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How to:

and smash your
SQE exams
1 Refresher on the SQE exams

The SQE can sometimes feel a little overwhelming as there is a LOT of

info out there to digest. Our whistle-stop tour will give you a quick
refresher on what to expect for your exams. It’ll remind you of what
to expect, and ensure you’re prepping in the right way.

2 Step-by-Step Approach to MCQs

We know that tackling MCQs can be tricky. That's why we’ve

developed a step-by-step method, designed to boost your confidence
and improve your marks. No more second-guessing... we’re sharing
the exact approach you should take for each question.

3 Exam day tips and tricks

Exam day can be a nerve-wracker, but with the right hacks and tricks
up your sleeve, you'll walk in prepared and walk out proud. We’ll be
sharing our favourite methods of ensuring exam success with you

(PLUS what to do if things don’t go completely to plan!)

TLDW: here’s an SQE recap (just in case you
don’t want to spend hours on the SRA’s
website figuring this out yourself…)

The Solicitors Qualifying Examination

(SQE) is one of the most important steps to
becoming a solicitor. It's a two-part
assessment designed to comprehensively
test your legal knowledge and skills.

The Breakdown 👇
SQE1: SQE1 focuses on testing your Functioning Legal Knowledge (FLK)
through a series of multiple-choice questions (MCQs). It's where your
understanding of legal principles and application of the law to different
scenarios gets rigorously tested. Topics are split into two MCQ exams (FLK1
and FLK2), and you can take the exams at one of two assessment windows -
either in January or July.

SQE2: After you’ve passed the SQE1, it’s time to move onto SQE2. This
assesses your practical legal skills. Think of it as the ‘doing’ part, where you
demonstrate how to apply your legal knowledge in practice. The exams are
split into oral and written assessments. The assessments can be taken four
times a year - in January, April, July, or October, with the written exams
generally during the last week of the month. You’ll usually complete the oral
assessment a month after your written exams (but this might vary based on
examiner / location availability).

Top Tip: Exam places get filled up quickly (especially in

popular locations, like central London). Make sure you
book your exams as soon as possible. Don’t forget that
booking usually opens five weeks before your exams.

What are the FLK exams?

The FLK exams are not just about recalling information - they are about
applying it. Each exam is made up of a series of multiple-choice questions that
test your ability to think critically and apply legal principles to practical
scenarios. It's a real test of your legal acumen, asking not just what the law is,
but how it works in the context of real life.

FLK1 and FLK2 are both single best answer multiple-choice tests. This
means that you need to be very careful when approaching the exam, as there
may be several potentially “correct” answers, but one will be the “best correct”

FLK1 and FLK2 must be taken in the same assessment window (unless an
exemption applies) over two non-consecutive days. On each day, the
assessment is divided into two sessions of 2 hours 33 minutes (or 153 minutes
in total), with 90 questions in each session. An hour-long break will be given
between the two exams. If you fail one of the two exams, you can resit the
exam during the next assessment window.

What’s tested in each exam?

FLK1: Business Law and Practice, Dispute Resolution, Contract, Tort, Legal
System of England and Wales, Constitutional and Administrative Law, and
Legal Services.

FLK2: Property Practice, Wills and the Administration of Estates, Solicitors

Accounts, Land Law, Trusts, Criminal Law and Practice, and more.

Ethics is examined across both exams. Tax is tested across the Business,
Property and Wills topics.

Now we’ve recapped the exams… let’s

dive into the different type of MCQs

1 Identify and apply a fundamental legal

principle or rule.

Apply the relevant legal principle or

rule to a scenario.
3 Confirm whether a client can legally
achieve a desired outcome.

Identify why the application of a legal

principle or rule produces a specific
result (based on the details / rulings
provided in the question).

5 Perform a calculation by applying rules,

rates, percentages, and thresholds to
identify a correct figure.

NOTE: topics will be mixed across the exam, so be prepared to jump

from business to contract law to tort and back again at random!
How to:
1 Read the question carefully

Reading the question correctly is half the battle won. Each word in an MCQ
can be a clue to the correct answer, or a trap leading to a wrong one. Here’s
how to do it right:

Slow Down
Rushing through questions is a common mistake. Take your time to fully grasp
what is being asked. It is very easy to misread something when you are
reading quickly or are nervous. Make sure you answer the actual question
rather than what you think the question is.

Key Details
Look for any facts that stand out – ask yourself why a certain fact is being
given to you – does it have any legal bearing? These details are often crucial to
understanding the question’s focus.

Context is King
Sometimes, the context can completely change the meaning. Pay attention to
nuances and details. Think about what you are being asked. Are there any
leading words (e.g. “should” / “could” / “will” / “must”)? Are there specific details
that might not seem relevant at first?

