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©Copyrigh! 2019 P’tit" Pest". Elis" Brocar# – Al$ Right% reserve#. &i% patter' i% for persona" us! onl#. &i% patter' ma( no! b", i' whol" or i' par!, reproduce#, publishe#, modifie# or resol#. Yo) ca' sel$ item% mad" fro* thi% patter', provide# tha! the( ar" handmad"
b( yourself i' + limite# number an# yo) giv" credi! t, th" designer. Pleas" ad# th" followin- line% t, your ite * descriptio' an# an( ite* yo) ar" sellin-: “&i% dol$ i% handmad" b( ...(your nam")... fro* + desig' an# patter' b( P’tit" Pest" . Elis" Brocar#/ www.ptitepest "-“.

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• 2,5 m& croche' hoo( « Scheepje$ Caton% » « Schachenmayr Catani% »

• Tapestr) needl# 1- ref.404 = englis/ te+ 10- ref.380 = blu"
• 11 di*eren' color$ suitabl# 2- ref.410 = ric/ cora$ 11- ref.415 = brow'
for 2,5 m& hoo( 3- ref.383 =ginger gol #
• Blac( threa+ t, embroider 4- ref.130 = ol# lac"
eye$, an+ eyebrow$ 5- ref.406 = so0 beig"
• Stu-n. 6- ref.523 = swee! mandari'
• Glu# 7- ref.157 = roo! beer
8- ref.106 = snow whit"
Colin# measure$ abou' 25 c&. 9- ref.249 = sa1ro'


• c/ = chai! stitc/
• d0 = doubl# croche' stitc/
• de0 = invisibl# decreas#
• hd0 = half doubl# croche' stitc/
• in0 = invisibl# increas#
• rn+ = roun+
• s0 = singl# croche' stitc/
• sls' = slip stitc/
• s'($) = stitc/
• !…"= croche' al% instruction$ betwee! !" int, sam# stitc/

• { } … = repea' instruction$ i! i! bracket$ ... time$


I wor2 al$ th" stitche% i' X an# no! i' V.
Yo)'l$ fin# 3planatio' vide4 o' Yo)Tub".

©Copyrigh! 2019 P’tit" Pest". Elis" Brocar# – Al$ Right% reserve#. &i% patter' i% for persona" us! onl#. &i% patter' ma( no! b", i' whol" or i' par!, reproduce#, publishe#, modifie# or resol#. Yo) ca' sel$ item% mad" fro* thi% patter', provide# tha! the( ar" handmad"
b( yourself i' + limite# number an# yo) giv" credi! t, th" designer. Pleas" ad# th" followin- line% t, your ite * descriptio' an# an( ite* yo) ar" sellin-: “&i% dol$ i% handmad" b( ...(your nam")... fro* + desig' an# patter' b( P’tit" Pest" . Elis" Brocar#/ www.ptitepest "-“.

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Hea# Mak! % magi( loop usin) th! color 1 (ref.404)

Rn'……………………………………………………………………………………… Rn'………………………………………………………………………………………

01 s5 6 int, th" magi5 loop "# distanc# betwee! on# ey# t, th# other i$ 7 stitche$
02 {in5} 6 (12 st%)
Embroider th# n1# (color 1) betwee! rn+ 21 an+ 22 centerin. wit/
03 {s5 1, in5 1} 6 (18 st%)
respec' t, th# eye$.
04 s5 1, in5 1, {s5 2, in5 1} 5 , s5 1 (24 st%)
! Embroider th# blus/ (color 2) underneat/ th# eye$ betwee! rn+ 20
05 {s5 3, in5 1} 6 (30 st%)
an+ 21, an+ rn+ 21 an+ 22.
06 s5 2, in5 1, {s5 4, in5 1} 5 , s5 2 (36 st%)
Embroider th# eyebrow$ (fin# blac( threa+) abov# th# eye$.
24 {de5 1, s5 5} 6 (36 st%) !
07 {s5 5, in5 1} 6 (42 st%)

25 s5 2, de5 1, {s5 4, de5 1} 5 , s5 2 (30 st%)

08 s5 3, in5 1, {s5 6, in5 1} 5 , s5 3 (48 st%)

26 {de5 1, s5 3} 6 (24 st%)

09 {s5 7, in5 1} 6 (54 st%)

27 s5 1, de5 1, {s5 2, de5 1} 5 , s5 1 (18 st%)

10 s5 4, in5 1, {s5 8, in5 1} 5 , s5 4 (60 st%)

Stu* th# hea+ firml).

