
bacteria are primarily responsible for acid produc- naturally associated with the ingredients used in cheese
tion during manufacture and, thus, need to be cap- production. Thus, the manufacturing technology is
able of producing sufficient acid to reduce the pH of central to defining the biodiversity of the cheese flora.
milk rapidly; a useful rule of thumb is a pH5.3 in Milk in the udder of healthy animals is essentially
milk in 6 h at 30–37 °C, depending on the cheese sterile; however, during milking and storage, opportun-
variety. The secondary microflora do not play any ities for contamination occur. Milk extracted from the
active role during cheese manufacture but are udder at farm level under hygienic milking conditions
involved with the starter bacteria in the ripening can routinely contain 5  103 cfu ml 1 (Fox et al.,
process. Using this approach, Lactococcus, Strepto- 2000). The rapidity and degree of milk cooling post-
coccus thermophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii and Lb. milking has a significant impact on the microbial flora.
helveticus are regarded as starter bacteria. Enter- Milk cooled to 15–21 °C is dominated by mesophilic
ococcus has been regarded as a starter by some micro-organisms, particularly Lactococcus and Enter-
researchers; however, as most strains isolated from obacter species (Bramley and McKinnon, 1990). Cool-
cheese are not significant acid-producers (Cogan ing milk to 4 °C will greatly retard the growth of most
et al., 1997), they will be regarded as part of the sec- micro-organisms, but psychrotrophic bacteria, such as
ondary microflora within this review. The secondary Pseudomonas, Flavobacterium and Acinetobacter will
microflora may be divided into a number of primary continue to grow slowly and dominate the flora. Pas-
groups including: (i) non-starter lactic acid bacteria teurisation, which is part of the manufacturing process
(NSLAB) consisting of non-starter lactobacilli, Pedio- for most commercial cheeses kills ⬃99.9% of the bac-
coccus, Enterococcus and Leuconostoc, (ii) propionic teria found in raw milk. However, Bacillus and Clostrid-
acid bacteria (PAB), (iii) moulds and (iv) bacteria ium spores and thermoduric organisms, e.g., Micrococcus,
and yeast, which grow on the surface of smear- Microbacterium and Enterococcus, will survive pasteurisa-
ripened cheeses. tion and gain entry into the cheese.
Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, Third edition – Volume 1: General Aspects Copyright © 2004 Elsevier Ltd
ISBN: 0-1226-3652-X All rights reserved
Set ISBN: 0-1226-3651-1
288 The Microbiology of Cheese Ripening

The most prevalent micro-organisms in cheese, par- Factors Influencing Growth of

ticularly early in ripening, are the starter bacteria (see Micro-organisms in Cheese
‘Starter Cultures: General Aspects’, Volume 1). Other
The manufacturing process plays a major role in defin-
ingredients used in cheese manufacture include rennet
ing the final environmental conditions of the cheese.
and salt. During preparation, rennets undergo a series
This environment is highly selective and exerts a major
of extraction and purification steps, and 15–20% NaCl
impact on growth and survival of micro-organisms dur-
is added to them to inhibit microbial growth during
ing processing and ripening. The manufacture of most
storage. Little information is available regarding the
cheese varieties involves coagulation at temperatures of
microbial flora of commercial rennet. However, it
30–37 °C, followed by cooking to 37–54 °C. The coagu-
is generally considered that they add little to the
lation temperature will facilitate the growth of most
microbial load of cheese. Salt may be added either
micro-organisms; however, the temperature achieved
(i) directly to the milled cheese curd, (ii) rubbed to the
during cooking has the potential to inhibit the growth of
surface of moulded curds as a dry salt or salt slurry or
some organisms. For example, Swiss-type cheese is
(iii) by immersion of moulded cheese in a brine solu-
cooked to 52–54 °C and is maintained above 50 °C for
tion containing 15–23% NaCl. While rubbing dry salt
up to 5 h. This heat treatment is considered to play an
to the cheese surface aids transfer of micro-organisms
important role in controlling the growth of starters and
from the cheesemaker’s hands and the environment to
undesirable micro-organisms (Steffen et al., 1993). The
the cheese surface, it is unlikely that salt is directly
manufacturing process also influences the gross compos-
responsible for the addition of any flora. Industrial
ition of the cheese which is best defined by the four
brines are used repeatedly and are pasteurised infre-
parameters – salt-in-moisture, moisture in non-fat sub-
quently. While the relatively high salt content of brine
stance, fat in dry-matter and pH (Gilles and Lawrence,
inhibits the growth of most micro-organisms, leaching
1973). These parameters in turn influence the environ-
of proteins and other nitrogenous compounds from
ment in which the micro-organisms proliferate. The pri-
the cheese into the brine may enhance the survival of
mary environmental factors controlling growth of
micro-organisms that gain access to the brine. A num-
micro-organisms in cheese include water and salt con-
ber of studies have indicated that the microflora of
tent, pH, presence of organic acids and nitrate, redox
commercial brines include LAB, e.g., Lb. paracasei,
potential and ripening temperature, and were reviewed
Lb. casei and Lb. plantarum (Bintsis et al., 2000) and
recently (Beresford et al., 2001).
yeast, e.g., Debaromyces hansenii and Candida versatilis
(Seiler and Busse, 1990). The presence of such
microbes in the brine contributes subsequently to the
Starter Bacteria
surface flora developing on the cheese; however, it is
unlikely to add to the internal flora. The primary function of starter bacteria is to produce
Complex microbial communities composed of bac- sufficient acid during cheese manufacture to reduce
teria, yeast and mould develop on the surface of the pH of milk to the desired level. However, they also
smear- and mould-ripened cheeses during ripening contribute to cheese ripening since their enzymes are
(‘Bacterial Surface-ripened Cheeses’, Volume 2). The involved in proteolysis, lipolysis and conversion of
smear micro-organisms may evolve due to natural con- amino acids to flavour compounds (Fox and Wallace,
tamination from the milk or the ripening room envir- 1997). Starter cultures are reviewed in ‘Starter Cul-
onment or result from deliberate inoculation of the tures: General Aspects’, Volume 1; thus, discussion on
surface. Traditionally in the production of some smear- starters in this chapter will be limited to their behav-
cheeses, a process referred to as ‘old-young’ smearing iour in cheese during ripening.
is used to promote the development of the smear. Mix- Starters provide the most significant contribution to
tures of defined strains are also being developed for the microbial biomass in young curd, typically attaining
direct application to the cheese surface (Bockelmann, densities of 108 cfu g 1 within one day of manufac-
2002). Deliberate addition of specific strains of Penicil- ture. This biomass represents considerable biocatalytic
lium roqueforti or P. camemberti is now common in potential for cheese-ripening reactions. However, the
large-scale production of mould-ripened cheeses. majority of the starter enzymes are intracellular and do
Traditional Swiss Emmental cheese is made from raw not have immediate access to the cheese matrix. During
milk and the propionic acid fermentation depends on cheese ripening, many starters loose viability and release
the presence of ‘wild’ PAB in the milk. However, in their intracellular enzymes due to autolysis. Feirtag and
Emmental made from pasteurised milk, PAB are added McKay (1987) first reported this phenomenon for lacto-
to the milk at the beginning of manufacture to ensure cocci, and observed that some strains lost viability when
that they are present at ⬃105 cfu g 1 of milk. incubated at 40 °C due to lysis by thermo-inducible
The Microbiology of Cheese Ripening 289

phage. Interest was further stimulated when it was lysogenic strains grew during the manufacture of Swiss
demonstrated that cheese manufactured with autolytic cheese, exhausted the galactose and lysed extensively
strains was more flavoursome. The pathways of autolysis early in ripening (Deutsch et al., 2002). Phage was
have been studied extensively and two main mech- detected in four of the cheeses at day 1, strongly impli-
anisms are currently recognised involving induction of cating the role of phage induction in autolysis. Little
lysogenic phage or defects in cell wall synthesis. The investigation has occurred regarding autolysis in Lb.
relationship between lysogeny and lysis of lactococci in delbrueckii (Kang et al., 1998).
Cheddar cheese has recently been demonstrated for a Autolysis of Sc. thermophilus in cheese has received
large number of lactococcal strains (O’Sullivan et al., little attention. Autolysis was reported in a number
2000). Bacterial cell wall synthesis is a complex process. of strains at the end of growth in laboratory media
Modifications to the specificity of the enzymes involved (Sandholm and Sarimo, 1981; Thomas and Crow, 1983a;
or their levels of production can result in defective cell Husson-Kao et al., 1999). Prophage-induction triggered
walls. Muraminidase is the major autolytic enzyme in by environmental signals, e.g., low pH, may contribute
lactococci (Niskasaari, 1989). Wilkinson et al. (1994) to autolysis of Sc. thermophilus (Husson-Kao et al.,
studied starter autolysis by assaying cell viability and 2000).
release of intracellular enzymes in Cheddar cheese and
concluded that Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris strains had dif-
ferent autolytic patterns (Fig. 1). Levels of proteolysis, as Non-starter Bacteria
measured by free amino acids in the cheese, correlated Non-starter lactic acid bacteria are a significant pro-
with the autolytic phenotype, being higher in the most portion of the microbial population of, probably, all
autolytic strain (AM2) and lowest in the least autolytic ripened cheese varieties. Except for leuconostocs,
strain (HP). It has been reported (Crow et al., 1995) that NSLAB are not deliberately added as part of the starter
intact cells ferment lactose, remove oxygen and initiate a culture or as secondary adjunct cultures but are
number of flavour reactions, while autolysed cells accel- adventitious contaminants, which grow during ripen-
erate peptidolytic processes. Bacteriocin production is ing. They do not contribute to acid production during
common among lactococci, and some bacteriocins cheese manufacture, but impact on flavour develop-
induce lysis in susceptible starter strains. This phenom- ment in the ripening cheese. The principal bacterial
enon was used to induce lysis of starter lactococci dur- groups involved are non-starter lactobacilli, leuconos-
ing cheese ripening and resulted in cheese with tocs, pedicocci and enterococci.
improved flavour (Morgan et al., 1997).
Autolysis has also been reported for Lb. helveticus in
Non-starter lactobacilli
Grana (Botazzi et al., 1992), in Swiss-type (Gagnaire
et al., 1998; Valence et al., 1998) and Cheddar cheeses Non-starter lactobacilli constitute the majority of the
(Kiernan et al., 2000). The extent of autolysis varied NSLAB population in most cheese varieties during
between strains (5–7-fold) and had a direct impact on ripening (Beresford et al., 2001). They grow at 2–53 °C
the degree of proteolysis in cheese (Valence et al., and are acid-tolerant with an optimal pH for growth of
2000). The mechanism of autolysis in Lb. helveticus 5.5–6.2. They have been subdivided into three groups,
has not been fully elucidated; however, many strains viz., obligate homofermenters, facultative heterofer-
are lysogenic (Carminati et al., 1997). Six of eight menters or obligate heterofermenters (Kandler and

Population size (log cfu g–1)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Ripening period (days)

Figure 1 Changes in the populations of three lactococcal starters during ripening of Cheddar cheese. G11/C25 (), HP ( ) and
AM2 ( ) (redrawn from Wilkinson et al. (1994)).
290 The Microbiology of Cheese Ripening

Weiss, 1986). The obligate homofermenters include et al., 1997; Randazzo et al., 2002), Comté (Bouton et al.,
the starter bacteria Lb. delbrueckii and Lb. helveticus. 1998) and Feta and other white-brined cheeses
The non-starter lactobacilli frequently recovered from (Tzanetakis and Litopoulou-Tzanetaki, 1989, 1992;
cheese are facultative heterofermenters and are often Bintsis and Papademas, 2002; Hayaloglu et al., 2002).
referred to as the facultatively heterofermentative lacto-
bacilli (FHL). The obligate heterofermenters are detected Leuconostoc spp.
less frequently in cheese.
Information on the non-starter Lactobacillus popula- Many leuconostocs produce diacetyl and acetoin from
tion of over 50 different cheese varieties is summarised citrate and are widely used in mixed-strain L and DL cul-
in Table 1. Studies on non-starter lactobacilli occurring tures (Dellaglio et al., 1995). The CO2 produced is
in Cheddar cheese produced in various countries con- responsible for eye formation in Dutch-type cheese. The
sistently report the dominance of Lb. paracasei and identity of strains in starters has not always been estab-
Lb. plantarum. Other species that are frequently lished, although the application of molecular tech-
detected as minor components of the population niques has indicated that dairy starters were principally
include Lb. curvatus, Lb. casei, Lb. brevis and Lb. rham- Leuc. lactis and the three subspecies of Leuc. mesen-
nosus. Several other species, including Lb. bifermentans, teroides (Morea et al., 1999; Server-Busson et al., 1999).
Lb. buchneri, Lb. collinoides, Lb. farciminis, Lb. fermen- While isolation of leuconostocs is not restricted to the
tum, Lb. kefiri, Lb. parabuchneri and Lb. paraplantarum cheeses produced with leuconstoc-containing starters,
are occasionally reported in commercially manufactured their apparent infrequent occurrence may, in part, be
Cheddar cheese (Williams and Banks, 1997; Fitzsimons due to their poor growth on the selective media used
et al., 1999; Chandry et al., 2002). Lb. paracasei and Lb. (Mathot et al., 1994). Leuconostoc spp. have been isol-
plantarum are also prevalent in many other cheese var- ated from artisanal cheese produced from raw milk and
ieties (Table 1). Non-starter lactobacilli were present in white-brined cheese varieties (Aran, 1998; Bintsis and
19 of 35 European artisanal cheeses and were a major Papademas, 2002; Hayaloglu et al., 2002) and from
component of the microflora of Kasseri, Feta, Serra da French (Cibik et al., 2000), Greek (Litopoulou-Tzane-
Estrela, Gredos and Majorero cheeses (Cogan et al., taki, 1990) and Italian (Coppola et al., 1988, 2001;
1997). The range of species detected is almost identical Morea et al., 1999; Randazzo et al., 2002) cheeses. Sev-
to that described for Cheddar cheese. The limited range eral cheeses produced from ovine and/or caprine milks
of species reported suggests that few species of Lacto- on the Iberian peninsula contain Leuconostoc spp.
bacillus are capable of surviving the environmental con- (Poullet et al., 1993; Garcia et al., 1995; Macedo et al.,
ditions that pertain in cheese. The factors required to 1995; Centeno et al., 1996a; Arizcun et al., 1997a;
facilitate proliferation in cheese have not been deter- Estepar et al., 1999; Dahl et al., 2000; Freitas and Mal-
mined, although an ability to utilise the available cata, 2000; Fontan et al., 2001; Menendez et al., 2001;
growth substrates and an inherent resistance to the Pérez et al., 2002).
adverse pH and salinity are imperative.
Enterococci occur widely in the environment but are
Although pediococci have been used as adjunct cultures associated principally with the gastrointestinal tract
to improve the flavour of Cheddar and Feta cheeses, they and, because of this, their presence in food products is
also occur along with, and on occasions can predom- often perceived as an indicator of poor hygiene. How-
inate, the non-starter population (Law et al., 1976; ever, enterococci have a history of safe use in dairy
Bhowmik et al., 1990; Vafopoulou-Mastrojiannaki et al., products and additionally may exhibit probiotic char-
1990; Bhowmik and Marth, 1990a). Pediococcus acidilac- acteristics or produce bacteriocins (Franz et al., 1999).
tici and Pd. pentosaceus are isolated most frequently from Conversely, they are regarded as emerging nosocomial
cheese. The presence of pediococci in Cheddar cheese pathogens of humans and have been implicated in the
was first reported by Dacre (1958) who found that they aetiology of bacteraemia, endocarditis and in infec-
comprised ⬃25% of the bacterial population after tions of the urinary tract, the central nervous system,
6 months of maturation. Pediococci have subsequently the pelvis, the abdomen and the neonate. Many
been reported in the non-starter flora of Cheddar cheese exhibit resistance to vancomycin and other antibiotics
manufactured in the UK, Canada and the USA (Fryer and and also possess recognised virulence factors (Franz
Sharpe, 1966; Elliott and Mulligan, 1968; Litopoulou- et al., 1999; Giraffa, 2002). Gene transfer mechanisms
Tzanetaki et al., 1989), in Manchego and Serra da Estrela in enterococci have been described, and the intra- and
cheeses (Nunez, 1976; Tavaria and Malcata, 1998), Parmi- inter-species transfer of antibiotic resistance genes has
giano Reggiano and Sicilian artisanal cheeses (Coppola been reported (Noble et al., 1992).
Table 1 Occurrence of non-starter lactobacilli in different cheese varieties

Dominant non-starter lactobacilli*

Country of
Cheese variety origin ace aci ali bre cas cur cyp far fer hil pub pca ppl pen pla rha Reference

Cheddar Australia   Broome et al.

Cheddar  Chandry et al.
Cheddar New Zealand   Crow et al. (2001)
Cheddar Ireland    Jordan and Cogan
Cheddar     Fitzsimons et al.
Cheddar  Fitzsimons et al.
Cheddar UK    Naylor and Sharpe
Cheddar   Williams and Banks
Cheddar     Williams et al.
Cheddar USA  Swearingen et al.
Jarlberg, Norway/    Lindberg et al.
Norvegia, Sweden (1996)
Herrgård Sweden  Antonsson et al.
Comté France    Bouton et al. (1998)
Comté    Grappin et al.
Comté   Berthier et al.
Emmental  Thierry et al. (1998)
(Swiss type)
Vacherin   Sozzi and Maret
Mont d’Or (1973)
Afuega’l Pita Spain   Cuesta et al. (1996)
Armada   Tornadijo et al.
Artisanal    López and Mayo


Table 1 continued

Dominant non-starter lactobacilli*

Country of
Cheese variety origin ace aci ali bre cas cur cyp far fer hil pub pca ppl pen pla rha Reference

Arzua   Centeno et al.

Cabrales  Nunez (1978)
Casar de     Poullet et al. (1993)
Idiazabal     Elortondo et al.
La Serena Freitas and Malcata
Leon  Medina et al. (1995)
Mahon  Ramos et al. (1982)
Majorero      Fontecha et al.
Manchego Freitas and Malcata
Penamellera    Estepar et al.
Roncal Freitas and Malcata
Vadeon López-Díaz et al.
Azeitas Portugal    Freitas and Malcata
Evora     Freitas and Malcata
Picante da    Freitas et al. (1996)
Beira Baixa
Serra da Estrela  Macedo et al.
Serra da Estrela   Roserio and
Barbosa (1996)
Serra da Estrela     Tavaria and
Malcata (1998)
Caciocavallo Italy   Gobbetti et al.
Pugliese (2002)
Caciocavallo    Corsetti et al.
Silano (2001b)
Canestrato      Albenzio et al.
Pugliese (2001)
Casu Axedu   Ledda (1996)
Ewe milk      De Angelis et al.
Fiore Sardo   Mannu et al. (2000)
Fontina   Cocconcelli et al.
Fossa (Pit)    Gobbetti et al.
Montasio  Lombardi et al.
Mozzarella    Morea et al. (1998)
Parmigiano   Coppola et al.
Reggiano (1997)
Pecorino Sardo  Mannu et al. (2002)
Pecorino Toscano    Bizzarro et al. (2000)
Ricotta Forte     Baruzzi et al. (2000)
Scamorza  Baruzzi et al. (2002)
Toma   Cocconcelli et al.
Batzos Greece    Nikolaou et al.
Domiati     Bintsis and
Feta     Bintsis and
Feta Teleme  Tzanetakis and
Tzanetaki (1992)
Kefalotyri   Litopoulou-
Tzanetaki (1990)
Beyaz Turkey   Durlu-Ozkaya et al.
Beyaz Peynir Hayaloglu et al.
Kashar Aran (1998)
Domiati Egypt    El Zayat et al.


Table 1 continued

Dominant non-starter lactobacilli*

Country of
Cheese variety origin ace aci ali bre cas cur cyp far fer hil pub pca ppl pen pla rha Reference

Halloumi Cyprus     Papademas and

Robinson (2000)
Pichtogalo Crete     Papageorgiou et al.
Chanion (1998)
Ragusano Sicily  Randazzo et al.
Tenerife Tenerife   Zárate et al. (1997)
caprine milk

* The abbreviations used for the non-starter lactobacilli are as follows: ace, Lb. acetotolerans; aci, Lb. acidophilus; ali, Lb. alimentarius; bre, Lb. brevis; cas, Lb. casei; cur, Lb. curvatus;
cyp, Lb. cypricasei; far, Lb. farciminis; fer, Lb. fermentum; hil, Lb. hilgardii; pbu, Lb. parabuchneri; pca, Lb. paracasei; ppl, Lb. paraplantarum; pen, Lb. pentosus; pla, Lb. plantarum; rha,
Lb. rhamnosus.
The Microbiology of Cheese Ripening 295

Enterococci are a major component of the bacterial isolated most frequently are Ec. faecalis, Ec. faecium
population of cheeses produced in Italy (Senini et al., and Ec. durans.
1997; Suzzi et al., 2000; Andrighetto et al., 2001),
France (Bouton et al., 1998), Spain, Portugal (Freitas
Source of NSLAB
and Malcata, 2000), Greece (Papageorgiou et al., 1998;
Nikolaou et al., 2002), Turkey, The Balkans (Bintsis Non-starter lactic acid bacteria are present in cheeses
and Papademas, 2002; Hayaloglu et al., 2002) and made from both raw and heat-treated milk. Hygienically
Egypt (Hemati et al., 1998). Their numbers at the end produced raw milk may contain ⬃102 lactobacilli ml 1
of ripening range from 105 to 107 cfu g 1, although and it is probable that the milk is the principal source
numbers vary with cheese type (Fig. 2A). The species of organisms in cheeses made from raw milk.

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Population size (log cfu g–1 )

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Ripening period (days)

Figure 2 Changes in the populations of (A) enterococci, (B) non-starter lactobacilli and (C) Leuconostoc spp. during ripening of
Afuega’l Pitu (; Cuesta et al., 1996), Armada ( ; Tornadijo et al., 1995), Cabrales (; Nunez, 1978), Canestrato Pugliese
( ; Albenzio et al., 2001), Cheddar (×; Dasen et al., 2003), Fossa Pit ( ; Avellini et al., 1999), La Serena (; Fernandez del Pozo
et al., 1988), Penamellera (; Estepar et al., 1999), Serra da Estrela ( ; Dahl et al., 2000), Swiss-type (; Beuvier et al., 1997 and
Demarigny et al., 1996) and Tenerife caprine (; Zárate et al., 1997) cheeses.
296 The Microbiology of Cheese Ripening

The diversity of the non-starter population is greater in curd and are able to proliferate during maturation.
cheeses made from raw than from pasteurised milk, Non-starter lactobacilli have a generation time of
and Berthier et al. (2001) were able to demonstrate, approximately 8.5 days in cheese ripened at 6 °C
using molecular techniques, that most of the non- (Jordan and Cogan, 1993) and viable cells can be
starter lactobacilli in Comté originated from the milk. recovered from cheese stored at 10 °C for 3 years. The
The presence of high numbers of enterococci in arti- growth rate and final population density of non-starter
sanal cheeses is usually associated with poor hygienic lactobacilli and enterococci are not affected signifi-
practices (Franz et al., 1999), although bovine faeces cantly over the pH range, salt and moisture levels that
was not considered to be the source of enterococci in normally occur in the curd during Cheddar cheese
the farm-house raw milk Cheddar type cheese studied manufacture (Lane et al., 1997). Their growth rate is
by Gelsomino et al. (2002). temperature-dependent but ripening temperature had
Although some lactobacilli are inactivated by pas- little influence on the final numbers of lactobacilli in
teurisation (Turner et al., 1986), other strains may sur- the cheese. Rapid block cooling and ripening at low
vive the heat treatment and proliferate in the cheese temperatures reduces their growth rates (Folkertsma
during ripening (McSweeney et al., 1994; Jordan and et al., 1996). In cheese ripened at 1 °C, the non-starter
Cogan, 1999). Enterococci are also likely to survive lactobacillus population was 3 log cycles lower than in
pasteurisation. The production of natural milk cultures a cheese ripened at 8 °C (Shakeel-Ur-Rehman et al.,
from pasteurised milk that is incubated at 42–44 °C 2000).
for 12–15 h inevitably promotes the selection of heat-
tolerant LAB, including enterococci (Giraffa et al., 1997). Nutrient availability
It has been suggested (Martley and Crow, 1993) that Non-starter lactic acid bacteria require an energy
milk is not the principal source of NSLAB in cheeses source for growth. The level of residual lactose in fresh
made from pasteurised milk and that the manufacturing curd is usually low but nevertheless some is likely to
equipment was the more probable source. Serological be present when the non-starter Lactobacillus popula-
typing methods confirmed that air-borne lactobacilli in tion is becoming established in the cheese. However,
the plant during cheesemaking are recovered from the the subsequent increase in the non-starter Lactobacil-
cheese (Naylor and Sharpe, 1958b). Non-starter lactic lus population is likely to occur after the lactose has
acid bacteria have been isolated from the floor and drains been utilised, indicating that it is not the sole energy
in the dairy environment and from the surfaces of equip- source (Turner and Thomas, 1980). Waldron (1997)
ment used in cheese manufacture and vacuum packaging showed that growth of mesophilic lactobacilli was
(Somers et al., 2001). Lactobacilli are able to form and independent of the lactose content of the cheese.
persist in biofilms on cheesemaking equipment and Mesophilic lactobacilli possess glycoside hydrolases
could be re-isolated from batches of cheese produced (Williams and Banks, 1997) and can utilise sugars
after the plant had been cleaned, implying that they sur- derived from the glycomacropeptide of casein and the
vive cleaning and sanitising treatments (Somers et al., glycoproteins of the milk-fat globule membrane (Fox
2001). The source of enterococci in cheese milk has been et al., 1998; Diggin et al., 1999; Williams et al., 2000).
identified as the milking equipment (Gelsomino et al., In addition, starter culture autolysis during ripening
2002). The proposition that a factory-specific flora could releases sugars, e.g., ribose (Thomas, 1987; Rapposch
impart distinctive flavour characteristics to the cheese et al., 1999). However, studies by Lane et al. (1997) on
produced in a given plant (Chapman and Sharpe, 1981) the growth rate of non-starter lactobacilli in cheeses
implies that contamination during manufacture is a crit- made with fast- and slow-lysing starter cultures indi-
ical component of the process. However, studies of the cated that cell lysate was not a major source of growth
non-starter Lactobacillus populations of cheeses made in substrates.
a single plant over an extended time period failed to Citrate is present in small amounts (⬃8 mmol kg 1)
detect the recurrence of specific strains (Fitzsimons et al., in unripened Cheddar cheese but is not used as an
2001; Williams et al., 2002a), indicating that, if the energy source by non-starter lactobacilli (Palles et al.,
contamination was from within the plant, the source was 1998; Williams et al., 2000); high numbers of lacto-
either intermittent or at a low level. bacilli also develop in cheese in which there has been
no significant citrate utilisation (Jordan and Cogan,
Factors affecting growth and survival of NSLAB
1993). Lipids and bacterial catabolites are not effective
Environmental conditions substrates but peptides and amino acids are
Non-starter lactic acid bacteria, in particular non- catabolised by lactobacilli, provided that a keto acid
starter lactobacilli and enterococci, are not adversely acceptor is present to facilitate the aminotransferase
affected by environmental conditions in the cheese involved (Tammam et al., 2000; Williams et al., 2000,
The Microbiology of Cheese Ripening 297

2001). Proteolytic products formed during ripening 1990; Fox et al., 1998). However, the heterogeneity of
stimulate the growth of Lb. casei (Nath and Ledford, the population of non-starter lactobacilli in Cheddar
1972), whilst Laht et al. (2002) concluded that argin- cheese decreases during ripening. While several
ine was one of the main energy sources for non-starter species are detected in young cheeses, they are
lactobacilli in Swiss-type cheese. The ATP available replaced, as the cheese ages, by strains of Lb. paracasei
from arginine metabolism is theoretically sufficient to which dominate throughout the remainder of the
support growth to 108 cfu g 1. ripening period (Fitzsimons et al., 2001; Williams
et al., 2002a). Similar dynamics was observed in New
Interactions Zealand Cheddar except that the dominant species
The microbial flora of cheese are complex and it is were Lb. paracasei and Lb. rhamnosus (Crow et al.,
inevitable that interactions between members of the 2001). Population shifts at strain level also occur dur-
population will occur. The complex nature of cheese ing the ripening of Cheddar cheese. Although some
ecosystems complicates the interpretation of these inter- strains may persist throughout ripening while others
actions; however, Martley and Crow (1993) were able to may recur in the latter stages of ripening, having been
demonstrate interactions between NSLAB during ripen- undetected in the intervening period, the overall trend
ing. It has also been reported that Lb. casei, Lb. rhamno- is for the number of strains present to decline during
sus and Lb. plantarum inhibit PAB and enterococci in maturation. Most mature cheeses are dominated by no
cheese as a result of competition for limiting nutrients more than six strains (Crow et al., 2001; Fitzsimons
(Jimeno et al., 1995; Lynch et al., 1996). et al., 2001; Williams et al., 2002a; Dasen et al., 2003).
In addition to the inter-species competition for
nutrients, some of the metabolic products formed by Swiss-type cheeses
NSLAB, e.g., lactate, acetate and formate, may interfere The number of non-starter lactobacilli and enterococci
with the growth of other species (Lindgren and Dobro- are higher in Swiss-type cheese made from raw milk
gosz, 1990; Vandenbergh, 1993; Ouwehand, 1998). In than in cheese made from pasteurised milk but the
addition, many NSLAB are able to produce bacter- diversity of non-starter lactobacilli declines during
iocins with broad or narrow spectra of activity (Stiles, ripening (Beuvier et al., 1997). The population of
1994; Ouwehand, 1998; Franz et al., 1999). The inclu- young cheese was comprised of Lb. paracasei, Lb. plan-
sion of bacteriocin-producing starter LAB offers a tarum and Lb. brevis but as the cheese matured Lb.
means of suppressing the growth of undesirable bac- paracasei dominated (Demarigny et al., 1996). Similar
teria. This approach has been used to control the growth results were obtained in Emmental cheese made from
of both food-borne pathogens and NSLAB in cheese thermised milk (Thierry et al., 1998). The non-starter
(Ryan et al., 1996; Buyong et al., 1998; Benkerroum Lactobacillus population in Comté cheese was domin-
et al., 2000; Benech et al., 2002), and as a means of ated by Lb. paracasei, although Lb. plantarum and
manipulating the ripening process (Fenelon et al., 1999; Lb. rhamnosus were also present (Bouton et al., 1998;
Oumer et al., 2001; Garde et al., 2002). Grappin et al., 1999). Enterococci remained at low
Non-starter lactic acid bacteria may undergo autoly- levels throughout ripening (Fig. 2A). Berthier et al.
sis during ripening. However, Kiernan et al. (2000) (2001), using PCR methods, detected fewer strains in
were unable to find evidence for the autolysis of the mature cheese than at other stages throughout
mesophilic lactobacilli during the ripening of Cheddar ripening.
cheese. The ability of Leuconostoc spp. to autolyse is
strain-dependent (Cibik and Chapot-Chartier, 2000). Spanish artisanal cheeses
There is very little information available on changes in
Population dynamics the species profiles in Spanish cheeses during ripen-
Although the population size remains relatively sta- ing. Most data are restricted to counts of the dominant
ble from 3 months to the end of maturation (Fig. 2), genera at various times during maturation, and signifi-
the population is not static but is in a dynamic state as cant variation occurs between the different groups of
the balance of the species and the strains change. bacteria in different cheeses (Fig. 2A–C). This vari-
ation may be due to the artisinal nature of many of
Cheddar cheese these cheeses. Lb. plantarum and Lb. brevis dominated,
The initial non-starter Lactobacillus level in commer- and the population remained constant at ⬃108 cfu g 1
cially produced Cheddar curd is ⬃102 cfu g 1 which throughout the 60-day ripening of Afuega’l Pitu cheese
increases to ⬃107 cfu g 1 within 3 months of manu- but the numbers of leuconostoc and enterococci
facture and remains at this level throughout the decreased during ripening (Cuesta et al., 1996). In San
remainder of maturation (Peterson and Marshall, Simon cheese, enterococcal numbers were maximal
298 The Microbiology of Cheese Ripening

during the first week of ripening, and stayed constant bial population of Serra da Estrela (Tavaria and Malcata,
throughout the remainder of the 6-week maturation 2000). The numbers of LAB are maximal after a ripen-
period (Fontan et al., 2001). The numbers of leu- ing period of 7 days, and, in this population, Leuc. lac-
conostoc, lactobacilli and enterococci varied little dur- tis and enterococci are the most abundant (Macedo
ing the ripening of Penamellera cheese (Estepar et al., et al., 1995; Dahl et al., 2000). The proportion of Leuc.
1999), but leuconostocs were one of the major groups mesenteroides and Lb. plantarum in the population
at the drying room stage in the maturation of Cabrales tended to increase throughout ripening, whilst that
cheese (Nunez, 1978). Lb. plantarum was dominant in of Ec. faecium, Ec. faecalis and Lb. pentosus declined
the cheese’s interior during the cave-ripening stage. (Tavaria and Malcata, 1998).
Non-starter lactobacilli and leuconostocs varied little
during the ripening of La Serena and ovine milk Italian cheese varieties
cheeses, coagulated with Cyanara extracts (Fernandez Ricotta forte is produced by ripening cottage ricotta
del Pozo et al., 1988; Vioque et al., 2000), and the cheese for 12 months, during which time the curds are
enterococcal population declined; in contrast, the pro- mixed regularly to prevent mould growth. At the end
portion of enterococci in Manchego cheese increased of ripening, the dominant lactobacilli are Lb. paracasei,
throughout ripening (Ordoñez et al., 1978). Lb. acetotolerans, Lb. alimentarius and Lb. brevis, and of
Variations in the individual populations during these only Lb. paracasei was detected early in ripening.
the ripening of caprine milk cheeses were cheese- Lb. kefiri, Lb. gasseri, Lb. hilgardii, Lb. plantarum, Lb.
specific. The development of the LAB population paraplantarum and Lb. zeae were detected transiently
of Valdeón, a hand-made blue cheese, exhibited an (Baruzzi et al., 2000). Major shifts in species profile
initial dominance of lactococci and enterococci. also occurred during the ripening of the pasta-filata
However, from the drying stage, lactobacilli and leu- cheese, Caciocavallo Pugliese. The two dominant
conostoc replaced the lactococci, and the mature species at the end of the 60-day ripening period were
cheese was dominated by enterococci (López-Díaz Lb. parabuchneri and Lb. paracasei, while Lb. fermen-
et al., 2000). The population of 1-week old Armada tum was the dominant species in the young cheese
cheese was dominated by lactococci whereas Lb. casei (Gobbetti et al., 2002). The proportion of Ec. faecalis
and Lb. plantarum were the most abundant during and Ec. durans in the population decreased from ~6%
the latter stages of ripening (Tornadijo et al., 1995). to 0.1% during ripening whilst that of Pd. pentosaceus
The numbers of enterococci, leuconostocs and lacto- increased. The Lactobacillus community involved in
bacilli declined during ripening in summer-made traditional Mozzarella production has been investi-
cheese, but the latter two microbial groups remained gated (Morea et al., 1998). Lb. fermentum, which was
at ⬃108 cfu g 1 throughout the 16-week period of dominant in the natural whey starter, was not detected
ripening in autumn-made cheese. Leuconostoc and during manufacture or ripening. Following heat treat-
enterococcal numbers remained at ⬃107 cfu g 1 dur- ment associated with the stretching process the com-
ing the 60-day ripening period of Tenerife cheese plexity of the population decreased from 11 to 5
whereas the numbers of lactobacilli increased from strains of Lb. casei, Lb. fermentum, Lb. plantarum and
105 cfu g 1 after 2 days to 107 cfu g 1 at the end Weissella hellenica. Only Lb. plantarum was detected
of ripening. Lb. plantarum was dominant in the during ripening.
young cheese whereas in the mature cheese Lb. para- The most numerous non-starter lactobacilli in
casei was predominant among the lactobacilli (Zárate Scamorza Altamurana cheese ripened for 6 days were
et al., 1997). Lb. fermentum and Lb. paracasei (Baruzzi et al., 2002).
Lb. paracasei was not detected in the whey or curd
Portuguese cheese varieties whereas Lb. fermentum was present at all stages in the
The microbiology of Appélation d’Origine Protegée manufacturing process. Lb. gasseri and W. viridescens
(AOP) Portuguese cheeses was reviewed by Freitas were also detected in the whey but not in the ripening
and Malcata (2000). The more dominant LAB in curd whereas Ec. durans was only detected in the
9-day-old Picante da Beira Baixa cheese were Leuc. mature cheese. Dramatic changes in the diversity of
mesenteroides (19%), Lb. plantarum (15%), Lb. paraca- the microbial communities of the Sicilian artisanal pasta-
sei (15%) and Ec. faecalis (8%). Leuconostoc spp. were filata-type cheese, Ragusano, during the manufacturing
not detectable after 40 days, with Lb. plantarum and process were revealed by classical and culture-
Lb. paracasei persisting throughout ripening (Freitas independent PCR and density gradient gel electro-
et al., 1996). Lb. brevis and Lb. fermentum were also phoresis techniques (Randazzo et al., 2002). Mesophilic
detected in the mature cheese. The geographical loca- LAB, including Leuconostoc spp. and Lc. lactis, dominated
tion and season of manufacture influence the micro- the raw milk population but disappeared during cooking
The Microbiology of Cheese Ripening 299

and fermentation of the curd. However, Lb. delbrueckii Greek and eastern European cheeses
and Lb. fermentum grew during ripening, and entero- Kefalotyri is a hard, salted cheese, which traditionally
cocci were also present in reasonable numbers as the is produced without starters. Lactobacilli and entero-
microbial population stabilised in 15- and 30-day-old cocci are present throughout the 120-day ripening
cheeses. period. Lactobacilli predominate for 30 days when
Marked shifts in the species profiles have also been enterococci became increasingly dominant (Litopoulou-
observed in cheeses ripened for longer periods of time. Tzanetaki, 1990). The proportion of Lb. plantarum,
Non-starter lactobacilli and enterococci increased dur- Ec. faecium, Ec. durans and Pediococcus spp. recovered
ing the 60-day ripening period of Pecorino Sardo increased during ripening whereas the proportion of Lb.
ovine milk cheese, though significant differences casei remained at 16–20% throughout the period. Lb.
occurred between batches (Mannu et al., 2002). brevis, Lb. buchneri and Leuconostoc spp. decreased dur-
Lb. casei numbers were constant throughout the ripen- ing ripening and were absent in 120-day-old cheese.
ing of one batch of cheese, appeared after 60 days in a Ripening-related changes in the LAB population of two
second batch whereas, in a third batch, although they other Greek ovine milk soft cheeses, Feta and Teleme,
were present in high numbers during ripening, they have also been studied (Tzanetakis and Litopoulou-
only became dominant when the starter LAB popula- Tzanetaki, 1992). Lb. plantarum was the dominant
tion declined. The numbers of non-starter lactobacilli isolate recovered from both cheeses. Phenotypic char-
in traditional farm-house Fiore Sardo cheese increased acterisation of isolates indicated that different strains
from 105 cfu g 1 in 1-day-old cheese to 108 cfu g 1 dominate at different stages of ripening in Feta cheese
after ripening for 30 days; the population then (Xanthopoulos et al., 2000). The proportion of entero-
decreased slowly, and by 7 months the level was cocci and pediococci in Feta after ripening for 90 days
reduced to 104 cfu g 1 (Mannu et al., 2000). Lb. plan- was lower than that in the original curd. After 180
tarum decreased dramatically during maturation days of ripening, the proportion of enterococci in
whereas Lb. paracasei, when present, dominated the Teleme cheese had increased from the levels in the
cheese microflora. Lb. paracasei was also dominant in curd whereas that of the Leuconostoc spp. present was
Montasio cheese, and although it was not detectable similar at both stages after a transient increase
immediately after manufacture its population between 30 and 60 days.
increased to 107 cfu g 1 during the first month of In Turkish white cheeses, species of Enterococcus, Lac-
ripening and remained at that level up to 120 days tobacillus, Leuconostoc and Pediococcus dominate during
(Lombardi et al., 1995). ripening (Bintsis and Papademas, 2002; Hayaloglu et al.,
Enterococcal numbers decreased by one to two 2002). Enterococci numbers remained constant during
orders of magnitude during the 9-week ripening of the ripening of Turkish Kashar cheese, with Ec. faecium
Canestrato Pugliese cheese (Albenzio et al., 2001), and Ec. durans being the most frequently isolated, while
whilst the non-starter Lactobacillus population Lb. casei, Lb. plantarum and Lb. rhamnosus were the
increased to 28 days and remained at that level for dominant non-starter lactobacilli in the mature cheese
the remainder of maturation (Fig. 2A,B). The popu- (Aran, 1998).
lation in cheese made from raw milk (108 cfu g 1)
was 3 log cycles higher than that in cheeses made Significance of NSLAB in cheese manufacture
from thermised or pasteurised milk. A similar popu- Influence of non-starter lactobacilli on cheese
lation developed during the 60-day maturation quality
period of Fossa (pit) cheese; the numbers of non- Non-starter lactobacilli can impact on cheese quality
starter lactobacilli then declined by two orders of in both beneficial and detrimental ways; however, an
magnitude during the 3-month aging process (Avellini increasing number of studies have shown that selected
et al., 1999). adjunct strains of Lactobacillus spp. positively influ-
Prolonged ripening times are a feature of Parmi- ence cheese quality (Fox et al., 1998; Table 2). Ched-
giano Reggiano cheese. During ripening the number of dar cheese produced under controlled bacteriological
non-starter lactobacilli decreased from 108 cfu g 1 conditions in aseptic vats can develop full mature
after 5 months to approximately 104 cfu g 1 at 24 flavour in the absence of non-starter lactobacilli,
months (Coppola et al., 1997). Lb. paracasei/Lb. casei although non-starter lactobacilli are believed to add
and Lb. rhamnosus, which persisted throughout the desirable flavour notes and reduce harshness and bit-
24-month maturation, dominated the population, and terness associated with some starter cultures
Pd. acidilactici was present for 22 months. Enterococci (McSweeney et al., 1994; Shakeel-Ur-Rehman et al.,
disappeared during ripening of Parmesan for 14 2000). The presence of non-starter lactobacilli in com-
months (Thompson and Marth, 1986). mercial cheese is associated with the development of

Table 2 Examples of the observed effects of adjunct non-starter lactobacilli on cheese characteristics

Cheese variety Adjunct cultures Flavour/texture effects Reference

Arzua-Ulloa Lb. casei, Lb. casei pseudoplantarum Improved acidification during ripening; s1-casein degradation Menendez et al. (2000)
(syn Lb. paracasei), Lb. plantarum increased; -casein degradation decreased; soluble nitrogen,
volatile fatty acid, diacetyl and acetoin levels increased;
less bitter/astringent, more acid flavour; texture improved
Cheddar Lb. casei Increased peptide degradation; enhanced flavour Broome et al. (1990b)
development and intensity
Cheddar Lb. brevis, Fruity flavours, open texture, late-gassing defects Laleye et al. (1990)
Lb. fermentum, Lb. casei, Lb. casei pseudo- Prevented late-gassing
plantarum (syn Lb. paracasei)
Cheddar Lb. casei Increased flavour intensity Tré
panier et al. (1991a,b)
Cheddar Lb. casei, Lb. casei pseudoplantarum (syn Higher free amino acid levels; increased flavour McSweeney et al. (1994)
Lb. paracasei), Lb. curvatus, Lb. plantarum intensity and acceptability
Cheddar Lb. casei, Lb. casei pseudoplantarum Higher free amino acid levels; different free Lynch et al. (1996)
(syn Lb. paracasei), Lb. curvatus, amino acid profiles; increased flavour
Lb. plantarum acceptability and cheese quality
Cheddar Lb. casei Sensory characteristics, flavour and texture influenced Muir et al. (1996)
Cheddar Lb. paracasei, Lb. plantarum Increased free amino acid levels; significant differences Lynch et al. (1999)
in some important sensory attributes; apparent
acceleration of ripening as assessed by
effects on aroma/flavour intensity, perceived
maturity and creamy/milky flavour notes
Cheddar Lb. paracasei, Lb. rhamnosus Improved flavour quality and increased maturation rates Crow et al. (2001)
Edam (reduced fat) Lb. reuteri Proteolysis increased; free amino acid levels higher; Tungjaroenchai et al. (2001)
texture quality improved; no flavour benefits detected
Emmental Lb. casei Concentrations of ethanol, propan-1-ol, 2-methylbutanol, Rychlik et al. (1997)
3-methylbutanol, 2,3-pentandione, 2-methylbutanal
and 3-methylbutanal affected. No significant
impact on flavour
rd-type Lb. casei pseudoplantarum Overall quality and texture improved; flavour quality and Antonsson et al. (2002)
(syn Lb. paracasei), Lb. plantarum intensity improved; off-flavour intensity reduced
Mozzarella Lb. casei Cheese stretch reduced at 1–7 days of ripening; melt not Merrill et al. (1996)
(reduced fat) affected; cook colour increased
Norvegia Lb. paracasei pH, free amino acid, -aminobutyric acid and cysteine Skeie et al. (2001)
concentrations reduced; lactate level increased;
more rapid decline in starter numbers
Spanish bovine Lb. plantarum Lower pH, reduced casein degradation and soluble nitrogen Gomez et al. (1996)
milk semi-hard during early stages. Reduced bitterness. Higher elastic
modulus, breaking force and hardness values.
Negative impact on flavour
St Paulin type Lb. plantarum Free amino acid levels increased and peptide profiles affected Hynes et al. (2001)
The Microbiology of Cheese Ripening 301

more intense Cheddar flavour in a shorter time (Reiter Use of other NSLAB as adjunct cultures
et al., 1967). Obligate heterofermentative lactobacilli Pediococci enhanced the flavour of Feta (Vafopoulou-
that occur in the latter stages of ripening have been Mastrojiannaki et al., 1990) and low-fat Cheddar
associated with the occurrence of undesirable flavours cheeses (Bhowmik et al., 1990). In contrast, Law et al.
and textures in Cheddar (Dacre, 1953; Laleye et al., (1976) observed that pediococci alone had no impact
1987; Khalid and Marth, 1990) and flavours in Gouda on flavour development in Cheddar cheese, but were
(Kleter, 1977). The racemisation of L-lactate to D-lactate effective in combination with other starter bacteria.
by non-starter lactobacilli can result in the occurrence There are contradictory reports on the role of
of a surface white spot defect as a consequence of cal- enterococci. Although unsuitable as starters due to
cium D-lactate crystal deposition in the mature cheese their low milk-acidifying ability and poor extracellular
(Thomas and Crow, 1983b). However, Sherwood proteolytic activity, many strains have beneficial meta-
(1939) observed that Lb. casei and Lb. plantarum could bolic traits (Sarantinopoulos et al., 2001; Delgado et al.,
improve Cheddar flavour, and although the inclusion 2002). Enterococci impart desirable flavours to a
of non-starter lactobacilli accelerated flavour develop- number of cheeses, including Cheddar (Jensen et al.,
ment, Law et al. (1976) were unable to attribute the 1975; Gardiner et al., 1999b), Manchego (Ordoñez
improved flavour obtained with a curd-derived whole et al., 1978) and Cebreiro (Centeno et al., 1999). In
reference flora to any specific non-starter group. Later contrast, high numbers of enterococci resulted in the
investigations by Puchades et al. (1989), Broome et al. deterioration of the sensory properties of Parmesan
(1990b) and Lee et al. (1990a,b) established that and a Spanish blue cheese (Thompson and Marth,
cheeses containing adjuncts of Lb. casei and Lb. plan- 1986; López-Díaz et al., 1995). Recent results show
tarum developed higher levels of free amino acids and that three strains of Ec. faecalis, two of Ec. faecium,
received higher flavour intensity scores than control one of Ec. casseliflavus and one of Ec. durans had no
cheeses; Lb. brevis-containing cheese had an inferior effect on the flavour of Cheddar cheese (Rea and
flavour. Cogan, unpublished). The perceived beneficial role
Typically, the inclusion of adjunct strains of non- of enterococci on flavour has resulted in their inclu-
starter lactobacilli results in improved flavour inten- sion in defined-strain starter cultures for Mozzarella
sity, increased aroma and accelerated ripening. (Coppola et al., 1988; Parente et al., 1989), Feta
Although primary proteolysis was not affected by the (Litopoulou-Tzanetaki et al., 1993), Venaco (Casalta
adjunct cultures, the levels of small peptides and free and Zennaro, 1997) and Cebreiro (Centeno et al.,
amino acids were higher than in the control cheese 1996b) cheeses. The use of enterococci as adjuncts
(Table 2). The same volatiles tend to be present in will also depend on the resolution of outstanding
both control and adjunct-containing cheeses but their safety issues.
relative concentrations differ significantly (Dasen et al.,
1999). An alternative strategy to accelerate cheese ripen- Adjunct NSLAB as probiotics
ing is the use of attenuated cultures (El Soda et al., Lactic acid bacteria have a long history of safe use in
2000). Cheddar cheese made with attenuated adjunct foods and there is now considerable interest in their
strains of Lb. casei had improved sensory and textural probiotic potential (Mattila-Sandholm et al., 1999).
characteristics (Trépanier et al., 1992; Madkor et al., Cheese is effective as a functional food and as a con-
2000). venient vehicle for the introduction of probiotic cul-
The presence of adventitious NSLAB introduces tures into the diet because, in comparison with yoghurt
variability into the ripening process that cannot be and other fermented milk products, cheese has a solid
easily controlled by the cheesemaker. The species and matrix, and a higher pH, buffering capacity and fat
strain composition of the non-starter Lactobacillus content, which help protect the probiotic strain during
population exhibits not only inter-factory differences intestinal transit to the site of action (Ross et al., 2002).
(Williams and Banks, 1997; Fitzsimons et al., 1999; Cheddar cheese is an effective carrier for probiotic Lb.
Antonsson et al., 2001; Berthier et al., 2001; Crow paracasei (Gardiner et al., 1998), Ec. faecium (Gardiner
et al., 2001; De Angelis et al., 2001), but also differ- et al., 1999a,b) and two bifidobacteria (McBrearty
ences in cheeses produced at the same factory on dif- et al., 2001). The probiotic Lb. paracasei adjuncts had
ferent days and in cheeses from different vats on the no adverse effects on the flavour and sensory character-
same day (Naylor and Sharpe, 1958b; Fitzsimons istics of the cheese (Gardiner et al., 1998), whereas
et al., 2001; Williams et al., 2002a). The relationship after ripening for 6 months, Cheddar containing the
of these population differences to between-batch Ec. faecium adjunct exhibited improved flavour over
variations in the quality of the cheese has not been the control (Gardiner et al., 1999b). Bulgarian yellow
established. cheese and Argentinian Fresco cheese have also been
302 The Microbiology of Cheese Ripening

used for the delivery of probiotic strains (Vinderola enzymes (Fox and McSweeney, 1996). Starter bacteria
et al., 2000; Atanassova et al., 2001). make a greater contribution to protein breakdown than
NSLAB (Lane and Fox, 1996; Lynch et al., 1996, 1997),
Biochemical activities of NSLAB that are important whose principal contribution appears to be peptidolysis
in cheese ripening and the release of free amino acids (Williams and Banks,
The range and extent of the activities of the principal 1997; Muehlenkamp-Ulate and Warthesen, 1999).
NSLAB, which establish during ripening, determine Peptides are hydrolysed intracellularly by a variety of
their overall impact on cheese quality. The use of endopeptidases, aminopeptidases, dipeptidases and tripep-
NSLAB to manipulate or accelerate cheese flavour tidases, some of which are proline-specific and some
development requires effective pre-screening to iden- of which have overlapping specificities (Christensen
tify isolates that have suitable metabolic capabilities. et al., 1999). Wide-ranging peptidolytic activities have
Historically, the choice of adjunct strains for evalu- been detected in non-starter lactobacilli (Khalid and
ation in cheesemaking trials has been random and not Marth, 1990; Williams and Banks, 1997; Williams et al.,
based on biochemical criteria, and consequently the 1998), pediococci (Bhowmik and Marth, 1990b;
effects of adjuncts were often inconclusive. The use of Vafopoulou-Mastrojiannaki et al., 1994) and Leuconostoc
strains with defined metabolic attributes as adjuncts spp. (El Shafei et al., 1990), although activities in entero-
offers the potential to specifically manipulate cheese cocci, isolated from cheese, are generally low (Arizcun
flavour development (Williams et al., 2000; Tanous et al., 1997b; Hemati et al., 1998; Sarantinopoulos et al.,
et al., 2002). 2001).

Citrate utilisation Amino acid catabolism

Although citrate is present at low levels in milk, it is Although peptides and amino acids contribute to
the precursor of diacetyl and acetate, important cheese flavour, attempts to increase their formation by
flavour components of some cheese varieties; the CO2 over-expression of enzyme activity (Christensen et al.,
produced is responsible for eye formation in Dutch 1995) or the addition of free amino acids to the curd
cheeses and can affect the texture of other varieties. at the manufacturing stage (Wallace and Fox, 1997)
Other products of citrate metabolism, acetoin and have not been successful in enhancing flavour. The
2,3-butanediol, do not impart flavour. It is probable implication, therefore, is that the transformation of
that citrate is catabolised by the adventitious lacto- amino acids rather than their release is the rate-limiting
bacilli, although it is not used as an energy source step in flavour formation. The catabolism of amino
(Palles et al., 1998; Williams et al., 2000). Leuconostoc acids can result in the formation of many compounds
spp. also have the ability to co-metabolise sugar(s) that contribute to cheese flavour (McSweeney and
and citrate but the excess pyruvate produced is Sousa, 2000). Degradative mechanisms potentially
reduced to D-lactate (Hugenholtz, 1993). Enterococci include deamination, decarboxylation, desulphur-
also metabolise citrate and can form acetalydehyde, ation, oxidation and reduction reactions resulting in
acetoin and diacetyl, metabolic capabilities that have the formation of amines, aldehydes, alcohols, indoles,
resulted in the inclusion of enterococci in starter cul- carboxylic acids and sulphur-containing moieties
tures for Cebreiro (Centeno et al., 1996b), Feta (Yvon and Rijnen, 2001; see ‘Catabolism of Amino
(Litopoulou-Tzanetaki et al., 1993) and Mozzarella Acids in Cheese during Ripening’, Volume 1). The
cheeses (Coppola et al., 1988; Parente et al., 1989). range of amino acid converting enzymes in cheese lac-
The production of diacetyl from glucose by pediococci tobacilli is restricted (Yvon and Rijnen, 2001).
has also been reported (Ray, 1995). Amino acid breakdown by LAB is initiated by
an -ketoglutarate-dependent transaminase. The result-
Proteolysis ant -keto acids are subjected to further enzymatic or
Lactic acid bacteria possess a complex, well-characterised, chemical reactions to hydroxyacids, aldehydes, alco-
proteolytic system, which enables them to meet their hols and carboxylic acids (Yvon and Rijnen, 2001).
amino acid requirements from the hydrolysis of milk Cell-free extracts (Groot and De Bont, 1998; Klein
proteins (Christensen et al., 1999). The peptides and et al., 2001) and non-proliferating suspensions of lacto-
the amino acids released also contribute to, and act as bacilli (Kieronczyk et al., 2001), leuconostoc and ente-
precursors for, flavour development in cheese. In Ched- rococci (Tavaria et al., 2002) generate important cheese
dar cheese, primary proteolysis is effected by the added flavour compounds from amino acids. Branched-chain
chymosin and endogenous milk enzymes, whilst small and aromatic amino acid aminotransferase activities have
peptides and free amino acids are released from the pri- been detected in non-starter lactobacilli (Gummalla and
mary products by the action of the LAB proteolytic Broadbent, 1999, 2001; Curtin et al., 2001; Hansen
The Microbiology of Cheese Ripening 303

et al., 2001; Williams et al., 2001, 2002b). The degrad- and whereas Ec. faecalis strains were the most lipoly-
ation of sulphur-containing amino acids proceeds via tic, Ec. faecium strains were more esterolytic. Pedio-
an aminotransferase (Dias and Weimer, 1998; Amarita cocci and some Leuconostoc spp. are also actively
et al., 2001) or cystathionine lyase-mediated path- esterolytic (Bhowmik and Marth, 1989; Vafopoulou-
way (Smacchi and Gobbetti, 1998). The addition of Mastrojiannaki et al., 1994; Katz et al., 2002).
-ketoglutaric acid to cheese curd enhances the conver-
sion of amino acids into aroma compounds (Yvon et al.,
1998; Banks et al., 2001). Propionic Acid Bacteria

Lipolysis Propionic acid bacteria are usually found in Swiss-type

Screening studies using natural substrates, trigly- cheeses where they grow during ripening and contribute
cerides and synthetic chromogenic substrates have to the characteristic flavour and appearance of these
confirmed the presence of lipase and esterase activities cheeses. Their primary contribution is their ability to
in non-starter lactobacilli (Khalid and Marth, 1990). metabolise lactic acid present in the cheese curd:
In general, the enzymes are intracellular and activities
are strain-specific. In the majority of strains, activities 3 Lactate : 2 Propionate  Acetate  CO2  H2O
increased as the carbon chain length of the fatty acid
decreased. A 65-kDa intracellular lipase from Lb. plan-
tarum has been purified (Gobbetti et al., 1996). Intracel- The CO2 produced is responsible for formation of
lular esterases have also been purified and characterised large eyes that are a feature of these cheeses and the
from Lb. plantarum (Andersen et al., 1995; Gobbetti acetic and propionic acids contribute to flavour
et al., 1997a), Lb. casei (Castillo et al., 1999) and Lb. development. Propionic acid bacteria in the cheese
fermentum (Gobbetti et al., 1997b). They are all serine- milk survive the relatively high cooking temperature,
dependent enzymes with an estimated molecular mass ⬃54 °C, used in the manufacture of these cheeses
ranging from 70 to 105 kDa (subunit mass 25–40 and their growth is stimulated by increasing the
kDa). The response of esterase activity to the effects of ripening temperature to 18–22 °C (Fig. 3). Propionic
salt, temperature and pH is strain-dependent (Gobbetti acid bacteria will typically attain levels of 108–109
et al., 1999a) but retention of this activity during cfu g 1 cheese after a few weeks, at which time the
ripening is important for flavour formation both from cheese is cooled to limit further growth (Steffen
lipolysis and ester formation. et al., 1993).
The beneficial effect of enterococci in cheesemaking Studies on autolysis of PAB are limited and while
has been attributed to the hydrolysis of milk fat by spontaneous autolysis of P. freudenreichii occurs in syn-
esterases (Tsakalidou et al., 1993). The released fatty thetic media (Lemée et al., 1995), no evidence of its
acids can be further converted into methyl ketones and autolysis was detected during cheese ripening (Valence
thioesters which have been implicated as cheese flavour et al., 1998). Propionic acid bacteria have been impli-
compounds. A survey confirmed that food isolates were cated in late blowing of Grana cheese. Scanning elec-
lipolytic and hydrolysed all triglycerides from tributyrin tron microscopy demonstrated the presence of
to tristearin with decreasing efficiency as the carbon damaged cells of P. freudenreichii, suggesting that
chain length of the fatty acid increased (Sarantinopoulos autolysis did occur in Grana cheese (Cappa et al.,
et al., 2001). Multiple esterase activities were present 1997). Bacteriophage infection of P. freudenreichii

Population size (log cfu g–1 )

Transfer to Hot
8 Room, 22 °C

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Ripening period (days)

Figure 3 Changes in the population of PAB during ripening of Swiss-type cheese (redrawn from Turner et al. (1983)).
304 The Microbiology of Cheese Ripening

occurs in Swiss-type cheese and may contribute to et al., 1995). They have been isolated from a variety
PAB lysis during cheese ripening (Gautier et al., 1995). of cheeses, including Cheddar, Iberian and white-
Interactions between PAB and other bacteria are brined cheeses (Bhowmik and Marth, 1990a; Freitas
important during cheese ripening. Propionic acid bac- and Malcata, 2000; Bintsis and Papademas, 2002).
teria do not grow well in milk-based media; however, However, the ripening temperature and the absence of
proteolysis of casein by rennet and starter bacteria oxygen internally in most cheese varieties inhibit their
stimulates growth (Baer, 1995). Further, Piveteau et al. growth and thus they are present at lower numbers
(2000) demonstrated that growth of PAB in milk or than the other microbial groups.
whey did not occur unless the initial cell density was Micrococci possess a range of hydrolytic enzymes
106 cfu ml 1. Growth inhibition appeared to be due that could contribute to cheese ripening (Bhowmik and
to a heat-stable inhibitor(s) present in the whey. Marth, 1990a). The population in Tenerife cheese dur-
Pre-growth of some LAB, used as starter cultures in ing ripening ranged from 106 to 108 cfu g 1 and it was
Swiss-type cheese manufacture, in milk removed the proposed that their lipolytic activity could have con-
inhibition. Antagonistic interactions between PAB and tributed to flavour development (Zárate et al., 1997).
various LAB were reported by Alekseeva et al. (1983). Micrococci are also believed to contribute positively to
Nine of twenty-two strains of LAB tested were antagon- the maturation of surface-ripened Taleggio cheese
istic for PAB; Lc. lactis subsp. lactis had the greatest (Gobbetti et al., 1997c). However, attempts to improve
inhibitory effect, while Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris, Sc. the flavour of low-fat Cheddar with a Micrococcus sp.
thermophilus and Lb. helveticus were compatible with adjunct were not successful (Bhowmik et al., 1990).
P. freudenreichii and P. shermanii. Inhibition of PAB by The adjunct-containing cheese contained higher levels
Lb. rhamnosus and Lb. casei has also been reported by of acetate and, although the sulphur volatiles were not
Jimeno et al. (1995). Interactions between 14 LAB, affected, an intense off-flavour developed.
including strains of Lb. helveticus, Lb. acidophilus, Lb.
lactis, Sc. thermophilus and Lc. lactis and P. freuden- Staphylococci
reichii or P. acidipropionici in whey were investigated by Staphylococci are facultative anaerobes, but growth is
Piveteau et al. (1995). No inhibition was observed, and more rapid and abundant under aerobic conditions. Most
Lb. helveticus and Sc. thermophilus stimulated the strains grow in the presence of 15% NaCl and between 18
growth of the PAB. and 40 °C. They have been isolated from a number of
cheese varieties and form a significant portion of the sur-
Micrococcus and Staphylococcus face flora of some cheeses (Cuesta et al., 1996; Aran,
1998; Avellini et al., 1999; Albenzio et al., 2001; Corsetti
Micrococci and staphylococci have traditionally been et al., 2001a). Batch, geographical location, year and sea-
placed in the family Micrococcaceae; however, phylogen- son of manufacture affect their numbers in Serra da
etically they are not closely related. Micrococci have a Estrela and Caciocavallo Silano cheeses (Tavaria and
high GC content and are related to the actinomycetes Malcata, 2000; Corsetti et al., 2001b). In Serra da Estrela
whereas staphylococci have a low GC content and are cheese the major staphylococci are Staph. xylosus, Staph.
found in the clostridal branch of the eubacteria. Most aureus and Staph. epidermidis, with Staph. xylosus predom-
micrococci and staphylococci grow in 5% NaCl and inating at the end of ripening (Macedo et al., 1995).
are considered by some authors to contribute to the Lower numbers of Staph. simulans and Staph. hominis
ripening process. Many of the media used for the isol- were present. Similar species have been identified in other
ation of micrococci and staphylococci from cheese are ovine and caprine milk cheeses (Fernandez del Pozo
not very selective and do not distinguish between et al., 1988; Freitas and Malcata, 2000). Staph. aureus is a
them. Confirmation of genus requires further bio- recognised food-borne pathogen and, although present
chemical or molecular analysis. As many of the during the initial ripening stages of Serra da Estrela
reported studies do not include such characterisation, cheese, it showed a tendency to disappear during matura-
care must be taken when drawing conclusions regard- tion (Fernandez del Pozo et al., 1988; Macedo et al.,
ing the type of bacteria isolated (Fig. 4). 1995). The contribution of staphylococci to flavour devel-
opment in cheese has not been clearly defined.

Micrococci are obligate aerobes with optimum growth

temperatures of 25–37 °C. The genus Micrococcus has
been recently divided into Micrococcus, Kocuria, Moulds contribute to ripening of many cheeses, particu-
Nesterenkonia, Kytococcus and Dermacoccus based on a larly surface mould-ripened cheeses like Camembert
phylogenetic and chemotaxonomic study (Stackebrandt and Brie, which depend on growth of P. camemberti
The Microbiology of Cheese Ripening 305

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Population size (log cfu g–1 )

1 B
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Ripening period (days)

Figure 4 Changes in the population of micrococci and/or staphylococci during ripening of: (A) Tenerife ( ), Afuega’l Pitu ( ), La
Serena (), Penamellera (surface) (), Penamellera (interior) () and Fossa Pit (); (B) Kashar (; Aran, 1998)), Cabrales (sur-
face) (), Cabrales (interior) (), Armada ( ), Taleggio (surface) ( ; Gobbetti et al., 1997c) and Taleggio (interior) (; Gobbetti
et al., 1997c) and (C) Swiss type (a) (), Swiss type (b) ( ), Picante de Beira Baixa (; Freitas et al., 1996), Serra da Estrela ()
and Canestrato Pugliese ( ). Where not indicated data were collected from sources as outlined for Fig. 2.

on the cheese surface, and blue-veined cheeses, like fully grown, the surface is covered with a white ‘mat’ of
Roquefort, Gorgonzola, Stilton and Danish Blue which mould hyphae. P. camemberti metabolises lactate to CO2
depend on the growth of P. roqueforti within the cheese and H2O and contributes to proteolysis, resulting in
matrix. production of NH3. This results in deacidification of the
In Camembert and Brie, P. camemberti develops on cheese surface within 3 weeks and the establishment of
the cheese surface 6–7 days post-manufacture. Once a pH gradient from the surface (basic) to the interior
306 The Microbiology of Cheese Ripening

(acidic). The increase in pH and breakdown of Malcata, 2000). Many commercial smear preparations
s1-casein by rennet are responsible for the softening of include Candida utilis, Geotrichum candidum and
the curd which gradually extends towards the centre, Kluyveromyces lactis together with D. hansenii. Other
and is visible in a cross-section of the cheese yeasts frequently found include Candida, Geotrichum,
(see ‘Metabolism of Residual Lactose and of Lactate and Kluyveromyces, Pichia, Rhodotorula, Saccharomyces,
Citrate’, Volume 1; ‘Surface Mould-ripened Cheeses’, Trichosporon, Torulospora, Yarrowia and Zygosaccharo-
Volume 2). myces spp. Changes in the total yeast population over
During the production of most blue-veined cheeses, the maturation period have been monitored for several
a water suspension of P. roqueforti spores is added to cheese varieties (Fig. 5), and there is evidence that
the milk prior to setting, or spores are dusted onto the the yeast population of the traditional Greek cheese,
curd. Following whey drainage and salting, the cheese Anevato, was affected by the season of manufacture
is pierced, which facilitates the diffusion of oxygen (Hatzikamari et al., 1999). Although there is consider-
into the interior of the cheese and growth of P. roque- able information on the population size and species
forti. Gas production by heterofermentative LAB and composition there is very little information on the
yeasts, results in curd-openness, which further aids changes in species and strain profiles throughout
the diffusion of oxygen (Devoyod et al., 1972). The ripening. van den Tempel and Jakobsen (1998)
production of methyl ketones by P. roqueforti is reported that D. hansenii, C. rugosa, Y. lipolytica and
inhibitory to further mould growth, and may be a fac- Zygosaccharomyces spp. were the dominant species in
tor in preventing excessive mould development in Danish Blue cheese ripened for 1 or 14 days, but after
blue-veined cheese (Girolami and Knight, 1955; see 28 days only D. hansenii and C. rugosa were found.
‘Blue Cheese’, Volume 2). D. hansenii was the dominant species throughout the
Moulds are associated with a range of other cheese ripening of Danbo, whereas Trichosporon, Rhodotorula
varieties; however, the moulds involved and their and Candida spp. were detected in the initial stages
impact on ripening are less well understood. A complex (Petersen et al., 2002). Restriction fragment length
fungal flora comprising Penicillium, Mucor, Cladospo- polymorphism of mitochondrial DNA confirmed that
rium, Geotrichum, Epicoccum and Sporotrichum develop several strains of D. hansenii were present from the
on the surface of the French cheeses, St Nectaire and beginning of ripening, and a succession of strains
Tome de Savoie, while Penicillium, and Rhizomucor, occurred during maturation. A sequential appearance
have been reported on the surface of the Italian cheese, of yeasts on the surface of the ripening curd of St
Taleggio and Geotrichum on that of Robiola (Gripon, Nectaire cheese over a 2-month period has been
1993). The surface of the Norwegian cheese, Gam- observed (Marcellino and Benson, 1992). The surface
melost, is sprayed with Rhizomucor (Oterholm, 1984), was initially colonised by Debaromyces and Torulopsis
while P. roqueforti is sometimes introduced to the cheese spp. but within 4 days rapid growth of G. candidum
interior after piercing (Gripon, 1993). and filamentous fungi occurred and rind thickening
continued up to 2 months as the fungal hyphae pene-
trated into the curd. The involvement of yeasts in the
maturation process necessitates that further insights
Yeasts occur naturally in many cheeses, but particu- into their population changes during ripening be
larly in those made from raw milk. The low pH, mois- sought.
ture content, temperature and high salinity, favour the Yeasts are located not only on the cheese surface
growth of yeast, and numbers on the surface can reach but are also found within the curd. Yeast levels in the
105–108 cfu g 1 (Fleet, 1990). Their role in deacidifi- curd of Camembert are 1 log lower compared to the
cation and the formation of metabolites such as surface (Schmidt and Lenoir, 1980). Most studies on
ethanol, acetaldehyde and CO2 is beneficial. However, the microflora of Cheddar cheese neglect to monitor
they can also cause spoilage. Fruity and bitter off- the presence of yeasts although a high proportion of
flavours, gassy and open texture have been attributed Australian and South African cheeses sampled con-
to yeast activity. There is considerable diversity in the tained yeasts (Fleet and Mian, 1987; Lues et al., 1999;
yeast flora although Debaromyces hansenii is the domin- Welthagen and Vijoen, 1999). In these studies, the
ant one on smear- and surface-ripened cheeses such population in the majority of cheeses exceeded
as Limburger, Tilsit, St Nectaire, Roquefort, Camem- 105 cfu g 1 at some stage during maturation, a level at
bert and Cabrales (Fox et al., 2000), Danish Blue (van which the population can impact on flavour develop-
den Tempel and Jakobsen, 1998), white-brined ment. The yeast population declined from 105 cfu g 1
cheeses (Bintsis and Papademas, 2002) and various to 103 cfu g 1 over a 3-month ripening period in one
Spanish and Portuguese AOP cheeses (Freitas and trial in cheeses manufactured in open vats, whilst in a
The Microbiology of Cheese Ripening 307

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Population size (log cfu g–1 )

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Ripening period (days)

Figure 5 Changes in the population of yeast during ripening of: (A) Tenerife ( ), Afuega’l Pitu ( ), La Serena (), Penamellera
(surface) () and Penamellera (interior) (); (B) Kashar (), Cabrales (surface) (), Cabrales (interior) () and Armada ( ) and (C)
Ovine (ewes’) milk cheese (; Vioque et al., 2000), Swiss type ( ), Picante Beira () and Serra da Estrela (). Where not indicated
data were collected from sources as outlined for Figs 2 and 3.

different cheese production (Welthagen and Vijoen, et al., 2001) and are able to develop appropriate
1999) the number increased transiently from 102 to flavour and aroma notes in cheese curd (Martin et al.,
106 cfu g 1 over the first 40 days of ripening before 1999; Wyder and Puhan, 1999b).
declining. The involvement of yeast in the ripening
process of Cheddar cheese is uncertain.
Yeasts possess proteolytic and lipolytic enzymes
Surface Smear Micro-organisms
(van den Tempel and Jakobsen, 2000; Klein et al., Many European cheeses are characterised by a com-
2002), form volatile sulphur compounds (Bonnarme plex surface ‘smear’ flora that consists of yeasts
308 The Microbiology of Cheese Ripening

and Gram-positive cocci, mainly Staphylococcus, and exert during ripening, a systematic assessment of the
irregular rod-shaped coryneform bacteria that are clas- dynamics of the bacterial smear population during
sified within families of the Actinobacteria including, maturation is warranted (see ‘Bacterial Surface-ripened
Arthrobacter, Brevibacterium, Corynebacterium and Cheeses’, Volume 2).
Microbacterium (Bockelmann and Hoppe-Seyler, 2001;
Brennan et al., 2002). The surface smear may develop
from the deliberate inoculation, after salting, with combi-
nations of specific strains or a defined starter culture A major diversity of microbial flora is associated with
(Bockelmann, 2002), but more traditionally the growth of cheese ripening. This flora may result from deliberate
the surface microflora is initiated by ‘old-young’ smearing. addition or through adventitious colonisation. The
The microbiology of the smear is complex and not application of molecular techniques to the study of
fully characterised. Ripening conditions (12–16 °C; cheese microbiology is providing a valuable insight into
RH 90%) and repeated smearing result in rapid smear the behaviour of individual strains and populations dur-
development. It is believed that yeasts develop initially, ing ripening. Further characterisation of metabolic
oxidise the lactate to CO2 and water and release ammo- potential of the cheese flora is required to elucidate the
nia by deamination of amino acids. This results in the methods by which these micro-organisms influence
pH on the surface increasing to a level favourable for cheese quality. The diversity of the flora at species and
bacterial growth. A number of yeast genera have been strain level provides a major biotechnological resource
isolated from the smear population (Eliskases-Lechner that offers the potential for manipulation in the devel-
and Ginzinger, 1995; Wyder and Puhan, 1999a; opment of new and innovative cheese products.
Corsetti et al., 2001a). Studies on the evolution of yeast
indicate that the highest numbers of 108–109 cfu g 1
are reached after about 7 days of ripening (Eliskases-
Lechner and Ginzinger, 1995). The population is not Albenzio, M., Corbo, M.R., Rehman, S.U., Fox, P.F., De
static; however, and a succession of species and strains Angelis, M., Corsetti, A., Sevi, A. and Gobbetti, M.
occurs during ripening (Petersen et al., 2002). Coryne- (2001). Microbiological and biochemical characteristics
form bacteria are dominant in the surface flora for most of Canestrato Pugliese cheese made from raw milk, pas-
teurised milk or by heating the curd in hot whey. Int.
of the ripening period and although there are reports of
J. Food Microbiol. 67, 35–48.
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different genera, there is little information on changes and Vorobjeva, L.I. (1983). Improving criteria of selection
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linens were generally variable and low throughout C. (2001). Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus plantarum
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Raw Milk Cheeses
E. Beuvier and S. Buchin, Station de Recherches en Technologie et Analyses
Laitières, Institut National de La Recherche Agronomique, Poligny, France

microflora, pasteurisation of milk has become wide-
About 700 000 tonnes of raw milk cheeses (R cheeses) spread. The use of raw milk and ‘wild’ starters requires
are produced annually in Europe, particularly in France, constant adaptation of the technological conditions to
Italy and Switzerland, and they represent a significant ensure a good-quality product. In contrast, the use of
proportion of the cheese produced (approximately 10% selected starters, however unspecific, is now in general
of the total cheese production in the European Union use. Combined with the standardisation of milk and
and Switzerland) (Grappin and Beuvier, 1997). Due to the general use of a secondary microflora, this leads
large-scale production and widespread areas of pro- to cheeses with a more constant and uniform quality
duction, R cheeses have a true social and economic (Mocquot, 1986).
importance in several European countries (Cogan and Faced with this change in milk production and
Rea, 1996; Grappin, 1997). However, contrasting situ- cheese manufacture, there is a need for knowledge of
ations exist in Europe concerning R cheese production; the natural biodiversity of microorganisms, their role,
for example, 191 000 tonnes per year (20% of the total and the need and the way of preserving it. This is the
ripened cheese production) was produced in France in reason why, over the last decade, much experimental
1999 (CNIEL, 2002) and close to 5 000 tonnes (1.5% of work has been carried out, mainly in Europe, in order
the total cheese production) in Spain in 2001 (Valentin- to demonstrate the specific characteristics of R cheeses.
Gamazo, personal communication). These cheeses rep- This has led to numerous publications from different
resent many years of tradition, constitute the product of laboratories in which R cheeses have been compared
a specific territory, evolve from a rural civilisation and with pasteurised (P cheese) and/or microfiltered milk
could be considered a type of handcraft. Moreover, in cheeses (MF cheese), in which most of the natural
Europe, some traditional R cheeses have a protected des- microflora is removed. In contrast to pasteurisation,
ignation of origin (PDO) (Bertozzi and Panari, 1994). microfiltration of milk eliminates a great part of the
Cheese manufacture is constantly evolving and indigenous microflora without concomitant heat-
there is a tendency to consolidate numerous small induced changes in enzymes, except for the cream
units into larger ones for most varieties of cheese. This which is heat-treated (by pasteurisation or higher heat
implies changes in milk production, with consequences treatment); microfiltration is applied to skim milk.
for the quality of the milk. In particular, milk collec- Moreover, if heat treatment leads to a selection of the
tion has changed; milk is collected over a wider area, microorganisms according to heat sensitivity, microfil-
resulting in co-mingled milks, and increased transport tration reduces the level of microorganisms more or less
and storage time before processing. This induces the according to their morphology and volume (Grappin
development of microbial populations which are dif- and Beuvier, 1997; Saboya and Maubois, 2000).
ferent from those present in milk at the farm (Mocquot, Otherwise, heat treatment also acts on natural milk
1986). One of the consequences of this is the need for enzymes; this effect is more marked in P cheese than in
milk that is more and more microbiologically ‘clean’ MF cheese in which only cream (including sometimes
due to the improvement in hygiene on the farm, retentate) is heat-treated. In this chapter, the knowledge
which, in turn, is enforced particularly by European of the contribution of raw milk to the development of
microbial standards (Directive 92/46/EEC) (Odet, 1999). the biochemical and sensory characteristics of R cheeses
For example, at present, it is common to find in is summarised. Other studies (not direct comparisons)
France, and in particular in the provinces of Franche- dealing with R and P cheeses are also considered when
Comté and Rhône-Alpes, raw milk with a total count on necessary. Moreover, recent work is used to give some
the farm of less than 5 000 cfu ml 1 (Bouton; Michel, examples of the diversity of the microflora of R cheeses.
personal communication). Another consequence is the This chapter focuses particularly on biochemical and
modification of the cheese manufacturing practices. In sensory aspects, with data on the microbiology of
order to destroy pathogens and standardise the milk cheeses. Only a little information on pathogenic aspects
Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, Third edition – Volume 1: General Aspects Copyright © 2004 Elsevier Ltd
ISBN: 0-1226-3652-X All rights reserved
Set ISBN: 0-1226-3651-1
320 Raw Milk Cheeses

of R cheeses is given because pathogens are covered in 14 °C 18 °C

‘Growth and Survival of Microbial Pathogens in Cheese’,
Volume 1. 9
Microbiological Aspects

log cfu g–1

Levels of microorganisms 5 Raw
Generally, there is an opposite trend in numbers 4
between starter lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and non- 3
starter lactic acid bacteria (NSLAB) during cheese matur- 2
ation. Starter counts are high, usually 108–109 cfu g 1, 1
at the beginning of ripening, and decrease regularly 0
by two or more log cycles during ageing, whereas 1 15 29 43 57 71
adventitious microorganisms, which are initially at a Days of ripening
level often 103–104 cfu g 1, grow during ripening, Figure 1 Evolution of mesophilic lactobacilli during the ripen-
generally reaching higher counts than the initial num- ing of Swiss-type cheese made from raw, pasteurised or micro-
bers of starter in mature cheese. McSweeney et al. filtered milk (from Beuvier et al., 1997).
(1993) and Beuvier et al. (1997), working on Cheddar
and Swiss-type cheeses, respectively, found that the
decline in mesophilic or thermophilic starter bacteria good growth of residual propionibacteria during ripen-
was slower in R cheeses than in P or MF cheeses, with a ing (Beuvier et al., 1997). Enterococcal counts were
difference between R and P and MF cheeses at the end found to be 3.5 logs higher in R semi-hard (Morbier-
of ripening of one or two log cycles for the streptococci type) cheese than in P cheese (Buchin et al., 1998) and
or lactobacilli (Beuvier et al., 1997). Adventitious bac- on average 1.5 logs higher in 25 R Castellano cheeses
teria in R, P or MF cheeses generally had similar growth (a hard Spanish cheese made from ewes’ milk) than in
curves but in R cheeses, they reached a plateau more 25 P Castellano cheeses, collected at the market
rapidly, because of their high number at the beginning (Román-Blanco et al., 1999). Coliforms, Enterobacteri-
of ripening. Non-starter lactic acid bacteria (NSLAB), aceae and Gram- bacteria were generally found at
such as mesophilic lactobacilli, grow regularly during higher levels during ripening of R than in P or MF
ripening, reaching 107–108 cfu g 1 in R cheeses and cheeses; the differences depended on the cheese variety
one or two log cycles lower in MF or P cheeses at the (McSweeney et al., 1993; Buchin et al., 1998; Xan-
end of ripening (Fig. 1) (McSweeney et al., 1993; Beu- thopoulos et al., 2000; Albenzio et al., 2001). There
vier et al., 1997; Buchin et al., 1998; Eliskases-Lechner was no difference in coliform populations between R
et al., 1999; Xanthopoulos et al., 2000; Rehman et al., and P Swiss-type cheeses, as coliforms do not survive
2000c; Albenzio et al., 2001; Buffa et al., 2001b). the manufacturing process (Beuvier et al., 1997;
Other groups of microorganisms, such as entero- Eliskases-Lechner et al., 1999).
cocci and propionibacteria, which occur naturally in
raw milk, are found at higher numbers in R Raclette Diversity of microorganisms
cheese (Klantschitsch et al., 2000) and Swiss-type Generally, in studies comparing R and P cheeses, R
cheese (Beuvier et al., 1997) than in P and MF cheeses. cheeses are characterised by a natural highly variable,
At the end of ripening, enterococci counts ranged ‘rich’ microflora; this microbial diversity is not found in
between 106 and 107 cfu g 1 in R Raclette and 106 cfu g 1 P cheeses (Grappin and Beuvier, 1997). Indeed,
in R Swiss-type cheeses. In corresponding cheeses McSweeney et al. (1993) showed that strains of
made from P or MF milk, enterococcal counts were Lactobacillus spp., which dominated the non-starter
four or five logs lower than in Raclette, and one to microflora in Cheddar cheese, were much more hetero-
three logs lower, in Swiss-type cheeses. Likewise, pro- geneous in the R than in the P cheese. Compared to raw
pionibacteria reached 107–108 cfu g 1 in R Raclette milk, combined pasteurisation and microfiltration of
cheese, at ripening temperatures of 17 and 20 °C, and milk resulted in a significant alteration of the Lacto-
10 8 cfu g 1 in R Swiss-type cheese, whilst propioni- bacillus species and strain profile in the cheese (elimin-
bacteria counts did not exceed 102 cfu g 1 in P and MF ation of most of the Lb. paracasei strains and all the Lb.
Raclette cheeses (Klantschitsch et al., 2000), and 104 plantarum strains (Dasen et al., 2003). In Canestrato
cfu g 1 in P Swiss-type cheese. On average, 107 cfu g 1 Pugliese cheese (a hard Italian cheese), Polymerase
was found in MF Swiss-type cheese, probably due to chain reaction-Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA
Raw Milk Cheeses 321

(RAPD) revealed a greater diversity analysis in Lb. plan- species of Leuconostoc (Ln. mesenteroides, with the two
tarum strains in R cheese than in P cheese (Albenzio subspecies mesenteroides and dextranicum, Ln. para-
et al., 2001). De Angelis et al. (2001) found that, in gen- mesenteroides and Ln. lactis) and six species of Lactobacil-
eral, commercial Italian cheeses produced from raw lus (Lb. plantarum, Lb. coryneformis, Lb. paracasei, Lb.
ewes’ milk contained a larger number of more diverse brevis, Lb. bifermentans and Lb. viridescens) (Hatzika-
strains of NSLAB, especially mesophilic lactobacilli, mari et al., 1999). Likewise, among cocci isolated from
than commercial Italian cheeses produced from pas- Piemontese Toma cheese, an Italian semi-cooked
teurised milk. The LAB populations found in farm- cheese, two species of Lactococcus, six species of Strepto-
house-produced Pecorino Sardo (an Italian semi-cooked coccus and three species of Enterococcus were identi-
ewes’ milk cheese), made with raw milk and without fied throughout manufacture and ripening (Fortina
the addition of a starter culture, were different from et al., 2003).
those found in the industrially manufactured cheese Raw milk cheeses also have a large diversity in terms
made from thermised or pasteurised milk inoculated of strains within the same species (Berthier et al., 2001;
with autochthonous thermophilic whey starters. More- Andrighetto et al., 2002; Bouton et al., 2002). For
over, the intra-species and intra-genus genetic diver- example, in two individual Comté cheeses, made in two
sity in the LAB population is higher in the former factories called ‘fruitières’, known to produce cheeses
(58–80%) than in the latter (20–28%) (Mannu et al., with different sensory properties, 13 and 15 different
2002). These authors concluded that the use of raw strains of Lb. paracasei and Lb. rhamnosus species were
milk in the farmhouse cheese leads to the preservation detected throughout cheesemaking and ripening
of its wild microbiota and, consequently, the microbial (Berthier et al., 2001). Those strains isolated during
diversity of natural LAB in cheese. ripening originated, for the most part, from the raw
New molecular techniques, such as denaturing gel milk. A recent study of Marcellino et al. (2001) reported
gradient electrophoresis (DGGE) and temporal tem- great genetic diversity in the PCR–RAPD patterns of
perature gel electrophoresis (TTGE), based on the Geotrichum candidum strains isolated from traditional R
analysis of nucleic acids, without cultivation of cheeses, from seven regions of France; 48 different
microorganisms, were carried out to study the com- strains among the 64 isolates tested were found. All this
plexity of the microbial communities in cheese. Cop- microbial diversity contributes to the diversity in the
pola et al. (2001) observed that artisanal Mozzarella flavour of R cheeses.
cheeses made from raw milk were distinguished from
industrial ones, made with pasteurised milk, by the
Hygienic aspects
appearance of a greater number of bands in the DNA
profiles, reflecting a higher species diversity, in the for- Table 1 indicates the microbiological standards set by
mer than in the latter cheese. Similar results were EEC directive 92/46 for the four pathogens, Listeria
obtained by Ogier et al. (2002) in Camembert cheese. monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp.,
R Camembert cheese showed the most complex pro- and pathogenic E. coli, that constitute a major threat
files; eight bands were detected in it, compared to five to the safety of cheese.
for P Camembert cheese. The results obtained with Overall, dairy products and cheese, in particular,
this approach showed that it could be possible to dis- have a remarkably good safety record (Alterkruse et al.,
criminate traditional products from industrial ones 1998; Neaves, 2000). According to the data available,
using culture-independent methods. milk and milk products were implicated in 5% of the
In order to prevent the loss of microbial biodiver- total 3839 bacterial outbreaks reported in France from
sity in traditional R cheeses, several studies have been 1988 to 1997 and in 1–5% of the total bacterial out-
carried out in the past few years to increase informa- breaks in six other countries: USA, Finland, The
tion on the natural microflora of R cheeses. Raw milk Netherlands, England and Wales, Germany and Poland
cheeses have a very diverse microflora at the genus (De Buyser et al., 2001). In all those countries, R
level and in species within the same genus (Estepar cheeses were as frequently involved as P cheeses (30%
et al., 1999; Hatzikamari et al., 1999; Mannu et al., each) in outbreaks reported between 1983 and 1997
2000; Callon et al., 2001; Prodromou et al., 2001; Garcia (surveillance period varied according to the country).
et al., 2002; Fortina et al., 2003). For example, in Ave- For the other 40%, milk treatment was unspecified (De
nato cheese, a traditional spreadable Greek cheese Buyser et al., 2001). Analysis of unpublished data on
made from raw goats’ or ewes’ milk, 12 different food-borne disease outbreaks, listeriosis excluded, col-
species of LAB were isolated and identified throughout lected by the coordinator of the French surveillance
manufacture and storage: three species of Lactococ- system from 1992 to 1997, revealed 69 documented
cus (Lc. lactis, Lc. garviae and Lc. raffinolactis), three outbreaks involving milk and milk products as the
322 Raw Milk Cheeses

Table 1 Microbiological criteria for European raw and heat- (8.0%) than in cheeses made from raw milk (4.8%). In
treated milk cheeses (Directive 92/46 EEC) another study (Loncarevic et al., 1995), however,
L. monocytogenes was found less frequently in soft and
Microorganism ma Mb nc cd
semi-soft cheeses made from heat-treated milk than in R
Listeria No L. monocyto- 5 0 cheeses. In the case of cheeses made from pasteurised
monocytogenes genes in 25 g milk, post-contamination is involved, as demonstrated,
Salmonella No Salmonella 5 0 for example, by Canillac and Mourey (1993). They
in 25 g
Staphylococcus 103 cfu g 1 104 cfu g 1 5 2
found that contamination by L. monocytogenes was prin-
aureus cipally due to the washing with brushing machines.
Escherichia coli 104 cfu g 1 105 cfu g 1 5 2 Although S. aureus can be found in R cheeses, and,
in particular, in semi-hard cheeses, only a small per-
a m: threshold value for the number of bacteria; the result is centage (7%) of S. aureus strains isolated from different
considered satisfactory if the number of bacteria in all sample
varieties of French R cheeses were able to produce
units does not exceed ‘m ’.
b M: maximum value for the number of bacteria, the result is enterotoxin(s) at a detectable level in vitro (Meyrand
considered unsatisfactory if one or more sample units con- and Vernozy-Rozand, 1999; Lamprell et al., 2003). If
tains ‘M ’ or more. one considers that the conditions in vitro optimise
c n: number of sample units comprising the sample. enterotoxin synthesis, one can reasonably conclude
d c: number of sample units where the bacterial count may be
that the risk of enterotoxin production in cheese is low.
between ‘m ’ and ‘M ’; the sample is still considered acceptable
if the bacterial count of the other sample units is ‘m ’ or less. Studies on cheeses made from artificially inoculated
milk have been carried out to show the behaviour
(growth, survival or inhibition) of pathogens in these
vehicle confirmed by the isolation of the etiological products. Bachmann and Spahr (1995) studied the
agent. Thirty R cheeses and thirty unspecified milk behaviour of E. coli, S. typhimurium, S. aureus and
cheeses were involved. In these cheeses, the etiologic L. monocytogenes, during the manufacture of an
agents were S. aureus (88%), Salmonella (8%) and Emmental-type, hard cooked cheese, made from raw
E. coli (3%) (De Buyser et al., 2001). milk. They inoculated milk with pathogens at levels
Finally, according to the results mentioned above between 104 and 106 cfu ml 1. One week after manu-
and the recent review by Donnelly (2001), it has never facture, the pathogens were not detectable in the cheese.
been clearly demonstrated that R cheeses are less safe Panari et al. (2001) did a similar study on Parmigiano-
than those made from pasteurised milk. Reggiano, an Italian hard cooked cheese made from raw
As noted by Grappin and Beuvier (1997), the milk. None of the inoculated pathogens were detected
growth of milk pathogens in R cheese is highly 24 h after manufacture. The rapid disappearance of
dependent on the variety of cheese and on the technol- pathogens depends on the specific technology of these
ogy involved. It is well documented that pathogens will varieties of cheese: a high cooking temperature (53–55 °C)
grow more easily in cheese with high moisture, high for a long time period (45–60 min) associated with the
pH and low salt content, than in cooked, long-ripened fast growth of thermophilic LAB which lowers the
cheeses. pH to 5.2–5.0 within a few hours and prevents
The occurrence of pathogenic bacteria has been the development of the other bacteria. Yousef and
reported in certain soft cheeses (high moisture and high Marth (1990) also demonstrated that Parmesan cheese
pH) made from raw milk (Ryser and Marth, 1987; was not a favourable medium for the survival of
Centeno et al., 1994b; Eppert et al., 1995; Freitas and L. monocytogenes. These results show that hard cooked
Malcata, 2000; De Buyser et al., 2001; Menendez et al., cheeses are hygienically safe. This is not necessarily valid
2001). Generally, surface-ripened cheeses represent a for the surface of these cheeses, which is considered to
greater risk for the transmission of pathogens than other be part of the packing (Bachmann and Spahr, 1995).
cheeses (Johnson et al., 1990a). Indeed, Maher and Neaves (2000) indicated that E. coli and Salmon-
Murphy (2000) demonstrated that the rind of two Irish ella die slowly during the maturation of hard
smear-ripened, farmhouse cheeses produced from raw cheeses and, for these products, the use of a min-
milk may provide favourable conditions for the growth imum maturation time forms a requirement of hazard
of many undesirable pathogenic microorganisms such as analysis critical control point (HACCP) plans. It also
E. coli and S. aureus. However, the occurrence of forms the basis of US legislation that requires that all
pathogens such as L. monocytogenes is not solely a prob- imported cheeses made from unpasteurised milk be
lem for R cheeses. Rudolf and Scherer (2001) have matured for at least 60 days, so that Salmonella and
reported higher incidences of L. monocytogenes in red E. coli will be presumed to have died before the
smear-ripened cheeses made from pasteurised milk cheese is consumed.
Raw Milk Cheeses 323

Bachmann and Spahr (1995) demonstrated that Proteolysis

Swiss semi-hard R cheese (Tilsiter-type) inoculated
According to Grappin et al. (1985) and Rank et al.
with 104 and 106 cfu ml 1 of E. coli, S. typhimurium,
(1985), proteolysis can be considered as two phenom-
S. aureus and L. monocytogenes, was except for L.
ena. Primary proteolysis represents the extent of break-
monocytogenes, free of these pathogens at the end of
down of the native casein and is estimated by
ripening (90 days). These authors concluded that
electrophoresis. Secondary proteolysis is the further
potentially pathogenic bacteria, except L. monocyto-
degradation that leads to the formation of peptides and
genes, do not survive the manufacture of this cheese
FAAs; the global amount of these compounds is meas-
produced with good manufacturing practices, because
ured by nitrogen fractionation and their proportions by
of the synergistic effect of active antimicrobial enzyme
high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).
systems in the fresh milk, the antagonistic starter cul-
ture flora, fast acidification and antimicrobial activities Primary proteolysis
of LAB, combined with the specific brining and ripen- In most cheese varieties, primary hydrolysis of caseins
ing conditions. is caused by the residual coagulant, plasmin, and per-
haps by cathepsin D (acid protease) and other somatic
cell proteinases. Although LAB are weakly proteolytic,
Biochemical Aspects
they possess proteinases that also degrade casein.
Cheese is a biochemically dynamic product and under- Traditional secondary starters, e.g., Penicillium roque-
goes significant changes during ripening (McSweeney forti, P. camemberti and Brevibacterium linens, have
and Sousa, 2000). Proteins, carbohydrates and fat are extracellular proteinases which act on s1- and
metabolised by both microbial activities (starter and -caseins (Grappin and Beuvier, 1997; McSweeney
non-starter microorganisms), and by the action of and Sousa, 2000). Likewise, yeasts might also exhibit
indigenous milk enzymes and residual coagulant. Pro- some endopeptidase activity on both s- and -caseins
teolysis (degradation of the casein matrix to a range of (Xanthopoulos et al., 2000).
peptides and free amino acids (FAAs)) has a direct and Table 2 summarises the data from different studies
indirect role in the formation of texture and flavour of on the degradation of s1- and -caseins in R, P and MF
cheeses. Other biochemical reactions such as lipolysis cheeses.
(liberation of free fatty acids (FFAs)), metabolism of The more pronounced degradation of s1-casein in R
residual lactose, lactate and citrate, and the formation Swiss-type, including Bergkäse, Raclette and Anevato
of volatile compounds are also extremely important in cheeses, may be attributed to enzymes of the raw milk
the development of flavour compounds (Grappin and microflora, which is almost totally eliminated by pas-
Beuvier, 1997; McSweeney and Sousa, 2000). teurisation. Mesophilic lactobacilli, which are part of the

Table 2 Primary proteolysis: levels of native casein in raw (R), pasteurised (P) and microfiltered (MF) milk

Cheese s1-Casein -Casein Reference

Swiss-type R  MF  P R  P  MF Beuvier et al. (1997)

Swiss-type (Bergkäse) RP RP Ginzinger et al. (1999b)
Canestrato Pugliese RP RP Albenzio et al. (2001)
Cheddar RP RP Lau et al. (1991)
Cheddar R  P  MF R  P  MF McSweeney et al. (1993)
Cheddar RP RP Rehman et al. (2000c)
Raclette RP RP Gallmann and Puhan (1982)
St Paulin RP RP Beuvier (1990)
Morbier-type RP RP Buchin et al. (1998)
Manchego RP RP Gaya et al. (1990)
Manchego RP RP Gomez et al. (1999)
Idiazabal R  P ( s-casein) 90 da R  P 180 d Mendia et al. (2000)
Arzua (soft cheese) RP RP Centeno et al. (1994)
Avenato RP RP Xanthopoulos et al. (2000)
Travnicki (Feta type) RP RP Saric et al. (2002)

a 90d: 90 days of ripening.

324 Raw Milk Cheeses

indigenous milk microflora in Swiss-type, and other In most of the studies where the RP–HPLC peptide
cheeses (Demarigny et al., 1996; Eliskases-Lechner et al., profiles were analysed, P and MF cheeses were close,
1999), and yeasts in Avenato cheese, are able to hydro- but differed significantly from R cheeses. In R cheeses,
lyse s1-casein significantly (Khalid and Marth, 1990; some peaks present in the hydrophobic zone were
Xanthopoulos et al., 2000). The possible inactivation of smaller in Cheddar (Lau et al., 1991; McSweeney et al.,
cathepsin D by pasteurisation may also be involved, 1993) and in Swiss-type cheeses (Ginzinger et al.,
explaining the similar degradation of s1-casein in R and 1999b) than in P and MF cheeses; larger peaks corres-
MF Swiss-type cheeses, which was higher than in the ponding to hydrophilic peptides (Lau et al., 1991;
corresponding P cheese (Beuvier et al., 1997). On the McSweeney et al., 1993) or to peptides containing
other hand, the lower level of s1-casein found in P phenylalanine or tryptophan residues (Ginzinger et al.,
Manchego, St Paulin, Arzua and Travnicki cheeses can 1999b) have been observed in cheeses made from P or
be explained by greater retention of rennet in the curd MF milk. In contrast, some peaks containing hydropho-
(Grappin and Beuvier, 1997). bic peptides were larger in P than in R Canestrato
The higher level of -casein observed in R Swiss- Pugliese cheese (Albenzio et al., 2001). In the study by
type cheese, including Bergkäse, and in Manchego, Idi- Beuvier et al. (1997) on Swiss-type cheeses, some peaks
azabal and Canestrato Pugliese cheeses, than in P present in the medium hydrophobicity zone were
cheeses, is explained by a lower plasmin activity in the smaller in the R cheeses.
former cheeses, since pasteurisation of milk increases The composition of the FAAs also varied signifi-
plasmin activity due to inactivation of plasmin cantly with the milk treatment in all varieties of cheese
inhibitors and/or increases in the activity of plasmino- and differed from one study to another. Nevertheless,
gen activators (Fox and Stepaniak, 1993). This activa- some amino acids appeared to be characteristic of the
tion is confirmed by the higher levels of -caseins found treatment, maybe because of some typical metabolic
in P cheeses (Beuvier et al., 1997; Ginzinger et al., pathways due to the activity of specific enzymes.
1999b). On the other hand, the lower levels of -casein Hard Spanish cheeses, such as Idiazabal or Mahon,
in R Raclette, St Paulin, Arzua and Avenato cheeses may asparagine and glutamine, as well as taurine were
be explained by the higher proteolytic activity of the characteristic of P cheeses (Frau et al., 1997; Ordonez
indigenous microflora. Gallmann and Puhan (1982), et al., 1999; Mendia et al., 2000). According to Frau
Centeno et al. (1994a, 1996, 1999) and Sarantinopoulos et al. (1997), asparaginase and glutaminase would be
et al. (2002) clearly demonstrated that raw milk denaturated by pasteurisation. Aspartic acid was
microorganisms, such as Pseudomonas fluorescens, higher in R than in P cheeses (Frau et al., 1997;
micrococci and enterococci, can hydrolyse -casein. Ordonez et al., 1999; Albenzio et al., 2001). Serine
Lau et al. (1991) suggested that interactions between and tyrosine were also found preferentially in P milk
denatured whey proteins and caseins, which reduced cheeses of these varieties, as well as in P or MF
the accessibility of the caseins to proteases, affected the Swiss-type cheeses (Skie and Ardö, 2000), whereas
degradation of -casein in P Cheddar cheese. -aminobutyric acid seems to be characteristic of R
These results suggest that the breakdown of s1- cheeses (Ordonez et al., 1999; Mendia et al., 2000;
and -caseins is highly dependent on the cheese var- Skie and Ardö, 2000). According to the latter authors,
iety and reflects different manufacturing parameters serine would be degraded to pyruvate by lactobacilli
(cooking temperature, pH at drainage) and different and decarboxylation of glutamine, tyrosine and histi-
physico-chemical characteristics (pH, salt-in-moisture, dine would result in -aminobutyric acid, tyramine
moisture), and their effect on the activity of enzymes. and histamine, respectively.
The influence of the indigenous microflora on the
Secondary proteolysis decarboxylation of amino acids was confirmed in some
Nitrogen (N) fractionation is commonly used to quan- studies by the measurement of biogenic amines in
tify the extent of proteolysis in cheese. Table 3 sum- ripened cheeses. In general, R cheeses contained more
marises the results of different investigations on biogenic amines than P cheeses, e.g., in semi-soft
nitrogen fractions from different cheese varieties. (Schneller et al., 1997) Manchego (Inigo et al., 1986)
Generally, the proportion of total N soluble in 12% and Swiss-type cheeses (Ginzinger et al., 1999b). Inigo
TCA or in PTA, and the amount of free amino acids et al. (1986) related this to the staphylococci and micro-
(FAAs) is higher in R cheeses than in P cheeses, reflect- cocci, whereas Schneller et al. (1997) concluded that
ing more extensive proteolysis due to aminopeptidases enterococci, and Enterobacteriaceae are able to produce
of indigenous milk microorganisms. However, some- biogenic amines in cheese.
times a discrepancy occurs and the R cheese shows less Overall, the differences between R and P or MF
secondary proteolysis, for reason(s) which are not clear. cheeses concern mainly secondary proteolysis.
Raw Milk Cheeses 325

Table 3 Secondary proteolysis: levels of N fractions of raw (R), pasteurised (P) and microfiltered (MF) milk cheeses (soluble N as
a % total N)

high molecular weight low

Cheese Water b pH 4.6 c 12% TCAd PTAe FAAfs Reference

Swiss-type R  MF R  MF Bouton and Grappin

Swiss-type R  MF R  MF Demarigny et al. (1997)
Swiss-type R  P  MF R  P  MF Beuvier et al. (1997)
Bergkäse RP RP RP RP Ginzinger et al. (1999b)
Canestrato R  P R  P R  P Albenzio et al. (2001)
Cheddar R  MF  P R  MF  P Mc Sweeney et al.
Cheddar RP RP Lau et al. (1991)
Cheddar RP RP R  P 240 da Rosenberg et al.
R  P 470 d (1995)
Cheddar R P Rehman et al. (2000c)
Raclette R  P  MF R  P  MF Klantschitsch et al.
60 d (2000)
R  P  MF
90 d
Morbier-type RP RP Buchin et al. (1998)
Manchego RP RP RP Gaya et al. (1990)
Idiazabal (ovine) RP R  P or R  P or Ordonez et al. (1999)
depending depending
on starter on starter
Idiazabal (ovine) RP R  P 180 d RP Mendia et al. (2000)
90–180 d 90–180 d

a 240 d: 240 days of ripening.

b Water: water-soluble nitrogen.
c pH 4.6, pH 4.6 soluble nitrogen.
d 12% TCA: 12% trichloroacetic acid-soluble nitrogen.
e PTA: nitrogen soluble in 5% phosphotungstic acid.
f FAAs: free amino acids.

In semi-hard and hard, uncooked cheeses, the total
The level of lipolysis and its impact on cheese quality amount of FFAs appears to be lower in P than in R
depend on the cheese variety. It is limited in Swiss-type cheeses (Table 4); more than 50% lower in Cheddar
and semi-hard cheeses, where a level higher than (McSweeney et al., 1993; Shakeel-Ur-Rehman et al.,
0.25–1.5% (Cheddar, depending on the commercial 2000b,c) and 38% lower in Manchego (Gaya et al.,
quality), 1.5% (Gouda), 1% (Emmental) or 2% (Comté), 1990). This was attributed to the inactivation of LPL by
is considered to induce flavour defects such as rancid pasteurisation. This inactivation varies according to the
(Choisy et al., 1997). In contrast, lipolysis is much severity of the heat treatment since heating for 15 s at 70
more extensive in some hard Italian, mould-ripened or 75 °C results in a residual activity of 2% and 0%,
(5–20%), blue-veined (18–25%) and goat-milk cheeses, respectively (Andrews et al., 1987). In the study of
where lipolysis is essential for typical flavour formation. McSweeney et al. (1993), lipolysis in MF Cheddar
Lipolysis in cheese is due to the activity of indigenous cheeses was comparable to that in P cheeses; so it is
milk lipoprotein lipase (LPL), to lipases or esterases of likely that lipases of the native microflora (NSLAB in this
starter bacteria or the native microflora, or to added case) could also play a role. According to Choisy et al.
pregastric esterases (Deeth and Fitz-Gerald, 1983; (1997), LPL would have a lesser impact on the lipolysis
Gripon, 1993). of R cheeses than microbial or technological enzymes.
Table 4 summarises the differences between FFAs Some fatty acids do not originate from lipolysis,
obtained in R, P or MF cheeses. e.g., only fatty acids with six or more carbon atoms
326 Table 4 Total amounts and composition of free fatty acids in raw (R), pasteurised (P) and microfiltered (MF) milk cheeses

Total free fatty acids

Cheese Age Method (units) R P MF Individual free fatty acids Reference

Cheddar 120 days Global: CSM1 (g 13 7 C49C59C69C79C8: R  P, Shakeel-Ur-

palmitate/g C99C109C10:19C119C129C149C14:19C169C16:1: R  P Rehman
cheese) et al. (2000c)
Cheddar 180 days Global: CSM (g 216 142 Shakeel-Ur-
8 °C palmitate/g Rehman
cheese) et al. (2000b)
180 days 1 °C 135 103
Cheddar 180 days C49C59C69C79C89C99C109C10:19C119C129C149 Shakeel-Ur-
C14:19C159C16: R  P Rehman
C16:1: R  P et al. (2000a)
Cheddar 27 weeks Global: CSM (meq 4.7 2.2 2.1 C69C89C109C129C149C169C18: R  P/MF McSweeney
palmitate/kg et al. (1993)
Morbier-type 5 weeks C5: R  P Buchin et al.
semi-hard C49C69C79C89C9: R  P (1998)
Manchego 24 h Global: titration 12.86 5.86 Gaya et al.
(meq/100 g fat) (1990)
4 months 8 °C 11.09 6.95
4 months 16 °C 16.21 9.87
Idiazabal 180 days C29C18:3: GC 15.5/8.3 10.8/6.5 C49C69C89C109C16:19C189C18:1: R  P, Chavarri
winter/ (mmol/kg C129C149C169C18:29C18:3: R  P et al. (2000)
spring cheese)
180 days 11.4 13.8
Canestrato 63 days C4:09C18:3: HPLC 1673 1397 C69C109C18:2: R  P, Albenzio
Pugliese (mg/kg cheese) C49C89C129C149C169C189C18:1—C18:3: R  P et al. (2001)
Goat pressed 60 days C4:09C18:2: GC 8 6 C49C69C109C129C149C169C189C18:1—C18:2: R  P, Buffa et al.
cheese (mg/g fat) C8: R  P (2001a)
Serra Ovine Fresh C4:09C18:3: HPLC 3538 3002 Sousa and
soft cheese (mg/kgcheese) Malcata (1997)
68 days 6517 8115 C49C69C89C10: P  R
C129C149C169C189C18:1- C18:29C18:3: R  P
Goat soft Fresh (2 weeks C4:0—C20:4: GC 1.5 1.4 Morgan
cheese 4 °C) (g/100 g fat) et al. (2001)
10 days 12 °C 9.2 7.2
 4 weeks 4 °C
10 days 12 °C 12.9 10.3
 8 weeks 4 °C

1 CSM: copper soap method.

Raw Milk Cheeses 327

come exclusively from lipolysis. The proportion of The role of starter LAB in the observed differences is also
short-chain fatty acids in total FFAs varies according questionable; modification of their activity due to inter-
to the extent of lipolysis of the cheeses; it can reach action with the natural microflora cannot be excluded.
50–80% (mol/mol) in hard-cooked cheeses. Thus, the Such differences could be expected in soft cheeses, but
validity of global measurement to estimate lipolysis in the studies on this type of cheese show contradictory
such cheeses is questionable, and it can be concluded results. In goats’ milk mould-ripened cheeses, Morgan
that the examination of individual FFAs is more et al. (2001) found higher lipolysis, determined by a
informative. global method, in R cheeses than in P cheeses. The
The higher level of lipolysis in R compared with P extent of lipolysis in mature cheeses was related to that
cheeses affects different fatty acids: all FFAs from C6 of the milk. Pasteurisation was supposed to inactivate
to C16 in Cheddar cheeses (Shakeel-Ur-Rehman et al., LPL. But, in this study, pasteurisation also induced
2000a), all the major fatty acids in a goats’ milk hard lower moisture cheeses, which could reduce the activity
cheese (Buffa et al., 2001a), only short-chain (C4–C8) of the lipolytic surface microflora. In contrast, Sousa
fatty acids in Cheddar (Shakeel-Ur-Rehman et al., and Malcata (1997) found higher lipolysis in P cheeses
2000c) and only C6, C8 and C18:1 in Canestrato made from ovine milk (Serra) than in R cheeses, despite
Pugliese cheese (Albenzio et al., 2001). All the major higher levels in the fresh cheese. However comparison
fatty acids in Cheddar were affected to the same extent between the two types of cheese was made difficult by
by pasteurisation or MF (McSweeney et al., 1993). In a higher fat retention in P than in R cheeses, and the
the study by Chavarri et al. (2000), the amounts of amounts of FFAs were expressed per weight of cheese.
short-chain FFAs (C4 to C10) and of C16:1, C18:0, Thus, in both studies, interpretation of the results is
C18:1 in Idiazabal were affected by pasteurisation. difficult because of the difficulties in controlling the
But, the effect of pasteurisation varied according to the cheese composition.
season; amounts of FFA were higher in R cheeses In Swiss-type cheeses, the level of C6 could be a
made in winter and spring, but lower in those made in good indicator of the extent of lipolysis, as suggested by
summer. In the study by Buchin et al. (1998) on R and Kuszdal-Savoie (Choisy et al., 1997). In the studies of
P Morbier-type, semi-hard cheeses, no differences were Bouton and Grappin (1995), Beuvier et al. (1997) and
observed in the levels of C6 to C9 fatty acids. Demarigny et al. (1997), the variations in C4 followed
The attribution of the observed differences in lipoly- those of C6, which indicates that, in these cases, C4 was
sis, either to LPL or to microbial lipases, is difficult. mainly from lipolysis, and not from the growth of
Inactivation of LPL was suggested by Gaya et al. clostridia on lactate. Bouton and Grappin (1995) and
(1990). Chavarri et al. (1998) found that depending on Beuvier et al. (1997) found no differences in these two
the period of the trial, LPL was inactivated by 73–95%, acids in cheeses (R, P, MF or P with the addition of the
by pasteurisation of milk for the manufacture of Idiaza- natural microflora), whereas Demarigny et al. (1997)
bal. Short-chain fatty acids were released preferentially found that R cheeses tended to be more lipolysed than
during ripening, showing microbial participation in MF cheeses, depending on the season of the year and
lipolysis, but the balance between the different FFAs the age of the cheese. In the latter cheeses, lipolysis may
was not affected by pasteurisation, indicating that have been of microbial origin. On the one hand, the
microbial lipolysis was not significantly affected by heating of the milk in the vat, performed in this type of
pasteurisation (Chavarri et al., 2000). technology, would inactivate the LPL (Chamba and
Albenzio et al. (2001) attributed the slight differ- Perreard, 2002), which would explain why no differ-
ences in lipolysis between R and P cheeses to differ- ences were observed between P and MF cheeses (Beuvier
ences in lipase and esterase activities of the milk et al., 1997). On the other hand, thermophilic starter
microflora (NSLAB). Shakeel-Ur-Rehman et al. (2000a) LAB and propionibacteria have lipolytic activity in Swiss-
also attributed the differences observed in Cheddar to type cheeses (Deeth and Fitz-Gerald, 1983). According
the activity of NSLAB, because NSLAB were highest in to Chamba and Perreard (2002), the lipolytic activity of
the most highly lipolysed cheeses. However, agreement propionibacteria is far greater than that of starter bac-
between NSLAB counts and FFA levels did not occur in teria. Moreover, it could be strain-dependant, which
all cheeses, so the authors supposed that not only num- could also explain the variability in the above results.
ber but also species or strains play a role. In hard
cheeses, such as Cheddar, where moulds are not pre-
Volatile compounds
sent, LAB could be the main cause of lipolysis (Choisy
et al., 1997). In particular, starter LAB may contribute Comparisons of the volatile compounds in R and P or
to the release of fatty acids, because they have lipase MF cheeses, have been undertaken only recently and
and esterase activities (Deeth and Fitz-Gerald, 1983). are not very numerous. The same volatile compounds
328 Raw Milk Cheeses

were present in each type of cheese within the same Generally, acetic acid is more important in Swiss-
study, whether the microflora was present or removed type cheeses made from R milk than in those from P or
from the milk. Differences were observed in the levels MF milk (Bouton and Grappin, 1995; Demarigny et al.,
of many volatile compounds, R cheeses generally hav- 1997; Eliskases-Lechner et al., 1999). This was related
ing higher levels than P or MF cheeses, with excep- to the presence of propionibacteria and facultatively
tions in certain chemical families. heterofermentative lactobacilli (FHL) in the R milk.
In Swiss-type cheeses, the level of butyric acid tended
Volatile fatty acids (VFAs) to be higher in R than in MF cheeses (Demarigny et al.,
Volatile fatty acids in cheese are the products of various 1997). Because no butyric acid bacteria were found in
metabolic pathways, mostly microbial. Acetic acid may these cheeses, the origin of this compound could not be
have different origins, e.g., from the catabolism of lac- butyric fermentation. It is likely that it was liberated from
tose, citrate, amino acids, or the propionic fermentation triglycerides by the lipolytic activity of the micro-
(PF). Propionic acid is one of the end products of lactose organisms present in the cheese, particularly propioni-
or lactate fermentation by propionibacteria. Butyric acid bacteria (Chamba and Perreard, 2002). Caproic acid (C6)
can originate from the catabolism of triglycerides, but followed the same trend as butyric acid, but the differ-
also from lactate fermentation by clostridia. Hexanoic ences between R and MF cheeses were less marked (see
acid (C6) is found only in triglycerides and is liberated ‘Lipolysis’). In contrast, Bouton and Grappin (1995) and
by lipolysis (its behaviour is described under Lipolysis Beuvier et al. (1997) observed no differences between R,
and catabolism of fatty acids in cheese. Branched-chain P, MF or P cheeses with added native microflora.
VFAs result from catabolism of the amino acids, e.g., The level of isovaleric acid was higher in R cheeses
2-methyl propanoic (isobutyric), 2-methyl butanoic, than in P or MF cheeses (Beuvier et al., 1997; Demarigny
3-methyl butanoic (isovaleric) acids from valine, et al., 1997). The occurrence of this compound was cor-
isoleucine and leucine, respectively. related with FHL, propionibacteria or enterococci popu-
These compounds are major volatile compounds lations, and at least the former two populations may be
in cheese, and participate significantly in the flavour involved (Langsrud and Reinbold, 1973; Paulsen et al.,
of many cheese varieties, as suggested by results from 1980; Thierry and Maillard, 2002). However, Buchin
olfactometry: acetic acid has a characteristic vinegar et al. (2002) found that the production of isovaleric acid
flavour, propionic acid a pungent, fruity one, butyric, was positively correlated with the level of propionibac-
isobutyric and isovaleric acids have similar flavours, teria, but negatively with the levels of starter LAB, native
associated with cheesy, sweaty, rancid and sour notes mesophilic lactobacilli or enterococci.
(Yvon and Rijnen, 2001; Curioni and Bosset, 2002). The influence of the native microflora on VFA pro-
Table 5 summarises the differences between VFAs duction was also observed in other cheese varieties, e.g.,
obtained in R, P or MF cheeses. Cheddar (Shakeel-Ur-Rehman et al., 2000a,c), Raclette
The PF is one of the major fermentations that occur (Klantschitsch et al., 2000) and Morbier-type cheese
in Swiss-type cheeses (Curioni and Bosset, 2002). In the (Buchin et al., 1998). In Cheddar, several VFAs, e.g.,
studies of Bouton and Grappin (1995), Beuvier et al. acetic, propionic, butyric, valeric and caproic acids, were
(1997), Demarigny et al. (1997) and Eliskases-Lechner found at higher levels in R than in P cheeses. Moreover,
et al. (1999), the presence of the raw milk microflora the levels of all these compounds increased at a ripening
was associated with higher levels of acetic and propionic temperature of 8 °C, compared with 1 °C, and the levels
acids and lower levels of lactic acid in the ripened in cheeses of the different acids, except caproic,
cheeses. These results showed a greater PF in R cheeses, increased with the proportion of raw milk in several
due to the presence of the native propionibacteria, blends of R and P milk. The authors attributed all these
which are eliminated by pasteurisation or microfiltra- differences to the presence of NSLAB in the raw milk,
tion. It should be noted that no propionibacteria were because their presence and growth in cheese were
added to the cheeses studied, as required in the manu- closely related to the production of fatty acids. NSLAB
facture of Bergkäse or Comté. In contrast, in a hard were mostly eliminated by pasteurisation, and the higher
cheese such as Emmental, in which propionibacteria are the R:P milk ratio or the higher the ripening tempera-
used as starters to ensure a high level of PF, the effect ture, the higher was the number of these bacteria in
of native populations of propionibacteria seems to cheese, at all times during ripening. The influence of the
disappear. Buchin et al. (2002) compared R and MF presence of the native microflora on the production of
Emmental-type cheeses: the total population of pro- acetic and propionic acids in a semi-hard, Morbier-type
pionibacteria tended to be lower in R cheeses from mid- cheese was confirmed by Buchin et al. (1998) (compari-
ripening, with a subsequent lower level of propionic acid son of R and P cheeses), by Klantschitsch et al. (2000) in
at the end of ripening. Raclette (comparison of R, P and MF cheeses) and by
Table 5 Volatile fatty acids in raw (R), pasteurised (P) and microfiltered (MF) milk cheeses

2-Methyl 3-Methyl 4-Methyl

propanoic Butanoic 2-Methyl butanoic Pentanoic pentanoic Hexanoic Heptanoic Octanoic Nonanoic
Cheese Formic Acetic Propanoic (isobutyric) (C4) butanoic (isovaleric) (C5) (isocaproic) (C6) (C7) (C8) (C9) Reference

Swiss-type RP RP RP Eliskases-

Lechner et al.
Swiss-type R  MF R  MF n.d.a n.d. Bouton and
Swiss-type R  MF varb var R  MF var Demarigny
RPM RPM et al. (1997)
Swiss-type F F n.d. R  P  MF n.d. Beuvier et al.
Emmental R  MF R  MF R  MF R  MF Buchin et al.
Cheddar n.d. RP n.d. RP RP RP RP RP RP RP n.d. Shakeel-Ur-
et al. (2000c)
Cheddar RP R (8 °C) R (1 °C)  RP n.d. R (1 °C)  RP RP RP RP RP Shakeel-Ur-
 R (1 °C) R (8 °C)  P R (8°C) P Rehman
P et al. (2000a)
Morbier-type RP RP n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. RP n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. Buchin
(semi-hard et al. (1998)
Raclette R  P, MF RP Klantschitsch
MF et al. (2000)
(90 d,
17 °C)
Roncal RP RP n.d. n.d. n.d. Ortigosa
(240 d) (240 d) et al. (2001)

a n.d.: no difference.
b var: variable.
330 Raw Milk Cheeses

Ortigosa et al. (2001) in ovine Roncal cheese (compari- the balance between its formation and its reduction to
son of R, P and P  Lb. casei). In Cheddar cheese, the 2-butanol. It is difficult to establish a correlation between
variations in VFAs originating from amino acid catabol- the presence of microbial populations and the level of
ism were not the same as those of other VFAs. In a study 2-butanone at a given time of ripening, because of the
by Shakeel-Ur-Rehman et al. (2000c), 2- and 3-methyl continuous production and degradation of this com-
butanoic acids were found at higher levels in P cheeses pound. To follow the evolution of microbial growth and
than in R cheeses, and in another of their studies the level of 2-butanone throughout the ripening period
(Shakeel-Ur-Rehman et al., 2000a), 2-methyl propanoic may provide valuable information. In contrast, as
and 3-methyl butanoic acids were found at higher levels expected, 2-butanol was more abundant in R cheeses
in cheeses ripened at low temperature (1 °C compared than in P cheeses in all studies (Buchin et al., 1998;
to 8 °C). These compounds correlated negatively with Shakeel-Ur-Rehman et al., 2000c; Ortigosa et al., 2001).
the number of NSLAB in the cheeses, so the authors The other carbonyl compounds found in cheeses are
hypothesised that NSLAB have a minor role in the for- methyl ketones and aldehydes. Their characteristics
mation of these compounds or that NSLAB broke them have been summarised in a recent review by Curioni
down further. and Bosset (2002). Methyl ketones originate from the
-oxidation of fatty acids by microorganisms. Their
Carbonyl compounds aromatic impact is of primary importance in blue and
Tables 6 and 7 summarise the differences between surface mould-ripened cheeses, but they are also likely
ketones and aldehydes found in R, P or MF cheeses. to have an influence on the flavour of other varieties,
Diacetyl (2,3-butanedione) and acetoin (3-hydroxy- e.g., 2-heptanone in Emmental, Gruyère and Grana
2-butanone) are products of the metabolism of citrate by Padano. This ketone is typical of blue cheese flavour,
Lc. lactis spp. lactis bv. diacetylactis, Leuconostoc spp. or whereas the others have fruity, floral or musty notes.
some Lactobacillus species (McSweeney and Sousa, Straight-chain aldehydes originate from the oxidation
2000). They are important aroma compounds in numer- of unsaturated fatty acids. They are characterised by
ous varieties of cheese (Curioni and Bosset, 2002). Nev- green, fatty odours. The branched-chain aldehydes
ertheless, they tend to decrease during ripening. In with four or five carbon atoms originate from the
6-month-old Cheddar, diacetyl is present in quantities catabolism of the amino acids, valine (2-methyl
too low to participate in flavour (Urbach, 1997). In propanal), leucine (2-methyl butanal) and isoleucine
cheese, diacetyl can be converted into acetoin, then 2,3- (3-methyl butanal). In cheese, they have green or malty
butanediol and 2-butanone and finally 2-butanol notes.
(Urbach, 1993). It is notable that 2-butanone and As previously noted, the variations of these com-
2-butanol, in contrast to diacetyl and acetoin, generally pounds in the presence of the raw milk microflora
increase during ripening, like other methyl ketones and differed according to the study. In the studies of Shakeel-
secondary alcohols (Bosset and Liardon, 1985; Barlow Ur-Rehman et al. (2000c) and Buchin et al. (1998)
et al., 1989; Urbach, 1993; Carbonell et al., 2002). on Cheddar and Morbier-type cheese, respectively, R
Therefore, it is likely that the transformation of diacetyl cheeses contained less of the different methyl ketones
into the more reduced compounds progresses through- and aldehydes than P cheeses. This is in contrast with
out ripening due to the enzymatic activities of micro- the results of the studies of Shakeel-Ur-Rehman et al.
organisms, so the raw milk microflora can be expected (2000a) comparing R and P Cheddar, and Buchin et al.
to influence these compounds. Indeed, diacetyl and ace- (2002) comparing R and MF Morbier-type cheeses. The
toin were found in lower quantities in R cheeses than results of Buchin et al. (2002) showed less ketones but
in P or MF cheeses in semi-hard (Buchin et al., 1998; more aldehydes in R Swiss-type cheeses compared to MF
Shakeel-Ur-Rehman et al., 2000a,c; Ortigosa et al., 2001) ones.
or Swiss-type cheeses (Buchin et al., unpublished). The The explanation for these contrasting results may be
contrasting result was observed in only one study on the same as that for the products of pyruvate metab-
Morbier-type cheese (Buchin et al., unpublished). The olism. Methyl ketones and aldehydes are intermediate
quantities of 2-butanone in ripened cheese were affected products in the degradation of fatty acids or amino
differently by the presence of the raw milk microflora. acids. Due to the enzymatic activities of microorganisms
Ortigosa et al. (2001) found less 2-butanone in Roncal in cheese, methyl ketones are progressively reduced to
cheese made from raw ewes’ milk than in cheese made 2-alkanols, aldehydes are oxidised to acids or reduced
from P milk, but the opposite was true for the Morbier- to n-alkanols. Therefore, their levels depend on the bal-
type cheeses studied by Buchin et al. (1998). These ance between production and degradation, which is
contradictory results could be expected because the linked to the degree of maturity of the cheese. The
amount of 2-butanone in a ripened cheese arises from maturity of the cheeses for each of the studies may be
Raw Milk Cheeses 331

Table 6 Ketones in raw (R), pasteurised (P) and microfiltered (MF) milk cheeses

Cheese Emmental Cheddar Cheddar Semi-hard Semi-hard Roncal

Propanone R  MF n.d.a n.d. n.d.

