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of Desire

CHAPTER ONE: THE HEAD INSIDE YOUR HEAD................................3

CHAPTER TWO: THE FEMALE FRAME REVEALED...........................34

CHAPTER THREE: ATTRACTION, THE FIRST STEP..........................47




FIRST KISS..........................................................................................160

In order to be the kind of guy who effortlessly attracts all kinds of

women... the kind of guy all girls irresistibly want to be with and have
physical contact with... to be that guy, there are certain beliefs you need
to have, and that's exactly where we'll start in The Language of Desire.

What you'll begin to realize in this first fundamental chapter is that all the
thoughts you have and all the actions you take based on those thoughts
come from your belief system. It's no different than a tree growing from a

Your Belief System is literally responsible for every decision and action
you'll make in life. When you're gray and old, looking back on your life,
you'll see how every action and decision you made was based on your
own personal Belief System.

It's the core of your being.

So, while later on in Make Women Want You, I'll give you all kinds of
tactics and techniques to say and do in order to truly increase a woman's
attraction to you no matter how hot she is or how hot she thinks she is, I
still want to give you some beliefs that will work behind the scenes for

This is what some people would call the "inner game" core.

Guys who get all kinds of girls... guys who seem to have every girl
attracted to them and always have a good time... guys who make girls
want to be around them all the time... guys who girls are constantly
chasing after and thinking and going to bed with...

What do all these guys have in common?

They have belief systems that differ from guys who can't get girls, or
guys who get into relationships but always end up breaking up and
losing the girl.

And right now, I want to give you their beliefs here so that over the next
few weeks, you can start to look and notice these beliefs beginning to
grow inside you, and you'll start to see how your actions and decisions
change because of these new beliefs.

So, let's first debunk the common beliefs that society, movies, TV, and
books have recommended you believe for years.

If I'm going to rant anywhere in this book, it'll be here, in this section. If
you've ever seen The Matrix, that's really what it feels like out there…

Some of what I'm about to tell you may make you temporarily
uncomfortable, but that's only because other people who probably didn't
know what they were talking about have been feeding you contradictory
nonsense for years and years. Change can be constant, but it's always
uncomfortable, at least at first. Personally, that's my favorite part
because it tells me I'm growing and doing something right, so I hope you
can feel that way too as I pull back the curtains behind the scenes right

There's no going back after this, so if you have any doubts about
women, or if you think maybe you don't want the powers to get the girl
you want, then stop here and never open this book again.

Otherwise, let's get you up to speed right now.

I call these "movie mirages" because most of what our society thinks it
knows today originally started somewhere inside Hollywood, inside the
heads of one or two people with a fat bank account and all kinds of
unfortunate personal biases.

Movie Mirage #1: You've been told that women are prizes to be

Have you ever noticed how in movies there's always the "nice" guy who
chases after the girl around school or around town, buys her flowers,
takes her out, acts all "Aww shucks" and gets nervous around her... then
somehow, eventually by the end of the movie, the girl decides that by
mistake she had been dating an asshole, and now she sees that she's
really meant to be with this other nice guy who really cares about her, so
after scolding the asshole, she meets up with the nice guy at the end of
the movie, and they all walk out of the theater feeling good and thinking
that being the nice and caring guy will ultimately prevail...

Right, because that's how it works in the real world. (When you see
sentences in full italics, that means I'm being sarcastic, which I hate to
do. Notice how I'm still in italics now :) ).

You know what types of guys chase after girls all around town with
flowers, act overly sweet to her all the time, and do the "Aww shucks, I'm
a little nervous..." stuff that girls in the REAL WORLD refer to?




And not in the good sense.

The guys who get with lots of women don't chase after women, they
don't see women as prizes to be pursued. Instead...'s the opposite. YOU are the prize.

More on that in a second.

Movie Mirage #2: You've been told to "be nice" to women.

You've been told to stay nice and safe with women at the expense of
your own beliefs, not to take risks, DEAR GOD, you might offend them if
you really say what you truly think...

Not trigger an emotional reaction in them, but keep it soft, weak, and safe.
Thinking like this won't get you anywhere other than just another Friday
night, AGAIN...

I also want to make a quick sidebar here about this little common faulty
belief: being too nice to women, playing it safe, or not saying what you're
thinking... all these are still tactics employed by the typical nice guy who
thinks, "No, I'm not going to be a jerk, I'm not going to be completely
honest, I'm not going to take risks or be nervous, instead...

...I'll play it safe, soft, and boring and smile like a sweet little heart... How
could a girl not be attracted to such a sweet, nice, and easy guy?"

That's what most "nice guys" tell themselves.

We will cover why this angle doesn't work AT ALL throughout this book,
however, please bear with me: This is manipulation at its worst

The whole nice guy act is literally changing yourself to try to get what
youwantfromanotherperson,fromanotherwoman.Youstopbeing YOU and
stop saying what you're really thinking to pretend that you're a nice guy
who grants favors all the time, even when you shouldn't.

Unfortunately, that's not "nice" to anyone. It's just poorly thought-out

manipulation that women don't respect and will probably take for

"Look at who the most attractive girls are hanging out

with and tell me if most guys are 'nice guys' or if they
are more of the 'alpha, I do what I want' type."

As a general rule, it's great to do good things for other people when 1) they
truly DESERVE it and 2) you do it willingly... their overall behavior has
motivated you to do something nice for them.

The "nice guy" bit WON'T work, it has never worked, and it should be
eliminated immediately. This brings us perfectly to...

Movie Mirage #3: You've been told that women WANT a "nice guy."
They are always saying this, right?

They want a nice guy who is there for them, always, and does what they
want and is where they want and picks them up from wherever they want
and does all kinds of shit for them. Here's the trick: They actually don't
want this. In truth, they hate it.

Do you want to know why they always say it then? It's what Hollywood
and their parents and maybe their teachers told them to think and say.

Look at who the most attractive girls are hanging out with and tell me if
most guys are "nice guys" or if they are more of the "alpha, I do what I
want" type.

I've had countless discussions with women about this. They play with the
"nice guy," asking him to buy them drinks and fancy dinners, take them
shopping, and whatever else they can come up with.

Some will even "let" the nice guy give them foot or back massages, as if it's
a nice gesture or something. Then, after the nice guy just finished rubbing
their feet, they'll say they're tired and want to go to sleep so the guy

He'll clumsily try to kiss her (because he's a nice guy), and she'll say she
just wants to take it slow or some other bullshit, then she'll call the strong
alpha male she's been thinking about all week and HOPE he answers
her call. If he does and tells her to come over so he can do
"indescribable things to her body," she'll be at his place in 10 minutes.

And then, after doing all kinds of intense, indescribable, and moving things
to her body, he'll say he wants to sleep a bit and will kick her out.

Or if he decides he really likes her, he'll eventually make her his

girlfriend, and she'll be more excited than ever in her life.

We'll cover this more throughout this book, but if you just read that and
thought, "No way, that's misogynistic bullshit..." think again and get
excited, a gift awaits you tonight.

Movie Mirage #4: You've been told to mind your manners and never really
speak your mind. This probably started when you were a child, maybe in

You got it from mom, from your teachers, from Disney, it was
everywhere. Mind your manners. It's more important not to offend
anyone than to really say what you believe. Play nice. Don't take risks, not
in this life, who knows what could happen...

Bullshit. And more bullshit. I want to tell you something important: all this
etiquette and manners stuff is not who you are naturally wired to be.

It's just a "soft wiring" that we all get when we're kids and we're sensitive
to all that. You didn't have many choices back then, but standing firm now,
as an adult... that's being a sheep.

Let's peel off the sheep's coat in a few pages if there's anything left, and
reveal the wolf inside.

Movie Mirage #5: You've been told that women are attracted to money
and appearance. Women are not actually attracted to men with money,
and appearance actually doesn't make or break anything. These are
what we call Logical Points of Attraction.

I know TONS of cheap and nasty guys who attract HOT girls all the time. I
know bald guys with young and SEXY girlfriends.

We'll talk A LOT about this later, but women are intensely attracted to the
man who gives them the BEST emotions. Emotions are free and have
nothing to do with money or appearance.

Period. Now sure, I agree... these may play a role to a small extent, maybe
5-10 percent of attraction, which is GREAT... that means we have 90% of
the game under OUR CONTROL to make any woman desire
you. Rejoice.

MovieMirage#6:You'vebeentoldthatsociety'srealityisYOURreality. The
reality that has been "constructed" overall is the safest for everyone. (By
the way, you can define reality as "social expectations."

It's how you expect people to treat you, respond to you, and interact with
you. Generally, we are TOLD what to expect, as opposed to DECIDING for
ourselves.) If I had to take all the wild alpha men and calm them
down "for the greater good," forcing them to stay in line and not fully
express themselves and not fight for what they believe in and not take
what is rightfully theirs, well, then suddenly, we won't have ANY fights
and they won't kill as many people and stuff like that, and that's all fine, I
get not killing someone over a witch's accusations BUT...

when the beliefs of this reality seep into your interactions with women,
you become nothing more than a harmless hamster. When it comes to
meeting and attracting women, you can't let the reality that society has
constructed stand as your own reality... you need YOUR OWN CHOSEN

You are free to do whatever you want in this world. For all we know, we
only live once. Spending your time living in a reality that you didn't create
or in which you don't even have a voice (plus the fact that it doesn't give
you the women you want) is foolish.

I want you to understand that society's reality is not your reality. You are
free to dictate your own reality. Say it with me again. You are free to
dictate your own reality.

For example, if society's reality says that all men find one girl and stick
with her forever, then you'll trap yourself in the web of that belief system.
When that belief gets trapped in the web, suddenly all your thoughts,
decisions, and actions will stem from that belief and express that belief
of "one girl and forever."

The idea that you could sleep with multiple beautiful

women will never cross your mind and will never exist
in your reality if you're only looking for that one girl to
live with forever.

Your subconscious brain will also limit your thinking to reflect this belief.

The idea that you could sleep with multiple beautiful women will never
cross your mind and will never exist in your reality if you're only looking
for that one girl to live with forever.

However, if you create your own reality where beautiful women are
always attracted to you, where they always want to be around your
company, talk to you, and listen to your humor and stories...

When you have those beliefs, suddenly your thoughts, decisions, and
actions will express that. You will act like the kind of man who simply
connects with beautiful and amazing women at will, which is the kind of
man I want you to be.

I'm not saying you have to do it, but it's those beliefs that will allow you to
make any woman desire you. Either way, that's how you do it, that's
where it all begins, by building YOUR OWN REALITY... not someone
else's, and then sticking to it, being a man of conviction and integrity.
Good stuff, we'll cover more soon...

Movie Mirage #7: You've been told to restrain yourself, to avoid

penetrating someone else's reality at the expense of the best of yourself.
Society really sends this message strongly: Sacrifice your own self for
the greater good. Stay within our lines, don't express your true thoughts

and emotions, hold back most of them and avoid offending anyone, ever,
do it for the sake of everyone else.

Who cares if all that holding back might be responsible for nearly half of
the United States having some kind of mood disorder, at least no one gets
hurt. Right? Can you remember a moment when you felt like you were
holding back on something you wanted to say?

That hesitation and eventual decision not to say it, which literally stems
from this belief that was given to you when you were younger... it wasn't
even your choice.

And now, it literally prevents you from reaching your higher self, the one
that women find IRRESISTIBLE. So your true self, your highest and
truest form, the one that rises above the rest, that version exists within

I can literally see it all the way over here... it's waiting inside you right now,
and it has been all your life. It's just being held back by this belief that it's
better for everyone if you never allow your reality to penetrate theirs. The
fact is, you need to have your own reality, first for your own
life fulfillment (and women second), where you simply are who you want
to be, say what you want to say, be who you want to be.

If your life happens to infringe on someone else's reality, it's not your
fault. (It's probably unnecessary to say, but this obviously excludes
physically hurting someone). Maybe they themselves haven't realized
this yet, and the example you're giving them will inspire them to grow
and evolve as well.

And if they are women and feel the force of your reality, not only will they
be uncontrollably attracted to you, but they will literally (and willingly) be
absorbed like a good Lifetime movie. That's why right now, we've barely
said a word about girls and sex. You come first.

We're working on you. You come first. And I use the word "penetrate" on
purpose. Think about what man has done to woman for MILLIONS of

years. We have penetrated them, plain and simple. That's how we're
STILL here as a species.

Why would it be any different with our own personal realities, our own
little worlds and the attitudes and beliefs we have? If you constantly hold
back, you're not penetrating anyone.

Take that to the bank. So now we've covered the 7 common and faulty

We've seen how they were built and how they were literally imposed on
you when you were younger, and now...

...we're going to talk about your true empowering beliefs, the 7 core
beliefs that will replace the old faulty ones right now.

Let's do this.

Given that we, as humans, have a tendency to prefer things that most
people like and prefer, we are going to call each of these the New
Common Beliefs. This is because approximately 5% of men already know
them (these are the men who sleep with 80-90% of women), and ALL
women know them deep down in their natural feminine essence, which
means that approximately 55% of the population already possesses them
as well. LET'S BEGIN...

The best guys in the world, the guys who

consistently connect with the most attractive
women in the world, have insane delusional
confidence for no reason at all.

New common belief #1: Women value you because authentic and
REAL men like you are rare nowadays. You are what they want, whether
they know it or not.

Remember we said Movie Mirage #1 was that you were told women are
prizes you should pursue. We showed and discussed how that was
wrong, how it crumbled like a sandcastle, and now here's the new belief:

Women appreciate you because congruent and authentic guys like

you no longer exist. You are what they want, whether they know it
or not.

Now here's the key. I understand the second part of that belief sounds
interesting, so here's the truth (and this will be your first and possibly
most important lesson in attracting and seducing women).

Forget logic when it comes to attracting women.

The best guys in the world, the guys who connect with the most
attractive women in the world very consistently, have insane delusional
confidence for no reason at all.

They KNOW they are what all women want, whether these women know it
or not. It doesn't matter. It's true because he believes it, it's true
because I believe it, it's true because YOU believe it.

Simply because you woke up this morning and are breathing air, that is
proof enough that you are the baddest motherfucker on the face of the
planet... All men who consistently get women have this belief about
themselves: it's not about comparing yourself to any other guy, it's simply
inYOUROWNBUILTPERSONALREALITY,youarethebadassand everyone
knows it.

New common belief #2: Women crave dominance. As a REAL man,
dominance is now your default setting.

We said in Movie Mirage #2 you were shown and taught to be

manipulatively nice to women, which was a wrong belief, and we can
see here that the Dominant Male is what consistently attracts women
(which is exactly what you ARE deep down), not because you have a
choice, but because all beta males were killed off hundreds of thousands
of years ago-- evolution just didn't allow for a submissive evolution... it's
survival of the fittest, not survival of all).

Now, this doesn't mean that in all kinds of situations with guys and girls
and with peers and stuff, you should dominate everyone because that's
different. That's called being domineering, and that's not what we're
aiming for here.


deeply about that for a second before moving forward.

You simply dominate your own world, and whether it infringes on others
or not is mostly irrelevant to you (Again, you're not acting to harm
anyone else, but to fulfill yourself).

Imagine you're speeding down the road in a red convertible, and the
road has millions of lanes. In YOUR REALITY, you're accelerating
forward, towards all your goals and dreams and challenges to overcome
and all that good shit.

You're not looking to the right or left to see what other people are doing
in their lane, you're looking ahead, moving swiftly on your path,
overcoming and seeing through any obstacles you might encounter
along the way.

That's being dominant in your own reality, in your own lane.

When people start looking at other people's lanes and start veering off
their own path, that's when their shit gets fucked up (props to Warren

Dominate YOUR LANE, and good things will start happening.

Another key to being dominant in your own reality is letting your words
and actions match your thoughts and beliefs. That's what I mean when I
say your inner matches your outer.

There are no more filters to block anything because here we are, in YOUR
lane where none of that serves you; in fact, it almost always holds you

Dominant guys let it flow from the inside out because they already know
women are immediately attracted to such dominant communication.

The fact that you're a guy who speaks his mind freely is exciting, and the
little dirty secret they've been hiding from you for years is that WHAT
you're saying is mostly irrelevant... it's the fact that you speak so freely
from within that's so attractive.

Now, don't read this as a free pass to be an asshole to everyone. It simply

means that being a dominant guy who freely speaks his mind all the time
is a deadly attraction switch in itself.

A great key to remember: as a dominant guy, you stand your ground and
continue speaking your mind freely REGARDLESS of how others react
or respond around you.

Some people will try to hate or talk shit, but that's just them taking their
eyes off their lane. Keep your eyes on yourself.

New common belief #3: Women can tolerate "nice guys," but they will
avoid their advances at all costs and CANNOT feel attraction for wimps.
You express your personality freely from your default setting,

We won't delve too deeply into this because it's definitely a topic for
another course that could take me hours and hours of my best
philosophizing, but there's a defining difference between self-esteem and

Self-esteem is your default setting, your natural foundation: it's what you
were born with, what you came into this world already equipped with.

If you were born 80,000 years ago and lived in a tribe, and all you did was
run and throw stones and play in the water with your friends and
hunt and stuff, the concept of "ego" wouldn't exist.

There would be no actual materials, no judgments, no comparisons, and

don't quote me on this, but there probably wouldn't have been a either.

You would simply have your self-esteem: you would hold all your
thoughts, beliefs, and emotions in high regard simply because there would
be no logical reasons not to.

And you would just be who you were and express it freely all the time.

In today's world, there are many social conditioning factors attacking you
from all angles that want you not to do that, however... as a man who
attracts women at will, who hooks up with all kinds of beautiful women,
who will become THAT GIRL's boyfriend... you need to implement this
new way of thinking into your life.

Seriously, it's as simple as speaking freely, expressing your personality

all the time without hesitation, and being completely independent of the
endless good or bad opinions of others when you start speaking so

Many guys already do this, which is great, BUT they don't do it with the
girls they like. They become "Mr. Nice Guy" and will say falsehoods to
agree with the girl they like or to make sure they don't offend her.

INSTEAD, as discussed before, you need to speak freely and share your
personality completely independent of who you're talking to, whether
you're talking to your friends or the sexy girl at the bar...

...You're being completely real. You might think, "Well, what if I say

what I'm really thinking, and it upsets her? Won't I lose her then?"

Here's the truth...

...No, you won't. Remember earlier how I said women LOVE a guy who
is so real all the time, regardless of what he's actually saying?

They're fascinated by the man who speaks his mind so freely, and most
of the time... they're the ones who start changing their opinions and
beliefs to try not to upset you.

I would say 90% of the time when I say something to a girl that she
disagrees with or doesn't believe in, she will disagree with me (which is
fine), but I won't get into an argument or anything (by the way,
arguments are absolutely useless, and don't argue with any girl you're
trying to sleep with).

When she disagrees, I simply go humorous and suddenly it's not two
people disagreeing, it's two people "disagreeing on everything and would
NEVER get along."

We'll talk more about this in later chapters; I don't want to get into
techniques while we're still discussing the Belief System.

Just remember that "nice guys" bore women, and they will tolerate them
at best, but at the first chance they get to go and find someone more
exciting, they'll JUMP on that.

And one of the worst things "nice guys" do is change their beliefs to
avoid disagreeing with the girl. All of this makes you look like a wimp,
and I wasn't joking before... women actually CANNOT feel attraction for
a guy they consider a wimp.

I'm not saying you should NEVER agree with a girl, but if you've just met
her and need to start practicing this, it might be smarter to avoid
completely agreeing with her on ANYTHING just to see how she reacts.