11 t, 20 {s5} acr6% (60 st%)
28 {de5 1, s5 1} 6 (12 st%) !
21 s5 4, de5 1, {s5 8, de5 1} 5 , s5 4 (54 st%)

29 {s5} acr6% (12 st%)

22 {de5 1, s5 7} 6 (48 st%)

Brea( th# yar! an+ faste! o* invisibl#.

23 s5 3, de5 1, {s5 6, de5 1} 5 , s5 3 (42 st%)
Plac# 2 tigh' bal% of stu-n. righ' int, Colin#’$ nec( t, preven' th#
Embroider th# eye$ (blac( threa+) betwee! rn+ 18 an+ 20. hea+ fro& droppin..


©Copyrigh! 2019 P’tit" Pest". Elis" Brocar# – Al$ Right% reserve#. &i% patter' i% for persona" us! onl#. &i% patter' ma( no! b", i' whol" or i' par!, reproduce#, publishe#, modifie# or resol#. Yo) ca' sel$ item% mad" fro* thi% patter', provide# tha! the( ar" handmad"
b( yourself i' + limite# number an# yo) giv" credi! t, th" designer. Pleas" ad# th" followin- line% t, your ite * descriptio' an# an( ite* yo) ar" sellin-: “&i% dol$ i% handmad" b( ...(your nam")... fro* + desig' an# patter' b( P’tit" Pest" . Elis" Brocar#/ www.ptitepest "-“.

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Hair Mak! % chai* of c+ 15 wit+ th! color 3 (ref.383)


Star' i! th# secon+ s' fro& th# hoo(,

01 {!d5 2"} 12 , sls! 2 (26 st%) !

02 an# 03 c/ 15,
Star' i! th# secon+ s' fro& th# hoo(,
{!d5 2"} 12 , sls! 2 (26 st%) !

Cu' an+ tuc( th# yar!.

Yo3 mus' ge' 3 stand$.

Plac# th# hair betwee! rnd$ 6 an+ 15 of th# hea+, centerin. the&.
Glu# th# strand$ on# b) on# b) applyin. glu# usin. 2 toothpic( (th#
glu# shoul+ b# applie+ under th# hair). B# care4% no' t, pu' to,
muc/ glu#!
Stic( wit/ pin$ unti% th# glu# drie$.

©Copyrigh! 2019 P’tit" Pest". Elis" Brocar# – Al$ Right% reserve#. &i% patter' i% for persona" us! onl#. &i% patter' ma( no! b", i' whol" or i' par!, reproduce#, publishe#, modifie# or resol#. Yo) ca' sel$ item% mad" fro* thi% patter', provide# tha! the( ar" handmad"
b( yourself i' + limite# number an# yo) giv" credi! t, th" designer. Pleas" ad# th" followin- line% t, your ite * descriptio' an# an( ite* yo) ar" sellin-: “&i% dol$ i% handmad" b( ...(your nam")... fro* + desig' an# patter' b( P’tit" Pest" . Elis" Brocar#/ www.ptitepest "-“.

