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Received: 18 December 2018 | Revised: 25 January 2019 | Accepted: 1 February 2019

DOI: 10.1111/ijlh.12993


Laboratory diagnosis of heparin‐induced thrombocytopenia

Theodore E. Warkentin1,2,3,4

Department of Pathology and Molecular
Medicine, Michael G. DeGroote School of Abstract
Medicine, McMaster University, Hamilton, Heparin‐induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) is a clinical‐pathological disorder; thus,
Ontario, Canada
2 laboratory testing for the pathogenic platelet‐activating antiplatelet factor 4 (PF4)/
Department of Medicine, Michael G.
DeGroote School of Medicine, McMaster heparin antibodies is central for diagnosis. The “iceberg” model summarizes the inter‐
University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
relationship between platelet activation assays and PF4‐dependent immunoassays,
Hamilton Regional Laboratory
Medicine Program, Hamilton Health
with platelet‐activating antibodies comprising a subset of anti‐PF4/heparin antibod‐
Sciences, Hamilton General Hospital, ies. The platelet serotonin‐release assay (SRA), performed by reference laboratories,
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
has high sensitivity and specificity for HIT (~95% each), and is especially suited for
McMaster Centre for Transfusion Research,
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada detecting highly pathogenic HIT sera containing both heparin‐dependent and hepa‐
rin‐independent platelet‐activating antibodies; this latter subgroup of antibodies ex‐
Theodore E. Warkentin, Hamilton Regional plains “autoimmune HIT” disorders (delayed‐onset, persisting, spontaneous, heparin
Laboratory Medicine Program, Room “flush,” fondaparinux‐associated). Recently, SRA‐negative HIT has become recog‐
1-270B, Hamilton General Hospital, 237
Barton St. East, Hamilton, Ontario L8L 2X2 nized, in which serum from some HIT patients contains subthreshold levels of plate‐
Canada let‐activating antibodies (by SRA) that become detectable using a PF4‐enhanced
platelet activation assay. Unusual immunologic features of HIT include early antibody
detectability (at onset of platelet count fall) and antibody transience (seroreversion).
Widely available PF4‐dependent enzyme immunoassays (EIAs) have high sensitivity
but poor specificity for HIT, although specificity is enhanced with IgG‐specific EIAs
and strong positive results; unfortunately, EIA results are usually not available in real
time. Automated rapid immunoassays, such as the chemiluminescence immunoassay
(CLIA) and latex immunoturbidimetric assay (LIA), facilitate real‐time laboratory diag‐
nosis. Recently available likelihood ratio (LR) data for positive (LR+) and negative (LR−)
test results allow clinicians to adjust their pretest probabilities for HIT, using Bayesian
analysis, into real‐time posttest probabilities that are dramatically increased (test
positive) or decreased (test negative). Moreover, (semi‐)quantitative CLIA‐ and LIA‐
positive results (weak, moderate, strong positive) can further refine the posttest
probability of HIT.

(autoimmune) heparin‐induced thrombocytopenia, Bayesian analysis, chemiluminescence
immunoassay, latex immunoturbidimetric assay, rapid immunoassays, serotonin‐release assay

1 | I NTRO D U C TI O N IgG class that recognize multimolecular complexes consisting of a

(positively charged) chemokine, platelet factor 4 (PF4), bound to
Heparin‐induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) is an immune‐mediated, (negatively charged) heparin or certain other platelet‐associated
prothrombotic disorder caused by platelet‐activating antibodies of polyanions.1 HIT is a clinical‐pathological syndrome: This means that

Int J Lab Hematol. 2019;41(Suppl. 1):15–25.