The key is simply expressing your personality freely, from that place of
natural self-esteem, completely independent of who you're talking to or
how they might react.

You're just doing your thing, to the bitter end.

And if you're always in a great mood when talking to girls and expressing
your personality freely from that state... How good of a conversationalist
do you think you'd be? How much more attracted to you do you think
she'll be? (hint: gazillionz)

New common belief #4: You are a man with your own set of principles.
You decipher right from wrong and decide what is acceptable and what
is not. And as you live by these principles, your outer matches your

I know some of these things can get a bit deep and not immensely
important just for picking up the sexy girl at the bar, but I'm trying to think
long-term for you.

I could easily show you how to fake it at the bar, give her the most
amazing conversation she's had in 5 years, and then take her home in half
an hour, BUT...

...Where does that leave you afterwards?

Do you know how to keep her attracted, interested, and excited? Do you
know how to behave in front of her friends?

Do you know how to respond when she starts throwing curveballs in the

The answer to all these questions lies within these beliefs we're planting
right now.

For example, when you're a man with your OWN set of principles that you
live by, you immediately become something called "congruent."

You become this rock-solid man that your woman can follow into the
world, into battle, into anything, and that is so immensely rare in today's
world, it makes you a VALUABLE COMMODITY.

You're like gold with a cock. Accessories.

To help plant this belief deeply, I recommend you sit down and write the
laws of your life.

Take a sheet of paper and a pen, and just take 20-30 minutes to write
down the rules by which you want to live your life. Write what you expect
from yourself and what you expect from others. What you will accept
from yourself and what you won't, what you will accept from others, from
women... and what you won't.

It can be 10 rules, 20 rules, it might end up being 50 rules. It doesn't

matter, it's about YOU.

And then LIVE by those principles, don't sacrifice them for anyone, ever.

This is what I mean by your outer matching your inner: all the beliefs that
govern your inner thinking always manifest as the actions you take and the
words you speak on the outside.

For the cheap seats, that's CONGRUENCE, and it's such a hot, sweaty

Again, many guys start forgetting their own principles when it comes to
getting the sexy girl at the bar, and THAT'S A MISTAKE.

For example, let's say you have a rule that you don't buy drinks for
anyone, guys or girls, until they've proven to be good friends, someone
you like or trust, etc.

When the sexy girl at the bar you've been talking

to for a couple of minutes asks you to buy her a
drink before you continue talking, what do you

As a CONGRUENT man with your own principles that you don't change
for anyone (let alone a random girl you just met at a bar), what do you
think you do in this situation?

This is the next step, and something we'll talk more about later, but I'm
sure you can see how if you simply said "No," you'd probably lose the
girl, right?

So instead, you handle this test from her like this:

1. Sticking to your guns, or principles, and...

2. Passing her test by being non-reactive and diffusing it with humor.

That way, you don't veer off your congruence and actually increase her
attraction for you even higher (She's just giving you a test in this
situation, by the way, and it's something girls will do several times along
the way to sleeping with you. These tests are actually designed
(subconsciously by her) to test your congruence, as if she doesn't
believe you're really a man who is so real all the time).

And every time you pass a test, her attraction and interest in you
increase even more, while she thinks to herself, "Wow, he might really
be such a real man... I'm interested."

And you pass the tests by doing exactly what I said in #2 above: by
being non-reactive (most important) and diffusing it with humor (good,
but less important).

Eventually, very soon from now, when congruence is simply who you
are, you will start noticing that you are being tested less and less, as it
becomes so obvious to her that you don't play with nonsense - this is
exactly who you are.

That's when you become an unstoppable giant with women, and with
these seeds of faith that are already starting to grow within you, it's not far

New common beliefs #5 and #6: You understand that women are
adorable and EXTERNAL creatures that operate from the outside in and
are attracted to the source of varied and positive emotions.

#6: As a man, you understand the game of life and you don't act to get the
girl, but to have fun. By doing this, you become the life of the party and
inherently become the source of varied and positive emotions.

We're putting these two together because they complement each other.
Let's start with the first one. "Women operate from the outside in..."

Women are very sensitive to their environment. What happens around

them is almost always what they feel inside.

That's why they can be completely happy in one moment, but then,
when their best friend approaches them crying because she just had a big
fight with her boyfriend, their mood quickly changes from happy to
caring/sad/angry about the boyfriend.

The point is that their state is very sensitive to what happens around
them. This is why women generally enjoy things like decoration and
ambiance more: they idealize their environment because they know how
sensitive they can be.

This is also why they are attracted to the source of good emotions
because they receive those good emotions from the outside, from the
environment. And when you are the source that provides them with
those good emotions, they embrace it, feel good, and are attracted to
you. They want to be close to you, close to that source.

So, as a man, you understand the playful nature of life, you enjoy being
playful and having fun wherever you are, joking around, and you
generally don't act to get the girl but to have fun.

So, when you walk into a café with a friend, you're not scanning for all
the attractive girls, but you're probably already having a fun conversation
even before you entered. And now that you're inside, having a good time
with the party, maybe you turn to the cute girl sitting nearby and say,
"Hey, what do you think?" and bring her into the party.

She will love being a part of this conversation that is already happening,
this cool party she has just been invited to.

You're money, baby.

And being that guy, having fun wherever you are or go, you become this
source of good emotions, this swirling epicenter of all kinds of positive

emotions that women can't help but be attracted to and simply want to
be near.

New common belief #7: Screw it. Talking like a true gentleman, right?

This is what happens; I'm drawing the line right now.

You won't give a damn about what others think of you. EVER.

The next time you start doing or saying something and hesitate because
you're worried about what someone else might think, I want you to
remember this moment right now and tell yourself, "Screw it." And then
do what you want to do (as long as what you want to do doesn't involve
hurting someone else).

The next time you see a girl you want to go talk to and hesitate, say it
again. Screw it. Then go and do what you do, wholeheartedly.

Guys who don't take risks live a life of quiet desperation.

Guys who take risks don't regret it and become glorious champions.

Life is risk.

Push yourself, take risks, drop the filters, LIVE THE LIFE your
83-year-old self will be proud of.

When you bring this attitude into a conversation with a woman, she can
feel it. You're a man without boundaries, and therefore, you can take her
to places she's never been. It also allows you to express your
personality with the utmost freedom.

Keep it flowing... "Screw it."

Now, the guys who will truly succeed with this are the ones who let these
beliefs truly form.

I recommend printing them out and posting them somewhere you'll see
them every morning and night, like on your bathroom mirror.

And very soon, the fun begins. You'll start seeing how these beliefs
manifest in front of you, and you'll notice how you start acting and
thinking differently, more positively, with more confidence because of
these new empowering qualities and beliefs about yourself.

It's freaking awesome; I remember when my beliefs started evolving into

these and how everything in my life began to change.

That first time you're talking to that super sexy girl and you say that
SUPER BOLD thing, that thing you would've held back before... then,
when you say it for the first time, her reaction is INCREDIBLE,
INCREDIBLE for your confidence and sense of reality... it's surprisingly

You'll start asking yourself why you waited so long. Now, we move to the
final section of this chapter.

Here, we're going to unveil the Female Frame that you'll use for the rest
of your life when it comes to meeting, attracting, connecting, seducing,
and even building relationships with the most beautiful women in the

Ready to truly change this part of your life forever? Let's go...


Common question: "Jason, is there a formula to attract/connect with any
woman?" Yes, there is.

Great thing, by the way, this has been a mystery that has eluded the
male mind for many, many decades. Freud had answers to many things,
but the guy still wondered, "What do women want?"

Guys have tried everything: being the nice guy, fancy dinners, flowers,
chocolates, alcohol, being the comedian who makes her laugh, being
dominant, many guys even ask their friends for help... they've tried it all,
trying to stumble upon the destiny we're finally at today.

For the first time in the history of humanity, and I don't say it lightly, we
literally have a formula to get the girl you want.

How happy would your 8th-grade self be right now? :-)

So, what's the formula?

I used to have a formula that was much longer, it was a lot to remember,
there were many more details, but I've narrowed it down to just three
simple steps to attract, connect, bond, and date any girl of your choice.

Again, I don't care if she's a perfect 10 or a 5, it doesn't matter, if you

want her, use this formula, and you've got her.

So, the three steps of the formula are:

Step #1 is Attraction.
Step #2 is Small Talk of High Value.
Step #3 Conversation Escalation.

That's it.

You create attraction in her, which I'll show you exactly how to do, and
you'll never have to wonder how to make a girl like you again, I'll literally
give you the exact information on how to do it. It's not about looks or
money, it's this, which clicks in a second.

Number two, once she feels attracted to you, where she now feels

thiscuriosity,thisattraction,thisenergytowardsyou,youactuallystep away
from attraction and move into step #2, Small Talk of High Value.

Now, this is where you truly connect; this is where she'll start thinking,
"Damn, this guy is amazing... I don't want to leave his side."

You're literally going to make her feel that way in this part of the formula,
and then Step #3...

By the time you get to Step #3, Escalation, she's at the point where she's
now strongly attracted to you, she really wants you, and then during the
more about you, you've shown her she can trust you, and she feels like
she's known you for much more than 10 or 15 minutes.

And then, our third and final step of escalation is probably the easiest of
all, just a few simple steps you need to follow as you move towards her

If you're a guy who always struggles with escalation, if you don't know
how to go for the first kiss, how to make the first move, I'll give you the
exact things to say and the exact things to do to make the whole process
very easy.

When you can get to that point where you can have the attraction and
the vibe of high-value small talk, escalation won't be a problem at all,
and you'll be able to connect with any girl you desire.

One thing I want you to keep in mind, as men... our minds are constantly
trying to set things up in a linear fashion.

We like things that are in order, and we go Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, and
that's how you do it, and that's why you do it like this, and so on.

What I'd like you to remember about the female mind is that it works
much more non-linearly.

While your brain wants to work that way, hers doesn't and won't.

So, while we have this framework of one, two, three here, it's not entirely
linear, and it never will be.

Because her mind works much more non-linearly, that seduction process
will never be perfectly linear.

It'll push you that way, but she'll keep you on your toes, whatever
happens (mostly through tests and general logistics).

Write this down: seduction needs TWO PEOPLE to happen.

Unless you're amazing and into threesomes all the time. Anyway...

This is a framework for understanding in general, which can always let you
know where you're at with the girl at any given moment, so you
know if she's still not attracted to you, then you're still in Step 1, you're
still in attraction.

Then, once she's attracted to you, and I'll tell you how to do it, you can
shift to Step 2 and get into small talk of high value, and before you know it,
it's time to move to Step #3 and both of you are ready to move forward (of
course, I'll also give you things to look for and say to know when
she's ready for Escalation).

I want you to imagine this framework almost like a spinning circle of

these three steps happening simultaneously, and with what you're going

to be doing with women from now on, you create this spinning recipe of
these 3 ingredients.

It's like a seduction recipe in a big spinning cauldron, with an evil

sorcerer stirring the ingredients:]

At the beginning, when you start talking to a girl, yes, obviously you're in
Step 1, and basically everything you say is about attraction, conversation
that generates attraction, and once you know what I'll be teaching you
here, you can get

attraction from any girl in 1 or 2 minutes, maybe even faster.

It's easy, it's probably the easiest part of the game.

But that doesn't mean once you get attraction, it's click-click, and you
can turn it off or no longer need to say anything that generates attraction.

Yes, great, she's attracted to you now, and you're going to shift the
conversation into more of a high-value small talk setting, BUT...'ll still want to sprinkle in some attraction stuff from time to time to
keep the flame of Attraction alive. You need all 3 recipes spinning at all

So, if you're killing it in Step 2, but you don't do anything to reach for
those attraction-generating emotions in 15 or 20 minutes, then that part
of the recipe will stop spinning, and now it's just friendly, platonic

The same with Escalation. You always want to be actively stirring some
Attraction stuff, and never turn it off completely.

Here are some good numbers to think about:

When you're in Step 1, the conversation vibe might look like this:
75% Attraction
20% Small Talk of High Value
5% Escalation

Step 2 might look like this:

15-20% Attraction
60% Small Talk of High Value
20-25% Escalation

And Step 3 might look like this:

15-20% Attraction
20% Small Talk of High Value
60-65% Escalation

None of them are "OFF," and none of them are the only thing happening.

But now you know, when you see a girl and
decide you want her, you have a proven path to
follow, one that leads you straight to your
bedroom. Or living room. Or kitchen. Or the alley
behind the building you live in, the one with the
funny hobo who always asks everyone to chip in
for alcoholic beverages...

Does this female frame work on all types of women?

Here's the thing: we both know not all women are the same, and there
really aren't two women exactly alike, HOWEVER...

...they all have to go through these three phases internally to feel

attracted, comfortable, and confident enough to date you.

So many times what happens with me is that I like a certain type of girl.
I'm into kind of a naughty girl who still maintains a good public image,
and those girls are obviously a little different from the sweeter, more
homegrown girls.

(Additional tip: DON'T make the mistake of thinking there are

"completely wholesome" girls out there... just like there's no guy without
a wild side at all, there's no girl who wants to be a wholesome princess
ALL the time. All girls want to be naughty once in a while.)

But when seducing my type of girl versus a sweeter, more homegrown

girl, obviously you wouldn't seduce those two girls exactly the same way.

No two girls can be seduced exactly the same way.

feel comfortable, attracted, and confident enough to connect with you.

The amount of time it takes for them to overcome each phase will also
be different.

For example, I might get foolproof attraction from an Angelina Jolie

look-alike in 30 seconds, but it might take me 20 minutes to get to the
high-value qualification point (I'll explain that later), that point where I
know she's ready for escalation.

And with Nancy Nebraska, who grew up with 5 older brothers in the
cornfields, it might take me a full 5 minutes to get her attracted to me,
but just 5 more minutes to speed through Small Talk of High Value and


Different styles for different girls, right... (metaphorically, of course... or

maybe not, dun. dun. dun.)

The key is that you learn to calibrate these situations so you know where
you're at with the girl you're talking to, whether it's Step 1 or Step 2 or if
she's ready for you to move to Step 3.

Another thing I want you to keep in mind is that before you can start
creating attraction in a girl, she must have already unconsciously
decided that you are of equal or higher value to her.

If this is a girl who maybe her whole life has had guys telling her how
great she is and how amazing she is and all these cool things about her,
and she has this inflated ego, and you're just some random guy with
crappy clothes and poor body language and no energy who doesn't
seem to have anything to offer, well, then you could think of the best line
in the world, and she will NOT be attracted to you simply because the
value dynamics in her mind wouldn't even allow her to recognize you as
a potential partner.

Women will only feel attraction towards men they

feel have equal or greater value to offer.
Please read that again if it didn't register.

For our intentions and purposes, you won't even exist in her world if she
doesn't conclude that you are of equal or greater value. Women will only
feel attraction towards men whom they perceive as having equal or
superior value to offer.

Now again, that's not about money or appearance... we're talking about
good emotions here. So keep that in mind. If you can specifically inspire
her, based on appearances (body language, energy, eye contact,
clothing, personal grooming), to conclude that you are a man of equal or
greater value, again, unrelated to money or appearance, then you can
easily start from step #1 and effortlessly generate attraction in her.

We'll talk about that in the next chapter on how to do it, I'll show you how
to make any woman conclude that you are a man of equal or greater
value (and honestly, if you simply start embodying those beliefs we
talked about in Chapter 1, you inherently become a human being of
great value... congruence, authenticity, being real, self-amusement,
indifference towards outcomes, all those things are some of the highest
value triggers in today's world, and guess what... they are all free).

Does this formula hold throughout an entire relationship, or is it only

when I first meet her, get her number, seduce her initially, etc.?

So now you know that there are three steps you'll guide her through
before you start connecting with her, but the question remains: Will you
have to continue executing this formula throughout an entire relationship,
if it becomes that?

Here's how I see it: Yes, there will be a point where you can definitely
step back from all these things and relax a bit, but I want you to always
remember that you should always have each of these 3 ingredients,
each of these 3 steps, in a constant swirl in that cauldron.

Attraction should always be active, high-value small talk (and the

triggers, qualification, emotions, which we'll discuss later) should all be
active, and escalation, sexual energy should also always be active.

If you let any of these stop moving, even if the other two are spinning like
the center of a tsunami, it won't matter. She will feel something missing
in the relationship, and it won't work.

So whether it's a long-term connection with a girl or a long-term

relationship with a girl (which, by the way, I'm not an expert in...
long-term things are not what I personally do), you'll always want to at
least keep these 3 ingredients swirling.

How do I think about this framework while I'm talking to her?

As you start experimenting with this yourself, you'll need to be conscious

of it, which is okay.

But, in a nutshell... don't even worry about getting to Escalation the first
time you go out with this in your brain tank.

Just master the first step, attracting the girls.

Once you've mastered that, start working on transitioning to high-value
small talk.

Then keep practicing there until you feel you've achieved it to the point
where you can qualify the girl on some serious high-investment shit
(we'll talk about all this soon).

And once you have that, work on your Escalation, master that, and BAM,
you're golden.

At that point, you won't have to consciously think about any of this... it
will be totally unconscious, just flowing freely from your mind to your
mouth, and that's when you can really start expressing your personality
freely, as we talked about a lot in Chapter 1.

To grow, evolve, become a better and more

powerful version of yourself... you must
temporarily become "not you".
Once you get there, you become unstoppable.

That's what this book and this journey you're going through right now are
all about.

There's one more thing I want you to know and understand before we
really dive into the Female Framework and the techniques and stuff...

It's something I first heard, I think, in a Tony Robbins video, and more
recently from my housemate and dating coach, Josh Pellicer. To grow,
evolve, become an even better and more powerful version of yourself...
you must temporarily become "not you".

So if there are things we're going to talk about that you think to yourself,
"...I can't see myself saying that", understand that you're going to have to
do some things that feel "not you" in order to fully grow into a stronger,
more attractive version of yourself. Agreed?

So now, let's move on to Chapter Three: Attraction.

We'll look at the first step of the Female Framework, Attraction, and
teach you everything you need to know to make ANY girl you meet feel
that amazing, not-so-mysterious emotion of Attraction.

Let's go.



So we just covered the Female Framework, and we know the phases it

will guide you through.

Here's how it goes:


So, before you can get to high-value small talk or escalation, you need to
create attraction in your girl.

She needs to feel that pull, that energy, that curiosity, that attraction that
all relationships and connections and everything else are built upon: this is
our Foundation.

So let's start from the beginning...

Is what you're wearing important before you awaken attraction while

talking to her?

So let's say you're in the same club, café, bar, shopping mall, clothing
store, or whatever it may be...

This is before you even talk to her, but you're within her visual range.

Is what you're wearing important? How should you be dressed? How does
this manifest in attraction?

Quote me on this: what you're wearing is undoubtedly important.

Now, you don't need to dress like Ryan Gosling in Crazy, Stupid, Love. You
don't need a $1000 tailored suit. You don't need all that.

What you do need is your own personal style, or your own personal brand,
one that allows your outer appearance to let everyone know it's you.

Think of it this way: let's say she's in a club or a bar, and each of the
guys there has their own resort on the island, and instead of there being a
website and marketing for the resort, the only thing speaking is their
outward appearance.

She's like a sailboat splashing in the water, looking at all these different
islands around her.

Obviously, she wants your island to look like the most fun, attractive, and
comfortable place to dock her boat tonight.

Whether you like it or not, your outer appearance always tells her what
your island resort is like.

The problem most guys have here is choosing a personal style that is "not
them," one they can NEVER feel comfortable with (any new style
willALWAYScausesomediscomfortatfirst,buttheseguyschoose things that
still make them feel uncomfortable weeks later).