3-Hydroxy-2- R  MF RP RP RP R  MF n.d.
butanone (acetoin)
2,3-Butanedione R  MF RP n.d. RP
(diacetyl) (120 d)c
2-Butanone R  MF RP R  MF RP
(120 d)
3-Methyl 2- n.d.
2-Pentanone R  MF RP n.d. RP
(240 d)d
2,3-Pentanedione R  MF RP R  MF n.d.
4-Methyl 2- n.d.
3-Methyl 2- RP
Cyclopentanone n.d.
2-Hexanone R  MF n.d. RP n.d. n.d.
4-Methyl n.d. n.d.
Cyclohexanone n.d. n.d.
2-Heptanone R  MF RP RP RP R  MF varb
3-Methyl 2- n.d.
5-Methyl 2- R  MF
6-Methyl 2- n.d.
6-Methyl-5-hepten- n.d. n.d. R  MF
2-Octanone R  MF n.d. RP n.d.
2-Nonanone R  MF RP RP n.d. n.d.
8-Nonen-2-one RP PR
2-Decanone RP n.d.
2-Undecanone n.d. RP RP
2-Dodecanone RP RP
2-Tridecanone RP RP
2-Pentadecanone n.d. RP
Acetophenone n.d. R  MF
Reference Buchin et al. Shakeel-Ur- Shakeel-Ur- Buchin et al. Buchin et al. Ortigosa
(unpublished) Rehman et al. Rehman et al. (1998) (unpublished) et al.
(2000c) (2000a) (2001)

a n.d.: no difference.
b var: variable.
c 120 d: 120 days of ripening.
d 240 d: 240 days of ripening.

different, which could explain the different results from the production of alcohols in cheeses. All studies agreed
one study to another, even using the same technology. that R cheeses contained greater amounts of the different
alcohols, compared to P or MF cheeses (Buchin et al.,
Alcohols 1998; Shakeel-Ur-Rehman et al., 2000a,c; Ortigosa et al.,
Table 8 summarises the differences between alcohols 2001; Buchin et al., 2002). This was valid for n-alkanols
obtained in R, P or MF cheeses. as well as 2-alkanols. Because alcohols result from the
The observation of the levels of alcohols in the reduction of previously formed compounds, it can be
cheeses confirms the previous hypothesis. The presence concluded that the raw milk microflora induced faster
of the native microflora in milk has a major influence on cheese ripening.
332 Raw Milk Cheeses

Table 7 Aldehydes in raw (R), pasteurised (P) and microfiltered (MF) milk cheeses

Cheese Emmental Cheddar Cheddar Semi-hard Semi-hard Roncal

Acetaldehyde R  MF n.d.
Propanal n.d.
2-Methyl propanal R  MF R  MF var
Butanal P  R (240 d)c
3-Methyl butanal R  MF n.d. R  MF n.d.
2-Methyl butanal R  MF RP R  P (120 d)d
2-Methyl butenal n.d. n.d.
Pentanal n.d. n.d. n.d.
Hexanal n.d. n.d. n.d.
Heptanal PR n.d. n.d. R  MF
2,4-Heptadienal PR
Octanal n.d. n.d.
Nonanal R  MF RP n.d. n.d. R  MF R  P (240 d)
Decanal R  MF n.d. R  MF R  P (240 d)
Undecanal n.d.
Dodecanal n.d.
Tetradecanal n.d. RP
Hexadecanal varb RP
Furancarboxaldehyde RP var
Benzaldehyde n.d. RP RP n.d.
Phenylacetaldehyde var RP
Reference Buchin et al. Shakeel-Ur- Shakeel-Ur- Buchin et al. Buchin et al. Ortigosa
(unpublished) Rehman et al. Rehman et al. (1998) (unpublished) et al. (2001)
(2000c) (2000a)

a n.d.: no difference.
b var: variable.
c 240 d: 240 days of ripening.
d 120 d: 120 days of ripening.

Esters tion to the levels of ethanol, and they were more diver-
Esters are formed by the condensation of an acid and sified in Swiss-type cheese (Buchin et al., unpublished).
an alcohol. In cheese, this reaction may be spontan-
eous, or may be mediated by microbial esterases. Sulphur compounds
According to Urbach (1995), esters are not likely to Sulphur compounds contribute to cheese flavour. They
be formed by the starter culture, although Yvon and are numerous in mould- or smear-surface cheeses, and
Rijnen (2001) reported that esterification reactions provide typical cabbage or garlic flavours (Urbach, 1997;
can be mediated by various LAB, including lactococci, Yvon and Rijnen, 2001). Hydrogen sulphide, methional,
lactobacilli, Sc. thermophilus, leuconostocs and pedio- methanethiol, dimethyldisulphide and dimethyltrisul-
cocci. This ability is highly strain-dependent. Esters phide are related to Cheddar flavour (McSweeney and
generally have fruity odours and may also influ- Sousa, 2000); methional, methanethiol and dimethyl-
ence cheese flavour. They are particularly numerous in trisulphide are key flavour compounds in Emmental
hard cheeses such as Swiss Emmental and Parmesan, cheese (Rychlik and Bosset, 2001), 3-methylthio-1-
in which they play an important role in flavour propanol is present in premium quality Cheddar cheese,
(Urbach, 1997). In contrast, their presence in Cheddar ethyl 3-methylthiopropanoate in Parmesan cheese, while
cheese is limited; in fact, fruity flavour in this cheese is methanethiol is related to unpleasant odours in Grana
a defect. cheese (Urbach, 1997).
Table 9 summarises the differences between esters The sulphur compounds in cheese derive from the
obtained in R, P or MF cheeses. sulphur amino acids. Several mechanisms are involved
In all studies (Buchin et al., 1998, 2002; Shakeel-Ur- in their formation. In the reducing environment of
Rehman et al., 2000a,c; Ortigosa et al., 2001), whatever cheese, purely chemical decomposition of methionine or
the cheese variety, the presence of the raw milk micro- cysteine could occur to produce compounds such
flora was linked to a greater formation of esters. As as methanethiol or H2S. A negative redox potential is
expected, ethyl esters were the most important, in rela- a necessary condition for the production of volatile
Raw Milk Cheeses 333

Table 8 Alcohols in raw (R), pasteurised (P) or microfiltered (MF) milk cheeses

Cheese Emmental Cheddar Cheddar Semi-hard Semi-hard Roncal

Ethanol R  MF RP n.d. R  P (240 d)a

1-Propanol R  MF RP R  MF R  P (120 d)b
2-Methyl propanol PR10d  P R  P (240 d)
1-Butanol R  MF PR10  P RP RP R  MF n.d.
3-Methyl butanol R  MF PR10  P n.dc n.d. R  MF R  P (240 d)
1-Pentanol RP RP n.d.
1-Hexanol PR10  P n.d. RP n.d. n.d.
1-Heptanol n.d. RP
1-Octanol PR10  P RP
1-Nonanol PR10  P n.d.
1-Decanol PR10  P
2-Ethyl 1-decanol n.d.
2-Propanol R  MF RP n.d. R  P (240 d)
2-Propen-1-ol n.d. n.d.
2-Butanol R  MF PR10  P RP R  MF R  P (120 d)
3-Methyl 2-butanol RP
2-Pentanol R  MF RP RP RP n.d. R  P (120 d)
2-Hexanol PR10  P
2-Heptanol R  MF RP R  MF
2-Octanol PR10  P
2-Nonanol PR10  P
2-Decanol PR10  P
3-Methyl 3-buten-1-ol R  MF n.d. R  MF n.d.
3-Methyl 2-buten-1-ol n.d.
3-Penten-2-ol n.d.
2-Methyl 3-pentanol n.d. n.d.
2,3-Butanediol n.d.
1,3-Butanediol n.d.
Furan methanol PR10  P n.d.
Phenol n.d. n.d.
Phenethyl alcohol RP n.d.
Reference Buchin et al. Shakeel-Ur- Shakeel-Ur- Buchin et al. Buchin et al. Ortigosa et al.
(unpublished) Rehman Rehman (1998) (unpublished) (2001)
et al. et al.
(2000c) (2000a)

a 240 d: 240 days of ripening.

b 120 d: 120 days of ripening.
c n.d.: no difference.
d PR10: mix of 90% pasteurised milk with 10% of raw milk.

sulphydryl compounds in cheese, but enzymatic reac- and produce methanethiol (Yvon and Rijnen, 2001), and
tions may also be involved (Urbach, 1997). On the one starters may contribute by providing a reducing environ-
hand, native milk enzymes may produce disulphide ment. The further formation of dimethyldisulphide or
linkages as precursors of sulphydryl groups, and heating dimethyltrisulphide and of most of the methyl thioesters
of milk stops the production of H2S and reduces the pro- from methanethiol is due to chemical rather than bio-
duction of methanethiol by inactivating these enzymes logical reactions.
(Urbach, 1995). On the other hand, the surface micro- Table 10 summarises the differences in sulphur
organisms of smear cheeses are high producers of sulphur compounds between R, P or MF cheeses.
compounds, like methanethiol or methylthioesters. Lac- As expected, comparisons of R and P cheeses
tic acid bacteria may also contribute to the production of showed higher levels of sulphur compounds in the R
sulphur compounds. Cheese lactobacilli can produce cheeses (Buchin et al., 1998; Shakeel-Ur-Rehman et al.,
H2S and Lc. lactis has the ability to cleave methionine 2000c; Ortigosa et al., 2001), except in the study by
334 Raw Milk Cheeses

Table 9 Esters in raw (R), pasteurised (P) and microfiltered (MF) milk cheeses

Cheese Emmental Cheddar Cheddar Semi-hard Semi-hard Roncal

Methyl acetate R  MF R  MF
Methyl propanoate n.d.a R  MF
Methyl butanoate n.d. n.d.
Methyl hexanoate n.d. n.d.
Methyl octanoate n.d.
Ethyl methanoate n.d.
Ethyl acetate R  MF R  MF R  P (120 d)b
Ethyl propanoate R  MF R  MF
Ethyl butanoate R  MF n.d.
Ethyl hexanoate R  MF RP RP RP R  MF R  P (240 d)c
Ethyl heptanoate n.d. n.d.
Ethyl octanoate R  MF RP RP R  MF
Ethyl decanoate PR10d  P RP n.d.
Ethyl dodecanoate PR10  P RP
Ethyl tetradecanoate RP RP
Propyl acetate n.d. R  MF
Propyl propanoate n.d. R  MF
Propyl butanoate n.d. R  MF
Butyl acetate R  MF n.d. n.d.
Butyl propanoate n.d.
Pentyl acetate n.d.
1-Methyl-propyl acetate R  MF
2-Methyl-propyl R  MF
2-Methyl-propyl R  MF R  MF
3-Methyl-butyl acetate R  MF R  MF
2-Methyl-butyl R  MF n.d.
3-Methyl-butyl n.d. n.d.
Reference Buchin et al. Shakeel-Ur- Shakeel-Ur- Buchin et al. Buchin et al. Ortigosa et al.
(unpublished) Rehman Rehman (1998) (unpublished) (2001)
et al. et al.
(2000c) (2000a)

a n.d.: no difference.
b 120 d: 120 days of ripening.
c 240 d: 240 days of ripening.
d PR10: mix of 90% pasteurised milk with 10% of raw milk.

Shakeel-Ur-Rehman et al. (2000a), where dimethyl- Lactones are the result of spontaneous cyclisation of
disulphide and dimethyltrisulphide were absent from R the hydroxy-acids naturally present in milk fat. In the
cheeses. In comparisons of R and MF cheeses, Buchin studies by Shakeel-Ur-Rehman et al. (2000a,c), heat-
et al. (2002) found no differences in Morbier-type cheeses, treatment of the milk influenced the levels of some
and only a higher level of dimethyldisulphide in raw lactones, but the results were inconsistent. Their occur-
milk Swiss-type cheeses. This would indicate that the rence in cheese may also be linked to feeding (Urbach,
inactivation of native enzymes by heating the milk may 1997). Whether aliphatic or aromatic, the levels of
be a major event in the diminution of sulphur compound hydrocarbons in cheeses do not seem to be influenced
formation, compared to the elimination of the native by the presence of the native microflora in milk.
flora. It is noteworthy that in all these studies, the diver- In conclusion, the presence of the native microflora
sity of the sulphur compounds reported was very poor. in R cheeses is of primary importance for the formation
of most volatile compounds. Nevertheless, considering
Lactones, hydrocarbons the present state of knowledge, it is difficult to establish
Table 11 summarises the differences in lactones between precisely the role of this microflora. This role can be
R and P cheeses. direct, in transforming the milk constituents into volatile
Raw Milk Cheeses 335

Table 10 Sulphur compounds in raw (R), pasteurised (P) and microfiltered (MF) milk cheeses

Cheese Emmental Cheddar Cheddar Semi-hard Semi-hard Roncal

Carbon sulphide n.d.a n.d.

Carbon disulphide n.d.
Dimethyl sulphide n.d. n.d. R  P (240 d)b
Dimethyl disulphide R  MF n.d. RP RP n.d. n.d.
Dimethyl trisulphide n.d. RP RP
Methional RP RP
Methane sulfonylbis n.d.
Reference Buchin et al. Shakeel-Ur- Shakeel-Ur- Buchin et al. Buchin et al. Ortigosa et al.
(unpublished) Rehman Rehman (1998) (unpublished) (2001)
et al. et al.
(2000c) (2000a)

a n.d: no difference.
b 240 d: 240 days of ripening.

compounds, or indirect, by modifying the composition Sensory Aspects

of the cheese, with the production of precursors of
In order to avoid any ambiguity, due to the different
volatile compounds or of molecules that influence
use of the same terms by different authors, we have
chemical reactions or the activity of other microorgan-
chosen to define sensory perceptions as follows: odour
isms. In particular, the activities of the indigenous popu-
is perceived by the nose, with no introduction of the
lations can interfere with those of the starter bacteria.
food into the mouth, while flavour is the perception of
Within the complexity of the native milk microflora, it is
the food during mastication, either retronasaly or by
difficult presently to establish the role of each popula-
the tongue (five basic tastes: sweet, acid, bitter, salty,
tion, at the species and at the strain level. It is likely that
many of the metabolic pathways producing volatile com-
pounds are strain-dependant (Yvon and Rijnen, 2001), Flavour/odour
which would make their elucidation all the more diffi-
cult. The development of molecular techniques for the Table 12 summarises the differences between the flavour
discrimination of microbial populations at the strain and odour attributes reported for R, P or MF cheeses.
level could be very beneficial to such studies. This situ- Raw milk cheeses ripen faster than cheeses made
ation underlines the importance of maintaining a high from milk, the microflora of which has been removed.
diversity of strains in the milk, to retain the diversity of As a consequence, R cheeses tend to develop a stronger
the molecules produced. odour/flavour at the same age than those made from P
or MF milk (Johnson et al., 1990b; Lau et al., 1991).
This has been observed in all types of cheese studied:
Cheddar (McSweeney et al., 1993; Shakeel-Ur-Rehman
Table 11 Lactones in raw (R) and pasteurised (P) milk cheeses et al., 2000a,b), Manchego (Gaya et al., 1990; Fernandez-
Garcia et al., 2002; Gomez-Ruiz et al., 2002), Raclette
Cheese Cheddar Cheddar (Gallmann and Puhan, 1982), other hard and semi-hard
cheeses (Lau et al., 1991; Van den Berg and Exterkate,
-Octanolactone PR10b n.d.a
-Decanolactone PR RP
1993; Buchin et al., 1998; Skie and Ardö, 2000),
-Dodecanolactone n.d. RP Bergkäse (Ginzinger et al., 1999a), Swiss-type cheeses
-Hexadecanolactone n.d. n.d. (Bouton and Grappin, 1995; Beuvier et al., 1997;
-Decanolactone n.d. n.d. Demarigny et al., 1997) and soft goats’ milk cheese
-Dodecanolactone RP RP (Morgan et al., 2001). In all cases, this phenomenon
-Dodecenolactone RP RP
seems to be directly linked to the activity of the indigen-
Reference Shakeel-Ur- Shakeel-Ur- ous microflora of the milk. In Cheddar, it has been
Rehman et al. Rehman et al.
attributed, in part, to the presence of NSLAB (com-
(2000c) (2000a)
posed mainly of lactobacilli, but also of pediococci and
a n.d.: no difference. micrococci) in the raw milk, which are the major
b PR10: mix of 90% pasteurised milk with 10% of raw milk. part of the natural microflora of this variety of cheese
336 Raw Milk Cheeses

Table 12 Characteristic flavour and odour attributes of raw (R), pasteurised (P) and microfiltered (MF) milk cheeses

Cheese variety Raw milk Pasteurised milk Microfiltered milk Reference

Bergkäse Odour: intense Ginzinger et al.

Flavour: intense Flavour: bitter (1999a)
Swiss-type Flavour: intense, Flavour: bitter Bouton and
typical, acid, pungent Grappin (1995)
Swiss-type Flavour: intense, Flavour: acid, Beuvier et al.
pungent, salty bitter, salty (1997)
Cheddar Odour: intense, Odour: musty Shakeel-Ur-
creamy/milky, Rehman et al.
fruity/sweet, (2000a)
acid/sharp, pungent
Flavour: intense, sour/
acid, sulphur/eggy,
bitter, rancid, unclean
Cheddar Only cheeses ripened Shakeel-Ur-
at 8 °C (vs 1 °C) Rehman et al.
Odour: intense, acid (2000b)
Flavour: intense, sour
Cheddar Odour: intense, fruity/ Shakeel-Ur-
sweet, pungent Rehman et al.
Flavour: sour/acid (2000c)
Semi-hard Flavour: intense, of acid Buchin et al.
cheese, milk, of rind, (1998)
Morbier-type Flavour: of fresh milk,
fruity, of garlic, spicy,
animal, chemical,
rancid, bitter, pungent
Semi-hard Flavour: intense, animal, Skie and
round-eyed spicy, sour Ardö (2000)
Roncal Odour: intense (120 d), Odour: animal (120 d) Ortigosa et al.
animal (240 d) (2001)
Flavour: characteristic, Flavour: torrefied
pungent (240 d), animal (240 d)
Idiazabal Odour: characteristic, Odour: sweet Mendia et al.
pungent, sour (1999)
Flavour: characteristic, Flavour: sweet, bitter,
pungent, salty sour
Aftertaste: characteristic, Aftertaste: bitter, sour
Idiazabal Flavour: characteristic, Flavour: sweet Ordonez et al.
creamy, pungent, acid (1999)
Odour: sweet

(McSweeney et al., 1993). In Swiss-type cheeses Besides the intensity of flavour, differences in the
(Beuvier et al., 1997), flavour intensity was correlated flavour profile of cheese can be observed. The flavour
with counts of FHL, propionibacteria and enterococci, of the ripened cheese is richer and more complex when
which occur naturally in the raw milk. In pasteurised the indigenous microflora is present in the milk to be
milk cheeses, denaturation of enzymes and whey processed. Some observations are constant from one
proteins by the heat treatment may also be involved; study to another, whereas others vary.
the aggregation of whey proteins on the surface of In almost all studies comparing cheeses made from
the caseins micelles also prevents proteolysis of the raw milk and raw milk after elimination of the micro-
caseins. flora, the R cheeses received a higher score for the
This difference in maturity is enhanced by the tem- pungent attribute. Similarly, acid, sour or rancid charac-
perature of ripening and depends on the age of the teristics were also generally higher in these cheeses. It is
cheese (Klantschitsch et al., 2000; Shakeel-Ur-Rehman likely that these sensory attributes are related to the
et al., 2000b). presence of volatile and FFAs (Curioni and Bosset, 2002;
Raw Milk Cheeses 337

Gomez-Ruiz et al., 2002). In general, R cheeses are char- because P and MF cheeses were similar and differed
acterised by more ‘strong’ attributes, such as animal, gar- from R cheeses. On the other hand, the heat treatment
lic, spicy, sulphur and unclean. All these characteristics is likely to play a role. In the study by Beuvier et al.
of R cheeses are linked to the notion of higher maturity, (1997), where R, P, MF and P  indigenous microflora
expressed from a sensory point of view, but also revealed (PR) milks were processed, the most bitter cheeses were
by physico-chemical patterns, i.e., a greater degree of P and PR. Bitterness is attributed mainly to the presence
proteolysis, a higher content of most volatile com- of hydrophobic peptides, resulting from the hydrolysis
pounds, and sometimes greater lipolysis (Fig. 2). of caseins, mostly s1- and -. Bitterness in cheese
The distribution of milder attributes, such as fruit, results from the balance between the production of bit-
milk or sweet, differs with the study; they can be char- ter peptides by the action of rennet (preferentially in
acteristic of cheeses made either from R or P milk. In semi-hard cheeses), plasmin (preferentially in hard-
Idiazabal cheese, Ordonez et al. (1999) found a relation- cooked cheeses), bacterial proteinases and peptidases,
ship between the sweet taste and the amounts of free and their further degradation by bacterial peptidases.
proline and asparagine, which were higher in P cheeses. The role of the respective proteolytic systems and their
Fruity notes may be linked to some methyl ketones interactions are known to differ according to the cheese
such as 2-nonanone (Gomez-Ruiz et al., 2002) or esters variety (Bergère and Lenoir, 1997). In Bergkäse, a Swiss-
(Ortigosa et al., 2001; Gomez-Ruiz et al., 2002). Milky type cheese, Ginzinger et al. (1999a) found more
notes are characteristic of diacetyl and acetoin (Gomez- hydrophobic peptides in P cheeses, which were also
Ruiz et al., 2002). more bitter than R cheeses. This distribution of peptides
The relationship between bitterness and the presence was confirmed in Cheddar by Lau et al. (1991). Accord-
of the microflora depends on the variety of cheese. ing to Gomez et al. (1997), bitterness of peptide origin
When differences were observed in relation to the milk is more likely to be masked by other flavour compon-
treatment, R semi-hard cheeses were more bitter than ents in R than in P cheeses. Bergère and Lenoir (1997)
P (Buchin et al., 1998; Shakeel-Ur-Rehman et al., pointed out that other components such as indole,
2000a) or MF cheeses (Buchin et al., 2002). In contrast, amino acids, amines, amides, long-chain ketones or
hard cheeses made from R milk were less bitter than monoglycerides could contribute to the bitter taste of
those made from MF or P milk (Bouton and Grappin, cheese. Thus, Ordonez et al. (1999) found a relation-
1995; Beuvier et al., 1997; Mendia et al., 1999; ship between bitterness and the amounts of arginine
Ginzinger et al., 1999a). On the one hand, it seems that and aromatic amino acids in Idiazabal, though no differ-
the presence of the indigenous microflora is involved, ences in bitterness were found between R and P
It is likely that the presence of the R milk microflora
affects the flavour characteristics in two ways: on the
Axis 3 14 % one hand, acceleration of ripening by faster metabolic
pathways, and, on the other hand, the occurrence of a
greater variety of metabolic pathways, specific to par-
ticular strains of bacteria, which is also influenced by
Acid milk the microbial diversity.
diMe trisulphide The acceptability of R cheeses is also dependent on
3Me 2butanol Garlic isopentanone
Animal the cheese variety. Cheddar cheese made from raw milk
1propanol diMe disulphide Fruit
2heptanone 2,3pentanedione is, in general, of lower quality than that made from
2butanol Bitter C2 Intense Axis 1
2pentanol 1hexanol diacetyl 43 % pasteurised milk ( Johnson et al., 1990b; McSweeney
C3 2butanone Chemical acetoin et al., 1993). In the study of Shakeel-Ur-Rehman et al.
Et hexanoate Rancid 2pentanone 3me butanal
ethanol 3me 2pentanone (2000b), R Cheddar cheese received higher flavour
Pungent heptane scores than P cheeses, but this was dependent on the
C5 Fresh milk ripening temperature, as higher temperatures (8 °C
instead of 1 °C) led to defects in R cheeses after
6 months. In the study by Morgan et al. (2001), soft
goat’s milk cheeses had more flavour defects when
made from raw than from pasteurised milk, in relation-
Figure 2 Distribution of volatile compounds and flavour attrib-
ship to microflora and lipolysis levels. Moreover,
utes (additional variables, italicized and boldfaced) within R ( )
and P () semi-hard Morbier-type cheese using principal although the ‘goat’ flavour of these cheeses is linked to
component analysis C2, C3, C5: acetic, propionic, valeric acids the liberation of particular fatty acids (Le Quéré et al.,
(from Buchin et al., 1998). 1996), no differences were found in this attribute.
338 Raw Milk Cheeses

According to Klantschitsch et al. (2000), the quality of and the flavour intensity, whereas the typical flavour was
Raclette cheese in relation to raw milk is related to related to the concentration of propionic acid.
ripening temperature and time; to avoid flavour and The presence of the raw milk microflora contributes
openness defects, R cheeses should be ripened for less to the sensory diversity of raw milk cheeses. This has
than 90 days at 11 °C or 60 days at 14 °C, whereas P or been supposed by Shakeel-Ur-Rehman et al. (2000b) for
MF milk cheeses can be ripened at 17 °C for 90 days. Cheddar cheese, and shown in Swiss-type cheese models
These differences in acceptability are of course related by Beuvier et al. (1997) and Demarigny et al. (1997).
to the speed of ripening, since the presence of the There is a higher heterogeneity in the sensory character-
native microflora accelerates biochemical transforma- istics of cheeses when the native microflora was retained
tions in the cheese. The difference in maturity, and than when it was removed from milk (Fig. 3).
hence in the occurrence of defects, is more perceptible The diversity of R cheeses is likely to depend on the
in soft or semi-hard cheeses, because of their high level but also on the nature of the strains present in the
moisture content; biochemical activities are favoured microflora. Whether the strains in themselves have dif-
by the presence of water. Thus, besides the elimination ferent metabolic potentialities or interfere by affecting
of pathogens, pasteurisation is useful in this type of the activity of starter bacteria has not yet been eluci-
cheese to obtain a longer shelf-life by slowing the dated. Nevertheless, Bouton and Grappin (1995) have
ripening and delaying the occurrence of flavour shown an interaction between the composition of
defects. The consumer of these cheeses is used to the starter mixtures and the raw milk microflora in the bio-
milder flavour provided by pasteurised milk, and may chemical transformations and sensory characteristics of
regard the stronger flavour of R cheeses as a defect. It Swiss-type cheeses. Thus, whatever the mechanisms
is likely that these varieties of cheese made from raw involved, the preservation of the microbial diversity in
milk would be appreciated mostly by ‘connoisseurs’. raw milk seems to contribute to the diversity of cheeses
Conversely, Swiss-type cheeses, hard Italian cheeses such as Swiss-type cheeses, particularly Comté. This
( Johnson et al., 1990b; Bouton and Grappin, 1995), or diversity in the sensory characteristics is a point of
hard Spanish ovine cheeses, like Idiazabal (Ordonez major interest in the production of PDO cheeses.
et al., 1999; Chavarri et al., 2000), are preferred when
made from raw milk. Because of their low moisture Texture
content, hard cheeses ripen more slowly than soft or The texture of cheeses is the macroscopic expression of
semi-hard ones. The presence of the natural microflora the structure of the cheese matrix, i.e., its composition
in the raw milk may have a lesser influence on the and organisation. The texture is formed during two
speed of ripening and on the shelf-life of these cheeses.
The use of raw milk does not induce defects, and may
even reduce some, e.g., bitterness. Moreover, the more
complex flavour provided by raw milk may be appreci- Axis 2
ated by the consumer of hard cheeses. The loss of 17 %
microflora and, to a lesser extent, of native milk enzyme
activities, in pasteurised milk, affects the typical flavour
of these cheeses. In Idiazabal cheese, the level of the R
MF Ferm Entero
sensory scores was related to the level of lipolysis, the Elastic Granular MesoLb PAB
less lipolysed cheeses being rated ‘rather mild’, suggest- pH Axis 1
ing that this cheese requires a minimum level of lipoly- iC5 55 %
sis to develop its characteristic flavour (Chavarri et al., PTA
2000). In hard Italian cheeses such as Romano, Parmesan P C3
P + bact Pungent
or Asiago, the inhibition of milk lipase (LPL) in pas- Bitter
αs1-CN Salted Aroma
teurised milk may be detrimental to the development of Acid intensity
typical flavour (Johnson et al., 1990b). In goats’ milk NaCl
cheeses, the preservation of LPL activity can be import-
ant for the development of the ‘goat’ flavour, linked to the Figure 3 Distribution of physico-chemical, microbiological and
liberation of typical goat-flavoured fatty acids from gly- flavour criteria (additional variables, italicized and boldfaced)
cerides (Le Quéré et al., 1996). According to Ordonez within raw (R), pasteurised (P), microfiltered (MF) and pas-
et al. (1999) and Chavarri et al. (2000), the characteristic teurised  microorganisms contained in retentate (P  Bact)
milk using principal component analysis. MesoLb: mesophilic
Idiazabal flavour is related to the extent of proteolysis. In lactobacilli; Entero:enterococci; PAB: propionibacteria; C2: acetic
Swiss-type cheeses, Bouton and Grappin (1995) found a acid; C3: propionic acid; iC5: isoavaleric acid; PTA: PTA-soluble
relationship between the extent of primary proteolysis N (from Beuvier et al., 1997).
Raw Milk Cheeses 339

stages of cheese processing: manufacturing and ripen- cheeses (Lau et al., 1990; Buffa et al., 2001b), or pH
ing. The events that occur during these two steps are (Buffa et al., 2001b). Texture differences are thus diffi-
different in nature. cult to interpret.
During manufacture, the cheese matrix is formed. The results of Beuvier et al. (1997) seem to indicate
It begins with coagulation of the milk, where the that in Swiss-type cheeses, sensory texture characteris-
caseins organise themselves into a network, entrap- tics of R cheeses are influenced by both the heat treat-
ping fat globules, water pockets and gas bubbles. The ment of milk and the activity of the indigenous
initial structure of the network is thus determined by microflora. They showed in a comparison of R, P, MF
the composition of the milk, and also by the techno- and P cheeses to which the indigenous microflora con-
logical conditions of coagulation: renneting param- tained in microfiltration retentate had been added, that
eters and work in the vat which influence the R cheeses had a firmer and more granular texture.
moisture content of the curd. The network is then Proteolysis appears to be the main factor responsible
modified by acidification due to the fermentation of for differences in texture between R and P cheeses.
lactose, that begins in the vat and continues in the According to Shakeel-Ur-Rehman et al. (2000a), the
mould. Acidification influences the extent of mineral- increase in chymosin retention and in plasmin activity
isation of the caseins, and thus their hydration as well by heat-treatment of milk is the major cause of texture
as their interactions. differences between R and P Cheddar cheeses ripened
During ripening, changes occur in the matrix at 1 or 8 °C. While the temperature influenced all tex-
through the influence of the loss of water and proteoly- ture descriptors, milk treatment influenced only rub-
sis. Proteolysis begins with coagulation in the vat; this beriness (P  R) and graininess (R  P). They
is essentially primary proteolysis, i.e., internal hydroly- attributed the texture characteristics mostly to differ-
sis of casein molecules, by the coagulant or indigenous ences in water-soluble N (WSN) (Shakeel-Ur-Rehman
enzymes of milk, such as plasmin. Secondary proteoly- et al., 2000b), in which enzymes such as chymosin or
sis occurs essentially during ripening, by the action of plasmin have more influence than the activity of the
peptidases of microorganisms. Proteolysis weakens the indigenous microflora.
structure of the casein matrix. Gaya et al. (1990) found a lower fracturability, elas-
It can be easily supposed that removal of the native ticity and hardness in Manchego cheese made from R
microflora from raw milk may alter the texture of sub- ewes’ milk than in P cheeses, whatever the ripening
sequent cheeses by two major mechanisms. On the time (2 or 4 months) and the ripening temperature
one hand, the heat treatment of the milk used to (between 8 and 16 °C). They attributed these differ-
destroy the microflora may alter the structure of the ences to higher secondary proteolysis in R cheeses,
casein matrix by denaturation of whey proteins or the measured by pH 4.6-, TCA- and PTA- soluble N. Buffa
loss of water, or modify the proteolysis patterns by et al. (2001b) studied the rheological characteristics of
denaturation, activation or modified retention of goats’ milk semi-hard cheeses made from R or P milk.
enzymes. On the other hand, the elimination of most R cheeses were firmer, less fracturable, and more cohe-
of the indigenous microflora, either by heating or sive than P ones. These characteristics were attributed
microfiltration, may modify the biochemical changes to the levels of moisture and WSN: the lower the mois-
in cheeses, in particular proteolysis (Grappin and ture and more intact the caseins, the less the fractur-
Beuvier, 1997). ability and deformability. Fracture stress was higher for
Among all the articles in which R, P or MF cheeses R cheeses, i.e., a lower fracturability than the P cheeses.
were compared, few deal with cheese texture. Some This parameter was correlated with the levels of mois-
work resulted in no differences related to the treatment ture and WSN: the less the moisture and more intact
of milk: no clear differences between R/P/MF milks the caseins, the less the fracturability. Fracture strain,
(McSweeney et al., 1993) and R/P milks (Shakeel-Ur- which describes the deformability of cheese, was
Rehman et al., 1999) in Cheddar cheese, no sensory tex- higher for R cheeses, but only at one day. It could be
tural differences between R/MF milk Swiss-type cheeses due to the higher pH of these cheeses at this stage,
(Bouton and Grappin, 1995) or rheological differences water being partly absorbed to hydrate the negative
between R/P Bergkäse cheese (Ginzinger et al., 1999a). charges formed in caseins with high pH values. This
The comparison of R and P cheeses from a texture point parameter has the same correlation with moisture and
of view is difficult, because of the differences in the WSN as previously – deformability decreases when the
behaviour of milk during the coagulation step, due to hydration of proteins decreases and when elastic struc-
the heat treatment. Depending on the cheesemaking tural elements disappear. The microstructure of R
procedures, contradictory findings have been reported, cheeses was more regular, with a closed protein matrix,
in terms of moisture, on the compositional differences of and smaller and more uniform fat globules, whereas
340 Raw Milk Cheeses

P cheeses had an open structure with irregular cavities. attributed to the secondary proteolysis, microbial activ-
As a consequence, differences in colour were observed. ity was involved.
Rosenberg et al. (1995) measured the viscoelastic
characteristics, G (storage modulus) and G (loss modu-
lus), of Cheddar cheeses. These parameters were higher
in R cheeses than in P cheeses ripened for 8 months. In Microbial communities play an essential role in the
P cheeses, they were found to be related to the extent control of sensory qualities of cheese. They are more
of proteolysis; a higher G signified a higher elastic diverse and complex in R cheeses for which milk
behaviour of the matrix with the accumulation of prote- undergoes no treatment to reduce the microflora. They
olysis products. The authors explained this observation contribute to the development of a typical cheese taste
by the binding of water by the ionic groups liberated by and flavour. Diversity of the sensory qualities is a spe-
the cleavage of peptide bounds. This relation with the cific feature of R cheese. Elimination of the raw milk
extent of proteolysis was not observed in R cheeses, microflora by pasteurisation or microfiltration defini-
maybe because of different proteolytic activities during tively leads to different cheeses from a sensorial point of
the ripening of these cheeses, as revealed by differences view. Still, is it necessary to have raw milk that is suffi-
in peptide composition. ciently rich in terms of quantity and diversity of
Mendia et al. (1999) found more graininess and microorganisms?
firmness and less creaminess and elasticity in R ewes’ As outlined at the beginning, the improvement in
milk Idiazabal cheeses than in P cheeses. These differ- hygienic practices on farms has led to a ‘clean’ raw milk,
ences were attributed to the slower maturation of P with low microbial counts (Odet, 1999). Raw milk with
cheeses. This was confirmed by the fact that the differ- a low level of microbes could induce a reduction in sen-
ences diminished with increases in ripening time, and sorial diversity of cheese due to a reduction of microbial
were thought to be linked to the moisture content. diversity. Indeed, Dasen et al. (2003) have observed that
For certain types of cheese consumed mainly in a the strain diversity of mesophilic lactobacilli in raw
melted form, such as Raclette, it is more interesting to milk experimental Cheddar cheese was close to that
evaluate the texture characteristics of the cheese after observed in industrial Cheddar cheese manufactured
melting. Melting properties were evaluated in Raclette with pasteurised milk. The former was made from raw
cheeses made from R, P or MF milk and mixtures of milk with a total of around 10 000 cfu ml 1. The fact
the three types of milk in different proportions that raw milk tends to be more and more microbiologic-
(Klantschitsch et al., 2000). R cheeses had a longer ally ‘clean’ implies that there is a risk that the sensorial
consistency than P/MF cheeses after 90 days ripening. differences between R and P cheeses will be erased.
According to the authors, this is related to the proteoly- Some experiments in progress, particularly in
sis patterns, proteolysis ‘in width’, pH 4.6 N/TN (lower France, aim to evaluate dairy farming practices, includ-
in MF) leading to longer consistency and higher vis- ing milking practices, on the raw milk microflora in
cosity, proteolysis ‘in depth’ (NPN/TN) leading to terms of quantity and diversity. Recently, Michel et al.
shorter consistency. The viscosity did not differ (2001) observed links between milking practices and
between the cheeses. The firmness of melted cheese the bacteriological quality of milk, showing that it is
was also higher in R than in P/MF cheeses after 90 days possible to manage the microbial quality of milk on the
ripening, with a score indicating insufficient melting farm to promote the technologically ‘useful’ microflora,
quality. Fat separation increased more rapidly with while maintaining pathogens at a low level. This is a
ripening time in R than in P cheeses. Softening and good way to keep the natural microflora in R cheese
dropping points were in the range for good melting production, in terms of quantity and diversity, in order
quality in all cheeses ripened at 11 or 14 °C, but only to preserve their sensorial diversity. To add selected
in the MF cheeses ripened at 17 °C. The effect of the microorganisms could enhance the aroma of cheese, but
microflora on the melting quality of Raclette is depen- the cheese would have a more uniform flavour, a char-
dant on the ripening temperature and time; a high acteristic which is not sought by both the producers
temperature (17 °C) is detrimental when using raw and the consumers, because diversity of flavour is consid-
milk, whereas, in the case of microfiltered milk, it is ered a special feature of traditional R cheeses (Grappin
useful to accelerate ripening. and Beuvier, 1997).
In all these studies, the lack of microbial investiga- Otherwise, according to Montel (2002), microbial
tions made it difficult to establish a relationship communities may play a key role in the microbiological
between the microbial populations, whether of indigen- safety of R cheese. This potential role is supported
ous or starter origin, and the characteristics of texture. by several studies in which cheeses or milk, with
Nevertheless, when the observed differences were a more complex microflora, were less contaminated by
Raw Milk Cheeses 341

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and Albertini, A. (2001). Indagine sul comportamento di Int. Dairy J. 10, 45–53.
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maggio Parmiggiano-Reggiano. Sci. Technol. Lat. Cas. 52, Brechany, E.Y., Muir, D.D. and Fox, P.F. (2000c). Ripening
13–22. of Cheddar cheese made from blends of raw and pas-
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(1980). Role of microflora in production of free fatty acids Skie, S. and Ardö, Y. (2000). Influence from raw milk flora
and flavour in Swiss cheese. J. Dairy Sci. 63, 912–918. on cheese ripening studied by different treatments of
Prodromou, K., Thasitou, P., Haritonidou, E., Tzanetakis, N. milk to model cheese. Lebensm. Wiss. Technol. 33,
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tains. Food Microbiol. 18, 319–328. cheeses: effects of plant rennet, pasteurization, and addi-
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Biochemistry of Cheese Ripening:
Introduction and Overview
P.L.H. McSweeney, Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, University College,
Cork, Ireland

Introduction catabolism of free fatty acids and (4) proteolysis and

the catabolism of amino acids (Fig. 1). These reactions
As discussed in ‘Cheese: An Overview’, Volume 1, rennet-
are discussed in ‘Metabolism of Residual Lactose and
coagulated cheeses are ripened (matured) for a period
of Lactate and Citrate’, ‘Lipolysis and Catabolism of
ranging from 2 weeks (e.g., Mozzarella) to 2 or more
Fatty Acids in Cheese’, ‘Proteolysis in Cheese during
years (e.g., Parmigiano Reggiano or extra-mature
Ripening’, ‘Catabolism of Amino Acids in Cheese dur-
Cheddar) during which the flavour and texture char-
ing Ripening’, Volume 1. Since the biochemistry of
acteristic of the variety develop. Ripening usually
cheese ripening is complex, the purpose of this chap-
involves changes to the microflora of the cheese,
ter is to present an overview of the principal biochem-
including death and lysis of the starter cells, develop-
ical pathways which contribute to cheese ripening and
ment of an adventitious non-starter microflora and, in
to discuss the role of the principal ripening agents in
many cheeses, growth of a secondary microflora (e.g.,
cheese and the acceleration of cheese ripening. Aspects
Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. shermanii in
of cheese ripening common to many varieties are dis-
Swiss cheese, moulds in mould-ripened varieties and a
cussed in ‘Metabolism of Residual Lactose and of Lac-
complex Gram-positive bacterial microflora on the
tate and Citrate’, ‘Lipolysis and Catabolism of Fatty
surface of smear-ripened cheeses). The metabolic
Acids in Cheese’, ‘Proteolysis in Cheese during Ripen-
activity of the secondary microflora often dominates
ing’, ‘Catabolism of Amino Acids in Cheese during
flavour development, and in some cases, e.g., white-
Ripening’, Volume 1; ripening of specific varieties is dis-
mould cheeses, the texture, of varieties in which they
cussed in the relevant chapters in Volume 2.
grow. The microbiology of cheese during ripening is
discussed in ‘The Microbiology of Cheese Ripening’,
Volume 1. As discussed in ‘Rheology and Texture of
Glycolysis of Residual Lactose and
Cheese’, Volume 1, ripening usually involves the soft-
Catabolism of Lactate
ening of cheese texture, as a consequence of the
hydrolysis of the casein matrix, changes in the water- Since cheeses are fermented dairy products, the metab-
binding ability of the curd and changes in pH (which olism of lactose to lactate is essential in the manufac-
may cause other changes such as the migration and ture of all varieties. Cheese curd contains a low level
precipitation of calcium phosphate). The flavour of of residual lactose which is metabolised rapidly early
cheese curd immediately after manufacture is rather in ripening to lactate which may be catabolised subse-
bland and indeed it can be difficult to differentiate quently via a range of pathways. Catabolism of lactate
the flavours of certain varieties at this stage. During probably occurs in all cheeses and is particularly
ripening, cheese flavour develops due to the produc- important in surface mould-ripened varieties (e.g.,
tion of a wide range of sapid compounds by the bio- Camembert) and in Swiss cheese. These reactions were
chemical pathways described below. Volatile flavour reviewed by Fox et al. (1990, 1993) and McSweeney
compounds are of particular importance to cheese and Sousa (2000) and are discussed in detail in
flavour and are discussed in ‘Sensory Character of ‘Metabolism of Residual Lactose and of Lactate and
Cheese and its Evaluation’, Volume 1. Quantification Citrate’, Volume 1.
of the volatile flavour compounds of cheese are The pathway through which lactose is metabolised
described in ‘Instrumental Techniques’, Volume 1. depends on the starter type (see ‘Starter Cultures: Gen-
Biochemical reactions which occur in cheese during eral Aspects’, Volume 1; Cogan and Hill, 1993; Fox
ripening are usually grouped into four major cat- et al., 2000; McSweeney and Sousa, 2000; Broome
egories: (1) glycolysis of residual lactose and catabol- et al., 2003). The final step in the glycolysis of lactose
ism of lactate, (2) catabolism of citrate, which is very is the conversion of pyruvate to lactate which is cata-
important in certain varieties, (3) lipolysis and the lysed by lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). Depending on
Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, Third edition – Volume 1: General Aspects Copyright © 2004 Elsevier Ltd
ISBN: 0-1226-3652-X All rights reserved
Set ISBN: 0-1226-3651-1
348 Biochemistry of Cheese Ripening: Introduction and Overview

Triglyceride COOH
(a) (b) (c) CH2

Caseins O
C Lactose
Chymosin O
and plasmin Fermentation Citrate
O by starter
Intermediate- pa
sized peptides Li

Proteinases from
Other products
Short peptides
Peptidases of C OH OH
Lactococcus OH COOH
and NSLAB Fatty acid
Amino acids

Fatty acid catabolism

Interactions between Interactions between

Am products








m of citra

Figure 1 General overview of the biochemical pathways which operate in cheese during ripening.

the type of LDH (D- or L-LDH) in the cell, D- (e.g., month of ripening by the (albeit reduced) activity of
Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus), L- (e.g., Lactococcus, the starter or by the action of the non-starter lactic
Sc. thermophilus) or D/L- (e.g., Lb. helveticus) lactate is acid bacteria (NSLAB). Lactate contributes to the
the end product of glycolysis which converts 1 mol of flavour of cheese, particularly early during maturation,
lactose to 4 mol of lactate with the production of but the major effect of acidification on flavour devel-
4 mol of ATP. Unlike most lactic acid bacteria (LAB), opment is indirect since, together with the buffering
Leuconostoc spp. use the phosphoketolase pathway to capacity of the curd, it influences pH and thus the
metabolise lactose; the end products of this pathway growth of the secondary flora and the activity of ripening
are lactate, ethanol and CO2 and thus differ from that enzymes.
of the glycolytic pathway. Although essential for cheese Lactate is an important substrate for a range of reac-
manufacture, the metabolism of lactose to lactate is tions which contribute positively or negatively to
essentially complete at the end of manufacture or dur- cheese ripening. L-Lactate, produced by Lactococcus,
ing the early stages of ripening. Most lactose in milk is can be racemised to DL-lactate by the NSLAB flora
lost in the whey and that which is retained in the curd in Cheddar and Dutch-type cheeses. DL-Lactate is less
is metabolised rapidly after drainage. However, the soluble than L-lactate, resulting in the formation of
activity of the starter is greatly reduced at the end of Ca-D-lactate crystals which appear as white specks on
manufacture or soon thereafter due to the combination the surface of the mature cheese. Lactate can also be
of low pH, high NaCl and lack of a fermentable carbo- metabolised to acetate and CO2 by some members of
hydrate. The inhibition of acid production is particu- the NSLAB flora, although this oxidative pathway is
larly abrupt in dry-salted varieties (e.g., Cheddar) relatively minor in cheese due to its low oxidation–
where NaCl concentration reaches equilibrium much reduction (redox) potential (c. 250 mV) and is lim-
faster than in brine-salted cheeses. Fresh cheese curd ited by the availability of O2. Late gas blowing is a
contains a low level of lactose which, in the case of defect in certain hard and semi-hard varieties caused by
Cheddar cheese, is reduced to trace levels within one the anaerobic catabolism of lactate to butyrate and H2
Biochemistry of Cheese Ripening: Introduction and Overview 349

by Clostridium tyrobutyricum. This problem can be over- in that made from pasteurised milk since the enzyme is
come by good hygiene, addition of NaNO3 or lysozyme extensively inactivated by pasteurisation. Rennet paste,
or by the physical removal of the spores by bactofuga- used as coagulant in certain Italian cheese varieties,
tion or microfiltration. contains a potent lipase, pregastric esterase, which is
However, catabolism of lactate is particularly responsible for lipolysis in cheeses such as Provolone
important in Swiss and surface mould-ripened cheeses. and the Pecorino varieties. Lactic acid bacteria are
In the former, lactate is catabolised by Propionibacterium weakly lipolytic, but their enzymes have been shown to
freudenreichii subsp. shermanii to propionate, acetate, contribute to the low level of lipolysis characteristic of
H2O and CO2. Propionate and acetate contribute to Cheddar cheese (Collins et al., 2003b). Likewise,
the flavour of Swiss cheese; CO2 migrates through the Pr. freudenreichii subsp. shermanii possesses a lipase
curd to points of weakness where it collects to form which, together with enzymes from the thermophilic
the large eyes characteristic of Swiss-type cheese. The starter organisms, contributes to the low level of lipoly-
oxidative catabolism of lactate to H2O and CO2 by sis in Swiss cheese. Penicillium roqueforti produces
Penicillium camemberti at the surface of Camembert potent extracellular lipases which are responsible for
and Brie-type cheeses is of great indirect importance to the extensive lipolysis characteristic of Blue cheese.
their ripening. The catabolism of lactic acid causes a P. camemberti and the complex Gram-positive surface
large increase in the pH of the surface of these cheeses microflora of smear cheeses also produce extracellular
which leads to a pH gradient from the surface to the lipases which contribute to lipolysis in surface-bacterial
core and to the migration of lactate towards the sur- or white mould-ripened varieties. The level of lipolysis
face. The high pH at the surface causes precipitation of in cheese is determined using various non-specific tech-
calcium phosphate, which, in turn, causes the migra- niques (e.g., solvent extraction and titration of the fatty
tion of calcium and phosphate to the cheese surface. acids with alcoholic KOH or by the formation of
These changes lead to the characteristic softening of coloured Cu soaps) or by quantitation of individual
surface mould-ripened cheese which, when mature, fatty acids, usually by gas chromatography (see Collins
have an almost liquid-like consistency. Oxidative et al., 2003a).
metabolism of lactate is also of significance at the sur- Fatty acids have a direct impact on the flavour of
face of smear-ripened cheeses (e.g., Tilst or Limburger) many cheese varieties. In particular, C4–C10 acids are
where, early in ripening, yeasts deacidify the surface strongly flavoured. Levels of fatty acids vary considerably
which encourages the growth of the Gram-positive between varieties. Many internal bacterially ripened
bacteria characteristic of the surface. Oxidative metab- varieties (e.g., Edam, Swiss and Cheddar) contain
olism of lactate probably also occurs in Blue cheese low levels of fatty acids (c. 200–1000 mg kg 1). Very
but its effect is less important than in surface mould- high levels of fatty acids are found in Blue cheese
ripened cheese since P. roqueforti is distributed (c. 30 000 mg kg 1). In addition to their direct role in
throughout the cheese and thus gradients do not cheese flavour, fatty acids are important precursors for
develop across the cheese mass. the production of other volatile flavour compounds
during ripening (Fig. 2). Fatty acid esters are produced
by reaction of fatty acids with an alcohol; ethyl esters
Lipolysis and Metabolism of Fatty Acids
are most common in cheese. Thioesters are formed by
Studies in which milk fat was replaced with other reaction of a fatty acid with a thiol compound formed
lipids have demonstrated that milk fat is essential for via the catabolism of sulphur-containing amino acids.
the development of the flavour of Cheddar and prob- Fatty acid lactones are cyclic compounds formed by the
ably all other ripened cheeses. As in all high-fat foods, intramolecular esterification of hydroxyacids; - and
lipids present in cheese can undergo hydrolytic or -lactones contribute to the flavour of a number of
oxidative degradation; the latter is generally con- cheese varieties. The principal class of volatile flavour
sidered not to be important in cheese, primarily due to compounds in Blue cheese is n-methyl ketones (alkan-
its low redox potential. Lipolysis in cheese during 2-ones) which are produced from fatty acids by partial
ripening is discussed in detail in ‘Lipolysis and Catab- -oxidation. n-Methyl ketones may be reduced to the
olism of Fatty Acids in Cheese’, Volume 1. corresponding secondary alcohols. Fatty acid catabol-
As discussed by McSweeney and Sousa (2000) and ism is summarised in Fig. 2 and is discussed in detail
Collins et al. (2003a), lipases in cheese originate from a in ‘Lipolysis and Catabolism of Fatty Acids in Cheese’,
number of sources. Milk contains an indigenous Volume 1. Volatile flavour compounds in cheese,
lipoprotein lipase (LPL), which contributes to lipolysis including those derived from fatty acids, are usually
in cheese during ripening. Lipoprotein lipase activity quantified using gas chromatography–mass spectrom-
is more important in cheese made from raw milk than etry (GC–MS; see ‘Instrumental Techniques’, Volume 1).
350 Biochemistry of Cheese Ripening: Introduction and Overview



pas OH O

γ- or δ-hydroxy fatty acids

Partial glycerides
H 2O

O γ- or δ-lactones

Fatty acids
Partial β-oxidation


C OCH2CH3 Alkan-2-ones
Ethyl esters



Figure 2 Pathways for the production of flavour compounds from fatty acids during cheese ripening.

Proteolysis and Catabolism of Amino Acids

Peptides may have a direct impact on cheese flavour
Proteolysis is the most complex, and in most varieties, (some are bitter) or they may provide a brothy back-
the most important biochemical event which occurs ground flavour to cheese. However, recent research has
during cheese ripening. Proteolysis has been discussed indicated that the major role of proteolysis in cheese
in reviews by Grappin et al. (1985), Rank et al. (1985), flavour is in the production of amino acids which act as
Fox (1989), Fox et al. (1993, 1994, 1995), Fox and precursors for a range of catabolic reactions which pro-
McSweeney (1996), McSweeney and Sousa (2000) and duce many important volatile flavour compounds (see
Sousa et al. (2001) and is covered in detail in ‘Proteoly- McSweeney and Sousa, 2000; Yvon and Rijnen, 2001).
sis in Cheese during Ripening’, Volume 1. Proteolysis is In most cheese varieties, the initial hydrolysis of
very important for cheese texture by hydrolysing the caseins is caused by the coagulant and to a lesser
para-casein matrix which gives cheese its structure and extent by plasmin and perhaps somatic cell proteinases
by increasing the water-binding capacity of the curd (e.g., cathepsin D) which result in the formation of
(i.e., to the new -carboxylic and -amino groups pro- large (water-insoluble) and intermediate-sized (water-
duced on cleavage of peptide bonds). Proteolysis may soluble) peptides which are subsequently hydrolysed
indirectly affect texture by increasing pH through the by the coagulant and enzymes from the starter and
production of NH3 following amino acid catabolism. non-starter flora of the cheese. The production of
Biochemistry of Cheese Ripening: Introduction and Overview 351

small peptides and amino acids is caused by the action

of microbial proteinases and peptidases, respectively.
Cell envelope- Intracellular proteinases
Preparations of selected aspartyl proteinases are associated Endopeptidases
used to coagulate milk. Chymosin (EC is the proteinase (PepO, PepF)
(CEP, PrtP, Aminopeptidases
principal proteinase (88–94%) in traditional calf ren- Lactocepin) (PepN, PepC, PepA, PCP, PepL)
nets, the remainder being pepsin (EC (Rothe Proline-specific peptidases
et al., 1977). Although, the principal role of the coagu- (PepX, PepI, PepR, PepQ, PepP)
lant in cheesemaking is to coagulate milk, some activ- Caseins Dipeptidase
(PepV, PepD, PepDA)
ity is retained in the curd, depending on factors such Tripeptidase LYSIS
as coagulant type, cooking temperature and pH at (PepT)
Amino acids
drainage, and contributes to proteolysis in many var- No carboxypeptidase
Transport Di, tripeptides
ieties (Creamer et al., 1985). systems Oligopeptides

Plasmin (fibrinolysin; EC is the dominant

indigenous proteinase in milk and is produced from its Figure 3 Summary of the proteolytic system of Lactococcus.
The proteolytic systems of other lactic acid bacteria are gener-
inactive precursor, plasminogen, by a system of plas- ally similar.
minogen activators (PA). Inhibitors of plasmin and of
PA are also present in milk. Plasmin, which is opti-
mally active at pH 7.5 and 37 °C, is most active in cellular) are responsible for the release of free amino
high-cook cheeses due to denaturation of inhibitors acids after the cells have lysed.
and increased activation of plasmin and in cheeses in Non-starter lactic acid bacteria, although present
which the pH increases during ripening (e.g., Blue initially at low numbers (50 cfu g 1 in Cheddar
cheese or the surfaces of white-mould and smear- made from pasteurised milk, and probably in other
ripened varieties). Plasmin is most active on -casein, cheeses), grow at a rate largely governed by ripening
hydrolysing it at three sites to produce the -caseins temperature to reach ⬃107 cfu g 1 within 4 weeks and
and some proteose peptones. Milk contains somatic remain relatively constant thereafter. The activity of
(white blood) cells, which contain lysosomes, which the NSLAB appears to supplement the proteolytic
in turn, contain many proteolytic enzymes. To date, action of the starter. Non-starter lactic acid bacteria in
cathepsin D (see review by Hurley et al., 2000) and cheese are discussed in ‘The Microbiology of Cheese
cathepsin B (Magboul et al., 2001) have been con- Ripening’, Volume 1.
firmed in milk. In many cheese varieties, a secondary microflora
Lactic acid bacteria (Lactococcus, Lactobacillus, (secondary starter) is added intentionally and/or
Streptococcus) possess very comprehensive proteolytic encouraged to grow by environmental conditions and
systems that have been studied extensively and reviewed has a diverse range of functions, depending on the
(e.g., Fox and McSweeney, 1996; Kunji et al., 1996; Law organisms used. A number of different LAB, e.g.,
and Haandrikman, 1997; Christensen et al., 1999). strains of Lactobacillus, have been added to Cheddar
Lactic acid bacteria possess a cell envelope-associated cheese with the objective of improving flavour or
proteinase (PrtP or lactocepin), 3–4 intracellular pro- accelerating ripening. These have proteolytic systems
teinases, intracellular oligoendopeptidases (PepO, PepF), similar to those of other species of LAB. Brevibacterium
a number of aminopeptidases (PepN, PepC, PepG, linens is the best-studied smear microorganism; it
PepA, PepL), a pyrolidone carboxyl peptidase (PCP), a secretes an extracellular proteinase and aminopepti-
dipeptidylaminopeptidase (PepX), a proline iminopep- dase, and possesses a number of intracellular pepti-
tidase (PepI), an aminopeptidase P (PepP), a prolinase dases, which contribute to proteolysis at the surface of
(PepR), a prolidase (PepQ), general dipeptidases smear-ripened cheeses (see Rattray and Fox, 1999).
(PepV, PepD, PepDA) and a general tripeptidase Penicillium roqueforti produces potent extracellular
(PepT). They also possess oligopeptide, di/tripeptide aspartyl and metalloproteinases and various peptidases
and amino acid transport systems (Fig. 3). This prote- which are major contributors to the extensive proteoly-
olytic system is necessary to enable the LAB to grow to sis found in Blue cheese. P. camemberti secretes active
high numbers in milk (109–1010 cfu ml 1), which metallo and aspartyl proteinases which contribute to
contains only low levels of small peptides and amino proteolysis in Camembert and Brie-type cheeses.
acids. PrtP contributes to the formation of small The final products of proteolysis are amino acids,
peptides in cheese, probably by hydrolysing larger the concentration of which depends on the cheese var-
peptides produced from s1-casein by chymosin or iety. The concentration of amino acids in cheese at a
from -casein by plasmin, whereas the aminopepti- given stage of ripening is the net result of the liberation
dases, dipeptidases and tripeptidases (which are intra- of amino acids from the caseins by proteolysis and
352 Biochemistry of Cheese Ripening: Introduction and Overview

their catabolism or transformation into other amino an -keto acid (usually -ketoglutarate) with the pro-
acids by the cheese microflora. The principal amino duction of the corresponding amino acid and an
acids in Cheddar cheese are Glu, Leu, Arg, Lys, Phe -keto acid corresponding to the amino acid substrate
and Ser. (cf. Fig. 5 for leucine). The second pathway, which is
Medium and small peptides contribute to a brothy initiated by elimination reactions, is particularly
background flavour in many cheese varieties; short, important in the production of volatile sulphur com-
hydrophobic peptides are bitter. Amino acids con- pounds from the side chain of methionine. In addition,
tribute directly to cheese flavour as some amino acids decarboxylases remove the carboxylic acid group of
taste sweet (e.g., Gly, Ser, Thr, Ala, Pro), sour (e.g., amino acids to produce amines, some of which have
His, Glu, Asp) or bitter (e.g., Arg, Met, Val, Leu, Phe, physiological effects (see ‘Toxins in Cheese’, Volume 1).
Tyr, Ile, Trp). However, research in the last decade has Decarboxylases may also act on -keto acids to
shown that accelerating proteolysis does not necessar- produce aldehydes, which in turn may be oxidised to
ily accelerate flavour development, suggesting that carboxylic acids or reduced to primary alcohols. The
the production of amino acids is not the rate-limiting -amino group of amino acids may be removed by the
step in the development of cheese flavour. It is now action of deaminases, with the formation of a car-
generally believed that the principal role of proteoly- boxylic acid and ammonia. In addition, the side
sis in the production of flavour compounds is the chains of amino acids may be degraded by the action
liberation of amino acids as precursors for a com- of various lysases (see ‘Catabolism of Amino Acids in
plex series of catabolic reactions that produce many Cheese during Ripening’, Volume 1).
important volatile flavour compounds. Amino acid
catabolism was reviewed by Yvon and Rijnen (2001),
and is discussed in detail in ‘Catabolism of Amino
Ripening Agents in Cheese
Acids in Cheese During Ripening’, Volume 1 and sum- Agents from five, and possibly six, sources are involved
marised in Fig. 4. Amino acid catabolism appears to in the ripening of cheese:
proceed via two major pathways – transaminase action
and elimination reactions. Transaminases catalyse the • enzymes from the coagulant;
transfer of the -amino group from an amino acid to • indigenous milk enzymes;

Casein Large and small polypeptides
Starter proteinases

Small peptides

Starter and non-starter peptidases

Small peptides Amino acids

α-Keto acid 1 CO2
Acids Lyases

Transaminases Amines

α-Amino acid

α-Keto acid 2

Various compounds
(e.g., sulphur compounds)

Figure 4 Summary of proteolysis and amino acid catabolism in cheese during ripening.
Biochemistry of Cheese Ripening: Introduction and Overview 353



α-Ketoglutarate CH2 CH2

Glutamic acid






Leucine 2-Keto-4-methylpentanoic acid 3-Methylbutanal CH CH3


AM 3-Methylbutanoic acid



4-Methylpentanoic acid



Figure 5 Catabolism of leucine initiated by transaminase, deaminase or decarboxylase action and volatile flavour compounds
which may be formed from this amino acid. Similar catabolic pathways operate for the other branched-chain aliphatic amino acids
(isoleucine and valine).

• starter bacteria and their enzymes, which are released Non-starter bacteria may be eliminated by using an
after the cells have died and lysed; aseptic bucket milking technique, developed by Perry
• enzymes from secondary starters (e.g., Propionibac- and McGillivray (1964); the teat cups and clusters were
terium freudenreichii subsp. shermanii, Gram-positive chemically sterilised and the bucket steam-sterilised.
bacteria on the surface of smear-ripened cheese, Cows were screened for the bacteriological quality of
yeasts and moulds, such as Penicillium roqueforti their milk and animals with counts 100 cfu ml%l
and P. camemberti), which are of major importance selected; prior to milking, their udders were cleaned with
in some varieties; a quaternary ammonium solution. An essentially similar
• non-starter bacteria, i.e., organisms that either sur- approach was used by O’Keeffe et al. (1976a), who
vive pasteurisation of the cheese milk or gain access obtained milk with a total bacterial count 500 cfu ml%1.
to the pasteurised milk or curd during manufacture; Kleter and de Vries (1974) included a cooling coil
and, in certain circumstances, between the cluster and the bucket and succeeded in
• exogenous enzymes added to accelerate cheese achieving counts averaging 46 cfu ml%1. This approach
ripening. was also used by Visser (1976). Reiter et al. (1969) with-
drew milk aseptically by means of a teat cannula, but the
There has been interest for about 40 years in quantities obtained (l l) were sufficient to produce
developing model systems in which to quantify the cheeses of only about 100 g. More recently, it has been
contribution of each of these agents to cheese ripen- our experience (McSweeney et al., 1994; Lynch et al.,
ing. The techniques developed eliminate one or more 1996, 1997) that special precautions for milking are
of the above agents, thereby enabling its role to be unnecessary; good quality raw milk pasteurised at 78 °C
assessed, directly or indirectly. for 15 s is suitable for aseptic cheesemaking.
354 Biochemistry of Cheese Ripening: Introduction and Overview

Having collected low-count milk, a heating step is excessively rapid acidification, leading to extensive
usually used to reduce bacterial counts further. Perry and demineralisation of the casein micelles. Demineralisa-
McGillivray (1964) used batch pasteurisation (68 °C  tion was considered to be responsible for the exces-
5 min) in a steam-jacketed cheese vat. Chapman et al. sively rapid rate of proteolysis observed in chemically
(1966), who did not use an aseptic milking technique, acidified cheese but this may have been due to
used HTST pasteurisation (71.6 °C  17 s) to produce increased retention or activity of rennet in over-acid
low-count milk. Reiter et al. (1967), Kleter and de curd (Creamer et al., 1985). O’Keeffe et al. (1975) over-
Vries (1974) and Visser (1976, 1977a) also used HTST came excessively rapid acidification by using incre-
pasteurisation. An LTLT regime (63 °C  30 min) was mental addition of lactic acid to mimic the pH drop
used by Reiter et al. (1969) and O’Keeffe et al. during cooking, followed by the addition of GDL to
(1976a). Le Bars et al. (1975) used a UHT treatment the curd after whey drainage.
and offset the ill-effects of the high heat treatment on Roberts et al. (1995) developed an aseptic system
the rennetability of milk by using a higher rennet con- for making cheese curd which was then used to pro-
centration, a higher setting temperature and adding duce slurries. The system consisted of a 1L cylindrical
CaCl2. Tyndallisation (three successive cycles of heat- polypropylene ‘vat’ fitted with a lid and a stainless
ing at 75 °C  5 min) or treatment with H2O2 fol- steel cutter/stirrer. The milk was coagulated, cut,
lowed by catalase was used by Roberts et al. (1995) to cooked and stirred in the sealed ‘vat’. At the end of
treat milk for the production of aseptic cheese curd. cooking, the lid was replaced by a steel mesh screen
Both treatments were successful, although H2O2 through which the whey was drained off.
caused the development of oxidised off-flavours.
Cheese with a controlled microflora must be manu-
Role of rennet in cheese ripening
factured under aseptic conditions. Enclosed vats
equipped with integral rubber gauntlets were used by The manufacture of rennet-free cheese is necessary if
Mabbitt et al. (1959) and modified by Perry and the contribution of rennet to ripening is to be asses-
McGillivray (1964) to include pressurised or sterile sed. Since rennet must be used to form a para-casein
air. Chapman et al. (1966) and Reiter et al. (1967, curd, the approach usually adopted is to inactivate the
1969) used a similar technique. Le Bars et al. (1975) rennet after it has completed the first stage of rennet-
made cheese in an aseptic room (5  3 m) with a fil- induced coagulation.
tered air supply and the cheesemakers were clothed in Four techniques have been developed to achieve
sterile garments. O’Keeffe et al. (1975, 1976a,b), this objective. Visser (1976) used cheesemilk which
McSweeney et al. (1994) and Lynch et al. (1996, 1997) had been depleted of Ca and Mg by treatment with an
made cheese in 20-l vats set in thermostatically con- ion-exchange resin; at the reduced Ca concentration,
trolled water baths in a laminar air-flow unit. If the the enzymatic phase of renneting could be completed
cheese curd is to be acidified chemically, antibiotics without coagulation. The rennet was subsequently inac-
should be added to the cheesemilk to inhibit the tivated by heat treatment (72 °C  15 s), the milk
growth of any surviving (or contaminating) bacteria. cooled to 5 °C and CaCl2 added. To induce coagulation,
Nisin, penicillin and streptomycin were used by Le the renneted milk was heated dielectrically to avoid agi-
Bars et al. (1975) and O’Keeffe et al. (1976a). Addition tation. Cheesemaking was then completed in aseptic
of antibiotics is probably necessary to achieve aseptic vats. This technique was used by Visser (1977a,b,c) and
starter-free cheese. Visser and de Groot-Mostert (1977).
Acidification of cheese curd to ⬃pH 5, which is an Porcine pepsin is very unstable at pH values near or
essential element of cheese manufacture, is normally above neutrality. O’Keeffe et al. (1977) used porcine
achieved by in situ production of lactic acid by a cul- pepsin as coagulant; after the gel had formed, it was cut
ture of LAB (starter). If the contribution of starter to and the pH of the curds–whey mixture raised to ⬃7
cheese ripening is to be assessed, the use of starter using NaOH; this technique has been used subsequently
must be avoided and acidification is then accom- by Lane et al. (1997) with satisfactory results. Mulvihill
plished by pre-formed acid or acidogen. Early workers et al. (1979) demonstrated the potential of piglet chy-
used dilute acid for direct acidification but encoun- mosin for the manufacture of rennet-free cheese; this
tered difficulties in controlling the pH. Mabbitt et al. enzyme hydrolyses bovine -casein but appears to be
(1955) largely overcame this problem by using an aci- inactive on s1- or -caseins or to be inactivated rapidly
dogen, gluconic acid--lactone (GDL), which hydroly- during the early stages of cheesemaking. Its use in
ses to gluconic acid at a predictable rate in aqueous cheesemaking was demonstrated in small-scale experi-
solutions. O’Keeffe et al. (1975) found that GDL, used ments. Meinardi et al. (1998) developed methodology
as recommended by Mabbitt et al. (1955), caused and equipment for the production of rennet-free cheese
Biochemistry of Cheese Ripening: Introduction and Overview 355

using pH-inactivated pepsin. Pasteurised milk supple- taining AHA than in the control, suggesting that plas-
mented with CaCl2 was cooled to 6 °C in a cylindrical min plays a role in Cheddar cheese ripening. It was
glass vessel (15 l) equipped with a series of glass tubes necessary to use a high concentration of AHA to inhibit
through which water could be circulated to control the the plasmin in cheese curd and this appeared to cause
temperature and to heat the contents of the vessel with- increased syneresis and consequently reduced the mois-
out stirring. Porcine pepsin was added and the first stage ture content of the cheese. Further, since AHA contains
of rennet action allowed to progress. The coagulant was N, the background level of soluble N was increased
inactivated by titrating the milk to pH 7.8 using NaOH greatly. Several specific irreversible inhibitors of serine
and holding at this pH for 45 min. The milk was proteinases were described by Harper et al. (1985) who
adjusted to pH 7.0 using HCl; starter was then added recommended dichloroisocoumarin; as far as we are
and addition of HCl continued until the milk reached aware, none of these inhibitors have been used in stud-
pH 6.5. ies on cheese.
Shakeel-Ur-Rehman et al. (1999) added pepstatin A Since most of the potential plasmin activity in cheese
(isovaleryl-Val-Val-statine-Ala-statine), a potent inhibitor is in the form of its inactive precursor, plasminogen, it
of aspartyl proteinases, to the curds–whey mixture dur- is possible to increase plasmin activity in cheese by activ-
ing cooking; results indicated that this compound very ation of plasminogen to plasmin using exogenous plas-
effectively inhibited chymosin action in cheese during min inhibitors. Barrett et al. (1999) used urokinase to
ripening. Immobilised rennets have been suggested as activate plasminogen to plasmin, while Upadhyay et al.
another approach to making rennet-free curd (e.g., Fox (unpublished) used streptokinase, a plasminogen activa-
et al., 1993) but leaching of the enzyme from the solid tor produced by the mastitis pathogen, Streptococcus
support makes this technique unsuitable. Furthermore, uberis. In both studies, the rate of proteolysis was accel-
properly immobilised rennets are unable to coagulate erated on activation of plasminogen to plasmin.
milk as the Phe9Met bond of -casein may not be able Since plasmin associates with the casein micelles,
to reach the active site of immobilised chymosin and the most exogenous plasmin added to milk is retained in
rate of diffusion of large casein micelles to immobilised the curd, unlike many exogenous enzymes added to
rennet is very slow compared to the rate of diffusion of cheese milk, which are lost in the whey. Studies in
the small chymosin molecule towards the casein micelle which exogenous plasmin was added to milk include
(Beeby, 1979). Farkye and Fox (1992), Farkye and Landkammer
(1992) and O’Farrell et al. (2002). Increasing the level
of plasmin in milk increased the rate of primary
proteolysis, but did not greatly increase the production
Eliminating the proteolytic activity of plasmin presents of secondary proteolysis products.
more difficulties than eliminating the action of the
coagulant. The contribution of plasmin to proteolysis
Cathepsin D
in cheese has been assessed indirectly, i.e., in cheese
from which all other agents have been eliminated Cathepsin D is a lysosomal proteinase found at low
(e.g., Visser and de Groot-Mostert, 1977). Plasmin is levels in milk and which has a very similar specificity
inhibited by soybean trypsin inhibitor which should on the caseins to chymosin (McSweeney et al., 1995).
be suitable for the inhibition of plasmin activity in Thus, it is difficult to assess the role of cathepsin D in
cheese but no studies to evaluate this approach have proteolysis in rennet-coagulated cheeses due to the
been reported. The high heat stability of plasmin and presence of the much greater amount of chymosin (or
the finding that its activity is increased by high cook- other coagulant). The hydrolysis of s1-casein to s1-CN
ing temperatures (Farkye and Fox, 1990) suggest that (f24-199) in ‘rennet-free’ cheeses (e.g., Lane et al., 1997)
a model system could be developed in which aseptic and in high-cook varieties such as Swiss (in which
curd is produced, the rennet denatured by a suitable much of the rennet is inactivated; see for example
cooking temperature and the curd acidified by GDL; Cooney et al., 2000) has been attributed to the action
such a system would allow plasmin to act in isolation. of cathepsin D. However, it is also possible that the
6-Aminohexanoic acid (AHA) is an inhibitor of production of s1-CN (f24-199) in these cheeses was
plasmin and/or plasminogen activators but does not due to a low level of residual chymosin activity rather
inhibit chymosin or bacterial peptidases. It was used by than cathepsin D which is largely inactivated on pas-
Farkye and Fox (1991) to assess the role of plasmin in teurisation (Hayes et al., 2000). However, clear evi-
Cheddar cheese made without aseptic precautions and dence for a minor role for cathepsin D in proteolysis in
with a normal lactic acid starter. -Casein bands on cheese during ripening has emerged from the study of
electrophoretograms were less intense in cheeses con- Quarg, an acid-curd cheese (Hurley et al., 2000) and
356 Biochemistry of Cheese Ripening: Introduction and Overview

a pickled Feta-type cheese made from ultrafiltered Recent research has suggested that the principal
milk in which no rennet was used in manufacture role of proteolytic enzymes is the production of amino
(Wium et al., 1998). acids as precursors for a range of catabolic reactions
which produce volatile flavour compounds. The genet-
Other indigenous enzymes ics of enzymes involved in amino acid catabolism is
now an active area of research and it is expected that
As discussed by Fox (2003), milk contains about 60
mutant strains of LAB which are deficient in, or over-
indigenous enzymes, of which about 20 have been isol-
produce, specific amino acid catabolic enzymes will be
ated and characterised in detail. However, the contribu-
produced in the near future. Cheese made using such
tions of only plasmin, cathepsin D and lipoprotein
strains or their wild types as starters would give very
lipase (see Proteolysis in Cheese during Ripening and
clear insights into the role of specific amino acid cata-
‘Lipolysis and Catabolism of Fatty Acids in Cheese’,
bolic enzymes in the development of cheese flavour.
Volume 1) to cheese ripening have been investigated. It
is possible that other indigenous enzymes, e.g., xan-
thine oxidase, sulphydryl oxidase or acid phosphatase NSLAB and their enzymes
may contribute to cheese ripening, although these
Non-starter lactic acid bacteria affect cheese quality
enzymes have not been studied in this context.
and almost certainly contribute to the intensity of
flavour, although sometimes they may cause off-
Starter enzymes
flavours in cheese. The role of NSLAB in cheese ripen-
Advances in the genetics of LAB have permitted study ing has been studied actively, principally with a view
of the roles of specific bacterial enzymes in cheese to explaining the differences observed between cheese
during ripening. The first enzyme to be studied in made from raw or pasteurised milk. Comparison of
this way was lactocepin (cell envelope-associated pro- raw and pasteurised milk cheese (e.g., Lau et al., 1990,
teinase, PrtP) of Lactococcus. The gene for this enzyme 1991; McSweeney et al., 1993; Shakeel-Ur-Rehman et al.,
is plasmid-encoded, and therefore it is easy to produce 1999) generally showed that raw milk cheese ripens
PrtP mutants. The role of this enzyme has been stud- more quickly and develops a stronger flavour than
ied by comparison of cheese made with PrtP or pasteurised milk cheese. Descriptive sensory analysis
PrtP strains (e.g., Farkye et al., 1990; Law et al., of the flavour profiles of raw and pasteurised milk
1993; Lane and Fox, 1997; Broadbent et al., 2002) or Cheddar cheese (Muir et al., 1997) showed that raw
cheeses made with control strains and starters with milk cheese is more intensely flavoured than pas-
enhanced PrtP activities (e.g., Law et al., 1993). The teurised milk cheese but has higher ratings for certain
principal role of PrtP during cheese ripening appears atypical flavours and is more variable.
to be the degradation of intermediate-sized peptides The role of NSLAB in cheese has been studied by
produced from the caseins by the action of chymosin physically removing them by microfiltration (e.g.,
or plasmin. McSweeney et al., 1993; Bouton and Grappin, 1995;
The genes for peptidases are chromosomally encoded Beuvier et al., 1997; Roy et al., 1997) or by inhibiting
and therefore more sophisticated techniques are required their growth by the addition of antibiotics at salting
to prepare mutants with different peptidase genes than (e.g., Walsh et al., 1996; Shakeel-Ur-Rehman et al.,
those that were used to produce PrtP strains. Strains 1999) or by the use of bacteriocin-producing starters
deficient in specific peptidases (e.g., Christensen et al., (Fenelon et al., 1999). Several investigators have
1995; Meyer and Spahni, 1998), strains which over- added selected strains of NSLAB to pasteurised milk as
produce specific peptidases (e.g., McGarry et al., 1994; adjuncts (e.g., Broome et al., 1990; Muir et al., 1996).
Christensen et al., 1995) or strains which express pepti- Cheese has been made under controlled bacterio-
dase genes from other organisms (e.g., Wegmann et al., logical conditions in an attempt to prevent NSLAB
1999; Luoma et al., 2001; Courtin et al., 2002; Joutsjoki gaining access to the cheese from the environment
et al., 2002) have been developed. Although the object- (e.g., McSweeney et al., 1994; Lynch et al., 1996,
ive of many of these studies has been to study the role of 1997). Raw milk (Shakeel-Ur-Rehman et al., 2000c) or
peptidases in nitrogen metabolism in LAB in milk, some MF retentate from raw skim milk (Beauvier et al.,
(e.g., McGarry et al., 1994; Christensen et al., 1995; 1997) has been added to pasteurised cheesemilk as an
Courtin et al., 2002) have made cheeses using these inoculum of NSLAB. Blends of as little as 1% raw milk
mutant strains and thus information is available on the with 99% pasteurised milk influence the quality of
roles of peptidases in cheese during ripening which cheese (Shakeel-Ur-Rehman et al., 2000c). Since the
appears to degrade polypeptides to shorter peptides, rate of growth of NSLAB is strongly affected by tempera-
usually with the release of amino acids. ture (see Folkertsma et al., 1996), Shakeel-Ur-Rehman
Biochemistry of Cheese Ripening: Introduction and Overview 357

et al. (2000a,b) successfully prevented the growth of and ripening at an elevated temperature (e.g., c. 16 °C)
NSLAB in raw milk Cheddar by ripening at 1 °C. results in the rapid development of flavour, although
The results of these studies suggest that the differ- problems can occur with texture but this is not a seri-
ences observed between cheese made from raw and pas- ous drawback if the cheese is to be used in certain
teurised milk are due principally to heat-induced ingredient applications. Recent advances in the genet-
changes to the NSLAB microflora, although pasteurisa- ics of LAB and a greater understanding of the role of
tion largely inactivates the indigenous lipoprotein lipase, specific enzymes in the generation of volatile flavour
which results in a reduced level of lipolysis in pas- compounds in cheese during ripening will facilitate
teurised milk cheese. Since the proteolytic systems of the development of genetically modified starter strains
NSLAB are generally similar to those of other LAB, they to enhance flavour development.
appear to contribute to proteolysis in a similar way to
the starter, but to a lesser extent since maximum NSLAB
numbers in cheese (often c. 107–108 cfu g 1) are lower Acknowledgements
than maximum numbers of starter (c. 109–1010 cfu g 1). The author wishes to express his sincere thanks
to Ms Niamh O’Sullivan, Ms. Patricia O’Connell and
Acceleration of Cheese Ripening Ms Anne Cahalane for their assistance in preparing
the typescripts of this and the other sub-chapters
Cheese ripening is a slow, and consequently an expen- on cheese ripening.
sive, process. The expense of cheese ripening arises
principally from the inventory cost associated with
holding a large amount of cheese in storage and the References
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Metabolism of Residual Lactose
and of Lactate and Citrate
P.L.H. McSweeney and P.F. Fox, Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences,
University College, Cork, Ireland.

Metabolism of Lactose in Cheese

During the manufacture of cheese curd, lactose is con- % S/M may determine the products of lactose fermenta-
verted to lactic acid (mainly the L-isomer) by the tion post-manufacture. At low S/M concentrations and
starter bacteria (see ‘Starter Cultures: General Aspects’, low populations of NSLAB, residual lactose is con-
Volume 1). In the case of Cheddar-type cheeses, most verted mainly to L-lactate by the starter. At high popu-
of the lactic acid is produced in the vat before salting lations of NSLAB, e.g., at a high storage temperature,
and moulding whereas for most other varieties, acidifi- considerable amounts of D-lactate are formed, partly by
cation occurs mainly after the curds have been placed fermentation of residual lactose and partly by isomer-
in moulds (see Fox et al., 2000). For many common ization of L-lactate (Turner and Thomas, 1980). At high
varieties, the pH of the curd reaches ⬃5.0–5.3 within S/M levels (e.g., 6%) or at low NSLAB populations the
⬃12 h from the start of cheesemaking. concentration of lactose falls very slowly and changes
The rate and extent of acidification has a major in levels of lactate are slight. The quality of cheese is
impact on cheese texture via demineralization of the strongly influenced by the fermentation of residual lac-
casein micelles (see Creamer et al., 1985, 1988; tose, as is evident from the data of O’Connor (1974).
Lawrence et al., 1987; Fox et al., 1990) and on cheese The pH decreases after salting, presumably due to the
proteolysis owing to the increased susceptibility of continued action of the starter at S/M levels 5%, but
demineralized casein micelles to proteolysis (O’Keeffe at higher level of S/M, starter activity decreases
et al., 1975) and/or greater retention of chymosin at abruptly, as indicated by the high level of residual lac-
low pH (Holmes et al., 1977; Stadhouders et al., 1977; tose and high pH. The quality of the cheeses also
Visser, 1977; Creamer et al., 1985; Garnot et al., 1987). decreases sharply at 5% S/M (O’Connor, 1974).
However, such aspects will not be considered here. In Cheddar cheese made from milk supplemented
Although ⬃98% of the lactose is removed in the with lactose to a concentration of 8% (⬃2.5% lactose in
whey as lactose or lactate during the manufacture of the cheese curd), lactose persisted and the pH contin-
Cheddar (Huffman and Kristoffersen, 1984), Cheddar ued to fall throughout a 9-month ripening period; the
cheese curd contains 0.8–1.0% lactose at milling. cheese had a harsh, strong over-acid flavour (Waldron,
Under normal circumstances, this residual lactose is 1997; Shakeel-ur-Rehman and Fox, unpublished).
metabolized quickly, predominantly to L-lactate, mainly In certain varieties (e.g., Edam, Gouda, Samsoe,
through the activity of the starter bacteria (see ‘Starter Havarti), some whey is removed during curd manufac-
Cultures: General Aspects’, Volume 1). The complete ture and replaced with hot water. Probably, the initial
and rapid metabolism of the lactose and its constituent function of this step was to cook the curds (on farms
monosaccharides in cheese curd is essential for the lacking steam-generating facilities and jacketed cheese
production of good quality cheese since the presence of vats) but it removes some lactose and reduces the ratio
a fermentable carbohydrate may lead to the develop- of lactose to buffering substances and hence acts to
ment of an undesirable secondary flora (see Fox et al., control pH (Walstra et al., 1993). Dutch-type cheese
1990, 2000). In Cheddar cheese, the residual lactose is curd contains up to ⬃1.4% lactose at pressing but this
fermented at a rate and to an extent dependent on the decreases to 0.1% after ⬃12 h and to undetectable
salt-in-moisture (S/M) content of the curd (Turner and levels after brining. The lactose is fermented by the
Thomas, 1980). Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris is starter to L-lactate.
more salt-sensitive than Lc. lactis subsp. lactis, which The curd for some Cheddar-type cheeses (washed-
in turn is more sensitive than non-starter lactic acid curd Cheddar and Monterey Jack) is washed to reduce
bacteria (NSLAB; Turner and Thomas, 1980). Since its lactose content. The lactose in washed-curd Ched-
some NSLAB are facultatively heterofermentative, the dar is exhausted rapidly, the pH, which remains higher
Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, Third edition – Volume 1: General Aspects Copyright © 2004 Elsevier Ltd
ISBN: 0-1226-3652-X All rights reserved
Set ISBN: 0-1226-3651-1
362 Metabolism of Residual Lactose and of Lactate and Citrate

than normal for Cheddar, rises during ripening (in • in most cheeses, L-lactate is racemized to D-lactate
common with most varieties) and the cheese has a by the NSLAB flora;
mild clean flavour (Waldron, 1997; Shakeel-ur-Rehman • lactate is catabolized in Swiss-type cheese by Propi-
and Fox, unpublished). onibacterium freudenreichii subsp. shermanii which is
The fermentation of lactose in Swiss-type cheeses is important for the development of characteristic eyes
quite complicated (see Mocquot, 1979; Turner et al., and flavour;
1983; Fox et al., 1990). Typically, 30 min after moulding, • lactate is catabolized to CO2 and H2O by Penicillium
Emmental contains ⬃1.7% lactose which is metabolized camemberti in surface mould-ripened cheeses, such
rapidly by Streptococcus thermophilus to a low level as Camembert and Brie, which is important for tex-
within 12 h, with the production of up to 0.8% L-lactate ture development;
(Turner et al., 1983). Only the glucose moiety of lactose • in the presence of O2, some members of the NSLAB
is metabolized by Sc. thermophilus and, consequently, flora, particularly pediococci, can oxidize lactate to
galactose accumulates to a maximum of ⬃0.7% at ⬃10 h. formate and acetate;
The lactobacilli metabolize lactose and galactose to a • lactate can be metabolized anaerobically by Clostrid-
mixture of D- and L-lactate, reaching ⬃0.35 and 1.2%, ium tyrobutyricum leading to defects known as ‘late
respectively, at day 14, by which time all sugars are nor- gas blowing’.
mally completely metabolized. Thereafter, the concen-
trations of L- and D-lactate change little until the cheese
Racemization of lactate
is transferred to the hot room, when the propionic acid
bacteria begin to grow. Changes in the concentrations of The concentrations of lactate in Camembert, Swiss,
lactose, galactose, glucose, D- and L-lactate and their Cheddar and Dutch-type cheeses are 1.0, 1.4, 1.5 and
degradation products in Swiss-type cheese were studied 1.2%, respectively (Raadsveld, 1957; O’Connor, 1974;
by Turner et al. (1983) and are shown in Fig. 1. Turner and Thomas, 1980; Thomas and Pearce, 1981;
Turner et al., 1983; Karahadian and Lindsay, 1987; Wal-
stra et al., 1993). Turner and Thomas (1980), Thomas
Changes to Lactate During Ripening
and Pearce (1981) and Tinson et al. (1982) showed that
Lactate is an important substrate for a series of reac- experimental and commercial Cheddar cheese contains
tions in cheese during ripening (Fig. 2): a considerable concentration of D-lactate, which could

Figure 1 Relationship between lactose and lactate metabolism, growth of propionic acid bacteria and production of propionate and
acetate in Swiss cheese (Turner et al., 1983).
Metabolism of Residual Lactose and of Lactate and Citrate 363


Non-starter lactic
acid bacteria

Clo rium
Butyrate, H2 strid ib acte Propionate, acetate
ium pion
sp. H Pro H2O, CO2
5 2

co ally ia c
dio eci ter cti

pe sp ac la
(e id b rter

Lactic acid


nic eas
ac -sta


illi ts

4 3

Formate, CO2, H2O
acetate, CO2

Figure 2 Pathways by which lactate is metabolized in cheese during ripening. (1) racemization, (2) metabolism by Propionibac-
terium freudenreichii subsp. shermanii in Swiss cheese, (3) oxidative metabolism of lactate, (4) conversion to formate, ethanol and
acetate and (5) anaerobic metabolism of lactate to butyrate and H2 which leads to late gas blowing.

be formed from residual lactose by lactobacilli or by dar cheese and P. pentosaceus NCDO 1220 were capable
racemization of L-lactate. Racemization of L-lactate is of converting L-lactate to D-lactate, eventually pro-
likely to occur more rapidly in cheese made from ducing a racemic mixture, while only 5 of 16 Lacto-
raw milk than in pasteurized milk cheese due to bacillus isolates were capable of racemizing L-lactate,
higher numbers of NSLAB and a more diverse non- at much slower rates and to a lesser extent than the
starter microflora in the former. Commercial Gouda pediococci. However, pediococci constitute only a
contains a relatively low proportion of D-lactate, prob- small proportion of the microflora of Cheddar cheese
ably due to the short ripening time. The level of L- or ( Jordan and Cogan, 1993; Crow et al., 2001) and thus
D-lactate in Camembert is very low (Gripon, 1993) racemization of lactate in Cheddar and similar
due to the catabolism of lactate by the mould, as dis- cheeses is presumably mainly a consequence of the
cussed below. growth of non-starter lactobacilli. Both lactobacilli
Racemization presumably involves oxidation of and pediococci possess L()-LDH and D( )-LDH,
L-lactate by L-lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) to pyru- both of which are NAD dependent. Racemization of
vate which is then reduced to D-lactate by D-LDH. L-lactate by cell suspensions of both pediococci and
Except in cases where the post-milling activity of the lactobacilli is pH dependent (optima: 4.0–5.2 and
starter is suppressed, racemization is likely to be the 4.5–6.0, respectively) and is retarded by an NaCl
principal mechanism (Thomas and Crow, 1983). concentration 5% or 2% for pediococci and lacto-
Racemization of lactate is a major change in cheese bacilli, respectively (Thomas and Crow, 1983). Racem-
during ripening, transforming up to approximately ization of lactate in a Cheddar cheese inoculated with
half the lactate or ⬃0.7% of the cheese mass (Thomas pediococci was complete after ⬃19 days, while it
and Crow, 1983). required ⬃3 months in a control cheese with a much
lower number of NSLAB, especially pediococci (Thomas
and Crow, 1983).
The racemization of L-lactate is probably not signifi-
cant from the favour viewpoint. However, Ca-lactate
H H may crystallize in cheese, causing undesirable white
specks, especially on cut surfaces (Pearce et al., 1973;
C C Severn et al., 1986; Dybing et al., 1988). Such crystals
COOH HOOC are harmless, but they may cause consumers to reject
cheese as being mouldy or containing foreign bodies
L(+)-Lactic acid D(–)-Lactic acid (Dybing et al., 1988). The solubility of Ca-DL-lactate
is lower than that of pure Ca-L-lactate (Thomas and
Crow, 1983; Dybing et al., 1988) and hence racemiza-
tion of lactate favours the development of crystals in
Thomas and Crow (1983) showed that pediococci cheese. Dybing et al. (1988) calculated that the
isolated from cheese racemize L-lactate more actively amount of available lactate in cheese can potentially
than lactobacilli; all 27 pediococci isolated from Ched- create enough Ca-lactate pentahydrate to exceed its
364 Metabolism of Residual Lactose and of Lactate and Citrate

solubility only slightly at 0 °C. Thus, crystal formation Oxidative metabolism of lactate in surface
is favoured if microbial metabolism increases the con- mould-ripened varieties
centration of D- relative to L-lactate, due to the lower The catabolism of lactate is very extensive in surface
solubility of Ca-DL-lactate. Crystal growth requires mould-ripened varieties, e.g., Camembert and Brie.
nucleation centres which may be bacterial cells, The concentration of lactate in these cheeses at day 1
microcrystals of calcium phosphate or undissolved is ⬃1.0%, produced mainly or exclusively by the
CaCO3. Increased levels of residual lactose, which mesophilic starter, and hence, presumably, is L-lactate.
favour the growth of NSLAB, can facilitate production Secondary organisms quickly colonize and dominate
of Ca-lactate crystals (Pearce et al., 1973; Sutherland and the surface of these cheeses (Addis et al., 2001), initially
Jameson, 1981). Likewise, factors which increase the Geotrichum candidum and yeasts (e.g., Kluyveromyces
release of casein-bound Ca (e.g., low pH or high lactis, Debaryomyces hansenii and Saccharomyces cere-
salt which causes the ion-exchange of Na for visiae; Gripon, 1993), followed by a dense growth of
Ca2; Dybing et al., 1988) or reduce the solubility of Penicillium camemberti (Mollimard et al., 1995) and,
Ca-lactate (e.g., a lower ripening temperature) favour particularly in traditional manufacture, by low numbers
crystal formation. of Gram-positive organisms similar to those found on
the surface of smear-ripened cheeses, which do not
colonize the cheese surface until the pH has increased to
Oxidation of lactate
5.8 (see ‘Surface Mould-ripened Cheeses’, Volume 2).
Lactate can be metabolized by LAB, depending on G. candidum and P. camemberti rapidly metabolize
strain, to acetate, ethanol, formate and CO2 (see Fox lactate to CO2 and H2O, causing an increase in pH.
et al., 2000). Pediococci, if present in cheese together Deacidification occurs initially at the surface, resulting
with high concentrations of O2, produce l mol of in a pH gradient from the surface to the centre and
acetate and 1 mol of CO2 and consume 1 mol of O2 causing lactate to diffuse outwards. When the lactate
per mol of lactate utilized (Thomas et al., 1985). The has been exhausted, P. camemberti metabolizes pro-
pH optimum for oxidation is 5–6 and depends on teins, producing NH3 which diffuses inwards, further
the lactate concentration. The concentration of lac- increasing the pH. The concentration of calcium phos-
tate in cheese exceeds that required for optimal oxi- phate at the surface exceeds its solubility at the high
dation, and lactate is not oxidized until all sugars pH and precipitates as a layer of Ca3(PO4)2 on the sur-
have been exhausted. However, the oxidation of face, thereby causing a calcium phosphate gradient
L-lactate to acetate occurs to a very limited extent in within the cheese, resulting in its outwards diffusion;
cheese wrapped in film due to the low level of O2 reduction of the concentration of calcium phosphate
available. in the interior helps to soften the body of the cheese
The oxidative activity of suspensions of starter (Fig. 3). In addition to softening the texture, changes
and NSLAB isolated from cheese on lactose, lactate, to the cheese matrix may influence cheese flavour by
citrate, amino acids and peptides was studied by changing the rates of migration or release of flavour
Thomas (1986). Starter bacteria were active mainly compounds (Engel et al., 2001). The elevated pH stimu-
on lactose, with low activity on enzyme-hydrolysed lates the action of plasmin, which, together with
casein; Lb. casei oxidized citrate, while Lb. plan- residual coagulant, is responsible for proteolysis in
tarum, Lb. brevis and P. pentosaceus oxidized lactose, this cheese rather than proteinases secreted by the sur-
peptides, L- and D-lactate, but not citrate. These face microorganisms, which, although very potent, dif-
results suggest that the oxidation of lactate to acetate fuse into the cheese to only a very limited extent,
in cheese depends on the NSLAB population and on although peptides or other low molecular weight com-
the availability of O2, which is determined by the pounds produced by them at the surface may diffuse
size of the block and the oxygen permeability of the into the body of the cheese (Sousa and McSweeney,
packaging material (Thomas, 1987). Acetate, which 2001; Churchill et al., 2003). The combined action of
may also be produced by starter bacteria from lac- increased pH, loss of calcium (which affects to the
tose (Thomas et al., 1979), citrate or from amino integrity of the protein network) and proteolysis are
acids by starter bacteria and lactobacilli (Nakae and necessary for the very considerable softening of the
Elliott, 1965), is usually present at high concentra- body of Brie and Camembert (see Noomen, 1983;
tions in most, or all, cheeses and is considered to Lenoir, 1984; Karahadian and Lindsay, 1987; Sousa
contribute to cheese flavour, although a high con- and McSweeney, 2001). Changes which occur in
centration may cause off-flavours (Aston and Dulley, Camembert-type cheese during ripening are indicated
1982). in Fig. 3.
Metabolism of Residual Lactose and of Lactate and Citrate 365

Growth of Penicillium camemberti at surface

Ammonia produced at surface

Lactate metabolized at surface by proteolysis diffuses into cheese
Ca3(PO4)2 precipitates pH High pH

Low pH from

Concentration gradient

Direction of migration
Migration of soluble Ca, PO43– and
lactate towards surface

Figure 3 Schematic representation of the changes which occur in Camembert-type cheese during ripening as a consequence
of the growth of Penicillium camemberti at the surface.

Anaerobic metabolism of lactate by Clostridium Late gas blowing and accompanying off-flavours are
tyrobutyricum defects associated with certain hard cheeses resulting
Gas (CO2 or H2) production by microorganisms may from the anaerobic metabolism of lactate (or glucose) by
occur in cheese during ripening and may be desirable Clostridium tyrobutyricum (and perhaps other clostridia;
(e.g., eye production in Swiss and Dutch-type cheeses) see Ingham et al., 1998) to butyrate and H2 (Fox et al.,
or a defect. Organisms responsible for gas production 1995; Klijn et al., 1995; Fig. 4); Cl. tyrobutyricum prefer-
in cheese are summarized in Table 1. entially utilizes D-lactate in a mixture of both isomers
(Huchet et al., 1997). Late gas blowing is a problem only
in certain varieties, principally those that are brine-
salted, owing to the time lag for NaCl to reach an
Table 1 Major microbial groups responsible for producing gas inhibitory level throughout cheese (Kleter et al., 1984).
in cheese (modified from Mullan, 2000) Cheddar cheese is not susceptible to late gas blowing
mainly because it is dry-salted. The combined effects of
Gaseous pH, lactate, glycerol and NaCl on the growth of vegeta-
Microorganism Substrate product(s)
tive cells of Cl. tyrobutyricum were studied by Huchet
Clostridium Lactate CO2, H2 et al. (1995) who found that the growth of this organism
tyrobutyricum is very sensitive to changes in these parameters within
Lactobacillus casei Citrate CO2 the ranges found during the manufacture of Emmental
Lactobacillus brevis Lactose CO2 cheese (pH, 5.3–5.9; NaCl level, 0–0.6%; lactic acid con-
Streptococcus Urea CO2
centrations, 0–1.6%; aw, 0.965–0.99). Late gas blowing
Coliforms Lactose CO2, H2 may be avoided by minimizing spore numbers in milk
Yeasts Lactose CO2 by good hygiene and avoiding the feeding of silage
Citrate-positive Citrate CO2 (Driehuis and Elferink, 2000). Germination of spores
lactococci and the growth of the vegetative cells may be inhibited
Leuconostoc Lactose/citrate CO2
by the use of lysozyme or NO3 or perhaps by biological
Leuconostoc Lactose/citrate CO2 control (e.g., Carminati et al., 2001, who used co-inocula
dextranicum of Sc. thermophilus), or in the case of processed cheese,
Propionibacterium Lactate CO2 by long-chain polyphosphates (Loessner et al., 1997).
freudenreichii Spores may be removed from milk by bactofugation
subsp. shermanii
or microfiltration (see McSweeney and Sousa, 2000).
366 Metabolism of Residual Lactose and of Lactate and Citrate

Pi Butyrate

CoA Acetyl-CoA

Acetate 2ATP
2 2 O
Butyryl-CoA O
Pyruvate Lactate
2 CoA

O 2Fd+H2
Crotonyl-CoA O
2 S

H2O Acetyl-CoA


Figure 4 Pathway for the formation of butyrate and H2 from glucose, lactose or lactate by Clostridium tyrobutyricum (Fd: ferredoxin)
(McSweeney and Sousa, 2000).

Bactofugation of milk, an increased level of NaCl in Fig. 1. Since propionibacteria are very sensitive to
cheese and a reduced ripening temperature are effective NaCl (Richoux et al., 1998), Swiss-type cheeses con-
measures for preventing or reducing gas production by tain a low level of salt. Eye development in Swiss
Clostridium spp. (Su and Ingham, 2000). cheese, which is discussed in ‘Cheese with Propionic
acid Fermentation’, Volume 2 and by Steffen et al.
(1993) and Polychroniadou (2001), depends mainly
Lactate metabolism by Propionibacterium
In Swiss-type cheese, Propionibacterium freudenreichii
subsp. shermanii metabolizes lactate to propionate, • Rate and quantity of CO2 production.
acetate, CO2 and H2O (Piveteau, 1999). • Number and size of loci suitable for future eye
3 CH3CH(OH)COOH : 2 CH3CH2COOH  CH3COOH  CO2  H2O • CO2 pressure and diffusion rate.
Lactic acid propionic acid acetic acid • Cheese texture and temperature (Steffen et al.,
The CO2 generated migrates through the cheese
mass to points of weakness where it accumulates as Relatively little of the total amount of CO2 produced
eyes, a characteristic feature of Swiss cheese. Carbohy- by the propionic acid fermentation in Swiss cheese
drate metabolism in Swiss cheese is summarized in remains trapped in the eyes; in a cheese of c. 80 kg,
Metabolism of Residual Lactose and of Lactate and Citrate 367

120 l CO2 are produced during ripening. Approximately floating curd defects in Cheddar and Cottage cheese,
60 l remain dissolved in the cheese mass, ⬃40 l are lost respectively. Due mainly to the formation of diacetyl,
from the cheese and only c. 20 l remain in the eyes citrate metabolism is very significant in aroma/flavour
(Steffen et al., 1993). development in Cottage cheese (e.g., Antinone et al.,
L-Lactate is metabolized preferentially to D-lactate 1994), Quarg (Mohr et al., 1997), and many fermented
by propionic acid bacteria (Crow, 1986) to reach 0.2% milks, particularly cultured ‘buttermilk’ (Ulberth, 1991;
after ⬃20 days in the hot room (Turner et al., 1983). Gaafar, 1992; Laye et al., 1993; Hernandez et al., 1995;
In fact, the concentration of D-lactate continues to Rankin and Bodyfelt, 1995). Diacetyl also contributes
increase to ⬃0.4% during the early days in the warm to the flavour of Dutch-type and Cheddar cheeses
room, before being metabolized by propionic acid bac- (McGugan, 1975; Manning, 1979a,b; Dacremont and
teria. Increasing the number of starter lactobacilli Vickers, 1994; Christensen and Reineccius, 1995; Milo
accelerates sugar metabolism and causes higher con- and Reineccius, 1997). However, diacetyl is produced in
centrations of both D- and L-lactate but suppresses small amounts (0.11 mmol l 1 in milk); acetoin pro-
the growth of propionibacteria (due to a lower pH in the duction is usually 10–50 times greater. According to
cheese) and thus delays the production of propi- the pathway shown in Fig. 5, 1 mol acetate should be
onate and acetate. In the absence of lactobacilli or with produced from 1 mol citrate. However, studies suggest
Gal lactobacilli, galactose accumulates and no D-lactate that c. 1.2 mol acetate are actually produced per mol
is formed. Therefore, the proportion of lactobacilli in the citrate used; the excess probably results from small
starter probably influences the production of CO2 and amounts of acetate produced on the metabolism of sugars.
volatile acids. Acetate produced from citrate may also contribute to
cheese flavour. There are few data on the production of
2,3-butanediol by starters (see Fox et al., 2000).
In cheese with a controlled microflora, Fryer et al.
Citrate Metabolism
(1970) showed that in cheese made using Lc. lactis
The relatively low concentration of citrate in milk subsp. cremoris, citrate remained constant at 0.2% up
(⬃8 mmol l 1) belies the importance of its metabol- to 3 months, but decreased to 0.1% at 6 months.
ism in many cheeses made using a mesophilic culture Cheese made using Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris plus a
(for reviews see Cogan, 1985; Cogan and Daly, 1987; Cit strain of Lactococcus contained no citrate at
Fox et al., 1990; Cogan and Hill, 1993; ‘Starter Cul- 3 months. Although Lb. casei could metabolize citrate
tures: General Aspects’, Volume 1). Approximately in milk, the concentration of citrate in cheese made
94% of the citrate in milk is soluble and most of it is using Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris and Lb. casei decreased
lost in the whey; however, the concentration of citrate at about the same rate as in cheese made with Lc. lactis
in the aqueous phase of cheese is ⬃3 times that in subsp. cremoris alone.
whey (Fryer et al., 1970), presumably reflecting the Although the pathway shown in Fig. 5 is probably
concentration of colloidal citrate; Cheddar cheese con- the major route for the metabolism of citrate by LAB,
tains 0.2–0.5% citrate. the possibility that lactate may be formed from the
Citrate is not metabolized by most strains of Lc. lac- pyruvate produced from citrate cannot be overlooked.
tis subsp. lactis or Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris, but is Three out of four strains of Cit Leuconostoc growing
metabolized, with the production of diacetyl, acetate, on glucose plus citrate produced no diacetyl or acetoin
acetoin and CO2, by citrate-positive (Cit) strains of and more lactate than could be accounted for in terms
lactococci (formerly referred to as Lc. lactis subsp. lac- of the amount of glucose used, suggesting that pyru-
tis biovar diacetylactis or Streptococcus diacetilactis) in vate derived from citrate was being reduced to lactate
which the trait is plasmid-encoded, and Leuconostoc (Cogan, 1987).
mesenteriodes subsp. cremoris and Ln. lactis. It is not Citrate may be metabolized by some strains of faculta-
metabolized by Sc. thermophilus or by thermophilic tively heterofermentative lactobacilli, which are compon-
lactobacilli (see Fox et al., 2000). ents of the NSLAB flora, to acetoin, acetate and
Citrate is not used as an energy source by Cit lacto- probably diacetyl (Palles et al., 1998) by the same path-
cocci or Leuconostoc spp., but it is metabolized very rap- way as Cit lactococci and Leuconostoc spp. (Fig. 5).
idly in the presence of a fermentable carbohydrate by Thomas (1987) showed that citrate in Cheddar cheese
the pathway outlined in Fig. 5. Enzymes in this pathway decreased slowly to almost zero at 6 months, presumably
have been characterized (see Cogan and Hill, 1993; as a result of metabolism by lactobacilli which became
O’Sullivan et al., 2001). The CO2 produced on citrate the major component of the NSLAB flora. Inoculation of
metabolism is responsible for the characteristic eyes of cheese milk with Lb. plantarum accelerated the depletion
Dutch-type cheese and for the undesirable openness and of citrate. Pediococci did not appear to utilize citrate.
368 Metabolism of Residual Lactose and of Lactate and Citrate




OH OH Citrate
H OH H OH Citrate
H H H OH lyase O

Lactose Acetate



decarboxylase CO2


Lactate Lactate dehydrogenase
Pyruvate Acetaldehyde TPP


OH Acetyl-CoA
Other metabolic pathways
O synthase



Acetoin + Diacetyl



Figure 5 Pathways for citrate metabolism in citrate-positive strains of Lactococcus and Leuconostoc species (modified from Cogan
and Hill, 1993).
Metabolism of Residual Lactose and of Lactate and Citrate 369

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Lipolysis and Catabolism of Fatty
Acids in Cheese
Y.F. Collins, Teagasc, Dairy Products Research Centre, Ireland
P.L.H. McSweeney, Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, University College,
Cork, Ireland
M.G. Wilkinson, Department of Life Sciences, University of Limerick, Ireland

Introduction 2-monoglycerides; butyrate, as well as the other short-

and medium-chain acids, are located mainly at the sn-1
Lipids present in foods may undergo oxidative or
and sn-3 positions in milk lipids and thus are preferen-
hydrolytic degradation (McSweeney and Sousa, 2000).
tially released by lipolytic enzymes (Parodi, 1971;
However, lipid oxidation does not occur to a signifi-
Christie, 1995; Deeth and Touch, 2000).
cant extent in cheese, probably due to its low redox
Lipases in cheese originate from six possible
potential ( 250 mV) (Fox and Wallace, 1997; Fox
et al., 2000; McSweeney and Sousa, 2000). Enzymatic
hydrolysis (lipolysis) of triglycerides to fatty acids and • milk
glycerol, mono- or di-glycerides is considered to be • rennet paste
essential for flavour development in cheese (McSweeney • starter bacteria
and Sousa, 2000). Lipolysis is an important biochem- • secondary starter microorganisms
ical event during cheese ripening and has been studied • non-starter lactic acid bacteria (NSLAB)
extensively in varieties such as Blue and hard Italian • exogenous lipase preparations
cheeses where extensive lipolysis occurs and is a major
(Deeth and Fitz-Gerald, 1995; Fox and Wallace, 1997;
pathway for flavour generation. However, in the case
McSweeney and Sousa, 2000).
of cheeses such as Cheddar and Gouda, in which the
Milk contains a very potent indigenous lipoprotein
level of lipolysis during ripening is low, the contribu-
lipase (LPL) (Olivecrona and Bengtsson-Olivecrona,
tion of lipolysis to cheese quality and flavour has
1991; Fox and Stepaniak, 1993; Fox et al., 1993;
received relatively little attention. Free fatty acids
Olivecrona et al., 2003). The enzyme consists of 450
(FFAs) are important precursors of several volatile
amino acid residues, with an overall molecular mass of
compounds which contribute to flavour (McSweeney
55 kDa and in milk exists as a dimer of identical sub-
and Sousa, 2000; Collins et al., 2003a,b).
units. The enzyme has an isoelectric point above pH 9,
with a positive charge at physiological pH (Olivecrona
and Bengtsson-Olivecrona, 1991). The lipase is of
Lipolytic Agents in Cheese
blood origin and is involved in the metabolism of
Lipolytic enzymes may be classified as esterases or plasma triglycerides; its presence in milk is due to
lipases, which are distinguished according to three leakage through the mammary cell membrane. Bovine
main characteristics: length of the hydrolysed acyl milk contains 10–20 nmol lipase/l which, under opti-
ester chain, physico-chemical nature of the substrate mum conditions (37 °C, pH 7, in the presence of an
(whether emulsified or not) and enzymatic kinetics apolipoprotein activator, apo-CII), could theoretically
(esterases have classical Michaelis Menten-type kinet- release sufficient FFAs within 10 s to cause perceptible
ics while lipases, since they are active only at an inter- hydrolytic rancidity in milk (Walstra and Jenness,
face, obey interfacial Michaelis Menten-type kinetics) 1984). This does not occur under normal circum-
(Chich et al., 1997; Villeneuve and Foglia, 1997; stances as LPL and fat are compartmentalized, c. 90%
Deeth and Touch, 2000). Unfortunately, the terms of the LPL in milk is associated with the casein
‘esterases’ and ‘lipases’ are often used interchangeably micelles while the triglycerides in milk occur as glob-
in the scientific literature. ules surrounded by a lipoprotein membrane, the milk
In general, lipolytic enzymes are specific for fatty fat globule membrane (MFGM). If the MFGM is dam-
acids esterified at the sn-1 or sn-3 positions of trigly- aged, e.g., due to agitation, foaming, homogenization,
cerides (Deeth and Touch, 2000). Initially, triglycerides inappropriate milking or milk-handling techniques,
are hydrolysed to 1,2- and 2,3-diglycerides and later to significant lipolysis may occur, resulting in off-flavours
Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, Third edition – Volume 1: General Aspects Copyright © 2004 Elsevier Ltd
ISBN: 0-1226-3652-X All rights reserved
Set ISBN: 0-1226-3651-1
374 Lipolysis and Catabolism of Fatty Acids in Cheese

in cheese and other dairy products (Fox et al., 2000). lipases which could be blended with rennet extracts to
Lipoprotein lipase has a preference for medium-chain produce substitutes for rennet pastes. Most lipases
triglycerides (MCT) with a 2-fold faster rate of hydroly- investigated are unsuitable due to incorrect speci-
sis of emulsions containing triC6:0, triC8:0, triC10:0 or ficity; certain fungal lipases (e.g., a lipase secreted by
triC12:0 compared to long-chain triglyceride (LCT) Rhizomucor miehei) may be acceptable alternatives to
emulsions containing triC16:0, triC18:0, triC18:1, triC18:2, rennet paste (Fox, 1988).
triC18:3 or triC20:0 (Deckelbaum et al., 1990). The dif- Lipases and esterases of LAB appear to be the prin-
ferent hydrolysis rates were attributed to higher con- cipal lipolytic agents in Cheddar and Dutch-type
centrations of MCT at the emulsion surface due to cheeses made from pasteurized milk (Fox et al., 2000).
higher mobility of such triglycerides compared with Evidence for this comes from studies on aseptic starter-
LCT emulsions (Deckelbaum et al., 1990). free cheeses acidified with gluconic acid--lactone,
Lipoprotein lipase is relatively non-specific for fatty where very low levels of FFAs are released during
acid type but is specific for the acids at the sn-1 and sn-3 ripening (Reiter et al., 1967) and from the relationship
positions of mono-, di- and tri-glycerides (Olivecrona between autolysis of starter cells and FFA levels dur-
et al., 1992). Therefore, short- and medium-chain fatty ing ripening (Collins et al., 2003a). Lactic acid bac-
acids are released preferentially by LPL. In raw milk teria possess esterolytic/lipolytic enzymes capable of
cheeses, LPL activity is significant. According to Deeth hydrolysing a range of derivatives of FFAs, tri-, di-
and Fitz-Gerald (1983), it is generally accepted that and mono-glyceride substrates (Holland and Coolbear,
high-temperature short-time (HTST) pasteurization 1996; Chich et al., 1997; Fox and Wallace, 1997; Liu
(72 °C for 15 s) very extensively inactivates the et al., 2001). Despite the presence of these enzymes,
enzyme. However, it may contribute to lipolysis in pas- LAB, especially Lactococcus and Lactobacillus spp.
teurized milk cheese, as heating at 78 °C  10 s is are weakly lipolytic in comparison to species such
required for its complete inactivation (Driessen, 1989). as Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter and Flavobacterium
Commercial rennet extracts are free from lipolytic (Stadhouders and Veringa, 1973; Fox et al., 1993;
activity, but rennet paste, used in the manufacture of Chich et al., 1997). However, because they are present
some hard Italian varieties (e.g., Provolone and at high numbers over an extended ripening period,
Pecorino cheeses), contains a lipase, pregastric esterase LAB are responsible for the liberation of significant
(PGE) (Nelson et al., 1977; Hamosh, 1990; Fox, levels of FFAs in many cheese varieties which do not
2003). Although the term ‘esterase’ suggests that this have a strongly lipolytic secondary flora.
enzyme acts only on water-soluble esters, it is in fact Lipases and esterases of LAB appear to be intracel-
able to hydrolyse water-insoluble triglycerides contain- lular and a number have been isolated and character-
ing long-chain fatty acids and hence ‘esterase’ is a ized (Chich et al., 1997; Castillo et al., 1999; Liu et al.,
misnomer as this enzyme is a lipase (Hamosh, 1990). 2001). The presence of lipases and esterases has been
Pregastric esterase is highly specific for short chain demonstrated (Piatkiewicz, 1987) in nine strains of
acids esterified at the sn-3 position (Nelson et al., lactococci, including Lc. lactis subsp. lactis, citrate-
1977; Fox and Stepaniak, 1993; Fox, 2003). Pregastric positive lactococci and Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris.
esterases from different species are optimally active at -Naphthyl laurate (C12:0) and -naphthyl acetate
32–42 °C, pH 4.8–5.5 in presence of 0.5 M NaCl. The (C2:0) were the substrates used to determine lipase and
enzyme has an isoelectric point above pH 9 with a posi- esterase activities, respectively; esterase activity was
tive charge at physiological pH (see Fox, 2003). Suck- higher than lipase activity in all strains. Kamaly et al.
ling stimulates the secretion of PGE by glands at the (1990) reported the presence of lipases in the cell-free
base of the tongue, and it is washed into the aboma- extract of a number of strains of Lc. lactis subsp. lactis
sum by the milk. Rennet paste is prepared from the and Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris; these lipases were, in
abomasa of calves, kids or lambs slaughtered after general, optimally active at 37 °C and at pH 7–8.5.
suckling. The abomasum is partially dried and ground Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris showed higher lipolytic activ-
into a paste, which is slurried in milk before being ity on tributyrin and milk fat emulsions than Lc. lactis
added to cheesemilk (Fox and Stepaniak, 1993). Some subsp. lactis. The activity of all lipases was stimulated
interspecies differences in specificity have been by reduced glutathione and low (c. 2%) concentra-
reported for calf, kid and lamb PGEs which result in tions of NaCl but inhibited by high NaCl concentra-
slight differences in the flavour characteristics of tions (c. 20%). Chich et al. (1997) reported esterolytic
cheese, depending on the source of PGE (Nelson et al., activity on -naphthyl butyrate by an intracellular
1977; Fox and Stepaniak, 1993). Due to concerns extract of Lc. lactis subsp. lactis NCDO 763; the
regarding the hygienic quality of rennet pastes, enzyme was active on p-NP esters from C2 to C12, with
research has been focused on identifiying exogenous pH and temperature optima 7.0–8.0 and 55 °C.
Lipolysis and Catabolism of Fatty Acids in Cheese 375