© 2019 John Wiley & Sons Ltd | 15

a diagnosis requires both a compatible clinical picture and laboratory

evidence of the pathogenic “HIT antibodies.”1 This concept under‐
scores the laboratory's key role in HIT diagnosis.
HIT is a distinct clinical syndrome. 2 To illustrate, contrast HIT
with classic drug‐induced immune thrombocytopenia (D‐ITP),
caused by drugs such as quinine and vancomycin. Whereas D‐ITP
features severe thrombocytopenia (<20 × 109/L) and bleeding, HIT
typically causes a moderate thrombocytopenia (median platelet
count nadir, ~60 × 109/L). Further, most patients develop thrombo‐
sis, reflecting HIT‐induced hypercoagulability (platelet and coagula‐
tion system activation).
Important clinical decisions are needed when HIT is suspected. F I G U R E 1 “Iceberg model” of Heparin‐induced
thrombocytopenia (HIT). Clinical HIT, comprising HIT with (HIT‐T)
Should heparin be stopped? Should an alternative nonheparin an‐
or without thrombosis, is represented by the portion of the iceberg
ticoagulant be given? The importance of these decisions has led to
above the waterline; the portion below the waterline represents
recent development of rapid assays for HIT, with potential for real‐ subclinical anti‐PF4/heparin seroconversion. Three types of assays
time incorporation of laboratory test results during the initial diag‐ are highly sensitive for the diagnosis of HIT: the washed platelet
nostic evaluation of HIT. activation assays (serotonin‐release assay [SRA] and heparin‐
induced platelet activation [HIPA]), the IgG‐specific PF4‐dependent
EIAs (EIA‐IgG), and the polyspecific EIAs that detect anti‐PF4/
heparin antibodies of the three major immunoglobulin classes (EIA‐
2 | I C E B E RG M O D E L IgG/A/M). In contrast, diagnostic specificity varies greatly among
these assays, being the highest for the platelet activation assays
The iceberg model views HIT as being caused by a subset of anti‐ (SRA and HIPA) and lowest for the EIA‐IgG/A/M. This is because
PF4/heparin antibodies that cause platelet activation (Figure 1). 3 the EIA‐IgG/A/M is most likely to detect clinically irrelevant, non–
platelet‐activating anti‐PF4/heparin antibodies. The approximate
This model illustrates that platelet activation assays, such as the
probability of SRA‐positive status in relation to a given EIA result,
serotonin‐release assay (SRA) and the heparin‐induced platelet
expressed in optical density (OD) units, is also indicated. HIPA+,
activation (HIPA) assay, have similar high sensitivity as PF4‐de‐ heparin‐induced platelet activation assay positive; SRA+, serotonin‐
pendent immunoassays, such as enzyme immunoassays (EIAs), for release assay positive. Reprinted, with permission3
diagnosis of HIT, but that platelet activation assays have greater
specificity, as they do not detect nonpathogenic, nonactivating
antibodies. 150 × 109/L occurred in only about one‐third of SRA‐positive pa‐
tients in a clinical trial of heparin thromboprophylaxis.7 However,
approximately twice as many patients were identified in the same
2.1 | SRA versus EIA
trial as having HIT when a more sensitive definition—50% or greater
Evidence for the superior biological relevance of the SRA compared platelet count fall from the postoperative peak platelet count—was
with EIAs for HIT diagnosis was found in a clinical trial of heparin applied.8
versus fondaparinux for treating venous thromboembolism. This
study4 found that all 4 patients who were SRA‐positive/EIA‐positive
2.3 | IgG antibody class
developed rapid‐onset HIT when given therapeutic‐dose heparin, ei‐
ther unfractionated heparin (UFH) or low‐molecular‐weight heparin Only antibodies of IgG class are capable of activating platelets
(LMWH), whereas none of 15 SRA‐negative (but EIA‐positive) pa‐ (through platelet FcγIIa receptors), yet heparin‐exposed patients
tients who received heparin developed thrombocytopenia (4/4 vs often make anti‐PF4/heparin antibodies of IgA and IgM classes.9
0/15; P < 0.001). Detecting nonpathogenic IgA and IgM class antibodies explains
Other data supporting superiority of the SRA versus EIAs in‐ lower diagnostic specificity of so‐called “polyspecific” EIAs that de‐
clude studies of serial blood samples in HIT patients who undergo tect antibodies of any of the three major immunoglobulin classes,
therapeutic plasma exchange5 or administration of high‐dose im‐ IgG, IgA, and IgM.10
mune globulin6 for treating HIT: In both situations, the SRA becomes
negative first with the EIA showing persisting positivity, with such
2.4 | Frequency of HIT: seroconversion,
patients able to receive heparin safely.
breakthrough, and clinical factors
Heparin causes HIT through two distinct but interrelated mecha‐
2.2 | Definition of thrombocytopenia
nisms. First, heparin exposure triggers anti‐PF4/heparin antibody
Assay sensitivity/specificity also reflect differences in HIT defini‐ formation (“seroconversion”). Second, among antibody‐forming pa‐
tion. For example, HIT defined as a platelet count fall to less than tients, heparin is usually needed for heparin‐dependent antibodies

to cause platelet activation and resulting thrombocytopenia (“break‐

through”). (However, I discuss unusual HIT antibodies that do not
require heparin for pathogenicity later in this review—see sec‐
tion 5.1) UFH causes HIT with about 10‐fold greater frequency
versus LMWH, through approximately threefold higher frequencies
for each of these two distinct phenomena, immunization and break‐
through.11 Other factors that influence HIT frequency include type
of patient population (orthopedic surgery/trauma > cardiac surgery
> medical) and patient sex (female > male).12


