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This story is based on two families. The
Ndengana family, A Xhosa royal family from the
rural areas of Sdabadabeni in the Eastern Cape
and The Seputla family, a Tswana wealthy gold
mine owning family. We will introduce other
families as The story proceeds.

Love, This thing called love is a devil itself. It
clouds you. It makes you stupid. It makes you
blind that you can't read between the lines. It
can deceive you and leave you all heartbroken
when you finally decided to stop being an idiot
and discover the truth.
How do you get out when you're already caged
in and there is no coming out of the situation
because you're already ruined? This is a
situation I am in right now and I don't know
what to do. I know this you've heard before but I
am the evidence of it. When you grew up having
everything, Money and success there's always
something missing and you always make wrong
choices when it comes to love. Money will never
buy you love. I make good choices when it
comes to the boardroom and business but when
it comes to my love life things are just falling
apart and the sad part is I thought I had
everything under control. I thought i was one of
the lucky rich ones. I didn't think my day was
coming and coming sooner than I imagined.
My name is Priscella Seputla I am 26 years old. I
am a CEO of my family Gold mine. I am sure
you're asking why I am a CEO at such a young
age well my father died and someone had to
step up. My mother is hardly home. she deals
with international business. We have Offices in
Chicago United States, So she spends almost all
her life there. I have a younger brother. He is 20
years old and he cares less for the family
business. For a boy you'd expect him to be
hungry to take over but he doesn't care about
that at all.

What is it about uncles? in this case I am not
sure whether it's them or it's the influence from
their wives but what I know is something is
wrong with uncles, more especially royal uncles.
What is it about them that makes them think
they are entitled to everything? This is a
common thing in the royal family. When the
brother of the chief is given the throne to keep it
warm for the chief son until he is older they
always accept and promise to know their place
but when that time come whereby the
chieftaincy has to be given back to the rightful
person there is always a fight. Why is that? This
happens everywhere. I really blame my passion
for what I do. if I wasn't so busy with my Career
i would've been a chief till my son finished his
studies. We always had a great relationship with
my husband's brother and his wife. we were so
close till the topic of returning what belongs to
us came then things changed. It looks like
getting back that chieftaincy is going to be a
fight but I am ready. I am doing this for My late
Husband Nkosesizwe.
My name is Judge Makhosazana Ndengana the
Queen of Sdabadabeni Village in a small town
called Ngqeleni. I am the biggest and most
ruthless Judge in surrounding towns if not the
entire Province of the Eastern Cape. When you
do what I do you have to be feared and strong. I
am all that as a results nobody dares to bribe me
when I am dealing with a case. You're guilty I
send you straight to jail with no questions asked.
I have only one child and his name is
Zwelicacile. My husband died a chief. My son
Zwelicacile was gonna take the reigns from his
father but because to me Education is
everything I wanted him to have a degree then
come home and be the chief but now it looks
like i made a big mistake. You have to sit and
relax as I make sure my husband's wishes come

I wish I never agreed to any of this. I wish i
never committed myself to anything. I should
have waited until I was older to make such
decision with my life. I wish I had a choice to
make the decision myself. Maybe if I did I
wouldn't be here today feeling guilty and lying.
Maybe I should've been honest to her. Maybe I
should've just told her the truth. How do you tell
the love of your life that? What if after you tell
them they leave you? What can you possible say
to make them understand why you didn't tell
them about this? These are the questions I lived
with all these years. Some people think I am
happy. 8 years seemed too long. I thought when
it finally comes I would have strength to stand
up for myself and do the right thing, What I
think is right for myself.
My name is Masixole. I am 28years old. I can't
tell you more about me because I am an open
book yet mysterious if that does make sense at
all. Telling you about who I am would be a
spoiler for the entire journey so I would rather
be just Masixole right now and don't be
confused. Masixole is my real name. Anyway I
studied mine engineering. I finished and
graduated 3 years ago. I work at Seputla mine as
a COO of the company. My journey starts when I
just married the love of my life and after that
problems kept coming and coming but you have
to come back to find out what problems I am
talking about.



Today is the worst day of my life. I am upsetting
a lot of people I care about. The only person who
is giving me support is my future mother in law.
Mrs Seputla believes in me. She trusts me with
everything she has. I am working at this Gold
mine because of her. I met Priscilla because of
her. She opened her home to me. I live in her
Penthouse with her, my fiancé and my future
brother in law Elton Junior who doesn't even
like me. I am saying he doesn't like me because
he is one of the people who are suspecious of
me. I am no saint. I hate that they disapprove of
me because I love Priscilla but at the same time I
understand their concerns. They are spot on. I
am hiding something from this family and I am
scared that things will get ugly when they
discover the truth about me. Mrs Seputla will
never trust me again. She will be disappointed
in me and I might lose her daughter for good.
Right now I am very scared. I don't know
whether what I am about to do is the right thing
to do or not. It's early in the morning. I am in my
office. Our offices are in a very tall building. I
am just standing looking down at the view
outside. It's a beautiful day in Jo'burg but the
question is, am I having a good day ? am I
feeling like someone who is getting married? am
I ready to get married today ? Only God can
answer that. I saw the door of my office open. I
turned around. It's my friend Aaron. He works
at our finance offices.
Me: hey bro
Try smiling while you're nervous or worried
about something l. it's a hard thing in the world
but because a smile is something to cover all the
secrets and pain we have to keep it on. Anyway I
greeted my buddy with a smile in my face. I
don't want him to see that I am worried.
Aaron: I thought we were meeting at Home
Affairs. what are you doing here?
He said smiling as well. He is excited for me. I
should be excited too I mean I am marrying the
woman of my dreams.
Me: What are you doing here?
Him: I asked first
I looked away
Friend: Are you sure you want to do this?
I looked at him
Me: How can you ask me that man? I love my
Him: I know but really bro? Why did you make
this ridiculous decision? I am sure her father is
turning on her grav.......
I looked at him. He could see the look in my face
wasn't friendly he stopped talking. What is he
talking about ? Why wouldn't Mr Seputla be
happy ? I love his daughter.
Me: What are you talking about ?
Him: A daughter of a billionaire is getting
married at Home Affairs do you hear how
absurd that sounds Bro?
Me: What is your point bro?
I said with a firm voice. He is making things
worse. I walked to my whisky. I poured myself a
glass. I sipped while still sipping and downing
my drink he started talking
Him: Why are you doing this Masixole?
I looked at him
Me: I told you why I am doing this didn't I !?
I snapped. I don't need this right now. He is
making me angry and i don't like that.
Him: calm down man! it doesn't make sense. Is it
because you grew up without parents and you
don't want to be asked about your family ?
Me: I told you my reason! we are not having this
conversation again do you hear Me?
He raised his hands
Him: Yes sir
My phone rang. I took it. It's my fiance. I put my
glass on the table then took my briefcase
Him: This is Priscella. Let's go get Me married
I lead the way. I heard him responding with a
low voice " Yes sir " . I shook my head.

< Priscella >
I am a very successful girl. I was taught to be
responsible at a young age. I saw how hard my
parents worked to put This business to where it
is today. I grew up knowing that one day i would
have a position in this company but I never
thought it would be a CEO position. It came as a
shock to me. My father died so young. I miss him
everyday. I just wish he was here today even
thought I don't think he would've approved of
my decision. Today I just got Married. I married
a man of my dreams. I know not everyone is
happy about this but what makes me so happy is
the fact that the most important person in my
life is supportive. I really appreciate Ms Refilwe
so much. Well Ms Refilwe is my mom. I call my
mother like that. She didn't come with us to
court because she had a meeting in Rusternburg.
She sent my brother who is not happy at all with
this. I don't know why because he is the last
person to judge. My brother Junior is a spoilt
little brat who just wants to be famous. He
doesn't care about our reputation and our
family as long he has a fat bank account and
spending money with girls all over Gauteng
hotels. That is all he knows. So I don't expect
him to say a word about my life when his is just
a shame. At court I was with my brother Junior,
My fiancé, Aaron who is my Fiancé's friend and
my best friend Sonia De villiers. She is white and
been my friend since we were young. Her father
Mr De Villiers was my father's friend and is a
share holder in the mine so we are pretty close
more like family.
Anyway right now we just said Goodbye to the
guys. I am just left with Sonia now. The guys are
rushing to Meetings. My brother is probably
going out shopping. we were left doing a few
things at Home Affairs and we just finished now.
We are walking out. I was walking faster
because Sonia and I we are not on speaking
terms even though She came to support me.
Sonia: Priscella slow down!
She said running behind me. I can't wait to get
out of here. The reason I am avoiding her is
because she is going to lecture me and i do not
have time for that. I got married whatever she
says won't matter anymore.
Me: I am just rushing back to the office
I said not even looking at her. I was walking fast
to the car.
Sonia: Come on! Mrs R said we must take the
rest of the day off and go celebrate at the
Me: Ms Refilwe is not a CEO Of that company I
My chauffeur opened the door of my car, I felt
Sonia grab my Wrist just when I was attempting
to go in. I turned around and looked at her hand
She let go of me.
Sonia: I know you're upset friend but we need to
I exhaled
Me: Speak !
She turned around and looked at the high stairs
to the home affairs I just know what she is going
to say.
Sonia: Mr Seputla's daughter just got Married at
Home Affairs really girl !?
Me: Sonia I told you Masixole did this because I
am pregnant! He didn't want to have a child
with me before I become his wife isn't that
Sonia: Romantic? Do you call getting married
here Romantic? Girl whAt did that Eastern Cape
man do to you?
I looked down. I mad at her right now. She is my
friend and she is supposed to support me not
put me down
Me: That Eastern Cape man is my husband! I
love him and he has a name quit calling him
that! He has a name. You never trusted Masixole
ever since I met him. It's been 3 years now and
he is always been faithful to me !
I flipped my hair then put my hand on the car.
Sonia came to me. She touched my hand. I felt a
tear drop
Sonia: Babe you're 26 years old and already
you're a millionair, You are a CEO Of a billion
dollar company!. Everyday you make a lot of
What's her point? Right now she is saying all the
things I know about myself.
Me: I don't know where you're going with this
She smiled. She could see I am upset. Masixole
has been working for us for a while. Why can't
she trust him? Is she jealous of my handsome
man? She has her own man.
Sonia: You're 8 weeks pregnant. You're not
showing. Now tell me with the money you both
have don't you think you'd have planned a
beautiful wedding in 7 days ?
I smiled then walked away trying to get away
from her. She is looking at me in the eye that
makes me uncomfortable. That makes me doubt
my man something I don't want to do. Her
reasons make sense and I hate it but I am not
going to show her I do because she will take
advantage and eat my man alive. She never
liked him so I won't give her a chance to tarnish
his name.
Sonia: Tell me !
I turned around and looked at her .
Me: You know we have friends all over the
world. We want everyone to be here. You know
this! your dad and father have friends abroad. I
want my wedding to be beautiful! I want
everyone who loves me and who loved my dad
to be here!
Sonia: Then maybe you should've said no to
marriage now. Girl there are so many girls who
have children before marriage
I folded my arms on my chest.
Me: Except I am not many girls
I said that with so much attitude. She knows I
am not so many girls I don't know why she is
saying that.
Sonia: I know you're not so many girls but I hate
the way you got married today
Me: I know friend and I am sorry. We will get
our white wedding soon
I said smiling trying to convince her that
everything is okay. But is it ? This feels right.
Everything is okay. I do believe so.
Sonia: But friend I still think you made a mistake
Me: What ?
Sonia: How can you do this. I still think you and
Hungani were great for each other
Me: I am done here!
Hungani is my ex and he is a Tv personality. We
broke up 4 years ago when he cheated on me.
We were dating for 5 years. He cheated on me
with a supermodel. I dumped him right there
and then. After Sonia mentioned his name I
walked to The car and got in. The chauffeur
attempted to close the door Sonia hold it.
Sonia: Hungani made a mistake once. That man
is good for you. He is smart. He is from this side
of the world. Everything that comes out of his
mouth is decent and he is friends with my
husband and my husband is faithful to me.
There is a saying that says you're a reflection of
your friends. I believe he can change just by
looking at how Faithful my husband is to me
Me: I don't want you to come to my house for a
celebration! I can't look at a woman who just
insulted my husband like this !
Sonia: I didn't insult him I just.......
I didn't let her finish her nonsense. She is my
friend not my parent. I am not letting her
disrespect my family like this.
Me: You said he is not decent! Go home!
I pulled the door and slammed it hard. How can
she belittle my man like this for a man who
didn't respect me ? The nerve on this woman.

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
Some people never thought this day would
come, some wished it never comes but it is
finally here. My boy is coming home very soon
and he is going to be a chief. I called a meeting
to the Royal house. When my husband died we
gave the chieftaincy to his brother while my son
was studying. Now he finished and he is coming
home. When we gave away the chieftaincy to
my brother in law we remained here. We didn't
move. I would never leave my house. I am still
the queen. My brother in law's wife is not
royalty so I would never leave my home for a
commoner. I called a meeting to discuss an
important matter here. Everyone is here except
for my brother in law and his wife. I hate being
kept waiting. I don't know why they don't
respect me. My husband was older than him. I
am his sister. He calls me sisi but right now I
wouldn't care if he called me Nomakhosazana.
This is disrespectful. This shows he doesn't
respect me at all he might as well just call me by
my name.
Anyway I got tired of sitting. I stood up. I saw
Siqalo our servant stand
Siqalo: I can go remind them my Queen
I looked at him. I hope he didn't forget to tell
Me: Did you tell Hlohlesakhe about this meeting
Siqalo: My Queen he was not home but I
He started thinking looking nervous I saw him
look down playing with his hands
Me: What is it Siqalo?
He looked at me.
Siqalo: I found the other Queen my queen
" Oh No! " Said everyone in the room. The reason
everyone is reacting like this is because they
know The wife don't want Hlohlesakhe to return
the chieftaincy back to my son.
Me: So you told Nontorotyi?
I said looking at Siqalo fuming with anger. I
know that woman didn't tell my brother in law
Siqalo: Yes My queen. She promised to tell him
Me: I am sure she didn't !
I said going to the door leaving everyone with
their eyes popped out. They know me. I don't
play games with this family. They want tough
love I know them. I don't have to do this. I am
inviting them to my meeting because I respect
them. How dare they do this to me. This meeting
can go on without them but I won't do it , Not
until I tell them what I think of them. I saw
Siqalo run to me. I turned around
Me: Go inside and Sit down Siqalo !
Siqalo: Okay My queen
He said moving backwards looking nervous. I
furiously walked to my brother in law's
house.They don't live far from where we live.
They are our neighbours. Even the village cases
are solved at my house. Hlohlesakhe is just
regent so everything is done at the Royal house.
My house. I don't have time to move around.
Anyway I arrived in no time. I knocked once
then opened the kitchen door. I found this
woman with a bowl in her hand. she is busy
cooking while I called a meeting is this woman
crazy ? She looked at me and smiled. that smile
was written guilty as charged. So this woman
was told about the meeting and decided not to
Nontorotyi: Judge Noma......
I didn't let her finish. I don't have time for her
sarcasm. She addresses me by my proffession I
don't know why she does that.
Me: Nontorotyi where is your husband ?
She looked at me then shook her head. she put
the bowl on the table
Her: At least you're not calling Me by my
surname today
Well I always call her by her full names when I
am angry. She is Nontorotyi Dimbaza but she is
married to my brother in law, So she is
Nontorotyi Ndengana. I use her family surname
just to provoke her. She and her husband are
just the same. It's like they were cut from the
same cloth.
Me: Nontorotyi! Dimbaza is your surname. I
don't see anything wrong with me calling you
She looked at me.
Her: I am married to this family just like You! I
am Ndengana! Show some....!!
Me: Your actions don't show that !
She looked at me waiting for me to explain
myself. She knows what I am talking about. I
don't know why she is acting like a lost puppy
Me: You don't have Royal blood in your veons
that is why you're acting li....
She didn't let me finish, She gave me a hand
That got me more angry. How dare she shush
Her: Oh please! stop it already! when will You
stop telling me that !?
Me: I asked you a question. where is your
husband ?
She took the bowl then walked away I grabbed
her arm. She turned around. She looked
nervous. I just know why she is acting like this. I
gave her death stare.
Me: You didn't tell him about our meeting did
you ?
She looked at me. Her lips were moving but the
words couldn't come out
Nontorotyi: ......
Me: See what I am talking about!?
I said furiously walking around. I summoned
her and her husband to come to the Royal
house. I hope and pray she won't lie and say she
didn't see Siqalo because I will see myself
slapping her. My servant is loyal to me and
would never lie.
Nontorotyi: What are you talking about?
I turned around and looked at her. I am angry. If
I wasn't a queen I would throw a slap at her.
Me: Nontorotyi you're not from a Royal blood !
you don't respect our ways!....
She didn't let me finish again. She snapped
Nontorotyi: You're going to say that every time
we have a fight!?
She was crying now. I don't want to upset this
woman. I just want her to respect me and my
position as a Queen. Her tears don't fool me.
Me: Why didn't you tell your husband I
summoned you to the Royal house?
Nontorotyi chuckled shaking her head.
Nontorotyi: You know you have some nerve
I quickly looked at her. I didn't expect that tone.
Me: What's that ?
Nontoroyi: My husband became the chief 8
years ago and he was supposed to be the one
living at the Royal house !
I looked down feeling a bit guilty. That house is
mine. It was built by the government for me and
my husband. I couldn't move out of my house
because it was a temporary thing. This
chieftaincy is my son's! I didn't see the need to
move when years later I will have to come back.
Nontorotyi: Did you move out ?
Me: Your husband is a regent not a chief
besides! That was 8 years ago and i gave you my
Her: A chief is supposed to live there !!! that's
our house !
I went to her
Me: That is where you're wrong!!!!
I snapped she looked a bit shaken by that. I
went closer to her
Me: Zwelicacile is a chief of this village! your
husband is just warming up the seat for my son!
She folded her arms looking pissed off
Me: I will always be the Queen !
I said smiling looking at her. I could see she was
annoyed by what I said judging by how her face
Me: Zwelicacile is coming back !
She looked shocked. I saw her put her right
hand on her mouth.
Me: And he is not just coming back! He is
coming back to take what belongs to him!
Nontorotyi looked away. She put her hand on
her forehead looking frustrated
Me: You will never be the Queen!
She turned around fast and looked at me
breathing heavily. She didn't say anything, Her
Wig was all over her face
Me: Tell Hlohlesakhe I was here and I want to
see you at the Royal house this afternoon!
I furiously walked out of her house and
slammed the door leaving her with her mouth
wide open.



< Nontorotyi >
I was breathing heavily with both my hands on
the table trying to catch my breath. It's after the
Judge just left. How can she come to my house
and tell me something like this. This is
something I didn't exepect at all. How can this
happen now. 8 years seemed to be a long time. I
cannot believe in a week , 2 weeks or month I
will be a nobody. I wonder if Hlohlesakhe knew
about this ? I didn't tell my husband because I
kind of suspected this. My husband is a chief he
calls the meetings at Royal house. It was strange
to be summoned by the Queen. I knew she was
bringing us bad news that is why I decided not
to tell my husband about this. I should trust my
instincts more. I was right. The chieftaincy will
be taken away. My husband is very weak. All he
wants is opportunities but he doesn't know how
to stand for himself. He enjoyed getting the
money from the Royal farm project but when his
brother died, he didn't think of being chief until
I put that idea in his head. The village was ready
to put Judge Nomakhosazana in charge. I
advised my husband to persuade the elders to
ask Judge to resign as a judge so she could be
chief. I did that because I knew how important
her career is to her and i was right. She chose
being a judge and my husband became a chief
now we are going back to square one.
Zwelicacile is coming back. I need to find a way
to delay things and I have no plan right now. I
need to call my daughter. She is in University
doing Law. Apparently her role model is the
"Queen" I don't like that but I don't have a say on
what my daughter does. She doesn't take no for
an answer and besides Being a lawyer is not a
bad career choise so I let her be. Oh by the way I
did go to college myself. Judge Nomakhosazana
isn't the only educated woman here. I want my
daughter to succeed and be better than me.
Anyway I took my phone and called my
daughter. Her name is Ngejiwe.
Ngejiwe: Hello mother I am on my way to court
for practicals
Me: Ngeji we have a problem my dear !
I said looking around. I don't want anyone to
hear me
Her: Mom just give me a clue of what you're on
about then we will talk about it later
Me: My dear Zwelicacile is coming back and
they want to dethrone your father! we have to
stop this! Your father is a chief. He has been a
good chief all these years!
Her: Don't worry mom. We will do something
Me: What is it Ngeji? We have no time. Even
now there is a meeting this afternoon. They
want us at Royal house and i am not prepared to
tell your father !
Ngejiwe: Don't worry mom. I will try and find
dirt on my dear cousin
I smiled. That's my daughter! I knew I could
count on her.
Me: Good! your father will thank us later
I said smiling looking at nothing
Ngejiwe: Don't tell him anything I am coming
home next week
Me: Okay My dear
Ngejiwe: Bye mom!
Me: Bye Advocate Ndengana
I hung up " I see you're back to your old ways "
Oh No, I froze. When did he come in. That is my
husband talking behind me. I didn't turn
Hlohlesakhe: When is the meeting I don't want
to be late
I turned around
Me: Why didn't you tell me that boy is coming
back my chief ?
I felt a tear escape my eye
Hlohlesakhe: I didn't think I had to tell you
He said going to the fridge. He took out his
I ran to him. He closed the fridge and just looked
at me. He could see I wanted to talk. He is so
calm. He doesn't look like someone who is about
to lose his position.
Me: My Chief
Him: Let it go Nontorotyi
Me: How can you be so calm! you don't look like
someone who is about to lose something so dear
to him !
He took out one bottle. He opened it then sipped
from it
Hlohlesakhe: The chieftaincy was dear to you
not me, besides we signed a contract. We were
happy to hold on to it for that boy now he is old!
I grew up knowing that I will never be a chief
because I am a younger son!
Me: My dear a chief don't go to university and
spend lot of time with commoners! A Prince sit
on his throne just after he graduates high school.
That boy don't dese....
Hlohlesakhe: How do you know all these things?
I mumbled words couldn't come out of my
mouth. I don't know anything. I am just saying
whatever I can to persuade this man. I am not
sure of what I just said at all.
Him: You're not even from a Royal family
Nontorotyi !
Me: Wow not you too!
I said throwing a table cloth on the table
Me: Everyone in this family is insulting me.
Why did you marry me Hlohlesakhe! ?
Him: Because I loved you and not this power
hungry woman. We made a deal with family
and the people of this village why can't you just
give up !
Me: You're going to lose the money !
Him: I have shares in the family projects don't I?
Me: It won't be the sam....
His phone rang. He looked at it then walked
away answering
Hlohlesakhe: Sister
My anger boiled when I heard he is speaking to
the Queen. I was watching him walk away. I
took my phone and texted my daughter.
Me: " I know you're in court but this is
important! your father is willing to give up
without a fight. Ngeji do something!"
I ended the text.
Me: Send
I looked at my husband. He is still talking to
Makhosazana. I looked out the window to the
Royal house.
Me: I am the Queen of Sdabadabeni village!
I started breathing heavily.

< Priscella >
It's just hours after I got married. I am happy to
be Mrs. He is a great guy. After my break up
with Hungani I never thought I would meet a
guy like him. He is just amazing. I love him. He
is everything I want in a man. I am blessed to
have him in my life. My friend Sonia made me
so angry earlier. How can your friend hate your
husband just because she wants you to get back
with a trashy man who cheated on you? I don't
care if she doesn't talk to me again. I don't care
at this point. I love my man. I want nothing to do
with Hungani. He must leave me alone. Can you
believe it's been 4 years apart but he is still after
me? He wants to tell me he hasn't slept with
anyone for four years? He can't fool me. He had
me but he went and did me like that. I am with a
honest trustworthy man now. I can't break his
heart because I know he won't break mine. I
don't want to be with a man who don't know
what he wants. I don't want to be in a
relationship where I can't trust my man. I cant
keep asking "I wonder what he is doing" when I
am not around. With Masixole it's different. This
man loves me. I don't even get jealous when I
see him talk to our female employees. I trust
him something I cannot say about Hungani.
" Priscella I am talking to you !!! " I quickly
turned around. That was my mother snapping
at me. Judging by the tone in her voice I can tell
she's been talking to me.
Me: Sorry mother you were saying?
I said smiling. She has a bottle of Champagne
with her.
Mom: Are you okay ?
Me: Yes Ms Refilwe
I saw our maid coming with a few glasses
Me: What are we celebrating mom?
She didn't answer me. She attended to the maid.
Mom: Put them over there dear!
She said to the maid. The maid put them on the
coffee table then walked back to the kitchen.
Mom: Your new marraige silly! and I am going
back to the USA tomorrow so I just want to
spend time with you my children
She flipped her hair then gave me a glass
Me: I am sure your son is drunk wherever he is
Mom smiled
Mom: Don't be too hard on the boy. He is sober
like a judge. Actually he is coming up with Sonia
She said excited. What? After the fight I had
with Sonia she is coming here ? Mom has no
idea I don't want to be in the presence of Junior
and Sonia
Me: Sonia is coming here !?
Mom: Yes she is like family. I invited her. Aaron
and my son in law are coming back from the
office also
The elevator opened. We both turned around
looking at it. Junior walked in with Sonia. She
looked at me.
Sonia: Mrs R insisted I come. I hope you don't
mind friend?
She said smiling. Mom looked at Sonia
Mom: Did you guys have a fight ?
I looked at Sonia and faked a smile. Trust me I
love this girl. She is my friend but I hate that she
doesn't want to support my marriage.
Me: Of course i don't mind! We friends and
you're practically family
I said with a big smile in my face walking to the
bottle of champagne that was on the table
Mom: Hey!
I looked at mom
Mom: Put that down! I asked Lydia to bring you
none alcoholic champagne. You can't drink that!
Me: I am thirsty. Lydia hurry !
" Coming ma'am ! " The elevator opened again.
My husband and his friend walked in
Junior: Mom why are we here ? What is this
Mom gave everyone glasses. My mother is so
excited and that makes me so happy because she
is the only person I need approval from.
Everyone else can go to hell. The maid brought
my drink.
Mom: My daughter just got Married. let's cele...
Her excited was short lived when my brother
dropped the glass. It fell on the floor and broke
Junior: Sorry mom I don't want to be part of this
He furiously walked to The stairs. He walked up
more like running avoiding anyone who has
something to say. I can't believe he just did this.
Mom looked at me.
Me: Mom are you gonna let him do This? Was it
really necessary to break that glass?
Mom: Junior is just a boy. He wants to see a
wedding for his sister
Masixole: He will very soon
I smiled at my husband. I looked at mom
Me: Mom I don't like how you always let Junior
get away with everything!
Mom: I will talk to my baby boy. Let's celebrate
Aaron: To a new married couple
We all rised our glasses. My husband came to
Him: I am sorry for this. I know your brother
don't support you because of me but I promise
you. I will make it up to you
Me: I know you will
I kissed him then looked at everyone. They
smiled. Sonia faked her smile. I know she is not
happy. I went and stood at a distance alone.
What my brother just did makes me angry. He
makes me feel like I am making a mistake which
I am not. I don't know why they can't accept my
man. He is loyal to this family. He worked for us
for three years and they still don't trust him? I
saw Sonia coming to me.
Sonia: I am sorry about earlier. I will try and be
happy for you and i hope I am wrong about him
Me: Of course you're wrong about him. He loves
me. and he respects me somethin.....
Sonia: Something Hungani never did and I
understand my friend but we all make mistakes
Me: This is not the time or place!
Sonia: Of course. I am sorry again
She said with her eyes looking nervous. She
must see we won't get along if she keeps doing

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
It's good to see everyone coming again. I thought
they won't come back after the stunt my brother
in law's wife pulled this morning. Speaking of
her, I only see my brother in law. Where is this
woman ? Hlohlesakhe arrived here an hour ago.
He sat outside with some people. He didn't come
in. I thought maybe he was waiting for his wife
but she is not here and I see him coming in. I
saw my sister in law standing up when she saw
her brother. My sister in law's name is Princess
Nomagampompo. Nomagampompo is her name
but she is a princess so we all call her Princess
Nomagampompo. She is younger than my
husband but older than Hlohlesakhe.
Princess: Brother I don't like what you did in the
Hlohlesakhe: I am sorry Princess I had to go to a
Oh here we go again. He always cover for his
crazy wife.
Me: Nontorotyi didn't tell him! I summoned
them here !
Hlohlesakhe looked down. My sister in law
looked at him. She is angry
Princess: Is that true ?
Hlohlesakhe: She told me. It's all my fault
Me: Hlohlesakhe stop! stop it brother in law! I
went to your house to confront her. She didn't
deny it when I confronted her !
Hlohlesakhe looked down. Princess
Nomagampompo looked at the door and
chuckled .
Princess: I told you this woman is not perfect to
be a royal wife!
Hlohlesakhe: Come on Sister. I have been
married to this woman for 25 years. Can't we all
move on ?
Princess: Fine! you want us to accept her !?
Princess snapped
Hlohlesakhe: That's all I ever asked !
Princess Nomagampompo started breathing
Princess: Ndizomrhuqa ngomnqundu phantsi
ndimzise Azozimasa le ntlanganiso!!! ( I will
drag her ass here to attend this meeting! )
She said attempting to walk out. Siqalo the
servant ran in
Siqalo: That won't be necessary my princess
He looked at me. I gave him death stare. He
looked down brushing his hands
Siqalo: Mrs Nontorotyi just arrived
I smiled. He looked at me
Siqalo: My Queen your guests just arrived also
Me: Wonderful!!!
Hlohlesakhe: What guests?
I looked at princess Nomagampompo
Me: Princess please go welcome them and bring
them here to the living room. The girl must stay
outside okay ?
Hlohlesakhe: What girl?
His wife walked in.
Princess: Finally! you decided to show up !
Nontorotyi: Hello Princess
She said with a big smile on her face then looked
at me
Nontorotyi: Judge Nomakhosazana
I looked at her then shook my head walking to
the dinning room. We are going to talk there
where we will be able to sit across the table and
talk. I sat down. I saw the elders stand up from
the lounge coming to me. Hlohlesakhe and wife
Hlohlesakhe: Why do you always keep me in the
dark? You guys forget that Nkosesizwe
Ndengana was my father! this is my home!
Well they named my husband after his father.
They are both Nkosesizwe.
Me: That's why I summoned you here this
morning! it's because you're family Hlohlesakhe!
Hlohlesakhe: Tell me then? Why am I her....
Nontorotyi: He meant to say why are " We " here
Nontorotyi is disrespectful. When my husband
was alive I never interrupted him when he
spoke. Before I could answer that the family
walked in with Princess Nomagampompo
Me: Welcome guys please come here !
They came to us. I looked at the kitchen looking
for the maids
Me: Notiniphu bring the coffee!!!
Notiniphu: Yes My Quean
I smiled at our guests. They sat down. My
brother in law was looking at me upset. I stood
up. I need to put him out of his misery
Me: Welcome everyone
They thanked me for welcoming them
Me: My husband. The chief of Sdabadabeni
village had an agreement with.......
I looked at our guests
Me: With chief here
Hlohlesakhe looked at the chief. He knows what
I am talking about.
Me: My son is done with his education now. He
is coming home next week and he needs his wife
by his side when he becomes the chief of
Sdabadabeni village
I saw the look on Nontorotyi's face. She doesn't
like this one beat. We borrowed them the
chieftaincy I don't understand what is wrong
now .
Me: Chief here brought his daughter. We all
know she was my son's Fiancé since She was
Hlohlesakhe: She must be so old now! where is
Hlohlesakhe is excited. At least he understands
the situation unlike his wife. I looked at Siqalo
Me: Bring the princess in
Siqalo: Right away my queen
I smiled. Everyone looked at the door smiling.
After few seconds we saw her walk in smiling.
We all stood up and smiled at her. I saw
Nontorotyi rolling her eyes.
Chief: My daughter introduce yourself to your
new family
The girl looked at all of us with a big smile in her
Her: Hello Ndengana Royal family. My name is
Nomaxabiso Zidenge. Prince Zwelicacile's fiance
We all clapped hands except for Nontorotyi. She
is so jealous of everything. This woman don't
belong here.
Me: Welcome my daughter in law
Nomaxabiso: Thank you my queen




< Sonia De Villiers >
I am Sonia De Villiers, I am Priscilla's childhood
friend. I take her as my sister because she is the
only friend I ever had. We went to the same
schools and University. Our fathers were
business partners but I am lucky my dad is still
alive and a share holder in this mine. I am
always here looking after his interests because
he is busy with other businesses. I may seem
like a bad friend or jealous to Priscella believe
me I am not, I love my friend and i want what is
best for her and what is best for her is definitely
not her husband. Honestly the reason for their
rushed marriage don't sit well with me and it
raises so many of suspicions that I squashed
because I didn't want to hurt my friend.
Masixole has this pretty dark innocent face that
is too good to be true. I don't trust him at all.
This man said he doesn't have parents and he
doesn't go home. I am sure he has family
members why he never visited home ? Well he
does once in a while but that doesn't take even a
week I mean on holidays. Long holidays he is
here. Before Masixole, Priscella dated my
husband's best friend who is also black. His
name is Hungani. He is a great guy who was
adopted by a white family. He is smart and
handsome. He is a tv personality. He has all the
good qualities my friend need. One time four
years ago when he started working as a tv host
they had some braai/ BBQ at his work. They
drank alcohol. He hooked up with some girl for
a night. He was drunk. He didn't tell my friend.
He only told her when the girl told him she was
pregnant so he had to tell her everything that's
when my friend dumped Hungani. It was a
mistake. He was drunk I don't know why he
doesn't understand one mistake he made. I felt
like she left him unfairly but she is my friend. I
am going to support her. I want her to make her
own mistakes and i will be there when she cries.
I won't tell her I told you so. Hungani was
hoping Priscella won't go through with this
marriage my heart breaks for him because right
now I am here to break his heart. I am here to
tell him he lost her for good. Priscella knows I
love my man's friend that's why I am against her
marriage. I don't understand why she would say
I am jealous, why would I be jealous of her
marriage when I have an amazing man.
Brendan is perfect. He has no flaws. He is my
soulmate. The only man I love and i know his
heart beats for only me. I am so blessed to be in
a perfect relationship. I wish my friend could
find the same thing as well and i was hoping
she'd find it in Hungani not that Masixole man.
Anyway I found Hungani with my fiance. I wish
I had good news for him. I am so sad.
Brendan: Hey my Angel
He came to me. He kissed me and put his hands
on both my cheeks. Hungani stood up
Brendan: It's bad news isn't it ?
I looked at Hungani. He was just looking at me
hoping I might say something that would
brighten his day .
Me: I am so sorry
Brendan took his hands off my face Hungani
looked away with his hands on his head
Me: She married him
Brendan: Oh Damn! hard luck man
He said brushing his friend's back.
I feel so bad for Hungani. They loved each other.
Even after they broke up he never stopped
loving her. He kept asking for love back. After
the break up I have never seen him with
Hungani: They won't last. She is just 26! I will
win my girl back. I don't care when but I will get
her back
Me: Hungani she loves him
Him: I don't care that moron is going to mess up
I know this!
Me: Lets hope he does sooner. I can't stand him
Brendan: Dude just make sure you don't
sabotage them. Just let that guy mess up. At the
same time you need to make sure you're not
getting involved with anyone else. At least not in
Me: My man is right. You need to be discreet
Hungani: Yeah. Guys let go to set
I took my handbag. Brendan shook his hand. I
hugged Hungani. We walked out
Me: Shame
Brendan: Maybe he must just move on
Me: No! He and Priscella belong together!
Brendan: But she is Mrs somebody now. He can't
torture himself like this. Priscella don't love him
Me: Honey we don't know that !
Brendan: We have to wait and see then
Me: Yes
I kissed him
Me: See you tonight honey
Him: See you later baby ;)
I walked to my car. He went to his. I drove off
first he followed behind me. We don't live
together. We will live together when we are

< Priscella >
This day was supposed to be a joyful day. I
understand this is not what everyone expected.
We made a decision everyone must respect our
decision. I thought when we came back from the
Home Affairs it would be positive vibes all
around but it looks like everyone has an opinion
about our marriage. I am sick of that honestly. I
just want to have an early night and go to sleep
now. I am sad my mother is leaving tomorrow.
She is the only person who has my back. I know
all Sonia said was just a big fat lie. She is not on
my side. She doesn't care about my happiness.
At least I have my husband by my side. I can't
count on my brother. He is rude and a brat. He
is the one who ruined my day.
Anyway I am in the living room sitting alone. I
am feeling drowsy. This is such a boring
afternoon. Masixole and Aaron are at work.
Masixole take some of my work because he
doesn't want me to work hard since I am
pregnant, worse I am not even three months yet.
He is such an amazing man.
Anyway I decided to stand up and go upstairs.
Mom and my brother went up. I guess she went
to talk to him about his behaviour earlier. I
walked up the stairs. I saw the glass door to the
Balcony opened. I went to close it. When I got
there I saw Junior and mom sitting drinking.
Mom was drink wine my brother cocktail.
Me: Oh you're here
I turned around attempting to leave
Mom: Come here sweetie!
I turned around.
Me: I don't think Your son wants me next to him
so I will just go.....
Mom: Don't be silly! your brother loves you. He
just wants whats best for you
Me: Are you saying Masixole isn't what is best
for me ?
Junior: Correct
Mom: Elton!!!!
Junior: Sorry mom
Mom looked at me.
Mom: I love Masixole and I am glad he is one of
us now. He is smart and perfect for you He is a
charming handsome dark man
Junior: Whatever
I gave Junior deathstare then looked at mom
Me: Thanks Ms Refilwe
Mom: You're welcome baby sit I want to talk to
you and your brother
I sat down next to her.
Mom: Guys I am leaving tomorrow. I am going
back to the US. Please take care of yourselves...
Me: You don't have to tell me that mom. I am
always the one taking care of everything in this
Junior: I study that's why
Me: Funny I have never seen you with a book or
go to class
Mom: Enough!!
Junior stood up
Junior: Wait is this about your joke of a
marriage ? I won't apologise for shit. what you
did was stupid sis!
He walked back to the penthouse leaving me
and mom
I don't like fighting my brother. I don't know
why he is angry. This is my life. He is the one
who needs help. He is a drunkard 20 year old
Mom: How can I leave you guys when you fight
like this?
I wiped my tears .
Me: Don't worry yourself. Elton and I don't fight
when you're not here. In fact we don't speak or
see each other at all
Mom: That's not good Priscella!you guys need to
solve your problems!
Me: Mom it's better than being disrespected by
him! When you're here he speaks to me
however he likes and you do nothing!
Mom: You're both adults I don't know what to
say to you but I am not leaving until you fix your
I stood up
Me: Good luck Ms Refilwe
I walked in leaving her alone. I wish I could
have a good relationship with my brother. I love
him. he is my only sibling. I know marrying my
husband at home affairs wasn't the best
decision. I will still have a wedding I don't know
why he is overreacting.

< Narrated >
At Sdabadabeni village in the Royal house it's
just after the meeting, everyone is standing
Some are having coffee while standing. Maybe
it's the family tradition. Everyone was minding
their own business, Some talking to Nomaxabiso
Zidenge the new royal bride. Everyone is excited
to see her. They last saw her when she was very
young so it's a reunion of some sort. There is
only one person who is not happy about this and
we all know who that is, Nontorotyi is not happy
about or for anyone. She always sees fault in
everything everyone does. Maybe she knows
this girl's arrival mean removing her husband
from being a chief that is why she is not happy.
Hlohlesakhe seems happy. It looks like his wife
is the only person who don't want him to lose
the chieftaincy.
Anyway we see Hlohlesakhe going to Judge
Nomakhosazana smiling his wife followed him
Hlohlesakhe: You outdone yourself Sister in law
Judge Nomakhosazana smiled looking at them
Judge: You think?
Nontorotyi looked annoyed. She was rolling her
Hlohlesakhe: You chose a good girl for my
nephew. I can't wait for him to come back and
see his bride
Judge: Well that was your brother and I am
happy he chose her
Judge looked at Nontorotyi trying to annoy her
Judge: Trust me the Chief will be here very soon
She said smiling looking at Nontorotyi then she
walked away. Hlohlesakhe looked at his wife
Him: Why didn't you say anything ?
Nontorotyi: Say what exactly my chief?
Hlohlesakhe: Congratulate her on finding her
son a wife
Nontorotyi: That girl's presence is our
misfortune! Forgive me for thinking for our
future !
She put the her cup of coffee on the stand of a
Princess: Take that cup! we have maids in this
Nontorotyi picked it up then gave Princess
Nomagampompo the look.
Hlohlesakhe: What are you talking about
Nontorotyi? How is that girl's presence our
Nontorotyi turned around and looked at
Nomaxabiso who looked excited greeting
everyone in the room
Nontorotyi: They are marrying her to
Zwelicacile so that he could become a chief are
you blind?
She said that then turned around looking at her
Hlohlesakhe: My dear whether you like it or not
I am the last born of this family. I am not
supposed to be a chief. My nephew is the real
Nontorotyi looked at her husband
Nontorotyi: In my eyes you're the best chief this
Village has ever had. You've been doing so well I
don't understand why they......
She couldn't finish. Hlohlesakhe kissed her
Hlohlesakhe: Thank you for the support but it's
over my dear
He smiled then walked away. Nontorotyi looked
around Then looked at Nomaxabiso Zidenge
Nontorotyi: Oh it's not over until Nontorotyi says
it is
She said that then smiled looking at the wall
making sure no one noticed. While at that we
see Nomaxabiso Zidenge looking around the
mansion checking the photos on the wall.
Nontorotyi smiled then slowly walked to her.
We see Judge Nomakhosazana and Princess
Nomagampompo talking.
Princess: My Queen what do you think about
calling the chief? this is the perfect time to tell
him his bride is here
Judge: I thought we should do it tomorrow now
we are busy and we have to be with the Zidenge
royal family all the time just to show them
respect and warm welcome. When they leave in
the morning I will talk to my son
Princess: Okay sister in law
Judge: Did you decide on what position will you
give Hlohlesakhe when he is removed as the
Princess: Let's hope he won't want to be the CEO
because I filled that position and I am happy in
it. I will find something for my brother don't
worry about it
Judge: You know your brother don't want to
settle for less. Let's hope he takes whatever we
give him
Princess: My brother always wanted everything
for himself. He is going to fight I know
Judge Nomakhosazana smiled and looked at
Princess Nomagampompo.
Judge: He followed his name didn't he ?
Princess: It's worse my queen
Judge smiled and sipped her coffee.
Nontorotyi went to Nomaxabiso, She got to her
then raised her cup. Nomaxabiso smiled looking
all excited .
Nomaxabiso: Hello you must be uncle's Wif.....
She said extending her hand to greet Nontorotyi,
Nontorotyi didn't shake her hand she just looked
at it.
Nontorotyi: So you want to get married to a
She said with a smile in her face
Nomaxabiso: Excuse me ?
Nontorotyi smiled again
Her: I mean your wish was to marry a chief
since you were a kid right ?
Nomaxabiso: Yes and my dreams came true. I
cannot wait for him to come back! I ha....
Nontorotyi giggled then tapped Nomaxabiso's
shoulder. Nomaxabiso is a bibble girl Always
happy and excised for nothing. When
Nontorotyi put her hand on her shoulder
Nomaxabiso stopped talking. Nontorotyi giggled
looking around. It looks like whatever she wants
to say she doesn't want anyone else to hear
Nontorotyi: Hihihi you're aware that my
husband is still the chief right?
Nomaxabiso: Yes! until my Fiancé comes back
and take the chieftaincy......
Nontorotyi laughed with her mouth closed. She
didn't want to steal everyone's attention. When
she started laughing Nomaxabiso got lost
because she doesn't know what is funny about
what she just said.
Nontorotyi: Dream on my dear
Nomaxabiso looked lost. She didn't know what
she meant by that. Nontorotyi put her hand on
her shoulder and said again with no smile in her
Nontorotyi: Dream on !
She took the only sip that was left in her cup.
Then walked away smiling. Nomaxabiso turned
around and watched her walk away. While she
was looking at Nontorotyi Dimbaza, She felt
someone tap her shoulder, she turned around
and looked at the person. It's princess
Nomaxabiso: Princess Nomagampompo
Princess: Hello my dear. What did that witch say
to you ?
Nomaxabiso: She laughed at me when I said my
Prince will come back and become the chief. She
made me feel like I am a fool or something. Tell
me I am not being made an imbecile here ? :'(
She got teary, Princess Nomagampompo
brushed her back. She wasn't looking at
Nomaxabiso while brushing her. Her eyes were
at Nontorotyi. She looked mad
Princess: We wouldn't have called your family
here if we didn't know What we were talking
Nomaxabiso smiled. The princess looked at her
then smiled
Princess: Zwelicacile is going to be a chief of
Sdabadabeni village
Nomaxabiso smiled. Princess Nomagampompo
looked on the wall fuming with anger
Princess: Judge Nomakhosazana will make sure
of it
She sipped on her coffe. Nomaxabiso looked
away and smiled imagining her wedding day to
the chief.

< Masixole >
What you saw earlier with Junior throwing the
glass on the floor is how I live my life in that
house. I hate living at The Seputla Penthouse but
I don't have a choice because my wife lives
there. I am employed by these people. I work for
them so I have to respect them. That boy was
fond of me until I decided to get married at
Home Affairs. He knew about Sonia and others
hating on me but he didn't care and i think
marrying his sister at home affairs kinda raised
suspicions and now he thinks Sonia, Brendan
and Hungane are right about me. They are not
right. I love this girl and I want to spend the rest
of my life with her. I don't know why they don't
want to believe me.
Anyway I finished my work. I want to go be with
my wife now. It feels so good to call her that
finally. I know it's been a few days married but I
still can't believe it. I think more than anything I
married her because I was scared to lose her to
Hungani. My plan was to get her pregnant. I was
hoping that he will back off when she gets
pregnant but he doesn't. That bastard still
wanna be with my wife. That is why I decided to
marry her as quicky as I could I hope that brat
will stay away now. I took my briefcase. I
walked to The door. I opened the door then
attempted to walk out. My phone rang
Me: Damn It! I can't believe I almost left it here
I walked in leaving the door opened. I went to
my desk. I took it then looked at caller ID
Me: Mother?
I looked at the door. I think I am the only one
left here so there is no need to close or lock the
Me: My Queen
Mom: How are you my son ?
Me: I am great my Queen, I just miss you guys.
how are you ?
Mom: I am fantastic honey. I have amazing news
for you
Me: Yes
Mom: Since you're coming home in a week....
Me: Am I?
Mom: Don't you dare mess with me boy! you
said this was your last year in varsity and all
universities are closing money !!!
Oh no. This cannot be happening. When you lie
you sometimes forget things and see yourself
getting in trouble with your lies. My lies caught
up with me now. I have never stayed at home
ever since I started studying. I remember every
December I would lie and say we have an
international trip. I forgot I said this year I will
be finishing. By the way I finished and
graduated 3 years ago and started working the
same year.
Mom: Zwelicacile your people are waiting for
you! your wife is waiting for you! She moved to
the Royal house!
Me: Mom a wif.... What !?
Mom: .... ( tutututu)
No! no! no! they didn't find me a wife without
my approval. They can't do this. I dialled mom's
number. She hung up and sent me to voicemail..
I left voicemail
Me: Mom you need to call me back! how can you
guys get me a wife. I am capable of getting
I felt like someone was watching me. I turned
around then let go of my phone. Oh boy no!
Me: How long have you been standing there?




< Nontorotyi >
It's been few days since Zwelicacile's wife
arrived. I am the only person worried in this
house. Oh and my daughter as well. I am glad
she is coming home today. I want her to tell me
about her findings regarding our Prince. We
have to have something on him. Something that
will make sure he doesn't accept the chieftaincy.
My daughter arrives today. I am waiting for her.
My husband is an honourable man. He is a man
of his words but sometimes I kind of question it.
Is he scared of the Judge or he is just a good
person. You see. My husband loves anything that
benefits his family but when it comes to this
chieftaincy he is a stupid man. He can't give this
away so easily to a boy who didn't stay here for
years. That boy doesn't know anything about
this Village. My husband does.
Anyway a knock disturbed my thoughts. I stood
up attempting to go open the door someone
opened. It's Princess Nomagampompo.
Me: Princess ! Can I make you anything?
Her: Yes Nontorotyi!
Oh she is not here on a friendly visit. This
woman calls me sister in law. Today she is
calling me with my name. I haven't been to the
Royal house since that meeting what did I do
now ? I am going to pretend like I don't see how
angry she is. I attempted to go to the kitchen
Me: Can I get you tea, coffee or a jui....
Princess: Get me to understand what the hell
you're trying to do!
I looked down
Me: I don't think I know what the princess is
talking about ?
Princess: So you're trying to make a fool of me
and the Royal house ?
What is going on? I don't know what this woman
is talking about. I gave them space. I haven't
been there in days
Me: I haven't been to the Royal house for a
few.... .
She didn't let me finish
Her: Yes! and the last time you were there you
made sure you made us look bad to the Zidenge
family !
I walked pass her trying to avoid eye contact. I
think I know what she is talking about now
Me: How did I do that Princess Nomagampompo
Her: You said my nephew will never be a chief
and his wife will never be the Queen!
I turned around shaking my head. I will deny
Me: I did no such thing!
Her: Nontorotyi you're married to a royal
family! you need to behave like a royal wife
even though you're not royalty by blood!
Me: Here we go again!
I said looking away
Her: How do you expect us to treat you well
when you behave like a hooligan?
I felt a tear escape my eye .I wiped it turning
around looking at her
Me: What did that girl tell you ?
Princess: She told me what I just told you!
Me: Well she lied
Her: What would she gain from lying ? Why
would that girl do that?
Me: You're asking a wrong woman sister in law.
I said to that girl my husband is still a chief for
now and I am the Queen. I didn't say they will
I looked at her
Me: Princess Never is a very long time. I
wouldn't say that !
I saw her smile. Thank God. It looks like she
bought it.
Princess: It turns out Zwelicacile is coming back
sooner than we thought. I am sure you will be
happy to give him and his wife what belongs to
My eyes popped out. How soon? No this can't be
good. I hope my daughter is not coming back
empty handed. I faked a smile
Me: Of course we will be happy
She tapped my shoulder
Her: Good
She walked passed me walking to the door. She
walked out.
I pushed the kitchen table chair fuming with
anger. I took my phone and called my daughter
Me: Sweetie hurry !

< Priscella >
It's been few days since my mother left. My
brother and I relationship is still shakey. I really
don't care. We never had a perfect brother and
sister relationship anyway. That brat is always
on my case yet he does nothing for this family.
He is a spoilt brat. I cannot believe he is judging
me when all I do is work hard to make sure this
company runs smooth while he is busy going
around with girls spending the same money I
work hard for. Speak about an ungraful little
Anyway I am in my office. I am about to leave
because it's late. Sonia and I relationship is not
perfect as expected. Even today I didn't see her. I
went to two meetings in the city and came back I
didn't see her. oh earlier in the morning I
working on organising interviews. I want to hire
a secretary. I can't go to all these meetings
myself. I need someone to help me around and I
think I found a perfect guy I liked. I will look
through their Cv's later and call him for an
Anyway I heard a knock at the door. I stood up
and went to open. A guy with flowers was at the
Me: Hello can I help you?
Him: I brought these to the CEO
Me: I am the CEO
Him: Please sign here for me
I took a pen and signed. I took the flowers
Me: Thank You
He turned around. Sonia appeared at the door
Sonia: Romantic husband! now I see why you
married him
I giggled
Me: Come in
Sonia: Thank you.
She walked in I closed the door
Sonia: How is your relationship with Junior?
Me: Still the same and I don't care
Sonia looked surprised. I took the note then
through the flowers in the trash after I read the
Sonia: And now ?
Me: Just like I don't care about this idiot!
Sonia ran and took the note from the trash bin
Sonia: Ncoah this is so sweet. He is wishing you
well in your marriage
I walked to my desk and sat down
Me: An ex wishing you well when he still wants
Sonia: Come on girl! this shows he is matured
now! D
I shook my head. I don't want to have this
conversation with her. I saw her smile looking
out the beautiful view of the city.
Sonia: He is matured just like Brendan. Friend I
am so lucky to have a perfect man like him
I closed my laptop standing up
Me: Well friend in that case we are both blessed
because I have the best husband in the world
She looked at me and faked a smile. I want her
to dare compare my man to Hungani I will kick
her out of my office.
Sonia: Yeah you have a good husband
Me: Say it like you mean it
Sonia:Of course i do! Even though I prefer....
Me: Hungani
She turned around and looked at me
Her: I am sorry
Me: Whatever! you keep bringing his arse up in
our conversations
Sonia: He is the best
Me: Date him then
Sonia: Hell no! I don't date out of my race. I have
a perfect man
Me: Sweetie there is no perfect man !
Sonia: Brendan is
Me: Okay
I know we will argue all afternoon if I don't give

< Narrated >
What Masixole said to his mother really shocked
Judge Nomakhosazana. She looked disturbed.
She was walking around listening to someone on
the phone. No, She was listening to the
Voicemail her son left her. While listening to
him her mind was all over the place. The fact
that Masixole has no idea he should come home
raises suspicions on Judge Nomakhosazana. She
has so many questions and questions that she
cannot discuss with anyone at the Royal house
because she knows she has the chieftaincy to
protect. She knows one mistake they could lose
it and that can't be good for her as it seems like
this chieftaincy means a lot to her.
Anyway we see Judge Nomakhosazana hung up
the phone then put her hand on the window.
She looked outside the house thinking. While we
are at that we see Princess Nomagampompo
smiling walking to the Queen with a cup of tea.
Princess: My Queen I made you tea
The Queen turned around.
Queen: Sisi you didn't have to
Princess smiled. The queen took the cup then
Queen: Thank you it's nice
The princess just stood there smiling at her
looking like someone who wants something or
wanna tell the Queen something
Queen: Sisi what is it ?
Princess: My Queen the girl is asking for the
king. She really wanna talk to him
The Queen looked away. She knows she can't tell
her sister in law that the king is not ready to be
a chief.
Princess: Did you speak to your son My queen ?
The Queen turned around and smiled
Judge: Yes I did. He says he is looking forward
into seeing the family. He will be home before
the end of the week
Princess: That's wonderful news! We have to
welcome him home with a party! I will find
someone who is going to take care of
Princess Nomagampompo attempted to run, the
Queen stopped her.
Princess: Is everything okay my queen ?
Queen: Sister in law we have to know the exact
day he arrives so that you can be able to plan
Princess: You're right! How about you call him
and ask? I miss my nephew. He hasn't visited in
Queen: In Five years. The last time I saw him
was three years ago when I was invited in
Princess: I am happy his varsity trips are over.
Now he can be home and lead for his people
Queen: I cannot wait for the day
Princess smiled.
Princess: Let me go tell his wife the good news
The Queen gave Nomagampompo a big smile.
She walked away. The Queen lost her smile and
took her phone. She made a phone call.
Someone answered the phone. " Hello " The
Queen looked around.
Queen: Hello it's Me Judge Nomakhosazana
Person: Hello Judge. How can I help you ?
The Queen walked fast and disappeared into a
room. She closed the door.
Queen: You know my son Zwelicacile right ?
Him: Yes ma'am I do know King Masixole
Zwelicacile Ndengana
The Queen looked so mad when he said The
King's name
Queen: I want you to take a trip to Johannesburg
Him: I am listening my Queen ?
Queen: I want to know what my son has been up
to the past 7 years until this year!
Him: I can do that.
Queen: I called you because I know you're a
discreet PI. I hope my son don't find out I want
to know about his life in Gauteng
Him: Don't worry My Queen.
Queen turned around and looked at the door.
Queen: Don't leave any tables unturned are we
clear ?
Him: Yes My Queen
The Queen hung up her phone. She stood there
staring at the door without blinking at all for
about 30 seconds then She chuckled and opened
the door. She walked out and headed to the
living room bumping into Nomaxabiso,
Masixole's Fiancé.
Nomaxabiso: My Queen I think I am ready to
speak to my husband on the phone
The Queen eyes popped out. She quickly walked
pass Nomaxabiso
Queen: That is not allowed. Your fiance has to be
surprised. He can't know you're here. I want
you to communicate in person
While the Queen was talking. Nomaxabiso was
running behind the Queen
Nomaxabiso: It makes sense my queen. I
understand. It's just that I am too excited !
The Queen turned around fast then pointed at
the window. She left her cup of coffee there
Queen: I understand my dear. How about you
take that cup to the kitchen while I speak to
Princess Nomagampompo ?
Nomaxabiso: Of course my queen
The Queen faked a smile. Nomaxabiso took the
cup to the kitchen.
The Queen is not okay. She is thinking about her
son. The thought of her son lying to her makes
her so mad that she can't hide her anger
anymore but again. She wants her son to be the
king so she has no choice but to put on the smile
even in hard times. Nomagampompo stood up
Princess: Is everything okay My Queen?
The Queen turned around
Queen: How about you call the family party
Princess smiled. She thinks maybe the Queen
called Zwelicacile again.
Princess: We have the date already?
Queen: No! I want her to plan the wedding of the
year starting today!!!
Princess: Nomaxabiso Zidenge and Zwelicacile's
wedding ?
Queen: My son can't be a king without a queen
next to him. We have to make it official before
we get rid of the regent. This village needs a
chief not a regent!
Princess: I agree with you my queen
Nomagampompo looked at the door
Princess: Siqalo!!!!
She called for the servant. He came running
Siqalo: My Queen! my Princess! you called me ?
Queen: Your princess wanna be taken to town in
15 minutes ask the driver to bring the car
Siqalo: My Queen!
He walked out.
Princess: My Quee....
She couldn't say what she wanted to say. The
Queen turned around and showed her the stairs
Queen: Sister in law go freshen up and leave
Princess Nomagampompo turned around.
Princess: I thought we'd start with the wedding
after the biggest case is solved. You will be busy
going to Mthatha....
The Queen looked away .
Queen: Sister in law. I am a judge. I make a
decision based on the information presented by
the attorney from both parties!
Princess: I don't mean to be disrespectful sist.....
The Queen turned faster.
Queen: Then don't be disrespectful
The Queen snapped. She got teary. It looks like
this case is personal to Queen
Nomakhosazana...... ? .
Princess: I am so.....
Queen: Just go!!!
Princess bowed then walked up the stairs. The
Queen sat on the couch. She looked up trying to
stop tears from coming out unfortunately she
failed, tears streaming down her cheeks
The maid appeared from the kitchen. She was
bring the Queen fruit when she saw she was
crying. She moved back and turned around. She
went back to the kitchen.
Maid2: And now?
Maid1: The Queen is crying
Maid2: Is this related to the case ?
Maid1 didn't say anything. She just shrugged her
shoulders. They both looked at Living room
Staring at The Queen. They felt sorry for her.

