Reaction Paper A

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Culture of Security: How Davao City Retained its Peace

There's a reason why the City of Davao was proclaimed to be one the safest cities in
Southeast Asia. By establishing the so called Culture of Security, the city proves that with great
efforts and a community united, the city remains a safe haven of the people that call it home.
Terrorism is undoubtedly a terrifying and dangerous occurrence. Not only does it affect
the victims, but the community itself. Inducing fear and paranoia to the people that live within
the place of the tragedy, or even the locals that only heard of the incident. It makes people feel
that the environment they live in is no longer safe to be in. But with smart strategies and
collective efforts, the occurrence of such incidents will be mitigated. Making the locals feel safe
at home, once more. And that’s exactly what the Davao City Task Force did by establishing a
Culture of Security within the city. Integrating it in almost every aspect of a Davaoeños lifestyle.
Whether it be in school, work, or even recreation.
With reoccurring terrorist incidents in the city, the TF Davao strategically addressed this
issue by enforcing strict security countermeasures. Considering and identifying every possible
factor, which ensures that none of these factors progress enough to become another terrorist
incident. From entry points, accommodation, and even objects and articles of clothing.
Everything was considered. Even IDPs were given programs to insulate them from their possible
involvement in such incidents. Making their lives as better as possible, because they themselves
have suffered tremendously from the repercussions of the actions of their own people. This made
me realize that we as locals, sometimes take for granted how great the efforts are our law
enforcement makes in keeping the community safe. This only shows what an effective and
genuine law enforcement can do if they are passionate in keeping the community at peace. A lot
of things are considered and a lot of planning is made behind the scenes. I can’t imagine how
hard it is to fully manage the safety of a large community. And since it can be a difficult task, the
TF Davao also involved the community to standardize the Culture of Security in their life.
Urging people to Volunteer, Report, Remind, and Participate, which is a great guideline on what
you as an individual can do to be part of the change. And with this, people are encouraged to
have full involvement in the changes that can be done to further improve the security of the city.
Locals, especially vendors, are tasked to become the “eyes and ears” of their surroundings. They
are encouraged to be wary of any suspicious activity or object, reporting it if need be. The local’s
involvement is key to achieving this needed change. There is nothing more than a community
having united efforts against an issue that affects all.
And with all that was done, the successful establishment and integration of the Culture of
Security in the city, yielded great results. For ever since the Roxas Night Market Bombing in
2016, there had been no recorded terrorist incident in the city, as of 2022. This only shows that if
an issue arises in a community, it is not up to one person that will stand for the rest, but the
entirety in unity and power. For strength as they say, comes in great numbers.

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