In short: you want to discover your best style, based on what you like
and don't like, but it can't be anything too outlandish (if it is, you'll only
attract other really eccentric girls, which is fine, but you're severely
limiting your numbers that way).

Start with what you've liked from magazines, TV shows, movies, style
guides, and things like that. Don't just take their recommendations
literally: take what you like/feels good, reject what doesn't.

Your wardrobe also lets her know what kind of man you are or what
"tribe" you belong to.

Before meeting someone, there are only a few things we can follow to
build a story about that person:

- How other people respond to them

- How they communicate with others through what they're wearing (and
in some cases, what was said about them or what you heard about them...
this relates to "buzz," which we'll talk about a bit later).

So if you're a guy who dresses in gothic clothing and has black nails and
dark eyeshadow like Pete Wentz, she'll conclude that you're a gothic
guy: that's your chosen tribe, that's the kind of guy you are.

If she's a girl who wants to meet a gothic guy or hang out with a gothic
guy, then that's perfect, she'll be very willing to try your island resort. But
if she's not, then you won't immediately register on her "equal or greater
value" radar, and you'll start off in a hole if you go for it.

I'm not saying change yourself for her (or anyone), but if you want to
sleep with attractively fashionable girls, Slipknot t-shirts won't help

I draw a lot of things for my style from characters in movies and TV shows
that I identify with because those characters resemble me a bit and
they're also some of the best-dressed people in the world simply because
they don't dress themselves. - The experts in this exact thing are the ones
who choose their wardrobe for them.

You should smell good. Deodorant, and just a bit

of cologne that smells good. I like Armani.
You also want to wear clothes that fit you well. You're not 14 anymore.
Get rid of baggy clothes. Get rid of baggy shorts.

When you wear loose and baggy things, it tends to use you instead of
YOU using them. Big difference... a very, very big one to remember.

The next step is grooming.

You need to make sure you're a well-groomed person. That means

keeping your nails short and clean.

If you have a beard, keep it tight and trimmed.

You'll never see Robert Downey Jr. or someone like that with a messy
and uneven beard like Zach Galifianakis; that's why women find RDJ
incredibly attractive and easily laugh at Galifianakis.

Make sure you have a good haircut for your specific face shape as well
(you can find more information about this on Google).

If you don't know if it is, spend $50 once on a good hairdresser and
figure it out together. From then on, you can go to the cheaper
hairdresser, but you'll know what you want and what suits you best.

You should smell good. Deodorant, and just a bit of cologne that smells
good. I like Armani.

All these things are important, and if any of these things elicit any
negative response, you can lose everything with a girl.

Let's say you're at a bar, and there are ten other

guys lined up, the 11 of you in a line: what is
something you can wear that will instantly and
immediately make you stand out among those
other guys?

Women are funny like that.

For example, let's imagine you're talking to a girl, and you're in the
Attraction phase, she's really attracted to you, you can see all the
signals. Then she notices some dirt under just two of your nails, and like a
Las Vegas magic trick, all her attraction disappears.

These little variables are so easy to maintain that there's no reason not
to do it.

And lastly, I always recommend to every guy I coach in dating and guys
who have something in their wardrobe that makes them stand out from
the crowd.

Let's say you're at a bar, and there are ten other guys lined up, the 11 of
you in a line: what is something you can wear that will instantly and
immediately make you stand out among those other guys?

For me personally, I have a few things. You don't need to take it as far as I
do, but I enjoy being quirky and different, so I have a little faux-hawk in
my haircut, that's something you can have, the unique haircut that will
make you stand out.

I also wear some bracelets, each with a personal meaning to me, which
is really good (I'll tell you why in a second). But I have some bracelets
and the faux-hawk, and those are the two important things that really
make me personally stand out from others when we're at a bar.

So definitely include something in your wardrobe like that, it could be a
necklace, it could be bracelets, it could be your haircut, it could be a
really interesting watch, experiment with it.

A big mistake many guys make with this is that they understand the idea
of needing to stand out, but they define standing out as being louder
than others.

That's why you see guys wearing Affliction t-shirts with graphics and
words and lines that scream loudly and things like that, and that will work
on a very specific type of girl (think Snooki), so instead of going with
clothes that are more eye-catching than everyone else, I recommend
being a bit more subtle and leveraging something called the
Incongruence Theory.

When something subtle stands out from its surroundings, not like it's
trying to stand out but just does, our brains immediately pick up on it and
catch our attention.

That's the incongruence theory.

There was a very successful direct mail ad that ran for years written by the
great copywriter Gary Bencivenga with a very powerful headline that
leveraged this theory.

Instead of the typical headlines that make gigantic promises about all the
money you could make with this or that investment, he chose the

"Get rich slowly."

Highly incongruent from the package, and it STANDS OUT in its subtleties.
It has to.

The same goes for whatever your unique twist is.

Look at the places you most frequently go to meet women, find out
what's "typical" there, and then make sure you have some style pieces to
stand out from the crowd. She'll notice you right away, and now if she

...she has a reason to come talk to you if she herself is a "girl who's into
what I'm into." If you're curious about my own personal style, it basically
comes down to:

- A pair of trendy jeans (I like darker tones, with some distress)

- A well-fitting white or black V-neck t-shirt
- Leather boots
- Couple bracelets on the right, watch on the left

It's really simple and resonates a lot with who I am as a person, plus the
minimalist nature of the clothing allows the bracelets, faux-hawk, and
body language to stand out in their uniqueness.

Those are the two important things with appearance: your own unique
style and personal grooming. Carry on.

Next is preselection...

"What is preselection, Jason?"

We're still talking about this point in Attraction before you start talking to
her, by the way...

In a nutshell: a woman will largely measure a

man's value based on how highly other women
value that man.
Preselection establishes that women will naturally be attracted to men
whom they perceive other women to be attracted to/approve of.

This goes back to prehistoric times and evolution.

In a nutshell: a woman will largely measure a man's value based on how

highly other women value that man.

So if they see a guy who's liked by all the girls and all the girls value him,
they'll conclude that this is a man who has a lot of value.

They don't consciously decide, "I want to feel attracted to that guy
because other girls are," but they'll conclude that this guy has value and
involuntarily rationalize an attraction for him right away.

Instantly, literally, they'll feel attracted to that guy.

This is why you probably remember a guy in your high school who hooked
up with one girl after another, and even though these girls were all friends
with each other, it didn't matter.

That was due to preselection.

So we definitely want to use this power trigger to our advantage before

you start talking to her.

What I usually recommend is if you're at a bar, a club, or a café, one of
the best things you can do is let her see you talking to other women, and
not just talking to other women, but other women responding positively
to you.

Let's say you're at a café, and she's sitting somewhere near the cash
register, and while you're paying, you make a couple of jokes with the
barista there... it looks like you two are having a good time.

Maybe you say that the other barista made the coffee taste better last
time or something like that, just having fun with it.

If an attractive woman is sitting nearby and sees this happening, sees

this girl laughing because of something funny/clever you said, she'll
suddenly conclude that you're attractive... you've been officially marked
as preselected in that scenario.

Once she thinks that, she's much more inclined to feel attracted to you
and receptive when you come up and start chatting with her.

That's why I always recommend talking to other girls before you talk to
that girl you wanted to talk to all night, just so she can see you
interacting with other girls and other girls flirting with you and playing
with you and stuff like that, hitting your arm and laughing at what you're
saying and being genuinely interested in you and all that good stuff...

All of those will make you a much more attractive and higher value guy
in her eyes even before you talk to her (because of preselection), so...

...promise me you'll remember this from now on when you go to bars,

clubs, cafés, your college classes, whatever.

When she can see you interacting with other girls and having a good
time with them, she'll be much more open to feeling attracted to you. I
almost want to create a new Constitution for Attraction and make this
Law #1.

Now that we've covered your Unique Style, Grooming, and Preselection,
let's talk about Body Language and its effect on Attraction.

So we're in this first part of attraction where she hasn't spoken to you
yet, you haven't spoken to her yet. Maybe she's seen you a couple of
times, and maybe you've seen her a couple of times at the venue. And in
addition to what you're wearing and how people respond to you, as well as
your overall energy/vibe, her other attraction indicator about you is your
body language.

She'll unconsciously place you into two categories of body language:

Alpha and Beta.

Beta Body Language is the weak category (read: not good).

One of the keys to Alpha Body Language is owning your space, your
personal area.

Let's say you're on a subway and you're sitting, and then a group of people
come and sit next to you.

Beta Body Language would be a kind of adjustment to allow these other
people to sit comfortably, to allow them to spread their legs and arms
and do whatever they want, while you have to constrain yourself.

Screw that.

Now remember, this is not about a competition between you and them;
this is just your reality. This is just you against yourself.

So, Alpha Body Language is simply where you occupy your own
comfortable space and don't easily sacrifice your own comfort for others
(unless it's like, you know... your son or daughter).

Other important tips about body language to remember:

- You want to be relaxed in your body. Think of a moment when you were
very relaxed/comfortable/chill. How were you sitting/standing then?

Do the same when you're out. Even if you don't feel as comfortable, your
state will STILL follow your body, and naturally, you'll start to become
more comfortable/relaxed. True story.

- You want to notice how Alpha characters behave in Hollywood movies.

Watch how they carry themselves. These guys are paid millions of
dollars to portray the ideal characteristics of an Alpha Male, and when
they do it well, they do it well.

- You want to limit any unease, nervousness, or physical reactivity to

other people's movements or bumps.

Let's see how this plays out in a bar…

She's 8 feet away, talking with her friends at a table, and you're at
another table about 8 feet away, talking with a couple of girls.

While you're talking to these girls and your potential girl is in sight, you
need to make sure Alpha Body Language is also activated.

So, when you talk to these girls, we want it to seem to her and everyone
else in the bar that these girls are more interested in you than you are in

And here, it seems like you're a higher-value guy, that they're even
excited to be talking to you, and all of that is based on nothing but body

Through body language alone, it should seem

like you're trying to win their attention/affection.
Think about it... She can't hear what you're
saying, but she can watch the body language,
and we know that women are very intuitive
readers of body language.

If she feels like you're trying to conquer her, your value SKYROCKETS.
(That's why we dedicate so much time to these things... we'll get to the
techniques and stuff in a second, but if you can cover these, it'll be much
easier for you.)

So, how do you make it seem like you're trying to conquer her? Imagine

You're leaning back against the table... relaxed, calm, cool with an easy

The girls are standing towards you, leaning in slightly, smiling, laughing at
the little jokes you're making, their attention nowhere else but on you.
How do you think that looks to other people?

How do you think that looks to that girl you've set as your "target"? It
seems like they're pursuing you, like they're trying to conquer you.
What kind of things do people try to conquer? Valuable things.

And here, it seems like you're a higher-value guy, that they're even
excited to be talking to you, and all of that is based on nothing but body

What's really happening in the conversation doesn't even matter: an

observer wouldn't have a clue but what they conclude from the body

We all rely on body language, whether we know it or not, all the time, so
this is definitely something you'll want to leverage. I want you to start
practicing it in general.

When you're at the office or working, just think about the body language
you have... Are you stiff and a little restless, or are you more relaxed and
open? Do you look like a high-value alpha guy to the casual observer?
This Alpha Body Language is a habit... I want you to start cultivating it

So let's recap... so far, even before you've started chatting with her,
these are all the things we can do to increase our value:

- Unique style
- Grooming
- Preselection
- Alpha body language

These 4 will form the core, and if you get all 4 firing up... you're WELL on
your way to becoming unstoppable with women.

Honestly, I believe this stuff here is the cat's meow, and NONE of it has
anything to do with "knowing what to say." Translation is easy, so you
can do it too…

..Master it.

Now, there's one more thing I want you to know that can create even
more attraction in a girl. It's called "buzz."

What is buzz?

Many times, the girl you really want will be a girl within your social circle.
It happens all the time.

And when you're not around, but some people within your circle are
(including your girl), and they mention you in a positive and attractive way,
her interest in you will naturally increase.

This is social proof at its finest.

It creates an additional buzz about you, so the next time she sees you,
she'll feel more attracted to you than before.

It's like someone preheating the oven for you.

There's no secret method to create buzz about yourself, like you can't
tell your friends to talk about you positively when you're not around and
expect it to work out well, however…

...when you stick to the guidelines I'm going to present to you in the rest of
this book, it will naturally start happening.

People talk a lot about you when you make getting women seem
effortless... it's like you have a special superpower they can't

Silly rabbits, all they had to do was invest in this guide like you. Oh well.
Let's discuss the final question here before moving on to the next section
of Attraction:

How should you approach when you're going to talk to her? How do you
approach a girl, in general?

When you approach a girl you haven't met before, we call it a "cold

In sales, you have cold calls where you call people you haven't had prior
communication with, so with a girl you don't know before... cold

Before you approach her, you obviously want to subtly make sure that
she has had the chance to see you being "preselected."

You want her to see how girls talk to you, laugh with you, feel attracted
to you, so I hope by now you've been randomly chatting about Attraction
with random nearby girls (while also enjoying all your glory of Alphaness
Body Language).

Now I want you to understand this about approaching girls (or anyone,
really) that you haven't met before.

The reason many guys are afraid to approach a girl they've never met
before is the fear of rejection.

There are two things I want you to understand about "fear of rejection"
that will probably shift the way you see it in the next few minutes...
The race towards rejection…

#1: Any girl who rejects you, however she does it, every time she does it, I
want you to remember it has nothing to do with you.
Let's say it again... It has NOTHING to do with you.

You have no idea what's been going on in her life, what her mental state
is, maybe she just lost her job, maybe she just broke up with her
boyfriend, or maybe she had a fight with a friend.

There could be a million things on her mind that will close her off to
someone she doesn't know, none of which have anything to do with you.

Any kind of rejection inherently cannot say anything about you, but it
says everything about her.

#2: It's not rejection, it's feedback. A longer time for cheap seats…

She can't even give you rejection; all she can give you is more

So when you go and talk to her, whether it goes well or not, you're just
getting more reference experience, another learning lesson you can use
for the next time you're approaching a girl.

When you go and approach a girl, you won't measure your value as a
man based on her response.

Your value is YOUR VALUE.

You were just going to talk to her because she looked good or seemed
interesting, and you wanted to know if she was just another pretty face
or someone you could vibe with.

So, either way, you're going to connect with her, which would be great, or
you're going to get some reference experience, which would also be great.

The only way you can lose is if you stay put, how legit is that? Now
here's the secret to approaching ANY girl:

As you walk towards her, I want you to walk directly towards her as if you
own the building.
Imagine if you were the owner of the place, this was your bar or
restaurant... how would you approach any woman there, hot or ugly?

You'd simply stroll on by, be smiling, confident, a little swagger, having a

great time.

Now as you actually get to her, the next mistake many guys make is
something I call "going beta."

They tense up, get nervous, and start talking in a very low voice like,
"Oh, I wanted to talk to you, so you could talk to me, I mean... oh well, I
mean, umm... you seem like someone, umm... cool to talk to, blah, blah,

Answer me this:

Would you want to talk to a person like that? Of course not.

No one would.

As you walk towards her, I want you to walk

directly towards her as if you own the building.

So, instead, specifically at the beginning of the conversation and
approach, you want to forcefully switch it to the other end of the

You want to come in with a bit more confidence, with a bit of cockiness
and almost too sure of yourself... there should be a clear swagger in
your step, as if you just won a game in front of 20,000 screaming fans.

(And who's to say you can't feel that good if you want? This is your life,
you can feel however you want whenever you want...)

You want to be so far on that side of the spectrum where it's bold,
confident, and obviously attractive that she HAS to see what all this is

Remember, we said earlier:

Women appreciate you because real, genuine guys like you are few and
far between. You're what they want, whether they know it or not.

And because you're so confident, obviously you're coming with so much

assurance and bravery when you start talking to her.

Another belief that you might want to remember is that you're the kind of
person who enjoys having interesting and fun conversations with people
you just met, it's something you do all the time.

You always walk through the bar or the restaurant as if you own the place,
and people love it when they see you and bring some of your incredible
energy to share with them.

You're always the type of person who is outgoing, sociable, bursting at

the seams with self-assurance, chatting with everyone, and having a good

The fact that you haven't been like this in the past doesn't mean it has to
be the same in the future.

We are nothing but the stories we tell ourselves... write it down :)

Regarding body language, you shouldn't give her your whole body yet,
that means that even your feet, hips, shoulders, and head shouldn't be
fully facing her yet.

In life, you give your full attention to people who have proven they
deserve it, so if there's a girl you just met and all she has going for her as
far as you know is that she's really attractive, that's never enough to
deserve your full attention.

So imagine that you're leaning perpendicularly to her against the bar or

table, conversing with her, and a few sentences, maybe she says
something that gives her a little more value in your eyes.

Excellent. So now you turn a little more towards her, maybe your head
but not your shoulders or waist, and then...

A minute later, she says something teasing or something you don't like,
so you turn away again and then...

She's listening very attentively and starts to feel really attracted to you,
so you reward her with a bit more of your body language. Get it?

(The naturals do this naturally).

Attention is more than just eye contact, so make her earn all the
attention, including your body, by pushing it and pulling it constantly
along the way.

That was a cold approach: in a warm approach, when you already have
some familiarity with the girl (and she with you), your approach doesn't
have to be so "hard to get."

It's basically everything from the cold approach but toned down.

The only thing you consistently have to remember in a warm approach is

that you're still the owner of the building, you have a bit of excess
confidence, you take risks, you don't give a damn, all those things we've
been talking about.

The last thing I want you to remember before we start talking about the
actual conversation you're going to have with her:

When you walk into a bar or club, it's usually just for bars and clubs,
however, you should always talk to the first girl you see.

Right as you walk into that building, you approach the first girl you see, I
don't care if she's fat, I don't care if she's ugly, I don't care if she has a
tattoo on her forehead that says "Long live the emperor."

Just start talking to her. You're not trying to get anything from her, you're
literally just using her to have fun, entertain yourself, and get into a state
and warm up your conversation.

Then, every time the conversation ends after a minute or two, you just
chill and move on.

Now, here's where my Blast Radius comes into play...

For about 6-10 feet around where you and that first girl talked,
is now a Blast Radius, as I call it.

Every girl in that radius saw her talking to you, and since you followed all
the instructions laid out here, they perceived that she was interested in

They've been hit with your

preselection grenade.

So now, any girl within that radius has become receptive to your
approach for the next few minutes, so now you can go and talk to the next
girl 5 feet away, and now...

Every girl within 6-10 feet of her gets hit with another preselection

Some have even been hit twice, they can hardly bear more without
wondering, "Who is this guy?"

You keep doing this for the first 15-20 minutes, and the WHOLE place
has seen girls flirting and having a great time with you.

That's what I call a preselection nuclear bomb, and it will turn the whole
place into a playground for you. (By this point, many people will simply
come back and talk to you, many of whom you had an attractive
conversation with for one or two minutes before ending the conversation
prematurely, leaving them wanting more.)

So now is the time for you to go and talk to them.

You have:

»The unique style
»Body language
»The owner's approach
..and maybe even some buzz about you as well.

It's time for us to talk about WHAT to actually say and to start moving
through our 3 Phases of Seduction:

High-value small talk

Let's do it..


Let's start with the question that most men spend their lives asking but
never find the answer to. Most men will try almost anything to get a girl,
EXCEPT what I'm about to share with you...