< Masixole >
This all seems like a dream. I knew I was gonna
be a king. I knew one day i would have to give
this all up and go home and be a king. My father
always joked to me about a girl from a royal
family in some village. We'd laugh about it. I
didn't think it was something I was gonna do. It's
2019. No one is told who to marry. What the hell
is wrong with my family. My mother of all
people should know this is not what I want. She
is well educated and smart. She is old but a
modern woman. She knows these things. Why
did she do this to me why ? I am already
married. If I go home to get married now they
will know I am already married and something
so precious to my mother will be snatched away
from her. My mother don't want to lose the
chieftaincy and I can't hurt her. I lied to her for
3 years in fact all these years I have been here. I
think I went home once or twice in 8 years. I
finished varsity three years ago and started
working. They think this was my last year. Three
years ago I said I was doing my honours. What
makes me more angry is the fact that my mother
noticed I had no clue about going home. What if
she put two and two together........
Anyway that is the last of my worries. My
mother is not the only one I lied to. My friend as
well and he was right there at the door while I
was speaking to the Queen.
Me: Dude how long have you been standing
He was just staring at me not saying a word
Me: Man don't look at me like that please
Aaron: Who are you ?
I smiled. I am nervous what if he runs out and
go tell Pris
Me: I am Masixole! Masixole Ndengana your
friend bro
Aaron: Dude you lied to us! you lied to me and
your wife! you have a mother !
I sat on the chair with my left hand on my
Me: I know......
Aaron: And a wife! bro who are you!!!?
He snapped. okay he is being dramatic now. I
jumped up and snapped as well
Me: Yes! I have a fuckin mother ! a wife I don't
know! and......
Aaron: And what ?
I started pacing up and down
Aaron: It's too late to keep secrets now!
I looked at him
Me: I am a king
He put his hand on his mouth shocked. His eyes
popped out
Me: Yes I am a king. The reason I lied to you all
is because at home they are waiting for me. I am
going to be a chief when I get there. Bro they
think I was doing my final year this year. I made
excuses all these years now I don't know what to
Aaron: Is this the reason you got married at
home affairs?
I nodded my head yes. He started whistling
Me: I know Priscella's wedding would be a
spectacular show making headlines all over TV.
My mom was gonna see it
Aaron: Bro you're in trouble. I feel for your
woman. She is going to be heartbroken
Me: I know man please don't remind me
Aaron: Hungani broke her heart she never
forgave him........
I stood up and went to the bottle of whisky. I
poured myself a glass
Me: I did worse. This is unforgivable!
Aaron: Damn bro
Me: I am doomed ! and I have to go home for a
I kicked the table
Aaron: Village people are clueless. How about
you go to their wedding They won't find out
you're married Legally
Me: My mother is a good Damn judge. She
knows the law more than anyone in this
Aaron: What ? so What are you going to do ?
Me: I am going to divorce Priscella
Aaron: What!? are you crazy?
I looked away. There is no other way. I have to
divorce my wife
Aaron: Masixole you're not thinking straight
dude! fuck this Royal shit! I know you love this
He came and stood infront of me
Him: Dude tell me you are going to think about
this !!!
Me: There is nothing to think about
Me: I am getting a divorce Talk later!
I ran to to the door and walk out before he could
say anything.




< Priscella >
It's hard to get hold of my mother. I hate the
time difference but at least afternoons I get to
speak to her because it's Morning in the states. I
just miss Ms Refilwe. Despite the fights between
my brother and i we have one woman we love
and that is our mom. We usually put our
differences aside and be happy around her but
the last time she was here things were not good
between my brother and I. I miss him. We live
under one roof but I hardly see him. I miss my
brother. We used to be so close now he is all
over the place. I just pray that one day he will be
happy for me. I can't wait to give birth so that I
can give them the perfect wedding they want.
Anyway I just got back from work. I kicked my
heels. The helper came to take them.
Me: No leave them I will take them when I am
going up I just wanna call Ms Refilwe first
Maid: Okay ma'am
I smiled. She started cleaning using a feather
duster. I opened my laptop and called mom
She appeared on the screen waving
Mom: Hey there !
Me: Hello mother
Refilwe: Hello sweetheart where is your brother
I was hoping to talk to the both of you
Me: I don't know i left him here when I went to
work in the morning. When I came back he was
not home
Refilwe: Okay I will call him later. I miss you
Me: I miss you too. How are things in Chicago ?
Refilwe: Excellent. I am going to some
conference in Paris in few days
Me: Oh wow you don't rest
Refilwe: We have to make Seputla proud baby
Me: Amen to that mother. I just wish his son can
think like u....
The elevator opened. Elton walked in .
Me: Speak of the devil. Mom speak to your son
I turned the laptop it faced the elevator. Elton
smiled more like faking a smile
Elton: Hi. Ms Refilwe can we do this some other
time I am really late. Me and my friends are
going to this hot party in Sandton
He walked away before mom could say anything
Me: You can't even give mom two minutes of
your time Junior !
Junior: Whatever Priscella!
He walked to The kitchen. I turned around the
Me: Mo.....
Mom: Give your brother space to breath honey.
Do you enjoy fighting with him all the time ?
Me: Mom he is partying every night !
Mom: He is done with exams honey
Me: We gonna talk later mom!
Mom: Bye !
I closed my laptop then clicked my tongue. Mom
is spoiling my brother. I don't like this. He must
grow up and be responsible ! I heard my phone
ring. It's HR. I thought everyone went home. I
Me: Hello ?
HR: Hello ma'am the man is here. Can you
please come interview him the poor man says he
doesn't have money to come here everyday
Me: Okay tell him to see me at bakery restaurant
downstairs in 5 minutes
I ran to my handbag. I turned around. The
elevator opened. It's my husband.
Me: Oh hi honey !
I kissed his lips. I have my heels in my hands. I
guess I will wear them in the elevator.
Masixole: Where are you going ?
I exhaled
Me: Just had a fight with my brother it's a long
story and i just got a call. The guy who applied to
be my PA is here. I have to go interview him.
I attempted to run. He grabbed my wrist. I
turned around
Him: Did you just say a guy ?
I kissed his lips then removed lipstick from his
Me: It's a gay man sweetheart don't worry ;)
I winked at him
I got to the elevator. I pressed the button. I
walked in then turned around
Masixole: Hurry back we have to talk
Me: Okay honey
The elevator closed. My husband don't look like
his usual self. I just hope it's not my fault
Me: I wonder what he wanna talk about......

I never show this side of me. I don't want people
to see Me cry. I am a strong woman. I don't cry
but when it comes to this case I am going to next
week It makes me so emotional. I was okay until
my sister in law brought it up. I know I have to
be in court giving the ruling next week. I didn't
want to think about that day until it arrives. I
know that day i will cry and i pray and hope it
will be the last time I cry for my dear sister. I
was born in Port Elizabeth to a royal family. I
grew up a princess. I got married here at
Ngqeleni to my late husband who was a chief of
this village. Being born in Port Elizabeth and
married this side worked pretty well for me and
I am going to tell you what I mean by that. When
I got married here I just graduated. I decided to
change everything and my surname to
Ndengana. I am judge Nomakhosazana. It's my
birth name. I decided to use my first name
because I do believe it is kind of intimidating. I
always wanted to be a feared lawyer. Yes I was
first a lawyer. I studied further with the help of
my husband then I became a judge. Few years
later my sister came to live this side. She studied
in Mthatha because she wanted to be closer to
me and away from Port Elizabeth because she
hated how she was treated. My sister hated to be
a princess. She wanted people to know her for
who she is not where she came from as a results
she got married to a man who was not from a
royal family. I supported her decision because I
loved her. I mean my fether had me. A daughter
proud to be from a royal family. I gave my
father everything he needed. When my sister
decided to take her own path I told my father to
let her. I wish I didn't because if she stayed at
home and married a man my father chose for
her she would be alive now.
Anyway I am sure you're wondering where I am
going with this. This case makes me emotional
because my sister died and I am handling the
case. No one knows she is my sister at work and
I don't want anyone to know that. I knew if I told
everyone about this I was gonna be removed
from this case. I thank God I am not using the
same surname as my sister and I am happy no
one knows I am fighting for my blood. Now i am
sure everyone can understand why I don't want
to discuss this case. All I want to do is focus on
making sure my son has the best wedding this
small town and village has never soon before. I
mean why would I be worried about being
caught because the only person knows me is on
my side. My sister's husband and his family are
with me. They know I am her sister and they
hate the accused for what she did. Yes , My sister
was murdered by a woman. A woman who was
sleeping with my brother in law. I am still mad
at my brother in law but I know he loved my
sister. He regrets cheating on her and he feels
responsible for her death. Just last month we
had to go dug out my sister's bones from where
that evil woman burried her. We reburried my
sister last month. It was so hard for me. It still is.
I felt tears streaming down my cheeks just by
thinking about it. I stood up looking around I
don't want to be seen like this. I looked up .
Me: Oh sister
It still hurts. it hurts so bad. I thought my sister
ran away and abondaned us. I didn't think she
died the way she did. My sister was killed by her
husband's mistress.
I heard My phone rings. I went to the coffee
table and took it. It's the King. I smiled wiping
my tears
Me: Hello son
Zwelicacile: Hello mom I am sorry about earlier.
It's just that you caught me offguard....
Me: Zwelicacile tell me what I want to hear.
Make my day son !
Him: My Queen are you okay ?
I didn't respond. I just got more angry
Him: I am sorry my queen. I forgot you don't
repeat yourself. Well I am coming home Friday
we will discuss everything when I get home
Me: The driver will go fetch you at Mthatha
Him: Thank you my queen .
I hung up then sat down
I am smiling because I was worried this boy
might change his mind. Nomagampompo can
carry on with her wedding planning. This
wedding is happening
" My Queen is smiling alone. did something
happen ? " That was a voice coming in. I looked
up it's future daughter in law
Me: Zwelicacile is coming home this week
Nomaxabiso: Really !? My Queen tell me the day
I smiled then stood up
Nomaxabiso: Please my queen !
I looked at her
Me: NomaXabiso you grew up at Ntsimbini
village. You know very well in Xhosa culture.
When someone works far away or study far
away they don't announce the day of their
arrival in case witches send their evil spirits to
cause an accident. We don't want the king to die
now do we ?
Nomaxabiso: Of course not my queen Bu.....
I raised my finger asking her to shut up
Me: No buts!
Nomaxabiso: I am his queen my queen
Me: I am the only queen in this palace are we
clear !?
Nomaxabiso: Crystal My Queen
I walked up the stairs. I am sure some of you are
wondering why a double story house at a
village? well my husband's father was a premier
of this province. This house was built for him by
the government .

< Priscella >
My Secretary got a good job somewhere so she
resigned a few weeks ago. I didn't get a chance
to interview people because mother was home.
She is all that matters when she is back in the
country. It's hard to be a mother and a daughter
in my home. I feel like I am a mother to my
brother who doesn't respect me at all. I miss
mom sometimes if not all the time so I crave that
feeling of being a little girl but I can't help it. I
was groomed to be the responsible one and I am
glad I am old enough to understand that our
mother is needed in international business. She
is an amazing business woman. I am glad she
took that opportunity and decided to look at our
international interests even though it might look
like we are abandoned by her.
Anyway I called Sonia to join me. I am doing this
interview at a restaurant downstairs our
penthouse. I can't go back to the office. I decided
to bring Sonia with me. This crazy white girl is
smart even though she can be crazy sometimes.
She knows who is good for me. by the way my
friend is two years older than me. She is 28years
old. So sometimes she takes advantage of that
and act like miss know it all.
Me: Friend thank you for coming with me
Sonia: Thank you for inviting me I didn't expect
that after how I have been treating you.....
I pulled out a chair. I sat, She did as well. A
waiter came to us
Me: Water for me please
Sonia: Orange juice with ice
Waiter: Coming right up
He walked away. I saw my employer the one
who called. She was coming with this pretty boy.
We stood up.
Me: Hello guys thank you for joining us
We greeted them.
Girl: Ms Seputla I have to go back to work.....
Me: No please join us
Her: Ma'am?
Me: Sit and join us
She smiled and sat down. I did too
Sonia: So what is your name ? tell us about
Man: Oh hi guys. My name is Algebra Adams..
Me: You said your name is....... ?
Sonia: Algebra. He said Algebra my friend
Me: Nice name continue
Algebra: Thank you. I am from Cape town. I
recently moved here to live with my sister.......
He is a coloured boy. He is lovely. I like him. I
just hope he is what we are looking for. He told
us about himself and everything we needed to
know about him. He sounds smart and very
passionate. I like him. While he was talking I
saw my friend smile. Thank God she likes him.
My prayer was for her to like someone I like
because if I liked him and she didn't oh we were
gonna fight at this restaurant.
Me: Wow thank you very much Mr Adams
Sonia leaned and whispered in my ear.
Sonia: Let's not torture the poor boy. Give him
his job
I smiled then looked at Algebra. He looked
nervous. I extended my hand to him. He was
lost. He just looked at my hand. My employee
pinched him. He jumped then shook my hand
Me: I want to see you at work tomorrow you're
He stood up
Him: Really ?
Me: Yes come to work tomorrow Don't be late !
Him: Thank you so much guys. I swear you
won't regret this
Sonia: Go home and celebrate. You need an
early night trust me. There is a lot to do
Him: I am ready! bye guys !
We waved he walked away. I shook my head.
The crazy in my office starts now. The girl from
HR stood up
Me: Thank you girl he is perfect
Her: You're welcome. I will see you guys
Me: Bye
She walked away. I saw Sonia looking at a
Sonia: Isn't that Aaron ?
I looked. It's him. Aaron is my husband's friend.
Me: Hey ! Aaron
He turned around and smiled. This one saw us.
Him: Hi I didn't see you there guys are you good
Me: Great . Are you?
Him: I am great. I am late I will see you soon
He Quickly walked off
Sonia: Bye !
He walked away. I don't know. Maybe it's me
but I feel like he was avoiding us. He saw us first
and decided not to greet.
Me:..... ?
Sonia: Are you okay?
Sonia could see I was concerned.
Me: I don't know. I feel like he was avoiding
Sonia: I didn't want to say it. Who knows......?
She chuckled
Me: What is it ?
Sonia: No never mind friend
Me: O-kay...... ?
Sonia faked a smile then started thinking. What
is she thinking about? I hope this has nothing
with doubting my husband. I am tired of this.

< Nontorotyi >
You know sometimes you're pushed to be a
trouble maker. well that is what I am called at
Royal house. I am not this stupid woman I am
made out to be. I am a smart woman. Before my
brother in law died. I was a nurse at a local
clinic. When he died My husband became a
chief. I was asked to quit my job. I did that
because I was respecting them. I quit my job
because I was also excited to be a queen but not
a single day i felt like a queen at the Royal
house. Nomakhosazana will always be their
queen. I am not respected like her. This woman
never sacrificed anything for the Royal family.
When my husband became a chief. I had to let
go of what I loved but She didn't quit her job
when her husband was a chief. She is still a
judge. She became a judge married to a king.
Why didn't these people stop her? Was it
because she is better ? That she was a princess
from Port Elizabeth. A city girl? There are so
many selfish decisions this royal family make.
They do everything to make sure Judge
Nomakhosazana is happy. When I stopped
working I had to join the family business. Their
project that is worth millions. We sell every
vegetable. We have a big farm that is making a
lot of money. I am responsible to sign off
deliveries and all that. Someone from the Royal
house takes care of finances. My sister in Law
and she is loyal to Nomakhosazana. That farm is
my husband's father's legacy too. I don't know
why Nomakhosazana makes every decision.
Anyway I was trying to show you where all this
bad blood csme from. Me and the Queen are
always in a competition. When we go to
functions we want to look better than the other.
I don't hate that woman. I just want her to make
the same sacrifices we made. She is selfish and
everyone bows down and lick her feet no one
stands up to her. I am the only one that is why
they hate me. For example now they want to
take the chieftaincy. What's gonna happen to me
and my husband ? I left a well paying job only to
get R10 000 a month. I settled for it because I
loved to be called the Queen. I didn't think I was
gonna be invisible in this village. It looks like we
will bow down to that woman till we die but I
swear on my parents graves. That boy is not
going to be a chief not while I am still alive.
Anyway I got out of the car. I walked to The
house. I opened the door and walked in. I saw
my maid far at the kitchen.
Me: Molo ( Hello )
Her: Molo madam
Why is this woman smiling like that? I looked at
Me: Yonke into iRight Deliwe?
I was asking her if everything was alright. She
smiled and came to me.
Deliwe: Inkosazana ikhona ( THE princess is
home )
Me: Really ? Uphi?
Deliwe looked at her bedroom. I didn't wait for
her to tell me where to find her. I threw my
handbag on the couch then kicked away my
heels. I ran to my daughter's room
Me: Mama's little girl!!!!
I got to the room and barged in
Me: My girl!
I said with my arms open. She came for a hug. I
hugged her after about five seconds I broke the
Me: My baby I can see you're still beautiful and
healthy. I won't ask how......
I couldn't finish that she hit my chest with a file
Ngejiwe: All the information you need to know
about the king
She said that with a smirk on her face
Me: Ngeji What is in here?
She folded her arms Then looked at Royal house
through her window
Ngejiwe: Let's just say when the elders learn
about everything that is in there? he will kiss
any chance of being a chief goodbye
She looked at me, I looked the other way smiling




< Nontorotyi >
I stated my reasons for All the trouble I am
about to start with the family and i am not going
to repeat them again. We are here because of
Judge Nomakhosazana and her behaviour. This
woman thinks she is the only daughter in law of
the late king Ndengana, I am as well and i
deserve to be treated with respect. My husband
is Nkosesizwe's brother. He is the son of the
King. He is royalty. His father was a king. He is a
rightful chief Just like Zwelicacile. My husband
has the chieftaincy. Why take it from him now ?
I am the Queen but I am not called or treated as
one why? Why is that ? They treat me like this
for a wife of a dead man? I am not going to
allow this. My nephew has been a bad boy in
that Johannesburg oh they are not ready for
what is to happen. I doubt he is even coming
back here. No one can choose a life in a village
when he has the life he has there. I doubt he is
coming but I will sit back and wait.......
I heard the door open. I stood up. Sorry I was
about to talk about what my daughter brought
me but I guess we will do this later my husband
is here now.
Me: My chief. How was your day ?
Hlohlesakhe: It was okay thank you. I had to go
see the family that lost a son then I went to the
project just to check on things
Me: I am glad you're not abondaning the project
Him: Why would I? I am getting my job back
when my nephew comes home. Can you get me
a drink my wife
Me: I wouldn't count on that if I were you
Him: What's that suppose to mean ?
I am not going to tell him. I just smiled.
Me: Your daughter is home
Him: I fetched her from Mthatha
Me: You did ?
Him: Don't change the subject Nontorotyi. What
did you mean when you said you wouldn't count
on that? do you know something I don't know ?
Me: Your drink my chief !
I ran to the kitchen. I know if I tell him he will
run to the Royal house and tell Nomakhosazana.
Everyone in this family is loyal to that woman
even my husband. I got to the kitchen.
Me: Deliwe give me my husband's cold beers
Deliwe: Okay My queen
She went to the fridge. She took them and gave
all of them to me. I went to the living room.
Me: Here you go
Him: Let me go lie down at guest room and
Me: Okay My chief
He walked away. I smiled then whispered to
Me: You're a born chief and you will be till you
die my husband
I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around.
Me: Ngejiwe
Her: Was that father?
Me: Yes that was the chief
She smiled and sat down
Me: Out with it! I can see you have something to
Her: The mother I know would be running to the
Royal house to cause drama now with the
information you have.....
I looked away smiling
Ngejiwe: Mom what are we gonna do with this
I looked at her.
Me: We will wait for the right moment
She stood up
Her: Right moment?
I smiled
Me: Your mother is not a coward sweetie. I want
to call a meeting when Zwelicacile comes home.
I want to confront him in front of all the elders
Ngejiwe: Oh He will be shocked to learn that we
know all this.......
She started thinking.
Ngejiwe: You know what mom.... ?
I looked at her
Me: What is it Ngeji?
She chuckled then sat down. My daughter is just
like me.
Her: How about you speak to Masixole privately
and threaten to tell the family if he shows any
interest in becoming the chief?
I sat down then raised my hand for a high five
Me: I didn't know you're this smart sweetie
Ngejiwe: Who is my mother?
I flipped my hair
Me: Well ....

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
Arranged marriage is not something you wish
for your child but sometimes some of the things
we do are just beyond our control. I loved
Nkosesizwe, my husband. He was a good man
and we had a mutual respect for one another.
He made sure the village and everyone around
respect me. That is why Sdabadabeni people
love and respect me. So as his wife i have to
honour his wishes. I can't start disrespecting
him now. My husband wanted this child for our
son. And we have to honour his wishes. This had
to be done. I heard the tone on his voice when
he called. He is not happy at all. If He was happy
I was gonna tell the planner to start with
wedding plans But he just said he is coming
home Friday we will talk. I know that talk is
about Nomaxabiso. My son will have to forgive
me. He is going to marry this girl whether he
likes it or not. There is a lot at stake here. We
started that project with some of The Zidenge
family money. If we don't marry this girl we are
going to lose a lot. My son has to make up his
mind and save the family. Chief Zidenge trusted
us. He begged us to take his daughter because he
doesn't trust any other family and besides we
are the only royal family close by. My son has
never made any sacrifice for the family it's time
he does. This is the time he shows the family
that he has royal blood running in his veins.
Anyway I was going through this case. I got
disturbed by footsteps. I looked up. It's Princess
Nomagampompo. That was fast. I smiled.
Me: sisi you're back ?
She smiled then sat down.
Princess: Yes My queen. Remember I went there
to just hire her. Tomorrow she is coming to the
Royal house so we can talk about everything.
You know I can't make any decisions without
Me: Of cours....
"Me too! " Said a voice behind us. Who the hell is
eavesdropping on a private conversation. You
know I almost told my sister in law that the king
is coming home Friday. I looked up its
Nomaxabiso Zidenge.
Me: You too what ?
Nomaxabiso: I...
Princess: Why are you listening to a
conversation that has nothing to do with you ?
That is what I wanted to ask as well.
Nomaxabiso: Well since I know you went to look
for a wedding planner. I thought I should come
and get an update since I am the one getting
married. I have so many ideas abo....
Me: Hey!!!
I hit the table. She was shocked by my reaction
to what She just said. She got jumpy
Nomaxabiso: Did I say something to upset the
Me: Nomaxabiso you're a royal princess. You
should know these things! Marrying a king is not
marry an ordinary man. This is not your
wedding ! this is our wedding! I call the shots
here. I am going to decide what dress you gonna
Nomaxabiso: What !?
I looked at Nomagampompo. She looked
shocked as well
Me: Did she just raise her voice at me ?
Princess: Maybe she is getting married to a
wrong family my queen
Nomaxabiso: I am sorry it's just that a wedding
dress is every little girl's dream. I can't wear
what you like my queen!
I stood up and went to her. She moved
Me: You will!
She got teary.
Me: Don't get me wrong. I know what you mean.
But you're marrying a chief. The girls you're
talking about are marrying ordinary men. This
is my son we are talking about ! the chief of
Sdabadabeni village. All the news paper people.
The tv people will be here. Everything you do or
wear reflects to my son. Trust me I know better!
Nomaxabiso: But make an exception on this one
My Queen
Princess: Nomaxabiso Zidenge we were at your
older sister's wedding few years ago did you
forget that?
Her: No my princess. I saw you
Princess: Your sister's dress looked like a
wedding dress from the 80's!
Nomaxabiso's eyes popped out . I smiled then
looked at her
Me: I didn't want to say it but since My sister in
law pointed it out I will be honest with you.
Everyone in this family has class. We are known
for dressing to kill. My son's bride will look like
million bucks that day and I will make sure of it
Nomaxabiso: Okay then my Queen
I smiled
Me: I might choose something you don't like but
it will be something suited for a royal bride okay
Nomaxabiso: Okay my Queen
Me: Good, tomorrow you're going to a Spa in
Mthatha. You need a make over. My son must
find you looking great! you can't have natural
short nails sweetie. Remember he has never
seen you. We must impress him okay ?
I said pinching her cheek. She smiled
Her: Okay My queen
Me: Go get your beauty sleep now. My son must
find you glowing
Nomaxabiso: Hihihi
She giggled going to the stairs. I took a glance at
princess Nomagampompo. She took a photo
frame of her brother.
Princess: I wonder what you got us into King
Say that again. I shook my head folding my arms
on my chest .
Me: My poor boy
Princess Nomagampompo looked at me.
Princess: Sisi I want to apologise about earlier
I looked at her
Me: Earlier ?
Princess: About the trial
I furiously walked to a bottle of wine and two
glasses on the trey
Me: Water under the bridge. Come! I just opened
this bottle. Let's go sit over there
I don't want to talk about this trial. I just wish
they could stop talking about it.

< Priscella >
Being pregnant and do everything by yourself is
hard. I know I am few weeks pregnant but I do
get tired doing everything by myself. Traveling
around going to meetings. I really needed to hire
a new PA and I am very happy it was not that
long process of interviewing more than 15
people. I interviewed on person and hired him. I
am glad I have someone who will be doing most
of the job tomorrow at work. I cannot wait to tell
my husband about this. He doesn't want me to
overwork so this will be good news to him. I
hope he will slow down work as well. I am not
going to sit at home alone. If I sit at home I want
to sit with him.
Anyway I am in a Elevator going up Sonia went
home she didn't want to come in with me and i
am happy she didn't. My husband can see my
friend dont like him and I hate the awkwardness
around us. I just pray it ends soon. I don't want
to have to choose between the man I love and
my friend because one of them won't like the
answer. I feel like Hungani needs to find himself
a woman so that his friends can stop yepping in
my ear about him. He is a handsome celebrity.
He can have whoever he wants. I don't know
why he doesn't make any of the women he
sleeps with his main woman. I don't know what
he wants from me. I am happily married to a
man I love. All I want is for Sonia and her
husband to accept that and try to get to know
my husband. It's important for me to have my
friend, Her husband and my husband to get
along but how is that gonna happen when her
husband is my ex boyfriend's friend? This is not
easy for me.
Anyway the elevator opened. It got me to the
penthouse. I walked in and looked around. I saw
my husband sitting on the sofa busy on his
laptop. This man cannot be serious. I just want
to have him all to myself.
Me: We agreed we don't work at home honey!
He closed the laptop laughing.
Him: Sometimes I forget I am at home because
the office is in this same building
Me: Well that's the perks of being part of this
family. We have everything around us. We only
use cars to go to meetings
Him: That is why I think we need to go to gym
every afternoons after work and mornings
before going to work. Sitting around is not
I kissed him
Me: But baby how can you suggest that when I
am pregnant?
I wrapped my arms around him. He is so
Him: I was thinking. How about your husband
work out so that when you give birth he
becomes your trainer and you know..... he could
help us lose the baby weight
I let go of him and pushed him away then
attempted to walk away
Me: Are you saying I am fat
He grabbed my arm and pulled me our chests
collide. He looked me in the eyes
Him: No but women gain weight I wanna help
you get back to shape if it happens you gain my
Me: I.....
He kissed me before I could say anything. He
then whispered in my ear
Him: You're not fat my wife
I looked at him
Me: I love you
Him: I love you more
I let go of him
Me: Honey I have great news !
Him: Sit here nd tell me all about it my wife
I sat on his lap. I kissed him. He took off my
Him: What's up ?
Me: I got a PA
Him: I thought it was just an interview?
Me: He is everything I need. He is smart and
ambitious and I think I need his Va va voom in
the office
Masixole: Sonia's Va va voom is too much let's
hope he is nothing like her
Me: Honey I know She has been mean to you
Him: You don't have to defend her babe
Me: I am not !
" Trouble in paradise already? " Oh not now.
That's my brother walking down the stairs.
Me: Just get lost Junior!
He shook his head then pressed the elevator.
Junior: That's what happens when a rich girl
gets married at Home Affairs
He got in then looked at Masixole
Junior: How Romantic brother in law
Masixole swallowed sweet nothing. I stood up
from him. He cleared his throat
Me: I am so sorry bab....
He gave me a hand.
Masixole: This is the reason i wanted to talk to
you earlier
Me: Oh yeah I remember now. What did you
wanna talk about?
He pointed at the couch asking me to sit. I
wonder what is going on. I hope he doesn't have
second thoughts about us. I sat down.
Masixole: Baby I want you to agree with me on
this one please
Me: What is it honey?
He looked down. He looks nervous why do I feel
like I won't like this.
Masixole: Baby you have family and friends that
love you
Him: And I want to be part of that also. I want to
do everything to make sure they allow me to
show them that I am the guy for you. I don't like
seeing the fights between you and your brother.
I know you love him and I feel like it's my fault
you guys are fighting.....
Me: You didn't do......
He stopped me.
Him: Let me finish baby....
Me: Okay
Him: Your brother wants you to have a big
wedding and I respect that about him. He knows
you deserve the best and i agree with him you
He exhaled. I feel like he is taking a long road to
arrive to his destination. How I wish he could
take a short cut and just tell me exactly what he
wanna tell me.
Me: What is it ?
Him: Promise me you will agree ?
Me: Baby you know I love you and I will do
anything to make us happy but if it's a crazy
idea I will tell you . I am a smart business
Him: The reason I am worried you won't agree
is because of that
Me: So it's a crazy idea?
Him: It's a life changing crazy idea
I stood up and walked away
Me: I don't know baby.......
I stopped then looked at him
Me: Let's hear it ?
Him: I think for me to marry you like that was
because I was scared to lose you to your ex and
the fact that I respect you. and I didn't want to
have a child with you before we get married
Me: And I love that about you baby
Him: We did things wrong I feel like it was
immature of us to do that. I mean your brother
is angry. Your friends as well and I haven't told
my family about us
Oh no. I forgot about his family. I didn't think
about that since he has no parents.
Me: But it's done baby. What do you suggest we
do ?
Him: Please don't get mad ?
Me: Just say it Masixole!
Him: Okay baby.......
I saw his lips moving but nothing was coming
out of his mouth. He is scaring me now. What is
it ?
Me: Masi......
Him: Priscella divorce me !
I looked at him. What did he just say? What the
hell is wrong with this man? So my friends were
right about him ? Did he marry me for my
money ? I felt tears streaming down my eyes. I
tried stopping them but I couldn't. How can I be
so stupid.
Him: Divorce me baby I.....
Me: Excuse me!




< Priscella >
What were you gonna do if you were me? I am
only 26 years old. I can't afford this not after few
days married. This happens in Hollywood not
here. My marriage can't last for few days. This is
worse than Hollywood. I am going to be a
divorcee now? I feel like we rushed this. I feel
like we should've talked. I hate to say this but
Junior and Sonia were right. I could've waited
till I gave birth then get married or rather have
a wedding while pregnant. I hate my husband
right now. I didn't run up the stairs. I ran to my
mom's study because my brother might walk in
and the first place he goes to is his room
upstairs. What if he sees us fighting. We would
never hear the end of it. I love this man but right
now he is driving me crazy. He is going to make
our enemies happy something we've been trying
to avoid. How could he ? I got in. When I turned
around to close the door this dark ugly man was
already at the door.
Me: I hate you !
Masixole: I know bab....
Me: why didn't you say all these things before
we went to home affairs why!?
Him: Because I was scared to lose the most
beautiful woman in the world
I blushed, Damn it Priscella this is not the time
to fall for his charm! he smiled I attempted to
punch him he held my hand
Me: I hate you for this!
Him: I know my love. Pris baby I know this is
hard but this could help you with your loved
ones' relationships. And I also have to go home
and tell them I made a girl pregnant. Those
people are all I have. If they find out that I am
married they might disown me. I want them to
be part of our wedding
You know He abondaned his family. I always
worry about his relationship with them. This
man hardly talks about his family. I can't marry
a man I don't know. I want To know his family
Me: Okay fine. When can we do this divorce
thing ?
Him: We can call the family lawyer. It's nothing
big. We didn't even discuss or sign anything
when we got married so this will be easy. Baby I
don't want anything from you. All I want is your
heart. I don't care about your money
Me: I know babe. You call the lawyer. We are
signing the divorce papers tomorrow. I don't
think it will have to go to court. He will go there
just to finalise things with home affairs
Him: Alright my Angel. I am sorry for upsetting
you and I hope Junior and Sonia will be happy
when they hear this
Me: Me too. When are you going to Eastern Cape
? I wanna come with you
Him: No babe I have to go alone when I go to
talk about you. Then the next time I go I will be
going with you to introduce you.
Me: Okay
Him: I am leaving Day after tomorrow
Me: Friday ?
Him: Yes. And my Leave starts monday so I want
to spend a week or two there. I need to
reconnect with my ancestors you know
Me: I will miss you baby
He came to me
Him: I will miss you too my love but I will be
back. I belong here with you
Me: I know baby
We kissed .after 30 seconds of kissing we broke
the kiss
Me: Let's go have dinner and go to bed
Masixole: Okay my love
He carried me out of the office i was giggling. I
feel like my hormones make me silly. This man
explained everything to me before dropping the
bomb. Somehow I expected it I don't know why
I ran off crying. I love Masixole more than
anything. He is the only man I feel so safe
around. I never loved my ex the way I love this
man. I didn't make a mistake with this man. I
love him. This is the man I want to spend the
rest of my life with.

< Judge Makhosazana >
Time is just flying so fast and I am loving it. It's
been a while since I have seen my son. I cannot
believe I am seeing him tomorrow. Today it's
Thursday. My son is coming home tomorrow
and things are about to change here for good
and better. I cannot wait for that. I can't wait to
have the chief at home. Last night I had a
peaceful night knowing he is coming home and
today we are meeting the wedding planner.
Things are happening so fast. I just pray my son
don't fight this. He knows there is a lot to lose so
I don't expect drama besides he knows better
than saying no to me. He knows me. I don't take
nonesense from anyone. My PI hasn't returned
to me with his findings. I am waiting patiently
but for me I don't think investigating my son is
necessary now that he called and told me he is
coming home. I know when he gets here he will
tell me everything that has been going on in his
Anyway we are gathered around the dinning
table having breakfast. Everyone who lives
under this roof is here.
Me: Daughter in law how did you sleep ?
Nomaxabiso: I slept well thank you my queen
Me: That's good
Princess looked at her and smiled. I saw
Notiniphu coming with Pine juice
Me: Thank you Notiniphu
She bowed
Her: You're welcome my queen
She attempted to go to the kitchen.
Me: Wait !
She turned around and stood there and watch
us while we are eating. I looked at the door.
Me: Siqalo!!!
He came running. I hope you still remember our
Siqalo: My Queen
He stood next to Notiniphu
Me: Dear make breakfast for the chauffeur
She bowed
Notiniphu: Okay my queen
She walked away. I looked at Siqalo
Me: Siqalo go tell the chauffeur that he must get
ready to take.... ..
I smiled at Nomaxabiso. I see she is really
desperate to have her recognised in this family.
I will give her that.
Me: Queen the second here to Mthatha she
needs a new wardrop and she will also go to the
Nomaxabiso: Thank you my queen. I can't wait
to go shopping. There are these jeans I sa...
Me: Hold on!
Nomaxabiso looked down and bowed
Nomaxabiso: I apologise my queen
I looked at my sister in law
Me: Princess Nomagampompo will go with you.
She will know what is appropriate for a royal
bride. You don't wear just anything. She will
take you to the boutique
Nomaxabiso: Oh okay ......
She looked disappointed. Princess
Nomagampompo gave her a look. She just said "
oh okay " to me ? . She looked at me.
Nomaxabiso: Sorry I forgot to say My Queen
I looked at my sister in law I took my handbag. I
took out a credit card and gave it to her
Me: Sisi I also want you to buy a new bedding
for the chief
Princess: Yes My Queen
Me: I will handle the meeting with the wedding
Princess: Okay I was about to talk to you about it
Nomaxabiso: If you don't mind my queen. Can I
say something
Me: Of course you can say something
Her: Can you give me an opportunity to at least
to choose the sheets for my husband. I don't like
the ones in our room right now. The room is so
dark. I feel scared sleeping there at night alone
Me: The room you're sleeping in isn't The chief's
Nomaxabiso: What!?
Princess: You haven't seen his room it is locked
my dear
Nomaxabiso: But he is my husband. I should
sleep in his bedroom!
Everyone's eyes popped out. They looked at me.
I don't know how things are done at Zidenge
Royal house but this here is my home and I do
what was done to me. I am not going to be
worked up by this little girl. I will be nice to her.
She will be marrying my son. I don't want to be
monster in law to her. I am very close with my
son. I want to be close to his wife as well.
Me: My dear that is where you're wrong
Nomaxabiso: My Queen?
Me: You and my son are not married
Me: You're his Fiancé and when he comes home,
He is going to be the one inviting you to the
bedroom !
Everyone was nodding while I am speaking.
Me: About you choosing my son's bedding.
What is my son's favorite colour?
She quickly took her cup of coffee and sipped on
Me: Exactly!
Process: Nomaxabiso we know what the chiefs
likes. Let us help you get to know the things he
likes before he gets here. When you get married
to a chief it's all about making him happy. You
stop living for yourself. You live to make him
Nomaxabiso: Okay I didn't know thank you my
Princess Nomagampompo smiled looking at me.
She was actually giving me the go ahead to
continue with what I was saying before I was
rudely interrupted by my soon to be daughter in
law. I looked at Siqalo who was still standing.
Me: Siqalo the car is clean right?
Siqalo: I washed it yesterday around 5pm my
Me: Good. Now I want you to go to all our family
houses and tell them I want to see them.....
I looked at the watch on the wall
Me: I want to see them here at 3pm. I am sure
they are not gone to work yet
Siqalo: If my queen don't mind me asking......
Me: No Siqalo they will hear everything when
they are here just tell them that
Siqalo: My Queen
He ran out. I continued eating my food
Princess: That means we should come back early
from Mthatha for the meeting My queen?
Me: I would really appreciate to have you here
yes please. Take the easy road. You can't drive in
this bad gravel to Ngqeleni town. How about you
go through Mqanduli to get to Mthatha ?
Nomaxabiso: I have never been to Mqanduli
town before
Me: There is nothing special about it. It's a small
town like our town Sweetheart. The only
difference is they have tar road
I looked at sister in law
Me: Sisi make sure when you get to Mthatha you
leave Nomaxabiso at the salon then go buy the
bedding then when you're both done you can all
go for her wardrobe shopping
Princess: As you wish my queen
She stood up, Nomaxabiso looked at her.
Nomaxabiso: I am still enjoying my breakfast
Process: I will go do my make up please hurry
Nomagampompo walked to The stairs.
Nomaxabiso started eating fast.
Phonqa: Hey lady slow down. My mother takes
time when she is doing her make up
Phonqa is Princess Nomagampompo's second
born son. Princess Nomagampompo has two
kids. They are boys. The first born might come
back tomorrow or next week from Varsity. He
goes to Fort Hare university at Alice. Anyway
Nomaxabiso smiled then looked at me. I smiled
as well so I could make her feel comfortable. I
looked at Phonqa
Me: Don't call her lady again. She is going to be
married to the chief
Phonqa: Yes My Queen

< Narrated >
In Johannesburg at The Seputla towers.
Everyone is at work. It's a busy day in the office.
Priscella is busy working at the CEO office. We
see the new Secretary knocks at the CEO office.
He walks in and close the door behind him.
Priscella looked up.
Priscella: Algebra What's up?
Him: Ma'am the receptionist just informed me
that your brother is coming up
Priscella didn't reply. She took her cell
Priscella: That's unlike my brother. He is never
that formal besides. We are not on speaking......
Her eyes popped out then she looked at Algebra
Her: Oh he tried calling me I forgot my phone
has been on silent since our morning meeting at
He just smiled standing there waiting for the
CEO to say something so he could leave.
Priscella: Not that he is going to ask for
permission but please do send him in when be
Algebra: Ma'am You make it sound like your
brother is arrogant or something
Priscella chuckled
Her: Arrogant is an understatement. My brother
is beyond rude well He is always rude to me
Algebra: I don't even know how he looks like
anyway let me go back to my desk ma'am
Priscella: You will see a short dark boy with
swag that's my brother
Him: Okay ma'am
He opened the door and found Sonia about to
Algebra: Oh sorry come in Ms De Villiers
Sonia: Thank you dear. Love your suit
Algebra: Thank you and You look stunning
Sonia smiled then flipped her hair with both her
hands. Algebra left.
Pricella: Sonia it's not lunch yet. I am a bit busy.
I can't afford to go downstairs right now
Sonia: Oh no friend! I am not eating lunch with
you today
She said smiling. She pulled a chair with class
and sat. She put her leg on top of the other.
Sonia is a very skinny white girl. When you look
at her you'd think she is a super model.
Priscella: Oh ?
Sonia: My man is taking me out for lunch. The
perfect man I have
Priscella laughed shaking her head.
Priscella: Well good for you
Sonia: Anyway that's not why I came here
Priscella: Yes what's up ?
Sonia: Honey you said you wanted to talk to me.
Before I tell you please tell me what you wanna
tell me
Priscella stood up and fixed her leather skirt.
Priscella: As you know my man and I have been
going through a lot because of you and Elton
Sonia: But I apologised. I was just raising my
Priscella: Well you will be happy to hear that we
decided to divorce and resume marriage after I
have given birth. My man will do anything to
make me happy and the people around me
Sonia's eyes lit up when she heard this.
Sonia: So when are yo....
Priscella: We signed the divorce papers this
morning. Now I want to see what will you have
against my man
Sonia started thinking then looked at her friend
Sonia: But why did he make this decision....?
Priscella: Because of you and my brother. He
wants to show you guys that he respects me and
I feel like going to the Home Affairs was a sign of
showing respect. He didn't want me to have a
child outside the wedlock....
Sonia: Oh no! I don't buy that. The home affairs
nonsense was no sign of respect but I am
curious though......
Priscella: Curious about what Sonia ?
Sonia: Why does he care about what we say or
think..... ?
Sonia: I mean love conquers all right? It doesn't
matter what other people say !
Priscella looked angry
Priscella: What do you want from my man !?
Sonia: Nothing ! I am just curious babe
Priscella went to her desk She pulled her chair
and sat
Priscella: The pressure you guys put me through
it's too much! every decision I and my man
make it's wrong in your eyes. We try to make
you happy you still have reservations. What the
hell do you want ?
Priscella started crying. Sonia put her hand on
her chest
Sonia: Oh honey I didn't mean it like that please
forgive me
Priscella: Sonia I am tired of you and your
opinion about my life!
Sonia: I am sorry. Can I talk about why I came
Priscella took a tissue
Priscella: Talk and leave
She wiped her tears.
Sonia: I am selected to be part of six women
housewives reality show
Priscella looked at her.
Priscilla: But you haven't had a wedding yet?
Her: But we are married and we gonna have a
wedding on the show so next week I am starting
my wedding plans
Priscella smiled through her tears
Priscella: WOW congratulations friend
She stood up and hugged her. Sonia broke the
Sonia: Its the project my man has been working
on. He is going to produce the show so......
Priscella smiled at her. Sonia looked nervous
like someone who was not sure if her request
will be approved.
Sonia: I would like you to make appearances in
my segments
Priscella's smile disappeared from her face.
Priscella: No!
Sonia: come on friend. You're my only friend!
Priscella: You make friend in the circle babe I
know reality shows. I am a CEO of a mult billion
company. I can't be seen with bunch of women
who are throwing drinks at each other I am
sorry !
Sonia: I will just come and talk to you at your
house and that will be it. You won't have to be
surrounded by those girls
Priscella: Why don't I sleep on it ?
Sonia: Thank you friend you're a sta......
Priscella: Please don't thank me. I am not sure.
You know I don't like spotlight. I just want to
sleep on it that doesn't mean I will say yes
Sonia: I know. Let me go see Doctor Earl
Priscella looked at Sonia. She was surprised and
looked like she didn't like what she just said
Priscella: Wait .... ? The surgeant ?
Sonia: Yes I want a few drops of injection on my
lips. I want to look sexy on that show
Priscella: Sonia your lips are bigger already and
they don't look normal. The shape of them just
screams fake why do you keep doing this ?
Sonia went to her and kissed her cheek with
those lips. She put her left hand on Priscella's
Sonia: Like I said I want to look sexy and my
man loves me like this. He is actually
encouraging me to do it
Priscella: I can't believe this !
Sonia: Cheers !
Sonia walked to the door with her handbag
hanging on her right arm. She opened the door
then turned around. She looked at Priscella who
had her eyes popped out
Sonia: Later !
She waved Priscella waved back
Priscella: bye
Sonia closed the door. Priscella shook her in
disbelief then sat down. Outside we see Sonia
greets Junior who just walked in. They talked
briefly then Junior went to his sister's office. He
Knocked then opened the door. Priscella looked
Elton: My favorite sister
Priscella closed her laptop
Her: First you knock something you've never
done before now I am called favorite sister. Is
this because I am no longer married?
Elton had lunch in his hands
Elton: Nah do I need a reason to happy to see my
He put the lunch on the table. Priscella didn't
buy this. She looked lost and she looked like
someone who was waiting to hear the real
reason he came to see her.
Elton: This is for you. I know you're pregnant so
you can't go around
Priscella: I hope you didn't put anything in that
burger of this colddrink
Elton: Come on sis. Why would I do that ? I love
Priscella took the burger. She took a bite
Priscella: Okay let's go to the real reason you're
Him: Guess what?
Priscella: You called my mother like you
promise you would Mabaane? ( yesterday)
Elton: She is still asleep. I will call her
Priscella: Bro mom love seeing us everyday. She
misses us you know that! so please do call her
this afternoon
Junior: It will depend....
Priscella: Depend on what Elton?
He fixed himself feeling himself. He smiled and
looked at his sister.
Junior: Yesterday when I walked out leaving you
and your husband fighting....
Priscella: We were not fighting!
Junior: I got a call from guys from the Reality tv
Channel. Sis they approached me for the new
Rich kids season. This afternoon I am doing my
Priscella stood up. She put her burger down and
wiped her hands
Junior: What ? ain't you happy for me ? I will
make my own money something you always
wanted for m.....
Priscella hugged him. Elton smiled.
Priscella: Congratulations baby brother I am
proud of you. You know this is not the path I
want for you but you're going to make money so
that's a start
Elton: Thank you sis
Elton cleared his throat
Priscella: There is something else ?
Elton took a script and put it on the table.
Elton: My first shoot starts here at your office.
and I want you to read that. I will come in and
ask for money you know....
Priscella bit her lower lip angry. She put her
right hand on her forehead
Priscella: Bathong! What's with you guys and
reality shows ?
Elton: But I thought you were happy for me....
Priscella: I am happy for your success but can't
you guys leave me out of it ?
Junior stood up
Junior: Who is " You guys " ?
Priscella: Brandon is producing a housewives
reality show and his wife is part of it and she
expects me to do appearances there. Junior I am
a business woman. A CEO of this mine. I cannot
be associated with such things!
Junior: sis that's why they approach me. They
know I am from one of the richest homes in this
city. Come on sis. You don't appear a lot on my
show. As for that one. I think you shouldn't do it
Priscella looked away
Priscella: I don't want to. I said I would think
about it
Junior: Don't do it sis
Priscella: I don't know Elton......
Junior: But can you help your brother with his
hustle please sis
Priscella looked at him for few seconds.
Priscella: Fine......
Elton: Yes !!!!
Elton jumped up excited
Priscella: When are they coming ?
Him: This afternoon. They will bring a make up
Priscella: I hope that's not a cheap make up.
Anyway I will not need it. I will just go to the
house and fix myself
Junior ran to her and kissed her cheek
Junior: Thank you and I love you
Priscella just smiled. He ran out leaving her
shaking her head laughing.