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Hoo# Mak! % magi( loop usin) th! color 4 (ref.130)

Rn'……………………………………………………………………………………… Rn'………………………………………………………………………………………
Workin. i! th# bac( loop$
01 s5 6 int, th" magi5 loop 09 {s5 7, in5 1} 67 (54 st%)
02 {in5} 6 (12 st%) ! 10 {s5 8, in5 1} 67 (60 st%)
03 {s5 1, in5 1} 6 (18 st%) !
11 t, 26{s5} acr6% (60 st%)
04 {s5 2, in5 1} 6 (24 st%)
5p: if th# hoo+ seem$ to, smal% or to, bi. t, fi' th# hea+ yo3 jus'
hav# t, mak# on# or mor# row$ fewer or mor#.
05 {s5 3, in5 1} 6 (30 st%)

27 {de5 1, s5 8} 67 (54 st%)

06 {s5 4, in5 1} 6 (36 st%)
28 {s5} acr6% (54 st%)
07 {s5 5, in5 1} 6 (42 st%)
Faste! o*, leavin. 2 lon. tai% for sewin.
08 {s5 6, in5 1} 6 (48 st%)


Joi' color 4 (ref.130) an# wor2 i' th" le0over fron! loop% of al$ roun#
an# mak": {c/ 12, sls! 1 i' th" n3! s!}

Cu' an+ tuc( th# threa+.

Appl) glu# t, th# insid# of th# hoo+ followin. th# dot$.

Plac# th# hoo+ o! th# hea+ an+ pu' 2 few pin$ unti% th# glu# drie$.
"# top of th# hoo+ mus' b# betwee! th# rnd$ 8 an+ 9 of th# hea+.
"# botto& mus' b# betwee! rnd$ 25 an+ 26.

©Copyrigh! 2019 P’tit" Pest". Elis" Brocar# – Al$ Right% reserve#. &i% patter' i% for persona" us! onl#. &i% patter' ma( no! b", i' whol" or i' par!, reproduce#, publishe#, modifie# or resol#. Yo) ca' sel$ item% mad" fro* thi% patter', provide# tha! the( ar" handmad"
b( yourself i' + limite# number an# yo) giv" credi! t, th" designer. Pleas" ad# th" followin- line% t, your ite * descriptio' an# an( ite* yo) ar" sellin-: “&i% dol$ i% handmad" b( ...(your nam")... fro* + desig' an# patter' b( P’tit" Pest" . Elis" Brocar#/ www.ptitepest "-“.

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Leg% Mak! % magi( loop usin) th! color 7 (ref.157)

Rn'……………………………………………………………………………………… Rn'………………………………………………………………………………………

01 s5 6 int, th" magi5 loop 26 {s5} acr6% (12 st%)

02 {in5} 6 (12 st%)
27 in5 1, s5 3, in5 1, s5 7 (14 st%)
03 {s5 1, in5 1} 6 (18 st%)
28 {s5} acr6% (14 st%)
04 {s5 2, in5 1} 6 (24 st%)
! 29 in5 1, s5 5, in5 1, s5 7 (16 st%)
05 Workin- i' th" bac2 loop%. 30 t, 32 {s5} acr6% (16 st%)
{s5} acr6% (24 st%) 33 s5 2, in5 1, s5 6, in5 1, s5 6 (18 st%)
06 t, 08 {s5} acr6% (24 st%) 34 t, 40 {s5} acr6% (18 st%)
09 s5 8, de5 4, s5 8 (20 st%) Chang# t, color 1
Chang# t, color 2 41 Workin- i' th" bac2 loop%.
10 Workin- i' th" bac2 loop%. in5 1, s5 7, in5 1, s5 9 (20 st%)
s5 8, de5 2, s5 8 (18 st%) 42 {s5} acr6% (20 st%)
11 s5 8, de5 1, s5 8 (17 st%) Chang" t, color '°4
12 s5 7, de5 2, s5 6 (15 st%) 43 {s5} acr6% (20 st%)
13 t, 15 {s5} acr6% (15 st%) 44 Workin- i' th" bac2 loop%.
Stu1 th" le- firml( an# continu" stu8n- a% yo) g,. s5 4, in5 1, s5 8, in5 1, s5 2 (22 st%)
16 de5 1, s5 13 (14 st%) Leav# th# las' 4 st$ unworke+.
17 t, 24 {s5} acr6% (14 st%) Brea( th# yar! an+ faste! o* invisibl#.
25 de5 1, s5 3, de5 1, s5 7 (12 st%) Yo3 mus' b# o! on# sid# of th# le..