This is what it's not:

»Being a supposed gentleman and just logically telling her that you like

»Being distant or acting like you don't really want her

»Being a "nice guy" or a "good guy"... (this doesn't mean you shouldn't
be a good guy, but you should be a good guy on YOUR TERMS AND
BOUNDARIES, not someone else's)

»Sending her ANY gifts or presents like chocolates or flowers or

anything traditionally romantic... save those things for marriage, not for

»Changing yourself in almost any way to become the kind of guy she says
she "wants"... It's something completely different, and…

It shouldn't take much time either because it's actually quite simple and a
bit relieving in its simplicity when you hear it for the first time.

Once you've come to the conclusion that you're
likely of equal or higher value than her, there's an
underlying theme of conversation, interaction,
and all communication that she can't help but be
attracted to.

Is there something universal that attracts all women?

YES, there is.

Once you've come to the conclusion that you're likely of equal or higher
value than her, there's an underlying theme of conversation, interaction,
and all communication that she can't help but be attracted to.

I mean it literally too. The attraction switch in a woman is wired deep

within her and completely OUT of her control.

Here's the secret to flipping it:

All women are attracted to a guy who is FUN and CHALLENGING. That's

A guy who is FUN and CHALLENGING for her. So, of course, the question

How can you be a fun and challenging guy for women?

Let's start with some examples of things you can say or do with a girl that
will really vibe with her.

The number one way to do this is something called "Push-Pull." This is

your number one tool for building all kinds of attraction in ANY girl.

I want you to imagine this:

You're standing with a woman, laughing, having fun, and then you grab
her by the shoulders and pull her a little closer to you.

Then you push her away a bit.

You pull her

closer, you push her away, you pull her, you push her, you pull her, you
push her, back and forth.

But in a totally verbal demonstration, that's what Push-Pull feels like to

her when you start eliciting the same emotions with your words.

It's exciting, it's unpredictable, it's different, it's a DIRECT AND FUN
CHALLENGE. You literally pull her in with your words and then playfully
push her away.

Mostguys,naturally,areallPULL,PULL,PULL.They'llaskher questions to
show their interest, they'll tell her how much they like her, how much
they enjoy spending time with her, how hot she looks
tonight... they're all pulling.

Very quickly, she starts feeling suffocated by you.

(By the way, making a girl feel suffocated is the fastest way to make her
stop liking you.)

And obviously, you can't just PUSH, PUSH, PUSH because then you're
just a jerk, and not in a good way.

However, when you push and pull, back and forth, something magical

It generates this tension in her, this feeling of attraction that she can't
control and desperately wants more of.

Here's an example with a really easy AND effective Push-Pull statement
you can use for the rest of your life to attract girls:

Add the phrase, "'s a shame you don't attract me." in a FUN, PLAYFUL,
and CHALLENGING way to any compliment or extraction statement you
want, and you have an attraction grenade you can throw at any time.

(You add this phrase to a Pull statement because it's a Push statement...
telling a girl that you're not attracted to her is (jokingly) pushing her
away... get it?)

Some examples with this attraction-generating phrase:

"You seem really cool... it's a shame you don't attract me."

"Oh, you're from the Pacific Islands? That's amazing, I usually have a
thing for Pacific Islander girls... it's a shame you don't attract ME."

"Hey, what's your name again? Jenny? Awesome, I usually get along
really well with girls named Jenny... it's a shame you don't attract me."

Can you start to see how intrigued this girl is going to be after playfully
teasing her in this way? More variations:

Tell her she has a nice smile... probably the third or fourth best one
you've seen tonight.

Tell her she's really fun to talk to and that you have one friend you want
to introduce her to (he might have a massive gap between his front teeth
and live in his mother's basement, but he's a really sweet guy).


By giving her a slight compliment, you pull her in. She thinks you might
like her. Then, jokingly, trying to hand her off to your friend, you push her

Her mind races back and forth, rushing herself into an attraction frenzy.
So that's one of my favorite methods for showing your FUN and
CHALLENGING side when you're talking to a girl for the first time and
getting her to feel attracted/intrigued/interested in you.

Additionally, if you ever find yourself giving a unique and sincere

compliment to a girl and her response isn't great, you can save face,
bring it to life, and amplify her attraction by tagging it with some kind of
Push statement.

So, if you say, "I'm really glad I talked to you tonight..." and her response
is less than expected, you can simply tag your response, "'s a shame
you don't attract me at all." and she'll immediately be HOT for you again.
It's extremely counterintuitive, but it works for me and all my guys over
and over again.

Let's talk about a few others:

Teasing, which is naturally done as a way of self-amusement (which we

do now naturally, don't we?), is an incredible way to generate attraction
in a woman.

Stereotypes are my favorite way to tease and have fun.

So when I learn something new about her, where she's from, what she
does, all of this is material for me to have fun with her and tease her a bit.

If I find out she's in medical school, I might say, "Funny, you don't seem
like a grumpy nerd." See what I did there?

Playful jokes about stereotypes that obviously aren't true. Other things I
might say to Med School Girl:

"So you managed to escape the library for a night, huh? Good for you."

"I know you're not a real doctor yet, but can you hook me up with some
good drugs?" And of course, I might even play the Professor-Student
role-play here…

"You have a big exam coming up, little lady, and... I just don't feel like
you're ready. Leave this bar right now, go straight home, and read those

Maybe I find out she's from Los Angeles, so I pretend she's obsessed
with celebrities and reads all day, and all her friends do too,
and that's all they talk about.

Another excellent way to tease her is, if you find out she's single, try to
match her with guys who obviously don't interest her.

I would say something like, "Listen, you're a single girl in a big city, and
since I'm clearly out of your league, we need to find you a boyfriend right

You choose the ugliest, worst-dressed guy in the place and tell her how
cute they would be together, how he's probably really sweet, how his
mom would love her, etc.

Think about it: you're a challenge simply because you're not trying to get
her (you're actually trying to pass her, even if it's a joke on the surface),
and of course... This is a fun conversation.

Another one of my favorite lines is when you learn something new about
a girl (and this could be anything), you act as if it's a total dealbreaker.
For example, you find out she doesn't like Eminem.


So you would say to her, "Wait... you don't like Eminem? ...I'm not sure
we can keep drinking together, <HER FULL NAME>. (Saying her full
name at different points is good.)

The point is, you pick something completely arbitrary and act as if it's a
dealbreaker for you. Plus, look at the subtle frame there.

She wasn't even considered a girl you might want to date or hook up

Fun AND Challenging.

Remember when you used to play "House" as a kid? Remember how fun
it was... Guess what? It still is.

Fun "role-playing" games, where you play specific character roles with
each other naturally, are also great attraction generators; you can also
use role-playing when you want to.

Some examples of good role-playing games are:

»Teacher - student
»Boyfriend - girlfriend
»Husband - wife
»Coach - player

In all these examples, you want to be the one with higher status in the

For example, if you're about to show her or teach her something cool,
before actually teaching her, you might say something like:

"Now listen carefully, <HER NAME>, this will be on the final exam at the
end of the semester."

Then you laugh and take on the role-play (Teacher-Student) and start
playing the student.

And now, suddenly, you're not strangers in a bar, you're her teacher,
she's your student. It makes her feel like you've known each other much
longer than you actually have in a very comfortable and fun way.

Then, 30 seconds later, you can tell her she's been a bad girl and needs
to be disciplined (jokingly, of course... this is material you could use in a
more seductive vibe later on when you're in Phase 3 - Escalation, but
right now, we're still in the Attraction Phase, so we keep it fun).

Here's another great role-playing game to try:

Wherever you find out she's from, playfully pretend that you love girls
from that city, that you always wanted a girl from that city, and that you
think she might be the one (all in jest, of course).

Then you say, "Alright, I'm going to try you out as my new girlfriend for
the next 5 minutes. Come on, let's do a couple of things and pretend
we're better than everyone else here..." as you lead her around the bar
and start doing a couple of things in jest.

Tell her, "You know why you're my favorite girlfriend? Because you buy
me drinks, most girls never do that," and then you can playfully joke
about who will buy drinks for whom.

Then you can say to her, "Hey, we never meet other couples, let's go
now," and you start talking to other couples at the bar or restaurant,
pretending to be a real couple to them.

Start inventing facts about the relationship, like being together for 8
months and lately things have been really boring and tedious with her,
and then, 5 minutes later, you sit her in a corner and jokingly break up
with her.

One of my most powerful role-playing games, now yours too :]

Another thing I like to do is set up really silly challenges for her. Putting
her in this fun and light-hearted situation is actually a good way to
generate serious attraction.



So, a really fun topic I like to talk about with girls is being psychic.

It's very funny, most of the time I just jokingly claim to have psychic
powers and know what they're thinking at the moment and say, "Really, I
feel flattered, but I still don't know you well enough."

Then I'll ask her if she's ever felt psychic in her life (inevitably, all girls
have at some point) or if she feels like she has some psychic powers.

So, with my playful and challenging vibe, I'll say, "Oh, really? Alright. What
does that guy over there do for a living?" as I point to a random
guy 10 feet away.

You put her on the spot and it's a fun challenge for her, and you can tease
her while she tries to guess, or tell her she's clearly wrong, but "it's okay, I
didn't expect anything impressive from a beginner."

Hahaha. Do you start to see how this works? Fun and challenging.

Now let's talk about HOW you're saying all of this, the speed (or speeds)
of your voice, and even a bit more about your body language…

You want to use various speaking speeds throughout the Attraction

Phase, and really throughout every verbal communication for the rest of
your life.

When we hear someone speaking at the same speed continuously, our

brain picks up the pattern and quickly shuts off any kind of active

Not good.

We want to constantly change the speed at which we speak to prevent

the brain from establishing a direct pattern; it sends its way and hits its
target for maximum effect.

Get a deep voice.

If people sometimes comment that you have a deep voice, you're

probably doing a good job with this, but if you've never been told that...
...start playing around with a deeper tone when you're having a

A high-pitched voice that says all the right things is still a high-pitched
voice, and it will distract her from feeling that internal spark of attraction
we're looking for.

For body language, the key will be your shoulders and waist.

When you're talking to her in the first few minutes (the attraction phase),
you probably want your shoulder and waist to point away from her until
you get some signals from her that she's attracted to you.

At that point, you can turn around and face her, but you don't want to
give it all away at once.

Keep pushing and pulling with your body language too, giving her your
full attention when she laughs at what you're saying or is very interested
in you, and withdraw by slightly turning your shoulders and waist again
when she's not giving you good signals.
Keep her guessing, be unpredictable.

And now, finally…

The big mistake most men make when they hear all of this is thinking,
"How can I say these things in front of my friends, when they're within
earshot? They'll know there's something different in how I act..."

Damn right, they will :-)

Remember, you're no longer the guy who has boring and benign
conversations with women. You're no longer the guy who doesn't know
what to say to girls to make them like him.

And of course, you don't let other people's opinions stop you from doing
what you want, which is to attract all the women you want and choose
the best ones to hook up with or, if that's what you're looking for, make
one your girlfriend.

I can tell you that when I started this, my friends would say, "Dude,
you're so weird... where do you come up with this crazy stuff?"

I was lucky enough to not give a damn about what others thought at that
time, which kept me moving forward and almost equally calm.

It was working.

Within a few months, I was attracting all the girls I talked to.

Just remember: attraction is about fun and being

a bit challenging... it's a deadly combination.
I REALLY didn't give a damn about what others thought at that time, and I
continue to push my "don't give a damn" today.

(As long as you and I aren't hurting anyone, this is a great life goal in

Just remember: attraction is about fun and being a bit challenging... it's a
deadly combination.

Go big with all these things with the hottest girl at any club, and she'll be
all over you in just a couple of minutes after talking to you.

This FUN and CHALLENGING mindset is that powerful.

What are some signs that she's attracted to you?

Playing with or touching her hair is a foolproof sign (just make sure she's
not getting gum out of her hair). It's an evolutionary and personal

grooming behavior that she can't help but do when she's attracted or

When she laughs at your jokes, even the not-so-good ones. It's REALLY
good for attraction if she laughs at the jokes you make and you don't
laugh; you have that little sly smile on your face instead.
Imagine how that looks now…

If she playfully hits you in some way, like if you just made a joke about
something funny, that's GOOD.

If you pause at any point in the conversation and she restarts it, that's a
STRONG sign of attraction.

I do this sometimes where we'll be having a really fun conversation, and

I'll just stop at some point, maintain eye contact along with that smug
smile, and wait to see if she restarts the conversation... she almost
always does, and from there, if I'm going for the same thing - a one-night
stand - I'll push it and escalate from there.

Many times, you can see it in a girl's eyes when she's attracted. Her
pupils will be larger when she looks at you (our pupils dilate when we
look at something we like so we can "take in more"), and she'll look at
you a bit more than anything else, with a bit more excitement, holding on
a bit longer to the feeling she gets when you lock eyes.

This is more of a subtle attraction suggestion, though, after you start

noticing the signs of attraction from many girls, you'll start noticing the
more subtle ones like this.

Most people completely miss it, but she won't tease/joke/flirt with you
unless she feels ATTRACTED. Period.

For example, if you're teasing her a bit and tell her you're really
impressed with her social skills, and she says, "What, did you think I was
a retard?" and you say, "Obviously." If she's talking to you in this way,
you're ready to move on to Phase 2.

If she shows you her shoulders and waist pointing towards you, she's
interested. Act accordingly.

If she wants to introduce you to her friend, she's interested. (But when
you meet the friend, tell her, "Wow, I don't know why she said you're a
bitch, you seem really
cool." Hahaha).

Lastly, and this is


I want you to
understand and
embrace the Law of

When you assume someone will respond in a certain way, they are MUCH
more likely to respond that way.

So, if you're talking to a girl, and you just ASSUME that she will be
attracted and obviously interested in everything you say and do, not only
will she be much more likely to respond that way… will also act very differently as well.

Consider it: How would you act if you KNEW that the girl you're talking to
already wants you, and there's NOTHING you can say that can stop her
from liking you?

That's a really good question to ask yourself when you're out there and
feel like you're not speaking your mind freely with incredible confidence. A
few more questions…

What do I say when I first talk to her?

This is the question everyone wants the secret answer to, but there isn't
one. Not at all.

Approach her as if you own the place, look her directly in the eyes, extend
your hand, and say, "Hi, I'm [Your name]. Who are you?"
And go from there.

Just say whatever you're thinking in the moment and steer the
conversation where you want it to go with her.

You're in charge of this interaction here.

Most of the time, after exchanging names, I'll guess where she's from.

Because we're in the Attraction phase, I'll keep it light and fun, and
initially, I'll guess some place completely off the map, like Bangladesh or

Something like, "You're from Bangladesh, aren't you..." and she'll say,
"What?" and I'll be like, "Just kidding, you're from [better guess]..." and
we'll go from there.

She tells me she's from San Diego, I tell her why I have this love/hate
relationship with a girl from San Diego, etc., etc., while maintaining my
FUN and CHALLENGING frame during the first few minutes.


Other times, I'll notice that she reminds me of someone and I'll say, "You
remind me of someone..." and then, in a brief and playful tone, I'll say
something funny about that person and how I really hope she's not the
same person you remind me of because "that girl is CRAZY."

She'll respond, and you just lead and have fun with the conversation from

How important is "getting attraction"? Does she feel that way about
many guys?

Women are emotional creatures, much more emotional than men, and
that's why they become attracted to different guys all the time.

She could have ten conversations with guys in a day, and if two of those
guys are having fun with her, teasing her a bit, being a bit sarcastic,
challenging her, good body language, all that... she may have felt some
attraction toward them.

If 50 guys talk to her at a bar (VERY high number), and 6 guys dance
that dance with her, she'll feel attraction toward them.

So you can see... Attraction isn't that important.

It's pretty straightforward how to get it, that's why it's just Step 1.

She'll feel attraction for THOUSANDS of guys throughout her life, but
only a small percentage will do what we do here in Phase 2, which is
elevate those feelings of attraction to something much bigger: an
unbreakable desire to sleep with you. But before we get to that...

If you're playful, fun, challenging, and
self-amused (also known as doing/saying what
you want), she'll feel attracted to you.
Is there any way to test her attraction to me? How can I be sure?
Let's start by agreeing that you should simply believe, and I mean have

If you're playful, fun, challenging, and self-amused (also known as

doing/saying what you want), she'll feel attracted to you.

Even if she says she's not, but you've been in your game, you can look
her straight in the eyes and say, "Bullshit. I'm amazing. I can see it,
you're more than intrigued right now.

(By the way, if I use the term "man up with her," it's instead of "tell her."
There are moments where you need to cut through all the normal inner
voices and just MAN UP, also known as "man up with her.")

However, if you really want to test it, consider changing locations.

If she's willing to move with you around the bar, the coffee shop, or
whatever, even if she's just 5 or 8 feet away from her friends, that's a
deadly sign of attraction.

You can simply tell her, "Hey, I have something extraordinarily interesting
to tell you. Come here." as you lead her to another spot in the venue.

When she comes, you know she's into you. And now, let's move on to
the next chapter…

You've been chatting with her, teasing her, having fun, being a challenge
to her, and now... she's attracted to you.

You see all the signs, it's obvious to everyone around you that she's
interested in you. What are you going to do next?

What's the next phase, the next step…

It's called "High-Value Small Talk" and it's how you take a girl from mild
attraction to intensely attracted to you... This is when she'll start telling
herself, "I want him to kiss me, I want him to kiss me... now."

Sounds good, doesn't it?

Alright, you've been playing with her, a little challenging, a little back and
forth, and now, she's attracted to you, you see that she's curious about
you... it's time to transition to what I call high-value small talk.

You may have heard of small talk before. There are two types: there's
the kind you see 90% of people engage in every day, which is boring,
uninspiring, and devoid of emotions.

The other type of small talk, which I call high-value small talk, has two
main characteristics.

It has a playful undertone.

The playful undertone that you played during the Attraction phase, the
lightness, teasing, the FUN, doesn't disappear. It simply shifts from being
the focus of the conversation to the background.

Without it, the conversation will likely lack that transfer of positive
emotions, but with it... it's guaranteed. The conversation continues to be,
quite literally, FUN, regardless of what you're talking about, as long as
that joy and playfulness remain.

It has high-value triggers embedded in the conversation.

We'll talk more about these triggers later in this chapter.

If you've been a guy who never knew what to talk about with girls and
how to do it in an irresistibly attractive way... it starts and ends with
High-Value Small Talk, and here are its two main characteristics.


So now that you have her attracted, you change the interaction from the
Attraction vibe to this vibe... "HVST". That's how you transition and what
you transition to.

There are three potential places you should take the conversation:

1. Play with the information she gave you during the attraction phase. In
the beginning, if you asked her where she was from and she told you she
was from Wisconsin, you might have teased her by asking if she was
another typical Midwestern girl playing it safe.

Now, we use that same information, but we use it to be less teasing and
more genuine. This time, bring it back to the Midwest and tell her
something interesting that you or a friend did in some place in the
Midwest, and then she might share a related story, and you're off.

In NLP, there's a term called "going first," which means that for her to
start doing what you want (opening up, sharing stories, emotionally
connecting), you have to go first. You lead. You don't have to ask her
where she went to school in the Midwest; instead, tell a story about a
crazy party your friends threw at Michigan State, and when she
responds with her best college story, the school she attended will
naturally come out. (Also, just a tip. Try not to always ask where she went
to school or where she's from or what she does for a living... it's much
more fun to GUESS. Say, "You're a Penn State girl, aren't you?"... "Right or
wrong," it makes the conversation much more fun and interesting. More
on this in a second.) So that's option #1. Use the information she gave
you earlier and start sharing stories related to it.

Remember: playful undertone, high-value triggers (in a second).