HIT has highly characteristic profiles of antibody seroconversion and

seroreversion. F I G U R E 2 Anti‐PF4/heparin antibodies by EIA‐IgG in the
evolution of HIT: comparison of 12 patients with HIT and 36
seropositive non‐HIT controls. Individual results of anti‐PF4/
3.1 | Timing of onset of HIT heparin antibodies detected using an IgG‐specific anti‐PF4/heparin
EIA at baseline and 3 sequential time points for 12 patients with
Patients immunized by intra‐/postoperative heparin usually develop HIT (solid circles) and 36 seropositive non‐HIT controls (open
their platelet count fall during a narrow time period between days 5 circles). The 3 time points are as follows: (1) early postoperative
platelet count nadir (i.e, preceding the platelet count fall indicating
and 10 (first day of heparin = day 0);13 this timing of “typical‐onset
HIT), (2) earliest platelet count decrease associated with HIT,
HIT” is not influenced by past heparin exposure. In contrast, when
and (3) platelet count fall of 50% or greater; in addition, (4) the
heparin administration causes an abrupt platelet count fall (“rapid‐ maximum OD value for each patient is also shown. The maximum
onset HIT”), recent heparin exposure is usually identified.13 OD values were significantly greater for the 12 HIT patients
versus the 36 non‐HIT controls (median, 1.63 vs. 0.94; P < 0.001).
EIA‐IgG, IgG‐specific enzyme immunoassay; HIT, heparin‐
3.2 | HIT antibody transience induced thrombocytopenia; OD, optical density. Reprinted, with
HIT antibodies are remarkably transient: The median time to loss of
antibody detectability following an episode of HIT ranges from 40
to 80 days, depending on the test performed (SRA vs. EIA, respec‐ HIT antibodies to be “free” in plasma in order to permit gradually
tively).13 HIT antibody transience explains why risk of rapid‐onset progressive assembly of these platelet‐activating immune com‐
HIT is generally limited to patients who have received heparin in the plexes. This mechanism could explain why early detection of anti‐
recent past.13 This phenomenon also explains why it is important bodies in patient serum/plasma is a consistent finding when serial
to test patients for HIT using blood samples obtained either during blood samples obtained during HIT‐associated seroconversion are
acute thrombocytopenia or soon after platelet count recovery. We studied.
have observed some HIT patients in whom the platelet count recov‐
ers despite continued heparin exposure;11,14 in such cases, waning of
antibody reactivity (“seroreversion”) can be shown.14 4 | PL ATE LE T AC TI VATI O N A S SAYS

Several different platelet activation assays are available for HIT

3.3 | Antibody detectability at onset of HIT
diagnosis. They are all indirect assays; that is, they test patient
HIT antibodies are readily detectable in patient serum/plasma— serum/plasma against normal donor platelets; in contrast, direct
either by EIA or SRA—at the onset of the HIT‐related platelet assays that utilize patient platelets are not used to diagnose HIT.
count decline (Figure 2), even at such an early time point when Additional information is available in a comprehensive review of
a diagnosis of HIT would not even be considered.15,16 I believe laboratory testing for HIT.18 An advantage of platelet activation
this phenomenon is key to understanding the pathophysiology of assays is their unique role for diagnosis of “autoimmune HIT”
HIT antibody‐induced platelet activation. Newman and Chong17 (aHIT) (see section 5.1).
showed that HIT antibody‐induced platelet activation is a dynamic
process, beginning with binding of antibodies via their Fab re‐
4.1 | Serotonin‐release assay (SRA)
gions to platelet‐bound PF4/heparin, with progressive assembly
of in situ PF4‐heparin‐IgG immune complexes that over time en‐ The SRA has traditionally been viewed as the gold standard test for
gage more platelet Fc receptors, ultimately leading to Fc receptor HIT, based on its high sensitivity (~95%) and specificity (~95%).3,18,19 A
complexing and platelet activation. I believe it is a requirement for positive test is indicated by serum‐induced platelet serotonin release