,! top of th! sho!……………………………………………………………… ,! top of th! soc-………………………………………………………………

Joi! color 4 an+ wor( i! th# le6over fron' loop$ of roun+ 09, {s0} Joi! color 2 t, th# bac( of th# le. an+ wor( i! th# le6over fron' loop$
acr1$. Cu' an+ tuc( th# yar!. of roun+ 43, {s0} acr1$. Cu' an+ tuc( th# yar!.

©Copyrigh! 2019 P’tit" Pest". Elis" Brocar# – Al$ Right% reserve#. &i% patter' i% for persona" us! onl#. &i% patter' ma( no! b", i' whol" or i' par!, reproduce#, publishe#, modifie# or resol#. Yo) ca' sel$ item% mad" fro* thi% patter', provide# tha! the( ar" handmad"
b( yourself i' + limite# number an# yo) giv" credi! t, th" designer. Pleas" ad# th" followin- line% t, your ite * descriptio' an# an( ite* yo) ar" sellin-: “&i% dol$ i% handmad" b( ...(your nam")... fro* + desig' an# patter' b( P’tit" Pest" . Elis" Brocar#/ www.ptitepest "-“.

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2n# le-
an# bod( Mak! % magi( loop usin) th! color 4

Rn'……………………………………………………………………………………… Rn'………………………………………………………………………………………

Pu' thi$ le. asid# an+ croche' 2 secon+ le. wit/ th# instruction$ for 54 t, 56 {s5} acr6% (42 st%)
round$ 01-44. 57 {s5 5, de5 1} 6 (36 st%)

D, no' faste! o* th# secon+ le., w# wil% continu# crochetin. o! thi$

58 t, 60 {s5} acr6% (36 st%)
le. t, mak# th# bod).
Chang# t, color 2
5p: Mak# th# top of th# sho# an+ th# soc( befor# joinin. th# 2 leg$.
61 {s5 4, de5 1} 6 (30 st%)

45 Workin- i' th" bac2 loop%.

I' thi% row w" wil$ joi' th" leg%. 62 Workin- i' th" bac2 loop%.
{s5} acr6% (30 st%)
{s5} 11 o' th" secon# le-, 2 c/

63 an# 64 {s5} acr6% (30 st%)

{s5} 22 o' th" firs! le-, s5 2 i' th" chai' of 2 c/.
65 {s5 3, de5 1} 6 (24 st%)

{s5} 11 o' th" secon# le- (48 st%)

66 t, 68 {s5} acr6% (24 st%)
46 t, 48 Workin- i' th" bac2 loop%. Chang# t, color 1
{s5} acr6% (48 st%) Stu* th# bod) firml) an+ continu# stu-n. a$ yo3 g,.
49 Workin- i' th" bac2 loop%. 69 Workin- i' th" bac2 loop%.
s5 12, de5 1, s5 22, de5 1, s5 10 (46 st%) {s5 2, de5 1} 6 (18 st%) !

50 t, 52 Workin- i' th" bac2 loop%.

70 t, 72 {s5} acr6% (18 st%)
{s5} acr6% (46 st%)
73 {s5 1, de5 1} 6 (12 st%) !

Chang# t, color 1
Faste! o*, leavin. 2 lon. tai% for sewin...
53 Workin- i' th" bac2 loop%.
de5 1, s5 10, de5 1, s5 9, de5 1, s5 10, de5 1, s5 9
(42 st%)

©Copyrigh! 2019 P’tit" Pest". Elis" Brocar# – Al$ Right% reserve#. &i% patter' i% for persona" us! onl#. &i% patter' ma( no! b", i' whol" or i' par!, reproduce#, publishe#, modifie# or resol#. Yo) ca' sel$ item% mad" fro* thi% patter', provide# tha! the( ar" handmad"
b( yourself i' + limite# number an# yo) giv" credi! t, th" designer. Pleas" ad# th" followin- line% t, your ite * descriptio' an# an( ite* yo) ar" sellin-: “&i% dol$ i% handmad" b( ...(your nam")... fro* + desig' an# patter' b( P’tit" Pest" . Elis" Brocar#/ www.ptitepest "-“.

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