2. Notice something unique about her and tell her how you find it
different from most girls.

It could be her watch, the shoes she chose to wear, how her friends talk
to her... anything interesting that you noticed ABOUT HER that has
nothing to do with her appearance.

I like talking a lot about body language, so many times I'll tell her
something she's doing with her body language and what it might mean.

"You know, when people cross their legs in front of someone, it means
they feel comfortable with them. See that guy and that girl over there?
Notice how their legs are crossed away from each other? They're clearly
uncomfortable with each other right now.

Look at your legs now. <she would be looking at me> I'm such an idiot, I
can't believe you already feel so comfortable with me, girl :-)."

So I noticed something interesting about her and still kept it light and
playful (that idiot thing is amazing, use it).

I didn't tell her how she's different from most girls, which probably
would've been better if I did. Maybe I included a quick background story
about a girl I used to know who had the most awkward body language
ever, like if you saw her with her best friends, you'd think she hated
them, and it's great to see that she's not as closed off as that girl.

Something like that.

So the formula is that most girls do this, here's a quick and interesting
story to paint a picture of what I mean, but you... you do this, while telling
her what you noticed about her eye contact, energy, surroundings, any
clothing item, jewelry, the way she talks, how conversational she is,
whatever you noticed and decided

you wanted to talk about.

Bonus: When you make insightful comments like this, you come across as
a guy who really pays attention because you actually ARE paying attention

This is my personal favorite. Guess about her.

Make any guess about her, whether it's right or wrong, you're still playful,
make a guess about her. It's really fun and guarantees that the
conversation will continue to have that playful vibe.

(When someone guesses something personal about us like where we're

from, we can't help but want to know WHY they guessed that... she'll want
to know why too, and you can be all kinds of playful with it.) Instead of
asking her where she's from, you say, "I bet you're from X."

Even better, depending on the city you're in, tell her she's not the typical
girl from City X, but from City Y."

Example: "You're not the typical girl from Los Angeles, I bet you're from
Northern Cali." Right or wrong, it's playful, it's fun, it's leading, and it hooks

Of course, you can obviously talk about where she's actually from (if you
guessed wrong), but she'll want to know why you said THAT.

(Tip: Answer most questions with a funny response first, then a real
response second.)

So when she asks why you guessed she's from Northern Cali and not Los
Angeles, you respond, "Because I know girls from Northern Cali only do
their laundry once a month, and looking at your outfit... I thought..."


She'll laugh, maybe hit you on the arm, and then you offer, "No, really... I
just got this. I don't spend 24 hours a day on my appearance like you do.
Quite a refreshing change of pace."

Playful first, real/connecting second.

So now you know the three directions where you can take this in Phase 2.

I recommend choosing the one that best suits your personality and
sticking with it each time you transition from Attraction to High-Value
Small Talk with a new girl, getting really good and calibrated with it.

And now that you're in this interesting conversation with that playful
undertone always ready to come in and out for a second, how do you
maintain the flow before reaching the final escalation phase?

In general, high-value small talk should be a continuous flow of dialogue

with both:

- Sharing related stories

- Qualifying her and then rewarding her investments
- Connecting with her on various topics, emotionally ("I can't believe you
love that song so much... when I was 17, we used to drive around town
in this beat-up red convertible, and we'd listen to it over and over again,
etc." - Emotional Connection)

Of course, again, it all comes down to having that playful undertone

always present.

A key that can make any regular conversation highly engaging is

knowing how to tell your stories.

I'm going to give you now 5 key points to turn your everyday stories into
verbal lubrication (not just with women, being a good storyteller is one of
the most valuable skills you can cultivate in life).

Humans have communicated through stories for tens of thousands of


In fact, that's how humans connect, through stories, which generate all
kinds of emotions (we don't connect through logic or sports statistics, no
matter how much some guys may do it).

Another key point about stories is that they temporarily disarm your girl's
logical brain. Women can't actually feel the EMOTION of Attraction when

their Logical brain is lighting up. Stories allow her to feel all kinds of good
things for you.

That's why WE share stories, we don't talk about facts. Remember that.

In the beginning of the interaction, you want to

keep the stories short and full of positive energy in your delivery, and later
on, maybe after 10 to 20 minutes, when you've built up more Attraction
and Investment (which we'll talk about how to get in a second), you can
share more extensive and deeper stories.

So the 5 things you want to include in all your stories are as follows:

- When introducing characters in your stories, give them an interesting

one-sentence backstory.

If you can give them nicknames, even better. This is a quick trick to make
her feel like she knows your friends quite well (which in turn means she
also knows you). So let's say you're telling a story, and one of your friends
called you, out of breath.

Before telling her why he was out of breath, quickly explain the

Example: "So Terry calls me, and he's out of breath. Now, Terry is usually
one of those really laid-back guys, the kind who likes to chill and say
'Dude' a lot, so anyway... he calls me and...

From there, you go back to the story, but now she feels like she knows
Terry, she has some identifiable connection with him, and she probably
has a friend like him too.

Plus, because she now knows him a little and he has a personality, that in
turn makes the whole story more valuable overall.

Remember what we said about VALUE?..

- Include some tension. Every good story has to have some conflict. All
good stories have a conflict that needs resolution.

Think of it like two asteroids coming closer to each other, on a collision

course. TENSION.

What's going to happen? How will it happen? Will we be okay?

You need something like that in all your stories.

Tension not only creates interest in the story and makes her wonder
what's going to happen, but since you're the one telling the story, you're
the one providing the emotions that make her feel.

You want to pause for suspense.

Pause before the climactic points, at the cliffhangers, at the points where
everyone says, "So, what happened?"

Many guys want to rush through their stories with girls and friends, as if
there's some magical prize for reaching the end of the story as quickly
as possible.

A smart tip I learned from a guy who gets paid a

lot to travel the world and speak everywhere is
that the pauses you make in a conversation
always feel longer to you than to your audience.

Take your time, play with your audience.

Take a pause when you reach those high points and let the tension
increase a little more before resolving it.

A smart tip I learned from a guy who gets paid a lot to travel the world
and speak everywhere is that the pauses you make in a conversation
always feel longer to you than to your audience.

Don't be afraid to take a pause and let the tension build up.

You want to have a wide animation in the delivery of your story.

Many guys want to stay safe when telling stories, as if there's a built-in
volume knob they can't exceed and an invisible force field that their arms
can't pass through.

Breaking news: Neither of them exists.

Include some controlled arm movements in your story, vary your facial
expressions, speak louder at certain points and quieter at others.

You want to mix all of this as you progress in the story.

Let your stories also demonstrate Preselection.

We know how POWERFUL Preselection is, and in your stories, you can
activate that Preselection trigger every time. In most of the stories you
tell, you'll want to include other girls in the story who were your friends
(however, keep it ambiguous, you don't have to share details, just that
she was there with you).

This does the same thing as being seen with other girls at the venue: it
lets her know that other girls like you, approve of you, are probably
attracted to you, and overall, it makes you MUCH more attractive to her.

Get it?

Those are the 5 keys I want you to remember in storytelling, and now...

talk about a little trick that not only makes life more fun in general but
also allows you to always have something to say.

This is a question I get a lot ("...sometimes I don't know what to say?")

and this is always my answer, besides memorizing at least one of those
3 options I gave you at the beginning of this chapter:

Cultivate some kind of curiosity about the world all the time.

When we were young before the world told you a bunch of shit that may
or may not be true, it was very likely that you were just a very playful,
curious, and lucky guy.

And when you become that kind of curious, happy, and lucky guy, then
you always have something to talk about. How?

Because you're always wondering about something, and you're doing it

in a safe and authentic way.

So when you let it flow from your imagination to your mouth, it comes out
genuine AND in that safe and authentic way... that people really respond

For example, the first thing I'm curious about right now is WHY some guys
think Tina Fey is sexy?

I think she's painfully annoying, I don't understand it, maybe you can
explain it to me.

So if you ever feel like you don't know what to say, remember that you
ALWAYS have something to say.

What really interests you? What funny thing were you wondering about

Maybe you're listening to the radio and they were talking about some
interesting pop culture topic and something there sparked a funny

Maybe it was something you saw at a construction site, on a roadside

billboard, maybe you're just curious if those two at the table over there are
just friends or sleeping together...

That's how "naturals" do it. They just assume that whatever they're
thinking is totally interesting and fun, and they want other people to join
in so they can share that fun and interesting vibe.

And because they assume what they're going to say is good, that's how
people around them respond, and hey... there's no reason why you can't
do the same exact thing.

With these ideas, from now on you'll be the most charismatic person at
every party you go to.

However, we can do even better. This is the next step to make you even
MORE ATTRACTIVE in your conversation. I call them the High-Value

Now I want to point out that it's not necessary for you to remember to
include these triggers in all your conversations. With your new beliefs
taking shape right now, many of them will simply emanate from you,
naturally, from the beginning.

However, when used correctly, they can increase attraction faster and
take you to Phase 3/Escalation even quicker.

Sometimes it's better to have a longer conversation and let it burn more
slowly; in that case, you would sprinkle these triggers more often. They
increase your value every time one is activated, which for her feels like
an amplified good emotion every time.

The key is to embed them covertly in the conversation, NOT to boast

openly. Let's take a look here...

(Tip: Don't think you can close a girl in 20 minutes or less? While I
actually recommend NOT rushing to the close, you should know that
many women (not just "sluts") jump at the opportunity with the high-value

man who gives them the right emotions and escalates in a way that
excites them. Here's a new idea I want you to chew on and absorb:

Women LOVE sex, and they think about it MORE OFTEN than men do.

Social conditioning has done a great job of covering this up and scaring
women from exploring their true sexual desires for fear of being judged
as a semen-thirsty sex object. ANNOTATE it, all the time, in the most
natural and free way possible. Sorry for my honesty.)

There are 8 high-value triggers in total. I'll take you through the 8, then
give you examples of each one. We'll talk a little more about the effect of
each one, and then we'll get into something I call Positioning, which is a
HUGE part of ALL conversations with women (and if done right, can
often override anything that might go wrong (because we all mess up
sometimes) and still get you the girl). Here are the 8 high-value triggers:

1. Mastery and leadership

2. Being socially aware
3. Being challenging and fun
4. Leaning towards your edges
5. Status
6. Communication
7. How others see you and how they respond to you
8. Preselection

#1 Mastery and Leadership

Essentially, mastery is very different from being a master.

If you ever tell someone they need to be a more dominant person, they
will often interpret it as needing to be more domineering, which we'll
define as more controlling and/or unpleasant.

That's not okay.

Being a dominant person, again, is when you dictate and assume your
own reality, to the bittersweet end.

You decide how your world works and how people in your world are
going to respond to you (this is called having boundaries, what you will
accept as a man and what you won't).

And because it's your reality, YOU MAKE DECISIONS.

Many of you are in a bar trying to figure out what to do next. You lead the
group to the best place for everyone.

You're always doing things to make your reality the most fun, relaxed,
happy, and self-fulfilling place in the world. That's being dominant.

On the other hand, we have leadership: very similar, but leadership is a

truly attractive quality.

Go back 400,000 years and in a tribe of Homo Heidelbergensis, the leader

of the group, the true Alpha Male (who wasn't a detestable jerk
but led the tribe in the way he believed was best for everyone), had a
harem of women sleeping with him.

In fact, nearly all the women in the tribe slept with the same guy (think of
it as a deluxe version of Dominance + Preselection).

We see the same thing with all kinds of similar species in the world today
too... all the women sleep with the SAME male, the alpha leading the

Women subconsciously conclude that as a leader, you're a guy who will be

able to take care of them, protect them, and keep them safe.

In today's world, there's no longer the imminent danger of an angry

woolly mammoth fucking your tusks, but... those triggering factors are
still there.

Displaying leadership will still activate those high-value triggers for you.

One mistake I want you to avoid is getting really excited about these new
reactions you'll get from girls with all this information here and letting her
take the lead because you feel like you already have her.

Many times, if you make her attracted to you in this way, girls will say,
"Hey, I want you to meet my friends, you have to meet my friends," and
they'll try to pull you over there.

Surprise test: Who would lead whom there?

I'm not saying she can never lead, but letting this happen can trigger
patterns for later that will prevent you from having sex.

Keep that in mind.

#2 Being socially aware

This boils down to being a man who understands how society works,
how people work.

This is a general understanding of human behavior and manipulating it as
best you can as a leader toward what you believe is best for everyone.

This is as simple as letting a girl know that you understand and are aware
that most guys are really boring with girls, and some women are almost
as bored that they'd rather have a good conversation with their girlfriends
and end the night with a vibrator than be bored to tears with another
typical scrub.

You understand that most guys nowadays are boring and too logical in
conversation. That's being socially aware and socially conscious.

Second example: let's say a guy and a girl have been exclusively dating
for a year, then they break up. Two weeks later, that guy brings another
girl to a bar and his ex-girlfriend is there.

You should understand how that ex-girlfriend is going to react.

(She's going to be angry and jealous and all kinds of emotional thunder,
and she'll also hide it in many ways).

That's how people work, and it's very valuable to be a guy who
UNDERSTANDS it. Reading a book like this and then being able to

discuss the basic principles behind social dynamics clearly demonstrates

#3 Being challenging and fun

We know this is the secret to attraction, and being a guy who knows how
to create attraction in himself is a high-value trigger. It says a lot of good
things about you...

It says your life is good. It says you're a happy person. It says you have
many good things around you, and it says you have standards.

Well, good material.

#4 Leaning towards your edges

I want you to imagine a triangle.

In each of the corners, we have a different category. The three

categories are as follows:

Wealth/Greater Purpose

I want you to strive in each of these 3 categories, toward the edges…

Not OVER the edge, not too hard, but not so little that you stay in your
comfort zone. Lean toward those edges of each of those 3 main

A man who is constantly striving for his health,

getting in better shape, and taking care of his
body is hot.

A man who values the most important relationships in his life, such as
family or close friends, and maintains the strength of those relationships
is attractive. And a man who is driving his career, his wealth, his finances
is also incredibly attractive. It shows serious ambition, which is important
because women don't need you to be a man at the top of their food
chain... they just want to be able to imagine you there, and you do that
with your AMBITION.

If you're a man who is truly striving in your career/wealth/greater purpose

goals, she will not only be attracted to who you are... she will also be
attracted to who she sees you becoming.

And here's the advantage: by doing all these things, you not only
become a healthier, happier, wealthier, more determined person with
better relationships... you also start to gain many stories and
experiences in these key areas of your life, which will be very useful
when it comes to sharing them in the flow of a conversation.

You will have interesting gym characters to talk about, you will have big
plans for your business that you passionately describe to her, and you
will have all kinds of stories within your inner circle, with your closest
friends and family.

Lean towards your 3 main advantages... Win-win-win.

#5 Status

Status includes your associations with people and places.

(It can also include "things" like cars and toys, but it's better not to
mention them if you have them... let her find out later and conclude that
you're the kind of person who doesn't boast).
There's also situational status and world status.

Let's imagine you're outside a club and there's a long line. As you know
the bouncer, you bypass everyone in line, say "What's up?" to the
bouncer, and he lets you in.

Now you have the situational status of all those people waiting in line.
If you were to see that bouncer the next day at McDonald's and say
"What's up?" to him, no one else would care.

So, situational status obviously depends on the SITUATION.

If you have a story where you were in Las Vegas, and your friend got
you into this party, and you bumped into Tony Hawk there and started
joking around with him and were both talking to these really hot twins
that night…

That would be world status... Going to Las Vegas is cool. Always. Friends
who take you to exclusive parties are cool. Always. Hanging out with Tony
Hawk is cool. Most of the time.

And you and Tony Hawk talking about those two sisters is really fun and
cool. Always.

When you recount that crazy night in Las Vegas with your new friend Tony
Hawk, it's a high-status story for anyone who hears it.

(Plus, she concludes that you and Tony Hawk have the same level of girls,
which means really attractive girls like her, triggering Preselection at a
very high level as well).

One thing to remember: understand what is high status and what is not.
Waiting 3 hours backstage to high-five a cool band is not high status.
That's just fanboy time.

Talking real shit with that same band for 10 minutes before leaving
because you had a great dinner for a friend who just got a big promotion
is cool and high status. Always.

(Tip: if you feel like you don't have high-level stories, START leaning
towards your 3 main aspects. Once you start leaning out, they'll just show

#6 Communication

Men who are simply great at communicating with others have great value
in themselves.

Have you ever been talking to someone and thought, "Man, this guy is a
great conversationalist?"

Women do too. And when they have, the value of that man has
skyrocketed in their subconscious.

Keep this in mind when talking to people.

Always practice your communication and work on your presentation
skills. Work on your pauses.

Work on your wide animation.

Work on delivering key phrases dynamically.

I remember hanging out at a friend's house almost a year ago, and his
girlfriend was there, a cute blond girl, and it was her, me, and other
friends with their girlfriends.

We were all hanging out, and I was sharing a story with everyone, and
they were all engaged.

Throughout the story, I noticed that she was looking at me in a strange

way, like you know you shouldn't be looking at me like that, you're with
my friend.

When I finished the story, my friend's girlfriend whispered something to

him (she was very shy) and then she told me:

"She thinks you could be a professional speaker."

She had been wondering if I actually spoke professionally because she
thought I was such an interesting communicator/storyteller, and I could
literally see the change in her eyes when I was telling the story…

That change was a high-value trigger that fired in her mind, a peak of
attraction, because of my communication skills.

Consider how powerful that was: the story was good, but it wasn't
mind-blowing. It was simply how I told it that made her want me right in
front of her boyfriend. That's nuclear.

(Obviously, I didn't do anything about it because the Bro Code clearly

opposes such actions!)

#7 How others see you and how they respond to you

If you're in a conversation with three or four other people (some girls,

some guys) and they laugh at everything you say, paying you a lot of
attention, and a girl just 5 or 8 feet away sees this…

Consider how that looks to her.

She will conclude that those people are really interested in you, they get
good and fun emotions from you, and they also see you as high value.
Again, women seek permission from the outside world most of the time,

..when she concludes that other people see you as high value, then she
is much more receptive and open and is likely to see you as high value

This also works the other way around.

If she sees you in a group conversation and people ignore what you say,
then you must not be very valuable in their eyes, and she will be more
inclined to believe that too.

The secret is simply to follow everything else. I'm guiding you here.

All the playful/challenging background, dominant attitude, body

language, leaning towards the boundaries of your life... all those things
make you someone that people automatically perceive as high value,
and in turn, they will interpret everything you do and say as high value.

This means they are more likely to listen attentively, laugh at your jokes,

This trigger is totally a metaphor for "the rich getting richer". When you
become a higher value guy, people naturally see and respond to you as
a high value guy. That, in turn, will make OTHER WOMEN assume that
you're that high value guy when they see you in the venue and when you
start chatting with them.

#8 Preselection

We've covered this thoroughly. You get it.

The question, of course, is: "How do I activate these switches in a
conversation? In an interaction?"

The secret is ALL the time.

Make sure your stories include some form of Preselection mentioned in

them, not as the point of the story but with other female characters

Always present your communication as best as you can.

Maybe there's a funny story about a vacation where you were in the Greek
Islands. Tell that story.

The goal of the story is not to brag about going on vacation to the Greek
Islands; however, the setting is an essential part of the story (and that
generates status).

Keep that playful and challenging background in all your communication.

Lean towards your edges in your life, become a better man. We all know
we're capable of more.

And lead the interactions. Don't wait for someone to decide what to do,

If you're always doing these different things, and she sees them
happening, you'll be triggering all kinds of high-value triggers in her

Do you have to trigger all of this with a girl before she sleeps with you?
You're welcome.