El-Soda et al. (1986) found intracellular esterolytic the range aw 0.99–0.80. Interestingly, esterase activity
activities in four species of lactobacilli: Lb. helveticus, increased on increasing the NaCl concentration from
Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, Lb. delbrueckii subsp. 3.7 to 7.5%, w/v; this stimulatory effect of NaCl on
lactis and Lb. acidophilus. All lactobacilli showed activ- esterase activity had not been reported previously. The
ity on p-nitrophenyl (p-NP) derivatives of fatty acids genetic characterization of lipolytic enzymes of LAB by
up to C5:0; Lb. delbrueckii subsp. lactis and Lb. acido- Fernandez et al. (2000) confirmed the intracellular
philus showed the highest esterolytic activity. None of nature of a tributyrin esterase in Lc. lactis subsp. cre-
the microorganisms tested hydrolysed o- and p-NP moris B1014. These workers showed that the 744 base
derivatives of C6:0 to C14:0. Khalid and Marth (1990) pair estA gene encoded for a 258 amino acid protein of
quantified the lipolytic activity of Lb. casei L-7, Lb. casei molecular mass ⬃29 kDa; however, this gene did not
L-14, Lb. plantarum L-34 and Lb. helveticus L-53 on encode for a signal sequence required for extracellular
milk fat, olive oil and tributyrin emulsions; the three secretion. Cloning of the gene and up to 170-fold over-
substrates were hydrolysed by all lactobacilli with the production of this enzyme was possible using a nisin-
exception of Lb. casei L-7, which did not hydrolyse controlled expression system which allowed detailed
olive oil. According to Lee and Lee (1990), esterolytic characterization of the specificity and kinetics of the
and lipolytic enzymes are released by lysis of Lb. casei enzyme. The esterase showed highest activity on
subsp. casei LLG cells. Maximum lipolytic activity was short-chain p-NP-esters of fatty acids, with highest
observed at pH 7.2 and 37 °C and activity was in- activity on p-NP hexanoate (C6:0). This enzyme was
hibited by Ag and Hg2 and stimulated by Mg2 and not active on p-NP esters of fatty acids of chain length
Ca2 (Lee and Lee, 1990). Lb. fermentum contains a longer than C12:0. Tributyrin was readily hydrolysed
cell surface-associated esterase which is optimally while activity was also detected on phospholipids.
active on C4:0 but which can hydrolyse -naphthyl However, increasing the concentration of phospho-
esters of fatty acids from C2:0 to C10:0 (Gobbetti et al., lipids to levels favouring micelle formation did not
1997). lead to an increase in enzyme activity through inter-
Gobbetti et al. (1996) reported the purification of facial activation, confirming the esterolytic nature of
an intracellular lipase from a strain of Lb. plantarum this enzyme.
isolated from Cheddar cheese. This enzyme had a Since the esterases/lipases of LAB appear to be
molecular mass of 65 kDa and was optimally active at intracellular, they must be released into the cheese
pH 7.5 and 35 °C; it was relatively heat stable at 65 °C matrix through cell autolysis for maximum efficiency.
but was irreversibly inactivated on heating at 75 °C for However to date, few studies have been undertaken to
2 min. The enzyme was most active on tributyrin, with establish whether a relationship exists between the
less activity on trilaurin and tripalmitin and no activity extent of autolysis of LAB and lipolysis in various
on triolein. When activity was determined on -naphthyl cheese varieties. Early work by Walker and Keen
esters from C2 to C18:1, the enzyme was most active (1974) showed that Cheddar cheese made with Lc. lactis
on -naphthyl butyrate, with significant activity on subsp. cremoris AM2 developed higher levels of odd-
-naphthyl esters of acetate, caproate, caprylate and numbered C3—C15 methyl ketones than cheese made
laurate, and low activity on -naphthyl caprate, myris- with Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris HP which indicated that
tate, palmitate, stearate and oleate. properties of the starter strain may influence the con-
Liu et al. (2001) identified three intracellular esterases centrations of these compounds in cheese. However,
in Streptococcus thermophilus, two of which were puri- these workers did not monitor cell viability or autoly-
fied to homogeneity and designated esterase I and II, sis in cheese during ripening. Wilkinson et al. (1994)
with a molecular mass of ⬃34 and 60 kDa, respect- demonstrated that Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris AM2 is
ively. Differences in substrate specificity between more autolytic than Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris HP and
esterases I and II were noted; esterase I hydrolysed p-NP that secondary proteolysis is higher in Cheddar cheese
esters of short chain acids from C2 to C8 while esterase made using the former strain. Collins et al. (2003a)
II hydrolysed C2–C6 p-NP esters only. Both enzymes studied the influence of starter autolysis on lipolysis
had maximum activity on p-NP butyrate. Only during a 238-day ripening period, as measured by the
esterase I was tested on a range of glyceride substrates; release of FFAs (C4:0–C18:3) in Cheddar cheese made
it hydrolysed di- and mono-glycerides containing fatty using Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris AM2 or Lc. lactis subsp.
acids up to C14:0 but tributyrin was the only trigly- cremoris HP as starter. These workers found that
ceride it could hydrolyse. The impact of cheese compos- cheese made using the highly autolytic starter, Lc. lac-
ition on esterase I activity on p-NP butyrate substrate tis subsp. cremoris AM2, developed significantly higher
indicated that activity was reduced by decreasing pH levels of caprylate (C8:0), myristate (C14:0), palmitate
in the range 5.5–8.0, and decreasing water activity in (C16:0) and stearate (C18:0) during ripening than
376 Lipolysis and Catabolism of Fatty Acids in Cheese

cheese made with the less autolytic strain, Lc. lactis ides was observed on tripropionin (C3:0), followed in
subsp. cremoris HP. Cell-free extracts prepared from order by tributyrin (C4:0), tricaproin (C6:0) and tri-
both strains had generally similar levels of activity on caprylin (C8:0). Hydrolysis of substrates in solution
a triolein emulsion (lipase) or a p-NP butyrate was low in comparison to hydrolysis of emulsified sub-
(esterase) and these workers suggested that there is a strates, suggesting that the enzyme is a lipase. Dupuis
relationship between early autolysis of these starter et al. (1993) screened a number of strains of propionic
bacteria and lipolysis, possibly as a result of elevated acid bacteria for both esterolytic and lipolytic activities
release of intracellular lipolytic activity in cheese. on actetate, propionate and butyrate esters and tribu-
Freitas et al. (1999) assayed proteolytic and lipoly- tyrin. Intracellular fractions prepared from strains
tic activities of Enterococcus faecium, Ec. faecalis, Lb. grown in liquid media showed both esterase and lipase
plantarum and Lb. paracasei and three species of yeasts activities. In the study of Dupuis et al. (1993) evidence
(Debaryomyces hansenii, Yarrowia lipolytica and Crypto- was provided for the presence of an extracellular
coccus laurentii) isolated from Picante cheese. High esterase; however, the extent to which this activity
lipolytic activity was reported for Y. lipolytica, using may have been due to cell lysis was not determined.
tributyrin as substrate; the other species studied were Kakariari et al. (2000) purified an intracellular
less lipolytic. esterase from P. freudenreichii subsp. freudenreichii.
Brevibacterium linens is a constituent of the microflora Cell-free supernatant, cell wall fractions and a soni-
of surface smear-ripened cheeses (e.g., Limburger) cated intracellular extract were assayed for esterase
which undergo a significant level of lipolysis during activity. However, in contrast to Dupuis et al. (1993),
ripening. Lipolytic activity has been demonstrated esterase activity was not found in the cell-free
in B. linens using emulsified olive oil as substrate (San medium, or in the cell wall fractions. The enzyme
Clemente and Vadehra, 1967). Sørhaug and Ordal purified by Kakariari et al. (2000) was therefore either
(1974) reported esterolytic and lipolytic activities in cytoplasmic or cell membrane-associated.
five strains of B. linens using tributyrin and olive oil as
substrates. Welch Baillargeon et al. (1989) reported
Catabolism of Fatty Acids and Other
lipase activity in three strains of Geotrichum candidum.
Emulsified esters of oleic or palmitic acid were used as
substrates; optimum pH and temperature for lipolytic In cheese, FFAs are precursors of many important
activity were pH 7 and 37 °C, respectively. Lipases of flavour and aroma compounds, such as methyl ketones,
different strains of G. candidum may be classified lactones, esters, alkanes and secondary alcohols. Path-
either as type A strains, which are not highly specific ways for fatty acid catabolism are summarized in Fig. 1.
for unsaturated substrates with cis-9 double bonds, or Methyl ketones (alkan-2-ones) are the most import-
type B strains, which are specific for cis-9 18:1 ( Jacobsen ant flavour components in Blue cheese and are present
and Poulsen, 1995). at very high concentrations. Heptan-2-one and nonan-
In mould-ripened cheeses, such as Brie, Camembert 2-one are the predominant methyl ketones in Blue
and Roquefort, Penicillium spp. are significant agents cheese; their concentrations in Gamonedo increased
of lipolysis (Gripon, 1993; McSweeney and Sousa, during the early part of ripening to a maximum at 60
2000). P. roqueforti possesses two lipases, one with a days, after which levels began to decrease (Gonzalez
pH optimum of 7.5–8, the other with a more alkaline de Llano et al., 1990). Methyl ketones are formed in
pH optimum (9–9.5) (Morris and Jezeski, 1953; Kman Blue cheese by the action of Penicillium roqueforti
et al., 1966; Niki et al., 1966). The lipase with the (Urbach, 1997). P. camemberti and G. candidum may
lower pH optimum is more active on tricaproin while also produce methyl ketones (Lamberet et al., 1982;
that with the higher pH optimum is more active on Cerning et al., 1987; Molimard and Spinnler, 1996).
tributyrin (Menassa and Lamberet, 1982). P. camem- Penicillium spores, as well as vegetative mycelia, can
berti produces an extracellular lipase, which is opti- produce methyl ketones (Chalier and Crouzet, 1998).
mally active on tributyrin at pH 9 and 35 °C Metabolism of fatty acids by Penicillium spp. involves
(Lamberet and Lenoir, 1976). four main steps corresponding to the early stages of
Propionic acid bacteria are between 10 and 100 -oxidation (Fig. 2). Initially, fatty acids are released by
times more lipolytic than LAB (Knaut and Mazurek, lipases, followed by the oxidation of FFA to -ketoacids
1974; Dupuis, 1994). Using emulsified tributyrin and decarboxylation to alkan-2-ones, of one less carbon
as substrate, Oterholm et al. (1970) showed that P. atom than the parent FFA; alkan-2-ones may be reduced
freudenreichii subsp. shermanii possesses an intracellu- to the corresponding secondary alcohol (alkan-2-ol).
lar lipase with pH and temperature optima of 7.2 and It has been suggested (Dartey and Kinsella, 1973;
47 °C. The maximum rate of hydrolysis of triglycer- Kinsella and Hwang, 1976a) that FFAs are not the
Lipolysis and Catabolism of Fatty Acids in Cheese 377



se OH O

γ - or δ -hydroxy fatty acids

Partial glycerides
H2 O

γ - or δ -lactones


Fatty acids
Thiols CH3CH2OH


Thioesters C OCH2CH3 Alkan-2-ones
Ethyl esters



Figure 1 Pathways for the catabolism of free fatty acids.

only precursors of methyl ketones; they can also be Dumont et al. (1974a,b,c) identified 11 methyl
formed from ketoacids naturally present at low con- ketones in Camembert cheese. Methyl ketones with
centrations in milk fat or by oxidation of monounsatur- even-numbered carbon chains appeared late in ripen-
ated fatty acids (Kinsella and Hwang, 1976b). The rate ing and were present at low levels, except in very
of production of methyl ketones in cheese is affected mature cheese. Heptan-2-one is present at significant
by temperature, pH, physiological state of the mould concentrations in Parmigiano-Reggiano (Meinhart and
and the concentration of FFAs. Spores of P. roqueforti Schreier, 1986). In full-fat Cheddar cheese, levels of
can oxidize fatty acids containing 4–12 carbon atoms heptan-2-one, nonan-2-one and undecan-2-one increased
to methyl ketones, with octanoic acid being most rap- for approximately 14 weeks, after which levels
idly oxidized. Oxidation of longer chain FFAs contain- decreased; concentrations of methyl ketones in low-fat
ing 16 or 18 carbon atoms has also been reported Cheddar cheeses were lower than the levels in full-fat
(Chalier and Crouzet, 1993). Mycelia oxidize FFAs cheese (Dimos, 1992), perhaps due to lower levels
over a wide pH range, with an optimum between pH 5 of FFAs in the former (Dimos et al., 1996). Engels et al.
and 7, which is similar to the pH of mature Blue (1997) compared the volatile compounds in the water-
cheese (Dwivedi and Kinsella, 1974; Gripon, 1993). soluble fraction of seven cheese varieties (Gouda,
378 Lipolysis and Catabolism of Fatty Acids in Cheese

Saturated fatty acids (C2n) esters predominate (Arora et al., 1995). Esterification
reactions resulting in the production of esters occur
β-Oxidation, –2H 2 + H2O between short- to medium-chain fatty acids and
ethanol, derived from lactose fermentation or from
Keto acyl-CoA amino acid catabolism. Ethyl acetate may also arise
CoA-SH from esterification of ethanol with acetyl-coenzyme
Thiohydrolase Thiolase A (Yoshioka and Hashimoto, 1983). Holland et al.
(2002) suggested that esters are formed in cheese dur-
CoA-SH + β-Keto acid Acetyl-CoA + Acyl (C2n –2 ) -CoA ing ripening by the transesterification of a FFA from
partial glycerides to ethanol. Thirty eight esters were
Krebs’ Cycle identified by Meinhart and Schreier (1986) in Parmi-
giano-Reggiano cheese; ethyl acetate, ethyl octanoate,
β-Ketoacyldecarboxylase CO2
ethyl decanoate and methyl hexanoate were the most
abundant. Methyl and ethyl esters have been found at
high levels in artisanal Blue cheese (Gonzalez de
Methyl ketone (C2n –1 ) + CO2 Llano et al., 1990). Fourteen esters were found in
Emmental cheese by Imhof and Bosset (1994) and
Reductase Rychlik et al. (1997). Ethyl esters of fatty acids and
smaller quantities of methyl esters have also been
Secondary alcohol (C2n –1 )
identified in Manchego cheese (Villasen ~or et al.,
Figure 2 Pathway for the catabolism of fatty acids by Penicil- 2000).
lium spp. Thioesters are formed when FFAs react with sul-
phydryl compounds (Molimard and Spinnler, 1996)
and may be formed by the action of a wide range of
Proosdij, Gruyere, Maasdam, Edam, Parmesan and microorganisms associated with cheese (Lamberet et al.,
Cheddar). Nine ketones, mostly methyl ketones, were 1997).
identified. Dirinck and De Winne (1999) reported levels Lactones are cyclic compounds formed by the
of heptan-2-one and nonan-2-one ranging from 2903 intramolecular esterification of hydroxy fatty acids
to 3210 ng g 1 and from 1841 to 1960 ng g 1, respect- through the loss of water to form a ring structure
ively, in Gouda cheese; levels varied between 3332 and (Christie, 1983; Molimard and Spinnler, 1996) and
3598 ng g 1 and 1768 and 1986 ng g 1, respectively, in may be produced by heating their precursor hydroxy-
Emmental. In another study, pentan-2-one and heptan- acids (Eriksen, 1976). - and -lactones are highly
2-one were the most abundant methyl ketones in aged reactive and unstable (Fox and Wallace, 1997) but -
ewes’ milk cheese (14 samples were analysed, nine of and -lactones (5- and 6-membered rings, respect-
which were Manchego); mean levels were 737 and 368 ively) are stable and have been identified in cheese
~or et al., 2000).
g kg 1, respectively (Villasen (Eriksen, 1976).
Secondary alcohols can be formed in cheeses by It has been reported that the mammary gland of
enzymatic reduction of methyl ketones (Engels et al., ruminants has a -oxidation system for fatty acid
1997). P. roqueforti is responsible for the reduction of catabolism (see Fox et al., 2000) which may produce
methyl ketones to secondary alcohols (e.g., 2-pentanol, the precursor hydroxy acids for the production of lac-
2-heptanol and 2-nonanol) in Blue cheese (Martelli, tones, which may also be formed from keto acids after
1989). Gonzalez de Llano et al. (1990) reported that their reduction to hydroxyacids (Wong et al., 1975).
2-heptanol and 2-nonanol are the main secondary alco- The presence of large amounts of high molecular
hols in artisanal Gamonedo Blue cheese. Production of weight lactones has been reported in rancid Cheddar
2-propanol from acetone and 2-butanol from butanone cheese, which has led to the suggestion that pathways
has been reported in Cheddar cheese (Urbach, 1993), other than the release of hydroxy acids from trigly-
while Thierry et al. (1999) reported an increase in the cerides may contribute to the formation of lactones
concentrations of secondary alcohols in the aqueous (Wong et al., 1975). Dodecalactone may be formed
phase of Emmental during ripening. by P. roqueforti spores and vegetative mycelia from
A great diversity of esters, formed by the reaction of long-chain unsaturated fatty acids (C18:1 and C18:2)
a FFA with an alcohol, is present in cheese (Molimard (Chalier and Crouzet, 1992). Lactone precursors
and Spinnler, 1996). While methyl, ethyl, propyl and (hydroxy FA) may also be generated by the action
butyl esters of FFAs have been reported in various of lipoxygenases and other enzymes present in mem-
cheese varieties (Meinhart and Schreier, 1986), ethyl bers of the rumen microflora (Dufossé et al., 1994).
Lipolysis and Catabolism of Fatty Acids in Cheese 379

Production of lactone precursors in milk is influenced by (1974) found that cheese containing vegetable fats had
several factors, including feed, season, stage of lactation very little Cheddar flavour, and cheese containing
and breed (see Fox et al., 2000). The sweet-flavoured mineral oil had only a slight Cheddar flavour. Cheese
-dodecanolactone and -dodec-Z-6-enolactone occur containing milk fat gave the best results but its flavour
at much higher levels in milk from grain-fed than from was still inferior to that of cheese made from whole
pasture-fed cows (Urbach, 1997). milk. These results suggest that the MFGM, which is
-Dodecalactone and -tetradecalactone are the replaced on homogenization of the milk fat, may have
principal lactones in 75 day-old Blue cheese (Jolly and important enzymes or other factors which play a role
Kosikowski, 1975). In Cheddar cheese, lactone levels in the development of Cheddar flavour. It is also plau-
increased most rapidly early in the ripening period sible that the interface between the lipid and aqueous
and were present at concentrations well above their phases in the cheese is important for flavour develop-
flavour thresholds (Jolly and Kosikowski, 1975). ment. However, Wijesundera and Drury (1999)
Wong et al. (1975) reported levels of 1.5, 0.8, 4.9 and reported no significant difference in Cheddar cheese
8.9 g g 1 of C10, C12, C12 and C14, respectively, flavour intensity between cheeses made from whole
in Cheddar cheese at 14 months. Several lactones have milk or from milk reconstituted from skim milk and
been identified in Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese; quan- cream or anhydrous milk fat.
titatively, the most important lactone is -octalactone Long-chain FFAs (12 carbon atoms) are consid-
(Meinhart and Schreier, 1986). -Decalactone, - ered to play a minor role in cheese flavour due to their
decalactone, -dodecalactone and -dodecalactone have high perception thresholds (Molimard and Spinnler,
been found in Camembert cheese (Gallois and Langlois, 1996). Short- and intermediate-chain FFAs (C4:0–C12:0)
1990). have considerably lower perception thresholds and
Aldehydes may be formed via the catabolism of each gives a characteristic flavour note. Butanoic acid
amino acids (see ‘Catabolism of Amino Acids in Cheese contributes ‘rancid’ and ‘cheesy’ flavours; hexanoic
During Ripening’, Volume 1). However, some straight- acid has a ‘pungent’, ‘Blue cheese’ flavour note, while
chain aldehydes, e.g., butanal, heptanal and nonanal, octanoic acid has a purported ‘wax’, ‘soap’, ‘goat’,
may be formed by the -oxidation of unsaturated fatty ‘musty’, ‘rancid’ and ‘fruity’ note. Depending on their
acids. Gruyere and Parmesan have high levels of FFAs concentration and perception thresholds, volatile fatty
and high concentrations of straight chain aldehydes acids can either contribute positively to the aroma of
which have ‘green grass-like’ aromas (Moio et al., the cheese or to a rancidity defect. The flavour effect
1993). of FFAs in cheese is affected by pH. In cheeses with a
high pH, e.g., smear-ripened and Blue cheeses, the
flavour impact of fatty acids may be affected due to
Contribution of Lipolysis and Catabolism
neutralization of the cheese (Molimard and Spinnler,
of FFA to Cheese Flavour
Lipids play a major role in the quality of cheese: In general, the flavour threshold of methyl ketones is
quite low. Flavour threshold values determined in water
• They affect cheese rheology and texture (see ‘Rheol-
vary widely; for heptan-2-one, ranging from 0.0009 to
ogy and Texture of Cheese’, Volume 1).
3 mg kg 1 and for propan-2-one ranging from 40.9 to
• They influence flavour by:
500 mg kg 1 (Molimard and Spinnler, 1996). Octan-
– Acting as a source of fatty acids which in turn may
2-one, nonan-2-one, decan-2-one, undecan-2-one and
be catabolized to other flavour compounds, e.g.,
tridecan-2-one are described as having ‘fruity’, ‘floral’
methyl ketones, esters, thioesters and lactones.
and ‘musty’ notes, while heptan-2-one has a Blue cheese
– Acting as a solvent for sapid compounds pro-
note (Rothe et al., 1982). The mushroom and musty
duced from lipids or other precursors.
notes of methyl ketones are important contributors to the
• Many reactions occur at the fat–water interface.
flavour of Camembert cheese (Molimard and Spinnler,
Reduced-fat cheese lacks typical flavour and con- 1996).
tains lower concentrations of FFAs than full-fat According to Eriksen (1976), lactones have a strong
cheese, supporting the theory that FFAs are important flavour; although the aromas of lactones are not
to cheese flavour (Foda et al., 1974; Olson and Johnson, cheese-like, they may contribute to overall cheese
1990; Dimos et al., 1996; Wijesundera et al., 1998). flavour (see Fox et al., 1993, 2000; Fox and Wallace,
Cheddar cheese manufactured from milk in which the 1997) and have been reported to contribute to a but-
fat was replaced by vegetable or mineral oils has also tery character in cheese (Dirinck and De Winne, 1999).
been reported to develop atypical flavours (Foda et al., -Lactones have low flavour thresholds compared to
1974; Wijesundera and Watkins, 2000). Foda et al. other volatile flavour compounds (O’Keefe et al., 1969)
380 Lipolysis and Catabolism of Fatty Acids in Cheese

and are generally characterized by very pronounced, make an important contribution to the characteristic
fruity notes (‘peach’, ‘apricot’ and ‘coconut’) (Dufossé flavour and aroma of both raw and pasteurized milk
et al., 1994). -Lactones have generally higher detection Emmental cheese (Zerfiridis et al., 1984; Steffen et al.,
thresholds than -lactones; thresholds for -octalactone, 1993; Chamba and Perreard, 2002). Recent data for
-decalactone and -dodecalactone are 7–11 g kg 1 lipolysis in Emmental cheese manufactured from raw
in water and are even lower for shorter chain lactones or microfiltered milk, with or without various strains
(Dufossé et al., 1994). of propionic acid bacteria, indicate that FFAs are
In a survey of various cheese varieties, Engels et al. released during ripening by the lipolytic activity of
(1997) found high concentrations of ethyl butanoate propionic acid bacteria and starter and that the con-
in cheeses with a ‘fruity’ note, e.g., Gruyere, Parmesan centration of FFAs produced in the cheese is specific
and Proosdij. This fruity flavour is considered undesir- to the strain of Propionibacterium used for cheesemaking
able in Cheddar cheese (Urbach, 1997; McSweeney (Chamba and Perreard, 2002).
and Sousa, 2000). The highest levels of lipolysis have been observed in
Arora et al. (1995), who analysed the odour-active mould-ripened cheeses; 5–10% of total triglycerides are
volatiles in the headspace of Cheddar cheese, found hydrolysed in Camembert and up to 25% in Blue
that most of the esters separated had a ‘buttery’/‘fruity’ cheeses (Anderson and Day, 1966; Gripon et al., 1991;
aroma. However, thioesters formed by the reaction of Gripon, 1993). Extensive lipolysis occurs in mould-
short-chain fatty acids with methional imparted a char- ripened cheeses without rancidity due to neutralization
acteristic ‘cheesy’ aroma to Cheddar cheese. According of fatty acids as the pH increases during ripening
to Lamberet et al. (1997), S-methyl thioesters con- (Gripon, 1993). The most important lipolytic agents in
tribute a characteristic flavour to various smear-ripened mould-ripened cheeses are the enzymes of Penicillium
soft cheeses (e.g., Tilsit, Limburger and Havarti). spp., although a high proportion of free oleic acid in
Secondary alcohols may contribute to cheese Camembert has been attributed to the action of the
flavour (Arora et al., 1995). Propan-2-ol, butan-2-ol, lipase of Geotrichum candidum (Gripon, 1993). In the
octan-2-ol and nonan-2-ol are present in most soft manufacture of Danablu cheese, raw milk is separated
cheeses and are typical components of the flavour of and the resulting cream is homogenized and held before
Blue cheeses (Engels et al., 1997). Moinas et al. (1975) pasteurization. This process damages its MFGM and
found that heptan-2-ol and nonan-2-ol represented activates the LPL; additionally, homogenization reduces
10–20% and 5–10%, respectively, of all aromatic com- fat globule size and increases total fat globule surface
pounds in Camembert cheese. Oct-1-en-3-ol has the area, providing a larger lipid–serum interface for LPL
odour of raw mushroom with a perception threshold activity (Nielsen, 1993). Extensive lipolysis is also char-
of 10 g kg 1, and has been proposed as one of the acteristic of many Italian varieties (e.g., Grana Padano
key compounds in the aromatic note of Camembert and Parmigiano-Reggiano) (Woo and Lindsay, 1984;
cheese (Molimard and Spinnler, 1996). Bosset and Gauch, 1993). Arnold et al. (1975) found a
direct relationship between the flavour intensity of
ripened Romano-type cheese and its butyric acid con-
Patterns of Lipolysis in Various Cheese
tent. Many Italian varieties are manufactured from raw
milk (e.g., Parmigiano-Reggiano, Grana Padano, Pro-
The level of lipolysis in cheese varies considerably from volone) which leads to higher levels of lipolysis in the
moderate (e.g., Cheddar, Cheshire, Caerphilly) to ripened cheese due to the action of LPL. Pregastric
extensive (e.g., mould-ripened, hard Italian and surface esterase is responsible for extensive lipolysis in cheeses
bacterially-ripened (smear) varieties) (de Llano et al., made using rennet paste, resulting in the characteristic
1992; McSweeney and Fox, 1993; Fernandez-Garcia ‘piccante’ flavour of these varieties (Fox et al., 2000;
et al., 1994; Fox and Wallace, 1997; Fox et al., 2000; McSweeney and Sousa, 2000). High levels of lipolysis
McSweeney and Sousa, 2000). Concentrations of FFAs occur in smear cheeses (e.g., Limburger) (Woo et al.,
reported for a number of cheese varieties are shown in 1984). Brevibacterium linens is a major constituent of the
Table 1. Excessive lipolysis is considered undesirable surface microflora of bacterial smear-ripened cheeses
in many varieties (e.g., Dutch-type cheeses, Cheddar, and produces active lipolytic enzymes (Reps, 1993).
Emmental) and cheeses containing even a moderate
concentration of FFAs may be considered as rancid by
Measurement of Lipolysis
some consumers (Fox et al., 1993). However, limited
lipolysis is thought to be desirable in these varieties. Various quantitative techniques have been developed
In Emmental cheese, moderate levels of FFAs, in the to monitor release of FFAs in cheese. The ‘copper
range 2–7 g kg 1, are liberated during ripening and soaps’ method is a colorimetric method enabling the
Table 1 Concentration (mg kg 1 cheese) of free fatty acids in some selected cheese varieties

type C2:0 C4:0 C6:0 C8:0 C10:0 C12:0 C14:0 C16:0 C18:0 C18:1 C18:2 C18:3 Total Method Reference

Rennet coagulated
Internal bacterially-ripened
Parmesan 1055 451 243 440 439 1540 3896 1171 3471 123 13697 GC de la Feunte
et al. (1993)
Parmesan 140 106 84 158 181 684 1750 1890* GC Woo and Lindsay
Romano 1756 843 328 942 428 448 785 1224* (1984)
Cheddar 476 952 143 175 159 571 952 1556 794 2841 635 238 9492 HPLC Kilcawley et al.
1587 952 191 159 175 619 746 1253 508 1476 413 175 8254 (2001)
1270 794 111 111 48 238 397 619 270 667 206 111 4842
15 2 6 25 37 103 285 524* 997 GC Woo et al.
111 33 38 67 68 183 397 131* 1028 (1984)
308a 144a 185a 387a 225a 423a 1148a 3259a* 6079a
10 24 28 45 117 309 131 503 41 23 GC McNeill and
5 16 20 46 110 270 123 524 40 27 Connolly
0 25 27 46 120 299 139 496 45 26 (1989)
0 6 20 37 86 231 81 200 21 0
⬃8 ⬃12 ⬃25 ⬃45 ⬃70 ⬃275 ⬃130 ⬃370 947 GC Reddy and
Marth (1993)
37 34 22 16 18 38 117 168* 450 GC Woo and Lindsay
43 26 16 29 25 61 202 299* 701 (1982)
45 35 18 16 13 27 110 169* 433
47 33 25 55 30 59 196 387* 832
56 45 29 22 35 76 216 365* 844
60 44 29 22 35 74 229 385* 878
142 68 73 134 94 175 433 1377* 2506
865 115 38 41 49 81 218 503 172 467 69 40 Titration Bills and Day
69 105 13 12 15 48 76 61 209 36 GC Marsili (1985)
10 43 12 6 11 GC Dulley and
Grieve (1974)
⬃128 ⬃490 ⬃69 ⬃90 ⬃171 ⬃295 ⬃299 GC McSweeney
et al. (1993)
Cheshire 8 12 32 59 162 394 132 418 36 12 GC McNeill and
Cheshire 0 10 27 49 112 275 94 276 29 8
Roncal 505 302 377 372 392 1007 2243 620 1438 100 8178 GC de la Feunte
Idiazabal 285 118 65 578 358 667 1553 372 1299 40 5577 et al. (1993)

382 Table 1 continued

type C2:0 C4:0 C6:0 C8:0 C10:0 C12:0 C14:0 C16:0 C18:0 C18:1 C18:2 C18:3 Total Method Reference

Manchego 255 133 110 318 202 443 994 348 816 GC Poveda et al.
Manchego 876 704 426 398 340 608 1925 508 1384 106 7285 GC Fernandez-
et al. (1994)
Caerphilly 18 15 31 57 150 387 127 419 36 13 GC McNeill and
Mahon 383 377 274 394 307 810 2107 902 2235 82 8743 GC de la Feunte
et al. (1993)
Colby 81 9 33 49 22 67 196 93* 356 GC Woo et al.,
Monterey Jack 93 3 10 37 20 110 252 211* 736 (1984)
Majorero 431 400 513 1964 1378 2327 5877 1327 4921 886 20794 GC de la Feunte
et al. (1993)
Majorero 216 250 225 723 364 663 1745 528 1400 6144 GC Martin-Hernández
and Juarez
Cheeses with eyes
Swiss 170 90 45 122 208 311 1904 1427* 4277 GC Woo et al.
345 21 25 53 88 267 930 1197* 2926 (1984)
392a 135a 150a 381a 522a 1337a 4262a 2664a* 9843a
Emmental 112 45 71 68 207 515 256 842 59 31 GC McNeill and
Gruyere 1037 83 6 16 13 58 193 75* 1481 GC Woo et al. (1984)
Gruyere 288 120 26 21 44 51 160 475 tr 14 50b GC Zerfiridis et al.
Edam 60 8 9 14 47 39 122 57* 356 GC Woo et al. (1984)
Pasta-Filata cheeses
Mozzarella 54 7 1 120 12 27 76 66* GC Woo and Lindsay
Provolone 782 308 81 172 122 120 199 334* (1984)
Surface mould-ripened
Camembert 35 5 14 35 43 69 270 210* 681 GC Woo et al.
Camembert 208 101 58 448 1028 1421 GC Lesage et al.
Camembert 361 287 160 225 298 622 1442 303 1043 5066 GC de la Feunte
et al. (1993)
Brie 124 9 19 44 74 255 839 1314* 2678 GC Woo et al.
Blue cheese
Roquefort 992 751 715 2104 1403 2632 6452 17404* 32453 GC Woo et al. (1984)
Roquefort 961 626 707 2280 1295 3185 6230 2241 6282 896 25969 GC de la Feunte
et al. (1993)
Blue 1146 777 546 1275 1835 4147 11416 14088* 35230 GC Woo et al. (1984)
Blue d’Auvergne
(Blue, with 105 700 815 2135 4460 GC Kinderlerer
conidia) et al. (1996)
(White, no 620 160 235 185
Gamonedo 937 804 1040 3366 2329 7850 19768 9157 30434 75685 GC de Llano et al.
blue (1992)
Port Salut 41 4 8 54 33 86 275 199* 700 GC Woo et al. (1984)
Limburger 1475 688 24 50 92 602 565 709*
Brick 72 2 8 35 22 63 161 39* 402
62 27 68 193 153 357 952 538* 2350
995a 232a 446a 1067a 613a 1805a 2835a 5977*a 13970a
Serra da 37 34 33 89 46 98 198 106 220 12 7 GC Partidario et al.
Estrela (1998)
Serra da 35.7 34 35 97 52 102 201 103 208 11 3 GC Partidario (1999)
Munster 163 102 66 154 206 704 2057 833 1412 59 504 GC de Leon-
Gonzalez et al.
Gjetost 106 35 31 180 49 170 456 631* 4558 GC Woo et al. (1984)

* C18:0 congeners.
a Commercial samples exhibiting distinct flavour defects.
b C18:2  C18:3.
384 Lipolysis and Catabolism of Fatty Acids in Cheese

determination of the total level of FFAs (IDF, 1991). et al., 1998; Partidario, 1999). The method of Dulley
Copper soaps of fatty acids are selectively transferred and Grieve (1974) uses steam-distillation followed by
to an organic phase; a coloured complex is then GC to quantify volatile fatty acids.
formed between the copper soaps and sodium diethyl The method described by de Jong and Badings
dithiocarbamate, the intensity of which is related to (1990) is now a commonly used procedure for the
the concentration of FFAs. While the method is sensi- quantification of FFA in cheese. Accurate and rapid
tive and rapid (IDF, 1991), the total level of FFAs is determination of FFAs from C2:0 to C20:0 is achieved
only estimated. Quantification of the total level of by direct separation of underivatized FFAs using capil-
FFAs by extraction and titration of FFAs with alco- lary GC. In brief, the method involves extraction of
holic KOH gives an acid degree value (ADV), defined FFA using ether/heptane from a cheese paste contain-
as the number of milliequivalents of alkali required to ing anhydrous sodium sulphate and H2SO4. Extracted
neutralize the FFAs in 100 g of fat. FFAs are then isolated using alumina or an anion-
Gas chromatography (GC) has been the method exchange method (aminopropyl columns) and separ-
most commonly used to quantify levels of individual ation of FFAs (C2:0–C20:0) is achieved by capillary GC.
FFAs in cheese and is the dominant technique for the Few studies have compared the different methods
routine analysis of FFAs; the flame ionization detector of FFA quantification from the same sample. Accord-
is robust with a wide and dynamic range, enabling ing to IDF (1991), isolation of FFAs from the sample
accurate FFA quantification. In a review of the deter- material is a vital step in any method. FFAs must be
mination of FFAs in milk and milk products (IDF, isolated from both the aqueous phase and the fat
1991) methods for analysis of FFAs by GC were phase. Organic solvents are used in the extraction
grouped under three headings. In the first group, FFAs procedures of the majority of the methods refer-
are analysed directly and this group includes the enced. According to IDF (1991), it is difficult to
method of Nieuwenhof and Hup (1971). Free fatty combine good extraction of short chain FFAs from
acids are isolated on an alkaline silica gel column, the the aqueous phase together with a good extraction
eluate is concentrated and FFAs are quantified directly from the fat phase. While these extraction methods
by GC. However, the silicic acid column used by commonly involve the use of internal standards of
Nieuwenhof and Hup (1971) was later shown to fatty acids dissolved in an organic solvent, this does
induce hydrolysis of the fat. The method of Woo and not guarantee the completeness of the extraction
Lindsay (1982) is also included in this group; this procedure.
method involves removal of lactic acid by a partition Chavarri et al. (1997) compared two methods for
pre-column, followed by isolation of FFAs on a modi- sample preparation for the determination of FFAs in
fied silicic acid-potassium hydroxide arrestant column. ewes’ milk cheese by GC. In method 1, after fat extrac-
Free fatty acids are then separated in formic acid- tion, FFAs were separated from triacylglycerides by
mobilized elutes on a glass column packed with diethyl- aminopropyl bonded-phase chromatography. The frac-
ene glycol succinate (DEGS-PS) by GC. This GC tion containing FFAs was then injected directly onto
procedure enables rapid separation and quantification the gas chromatograph. In method 2, extracted fat was
of FFAs and has been used by others (Woo and Lindsay, treated with tetramethylammonium hydroxide and the
1984; Woo et al., 1984) to quantify individual FFAs in methyl ester derivatives were then formed in the injec-
various cheeses. The second group of GC methods tor. It was concluded that FFAs should be separated
includes those of Iyer et al. (1967), McNeill and Con- from the triacylglycerides before derivatization and
nolly (1989) and Fontecha et al. (1990). Solvent is ini- chromatographic analysis, particularly for samples in
tially used to extract the lipid fraction from the cheese, which a minor fraction of the triacylglycerides has
followed by the preparation of methyl esters of FFAs been hydrolysed to FFAs.
and the separation and quantification of methyl esters Three gas chromatographic methods for the analy-
of FFAs by GC. In general, the third group of GC sis of FFAs in cheese were compared by Ardö and
methods quoted in Table 1 involves solvent extraction Polychroniadou (1999).
of the lipid fraction from the cheese, followed by separ- Method 1 included the preparation and methylation
ation of FFAs by, e.g., saponification (Martinez-Castro procedures described by Martinez-Castro et al. (1986)
et al., 1986; Martin-Hernández et al., 1990; Martin- and Martin-Hernández et al. (1988). This involves
Hernández and Juarez, 1992; de la Feunte et al., 1993; diethyl ether extraction of fat followed by methylation
Poveda et al., 1999), separation using chromatographic with tetramethylammonium hydroxide, which results
columns (Deeth et al., 1983; Lesage et al., 1993), or in an upper layer containing methyl esters from gly-
methylation to fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) (Ha cerides and a lower layer which holds the tetramethyl-
and Lindsay, 1990; Kinderlerer et al., 1996; Partidario ammonium soaps of FFAs. The upper layer may be
Lipolysis and Catabolism of Fatty Acids in Cheese 385

used to analyse the fatty acid composition of gly- ing solvent extraction and separation is achieved by
cerides. For FFA analysis, the bottom layer is separ- reversed-phase HPLC.
ated, washed with ethyl ether and adjusted to pH 9. Bills and Day (1964) used a silicic acid column to
The methyl esters are then analysed by programmed separate FFAs, which were then quantified by titra-
GC, as described by Juarez et al. (1992). N2 or He was tion with potassium hydroxide, using phenol-
used as carrier gas; the column was a silica capillary phthalein as an indicator. Removal of CO2 from the air
column with silicone, containing 50% phenyl and 50% stream when titrating is vital to maintain the stability
cyanopropyl groups as the stationary phase. Injecting of the end point. In this method, the air stream was
samples at 300 °C gave the best quantitative results. freed from CO2 by bubbling through 20% KOH, and
The derivitisation technique tested resulted in no loss IDF (1991) recommend titration under nitrogen. It
of the volatile components, because the FFAs were was later shown that the resin used induced fat
injected in the form of soaps. hydrolysis (McNeill and Connolly, 1989). When using
Method 2 involved the extraction of fats with a titration method to quantify FFAs, the eluate of each
diethyl ether, fixation of FFAs onto an Amberlyst FFA must be titrated separately and the method
resin, methylation of FFAs followed by quantification is not as accurate as more sophisticated GC or HPLC
of methyl esters of FFAs by GC using an FID detector. methods.
Method 3 involves extraction of fat using heptane At present, the most suitable methods for the deter-
with the addition of sodium sulphate and sulphuric mination of lipolysis in cheese use GC and HPLC; levels
acid, followed by overnight storage of samples. On the of FFAs and FFA profiles may be determined. There is
day of analysis, the sample is extracted using a mix- potential for increased use of established technologies,
ture of diethyl ether and heptane, the mixture is then such as gas chromotography/mass spectroscopy (GC/MS)
added to a NH2 Sep-Pak Vac cartridge. The cartridge is and emerging technologies, e.g., liquid chromotogra-
rinsed using a chloroform/isopropanol mixture, FFAs phy/mass spectroscopy, for the measurement of FFAs.
are eluted using a diethyl ether/formic acid mixture GC/MS provides very accurate qualitative and quanti-
and subsequently analysed by GC. tative measurement of FFAs as well as the other volatile
Ardö and Polychroniadou (1999) reported on the components of dairy products (see ‘Instrumental Tech-
accuracy and recovery for method 1 only. The accur- niques’, Volume 1).
acy of method 1 was checked using two types of
cheese; one was a fresh cheese with a low FFA content
and the other a cheese that had undergone moderate
lipolysis. Reproducibility values for the fresh cheese
were comparable to those reported by Woo and Lindsay Anderson, D.F. and Day, E.A. (1966). Quantitation, evalua-
(1982) for Cheddar cheese; however, they were lower tion and effect of certain microorganisms on flavor com-
than those reported by McNeill and Connolly (1989) penents of Blue cheese. J. Agric. Food Chem. 14, 241–245.
and Deeth et al. (1983) also for Cheddar cheese. Accur- Ardö, Y. and Polychroniadou, A. (1999). Analysis of free
acy was substantially higher for cheese with a high fatty acids, in, Laboratory Manual for Chemical Analysis of
Cheese, Publication Office of the European Communities,
FFA content and there was an improvement in the
overall coefficient of variation. Recovery was examined Arnold, R.G., Shahani, K.M. and Dwivedi, B.K. (1975).
by adding standard mixtures of FFAs to a sample from Application of lipolytic enzymes to flavor development in
a cheese of known FFA content. Recoveries ranged dairy products. J. Dairy Sci. 58, 1127–1143.
from 91% for butanoic acid (C4:0) to 103% for octade- Arora, G., Cormier, F. and Lee, B. (1995). Analysis of odor-
canoic acid (C18:0). It was concluded that this tech- active volatiles in Cheddar cheese headspace by multidi-
nique provides a fast and reliable method of FFA mensional GC/MS/sniffing. J. Agric. Food Chem. 43,
analysis in cheeses with a low FFA level and particu- 748–752.
larly for those with a high FFA level. Bills, D.D. and Day, E.A. (1964). Determination of the major
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) free fatty acids of Cheddar cheese. J. Dairy Sci. 47,
may also be used as a method for FFA analysis (Marsili, 733–738.
Bosset, J.O. and Gauch, R. (1993). Comparison of the
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volatile flavour compounds of six European ‘AOC’
operate at ambient temperature, ensuring relatively lit- cheeses by using a new dynamic headspace GC-MS
tle risk to sensitive functional groups (Christie, 1997). method. Int. Dairy J. 3, 359–377.
In the method of Kilcawley et al. (2001), C2:0, C3:0 and Castillo, I., Requena, T., Fernandez de Palencia, P., Fontecha, J.
C4:0 were recovered by steam-distillation and quanti- and Gobbetti, M. (1999). Isolation and characterization
fied by ligand-exchange, ion-exclusion HPLC. C6:0 to of an intracellular esterase from Lactobacillus casei subsp.
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Proteolysis in Cheese during
V.K. Upadhyay, P.L.H. McSweeney, A.A.A. Magboul and P.F. Fox, Department
of Food and Nutritional Sciences, University College, Cork, Ireland

Introduction • The milk: A number of indigenous proteinases

are present in milk, the most important of which
As discussed in ‘Biochemistry of Cheese Ripening:
is plasmin, which is produced from an inactive
Introduction and Overview’, Volume 1, proteolysis is
precursor, plasminogen. The action of plasmin is of
the most complex and, in most varieties, the most
particular importance in pasta-filata and high-cook
important of the three primary biochemical events
cheeses (since it is a heat-stable enzyme) and in
which occur in cheese during ripening. Because of its
cheeses the pH of which increases during ripen-
importance, the subject has been reviewed extensively
ing (since the pH optimum of plasmin is c. 7.5).
(Grappin et al., 1985; Rank et al., 1985; Fox, 1989; Fox
Somatic cells, recruited into milk to flight mas-
and Law, 1991; Fox et al., 1993, 1994, 1995b, 1996;
titic infection, contain lysosomes which contain
Fox and McSweeney, 1996, 1997; Sousa et al., 2001).
a number of proteinases, including cathepsins
Proteolysis contributes to:
D and B.
• The development of cheese texture: • Starter lactic acid bacteria (LAB): The starter
– via hydrolysis of the protein matrix of cheese; LAB contain a cell envelope-associated proteinase
– via a decrease in aw through changes to water (CEP, lactocepin, PrtP) which contributes to ripening
binding by the new carboxylic acid and amino principally by hydrolysing intermediate-sized and
groups liberated on hydrolysis of peptide bonds. short peptides produced from the caseins by the action
These groups are ionized at the pH of cheese and of chymosin or plasmin. The starter is the principal
thus bind water; source of peptidases in cheese, which are responsible
– indirectly via an increase in pH caused by the for the hydrolysis of short peptides and the liberation
liberation of ammonia from amino acids pro- of amino acids.
duced by proteolysis. • Non-starter lactic acid bacteria (NSLAB): All
• Flavour and perhaps the off-flavour of cheese, ripened cheeses contain an adventitious secondary
– directly by the production of short peptides and microflora which grows during ripening (see ‘The
amino acids, some of which have flavours; Microbiology of Cheese Ripening’, Volume 1). The
– indirectly by the liberation of amino acids which proteinases and peptidases of NSLAB are generally
act as substrates for a range of catabolic reactions similar to those of starter LAB and contribute to
which generate important volatile flavour com- ripening in a similar fashion.
pounds (see ‘Catabolism of Amino Acids in • Secondary starter: Many cheese varieties are
Cheese During Ripening’, Volume 1); characterized by the development of a secondary
– by facilitating the release of sapid compounds microflora which is added to or deliberately encour-
from the cheese matrix during mastication. aged to grow (e.g., Propionibacterium freudenreichii
subsp. shermanii in Swiss-type cheese, Penicillium
Proteolysis in cheese during ripening is catalysed
roqueforti in Blue cheese, P. camemberti in Camem-
by proteinases and peptidases from six sources:
bert and Brie-type cheeses and a complex Gram-
• The coagulant: The enzymes involved depend on positive bacterial microflora on the surface of smear
the type of coagulant used (chymosin, pepsin, fungal cheeses). Most of these microorganisms possess
acid proteinases, plant acid proteinases). Residual potent enzyme activities, including proteinases and
coagulant activity retained in the curd is the major peptidases, which contribute greatly to proteolysis in
source of proteolytic activity in most cheeses except these varieties.
pasta-filata varieties and those with a high cook • Exogenous proteinases and peptidases: Exogen-
temperature in which enzymes from this source are ous proteolytic enzymes have been studied as a
denatured extensively. means of accelerating ripening, accentuating flavour
Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, Third edition – Volume 1: General Aspects Copyright © 2004 Elsevier Ltd
ISBN: 0-1226-3652-X All rights reserved
Set ISBN: 0-1226-3651-1
392 Proteolysis in Cheese during Ripening

or debittering cheese. With the exception of enzyme- after coagulation of milk by porcine pepsin is one of
modified cheese (see ‘Cheese as an Ingredient’, the methods used to produce rennet-free cheese curd
Volume 2), exogenous proteinases and peptidases (see ‘Biochemistry of Cheese Ripening: Introduction
are not used widely in cheese manufacture, although and Overview’, Volume 1). Only 2–3% of Rhizomucor
the action of these enzymes can dominate patterns rennets is retained in Cheddar cheese curd and
of proteolysis in cheeses in which they are used. appears to be independent of pH (Creamer et al.,
The use of exogenous proteinases to accelerate 1985). In high-cooked cheeses, e.g., Emmental, chy-
cheese ripening was discussed by Upadhyay and mosin is extensively denatured (Matheson, 1981;
McSweeney (2003). Singh and Creamer, 1990; Boudjellab et al., 1994), and
makes relatively little contribution to ripening.
The relative importance of enzymes from each of
The action of chymosin on the B-chain of insulin
these sources depends on the cheese variety. Techniques
indicates that it is specific for hydrophobic and aro-
used to assess the relative importance of proteolytic
matic amino acid residues (Fish, 1957). Relative to
enzymes from different sources were discussed by Fox
many other proteinases, chymosin is weakly proteolytic;
et al. (1993) and are outlined in ‘Biochemistry of Cheese
indeed, limited proteolysis is one of the characteristics
Ripening: Introduction and Overview’, Volume 1. This
to be considered when selecting proteinases for use as
chapter will focus on the principal proteolytic enzymes
rennet substitutes (Fox, 1989; Dalgleish, 1993).
found in cheese and their role in cheese during ripen-
The primary chymosin cleavage site in the bovine
ing, with particular emphasis on their specificity on the
milk protein system is the Phe1059Met106 bond
caseins. Most attention will be paid to enzyme systems
in -casein which is many times more susceptible
common to many cheese varieties (i.e., enzymes from
to chymosin than any other bond in milk proteins.
the coagulant, milk and starter). Patterns of proteolysis
s1-, s2- and -caseins are not hydrolysed during
in individual cheese varieties and the enzymes of spe-
milk coagulation but may be hydrolysed in cheese
cific secondary microorganisms are also discussed in
during ripening.
some chapters of Volume 2.
A number of authors (Pelissier et al., 1974;
Creamer, 1976; Visser and Slangen, 1977; Carles and
Ribadeau-Dumas, 1984) have investigated the hydrol-
Enzymes from the Coagulant
ysis of -casein by chymosin. In solution in 0.05 M Na
As discussed in ‘Rennets: General and Molecular acetate buffer, pH 5.4, chymosin cleaves -casein
Aspects’, Volume 1, chymosin (EC., the princi- at seven sites: Leu1929Tyr193  Ala1899Phe190 
pal proteinase in traditional rennets used for cheesemak- Leu1659Ser166  Gln1679Ser168  Leu1639Ser164 
ing, is an aspartyl proteinase of gastric origin, secreted by Leu1399Leu150  Leu1279Thr128 (Visser and Slangen,
young mammals. The principal role of chymosin in 1977). The parameters, KM and kcat, for the action of
cheesemaking is to hydrolyse the Phe1059Met106 bond chymosin on the bond Leu1929Tyr193 are 0.075 mM
of the micelle-stabilizing protein, -casein, as a result and 1.54 s 1, respectively, for micellar -casein and
of which the colloidal stability of the micelles is 0.007 mM and 0.56 s 1 for the monomeric protein
destroyed, leading to gelation at temperatures ⬃20 °C (Carles and Ribadeau-Dumas, 1984). NaCl inhibits the
(see ‘Rennet-induced Coagulation of Milk’, Volume 1). hydrolysis of -casein by chymosin to an extent
Most of the rennet added to cheesemilk is removed in dependent on pH; hydrolysis is strongly inhibited by
the whey but some is retained in the curd and plays a 5% and completely by 10% NaCl (Mulvihill and Fox,
major role in the initial proteolysis of caseins in many 1978).
cheese varieties. From ⬃0 to 30% of the coagulant The primary site of chymosin action on s1-casein is
added to the cheesemilk is retained in the curd, Phe239Phe24 (Hill et al., 1974; Carles and Ribadeau-
depending on enzyme type, cooking temperature, pH Dumas, 1985; McSweeney et al., 1993b). Cleavage of
at draining and the moisture content of curd. In Ched- this bond is believed to be responsible for the initial
dar cheese, ⬃6% of the chymosin added to the milk is softening of cheese texture (de Jong, 1976; Creamer
retained in the curd, but the amount increases with and Olson, 1982) and the small peptide ( s1-CN
decreasing pH at whey draining (Holmes et al., 1977; f1923) is hydrolysed rapidly by starter proteinases.
Creamer et al., 1985). Pepsins, especially porcine The specificity of chymosin on s1-casein in solution
pepsin, are more pH-sensitive than chymosin and was studied by Pelissier et al. (1974), Mulvihill and
hence the amount of these coagulants retained in Fox (1979a), Pahkala et al. (1989) and McSweeney
cheese curd is very strongly dependent on the pH of et al. (1993b). In 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 6.5,
the milk at setting and shortly thereafter; in fact, chymosin cleaves s1-casein at Phe239Phe24, Phe289
increasing the pH of the curds–whey mixture to ⬃7 Pro29, Leu409Ser41, Leu1499Phe150, Phe1539 Tyr154,
Proteolysis in Cheese during Ripening 393

Leu1569Asp157, Tyr1599Pro160 and Trp1649Tyr165 R. miehei and Cryphonectria parasitica have been used
(McSweeney et al., 1993b). These bonds are also extensively in commercial practice (Phelan, 1985; van
hydrolysed at pH 5.2 in the presence of 5% NaCl (i.e., den Berg, 1992); blends of calf rennet and porcine
similar to the conditions in many cheese varieties), pepsin (50:50) have been used in the past with gener-
and, in addition, Leu119Pro12, Phe329Gly35, Leu1019 ally satisfactory results. Of these rennets, that from
Lys102, Leu1429Ala144 and Phe1799Ser180. The rate at R. miehei is the most widely used (under various trade
which many of these bonds are hydrolysed depends on names) and gives generally satisfactory results. The
the ionic strength and pH, particularly Leu1019Lys102 gene for R. miehei proteinase has been cloned in
which is cleaved far faster at the lower pH. The kcat Aspergillus oryzae, resulting in a rennet containing less
and KM for the hydrolysis of Phe239Phe24 bond of contaminating proteolytic enzymes. This coagulant
1 and 0.37 mM, was found to be acceptable for the manufacture of
s1-casein by chymosin is 0.7 s
respectively (Carles and Ribadeau-Dumas, 1985). The Cheddar cheese (Chen et al., 1994). C. parasitica pro-
hydrolysis of s1-casein by chymosin is influenced by teinase is considerably more proteolytic than chy-
pH and ionic strength (Mulvihill and Fox, 1977, mosin (Tam and Whitaker, 1972), especially on
1980). -casein, and is rarely used for cheesemaking except
s2-Casein appears to be relatively resistant to pro- for high-cooked varieties (e.g., Swiss), in which the
teolysis by chymosin; cleavage sites are restricted to proteinase is extensively denatured by the high cook
the hydrophobic regions of the molecule (sequences temperature.
90–120 and 160–207), i.e., Phe889Tyr89, Tyr959 The specificity of many of these enzymes on the oxi-
Leu96, Gln979Tyr98, Tyr989Leu99, Phe1639Leu164, dized B-chain of insulin was summarized by Green
Phe1749Ala175 and Tyr1799Leu180 (McSweeney et al., (1977). Preliminary studies on the hydrolysis of sodium
1994b). Although para--casein has several potential caseinate by fungal rennets were reported by Tam and
chymosin cleavage sites, it does not appear to be Whitaker (1972) and later by Phelan (1985). Rea
hydrolysed either in solution or in cheese (Green and (1997) compared hydrolysates of sodium caseinate by
Foster, 1974). Presumably, this reflects the relatively chymosin, R. miehei proteinase and C. parasitica pro-
high level of secondary structure in -casein com- teinase; the specificities of the three enzymes on the
pared to the other caseins (see Swaisgood, 1992); it caseins were clearly very different (C. parasitica was
would be interesting to investigate the hydrolysis of particularly active on -casein). However, the bonds
para--casein by chymosin or pepsin in the presence cleaved by the fungal proteinases have not been
of a high concentration of urea (pepsin is active in reported (except that the primary cleavage of -casein
8 M urea). by C. parasitica proteinase is at Ser1049Phe105, rather
Good quality veal rennet contains about 10% bovine than Phe1059Met106 which is cleaved by chymosin and
pepsin (EC; Rothe et al., 1977) but many ‘calf R. miehei proteinase (Drohse and Foltmann (1989)).
rennets’ contain up to 50% bovine pepsin. The proteo-
lytic products produced from Na-caseinate by bovine
pepsin are similar to those produced by chymosin Indigenous Proteinases in Milk
(Fox, 1969), although, as far as we are aware, the
specificity of bovine or porcine pepsins on bovine
caseins has not been determined rigorously. However, Milk contains a number of indigenous proteinases, of
Mulvihill and Fox (1979b) compared the hydrolysis of which plasmin (EC is the most important
bovine, ovine, caprine and porcine -caseins by chy- with respect to cheese ripening. Plasmin is a trypsin-
mosins and pepsins from these species. The large pep- like serine proteinase with pH and temperature optima
tides produced (detectable by urea–polyacrylamide gel of ⬃7.5 and 37 °C, respectively. Plasmin is secreted
electrophoresis) suggested generally similar specifici- into blood as its inactive zymogen, plasminogen,
ties for chymosins and pepsins although differences which is then activated to plasmin, the principal func-
were apparent in the short (pH 4.6-soluble) peptides. tion of which in blood is to degrade fibrin clots. A
Pepsins were more proteolytic than the corresponding complex plasminogen/plasmin system exists in blood,
chymosins. comprised of plasmin, plasminogen, plasminogen acti-
For many years, the supply of calf rennet has been vators (PA), plasmin inhibitors, and inhibitors of PA,
insufficient to meet demand, and much effort has been all of which are also present in milk. A diagrammatic
expended on searching for suitable rennet substitutes representation of the plasmin/plasminogen system
for cheesemaking (see Green, 1977; Phelan, 1985). in milk is shown in Fig. 1. In milk, plasminogen,
Several proteinases have been assessed but only bovine plasmin and PA are associated with the casein micelles
pepsin and proteinases from Rhizomucor pusillus, while plasmin inhibitors and inhibitors of PA are in
394 Proteolysis in Cheese during Ripening

Plasminogen activators Plasminogen activator inhibitors

Plasminogen Plasmin Plasmin inhibitors

Casein Polypeptides

Figure 1 Plasmin/plasminogen system in milk (adapted from Bastian and Brown, 1996).

the serum phase. Plasmin has trypsin-like specificity, Lys1979Thr198 and Arg1149Asn115 (Le Bars and
showing preference for bonds of the type Lys9X and, to Gripon, 1989; Visser et al., 1989), but it has not yet
a lesser extent Arg9X, and acts on caseins in the order been determined whether peptides resulting from
 艐 s2 >> s1, while -casein appears to be resistant to cleavage at these sites are produced in milk or dairy
hydrolysis by plasmin (Bastian and Brown, 1996). - products, although this is likely since the concen-
Casein has 15–17 (depending on the genetic variant) tration of s2-casein, which is a poor substrate for
potential plasmin-susceptible bonds, but only three are chymosin, decreases in cheese during ripening (Fox
hydrolysed at significant rates in milk, Lys289Lys29, and McSweeney, 1997). s1-Casein is less susceptible to
Lys1059His106 and Lys1079Glu108, hydrolysis of which hydrolysis by plasmin than -casein (Andrews and
results in the release of 1-CN (-CN f29–209), 2-CN Alichanidis, 1983). However, Le Bars and Gripon (1993)
(-CN f106–209), 3-CN (-CN f108–209), proteose identified seven Lys9X and four Arg9X plasmin-
peptone (PP)8 fast (-CN f1–28), PP8 slow -CN susceptible bonds in s1-casein while McSweeney et al.
(f29–105) and (f29–107) and PP5 (-CN f1–105 (1993c) identified 12 Lys9X and 5 Arg9X plasmin-
and 1–107) (Fig. 2). In solution, plasmin hydrolyses susceptible bonds in s1-casein (Lys39His4, Lys79
-casein at Lys979Val98, Lys1139Tyr114, Lys1699Val170, His8, Arg229Phe23, Lys349Glu35, Lys369Lys37, Lys589
Lys1769Ala177, Arg1839Asp184, Arg2029Gly203 as well Gln59, Lys799His80, Arg909Tyr91, Arg1009Leu101,
as at Lys289Lys29, Lys1059His106 and Lys1079Glu108 Lys1029Lys103, Lys1039Tyr104, Lys1059Val106, Arg1199
(Fox et al., 1994). s2-Casein is also a good substrate Leu120, Lys1249Glu125, Gln1319Lys132, Arg1519Gln152,
for plasmin. In buffered systems, plasmin hydrolyses Lys1939Thr194), including all those reported by Le Bars
s2-casein at Lys219Gln22, Lys249Asn25, Lys1499Lys150, and Gripon (1993). It is likely that -caseins originate as
Lys1509Thr151, Lys1819Thr182, Lys1889Ala189, a result of hydrolysis of s1-casein by plasmin (Aimutis

Lys 28 ⎯ Lys Lys105 ⎯His106 Lys113 ⎯Tyr114 Arg ⎯Asp

29 183 184

1 209

Lys107 ⎯ Glu108


Proteose peptones γ-Caseins

Known Probable
PP8f β-CN f1–28 β-CN f106–113 γ1-CN (β-CN f29–209)
PP8s β-CN f29–105 β-CN f108–113 γ2-CN (β-CN f106–209)
PP8s β-CN f29–107 β-CN f114–183 γ3-CN (β-CN f108–209)
PP-T β-CN f29–113 β-CN f106–183 γ4-CN (β-CN f114–209)
PP5 β-CN f1–105 β-CN f108–183 γ5-CN (β-CN f184–209)
PP5 β-CN f1–107 β-CN f1–113 (unlikely)

Figure 2 Hydrolysis of -casein by plasmin (adapted from Fox et al., 1994).

Proteolysis in Cheese during Ripening 395

and Eigel, 1982; O’Flaherty, 1997). The resistance of tic quality for the plasmin-enriched cheese. Somers
-casein to hydrolysis by plasmin is probably due to et al. (2002) enriched milk for the manufacture of
the carbohydrate moieties attached to its C-terminal Mozzarella-type cheese with plasmin; greater hydroly-
region (Doi et al., 1979). Since they are associated with sis of -casein by plasmin was observed in the experi-
the casein micelles, plasmin, plasminogen and PA are mental cheeses compared to the control, but enzyme
incorporated into the cheese curd but plasmin treatment did not affect the composition or functional-
inhibitors and inhibitors of PA are present in the ity of the cheese. Primary proteolysis (as measured by
cheese whey (Bastian and Brown, 1996). levels of pH 4.6-soluble N and urea–polyacrylamide
The contribution of plasmin to proteolysis varies gel electrophoresis, PAGE), was accelerated in smear-
depending on cheese type. Farkye and Fox (1990) ripened cheese made from plasmin-enriched milk
found that plasmin activity in cheese was in the order (O’Farrell et al., 2002). Farkye and Fox (1991), who
EmmentalBlarneyRomano-typeGoudaCheddar added 6-aminohexanoic acid, a plasmin inhibitor, to
Cheshire cheeses. Many factors (e.g., cooking tempera- stirred-curd Cheddar cheese, found slower degrada-
ture, pH during ripening) contribute to this difference tion of -casein compared to control cheese.
in plasmin activity in cheese. Plasmin is the primary Successful attempts have been made to accelerate
proteolytic agent in Swiss-type cheese due to the fact proteolysis in cheese by increasing plasmin activity
that these cheeses are cooked at a high temperature by the use of exogenous PA (e.g., urokinase) in the
(⬃55 °C), at which most of the coagulant, chymosin, is manufacture of Cheddar (Barrett et al., 1999), Swiss
inactivated, while plasmin, which is a heat-stable (Bastian et al., 1997), ultrafiltered Havarti and Saint
enzyme, survives cooking. At high cooking tempera- Paulin (Bastian et al., 1991) cheeses. Bastian et al.
tures, activation of plasminogen occurs, probably due to (1991) manufactured Havarti and Saint-Paulin cheese
heat-induced inactivation of inhibitors of PA and of by traditional or ultrafiltration (UF) technology and
plasmin (Farkye and Fox, 1990). Hence, differences in added urokinase and KIO3, individually and in
plasmin activity between Swiss and Cheddar cheeses are combination, to UF retentate before cheesemaking.
due to differences in the cooking temperature used in Addition of urokinase increased plasmin activity in
the manufacturing protocols. Plasmin also plays a major UF Havarti and Saint-Paulin cheese and increased
role in ripening of mould-ripened (e.g., Camembert) proteolysis. Swiss cheese manufactured from milk
and smear-ripened (e.g., Tilsit) cheese varieties. During containing 0.05 UL 1 or 0.5 UL 1 urokinase showed
ripening of Camembert-type cheese, catabolism of lactic increased plasmin activity and faster degradation of
acid and deamination of amino acids with the produc- -casein than control cheese (Bastian et al., 1997).
tion of NH3 by the mould on the surface of the cheese The use of exogenous urokinase in the manufacture
result in an increase in the pH of the surface layer to of Cheddar cheese resulted in activation of plasmino-
⬃7.0. Gradually, the pH of the interior of the cheese also gen and acceleration of proteolysis compared to con-
increases due to the outward migration of lactic acid and trol cheese (Barrett et al., 1999). Streptokinase, an
the inward migration of NH3 (see ‘Metabolism of Resid- extracellular protein secreted by Streptococcus uberis,
ual Lactose and of Lactate and Citrate’, Volume 1). The forms a 1:1 complex with plasminogen, inducing a
increased pH facilitates the action of plasmin, which conformational change in plasminogen, which ren-
contributes significantly to proteolysis in these cheeses ders the proteinase active without prior proteolytic
(Gripon, 1993). The pH of the surface layer of smear- cleavage. The active streptokinase–plasminogen com-
ripened cheeses also increases during ripening, which plex is then able to convert other plasminogen mole-
facilitates plasmin action on the caseins and influences cules to plasmin by proteolysis (Johnsen et al., 2000).
the quality of these cheese varieties (O’Farrell et al., Streptokinase activated most of the plasminogen in
2002). milk and increased plasmin activity in experimental
Due to the significance of plasmin to proteolysis Cheddar cheese compared to controls (V.K. Upadhyay,
during the ripening of many cheese varieties, a num- unpublished). Proteolysis in the cheese was accel-
ber of attempts have been made to increase plasmin erated as indicated by an increased level of pH
activity in cheese using different approaches. Farkye 4.6-soluble nitrogen, breakdown of -casein and the
and Fox (1992) added exogenous plasmin to cheese- production of hydrophobic peptides. In an alternative
milk for Cheddar cheese. The level of water-soluble N approach, V.K. Upadhyay (unpublished) used a
in cheese enriched with plasmin was ⬃20% higher starter strain, which had been genetically modified to
than in the control cheeses. As expected, increased produce streptokinase, for the manufacture of Ched-
plasmin activity did not increase the level of phospho- dar cheese; plasminogen was activated to plasmin,
tungstic acid-soluble N, which is mainly due to free and proteolysis in the cheese during ripening was
amino acids. The authors claimed superior organolep- accelerated.
396 Proteolysis in Cheese during Ripening

All the approaches for increasing plasmin activity in P1 1 46kDa 346

different cheese varieties have accelerated proteolysis. Procathepsin D
However, plasmin activity is not rate-limiting for 346
P27 1 43kDa
flavour development in cheese during ripening as plas- Pseudocathepsin D
min is responsible for the production of large to inter-
mediate-sized peptides (Farkye and Fox, 1992), which 1 39kDa 346
Cathepsin D
do not contribute directly to flavour. However, plasmin (Single chain)
may have an indirect role in cheese flavour by produc- 102 31kDa 346
ing intermediate-sized peptides which are hydrolysed Cathepsin D
(Heavy chain) 1 99
further by lactocepin and starter peptidases, ultimately 14 kDa
to free amino acids, which are important precursors of Cathepsin D
(Light chain)
volatile flavour compounds (see ‘Catabolism of Amino
Acids in Cheese During Ripening’, Volume 1). Figure 3 Molecular forms of cathepsin D present in bovine milk
(adapted from Larsen and Petersen, 1995).
Other indigenous proteinases

During mastitis, there is an increase in the somatic cell

count of milk as a result of increased transfer of leuko- hydrolyses s1-casein with the production of a peptide
cytes from blood to milk. Somatic cells contain many with a molecular mass similar to s1-CN (f24–199),
active proteinases, including cathepsins B, D, G, H, L a peptide that is produced from s1-casein by chy-
and elastase (Kelly and McSweeney, 2003). The pres- mosin (Fig. 4a) (McSweeney et al., 1993b). Bonds in s1-
ence of cathepsins D and B in milk is confirmed. How- casein susceptible to the action of cathepsin D include
ever, it is likely that other lysosomal proteinases are Phe239Phe24, Phe249Val25, Leu989Leu99 and Leu1499
also present in milk. Phe150 (Larsen et al., 1996). Cathepsin D hydrolyses
Cathepsin D is an aspartic proteinase located in -casein to peptides similar to those produced by
the lysosomes of mammalian cells and has pH and chymosin (Fig. 4b); susceptible bonds include Phe529
temperature optima of 4.0 and 37 °C, respectively. Ala53, Leu589Val59, Pro819Val82, Ser969Lys97,
Cathepsin D is synthesized on the rough endoplas- Leu1259Thr126, Leu1279Thr128, Trp1439Met144,
mic reticulum as its inactive form, procathepsin D. Phe1579Pro158, Ser1619Val162, Leu1659Ser166,
Procathepsin D is converted autocatalytically to pseu- Leu1919Leu192, Leu1929Tyr193 and Phe2059Pro206.
docathepsin D which is then converted to mature However, hydrolysates of s2-casein produced by
active cathepsin D by further proteolysis, mediated cathepsin D differ markedly from those produced
by cysteine proteinases. Larsen and Petersen (1995) by chymosin and have very few peptides in com-
purified five molecular forms of cathepsin D, having mon when analysed by urea-PAGE and reversed
apparent molecular masses of 46, 45, 43, 39 and phase-high performance liquid chromatography (RP-
31 kDa, from bovine milk; the 46 and 45 kDa forms HPLC) (McSweeney et al., 1995). Cathepsin D-sensitive
corresponded to procathepsin D (the reason for this bonds in s2-casein include Leu999Tyr100, Leu1239
variability in molecular mass is unknown; Hurley Asn124, Leu1809Lys181 and Thr1829Val183 (Larsen
et al., 2000a), 43 kDa to pseudocathepsin D and et al., 1996). Cathepsin D hydrolyses -casein at
39 and 31 kDa to mature single-chain and heavy- Leu329Ser33, Leu799Ser80 and Phe1059Met106. Two
chain cathepsin D, respectively (Fig. 3). However, cleavage sites for cathepsin D on -lactalbumin have
Larsen and Petersen (1995) did not detect a band that been identified (Leu529Phe53 and Trp1049Leu105),
corresponding to light chain cathepsin D (14 kDa), while -lactoglobulin appears to be resistant to this
probably due to lack of sensitivity of their experimental enzyme (Larsen et al., 1996).
methods. The concentration of cathepsin D in skimmed Although the specificity of cathepsin D is similar
milk and whey is estimated to be 0.4 and 0.3 g ml 1, to that of chymosin, it coagulates milk poorly
respectively, indicating that it is a serum protein (Larsen (McSweeney et al., 1995). It is very difficult to assess
et al., 1996). Therefore, little cathepsin D would be the contribution of cathepsin D to proteolysis in
expected in cheese. Furthermore, cathepsin D only par- cheese made with rennet due to the low level of
tially survives heat treatment at 55 °C for 30 min (45% cathepsin D and the masking effect by the much
survival) or HTST pasteurization (72 °C  15 s) (8% larger level of chymosin in cheese. Wium et al.
survival) (Larsen et al., 2000; Hayes et al., 2001). (1998) reported that s1-CN (f24–199) was produced
Hydrolysis of the caseins by cathepsin D has been in a Feta-type cheese made without the addition of
studied in model systems. Kaminogawa et al. (1980) rennet from pasteurized, homogenized, ultrafiltered
reported that cathepsin D partially purified from milk milk, acidified using gluconic acid--lactone (GDL),

Cathepsin G

Cathepsin B


20 40 60 80 100


Cathepsin D


Cathepsin G

Cathepsin B


120 140 160 180 199


Cathepsin D


Figure 4 Primary structure of (a) bovine s1-casein showing the cleavage sites of elastase (Considine et al., 2000), cathepsin B (Considine et al., 2004), cathepsin G (Considine
et al., 2002), plasmin (Le Bars and Gripon, 1993; McSweeney et al., 1993c), cathepsin D (Larsen et al., 1996) and chymosin (McSweeney et al., 1993b) and (b) bovine -casein
showing the cleavage sites of elastase (Considine et al., 1999), cathepsin B (Considine et al., 2004), cathepsin G (Considine et al., 2002), plasmin (Eigel et al., 1984; Visser et al.,
1989; Singh et al., 1994), cathepsin D (Larsen et al., 1996) and chymosin (Visser and Slangen, 1977).


Cathepsin G

Cathepsin B


20 40 60 80 100


Cathepsin D


Cathepsin G

Cathepsin B


120 140 160 180 200


Cathepsin D


Figure 4 continued
Proteolysis in Cheese during Ripening 399

which was attributed to the action of cathepsin D. plasmin and the lactocepin of Lactococcus (Considine
Hurley et al. (2000b) made Quarg, from raw skim et al., 1999, 2000). Hence, if elastase is present in milk, it
milk, pasteurized skim milk or raw skim milk with may contribute to proteolysis in cheese during ripening.
added pepstatin (a potent inhibitor of aspartyl pro- Of all the indigenous enzymes discussed above, only
teinases) by acidification using GDL. Reversed plasmin and, to a lesser extent, cathepsin D, have been
phase–high performance liquid chromatography of studied in detail. Research to establish the presence of
the water-soluble fraction of the cheeses made from the other enzymes in milk, and to elucidate their role in
raw or pasteurized skim milk showed peptides elut- proteolysis in cheese during ripening is needed.
ing at 46–48 min, but these peptides were absent
from the profiles of pepstatin-treated cheese, suggest-
Proteolytic Enzymes of LAB
ing indigenous aspartyl proteinase activity in Quarg,
presumably cathepsin D. Cathepsin D activity may Lactic acid bacteria are fastidious organisms that have
contribute to a low extent to the degradation of complex amino acid requirements (Law et al., 1976;
s1-casein in high-cooked cheese varieties (e.g., Morishita et al., 1981; Chopin, 1993). The concentra-
Swiss-type, Parmigiano-Reggiano) in which most of tions of amino acids in milk are below the nutritional
the chymosin is inactivated. requirements for the growth of the auxotrophic LAB to
The presence of cysteine proteinase activity in high cell populations. When growing in milk, their
bovine milk has been reported (Suzuki and Katoh, complex proteolytic system degrades mainly caseins
1990; O’Driscoll et al., 1999). Mammalian cysteine into small peptides and amino acids which fulfil their
proteinases (cathepsins B, H, L and I) are lysosomal nutritional requirements and inadvertently contribute
enzymes that are synthesized as proenzymes (MW to the flavour of fermented dairy products (Law and
37–55 kDa), which are later converted to catalytically Mulholland, 1995; Steele, 1995).
active forms (MW 23–30 kDa) (Barrett and Kirschke, Many components of the proteolytic system of LAB
1981; Zeece et al., 1992; Kirschke et al., 1998). have been purified and characterized and most of the
Magboul et al. (2001) resolved five fractions (f I–f V) corresponding genes have been cloned and sequenced
with cysteine proteinase activity by ion-exchange (for reviews of the extensive literature on this subject,
chromatography of acid whey on Q-Sepharose. Frac- see Pritchard and Coolbear, 1993; Bockelmann, 1995;
tions fIII and fV were the most active and were capable Exterkate, 1995; Poolman et al., 1995; Juillard et al.,
of hydrolysing s1- and -caseins. Immunoblotting of 1996; Kunji et al., 1996; Law and Haandrikman, 1997;
fIII with antibodies to the bovine lysosomal cysteine Christensen et al., 1999). The best-studied proteolytic
proteinase, cathepsin B, indicated the presence of system among the LAB is that of Lactococcus followed
cathepsin B in fIII. Partially purified fIII retained 20% by themophilic Lactobacillus spp. because of their
of its original activity when heated at 72 °C  30 s. It economic importance as starter cultures in dairy fer-
is possible that cathepsin B may contribute to cheese mentations. The proteolytic systems of mesophilic lac-
ripening but further research is required to determine its tobacilli, which dominate the non-starter microflora of
role, if any, and the distribution of this enzyme in milk. Cheddar, Dutch-type and probably most cheeses dur-
Cathepsin G is a serine proteinase with a molecular ing ripening (Jordan and Cogan, 1993; Williams and
mass of 24–26 kDa. In solution, cathepsin G readily Banks, 1997; ‘The Microbiology of Cheese Ripening’,
hydrolyses s1- and -casein extensively, including some Volume 1), have received less attention.
sites that are very close, or identical, to chymosin cleav- The main components of the proteolytic system of
age sites; it produces s1-CN (f1–23) by cleavage of the LAB are proteinases (mainly the cell envelope-associated
Phe239Phe24 (Fig. 4a) (Considine et al., 2002). Many proteinase, CEP, or lactocepin; EC, although
cathepsin G cleavage sites in s1- and -caseins are also intracellular proteinases have been reported; Muset
close to those of plasmin. Cathepsin G has broad speci- et al., 1989; Akuzawa et al., 1990), amino acid and pep-
ficity on s1- and -caseins and hence it is possible that tide transport systems, and a range of intracellular pepti-
it may contribute to proteolysis in cheese made from dases. During the growth of LAB in milk, the initial step
high SCC milk; however the presence of this enzyme in in casein degradation is performed by lactocepin and the
milk has not been demonstrated. short peptides produced are taken up by the cell via pep-
Elastase, a serine proteinase with a molecular weight tide transport systems (Juillard et al., 1995). Further
of 29.5 kDa, is an important lysosomal enzyme in degradation to amino acids is catalysed by a number of
somatic cells, although its presence in milk has not intracellular peptidases (Kunji et al., 1996; Law and
been demonstrated. Elastase can hydrolyse a wide Haandrikman, 1997; Christensen et al., 1999). The
variety of proteins, including s1- and -caseins and starter stops growing in cheese curd soon after the
has many cleavage sites in common with chymosin, end of manufacture due to the low pH, increasing NaCl
400 Proteolysis in Cheese during Ripening

concentration, low temperature and lack of a fer- scheme for lactocepins based on their specificity on
mentable carbohydrate substrate (see ‘The Microbiology the peptide, s1-CN (f1–23), which is released early in
of Cheese Ripening’, Volume 1). However, its enzymes cheese ripening by the action of chymosin (Fig. 5).
play a very important role in proteolysis during ripening, The specificity of the lactocepins from a number of
particularly when intracellular enzymes are released strains of Lactococcus on s1-, s2-, - and -caseins is
from the cell following lysis. The rate of secondary pro- summarized in Figs 6–9.
teolysis is higher in cheese made with fast-lysing than The primary role of lactocepin is to degrade the
that with slow-lysing starter strains (Wilkinson et al., caseins to provide short peptides to support the
1994; O’Donovan et al., 1996; Morgan et al., 1997; growth of the lactococcal cells in milk. However, its
Martínez-Cuesta et al., 2001; Hannon et al., 2003). role in cheese ripening is different. Peptides isolated
from Cheddar cheese, the N- or C-terminus of which
corresponds to the specificity of lactocepin, do not
Proteinases from LAB
contain a major chymosin or plasmin cleavage site
Immunogold-labelling and genetic studies have shown (Fox and McSweeney, 1996), suggesting that chy-
that lactocepin is located outside the lactococcal cell mosin or plasmin act first and that lactocepin then
(Hugenholtz et al., 1987; de Vos and Siezen, 1994). hydrolyses the resulting intermediate-sized peptides. A
Calcium is necessary for stable attachment of lacto- number of authors have investigated the action of lac-
cepin to the cell envelope; the proteinase is released by tocepins on peptides produced from the caseins by the
incubation of the cells in a calcium-free buffer, a char- action of chymosin (Fig. 10).
acteristic which is usually exploited as the first step in Cell envelope-associated proteinases with proper-
isolation procedures (Mills and Thomas, 1978; ties similar to the lactococcal lactocepins have also
McSweeney et al., 1993a). Lactocepins have a molecu- been isolated from a number of strains of Lactobacillus
lar mass of c. 140 kDa and a pH optimum of 5.5–6.5 (see Kunji et al., 1996; Law and Haandrikman, 1997;
(Law and Haandrikman, 1997). Christensen et al., 1999).
The lactocepins from a number of Lactococcus Although much less well studied than the lacto-
strains have been characterized biochemically and cepins, Lactococcus spp. also possess intracellular
genetically; they are homologous with the subtilisin proteinases. Muset et al. (1989) isolated an intracel-
family of serine proteinases, with similar catalytic lular metalloproteinase from Lc. lactis subsp. lactis
domains (Pritchard and Coolbear, 1993; Kok and de NCDO763 which was optimally active at pH 7.5 and
Vos, 1994; Kunji et al., 1996; Law and Haandrikman, 45 °C and exhibited thermolysin-like specificity.
1997; Siezen, 1999; ‘Starter Cultures: General Aspects’, Akuzawa et al. (1990) identified four intracellular
Volume 1). The lactocepins and subtilisins have a con- proteinases with caseinolytic activity. The enzymes
served active site triad, consisting of aspartic acid, his- with activity on casein ranged in molecular mass
tidine and serine. A region of 107 residues which from 12 to 160 kDa and were optimally active at pH
includes the active site and the substrate-binding 5.5–7.0. Two enzymes were metalloproteinases, one
region is highly conserved (Law and Haandrikman, had a serine catalytic mechanism and one was a thiol
1997). Lactocepins of Lactococcus were initially classi- proteinase. The authors also obtained eight fractions
fied into two broad groups, PI- and PIII-type pro- with activity on benzgloxycarbonyl-L-Phe-L-Arg-7-
teinases (Tan et al., 1993). PI-Type enzymes (e.g., (4-methyl) coumarylamide but none of the eight
produced by Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris HP and Wg2) fractions was able to hydrolyse casein. Three intra-
degrade -casein rapidly but act only slowly on cellular proteinases (P1, dimeric, Mr 124 kDa;
s1-casein whereas PIII-type proteinases (e.g., AM1 and P2, monomeric, Mr  64 kDa and P3, monomeric,
SK11) hydrolyse -casein differently to PI-type strains Mr  47 kDa) were demonstrated in the cytoplasmic
and rapidly hydrolyse s1- and -caseins (Visser et al., fraction of the lactocepin-negative strain, Lc. lactis
1986; Fox and McSweeney, 1996; Law and Haandrikman, subsp. cremoris MG1363, by Stepaniak et al. (1996).
1997). Although this broad classification scheme P1 was a metalloproteinase while P2 and P3 were
remains useful, it soon became apparent that the lacto- serine proteinases. The enzymes were optimally
cepin of certain strains of Lactococcus had a specificity active at pH 7.0 and 35 °C (P1) or pH 7.5 and 45 °C
intermediate between PI- and PIII-type enzymes. The (P2, P3).
nucleotide sequence of the gene encoding all lacto-
cepins is very similar (98% homology; Kok et al.,
1988; Vos et al., 1989a,b) and alteration of a few
amino acid residues in the enzyme can alter its speci- While the role of lactocepin when the cell is growing
ficity. Exterkate et al. (1993) proposed a classification in milk is the degradation of caseins to oligopeptides,
Figure 5 Classification of lactocepins of lactic acid bacteria according to their specificity on s1-CN (f1–23) (from Fox et al., 2000).

[1] ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
R1 P K H P I K H Q G L P Q E V L N E N L20 L R F F V A P F P E V F G K E K V N E L40 S K D I G S E S T E50

[1] ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
D Q A M E D I K Q M60 E A E P I P P P E E I V P N S V E Q K H80 I Q K E D V P S E R Y L G Y L E Q L L R100

[1] ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
[2] ↓ ↓ ↓
L K K Y K V P Q L E I V P N S A E E R L120 H S M K E G I H A Q Q K E P M I G V N Q140 E L A Y P Y P E L F150

[1] ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
[2] ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
R Q F Y Q L D A Y P160 S G A W Y Y V P L G T Q Y T D A P S F S180 D I P N P I G S E N S E K T T M P L W199


[1] Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris SK11 (Reid et al., 1991a)

[2] Lc. lactis subsp. lactis NCDO 763 (Monnet et al., 1992)

Figure 6 Reported cleavage sites for lactocepins on bovine s1-casein (from Fox et al., 1994).
Proteolysis in Cheese during Ripening 403

K N T M E H V S S S E E S I I S Q E T Y20 K Q E K N M A I N P S K E N L C S T F C40 K E V V R N A N E E50

↓ ↓
E Y S I G S S S E E60 S A E V A T E E V K I T V D D K H Y Q K80 A L N E I N E F Y Q K F P Q Y L Q Y L Y100

Q G P I V L N P W D Q V K R N A V P I T120 P T L N R E Q L S T S E E N S K K T V D140 M E S T E V F T K K150

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
T K L T E E E K N R160 L N F L K K I S Q R Y Q K F A L P Q Y L180 K T V Y Q H Q K A M K P W I Q P K T K V200

I P Y V R Y L207


Figure 7 Reported cleavage sites for lactocepins on bovine s2-casein (from Monnet et al., 1992).

the hydrolysis of these peptides (after internalization A gene (pepE) encoding a thiol-dependent endopep-
into the cell) to amino acids is catalysed by peptidases. tidase has been isolated from Lb. helveticus CNRZ32
Many different peptidases from LAB have been charac- (Fenster et al., 1997). The deduced amino acid
terized biochemically and genetically (see Kunji et al., sequence of PepE showed high homology with PepC
1996; Law and Haandrikman, 1997; Christensen et al., from Lb. delbrueckii subsp. lactis DSM7290 (Klein
1999; Siezen et al., 2002). The biochemical properties et al., 1994a), Lb. helveticus CNRZ32 (Fernandez et al.,
of the peptidases from cheese-related bacteria charac- 1994; Vesanto et al., 1994), Sc. thermophilus CNRZ302
terized to date are shown in Table 1. While the role of (Chapot-Chartier et al., 1994) and Lc. lactis subsp. cre-
some of these peptidases (e.g., endopeptidases) is the moris AM2 (Chapot-Chartier et al., 1993). Fenster et al.
degradation of oligopeptides to shorter peptides, (1997) isolated and characterized recombinant PepE;
exopeptidases function to release one or two amino the general properties of this enzyme indicated that it
acids at a time from short peptides. Based on their sub- was different from the other metallo-endopeptidases
strate specificity, peptidases are classified into different characterized from LAB.
groups, as shown in Fig. 11.
Di- and tripeptidases
Endopeptidases Tripeptidases (PepT) purified from LAB are generally
Several endopeptidases have been reported in lacto- di- or tri-meric metallopeptidases (Table 1) with broad
cocci and lactobacilli (Table 1), most of which are specificity, capable of hydrolysing tripeptides with
monomeric metallopeptidases. On the basis of sub- acidic, basic or neutral N-terminal amino acid
strate specificity, LAB appear to possess three types of residues. A broad-specificity general dipeptidase, PepV,
endopeptidases (Monnet et al., 1994). PepO is a which hydrolyses only dipeptides, is found in LAB
monomeric metallopeptidase with a molecular mass of (Kunji et al., 1996; Law and Haandrikman, 1997). A
⬃70 kDa. It is capable of efficiently hydrolysing Met- number of dipeptidases with similar properties have
enkephalin, bradykinin, substance P, glucagon, oxi- been purified and characterized from strains of Lacto-
dized B-chain of insulin and several casein fragments coccus and Lactobacillus (see Table 1). Most of the
but not di-, tri- or tetra-peptides. PepO was the first dipeptidases isolated from LAB are monomers with a
endopeptidase for which the gene was sequenced molecular mass in the range 40–55 kDa (Table 1).
(Mierau et al., 1993). The pepO gene is located imme- With the exception of a dipeptidase from Lb. helveticus
diately downstream of the genes for the oligopeptide 53/7, which was reported to have a thiol catalytic
transport system, indicating that the two systems are mechanism (Vesanto et al., 1996), all the dipeptidases
physiologically linked (Tynkkynen et al., 1993). characterized to date are metallopeptidases (Table 1).
Another oligopeptidase, designated PepF, specifically All dipeptidases of LAB show broad specificity and are
cleaves the Phe9Ser bond in bradykinin and was purified capable of hydrolysing all dipeptides except those con-
from Lc. lactis subsp. lactis NDCO 763; its gene (pepF) taining a proline residue.
was cloned and sequenced (Monnet et al., 1994). This
enzyme is a monomeric metallopeptidase of ⬃70 kDa Carboxypeptidases
and is capable of hydrolysing peptides containing 7–17 Carboxypeptidases are exopeptidases which catalyse
amino acids with broad specificity but not smaller or the hydrolysis of peptides from the C-terminal. No
larger peptides. PepF is unable to hydrolyse Met- carboxypeptidase activity has been detected in lacto-
enkephalin, which is a good substrate for PepO. cocci but some activity towards N-terminal-blocked

[1] ↓ ↓
[2] ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
[3] ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
R1 E L E E L N V P G E I V E S L S S S E20 E S I T R I N K K I E K F Q S E E Q Q Q40 T E D E L Q D K I

[1] ↓ ↓ ↓
[2] ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
[3] ↓ ↓
[5] ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
[6] ↓ ↓ ↓
H P F A Q T Q S L V Y60 P F P G P I P N S L P Q N I P P L T Q T80 P V V V P P F L Q P E V M G V S K V K E100

[1] ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
[2] ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
[3] ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
[6] ↓ ↓ ↓
A M A P K H K E M P F P K Y P V E P F T120 E S Q S L T L T D V E N L H P L P L L140 Q S W M H Q P H Q

[1] ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
[2] ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
[3] ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
[4] ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
[5] ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
[6] ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
[7] ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
P L P P T V M F P P Q160 S V L S L S Q S K V L P V P Q K A V P Y180 P Q R D M P I Q A F L L Y Q E P V L G P200

[4] (↓)
[7] ↓
V R G P F P I I V209

β -casein

[1] Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris H2 (Reid et al., 1991b) [5] Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris AC1 (Monnet et al., 1989)
[2] Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris SK112 (Reid et al., 1991b) [6] Lc. lactis subsp. lactis NCDO 763 (Monnet et al., 1989)
[3] Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris AM1 (Visser et al., 1991) [7] Lc. lactis subsp. lactis NCDO 763 (Monnet et al., 1986)
[4] Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris HP (Visser et al., 1988)

Figure 8 Reported cleavage sites for lactocepins on bovine -casein (from Fox et al., 1994).
[1] ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
[2] ↓ ↓ ↓
[3] ↓ ↓
E E Q N Q E Q P I R C E K D E R F F S D20 K I A K T I P I Q Y V L S R Y P S Y G L40 N Y Y Q Q K P V A L50

[1] ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
[2] ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
[3] ↓ ↓ ↓
[4] ↓ ↓
I N N Q F L P Y P Y60 Y A K P A A V R S P A Q I L Q W Q V L S80 D T V P A K S C Q A Q P T T M A R H P H100

[1] ↓
[2] ↓ ↓
[3] ↓
[4] ↓ ↓ ↓
P H L S F M A I P P K K N Q D K T E I P120 T I N T I A S G E P T S T P T I E A V E140 S T V A T L E A S P150

[1] ↓
[3] ↓ ↓
[4] ↓ ↓ ↓↓ ↓↓ ↓
E V I E S P P E I N160 T V Q V T S T A V169


[1] Lc. lactis subsp. lactis NCDO 763 (Monnet et al., 1992)
[2] Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris H2 (Ried et al., 1994)
[3] Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris SK11 (Reid et al., 1994)
[4] Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris AM1 (Visser et al., 1994)

Figure 9 Reported cleavage sites for lactocepins on bovine -casein (from Fox et al., 1994).

[1] ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
[2] ↓ ↓ ↓
[3] ↓↓ ↓
[4] ↓
[5] ↓ ↓ ↓
[6] ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
[7] ↓
[8] ↓ ↓↓ ↓
↓ ↓ ↓
[9] ↓ ↓ ↓
R1 P K H P I K H Q G L P Q E V L N E N L L R F23 α s1-CN f1–
[9] ↓ ↓ ↓
Y91 L G Y L E N L L R100 α s1-CN f91–
[6] ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
Y165 Y V Y P L G T Q Y T D A P S F S D I P N P I G S E N S E K T T M P L W199 α s1-CN f165–
[4] ↓ ↓ ↓
[5] ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
Y193 Q E P V L G P V R G P F P I I V209 β-CN f193–
[5] ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
Y193 Q Q P V L G P V R202 G203 P F P I I V209 β -CN f193–
202, f203–
[4] ↓ ↓
[5] ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
[8] ↓ ↓ ↓↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
[9] ↓ ↓↓ ↓
F1 V N Q H L C G S H L V E A L Y L V C G E R G F F Y T P K A30 β -Chain of Insulin
[6] ↓ (Oxidized)
[9] ↓
T G G F M Met Enkephalin
[8] ↓
M106 A I P P K K N Q D K T E I P T I…I E S P P E I N T V Q V T S T A V 169 κ -CN f106–

[1] Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris H61 (Kaminogawa et al., 1986) [2] Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris HP (Exterkate et al., 1991)
[3] Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris AM1 (Exterkate et al., 1991) [4] Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris HP (Baankreis, 1992)
[5] Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris C13 (Baankreis, 1992) [6] Lc. lactis subsp. lactis MG 1363 (Stepaniak and Fox, 1993)
[7] Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris (Yan et al., 1987b) [8] Lc. lactis subsp. lactis NCDO 763 (Monnet et al., 1992)
[9] Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris H61 (Yan et al., 1987a)

Figure 10 Reported cleavage sites for lactococcal endopeptidases (4–7, 9) and lactocepins (1–3, 8) on various oligopeptidases (from Fox et al., 1994).
Table 1 Peptidases isolated and characterized from cheese-related bacteria

Assay Mol. mass pH Temperature

Microorganism substrate (kDa) optimum optimum (°C) Subunits Classa References

Lc. lactis CNRZ 267* Lys-pNA 85 6.5 35 – M Desmazeaud and Zevaco (1979)
Lc. lactis subsp. lactis AC1 Lys-pNA 36 7.0 40 1 M Geis et al. (1985)
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris Wg2 Lys-pNA 95 7.0 40 1 M/T Tan and Konings (1990)
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris MG 1363 – 95 – – – – van Alen-Boerighter et al. (1991)
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris HP – 95 – – – – Exterkate et al. (1992)
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris Wg2 – 95 – – – – Strøman (1992)
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris Wg2 – 95 – – – – Tan et al. (1992b)
Lb. delbrueckii subsp. lactis 1183 Lys-pNA 78 6.2–7.2 47.5 1 M Eggimann and Bachmann (1980)
Lb. acidophilus R-26 Lys-pNA 38 – – – M Machuga and Ives (1984)
Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus Lys-pNA 95 – – – M Atlan et al. (1989)
CNRZ 397
Lb. helveticus CNRZ 32 Lys-pNA 97 6.5 – 1 M Khalid and Marth (1990a)
Lb. casei subsp. casei LLG Leu-pNA 87 7 39 1 M Arora and Lee (1992)
Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus Lys-pNA 95 7.0 50 1 M Bockelmann et al. (1992)
Lb. helveticus LME-511 Lys-pNA 92 7.0 37 1 M Miyakawa et al. (1992)
Lb. helveticus ITGL1 Lys-pNA 97 6.5 50 1 M Blanc et al. (1993)
Lb. delbrueckii subsp. lactis DSM Lys-pNA 95 6.5–7.0 45–55 1 M Klein et al. (1993)
Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus Lys-pNA 98 6 40 1 M Tsakalidou et al. (1993)
Lb. helveticus CNRZ32 – 97 – – – – Varmanen et al. (1994)
Lb. helveticus CNRZ32 – 97 – – – – Christensen et al. (1995)
Lb. helveticus SBT 2171 Lys-pNA 95 6–8 50 1 M Sasaki et al. (1996)
Lb. curvatus DPC2024 Leu-pNA 95 7 40 1 M Magboul and McSweeney (1999a)
Lb. plantarum ESB5004 Lys-pNA 70 7 37 2 M Macedo et al. (2003)
Sc. thermophilus CNRZ1199 Lys-pNA 89 6.5 35 1 M Tsakalidou et al. (1993)
Sc. thermophilus CNRZ302 Lys-pNA 97 7.0 36 1 M Rul et al. (1994)
Sc. thermophilus NDCO573 Lys-pNA 96 6.9–7.0 35 1 M Midwinter and Pritchard (1994)
Sc. thermophilus A Lys-AMC 95 7.0 37 1 M Chavagnat et al. (1999)
Sc. thermophilus CNRZ302 Arg-pNA 45 7.5–8.5 55 1 M Fernández-Esplá and Rul (1999)
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris AM2 His-NA 300 7 40 6 T Neviani et al. (1989)
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris AM2 – 50 – – – – Chapot-Chartier et al. (1993)
Lb. delbrueckii subsp. lactis DSM – 51 – – – T Klein et al. (1994a)
Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus Leu-Gly-Gly 220 6.5–7.0 50 4 T Wohlrab and Bockelmann (1993)
Lb. helveticus CNRZ32 – 50 – – – T Fernandez et al. (1994)

408 Table 1 continued

Assay Mol. mass pH Temperature

Microorganism substrate (kDa) optimum optimum (°C) Subunits Classa References

Lb. helveticus 53/7 – 51.4 – – – T Vesanto et al. (1994)

Lb. casei subsp. casei IFPL 731 Leu-pNA 200 7.5 55 4 T Fernandez de Palencia et al. (1997)
Lb. delbrueckii subsp. lactis DSM 7.0 50–55 T Klein et al. (1997)
Lb. helveticus CNRZ 32 200 6.5 45 4 T Fernandez de Palencia et al. (2000)
Sc. thermophilus CNRZ 302 Lys-NH-Ph 300 7.0 50 6 T Chapot-Chartier et al. (1994)
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris HP Glu-pNA 130 – 50–55 3 M Exterkate and de Veer (1987)
Lc. lactis subsp. lactis NCDO 712 Glu-pNA 245 8 65 6 M Niven (1991)
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris HP Glu-pNA 520 8 50 ⬃10 M Baankreis (1992)
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris AM2 Asp-pNA 240 – – 6 M Bacon et al. (1994)
Lc. lactis subsp. lactis MG 1363 Glu-pNA – M I’Anson et al. (1995)
Sc. thermophilus CNRZ 302 Asp-pNA 360 8.5 62 8 M Rul et al. (1995)
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris HP Pyr-pNA – – – – – Exterkate (1977)
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris HP Pyr-pNA 80 8.0–8.5 37 2 S Baankreis (1992)
Leucyl aminopeptidase (PepL)
Lb. debrueckii subsp. lactis DSM7290 Leu-NA 35 – – – – Klein et al. (1995)
Lb. sake IATA115 Leu-pNA 35–36 7.5 37 1 C Sanz and Toldra (1997)
Lb curvatus DPC2024 Leu-pNA 64 7 40 2 C Magboul and McSweeney (1999b)
Proline iminopeptidase (PepI)
Lc lactis subsp. cremoris HP Pro-Gly-Gly 110 8.5 37 2 M Baankreis and Exterkate (1991)
Lb. delbrueckii subsp. lactis DSM7290 33 S Klein et al. (1994b)
Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus 33 S Atlan et al. (1994)
CNRZ 397
Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus Pro-pNA 100 6.0–7.0 40 3 S Gilbert et al. (1994)
CNRZ 397
Lb. helveticus LHE-511 70 6.5 35 1 T/S Miyakawa et al. (1994b)
Lb. casei subsp. casei LLG Pro-AMC 46 7.5 40 1 T Habibi-Najafi and Lee (1995)
Aminopeptidase P (PepP)
Lc. lactis subsp. lactis NCDO 763 bradykinin 43 8.0 37 1 M Mars and Monnet (1995)
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris AM2 Leu-Pro-Pro 41 8.5 – 1 M McDonnell et al. (1997)
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris – 43 – – 1 M Matos et al. (1998)
X-Prolyl dipeptidyl aminopeptidase (PepX)
Lc. lactis subsp. lactis H1 X-Pro-pNA 150 6.0–9.0 – 2 S Lloyd and Pritchard (1991)
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris P8-2-47 X-Pro-pNA 180 7 45–50 2 S Kiefer-Partsch et al. (1989)
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris NCDO 763 Arg-Pro-pNA 190 8.5 40–45 2 S Zevaco et al. (1990)
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris AM2 Gly-Pro-AMC 117 6.0–9.0 – 2 S Booth et al. (1990b)
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris nTR – 88 7.5 – 2 S Yan et al. (1992)
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris Wg2 – – – – – – Tan et al. (1992a)
Lc. lactis subsp. lactis Ala-Pro-pNA 175 – – – – Chich et al. (1995)
Lb. delbrueckii subsp. lactis Gly-Pro-AMC 165 7.0 50–55 2 S Meyer and Jordi (1987)
Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus X-Pro-pNA 82 7.0 50 2 S Atlan et al. (1990)
CNRZ 397
Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus B14 Ala-Pro-pNA 170–200 6.5 45 2 S Bockelmann et al. (1991)
Lb. acidophilus 357 Ala-Pro-pNA 170–200 6.5 45 2 S Bockelmann et al. (1991)
Lb. helveticus CNRZ 32 X-Pro-pNA 72 7.0 40 1 S Khalid and Marth (1990b)
Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus Gly-Pro-pNA 270 6.5 50 3 S Miyakawa et al. (1991)
Lb. casei subsp. casei LLG Gly-Pro-pNA 79 7.0 50 1 S Habibi-Najafi and Lee (1994)
Lb. helveticus 53/7 Gly-Pro-pNA 165 6.5 45 2 S Vesanto et al. (1995)
Lb. helveticus ITG LH1 Gly-Pro-pNA 140 7.0 40 1 S Degraeve and Martial-Gros (2003)
Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus Ala-Pro-pNA 95 7.0 46–50 1 S Meyer-Barton et al. (1993)
Lb. casei subsp. casei IFPL731 Arg-Pro-pNA 67 6.0–7.0 40 1 S Fernández-Esplá et al. (1997a)
Lb. helveticus LHE-511 Gly-Pro-pNA 93–87 6.5 50 1 S Miyakawa et al. (1994a)
Lb curvatus DPC2024 Ala-Pro-pNA 200 7.5 45 2 S Magboul and McSweeney (2000)
Sc. thermophilus Gly-Pro-AMC 165 6.5–8.2 45 2 S Meyer and Jordi (1987)
Sc. thermophilus ACA-DC 4 X-Pro-pNA 160 7.0 50 2 S Tsakalidou et al. (1998)
Sc. macedonicus ACA-DC 191 Gly-Pro-pNA 167 7.0 – 2 S Georgalaki et al. (2002)
Prolinase (PepR)
Lb. helveticus CNRZ32 Pro-Leu 35 – – – T/S Dudley and Steele (1994)
Lb. helveticus 53/7 Pro-Leu 35 – – – T/S Varmanen et al. (1996)
Lb. helveticus CNRZ32 Pro-Leu 125 6.0–6.5 45–50 4 S Shao et al. (1997)
Lb. rhamnosus 1/6 Pro-Leu 34 – – – S Varmanen et al. (1998)
Prolidase (PepQ)
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris H61 Leu-Pro 43 6.5–7.5 – 1 M Kaminogawa et al. (1984)
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris AM2 Leu-Pro 42 7.35–9.0 – 1 M Booth et al. (1990c)
Lb. delbrueckii subsp. lactis DSM7290 Stuckey et al. (1995)
Lb. casei subsp. casei IFPL 731 Leu-Pro 41 6.5–7.5 55 1 M Fernández-Esplá et al. (1997b)
Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus Morel et al. (1999)
CNRZ 397
Lc. lactis CNRZ267* Leu-Leu 51 7.5–8.0 – 1 M Desmazeaud and Zevaco (1977)
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris H61 Leu-Gly 100 8.0 – – M Hwang et al. (1981)
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris Wg2 dipeptides 49 8.0 50 1 M van Boven et al. (1988)
Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus Leu-Leu 51 7.0–7.5 50 1 M Wohlrab and Bockelmann (1992)
Lb. delbrueckii subsp. lactis DSM7290 -Ala-Ala 52 – – – M Vongerichten et al. (1994)
Lb. sake L110 Leu-Gly 50 7.6–8.0 40–45 1 M Montel et al. (1995)
Lb. helveticus SBT2171 Leu-leu 50 8.0 55 1 M Tan et al. (1995)
Lb. helveticus CNRZ32 Leu-Leu 54 – – – – Dudley et al. (1996)
Lb. helveticus 53/7 Gly-Tyr 420 6.0 55 8 T Vesanto et al. (1996)

410 Table 1 continued

Assay Mol. mass pH Temperature

Microorganism substrate (kDa) optimum optimum (°C) Subunits Classa References

Lb. casei subsp. casei IFPL 731 Leu-Leu 46 7.5 60–75 1 M Fernández-Esplá and
Martin-Hernandez (1997)
Lb. curvatus DPC2024 Leu-Leu 52 8.0 50 1 M Magboul and McSweeney (1999c)
Lc. lactis CNRZ267* Tripeptides 75 7.0 35 – M Desmazeaud and Zevaco (1979)
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris Wg2 Leu-Leu-Leu 103–105 7.5 55 2 M Bosman et al. (1990)
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris AM2 Tripeptides 105 8.6 – 2 M Bacon et al. (1993)
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris Leu-Leu-Leu 72 5.8 33 3 T/M Sahlstrøm et al. (1993)
IMN-C 12
Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus Leu-Gly-Gly 85 6.0 40 3 M Bockelmann et al. (1995)
Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus Leu-Gly-Gly 77 6.0 50–55 2 M Bockelmann et al. (1997)
Lb. sake IATA115 Ala-Ala 55 7.0 40 1 M Sanz et al. (1998)
Lb. helveticus Met-Cly-Gly 150 – – 3 M Savijoki and Palva (2000)
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris H61 peptides 98 7–7.5 40 1 M Yan et al. (1987a)
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris H61 s1-CN (f1–23) 80 6.0 37 2 M Yan et al. (1987b)
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris Wg2 Met-enkephalin 70 6–6.5 30–38 1 M Tan et al. (1991)
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris HP s1-CN (f1–23) 180 8–9 42 2 M Baankreis (1992)
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris C13 s1-CN (f1–23) 70 6–7 35 1 N Baankreis (1992)
Lc. lactis subsp. lactis MG 1363 s1-CN (f1–23) 70 7.5 40 1 M Stepaniak and Fox (1995)
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris SK11 bradykinin 70 6.0 – 1 M Pritchard et al. (1994)
Lc. lactis subsp. lactis NCDO 763 bradykinin 70 8.0 40 1 M Monnet et al. (1994)
Lb. delbrueckii spp. bulgaricus Met-enkephalin 70 7.7 47 1 M Bockelmann et al. (1996)
Lb. paracasei Lc01 bradykinin 140 8.0 40 4 M Tobiassen et al. (1997)
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris P8-2-47 – 70 – – 1 M Mierau et al. (1993)
Lc. lactis subsp. lactis MG1363 Met-enkephalin 350 7.0 35 6–7 M Stepaniak et al. (1998a)
Lb. helveticus CNRZ32 Met-enkephalin 50 4.5 32–37 1 T Fenster et al. (1997)
Lb. helveticus CNRZ32 s1-CN (f1–23) – – – – – Christensen et al. (2003a)
-CN (f193–209)
Sc. thermophilus A Met-enkephalin 70 6.5 41 1 M Chavagnat et al. (2000)
P. freudenreichii ATCC 9614 bradykinin 120 6.7–7.5 40–50 4 M Stepaniak et al. (1998b)
P. freudenreichii ATCC 9614 bradykinin 44 6.5–8.0 45–50 1 M Tobiassen et al. (1996)
P. freudenreichii subsp. shermanii Ala-Pro-pNA 84 7.0 40 1 S Fernández-Esplá and Fox (1997)
NCDO 853

a Class of enzyme M: metallo and T: thiol-peptidase; NA: -naphthylamide; pNA: p-nitroanilide.

* Citrate positive strain.
** Classification of a few of these enzymes as PepN is uncertain.
Proteolysis in Cheese during Ripening 411

Endopeptidases (PepO, PepF)


Aminopeptidases (PepN, PepA, PepC, PepL) Iminopeptidase (PepI)

Pyrolidonyl carboxylyl peptidase (PCP)


X-Prolyldipeptidyl aminopeptidase (PepX) Carboxypeptidase

Dipeptidases (PepV, PepD) Prolidase (PepQ) Prolinase (PepR)


Tripeptidase (PepT)

Figure 11 Schematic representation of the action of peptidases found in lactic acid bacteria.

peptides has been reported in strains of lactobacilli amino acid composition (Arora and Lee, 1992;
(Abo-Elnaga and Plapp, 1987; El Soda et al., 1987a,b). Miyakawa et al., 1992; Tan et al., 1992a,b; Niven et al.,
There are no reports on the purification and character- 1995; Sasaki et al., 1996). Substrates with a hydropho-
ization of a carboxypeptidase from Lactobacillus or bic or basic amino acid residue at the N-terminal are
other LAB. hydrolysed preferentially. The ability to hydrolyse pep-
tides containing hydrophobic amino acids suggests its
Aminopeptidases potential as a debittering enzyme. The addition of
The most thoroughly studied exopeptidase from LAB PepN from Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris Wg2 was found to
is the general aminopetidase, PepN. In most strains be effective in reducing the bitterness of tryptic digests
studied, this enzyme is a monomeric metallopeptidase of -casein (Tan et al., 1993). The manufacture of
of 85–98 kDa. PepN is a broad specificity aminopepti- cheese using PepN-negative mutants resulted in
dase; in addition to p-nitroanilide (pNA) derivatives of increased bitterness (Baankreis, 1992). Generally,
amino acids, the enzyme is capable of hydrolysing a PepN does not hydrolyse substrates with Glu, Asp or
wide range of peptides differing in both size and Pro at the N-terminal or dipeptides containing Pro
412 Proteolysis in Cheese during Ripening

(Tan et al., 1991; Arora and Lee, 1992; Miayakawa (PCP) is an aminopeptidase capable of releasing a PCA
et al., 1992; Tan et al., 1993). However, PepNs from residue from peptides and proteins (Kunji et al., 1996).
Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus B14 (Wohlrab and This enzyme is present in lactococcal strains and has
Bockelmann, 1993) and Lb. helveticus SBT 2171 been partially characterized from Lc. lactis subsp. cre-
(Sasaki et al., 1996) hydrolysed Pro-containing sub- moris HP (Baankreis, 1992). Two serine peptidases with
strates. Specificity studies indicated that the PepN a molecular mass of 25 and 80 kDa and PCA-
from Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris Wg2 was active on p-nitroanilide hydrolase activity were identified in Lc.
oligopeptides with a preference for peptides with six lactis subsp. cremoris HP using non-denaturing gel elec-
amino acid residues (Niven et al., 1995). trophoresis (Baankreis, 1992).
PepC in LAB is a metal-independent general The presence of more than one leucyl aminopepti-
aminopeptidase (Kunji et al., 1996; Table 1). PepCs dase in LAB has been reported (Atlan et al., 1989;
from Lactococcus and Lactobacillus strains character- Blanc et al., 1993; Banks et al., 1998). A gene encoding
ized so far are multimeric thiol aminopeptidases which a specific leucyl aminopeptidase (pepL) in Lb. del-
are inhibited by p-chloromercuribenzoate and iodo- brueckii subsp. lactis DSM 7290 has been cloned and
acetamide (Neviani et al., 1989; Wohlrab and Bockel- sequenced (Klein et al., 1995). PepL has a molecular
mann, 1993; Fernandez de Palencia et al., 1997). In mass of 35 kDa (Table 1) and it preferentially hydroly-
both cases, the subunit molecular mass of the enzyme ses dipeptides (and some tripeptides) with an N-terminal
is ⬃40–50 kDa. PepC shows broad specificity, with leucyl residue. Sequence alignments of PepL with pro-
particularly high activity on synthetic substrates con- linases from Lb. helveticus and B. coagulans and an
taining a hydrophobic amino acid but exhibits little iminopeptidase from Lb. delbrueckii subsp. lactis and
activity on peptides with positively charged amino acid Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus showed 46, 21.5, 25.5
residues (Neviani et al., 1989; Wohlrab and Bockelmann, and 25.5% homology, respectively.
1993; Fernandez de Palencia et al., 1997; Mistou and Two aminopeptidases, with characteristics similar
Gripon, 1998). to PepL, were purified from Lb. sake IATA115 and Lb.
A gene (pepG) encoding a novel cysteine aminopep- curvatus DPC2024 by Sanz and Toldra (1997) and
tidase and with a high degree of similarity to PepC has Magboul and McSweeney (1999b), respectively. The
been identified in Lb. delbrueckii subsp. lactis DSM7290 former was a monomer with a molecular mass of
by Klein et al. (1997). These authors over-expressed 35–36 kDa and maximum activity at pH 7.5 and 37 °C,
the pepG gene in E. coli and compared the enzyme to while the latter was a dimer with a subunit molecular
PepC; although both enzymes were structurally related, mass of ⬃32 kDa and optimum activity at pH 7.0 and
they had different substrate specificities. 40 °C. The 20 N-terminal amino acid residues of the
Lactococcal glutamyl/aspartyl aminopeptidase PepL from Lb. curvatus DPC2024 showed 50, 80 and
(PepA) is a multimeric metallopeptidase with a subunit 95% homology with PepL from Lb. delbrueckii subsp.
molecular mass of 38–43 kDa (Table 1). PepA is a nar- lactis DSM 7290 (Klein et al., 1995), the prolinase
row-specificity peptidase which releases only an N- from Lb. helveticus CNRZ32 (Dudley and Steele, 1994)
terminal Glu or Asp from di-, tri- and oligo-peptides and the prolinase from Lb. rhamnosus 1/6 (Varmanen
with up to ten amino acid residues (Exterkate and de et al., 1998), respectively.
Veer, 1987; Niven, 1991; Bacon et al., 1994). Glutamate is
a well-recognized flavour enhancer and therefore the Proline-specific peptidases
role of PepA in the development of flavour in cheese Caseins, the major proteins in bovine milk, are rich in
may be of great importance. Studies on mature Ched- the imino acid, proline. Because of its unique struc-
dar cheese have shown that glutamate is important for ture, specialized peptidases are required to hydrolyse
Cheddar cheese flavour (McGugan et al., 1979; Aston peptide bonds involving proline, thus making peptides
and Creamer, 1986; Engels and Visser, 1994; Fox et al., accessible to the action of other peptidases (see review
1994). However, the precise role of PepA in the devel- by Cunningham and O’Connor, 1997). Several pro-
opment of cheese flavour is unclear. line-specific peptidases with distinct substrate speci-
Under certain conditions, the N-terminal glutamyl ficities have been found in LAB.
residue of a peptide can undergo spontaneous intramole- X-Prolyl dipeptidyl aminopeptidase (PepX) is a
cular cyclization, forming an N-terminal 2-pyrrolidone- peptide hydrolase capable of releasing X-Pro and
5-carboxylic acid (PCA; pyroglutamate residue) (Law sometimes X-Ala dipeptides from the N-terminal of
and Haandrikman, 1997). An N-terminal PCA residue oligopeptides. Due to its unique specificity, PepX is the
has been found in bitter peptides produced from - best characterized of the proline-specific peptidases.
casein by the lactocepin of Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris HP The enzyme has been demonstrated in several genera
(Visser et al., 1983). Pyrrolidone carboxylyl peptidase of LAB and isolated from a number of strains and
Proteolysis in Cheese during Ripening 413

characterized (Table 1). All PepXs purified from LAB subsp. lactis DSM7290 (Stuckey et al., 1995), hydrolysed
have a serine catalytic mechanism and most are di- and tripeptides that did not contain Pro, in addition
dimeric proteins with a native molecular mass of to Pro-X dipeptides.
117–200 kDa (Table 1); however, a high molecular Aminopeptidase P (PepP) is a specific aminopepti-
mass endopeptidase (⬃350 kDa) with PepX activity dase that catalyses the removal of the N-terminal
and able to hydrolyse s1-casein was isolated and char- amino acid from oligopeptides having the sequence
acterized by Stepaniak et al. (1998a). Increasing the X-Pro-Pro-(X)n or X-Pro-(X)n (Kunji et al., 1996). The
proportion of pepX-negative mutants in a starter cul- enzyme has been purified from strains of Lactococcus
ture reduced the organoleptic quality of the resultant and is a monomeric metallopeptidase with a molecular
cheese but did not increase bitterness (Baankreis, mass of 41–43 kDa (Table 1). Provided that the pep-
1992). Meyer and Spahni (1998) studied the role of tide contains the above sequences, PepP is capable of
PepX from Lb. delbrueckii subsp. lactis by using PepX- releasing the N-terminal amino acid from oligopep-
negative mutants. This enzyme influenced proteolysis tides up to 11 residues long. This enzyme also hydro-
and the sensorial characteristics of Gruyere cheese but lyses peptides with Ala in the penultimate position but
it was not essential for the growth of the microorgan- at a slower rate (McDonnell et al., 1997).
ism in milk (Meyer and Spahni, 1998).
Proline iminopeptidase (PepI) catalyses the release
Enzymes from Secondary Starter
of an N-terminal proline residue from di-, tri- and
oligo-peptides. PepI from Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris HP
(Baankreis and Exterkate, 1991) is the only iminopep- Enzymes of LAB play an important role in the second-
tidase that has been purified from Lactococcus. This ary proteolysis in internal-ripened cheese varieties, and
enzyme is a dimeric metallopeptidase with a native hence contribute significantly to the development of
molecular mass of 110 kDa (Table 1). In contrast, the flavour and aroma. In mould-ripened, smear-ripened
iminopeptidases purified from Lb. helveticus LHE-511 and Swiss-type cheeses, microorganisms other than LAB
(Miyakawa et al., 1994b) and Lb. casei subsp. casei LLG play a pivotal role in the development of characteristic
(Habibi-Najafi and Lee, 1995) were monomeric thiol flavour and texture. The ripening of these cheese var-
peptidases which were slightly inhibited by the serine ieties involves complex biochemical reactions, which are
protease inhibitor phenylmethyl sulphonyl fluoride. discussed in detail in Volume 2. While the enzymes of
The molecular mass of the enzymes from Lb. helveticus LAB have been well studied and characterized, there
and Lb. casei was estimated as 70 and 46 kDa, respect- have been fewer studies on organisms associated with
ively. In addition to these two iminopeptidases, a PepI mould-ripened or smear-ripened cheese varieties or on
was purified from Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus enzymes from Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp.
CNRZ 397 by amplification and expression of the gene shermanii.
in E. coli (Gilbert et al., 1994). The purified enzyme The microbial flora of surface mould-ripened and
was characterized as a trimeric serine peptidase with a blue-veined cheese, such as Camembert and Roque-
subunit molecular mass of 33 kDa (Table 1). fort, includes yeasts (e.g., Kluyveromyces lactis, Saccha-
Prolinase (PepR) is a specific dipeptidase which romyces spp. and Debaryomyces hansenii), moulds
hydrolyses dipeptides with the sequence Pro-X. PepR (Geotrichum candidum, Penicillium spp.), lactococci,
from Lb. helveticus CNRZ32 was purified and biochemi- lactobacilli, micrococci, staphylococci, coryneform
cally characterized by Shao et al. (1997) and found to bacteria and coliforms. Penicillium spp. are major
have a relatively broad specificity. The PepR from Lb. components of the microflora and their enzymes play
rhamnosus 1/6 (Varmanen et al., 1998), in addition to its an important role in cheese ripening. Proteolytic
prolinase activity, hydrolysed the aminopeptidase sub- systems of P. camemberti and P. roqueforti are somewhat
strates, Pro-NA, Leu-NA and Phe-NA. Prolidase similar; both synthesize an aspartyl proteinase, a
(PepQ) is an X-Pro-specific dipeptidase. With the excep- metalloproteinase, an acid carboxypeptidase and an
tion of PepQ from Lb. helveticus CNRZ32, which is a alkaline aminopeptidase (‘Surface Mould-ripened
homodimer with a subunit molecular mass of 45 kDa, Cheeses’ and ‘Blue Cheese’, Volume 2). The aspartyl
most PepQs characterized to date are monomeric metal- proteinase from P. camemberti hydrolyses s1-casein
lopeptidases with a native molecular mass of ⬃42 kDa. faster than -casein or -casein (Gripon, 1993). Acid
These enzymes hydrolysed most X-Pro dipeptides with proteinases of P. camemberti and P. roqueforti have simi-
the exception of Gly-Pro and Pro-Pro (Kaminogawa lar action on -casein and hydrolyse Lys979Val98,
et al., 1984; Fernández-Esplá et al., 1997b; Morel et al., Lys999Glu100 and Lys299Ile30 bonds at a faster rate
1999). However, PepQs isolated from Lc. lactis subsp. than other bonds in -casein (Le Bars and Gripon,
cremoris AM2 (Booth et al., 1990a) and Lb. delbrueckii 1981; Trieu-Cuot et al., 1982). Metalloproteinases of
414 Proteolysis in Cheese during Ripening

both species have similar properties and have a pH 45 °C, respectively (Juhász and Skárka, 1990). A thermo-
optimum in the range 5.5–6.0. Chrzanowska et al. stable proteinase was partially purified from B.
(1995) purified an aspartic proteinase from the culture linens IDM 376; it had molecular mass of 18.5 kDa
filtrate of P. camemberti by a two-step purification and pH and temperature optima of 7.5 and 67.5 °C,
procedure. The proteinase had a molecular mass of respectively, on azocasein (Clancy and O’Sullivan,
33.5 kDa and an optimum pH of 3.4 on haemoglobin. 1993). An extracellular serine proteinase purified
The enzyme showed specificity towards peptide bonds from B. linens ATCC 9174 had a molecular mass of
containing an aromatic or hydrophobic amino acid 126 kDa, as determined by SEC and was optimally
residue in the B-chain of insulin. Besides these pro- active at pH 8.5 and 50 °C (Rattray et al., 1995). It
teinases, P. roqueforti has a carboxypeptidase, which hydrolysed s1-casein at His89Gln9, Ser1619Gly162 and
has an optimum pH of 3.5 and releases acidic, basic or either Gln1729Tyr173 or Phe239 Phe24 (Rattray et al.,
hydrophobic amino acids (Gripon, 1993). 1996) and -casein at Ser189Ser19, Glu209Glu21,
Geotrichum candidum also synthesizes extracellular Gln569Ser57, Gln729Asn73, Leu779Thr78, Ala1019
and intracellular proteinases, but the contribution of Met102, Phe1199Thr120, Leu1399Leu140, Ser1429Trp143,
these enzymes to cheese ripening is less than that of His1459Gln146, Gln1679Ser168, Gln1759Lys176,
enzymes from Penicillium spp. (Gripon, 1993). Tyr1809Pro181 and Phe1909Leu191 (Rattray et al.,
The bacterial microflora of surface cheeses, such 1997).
as Tilsit, Limburger, Münster or Taleggio at the One of the five extracellular enzymes of B. linens
beginning of ripening is dominated by yeasts and ATCC 9172 was purified to homogeneity by Tomaschová
moulds, which are acid and salt tolerant, but at the et al. (1998) using ion-exchange chromatography and
end of ripening, bacteria of the genera Brevibacterium, native preparative PAGE. The enzyme had nearly iden-
Arthrobacter, Micrococcus, Staphylococcus and tical properties to the serine proteinase of B. linens
Corynebacterium dominate (Eliskases-Lechner and ATCC 9174 purified by Rattray et al. (1995). Its
Ginzinger, 1995; Valdés-Stauber et al., 1997; ‘Bacterial molecular mass was estimated to be 56 kDa by SDS-
Surface-ripened Cheeses’, Volume 2). Growth of B. PAGE and pH and temperature optima were 8.0 and
linens on the cheese surface is thought to play an 50 °C, respectively.
important role in the development of the characteris- B. linens also produces extracellular aminopepti-
tic colour, flavour and aroma of smear surface-ripened dases, intracellular peptidases and proteinases. Sørhaug
cheese varieties (Rattray and Fox, 1999) and hence, its (1981) reported the presence of intracellular dipep-
enzymes have been characterized. Extracellular tidase activity in six strains of B. linens. The presence
enzymes of B. linens include proteinases, aminopepti- of three extracellular aminopeptidases in B. linens
dases and esterases, the biochemical properties of (Laktoflora 200), having pH and temperature optima of
which vary because of wide inter-strain differences 7.0–9.0 and 30 °C, respectively, was reported by Brézina
within the species. Brézina et al. (1987) partially puri- et al. (1987). Two extracellular aminopeptidases, desig-
fied four extracellular proteinases from B. linens, with nated A and B, with a molecular mass of estimated to be
pH and temperature optima of 5.0–8.0 and 50 °C, 150 and 110 kDa, respectively, and pH and temperature
respectively. Hayashi et al. (1990) purified five extra- optima of 9.3 and 40 °C, respectively, were purified
cellular proteinases from B. linens F (designated A, B, from B. linens F by Hayashi and Law (1989). Ezzat et al.
C, D and E), having a molecular mass of 37, 37, 44, (1993) reported the presence of cell wall proteinases
127 and 325 kDa, respectively, as determined by size and dipeptidase activities in B. linens CNRZ 944. The
exclusion chromatography (SEC). Proteinases A and authors partially purified the cell wall proteinase, which
B were stable at 35 °C for 1 h and had a temperature had maximum activity at pH 6.5 and 40 °C. An intracel-
optimum of 40 °C, while proteinases C, D and E were lular aminopeptidase from B. linens ATCC 9174, with a
stable at 45 °C for 1 h and had a temperature optimum molecular mass of 59 kDa, as determined by SDS-
of 50 °C. All five proteinases were optimally active at PAGE, and 69 kDa by SEC, was reported by Rattray and
pH 11.0 and were serine proteinases. The production Fox (1997). The enzyme was optimally active at pH 8.5
of multiple forms of the extracellular proteinases and 35 °C. Curtin et al. (2002) showed aminopeptidase,
by B. linens ATCC 9172 is a result of aggregation of dipeptidase and tripeptidase activities in brevibacteria,
subunits and autocatalytic degradation (Buchinger corynebacteria, staphylococci and brachybacteria, isol-
et al., 2001). ated from smear surface-ripened cheeses, Tilsit and
An extracellular serine proteinase partially purified Gubeen.
from a strain of B. linens (Laktoflora 200), had a Species of the genus Arthrobacter are major com-
molecular mass of 52–55 kDa, as determined by SDS- ponents of the microflora of surface mould-ripened
PAGE, and pH and temperature optima of 7.0–8.5 and cheeses, such as Brie and Camembert and red-smear
Proteolysis in Cheese during Ripening 415

cheeses. However, the enzymes of Arthrobacter have plasmin, and possibly the development of a highly
not been well studied. Smacchi et al. (1999a) purified proteolytic secondary microflora and ripening time. The
two extracellular serine proteinases from A. nicotianae extent of proteolysis (i.e., the degree to which the
9458, with molecular masses of about 53–55 and caseins and peptides therefrom are hydrolysed and
70–72 kDa, as determined by SDS-PAGE. The enzymes measured by the development of water- or pH 4.6-
were optimally active at 55–60 and 37 °C, respectively. soluble N) in cheese varies from very limited (e.g.,
Both enzymes were optimally active in the pH range of Mozzarella) to very extensive (e.g., Blue) and is summa-
9.0–9.5 and preferentially hydrolysed -casein over rized for many varieties in Table 2. The pattern of pro-
s1-casein. An extracellular PepI from A. nicotianae teolysis (i.e., the relative concentrations of different
9458 with a molecular mass of about 53 kDa, was peptides and amino acids) is very variable and is essen-
purified and characterized by Smacchi et al. (1999b). tially unique to a particular variety. The differences in
The enzyme was optimally active at 37 °C and 8.0. soluble N content are due to differences in moisture
Some Micrococcus spp. are very proteolytic and pro- content, temperature and pH, length of ripening, cook-
duce extracellular proteinases and intracellular pro- ing temperature and pH at draining (Fox and
teinases and peptidases (Fox et al., 1993). Nath and McSweeney, 1996) and is mainly due to the action of
Ledford (1972) reported that extracellular proteinases chymosin and to a lesser extent of plasmin (Fox and
from certain micrococci preferentially hydrolysed s1- McSweeney, 1997). A short ripening period (⬃3 weeks)
casein; production of extracellular proteinase was also and extensive denaturation of chymosin during the
reported by Garcia de Fernando and Fox (1991). high temperature (⬃70 °C) stretching step during the
Bhowmik and Marth (1989) purified and characterized manufacture of Mozzarella cheese explain the low level
an aminopeptidase, with broad substrate specificity, of soluble N, whereas extensive proteolysis is character-
from M. freudenreichii ATCC 407. istic of Blue cheese and some smear-ripened varieties,
Propionibacterium spp. are weakly proteolytic, but caused by the action of chymosin, plasmin and pro-
they are highly peptidolytic, especially on proline-con- teinases from their characteristic secondary microflora.
taining peptide bonds, thus contributing to the charac- In addition, differences in the action of these proteolytic
teristic flavour of Swiss-type cheeses (see ‘Cheese with agents cause differences in peptide profiles.
Propionic Acid Fermentation’, Volume 2). Biochemical Primary proteolysis is similar during the ripening of
characteristics of peptidases from propionic acid bac- most cheeses; chymosin hydrolyses the Phe239Phe24
teria have been reviewed by Gagnaire et al. (1999). A bond of s1-casein (Hill et al., 1974; Carles and Rib-
PepX with a molecular mass of 84 kDa and pH and adeau-Dumas, 1985) except in cheeses that are cooked
temperature optima of 7.0 and 40 °C, respectively, at a high temperature (⬃55 °C, e.g., Swiss cheese), in
was purified and characterized from P. freudenreichii which plasmin is the principal proteolytic agent. In
subsp. shermanii NCDO 853 by Fernández-Esplá and blue-veined cheeses, after sporulation, enzymes from
Fox (1997). Endopeptidases have been isolated from P. roqueforti hydrolyse s1-CN (f24–199) and other
P. freudenreichii subsp. shermanii and characterized peptides, changing the peptide profile (Gripon, 1993).
(Table 1) (Tobiassen et al., 1996; Stepaniak et al., Analysis of the water-insoluble fraction of various
1998b). cheeses by urea-PAGE gives insight into the differ-
ences in peptide profile between cheeses (Fig. 12). In
many cheeses, s1-casein is hydrolysed faster than
Patterns of Proteolysis in Cheese
-casein (Sousa et al., 2001). In Blue-veined cheeses,
The pattern of proteolysis in many varieties may be both s1- and -caseins are completely hydrolysed at
summarized as follows: the caseins are hydrolysed ini- the end of ripening. In Swiss-type cheeses, -casein is
tially by residual coagulant activity retained in the hydrolysed faster than s1-casein, with concomitant
curd and by plasmin (and perhaps other indigenous increases in -caseins, indicating a role of plasmin and
proteolytic enzymes) to a range of large and intermedi- denaturation of chymosin during cooking. However,
ate-sized peptides which are hydrolysed by proteinases s1-CN (f24–199) is produced slowly in Swiss cheese,
and peptidases from the starter LAB, NSLAB and per- indicating either the survival of some chymosin during
haps secondary microflora to shorter peptides and cooking or the activity of indigenous milk acid pro-
amino acids. teinase, cathepsin D (Gagnaire et al., 2001), which has
However, the pattern and extent of proteolysis varies specificity similar to chymosin (Hurley et al., 2000a).
considerably between varieties due to differences in In the case of Camembert-type cheese, about ⬃20% of
manufacturing practices (particularly cooking tempera- total N is soluble at pH 4.6 (Khidr, 1995) (Table 2)
ture), which cause differences in moisture content, and the pattern of proteolysis is similar to Cheddar
residual coagulant activity, activation of plasminogen to cheese (Fig. 12). During the ripening of Mozzarella
416 Proteolysis in Cheese during Ripening

Table 2 Soluble N as % of total nitrogen in different cheese varieties

Cheese Age SN/TN % References

Mozzarella 25 days 4–5 Somers et al. (2002)

O’Reilly et al. (2002)
Guinee et al. (1998)
Quarg 4 weeks ⬃12 Mara and Kelly (1998)
Gouda 6 weeks 12–13 Messens et al. (1999)
24 weeks 23–25 Exterkate and Alting (1995)
Camembert 1 month Surface 15–17 Michalski et al. (2003)
Core 9–12 Sousa and McSweeney (2001)
1 month Surface ⬃20 Khidr (1995)
Core ⬃12
Swiss 16 weeks 16–17 Cooney et al. (2000)
Feta 2–6 months 17–20 Michaelidou et al. (2003)
Sarantinopoulos et al. (2002)
Katsiari et al. (2000)
Moatsou et al. (2002)
Mahon 2 months 19–20 Taborda et al. (2003)
Cheddar 4–6 months 20–25 Shakeel-Ur-Rehman and Fox (2002)
Barrett et al. (1999)
Shakeel-Ur-Rehman et al. (1998)
Lane et al. (1997)
Tilsit 28 weeks Surface 24–25 Churchill et al. (2003)
Core 22–23
Parmesan 24 months 31–35 Careri et al. (1996)
Gorgonzola – 43–46 Zarmpoutis et al. (1997)
Danablu – 50–53

cheese, s1-CN (f24–199) is produced slowly and Several peptides from Cheddar, Parmigiano-Reggiano,
-caseins more rapidly, indicating weak chymosin activ- Blue, Swiss and Feta cheeses have been isolated and
ity and fairly high plasmin activity (Kindstedt, 1993). characterized. Of these varieties, the peptide profile of
Plasmin and Lactobacillus proteinases are responsible Cheddar cheese is the best characterized and is summa-
for extensive proteolysis in Parmigiano-Reggiano rized in Figs 13 and 14. All the principal water-insoluble
cheese that is ripened for a long period (⬃24 months) peptides in Cheddar cheese are produced either from
at an elevated temperature (⬃18–20 °C) (Battistotti s1-casein by chymosin or from -casein by plasmin
and Corradini, 1993). The high cooking temperature (McSweeney et al., 1994a). After cheese manufacture,
used during the manufacture of Parmigiano-Reggiano residual chymosin acts on Phe239Phe24 of s1-casein to
cheese denatures most of the chymosin. produce the large C-terminal peptide s1-CN (f24–199)
and a small peptide s1-CN (f1–23) (Fox and
McSweeney, 1997). s1-CN (f24–199) is hydrolysed by
chymosin at Leu1019Lys102 (Fig. 15) and more slowly
at Phe329Gly33, Leu1099Glu110, Phe289Pro29 and
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Leu409Ser41; s1-CN (f24–199) is also hydrolysed
slowly by plasmin at Lys1039Tyr104 and Lys1059Val106
of s1-CN (f24–199). The large C-terminal peptides s1-
CN (f24–199), s1-CN (f33–199), s1-CN (f102–199),
s1-CN (f110–199), s1-CN (f99–199), s1-CN
(f104–199) and s1-CN (f106–199) have been identi-
fied in the water-insoluble fraction of Cheddar cheese
Figure 12 Urea-polyacrylamide gel electrophoretograms water- (McSweeney et al., 1994a; Mooney et al., 1998). The
insoluble fraction of a selection of cheese varieties. Lane 1 Na bond Trp1649Tyr165, which is hydrolysed rapidly in
caseinate, lane 2 Cheddar, lane 3 extra-mature Cheddar, lane 4 solution by chymosin (McSweeney et al., 1993b), does
Cheshire, lane 5 Red Leicester, lane 6 Double Gloucester, lane 7
not appear to be hydrolysed in cheese, perhaps due to
Emmental, lane 8 Leerdammer, lane 9 Jarlsberg, lane 10 Vorarl-
berger Bergkase, lane 11 Edam, lane 12 Gouda, lane 13 Norve- intermolecular interactions. Peptide s1-CN (f1–23) is
gia, lane 14 Parmesan, lane 15 Parmesan (from McGoldrick, hydrolysed at the bonds Gln99Gly10, Gln139Glu14,
1996). Glu149Val15 and Leu169Asn17 by lactocepin (Fox and
Proteolysis in Cheese during Ripening 417

Figure 13 Principal water-insoluble peptides derived from s1-casein (A) and -casein (B) isolated from Cheddar cheese by
McSweeney et al. (1994a) and Mooney et al. (1998) (from Sousa et al., 2001).