at pharmacologic heparin concentrations (0.1‐0.3 U/mL UFH) that is presence of various concentrations of heparin. Recently, it has been
inhibited at high heparin (100 U/mL). However, the assay is tech‐ shown that addition of increasing concentrations of PF4—rather
nically demanding (platelet washing) and requires selected (pedigree) than heparin—can be used to perform the SRA. 26 Moreover, this
platelet donors whose platelets react well to HIT antibodies, 21 and so maneuver appears to increase sensitivity for detection of heparin‐
laboratories that offer the SRA may not necessarily have good per‐ dependent platelet‐activating antibodies (although impact on test
formance. Moreover, the usual platelet activation end‐point—release specificity vis‐à‐vis the SRA remains unclear). Our laboratory has
from platelet dense granules of radioactive serotonin—limits testing found that up to one‐third of sera that test SRA‐negative/EIA‐posi‐
to laboratories permitted to use radiolabels. Recent controversies re‐ tive will yield a positive result in a PF4‐enhanced SRA, which we call
garding SRA sensitivity are discussed in Section 5.5. the “PF4‐SRA”; however, case review suggested the patients were
unlikely to have had HIT. 26
Padmanabhan and colleagues have also developed a PF4‐en‐
4.2 | Heparin‐induced platelet activation assay
hanced platelet activation assay, named the PF4‐dependent P‐se‐
lectin expression assay (PEA). 27 In this assay, 62.5 μg/mL PF4 is
The HIPA is another washed platelet activation assay (primar‐ added to isolated donor platelets prior to addition of patient serum,
ily used in Europe) that uses platelet aggregation, judged visually, measuring platelet activation through flow cytometric detection of
as the platelet activation end‐point.18 Whereas the SRA is usually P‐selectin expression. This assay reportedly detects HIT antibodies
performed testing platelets in a shaker (reacted for 60 minutes), the 1 to 2 days prior to the SRA. 28 Whereas the PF4‐SRA and the PEA
HIPA is performed using stirred platelets, and read visually in 5‐min‐ perform the assays at one or more concentrations of PF4 (without
ute intervals (up to 45 minutes). Like the SRA, the HIPA can be used use of heparin), Vayne and colleagues29 have recently developed a
to recognize aHIT. Recently, it has been observed that the HIPA is hybrid assay in which addition of PF4 is used to enhance reactivity
more sensitive for detecting platelet‐activating antibodies than the in the SRA (which is otherwise performed using heparin as per the
SRA; however, it is unclear whether this improves sensitivity for usual fashion). To date, the utility of these various PF4‐enhanced
true HIT or rather results in detection of nonpathogenic antibodies assays in improving the sensitivity‐specificity profiles of platelet ac‐
(decreased diagnostic specificity). tivation assays for HIT remains uncertain.

4.3 | Platelet aggregometry (platelet‐rich plasma 4.6 | SRA‐negative HIT

The availability of PF4‐enhanced assays to detect subthreshold levels
Standard platelet aggregometry using PRP was the first platelet of platelet‐activating antibodies not readily detectable in the (clas‐
activation test developed for HIT. Unfortunately, even when op‐ sic) SRA implies existence of “SRA‐negative HIT.” Two groups have
timized through donor selection, assay sensitivity is only ~80%. 23 described this phenomenon. Vayne et al29 reported an SRA‐nega‐
Moreover, plasma from critically ill patients can cause false‐posi‐ tive patient strongly suspected to have HIT; by adding PF4 (10 μg/
tive test results.18 This assay is infrequently used nowadays for mL) to their conventional SRA (performed at 0, 0.1, 0.5, and 10 U/
HIT diagnosis. mL heparin), these authors obtained a positive test result. Pandya
and colleagues30 reported 2 patients with clinical courses consistent
with HIT, and who tested EIA‐IgG positive but SRA negative; both
4.4 | Heparin‐induced multiple electrode
patients tested positive in the PEA. More work is needed to deter‐
aggregometry (HIMEA)
mine how often SRA‐negative HIT occurs and to what extent this
A technique known as heparin‐induced multiple electrode ag‐ phenomenon reflects differences in SRA performance among labo‐
gregometry (HIMEA) assesses platelet aggregation using whole ratories or rather reflect fundamental nuances in HIT pathogenesis.
blood from a normal donor, in the presence of patient serum (or The McMaster Platelet Immunology Laboratory quotes a ~95% SRA
citrated plasma), and heparin at two concentrations, low (0.25‐1.0 test sensitivity,3 which implies that ~5% of patients with true HIT
U/mL) and high (50‐100 U/mL). It is unclear how HIMEA operat‐ have SRA‐negative HIT.
ing characteristics compare with washed platelet activation assays.
Galea and colleagues24 found the HIMEA to be superior to standard
platelet aggregometry. Favaloro and co‐workers25 found the assay 5 | AU TO I M M U N E H IT (a H IT )
to have sensitivity intermediate between that of standard platelet
aggregometry and the SRA. aHIT refers to patients with atypical clinical features explainable by
unusual HIT antibodies that can activate platelets strongly even in
the absence of heparin (heparin‐independent platelet activation). 31
4.5 | PF4‐enhanced platelet activation assays
In general, when serum/plasma from such patients is diluted, hep‐
Traditionally, platelet activation assays have been performed test‐ arin‐dependent platelet activation can also be demonstrated. These
ing patient serum (or plasma) with normal donor platelets in the highly pathogenic antibodies are able to bind and cross‐link PF4

