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Les 3 Limits Properties.


Warm Up
Evaluate lim I x ‐ 4 I and Graph
x 4 x‐4

Feb 8­7:54 PM

Les 3 Limits Properties.notebook

Lesson 3
Limit Properties
By the end of today's class, I will be able to
• apply limit properties to evaluate a limit

Feb 8­7:39 PM

Properties of Limits

Feb 8­7:41 PM

Les 3 Limits Properties.notebook

Example 1: Evaluate the following limits by applying

the limit properties before substituting.
A) B)

Feb 8­7:41 PM

Example 2: For each of the following functions, use limits to

• determine whether or not the following functions are
continuous on (‐∞,∞).
• If they are discontinuous, identify the type of discontinuity.
Justify your answer.

A) B)

C) D)

Feb 8­7:43 PM

Les 3 Limits Properties.notebook

The function is discontinuous at

A) x=2 because this value is not in
the domain of the function since
this would result in a denominator
of 0. This could be an infinite
discontinuity or a removable
discontinuity. We need to
investigate the limit of the function
Since the limit exists and as x approaches 2.
approaches a constant (not ±∞)
and x=2 is not in the domain of
f(x), it is a removable

Feb 8­7:45 PM

The function may be discontinuous

at x=2 because this value results
Since the limit exists and
in a denominator of 0. However,
approaches a constant (not ±∞)
since it is included in the domain
which is equal to f(2), it is a
for the function, it could bean
infinite discontinuity, jump continuous function.
discontinuity or a removable
discontinuity. We need to
investigate the limit of the function
as x approaches 2 and compare it
to the value of the function at this

Feb 8­7:47 PM

Les 3 Limits Properties.notebook

The function is discontinuous at
x=2 because this value is not in
the domain of the function since
this would result in a denominator
of 0. This could be an infinite
discontinuity or a removable
discontinuity. We need to The limit is +∞ because
investigate the limit of the function both the numerator and
as x approaches 2. denominator will always
be positive.

Feb 8­7:48 PM


The function may be discontinuous

at x=2 because the definition of
the function changes at this point.
Since the two pieces in the function Since the limit does not exist
are both continuous functions, but and the one sided limits both
it could be a jump discontinuity or a approach a constant (not ±∞)
removable discontinuity. We need at x=2 the function has a jump
to investigate the limit of the
discontinuity at x=2 .
function as x approaches 2 and the
value of f(2).

Feb 8­7:48 PM

Les 3 Limits Properties.notebook

• 1.3 # 8, 15 Use limit properties for # 8
• Handout "01_Evaluating Limits Practice"
• Knowledge Review

Feb 8­7:48 PM

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