McSweeney, 1996). The peptides s1-CN (f1–9), and McSweeney, 1996). In terms of number, most of
s1-CN (f1–13) and s1-CN (f1–14) accumulate and the peptides in the water-soluble fraction of Cheddar
dominate the RP-HPLC chromatogram of water-soluble cheeses originate from N-terminal half of -casein (par-
fraction of Cheddar cheese (Fig. 15). ticularly from residues 53 to 91) and a small number
Although the bond Leu1929Tyr193 of -casein in from the N-terminal half of s1-casein. However, many
solution is very susceptible to chymosin, it is hydrolysed of these peptides are present at low levels in cheese, and
very slowly in cheese, probably due to the effect of ionic the water-soluble fraction of Cheddar cheese is dom-
strength which promotes hydrophobic interactions inated by a relatively small number of peptides, originat-
between susceptible regions of -casein molecules (Fox ing from s1-casein. Peptides in the water-soluble
and McSweeney, 1997). The cleavage of Leu1929Tyr193 fraction of Cheddar cheese do not contain intact plas-
in cheese is undesirable, as -CN (f193–209) is very min or chymosin cleavage sites and hence probably
hydrophobic and bitter (Visser et al., 1983). Plasmin arise, not directly from the caseins, but rather from
preferentially hydrolyses -casein at Lys289Lys29, larger precursor peptides (produced by chymosin or
Lys1059His106 and Lys1079Glu108, producing 1-, 2-, plasmin) by the action of lactocepin or other microbial
3-caseins and PPs (5, 8 fast and 8 slow); -caseins are enzymes.
present in the water-insoluble fraction of Cheddar Little work has been done on pH 4.6-soluble pep-
(McSweeney et al., 1994a; Lane and Fox, 1999; tides in blue-mould cheese, in which extensive proteol-
McGoldrick and Fox, 1999) and many other cheeses. ysis occurs. González de Llano et al. (1991) studied the
No large peptides originating from s2-casein have production and identification of phosphotungstic acid
been identified in Cheddar cheese (Mooney et al., 1998) (PTA)-soluble peptides in Gamonedo blue cheese. Low
and only four small peptides have been identified in the molecular mass peptides from the PTA-soluble fraction
water-soluble fractions (Singh et al., 1995, 1997). were isolated and their amino acid composition was
Water-soluble peptides are characteristic of particular determined. The isolated peptides contained 7–10
cheese varieties and are related to the specificity of the amino acids and the major amino acids were Ser, Glu,
starter and non-starter proteinases and peptidases (Fox Gly/Thr, Ile and Leu (González de Llano et al. 1991).
418 Proteolysis in Cheese during Ripening

Figure 14 Water-soluble peptides derived from s1-casein (A), s2-casein (B) and -casein (C) isolated from Cheddar cheese by
Singh et al. (1994, 1995, 1997), Breen et al. (1995) and Fernandez et al. (1998). The principal chymosin, plasmin and lactocepin
cleavage sites are indicated (from Sousa et al., 2001).
Proteolysis in Cheese during Ripening 419

1 199

1 23 199

102 199

f1-9, f-1-13

Further hydrolysis products

Figure 15 Schematic representation of the early proteolysis of s1-casein during the ripening of many cheeses and the location of
peptides produced on a urea-polyacrylamide gel electrophoretogram and a reverse-phase HPLC elution profile.

Low molecular weight peptides formed in Parmi- as discussed in ‘Catabolism of Amino Acids in Cheese
giano-Reggiano cheese during ripening were isolated During Ripening’, Volume 1.
and identified by Addeo et al. (1992, 1994, 1995)
using fast atom bombardment–mass spectrometry.
Methods for Monitoring Proteolysis in
Oligopeptides originating from regions 1–20 and 6–28
of -casein, five phosphopeptides originating from the
region 64–84 of s1-casein, three phosphopeptides A range of analytical techniques have been developed to
from the region 1–21/24 of s2-casein and one peptide study proteolysis in cheese and have been reviewed (IDF,
from C-terminal part of s2-casein were identified. 1991, 1999; McSweeney and Fox, 1993, 1997; Fox et al.,
Several water-soluble peptides in Feta were identi- 1995a; Wallace and Fox, 1998). These methods for
fied by Michaelidou et al. (1998), including s1-CN assessment of proteolysis in cheese can be classified in
(f1–14), (f4–14), (f24–30), (f24–32), (f40–49), two categories, namely non-specific and specific meth-
(f91–98), (f102–109), -CN (f164–180), (f191–205) ods. Non-specific methods, which give information
and -CN (f96–105). Gagnaire et al. (2001) identified about the extent of proteolysis and the activity of prote-
91 peptides in aqueous phase of Emmental cheese, 52 olytic agents, include determination of the nitrogen sol-
of which originated from s1-casein, 29 from -casein, uble in, or extractable by, various solvents or buffers (see
9 from s2-casein and 1 from -casein. Christensen et al., 1991; McSweeney and Fox, 1997;
Significant concentrations of amino acids, the final Ardö, 1999) or the measurement of reactive groups (e.g.,
products of proteolysis, occur in all cheeses that have NH2-groups) (McSweeney and Fox, 1997; Wallace and
been investigated. Levels of free amino acids in a num- Fox, 1998). Soluble nitrogen is usually determined by
ber of cheese varieties are given in Table 3. Relative to the macro-Kjeldahl method, which is a highly repeat-
the level of water-soluble N, Cheddar contains low able, but time-consuming and potentially dangerous
concentrations of amino acids; the principal amino technique (Wallace and Fox, 1998). A number of tech-
acids are Glu, Leu, Arg, Lys, Phe and Ser. Parmigiano- niques for quantifying proteolysis are based on cleavage
Reggiano contains a very high concentration of amino of the peptide bond, which results in the formation of a
acids which contribute to the characteristic flavour of new amino group which can react with several chro-
this cheese (Resmini et al., 1988). Many amino acids mogenic (e.g., 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulphonic acid or
have characteristic flavours (see McSweeney et al., ninhydrin) or fluorogenic (e.g., o-phthadialdehyde or
1997); although none has a cheese-like flavour, it is fluorescamine) reagents (McSweeney and Fox, 1997;
believed that they contribute to the savory taste of mature Wallace and Fox, 1998).
cheese. However, the principal role of amino acids in Non-specific methods give a general idea of prote-
flavour development is as precursors of volatile flavour olysis, but give no information about the specific
compounds produced by the range of catabolic reactions peptides produced or degraded during ripening. Specific
420 Proteolysis in Cheese during Ripening

Table 3 Concentration of amino acids (mg kg 1 cheese) in different cheese varieties (based on Fox and Wallace, 1997)

Amino acid Cheddar Edam Emmental Reggiano Gorgonzola Danablu

Cys 44.7 – – – 1380 1160

Asp 1532.8 20.5 166.5 3241.9 1020 300
Thr – 144.5 688.5 4033.3 530 190
Ser 416.3 71.1 548.9 4459.5 1570 1020
Glu 3144.1 351.7 2680.5 14489.0 3940 1730
Pro 336.2 153.8 2535.2 – 2320 530
Gly 306.86 34.6 430.8 2115.6 390 160
Ala 356.2 68.8 568.2 2260.2 1140 340
Val 1096.4 167.4 1561.5 6011.9 2220 610
Met 434.8 60.3 502.7 2351.5 780 500
Ile – 48.1 1051.1 5205.2 1300 300
Leu 2774.1 426.6 1794.9 7290.4 2910 1530
Tyr 464.1 89.2 285.9 2054.7 850 520
Phe 1472.6 291.9 1279.1 4314.9 1590 680
His – 49.7 868.2 – 800 610
Lys 1127.2 245.5 2219.8 10091.0 3050 1540
Arg 1096.4 130.5 19.2 791.4 280 510

techniques (i.e., electrophoresis and chromatography) and whey proteins (Otte et al., 1997). Peptide profiles
have been used extensively to resolve, isolate and obtained by CE supplement the information obtained by
identify the peptides that are produced during cheese reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography
ripening (Fox et al., 1995a; McSweeney and Fox, (RP-HPLC) (Otte et al., 1997; Molina et al., 1998).
1997; Otte et al., 1999; Singh et al., 1999). In addition, Capillary electrophoresis has been used to study:
these techniques are used to determine peptide pro-
• proteolysis in Cheddar (Strickland et al., 1996),
files of cheese extracts; data obtained using these tech-
Mozzarella, Feta and Danbo (Otte et al., 1997),
niques are often analysed using multivariate statistical
Tilsit (Bockelmann et al., 1998), Roncal (Irigoyen
techniques (e.g., Pripp et al., 1998, 1999, 2000a,b;
et al., 2000), Danbo cheeses (Sørensen and Benfeldt,
Molina et al., 1999; Shakeel-Ur-Rehman et al., 1999).
2001) and Serpa, a raw ewes’ milk cheese (Roseiro
Urea-PAGE is a powerful tool for monitoring prote-
et al., 2003);
olysis during the early stages of cheese maturation and
• the effect of the amount of rennet on proteolysis and
for comparing casein hydrolysis patterns in cheeses
texture in Feta cheese made from ultrafiltered milk
manufactured from the milk of different species (Mar-
(Wium et al., 1998);
cos et al., 1979; Sousa and Malcata, 1997). Urea-PAGE
• the effect of different strains of Penicillium roqueforti on
is widely used to monitor proteolysis as it resolves
the ripening of blue-veined cheese (Larsen et al., 1998);
proteins based on a combination of charge and mass
• the effect of added proteinases and level of starter
while sodium dodecylsulphate (SDS)-PAGE, which is
cultures on the formation of biogenic amines in
used more widely in biochemistry, is less suitable for
Manchego cheese made from raw milk (Fernández-
studying proteolysis in cheese because this technique
García et al., 1999).
resolves proteins based on size and the caseins have
similar molecular masses. Peptides separated by SDS- A number of chromatographic techniques, such as
or urea-PAGE can be isolated by excision of the bands ion-exchange chromatography, SEC and RP-HPLC have
or by electroblotting (McSweeney et al., 1994a; Singh been used to fractionate milk proteins or to fractionate
et al., 1995; Sousa and Malcata, 1998a,b) and the cheese extracts for the purification of peptides, or less
N-terminal sequence of isolated peptides determined. commonly, as analytical techniques to generate peptide
Isolation of peptides by electroblotting has been used profiles (see McSweeney and Fox, 1997). Ion-exchange
widely to study proteolysis in cheese (e.g., Singh et al., and SEC are suitable for the fractionation of large casein-
1995, 1997; Gouldsworthy et al., 1996; Ferranti et al., derived peptides. High performance ion exchange chro-
1997; Broadbent et al., 1998). matography and HP-SEC have the advantage of speed
Capillary electrophoresis (CE) is reported to be an and reproducibility. RP-HPLC is a very good method for
excellent technique for resolving the caseins (including resolving water-soluble peptides and has been used to
different genetic variants), peptides derived therfrom characterize and compare the degree of proteolysis in
Proteolysis in Cheese during Ripening 421

cheeses of various ages and quality, and to study the • changes in protein structure during cheese ripen-
effect of various cheesemaking parameters on proteolysis ing (Mazerolles et al., 2001), protein/protein and
(Singh et al., 1999). Reversed phase-high performance protein/fat interactions and their relation to the
liquid chromatography has been used extensively to texture of soft cheeses (Dufour et al., 2001);
characterize peptides in casein hydrolysates (e.g., Le • cheese melting and its correlation with rheological
Bars and Gripon, 1989, 1993; McSweeney and Fox, properties (Karoui et al., 2003);
1993) as well as in studies on proteolysis of the caseins • the stability of processed cheese (Christensen et al.,
in cheese during ripening (e.g., González de Llano et al., 2003b).
1991; Addeo et al., 1992, 1994; McSweeney et al., 1994a;
Lynch et al., 1997; Sousa and Malcata, 1998a; Mazerolles et al. (2001) investigated changes in the
McGoldrick and Fox, 1999; Shakeel-Ur-Rehman et al., amide I and amide II regions of the FTIR spectra and
2000; Katsiari et al., 2001; Trujillo et al., 2002; Poveda in the tryptophan fluorescence spectra of 16 experi-
et al., 2003). Numerous peptides from cheese have been mental semi-hard cheeses, varying in moisture, pro-
purified by a combination of chromatographic proced- tein, fat and degree of maturity. The data obtained
ures and subsequently identified, usually by Edman from mid-infrared and fluorescence spectral data were
degradation and mass spectrometry, leading to a better analysed by PCA, and correlations between spectral
knowledge of the proteolytic pathways in cheese during data and chemical composition as well as correlations
ripening (Singh et al., 1999; Gagnaire et al., 2001). between mid-infrared and fluorescence spectral data
Free amino acids in cheese have been analysed were found by canonical correlation analysis (CCA)
using amino acid analysers based on ion-exchange methods. PCA and CCA of data helped to discriminate
chromatography, with post-column ninhydrin derivat- between samples at different stages of ripening.
ization and photometric detection at 570 nm and Application of low intensity ultrasonics in the food
440 nm for primary and secondary amino acids, respec- industry has increased during the last decade because it
tively. This method is relatively simple, accurate and is non-destructive, rapid and cost-effective (McClements,
quantitative and requires little sample preparation 1997). Ultrasonics have been used in the dairy industry
(Bütikofer and Ardö, 1999). Alternatively, fluores- to monitor milk coagulation during cheesemaking
cent amino acid derivatives (e.g., dansyl, OPA or N- (Gunasekaran and Ay, 1996; O’Donnell et al., 1996), to
(9-fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl)) can be prepared and determine the maturity of Mahon, a Spanish semi-soft
separated and quantified by RP-HPLC; amino acids cheese variety (Benedito et al., 2000a), to determine
can also be quantified by gas chromatography but this structural defects in Parmesan cheese (Orlandini and
method is rarely used (McSweeney and Fox, 1997). Annibaldi, 1983) and to determine the physical proper-
In addition to the above methods, new techniques ties of Cheddar cheese (Cho et al., 2001). The use of
have been evaluated for indirect measurement of proteo- ultrasonic devices to monitor the maturity of Cheddar
lysis. During ripening, the texture of cheese undergoes cheese non-destructively has been reported. Benedito
major changes due to proteolysis, and in recent years, et al. (2000b) ripened blocks of Cheddar cheeses at 5 or
the use of new techniques such as fluorescence spec- 12 °C; the ultrasonic velocity increased during matur-
troscopy and ultrasound have been investigated to moni- ation and decreased with increasing ripening tempera-
tor changes in protein structure in different types of ture. Cho et al. (2001) measured ultrasound velocity
cheese during maturation. Fluorescence spectroscopy and relative attenuation in Cheddar cheese using a non-
has the advantages of high sensitivity and rapidity for contact piezoelectric ultrasound system and correlated
the characterization of molecular interactions and reac- results with the physical properties of Cheddar cheese
tions. Tryptophan can be used as an intrinsic probe for (such as failure strain, failure stress, Young’s modulus
monitoring changes in protein structure during cheese and toughness) using multi-linear neutral network
ripening as all the major proteins of bovine milk contain analysis. Besides the above applications, ultrasonics can
at least one tryptophan residue, which has a characteris- also be used to detect cracks in cheese and to assess eye
tic excitation in the region 280–295 nm and broad emis- distribution and size in Emmental cheese (Benedito
sion spectra (Hebert et al., 2000). Fourier transform et al., 2002). Research done so far has been limited to a
infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) has been used to measure: few varieties of cheeses; research is required for other
cheese varieties with different physical properties and
• the levels of protein, fat and moisture in different ripening behaviour (e.g., mould-ripened cheeses, smear-
cheeses (McQueen et al., 1995); ripened cheeses or cheese with eyes) for a clearer
• differences between soft cheese varieties (Herbert understanding of the interaction of ultrasound and
et al., 2000) and different Emmental-type cheeses cheese and subsequent application of ultrasound as a
(Picque et al., 2002); tool for monitoring ripening.
422 Proteolysis in Cheese during Ripening

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Catabolism of Amino Acids
in Cheese during Ripening
Á.C. Curtin and P.L.H. McSweeney, Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences,
University College, Cork, Ireland

Introduction be catabolised include the production of amines by

decarboxylases and the production of NH3 by deamin-
Catabolism of amino acids plays a major role in flavour
ases. There are also specific pathways for the metab-
development in cheese during ripening (McSweeney
olism of threonine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid and
and Sousa, 2000; Yvon and Rijnen, 2001; Smit et al.,
arginine. Because of their importance to cheese flavour,
2002; ‘Sensory Character of Cheese and its Evaluation’
the catabolism of methionine, branched-chain and aro-
and ‘Cheese Flavour: Instrumental Techniques’, Volume 1).
matic amino acids will be discussed in separate sections
In particular, the catabolism of sulphur-containing
amino acids (principally methionine), aromatic amino
acids and branched-chain amino acids to flavour, or
perhaps off-flavour, compounds has received consider-
Transamination of Amino Acids
able attention. The major aroma compounds produced
from these amino acids are listed in Table 1. Aminotransferases (EC 2.6.1.x) catalyse the transfer
Recently, many authors have studied amino acid of the amino group from an -amino acid to an -keto
catabolism by cheese-related bacteria, including lacto- acid (Hemme et al., 1982). The enzymes have broad
cocci, non-starter lactic acid bacteria (NSLAB) and substrate specificity and can catalyse reversible transam-
smear bacteria. However, it is important to remember ination reactions (Weimer et al., 1999). Transamin-
that results obtained under laboratory conditions may ation is the first step in the degradation of amino acids
not be representative of actual activity under cheese- by lactococci. In LAB, catabolism of aromatic amino
ripening conditions, as cheese constantly undergoes acids, branched-chain amino acids and methionine is
changes which may not be replicated in laboratory initiated by transamination since degradation occurs
experiments. only in the presence of an -keto acid which acts as an
The pathways for amino acid catabolism remain to be amino group acceptor (see Yvon and Rijnen, 2001). In
characterised fully although much work has been done the context of cheese-related microorganisms, amino-
recently on LAB and Brevibacterium linens (see Yvon and transferases of LAB and B. linens have been researched
Rijnen, 2001). There appear to be two major pathways most intensively; however, enzymes of Propionibac-
by which amino acids are catabolised (Yvon and Rijnen, terium freudenreichii have also been studied (Thierry
2001; Fig. 1). The first series of reactions is initiated by et al., 2002). In a study on the enzyme activities of a
the action of an aminotransferase which transfers the range of bacteria present on the surface of smear
amino group from amino acid A to an -keto acid B cheese (brevibacteria, corynebacteria, staphylococci
(usually -ketoglutaric acid) and results in the produc- and brachybacteria), Curtin et al. (2002) found
tion of an -keto acid corresponding to amino acid A methionine aminotransferase activity in only a strain
and a new amino acid corresponding to -keto acid B of Staphylococcus equorum.
(usually glutamic acid). -Keto acids produced by the Aminotransferases are pyridoxal-5 -phosphate (PLP)-
transamination of aromatic amino acids, branched-chain dependent enzymes (Hemme et al., 1982; Weimer et al.,
amino acids and methionine may be degraded further to 1999; McSweeney and Sousa, 2000). The transamin-
other compounds by enzyme-catalysed reactions or by ation reaction occurs in two steps. The first step
chemical reactions. The second major series of reactions involves transfer of the amino group of the amino acid
by which amino acids are catabolised is initiated by the to PLP to yield an -keto acid and an enzyme-bound
action of amino acid lyases which cleave the side chains pyridoxamine-5 -phosphate. In the second step, the
of amino acids. These pathways are particularly import- amino group is transferred from pyridoxamine-
ant for the catabolism of aromatic amino acids and 5 -phosphate to an -keto acid to produce an amino
methionine. Other pathways by which amino acids may acid and to regenerate PLP. The amine acceptor is
Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, Third edition – Volume 1: General Aspects Copyright © 2004 Elsevier Ltd
ISBN: 0-1226-3652-X All rights reserved
Set ISBN: 0-1226-3651-1
436 Catabolism of Amino Acids in Cheese during Ripening

Table 1 Name and chemical nature of the major aroma compounds derived from methionine, branched-chain amino acids and
aromatic amino acids (adapted from Yvon and Rijnen, 2001)

Amino acid Aldehydes Alcohols Carboxylic acids Thiols/Misc.

Leucine 3-Methylbutanal/ 3-Methylbutanol 3-Methylbutanoic acid/

isovaleraldehyde isovaleric acid
Isoleucine 2-Methylbutanal 2-Methylbutanol 2-Methylbutanoic acid
Valine 2-Methylpropanal/ 2-Methylpropanol 2-Methylpropanoic acid/
isobutyraldehyde isobutyric acid
Phenylalanine Phenylacetaldehyde, Phenylethanol Phenylacetic acid
Tyrosine OH-phenylacetaldehyde, OH-phenylethanol OH-phenylacetic acid p-Cresol, phenol
Tryptophan Indole-3-acetaldehyde, Tryptophol Indole-3-acetic acid Skatole, indole
Methionine 3-Methylthiopropanal/methional 3-Methylthiopropanol 3-Methylthiopropionic acid Methanethiol

usually -ketoglutaric acid. Tamman et al. (2000) appears that the activity of transaminases may also rely
observed that nine lactobacilli isolated from a 3-year- on the presence of other compounds. For example,
old Cheddar were able to transaminate amino acids Amarita et al. (2001) found that the methionine
only if exogenous -ketoglutarate was supplied. It aminotransferase activity of 29 Lactobacillus strains

Aromatic amino acids

Branched-chain amino acids




Met Tyr Trp

HA-DH α-Keto acid
at α-KADC
Hydroxyacid xid MGL
Aldehyde Acyl-CoA

Benzaldehyde Alcohol DH Methanethiol Indole

(Phe) aldDH
Hydroxybenzaldehyde Alcohol Phenol
(Tyr ) Carboxylic acid

Ester Methyl thioester

Cresol, skatole
(Tyr, Trp)

Figure 1 Schematic diagram of pathways for amino acid catabolism found in different microorganisms and some chemical reac-
tions (dotted lines) occurring in cheese during ripening (modified from Yvon and Rijen, 2001). AT: aminotransferase, HA-DH: hydroxy-
acid dehydrogenase, -KADH: -keto acid dehydrogenase, -KADC: -keto acid decarboxylase, aldDH: aldehyde dehydrogenase,
alcohol DH: alcohol dehydrogenase, MGL: methionine--lyase, CGL: cystathionine--lyse, CBL: cystationine--lyase, TPL: tyrosine-
phenol lyase, TIL: tryptophan-indole lyase.
Catabolism of Amino Acids in Cheese during Ripening 437

increased in the presence of glucose in the reaction in 23 coryneforms isolated from cheese. These authors
mixture. Williams et al. (2002) studied the effects of reported that the aminotransferase(s) of B. linens were
rate and stage of growth, amino acid type and the pres- inducible while the enzymes of other coryneform
ence of glucose on aminotransferase activity in strains strains tested were constitutive. The aromatic amino-
of NSLAB from Cheddar cheese. Aminotransferase transferase of B. linens 47 was studied by Lee and
activity of the cell-free extract of two strains of Lb. Desmazeaud (1985). The inducible enzyme was respon-
paracasei was maximal at, or close to, pH 6.0 and sible for removal of the amino group of amino acids for
30 °C, but activity was detected under conditions simi- their use as sole nitrogen sources by the bacterium;
lar to those in cheese during ripening. The effect of -ketoglutarate was preferred as the amino group accep-
NaCl on activity at pH 8 and 30 °C differed with tor over pyruvate.
leucine or phenylalanine as substrate. Glutamic acid An aminotransferase from Lc. lactis LM0230 which
was formed most efficiently from -ketoglutarate acts on branched-chain amino acids was cloned and
using aromatic, branched-chain or sulphur-containing sequenced by Atiles et al. (2000). The enzyme was
amino acids as substrate. Martinez-Cuesta et al. (2002) active on methionine and phenylalanine in addition to
found that aminotransferase activity was increased in the three branched-chain amino acids. Sequence analy-
cells treated with a bacteriocin, lacticin 3147, to increase sis showed high homology with other branched-chain
the permeability of the cell wall to amino acids. aminotransferases. Transamination by Lb. helveticus
Aminotransferases have been studied in several was studied by Klein et al. (2001). The bacterium was
cheese-related bacteria. An aminotransferase from Lc. lac- incubated with a mixture of amino acids (phenylala-
tis subsp. cremoris NCDO763, with a pH optimum of nine, tyrosine, methionine, leucine, valine, isoleucine) in
6.5–8, was found to be PLP-dependent but metal ion- ratios similar to those in Emmental cheese. The
independent (Yvon et al., 1997). The enzyme acted on authors concluded that transamination was the first
leucine, methionine and aromatic amino acids. One of and main step in the conversion of amino acids by Lb.
the two substrates of the reaction it catalyses (amino helveticus, with phenylalanine and tyrosine being con-
acid or keto acid) must have a hydrophobic group verted most efficiently. The transamination of branched-
attached to the -carbon of the compound. This chain amino acids by Lb. paracasei has also been studied
enzyme was responsible for the biosynthesis of phenyl- (Hansen et al., 2001).
alanine and tyrosine, but it also had a catabolic role It is clear that many bacteria found in cheese are
when high concentrations of aromatic amino acids were capable of amino acid transamination but what role do
present. Yvon et al. (1997) suggested that the enzyme is these reactions play in cheese flavour development? It
involved in the catabolism of leucine, methionine, has been suggested that the rate-limiting step in
phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan, and also in the flavour development is the conversion of free amino
synthesis of the aromatic amino acids. acids to aroma compounds. Yvon et al. (1998) added
Engels (1997) purified two aminotransferases from -ketoglutarate to St Paulin-type cheese in an effort to
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris B78. The enzymes were active accelerate flavour development. The level of glutamate
on methionine, leucine, isoleucine, valine and phenyl- in cheese increased when -ketoglutarate was added
alanine. Both transaminases were dimeric proteins, had but the level of some amino acids, including leucine,
a high temperature optimum and an alkaline pH opti- phenylalanine, tyrosine and valine, decreased. The
mum. The enzymes were found to catalyse the conver- addition of -ketoglutarate increased the degradation
sion of methionine to L-methylthio-2-ketobutyric acid. of methionine. However, after six weeks of ripening,
Two aminotransferases were also isolated from Lc. large amounts of the resulting -keto acids, produced
lactis subsp. lactis S3 by Gao and Steele (1998). The by transamination, remained in the cheese. Thus,
enzymes were PLP-dependent methionine amino- these authors suggested that aminotransferase activity
transferases. Both also had activity on aromatic amino was not limiting, but that subsequent steps in the for-
acids and leucine. The aminotransferases were active mation of aroma compounds may have been limiting.
under cheese-ripening conditions and produced com- Banks et al. (2001) supplemented Cheddar cheese
pounds that may be precursors of off-flavour com- with -ketoglutarate to enhance amino acid catabolism
pounds in cheese, e.g., p-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid during ripening. -Ketoglutarate (20 g kg 1 milled
produced from tyrosine can breakdown chemically to curd) was added as a mixture with the salt. It was
p-cresol. observed that the levels of leucine, phenylalanine,
Dias and Weimer (1998a) detected high levels of valine, threonine, methionine, alanine and isoleucine
methionine aminotransferase activity in several strains of decreased on addition of -ketoglutarate. Sensory
lactococci but found only slight activity in two strains analysis showed that the addition of -ketoglutarate
of B. linens. This is in contrast to earlier findings of Lee caused statistically significant changes in aroma inten-
et al. (1985) who observed aromatic aminotransferases sity, creamy character and fruity notes. In fact, the
438 Catabolism of Amino Acids in Cheese during Ripening

aroma intensity of the 12-week-old cheese supple- during ripening, perhaps because lactococci produce
mented with -ketoglutarate was equal to that of a more than one aminotransferase with overlapping
24-week-old control Cheddar. Supplementation of specificities (Engels, 1997; Gao and Steele, 1998).
Cheddar cheese with -ketoglutarate caused statistically Cheeses containing added -ketoglutarate were described
significant effects on the production of certain volatile as ‘more odorous’ than the control. In cheeses supple-
flavour compounds. mented with -ketoglutarate and made with an araT-
Shakeel-Ur-Rehman and Fox (2002) supplemented negative starter, the formation of aroma compounds was
Cheddar cheese with -ketoglutarate, pyruvate or lower than in control cheeses. Since many of the aroma
PLP and reported a beneficial effect of added compounds produced from aromatic amino acids, such
-ketoglutarate and pyruvate on flavour. Cheese as phenethanol, phenol and indole, contribute to off-
supplemented with 1 g -ketoglutaric acid per kg of flavours in cheese, the use of araT-negative starter
curd was considered to be as mature at 60 days as strains may prevent the development of certain off-
90-day-old commercial Cheddar cheese. Addition of flavours in cheese.
-ketoglutaric acid to cheese also promoted synere- Amino acids react chemically with carbonyl com-
sis during pressing of the curd but did not affect pounds to form azomethines; if the carbonyl com-
plasmin or chymosin activity. pound has an electron-withdrawing group adjacent to
In an effort to overcome limitations in the concen- the carbonyl group (e.g., a dicarbonyl), then transami-
tration of -ketoglutarate, Rijnen et al. (2000) inves- nation and decarboxylation occur. This process is
tigated the possibility of using lactic acid bacteria known as the Strecker degradation, through which
capable of producing -ketoglutarate from glutamate aldehydes are formed (Belitz and Grosch, 1987).
in cheese, which can be converted to -ketoglutarate by
glutamate dehydrogenase. The authors cloned the glu-
tamate dehydrogenase gene (gdh) from Peptostrepto-
coccus asaccharolyticus into Lc. lactis, and followed the O
conversion of amino acids to aroma compounds in the + H2N CHR COOH

Ch-Easy model. It was observed that the gdh strain C O

Dicarbonyl Amino acid
produced -ketoglutarate from glutamate under
cheese-ripening conditions and this allowed transamin-
ation of aromatic amino acids and branched-chain CO2

amino acids. The gdh strain could be used as an alter- H2O

native to the addition of exogenous -ketoglutarate to H
cheese to increase amino acid catabolism. + O CHR
A number of groups are now working on the genet- Strecker
ics of amino acid-catabolising enzymes with a view to aldehyde

developing strategies for controlling the development of

cheese flavour. Rijnen et al. (1999a) characterised the
gene (araT) encoding the lactococcal aromatic amino-
transferase. It was shown that araT is transcribed as a Transamination via the Strecker degradation forms
single gene. This enzyme is essential for the catabolism the same volatile aldehydes as formed by enzyme-
of aromatic amino acids and is involved in the conver- catalysed transamination, although by a different
sion of leucine and methionine. It also plays a role in reaction mechanism. Strecker degradation plays an
the biosynthesis of phenylalanine and tyrosine. Subse- important role in flavour development of many foods
quently, Rijnen et al. (1999b) inactivated the lactococcal since dicarbonyls are produced by the Maillard reac-
araT gene and studied the possibility of controlling tion. There have been reports of Strecker aldehydes
flavour development by directing the degradation of in cheese (e.g., Dunn and Lindsay, 1985) but the
amino acids by starter bacteria in cheese. These authors extent to which this chemical reaction occurs in
followed the production of aroma compounds and the cheese is unclear since the same aldehydes are pro-
degradation of amino acids in St Paulin-type cheese duced from a pathway initiated by the action of
using radiolabelled amino acids and quantified volatile aminotransferases.
products by GC–MS. -Ketoglutarate was added to half The keto acids produced as a result of transamin-
the cheeses to enhance transamination. It was observed ation of methionine, branched-chain amino acids or
that inactivation of the lactococcal araT gene did not aromatic amino acids serve as precursors of aroma
significantly affect the levels of volatile compounds pro- compounds (Yvon and Rijnen, 2001), which can be
duced from branched-chain amino acids or methionine formed by enzymatic or chemical reactions. Four main
Catabolism of Amino Acids in Cheese during Ripening 439

degradation pathways for -keto acids are used by phide can be produced from methanethiol but it is
cheese-related microorganisms (Fig. 1): unclear how dimethyltrisulphide is produced in cheese
(McSweeney and Sousa, 2000). Methional (-methyl
• -Keto acids may be reduced to the corresponding mercaptopropionaldehyde), which is considered to be
hydroxyacid by the action of 2-hydroxyacid dehy- part of Cheddar cheese aroma (Weimer et al., 1999), can
drogenases, which have been found in LAB (see be degraded to methanethiol either spontaneously or by
Yvon and Rijnen, 2001). Although hydroxyacids are decarboxylation.
not important flavour compounds, their production Methanethiol is a volatile compound with a ‘putrid
reduces the levels of -keto acids available for other faecal-like’ aroma at high concentrations. However, at
reactions. low concentrations, it contributes to the characteristic
• -Keto acids derived from branched-chain amino aroma of cheese (Weimer et al., 1999). It is also a pre-
acids, aromatic amino acids and methionine may cursor of other volatile sulphur compounds which
also be decarboxylated to the corresponding alde- contribute to the garlic aroma of smear-ripened
hydes, although this pathway is not important in cheese (Hemme et al., 1982). Starter cultures, flavour
most LAB. Aldehydes produced by this pathway adjunct bacteria and non-starter bacteria may form
may be oxidised to the corresponding carboxylic methanethiol in cheese from methionine (Fig. 2).
acid by aldehyde dehydrogenases or reduced to Researchers continue to study the production of
alcohols by alcohol dehydrogenases. methanethiol and its role in cheese flavour. Dias and
• -Keto acids produced by transamination may also Weimer (1999) investigated the production of volatile
be oxidatively decarboxylated to carboxylic acids by sulphur compounds in Cheddar cheese slurries. It was
the action of -keto acid dehydrogenases, generating observed that the production of total volatile sulphur
acyl-CoAs which are hydrolysed, releasing car- compounds was four times higher in slurries acidified
boxylic acids (Yvon and Rijnen, 2001). However, this by Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris S3 than in those chemically
pathway does not appear to be common in micro- acidified with gluconic acid--lactone. Addition of brevi-
organisms found in cheese. bacteria and methionine--lyase (ML) to the slur-
• -Keto acids may degrade chemically. Phenyl pyru- ries increased the production of volatile sulphur
vate and hydroxyphenyl pyruvate (produced from compounds. They concluded that adjunct cultures and
Phe and Tyr, respectively) may be converted to ben- enzymes are required to produce volatile sulphur com-
zaldehyde and hydroxybenzaldehyde, respectively. pounds above their flavour threshold. Molimard and
Likewise, indole-3-pyruvate, which is produced from Spinnler (1996) also believed that coryneform bacteria,
Trp, is quite unstable and degrades to indole acetic especially B. linens, are key agents in the production of
acid, indole-3-aldehyde and skatole. Non-enzymatic sulphur compounds in surface mould-ripened cheese.
degradation of -heto--methylthio butyrate, pro- The production of sulphur compounds by LAB was
duced from methionine, to methanethiol has also investigated by Seefeldt and Weimer (2000). Lacto-
been reported (Gao et al., 1998). cocci are auxotrophic for methionine while lactobacilli
are auxotrophic for both cysteine and methionine.
In addition, it was observed that lactococci possess
Production of Volatile Sulphur Compounds
greater cystathionine lyase activity than lactobacilli.
by Amino Acid Catabolism
The cell-free extract of both lactococci and lacto-
Volatile sulphur compounds are found in most cheeses bacilli was able to produce volatile sulphur com-
and are important components of flavour (Fox and pounds, including methanethiol, dimethyldisulphide
McSweeney, 1996). Since methionine is present in the and dimethyltrisulphide.
caseins at a higher concentration than cysteine, sulphur Five bacteria from cheese were analysed by Bonnarme
compounds in cheese presumably originate principally et al. (2001a) for enzymes involved in the production of
from methionine. The pathways for the production of methanethiol. B. linens had the highest demethiolating
various flavour compounds from methionine are shown activity. S. equorum and M. luteus showed demethiolating
in Fig. 2. activity but they produced only trace amounts of volatile
Weimer et al. (1999) discussed some of the sulphur sulphur compounds; all bacteria examined formed
compounds in cheese and their importance to flavour. methanethiol.
They reported that dimethyldisulphide does not con- The ability of 7 Lb. casei and 22 Lb. plantarum
tribute to flavour, while dimethyltrisulphide is a flavour strains to produce flavour compounds from methion-
compound. The occurrence of these compounds is ine was investigated by Amarita et al. (2001). Several
related to methanethiol content and the low redox poten- enzyme activities were studied: methionine amino-
tial of the cheese. Dimethylsulphide and dimethyldisul- transferase, hydroxyacid dehydrogenase, methionine




CH2 Other reactions
Cystathionine-β-synthase CH2

Cysteine Cystathionine Homocysteine


Aromatic aminotransferase H2N CH C OH

or N
transaminase B CH2
Methionine adenosyltransferase N
Amino acid oxidase

Methionine OH OH

H3 C S S CH3

Chemical conversion Dimethyldisulphide

Other products
H 3C S S S CH3


Figure 2 Metabolic pathways for the interconversion of methionine and other sulphur compounds (modified from Dias and Weimer, 1998a; Bonnarme et al., 2000).
Catabolism of Amino Acids in Cheese during Ripening 441

lyase and amino acid decarboxylase. About 25% of the Methanethiol can be formed from methionine by a
strains were capable of transaminating methionine to number of enzyme-catalysed reactions. Methanethiol-
-keto--methylthiobutyrate. Dehydrogenase activity producing capacity (MTPC) was found to varying
was observed to increase in the presence of glucose, degrees in LAB and brevibacteria (Weimer et al.,
the influence of which may have been due to the sup- 1997). B. linens BL2 had the highest MTPC. Cell-free
ply of energy by the proton motive force generated by extracts had no measurable MTPC under cheese-
lactate efflux. No methionine lyase or amino acid like conditions. Dias and Weimer (1998a) examined
decarboxylase activities were detected. the conversion of methionine to thiols by lactococci,
Amarita et al. (2002) studied the production of lactobacilli and brevibacteria. Again, MTPC was not
methional in a cheese slurry system by Lc. lactis detected under cheese-ripening conditions (pH 5.2,
IFPL730. The authors reported a decrease in the con- 5% NaCl), using methionine as a substrate, but had
centration of methional, and a corresponding increase activity on cystathionine was found under such
in 3-methylthiopropanol. It was concluded that the conditions. The authors found that lactococci and
conversion of methional to other volatile compounds, lactobacilli catabolise methionine using cystathionine
including 3-methylthiopropanol, contributes to cheese - and -lyases while Brevibacterium spp. use an
flavour. ML. According to the authors, the cystathionine
Catabolism of methionine by five cheese-ripening lyases from lysed lactococci make an insignificant
bacteria and five yeasts was investigated by Bonnarme contribution to the production of volatile sulphur
et al. (2001b). For both yeasts and bacteria, compounds from methionine in cheese during
dimethyldisulphide was the major sulphur compound ripening.
produced. In addition, the microorganisms produced Amarita et al. (2001) did not detect methionine
different amounts of methanethiol. G. candidum pro- lyase activity in 29 strains of Lactobacillus. No cys-
duced a low concentration of S-methyl thioacetate, tathionine lyase or methionine lyase activity was
and was the only yeast with the ability to produce detected in the strains of Lactococcus investigated by
S-methyl thioesters. Gao et al. (1998). Methionine aminotransferase activ-
Berger et al. (1999) observed that G. candidum, a ity was found to be responsible for initiating methio-
fungus found commonly on the surface of smear- nine catabolism. The production of methanethiol
ripened cheese, can produce sulphur-containing from methionine by B. linens CNRZ918 was studied
flavour compounds; dimethyldisulphide was the main by Ferchichi et al. (1985), who found greatest
sulphur compound produced by the ten strains stud- methanethiol production at pH 8 in the case of both
ied. The majority of the strains also produced the rod and coccus forms of this microorganism.
methanethiol and dimethyltrisulphide. Four strains MTPC decreased as the proportion of coccoid forms
which produced sulphides could generate S-methyl increased.
thioesters. The authors concluded that G. candidum Amarita et al. (2002) used a model system to study
may play an important role in development of flavour in the ability of Lc. lactis to produce methional and other
smear-ripened cheese. The pathways for the production compounds from methionine. Slurries containing resting
of flavourful sulphides by G. candidum were subse- cells and the intracellular fraction from Lc. lactis
quently studied by Demarigny et al. (2000). Two path- IFPL730 showed the highest production of methional at
ways were used to produce sulphides from methionine. the outset of incubation, with a concomitant increase in
The first pathway, which operated at high methio- the production of 3-methylthiopropanol. Sensory analy-
nine concentrations, was initiated by the action of sis of slurries indicated the characteristic aroma of
-demethiolase and resulted in the production of methional (cooked potato-like) in samples containing
methanethiol, dimethyldisulphide and dimethyltrisul- -keto--methylthiobutyrate and the intracellular frac-
phide. The other pathway operated at low methionine tion from Lc. lactis IFPL730. On extended incubation,
concentrations and resulted in the production of the intensity of methional aroma decreased but samples
dimethylsulphide. Bonnarme et al. (2001a) found that developed a cheese-like aroma.
G. candidum cultures produced three S-methylthioesthers S-methylthioesters are important flavour compounds
(S-methylthioacetate, S-methylthiopropionate and in surface-ripened cheese. Their specific flavour depends
S-methylthiobutyrate) from methionine. It was also on their chain length and configuration (Weimer et al.,
found that G. candidum metabolised L-methionine 1999). B. linens GC71 is capable of esterifying acetic,
using different pathways; L-methionine demethiolating propionic and methyl branched-chain acids with
activity was constitutive while L-methionine amino- methanethiol to produce thioesters (Lamberet et al.,
transferase and 4-methylthio-2-ketobutyrate demethiol- 1997a). Lamberet et al. (1997b) compared the S-methyl
ating activities were not. thioester-synthesising ability of some cheese-related
442 Catabolism of Amino Acids in Cheese during Ripening

bacteria, including coryneforms, Micrococcaceae, Lacto- S-substituted derivatives (Nakayama et al., 1984). The
coccus and Leuconostoc. The strains of B. linens tested enzyme from Trichomonas vaginalis catabolised homo-
had a tendency to produce branched-chain thioesters, cysteine, ethionine and methionine by ,-elimination
which was not observed in other coryneforms tested. (Lockwood and Coombs, 1991).
Lactococci were shown to have poor ability to synthesise The ML of B. linens BL2 is active under cheese-
these compounds. ripening conditions (Dias and Weimer, 1998b). Unlike
S-methyl thioacetate was produced by G. candidum, the release of intracellular proteolytic and lipolytic
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Debaryomyces hansenii, enzymes, the release of which has been shown to be
Kluyveromyces lactis and Yarrowia lipolytica (Arfi et al., necessary for their activity in cheese, the influence of
2002). These authors also reported that L-methionine amino acid catabolic enzymes on ripening may be
aminotransferase, L-methionine and 4-methylthio- linked to the ability of the cells to resist lysis and
2-oxobutyrate decarboxylase activities were present in remain metabolically active during ripening. However,
all the yeasts studied. the role of enzyme release by cell lysis in the produc-
tion of flavour compounds by amino acid catabolism is
unclear and requires more study.
Lyases involved in the catabolism of methionine
The reactions catalysed by cystathionine--lyase
Methionine--lyase or methioninase (EC is a (CL) and cystathionine--lyase (CL) are shown in
PLP-dependent enzyme which catalyses the conver- Fig. 3. CL (EC catalyses the conversion of cys-
sion of methionine to -ketobutyrate, methanethiol tathionine to homocysteine, pyruvate and ammonia
and ammonia (Soda et al., 1983; Tanaka et al., 1985). while the products of CL are cysteine, ammonia and
The enzyme plays an important role in the bacterial -ketobutyrate (Weimer et al., 1999). Aubel et al. (2002)
metabolism of methionine. studied the genetics of the CL of Lb. delbrueckii subsp.
bulgaricus NCDO1489 and concluded that its physiolog-
ical role is probably in the biosynthesis of methionine.
O Dwivedi et al. (1982) isolated a CL from E. coli
H2N CH C OH O which had a pH optimum of 9–10 and contained 1 mol
of PLP per enzyme subunit. The gene coding for cys-
+ H3C SH + NH3
tathionine lyase (metC) of E. coli was cloned by Laber
CH2 CH2 et al. (1996) who also constructed a strain of E. coli
which over-produced this enzyme.
The CL of Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris B78 is
reported to be a tetramer of identical ⬃40 kDa sub-
Methionine α-Ketobutyrate Methanethiol Ammonia units (Alting et al., 1995). The enzyme catalyses the
,-elimination reaction but is able to catalyse the
,-reaction also. It was active at the pH and salt con-
Methionine--lyase have been isolated from several centration of normal Gouda cheese. Unlike the ML of
bacteria, including Pseudomonas ovalis (Tanaka et al., B. linens BL2, lysis of cells was required for full activ-
1976), Aeromonas sp., Ps. putida (Nakayama et al., ity. Fernandez et al. (2000) cloned and characterised
1984), B. linens CNRZ918 (Ferchichi et al., 1985), the metC gene encoding CL from Lc. lactis strains
B. linens NCDO739 (Collin and Law, 1989), Trichomonas B78 and MG1363. The proteins encoded by the
vaginalis (Lockwood and Coombs, 1991) and B. linens genes were similar and had high homology to other
BL2 (Dias and Weimer, 1998b). The optimum pH for PLP-dependent enzymes. Enzyme activities were
activity is generally 7.5–8. The enzyme is PLP-dependent determined in strains which overproduced CL activ-
and usually composed of four identical subunits, apart ity or in which this activity was deleted. Results
from the enzyme of Ps. ovalis which is composed of two showed that the product of the gene metC is essential
non-identical subunits (Tanaka et al., 1976). for the degradation of cystathionine but that at least
The ML of Ps. ovalis can also degrade various - and one other lyase contributes to methionine degradation
-substituted amino acids in addition to L-methionine, by an , elimination. Dobric et al. (2000) reported
and can perform both , and , elimination reactions. the nucleotide sequence of the gene for the C/L of
The enzymes from Ps. ovalis and Aeromonas spp. can act Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris MG1363. The enzyme was
on derivatives of L-methionine and L-cysteine in addition unique as it could perform either ,- and ,-
to L-methionine (Tanaka et al., 1976; Nakayama et al., elimination reactions on the same substrate.
1984). The ML of Ps. putida ICR3460 performed ,- Yamagata et al. (1993) studied the CYS3 gene encod-
and -replacement reactions of L-homocysteine and its ing the CL of Saccharomyces cerevisae. No detectable
Catabolism of Amino Acids in Cheese during Ripening 443



Cystathionine-γ-lyase CH2 CH2



Cysteine α-Keto butryate Ammonia



H2N Cystathionine-β-lyase


Cystathionine SH

Homocysteine Pyruvate Ammonia

Figure 3 The reactions catalysed by cystathionine -lyase and cystathionine -lyase.

homology was found between the CYS3 of S. cerevisae cheese cultures to investigate the contribution of lacto-
and the cysE gene of E. coli. H2S and methanethiol were bacilli to off-flavour development. The main mechan-
the only volatile sulphur compounds found during the ism for tryptophan catabolism by Lb. casei involved its
degradation of L-cysteine and L-methionine by CL of conversion to indole lactic acid (ILA) by a series of
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris SK11 (Bruinenberg et al., 1997). transamination and dehydrogenation reactions with
Lb. fermentum DT41 was isolated from the starter indole-3-pyruvic acid as the sole intermediate. The
for traditional Parmesan cheese. A PLP-dependent results suggest that non-starter and adjunct lactobacilli
CL was isolated from this strain by Smacchi and may have important roles in secondary reactions involv-
Gobbetti (1998). It was composed of four identical ing indole-3-pyruvic acid and other aromatic metabolites.
⬃35 kDa subunits and was optimally active at 37 °C Tryptophan catabolism by B. linens BL2, under both
and pH 8. The enzyme was reported to retain activity optimum (pH 6.5, 25 °C with agitation) and cheese-
under cheese-ripening conditions. like (pH 5.2, 15 °C, 4% NaCl) conditions, was studied
A 160 kDa homotetrameric CL was purified by Ummadi and Weimer (2001). At optimum tempera-
from Lb. reuteri DSM20016 by de Angelis et al. ture and pH, B. linens BL2 could degrade tryptophan
(2002). The enzyme was optimally active at pH 8 by various routes simultaneously but under cheese-
and 35 °C and catalysed the conversion of a range of like conditions, the bacterium did not catabolise it.
amino acids, including methionine. This organism, Cells grown under either conditions did not show
together with other lactobacilli, was used as an tryptophanase, tryptophan decarboxylase or trypto-
adjunct in the manufacture of Canestrato Pugilese- phan 2-monooxygenase activities.
type cheese and cheeses containing an adjunct com- Gao et al. (1997) investigated the catabolism of aro-
posed of Lb. fermentum DT41, and Lb. reuteri DSM matic amino acids in lactococci. They reported that the
20016 had the highest levels of methanethiol, first step in the catabolism of tryptophan by eight lacto-
dimethyl sulphide, dimethyl disulphide and dimethyl coccal strains is due to aminotransferase activity. Amino-
trisulphide. transferase activity on L-tyrosine and L-phenylalanine
was also found.
Catabolism of Aromatic Amino Acids
Tyrosine is a precursor of several compounds in cheese
Pathways for the catabolism of tryptophan are shown – tyramine formed by decarboxylation, p-cresol and
in Fig. 4. Gummalla and Broadbent (1999) studied phenol formed by an atypical Strecker degradation and
tryptophan catabolism by lactobacilli used as adjunct p-hydroxyphenyl pyruvate formed by aminotransferase
444 Catabolism of Amino Acids in Cheese during Ripening


Deaminase Decarboxylase
CH Tryptamine CH2
Indole-3-propionate C

α-Keto acid
Amino acid









Figure 4 Pathways for the catabolism of tryptophan.

activity (McSweeney and Sousa, 2000), as shown in phenylpyruvate and phenylethyl acetate are flavour
Fig. 5. Tyramine, a biogenic amine, can cause mon- compounds derived from phenylalanine and have been
amine intoxication (see ‘Toxins in Cheese’, Volume 1). found in cheese or model systems (Adda et al., 1982;
Dunn and Lindsay, 1985; Jollivet et al., 1992). Enzymes
involved in the breakdown of pheylalanine are amino-
transferases, L-amino acid oxidases, L-pheylalanine
Phenylmethanol, phenylethanol, phenylpropane, ammonia lyases, L-aromatic amino acid decarboxylases
methylphenyl hydroxyacetate, phenylacetaldehyde, and phenylalanine dehydrogenases. Phenylpyruvate is
Catabolism of Amino Acids in Cheese during Ripening 445


Deaminase Decarboxylase
O Tyrosine
p -Hydroxy phenylpropionate
α-Keto acid
Amino acid


p -Hydroxy phenylpyruvate

p -Hydroxy phenyl lactate

C OH p-Hydroxy benzaldehyde
H3 C
p -Hydroxy phenyl acetate p-Cresol

Figure 5 Pathways for the catabolism of tyrosine.

formed by the action of an aminotransferase and it can (Nierop Groot and de Bont, 1998). Phenylpyruvic acid
be degraded to phenethanol and benzaldehyde (Fig. 6). was an intermediate in the reaction and its conversion
During the first week of Camembert ripening, to benzaldehyde was catalysed by Mn (II) which was
actively growing yeast cells produced phenethyl present at high levels in these cells (Nierop Groot and
alcohol from L-phenylalanine (Lee and Richard, de Bont, 1999) (Fig. 7). The low pH, low oxygen con-
1984). Several compounds with a phenyl group were centration and low temperature of cheese during ripen-
also identified when the ability of B. linens to pro- ing would not favour this chemical reaction. However,
duce volatile compounds in liquid cultures was the authors pointed out that the reaction may still make
examined (Jollivet et al., 1992). The compounds a significant contribution because of the long ripening
included phenylmethanol, phenylethanol, phenyl- time of certain cheeses. Klein et al. (2001) also
propane and methylphenylhydroxyacetate. attributed the production of benzaldehyde from indole
The formation of benzaldehyde from phenylalanine pyruvate, which was formed by transamination of
by Lb. plantarum is initiated by an aminotransferase phenylalanine by Lb. helveticus, to a chemical reaction.
446 Catabolism of Amino Acids in Cheese during Ripening


O Phenylalanine Phenylethylamine
α-Keto acid
Amino acid


Phenyl lactate



Figure 6 Pathways for the catabolism of phenylalanine.

An inducible aromatic amino acid aminotransferase under cheese-ripening conditions. The authors
was isolated from B. linens 47 by Lee and Desmazeaud observed that p-hydroxyphenylacetic acid (pHPA)
(1985), who detected several metabolites of aromatic could be produced from tyrosine; pHPA can degrade
amino acid catabolism, including phenylpyruvate, chemically to p-cresol. The enzymes could also pro-
phenylacetate, 4-hydroxyphenyl acetate, indolepyru- duce indole-3-acetic acid from tryptophan which
vate and indoleacetate, in the growth medium using could be converted to skatole. It was concluded that
HPLC. Hayashi et al. (1993) characterised an aromatic further research is required to confirm the role of aro-
amino acid aminotransferase from E. coli. The halo- matic amino acids in the development of off-flavours
enzyme contained 1 mol PLP per mol and could catalyse in cheese. An aminotransferase from Lc. lactis
the transamination of a variety of neutral amino acids, NCDO763 catalysed the transamination of L-amino
in addition to aromatic amino acids. acids only (Yvon et al., 1997). Using -ketoglutarate as
Two aromatic amino acid aminotransferases have an amino group acceptor, the resting cells of this
also been purified from Lc. lactis subsp. lactis S3 and organism produced phenylpyruvate, phenylacetate and
characterised (Gao and Steele, 1998). Both were active phenylactate from phenylalanine. The authors suggested
Catabolism of Amino Acids in Cheese during Ripening 447



CH2 Aminotransferase CH2

Metal ion/alkaline pH

Phenylalanine Phenylpyruvate Enol tautomer




Benzaldehyde Phenylacetic acid Mandelic acid Phenylglyoxylic acid

Figure 7 Proposed mechanism for benzaldehyde production by both enzymatic and chemical steps (modified from Nierop Groot
and De Bont, 1998).

that the aminotransferase could have an important genase activities were observed. Micellar electokinetic
role in flavour development during ripening as it capillary chromatography was used to show that the
transaminates amino acids (leucine, phenylalanine, four lactobacilli catabolised tyrosine to produce
tyrosine, tryptophan, methionine) which are precur- p-hydroxyphenyl lactic acid and p-hydroxyphenyl
sors of aroma compounds. pyruvic acid under conditions similar to those in
Gummalla and Broadbent (2001) studied the ripening cheese. Phenyl lactic acid, phenyl acetic acid
catabolism of tyrosine and phenylalanine by Lacto- and benzoic acid were produced from phenylalanine
bacillus adjuncts. It was observed that in the two under conditions similar to those in cheese.
Lb. casei and two Lb. helveticus strains examined, the
specific activity of phenylalanine aminotransferase
Catabolism of Branched-Chain Amino
was higher than that of tyrosine aminotransferase.
The strains were incubated under conditions similar
to those in cheese during ripening to assess catabol- Branched-chain amino acids are degraded by amino-
ism. No decarboxylase activity was detected during 20 transferases to -keto acids (Fig. 8). The aminotrans-
days of incubation but aminotransferase and dehydro- ferase of Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris NCDO 763 was most
448 Catabolism of Amino Acids in Cheese during Ripening














Figure 8 Transamination of the branched-chain amino acids to their corresponding -keto acids.

active on leucine, although it was also, but less, active on Lb. paracasei subsp. paracasei LC01 produces at least
the aromatic amino acids (Yvon et al., 1997), while that one aminotransferase, capable of transaminating
of Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris B78 catalysed the transam- branched-chain amino acids, which was most active on
ination of valine, isoleucine and leucine (Engels, isoleucine and leucine (Hansen et al., 2001). Response-
1997). A branched-chain aminotransferase from Lc. lac- surface methodology showed that leucine concentration
tis subsp. cremoris NCDO 763 was characterised by had a negligible effect on aminotransferase activity, while
Yvon et al. (2000). The enzyme catalysed the transamin- too high a concentration of -ketoglutarate could inhibit
ation of the three branched-chain amino acids and was the enzyme.
active under cheese-ripening conditions, although it Ayad et al. (2001a) studied the effects of combining
had pH and temperature optima of 7.5 and 35–40 °C, selected lactococci on flavour formation in milk. A
respectively. Since the enzyme has a role in the degrada- chocolate-like flavour was produced by a combination of
tion of isoleucine and valine, as well as in the transamin- Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris NIZO131157 and Lc. lactis
ation of leucine and methionine and was active under subsp. cremoris SK110. The authors speculated that this
conditions similar to those found in cheese during flavour was due to branched-chain aldehydes produced
ripening, the authors concluded that the enzyme was from branched-chain amino acids. Subsequently, Ayad
involved in flavour development. The branched-chain et al. (2001b) studied the flavour-generating ability of
aminotransferase of Lc. lactis LM0230 has been cloned wild lactococci isolated from artinsanal and non-dairy
and sequenced (Atiles et al., 2000). The enzyme has sources (fermented raw goats’, sheep’s and cows’ milk, as
broad specificity, being active on isoleucine, leucine, well as from soil, grass, silage and the udder) in milk and
valine, methionine and phenylalanine. in a cheese model. The authors believed that these wild
Catabolism of Amino Acids in Cheese during Ripening 449

strains may be able to produce more flavour compounds contributes to an increase in pH during ripening
in cheese than the industrial strains currently used in (McSweeney and Sousa, 2000). Microorganisms from
cheesemaking. The majority of wild strains produced dif- the smear surface have deaminating ability, e.g., G. can-
ferent flavours from industrial strains. Methylated alco- didum (see Fox and Wallace, 1997), while B. linens
hols and methylated aldehydes, probably produced from produces large quantities of ammonia from serine, glu-
branched-chain amino acids, were the main volatile com- tamine, asparagine and threonine. However, most
pounds formed. It was concluded that wild strains could strains of coryneform bacteria from smear cheese were
be used for the development of new cheeses or to alter found to have low deaminating activity except on ser-
the flavour of existing types of cheese. However, since ine, glutamine and asparagine (Hemme et al., 1982).
the non-dairy wild strains had no proteolytic activity, Williams et al. (2001) studied the deaminating ability
they would be unable to grow in and acidify cheese milk of LAB isolated from mature Cheddar. Deaminase
and would have to be combined with industrial starters. activity was not widespread in the isolates but this
The catabolism of leucine by propionic acid bacteria may have been due to the insensitivity or lack of speci-
was investigated by Thierry et al. (2002). P. freudenreichii ficity of the assay method used.
catabolised leucine to -ketoisocaproic acid, but only if
-ketoglutarate was present. The bacterium also con-
verted -ketoisocaproic acid to isovaleric acid via oxida-
tive decarboxylation by -ketoacid dehydrogenase Decarboxylation is the conversion of an amino acid to
activity yielding an acyl-CoA derivative which was then the corresponding amine with the removal of CO2.
converted to the acid. The authors noted that the catab- Decarboxylases generally have an acid pH optimum
olism of branched-chain amino acids by P. freudenreichii (⬃pH 5.5) and usually require PLP as a coenzyme
was different to the catabolism of branched-chain (Hemme et al., 1982). Amines generally have strong and
amino acids by lactococci. often unpleasant aromas, as evident in certain smear-
ripened cheese types (Fox and McSweeney, 1996). In
addition, many amines (e.g., tyramine, histamine, trypt-
Deaminases amine, putrescine, cadaverine and phenylethylamine)
cause adverse physiological effects (‘biogenic amines’;
There are two types of deamination involving redox
see ‘Toxins in Cheese’, Volume 1). The relative concen-
reactions (Hemme et al., 1982), differing according to
tration of amines in cheese depends on the type of
the nature of hydrogen acceptor:
cheese and its microflora (McSweeney and Sousa,
• Dehydrogenases (EC 1.4.1) which utilise NAD as 2000). The relative concentration of some amines does
the co-enzyme. The general reaction catalysed by not compare with that of the parent amino acid, which
these enzymes is: may be due to differences in the rates of conversion of
amino acids (Adda et al., 1982). Most amines in cheese
L-amino acid  H2O  NAD : -keto acid can be formed by decarboxylation, as is the case with
 NH4  NADH the production of tyramine from tyrosine and hista-
mine from histidine. However, the formation of sec-
These reactions can produce compounds such as ondary and tertiary amines cannot be explained readily
pyruvic acid and -ketoglutaric acid from alanine (Fox and McSweeney, 1996).
and glutamic acid, respectively. Joosten (1988) studied factors that affect the con-
• Oxidases which use oxygen as hydrogen acceptor. centrations of biogenic amines formed in cheese. It
L-amino acid oxidases (EC produce -keto
was observed that in Gouda cheese, a higher pH, com-
acids according to the following reaction: bined with a storage temperature of 21 °C, caused an
increase in concentration of histamine, as did low salt-
L-amino acid  O2 : -keto acid  NH3  H2O2 in-moisture. Starter type and pasteurisation of milk
did not appear to affect the formation of histamine.
L-amine oxidases (EC form aldehydes The role of non-starter bacteria in the formation of
according to the reaction: biogenic amines in cheese was examined by Joosten
and Northolt (1987) who investigated the decarboxy-
Amine  O2 : aldehyde  NH3  H2O2 lase activity of bacteria including lactobacilli, entero-
cocci, enterobacteriaccae and pediococci. Some strains
Ammonia, a product of these deamination reac- of lactobacilli could form biogenic amines in cheese.
tions, is an important constituent of the flavour of Since the number of enterococcal cells required to pro-
cheeses such as Camembert, Gruyère and Comté and duce significant amounts of tyramine is rarely reached
450 Catabolism of Amino Acids in Cheese during Ripening

in cheese, these bacteria are not important for amine Gardini et al. (2001) who observed that 2-phenylethyl-
formation in Dutch cheese, although this may not be amine accounted for more than half of the total content
true for certain artisanal cheeses for which enterococci of biogenic amines. The production of biogenic amines
are a major part of the starter. The authors concluded was found to be independent of the incubation tempera-
that non-starter lactobacilli were the most important ture and in general, was very low at the higher NaCl
agents in Dutch cheese for the formation of biogenic concentration and was increased by lower pH.
amines. This is in agreement with the findings of Roig-Sagues et al. (2002) studied the ability of 694
Broome et al. (1990) who reported that the concentra- strains of bacteria isolated from Spanish artisanal
tions of tyramine and histamine in cheeses inoculated cheeses to produce histamine and tyramine. Tyramine-
with lactobacilli were twice as high as in control forming activity (mainly by enterococci and some
cheeses, indicating that decarboxylases of lactobacilli other LAB) was found more frequently than hista-
have a role in their production. mine-forming activity, which was formed mainly by
Novella-Rodríguez et al. (2002a) studied the effect enterobacteria, but also by small numbers of other
of defined-strain starters on the production of amines LAB. Most of the tyramine-forming strains of LAB
in goats’ milk cheese during ripening. The main were isolated from cheeses containing the highest levels
amines found were tyramine (94.59 mg kg 1), of tyramine. However, histamine-forming LAB were
putrescine and tryptamine. The effect of high hydro- generally isolated from samples with a low level of his-
static pressure on the production of amines in goats’ tamine. The amount of tyramine found in the samples
milk cheese was studied by Novella-Rodríguez et al. was significantly higher than that of histamine.
(2002b) who found maximum production of amines The distribution of aromatic L-amino acid decar-
when the cheeses were treated at 50 MPa for 72 h; boxylases in 326 bacteria (four species of E. coli,
rates of production were lower when cheeses received Erwinia herbicola, Serratia plymuthicum, two species of
higher pressure treatments (400 MPa for 5 min or 400 Proteus, Alcaligenes faecalis, Bacillus natto, Achrombac-
MPa for 5 min followed by 50 MPa for 72 h) and in ter hartlebii, 11 species of Micrococcus, one Staphylococ-
the untreated control cheeses. cus, three Sarcina spp., Brevibacterium ammoniagenes,
In addition to being involved in the production of Bacterium cadaveris and three Pseudomonas spp.) was
amines, B. linens is able to reduce the amounts of his- studied by Nakazawa et al. (1977). Micrococcaceae
tamine and tyramine in cheese during ripening were observed to have the highest decarboxylase
(Leuschner and Hammes, 1998). During the four activity on L-tryptophan, S-hydroxy-L-tryptophan and
weeks of ripening of Münster cheese, B. linens reduced L-phenylalanine. The amino acid decarboxylase of
the histamine and tyramine content by 55–70%. M. percitreus was reported by this author to be involved
Degradation of amines occurs at the surface of the in synthesis of aromatic amines such as dopamine and
cheese but the concentration of amines on the surface tyramine.
and interior differed only slightly after inoculation A histidine decarboxylase, which did not require
with B. linens LTH456. It was suggested that the PLP as a coenzyme, has been purified from Lactobacil-
concentration gradient was removed by diffusion of lus 30a (Chang and Snell, 1968). The substrates of the
amines, leading to a decrease in the concentration of enzyme were found to have a heterocyclic nitrogen
biogenic amines in the interior of the cheese. atom at the same position relative to its alanyl side
Lactobacilli used as cheese starter adjuncts were chain which may be important in the formation of
incubated by Gummalla and Broadbent (1999) in a the enzyme–substrate complex. Jetten and Sinskey
defined medium containing L-tryptophan under carbo- (1995) studied a decarboxylase isolated from a strain
hydrate starvation (CS), or under near-cheese ripening of Corynebacterium glutamicum with activity on
conditions (a chemically defined medium containing 4% oxaloacetate. The enzyme, which catalysed the decarb-
salt, at pH 5.2). The specific activity of the tryptophan oxylation of oxaloacetate only, a key intermediate in
decarboxylases from Lb. casei strains was lower than carbon metabolism, had optimum activity between pH
those of the corresponding enzymes from Lb. helveticus 7.0 and 7.5. A glutamate decarboxylase was isolated
strains. Generally, activity in either strain did not vary from Lb. brevis IFO 12005 by Ueno et al. (1997) and
significantly with time or incubation conditions. was found to be a dimer. Temperature and pH optima
Twenty-two Lb. plantarum strains and seven strains of were 30 °C and 4.2, respectively. The enzyme could
Lb. casei had no decarboxylase activity on methionine not decarboxylate any other amino acid assayed.
(Amarita et al., 2001). Lucas and Lonvaud-Funel (2002) purified the tyro-
The combined effects of temperature, pH and salt on sine decarboxylase of Lb. brevis IOEB 9809. The enzyme
the growth of E. faecalis EF37, its proteolytic activity and had features typical of pyridoxal phosphate-dependent
its ability to produce biogenic amines were studied by amino acid decarboxylases although this enzyme was
Catabolism of Amino Acids in Cheese during Ripening 451

not related by sequence homology to any known tyro- Lactic acid bacteria isolated from wine can
sine decarboxylase. catabolise arginine by at least two pathways (Arena
et al., 1999). The arginine deiminase pathway pro-
duces orthinine, CO2 and NH3 via three enzymatic
Catabolism of Other Amino Acids
reactions. The enzymes involved in this pathway
Goux et al. (1995) investigated aspartate catabolism in are arginine deiminase (EC, catabolic ornithine
an effort to understand ammonia generation by E. coli. transcarbamoylase (EC and carbamate kinase
It was reported that arginine may be an intermediate (EC (Champomier Verges et al., 1999). Alter-
in aspartate catabolism, and may also be an intermedi- natively, the arginase–urease pathway leads to the pro-
ate for ammonia production from aspartate during duction of urea. Arginine deiminase, ornithine
nitrogen-limited growth. Hayashi et al. (1993) com- transcarbamoylase and carbamate kinase from the sour-
pared an aspartate aminotransferase with the aromatic dough microorganism, Lb. sanfranciscencis CB1, were
amino acid aminotransferase of E. coli. Both enzymes isolated by de Angelis et al. (2003). The enzymes had
were composed of two identical ⬃43.5 kDa subunits, acidic pH optima and were optimally active at 30–37 °C.
and contained one molecule of PLP per subunit. An Interestingly, arginine has been proposed as a pos-
aspartate aminotransferase isolated from Lc. lactis sible growth substrate for the secondary microflora of
LM0230 was cloned and characterised by Dudley and Swiss cheese (Laht et al., 2002); calculations showed
Steele (2001). It was determined using homologous that ATP available from the metabolism of arginine
recombination that a mutation in the Asp biosynthetic to ornithine was theoretically sufficient to support
pathway prevented this strain from growing in milk. the growth of non-starter bacteria to populations of
According to Kaneoke et al. (1993), at least seven 108 cfu g 1.
L-arginine degradation pathways are known, and in The catabolism of threonine, asparagine, arginine and
some species, more than one of these pathways can be glutamate in cheese has attracted some study. Amino-
operational. These authors studied the arginine oxygen- transferase or dehydrogenase activities catabolise gluta-
ase pathway in two coryneforms, Arthrobacter globi- mate to produce -ketoglutarate, while -aminobutyrate
formis IFO 12137 (ATCC 8010) and B. helvolum IFO is formed from glutamate by the action of a decarboxy-
12073. This pathway involves four enzymes and pro- lase. Threonine is converted to acetaldehyde and
duces succinate from L-arginine (Fig. 9). This pathway glycine (McSweeney and Sousa, 2000). The specific
in the coryneforms studied is not identical to other pathways for the catabolism of other amino acids (e.g.,
pathways reported, e.g., the pathways of Pseudomonas glycine, alanine and serine) by cheese-related micro-
aeruginosa and Streptococcus faecalis. E. coli utilises the organisms have attracted little attention.
ammonia-producing succinyl transferase pathway for
arginine catabolism, and to a lesser degree, the argin-
ine decarboxylase pathway (Schneider et al., 1998).
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Sensory Character of Cheese
and its Evaluation
C.M. Delahunty, Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, University College
Cork, Ireland
M.A. Drake, Department of Food Science, Southeast Dairy Foods Research Center,
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA

Introduction and quality of the sensory characteristics of cheeses, and

on the relationships between cheesemaking, cheese
A remarkable variety of cheeses are made in all parts of
composition, cheese sensory characteristics and con-
the world where milk is produced. Cheeses are con-
sumer acceptability of cheese.
sumed for their highly regarded nutritional value, and
enjoyed for their complex and varied eating quality. The
sensory characteristics of cheeses, which determine their A Definition of Sensory Character
eating quality, are properties that are perceived by the
human senses, predominantly during consumption. Sensory characteristics of cheeses are human
These properties can be described as appearance charac- responses to perceptions of stimuli that are experi-
teristics, flavour characteristics and texture character- enced with the cheeses, and can generally be described
istics. However, cheeses are complex foods, produced using terms defined within the categories of appear-
using milk from different animals, by many different ance, flavour and texture. Sensory characteristics
techniques, and are presented in a variety of sizes, result from interactions of the human sensory modali-
shapes, packages or coatings. Some cheeses are pro- ties of vision, touch, olfaction, gustation and mouth-
duced in small quantities, such as farmhouse types, sold feel with stimuli induced by rheological, structural
in local markets and consumed by a relatively small and chemical components of the cheese. Sensory
number of people. Others are produced in large quanti- characteristics are perceived by consumers when they
ties in very large automated facilities, may find their way observe, manipulate, smell and take cheese into the
to markets in many different countries and are con- mouth for consumption, and are subsequently
sumed by very many people. Some cheeses are ripened expressed as a behavioural response using actions or
or matured for years before they are consumed; others descriptive terms. A majority of sensory characteristics
are consumed young or unripened. Cheeses may have are complex and are stimulated by the association of
moulds of different types growing on their surface, may many different properties of the cheese, with different
be pierced to allow blue moulds grow within the cheese, sensory modalities acting together. It is this complex-
or include ingredients such as herbs and/or spices. This ity, or component balance, that hinders attempts to
considerable diversity in cheesemaking practice, and the adequately represent cheese sensory character using
number of stages that any single cheese undergoes dur- instrumental or chemical analyses. In addition, and
ing its production, results in a wide variety of cheeses unfortunately from the sensory scientists’ point of
each of which has complex sensory characteristics. Sens- view, consumers differ from one another. Sensory
ory evaluation of cheese is absolutely necessary to perception, and particularly its communication, differs
determine the relative merits of cheesemaking proced- between individuals as a result of physiological, psy-
ures and the influence of measured composition on chological, social and cultural differences.
specific sensory characteristics of cheese. Sensory evalu-
ation is also needed to determine the influence of sens-
Sensory Characteristics and Cheese
ory characteristics on the eating quality of cheese and
its consumer acceptability. However, the complexity of
cheese presents a considerable challenge for its sensory Cheese quality has been defined for many years by
evaluation. This chapter will focus on human perception manufacturers as cheese produced reliably and econom-
of sensory characteristics, on the advantages and disad- ically (Muir et al., 1995a). In the past, limited choices
vantages of sensory evaluation methods, on the intensity were available to consumers and as a result of this
Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, Third edition – Volume 1: General Aspects Copyright © 2004 Elsevier Ltd
ISBN: 0-1226-3652-X All rights reserved
Set ISBN: 0-1226-3651-1
456 Sensory Character of Cheese and its Evaluation

limited experience, the consumer’s palate was less dis-

Cheesemaking and the Variety of Sensory
cerning. Today, cheese markets are international, and
cheesemakers compete openly for consumers, offering
them an ever-widening choice. Cheese consumers are The sensory characteristics of a cheese at the time of its
more affluent and many have tasted or regularly con- consumption reflect the milk from which it was pro-
sume a diversity of cheese types, leading them to duced (e.g., a goats’ milk cheese is distinct from a cows’
become increasingly discerning. These consumers milk cheese), the processes used in its production and
now define the quality standard for cheeses, which is the physical and the chemical changes that occurred
ultimately determined by eating quality. during maturation (e.g., proteolysis breaks down pro-
The eating quality of cheese, or a consumer’s liking teins to amino acids during cheese maturation, which
for cheese, is an integrated response. The stimuli are the may subsequently act as substrates for the formation of
sensory characteristics, perceived before and during volatile compounds (see ‘Catabolism of Amino Acids in
consumption. However, the response is influenced by Cheese during Ripening’, Volume 1)). Milk from the
other individual consumer-related factors that include cow, sheep, goat, buffalo or other animals can be used as
sensory abilities, past experiences with cheese, what is raw material, and its qualities are determined by breed,
expected from a cheese and when and where it will be diet and stage of lactation. Treatment of milk before
consumed. Expectations are based on experience, but cheese production, particularly pasteurisation, can kill
are created for a specific product by marketing, packag- micro-organisms and reduce enzyme activity that could
ing and familiarity. Finally, liking for, and satisfaction otherwise contribute to the development of sensory
with, a cheese is determined by the context in which it character during maturation. During cheese production,
is consumed, and its appropriateness for that context the coagulant used to form curds, the amount of salt
(e.g., would one wish to consume Epoisses for break- added, the type of starter culture and the use of adjunct
fast?). Eating quality determines consumer acceptability cultures will determine sensory characteristics. Finally,
and willingness to repeat purchase. Highly regarded eat- the maturation time and the temperature of maturation
ing quality is not that found in a cheese with no defects, may be varied. The sensory characteristics of different
but that which offers unique and appealing characteris- types of cheese, and the potential variety that may be
tics consistently. The producer of the cheese with the achieved, are determined by the choices the producer
most acceptable sensory characteristics, if he is aware of makes at each of the stages in production.
this and can ensure that the market presentation of his Sensory characteristics of many different cheeses
cheese matches its sensory character, will have an are described in the literature and in specialist cheese
advantage in the market. books. However, the sensory characteristics of rela-
The concepts of ‘healthy eating’ and ‘conscientious tively few types have been defined, standardised and
eating’ (e.g., vegetarian and vegan diets) and environ- measured objectively using sensory science methods.
mentally friendly eating are now increasingly important Lack of objective knowledge makes it difficult to com-
to consumers. To meet these consumers’ expectations, pare accurately the sensory characteristics of different
cheese producers are challenged to produce new, cheese types, but more importantly, as the cause of sens-
wholesome products that taste as good as traditional ory characteristics is only partially known, it is diffi-
alternatives. This task is proving difficult as dietary cult to compare accurately cheese appearance, texture
guidelines for healthy eating may recommend reducing and flavour research carried out in different laborator-
the intake of ingredients that provide desirable sensory ies. Tables 1 and 2 present terms used to describe the
character, such as fat or salt. The production of appearance, texture and flavour characteristics of
reduced- and low-fat cheeses to replace traditional cheeses that have been defined and standardised in an
types is an example of such consumer-driven product objective way. Table 3 presents terms used for descrip-
development. However, the majority of new low-fat tive sensory analysis by other researchers, but that
cheeses do not meet the sensory quality requirements of have not been defined and standardised adequately.
discerning consumers (Mistry, 2001). This is because Similar terms are used in many cases even though each
fat is not just a provider of desirable sensory character, descriptive language referenced was developed inde-
but it is also important for cheese texture and body, for pendently by different research groups. In addition, in
the development of compounds responsible for flavour many cases, similar terms have been used to describe
and for the release of flavour compounds during con- dominant characteristics of different cheese types. This
sumption. It will be difficult to improve the eating comparison suggests that even though a remarkable
quality of these cheeses unless eating quality is under- variety of cheese types are produced, that potentially
stood better. exhibit a wide variety of sensory characteristics, it should
Sensory Character of Cheese and its Evaluation 457

Table 1 Terms used to describe the appearance and texture of cheese using descriptive analysis methods. Terms in this list were
developed and defined by trained panels, and in many cases standard materials that help to illustrate the term are provided.
Cheeses studied were low-fat, full-fat and smoked Swiss, Cheddar and Gouda (Adhikari et al., 2003), natural and processed
cheeses (Drake et al., 1999a; Gwartney et al., 2002), ten different types of cheese (Lawlor and Delahunty, 2000), Cheddar and
Camembert (Cooper, 1987) and Mozzarella cheeses (Brown et al., 2003)

Term Definition a

Chalky Resembling chalk in appearance
Colour/colour intensity The colour of Cheddar ranging from pale yellow to orange, the palest yellow representing
the start of the scale
The colour of cheese ranging from white to orange
Mottling The evenness of colour shading within the cheese sample, with the most uniform coloured
cheese being free from mottling, marbling or any other deficiencies in colour
Mouldy The degree of mouldiness/visible mould growth in the cheese structure
Open/openness The extent to which the interior of the cheese (that is the cut surface) is open, this
encompasses cracks, pinholes, irregular-shaped holes and any other openings
Shiny The extent to which the surface of the cheese is shiny, glossy, moist or sweaty-looking, as
opposed to looking matt or dull
Adhesiveness The degree to which the chewed mass sticks to mouth surfaces, evaluated after five chews
Chewy Requiring a good deal of mastication, toffee-like texture. Degree of chewing needed
to break up the cheese
Cohesiveness The degree to which the chewed mass holds together, evaluated after five chews
Creamy/creaminess The extent to which the texture has broken down to a creamy semi-liquid texture, assessed
between tongue and palate during mastication
The feeling associated with heavy whipping cream (e.g., 30% fat content)
Crumbly/crumbliness The extent to which the cheese structure breaks up in the mouth, assessed during the
first 2–3 chews
The feeling in the mouth when the sample falls apart quickly in mouth during mastication
Crustiness The force required to break through the crust of the cheese when taking the first bite, assessed
using the front teeth
Curdiness The extent to which a curdy or mealy texture is perceived in the mouth during mastication
Degree of breakdown The amount of breakdown that occurs in the sample as a result of mastication, evaluated
after five chews
Dry The degree of dryness or moistness sensed in the mouth during mastication
Firm/firmness Ranging from soft to firm. The extent of resistance offered by the cheese, assessed during
the first five chews using the front teeth
The force required to squeeze a cube (1.5  1.5  1.5 cm) of cheese flat between the first
finger and thumb
The amount of force required to take the first bite of cheese, assessed using the front teeth
The amount of force required to completely bite through the cheese, assessed using the molars
First-bite sticky Sticky sensation experienced during the first bite
Fracturability at first bite Completely bite through the sample with the molars and evaluate the degree to
which the sample fractures
Grainy The extent to which granular structures are formed as the sample breaks down, perceived
in the second half of chewing
The feeling of coarse particles in the mouth during mastication
Hardness The force required to bite the sample (first bite)
Mealy The feeling in mouth when the sample breaks down in small pieces and it is difficult to
gather them for swallowing
Moist The perceived moisture content of the cheese. Ranging from dry to moist
The extent to which the cheese has a moist or wet texture around the palate during mastication
Mouth-coating The extent to which the cheese coats the palate and teeth during mastication
The degree of coating on the tongue and the palate during mastication
Oily Oily, fatty, greasy mouth-feel of any kind
Rate of recovery Depress sample between thumb and first finger 30%, evaluate the speed or rate at which
the sample returns to its original shape
Residual mouthfeel The degree of ‘bittiness’ or graininess in the mouth just before swallowing
Residual smoothness The degree of smoothness felt in the mouth after expectorating the sample
of mouth coating

458 Sensory Character of Cheese and its Evaluation

Table 1 continued

Term Definition a

Rubbery/rubberiness The extent to which the cheese returns to its initial from after biting, assessed
during the first 2–3 chews
The degree of springiness experienced while biting the sample
Slimy Of the nature of slime, soft, glutinous or viscous substance, soft, moist and sticky
Smooth/smoothness The smoothness of the cheese against the palate as it breaks up during mastication
The degree to which the chewed mass surface is smooth, evaluated after five chews
Softness Yielding easily to pressure, easily moulded, pliable, easily spreadable
Springiness Depress sample between thumb and first finger 30%, evaluate the total amount
of recovery of the sample
Sticky/stickiness The stickiness of the cheese against the palate and around the teeth during mastication
Overall sensation of stickiness during mastication
Viscous The mouthfeel associated with consuming very viscous fluids like heavy whipping
cream or honey

a The precise wording of some definitions has been changed to allow the use of consistent language in this table. However, the
meaning of each definition is unchanged.

Table 2 Terms used to describe the flavour of cheese using descriptive analysis methods. Terms in this list were developed,
defined and referenced using standard materials by trained panels. Cheeses studied were: Cheddar (Murray and Delahunty, 2000b;
Drake et al., 2001), low-fat, full-fat and smoked Swiss, Cheddar and Gouda (Adhikari et al., 2003), aged natural cheese of many
types (Heisserer and Chambers, 1993), ewes’ milk cheese (Bárcenas et al., 1999) and cheese flavours (Stampanoni, 1994)

Term Definition a Standard b, c

Acid/yoghurt, acidic The taste on the tongue associated with 0.35–0.86 g lactic acid/100 g Ricotta
acids (citric, lactic... ) Fermented milk
A sour, tangy, sharp, citrus-like taste. The Natural yoghurt
fundamental taste sensations of which Citric acid (0.2% in water)
lactic and citric acids are typical
Age Flavours indicating age in Cheddar cheese Aged Cheddar cheese (1 yr or older)
Ammonia – Ammonia solution (0.25% in water)
Animal, animalic The combination of aromatics reminiscent 4-Methyl-octanoic acid (2% in PGd)
of farm animals and barnyards 1-Phenyl-2-thiourea (5000 mg/kg in PG)
Astringent The complex of drying, puckering, shrinking Alum (0.1% in water)
sensations in the oral cavity causing Tea, six bags soaked in watere for 3 h
contraction of the body tissues Tannic acid (0.05% in water)
A mouth-drying and harsh sensation
Balanced Mellow, smooth, clean. In equilibrium, well- Mild Cheddar
arranged or disposed, with no constituent
lacking or in excess
Bell pepper Aroma associated with freshly cut Methoxy pyrazines (5 g/kg)
green peppers Freshly cut bell pepper
Biting The slightly burning, prickling and/or Horseradish sauce
numbness of the tongue and/or
mouth surface
Bitter Fundamental taste sensation of which Caffeine (0.02, 0.06 or 0.08% in water)
caffeine or quinine are typical Tonic water, quinine (0.01% in water)
A chemical-like taste
Blue – Octan-2-one (1% in PG)
Brine The combination of aromatics associated Ewes’ milk cheese brine at room temperature
with the saturated brine used during
traditional ewes’ milk cheesemaking
Brothy Aromatics associated with boiled meat or Canned potatoes
vegetable stock soup Low-sodium beef broth cubes
Methional (20 mg/kg)
Sensory Character of Cheese and its Evaluation 459

Table 2 continued

Term Definition a Standard b, c

Butter milk – Pasteurised butter milk

Buttery Fatty, buttery tasting, of the nature of, Unsalted butter
or containing butter Lightly salted butter
The aromatics commonly associated with Pasteurised cooking butter
natural, fresh, slightly salted butter Diacetyl (1% in PG)
Aroma rising from butter at room temperature Diacetyl in vaseline oil (several
Butyric, butyric acid Sour flavour, similar to baby vomit Butyric acid, 2500 mg/kg in vaseline oil SSf.
The aromatics reminiscent of baby 2 ml SS  cotton in 60-ml flask
vomit; is sour and cheesy Butyric acid (10 000 mg/kg in PG)
Butyric acid (1% in PG)
Capric acid – Capric acid (pure)
Caramel The taste and aromatics associated Condensed milk
with burnt sugar or syrup; toffee 3-Hydroxy-2-methyl-4-pyrone (2% in PG)
made from sugar that has been
melted further
Caseinate – Sodium caseinate powder
Catty Aroma associated with tom-cat urine 2-Mercapto-2-methyl-pentan-4-one (20 mg/kg)
Cheddary The taste and aromatics associated Processed cheese
with typical Cheddar Mature Cheddar cheese
Typical aroma and taste of sharp/mature
Cheddar cheese
Cheese rind – Cheese rind (Tilsit mild, pasteurised full fat)
Cooked, cooked milk Aromatics associated with cooked milk Skim milk heated to 85 °C for 30 min
The combination of sweet, brown flavour Evaporated milk
notes and aromatics associated with UHT milk 3.6% fat, cooked for 10 min
heated milk
Cottage cheese – Cottage cheese 25% fat
Cowy/phenolic Aromas associated with barns and p-Cresol (160 mg/kg), bandaids
stock trailers, indicative of animal
sweat and waste
Creamy Fatty, creamy tasting, of the nature of, Mascarpone cheese
or containing cream -Decanolactone (0.1% in PG)
UHT Cream 35% fat
Dairy fat The oily aromatics reminiscent of milk Whipping cream
or dairy fat Unsalted butter
Dairy sour The sour aromatics associated with dairy- Sour cream
soured products
Dairy sweet The sweet aromatics associated with Vitamin D milk
fresh dairy products
Decaying animal The aromatics reminiscent of decaying Dimethyl disulfide (bottom notes only;
animal material 10 000 mg/kg in PG)
Diacetyl Aromatics associated with diacetyl Diacetyl (20 mg/kg)
Earthy – Geosmin (0.001% in PG)
Fatty – Palm kernal fat
Faecal Aroma associated with complex Indole, skatole (20 mg/kg)
protein decomposition
Fermented – Fermented milk, 12% fat
Fermented fruity / winey The combination of aromatics Burgundy cooking wine
reminiscent of red wine in general; it
is sweet, slightly brown, overripe
and somewhat sour
Flavour intensity The overall intensity of flavour in the sample,
from mild to strong
Free-fatty acid Aromatics associated with short chain Butyric acid (20 mg/kg)
fatty acids
Fresh fish The aromatics associated with fresh fish Elodea (an aquatic plant) growing in water

460 Sensory Character of Cheese and its Evaluation

Table 2 continued

Term Definition a Standard b, c

Fruity The taste and aromatic blend of Canned fruit salad (in syrup)
different fruity identities trans-2-Hexenal (10 000 mg/kg in PG)
The aromatics associated with Canned fruit cocktail juice
different fruits Fruit of the forest yoghurt
Ethyl butyrate (0.1% in PG)
trans-2-Hexenal. 300 mg/kg in vaseline
oil  SS. 3 ml SS  cotton in 60-ml flask
Fresh pineapple
Ethyl hexanoate (20 mg/kg)
Goaty The aromatics reminiscent of wet animal Hexanoic acid (5000 mg/kg in PG)
hair; it tends to be pungent, musty
and somewhat sour
Green-grass – cis-3-Hexenol (1% in PG)
Methyl ketone / blue Aroma associated with blue-vein cheeses 2-Octanone (40 mg/kg)
Milkfat / lactone Aromatics associated with milkfat Fresh coconut meat
Heavy cream
-Dodecalactone (40 mg/kg)
Milky The aromatics commonly associated Ewes’ milk raw
with ewes’ raw milk Pasteurised milk, 3.6% fat
Mouldy, mouldy/musty The combination of tastes and aromatics 2-Ethyl-1-hexanol (10 000 mg/kg in PG)
generally associated with moulds; they 2-Ethyl-1-hexanol (40 mg/kg)
usually are earthy, dirty, stale, musty Stilton cheese
and slightly sour 2,4,6 Trichloroanisole (1% in PG)
Aromas associated with moulds and/or
freshly turned soil
Mushroom The taste and aromatics associated with Button mushroom (raw)
raw mushrooms Brown mushrooms (chopped, raw)
1-Octen-3-ol (0.5% or 1% in PG)
3-Octanol (10 000 mg/kg in PG)
3-Octanol. 5–10 mg/kg in vaseline
oil  SS. 3 ml SS  cotton in 60 ml flask
Musty Aroma of a damp room or very old book Cola infusion in ethanol (pure)
Damp room
Very old book
Nutty The aromatics reminiscent of several Wheat germ
dry fruits such as pecans, walnuts 2 g Walnuts  2 g hazelnuts, minced in 60-ml
and hazelnuts flask (mixed particulates to be sampled)
The non-specific nut-like taste and Mixed crushed nuts
aromatics characteristic of several 2-Acetyl-pyridine (0.01% in PG)
different nuts, e.g., peanuts, Lightly toasted unsalted nuts
hazelnuts and pecans Unsalted wheat thins
The nut-like aromatic associated with Roasted peanut oil extract
different nuts Roasted peanuts, ground hazelnuts,
ground almonds, 1:1:1
1000–73 nut base by Givaudan-Roureg
(10% in PG)
Overall intensity Strength of the stimuli perceived 4 g cheese aroma/100 ml of pasteurised
by the nose ewes’ milk
Strength of global stimuli originated 0.5-3.5 g cheese aroma/100 g Quark
by the volatiles released during masti- 91549-24 by Givaudan Roureg
cation and perceived on the olfactory 91483-24 by Givaudan Roure
receptors via the retronasal route 91428-24 by Givaudan Roure
91125-73 by Givaudan Roure
10418-71 by Givaudan Roure
Oxidised Aroma associated with 2,4 Decadienal, 20 mg/kg
oxidised fat
Pineapple The fruity aromatic associated 4-Pentenoic acid (10 000 mg/kg in PG)
with pineapple Canned pineapple chunks
Sensory Character of Cheese and its Evaluation 461

Table 2 continued

Term Definition a Standard b, c

Prickle/bite Chemical feeling factor of which the sensation Soda water

of carbonation on the tongue is typical
Processed A bland, shallow and artificial taste. Cheese strings (a processed cheese
Made by melting, blending and snack)
frequently emulsifying other cheeses
Propionic acid – Propionic acid (1% in PG)
Pungent A physically penetrating sensation A ratio of 1 part sour cream to
in the nasal cavity. Sharp smelling 0.68 parts horseradish sauce
or tasting, irritating Danish blue cheese
Irritative, burnt and/or penetrating Ammonia (1% in PG)
sensation in the interior of the mouth 0.5 g cayenne/100 ml water,
boiled in water for 5 min, 1.5 ml
of filtration/10 g Quark
Rancid The taste and aroma associated Cheese stored at 21 °C for 4 days
with sour milk and oxidised fats. Having Butyric acid (0.1% in PG)
the rank unpleasant aroma or taste
characteristic of oils and fats when
no longer fresh
Rennet The aromatics associated with Natural lamb rennet (33% NaCl)
natural lamb rennet
Rosy/floral Aroma associated with flowers 2-Phenethylamine, 20 mg/kg
Salty Fundamental taste sensation of which Sodium chloride (0.25, 0.5, 0.75 or
sodium chloride is typical 1% in water)
Fundamental taste sensation Pecorino Romano sheep cheese,
elicited by salts 1200 mg NaCl/100 g Quark
Fundamental taste sensation produced
by aqueous solutions of several
products such as sodium chloride
Sauerkraut The aromatics associated with Dimethyl disulfide (top notes only;
fermented cabbage 10 000 mg/kg in PG)
Scorched Aroma associated with extreme heat Milk heated to 121 °C for 25 min
treatment of milk proteins
Sharp The total impression associated with the Propionic acid (100 000 mg/kg in PG)
combination of aromatics that are sour, 5000 mg/kg of propionic acid in Vaseline
astringent and pungent oil  SS. 2 ml SS  cotton in 60 ml flask
Total impression of penetration into
the nasal cavity
The perception associated with aged and
ripened cheeses, from flat to sharp
Smokey, smoky The penetrating, dark brown, acrid aromatic Oil of cade
of charred wood Hickory smoked ham
Aroma and taste of hickory-smoked ham Applewood cheese
The penetrating smoky taste and aromatics, Guaiacol (0.5% in PG)
similar to charred wood Guaiacol in vaseline oil (several
Tainted by exposure to smoke concentrations)
Perception of any kind of smoke odour Liquid smoke flavouring. 40 l
(hickory, apple, cherry, mesquite or  cotton in 60-ml flask
artificial flavouring)
Soapy A detergent-like taste and smell. Similar Lauric acid (pure)
to when a food is tainted with a Mellow processed Cheddar
cleansing agent
Sour Fundamental taste sensation elicited by acids Citric acid (0.08% in water)
Fundamental taste sensation of which Lactic acid (0.05 and 0.085% in water)
lactic and citric acids are typical
Soya sauce The aromatics that are reminiscent of soy Soya sauce
sauce; they are sour, slightly
brown and pungent

462 Sensory Character of Cheese and its Evaluation

Table 2 continued

Term Definition a Standard b, c

Spicy/pungent – Valeric acid (1% in PG)

Strength The overall intensity of aroma and flavour, English blue Stilton cheese
the degree of mildness and maturity
Sulfur Aromatics associated with sulphurous Boiled mashed egg. H2S bubbled through
compounds water; struck match
Sweaty The aromatics-associated reminiscent Isovaleric acid (10 000 mg/kg in PG)
of perspiration-generated foot odour; Isovaleric acid (0.1% in PG)
sour, stale, slightly cheesy and is found in Isobutyric acid (5% in PG)
unwashed gym socks and shoes Cheese stored at 30 °C for 3 h
Sweet Fundamental taste sensation of which Sucrose (1, 3, 4 or 5% in water)
sucrose is typical Condensed milk
Fundamental taste sensation 1.2 g sucrose/100 g Quark
elicited by sugars
Fundamental taste sensation produced by
aqueous solutions of several products such
as sucrose or fructose
Toasty The combination of sweet aromatics Cooked condensed milk
produced after food toasting or cooking Ciclotene (several concentrations in water)
Umami Chemical feeling factor elicited by certain Monosodium glutamate (1% in water)
peptides and nucleotides
Vinegary Aroma described as acidic, fermented Combination of acetic, butyric and
and sweaty by the panelists propionic acids
Waxy, waxy/crayon The sweet aromatic that is associated Decanoic acid (pure)
with waxed paper or wax candles Capric acid, lauric acid or decanoic
Aromatics associated with medium chain acid (100 mg/ml)
fatty acids
Whey Aromatics associated with Cheddar Fresh Cheddar whey
cheese whey Whey powder
Yeasty Aromatics associated with fermenting yeast Raw yeast dough
Yeast in 3% warm sucrose water
Yoghurt – Yoghurt, 3.2% fat

a The precise wording of some definitions has been changed to allow the use of consistent language in this table. However, the
meaning of each definition is unchanged.
b Units of measurement are changed to a standard format where possible.
c Publications referenced often provided brand names of food standards used. Brand names are not provided in this table as it is
recognised that many of these will only be of interest to readers in their country of origin. In addition, as some publications refer-
enced are now more than 10 years old, products may have changed.
d Propylene glycol.
e Volume of water not given in publication referenced.
f Stock solution.
g Codes refer to commercially available flavour mixtures that can be provided by Givaudan Roure, Switzerland.

be possible to develop and standardise a terminology colour and movement. Appearance characteristics of
that can be used universally, and for all cheese types, cheese are assessed visually, usually prior to consuming
eventually leading to a much-improved understanding the cheese, or when preparing the cheese for consump-
about the eating quality of cheese. tion by cutting or spreading. Appearance characteristics
include colour, presence of eyes or holes (or openness),
mould, rind, and visual texture (Tables 1 and 3). In
The Human Senses and the Sensory addition, appearance includes a cheese’s market image
Properties of Cheese (e.g., size, shape, packaging), as most cheese is pur-
chased in this form (Murray and Delahunty, 2000a).
Cheese appearance
Appearance characteristics create sensory expectations,
Humans are highly visual creatures and allow vision to or expectations of how the cheese will ‘taste’, and as
dominate other sensory modalities. Vision is the percep- vision can dominate other sensory modalities, visual
tion of shape and texture, size and distance, brightness, aspects of cheese can often have a strong influence on
Table 3 Studies of cheese sensory character that have used descriptive sensory analysis. Cheese types studied in each case and vocabularies used are listed to allow comparisons

References and cheeses studied Descriptive vocabularies

Adhikari et al., 2003 Aroma: Smokey, vinegary, cheddary, buttery, musty, pungent, other (Swiss)
Low-fat, full-fat and smoked Swiss, Flavour: Smokey, salty, sweet, bitter, acidic, cheddary, sharp, flavour intensity
Cheddar and Gouda Texture: Grainy, hardness, first-bite sticky, sticky, creamy, mouth-coating, viscous, rubbery, dry, crumbly, mealy
Antoniou et al., 2000 Texture: Hardness, elasticity, fracturability, cohesiveness, adhesiveness, chewiness
Münster, Emmental, Roquefort, Beaufort,
Camembert, Reblochon, Pont l’Eveque,
Brie de Meaux, Tomme de Savoie, Valencay,
Saint Nectaire, Pyrenees Brebis, Bleu d’Auvergne,
Comte Vieux, Fourme de Salers
Bárcenas et al., 1999, 2001 Odour: Overall intensity, sharp, milky, brine, rennet, buttery, toasty, smoky, mushroom
Castellano, Idizábal, Manchego, Roncal (ewes’ milk Flavour: Overall intensity, fruity, butyric, nutty, buttery, acid/yoghurt, sweet, salty, pungent, rennet, smoky
cheeses), Garrotxa (goats’ milk), Tetilla (cows’ milk) Texture: Surface rugosity, surface moisture, elasticity, firmness, friability, adhesiveness, solubility, moisture, granularity
Drake et al., 2001, 2002, 2003 Flavour: Cooked, whey, diacetyl, milkfat/lactone, fruity, sulphur/eggy, sulphur/match, free fatty acid, brothy, nutty, catty,
Truong et al., 2002 cowy/phenolic, age, yeasty, mouldy/musty, methyl ketone/blue, oxidised, waxy/crayon, faecal, bell pepper,
Gwartney et al., 2002 rosy/floral, scorched, bitter, salty, sweet, sour, umami, prickle/bite
Cheddar, processed cheese Texture: Elasticity (evaluated by hand), hardness, cohesiveness, elasticity, adhesiveness between teeth,
adhesiveness to teeth, cohesiveness of the mass (mass evaluated after 3–5 chews), adhesiveness of the
mass, smoothness of the mass, smoothness of film (evaluated after swallow)

Heisserer and Chambers, 1993 Flavour: Buttery, cooked milk, dairy fat, dairy sour, dairy sweet, animalic, butyric acid, decaying animal,
Asiago, Bel Paese, Blue Cheese, Bond-ost, Brisk, fresh fish, fish oil, goaty, sweaty, waxy, fermented/fruity/winey, nutty, pinapple, sauerkraut, smokey, soy sauce,
Brie, Butter Cheese, Camembert, Cheddar, Chevre, mouldy, mushroom, astringent, biting, pungent, sharp, bitter, salty, sour, sweet
Colby, Danish Cream Havarti, Edam, Emmentaler,
Feta, Fontina, Gorgonzola, Gouda, Gruyere, Jarlsberg,
Kreme Kase, Limburger, Manchego, Mozzarella,
Monterey Jack, Parmesan, Port du Salut, Provolone,
Romano, Roquefort, Sap Sago, Stilton, Swiss
Hort and Le Grys, 2001 Texture: Creaminess, crumbliness, firmness, hardness, springiness, graininess
Hough et al., 1996 Visual texture: Grain uniformity, grain size, number round openings, gloss of openings, number cracks, fracturability
Reggianito grating cheese Manual texture: Crumbly grain, elasticity, fracturability, resistance to cut, resistance to press, ball hardness, ball
fracturability, ball cohesiveness
Oral texture: Hardness, fracturability, cohesiveness, roughness, water absorption, cohesiveness of mass,
adhesiveness to teeth, crystals
Aroma: Total intensity, sweet, sour, lipolysis, milky-creamy
Flavour: Total intensity, cheese, salty, sweet, bitter, acid, lipolysis, milky-creamy, tongue-tingling, hot, residual intensity

Table 3 continued

References and cheeses studied Descriptive vocabularies

Lawlor et al., 2001, 2002, 2003 Odour: Pungent, caramel, mushroom, silage, sweaty/sour, fruity, mouldy, Cheddar dairy-sweet, sweet, creamy
Appenzeller, Ambassedeur, Bleu d’Auvergne, Flavour: Buttery, caramel, dairy sweet, rancid, mushroom, oily, mouldy, nutty, smoky, soapy, silage, processed,
Blue Shropshire, Blue Stilton, Cambozola, Cashel sweet, salty, acidic, bitter, pepper, burnt-aftertaste, strength, balanced
Blue, Chaumes, Danish Blue, Dubliner, Emmental, Appearance: Colour intensity, crumbly, mottling, mouldy, softness, openness, shiny
Fontina, Gabriel, Gruyère, Huntsman, Mahón, Texture: Firmness, rubbery, crumbly, smooth, moist, oily, chewy, slimy, grainy, mouth-coating
Old Amsterdam, Raclette, Tête de Moine,
Tetilla, Wensleydale
Madsen and Ardö, 2001 Texture: Elasticity, firmness, deformability, friability, adhesivity
Danbo cheese

McEwan et al., 1989 Odour: Strength, creamy/milky, sour, rindy, manure

Cheddar Flavour: Creamy/milky, strength, sour, manure, salty, acid, smoky, rindy
Texture/mouthfeel: Tongue tingling, soft-firm, rubbery, mouth-coating, graininess
Muir and Hunter, 1992a,b,c Odour: Intensity, creamy, sulphur, fruity, nutty, rancid, other
Banks et al., 1993 Flavour: Cheddar intensity/overall intensity, creamy/milky, sour/acid, sulphur/eggy, fruity/sweet, nutty, rancid,
Muir and Banks, 1993 bitter, cowy, unclean/manurial, salty, other
Muir et al., 1995a,b,c,d Texture: Firmness, rubbery, crumbly, pasty, grainy, mouth-coating
Muir et al., 1996
Muir et al., 1997a,b
Cheddar, Farmhouse Cheddar

Murray and Delahunty, 2000a,b,c Aroma: Pungent, caramel, sweaty/sour, sweet, creamy, fruity
Delahunty and Murray, 1997 Flavour : Pungent, caramel, sweaty, creamy, fruity, buttery, rancid, cheddary, mushroom, mouldy, nutty, smoky, soapy
Bogue et al., 1999 processed, sweet, salty, acidic, bitter, astringent, strength, balanced
Fenelon et al., 2000 Appearance: Colour intensity, mottled, uniformity, open, shiny
O’Riordan and Delahunty, 2003b Texture: Firm, rubbery, crumbly, smooth, moist, grainy, mouth-coating
Hannon et al., 2003
Irish farmhouse and Cheddar cheese

Neilsen and Zannoni , 1998 Smell: Strength/intensity, creamy, yoghurt, fruity/citrus fruit/other fruit/nutty, grass, animal/cowshed, caramel,
Hunter and McEwan, 1998 acid/sour, ammonia, hay/grass
Caerphilly, Cheddar, Comté, Danbo, Edam, Emmental, Aroma/taste: Strength/intensity, creamy/yoghurt, grass, fruity/citrus fruit/other fruit/nutty, animal/cowshed,
Fontina, Gouda, Jarlsberg, Parmigiano-Reggiano, toasted/caramel, sour, pungent, ammonia, sweet, salty, acid, bitter
Sbrinz, Svenbo Texture: Rubbery/elastic, hardness/firmness, crumbly/crumbliness, coating/adhesiveness, dryness,
melting/solubility, grainy
Ordoňez et al., 1998 Odour: pungent, acid, sweet, characteristic, others
Idiazábal cheese (ewes’ milk cheese) Taste: pungent, acid, sweet, salty, bitter, characteristic, others
Aftertaste: pungent, acid, bitter, others, persistent
Texture: elasticity, creaminess, firmness, grainy, others
Appearance: paste colour (internal), eyes (internal), shape (external), rind (external)
Papademas and Robinson, 2001 Taste and flavour: Salty, bitter, acidity, creamy, milky, minty, intensity
Halloumi Texture: Springy, moist, chewy, crumbly
Appearance: Colour, body
Piggott and Mowat, 1991 Appearance: White to orange
Delahunty et al., 1996a,b Flavour: Milky, buttery, cheesy, mouldy, rancid, pungent, sour (aroma), sweet (aroma), salty (taste),
Jack et al., 1994 sour (taste), bitter (taste), processed, strength, maturity, aftertaste
Cheddar Texture: Dry, hard/soft to firm, coarse, creamy, moist, smooth, sticky, grainy, crumbly, rubbery, chewy,
pasty, mouth-coating
Roberts and Vickers, 1994 Aroma: Buttery, fatty, fruity, fermented, mouldy, nutty, sweaty/sour, pungent, rancid, smoky, spoiled dairy, vinegary
Cheddar Flavour: Acid, acid bite, astringent, barny, bitter, buttery, cardboard, chemical, fatty, fruity, metallic, milky,
mouldy, peppery, sweaty/sour, rancid, salty, sharp, smoky, soapy, diacetyl (yoghurt), sweet
Aftertaste: Acid, bitter, milky, smoky, fishy, mouldy, peppery, soapy, sweaty/sour
Texture: Chalk, chewy, creamy, crumbly, firm, grainy, moist, greasy, pasty, squeaky, waxy

Stampanoni, 1994 Flavour: Milky, cooked milk, fatty, buttery, creamy, nutty, butter milk, yoghurt, cottage cheese, caseinate,
Cheese flavours: Cheese whey, soapy, fermented, mushroom, earthy, musty, spicy-pungent, blue, ammonia, green-grass, cheese rind,
general, fresh cheese, soft propionic acid, capric acid, butyric acid, fruity, sweaty, animal
cheese, hard cheese,
goat/sheep cheese
Wendin et al., 2000 Appearance: Yellow colour, granularity, watery, compact
Cream cheese Flavour/taste: Sourness, butter, saltiness
Texture/mouthfeel: granularity, fat/creamy
Texture by hand: Spreadability
466 Sensory Character of Cheese and its Evaluation

the perception of other characteristics that, general compounds, each with a distinctive aroma character,
experience has taught us, are related (even if they may have been identified in cheese, and these provide the
not be physically related). For example, many con- largest contribution to the diversity of cheese flavours.
sumers believe that a coloured cheese is more intensely Compounds identified in cheeses include fatty acids,
flavoured than its uncoloured equivalent (Bogue et al., methyl, ethyl and higher esters, methyl ketones,
1999). aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, short- and long-
chain alcohols, aromatic alcohols, aldehydes, amines,
Cheese texture amides, phenols and sulphur compounds (Maarse and
Texture can be defined as the attribute of a cheese Visscher, 1996). Much of what we commonly refer to as
resulting from a combination of physical properties, ‘taste’ is incorrectly localised smell detection. The signifi-
including size, shape, number, nature and conformation cant contribution of aroma to flavour can be easily
of the constituent structural elements, that are per- demonstrated if one pinches the nose shut whilst eating,
ceived by a combination of the senses of touch (tactile effectively blocking air circulation through the nasal pas-
texture), vision (visual texture) and hearing (auditory sages. Then, a familiar cheese, e.g., Cheddar, will not be
texture). For example, the ‘softness’ of a cream cheese recognised, and can easily be confused with one that
can be assessed visually upon cutting the cheese, by would otherwise be easily distinguished, e.g., Gruyère.
proprioceptive sensations when spreading the cheese, Taste is another aspect of flavour. Tasting occurs in
and finally by tactile sensations in the mouth during the oral cavity, primarily on the tongue, but also on the
consumption. During mastication and consumption, soft palate. The primary stimuli for taste are non-
texture perception occurs in the superficial structures volatile compounds, and these must make contact with
of the mouth, around the roots of the teeth and in the the taste receptors. This contact creates perceptions
muscles and tendons. Cheese texture characteristics that endow four distinctive taste qualities, referred to
frequently described include firmness, rubberiness, as sweet, salty, sour and bitter. A fifth taste, ‘umami’,
crumbliness, graininess, cohesiveness and adhesiveness has been accepted more recently, particularly in Japan
(Tables 1 and 3). and other cultures where it is the most familiar and the
most easily perceived. Compounds that contribute
directly to cheese taste include lactic acid (sour),
Cheese flavour
sodium chloride (salty), mineral salts of potassium,
Flavour is most often defined as the integrated percep- calcium and magnesium (salty) and free amino acids
tion of olfactory, taste and chemesthesis (or trigeminal) and peptides of varying types (sweet, bitter, umami)
stimuli. Flavour perception begins prior to consump- (Warmke et al., 1996; Engel et al., 2000).
tion when a consumer can smell a cheese, but is finally The last aspect of flavour is chemesthesis. This
perceived during consumption when compounds that term is used to describe the sensory system respon-
stimulate the olfactory system in the nose, the taste sible for detecting chemical irritants. Detection is
system in the mouth and the trigeminal system in the more general than that of taste and smell and occurs
mouth and nose are released from the cheese and primarily in the eyes, nose and mouth. The perception
become available to receptors. A large number of is closely related to the somato-sensory characteristics
flavour characteristics have been described in cheese. of pain and temperature change, and provokes a
Some that have been defined and standardised for strong behavioural response. The fizz of carbon dioxide
application in descriptive sensory evaluations are listed (CO2), the cooling sensation of menthol and the burning
in Table 2. sensation of chilli are perhaps the best examples of
Smell or aroma is usually the first aspect of flavour how chemical irritation can provide additional charac-
encountered by a consumer. The stimuli for smell are ter that is very much desired in a wide range of food
air-borne compounds of volatile substances that allow products. With regard to cheese, the pungency, the
them to travel from their source to the olfactory recep- prickle/bite and the sharpness of mature Cheddar are
tors, where perceptions are created that are endowed examples of perceived chemical irritation (Table 2).
with distinctive smells. Volatile stimuli are released from
cheese into the air, and may be delivered to the nose
Sensory interactions
orthonasally, often consciously, by sniffing (e.g., when
one opens a cheese package or removes a trier from the Cross-modal sensory interactions also occur, adding
cheese for evaluation). Volatile compounds may also be complexity to the perception and description of sensory
released into the buccal cavity air during consumption, character. Consumers rarely distinguish between stimuli
where they are delivered to the nose retronasally without of different sensory modalities (unless trained to do so),
any conscious effort. Many hundreds of different volatile and generally describe the integrated sensation as ‘taste’.
Sensory Character of Cheese and its Evaluation 467

However, the factors that cause apparent cross-modal when perceived in combination with appropriate taste-
sensory interactions are not always the same and can active compounds, such as lactic acid, mineral salts,
be difficult to comprehend. A first cause of apparent free amino acids and bitter peptides typically present in
sensory interactions when perceptible components of a cheese (Frank and Byram, 1988). In addition, varia-
cheese are studied together can be interactions between tions in taste quality and intensity, for example an
the components of the cheese prior to introduction to increase in sourness (i.e., acidity), or an increase in bit-
the senses. For example, changing the fat content or salt terness, will affect how aroma is perceived (although
content of a cheese can influence the physical chemistry volatile composition may be unchanged) and give the
of the cheese matrix dramatically, changing the partition impression that overall flavour has changed considerably.
coefficients of volatile compounds, and therefore releas- Flavour–texture interactions are also observed widely.
ing volatiles from the cheese matrix (Delahunty and The precise nature of many of these interactions is not
Piggott, 1995). As a cheese matures, the protein compo- known, although structural components, such as pro-
sition changes significantly due to proteolysis, and this teins, can bind volatile compounds; rheology and struc-
may change the binding ability of the cheese for specific ture can also influence mass transfer of non-volatile and
volatile compounds (Delahunty and Piggott, 1995). A volatile compounds to the surface of a cheese bolus
second cause of sensory interaction is termed a halo where they will be released and become available for
effect, and is caused by learning to place greater reliance perception; fat can coat the receptor surface of the
on one sensory modality over another to make behav- tongue, effectively blocking taste transduction (Lynch
ioural decisions. This effect was referred to in the et al., 1993) and finally, interactions may occur at a cog-
context of appearance, as it is most obvious by the domi- nitive level during perception integration in a way simi-
nance, or bias, of the visual sense over the taste or olfac- lar to taste–odour interactions (Weel et al., 2002).
tory sense. It can be demonstrated by confusing familiar Texture–flavour interactions can also be influenced by
colour and flavour combinations, or by varying colour individual consumer physiology, such as mastication
intensity beyond expectation (Clydesdale, 1993). With behaviour and saliva flow rate and volume.
regard to cheese, an influence of added colour on con-
sumers’ perception of flavour has been reported (Bogue
Sensory Methods Used to Evaluate Cheese
et al., 1999). A true cross-modal sensory interaction is
one where the function of one sense (e.g., threshold Many reported studies on cheesemaking, cheese compos-
measures, concentration-response functions) is changed ition and cheese microbiology had the objective of con-
by stimulation of another sense. This type of interaction trolling or improving sensory characteristics such as
can occur at receptor level, where one component appearance, flavour and texture. However, it is difficult
blocks access to the receptor by another (e.g., increasing to compare the success of these studies as the final sens-
viscosity may coat the tongue and reduce access of tas- ory character was often measured inappropriately. In
tants to taste receptors (Lynch et al., 1993)), or where many studies, judgements of overall sensory quality (i.e.,
stimulation by both components results in neural con- a grade of ‘good’ or ‘bad’), rather than objective measure-
vergence as receptor sites are in close proximity and are ments of the perceived intensity of specific sensory char-
served by the same nerve (e.g., capsaicin desensitisation acteristics, were carried out to determine the influence
reduces perceived taste intensity (Karrer and Bartoshuk, of cheese composition, counts of micro-organisms, or
1995)). The extent of these types of interactions in control of a cheesemaking variable on flavour or texture
cheese, and their effect, is not known. quality. Although standard procedures may be followed,
Taste–aroma interactions are also observed and e.g., International Dairy Federation standards (IDF,
appear to be true interactions even though the physiol- 1997), quality judgements are biased by the individ-
ogy of the senses of olfaction and taste is independent. ual(s) who makes them. In addition, and of greater
In this case, interaction is believed to occur centrally at importance, traditional quality judgements do not allow
a cognitive level where stimulus integration takes place the application of statistical analyses that would enable
(Stevenson et al., 1999). Taste–odour interactions have relationships between cheese study variables and specific
been observed in many different types of food and sensory characteristics to be determined. The unaware
are easily demonstrated in model food studies (Noble, reader of the literature can very easily confuse meas-
1996). When volatile compounds are introduced to the urements of overall sensory quality with descriptions of
oral cavity in the absence of taste-active compounds, sensory difference, as it is often reported, for example,
they are generally perceived to be of low intensity and that a specific cheesemaking procedure produced cheeses
are described as bland in character. In cheese, it is most that ‘tasted’ similar, when in fact they were judged to be
likely that the flavour impact of specific volatile com- of similar quality (i.e., had no defects). Cheeses judged
pounds will be pronounced (and become familiar) only to be of similar quality by the same judge may differ
468 Sensory Character of Cheese and its Evaluation

significantly in sensory characteristics (Delahunty and in concentrations below the detection limit of even the
Murray, 1997). most sophisticated instruments.
The American Society for Testing and Materials Quality scoring, grading or judging against speci-
(ASTM) Committee E-18 on Sensory Evaluation of fied defects on standardised scorecards (Bodyfelt et al.,
Materials and Products has defined sensory evaluation as 1988) is the traditional and still most widely used type
‘a scientific discipline used to evoke, measure, analyse of formal sensory evaluation in the cheese industry.
and interpret reactions to the characteristics of foods and Cheese grading is carried out to classify the potential
materials as they are perceived by the senses of sight, of a cheese to develop a satisfactory character during
taste, touch and hearing’. A key distinction between sens- maturation, and to maintain quality at the point of
ory evaluation and other chemical and instrumental ana- sale. Grading standards generally specify a scoring sys-
lytical techniques, is that different techniques can be tem, where top grade is awarded a maximum score,
used to evoke, measure and interpret sensory character- and points are deducted when defects are found. For
istics that have very different objectives and outcomes. example, the IDF provides standard scorecards for
Sensory evaluation can be carried out to determine cheese, and specifies a scale that ranges from 5, repre-
whether cheeses exhibit defects or other undesirable senting the highest possible quality, to 0, representing
characteristics, whether a difference in overall sensory the lowest possible quality (IDF, 1997). Each point
character can be detected between two or more cheeses, deducted from the scale is supported by a list of
whether specific differences in sensory characteristics defects that merit the deduction. The defect list that
can be perceived, to quantify the intensity of one or accompanies each score on the scale aims to provide
more sensory characteristics, to quantify the onset, max- objectivity to the evaluation. The US cheese grading
imum intensity and decline of a sensory characteristic, system and the American Dairy Science Association
and to determine whether consumers find the cheeses to (ADSA) cheese-judging ballot operate in a similar
be acceptable or not, based on their sensory characteris- manner (Bodyfelt et al., 1988). Tables 4 and 5 show
tics. The distinctions in sensory evaluation methodology the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
can be broadly classified as quality scoring, discrimin- standards for grades of Cheddar cheese, effective since
ation testing, descriptive testing, time–intensity testing 1956, which provide guidelines for the award of four
and consumer acceptability testing, respectively. There grades – AA, A, B or C. Table 6 shows the ballot used
are some excellent texts that outline sensory tests in by the ADSA to judge Cheddar cheese quality. McBride
detail (Piggott, 1988; Stone and Sidel, 1993; Lawless and and Muir (1999) recently reviewed grading systems
Heymann, 1998; Meilgaard et al., 1999). used for Cheddar cheese in Australia, United Kingdom,
United States, Canada, the IDF and New Zealand. In
addition, chapters in recent textbooks by Kosikowski
Grading and quality scoring
and Mistry (1997) and Robinson and Wilbey (1998)
The manufacture of cheese of consistent quality is review in detail methods of cheese grading and defects
extremely difficult due to the number of production found in cheese.
factors that ultimately contribute to eating quality (see Kosikowski and Mistry (1997) described the
‘Factors that Affect the Quality of Cheese’, Volume 1). sequence of cheese quality judgement. One or more
In addition, cheeses are susceptible to a large number expert evaluators, who have detailed product know-
of defects that can originate in milk, transfer to the ledge built up over many years and maintain a stand-
cheese curd during making and storage, result from ard in memory of what the ideal product is in terms of
microbial contamination or develop during maturation sensory characteristics, carry out this evaluation.
if the composition at manufacture is not controlled. These experts have the ability to relate their recogni-
However, to maintain consumer confidence and loyalty tion of specific defects to the cause of that defect and
towards a cheese, it is very important to control its to weight the influence of each defect at different levels
quality. In addition, as consumers are becoming more of severity and how they detract from overall product
brand-conscious, they become less-accepting of varia- quality. The overall exterior of a cheese is first judged
tions in sensory characteristics that traditionally would to determine if it appears deformed or soiled in any
not be considered defects, and expect to find a cheese way. The rind or surface is judged next as it may be
with near-identical appearance, flavour and texture in discoloured, cracked or irregular. Internal appearance is
the package each time. To test instrumentally for all judged following cutting, or directly from a cheese
possible flavours and structural properties that con- trier, as it may have holes, cracks, spots or other open-
tribute to eating quality would be an extremely labori- ing defects, and colour may be uneven, mottled or
ous task, and may not achieve success. For example, dull. Odour, which may be uncharacteristic in many
many compounds that contribute to flavour are present ways, is judged prior to placing a cheese in the mouth,
Sensory Character of Cheese and its Evaluation 469

Table 4 Specifications for Grade AA and Grade A Cheddar cheese (United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing
Service, Dairy Division)

Detailed specifications for US Grade AA

Fresh or current Medium cured Cured or aged

(a) Flavour :
Fine and highly pleasing. May be Fine and highly pleasing. Fine and highly pleasing characteristic
lacking in flavour development Possesses a moderate degree Cheddar cheese flavour showing
or may possess slight characteristic of characteristic Cheddar moderate to well-developed degrees
Cheddar cheese flavour. May possess cheese flavour. May possess of flavour or sharpness. May
a very slight feed flavour, but shall be a very slight feed flavour possess a very slight feed flavour
free from any undesirable but shall be free from any but shall be free from any
flavours and odours. undesirable flavours and odours. undesirable flavours and odours.
(b) Body and texture:
A plug drawn from the cheese shall A plug drawn from the cheese shall A plug drawn from the cheese
be firm, appear smooth, compact, be firm, appear smooth, waxy, shall be firm, appear smooth, waxy,
close and should be slightly compact, close, flexible and compact, close, and translucent
translucent, but may have a few translucent, but may have a few but may have a few mechanical
small mechanical openings. The texture mechanical openings if not large openings if not large and connecting.
may be definitely curdy or may be partially and connecting. May be slightly Should be free from curdiness and
broken down if more than 3 weeks old. or not entirely broken down. May possess a cohesive velvet-like
Shall be free from sweet holes, yeast possess not more than one sweet texture. May possess not more than
holes and gas holes of any kind. hole per plug but shall be one sweet hole per plug but shall be
free from other gas holes. free from other gas holes.
(c) Colour :
Shall have a uniform, bright attractive Shall have a uniform, bright Shall have a uniform, bright attractive
appearance; practically free from white attractive appearence; practically appearance; practically free from
lines or seams. May be coloured or free from white lines or seams. May white lines or seams. May show
uncoloured but if coloured it should be a be coloured or uncoloured, but numerous tiny white specks. May
medium yellow-orange. if coloured it should be medium be coloured or uncoloured, but if
yellow-orange. coloured it should be medium
(d) Finish and appearance:
Bandaged and paraffin-dipped. Bandaged and paraffin dipped. Bandaged and paraffin dipped.
Shall possess a sound, firm rind Shall possess a sound, firm Shall possess a sound, firm rind
with a smooth bandage and paraffin rind with a smooth bandage and with a smooth bandage and
coating adhering tightly but may paraffin coating adhering tightly paraffin coating adhering
possess soiled surface to a very but may possess very slight tightly but may possess the
slight degree. The cheese shall be mould under bandage and paraffin, following characteristics to a
even and uniform in shape. and the following other character- slight degree: Soiled surface
Rindless. The wrapper or covering istics to a slight degree: Soiled and mould under bandage
shall be practically smooth, surface and surface mould. and paraffin; and surface mould
properly sealed with adequate The cheese shall be to a definite degree. The cheese
overlapping at the seams or by even and uniform in shape. shall be even and uniform in shape.
any other satisfactory type of Rindless. Same as for current, Rindless. Same as for medium.
closure. The wrapper or covering except very slight mould
shall be neat and adequately and under wrapper or covering
securely envelop the cheese. May permitted.
be slightly wrinkled but shall be of
such character as to protect fully
the surface of the cheese and not
detract from its initial quality. Shall
be free from mould under wrapper
or covering and shall not be huffed
or lopsided.