Still in Seputla mine offices. At CCO office we see
Aaron walks in. Aaron is Masixole's friend, The
one who Knows the entire truth. He is here to
talk to his friend because the last time he saw
him which was yesterday, Masixole was
planning to Divorce his wife of like less than 7
days. Anyway we see Masixole stands up.
Masixole: Hey buddy
Aaron: You look happy this morning I guess
everything went well ?
Masixole showed him a chair. He also sat on his..
Masixole: Everything went perfectly well man.
Way better than I expected .
Aaron: That's great man. So does that mean you
didn't ask for a divorce. You told her the truth ?
Masixole gave Aaron " Are you crazy?" look
Aaron: Or not ?
Masixole stood up .
Him: Bro I can't tell Priscella this
Aaron: Wait so are you trying to tell me you
asked for a divorce and this girl just agreed like
that ?
Masixole exhaled. He sat on the corner of his
Him: Man I fed my woman more lies and she
believed me. She agreed to Divorce me.....
Aaron whistled shaking his head
Masixole: I know man. I know I am in trouble
because it might kill her when she finds out the
Aaron: Dude don't divorce Priscella. Just tell her
the truth. This chick loves you. She will support
you and besides you two could come into an
agreement. The way she loves you I am sure
she'd agree to be your second wife
Masixole stood up and walked away looking
Masixole: Its too late man
Aaron: What do you mean it's too late !
Masixole grabbed a bottle with whisky. He
poured himself a glass then looked at Aaron
Masixole: We are already divorced
Aaron: What !?
Aaron said walking to the whisky. He poured
himself a glass as well.
Masixole: I have to go home tomorrow man. I
Have to get home a single man. We signed
divorce papers this morning
Aaron: Oh man kiss your relationship goodbye
Masixole: Please don't say that man!
Aaron: Why? It's the truth man. It is what is
gonna happen when she finds out. Dude that TV
boy is going to win her back !
Masixole: I will not let that happen. I will fight
for us
Aaron: Oh man
Masixole gulped his drink looking at the view

People who have friends know this. Some
friends tend to play a parent role to other
friends. They think they know it all. They forget
that they are just friends. Then there are those
selfish friends who don't want to see their friend
happy. Some times they do that unaware some
do it on purpose because of some of their crazy
selfish behaviour. Sometimes as a friend you
need to just support and let people make their
own mistakes. When you voiced your concern
the first time and you were ignored. Just give up
and support your friend. Don't try and make
them feel bad every chance you get. Sonia is one
of those friends. Sometimes you wonder if she is
jealous of Priscella's life and maybe she wish it
was her who had two man running after her.
Sonia was not wrong to have suspicions and tell
her friend about them but at the same time she
has no right to hate the guy when she has
nothing on him. She is wrong for trying to
choose a man for Priscella. Sometimes because
people they are happy in their relationships they
think they know best. No one knows how many
mistakes Sonia made in the past to end up with
Brendan but it looks like she doesn't want to see
Priscella making her mistakes. Over an hour ago
she was at Priscella's office. Her friend confided
in her because she trusted her. She didn't know
she was gonna use that against her. I am sure
you're wondering what did Sonia do this time.
Well guess what ? She just got into a restaurant
and in this restaurant we see Brendan and
Hungani waiting for her. Now you can use your
head and I am sure everyone knows what this
meeting is about, talk about Some friends we
Anyway we see Her greet them. She sat down.
Sonia: I hope I didn't disturb your busy
Brendan: I am going back to my shooting in an
hour, I already know my script so I am cool
Sonia looked at Hungani.
Hungani: Will go interview a celebrity at her
home around 3pm but in an hour I am needed
in studio. I hope this won't take long
Sonia smiled
Sonia: It won't
Hungani: Why are you speaking like this? Do
you have toothache or something?
Well Sonia was speaking with her mouth slightly
Sonia: I had lip injection 30 minutes ago
Brendan: You look gorgoues my wife
Sonia: Thank you honey
Hungani doesn't look impressed by this lip
enlargement thing. You could see by his smile
that he is not really smiling. He is concerned
about Sonia.
Sonia: I have great news for you Hungani
Hungani: I am listening ?
Sonia smiled. She looked around then at them.
They were so curious waiting for her to finally
tell them
Sonia: Your girl and that man got divorced this
Hungani: What !?
Brendan: So soon ?
Sonia lost her smile and wore her nasty attitude
Sonia: That idiot says he is doing this for all of us
who don't trust him. He says he wanna do things
right and I don't buy it! something is up !
Brendan: Do you think he did it for money?
Hungani: Did he hurt her.? Is she sad. I swear if
that bastard stole from he......
Sonia: No, I doubt he took anything. Priscella is
not upset. You know how important that
business is to her. If he took something we'd
know by now
Brendan: He does love her. And I believe
Priscella will marry him again. It looks like She
feels the same about him but I must say I am
more sceptical now. I think there is a reason for
him to want a divorce. It can't be you and Elton
Sonia: That's what I said as well then again I had
to stop myself because she will accuse me of
being a bad friend. I just want her to marry you.
I want her to have the great relationship I have
with my man
Brendan smiled and touched her hand
Brendan looked at Hungani
Brendan: But I think you still have a chance with
her Buddy
Sonia looked at at Hungani.
Sonia: My man is right. Priscella is a single
woman now. That is why I called you guys here
Hungani looked away smiling
Hungani: That loser let her go
Brandon: That's where you come in bro. I mean
who knows ? After you marry Priscella, I might
fire one of the wives or just add Priscella to join
the wives
Hungani chuckled then raised his glass
Hungani: I like the sound of that
Brandon: Cheers bro
Sonia: Oh by the way
They both looked at her curious to know what
she is about to say.
Sonia took her cocktail
Sonia: That loser is going back to the Eastern
Cape for a few days. He is leaving tomorrow
Brandon: Bro did you hear that ?
Hungani smiled then looked into thin air and
sipped his beer




< Elton Junior >
I am happy my sister agreed to be part of my
show. I love the spotlight and this is the best
opportunity for me to shine. In order for me to
score pretty girl I have to use my sister. She is an
inspirational woman to every young girl in this
city. I want people to see my home.The business
and my sister on the show. I read about all the
new cast members and i must say I am the
richest of them all. Even the white guys got
nothing on me and that is all thanks to my dad,
Mom and my sister's hard work. They want me
to join the family business but I can't. It's boring.
I am studying broadcasting. I want to be on Tv
and radio. I can't sit at the office all day. That's
not my style.
Anyway as I promised. The crew just arrived at
my sisters office. I hope she is ready to do this
because I am. We started shooting when I
walked in. I asked them to stop so I could speak
to my sister first. I hope she won't mess this up
for me. I opened her office door. I closed the
door then looked at her
Priscella: I am glad you left them outside
because we have to talk first
Me: Don't tell me you changed your mind sis
Sis: No. I would never embarrass you like that
Me: Great I wanted us to add something about
mom, where you will ask me again if I called
mom. I want you to be a little pissed
Priscella: Well I am angry because you didn't
call mom! Anyway about what I want to talk
Me: Yes ?
Sis: I am going to do this if you do fix things with
my man
Me: Okay where is he ?
She pointing outside to his office. I looked at my
crew. I opened the door.
Me: Guys can you give me a moment I need to
speak to my brother in law
Producers: No problem
I looked at my sister. She smiled. She loves that
don't she. I ran out and headed to Masixole's
office. I knocked once and opened the door. He
stood up
Masixole: Junior. What a surprise
Me: Hey you good ?
Him: Yes but little busy what's up ?
He said then sat on the edge of his desk.
Me: I just wanted to thank You for the decision
you made to Divorce my sister. It was a big
He smiled but he looks nervous. Have I been
that bad to this guy that he would be nervous
like this around me ?
Me: And I know it wasn't an easy decision for
you but it shows how much you love my sister
Masixole: I love your sister man. She the only
woman I ever loved. I can do anything for her. I
don't want to see her hurt. I am not saying I
won't hurt her. Relationships are not always
smooth. I know one day i might hurt her but I
want to show you I would never hurt her
intentionally. I want you to see that I love her
and i know she is not just any girl. She is
precious to her family and I will treat her with
love and care
I am happy to hear those words I believe him
but the part where he says he might hurt her? I
don't want to hear that. I don't want my sister to
get hurt period.
Me: You don't Have to prove anything to me. I
can see you love my sister
Me: And I hope you understand why I reacted
the way I did
Masixole: I know my guy I really do
Me: You see ... the thing with my family..........
He looked at me
Me: We are like ROYALTY
He stood up and cleared his throat. He walked to
his whisky. Did I say something wrong to this
guy ?
Masixole: I forgive you man you don't have to
explain. I know why you did what you did. You
are blessed to have two strong hard working
women who love you and I agree with you they
deserve to be treated with respect and I
apologise for what I did
Me: Water under the bride
I ran to him and hugged him
Me: I will see you later brother in law ;)
He raised his glass
Him: Later
I walked out. Let's do this. I want all the girls to
drool over me when they see me on screen
< Judge Makhosazana >
I just spoke to the wedding planner. We just
finished our meeting. She came here at the
Royal house as she promised. I don't want her to
organise the welcome home party. I trust
Princess Nomagampompo. She can do it. I am
not going to pay for all these things at once.
Tomorrow my son will be here. He has a
welcome party. Saturday I want a meeting with
elders. That too has to be prepared. They will
expect food so we can't waste money like that. I
want this woman to plan this wedding only. I
don't want no distractions.
Anyway Siqalo opened the door. I hugged the
Me: Thank for everything I am going to see you
Her: Okay I will keep calling when I need
anything I know Coffee Bay isn't close here
She says she will be at coffee bay while planning
the wedding. Sdabadabeni to those who don't
know it. It's at the bottom/ end of Ngqeleni
villages. Mqanduli ( THE villages ) and
SdabSdabadabeni are separated by the big
Mthatha Dam.
Me: Yeah it's not easy to travel from Mqanduli to
plan a wedding at Ngqeleni
Her: Oh but we are being silly. Sdabadabeni is
close to Mqanduli than it's own town
Me: I know bye Hihihi
She walked out. Siqalo closed the door.
Me: Thank you Siqalo
Siqalo: Your highness
I went back to the living room. I have to call my
son again. I want to keep in touch. I feel like we
haven't been mother and son these past few
years. He is my only child and I love him and
want the best for him. If Nomaxabiso is not what
is best for my son we will fix her and make her
what my son wants.
Zwelicacile: My Queen
Me: Son I am sorry to bother you
Him: No my queen you don't bother me. I am
honoured to be called by the Queen
I smiled then rested my back on the couch.
Me: You're my only child Zwelicacile. I want my
child to treat me like his mother. You're not like
others to me you're my child. my only child. I am
mama to you not the Queen
Zwelicacile: Mama do you realise that when I
become chief I will call you by your name ?
I stood up
Me: Unganya! ( You wouldn't dare! )
He laughed.
Him: I am joking but that's how it should be
Me: My father in law...?
Him: Yes
Me: Mr Ndengana was a premier of this
province. He was also a king but not a single day
he called me Nomakhosazana. I was always the
princess to her then when i got married to his
I looked up
Me: Oh may his soul rest in peace
I sat down again
Me: When I got married to your father. Your
grandfather called me a queen so who are you
to call me Nomakhosazana?
Him: Okay mama. What can I do for you ?
I smiled
Me: My son I don't want you to humiliate me
and your father's memory when you get here. I
want you to give me a go ahead to plan your
wedding. I don't want you to be surprised when
people talk about you getting married
He exhaled
Him: I don't want to upset my late father and
you. Yes go ahead we will discuss the dates
when I get there
Me: Thank you my son I knew Jozi didn't change
Him: Okay ma I love you I have to go
Me: I love you too bye
I saw the door opened. Siqalo walked in
Him: My Queen princess Ngejiwe is here to see
Me: What !? Tell her to come in! this is her home
and go see her parents like I asked you to please
When i asked him to go door to door he didn't go
to Hlohlesakhe's house because i called him to
come help me with something
Siqalo: Okay your highness
Siqalo walked away sending Ngenjiwe in. I am
so proud of this girl. I may not be her mother's
favorite person but this girl loves me. I am her
role model. I saw her come in
Ngejiwe: Your honour
I stood up.
Me: This is not America! I am your Lord
She giggled. We hugged
Ngejiwe: How are you my Lord
Me: I am good advocate. How are you?
Her: I am great thanks. What is Phonqa doing at
home? My sisters are still at boarding school
Nontorotyi has three daughters. They go to the
same school as Princess Nomagampompo's
second born son.
Me: They are not in the same class. Phonqa is
done with his exams
Ngejiwe: Okay My Queen I.......
Her phone beeped. She exhaled
Me: It's your mother isn't it ?
Her: Yes it is her. I left before having breakfast. I
just wanted to come see you
Me: Thank you for coming. I appreciate it. Go
now your mom will be upset
Ngejiwe: This has to end my queen. The fight
between these two families is ju....
Me: This is one family! we are family ! Your
father has no problem with me. It's your mother
who has a problem with me! I can't change how
Nontorotyi feels about me. Sweetie go before she
comes shouting here
Ngejiwe: You don't have assignment for me
Me: Oh. .....
Every time she comes home for holidays I
always give her assignments and advise her
where I can. I am happy she sees me as a role
Me: You know I am always testing you so of
course i have an assignment for you
Me: Your assignment is......
I exhaled. I don't want to do this but I have to.
This might help me or should I say prepare me?
Ngejiwe: Are you okay my queen ?
I smiled at her
Me: I want you to defend a woman who killed
her lover's wife
Her: That's a tough one my queen let me go
home and write my presentation. I will come
present my defense to you my Lord
Me: Looking forward to it Advocate Ndengana.
come after breakfast tomorrow
She walked out. My smile disappeared. I had to
do this. Next week I will hear a lawyer
defending a monster who killed my sister. I
want to get there prepared to hear all the
horrible things that might upset me. Hearing my
niece present her case will prepare my
emotional state for that day.

< Priscella >
I hate doing this but if agreeing to it will mean
working things out with my brother then i will
do it. I don't want to be famous. I am
surrounded by famous people but I don't want
fame. My ex is always on Tv. My friend's
husband is an actor and a producer. Now my
brother wants to be a reality star. All I want to
be famous for is the business. I want to be the
most successful business woman in Africa. I
don't want to be a TV star. That's not a life I
want for myself.
Anyway it's time. It's time to get this over and
done with. I can't wait for this crew to get out of
my office. I can't stand cameras.
Producer: They are coming. In few seconds he
will come in and greet you. Please act normal.
Don't look at the camera. Don't mind us at all
just look at your brother
Me: Okay fine
Producer: Great !
He walked to The door. I rolled my eyes then sat
on my chair. I saw the door opened. My brother
walked in
Elton: What's up sis
I didn't looked at him. I pretended to be working
Me: What are you doing in my office before
lunch time Elton Junior
He kissed my cheek I smiled
Him: I just came to see my sis
Me: Well I am busy get out Of my office
Elton: Come on sis. Being a CEO doesn't mean
you can't make time for family
I looked at him
Me: Well CEO's brother listen here. I have to
work so that you can afford your expensive life
He stood up
Elton: Speaking of my life style .....
My brother is good at this acting thing. And I
must say I am not bad myself. Maybe we should
let him choose this career path.
Me: What do you want ?
Elton: Can you please speak to mom. I want you
guys to sign me a 10K cheque. I need R7 000 for
Kicks and I wanna spend R3 000 at a party I am
attending this weekend
Me: Elton so much money in a week ?
Him: Come on sis you guys have the money
since you don't wanna spend it I am here
Me: I am not doing that
Him: Pretty please I have to look the part
Me: Mom asked you to call her yesterday you
didn't call her. I want you to call her this
afternoon and ask for this money. I will sign a
cheque when she asks me to
He came to me and kissed my cheek again.
Him: You're the best. If I were you I would be
signing the cheque. Ms Refilwe will give me the
money ;)
Me: Whatever
Producer: Cut !
I let out a sigh of relief
Producer: That was great guys. Thank you Ms
Priscella I know you didn't wanna do this. You
were great . You're a natural
Me: I hope it was the last time
They laughed.
Elton: Thanks sis I love you
I smiled. He opened the door. The crew walked
out. Befo6re he walked out He looked at me
Elton: Oh sis
Me: Yes
Elton: About the money, That wasn't acting. i
need it ASAP
I jumped up
Me: What!?
He walked out
Me: Don't you dare walk awa....
He closed the door. I hit the table
Me: What ? R 10 000 rands to be spent in one
day ?
I started breathing heavily. I texted mom
* Sorry for texting you I know it's after midnight
there. Your son wants 10K don't give it to him
mom ! *
I sent the text then threw my phone on the table.

< Nontorotyi >
My daughter is a traitor. What the hell is she
doing at the Royal house. I told this girl I don't
want her there. She knows we are in this
Chieftaincy battle, what the hell is she doing at
the Royal house ? i am angry as hell right now. i
am standing in the middle of my kitchen with a
cup of coffee. I am ready to go to work. I am
looking outside the window watching my
backstabbing daughter coming home. I am glad
my husband is getting ready in the bedroom. i
dont want him to hear when i speak to his
Me: Traitor!
I can't wait to hear her try to get out of this one.
I caught her. She thought i wouldn't know she
went to the royal house. I heard footsteps
behind me. I turned around its my maid Deliwe
Deliwe: Everything is ready at dinning room My
I smiled at her.
Me: Go wait for me there. When Ngenjiwe walks
in tell her i am waiting for her here
Deliwe: Okay my queen
She walked out, the front door opened
I heard Deliwe speaks to her. She came to the
kitchen smiling. I took the last sip then put the
cup in the sink
Ngejiwe: Good mor....
Me: Traitor!!!
Ngejiwe's eyes popped out
Her: What ?
Me: What were you doing at royal house ?
She took out a cup
Her: I went to see the Queen
Me: How can you do that knowing what is
happening between us! Honey you betrayed
your mother!
She looked at me then went to the fridge. She
took out milk. This girl is calm and i feel like an
idiot because she is not shaken at all. She doesn't
look bothered at all.
Me: Say something Ngejiwe!
She put the milk in the micro wave and warmed
it up. I went and switched off the micro wave.
She shook her head in disbelief
Ngejiwe: Mama i didn't betray you. The queen is
my aunt! she is my mentor. When i am home i
have to go say hi to her!
Me: She hates me! your mother!!!
Ngejiwe: Mom i am a child in this family and i
am treated as one and i dont see a problem in
that and that is why i am not going to get
involved in your fued. The queen loves me and
she doesn't hate you. I think you try to much to
be like her and she sees that ! She is enjoying
seeing you all jealous. You need to stop this !
I walked around fruatrated. I was breathing
heavily. How could she stand there and defend
that woman? I am her mother
Me: I can't believe my own daughter is on her
side !
Ngejiwe: Mom i am not on anyone's side. You're
my mother and i love you!
She looked at bedrooms then at me.
Her: That is why i am helping you secure the
throne! I know you and dad sacrificed a lot for
it. No one at the royal house sacrificed anything
but that doesn't mean i should join in on your
unnecessary drama. We are family. We are all
from the royal house. My dad is from there. That
is where he grew up. That's our home too don't
ask me to stop going to the royal house because i
Won't !
She said a lot of things that make sense but that
doesn't mean i will like Nomakhosazana. I hate
Me: Okay fine
She switched on the micro wave
Her: Thank you
I walked out. My husband came out of the
bedroom. We heard a knock from the door
Me: Deliwe go open
Deliwe: Okay my queen
She walked away
Me: honey sit and eat we are late
Hlohlesakhe: Okay thank you. Are you gonna sit
as well ?
Me: Of cour....
I stopped talking when i saw the royal house
servant come in
Siqalo: My chief
He said looking down. .
Hlohlesakhe: What is happening Siqalo?
Siqalo: The Queen sent me to summone you to
the royal house to a meeting at 16:00 ...
Me: What is this now? We don't have jobs to go
Hlohlesakhe: My wife can you stop
complaining? The Queen knows we knock off at
3pm. So 4pm is perfect for a meeting!
Me: My chief ain't you worried about this
meeting? Why do I have to be the one who is
using her brain in this house !
I snapped Hlohlesakhe looked at Siqalo
Hlohlesakhe: Siqalo tell the Queen we will be
there early
Siqalo: Thank you my chief
He walked out. My husband looked at me
Hlohlesakhe: Are you crazy?
Me: Psssh me crazy?
" Yes mother! " Said my daughter walking to the
living room.Oh she was listening. I looked at her
Me: How dare you call your mother cra.....
Ngejiwe: How can you talk like that in front of
the Royal house servant. You know Siqalo is
loyal to the Queen!
Hlohlesakhe: Tell her my dear and I will be the
one who will have to answer to the Queen!
Me: You don't have to defend me I know how to
defend myself. I am not scared of
Ngejiwe's eyes popped out. No one calls the
Queen that I know
Hlohlesakhe: Ye Nontorotyi do you wanna be
banned from this village?
Ngejiwe: Mom I agree with you in many things
but you crossed the line! First you raised your
voice at dad in front of Siqalo now you call the
Queen that by her first name ?
Me: The Queen is not better than me. She is
educated , I am as well!
Me: The Queen married a chief of this village
I went and stood next to my husband and
hugged his arm. I chuckled
Me: I married one too
Ngejiwe: Father talk to your wife. Mom knows
how important The Queen is in this family and
Village. If she doesn't want to respect her she
will get all of us banned from the village! Yes
there are so many things that happen at royal
house that I don't agree with but we are family
and you should respect each other and your
positions in this famil.....
Me: I am a queen too baby!
My husband shook his head
Ngejiwe: Mom wait until dad is made a chief.
For now you're not. Dad is just A regent !
Hlohlesakhe: Wait wait wait......
We both looked at him
Hlohlesakhe: Did you just say she must wait?
Ngejiwe's big mouth! My daughter looked down
Hlohlesakhe: There is nothing to wait for.
Zwelicacile is going to be A chief in a month or
so or am I missing something here?
Ngejiwe: Da...
Me: No!
I am not going to let this little girl ruin my plan
Me: There is nothing my chief! we are just
hoping that you will stay a chief forever. You've
been doing a great job here as a chief
Hlohlesakhe: Thank you my wife but we all
know it's not my calling
I hugged him
Me: God works in mysterious ways my baby
I said that while in the hug. I looked at my
I am going to fix this low self esteem my
husband has. He can't be pushed around by this
family. He is a son of a great king. He is the only
son alive and this. This throne is his. I broke the
hug. I fixed his shirt
Me: You my husband
Hlohlesakhe: Yes My dear
Me: Ungumntwane gazi ( You're royalty )
I looked at my daughter. She winked at me
Ngejiwe: ;)
I looked on thin air and smiled



< Sonia De Villiers >
My life is just amazing right now. Next week i
am starting shooting the reality show. Great
things are happening for me and very fast. I
think i need to talk to my husband about that.
My husband and i are married but we never had
a wedding and we are going to have it soon. I
cannot wait for it all. We have two children
together a girl and a boy. They are in Namibia
with my parents now. They just left for the
holidays. The show will air on tv next year
around February. I want my children to be part
of the show. I am glad we are not rushing things
with shooting. This is exciting. I have a lot of
ideas about how our lives should look like. I had
to rush out of work and come home. My
husband and i have to discuss our future. He is
doing so well in his career and he wants me to
taste some of his suceess and i am grateful.
Brandon: Hey sweety i am glad you're home
He kissed my cheek
Me: I had to come fast. You're my boss now. I
have to respect you honey
He smiled.
Me: Not like i didn't respect you before though
Him: If you didn't we wouldn't be together i
know my love
I smiled then sat down putting my handbag next
to me.
Him: I hope your other bosses are not mad at
you for leaving work so early
Me: I don't care about them. They have their
own problems
He looked confused
Me: The divorce for example ?
Brendan: Oh yeah. That was unexpected.
Anyway i called you here babe to talk about our
wedding. You need to look for a wedding
planner. I want us to get married in January
Me: I can't wait! Tomorrow i have a lot of work.
Saturday i have to look for a wedding planner
Brendan: No honey. I think you should start
monday or tuesday. We have to shoot all this
Me: Oh yes!
Him: We have to go meet other ladies for a
photo shoot Saturday
Me: Baby we need to move to a new rental
house. We have to have the most beautiful
Brendan: You think this house is not good for us
I stood up
Me: Honey. I am married to the producer. I have
to be better than all the ladies besides, I am a
shareholder at Seputla mine. I have to look the
Brendan: We need to draw up our budget and
everything honey. We cant waste money when
we are getting married in a month
Me: Whatever we do but i want a mansion. You
and i have good jobs. We can afford all that
Him: Okay after the photo shoot we go look for
I went to him and kissed him. His phone rang.
He stood up. He looked at me
Him: It's Priscella
Me: Answer!
He answered and put her on speaker..
Brendan: Hey Priscella
Priscella: Hey can we meeting ?
Brendan: Sure is everything okay ?
Priscella: Yeah everything is okay. I just wanna
talk to you about something
Brendan: Just tell me where i will be there
Priscella: Seputla Towers. Let's meet at bakery
Brendan: Give me thirty minutes i will be there
Her: Thanks
He hung up
Me: I wonder what she wanna talk about ?
Brendan took his car keys then looked at me.
Brendan: Hungani maybe? Since she is no
longer married?
I smiled. He kissed my cheek then walked out
leaving me smiling. Oh my God this is amazing.
She came back to her senses
I looked at my handbag. I went to it and took out
my phone. I dialled Hungani's number
Hungani: I am on my way to a shoot what's up
I smiled
Me: Guess what?
Hungani: What?
Me: Priscella called My man. I think she wanna
discuss you. I think she wants you back
Him: You think so ?
Me: I know so! I think she is jealous that I am the
only one who is gonna be part of housewives. I
think she wants in as well
Hungani: Wow I guess we have to wait and see ?
Me: We should
Hungani: Thank you for the hands up
Me: Any time
I hung up

< Judge Makhosazana >
Take the role of being married to the first born
son at your own risk. As the first daughter in
law or or should i say the senior daughter in
law.. You have so many responsibilities. You are
always making decisions and some times some
people don't like those decisions. I feel like i Will
always be at war with my brother in law's wife
because she doesn't wanna understand my role
in this family. She doesn't understand my
responsibilities. Nontorotyi don't like me. I feel
like she is jealous that i got to marry the first
born. She wants my life. I understand her
frustration but it changes nothing. That woman
will always the fake version of me. I was
groomed to be a leader. I was supposed to be the
chief when my husband died and the reason i
didn't was because being a chief is a lot. You
have to give up a lot of things and i can't let go of
my career. As for Masixole, it's different. He was
born a chief. He shouldn't even cry of letting go
of his career path to be a chief. He knew this
was gonna happen. I haven't bothered myself
calling the PI. Why would i do that when my son
is coming home. I won't call the PI but when he
does find something i will be willing to read. I
am not going to talk about how Nontorotyi
ambushed her daughter from my house. I know
that woman. She will never change but i won't
let her change her daughter. That little girl is
smart and she needs me to guided.
Anyway i just got dressed up. Its almost time for
the meeting. I dont know where Princess
Nomagampompo and my daughter in law are.
They should be home now. Its not really
important what i am going to say to the people
but everything at the royal house gets annouced
like this. I saw the door open.
Siqalo: Your highness they are back. The
chauffeur just drove in
Me: Great ! go help them with shopping bags
Siqalo: Okay my Queen
He ran out. I turned around. I looked at the time.
Its 15:45 .
Me: The Elders should be here for the meeting ....
I heard the door opens. I looked at them.
Me: Look at her !
Nomaxabiso did her hair. She looks really pretty
Me: You look amazing
Nomaxabiso: Thank my queen. I appreciate
everything you've done for me
Me: You're welcome. Go to your room and fit
your clothes
She smiled then walked up the stairs. I looked at
sister in law
Me: She looks good but not happy what
happened ?
Princess: Everything you said went through the
left ear out the right ear. She wanted to decide in
everything. We ended up not speaking to each
Me: She is going to be trouble. This girl has to
respect my orders. There is only one Queen in
this royal house !
Princess: We have a lot to teach her. Anyway let
me go wear comfortable shoes. The meeting is
about to start.....
She looked around
Her: But i don't see anyone my queen?
Me: They better show up or i am not telling them
anything in the future !
Her: Let's just wait. I dont think they'd do that
Me: I hope you're right sisi
She smiled then walked up. I looked at the time.
I saw Siqalo walks in
Siqalo: My Queen The chief and his wife just
arrived and others are coming also. I saw them
walking from a distance
Me: Let them in Siqalo
I said smiling I sat down
Me: I knew you wouldn't do me like that
At least they will get here at the exact time for
the meeting. I am happy they are here. As for my
son's wife. That girl needs to listen. I am not
controlling. I am doing what is right for her. i
want her to be what my son wants. If she thinks
my son is a virgin like her then She is stupid. I
am sure my son has been messing around with
some skanks in Jo'burg. He is used to seeing
beautiful women. All i want is for Nomaxabiso
to look like that as for my son's room, I won't
apologize for that. My son has to invite her to
join him. Anyway i saw my brother in law and
his wife come in. I stood up and approached
Me: I was worried! i thought you guys were not
Nontorityi chuckled
Nontorotyi: We were never gonna hear the end
of it if we didn't come
Me: I am not fighting you. i was just saying
Hlohlesakhe: my dear do you always have to be
like that to the Queen ?
Me: No, it's okay brother in law
Nontorotyi rolled her eyes and pulled my
brother in law then walked away. My phone
rang. I looked at it
Nontorotyi let go of her husband's hand. My
brother in law walked away. She looked at me.
Nontorotyi: Who is it ?
Me: None of your business!
Her: Oh look at you! you're rude to me now
because your brother in law can't hear us
Me: let me go answer this!
I walked away. It's the PI. I answered
Me: Hello I have been waiting for your call
PI: Judge I have what you want
Me: I am listening
PI: check your email
I hung up then went to my husband's study. I got
in then closed the door. I went to the computer
then looked into my account. He sent an email. I
am not sure if i wanna see this. I sat down and
breath in and out.
Me: Two pages report ?
I dont know if i will like this. My sweet boy
cannot betray his family can he? The fact that
it's a full two pages shows he has been up to no
good right now i sm like pythone ready to suck a
human's blood. This boy cannot do this. He
knows what is at stake. The throne belongs at
the royal house not to Hlohlesakhe. He knows
one mistake we lose it all. This boy don't want to
upset me. Anyway i started reading.
Me: I cannot believe this
I had my hand on my mouth when i finished the
first page. So he finished studying three years
ago and he didn't tell his mama? I didn't go to
his graduation. That was one thing i was looking
forward to.
Me: How could you
I turned the page. Tears were streaming down to
the keyboard of the computer. I read the second
Me: What ? Married !?
I looked at the door. I stood up and ran to the
door. I locked it then went back. This boy got
married? It looks like Zwelicacile is living his life
and he forgot about us. This is the reason he was
clueless when i was talking about him finishing
his studies this year.
I continued reading. I raised this boy well. Not a
single time did he show his concerns about
being the chief. This boy was looking forward to
becoming a chief. Maybe he was excited because
the life he knew was a royalty life. He got to see
the life in the city and forgot about his duties.
Me: A divorce ? .
Thank God. He is divorced but that doesn't make
what he did right. He is going to pay. I will make
sure of it.
Me: I wonder if the poor girl knows why he got
I am so disappointed in my son. I don't know
what to do at this moment. Usually i share such
things with my sister in law but this, I dont think
i should share with anyone.

< Priscella >
I want to speak to Brendan about two different
issues I have about his wife. Brendan is using
my friend as his object. I know I have problems
of my own and they might be bigger than Sonia's
but I can't just sit and watch this happen. This is
ridiculous. First Brendan said he didn't like
Sonia's nose bridge she had to do surgery now
it's lips? I can't sit back and watch him ruin my
friend. I want to speak to him about that and
this reality show. He must persuade his wife to
forget about putting me on that show. I don't
want to be part of it. I know Sonia will be
heartbroken but she knows me. I cannot believe
she even thought about it. SHe knows I don't like
that kinda spotlight. I don't know why she wants
me to do this because it's gonna hurt her when I
say no and unfortunately no is what she is going
to get.
Anyway I saw Brendan walks in. I smiled. He
saw me then came straight to me.
Me: Hey
Him: Hey i was surprised to get your call
We hugged he sat down. I did too
Me: I know you're a busy man. Forgive me
Him: I was home with my wife it's okay. Oh i am
sorry about the divorce
What !? Sonia told him ? I should've kept this to
myself. He saw my face change..
Him: You know me and my wife don't keep
secrets right ?
I faked a smile. Yeah i should've expected it.
They are married and i dont expect them to keep
secrets from each other. Its just that this
particular secret i would rather no one knows
about it. So many people are against us so i don't
want them to laugh.
Me: Of course. And please don't tell Hungani
about this i beg you
He cleared his throat
Me: I am serious Brendan!
Him: Okay sure
I took my juice and sipped then put it down.
Him: So what did you wanna talk about ?
Me: Oh i want to talk about your show. The
show your wife is gonna be in. Brendan your
wife wants me to do appearances on the show
and she doesn't understand why i can't
Him: So what do you want me to do ?
Me: I want you to make her understand that i
cannot be on that show. I am a CEO of my family
business. I know i am young and i shouldn't be
boring but my work forces me to. I cannot be
associated with such
Him: It won't be possible to stay out of the show
Me: Why ?
Him: For example you're her friend and you are
always together
Me: During the time of shooting we won't
He smiled then shook his head
Me: What ?
Him: There is no escaping this Priscella. We are
going to get married on the show. I am sure
you're going to be her maid of honour. Her maid
of honour has to be hands on and you will have
to appear on tv
Oh no. I didn't think about this. What am i gonna
do. Saying no will indeed be selfish of me. We
literally grew up together. We were like siblings.
I can't say no to her
Me: Oh no
Him: I am so sorry
I dont know what i will do right now. I guess i
don't have a choice. I hate the situation Sonia
put me in.
Me: Anyway let's forget About this. I will call my
mother and talk to her about it. Another thing i
wanted to talk to you about.......
Him: Yes ?
I looked at him. I hope he won't be offended by
this. I don't want to meddle in their business but
if someone don't Sonia will end up looking like
the late Joan Rivers.
Me: I want you to stop making Sonia feel like her
natural look is not sexy
Branden: Excuse me ?
Me: Brendan i know you're the one who is
making Sonia do all these surgery and
injections! you need to stop ruining her! Sonia is
a beautiful girl she dont need fake lips and
Brendan stood up. I could just tell i won't like
the next word that is going to come out of his
Brendan: Don't tell me how to treat my wife
Me: That's not what i am doin.... ! .
He put his hands on the table.
Brendan: Priscella why don't you put all your
energy on finding out the real reason your ex
husband divorced you ?
He walked away leaving me sitting. I looked
around checking if Anyone heard this. Everyone
was minding their business. I felt a tear drop i
quicky wiped it. I stood up and ran to the
elevator. Did i do somethimg wrong for raising
my concerns ?



< Sonia De Villiers >
I get why Beyoncé said pretty hurts. My lips are
numb and they are swollen now but after two
days i will be better and i will look like a million
dollars.Those women are not ready for me. I am
going to be the Queen B of that show. I cannot
wait to start. I hope Priscella agrees. She has no
choice though. She is my friend. I am always
there for her. She can't expect me to support her
and not get the same support back. Even though
i was against her marriage but i was there to
support her at Home affairs. She has to do the
same. This is a friendship. We are equals. She is
not going to do this to me because they are a
majority owners of the company. My dad owns
10 % shares there. I am important as well.
Amyway while i was lying on the couch with my
eyes closed i heard the door bell rings. I miss my
children. If they were home now i wouldn't
stand up and go check the door. Anyway My
husband isn't back from his meeting with
Priscella. I stood up and went to open.
Me: Hungani come on in
He walked in
Him: Thanks. Don't tell me this dude is not back
Me: Well i am still waiting for him. Is everything
okay ?
Him: After i got your call i got curious. I wanted
to know what meeting was about. I think it was
about me
I smiled. He really loves Prisce i just wish she
couldn't see that.
Me: Sit.... can i get you anything?
Him: Wine will be fine
Me: coming right up
I went to take a bottle and glasses. I came back
Me: Here
Hungani: Thank you. Sonia i am ready to be
there for her. Show her that i have changed. I
am tired of having all these girls throwing
themselves at me
Me: That's good now you need to show her
Hungani: What i did was a mistake. I was kick
starting my career and everyone wanted a piece
of me
Me: I understand friend. I am even worried
about how i will carry myself when Real
Housewives starts. I am excited
Him: You need to be careful. Fame is going to be
overwhelming and some people change. I hope
it won't change you
Me: I want it to change my life for the better. I
want all of it. I am hungry. I am tiredof being
called the actor's wife
Hungani laughed. The door opened
Me: Sweetheart you're back
Brendan: Yes baby
He kissed me then looked Hungani
Brendan: Hey bro
Hungani: Yo
My husband sat down
Me: How did it go? What did she wanna talk
about ?
Brendan: She wanted to talk about the
conversation you had with her about being on
the show
I stood up. I can't believe this. It's true what they
say. We rich people love money. I am sure she
wants a contract. A big fat contract .....wait.....i
looked at my husband
Me: No don't tell me ?
Hungani: What ?
Me: Don't tell me she wanna join the show on a
condition that she becomes the part of the show
with her ex husband
Brendan: That would actually sell imagine you
sweetheart gossiping about her marrying her
man at home affairs to another housewife then
you start fueding
Me: No! Brendan! this show was supposed to be
about me!! me!!!! Don't tell me you hired her!
Brendan stood up and poured himself whisky
Brendan: Sweetheart why are you all worked up
you know Priscella don't want to be part of this.
She finds it Ridiculous she don't want to be part
of it
Oh thank God. I love my friend but she can't
steal all the spotlight. This season has to be
about me.
Me: But she agreed to my request ?
Him: She doesn't want but i tried to convince
I looked at him waiting for an explanation
Brendan: You are going to get married and she is
your friend and she will be the maid of honour
so she has to be on the show
Me: So she agreed ?
Him: She seemed convinced but she said she
wanted to talk to her mother first
Me: Mrs R will agree
My husband looked at Hungani
Him: Dude she doesn't know that Sonia told you
about the divorce. She begged me not to tell you
about it so please
Me: Oh No! Please Hungani don't show her any
sign that you know she is divorced she will kill
Hungani: I will go see her when that moron is
gone but i won't say anything about it i promise
I let out a sigh of relief
Me: Thank you
I sipped on my wine. I sat down. I saw Hungani
sit as well. He looked disapointed
Brendan: Are you okay bro ?
He looked at us
Hungani: Priscella is still in love with this guy
and the fact that she doesn't want me to know
shows it
I looked at Brendan
Brendan: Sorry dude

< Priscella >
I will not forget how Brendan spoke to me. This
made me think of so many things. I am not going
to share my problems with my friend only to be
insulted by her husband about all the things we
discuss. Maybe i should keep my problems to
myself. Brendan crossed a line. I know maybe i
did as well. I didnt mean to. I was trying to help.
I was trying to share my concerns. The reason i
intervened is because i can see Brendan is the
one who is obsessed with this and because Sonia
loves him she does everything to please or make
him happy. I thought speaking to the person
who is responsible for her injections would help
end all this but it looks like i was wrong. I
crossed a line and a hate myself for doing it.
Maybe i should just let her be. I just didnt want
to be a silent friend but i guess i will have to
accept the situation and be there as a friend. I
just hope Brendan didn't mean the things he
said to me and is going to apologise if he doesn't
then him and i are done. He is Hungani's friend
anyway. They both hate my man so why would i
want to have a friendship with people who hate
my man?
Anyway i was really upset i had to run to the
elevator. I swear if i didnt run i would see
myself breaking down in public. I blame my
hormones. I shouldn't have let him get to me. I
just got to the penthouse. I found my husband
watching tv. He will always be my husband i
don't care about the divorce. I know it is not
real. Next year we are getting our dream
Masixole: Hey sweetheart
Me: Hey baby
I sat next to him then perked his lips
Him: How did it go ?
I smiled at him. He knows i went to see Brendan
about the really show. I didn't tell him about the
injection thing because i knew he was gonna say
i should stay out of it and i see why he would've
said that. I regret getting involved.
Me: Not good
I said attempting to take off my heels
Him: Wait! let me help you
Me: Thank you honey
He took off my heels then kissed my leg
Me: I love you
He came up and kissed me. The elevator opened
he jumped off me. Its Elton
Junior: Hey don't mind me
He walked to the kitchen
Me: Elton di.....
He turned around
Him: I called mother
Me: Good
He disappeared. Masixole looked at me
Him: What happened ?
Me: Oh..... I tried to convince him to tell his wife i
can't be part of it but he made valid points that
leave me no choice.....
Him: So you will be part of it ?
Me: Baby their wedding will be on that show
and you know Sonia is my friend. I will be maid
of honour so that means she will do everything
with me
Masixole: That sucks. Did you tell Ms Refilwe
about this ?
I took my phone.
Me: I wanted to call here here
I video called her on WhatsApp
Mom: Hey
Me: Hello mother
I went closer to Masixole and lied my head on
his chest
Mom: Oh Hello divorcees
Me: Ms Refilwe stop it
Masixole: Hello Mrs Seputla
Mom: Hello son
Me: Mom i wanted to tell you something
Mom: Is everything okay ?
Me: Remember i told you about Sonia's tv show
Mom: Oh yeah
Me: She will get married on the show so i will be
part of her wedding so i might be on that show
for the preparations of her wedding and the
Mom: And you don't like that i can see
Me: You know i don't like such things
Mom: Well she is your friend you have to be
there for her sweetie
Me: I know mom. I just wanted to let you know
Mom: Do what you have for her. She was there
for you as well
Me: Yeah
She was there telling me i was making a mistake
but i can't say that to my mother.
Mom: Guys i have a meeting bye
We said our goodbyes and hung up the phone.
Masixole kissed my cheek. I looked at him.
Me: Let's go upstairs i wanna help you pack
Him: I have already packed my love
Me: Wow someone is home sick
Him: I am not going to lie my love i miss home
and i am excited to go and get away from this
crazy city for a while but i will miss my wife
I lied on his chest again. He held me.
I love this man. I don't know why people think
he is fraud. I cant stop thinking about what
Brendan did to me downstairs. If i tell my man
he will want to go see him. I dont want him to
fight with anyone.

< Narrated >
Judge Nomakhosazana was left with her jaw on
the floor. She was not happy at all to learn that
her son betrayed her like this. They had a close
relationship. The fact that she wasn't there when
her son graduated kills her. She is a proud
woman and she loves her son. In her head she
planned his graduation and it was gonna be
something to talk about the whole year. Now she
doesn't know how to feel about the whole thing.
She feels like her son is not her son anymore.
She feels like she doesn't know the boy she gave
birth to.
Anyway she was still at study sitting, No she had
both her hands on the table. She lied her face on
them. It looks like she was crying. The Queen is
strong. She hates falling apart but when it comes
to her blood she sherd a tear. Someone knocked
at the door. She raised her head and wiped her
" My queen!"
The queen stood up
Her: Sisi Are you alone out there ?
Princess: Yes my queen
She went to the door. She opened then left the
door. She went to the desk
Princess: My queen the elders are here.....
She noticed she was crying. She heard the
Princess: Are you okay my queen ?
The queen turned around and smiled. She
looked at her desk then picked up a big file
Her: I was going through this sisi
Princess Nomagampompo put her hands on her
Princess: Oh no the case ?
The queen looked up shaking her head. Can you
believe she is lying to princess
Nomagampompo? This woman can't accept the
fact that her son made a fool of her. The Queen
threw the file to the table.
Her: I am being silly. I don't know why i had to
look at it now. Let's go i am keeping people
Princess: I am sorry again my queen
Queen: It's not your fault it's okay
She walked out. Princess Nomagampompo
followed her, She walked out and closed the
door. They headed to the living room.
Nontorotyi: Thank God your highness is alive! i
thought that phone call killed you in that study
Hlohlesakhe: Nontorotyi!
Nontorotyi: What my chief? It's not right to keep
the elders waiting
Elder1: Your highness didn't know we arrived
that's why we asked princess Nomagampompo
to go call her
Princess: And i came with her as soon as i can!
Princess said giving Nontorotyi deathstare.
Nontorotyi just smiled
The queen sat down.
Nomakhosazana: Thank you everyone for
coming and i apologise to those i kept waiting
" Your highness " They said at the same time
bowing down. The queen smiled looking at
Nontorotyi who was annoyed
Nomakhosazana: I am a busy woman. A queen
to the royal house, the village and a judge for so
many court houses in this province
" Your highness " They all said at the same time
Nomakhosazana: I won't keep you at the royal
house for long. I am sure you have things to do
" Your highness " Nontorotyi was rolling her
eyes She couldn't wait to leave.
Nomakhosazana: In our previous meeting we
talked about getting our chief a wife and we also
introduced her to you. Nomaxabiso Zidenge is
one of us now
She raised her hand looking everyone excited.
Nomakhosazana: So now that the bride is here i
am sure everyone is asking when is the chief
coming home
" Yes your highness " That was everyone . They
want to know when is the chief coming.
Nomakhosazana: Today is Thursday. Your chief
is coming home and he wants to see all of you
here on saturday
They all got excited some clapping some just
happy. The only person who didn't look happy
was Nontorotyi. She just chuckled and looked
away smiling. The queen noticed this. We see
the queen looking at Nontorotyi with suspicious
Nomakhosazana:......... ?
Everyone stopped clapping. The queen smiled
then looked at Sister in law.
Nomakhosazana: Sisi over to you
Princess Nomagampompo stood up
Princess: You heard the queen. Prince
Zwelicacile is coming home and he is going to be
a chief very soon
People smiled.
Her: My elders and my dear brother
He said smiling and looking at Hlohlesakhe
Princess: You all know how it's done. Our regent
proposed this and we turned him down for
obvious reasons
Everyone was lost. They were curious to know
what she is talking about. The queen was just
sitting and smiling.
Princess: When a new Chief is appointed, His
people have a responsibility to make sure he is
welcomed and accepted
They were just nodding.
Princess: I remember when my father became a
She smiled thinking about him.
Princess: Each household contributed with R50
to buy the chief a car
They looked down some stretching their heads
Princess: My people you know this! its an old
tradition. A chief's first car is bought by his
people and now times have changed So is
The princess looked at Hlohlesakhe
Princess: My brother i want you to call a
meeting everyone should be there. All the
villages around because our chief is not only a
chief for Sdabadabeni people only. He is a chief
for people from here down to Mthatha mouth.
In that meeting everyone will be informed that
each household should contribute in buying a
chief a car. The price is not the same. This time
we want One hundred rands from each home !
Nontorotyi: So much money !
Hlohlesakhe: Nontorotyi leave!!!!
Nontorotyi: what ?
Hlohlesakhe: I said lea.....
Princess: It's okay brother. The meeting is over.
Thank you everyone for coming !
Princess looked at the queen
Princess: I hope you have nothing else to say my
Nomakhosazana: You said everything that
needed to be said sisi
Princess: Everyone we didn't prepare anything
but saturday there will be refreshments
The Ndengana family elders stood up and
walked to the door. Judge Nomakhosazana stood
up and went to the Whisky. We see Nontorotyi
going to her with a glass.
Nontorotyi: Pour me some as well judge
Nomakhosazana looked at her and smiled. She
didn't fight her she poured her. When she was
done Nontorotyi giggled
Nontorotyi: Hihihi You so kind my lord
The queen lost her smile when Nontorotyi
started giggling. She gulped hee drink then
poured another one
Nomakhosazana: Say it like you mean it
Nontorotyi or just say what is on your mine
because i can see you want to say something!
Nontorotyi: Of course i want to say something.
You sat down and used our sister in law to talk
about money matters when we know very well
she won't be the one getting the money. It will
come to you!
Nomakhosazana: I don't get your point because
this family finances is handled by my sister in
Nontorotyi: Our sister in law!!! My husband is
Ndengana's son!
Nomakhosazana: I know that and that is why i
love him. he is calm and collected just like my
husband. Oh i feel sorry for him for marrying a
hooligan like you!
Nontorotyi put her right hand on her chest
Nontorotyi: Excuse me ?
Nomakhosazana walked away leaving
Nontorotyi biting her lower lip forming her fist
She gulped her drink. We see Nomaxabiso
smiling going to Nontorotyi who was angry
pouring another one. At a distance we see The
queen standing with Hlohlesakhe and Princess
Nomakhosazana: I have something to tell you
two. I trust you because you have Ngengana
blood running through your vains
Hlohlesakhe: What is it My queen?
Nomakhosazana: Your nephew is coming home
Hlohlesakhe: That's great
Nomakhosazana: I want you and your family to
come have dinner with us. I dont want elders i
just want family. King Ndengana children under
one roof
Princess: Should i prepare a surprise party?
Nomakhosazana: That won't be necessary.Just a
fist and a few drinks sister in law
Princess: Okay My queen
Hlohlesakhe: Why dont we sit down. I want you
guys to tell me about the wedding preparations
The Queen sat down
Her: Oh yeah
The three of them sat down.

Nontorotyi was still drinking looking away
fuming with anger. Nomaxabiso tapped her
shoulder. Nontorotyi turned so fast ready to
attack then noticed who it was then she lost her
angry face. She smiled
Nontorotyi: If it's not the soon to be queen
Nomaxabiso: That's so sweet of you to say after
our last......
Nontorotyi didn't wait for her to finish
Nontorotyi: Ahh forget that i was having a bad
day i apologise
Nomaxabiso: Thank you. I couldn't help but
notice that you and the queen are not good of
Nontorotyi looked at the queen. Nontorotyi and
Nomaxabiso are standing in front of the fire
place. Princess, The queen and the Regent were
discussing the wedding sitting on the couch.
Nontorotyi's mind was running fast. When she
thought of a plan we see her smiles looking into
thin air then look at Nomaxabiso with anger
written all over her face
Nontorotyi: How do you deal with that control
freak you call mother in law?
Nomaxabiso's eyes popped out. She thought she
was the only one noticed the queen controlling
Nontorotyi: It is Always her! no one else
Nomaxabiso fell for it. She jumped in
Nomaxabiso: Can you believe she wanna choose
my wedding dress?
Nontorotyi looked at the queen then at
Nontorotyi: What !?
Nomaxabiso: I am telling you. I swear i will feel
like a second wife to my husband
Nontorotyi looked away. She knows what
Nomaxabiso means but she also knows that
even though what she says might sound like a
figure of speech but in reality she is a second
Nontorotyi: Only if you knew baby girl
Nomaxabiso went and stood infront of
Nomaxabiso: What did you say ?
Nontorotyi: No! never mind me
Nontorotyi looked at Nomakhosazana one last
time then looked at Nomaxabiso
Nontorotyi: I have a plan to put that woman in
her place
Nomaxabiso: I don't understand? What kinda
Nontorotyi looked around then at Nomaxabiso
Nontorotyi: We have to eliminate her!
Nomaxabiso looked nervous. She looked at her
soon to be mother in law then at Nontorotyi
Nomaxabiso: i don't think this is the right place
to discuss this !
Nontorotyi chuckled then looked at
Nomaxabiso. She looked impressed
Nontorotyi: Why do i feel like i am gonna like
Nomaxabiso: I overheard her say your daughter
will be presenting assignment to her tomorrow
Nontorotyi went closer to Nomaxabiso
Nontorotyi: The one she is busy with right now
at my house ?
Nomaxabiso: Yes! So tomorrow when She
arrives here. I will sneak out and come to your
house so we can discuss this further
Nontorotyi chuckled then gave Nomaxabiso a
Nontorotyi: Can you be my friend?
They shook hands
Nomaxabiso: Friends
Nontorotyi looked The Queen sipping her




< Nontorotyi >
After what i said to Nomaxabiso the first time i
saw her, i never thought she'd want to speak to
me again and i was very surprised to see her
come to me. This goes to show how evil the
queen is. Her controlling ways are driving every
smart person crazy in this royal house. I think
Nomaxabiso is smart to notice how controlling
the Queen is. I agree Zwelicacile's wife is smart
but i don't think she is smarter than me. I am
saying that because if i was her i don't think i
would've forgiven or try to have a friendship
with a woman who said the things i said to her
or maybe she is not stupid. She is just a humble
royal girl. I guess she will make a perfect queen
then. I didn't sleep a wink last night. I was
thinking of a plan to destroy the queen using her
soon to be daighter in law. Nomaxabiso and i
can be great together. We can take this family to
higher places without the queen. The queen
needs to move aside. We will get rid of her and
when we are done with her, no one will
remember her. As for the
chieftaincy.....Hlohlesakhe will remain a chief of
Sdabadabeni village and no one will do nothing
to change that. Zwelicacile can go back to his life
in Johannesburg. It looks like that life he is living
there is better than the one he wants here....
wait does he want it? No. We all do what
NOMAKHOSAZANA want. She is running our
lives. I cannot believe how conniving and
manipulative she is. This woman is good i give it
to her. Yesterday she used our sister in law to
break her plan to us. She is the one who wants
this money. This should be Zwelicacile's idea not
Hers. When Hlohlesakhe became a chief i asked
him to propose this the elders turned him down.
They said he is just a regent. I didn't like that
because i asked my husband to do this. And i felt
like he deserved to be treated like a king
because of so many years spent as the acting
Anyway its early friday morning. I just bathed. I
didn't get dressed up for work. Remember my
daughter is going to the Royal house and i have
to have the meeting with this Zidenge girl before
i rush to work.
I am smiling having my coffee standing at the
living room. I saw Deliwe walk pass me.
Me: Deliwe what did you put in this coffee?
She turned around scared thinking she did
something wrong.
Deliwe: Madam?
Me: No relax. It's delicious
Deliwe: Oh thank you madam
She walked away. I heard footsteps behind me. I
turned around. It is my husband. He is ready for
Me: My chief! let me ask Deliwe to mak.....
Hlohlesakhe: My dear you don't look ready we
have to go
Me: I will get to work at nine honey leave me. I
will drive my car
He came to me and kissed me then looked at my
daughter Who was in the kitchen eating.
Him: Bye sweets
Ngejiwe: Bye daddy
He walked out. Ngejiwe looked at me. She stood
up and came to me
Ngejiwe: What is the real reason you're staying
behind mom?
I walked away sipping my tea.
Me: I need to do some work. I have a meeting
with suppliers
Her: Okay we need to talk but first promise me
you won't be mad?
I looked at her. She has a book with her
Me: I promise
Her: The Queen gave me assignment and i need
to present this to her
Me: Good sweety
Ngejiwe: Wow just like that ?
Me: Yes just like that
She ran to me and kissed me.
Her: Thanks mom
Me: You're welcome
Her: First before i go. I heard dad say we are
invited to dinner.....
I pushed Ngejiwe out. She is wasting my time i
need to go to work
Me: That's when i will blackmail Zwelicacile bye
Ngejiwe: Okay
I closed the door then leaned on it. I took out my
phone and called Nomaxabiso.
Nomaxabiso: Been waiting for your call
Me: She is on her way. Make sure Siqalo don't
see you come here
Nomaxabiso: Okay friend
I rolled my eyes then hung up. I am no little
girl's friend. I don't do friends at all.

