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What Are the Spiritual Gifts?

According to many nationwide surveys most of us do not know what our spiritual gifts
are. It was the same way in the New Testament Church. Paul wanted to correct that. We
see this in I Corinthians 12:1-7 where Paul writes:

Now about spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be ignorant... There are different kinds
of gifts but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are
different kinds of workings, but the same God works all of them in all men. Now each of the
manifestations of the Spirit is given for the common good.

Paul says that He doesn’t want us to be ignorant about spiritual gifts so he uses three
descriptive words that when put together help us beGer understand what a spiritual
gift is. First Paul wrote, ”There are different kinds of gifts”. The word “gifts” implies
that what God is giving us is given to us freely, just like a Birthday or Christmas gift.
Today many refer to someone who is “gifted” as having a “natural born” talent. They
are implying that it was a talent that was given to them, not one that they acquired by
their own ability.

The second phrase that Paul used as a clarifier was “There are different kinds of
service”. The word “service” implies that the gifts or those abilities or passions that
were freely given to us by God, are to be used as a form of serving God. The word
service is the same word that is used for ministry. Paul is implying that God has given
you and I spiritual gifts that equip us for ministry.

The final phrase that Paul uses is “There are different kinds of workings.” The word
“workings” is an exciting word. It is only used twice in the Bible, both times in this
chapter. This word means the “effect or result” of the energy or the power of God.
When we put all three phrases together we see that a spiritual gift is:

An ability or prompting of the Holy Spirit, given to us freely, and is energized and
empowered by God for His service.
“Actually, the Corinthian church should have long ago disabused us of the notion that
perfection was a criterion for operating the gifts: Paul said they were still babes and
carnal. At the same time, he did not tell them to stop the use of the gifts; he taught
them, rather, their correct use. A healthy body must exercise in order to grow. A church
must minister spiritual gifts to mature and develop the holiness and fruit Christ

However, having said that gifts are not a sign of spiritual aGainment, an incarnational
approach to gifts proposes that human agency plays an important part in the
communication of the gift. The gifts are shared when God touches us. We are a part of
the message. Our character, life, faith, vocabulary, sincerity, problems, and successes in
life immediately become part of what others see and hear when the gift is shared.45
Concerning the human part in ”

“exercising a word of knowledge, Maynard James says,

This gift is given by the Holy Ghost alone and can never be obtained by man’s natural
powers. This does not mean that the Lord ignores diligent and prayerful Bible study
when He bestows the word of knowledge. Indeed, it will be found that the saint this
supernatural knowledge comes from is usually both devout and disciplined.

But are not the more spectacular gifts of healing and miracles totally supernatural? In
what way are they incarnational? First, the credibility of the miracle and the message
accompanying the miracle is dependent upon the messenger himself. A preacher whose
financial practices, family life, or morality is questioned will be ineffective and may do
more harm to God’s kingdom than good. In a local congregation the person who does
not relate well to his own family or holds hostility toward others will limit his ministry,
primarily because of the response of others. If one’s life is consistent with the message,
that message is more readily received.”
Spiritual Gift Vs Natural Gift
Why is it that a believer and a non-believer can both be merciful, and yet only the
believer has the spiritual gift of mercy? The word “spiritual” was a new word wriGen in
the New Testament after Pentecost. It was used to refer to people, actions, aGitudes,
things, gifts that were orchestrated by, led and filled with the Holy Spirit.

So our capacities, talents, services are “spiritual” when they are inspired, led and
empowered by the Holy Spirit. Some spiritual gifts are not present in our life until after
our conversion. Other gifts, however, are cultivated in us from a child. In a Christian
this is then used for spiritual purposes, hence a “spiritual or Holy Spirit led gift”. Yes, a
non-believer can be merciful and God has certainly given them that ability, but without
the Holy Spirit alive in their life, it cannot be a Spiritual gift.

What Are The Spiritual Gifts?

A spiritual gift is an ability or prompting of the Holy Spirit given to us freely, and is
energized and empowered by God for His service. In Romans 12 Paul lists the gifts as:

prophesying, serving, teaching, encouraging, contributing, leadership and mercy In

I Corinthians 12, Paul includes:

wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophesy, discernment, tongues, interpretation of

tongues, helps and administration

In Ephesians 4 and I Corinthians 12 Paul lists five equipping positions in the church.
These are:

Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers.


Understanding My Spiritual Gifts By Ronald E. OviI

Spiritual Gifts By David Lim

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