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BUSI 411 Group Case Study Grading Rubric

Criteria Levels of Achievement

Content 70% Advanced Proficient Developing Not present
Textbook Concepts 36 to 40 points 28 to 35 points 1 to 27 points 0 points
Includes exhaustive list and Identifies majority of concepts. Identifies some concepts. Not present
accurate concept applications.

Major Issues 45 to 50 points 35 to 44 points 1 to 34 points 0 points

All major issues identified. Most issues identified. A couple of issues identified. Not present

Solutions 45 to 50 points 35 to 44 points 1 to 34 points 0 points

Well-researched solutions offered. Solutions thought out and Solutions listed with little or no Not present
supported with anecdotal evidence. evidence for support.

Structure 30% Advanced Proficient Developing Not present

Grammar and spelling, 27 to 30 points 21 to 26 points 1 to 20 points 0 points
APA formatting Spelling and grammar are correct. Spelling and grammar has some Spelling and grammar errors distract. Not present
Sentences are complete, clear, and errors. Sentences are presented as Sentences are incomplete or unclear.
concise. Paragraphs contain well. Paragraphs contain some Paragraphs are poorly formed. Where
appropriately varied sentence varied sentence structures. Where applicable, references are minimally
structures. Where applicable, applicable, references are cited or not cited in current APA format.
references are cited in current with some APA formatting.
APA format.
Formatting 27 to 30 points 21 to 26 points 1 to 20 points 0 points
Closely follows formatting Follows basic formatting Does not meet all formatting Not present
instructions. Exceeds expectations; instructions. Minimally meets requirements.
easy to grade. requirements.
Review does not address major points
Contains comprehensive and Contains adequate review
concise review.

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