< Narrated >
At the royal house. We hear a knock at the door.
Princess Nomagampompo walks down the
stairs. She was coming from her bedroom. She
had gown on tying it up. We see Notiniphu
walking out of the kitchen to attend the door.
Princess: I got it Notiniphu
Notiniphu: OKay my princess and good Morning
Princess smiled
Her: Morning
Notiniphu walked back to the kitchen. Princess
opened the door.
Her: Oh it's you Ngejiwe hi
They hugged
Ngejiwe: Hello auntie how are you ?
Her: I am good my dear you look great
Ngejiwe: Thank you aunt
They closed the door then walked in.
Ngejiwe: Where is Siqalo today ?
Princess: I think he is running late
Ngejiwe: And The queen? I am here to see her
Princess: Is everything okay?
Ngejiwe: Yes she gave me assignment and i am
ready to present the case
Princess: What is it about this time ?
Ngejiwe: I will be defending a mistress who
killed her lover's wife
Princess Nomagampompo sat down clearing her
Princess: The Queen gave you that topic?
Ngejiwe: Yes !
Princess Nomagampompo smiled
Her: Let me go call the queen then
She stood up and walked up the stairs. She went
to the Queen's room and bumped into her at the
Princess: Morning my queen Ngejiwe is here
Nomakhosazana: Excellent i woke up early and
bathed because of our meeting
Princess: But the topic you gave he.....
Nomakhosazana: Nomagampompo i gave her
that topic because i want to prepare myself. I
want to hear the nasty things that advocate will
say about my sister!
Princess: Your highness
Nomakhosazana walked away and down the
stairs leaving Princess Nomagampompo

Still at the royal house. We see the queen
hugging Ngejiwe then took her hand. They
walked to the study hand in hand talking and
laughing. We see Nomaxabiso watching them
from a distance. They walked to the study. We
see Nomaxabiso walking to the front door fast.
When she got to the door she was surprised to
see Siqalo sitting there.
Nomaxabiso: Siqalo i didn't see you there
Siqalo: Do you want me to take you somewhere
your highness?
Nomaxabiso: No, I am just taking a walk
Siqalo sat down
Siqalo: Okay your highness
Nomaxabiso walked out. Siqalo closed the door
then sat again. Back at study. We see Judge
Nomakhosazana sitting on her chair. Ngejiwe
ready to state her case.
Ngejiwe: My lord this happened a while ago. So
many years went by and we don't have enough
evidence just like this court don't have the
evidence that shows my client murdered the
Ngejiwe walked around.
Ngejiwe: My lord the deceased was a crazy
woman obsessed with a husband who didn't
want her
Judge Nomakhosazana didn't looked pleased by
all this.
Ngejiwe: My client has no history of violence.
She was provoked by the deceased. It looks like
the husband was ready to leave the wife so the
wife didn't take it well. She went crazy and
attacked my client. My client took the wife
weapon and shot her with it in self defense my
Ngejiwe: My lord not all mistresses are wrong.
My client never had a relationship with the
deceased. She had a relationship with her
husband. As a married woman she should've
dealt with her husband and left my client alone.
Ngejiwe shook her head
Ngejiwe: My lord my client was dealing with a
mad woman. A psychopath who was bitter
because her husband didn't want her. So if my
client my lord didn't kill her she was gonna die.
My client did what anyone would have done if
they were in her shoes. I say my client should be
freed there is no case here. My client saved so
many peo......
Nomakhosazana: Stop!!!
The queen said jumping up.
Ngejiwe: My lord?
Nomakhosazana: Get out!
Ngejiwe: But my lor....
The queen grabbed the files on her desk and
threw them at Ngejiwe. She looked for
something to attack Ngejiwe with
Nomakhosazana: I said get out! get out of my
Ngejiwe opened the door and ran out leaving
the Queen kicking everything in her study. She
sat down on the floor and broke down
Outside we see Ngejiwe running. She was crying
and upset by the Queen's behaviour
Princess: What is going on ?
Ngejiwe: I did the presentation she got mad and
started throwing everything at me chasing me
Princess Nomagampompo pulled her into a hug
Princess: Oh sweetie i am sorry. This is not
about you......
Ngejiwe broke the hug
Ngejiwe: What do you mean ?
Princess: Dont tell anyone about this not even
your mom
Ngejiwe: Okay?
Princess: This isn't just a topic. Her sister was
killed by her husband's mistress
Ngejiwe's eyes popped out
Ngejiwe: Oh my god
Pricess: Now i insist that you dont leave the
royal house until the queen is calm down. I
know she will want to apologise to you......
Princess Nomagampompo took her hand. She
walked to the kitchen with her
Princess: Notiniphu please take out a bowl and
get her a strawberry ice from the fridge
Ngejiwe sat on the high chair. The princess
walked out of the kitchen. She put her hand on
her chest and let out a sigh of relief. She looked
on the wall then looked at study
Princess: Oh My Queen

Nobody knows for how long this alliance is
gonna last. When we thought it was a genuine
friendship between two people with a common
enemy. It turns out Nontorotyi just wanna use
the poor Nomaxabiso to kill the Queen. Poor girl.
She doesn't know what she is in for. She had the
entire night to think this through but it looks like
her mind is made up. She is prepared to kill her
mother in law before she even becomes one.
Where will this end? With the Queen dead and
with these two become friends? Nobody knows.
Anyway we see them sitting in the living room
having coffee. It looks like Nontorotyi loves
coffee. When she was waiting for Nomaxabiso
she was waiting for her with a cup of coffee now
she is having another one.
Nomaxabiso: Nice coffee. I don't know what
Notiniphu always make for me at the royal
Deliwe: Thank you
Nontorotyi: thank you Deliwe you can leave us
The maid walked to the kitchen Nontorotyi
sipped her coffee.
Nontorotyi: What does Nomakhosazana know
about picking the best maids. I am sure she has
the cheapest coffee in her cubinet
Nomaxabiso: Well i might not agree with her in
so many things but they have the best food. I
mean everything in that house is top class...
That didn't sit well with Nontorotyi. She thought
they were gonna bash Nomakhosazana not
praise her. She is mad at Nomaxabiso but she
can't show it because she needs her.
Nomaxabiso:.... but her controlling i can't take it
Nontorotyi: That's why i called this meeting !
Nontorotyi put her cup on the coffee table then
stood up. She went to the window and looked at
Royal house. Nomaxabiso stood up
Her: what is it ?
Nontorotyi: We have to do this before my
daughter comes back
Nomaxabiso: And before the queen notice that i
am not there
Nontorotyi: Exactly!
Nontorotyi looked at the kitchen then at
Nontorotyi: When i said we will eliminate her
you got what i meant right ?
Nomaxabiso: I think i did
Nontorotyi: Don't think be sure!
Nomaxabiso: You want us to kill her i know!
Nontorotyi: exactly! i want to kill
Nomakhosazana once and for all!
Nomaxabiso smiled. Nontorotyi walked away
Nontorotyi: i am not a bad person. Getting rid of
her by getting her banned from the village
would just be a fantasy, A mission impossible!
Everyone in this village kiss her feet! my
hsuband included
Nomaxabiso: That must make you so angry
Nontorotyi: Call me your Queen!
Nomaxabiso: My queen
Nontorotyi: Good! i am the chief's wife !
Nomaxabiso: So where do i come in ?
Nontorotyi chuckled then looked at her
Nontorotyi: I am glad you asked......
Nontorotyi went to the coffee table and took her
cup. Nomaxabiso walked closer to her.They both
sipped at the same time. Nontorotyi looked at
her then walked to the window. Nomaxabiso
followed her. They both looked at Royal house.
Still have their cups handy. Nontorotyi didn't
look at Nomaxabiso. She started talking while
looking at Royal house
Nontorotyi: I know a witch doctor
Nomaxabiso looked at her confused. Nontorotyi
looked at Nomaxabiso
Nontorotyi: A sangoma
Nomaxabiso: Oh.... i am all ears my queen
Nontorotyi chuckled then looked out the
Nontorotyi: Tomorrow it's saturday people are
going to the royal house to find out about the
date of your wedding
Nomaxabiso sipped on her coffee smiling
Nontorotyi: Unfortunately i won't be there
Nomaxabiso's eyes popped out. Nontorotyi
looked at her
Nontorotyi: I will be crossing the Mthatha dam
to Mqanduli to see the sangoma i am talking
Nontorotyi walked back to the area with sofas.
She put her hand on the sofa
She looked angry. Nomaxabiso attempted to
move away from the window to join her at
lounge the same time she took one step
attempting to walk to her, Nontorotyi turned
around. Nomaxabiso stood still
Nontorotyi: That witch doctor is going to give me
a poison
Nomaxabiso got uncomfortable. She looked a bit
Nontorotyi walked to Nomaxabiso. When she
got to her she smiled
Nontorotyi: I am going to give that poison to you
Nomaxabiso: Me?
Nontorotyi: Yes! You're going to poison Judge
Nomaxabiso looked away. Her coffee was cold
judging by the long sip she took after Nontorityi
dropped this bomb. Nontorotyi looked at her.
She was behind her
Nontorotyi: Nomaxabiso Zidenge....
Nomaxabiso didn't turn. Her eyes just pooped
Nontorotyi: Are you in or are you out ?
Nomaxabiso turned around
Nomaxabiso: I am in my queen
Nontorotyi raised her cup. Nomaxabiso did the
Nontorotyi: To the fall of the mighty
Nomaxabiso: Cheers
Nontorotyi looked away and smiled thinking
about her plan.

< Priscella >
I have never been seperated from my man for
more than three days and his visit to the Eastern
Cape is going to be longer i can tell. I have never
seen him so excited. He is nervous i can see that
but mostly i feel like he is happy and he missed
home. I am happy for him. Family is very
important. One needs to go home and spend a
night. I have to understand he has a family. I
cannot wait to see his family. I want to know the
family i will be married to.
Me: I can't believe its friday already
Him: It is my my love. I promise we will be in
Me: Every hour baby you call okay
Masixole: I will my love i promise you
He kissed me.
Him: Now can i shower ?
Me: Yes my love
He walked to the bathroom. I went to my closet.
I have to pick an outfit for today. You know i
can't take what Brendan said out of my mind.
Who the hell does this man think he is? Masixole
is a better man than him. My man don't ask me
to go do surgery because he wants me to look a
certain way. This makes me so angry. If Sonia
wasn't Sonia. I would tell her what her husband
said but she will be on his side telling me that
she told me it's her life. I don't understand how a
smart beautiful woman like her can be so
stupid. Maybe i might be stupid in love but i
would never let love ruin what God created in
Anyway after about 18 minutes trying to decide
on what to work i finally got an outfit. I walked
out. I put it on my bed. I walked to my shoe
section. Masixole walked out of the bathroom. I
just smiled at him then went to the closet. I took
a flat shoe. It's friday i don't have to be formal
besides my man won't be here to take off my
heels when i am tired from work. I walked out.
Masixole had only a white towel around his
waist. He is so sexy. I heard a knock from the
door .
Masixole: Who might that be?
Me: Sounds like a desperate or rude knock from
where i am standing
I said walking to the door. I opened the door
Me: Algebra?
He ran in then looked at my man
Him: I am sorry sir to barge in and....
He looked at me as well
Him: I am sorry to you too ma'am
Me: What is going on? You've never been to my
home now you're in my bedroom ?
Him: Ma'am i have been trying to get hold of you
since 6am this morning
Masixole: We dont bring our phones to the
bedroom. Is everything okay?
He gave me his apple tablet
Him: I am sorry ma'am you made headlines
Me: What !?
I snatched the tab then looked at the headline. I
put hand on my mouth and sat on our bed stool
Masixole took the tablet then read
Masixole sat on the edge of the bed
Masixole: Who told them this ?
Algebra took the tablet
Algebra: You not ready for this !
He started reading
* Yesterday around 11 am. The CEO's friend was
with her actor and producer husband and CEO's
ex boyfriend at a restuarant. She was updating
the ex and her husband about what is going on
in her best friend's life..... "
I stood up
Me: Oh my God that was after an hour i told
Sonia. So this bitch has been laughing at me
behind my back ?
Algebra: Ma'am it goes on.......
He continued reading
" The way Sonia De Villiers was laughing with
her husband and the HOT tv host it showed that
she was against the marriage and we are not
surprised because her husband is the tv host
best friend. Now the question we have...... Is
Sonia De Villiers still Priscella's friend? The way
she was celebrating her friend's heartbreak just
proved there is no friendship there.... "
Me: Stop! I've heard enough!
Algebra: I am sorry ma'am what should i do?
Me: Go downstairs and call my PR team. I want
Mandisa to come to the penthouse we need to
write a statement
Algebra: Right away ma'am
Me: Wait for me at lounge. Ask the chef to
prepare you breakfast
Algebra: Thank you ma'am
I walked to the door and opened
Me: Call Mandisa please!
Algebra: Okay ma'am
I closed the door then looked at Masixole
Me: I can't believe Sonia!
Masixole: Why are you crying baby? I am not
surprised and you should be happy
Me: I don't understand?
Masixole looked at me fuming with anger
Masixole: This is your way out of that stupid
reality show!
Oh my God he is right. I looked at him
Me: You're right
I looked on the wall smiling.



< Priscella >
I don't know what to do right now. I feel
betrayed by Sonia. Everything that journalist
said looks exactly like my friend. They were so
accurate. I told Sonia about my divorce at
around 8:30am. She left to see a doctor i am sure
from there she went to see Hungani and
Brendan. I don't know why i didn't get
suspicious when Brendan started clearing his
throat when i asked him not to tell my ex about
my divorce. He didn't tell me Hungani knows
because he was protecting my fake friend, His
wife. I have never done anything bad to Sonia. I
have never done anything to betray our
friendship. I have known this woman for years.
She is like a sister to me. When she fixed her
nose bridge it was Brendan who asked her to.
She also did some touch ups on her cheekbones
and Brendan asked her to. Everything Brendan
sees on tv he asks his wife to do it. I am her
younger sister i am trying to protect her. They
are young no one knows the future. Why would
you change your body for a man you're not sure
he'd stick around all your life? I know they have
two children but that is not a guaranty. That is
not a ticket to haply ever after. Children won't
save her marriage.
Anyway what she did this time is unforgivable. I
am not going to forgive her for this. I don't want
anything to do with her show and her wedding.
Sonia betrayed me. She went and talked about
my business at a restaurant. How could she do
this to me? She knows i am a private person. I
don't have to say don't tell anyone every time i
tell her something. She is my friend. She is
supposed to be a person i can trust. What she
did was wrong. I am sorry but my man is right. I
want nothing to do with this wedding and the
pathetic show.
Masixole: Baby are you sure you're okay? I can't
leave you.....
Me: No you can go baby i will be fine. All i have
to do now is......
I heard people talking downstairs. I guess
Mandisa is here already
Me: You go i will stay and prepare a statement,
My team is downstairs
He took his travel bag. We walked out and down
the stairs.
Me: Don't stay forever i will miss you
Masixole: Just a week my love
Me: I think i can survive 7 days without you
Masixole: Yeah?
I looked at him. He took my hand helping me.
We are walking down the stairs
Me: Yes. I don't want you to be here anyway, i
feel like there is a lot of drama that is about to
happen. I have exposed you to a lot of things. I
think i want to deal with this on my own. I don't
want to bore you with my problems
Him: But you know your problems are my
problems. Trust me i don't mind. You're my wife
and whatever you go through i will be by your
Me: Thank you my love
He smiled. We got down the stairs. He put his
travel bag down then put his hands around my
Him: I just hope when i bring you my own
problems you will support me no matter what
Me: You're my man i will be here for my love
He hugged me tight
Him: I hope so sweetheart
Okay? What does that mean? What is this man
hiding from me? When he said " I hope so
sweetheart" he hugged me tight. Is it his family?
Maybe they won't accept me and is worried
about that ? I broke the hug
Me: Are you okay baby ?
Masixole: How can i be okay when i am leaving
such a beautiful woman like you
Me: You're not leaving me. Don't say it like that
Him: I am sorry sweetheart i didnt mean it like
that as well
I put my hands on his face. I kissed him. A
bodyguard came to us then took his bag. We
walked to the elevator. The elevator opened. The
bodyguard walked in. Masixole took his cell
phone from the table. He looked at me
Him: Good luck in fixing all this my love. Let's
hope it won't affect the company
Me: I doubt it will, When did getting married
become a bad publicity?
Him: Yeah
He kissed me then walked in
Me: Bye baby
He waved back
Masixole: I love you
Me: Love you more kisses
I said blowing kisses. The elevator closed. I
turned around and looked at lounge. Two guys
from HR are sitting there with Algebra. I breath
in and out before walking to them.
Me: I hope this doesn't affect business for your
sake Sonia
I walked to the guys. They looked at me.
Mandisa stood up
Mandisa: Ms Seputla i am sorry about this
Me: Me too Mandisa i hope my statement is
going to help us get rid of all this bad press
Mandisa: I hope so too ma'am. Speaking of your
Me: Yes Mandisa?
Mandisa: Did you get married at home affa....
Algebra stood up .
Algebra: I don't think Ms Seputla owes us or
anyone an explanation. As her team we have to
make sure this goes away fast
I looked at Algebra. I am glad i have him in my
team. He is smart.
Me: Thank you Algebra
I looked at Mandisa
Me: Algebra is right. Whatever i say doesn't
matter what matters is making sure we do
damage control
Mandisa opened her laptop.
Mandisa: I am ready to write your statement Ms
Me: You studied to do this. Tell the public this is
a lie i never got married at the Home Affairs
offices. I am still engaged to my Fiancé. Yes i did
go to Home affairs with my husband, My friend
Sonia. That woman is a share holder here. We
went there to do something private for the
company. Everyone who went there that day is
part of the company. So whoever has proof that i
am married please come forward and show us. I
hope you got everything Mandisa ?
Mandisa: Yes ma'am thank you
I attempted to walk to the kitchen to ask chef to
prepare breakfast for me. Algebra stood up
Algebra: Ma'am i have been getting calls people
asking if you will call a press conference. I think
Mandisa also has to mention why you can't face
Me: Oh yeah
I looked at Mandisa....
Me: Tell them i have very important meetings
that i cannot postpone and i am pregnant i will
not be doing any press conferences until i give
Mandisa: I got it ma'am
I walked away. I saw my brother walking down
Elton: You see why i didn't want this? Look now.
You're in the papers!
Me: Oh since when you read the papers now
Elton Junior
I said going to the kitchen. He followed me
Elton: I have friends. They called me! I called Ms
Refilwe and told her About this
I cannot believe this! I turned around and
looked at him
Me: So i have to beg you to call your mother.
When i mess up you know how to get hold of
your mom! You just enjoy this don't you!
Him: I told you this was gonna bring this family
I looked at chef
Me: I am ready to have breakfast
Her: Alright Priscella
I walked out. This idiot is following me
Me: Since when do you care about our
reputation? You go to clubs all night!
Him: But i do not get married at Home affairs!!!
He snapped. Mandisa, Algebra and the other girl
looked at us. I looked at them
Mandisa: sorry we were leaving
I walked to the drawers. I took cheque book. I
wrote R10 000 rands. I cut off the paper and
threw it at Elton
Me: Your mother asked me to give you this!
He smiled.
Me: I knew you didn't forgive me for this. You
just wanted me to be on your stupid show
Him: You messed up Priscella!
Me: Do you know i could call your producers
and ask them to delete the scenes you did with
Elton: What!? you wouldn't do that!?
Me: And they know who i am! If i say i will sue
them they wouldn't use it and you know it little
He started swallowing sweet nothing
Me: I didn't sign any contract with those people
and i am allowed to change my mind!
Me: Count your words when you're speaking to
me. I am your sister i expect support from you. I
don't expect you to put me down like Sonia is
doing right now!
I walked up the stairs. My brother is a brat and
its all my mother's fault.

< Judge Makhosazana >
Was this a good idea? Ngejiwe is not stupid. I am
sure she is sniffing around finding out why i am
behaving the way i do. I don't think this was a
good idea. Maybe it was but i shouldn't have
taken my frustration out on the poor girl. She
was just doing her job and she did exactly what i
expected from her. She did a brilliant job at
lying. Which is what a lawyer does. We lie to
make sure our clients gets off the hook. I am
glad i am no longer a lawyer. I don't like lying. I
always represented the innocents. I never took
a case of someone who is guilty and i think that
is why i became a judge. If it was in court
everyone would've believed Ngejiwe. She said
every provoking thing i didn't want hear about
my sister. My sister loved her husband. She was
a loving wife and my brother in law loved my
wife. I don't know why he cheated. I guess you
will never satisfy a man.
Right now all i have to do is work on myself. I
have to be strong for my sister or that court will
discover that i am the sister of the deceased and
that can't be good for me. I would lose my job. I
am a big judge. A well known judge whow helps
when the province Mayors and MECs are sworn
under oath so imagine if this could come out. I
would lose my job and The Ndegana family
would also lose the Chieftaincy. I am sure you
are asking yourselves what does the Chieftaincy
has anything to do with my career well it's a
story for another day. I need to stand up and go
look for Ngejiwe before she runs to her mother.
Nontorotyi doesn't know about my sister. Her
husband and My sister in law do. The way
Nontorotyi is acting makes her husband hide
things from her. That woman sees an
opportunist to destroy me whenever she hears
something about me. Humiliating us in front of
elders wasn't something new. She brought
shame to this family but there is nothing we can
do. My brother in law loves her.
Anyway i need to find their daughter before she
ruins my life. I went to the door. I opened the
door and found Nomagampompo about to knock
Princess: Sisi.....
I walked out.
Me: You're here to say you told me so
Her: No! I am here to tell you that i stopped
Ngejiwe from leaving the Royal house. I wanted
you to fix things before she leaves.
I looked at her
Me: Thank you sis
Her: You're welcome. So do you think you're
ready for next week?
Me: I don't know sisi. All i can do right now is
pray to God but at least i know what to expect
Princess: Yeah
I smiled
Me: We have a great lawyer in Ngejiwe
Princess: Who is her mentor?
Me: Stop
I walked away
Princess: Sisi
I turned around
Me: Yes ?
Her: She is eating ice cream in the kitchen
Me: Thank you
Nomagampompo ran to me.
Her: I told her your sister died in the hands of
her husba.....
Me: You did what !?
Princess: Relax! She doesn't know about the case
I let out a sigh of relief
Me: Thank God
She smiled. I headed to the kitchen. Ngejiwe saw
me. She stood up
Me: Baby i am so sorry
Ngejiwe: It's okay Auntie told me everything i
am sorry about your loss
Me: It was 13 years ago my sweet girl but thank
Me: By the way that was good
Her: You think so my queen
Me: I know so !
Her: Thank you so.....
My phone rang
Me: Excuse me
I walked out of the kitchen. It's my son
Me: Zwelicacile
Him: Mom i am about to fly please send the
Me: Okay my boy safe flight
Him: Thank you
He hung up.

< Narrated >
At Sonia's house. She and her husband are
talking. It looke like they already saw the paper.
Sonia looked frustrated. She threw the paper
away and sat down. Her husband went to her.
Sonia stood up.
Brendan: Maybe asking us to meet at a public
place was not a good idea my love
Sonia: No Brendan! This makes me look bad!
How am i gonna look at people? How is
everyone is gonna look at me
She flipped her hair
Brendan: Come on babe. It's just lies
Sonia: Except it's not!
She sat again
Sonia: Oh My God Priscella is going to hate me
for this
Brendan: Babe she is a CEO. She understands
these things. Being a public fig....
Sonia: Honey you don't get it! I did talk to her ex
behind her back. What kinda friend that makes
Brendan: You were just concerned !
Sonia went to the counter. She put her left hand
on the counter. The right hand on her waist.
Sonia: How did that Journalist hear me?
Brendan: Maybe you were a bit louder?
Sonia: No! honey i wasn't loud! i was even
whispering when i was talking to you!
Brendan: I know my love. I wonder who is this
bastard who did this. Well it was the journalist. I
wonder why we didn't notice him
Sonia: Brendan you remember Hungani even
asked why i was speaking the way i did. There is
no way i was gonna be able to speak so loud that
someone on the other table could hear me! i just
got lip injection!
Brendan: I know right ?
They heard a loud lock at the door.
Sonia: I wonder who is that ?
Brendan: Let me go check
He walked to the door. Sonia walked to the front
as well. Brendan opened the door.
Brendan: Father
Its Sonia's dad
Him: Where is Sonia? Sonia!!!
Sonia: Hello dad i swear i didn'.......
Mr De: Are you gonna tell me you were not at
that restaurant with Brendan?
Sonia: I was. Dad that Journalist is lying! He is
exaggerating. I wasn't laughing at the situation.
I was just telling my husband what was going on
Mr De: This is not good for the company and you
know this!
Sonia: I know father
Mr De Villiers looked at Brendan
Mr De: Brendan i hope this has nothing to do
with that reality show of yours! this is my
business! If Sonia is in trouble Refilwe Seputla
will force me to sell my shares!
Sonia turned around and looked at her husband
with suspicious eyes
Brendan: What ? No i would never do that. This
is my wife i wouldn't do that to her
Mr De: I hope you're telling the truth because if i
find out you're lying i will sue you!
Brendan: I was just at that meeting like
everyone else. I didn't say a word to anyone i
swear Mr De Villiers
Sonia: Father my husband would never ruin my
reputation like that. That journalist dragged me.
He made me look like a bad friend to Priscella
and i am sure she hates me right now
Mr De: Did you tell That boy about her divorce?
Sonia walked around
Mr De: Answer me Sonia!
Sonia: Yes father i did bu......
Mr D: That journalist listened to you. Let me go
talk to Priscella. She must do damage control
Mr De Villiers walked out and slammed the
door. Sonia looked at her husband
Sonia: Brendan tell me you had nothing to do
with this? I know how desperate you are to
make this show work but this.....
Brendan: I didn't do it! i had nothing to do with
it but i will take advantage of the situation. Since
you're going to work how about i call the crew
and ask them to follow you to shoot while you
apologise to her
Sonia: No! Priscella don't want to be part of the
show. She didn't give me an answer and after
this i don't think she is gonna give it to me
Brendan: Come on. We will be following you!
honey you're a reality star. We have to do this
Sonia: I don't know babe. How about i go
apologise alone. I know she will turn me away. I
will apologise again on camera when we already
fixed things please i don't want to make things
Brenda: Okay fine! go apologise. If she don't
wanna hear it we go again monday with a crew
Sonia: Thank you honey
They kissed. Sonia took her handbag
Sonia: I have to go to work. I hope i won't be
spotted by paparazzi
Brendan: Wear sun glasses
Sonia: i got them in my Bag
Brendan: Okay honey
She walked out. Brendan went and looked at her
though the window. He took out a phone and
made a phone call..
Person: I take it you saw the paper
Brendan smiled
Brendan: Well written i even felt bad for my
Person: I used your exact words
Brendan: Thank you for a job well done
Him: Why would you do this to your wife?
Brendan: I told you i am working on a show
here and now i will just let the games begin
Him: Okay not do as you promised. I put the
story out there!
Brendan: Alright
Her: I cannot believe you betrayed your wife
like that
Brendan: This is for our family! Our children ! i
have to make this show work anyway i don't
need your opinion! You should've said that
before you accepted a bribe!
Him: I was just saying
Brendan: Whatever man!

< Nontorotyi >
I need to speak to my husband. We are ready to
go to the Royal house to this dinner. I dont know
what is going on. Tomorrow there is a meeting
at the royal house. What is this dinner about?
After my meeting with Nomaxabiso i don't want
to see her until when i have the poison with me.
Being there and looking at her knowing what we
know it is really going to be hard for me to
pretend. And my fear is for Nomaxabiso to
change her mind. I can't afford that. This is why
i don't want to waste time. This is why i want to
miss tomorow's meeting and go get this poison. I
want to do this before Nomaxabiso sleeps with
the future chief. I know what a penis can do to
someone. She is a virgin. I know my husband's
brother's son is handsome. The sex could make
Nomaxabiso loyal to the future chief and his
mother. I just cannot afford that.
Anyway like i said we are all ready to go but i
and my husband still have an hour. Usually
when there is a formal dinner at the royal house
my maid go and help there so today she is
leaving early with my daughter. I saw Deliwe
and my daughter coming to the living room.
Me: And that Tapperwear?
Deliwe: When madam told me about the dinner
i baked these scones so that people can have
them while waiting for the dinner to be ready
Nontorotyi: That is so sweet i love how you
think. We gonna show The judge Humanity
Ngejiwe: Mom everything is a competition to
you. Don't you get tired of fighting a woman who
is not even fighting you back? The Queen is not
bothered by you and you try by all mea....
Me: Honey i was joking!
Ngejiwe: I hope you were. I am even worried
about what we gonna do tomorrow
I quickly looked at bedroom then at my
Me: Don't you dare touch that topic here!!!
Ngejiwe: I was just saying mom
I kissed her cheek then wiped my lipstick off
Me: I know my love
Me: Go now!
They walked out and closed the door. Once the
door shut i lost my smile
Me: This is the reason i dont want you around
Nomakhosazana! Now you're TEAM her!
" Who are you talking to? " That was a voice
behind me. It's my husband
Me: Honey! You know i talk to myself
Hlohlesakhe: Before we go i want us to talk. I
don't like how you behaved at the meeting
Me: Me? I was talking for the people. I am the
Hlohlesakhe: I am not a chief!
He snapped.I don't know what
NOMAKHOSAZANA did to my man. I swear he
sniffed her private part!
Me: You could be a chief. All you need to do is
believe that you can be
Hlohlesakhe: Woman we signed on the dotted
line! I know i was not gonna lead this village all
my life. I knew this is my brother's son's legacy!
It's how it should be and unfortunately we will
always go back to.....
Me: To what?
Him: My wife You're not royalty!
I furiously walked Away
Me: Oh My God! how i wish someone could
shoot me in the head when someone says that!
Hlohlesakhe: Nontorotyi the way you carry
yourself is disrespectful. My sister told people
that they should help us with money to buy the
chief a car. You said the money is too much in
front if everyone!
Me: Do you blame me? Its too much!
Hlohlesakhe: It's not your money! We are not
expected to contribute why do you feed the
people of this village that thought? What if they
go around and say it's too much because of you?
I sat down
Me: Baby i am tired of you being treated like a
puppet! Nomakhosazana and Nomagampompo
make decisions without you!
Hlohlesakhe sat down too
Him: My sister and sister in law are older than
me. They know best. When i was growing up i
didn't pay attention to this royal thing because i
was the last born. I knew i will always be a
Prince but never a chief ! Whatever they do is
what my father and my brother believed in
Me: Hlohlesakhe you're a man! you should man
up and stop saying yes! yes! to that woman!
Nomakhosazana needs to know her place! i am
tired of you always agreeing with everything she
Him: That is how it should be!
Me: You always say that! Why every time i
question your loyalty to her you say it is how it
should be?
He stood up and walked away
Me: What is it?
Him: My family owes The Queen everything. I
can't tell you anything because i can't trust you
Me: What? I am your wife!
Him: Sometimes you don't act like a wife in this
relationship. You disrespect what we stand for
and me in front of people. When the Queen
speaks you shut your mouth!
Me: What did Nomakhosazana did for your
family ?
He looked at me then took his jacket
Him: See you at dinner Nontorotyi
He walked out and slammed the door. I slowly
sat down on the sofa. Wondering what is going
on here.... ?
Me: ............
I cannot believe this man has been keeping a
secret from me. I stood up. I ran to the window. I
looked at him through the window. I watched
him till he got to the Royal house. I took out my
phone and called my sister.
Sis: Hello Nontorotyi
Me: Sabonkolo i have a problem!
Sabonkolo: What is it? Queen Nomakhosazana
at it again?
Me: I am tired!!! And i have made a decision i
don't want you to lecture me about this!
Sabonkolo: I said get rid of that wowan a long
time ago!
Me: I know my sister i know! i guess i thought
she'd change
Sabonkolo: So .......
I looked around. I got to the nearest bedroom
and got inside. I locked.
Me: Sabonkolo you said you know where The
former Royal healer lives?
Sabonkolo: I know exactly where that woman
lives in Mqanduli and she is still livid at
Nomakhosazana for firing her !
That is what i want to hear. This is going to help
me. I am going to use that woman's anger and
hatred she has over Nomakhosazana and use it
to kill her..
Sabonkolo: When do you want us to go see her?
Me: Tomorrow morning i am driving to your
house to fetch you
Sabonkolo: I will be waiting for you my sister
Me: Sabonkolo!
Her: Nonto?
Me: You don't tell anyone about where we going
tomorrow, Not even my daughter!
Sabonkolo: Which one? You have three
Me: I said not anyone Sabonkolo !!!!
Sabonkolo: I heard you the first time Nonto
I hung up. I know i have this information on
Zwelicacile but its hard to defeat him with his
mother alive. I believe with Nomakhosazana
dead, It will be easy for us to dethrone Masixole
once and for all



< Masixole >
I am finally home. Being here brings back so
many memories. I feel bad for lying to my
family and my wife. This is hard for me. I did
what i did because i had no choice. I know
people say you always have a choice but hold
you thought until you're in my shoes. When i
met Priscella we just clicked and i knew right
there and then that she was my soulmate.
Priscella is a princess in her home. Her family
business is important to her and everyone is
counting on her. I thought of telling her about
who i really am so many times then i thought
she might dump me. Remember if i had to tell
her i would also tell her she'd give up everything
and come live with me at Sdabadabeni and that
is mission impossible. She is a CEO of a big mine
company, not just any company, A mine. She is
the only family member who is in the country
looking after family business. She can't leave the
company alone. So i couldn't bring myself into
telling her this. It would be selfish of me but i
feel like the time to tell her is near and i know
she is going to leave me. i am afraid what if she
really leaves me? What is gonna happen to me? I
love her and a prince or a princess is growing in
her stomach so it's just frustrating me. I don't
know what to do now. I can't hurt her and i
know telling her the truth will hurt her deeply.
She is carrying my child. What if she loses my
baby. I wish i told her before she got pregnant
but i couldn't because i even forgot about my
own lies. I forgot it was time for me to come
back to my people.
Anyway i am thinking about all this while still in
the car. The chauffeur was just waiting for me to
walk out. I didn't even notice he walked to open
for me.
Him: My chief! My chief!
I jumped up
Me: Yes ?
I looked in front of the car. My entire family is
standing in front of the car waiting for me to
come out
The guilt of lying to the Queen is eating me alive.
I have to walk out of this car before they start
getting suspicious.
Me: Oh thank you
I walked out of the car and looked at my family
with a big smile in my face.
Queen: My boy!
She ran to me and threw herself at me
Me: Hello my Queen
She hugged me tight then broke the hug. She
kissed both my cheeks
Mom: Look at you all grown up and handsome
like you father
Me: Stop it mom !
My aunt came. I hugged her. I greeted everyone.
Thank God there isn't any unfamiliar face.
Maybe mom was just scaring me when she said i
got a wife. I knew mom would do anything to
make me happy. She knows i am not happy
about arranged marriages.
Mom: Let's go inside before the entire
Sdabadabeni starts looking at us !
She looked at Siqalo. This guy is still working for
my family ? He was here while my dad was still
alive. He was a young man. Probably my age.
Now he is old.
Mom: Siqalo take the chief Luggages and take
them upstairs and leave them in front of the
chief's bedroom
Siqalo: Yes your highness
Princess Nomagampompo had my left arm.
Mom my right arm. We walked to the mansion.
Mom: I am so happy you're finally home son
Me: Good to be home mom
Princess: We missed you and your people
missed you
They kind of exaggerate things and that makes
me uncomfortable about this whole thing. This
is the reason i got scared to come back. I felt like
i had everyone's hopes and dreams in my
shoulders. I hate such responsibilities. Now they
are telling me that people i don't even know
missed me. Anyway we walked in. We found
maids standing in line ready to greet me. I saw
them bow down. I looked at mom she shrugged
her shoulders
Me: Hello guys
They greeted me back smiling.
Mom: Come! there is one person i want you to
see. She is the most important woman in your
Me: Damn it!
I didn't say that out loud. So this woman is here
for real. They got me a wife. A woman i don't
even know. I saw a woman sitting on a chair
looking the other way.
Mom: My dear stand up
She stood up. She didn't turn around
Mom looked at me excited. I showed my teeth
pretending to be smiling.
Mom: Turn around and greet your Fiancé
In my head i was like please be beautiful at
least. That's all i can do right now because
whether i like it or not i am going to sleep with
this woman. She turned around
She was playing with her hands approaching me
She looked up and gave me a hand
Her: Hello My King. I am Nomaxabiso Zidenge
your Queen
I was just standing there not knowing what to
say. I didn't give her my hand i was just there
Mom: Zwelicacile!
Mom yelled at me
Me: Oh! hi Masixole. Masixole is my name
Princess: He is king Zwelicacile! He is our chief
Nomaxabiso: Nice to finally meet you my king. I
must say you look more handsome in person.
My ancestors are with me
I looked at mom. What this girl just said is just a
turn off. Why would she thank ancestors for
getting her me?
Me: So you've seen me before?
Nomaxabiso: Yes! Every year your father sent us
a photo of you. I have them i can show you
Me: Lucky you. Pity my parents never thought of
doing the same for me
I said giving mom and Aunt death stare
I walked away leaving them with their bride
standing there. I quickly walked up the stairs.
This is not fair!
" Please run after the king! give him his room
keys! " That was mom telling someone to run
after me with my keys. I hope she is not asking
this woman. I don't want to see her for now. I
hope she was not sleeping in my room.
Phonqa: My king your key!
I turned around and looked at him
Me: Thank you cuz
I unlocked my room. I pushed my travel bag in. I
closed the door and locked. I called Aaron.
Him: Hey bro
Me: Hey man
Aaron: So? Did you see your wife?
Me: Yeah man
Aaron: You don't sound excited. Is she ugly?
Me: Dude that is the last of my worries. I am
worried. I lied to Priscella I am going to hurt her
Aaron: Dude tell me she is at least pretty ?
I threw my bag. I sat on my bed
Me: She is not Priscella Seputla
I hung up then threw my body on my bed. I lied
there. I think i fell asleep because i was woken
up by a knock at the door..
Me: Who is it ?
" Your mother! open up! " I took off my
sneakers. I walked to there door. I only had
socks on. I opened the door. Mom walked in. I
went to my bed.
Mom: I am not going to apologise for something
you always known your whole life. Your father
and i were not lovers! It was an arranged
Me: I know. It's just too overwhelming and it's
2019 mom !
Mom: Don't give me that 21st century nonsense!
Take a shower and go down boy!
I thought she was gonna be understanding or be
more apologetic but then it's Judge
Nomakhosazana. Nothing she does is wrong.
Mom: Son the dinner is ready and your uncle
and his family are here
Me: The chief is here ?
Mom's face turned red. I swallowed sweet
Mom: Hlohlesakhe is a regent not a chief! You're
the chief!
Me: I know mom. I was.....
Mom: Go down and join the family at dinner
Me: I will be down in few
Mom closed the door behind her. I sat down
Me: This woman
I wonder how she will be like when she finds
out about the things i did in Johannesburg.

< Priscella >
I didn't want to see Sonia all day so in other
words i was avoiding her. I went to my meetings
and asked my driver to take me straight home. I
am so disgusted with her. She betrayed me and i
want nothing to do with her. She is been trying
to call me. I hear she came to the penthouse a
couple of times. I don't want to talk to her
because right now i feel like she is only trying to
reach out because she knows if we don't fix
things i will not be part of her show and the
wedding. So you can imagine how must that
make me feel. I cannot be used by Sonia i won't
allow it. I ask myself if she is reaching out
because she is sorry or she is thinking for her
show. I cannot be used by her. I don't want to
be her maid of honour. I don't want nothing
involving her show. I am mad at her and her
husband. He insulted me. Brendan has been a
friend, Well i took him as a friend for years. I
expected him to call and apologise for what he
said to me but he didn't. I don't want them in my
Anyway i am at the penthouse. Like i said i am
not going to the office. I went out of the building
because i had meetings. I am avoiding the office
because i don't want to see Journalists and
Sonia. She is going to make me angry. My phone
rang, I looked at it then smiled.
I stood up. It's Masixole.
Me: Hello my love
Masixole: Hello baby
Me: How is home anyway why ain't you video
Masixole: Sorry baby i am getting ready for a
formal dinner they are having down.....
He cleared his throat
Me: Wait babe you described your family as an
ordinary family a bit poor. I didn't know they
have a double story house?
He laughed
Masixole: Down the road baby. At my uncle's
Me: Even so why do you have to dress up. Baby i
hope i am not going to sound like snob. To me
you described your background as this rural
place. I didn't think you guys dress up and have
formal dinners
Him: Well my love i spent a lot of time with you.
I am used to dressing up for everything besides
everyone will be there. They haven't seen me in
a long time
Me: You're right
I heard the elevator. I ignored it.
Him: Yes my love. I will call you later. I promise
i will video call when i am in bed
Me: I am loo......
" Ma'am i tried to stop her but she didn't listen! "
Said one of the maids. I turned around. It's Sonia
Me: Baby i have to deal with this
Masixole: Cyclone Sonia ?
Me: You should've been a healer
Masixole: Ha ha ha good luck
I hung up then i walked passed Sonia
Me: Why can't you be avoided!
Sonia: Are you gonna abondan the business
because you're mad at me Prisce ?
I turned around
Me: Did you think about the business when you
were making a spectacle of me at a restaurant!?
Sonia: Frie......
Me: Friend? Are you really my friend Sonia?
Sonia: Babe it's not how he made it look like
Me: Oh Please Sonia! You're starting to sound
like a boyfriend caught cheating ! What that
Journalist said is exactly what happened!
Sonia: Prisce i didn't laugh at you!
Me: But you did take what i said and went and
told Hungani and Brendan !
Sonia: I can't hide anything from my husband
you know that !
Me: Sonia i told you that as a friend. If you were
a real friend to me. You wouldn't have told your
husband knowing he is my ex best friend! Sonia
you did worse! you called them and went to
celebrate about my pain!
Sonia: That is not true. We didn't even laugh
about it!
Me: Sonia you betrayed me! Your husband lied
to my face. He said Hungani don't know about
Sonia: My husband was trying to protect me!
Me: Well from now on i don't have a friend!
Sonia: Please don't say that! we were friends
since we were young
Me: I don't care! I cannot have a friend i cannot
Her: You can trust me !
Me: Tell me how when everything i talk to you
about you run and tell my ex?
Me: You promised to back off and support me
but you didn't do that! and you keep talking
about me. Even your husband insulted me
yesterday about the things you and i talk about
Sonia: What ?
Me: Your husband said i should stay out of your
business and focus on finding out some things
about the man i married!
Sonia: What did you say for him to say that ?
Me: You never see anything wrong with your
man what's the use of telling you ?
Sonia: You don't see anything wrong with yours!
Me: Find something about Masixole then we will
talk! you can't hate my husband because you
like my ex!
Sonia: What did you find about mine?
Me: I am looking at it!
She looked lost
Me: Botox Sonia De Villiers !!!
She put her hands on her mouth
Sonia: So you confronted my husband about
Me: Yes!!!
Sonia: How could you?
Me: Because of obvious reasons! you see? You
look clueless about the things we said at that
meeting. If he was not guilty of anything he
would've told you what we talked about but no
He didn't tell you because he is guilty! he is
turning you into what he wants! You look like a
doll now!
Sonia: How could you betray me like this? How
can you talk to my husband behind my back?
I breath in and out. I am done with this woman.
Me: How could you go around discussing my life
in a public place? who do you think you are?
Sonia: I trusted you ! this is my life! i wanted to
look like this!
Me: You look fake and you told me he asked you
to do these things!
Sonia: A friend don't do what you did to me!
I walked to The elevator. I pressed the elevator
then looked at her.
Me: Then i guess you and i are no good for each
other. We are not friends
The elevator beeped and opened. I pointed at
the elevator.
Me: Get in the elevator and never look back. We
are done here!
Sonia: Monday we are starting shooting for the
I grabbed her by the handbag pulling her to the
Me: I am not your fridnd! I am not going to do
favours for a fake friend who is laughing at me
behind my back and i am not going to be on a
show that is produced by that clown you call a
I pushed her in. I pressed the button
Me: Bye!
Sonia: What is wrong with you Priscella?
I spotted the newspaper on the table with a
vace. I threw the newspaper at her inside the
Me: That is what is wrong with me!
The elevator closed in her face. I ran to a glass
on the dinner table. I poured myself water and
gulped the whole glass at one go.

< Narrated >
The dinner hasn't started. Everyone was busy
Some taking food to the dinner table. Some
fixing themselves and some walking down the
the stairs. Everyone is dressed up for this dinner
maybe it is a family tradition. Under the roof we
don't see Nontorotyi anywhere. She said she was
gonna be part of the dinner. The only thing she
won't attend is the meeting tomorrow or is it
me? Did i hear wrong? she is not going to attend
both these occasions? Maybe i heard wrong.
Anyway the night is still young. Maybe she is
still coming. We see the Queen going to
Queen: Brother in law where is your wife ?
Hlohlesakhe: She is coming
Princess: Oh i know my sister in law she always
makes the grand entrance
Ngejiwe kissed her father's cheek
Ngejiwe: That's my mother for you. I am sure
she is still doing her make up
The Queen smiled.
Queen: I am sure
She looked away and sipped on her wine
looking unimpressed. No one is looking forward
to seeing that woman it seems.
We see Nomaxabiso walking to the queen. They
approached each other.
Nomaxabiso: My Queen do you think i look
Queen: You look like a royal wife. My son will
love this dress
Nomaxabiso: The way he walked up. And he
hasn't called for me. Do you think Zwelicacile
likes me my queen?
Queen: Nkosesizwe couldn't stand me but look
now? We have a handsome son. My son likes
you. He is just overwhelmed don't worry okay
Nomaxabiso: Should i go to his room tonight ?
Queen: The chief has to invite you then from
then on you will officially sleep in one room
Nomaxabiso looked away smiling. Siqalo walked
in with Nontorotyi
Queen: Oh the drama queen decided to join us
Nomaxabiso looked at the queen then thought
about her plan with Nontorotyi. She sipped her
The Queen looked at Nomaxabiso
Queen: Let me go welcome her
Nomaxabiso: Okay my Queen
Nontorotyi was served with a drink. She looked
at Nomaxabiso and raised her glass smiling .
Nomaxabiso looked around then looked at her "
Friend" and raised her glass
We see Hlohlesakhe going to his wife
Hlohlesakhe: I was starting to worry
He said kissed his wife's cheek
Nontorotyi: I wouldn't miss this for the world.
Where is the golden boy?
Hlohlesakhe: Still upstairs. I haven't seen him
Nontorotyi: Talk about a show off. One would
swear President Ramaphosa will walk down
those Golden stairs
Hlohlesakhe: My wife behave for once in your
life! Remember what i said to you !
Nontorotyi smiled at everyone
Nontorotyi: You didn't say anything my
husband. You just showed me how bad of a
husband you are to me
Hlohlesakhe looked at her
Hlohlesakhe: What do you mean?
Nontorotyi: What does the judge has on you!
The Queen got to them.
Queen: Nontorotyi welcome. I am glad you could
join us
Nontorotyi smiled at The Queen. She just
chuckled and made sure the Queen heard her
The Queen walked away when she noticed that
Nontorotyi has some attitude. Hlohlesakhe
attempted to walk away
Nontorotyi: Let me guess you're going to
apologise to her for my behavior ?
Hlohlesakhe: Yes!
Me: Oh My God! at least i didn't open my mouth.
I don't know why you're going to apologise for
me. I flashed my white teeth!
Hlohlesakhe shook his head then walked away.
Nontorotyi: mxm
Nontorotyi clicked her tongue the nigerian way
then sipped on her drink. We see Nomaxabiso
smiling going to Nontorotyi.
Nomaxabiso: Don't tell me you already brou.....
Nontorotyi: Get the the hell away from me!
Nomaxabiso's eyes popped out. Nontorotyi
looked at her.
Nontorotyi: I told you i am going there
tomorrow! This royal house can't know you and
i are friends don't be stupid girl!
She said all those nasty things not even looking
at her
Nomaxabiso: Of course my Queen. My apologies
Nontorotyi shook her head then walked away
from Nomaxabiso. She went to her daughter
Ngejiwe: Mom!
Nontorotyi: I hope that is your first glass and
your last
She kissed her cheek
Nontorotyi: Hi sweetheart
Ngejiwe: Of course it is mom but i need another
one for after dinner
Nontorotyi attempted to say something then
noticed Princess Nomagampompo looking at
her. Nontorotyi raised her glass smiling
Princess Nomagampompo raised hers then
looked away
Princess: I can't stand my brother's wife
The Queen looked at Princess Nomagampompo
Queen: I greeted her, she just chuckled
Princess: I am working on a plan to ban her
from all the meetings with village people
Queen: Perfect idea! to Imbizo too not just
family meetings with family elders
The queen looked at Nontorotyi
Then we see everyone looking up. King
Zwelicacile appeared up the stairs. He was
wearing a black and maroon suit and white
shirt. The Queen asked for everyone's attention.
Queen: Family. I present to you King Zwelicacile
Everyone clapped
Masixole was smiling showing his white teeth.
He looked very handsome. We see the queen
running to Nomaxabiso
Queen: Go to your King!
Masixole was few stairs down
Nomaxabiso: Okay my Queen
Nomaxabiso ran to the king. She tripped on her
dress and fell
Nomaxabiso: Ouch!
Nontorotyi laughed looking at the wall. The King
ran down and helped his queen up.
Princess: Did she have to run though?
The Queen shook her head
Queen: Their first date is such an epic fail. I am
sure Nontorotyi is enjoying this
They both looked at her
Nontorotyi laughed raising her drink
Queen: I told you sisi!
Masixole: Are you okay Princess Nomaxabiso ?
Nomaxabiso: Now that i am in your arms yes my
The maid cleaned the broken glass. Remember
Nomaxabiso had a drink with her.. We see
Ngejiwe whispers in her mother's ear.
Ngejiwe: Mom did you have to laugh like that?
Nontorotyi: It was funny
Ngejiwe: Mom can you not expose him today. He
looks so happy and my cousin don't deserve this
Nontorotyi: Your sympathy won't bring food on
the table sweetheart after this dinner i
blackmail that little brat!
Ngejiwe: But mom!
Nontorotyi: But nothing!
Ngejiwe looked at King Zwelicacile. Feeling
sorry for him.




< Sonia De Villiers >
Why do i feel like i lost my friend for good? I
have never seen my friend so angry and
aggressive. What is going on? I feel like i need to
confront this journalist. I need to find him and
ask him to apologise for the lies he wrote about
me. He lied. I am not the person he says i am. I
love my friend. I didn't laugh at her. Why would
i laugh at Priscella knowing she is not
heartbroken? That divorce was a mutual
decision made by both of them. I just wanted to
see Hungani with her. I thought maybe this
divorce would be an eye opener for her. I was
looking out for a friend Hungani. I know he
loves her. I know he genuinely loves her. I know
i was wrong for taking the information she gave
me and went and told the boys but she knows i
am married. I was bound to tell my husband.
Brendan and i have no secrets. We share
everything. Everyone knows about my
intentions. I never hid them or anything. I have
always been team Pringani, So of course when i
see things are not going well in her marriage i
will tell my friend.
Anyway i just got out of the elevator. I saw Elton
with a girl.
Me: EJ !
They turned around. It's his girlfriend Tasha.
Elton: If it's not my sister's fake friend
I looked around
Me: Please don't say that! It's all lies!
Elton: Sonia we all saw the pictures. You always
had this sick plan of getting my sister to be with
that bastard who hurt her
" Sonia! Sonia! Sonia! " i heard so many people
calling my name When i turned around the
cameras were rolling. It's paparazzi
I looked at Elton. He was already in the elevator
going up to the penthouse.
Elton: There is your fame Enjoy ;)
The elevator closed
J1: Is it true that you and Priscella are at war?
J2: Is there any truth about Priscella getting
married at home affairs
Oh my God. What have i done. I was just
standing there with my eyes popped out. They
were talking at the same time.
Me: That's rubbish! Priscella is not married and
she was never married. That journalist lied to
the public!!!
J3: So you didn't meet up with your actor
husband and Hungani at the restaurant?
Me: He is my husband and Hungani is his
friend! So we do meet up but what was said are
J1: But at Priscella's statement you were labelled
as a liar. Let's talk about your friendship
Me: Excuse me!!!
I ran out of the bakery to the parking lot. The
journalists were running after me. I got into my
car and started te engine immediately
J1: Sonia De Vi.....
I speed the car off. I took my phone and called
my husband. He answered
Brendan: Sonia don't wait up i am driving
somewhere i might not come home early
Me: Baby i nee....
Brendan: Honey i am driving talk later.....! ( Tu
tu tu tu)
He hung up on me. I threw my phone to the
passanger seat
Me: Hungani! i have to go to his house

< Narrated >
Back at Sdabadabeni village. Everyone is
gathered at dinner table. They were talking and
enjoying dinner. Nomaxabiso looked so happy
and cosy next to her king. The king looked a bit
uncomfortable. Nomaxabiso was just happy to
be finally with her man. She couldn't believe
how handsome her man looks. Everyone did not
matter at this moment. All that matters was her
king as a results she was only looking at him no
one else.
Hlohlesakhe: It's good to finally have you home
after such a long time
Zwelicacile: It's good to be back uncle
Nontorotyi: It was strange though.....
The Queen looked at Nontorotyi, So did
everyone else.
Nontorotyi: We've had children from this village
who were studying in Gauteng before. Those
kids made sure they came home every holiday
but you...
NoMakhosazana: I made sure every holiday i tell
you why my son can't be home. I can't believe
we are still there !
Ngejiwe looked at her mother. She was nervous.
She didn't want her mother to do this. One
would ask why Ngejiwe gave her mother all this
information if she didn't want her to use it. Is it
money? Maybe she is scared that things might
not be the same when her father lose the
chieftaincy? Her change of heart is confusing.
She knows the kinda person her mother is but
she went on and gave her this information. Or
maybe she thought her mother would confront
King Zwelicacile when she is not around so that
she won't feel the guilt she is feeling right now?
Nontorityi: No!..... I am not saying anything it's
just..... you know what royal house. Never mind
Ngejiwe let out a sigh of relief
Zwelicacile: I understand you aunt. I was an A
student and i was in SRC so we don't have time
to go home. We don't close and i had trips
overseas representing the university. I didn't
really have time
Nontorityi: Are you sure there was no girl?
Nomakhosazana: Okay i think that is enough!
Can we let our king eat in peace ?
Nontorityi: Sure your highness.Your wish is my
Nontorotyi took her glass and sipped on it. She
looked at Zwelicacile and winked at him
Nontorotyi: ;)
Zwelicacile got really hot. He was nervous. He
kept drinking his wine and clearing his throat
Princess: The food don't have too much hot
spices are you sure you're okay King
Zwelicacile: I am okay thanks auntie
Zwelicacile smiled at everyone assuring them he
is fine. The Queen kept looking at her son when
Zwelicacile look at her she'd smile then continue
eating. It looks like even though the Queen is
happy She is disappointed in her son for
everything he is been doing in Johannesburg.