You trigger some of them in her mind, and she'll actually fill in the blanks
and assume that the rest must also be true about you.

So, maybe you tell a story about how much you've been learning about
health and how great it's been after your health-conscious friend Rachel
convinced you and you started taking a new amazing supplement that
recently changed your life.

That little story shows that you lean towards your edges, you do it in a
playful/challenging way, you have caring female friends, and you also
communicated all this very well to her. That's 4 triggers you just
activated really quickly. How attractive is that?

Plus, she will also fill in the blanks for the rest and assume that you must
also be socially aware (because Rachel cares about you) and a
dominant guy (because after Rachel talked to you, you decided to take it
on your own and push it to an even higher level) and so on.

How do you make all of this a natural part of your conversation?

Here's the secret:

Remember the Leaning Towards Your Edges trigger?

As you go about your life that way, you're
naturally pursuing your passions.
And because you're pursuing your passions, not only are you growing, but
you're living a more passionate life.

So, what you do in a conversation is steer things towards THOSE ACTIVE


Inherently, you will talk about them with passion and emotion (which is
crucial, you want the conversation to be about those emotions that both of
you feel, not about the boring and logical stuff most men get stuck on, and
talking about your passions inherently avoids that), and both things
naturally allow you to deactivate all kinds of high-value triggers.

And you'll have all kinds of stories to share about them, which is what we
want: stories, not facts.

Here's another storytelling trick:

When you share a story, always make sure to include your emotions in
response to the things happening in the story.

Most people tell stories and focus on the things that happened in the

Instead, cover the things that happened in the story but talk about what
you were thinking and feeling at these different points in the story.
That way, it's YOU who is interesting during/after the story, not the story

(See your bonus "How to Always Know What to Say" and

Communication I/You for more information on this).

So, if I'm telling a story about me going to the grocery store today, here's
how I could make it interesting:

I can talk about how I walked in there and headed towards the Granny
Smith apples, and I see that there are only 3 Granny Smith apples left
(which was hard to see, I love Granny Smith apples).

So, I'm walking to get these apples and I see this other girl walking
towards the apples at the same time, I can literally see it in her eyes,
we're both looking at those apples, and I think to myself:

There's no way this chick is getting my apples.

So, I start picking up my pace, and I see that she does too, and it's

She has short chubby legs, but I think she was the fastest walker I've
ever seen in my life. We both run towards these apples, and then...
..and that's how I could tell the story.

I mean, let's be real: this was a story about going to the grocery store and
buying apples.

However, when I share all these things I was thinking and feeling, it
becomes a much more interesting story, and *I* become the interesting
part of it.

Now let's talk about that thing I mentioned before and said that if you do
it right, you could mess up everything else and still get the girl if you
include this correctly in HVST.

..I call it "Positioning."

FACT: There are never two people in the SAME position in any given
interaction. In a man-to-woman conversation…

Someone is in the "selector" position, the other in the "chosen" position.

One person is being pursued, the other person is the pursuer.

One person has the power, and the other seeks approval from that
power. Those are the positions, and that's positioning.

When you're the one with the power, the one being pursued, the one with
power in your approval words... you become the boss.

And the boss usually ends up getting what he wants.

Have you ever stopped and wondered what puts certain people in those
positions? I mean…

What normally makes you the pursuer when talking to a beautiful

woman? Is that how it's supposed to be in reality?

Let's agree on one thing: You're AWESOME, just by the mere fact that
you're you. So since that's true…

Why aren't you the one who chooses yet?

Could you be the one with the power, and she's the one seeking your
approval, regardless of her looks?

Shouldn't she be pursuing you?

The fact is that anyone at any time in any conversation with another
person can always put themselves in a higher position.

And here's the kicker:

When you put yourself and stay in that position of "you're pursuing me,"
women will naturally accept it and fall into the mindset of "Yes, I'm
pursuing this guy," and...

..with you in that higher position/status in her mind, she automatically

becomes significantly more attracted and interested in you.


She starts thinking to herself:

"He's the one in control. I'm trying to earn his attraction, his attention,
and his trust. I'm trying to do things to connect with him. God, I like this

Besides outright telling her that she's pursuing you at the moment (which
I do sometimes and it works wonders), the way we let her know that, in
fact, we're the ones choosing in this interaction is something called

Qualification comes from different statements and questions that subtly

frame her as the one trying to prove herself to you.

When you qualify her, you subtly accept these frames, and the tone is
set: she's the one pursuing you.

There are 3 levels of qualification that I use.

#1- Playful Disqualifiers

#2- Small Investment Qualifiers
#3- High Investment Qualifiers

We use playful disqualifiers in the attraction phase (you actually saw some
examples there, as well as in your free bonus "Attraction Made for You").

Here is the translation of the text into English:

This is where you playfully disqualify her as a girl you would like, connect
with, or want to go out with.

For example, telling her, "Wow, you're such a good girl. We would never
get along." "We would never get along" is a playful disqualifier.

She knows you're joking, but even joking about it elevates your
positioning in the interaction (and, literally, at that moment, she feels a
burst of attraction inside her). That's why they are the first type of
positioning frames we use at the beginning of Attraction.

Also, know that you don't always have to disqualify in a joking manner in
the Attraction phase. If you achieve attraction through any of the other
means discussed earlier, then that's great, and you can start with a small
investment qualifier in the HVST phase.

It's not like you have to make sure to drop one of those in the first few
minutes of the interaction... but they are good and will set up the next
level of qualification just a couple of minutes later.

Regarding Small Investment Qualifiers and High Investment Qualifiers,

we use them in the HVST phase.

I recommend using a Small Investment Qualifier earlier in the HVST

phase, and then, after about 5 to 10 minutes of chatting there, use a
High Investment Qualifier, and if she meets that (accepting the
positioning by responding or accepting it), then you'll know it's time to
transition to Escalation.

That's your signal: she accepts the High Investment Qualifier and the
positioning it implies. Here are some examples of small investment

"Last weekend, I was talking to this girl, and she was already interested
in me (just like I was in her), we were in the HVST phase. Then, she
blocked a jump shot. She said she thought Fallout Boy sucked.

Here's my rant problem: most people say Fallout Boy sucks simply
because they became very popular.

They don't actually know if they like them or not, the fact that they're "a
big punk band" means they must be sellouts who suck.


Instead of arguing or disagreeing with her (because I don't argue), I said,

"Psshh. Give me 3 reasons right now why you think Fallout Boy sucks."

That's it.

This is a small investment qualifier.

It's a small hoop for her to jump through, and when she does, the subtle
frame is set between us.

I'm in the higher position here, and she's proving her worth to me.

Use the "Give me 3 reasons" one when you can, when she gives an
opinion on something that you don't necessarily agree with.

And YES, do it playfully, like "WHAT? Give me 3 reasons why...". That kind
of thing.

Some other good small investment qualifiers you might want to try:

"What's the most exciting thing you've done lately?"

"Are you the type of girl who would skydive from a plane right now if
given the chance?"
"Wow, I'm so hungry... would you make me a turkey sandwich if we were
in the kitchen right now?"

As you can see, all of these are light and fun (the high investment
qualifiers, which are on the next level, are a bit deeper, so they are "higher
investment" qualifiers).

Later in HVST, when you feel like you can make her jump through a high
investment hoop and transition to Escalation immediately after, try one of

Some high investment qualifiers:

"If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?"
"When was the last time you did something completely fun and exciting
outside your comfort zone?"

The famous Neil Strauss qualifier: "What are 3 things about you that
would make a guy want to get to know you, but they can't have anything
to do with your appearance?"

These questions are higher investment because they solely relate to

HER. They are personal.

If she complies and opens up to you about these, you have firmly
positioned yourself as the Selector in this interaction, and after she
responds, she's ready to be Escalated, and you can enter the 4-Step
Escalation process that I'll teach you later on.

Two mistakes guys make when qualifying...

#1 Often, guys get too serious during these qualifying parts of HVST.

They'll have fun, keep the game, share stories, have broad animation in
their presentation: everything is fine and then, when they feel it's time to
ask a high investment qualifier, like "When was the last time you did
something totally fun and exciting outside your comfort zone? It's really
important to me that my friends are fun and open like..." they get serious
and stop joking and stop being playful, and it turns into a boring
conversation, with her just responding to the question and you sitting
there, serious and out of the conversation.

Don't do that.

Even when you're asking high investment things, keep them fun and

She doesn't have to respond to your question directly, like an essay; she
can also interject with thoughts, comments, or small teases. Keep it light.

#2 Not accepting her for the answers she gives you in the Higher
Investment Qualifiers.

You're asking her some pretty significant questions, and if she's going to
emotionally invest in answering these questions and revealing herself to
you, then you need to accept her for her answers.

It doesn't matter if you disagree with what she said; these are not meant
to be debated. You need to accept her for who she is.

Imagine if someone influential in your life, maybe a boss or someone

you really admire, asked you a deep question about yourself and then...
Ignored your response?

That would suck.

Don't do that to her.

Tell her what you specifically liked about her answer and relate it to a
story that reminds you of it in your life.

This lets her know that you listened and that you really understand what
she's talking about, that you've emotionally felt the same way, even if the
material content of her answer differs from the story you share.

Now let's quickly discuss one of the most important underlying lessons
I've learned about attracting women: Being the source of good emotions.

What does it mean to be the "source" of good emotions?

It means that everything you do, everything you say, the cadence of your
voice, your tone, your eye contact... everything ALWAYS gives the girl
you're talking to certain emotions.

Like it or not, know it or not... everything you're doing is affecting her

emotional state (remember that women are inherently more sensitive to
the people around them than men... this is the reason).

In this sense, you act as the "source" of her emotions.

Knowing this, don't you think it might make sense to figure out how to be
a source of GOOD emotions versus negative ones?

Understand this: modern women have family and jobs and probably
have medical uniforms that will do anything for their attention,
acceptance, or approval or whatever, even take care of their finances.

If you're just looking to connect with a girl, then

you really want to come in with those positive
and highly charged emotions right from the start
in that Attraction phase.

It wasn't like that 50 or 100 or 10,000 years ago, but today... maybe for
the first time... it is.

So if they have all their needs met, like food, clothing,

shelter... then, when they meet a man, they're not necessarily looking for
protection, someone to support their survival.

Instead, what they're looking for (whether they know it unconsciously or

not) are good emotions and good experiences from the guys they relate
to or date, i.e., a guy who, just with his words and actions, is the BEST
source of good emotions in her life.

If you're just looking to connect with a girl, then you really want to come
in with those positive and highly charged emotions right from the start in
that Attraction phase.

Excitement, desire, curiosity... you're going to make her feel all of those
things with the fun/challenging vibe, teasing, light-hearted play, plus
another mechanism we'll talk about in a second.

And if what you're trying to build is a longer-term relationship, then it's

those emotions I just mentioned (she'll always want to feel them from

you), along with others like feeling significant, feeling understood, feeling
desired, and, of course, being sexually fulfilled.

Some guys will dismiss what I just said and what I'm about to say,
however, those who don't and instead choose to grasp this and become
Kings of Attraction.

There's a marketing guru from Los Angeles named Eben Pagan from
whom I learn a lot; he's sort of a mentor to me.

And he always tells this story of his mentor who had a famous saying
about emotions that I think should underscore the importance of this

More than cocaine, more than harder drugs, more than alcohol...
"Emotions are the most addictive chemicals known to man."

Once we taste a certain emotion and decide we like it, we just want more
and more.

If you can become her drug of choice, giving her doses of those
emotions but always leaving her wanting more, you can actually become
addictive to her.

It's not a joke.

So, in what other ways, besides the actual techniques we talked about in
the Attraction section, can you become the source of good and positive


I first heard the term "State Transfer Law" from the rough Owen Cook
(Tyler Durden) of Real Social Dynamics.

I'll explain it...

Your emotions are a reflection of the "state" you're in.

For example, if you're in a state of excitement, then you feel excited. It's
not nuclear physics here.

The State Transfer Law means that any emotional state you're in is
contagious to the girl you're talking to.

Her state becomes your state.

How you feel greatly influences how she will feel.

If you're going to be chatting, attracting, and seducing women of your

choice, you'll need to have positive and good emotions pumping through
your bloodstream before she can feel them.

I'm going to give you some tips right now on how to get yourself into a
good and positive state when you order it.

You can use these tactics anytime you want to feel better and feel good,
not just right before chatting with the girl of your choice.

Getting into Good States...

#1 Stay healthy and sleep.

A sick body is a sick mind.

However, you don't have to cut out all white sugar from your diet and stop
eating red meat and be in bed by 9 o'clock.

..get 8 hours a night, eat UNLIMITED amounts of vegetables, eat your

fruit, go to the gym, all that stuff you already know.

(You've probably noticed on the download page that I highly recommend

a very specific workout program for my guys, so check it out if you really
want this stuff to happen at the gym).

#2 Change your self-talk.

You're constantly talking to yourself throughout the day, and the way
you're conversing with yourself has a massive effect on the

person you become and the person you feel.


So my advice to you is to talk to yourself as if you're the baddest dude

on the planet, starting right now.

Our thoughts become our reality... don't forget that.

#3 Physical Anchors

By changing certain positions of your voice or body, you can immediately

change the state you're in.

As Tony Robbins says, "motion creates emotion."

The first one you can manipulate to get into a better state is just general

If you've been sitting lazily for a while, you're probably not going to feel
like approaching a girl you don't know and chatting her up.

I want you to try something right now:

Stand up from your chair and raise your fist in the air as if you just made a
game-winning shot. Seriously, celebrate for a good 5-8 seconds right now,
smile, pump your fist, jump up and down... (DO IT NOW, THEN COME
BACK!!! :-))

..How do you feel?

Do you notice the different emotional state you're in just because you
moved your body? Remember that whenever you need to get into a
better and more positive state.

Motion creates emotion.

Another physical anchor you can use to improve your own state is your

By forcing yourself to speak louder and deeper, your body and emotional
state will automatically match it and put you in a better state that's ready
to be the unmatched source of good emotions.

#4 The Mind's Eye

The images we see in our head and the movies we watch in our mind also
affect our state.

If you feel like you could be in a better state (at any time), sit down, close
your eyes, and watch a good movie clip of you in the future for about 15 or
20 seconds.

It will help with your visualization and put you in a better and more
positive state.

I recommend the "movie clip" you watch to be something you want to

happen in the near future.

REMEMBER to use all of this to get yourself into a good state if you ever
feel like you're not quite there yet.

Now, a couple of questions before closing here and moving from small
talk to high-value talk to escalation...

If you truly want to be the source of good emotions, does that mean
avoiding anything that might bring up some negative emotions in you or

As I mentioned earlier, women have hundreds of different emotions, and

they want to experience them all.

Guys in general would be fine if we hit our top five or six emotions, like if
we were happy, calm, fun, relaxed, and fulfilled, we'd probably be fine.

Not her.

She has a WIDE range of emotions and wants to experience them all.

This is what this means for you (and this really only applies to

If she's being an immature brat or having a tantrum, you don't have to

keep being all positive and the source of freely flowing good emotions.

Be the man in those situations and put your foot down.

It's just that, in general, you want to be the source of the best emotions
in her life, while in the back of her mind, she always knows that if she's

acting like she deserves it, you'll behave like a man and tell her to fuck off.

If you're just looking to pick up a girl for a nightstand, stay away from
anything negative for the most part. You should still absolutely cut the
shit and put your foot down when necessary, but for the most part... keep
filling her with those good and exciting emotions throughout the 3

Do I understand?

So far, you've met her, approached her, made her feel attracted to you,
transitioned into the second phase of High-Value Small Talk

, shared stories, connected emotionally, qualified her, and kept that

playful undertone throughout, still teasing lightly, still taking risks.

complies with a High Investment...

..and because of that, it's now time to transition from high-value small
talk to our third and final phase: escalation.

Let's do it.

It's not one of my favorite movies, but Glengarry Glen Ross has a scene
that has become very, very popular in the last two decades.

It's a scene with Alec Baldwin giving this speech to all the salesmen to
motivate them because apparently they have been bad at making sales,
and he makes a resonant statement that has become very popular in
American culture.

The Line?

"Coffee is for closers."

The difference between guys who have a great game, who end up hooking
up or dating all the girls they want, whenever they want, and guys who
sometimes hook up with a few girls but tend to be inconsistent, is
ESCALATION. They don't close.

So let's talk about escalation for a moment right now.

As you've worked your way through the female frame here with this girl,
you've generated attraction in her. She wants you, she's interested,
intrigued, curious, and you've had a little chat for 5, 10, 15, 20 minutes,
maybe even 25 minutes... you've shared stories, connected emotionally
about things, you've been playful, teasing her occasionally, maybe
playing a role a bit, hitting some high-value triggers, being the source of
good emotions, positioning yourself as the prize through qualification,
she's the one working for you, you've done all this, and now…

She's ready.

To quote one of my favorite movies, "How to Be a Player" (duh), the "fish

has been marinated" - she's ready to be escalated.

So, how do you make this transition from a high-value small talk to

How do you do it right and ensure you avoid the mistakes most guys
commonly make in this area and end up ruining all the work they did

I'm going to tell you exactly what to do now.

You're going to have some leeway here because I'm a big fan of natural
game and the freedom it gives you, but I'll tell you that in Escalation,
your margin for error is lower.

It's advisable to follow a proven roadmap, so at least while you're
learning all this, try not to deviate.

First of all, there are certain things you need to make sure you're doing
with your body language, eye contact, and tonality when you reach this
point, so let's cover them now.

With your body language, at this point, you need to make sure your body
language is essentially talking to you and giving you all its attention.

That means your legs and hips are pointing towards you, your shoulders
are towards you, you're giving strong eye contact. Those are all signals
that she really feels intensely attracted to you and is ready to escalate.

And you want to mirror her body language at the same time.

You also want to pay attention to her with your body, so you should
basically be facing each other at this point with the body language.

You should still be open and wide and taking up space and in that alpha
position, but it should be like you're together in your own little love
bubble now.

With the cadence of your voice, you want to start slowing it down.

You want to take your time and change the vibes from this high-energy
environment to a more comfortable, capable, and relaxed vibe.

You don't want to speak too fast, you want it to be more laid-back.
Remember the State Transfer Law... as you relax more, she'll relax

With your tone of voice, see if you can deepen your voice a bit when you
reach this stage.

A lower and deeper voice is a sexier voice.

Nothing that sounds weird to you, though, you should be speaking from
deep in your gut here, not from your chest.

And finally, with eye contact, keep it strong.

Don't shy away - maintain deep, seductive, and relaxed eye contact
while you're talking to her.

Now, if you haven't isolated her at this point and you're not alone with
just the two of you, you'll want to move to an area where it can be
quieter and you can be alone.

If you're in a bar or club and you're still close to her friends or your
friends, simply say, "Hey, let's go over here for a second, it's quieter" and
take her to some part of the place that's quieter/more secluded for you

It could even be just 5 or 8 feet away from everyone else, that's enough
space for you to feel "alone, but together."

So now it's time to escalate, and you're going to love me for this for a long

Do this right, and you'll never have trouble escalating or heating things up
with a girl again.

Ready for your life to get better forever? :-)

This is my 4-step Escalation Process that works every time AND makes it
very, very fun for both you and her... it will truly give her an experience
she'll remember and appreciate forever.

Step 1: Simply say, "You know what I think we would have a lot of fun

Then you're just going to describe something in the future that the two of
you are going to do together, and you're going to include a quick reason
why you'd like to do it with her as well.