How to:
2 Read the answer carefully

Read each of the five answers very carefully. Each answer choice is there for a

All About Details

Don’t skim through the answers. Read them carefully and slowly to
understand what they are actually saying. Details in the answers often hold
the key to the correct choice. Subtle differences between answers are often
significant, so don’t miss these in your rush to get some marks in the bag!

Watch for Absolutes

Words like “always” or “never” can be red flags. Remember that the law often
deals in grey areas, not absolutes.

Read all the answers fully

Even if you think that there is an obvious correct answer, make sure you
review all options. There will often be two answers that are very similarly
worded… remember that you are looking for the best answer, not just a
correct one.

How to:
3 Eliminate the obviously wrong answers

If you are not sure of the best correct answer, start by eliminating obviously
incorrect answers. Getting rid of wrong answers increases your odds of
selecting the right one. Here’s how to eliminate effectively:

If an answer seems completely out of left field, it probably is.

Contradictory Information
If an answer contradicts well-known legal principles or facts, it's likely

Gut Feeling
Sometimes, if something feels off, it’s worth considering why and potentially
eliminating that option.

Remember that there is often a “hidden trap” answer - something that seems
correct until you examine the details of the question and answer together. It
won’t be a wrong answer, it is just wrong in the specific context of the
situation. If you rush, you might miss this!

How to:
4 Select your final answer

With fewer options on the table, it's decision time. Here’s how to select the
right answer:

Compare to the Question

Go back to the question. Does the answer directly address what’s being asked?

Think About the Scenario

Apply each remaining option to the scenario given in the question. Which fits

Go Back to the Basics

Think about the underlying legal principles or rules. Which answer aligns with

If your own calculation does not match an available option, quickly check
that you have applied all reliefs / exemptions / rates correctly. If you
cannot find a mistake, pick the closest answer to your own answer.
If you are really stuck, do not dwell on the question. Pick an answer, flag
the question, and move on. Don’t waste time on something you’re not sure
of, or allow this to distract you.

How to:
5 Go back over your answers

Make sure to plan in extra time at the end of the exam to go back over your

Start with the flagged questions - these are the ones you are really unsure
about. If there are any that you know you can answer, but just take time (like tax
calculations), focus on these first.

Then the rest - go through the rest of your flagged questions and make sure
you put an answer down for everything - even if it is just a guess.

Double-check everything - after going through all your flagged questions, go

back through your whole exam. Sense check each answer.
If you feel you need to change the answer, THINK before you go ahead and
make the change. Research shows that you are more likely to change a right
answer into a wrong one, than to have picked the wrong answer the first time.
Consider very carefully before you change your mind - especially if you are
feeling pressured for time!

Top tip: for any questions you flag to return to, make sure you pick an answer
(at random if necessary). This means that if you don’t get time to come back to
the question at the end of the exam, you have already boosted your chances of
a correct answer from 0% to 20%.

We now know how to approach each question, but how should we approach
the overall exam?

It’s all about having a logical approach.

Make a note of the time you start the

exam and make a plan for when you
want to start reviewing your answers /
returning to flagged answers (for
example, you may choose to spend the
last 15 minutes of the exam going back
over your answers).

Take a big breath and read the first

question properly. You want to get
into a focused working mode as
quickly as possible.

Remember that you have around 1 minute 45 seconds per question, so if you
are getting stuck or know that a question will take a long time (e.g. a calculation
question), flag the question and keep moving on. Try to work on completing 6-7
questions per 10 minutes as this means you’re working a little ahead of the

Top tip: always pick an answer as you flag just in case you don’t get time to
circle back later in the exam.
Here at Law Answered, we’re really passionate about helping students
just like you pass their law exams (in fact we’ve helped nearly 100,000
students in the last 10 years!).

Our team of qualified solicitors have

years of experience behind them.
They’ve worked at Magic Circle
firms, and educational institutions
such as ULaw, and even run their
own teams as partners in City firms.
The combination of this experience
combined with student feedback is
why we know our products work.

We know trying to balance work,

exams, and life can be stressful, so
we’ve gathered our favorite
resources together for you.

This includes study hacks. exams

tips, careers advice, and more....

We have a free revision tracker heading into your inbox
soon (make sure to add us to your contacts list so you don’t
miss it!). Keep an eye out for that and lots more study tips
and tricks coming your way.

Check out our blog and follow us on social media

(@lawanswered) for more tips on how to revise
STUDY & effectively and smash your professional exams.

We get that the volume of material for the SQE can be

overwhelming. It’s why we created our SQE Core Guides.
We’ve done the hard work of breaking down the entire
SQE syllabus into manageable, bite-sized chunks for you.
REVISION No more drowning in information; we show you the things
GUIDES to focus on learning.

Click here for a sneak peek inside our guides!!

And if you have any questions drop us a DM or send us an email!



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