The dinner is over. Everyone was just having
drinks talking. Again the Queen ,
Nomagampompo and Hlohlesakhe isolated
themselves from others. They were sitting alone
talking. We see Nomaxabiso with her hand
holding King Zwelicacile's arm. It looks like she
doesn't want to leave his side.
Nomaxabiso: My king i have been so scared to
sleep alone. I am happy you're back
Masixole nicely removed her hand from him. He
Masixole: We can't share a room. Remember no
sex before marriage
Nomaxabiso: My king we will get married in
weeks screw that
Masixole: I am sorry you're going to sleep in
your room till after the wedding
Nomaxabiso: What!? ......
Masixole walked away. Nontorotyi saw him.
She walked to him.
Nontorotyi: King
Masixole: I don't wanna have this conversation
auntie. Can i go to my room ?
Nontorotyi: I think you need to stop acting
guilty. Your mother is smart she will know
you've been a naughty boy
Masixole: What are you talking about? You
know what auntie i don't have time for this!
Masixole attempted to walk up
Nontorotyi: Then i guess i should talk to the
judge about my findings
Masixole stopped. He turned around then
approached Nontorotyi
Masixole: Findings?
Nontorotyi: Nephew let's face it. You don't
belong here. You love it in Johannesburg. Why
don't you go back and let your uncle keep the
Masixole looked around. Everyone was minding
their own business. He looked at Nontorotyi
Masixole: Nontorotyi i am the king. This is my
Nontorotyi smiled
Nontorotyi: I am Nontorotyi now?
Masixole: Yes! and you are acting like
Nontorotyi didn't take the insult well. We see
her breathing heavily with her hand on her
Nontorotyi: Hey Golden boy listen here!
Masixole: Do you know i can ban you from
coming to this house?
Nontorotyi: Let's do this before you ban me then
Masixole: Do what ?
Nontorotyi put her hand in her handbag. She
came out with papers
Nontorotyi: Take that and read it all night. Then
tomorrow call me and give me an answer.
You're not going to remove my husband from
the throne
Zwelicacile: What is this?
Nontorotyi: Something that will show you that i
mean business. My husband is a real king and
you my boy.....
Nontorotyi: You're a disgrace to this family just
like that woman you call a mother!
Zwelicacile had his eyes pooped out.
Nomaxabiso went to them
Nomaxabiso: Is everything okay ?
Nontorotyi sipped one more time. She gave
Nomaxabiso her glass
Nontorotyi: Good night love birds
Nontorotyi walked to the door leaving her
family behind. Siqalo opened the door.
Nontorotyi walked out. The door closed. She
turned around and looked at the door

< Priscella >
I dont feel bad for anything i said to Sonia. I feel
like i wasn't as harsh as i wanted to be or s I
should've been. Sonia don't want to listen to me.
I told this woman the day i got married that i
don't like her meddling. I told her i don't love
Hungani anymore. It has been over three years
why can't they all give up ? I warned Sonia to
stop she never listened look now. She wanted
things to end like this. She wanted to learn the
hard way to mind her business. I hope she is
proud because i don't want anything to do with
her wedding. I will not forgive her because of so
many reasons. I feel like talking to her is a waste
of time. She just dont want to listen to me that is
why we are here today. Sonia saw how broken i
was when Hungani cheated on me. Of all people
i expected her to understand but no. She is
obsessed with abusive relationships. Being
cheated on is an abuse even though it is not
physical. She is with a man who abuse her and
she can't even see it. She will wake up looking
more like a doll. But because i am not like her. I
won't say i told you so. I will be there for her but
that's if we fixed things.
Anyway i saw the Elevator beep. It opened Mr
De Villiers walked in.
Me: Uncle
Him: Hello my dear
We hugged
Me: Hello uncle how are you?
Him: Eish i have been up and down all this
Me: The newspaper?
I went to the Whisky. I took it and a glass. I gave
it to him
Him: Thank you for your statement, you saved
us. Many of our associates were angry but after
reading your statement they calm down. I really
apologise for my daughter
Me: Uncle, Sonia don't want to listen to me. I told
her i don't want that man. He broke my heart i
don't know why she insists on helping him. I
told her something as a friend she ran and told
her husband and Hungani!
Mr De: I know i read everything. I feel like she is
changed and i blame my son in law. There is
controlling going on in that house but my
daughter is too blind to see it
Me: Oh you don't know half of it uncle. It is a
pity That I can't tell you everything. I don't want
Sonia to think it's my pay back for what she did.
Her arrogant husband is too controlling
Mr De: That is why i think he had something to
do with this newspaper article. I looked my
daughter in the eyes and i saw innocence, she l
knew nothing. Yes she did go tell them things
behind your back but all the bad things that
were said i don't think she did them
intentionally like the journalist says
Me: Uncle Sonia betrayed me. I don't know what
to believe and her husband came here and
insulted me the other day. At the moment i want
nothing to do with both of them. I just wanna
focus on my work
Mr De: You're doing a great Job. When Refilwe
made you a CEO i wasn't happy but now i see
what she saw in you. Keep it up
Me: Thank you uncle
He looked at his wrist watch
Him: I have to go home my wife is waiting for
He gulped his drink then kissed my cheek
Me: Send my love to Mrs De Villiers
Him: I will
He went to the elevator pressed the button.The
door opened. He walked in
Me: Bye
Him: Bye
The elevator closed. My phone rang. I looked at
it. It's algebra. This man don't rest. I hope he is
not doing this because it's his new job. I hope he
will keep at it all the time he is with us. i
Me: Algebra
Algebra: Ma'am go check your frienemy's
interview online!
Me: An interview?
Him: She was followed by journalists and i think
what she said will help us
Me: Let me go check!
I hung up. I went to the lounge my laptop was
on the table. I sat down and switched on my
laptop. I went to the news site and watched
I watched the entire video. She wanted fame
that's what she got. She is followed by reporters
i am sure she is happy. My brother's girlfriend
did mention that she saw Sonia downstairs
followed by reporters i thought maybe she was
shooting her show but now i see what was
happening. At least she followed on what i said
in my statement. I have to call my mother. I
didn't talk to her since i heard my brother
already told her.
She took my call. Thank God i thought maybe
she'd be working.
Mom: Hello honey i heard about the newspaper
Me: I am sorry mom
Mom: It's okay. De Villiers says your statement
put the investors at ease
Me: Well someone had to do some damage
control since her daughter ruined me
Mom: I don't know how Sonia thinks. When i
decided to invite her to come celebrate with us
after you got married i begged her to let you be
happy with Masixole, She promised to stop all
this madness i don't know why she keeps doing
this but my dear i understand. She is married to
Hungani's friend and whenever she talks to her
husband about something it will go to that man
Me: Then she must stop telling her husband my
Mom: Honey that is not fair
Me: Mom what is not fair is seeing my name on
the news because of people i considered friends.
I don't know why you are never on my side. You
always defend people who hurt me
Mom: It's not that baby. It's just that i know
you're strong and you can handle anything.
Sometimes i do that because i am trying to end
the fighting. I know when i defend others you
stop but that doesn't mean they are right
Me: Well mom i am pregnant! don't expect me to
be strong now
Mom: I know baby and you know i love you and
that is why i am the only one supporting your
relationship with Masixole
She is right about that. I couldn't help it but
smile even though i am angry.
Mom: I love you
I flipped my hair
Me: I love you too Ms Refilwe
She smiled.
Mom: Where is EJ ?
Me: Upstairs with his old girlfriend
Me: I cannot believe you asked me to sign a 10K
cheque for him mom you are.....
Mom: Prisce you need to stop this. Let me do the
parenting. You're both my children. EJ need new
shoes and money to spend and i cannot wait to
watch his reality show
Me: Bye bye mama
Mom: Honey wai......
I closed the laptop then stood up with my bottle
of water. I sipped on it. Mom will regret all this.
He is ruining my little brother's life and she can't
even see it.
< Narrated >
Brendan did say he will be home late and his
wife shouldn't wait up now we see why. He is
traving out of Johannesburg to the ooutside of
the City. He drove for an hour and there were no
houses for a while then he got to this Surburb. It
was a quiet neighbourhood. He drove to one of
the houses. He got to the house and stopped his
car at driveway. He made a phone call then
walked out. He went to the door and the door
Guy: You came
Brendan: You know i keep my promises Sah
Sah: Sometimes
Brendan took out something from his pocket. It
was a lot of money. The guy's eyes popped out
Brendan: You look surprised. This is the Fifteen
thousand you asked for
Sah: This show really means a lot to you ?
Brendan: The network gave us a contract for
two seasons. If we are doing well they will
renew it for more seasons. This has to be the
Sah: Wow i see
Brendan: Don't just stand there. Take the
money.There is more where that came from. If
we work well together you will be rich
Sah: Come in Brendan
Brendan: I can't stay just take the money man.
Remember i have a woman to console at home
The guy looked at the money then at Brendan
Sah: Well i don't want your money Brendan. You
know what i want from you
Brendan: Ahhh another time man. This is not
the right time
Sah: Tomorrow
Brendan: Tomorro.....
Guy raised his index finger pointing at Brendan
Guy: No excuse!
Brendan exhaled.
Brendan: Tomorrow then
The guy closed the door on Brendan's face.
Brendan turned around and looked his car

Still in Johannesburg. We see Sonia's car drives
in at some beautiful house. She stopped the car
at driveway. She ran out of the car and went to
the door. She knocked and knocked but no one
answered the door. There was loud music
inside. She turned the door handle the door
opened. She let out a sigh of relief then walked
Sonia: Hungani! Hungani
She didn't get an answer. She saw clothes and
heels of two women downstairs. She looked
Sonia: I cannot believe this! I asked him to be
decreet is this the descreet i asked for ?
She heard giggles coming from the back. She
followed the voices. She went to the glass door.
The door was already open only curtains was
flying around. She moved it
She saw Hungani having sex with two women in
the pool. One woman saw her with her hands on
her mouth.
Girl: Come join us
Hungani turned around
Hungani: Sonia!
Sonia turned around
She ran back in. Hungani pushed the girl away.
He jumped out Of the pool and wore his shorts
then too kthe towel and covered his boner. He
ran after Sonia
Hungani: Sonia!
Sonia opened the front door. She walked out and
left it open. She was running to her car.
Hungani: Sonia wait!!!
Sonia turned around
Sonia: I am in hot water because i was trying to
help you what do you do?
Hungani: Come on. Priscella don't want me. I
can't wait all my life. After a long day i do need
some relaxing
Sonia: So you gave up on her?
Hungani: No!
Sonia: Then what are you doing With the same
girls she left you for? You're still sleeping with
supermodels. Tell me when you get back
together with Priscellla do you think those
whores will respect her ?
Hungani: Those girls are discreet relax
Sonia: I can't believe i have been a fool !
Hungani: You're just saying that because you've
been caught. Sonia you always knew that i do
have sex with girls. You didn't expect me to wait
for someone who is sleeping with another man. I
am sorry you're in the news for helping me but i
had nothing to do with that. I am still the friend
who loves Priscella
Sonia: Do you think bringing girls in your house
is a way of being discreet. What if Priscella
decides to visit while her man is gone?
Hungani walked around
Him: Well you're right i didn't think about that
Sonia: Anyway that is not why i am here
Hungani: Sure what's up?
Sonia: I went to apologise to her she kicked me
out. I have never seen my friend so angry and
hateful. She hates me for what i did
Hungani: Sonia i don't get this. How did this
journalist hear this? You were not shouting. You
were not even rejoicing. You were just excited
for me
Sonia: My question exactly friend. My dad said
something but my husband wouldn't do that to
Sonia said walking to her car
Hungani: What did he say?
Sonia: He asked Brendan if he didn't do this for
his reality show but my man wouldn't hurt me
like that
Hungani acted strange. He started thinking
about Mr De Villiers' insinuations
Sonia: What? You don't think Brendan did this ?
Hungani: Hey from a friend to another i won't
lie. I can't say he did or he didn't
Sonia: No! He wouldn't do this to me! Hungani
he is my husband! He loves me and We have
two kids together!
Hungani: I am sorry Sonia but you need to
remember something
Sonia: What !?
Hungani started mumbling something. Words
couldn't come out.
Sonia: What Hungani?
Hungani looked down then at Sonia
Hungani: Those kids are not biologically his So....
Sonia slapped Hungani
Sonia: How dare you !?
Hungani put his hand on his face where he was
Sonia ran to her car




< Sonia >
I don't know why every friend is turning their
back on me now. This is supposed to be my
happiest moment. I am finally having the
wedding i always dreamt of. I am sure everyone
is wondering why am i not married yet i call
Brendan husband, well we did get married. Our
wedding was in his family farm in Zimbabwe.
We got married there. It was a small ceremony.
Now this is my dream white wedding. This is my
South African wedding. I will have everyone
there or at least i wish to. Right now i am
confused. I don't know what is going to happen.
This wedding will be nothing without my friend.
She wants nothing to do with me. She talked to
me and i kept pushing and now it got to this
point. A journalist got to to hear what i was
plotting behind my friend's back. I was trying to
help an ungrateful bastard who just threw my
messy life in my face. Yes i was married before
when i was 19 years old. I got pregnant with my
first born at 19. He is now 8 years old. At 21 i
had my second baby. At the age of 24 i got
divorced because i cheated on my husband with
Brendan. So me and my ex husband have 50 / 50
visiting rights. I begged him to let them go spend
two weeks with mom in Nambia. My father and
my dad got divorced when i was 16. He married
another woman. My life is a mess like that.
Brendan accepted my children and is treating
them like his own. They love him so much and
he wouldn't do anything to hurt us. For Hungani
to say what he said i just couldn't hold myself. I
reacted at that moment and i don't regret
clapping him. He deserved it. He knows Brendan
is the father of my children. When my father
suspected Brendan i wasn't surprised because
he never liked him. But Hungani? He is my
husband's friend. How could he ?
Anyway i just took a shower. My husband is not
home. He did mentioned coming home late. I
have to sleep. I have a photo shoot tomorrow
with co- stars. I cannot wait to see them.
I heard the bedroom door open. .
Me: Thank God you're home honey
I ran to him i hugged him and the next thing
tears streamed down my cheeks
Brendan: Hey what is it ?
Me: Priscella didn't forgive me. She kicked me
out of the penthouse
Brendan hugged me
Him: Don't worry about it baby. It's friday now.
Monday is too far. Don't give up on her. I am
sure by monday she will be talking to you
I broke the hug .
Me: Yeah. And i went to Hungani. I asked him to
speak to her for me. Can you believe he also
suspects you ?
Brendan: What !?
Me: I defended you my love. I told him you can't
do that to me and our children
Brendan: Exactly my love. I wouldn't hurt my
Me: He said they are not your kids so there is a
possibility that you did this
Brendan looked at me. He was fuming with
Hungani: That bastard said that?
Me: Yes. I lost it and slapped him. I can't believe i
helped and supported him to be with Priscella. I
found him having sex with two women can
believe it ?
Brendan: I am going to call that bastard tonight
and give him a piece of my mind it's a pity i am
tired. If i wasn't I was gonna go there and tell
him what i think of him
He hugged me.
Him: Don't worry. From now on it's just you and
i. We don't need that ungraful bastard
Me: You're right my love
Him: Let me go take a bath
He kissed me then put his phone on our bed. He
took off his clothes then went to the bathroom.
His phone beeped. I looked at it. It's locked but
messages pop-up
" I must say You messed up my plans but
tomorrow you have to pay up. "
Me: Isaiah Sah Norman ?
Who is Saiah ? where do i know that name
Me: No...... ?
No i think i saw that name in that newspaper. I
ran out of my bedroom. I ran downstairs. I took
the news paper then looked at it.
Me: Oh My God
No! Please don't tell me My father and Hungani
are right please don't. How can i be so stupid?
How can i be so blind? I saw how desperate this
man is to get this show on the way but i didn't
think he would do me like this! I took the
newspaper. I ran up. When i got to our bedroom.
I wiped my eyes then opened the door. I walked
in. Brendan walked out of the bathroom.
Me: That was fast
Brendan: I am tired i just wanna sleep. What are
you doing with the newspaper ?
Me: I saw a name in your phone and it got me
Brendan: You check my phone now?
Me: No, Your phone has a lock code. The
message poped up
He jumped to his phone
Me: I thought that i knew the name somewhere
and i was right
I threw the paper on the bed.
Me: He says you will pay tomorrow what did
you do for him?
Brendan shook his head in disbelief.
Him: You also think i did this ?
Me: What will you be paying him for ? If you
and this journalist knew each other why didn't
he call you and tell youHe had a nasty story
about your wife!
Brendan looked angry he was pacing up and
Brendan: I am doing everything i can to put you
on billboards but you don't trust me!
Me: I think if you were in my shoes you'd ask the
same. Why did he write such about me if he is
your buddy ?
Brendan: Sonia stop pissing me off!
Who is this man? Who did i marry?
Brendan: I called that fool and asked him to be
part of that shoot so that he could have
something positive to write about you and stop
writing these bad things about you!
Me: Oh My God
Brendan: In this message he is talking about
tomorrow. I promised to pay him if he comes to
the shoot tomorrow !
I went to him
Me: Baby i am so.....
Brendan: Don't touch me! you are just like them!
He walked out.
Me: Where are you going!
Him: Goodnight. I will sleep at the guest room
He slammed the door. I sat down. I cannot
believe this. I sat down.
This is my dad and Hungani's fault. They put
these doubt in my head. My husband is working
so hard to make sure i become what i want and
what do i do? I doubt him.

< Judge Makhosazana >
I am willing to wait as long as it takes for my son
to decide to come clean to me about his life in
Johannesburg. I swear i want to ask him but i
can't put myself into doing that. I don't want to
think that my son. My only son is lying to me
constantly. He looks at me in the eye and lie. I
swear i want to explode. I am this close to
confronting him. A little part of me thinks
Nontorotyi knows something but another part of
me don't think so. Nontorotyi might have
nursing diploma but she is still stupid. There is
no way she might've found something. My son
did a great job at hiding everything.
Anyway it is saturday morning. In the afternoon
we are having a meeting. We have to announce
the date of the wedding but first. As the Royal
house we have to set a date before the elders
come this afternoon. But it looks like not only
elders are coming but it's a surprise. I can't get
to that. So i , My sister in law, Brother in law and
King Zwelicacile are going to have this meeting
after breakfast. Breakfast is ready. We were all
called downstairs to eat. Everyone is gathered
on the table. I am in the kitchen to get myself
water. I turned around and saw Nomaxabiso
coming in .
Me: And now ?
Nomaxabiso: My Queen i had to talk to you
before i go join others
Me: What is it?
Nomaxabiso: Do you think King Zwelicacile
wants me ?
I cannot believe this.
Her: My queen he was a gentleman yesterday
yes but he didn't want me to join him in his
room. I am his wife !
Me: My dear you're not his wife
She looked confused. I looked at high chairs
Me: Please sit
She sat down. I did too
Me: Nomaxabiso you say my son was a
gentleman and i saw that. He cares about you,
and you were all over each other
Me: Like you said he is a gentleman. He knows
you're a virgin. He knows you're not yet married
and he is a man. He knows if you spend a night
together something might happen and he
respects you! He doesn't want to do anything
that he will regret
Notiniphu walked in
Notiniphu: Your highness your breakfast is
getting cold
Me: Please make me fruit salad i won't be
joining everyone. Hlohlesakhe just drove in
Notiniphu: Your highness
I looked at Nomaxabiso
Me: Let me share a secret with you
Me: Princess Nomagampompo , Uncle
Hlohlesakhe, Your Fiancé and i are going to set
the date in few minutes before we tell the elders
afternoon. Do you think he was gonna let that
happen if he didn't love you ?
Nomaxabiso: You're right. I am just being silly.
Forgive me your highness
Me: No! Don't apologise my dear. I love the fact
that whenever you have a problem you come to
me. I am your mother in law. We have to get
along to protect the king and remember.....
Me: You and i are the only important people in
his life and it's our duty to protect him and
everyone he loves
Nomaxabiso: You're so right my Queen
Me: You hurt the ones he loves. You hurt the
Nomaxabiso: Everything you just said is correct
my Queen
Me: Your Breakfast is getting cold go eat my dear
She stood up and walked away.
Notiniphu: Your fruit salad my Queen
Me: Thank you Notiniphu
Her: You're welcome your highness even though
i am said you didn't eat your breakfast. It's
Me: Put it in microwave. You gonna warm it up
when i come out of the meeting
I saw Hlohlesakhe, King Zwelicacile and
Princess Nomagampompo going to the study. I
took my bowl and followed them. When i got
there, they were already inside.
Me: Good morning Brother in law where is
Hlohlesakhe: She went to see her sister. She said
she is not feeling well
Me: What is wrong with Sabonkolo?
Hlohlesakhe: She will let us know when she
comes back. She said she wouldn't miss the
Princess: She doesn't want to miss the meetings
with our family elders. When it's a meeting
between us family she doesn't wanna come
because there is no one she is going to humiliate
us in front of !
Hlohlesakhe: My wife didn't mean all that.
Remember my wife gave up a paying job....
Me: We pay her!
Hlohlesakhe: My Queen my wife was a senior
nurse. She got paid double and more than what
you pay her!
Him: So she is angry and with the chieftaincy
being taken, She feels like we won't be able to
pay our bills the way we used to
Me: This is a royal house. This business benefits
everyone. We all know how much money we
make and everyone's salary is reasonable. We
didn't choose to be Royalty! As royalty we have
to make hard sacrifices!
Hlohlesakhe: Except you've never made any
sister in law !
I cannot believe he said that. I put my bowl on
the table
Princess: Take that back Brother!
Me: Hlohlesakhe i am not married to any chief.
My husband died you took reigns from him!
Hlohlesakhe: When your husband was a chief
you didn't quit!
Me: That is because i didn't work in this village. I
worked for the entire province. I am a well
respected Judge. Hlohlesakhe don't make me
regret telling you my secrets!
Princess: Besides, The Queen is our eyes and
ears when it comes to the law stuff
Hlohlesakhe: No relax. Your secrets are safe
with me but i had to show you that my wife is
not crazy. She is hurting
Princess: We have influence. When you step
down. She can go back and be the nurse!
Me: Exactly! I don't know why she is so dramatic
about this
Hlohlesakhe: She can't go back there. She was a
Queen now she has to go back? can you imagine
the humiliation? What about the respect.....
Me: She was never a Queen!
Princess Nomagampompo looked at her brother
Princess: And the sooner your wife realises that
she was never the Queen! the better for
everyone else in this Royal house!
Hlohlesakhe: I can't believe how nice you were
when you wanted me and my wife to take the
reigns. Now King Zwelicacile is back and you say
these things and none of you wanna put
themselves in her shoes!
Me: Brother in law you know how much I tried
to show your wife respect. Every time I say
something nice she dismisses me or she throws
my kindness in my face! you saw this yesterday!
I welcomed her when she arrived here, what did
she say?
Hlohlesakhe: She didn't respond
Me: She did respond! With a chuckle!
Princess: Anyway what is going on? why your
attitude changed all of the sudden Hlohlesakhe?
He looked down. He sat on the chair
Me: Actually I want to know the same. We need
to know who is on the right side of this family
Hlohlesakhe: You know I have always been
loyal. You cannot question my loyalty to this
Me: Then what is Wrong?
Hlohlesakhe: The car issue!.....
Me: I cant believe this
I stood up
Masixole: What car mom?
Me: Not now Zwelicacile
Princess: I thought we dealt with that years ago!
why are you.....
Hlohlesakhe: You announced about this that day
and I heard about it for the first time like
everyone. I thought the three of us discussed
things together before calling Imbizo !
Princess Nomagampompo stood up. She went to
the books. She took the royal books that has the
rules and regulations
Princess: You've neglected the royalty book for
far too long. Go home and read it and remember
who you are!
Masixole: Guys I am lost I feel like an outsider
now. I thought this was a meeting to decide a
date of my wedding and now all you do is fight
Hlohlesakhe: I know the village has to buy the
chief a car but I have to know the agenda of any
meeting we are having before hand !
Masixole: Wait! I don't want anyone to buy me a
Me: That's rubbish!
Masixole looked down.
Me: Unfortunately my son you have no say on
this matter!
I looked Hlohlesakhe
Me: after the meeting Thursday I asked you to
stay behind so I could tell you about the chief
arrival and the dinner, why didn't you raise this
matter ?
Princess: Yes why didn't you? Even yesterday at
Hlohlesakhe: I didn't want to raise the matter
with my wife around
Princess: I am glad you know she is a
troublemaker! you ask us to treat her well has
she treated any of us well? All Nontorityi does is
humiliate us. I want to ban her from Imbizo
Hlohlesakhe: What !?
Me: It's for the best
Hlohlesakhe looked at King Zwelicacile
Him: Zwelicacile say something! you're the king
We all looked at King Zwelicacile
Him: I am sorry uncle
I smiled. Hlohlesakhe looked at me.
Hlohlesakhe: My Queen when is the wedding
date? I am sure you already have the date
Me: 16th December
Hlohlesakhe: That is all we were here for.. Can I
leave now ?
Me: The Meeting is adjourned brother in law
He stood up and walked out. He slammed the
door. We looked at each other..

< Priscella >
See what I was talking about yesterday? Even
Brendan's father in law doesn't trust him. What
if Brendan really had something to do with This?
This looks like him. He is an arrogant bastard
who only thinks for himself. How can he do
something like this? I don't want to say it's him
but all our suspicons are pointing at him. Sonia
needs Brendan more than Brendan needs her so
she makes sure she does everything this man
suggest. My friend looks and acts desperate to
keep this man. I wouldn't be surprised if he
planned this with his wife because they wanted
to start this fuad between us but why ? Why
would they do that to Me? I am not part of that
show. Shouldn't the altercation be between the
co- stars? I know nothing about reality shows
but it looks like it to me. I don't want to say
Sonia is innocent about this article. I think she
had something to do with this. They planned it
together even if she is innocent that doesn't
change nothing between us. That woman went
and talked about my business to my ex. That is
crossing the line. I am not going to forgive her
for that. When Mr De Villiers was here yesterday
I could see He wanted me to believe her
innocence, i just can't. She betrayed me and she
has to suffer the consequences. Even if she and I
could forgive each other I don't think i would
smile next to her while she is marrying that
man. I never had a close relationship with
Brendan because whenever they go out we are
not invited because they don't want my man and
I never wanted to be in that awkward
environment. Imagine me, My man and
Hungani in one place.
Anyway it's Saturday. I tried calling my husband
he didn't take my call. I don't like that. He is
there at home. What if he is with a woman. I
trust him but I hate being ignored.
Me: Morning guys
I am greeting EJ and her girlfriend Tasha
Tasha: Morning Pris
Elton: Did you see your friend's interview? At
least she defended you
Me: More like doing damage control because she
wants me to be on her show. She is just doing
that because she was caught. Besides. She just
confirmed everything I said in my statement
Elton: Are you trying to tell me Hungani has
been single for over 4 years ? I don't buy that
Tasha: Hell no! That guy always arrives with
supermodels in clubs honey do you remember
me showing you the other night?
Elton: Oh yeah but that doesn't mean he is
dating them. He is a celeb so are they in their
own way
Tasha: Babe Hungani is a handsome Celebrity
Trust me he is sleeping with one of those girls
Me: If not all of them! I can't believe Sonia want
me to be with a man like that
We heard the elevator. We all looked at the
elevator. It opened. Hungani walked in
Tasha looked down giggling
Tasha: Speak of the devil
Elton stood up
Hom: What the hell is he doing in my house ?
Hungani: Morning guys
Elton looked at me.
Elton: Priscella you asked him to come here?
Does Masixole know about this !?
Wow it's good to know my brother has my man's
back but he is overreacting now. He knows I
would never do that to Masixole. I stood up.
Me: EJ I don't know what is this man doing here
He looked at Hungani
Elton: Get out before I call security !
Hungani looked at me
Him: Priscella can I speak to y.....
Elton: Leave my sister alo...
Me: It's okay EJ
Elton: Really Priscella !?
Me: I will just hear him out
I looked at him
Me: Follow me to the office
I catwalked to my home office. I opened the
door then walked in. He walked in and left the
door closing itself.
Hungani: Heels even when you're at home.
You're reall......
I turned around fast and looked at him
Me: What do you want Hungani?
He cleared his throat.
Him: I haven't seen you closely or talked to you
in a long time. You look great
Me: Thank.....
Hungani: I see the pregna....
Me: What are you doing here? I am sure you
didn't come here to shower me with
compliments and talk about my pregnancy
Him: You're right.....
His eye looks red. I am sure he slept at a club
somewhere or he didn't sleep at all. I folded my
arms waiting for him to talk
Hungani: Yesterday Sonia went to see me....
I chuckled
Me: Let Me guess. She asked you to come
apologise for her because you're her accomplice
in trying to make me fall for your lies again?
Hungani: Priscella I won't lie and say I don't
want you.....
I shook my head walking away
Him: But I didn't ask Sonia to do anything for
me. Yes I want to get back together with you and
I will never stop trying till you forg.....
I turned around.
Me: You need to stop wasting your time. I am
happy and in love with another man. A man I
am going to marry very soon. You need to stop
this nonsense because I won't fall for it
Hungani: I still have enough time. While that
guy is out of town I will try and show you I have
Me: In that meeting you had she also told you
Masixole is out of town?
Me: well guess what? Masixole's presence is not
the reason we are not together. The reason we
are not together is because I don't love you
anymore and I want you to move on! Make one
of those supermodels your wife, you're not
getting any younger!
Hungani: Damn it!
He slapped the table with his hand
Hungani: So she told you about what she saw?
that bitch decided to lie to you ?
I looked at him. What is he talking about I am
Hungani: Yes she found me in a pool last night
with those girls but we were not having sex I
was just drunk we wer...
Me: Oh My God
He looked at me. I had my hand on my mouth. I
cannot believe this.
Hungani: I pr.....
Me: You will never change! The same girls I
dumped you for you're still sleeping with them?
and you want us back together? D
Hungani: I didn't sleep with them. We were just
Me: No don't worry I don't care what you do
with your life. You and I are not an item you
don't have to explain anything. But a word of
advice. Whoever you will want to date don't
ever use alcohol as an excuse. You did with me, I
dumped you and now you just said the same
thing you said when I dumped you
Hungani: Priscella
Me: No! You will never change. You're a
handsome man. Every girl wants you. Play with
other kids. Some of us decided to grow up. I
don't want to be associated with that anymore. I
have a decent educated man that I love. He is
the love of my life. By the way Sonia didn't call
me and tell me anything
Hungani: She didn't?
Me: No but at least now I know what you were
doing last night
Hungani: We just had drinks......
I went to the door and opened it
Me: It was nice seeing you again. Congratulates
on all the gigs you have. You're a fantastic
presenter and I hope you won't ruin your career
because of your wild ways
Him: I am not wild. I am just lonely. If yo....
I raised my index finger
Me: Please don't involve me in your mess have a
great Saturday sir
Hungani: Before I go. I don't have proof but I
believe Brendan had something to do with what
was in the papers. Please investigate That
journalist before you throw away an important
friendship. Sonia had nothing to do with that .....
Me: She did meet you and Brendan to tell you
about my divorce didn't she?
Hungani: Well......
Me: I am going to call security if you don't walk
out and leave the Seputla Towers right this
Hungani: Wow
He walked out of the office. I closed the door
Then leaned on it.
Me: Thank you for the advice. I will investigate
Isaiah as for Sonia.......
I moved away from the door.
Me: She is a traitor and a bad friend!

< Nontorotyi >
It wasn't a long drive to Mqanduli. It was gonna
be if we were driving to town but no, We were
not. I didn't know the place. My sister is the only
person who knew where this woman lives. Let
me tell you about this woman. This woman was
the Sangoma for the Royal house, The Ndengana
Royal house. All everyone wanna know is why
she is the former Sangoma for the Royal house
not the current Sangoma well the Judge fired
this poor woman. Nomakhosazana fired this
woman and banned her from Sdabadabeni
village. We've never seen her since that. That
woman had an affair with the King. She was
sleeping with king Nkosesizwe and that got to
Nomakhosazana's ears and She didn't take it
well. She threatened the Royal house they had
no choise but ban that woman which gets me to
the question.... Is Judge Nomakhosazana using
the same blackmail she used to get rid of this
woman? Nobody knows but today I think I will
find out. This woman is a strong healer. She is
good. I am not even sure if you call such people
healers. People who are also able to kill? From
where I come from we call them witches I don't
know about you.
Me: Sabonkolo are you sure this is her house ?
Sabonkolo: I accompanied Siqalo when He
brought her here
My sister is married to Siqalo. My sister works at
our family Project. The Ngendana Royal project.
Me: Well I trust you. I know your memory
Sabonkolo: Pity it didn't work for me at school
I smiled at her then focused on driving. She
didn't get to go to college. She didn't even
graduate her high school but I managed to get
her the job. Anyway We are driving in
Me: Don't worry my sister. It runs in the family.
If I didn't sleep with all my lecturers I wouldn't
have been able to get the exam papers
Sabonkolo: And become the nurse you were
until you became the Queen
Me: Not a single day did I ever felt like a Queen
in that village
Sabonkolo: And that is all thanks to
I looked at her. I put my hand on top of hers
Me: That is why we are here dear sister
Sabonkolo: To put an end to the Queen of
Me: And welcome a new Queen
Sabonkolo: Queen Nontorotyi Dimbaza
I parked the car then rested my back on the
Me: I like the sound of that
I looked at Sabonkolo. She smiled then looked in
front of the car
Sabonkolo: Let's go in



< Judge Nomakhosazana >
I don't like how my brother in law just walked
out on us. This man has been on our side. The
right side of the Royal house now I don't know
what to think anymore. Hlohlesakhe is changed
out of the blue. He is a complete different
person. I don't know why all of the sudden or
maybe seeing my son at dinner yesterday was a
wake up call for him. Things got real and he
realised he is about to lose the Chieftaincy. I feel
like I need to tell my family the truth before
things get out of control. If Hlohlesakhe fights
this we will all kiss the Chieftaincy goodbye and
neither us or Hlohlesakhe will get it and he
knows that very well..I really hope he is not
stupid. I hope he didn't walk out of here to be on
his wife side or go to court of traditional leaders
because if he does we will never be The
Ndanganes , The most respected family and
royal family in this small town. I am a very
powerful person but some things I am not able
to control, Like Court for example. I don't think
if the president of the republic decides to take
this Chieftaincy I would be able to fight him.
Here in this country each and every tribe has it's
own big royal house. Way powerful and famous
more than others. I want that for my family and
the news I got last night are giving us that. I
have been helping this family for a long time
and now I just hit jackpot for them. We got that
status and you know what that means. We are
officially in that level of King Zwelithini. I
thought I would announce this at the Imbizo but
now I don't know whether I should go and tell
Anyway we were just shocked by my brother in
law's behavior. We were standing just after he
walked out and slammed the door. Masixole
looked at me.
Masixole: He is not happy to lose this
Princess: And that cannot be good. We need to
be on the same page in this family. We cannot
be divided
Me: Let him act crazy!
Princess looked at me
Princess: You know if he takes us to court he will
lose but the family will suffer more!
Masixole looked at both of us
Masixole: What do you mean the family will
suffer more?
Princess Nomagampompo looked at me waiting
for me to explain that to my son. I didn't think it
would come to this but my son is old now and he
has to know about the history of this family .
Me: When you were very young. Your
grandfather's brother was also a king while my
husband was a chief and they were both getting
paid by the government. It's done everywhere.
Every royal family has two people who helps
each other to make the community better
Masixole: Then why didn't someone take his
place when he died ?
Princess: When he died he was no longer the
Masixole looked at me waiting for an
Me: Your grandfather's brother killed a man
Masixole: What ?
Me: That murder upset the traditional leaders
that the Chieftaincy was taken away from this
family. I had to stand up and fight for this family
in court and I won that case
Masixole: That explains the respect the family
has for you
Princess Nomagampompo took Masixole's hands
Princess: My nephew that was the happiest
moment in our family. Your mother saved us
when everyone was starting to turn their backs
on us. We were gonna be the laugh of this
Me: The win had a condition son
Masixole: What condition?
Me: If the Royal house is taken to court again by
anyone. The traditional leaders will take away
the Chieftaincy from this family and never
return it
Masixole: That's not good. I feel like my uncle's
bitter behavior could make him ruin this family
and it's name. Does he know about this whole
Me: He knows but what he doesn't know is the
fact that he is not going to lost his position as the
Masixole: I don't understand?
I can't believe this is my son. Can you see this
son of a bitch is happy because he thinks he is
going back to be with that slutty city girl?
Princess: I don't understand too?
I smiled
Me: I worked very hard trying to convince the
traditional leaders to make this Royal family one
of the most famous and known in the country
and last night I got an email approving
Masixole: How mother? I don't understand my
role in this
Me: You my boy will be King Zwelicacile. One of
the greatest traditional leaders. My brother in
law will remain the chief. You will be the king
and you will be paid Way better than him. You
will be Like King Zwelithini, King of swati and so
Princess: This is great. I was scared about this
whole thing. Then what happens when by
brother dies my Queen? Does Ngejiwe become
The chief?
Me: No!
I looked at Masixole
Me: You have to give us an heir and your heir
will take reigns from Hlohlesakhe
Princess Nomagampompo folded her arms
Her: What happens when Nontorityi fights this ?
Let's say my brother is no more
Me: Hlohlesakhe is a last born, married to a
commoner. There is no child of a commoner can
become a chief in this Royal family
Princess: Let's say King Zwelicacile's son is still
young who would become a chief?
Me: You
Princess: Me ?
I nodded yes. This woman has done a lot for this
family. She respects our customs and traditions
in this family and that is why she decided to
never marry. She smiled then looked at King
Masixole: When are you planning to tell Uncle
Hlohlesakhe about this ?
Me: When we are calling Imbizo announcing
our plans of getting you a car. He has to be
surprised like everyone else and next week I
have to go to the traditional leaders at Bisho to
confirm the email then from there we can
confirm everything that is why this has to stay at
this study
Princess: Of course My Queen
I looked at my son
Me: Are you ready to represent us? Are you
ready to be the king of the Pondo land?
Masixole: Yes my Queen
I got a message notification
Princess: What is it my Queen?
I looked at them. I didn't think this was
happening so fast.
Me: Princess Nomagampompo you have to speak
To the maids to start cooking for important
I looked at King Zwelicacile
Me: Tell Siqalo to call everyone to come to the
Royal house. We are getting important visitors
from the provincial government
Princess: Its happening now ?
Me: Yes Sisi
She ran out. I looked at King Zwelicacile
Me: Go!
Him: Oh yes my Queen!

~ Sonia De Villiers ~
I cannot believe I accused my husband of
something like this. I feel ashamed for even
blaming him. I defended him from my dad and
his own bestfriend. I don't know what came to
me last night. I guess it's because of the doubts
Hungani put into my head. I feel like I kind of
listened to them. I feel like I failed my man and I
feel really bad for that. I should trust him as my
husband. It doesn't matter that he is not my
children's biological father but the fact that I am
his wife counts and I know he wouldn't do
anything to humiliate me, I mean think about it.
My husband and I here are trying to achieve
something. He got me into this reality show why
would he do anything to ruin that ? No. My
father and Hungani need to stay out of our lives
in fact everyone Priscella included. She had no
right to confront my man about how we do
things in our relationship. It's our relationship.
Our marriage. She is not married. She should
focus on that because talking about her
marriage is just a joke. Something I don't want
to talk about because people say I am laughing
at her. I think she needs to stop focusing on
what the journalist said. She knows better. She
knows how journalists are. They always love
causing drama.
Anyway I want to talk about last night. I felt
really bad for what I did to my man. I apologised
to him and he ended up coming to the bedroom.
I am not sure whether he forgave me but right
now we have to focus on what is going on. We
are at the photo shoot. I met the girls. They are
all lovely and they look wealthy I won't lie but
that doesn't intimidate me. They know my name.
They know where I come from in fact they are
the ones who should be intimidated by me. I am
the producer's wife.
Photographer: Okay let's take a break before We
take individual photos
Me: Alright
All the girls walked off the set. We just took
group photos. I went to my husband.
Brendan: You're doing great there honey
Me: Really ?
Him: Yes. You look great I don't know why you
don't go back to modelling
Me: My modeling life was ruined by the
pregnancy and my ex husband. Not forgetting
my father who wanted me to study Finance so I
had to shut that dream down
Brendan: You still got it my love
I kissed his lips
Me: Thank you my love
I saw him look at the end of the set
Brendan: What did I say to you Look Isaiah
Norman just arrived
We saw him coming to us. It's the journalist we
were fighting about last night. I don't know how
to react around him. I am still mad at him. I
know he is here for a coverage but that doesn't
erase the things he said about me.
Isaiah: Hello guys
Brendan: Hey Sah
I looked at my husband
Me: Excuse me . I will leave you two to talk
Brendan grabbed my wrist gently. I looked at
Brendan: What is it honey?
I looked at this Journalist.
Isaiah: Oh this is about the article. Well I am
sorry okay. I am sorry that I wrote that it's just
that as a journalist I am forced to do such things.
I saw you at that restaurant. I sat so close to you
guys and eavesdropped. I am sorry but it's my
job and I am here now for the good news. I
promise I will write great things only
I looked at Brendan
He smiled.
Me: I am staying because of my husband and the
ladies. I don't want to ruin this for them
Isaiah: I understand that. I will ask you a few
questions then go get to know the ladies how is
I lied my head on my husband's chest
Brendan: We are ready right my love
Me: Yes honey
Isaiah: I think more than anything this interview
is to get to know the other women. It's just to
profile them so that the public get to know what
to expect
Him: I know you, What you do and I know your
father and his businesses. I don't have so many
questions for you
Me: Okay.....
Brendan: Yes and besides whatever you wanna
know you have my number...
Him: Exactly .....
He looked around then at me
Him: I want to know..... Is Priscella Seputla
gonna be part of the show? I mean she is your
I looked at Brendan. Is this Journalist for real?
This man ruined my friendship. Why is he
asking me this. Did he expect Priscella to laugh
after he told her about me in that way he did
writing those things about our friendship. What
does he expect? I swear if he was a woman I
would punch him in the face.
Me: Af.....
I was gonna say after that stupid article my
friend wants nothing to do with me but my
husband decided to interrupt me. Well He is
been in this industry longer than me. He knows
how to handle press
Brendan: Yes she will!
I looked at him. He gave me the " Don't you
dare" stare just to make me not say anything. i
I am looking at him because we are not sure
about this. Priscella is still mad at me. How can
he be sure she will be part of the show? What if
she is not then Isaiah says something on his
newspaper again? I don't want Priscella's name
to be there on my account. I respect her and her
wishes and besides. This is not good for the
business. I am a business woman I need to put it
first before my hobbies. I just hope Brendan is
sure about this.
Isaiah: This is going to be an interesting start
Me: It is
Isaiah: So how is your relationship after....
Brendan: They are great even after this shoot
she is heading over to the Seputla Towers right
He said looking at me. I looked at Isaiah
Me: Saturday is our relaxation day. You know
we are busy business women
Him: Thank you for everything Ms Sonia
I faked a smile. He walked away. I turned
around and looked at my husband
Him: Not now babe
Me: Really ? I am heading over to the Seputla
Brendan: Honey you don't know anything about
this business follow my lead okay
Me: Are you sure Priscella will forgive me and
want to be part of this?
Brendan: Why not she is your friend honey
Me: She hates Me! and You disgust her! I don't
know what you said to her for her to hate you
like this and I am surprised you didn't tell me
everything about your meeting !
Brendan: Oh she told you. Nothing I said is
untrue. She is naive. She let a man control her.
She is stupi.....
" Sorry guys ! " Said someone behind us. He had
flowers with him. Oh My God Priscella sent me
flowers. Oh I love her. We can fight but she
never forgets what is important.
Me: Flowers for me ?
Him: Yes ma'am
Brendan snatched the card
Brendan: Who are they fro......
I saw how angry he got. I wonder who are the
flowers from.
Me: Who are they from ?
He took them and threw them on the floor.
Brendan: I told Hungani to leave us alone! He
can't say what he said to you and send you
I picked up the card.
Me: This is sweet. Maybe he regrets what he said
honey he is your friend
Brendan called him and put him on speaker
Hungani: Dude you made it clear to me I don't
know why you calling Me!
What? He is still angry why did he send me
flowers ?
Brendan: Clearly I was not clear enough! When I
said leave us alone I meant my wife as well.
Why did you send her flowers ?
Hungani: Don't flatter yourself. I made that
order during the week because I didn't want to
forget. Your wife slapped me. I want nothing to
do with you all. Get the fuck out of my phone!.....
( Tu tu tu tu tu tu )
He hung up after he said that leaving my jaw
literally on the floor. So he ordered these
flowers before we got into a fight. This goes to
show Hungani is a great friend. He is someone
we shouldn't lose. We have to fix this. He made a
mistake like I did last night. If my husband could
forgive me. He can forgive him as well.
Brendan: So he forgot to cancel the order that is
why you received the flowers
Me: Baby you guys must fix this mess !
Brendan: That guy was supposed to be my
friend. He accused me of betraying you and
insulted our family ! He is not getting that from
me !
Me: Honey
Brendan: No!
He walked away. I sat down. Looks like I am
stuck with a stubborn husband no friends. He
told the press that Priscella will be on the show
and he expect me to make that happen. How am
I gonna do that?

~ Priscella ~
This is crazy. You know what I wanna do right
now. I want to call my husband and switch off
my phone and relax. I deserve a break from
everything. The visit I got from Hungani this
morning made me so angry. How could he? Yes I
don't want him and I will never get back
together with him but what made him decide to
get back together with me when he is not done
with what made me leave him in the first place?
Yesterday he was having a 3 sum in a pool. I am
sure if Sonia and I were still talking she was
never gonna tell me and if I were to I find out
she was gonna make an excuse for Hungani.
What Sonia is doing in her marriage she does it
with Hungani. She can't see he is bad news. I
don't know what is wrong with that woman. I
hope I am not getting another visit today.
Hungani's visit was dramatic enough. I can't
take all this. This is upsetting and that is not
good for me and my baby.
Anyway I saw Tasha walking down alone. I
wonder where she left my brother because they
never leave each other's side. He has been
dating this girl for two years. They are in love
but my brother has other girls but this is the
only one he brings home.
Me: Where is Elton?
Her: I left EJ upstairs. He is getting ready we are
going shopping for his pair of Sneakers then
come back and rest before we go to the club
Me: Are you done with your exams ?
Tasha: Yes I am done writing my exams
Me: Good, I don't want my brother to ruin your
life. He party a lot. He is fortunate to have a
family that takes care of him. I don't want you to
ruin your future because of a man who is sorted
in life
Tasha: We respect our education time
Me: That's good. I have never seen him studying
Tasha: Your brother is smart. He is one of the
best students in our class
Me: Oh you're also doing broadcasting ?
Her: Yes
Me: Nice
I took my glass of juice and sipped
I saw her look at me.
Me: You want to ask me something?
Her: Yes.... No!
Me: No feel free
She looked upstairs then at me
Tasha: EJ tells me that you and The celebrity
who came here in the morning are exes
Me: Yeah Hungani is my ex. But I don't want to
talk about him
Tasha: Wow ! He is Hot. So you don't want him
back ?
I looked at her. I smiled then sipped again. I
don't trust people who come to this house.
People who come to our lives they like taking
what we say and go sell it to the press. I don't
think i can trust her..
Me: Why so many questions about Hungani?
I stood up. She stood up as well ..
Her: No! It's just unbelievable!
Me: What?
Her: Seeing my celebrity crush here and to learn
that someone I know was dating him. I feel like I
am part of this ....
She looked around smiling.
Me: You feel like a celebrity?
She looked at me.
Her: Yes in a way
Me: Tasha we are not celebrities in this house
Her: But you know them and your brother is
very popular. When I am with him I feel good
about myself because I get attention
Me: Do you love my brother?
Tasha: Of course! I love him
I am asking this because I feel like my brother is
some ticket to some VIP or some good life she
wanna have. I liked her but I don't like the
person she is showing me. I understand she just
saw a celeb in my house but her behavior is
suspicious now. I hope she is not playing my
brother. Anyway I walked pass her avoiding to
look at her.
Me: I am glad to hear that. My brother might be
bad to me but he really loves you
I turned around and looked at her.
Tasha: I know EJ loves me
Me: You're the only girl he introduced to us. That
means a lot. My brother is a good person. He
loves people who care about him. He loves me
too even though he likes shouting at m......
I felt someone hug me from behind. He put his
chin on my shoulder
Him: My sister is right honey
For a second I thought Masixole is back .
Anyway I turned around. Elton hugged me
Elton: I am sorry sis, Sometimes I wish I was the
one older so I could tell you what to do or not to
do. It sucks to hear you teaching me to be
responsible but I promise I will get better
Me: Thank you. It means a lot to hear you say
Elton: And it means a lot to hear the nice things
you said about me to my girl
He said going to her.
Elton: Ready to go babe ?
Tasha: I am ready honey even though I will
watch you buy things for yourself
Is that her way of asking him to buy her
Elton: Don't worry babe I will check my pocket
money. We will get you an outfit for tonight
She jumped to him and hugged him. I shook my
head. Girls!!!
Tasha: Thank you honey. I love you!
Me: I told you. My brother is the best
Tasha: He really is!
They got to the elevator and it closed..
Me: I don't trust you Tasha
I walked to the stairs
Me: Guys! Bring me ice cream I will be sitting at
Maid: Okay ma'am

< Nontorotyi >
We are here. I told you what I want from this
woman. Oh she is still that not so clean woman. I
don't know what my brother in law saw in this
woman. He was a neat man or maybe He wasn't,
He just had a neat freak wife. Whatever
Nomakhosazana is she is a very tidy person. She
is always clean. The house and everything at the
Royal house is sticky clean. I guess she felt
disgusted and disrespected when she fired this
woman. Women who always think they are
perfect it is not always the case. They are not
able to satisfy their men that is why Nkosesizwe
saw something special from a Sangoma leaving
his miss know it all beautiful wife at home. Who
knows ? Maybe Nomakhosazana killed my
brother in law.
Her: She didn't!!!!
Is this woman crazy? What is she talking about.
We just arrived at the Sangoma house. I am here
to ask her questions but already She is
answering things she was not asked?
Me: Excuse me ?
I looked at Sabonkolo
Sabonkolo: Makhosi? What did you just say
She looked at me. She gave me one intimidating
look I swallowed sweet nothing.
Her: Sabonkolo your sister has so many
questions in her head and I am answering them!
Me: But how do you know about that ?
She stood up. She went to take some of her herbs
Her: You crossed Mthatha river coming here
because you know I am the best so I am not
answering your stupid questions today! you
both know Me!
Me: Makhosi!
Sabonkolo looked at me
Her: What was your question sister?
Me: I.....
I couldn't answer that, this woman started
Her: She wanted to know if Nomakhosazana
killed Chief Nkosesizwe!
She turned around and looked at me. She has a
carrier of her bones
Her: The answer is No! Nkosesizwe died of
Cancer. But at the time it was not like it is now
and we were not that advanced back then
Me: Oh so she didn't kill him?
She threw her lower body and fell on her knees
didn't that hurt? If it was me my knees would
hurt by now or I would be paralysed
Her: No! Nomakhosazana is not a killer..... !
She said that then her eyes popped out
Me: What is it Makhosi?
She looked at me putting her finger on her
mouth asking me to shut up
Her: She will be very soon
I sat up straight
Me: What ? She will kill?
That is not a good thing to hear.
Sabonkolo: Makhosi what do you mean ?
Her: Nomakhosazana is like a chicken who just
gave birth. She makes sure she protects her
family. She is like a lion protecting it's own. She
has best intentions at heart to protect the Royal
Me: But that woman fired you! You should be
mad at her! you shouldn't be praising her !
Her: No! I am not praising her! I don't like her
but what I just said is the truth. She is going to
kill very soon and it will be to protect that
Throne !
Oh no. I hope I am not going to die. I hope she is
not going to kill me. I am scared now.
Me: So why did you let her fire you? Why did the
ancestors let her fire you ?
Her: Because I didn't only betray the Queen, I
betrayed the house at large even the ancestors!
Sabonkolo looked at me
I looked at this woman.
Me: So they approve of what she did ?
She smiled then chuckled
Her: They approve of everything
Nomakhosazana does !
I stood up pacing up and down with my hands
in my head.
Me: That's not good
Her: Sit down Woman!!!!
She snapped I quicky sat down.
Her: We are gonna start!
I wiped my tear .
Me: Before we start Makhosi, I want you to
make sure that you dim everything that will
make the Royal Sangoma know about my visit!
Her: Don't worry. If he was suspicious of you of
anything he would know but he is not expecting
any danger from you. So let's get to it
Oh what a relief. I let out a long deep sigh. She
started shaking her bones. then she asked me to
blow some air and I did. She threw the bones
then took her stick and pointed at the bones one
by one
Her: Yoh!!!
Me: What is it Makhosi?
The Sangoma moved around. She was scared
she was crying
Her: yoh, hayi hayi mna ndiyabhideka
ndiyabhideka yoh ndiyabhideka ndiyabhideka
She was basically saying she is confused ,she
kept repeating it saying She is confused
Her: Hayi hayi hayi ndiyabhideka ndiyabhideka
ndiyabhideka oh ndiyabhideka
Me: Ubhideka yintoni!!!? ( What confuses you ?
She looked at me for a beautiful 30 seconds not
blinking. I was getting impatient. I saw a smile
in her face. That was a relief because I was
starting to worry. I smiled as well
Her: You want to kill Queen Nomakhosazana?
Me: You also hate her. Do you think you could
help me?
She moved back and leaned on the wall
Her: An enemy of my enemy....
Me: Is your friend Hihihihi
We started lauging. I was giggling so happy to
hear her say this.
Her: Killing the Royal blood has consequences
I looked at my sister. She looked nervous.
Me: Are you saying if we kill her we will get into
trouble ?
Her: Leave that to Me! I will protect you
Sabonkolo: Makhosi what are these
The woman looked at us.
Her: I made a mistake. I meant to say sacrifices
Me: Sacrifices?
She screamed so loud we looked at each other.
Her: Blood will be spit before killing the queen!
Me: Oh ?
Her: Two people have to die
Sabonkolo and I looked at each other " Two?"
We said two at the and time
Her: Yes one a royal blood and one a nobody!
Me: I could kill one of Nomagampompo's
children then find anyone from Sdabadabeni
The woman stood up. She went and took some
powder and put it in a small bottle. She gave it to
Her: The Queen won't die if you poison her
before these two people die
Me: O-kay. I will poison these two peo......
Her: No!!!!
She snapped when I said that.
Me: Makhosi?
Her: I said blood will be sheard! meaning you
will stab both of them!
Me: Oh My God
Sabonkolo looked at me. I don't think i can
Sabonkolo: Can you do it sis ?
Me: Anything to kill Nomakhosazana
Woman: Good
Woman: I want you to follow my instructions
correctly. If you don't the Queen is not dying
Me: Okay Makhosi
She stood up. She took a sword, it was not big.
She came back.
Her: this is what you're going to use to kill them

Me: Makhosi
I took it. She sat down then looked at me. She
looked more angry now
Woman: The first person you're going to kill will
be the no body!
Me: You mean the commoner ?
Her: Exactly! but not just any commoner !
Sabonkolo: It looks like Makhosi knows exactly
who my sister should kill ?
The woman looked at me then at Sabonkolo
Makhosi: I do
She looked at me
Her: The nobody you're going to kill Nontorotyi
will be someone you love more than anyone in
this world!
Oh no! who is this woman want me to kill? I got
more scared now. I was breathing heavily
Sabonkolo: Zinyovile I hope I am not the nobody
you're talking about !
Oh sister. I hope you're not as well. Zinyovile
looked at me. Her dirty dreadlocks covered her
eyes. She shook her hair revealing her eyes.
They looked more red now
Zinyovile: The nobody you have to kill is your
first born, The bastard child!
Oh My God.
I started breathing heavily. Sabonkolo looked at
Sabonkolo: Ngejiwe is not Hlohlesakhe's
Zinyovile started laughing so hard looking at
me. I could hear the sound of the laugh but the
look on her face was so evil and by the look of
things she was waiting for me to dare deny it
Me: Oh My God




< Masixole >
I am planning to tell my mother everything but I
want to tell her tomorrow when there are no
meetings and all that. I wanna sit her down. I
don't think I love Nomaxabiso. I don't have a
problem with her she is beautiful in her own
way but I am in love with my woman. I love
Priscella and I want to make her my wife
officially. I want to know if I can marry Priscella
first then marry Nomaxabiso. The thing is there
is no running away from Nomaxabiso whether I
like it or not she is going to be my wife and that
sucks. If I don't marry her my family will lose a
lot. They will lose the business and they could
also lose the Chieftaincy. If I would say no to
marring her, The Zidenge family would take us
to court and that can't be good for us judging by
what my mom and aunt revealed to me. So
whether I like it or not I will have two wives,
Well that's if Priscella agrees to be my wife. I
lied to my woman. I don't think she will forgive
me for this. All I can do right now is just pray
she does. After the great news I just received
today I would think maybe Priscella might be
happy to be with me but Priscella isn't just any
girl. She doesn't care about being famous or
important. She is a private person and she
doesn't need anything or attention. Me telling
her I am this big shot king won't flatter her. I am
in deep shit here and I don't know what will
rescue me right now. I wish I was clear or
honest with her from the beginning. If I was I
wouldn't be feeling the way I do right now.
Anyway I noticed she called me. I think she
called me when I was attending Imbizo. I hope
she is not angry. I never thought I would have
two wives in my life. My father never had two
wives. No one in my family had that kinda
marriage even though we are royalty. I am not
sure Priscella will want to be part of this but if
she does that means two women will be my
responsibility sexually. That is strange. It's scary.
I have never cheated to a partner. I don't know
how it is like sleeping with more than one
person at the same time. This is going to be hard.
You know I forgot to ask my mother about
Nomaxabiso's age. When she said she doesn't
have to work that turned me off. I couldn't even
pretend. I cannot be with a woman with no
career no ambitions what's so ever. I have been
with an independent woman for three years.
This relationship is going to be a hard work I
can feel it. Anyway I have to call my wife. I miss
her. I have to go back to Johannesburg next
week. I don't know how the mood will be like
here at home because it will be after I tell them
about my life in Johannesburg. Anyway I video
called Priscella.
Priscella: Hey !!!
Me: Hey baby I am sorry about earlier. I was in
some Imbizo
Priscella: What is that ?
I cleared my throat then sat up straight.
Me: The Royal house meeting
Her: Oh you're close to royal family there ?
Me: Yes my love
Her: Oh okay I was sad you didn't take my call
but I am glad you came back to me
Me: I am sorry babe how is the business
Priscella: Well everything is running smoothly
babe. My statement helped and now we are
dealing with another problem
Me: What is that ?
Her: We suspect that Brendan had something to
do with that newspaper article
Me: What? Why would that idiot do that ?
Her: The stupid reality show
Me: What ? Does Sonia know about this ?
Her: Nope. I am running an investigation with
Uncle Kobus. We will let her know when
everything is confirmed
Me: Do you guys speak ?
Priscella: Honey I haven't seen her since I kicked
her out of the penthouse. I am not ready to
forgive her. I understand this is not her fault but
that doesn't change the fact that she went and
told them my business at that restaurant
Me: I understand babe
She smiled
Her: I miss you
Me: I miss you too babe. How is my little one?
She brushed her stomach
Her: We just miss you
Me: I will see you guys next week
Her: I can't wait. The penthouse is empty and I
am lonely without you
I saw my door opened. Nomaxabiso walked in
smiling. What the hell is this woman doing here
? Thank God I have earphones on
Me: I know. Let me call you later
Priscella: Okay I love you babe
Me: I love you guys bye
Priscella: Bye
I closed the laptop then looked at Nomaxabiso
Me: You should knock
Nomaxabiso: My king we are getting married
soon. We can't keep doing this. We have to make
little kings
She said attempting to lift her leg jumping to
bed. I stood up.
Me: That's not how things are done here !!!!
I snapped she looked terrified.
Nomaxabiso: I am so...
Me: No I am the one who is sorry. I shouldn't
have raised my voice. I follow our customs. We
can't do anything until we get married. 16
December is not far
Her: You're right my King. I just can't help
Me: I can't help myself too but we have to do this
Her: You can't wait to sleep with me ?
Oh boy . What did i put myself into
Me: Yeah. You're beautiful
She flipped her hair
Me: You should leave now before the Queen find
us together
Her: Yeah besides, I can't act like a girl with no
Me: Exactly
She came to me. She put her hand on my cheek
Her: I cannot believe you're my husband
I was just standing there smiling. Honestly I
cannot wait for her to walk out. This room is
mine and Priscella. She is going to remain
sleeping there.