TA B L E 1 Autoimmune HIT (aHIT)

Disorder Definition
Delayed‐onset HIT HIT that begins or worsens after stopping HIT
Persisting HIT HIT where thrombocytopenia persists despite
stopping heparin
Spontaneous HIT syndrome Disorder clinically and serologically identical to HIT
but without proximate heparin exposure to explain
the presence of HIT antibodies
Heparin “flush” HIT HIT triggered by exposure only to heparin flushes
Fondaparinux‐associated HIT HIT caused by exposure to fondaparinux

These five autoimmune HIT (aHIT) disorders feature HIT antibodies that activate platelets in the
absence of heparin both in vitro and in vivo. Thus, strong platelet activation is seen in platelet activa‐
tion assays (e.g, SRA, HIPA) even at 0 U/mL heparin, with greater platelet activation, using either
neat or diluted patient serum/plasma, in the presence of pharmacologic heparin concentrations
(0.1‐0.3 U/mL UFH). As with conventional HIT sera, platelet activation is inhibited in the presence of
high heparin concentrations (100 U/mL).

molecules with (nonheparin) platelet‐associated polyanions (chon‐ High‐dose intravenous gamma globulin (IVIG) interrupts HIT anti‐
droitin sulfate, polyphosphates) or even in the absence of polyanion body‐induced platelet activation, resulting in rapid platelet count
altogether. Table 1 lists various presentations of HIT in which most recovery.31,40
(or all) patients have aHIT antibodies.
Platelet activation assays performed both in the presence and
5.3 | Spontaneous HIT syndrome
absence of heparin are important in supporting a diagnosis of aHIT:
Strong platelet activation at 0 U/mL heparin, which is enhanced in This increasingly recognized aHIT disorder is clinically and serologi‐
the presence of pharmacological concentrations of heparin (0.1‐0.5 cally indistinguishable from HIT, but occurs in the absence of a prox‐
U/mL UFH)—either using neat or diluted serum/plasma—with in‐ imate immunizing heparin exposure.34-36 Precipitating events have
hibition at 100 U/mL heparin, is the serological picture. The included bacterial infection and knee replacement surgery (the latter
major U.S. reference laboratories that perform the SRA do not despite postoperative nonheparin thromboprophylaxis). A large pro‐
perform the test in the absence of heparin,36 contributing to aHIT portion (~70%) of patients with post‐knee replacement spontaneous
underrecognition. HIT syndrome evince adrenal hemorrhagic necrosis.36

5.1 | Delayed‐onset HIT 5.4 | Heparin “flush”‐induced HIT

Delayed‐onset HIT—the first aHIT disorder recognized—was initially Rarely, HIT can occur in a patient whose only exposure to hepa‐
defined as HIT with a platelet count fall that begins several days rin is low doses (“flushes”) typically used to maintain intravascular
after stopping heparin.32 More recently, the definition has been ex‐ catheters. During the investigation of four cases of HIT that com‐
panded to include patients whose platelet count continues to fall plicated stem cell harvesting for multiple myeloma (with heparin
after heparin discontinuation, 33,39 directly reflecting the heparin‐ exposure only through apheresis catheter management), we found
independent nature of the platelet‐activating antibodies. The moni‐ that the frequency of aHIT antibodies (with strong heparin‐inde‐
ker “delayed‐onset” is a misnomer, as the platelet count fall usually pendent platelet‐activating properties) was significantly higher than
begins in the usual time frame of HIT, that is, 5 to 10 days after in patients with HIT identified in the same hospital (4/4 vs. 34/100;
the start of the heparin exposure that triggers HIT. Delayed‐onset P = 0.0161).37 Moreover, there was an inverse relationship between
HIT has an especially high frequency of life‐ and limb‐threatening platelet counts and the magnitude of serum‐induced serotonin
thrombosis, including overt disseminated intravascular coagulation release.

5.5 | Fondaparinux‐associated HIT

5.2 | Persisting HIT
An advantage of fondaparinux—a sulfated pentasaccharide anti‐
Persisting HIT refers to patients with prolonged time to plate‐ coagulant modeled after the antithrombin‐binding region of hepa‐
let count recovery. For example, well‐documented cases of HIT rin—is its low frequency (versus UFH and LMWH) of promoting
have been reported where the platelet count takes more than one platelet activation in the presence of HIT antibodies.4 However,
month to recover.32,33,39 Interestingly, there is an inverse relation‐ HIT has been described in patients who have only received post‐
ship between the severity of thrombocytopenia and the degree of operative fondaparinux thromboprophylaxis. 38 In these cases,
heparin‐independent platelet activation induced by patient serum.39 aHIT antibodies have been observed where platelet activation

was further enhanced in vitro in the presence of fondaparinux.