470 Sensory Character of Cheese and its Evaluation

Table 4 continued

Detailed specifications for US Grade A

Fresh or current Medium cured Cured or aged

(a) Flavour:
Shall possess a pleasing flavour. Shall possess a pleasing Shall possess a pleasing
May be lacking in flavour characteristic Cheddar cheese characteristic Cheddar cheese
development or may possess flavour and aroma. May flavour and aroma with moderate
slight characteristic Cheddar cheese possess a very slight bitter to well-developed degrees of flavour
flavour. May possess very slight flavour and the following or sharpness. May possess the
acid, slight feed but shall not possess flavours to a slight degree: following flavours to a slight degree:
any undesirable flavours and odours. Feed and acid. Bitter, feed and acid.

(b) Body and texture:

A plug drawn from the cheese shall A plug drawn from the cheese A plug drawn from the cheese should
be firm, appear smooth, compact, shall be reasonably firm, appear be fairly firm, appear smooth,
close and should be slightly reasonably smooth, waxy, fairly waxy, fairly close and translucent
translucent but may have a few close and translucent but may have but may have a few mechanical
mechanical openings if not large a few mechanical openings if not openings. Should be free from
and connecting. May possess large and connecting. May be slightly curdiness. May possess not
not more than two sweet holes curdy or not entirely broken down. more than two sweet holes
per plug but shall be free from May possess not more than two sweet per plug but shall be free from
other gas holes. May be definitely holes per plug but shall be free from other gas holes. May possess the
curdy or partially broken down other gas holes. May possess the following other characteristics to
if more than 3 weeks old. following other characteristics to a a slight degree: Crumbly, mealy,
slight degree: Mealy, short and weak. short, weak and pasty.
(c) Colour:
Shall have a fairly uniform, Shall have a uniform, bright Shall have a uniform, bright
bright attractive appearance. attractive appearance. May attractive appearance. May have
May have slight white lines or have slight white lines or seams. slight white lines or seams and
seams or be very slightly wavy. May be coloured or uncoloured numerous tiny white it should be a
May be coloured or uncoloured but if coloured, it should medium specks. May be coloured or
but if coloured, it should be a be a medium yellow-orange. uncoloured, but if coloured, it
medium yellow-orange. should be a medium yellow-orange.
(d) Finish and appearance:
Bandaged and paraffin dipped. Shall Bandaged and paraffin dipped. Bandaged and paraffin dipped.
possess a sound, firm rind with the Shall possess a sound, firm Shall possess a sound, firm
bandage and paraffin coating rind with the bandage and rind with the bandage and
adhering tightly, but may possess the paraffin coating adhering paraffin coating adhering
following characteristics to a very tightly but may possess tightly but may possess the
slight degree: Soiled surface and very slight mould under bandage following characteristics to a
surface mould; and to a slight degree: and paraffin and the following slight degree: Soiled surface,
Rough surface, irregular bandaging, other characteristics to a rough surface, mould under
lopsided and high edges. slight degree: Soiled surface, bandage and paraffin, irregular
Rindless. The wrapper or covering surface mould, rough surface, bandaging, lopsided and high
shall be practically smooth, irregular bandaging, lopsided edges; and surface mould to a
properly sealed with adequate and high edges. definite degree.
overlapping at the seams or by Rindless. Same as for current, except Rindless. Same as for medium.
any other satisfactory type of closure. very slight mould under wrapper or
The wrapper or covering shall be covering permitted.
neat and adequately and securely
envelop the cheese. May be
slightly wrinkled but shall be of
such character as to fully protect
the surface of the cheese and not
detract from its initial quality. Shall be
free from mould under the wrapper
or covering and shall not be huffed
but may be slightly lopsided.
Sensory Character of Cheese and its Evaluation 471

Table 5 Specifications for Grade B and Grade C Cheddar cheese (United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing
Service, Dairy Division)

Detailed specifications for US Grade B

Fresh or current Medium cured Cured or aged

(a) Flavour:
Should possess a fairly pleasing Should possess a fairly pleasing character- Should possess a fairly pleasing
characteristic Cheddar cheese flavour, but istic Cheddar cheese flavour and aroma. characteristic Cheddar cheese
may possess very slight onion and the May possess very slight onion and the flavour and aroma, with moderate
following flavours to a slight degree: Acid, following flavours to a slight degree: Flat, to well-developed degrees of flavour
flat, bitter, fruity, utensil, whey-taint, yeasty, yeasty, malty, old milk, weedy, barny and or sharpness. May possess very
malty, old milk, weedy, barny and lipase; lipase; the following to a definite degree: slight onion and the following
feed flavour to a definite degree. Feed, acid, bitter, fruity, utensil, flavours to a slight degree: Flat,
and whey-taint. yeasty, malty, old milk, weedy,
barny, lipase and sulfide; the
following to a definite degree:
Feed, acid, bitter, fruity, utensil,
and whey-taint.
(b) Body and texture:
A plug drawn from the cheese may A plug drawn from the cheese may possess A plug drawn from the cheese may
possess the following characteristics the following characteristics to a slight possess the following character-
to a slight degree: Coarse, short, mealy, degree: Curdy, coarse, gassy, slitty, istics to a slight degree: Gassy,
weak, pasty, crumbly, gassy, slitty and and corky; the following to a definite slitty, the following to a definite
corky; the following to a definite degree: degree: Open, short, mealy, weak, degree: Open, sweet holes, short,
Curdy open, and sweet holes. pasty, crumbly, and sweet holes. mealy, weak, pasty and crumbly.
(c) Colour :
May possess the following characteristics May possess a very slight bleached May possess the following
to a slight degree: Wavy, acid-cut, mottled, surface; and the following characteristics characteristics to a slight degree:
salt spots, dull or faded; and definitely to a slight degree: Wavy, acid-cut, Wavy, acid-cut, mottled, salt spots,
seamy. May be coloured or uncoloured but mottled, salt spots, dull or faded and dull or faded; and definitely seamy.
if coloured, may be slightly unnatural definitely seamy. May be coloured or May be coloured or uncoloured but
uncoloured but if coloured, may be if coloured, may be slightly
slightly unnatural. unnatural.
(d) Finish and appearance:
Bandaged and paraffin dipped. Shall Bandaged and paraffin dipped. Shall Bandaged and paraffin dipped.
possess a reasonably firm sound rind, possess a reasonably firm sound rind, Shall possess a reasonably
but may possess very slight mould but may possess the following firm sound rind, but may possess
under bandage and paraffin. The following characteristics to a slight degree: Surface the following characteristics
characteristics to a slight degree: Soiled mould, mould under bandage and paraffin, to a slight degree: Checked rind,
surface, surface mould, defective coating, checked rind, huffed, weak rind, and sour huffed, weak rind, and sour rind;
checked rind, huffed, weak rind, and sour rind; the following to a definite degree: the following to a definite degree:
rind; and to a definite degree: Rough Soiled surface, rough surface, irregular Soiled surface, surface mould,
surface, irregular bandaging, lopsided bandaging, lopsided, high edges and mould under bandage and
and high edges. defective coating. paraffin, rough surface, irregular
bandaging, lopsided, high
edges and defective coating.
Rindless. The wrapper or covering shall be Rindless. Same as for current, except slight Rindless. Same as for medium.
fairly smooth and properly sealed mould underwrapper or covering permitted.
with adequate overlapping at the
seams or by other satisfactory
type of closure. The wrapper or covering
shall be fairly neat and adequately and
securely envelop the cheese.
May be definitely wrinkled but shall
be of such character as to protect
the surface of the cheese and not detract
from its initial quality. Shall be free from
mould under wrapper or covering but may
be slightly huffed and slightly lopsided.

472 Sensory Character of Cheese and its Evaluation

Table 5 continued

Detailed specifications for US Grade C

Fresh or current Medium cured Cured or aged

(a) Flavour :
May possess the following flavours May possess the following flavours to a May possess slight onion and the
to a slight degree: Sour, metallic, slight degree: Onion and sulfide; and to following flavours to a definite degree:
onion; and to a definite degree: Acid, a definite degree: Flat, sour, metallic, Flat, yeasty, malty, old milk, weedy,
flat, bitter, fruity, utensil, whey-taint, sour, metallic, yeasty, malty, old milk, barny, lipase and sulfide; and to a
yeasty, malty, old milk, weedy, barny, weedy, barny and lipase; and to a pronounced degree: Feed, acid, bit-
and lipase; feed flavour to a pronounced degree: Feed, acid, bitter, ter, fruity, utensil and whey-taint.
pronounced degree. fruity, utensil, and whey-taint.
(b) Body and texture:
A plug drawn from the cheese may A plug drawn from the cheese may be A plug drawn from the cheese may
possess the following characteristics slightly curdy and may possess the possess the following characteristics
to a definite degree: Curdy, coarse, following other characteristics to a to a definite degree: Gassy, slitty,
corky, crumbly, mealy, short, weak, definite degree: Coarse, corky, gassy, pinny; and to a pronounced degree:
pasty, gassy, slitty, pinny; and to a slitty and pinny; and to a pronounced to Open, sweet holes, short, weak,
pronounced degree: Open and a pronounced degree: Open, sweet holes, pasty, crumbly and mealy. The
sweet holes. The cheese shall be short, weak, pasty, crumbly and mealy. cheese shall be sufficiently compact
sufficiently compact to permit The cheese shall be sufficiently compact to permit the drawing of a plug.
the drawing of a plug. to permit the drawing of a plug.
(c) Colour :
May have a slight bleached surface May possess the following Same as for medium.
and possess the following other characteristics to a definite degree:
characteristics to a definite degree: Wavy, acid-cut, mottled, salt spots,
Wavy, acid-cut, mottled, salt spots, bleached surface, dull or faded;
dull or faded; and seamy to a and seamy to a pronounced degree.
pronounced degree. May be coloured May be coloured or uncoloured but if
or uncoloured but if coloured, may be coloured may be definitely unnatural.
definitely unnatural. The colour shall The colour shall not be particularly
not be particularly unattractive. unattractive.
(d) Finish and appearance:
Bandaged and paraffin dipped. Bandaged and paraffin dipped. Bandaged and paraffin dipped. May
May possess the following May possess very slight rind possess the following characteristics
characteristics to a slight rot and the following other to a slight degree: Rind rot, cracks
degree: Cracks in rind, soft spots characteristics to a slight degree: in rind; and to a definite degree:
and wet rind; and mould under Cracks in rind; soft spots and Checked rind, weak rind, sour rind,
bandage and paraffin; and to a wet rind; and to a definite degree: wet rind, soft spots and huffed; and
definite degree: Soiled surface, Surface mould, mould under bandage to a pronounced degree: Rough
surface mould, defective coating, and paraffin, huffed; and to a surface, soiled surface, surface mould,
checked rind, weak rind, sour rind, pronounced degree: Checked rind, mould under bandage and paraffin,
and huffed; and to a pronounced weak rind, sour rind and defective coating, irregular bandaging,
degree: Rough surface, irregular huffed; and to a pronounced lopsided and high edges.
bandaging, lopsided and high edges. degree: Soiled surface, rough Rindless. Same as for medium.
Rindless. The wrapper or covering surface, defective coating, irregular
shall be fairly smooth and bandaging, lopsided and high edges.
properly scaled with adequate Rindless. Same as for current, except
overlapping at the seams definite mould under the wrapper or
or by other satisfactory type covering permitted.
of closure. The wrapper or covering
shall adequately and securely
envelop the cheese. May be
definitely soiled and wrinkled but
shall be of such character as to
protect the surface of the cheese
and not detract from its initial
quality. May have slight mould under
the wrapper or covering and may be
definitely huffed and lopsided.
Sensory Character of Cheese and its Evaluation 473

Table 6 American Dairy Science Association ballot for judging the quality of Cheddar cheese. A score of 10 is awarded if the judge
cannot find fault with the flavour of the cheese. A score of 5 is awarded if a judge cannot find fault with the body and texture of the
cheese. When scores of 9 or less, or 5 or less, for flavour or body and texture, respectively, are awarded, the cause for deduction of
marks should be indicated
474 Sensory Character of Cheese and its Evaluation

and usually immediately upon opening a packed all stages of milk handling and cheesemaking, begin-
cheese, cutting a coated cheese or removing a trier ning on the farm. In addition, control over cheesemak-
plug from a cheese. Flavour judgement is made next, ing has improved significantly in recent years.
when a sample of cheese is placed in the mouth, Cheese grading or quality scoring provides a rapid
chewed and moved around and then expectorated. As and simple way quickly to assess overall sensory qual-
for odour, numerous uncharacteristic flavours may be ity, but does not adequately take into account so-called
detected in defective cheese, and in addition a cheese ‘non-quality’ related differences in sensory characteris-
that is over-salty or very bitter may be considered tics that give the cheese of individual producers, or
defective. Finally, but sometimes simultaneously, body regions of production, a distinctive taste. Traditional
and texture are judged. Defects such as over-hardness, ‘quality criteria’ are changing as product ranges expand
crumbliness, mealy and sticky are judged, most often (e.g., to include low-fat cheeses); variety of cheeses is
by working a cheese between the thumb and the fin- much greater, and differentiation is increasingly made
gers. Table 7 presents a list of cheese sensory quality by purposely developing distinctive sensory character-
characteristics, which are mostly defects recognised istics, such as those now given to cheeses by the use of
internationally and are described in the IDF standard adjunct cultures. Sensory characteristics that are not
(IDF, 1997). It should be noted that a characteristic traditionally considered defects, but which can also dif-
considered to be a defect in one cheese type may be fer from one cheese to another, are now also important
very much desired in another (e.g., the acceptable in determining eating quality for the discerning con-
hardness of Parmigiano-Reggiano would be considered sumer. What is a negative attribute to one consumer
a defect in Cheddar), and therefore judges must take may be a desirable attribute to another consumer. Also,
this into account, and evaluate based on their experi- although the characteristics that expert judges seek are
ence of each cheese type individually. In addition, it those that their market demands, their assessments do
may be that a characteristic found in the same cheese not always coincide with those of consumers. It is now
type produced in two different countries may be con- well documented that the consumer and the expert
sidered defective in one country, but acceptable in opinions of quality often differ. For example, McBride
another. This will be related to the experience of the and Hall (1979) found that consumers’ preferences
cheese consumer in each country, which can be very among twelve cheeses, ranging from poor to good qual-
different. However, cheeses produced in automated ity, were not correlated with their official grade scores.
facilities today are much less likely to suffer from sig- Finally, the current cheese-grading practice does not
nificant defects due to improved hygiene practices at measure accurately the intensity of a given defect, and

Table 7 Terms used by cheese graders to describe sensory characteristics of cheeses that determine quality with particular
emphasis on defects (IDF, 1997; Robinson and Wilbey, 1998)

Exterior appearance Concave, convex, deformed (bulged), dirty, oblique, soiled, too flat, too high, vaulted (blown)
Rind/surface Corroded, cracked, discoloured, dry, fatty, holes, incorrect mould, irregular mould, mould
under covering, rotten, rough, smear under covering, smeary, speckled, spots of mould,
thick, thin, too little mould, too little smear, too much smear, wet, wrinkled
Appearance interior: Openings Blown, close, collapsed, cracks, distorted, foreign material, foreign mould, glossy openings,
hoop side mould, many holes near the surface, nesty openings, no holes, not typical,
pin-holed, spots of putrification, too few, too large, too many, too small, uneven, unevenly
Appearance interior: Colour Bleached near the surface, bright, brownish, dirty, discoloured, grey, marbled, mottled,
natural, pale/dull, red colour near the surface, speckled, streaky, strong, two-coloured,
unevenly coloured, weak, yellow
Consistency, body and texture Brittle, chalky, close, coarse, crumbly, curdy, dripping, dry, elastic, firm, flaky, friable, gassy,
granular (grainy), greasy, gritty, gummy, hard, harsh, hoop side sift, layered, leathery, long,
lumpy, mealy, pasty, runny, rough, short, smeary, smooth, soft, soggy, spongy, springy,
squeaky, sticky, stringy, thin (watery), tight, tough, uneven, wet
Flavour, odour and taste Acid, alcoholic, ammoniacal, aromatic, bitter, bland, burnt, buttery, butyric acid, chemical,
clove, cooked, cowy, creamy, ethereal, feedy, fermented, fishy, flat, flowery, foreign flavour,
foul, foetid, fruity, garlic, goaty, harsh, malty, metallic, mild, mouldy, musty, musty-flat, nutty,
off, oily, oniony, over-ripe, pale, peardrop, putrid, rancid, resinous, rich, ripe, sandy, salty,
sharp, soapy, sour, spicy, stale, strong, superfine, sulphide, sweaty, sweet, tangy, tallowy,
uncharacteristic, unclean, weedy, yeasty
Sensory Character of Cheese and its Evaluation 475

therefore further statistical analyses that determine the For this reason, their principles should now be added
extent to which cheeses differ, and that mathematically to quality scoring methods in an attempt to introduce
relate composition to defect intensity, are not appropri- comparability between the scores of one judge and
ate. It is important to note that there are still industry another. It is also common practice to carry out dis-
situations where grading or quality scoring may be crimination tests on cheeses to determine whether a
appropriate due to a large number of products that difference exists prior to further testing by more costly
must be assessed in a short period of time. However, methods that aim to describe and quantify differences.
these sensory tools were not designed to be quantita-
tive or representative of the entire cheese sensory pro-
Descriptive analyses
file and are not ideal tools for research or marketing.
A majority of scientists who study cheese are inter-
ested in understanding the fundamental reasons why a
Discrimination tests
cheese ‘tastes’ as it does, not just whether the cheese is
Sensory discrimination tests differ from quality scoring acceptable, and for this purpose quality control sens-
tests in that they involve direct comparisons of cheeses ory methods are of little value. Descriptive sensory
to determine whether there is either an overall differ- analysis refers to a collection of techniques that seek
ence between them or whether they differ for a specific not only to discriminate between the sensory charac-
and designated characteristic. The most commonly teristics of a range of cheeses, but also to determine a
used discrimination tests include the Paired Compari- quantitative description of all the sensory differences
son (ISO, 1983a), Duo-Trio (ISO, 1991), Triangle that can be identified. For example, Figs 1a and 1b
(ISO, 1983b) and Ranking tests (ISO, 1988). In the illustrate quantitative differences in perceived flavour,
Paired Comparison test, two cheeses are presented for measured using descriptive analysis, between two hard
comparison with one another and assessors are asked Swiss cheeses and two Blue cheeses, respectively. All
whether they differ; generally, a difference for one spe- cheeses may be profiled in this way, providing object-
cific sensory characteristic is tested. In the Duo-Trio ive and reproducible sensory descriptions of cheeses
test, assessors are asked which of the two products is and providing a basis for determining what character-
the most similar to a third reference product, allowing istics are influenced by changes in cheesemaking prac-
a common reference to be used again and again. This tice or composition, and also what characteristics are
test has obvious advantages for quality control, although important for consumer acceptance. The most com-
it is not possible to maintain a consistent cheese refer- monly used descriptive analysis methods for all food
ence over time. In the Triangle test, assessors are pre- types include the Flavour Profile Method (Cairncross
sented with three cheeses and asked to choose which and Sjöstrom, 1950), Texture Profile Method
is the most different from the other two. In the Rank- (Brandt et al., 1963), Quantitative Descriptive Analysis
ing test, four to six cheeses are generally presented for (QDA)™ (Stone et al., 1974), the Spectrum™ method
comparison of a single-designated attribute, and the (Meilgaard et al., 1999), Quantitative Flavour Profiling
assessor is asked to rank them in order of increasing (Stampanoni, 1993a,b), and Free-Choice Profiling
intensity of that attribute. In best practice, the asses- (Langron, 1983; Thompson and MacFie, 1983).
sors are forced to make a choice each time for all dis- A review of descriptive sensory analysis, which details
crimination tests, thus eliminating response bias. advantages, disadvantages and applications of each of
Whether a difference exists or not is determined statis- the methods referred to above was published recently
tically, based on the number of choices a panel of by Murray et al. (2001).
assessors makes for each cheese in the test, using Each descriptive method has three stages to its
binomial tables or Chi-squared tests. Therefore, dis- implementation. The first involves selecting a panel to
crimination tests are the most objective and the most conduct the sensory evaluations, the second, establish-
sensitive of sensory tests. An additional advantage of ing terminology or a vocabulary, by which to describe a
these tests is that they do not require well-trained products’ sensory characteristics and the third, quan-
assessors. The only requirement is that all assessors tifying these sensory aspects. However, for each method,
are reasonably sensitive and recognise and understand the process is somewhat different. In the cheese indus-
the designated attribute in a common way. When com- try, as there is a strong tradition of judging that is
pared with the traditional quality scoring methods, linked to extensive knowledge of cheese, then it is a
these discrimination procedures are by far better wise approach that seeks to build on this knowledge
suited to application to research problems, they follow rather than to reinvent the wheel. If the investment in
good sensory evaluation principles and do not descriptive sensory testing is for the long term, then
encounter problems in scaling and statistical analyses. the Spectrum™ method, or a similar one, is preferable.

(a) (b)
Pungent Pungent
Caramel odour
Balanced 50 80
Silage Balanced Mushroom
Strength 45
Astringent 40 Sweaty/sour
Burnt-aftertaste Fruity
30 Strength Fruity

25 40
Pepper Dairy-sweet odour
15 20
Bitter Sweet
Acidic Mouldy odour
Acidic 0 Creamy 0

Salty Buttery

Salty Cheddar
Sweet Caramel flavour

Processed Dairy-sweet flavour

Processed Sweet
Silage Rancid
Soapy Mushroom
Mouldy flavour Oily
Smoky Oily Appenzeller Blue Shropshire
Gruyere Danish Blue

Figure 1 Comparison of the flavour profiles of two Swiss cheeses, Appenzeller and Gruyère (1a) and two Blue cheeses, Blue Shropshire and Danish Blue (1b) (Lawlor
et al., 2002, 2003). Flavour characteristics were measured using descriptive sensory analysis by a trained sensory panel.
Sensory Character of Cheese and its Evaluation 477

Using this method, a group of cheese experts develop time and at a relatively little cost, and that discrimin-
and define a descriptive language using a series of uni- ation is based on a large selection of informative words
versal intensity scales upon which assessors score their that consumers use and with which they are familiar
perceptions (Drake et al., 2001; Drake and Civille, with. The main disadvantage is that it is difficult to
2003). The sensory panels that will use the method, correlate perceived intensity of sensory characteristics
often at more than one research site, are then exten- obtained in this way, as they are too numerous and
sively trained. When trained, individual assessors must imprecise, and there is no consensus vocabulary.
be able to discriminate between cheeses using each To obtain improved accuracy, sensory panels used
attribute in the descriptive language, repeat their for descriptive analyses generally comprise of 10–12
assessments and agree with other panel members on assessors instead of a smaller number of experts (with
the size and the direction of differences in cheese the exception of FCP where 15–20 assessors are
attributes. The advantages of this descriptive analysis needed). These assessors are screened for sensory acu-
technique are that one panel can be trained readily on ity and relative interest (Stone and Sidel, 1993). A
several cheese types since one intensity scale is used, panel or group of individuals is used as factors such as
different types of cheese can be compared directly and age, saliva flow and onset of fatigue vary between
panel scaling is less prone to drift with time (Drake and assessors. Assessors also vary in sensitivity to particu-
Civille, 2003). In addition, this approach is objective lar stimuli, and it is highly probable that they also vary
and allows comparison of results between panels, in their concentration-response functions (Lawless et al.,
between laboratories, and from one time to another. 1994; Williams, 1994). In addition, temporary illness
For example, if one wishes to study the maturation of a or psychological bias can cause day-to-day changes in
cheese over time, then one must ensure that the differ- sensory ratings. The key point of objective descriptive
ences observed in the results between 3, 6 and 9 analysis is that it should be reproducible and inde-
months are related specifically to changes that occur in pendent of consumer preferences. Unlike traditional
the cheese and not to changes in the performance of quality methods that use scorecards, there is no judg-
the sensory panel. ment of ‘good’ or ‘bad’ as this is not the purpose of the
If a cheese type is to be evaluated not very often, or evaluation. The trained sensory panel operates as an
the sensory panel available will not specialise in instrument and generates quantitative data analogous
cheese only, or resources are limited, then the QDA™ to instrumental data. As with any instrument, replica-
approach may be preferable. Using this method, the tion is required.
panel of assessors develop and define the language Two guidelines have been published dealing with
themselves whilst tasting a wide range of the test cheese texture (Lavanchy et al., 1994) and the aroma
cheeses (Murray and Delahunty, 2000b). Assessors and flavour of cheese (Bérodier et al., 1997a). These
must agree with other panel members on the meaning guidelines are very valuable as they define descriptive
of terms in the descriptive vocabulary and repeat their vocabularies, and then detail a procedure for evaluation
assessments, but are not required to agree on how to of each characteristic, including the use of universal
use the attribute scales to rate intensity. When this scales that are standardised at a number of points with
method is used instead of the Spectrum™ method, it common food references. In addition, they provide
is more difficult to compare the results from one study translations of many descriptive characteristics of
with those from another in absolute terms. cheese in Spanish, French, Italian, English and German.
Free-Choice Profiling (FCP) is another useful However, it is important to note that sensory lexicons
descriptive analysis method (Williams and Langron, or languages are not finite and will continue to evolve
1984). This method allows the use of untrained asses- with time, usage and application.
sors, or consumers, to profile the sensory characteris-
tics of cheese. Each assessor may use an individual
Time–intensity sensory analyses
descriptive vocabulary that they have developed them-
selves, and which they then readily understand, and The sensory methods discussed above do not account
data are analysed using Generalised Procrustes Analysis for the dynamics of flavour release from cheeses that
(GPA; Arnold and Williams, 1986). Free Choice Profil- occurs during their consumption. Nor do they account
ing has been used to describe Cheddar cheese (Jack et adequately for changes to cheese texture, which occur
al., 1993; O’Riordan et al., 1998), Parmigiano-Reggiano progressively during mastication and breakdown of a
(Parolari et al., 1994) and ewes’ milk cheeses (Bárcenas cheese in the mouth. When using conventional sensory
et al., 2003). The advantages of FCP are that accurate procedures, particularly descriptive analyses, assessors
discrimination between cheeses in terms of perceived ‘time-average’ their responses to arrive at a single inten-
sensory characteristics can be achieved in a very short sity value. This looses much useful information such as
478 Sensory Character of Cheese and its Evaluation

rate of onset of stimulation, time and duration of max- will be based on the sensory characteristics tested,
imum intensity, rate of decay of perceived intensity, time they will be referring to past eating experience. In
of extinction and total duration of the entire process addition, when one considers that the target market
(Lee and Pangborn, 1986). To determine most details may be children, elderly consumers, consumers in
about sensory characteristics, changes in sensory char- another country or consumers from a culture virtually
acter that occur during cheese consumption (which unknown to the producer, then it becomes clear that
can take up to 30 s for a ‘bite-sized’ piece) can be the internal expertise in a company or organisation
measured using time–intensity methodology (Lee and cannot hope to predict acceptability adequately. Con-
Pangborn, 1986), or in the case of texture, using pro- sumer acceptability testing makes use of rating scales
gressive profiling (Jack et al., 1994). Time–intensity that measure relative dislikes and likes (e.g., the nine-
methods are useful for the study of new cheese types, point hedonic scale (Peryam and Girardot, 1952)),
such as low-fat cheeses, as the reduction in fat content discrimination tests based on preference (e.g., paired
not only influences sensory character development, but preference, ranked preference) or just right scales that
also the breakdown of the cheese in the mouth during ask a consumer how they feel about the designated sens-
consumption and the rate of release of compounds that ory characteristic. It is recommended that a minimum
contribute to flavour. For example, in a study of Ched- of 50–60 targeted consumers be used for consumer-
dar cheese flavour, the time taken to reach maximum sensory testing, and a greater number than this if
intensity for ‘sharpness’, ‘bitterness’ and ‘astringency’ one expects segmentation of preferences (MacFie and
was consistently longer in reduced-fat than in full-fat Hedderly, 1993).
Cheddar and, more importantly, the rate of flavour One of the biggest challenges in consumer research
release was greater (Shamil et al., 1991/92). Temporal is the clarification of consumer language. Consumers
differences in perception indicate an altered flavour may use terms that are ambiguous, have multiple
balance, caused by reducing the fat content of the meanings, are associated with ‘good’ or ‘bad’ or are
cheese, which may be important in consumer accept- combinations of several terms. Integrated terms, such
ability. Delahunty et al. (1996a) showed that a ‘fruity’ as ‘creamy’, are often used by consumers to represent a
note, which might be considered an off-flavour (Aston combination of positive attributes. Determining
et al., 1985; Urbach, 1993), became a dominant flavour exactly what attribute or attributes ‘creamy’ refers to
characteristic sooner during consumption and at a (flavour or texture or mouthfeel) have been the sub-
much greater intensity in a low-fat Cheddar-type ject of many studies relating consumer and trained
cheese than in the full-fat equivalent. Delahunty et al. sensory panels (Mela, 1988; Elmore et al., 1999; Bom
(1996b) also demonstrated that improved relation- Frost et al., 2001). Dacremont and Vickers (1994a,b),
ships between volatile composition and perceived sens- who used concept matching to clarify consumer per-
ory characteristics could be achieved by relating ception of Cheddar cheese flavour, found that the con-
time–intensity sensory data with dynamic volatile com- cept of Cheddar cheese flavour is a consumer concept
pound release data. Jack et al. (1994) found that the and probably varies widely among consumers, as does
texture of Cheddar cheese was perceived to be relatively Cheddar cheese flavour itself. However, the number of
coarse and crumbly earlier in the chewing sequence, consumers questioned was small and further studies
but became increasingly smooth and creamy as chewing with larger consumer groups, and with demographic
progressed. In addition, other more subtle or specific information, including types (brand, age) of Cheddar
cheese-dependent changes occurred as breakdown in cheese normally consumed, would provide additional
the mouth progressed. It was hypothesised that know- clarification.
ledge of these dynamic changes in texture character is
important for understanding consumer acceptability.
Influence of Cheesemaking Variables on
Sensory Character
Consumer acceptability testing
During the past ten years or so, there have been numer-
Trained sensory panels should not be asked to express a ous reports of the application of descriptive sensory
preference as their expert knowledge will introduce bias. analysis to determine accurately the influence of cheese-
To determine the eating quality of cheese, a naive con- making variables, e.g., maturation time and temperature,
sumer panel or subjective assessors are used. Ideally, starter culture or use of adjunct cultures, on the sensory
these assessors will be regular consumers of the prod- characteristics of cheese (Table 3).
uct type under test or represent the target market for Studies of Cheddar cheese maturation have found
the product. Such consumers bring their subjective that, overall, the intensity of odour, flavour and after-
experience to this test, for although their preferences taste is determined by the length (Piggott and Mowat,
Sensory Character of Cheese and its Evaluation 479

1991; Muir and Hunter, 1992a) and the temperature of 6 0.5

maturation (Hannon et al., 2003). However, flavours
such as milky/buttery and creamy decrease in intensity,
while flavours such as sour, bitter, rancid and pungent balanced
increase in intensity (Piggott and Mowat, 1991; Muir
strength S2
and Hunter, 1992a; Hannon et al., 2003). Some textural 39
S3 S2
changes, e.g., firmness, are controlled by the cheese- S3 39 39
making procedure and cheese composition, whereas astringent39 S2 S2 S2

PC2 (17%)
–0.5 S339 39 39 0.5
mouth-coating character is related to maturation time 39S2 39
39 S1
S339 39 S3 sweet
(Piggott and Mowat, 1991; Muir and Hunter, 1992a). pungent S1 S1 39 S2
–6 S3 acidic S1 6
Hort and Le Grys (2001), who also studied Cheddar, 39

found that springiness decreased, and crumbliness and S1

S137 processed
creaminess increased as maturation progressed. bitter

Banks et al. (1993) and Fenelon et al. (2000) used salty

creamy S1
descriptive analysis to determine the sensory proper- S1 rancid 37
37 mouldy
ties of low-fat Cheddar cheese, and to compare these buttery
with the sensory properties of full-fat Cheddars.
Fenelon et al. (2000) found that there were some dif- –6 –0.5
ferences in flavour characteristics related to fat content
PC1 (43%)
that were present regardless of the age of cheese. Full-
fat cheeses were consistently more buttery, creamy and Figure 2 Two-dimensional representation of the result of Prin-
caramel-like. Adhikari et al. (2003) found that low-fat cipal Components Analysis of descriptive analysis sensory data
and full-fat Swiss cheeses, and low-fat Cheddar for Cheddar cheese produced using three different starter cul-
tures (coded S1–S3). Grade scores for flavour, awarded by an
cheeses were dry and crumbly. Factory and farmhouse expert cheese grader, are also illustrated close to each cheese
Cheddars have also been compared using descriptive code (range 37–39).
sensory analysis (Muir et al., 1997a; Murray and
Delahunty, 2000c); farmhouse cheeses were found to
have a greater diversity in sensory characteristics. In
addition, cheeses produced from pasteurised milk with milk protein concentrate on reduced-fat Cheddar
were found to be clearly different from those produced cheese flavour (Shakeel-ur-Rehman et al., 2003a,b,c)
from unpasteurised milk, with the unpasteurised milk and of smoking parameters on cheese flavour (Shakeel-
cheeses being more diverse in sensory character and ur-Rehman et al., 2003d).
more intensely flavoured (Grappin and Beuvier, 1997; There have been many studies of cheese types other
Muir et al., 1997a; Murray and Delahunty, 2000c). than Cheddar, and to discuss them all would be imposs-
Numerous studies have used descriptive sensory ible within the scope of this chapter. Of most interest are
analysis to address the role of specific adjunct cultures studies of Comté cheese using a flavour-descriptive
or starter culture enzyme systems in Cheddar cheese vocabulary developed by Bérodier et al. (1997b; pub-
flavour (Drake et al., 1996, 1997; Muir et al., 1996; lished in French). This lexicon has been used to identify
Delahunty and Murray, 1997; Lynch et al., 1999; Banks naturally existing cheese geo-regions within France
et al., 2001; Broadbent et al., 2002). Muir et al. (1996) (Monnet et al., 2000). In addition, Virgili et al. (1994)
demonstrated that starter culture type and adjunct used descriptive analysis to study the sensory–chemical
determined the sensory character of cheese. However, relationships in Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese. Descrip-
they also found direct and interactive effects of com- tive analysis of cheese texture has been conducted
position. More recently, O’Riordan and Delahunty recently on a variety of cheeses, on cheeses of different
(2003a,b) found that starter culture type led to consist- fat contents and on fat replacers (Drake and Swanson,
ent differences in sensory characteristics between 1996; Drake et al., 1999a; Lobato-Calleros et al., 2001;
Cheddar cheeses, but that composition led to signifi- Madsen and Ardo, 2001; Gwartney et al., 2002). In these
cant variation within batches of cheese made using the studies, descriptive sensory analysis was used to differ-
same starter culture. Delahunty and Murray (1997) entiate cheeses and/or the impact of various treatments.
also demonstrated differences between Cheddar A sensory texture language, like a cheese flavour lan-
cheeses based on starter culture type, although these guage, is also not necessarily finite. The language will
cheeses were awarded the same grade score (Fig. 2). continue to be refined, particularly as additional cheeses
Descriptive sensory analysis has been used to determine are studied or as additional instrumental studies are con-
the impact of yeast extract and milk standardisation ducted. The texture languages used by Drake et al.
480 Sensory Character of Cheese and its Evaluation

(1999a) and Gwartney et al. (2002) were merged into characteristics of different cheese types, suggesting that
one complete language by Brown et al. (2003). it could be possible to develop and standardise a termin-
ology that can be used universally and for all cheese
types. The will to achieve this objective is much needed.
Towards a Universal Cheese-Sensory
Relating Sensory Characteristics to
As mentioned previously, some of the key advantages
Consumer Preferences
of using descriptive sensory vocabularies with defin-
itions and references are the ability to communicate Preference mapping is a generic term given to a collec-
accurately results between multiple research groups or tion of techniques, which have emerged in recent years
to reproduce research results at different sites. Hirst et al. to quantify, analyse and interpret consumer preferences
(1994) compared the evaluation of cheese between for products. A premise can be made that the prefer-
trained British and Norwegian panels using independ- ences of a group of consumers of sufficient size (60 or
ently developed sensory languages. Cross-cultural dif- more) will discriminate between comparable products
ferences were attributed to the observed discrepancies based on intrinsic sensory differences, and that the
in term usage and sample differentiation. More recently, degree and direction of discrimination will reflect the
ring trials at seven sites across the European Union number and the intensity of sensory differences that
were conducted and a core sensory language for evalu- can be perceived. Therefore, by simply quantifying and
ation was developed (Hunter and McEwan, 1998; analysing preference, or acceptance for the range, a
Nielsen and Zannoni, 1998). While similar patterns of preference map reflecting sensory differences can be
differentiation among samples by panels that use dif- drawn. The preferences of individual consumers can be
ferent languages are expected (particularly if the represented as a map loading, and areas of minimum
vocabularies are comprehensive and the panellists and maximum preference can be identified. In addition,
highly trained), standardised language with definitions segmentation techniques, when used in tandem, can
and references improves communication, cross panel illustrate opportunities for a selection of optimised prod-
validation and subsequent application of descriptive ucts within the same range (or sensory space). Analysis
analysis results to instrumental or consumer data. of consumer preference data in this way is referred to as
Further, other sources of variation potentially exist in internal preference mapping (McEwan, 1995; Schlich,
comparing panel results at different sites within the 1995).
same country using the same language. Drake et al. When consumer preference evaluation of a set of
(2002) reported on the performance of three descriptive cheeses is followed by the application of descriptive
panels trained at different sites by different panel leaders analysis to the same set of cheeses, this allows multi-
on a previously developed and standardised cheese variate statistical analysis, e.g., using Partial Least
descriptive language (Drake et al., 2001). Panels were Squares Regression (PLSR; Martens and Martens, 1986),
able to communicate accurately attribute differences and relation of descriptive properties that describe
between cheeses. However, differences were observed exactly what attributes are perceived and at what levels
between these panels in scale usage and attribute recog- with the extent and direction of consumer preferences.
nition. These differences were attributed to the differ- This additional analysis facilitates interpretation of the
ences in panel leadership and the duration of panellist internal preference map, and is referred to as external
training. In a similar study, Martin et al. (2000) com- preference mapping (McEwan, 1995; Schlich, 1995).
pared odour profile results of two panels. Language, These techniques provide a powerful research tool for
scale and method of presentation were standardised. market analysis and new product development. One
Results obtained from the two panels were similar. How- can extend the preference map by seeking technical
ever, differences between attribute intensities were extensions, or relationships between preferences, sen-
reported and were attributed to differences in the experi- sory characteristics and physical and chemical proper-
ence and/or perception of individual panellists. As ties of products. One can also extend the preference
with the conclusions of Drake et al. (2002), strong map by seeking behavioural extensions, or by deter-
panel–leader interaction was recommended as a means mining characteristics of the consumers and how they
of rectifying these differences, along with regular feed- have developed their preferences and make their choice
backs between the two panels. decisions.
As referred to previously, Tables 1, 2 and 3 present Preference mapping has been conducted with many
terms used for descriptive sensory analysis by different products, including cheese (McEwan et al., 1989;
research groups for a wide variety of cheeses. In many Lawlor and Delahunty, 2000; Murray and Delahunty,
cases similar terms have been used to describe dominant 2000a,c; Bárcenas et al., 2001). Recently, Young et al.
Sensory Character of Cheese and its Evaluation 481

(2003) conducted preference mapping of Cheddar Finally, only a small percentage of the volatile compon-
cheeses using consumers at two different locations ents in a food are odour-active (Friedrich and Acree,
(Oregon and North Carolina, USA). Seven Cheddar 1998; see also ‘Cheese Flavour: Instrumental Tech-
cheeses with distinct descriptive sensory properties niques’, Volume 1). Establishing these relationships is
were selected. Six distinct consumer clusters were time-consuming and tedious. To use flavour as an
identified, indicating a wide variability in consumer example, extensive and relevant instrumental volatile
preferences even among one cheese type. Analysis of analysis must be conducted, followed by gas chro-
the consumer concept of ‘aged cheese flavour’ and matography–olfactometry (GC–O) and quantitative
‘young cheese flavour’ indicated that consumers could analysis to pinpoint volatiles of interest. On the sensory
differentiate between young and aged Cheddar cheeses side, descriptive analysis with a defined and anchored
and that these concepts were consistent with descrip- language is required. Sensory threshold testing to con-
tive panel language. However, the consumer concept of firm that key volatile compounds are above detection
‘Cheddar flavour’ varied widely and was not pinpointed thresholds must be conducted, followed by descriptive
to specific descriptive cheese flavour terms. Lawlor and sensory analysis of compounds in model systems
Delahunty (2000) conducted preference mapping with across the concentration range found in the cheese to
a diverse range of cheese types, and also found wide confirm the sensory response (Drake and Civille,
variability in consumer preferences. Although a Blue 2003). It should also be noted that the perception of
Shropshire cheese, described as coloured, mouldy and the cheese flavour is an integrated response to numer-
crumbly, was the least liked overall (162 consumers), it ous mixed stimuli, including volatile compounds, non-
was preferred by two of seven segments of the con- volatile compounds and structural properties. The
sumer sample, representing 50% of the total questioned. perception of this stimulation is multi-modal, but
On the other hand, a Gruyère cheese, described as simultaneous, and therefore very complex.
fruity, sweet and firm, was preferred overall, but was the Panelists tasted water-soluble extracts of Comté
first choice of only one segment with 10 consumers. cheese to identify fractions, which had particular
tastes, in an attempt to clarify the effect of peptides
and amino acids on flavour (Salles et al., 1995).
Relating Sensory Perception to Chemical
Preininger et al. (1996) used an unripened cheese
Components and Instrumental
matrix to evaluate both volatile and non-volatile
flavour components of two Swiss cheese samples. A
Relating defined sensory flavour and/or texture to spe- similar study was conducted on Emmental cheese and
cific instrumental tests or chemical compounds is an reduced-fat Cheddar cheeses (Rychlik et al., 1997;
important and expanding area of research. Cheese Suriyaphan et al., 1999). Suriyaphan et al. (2001)
flavour chemistry and texture analyses are addressed identified key chemical volatile components of
in detail in ‘Cheese Flavour: Instrumental Techniques’ cowy/barny and earth/bell pepper sensory perceived
and ‘Rheology and Texture of Cheese’ of Volume 1, but flavours in selected aged British Farmhouse cheeses.
sensory characteristics of cheeses cannot be addressed In this study, sensory properties were identified by
without brief attention to this subject. Relating descriptive sensory analysis, aroma volatiles were
sensory perception to instrumental measurements is quantified by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
important because in certain cases an instrumental test (GC–MS) and aroma properties described by GC–O.
would be more cost-effective and/or convenient than Suspected key volatiles were selected from GC–O data
sensory testing. However, more importantly, establish- based on aroma properties and flavour dilution values.
ment of key relationships between sensory perception The selected aroma components were subsequently
and flavour chemistry or rheology provides the poten- incorporated into mild (bland) cheese across the con-
tial to link cheese flavour or texture to the technology centration range encountered in the Farmhouse
of cheese production; this is a key issue in providing a cheeses and evaluated by descriptive analysis. Studies
consistent and high-quality product to the discerning such as these provide convincing evidence of the con-
consumer. Relating sensory language and chemical tribution of particular compounds to flavour. Model
volatile compounds represents a challenge for several systems have not as yet provided insights into the role
reasons. The relative concentration of a compound in a of compound mixtures and the role of compounds at
cheese is not necessarily a measure of its sensory impact sub-threshold levels. These are complex issues and
due to different sensory thresholds and the effects of the will require extensive future research.
food matrix on retention and release. The sensitivity An alternative approach to determining the influence
and selectivity of the extraction technique must also of composition on sensory character is to use multivari-
be taken into account (Delahunty and Piggott, 1995). ate statistical techniques, such as PLS, to determine
482 Sensory Character of Cheese and its Evaluation

relationships between compositional data and quantita- diversity of cheese types that are produced, but also
tive descriptive sensory data. This technique has the the many stages that any cheese goes through during
advantage of enabling comparison of all mathematically its production and ripening. The complex compos-
possible combinations of compositional variables with ition and structure of cheese stimulate each of the
perceived intensity of one or more sensory characteris- human sensory modalities at approximately the same
tics, following theoretically the principle of the compon- time, resulting in an integrated perception that a con-
ent balance theory (Mulder, 1952). The validity and sumer responds to during and after cheese consump-
value of relationships determined in this way will tion. The dairy industry, including cheese production
depend on the amount and type of compositional data and marketing, has relied on outdated grading and
collected, and the accuracy of both the compositional judging methods for quality control and product
and the sensory data. Lawlor et al. (2001, 2002, 2003) development for many years. While these methods
determined predictive models using this technique for still have use, objective descriptive analysis tech-
numerous flavour and texture attributes described in a niques are increasingly being applied in cheese quality
wide variety of cheese types. research in parallel with innovative studies of cheese-
Many studies have also been conducted to explore making, cheese composition and consumer accept-
the relationships between sensory properties, compos- ability of cheese. Advances in the application of
itional measurements and instrumental measurements objective sensory science techniques have improved
of cheese texture (Wium et al., 1997; Bachmann et al., understanding of the relationships between these fac-
1999; Drake et al., 1999b; Antoniou et al., 2000; tors and the sensory attributes of cheese. However,
Benedito et al., 2000; Truong et al., 2002) and to direct comparison of research findings between differ-
devise instrumental methods to assess more accurately ent laboratories working with the same cheese type,
or predict sensory properties of cheese (Sorensen and and between studies on different types of cheese, will
Jepsen, 1998; Breuil and Meullenet, 2001; Meullenet not be possible until such time as a universal lan-
and Finney, 2002). Lawlor et al. (2001, 2002, 2003), guage to describe cheese sensory character is defined
using PLS, determined relationships between gross and standardised.
composition and perceived texture for a wide variety
of cheeses, and found a number of consistent relation-
ships. In particular, it was found that firmness was References
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eral, empirical texture tests and large-strain tests (com- Kesteloot, R. (2000). Texture assessment of French
pression) have been shown to correlate well with sensory cheeses. J. Food Sci. 65, 168–172.
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Sensory Character of Cheese and its Evaluation 483

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Cheese Flavour: Instrumental
J.-L. Le Quéré, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), Unité Mixte de
Recherche sur les Arômes (UMRA), Dijon, France

volatiles in milk and dairy products see Delahunty and

Piggott, 1995; Mariaca and Bosset, 1997). Therefore,
The sensory properties of food are important determin- the part of this chapter that will be devoted to the
ants in the choice of foodstuffs by the consumer, and analysis of cheese volatiles will focus on particular
flavour plays a prominent role in this context. Flavour techniques adapted to the particular characteristics of
may be defined as the combination of taste and odour, cheese. Cheese flavour components result from the
sensations of pain, heat and cold (chemesthesis or principal biochemical degradation pathways: glycoly-
trigeminal sensitivity), and tactile sensation. Sensory sis, lipolysis and proteolysis (see ‘Biochemistry of
analysis is clearly the most valid means of measuring Cheese Ripening: Introduction and Overview’, ‘Metab-
flavour characteristics. Applied to cheese flavour, sen- olism of Residual Lactose and of Lactate and Citrate’,
sory evaluation is a prominent descriptive tool which ‘Lipolysis and Catabolism of Fatty Acids in Cheese’,
is used widely in dairy science and industry (Issanchou ‘Proteolysis in Cheese during Ripening’ and ‘Catabol-
et al., 1997; see also ‘Sensory Character of Cheese ism of Amino Acids in Cheese During Ripening’, Vol-
and its Evaluation’, Volume 1). However, determining ume 1). The aroma compounds produced are mainly
flavour also means analysing volatile compounds that hydrophobic, or lipophilic, and consequently they
are sensed in the nose at the olfactory receptors either tend to concentrate in the cheese fat according to their
via the orthonasal (odour) or retronasal (aroma) water/fat partition coefficient. Instrumental analysis of
routes when foods are eaten, non-volatile compounds cheese volatiles must, therefore, consider, as a first
sensed on the tongue (taste), and compounds per- step, an extraction method suitable for separating
ceived as mouthfeel and texture. these volatiles from the cheese fat matrix. However, no
Instrumental analyses of flavour have been used pri- single method yields a ‘true’ picture of a food aroma
marily to analyse volatile components. The main reason (Reineccius, 2002), and isolation and analysis of aroma
for this is the major importance of aroma in the overall remain challenging (Teranishi, 1998). Moreover, not
flavour of a food, as is easily demonstrated by the diffi- only may the extraction step lead to artefacts, but the
culties encountered by subjects attempting to identify a total volatile content in most cases is very difficult to
particular flavour if the air flow through the nose is pre- relate to the flavour profile determined by a panel in
vented, and the fact that volatile components are more sensory evaluation. Therefore, it appears much more
amenable to conventional instrumental analysis than efficient to concentrate efforts on the identification of
non-volatile compounds. Therefore, since the early stud- those compounds that are really relevant to flavour. As
ies published in the 1960s and the 1970s (Dumont and no universally suitable extraction method exists, it
Adda, 1972, and references cited therein), instrumental appears essential to choose a method that yields an
methods have concentrated on identification of aroma extract representative of the sensory properties of the
compounds (Mariaca and Bosset, 1997). Only recently, food (Abbott et al., 1993; Etiévant et al., 1994; Etiévant
some significant efforts have been made to develop and Langlois, 1998). Once this extraction method has
instrumental procedures to characterise non-volatile been chosen, the next steps involve various forms of
components in cheese which are responsible for cheese gas chromatography among which gas chromatogra-
taste (Salles et al., 1995a; Salles and Le Quéré, 1998; phy–olfactometry (GC–O) plays a prominent role in
Engel et al., 2000a,b; Le Quéré and Salles, 2001). determining the key volatile compounds that con-
Instrumental analysis of aroma volatiles has been tribute significantly to the flavour of the food (Leland
the subject of important specialised treatises (for the et al., 2001), and gas chromatography–mass spectrom-
most recent literature on the subject, see Ho and Manley, etry (GC-MS), which is essential for the identification
1993; Marsili, 1997; Mussinan and Morello, 1998; of those key odorants.
Stephan et al., 2000; van Ruth, 2001a; Reineccius, Water-soluble extracts (WSE) from cheese have
2002, and specifically for instrumental analysis of strong flavours (Biede and Hammond, 1979; McGugan
Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, Third edition – Volume 1: General Aspects Copyright © 2004 Elsevier Ltd
ISBN: 0-1226-3652-X All rights reserved
Set ISBN: 0-1226-3651-1
490 Cheese Flavour: Instrumental Techniques

et al., 1979; Aston and Creamer, 1986). Such extracts Fox, 1997). However, as sub-fractions have to be evalu-
contain some volatile compounds (Le Quéré et al., ated sensorially to assess their relative sensory impact
1996; Engels et al., 1997; Le Quéré and Salles, 2001), and try to link it to their chemical composition, a suit-
partly extracted by water according to their water/fat able eluent has to be used in the chromatographic
partition coefficient, although flavour compounds are steps. Water (Roudot-Algaron et al., 1993; Salles et al.,
generally more lipophilic than hydrophilic. However, 1995a; Molina et al., 1999) or water-food-grade ethanol
the water extract mainly contains non-volatile com- mixtures (Lee and Warthesen, 1996a,b) have been
pounds. This non-volatile, water-soluble fraction is used for this purpose in combination with gel perme-
composed of mineral salts, lactic acid, lactose, amino ation chromatography (GPC) or high-performance liq-
acids and peptides and has characteristic taste proper- uid chromatography (HPLC). The final identification
ties (Salles et al., 1995a). Amino acids and small pep- step generally involves mass spectrometry (MS) and
tides are considered to be mainly responsible for the tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) of nitrogenous
taste characteristics of water-soluble extracts (McGugan compounds isolated using HPLC, either in a stand-
et al., 1979; Aston and Creamer, 1986), their flavour alone mode or coupled with a mass spectrometer
impact being modulated by interaction with calcium (HPLC–MS) (Roudot-Algaron et al., 1993, 1994b;
and magnesium ions (Biede and Hammond, 1979). Sommerer et al., 2001). A specific method for the isol-
Moreover, it has been recognised for a long time that ation of small peptides from cheese has been described
water-soluble, low molecular weight and mainly (Sommerer et al., 1998a).
hydrophobic peptides, which accumulate during ripen- As already outlined for cheese aroma, the relation-
ing as a result of proteolysis, are responsible for bitter- ships between all flavour compounds identified in a
ness in cheese (Lowrie and Lawrence, 1972; Schalinatus food and sensory perception experienced by con-
and Behnke, 1975; Furtado, 1984; Lemieux and Simard, sumers when eating this food are still not entirely
1992). Some fundamental studies on model com- clear. In fact, it is particularly difficult to predict a
pounds have characterised the tastes of amino acids flavour perception as it is still not known how the var-
and low molecular weight peptides (Salles et al., 1995a ious components combine to produce an overall sen-
and references cited therein); studies conducted on sory impression. Moreover, interactions between taste
tastes in casein hydrolysates were reviewed by Roudot- and aroma (Noble, 1996) and interactions of trigemi-
Algaron (1996). However, until recently and apart nal sensations with taste and aroma (Green, 1996)
from bitterness, no clear sensory data were obtained occur and play an important role in overall flavour
on water-soluble extracts from cheese. Although sev- perception. However, methods that allow direct analy-
eral hundred peptides have been isolated and identi- sis of flavour molecules released in the mouth during
fied from various types of cheese, only a few small consumption have been developed in recent years
peptides, that are suspected to be responsible for par- (Taylor and Linforth, 1996; Roberts and Taylor, 2000).
ticular tastes, were isolated from the water-soluble Development of instrumental techniques and data
fractions of various cheeses and identified (Salles et al., obtained recently for volatile and non-volatile flavour
1995a and references cited therein). However, no compounds in cheese will be presented which may
direct correlations between these peptides and the explain the link between flavour perception and
organoleptic properties of the fractions have been cheese composition.
demonstrated, apart from bitterness. In fact, the water- Finally, specific instrumental techniques have been
soluble fraction of cheese generally has a very complex developed for the analysis of the complete flavour of
composition, and separation and identification of indi- cheese. The methods currently used in the quality
vidual compounds are difficult. Moreover, most ana- control of food flavour are still usually based on sen-
lytical techniques require the use of non-food-grade sory evaluation by a panel of experts. These panels are
solvents or buffers that make sensory evaluation of able to monitor the quality of a particular food, to
sub-fractions difficult or impossible. detect defects and to compare samples for classifica-
Part of this chapter will focus on recent advances tion purposes. Nevertheless, obtaining results rapidly
made to study and identify the taste-active compon- at low cost using instruments could be desirable. The
ents present in the water-soluble fraction of cheese. A so-called ‘electronic noses’ based on gas sensor tech-
general procedure for the preparation of fractions nology, despite some important drawbacks for some of
involves an extraction of grated cheese by water fol- them (Schaller et al., 2000a), are theoretically able to
lowed by a fractionation scheme, generally adapted perform some classification tasks (Schaller et al.,
from the fractionation protocol used to isolate cheese 1998), and some applications for the analysis of
nitrogen fractions in the study of proteolysis in cheese cheese have been developed (Mariaca and Bosset,
during ripening (Fox et al., 1994; McSweeney and 1997; Schaller et al., 1999). However, two other global
Cheese Flavour: Instrumental Techniques 491

analysis methods based on mass spectrometry seem which, the most traditional and popular methods,
more powerful and reliable for purposes of classifica- based on the volatility of aroma compounds, involve
tion. One of these methods analyses total headspace distillation. Although steam distillation methods, and
using a mass spectrometer, without any prior GC separ- particularly the simultaneous steam distillation/solvent
ation (Vernat and Berdagué, 1995). This method is extraction (SDE) technique (Chaintreau, 2001) are
often referred to as a mass-based electronic nose. Alter- still used for dairy products, they have several draw-
natively, headspace sampling may be replaced by solid- backs. Highly volatile compounds are recovered
phase microextraction (SPME) of food volatiles poorly, thermally sensitive compounds may disappear
(Marsili, 1999). Both sampling methods, followed and artefacts may appear unless distillation is per-
directly by mass spectrometry, have found applications formed under a reduced pressure, with tight control of
for the rapid characterisation of cheese (Schaller et al., temperature. In either approach, at atmospheric pres-
2000b; Pérès et al., 2001, 2002a). The second method sure or under vacuum, the quality of the aroma extract
is pyrolysis mass spectrometry (Aries and Gutteridge, finally obtained is dependent on the volatility of the
1987), where a small food sample is pyrolysed at up to aroma compounds and on their solubility in the sol-
500 °C. The resulting volatile fraction, characteristic of vent used. If steam distillation (also called hydrodistil-
the flavour but also of the matrix composition, is lation) is used without simultaneous solvent extraction,
analysed by a mass spectrometer. As with the other it is necessary to add a large quantity of water to the
rapid instrumental methods for classification, a pat- grated cheese to obtain a homogeneous slurry (c. 1 l
tern or fingerprint is obtained for each sample, and for 100 g of cheese). The distillate obtained is in fact
extensive data treatment, either by conventional multi- a dilute aqueous solution of volatile compounds
variate statistics or artificial neural networks, allows (Dumont and Adda, 1972). A subsequent extraction
the construction of maps useful for classification and with large amounts of a suitable solvent, followed by a
quality control purposes (Pérès et al., 2002b). concentration step, is required.
High-vacuum distillation techniques, on the con-
trary, produce small volumes of concentrated aqueous
Characterisation of Aroma (Volatiles) distillates (cheese moisture content only) that can be
Sample treatment extracted with tiny volumes of an organic solvent. A
typical experiment involves two steps. In the first step,
Volatile aroma compounds in cheese, like in other the frozen grated cheese is transferred to a cone-shaped
foodstuffs, are hydrophobic, generally distributed in a flask that is connected to a static vacuum (c. 10 Pa)
heterogeneous manner throughout the matrix and renewed from time to time. Using sub-ambient tem-
present at low or even traces (10 g/kg) concentra- perature and rotation of the flask in order to break the
tions. Their analysis in cheese requires homogenisa- continuously dehydrating surface of the sample, the
tion of the sample prior to extraction, where isolation volatiles are condensed with most of the cheese water
procedures adapted to lipophilic material dispersed in in traps maintained at the temperature of liquid nitro-
trace amounts in a high-fat food are required. A prac- gen (Dumont and Adda, 1972; Le Quéré and Molimard,
tice commonly used for cheese is freezing the sample 2002). In the second step, the flask containing the
in liquid nitrogen, followed by grating to a fine pow- dehydrated cheese powder is connected to a molecular
der with a blender at low temperature. The rind is distillation apparatus operating under a high vacuum
generally removed before sample homogenisation. The (c. 10 2 Pa). In this step, also called ‘cold-finger
powder is then used for subsequent steps as such, or molecular distillation’, the remaining water and volatiles
after dispersion and homogenisation in water, with are transferred directly to the surface of a cold con-
possible pH adjustment, if necessary. denser maintained at the temperature of liquid nitro-
gen and situated at a very short distance from the
Extraction methods
surface of the sample (Fig. 1). The condensed ice layer
As already outlined, all the extraction procedures used on the surface of the condenser contains less volatile
to isolate the aroma fraction from the cheese matrix and more lipophilic compounds. This fraction is com-
should be adapted to the analysis of trace levels of bined with the aqueous distillate obtained in the first
lipophilic material dissolved in a fatty phase, while step. Since early workers (see Dumont and Adda, 1972
minimising losses of highly volatile molecules and pre- and references cited therein), high-vacuum distillation
venting modification of compounds or the formation techniques have been applied to the extraction of
of artefacts. aroma compounds from a large variety of cheeses (see
Many techniques have been proposed for the extrac- Mariaca and Bosset, 1997 and references cited therein;
tion of volatile compounds from cheese, amongst Moio and Addeo, 1998; Moio et al., 2000). Working at
492 Cheese Flavour: Instrumental Techniques

2002). Therefore, direct solvent extraction methods

that necessitate a subsequent distillation step under
vacuum do not offer a significant advantage compared
to other vacuum distillation methods.
Dialysis techniques, that are based on molecular size
differences and which separate molecules according to
their ability to diffuse through a specific membrane at
room temperature, may seem a good alternative.
Reineccius and co-workers have used this technique
(Benkler and Reineccius, 1979, 1980) and compared it
to other methods for the isolation of volatiles from
Cheddar cheese (Vandeweghe and Reineccius, 1990).
Figure 1 Apparatus used for cold-finger molecular distillation. A, More recently, Spinnler and co-workers reinvestigated
I, traps for volatiles cooled with liquid nitrogen; E, round-bottom the technique (Molimard and Spinnler, 1993) and
flask containing dehydrated cheese powder, equipped with a applied it to the extraction of aroma volatiles in the
‘cold-finger’ cooled with liquid nitrogen; F, H, J, K, L, high-vacuum study of the impact of the microflora on the aroma of
stopcocks; M, connection to the high vacuum pumping system; N,
Camembert-type cheese (Molimard, 1994; Spinnler
guard trap cooled with liquid nitrogen.
et al., 1995). In order to eliminate adsorption and arte-
fact formation, these authors used 1% water in the sol-
vent, diethyl ether, to inactivate acidic sites on the
ambient or even at sub-ambient temperature, the tech- perfluorosulphonic acid membrane. They also improved
niques prevent thermal degradation, but need a sub- the dialysis yield by recycling the solvent using a distil-
stantial amount of sample (c. 50–250 g) and are very lation device to recycle the solvent attached to the dialy-
time-consuming (a long distillation period up to a few sis cell (Fig. 2) in order to maintain a maximum
hours). Moreover, the aqueous distillates have to be concentration gradient between the two compartments
extracted with a suitable solvent (e.g., dichloromethane of the cell (Molimard, 1994). Nevertheless, the method
or diethyl ether) before performing further analysis. A is time-consuming (72 h dialysis time), and its effi-
chemical fractionation by controlling the pH of the ciency decreases dramatically as the number of carbon
aqueous distillate results in separation of the organic atoms of the aroma molecule increases (n  10), modu-
extracts into acid, neutral and basic fractions which lated by their hydrophobicity (Molimard and Spinnler,
may be analysed separately (Mariaca and Bosset, 1997; 1993).
Reineccius, 2002). A nice example on Swiss Gruyère A high-performance size-exclusion chromatographic
cheese was published 20 years ago (Liardon et al., method has also been described for the purification of
1982; Bosset and Liardon, 1984, 1985; Bosset et al., aroma compounds from organic extracts of fat-containing
1993). Specific methods for the analysis of volatile free food (Lübke et al., 1996). The method was applied
fatty acids may be found in the literature (see for
example Ha and Lindsay, 1990).
Cheese volatiles may be extracted directly from
samples by a solvent (e.g., diethyl ether). However,
further steps are required to separate the aroma from
the lipids that are also extracted very efficiently by the
solvent. While a simple solvent extraction introduces
some bias into an aroma profile, the following steps,
which are necessary, may add more bias (Reineccius,
2002). For instance, separation of volatile and non-
volatile compounds that have dissolved in the solvent
by distillation under high vacuum has been used by
Grosch and co-workers in the study of Swiss (Preininger
and Grosch, 1994; Preininger et al., 1994; Rychlik et al.,
1997) and Camembert (Kubickova and Grosch, 1997)
cheese and more recently by Qian and Reineccius
(2002a) in a study on Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese. Figure 2 Dialysis cell with solvent recycling device. A, B, cell
The risk in this case is that only the most volatile com- compartments; C, round-bottom flask containing solvent to distil;
ponents are selected from an oil-rich phase (Reineccius, D, condenser; E, magnetic stirrers; F, dialysis membrane.
Cheese Flavour: Instrumental Techniques 493

successfully to the clean-up of a dichloromethane extract lation extraction (SDE) was also used in this study and
from goat cheese (Lübke et al., 1996). The main interest compared to dynamic headspace analysis. As expected,
in this size-exclusion chromatographic method is the the authors concluded that the techniques were com-
limited number of injections necessary and the reduced plementary; dynamic headspace extracted more highly
final volume of the fractions, which in terms of final use- volatile compounds and SDE was more efficient for
ful concentration, appeared significantly quicker and phenols, free fatty acids, lactones and heavier alde-
gave rise to less thermally induced artefacts and to hydes, ketones, alcohols and esters (Larrayoz et al.,
reduced losses of the most volatile components than any 2001). Interference from water in dynamic headspace
other distillation method (Lübke et al., 1996). that could be detrimental to the efficiency of the tech-
Headspace methods, either static or more often nique has been discussed in detail by Canac-Arteaga
dynamic, also called ‘purge-and-trap’ methods, are et al. (1999a,b, 2000) and Pillonel et al. (2002).
popular techniques used to isolate volatiles from Solid-phase microextraction, first developed for
cheese. Although direct analysis of the equilibrium the extraction of volatile organic compounds in water,
headspace would appear to be an ideal method to has been applied recently to the isolation of aroma
study aroma compounds, in terms of sensory represen- compounds from food (Harmon, 1997; Pillonel et al.,
tativeness and ease of use, static headspace techniques 2002; Reineccius, 2002). Solid-phase microextraction
have severe limitations in terms of sensitivity, being partitions analytes between a liquid or a vapour phase
restricted to the most volatile and abundant compon- and a thin solid-phase adsorbent, of which there are
ents (Mariaca and Bosset, 1997; Reineccius, 2002). several choices in terms of polarity and film thickness,
Dynamic headspace, or ‘purge-and-trap’, methods are coated on inert fibres, generally associated with a
basically pre-concentration and enrichment techniques. syringe which serves as a direct injection device
They use stripping of the volatiles from the cheese (Harmon, 1997). The method, which is an equilibrium
samples, sometimes dispersed in water, with an inert one, can be performed either in the direct extraction
gas. The volatiles are concentrated in a cold trap or mode (immersion of the fibre in the sample matrix,
adsorbed onto an inert support (adsorbing polymer, generally in an aqueous solution or suspension) or in
generally of the Tenax® type) and analysed by a headspace configuration. It can be automated very
subsequent thermal desorption or elution by a suitable easily, but the extraction of the solutes depends on
solvent (Mariaca and Bosset, 1997; van Ruth, 2001a; polarity, volatility, partition coefficients, sample
Reineccius, 2002). Although dynamic headspace methods volume, temperature and the nature of the adsorbent-
minimise artefacts developed or introduced during coating material. Therefore, the technique exhibits a
sampling (van Ruth, 2001a), distortion of the aroma certain degree of selectivity, but with the advantages of
profile may result from the trapping of aromas sensitivity, ease of use, no solvent and small sample
(Reineccius, 2002), especially when polymeric adsor- volume (Harmon, 1997; Pillonel et al., 2002; Reinec-
bents are used. However, despite the drawback of rela- cius, 2002). Solid-phase microextraction, used for the
tively poor sensitivity compared to other extraction first time for the analyses of cheese volatiles by Chin
methods, the main advantages of dynamic headspace et al. (1996), has since been used in some significant
techniques are the small amount of sample needed to applications on cheese aroma (Dufour et al., 2001;
perform the analysis (c. 20 g) and its speed (Le Quéré Pillonel et al., 2002 and references cited therein).
and Molimard, 2002). The technique, even though Analysing volatiles directly by immersing the fibre in
it favours the isolation of the most volatile flavour highly complex matrices (as cheese) could damage
compounds (Reineccius, 2002), has been applied widely the fibre, and SPME is, therefore, used almost always
to the analysis of cheese volatiles (see for example in the headspace mode. Comparison of direct SPME
Arora et al., 1995; Canac-Arteaga et al., 1999a,b, 2000; and headspace SPME of Camembert volatiles obtained
Larrayoz et al., 2001; Rychlik and Bosset, 2001a,b). after cryo-trapping of the aqueous phase under
Recent comprehensive reviews on the technique vacuum showed only a slight reduction in sensitivity
include Wampler (1997) and Pillonel et al. (2002). A using headspace SPME compared to direct SPME
comparative study on the advantages of the use of ( Jaillais et al., 1999).
dynamic headspace with cheese samples in the ‘dry’ The water-soluble extract (WSE) of cheese has been
form or in ‘dispersed suspension’ in water has been described for a long time as possessing a strong flavour
published recently (Larrayoz et al., 2001). The ‘dry’ (Biede and Hammond, 1979; Aston and Creamer,
method allowed the extraction of a greater number of 1986; Engels and Visser, 1994; Salles et al., 1995a).
compounds and in larger quantities, but a few com- Besides non-volatile materials responsible for taste,
pounds were extracted better using the ‘suspension’ WSE also contains volatile compounds responsible for
technique (Larrayoz et al., 2001). Simultaneous distil- its intense aroma. Thus, water-soluble extracts of various
494 Cheese Flavour: Instrumental Techniques

cheeses, obtained by direct extraction with water fol- When applied to goat milk cheese, this approach
lowed by various centrifugation steps (Le Quéré et al., indicated that the best extract was obtained by a direct
1996; Engels et al., 1997; Engel et al., 2002c) or by water extraction of the cheese volatiles (Le Quéré et al.,
pressing to obtain an aqueous phase called ‘cheese 1996). This result could perhaps be explained by the
juice’ (Salvat-Brunaud et al., 1995; Thierry et al., chemical and hydrophilic nature of the free fatty acids
1999), have been investigated for their volatile compo- identified as key odorants of goat milk cheese (Le Quéré
nents. To be analysed using gas chromatography, WSEs et al., 1996; Salles and Le Quéré, 1998; Le Quéré and
were either extracted with a suitable solvent (Le Quéré Salles, 2001). A key point in these evaluations of rep-
et al., 1996), submitted to dynamic headspace analysis resentativeness is the choice of a suitable matrix for
(Engels et al., 1997; Thierry et al., 1999) or fraction- testing the olfactory character of the extracts. For
ated using nanofiltration as the final membrane-filtration cheese, the best results have been obtained when the
step (Engel et al., 2002c). extracts are added to an emulsion, i.e., a matrix similar
to cheese in terms of fat composition (Etiévant et al.,
1994). Since, generally, a combination of techniques
should be used to obtain a reasonably complete view
As already outlined, because there is no universally of an aroma profile (Reineccius, 2002), it is notewor-
applicable method, none of the extraction techniques thy that sensory evaluation of headspace or SPME
described above yields an aroma isolate that truly repre- extracts by ‘direct GC-olfactometry’ (i.e., without a chro-
sents either qualitatively or quantitatively the aroma matographic column) has been demonstrated recently
profile of a food (Reineccius, 2002). This fact explains (Lecanu et al., 2002; Rega et al., 2003).
the frequently observed discrepancies between aroma
analysis of a food extract and sensory analysis of the Identification of volatile aroma compounds using
hyphenated GC techniques
food itself. Therefore, the flavour analyst must choose
the isolation procedure best suited to address the prob- As aroma molecules are essentially volatile, the tech-
lem faced: determination of the complete aroma profile, niques used to analyse them are usually based on separ-
identification of key odorants or off-flavours, monitor- ation using high resolution gas chromatography
ing aroma changes with time in foods or prediction of (HRGC). Substantial progress has been made in this
sensory properties (Reineccius, 2002). When the ulti- field during the last 20 years and several stationary
mate aim of a particular study is the identification of the phases are available which allow almost all separation
compounds that are important for flavour (the key problems to be overcome. Combined with universal or
odorants), the most reliable results will be obtained if selective detectors, HRGC is clearly a fundamental tech-
the odour of the extract resembles closely that of the nique, essential for all aroma identification studies. A
food itself (Etiévant et al., 1994; Etiévant and Langlois, comprehensive review on the use of HRGC for the
1998). Different sensory methods, which necessitate a analysis of milk and dairy products is available (Mariaca
trained sensory panel, can be used to check the sensory and Bosset, 1997). Other interesting comments on qual-
representativeness of the food extract odours (Etiévant itative, including multidimensional GC (Wright, 1997),
et al., 1994). When an estimation of the relative impor- and quantitative aspects may be found in Marsili
tance of key constituents in a single sample is required, (1997), van Ruth (2001b) and Reineccius (2002).
a similarity test is preferred. The panellists are asked to Among the hyphenated techniques that are coupled
score the similarity of the odour of the extracts obtained to HRGC, the one that uses the human nose as a detec-
by different methods to the odour of the food itself used tor and known as gas chromatography–olfactometry
as reference on an unstructured 10 cm scale. This (GC–O, sometimes referred to as ‘GC-sniffing’), has
approach was applied to three French and Swiss hard- received considerable attention during the past 20
type cheeses by Etiévant et al. (1994) and Guichard years in aroma research (see for example Blank, 1997;
(1995). It was shown that the distillates obtained at a Leland et al., 2001; Reineccius, 2002). The selectivity
pressure in the range 10–100 Pa had odours more simi- of this specific detector is based only on the odorous
lar to those of the cheeses than the distillates obtained properties of the individual compounds separated by
at a lower pressure (10 mPa). This result means that HRGC. As the most abundant volatiles may have little,
strongly absorbed and less volatile flavour compounds, if any, odour of significance in a food (Mistry et al.,
extracted only at lower pressure, may not be important 1997), GC-sniffing has been an invaluable tool for
for the odour of these cheeses. Similar results were identifying target compounds in aroma extracts that
obtained for extracts of Camembert cheese, showing are always very complex.
clearly that the second step (molecular distillation oper- The primary aim of this technique is to discrimi-
ated under a high vacuum) is not necessary to obtain a nate the odorous compounds from the many back-
representative distillate of the cheese odour. ground volatile components. The so-called ‘aromagram’
Cheese Flavour: Instrumental Techniques 495

constructed from the chromatogram obtained by sim- There is no perfect GC-sniffing method for finding
ply smelling a GC effluent (Blank, 1997; Reineccius, key odorants in foods. Each of the methods described
2002) constitutes an interesting interface with sensory above has its advantages and weaknesses. Only two
analysis, as odour descriptors sensed at the GC sniff- studies have compared the methods in terms of perform-
ing port can be compared to the descriptors generated ance (Le Guen et al., 2000; van Ruth and O’Connor,
by a sensory panel. This method is particularly effi- 2001). In both cases, the results obtained with the dif-
cient for identifying off-flavours. Selection of key ferent techniques were found to be very similar and
odorants or character-impact compounds in a food is well correlated. Finally, the choice of a GC–O method
another objective of GC-sniffing. Quantitative depends on the objective of the study, on the quality of
approaches (the true GC-olfactometry) based on the panel and on the time scheduled for the analyses
odour detection thresholds or on odour intensity have (Le Guen et al., 2000). Dilution techniques are clearly
been developed and are the subject of specialised trea- time-consuming, intensity methods require a trained
tises (Mistry et al., 1997; Leland et al., 2001; van Ruth, panel (Le Guen et al., 2000; Callement et al., 2001) while
2001b; Reineccius, 2002). detection frequency methods are the least demanding
Three different methods have been developed for but also the least precise (Le Guen et al., 2000).
GC–O: dilution analyses based on determination of The aim of any GC–O experiment is to determine
detection thresholds, detection frequency methods and the relative odour potency of volatiles present in an
intensity measurement methods. Original dilution aroma extract or fraction and to prioritise compounds
methods, CHARM (for Combined Hedonic Aroma Meas- for identification. This identification step is done mainly
urement) analysis developed by Acree and co-workers through the use of another hyphenated technique that
(Acree et al., 1984) and Aroma Extract Dilution Analy- couples HRGC to mass spectrometry (GC–MS). For
sis (AEDA) developed by Grosch and co-workers difficult identifications, GC coupled with Fourier trans-
(Ullrich and Grosch, 1987) are essentially screening form infrared spectroscopy (GC/FTIR) provides an
methodologies since the methods, based only on detec- interesting complement to GC–MS (Le Quéré, 2000).
tion threshold determinations, violate certain sensory Mass spectrometry is also used for quantification pur-
rules and psychophysical laws (Reineccius, 2002 and poses through the use of a stable isotope dilution assay
references cited therein). They can be used to deter- (Milo and Blank, 1998; Blank et al., 1999 and refer-
mine those odorous compounds that are most likely to ences cited therein). Such a precise quantitation is
contribute to the odour of a food. Originally developed required for the determination of odour activity values
by McDaniel et al. (1990), the odour-specific magni- (OAVs) generally calculated when using AEDA
tude estimation (OSME) method is basically a cross- (Grosch, 1994). Odour activity values, calculated as
modal technique aimed at measuring the perceived the ratio of concentrations to odour thresholds,
odour intensity of eluting volatiles. In OSME and other despite their limitations in terms of psychophysical
cross-modality matching methods (Guichard et al., validity (Mistry et al., 1997), give a good indication of
1995; Etiévant et al., 1999), results are not based on the respective contributions of key odorants to the
odour detection thresholds, and only one concentra- aroma of foods. They are the basis of the first attempts
tion of the extract is evaluated by a panel, unlike dilu- at using recombination studies to validate impact
tion methods where several dilutions of the extract are odorants sensorially in model cheeses (Grosch, 1994).
evaluated. Results can be subjected to statistical analy- Aroma-recombination studies are the important last
sis and more consistent results are obtained when pan- step in sensorially verifying the analytical data
ellists are trained (Callement et al., 2001). The obtained by GC–O and for quantification of key odor-
detection frequency methods, originally developed by ants of food (Mistry et al., 1997). Either bland
Roozen and co-workers (Linssen et al., 1993), and unripened cheese (Grosch, 1994; Preininger et al.,
referred to as nasal impact frequency (NIF) or surface 1996; Kubickova and Grosch, 1998a) or specially
nasal impact frequency (SNIF) since the work of designed odourless model cheese systems (Smit et al.,
Chaintreau and co-workers (Pollien et al., 1997), also 1995; Salles et al., 1995b) have been used to incorpor-
use a group of assessors who simply have to note ate potential key odorants. Thus, the importance
when they detect an odour in a single GC run (i.e., of methional, 4-hydroxy-2,5-dimethyl-3(2H)-furanone
also at only one concentration). Those GC peaks being and 2-ethyl-4-hydroxy-5-methyl-3(2H)-furanone, acetic
detected as odorous by the greatest number of asses- acid and propionic acid was confirmed as key com-
sors are considered to be the most important. Not pounds for the aroma of Emmental-type cheese
being based on real odour intensities, the method has (Preininger et al., 1996). The branched-chain volatile
important drawbacks, especially when all the odorous fatty acids, 4-methyloctanoic and 4-ethyloctanoic acids,
compounds are present above their sensory threshold were confirmed to be essential for the typical goaty
for all the assessors (Reineccius, 2002). note of goat cheese (Le Quéré et al., 1996) and their
496 Cheese Flavour: Instrumental Techniques

retronasal aroma thresholds were determined in a WSEs of cheese and no direct correlations between spe-
cheese model (Salles and Le Quéré, 1998; Le Quéré cific nitrogen-containing compounds and organoleptic
and Salles, 2001; Salles et al., 2002). Finally, the odour properties of fractions have been demonstrated.
profile of the aroma model built with a set of 11 potent Among the mineral salts present in the WSE of
odorants identified in a GC–O study of an extract from cheese, the compound responsible for the salty taste is
Camembert cheese (Kubickova and Grosch, 1997, almost always supposed to be NaCl (McSweeney, 1997).
1998b), with four additional volatile compounds iden- The taste of most high molecular weight salts is
tified by headspace–GC–O, has been found to resem- known to be bitter rather than salty (McSweeney, 1997
ble closely the aroma of genuine French Camembert and references cited therein).
cheese (Kubickova and Grosch, 1998a; Grosch et al., Acid taste is caused by H3O and the principal acid
2001). in cheese is lactic acid. However, total lactate concen-
The GC–O methods that have been developed dur- tration does not seem to be a good index of cheese
ing the past 20 years, combined with either aroma acidity as the pH may increase during ripening caused
extracts, headspace or even SPME (Dufour et al., 2001), by the production of ammonia (McSweeney, 1997).
have facilitated the identification of potent odorants in Moreover, the perception of acidity in cheese was
various cheeses, including Swiss (Preininger and hypothesised to be influenced by the concentration of
Grosch, 1994; Rychlik et al., 1997; Rychlik and Bosset, NaCl (Stampanoni and Noble, 1991), and no correl-
2001a,b), Cheddar (Arora et al., 1995; Christensen ation between acid taste and either cheese pH or the
and Reineccius, 1995; Dufour et al., 2001), Parmigiano- amount of lactic acid was found for the flavour of
Reggiano (Qian and Reineccius, 2002a,b), Blue (Le Swiss cheese (Biede and Hammond, 1979), while the
Quéré et al., 2002; Qian et al., 2002), Mozzarella (Moio acid flavour correlated positively with the levels of tri-
et al., 1993), Grana Padano (Moio and Addeo, 1998) and tetra-peptides and with amino acids (Biede and
and Gorgonzola (Moio et al., 2000) cheeses. Hammond, 1979). It has also been hypothesised that
short- and medium-chain fatty acids might con-
tribute to the acid taste of cheese (McSweeney, 1997).
Characterisation of Sapid (Non-Volatile) Although this assumption seems reasonable for short
Flavour Compounds chain acids (e.g., formic, acetic or propionic), their prin-
cipal contribution to cheese flavour is to its aroma in the
Water-soluble extracts (WSE) of cheese
unionised form (RCOOH) (Le Quéré et al., 1996; Salles
The water-soluble extract (WSE) of cheese has been and Le Quéré, 1998; Qian and Reineccius, 2002b).
reported to possess a strong flavour (Biede and
Hammond, 1979; McGugan et al., 1979; Aston and Extraction, separation, identification of sapid
compounds in relation to their sensory properties
Creamer, 1986). Apart from some water-soluble volatile
components responsible for aroma, a WSE of cheese con- The study of taste-impact compounds in cheese, or
tains mainly non-volatile components that have been more precisely in its water-soluble fraction, involves
considered to be responsible for the taste of cheese the study of soluble low molecular weight material
(McSweeney, 1997). It has been recognised for a long (i.e., small peptides, amino acids, organic acids, min-
time that bitterness, which can limit cheese acceptabil- erals, etc.) dispersed in a very complex mixture. As it is
ity if too intense, is due to an excessive concentration of necessary to assess the relative sensory impact of poten-
low molecular weight and mainly hydrophobic pep- tial taste-active compounds, a fractionation scheme suit-
tides, which accumulate during ripening as a result of able for subsequent sensory evaluation is needed, and
proteolysis (Lemieux and Simard, 1992; McSweeney, non-food-grade solvents or buffers must be rejected.
1997). Amino acids and small peptides were hypothe- Commonly used procedures involve extraction of
sised to be mainly responsible for the basic taste of grated cheese with water, possibly completed by
cheese (McGugan et al., 1979; Aston and Creamer, precipitation of caseins and large peptides at pH 4.6,
1986; Engels and Visser, 1994), their flavour impact leading to edible fractions with good recovery of
being supposedly influenced by their interaction with nitrogenous compounds (Kuchroo and Fox, 1982).
calcium and magnesium ions (Biede and Hammond, The fractionation scheme that follows is generally
1979). However, the exact role of medium- and small- adapted from the fractionation protocol used for isolat-
size peptides and free amino acids in cheese flavour ing cheese nitrogen fractions for the study of proteolysis
has not been clearly demonstrated, although it is likely (Fox et al., 1994; McSweeney and Fox, 1997). The fol-
that they contribute to the background flavour of cheese lowing steps (Fig. 3) involve ultrafiltration using
(McSweeney, 1997). In fact, until recently and apart from membranes with 1, 3 or 10 kDa molecular weight cut-
bitterness, no clear sensory data have been available for off or precipitation with 70% ethanol (Cliffe et al.,
Cheese Flavour: Instrumental Techniques 497

Figure 3 Possible fractionation schemes used to isolate and evaluate non-volatile compounds from cheese.

1993). The ultrafiltered water-soluble or 70% ethanol- using a water/food-grade ethanol gradient (Lee and
soluble extracts are then subjected to gel filtration Warthesen, 1996a,b) have been used instead of gel fil-
chromatography (Fig. 3). Sephadex G10 (Engels and tration. This fractionation scheme was developed
Visser, 1994; Roudot-Algaron et al., 1994a; Engels et al., originally in order to identify small hydrophobic pep-
1995; Molina et al., 1999), G15 (Roudot-Algaron et al., tides supposedly responsible for taste characteristics
1993; Warmke et al., 1996; Kubickova and Grosch, such as bitter or umami (Mojarro-Guerra et al., 1991;
1998a), G25 (Cliffe et al., 1993; Salles et al., 1995a), or Cliffe et al., 1993; Roudot-Algaron et al., 1993, 1994a).
Toyopearl HW-40S (Salles et al., 1995a, 2000; Sommerer A dedicated liquid chromatographic purification method
et al., 1998a, 2001) media have been used for this pur- has been developed to isolate and identify oligopeptides
pose, using pure water (generally), 0.01 M NaCl from the WSE of goat milk cheese (Sommerer et al.,
(Engels and Visser, 1994), or aqueous 0.5 M acetic 1998a, 2001). Systematic sensory evaluation of the
acid (Warmke et al., 1996; Kubickova and Grosch, final fractions allows target fractions to be determined
1998a) as eluent. The fractions obtained by gel perme- that possess interesting tastes, and physicochemical
ation chromatography may be evaluated sensorially assessment of these key fractions should permit the
(Fig. 3) after freeze-drying and re-dissolution in water, identification of those compounds that are really rele-
possibly with pH adjustment. Alternatively, liquid vant to the flavour of cheese (Engels and Visser, 1994;
chromatographic methods involving Sep Pak C18 car- Salles et al., 1995a).
tridges eluted with a stepwise water–ethanol gradient Using this approach, some recent studies have been
(Engels and Visser, 1994; Engels et al., 1995) or HPLC dedicated to the taste of the WSE of various cheeses.
498 Cheese Flavour: Instrumental Techniques

Low molecular weight peptides, with two to four However, taste evaluation of mixtures of compounds
amino residues, were identified in Vacherin Mont d’Or conducted in tap water suggested that the character-
(Mojarro-Guerra et al., 1991). As there was not enough istic taste compounds of Emmental are acetic, propi-
natural material available for sensory evaluation, com- onic, lactic, succinic and glutamic acids, each in the
mercially available analogous synthetic peptides were undissociated form and/or as ammonium, sodium,
used in sensory experiments. The dipeptides tested potassium, magnesium and calcium salts, as well as
were dissolved in tap water at a rather high concentra- chlorides and phosphates analogues (Warmke et al.,
tion (50 mg/100 mL) and were found to be essentially 1996). A study conducted on a model based on
bitter. However, neither quantitative nor threshold data unripened Mozzarella-type cheese confirmed the
were estimated and the importance of these peptides importance of acetic, propionic, lactic, succinic and
for the overall taste of the cheese was only an hypoth- glutamic acids, and sodium, potassium, calcium,
esis (Mojarro-Guerra et al., 1991). In a study on Ched- magnesium, ammonium, phosphate and chloride
dar cheese, Cliffe et al. (1993) found bitter fractions in ions to the taste of Emmental cheese (Preininger et al.,
material thought to be large hydrophobic peptides 1996).
while lower molecular weight fractions with savoury The same approach applied to Camembert led to
notes were thought to be small, more hydrophilic pep- the conclusion that the important taste contributors
tides and amino acids. The flavour of the WSE of for Camembert are acetic, butyric, 3-methylbutyric,
Comté cheese was the subject of substantial efforts in caprylic and succinic acids, monosodium glutamate,
the early 1990s. A great variety of small peptides was ammonia and NaCl (Kubickova and Grosch, 1998a). It
identified in these extracts (Roudot-Algaron et al., was also found that the biogenic amine, cadaverine,
1993, 1994a,b). Some of them were found to be essen- and the rare amino acids, ornithine and citrulline,
tially bitter (Roudot-Algaron et al., 1993), -glutamyl when present, are likely to contribute to the bitter
dipeptides were found to be sour (Roudot-Algaron taste of Camembert (Kubickova and Grosch, 1998a).
et al., 1994a), but all the identified compounds, The above results clearly indicated that only low
including non-peptide material (Roudot-Algaron et al., molecular weight compounds found in the WSE con-
1993; Salles et al., 1995a), were found at a concentra- tribute significantly to the taste of cheese, while small
tion much lower than their threshold values. Although peptides do not seem to be key flavour compounds, as
possible synergistic effects between several molecules was previously hypothesised. A study on goat milk
found at concentrations below individual threshold cheese led to the same conclusions (Salles and Le Quéré,
values cannot be a priori eliminated, these observa- 1998; Salles et al., 2000; Le Quéré and Salles, 2001).
tions suggest that these components alone could not The taste of the various goat milk cheeses investigated
affect cheese flavour (Salles et al., 1995a). Umami taste was essentially due to mineral salts and lactic acid.
was clearly identified in a fraction and easily explained Fractions rich in small peptides and free amino acids
by a substantial amount of monosodium glutamate were found to be essentially tasteless when evaluated
which was found at a concentration ten times above its either in water (Salles et al., 2000) or in a model cheese
threshold value, while the concentrations of the other (Salles and Le Quéré, 1998; Le Quéré and Salles, 2001).
amino acids were all well below their thresholds In a comparative study on cheeses made from cows’,
(Salles et al., 1995a). ewes’ or goats’ milk, Molina et al. (1999) concluded
Following the same methodology, Grosch and that, even though differences were found in the inten-
co-workers evaluated the taste compounds of Emmen- sity and predominance of individual tastes in the frac-
tal cheese (Warmke et al., 1996). The contribution of tions of the cheeses made from the milk of the three
individual free fatty acids, free amino acids, minerals, species, it was difficult to correlate the peptide pattern
biogenic amines, lactic and succinic acids, and ammo- and the free amino acid content of cheese with the
nia was estimated on the basis of taste activity values sensory evaluation of the fractions.
(TAVs), a concept analogous to the odour activity val- However, synergistic effects on taste have been
ues (OAVs), and defined as the ratio of concentration demonstrated between peptides, amino acids and min-
to taste threshold. From these results, acetic and pro- eral salts (Wang et al., 1996) and interactions between
pionic acids were confirmed to be important contribu- tastes in mixtures may exist (Breslin, 1996). Therefore,
tors to the taste of Emmental cheese. Glutamic acid it appeared interesting to generalise the evaluation of
was the major taste compound in the fraction contain- model mixtures of compounds that have been identi-
ing free amino acids while all the ions investigated fied and quantified in the WSE of cheese (Warmke
might be involved in the taste of Emmental, as were et al., 1996; Kubickova and Grosch, 1998a). Moreover,
also biogenic amines (tyramine and histamine), ammo- fractionation of the WSE by gel filtration has two
nia, lactic and succinic acids (Warmke et al., 1996). main limitations: poor resolution and the necessity of
Cheese Flavour: Instrumental Techniques 499

tedious repetitive steps in order to obtain sufficient tion of small (MW  1000 Da) bitter peptides during
peptide material for sensory evaluation. To clarify the ripening (Engel et al., 2001c).
putative effect of the small water-soluble peptides on
the taste of cheese, it was therefore necessary to develop
a new isolation procedure. Nanofiltration using ionis- Dynamic Methods for Flavour
able membranes with a molecular weight cut-off of Characterisation
500 Da was used by Sommerer et al. (1998b). A nanofil- Even if the ‘best’ extraction and identification methods
trate was prepared from the 1-kDa permeate obtained are used, poor correlations are often found between
by ultrafiltration of the WSE (Fig. 3). A large propor- the overall levels of flavour components (volatile and
tion of mineral salts and a substantial proportion of non-volatile) and sensory perception experienced by a
amino acids were thus eliminated from the nanofiltra- consumer. In other words, it is not enough to know
tion retentate in which the majority of small peptides the exact composition of food in terms of flavour com-
were concentrated (Sommerer et al., 1998b). This rela- pounds to understand perfectly the perception of its
tively pure and edible peptide-containing fraction flavour. In fact, the perception of flavour is a dynamic
could be used in sensory analysis, after incorporation process (Piggott, 2000). During the consumption of
into a bland model cheese system (Salles et al., food, the concentration of aroma compounds at the olfac-
1995b), on its own or with the addition of putative tory epithelium and of sapid compounds at the taste
synergistic effectors such as mineral salts or amino buds varies with time. Flavour components are released
acids (Sommerer et al., 1998b). Using omission tests progressively from the food matrix during chewing.
(see Engel et al., 2002a,b, and references cited therein Kinetics of the release of flavour depends on the
for a comprehensive review), it was shown that small nature of the food matrix composition and of individ-
peptides have no effect on the taste of goat milk ual mastication pattern. Sensory methods, such as
cheese, and no additive or synergistic effects were time-intensity, have been used to study the dynamic-
found between those peptides and salts or amino acids and time-related aspects of flavour perception (Piggott,
(Sommerer et al., 1998b). This unexpected result has 2000).
been confirmed after complete physicochemical
assessment of the WSE from goats’ milk cheese has
Release of volatiles in vivo
allowed the development of a model mixture that was
validated sensorially (Engel et al., 2000a). Using omis- Techniques which measure volatiles directly in the
sion tests, the relative impact of WSE components on mouth or in the nose have been developed to obtain
goat cheese taste has been determined (Engel et al., physico-chemical data that reflect the pattern of aroma
2000b). Among the main taste characteristics of the molecules released from food and that are effectively
WSE from goats’ milk cheese (salty, sour and bitter), present at the olfactory receptors during consumption
saltiness was explained by additive effects of Na, K, (Linforth and Taylor, 1993; Taylor and Linforth,
Ca2 and Mg2, sourness was due to synergism 1994). Among the various approaches aimed at sam-
between NaCl, phosphates and lactic acid, and bitterness pling aroma from the nose (nose-space), the collection
resulted entirely from CaCl2 and MgCl2. Amino acids, of expired air samples on Tenax® traps (Fig. 4) pro-
lactose and peptides had no significant impact on the vided the first robust results (Linforth and Taylor,
taste properties of the WSE of goats’ milk cheese 1993; Taylor and Linforth, 1994). When applied to
(Engel et al., 2000b). The same procedure was applied
recently to a specially selected bitter Camembert
cheese (Engel et al., 2001a,b,c) and confirmed that the
WSE from cheese contained taste-active compounds,
the impact of which could be modulated by an effect
of the cheese matrix (Engel et al., 2001a). Sourness of Tenax trap GC
Camembert WSE was explained by an enhancing
effect of NaCl on the acid taste due to the concentra-
tion of H3O, saltiness was due to NaCl whereas Pump
bitterness was mainly due to the bitter peptides found
in the fraction with a molecular weight in the range
500–1000 Da (Engel et al., 2001b). The intense prote-
olytic activity of the strain of Penicillium camemberti, Figure 4 Collection and analysis of expired air by Tenax trap-
specially selected to develop bitterness in this case, has ping and GC–MS (reproduced from Roberts and Taylor (2000),
been demonstrated to be responsible for the accumula- with permission from the American Chemical Society).
500 Cheese Flavour: Instrumental Techniques

Cheddar cheese (Delahunty et al., 1994), the ‘buccal Nitrogen 10 l/min Cone
headspace’ method demonstrated that, despite a simi- Venturi
lar composition of volatiles found with conventional
headspace analysis, some cheeses, depending on their
fat content, released a different balance of volatiles Quad
during consumption (Delahunty et al., 1996a). Gas
chromatography–olfactometry of buccal headspace
showed a number of volatile compounds which have Breath flow pin
been suspected to contribute primarily and most likely
to Cheddar cheese flavour (Delahunty et al., 1996b). It Figure 5 Principle of the API-MS interface used for breath by
was presumed that the buccal headspace extract was breath analysis (reproduced from Roberts and Taylor (2000),
with permission from the American Chemical Society).
representative of the aroma compounds that a con-
sumer perceives during consumption (O’Riordan and
Delahunty, 2001). cheeses (Salles et al., 2003). Three French mould-
By overlapping the sampling time periods, release ripened soft cheeses (Brie made from pasteurised milk,
curves can be constructed and temporal changes Camembert made from pasteurised milk and from raw
reflecting relative concentrations of volatiles at a par- milk) were evaluated by a panel of 15 assessors (Salles
ticular moment during consumption can be deter- et al., 2003). Retronasal aroma profiles made by cita-
mined (Linforth et al., 1996). When applied to Cheddar tion frequency of attributes revealed four main
cheese, ‘temporal buccal headspace’ results, obtained descriptors for the three cheeses. The sulphury note
on an accumulated ‘time-concentration’ basis (four (cabbage/cauliflower/vegetable) was particularly intense
time periods: 15, 30, 45 and 60 s of cheese consump- for the Camembert cheeses, while the buttery/creamy
tion), were correlated with sensory time–intensity data note was important for the three cheeses studied;
(Delahunty et al., 1996c). Time-course data confirmed the mushroom attribute was less intense in the
the results of conventional analysis while providing Camembert cheeses, and ammonia was perceived in all
improved sensory predictions from the instrumental cheeses but was found particularly difficult to score by
results (Delahunty et al., 1996c). Mastication behav- the panellists (Salles et al., 2003). Therefore, the three
iour using electromyography and saliva production main aroma notes (sulphury, buttery and mushroom)
rates of individuals have also been measured during were selected for subsequent time–intensity (TI) scor-
consumption of Cheddar cheese (Delahunty et al., ing (15 assessors evaluated each attribute, with three
1998; O’Riordan et al., 1998). Combined to nose-space replicates of each cheese). Gas chromatography–olfac-
analysis and sensory evaluation using free choice pro- tometry of the dynamic headspace sampling of the
filing, these authors demonstrated that although there three cheeses allowed odour-active compounds to be
were differences in chewing styles and saliva produc- identified, amongst which sulphur compounds
tion rates, the assessors’ individual nose-space profiles (methanethiol, dimethylsulphide (DMS), S-methylthio-
were very similar for all Cheddar cheeses examined acetate, dimethyldisulphide (DMDS), 2,4-dithiapentane,
(Delahunty et al., 1998). Partial least-squares regres- dimethyltrisulphide, 2,3,5-trithiahexane and dimethyl-
sion analysis allowed the most important flavour tetrasulphide) could be related to the sulphury attribute
differences between cheeses to be predicted from scored by the panellists. However, API-MS nose-space
the volatiles released during consumption (O’Riordan experiments allowed the detection of only six com-
et al., 1998). pounds of which three contained sulphur ones (DMS,
Recently, atmospheric pressure ionisation–mass S-methylthioacetate and DMDS). Simultaneous TI
spectrometry (API–MS) has been developed to monitor scoring of the sulphury note allowed a perfect super-
aroma release during chewing (Taylor et al., 2000). Air position of the time–intensity curve with the release of
from the nose (nose-space) is sampled directly into the the sulphur compounds (Fig. 6). The most significant
API-MS source through an interface (Fig. 5), making perception and flavour release parameters allowed the
real time breath-by-breath analysis possible (Linforth three cheeses to be well discriminated by principal
et al., 1996; Taylor and Linforth, 1996). Therefore, component analysis (PCA), showing a good agreement
by combining time–intensity sensory studies with between perception scored by assessors and consist-
nose-space analysis, it is now possible to relate tem- ency in their release of aroma compounds while eating
poral parameters of aroma release to perception (Linforth cheeses (Salles et al., 2003). Another PCA analysis
et al., 2000). The method, reviewed in detail in showed a positive correlation for the sulphury note
specialised treatises (Roberts and Taylor, 2000; Taylor, between the perception parameters derived from the
2002), has been applied recently to soft French TI curves and parameters derived from the aroma
Cheese Flavour: Instrumental Techniques 501

Perceived intensity
sampling technique using a motor-driven ribbon placed
8 T-I
7 across the tongue while a panellist chews a food sam-
5 Sulphury/cabbage attribute ple has also been described (Davidson et al., 2000). At
the end of the eating process, the ribbon was cut into
5 cm lengths after estimation of the saliva weight
25 adsorbed on the ribbon, each piece representing a cer-
tain time. Non-volatile components were extracted
I (m/z 90.8)

S-methyl thioacetate
m/z 90.8 from the pieces of ribbon with a solvent and their con-
5 centration determined by direct liquid phase API- or
electrospray (ES)–MS (Davidson et al., 2000). Tem-
poral release of sucrose and glucose from biscuits, of

I (m/z 93.7)

400 sodium from potato crisps, of sucrose, glucose and

300 m/z 93.7
fructose, citric and malic acids from fresh orange and
100 finally minerals (sodium, calcium and potassium)
from Cheddar cheese was monitored successfully
350 (Davidson et al., 2000). The cotton bud technique has
I (m/z 62.9)

300 DMS
200 m/z 62.9 been applied recently to a model processed cheese in
100 which aroma and non-volatiles compounds consistent
0 with literature data had been incorporated (Pionnier
0 1 2 3 4 5
et al., 2003). As it was demonstrated that with certain
Time in min
foodstuffs the increased frequency of sampling affected
Figure 6 Flavour release from Camembert cheese for one the chewing pattern (Davidson et al., 2000), each pan-
assessor. Simultaneous time–intensity scoring of the sulphury/ ellist produced only one saliva sample per mastication,
cabbage attribute and API-MS analysis of S-methyl thioacetate,
at a time-consuming cost, however. Using ES–MS in
dimethyldisulphide (DMDS) and dimethylsulphide (DMS) in the
nose-space. negative ionisation mode, time-course release curves
for minerals (sodium, calcium, magnesium and potas-
sium), amino acids (leucine, phenylalanine, glutamic
release curves (Salles et al., 2003), as suggested by the acid), organic acids (citric, lactic, propanoic and butyric)
characteristic curves presented in Fig. 6 for one panel- and phosphoric acid have been obtained (Pionnier et al.,
list within one session. 2003). As a typical example, Fig. 7, shows release
curves from cheese for phenylalanine, glutamic acid,
Non-volatiles in vivo
leucine, phosphoric and lactic acids obtained for one
Development of methods to study flavour release has assessor. The first conclusion that could be stressed
concentrated mainly on the volatile fraction, while from the analyses of the release curves is that individ-
only a limited number of studies have been devoted to ual physiological parameters (mainly mastication
the release of non-volatile compounds in the mouth. behaviour and salivation rate) are related more closely
Conductivity measurements have been used to relate to the temporal release of taste compounds than to
the release of salt during chewing to Cheddar cheese their physico-chemical properties (Pionnier et al., 2003).
texture (Jack et al., 1995), and a similar approach with
additional in-mouth measurement of pH has been
Model mouth systems
used with a variety of foodstuffs, including Cheddar
cheese (Davidson et al., 1998). However, in these A number of mechanical devices which mimic in more
approaches, the sensors available for in vivo measure- or less detail the processes that occur in the mouth
ments only give the best estimate for salt (non-specific during eating ‘model mouths’ have been developed
to sodium) and acid release. Saliva sampling using cot- (Piggott, 2000 and references therein). These are often
ton buds coupled to a direct liquid mass spectrometry variants of dynamic headspace analysis, but their aim
procedure has been described to study the rate of is to obtain time-resolved samples containing volatiles
release of sucrose (Davidson et al., 1999). Panellists as similar as possible to those present during actual
were instructed to take a swab from a specific location eating. The various parameters like temperature, air
on the tongue at different times during mastication flow, mastication rate and addition of artificial saliva
using a cotton bud. The weight of saliva swabbed was can be varied to study their effects on volatile flavour
measured and sucrose concentration was monitored release. The main advantages of model mouths are the
using liquid-API–MS after extraction by a methanol– large quantities of food samples that can be handled,
water solution (Davidson et al., 1999). A continuous overcoming some sensitivity problems encountered
502 Cheese Flavour: Instrumental Techniques

0.6 Phenylalanine
Glutamic acid

Concentration (g/100 g saliva)

Phosphoric acid
End of mastication
Lactic acid




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time (s)

Figure 7 Flavour release from a flavoured model cheese for one assessor. In mouth, time-course release of non-volatile com-
pounds (concentration in g/100 g saliva) using the cotton bud technique. Data points measured in electrospray-MS in negative ion-
isation mode are the mean of three replicates.

when monitoring volatiles at low concentrations (Taylor, cheese flavour. However, further work is needed to
2002), and the suppression of inter-individual vari- improve our knowledge of various interactions arising
ations, always encountered when working with a at different levels in the process of food consumption:
panel, that can be detrimental to a robust interpreta- e.g., interactions between food ingredients (Delahunty
tion of the data. Recently, using an imitation cheese and Piggott, 1995; Pionnier et al., 2002; Taylor, 2002),
preparation, the release of volatile flavour compounds and interactions at the perceptual levels such as taste-
from the Retronasal Aroma Simulator (RAS), originally aroma interactions (Noble, 1996; Given and Paredes,
developed by Roberts and Acree (1995), has been 2002; Hollowood et al., 2002; Taylor, 2002), or trigem-
compared with flavour release in vivo using API-MS inal interferences (Green, 1996; Given and Paredes,
detection in both cases (Deibler et al., 2001). While 2002), as these play a fundamental role in overall
delivering higher concentrations of volatiles than from flavour perception.
human breath, the RAS gave a good approximation of
time-averaged flavour release in the mouth, with
Global and Fast Assessment of Cheese
volatile compounds present at similar ratios (Deibler
et al., 2001). Volatiles in the RAS effluent from Ched-
dar, Brie and vanilla ice cream were measurable The methods currently used to evaluate and control
(Deibler et al., 2001). The model-mouth device origin- the quality of cheese flavour are still essentially based
ally developed by Roozen and co-workers (van Ruth on sensory evaluation by a panel of experts. These
et al., 1994) has been used to investigate the relation- trained panels are able to handle such difficult tasks
ships between the gross, non-volatile and volatile com- like quality monitoring through descriptive analysis,
positions and the sensory attributes of eight Swiss-type off-flavour detection and comparison of samples for
cheeses (Lawlor et al., 2002). Eight flavour attributes classification purposes. It could be interesting for such
were found to be correlated with subsets of volatiles, tasks to substitute humans by instruments that could
amino acids, free fatty acids and gross compositional give quicker answers at a reduced cost.
constituents with, for instance, the nutty flavour of
Emmental that was positively correlated with the concen-
Electronic nose
trations of propionic acid, ethyl acetate and 2-pentanone
(Lawlor et al., 2002). Evaluation of the complete aroma emitted from food
Flavour release and flavour perception are dynamic using gas sensors, the so-called ‘electronic noses’, is
processes and must be studied using dynamic methods now theoretically feasible (Hodgins, 1997; Schaller et al.,
(Piggott, 2000). Dynamic physico-chemical methods 1998). Electronic noses are composed of arrays of
have been developed to study the parameters of flavour non-specific gas sensors which are based on different
release from foods. Parallel increased applications of physical principles (Hodgins, 1997; Schaller et al.,
dynamic sensory methods provide a better understand- 1998). The most common sensors are semiconducting
ing of food flavour, with important results obtained for metal oxides and conducting organic polymers, but
Cheese Flavour: Instrumental Techniques 503

they all give rise to a response with a typical pattern. where identification of the off-flavour compound is a
Therefore, pattern recognition software, using either pre-requisite and in quality control assessment, they
standard statistics or artificial neural network technol- may be used successfully only after recognising their
ogy, must be used for data treatment and final presen- inherent weaknesses (Reineccius, 2002).
tation of the results (Hodgins, 1997; Schaller et al.,
1998). The electronic nose is particularly attractive for
Mass spectrometry-based systems
quality control applications where conformity/non-
conformity answers are expected. Some discrim- For classification purposes, two other global and fast
inative studies have been conducted on cheese analytical methods, based on mass spectrometry, have
samples (Schaller et al., 1998 and references cited been used for dairy products and seem more powerful
therein). Using metal oxide semiconductors, it was and reliable than electronic noses. The first consists of
possible to distinguish between five Swiss cheese vari- a global analysis of a headspace sample by a mass
eties (Mariaca and Bosset, 1997). However, some prob- spectrometer operated in electron ionisation mode,
lems occurred with the repeatability of the system that without GC separation (Vernat and Berdagué, 1995).
could be possibly related to the product itself, the sam- The feasibility of the method was originally demon-
pling technique or the moisture content of the air used strated for rapid classification of four rather different
for sampling, precluding its use in routine tests French cheeses (Vernat and Berdagué, 1995). This
(Schaller et al., 1998). Samples of Swiss Emmental method is often described as a ‘MS-based electronic
cheese at different stages of ripening have been evalu- nose’ (Schaller et al., 2000b). The mass patterns
ated using different technologies over a period of one obtained, considered as fingerprints of the food prod-
year (Schaller et al., 1999). The metal oxide semicon- ucts analysed, also need data treatment, either by con-
ductors technology has given the best discriminative ventional statistics or artificial neural networks. The
results. However, the sensors seemed to be damaged technique has been used successfully to discriminate
by short-chain fatty acids released from cheese. Con- four Swiss Emmental cheeses differing in age (Schaller
ducting organic polymer sensors showed poor sensi- et al., 2000b), and Camembert-type cheeses according
tivity to volatile components of cheese, the main to their origin, manufacturing process or ripening
problem being that these sensors are unstable (Schaller stage (Pérès et al., 2002a).
et al., 2000a). The other technologies tested were not Solid-phase microextraction may be used as a pre-
sensitive enough to cheese volatile compounds and concentration technique instead of dynamic headspace
electronic noses containing these sensors showed poor analysis (Marsili, 1999). Applied to rapid characterisa-
discriminative power (Schaller et al., 1999). However, tion of cheeses, SPME has been demonstrated to be a
recently, the ripening of Danish Blue cheese was moni- very efficient pre-concentration technique (Schaller
tored by means of an electronic nose which contained et al., 2000b). In the task of discriminating Swiss
14 conducting polymer (polyaniline) sensors; results Emmental cheeses ripened for different times, SPME
were found to be highly correlated to those of sensory has been found to be superior to dynamic headspace
analysis and GC–MS analysis of volatile compounds analysis in terms of repeatability, simplicity and com-
during a 5–12-week ripening period (Trihaas et al., patibility with an autosampler (Schaller et al., 2000b).
2003). The close control of the experimental sampling However, when applied to the characterisation of
conditions (quality of dry air with a humidity 0.5% Camembert-type cheese (Pérès et al., 2001), SPME
and equilibration time at controlled temperature) yielded less satisfactory results than those obtained by
might explain this success (Schaller et al., 1998). Nev- dynamic headspace analysis (Pérès et al., 2002a). The
ertheless, despite some success in some classification better performance of the dynamic headspace method
tasks when using perfectly controlled sampling condi- in that case was attributed to the absence of signal
tions, electronic noses hardly meet the requirements of drift (ageing of the SPME fibres causes drift, as
the food industry in terms of precision, reproducibility, demonstrated by Pérès et al., 2001) and to automation
sensitivity and stability. Of particular importance, the of the injection of sample into the mass spectrometer.
sensors are known to deteriorate over time or can be According to the authors, the protocol chosen for the
poisoned, therefore changing their response. Even analysis by dynamic headspace-MS was more efficient
with frequent calibration, the inherent weaknesses of than SPME in terms of extraction yield, and reduced
the technique make the general applicability of the thermal, mechanical and chemical modification of the
databases problematic. Moreover, these instruments samples (Pérès et al., 2002a).
cannot be used to identify single odorants or to differ- Developed in the 1980s for food applications, direct
entiate samples with subtle differences in distinctive pyrolysis-MS is another method that delivers ‘finger-
sensory attributes. Therefore, in off-flavour studies, prints’ which can be used for classification/authentication
504 Cheese Flavour: Instrumental Techniques

purposes (Aries and Gutteridge, 1987). With this accurate information, combined flavour chemistry and
method, a tiny sample is pyrolysed rapidly at up to sensory evaluation should help understand the relation-
530 °C and the resulting volatile fraction, characteris- ship between flavour stimuli and perceived flavour and
tic of the flavour but also of the matrix breakdown, is explain the mechanisms of flavour perception.
analysed immediately by a mass spectrometer operated Authentication of cheese (for instance, varieties
in low energy electron ionisation mode. Here again a with protected designations of origins) is another chal-
mass pattern, this time rather complex, is obtained for lenge. Tools developed recently that combine analyt-
each sample and several data pre-processing steps are ical instrumentation for global assessment of flavour
often necessary to select a reduced number of mass with multivariate data analyses have demonstrated
fragments that allow satisfactory classification. Curie- their usefulness for classification purposes.
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Rheology and Texture of Cheese
D.J. O’Callaghan and T.P. Guinee, Dairy Products Research Centre, Teagasc, Ireland