< Narrated >
In Johannesburg. Still at the shoot venue. We see
Brendan standing with Isaiah. It was just after
Sonia left them. They were standing at parking.
It looks like Brendan don't buy the story they
gave him. He knows Isaiah told Sonia something
or he was gonna tell her something. We see
Brendan just standing looking at Isaiah fuming
with anger. Isaiah was just smiling at him.
Brendan grabbed Isaiah by his shirt, He pushed
him to his car
Brendan: What the hell do you think you're
doing ?
Isaiah: You promised to come through for me
today what was the text you sent me at the shoot
about ? Didn't we have a deal about today?
Brendan: I can't help you today! I explained on
that text!
Isaiah: You can't do that Brendan. Yesterday you
said today now you make more excuses ?
Brendan: That is because We just had a shoot. I
have to be around when the ladies hit the club.
We are celebrating the success of the shoot!
Isaiah pushed Brendan's hand. It was holding
his shirt on his chest.
Isaiah: I hope you're telling the truth
Brendan: You know I am grateful for what you
did for me. I even went to your home bringing
the money you asked for. Why can't you
understand why I can't help you with what you
want ? You know how busy I am now
Isaiah: You owe Me
Isaiah opened the door of his car. He attempted
to walk in, Brendan grabbed his wrist. Isaiah
turned around.
Brendan: What did you say to my wife?
Isaiah: What we told you. I was interviewing
her. Asking her about the father of her children
and their marriage that's it
Brendan smiled then fixed Isaiah's shirt.
Brendan: You're doing a great job Sah
Isaiah: I hate that name. I use it for that app so
please call me Isaiah
Brendan: Okay
Isaiah got in the car. He drove off
Brendan walked back inside. He found Sonia all
dressed up in her jeans ready to leave.
Brendan: Ready to go Sweetheart?
Sonia: Yes honey. Why you took so long?
Brendan: I was settling that idiot's bill. I don't
know why I have to pay him for doing his job as
if I am his publication boss
Sonia: He is going to help us honey so we have to
pay him
Brendan: You're right my wife
Sonia: I think him and I could be great friends. I
need his services. Can you give me his number
Brendan: No!
Sonia's eyes popped out when he snapped.
Brendan smiled
Brendan: I mean. I don't have it. I deleted it the
minute I paid him. Honey I was just using that
guy for the paper we don't need him now
Sonia took her handbag
Sonia: I see
Sonia faked a smile then took her dress and
walked away. Brendan followed her.
Brendan: Honey what did you two talk about ?
Sonia: What he told you
Brendan: That's funny because when i asked
him after you left He gave me an answer
familiar to that you just gave me .... ?
Sonia: That is because it is the truth my love
Brendan smiled. It looks like bit by bit Sonia is
starting to distrust her husband. This cannot be
good for Brendan. He always thinks he has his
wife where he wants her. I wonder why Sonia
wants Isaiah's number ? Does that mean she
believes something is up? Finally someone is
opening her eyes. Let's hope she will get what
she is looking for and be able to handle it.

Back at Seputla Towers. Upstairs Priscella is
watching a movie alone in the upstairs living
room. The poor woman looks lonely. She really
misses her husband. By the look of things
Masixole misses her too and is hoping she might
move to Sdabadabeni. He did mention that his
bedroom is his and Priscella's. I wonder who
will be the CEO? Or maybe Masixole is forgetting
Priscella's responsibilities at home? Anyway we
see Priscella pause the movie then pick up her
phone. It is ringing.
Priscella: Priscella ?
Man: Ma'am I can't find Mr De Villiers on his
phone. He gave me your number in case I can't
get hold of him
Priscella: Alright ?
Man: I saw Isaiah Norman and Mr Brendan
having an altercation at the parking lot after the
shoot .
Priscella stood up and smiled.
Priscella: I wonder what was it about?
Man: I will keep digging ma'am and I will send
you pictures and video of the Altercation
Priscella: Send them on WhatsApp using the
same number okay
Him: Yes ma'am
Priscella: Keep up the good work
Priscella smiled then hung up. It looks like they
are getting somewhere with the investigation.
Downstairs The elevator opened. Mr De Villiers
walked in. We see a maid speaks to Mr De
Villiers. She walks up the stairs leaving Mr De
Villiers sitting on the sofa.
Priscella: Hey
She was speaking to the maid.
Maid: Ma'am Mr Dr Villiers is downstairs
Priscella stood up fast.
Priscella: Alright thank you let's walk down
They walked down. Priscella looked at the maid
Her: Is EJ and Tasha still sleeping?
Maid: I think so because they didn't leave the
Priscella: Okay please bring two glasses and my
juice to the living room
The maid walked to the kitchen.
Priscella: Uncle you're back?
Mr D: I am back. I had a meeting downstairs so I
thought I should come in and tell you what
Priscella sat down
Her: Okay ? I have news too
Mr D: The waitresses said the journalist is a
regular customer of that restaurant but he
hasn't been there in over a month
Priscella: Wow. Your guy called me. He said
outside the photoshoot he saw Brendan and
Isaiah Norman kinda fighting. He said he will
send me a video and pictures
Priscella's phone beeped. She looked at her
phone then at Uncle Kobus
Kobus: Is that him?
Priscella smiled then stood up. She went and sat
next to Uncle Kobus
Priscella: Yes , While I am downloading the
video let's look at the pictures
Kobus: Look? He pinned the boy on the car. That
bastard is a bully !
Priscella: Oh here is the video
They watched the video. They saw from when
Sonia left them. The maid put the two glasses
and Juice on the table.
Priscella: Thank you
Priscella went and took whisky for uncle Kobus.
She went back to sit down. She poured Uncle
Kobus a drink. They continued watching
Priscella: Uncle Sonia looks scared
Kobus: That's what I just noticed. Look They are
looking at her walking away
Priscella: Look at him! Brendan didn't want
Sonia to see the fight. Look at how He grabbed
Isaiah once Sonia disappeared!
Uncle Kobus stood up
Kobus: That bastard!
Priscella put her phone down.
Priscella: Uncle this doesn't mean anything
though. Going to court with This won't help us.
They will say this doesn't prove he paid him to
do this......
Priscella sat down again frustrated
Priscella: They might say maybe he was trying to
defend his wife for the things he wrote about
her and we can't argue with that and you know
that bastard. When we confront him he will say
he was confronting him for what he did. And
this video was taken from far !
Kobus put his hand on his head
Him: You're right Priscella. At least if there was
Me: Exactly! so I think we should hold on to this
information and gather more information to use
against him
Kobus: So you think we should ask the guy to
keep digging ?
Priscella: That is what I said to him
Kobus: Okay but don't you think we should tell
my daughter what we know so far ?
Priscella: Uncle K we can't! Sonia is in love with
that man! She might tell him or explode and say
we are accusing her man of things he didn't do.
Sonia as well is like a judge so far. She will need
a good evidence to be convinced
Kobus smiled
Priscella: What uncle?
Kobus: You were a child just yesterday now you
are smarter than me
Me: Let's just say I know these two more than
you do. I spend more time with them more than
you do. Your daughter don't want anyone to say
anything about her relationship. We have to
show her something she can't even be able to
Kobus: Let's keep each other updated
Priscella: Okay uncle
Uncle Kobus gulped the single whisky. He stood
Kobus: Keep well my dear
Priscella: Bye uncle
Uncle Kobus went to the elevator. He got in then
left. Priscella took her glass. She stood there

< Nontorotyi >
They are not ready for me. I called my sister's
husband. No She did. Sabonkolo called her
husband asking who is at the Royal house.
Apparently the elders are still there. I can't
believe I arrived on time. I thought I missed the
meeting. I am going to the Royal house to do two
things. I am going there to expose the golden
boy. I want to humiliate him and his mother.
They are not ready for me. I want to show
Nomakhosazana that she didn't do well in
raising her child. That boy is a liar. He is not fit
to be a chief. My husband is. My husband has all
the qualities. This boy must go back to where he
has been hiding for the past three years lying to
us. He stayed there three years done with his
studies. How stupid does he think we really are?
I waited for Zwelicacile's call. He didn't call and
that bothers me. Why didn't he call Me? Why
didn't he? This bothers me a lot. I feel like he has
a plan up his sleeve. I hope he doesn't kill me. I
hope I won't die. I hope I am not the person
Zinyovile said The Queen will kill. What if that
boy told his mother and now she is waiting for
I thought first I would go to my house and
change into comfortable clothes. I feel like if I go
home I will find Nomakhosazana at my house
waiting for me. I can't risk being alone from
now on. I will be by my husband's side all the
time. I hope he will be proud of me for what I
am about to do. Anyway I just dropped my sister
at her house.
Sabonkolo: Sis you look disturbed. Is everything
okay ?
I hit the steering wheel. She is standing next to
my car. I am about to leave.
Me: Damn it!!!
Sabonkolo: Sisi talk I have to start with the pots.
Siqalo will come home soon
Me: There is one thing I forgot to ask Zinyovile!
The most important thing I went there for
Sabonkolo: I thought you went there to get this
Me: I also went there to find out what is it that
Nomakhosazana has on The Royal family !
Sabonkolo: How can we forget something so
I looked down. I just know exactly why we
Me: How can you not forget when a secret you
kept for so many years was revealed after I kept
it for 22 years sisi! 22 years!!!
Sabonkolo: Oh sisi. So who is the father of
Me: Hlohlesakhe!!!!
Sabonkolo: SisI!
Me: Sisi what? You don't have to know that! You
don't have to know okay !
Sabonkolo: Let me think about this.........
I don't have time for this. I put the key in. I
started the engine.
She grabbed the door.
Sabonkolo: Remind me. Who were you dating
that time?
I drove off fast. I don't have time for this. She
doesn't have to know. What she knows is
enough. I dialled Zinyovile's number. Her phone
rang. She answered in 4th ring.
Zinyovile: How am I supposed to know?
What the hell? This woman is crazy. I haven't
asked already she is giving me answers ?
Me: Come on Zinyovile I am desperate here.
What did your bones say ?
Zinyovile: I can't tell you
Me: Why!?
So this woman knows and she doesn't want to
tell me ?
Zinyovile: If I tell you I will lose my gift!
What ?
Me: Come on. That's a lie. Just try !
Zinyovile: So If I hear you correctly you say I
must tell you and lose my gift. So you don't care
about what will happen to something that brings
food to my table?
Me: What if you don't lose it?
Zinyovile: What if I do? Who will you go to when
you need help?
She is right. I need her by my side .
Me: You're right. But I hate the fact that I can't
know this. I have to free the Royal house from
Zinyovile: You have something to free the Royal
house from her! I gave you the solution
I smiled
Me: And I am going to make sure she eats it at
breakfast tomorrow
Zinyovile: Bye bye Nontorotyi
I smiled then hung up. I looked at Royal house. I
could see the mansion from a distance.
Me: Bye Zinyovile

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
What must I do to show my love for this family?
I just secured My brother in law's position in the
Royal house. But still he is not satisfied. This has
something to do with whatever he talked about
with that man from the department. He feels
like he has something against the Royal house?
What is wrong with Hlohlesakhe? I always had
his back. I always make sure this man is happy. I
Show him support. One mistake I did was
talking to my sister in law about the car. I feel
like I need to tell everyone why I didn't talk to
my brother in law about this. I think I did
mention that my brother in law wanted a car as
well and he was denied that because he was a
regent. I thought discussing this with him
present will be insensitive of me. So I decided to
do this with his sister. I didn't mean any harm
by that. I don't know why he always thinks I am
or we are doing things behind his back. All we
do here is protect his feelings. I did that because
I didn't want to hurt him. My husband loved
him. He is my husband's little brother and my
husband loved and protected him. I am taking
that role as his sister in law. I am here playing a
role my husband played. Everything I do is to
make sure this family remain the best royal
family around here. I helped create an empire.
We have a business because of me. It was my
idea. I pitched it to my husband but if I would
bring that up now everyone would accuse me of
greed and wanting everything for myself. I
want everyone in this family to benefit from the
family business but It looks like I am dealing
with bunch of ungrateful morons. Why am I
surprised? These people, all of them are from
the village. They don't get enough of anything.
They are ungrateful. They think they are entitled
to everything. I have to put my foot down and
set some rules. I want them to keep saying I am
controlling for a reason this time. I have never
done anything out of the books. I play by the
rules if anyone don't like the rules then they
don't believe here.
Anyway we are all sitting here. Honestly
speaking I am not okay. I am worried. Yes I
heard what Gedleza said but I can't help but
worry. What does my brother in law has that
might hurt me and my sister in law. I stood up.
Nomagampompo stood up as well. She followed
me. I am just going for a refill.
Princess: I am also worried My Queen
I turned around. I looked at her.
Me: What was his exact words?
Princess: That he has the agenda of the meeting
today. and at Dinner he is dropping the bomb
Me: Do you think your brother is capable of
betraying this family?
Princess: I don't know my Queen. But what I
know is my brother is just a toothless dog. He
barks but no bite
I looked at him. He is busy talking with elders
and laughing. Where is My son? People can't sit
here without him. He is the man of this house.
Me: I hear you sisi
Princess: I am her big sister! He can't betray me
Me: He can betray me. Remember I am the one
who talked to you about the car without him
Princess: Betraying the Queen is betraying me!
He knows that
I saw Nomaxabiso and Masixole walking down
Me: Look at them. King and the Queen of the
Princess came closer to me
Princess: Do you think something happened
Masixole went to the elders. Nomaxabiso smiled
and came to us.
Me: So what were you two talking about up
there ?
Nomaxabiso smiled. That smile says something.
Nomaxabiso: We just talked. He says I will be
able to move to his room after the wedding.
Your highness can it be December 16th already
Me: Hihihi go get yourself a drink
Nomaxabiso: Okay my Queen
Princess looked at me
Her: Does the king know she is older than him?
Me: There are so many things that turn my son
off about her. Can you believe she didn't go to
college because her family prepared her to
marry to a chief?
Princess: Tell me she didn't say that to
Me: She di.....
" Aaaaah! Zwelicacile! " That was Nontorotyi at
the door. This is done by men to the chief. There
is no woman who does that. Women are not
allowed to.
Me: That the hell!?
I said going to her fuming with anger, My sister
in law held me back. Nontorotyi is drunk. She
looked at me
Nontorotyi: Hell is where you're going
Hlohlesakhe jumped up. I had my right hand on
my chest. I can't believe she just said that to me .
Hlohlesakhe: Nontorityi!!!!
Nontorotyi: Oh shut up! Shut up my love. Let me
stand up for you for once! let me deal with these
She said pointing at everyone in the room. I put
my glass on the table. Things are about to get
dirty in this house. I saw the elders stand up
Nontorotyi: Everyone sit down! Zwelicacile here
has a lot to tell us!
Me: Oh My God
I didn't say that loud. I said between my lips
nervous. This woman knows this
Ngejiwe: Mama please don't do this!
Nontorotyi gave her daughter the look. Ngejiwe
sat down scared. Nontorotyi looked at
Nontorotyi: I asked you to call me in the
morning you didn't call me
Me: What is She talking about son?
Zwelicacile: Nothing mom! I don't know what
she is talking abou.....
Nontorotyi: Your son here finished his studies 4
years go! He started working three years ago !
Everyone looked shocked by these allegations. I
will act shocked as well. I didn't find time to tell
my sister in law. I don't want her to turn on me
as well. Zwelicacile stood up
Zwelicacile: She is lying! I was doing my
honours. I just finished! Believe me guys! Aunt
Nontorotyi is a liar!
Nontorotyi threw papers on the table.
Nontorotyi: Read for yourselves ! This boy
cannot be a chief of this village! He is already
married to a woman who is pregnant right now!
Oh my God. I put my hand on my mouth
I didn't know this one. So Her PI found out the
girl is pregnant but he didn't find out they are
divorced. Mine didn't find out she is pregnant.
This is a mess
Zwelicacile: You have to believe me! She is lying
all this is a lie ! I am not married mom believe
Hlohlesakhe: This is in black and white. Are you
saying this is a lie?
Me: Yes!
Everyone looked at me.
Me: I believe my son ! He is telling the truth. He
is not married!
Zwelicacile: Thank you mom You're the only
person who knows me here
Nontorotyi: Everyone look at your Queen! she is
showing her true colours!!!
Me: How about we call home affairs and
Nontorotyi: Let's do that but today it's Saturday.
We ca....
Me: We can! I know people
I went next to the elders. I made a phone call
and put it on speaker. Nontorotyi put her hands
on her waist. She is so confident.
Person: Judge Nomakhosazana
Me: I need your help. I know you're the only one
who can help me with This information today
Person: Yes?
Me: I want to know someone's marital status. Do
you have access to the Home affairs system?
Her: Yes let me go to my study
He is smiling but I can see he is nervous. I swear
I hate him right now. How can he put me
through this ?
Person: Yes what is the name ?
Me: Before I do that. You should know that I am
in a family meeting so we don't want to waste
time. The only answer we are looking for is yes
or no from the question I am about to ask
Person: O-kay ..... ?
Everyone looked at me. I know why I don't want
explanation. What if she talks about the divorce
Me: Is Masixole Ndengana married. Yes or no
Everyone was impatiently waiting to hear her
Person: No.
Me: Thank you for your time
I hung up. Everyone looked at Nontorotyi. She
looked at them then at her daughter. I saw
Ngejiwe shaking her head no. I looked at her She
smiled. Little traitor! She did this!
Nontorotyi: But my source was so sure
Zwelicacile: Why didn't you ask yourself why I
didn't contact you?
Zwelicacile: I didn't bother calling you because I
knew this was all lies!
Nontorotyi: But she was so sure!
Hlohlesakhe: Who gave you this information?
Nontorotyi folded her arms on her chest.
Nontorotyi: All I was doing was try and help you
my chief! I did this for you !
Hlohlesakhe: I didn't ask you to do that !
Nontorotyi: My chief I don't want you to lose
your Chieftaincy. You're a good chief
Elder1: Nontorotyi if you were here today you'd
know that people from Bisho came to make him
the chief. Your husband is our chief now. A
permanent chief. Stop this fighting!
Nontorotyi: What !? Why didn't anyone tell me
She ran to her husband and hugged him. I
looked at Zwelicacile
Me: Since no one is apologising to my son for all
these false allegations. I will go apologise to my
son in private lets go son !
Nontorotyi let go of her man. She turned around
and looked at my son
Nontorotyi: Oh Zwelicacile I am rea....
Me: Shut your stinky mouth!!!!
Nontorotyi: I understand how you must be
feeling Judge
She looked at her husband.
Nontorotyi: When are we kicking them out?
I shook my head walking to my study. Dream
on! I opened the door and got in. I went straight
to my desk and put both my hands on my desk
Zwelicacile walked in and closed the door.
Zwelicacile: Mom can you believe the lies she
I turned around and gave my son the hottest
slap on his face, He fell on the floor then put his
hand where I slapped her
Zwelicacile: What was that my Quee....?
I slowly walked to him.
Me: I know everything!
He sat up straight on the floor
Him: Mom?
Me: The graduation?
Zwelicacile: I can explain.........
Me: Another woman was there accompanying
you Dammit!!!
Zwelicacile: I am so sor......
I kicked his ribs repeatedly crying, He lied down.
I knelt down on top of him
Me: The Divorce that happened a few days ago
after I gave you a call?
Zwelicacile: Mom I can ex....
Me:The baby that slut is carrying in her belly
right now !!!
Zwelicacile: Ndixolele mama. please forgive me




< Narrated >
Still at Study. Judge Nomakhosazana is now
sitting on a chair. It was quiet. Zwelicacile was
on the floor sitting looking at his mother
apologising. Judge Nomakhosazana was angry
and crying. She has been holding this anger
inside. She did a great job at pretending. She is
furious because she missed her son's
graduation. In Those document there was
photos as well. She saw a photo of Priscella, Mrs
Refilwe and Masoxile at his graduation. That is
what making her angry. She couldn't see her son
graduate, Another woman was there for her son.
She thought she was a good mother to her son.
She is failing to understand why he did the
things he did to her.
Zwelicacile: I am sorry mom. I lived with this
guilt so many years. It got worse when I started
lying after I graduated
The Queen stood up
Nomakhosazana: Was I a bad mother to you ?
Zwelicacile stood up.
Him: No mom. You're a great mom that is why I
felt so bad
Nomakhosazana looked up
Nomakhosazana: You're not the boy I was proud
of. You changed I don't know you anymore!
Zwelicacile: Trust me I know mom and I regret it
The Queen turned around
Her: You regret nothing Masixole! Nothing!!!
Zwelicacile: I really do mom trus......
Nomakhosazana: You've been lying to my face. I
gave you a chance to tell me the truth you didn't!
I asked about your friends. I asked if they knew
about where you come from you lied to my face
Zwelicacile: I am so......
A soft knock came at the door. The Queen looked
at the door. The door opened. The princess
walked in
Princess: Is everything okay ?
Nomakhosazana: Ask your nephew!
Princess: Zwelicacile?
The Queen looked at him.
Nomakhosazana: Tell your aunt everything and
I want you to tell her everything and leave
nothing! Do you hear me?
Zwelicacile: Okay mom
Queen Nomakhosazana walked out leaving
Princess Nomagampompo confused. The Queen
got to the living room and found Nomaxabiso
and the kids
Nomakhosazana: Where is Everyone?
Nomaxabiso stood up .
Nomaxabiso: They were upset my Queen. They
Nomakhosazana: Even The chief and his wife ?
Nomaxabiso: Yes my Queen is my King okay ?
The Queen looked at Study
Her: Your King is just fine My dear
Nomaxabiso smiled looking at study. The Queen
went and poured herself a drink.
King Zwelicacile has no choice but to come
clean. He didn't see this coming. It pains him to
see his mother so disappointed in him. His plan
was to tell The Queen before she finds out the
way she did. What he feared came through now
he has to live with the consequences of his
actions. He knows his punishment won't be too
nice. Those kicks were just a start. There is more
beating coming and it doesn't have to be
physical. He knows his mother more than
anyone and that is one of the reasons He was
scared to tell her.
Anyway he was with Princess Nomagampompo
at Study. He was telling her everything. Princess
was shocked but she didn't want to make things
worse. She knows exactly what happened. She
knows King Zwelicacile didn't just sit at that
floor. He was knocked down.
Princess: I can't believe the things you just told
Zwelicacile: Auntie it's true I was married when
mom called. I had to divorce her and come
home. I stayed there because I wasn't ready for
this but clearly I couldn't run away forever
Princess: Did you tell this woman ?
Zwelicacile: I haven't told her
He stood up and walked around.
Zwelicacile: I came up with another lie. A lie I
might pay for when she finds out
Zwelicacile looked at his aunt
Zwelicacile: Auntie I love her
Princess: Don't say that!
Zwelicacile: But it is the truth! I love her!
Princess: You can never love a commoner. Look
at Nontorotyi ! We can't have people like that
ever again in this house !
Zwelicacile: She is nothing like her. She is a good
Princess: She is not royalty my boy
Zwelicacile: Aunt I have to marry her first. She
has to be my first wife I can........
The door opened. The Queen walked back in
Nomakhosazana: You're going to marry
Nomaxabiso Zidenge and you're going to give
her a baby before your wedding day!
Masixole: What ?
Nomakhosazana: She has to be pregnant !
Zwelicacile: What !?
Nomakhosazana: You heard me! Tonight you're
going invite her to your room. That is the
punishment you get for betraying your family
Zwelicacile put his hands on his head
Him: This is the reason I never wanted to come
back home!
Nomakhosazana: You're royalty. You can't run
away from it
Zwelicacile looked at the Queen
Zwelicacile: I beg you guys. I am a COO of that
company. I have to go back and finalise things
before my wedding. Please let me leave I will be
back when I am about to get married
Princess Nomagampompo looked at The Queen
Zwelicacile: Please mom! I can't leave things the
way I did. I need to help them find a
replacement. Resign and all that
Princess: I think we should let him go do that
The Queen looked at him
Nomakhosazana: Tonight , Tomorrow and
monday you have to sleep with your fiancé. You
can only leave Tuesday
Zwelicacile: Thank you. But mom you can't
expect her to get pregnant in three day
Nomakhosazana: Getting someone pregnant
takes a second. I know you're a liar now. So I
will have to go talk to the Royal healer and
confirm if you really slept with her !
Zwelicacile: Confirm if I am having sex with
Nomakhosazana: Yes Masixole! That woman is
your wife! Your first wife!
Zwelicacile: Okay fine
The Queen looked at Nomagampompo
Nomakhosazana: Your brother and his wife are
not there anymore did they say something?
Princess: He said he will see us at breakfast
Nomakhosazana: It looks like they enjoy eating
our food. I doubt if they cook all they do is
discuss my family!
The Queen walked out. She found Nomaxabiso
alone sitting.
Nomakhosazana: You and King Zwelicacile will
be spending the night together tonight
Nomaxabiso: He wants to spend a night with me
Nomakhosazana: Yes dear
Nomaxabiso: What is expecte......
Nomakhosazana: Just look sexy! lingerie and
wear a perfum
The Queen walked up the stairs. Nomaxabiso
Nomaxabiso: Yes!
Her phone rang She looked around then ran to
the study. She answered
Nomaxabiso: I thought you forgot
Nontorotyi: I got the poison let's meet later
tonight. I want you to wake up and help with
breakfast tomorrow
Nomaxabiso: Don't give me all the details. What
will you say when I am there ?
Nontorotyi: When I buzz you Please leave the
Royal house and meet me at the abandoned
house behind the mansion
Nomaxabiso: Okay
She hung up and smiled.
< Isaiah Norman >
I am a journalist. I don't lie and say I am a good
journalist, Well I am good but I do a lot of
unholy things to get information and I guess that
is what makes me Good and my publication
succeed. Brendan gave me a scoop on his wife.
He asked me to send a photographer to a
restaurant they were gonna meet her at, So
because I was far I was able to send a
photographer to take pictures. The story was
given to me by Brendan. He told me everything
that meeting was about. Desperation make
people do a lot of bad things to others and they
don't see they are wrong as long as they achieve
what they want to achieve. I get the pressure
Brendan is under. He pitched for this show and
it was given to him and he was told to start
shooting immediately so He had to make things
happen and unfortunately he had to use his
poor wife. I feel really bad for the woman. She
doesn't know the kinda man She is married to.
By the way he did deliver on our deal. I thought
He would take days or even weeks after our chat
earlier but I was wrong because he called and
we had to do the job. I can't tell you what job it is
as in now. It's a story for another day.
Anyway I am at a restaurant. The same
restaurant they were having meeting at. I just
came to get a takeaway then go home. I just
made my order. I am sitting waiting for my
order. I need to call Brendan and thank him. I
think approaching his wife scared him. He came
to his senses now I know what to do to make
him do what I want.
Brendan: Isaiah
Me: Hello, I just wanted to apologize for what I
almost did....
Brendan: Well at least this afternoon I gave you
what you want.
Me: You did. That is why I am calling to
apologise. It won't happen again I promise and
thank you for this afternoon
Brendan: No problem. It's the least I could do
Me: But still I......
Brendan: I just got into a party. Can we talk
another time ?
Me: Sure
He hung up. I saw someone put their hand on
my table. I slowly looked up to see who they are.
Oh no
Me: Ms De Villiers
Sonia: Hi
Me: What are you doing here ?
Sonia: I am getting a cake my husband ordered
here. I am heading to the party down town
Me: Oh I see
She sat down. I stood up
Sonia: Please sit. I want us to finish that
conversation we were having before my
husband interrupted us
Me: I said all I wanted to say
Sonia: Come on You know something my
husband did. That Is why you were warning me
about him
Me: This is ridiculous let me go .....
I attempted to walk away She grabbed me. I
looked at her
Sonia: My husband is already at that party. I am
heading there Please tell me
I smiled
Me: I wanted to see if you trusted your husband
but clearly you don't
Sonia: I don't believe you
Me: Your husband told me you suspect him so I
wanted to see if you really don't trust him and I
saw that. If you don't want me to write about the
mistrust I suggest you let go of my wrist and let
me go
Sonia: Before I let you go, I want you to know
that I trust my husband. I just wanted to know
what you know
Me: If you say so. Your husband is a good man.
Stop doubting him you will lose him forever and
I am sure you don't want that
I faked a smile the walked Way. I heard her
heels. She is running after me. I turned around
Her: Can you not tell my husband about this
Me: I won't tell him don't worry. Just keep loving
Her: Thank you
She went to pay for her order. Poor woman. It's
not my place to say anything. She will find out
when the time is right. Everything has a way of
coming out.

< Nontorotyi >
I acted like a fool. I regret going off like that at
the Royal house. This could ruin me. I acted like
a fool in front of the elders. I embarrassed my
husband. If I knew my husband was not losing
the chieftaincy I wouldn't have done this. I feel
bad for Zwelicacile. I don't hate him. I have
nothing against him. I just hate his mother. I
didn't mean to cause him no harm but it was the
only way to make sure that throne is my
husband's chair. I didn't want things to end like
this. He pushed me. He left me no choice. I don't
know I wish he told me this was all lies. Anyway
where did my stupid daughter get all her
information? Who lied to her. How can she give
me information that is not even verified. I will
never hear the end of this! I will always be
reminded of my behavior.
Earlier I decided to go buy myself something
that was going to work fast and make me drunk
and it did exactly that. But it didn't take long for
me to get sober. When I was told Zwelicacile is
not married I was ashamed. I was embarrassed
for acting like a fool. I am so scared to go to the
Royal house now. The only time I will go there
will be when we are called announcing that
Nomakhosazana is dead. When she is dead.
Those people are moving out of the mansion.
That mansion will belong to us.
Anyway I tried apologising to my husband. He
was mad at first but he forgave me. I don't think
be did. I guess sometimes he let me have it my
way to avoid arguing. Maybe I am too much.
Anyway I waited for my husband to go to our
room. I need to have a talk with my daughter.
Ngejiwe: I know I am young mom but sometimes
you should listen when I say don't do something.
Did you see how scared Zwelicacile was ?
I looked at her
Me: Who gave you this false information!?
Ngejiwe: Mom I wish I could explain it to you
but I can't. I know if I do you will have another
thing to hold over Zwelicacile's head
Me: So there is more to the story ?
Ngejiwe: Mom you got what you wanted! You're
the chief's wife why can't you just be happy !
Me: Don't raise your voice at me little girl! I do
everything I d.....
Ngejiwe: Maybe you should stop with your
excuse now! it's old mom! Every time you mess
up you hide behind doing everything you do for
us! You're going to be banned from this village if
you don't stop acting craz.....
I slapped her so hard on her first
Me: Don't you ever call me crazy again! You're
always the reason for my almost failure!
She wiped her tears
Ngejiwe: What does that mean? What are you
talking about mom?
I looked away
Me: Apologize to me for calling me crazy
She didn't say anything. She was sniffing behind
me. I turned around.
Me: Or you want me to tell your father?
Ngejiwe: I am sorry mom
I smiled then kissed her cheek
Me: I am sorry for slapping your pretty little face
I looked away. My daughter better be nice to me.
First I almost never married the Prince because
I got pregnant with her. Because I loved her. I
had to get married to the Prince so she could
have a better future now she is on her way to
become a lawyer. Just few hours ago. I spared
her life. I was told I should kill her first before
killing the queen I chose to save her life. Even
though that was one of Zinyovile's games I did
save her life. She must be nice to me and
understand that everything I do I do it for her ,
Her father and her sisters. Anyway I heard the
bedroom door closes. We looked at the
bedrooms. I saw my husband coming to us .
Me: Hey my love
Hlohlesakhe: Hey my love
I went to him smiling.
Me: So what are your future plans? I hear you
didn't seem happy with This. I thought this was
what we wanted ?
Hlohlesakhe: It was but not anymore
He walked away smiling
Me: What do you mean my love ?
I ran after him. Is this man crazy? This is a
golden opportunity.
Hlohlesakhe: I mean exactly that my love
I grabbed his arm. He turned around.
Me: I will not stop with my sneaky ways if you
don't tell me about your plan my chief
Ngejiwe: Dad I think you should tell her before
we get banned because of her
My husband looked at Ngejiwe
Hlohlesakhe: You're right sweetheart
He looked at me. I have never seen My man like
this. I love this conniving new character. I feel
like I am finally with my husband.
Hlohlesakhe: My brother was a chief. The
Chieftaincy is Zwelicacile's not mine. It is his
birth right
Okay I think I complimented him too soon. This
is rubbish. What is he talking about now?
Me: My love you can't give it to him. They gave it
to you! The people from department saw your
Ngejiwe cleared her throat. I looked at her
Ngejiwe: It was not them
Me: What are you talking about?
Ngejiwe: It was The Queen who requested this
Me: No! Not that woman! I don't buy it
Hlohlesakhe: Our daughter is telling you the
truth my dear
What ? Judge Nomakhosazana made this
decision? No someone must tell Me something.
What am I missing here?
Me: Then why don't you take the Chieftaincy my
love ?
Hlohlesakhe: Because I want more
Me: I like the sound of that but what more can
they offer you my love ?
Hlohlesakhe: What they offered Zwelicacile
That vicious woman. I knew she had something
up her sleeves. Talk about a greedy power
hungry woman. I won't say anything more. My
husband must explain. I am behind him every
step of the way
Hlohlesakhe: What they gave him is way better
than this Chieftaincy
Me: I don't understand ?
Him: In January he will be ordained as The King.
He will be paid more than me. That is why I
want to fight for this. I want to take his position.
This throne was his from the beginning. They
should've given Me what they gave him
I went to him.I fixed his blazer
Me: Are you ready to take them to court my love
He smiled at me
Him: The thing is my love.....
He chuckled
Hlohlesakhe: It won't get to that
He lost me right there. He must explain to me
Him: They won't fight me. No matter how hard it
will be for them but they will have no choice but
to do as I say........They will hand it to me without
a fight my love
Me: My love The Queen fights for everything
with everything. What makes you so sure that
she won't fight you ?
He looked at Royal house. I was behind him.
Him: I know what I know
I hugged him from behind.
Me: In that case......
I looked at my daughter
I can see my daughter is worried. She has
nothing to worry about. What I always wanted
is happening. My husband is back. I don't know
what Zinyovile did but I love it. I kissed my
husband's neck
Me: ......Welcome back my husband




< Judge Nomakhosazana >
I was very patient with this boy. I thought
maybe he did all he did because he was not
around me. I thought when he got here the first
thing he'd do would be coming clean to his
mother about everything. I didn't think he
would lie to me. Isn't two days enough for
someone to come clean if they were planning to?
This boy is not sleeping with Nomaxabiso. He
would've called me to his room or come to me
and tell me. He didn't do that. He kept lying to
me. I never laid my hand on my son. I never
beat him before. I can't believe I started now.
When he is an old man who can make a woman
pregnant. When he is a respected important
person all over the Pondoland surrounding
towns. His punishment will be sleeping with his
wife. I was willing to wait for him to be the one
asking her to join him in the bedroom. Now that
I see he doesn't love her this is the best
punishment. I will make him do something he
doesn't want to do.
Anyway it's just after 7pm. I am in my room
about to sleep. I heard a knock at the door.
Me: Come in!
The door opened. Nomagampompo walked in
with Zwelicacile.
Nomagampompo: I am sorry my Queen we need
to finish this tonight then focus on other things
I exhaled
Me: I said everything I wanted to say to that boy
Princess Nomagampompo looked at him. She
asked him to sit. He sat on a couch below my
Nomagampompo: Well my Queen I have
questions for the King and I want to ask with
you present
I sat up straight. I didn't say anything. I have
nothing to say to Zwelicacile.
Princess: King Zwelicacile tell us about the
Johannesburg girl
He smiled. He looked at me then at
Him: She is beautiful. She is educated. A CEO of
a mine company. Her family own that mine....
Looks like she comes from a wealthy family.
Poor girl. She doesn't know what she put herself
into but I must say. Her WEALTH don't shake me
or my family. Things will be done by the book.
The Royal family book.
Zwelicacile: They took me after varsity. I did my
internship there. I grew, They hired me. I
travelled the world attending business meetings.
I grew to love my job. And I was in love with
her. I couldn't go home leaving her.....
Princess: So what were you doing there? I mean
your position in the mine ?
Zwelicacile: I am a COO of that company. She
and I make decisions together and I must say we
make a great team
Princess: So you're divorced. Why did you get
divorced ?
Zwelicacile: Because I was coming home. I knew
I was coming here to get married so I didn't
want you guys to know I am married
Me: So she doesn't know the reason why you
Him: A lot of people don't like us together. They
don't trust me. They suspected me more when I
wanted to marry at Home Affairs. They think I
have a lot to hide so because of that. I said to her
we should divorce and do things right
Princess: So she knows nothing about your life
Me: She knows him as an orphan. I don't exist to
my son!
Zwelicacile: I am sorry ma
Princess: Do you know the gender of the child
she is carrying ?
Zwelicacile: Not yet but I think it's a boy that is
why I want to marry her first
I jumped off bed.
Me: No commoner will be the first wife of my
son !
Zwelicacile: But she was my first wife mom
Me: Do You want me to call Imbizo and tell the
entire village and the surrounding villages that
you're a divorcee?
Zwelicacile: Of course not mom !
Me: On the 16th of December you will be
marrying your first wife ! The Royal wife do you
hear me ?
Zwelicacile: Yes my Queen
I looked at my sister in law .
Princess: You need to tell your girlfriend. I am
afraid you have to end your relationship with
her then after you are married you can come to
us and ask to take a the second wife
Zwelicacile: But I can't tell her now. I have to
wait for her to give birth. What if she gets upset
and lose my child?
Me: What if the evening after your wedding she
watches the news and see the King of Pondoland
get married to another woman. What will
happen then? Do you think her child will be safe
He stood up
Zwelicacile: I didn't think of that
Princess: You need to go to Gauteng to resign
and tell that girl about who you really are
Zwelicacile: I will go park.....
Me: Hey not so fast!
I looked at Nomagampompo. I can see she seems
lost .
Me: He and I had a deal.....
Princess Nomagampompo looked at him
Princess: What was the deal?
He looked down.
Me: This disgraceful boy has to sleep with
Nomaxabiso tonight! Tomorrow and Monday.
Then Tuesday he can go to Johannesburg. We
have to try for this baby sooner than later. That
Chieftaincy don't belong to the last born of this
family! That Chieftaincy belongs to the first born
son of my son
Zwelicacile: What if Priscella's child is a boy and
will be born out of wedlock don't you think
Me: If Priscella's baby is a boy. 16th December
you're marrying two women at the same time
Princess: What about the Zidenge family ? Don't
you think they will feel betrayed and start was
with us?
Me: The contract said they will marry their
daughter to the Ndengana chief and that will be
happening December 16th. I know the law! I am
the law. Contract always helps to defend you
trust me sisi
Princess: And nothing said he shouldn't have a
second wife
Me: Exactly!
Zwelicacile: Thank you. I know I don't deserve
this but thank you
Me: Before you get excited.......
Zwelicacile swallowed switch nothing
Me: You should know that if she is carrying a
baby girl you're marrying one woman come
December 16th
Zwelicacile: Okay my Queen
He walked out.
Princess: This has to stay between us
Me: Yeah..... Nomaxabiso has a few loose screws
in her head. She can't know this, at least not now
Princess: I agree. Now we have to worry about
I got to bed I lied my head on the pillow
Me: Ancestors better deal with your brother
before I deal with him
Me: Close the door on your way out
Princess: My Queen
She walked out and closed the door.

~ Hlohlesakhe ~
Where am i ? How did I get here? I am walking
in a dark place. I can't see a little bit of light.
What is going on. I am walking barefoot. I can
tell I am walking on leaves. It looks like I am at
the forest the question is, how did I get here ? I
started touching around hoping that I might at
least touch a tree. I couldn't reach anything. This
is an open space but where did the leaves fall
Me: Where am I ?
How did I get here? Am I kidnapped. if I am then
why am I not tied up. Maybe I am losing my
mind. What have I done? I started praying
Me: Father God! father God what is happening to
me ?
I saw a light.
Thank God! Maybe I am reaching the end of this
forest What kinda forest that has no trees?
Anyway I ran. When i got to the light, I found a
Chair. It wasn't any chair. It was a throne.
What is going on? Is this the sign that the
Chieftaincy belongs to me ? I walked to the
throne. I got to it. I attempted to sit on it I fell
down so hard. So this wasn't a throne? While I
was lying there. I saw my father standing on top
of me. He had his right hand hidden behind him.
He was not wearing anything. All he had on was
a piece of clothing covering his private part but
only the front
Me: Ahhhh Dubulingqanga
That is my father's name. I was saluting him
while lying on the floor looking up at him. He
didn't look happy at all. He finally revealed what
was behind him. He raised a sword
Me: Father?
He aimed straight at my heart. I was crying
begging him not to stab me. I was trying by all
means to stand up but my body was failing me.
The sword was in his hand. It was few inches
away from cutting my chest open.
Father: You ungrateful son of a bitch
He stabbed my chest. I jumped up
Ngejiwe: Father! father! father!
I stood up breathing heavily.
Me: It was a dream?
Ngejiwe: Yes dad. It's just after 8pm how can you
have a dream so early? I heard you cry from my
room. What was the dream about?
Ngejiwe: Dad are you okay ?
I looked at her.
Me: Yes sweetheart go to bed
Ngejiwe: Okay
She walked out. I looked next to me. Where is
Nontorotyi? I looked at the time. It was 8:28pm
Me: Maybe she is taking a shower
I stood up. I went to the kitchen. I poured myself
water. I can't ignore what happened. I am
upsetting my ancestors. I don't know what my
father was trying to say. Falling when I was
trying to sit on the throne shows that Maybe I
don't belong there? But when he said I am
Me: Father what were you trying to say ..... ?
" That you were given something very
important. A great opportunity that you don't
even deserve " Said a voice behind me I quickly
turned around
Me: Gedleza how did you get in here ?
Gedleza: You're already given the chieftaincy
instead of being grateful you disrespect the
Me: How did I do that ? I accepted it at Imbizo
Gedleza: My chief the ancestors know what you
think. They know you don't want the Chieftaincy
I looked down
Gedleza: They know you want what you cannot
Me: But my brother was a chief. Zwelicacile
Gedleza: Accept the offer or someone else will
take it
Me: Who is that?
Gedleza smiled. He started walking around
singing a song that can only be heard by himself,
I am saying that because he was dancing his
mouth moving. He turned around and looked at
Gedleza: A child who was always hungry. A
child who never stopped eating when she was
growing up
I am confused.... What is he talking about. He
looked at me
Gedleza: That child is still hungry till this day
Gedleza started dancing singing a song
Gedleza: Mama ndilambile! Mama Mama mama
He danced singing this " Mama I am hungry;
Mama mama mama I am hungry song " After
some time. He vanished
Me: Gedleza?
I kept looking around. Where is this man ?
Anyway Mama ndilambile.......? My eyes
widened when I remembered
Me: Nomagampompo?
She could become the chief? oh no! I won't let
that happen. I heard the shower. My wife is

~ Tasha ~
I am Tasha. I am EJ's girlfriend. The thing I love
most about being his girlfriend is the fact that all
eyes are on me. All girls are jealous of me. They
hate me for having him. I like that. I love when
so many girls hate me. I experienced that in high
school. I was the prettiest and the smartest. That
made every girl hate me. Whenever I answered
a question in class you'd see every girl rolling
their eyes. I grew to enjoy it. There is nothing I
enjoy more than hurting someone who will do
nothing to me for doing it. Tonight I am at this
party. We are at VIP rolling with Celebrities.
That makes me love Elton more. I get to chill
with people I never thought I would chill with.
Anyway It's just after 10pm. I haven't seen any
familiar face yet. I am hoping I will see one
soon. Elton is still shooting his reality show. So
we are followed by Camera's and by the way
Sunday night the first episode appears on tv. I
am loving my life right now. I need to grab every
opportunity I get. I am doing broadcasting so
being around these people will help me get
connections in this industry. Believe me, In this
industry you won't get anywhere without
connection. It doesn't matter if you're talented
or not. You have to know people. And I know EJ
is going places and with him by my side i know
he won't go to the top without me. I am going up
with him. Don't take me wrong I know this
might sound like I am using him no I don't. I
love him but I am not blind. I see the
opportunities he could bring me. Anyway
speaking of him, He has been drinking non stop.
I can't drink too much. I have to see people come
in. I saw EJ stands up
Me: Where are you going baby?
Elton: I am going to that bastard who wrote
bullshit about My sister
I looked where he was pointing. He is talking
about Isaiah Norman, One of the best journalists
when it comes to celebrity gossip. He can't do
this. I grabbed his wrist. I pulled him. He fell on
top of me. By the way this Isaiah was looking at
us. Then stopped when we looked at him. I hope
he didn't see something I kinda did earlier.
Me: Baby you're drunk and if you're going to
start a fight you will get kicked out and you don't
want that
Elton: I come here every weekend spending
money they can't do that !
Me: Baby A lot of rich people come here. The
bouncers are hired to take out people who start
causing trouble. If you do they will kick you out
and it doesn't matter how much you spend here
He attempted to stand up
Elton: Fine ! I need another dri.....
He fell on the couch and closed his eyes. He is
causing a scene. I feel embarrassed now. I stood
up and walked away. Maybe sleeping will help
him sober up. I haven't seen him drink like this.
" Hey ! hey hello! " I heard someone calling me. I
turned around
My celebrity crush is here and he is calling me.
It's Hungani. He is with two girls. I smiled then
went to them.
Me: Hi
The girls rolled their eyes
Hungani: I saw you at Seputla Towers right ?
Me: Yes you did. I was there
Hungani: What did Elton drink it looks like he
drank a lot
Me: I don't know. We were shooting his show. I
guess he got too excited
Girl1: He is your boyfriend?
I looked at her then at Hungani
Me: No, I am single
Girl2: You were all over each other. Is he fucking
you then ?
The girls laughed.
Me: No, I am not like you. I don't get fucked. I am
a girlfriend material and I think Hungani is my
next boyfriend
Hungani took his drink and sipped
Girl1: Okay you can go!
Me: I am not going anywhere, on the
I chuckled
Me: I am going to sit right here....
I said biting my lower lip flirting with Hungani.
Girl2: Who the hell to you think you are ?
Me: A girl who can offer what you cannot offer
Girl1: I am not going to be insulted by this girl !
She ran to me. Hungani stopped her then looked
at me.
Hungani: What can you possible offer me that
my girls cannot?
I went to him. I whispered in his ear then looked
at his face checking his reaction
Me: Do you want me to leave ?
Hungani looked at the girls
Hungani: Girls it was nice while........
Girl2: The fuck! ? are you dumping us for this
short piece of work! She is ugly
Hungani: Don't cause a scene ladies! I will see
you around
They took their handbags and glasses and
walked away furious. I looked at Hungani

~ Narrated ~
Behind the Royal mansion. We see Nomaxabiso
walking to the abandoned Rondavels. She kept
turning and turning. She looked scared because
it was dark. She stopped walking and made a
phone call.
Nontorotyi: Come inside! I am waiting
Nomaxabiso chuckled.
Nomaxabiso: After what you did to my husband
I don't trust you! so you come out!
Nontorotyi: Zidenge come inside before you piss
me off!
Nomaxabiso looked around.
Nomaxabiso: You know that is just a surname
right ? That doesn't mean I am crazy! come out
or I leave
Nontorotyi: Eish...... ( Tu tu tu tu )
Nontorotyi hung up. Nomaxabiso smiled. She
knew she was coming out. Indeed she walked
Nontorotyi: Are you crazy? What if we get
caught or someone hears us talking ?
Nomaxabiso: I would rather be caught than be
with you in a dark house. I don't trust you!
Nontorotyi clicked her talk. She got to
Nontorotyi: Listen here......
Nomaxabiso: Before you say anything give me
the poison
Nontorotyi: Why?
Nomaxabiso: You are going to give it to me
anyway. What's up with Questions? I have to
leave before I get caught
Nontorotyi: Yeah you're right
Nontorotyi looked around. She took out the
poison. She gave it to Nomaxabiso. Nomaxabiso
put it in her pocket
Nontorotyi: Great! now liste.....
Nomaxabiso: No ! you listen here Nontorotyi!
Nontorotyi: Excuse me ?
Nomaxabiso: The reason I agreed to do this was
because I could see that you want to take over!
So I thought what can I do to Neutralise this
Nontorotyi: Neutralise me?
Nomaxabiso laughed.
Her: Yes! I had to have something on you that
will make you leave my family alone !
Nontorotyi: You bitch used me !
Nontorotyi said fuming going to her
Nomaxabiso: Before you lay your hand on me
just know one thing first......
Nontorotyi stopped. She was angry breathing
fire. She couldn't believe Nomaxabiso betrayed
Nomaxabiso: Once you throw a punch I will
fight back
Nomaxabiso: and you don't want the royal
house security guard come here and find us
fighting because you won't like the answer
when the Royal house asks why we were
Nontorotyi: You used me! I will deny everything
you bitch!
Nomaxabiso: I thought about that My Queen
Nomaxabiso: That is why I made sure all the
minutes of our little meeting at your house were
Nontorotyi ran to Nomaxabiso
Nontorotyi: You bitch
Nomaxabiso moved back.
Nomaxabiso: Touch me I swear i will scream!
They were doing all this whispering
Nontorotyi: How could you ?
Nomaxabiso: Few days living at the Royal house
I learnt a few things. One , In order to be in
Queen's good books, you must respect
everything she says. She made me see the
importance of family ! but you my dear
Nontorotyi: I thought we were friends!
Nomaxabiso: I thought so too until you
humiliated my husband in front of everyone!
The elders!!!
Nontorotyi: He is a king now! why ar.......
Nomaxabiso: Before you interrupted me i was
telling you about the importance of family.
Family is loyal to one another. That is what I
was taught growing up but you wouldn't know
that now would you?
Nontorotyi: I swear! I will get you !
Nomaxabiso: You're not royalty! you need to
respect us! All the information I have on you
will protect the Queen from you! and the Royal
house! From right this moment! no word will
come out of your mouth at our meetings
Nontorotyi: You traitor !
Nomaxabiso: One last thing, If you think of
doing anything crazy to me.....
Nontorotyi: You will pay for this!
Nomaxabiso: NdinguMntwane gazi. Izinyanya
zam zihlele zinam ngalolonke ixesha
She said that then walked away. She was
basically saying she has royal blood running in
her veins. The ancestors are always with her all
the time. Nontorotyi was left crying standing
there alone.
Nontorotyi: I thought she was stupid! How could
I be such a fool?
She wiped her tears. She dialled a number
Zinyovile: Nontorotyi I am sleeping !
Nontorotyi: Why didn't you warn me about her!
why didn't you tell me my plan won't work ?
Zinyovile: I said kill your daughter after that kill
a royal blood did you ?
Nontorotyi: But you said you were joking, and
that it was gonna work?
Zinyovile: Serves you right for questioning my
ways! You think this is a soap opera? You watch
too much movies! this is real life. You have to
kill your daughter first and a royal blood should
be spit in order for you to kill the Queen..... ( tu
tu tu tu tu )
Zinyovile hung up tears steamed out of
Nontorotyi's eyes
Nontorotyi: I can't kill Ngejiwe. I can't




< Nomaxabiso >
First of all I need to thank my parents for
teaching me table manners. Ever since I moved
into this Royal house I have been listening and
watching Nontorotyi disrespecting the Queen.
The Queen is intimidating trust me you can't just
start a fight with her. I don't know what is
Wrong with Nontorotyi. First time I saw her she
was very frank and nasty at the same time
towards me. She made it clear that my King will
never get his chieftaincy back. That hurt me and
it got me scared. I remember considering calling
my father asking him if what they promised me
was a lie. But I am glad I spoke to the Queen. She
is the one person who made me patient, Hopeful
and believe that one day I will marry the chief.
Let's put aside the new role my husband Got.
Let's talk about what if he didn't get that offer
and Nontorotyi did what she did accusing my
man of all sort of lies. Nontorotyi was planning
to rip my man off his throne. She didn't think
about how this was gonna affect me. Why am I
here? Do you think I was gonna get married if
the chief couldn't get his throne? That woman
didn't think about me at all yet she claims to be
my friend. When I said to her the Royal house is
not the right place to talk about the matter, I
said that because she caught me off guard. I had
to say we have to meet the next day. When I
went to her house I had my phone on record. I
recorded all our conversation. I had to get her
off my mother in law's back. I got to know my
mother in law better. I noticed I am not the only
person she is strict to. She is strict to everyone
and she means well. Nontorotyi was very stupid
to think I would let her use me when she said
the things she said to me the very first time she
saw me. She was never ready for me and I am
sure she will never try mess with the Royal
house again.
Anyway earlier before I went to see Nontorotyi.
I was in my room heartbroken that the king
didn't invite me to his room. While at that I
heard a knock. I went to opened. He asked to
sleep with me in my room. I invited him in then
told him I went to bath and I was gonna see him
later. That is how I got the chance to go see
Nontorotyi. I came back and took a bath. I am in
my room now. About to sneak into bed
Masixole: You took forever
Me: My king has to understand. It's my first time
so i am scared....
He turned around
Him; You are ?
Me: No! I mean I was scared but not anymore
He pulled me, I fell on top of him. He moaned on
Me: Are you okay?
Him: Yeah I was doing sit ups and pushups. I
guess my muscles are..... Anyway where were
He pulled me closer and kissed me. Oh his soft
dark lips met mine. I felt something strange
happening in my Vjay. It was strange but a nice
feeling. We started kissing each other. It was
intense. He was helping me take off my gown. I
got under blankets then realised he is naked. We
went on kissing. He was kissing me so good.
When I touch him to some parts of his sexy body
he'd cry in pain but continue. What is wrong
with him? If gyming did this then the men who
have Six pack work hard for it. By the way my
King has it too. He got on top of me. He partied
my legs and opened them wide. He got between
them and kissed my neck while moving his
waist. I was feeling his D rubbing my Vjay. Oh
this this the best feeling ever. I can't believe I
waited so many years for it. I am a 34 years old
virgin. I am ready to lose it to him. He is the
chosen one. He did his thing. My private part
was wet. I was helping him rub his dick around
my Vjay. Oh it was the best feeling. I felt him
teasing me
Me: Oh yeah
I felt the head go in. I jumped
I felt a little pain. He whispered in my ear asking
me to relax. His breath, the warm breath
breathing in my ear made me so weak I saw
myself opening my legs wide begging him to go
all in. He went in, He struggled. He tried again
and again
Me: Oh.......
It was all in. I had my eyes popped out. I am no
longer a virgin now. He tried to move but I could
see he was in pain.
Me: Maybe I can help
I pushed him on the side. I watch porn. I see
how these ladies ride a D*ck. He put it in while I
am on top of him.
Me: Ouch.... yeah ...
I started moving in and out..He was also helping
me grabbing my boobs. I was letting out sexy
moans. I hope no one hears us. Right now it's us
against the world. I don't care who hears us. We
went on for almost 40 minutes.
Masixole: Damn! I am close!!!
I jumped off him
Masixole: And now ?
I kissed him
Me: My king the sperm can't go where we want
it to go with me on top of you. Come on. I know
you're in pain but you have to pour it in
Masixole: You're right
I put both my hands on the pillow and bendover
for him.
Me: Do me from behind my King
I felt him enter me I screamed
Me: Oh
Masixole: Sorry
Me: Oh no don't mind me, Harder
I wished I never asked. He grabbed my bum
with both his hands and did me so hard. I felt
pain and pleasure at the same time.
Me: Oh baby oh yeah hubby oh
He fucked me hard going in and in so deep and
hard. I was on cloud nine. I heard him moan
holding me so tight. I twerked my ass on Mr D
Masixole: Oh shit
He collapsed on top of me. I leg go of my body.
He lied on top of me. It was still inside.
Me: Oh that was strange but good
He took it out. I turned around and lied on my
back. He took a towel and cleaned me
Him: Yeah ?
Me: Yeah. I enjoyed it. I love you
He smiled then kissed my lips. He played with
my hair. I was just smiling and blushing. My
first time was worth it. I did it with my husband.
The man I waited for and I must say it was
worth it.
< Priscella >
I fell asleep after I have been trying for over and
hour now in the middle of the night someone
decides to wake me up with a call? My phone is
ringing and I don't think I want to know who Is
calling. It's so late. What if it's Masixole, Since
he is been gone we hardly text. He calls once in
a while. I want him to come back. I don't like
being ignored. I don't want us to end up fighting
for something so stupid.
Anyway I reached for my phone. It's security. I
quickly answered
Me: Yes ?
Him: Ma'am your brother was brought here by
the uber driver. He Is drunk and the uber driver
wants his money
I sat up straight
Me: What ? Where is EJ now ?
Him: He is here with us and the uber driver
Me: Send them in please
Him: Okay ma'am
I hung up then stood up. I wore my gown. I went
to my drawers. I took out my wallet. I need my
bank card. I wonder where is Tasha. She is
supposed to be by her man's side. Girls my
brother date. This is the reason I am always
worried when he goes out..
Me: Wait.... an uber? What happened to his car?
I ran out of my bedroom. I ran down the stairs.
The elevator opened. EJ fell inside the house
Me: Hey be careful!
Security: Sorry ma'am. This guy is heavy
I looked at the uber driver
Me: Where is his car? Where is my brother's
Driver: He left it at the club. These are his keys,
cell phone and wallet but it has no money. A tv
guy and some guys with cameras called me and
asked me to bring him home. Unfortunately he
will have to pay for the hours the car spent at
that parking
I looked at my security guards
Me: Take him upstairs to his room. His room is
the last one on your right
Security: Okay ma'am
I looked at the uber driver
Me: How much ?
He took out his speedpoint
Him: R250
I gave him my card. I paid
Me: Thank you for bringing him home safe
Him: The person who called was Hungani
Oliphant, The tv presenter
Oh? I wonder what was my brother doing with
Hungani and where is Tasha? I am never gonna
trust her with my brother again. She left him all
alone how could she ? After my brother bought
her clothes.
Me: Oh him. Okay have a good night
I pressed the button. The elevator opened. He
walked in
Me: Bye
The elevator closed. I saw Security come down.
Me: You took off his shoes ?
Him: Yes I tucked him in he is sleeping
Me: Thank you so much
He smiled then went to the elevator. I walked
up. I went to check on him. Indeed he is in bed
sleeping. I closed the door Then went to my
room. I am so angry. I was sleeping so peaceful.
People go out and when they come back we all
have to suffer. This is not fair at all. EJ needs to
slow down his drinking. I wonder why he had so
much to drink.
Me: Oh i am sorry my husband. I can't go back to
sleep i have to call you
I dialled his number. His phone rang, He didn't
pick up. I guess he is sleeping. I left a voice mail
Me: Hey baby. I just wanted to tell you that EJ
was brought by an uber driver. They woke me
up and I had to go pay the guy. I can't sleep. I
miss you and sleep well my man
I threw my phone on his side of the bed then
closed my eyes. Oh i miss him.