6.3 | Chemiluminescence immunoassay (CLIA)
Rarely, persisting thrombocytopenia and laboratory features of
overt DIC have occurred in aHIT patients treated with fonda‐ This rapid, automated chemiluminescence assay (Instrumentation
parinux, in whom in vitro “cross‐reactivity” with fondaparinux was Laboratory, Bedford, MA, US) detects binding of anti‐PF4/heparin
demonstrated. 33,36 antibodies to magnetic particles coated with PF4/polyvinyl sulfonate
(PVS).18 After incubation, magnetic separation, and a wash step, a
tracer consisting of an isoluminol‐labeled antihuman IgG antibody
6 | PF4 ‐ D E PE N D E NT I M M U N OA S S AYS is added, which binds to the captured anti‐PF4/heparin antibodies
on the particles. After a second incubation, magnetic separation,
Various immunoassays have been developed based on detecting and washing, reagents that cause chemiluminescence are added,
binding of HIT antibodies to PF4/heparin (or PF4/polyanion).18 HIT with the emitted light (directly proportional to the concentration of
antibodies are stable in serum/plasma frozen at −70°C, and thus, fro‐ anti‐PF4/heparin antibodies) measured by the instrument. Testing is
zen, well‐characterized sera/plasmas can be used to evaluate quickly performed “on‐demand” with results available in ~30 minutes after
a new assay's operating characteristics. I will discuss immunoas‐ preparation of serum (or citrated plasma).
says currently available in the United States In a study of 509 patient sera (n = 33 SRA‐positive) obtained
The dominant PF4‐dependent immunoassay is the EIA, also from a prospective study46 of the 4Ts scoring system,47 we found
called enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The EIA is the (IgG‐specific) CLIA to have remarkable agreement (~98%) with
usually performed in batches, in some clinical settings as often as the SRA.48 The CLIA's sensitivity was 97.0% (32/33), a value that
once‐daily. Although EIAs remain the most widely performed type remained similarly high (166/168 = 98.8% [95% CI 95.7%‐99.8%])
of immunoassay for diagnosis of HIT, there is growing use of rapid when we also included sera from 135 consecutive SRA‐positive pa‐
immunoassays, allowing for “on‐demand” testing that can provide tients diagnosed with HIT at our medical center. The CLIA's specific‐
results within an hour of blood collection. ity was 98.5% (469/476). We also determined the likelihood ratios
(LRs) for a positive (LR+) and negative (LR−) SRA test result, which
at the manufacturer's recommended cutoff (positive test, ≥1.00 U/
6.1 | Enzyme immunoassays (EIAs)
mL) yielded LR+ and LR− values of 65.9 and 0.031, respectively. The
The major advantage of PF4‐dependent EIAs is their high sen‐ utility of LRs for real‐time diagnostic evaluation of HIT—including
sitivity: At least 97% of patients with HIT will test positive in for graded LR+ values that depend on the degree of test positivity
a solid‐phase EIA.10 Moreover, these assays are commercially (weak, moderate, strong)—is discussed subsequently (see section 8).
available and can be performed by hospitals that employ EIA
technology, allowing results to be obtained within a few hours
6.4 | Latex immunoturbidimetric assay (LIA)
(however, testing is often batched, so test results can be de‐
(functionalized immunoassay)
layed). A major disadvantage is low diagnostic specificity, espe‐
cially when only a weak positive result is obtained. Thus, it is The latex immunoturbidimetric assay (LIA) is an automated assay
recommended to consider strength of reactivity when interpret‐ (Instrumentation Laboratory) classified as a “functionalized immu‐
ing an EIA result. For example, the frequency of a positive SRA is noassay” as it detects HIT antibodies based upon their ability to in‐
less than 5% if the EIA is only weakly positive (0.40 to 0.99 opti‐ hibit the aggregation of latex nanoparticles coated with a HIT-like
cal density [OD] units), whereas the probability of a positive SRA monoclonal antibody (KKO) following addition of PF4/PVS com‐
exceeds 90% if the OD is > 2.00 units. Diagnostic specificity is plexes (Figure 3). In theory, this assay will detect anti‐PF4/heparin
enhanced if an IgG‐specific EIA is performed (although a lower antibodies of IgG, IgA, and/or IgM classes (as any of these could in‐
cutoff of 0.40 units is suggested when interpreting IgG‐specific hibit nanoparticle aggregation), yet the diagnostic specificity of the
EIAs).10 LIA exceeds that of IgG‐specific EIAs.49 As with the CLIA, testing
is usually performed “on‐demand” with results available less than
20 minutes after preparation of patient plasma (serum is not used
6.2 | Particle ImmunoFiltration Assay (PIFA)
for the LIA). Use of standardized equipment and monoclonal anti‐
The PIFA adds patient serum (fresh, not frozen/thawed) to a reaction body calibrator suggests that comparable results should be obtained
well containing dyed particles coated with PF4 (not PF4/heparin). among different laboratories.
Subsequently, nonagglutinated—but not agglutinated particles—will In a study of 429 patient plasma samples obtained from the 4Ts
migrate through the membrane filter, so a negative test is shown by scoring system evaluation,46 we found the LIA to have higher diag‐
a blue color in the result well, and no color indicates a positive test. nostic specificity (94%) than the IgG‐specific EIA (85.2%; P < 0.0001
Despite the PIFA being approved in the United States, I am unaware vs. the LIA).49 Our estimate of LIA sensitivity, based on 31 SRA‐pos‐
of any peer‐reviewed data supporting its utility for HIT diagnosis; itive patients identified in the 4Ts study and another 125 consec‐
rather, available reports indicate lack of diagnostic value of this utive patients with SRA‐positive HIT recognized at our institution,
assay.44,45 was 97.4% (152/156; 95% CI, 93.6%‐99.3%). As discussed in the