While doing this, you make it sound so good and so fun that she'll think to
herself, "God, this is amazing, I would love to do this with him," but you
don't make a plan about it.

If most guys are smart enough to do something like this, they'll deflate
the tension by trying to close the deal right there and then, but not you.
You're smarter than that.

Instead, you're just going to leave her hanging there for a second and
make her really want it and think about it a bit more.

You're just going to make this sound amazing, this little future pace of a
story, and, of course, she'll think it's something she'd like to do with you,
BUT then you don't make a plan about it.

Just let it build up a bit more steam.

That's Step 1. I'll give you examples in a second, but I want to give you the
overlay of what we're going to do in this 4-step process.

So that's number one, describe something awesome that the two of you
are going to do together, but don't make a plan about it.

Step 2, right after that, you're going to start a new conversational thread.

Give it a second to settle in, that little future pace you just described, and
then start a new conversational thread.

And it's going to be a very specific conversational thread, something that

creates a really deep and positive emotional connection, one and two,
something that also creates a physical connection.

I'm going to give you 3 different ways you can do this in a second.

What this quick switch is going to do is, by not giving her the chance to
really talk about the future pace you just took her through, it will make it
obvious that you two will obviously have a lot of fun hanging out
together, but you're so non-needy that you don't need to make concrete
plans about it right now.

Her attraction for you keeps increasing.

So you go straight into this new conversational thread, creating that

deep and positive emotional connection, as well as a physical

And then, at the peak point of this emotional and physical connection
you just created, you're going to take it away.

This is Step 3.

You're going to take it away at that moment and right there at that high
point, you're going to say you have to go, you have to fly, whatever, but...

121 guys are definitely going to have to do XX at YY (this is in
reference to that thing you just future-paced a couple of minutes ago,
you're bringing it back now).

You can say, "We're definitely going to do this on this date, or sometime
next week when I'm free," something like that.

At this point, you're going to pull out your phone, you're going to say it
assumingly, assuming that she's going to want to give you her number,
you pull out your phone and say, "Here's my phone, put your number in
and call yourself so I have your number too."

What this does is make the number exchange completely irrelevant.

You have something fun planned that you're going to do together, and of
course, the phone/number is just a logistical part of it.

Most guys make the number almost like a game-ending or result they
feel they need, whereas the phone is just a tool for what's really
important here, which is that you two meet up next time.

That's why the focus is on the plan and how fun, exciting, playful, and
everything it's going to be, and the phone number is secondary.

And finally, Step 4, you'll say goodbye with a hug and give her what I call
the "slow brush," which I'll talk about in a second.

It's really powerful and makes her want you so much that when you meet
up, hooking up is a discussion, it won't even be a big issue because
she's been thinking about it non-stop since you left.

So let's guide you through this entire 4-step process right now, how I
would do it.

So you isolate her and say, "You know what I think we would have so
much fun doing?" And then you go into your future pace.

I live in Santa Monica right now, and there's something called the
Promenade here, which is a great shopping area with lots of people and
tourists, a really fun area.

So this is how I would say it (remember, you want it to sound real to her as
she imagines it in her head, it should sound fun, exciting, playful, teasing,
and all that good shit).

So this is what I would say:

I say, "You know what I think we would have so much fun doing? Here's
what we're going to do, we're going to take a walk down the Promenade,
maybe next week, I don't know. And it's going to be great because I feel
like you're as fun and adventurous as I am.

We'll take a walk down the Promenade, it'll be sunny, a bit breezy
outside, and it'll be packed with interesting people. We'll ignore them and
make fun of all the tourists.

Then, as we walk, we'll go into Urban Outfitters.

We'll turn right as we go in and go straight to their bookshelf.

I'll read you a page from 1000 Awesome Things, which is like the coolest
book ever, they have it in every Urban.

As I read you a page from it, you'll laugh out loud because I'll add all
sorts of funny sexual references that make no sense.

As I read you a page of that, you're going to laugh out loud because I'm
going to add
all kinds of funny sexual references that don't make any sense.

And then, since I've just named you my personal purchasing advisor,
we're going to find new jackets for me in the men's section.

You're going to choose something I won't like, I'm going to choose

something you won't like, let's fight about it, and then I'm going to lock
you in the bandage. room because I am, already you know, crafty like that.

And then, I'll let you out, we'll make up, and we'll go get ice cream.

Then we're going to put our feet up and sit on the benches overlooking the
water, eat ice cream and people watch as the sun goes down.”

So I describe it in detail, it's fun, it's playful, there are so many things
different things that happen, sounds like something you would love to do.

Notice the descriptive language there too, as the sun sets, people pass by,
we put our feet up, you know, sunny with a bit of a breeze, all the
little details that set the tone and put it there. in his mind, on that stage.

After you do that, you give it a second to settle, looking at another

place other than her at the end (because you did NOT say it because of her
answer, but because of your own fun and you like to hear yourself
tell amazing stories) before

Starting a new thread of conversation.

The new thread is something that creates an emotional AND physical

connection really deep and positive.

There are three ways I do this.

I recommend, rather than try a bunch of different things that may or may
not work, just do what I do because it works.

These are the three things you can do, you only need to do one, so
listen to all three now and choose which one you want to do.

Number one, you can pretend to read his palms.

You don't want to learn to read palms unless you are really interested in
those things. Instead, it's much more fun for the two, when you pretend
you know how and give him the most ridiculous reading of his life.

Number two is a secret handshake that she "just won." And the
number three is the pinkie swear game.

(My older clients love the Pinkie Swear set, they say it makes
women feel like carefree girls again).

So how do you get into each one and how do you do each of these?

She will laugh out loud.

Remember that by this point, she's already qualified enough for you to
really be able to tell her to do small things and she'll comply.

So, as number one, to pretend to read her palms, I'll simply say
something like, "Hey, let me see your palms for a second," and I'll take
her hand.

I'll say, "You know, I'm actually a world-class palm reader," and say it in a
joking way, obviously, and I'll be teasing.

"You know, I'm actually an award-winning palm reader, come here, let
me see your hands." Hahaha.

And then, as I read them, I'll do everything, pretending to feel and read
her palms as if I'm actually doing it, getting into the zone and taking it very
seriously, while still smiling, as if I'm well aware that I'm being totally
ridiculous in this moment.

She'll laugh out loud.

So, when I'm about to read them, I'll act as if her life is in grave danger
and I've been sent to save her, or I'll find a line on her hand and say,
"Oh, this doesn't look good."

And she'll say, "What?" And I'll say, "Wait, I'm not sure if I can tell you
this, wait, wait."

I'll play with her, tease her, and say, "This line means you were almost
born a boy, but your mom ate a lot of lemons while you were in the
womb, which pushed you to become a woman."

Just keep it fun, silly, playful, absurd, but still connecting, just the two of
you in your own bubble of fun.

By doing this, you're creating a positive emotional connection because

both of you are enjoying this moment, savoring these emotions here,
and having physical contact at the same time.

When you reach the high note there (you'll recognize it because she'll
laugh a lot while looking at you with eyes that say "I'm in love"), you
move on to the conclusion, which is Step Three.

Number two for this step: the secret handshake she's earned.

I'll simply say something like, "Alright, I think you're ready for this, let's do
a secret handshake."

And then, literally, I'll take her through a secret handshake, our own little
secret between the two of us.

I won't tell you what kind of handshake to do, but keep it short, fun, and
easy, just a few different things and not something intricate that takes 10
minutes to remember.

It should be quick, fun, and painless.

If it's a high-five and she's going to hit your hand, withdraw it and
playfully tease her the first time you practice as well :-)

At the end of the handshake, when you've practiced it for the last time,
hold her hand for just a second longer than usual with positive and
seductive eye contact. This will create a good sexual tension between the
two of you, and right there, that's when you enter Step Three, the

And finally, number three, the Pinkie Swear game. I love this game.
So all you simply say is, "Hey, have you ever played the Pinkie Swear
game before?"

She'll say, "No," and you'll say, "Alright, I think you'd be good at it, let's

Here's how you explain the rules:

"OK, first of all, this game is based on being open with the other person,
are you SURE you can handle it? :-)"

She'll laugh, say yes, and then you'll tell her…

"Alright, each of us has to tell the funniest and most embarrassing thing
that happened to us as a child.

And to make sure the other person tells the truth, the whole truth, and
nothing but the truth, you have to pinkie swear.


So you pinkie swear, you know, interlock pinkies, extend your thumbs,
both kiss your thumbs at the same time, creating that emotional and
physical connection, and then you can share a funny or embarrassing
story that happened to you when you were a child.

Also, make sure your story is true and really good.

If you're going to do this, think about your story first and take some time
to make sure it's incredible.

For example, here's one that I really enjoy telling:

When I was in fifth grade, and this is a true story, for some reason, all the
kids at school were really interested in the idea of getting married, we
thought it would be fun to pretend to get married.

So there was a girl in our class, her name was Jenna, she was like the
blonde girl, you know, the most popular girl in school, and since I was
good-looking and cool at soccer, she decided that she liked me.

But then she decided that wasn't enough, and instead, she wanted to
marry me, and since back then I didn't have standards regarding
personality, I decided I would marry her too.

So we actually had a wedding ceremony during recess, during the first
recess on a Friday or something (I don't remember the day of my
wedding, isn't that sad?). Hahaha.

We got married that day, we did the whole ceremony right next to the
swings and the monkey bars, we walked down the aisle, exchanged love
notes when we did, and then we kissed, and that was also my first kiss,
when I was 10 years old, on the playground, you know, the little peck on
the lips."

And then I usually end up saying something like, "And, you know, I really
want to be direct and honest with you, so... we never actually got
divorced or anything like that. I'm actually a married man. Are you okay
with that, RIGHT?"

And of course, she'll laugh and I'll acknowledge it. High note.
That's what we're aiming for, a high note to carry and leave.

So what happens is, once you reach that high note from any of those 3
choices you made, that's Step Three, you remove it.

This is super powerful, it makes her attraction and sexual interest in you
triple. I'm not kidding.

Right at that moment, you look at your watch or your phone, note the
time and say,

"Oh, shit, I have to go, you know, I have to do this, I have this thing, you
know, I promised it. I'd meet my friends here, or I have to get home, I
have work in the morning," something like that.

It doesn't matter, she'll be so surprised that you're leaving that she

probably won't hear anything else but that you're leaving now.

While saying this, you hit them with the second part of the sentence,
which is, "you know, I have to fly, I have to go do this, I have to get up
early in the morning for this, but let's do XX at YY."

So if you were talking about going to Promenade when you were
thinking about the future, you'd say, "...but I don't care what you say,
we're going to Promenade this weekend and we're going to do every
single thing on that list I mentioned before. Here's my phone.."

I take out my phone, without hesitation, complete assumption, and say,

"Here's my phone, enter your number and then call yourself to get my
number too."

That's it.

If you've done what I've told you so far, she'll do exactly as you said.


She puts her phone in, and you're going to hug her goodbye, and as you comes the slow brush.

While hugging her, you wrap your arms around her in a nice, "I got you
in my arms" embrace.

Hold it for a good second.

Keep your eye contact active, simply pull back

and say, "I'll see you later."
Then, you'll slowly back away first, and as you do, you'll gently brush
your cheek against hers.

While doing this, as you slowly back away, your lips almost touch as you
move apart because it's cheek against cheek as you back away and
straighten up and your lips almost touch, BUT THEY DON'T.

You slowly back away and as you back away and your cheeks are no
longer touching and you're a few steps away from her, you regain that
deep, calm, confident eye contact with her, a small, ever so slight smile
on your face as if you know a little too much, just a little too confident :-)

And then, with the eye contact still active, simply back off and say, "I'll
see you later." Then you turn around and walk away.

And that's the guaranteed four-step escalation process.

So now you have a plan for meeting again as well, which is even better
anchored to a serious emotional investment on her part, leaving her on
the highest note possible.

She's incredibly excited to see you again, to hear from you again.

Now you might be wondering why I'm recommending simply getting the
number on the first night instead of trying to rush things on the first day
you meet her…

My personal experience has taught me that it's almost always smarter to

play it a bit cooler, as long as you end it as we discussed here.

Especially when dealing with more attractive girls, being the guy who
leaves her wanting more, not to mention all the other amazing emotions
you filled her with during Attraction and High-Value Small Talk.

...she's probably never had the former, and she'll be dying to do

something with you the second time you meet.

So now all we have left before it's time for you to connect is texting to set
up the meeting, in addition to the actual meeting.

It's been an exciting journey so far, and to end it on a high note

ourselves, let's move forward now.


The first step for the first encounter is to address the matter, which we'll
do now through texting.

I receive more questions about texting than almost anything else, it has
become such an important part of the game today and can definitely
make or break you.

Fortunately, we're going to minimize the amount of texting we'll do here

before the meeting, doing just enough to solidify everything and nothing

So on the same night you met her, you want to text her. The point is
simply to solidify the interaction and connection between the two of you
from that night.

You want to give her something to remind her of how much fun she had,
how attracted she was to you, how intrigued she was, and how excited
she is to see you again.

So this is simple, and please, I say this only because I love you and care
about you and I've seen other guys get in their heads about it...

..Don't fuck this up.

This is my tested message, you can edit it a bit, but the principle should
remain the same. Okay?

So within 10 to 60 minutes after leaving her, I want you to send her this
message. "Glad to have met you tonight, <basic nickname>."

All you're going to say is, "Glad to have met you tonight," and then her
nickname, or her full name if you haven't given her a nickname during
your interactions yet.

For example, I met this waitress about a week and a half ago and we
exchanged numbers (she actually just left my bed about an hour ago, I
told her, "Listen, you gotta go, I have to work on my book and write
about how I just seduced you." Lol.).

And when we were talking, she told me she liked taking bong hits (yeah,
sometimes I meet some classy women).

But she tells me she likes taking hits from the bong, that's her favorite
way to inhale or smoke weed.

So from that point on, I called her "Bong Girl," kind of a play on James
Bond, she's my Bong Girl.

That's what I saved her as in my phone, that was the nickname I would
call her by. So when I texted her the night I met her, it was:

"To my favorite Bong Girl... glad to have met you tonight :-)"
Nothing more, nothing less, totally simple. It does everything you need it
to do. Other examples:

Glad to have met you tonight Hooters Girl :-) Glad to have met you
tonight Innocent Woman :-) Glad to have met you tonight Ashley J.
Johnson :-) Got it?

Now, it doesn't matter if she actually responds to that text or not, it's
totally irrelevant.

If she does respond, a good number of girls will, don't respond unless it's
something that actually deserves a response.

(If it is something that needs a response, in your response, be brief, be

light, be fun.)

And don't text back any more after that response.

No more than two texts sent on the first night, we're going to let her mind
think about you.

If you kept texting with her that same night (which almost every guy
makes the mistake of doing the night they get a girl's number), she'll

never really be able to invest more thoughts/be more intrigued by you...
you'll always be available to her, right there on her phone.

Instead, we'll give her the gift of thinking about the new and amazing guy
she just met. She can't do that if you're texting back and forth.
Now, what's the next step after our initial text?

If it was a cold meeting between you, meaning you didn't know her at all
before the night you met her, you didn't meet her through a friend, etc.,
then I want you to text her the next day, preferably sometime between
5:15 and 9 p.m. the following day.

If it was a warm meeting, meaning it was through your social circle,

someone introduced you, it was more through a social gathering of mutual
friends, something like that... then you're going to wait about 36 hours for
the next communication.

What do you say to set up these plans?

I'm going to give you word-for-word texts here, as promised.

Again, these are tested, they work, if you feel like you want to change
them up a bit, I don't recommend it, but you can, just make sure to stick
to the same ideas, the same principles, the same beliefs I'm giving you

So when I'm going to hit her back the next day or about 36 hours later, I
always start by playing off her original nickname.

Bong Girl becomes Lady Bong. Hooters Girl becomes Lady Hooters.
Ashley J. Johnson simply becomes Ashley J. And the text is:

"Hey, Lady Bong, ready to rock at Promenade tomorrow?"

If the meeting was scheduled for Saturday and here it's a Thursday, just
say Saturday instead of tomorrow.

We keep it light, playful, good vibes, and the like.

(Your location will obviously be different from mine, depending on what

you discussed during the four-step escalation).

She'll respond enthusiastically at least 80% of the time, and then your
response to that... (which should take you twice as long to respond as it
did for her...)

...all you're going to respond is, "Great, I am," and right here, this is key,
this is huge... a public service announcement from your friend Jason

The most common objection in a woman's

mind when she meets a new guy is the idea of
I do not endorse lying to women.

It's simply not necessary when we know that the material context of the
conversation is so secondary to the emotions felt during the interaction.

However, in terms of seduction and flirting, both sexes have always been
allowed to have fun with the truth on occasion.

This is going to be one of those moments (maybe).

The most common objection in a woman's mind when she meets a new
guy is the idea of trust.

Clearly, she's attracted to you and really wants to learn more about you
and spend more time with you because you make her feel really good and
different, young and free again, but sometimes there's a trust issue that
needs to be overcome simply because she hasn't known you for a long
time and can't know much about you.

This is the logical side of her brain fighting against her emotions.

Because you make her feel so good, she might wonder if you do this
with all the girls. Am I just another notch on your belt? Do I know your
friends? Are they trustworthy?

All these things go through her mind, so… want to overcome that objection before it can manifest in her


So when she playfully responds to your text, all you want to do to reply
is: "Great, I am," and then, right there, you want to insert something that
builds trust with what you're doing with your family right now.

Women almost always view people who value family relationships as

more trustworthy.

DO NOT take this as an opportunity to tell her about every outing you've
had with your grandmother, but letting her know a little spontaneously
this time (and only this time) can be extremely powerful.

So usually, I just say: "Great, I'm on the phone right now with my
cousin/sister/grandmother, so meet me at ADDRESS at THIS TIME.
It's the place covered in the most ridiculous green ivy from top to bottom,
you can't miss it."

One, we have the family/trust issue (and ideally, actually be on the

phone with that person so you don't have to mess with the truth).

Two, we get out of the texting because we're busy guys (or at least want
her to think you're busy, if you're not, go back and reread what I've said
many times about being a guy who LEANS back into his edges).

And three, we end the meeting spot with a little joy to make her smile
really fast, plus we describe it in detail so she can envision it in her mind.

This is really good because now, she's imagined what it looks like, she
feels like she's been there before, and she'll be more comfortable when
she arrives tomorrow than if she couldn't imagine any of that.

KEY NOTE: You will have her meet you outside of your place, where you
will walk or drive to your destination. This is not REQUIRED, but it helps.

something like that, and that's it, we're done, you're ready to meet up
and have a great time.

No need to go more than two, three texts max.

If she needs any other information, like if she has objections or questions
or anything like that, of course you have to answer them, but initially
respond with a little sarcasm or playfully, as if you wouldn't believe a girl
would question anything having to do with even getting the chance to
spend time with you, then give her the information she needs like a normal

One more question before we start talking about the meeting...

Should you make any calls between the two of you before meeting?

Here's my rule on this:

The only time you should call is if you need to set up or finalize logistics for
the meeting

So maybe it's five minutes until you meet up and she texted you saying
she can't find your building, so YES you call her like an adult man and
say, "Hey, where are you?... Okay, you need to come here, when you
see this you'll know where you are, etc. See you in a sec, girl." Hang up.

Quick, easy, painless, no problem.

So on that note, we're almost there, we're almost at the connection point,

We started with attraction, went through high-value trivial talk, escalated,

got the number, planted the plans, followed the plans, and now... it's time
for the meeting, and…

...this is going to be super, super easy.