< Narrated >
At the Royal house it's Sunday morning. We see
the Queen walks down the stairs. At the top of
the stairs Nomaxabiso appeared. She smiled and
walked down fast. The Queen took her last step.
She was already down. She turned around and
looked up. She could hear the footsteps.
Nomaxabiso: Good Morning my Queen!
Nomakhosazana: Good Morning
Nomaxabiso: It's a great morning my Queen. I
hope you slept well
She got down. They greeted each other by
kissing both cheeks
Nomakhosazana: I think you had a better night
than I did please do tell my dear
Nomaxabiso started blushing. She looked
around then at the Queen
Nomaxabiso: We had sex my Queen
Nomakhosazana: Shut up!
Nomaxabiso: Yes my Queen. I am so happy. Now
I can finally say I am ready to be his wife
Nomakhosazana smiled then put her hand on
Nomaxabiso's shoulder
NoMakhosazana: In that case I should expect
good news in few weeks
Nomaxabiso: That is all I want my Queen. I want
to give my King sons
NoMakhosazana: You will soon
We see Princess Nomagampompo approaching
them smiling.
Princess: I see smiles what is going on ?
Queen Nomakhosazana looked at her daughter
in law then at Nomagampompo
Nomakhosazana: It looks like we might have A
little Prince soon
Nomagampompo looked at Nomaxabiso
Princess: Ulitsibile uziko? ( You had sex ? )
Nomaxabiso: Yes my princess can you believe
Princess Nomagampompo took both her hands
Princess: Congratulations
Nomaxabiso: But there is something.....
The Judge took her hand. The three went to the
couch and sat down.
Nomakhosazana: Something ? What is that ?
Nomaxabiso looked upstairs then at the Queen
and Princess Nomagampompo.
Nomaxabiso: I am concerned. While we were
you know.......
Nomakhosazana: Yes ?
Nomaxabiso: He was in agony like his ribs or his
stomach was in pain. My Queen I think we need
to get him checked. He didn't tell me what is
Wrong but I think something is seriously wrong
with him my Queen
Nomagampompo looked at the Queen with a
corner of her eye. She knows exactly what is
going on.
Nomakhosazana: Thank you for bringing this to
my attention. Mind going to the kitchen and
check on how far they are with breakfast?
Nomaxabiso: Right away my Queen
She walked away.
Princess: What did you do to my brother's son
The Queen stood up then looked at
Nomakhosazana: No crime or mistakes go
unpunished in this house sisi!
Nomakhosazana: Go call the doctor. He has to
come check him
Nomagampompo: I will call him
The Queen Attempted to walk away then
pumped into Gedleza.
Nomakhosazana: How did you get here ?
Gedleza went down on his knees and bowed
Gedleza: I know you are desperate to have a
grandson. Don't worry, Queen the second is
healthy Your highness
Me: Good! We can't survive another humiliation
Gedleza: And you can trust her. Last night she
proved her loyalty to the Royal house
Princess Nomagampompo stood up
Nomagampompo: What did she do ?
The Queen looked at Gedleza also waiting for an
answer unfortunately Gedleza was no where to
be seen.
Nomakhosazana: Gedleza? Where is this boy ?
Nomagampompo smiled.
Nomakhosazana: What is it ?
Nomagampompo: You know what this means
fight ?
The Queen was a bit lost
Nomagampompo: Your daughter in law saved
the Royal house from some danger
The Queen started thinking. Then smiled. She
looked at her sister in law
Nomakhosazana: Nkosesizwe chose well for his
Nomagampompo: I wonder what she did ?
Nomakhosazana put her hand on
Nomagampompo's shoulder.
Nomakhosazana: It's none of our business. That
was her ritual
Nomagampompo: And she passed it
The Queen smiled
Nomakhosazana: With flying colours

< Priscella >
I just went to check on my brother. He is still
sleeping. I left grandpa and water next to his
bed. I know he will be sick all day. I cannot wait
for him to wake up and tell me how he ended up
alone when he left here with a woman who
pretended to love him. You cannot leave a man
you love at a club drunk and alone. Tasha has a
lot of explaining to do. I have decided not to call
her until I hear my brother's side of the story. I
know my own brother. Who knows maybe he
told her to fuck off. My brother is arrogant but
he is still my brother. I have to be on his side. I
will wait till he recovers from the hangover.
Anyway I heard my phone rings. I took it. It's
Me: Hey babe
Him: I am sorry i didn't take your call last night.
My old friends here keep me busy. When I go to
bed I just sleep.
Me: It's okay. I finally got to sleep
Him: Is he okay ?
Me: Yeah he is in his room still sleeping
I heard a knock at the door. I went to the door.
It's my house keeper. Her name is Cleopetra
Her: Ma'am Mr De Villiers is here
I nodded my head. She walked away
Me: Baby I have to go see Uncle Kobus
Him: Okay. I love you
Me: I love you too baby
I hung up then went to the door. I walked out
and headed downstairs. This poor man don't
rest. He runs many businesses weekdays now he
has to wake up early and investigate his
daughter's husband.
Me: Uncle
I went to them at lounge. He is with the man
who is helping us. I can't believe this man is
here already. He updated me yesterday in the
afternoon don't tell me he has more information
Uncle: Sorry for waking you up so early this
Gentlman has new Iinformation for us
I yawned then sat down
Me: Okay. I am sorry I didn't sleep well
Uncle: Is everything okay ?
No, Nothing is okay. My brother drinks too
much. He came home alone without his
girlfriend Nobody knows where she is but I
don't want to bore Uncle Kobus with that.
Me: I couldn't sleep that's all
Kobus: Okay. Let's see ....
We looked at this man.
Him: I managed to follow Brendan in the
afternoon. He went to some place......
He cleared his throat. It looks like he doesn't
want to say the name of the place..
Me: What place?
Him: A sex shop ma'am
Me: A sex shop?
Him: A shop where they sell sex toys. lingeries,
wigs and all the works
Uncle: The works?
Him: Handcuffs and stuff. The things that are
used by kinky people when they are having sex
Me: Sonia tells me some things but she never
mentioned this kinda sex life so do you know
what he bought ?
Him: Yes ma'am......
Uncle: Tell us already !
Him: He bought wigs in different colours. He
bought , Chains to cuff someone when you have
sex with, He also bought shorts, Female shorts,
lipstick, Lubricant, condoms, Heels, Female
under wears and a bra
Me: That is interesting. My friend don't wear
wigs. She wouldn't let Brendan buy her heels let
alone a bra
Him: I don't think they were for his wife
Uncle: What do you mean ?
Guy: He left with them and went to some
neighbourhood out of the city. He went to this
house. When he got there. He took the plastics
and went to the house with them
Uncle: He is having an affair!
Uncle stood up
Uncle: He is cheating on my daughter!
I stood up
Me: So he is experimenting things he doesn't do
with his wife....... ?
The guy stood up.
Him: That's not all I found
We both looked at him
Me: What else ?
He looked at us. We were impatiently waiting
for him to say it.
Him: I asked around about the owner of the
house, I was surprised to find out who it belongs
Uncle: Who ?
He looked at me then at Uncle. What is going on.
Why is he acting this way ?
Him: The same man he was fighting with
Me: Isaiah Norman?
Uncle: That's weird....
Me: Do you think Isaiah might be staying with a
woman who is sleeping with Brendan ?
The man shook his head shrugging his shoulders
Him: I really don't know but Isaiah Norman
always leaves the house alone
Uncle: This is upsurd. What is going on? Who is
sleeping with This man in that house and how
come he goes to a house of a man he fought
Him: After an hour he fought with him? That's
my question as well....
Uncle looked at me.
Uncle: Now that we know he is definitely
cheating on my daughter what do we do ?
I walked around. I don't want to do this I really
don't. I don't want to help Sonia and end up
getting into trouble. I don't want my trying to
help backfire. But we have to know what really
happened. She and I were ruined on the papers
and I feel like it's time we talk about this.
Me: Uncle I think you and I have to involve
Sonia in this....
Uncle: Do you think we have enough
information to make my daughter see the light?
Remember this has to make her understand.
Like you said she is naive and in love
Me: Yes, I think we should do this. Call her. Tell
her you want us to fix things and so you want to
have a meeting with both of us here this
Uncle: Okay I will do that, I really hope we are
doing the right thing.....
I looked away
Me: Me too uncle K
Guy: So do you want me to continue digging or....
I looked at him
Me: You can find whatever you can find but you
can focus on your other jobs. I think for now we
have some things that we can use to proof this to
Him: Oh i also have a video. I was following him.
When he got out of the shop he dropped the slip
of the things he purchased. In fact he threw it in
a dust bin
He opened his bag and took out the slip and the
Me: Thank you. This will help
I looked at Uncle
Me: These will help
Uncle: Keep everything safe and ready. I will ask
her to come pick me up from my house. I will
call when we are coming
Me: Okay uncle
They went to the elevator and left. I went to the
drawers. I put the usb and the slip in there. I
heard the elevator. I saw Cleopatra going to the
elevator. Maybe she is waiting for someone. Oh
it's the newspapers delivery guy. She came with
it to me.
Me: Put it over there I will read later
She stood there and looked at me
Me: Is everything okay Cleo?
Her: I think you will want to read it now ma'am
Me: I made headlines again?
She shook her head no. I took the news paper
and read.
Me: Oh My God




< Priscella >
Oh my God I cannot believe this. Another
scandal with my family name on it. My brother
is on the news and it's not good. Well the paper
doesn't say anything bad my brother did but
some people did do something wrong And I hate
them for it. I hope my brother is feeling the
same or will feel the same when He sees this.
How could Tasha do this to my brother? How
could she do this to my brother with a man who
came here two days ago claiming to love me. I
said this. I said Hungani is bad news and I am
glad it didn't take so long for him to start
showing his true colour. He keeps doing that
lately. I can't believe this.
Anyway my house keeper Cleopatra was
standing in front of me while reading the
The article went on and said that Hungani might
be using the girl to get me jealous.
Me: Oh My God
I looked at Cleo
Me: Cleo please go sneak into my brother's
room. Steal his phone and bring it to m....
Cleo: His phone is in the drawer. I saw it on....
Me: Oh yeah! I left it here when the driver gave
it to me with his car keys !
I ran to the drawer.I took his phone. I ran up
the stairs. I took my handbag. I ran down. I
unlocked the safe. I threw his phone in there. I
looked at Cleo
Me: Cleo I want you to hide that newspaper.
When my brother ask for his phone tell him you
don't know where it is. I have to go somewhere!
Cleo: Okay ma'am
I ran to the elevator. I got in and looked at Cleo
Me: Remember get rid of the news papers from
the house!
Cleo: Okay ma'am
The elevator closed. I cannot believe this! Tasha
cheated on my brother with my ex boyfriend?
What is wrong with This girl. How could she do
this to my brother after everything he is done
for her? Anyway I got downstairs. I saw security
Me: Hello please take these key.....
" Ma'am! " Said a voice behind me. I let out a
sigh of relief. Algebra is always here when I
need him
Him: I am sorry I thought you'd need me today
Me: Thank you but you shouldn't have. It's
Sunday. You should.....
Algebra: You're my boss I want to help
Me: My brother left his car in a club around
here. I want you to go fetch his car. Take this
card and pay whatever money he owes them
okay ?
Algebra: Okay ma'am
Security: Let me right the name of the club for
Me: You guys take care of this. Alegebra I will
see you at the penthouse when I come back and
please not a word to my brother about the
Algebra: But he might see the tweets on his
Me: I took his phone!
I ran to the car. My driver ran and opened the
door for me. I got in He went to his side
Him: Where am I taking you ma'am?
Me: Hungani Oliphant's house
Him: Yes ma'am
I don't know what to do. Whatever I will do I
will have to confront that son of a bitch first.
How dare he drug my brother for a girl. He
should've taken that whore and left my brother

< Sonia De Villiers >
I hate feeling the way I do. I am not stupid. I can
be many things but I am not stupid. When Isaiah
warned me about my husband he looked
serious. I don't know what games he is playing
but I don't like them. I could see I caught him off
guard at the restaurant. He lied to me. I don't
know what my husband said to him but I think
he said something that scared him off. But
another part of me don't want to jump into
conclusions. What if he is right, He was just
trying to check the state of our relationship. He
is a journalist. it is his job to sneak around. This
is why I don't want to do anything about this
matter. I feel like someone is made a fool here
and I am afraid I am the fool. I don't like the
sudden emotional blackmail my husband is
giving me. Every time I ask him something he
gets offended and accuse me of not trusting him.
One thing i have learnt is that wherever there is
smoke, There is fire. I won't tell anyone anything
for now. Even if I wanted to I don't have anyone
to talk to. My friend is mad. My dad hates my
husband. If I talk to him he will trash my man. I
just want someone who is going to give me
honest opinion without favoring any side. I hope
you understand what I mean. Right now I am
confused. I don't know what to do. The party last
night went well. There was a bit of drama
between me and some woman who said
something about me always mentioning that my
man is the producer. Things got messy, Drinks
were thrown in the air. So already I have a beef
with someone on the show. I feel like I don't
need all this. I want to fix things with Priscella. I
can't stand not talking to her for so many days.
My husband said I will try to sweet talk Priscella
this weekend look now ? it's Sunday. How am I
gonna fix things. The weekend is over.
I saw my husband coming to the kitchen. This
man is so excited about his show. He said we
will start shooting tomorrow but we actually
started last night.
Brendan: Baby you were great last night
I put my hand on my forhead. Headache is
killing me. I just made myself tea
Me: No baby. Last night was a mess
Him: No it was great You girls are amazing. We
went there with no storyline. We were just
filming you guys created your own storyline and
you were great
Me: Baby Six women ganged up on me. They
agreed with her
Him: But they stopped you from fighting
Me: But still.... And I haven't spoken to Priscella.
It's Sunday
Him: For now we don't need her. We will push
your beef with that woman. I have scheduled
meeting for you and one of the ladies for
tomorrow then the other day you will meet the
wedding planner alone
I heard the door bell ring
Me: Let me go check that
I walked to the door. I couldn't see anyone.
Maybe they brought the paper. I opened the
door. Indeed it's the paper. I picked it up then
closed the door.
Me: Oh My God
I quickly walked to the kitchen.
Brendan: What is it?
I put my cup on the counter
Me: Babe. Your friend, EJ and EJ's girlfriend Oh
My God
I started reading for him..
I looked at Brendan
Me: How can Hungani do this? Is he crazy?
Brendan: He is always in the news. He is a
player. Enjoying his bachelor life
Me: With other people's girlfriends though? Not
just anyone's girlfriend. He took EJ girlfriend.
Look She drugged him to be with Hungani!
What a whore!
Brendan: Wow the Seputla family can't stay out
of the news
Me: They are innocent! in that article Priscella
was a victim and in this one Poor EJ is a victim
I looked at who wrote the piece. I threw the
paper on the floor
Me: Of course it's him!
Brendan: What is it honey ?
I folded my hands on my chest.
Me: I wonder what Isaiah want from the Seputla
family. He is always following them. Even here.
He mentioned Pris name. The poor woman can't
find peace
Brendan walked to the cattle..He poured himself
tea. My phone rang.
Me: It's my dad.
Me: Hello dad
Dad: Hello baby. I want to see you at Seputla
penthouse at 15:00
Me: Dad you know Pris....
Dad: Don't you want to fix things? I am going to
help you girls fix things
I smiled
Me: That will be amazing dad
Dad: You will come fetch me in my house. I want
us to go together
Me: Okay dad
Dad: Bye
Me: Bye dad
I hung up then looked at my husband.
Me: Honey my father is going to help me fix
things with Priscella
Brendan: That's great my love. When ?
Me: We are heading to Seputla Towers around
2pm. The meeting will be at 3pm
Brendan: It's time you end it. I don't understand
why she is mad. You didn't write the article
Me: I was wrong to tell you guys like that
Brendan: I am your husband !
Me: But still. I mean look at Hungani. Why
would I put my time fighting for a person who
doesn't wanna be helped? I found him having
sex with two women. Now last night He was all
over Tasha and He is all over the news !
Brendab: That bastard is getting what he
Me: Yeah.....
I feel sorry for EJ. He really loved this girl.

< Nontorityi >
I always thought I was smart. I thought I had
this in the bag. I thought I found myself an
imbecile who is going to help me get the job
done. I didn't know I was also being played. I
remember after I called her. I said she was not
my friend. I am just using her well I was right
about that. I was never her friend. I was using
her but it hurts to realise that I was played. I am
mad at my daughter for giving me false
information. I am mad at Zinyovile for what she
said last night. I am angry at the author of the
book I read. In that book she said killers would
make you do things that are not even necessary
in order for them to help you. They love seeing
you go through all the trouble. I thought that
was the case with Zinyovile. And that bitch
overheard me talking to Sabonkolo and decided
to say I was telling the truth. Now I know she did
that because she was angry at me for
disrespecting her and for thinking I know best
but the deal still stands. In order for me to kill
The Queen I have to kill my daughter, Well that
is never gonna happen. She can live I don't care
anymore it doesn't matter. If I would pay people
to attack her Nomaxabiso would tell the royal
house about my plan so I am just doomed. I was
played by a stupid fool!
Anyway I am ready for the Royal breakfast. I
need to check on my daughter. I went to her
room. I knocked at the door Then opened.
Me: My dear you're still sleeping ?
Ngejiwe: Mom
Me: Did you forget about breakfast? at the royal
Ngejiwe: No I didn't mom. The dinner was
awkward for me. And I know what you and dad
are up to so I can't be there. Me and the Queen
get along. So it is kinda awkward to see you guys
do all these things to her
Me: In that case. Your mother's fridge has
everything. Go shower and make yourself
breakfast. We are leaving
She smiled.
Ngejiwe: Bye
She covered herself with her sheets. I shook my
head then walked out.

~ Narrated ~
Nontorotyi walks out of her daughter's room
and calls her husband
Me: My love we are lat.....
He was speaking on the phone. So she didn't
want to interrupt him
Hlohlesakhe: We are on our way sisi
He hung up..
Hlohlesakhe: That was Princess
Nomagampompo. They are waiting for us
Nontorotyi: So my love.... ?
Hlohlesakhe: Yes my love ?
Nontorotyi's smile disappeared when
Hlohlesakhe talked to her. She could see he is
not in the same mood He was the previous day.
She went to him. She looked concerned
Nontorotyi: Honey when I got to bed last night
you seemed like your mind was else where.
Even now you don't look like your usual self?
Hlohlesakhe smiled then put his hand on
Nontorotyi's face
Him: I am okay my love
Nontorotyi heard a chuckle. She looked around.
She didn't see anyone. It was a female voice.
Nontorotyi: That was weird
Hlohlesakhe looked at her.
Hlohlesakhe: What ?
Nontorotyi smiled
Nontorotyi: No never mind. Let's talk about you.
I know you're not okay. You're my husband. Is it
because you're about to decieve the Royal
Hlohlesakhe: I.....
Nontorotyi didn't wait for him to finish
Nontorotyi: Speaking of royal house.....
She fixed her husband's suit smiling
Nontorotyi: Are you ready to throw their little
offer in their faces Hihihihi
Hlohlesakhe cleared his throat then walked
Hlohlesakhe: I am accepting the offer
Nontorotyi: What !? over my dead body!!!
She said walking fast furious going to her
Nontorotyi: What did you do to my husband?
What happened to that man I saw yesterday?
That was my husband! I don't like this husband!
Hlohlesakhe looked at Nontorotyi
Hlohlesakhe: I know what I said late night my
love but I can't do it !
Nontorotyi put her hands on his chest
Nontorotyi: You Can! and you will! My love....
Hlohlesakhe shook his head then walked away
Nontorotyi: Baby look at me!
Hlohlesakhe looked at her.
Nontorotyi: You can do whatever you put your
mind into. Yesterday you said something about
an offer they can't refuse. Something like that.
Please ! what happened to that ?
Hlohlesakhe exhaled. He looked out the window
Hlohlesakhe: Who was I kidding? Going against
the family would mean losing.They wouldn't be
the only ones losing. I would lose as well
Nontorotyi: What are you talking about ?
He looked at Nontorotyi then went to the door.
Hlohlesakhe: Never mind
Nontorotyi: My love look at me! We have to fight
Nontorotyi: With everything we got !
" You seem so sure " Said the same voice that
was chuckling. Nontorotyi looked behind her.
There Zinyovile was standing smiling.
Nontorotyi looked at her husband. The husband
was looking at Nontorotyi. He couldn't see
Zinyovile. Only Nontorotyi could see her. When
Nontorotyi realised that she is the only one who
could see her She started swallowing sweet
Hlohlesakhe: Let this go! Let's go and accept the
He walked out. Nontorotyi attempted to run
after him. Zinyovile grabbed her
Nontorotyi: Wait.....!!!
Hlohlesakhe walked away. Nontorotyi turned
Nontorotyi: What the hell are you doing here ?
Zinyovile: Are you sure you want to fight the
royal house?
Nontorotyi: My husband deserves more! He is
the pillar of this family! He works so hard for
this family! He is a true example of a leader !
Zinyovile laughed then put her hand on
Nontorotyi's shoulder.
Zinyovile: Let's say you manage to convince
your husband to fight the royal house....
Nontorotyi was just standing there breathing
heavily fuming with anger. She is thinking about
the betrayal yesterday. In her mind she is like,
This woman has a nerve to show her face here
after giving her false hope.
Zinyovile: So here is your husband. He finally
listens to you and he more than ever believes
that you should fight them now tell me......?
Zinyovile smiled. She put her hands on
Nontorotyi's shoulders. Nontorotyi looked at
these dirty hands on her outfit.
Zinyovile: When that happens then things turn
upside down at the Royal house then Queen the
second comes to you. She blackmails you with
what she has and force you to convince your
husband to change his mind and reconsider this
crazy greed of yourd......
Zinyovile: Do you think Hlohlesakhe would
change his mind the second time? Remember he
might question the change of heart and we don't
want him to know that now do we?
Nontorotyi started crying with her eyes popped
out breathing heavily
Zinyovile smiled
Zinyovile: If I were you ?
Zinyovile: I would be running out that door
going to the Royal house to support my man
Nontorotyi pulled up her dress and ran out no
questions asked..




< Judge Nomakhosazana >
I am really worried. I am really worried about
the breakfast we are having with chief and his
family. Hlohlesakhe has suddenly become a
man I don't know. This is not my brother in law.
I don't know what this bomb is about and I hate
being sidelined. I am not too worried though.
Gedleza can't fail us. He knows one mistake he is
out of that door. He is not the first and he will
never be The last. I am not going to let
Hlohlesakhe ruin what I built for so many years
alone. When I got here. They knew nothing
about bringing in business. They were
dependent on the chief and his payment. My
father in law became a premier when I was
already married here, things got better. I
proposed a business to him with my husband
but we didn't have enough funds to start it so
what we did was make a deal with Zidenge
family. That is why Nomaxabiso is here getting
married to my son. Gedleza said something. He
said Nomaxabiso can be trusted. I don't know
what she did. I am dying of curiosity but we are
not allowed to ask. I think she will die with it as
well. I am impressed by my daughter in law.
When she first arrived here she didn't act like
royalty but the decisions she makes shouts
royalty. Preventing danger that was gonna strike
at the Royal house and keep quiet about it shows
what a phenomenon woman she is. We chose
Anyway the doctor came and checked King
Zwelicacile. He is find. He will be fine. He really
made me angry yesterday. I was ashamed to tell
Nomaxabiso about it. Remember there is a child
involved. Nomaxabiso will feel betrayed. I don't
know how are we gonna go about telling her
about this whole thing. I mean if that girl is
carrying a boy we will have to tell Nomaxabiso
as soon as possible. I am not looking forward to
that day though.
Me: Thank you very much doctor. Are you sure
you're not staying for breakfast ?
Doctor: I have to go to church my Queen
Me: I haven't been to church in three weeks. We
are busy grooming the second Queen
Doctor: Oh wow
I looked at Siqalo
Me: Walk the doctor out
Siqalo: Your highness
He opened the door. He walked out with the
doctor. I walked to the living room. I went to the
King. He is sitting on the couch with Princess
Me: How are you feeling ?
Zwelicacile: I will be fine mom. There was no
need of the doctor. I was in pain only yesterday
Me: Good
Siqalo walked in
Siqalo: My Queen the chief is here
Me: Let him in
He walked out. Nomaxabiso walked in
Nomaxabiso: Did I hear correct? Nonto is not
coming ?
Me: That one is always late
Nomaxabiso: The food is ready could you all
move to the dinning table
Me: Thank you
She went to Zwelicacile
Nomaxabiso: Let me help you stand up my King
Princess looked at me and smiled. We went to
the dinning table. I saw Hlohlesakhe walk in
Me: Brother in law right on time. Come join us
Hlohlesakhe: Thank you my Queen
He came to us. We saw Siqalo running in with
Nontorotyi. I stood up
Me: Is everything okay ?
Nontorotyi: Yes. My chief left me. You know me
and being late
She kissed her husband's cheek
Her: I am here to support my Husband
Nontorotyi: I am behind you whatever you want
will be done
Hlohlesakhe kissed her. Princess
Nomagampompo looked at me. I shook my head.
I wonder what are these two up to. Nomaxabiso
came, She looked surprised to see Nontorotyi.
Nomaxabiso: Good Morning my chief
Hlohlesakhe: Morning Nomaxabiso it's good to
see you
Nomaxabiso looked at Nontorotyi
Nomaxabiso: How are you feeling today?
Nontorotyi: I am very well as you can see
Nomaxabiso: Hihihi
Nomaxabiso giggled then looked at me
Nomaxabiso: My Queen how do I call the chief's
wife ?
I didn't expect that question. Why do I feel like
my daughter in law don't get along with
Nontorotyi? They don't know each other so well
I don't understand the attitude Nontorotyi has
towards my daughter in law
Me: Princess Nomagampompo I think that queen
is for you
Princess: Call her Aunt Nonto
Nomaxabiso: I was thinking the same. Thank
you My Princess
Notiniphu and her colleagues brought our food.
They served us and we started eating.
Me: When are my nieces coming back from
boarding school ?
I said looking at Nontorotyi. She didn't look at
me. She focused on her breakfast. Hlohlesakhe
looked at me.
Hlohlesakhe: Oh. They finish tomorrow. I think
we will see them tomorrow afternoon
Me: Great ! I can't wait for us to be a biG happy
family this December
Nontorotyi looked at Nomagampompo
Nontorotyi: When is Nomgcwabe coming back
from univarsity is he doing his honours also ?
The nerve on this woman ! Hlohlesakhe cleared
his throat.
I looked at my son. He was uncomfortable.
Nomaxabiso: Aunt Nonto apologise to The King
now !
O-kay ? I never heard my daughter in law raise
her voice like that. Everyone including myself
were surprised by this
Nontorotyi: My king I apologise. I didn't mean
any disrespect with that. I was just curious.
Forgive me if I made you feel uncomfortable or
Nomaxabiso smiled. I saw Hlohlesakhe kiss his
Hlohlesakhe: I am proud of you my love
Princess: Okay..... I think we need to address the
elephant in the room. There is too much tension
that was caused by you my brother! Take us out
of our misery already. What do you want ?
I smiled. I am glad I am not the one doing this.
Hlohlesakhe: I came here to tell everyone that I
Me: Accept ?
He stood up.
Hlohlesakhe: My Queen I want to thank you for
looking out for me. I know I don't deserve any
position regarding the Chieftaincy. I am a last
born of this family. I never thought in my life
that I could become a chief. I saw myself
becoming a regent. All I was doing was keep the
throat until my brother's son is old and ready.
Now he is and you made sure I don't lose the
respect I earned in this village. Thank you for
making me the chief. I accept it with open arms
Me: Wow! I am glad my efforts are appreciated.
Thank you chief
I stood up we shook hands. While we were still
shaking hands Nomagampompo stood up.
Princess: Is that all Hlohlesakhe?
Hlohlesakhe: Yeah..... sis I am grateful for
Everything you guys did for me
Princess looked at me. I nodded my head. She
walked to the study.
Nontorotyi: Where is she going?
I ignored her. I sat down and started eating.
Nontorotyi: Wow it looks like I am talking to
Me: I do want to respond but lately I feel like
you don't like anything that comes out of my
mouth. I thought you're asking someone else
since it looks like I annoy you
I took my glass and poured myself a juice. It was
quiet or should I say awkward. everyone was
looking down. I looked at Nontorotyi
She can give me deathstare all she wants. I don't
care. Princess Nomagampompo came with a
contract. She threw it in front of her brother.
Hlohlesakhe's eyes popped out. He was
Princess: My brother when we made you a
Regent we did mention that things won't be
sweet when we take the Chieftaincy and two
days ago I felt like you were doing exactly what
we warned you about
Hlohlesakhe: I apologise for my behavior. I
swear I had no problem with the King taking
what was rightfully his
Princess: It is still rightfully his! that is why I
brought this
Hlohlesakhe: What is this ?
Me: It is a contract that says you agree that
when you die. The person who is going to be
next will be King Zwelicacile's heir
Nomaxabiso smiled. Nontorotyi hit the table.
Nontorotyi: What !?
She stood up. Hlohlesakhe looked at me
Me: You want me to explain why ?
Nontorotyi: There is nothing to explain! My
husband is the real chief. When he dies Ngejiwe
Hlohlesakhe: Nontorotyi can you let the Queen
finish ?
Me: Thank you brother in law....
I smiled then stood up.
Me: Dubulingqanga, My father in law was the
first born of king Ndengana. He left his
Chieftaincy to his son. I don't remember him
giving it to that brother of his who ruined our
name! So as a royal house. We shouldn't
mislead. We all know who the throne belongs to.
My brother in law you have done a lot this past
8 years that is why I thought you should have
this Chieftaincy till you die then when you're
dead you bring it back kwindlu enkulu
Nomaxabiso: Your highness!
She looked at Nontorotyi
Nomaxabiso: That is how it should be. I am a
royal princess I know
Me: Do you have more questions brother in law
Hlohlesakhe: You answered all my questions. It's
all written on the book
Princess: A book you haven't visited in years!
Brother I thought I asked you to read that book
Hlohlesakhe: I rea....
Princess: Stop lying! You're my little brother I
know when you're lying to me!
Hlohlesakhe looked down
Princess: You might find this offensive but this
just shows you don't care about this Chieftaincy
Hlohlesakhe! This shows you're a little brother
who don't deserve to be a chief and that's how it
should be. You were not prepared to be one
because it's not your birth right !
Hlohlesakhe: I will read sisi. Can I have the pen
Princess Nomagampompo threw the pen .
Nontorotyi: You're going to sign this!?
Hlohlesakhe: Yes. It is the right thing to do
He took the pen
Nontorotyi: I can't sit here and watch this
madness !
Nontorotyi furiously walked out.
Hlohlesakhe: Forgive my wife
Me: We forgave her the day we knew she was a
I stood up and attempted to walk away
Hlohlesakhe: My Queen !
I turned around
Me: Yes?
He smiled. He had a smirk on his face.
Hlohlesakhe: I will be waiting for my car
Hlohlesakhe: The money you're collecting is for
a chief's car right? That is me
Me: Of course
Hlohlesakhe: Thank you my Queen. I feel
I walked up the stairs
I don't know why everything He does with his
wife is to monk people. He knows I wanted the
car for my son and he thinks I am not happy
that he is getting it. The money is collected for
the chief. He is the chief of course the car is his.

< Elton Junior >
Fuck! my head is so heavy. What happened
yesterday? I just opened my eyes more like
gained conscious. I quickly closed my eyes. my
eyes are sore, My head is heavy. This is crazy.
How can I not know anything that happened
yesterday ? I usually drink and drink a lot and
know everything that happened but today. I
don't remember anything. I don't understand
why I don't remember anything. I have to
remember something. I went there because of
this famous DJ who was gonna be there. I don't
even remember seeing him. I don't know what
happened to me I really don't. I searched next to
me. Like I said my eyes are not allowing me to
open them
Me: Baby
I said searching next to me. There is no one on
her side of the bed. That is weird. Where is she ?
Me: Tasha!....... Baby !
I heard a soft knock at the door.
Me: Come in!!
The door opened. " I am sorry Mr EJ. I heard
you calling someone " Its Cleopetra
Me: Cleo where is Tasha ?
Me: Cleopetra !
Her: Sir I heard that she didn't come home with
Me: Ahhhh my head
Cleo: Ma'am left you tables and water. They are
next to your bed Mr EJ
Me: Sweet sister I have
I slowly raised my head.
Me: Give it to me
She gave me the pills. I also drank water
Me: Where is my sister ?
Her: She went out. I don't know where but she
said she will be back soon
I tried to open my eyes again. I finally did
Me: Thank you. You can leave
She walked out. I stood up. I am a bit dizzy.
What did i drink yesterday? I looked around. I
saw my clothes. The ones I wore yesterday. I
searched them. I couldn't find anything.
Me: Where is my phone ?
I went to my closet. I took out shorts and vest. I
wore them. I went to the bathroom. I drank
water. I washed my teeth and my face. Maybe
my phone is downstairs. I walked out and
headed downstairs. I saw My sister's PA having
Me: You work on Sunday also ?
Him: No sir your sister asked me to go fetch your
car from the club. I just came back now
Me: I left my car there ?
Him: Yes you did sir. Here are your car keys
Me: Thank you. Did you see my phone anywhere
I saw Cleopatra coming in
Her: Your sister took it. She left with it
Me: Why would my sister leave with my phone ?
The PA stood up .
Him: Your phone was on the table here. So with
Everyone coming in and out. She thought she
should take it. I guess She thought you'd be still
asleep when she comes back
Me: Borrow me yours. I wanna call her
Cleo: No!
Me: What !?
Cleo: Ma'am will be back soon. Mr EJ how about
I make you something to eat ?
Me: I want meat or sausage. Hangover is killing
She looked at the PA then at me
Cleo: I will ask the chef to prepare sausage for
you. I think meat will take time
Me: Thank you
She walked away
Me: Your phone, I will top you u....
Him: No don't worry. The company is buying me
airtime so........
Me: Great
Him: I can only give you my phone only if you're
calling my boss
Me: Why don't you guys want me to speak to
Him: The thing is she said she wants to find you
I snatched his phone.
Me: Of course she will find me here
I dialled Tasha's number. voicemail
Me: Dammit !
I dialled my sister's number
Priscella: Algebra I just arriv....
Me: Sis I need my phone where are you ?
Priscella: EJ can you give me 30 minutes I will be
back soon. Just take a shower and eat okay
Me: I want to know what is going on. I don't
remember anything about last night
Priscella: Okay I will make sure I am there in a
few I promise. Just watch tv and eat. Today later
I wanna watch the premier of your show with
Me: Okay
I hung up. I forgot the first episode of our show
startes tonight. Damn it's gonna be a good
evening. I wonder where is my girl though? I
saw my sister's laptop. I need to go to social
media. I went to it. I switched it on. She has a
password. I looked at Algebra
Me: Mind going to my room to get laptop ?
Algebra: If you want internet I am sorry. Your
Wi-Fi is off
Me: What ? Our Wi-Fi is always working
" Mr EJ your breakfast is ready ! " that was Cleo
taking my food to the table. The smell is just
amazing. I didn't ask. I sat down and started

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
I don't know what is Wrong with my brother in
law's wife. She walked in looking like a woman
who didn't want to cause any drama. I don't
know what she was thinking. She is a
commoner. Her children have no chance of
becoming anything when it comes to this
Chieftaincy. Yes they are family but their mother
is a commoner. You have to be a royal blood
both sides to stand a chance. This was not
Hlohlesakhe's position to begin with. I pulled
strings because I didn't want tension between
us. I don't know what is Wrong with what I said.
Nontorotyi has to be stopped. I think that idea of
banning her from any Imbizo should be
considered. Even Hlohlesakhe don't want his
woman humiliating him in public. That woman
needs to shut her mouth once and for all.
They all left. I am left with my family now. I
can't believe the drama we had early in the
morning. Honestly I feel a little bit jealous about
this car thing. I feel like my son is the one who
deserves it but I don't want to cause more
problems. Hlohlesakhe humiliated himself in
front of the family when he showed everyone
that He knows nothing about the Chieftaincy.
This man don't care about this Chieftaincy. All
he cares about is the money he is getting and
that alone is the reason I don't think he deserves
this car. If I knew this was gonna be approved. I
wasn't gonna come up with this car idea. I came
up with it because I thought my son was gonna
be chief.
Anyway when I heard they were all gone. I
walked down and I have to go to a family that
lost a family member. I have to go there and cry
with them..
Princess: My Queen
Me: Sisi. I am sorry about earlier. I just felt like
your brother was trying to provoke me
Princess: I saw that my Queen. So are you ready
to leave ?
I looked at Zwelicacile
Him: I am ready mom or am I dressed
Me: You look good. Where is your wife ?
Zwelicacile: Mom I am not marrie......
" My Queen you're looking for me ? " Said
Nomaxabiso walking in
Me: Yes my dear. Thank you for standing up for
me at that meeting. Your aunt needs people like
Nomaxabiso: Leave her to me my Queen. I am
dealing with her accordingly
I touched her hand
Me: Thank you
She smiled then kissed her man and walked
away. Masixole slept with this woman but he
doesn't seem comfortable when she touches
him. Anyway Siqalo walked in
Me: Siqalo
He bowed down
Him: My Queen Gedleza is here to see you
I looked at my sister in law. She shrugged her
Me: Let him in I hope he won't take the whole
Siqalo: Your highnes.....
Me: Wait !
Siqalo looked at me.
Me: Siqalo send someone to tell Ngejiwe I want
to see her when I come back. I need to talk to
that girl
Siqalo: Okay My Queen
He walked to the door.
Princess: Is everything okay ?
Me: Something tells me that girl is the one who
did the investigation on King Zwelicacile
Princess: Sisi you're right. Nontorityi couldn't
have done this alone
Me: That woman did nothing ! Only a lawyer
and Private Investigator can do what she did.
Ngejiwe did this !
Zwelicacile: I saw how scared my cousin was
Me: I want to confront her
Siqalo walked in with Gedleza
Me: Gedleza welcome to the Royal house. We are
rushing to the family that lose an old woman
Gedleza smiled
Gedleza: I won't waste your time my Queen
He gave me a paper.
Me: What is this ?
Gedleza: My Queen hire that man as your
garden boy
I looked at this paper
Me: Bhalisile Cezu?
I looked at him.
Me: Why him? And....
Gedleza: The ancestors told me that. I don't
know why my Queen. Remember he has to work
at this property. I know you don't have a garden
here but he must work around here
Me: Where am I gonna find this person ?
Gedleza looked at the window. He was looking
at some village up north.
Gedleza: The Cezu family is at Zincukuthwini
Me: That is a little bit far from here?
Gedleza: That man needs a job. He is poor my
Queen. The ancestors would appreciate if you
send someone to look for him
He bowed then walked out. I looked at Princess
Me: Why him?
Princess: Our ancestors always know what they
are doing
Me: Yeah and you can't question them
I looked at the door
Me: Siqalo!!!
He came running
Siqalo: Your highness
Me: I want you to drive to Zincukuthini village
and look for this man. Tell him we want him to
work at Royal house as our gardener. I don't
even know what I am saying because we don't
have a garden here. We have the project
Princess: He is going to clean the yard
Siqalo: I know Bhalisile
Me: You Do?
Him: Yes. He is older than me but we grew up
together at the same village. He still lives there
Me: Take the car and go find him
Siqalo: Okay my queen
He ran out. We All looked at each other.
Me: What are these ancestors up to now?
We were all quiet thinking about this .