F I G U R E 3 Schematic representation of the latex immunoturbidimetric assay (LIA) for detection of HIT antibodies. Latex nanoparticles
coated with a HIT‐like monoclonal antibody (KKO), upon addition of PF4/PVS complexes, will become maximally agglutinated if tested
with a blood sample that contains no PF4/heparin‐reactive antibodies (upper‐third of figure). In contrast, inhibition of particle agglutination
occurs if free KKO (positive calibrator [used to define the calibration curve, expressed in arbitrary U/mL] or positive control) is added
before PF4/PVS (middle‐third). HIT antibodies within patient plasma will also inhibit (to varying degrees) particle agglutination triggered by
PF4/PVS (lower‐third). The instrument automatically interpolates delta (Δ) absorbance with the calibration curve where the concentration of
antibodies in the sample is inversely proportional to the degree of agglutination.
*Positive control can be KKO or another HIT‐like monoclonal antibody. Δ, delta (change); HIT, heparin‐induced thrombocytopenia; HIT Abs,
HIT antibodies; IgGAM, antibodies of any of the immunoglobulin classes, IgG, IgA, and IgM; KKO, name of HIT‐like monoclonal antibody
used in the LIA; MAb, monoclonal antibody; PF4/PVS, platelet factor 4/polyvinyl sulfonate. Reprinted, with permission49

next section, the semi‐quantitative reporting of the LIA, permitting treatment decisions based on either the 4Ts score or an empiric esti‐
graded classification of positive results (weak, moderate, strong), al‐ mation of HIT likelihood, with subsequent treatment changes based
lows for nuanced, real‐time diagnostic evaluation of HIT. upon subsequent laboratory results (EIAs, platelet activation tests),
as they become available (perhaps several days later). However,
rapid, on‐demand immunoassays allow for real‐time incorporation
7 | BAY E S I A N A N A LYS I S FO R H IT of HIT laboratory test results into the initial diagnostic evaluation.
D I AG N OS I S Moreover, as some assays (eg, CLIA, LIA) provide (semi‐)quantita‐
tive data, fine‐tuning of clinical probability estimates is achievable.
Clinical tools such as the 4Ts scoring system47 are helpful in esti‐ Potentially, if the posttest probability for HIT (per combination of
mating the pretest probability of HIT. The 4Ts evaluates parameters clinical probability and results of a validated rapid assay) is very low
typically sought during clinical evaluation, for example, the timing of or very high, further diagnostic testing with traditional HIT tests
onset and magnitude of the platelet count fall (in relation to hepa‐ (EIA, SRA) might not necessarily be required.
rin exposure), thrombosis occurrence, and other clinical features In Bayesian analysis, pretest probability is modified by the test
arguing for or against HIT. Traditionally, the clinician would make result(s) to yield a revised posttest probability.46,48,50 The test result

TA B L E 2 Bayesian analysis: posttest probabilities for HIT per CLIA or LIA


Posttest probability of HIT (based on 4Ts pretest probability and CLIA test result)

Pretest probability CLIA‐neg (<1.0 U/ CLIA‐positive (any pos result, CLIA‐positive (weak) (1.0‐4.99 CLIA‐positive (moderate) CLIA‐positive (strong)
4Ts score of HITa mL) LR− = 0.031 i.e, ≥1.0 U/mL) LR+ = 65.9 U/mL) SSLR+ = 12.0 (5.0‐19.99 U/mL) SSLR+ = 144 (≥20.0 U/mL) SSLR+ = ∞

