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Used to + Infinitive Exercise 1

Make an affirmative sentence, negative sentence or question using 'used to + infinitive'.

1. I / live in a flat when I was a child.

I used to live in a flat when I was a child
2. We / go to the beach every summer?
We used to go tothe beach every summer?
3. She / love eating chocolate, but now she hates it.
She used to love eate chocolate, but now she hates it.
4. He / not / smoke.
He doesn't use to smoke.
5. I / play tennis when I was at school.
I used to play tennis when I was at school.
6. She / be able to speak French, but she has forgotten it all.
She used to be able to speak French, but she has forgotten it all.
7. He / play golf every weekend?
He used to play golf every weekend?
8. They both / have short hair.
They both used to have short hair.
9. Julie / study Portuguese.
Julie used to study Portuguese.
10. I / not / hate school.
I don't use hate school.

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1. Complete then sentences with used to and the verbs in the
play listen to have read live like

0. When I was seven years old I used to like ice-cream.

1. I ____________hide
used to play and seek.
2. Ten years ago I ____________
used to live in an apartment.
3. When I was in elementary school I__________a
used to read bicycle.
4. ____________
used to have to the radio and ____________many
listen to books.

2. Ten years ago, Max was a student, now he is a doctor. Use the
prompts to ask and answer questions about Max, as in the
be very messy be very neat
live with his parents have his own house
take the bus to the university have his own car
play soccer go to the gym
wear long hair wear short hair

A: Did Max use to be very neat?

B: .

Did Max use to have his own house ?

No, he didn't. He used to live with his parents.

Did Max use to have his own car?

No, he didn't. He used to take the bus to the university.

Did Max used to go to the gym?

No, he didn't. He used to play soccer.

Did Max used to wear short hair?

No, he didn't. He used to wear long hair.
3. Have you changed in the last ten years? Write answers to these
1. Where did you use to spend your vacation ten years ago? Where do you go

stay in my home and pass time with my family but

we tray travel Cochabamba or Santa Cruz.

2. What kind of music did you use to like then? Who were your favorite singers?
What kind of music do you like now?

I used to like listen Rock and Pop, my favorite singer is Demon Albarn singer's of group Gorillaz

but now I used to listen Rock Alternative, Rock and some Pop.

3. What kind of clothes did you use to wear? What kind of clothes do you wear
I used to wear a simple clothes, I don't like draw attention but now I like wear jins, hoodies , shorts, etc


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