Introduction – Overview of Cheese 3. the use of cheese as an ingredient, as they influence

Rheology and Texture its behaviour when subjected to different size reduc-
tion methods (such as shredding, grating or shear-
Rheology of materials, e.g., cheese, may be defined
ing) and how it interacts and blends with other
simply as the study of their deformation and flow
ingredients in foods in which cheese is an ingredient.
when subjected to a stress or strain. The rheological
4. its ability to retain a given shape at a given tempera-
properties of cheese are those that determine its
ture or when stacked;
response to stress or strain, as applied, for example,
5. its ability to retain gas and hence to form eyes or
during compression, shearing or cutting. In practice,
cracks or to swell.
such stresses and strains are applied to cheese during
processing (e.g., portioning, slicing, shredding and
Hence, the rheological properties of cheese are sig-
grating) and consumption (slicing, spreading, masticat-
nificant quality attributes of importance to the manu-
ing and chewing). The rheological properties include
facturer, pre-packer, distributor, retailer, industrial user
intrinsic characteristics such as elasticity, viscosity and
and consumer.
viscoelasticity that are related primarily to the compos-
The rheology of cheese is a function of its compos-
ition, structure and the strength of attractions between
ition, microstructure (i.e., the structural arrange-
the structural elements of the cheese. The rheological
ment of its components), the physico-chemical state
characteristics of cheese are quantified by rheolog-
of its components, and its macrostructure, which
ical quantities that are measured in tests involving the
reflects the presence of heterogenities such as curd
application of stress or strain under defined experi-
granule junctions, cracks and fissures. The physico-
mental conditions. The output variables from these
chemical properties include parameters such as the
tests (e.g., creep, stress relaxation, compression tests),
level of fat coalescence, ratio of solid-to-liquid fat,
which may include change in dimensions over time,
degree of hydrolysis and hydration of the para-
the ratio of stress-to-strain for certain strain levels,
casein matrix, and the level of inter-molecular
stress or strain required to induce fracture, enable
attractions between para-casein molecules. Hence,
the determination of quantities such as shear modulus,
the rheological characteristics differ markedly with
fracture stress and firmness. In lay terms, the behav-
the cheese variety and age. The effect of variety on the
iour of the cheese when subjected to these stresses
rheological properties is readily apparent on compari-
and strains is referred to by descriptive terms such
son of an almost-flowable mature Camembert with
as hardness, firmness, springiness, crumbliness or
a firm, brittle Parmesan or of a crumbly Cheshire
cheese or with an elastic springy Swiss-type cheese
Owing to the variations in manufacturing condi-
or String cheese (Table 1). Similarly, the influence of
tions and composition, different cheese varieties exhibit
age is clear on comparison of a young (e.g., 1–2
a wide range of rheological behaviour, ranging from
months) rubbery Cheddar with a fully mature pli-
the viscous behaviour of soft cheese to the elastic
able Cheddar (Table 1).
behaviour of hard cheeses at low strain.
Cheese rheology and factors that affect it have been
The rheological properties of cheese are of consid-
reviewed extensively (Sherman, 1969; Eberhard, 1985;
erable importance as they affect:
Visser, 1991; van Vliet, 1991a; Rao, 1992; Prentice et al.,
1. its handling, portioning and packing characteristics; 1993; Ustunol et al., 1995; Beal and Mittal, 2000; Fox
2. its texture and eating quality, as they determine the et al., 2000; Madsen and Ardö, 2001; Guinee, 2003).
effort required to masticate the cheese or alterna- In this chapter, the basic rheological characteristics of
tively the level of mastication achieved for a given cheeses in general and the methods for their quantifi-
level of chewing. The degree of chewing required cation will be examined. The effects of compositional
may, in turn, influence the flavour/aroma properties and biochemical factors on the rheological properties
and the suitability of the cheese for different con- of cheese are discussed in ‘Cheese as an Ingredient’,
sumer groups (e.g., children, aged); Volume 2. For detailed information on cheese texture,
Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, Third edition – Volume 1: General Aspects Copyright © 2004 Elsevier Ltd
ISBN: 0-1226-3652-X All rights reserved
Set ISBN: 0-1226-3651-1
512 Rheology and Texture of Cheese

Table 1 Rheological properties of raw cheese and their definitionsa

Cheese type displaying

Rheological property Definition property

Elasticity (rubberiness) Tendency of cheese to recover its original shape and Swiss-type cheese, low-moisture
dimensions upon removal of an applied stress Mozzarella
Springiness Tendency to recover from large deformation (strain) Swiss-type cheese, low-moisture
after removal of deforming stress Mozzarella
Elastic fracturability Tendency of hard cheese to crack, with very limited Parmesan, Romano, Gruyere
flow (confined to vicinity of crack); after fracture,
the broken surfaces can be fitted to each other
Brittleness Tendency of hard cheese to fracture at a relatively Romano, Parmesan
low permanent deformation
Firmness (hardness) High resistance to deformation by applied stress Cheddar, Swiss-type cheese,
Romano, Parmesan, Gouda
Longness The resistance of cheese to fracture until a relatively Mozzarella, Swiss
large deformation is attained
Toughness (chewiness) A high resistance to breakdown upon mastication Mozzarella, String cheese,
Softness Low resistance to deformation by applied force Blue cheese, Brie, Cream cheese
Plastic fracturability The tendency of cheese to flow on fracture Mature Cheddar, Blue cheese,
Chaumes, Raclette
Shortness The tendency to plastic fracture at a small deformation; Camembert, Brie
low resistance to breakdown upon mastication
Adhesiveness (stickiness) The tendency to resist separation from another material Mature Camembert
with which it makes contact (e.g., another ingredient
or a surface such as a knife blade or palate)
Crumbliness The tendency to break down easily into small, irregularly Cheshire, Wensyledale, Blue
shaped particles (e.g., by rubbing) cheese, Stilton, Feta
Shear thickening The tendency to increase in apparent viscosity when Cream cheese (when heated),
subjected to an increasing shear rate (especially ‘creaming’ of processed cheese
upon heating) products
Shear thinning The tendency to exhibit a decrease in apparent viscosity Quarg (especially at low
when subjected to an increasing shear rate temperatures, i.e., 4 °C)

a Definitions modified from Szczesniak (1963a), van Vliet (1991a) and Fox et al. (2000).

the reader is referred to ‘Sensory Character of Cheese does not imply permanent deformation but rather a
and its Evaluation’, Volume 1 and the following change in shape (i.e., form) which may be temporary,
reviews: Szczesniak (1963a,b, 1998), Brennan (1988) permanent or partly recoverable. A series of instantan-
and Rosenthal (1999). eous measurements of force and associated displace-
ment describe the rheological characteristics of a material
under the measurement conditions. The conditions
Terminology of Rheology and Texture which affect the force–displacement response include
General rheological terminology temperature, type of deformation (compression, exten-
sion, shear or pressure), level of deformation in relation
The general terminology used to describe the rheology to the elastic limit and fracture point of the material,
of materials has been discussed extensively (Sherman, rate of deformation, previous history of deformation.
1983; Rao and Steffe, 1992; Whorlow, 1992; Collyer Strain may be defined as the fractional displacement
and Clegg, 1998; Sharma et al., 1999). The terms most that occurs under an applied stress.
commonly applied to the rheology of cheese are
described in Table 1. Stress
Stress is defined as the distribution of force over an area
Deformation and strain of a material. The ‘area’ over which a force is distributed
Any rheological measurement involves deforming a may be a surface (e.g., the surface of a cylindrical sample
sample of material by applying a force, e.g., by compres- exposed to a compression plate) or an imaginary section
sion or by shear (Fig. 1). The displacement in response within a material (e.g., an internal fracture plane). The
to the force at the point of application is known as force applied at a surface is distributed throughout the
deformation. The term ‘deformation’ used in this sense material and is borne by the structural elements, e.g., in
Rheology and Texture of Cheese 513

Table 2 Rheological properties derived from stress/strain curves obtained from large strain deformation of cheese

Textural characteristic to
Rheological Property Abbreviation Interpretation which parameter is related

Elastic, or compression, modulus E Measure of elasticity at low strain Elasticity

Apparent elastic modulus, or / Ratio of stress to strain in a Elasticity
Deformability Modulus viscoelastic region below the
fracture point
Fracture stress f Stress required for fracture and collapse Strength of cheese matrix
of cheese mass beyond point of
Fracture strain f Deformation required to induce fracture brittleness and “shortness” or
“longness” of cheese
Firmness (maximum stress) max Stress to required to compress firmness or hardness
cheese sample to a given deformation
Fracture work Wf The energy required to fracture the cheese toughness

the case of cheese, the casein strands of the matrix where A is the cross-sectional area over which the force
and the occluded fat globules. The rheological behaviour (F) is applied (Fig. 1). Normal stress can occur in ten-
of the material is effected by the response of the struc- sion or compression. In a large strain compression situ-
tural elements to the applied stress. The initial response ation, two expressions are used for normal stress,
of a cheese sample to an applied stress is determined differing in respect of the calculation of area. Apparent
mainly by the para-casein matrix. At larger deform- stress is the applied force divided by the original cross-
ations, the moisture and fat phases, which are occluded sectional area of the sample, while true (or, more
in the matrix, contribute to the rheological response. strictly, corrected) stress is the applied force divided by
the instantaneous area of the sample, allowing for the
Shear and normal modes of stress and strain fact that the sample spreads as it is compressed. When
Two modes of stress can be applied on a surface, true stress is plotted against strain, a more distinct peak
namely shear or normal. Shear stress is created when a is observed around the fracture point (Fig. 2).
force is applied parallel to the plane of a surface elem- However, the instantaneous area is not easily meas-
ent, whereas normal stress is created by a force applied ured and is often approximated by a calculation based
perpendicularly to a surface element. Normal stress, , on constant volume (Ak and Gunasekaran, 1992).
is defined as: Shear stress, , is defined as:

F kPa

ΔL 450
A 350
300 σ
ΔL 250
Lo 150
Lo σt
(a) (b) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Figure 1 Deformation of a solid material by the application of a
force, F, (a) in a direction normal to the surface (area, A), result- Figure 2 Apparent stress, , and true stress, t, plotted against
ing in a compression deformation, or (b) tangential to the sur- strain, ␧, from force–displacement data obtained in the compres-
face resulting in shear deformation. The stress is calculated as sion of Cheddar cheese on a texture analyser, Stable Micro Sys-
F/A; strain is calculated as L/Lo , where Lo is the original length tems, model TA.HDi, showing a more distinct peak near the
of the sample of material. fracture point in the t plot.
514 Rheology and Texture of Cheese

where A is the cross-sectional area over which the impractical, as the transition from elastic to vis-
shear force (F) is distributed (Fig. 1). cous behaviour is gradual. Throughout this text, strain
Two alternative expressions for normal strain have is used in the engineering or Cauchy sense, unless
been used in tensile or compression situations, namely otherwise stated.
Cauchy strain and Hencky strain. Cauchy strain ( ), Shear strain,  is defined as:
also referred to as strain, apparent strain or engineer-
ing strain, is defined as the deformation relative to the
original sample dimension, i.e., 
 where L is the shear (tangential) displacement on the
application of shear stress, .
where Lo is the original height of the sample and L Compression testing is generally used for the rheolog-
is the displacement under applied stress,  (Fig. 1). ical evaluation of cheese because of the relatively low
Hencky strain, sometimes referred to as natural strain tensile strength of most cheeses, e.g., compared to its
or true strain, is defined as the natural logarithm of compression strength. Exceptions include members of
the ratio between the sample length upon application the pasta-filata family of cheeses, such as Mozzarella and
of force and the original length, i.e., Haloumi (see ‘Pasta-Filata Cheeses’, Volume 2), which
when heated are able to undergo a high degree of stretch-

冢 LL 冣,
ing when pulled. As discussed in ‘Pasta-Filata Cheeses’
t  ln and ‘Cheese as an Ingredient’, Volume 2, this characteris-
tic is associated with the presence of para-casein fibres
where Lo is the original sample length and L is the which are formed during the exposure of the curds to
length under load. Hencky strain is thought to be more high temperatures (e.g., 58–60 °C) at a low pH (e.g.,
relevant than engineering strain in describing fluid (or 5.1–5.4) during manufacture and stretching.
non-recoverable) behaviour, e.g., squeeze flow patterns In practice, normal and shear stresses occur simultan-
of deformation, as occur in large strain compression eously during testing, size reduction at industrial level
and in spreading cheese on a cracker. However, for (e.g., comminution, shredding, grating) and consump-
small strains, the Hencky strain approaches the Cauchy tion (mastication). In a compression test, a normal
strain (Fig. 3). The relationship between Cauchy and force is applied but fracture generally occurs as a con-
Hencky strain can be derived as: sequence of shear stresses built up in the sample. Like-
wise, in a torsion test, a normal force must be applied
 ln(1 ). to maintain sufficient contact between the sample and
the plate delivering the shear stress. In general, the
Ideally, engineering strain should be used for recover- simplest fundamental rheological properties (e.g.,
able (elastic) deformations and true strain for non- Young’s modulus, shear modulus) are defined for one
recoverable (viscous) deformations. Obviously, this is mode of stress in one dimension, and for this reason,
rheological measurements often attempt to confine
stresses to one mode and one dimension. However, this
is possible only in some low deformation situations,
Initial height, since stresses in one dimension tend to produce struc-
Lo = 25 mm tural displacements, and hence stresses, in other
dimensions and modes. Thus, it is not possible to cre-
Displacement, Cauchy Hencky
ate large deformations in one dimension in isolation, as
ΔL (mm) strain strain for example during compression testing when deform-
0 0 0.00 ations exceed the linear viscoelastic limit (see ‘Funda-
5 0.20 0.22 mental Measurements: Oscillatory Rheometry for
10 0.40 0.51 Linear Viscoelastic Measurements in Cheese’). How-
15 0.60 0.92
20 0.80 1.61
ever, cheese generally undergoes relatively large deform-
25 1.00 ation during handling and consumption, and hence it

is necessary to describe its rheological characteristics

Figure 3 Deformation of a sample of cheese, originally 25 mm
under large deformation conditions, e.g., during com-
high (L o), under axial compression, showing equivalence between pression by the molar teeth (⬃70%). It is difficult to
displacement (L), Cauchy strain ( ) and Hencky strain ( t ). measure shear and compression stresses simultaneously
Rheology and Texture of Cheese 515

in all dimensions under large strain deformation, and, Under low , solids, including some cheeses (e.g.,
consequently, much use is made of empirical or semi- a young – medium-aged, low-moisture, part-skim Moz-
empirical methods to describe the rheology of cheese or zarella cheese), exhibit a simple linear relationship
other foods under large strain deformation conditions between  and which can be expressed in terms of var-
to which cheese is subjected in practice. In contrast, ious moduli. In compression or tensile testing, Young’s
low strain linear viscoelastic tests, while giving precise Modulus (E) may be defined as:
rheological quantities (i.e., storage and loss moduli)
and indirect information on structure, tell little about 
the expected rheological behaviour of the cheese
during processing and eating. Bagley and Christianson
(1987) suggested a generalised approach to the meas- where  is the normal stress and is the strain on the
urement and interpretation of the rheological proper- material. In shear tests, the shear modulus (G) is given by:
ties of foods aimed at dealing with the difficulties in
describing behaviour that is highly viscous and highly 
elastic at the same time. With this approach, constants G

can be derived which enable the rheological property
being measured in a given test, e.g., compression modu- where  is the shear stress and  is the shear strain.
lus at low strain during compression testing, to be The above elastic moduli are intrinsic rheological
related to a rheological property measured in another characteristics of the material, that are independent of
test, e.g., shear modulus in a torsion test or shear test. sample dimensions, time and strain rate. However, for
In practice, inhomogeneities and graininess in cheese most cheeses, the elastic region is small (e.g., 0.006;
can confound such comparisons and it is difficult to Guinee et al., 2000a,b) and of little consequence
interpret the significance of such results (Bagley and because most strains applied in practice are 0.05.
Christianson, 1987).
Bulk modulus and compressibility of cheese
The relationship between stress and strain Isotropic stress, or pressure, is sometimes described as a
Stress and strain at a micro level result from an exter- third mode of stress. This usually occurs in fluid mater-
nally applied force at a macro level, the displacement ials and is really a normal force applied equally in each
at the point of application being the cumulative effect of three dimensions. In general, the application of
of a strain at every point along the length of the sam- isotropic stress to a material results in a slight reduction
ple (Fig. 4). The relationship between stress and strain in volume, or shrinkage. From the volume reduction, a
is characteristic of the material but depends on tem- bulk modulus (K) may be determined and is defined as:
perature, and for viscoelastic materials, on other fac-
tors including the time over which the stress is applied PV
and the pre-test stress–strain history and the rate of K
strain (see ‘Uniaxial Compression’).
surface ---- Sample interior -----

Force Force Stress

Stress Strain
L Strain

(a) (b)
Figure 4 The application of an external force over a surface area results in stress and strain throughout the sample, as illustrated
in (a). The displacement at the surface of application is the cumulative effect of a strain at every point, e.g., X, along the length of the
sample. For low strain deformations there is a linear relationship between stress and strain, and a modulus, equal to the ratio
between them, may be determined (b).
516 Rheology and Texture of Cheese

where P is the applied pressure, V is the initial volume Rheological concepts applied to cheese
of material and V is the change in volume.
Cheese structure
There are simple relationships between compress-
Cheese is essentially a concentrated protein gel, which
ibility, usually expressed in terms of bulk modulus
occludes fat and moisture. Gelation is brought about
(K), Young’s modulus (E) and Poisson’s ratio ()
by either of the following mechanisms (see ‘Rennet-
(Whorlow, 1992; Rosenthal, 1999):
induced Coagulation of Milk’ and ‘Formation, Struc-
tural Properties and Rheology of Acid-coagulated
E  3K(1 2) Milk Gels’, Volume 1):
1. slow quiescent acidification (e.g., using a starter
and culture or food-grade acid and/or acidogen), at a
temperature of 20–40 °C, to the isoelectric pH of
E  2G(1  ) casein, i.e., ⬃4.6;
2. sensitisation of the casein to calcium via the hydroly-
Since  ⬃0.5 for most cheeses (see Poisson effect in sis of the principal micelle-stabilising casein, -casein,
Glossary), these relationships simplify further to: by added acid proteinases (i.e., rennets); or

E  3G
(a) (b)

However, all of the above relationships apply only in Force, F

the linear (i.e., elastic) region. velocity, v
The volume reduction up to the point of fracture at depth, y
is about 9% for Cheddar cheese (Calzada and Peleg,
1978). Cheese with a large vacuole volume (e.g.,
where eyes occupy a significant proportion of the Figure 5 Two situations where viscous forces are at work:
(a) flow between parallel plates which move relative to each
volume, as in Swiss cheese), are more compressible
other; (b) flow in a pipe.
and therefore have lower K values than cheeses with-
out eyes. However, unlike their behaviour under
normal or shear stresses, most cheeses are relatively
non-compressible under isotropic stress. Conse-
Strain, γ

quently, from a practical point of view, their bulk e

modulus is of little interest, but may be of interest in = sh
the calculation of true stress in uniaxial compression pe
(see ‘Uniaxial Compression’).
Viscous deformation
Figure 6 Ideal viscous (Newtonian) response to constant .
Flow is normally the result of shear displacement. applied stress, i.e., strain () increases at a constant rate ( ).
Shear forces occur when a liquid flows inside a pipe
or when a molten mass (e.g., melted cheese) flows
along a surface (Fig. 5). In a fluid, strain is not 10
Shear rate, γ arbitrary units

recoverable and applied stress results in a continu-

ously changing strain. A viscous material behaves as 8
a fluid and responds to shear (stress), in terms of
strain, in a time-dependent manner (Fig. 6). For an .

ideal viscous material, i.e., a Newtonian fluid, the 4

rate of strain is proportional to applied stress (Fig. 7).
The relationship between stress () and rate of strain 2
( ), or shear rate, is described by the coefficient of
viscosity (): 0
0 2 4 6 8 10
Stress, σ, arbitrary units

 . Figure
. 7 Relationship between shear stress (s) and shear rate
 ( ) for an ideal (Newtonian) liquid.
Rheology and Texture of Cheese 517

3. a combination of acid and heat, e.g., heating milk granule junctions in low-moisture Mozzarella are well
to ⬃90 °C at ⬃pH 5.6. defined, ⬃3–5 m wide and appear as veins running
along the perimeters of neighbouring curd particles
The micro-structure of milk gels and cheeses has (Kalab, 1977).
been studied extensively (Hall and Creamer, 1972; Unlike the interior of the curd particles, the junc-
Kalab and Harwalkar, 1974; Kimber et al., 1974; Kalab, tions are comprised mainly of casein, being almost
1977, 1979; de Jong, 1978; Green et al., 1981a,b, 1983; devoid of fat. Factors that contribute to the formation
Green, 1990a,b; Kiely et al., 1992, 1993; Mistry and of these junctions include leaching of the fat from the
Anderson, 1993; Bryant et al., 1995; Desai and Nolting, surface of the curd particles and dehydration of sur-
1995; Everett et al., 1995; Guinee et al., 2000a). The face protein, during the cutting, acidification, cooking
physico-chemical properties of the para-casein matrix and pressing stages of cheese manufacture. Chip junc-
and occluded components may be deduced from tions in Cheddar and related dry-salted varieties are
micro-structural observations, compositional analyses clearly discernible on examination of the cheese by
and theoretical considerations of the chemistry of the light microscopy and, like curd granule junctions,
conversion of milk to cheese and partition of compon- have a higher casein-to-fat ratio than the interior. The
ents (e.g., milk salts) between the whey and the cheese difference in cheese composition at junctions, com-
curd (Walstra and van Vliet, 1986). pared to the interior of the curd particles, probably
Natural rennet-curd cheese is essentially a particu- leads to differences in the molecular attractions
late calcium phosphate–para-casein matrix, composed between contiguous para-casein layers in the interior
of interconnected and overlapping strands of partially and exterior of curd particles, and thus to differences
fused para-casein aggregates (in turn formed from in structure–function relationships. From a rheological
fused para-casein micelles). The integrity of the matrix viewpoint, the occurrence of structural discontinuities
is maintained by various intra- and inter-aggregate may result in the lack of tensile strength in many
hydrophobic and electrostatic attractions. In young cheeses which in practical terms may be reflected as
cheese, the matrix has an ‘internal’ structure consisting crumbliness, shortness, fracturability, e.g., Feta, Stilton
of a relatively loose network of clearly recognisable and Cheshire. Discontinuities probably also contribute
particles (para-casein micelles and aggregates of para- to poor replication of rheological measurements.
casein micelles) which are in contact with neighbour- The matrix encases fat globules (in varying degrees of
ing particles over part of their surfaces. Ongoing fusion coalescence), moisture, dissolved solutes and enzymes
of para-casein particles during maturation leads to a within its pores (Kimber et al., 1974; Laloy et al.,
gradual reduction in the extent of internal matrix 1996; Guinee et al., 2000a). Clumping and coales-
structure, as reflected by the disappearance of interpar- cence of fat globules occur during manufacture due to
ticle boundaries and the formation of a more homogen- the combined effects of shear stress on the fat globule
eous mass (Kimber et al., 1974; de Jong, 1978). membrane and shrinkage of the surrounding para-
The para-casein network is essentially continuous, casein matrix which forces the occluded globules into
extending in all directions, although some discontinuities close contact. Evidence for fat clumping is provided by
exist in the matrix at the micro- and macro-structural scanning electron micrographs which show fissures, or
levels. Micro-structural observations made using irregular-shaped openings, in the para-casein matrix,
transmission electron microscopy (TEM) suggest that which remain after removal of fat during sample
hydrolysis of para-casein (e.g., by rennet) to water- preparation (Mistry and Anderson, 1993; Bryant et al.,
soluble peptides results in parts of the matrix losing 1995; Fig. 8). The frequency of these fissures
contact with the main para-casein network, an occur- decreases as the fat content is reduced, e.g., from 33.2
rence that leads to discontinuities or ‘breaks’ in the to 8.2%, w/w, fat (Mistry and Anderson, 1993; Guinee
para-casein matrix at the micro-structural level (de Jong, et al., 2000b).
1978). Hence, it is noteworthy that ageing of Moz- Major physico-chemical changes occur in the pro-
zarella for 50 days results in the degradation of ⬃50% tein and fat phases of cheese during maturation. These
s1-casein to s1-CN f 24–199 and an increase in the include partial hydrolysis of the matrix comprising
porosity of the defatted para-casein matrix, as observed para-casein, increase in hydration of the para-casein,
using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) (Kiely et al., and coalescence of fat globules, resulting in the forma-
1993). Discontinuities at the macro-structural level tion of fat pools (Fox et al., 1996, 2000; Guinee and
exist in the form of curd granule junctions or curd Law, 2001; Guinee, 2002). These changes are mediated
chip junctions (in Cheddar and related dry-salted var- by the residual rennet, micro-organisms and their
ieties) (Kalab and Harwalkar, 1974; Kalab, 1979; enzymes, and changes in mineral equilibrium between
Lowrie et al., 1982; Paquet and Kalab, 1988). Curd the serum and para-casein matrix. The type and level
518 Rheology and Texture of Cheese

(a) (b) the creep compliance is retarded elastic (JR) and the
recovery of the elastic component of  on the removal
of  is delayed. In the viscous region (C–D), 
increases linearly with time and permanent deforma-
tion occurs; the creep compliance is referred to as
being Newtonian ( JN).
5 μm 1 μm
On removal of the stress at point D, the strain
recovery curve shows three identifiable regions: an
instantaneous elastic recovery (D–E), a delayed recov-
Figure 8 Scanning electron micrographs of Cheddar cheese, ery (E–F), and an eventual flattening. The vertical dis-
showing the continuous para-casein matrix (arrow heads) perme-
tance from the flat portion of the recovery curve to the
ated by holes and fissures, corresponding to discrete, clumped
or coalesced fat globules (solid arrows). Bar, i.e., 5 m in (a) and time axis is the non-recoverable  per unit , which is
1 m in (b) (from Guinee et al. (1998), reproduced with permis- related to the amount of structural damage to the sam-
sion from the society of Dairy Technology). ple during the test.
In the elastic region of the creep curve, the strands
of physico-chemical changes depend on the variety of the cheese matrix absorb and store the stress energy,
and composition of cheese and ripening conditions. which is instantly released on removal of , enabling
These changes assist in the conversion of fresh ‘green’ the cheese to regain its original dimensions. The
curd to a mature cheese and markedly influence its extent and duration of the elastic region depends on
rheological, textural, functional and flavour character- the magnitude of  and the structural and compos-
istics (see ‘Biochemistry of Cheese Ripening: Introduc- itional characteristics of the cheese. At   critical
tion and Overview’, ‘Metabolism of Residual Lactose strain, the structure of the cheese is altered via the
and of Lactate and Citrate’, ‘Lipolysis and Catabolism breaking of bonds between structural elements, which
of Fatty Acids in Cheese’, ‘Proteolysis in Cheese dur- are stressed beyond their elastic limit. Eventually,
ing Ripening’, ‘Catabolism of Amino Acids in Cheese when the stress-bearing structural casein matrix has
During Ripening’ and ‘Sensory Character of Cheese fractured, the cheese is said to flow. At short time
and its Evaluation’, Volume 1). Thus, a storage period scales and low , most hard cheese varieties are essen-
is generally required before rennet-coagulated cheeses tially elastic, whereas after a long time, they flow,
attain the desired rheological and textural attributes albeit very slowly, and do not recover to their original
(e.g., fracturability, firmness, spreadability, brittleness) shape on removal of the stress. Failure to appreciate
associated with the particular variety. this characteristic can often lead to loss of shape (e.g.,
manifested by bulging, inclined surfaces) during stor-
Creep and stress relaxation in cheese age, distribution and retailing, especially if cheeses of
The time-dependent rheological behaviour of cheese different consistencies are laid haphazardly upon each
has been studied (Visser, 1991; Ma et al., 1996; Pereira other.
et al., 2001; Venugopal and Muthukumarappan, 2001). A stress relaxation test generally entails the instant-
Creep is the time-related change in strain on application aneous application of a constant deformation or strain,
of a constant stress to a material such as cheese. Practi- (typically 0.10–0.20), by compression of the cheese
cal examples of creep occur when curd or cheese is sample between two parallel plates of a texture
compressed gradually under its own weight (e.g., analyser (e.g., TA HDi Texture Analyser, Stable Micro
Camembert), is pressed or stacked, e.g., during retail- Systems, Godalming, England; Instron Universal Testing
ing. Creep (J) may be expressed in terms of strain or Instrument (UTM); Instron Corporation, Massachusetts,
compliance, which is the ratio of strain to applied USA.). On the application of ,  increases instantan-
stress. When a constant stress, , applied for a time, t, eously to o (i.e., zero-time value) but decays expo-
results in a strain, (t), then the creep compliance is: nentially with time (t) (Shama and Sherman, 1973).
(t) The resultant -time curve is used to determine the
J(t)  stress relaxation time, t, which may be defined as the

time required for  to decrease to a fraction of o, e.g.,
A creep curve for Cheddar cheese is shown in Fig. 9. t at which   o/e, where e is the base of the natural
Three characteristic regions can be identified. In the logarithm. In a variation on such a test, Emmons et al.
elastic region (A–B),  is instantaneous and fully (1980) compressed full-fat (35%) and reduced-fat
reversible; in this region, the creep compliance is elastic (17%) Cheddar cheeses, having a common level of
(J0). Viscoelastic deformation occurs in region B–C, moisture-in-non-fat-substance, at a constant speed to
where the material is partly elastic and partly viscous; a strain of 0.2 and held the strain for 1 min. They
Rheology and Texture of Cheese 519

Sustained constant Recovery after

0.3 removal of stress


Strain, ε

0.1 F
A strain
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time, s

Figure 9 Creep–relaxation curve for mature Maasdammer cheese (fat, 29%, w/w, protein, 28%, w/w). A stress of 3700 Pa was applied
to a cheese disc (diameter, 40 mm; height, 2.27 mm), placed between the parallel plates of a controlled strain rheometer (TA Carrri-Med
csl2500) at 20 °C, and removed after 180 s. The curve is divided into regions indicating elastic, viscoelastic and viscous behaviour.

showed that the initial compression slope (or modulus Mechanical models have been used to simulate creep
of deformability), the relaxation slope and the residual and relaxation effects in materials (Rao, 1992; Tanner,
force (after 1 min) were much higher for reduced-fat 2000). The viscoelastic behaviour of cheese may be
cheese, made from milk with or without homogenisa- simulated by various mechanical models that contain
tion, than for full-fat cheese. different arrangements of dashpots (representing the
fluid element) and springs (representing the elastic
Mechanical models of cheese rheology element) in series and/or in parallel.
From its creep and stress-relaxation behaviour (Fig. 9), A simple model consisting of a spring in parallel with
it can be inferred that cheese is a viscoelastic material. a dashpot is referred to variously as a Kelvin or Voigt ele-
It exhibits elastic and viscous characteristics, but ment (Whorlow, 1992) or Kelvin-Meyer solid (Tanner,
unlike true elastic or viscous materials, the relationship 2000) (Fig. 10). In contrast, a Maxwell element consists
between stress and strain depends on the magnitude of a spring in series with a dashpot, which gives an
and the duration of the applied stress or strain. On the exponentially decaying response to a suddenly applied
application of a low stress, that is sufficiently small so constant strain (Fig. 11). Several models have been
as not to induce permanent damage or fracturing based on multiple Kelvin bodies in series, or Maxwell
(breaking of bonds between the structural elements) bodies in parallel, to simulate creep and stress relax-
of the microstructure, for short times, cheese behaves ation, respectively, in viscoelastic solids (Whorlow,
as an elastic solid. However, a low stress applied over a 1992); elements with a spectrum of time constants are
relatively long time scale results in an increasing employed in these models to approximate viscoelastic
strain, a gradual failure of the structure and an even-
tual flow. Hence, the relationship between  (or ) and
 (or ) is linear only at very low  and short time σ
scales. The  at which linearity between  and  is lost
is referred to as the critical strain (i.e., at the end γ
of the linear viscoelastic range), which for most solid-
like foods, including cheese, is relatively small, e.g.,
0.02–0.05 (Walstra and van Vliet, 1982).
The modelling of cheese rheology begins with
simple relationships such as Hooke’s Law for small
displacements in the elastic region. In the region Time
beyond the elastic limit, sometimes referred to as the
elastoplastic region (i.e., where recovery following
deformation is partial on removal of stress), modelling Figure 10 Kelvin model and its response to constant applied
the rheology of cheese requires more complex models. stress.
520 Rheology and Texture of Cheese

Applied the force–displacement equations of these models

strain (Whorlow, 1992; Steffe, 1996).
Large strain deformation

Definitions and terminology

Large strain measurement implies permanent deforma-
tion and measurement of non-linear rheological char-
Time acteristics which are related to deformation of the
microstructure. In contrast to linear viscocelastic
Figure 11 A Maxwell model and its stress relaxation response
to a constant applied strain.
deformation where applied strains are generally
0.05, large strain deformation may be defined as that
which occurs at strains in the range of ⬃0.1–0.9 dur-
behaviour (Fig. 12). Subramanian and Gunasekaran ing compression, and even at higher strains in the case
(1997b) showed that a model consisting of eight of shear deformation (e.g., 1).
Maxwell elements could simulate the shear modulus Consideration of the forces that are applied to cheese
over a wide dynamic range in low amplitude oscillation from manufacture to consumption, indicates a very
(0.1–20 Hz). Ma et al. (1996) showed that a six-element broad range of deformation. In some situations, the
Kelvin model could simulate creep compliance in full-fat strains are of a relatively low magnitude and do not
and reduced-fat Cheddar cheese. The Burgers body, result in visible damage (e.g., during ripening, transport,
which consists of a combination of Maxwell and Kelvin retailing), while in others the strain results in fracture
elements in series (Fig. 13), affords a close approxima- (e.g., during portioning) or complete disintegration
tion to both the creep and stress relaxation behaviour of of the cheese mass (e.g., comminution, as in shredding,
cheese. The mechanical representation of these models grating, grinding, as for example in the preparation
provides an intuitive guide to the nature of viscoelastic- of cheese ingredients and in the manufacture of
ity and a simulation of rheological behaviour based on processed cheese products and cheese powders). Hence,
in the current context, large strain deformation is arbi-
trarily subdivided into two regions, i.e., large strain
(a) (b) deformation-elastoplastic (LSD-E; e.g., strains ⬃0.1–0.5;
τ1 τ2 τ3 Fig. 14), where deformation does not result in fracture
τ1 Applied and the structure can partially recover, and large strain
strain deformation-fracture (LSD-F; 0.3–0.9), where the cheese
mass undergoes fracture or disintegrates and cannot
τ2 recover. In the following discussion, the LSD-E and
LSD-F regions will be treated jointly (Fig. 14).

τ3 Measurement using texture analyser

Large strain deformation testing of cheese usually
involves the application of strains (e.g., ⬃ 0.8) that
Figure 12 (a) Series of three Kelvin elements with a spectrum result in fracture, by compression of the cheese sample
of time constants, which may be used to simulate creep and
(b) A combination of Maxwell elements with a spectrum of time
constants, which may be used to simulate relaxation behaviour
in a viscoelastic solid.
Typical linear Typical extent of
visco-elastic limit compression to which
cheese is subjected in
chewing and in
Typical fracture compression testing
Strain, ε


0 0.40 0.80 1.0
Strain, ΔL/Lo
Figure 13 Burgers four element model, which simulates creep
and relaxation behaviour of cheese. Figure 14 Range of strain in compression tests on cheese.
Rheology and Texture of Cheese 521

between two parallel plates of a texture analyser (Culioli of the pieces of cheese and the base plate which
and Sherman, 1976; Dickinson and Goulding, 1980; results in dissipation of stress energy stored within
Creamer and Olson, 1982; Tunick et al., 1991; Guinee the individual pieces.
et al., 1996; Fenelon and Guinee, 2000; Truong et al., • E–F,  increases as the cross-head begins to com-
2002). The cheese sample is placed on a base plate and press the fragmented pieces of cheese. The  at the
is compressed at a fixed rate (typically 20 mm/min 1) end of the compression (point F) is a measure of
to a pre-determined level (e.g., 75% of its original firmness, as judged in the first bite of mastication
height) by the mobile plate (cross-head). However, the (Sherman, 1969; van Vliet, 1991a).
rate of compression used in various studies has dif-
fered widely, e.g., 5–500 mm/min 1 (Table 3). The The various quantities obtained from the – curve
force (F) developed during compression is recorded as and their interpretation are given in Table 2.
a function of distance (or displacement); alternatively, The application of a strain to a segment of cheese
the force may be converted to  and the displacement (e.g., cube or cylinder) and monitoring the resultant 
to . The resultant  versus curves for a range of hard by a texture analyser, as above, is a typical method for
rennet-curd cheeses (Fig. 15) typically show a number measuring the large strain deformation behaviour of
of distinct regions and enable the determination of a cheese. However, many variations of both the procedure
number of rheological parameters: of stress or strain application, and the levels, are possible.
A so-called apparent elastic modulus can be calculated
• A–B;  increases proportionally with . The slope of at a strain well below the fracture point, e.g., ⬃ 0.1, as
this linear region defines the compression modulus, E the ratio between  and . A preferred term for this
(i.e., E = / ), which is of little practical significance parameter is modulus of deformability, as the deforma-
in relation to cheese behaviour during processing or tion in question may include some plastic flow (Ak and
consumption, where strains are 0.05. However, in Gunasekaran, 1995; Johnston, 2000). However, such a
the commercial grading of cheese, E may be an indi- parameter needs to be interpreted with caution as some
cation of springiness (e.g., where a grader sensori- apparent initial deformation may occur before complete
cally monitors the resistance to small deformation, as contact is made between the compression plate and the
in pressing the thumb into the outside of the cheese sample surface, an occurrence that could lead to erro-
block; the force applied during this hand deformation neous values.
is typically 18 N or  ⬃ 40 kPa).
• B–C,  increases less than proportionally with . The Fracture and work of fracture. Rheological behav-
slightly lower slope of the curve in this region com- iour over such a range of in the form of shear or
pared to that in A–B is probably due to the formation compression, can be explored in several ways, such as
of microcracks that do not spread throughout the applying a gradually increasing , a fixed , a defined
sample but which allow some stress to be dissipated;  followed by its removal, a gradually increasing up
• C–D, the slope of the / curve decreases markedly. to a point followed by its reversal. Stress–strain cycles,
The cheese begins to fracture at C, as cracks grow often referred to as bites (analogous to compression
and spread throughout the entire sample at an between the molar teeth during mastication), may be
increasing rate. Eventually, at D the rate of collapse repeated at interval(s) or applied in a given sequence
of the stress-bearing para-casein matrix overtakes (e.g., pre-test compression). Depending on the level
the build-up of  within the matrix through further of applied strain, cheese exhibits a combination of
compression and a peak , denoted as the fracture rheological behaviours, such as non-linear elastic (e.g.,
stress, is reached. The fracture stress, f, and strain, region B–C, Fig. 15), sometimes referred to as vis-
coelastic, or inelastic (e.g., region D–E, Fig. 15),
f, are measures of the stress and strain, respectively,
required to cause complete fracture of the sample. sometimes referred to as plastic behaviour.
Strength, or fracturability, is defined as the stress
required to fracture the sample (at D), while tough-
Rheological Measurements in Cheese:
ness, or fracture work, is defined as the area under
Sensoric Methods
the curve up to the point of fracture.
• D–E,  decreases with further compression due to The methods used to assess the rheological character-
the collapse of the stress-bearing structure. The istics of cheese may be broadly classified as sensoric or
decrease in  may be attributable to: (i) shattering instrumental, where instrumental methods can be cat-
of the samples into pieces that spread over the egorised further as empirical or fundamental.
base plate, resulting in an increased surface area The aim of sensoric methods, which are performed
and (ii) the probable loss of contact between some routinely by cheese graders, is to acquire an impression
522 Table 3 Test conditions used with uniaxial compression of cheese

dimensionsa Speed Maximum Tc
Cheese type (mm) (mm/min) strain ( ) Instrument b (°C) Reference

Gouda 15   15 25–500 0.80 UTM 20–21 Culioli and Sherman (1976)

Cheddar 20   20 10–100 0.50 UTM not stated Calzada and Peleg (1978)
Cheddar, Cheshire, Leicester 29   30 5–1000 0.50 UTM 0–40 Dickinson and Goulding (1980)
Cheddar, Mozzarella, processed cheese spread 57   20–40 5 0.75 UTM 22 Casiraghi et al. (1985)
Italico, Montasio, Sbrinz, Grana Padana, Pecorino 20  20  20 5–200 0.80 UTM 20 Casiraghi et al. (1985)
Cheddar, Cheshire 17   15 50 0.80 UTM 21 Green et al. (1985); Green
et al. (1986)
Processed cheese analogue 17   15 5–500 0.80 UTM 21 Marshall (1990)
Brie 15   19 33 0.80 Alwetron TCT5 5 and 20 Molander et al. (1990)
Gouda 15   20–30 1–200 ⬃0.75 Overload 20 Luyten et al. (1991a,b)
Cheddar 19   19 (or 27) 2.5–125 UTM 22 Ak and Gunasekaran (1992)
Munster, Carré de l’Est, Camembert, Coulommiers 16   17 10 0.70 UTM 15 Hennequin and Hardy (1993)
and three speciality soft cheeses
Mozzarella 67   12 5–500 0.70–0.75 30–60 Ak and Gunasekaran (1995)
Cheese analogs 10   10 250 0.80 TA.XT2 20 Lobato-Calleros et al. (1997)
Munster, Emmental, Roquefort, Beaufort, Camembert, 21   21 10 0.80 UTM 20 Antoniou et al. (2000)
Reblochon, Pont l’ Eveque, Brie de Meaux, Tomme
de Savoie, Valencay, St. Nectaire, Pyrenees Brebis,
Blue d’Auvergne, Comte Vieux, Fourme de Salers
Cheddar cheese with varying fat content (6–33%, w/w) 30   29 50 0.70 UTM 8 Fenelon and Guinee (2000)
Cheddar 30   29 50 0.75 UTM 8 Guinee et al. (2000b)
Cheddar, Swiss, Romano, Havarti 10  10  10 TA.XT2 20 Halmos (2000)
Cheddar 19   26 50 0.75 UTM 20 Hort and LeGrys (2000)
Cheddar 18   24 20 0.75 UTM 20 Johnston (2000); Johnston
et al. (2002)
Tilsit 20   20 10 0.70 UTM 15 Weinrichter et al. (2000)
Queso Fresco 20   15 100 0.30 TA.XT2 RTd Hwang and Gunasekaran
1250 0.90 UTM
Gruyere, processed Mozarella 20   5–20 3.6–14 0.52 UTM RT Charalambides et al. (2001)
Commercial cheeses: Swiss, Colby, Edam, Cheddar, 12.7  12.7  12.7 60 0.70 TA.XT2 7 Breuil and Meullenet (2001)
Gouda, Mozzarella, Romano,
White American, Yellow American 21   10 12–600 0.90 TA.XT2 4 Xiong et al. (2002)
Montasio 25   15 50 0.40 or 0.80 UTM 22 Innocente et al. (2002)
Cheddar 15  15  15 24 0.80 TA.XT2 25 Truong et al. (2002)

a , diameter of cylinder.
b UTM, Universal Testing Machine (Instron); TA.XT2, texture analyser (Stable Micro Systems).
c T, Temperature.
d RT, Room temperature.
Rheology and Texture of Cheese 523


Stress, σ
200 D E
100 C
50 B
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Strain, ε

Figure 15 Large strain deformation test: typical stress–strain curve of a 6-month-old mature Cheddar cheese sample compressed
to 25% of its original height; several regions of the curve are identifiable, based on slope variation (see text for details).

of how the texture of the cheese is perceived during con- Rheological Measurements in Cheese:
sumption. Cheese texture may be defined as a composite Empirical Instrumental Methods
sensory attribute resulting from a combination of phys-
A wide range of instrumental techniques is used for
ical properties that are perceived by the senses of touch
characterising the rheology of cheese (Table 4). Instru-
(including kinaesthesis and mouthfeel), sight and hear-
mental methods may be arbitrarily classified as empiri-
ing. The test conditions are arbitrary, frequently involv-
cal or fundamental. In general, the nature of the
ing deformation which results in visual fracture, e.g., as
stresses and strains in empirical methods is less well
when rubbing cheese between the fingers until it
defined than in fundamental methods. Moreover,
becomes pliable, three (finger) point bending of a cylin-
unlike fundamental methods, the measurements
drical cheese plug or slice, and mentally gauging the
obtained with some empirical methods are on an arbi-
force required to bend or break it. Alternatively, the
trary scale (e.g., the ball compressor).
cheese may be assessed by the application of forces or
deformations which cause no visible fracture, e.g., press-
Empirical instrumental measurements
ing the ball of the thumb into the surface of a whole
cheese and mentally assessing the degree of indentation Many textural studies have involved rheological meas-
or the force exerted on the fingers. In all cases, a sensory urements to imitate the sensory evaluation of cheese
impression is formed and the grader assigns a score, texture. The aim of empirical tests is to measure a
based on one or more criteria, such as test conditions parameter, which experience indicates, or suggests, is
and response. The sensory properties of cheese, includ- related to the textural characteristics of the cheese.
ing texture, are discussed comprehensively in ‘Sensory Hence, while the test conditions are arbitrary and the
Character of Cheese and its Evaluation’, Volume 1. stresses and strains involved may not be well defined,

Table 4 Typical rheological testing techniques applied to cheese

Typical sample shape

Type of instrument and dimensionsa
Test used (mm) Reference

Oscillatory shear Rheometer Cylinder: 30   3 Ma et al. (1996)

(parallel plate)
Uniaxial compression Texture analyser or UTM Cube: 25  25  25 (see Table 3)
Cone penetration Texture analyser or Instron, Cube: 12.7  12.7  12.7 Breuil and Meullenet (2001)
30° cone
Puncture Texture analyser or Instron, Cube: 12.7  12.7  12.7 Hennequin and Hardy (1993);
2–5 mm diameter needle Breuil and Meullenet (2001)
Bending test Texture analyser Finger: 25  25  50 Rosenthal (1999)
Wire cutting test Texture analyser Finger: 25  25  50 Green et al. (1986)
Torsion test Torsion gelometer Capstan: 19 max  27.8 Truong and Daubert (2000)

a , diameter of cylinder.
524 Rheology and Texture of Cheese

a value is obtained which gives some indication of the reaches the end of the compression stroke, and then
textural characteristics of the cheese and differentiates accelerates upward as it withdraws. The usual practice
one sample from another. However, they provide only with other instruments is compression at constant
single datum values that are an overall measure of the speed.
many different facets of rheological behaviour.
In these tests, a sample is compressed or penetrated Cutting tests
in one or more bites, thereby simulating the compres- Cutting tests measure the resistance to the passage of a
sive and penetrative actions of the teeth on cheese dur- knife or a wire through a cheese (e.g., Cherry-Burell
ing mastication. Likewise, the action of a cheese grader Curd tension meter). As wire-cutting tests tend to be
who presses the ball of the thumb into the cheese is more fundamental, they are discussed in more detail in
imitated by the ball-compressor test. Some empirical ‘Fundamental Measurements: Large Strain Deformation’.
instrumental tests are discussed briefly below.
Penetration tests
Penetration tests involve measurement of the force
Imitative tests
required to insert a probe (cone or cylinder) a given
Imitative instruments include the bite tenderometer
distance into cheese, or alternatively the depth of pene-
and the denture tenderometer which measure the
tration of a probe under a constant load for a given
forces involved in chewing using strain gauges, and
time. As the probe penetrates the sample, the cheese in
typically involve compression to 60% of the original
its path is fractured and forced apart. The progress of
height. In the Volodkevich bite tenderometer, which
the probe is retarded to an extent depending on the
was designed to simulate the motions of mastication, a
hardness of the cheese in its path, the adhesion of the
pair of tooth-like jaws, or wedges, compress a sample
cheese to its surface (which depends on the depth of
of about 6 mm thickness, imitating the squeezing and
penetration into the cheese and the thickness of the
biting action of teeth (Szczesniak, 1963b). Later
needle, or angle of the cone, used). Hennequin and
instruments used plungers to penetrate a sample, or
Hardy (1993) used a cylindrical probe (5 mm diameter
parallel plates to compress a sample, e.g., to ⬃20–30%
at a speed of 10 mm/min to a depth of 10 mm) to pene-
of its original height (Szczesniak, 1963b). Early
trate soft cheeses (e.g., Camembert, Coulommier,
devices for evaluating the hardness of cheese involved
Munster) and found that the force at 10 mm penetra-
compression by a ball, in an instrument known as the
tion gave a high correlation with sensory firmness
ball-compressor, where deformation resulting from
(r  0.94, n  19). They concluded that the technique
applying a fixed force for a specified time was meas-
is suitable as a rapid method for texture measurement
ured (Szczesniak, 1963b). The action simulated that of
in soft cheese. Breuil and Meullenet (2001) found a sig-
a thumb pressing against cheese when making a sen-
nificant correlation between measurements obtained
sory evaluation of the product.
using a cone penetrometer (30°), or a 2-mm needle,
The General Foods Texturometer was designed to
and textural characteristics of a wide range of commer-
simulate the biting of food by the jaws and teeth
cial cheeses (e.g., Colby, Edam, Cheddar, Mozzarella
(Friedman et al., 1963; Bourne, 1978). A food sample
and Cream cheese) as measured by a sensory panel.
(⬃12.6 mm high) was loaded onto a fixed plate and
then subjected to a deforming force by a tooth-shaped
plunger, which was mounted on a hinge and actuated to Fundamental Measurements: Oscillatory
simulate the vertical action of a human jaw. The area Rheometry for Linear Viscoelastic
of the samples is at least that of the plunger base, Measurements in Cheese
which is available in sizes from 16 to 50 mm . The
Elastic shear (G ) and loss modulus (G)
instrument compresses samples to a height of 3.2 mm,
i.e., 75% compression. When the plunger deforms the As discussed in ‘General rheological terminology’,
sample, strain gauges detect the movement of the there is a range of strain, typically 0.05, over which
plunger and a force–time trace is recorded and is cheese recovers fully, although not instantaneously,
known as a texture profile. The sample is subjected to when stress is removed. This behaviour is referred to
two successive deformations (referred to as bites). The as viscoelastic. Even at these low strains, ideal elastic
Texturometer has been superceded by uniaxial com- (Hookean) or viscous (Newtonian) behaviour, repre-
pression instruments, such as the Instron UTM, for sents two extremes, and cheeses, like most organic
the purpose of texture profile analysis. One distinction materials, show some characteristics of both. Hence,
between the Texturometer and other instruments is the accurate characterisation of cheese rheology
that the Texturometer simulates the action of the requires the measurement of both elastic and viscous
human jaw, whereby the plunger decelerates as it responses. In the elastic region, where there is a linear
Rheology and Texture of Cheese 525

relationship between dynamic stress and strain, the where w is the thickness of the sample. This displace-
behaviour is described as linear viscoelastic. ment results in a strain, (t), at any radius r:
Linear viscoelastic measurements are typically
made by applying torsion, using oscillatory rheometry ar
(van Vliet, 1991b). This involves using a precision sin t  o sin t
actuator to apply a low oscillating strain to a sample
(which could be a liquid, a ‘soft’ solid, or a rigid solid),
where o is the amplitude of (t). (In this notation,
and the measurement of the resultant stresses within
(t) is used interchangeably with .) In general, the
the sample, using a sensitive transducer. Alternatively,
resultant oscillating stress is out of phase with the
a small stress is applied to the sample and the resultant
applied shear by a phase angle . The stress wave can
strain is measured. The former is referred to as con-
be reconstructed as the sum of two sine waves, one
trolled strain rheometry, whereas the latter is known as
in-phase with, and the other out-of-phase (by 90°)
controlled stress rheometry.
with, the strain wave (Fig. 17). Thus,
Several geometries are possible for applying torsion,
but the most convenient for a solid material, like cheese,
are parallel circular plates. Parallel plates have the advan-    '  "  o' sin t  o" cos t
tage that the sample can be easily prepared to fit the
plates; moreover, plates with serrated surfaces minimise where o' and o" indicate the stress components
the risk of slippage, associated with fat liquefaction which are in-phase and out-of-phase with the strain ,
(Subramanian and Gunasekaran, 1997a; Guinee et al., and are related by the phase angle  (Fig. 18):
1999). With parallel plate geometry, the cheese sample,
which is disc-shaped, is gripped between the plates, one
of which is fixed, while the other applies a low-amplitude tan  
torsional harmonic motion (Fig. 16). At any time t, the o'
angle of rotation, &, of the oscillating plate is defined by:
The stress wave has an amplitude o, defined by:
&  a sin t
o  √(o')2 (o")2
where a is the maximum angle of rotation and  is the
angular velocity. The shear applied by the plate varies Two dynamic moduli, elastic shear modulus (or
throughout the sample, from zero at the central axis to a storage modulus), G , and viscous modulus (or loss
maximum at the edge. At a point on the oscillating plate, modulus), G, may be defined from the relationship
at a radial distance, r, from the axis, the displacement due between  and , where,
to rotation by an angle & is r&, and the shear strain  is:
r& G' 


(c) Strain


(b) 90° Elastic, or in-phase,
component, τo' sin ω t

(b) Radial distance from

centre of sample Loss, or out-of-
phase, component,
τo'' cos ω t
Figure 16 Schematic showing viscoelastic deformation of
cheese during low-amplitude oscillation rheometry: (a) sample
before test; (b) sample being subjected to a torsional shear dis- Figure 17 Stress and strain traces in dynamic oscillation,
placement; (c) shear displacement as a function of radial dis- showing phase delay, , between stress and strain (a), and reso-
tance from the central axis. lution of in-phase and out-of-phase components of stress (b).
526 Rheology and Texture of Cheese

(a) (b) Complex viscosity

, τo Oscillatory shear also implies an oscillatory shear rate

ess cos ω t .
Str Loss component, (), since
τo″ sin (ωt + δ )

δ . d .
sin ω t   (o sin t)  '  cos t  o cos t
Elastic component, τo′ dt
Strain, γo . .
where  o is, by definition, the amplitude of . This
Figure 18 Trigonometrical representation of phase relationship enables a complex viscosity to be calculated, with vis-
between dynamic strain and dynamic stress in oscillatory meas- cous and elastic components, by dividing the appropriate
urement in viscoelastic region, (a), with vector direction indicat- component of shear stress by the shear rate. The ‘viscous’
ing phase, as in (b).
component of viscosity (in-phase with shear rate) is:

and  '" G" .

'  .  since o  o 
o The ‘elastic’ component of viscosity (out-of-phase with
shear rate) is:
'' G"
"  . 
G" o 
Thus, complex viscosity equals the complex (shear)
Consideration of a spring-dashpot mechanical model, modulus divided by the angular frequency, , with
e.g., a Kelvin element, indicates that the same relation- the in-phase and out-of-phase components inter-
ship between stress and strain applies (Fig. 19). How- changed (Fig. 20). According to the Cox-Merz rule,
ever, it is noteworthy that the magnitudes of G and G the complex viscosity determined by dynamic
for the spring and dashpot components of the mechani- rheometry is virtually identical to the (steady) vis-
cal model in the viscoelastic region differ markedly from cosity when compared at numerically equal values of
those which characterise large strain deformation. shear rate and . Dynamic rheometry is often used
Ma et al. (1996) reported decreases (of ⬃50%) in G for this purpose since it is easier to perform than vis-
and G for full-fat and reduced-fat cheeses on increasing cometry on viscoelastic materials. Cylindrical geom-
stress by a factor of 10. The tendency of  to approach a etry may be used in the case of liquids or gels, or
constant value as the strain was reduced towards zero cone-and-plate or parallel plate geometry in the case
shows that cheese behaves in a viscoelastic manner of more solid samples. It is preferable to operate in a
rather than an elastic manner at very low strains. shear-rate control mode to avoid the occurrence of

Stress τ

Oscillatory strain γο sin ω t Shear rate, (a) (b)

τo η' = .
e ss, γο
Str Loss component,
Spring Dashpot τo"
G' G''

Elastic component, τo' τ '

η" = .o

Figure 19 Kelvin element and stress response () to oscillatory Figure 20 Trigonometrical representation of phase relationship
strain ( ). The spring represents the elastic, or in-phase, compon- between shear rate and dynamic stress in oscillatory measure-
ent, G . The dashpot represents the loss, or out-of-phase com- ment in viscoelastic region (a), with corresponding components
ponent, G. of complex viscosity illustrated in (b).
Rheology and Texture of Cheese 527

unpredictably large shear. The strain is kept low + Cheshire at 20 weeks

if one wishes to measure without structural damage 6.5
to the sample but may be increased if one wishes to 6.0 Cheshire at 60 weeks
determine a fracture stress or to simulate a practical

log η∗
5.0 Cheddar at 60 weeks
Ma et al. (1996) found that elastic and loss moduli,
G and G, respectively, increase only to a second order 4.5
with increasing frequency, i.e., by a factor of about 3
for a 1000-fold increase in frequency. This implies a 20 30 40
300-fold decrease in the viscosity components,  and Temperature, °C
, respectively (i.e., multiplying by 3/1000 ⬃ dividing
by 300), showing that the complex modulus is much Figure 21 Variation of complex viscosity of Cheddar and
more stable with respect to frequency for cheese than Cheshire cheese with temperature in the range 20–40 °C. Ched-
is complex viscosity. dar at 60 weeks, ; Cheshire at 20 and 60 weeks, O, , respect-
ively. Data taken from Tunick et al. (1990).
Various studies on different cheese varieties have
indicated that G and G decrease, while  increases,
with increasing temperature in the range 4–40 °C, the
range normally encountered during consumption and Fundamental Measurements: Large Strain
mastication (Taneya et al., 1979; Horne et al., 1994; Deformation
Guinee et al., 2000b; Guinee, 2002). These changes, Large strain deformation measurements on cheese are
mark a transition from a cheese which is largely elastic usually undertaken using uniaxial compression, shear
in character at low temperature ( ⬃ 12–16°), to one (or torsion), wire-cutting or bending. The methodology
which is more viscous in character at the higher tem- and instrumentation used for these measurements, and
perature ( ⬃ 40°) and may be attributed to fat lique- factors affecting the measurements, are discussed below.
faction. Tunick et al. (1990) made shear measurements
on Cheddar and Cheshire cheeses in the range 20–40 °C Uniaxial compression
and fitted the Arrhenius equation to the complex vis-
The most common types of rheological measurement in
cosity in the form:
cheese involve linear (uniaxial) displacement, e.g., using
Instron UTM (Lee et al., 1978; Weaver et al., 1978; Imoto
et al., 1979; Creamer and Olson, 1982; Visser, 1991; van
*  Avisc exp 冢 ERT 冣
visc Vliet, 1991b; Guinee et al., 1996; Pons and Fiszman,
1996; Fenelon and Guinee, 2000), the Stevens Response
Compression Analyser (Stevens Group Ltd, Blackburn,
where Avisc is a pre-exponential factor, Evisc is the acti- UK) (Brennan, 1984), the TA.XT2 texture analyser or its
vation energy, R is the gas constant and T is absolute derivatives from Stable Micro Systems (Truong et al.,
temperature. A logarithmic form of this equation gives 2002; Xiong et al., 2002) (Table 3; Fig. 22).
a linear plot:

冢 冣
A (a) (b)
log10 *  B

where A  Evisc/(2.3 R) and B  log10 Avisc. Cheddar

cheese had a higher activation energy (137 000 J/mol)
than Cheshire (84 800 J/mol) at 60 weeks of age, (c)
implying a greater sensitivity to temperature for the
rheological properties of Cheddar cheese. However,
the viscosity–temperature curves for the two cheeses
crossed around 25 °C, i.e., Cheddar had a higher vis-
cosity than Cheshire below 25 °C and vice versa above
25 °C (Fig. 21). The sensitivity of viscosity to tempera- Figure 22 TA. HDI texture analyser (Stable Micro Systems)
ture was found to decrease with age for Cheshire (a), and sample of Cheddar cheese before (b) and after (c) uni-
cheese (Fig. 21). axial compression to 20% of original height.
528 Rheology and Texture of Cheese

Measurements are generally made in compression lated during the test; sample preparation does not
mode rather than in tensile mode because (a) com- require specialised cutting equipment; all cheeses,
pression behaviour is relevant to sensory perception apart from soft cheeses with a very high f, e.g.,
arising from chewing and mastication, (b) it is difficult mature Camembert with an almost-runny consistency,
to grip cheese samples to carry out a tensile test and can be prepared easily and tested; and the test method
(c) hard cheese has inhomogeneities which occur in is simple and rapid. However, for reproducible results,
random positions and directions with respect to sam- sample shape and dimensions need to be precise,
ple dimensions, making it difficult to obtain repro- which can be difficult where cylindrical samples are
ducible results for tensile fracture. A compression acquired by pushing a cylindrical borer into a portion.
measurement involves compression of a rectangular or As is common to all large strain deformation methods,
cylindrical sample between parallel plates. Compres- a serious limitation is the difficulty in obtaining results
sion testing is more suited to large strain deformation for cheeses with eyes.
than to linear viscoelastic deformation (low strain).
This is because initial contact between the parallel plates Relationship between shear and normal stresses in
and the sample usually involves some realignment of the uniaxial compression
sample surface due to imperfections in the surface A proper interpretation of uniaxial compression tests
smoothness, as a result of intrinsic macrostructural requires that the complexity of internal forces in a
characteristics of the cheese (e.g., veins, cracks, open- sample be understood. A sample undergoing uniaxial
ness). Moreover, the difficulty in fine precision cutting compression is distorted in various directions at any
can give rise to lack of accuracy in low strain measure- one time, e.g., vertically, horizontally and diagonally
ments (up to 0.5 mm of deformation). Ideally, the cheese (Fig. 24). Even though the applied force is uniaxial, a
sample may be conditioned by applying one or more combination of compressive and shear forces is created
low compression deformations (e.g., ⬃ 0.05) prior to in different planes within the sample (Fig. 25). A frac-
testing. A typical force–displacement curve, obtained ture is more likely to be caused by shear rather than
by compression of a sample of Cheddar cheese at con- compression forces, since cheese is relatively incom-
stant velocity to a strain of 0.8 (i.e., final height of the pressible. Thus, large strain uniaxial compression indi-
sample is 20% of original height), is shown in Fig. 23. rectly measures shear behaviour. Mohr’s circle, a
Compared to other rheological methods for evaluat- construction widely used in the analysis of the
ing cheese, large-strain deformation compression strength of materials, enables the shear and compres-
offers several advantages: the strains applied are in the sion stresses (up to the fracture point) on an inclined
range of those applied to cheese during size-reduction plane, at any angle, &, to the horizontal to be calcu-
operations as applied commercially; it is a dynamic lated (Fig. 26). Analysis shows that the maximum
method for which the calculated parameters (e.g., f, normal stress (max  F/A) is twice the maximum
f) depend on a range of stress–strain data accumu- shear stress (i.e., max  F/(2A)).

(a) (b)

fracture point

Force, N

θ1 θ2

0 5 10 15 20
Displacement, mm Figure 24 Illustration of strains in relation to the principal axes
of strain (vertical, y and horizontal, x ) in a sample undergoing
Figure 23 Force–displacement curve obtained from uniaxial uniaxial compression. Compression along the y-axis results in a
compression of 6-month-old Cheddar cheese at 4 °C, on a simultaneous extension along the x-axis. This coincides with a
TA.HDi texture analyser, showing the fracture point. The shaded reduction in the angle of inclination, from &1 to &2 of a diagonal
area represents the fracture work or toughness. line implying shearing along an inclined plane.
Rheology and Texture of Cheese 529

(a) Compression forces (b) Shear forces curves is meant to remove the effect of sample dimen-
sions. At low values, the effect of sample dimensions
may be eliminated in this way. However, for large
Frictional force
(0.1), especially  f, the distribution of stress and
strain within the sample depends on sample dimensions,
as the sample may be deformed into an irregular shape,
due to fracturing, barreling and squeezing. Squeezing
flow is an intrinsic aspect of large strain uniaxial com-
pression of cheese, i.e., as sample height is reduced,
the cheese spreads in a lateral direction (Fig. 24). This
implies that shearing takes place within the sample and
that frictional shear forces occur at the points of contact
Figure 25 Compression (a) and shear forces (b) within a sam- between the sample and the compression plates. Friction
ple during a uniaxial compression test. can be reduced by lubrication of the contact surfaces
with mineral oil or grease; in contrast, surface friction
Effect of pre-test strain history can be increased by the use of emery paper, or the sur-
Fracture stress decreases significantly if the sample has faces can be bonded using glue, both of which eliminate
been cycled through successive compressions. This was slippage as a result of cheese ‘sweating’. Because lubrica-
shown for Cheddar, Cheshire and Leicester cheeses at tion allows lateral movement at the contact surfaces dur-
20 °C by Dickinson and Goulding (1980). The effect ing compression, the sample shows a slight tendency
was noticeable even when the previous strains were rela- towards an hour-glass shape, as opposed to the relatively
tively low, e.g., f in Cheddar and Cheshire cheeses fell large barreling effect. Lubrication can reduce the stresses
by ⬃ 30% after 50 cycles of ⬃ 0.1; the reduction in f in squeezing flow by as much as 50% and increase the
in Leicester cheese was about 12% under the same con- observed f from ⬃0.45 to 0.55, in the case of Gouda
ditions. However, pre-test strain history (50 cycles at cheese at 20 °C with an aspect ratio (i.e., height/width)
⬃ 0.2) produced no significant effect on f. This indi- of unity and a cross-head speed of 500 mm/min (Culioli
cates that a history of recoverable deformation causes and Sherman, 1976). However, the frictional effect
some internal structural weaknesses, which reduce the increases with cross-head speed. At a low cross-head
subsequent strength of the cheese, but the flow condi- speed (5 mm/min), lubrication decreased f by ⬃20% in
tions under which fracture occurs are not affected. Cheddar cheese where the aspect ratio was 0.35, with
the effect becoming more pronounced (of the order of
Effect of sample-machine interface conditions and 20–30%) at  f (Casiraghi et al., 1985). In contrast,
sample dimensions the bonding of the cheese surfaces to the compression
The expression of compression characteristics in the form plates (e.g., using cyanoacrylate ester adhesive) had rela-
of stress–strain curves rather than force–displacement tively little effect on f, f and max. A similar trend was
found for Mozzarella and processed cheese spread
(Casiraghi et al., 1985).
F At low compression plate speeds (20 mm/min),
Shear friction had only a negligible effect in Gruyere and
stress processed Mozzarella cheese with aspect ratios near
F/A unity (Charalambides et al., 2001). However, at aspect
σ τ ratios 0.5,  at a given was slightly higher when
2θ Normal the samples were not lubricated. Similar findings were
σ stress reported by Ak and Gunasekaran (1992), using min-
eral oil as a lubricant on Cheddar cheese with aspect
ratios of 0.65 and 1.0. Hence, accurate – curves can
be obtained from unlubricated testing provided the
Figure 26 Mohr’s circle, for computing normal and shear aspect ratio is sufficiently high, e.g., 1.
stresses on any plane in a sample under uniaxial compression.
Each point on the circle represents the normal (, x-axis) and Effect of deformation rate
shear (, y-axis) stresses which occur on a plane inclined at an Due to viscous effects,  at a given (e.g., 0.1) and f
angle &. It can be inferred from the diagram that maximum 
occurs at &  45° and equals half of the uniaxially applied , depend on rate of deformation and increase by
i.e., F/A, at &  0°, where F is the applied force and A is the ⬃40–50% per 10-fold increase in compression plate
cross-sectional area of the sample. speed in cheeses at 4–20 °C (Luyten et al., 1991a; Ak
530 Rheology and Texture of Cheese

and Gunasekaran, 1992; Pons and Fiszman, 1996; compression/extension mode. However, for highly
Xiong et al., 2002). f is not significantly affected by deformable cheeses, e.g., fresh low-moisture part-skim
deformation rate. Mozzarella and young reduced-fat cheeses, e.g., Cheddar,
which generally do not undergo elastic fracture (i.e.,
Influence of shape where the sample breaks into distinct pieces), but rather
Cylindrical and rectangular-shaped samples have been plastic fracture, on compressing to strains of 0.7–0.8
used in uniaxial compression (Table 3). For both (Fenelon and Guinee, 2000; Guinee et al., 2002), torsion
shapes, only slight differences have been reported in shear may be useful in determining fracture stress and
the – characteristics up to the fracture point (⬃40% fracture strain. The latter parameters may be important
compression). However, at  f, compression of in some cheeses, e.g., in the formation of cheese strings
cubic samples resulted in significantly greater forces containing two different-coloured cheeses in a twisted
(and ) than cylindrical samples (Culioli and Sherman, helical (rope-like) configuration. However, preparation
1976). For a given shape (e.g., cylindrical) and aspect of capstan-shaped samples requires specialised milling
ratio (e.g., unity), doubling the absolute dimensions equipment and is time-consuming.
had little effect on  at a given deformation (Culioli Vane rheometry has been used for large strain shear
and Sherman, 1976). deformation tests in processed and natural cheeses,
Large strain shear measurements including Cheddar and Mozzarella. In this method a
probe, typically with four blades or vanes, is inserted
A rheometer or a viscometer may be used also, in addi- into a sample and rotated slowly at a constant rate
tion to a texture analyser, to apply large strain shear to (e.g., 10 cycles per minute), while the torque is meas-
cheese. In the rheometer, the parallel plate geometry ured (Fig. 28). The technique produces a shear stress
already described (see ‘Fundamental Measurements: versus strain characteristic with a distinct peak at the
Oscillatory Rheometry for Linear Viscoelastic Measure- point of failure, i.e., fracture. Fracture stress is shear
ments in Cheese’) for linear viscoelastic deformation, rate-dependent in both cases, being smaller by a factor
becomes applicable for large shear strain (i.e., torsion of 2–3 with the vane technique than with the torsion
testing, where a shear is applied in rotational mode). A technique. Using vane rheometry and torsion, it was
large shear strain may be applied also with a rheometer possible to separate different cheese types on fracture
using samples of cheese with capstan geometry (Truong stress/fracture strain ‘texture maps’, which were similar
and Daubert, 2000, 2001; Truong et al., 2002). The effect in both cases (Truong and Daubert, 2001).
of cutting the cheese into a capstan shape is that the The vane method, which is rapid and does not require
greatest shear stress occurs at the cross-section of mini- sample preparation, as in cutting, has been found to give
mum radius (Fig. 27). Bowland and Foegeding (1999) trends comparable to those obtained using capstan
used this technique to determine the fracture properties geometry for processed cheese, Cheddar and Mozzarella
of model processed cheese. Torsion shear tests, as above, (Truong and Daubert, 2001). However, disadvantages of
have been applied recently to cheese and offer few if any vane rheometry may include the difficulty of inserting
distinct advantages above large strain deformation in the vane without cracking the cheese mass (e.g., hard
cheeses such as Romano or Parmesan, with a low frac-
ture strain and soft cheeses with a low fracture strain,
(a) (b)
such as Feta), and variability of results for cheeses, such
as Blue or Gouda, with macrostructural heterogeneities,
such as cracks, veins, small openings and openness.

Bending tests

Hard cheeses can be subjected to bending tests which

may involve three- or four-point loading (Whorlow,
1992; Rosenthal, 1999); a schematic for three-point
bending of a ‘finger-shaped’ cheese sample is shown
in Fig. 29. Such tests produce compression and ten-
sion on alternate sides of a neutral axis, with the max-
2R 2R imum tensile strain occurring on the bottom surface
of the sample and the maximum compressive strain
Figure 27 Illustration of sample shapes used in torsion tests,
using parallel plate geometry (a), and capstan geometry (b). The
on the top surface (Fig. 29). A force–displacement
capstan shape is obtained by milling a cylindrical sample using curve obtained from three-point bending of a cheese
a purpose-built milling machine. sample, e.g., Cheddar cheese (Fig. 30), enables the
Rheology and Texture of Cheese 531

(a) (b)

Figure 28 Vane rheometer probe before (a) and during (b) shear test on process cheese. Photos courtesy of Truong and Daubert
(2000) Gel Consultants Inc. (See Colour plate 11.)

estimation of fracture stress (f). With the assumption

that the sample deforms into an arc shape on bending,
the tensile strain ( ) at any point on the bottom sur-
(a) W H face may be estimated for any displacement (y) as:


L2  4y2

(b) compression where y is the displacement at any point of contact

along the axis where the sample makes contact with
neutral axis
the moving beam, H is the sample height and L is the
C E1 tension span between the supporting beams (Fig. 29).
Assuming that  is proportional to , the tensile or
Figure 29 Schematic of a bending test with three-point load- compressive stress (M) at any point on either sur-
ing: (a) Geometry with cheese sample in place prior to testing, face of the sample can be approximated, subject to
resting on the two support beams, C and D; (b) cheese sample
assumptions about linearity, as:
being deformed by mobile beam E during testing.

M ⬇
where F is the force (obtained from the force-displace-
40 ment curve) and W is the width of the sample (Fig. 29).
Even though the – behaviour departs from linearity
Force, N

before the point of fracture, the formula can be used
20 to approximate the fracture stress (f). Since fracture
is more likely to occur in tension than in compres-
sion, fracture behaviour in tensile mode can be com-
0 pared more easily using bending tests than by using
0 5 10 15 tensile tests, which are difficult to carry out because
Displacement, y, mm
of the difficulty of grabbing a sample without deform-
Figure 30 Force–displacement curve for three-point bending of ing it. The fracture strain ( f) obtained during three-
a 180-day-old Cheddar cheese sample (25  25  50 mm), point bending may give a better estimation of the
ripened at 4 °C. The sample was deformed at a rate of cutting behaviour of cheese than f obtained from
20 mm/min (by the mobile beam) on a TA.HDi texture analyser, compression testing (see ‘Uniaxial Compression’), as
using a three-point bend rig (model HDP/3PB) with 40 mm span
between the supporting beams. A distinct fracture point (f) at point
cutting involves a combination of tensile and shear
E1 (Fig. 29) on the bottom surface of the sample coincides with strains. In compression testing, fracture is due to
the maximum extension. shear displacement.
532 Rheology and Texture of Cheese

Wire-cutting ment. Similarly, hard cheeses can eventually bulge,

especially if stacked. Such time-dependent behaviour
Fracture energy during cutting is quantified by measur-
may be measured in creep and stress-relaxation tests,
ing the force required to push wires of different diam-
and may be carried out by means of compression,
eters at constant velocity through a cheese mass (Green
tension or torsion in the viscoelastic region (e.g.,
et al., 1986; Marshall, 1990). Luyten et al. (1991b)
0.1; cf. Fig. 9).
investigated the fracture properties of Gouda cheese
using wire-cutting. A typical force–time curve shows an
initial rise in force, which reaches a maximum as the Effect of Sample Temperature on Large
wire penetrates the sample surface. Once the surface Strain Deformation Characteristics in
has been broken, the force rapidly drops to a constant Cheese
level, Fc, as the wire ‘ploughs’ through the sample. Fc
Early research showed that increasing the temperature
increases somewhat with cutting speed (⬃ doubling for
of Gouda cheese in the range 10–20 °C reduced the
a 20-fold increase in speed) and with wire diameter (by
value of f, f and max, as measured by compression
3–4 fold for 300 m compared with 25 m diameter).
to 80% using the Instron UTM (Culioli and Sherman,
Since fracture develops around a crack, a specific
1976). While f in Cheshire and Leicester cheeses
fracture energy ( J/m2), Rf, can be defined as the energy
decreased exponentially as the temperature was
needed per unit area (of crack) to cause a fracture to
increased from 0 to 40 °C, the effect on fracture strain
spread. While it is not possible to determine specific
depended on the type of cheese; fracture strain for
fracture energy precisely, because of the inherent het-
Cheshire cheese increased by ⬃2 over the range of
erogeneity in cheese structure (see ‘Cheese structure’),
temperature, while fracture strain for Leicester cheese
its order of magnitude can be determined by measuring
was not affected by temperature (Dickinson and
cutting force using wires with a series of diameters and
Goulding, 1980).
extrapolating to a diameter of zero. The specific frac-
Molander et al. (1990) reported a similar trend for f
ture energy is calculated as:
and max in 4-week-old Brie between 5 and 20 °C; how-
ever, in contrast to the results of Culioli and Sherman
Fc0 (1976), f increased slightly on raising the tempera-
d ture. The discrepancy between the latter studies in
relation to strain may be attributable to differences in
where Fc0 is the cutting force, extrapolated to cutting the degree of fat coalescence, proteolysis and therefore
with a wire of zero diameter, and d is the sample width, fat separation and slippage. On heating cheese to a tem-
i.e., the length of wire in contact with the cheese perature (30–60 °C) greater than those (e.g., 4–25 °C)
(Luyten et al., 1991b). The fracture energy obtained normally associated with retailing, domestic refrigera-
with the wire-cutting method may give a more accurate tion and consumption, compression results in squeez-
prediction of the behaviour of cheese during cutting ing flow behaviour (Ak and Gunasekaran, 1995), i.e.,
(e.g., portioning, slicing) than that obtained using stress increases with strain as the cheese is squeezed
large-strain shear or compression deformation tests. between the plates and no fracture point is observed.
The deformability modulus (initial slope of the
stress–strain curve) showed an Arrhenius type of char-
Measurement of Time-Dependent
acteristic, decreasing exponentially with temperature
Rheological Characteristics
from 18 kPa at 30 °C to 3 kPa at 60 °C. Such a trend is
As has been stated (see ‘Terminology of Rheology expected, as milkfat is essentially fully liquid at 30 °C
and Texture’ and ‘Fundamental Measurements: Large (Norris et al., 1973). Indeed, heating cheese to 60 °C
Strain Deformation’), the rheological behaviour of in the absence of an applied stress generally results in
viscoelastic materials, like cheese, is generally influ- flow of the part-molten cheese mass to an extent
enced not only by instantaneous stress or strain, as dependent on cheese type and heating time.
in the case of ‘ideal’ materials, but also by rheolog-
ical history of the material, i.e., the stresses and
Techniques for Measurement of Viscosity
strains which have already been experienced. This is
verified by natural occurrences, such as a gradual In some situations, cheese products may occur in ‘liq-
deformation of a pane of glass under its own weight uid’ form, either in the course of processing or in their
in a window of an old building. Indeed the compres- usage. Typical examples are processed cheese, cheese
sion of rock or ice under gravitational force results dips and cheese sauces. The viscosity of these products
in flow, albeit very slow, analogous to a creep experi- may be measured by a number of instruments, e.g., the
Rheology and Texture of Cheese 533

Bostwick consistometer, which has been used to give generally during eating, and by hearing in the case of
an empirical measurement of viscosity of a soft fracture, whereas geometrical characteristics are mostly
processed cheese spread (Rosenthal, 1999). In the lat- sensed visually but may also be partly sensed by touch.
ter instrument, a sample of the material being tested is The other characteristics are ‘mouth-feel’ qualities,
placed in a cell and released by opening a simple guil- described subjectively by terms such as hard, soft, firm,
lotine slide gate, allowing the product to flow horizon- springy, crumbly, adhesive, moist or dry. These terms
tally across a scale marked in centimeters. The length are thought to have significance in relation to con-
of flow in a given time period (usually 30 s), known as sumer appeal and satisfaction (Szczesniak, 1963a).
the Bostwick number, is taken as a measure of viscos- The mechanical characteristics, in turn, have been
ity. Alternatively, viscosity can be measured under divided into five primary parameters and three sec-
defined shear or low amplitude stress or strain in a ondary parameters (Table 5, Fig. 31). The secondary
rheometer, using different geometries such as concen- parameters are considered to be composed of various
tric cylinders, a cone and plate, or parallel plates. intensities of hardness and cohesiveness. The geomet-
Online measurements of viscosity of cheese prod- rical parameters are divided into two classes, i.e., those
ucts may be important, e.g., as an early measure of related to particle size and hardness, and those related
indicating the susceptibility of a formulation to ‘cream- to particle shape and orientation. Experience shows
ing’ (see ‘Pasteurized Processed Cheese and Substi- that panelists found hardness relatively easy to sense
tute/Imitation Cheese Products’, Volume 2). A range of but that adhesiveness was much more difficult to
commercial on-line viscometers are available for meas- judge (Halmos, 2000).
uring viscosity in a continuous flow situation. Sensory texture terms, as distinct from rheological
terms, have linguistic boundaries, i.e., they are suscep-
tible to different interpretation in different languages
Terminology Applied to Cheese Texture (Lawless et al., 1997; Bourne, 2002). Some texture-
Cheese texture may be defined as a composite sensory related characteristics can be measured by machines
attribute resulting from a combination of physical and these are not bound by language. These character-
properties that are perceived by the senses of touch istics include hardness, cohesiveness, adhesiveness,
(including kinaesthesis and mouth-feel), sight and hear- elasticity, viscosity, brittleness, chewiness and gummi-
ing (Brennan, 1988). Thus, cheese texture is directly ness, definitions for which are given in Table 5. The
measurable only by sensory analysis. Sensory analysis measurements give objective quantifiable data, pro-
requires definition and classification of textural attri- vided the measurement conditions are well defined.
butes or descriptors.
Relationships between cheese texture and rheology
Descriptors applied to cheese texture have been
grouped into mechanical, geometrical and other char- The Texture Profile Analysis (TPA) method, involving
acteristics (Fig. 31). The mechanical characteristics are instrumental measurement using double bite compres-
sensed as forces on the teeth, tongue and the mouth sion, was developed to imitate the compressing action

Initial perception • visual appearance

(before placing in • sampling and slicing characteristics
mouth) • spreading, creaming characteristics, pourability

• analytical characteristics
Primary characteristics • particle size, shape and size distribution
• oil content; size, shape and size distribution of oil
Initial perception particles
on palate
• elasticity, cohesion
Secondary characteristics • viscosity
• adhesion (to palate)

Mastication • hard, soft

Tertiary characteristics • brittle, plastic, crisp, rubbery, spongy
(high shearing • smooth, coarse, powdery, lumpy, pasty
stress) • creamy, watery, soggy
• sticky, tacky

masticatory • greasy, gummy, stringy
impression • melt down properties on palate

Figure 31 Classification of food texture into primary, secondary or tertiary characteristics, based on Sherman (1969).
534 Rheology and Texture of Cheese

Table 5 Classification of the mechanical characteristics of cheese into primary and secondary parametersa

Primary parameters Secondary parameters

Hardness – the force necessary to attain a given deformation Brittleness – the force at which the material fractures
Cohesiveness – strength of internal bonds making up the Chewiness – the energy required to masticate a solid food,
body of the product e.g., some cheeses such as Mozzarella, to a state ready
Elasticity – the rate at which a deformed material returns to for swallowing
its original form after the deforming force is removed Guminess – the energy required to disintegrate a semi-solid
Viscosity – rate of flow per unit force food, e.g., some cheeses such as ripe Camembert, to a
Adhesiveness – the work necessary to overcome the state ready for swallowing
attractive forces between the surface of a food and surface
of other materials with which it comes in contact, e.g., the
teeth, palate and tongue

a Modified from Szczesniak (1963a), Bourne (1978).

of molar teeth while masticating food in the mouth Texture profile analysis (TPA)
(Szczesniak, 1963a; Peleg, 1976; Bourne, 1978).
A system of rheological parameters (e.g., firmness,
Classification of the mechanical attributes of cheese
elasticity) related to texture and known as TPA was
texture, as described above, was designed with the aim
developed (Fig. 32; Table 6; Friedman et al., 1963).
of integrating sensory data for foods evaluated by
The rheological measurements were originally carried
trained panels, with texture-profile data obtained on
out using the General Foods Texturometer (see ‘Imita-
the same foods using compression testing. For this
tive tests’), using double-bite compression (Bourne,
purpose, objective rheological parameters, some of
1978). Texture profile analysis parameters were later
which correspond in name to the sensory-determined
calculated from measurements using uniaxial double-
parameters, were defined (Table 5) and are known as
bite compression at constant speed, using texture
TPA parameters (see ‘Texture profile analysis’).
analysers including the Instron UTM (Breene, 1975;
While this classification system has been modified,
Bourne, 1978; Lee et al., 1978) and the texture
the textural descriptors and their interpretation as
analyser (TA series from Stable Micro Systems) (Halmos,
devised by this classification scheme (Table 5) are still
1997; Meullenet and Gross, 1999).
widely used in textural evaluation of food (Brennan,
1988; Drake et al., 1999). Sherman (1969) proposed Use of TPA to evaluate cheese texture
an alternative classification of food texture (Fig. 31).
The characteristics contributing to the texture of cheese, Szczesniak (1963b) found a curvilinear relationship
and other foods, during eating have been classified as between TPA hardness and an organoleptic rating of
primary, secondary (e.g., adhesiveness) or tertiary hardness. Casiraghi et al. (1989), working with five
(e.g., firmness) (Fig. 31). The primary characteristics, different Italian cheese varieties, including Grana
from which all others are derived, include the food’s Padano and Italico, showed that sensory hardness was
composition, its micro- and macro-structure, and its highly correlated with instrumental hardness.
molecular properties. The secondary and tertiary cate-
gories of textural properties include many characteris- 1st compression
tics which are directly related to the rheological stroke
properties as it is subjected to various stresses and
strains during eating, e.g., hardness, brittleness and 2nd compression
adhesiveness (Sherman, 1969). According to this clas-
Stress, σ

sification, the secondary characteristics are associated

with initial perception in the mouth, i.e., upon contact
with tongue, palate and teeth prior to mastication. A1 A2
Sherman (1969) claimed that the main characteristics A3
sensed at this stage are elasticity (E), viscosity () and
adhesion to the palate, where elasticity is understood
as the tendency to recover its shape after removal of
the stress. Two of those characteristics, namely elastic- Time
ity and viscosity, can together be represented by the Figure 32 Typical stress trend during a double-bite compression
Burgers mechanical model (see ‘Cheese texture’). test, from which TPA parameters are calculated (see Table 5).
Rheology and Texture of Cheese 535

Table 6 Texture profile analysis (TPA) parameters and physical definitionsa

Terminology b Physical definition (TPA term) Units

Fracturability Stress (or sometimes, force) to fracture point, H1 (Fig. 32) Pa, kPa
Firmness Stress (or sometimes, force) at a given deformation Pa or kPa
Springiness (or Percentage of deformation which is recovered between the first and second bites –
Cohesiveness Area of second bite over area of the first bite (A2/A1) in Fig. 32 –
Gumminess Hardness  Cohesiveness Pa, kPa
Chewiness Hardness  Cohesiveness  Springiness Pa, kPa
Adhesiveness Work necessary to pull the plunger (or compression plate) away from the sample J/m3
(Area 3 in Fig. 32)

a Sources: Bourne (1978), van Vliet (1991a), Szczesniak (1963a), Yang and Taranto (1982).
b Fracturability was originally known as brittleness (Bourne, 1978), and firmness as hardness (Szczesniak, 1963a).

Green et al. (1985) found significant correlations each other (e.g., force at 10% deformation, fracture
between five sensory attributes (firmness, springiness, force and hardness). Likewise, some of the sensory
crumbliness, graininess and stickiness) and instru- parameters were inter-correlated, e.g., hardness with
mental parameters (f and f ). Hennequin and Hardy adhesiveness. In agreement with previous studies
(1993) reported that TPA-hardness, i.e., force at 70% (Green et al., 1985; Casiraghi et al., 1989; Hennequin
compression, also had a high correlation with sensory and Hardy, 1993; Halmos, 2000), sensory parameters
hardness (r  0.78, n  19, P  0.001) for four soft were highly correlated with mechanical parameters,
cheeses. Halmos (2000) compared sensory and instru- e.g., mechanical hardness with sensory hardness. It is
mental measurements of hardness, cohesiveness and noteworthy that the 10% compression measurements
adhesiveness of six cheeses with a wide range of tex- (a level of deformation that is mostly recoverable) pre-
ture (including Havarti, Swiss and Romano). The sen- dicted cheese texture (i.e., as judged in sensory terms)
sory measurements increased with the corresponding better than the 80% compression tests.
instrumental readings, apart from one parameter for Despite the significant correlations between some
Romano cheese, for which the cohesiveness as meas- sensory textural parameters and rheological measure-
ured instrumentally was ranked higher than the corres- ments, instrumental analysis of texture, e.g., using tex-
ponding sensory measurement. The significant ture analysers, is not considered a complete substitute
correlations, which were characteristic of the overall for sensory evaluation (see Halmos, 2000), because of
study, confirm the value of objective measurements in several factors: complexity of mastication, differences
support of sensory measurements. However, the devia- between individuals in the perception of texture, effect
tion in the trend for the Romano cheese highlights the of time of day upon perception of texture, and others.
complexity of textural (i.e., tactile sensory) character- While instrumental methods alone cannot be relied
istics as compared with instrumental measurements. upon to determine consumer acceptance, their value
Antoniou et al. (2000) performed sensory and TPA resides in their ability consistently to enable small
analyses on 15 French cheeses (Munster, Emmental, changes in physical characteristics, which contribute
Roquefort, Beaufort, Camembert, Reblochon, Pont to texture, to be quantified.
l’Eveque, Brie de Meaus, Tomme de Savoie, Valencay,
St Nectaire, Pyrenees Brebis, Blue d’Auvergne, Comte Use of instrumental shear deformation to evaluate
cheese texture
Vieux and Fourme de Salers). The cheeses fell into
three compositional groups on the basis of moisture Three techniques for large strain shear deformation
(means 34, 45 and 51%, w/w). This grouping carried testing have been described (see ‘Large strain shear
through to the results of mechanical and sensory measurements’). Truong et al. (2002) compared instru-
analysis. The mechanical (TPA) terms which were mental textural measurements on Cheddar cheese, as
most significant in differentiating the groups were: obtained using vane rheometry (shear), uniaxial
force at 10% deformation, relaxation force (after hold- compression (single bite) or TPA (double bite), with
ing sample for ⬃12 s at 10% compression), force at the corresponding sensory texture measurements.
80% deformation (hardness), fracture force and adhe- Instrumental texture maps of ten commercial Cheddar
siveness. The most significant sensory terms were: cheeses, generated by the vane method and by com-
hardness, fracturability and chewiness. Some of the pression testing, clearly separated the cheeses and
mechanical parameters were highly correlated with showed similar distribution patterns. Highly significant
536 Rheology and Texture of Cheese

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(by mouth). Correlations between vane parameters and mining large-strain (fracture) rheological properties of
model processes cheese. J. Dairy Sci. 82, 1851–1859.
sensory parameters were significant, but not as highly
Breene, W.M. (1975). Application of texture profile analysis
significant as between sensory and TPA parameters. The
to instrumental food texture evaluation. J. Text. Stud. 6,
higher correlation between sensory texture and TPA 53–82.
texture could be due to the fact that TPA parameters Brennan, J.G. (1984). Some experience with the Stevens
were developed in conjunction with compression (i.e., compression response analyses applied to food texture
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parameters have a major influence on the degree of Behaviour of Mozzarella, Cheddar and processed cheese
spread in lubricated and bonded compression. J. Text.
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Rheology and Texture of Cheese 539

Taneya, S., Izutsu, T. and Sone, T. (1979). Dynamic vis- Glossary

coelasticity of natural cheese and processed cheese, in,
Food Texture and Rheology, Sherman, P., ed., Academic Cauchy strain. See Engineering strain.
Press, London. pp. 369–383. Compliance. Symbol J, is the ratio of strain to stress.
Tanner, R.I. (2000). Engineering Rheology, 2nd edn, Oxford In the elastic region, J  1/G , where G is shear (or
University Press, Oxford. storage) modulus.
Truong, V.D. and Daubert, C.R. (2000). Comparative study Cox-Merz rule. This rule states that the (steady) vis-
of large strain methods for assessing failure characteris- cosity versus shear rate curve is virtually identical to
tics of selected food gels. J. Text. Stud. 31, 335–353. the viscosity versus frequency curve, determined by
Truong, V.D. and Daubert, C.R. (2001). Textural character- dynamic oscillation.
ization of cheeses using vane rheometry and torsion
Creep. The response to a constant applied (normal or
analysis. J. Food Sci. 66, 716–721.
shear) stress. Creep can be expressed in terms of strain
Truong, V.D., Daubert, C.R., Drake, M.A. and Baxter, S.R.
(2002). Vane rheometry for textural characterization of
or compliance.
Cheddar cheeses: correlation with other instrumental and Creep compliance. The ratio of strain, (t), resulting
sensory measurements. Lebensm.-Wiss. u.-Technol. 35, from an applied constant stress, c, to the stress, i.e.,
305–314. (t)/c.
Tunick, M.H., Nolan, E.J., Shieh, J.J., Basch, J.J., Thompson, Creep modulus. The inverse of creep compliance, i.e.,
M.P., Maleeff, B.E. and Holsinger, V.H. (1990). Cheddar c/(t).
and Cheshire cheese rheology. J. Dairy Sci. 73, 1671–1675. Deformability modulus. Slope of the stress–strain
Tunick, M.H., Mackey, K.L., Smith, P.W. and Holsinger, V.H. curve in an approximately linear region, typically up
(1991). Effects of composition and storage on the texture to a strain of ⬇0.10.
of Mozzarella cheese. Neth. Milk Dairy J. 45, 117–125. Elastic material behaviour. An elastic deformation is
Ustunol, Z., Kawachi, K. and Steffe, J. (1995). Rheological one where the material recovers fully upon removal
properties of Cheddar cheese as influenced by fat reduc-
of applied stress without time dependency, i.e., recov-
tion and ripening time. J. Food Sci. 60, 1208–1210.
van Vliet, T. (1991a). Terminology to be used in cheese rhe-
ery is instantaneous and complete upon removal of
ology, in, Rheological and fracture properties of cheese. Bul- stress.
letin No. 268. International Dairy Federation, Brussels. Elastoplastic material behaviour. When the stress in
pp. 5–15. the material exceeds a certain limit, irreversible defor-
van Vliet, T. (1991b). Inventory of test methods, in, Rheolog- mation results with negligible time dependency, i.e.,
ical and fracture properties of cheese. Bulletin No. 268. partial recovery is instantaneous upon removal of
International Dairy Federation, Brussels. pp. 16–25. stress; also known as elastoplastic deformation.
Venugopal, V. and Muthukumarappan, K. (2001). Stress Engineering strain. Deformation relative to original
relaxation characteristics of Cheddar cheese. Int. J. Food sample dimension, i.e., L/Lo, is called engineering
Prop. 4, 469–484. strain, or Cauchy strain, or strain.
Visser, J. (1991). Factors affecting the rheological and frac- Engineering stress. The ratio between applied force, F,
ture properties of hard and semi-hard cheese, in, Rheolog-
and original sample area, Ao, is known as engineering
ical and Fracture Properties of Cheese. Bulletin 268.
stress or stress.
International Dairy Federation, Brussels. pp. 49–61.
Walstra, P. and van Vliet, T. (1982). Rheology of cheese. Bulletin Fracture work. See Toughness.
153. International Dairy Federation, Brussels. pp. 22–27. Kelvin element. Also known as a Voigt element or a
Walstra, P. and van Vliet, T. (1986). The physical chemistry Kelvin-Meyer solid. This is a mechanical model con-
of curd making. Neth. Milk Dairy J. 40, 241–259. sisting of a spring in parallel with a dashpot. A num-
Weaver, J.C., Kroger, M. and Thompson, M.P. (1978). Free ber of such elements in series, with a spectrum of time
amino acid and rheological measurements on hydrolyzed constants, can be used to simulate creep compliance.
lactose Cheddar cheese during ripening. J. Food Sci. 43, Kinematic viscosity. This is the ratio between dynamic
579–583. viscosity and density. Units: m2/s  104 stokes.
Weinrichter, B., Rohm, H. and Jaros, D. (2000). Mechanical Linear behaviour. If one measured parameter varies in
properties of unpressed semi-hard cheeses by uniaxial proportion to another, e.g., stress in proportion to a
compression. J. Text. Stud. 31, 141–152.
range of applied strain, their behaviour is described as
Whorlow, R.W. (1992). Rheological Techniques. Ellis Horwood,
linear and a modulus may be defined as the ratio
Chichester, England.
Xiong, R., Meullenet, J.-F., Hankins, J.A. and Chung, W.K. between the parameters, e.g., Young’s modulus.
(2002). Relationship between sensory and instrumental Linear viscoelastic deformation. Cheese and other
hardness of commercial cheeses. J. Food Sci. 67, 877–883. organic materials exhibit a combination of elastic and
Yang, C.S.T. and Taranto, M.V. (1982). Textural properties of viscous behaviour at low strains, i.e., they recover their
Mozzarella cheese analogs manufactured from soybeans. shape upon removal of applied stress, but not instantly.
J. Food Sci. 47, 906–910. The elastic and viscous effects can be determined using
540 Rheology and Texture of Cheese

low-amplitude oscillatory rheometry. At low ampli- the decay of stress as a function of time while holding
tudes of oscillation there is a constant relationship the sample at constant strain; also known as a step
between the elastic and viscous components of com- strain transient test.
plex modulus. Consequently, displacements of this Toughness. The work required to fracture; this is
type are referred to as linear viscoelastic deformation. measured as the area under a force–deformation curve
Loss modulus. The ratio between the out-of-phase up to the point of fracture (Fig. 23).
component of shear stress and shear strain (G   /) True strain. The accumulated strain during the applied
in a dynamic oscillatory measurement; also referred to loading,  ln (L/Lo), where ln is the natural loga-
as viscous modulus. rithm, L is the sample length under load, and Lo is the
Maxwell element. This is a mechanical model consist- original sample length, is known as the true strain,
ing of a spring in series with a dashpot. A combination Hencky strain or natural strain. This is applicable where
of such elements in parallel, with a spectrum of time the strain is large and sample cross-section changes
constants, may be used to simulate relaxation behav- appreciably under the load. True strain is not used
iour in a viscoelastic material. very much in cheese rheology. True strain can be
Modulus of deformability. See Deformability modulus. related to engineering strain, , using,  ln (1  ).
Poisson effect. When a sample is compressed it bulges True stress. The ratio between applied force, F, and
in the lateral direction, i.e., the cross-section increases actual area of cross-section, A , is termed true stress.
with compression; this is the Poisson effect. The ratio Thus, true  F/A , where A is the actual area, taking
between lateral strain and longitudinal strain is known the Poisson effect into account.
as Poisson’s ratio. Poisson’s ratio equals 0.5 in the Uniaxial compressive strength. The apparent stress at
absence of a volume change, and is less than 0.5 for a fracture, i.e., Fo/Ao, where Fo is the compression force
compressible material. at fracture and Ao is the initial cross-sectional area of
Shear modulus. The ratio between the in-phase com- the sample.
ponents of shear stress and shear strain (G   /) in Viscoelastic material behaviour. Where rheological
a dynamic oscillatory measurement; also referred to as behaviour can be resolved into elastic and viscous
storage, elastic, or in-phase, modulus. components, e.g., as represented by a Maxwell model.
Storage modulus. See Shear modulus. Viscoplastic material behaviour. In contrast to elastic
Strength. The maximum stress a material withstands behaviour, this is a time-dependent and irreversible
before it breaks (i.e., fractures) or flows (i.e., becomes deformation that occurs when a certain stress level has
plastic). been exceeded, i.e., strain does not respond instantan-
Stress. See Engineering stress. eously to applied stress, but instead strain keeps on
Stress relaxation modulus. The stress that is required growing while the stress is applied and does not return
to maintain a constant deformation is observed, as to zero upon removal of stress; also referred to as vis-
a function of time (i.e., in a stress relaxation test). cous material behaviour.
The ratio of shear stress to strain is known as stress Viscosity or dynamic viscosity. Coefficient of dynamic
relaxation modulus, or relaxation modulus. The relax- viscosity, , is the ratio between shear stress and shear
ation modulus depends on the applied strain if the rate.
strain exceeds the limit of linear viscoelasticity. Thus,   /" where  is shear stress and " is shear rate.
G(t, )  (t)/. Units: Pa.s or N.s/m2  10 poise.
Stress relaxation test. This test involves an initial appli- Viscous modulus. See Loss modulus.
cation of (a normal or shear) strain at a constant rate up Young’s modulus. The ratio between normal stress and
to a pre-determined level of strain and then measuring engineering strain (E   / ).
Growth and Survival of Microbial
Pathogens in Cheese
C.W. Donnelly, Department of Nutrition and Food Science The University of Vermont,
Burlington, USA

the safety of cheese with respect to pathogenic bacteria
Cheesemaking evolved centuries ago as a means of pre- include milk quality, starter culture or native lactic acid
serving raw milk via fermentation. Selection of the bacterial growth during cheesemaking, pH, salt, con-
beneficial natural flora in milk, such as lactobacilli, trol of aging conditions and chemical changes that
streptococci and lactococci, or direct addition of these occur in cheese during aging (Johnson et al., 1990c).
as starter cultures, preserves products and in many Other technologies (e.g., use of starter cultures that
instances allows competition with bacterial pathogens. produce substances inhibitory to pathogens) may pro-
However, cheeses can become contaminated with vide opportunities to add additional barriers to the
pathogens as a result of their presence in the raw milk growth of bacterial pathogens. It is particularly import-
used for cheesemaking and subsequent survival dur- ant for the producers of raw milk cheeses to have a
ing the cheesemaking process. Alternatively, bacterial documented and systematic approach to ensure prod-
pathogens can contaminate cheese via post-processing uct safety.
contamination if sanitation and other measures in
the processing plant are not sufficient to prevent
Pathogens in raw milk
re-contamination (Linnan et al., 1988; Johnson et al.,
1990a). The characteristics of the specific cheese variety S. enterica, L. monocytogenes, Staph. aureus and ETEC
will dictate the potential for growth and survival of are associated with raw milk. E. coli 0157:H7 can
microbial pathogens, with ripened soft cheeses present- readily contaminate raw milk on the farm with con-
ing a higher risk for growth and survival of pathogens tamination levels of 4.2–10% and 2% reported in the
than aged hard cheeses where a combination of factors, US and Canada, respectively (D’Aoust, 1989; Padhye
including pH, salt content and aw, interact to render and Doyle, 1991). Over 70 cases of E. coli infection,
cheeses microbiologically safe. Although cheeses have characterized by bloody diarrhea, haemolytic uremic
been linked with documented outbreaks of food-borne syndrome (HUS) and kidney failure, have been traced
illness, epidemiological evidence collected from around to the consumption of raw milk (Martin et al., 1986;
the world confirms that this occurs infrequently Borczyk et al., 1987; Bleem, 1994) with a few add-
( Johnson et al., 1990a; Altekruse et al., 1998; De Buyser itional cases in England linked to yoghurt (Morgan
et al., 2001). This chapter will provide an overview of et al., 1993). E. coli 0157:H7 was first characterized in
factors which affect growth and survival of microbial 1982 during epidemiological investigations of two out-
pathogens in cheese. breaks which occurred in North America. Cattle are
thought to be the principal reservoir for this important
human pathogen, and in investigations where food has
Factors that Influence the Safety of Cheese
been identified as the vehicle of transmission, ground
The pathogens, Salmonella enterica, listeria monocyto- beef is the product most frequently linked to human
genes, Staphylococcus aureus and enteropathogenic illness. Shere et al. (1998), in a longitudinal study of
E. coli (ETEC) pose the greatest risk to the safety of E. coli dissemination on four Wisconsin dairy farms,
cheese (Johnson et al., 1990a; De Buyser et al., 2001; identified contaminated animal drinking water as the
Leuschner and Boughtflower, 2002). If active lactic most probable vehicle for infection of animals and a
acid starter cultures are used, Staph. aureus is con- potential intervention point for on-farm control of
sidered to be a low-risk pathogen (Johnson et al., dissemination of this pathogen. Since shedding of this
1990a). However, in traditional cheeses where active pathogen by cattle is intermittent, re-inoculation from
starter cultures are not used, Staph. aureus may pose a an environmental source rather than colonization of
significant risk for toxin production in cheese if num- the pathogen is the more likely explanation than inter-
bers are sufficiently high. The factors that contribute to mittent shedding.
Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, Third edition – Volume 1: General Aspects Copyright © 2004 Elsevier Ltd
ISBN: 0-1226-3652-X All rights reserved
Set ISBN: 0-1226-3651-1
542 Growth and Survival of Microbial Pathogens in Cheese

S. enterica serovars Enteritidis, Typhimurium and and case washers, floor mats and foot baths and the
Dublin have been associated with food-borne disease beds of paper fillers (Charlton et al., 1990; Klausner
outbreaks involving raw milk and milk products and Donnelly, 1991). Pritchard et al. (1994), in a study
(Maguire et al., 1992; Cody et al., 1999; Villar et al., of dairy processing facilities, found that processing
1999; De Valk et al., 2000). A 1987 FDA survey plants near a farm had a significantly higher incidence
revealed the presence of salmonella in 32 of 678 (4.7%) of listeria contamination than those without an on-site
samples of raw milk obtained from bulk-tank trucks in dairy farm. Arimi et al. (1997) demonstrated the link
Wisconsin, Michigan and Illinois, with 10 of 16 between on-farm sources of listeria contamination
(62.5%) collection sites also testing positive (McManus (dairy cattle, raw milk and silage) and subsequent con-
and Lanier, 1987). Salmonella spp. were isolated from tamination of dairy-processing environments. These
26 of 292 (8.9%) of farm bulk tank samples collected in investigators subjected listeria strains collected from
eastern Tennessee and southwest Virginia (Rohrbach farms and dairy processing environments over a 10-year
et al., 1992). Wells et al. (2001) examined recovery of period to strain-specific ribotyping using the auto-
salmonella from faecal samples obtained from dairy mated Riboprinter™ microbial characterization system.
cows in 91 herds from 19 US states. Salmonella spp. A total of 388 listeria isolates from 20 different dairy
were recovered from 5.4% of the samples. Recovery lev- processing facilities were examined along with 44 silage,
els from cows on farms with less than 100 animals were 14 raw-milk bulk tank and 29 dairy cattle isolates.
much lower (0.6%) than those from farms with over These 475 isolates included 93 L. monocytogenes, 362
100 cows, where recovery levels were 8.8%. The inci- L. innocua, 11 L. welshimeri, 6 L. seeligeri, 2 L. grayii
dence of Salmonella spp. in milk samples would be and 1 L. ivanovii strains. Thirty-seven different listeria
expected to occur at a much lower frequency than in ribotypes (RTs) comprising 16 L. monocytogenes
faecal samples. Most farmstead cheesemakers maintain (including five known clinical RTs responsible for
small dairy herds, where the lower incidence data food-borne listeriosis), 12 L. innocua, 5 L. welshimeri, 2
would apply. S. enterica serotype Typhimurium defini- L. seeligeri, 1 L. ivanovii and 1 L. grayii were identified.
tive type (DT) 104 emerged in the UK as an important Greatest diversity was seen among the isolates from
source of human infection in the late 1980s (Threlfall dairy-processing facilities with 14 of 16 (87.5%) L. mono-
et al., 1996). Subsequent outbreaks of human illness cytogenes RTs (including 5 clinical RTs), and 19 out
traced to dairy sources were reported in Vermont of 21 (90.5%) non-L. monocytogenes RTs detected.
(Friedman et al., 1998), Nebraska, California (Cody et al., Sixty-five of the ninety-three L. monocytogenes isol-
1999) and Washington State (Villar et al., 1999). This ates belonged to the group of the five clinical RTs,
organism is notable because it is resistant to multiple which included one RT unique to dairy-processing
antibiotics. Two outbreaks of S. enterica subsp. enterica environments, two RTs common to dairy-processing
serotype Typhimurium DT104 infection were recently environments and silage, and one RT common to dairy-
linked to the consumption of Mexican-style soft cheese processing environments, silage, raw milk and dairy
manufactured from raw milk (Cody et al., 1999; Villar cattle with the last RT appearing in dairy-processing
et al., 1999). Aceto et al. (2000) conducted a survey to environments, silage, raw-milk bulk tanks and dairy
assess the herd prevalence of S. enterica subsp. enterica cattle. The finding of eight L. monocytogenes and twelve
serotype typhimurium DT 104 in Pennsylvania dairy non-L. monocytogenes RTs common to both dairy-
herds. Of 51 farms surveyed, 11 were positive for sal- processing and farm environments clearly implicates the
monella species and 4 for S. typhimurium, 2 of which farm as a natural reservoir for listeria RTs capable of
were DT-104 positive. S. enterica serovar Dublin is pres- entering dairy-processing facilities. These findings, which
ent in dairy cattle and was identified as the most inva- support the link between on-farm sources of listeria con-
sive of the salmonella bacteria for humans in studies tamination (dairy cattle, raw milk and silage) and subse-
conducted in Denmark (Lester et al., 1995). quent contamination of dairy-processing environments,
Beckers et al. (1987) and Lovett et al. (1987) esti- stress the importance of farm-based Hazard Analysis and
mate that extremely low levels of L. monocytogenes Critical Control Points (HACCP) programmes for con-
(0.5–1.0 ml) exist in commercial bulk-tank raw milk. trolling listeria. This work also showed that two import-
Listeria is inactivated by pasteurization, and contam- ant clinical L. monocytogenes ribotypes which were
ination of processed dairy products is therefore most previously identified as RT 19092 and RT 19161 and epi-
likely a function of post-pasteurization contamination demiologically linked to listeriosis cases involving pas-
from the dairy plant environment. In fact, numerous teurized milk and turkey frankfurters were recovered
surveys document the presence of listeria within the from dairy-processing facilities A and B for 12 and 3
dairy plant environment, including floors in coolers, months, respectively, with L. innocua RT 19094 also pres-
freezers, processing rooms, particularly entrances, cases ent in these same two facilities for at least five years.
Growth and Survival of Microbial Pathogens in Cheese 543

Abou-Eleinin et al. (2000) analysed 450 goats’ milk possible quality. Raw cows’ milk must meet quality
samples obtained from the bulk tanks of 39 goat farms standards, e.g., a standard plate count at 30 °C of
for listeria spp. over a 1-year period. Modified versions 100 000 cfu/ml and somatic cell counts of #400 000
of the USDA-FSIS (McClain and Lee,1989) and FDA per ml of milk. To meet these and other established
(Lovett et al., 1987) protocols were used for recovery standards, countries employ HACCP principles in the
of listeria. Overall, 35 (7.8%) samples yielded listeria, production of fluid dairy products. This involves iden-
with L. monocytogenes identified in 17 of the 35 (3.8%) tification of sites to be monitored and evaluated to
listeria-positive samples and L. innocua in 26 (5.8%) of ensure that products are produced under the correct
samples. Eight milk samples contained both L. monocyto- conditions, as well as the development of critical limits
genes and L. innocua. Milk samples from 18 of the 39 established by valid and verifiable parameters. In the
(46.2%) farms were positive for listeria at least once case of fluid milk products, many processors have
during the year-long study. Five different listeria RTs identified length of shelf-life as a critical limit. Shelf-life
were identified from 34 selected L. monocytogenes isol- is influenced by a number of factors, including clean-
ates, 2 of which were deemed to be of clinical import- ing and sanitizing of pipelines and milking equipment,
ance. Isolation rates of listeria were markedly higher condition of raw milk used to produce product and
during the winter (14.3%) and spring (10.4%), com- storage temperature. Pasteurization will eliminate some
pared to autumn (5.3%) and summer (0.9%). Similar of the indigenous microflora in the raw milk, including
trends have been previously reported for cows’ milk pathogenic bacteria; however, thermoduric organisms
(Rea et al., 1992; Ryser, 1999). survive pasteurization. Post-pasteurization contamin-
ation of milk is problematic if the processing/packaging
environment is not maintained. Moreover, many con-
Milk quality
taminants, including listeria, are able to form biofilms
Raw-milk quality is important in producing all cheeses, which protect them from cleaning and sanitizing
but particularly for those made from raw milk. Low agents. Some regulations, such as those of the EU, have
bacterial counts and low somatic cell counts are the established microbiological limits at the sell-by-date for
key indicators of milk quality, and as their numbers products such as cheeses. With respect to regulations
increase, there is a higher risk for contamination of which govern the use of raw milk for cheesemaking,
milk and cheese with pathogens. Monitoring and con- limits have been established for Staph. aureus in raw
trolling bacteria and somatic cell counts in milk should milk. Finished cheeses must meet specific hygienic
be components of a HACCP programme to ensure standards, in which case the presence of Staph. aureus
product safety. As rapid, cost-effective methods become and E. coli indicates poor hygiene.
available for detection of bacterial pathogens in raw
milk, the use of specific pathogen testing could become
Heat treatment of milk
part of a HACCP programme. In general, when raw-
milk bacteria and somatic cell counts are high, there Milk contains heat-labile compounds (e.g., lactoferrin,
will be other negative impacts on cheese quality that lysozyme and lactoperoxidase) that are inhibitory to the
may reduce consumer acceptability and cheese yield. In growth of some pathogens. Recent work by Pitt et al.
most artisanal cheesemaking, the time from milking to (2000) has demonstrated that the growth of Staph.
cheesemaking is very short and in some cases the milk aureus, S. enteritidis and L. monocytogenes was slower in
is made into cheese immediately on the farm without raw milk held at 37 °C for 72 h than in pasteurized milk
cooling. Minimizing the time from milk collection to held under the same conditions. During the first 16 h of
the initiation of cheesemaking reduces the opportunity incubation, the number of organisms increased in both
for the growth of undesirable bacteria in raw milk. raw and pasteurized milks, but after 16 h, the number of
Conversely, when milk is cooled and held in transport, recoverable viable pathogenic organisms in the raw milk
the opportunity for pathogen growth, particularly began to decrease; an overall decrease of 2–5 logs was
growth of psychrotrophic pathogens, is increased. found. The inhibitory effect of raw milk on the survival
The European Community Directives 92/46 and of the above three pathogens in milk, reported by Pitt
92/47 (Anonymous, 1992) contain regulations for the et al. (2000), is probably of great importance for cheese-
hygienic production and placing on the market of raw making from raw milk, and additional research needs to
milk, heat-treated milk and milk-based products. These be undertaken. The lactoperoxidase system (LPS) is a
regulations establish hygienic standards for raw-milk naturally occurring inhibitory system in raw milk and
collection and transport that focus on issues such as comprises three components, lactoperoxidase, thio-
temperature, sanitation and microbiological standards, cyanate and hydrogen peroxide. All three components
enabling the production of raw milk of the highest are required to exhibit maximum antimicrobial effects.
544 Growth and Survival of Microbial Pathogens in Cheese

Gram-negative psychrotrophs, such as pseudomonads, either naturally or artificially contaminated with bacter-
are extremely sensitive to this system. Approximately ial pathogens, are still relatively scarce. However,
0.5–1.0 g/ml lactoperoxidase is needed for effective L. monocytogenes is generally regarded as being more heat
inhibition, and bovine milk typically contains 30 g/ml resistant than salmonella or E. coli 0157:H7 (D’Aoust
(Björck, 1978). Quantities of thiocyanate and hydrogen et al., 1987; Line et al., 1991). Using raw milk inoculated
peroxide in milk are variable. For a full inhibitory effect, to contain various pathogens at a level of 105 cfu/ml,
about 10 g/ml of hydrogen peroxide is required, and D’Aoust et al. (1987) concluded that salmonella were
bovine milk normally contains 1–2 g/ml hydrogen per- inactivated in milk after heating to 64.5 °C (148.2 °F)
oxide. The thiocyanate levels in milk range from 0.02 to or above for 16.2 sec, except for S. senftenberg which sur-
0.25 mM but 8–25 mM is needed for optimum activity. vived until the treatment exceeded 67.5 °C (153.5 °F)
Pitt et al. (2000) hypothesized that the inhibitory effect for 16.2 sec. Heating at 63 °C (145.4 °F) for 16.2 sec
of raw milk in their study was due to activation of the reduced populations of S. senftenberg by 3 orders of
lactoperoxidase system by hydrogen peroxide-producing magnitude. Thermal inactivation of E. coli 0157:H7
lactic acid bacteria naturally present in the raw milk, was complete at temperatures 64.5 °C (148.2 °F) for
which grew at 37 °C. The authors postulated that the 16.2 sec (Line et al., 1991) which is similar to that
reduction in growth of these organisms in the raw milk required for most salmonella except S. senftenberg.
could result from inhibitory products produced by acti- Much of the aged raw milk cheese produced in the US
vation of the LPS. However, it is highly unlikely that is subjected to some form of heat treatment, generally
pasteurization inactivates lactoperoxidase in milk, and thermization. This treatment generally consists of heat
so there must be an alternative explanation for the much treatment at 55 °C for a period ranging from 2 to 16
greater inhibition of Staph. aureus, S. enteritidis and sec. The specific impact of this heat treatment com-
L. monocytogenes by the raw milk. bined with the interactive effects of salt and pH during
Some cheeses are made from milk that has been given subsequent ripening on pathogens such as listeria, sal-
a sub-pasteurization heat treatment at the farm, but are monella and E. coli has not been well explored.
technically classified as raw-milk cheeses. This process
can be beneficial when milk has to be transported and
stored at refrigeration temperature at a cheesemaking Extrinsic and intrinsic parameters in cheese which
dictate microbial growth
facility and when there will be a time delay before cheese
manufacture. These near-pasteurization thermal treat- Growth of microbial pathogens in cheese is dictated by
ments are often called thermization and they help extrinsic and intrinsic parameters. The important intrin-
to reduce the gowth of psychrotrophic bacteria that sic parameters include moisture content, pH and acidity,
cause quality defects in cheese. However, the thermiza- nutrient content, redox potential, presence of antimicro-
tion process may partially inactivate some indigenous bial compounds, either those occurring naturally or
antimicrobial milk components that were mentioned those which are added as food preservatives, e.g., NO3,
previously. and the presence of competitive microflora (ICMSF,
Comprehensive studies conducted by the US Food 1986). All of these factors dictate the potential for
and Drug Administration (FDA) and the US Depart- bacterial pathogens to grow, persist or decline in cheeses.
ment of Agriculture (USDA; Bunning et al., 1986, Extrinsic parameters include factors such as type of
1988) and by Health and Welfare Canada (Farber et al., packaging/packaging atmosphere, time and temperature
1992) have shown that listeria are unable to survive of storage and holding conditions, processing steps,
normal pasteurization conditions. Knabel et al. (1990) product history and traditional use. The interaction of
found that growing L. monocytogenes at 43 °C prior to these factors dictates the potential for microbial growth
heat-inactivation caused an increase in thermo- in cheese.
tolerance, but a study conducted by Farber et al. Depending on the cheese variety, intrinsic parameters
(1992) demonstrated that even under worst-case sce- such as pH may serve to enhance or inhibit the growth
nario conditions, which included cultivation of L. mono- of bacterial pathogens. Ryser and Marth (1987a) studied
cytogenes populations at 43 °C prior to inactivation, the behaviour of L. monocytogenes in Camembert cheese.
pasteurization would render a 4.5–6.2-D process. The high moisture content and the neutral pH of this
Therefore, while populations of L. monocytogenes have surface-ripened cheese facilitate growth and survival of
been shown to survive minimum pasteurization pathogens such as listeria. Growth of listeria in Camem-
(71.1 °C/16 s) in various laboratory studies, survival bert cheese was found to parallel the increase in cheese
under actual conditions of commercial milk pasteuriza- pH during ripening and reached a final population of
tion and processing is unlikely. Studies which define 106–108 per g. This contrasts with Blue cheese, where
the impact of commercial heat treatment of raw milk, listeria failed to grow and decreased in number during
Growth and Survival of Microbial Pathogens in Cheese 545