Because whether you know it or not right now, you already have all the
tools you need to make it the best encounter and connection of your life.
I'll explain in a second.

Let's get to the meeting right now. The encounter…

Quick Rant: From the beginning, even when you met her, when you
approached her for the first time, when you started talking, until now,
nothing has changed from then until now. Your mindset hasn't changed.

You assume everything from the beginning. You assume she's turned
on, you assume she wants you, you assume she's been thinking about you
since you last left her and dying for you to make a move.

But, you also know you're going to keep it light, playful, fun, and playful,
and make her want it even more before you give it to her. That's your
mindset now.

Now, why did we want her to meet you at your place first?

Instead of meeting at the mall, at IKEA, or at the park, we wanted her to

meet outside your place first so she could see where you live; this will
make her feel much more comfortable when she comes back later in the

So when she shows up at your place, you tell her to come up with you
for a second, you forgot your jacket, wallet, phone, or whatever.

If I meet her in front of my apartment building, I say, "You know, I

completely spaced and forgot my cell phone" or "I forgot my driver's
license," something like that, "Let's go real quick and get it" and then
we'll leave on our journey, girl."

So now she's going to see my place for the first time…

Never forget, the bedroom is always the last on

the tour.
When most guys bring a woman to their place for the first time, they
immediately remind her that it's the first time she's been there.

However, if you were bringing an old friend to your place, you wouldn't
go in and say, "Okay, this is the living room, this is the bathroom, this is
the Indian statue I won in a drinking game contest," etc."

You wouldn't do the whole tour, you'd be totally comfortable and just
walk right in, walk to whatever you needed to get and feel at home,
right? The same way here.

Walk into the apartment, say, "Okay, have a seat for a second, make
yourself at home, I'm going to go grab my whatever," and then, after

she's been sitting there for a second on her own and you got what you
needed, you come back to get her and then say, "Okay, let me show you
around real quick before we leave."

So this is what I do.

I take her through the place, show her the kitchen, the living room, the
office, the studio, whatever, everything, and then the bedroom is always
the last on the tour.

Never forget that, the bedroom is always the last on the tour.

So when I take her into the bedroom, I'll say, "And this is my bedroom."

I'll show it to her just for a second so she can register it as a safe,
comfortable, clean room and then I might joke, "But don't worry about
that, anyway, you'll never see the end of it," lol.

It's almost like I'm trying to push her away from it.

All the other guys she's been with have always tried to lead her to their
bedroom and we're trying to push her away.

The playfulness and little jokes don't stop: we keep spinning it into the
recipe, hitting those attraction switches more and more like a light show.

What kind of guy does this, you might think.

The answer, of course, is a guy who is not needy and has all kinds of
options with women, also known as a sexually preselected man.

Now it's time to leave, so tell her we're going and you're out. The
meeting has officially begun and this is going to be super easy. How?

Because we already have the female frame down pat.

All you're going to do is start back at Attraction, as if you just met her,
and you don't have to stay there as long this time, but you start there so
the flame of Attraction really flickers again.

It's playful, it's light, it's fun, and a little challenging.

And from there, you simply keep running The Framework like a cycle.
It's a little attraction, into high-value trivial talk, escalate a bit with more
emotionally connected and deeper things (personal stories told in the
right way and still hitting the high-value triggers), more physical contact
(like holding hands, hugs, playing with her hair, etc.), and then you back
off with a high note of Emotional Connection and go right back to
Attraction, it's more playful again and lighter, and then you go back to
throughout this cycle, going a little deeper each time.


To make the meeting as fun and amazing as possible for both of you,
just remember to keep running it through this framework.
Straight up, this is all you have to do for every encounter, for every
relationship, everything.

This framework will work for you for the rest of your life with women,
every interaction you have. Attraction, high-value trivial talk, escalation,

and backing off. Attraction, high-value small talk, escalating and backing

Soon enough, this vibrating cycle with a woman will happen naturally for
you, and that's when you become deadly attractive to every woman you
encounter. I mean... EVERY SINGLE ONE (even if they're married, lol).
Other key points to remember in the meeting:

Remember, you are the leader. You are the one leading this meeting and
where it's going and what you're talking about.

So it's not her saying, "Yeah, we should go here, I want to go here," it's
you saying, "Okay, we're going here now, then we're going to do this,
let's go!" You are the leader.

Keep it completely need-free throughout the meeting, throughout the

interaction, throughout the relationship, throughout everything...
completely need-free.

You can take it, but you can also leave it. With this mindset, none of her
tests can get to you (which is truly a win for BOTH). Being able to walk
away at any time puts you in an eternal position of power that ALL women
find irresistible.

Lastly, keep escalating and backing off. It'll turn the heat up to 1,000

Bring her in for a hug, then back off.

Give her a high-five, snap your fingers, then back off from her.

Tell her her skin is so soft as you slowly slide your nails down her
forearm, and then back off and say, "Too bad we're not attracted to each
other" with a little smile.

Escalate and back off, escalate and back off—it'll make connecting a
little later the easiest and most natural thing in the world for both of you.

Alright, now in terms of actual content, of what you're talking about,
obviously I'm a big proponent of natural game, but I also like to have a
hybrid component in everything I do. I want to have a plan, I think a man
should always have at least some plan in anything he's doing.

So in every meeting I have, I always have a few things I remember in

terms of what to talk about.

Girls do this all the time too, in case you're wondering.

I remember I went on a road trip to Chicago, from Detroit to Chicago with

this girl I was dating a couple of years ago. We were in the car like 10
minutes away from getting to Chicago, it's like a four-and-a-half-hour car
ride, and we had been talking the whole time, it was just fun or joking,
we shared stories, qualified, you know, some physical and backing off
stuff, that's what it was. It was attraction, high-value trivial talk,
escalation, going through that cycle.

And about 10 minutes away from Chicago, she looked at me and said,
"You know what's funny, before coming here, I was talking to my friend
Stephanie, and we made a plan, we made a list of 10 things that you and
I could do in the car in case it got awkward or there was nothing to talk
about or something like that."

I found it amusing for a couple of reasons. First, the fact that we had a
great conversation for hours, the whole time we were on the trip, it was
incredible for her, it just flowed freely with awareness, with a high-value
foundation, swimming through that cycle over and over again (A ->
HVST -> E ->). And second, it made me laugh that she planned things to
talk about, just like we are doing now. I never realized that a girl at that
moment would even think of doing something like that. It's like, "How
boring must some of these guys she's seen in the past be?"

Imagine the great advantage you have with all this knowledge now. So,
in every meeting, I recommend the following:

- Have in mind two teasing, fun, attraction-based things to get the
conversation off to a good start.
- Have two good stories in mind to share.
- And have a fun game to play as well. Simple.

So here's an example of things I do in terms of teasing for each meeting:

Let's say we're walking down the street and people are coming towards
us from the other side of the same sidewalk. Slowly, very slowly, I will
start pushing her in that direction where people will be walking.

It's almost like, as they pass, I'm going to push her towards them and
make her look silly, right? That's a lot of fun, teasing physically, really
good stuff. That's one.

Number two, if we're in a store, shopping or something, maybe even go

to Urban Outfitters as I mentioned, when we're there, I'll turn her into my
personal shopping advisor. We can role-play with that for a second, talk
about her fees, and I can tell her she's overcharging and that she has a
crappy business.

We can have a lot of fun with that role-play. And then, two minutes later,
whatever you choose, whether I like it or not, I'll pretend not to like it,
jokingly, and I'll dismiss her as my personal shopping consultant and tell
her she has to leave the store immediately, jokingly trying to get her out
the doors.

Do you understand?

Now, the two stories.

One of the stories should involve other girls, possibly a girl you've had
something with in the past. It should also be a fun story (NOTHING SAD,
UNCOMFORTABLE). Remember... high-value stories and high-value

So, I might tell a story, and this actually happened a couple of weeks
ago, my friend Nick, who is an investment banker in New York City, I went
to college with him in Michigan, he was texting me from the bar around 6
p.m. on a Wednesday.

He sent a picture, a real-time snapshot of this girl that we both went to

college with, and I had hooked up with her once, but after that, we just
hooked up like the next day...

she texted me and called me like 13 times in 45 minutes, or something

crazy like that, totally Guinness Book-worthy, she was crazy.

And there she was, randomly in the same bar as him in New York, it was
really fun.

And I could show her that photo on my phone.

By doing that, it's a funny story and hits some high-value activation
points, right?

Plus, it implies that girls hang out with me, girls chase after me, girls
can't leave me alone, etc.

Every time something incredible happens or you

think it would make a great story to tell, jot it
down in your diary or Story Rolodex document.
All the good things hit that preselection switch.

See if you can get a story like that there, and here's a tip to become a
legendarystoryteller.KeepagrowingRolodexofgoodstoriesyoucan share.

Whenever something impressive happens or you think it would make a

great story to tell, write it down in your diary or Story Rolodex document.

And it's not just good for girls, it's good for business, it's good for life, it's
good for networking.

Having your own Rolodex of stories that you can refer to at any time will
help keep your story content focused only on the best ones that make
you appear totally incredible, attractive, and of great value.

The other story you want to imply your passion and personal ambitions.

For example, I would probably tell her about this new book on body
language that I'm currently reading by my favorite author, Joe Navarro,
who is a complete badass. He worked for the FBI for 30 years
investigating murders and more.

He literally talked to serial killers during interrogations and read their

body language to find out if they were lying or not. I love that guy.

So, I'm reading this book by him and I tell her about it, and maybe even
show her something cool from it.

That would be my second high-value story, locked and loaded. So, that's
two teasers, two stories, and now ONE game.

So, for the fun game, there are so many damn options you have here, so
many good things you can do.

I love creating games based on the environment we're in, so if we're

shopping, turn her into my personal shopping consultant, that's a game,

Or maybe when we're shopping, I'll make her try on the funniest clothes.
So, if she's like a 5'2" yoga teacher who weighs like 100 pounds, I'll grab
an extra extra large leather jacket from the men's section and a gangster
hat and put both on her and say, "Wow, you look fabulous."

Yes, fun games like that, make her try on the funniest clothes, different
things like that.

Also, we talked about it during the four-step escalation process, but

there you have game options you can play, basically the two you didn't
use during that escalation process.

So, if you pretended to read her palms earlier, that means you can do
the secret handshake with her here or you can initiate the Pinkie Swear
game. Either one works phenomenally.

However, you can invent any game you want at any time you want, as long
as it's fun and you don't take it seriously.

It should be playful and teasing and playful and oh, yes, did I mention
playful? :-)

I remember about a year ago, I was out with this girl, and you know I
usually don't recommend kissing in a bar, but I kissed this girl in a bar,
and there was a lot of tension between us, not just sexual, but almost
like this game of who was going to end up with the upper hand (me
obviously, duh :-)).

So we went on this hike a couple of days later, and we walked through

all this nature and the

brown autumn leaves, and I felt like all the teasing back and forth was
taking its toll (too much same type Attraction regulates those patterns
down in her brain), and I realized, even though she wouldn't admit it, she
really wanted to emotionally connect, so being the man in the interaction
(and letting her be the woman), I decided to take her to this next step.

So, I said, "Okay, we're going to play a game right now, and this is how it

I just came up with this on the spot and called it the Jennifer Game,
naming it after her (because it was "fun, exciting, and I had complete

I decided the game would be like this: each of us has to say something
about the other person, something that is unique to them and that we
personally really like. It's probably not something many other people

know or notice, but it's something that we really like specifically about
the other person, maybe something that attracts us to that person.

And we went back and forth a couple of times, and I think she fell in love
with me right there, she loved that game.

So, play any game you want, whenever you want, you have my full

So, you have your two teasers, your two stories, and your fun game to
start, and then you go, and then you're just sharing and qualifying each
other from there and now... reach the end of the meetup, maybe it's been 45 minutes, maybe
it's been an hour, maybe you went to a few different places and also
grabbed some food, and now it's time to head back to your place so you
guys can be alone together.

Now again, I want you to remember that everything you do is under the

That mindset will lead you to the land of glory.

So now it's time for you to guide her back to your place, but first, let's
backtrack for a second. Remember how you took her to her place for a
moment before you guys left?

There's one thing I didn't mention back then that you're also going to do
during that time. It's the key to always connecting on the first meetup.

When she arrives at your place for the first time and you're showing her
around, giving her a quick tour, you always want to leave a magnet

It's not a real magnet, but something you're going to tell her about that's
amazing and make it sound incredible, but you're not going to let her
look at it or do anything with it, you're going to leave her curious about it.

By doing that, it becomes a magnet to bring her back to your place, the
perfect excuse for why she'll come back to your place on the first

So, for example, my magnet is a book that I really like called Kokology.

And you can use the same magnet if you want. I'm really into this kind of
stuff, I think it's really fascinating. It's a book by these Japanese
researchers and doctors where basically you put someone in a scenario,
like an imaginary scenario, and you can ask them what they would do in
that situation. And based on their response, you can actually tell a lot
about themselves. Really cool.

So what I'll do is when she comes over initially, I'll pull out this book and
tell her about it and what it is, and make it sound really cool like "there's
one of these exercises where you have to pretend you're in someone
else's shoes, and the person whose shoes you're in says all these
different things about your personality, you can learn some really cool
things about yourself, it's fun, fun, fun, maybe I'll show you later today.
But we have to go..." as we move along.

So it's like, "You know, this book is incredible, this is what it does, I
showed it to my friend the other day, and she's been talking about it
non-stop ever since, it's freaking amazing." Maybe I'll show it to you
later, but we have to go, let's roll." And then I'll brush it off, okay?

So now it's later, and it's time for you to guide her
back to your place. Here's how you're going to do
Extend this line on her while you take her hand and guide her (under the
Golden Assumption):

"Hey, let's go back to my place for a second, I want to do that Kokology

book with you, I'm really curious, now that I know you a little better, to
see what it says about a badass like you."

You're guiding her, it's like "Hey, let's go now," I grab her hand, "I want to
show you this," stating what I want to do. And I give a specific reason
why, "now that I know you a little better..."

That, plus you're casually leading, equals compliance.

So you lead her, you guide her back to your place, whether you're walking
back, getting in the car, whatever, KEEP TALKING.

Keep your mouth moving, that million-dollar mouthpiece, keep it moving.

Keep sharing stories, keep teasing, keep qualifying, keep escalating and
backing off, keep running that framework, okay? Every time you go
through that framework, her temperature for you rises higher and higher,
and when you're still chatting, her logical mind really can't start
registering what's going on and can't guess what you're doing right now
because instead, she's going with her emotions and following along.

So now you get back to your place, the fish has been marinated, it's time
for seduction, it's time to hook up, so let's get to the most exciting part

Remember that when you get back to your place, there's still that playful
backdrop to everything. Yes, some fireworks are about to explode, and
some good things are about to happen, but it's not a big deal, right? It's
never a big deal.

We keep the playful backdrop to everything so it still feels fun, light, and
natural for her. Laughter IS comfort.

It's just two people having fun together, constantly laughing and
connecting/vibing on all levels.

So when she gets back to your place, go straight to the activity you said
you were going to do, your magnet.

No pauses, no hesitations, just flowing naturally.

I'll walk in, sit on the couch, and say, "Alright, let's do it," opening up

I've been looking forward to doing this, it wasn't just a way to get you back
to my place (that's how it seems to her).

And then we get into it, leading the activity.

Ideally, you want the magnet to be waiting in a comfortable spot where

both of you can sit together. Sitting on opposite couches is not good...
the best place to have it is if you have a couch or a futon in your
bedroom and both of you sit there.

That makes things really smooth and simple.

As you start the activity with the magnet, keep the playful and relaxed
atmosphere, as well as a couple of other key transitions:

» Strong and comfortable eye contact.
» Lower your voice a bit.
» Deepen your voice a bit too.

So after a few minutes of Kokology together, I'll let a positive silence take
over the moment for a couple of seconds, with the same deep and
strong eye contact.

I'll bite my lip a bit as I look at her lips for a second, then back to her
eyes. Not darting eyes, but... longing and slow-moving eyes.

I lean in and slowly brush some hair off one side

of her face.
Maybe gently hold her hands too and intertwine our fingers.

But I'll just pause, maintain that eye contact, slowly extend my hand, and
this time our waists should be fairly close to each other, it's not like I'm
leaning over her or anything, we should be side by side, facing each other.

And I lean in and slowly brush some hair off one side of her face.
(If it's not on her face, I'll just brush it behind her ear for a second).

As if I'm thinking of doing something to her right now, but actually, I won't
do anything in that moment, just brush her hair.

And by the way, if you're in this moment, you don't have to worry about
whether she's ready to be kissed, she's clearly ready to be kissed, but
right now we're just teasing her, right? We're just being a showman at
this moment and making it even more fun for her, okay, so I just brush
one side of her hair, push it back.

And then I look at her and say softly, deeply, and calmly, "You know that
moment just before two people who feel really comfortable and attracted

to each other kiss for the first time... that incredible tension between
them in that moment? ... I love that moment."

And then, as I say this, I slightly tilt my head and slowly start moving

As I move, I'll look at her lips and then look at her eyes, and then look
back at her lips.

And then, at that moment, your lips are almost

touching hers at this moment, when I'm just an inch away, I'll pause.

Right before kissing her, I'll pause for a second, keep that tension for
one more second. At this moment, she's got so many butterflies in her
stomach, it's like an African safari.

But I'll keep that tension for just one more second, and really play this
up, it's creating something amazing FOR HER, I'll just let her revel in it for
a second, and then I'll slowly kiss her, and I'll kiss her well.

So I want you to do the same. Read this again, memorize it, make it
happen, you're about to deliver illegal fireworks on all your first kisses
from now on for the rest of your life.

And at that moment, promise me you'll kiss her well. Kiss her like she
deserves to be kissed.

And then, from that point on, from that first kiss, it's just ON. It's just from
there, like it's always been.

Now, a question I get a lot is whether you should lean in at the waist or
whether you should lean in towards her when you go to kiss her...

Here's the deal: you don't want to be the guy who leans all the way in to
kiss her. That looks (and feels) weird.

If she's too far away, you'll want to, without hesitation and with true
mastery, wrap your hands around her waist and bring her in close to
your side so that your waists are next to each other as you slowly lean in
for the kiss.

She'll love you just going for what you want.

And how do you take this from the first kiss to sex?

I repeat, this is NOT a sex book, but the key rule I want you to remember
is "two steps forward, one step back."

That means you're making out, your hands are slowly exploring her body
over her clothes, and then it goes back to a light kiss.

Two steps forward, one step back.

Then, the next time you take it further, maybe you go back to lightly
exploring her body over her clothes and take off her shirt and pull her
body against yours so she can feel your body and muscles and desire
for her.

Then you go back to kissing.

The next time you progress, you take off her shirt and you can probably
figure out the rest. Just remember, always two steps forward, one step

What this also does, besides really turning her on, is that it makes you
the one to back off first, rather than her.

Many times, guys will hook up with a girl for the first time, and he'll go for
the bra, and she'll say, "No, we can't, we can't, it's the first time, we can't,
I need to take this slow," etc., etc.

It's much better if you can avoid some of that happening, and here's how
you do it.

Now, if she tries to slow things down, if you get to that point and she
says something like, "God, we shouldn't be doing this," then verbally
agree with her.

Tell her, "Yeah, you're right, we're so bad..." while still physically

She'll keep going with you. All she wants to hear is that you're verbally
on the same page as her so that both of you are in this naughty mischief

Now go out there and make me proud.

You have everything you need to make it

she wants you.


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