Low 1.9% <0.1% 56.1% 18.9% 73.6% 100%

Intermediate 6.7% 0.2% 82.6% 46.3% 91.1% 100%
High 36.6% 1.8% 98.4% 87.4% 98.3% 100%


Posttest probability of HIT (based on 4Ts pretest probability and LIA test result)

LIA‐positive (strong)
Pretest probability LIA‐negative (<1.0 LIA‐positive (any pos result, i.e, LIA‐positive (weak) (1.0‐4.9 LIA‐positive (moderate) (≥16.0 U/mL)
4Ts score of HITa U/mL) LR− = 0.034 ≥1.0 U/mL) LR+ = 16.0 U/mL) SSLR+ = 5.7 (5.0‐15.9 U/mL) SSLR+ = 31 SSLR+ = 128

Low 1.9% <0.1% 24.2% 10.0% 37.5% 71.3%

Intermediate 6.7% 0.2% 53.5% 29.0% 69.0% 90.2%
High 36.6% 1.9% 90.2% 76.7% 94.7% 98.7%

4Ts, Four Ts scoring system; CLIA, chemiluminescence‐based immunoassay (IgG‐specific); HIT, heparin‐induced thrombocytopenia; LIA, latex immunoturbidimetric assay; LR−, negative likelihood ratio; LR+,
positive likelihood ratio; SSLR+, stratum‐specific likelihood ratio (for the positive result range shown); U, units.
Data shown are obtained from published sources.48,49 CLIA testing was performed in most cases using sera, whereas LIA testing was performed using citrated plasma. Data for the CLIA and LIA are based
on 509 and 429 subjects, respectively; the discrepancy relates to fewer patients having plasma samples available for testing in the LIA.
The pretest probabilities shown are based upon the frequency of SRA‐positive status for the three 4Ts scoring groups (low, intermediate, and high), per the clinician who performed the score at time of
enrollment into the 4Ts clinical trial. 4Ts score for pretest probability of HIT is based on the following 3 risk categories: 0 to 3 points, low probability; 4‐5 points, intermediate probability; and 6‐8 points,
high probability.

can be considered either as dichotomous (positive or negative), with quantitative instrument‐based immunoassays such as the CLIA and
corresponding positive or negative likelihood ratios (LR+ or LR−, re‐ LIA is ideally suited for real‐time diagnostic evaluation of HIT.
spectively), or the result can be considered in the context of a par‐
ticular “stratum,” for example, weak, moderate, or strong positive
results, with various associated stratum‐specific likelihood ratios
(SSLRs) that progressively increase to reflect the greater probabil‐ I thank Jo‐Ann I. Sheppard and other members of the McMaster
ity of HIT associated with a stronger test result. Table 2 summarizes Platelet Immunology Laboratory for performing much of the work
data from our institution that illustrates the power of Bayesian anal‐ described in this review.
ysis when using the CLIA (Table 2A) or LIA (Table 2B), based upon the
approximate pretest probabilities of HIT found in our 4Ts study.46
To illustrate, consider a patient judged to have a 30% proba‐
bility of HIT on clinical grounds; the corresponding “odds” of this Dr. Warkentin reports having received consulting fees from Aspen
patient having HIT is 3 to 7 (ie, 3:7). Now, further consider that Global and Octapharma; research support and consulting fees from
the actual test result obtained was positive and of a magnitude W.L. Gore and Instrumentation Laboratory; royalties from Informa
that corresponded to an SSLR+ of 31. (Per Table 2B, a moderate (Taylor & Francis); and consulting fees related to medical‐legal
positive LIA yields an SSLR+ of 31.) In this scenario, the posttest testimony.
odds can be easily calculated as (3 × 31):7, which is 93:7, that is,
a 93% probability for HIT. In contrast, if the test result was nega‐
tive, which corresponds to a low LR− value of 0.034 (ie, 1/0.034
or a 29‐fold decrease in odds of having HIT), that negative test Theodore E. Warkentin https://orcid.
result would reduce the posttest probability of HIT as follows: org/0000-0002-8046-7588
3:(7 × 29), or 3:203, which corresponds to a small possibility of
HIT of only 3/(203 + 3), or ~1.5%. This is a striking difference
in posttest probability (93% vs. 1.5%) and is based upon real‐
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How to cite this article: Warkentin TE. Laboratory diagnosis
50. Raschke RA, Curry SC, Warkentin TE, Gerkin RD. Improved clinical
of heparin‐induced thrombocytopenia. Int J Lab Hematol.
interpretation of the anti‐platelet factor 4/heparin enzyme‐linked
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bocytopenia through the use of receiver operating characteristic

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