56 days of storage (Papageorgiou and Marth, 1989). potential public health hazards posed by pathogenic
These authors suggested that Penicillium roqueforti may bacteria in cheeses made from raw milk. The IFST indi-
produce bacteriocins against L. monocytogenes. In hard cates that these hazards apply particularly to soft and
cheese varieties like Colby and Cheddar, L. monocyto- semi-soft cheeses (IFST, 2000). Codex Alimentarious
genes populations decline during aging, with survival is presently recommending a ‘combination of control
strongly influenced by the moisture content and the pH measures’ (including pasteurization) to achieve the
(Ryser and Marth, 1987b; Yousef and Marth, 1990). appropriate level of public health protection (Groves,
Cheeses such as Camembert and Feta have nearly identi- 1998).
cal composition in terms of moisture content, water In a comprehensive review of all outbreaks of human
activity, % salt-in-water and ripening temperature. How- illness associated with the consumption of aged raw-
ever, fully ripened Camembert has a pH of 7.5 versus milk cheese, in the majority of instances, confounding
Feta which has a pH of 4.4 that prevents the growth of parameters other than use of raw milk contributed to
listeria. pathogens being present in the product at the time of
consumption (Donnelly, 2001). Further, in challenge
studies which examine the fate of pathogens in aged
Cheeses made from raw milk
cheese, confounding factors can also explain the appear-
In the US and other parts of the world, the manufacture ance of pathogens following 60 days of aging. Such con-
of cheese from raw milk is a topic which is being revis- founding parameters in actual outbreaks or challenge
ited from the perspective of microbiological safety. Pas- studies involve the use of pasteurized versus raw milk in
teurization of milk prior to cheesemaking is but one step cheesemaking trials, inadequate development of acidity
that may reduce the risk of the presence of pathogenic during cheesemaking, a low salt level, contamination by
bacteria in cheese. Current US regulations which govern ill employees during manufacture, temperature abuse of
the use of raw, heat-treated and pasteurized milk for milk designed for cheesemaking and environmental con-
cheesemaking were promulgated in 1949 (Anonymous, tamination during cheesemaking.
1950; 21 CFR Part 133). One of the two options can be
selected by cheesemakers to assure the safety of cheese –
pasteurize milk destined for cheesemaking or hold
Previous Reviews on the Safety of Raw
cheese at a temperature of not less than 1.7 °C (35 °F)
Milk Cheeses
for a minimum of 60 days. Recent research has shown
that S. typhimurium, E. coli 0157:H7 and L. monocyto- Two comprehensive reviews have been published regard-
genes can survive well beyond the mandatory 60-day ing outbreaks of human illness linked to consumption of
holding period in Cheddar cheese prepared from pas- cheese. Johnson et al. (1990b) conducted a comprehen-
teurized milk (Reitsma and Henning, 1996; Ryser, sive review of the epidemiological literature during the
1998). In a referral to the National Advisory Committee 40-year period, 1948–1988. These authors identified
on Microbiological Criteria for Foods in April 1997, the only six outbreaks of illness transmitted by cheese pro-
FDA asked if a revision of policy requiring a minimum duced in the US during this period. Post-pasteurization
60-day aging period for raw-milk hard cheeses was nec- contamination was the most frequent causative factor in
essary. The FDA, in its communication, noted that such these outbreaks. Improper pasteurization equipment
a duration may be insufficient to provide an adequate and/or procedures were implicated in only one outbreak
level of public health protection. The FDA cited numer- each in the US and Canada, and use of raw milk was a
ous studies and outbreak investigations documenting factor in one outbreak in each of these countries. No
the presence of listeria, salmonella and E. coli 0157:H7 outbreaks were linked to hard Italian cheese varieties
in raw milk. Of particular concern was the report by such as Parmesan, Romano and Provolone. In rare
Reitsma and Henning (1996) detailing the survival of instances, Swiss and Cheddar cheeses were linked to
E. coli 0157:H7 in aged Cheddar cheese. The FDA did food-poisoning outbreaks. Factors other than pasteuriza-
note, however, that there was ‘limited epidemiological tion cited by Johnson et al. (1990b) as contributors to
evidence that food-borne illness results from consump- cheese safety include milk quality and management, lac-
tion of raw-milk hard cheeses that have been aged for 60 tic starter management, pH, salt, controlled aging condi-
days’, citing work by Fabian (1947), D’Aoust et al. tions and natural inhibitory substances in the raw milk.
(1985) and Johnson et al. (1990b) in support of this These authors proposed three actions to improve the
claim. Groups outside of the US have recently expressed safety of raw milk cheeses: (1) Establish a guideline for
concern about the safety of raw-milk cheeses. The Insti- minimum heat-treatment of milk for cheesemaking,
tute of Food Science and Technology (IFST, 2000) in the e.g., 64.4 °C (148 °F) for 16 sec or equivalent with
UK issued a position statement drawing attention to the adequate process control, (2) Evaluate current safety
546 Growth and Survival of Microbial Pathogens in Cheese

technology and practices used for cheese manufacture recorded 25 instances of non-compliance with good
and (3) Evaluate technologies not currently used in manufacturing practices by that particular food-processing
cheese manufacture for safety potential (Johnson et al., plant. The Kansas Board of Agriculture required that raw
1990c). milk contain 3 000 000 organisms/ml. Routine micro-
Altekruse et al. (1998) reviewed all cheese-associated bial analysis of the grade B or surplus grade A milk used
outbreaks reported to the Centers for Disease Control at the plant revealed that counts greatly exceeded this
and Prevention (CDC) during the period 1973–1992. standard. In the production of cheese, raw milk was
These authors noted the infrequency of large, cheese- stored for 1–3 days in an insulated but unrefrigerated
associated outbreaks reported during this period and holding tank prior to pasteurization at 71.6 °C for
suggested that improvement of cheesemaking methods 15 sec. The milk was filtered after pasteurization, which
and process control have resulted in cheese being a safer is a violation of FDA guidelines for pasteurization.
product. There were 32 cheese-associated outbreaks, Salmonella outbreaks in Ontario, Canada, during the
11 of which could be attributed to contamination at the period 1980–1982 occurred in raw-milk Cheddar
farm, during manufacturing or during processing. Of the cheese. S. muenster was identified in the cheese and
11 outbreaks attributed to contamination prior to distri- traced to a single farm where one cow was shedding the
bution, 5 were associated with the consumption of organism (Wood et al., 1984). Subsequent trials using
Mexican-style soft cheese versus only one outbreak milk from this infected cow were conducted to deter-
linked to Cheddar cheese. It is notable that no outbreaks mine potential for survival during commercial prepar-
reported to the CDC during 1973–1992 were associated ation of raw milk cheese. Curd tested positive in 11 of
with raw milk cheese that was aged for a minimum of 181 vats. During curing, one lot was negative after 30
60 days. The authors indicated that salmonella, E. coli days but one lot was positive after 125 days. It would be
0157:H7 and L. monocytogenes may survive the aging unlikely for this scenario to be repeated as cheese is
process. However, the literature reference for survival of rarely manufactured from milk from a single cow. Milk
listeria points to Camembert cheese (Ryser and Marth, is co-mingled, and the dilution effect with milk from
1987a), and the authors failed to note the rapid decline other animals and other farms reduces the level of
of listeria populations in aged Cheddar cheese as docu- pathogens, if present.
mented by Ryser and Marth (1987b). Altekruse et al. A large Canadian outbreak of salmonellosis linked
(1998) suggest that aging alone may not be a sufficient to the consumption of Cheddar cheese was reported in
pathogen control step to eliminate salmonella, listeria four Canadian Atlantic provinces (Newfoundland, New
and E. coli 0157:H7 from cheese. Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia)
between January and July 1984. This outbreak proved
to be the largest single epidemic of salmonellosis ever
Outbreaks involving Cheddar cheese
to occur in Canada, ultimately involving more than
In 1976, seven lots of Cheddar cheese manufactured 2700 cases of illness (Bezanson et al., 1985; Johnson
from pasteurized milk were contaminated with et al., 1990b). Production of the cheese, which was
S. heidelberg and were responsible for 339 confirmed manufactured from either pasteurized (73.8 °C
cases of illness and an additional 28 000–36 000 cases of (165 °F) for 16 sec) or heat-treated (66.7 °C (152 °F)
illness (Fontaine et al., 1980). The cheese involved was for 16 sec) milk, was traced to a single plant on Prince
aged for less than 60 days, and improper pasteurization Edward Island. Testing of the raw milk supply identi-
was cited as the cause of the outbreak. Follow-up with fied two cows in separate herds, one which shed
the first few patients led epidemiologists to suspect S. typhimurium and one which shed S. heidelberg.
cheese eaten in Mexican-style restaurants as the vehicle D’Aoust et al. (1985) reported on the distribution and
of infection. Seven lots of Cheddar cheese produced survival of S. typhimurium phage type 10 isolated from
from pasteurized milk by a Kansas manufacturer and Cheddar cheese in this outbreak. Levels of salmonella
purchased from a single Denver distributor were identi- ranged from 0.36 to 9.3 per 100 g. The pH of the
fied as the potential sources of contamination. The epi- cheese ranged from 4.97 to 5.40, consistent with nor-
demic began in July in two widely separated Colorado mal Cheddar, which has a pH range of 5.0–5.5.
cities, Denver and Pueblo. Levels of S. heidelberg in these S. typhimurium phage type 10 was found to survive
cheeses were estimated to be 0.36–1.8 per 100 g. The pH in Cheddar cheese for up to 8 months at 4 °C. The
of contaminated cheese was 5.6, which may have been a data provided by D’Aoust et al. (1985) is very inter-
factor in this outbreak. Poor manufacturing practices esting. The authors compare salmonella recovery
coupled with inadequate control programmes at the as a function of whether mild Cheddar cheese was
cheese plant were cited as causative factors in this manufactured from heat-treated (16 s at 66.7 °C; not
outbreak. The Kansas State Health Department had pasteurized) or pasteurized (16 sec at 73.8 °C) milk.
Growth and Survival of Microbial Pathogens in Cheese 547

Tested samples of mild Cheddar manufactured from heat- positive for S. typhimurium. It is likely that this incrim-
treated milk were found to contain 0.36–9.3 salmo- inated cheese was also responsible for an outbreak of ill-
nella/100 g. However, four lots of mild Cheddar ness reported at the same time in Ontario linked to
manufactured from pasteurized milk were also found to S. typhimurium phage type 10 biotype 4 (D’Aoust et al.,
contain 0.36–4.3 salmonella/100 g. Certain lots of cheese 1985).
contained Staph. aureus at high levels (105 per g), Hedberg et al. (1992) reported on a multi-state out-
which may indicate poor starter activity (Johnson et al., break of S. javiana and S. oranienburg linked to the
1990b) or contamination through handling. It is difficult consumption of contaminated Mozzarella cheese and
to understand how D’Aoust et al. (1985) could support shredded cheese products. Cases were more likely to
their concluding statement in this article ‘Although pas- have consumed cheese manufactured at a single cheese
teurization of milk used in cheesemaking increases the plant or cheese shredded at processing plants that also
safety of the finished product, use of heat-treated (unpas- shredded cheese from the single plant, than matched
teurized) milk in the manufacture of medium and old controls. The outbreak strains were isolated from 2 of 68
Cheddar cheese and survival of salmonella during pro- unopened 16-oz blocks of Mozzarella cheese. Inspec-
longed periods of refrigerated storage raises legitimate tions revealed deficiencies in plant sanitation and clean-
doubts of the safety of current manufacturing practices.’ ing, and equipment was not routinely cleaned and
In the data presented, pasteurization did not result in the sanitized between shredding different types of cheese
unequivocal safety of mild Cheddar cheese. from different manufacturers. However, no deficiencies
An evaluation of the pasteurization process, described in pasteurization were identified. Cheese-manufacturing
by Johnson et al. (1990b), indicated that the employee equipment was found to be susceptible to environmental
in charge of the process manually overrode the elec- contamination and contamination by aerosols. Investi-
tronic controls, which shut down the pasteurizer while gators believed that the contaminated Mozzarella cheese
milk continued to flow through the unit and into the sent to four processing plants for shredding, cross-
vat. The pasteurizer was shut down after filling three contaminated other cheese products at those plants. It is
vats and later restarted to fill the next three vat series. most likely that the cheese was contaminated from
The first and the third vats of each three vat sequence environmental sources or from infected production
tested positive for salmonella, except for the first vat of workers.
the day and the middle vat of each three vat series which Four outbreaks occurring in the late 1990s were
consistently tested negative. This pattern only occurred reported in the UK, although detailed epidemiologic
when raw milk which included milk from the cow shed- data on these outbreaks is lacking. An outbreak of E. coli
ding S. typhimurium was used. Bezanson et al. (1985) 0157:H7 (phage type 8, Verotoxin gene 2) infection
subsequently subjected outbreak strains to molecular involving 22 cases was reported in Scotland in 1994.
analysis by biotyping, antibiotic resistance patterns, plas- This outbreak was associated with the consumption of
mid restriction and endonuclease analyses and revealed raw-milk cheese (Anonymous, 1997a). A December
that two genetically distinct organisms were the aetio- 1996 outbreak of salmonella gold-coast which occurred
logic agents in this outbreak. These studies revealed the in England and Wales was linked to the consumption of
existence of a double infection, indicating that the a brand of mild, coloured, Cheddar cheese produced in
incriminated cheese likely had two sources of contam- August and September 1996 in Somerset, England.
ination. S. typhimurium phage type 10 subgroup I strains Phosphatase tests and examination of recording chart
were identified among cultures from raw milk and cattle records from the pasteurizer indicated that pasteuriza-
associated with the incriminated dairy. S. typhimurium tion had failed at the plant on several occasions
phage type 10 subgroup I and II strains were recovered (Anonymous, 1997b). An outbreak of infection caused
from individuals employed at the dairy along with their by E. coli 0157:H7 (phage type 21/28 VT2) was reported
family members. S. typhimurium subgroup I and II in 1999 in north-east England (Anonymous, 1999a,b).
strains were present in cheese curd samples obtained The vehicle of infection was Cotherstone cheese, a raw-
from the plant as well as from a consumer pack obtained milk cheese, manufactured in small quantities and dis-
from a distributor. Cheese plant workers from whom tributed to specialty cheese shops in England. Samples
both subgroup I and II strains were cultured were from the dairy herd, slurry and environmental samples
involved in the production and/or packaging of Cheddar from the cheese manufacturing facilities were negative
cheese, raising questions about the possibility of con- for E. coli 0157:H7. In March of 1999, a large outbreak
tamination of the cheese by ill workers. Salmonella were of infection was reported in England and Wales due to
confirmed in a cheese-trim bucket. Plant inspections consumption of contaminated milk from a single dairy.
revealed that employees used their bare hands to transfer An outbreak of E. coli 0157:H7 infection was reported
cheese to a forming machine, and an employee tested which was linked to the consumption of fresh cheese
548 Growth and Survival of Microbial Pathogens in Cheese

curd, which was held for 60 days, from a dairy plant in 3.76% with a mean of 3.25%, whereas in normal Ched-
Wisconsin (Durch et al., 2000). Nineteen of 55 labora- dar, the SM ranges from 4 to 6%. The low SM could
tory-confirmed patients had purchased cheese curds have affected the results in the study of Reitsma and
from an unrefrigerated display at the cheese plant. To be Henning (1996) and the authors recommend further
legal, cheese curds must be manufactured from pasteur- research with Cheddar containing a higher SM to
ized milk. Vats of raw-milk Cheddar cheese were determine if similar results would be obtained with an
inadvertently used to make fresh curds, which were SM more commonly encountered in Cheddar cheese.
incorrectly labelled as ‘pasteurized’ Cheddar cheese curd. NaCl is an important inhibitor of microbial growth in
A comprehensive risk assessment would consider, cheese. The major roles of NaCl in Cheddar cheese are
among other factors, the degree to which the consuming to check lactic acid fermentation after an optimum
population is exposed to risks associated with the con- peak has been attained, reduce moisture through
sumption of aged raw-milk cheeses. Cheddar cheese is syneresis of the curd, suppress the growth of spoilage
produced worldwide and is therefore considered an micro-organisms and create physical changes in cheese
important variety of hard cheese. The USDA, National proteins which influence cheese texture, protein solu-
Agricultural Statistics Service, reports that Cheddar bility and protein conformation (Fox et al., 2000; ‘Salt
cheese was the most popular variety of cheese produced in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects’,
and consumed in the US in 1999, with a production Volume 1). While there are no state or federal stand-
level of 2.8 billion pounds (1.2 million tonnes) or 35.4% ards for the amount of salt added to Cheddar cheese,
of the total cheese produced (Anonymous, 1999c). variations in salt content from 0.8 to 2% are common.
Given that a large amount of this cheese is produced The minimum aw (adjusted with NaCl) for the growth
from raw or heat-treated milk, the high degree of expos- of E. coli is 0.950 (Fennema, 1985). Further, most raw
ure (consumption) of this product coupled with the low milk receives some form of heat treatment, albeit sub-
incidence of disease outbreaks attests to the safety of pasteurization. The combination of heat, salt and nat-
aged cheese made from raw and heat-treated milk. ural inhibitors could provide barriers to the survival of
Table 1 summarizes outbreaks involving Cheddar E. coli 0157:H7. The experimental design used by
cheese which have occurred since 1976. Listed in this Reitsma and Henning (1996) failed to consider these
table are confounding parameters which contributed to potential safeguards. It is plausible that the use of pas-
the presence of pathogens in the finished product and teurized milk for cheesemaking provides E. coli
the subsequent onset of human illness. 0157:H7 with a more protective environment than raw
milk, thus heat treatment could create more of a prob-
lem to food safety. The authors state ‘The low number
Challenge Studies
of outbreaks seem to indicate that pathogens in cheese
Reitsma and Henning (1996) examined the survival of are not a major problem.’ The authors further state
E. coli 0157:H7 during the manufacture and ripening of ‘treatment 1 (1000 cfu/ml) would not likely be encoun-
Cheddar cheese. E. coli 0157:H7 was inoculated at two tered in industry because of co-mingling of milk from
levels into pasteurized milk, 1  103 cfu/ml and several or many farms, thus creating a dilution effect.’
1 cfu/ml. The organism showed a sharp decrease in Concern is expressed about the authors’ concluding
numbers over the 158-day testing period. Treatment statement ‘The current requirement for ripening of
1 (1000 cfu/ml) showed a 2-log CFU/g reduction after Cheddar cheese will not assure consumers of a safe
60 days of ripening; however, E. coli 0157:H7 was still product if the cheese is made from raw milk and a
present even after 158 days of ripening when viable cells pathogen such as E. coli 0157:H7 is present in the
were detected in four of five replicates. Treatment cheese at the beginning of ripening.’ This statement is
2 (1 cfu/g) showed a reduction to 1 cfu/g in 60 days, contradicted by the authors’ own data which show that
with no viable E. coli 0157:H7 detected at 158 days. E. coli 0157:H7 present at 60 cfu/g in curd after salting
As the authors state, ‘the results of this study cannot was reduced to 1 cfu/g after 60 days, even in the arti-
predict the behaviour of heat-injured cells which could ficially low SM of cheeses in the study.
result from the pasteurization of naturally contaminat- A subsequent study by Zhang and Henning (1999)
ing E. coli.’ Further, the low salt-in-moisture content described mathematically the decline of E. coli popula-
(SM) and absence of natural inhibitors present in raw tions during cheese ripening. The authors inoculated
milk create an artificially protective environment for pasteurized whole milk with E. coli biotype 1 at popu-
E. coli 0157:H7 in pasteurized milk. The SM deter- lations of 100–1000/ml. The authors used a complete
mines the water activity, which, in turn, dictates the factorial design to investigate the effects of high- and
potential for growth of a micro-organism in the cheese low-level environmental factors such as moisture
environment. The SM in that study ranged from 2.75 to (34–40%), pH (5.1–5.6), temperature (4–13 °C) and salt
Growth and Survival of Microbial Pathogens in Cheese 549

Table 1 Data from outbreak investigations involving aged raw milk cheese and confounding parameters which contribute to the
presence of pathogens

Number of Cheese Confounding

Date Location Isolate cases type parameter Reference

1976 Colorado Salmonella 339 confirmed; Cheddar 1. Raw milk Fontaine

heidelberg 28 000– made from did not meet et al., 1980
36 000 pasteurized standards
suspected milk 2. Raw milk
stored 1–3 days
in holding tank – no
3. Milk filtered
after pasteurization
4. Cheese pH, 5.6
5. 25 instances of non-
compliance with GMP
1980–1982 Ontario Salmonella Raw-milk Milk traced to Wood et al.,
muenster Cheddar single farm; lack of 1984
1984 4 Canadian Salmonella 2700 Cheddar 1. Employee Bezanson
Atlantic typhimurium confirmed made from manually shut et al.,1985;
Provinces phage type cases pasteurized down D’Aoust
and Ontario 10, group I and/or heat- pasteurizer et al., 1985
and II treated milk 2. Group II type
shed by workers
1989 Multistate Salmonella 164 Shredded 1. Deficiencies Hedberg
(Minnesota, javiana and cheese in cleaning and et al., 1992
Wisconsin, Salmonella sanitation
Michigan, oranienburg 2. Equipment
New York) not routinely
cleaned and
sanitized between
shredding of
different cheese
types from
different makers
3. Cheese
susceptible to
contamination from
4. Cheese
contaminated by
infected workers
5. No deficiencies
in pasteurization
1999 E. coli Fresh cheese Incorrectly Durch et al.,
0157:H7 curd held for labelled as a 2000
60 days pasteurized product

concentration (0.8–1.7%) on survival of E. coli. Tempera- coliforms, a streptomycin-resistant strain of E. coli K12
ture and pH were found to have the most significant (ATCC 35695) and E. coli 0157:H7. Populations of nat-
impact on survival, and there was no significant interac- urally occurring coliforms present at levels of ⬃105
tion among the four parameters studied. Salt concentra- cfu/ml experienced a 1-log reduction after 60 days of
tion within the ranges used in this study (0.8–1.7%) was aging at 7 °C, and a further 3–4-log reduction after 180
found to have no impact on survival of E. coli. days (Teo and Schlesser, 2000). In contrast, E. coli K12
Teo and Schlesser (2000) examined the survival of populations exhibited a less than 1-log reduction dur-
three groups of bacteria in raw-milk Cheddar cheese ing 60 days of aging, and only a 1–2-log reduction by
during cheesemaking and ripening; naturally occurring 90 days. Similar results were recorded with a five-strain
550 Growth and Survival of Microbial Pathogens in Cheese

cocktail of E. coli 0157:H7 where populations declined Approximately 80% of the cheeses made in Switzerland
by 1 log following 60 days at 7 °C, and by 1–2-logs fol- are manufactured from raw milk. However, the term
lowing 90 days at the same temperature. ‘raw milk cheese’ as applied to Swiss cheese is a mis-
A number of questions are raised by the data pre- nomer because Swiss cheese receives an extensive heat
sented by Teo and Schlesser (2000). The coliform levels treatment during manufacture. Bachman and Spahr
used were extremely high, and, in practice, such levels (1995) assessed the safety of Swiss hard and semi-hard
would raise concerns about raw milk quality. The FDA cheeses made from raw milk. These authors inoculated
has set standards for ETEC and E. coli in cheese at lev- Aeromonas hydrophila, Campylobacter jejuni, E. coli,
els of 103 and 104 cells/g, respectively (Anonymous, L. monocytogenes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella
1998). Thus the cheese produced by Teo and colleagues spp., Staph. aureus and Yersinia enterocolitica into raw
did not comply with these standards, and further, milk at levels ranging between 104 and 106 cfu/ml for
exceeded these standards by 103–104/ml as shown in the manufacture of hard (Swiss-type) and semi-hard
their Figure 6 where initial populations of E. coli (Tilsit-type) cheese. In the hard cheese, no pathogens
0157:H7 exist at approximately 5  107/ml. This study were detected beyond 1 day. This was attributed to the
has a biased objective, to ‘confirm prior work that sug- curd-cooking temperature of 53 °C (127.4 °F) for 45 min
gests 60-day aging inadequate to protect public health.’ and 42 °C (107.6 °F) for 15 min for Swiss hard and
Figure 2 presented in the paper documents a decline in semi-hard cheeses. Further, the rapid decrease of the
populations over time, thus if a reasonable starting redox potential of Swiss cheese is likely to impart
population of 1–10 E. coli 0157:H7 were used, no viable additional inhibitory effects. Pathogens were found to
cells should be present following aging. survive longer in the semi-hard than in the hard
Studies by Ryser and Marth (1987a,b,c) examined the cheese. After 90 days of aging at 11–13 °C, when
fate of L. monocytogenes during the manufacture of ripening was complete, all pathogens except L. mono-
Cheddar, Camembert and Brick cheeses. Rapid growth cytogenes were below detectable limits. Growth of L. mono-
to populations of 5  107 cfu/ml is observed in Camem- cytogenes was not observed in the interior of the cheese,
bert cheese, in which the pH normally increases during but they grew well on the cheese surface. Thus, manu-
ripening, thereby creating a favourable growth environ- facturing parameters used in the production of semi-
ment for listeria (Ryser and Marth, 1987a). In contrast, hard cheese are bacteriostatic, not bacteriocidal, for
listeria populations show a marked decline in viable L. monocytogenes. Based upon these studies, the Swiss
population levels during the ripening of Cheddar cheese. dairy industry has adopted a listeria-monitoring pro-
However, population levels do not decline to undetect- gramme for cheese and other dairy products. The syn-
able levels. Current US regulations call for cheese made ergistic effects of active antimicrobial enzyme systems
from raw or sub-pasteurized milk to be ripened at 1.7 °C in raw milk coupled with antagonistic effects of starter
(35 °F) for at least 60 days prior to sale. Ryser and Marth cultures, fast acidification, inhibitory effects of lactic
(1987b) have shown that aging alone will not ensure the acid and high curd-cooking temperatures render a
production of listeria-free Cheddar cheese. This stated, it microbiologically safe hard cheese when produced
is clear, that the greatest threat posed to the safety of under good manufacturing practices. Spahr and
cheese is due to post-process environmental contamin- Schafroth (2001), in studies which examined the fate
ation with listeria. While outbreaks of illness have of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis, recorded
resulted from the presence of L. monocytogenes in soft- pH values associated with Swiss hard and semi-hard
ripened and Hispanic-style cheeses (Linnan et al., 1988), cheese manufacture. After 24 h, cheeses manufactured
no outbreaks of listeriosis have been reported as a result under these curd-cooking conditions reached a pH
of survival of listeria in cheese aged for a minimum of 60 value of 5.3 in hard cheese and 5.2 in semi-hard cheese,
days. Genigeorgis et al. (1991) evaluated the ability and these pH conditions remain for 10 days for hard
of 24 types of market cheeses to support the growth of cheese and 25 days for semi-hard cheese. Further, the
L. monocytogenes. Cheeses able to support growth rapid decrease of the redox potential of Swiss cheese
included soft Hispanic-type cheeses, Ricotta, Teleme, likely imparts additional inhibitory effects. The synergis-
Brie, Camembert and Cottage cheeses (pH range, tic effects of active antimicrobial enzyme systems in raw
4.9–7.7). Cheeses which did not support growth, and milk coupled with antagonistic effects of starter cultures,
which resulted in the gradual death of L. monocytogenes, fast acidification, inhibitory effects of lactic acid and
included Cotija, Cream, Blue, Monterey Jack, Swiss, high curd-cooking temperatures render a microbiologic-
Cheddar, Colby, String, Provolone, Münster, Feta and ally safe hard cheese when produced under good manu-
Kasseri (pH range, 4.3–5.6). A correlation was observed facturing practices.
between the growth of listeria in cheeses having a pH of Pellegrino and Resmini (2001) examined the safety of
greater than 5.5, and in cheeses which were manufac- the Italian hard cheeses, Grana Padano and Parmigiano
tured without a starter culture. Reggiano. The authors noted several parameters
Growth and Survival of Microbial Pathogens in Cheese 551

associated with these cheeses which contribute to their inoculated into pasteurized milk, may overestimate
microbiological safety; (1) cooking of cheese curd to a survival during 60 days of aging. The UK Institute of
temperature between 53 and 56 °C for 15–20 min, with Food Science and Technology (IFST) has stated that
a total holding time of up to 85 min at these tempera- the total health risk to the consumer is less from
tures, (2) moulding of the cheese, whereby it is held at cheese made from pasteurized milk than from cheese
temperatures of 52 °C (126 °F) and 56 °C (133 °F) for of similar composition made from unpasteurized milk
at least 10 h at pH 5.0, (3) brine-salting of the cheese (IFST, 2000). Alternative hypotheses could be offered,
which lowers the aw to 0.9 and (4) extended ripening including consideration that the use of raw milk pro-
for periods of 9 months (Grana Padano) to 12 months vides protective effects from pathogens in milk and
(Parmigiano Reggiano) which promotes a further that post-pasteurization environmental contamination
decrease in the aw to levels inhibitory for growth of poses a far greater threat to the safety of cheese. As a
bacterial pathogens. Resmini and Pellegrino (1996) result, the use of pasteurized milk in cheesemaking
demonstrated that the high-temperature–low-pH condi- may provide an environment, which provides for opti-
tions occurring within Grana cheeses, which they mal growth of pathogens whereas, in raw milk, the
describe as self-pasteurization, result in the inactiva- normal flora and natural inhibitors provide a margin
tion of alkaline phosphatase, except within the outer- of control over pathogen growth. In fact, a study con-
most 3–4-cm layer. However, in this outer layer the ducted by Rudolf and Sherer (2001) showed a higher
SM ranges between 8 and 24% in the ripened cheese incidence of L. monocytogenes in cheeses made from
and the aw is close to 0.8. Staph. aureus, which is more pasteurized milk (8%) than in cheese made from raw
tolerant of low aw, cannot survive below an aw of 0.86 milk (4.8%). Phage typing of isolates revealed persist-
and can produce toxins only above an aw of 0.90 ent listeria contamination within dairy plant environ-
(Sperber, 1983). Pecorari et al. (2001) examined the ments for periods of weeks to several months and
fate of pathogens during the production and ripening documented cross-contamination within the plant
of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese. E. coli, S. typhimurium, environment as a significant factor associated with the
Staph. aureus and L. monocytogenes were inoculated contamination of cheese. The recommendation for
into raw milk at levels ranging between 104 and mandatory pasteurization may ultimately lead to use
106 cfu/ml. None of the inoculated pathogens were of milk of inferior quality for cheesemaking. Patho-
detected 24 h after cheesemaking, confirming that the gens harboured in this inferior quality milk can be
cheesemaking conditions of Grana cheeses do not sup- transported to a processing facility and become estab-
port pathogen growth or survival. These results are lished as environmental pathogens. A wiser strategy
consistent with those obtained by Yousef and Marth may involve routine testing of incoming lots of raw
(1990) who reported a rapid decline of L. monocyto- milk and working with producers when infected ani-
genes from an initial level of ⬃104 g of Parmesan mals are identified to allow treatment and confinement
cheese to undetectable levels within 14–112 days of of animals to control infectious disease. There is no
ripening. These authors attributed the decline of L. evidence in the literature to support the view that
monocytogenes viability in Parmesan cheese to the fol- cheese made from raw milk where pathogens are not
lowing parameters – addition of lipase (for US Par- present is a dangerous food. Thus, raw milk screening
mesan) for flavour development, heat treatment of the coupled with the use of good manufacturing prac-
curd and reduction in moisture content (aw) during tices to control environmental contamination during
ripening. Battistotti (1995), in an analysis of more cheesemaking may be the most effective control strat-
than 100 samples of mature Italian Grana cheeses, egy to improve the safety of aged cheese. The US FDA
failed to detect salmonella, Staph. aureus, L. monocyto- has recently stated ‘a review of the literature relating to
genes, coliforms or enterococci, further confirming the the potential for growth of pathogens in hard cheeses
microbiological safety of hard Italian cheeses. that are aged for at least 60 days shows that such
The results of the aforementioned challenge studies growth is not likely to occur because of the combined
are summarized in Table 2. Most studies, which show effect of decreased pH, decreased water activity, and
the survival of pathogens, have been based on the use possibly other factors inherent to these cheeses’
of pasteurized milk rather than raw milk in the experi- (Anonymous, 1999d). Although survival during aging
mental design. The growth rate of listeria (and pre- is possible, the FDA cited a considerable body of
sumably other pathogens) in milk is a function of the evidence which showed that certain cheeses do not
degree and extent of heat treatment. The fastest rate of support the growth of pathogens during the aging
growth is observed in UHT milk, followed in turn by process and subsequent storage.
HTST, heat-treated and raw milks (Northolt et al., Both facultative and obligate heterofermentative lac-
1988; Rajikowski et al., 1994). Therefore, challenge tobacilli have been isolated from Cheddar cheese, such
studies, which assess the survival of pathogens when as Lactobacillus casei, Lb. paracasei, Lb. plantarum, Lb.
552 Growth and Survival of Microbial Pathogens in Cheese

Table 2 Results of selected challenge studies which examine the fate of pathogens in raw milk cheeses and parameters which
promote survival/decline of pathogens

Cheese Milk Factors promoting

Reference type/pathogen inoculation levels 60 days of aging survival/decline

Reitsma and Cheddar/E. coli 1 cfu/ml and No survival at Cheese

Henning, 1996 0157:H7 1000 cfu/ml 1 cfu/ml; Survival at manufactured
1000 cfu/ml from pasteurized
milk; low salt levels
Ryser and Cheddar/ 5  102 cfu/ml Survival during Decline in
Marth, 1987b L. monocytogenes aging at 6 or 13 °C populations after
35 days of storage
Teo et al., 2000 Cheddar/E. coli 105/ml 1-log decrease E. coli populations in
0157:H7 cheese exceeded
FDA standards
Bachman and Swiss hard/ 104–106 cfu/ml No detection of Cook at 53 °C;
Spahr, 1995 semihard pathogens redox potential
Aeromonas, beyond 1 day
E. coli, L. monocyto-
genes, P. aeruginosa,
Pellegrino and Italian Grana Curd cooked at
Resmini, 2001 53–56 °C,
extended ripening to
lower aw
Yousef and Parmesan/ 104–105 cfu/ml Undetectable Addition of lipase,
Marth, 1990 L. monocytogenes heat treatment of
curd, reduction of aw

SMP, Skim Milk Powder.

casei subsp. pseudoplantarum, Lb. curvatus, Lb. brevis, Lb. should be studied as this may be a positive contribu-
rhamnosus and unclassified strains (Broome et al., tion of raw milk to the safety of raw-milk Cheddar
1990; Jordan and Cogan, 1993; McSweeney et al., 1993; cheese, consistent with competitive exclusion theories
Fitzsimons et al., 1999; Fox et al., 2000; Tammam et al., which have helped to advance the safety of products
2000). These are usually termed the non-starter lac- such as poultry. A lower total bacterial load in raw milk
tic acid bacteria (NSLAB; see ‘The Microbiology of entering the pasteurizer results in a lower total bacter-
Cheese Ripening’, Volume 1). Lactobacilli are usually ial count in pasteurized milk, but after 10–16 h, an
present at low numbers (50/g) in cheese immediately increase in the number of NSLAB still occurs.
after manufacture, but grow at a temperature-dependent
rate during ripening and eventually become the domin-
Growth and Survival of Bacterial
ant viable micro-organisms in cheese, reaching a popu-
Pathogens in Soft and Semi-Soft Cheeses
lation of 107 cfu/g in 10–60 days. The NSLAB
population decreases with storage and usually approach Legitimate concerns can be raised regarding the safety
5  106 cfu/g after one year (Prentice and Brown, of soft and semi-soft cheeses manufactured from raw
1983). Conditions, which dictate the rate and extent milk, as well as high-moisture, low-salt aged cheeses.
of growth of NSLAB in cheese, include pH, moisture An outbreak of food-borne listeriosis linked to cheese
content, salt concentration and ripening temperature was reported by Bille et al. (1992). This outbreak
(Martley and Crow, 1993). In commercially produced occurred in Vaud, Switzerland, and was linked to the
cheese, NSLAB may originate from raw milk, post- consumption of Vacherin Mont D’Or cheese. A total of
pasteurization environmental contamination and/or 122 cases during the period 1983–1987 were reported.
ingredients. These organisms may well offer a protect- The normal endemic rate of listeriosis in Switzerland
ive effect against the growth of pathogens and this role is 5–10 cases/million persons. During the outbreak
Growth and Survival of Microbial Pathogens in Cheese 553

period, the rate of listeriosis rose to 50 cases/million ditions in this outbreak would not be those encountered
persons. Sixteen cases were reported in 1983, 24 in in a licensed, inspected commercial cheese-processing
1984, 13 in 1985, 28 in 1986 and 41 in 1987. A mortality facility.
rate of 28% was associated with these cases. Of the clini- Microbiological surveys of raw milk conducted in the
cal isolates available from the epidemic period, 111 of US have shown the presence of L. monocytogenes in
120 (93%) were serotype 4b of two unique phage 1.6–7% of samples. This incidence is similar to that in
types, and 85% of these strains matched the epidemic Canadian (1.3–5.4%) and Western-European (2.5–6.0%)
phage types isolated from Vacherin Mont D’Or cheese. raw milks. In the recently released Health and Human
L. monocytogenes in Mexican-style cheese has been Services (HHS) and USDA listeria Risk Assessment and
responsible for two major outbreaks of food-borne dis- listeria Action Plan, USDA and FDA advise pregnant
ease in the US. Mexican-style cheeses comprise a range women, older adults and people with weakened immune
of cheese products which include Queso Blanco, systems that ‘Cheeses that may be eaten include hard
Quesco Fresco, Panela Ranchero, Queso de Hoja and cheeses, semi-soft cheeses such as Mozzarella, pasteur-
soft Hispanic cheese (Bolton and Frank, 1999). These ized processed cheeses such as slices and spreads, Cream
cheeses do not have a standard of identity, and most are cheese and Cottage cheese.’ However, persons in these
coagulated and using rennet, may have added organic risk groups are advised ‘do not drink raw (unpasteur-
acids (citric, acetic and lactic); usually a lactic starter ized) milk or eat foods that contain unpasteurized milk.’
culture is not used (Bolton and Frank, 1999). The first This advice may be ambiguous with respect to aged raw-
documented link between cheese consumption and an milk cheeses (Anonymous, 2001).
outbreak of listeriosis was reported in California in
1985. Jalisco brand Mexican-style cheese was impli-
Stress Adaptation of Pathogens and Impact
cated as the vehicle of infection (Linnan et al., 1988). A
upon Cheese Safety
total of 142 cases involving 93 pregnant women or their
offspring and 49 non-pregnant, immuno-compromised Over the past several years, microbiologists who study
adults were documented in Los Angeles County, CA. stress adaptation in bacterial pathogens are aware of
Forty-eight deaths were recorded, giving a mortality genetic mechanisms which allow a number of Gram-
rate of 33.8%. The majority of afflicted individuals positive and -negative bacteria to adapt to hostile envir-
(62%) were pregnant Hispanic women. Although an onments. Rpos is a sigma factor which is thought to
additional 160 cases occurred in other parts of California, allow induction of specific stress-related components in
for logistical reasons, the study reported by Linnan tolerant isolates. The rpos-regulated proteins enhance
et al. (1988) was limited to Los Angeles County. In acid tolerance and cross-protect E. coli 0157:H7 against
this outbreak, the cheese was most likely manufac- subsequent heat and salt challenges. The acid-tolerance
tured from a combination of raw and pasteurized response (ATR) gene encodes for the ability to with-
milks, and the cheese plant that manufactured the stand lethal pH conditions following adaptation to sub-
incriminated cheese was found to harbour listeria as lethal pH in L. monocytogenes, S. typhimurium, E. coli
an environmental contaminant. The epidemic strain and A. hydrophila. These mechanisms play a role in pre-
in this outbreak was a serotype 4b, and this serotype dicting the fate of pathogens in acidic foods. Acid adap-
was recovered from unopened packages of Queso tation increases the general resistance, including acid
Fresco and Cotija Mexican-style cheese. tolerance, of L. monocytogenes, S. typhimurium and
An outbreak of listeriosis associated with home- E. coli, so that they survive better in both acidic and fer-
made, Mexican-style, fresh, soft cheese occurred in mented foods than unadapted cultures. These findings
North Carolina between October 2000 and January have important implications for the safety of hard
2001 (Boggs et al., 2001). The outbreak involved 12 cheeses that are aged for at least 60 days where the
cases, consisting of 10 pregnant women, 1 post-partum combined effects of pH, salt and decreased aw dictate
female and a 70- year-old immuno-compromised male. potential for pathogen survival.
The 11 women, upon hospital admission, reported Leyer and Johnson (1992) inoculated the surfaces of
symptoms of fever, chills, headache, abdominal cramps commercially produced cheeses with adapted and non-
and vomiting. The cheese implicated in the outbreak was adapted S. typhimurium at an initial level of 104/ml.
purchased from door-to-door vendors. L. monocytogenes Acid-adapted salmonella survived in Cheddar cheese
isolates obtained from nine patients, three cheese sam- through 74 days of storage at 5 °C under aerobic storage
ples from two stores, one cheese sample from a patient’s compared with non-adapted salmonella, which were
home and one raw milk sample from a dairy all had not detected after 14 days. In Swiss cheese, end prod-
indistinguishable PFGE patterns, indicating a common ucts such as propionate and acetate produced by propi-
link. It is important to note that the manufacturing con- onic acid bacteria were found to inhibit salmonella.
554 Growth and Survival of Microbial Pathogens in Cheese

Dineen et al. (1998) examined the persistence of injured during cheesemaking should be investigated.
E. coli 0157:H7 in fermented dairy products (yoghurt). The combined effects of acid production by starter cul-
The authors concluded that post-processing contam- tures, salt and mild heat alone or in combination all
ination of fermented dairy products with E. coli 0157:H7 have the potential to injure bacterial pathogens such as
represents the greatest potential health hazard to L. monocytogenes, E. coli and salmonella. These inter-
humans. Those strains of E. coli 0157:H7 which pos- active effects could provide an explanation for the
sessed the rpos system appeared to contribute most remarkable safety record of aged raw-milk cheese.
effectively to bacterial survival under moderately lethal
conditions, but did not appear to play much of a role in
Improvement in Cheese Safety
survival under sub-lethal conditions. The authors
offered the following recommendations: (i) coliforms, Utilization of more sensitive methods for the detection
including E. coli 0157:H7, may be present in raw milk, of pathogens existing at low levels in Cheddar and aged
(ii) coliforms are destroyed by pasteurization, (iii) the raw-milk cheeses could do much to assure cheese safety.
primary objective of a comprehensive sanitation pro- Baylis et al. (2000) compared the Oxoid Ltd SPRINT
gramme should be to prevent recontamination of pas- salmonella system (Oxoid, Ltd) against the ISO
teurized products and (iv) the presence of active starter 6579:1993, Qualicon BAX PCR (Wilmington, DE,
cultures may help minimize the presence of bacterial USA), bioMerieux VIDAS (Hazelwood, MO, USA) and
pathogens in finished products. Tecra Unique methods (Willoughby, NSW, Australia).
L. monocytogenes is able to withstand low pH follow- The SPRINT system was developed for the rapid detec-
ing sub-lethal exposure to acidic conditions (O’Driscoll tion of low levels of injured salmonella in foods. This
et al., 1997). According to Chawla et al. (1996) and system utilizes an enrichment broth that contains a
Chen et al. (1997), temperature and acidity had a sig- specifically developed peptone that allows consistent
nificant effect on the fate of acid-injured L. monocyto- and rapid recovery of injured salmonella cells, coupled
genes, with complete repair occurring at pH 6.6. At with a Recovery Supplement which contains an
pH values 5.6 (which are typically found in Cheddar Oxyrase® Enzyme System that assists recovery through
cheese), refrigeration temperatures were bacteriostatic, reduction in oxidative stress of the medium. After 5 h of
whereas higher temperatures were bacteriocidal. These incubation, selective agents are added to the medium.
findings are consistent with those reported by Ryser When tested with ice cream and skimmed milk powder
and Marth (1987b) where L. monocytogenes was inacti- containing low levels of heat-injured S. typhimurium,
vated faster in Cheddar cheese ripened at 13 °C versus the SPRINT method was superior (61% confirmed posi-
6 °C. Since repair of sub-lethal injury requires optimal tive samples) to the ISO (37% positive), BAX (36% pos-
conditions, decreased survival of sub-lethally injured itive), VIDAS (30% positive) and Tecra (25% positive)
bacteria in Cheddar cheese would be expected due to methods. Similar improvements have been advanced by
low pH and high salt conditions. Pritchard and Donnelly (1999) for recovery of injured
Mathew and Ryser (2002) assessed the ability of sub- listeria in dairy products, where continuing work on
lethally heat-injured L. monocytogenes cells to compete enrichment of dairy environmental samples at the
with a commercial mesophilic lactic acid starter culture University of Vermont (UVM) and listeria Repair Broth
during fermentation of UHT milk. L. monocytogenes (LRB) has shown that combining these two primary
strains were heat-injured by two treatments (low heat- enrichment media into a single tube of Fraser broth for
injured (LHI) and high heat-injured (HHI)) to yield secondary enrichment yields a significantly higher
greater than 99% injury. The UHT milk was inoculated (p0.05) percentage of listeria-positive samples than
to contain 104–106 LHI, HHI or untreated L. monocyto- when either LRB or UVM is used alone.
genes together with 0, 0.5 or 2% of a commercial Lacto- Altekruse et al. (1998) stated that ‘Because of inher-
coccus lactis subsp. lactis/Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris ent problems of statistical sampling of foods for micro-
starter. While listeria populations grew to levels of bial pathogens (ICMSF, 1986), end-point testing may
approximately 109 cfu/ml after 8 h of fermentation, after not assure the safety of cheese. These problems are
24 h, 93% of the non-injured control population became amplified when organisms are present in small num-
injured. In starter-free controls, 80% of both HHI and bers below the sensitivity of the test or when there is
LHI cells were repaired within 10 h of incubation. intermittent contamination and the tested specimens
These findings document the suppression of listeria do not contain pathogens.’ Raw ingredient testing, i.e.,
growth by the starter culture which causes microbial screening of the raw milk supply, may overcome these
injury, resulting in cells which are unable to grow or shortcomings.
express pathogenicity. The potential of listeria and other In recent years, cheese and cheese products have
pathogens to become inactivated and/or sub-lethally been recalled due to the presence of pathogenic bacteria
Growth and Survival of Microbial Pathogens in Cheese 555

such as salmonella, L. monocytogenes and E. coli. In and mild heat conditions encountered during aged
some instances, cheeses, both domestic and imported, raw-milk cheesemaking?
have been linked to outbreaks of human illness. In 5. Develop microbiological criteria for raw milk des-
November 1998, the FDA issued the Domestic and tined for aged cheesemaking by setting tolerance
Imported Cheese and Cheese Products Food Compli- limits for coliforms, E. coli, ETEC, enterohemor-
ance Program (Anonymous, 1998). The objectives of rhagic E. coli 0157:H7, salmonella, L. monocytogenes
this programme are for the FDA to conduct inspections and Staph. aureus. Explore the impact of utilization
of domestic cheese firms, to examine samples of of raw milk with stringent microbiological standards
imported and domestic cheese for microbiological con- on the safety of raw-milk cheese.
tamination, the presence of phosphatase, and filth and 6. Explore the development of risk reduction proced-
to take appropriate regulatory action when violations ures and practices at both the primary production
are encountered. Target pathogens for analysis include level (milk screening) and the cheese production
L. monocytogenes, salmonella, E. coli (ETEC), enterohem- level to improve the safety of aged raw-milk cheese.
orrhagic E. coli 0157:H7 and Staph. aureus. Under this
Aged cheeses made from raw milk are microbiologic-
initiative, direct reference seizure or detention of cheese
ally safe when manufactured under conditions that use
based on the presence of L. monocytogenes is authorized.
milk-screening procedures, GMPs and HACCP. The raw
It should be noted that ETEC analysis is performed
and heat-treated aged cheese issue is not unlike the lis-
only if E. coli is present at 104 cfu/g. A review of the
teria and potential for survival during pasteurization
FDA’s Product Recalls, Alerts and Warnings Archive
issue, which confronted the dairy industry in the
( for
1980s. There was a body of scientific evidence which
the calendar years 1999, 2000 and 2001 revealed sev-
indicated that listeria was able to survive the pasteur-
eral recalls due to the presence of L. monocytogenes in
ization process. Through careful research and analysis
cheese, one recall involving E. coli contamination of
over a period of years, it was established that pasteur-
Blue and Gorgonzola cheeses, and one recall involving
ization, in fact, offered adequate public health protec-
salmonella contamination of Mexican White cheese.
tion and that the greatest risk from listeria posed to
The strain of E. coli identified was not 0157:H7. Listeria-
dairy products was the threat of post-processing con-
contamination appears to be a function of post-process
tamination. Careful investigation of the safety of aged,
contamination. In no instance during this period were
raw-milk cheeses may indicate that raw milk provides
aged cheeses made from raw milk the subject of a
protective effects from pathogens in milk and that
environmental contamination poses a far greater threat
to the safety of cheese. This issue deserves the benefit
of full study, careful evaluation of published research
Future Research and Conclusions
information and new research to fully assess all poten-
A number of gaps in the scientific literature have been tial risks and benefits.
identified as a result of this review. Future research is
suggested in a number of areas:
1. Fully explore the impact of pasteurization of milk References
on the microbial ecology of cheeses aged for more Abou-Eleinin, A.-A.M., Ryser, E.T. and Donnelly, C.W. (2000).
than 60 days. Does pasteurization increase the sus- Incidence and seasonal variation of Listeria species in bulk
ceptibility of cheese to the growth of pathogens tank goat’s milk. J. Food Prot. 63, 1208–1213.
introduced via post-processing contamination? Aceto, H., Munson, R.J., Galligan, D.T., Benson, C.E.,
2. Evaluate the potential for survival of S. typhimurium Munro, D. and Rankin, S. (2000). Epidemiological survey
DT 104 intentionally added at low levels (10 and of Salmonella prevalence in Pennsylvania dairy herds.
100 cfu/ml) to raw milk destined for aged raw-milk J. Anim. Sci. 78 (Suppl. 1), 107 (abstr.).
cheesemaking. Altekruse, S.F., Timbo, B.B., Mowbray, J.C., Bean, N.H. and
3. Evaluate improved microbiological methods for raw- Potter, M.E. (1998). Cheese-associated outbreaks of human
illness in the United States, 1973–1992: sanitary manu-
milk screening and aged raw-milk cheese analysis.
facturing practices protect consumers. J. Food Prot. 61,
4. Understand the contributions of microbial injury to 1405–1407.
the interactive effects of salt, pH and mild heat in Anonymous (1950). US Food and Drug Administration. Part
the suppression of growth of listeria, E. coli and 19. Cheeses, Processed Cheeses, Cheese Foods, Cheese
salmonella. Do acid-adapted cultures of these Spreads, and Related Foods: Definition and Standards of
microbial species show enhanced ability to persist Identity. [Docket No. FDC-46] Final Rule. Federal Regis-
in aged raw-milk cheese by withstanding salt, aw ter. August 24, 1950. pp. 5656–5690.
556 Growth and Survival of Microbial Pathogens in Cheese

Anonymous (1992). European Economic Community. Problems of Listeriosis, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 11–14.
Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2081/92 of 14 July 1992, pp. 195–196.
in, Official Journal L208, 24 July 1992. pp. 1–8. Björck, L. (1978). Antibacterial effect of the lactoperoxidase
Anonymous (1997a). Vero cytotoxin producing Escherichia system on psychrotrophic bacteria in milk. J. Dairy Res.
coli 0157. Communicable Disease Report 7, 409, 412. 45, 109–118.
Anonymous (1997b). Salmonella gold-coast and Cheddar Bleem, A. (1994). Escherichia coli 0157:H7 in raw milk – a
cheese: update. Communicable Diseases Report 7, 93, 96. review. Animal Health Insight, Spring/Summer 1994. USDA-
Anonymous (1998). US FDA/CFSAN Food Compliance Pro- APHIS:VS Centers for Epidemiology and Public Health,
gram. Domestic and Imported Cheese and Cheese Products. Fort Collins, CO.⬃comm/cp03037.html. pp. 1–21. Boggs, J.D., Whitman, R.E., Hale, L.M. and Briscoe, R.P.
Anonymous (1999a). Escherichia coli 0157 associated with (2001). Outbreak of listeriosis associated with homemade
eating unpasteurized cheese. Communicable Disease Report Mexican-style cheese, North Carolina, October 2000–
9, 113, 116. January 2001. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
Anonymous (1999b). Escherichia coli 0157:H7 associated 50 (26), 560–562.
with eating unpasteurized cheese: update. Communicable Bolton, L.F. and Frank, J.F. (1999). Defining the growth/no-
Disease Report 9, 131, 134. growth interface for Listeria monocytogenes in Mexican-
Anonymous (1999c). USDA Economics and Statistics style cheese based on salt, pH and moisture content.
System/National Agricultural Statistics Service. Dairy Pro- J. Food Prot. 62, 601–609.
ducts Summary. Borczyk, A.A., Karmali, M.A., Lior, H. and Duncan, L.M.C.
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Toxins in Cheese
N.M. O’Brien and T.P. O’Connor, Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences,
University College, Cork, Ireland
J. O’Callaghan and A.D.W. Dobson, Department of Microbiology, University College,
Cork, Ireland

Biogenic Amines and Mycotoxins tyramine and other biogenic amines reported in
cheese (Table 1).
In this chapter, we will discuss the formation of toxic
The ingestion of biogenic amine-containing foods
compounds, such as biogenic amines and mycotoxins,
may cause adverse toxic reactions (Stratton et al.,
in cheese. Both these classes of compounds have been
1991). Some of the biogenic amines have vasoactive
reported to be present in cheese and are produced as
properties (e.g., histamine, tyramine, phenylethylamine,
a result of the activity of micro-organisms, both
tryptamine) while others act primarily by inhibiting
fungi and bacteria, either in the raw materials used in
histamine-detoxifying enzymes, e.g., the putrefactive
cheese manufacture or during the production and
amines, putrescine and cadaverine (Hui and Taylor,
storage/ripening process. The factors that affect the
formation of biogenic amines and mycotoxins will be
discussed, together with their occurrence and poten-
tial toxic effects.
Histamine has been reported to exert a wide range of
effects in the body (Taylor et al., 1984). It stimulates
Biogenic Amines
both the sensory and the motor nerves, modulates gas-
Biogenic amines are non-volatile, low molecular mass tric secretion and stimulates both vascular and
aliphatic, alicyclic or heterocyclic organic bases which extravascular smooth muscle. Histamine toxicity can
cause physiological effects (Davidek and Davidek, result in a wide variety of symptoms such as rash,
1995). Typically, they originate in foods from the urticaria, inflammation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea,
decarboxylation of specific amino acids. Decarboxy- abdominal cramping, hypotension, tingling sensations,
lation can occur due to indigenous decarboxylases flushing, palpitations and headache (Taylor, 1986;
in foods or to decarboxylases produced by micro- Bartholomew et al., 1987). In general, toxic symptoms
organisms in the food. Biogenic amines are found in are relatively mild and many patients may not need
a variety of foodstuffs, most commonly fish of the fam- medical attention. Thus, the exact prevalence of hista-
ilies Scombridae and Scombereoscidae, but also in mine toxicity worldwide is unclear. The prevalence of
cheese (Maga, 1978; Smith, 1981; Chang et al., 1985; cheese-related toxicity is also unclear although, as dis-
McCabe, 1986; Joosten, 1988; Lopez-Glaria et al., 2001; cussed below, several incidences have been reported in
Innocente and D’Agostin, 2002). the literature.
In cheese, biogenic amines are produced by Taylor (1986) comprehensively reviewed the toxi-
decarboxylation of amino acids during ripening cological and clinical aspects of histamine toxicity. He
(see ‘Catabolism of Amino Acids in Cheese during noted that the most common effects of histamine are
Ripening’, Volume 1). Levels produced vary as a on the cardiovascular system, causing dilation of
function of ripening period and microflora (Renner, peripheral blood vessels, capillaries and arteries with
1987; Leuschner et al., 1998). High levels of biogenic resultant hypotension, headache and flushing. Abdom-
amines are most likely to be detected in cheeses inal cramping, vomiting and diarrhoea may be related
heavily contaminated with spoilage micro-organisms to histamine effects on H1 receptors. Urticaria may
( Joosten, 1987). The principal biogenic amines also be related to the interaction of histamine with H1
detected in cheese are histamine, tyramine, trypta- receptors, resulting in sensory and motor neuron
mine, putrescine, cadaverine and phenylethylamine stimulation.
(El Sayed, 1996; Roig Sagues et al., 1998; Vale and However, for most individuals, ingestion of even
Gloria, 1998; Novella-Rodriguez et al., 2000; Finoli large concentrations of biogenic amines, such as his-
et al., 2001a). Roig Sagues et al. (1998) reviewed the tamine, does not elicit symptoms of toxicity since
literature on the concentrations of histamine and they are rapidly converted to aldehydes by monoamine
Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, Third edition – Volume 1: General Aspects Copyright © 2004 Elsevier Ltd
ISBN: 0-1226-3652-X All rights reserved
Set ISBN: 0-1226-3651-1
562 Toxins in Cheese

Table 1 Concentration (mg/kg) of biogenic amines in different cheeses*

Cheese Histamine Tyramine Tryptamine Phenylethylamine Putrescine Cadaverine

Emmental 69–650 0–917 0.1 0.5 16

Blue cheese 3–910 40–1100 nd–1100 10 44 42
Camembert nd–480 10–210 nd–60
Dutch (Edam nd–450 0.1–670 nd–200 0.1 7–20 17–48
and Gouda)
Cheddar nd–2120 nd–1530 nd–300 nd–300
Parmesan nd–293 85–280

* Adapted from Roig Sagues et al. (1998).

nd, not detected.

oxidase (MAO) and diamine oxidase (DAO) and then Histamine is a normal constituent of the body;
to carboxylic acids by oxidative deamination it is formed from histidine by a pyridoxal phosphate-
(Edwards and Sandine, 1981). These enzymes, pres- dependent decarboxylase and modulates several import-
ent in the gastrointestinal tract, may prevent/reduce ant bodily functions (Douglas, 1980). The concentration
the absorption of unmetabolised histamine into the of histamine in the blood is strictly regulated. Orally
bloodstream (Taylor and Lieber, 1979; Lyons et al., administered histamine causes poisoning only when
1983; Hui and Taylor, 1985). However, if the activities regulatory mechanisms fail to counteract the ingested
of MAO and DAO are impaired due to a genetic defect dose, i.e., caused by consumption of a very high dose
or the presence of potentiators such as food-borne or inhibition of histamine-metabolising enzymes. Oral
putrefactive amines (e.g., putrescine, cadaverine) or ingestion of up to 1 mmol (⬃100 mg) of histamine
pharmacologic agents (e.g., isoniazid), adverse reac- does not elicit toxic symptoms in normal individuals
tions may occur on ingestion of biogenic amines (Rice (Motil and Scrimshaw, 1979). However, vasodilation
et al., 1976; Diamond et al., 1987; Joosten, 1988). and increased heart rate result following intravenous
Putrescine and cadaverine have been reported to administration of 0.07 mol histamine, demonstrate
inhibit two histamine-detoxifying enzymes, DAO and the important detoxifying role of intestinal histamine-
histamine N-methyltransferase (HMT) (Hui and metabolising enzymes.
Taylor, 1985). Taylor and Sumner (1986) noted that
many bacteria, especially Enterobacteriaceae, are cap- Factors influencing formation of histamine and other
biogenic amines
able of producing putrescine and cadaverine as they
possess ornithine decarboxylase and lysine decarboxy- The presence of histamine-producing bacteria in foods
lase. Stratton et al. (1991) noted that putrefactive such as cheese is a key factor in histamine formation.
amine potentiators of histamine toxicity are usually Enterobacteriaceae is the main family implicated in
formed by bacteria other than those responsible for histamine production. However, Clostridium, Lacto-
histamine production since only relatively few bacteria bacillus and some strains of Klebsiella, Morganella and
possess histidine decarboxylase. Tyramine, tryptamine Hafnia have also been reported to possess histidine
and phenylethylamine can also act as potentiators. decarboxylase, and hence are potential histamine pro-
Tyramine inhibits MAO, tryptamine inhibits DAO and ducers (Sakabe, 1973; Taylor et al., 1978, 1979; Taylor,
phenylethylamine inhibits both DAO and HMT. 1986; Marino et al., 2000). Low concentrations of free
Joosten (1988) reported that tyramine is the only histidine are present in milk. However, proteolysis
inhibitor, of MAO and DAO, present in significant during cheese ripening can liberate large amounts of
quantities in cheese. histidine (Hinz et al., 1956).
The anti-tuberculosis drug, isoniazid, inhibits his- Histamine formation can be controlled primarily by
tamine-metabolising enzymes and has been reported good hygienic practices and by low storage tempera-
to result in histamine poisoning in conjunction tures. Joosten (1988) reported that lactobacilli play a
with cheese consumption (Smith and Durack, 1978; significant role in histamine formation in Gouda
Lejonc et al., 1979; Uragoda and Lodha, 1979). cheese; he reported that ripening temperature, pH and
Other drugs administered as antidepressants, anti- salt concentration influence the ability of Lactobacillus
histamines or antimalarials can sometimes inhibit to produce histamine in cheese. Ripening for one year
histamine-metabolising enzymes (Stratton et al., at 21 °C resulted in 6.8 mmol histamine/kg cheese
1991). compared to 2.2 mmol/kg cheese after 1 year at 9 °C;
Toxins in Cheese 563

6.5 mmol histamine/kg cheese was detected after 2 Swiss cheese was implicated in an outbreak of his-
weeks of ripening when the pH was 5.39 whereas only tamine poisoning reported by Sumner et al. (1985). A
3.4 mmol/kg was detected when the pH was 5.19. A strain of Lactobacillus buchneri, which possessed histi-
high salt concentration in the Gouda (salt-in-moisture, dine decarboxylase activity, was isolated from the
4.8%) resulted in 3.5 mmol histamine/kg cheese while cheese. However, other strains of Lb. buchneri did not
a salt-in-moisture of 2.6% resulted in 2.1 mmol hista- possess this enzyme activity and were incapable of
mine/kg cheese. producing histamine.
Chambers and Staruszkiewicz (1978) reported that Recsei and Snell (1982) reported that a strain
higher levels of biogenic amines are formed in cheese known as Lactobacillus 30a, which closely resembled
made from pasteurised milk than in raw milk cheese. Lactobacillus delbrueckii, is capable of producing large
It appears that bacteria responsible for biogenic amine amounts of histamine. Sumner et al. (1985) reported
formation are present in milk prior to processing that the ability to produce histamine appears to be
rather than as post-processing contaminants. Thus, limited to a few strains of lactobacilli, making them
adherence to high standards of cleanliness during milk difficult to characterise. Other organisms such as
production can play a role in reducing the formation Enterococcus faecium, Streptococcus mitis, Lb. delbrueckii
of biogenic amines in cheese. subsp. bulgaricus, Lb. plantarum, Lb. casei, Lb. acid-
Storage temperature also appears to play a role in ophilus and Lb. arabinose have been shown to possess
histamine formation in cheese. Elevated storage tem- histidine decarboxylase activity (Stratton et al., 1991).
perature increases the potential for histamine forma- Joosten and Northolt (1989) isolated five histamine-
tion in cheese, particularly if significant numbers of producing strains similar to Lb. buchneri from Gouda
bacteria with decarboxylase activity are present cheese.
(Sumner et al., 1985). As noted earlier, increasing the Tham (1988) reported that enterococci are probably
storage temperature for Gouda cheese from 9 to 21 °C irrelevant in cheese-related histamine toxicity. How-
results in higher histamine levels (Joosten, 1988). ever, Gardin et al. (2001) reported that Enterococcus
Enhancing proteolysis during cheese ripening by faecalis produced 2-phenylethylamine and also sub-
addition of proteolytic enzymes has been reported to stantial amounts of tyramine in skim milk. They noted
increase the concentration of biogenic amines in that the main biological feature influencing the forma-
cheese (Leuschner et al., 1998; Fernandez-Garcia et al., tion of biogenic amines was the extent of growth of
2000). micro-organisms, such as Ec. faecalis, characterised by
decarboxylase activity. In traditional and artisanal
cheeses produced from raw milk, enterococci often
Biogenic amines in cheese
reach levels of 107 cfu/g. Gardin et al. (2001) cautioned
Only a few cases of histamine poisoning due to cheese that it is important that the presence of biogenic
consumption have been reported in the literature. amines due to the activity of these micro-organisms is
Gouda containing 85 mg histamine/100 g cheese was maintained within safe levels, without affecting the
implicated in an outbreak in Holland (Doeglas et al., positive effects of enterococci on the final organoleptic
1967). Salt-tolerant lactobacilli, which contaminated the characteristics of the cheese.
rennet, were considered the most likely factor respons- In addition to histamine, tyramine in cheese has
ible for the high levels of histamine (Stadhouders and also been reported to induce adverse reactions, such as
Veringa, 1967). Cheese-related histamine poisoning has headache and hypertension, in patients taking MAO
also been reported in the United States. In 1978, 38 peo- inhibitors (Blackwell, 1963; Smith and Durack, 1978;
ple exhibited symptoms of toxicity following consump- Lejonc et al., 1979). Tyramine is found at levels rang-
tion of Swiss cheese containing more than 9 mmol/kg of ing from non-detectable to 70 mg/100 g in cheese
histamine (Chambers and Staruszkiewicz, 1978), and in (Voigt et al., 1974). These workers detected tyramine in
1980, 6 people aboard a naval ship were poisoned by 81 of 85 samples of Cheddar cheese tested. Ingles et al.
Swiss cheese containing 16.8 mmol/kg of histamine (1985) reported high levels of tyramine (625 g/g)
(Taylor et al., 1982). as well as histamine (490 g/g) in Danish Blue cheese.
An individual in Canada being treated with ison- Voigt and Eitenmiller (1978) concluded that many
iazid exhibited toxicity after consuming Cheddar con- organisms may be responsible for generating biogenic
taining 40 mg histamine/100 g (Kahana and Todd, amines in cheese but that most are adventitious rather
1981). Similar reactions to histamine-containing than part of the starter culture population. The
cheese by individuals taking isoniazid have been build-up of amines is influenced by the availability
reported by Uragoda and Lodha (1979) and Taylor of substrate, pH, salt concentration and temperature
(1986). ( Joosten and van Boekel, 1988).
564 Toxins in Cheese

Mycotoxins in summer (Panariti, 2001), while in a Greek study, no

seasonal effects were observed on AFM1 levels in milk
Mycotoxins are a group of secondary metabolites pro-
(Markaki and Melissari, 1997).
duced by various filamentous fungi which can cause a
While AFM1 is much less toxic, less mutagenic and
toxic response, termed a mycotoxicosis, when ingested
less carcinogenic than AFB1, it is nonetheless classified
at low concentrations by higher vertebrates and other
as a possible human carcinogen (Group 2B) and as
animals (Fig. 1). The biosynthetic pathways for many
such its presence in milk-derived products, such as
of these mycotoxins have been extensively charac-
cheese, must be a cause for concern. In addition, it
terised, particularly the aflatoxin biosynthetic pathway
is important to note that the consumption of AFM1-
(Fig. 2). Ingestion of mycotoxins can lead to the
contaminated infant formula and other milk products
deterioration of liver or kidney function. Some myco-
by infants is to be avoided and very low limits have
toxins are neurotoxins, while others produce effects
been set (0.01–0.05 g/kg) for infant foods, owing to
ranging from skin sensitivity or necrosis to extreme
the relatively high consumption level of these prod-
immunodeficiency. This, coupled with the fact that
ucts by infants, their low body weight and the possibly
aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is regarded as the most potent
greater susceptibility of younger children to aflatoxins
liver carcinogen known for a wide variety of animal
(Aksit et al., 1997).
species, makes contamination of the human food
The indirect contamination of milk with other
chain, including dairy produce, with mycotoxins a sig-
mycotoxins, such as sterigmatocystin, T-2 toxin (van
nificant problem in global food safety.
Egmond and Paulsch, 1986), fumonisins (Maragos and
The presence of mycotoxins in cheese is fundamen-
Richard, 1994) or cyclopiazonic acid (CPA; Dorner
tally due to three main reasons: (1) the presence of
et al., 1994), has been reported. However, it is widely
aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) in fresh or reconstituted milk
believed that these toxins do not represent a significant
(Blanco et al., 1998) used in cheese production, as a
public health risk (Prelusky et al., 1990; Charmley
consequence of feed contaminated with AFB1 eaten by
et al., 1993), even though CPA can potentially be car-
dairy cattle (Lund et al., 1995), which is often termed
ried over into processed milk products (Prasongsidh
indirect contamination, (2) synthesis of mycotoxins by
et al., 1997). There is some evidence that ochratoxin A
fungi such as Penicillium and Aspergillus species,
(OTA) can be present in cows’ milk. A Swedish study
which grow on cheese, termed direct contamination
showed OTA in 14% of 36 cows’ milk samples at a level
and (3) the production of mycotoxins by fungi which
ranging from 10 to 40 ng/ml (Breitholtz-Emanuelsson
are used in the manufacture of mould-ripened cheeses.
et al., 1993).
The results of quantitative surveys of the level of
Indirect contamination
AFM1 in milk and milk products carried out in the late
It is now well-established that the intake by dairy cows 1960s and 1970s in a number of countries were sum-
of feedstuffs contaminated with either aflatoxin B1 marised by Smith et al. (1994). When compared with
(AFB1) or aflatoxin B2 (AFB2) results in the excretion the results of surveys undertaken in the 1980s, it
of the monohydroxylated AFM1 and AFM2 (Fig. 1) appears that the incidence of AFM1-contaminated
derivatives in their milk within a few hours (Allcroft milk in general decreased but this trend did not occur
and Carnaghan, 1963). It has been calculated that if in all countries surveyed. This lowering of the inci-
cows ingest AFB1 in their diet at a level of 300 ng/g dence of AFM1 contamination may be as a result of the
feed, they will produce milk containing 1–3 ng/ml effect of legislation implemented in many countries on
AFM1 24 h later (Smith et al., 1994). According to two the contamination of feedstuffs with aflatoxins.
other studies (Veldman et al., 1992; Chopra et al., In a recent review by Pittet (1998), including data
1999), normal carry-over is about 0.4–0.6% and a from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Czechoslovakia,
daily intake of AFB1 70 g by cows results in greater France, Greece, Germany, Iran, Japan, Switzerland, Syria,
than the regulatory limit (0.05 g/l of AFM1) in milk the USA and the Netherlands, the incidence of AFM1 in
accepted in most countries. The amount of AFM1 cheese appears to be very varied. In another study in the
formed depends on the individual cow, with the excre- south of Spain in which 35 samples of local cheese were
tion of AFM1 in the milk decreasing markedly about analysed, AFM1 was detected in 16 samples (44.7%) at a
1 day after the feeding of AFB1 had ceased, although concentration between 20 and 200 g/g cheese (Barrios
small amounts are found for a further 2–3 days. The et al., 1996). In a survey in the Bursa Province in Turkey,
conversion ratio of AFB1 to AFM1 varies from 1:100 to the level of AFM1 in 7 of 57 samples of full-fat white
1:300. There is some evidence to suggest seasonal vari- cheese analysed exceeded 250 ng/kg (Oruc and Sonal,
ations in the level of AFM1 in milk, with higher levels 2001). In other studies, the level of AFM1 was low, with
being observed in Albanian farm milk in winter than only 4 of 204 samples of pasteurised milk, powdered
Toxins in Cheese 565



Ochratoxin A Roquefortine C



Aflatoxin B1 Aflatoxin B2




Aflatoxin G1 Aflatoxin G2


O O Me



Citrinin Patulin PR Toxin

Figure 1 Structure of some toxins produced by fungi.

566 Toxins in Cheese

(a) (b) HO O HO O
+ Hexanoyl-X
HO OH (c)
Norsolorinic acid

Averufanin 5-Hydroxyaverantin

(d) O
O Versiconal acetate
Averufin 1′-Hydroxyversicolorane
HO (f1) (f2)
Versicolorin A O
Versicolorin B

OO OH O O OH (h)
Demethylsterigmatocystin Dihydromethlysterigmatocystin


O-methylsterigmatocystin Dihydro-O-methylsterigmatocystin



Aflatoxin B1/G1 Aflatoxin B2/G2

Figure 2 Aflatoxin biosynthetic pathway. Enzymes involved: (a) fatty acid synthase, (b) polyketide synthase, (c) norsolorinic acid
reductase, (d) versiconal hemiacetal reductase, (e) esterase, (f1) versicolorin B synthase, (f2) versiconal cyclase, (g) desaturase, (h)
O-methyltransferase (MT-II), (i) O-methyl-transferase, (j) O-methyltransferase (MT-I) (compiled from Trail et al., 1995; Bennet et al.,
1997; Minto and Townsend, 1997).
Toxins in Cheese 567

milk and cheese analysed in Campinas, Brazil, being posi- ripened cheeses which are eaten throughout the
tive (De Sylos et al., 1996) and only 2 of 50 cheese sam- world. P. roqueforti is an essential component of the
ples tested in Argentina being positive, with levels of 0.33 microflora of a number of cheeses such as Roquefort
and 0.20 g/l (Lopez et al., 1998). (France), Stilton (UK), Tulum (Turkey), Gorgonzola
(Italy), Blauschimmelkase (Switzerland) and Danish
Fate of AFM1 in cheese during manufacture and Blue (Denmark). P. camemberti produces cyclopiazonic
acid while P. roqueforti produces at least three toxins,
Initially, it was believed that the processing of milk PR toxin, roquefortine and patulin (Fig. 1), and some
reduced the level of AFM1 present. However, later it strains can also produce mycophenolic acid, penicillic
became clear that the AFM1 content of milk is not acid, cyclopiazonic acid, penitrem A, isofumigaclavine
reduced by heat treatments such as pasteurisation or A and B, festuclavine and chaetoglobosin A.
sterilisation (Yuosef and Marth, 1989). The fate of Cyclopiazonic acid (CPA) is produced by all strains
AFM1 in milk during cheese manufacture is affected of P. camemberti, and screening of P. camemberti isolates
by the principal manufacturing steps. Contradictory has failed to identify an isolate incapable of producing
data have been reported for the recovery of AFM1 toxin (Leistner and Eckardt, 1979; Fig. 1). Cyclopia-
after cheese production. Some early studies showed zonic acid has been reported in samples of commercial
variable losses of AFM1 during cheese manufacture, Blue cheese, at a level ranging from 0.05 to 1.5 g/g
e.g., Purchase et al. (1972) reported that Cottage cheese (Le Bars, 1979). It appears to be found predominantly
made by acid coagulation of naturally contaminated in the rind of the cheese but has also been reported to
milk contained no AFM1, which was present in the migrate to the core in Taleggio-type cheese (Finoli
whey. However, a number of other studies have indi- et al., 1999). Cyclopiazonic acid is produced by P. camem-
cated that AFM1 in milk partitions between the curds berti in cheese usually after 5 days at 25 °C, but not
and the whey in both acid-coagulated and rennet- during normal storage at refrigeration temperatures
coagulated cheeses. A number of studies have shown (Still et al., 1978). The low level of CPA found in
that AFM1 is stable during cheesemaking, and that cheese (Le Bars, 1979), coupled with the relative
40–57% of total AFM1 is found in the curd instability of the toxin (Noroozian et al., 1998) and its
(Stubblefield and Shannon, 1974; Stubblefield et al., low toxicity make consumption of these cheeses safe
1980). Considering the partition coefficient of AFM1 for the consumer.
in water, it would be expected that most of the toxin Finoli et al. (2001b) reported the presence of roque-
should partition into the whey. However, a greater forine C in cheese ranging from 0.05 to 1.47 mg/kg,
than expected proportion of the toxin ends up in the but PR toxin was not found. In any case, PR toxin has
curd, possibly due to the fact that AFM1 binds to been reported to be unstable in Blue cheese (Scott and
casein (Brackett and Marth, 1982). Thus, the presence Kanhere, 1979). Roquefortine C has also been reported
of AFM1 in cheese may be due to the fact that, on the to be present in Valdeon, a naturally ripened Blue
one hand, this toxin binds to casein and, on the other cheese from Spain (Lopez-Diaz et al., 1996), while
hand, that a part of the whey remains in the curd. mycophenolic acid has been reported in Manchego
An examination of different types of cheese showed cheese (Lopez-Diaz et al., 1996). Thus, while there are
high stability of AFM1 during maturation and storage reports of mycotoxin contamination of mould-ripened
(Applebaum and Marth, 1982; Yuosef and Marth, cheese, the low levels present, coupled with the fact
1989) and that while fluctuations in the level can that large quantities are seldom eaten, suggest that they
occur during cheese maturation and storage, it appears are not a hazard to human health. In any case, there is
that little if any of the AFM1 is lost during the cheese- no evidence to date of human toxicity resulting from
making process. Therefore, the presence of AFM1 in the consumption of mould-ripened cheeses.
cheese and indeed in other casein-containing products
is to be expected if contaminated milk is used as the Direct contamination of cheese with mycotoxins
starting material. The best way to control the presence Cheese is very susceptible to mould growth and is nor-
of AFM1 in milk and cheese is to restrict its presence mally kept under refrigeration conditions; many retail
in the feed. With this in mind, the European Union packs are either vacuum-packed or flushed with an
has established an acceptable limit for AFB1 in animal inert gas. Therefore, spoilage generally results from
feed of 10 g/kg (Moss, 1998). psychrotolerant moulds that can grow at low oxygen
tensions. Mould growth during ripening and storage
Production of toxic metabolites in cheese
often necessitates trimming. Moulds have been reported
The moulds, Penicillium camemberti and P. roqueforti, to cause spoilage of vacuum-packaged Cheddar cheese
have long been used in the manufacture of mould- during maturation (Hocking and Faedo, 1992). This
568 Toxins in Cheese

defect occurs sporadically in Cheddar blocks which depth of up to 4 cm from the surface. Aflatoxin has
are matured for up to 9–12 months at 8–12 °C and also been shown to be produced in Manchego-type
is caused by the growth of fungi in folds and wrinkles cheese, at a level up to 130 g/g cheese, following
of the plastic film in which the Cheddar is packaged. ripening at 15 °C for 60 days (Blanco et al., 1988).
In one study, 195 fungi were isolated from vacuum- Aflatoxin was also detected in both the outer 10-mm
packaged Cheddar, about 27% of which were Penicil- layer and in the second 10-mm layer following incuba-
lium species, with P. commune and P. glabrum being tion at 28 °C for 30 days. Sterigmatocystin was found
dominant (Hocking and Faedo, 1992). Given that P. com- in Ras cheese inoculated with A. versicolor; toxin was
mune can produce CPA, the presence of this fungus detected after 45 days of ripening and reached a maxi-
must be a concern. Indeed, the potential for myco- mum after 90 days (Abde Alla et al., 1996).
toxin production by mycotoxigenic fungi which con- The presence of mould growth on the surface of the
taminate cheese is a constant concern for both the cheese does not automatically imply that mycotoxins
manufacturer and the consumer. are present in cheese, as the minimum water activity
The most important spoilage organisms in hard, (aw) for growth and toxin production can be quite dif-
semi-hard and semi-soft cheeses from several countries, ferent in mycotoxigenic fungi (Moss, 1991; Sweeney
made without added preservatives, are P. commune and and Dobson, 1998). Therefore, even if mould growth
P. nalgiovense (Lund et al., 1995). Less-important does occur on cheese, the level of mycotoxin contam-
species include P. verrucosum, P. solitum, P. roqueforti, ination is likely to be low, based on research findings to
P. discolor, P. crustosum, P. palitans and Aspergillus versi- date. In any case, it is recommended that if cheese is
color (Filtenborg et al., 1996; Kure et al., 2001). Cheese visually contaminated with mould growth, the contam-
has been reported to contain mycotoxins that are terato- inated portion of the cheese be removed to a depth of
genic (OTA, AFB1), nephrotoxic (OTA, citrinin), neuro- a least 2.5 cm. As previously stated, there is no direct
toxic (penitrem A, CPA) or carcinogenic (AFB1, AFG1, evidence of human toxicity resulting from the con-
OTA, sterigmatocystin; Filtenborg et al., 1996; Creppy, sumption of cheese contaminated with mycotoxins.
2002). Others, including patulin, penicillic acid and PR However, this might simply reflect a lack of suitable
toxin have also been reported but are known not to per- human-related assay techniques rather than the actual
sist in cheese (Stott and Bullerman, 1976). A number of absence of toxins.
other secondary metabolites produced by different Peni-
cillium species have also been reported to be present in
cheese. These include novel metabolites such as References
cyclopeptin, viridicatol, rugulovasine A, meleagrin, Abde Alla, E.A., Metwally, M.M., Mehriz, A.M. and Abu Sree,
chaetoglobosin A, compactin, viridic acid, PC-2, verru- Y.H. (1996). Sterigmatocystin: incidence, fate and pro-
colone, diportinic acid, anacine, verrucine A and scle- duction by Aspergillus versicolor in Ras cheese. Nahrung
rotigenin, which had not previously been reported from 40, 310–313.
cheese (Larsen et al., 2002). A known metabolite Aksit, S., Caglayan, S., Yaprak, I. and Kansoy, S. (1997). Afla-
of Penicillium associated with blue-veined cheese is toxin: Is it a neglected threat for formula-fed infants?
Acta Paed. Jpn. 39, 34–36.
mycophenolic acid, which exhibits antibiotic proper-
Allcroft, R. and Carnaghan, R.B.A. (1963). Groundnut toxic-
ties. Since mycotoxin-producing moulds are obligate ity: an examination for toxin in human food products from
aerobes, the appropriate packaging of cheese is import- animals fed toxic groundnut meal. Vet. Rec. 75, 259–263.
ant. For example, growth of potential mycotoxigenic Applebaum, R.S. and Marth, E.H. (1982). Fate of aflatoxin
moulds in cheese can be prevented by modified atmos- M1 in cottage cheese. J. Food Prot. 45, 903–904.
phere packaging (Taniwaki et al., 2001). In addition, it Barrios, M.J., Gualda, M.J., Cabanas, J.M., Medina, L.M. and
appears that the production of roquefortine C and CPA Jordano, R. (1996). Occurrence of aflatoxin M1 in cheeses
by P. roqueforti and P. commune can be prevented or at from the south of Spain. J. Food Prot. 59, 898–900.
least reduced considerably in cheese if adequate modi- Bartholomew, B.A., Berry, P.R., Rodhouse, J.C. and Gilbert,
fied atmosphere packaging is used; atmospheres of R.J. (1987). Scombrotoxic fish poisoning in Britain: fea-
20–40% CO2 and 1% O2 reduce CPA production to very tures of over 250 suspected incidents from 1976 to 1986.
Epidem. Inf. 99, 775–782.
low levels (Taniwaki et al., 2001).
Bennett, J.W., Chang, P.-K. and Bhatnagar, D. (1997). One
Work has also been undertaken on the incidence of gene to whole pathway: the role of norsolorinic acid in
mycotoxins in cheese contaminated with Aspergillus aflatoxin research, in, Advances in Applied Microbiology,
spp. The ability of toxigenic aspergilli to produce afla- Vol. 45, Neidleman, S.A. and Laskin, A.I., eds., Academic
toxin during growth on Cheddar cheese was first Press, London. pp. 1–15.
demonstrated by Lie and Marth (1967), who demon- Blackwell, B. (1963). Hypertensive crisis due to monoamine
strated that aflatoxin can penetrate into cheese to a oxidase inhibitors. Lancet 2, 849–851.
Toxins in Cheese 569

Blanco, L.J., Dominquez, L., Gomez-Lucia, E., Garayzabal, Filtenborg, O., Frisvad, J.C. and Thrane, U. (1996). Moulds
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Nutritional Aspects of Cheese
N.M. O’Brien and T.P. O’Connor, Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences,
University College, Cork, Ireland

epidemiological evidence for an association between
Milk and dairy products are important components of dairy products, including cheese, and colorectal cancer
our food supply. On average, these foods contribute has been reviewed by Norat and Riboli (2003); no sig-
4% of total energy intake worldwide and approxi- nificant association between cheese consumption and
mately 10% of total energy intake in Europe, North colorectal cancer was noted. Epidemiological studies
America and Australia (FAO Food Balance Sheets, which attempt to investigate the effect of a specific
1995–1999). food item (e.g., cheese) on disease risk are fraught
Cheese is a nutritious, versatile dairy food. A wide with difficulty in interpretation as it is more likely that
variety of cheese types are available to meet specific it is the overall dietary profile, made up of a balance of
consumer requirements and allow convenience of use. a wide variety of different foods, that may influence
Per caput consumption of cheese in the European risk of chronic disease.
Union has been reported to be 15.2 kg/year. Greece
has the highest per caput consumption of 23.5 kg/year
(Burrell, 1996).
Cheese contains a high concentration of essential Cheese contains a high content of biologically valuable
nutrients relative to its energy level. Its precise nutri- protein. As shown in Table 1 (Holland et al., 1989),
ent content is influenced by the type of milk used the protein content of cheese ranges from approxi-
(species, stage of lactation, full-fat, low-fat, skim), the mately 4–40%, depending upon the variety. The pro-
manner of manufacture and, to a lesser extent, the tein content of different cheese varieties tends to vary
degree of ripening. As outlined in detail elsewhere in inversely with the fat content.
this book, the water-insoluble nutrients of milk (coagu- During traditional cheese manufacture, most of the
lated casein, colloidal minerals, fat, fat-soluble vita- whey proteins pass into the whey. Whey proteins rep-
mins) are retained in the cheese curd whereas the resent only 2–3% of the total protein in cheese, the
water-soluble milk constituents (whey proteins, lac- remainder being casein, which is slightly deficient in
tose, water-soluble vitamins and minerals) partition sulphur amino acids. Thus, the biological value of
into the whey. However, loss of water-soluble B vita- cheese protein is slightly less than that of total milk
mins in the whey may be compensated to a certain protein. If the essential amino acid index of total milk
extent by microbial synthesis during ripening. protein is given a value of 100, then the corresponding
Milk and dairy products, including cheese, contain value of the proteins in cheese varieties ranges from 91
components which may increase the risk of certain to 97 (Renner, 1987).
chronic diseases but reduce the risk of others (Norat Cheese protein is almost 100% digestible, as the
and Riboli, 2003). Cholesterol and saturated fat are ripening phase of cheese manufacture involves a pro-
potential risk factors for atherosclerosis. A recent gressive breakdown of casein to water-soluble peptides
paper (Moss and Freed, 2003) has suggested that and free amino acids. Hence, a significant degree of
non-fat constituents of milk, particularly the calcium– breakdown of cheese protein has occurred before it is
magnesium ratio, lactose and milk fat globule mem- consumed and subjected to the effects of gastrointesti-
brane antigens, have specific coronary atherogenic nal proteolytic activity.
effects. However, other components may reduce risks, Milk proteins are a key source of a range of bioac-
e.g., conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) which may have tive peptides (BP) which can exert hormone-like regu-
antioxidant and anticancer properties, calcium which latory effects in the human body (Meisel, 1998;
may protect against hypertension and osteoporosis, Gobbetti et al., 2002; Pihlanto-Leppala, 2002; Fitzgerald
and folic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 which may and Meisel, 2003). These peptides may be released
exert beneficial effects on plasma homocysteine levels from their parent protein by proteolysis in products
(an independent risk factor for atherosclerosis). The such as cheese. The production of BP is influenced by
Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, Third edition – Volume 1: General Aspects Copyright © 2004 Elsevier Ltd
ISBN: 0-1226-3652-X All rights reserved
Set ISBN: 0-1226-3651-1

Table 1 Composition of selected cheeses, per 100 g (Holland et al., 1989)


Cheese type Water (g) Protein (g) Fat (g) Carbohydrate (g) Cholesterol (mg) kcal kJ

Brie 48.6 19.3 26.9 Tr 100 319 1323

Caerphilly 41.8 23.2 31.3 0.1 90 375 1554
Camembert 50.7 20.9 23.7 Tr 75 297 1232
Cheddar (normal) 36.0 25.5 34.4 0.1 100 412 1708
Cheddar (reduced-fat) 47.1 31.5 15.0 Tr 43 261 1091
Cheshire 40.6 24.0 31.4 0.1 90 379 1571
Cottage cheese 79.1 13.8 3.9 2.1 13 98 413
Cream cheese 45.5 3.1 47.4 Tr 95 439 1807
Danish blue 45.3 20.1 29.6 Tr 75 347 1437
Edam 43.8 26.0 25.4 Tr 80 333 1382
Emmental 35.7 28.7 29.7 Tr 90 382 1587
Feta 56.5 15.6 20.2 1.5 70 250 1037
Fromage frais 77.9 6.8 7.1 5.7 25 113 469
Gouda 40.1 24.0 31.0 Tr 100 375 1555
Gruyere 35.0 27.2 33.3 Tr 100 409 1695
Mozzarella 49.8 25.1 21.0 Tr 65 289 1204
Parmesan 18.4 39.4 32.7 Tr 100 452 1880
Processed cheese* 45.7 20.8 27.0 0.9 85 330 1367
Ricotta 72.1 9.4 11.0 2.0 50 144 599
Roquefort 41.3 19.7 32.9 Tr 90 375 1552
Stilton 38.6 22.7 35.5 0.1 105 411 1701

Tr, trace.
* Variety not specified.
Nutritional Aspects of Cheese 575

the starter culture and ripening conditions. An import- both total fat and saturated fatty acids. Of the many
ant class of BP are peptides that inhibit the activity of saturated fatty acids in milk, only C12:0, C14:0 and
angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE), inhibition of C16:0 have the property of raising blood cholesterol
which mainly gives rise to antihypertensive effects but and palmitic acid, C16:0, is relatively ineffective (Hayes
may also modulate immuno-defense and nervous sys- et al., 1991).
tem activity (Meisel, 1993). Angiotensin I-converting Many sets of dietary guidelines issued by expert
enzyme-inhibitory peptides have been reported in sev- panels worldwide have recommended reductions in
eral ripened cheeses (Stepaniak et al., 1995; Meisel the intake of both total and saturated fat in Western
et al., 1997; Smacchi and Gobbetti, 1998). It appears societies. In large measure, these recommendations are
the BP liberated by starter proteolytic enzymes during based on evidence that increased intakes of some
cheese ripening can be degraded further to inactive saturated fatty acids elevate both total and low-density
fragments, as the ripening progresses. For example, an lipoprotein cholesterol in blood, which is associated
antihypertensive peptide derived from s1-casein was with an increased risk of coronary heart disease. While
observed in 6-month-old Parmesan cheese but was not some nutritionists dispute this hypothesis, the over-
detected in 15-month-old cheese (Meisel et al., 1997). whelming body of medical opinion worldwide sup-
Anticancer effects have been reported for peptides ports the concept of dietary guidelines. Market forces
derived from a slurry of cheese made using Lc. lactis and consumers have responded to these guidelines
subsp. lactis as a starter culture (Kim et al., 1995). and the market for food products low in fat, choles-
Bioactive peptides have potential as ingredients in terol and sodium has expanded significantly. The
functional foods and pharmaceuticals. cheese industry has responded by developing ‘light’
cheese products with a reduced fat content (Olson and
Johnson, 1990).
The cholesterol content of cheese is a function of its
Most of the lactose, the principal carbohydrate in milk, fat content (Table 1) and ranges from approximately
is lost in whey during cheese manufacture and hence 10–100 mg/100 g, depending on the variety. Despite
most cheeses contain only trace amounts of carbo- considerable consumer confusion and the widespread
hydrate (Table 1). Furthermore, the residual lactose in prevalence of misinformation, dietary cholesterol has
cheese curd is usually fermented to lactic acid by the much less influence on blood cholesterol level than
starter bacteria. Thus, cheeses can be consumed with- dietary saturated fat (Keys, 1984). Thus, the choles-
out ill-effects by lactose-intolerant individuals who are terol content of cheese is of lesser importance than its
deficient in the intestinal enzyme, -galactosidase. saturated fat content. The majority of individuals
show little or no response in blood cholesterol level to
increased dietary cholesterol intake in the range
Fat and Cholesterol
250–800 mg/day. However, a minority (approximately
The fat content of cheese varies considerably, depend- 20%) of adults do exhibit an increased level of blood
ing on the milk used and the method of manufacture cholesterol in response to increased dietary intake
(Table 1). Fat affects firmness, adhesiveness, mouth- (McNamara, 1987).
feel and flavour of cheese (see ‘Rheology and Texture In recent years, there has been widespread interest
of Cheese’, Volume 1). In some varieties of cheese, free in the potential role of oxidation products of choles-
fatty acids and their catabolites are important flavour terol on the aetiology of atherosclerosis (Brown and
constituents (see ‘Lipolysis and Catabolism of Fatty Jessup, 1999; Leonarduzzi et al., 2002). However, chol-
Acids in Cheese’, Volume 1). esterol oxides are formed to a negligible extent in
From a nutritional point of view, the digestibility of cheese under normal conditions of manufacture,
the fat in different varieties of cheese is in the range ripening and storage (Stanton and Devery, 2002).
88–94% (Renner, 1987). Most cheeses are potentially Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a potentially
significant dietary sources of fat. For example, a 50-g beneficial component of milk products, including
serving of Cheddar provides 17 g fat (Table 1) which cheese (MacDonald, 2000). Conjugated linoleic acid
is a significant amount when compared with typical is a mixture of positional and geometric isomers of
intakes of fat in affluent Western societies. A typical linoleic acid (C18:2) that contain conjugated unsatur-
Western diet providing 2000 kcal with 40% energy ated double bonds. The principal isomer is cis-9,
derived from fat contains approximately 88 g fat. trans-11-octadecadienoic acid which accounts for
Cheese fat generally contains ⬃66% saturated, 30% more than 82% of total CLA in dairy products (Chin
monounsaturated and 4% polyunsaturated fatty acids. et al., 1992). Conjugated linoleic acid has been
Thus, cheese represents a significant dietary source of reported to have antioxidant and anticarcinogenic
576 Nutritional Aspects of Cheese

properties in vitro and in animal models (Ha et al., While the aetiology of osteoporosis is very com-
1987, 1990; Ip et al., 1991). However, these suggested plex, it appears that adequate calcium intake during
anticarcinogenic properties of CLA could not be con- childhood and in the teenage years is important in
firmed in a recently published epidemiological study assuring the development of high-peak bone mass.
on humans (see Voorrips et al., 2002). These authors Maximizing bone mass early in life is considered to be
noted that cheese contributed approximately 21% of a major preventative factor against the development of
total CLA intake in their study group. Conjugated osteoporosis in later years (Heaney, 1991). Cheese has
linoleic acid may also be anticholesterolaemic and a potential role in supplying extra, highly bioavailable,
antiathrogenic (Lee et al., 1994; Mougios et al., 2001). calcium.
On average, the concentration of CLA in milk and Dairy products, including cheese, contribute little
dairy products ranges from 0.2 to 1.6 g/100 g fat (Lin dietary iron (Table 3). Iron deficiency is commonly
et al., 1995; Fritsche and Steinhart, 1998). Fritsche observed in both developing and developed countries.
and Steinhart (1998) have estimated that the intake of Hence, there has been interest in fortifying dairy prod-
CLA in Germany is 0.35 g/d for women and 0.43 g/d ucts with iron to enhance their nutritional value.
for men. Zlatanos et al. (2002) reported that Greek Cheddar and processed cheese have been successfully
Feta and hard cheeses contain 1.9 (average of 0.8) g fortified with iron (Zhang and Mahoney, 1989a,b,
CLA/100 g fat. These authors reported higher levels of 1990, 1991).
CLA in Greek cheese derived from sheep’s and goats’ As discussed elsewhere in this book, NaCl serves
milk than the level of CLA reported by others (Lin several important functions in natural and processed
et al., 1995; Jiang et al., 1997; Ma et al., 1999) in cheeses (see ‘Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and
cheese derived from cows’ milk. Biological Aspects’, Volume 1). A wide range of sodium
levels are found in cheese due to different amounts of
salt added during cheesemaking (Table 3). In general,
the salt content of natural cheeses tends to be lower
The concentration of fat-soluble vitamins in cheese than that of many processed cheeses.
is influenced by the same factors that affect its fat There is considerable evidence that high sodium
content. Most of the fat-soluble vitamins in milk are intake contributes to hypertension in a susceptible
retained in the cheese fat. The concentration of minority (20%) of individuals who are genetically salt-
water-soluble vitamins in cheese is generally lower sensitive. Unfortunately, there is no simple diagnostic
than in milk due to losses in the whey. The loss of test to identify salt-sensitive individuals. Hence, dietary
some of the B vitamins is offset, to a certain extent, guidelines for the general public usually recommend
by microbial synthesis during cheese ripening. In that salt intake be restricted. However, it is important
particular, propionic acid bacteria synthesize signifi- to note that even in countries with a high consump-
cant levels of vitamin B12 in hard cheeses such as tion, cheese contributes only about 5–8% of total
Emmental (Renner, 1987). In general, most cheeses sodium intake (Renner, 1987).
are good sources of vitamin A, riboflavin, vitamin
B12 and, to a lesser extent, folate. The vitamin con-
Cheese and Dental Caries
tent of a range of cheeses is shown in Table 2 (Holland
et al., 1989). Cheese contains negligible levels of The aetiology of dental caries involves metabolism of
vitamin C. sugars by oral micro-organisms to acids which gradu-
ally dissolve tooth enamel. However, it is now recog-
nized that a number of dietary factors and nutrient
interactions can modify the expression of dental caries
Cheese is an important dietary source of several min- (Herod, 1991; Kashket and DePaola, 2002). The cario-
erals, in particular calcium, phosphorus and magne- genic potential of food is influenced by its composi-
sium (Table 3). A 100-g serving of hard cheese tion, texture, solubility, retentiveness and ability to
provides approximately 800 mg calcium. However, stimulate saliva flow (Morrissey et al., 1984). Dental
acid-coagulated cheeses, e.g., Cottage, contain consid- caries has been acknowledged as a ‘silent epidemic’
erably less calcium than rennet-coagulated varieties that represents a serious threat to children and adults
(Renner, 1987). (Surgeon General, 2000).
Bioavailability of the calcium from cheese is equiva- A considerable body of research has been published
lent to that from milk. Recker et al. (1988) reported that on the cariostatic effects of cheese (see reviews by
22.9, 26.7 and 25.4% of total calcium was absorbed from O’Brien and O’Connor, 1993; Kashket and DePaola,
cream cheese, whole milk and yoghurt, respectively. 2002). Early work (Shaw et al., 1959; Dreizen et al.,
Table 2 Vitamin content of selected cheeses, per 100 g (Holland et al., 1989)

Cheese Retinol Carotene Vitamin D Vitamin E Thiamine Riboflavin Niacin Vitamin B6 Vitamin B12 Folate Pantothenate Biotin
type (g) (g) (g) (mg) (mg) (mg) (mg) (mg) (g) (g) (mg) (g)

Brie 285 210 0.20 0.84 0.04 0.43 0.43 0.15 1.2 58 0.35 5.6
Caerphilly 315 210 0.24 0.78 0.03 0.47 0.11 0.11 1.1 50 0.29 3.5
Camembert 230 315 0.18 0.65 0.05 0.52 0.96 0.22 1.1 102 0.36 7.6
Cheddar 325 225 0.26 0.53 0.03 0.40 0.07 0.10 1.1 33 0.36 3.0
Cheddar 165 100 0.11 0.39 0.03 0.53 0.09 0.13 1.3 56 0.51 3.8
Cheshire 350 220 0.24 0.70 0.03 0.48 0.11 0.09 0.9 40 0.31 4.0
Cottage cheese 44 10 0.03 0.08 0.03 0.26 0.13 0.08 0.7 27 0.40 3.0
Cream cheese 385 220 0.27 1.0 0.03 0.13 0.06 0.04 0.3 11 0.27 1.6
Danish blue 280 250 0.23 0.76 0.03 0.41 0.48 0.12 1.0 50 0.53 2.7
Edam 175 150 0.19 0.48 0.03 0.35 0.07 0.0 2.1 40 0.38 1.8
Emmental 320 140 N 0.44 0.05 0.35 0.10 0.09 2.0 20 0.40 3.0
Feta 220 33 0.50 0.37 0.04 0.21 0.19 0.07 1.1 23 0.36 2.4
Fromage frais 100 Tr 0.05 0.02 0.04 0.40 0.13 0.10 1.4 15 N N
Gouda 245 145 0.24 0.53 0.03 0.30 0.05 0.08 1.7 43 0.32 1.4
Gruyere 325 225 0.25 0.58 0.03 0.39 0.04 0.11 1.6 12 0.35 1.5
Mozzarella 240 170 0.16 0.33 0.03 0.31 0.08 0.09 2.1 19 0.25 2.2
Parmesan 345 210 0.25 0.70 0.03 0.44 0.12 0.13 1.9 12 0.43 3.3
Processed 270 95 0.21 0.55 0.03 0.28 0.10 0.08 0.9 18 0.31 2.3
Ricotta 185 92 N 0.03 0.02 0.19 0.09 0.03 0.3 N N N
Roquefort 295 10 N 0.55 0.04 0.65 0.57 0.09 0.4 45 0.50 2.3
Stilton 355 185 0.27 0.61 0.03 0.43 0.49 0.16 1.0 77 0.71 3.6

N, the nutrient is present in significant quantities but there is not reliable information on the amount; Tr, trace.
* Variety not specified.
578 Nutritional Aspects of Cheese

Table 3 Mineral content of selected cheeses, mg/100 g (Holland et al., 1989)

Cheese type Na K Ca Mg P Fe Zn

Brie 700 100 540 27 390 0.8 2.2

Caerphilly 480 91 550 20 400 0.7 3.3
Camembert 650 100 350 21 310 0.2 2.7
Cheddar (normal) 670 77 720 25 490 0.3 2.3
Cheddar (reduced-fat) 670 110 840 39 620 0.2 2.8
Cheshire 550 87 560 19 400 0.3 3.3
Cottage cheese 380 89 73 9 160 0.1 0.6
Cream cheese 300 160 98 10 100 0.1 0.5
Danish blue 1260 89 500 27 370 0.2 2.0
Edam 1020 97 770 39 530 0.4 2.2
Emmental 450 89 970 35 590 0.3 4.4
Feta 1440 95 360 20 280 0.2 0.9
Fromage frais 31 110 89 8 110 0.1 0.3
Gouda 910 91 740 38 490 0.1 1.8
Gruyere 670 99 950 37 610 0.3 2.3
Mozzarella 610 75 590 27 420 0.3 1.4
Parmesan 1090 110 1200 45 810 1.1 5.3
Processed cheese* 1320 130 600 22 800 0.5 3.2
Ricotta 100 110 240 13 170 0.4 1.3
Roquefort 1670 91 530 33 400 0.4 1.6
Stilton 930 130 320 20 310 0.3 2.5

* Variety not specified.

1961) showed that the incorporation of dairy products of the cariogenic Sc. mutans to hydroxyapatite (the
in the diet greatly reduced the development of dental mineral of enamel).
caries in rats. Reynolds and Johnson (1981) confirmed Rugg-Gunn et al. (1975) provided the first evidence
these findings. Later work (Jenkins and Ferguson, that the consumption of cheese had an anticariogenic
1966; Weiss and Bibby, 1966) indicated that if enamel effect in humans. They showed that the consumption
is treated with milk in vitro and subsequently washed, of Cheddar cheese after sweetened coffee or a sausage
the solubility of the enamel is greatly reduced. This roll increased plaque pH, possibly due to increased
effect was attributed to the high levels of calcium and salivary output. Similar effects were reported by Imfeld
phosphate in milk ( Jenkins and Ferguson, 1966) or to et al. (1978) who used a more sophisticated continu-
casein adsorption onto enamel surfaces (Weiss and ous wire telemetry procedure to monitor variations in
Bibby, 1966). plaque pH.
Reynolds and del Rio (1984) reported that both The effect of eating patterns on dental caries in rats
casein and whey proteins significantly reduced the was investigated by Edgar et al. (1982). Rats fed addi-
extent of caries, with the former exerting the greater tional meals of cheese while on a high-sucrose diet,
effect. Further evidence for the protective effect of developed fewer smooth surface carious lesions and
casein was provided in a study on rats fed with casein- exhibited increased salivary output (which buffers acid
enriched chocolate (Reynolds and Black, 1987). Cal- formed in plaque) and a reduction in the number of
cium and phosphate appear to become available under Sc. mutans. Harper et al. (1983) suggested that the car-
the acidic conditions of the plaque and reduce dem- iostatic effect of cheese in rats is due to its calcium
ineralization of enamel (Reynolds, 1997; Reynolds phosphate and/or casein; the fat or lactose appeared to
et al., 1999). Concentrates containing various levels of exert little influence. Further work by Rosen et al.
whey protein, calcium and phosphate but negligible (1984) on the effect of cheese, with or without
amounts of casein, significantly reduced the incidence sucrose, on dental caries and the recovery of inocu-
of dental caries in rats (Harper et al., 1987). Thus, lated Sc. mutans in rats indicated beneficial cariostatic
there is evidence that milk proteins, calcium and phos- effects of cheese consumption but little effect on Sc.
phate all exert an anticariogenic effect. Guggenheim mutans numbers. These data suggest that the cario-
et al. (1999) reported that micellar casein inhibits oral static effects of cheese may not be directly related to
colonization by the cariogenic Streptococcus sobrinus effects on Sc. mutans. Work on the protective effects of
and dental caries in rats. Vacca-Smith et al. (1994) four cheese varieties in an in vitro demineralization
demonstrated that -casein can reduce the adherence system suggested that most, but not all, of the protective
Nutritional Aspects of Cheese 579

effects of cheese could be explained by mass action cate that high intake of cheese is negatively associated
effects of soluble ions, particularly calcium and phos- with root caries in elderly populations, many of whom
phate (Jenkins and Harper, 1983). are at high risk for such lesions.
The effect of Cheddar cheese on experimental While more research is needed to define the precise
caries in humans was investigated by Silva et al. mechanism(s) involved in the cariostatic effects of
(1986) using an ‘intraoral cariogenicity test’ (ICT). cheese, there is ample evidence to support the con-
Demineralization and consequent reduction in the sumption of cheese as an anticaries measure (Herod,
hardness of enamel monitored in this test is assumed 1991; Kashket and DePaola, 2002). The most plausible
to be typical of the early stage of the development of mechanisms for the protective effect of cheese appear
caries. Enamel slabs were polished and their initial to be related to the mineralization potential of the
micro-hardness determined using a Knoop Indenter. casein–calcium phosphate of cheese, to the stimula-
The slabs were then wrapped in Dacron and fastened tion of saliva flow induced by its texture and/or
on a prosthetic applicance made specifically for each flavour, the buffering effects of cheese proteins on acid
subject to replace a missing lower first permanent formation in dental plaque and the inhibition of cario-
molar. The subjects chewed 5 g of cheese immediately genic bacteria.
after rinsing their mouths with 10% (w/v) sucrose.
Chewing cheese immediately after sucrose rinses
resulted in a 71% reduction in demineralization of the References
enamel slabs, raised plaque pH but caused no signifi- Brown, A.J. and Jessup, W. (1999). Oxysterols and athero-
cant change in the microflora of plaque compared with sclerosis (review). Atherosclerosis 142, 1–28.
controls. Silva et al. (1987) investigated the effects of Burrell, A. (1996). Economic Aspects of Milk Production in the
the water-soluble components of cheese on human EU. Eurostat Statistical Document, Eurostat, Luxembourg.
caries using the ICT procedure and an experimental Chin, S.F., Liu, W., Storkson, J.M., Ha, Y.L. and Pariza, M.W.
protocol which avoided salivary stimulus caused by (1992). Dietary sources of conjugated dienoic isomers of
chewing cheese. An average reduction of 55.7% in the linoleic acid, a newly recognised class of anticarcinogens.
J. Food Comp. Anal. 5, 185–197.
cariogenicity of sucrose was reported, indicating the
Dreizen, S., Dreizen, J.G. and Stone, R.E. (1961). The effect
presence of one or more water-soluble anticariogenic of cow’s milk on dental caries in the rat. J. Dent. Res. 40,
components in cheese. Further evidence that cheese 1025–1028.
may inhibit dental caries in the absence of saliva was Edgar, W.M., Bowen, W.H., Amsbaugh, S., Monell-Torrens, E.
provided by Krobicka et al. (1987); rats that had their and Brunelle, J. (1982). Effects of different eating pat-
saliva-secreting glands surgically removed developed terns on dental caries in the rat. Caries Res. 16, 384–389.
fewer and less-severe lesions when fed with cheese in FAO Food Balance Sheets (1995–1999).
addition to a cariogenic diet when compared to appro- Fitzgerald, R.J. and Meisel, H. (2003). Milk protein
priate controls. hydrolysates and bioactive peptides, in, Advanced Dairy
Trials on human subjects have confirmed that the Chemistry, Vol. 1, Proteins, Fox, P.F. and McSweeney,
consumption of hard cheese leads to significant P.L.H., eds., Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New
York. pp. 675–697.
rehardening of softened enamel surfaces (Jenkins and
Fritsche, J. and Steinhart, H. (1998). Amounts of conjugated
Hargreaves, 1989; Gedalia et al., 1991). Jensen and linoleic acid (CLA) in German foods and evaluation of
Wefel (1990) showed that processed cheese was both daily intake. Z. Lebensm. Unters. Forsch. 206, 77–82.
antiacidogenic and enamel-protective in human sub- Gedalia, I., Ionat-Bendat, D., Ben-Mosheh, S. and Shapira, L.
jects fed with processed cheese four times a day for (1991). Tooth enamel softening with a cola type drink
one month. Saliva flow is greatly reduced in individu- and rehardening with hard cheese or stimulated saliva.
als who receive head and neck irradiation for malig- J. Oral. Rehabil. 18, 501–506.
nancies. These individuals are at high risk of Gobbetti, M., Stepaniak, L., DeAngelis, M., Corsetti, A. and
developing dental caries. Sela et al. (1994) reported Di Cagno, R. (2002). Latent bioactive peptides in milk
that hard cheese consumption by these individuals proteins: proteolytic activation and significance in dairy
was effective in controlling caries. Moynihan et al. processing. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr. 42, 223–239.
Guggenheim, B., Schmid, R. and Aeschlimann, J.M. (1999).
(1999) noted that the concentration of calcium in
Powdered milk micellar casein prevents oral colonization
plaque was significantly higher in human subjects fed by Streptococcus sobrinus and dental caries in rats: a basis
with cheese-containing meals than in control subjects for the caries-protective effect of dairy products. Caries
fed with meals without cheese. The beneficial effects Res. 33, 446–454.
of cheese were observed even when it was incorpor- Ha, Y.L., Grimm, N.K. and Pariza, M.W. (1987). Anticarcino-
ated into other foods, e.g., pasta with cheese sauce. gens from fried ground beef: heat-altered derivatives of
Epidemiological studies (Pappas et al., 1995a,b) indi- linoleic acid. Carcinogenesis 8, 1881–1887.
580 Nutritional Aspects of Cheese

Ha, Y.L., Storkson, J. and Pariza, M.W. (1990). Inhibition of Lee, K.N., Kritschevsky, D. and Pariza, M.W. (1994). Conju-
benzo[a]pyrene-induced mouse forestomach neoplasia by gated linoleic acid and atherosclerosis in rabbits. Athero-
conjugated dienoic derivatives of linoleic acid. Cancer sclerosis 118, 19–25.
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Harper, D.S., Osborn, J.C. and Clayton, R. (1983). Cariosta- products of cholesterol: dietary and metabolic origin and
tic potential of four cheeses evaluated in a programmed- proatherosclerotic effects (review). J. Nutr. Biochem. 13,
fed rat model. J. Dent. Res. 62, 283 (abstr.). 700–710.
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(1988). Calcium absorbability from milk products, an the angiotensin I-converting enzyme. Enzyme Microbiol.
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Factors that Affect the Quality
of Cheese
P.F. Fox, Department of Food Science, Food Technology and Nutrition,
University College, Ireland
T.M. Cogan, Dairy Products Research Centre, Teagasc, Fermoy, Ireland

Introduction used as a sandwich filler, grated or diced and used as a

condiment or as a component of several cooked
As discussed in ‘Cheese: An Overview’, Volume 1 and
dishes. At least 50% of cheese is used, at home or in
‘Diversity of Cheese Varieties: an Overview’, Volume 2,
the factory, as an ingredient or component of other
the manufacture of cheese exploits either of two prop-
foods. The principal applications of cheese as an ingre-
erties of the casein system: precipitation/coagulation at
dient are discussed in ‘Cheese as an Ingredient’, Vol-
the isoelectric pH (4.6), which is exploited in the pro-
ume 2. The use of cheese as a food ingredient is
duction of fresh, acid-coagulated cheeses (⬃25% of
increasing and for many of these applications, the
total cheese production), or by limited proteolysis
principal criterion of quality depends on the function-
using rennets which specifically hydrolyse the micelle-
ality of the cheese, which depends mainly on the
stabilizing protein, -casein, following which the rennet-
physico-chemical properties of the proteins. When
altered micelles coagulate in the presence of Ca2 at a
used as an ingredient in food applications, cheese is
temperature 20 °C, usually 30–35 °C (⬃75% of
expected to perform one or more functions and there
cheese production). Most acid-coagulated cheeses are
is considerable commercial interest in producing
consumed fresh (unripened) whereas the vast majority
cheese products with functional properties tailor-made
of rennet-coagulated cheeses are ripened for a period
for particular applications. Cheese may be used as an
ranging from ⬃3 weeks to 2 years. Although there
ingredient in several forms:
are recognizable differences between the unripened
curds for different cheeses, mainly with respect to • natural cheese: sliced, diced or grated;
moisture content and texture, the characteristic differ- • processed cheese products;
ences between the 1000 or so varieties of cheese • dried cheese products:
develop during ripening. The quality of acid-coagulated – dried, grated natural cheese (a traditional product);
cheeses is subject to some variation but the fact that – cheese powders.
they are consumed fresh and that no modifications are • enzyme-modified cheese products, which may be
required after manufacture, makes them relatively easy produced from mild cheese or fresh cheese curd or
to produce with consistent quality (see ‘Formation, from blends of enzyme-treated casein and fats and
Structural Properties and Rheology of Acid-coagulated are used mainly as high-intensity cheese flavours.
Milk Gels’, Volume 1 and ‘Acid- and Acid-Rennet-Curd
There are several aspects to the quality of cheese;
Cheeses: Part A Quark, Cream Cheese and Related Var-
some are applicable to all cheese products and applica-
ieties’, Volume 2). In contrast, the characteristic quality
tions, others are significant for specific cheeses. Prob-
of rennet-coagulated cheeses develops mainly during
ably the most important aspects of cheese are:
ripening and frequently depends on the growth of a sec-
ondary microflora, which are not readily reproducible. • safety from a public health viewpoint
During ripening, a complex array of microbiological, • nutritional
biochemical and chemical reactions occur and therefore • flavour
there are many opportunities for problems to develop. • texture
In this chapter, the quality aspects of rennet-coagulated • functionality
cheeses will be considered. Some of the principal areas • appearance, e.g.,
of cheese science through which cheese quality can be – Cheese must conform to the expected characteris-
improved through research will be discussed. tics of the variety. There are obvious differences
Cheese is the quintessential convenience food – it between the principal families of cheese but it may not
can be consumed as it is without preparation, can be be so easy to differentiate between cheeses claimed to
Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, Third edition – Volume 1: General Aspects Copyright © 2004 Elsevier Ltd
ISBN: 0-1226-3652-X All rights reserved
Set ISBN: 0-1226-3651-1
584 Factors that Affect the Quality of Cheese

belong to similar varieties, e.g., Gouda and Edam, Milk

Cheddar and Gloucester, Brie and Camembert. The
borderlines are blurred and within each variety, a cer- Selection
tain degree of variability is tolerated and acceptable. Standardization
– Reproducibility/reliability – consumers expect
that a product will be reproducible and consistent
between batches and over time with respect to Cheesemilk
flavour, texture, appearance and functionality, espe- Addition of:
cially for the principal, ‘mass-produced’ varieties; starter culture (acidification)
some variability is tolerated, perhaps even expected, colour (optional)
CaCl2 (optional)
in artisanal cheeses. Coagulation [rennet or acid (produced in situ or
pre-formed) or heat/acid]

Production of Rennet-Coagulated Cheese

Coagulum (gel)
The production of rennet-coagulated cheese can be
divided into two phases: Cut coagulum
• Conversion of milk to curd Heat
• Conversion of curd to cheese Acidification (rennet-coagulated cheeses)
Separation of curds from whey
The key operations are summarized in Fig. 1.
The production of good-quality cheese depends on
a good milk supply from the chemical and microbio-
logical viewpoints. Raw milk is a rather variable com- Acidification
modity and is subjected to a range of processes aimed Special operations
at modifying, standardizing and optimizing the cheese- (e.g., cheddaring, stretching)
Salting (some varieties)
making properties of milk. Given a good milk supply, Moulding
the first objective is to produce curd of the desired Pressing (some varieties)
chemical composition with the desired microflora.
Unless these criteria are met, the curd will not evolve
Fresh cheese
into cheese with the characteristic flavour, texture and
functionality during ripening. Salting (most varieties)
The ripening of cheese, and hence its quality, is due Ripening (most rennet-coagulated cheeses)
to the activity of micro-organisms and enzymes from
four or five sources: Mature cheese

• Milk Figure 1 General protocol for cheese manufacture (from Fox

• Rennet et al., 2000).
• Primary starter
• Secondary cultures
• Adventitious (non-starter) bacteria in Fig. 2 on cheese ripening and quality are not known
precisely and many of the factors are interactive. It is
It is reasonable to expect that it should be possible possible to apply the principles of Hazard Analysis
to produce premium-quality cheese consistently by Critical Control Point (HACCP) analysis to cheese
controlling these agents; however, in spite of consider- production and it is hoped that this article may stimu-
able research and quality control efforts, it is not yet late efforts to apply HACCP principles to cheesemak-
possible to do so. ing. The principal items in Fig. 1 and 2 will be discussed
A very wide and diverse range of factors interact individually in the following sections.
to affect the composition of cheese curd and hence
the quality of the final cheese; an attempt to summar-
Milk Supply
ize these is shown in Fig. 2, which follows the same
sequence as Fig. 1. Some of these factors/agents can It is well recognized that the quality of the milk supply
be manipulated easily and precisely while others are has a major impact on the quality and consistency of
more difficult, or perhaps impossible, to control. Indeed, the resultant cheese. Three aspects of quality must be
the precise influence of many of the factors included considered: microbiological, enzymatic and chemical.
Stage of lactation
Somatic cell count
Plane of nutrition
Animal health

Microbiological quality - casein
- fat
RAW MILK Public health and safety - calcium
- pH
natural creaming - enzymes
Thermization centrifugal
On-farm hygiene Standardization milk powder
Pasteurization UF
Transport temperature
CHEESE MILK Selection criteria
In-factory time Acid production
Colour Phage sensitivity
CaCl2 Ripening properties
GDL Rate of lysis
Starter culture
Secondary/adjunct culture
Gel strength Amount
subjective/objective assessment COAGULUM
- cheese yield - cheese yield
- curd composition - curd composition

- curd syneresis
Cheese quality CURDS/WHEY
- curd composition
- acidification
- Cook - retention of coagulant
- syneresis
- curd composition - Agitate
- curd structure Acidification - curd syneresis
- retention of coagulant - Drain curd composiiton
- solubilization of CCP
- Acidification
- Dehydration
- Texturization?
- Salting?
- Moulding
- Pressing?

- Salting
- Special secondary cultures
Rennet - Coating/packaging
Milk enzymes Moisture
Starter enzymes RIPENING pH
Secondary culture NaCl
Adventitious microflora - Composition Fat
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Time
- Proteolysis
- Lipolysis
- Glycolysis
- Secondary changes MATURE CHEESE Flavour


Functional properties

Figure 2 Interaction of compositional and technological factors that affect the quality of cheese.

