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How to Win

At Church
Created by the Life.Church Photography Team
Finding Moments With the Host Team

Our Host Team is often smiling!

Try to position yourself facing the
Host Team with the guest or
attender’s side or back to you and
then wait for the smile.

Pro Tip:
When photographing the Host
Team, ask yourself: What story
does this image tell? ​
Photographing the Host Team: This vs. That​
Avoid this! ​

This image only tells us that a

volunteer is holding the door Try to avoid having
anyone look directly The photo is
open. We want to see awesome, except
interaction between into the camera! This
The Host Team volunteer the Host Team
a guest and a volunteer! takes away from the
is in a conversation, but volunteer doesn’t
authenticity of the
does not appear to be appear to be
moment and could
enjoying the conversation engaged in
translate into more
at this moment. community with
of a “look-at-me”
moment. anyone. We call this
“the lonely photo.”
How to Avoid Confusing
or Conflicting Moments ​
Although there are two Host Team
volunteers in the image, no one
is smiling or waving at the guest
walking into the building. One
volunteer is looking past the guest! ​

If this image were shared on social

media, it could possibly convey that
our volunteers are not friendly and
walking into our church could create
an uncomfortable environment for a
new guest. ​

But the photographer is standing in

a great spot, ready to capture a
moment! Facing the Host Team,
you’re still able to see the If you wait just a few
attender’s face. You can see the minutes, you might capture
total goal of the image! ​ a moment like this!

Don’t feel discouraged if your images look

like this! You’re in the right place and set
up; now you just need to wait a few more
minutes to grab the moment you want!​
Photographing the Host Team: This vs. That​
Do this!
A Host Team A Host Team
volunteer handing out A Host Team Greeting volunteer smiling
snacks and drinks volunteer hugging an attender while conversing
with a smile. an attender. Prayer in the lobby. with a smile. with attenders.
What Story Does This Image Tell? ​

We have a host team volunteer greeting someone
with a smile as they enter the experience. ​

This story tells anyone viewing this image that

our volunteers are friendly and approachable. ​

The photographer positioned themselves in an

awesome spot! We’re able to see that the guests
are feeling welcome, while focusing on the
volunteer greeting them! ​
Photographing in the Auditorium: This vs. That​
Avoid this. Do this.

This image has If you look closely at this

the potential to be image, you can see a tear
great, but we can’t tell streaming down this Pro Tip: Challenge yourself! If you’ve always felt
the emotion of the attender’s face. Her hand comfortable photographing hands raised from
attender! When is still raised, but this behind, try something new! Pray and ask that
possible, try to image shows a much God will give you courage to go out of your
photograph the more emotional story comfort zone.
attender’s face! than just photographing
the back of her head
with her hand raised!
Easy Ways to Find Moments in the Auditorium
Wait, wait, wait!
Photographing worship can
Pro Tip:
feel overwhelming and quick
Try to find a spot you feel
because moments happen so
comfortable standing in
fast. Try to look around the
that can photograph a well
auditorium and find a spot that
lit area. Then just wait!
is well lit. Position yourself
there and wait!

The best moments

captured are when the
attender or Worship
Pastor are having an
outward expression
of an inward encounter
with God.
What Story Do These Images Tell You?

Here we have two attenders full of emotion, Here we have attenders who are brought to
singing along with the songs. These images tears during worship. These images show that
clearly show that each attender is they are being impacted by the Holy Spirit in
in a moment of worship with Jesus. this moment! Each image appears to have
someone praying over the attender.

Pro Tip: It’s important to remember that when we’re photographing people in the
auditorium, they are not there to be photographed for content. People are
coming to the church broken and in many different stages of life. Try to be
quiet and photograph these moments without being noticed.
Photographing Kid's Ministry: This vs. That​
Do this!
Both of these images are great! These images show happy
We have two volunteers engaging These volunteers are volunteers who are greeting families
with the kids in their classroom. at the child’s level, smiling with a smile! This is awesome,
Both images show the children and engaging. These photos because we want people to feel
are enjoying their time represent Kid's Ministry well! welcome and comfortable when
with their leader. they’re dropping their children off!
Photographing Kid's Ministry: This vs. That​
Avoid this!

The volunteer has a great smile, but This image doesn’t tell us There may be legal limitations
doesn’t have a designated Kid's Ministry much of a story. We cannot around photographing or posting
name tag or shirt on. see the emotion of the child images of an individual child without
This could translate to people viewing or parent. This image only a signed release form.
this image that anyone can be a tells us a child is walking Although this is the cutest photo of
volunteer with kids. It’s important to somewhere with a parent. this sweet baby, avoid taking photos
remember when photographing kids where a child is the main focus. This
that all volunteers/adults in the room is for the safety of the child!
need to be clearly marked!
Easy Ways to Find Moments in Kid's Ministry

Try to shoot from the outside

in! Our Kid's Ministry
volunteers are awesome and
When photographing super engaging with each
The church is full of so many
in Kid's Ministry, try to child!
great moments! When hanging
capture each interaction out in the Kid's Ministry lobby, try
without being a distraction. to find moments like an attender
being greeted by a volunteer
with a smile!
What Story Does This Image Tell? ​
We have a Kid's Ministry volunteer
with a group of kids, teaching
and interacting with a smile!

This image shows us that the kids are

engaged with the LifeKids volunteer,
having fun, and feeling safe in their

Kid's Ministry requirement: When a

child’s name tag is visible, you must
photoshop the child’s name out.
This is for the safety of the child.

Pro Tip: Try to photograph the leaders with kids involved in the
lesson! This might mean positioning yourself where the
kids can’t see you!
Easy Ways to Find Moments
for Baptism Weekend

The best place to stand is where the It’s better to raise your ISO
person’s face will be when they’re and have a higher shutter speed so that your Pro Tip:
brought out of the water. Try subject is in focus and sharp! Photographing someone’s baptism is
standing directly in front of the pool. photographing the outward expression
We recommend keeping your shutter at 250 of an inward change because of Jesus.
If there are multiple photographers, or higher. This will help keep motion blur out This is a time to celebrate with them by
talk with each other about how of your image. This is a great time to lower using your talents to deliver photos
you can each capture the moment your aperture depending on your lens. for each person to cherish forever
uniquely using different angles and share outside our church walls.
and/or different lenses.
Photographing Baptism: This vs. That​
Do this!

Baptisms are a great opportunity to Baptism Weekend is a Baptism Weekend is not just about the
capture the emotion of someone's story. time to celebrate every images of people coming out of the
As she’s waiting, this girl has tears in her moment! Try to capture water! Remember that this is a highly
eyes, but moments later she’s bursting moments in and out emotional time. Try to capture the church
through the water publicly proclaiming of the pool! as the story unfolds in front of you!
her love for Christ!
What Story Do These Images Tell? ​

Different angles can convey a more dramatic moment. If there is more

than one photographer at your campus for each service, you have the
freedom to photograph Baptism in ways you haven’t tried before!
Be creative and capture moments as you see them!

Pro Tip:
When photographing someone’s baptism, it’s important to be mindful
of the whole image!For example: during baptism hands can look out of
place or shirts can ride up. Before delivering an image, double-check to
make sure everything looks appropriate.

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