586 Factors that Affect the Quality of Cheese

Microbiological or extra-hard varieties – many of these cheeses, e.g.,

Parmigiano Reggiano, Grana Padano, Swiss Emmental
Three aspects of the microbiology of cheese milk are of
and Gruyère de Comté, are cooked at ⬃55 °C; the
cooked curds are transferred while hot to moulds with a
• Public health capacity of 20–60 kg curd and consequently, the curds
• Off-flavours and spoilage cool slowly – most of these ‘raw milk’ cheeses are in
• Desirable bacteria fact pasteurized, as indicated by a negative alkaline
phosphatase test. High-moisture, raw-milk cheeses are
of more concern but most of these have a low initial
Public health aspects pH (4.6) and appear to be safe. It is probably signifi-
As a product of animal origin, milk may become con- cant that raw-milk cheeses are made on a small/very
taminated with pathogenic micro-organisms, and this, small scale from very fresh milk from healthy cows.
clearly, is of great concern. Previously, the principal For further discussion on pathogens in cheese, see
pathogens of concern in milk were Mycobacterium ‘Growth and Survival of Microbial Pathogens in Cheese’,
bovis and Brucella abortus, but in developed dairying Volume 1.
countries today, these pathogens have been largely or It is unlikely that it will be possible to produce raw
entirely eliminated from the dairy herd. Today, a wide milk guaranteed free of pathogenic bacteria. However,
range of pathogens are of concern, mainly Listeria milk with very low numbers of pathogens can be pro-
monocytogenes, enterotoxigenic strains of E. coli, e.g., duced from healthy animals and any pathogens that do
E. coli O157 H7, Shigella, Erwinia, Campylobacter, enter milk can be:
Staphlyococcus, Salmonella spp. and M. paratuberculosis.
Many of these micro-organisms do not grow in milk • killed (pasteurization or novel alternatives);
which simply acts as a vector. In cheese, these • removed (bactofugation or microfiltration (MF); see
pathogens die off under the rather hostile conditions ‘Application of Membrane Separation Technology to
in well-made cheese which has a relatively low pH Cheese Production’, Volume 1);
(5.3), a relatively high salt content (5–10% salt-in- • prevented from growing or killed, e.g., by use of low
moisture; S/M) and perhaps bacteriocins. For this rea- pH, selected bacteriocin-producing starters.
son, Public Health Authorities in many counties
require that cheese made from raw milk be aged for 60
To date, efforts to remove pathogens from cheese
days, although this practice may not be fully effective.
milk have concentrated on adequate pasteurization.
Alternatively, cheese must be made from pasteurized
There is ongoing research on alternative methods and
milk or the cheese itself must be pasteurized, as in
it is likely that work in this area will continue and
processed cheese. Cheese, the pH of which does not
probably expand.
decrease at the desired rate or to the desired extent
during manufacture (e.g., due to bacteriophage infec-
tion or contamination with antibiotics) or if the pH Off-flavours and spoilage
increases substantially during ripening, e.g., surface A second beneficial effect of pasteurization is the killing
mould- or smear-ripened cheese, are most at risk. of spoilage micro-organisms, e.g., coliforms, pseudomon-
High-moisture, fast-ripening cheeses are at a greater ads and yeasts. In countries with a developed dairy
risk of harbouring pathogens than low-moisture, slow- industry, the quality of the milk supply has improved
ripening varieties. markedly during the past 30 years – total bacterial
A considerable amount of cheese is made from raw counts (TBC) are now usually 20 000 cfu/ml ex-farm.
milk, especially in France, Germany and southern The TBC probably increases during transport to and
European countries, but there is increasing pressure in storage at the factory, but growth can be minimized by
northern Europe and North America to produce all thermization (65 °C  15 s) of the milk on reception
cheese from pasteurized milk. There have been very at the factory, which is a standard practice in some
few reported outbreaks of food poisoning from the countries. The presence of Clostridium tyrobutyricum
consumption of raw milk hard, long-ripened cheese poses special problems.
varieties. In all outbreaks for which adequate data are Although many cheeses are made from raw milk,
available, mitigating circumstances, e.g., lack of a starter quantitatively, most cheese is made from milk pasteur-
culture or poor starter activity, have also been ized at or close to 72 °C  15 s. If produced from good-
involved. Clearly, raw milk cheese is safe if adequate quality raw milk and if subsequently handled under
precautions are taken. However, it should be remem- hygienic conditions, pasteurized milk should have a
bered that most raw milk cheeses are high-cooked, hard very low TBC (a few hundred cfu/ml) and therefore
Factors that Affect the Quality of Cheese 587

represents a very uniform raw material from a microbio- • The LPO-H2O2-SCN% system, which is not used
logical viewpoint. Some alternatives to pasteurization commercially for cheese milk;
are likely to become industrially significant. • Addition of H2O2, which is not used in developed
dairying countries;
Desirable indigenous bacteria • Pre-ripening milk with bacteriocin-producing
Some of the adventitious micro-organisms in raw cultures.
milk, especially the non-starter lactic acid bacteria Microfiltration is a very efficient method for the
(NSLAB), probably contribute positively to cheese removal of bacteria from milk – 99.9% of the bac-
flavour – it is generally accepted that the flavour of teria can be removed, i.e., it is more efficient than pas-
raw-milk cheese is more intense, although more vari- teurization. Microfiltration has the added advantage
able, than that of pasteurized milk cheese. Although over pasteurization that no heat damage is caused to
the reason(s) for the differences in flavour between the whey proteins. In addition to killing bacteria, MF
raw and pasteurized milk cheese has not been removes somatic cells, which are significant sources of
explained to everybody’s satisfaction and is still under enzymes and are generally believed to have a negative
investigation, there is broad support for the view that effect on cheese quality. However, the quality of
adventitious NSLAB are mainly responsible. These Cheddar (McSweeney et al., 1993) and Gruyère de
indigenous LAB are killed by pasteurization; attempts Comté (Beuvier et al., 1997) cheese made from pas-
are being made to replace them through the use of teurized or MF milk was similar and different from
adjunct cultures (see also ‘Secondary and Adjunct that of raw-milk cheese, suggesting that NSLAB,
Cultures’, ‘The Microbiology of Cheese Ripening’ and rather than other factors, the distinguishing factors. At
‘Raw Mild Cheeses’, Volume 1). present, MF is not used commercially for the general
While raw milk may be acceptable for cheesemak- removal of bacteria from cheese milk and it is not
ing in small-scale, manually operated factories, the acceptable as an alternative to pasteurization from a
cheesemaking quality of even good-quality raw milk is public health viewpoint because it cannot guarantee
too variable to be used successfully in very large, milk free from pathogens. However, MF is provision-
highly automated factories such as those involved in ally accepted in France as a suitable alternative to
the manufacture of Cheddar, Gouda or Mozzarella HTST pasteurization for the decontamination of bever-
(Pizza) cheese. In these cases, it is highly probable that age milk (see ‘Application of Membrane Separation
pasteurized milk will continue to be used, with Technology to Cheese Production’, Volume 1). If no
selected adjunct cultures added to simulate the super- problems are encountered, it is likely that MF will
ior quality of raw-milk cheese. become an acceptable alternative to pasteurization of
cheese milk.
Alternatives to pasteurization A serious microbiological problem in many/most
There are a number of alternatives to pasteurization cheeses arises from the growth of Clostridium tyrobu-
for the decontamination of cheese milk: tyricum in the cheese during ripening which catabolizes
lactic acid to butyric acid and H2, with the production
• Thermization – heat treatment at a sub-pasteurization of off-flavours and late gas blowing. Cheddar-type
temperature, e.g., 65 °C  15 s; thermization is cheese is an exception owing to the rapid decrease in
intended to reduce the microflora of raw milk and pH and the rapid increase in S/M to an inhibitory level.
extend the period for which it may be held at the The principal sources of Cl. tyrobutyricum are soil and
factory without a risk of spoilage. Although ther- silage; the feeding of silage to cows, the milk of which
mization does not meet the requirements for pas- is to be used for cheesemaking, is prohibited in
teurization from the public health viewpoint, it is Switzerland and parts of France. However, in most
fairly widely used for cheese milk and in combin- countries, the outgrowth of Cl. tyrobutyricum is pre-
ation with other hurdles, e.g., cooking of the cheese vented by the use of NaNO3 or lysozyme or the spores
curd, low pH, high S/M, is probably adequate to ren- are removed by bactofugation or MF.
der good-quality milk free of pathogens and food-
Indigenous enzymes
poisoning bacteria;
• Microfiltration; Milk contains about 60 indigenous enzymes (see Fox
• Bactofugation, which may be used as a general, et al., 2003), the significance of which for cheese quality
quite efficient method for the removal of bacteria has not yet been researched adequately. Several indigen-
and spores from milk but which is not widely ous enzymes have the potential to affect cheese quality,
used; especially lipoprotein lipase (LPL), proteinase(s), acid
588 Factors that Affect the Quality of Cheese

and alkaline phosphatase, xanthine oxidase (XO) and Padano cheese during ripening and is responsible for
perhaps sulphydryl oxidase (SO), lactoperoxidase and the dephosphorylation of casein phosphopeptides,
-glutamyl transpeptidase. Some of these enzymes are which is significant for proteolysis. Alkaline phos-
active in milk prior to cheesemaking and adversely phatase is inactivated by HTST pasteurization.
affect the yield and/or quality of cheese. Many of the Acid phosphatase survives pasteurization and since
indigenous milk enzymes survive HTST pasteurization it is concentrated in the MFGM, it is concentrated in
(72 °C  15 s) and at least some, e.g., plasmin, acid cheese curd. Many of the small water-soluble peptides
phosphatase and XO, are active during cheese ripening. produced by primary proteolysis are phosphopeptides
Lipoprotein lipase has the potential to cause signifi- and are partially dephosphorylated during ripening,
cant lipolysis in milk and the resulting fatty acids are either by milk acid phosphatase or by bacterial phos-
concentrated in the cheese curd where they may cause phatases. Since phosphopeptides are resistant to the
hydrolytic rancidity, especially in mild-flavoured action of proteinases and peptidases, dephosphoryla-
cheese. Normally, LPL has low activity in milk where it tion by phosphatase action is an important pre-requisite
is separated from its triglygeride substrates by the milk for secondary proteolysis in cheese. However, object-
fat globule membrane (MFGM). However, the MFGM ive studies on the significance of phosphatase activity
is quite susceptible to damage due to rough handling of in cheese ripening and quality have not been reported.
milk, leading to activation of the LPL, and rancidity. Xanthine oxidase reduces nitrate to nitrite which
Plasmin, the principal indigenous proteinase in milk, is needed for anti-clostridial activity. Eventually, all
hydrolyses s1-, s2- and, especially, -casein, produc- nitrate and nitrite are decomposed to N2, probably by
ing - and -caseins, some of the proteose peptones XO. Degradation of nitrate is important since it may react
(PP) and other peptides. Plasmin activity reduces with amino acids to form carcinogenic nitrosamines.
cheese yield because the PPs are not incorporated into Sulphydryl oxidase oxidizes sulphydryl groups to
the cheese curd and is reported to damage the quality disulphides:
of the rennet-induced coagulum. Plasmin activity
increases with advancing lactation, age of cow and 2RSH : R9S9S9R
mastitis and its action may result in a weak coagulum
with poor syneresis properties – the consequences are
Several small sulphydryl compounds, e.g., H2S,
reduced yield of cheese and a high moisture content.
methanethiol, dimethyl sulphide and dimethyl disul-
The formation of -caseins in cheese during ripening
phide, are important for cheese flavour. Sulphydryl
clearly indicates that plasmin is active in cheese – it is
oxidase oxidizes and protects the sulphydryl groups of
mainly responsible for the hydrolysis of -casein in low-
proteins and this may affect the redox potential (Eh) of
cooked cheeses and for total primary proteolysis in high-
cheese and the stability of thiol compounds and hence
cooked varieties in which the rennet is extensively or
the quality and stability of cheese.
totally inactivated (see ‘Proteolysis in Cheese during
Somatic cells are an important source of enzymes,
Ripening’, Volume 1,). Studies on the effect of the plas-
especially proteinases, in milk. Somatic cell count
min inhibitor, 6-amino hexanoic acid, have shown that
(SCC) is negatively correlated with cheese yield and
plasmin makes a significant, but not essential, contribu-
quality; an SCC  300 000 per ml is recommended.
tion to proteolysis in Cheddar cheese; addition of exogen-
As discussed above, the somatic cells in milk can be
ous plasmin accelerates proteolysis. A study of the effect
removed by MF, which should, therefore, improve
of plasmin inhibitors on the ripening of high-cooked
cheese quality and reduce variability.
cheeses should be interesting.
Although precise information is lacking, it is not
Milk contains at least four times as much plasmino-
likely that indigenous enzymes in milk are a major
gen as plasmin. The indigenous plasminogen may be
cause of variability in cheese quality; some of these
activated by added plasminogen activators (there are
enzymes contribute to cheese ripening and may con-
some indigenous plasminogen activators in milk), which
tribute to the superior quality of raw milk cheese, a
accelerate proteolysis in cheese (Barrett et al., 1999).
possibility that warrants investigation.
Dephosphorylation by acid phosphatase may be
responsible for some of the variability in the level of
Chemical composition
phosphorylation exhibited by caseins but incomplete
phosphorylation may also be responsible. The signifi- The chemical composition of milk, especially the con-
cance of the variability in the level of phosphorylation centrations of casein, fat, calcium and pH, has a major
in cheese quality is unknown but dephosphorylation of influence on several aspects of cheese manufacture, espe-
casein-derived peptides in cheese may be significant. It cially rennet coagulability, gel strength, curd syneresis,
is claimed that alkaline phosphatase is active in Grana and hence cheese composition and cheese yield. When
Factors that Affect the Quality of Cheese 589

seasonal milk production is practised, as in New Zealand, • adding cream;

Ireland and Australia, milk composition varies widely • adding milk powder or ultrafiltration retentate; such
but there is some variability even with random calving additions also increase the total solids content of the
patterns mainly due to nutritional factors. milk and hence cheese yield.
The constituents of milk are influenced by several
factors, including species, breed, individuality, nutri- Calcium
tional status, health and stage of lactation of the pro- Calcium plays a critical role in the coagulation of milk
ducing animal. Owing to major compositional and in the subsequent processing of the coagulum; it
abnormalities, milk from cows in the very early or late is common practice to add CaCl2 (e.g., 0.01%) to
stages of lactation and those suffering from mastitis cheese milk, i.e., 40 mg Ca/l milk. This is small in
should not be used for cheesemaking. Somatic cell comparison with the indigenous concentration of Ca
(leucocyte) count is a useful index of quality. Some in milk, 1200 mg/l. Addition of 40 mg/l Ca to milk
genetic polymorphs of the milk proteins improve increases the concentrations of soluble, colloidal and
cheese yield and quality and there is an increasing ionized Ca and reduces the pH of milk, all of which
interest in breeding for these. The milk should be free have positive effects on the various renneting param-
of chemical taints and free fatty acids, which cause off- eters (see ‘Rennet-induced Coagulation of Milk’ and
flavours in the cheese, and antibiotics which inhibit ‘The Syneresis of Rennet-coagulated Curd’, Volume 1).
bacterial cultures.
There is considerable information on the effects of pH
protein content, [Ca] and pH on the various renneting The pH of milk is a critical factor in cheesemaking (see
parameters of milk in model systems and quite an ‘Rennet-induced Coagulation of Milk’ and ‘The Syneresis
amount of information on their effects in cheesemak- of Rennet-coagulated Curd’, Volume 1). The addition of
ing experiments. However, there is less information on 1–2% starter culture to milk reduces the pH of the milk
the effects on the simultaneous change in two or more immediately by about 0.1 unit. Starter concentrates
of these factors, especially in actual cheesemaking (direct-to-vat starters; DVS), which are now used widely,
experiments. Studies on the interactive effects of these especially for small and medium factories, have no
and other compositional factors on the cheesemaking immediate, direct acidifying effect.
properties of milk and on the quality of the resulting Previously, it was standard practice to add the
cheese are warranted. starter to the cheese milk 30–60 min before rennet
It is possible to reduce, but not eliminate, the vari- addition. During this period, the starter began to grow
ability in the principal milk constituents by standard- and produce acid, a process, referred to as ‘ripening’,
izing the concentrations of fat and casein, not just the which served a number of functions:
ratio (protein content can be standardized by adding • It allowed the starter bacteria to enter the exponen-
UF retentate), the pH (using gluconic acid--lactone) tial phase of growth and hence to be highly active
and calcium content (by adding CaCl2). during cheesemaking; this is not necessary with
modern high-quality starters.
Standardization of milk composition
• The lower pH favoured rennet action and gel formation.
Fat and casein
Different cheese varieties have a defined fat-in-dry However, the practice increases the risk of bacterio-
matter (FDM) content, in effect, a certain fat-to-protein phage infection of the starter; phage become distrib-
ratio, and this situation has legal status in the ‘Stand- uted throughout liquid milk but after it has coagulated,
ards of Identity’ for many varieties. While the moisture the phage cannot move through the coagulum and
content of cheese, and hence the levels of fat and pro- hence can infect only those cells in the immediate
tein, is determined mainly by the manufacturing pro- vicinity of an infected cell. This practice has been dis-
tocol (including size of curd particles, pH, cook continued for most cheese varieties.
temperature, agitation, pressing), the fat to protein The pH of milk on reception at the dairy is higher
ratio is determined mainly by the fat to casein ratio in today than it was previously, owing to improved hygiene
the cheese milk. Depending on the ratio required, it during milking and the widespread use of refrigeration
can be modified by: at the farm and factory. In the absence of acid produc-
tion by contaminating bacteria, the pH of milk increases
• removing some fat by gravity creaming, as practised slightly during storage due to the loss of CO2 to the
in the manufacture of Parmigiano Reggiano, or by atmosphere. The natural pH of milk is ⬃6.7 but varies
centrifugation; somewhat (e.g., it increases in late lactation and during
• adding skim milk; mastitic infection).
590 Factors that Affect the Quality of Cheese

To off-set these variations in pH and to reduce it flavour of the cheese. Ovine and caprine caseins are
as an alternative to ripening, the pre-acidification of milk considerably different from the bovine caseins. It is
by 0.1–0.2 pH units is recommended, either through the likely that there are differences in the peptide and
use of the acidogen, gluconic acid--lactone, or by lim- amino acid profiles of cheese produced from bovine,
ited growth of a lactic acid starter, followed by pasteur- ovine, caprine or buffalo milk and that these affect the
ization (referred to as pre-maturation). Pre-acidification flavour of the cheeses. A notable example of this is that
improves the uniformity of rennet-coagulated milk gels, the rennet from the thistle, Cynara cardunculus, pro-
which is reflected in the production of cheese of more duces very satisfactory cheese from sheep’s milk, e.g.,
uniform quality. Pre-acidification through the growth of Sera de Estrala (see ‘Cheeses Made from Ewes’ and
a starter culture, which is fairly widespread in France, Goats’ Milk’, Volume 2), but this rennet produces very
would appear to pre-dispose the system to the growth of bitter cheese from cows’ milk.
phage, which are not killed by pasteurization, and Cows transfer high levels of carotenoids from their
undesirable bacteria. feed to their milk or meat whereas sheep, goats and
buffalo do not. Consequently cheese, butter and other
dairy products produced from cows’ milk are much
more yellow than those made from milk of the other
species and may be unattractive to certain consumers.
HC OH HC OH The yellow colour can be destroyed by bleaching
HO C H H2O HO C H (H2O2 or benzoyl peroxide) or masked (by chloro-
O phyll or TiO2).
The milk of all species contains the same range of
HC HC OH enzymes but at different levels; the significance of
CH2OH CH2OH these differences is not known.
Gluconic acid
Several sapid compounds are transferred from the
Gluconic acid-δ-lactone
animal’s feed to its milk and affect the flavour of
cheese made therefrom. There is a widely held view
In addition to variations in gross composition, there that the milk of cows fed on unimproved pasture
are numerous minor differences and variations which yields better and more distinctive cheese than that
are not easily removed or standardized. Some of the from cows fed a more homogeneous diet. Further
more significant of these are due to inter-species differ- work in this area is warranted.
ences. Although the vast majority of cheese, world-
wide, is produced from cows’ milk, sheep’s and goats’
Coagulant (rennet)
milk are very significant for cheese in southern Europe
and in the Middle East – many world-famous cheeses The key and characteristic step in the manufacture of
are made from sheep’s milk, e.g., Manchego, Feta, rennet-coagulated cheeses is the coagulation of milk
Roquefort and the Italian Pecorino varieties. Sheep’s through the limited proteolytic action of certain pro-
milk is used mainly for the production of cheese and teinases, called rennets. Several proteinases can coagu-
yoghurt. Goats’ milk or mixtures of sheep’s and goats’ late milk but only a few are suitable for cheese
milk are also used widely for cheese production (see production. Traditionally, rennets were extracts of the
‘Cheeses Made from Ewes’ and Goats’ Milk’, Volume gastric tissue of calves, kids or lambs, in which the prin-
2). Buffalo milk is used for the production of cheese in cipal enzyme is chymosin. Owing to increased produc-
southern Italy (Mozzarella di Buffala) and especially in tion of cheese, concomitant with a reduced supply of
Egypt. calfs’ stomachs, the supply of calf rennet has been
Bovine, ovine, caprine and buffalo milk differ from inadequate for many years. This led to a search for
each other in many respects: concentrations of fat, pro- ‘rennet substitutes’, four of which are commercially
tein, many inorganic salts, enzymes, fatty acid profile, successful: bovine pepsin and proteinases from the
types and proportions of caseins. These differences fungi, R. meihei, R. pusillus and C. parasitica (porcine
cannot be changed and are reflected in the quality of pepsin was used previously to a limited extent). All
the cheese produced from these milks. The most obvious successful rennet substitutes are aspartyl (acid) pro-
difference arises from differences in fatty acids – ovine teinases. The gene for calf chymosin has been cloned
and caprine milk-fat have considerably higher concen- in several micro-organisms and the product (referred to
trations of hexanoic, octanoic and decanoic acids and as fermentation-produced chymosin; FPC) is now
branched, medium-chain fatty acids than bovine milk- widely used for cheesemaking in many, but not all,
fat and these are readily apparent as differences in the countries. The extract of the thistle, Cynara cardunculus,
Factors that Affect the Quality of Cheese 591

is used in the manufacture of certain cheeses in Portugal be coagulated by calf chymosin or Fromase (R. miehei
and Spain. The active enzyme is cardosin, which is an proteinase) at pH 6.6 (normal pH ⬃7.0 or higher). Stud-
acid proteinase (which are rare in plants). Thistle rennet ies on the coagulability of equine milk by different ren-
is unsuitable for cheesemaking in general. nets and under different conditions appears to be
The mechanism by which chymosin coagulates milk warranted. We are not aware of studies on the coagula-
is well established at the molecular level (see Fox and tion of human or rat milk by calf chymosin. Studies on
McSweeney, 1997; Fox et al., 2000; Hyslop, 2003; ‘Rennet- the action of chymosins from various species on the
induced Coagulation of Milk’, Volume 1). Chymosin caseins from a range of species would be interesting.
specifically hydrolyses -casein, the protein responsible For a proteinase to be successful as a rennet substi-
for the stability of the casein micelles, at Phe1059Met106, tute, two characteristics are important:
releasing the hydrophilic C-terminal peptide (referred
to as the glyco- or caseino-macropeptide) and destabil- • Specific hydrolysis of -casein at or close to
izing the micelles. All commercial rennet substitutes Phe1059Met106; if other bonds in any of the caseins
hydrolyse the Phe1059Met106 bond except C. parasitica are hydrolysed, the resulting peptides may be lost in
proteinase. which hydrolyses Ser1049Phe105. The rennet- the whey, causing a reduction in cheese yield.
altered micelles coagulate in the presence of Ca2 at a • Its general proteolytic specificity during cheese
temperature 20 °C (in cheesemaking, at 30–35 °C). ripening must be low and similar to that of chy-
It has been proposed (Andreeva et al., 1992; Gustchina mosin (see below).
et al., 1996) that chymosin normally exists in an inac-
tive conformation but is activated when the substrate It is generally accepted that calf chymosin produces
binds in the active site cleft of the enzyme. It has been the best quality cheese. An adequate supply of chy-
suggested that the sequence —H.P.H.P.H— (residues mosin from genetically engineered micro-organisms is
98–102 of -casein) is responsible for this conform- now available (although its use is not permitted in all
ational change. This sequence occurs in the -casein of countries) and therefore rennet quality should not be a
cow, goat, sheep and buffalo but not in the -casein of cause of variability in cheese quality.
the mare, camel, pig, rat or human, in which the corres- In the presence of Ca2, the rennet-altered micelles
ponding sequence is ..HPRPH.., ..RPRPR.., ..RPRPH.., in bovine milk coagulate to form a gel at a temperature
..HPINP.. and ..RPNLH.., respectively (Iametti et al., 20 °C; this is referred to as the secondary phase of
2001; Martin et al., 2003). Therefore, one would rennet coagulation. Renneted bovine milk does not
expect that calf chymosin would not coagulate the milk coagulate ⬃18 °C, above which coagulation has a
of the mare, camel, pig, human or rat. There have been Q10 of 16. The very high temperature dependence of
few studies on the coagulation of non-bovine milk by the secondary phase of coagulation has not been
calf chymosin. The commercial use of calf rennet in explained fully. Presumably, hydrophobic interactions
cheesemaking from sheep, goat or buffalo milk indi- are involved; perhaps the temperature-dependent
cates that calf chymosin can hydrolyse the -casein in dissociation of -casein from the casein micelles is a
these milks, as expected from the above hypothesis. contributory factor. The temperature dependence of
Calf chymosin can also coagulate porcine milk (Fox, the coagulation of rennet-altered micelles is reduced by
1975b); in fact, porcine milk is coagulated by calf rennet reducing the pH and increasing the [Ca2] or casein
at 4 °C whereas bovine milk is not, due to the nature concentration, e.g., by UF. As mentioned above,
of the non-enzymatic secondary phase. Some investi- porcine milk is coagulated by rennet at 4 °C. The
gators have reported that camel milk is not coagulated reason(s) for the difference between bovine and
by calf rennet but Farah (1993) reported that it is porcine milk in this regard has not been explained. In
coagulated slowly to a weak gel. spite of many studies on the mechanism of coagulation
The status of mares’ milk with respect to -casein of rennet-altered casein micelles and kinetics thereof, a
remained unclear until very recently. Ochirkhuyag et al. generally applicable model of the phenomenon has not
(2000) reported that equine milk does not contain been developed. The subject is comprehensively
-casein and that the micelle-stabilizing function is reviewed in ‘Rennet-induced Coagulation of Milk’,
played by -casein; however, Malacarne et al. (2002) Volume 1. Further research on various aspects of the
reported that it contains a low level (7%) of -casein secondary phase of rennet coagulation of, and the
which has been isolated and sequenced (Egito et al., effect of low temperatures on, bovine milk and that of
2001, 2002; Iametti et al., 2001). Equine -casein is other species appear warranted.
hydrolysed at Phe979Ile98 (Egito et al., 2001) (which Some of the added rennet is retained in cheese
correspond to Phe1059Met106 of bovine -casein). How- curd. The amount retained varies with rennet type,
ever, equine milk does not appear (Fox, unpublished) to cook temperature and pH at draining; these variables
592 Factors that Affect the Quality of Cheese

should be standardized if cheese of consistent quality days of manufacture, or in some varieties, at the end of
is to be produced. The proportion of rennet retained in curd manufacture (5–6 h). Acidification at the appro-
the curd is proportional to its moisture content, priate rate and time is an essential and characteristic
reflecting the presence of rennet mainly in the aqueous feature of cheesemaking – it is, in fact, a sine qua non.
phase of cheese. However, everything else being equal, Among the important consequences of acidification are:
more chymosin than other rennets is retained in the
curd, suggesting that chymosin is adsorbed more • activity of the coagulant;
strongly on the caseins. The amount of chymosin and • survival and retention of coagulant in the curd;
pepsin retained in low-cooked cheeses increases • firmness of the coagulum, which affects the loss of
strongly as the pH of the curds-whey is reduced. In the fat and protein in the whey on cutting and hence
case of chymosin, this is due to increased adsorption, reduces the yield of cheese;
for unknown reasons, onto the casein; for pepsin, • syneresis of the curds and hence the composition of
which is very pH-sensitive (irreversibly denatured at the cheese;
pH 7), greater stability at a lower pH is also a major • solubilization of colloidal calcium phosphate (CCP),
factor. Surprisingly, pH has no effect on the retention which has a major effect on the texture, meltability
of fungal rennets, a lower proportion of which is and stretchability of the cheese;
retained in the curd than chymosin (see Fox and • inhibition of the growth of undesirable bacteria,
McSweeney, 1997). Obviously, cook temperature has most importantly pathogenic and food poisoning
a major effect on the level of residual rennet in the bacteria;
curd – chymosin and bovine pepsin are extensively or • the activity of various enzymes in the cheese during
totally denatured in high-cooked cheese, e.g., Parmi- ripening and consequently the rate of ripening and
giano Reggiano or Emmental; porcine pepsin is exten- the quality of the cheese.
sively denatured even in low-cooked cheeses due to its
sensitivity to pH  6.5. Low-cooked, low-pH, high- Originally, acidification was due to the production
moisture cheese, e.g., Camembert, retains ⬃30% of the of lactic acid from lactose by adventitious LAB. Acidi-
added chymosin activity; Cheddar retains ⬃6% and fication of some cheese varieties still depends on the
Emmental ⬃0%. activity of the adventitious microflora but most
Everything else being equal, increased retention of cheeses now are acidified using selected LAB added to
the coagulant in cheese curd results in greater initial the cheesemilk as a culture (starter). The idea of
hydrolysis of s1-casein; however, the significance of this using starter cultures was introduced in ⬃1870 in
variable on the flavour and texture of cheese has not Denmark.
been studied thoroughly. It has been suggested that the The cultures used today in cheesemaking can be
activity of chymosin in cheese curd is the limiting factor divided into two groups:
in cheese ripening; however, excessive rennet activity
leads to bitterness. Proteolysis in cheese during ripening 1. Mesophilic – with an optimum growth temperature
is discussed later; there have been relatively few studies of ⬃28 °C;
on the significance of chymosin activity to cheese qual- 2. Thermophilic – which grow optimally at ⬃42 °C.
ity, an aspect which appears to warrant further research.
Considering the importance of proteolysis in the Mesophilic cultures are used for cheese curds which
ripening and quality of cheese and the significance of are cooked at a temperature 40 °C while cheeses in
the coagulant thereto, studies on various factors that which thermophilic cultures are used are cooked at
affect the retention of the coagulant in cheese curd 50–55 °C. Mesophilic cultures contain strains of Lacto-
appear warranted, e.g., coccus lactis subsp. lactis and/or Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris.
Starters used for some cheeses, e.g., Gouda, Edam,
• the adsorption of chymosin on casein micelles and Danbo, also include citrate-utilising strains of Lc. lactis
the apparent lack of adsorption of fungal proteinases; subsp. lactis and/or Leuconostoc subsp., the principal
• stability of various rennets under various conditions function of which is the production of CO2 and certain
of temperature, pH and other factors. flavour compounds. Thermophilic cultures contain
species of thermophilic lactobacilli, e.g., Lb. helveticus
and Lb. delbreuckii subsp. bulgaricus or Lb. delbreuckii
subsp. lactis, alone or with Streptococcus thermophilus.
The second key reaction in cheesemaking is acidifica- It is possible to simulate the acid-producing func-
tion – the pH of all rennet-coagulated cheeses should tion of the starter LAB by using acid or acidogen (usu-
decrease to a value in the range 4.6–5.2 within a few ally GDL). Fresh acid-curd cheese (e.g., Cottage,
Factors that Affect the Quality of Cheese 593

Quarg, Cream) of satisfactory quality may be produced reduce the risk even further, various techniques have
by direct acidification and some is produced commer- been introduced to improve starter activity and ensure
cially. Some rennet-coagulated cheeses are also pro- cheese quality. For discussions on starter technology,
duced by direct acidification, usually when the flavour see Cogan and Hill (1993), Cogan and Accolas (1996)
is very mild or masked by other components or is less and ‘Starter Cultures: General Aspects’, Volume 1.
important than physico-chemical functional proper- There have been very considerable advances in the
ties; examples include Feta-type and Mozzarella-type genetics of lactococci during the last 10 years and the
cheeses. Chemically acidified Mozzarella has better, complete sequence of the genome is known (see ‘Starter
more consistent and stable functionality than the bio- Cultures: General Aspects’ and ‘Starter Cultures: Genet-
logically acidified product. However, most ripened ics’, Volume 1). The genes for many of the important
rennet-coagulated, chemically acidified cheese does cheesemaking characteristics of lactococci, e.g., lactose
not develop a flavour typical of the variety. Possible metabolism, proteolysis and phage resistance, are car-
explanations for this situation are: ried on plasmids and hence are easily manipulated.
Many genetically engineered strains of Lactococcus
• the high redox potential (Eh) of chemically acidified have been constructed but are not used in practice.
cheese (c. 150 mV compared with c. 450 mV for However, lactococci can be genetically modified by nat-
biologically acidified cheese); ural mating (conjugation) and such genetically modi-
• a high concentration of lactose which may result in fied strains are being used commercially. The principal
a high count of NSLAB. limitation with engineering superior starters is the lack
of knowledge on the key enzymes in cheese ripening.
Both mesophilic and thermophilic cultures may by The availability of the complete chromosome
mixed-strain or defined-strain. Mixed-strain cultures sequence of Lc. lactis (see ‘Starter Cultures: General
contain an unknown number of strains of the same or Aspects’ and ‘Starter Cultures: Genetics’, Volume 1)
different species. Several such systems were in use opens up new avenues for research on cheese starter
20–50 years ago – the cultures were selected based cultures. For example, five potential or rudimentary
on cheesemaking characteristics and various propaga- prophages were identified, suggesting that starter cul-
tion procedures were used. These cultures were cap- tures are the ultimate source of phage. Examination of
able of producing very good quality cheese but they the chromosome for putitive proteinases, peptidases
were susceptible to phage infection because many of and lipases, especially those with unique activities,
the strains in the culture were sensitive to the same should be useful. Since 1999, the chromosome of 20
phage. The maintenance and propogation of mixed- other LAB and other cheese-related bacteria have been
strain cultures is laborious and not very reproducible. or are being sequenced. These include other strains of
With the objective of improving resistance to phage, Lactococcus, Lb. delbruckii, Lb. helveticus, Sc. thermophilus
work commenced in New Zealand in the 1930s on the and B. linens. Comparative genomics of these different
development of defined-strain cultures. The principal bacteria should be useful in delineating the differences
criterion for selecting strains for these cultures was that occur between them. However, the gene
phage unrelatedness, i.e., phage which infects one strain sequences are of little value unless the protein prod-
does not affect other strains in the culture; while a phage ucts (enzymes) are produced. Identifying how to turn
infection may kill off one strain, the other strains grow on those genes which encode enzymes with potential
normally. Other essential criteria are acid-producing cheese ripening properties, but which are normally not
ability and strain compatibility; the ability to produce expressed, could be rewarding in studies on flavour
good quality cheese was assessed from experience and development in cheese.
undesirable strains were removed from the culture. Ori- Defined-strain cultures give very reproducible
ginally, blends of 5–6 strains were usually used but blends results in terms of acid production and overall cheese
of 2–3 strains are more common today. The defined- quality. However, the flavour of the cheese is consid-
strain approach was introduced initially for Cheddar ered to be rather bland, probably because of a lack of
cheese and is now very widely used in New Zealand, microbial diversity, both in the starter and also in the
Australia, Ireland and the USA. Although a different modern milk supply, which, if pasteurized, is essen-
approach was used in the Netherlands to select defined- tially sterile. Attempts to overcome the lack of flavour
strain cultures for Gouda cheese, the essential outcome will be discussed later.
was similar. Defined-strain thermophilic cultures are Traditionally, cheese starters were produced at the
now used also but less widely than mesophilic cultures. cheese factory from mother-cultures obtained from a
The use of defined-strain, phage-unrelated cultures culture supplier; this is still the usual practice in larger
has greatly reduced the risk of phage infection but to factories. However, the proper maintenance of starters is
594 Factors that Affect the Quality of Cheese

technically demanding and expensive. Consequently, • It is likely that the lack of diversity caused by the
starter concentrates, referred to as direct-to-vat starter use of such highly defined starter systems will be
(DVS) or direct vat inoculum (DVI), produced by culture offset by the use of adjunct starters, mainly Lacto-
suppliers have become quite widespread among small bacillus spp., but possibly also Streptococcus spp., and
to medium cheese factories or as a back-up starter system perhaps Enterococcus, for some varieties.
for larger manufacturers.
Another starter system warrants mention, i.e., arti-
Post-Coagulation Operations
sanal or natural cultures. These cultures are produced
in-house by the cheesemaker, who incubates some warm A rennet-coagulated milk gel is quite stable if left undis-
whey under conditions that select bacteria with desirable turbed but if cut or broken, it synereses strongly, thereby
cheesemaking characteristics. Today, such cultures are creating the possibility of removing water and concen-
usually used for high-cooked cheeses – hot whey, per- trating fat and protein. When the coagulum has reached
haps at ⬃55 °C, is transferred to insulated containers in the desired degree of firmness, usually 30–60 min after
which it cools slowly; these conditions are selective for the addition of rennet, the gel is ready for further pro-
thermophilic bacteria and by the time the whey has cessing. The firmness of the gel at cutting should be
cooled sufficiently to allow mesophilic bacteria to grow, optimized so as to reduce the loss of fat and protein from
the pH has become inhibitory. These cultures are very the curd particles into the whey. If the coagulum is too
complex and their composition is not known, certainly soft, extensive shattering will occur with high losses of
at the strain level, and probably not at the species level. fat and protein in the whey. If the coagulum is too firm,
Although the primary function of the starter culture the coagulum may be difficult to cut using the usual
is to produce acid at the appropriate rate and time, the equipment; it may run before the cutting knives and
starter bacteria or their enzymes also play an essential shattering may occur. Excessively firm curd is particu-
role during cheese ripening – a typical and desirable larly problematic when using UF retentate. A uniform
flavour does not develop in starter-free cheese and gel firmness at cutting also results in curd particles of
many flavour defects, e.g., bitterness and fruitiness, are more uniform size, leading to a cheese curd of more uni-
related to characteristics of the starter. The microbiol- form composition and ultimately in cheese of more
ogy and biochemistry of cheese ripening will be dis- uniform quality.
cussed in a later section. Traditionally, the point at which the gel was consid-
In view of the significance of the starter LAB, both ered to be ready for cutting was determined subject-
for the acidification and ripening of cheese curd, it is ively by the cheese-maker but several devices are now
not surprising that the starter LAB have been the sub- available which permit objective assessment of gel
ject of extensive research since the very early days of firmness (see Fox et al., 2000; ‘General Aspects of
microbiology and consequently, LAB are now very well Cheese Technology’, Volume 2). Some of these devices
characterized at the cellular, molecular and genetic can be used to activate the cutting knives.
Cultures: genetics levels (see ‘Starter Cultures: General The size of the curd particles affects the extent of
Aspects’, ‘Starter Cultures: Genetics’ and ‘Starter Cultures: syneresis – the coagulum for low-moisture cheeses is
Bacteriophage’, Volume 1). cut into small pieces while the gel for high-moisture
Research on these very industrially important bac- varieties is cut into large pieces or is not cut at all but
teria will very probably continue for the immediate is scooped directly into moulds. Fat globules are lost
future. Among the areas likely to attract attention are: from the cut surfaces; hence, finely cutting the coagu-
lum increases the fat loss. If it were possible to achieve
• Characterization of Lactobacillus and Streptococcus, the same degree of syneresis by other means, it may be
which at present are less well characterized than possible to increase cheese yield by using a larger cut.
Lactococcus; Contrary to what one might first think, the fat lost
• Further work on the protection of LAB against from the cut surfaces is mainly in large globules
phage; because large globules are more exposed on the cut
• Selection and improvement of starter strains, surface on cutting. Would a very low degree of
through genetic engineering techniques with homogenization improve fat retention?
respect to acid production and especially ripening The curd can be sedimented from a rennet-induced
attributes; milk gel by a low gravitational force. Would it be tech-
• Selection of LAB strains with probiotic properties nically feasible to coagulate milk by some form of cen-
for cheese production; trifuge and to prepare curd of the desired moisture
• The existing trend towards DVI starters will probably content by centrifuging the coagulum at an appropri-
continue; success will depend on economic factors; ate centrifugal force? It might be possible to eliminate
Factors that Affect the Quality of Cheese 595

cooking of the curds and all variability associated with the effects of processing parameters (cutting, cooking,
syneresis of the curds. stirring, etc.) on syneresis are fairly well described,
Once the gel has been cut, the pieces begin to the effects of compositional factors, such as amount
synerese and expel whey. In addition to the size of the and type of casein, genetic polymorphs, casein micelle
curd pieces, the rate and extent of syneresis are structure and size, effect of plasmin and other
affected by several factors through which the cheese- proteinases, fat globule size and integrity, milk salts,
maker can control the composition of cheese. The pre-treatments of cheese milk (e.g., heat treatment,
syneresis of rennet-induced milk gels is discussed in high pressure treatment), have not been studied in
‘The Syneresis of Rennet-coagulated Curd’, Volume 1. detail. The deficiency is explained partly by a lack of
As discussed below, the composition of cheese has a good and appropriate analytical methods for the meas-
major influence on the microbiology and biochemistry urement of syneresis (see ‘The Syneresis of Rennet-
of cheese ripening and ultimately on the quality of the coagulated Curd’, Volume 1).
cheese. Syneresis is promoted by: When the moisture content (as assessed subject-
ively by the cheesemaker based on evaluation of the
• increasing the temperature (cooking);
texture of the curd) and the pH of the curd have
• reducing the pH;
reached desired values, the curds are separated from
• vigorous stirring during cooking;
the whey and subjected to one of several treatments
• removing some or most of the whey and continuing
designed to regulate the composition, and in some
to stir.
cases the texture, of the curd. These include:
The relative importance of these factors depends on
the variety – syneresis of some varieties depends • washing of the curd to reduce its lactose content
mainly on cook temperature, e.g., Emmental, Parmigiano (and thereby control its final pH) and perhaps to
Reggiano and Cheddar, while others depend mainly on increase its moisture content, which occurs on wash-
pH, e.g., Camembert. The cook temperature ranges ing with cold water, e.g., Monterey Jack, washed-
from ⬃30 °C (no cooking) to 55 °C; the extent of curd Cheddar, low-fat cheeses;
syneresis is related directly to the cook temperature. • replacing some of the whey by warm water, e.g.,
For reproducible cheese composition and quality, it is Gouda; this practice was probably used initially as a
critical to control the rate and extent of syneresis. The means of cooking the curds on farms lacking jacketed
cook temperature, pH, curd particle size and the cheese vats and the ability to generate steam, but it
extent of agitation are characteristic of the variety and has become a standard method for reducing the lac-
were probably introduced/applied emperically long tose content and acidity of the curd for some varieties;
ago by artisanal cheesemakers. It seems reasonable to • cheddaring the curd, e.g., Cheddar, Mozzarella (Pizza
suggest that the manufacture of many varieties could cheese), which affects the texture of the curd but its
be improved by changing the combination of the main effect is probably to allow the pH of the curds to
above parameters; research in this area appears to be fall and the CCP to dissolve, thereby affecting texture;
warranted. • kneading and stretching, as used for pasta-filata
The composition of the curd affects syneresis and varieties, mainly to give the cheese a fibrous texture
this is a major reason for standardizing the composi- which affects the meltability and stretchability, i.e.,
tion of the cheese milk. The most important composi- the functionality, of the cheese;
tional factors are: • moulding, applied to all varieties to give a character-
istic shape and size, which are not simply cosmetic
• Fat, which has a negative effect, i.e., a high fat con-
but are significant for the ripening of the cheese,
tent causes poor syneresis, because fat is essentially
e.g., if smear-ripened cheeses are too large, the sur-
an inert filler in the gel.
face will become over-ripe while the core is still
• Protein, increasing the protein content, up to a cer-
immature; on the other hand, Swiss-type cheeses
tain value, promotes syneresis, but if the protein
must be large so as to retain a substantial portion of
content is too high, the gel is too firm and synereses
the CO2 necessary for eye development; some
cheeses have a characteristic open texture, with
• Calcium, like other aspects of renneting, the extent
many mechanical openings, e.g., Samsoe, Havarti
of syneresis is directly affected by the concentration
and blue varieties; in the latter, the openings are
of calcium.
necessary for good mould development throughout
• pH, syneresis is promoted by decreasing pH.
the cheese;
The syneresis of rennet-induced milk gels has not • pressing, applied to semi-hard and hard cheeses with
yet been fully described at the molecular level. While the objective of removing some moisture but mainly
596 Factors that Affect the Quality of Cheese

to consolidate the cheese mass which is important for • A direct effect on flavour.
texture and the retention of gas for eye development; • An excessive dietary intake of NaCl has several undesir-
• salting, which is discussed further below. able effects, e.g., hypertension and osteoporosis.
Although cheese makes a relatively small contribution
In large-scale factories, all the above operations are to dietary NaCl intake, there is an economic incentive
mechanized and/or automated which improves the con- to reduce the NaCl content of cheese, which may
sistency of the product if executed properly; however, it adversely affect its quality, or partially replace it by KCl.
is not possible for the cheesemaker to make ad hoc
The significance of salt, and especially the uniform-
adjustments if the process is not progressing as planned.
ity of salt concentration, on the quality of cheese is
Very large cheese vats (e.g., 30 000 l capacity) are
well recognized. The physics of salt diffusion in
used in large modern factories producing Cheddar,
cheese, the effect on various micro-organisms and the
Gouda or Mozzarella, and possibly other varieties. The
technology of salting are well known. Thus, it should
use of such large vats eliminates certain causes of vari-
be possible to achieve a very reproducible level of salt
ation in cheese but introduces others. About 30 min is
in cheese. However, this is not always achieved in
required to empty these large vats and separate the
practice and variations in salt concentration are prob-
curds from the whey; as a result, the curds at the start
ably a significant but avoidable cause of variations in
of draining differ from those at the end in several
cheese quality.
respects, e.g., moisture content (due to extra synere-
sis), pH and calcium content. These differences are
probably reflected in the quality of the cheese but Use of UF in Cheese Production
definitive studies have not been reported.
Ultrafiltration (UF) has many applications in cheese
technology, as discussed in ‘Application of Membrane
Salting Separation Technology to Cheese Production’, Volume 1.
Salting, one of the classical methods for food preserva- Some problems with cheese quality persist but the
tion, operates by reducing the water activity, aw, of the potential for UF in cheese technology is great and
product. Most, probably all, cheeses are salted by one research in its application will continue.
of four methods:

• mixing dry salt with milled or chipped curd, e.g., Ripening

for Cheddar-type cheese; Fresh rennet-coagulated cheese curd is suitable for
• brine salting of the moulded/pressed cheese; NaCl consumption and a little is consumed, e.g., Burgos
diffuses into the cheese in response to the difference cheese, but most is ripened (matured) for a period
in osmotic pressure between the brine and the aque- ranging from ⬃3 weeks (e.g., Mozzarella/Pizza cheese)
ous phase of the cheese; to 2 or more years (e.g., Parmigiano-Reggiano, extra-
• surface application of dry salt to the surface of mature Cheddar). During ripening, the characteristic
pressed cheese, e.g., Blue cheeses; flavour, texture, appearance and functionality develop
• salting of cheese milk – for a few varieties, e.g., along lines pre-determined by the microbiology and
Domiati, a substantial amount of salt is added to the composition of the curd, as established during the
milk before renneting, traditionally, to control the manufacturing stage. However, the cheesemaker can
microflora of the milk. influence the rate and, to some extent, the pattern of
ripening by controlling the temperature and, for some
There is a substantial literature on the technology,
varieties, the humidity of the environment. Many
physics and significance of salting, which has been
cheeses develop a characteristic microflora (bacteria,
reviewed by Guinee and Fox (1993), Fox et al. (2000)
yeasts, moulds) during ripening and this microflora has
and in ‘Salt in Cheese: Physical, Chemical and Biolog-
a major effect on the sensory qualities of the cheese.
ical Aspects’, Volume 1. The principal effects of salt in
Traditionally, this secondary microflora was adven-
cheese are:
titious, acquired from the milk and/or environment,
• A major inhibitory and selective effect on the and the growth of certain, desirable, contaminating
microflora. micro-organisms was promoted by selecting certain
• A significant effect on the activity of many enzymes. environmental conditions such as pH, temperature,
• Through its effects on the microflora and enzymes, humidity, oxygen concentration, salt concentration
salt has a major indirect effect on the ripening, and moisture level. However, the adventitious microflora
flavour and quality of cheese. was likely to be variable, leading to inconsistencies in
Factors that Affect the Quality of Cheese 597

cheese quality. In modern cheese technology, the contribution is considerable. With the objective of
adventitious microflora is replaced by selected second- improving the consistency of cheeses in which they are
ary cultures, although adventitious micro-organisms a significant part of the microflora, the inoculation of
may still grow, and even dominate in some cases. The such cheeses with selected strains of yeasts is becoming
principal secondary micro-organisms are: increasingly common. Geotricum candidum is part of
the adventitious surface microflora of many cheeses.
• Mesophilic lactobacilli, probably in all varieties but
A further variable through which the cheesemaker
especially in internal bacterially ripened varieties,
can influence the pattern of ripening and the quality of
e.g., Cheddar and Gouda. Traditionally, these NSLAB
the final cheese is by preventing the loss of moisture
were adventitious, probably variable and uncon-
from the cheese surface by appropriate packaging (rind-
trolled; today, it is becoming increasingly common to
less cheese) or by controlling its loss to form a rind.
inoculate cheese milk with selected NSLAB (see
Scientific work on the significance of cheese packag-
below and ‘Secondary and Adjunct Cultures’ and
ing on cheese quality is lacking. The main focus has
‘The Microbiology of Cheese Ripening’, Volume 1).
been on the prevention of mould growth on the surface
• Propionic acid bacteria, characteristic of Swiss-type
and the loss of cheese yield. Undoubtedly, the changing
cheese (see ‘Metabolism of Residual Lactose and of
composition of cheese (through evaporation of mois-
Lactate and Citrate’, Volume 1 and ‘Cheese With Pro-
ture) and the loss of gases and probably other volatile
pionic Acid Fermentation’, Volume 2).
compounds affect cheese microflora and enzyme activity
• Penicillium camemberti and P. roqueforti in surface-
and consequently cheese quality. Although the techno-
mould and blue-mould varieties, respectively. The
logical advantages accruing from the packaging of cheese
inoculation of some mould-ripened cheeses with
are great and perhaps cannot be off-set by other factors, a
mould spores is adventitious but increasingly, the
scientific comparison of various aspects of rindless and
cheeses are inoculated with selected strains. The
rinded cheese, e.g., Cheddar, may be interesting.
metabolic activity of the mould dominates the ripen-
Cheese ripening involves a very complex set of bio-
ing, and hence the quality, of these cheeses (see ‘Sur-
logical, biochemical and chemical reactions which can
face Mould-ripened Cheeses’ and ‘Blue Cheese’,
be classified into four groups:
Volume 2). Therefore, ensuring the optimum growth
of the mould is paramount. • Glycolysis and the catabolism of lactic and citric acids.
• Coryneform bacteria, e.g., Brevibacterium, Arthrobac- • Lipolysis and the catabolism and modification of
ter and Corynebacterium spp. are the characteristic fatty acids.
microflora of surface smear-ripened cheeses and are • Proteolysis and catabolism of amino acids.
responsible for their characteristic appearance, • Interactions between the products of the previous
aroma and taste. Traditionally, surface smear-ripened reactions.
cheeses acquired their secondary microflora from the
These reactions are catalysed by living micro-organ-
environment and from older cheeses via smearing.
isms or enzymes derived from four or five sources:
However, for hygienic and consistency reasons, it is
becoming increasingly common to inoculate the sur- • Milk
face of the cheeses with selected coryneform bacteria • Coagulant
(see ‘Secondary and Adjunct Cultures’, Volume 1 and • Primary starter
‘Bacterial Surface-ripened Cheeses’, Volume 2). • Secondary starter (for most varieties)
• Adventitious microflora
Several species of yeast, e.g., Debaryomycos hansenii
and Yarrowia lipolytica, have been isolated from cheese. The biochemistry of cheese ripening has been
These yeasts are adventitious contaminants on many studied quite intensely in recent years and an extensive
varieties; since they are aerobic and acid-tolerant, they literature has accumulated, which has been the subject
grow mainly on the surface of all cheeses but their of several reviews, including Fox and McSweeney
growth on many varieties is prevented through pack- (1997), Fox et al. (1996a, 2000), Fox and Wallace
aging or rind formation. The growth of yeasts is essential (1997), and ‘Biochemistry of Cheese Ripening: Intro-
on surface smear-ripened cheeses because they catabo- duction and Overview’, ‘Metabolism of Residual Lac-
lize lactic acid, increase the pH of the curd and enable tose and of Lactate and Citrate’, ‘Lipolysis and
the corynebacteria, which cannot grow at pH 5.8, to Catabolism of Fatty Acids in Cheese’, ‘Proteolysis in
grow. Apart from their significance in the deacidifica- Cheese during Ripening’, ‘Catabolism of Amino Acids
tion of smear-ripened cheese, their precise contribution in Cheese During Ripening’, Volume 1. The principal
to ripening has not been quantified. However, since features of glycolysis, lipolysis and proteolysis are sum-
yeasts are metabolically active, it is likely that their marized in Figs 3, 4 and 5, respectively. The principal
598 Factors that Affect the Quality of Cheese


Sc. thermophilus

Glu. + Gal
Lc. lactis
Lc. cremoris

Sc. thermophilus


Swiss Propionate,
Propionibacterium acetate, CO2

Mould and
Surface smear
CO2, H2O
D,L-Lactate Acetate

Figure 3 Summary of lactose metabolism in cheese.

products of the various reactions have been character- Triglycerides

ized and include numerous large, medium and small
peptides, amino acids, amines, ammonia, fatty acids δ-Keto acid
and partial glycerides, other organic acids, aldehydes
and ketones, thiol compounds, CO2, H2, hydrocarbons, n-Fatty acids δ-Hydroxyacids
pyrazines and furanones. Several hundred sapid and CH3SH
aromatic compounds have been isolated from sev- Lactones
eral cheese varieties and identified (see ‘Sensory Char- Methyl ketones
acter of Cheese and its Evaluation’ and ‘Instrumental
Techniques’, Volume 1). The spectrum of these com- Esters
pounds is generally similar between the varieties that Figure 4 Summary of lipolysis in cheese.
have been studied in detail but the varieties differ with
respect to their concentration and proportions.
Usually, the appearance of cheese is the only attri-
There are four aspects to the quality of cheese; the
bute by which the purchaser can assess the quality of
relative importance of these depends on the variety
cheese and hence is of the utmost importance. Today, it
and application of the cheese:
is unlikely that cheese produced by large manufacturers
• Appearance and sold through reputable outlets will be defective in
• Flavour (aroma and taste) appearance although the appearance of artisanal
• Texture cheese may vary.
• Functionality For cheese consumed as a table cheese, flavour is
probably its most important quality attribute
The appearance of cheese includes such features as: although flavour and texture are strongly interactive.
The flavour of cheese is due to a subtle balance
• Depth and uniformity of colour between several hundred compounds. It has been the
• Presence or absence of mechanical opening or eyes subject of research since the beginning of the twenti-
due to gas production eth century, especially since the development of gas
• Presence or absence of mould chromatography (GC) in the 1950s and the interfacing
Factors that Affect the Quality of Cheese 599

Rennet Plasmin
Casein Ca-para-casein Large peptides

Lactococcal CEP
Small peptides

Deaminases Amino acids
C C and C S

Esters Acids CO2 Decarboxylase

Alcohols Amines Various products,

α-Keto acid including sulphur

Amino acid
α-Keto acid

Figure 5 Summary of proteolysis and amino acid catabolism in cheese.

of GC with mass spectrometry (MS). Considerable samples and hence could be used in a factory envir-
progress has been made on the characterization of onment – it would appear that research in this area is
cheese flavour by instrumental methods (see ‘Instru- warranted. Further work on the molecular basis of
mental Techniques’, Volume 1). However, commer- cheese texture and rheological properties is also
cially, cheese quality is usually assessed by subjective required.
sensory evaluation (see ‘Sensory Character of Cheese All cheeses are expected to exhibit certain physico-
and its Evaluation’, Volume 1). chemical or functional properties when cold, e.g.,
It is still not possible to describe completely the sliceability or crumbliness or grateability or when
flavour of cheese, especially more highly flavoured heated, e.g., meltability or stretchability. Most cheese
varieties. More research is needed in this area and it is (⬃70% in the USA) is used as an ingredient in other
very likely that it will continue. An objective method foods, either domestically or in a factory context. The
for grading cheese would be very useful. Analysis of flexibility and ease of use of cheese as a food compon-
cheese volatiles by GC–MS is probably the best ent or ingredient are among its main attributes and are
approach at present but the present instruments are discussed in detail in ‘Cheese as an Ingredient’, Vol-
not capable of handling large numbers of samples and ume 2. Being able to provide the user, especially the
are too expensive. The electronic nose appears promis- industrial user, of cheese with a product with the cor-
ing but considerably more work is required. rect functionality is a challenge to the cheese manu-
The texture of cheese is important, both directly facturer. Considerable progress has been made but
and indirectly. It is important directly because such further work is required.
important functional attributes as sliceability, grate- The quality of cheese is determined in the first
ability, crumbliness and eye development are, in fact, instance by the composition of the curd both directly
related to texture. To the consumer, texture is an and indirectly by its influence on the various ripening
indirect index of cheese flavour and general quality. agents. The significance of principal ripening agents is
In spite of its undeniable importance, the texture of described in the following sections.
cheese has received much less research attention than
cheese flavour although as described in ‘Rheology
Indigenous Enzymes
and Texture of Cheese’, Volume 1, the texture of
cheese can be described quite accurately by certain Milk contains 60 indigenous enzymes (see Fox et al.,
rheological parameters. The influence of various 2003). Some of these enzymes, including LPL, acid
compositional parameters and the changes that occur phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase and XO, are located
during ripening have been described in rheological on the fat globule membrane, some, including plas-
terms. It should be possible to develop some of the min, are adsorbed on the casein micelles while others
present rheometers based on the principle of com- are in the serum (whey) phase. Since the fat globules
pression, penetration or cutting to take whole cheese and casein micelles are concentrated in the cheese
600 Factors that Affect the Quality of Cheese

curd, cheese is enriched with many enzymes. Several It is possible that other indigenous milk enzymes
enzymes in milk are quite heat stable and survive HTST are active in cheese during ripening and affect its qual-
pasteurization. The most significant of the indigenous ity; their activity may contribute to the differences in
enzymes as far as cheese ripening is concerned are: flavour between raw and pasteurized milk cheese but
definitive studies have not been reported. Research on
• Plasmin, which fully survives HTST pasteurization the significance of indigenous milk enzymes in cheese
(in fact, its activity is increased due to inactivation quality is warranted.
of inhibitors of plasmin and plasminogen activators)
and makes a significant contribution to primary
proteolysis, especially in high-cooked cheeses in
which the coagulant is extensively or totally inacti- The coagulant is mainly responsible for primary prote-
vated; it is mainly responsible for the hydrolysis of olysis in low-cooked cheese and for the desirable tex-
-casein in most cheese varieties. Although the level tural changes during the early stages of ripening. The
of plasmin activity in milk is variable, it is unlikely peptides normally produced by rennet are too large to
that this variability causes significant variations in affect flavour but they serve as substrates for microbial
cheese quality although it may affect cheese yield proteinases and peptidases which produce small pep-
and composition (through retarded syneresis) and tides and amino acids which contribute to background
functionality which is strongly influenced by the flavour. Amino acids serve as substrates for various
integrity of the casein network. catabolic reactions, the products of which (amines,
• Cathepsin D, an acid lysozomal proteinase with a NH3, acids, carbonyls, sulphur compounds) are major
specificity similar to chymosin, occurs mainly in the sapid compounds in cheese (see ‘Proteolysis in Cheese
serum phase of milk and therefore most of it is lost during Ripening’ and ‘Catabolism of Amino Acids in
in the whey; furthermore, it is relatively heat labile. Cheese During Ripening’, Volume 1). However, exces-
Therefore, there is probably little cathepsin D activity sive rennet action or incorrect specificity may lead to
in cheese and, in any case, it is probably overshad- bitterness. The C-terminal region of -casein is very
owed by the much greater activity of chymosin. hydrophobic and peptides released from this region,
• Lipoprotein lipase, which is extensively or totally which contains the primary chymosin cleavage sites
inactivated by HTST pasteurization, has little or no on -casein, are very bitter. The hydrolysis of -casein
impact on the quality of cheese made from pas- by chymosin is inhibited by NaCl and it is not nor-
teurized milk although it probably contributes to mally hydrolysed in Cheddar but is hydrolysed to
lipolysis in raw-milk cheese; it is associated with the some extent in surface-salted cheese, in which the
casein micelles and is incorporated into cheese curd. concentration of NaCl is sub-inhibitory for a consider-
• Acid phosphatase is probably active in cheese but its able period.
significance has not been established. Many of the Chymosin is generally regarded as the best rennet;
small peptides produced from casein by chymosin or since there is now an unlimited supply of fermentation-
plasmin are phosphopeptides and are partially produced chymosin, there is no excuse for rennet-
dephosphorylated during ripening, indicating the related problems in cheese. The natural function of
action of an acid phosphatase. Work is needed to chymosin is to coagulate milk in the stomach of the
establish the contributions and significance of the neonate, delay its discharge into the small intestine
indigenous and bacterial acid phosphatases in cheeses. and thereby increase the efficiency of digestion. Chy-
One of the important nutritional features of cheese is mosin is the most efficient milk coagulant known but
its anticariogenic property due to the Ca-binding it was not intended for cheesemaking although it is
properties of the caseins and casein phosphopeptides the best for this task also. However, it is likely that
(see ‘Nutritional Aspects of Cheese’, Volume 1). In this through genetic engineering, chymosin could be
regard, the activity of acid phosphatase may be nega- modified to improve its cheese-ripening properties,
tive but dephosphorylation is necessary to enable the i.e., to increase its action on certain peptide bonds to
further degradation of phosphopeptides which may be yield desirable peptides or reduce it on other bonds to
important for flavour and texture development. avoid defects such as bitterness. Some mutant chy-
• Xanthine oxidase reduces nitrate to nitrite, which is mosins have been produced (see ‘Rennets: General and
the active agent against clostridia and coliforms in Molecular Aspects’, Volume 1) but we are not aware of
cheese and contributes to the eventual disappearance their use in cheesemaking trials.
of NO3 and NO2 : this is important from a toxico- C. parasitica proteinase is much more active on
logical viewpoint since nitrate may lead to the for- -casein in cheese than chymosin, pepsins or Rhizomucor
mation of nitrosamines. proteinases but it does not cause bitterness. Probably, it
Factors that Affect the Quality of Cheese 601

preferentially hydrolyses in the N-terminal region of have been selected mainly on the basis of acid-producing
-casein, which is hydrophilic. Characterization of the ability, phage resistance and compatibility. Based on
specificity of C. parasitica proteinase on caseins in cheese pilot-scale studies and commercial experience, strains
and in model systems is warranted. Perhaps a combin- that produce unsatisfactory, especially bitter, cheese
ation of chymosin and C. parasitica proteinase might have been identified and excluded from commercial
produce cheese with interesting characteristics. usage. However, there are substantial and recognizable
The texture and functionality of cheese are affected differences in flavour quality and intensity between
strongly by even a low level of proteolysis, e.g., the cheeses made using different defined-strain cultures,
stretchability of biologically acidified Mozzarella which presumably reflect differences in the enzyme
deteriorates after ⬃2 weeks at 4 °C due to proteolysis. profile of the component strains; systematic studies on
Thus, it is important to control the level and activity of strains are lacking. This probably reflects the lack of
rennet in cheese. As discussed earlier, the amount of information on precisely what attributes of a starter
rennet retained in cheese curd is affected by the mois- are desirable from a flavour-generating viewpoint.
ture content of the cheese, the pH and temperature of Studies on genetically engineered strains that super-
cooking; activity during ripening is affected by pH, produce proteinase and/or the general aminopeptidase,
moisture, S/M and temperature. PepN, showed that, although proteolysis was acceler-
ated, cheese quality was not improved. Lactococcus
strains lacking one or more peptidases in various com-
binations are available; mutants lacking any one or
In addition to its essential role in the production of two peptidases can grow in milk but strains lacking
acid in the manufacture of cheese curd, the starter LAB three or more peptidases cannot. Published studies on
also play a key role in cheese ripening. Experiments the use of these peptidase-deficient mutants in cheese
with chemically acidified Cheddar and Gouda cheese are lacking.
have shown that the starter is essential for normal Since all lactococcal enzymes, except the cell wall-
flavour development. Even inoculation of chemically associated proteinase, are intracellular and since the
acidified cheese with NSLAB, which reached 108 cfu/g, cells do not grow in cheese, the cells must lyse before
did not produce good-flavoured cheese (Lynch et al., these enzymes can participate in ripening; therefore,
1997). The starter LAB reduce the redox potential (Eh) the rate of lysis of Lactococcus strains is being studied
of cheese curd to about 250 mV and this may be of with the objective of selecting strains with improved
major significance in flavour development. There is cheesemaking properties. A bacteriocin-producing strain
very little information on the development and signifi- of Lactococcus has been isolated which accelerates lysis
cance of Eh in cheese, possibly because it is very diffi- of the starter and consequently accelerates cheese
cult to measure the Eh of cheese accurately; research in ripening (Morgan et al., 1995).
this area would appear to be highly desirable. The enzymes of the glycolytic and proteolytic sys-
The precise route and mechanism for flavour gener- tems of Lactococcus are very well studied at the molecu-
ation by the starter have not been elucidated fully but lar, biochemical and genetic levels (see ‘Biochemistry of
considerable progress has been made (see Fox and Cheese Ripening: Introduction and Overview’, ‘Metabol-
Wallace, 1997; McSweeney and Sousa, 2000; Yvon and ism of Residual Lactose and of Lactate and Citrate’,
Rijen, 2001; ‘Biochemistry of Cheese Ripening: Intro- ‘Lipolysis and Catabolism of Fatty Acids in Cheese’,
duction and Overview’, ‘Metabolism of Residual Lactose ‘Proteolysis in Cheese during Ripening’ and ‘Catabolism
and of Lactate and Citrate’, ‘Lipolysis and Catabolism of of Amino Acids in Cheese During Ripening’, Volume 1).
Fatty Acids in Cheese’, ‘Proteolysis in Cheese during Although less thoroughly studied, the phosphatase and
Ripening’ and ‘Catabolism of Amino Acids in Cheese lipase/esterase of a few strains have been isolated and
During Ripening’, Volume 1, and Volume 2, on the characterized. During the past few years, there has been
principal families of cheese). increasing awareness of the significance of the amino
The growth of the starter ceases at the end of the curd acid-catabolizing enzymes of the starter and a number
manufacturing stage and the cells die at a rate charac- of reports on lactococcal deaminases, transaminases,
teristic of the strain. Therefore, it seems reasonable to decarboxylases and lyases have been published (see
conclude that starter enzymes rather than viable cells McSweeney and Sousa, 2000; Yvon and Rijnen 2001;
are involved in ripening and that differences in the ‘Catabolism of Amino Acids in Cheese During Ripen-
enzyme profile of starter strains affect cheese quality. ing’, Volume 1). It is very likely that work on the lipo-
Modern defined-strain starters produce acid very lytic and amino acid-catabolizing enzymes of Lactococcus
reproducibly and, if properly selected and managed, and their significance in cheese ripening and quality
show good resistance to phage. Lactococcus strains will be intensified in the immediate future.
602 Factors that Affect the Quality of Cheese

The enzymes of Lactobacillus and Streptococcus microflora of Cheddar cheese is dominated by

strains have been studied less thoroughly than those of mesophilic lactobacilli, especially Lb. casei, Lb. paraca-
Lactococcus but the systems of the three genera appear to sei, Lb. plantarum and Lb. curvatus. In cheese produced
be generally similar. Thermophilic lactobacilli lyse very from good quality pasteurized milk in a modern plant
rapidly and are more proteolytic than lactococci. these NSLAB typically grow from a few hundred per
Although considerable information is available on gram at the end of manufacture to 107–108/g within
the individual enzymes of Lactococcus and to lesser 2–3 months. Thus, while the population of starter LAB
extent of Lactobacillus, especially on the glycolytic and declines, the number of NSLAB increases and domin-
proteolytic systems, there have been few comparative ates the viable microflora of long-ripened cheese after
studies on the different enzyme activities in starter 2–3 months (see ‘The Microbiology of Cheese Ripen-
strains. There have been even fewer studies on the ing’, Volume 1).
relationship between different starter enzyme profiles Although less well studied that Cheddar, the
and cheese quality. It would appear to be highly desir- NSLAB in Gouda, Emmental and Grana-type cheeses
able that studies should be undertaken to relate cheese are also predominantly mesophilic lactobacilli and this
quality to the enzyme profile of natural starter strains is probably the normal situation in long-ripened
or genetically engineered cultures. The availability of cheeses.
starter strains deficient in or over-producing one or The significance of NSLAB for Cheddar and Dutch
more enzymes will facilitate such studies. cheese quality is controversial. Many researchers consider
It is very likely that the desirable cheesemaking their contribution to be negative (in the Netherlands,
properties of starters are due to a balance between cer- a maximum of 2  106 NSLAB/g is specified for
tain, perhaps secondary, enzymatic activities, which Gouda). Although there are several studies on cheese
have not yet been identified. with a controlled microflora, the ripening and quality
of NSLAB-free cheese do not appear to have been com-
pared with ‘control’ cheeses containing ‘wild’ NSLAB.
Non-Starter Lactic Acid Bacteria
Several comparative studies on cheese made under
In addition to starter bacteria, cheese curd contains aseptic or non-aseptic conditions using Lactococcus
adventitious bacteria acquired from the milk and starter alone or with selected Lactobacillus adjuncts
environment. When raw milk was used widely, it was indicate that inoculation of cheesemilk with selected
probably the principal source of bacteria in cheese strains of Lactobacillus improves cheese flavour and
curd, especially since it was heavily contaminated dur- possibly accelerates ripening. However, a typical but
ing milking and was not cooled; counts 106 cfu/ml mild flavour develops in Cheddar, Gouda and Emmen-
were common and 90% of the bacteria in milk are tal free of NSLAB, i.e., NSLAB do not appear to be
retained in the cheese curd. However, in the modern essential for cheese ripening although they do affect
dairy industry, the microbial quality of the raw milk the ripening pattern and cheese quality.
is very high and the milk is usually pasteurized; Since the numbers and strains of NSLAB in cheese
typically, the milk entering the cheese vat contains are uncontrolled, it is likely that they contribute to
1000 cfu/ml. In large factories, the cheese is made in variability in cheese quality. Therefore, it appears
enclosed vats, with very little contamination from the worthwhile to determine what factors affect their
environment. growth. The number of NSLAB in Cheddar is strongly
In all ripened cheeses, a NSLAB flora, which varies influenced by the rate at which the curd is cooled and
within and between cheeses made in the same plant, subsequently ripened. Rapid cooling of the curd after
develops (see ‘The Microbiology of Cheese Ripening’, moulding and pressing is the most effective way of
Volume 1). retarding the growth of NSLAB, although they will
Cheese is quite a hostile environment due to: grow eventually to ⬃107 cfu/g in cheese ripened at 4 °C.
The growth of NSLAB can be prevented by ripening
• a low pH
at ⬃1 °C but all ripening reactions are retarded
• a relatively high S/M
to an unacceptably slow rate. The growth of NSLAB
• anaerobic conditions
does not appear to be influenced by the composition
• lack of a fermentable carbohydrate
of cheese (moisture, salt or pH) within the ranges
• the presence of bacteriocins and other inhibitory
normally found in commercial cheese.
substances produced by the starter.
Non-starter lactic acid bacteria grow mainly after
Hence, relatively few species of bacteria can grow, the lactose in the cheese curd has been metabolized
or even survive, in the centre of a well-made cheese. by residual starter activity. Although the growth sub-
Recent studies have shown that the non-starter strates in cheese for Lactobacillus are not known, they
Factors that Affect the Quality of Cheese 603

can derive energy from the sugars of glycoproteins of bacilli (NSLAB). Since the NSLAB are uncontrolled
the MFGM (Diggin, 1999). It is likely that available, (they are the only really uncontrolled component of
suitable substrates are limiting (NSLAB normally cheese), they probably contribute at least to some
plateau at ⬃107–108 cfu/g) and hence it might be pos- extent to variability. In this case, the adjunct lacto-
sible to out-compete wild NSLAB by adding selected bacilli need not contribute to the biochemistry of
strains of Lactobacillus to cheese milk, thereby offering ripening, just suppress the growth of adventitious
better control of the ripening process. Non-starter lac- NSLAB.
tic acid bacteria may also be controlled by including a
A considerable amount of research on the signifi-
broad spectrum bacteriocin-producing strain in the
cance of mesophilic lactobacilli in cheese has been
starter culture (Fenlon et al., 1999).
reported during the past 10 years and the results seem
promising. Further research in this area is warranted.
Lactobacillus Species as Adjunct Cultures Thermophilic Lactobacillus spp. are more effective as
adjuncts than mesophilic lactobacilli (Tobin, 1999),
Cheddar and Cheddar-type cheeses do not have an
probably because they die rapidly in cheese, lyse and
intentional secondary microflora but there has been con-
release intracellular enzymes. Both mesophilic and
siderable interest in recent years in the use of an adjunct
thermophilic lactobacilli and Sc. thermophilus are
secondary culture (usually mesophilic lactobacilli) for
being used commercially as adjunct cultures for Ched-
the following reasons:
dar cheese, and possibly for other varieties. Sc. thermo-
• to intensify cheese flavour which is considered to philus is used mainly to improve the phage resistance
have become too mild owing to the improved of the culture (since it is resistant to lactococcal
microbial quality of the cheese milk, pasteurization phage) and to permit the use of a higher cook temper-
of the milk, the use of enclosed vats and other ature, facilitating better control over cheese composi-
equipment (which reduce contamination from the tion and hence ripening and quality.
environment) and the use of defined-strain starters,
i.e., the cheese microflora have become too narrow;
Cheese Composition
• to accelerate cheese ripening; the ripening of cheese,
especially low-moisture, highly flavoured varieties, is The quality of cheese is influenced by its composition,
a slow, and consequently an expensive, process. Vari- especially moisture content, NaCl concentration
ous approaches to accelerate ripening have been (preferably expressed as % S/M), pH, moisture-in-non-fat
assessed, including the use of mesophilic lactobacilli substances (MNFS; essentially the ratio of protein to
(see Fox et al., 1996b); moisture) and % fat-in-dry matter. At least five studies
• to give identifiable flavour characteristics to cheese (O’Connor, 1971; Gilles and Lawrence, 1973; Fox,
produced by a particular manufacturer or sold by a 1975a; Pearce and Gilles, 1979; Lelievre and Gilles,
particular retailer; 1982) have attempted to relate the quality of Cheddar
• to improve the flavour of reduced-fat cheese, which cheese to its composition. These authors agree that
generally lacks flavour; moisture content, % S/M and pH are the key deter-
• inoculation of cheese with mesophilic lactobacilli minants of cheese quality but they disagree as to the rel-
which suppresses the growth of adventitious lacto- ative importance of these parameters (see Fig. 6).

pH 4.85–5.20 FDM 52–55%

pH 4.95–5.10 FDM 52–55% Salt > 1.4% pH 4.95–5.15

Premium Premium
quality quality
MNFS 52–56% S/M 4.0–6.0%

MNFS 50–57% S/M 4.0–6.0% Moisture < 38% pH < 5.4 MNFS 52–54% S/M 4.2–5.2%

Gilles and Lawrence (1973) Fox (1975a) Pearce and Gilles (1979)
Composition of cheeses was determined at 14 days Relationship between the quality and composition Composition of cheeses was determined at 14 days
and related to quality of mature Cheddar cheese. of 10-week-old Cheddar cheese. and related to quality of Cheddar cheese.

Figure 6 Relationships between composition (determined at various stages during ripening) and the quality of mature Cheddar
cheese (moisture-in-non-fat substances (MNFS); fat-in-dry-matter (FDM), and salt-in-moisture (S/M)).
604 Factors that Affect the Quality of Cheese

O’Connor (1971) found that the flavour, texture and composition varied between plants, certain gener-
and total score of Cheddar were significantly correl- alizations emerged:
ated with % NaCl and particularly with pH; moisture
• within the compositional range suggested by Gilles
content had less effect on cheese quality. Salt content
and Lawrence (1973) for ‘premium’ quality cheese,
and pH were strongly correlated with each other, as
composition does not have a decisive influence on
were salt and moisture.
grade, which decreases outside this range;
Based on the results of a study on experimental
• composition alone does not provide an exclusive
and commercial cheeses in New Zealand, Gilles and
basis for grading;
Lawrence (1973) proposed a grading (selection)
• MNFS was again found to be the principal factor
scheme which has since been applied commercially in
affecting quality;
New Zealand to young (14 day) Cheddar cheese. The
• within the recommended compositional bands,
standards prescribed for Premium grade cheese were:
grades declined marginally as MNFS increased from
pH: 4.95–5.10; % S/M: 4.0–6.0%; MNFS: 52–56%;
51 to 55% and increased slightly as S/M decreased
FDM: 52–55%. The corresponding values for First
from 6 to 4; pH had no consistent effect within the
Grade cheeses were: 4.85–5.20%, 2.5–6%, 50–57% and
range 4.9–5.2 and FDM had no influence in the
50–56%; young cheeses with a composition outside
range 50–57%.
these ranges were considered unlikely to yield good-
• there were specific intra-plant relationships between
quality mature cheese. Quite wide ranges of FDM are
grade and composition; therefore, each plant should
acceptable; Lawrence and Gilles (1980) suggested that
determine the optimum compositional parameters
since relatively little lipolysis occurs in Cheddar
pertinent to it.
cheese, fat content plays a minor role in determining
cheese quality but if FDM is below about 48%, the The results of the foregoing investigations indicate
cheese is noticeably more firm and less attractive in that high values for moisture and pH and a low salt
flavour. Pearce and Gilles (1979) reported that the content lead to flavour and textural defects. The
grade of young (14-day-old) cheeses produced at the desired ranges suggested by Gilles and Lawrence
New Zealand Dairy Research Institute was most highly (1973) appear to be reasonable, at least for New
correlated with moisture content; the optimum com- Zealand conditions, but within the prescribed zones,
positional ranges were: MNFS: 52–54%; S/M: composition is not a good predictor of Cheddar cheese
4.2–5.2%; pH: 4.95–5.15. quality. Presumably, several other factors, e.g., starter,
Fox (1975a,b) reported a weak correlation between NSLAB, activity of indigenous milk enzymes, relatively
grade and moisture, salt and pH for Irish Cheddar small variations in cheese composition and probably
cheeses but a high percentage of cheeses with compos- other unknown factors, influence cheese quality but
itional extremes was downgraded, especially those become dominant only under conditions where the
with low salt (1.4%), high moisture (38%) or high principal determinants, moisture, salt and pH, are
pH (5.4). Salt concentration seemed to exercise the within appropriate limits.
strongest influence on cheese quality and the lowest Although the role of calcium concentration in
percentage of down-graded cheeses can be expected in cheese quality has received occasional mention, its
the salt range 1.6–1.8% (S/M: 4.0–4.9%); apart from significance has been largely overlooked. Lawrence
the upper extremes, pH and moisture had little influ- and Gilles (1980) pointed out that the concentration
ence on quality in the sample studied. High salt levels of calcium in cheese curd determines the cheese
tend to cause a curdy texture, probably due to insuffi- matrix and, together with pH, indicates whether
cient proteolysis; a pasty body, often accompanied by proper procedures were used to manufacture a spe-
off-flavours, is associated with low salt and high mois- cific cheese variety. As the pH decreases during cheese
ture levels. In the same study, the composition of manufacture, CCP dissolves and is removed in the
extra-mature Cheddar cheeses was found to vary less whey. The whey removed after cooking comprises
and the mean moisture content was 1% lower than 90–95% of the total whey expressed during cheese-
that of regular cheeses. making and under normal conditions contains ⬃85%
A very extensive study of the relationship between of the calcium and ⬃90% of the phosphorus lost from
the composition and quality of nearly 10 000 cheeses the cheese curd. Thus, the calcium content of cheese
produced at five commercial New Zealand factories reflects the pH of the curd at whey drainage; there are
was reported by Lelievre and Gilles (1982). As in pre- strong correlations between the calcium content of
vious studies, considerable compositional variation cheese and the pH at 1 or 14 days and the amount of
was evident but was less for some factories than starter used (see Lawrence et al., 1984). Since the pH
others. While the precise relationship between quality of cheese increases during ripening, the pH of mature
Factors that Affect the Quality of Cheese 605

cheese may be a poor index of the pH of the young Ripening can be accelerated by increasing the
cheese. Therefore, calcium concentration is probably ripening temperature but all reactions, desirable and
a better record of the history of a cheese with respect undesirable, are accelerated and an unbalanced flavour
to the rate of acidification than the final pH. Reduc- or off-flavour may develop. Ripening at an elevated
tion in calcium phosphate concentration by exces- temperature is normally considered with the objective
sively rapid acid development also reduces the of accelerating ripening (see Fox et al., 1996b).
buffering capacity of cheese and hence the pH of the Cheese flavour can probably be modified by
curd will fall to a lower value for any particular level manipulating temperature; however, this is rarely
of acid production. No recent work on the level and practised except for Swiss-type cheeses. The rate at
significance of calcium in Cheddar cheese appears to which the curd is cooled after moulding has a major
be available. effect on the growth of starter LAB and NSLAB. The
The calcium content of cheese has a major effect curds for most cheeses are moulded immediately after
on its meltability and stretchability, e.g., pasta-filata cooking and acidification occurs mainly in the
cheese does not stretch well, or not at all, until the moulds. Hence, the rate at which the curd cools in the
pH falls below ⬃5.4. Biologically acidified Mozzarella moulds has a major effect on starter growth and rate of
has poor stretchability and meltability immediately acid development, and is strongly affected by the size
after manufacture but these properties improve dur- of the cheese and ambient temperature. The effect of
ing the early stages of ripening and are optimal after cooling on starter growth is particularly noticeable for
about 2–3 weeks; functionality deteriorates on con- high-cooked cheeses, e.g., Swiss and Grana types. The
tinued ripening due to proteolysis. In contrast, thermophilic starters used for these cheeses do not
directly acidified cheese is functional immediately grow at the cook temperature but begin to grow as the
after manufacture. The difference in behaviour is due curd cools in the moulds. For consistency, it is import-
to the lower calcium concentration in the directly ant to control the ambient temperature.
acidified cheese owing to the faster decline in pH For Cheddar-type cheeses, acidification is almost
to ⬃5.6. Under such conditions, much of the CCP complete at moulding. Traditionally, the moulded
dissolves and is removed in the whey at drainage; the cheeses were pressed overnight at ambient tempera-
concentration of calcium per unit of protein, which is ture and the cheeses cooled close to ambient during
very important for cheese functionality, in biologic- this period, although ambient temperature probably
ally and chemically acidified Mozzarella cheese varied significantly with season. In modern practice,
was 27.7 and 21.8 mg/g, respectively (Guinee et al., the cheeses exit the Wincanton tower at ⬃36 °C and
2002). are packaged and stacked on pallets (5  10 cheeses
There is little published information on the rela- ⬃1 tonne) and transferred to ripening rooms. The
tionships between composition and quality for other cheeses at the centre of the pallet do not decrease to
cheese varieties. However, it is very likely that similar ambient (store) temperature for about 4 weeks and
factors affect the quality of all cheeses more or less to this causes considerable variation in the number
the same extent. and probably the type of NSLAB, and hence in the
quality of the cheese. Many factories now cool the
packaged cheese in a cooling tunnel overnight before
Ripening Temperature
stacking on pallets. If the cheese is cooled to 1 °C
Ripening temperature has a major influence on the and ripened at this temperature, the cheese will be
rate of ripening and quality of cheese. Traditionally, free of NSLAB but the rate of ripening will be very
cheese was ripened in caves or cellars at a relatively slow.
constant temperature. This practice is still widespread The humidity of the environment must be con-
for some varieties but artificially refrigerated rooms trolled, at 85–90% RH, for the ripening of many var-
are now used by large-scale manufacture. The ripen- ieties, mainly those with a surface microflora, which
ing temperature is fairly characteristic of the variety, will not grow if the cheese develops a rind. Tradition-
e.g., Cheddar, 6–8 °C; Gouda, 12–14 °C; Parmigiano- ally, rind development was encouraged on internal
Reggiano, 18–20 °C; Emmental, 6 °C for ⬃2 weeks, bacterially ripened cheeses by reducing the RH slowly.
then at 22 °C for 4–6 weeks to allow the propionic The rind serves to protect the cheese against undesir-
acid bacteria to grow rapidly and produce adequate able surface growth and the loss of moisture (weight).
CO2 for good eye development, then at ⬃4 °C for sev- Today, many varieties, e.g., Cheddar and Gouda, are
eral months to complete ripening; Camembert, 14 °C coated or wrapped in plastic, i.e., rindless cheese, to
for ⬃2 weeks to induce the growth of P. camemberti, prevent weight loss and to protect the surface of the
then at 4 °C for 2–4 weeks. cheese against undesirable bacterial growth.
606 Factors that Affect the Quality of Cheese

The use of starter adjuncts, usually mesophilic

lactobacilli, for some varieties, especially Cheddar, is
Through increased knowledge of the chemistry, bio- increasing, with the objective of intensifying and
chemistry and microbiology of cheese, it should be modifying flavour, accelerating ripening and perhaps
possible to produce cheese of a very high quality con- controlling adventitious NSLAB and thus standardiz-
sistently, although this is not always achieved owing to ing quality.
failure to control one or more of the key parameters Basically, cheesemaking is a relatively simple
that affect cheese composition and ripening. Milk is a process, consisting of two phases: conversion of milk
variable raw material and although it is possible to to cheese curd and transformation of the curd to
eliminate major variations in the principal milk con- mature cheese; both phases involve a number of
stituents, some variations persist. Variability in milk steps. The key steps in curd manufacture are: acidifi-
composition can also be compensated by manipulating cation, coagulation, syneresis/dehydration and salt-
some process parameters in the cheesemaking process. ing. With the knowledge currently available on the
Most large factories operate on a strict time schedule mechanism of these processes and the scale and qual-
and hence subtle manipulation of the process on an ity of the cheesemaking equipment, it should be pos-
individual vat basis may not be possible. Therefore, sible to produce cheese curd of consistently premium
strict control of milk composition and starter activity quality from chemical and microbiological view-
is critical. points. Unfortunately, this is not the case in practice.
From a microbiological viewpoint, the milk supply Undoubtedly, variability in the composition and
to modern cheese factories is of very high quality and microflora of the milk contribute to the variability of
after pasteurization contains only a few hundred bac- cheese curd but there is variability in curd produced
teria per ml. In modern factories where enclosed vats during the course of a single day from a single large
and other equipment is used, the level of contamin- batch of bulked milk using the same rennet and
ation from the environment is very low; cheese curd starter. One factor likely to be responsible for this
containing 103 NSLAB/g at 1 day is normal. How- variability is the time-lag in performing certain
ever, these adventitious NSLAB grow to c. 107–108 cfu/g cheesemaking operations, e.g., it requires ⬃30 min to
and dominate the microflora of cheese after about separate the curds and whey in the very large (30
3 months. Since the adventitious NSLAB grow slowly 000 l) vats now used for Cheddar, Gouda or Moz-
in cheese, they are most significant in long-ripened zarella. This time-lag continues during later opera-
cheese. Although the significance of the adventitious tions, e.g., cheddaring, milling, salting and pressing.
NSLAB in long-ripened cheese is unclear, it would The solution to this problem is the development of a
appear to be desirable to control them, either by elimin- continuous curd production system, such as the
ating them or standardizing their number and type. In ALPMA system, but this is not used for hard cheeses.
industrial-scale manufacture of cheese, it is not pos- Work in this area appears warranted.
sible to eliminate NSLAB. It is possible to prevent their The objective of cheesemaking is to consistently
growth by ripening at ⬃1 °C but the overall ripening manufacture cheese with the desired, characteristic
process is also reduced to an unacceptable rate. Out- flavour, texture and functionality in the highest yield
competing indigenous NSLAB by an adjunct Lacto- possible, as cheaply and as quickly possible. The clos-
bacillus culture, which does not have to contribute to est we have come to achieving that objective is the
ripening, is a possibility but this approach has not production of enzyme-modified cheeses, which do not
been investigated. resemble closely the flavour, texture or functionality of
Although it is now possible to avoid major defects any natural cheese but are used successfully to replace
in cheese produced using modern technology, fur- natural cheese in some applications (see ‘Sensory
ther research on the biochemistry of cheese ripening Character of Cheese and its Evaluation’, Volume 2).
is required to enable the process of cheese manufac- With improved knowledge of the biochemistry of
ture and ripening to be refined to an extent that will cheese ripening, it may be possible to produce some of
allow the consistent production of premium quality the milder, less complex cheese using the EMC
cheese. approach – research in this area is warranted.
The key to successful cheesemaking is a good reli- Cheese ripening is a very complex biological, bio-
able starter, both from the viewpoint of reproducible chemical and chemical process which is determined
acid production and subsequent ripening. If properly and directed by the composition and microflora of the
managed, modern starters are generally satisfactory cheese curd; if these are reproducible and consistent, it
and their performance is being improved progres- should be possible to produce cheese of excellent
sively. quality consistently.
Factors that Affect the Quality of Cheese 607

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Abondance, 199 control of, 164

Acid-coagulated milk gels, 6, 77–8, 105 engineered phage resistance systems, 179
casein micelles in, 105–106 antisense mRNA, 180
effect of compositional/processing parameters on textural bacteriophage-triggered defence, 181–2
properties: current status/future perspectives, 182
fat content/homogenization, 118 gene replacement/insertional mutagenesis, 180–1
heat treatment, 116–17 phage-encoded resistance (Per), 179–80
inoculation/gelation temperature, 115–16 recombinant superinfection exclusion/
pH/calcium content, 118–19 immunity, 181
rennet addition, 117 epidemiology, 167
solids non-fat (SNF) content, 117–18 Lactobacillus phage, 170–1
mechanisms: Sc. thermophilus phage, 170
physico-chemical aspects, 106–109 genome organisation/evolution, 171–6
theoretical models, 106 lysogenic life cycle, 174
physical properties: maintenance of lysogeny, 175–6
appearance, 113–14 site-specific recombination, 174–5
microstructure, 112 superinfection exclusion, 176
permeability, 112–13 lytic life cycle:
rheological, 109–11 bacteriophage lysis, 174
texture/sensory, 111–12 DNA packaging, 173
whey separation/syneresis, 114–15 DNA replication, 172–3
study by electron microscopy (EM)/ confocal scanning lysogenic/lytic switch, 172
laser microscopy (CSL), 112 phage adsorption/DNA injection, 171–2
syneresis, 114–15 structural proteins, 173–4
see also Coagulation; Rennets multiplication, 163
Adjunct cultures see Secondary/adjunct cultures natural resistance systems in lactic acid
Amino acids, catabolism of see Catabolism of amino acids bacteria, 176–7
Appenzell, 199 abortive infection, 178–9
Aroma, compounds: adsorption inhibition, 177
extraction methods, 491 injection blocking, 177
dialysis, 492 restriction/modification, 177–8
headspace, 493 proteolytic enzymes, 131
high-performance size-exclusion chromatography, raw milk cheeses, 321
492–3 resistance systems:
high-vacuum distillation, 491–2 engineered phage, 179–82
solid-phase microextraction, 493 natural bacteriophage, 176–9
solvent, 492 starter cultures, 129–38
steam distillation, 491 Bavarian Blue, 193
water-soluble extract (WSE), 493–4 Beaufort, 197
identification using hyphenated GC techniques, 494–6 Bel Paese, 193, 195
representativeness, 494 Biogenic amines, 201, 561–3
sample treatment, 491 Bleu d’Auvergne, 193
see also Sensory characteristics of cheese; Flavour Blue cheese, 123
Arzua, 323 contamination, 550
Aspartic proteinases see Chymosin/aspartic proteinases fatty acids, 378
Autolysis, 126, 289 mesophilic starters, 149
Avenato, 323 ultrafiltration, 269
use of salt, 211–12, 219
Bacteriocins, 136, 153 Brevibacterium linens, 149, 192
Bacteriophage, 154, 163–70, 287, 351, 375 Brie:
classification, 165 flavour, 502
DNA homology, 167 lipolytic agents, 376
host range, 165 moulds, 193
morphology, 165 rheology/texture, 535
serology, 165–6 Brine-salted cheese see Salt
structural protein profiles, 166–7 Buffalo milk cheese, 5
610 Index

Cabrales, 193, 306 reduced sodium, 226–7

Camembert, 123 rheology/texture, 516, 517, 518–19, 520, 527, 529,
contamination, 550 530, 535
coryneform bacteria, 195, 197 ripening, 348
fatty acids, 377 sensory characteristics, 478–9
flavour, 492, 498, 499, 500 starter cultures, 126, 128
lipolytic agents, 376 use of salt, 208–209, 211, 216–19, 240
Listeria growth, 544 Cheddar curd:
mesophilic starters, 149 salt uptake:
microbial growth, 544–5 curd depth during holding, 238
moulds, 193 degree of mixing, 238
raw milk, 321 level of salting, 237–8
rheology/texture, 528, 535 mellowing period, 238
starter cultures, 126 method, 237
ultrafiltration (UF), 271 moisture content of curd, 238–9
use of salt, 219, 240 other factors, 239
yeast flora, 306 temperature, 238
Canestrato, 5, 323 Cheese:
Casein, 7, 48–50, 55, 60, 71–2, 105–106, 351, 413, composition, 7–8, 603–605
415, 417, 589, 591 fat-in-dry matter (FDM), 7, 589
activity of cell envelope proteinase, 132 moisture in non-fat substances (MNFS), 7
chemistry, 48 pH, 8
micelle assembly, 49 history of, 1–5, 261, 605
micelle properties, 49–50, 105–106 Cheshire, 5, 208, 527
micelle stability, 50 Chymosin/aspartic proteinases, 19–33, 351, 392,
self-assembly, 49 600–601
structures, 48–9 active site, 23–7
chymosin activity on, 52, 392–3 catalytic mechanisms, 27–9
effect of NaCl, 212–13, 214, 220–3 inhibitors, 33
enrichment of cheese milk by MF, 277–8 natural sources, 19–20
gel formation/properties of, 71–4, 78–81, 91, 94, physical properties/stability, 20–1
106–109, 111, 115, 116 structure, 21–4
hydration in cheese, 220–5 substrate-binding pockets/specificity, 30–3
hydrolysis by cathepsin D, 396 zymogen activation, 29–30
mares’ milk, 591 crystals, 23
quality of cheese, 591–2 fermentation-produced chymosin, 51–2
raw milk cheese, 324, 336, 339 milk clotting mechanism, 33–4
use of capillary electrophoresis for analysis of mutant chymosins, 32–3
casein, 420 physical properties/stability:
Catabolism of amino acids, 152–3, 201, 302–303, enzyme solubility, 20–1
350–2, 435, 451 enzyme stability, 20
aromatic: molecular weight/isoelectric point, 20
phenylalanine, 444–7 recombinant calf chymosin:
tryptophan, 443 eukaryotic expression, 35–6
tyrosine, 443–4 prokaryotic expression, 34–5
branched-chain: ripening process, 351, 356
deaminases, 449 stability (solubility), 20
decarboxylases, 449–51 structure:
production of volatile sulphur compounds: active site, 24–7
lyases involved in methionine catabolism, 442–3 catalytic mechanisms, 27–9
transamination, 435–9 gene sequences, 21
Catabolism of fatty acids, 376–80 inhibitors, 33
Catabolism of lactate, 348–9 primary, 21
Cathepsins, 396, 399 secondary, 21, 23
Cauchy strain, 539 substrate-binding pockets/specificity, 30–3
Cheddar, 5, 10, 12, 14 tertiary, 23–4
contamination, 545, 546–9 zymogen activation, 29–30
dry-salted varieties, 245–6 substrate specificity, 32
fatty acids, 377 yield, 34–5
flavour, 335, 337, 492, 502, 605 see also Pepsin
lipolytic agents, 374, 375 Citrate metabolism, 130–1, 151–2, 367–8
lysis, 136 Clostridia, 7, 153, 202, 327, 328, 365–6, 562, 600
mesophilic starters, 149 Clotting see Acid-coagulated milk gels; Coagulation;
microbiology, 289, 290, 296, 297, 301 Rennets
moulds, 193 Coagulation, 10–11, 47
propionic acid bacteria, 200 Cynara cardunculus, enzymes from, 52
quality, 595, 596, 604, 605 enzymes, 47, 391, 392–3
raw milk, 323, 327, 330 influence of NaCl, 212–13
Index 611

physico-chemical mechanisms involved in gel formation Dutch cheese, 128

from unheated milk, 106–109 lipolytic agents, 374
post-coagulation operations, 11–12, 594–6 ripening, 348
theoretical models, 106 see also Gouda; Edam
visual, 11
see also Acid-coagulated milk gels; Rennets Eastern European cheeses, 299
Comté cheese, 127 Edam:
Conjugated linoleic acid, 575–6 fatty acids, 378
Contamination see Pathogens; Safety; Toxins mesophilic starters, 149
Cooking, 224–5 starter cultures, 126
health/safety, 551 ultrafiltration, 268
Coryneform bacteria, 195, 197, 597 Elastic material behaviour, 539
antimicrobial activities, 198 Elastoplastic material behaviour, 539
form/use of adjunct culture, 198 Emmental:
lipolysis, 198 fatty acids, 378
proteolysis, peptidolysis, amino acid catabolism, 198 flavour, 502
selection as adjuncts, 197–8 propionic acid bacteria, 200
useful properties in selecting surface bacteria, 197 starter cultures, 123, 126, 127
Cottage cheese, 2, 9 use of salt, 215
acid milk gels, 105, 112, 116 whey cultures, 127
addition of rennet, 117 see also Swiss cheese
contamination, 550 Enterococci, 290, 295
heat treatment, 116 Enzymes, 19, 133, 288, 378, 448
reduced sodium, 227 coagulation, 47, 50–2, 391, 392–3
ultrafiltration, 268 indigenous, 587–8, 600
Cream cheese, 2 microbial, 214–15
acid milk gels, 105, 112 proteolytic, 19, 413–15
compliance, 539 ripening process, 352–7
modulus, 539 secondary starter microorganisms, 195, 413–15
whey removal, 114, 115 sources:
Cultures see Secondary/adjunct cultures; Starter lyosomes, 19
cultures micro-organisms, 19–20
Curd, 12, 14 plants, 19
behaviour during processing: stomach, 19
axial drainage, 95 tissues, 19
compaction of curd column, 94–6 see also Chymosin/aspartic proteinases; Lactic acid
curd fusion, 93–4, 97 bacteria; Catabolism of amino acids; Catabolism
syneresis under pressure, 93 of fatty acids; Lipolysis; Peptidases; Proteolysis;
water content of cheese, 96–8 Ripening of cheese
cooking temperature, 11 Ewe’s milk cheese, 199, 340
manufacturing process, 11–12 Exopolysaccharides, 137, 158
salt absorption/diffusion:
direct mixing with milled curd, 229, 232 Fatty acids, 349, 373–80
dry surface-salting of moulded pressed curd, 232 Feta, 5, 268–9
factors affecting uptake in Cheddar, 237–9 contamination, 550
initial moisture content, 236–7 microbial growth, 545
pH of curd/brine, 237 microbiology, 290
salt-in-moisture level/pre-salting, 208–11, 235 ultrafiltration (UF), 271
temperature of curd/brine, 235 use of salt, 219
syneresis during curdmaking: Flavour, 3–4, 129, 289, 306, 332, 347, 466, 489–91
effects of grain size, 86–7 acid milk, 112
methods of estimation, 85–8 contribution of lipolysis/catabolism of FFA, 379–80
rate equations, 85–6 dynamic methods for characterisation:
stirring, 87–8 model mouth systems, 501–502
washing, 90 release of non-volatiles in vivo, 501
Cynara cardunculus proteinase, 3, 52 release of volatiles in vivo, 499–501
fatty acids, 349
Danablu, Danish Blue, 193, 194, 306 global/fast assessment, 502
Danbo: electronic nose, 502–503
mould, 193 mass spectrometry-based systems, 503–504
ultrafiltration, 268 peptides, 352
use of salt, 220 quality, 586–7, 599, 603
yeast flora, 306 raw milk, 335–8
Debaryomyces hansenii, 191, 192, 196 sapid (non-volatile) compounds:
Deformability modulus, 539 extraction, separation, identification in relation to
Dental caries, 576, 578–9 sensory properties, 496–9
Domiati, 10, 219 water-soluble extracts (WSE), 496
Dry-salted cheese see Salt smell/aroma, 466
612 Index

Flavour – contd. oxidation, 364

taste, 466 oxidative metabolism in surface mould-ripened
see also Sensory characteristics of cheese; Aroma, varieties, 364
compounds racemization, 362–4
Free-Choice Profiling, 477 see also Lactose metabolism
Fungi, 36 Lactic acid bacteria, 399–400
aminopeptidases, 411–12
Gammelost, 306 carboxypeptidases, 403, 411
Gaziantep, 219–20 di- and tri-peptidases, 403
Gel formation see Acid-coagulated milk gels; endopeptidases, 403
Coagulation; Rennets; Syneresis of rennet-coagulated Lactobacillus delbrueckii, 290
curd Lactobacillus helveticus, 123
Genetic engineering, 155, 601 Lactococcus lactis, 123
Geotrichum candidum, 191 peptidases, 400–403
Goat cheese, 1, 5, 14, 193, 325, 498 proline-specific peptidases, 412–13
Gorgonzola, 193 proteinases, 400
Gouda, 14 see also Starter cultures, Non-starter lactic acid
fatty acids, 378 bacteria, Bacteriophage
lysis, 136 Lactobacillus spp, 123, 290
mesophilic starters, 149 see also Non-starter lactic acid bacteria
propionic acid bacteria, 199 Lactococcus lactis, 123
quality, 595, 596 chromosome, 149–50
starter cultures, 126 genetic manipulation, 155
use of salt, 223, 237 genetics of industrially important traits:
Grana, 8, 126 bacteriocins, 153–4
microbiology, 289 bacteriophage, 154–5
whey cultures, 127 lactose/citrate metabolism, 151–2
Gruyère: proteolysis/amino acid catabolism, 152–3
catabolism of fatty acids, 378 Lactose metabolism, 130, 151–2, 361–2
Coryneform bacteria in, 197 Leuconostoc, 155, 290
flavour, 492 Limburger, 195
rheology/texture, 529 Linear viscoelastic deformation, 539
starter cultures, 126, 127 Lipolysis, 198, 199–200, 201, 303, 349
whey cultures, 127 agents, 373–6
contribution of FFA to flavour, 379–80
HACCP see Hazard Analysis and Critical Control measurement of, 380, 384–5
Points patterns of, 380
Havarti, 535 raw milk cheese, 325, 327
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points, 542, Liquid pre-cheese (LPC), 269–73
543, 584 Listeria monocytognes, 542–4, 550, 551, 553–5
see also Safety Livarot, 195
Health see Nutrition; Pathogens; Safety; Toxins Loss modulus, 540
Heterofermentative lactobacilli, 200 Low-concentrated retentates, 267–8
form/use of adjunct cultures, 202 Lysis, 126, 289
species found in cheeses, 200–201, 291 see also Autolysis
useful properties to select as adjuncts: Lysogeny, 174
antagonistic activities, 201–202
formation of biogenic amines, 201 Maasdam, 5, 199, 378
lipolytic activities, 201 Mahon, 220
probiotic properties, 202 Manchego, 5, 335
proteolysis/amino acid catabolism, 201 Membrane processing, 261
Histamine, 561–3 applications of:
Hygiene, 321–3 liquid pre-cheeses, 269–75
medium/intermediate concentrated retentates, 268–9
Illness see Pathogens; Safety; Toxins microfiltration, 276–8
Italian cheeses, 298–9, 338 milk protein concentrates, 278–9
on-farm concentration, 275–6
Jarlsberg, 5 properties of UF retentates, 265–7
protein-standardized milk, 267–8
Kelvin element, 539 reverse osmosis, 275
Kinematic viscosity, 539 UF in cheesemaking, 267–75
Kluyveromyces, 195 APV-sirocurd process:
definitions, 262–5
Lactate: design/configuration, 261
catabolism, 348–9 hollow fibre, 262–3
changes during ripening: microfiltration (MF), 262
metabolism by Clostridium tyrobutyricum, 365–6 nanofiltration (NF), 262
metabolism by Propionibacterium, 366–7 plate and frame, 263
Index 613

reverse osmosis (RO), 262 proteolytic activity, 194

spiral-wound, 263–4 Mozzarella, 9, 12
tubular, 262 contamination, 553
ultrafiltration (UF), 262 flavour, 498
vibrating membrane system, 264–5 quality, 595, 596
Mesophilic starters, 149–52, 597 raw milk, 321
Leuconostoc, 155–6 rheology/texture, 529, 530
plasmids, 150–1 starter cultures, 123, 126
Mexican-style cheese, 553 ultrafiltration (UF), 268, 272–3
Microbial pathogens see Pathogens use of salt, 222, 240
Micrococcus, 197, 304 Münster, 195
Microfiltration: Mycotoxins, 564, 567–8
casein enrichment of cheese milk, 277–8 Nitrogen metabolism in lactic acid bacteria, 131–2
microbial epuration of raw milk, 276–7 amino acid degradation, 133–4
modifications, 278 role of proteinase, 132
selective fractionation of globular fat, 278 transport systems/peptidases, 132–3
Milk: see also Proteolysis; Peptidases; Lactic acid bacteria
antiobiotics in, 7 Non-starter lactic acid bacteria (NSLAB), 7, 289, 291, 353
casein chemistry, 48–50 biochemical activities:
chemical composition, 7, 588–9 amino acid catabolism, 302–303
clotting mechanism, 33–4, 47 citrate utilisation, 302
composition, 91 lipolysis, 303
fat, 47 proteolysis, 302
gel formation, 106–109 enterococci, 290, 295
heat treatment, 88 growth/survival:
homogenization, 88 environmental conditions, 296
indigenous enzymes, 587–8 interactions, 297
indigenous proteinases: nutrient availability, 296–7
others, 396–9 non-starter lactobacilli, 289–90
plasmin, 213–14, 393–6, 600 pediococci, 290
microbiology: population dynamics:
desirable indigenous bacteria, 587 Cheddar, 297
off-flavours/spoilage, 586–7 Greek/eastern European cheeses, 299
public health aspects, 586 Italian cheese varieties, 298–9
pasteurized, 8, 355 Portuguese cheese varieties, 298
alternatives to pasteurization, 587 Spanish artisanal cheeses, 297–8
protein, 47–8, 573, 575 Swiss cheeses, 297
protein-standardization, 267–8 quality, 602–603
quality, 584 ripening process, 356–7
rennet-induced coagulation, 50–65 significance:
safety: adjunct as probiotics, 301–302
heat treatment, 543–4 influence on quality, 299, 301
pathogens, 541–3 use of other adjunct cultures, 301
quality, 543 source of, 295–6
standardization: see also Lactobacillus
calcium, 589 NSLAB see Non-starter lactic acid bacteria
fat/casein, 589 Nutrition, 573
pH, 589–90 carbohydrate, 575
syneresis of renneted-milk gel, 80–1 cheese and dental caries, 576, 578–9
toxins in, 564 fat/cholestrol, 575–6
various additions to, 88–9 minerals, 576
Milk gels see Acid-coagulated milk gels; Rennet protein, 573, 575
coagulation of milk vitamins, 576
Milk protein concentrates, 278–9
Modulus of deformability, 540 Parmigiano-Reggiano, Parmesan:
Morbier, 195, 199, 330 contamination, 545, 550
Moulds, 304–306, 395, 597 fatty acids, 377–8
contamination with mycotoxins, 567–8 flavour, 492
form/use of adjunct culture, 194–5 raw milk, 322
species found in cheese, 193–4 sensory characteristics, 474
useful properties in selecting as adjuncts: starter cultures, 123
appearance on/in cheese, 194 whey cultures, 127
de-acidification activity, 194 Pathogens, 7, 541
interactions with other microorganisms, 194 challenge studies, 549–52
lipolytic activity, 194 Escherichia coli, 541, 544, 545, 548, 549–50, 551, 555
production of aroma, 194 growth/survival in soft/semi-soft cheeses, 552–3
production of mycotoxins, 194 reviews on safety of raw milk, 545–6
614 Index

Pathogens – contd. Quality of cheese, factors affecting:

safety of cheese, 541 cheese composition, 603–605
extrinsic/intrinsic parameters affecting microbial coagulant (rennet), 590–2, 600–601
growth, 544–5 cultures, 592–4, 601–602
heat treatment of milk, 543–4 indigenous enzymes, 600
milk quality, 543 Lactobacillus species as adjunct cultures, 603
raw milk, 541–3, 545 milk supply:
Salmonella, 542, 544, 546–8, 551, 553, 555 alternatives to pasteurization, 584, 587
Salmonella enterica, 542, 546, 548, 553 chemical composition, 588–9
stress adaptation and impact on safety, 553–4 indigenous enzymes, 587–8
Pecorino, 5, 124, 126, 127 microbiology, 586–7
Pediococcus, 290, 292 standardization of composition, 589–90
Penicillium camemberti, 193 non-starter lactic acid bacteria, 602–603
Penicillium roqueforti, 193 packaging, 597
Pepsin, 29, 31, 354, 393 post-coagulation operations, 594–6
Peptidases, 132–3, 400, 403, 417 production parameters, 584
aminopeptidases, 411–12 ripening, 596–9, 605–606
carboxypeptidases, 403, 411 salting, 216–20, 596
di- and tri-peptidases, 403 starter, 592–4, 601–602
endopeptidases, 403 use of ultrafiltration (UF), 596
proline-specific, 412–13 Quarg, 2, 5
Phage see Bacteriophage acid milk gels, 105, 112
Pichia spp., 196 addition of rennet, 117
outbreaks involving Cheddar, 546–9 ultrafiltration, 270
Poisson effect, 540 whey removal, 115
Pont l’Eveque, 535 see also Acid-coagulated milk gels
Port Salut, 193 Queso Blanco, 5
Portuguese cheese, 298, 306
Processed cheese, 227 Raclette, 323, 328, 335, 338
Prochymosin, 20, 30, 34–6 Raw milk cheese, 8, 319–20, 545–6
Propionibacterium, 303, 449, 597 biochemical aspects:
see also Emmental; Swiss cheese lipolysis, 325, 327
Propionic acid bacteria, 198, 303, 449, 597 proteolysis, 323–5
as adjunct cultures, 200 volatile compounds, 327–35
characteristics of species found in cheeses, safety aspects:
198–9 diversity of microorganisms, 320–1
useful properties for selecting as adjuncts: hygiene, 321–3
lactate metabolism, 199 numbers of microorganisms, 320
lipolysis, 199–200 sensory aspects:
probiotic properties, 200 flavour/odour, 335–8
proteolytic activities/amino acid catabolism, texture, 338–40
199 Reconstituted skim milk, 64, 139, 208
Proteolysis, 152–3, 156, 302, 350–2 Reduced-sodium cheese, 207, 225–6
amino acids, 350–2 Cheddar, 226–7
lactocepins, 400 Cottage cheese, 227
monitoring: other cheeses, 227
amino acid analysis, 421 Rennet coagulation of milk, 2, 3, 6, 8, 10–11, 19, 584
capillary electrophoresis (CE), 420 adhesive sphere models/viscosity, 55–6
chromatographic techniques, 420–1 development of rheological properties, 56–7
fluorescent spectroscopy, 421 effect of acidification, 117
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy fractal models/rearrangements, 62–3
(FTIR), 421 heat treatment, 64–5
tryptophan, 421 high pressure treatment, 64
ultrasonics, 421 kinetic models, 53–5
urea-PAGE, 420 measurement of clotting time/curd-cutting time, 53
patterns, 415–19 mechanisms of milk-clotting, 33–4
primary, 323–4 milk processing/gel formation, 63–5
raw milk cheese, 323–5 modelling gel-firming kinetics, 60–2
ripening, 391 post-coagulation operations, 594–6
coagulant, 391, 392–3 preparation, 52
exogenous proteinases/peptidases, 391–2 primary enzymatic phase, 11, 50–2
indigenous proteinases, 391, 393–9 production, 584
non-starter lactic acid bacteria, 200, 391 quality, 590–2, 600–601
secondary starter, 191, 391, 413–15 rennet, 354–5
starter lactic acid bacteria, 391, 399–413 ripening process, 354–5
secondary, 198, 199, 201, 324 secondary non-enzymatic phase, 11
water-soluble peptides, 416–19 substitutes, 10
Provolone, 545 theoretical basis of viscoelasticity, 57–60
Index 615

UF retentates, 266–7 Romano, 535, 545

see also Acid-coagulated milk gels; Coagulation; Roquefort, 5
Chymosin/aspartic proteinases lipolytic agents, 376
Rennets see Chymosin/aspartic proteinases; Pepsin mould, 193, 194
Rheology, 511–33 rheology/texture, 535
cheese structure, 516–18 yeast flora, 306
compliance, 539
creep/stress relaxation, 518–19 Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 196
development of properties during rennet coagulation, Safety, 541
56–7 Cheddar, 546–9
effect of NaCl, 223–4 improvements, 554–5
empirical instrumental methods of measurement, 523 microbial growth, 544–5
exopolysaccharides, use of, 158 milk:
gel formation, 75–7, 109–10, 113–14, 117–18 heat treatment, 543–4
large strain deformation: quality, 543
bending tests, 530–1 raw, 541–3, 545–9
definition/terminology, 520 soft/semi-soft cheeses, 552–3
effect of sample temperature, 532 stress adaptation and impact of pathogens,
fracture/work to fracture, 521 553–4
measurement using texture analyser, 520–1 St Nectaire, 193–4, 306
shear measurements, 530 St Paulin, 136, 273, 323
uniaxial compression, 527–30 Salt, 10, 207–208, 348, 576, 596
wire-cutting, 532 absorption/diffusion:
mechanical models, 519–20 brine- and surface dry-salted cheeses, 244–5
oscillatory rheometry for linear viscoelastic brine concentration/concentration gradient in
measurements: brine-salted cheese, 232–3
complex viscosity, 526–7 brine-salted cheese, 228–9
elastic shear modulus, 524–6 Cheddar/dry-salted varieties, 245–6
loss modulus, 524–6 cheese geometry, 233–4, 244
overview, 511–12 concentration gradient in dry-salted cheeses,
sensoric methods, 521–3 239–40
terminology: concentration of calcium in brine, 240
bulk modulus/compressibility, 515–16 direct mixing of salt/milled curd, 229, 232
deformation and strain, 512 dry surface-salting of moulded pressed cheese
relationship between stress/strain, 515 curd, 232
shear/normal modes of stress/strain, 513–15 fat content of cheese, 243–4
stress, 512–13 initial moisture content of curd, 236–7
viscous deformation, 516 initial salt-in-moisture level of curd/pre-salting,
time-dependent measurement, 532 235
viscosity measurement, 532–3 mechanisms, 228–32
see also Texture method of brine-salting, 233
Rhizomucorprotease, 20 methods of salting, 228
Ripening of cheese, 12, 14, 347, 375, 395 moisture content of cheese, 98, 241–3
acceleration, 357 pH of curd/brine, 237
agents: salting time, 234–5
cathepsin D, 355–6 temperature of brine/cheese, 240
NSLAB, 356–7 temperature of curd/brine, 235
other indigenous enzymes, 356 uptake in Cheddar curd, 237–9
plasmin, 355 casein hydration/physical properties of cheese:
rennet, 354–5 cooking properties, 224–5
starter enzymes, 356 microstructure, 223
biochemical activities of NSLAB, 302–303 model systems, 220–3
catabolism of amino acids, 350–2, 435 rheology, 223–4
aromatic, 443–7 control of microbial growth, 208–12
branched-chain, 447–9 effect on cheese composition:
deaminases, 449 lactose content/pH, 249
decarboxylases, 449–51 moisture level, 247–9
other, 451 salt content, 249
transamination, 435–9 enzyme activity:
volatile sulphur compounds, 439–43 coagulant, 212–13
glycolysis of residual lactose/catabolism of microbial enzymes, 214–15
lactate, 347–9 milk proteinase, 213–14
lipolysis/metabolism of fatty acids, 349 gel formation, 83–4
proteolysis, 350–2, 391–2 quality, 596
quality, 596–9, 605–606 reduced-sodium cheese:
see also Proteolysis, Lipolysis; Catabolism of lactate; Cheddar, 226–7
Catabolism of amino acids; Catabolism of fatty Cottage cheese, 227
acids other cheeses, 227
616 Index

Salt – contd. exopolysaccharide production, 137–8

ripening/quality: growth, 134–5
Blue cheese, 219 lipases/esterases, 134
Camembert, 219 metabolic engineering, 135–6
Cheddar, 216–19 nitrogen, 131–4
other cheeses, 219–20 stress responses, 137
salt/moisture equilibria in brine-salted cheese sugar, 130
after salting, 244–7 mixed-strain mesophilic, 9–10, 164–5
salt/moisture equilibrium in Cheddar cheese, pH control, 139–40
246–7 phage infection, 127, 139
water activity (aw), 215–16 preparation:
Sbrinz, 127 preservation/distribution, 140–2
Secondary/adjunct cultures: propagation, 138–40
coryneform bacteria and staphylococci, 195, 197–8 time/temperature combination, 140
effect on quality, 603 quality, 592–4
heterofermentative lactobacilli, 200–202 taxonomy, 123–4
moulds, 193–5 types, 126, 128, 164
non-starter lactic acid bacteria, 7, 289, 291, 353 new sources, 129
propionic acid bacteria, 198–200 primary, 123, 124, 126, 191
yeasts, 191–3 secondary, 123, 191, 195
see also Starter cultures see also Bacteriophage
Semi-hard cheese, 273 Stilton, 193, 194, 208
Sensory characteristics of cheese, 455, 463–5 Streptococcus thermophilus, 123, 157
cheese preferences, 455–6 Stress:
consumer preferences, 14, 480–1 relaxation modulus, 540
definition, 455 relaxation test, 540
evaluation methods, 467–8 Swiss cheese, 128
consumer acceptability testing, 478 contamination, 545, 552
descriptive analysis, 475–7 flavour, 335, 338, 492
discrimination tests, 475 microbiology, 289, 296, 297
grading/quality scoring, 468–75 raw milk, 323, 327, 328
time-intensity analyses, 477–8 Syneresis of rennet-coagulated curd, 71, 114
human senses/sensory properties: during curdmaking, 84–5
cheese appearance, 462, 466 effects of other process variables:
cross-modal interactions, 466–7 acidity, 90
flavour, 466 coagulation, 89
texture, 466 heat treatment of milk, 88
universal language, 480 high-pressure treatment, 91
variety, 456–62 homogenization of milk, 88
see also Aroma, compounds; Flavour temperature, 89–90
Shear modulus, 540 ultrafiltration, 90–1
Sheep milk cheese, 1, 5, 14 various additions to milk, 88–9
Soft cheese, 270–3, 552–3 washing of curd, 90
Spanish artisanal cheeses, 297–8, 306 mechanisms, 78–9
Staphylococcus, 195, 197, 304 methods for estimating:
antimicrobial activities, 198 effects of curd grain size, 86–7
form/use of adjunct culture, 198 modelling process, 81–4
lipolysis, 198 rate equations, 85–6
proteolysis, peptidolysis, amino acid catabolism, 198 stirring, 87
selecting surface bacteria as adjuncts: renneted milk, 80–1
effect on colour of cheese surface, 197–8 review of, 91–2
growth, 197 unified approaches to gel formation/syneresis:
Starter cultures, 123, 149, 287, 288–9, 348 acid gels, 77–8
defined-strain, 164–5 behaviour during processing, 92–3
genomics, 129–30, 158–9 compaction of curd column, 94–5
mesophilic starter genetics: curd fusion, 93–4
bacteriocins, 153–4 effect of milk composition, 91
bacteriophage, 154–5 gel formation, 73–5
chromosome, 149–50 renneting, 72–3
industrially important traits, 151–5 rheological characteristics, 75–7
lactose/citrate metabolism, 151–2 under pressure, 93
Leuconostoc, 155–6 water content of cheese, 95–8
manipulation, 155
plasmids, 150–1 Texture:
proteolysis/amino acid catabolism, 152–3 terminology, 533
metabolism: evaluation:
autolysis, 136 instrumental shear deformation, 535–6
bacteriocins, 136–7 texture profile analysis (TPA), 534
citrate, 130–1 see also Rheology
Index 617

Thermophilic starters, 56, 126 protein-standardized milk, 267–8

Lactobacillus spp.: see also Membrane processing
genetic manipulation, 157 Uniaxal compression, 527–8
important traits, 156–7 compressive strength, 540
Streptococcus thermophilus: effect of deformation rate, 529–30
genetic manipulation, 158 effect of pre-test strain history, 529
important traits, 157–8 effect of sample-machine interface conditions/sample
Tilsit, 306 dimensions, 529
Tomme, 193, 199 influence of shape, 530
Torulospora delbrueckii, 196 relationship between shear/normal stresses,
Toughness, 540 528
biogenic amines: Viscoplastic material behaviour, 540
formation, 562–3 Viscosity/dynamic viscosity, 540
histamine, 561–2 Volatile compounds, 327–8
in cheese, 563 alcohols, 331–2
mycotoxins: carbonyl compounds, 330–1
direct contamination of cheese, 567–8 esters, 332
fate in cheese during manufacture/ripening, 567 lactones, hydrocarbons, 334–5
indirect contamination, 564, 567 sulphur compounds, 332–4
production of toxic metabolites in cheese, 567 volatile fatty acids (VFA), 328–30

Ultrafiltration (UF), 8–9, 90–1, 265–75, 596 Water-soluble extract (WSE), 493–4, 496
cheese quality: Whey, 105
functionality, 274–5 heat treatment, 9
proteolysis/ripening characteristics, 274 incubation, 9
texture, 273–4 preparation, 127
liquid pre-cheeses: separation/syneresis, 114–15
fresh unripened cheeses, 269–70
other applications, 273 Yeast, 36, 191, 306–307, 597
semi-hard cheese, 273 forms/use as adjunct culture, 193
soft cheese, 270–3 interactions with other microorganisms, 192–3
medium/intermediate concentrated retentates: species found in cheeses, 191–2
APV-sirocurd process, 268 useful properties in selecting adjuncts:
general considerations, 269 effect on appearance of cheese surface, 192
other cheeses, 269 lipolytic activity, 192
structured Feta-like cheese, 268–9 production of aroma, 192
properties of UF retentates: proteolytic activity, 192
buffering capacity, 265–6 utilisation of residual sugars/lactate de-acidification
rennet coagulation, 266–7 activity, 192
rheological behaviour, 266 Young’s modulus, 540
This Page Intentionally Left Blank
Plate 1 An arrangement of multi-channel geometry ceramic membranes (courtesy of GEA filtration, Hudson, WI, USA). (See
page 263.)

Plate 2 Plate and frame UF system (courtesy of GEA filtration, Hudson, WI, USA). (See page 263.)
Plate 3 Spiral-wound UF membranes (courtesy of GEA filtration, Hudson, WI, USA). (See page 264.)
Plate 4 Vibrating membrane system (courtesy of Pall Corporation, Portsmouth, UK). (See page 264.)
Plate 5 Commercial UF system for the production of fresh cheese from pH 4.6 milk (courtesy of TIA, Bollene, France). (See
page 270.)
Plate 6 A selection of cheeses made by UF using the liquid pre-cheese concept. (See page 272.)
Plate 7 A UF plant for producing Feta cheese by the MMV process (courtesy of TIA, Bollene, France). (See page 272.)
Plate 8 Farm with an UF facility in Dexter, New Mexico, USA (courtesy of North American Milk Products, LLC, St Louis, Missouri, USA).
(See page 276.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Plate 9 Urea-polyacrylamide gel electrophoretograms water-insoluble fraction of a selection of cheese varieties. Lane 1 Na caseinate,
lane 2 Cheddar, lane 3 extra-mature Cheddar, lane 4 Cheshire, lane 5 Red Leicester, lane 6 Double Gloucester, lane 7 Emmental,
lane 8 Leerdammer, lane 9 Jarlsberg, lane 10 Vorarlberger Bergkase, lane 11 Edam, lane 12 Gouda, lane 13 Norvegia, lane 14
Parmesan, lane 15 Parmesan (from McGoldrick, 1996). (See page 416.)

1 199

1 23 24 199

102 199
f1-9, f-1-13

Further hydrolysis products

Plate 10 Schematic representation of the early proteolysis of s1-casein during the ripening of many cheeses and the location of
peptides produced on a urea-polyacrylamide gel electrophoretogram and a reverse-phase HPLC elution profile. (See page 419.)

(a) (b)

Plate 11 Vane rheometer probe before (a) and during (b) shear test on process cheese. Photos courtesy of Truong and Daubert
(2000) Gel Consultants Inc. (See page 531.)

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