~ Narrated ~
Some people are not ashamed to show who they
really are and when they are passionate about
something they do whatever it takes to achieve
it even if it means hurting the next person.
Tasha is that kinda girl. She is not poor or rich
and she is a woman in a mission. She knows
what she wants and she goes for it. Last night
she did something no one expected. She
betrayed someone who truly loves her. She did
say that she loves EJ. One would ask why do you
hurt someone you claim to love ? She said she
wanted fame and he gave her fame, tonight it's
the premier of EJ's show and she is in. I guess
She wants more. She is hungry. We see her in
Hungani's house walking down the stairs.
Hungani was in the kitchen cooking. She got
downstairs. She was wearing Hungani's light
blue shirt. We don't know what she is wearing at
the bottom because she is short and the shirt
was a bit long and bigger. She is a beautiful
woman. She had her hair on point. She didn't tie
her hair though. She looked really good.
Hungani: Hey how was your shower ?
Tasha: I enjoyef it thank you. What are you
making there ?
Hungani: Fried eggs and I am warming up
Russians over there
He said pointing at micro wave. He took a glass
and poured wine. He gave it to Tasha
Hungani: Here you go
Tasha: A Kiss first
Hungani kissed her. Tasha took the glass then
jumped and sat on the kitchen counter.
Tasha: Your house is beautiful
Hungani switched off the stove then left the egg
on the pan. He went to Tasha. He kissed her.
Outside We see a driver opens a door, Priscella
walked out of the car with a newspaper in her
hand. She walked to the door. she didn't knock,
she opened the door and walked in then looked
around. She saw them kissing in the kitchen.
Tasha was giggling. Priscella shook her head
then catwalked to them.
Priscella: This is romantic
Hungani was between Tasha's legs. Tasha was
sitting on the counter. Hungani looked at
Priscella. He cleared his throat moving away
from Tasha. Tasha jumped off the kitchen
Tasha: Priscella
Priscella: You're such a whore! I knew you're a
slut the first time I saw you in my house!
Hungani: What are you doing here Priscella ?
Tasha went to Hungani. He put his arms around
Tasha: Yeah! what is she doing here ? Does your
ex husband know you're here acting jealous ?
Priscella started breathing heavily furious.
Priscella: The reason I don't punch you in the
face right now is because I am afraid you might
Sue me since I can see how desperate you are
for the public's attention! and beating you up
wouldn't be good for my business and I wouldn't
want to ruin my plan....
Tasha: A plan ?
Priscella: I am the one who is going to sue your
white ass!!
Tasha laughed. She looked at Hungani
Hungani: Sue her for what ?
Tasha laughed.
Tasha: For leaving her little brother for you
baby. That's probably the reason why I left him.
He is such a boy. I needed a man in my life not a
boy who hide behind his sister!
She looked at Hungani.
Tasha: Now I have A real man
Tasha attempted to kiss Hungani
Priscella: I am going to sue you for drugging my
little brother
Tasha started getting scared. The glass that was
in her hand fell
Hungani looked at Tasha
Hungani: What is she talking about?
Remember when Tasha went to Hungani EJ was
already drugged so he was clueless
Tasha: I don't know what this woman is talking
about she is crazy! I want to see her present the
evidence in court! She is crazy!
Priscella smiled. Believe me. That was not a
smile. That was a spiteful smile. Priscella threw
the newspaper on the table
Priscella: I guess your cell phones are off and
you haven't seen that!
They both ran to the newspaper.
Hungani: No!
Hungani was reacting to the pictures before
reading. Priscella went to him. She snatched the
paper from them
Priscella: Before you read this. I want to let you
both know that I am going to drag both your
arses in court for drugging my brother and I
Bart with my father's worth with it
She threw the paper at Tasha
Hungani: I know nothing abou......
Priscella: I don't care Hungani! I will see both of
you in court
Priscella turned around and catwalked out
leaving their jaws on the floor. Hungani ran to
the paper and read
Hungani: You drugged the boy?
Tasha took Hungani's hand
Tasha: No baby I......
Hungani pushed her hands
Hungani: Hey don't forget our deal! you said you
wanna help me get Priscella jealous
Tasha: Of course
Hungani: Then why are you calling me baby?
Tasha looked down looking disappointed.
Hungani's eyes popped out when he realised he
was being played.
Hungani: Wait a minute..... ?
Hungani: That was not your plan was it ?
Tasha: I am in love with you
Hungani walked around kicking everything
Tasha: I loved you for a long time. Seeing you at
Seputla Towers made m......
Hungani: Out!
Tasha: What? bab.....
Hungani: I said get the hell out of my house
Bitch !!!
Hungani snapped and started shouting at her.
Tasha ran to her clothes.
Tasha: Can i get dressed at least
Hungani: You have two minutes
Tasha: And a taxi fare I don't have any money
with me. I don't know where to find ATM in this
Hungani looked at her. He shook his head then
walked to the stairs. Tasha sat down getting




< Sonia De Villiers >
I am really excited and looking forward to the
meeting between my father , Priscella and I. i
know she won't be too harsh in front of my dad.
I miss my friend so much. I see that I was wrong
for always going behind her back telling
Hungani things. Everyday Hungani is proving to
be a jerk. Look at this paper today. This man
took Elton's girlfriend. He claims to love my
friend now he does this? How can he hurt EJ like
this? I am so mad at him. I was willing to forgive
him for what he said to me but i don't know
anymore. I really don't. When he sent flowers I
was so happy and that didn't change when he
said he sent them before we fought. Now I can
stand and finally say he is not good for my
friend and I will never be on his side. This, This
is the last thing he should've done. Even if
Priscella would want to be with him EJ would
hate him. What was he thinking? stupid man.
Anyway I want to call EJ and show him my
support. We are family. I feel for him. That bitch
was not good for him at all. I hate myself for not
seeing it on time. I am usually good at seeing
people who are bad news. I dialled EJ's number.
It took me straight to voicemail. Shame. I feel
bad for him. I have to leave a message.
Me: Hey EJ, It's Sonia. I saw the paper I am sorry
little brother. It's gonna be okay. That girl don't
deserve you. She is a slut. You will find a decent
and more beautiful girl. If you need anything, I
mean anything please call me
I hung up. I wonder if Priscella knows my dad
and i will go there. I don't want to upset her. I
don't want her to think I am using my dad to fix
my problems or involving my dad in our
business. I want her to see that I own up to what
I did and I know she didn't do nothing to me.
She just has an opinion about my look because
she doesn't believe in plastic surgery. She spoke
to my husband because she knows he is the one
who asked me to do it first and I fell in love with
it when I saw how I looked. Anyway I need to
call my dad and ask if she told her we are
My father's phone rang. He answered on 5th
Him: Is it time my dear ?
Me: Not yet dad. I will get ready first. I just
wanted to know if Prissy knows about the
meeting. I really don't want her to be surprised
to see me and start attack....
Him: Don't worry I first spoke to her
Wow that means she is ready to forgive and
Me: Dad that's a start. That means she will
forgive me. I was worried because tomorrow we
are starting officially with filming
Dad: Let's not get too excited. You sound like
someone who is desperate to use her for the
show. She will notice that if that is what you are
Me: Of course not dad! Prissy is my best friend.
She is part of my daily life. We work together!
Her office is literally next to mine
Him: I know Sonia. Let's take it one day at a
time. Don't talk about the show the same day
Me: I hear you dad
Him: See you later
Me: Later dad
I hung up. " We will postpone the storyline
about the wedding " Said a voice behind me. It's
my husband. What is he talking about ? I turned
Me: What ? Are you having doubt about getting
married for the second time. Remember you had
your wedding! This is mine Brend.... !
Brendan: For a week! We are putting it on hold
for a week
Me: Oh
Him: I wasn't done talking. You like shouting at
me. Remember you had a fight with that
woman. So we have to push that now and that
will help you work things out with Priscella
Me: Thanks babe
Him: You're welcome
He switched on the cattle.
Him: I have to call Sah and ask him the whole
story about Hungani. I hope I won't be accused
of helping him with it because I was in bed with
you last night
I will ignore that. He is trying to find something
to make us fight. I apologised for my dad. I
apologised for myself as well. One thing I will
not ignore is this. I looked at him. Now I am
starting to doubt him.
Me: I thought you said you deleted his number
how are you gonna get hold of him?
His eyes popped out. He looked away faking a
Brendan: Dammit! you said this babe. You said I
might need his number in future
I walked away.
Me: Mmhmm
" Wait! " He said after I said " mhmm " showing
my doubts . I looked at him.
Him: You don't think i still have his number
right ?
I smiled.
Me: I know better than accusing you of anything
again sweetheart. I believe you
Him: Thanks babe
I walked away rolling My eyes. I will find
Isaiah's number one way or another. It's good to
befriend a journalist so that they could write the
good only about you. This man has his number
and he doesn't wanna give me, if why I don't

< Priscella >
I hate my life. I am a 26 years old and I have a
responsibility to take care of the compay. A big
building and my 21 years old brother. My
brother will be heartbroken when I get home
and break the news to him. How do you bring
yourself into hurting your baby brother. What a
better way to say what I am about to say to him?
How do I comfort a grown ass man. My brother
loves me one second the next he is mad. When
he is heartbroken how do i show him support?
What if he doesn't want me to support him? My
brother has too much pride. He will be
embarrassed and feel humiliated. He will act all
tough on me. Mom is not here. If she was here
she'd know what to do. To be honest I have no
energy to do this. I don't know what to do at all. I
just arrived at my house. I am at parking lot. I
looked at my Chauffeur
Me: Please leave me for a second
I said looking down.
Him: Okay ma'am
He walked out and closed the door. It was like I
couldn't wait for him to walk out. I let it all out.
I don't know know what to do. I have to be
strong and go up there before my brother find
out about this from someone else. I hope one of
his friends didn't go to my house looking for
him. My phone rang. I wiped my tears. I
answered. I don't know this number.
Me: Hello
Caller: Priscella what is your say on the alleg....
Me: No comment!
I hung up then hit the door asking the Chauffuer
to open the door. He opened the door. I took my
handbag and my cell. I walked out. I quickly
walked to the elevator. It took me up. Before it
opened i Breath in and out. The elevator opened.
I walked out into my lounge. Algebra stood up
Me: Where is h.....
I saw my brother standing up. He was sleeping
on the couch..
Elton: My phone sis. Geez did you have to leave
with it ?
Me: Good Morning Elton
Him: What's up you look like you've been crying.
Are you okay ?
I looked at Algebra.
Me: Please Email my lawyer. I am applying for a
lawsuit against Tasha and Hungani Oliphant
Elton: Can somebody tell me what is going on?
And why are you suing my girlfriend ?
I put my right hand on my forehead. I looked up
a tear drop escaped my eye
Me: I wish she loved you the way you love her
Elton snatched my phone. He tried to go through
it. I have a locker. I ignored him then looked at
Algebra. I breath in and out.
Me: I sue Tasha 500 000 rands and Hungani a
million rands for drugging and leaving my
brother lying there unconscious !
Elton: What ?
I opened my handbag. I took out a newspaper. I
had two in my handbag, One I left st Hungani's.
Anyway I gave it to him. He took it and sat down
Me: EJ your producers called a cab for you. It
was after that bastard drugged you with that
whore !
Elton: He is kissing her! They were kissing in
public while I was there!!!
Me: Do you see the picture where Tasha is
putting drugs in your drink?
Elton stood up and went to the elevator
Elton: I am going to kill that bitch
Me: EJ no!!!
I said crying running after him. I grabbed his
Him: Let go of me !!!
Me: ke a go kopa abuti o seke wa tsamaya tswe
tswe tlhe ( Please Brother don't leave I am
begging you ! )
Elton: Priscella this bitch screwed me over!
He yanked his hand then ran to the Elevator and
pressed the button. The elevator opened. I felt
dizzy. I put my band on my stomach
Me: I swear if you leave I will lose your nephew
or niece!
He looked at me breathing heavily. He put his
hand on the button again. I let out a sigh of
relief. He pressed the button. It closed thank
God. He looked at me.
Elton: Damn you!
He attempted to walk to the stairs. I grabbed his
Me: Thank you. We don't need anymore drama.
Mom is not here. I am here all alone with you.
Please lay low for a while
Elton: Where did you go ?
Me: I went to see Carlos
Elton: What do you want from Doctor
Qakathayo ?
Me: He has to do some tests. I pray and hope the
drugs are still in your system. I want to drag
those bastards in court please let me do this !
Elton: How can I be so stupid sis?
I walked away
Me: I also went to Hungani's house
Him: What did that moron say? I wish I could
see them and beat the hell....
He is just angry. He is too short and little to fight
a tough man like Hungani.
Me: Trust me I stopped myself so many times.
That girl disrespected me. Brother that bitch is
desperate to be famous. She is using Everyone. If
I slapped her she was gonna go to the papers or
report me to the police. What was gonna happen
to Seputla mine? Our father built this from
scratch. We are not going to disappoint him. We
have to think about the reputation of this family.
Our mother can't worry about us. We won't
perform well internationally. We have to accept
that we cannot react even when we are pushed
to the limit
Elton: That Whore! How could she do this to me
I turned around
Me: Abuti I found them making out in his
kitchen! which shows she wasn't drunk when
she betrayed you. She doesn't regret it one bit
Elton took off his cap. He through it away
Elton: Dammit!
Me: That bitch didn't seem ashamed at all. She
said you're such a boy. She wanted to be with a
man. They didn't know it was all in the papers
and she didn't know I knew she drugged you.
When I showed her The paper they were both
surprised. That girl is a slut. Yesterday when
Hungani came here Tasha kept asking me
questions about him after he left. I suspected she
wanted him
Elton: I bought clothes for that bitch! I even
bought her the phone she is using !
Me: A Twelve thousand cell phone EJ?
Him: I loved that bitch!
He kicked the table. Then ran up the stairs. The
elevator opened. Doctor Qakathayo walked in.
Me: Welcome DR . He is still upset. I don't know
whether we should wai.....
Carlos: We have to do this as soon as possible
Priscella. Let me go to him
Me: Alright
Cleopatra: Ma'am does he know his room ?
Me: No please go show him!
She ran up. I pulled out a chair then sat down. I
felt someone touch my shoulder. I looked up
Algebra: Everything will be okay ma'am
I smiled at him then looked away
Me: I hope so

< Nontorotyi >
What did you expect me to do when my
husband was disrespected like that. These
people gave us the Chieftaincy now they have
the nerve to tell my husband how to control it?
It's his now. I have seen so many female chiefs.
Ngejiwe will be the chief when my husband
dies. I don't know why Hlohlesakhe agreed to all
this nonsense. What happened to the man I saw
yesterday. He woke up a complete different
person. I don't understand him at all. He is
making me angry. I should've known when He
sees the Queen he will be scared. I fail to
understand the man I married. I really don't
know how to explain his behavior. He is so
stupid. I left him there.
Anyway I just got to my house now. I am angry
at the world. I hate how The Queen gets
everything she wants. I hate how she
manipulates Everyone at the royal house.
Anyway I heard a knock. I went to the door. I
opened the door. It's one of the servants from
the Royal house. This one actually looks after
their cows.
Me: What do you want?
Him: I am here to see Princess Ngejiwe My
I smiled. Only his good manners saved him at
this point. I am livid
Me: Come in
He walked in. I closed the door.
Me: Ngejiwe you have a visitor !!
She came out and saw the servant.
Ngejiwe: Yes?
Man: The Queen wants to see you at the Royal
house this afternoon when she comes back from
the family that lost someone
Me: So my daughter has to sit Outside and watch
the Queen's car ?
Ngejiwe: Thank you I will be there now you can
He walked out
Me: I can't believe they went there without me.
We are family !
Ngejiwe: Mom if I was her I would also avoiding
being around you in public. You're always
attacking her and I am sure people of
Sdabadabeni see that
Me: Whatever. Do you know why she wants to
see you ?
Ngejiwe: Law stuff you won't understand mom
She walked away
Me: I pay for your school fees!!
Ngejiwe: Thanks mom!
She said then slammed her room door. The front
door opened. Hlohlesakhe walked in. I raised my
hands walking away fast
Me: The last person I wanna see right now!
Hlohlesakhe: Like it or not there was nothing
wrong that was said at the Royal house my love
I turned around. He smiled
Me: Don't smile at me! You said you wanted to
be a King not a chief!!!
Hlohlesakhe: I know what i said. Do you really
think we'd win against Queen Nomakhosazana?
I swallowed sweet nothing
Him: My love she is the law. She is respected.
What did we do or done to earn respect from the
greats? We just work local. She works
Me: It was worth fighting for!
He smiled
Him: And the car the public will buy me will be
worth it as well
Oh My God I forgot about that.
Him: Yes! My sister said it's gonna be an SUV
Me: Oh My God honey
I ran to him and hugged him.
Me: Congratulations my love
Him: Thank you baby. We are Good. I am
permanent chief and I am getting the car. What
more do we want?
Me: Yeah
I kissed him. I hate how I behaved today
Me: I am sorry about this morning
Him: You were looking out for me I like that
I kissed him..
Me: I will have to go apologise to the Royal
house for my behavior though
Hlohlesakhe: Please do my love. I don't want us
to fight. We are family. Everyone has what they
always wanted. You wanted me to remain a
chief now I am
Nontorotyi: But my love is that what you want ?
I heard a voice laughing. The person laughed
and laughed then started talking. I looked
around. I saw Zinyovile with a feather duster
cleaning my wall unit. This woman is crazy
Zinyovile: So you don't want to listen? You're
doing it again? Do you want the royal house to
know that you were planning the Queen's
murder ?
I swallowed hard
I snapped out of it when I heard my husband
responding to what I said asking him if he is
happy with what he got.
Hlohlesakhe: Not now Nontorotyi! Let me go
visit my father's grave
Me: Okay My Chief and congratulations
Hlohlesakhe: Thank you
He walked out. I looked at him till he got to his
car. I looked around. This woman vanished. I
called Zinyovile
Zinyovile: Hello
Me: You need to stop interfering when I speak to
my husband! why do you visit when he is
Zinyovile: Me visiting Sdabadabeni?
Me: Woman you were here less than a minute
ago! You also came in the morning !!!
Zinyovile: I don't know what you're talking
about! I was banned from that village. I have
never been there since. I think your ancestors
are trying to open your eyes using me !
Me: Oh ? Sorry then
Zinyovile clicked her tongue then hung up
Me: So she doesn't know she was here ?
I sat on the couch
Me: That's weird

< Narrated >
At the Royal house we see the Queen is back. She
is in the living room with her son. We see King
Zwelicacile gives his mother a glass of wine.
They both stood up and walked to the study.
Princess Nomagampompo appeared from the
Nomakhosazana: Sisi Go get your drink and join
us please
Nomagampompo: No I am okay. I don't want to
drink now. I am hungry I wanna eat first
Nomakhosazana: Okay let's talk first
They walked in and closed the door.
Nomakhosazana: Son You won't be here
Wednesday. I wanted to tell you that I am going
to my sister's trial
Zwelicacile: Shame man. It was bad what
happened to her. I remember us putting fliers
everywhere looking for her
Nomakhosazana: I even thought of calling or
contacting that TV show on SABC1 but I couldn't
because no one should know we are related
Zwelicacile: Ain't you scared that someone
might find out mom?
Judge sat on her chair
Nomakhosazana: Oh I pray it doesn't get to that
my son because I am prepared to do anything to
make sure no one finds out
Zwelicacile: Even if it means killing ? No mom.
This doesn't sit well with me. You should've let
some judge do this. You can't.....
Queen Nomakhosazana stood up
Her: We are not here to talk about my sister.
Why are we here ?
Zwelicacile looked down.
Him: I wish there was someone to talk to about
this in this family. A man but since you guys are
too involved in my life I have to do this. If my
unice wasn't the person he is become I would
talk to him but I don't trust him anymore
The Queen and the Princess looked at each
Nomakhosazana: What is it ?
Zwelicacile: Because of the punishment you
gave me mom I had to risk my life and sleep
with a woman I don't know without using
The Queen laughed then sipped on her wine
Nomakhosazana: Don't be stupid here! That
woman is your wife! .....
Princess: And besides.... She is a virgin!
Masixole cleared his throat
Nomakhosazana: Or she is not?
Zwelicacile: That is the reason I wanted to talk
to you
Princess Nomagampompo sat down
Her: Oh no
Nomakhosazana: The ancestors accepted this
woman! Do you think if she was lying they
wouldn't have shown us now ?
King Zwelicacile shrugged his shoulders
Zwelicacile: Hey i am no one to judge. I am not
innocent as well because I did things. All I want
to do is to let you know that the woman is no
He smiled and sipped on his wine. The Queen
looked at Princess Nomagampompo
Nomakhosazana: You're thinking what I am
Princess: The Zidenge family agreed to give us
Nomaxabiso a virgin girl. I know King
Zwelicacile's education took long.....
Nomakhosazana: Because he lied to us !
Zwelicacile looked down
Princess: But sisi there was nothing that said the
king must be a virgin as for her, It was stated in
the contract!
Zwelicacile: What makes this whole thing funny
is the fact that before we had sex she did
mention that she was a virgin. Why did she lie ?
I would've understood because I did things as
Nomakhosazana: Son you need to sit her down
and confront her. The ancestors love her but we
have to get to the bottom of this. Just let her
confess even though we won't do nothing about
Zwelicacile: Okay I will try
Nomakhosazana: The meeting is adjourned
Princess Nomagampompo stood up. They heard
a knock at the door.
Nomakhosazana: Come in !
The door opened. Notiniphu walked in
Notiniphu: Ngejiwe is here to see you my Queen
Queen Nomakhosazana's smile disappeared on
her face. She didn't say anything. She gulped her
drink then gave Notiniphu the glass. She walked
out and headed to the living room. Ngejiwe
stood up excited
Ngejiwe: My lor.......
Nomakhosazana: You did an investigation on
your king didn't you!?
The Queen grabbed another glass that was next
to the Whisky. She poured herself a drink.
Ngejiwe's lips were moving she couldn't say
anything. The Queen turned around.
Nomakhosazana: Your mother is smart she
managed to get herself a nursing diploma but
that !
She said pointing at Ngejiwe
Nomakhosazana: That was all you sweetheart !
Ngejiwe started crying
Nomakhosazana: All you!!!
Ngejiwe: My mother was desperate I am.....
Nomakhosazana: Advocate I am not saying go
against your mother but you and I know your
mother is trouble! She doesn't fix! she destroys
and you know it!!!
Ngejiwe: She was afraid to lose everything and I
was too..
Nomakhosazana: You were too!? am I that bad
in this family ?
Ngejiwe: No my Queen
Nomakhosazana: I make sure everyone is happy
here! I create opportunities for Everyone. Do
you really think I would do that to you guys?
Ngejiwe: I am so so....
Siqalo walked in. The Queen gulped her drink
Nomakhosazana: Siqalo?
Siqalo: I brought Bhalisile Cezu My Queen
Nomakhosazana: Send him in !
Siqalo bowed then walked out. Queen
Nomakhosazana looked at Ngejiwe
Ngejiwe: My....
Nomakhosazana: Ngejiwe you can leave I have
an important meeting
Ngejiwe looked at the Queen with pleading eyes.
The Queen looked at her with anger written in
her face. Ngejiwe walked to the door. Siqalo and
Bhalisile walked in. Ngejiwe passed them then
we see Bhalisile turn with Ngejiwe looking at
her till she walked out.
Nomakhosazana: I didn't call you here to look at
The Princess like that !
Bhalisile bowed
Him: I apologise My Queen. It's just that she
looks familiar and she looks......
Everyone was now in the living room. They
were all looking at him explaining this. He
cleared his throat
Bhalisile: I apologise My Queen. I will never
stare like that again
It was quiet and awkward. He looked
embarrassed. Everyone was looking at him like
he was a crazy man.
Bhalisile: Apologies your highness




< Nontorotyi >
I tried everything. I thought since I can't get my
way with then royal house, my husband will
help me since he is finally seeing the royal
family for who they are will help me do
whatever I want. I thought I was gonna use my
husband and demand everything but
unfortunately all that changed in a second. He
woke up a different man. Now we are back to
square one but I am not complaining. Judge
wanted the car for her son. I don't think when
she made this decision she thought about that. I
am sure wherever she is, she is mad at herself.
The car is ours and there is nothing she can do
about it. The fact that she is dying of jealousy
satisfies me. Since the Royal ancestors love her
so much, Getting this car Is our victory and
seeing her so bitter makes me happy. I wish I
was there when my husband told them that.
When we went there I told myself I will support
my Husband like Zinyovile asked me. I got there
and I did that but I couldn't stand some things
they said that's why I left.
Anyway I wonder why Judge Nomakhosazana
wants to see my daughter. Last time I checked
she always gave her one task per holiday. What
is it that she wants now? I hope she is not
poisoning my child against me. Later on I will go
there and apologise for my behavior. What the
use of staying mad at them when we are getting
another big car in this house. Anyway My door
opened. I stood up
Me: You came back early?
It's Ngejiwe, She walked to her room. She can't
go to her room looking like that. I have to find
out what is going on. I ran after her.
Me: Is everything okay honey? ‍♀
Ngejiwe: .....
She ignored me. I grabbed her wrist she turned
Me: Talk to me! What did that woman do to you
Ngejiwe: Mom I don't want to throw accusations
around. This is my fault. I should've known
better :'(
Me: Nothing is your fault! Everything That
happens in this family is Judge
Nomakhosazana's fault!
Ngejiwe: Mama please stop!
Me: What did that woman do? Did she hit you ?
Her: No! The Queen would never do that. She
asked me to go there because she wanted to
confront me. She knows I am the one who
investigated the king
Me: Who told her ?
Ngejiwe walked to the sofa. She said down
Her: She said I am the only one who would've
done something like this and she is right. I told
her it was me. I should've trusted the queen. I
should've known she wouldn't humiliate my
father. I don't know what got into me!
Me: Stop crying. You did this to protect your
family. Your father, You sisters and Yourself. We
are all we have. We will always be outsiders at
the Royal house. That house is Nkosesizw..... wait
a minute....
Ngejiwe stood up
Her: What is it mom ?
I smiled. I can't talk to her. I can't tell her this. I
will talk to her father when he comes back from
the cemetry. He said he wanted to visit his
father. I hope I won't forget this. I know I forget
a lot. The car is not the only thing we are getting
from those people.
Ngejiwe: What is it?
I looked at her. I am sorry honey. I won't tell
you. It doesn't involve you
Me: So when you apologised did she forgive you
Ngejiwe: No she asked me to leave when some
dirty man arrived. She said it was her guest
Me: Is that the royal healer ?
Ngejiwe: No, I know Gedleza. I didn't know that
man and he looked at me. I even got
uncomfortable because of the way he looked at
I wonder who is that. I have to go apologise now
so that I can see this man.
Me: I guess I have to go there and apologise for
you and I my dear
Ngejiwe: Mom you will make things worse for
Me: Relax sweetie. I am going there to apologise
for my behavior this morning then...
Ngejiwe: What did you do this morning ?
Me: Don't worry. It was a misunderstanding. Let
me go
Ngejiwe: Good luck
Me: Thank you

< Masixole >
I cannot wait to go back to Johannesburg and
tell Priscella about who I am. I am tired of lying.
She doesn't deserve that. She Is been good to me.
Disrespecting her is also disrespecting her
family. She and her family were so good to me. I
don't think this is going to be easy. They will be
disappointed in me. I might even lose her. I have
learnt my lesson about lies. They never help you.
They make sure they catch up with you later
and there is no running away from them, that is
why today I am hoping that this conversation I
am going to have with Nomaxabiso will make
me feel comfortable as well to share my secrets
with her, That is if she is honest with me. I know
she is not a virgin. I am not stupid. I just want
honesty and I feel like i do owe her the same as
well. I hope I will have guts to tell her and I hope
she will take this well. I do believe she will
understand. The only person I doubt will
understand is my wife. Priscella don't take
nonsense from anyone. She doesn't want to be
lied to or betrayed. I don't know how my
confessions will go with her. I am really scared.
Earlier she told me about what happened. I also
read online. The way she is angry at Hungani
worries me. She will be more angry with me
because she really loves me. She fought for us
when her friends and brother didn't want me
now I have to go there and proved them right to
all their suspicions. I am so angry right now.
Anyway I am at Nomaxabisio's room. I want to
talk to her. The reason I am confronting her is
because I want a chance to tell her about my life
as well. I hope this goes well.
Nomaxabiso: Before you ask me what you want
to ask my King....
Me: Yes?
Her: Why didn't you invite me to your room ?
I think I have said this before. That Is Priscella
and I room. I don't want to disrepect her. Let's
say I invite Nomaxabiso to my room then
Priscella happens to come here, Nomaxabiso
will think my room is our room. I can't have my
wife in just any room. My room is one of the
master bedrooms in this mansion. I am sorry. I
know she will be my first wife but a woman who
has my heart has to sleep in my bedroom.
Anyway I smiled.
Me: I don't think i should do that before we get
married. I feel like we need each other's privacy
till we are husband and wife
Nomaxabiso: I understand my King
Me: Let's talk about last night....
Her: Last night was special. It was a night I
always dreamt of for so many years
Me: So you were really a virgin?
She looked away
Her: What kinda question is that my King. Are
you saying you didn't feel that ?
She is going to deny it again? I have never been
with any virgin and I don't know how an old
virgin is like. I am clueless. Maybe this woman
was a virgin.
Me: I didn't say that. I wanted to make sure. It's
just that I heard about virgins and the first time.
I hear it gets dramatic in bed and.....
She turned around
Nomaxabiso: Okay!
Why is she teary? Did I say something offensive?
I thought I was handling this in a nice way
Me: Are you okay ?
Her: I have never slept with a man but.....
Me: But ?
She looked away. She looked embarrassed. What
is there to be embarrassed of when you haven't
had sex with a guy? As a royal princess she
should be proud.
Her: When I turned twenty five. I started
craving a man. I talked to my aunt about it. And
I was worried that this..... This us might never
happen but my aunt assured me it will and
She looked at me.
Her: My aunt bought me a vibrator. My parents
knew nothing about it
I wanted to laugh but I couldn't because she was
nervous and embarrassed. She sat down
Her: I was using it for the past.....I don't know.
But I have been using it
Me: Its okay. You don't have to feel bad about it
Nomaxabiso: You are fine with that my King?
Me: Yeah. Like I said I had no problem with it. I
just wanted to know
Nomaxabiso: Thank you but ain't you
disappointed my King?
Before I could respond she stood up
Her: Well the fact that you felt it and confronted
me shows your disappointment
I stood up .
Me: Hey don't be crazy!
She looked at me .
Her: I am so embarrassed
Me: No It's okay. The reason I confronted you is
because I didn't want us to have secrets. I
wanted you to come clean to me
Nomaxabiso: Promise me The Queen and
Princess won't find out about this
I smiled. They already know but she doesn't
have to know that.
Me: I won't tell them I promise. At least it was
not a dude hey
Me: Come here
I hugged her. I have to suck it up and create
some kinda bond between us. I am stuck with
her. She is going to be my wife. She hugged me
Nomaxabiso: I love you My King
I hugged her tight. I kissed her forhead.
I can't tell two women that I love them at the
same time. More especially in my situation. My
woman don't know about this woman. I feel like
I am cheating and what I did last night makes
me feel bad even More.
< Priscella >
I cannot believe this. I cannot believe what
Tasha did to my brother. EJ really loved that girl.
I have never seen my brother cry. All he does is
laugh and get mad. Trust me he can get mad and
be rude when he wants to. I have never seen
him so broken. I really feel bad for him. I really
do. I hope he forgets that girl. I am also glad he
agreed to take the tests. I am waiting to hear
from my lawyer now. I cannot wait for him to
serve them with lawsuit. They will think twice
before messing with my family again. That bitch
risked my brother's Life. She didn't seem to care
at all and this shows she never loved my
brother. All she wanted was his money and be
famous. That girl has educated parents. The
mother is a lecturer and the father is an
accountant so she says. We heard All these
things from her. She never introduced them to
us. We took her word because we trusted her. I
don't think all that was true. She has been fake
from the start I wouldn't be surprised if she lied.
Anyway few minutes ago my brother walked
into the elevator. He said he went to buy
something downstairs. I don't want him to go
out. He must stay at home. I was surprised when
he stayed after I blackmailed him with my
unborn baby. It was the only think I could use at
the time to make him stay. I called my mother
earlier telling her all this. She is upset as I am
and she said I made the right call for suing.
Speaking of suing. I haven't asked my brother
how he feels about it. His opinion won't change
anything but I do want to hear how he feels. The
elevator opened. It's him
Me: You're back ?
Him: Yeah Mom wanted to face time. I didn't
answer. I called her. I don't want her to see My
face. I don't want her to see me and feel sorry
for me
Me: How do you feel about me suing them ?
He just shruggled his shoulders
Me: I am glad you have nothing to say about it. I
want you to let me handle this. Did Tasha call ?
Elton: I blocked her arse everywhere. I just see
her notifications showing that she called
Me: Good
Elton: Sonia left me a message. Are you guys
cool now ?
Me: No but I will see her shortly. I am glad she
doesn't let our problems get in the way of your
Elton: Yeah
He walked up the stairs. I am glad he could chat
for few minutes with me. I heard the elevator. I
turned around. It's Sonia and Uncle Kobus
Uncle: Afternoon my dear
Me: Hello Uncle
Sonia: Hi
Me: Hi
I walked to the drawer. I didn't smile. I wasn't
cold. I just want her to see I don't like what she
did. Besides, Uncle is here so I don't want to be
nasty in front of him. I took out the usb and the
slip. I saw Cleopetra coming to the dining room.
Let me give you a picture of what you walk into
when you enter my home. When you walk in
from the elevator. You walk into the dinning
room. The lounge is far left.
Cleopatra: Good afternoon. What can I get you ?
Uncle: Bring a glass for me. I know where to find
my drink
Cleopatra looked at Sonia
Sonia: A glass and a bottle of wine
Cleo walked away.
Me: Let's just sit here at the dinning table
I sat down
Sonia: Let me first start.....
Me: Sonia this meeting is not about us save that
for later
She looked at her father
Sonia: Father what is this about ?
He exhaled
Uncle: About your husband
Sonia flipped her hair and looked at me
Sonia: How dare you!
I stood up
Me: Someone has to save you from that man!
Sonia: Who saves you fro..... .
Uncle: Enough!!!!
He hit the table hard. I looked at him
Me: Sorry uncle
He looked at Sonia
Sonia: Father you need to st....
Uncle: You need to shut up!
Sonia looked down
Uncle: You two are sisters. You need to support
each other. You need to end this! You are always
together. You can't stay mad at each other!!!
Sonia. I want you to sit there my daughter and
listen to us. We will give you time to say what
you want to say
Sonia: Fine
She folded her arms on her chest.
Uncle: I came here after you put your sister on
the news. I came here to apologise for you. I told
her I suspect your husband like I said it infront
of him. Priscella said she is suspecting him as
well and some other people did too. So we
decided to start an investigation
Uncle looked at me.
Me: Sonia I know you think my relationship is
also not perfect but we will talk about mine
when we have something to talk about
Me: I asked Uncle to go to the restaurant and ask
when was the last time Isaiah Norman went
there. It was on Friday when uncle went there If
I am not mistaken.....They said He goes there all
the time but they haven't seen him in something
close to four weeks
Sonia: I saw him there yesterday
Me: It was his first time after a long time which
means he didn't take pictures. He wasn't there
when you were talking to Hungani and Brendan
Me: We hired a private investigator. That man
followed your husband around. Did you go to
parking and talk to Isaiah after or during your
shoot ?
Sonia: It was after
Me: Do you know what Brendan was talking
about when you left him with Isaiah?
Sonia: He said he was paying him for doing a
coverage on the show
Uncle: Lies!
Sonia: How do you know ?
I took my phone. I went to my WhatsApp and
played the video
Me: He waited for you to disappear then he
started being aggressive to the man
Sonia: That's impossible!
I gave her my phone. She watched the video. She
looked at me and Uncle. She stood up. Cleo put
the glasses on the table. We saw Sonia thinking.
She was busy flipping her hair.
Me: Thank you please go back to the kitchen
She walked away. Sonia looked at Cleo then us
Sonia: He wanted to tell me something. He
stopped when Brendan arrived
Uncle: So you didn't follow up on him?
Sonia: I did! Last night when I saw him at that
restaurant he lied to me. He said he was testing
my love for my husband. He lied to me!!!! ...... He
was threatened now I wonder what is it that he
wanted to tell me .....
Uncle: That he paid him to write all that
Sonia got mad
Sonia: When we got home. I asked him to give
me Isaiah's number because I want him to be a
friend of mine since I want to use his services.
My husband said he deleted his numbers
That guy is a liar. Why would he delete the
numbers ? when he clearly needs the man. I
mean he keeps inviting him to his events
Me: After the shoot,...... Where did Brendan go ?
Sonia: He asked me to go home he was taking
the tapes to studio. Apparently they wanted to
Uncle: Another lie! That bastard !
Sonia: Where was he ?
Me: Brendan went to some sex shop
Sonia: A sex shop ?
Me: Where you can find Dildos, All the 50 shades
of grey stuff
Sonia: What was he doing there ? He didn't
come home with anything?
I took the slip. I gave to her. She looked at it
Sonia: Okay I am suspecious as well but my
husband is not into these kinky stuff! I hate
wigs! He wouldn't buy me a wig!
Exactly. I know my friend. She hates wigs. She
looked at us
Her: How do you guys know this is his slip?
I opened my laptop. I put the usb in. I looked for
the video.
Me: There is a video of him buying these things
I played it for her. She put her hand on her
mouth surprised.
She looked at us
Sonia: Maybe these are the things he will want
us to talk about when I am with the ladies ?
I looked at uncle
Sonia: You guys don't think he is having an
affair do you ?
Me: I am sorry to ask this in front of Uncle but
did you have sex last night?
She looked at her father then at me.
Sonia: We didn't.....
Me: wo.....
Sonia: We don't have sex everyday. We are
married and don't tell me you have sex with
Masixole every.....
Me: Oh honey don't compare your sex life with
mine. I have sex with my man every night
I looked at Uncle
Me: I apologise Uncle anyway let's go to the
importance part
Me: When he left the shop he went to some
Sonia: Where? So he is really having an affair ?
Me: There is something interesting about this
Sonia. You should be asking whose house he
went to
She looked at me then at Uncle
Sonia: Whose house ?
I looked at Uncle
Uncle: Isaiah Norman
Sonia: What ?
Me: And when he got there. He took the
shopping bag and went in with it. After some
time When he he was leaving, I guess it was
when he was going home. He left without that
Sonia quickily looked at the slip in her hand
Sonia: A lubricant Why would He need it. We
don't use it. Mostly women have their natural
Me: Maybe he is sleeping with an old woman
who likes kinky stuff. I hear some old women
are dry
Sonia: Or what if he is sleeping with another
man? What if he is sleeping with Isaiah?
Me: No! I don't think so
Sonia: Explain the need of fluid and....
Me: Isaiah Norman don't look gay! my theory is
that Brendan did ask Isaiah to lie about me to
the papers. And I think a woman might be in
that house. A woman he is sleeping with
Uncle: Or he is sleeping with that journalist!
Me: Uncle I don't know
Sonia started pacing up and down
Sonia: Who did I marry? How can he tarnish my
name like that ? On social media I am this bad
friend. Yes ! I am a bad friend because I went
and told them without your permission but my
husband? I even defended him to Hungani
She looked at Uncle
Sonia: And I defended him to my father !
Sonia broke down. Her father went to her and
brushed her back
Sonia: What do I do father? How do I go home
and pretend as if everything is okay ?
Me: And you have to do it because that man will
manipulate you and make you look like a bad
guy. We can't I mean.... you can't confront him
until you have every detail you need
She looked at me
Sonia: That's what he is been doing lately.
Making me feel bad for his mistakes
I looked at Uncle. He smiled but showed his
concerns as well.
Me: Sonia I know how you've been trying to get
to the entertainment industry. And I know you
are happy about this show. I will give you an
advice if you need it
Sonia: Yes ?
She wiped her tears.
Me: Use him just like he is using you
She was confused.
Me: it's still early. He might pull you out of the
show. So I think you need to play along. I want
you to play his game. When you get home now.
Act upset but first I want to ask you
Sonia: Yes ?
Me: now that you know he betrayed you with
the papar thing then it turns out he is cheating
on you. What will you do when you get a
concrete evidence that shows he is cheating?
Sonia: I will divorce him!
I smiled. Uncle did too.
Me: Here is my advice to you. Get home. Tell him
how horrible I was to you. Tell him you want to
postpone the wedding because you can't marry
without me. Then that will give us time you
conclude our investigation
Sonia: You're right ....
Uncle: Thank you Priscella, I am glad you still
have your sister's back no matter what you guys
are going through
Me: I just want her to be happy. Sonia is not
happy at all. She has been played but she
couldn't see that because she loves that bastard!
Sonia: I am so disappointed in him. I hope I will
be able to pretend
She took a glass then went to our rack to pour
herself a drink. Uncle winked at me
Uncle: ;)
It was enough evidence after all. Thank you

< Narrated >
At the Royal house. Judge Nomakhosazana is
walking in. She was in her heels. She looked
exhausted. She just got in from walking around
with Bhalisile Cezu. She was showing him what
to do and the poor guy didn't waste time. He
started working immediately. Anyway the
Queen found Princess Nomagampompo in the
living room all alone.
Nomakhosazana: Oh my heels are killing me
Princess: I thought when we got back from that
family you'd take them off
Nomakhosazana sat on the couch. She took her
heels off
Nomakhosazana: When ? remember we got
back and immediately i had to have a meeting
with you and the King then Ngejiwe, after that I
had to go around showing Bhalisile our propery
Princess: You should've let Siqalo do it. He is....
Nomakhosazana: Sisi that Bhalisile is important
in this family. The ancestors chose him for a
Princess: You're right
The Queen looked at the kitchen
Nomakhosazana: Notiniphu boil water and
come wash my feet please my dear
Notiniphu: Okay my queen
Siqalo walked in. We saw Nomaxabiso walks
down smiling. It looks like she got some again
from her king. Life in the Royal house is good.
Siqalo: Sorry to disturb....
He looked at The Queen.They looked at him
waiting for him to tell them what he wants
Siqalo: My Queen The chief's wife is here
Princess: What is she doing here after what she
did this morning?
We see her appear at the door.
Nontorotyi: I came in peace royal family. I came
here to apologise
The Queen rolled her eyes. Nontorotyi sat on the
Nontorotyi: I didn't come here to apologise for
one thing I came here to apologise for a few
Princess: Lets hear it
Nontorotyi: I am sorry for humiliating this
family to our elders. I am sorry for using my
daughter to fight the royal house. She is broken.
She loves you My Queen
Nomakhosazana: Ngejiwe doesn't have to feel
bad. She is a child. I shouted at her it's forgotten
Nontorotyi: And me? Do you forgive me ?
The Queen paused. Notiniphu got to them with
water. She put it in front of the Queen
Nomaxabiso: Notiniphu you can go
Notiniphu: But I have to wash My queen's.....
Nomaxabiso: No! someone is gonna do that. You
can go to the kitchen
Notiniphu smiled then walked Away. The Queen
smiled at Nomaxabiso
Nomakhosazana: Oh My daughter in law. You
don't have to do this though. You're......
Nomaxabiso: No my Queen, I am not going to
wash your feet
Nomakhosazana: Oh ?
Nomaxabiso looked at Nontorotyi
Nontorotyi: What!? hell no!
Nomaxabiso: Nontorotyi go down on your knees
and wash your Queen's feet then from there we
will see if you're really sorry
Nontorotyi: What !?
Nomakhosazana: Nomaxa....
Nomaxabiso gave the Queen a hand
Nomaxabiso: Don't worry My Queen. She is
going to do it
Nomaxabiso looked at Nontorotyi
Nomaxabiso: Right Nontorotyi?
Nontorotyi looked down. She went down on her
Nontorotyi: Of course
Princess Nomagampompo and The Queen
looked at each other with their eyes popped out.
Nontorotyi took a towel and a soap she started
washing The Queen's feet. Nomaxabiso looked
away and smiled



< Sonia De Villiers >
I am done being naive. I cannot believe I trusted
this man. I can't sit back and act like I don't see
the signs. I learnt my lesson. If you want to get
Brendan do not confront him because he always
has an answer for everything and after he
answers your questions you're left feeling guilty
like you're the bad guy. This man is cheating on
me. I hear what Priscella says but my mind can't
stop feeling like my man is sleeping with other
men but then again.... What is the wigs and bras
for ? This is confusing. This is the reason I am
not going to confront him. I am going to let My
father and Priscella continue with their
investigation. They are doing a great job. I gave
them a go ahead. I don't know. I feel like I am
about to get into one ugly divorce but at the
same time i feel so happy to know that my
friend is looking out for me even after
everything I put her through. I didn't like how
things were between us. I felt like I lost her for
good. She is right. We can't judge her man
without any evidence. Brendan on the other
hand, There are so many red flags. I really don't
know how he did all these things under my
nose. Now more than ever i do not trust Isaiah
Norman. That son of a bitch knows a lot about
my marriage. The question in my head right
now is, since he loves writing things about
people why don't he write things about my
marriage? Is it because he is involved somehow
in ruining my marriage? I don't know but I feel
like that journalist has been laughing at me
behind my back. He knows about my marriage
more than I do. To think about it, That man
asked if I was happy, Why did he say that? Is it
because he knows something I don't? I am
getting a divorce the second I find out what
Brendan has been up to behind my back. That
man has been using me. Telling me what to do
through out our marriage. I listened to him
because I thought he wanted the best for me. I
didn't think he would betray me and tell the
world how bad I am to my friend. How could
Brendan say those things to the Journalist. How
could he take something private we talked about
and use it against me? He is my husband. I
should trust him. We should trust each other. I
am really mad right now. I feel like if Priscella
didn't give me advice. I was gonna handle things
the wrong way. I am happy that She adviced me
to stay on the show. My friend knows how
excited I am to be on this show. Right now I have
to do my part. I have to try and convince this
man to postpone this wedding.
Anyway I just got home. I see his car is parked at
drive way. I parked mine behind his. I walked
out of my car. I walked into my house. I don't
even want to go house shopping anymore. What
if we don't last? I saw him watching tv. He
smiled when he saw me.
Brendan: Baby you're back ?
Me: Yes
He stood up
Him: Oh boy it didn't go well ?
That is the exact reaction I wanted from him.
This is the perfect time to tell him. I sat on the
couch opposite him. I don't want to sit next to
him. He is disgusting. He is a cheating bastard.
He promised me the world. He made me cheat
on my husband. He made me believe he could
treat me better than he did. I left a good man for
what? for a pervert like this?
Me: I feel like my friendship is over
He stood up and came and sat next to me. So he
is doing exactly what I was avoiding ? can't he
see I don't wanna sit with him?
Him: No baby don't say that. What happened ?
I stood up.
Me: Whoever went to the papers and lied to that
journalist ruined my life! I hate him!
Brendan: Baby it wasn't someone. The journalist
I turned around fast
Me: How do you know that? Did you see Isaiah
at that restaurant that day ?
Brendan: No baby but he mentioned it on...
Me: I don't believe anything that is said by a
journalist. Those people are liars! and they are
good at keeping secrets! Dark secrets !
Brendan: Secrets ?
I looked at him. Let me not sell myself out. He
will be suspicious. I can't disappoint father and
Me: All I am saying is, that man wasn't there!
and I am not going to argue with you about that
because we both don't know! so you have no
right to say I am wrong
Brendan: I am not saying you're wrong baby
I flipped my hair
Me: Anyway baby I think we should postpone
the wedding
Him: What ?
Me: Baby I want Priscella to be my maid of
honour ! you guys are creative! and we are
good. Look what we did at that party. We will
find something else to talk about. I can't get
married and have another woman, A stranger as
my maid of honour! I want my sister to be by my
Brendan: Okay fine. We will bring up this
storyline about the wedding....Then postpone on
camera but I want you baby to go look for a
venue and a wedding planner then we cancel
along the way. I want something dramatic
Me: Yeah I see you love drama
I walked away. Drama is what he loves. He
betrayed me for drama. Talk about an evil man!
backstabbing bastard.
Brendan: What do you mean baby? Reality show
is about drama anyway when you go shoot I
won't be there. I will be shooting for my soapie
Me: Okay it's fine as long the script is ready I can
do it without you
He came to me and kissed me.
Him: I am proud of you and don't worry about
Priscella. You guys will fix things
Me: I hope so
He kissed me again then went back to the couch.
I wonder for how long will I keep pretending. I
can't stand him. I am glad He is going back to his
show shooting monday. He Eason a two week
leave. I am glad he will start working, at least I
won't see him all day.

< Narrated >
What an awkward moment it was for everyone
who was in the room when Nomaxabiso
demanded that Nontorotyi goes down on her
knees and wash The Queen's feet. By the look of
things The Queen didn't want this. She didn't
think it was a right thing to do. A wife of her
brother in law washing her feet? That was
uncomfortable. The Queen was afraid
Hlohlesakhe would walk in and see this. She was
uncomfortable but a part of her was happy and
enjoying this. She loved to see Nontorotyi
humiliated. We see King Zwelicacile walks down
the stairs while Nontorotyi was busy with the
His eyes popped out. Nomaxabiso looked at her
fiancé then looked away with a silly smile on
her face. The Queen looked at her son the
shrugged her shoulders. The King stood there
like a robot. He didn't know what to say or do.
We see Nontorotyi taking a towel
Nomaxabiso: Thank you aunt Nontorotyi I will
take it from here
Nontorotyi stood up. She was angry. She felt
Humiliated. Nomaxabiso smiled.
Nomaxabiso: My Queen and you My princes
They both looked at her waiting on her to say
what she has to say. Nontorotyi was wiping her
hands with a towel
Nomaxabiso: Aunt Nontorotyi just showed the
Royal house how sorry she is. I don't think it
would be fair for you to say no to her apologise
The Queen looked at Nontorotyi
Nomakhosazana: I forgive you
Princes: It was very nice of you to come to the
Royal house and do this. The royal house
forgives you sister in law
Nontorotyi: Thank you that's all I came here for
please excuse me
Nontorotyi did the walk of shame to the door.
Before Siqalo opened the door. Her tears
betrayed her. A few drops came out of her eyes
Nontorotyi: Don't just stand there! open the door
for your queen!
Siqalo: Of course sister in law
Siqalo is married to Sabonkolo. That is why he
calls her sister in law. Anyway she walked out.
Zwelicacile: What was that mom ?
Nomaxabiso: That my King.....
Nomaxabiso said turning him around.
Remember the king was waiting for an answer
from his mom. Nomaxabiso looked at him
Nomaxabiso: That was a woman ashamed my
King. She walked in here and offered to wash
My Queen's feet just to show how sorry she is
about this morning
Nomaxabiso looked at Queen Nomakhosazana
and the Princess
Nomaxabiso: Right my Queen and my Princess?
Princes: It is exactly how she explained it
Zwelicacile: Wow! I swear Culumbus clouds are
forming outside. It's gonna rain not just any
rain. I see Thunderstorms
The Queen didn't say anything. She was just
smiling. She couldn't believe what just
happened. In her mind she wants to know what
Nomaxabiso has on Nontorotyi but she knows
she can't ask her.

Out side the Royal house. We See Bhalisile
cleaning outside. He was next to one of the
servants. The servant was washing a car.
Nontorotyi walked out of the royal house
fuming with anger. She got humiliated by
Nomaxabiso. She hated every minute she spent
washing the The Queen's feet.
Bhalisile: Hey man tell Me, Who was that girl.
The little girl Who was wearing a cap walking
out of the Royal house when I arrived
Servant: Oh that one? That was chief
Khabalandile's daughter
Bhalisile: Khabalandile? You mean the brother
of the late Nkosesizwe?
Servant: Yes they call him Hlohlesakhe. That's
his daughter
Bhalisile: Nontorotyi is married to that man so
that was thei.......
" Did I hear my name? Who tell hell do yo.... "
That was Nontorotyi. When Bhalisile turned
around Nontorotyi stopped talking. She looked
at him. She knew this was a new servant
because she has never seen him before. She then
looked at the servant.
Nontorotyi: Who is this ? Doesn't he know that I
am the Queen? How dare.....
Bhalisile: Nonto it's been a long time
Bhalisile said walking to Nontorotyi for a hand
shake. Nontorotyi looked closely at him. We see
Nontorotyi's eyes pop out. She put her hand on
her mouth shocked
Bhalisile: It's been a long time I know
Nontorotyi looked at his hand disgusted. She
turned and looked at the servant.
Nontorotyi: Can you give us some a moment ?
Servant: Of course my Queen
He walked away. Nontorotyi grabbed Bhalisile
Nontorotyi: What the hell are you doing here!?
Bhalisile: I am working here now. I am clean....
Nontorotyi: Cut the act! Don't you ever think of
doing what you think you want to do ! don't you
dare !
Bhalisile: Why are you angry ?
Nontorotyi: I am going to kill you befo.....
Bhalisile: Oh My God
Nontorotyi stared at him fuming with anger. She
was curious to know why he is acting surprised
Bhalisile: I saw your daughter here. She did look
familiar. She looked like my older brother's
Nontorotyi slapped Bhalisile so hard on his face.
Then looked around
Nontorotyi: Don't you dare say that again do you
hear me ?
Nontorotyi was crying scared and praying that
someone don't caught them while they are still
confronting each other.
Bhalisile: She is my daught.....?
Nontorotyi covered his mouth
Nontorotyi: Please Bhalisile! why are you trying
to ruin my life. what have I ever done to you
Bhalisile: I can't breath
Nontorotyi: Promise me you won't shout!
Bhalisile nodded his head promising that he
won't shout. Nontorotyi removed her hand
Nontorotyi: Leave this house! resign! I said
resign with immediate effect!. I will pay you
Bhalisile: I am sorry Nontorotyi. The royal
ancestors asked the healer to find me and hire
me. I can't go against the ancestors and you
know that
Nontorotyi: Oh My God
Bhalisile: I won't say anything for now. We can
meet later and discuss this
Nontorotyi open her handbag. She took out her
diary and pen. She wrote something
Nontorotyi: This is my number. Call me when
you wanna talk and remember. No word to
Bhalisile: Okay thank you
Nontorotyi ran to the gate
Nontorotyi: Oh My God

< Hlohlesakhe >
Growing up I was told to work hard because I
will never be like my older brother. I was told
that he will have everything with or without
education. So all these years I have known that I
will never have these privileges my brother got
and I was okay with it because I knew how it
goes and that made me ignore everything that
was happening in my family. I never paid any
attention or shown interest in anything that was
happening regarding the Chieftaincy. I went to
college and did agriculture. I have a diploma in
it. My father forced me to do it because he
wanted me to have experience and help the
family business. When I got to be regent. I was
excited but I must say it was unexpected. It
caught me offguard. I never expected my
brother to die so young. So when I got to taste or
to be the regent, I enjoyed it but I knew
Zwelicacile would grow up and come home
eventually and take what is rightfully his. I was
okay with that until I noticed that in this family
they don't appreciate my family's effort and
sacrifices. I felt like this family is led by women
who don't respect me as a man of this house. I
was really angry about the car thing. Don't get
me wrong. I can afford my own car but this one
it's a free car and a very expensive one. We all
want free stuff Don't we? . When I spoke to the
man from the department. I asked him if I
would be wrong to want the position that is
given to my nephew. I told him everything and
the history of our Chieftaincy. I told him my
nephew should be the chief because my brother
was. He said I had a case then my plan was to
threaten the Royal house to give me The King
position if they refuse I would take them to
court. You know what happens if we take each
other to court. We lose the Chieftaincy. I knew
they'd give it to me without a fight but my father
ruined everything last night. He made me feel
useless. He told me I am ungrateful. I should
accept what I am given. I am glad Gedleza
explained my dream to me. Right now it is Clear
I will only do what the Royal house want. I won't
be able to go for what I think I deserve and that
sucks big time.
The reason I didn't tell my wife about the secret
or what The Queen has on the family is because
we all know how she is. She could ruin us to
hurt the queen and that wouldn't be good for all
of us. There is a lot at stake here. Anyway I just
arrived. I am in front of my father's tombstone. I
took off my hat. It's hot . I bowed down and went
on one knee
Me: Ahhhh Dubulingqanga!!!!
I was saluting him. He is a chief you have to
salute him. I looked at his tombstone
Me: Chief Dubulingqanga it's me your son
Khabalandile Hlohlesakhe....
I exhaled. I haven't come here in a long time. In
our culture this is not done. We only visit this
place to clean. We don't come to talk to them. I
am doing this because of the dream I had. I want
to apologize.
Me: My chief you haven't visited me through a
dream in a long time.... When you visited me last
night I thought I should come and talk to you...
I just hope they will forgive me. I want to belong.
It is so hard to feel like an outsider in your own
Me: Father if I knew being a last born makes you
feel like this I don't think i would've stayed in
this family. You treat me like I am not your son. I
have to benefit from your legacy. I am your son.
Why should I get handouts? I should claim what
I think I deserve.....
" Even if it's not yours? " said a voice behind me.
I quickly turned around. What the hell is he
doing here ?
Me: Gedleza what are you doing here ?
Gedleza sat down
Gedleza: You're upsetting the ancestors. You're
forgetting what you came here to do !
Me: I have to tell my father how I feel about the
I turned around and looked at my father's
Me: I am allowed to come and cry to you right?
Gedleza: You and your wife are the reason you
don't have an heir! you're too stubborn and
I quickly turned around
Me: What are you tal..... ?
Where the hell is this man ?
Me: Gedleza?
I looked around hoping he'd appear somewhere.
He can't just vanish on me.
Me: Show your face you coward! You can't tell
me now when we've been trying for years!!!
I was shouting hoping wherever he is hiding he
could hear me.
Me: I wanted a son since Ngejiwe was born!
Why did your father keep quiet Gedleza?
I looked on the other side. His father was our
healer also.
Me: Why did you keep quiet ? Why did you and
your father keep quiet answer Me!!!!!
There was no sign of him. He can't say this and
just disappear. I have to go to his house and ask
about this. This matter is very sensitive to me. I
have three Daughters. My dream is to have a
son. Nontorotyi is in her 40s I doubt we are
going to be able to have more children. Anyway
I went closer to my father's tombstone.
Me: Father I came here to apologise to you and
thank you for looking after me and my family. I
also wanted to tell you this morning I accepted
the Chieftaincy and I promise I will keep it until
I die. I also signed the contract. Zwelicacile and
Nomaxabiso's first born son will take the reigns
from me
" You seem so sure! " said another voice behind
me. I jumped up so fast. The reason I jumped is
because it was a female this time.
Me: Wait.....Zinyovile ?
Zinyovile: Khabalandile
Me: What are you doing here ?
Zinyovile just smiled. She took out a knife then
sat down. She started cutting some herbs. She'd
cut one and put it in her bag and cut another
one. I walked to her.
Me: Why did you say I seem so sure ? That is
what the ancestors want right ?
Zinyovile: Of course it is but the details you gave
your father might be false
Me: What details?
Zinyovile stood up. She smiled then walked
away. I ran after her. I tried to touch her. I
couldn't feel like I was turning someone. I felt
like touching thin air
Me: Zinyovile?
She looked at me.
Zinyovile: Things are more complicated than
you think
Me: Enlighten M.....
She disappeared
Me: You too!!!!?
I looked around
Me: No! She can't just disappear.....
I looked behind me..
Me: What false details did I give you father ?



< Priscella >
I swear some people are doing a great job in
making me become someone I am not. I hope
this won't be twisted around and make me look
bad. I know these journalists. They enjoy
dragging my name on their papers. What
happened to my brother had nothing to do with
me. A whore drugged him because she wanted
another man. This had nothing to do with me
but my name was there. I hope suing Hungani
and Tasha won't look like I am jealous because I
don't give a Damn what Hungani does with
whoever he does it with. All I care about is my
family. My brother. I am fighting for him.
After my meeting with Sonia and Uncle Kobus.
Hungani started calling and texting me. This
man is a stupid bastard. What the hell was he
thinking? He expects me to listen to his
nonsense now? i am not interrested. He slept
with my brother's girlfriend. He can't get away
with that. I don't want to hear it. He will hear
from my lawyer.
Anyway I heard the sound of the elevator. I am
with Algebra waiting for the lawyer to contact
us again. The elevator opened
Me: What the hell?
The nerve on this girl. After what she did? She is
showing her face here now?
Tasha: Priscella I am sorry. I have to see EJ
Me: I cannot believe this !
Tasha: I have to apologize to him
Me: Do you know what you shuold do ?
I said going to the elevator pressing the Button..
Tasha: What ? I can't do anythi....
I pushed her. She fell inside the elevator. She fell
and sat on her bum
Me: You should leave my brother alone and
never sat foot in this building!
I pressed the elevator. The door closed. I looked
at the living room
Me: Can you believe that ?
Algebra: She has no shame. I didn't think we'd
hear from her at least for a month
I walked back to the living room. I sat down
Me: What are you looking at there ?
He was sitting in front of my laptop
Algebra: Oh Ma'am your lawyer just responded.
He says when the Doctor calls you please contact
him for a go ahead
Me: Thank you Algebra. I will do that
I took my phone. I transferred him R2 000.00
His phone beeped. He looked at his phone then
at me.
Algebra: Ma'am what is that money for?
Me: Today you helped me a lot. It's your day off.
Take it as overtime payment
Algebra: I was just helping you as your PA. I
didn't expect to be paid ma'am thank you
Me: You're far from home. You need money. Go
out and enjoy yourself with your boyfriend
Algebra: No ma'am, I don't have a boyfriend and
I don't think i will anytime soon. Men in this city
are crazy
Me: You already met a few men in this short
period of time and they already messed up ?
Gays don't play bathong!
Algebra: I met one. I must say it was not a good
first experience with Johannesburg man and
right now i think I am good single
Me: Wow ! It looks like he did something huge
Algebra's phone rang. He looked at me.
Him: Ma'am thank you so much for the money.
About the man, It's a story for another day. My
sister and her husband are waiting for me. We
are eating out tonight
Me: Okay bye
He smiled then went to the elevator. He walked
in and left. I smiled
Me: Johannesburg men for you
That is the reason I am dating a man from the
Eastern Cape. I can't with the men in this city.
My phone rang. I looked at it. It's the Doctor. I
Me: Hello doctor
Doctor: Ma'am I have the results with me
Me: Tell me they are positive
He exhaled.Oh no! This is going to ruin my plan.
Doctor: You have a case
Me: What ?
Him: Yes we found a drug in his blood. I am late
for a Sunday lunch. Do you mind coming to my
office tomorrow morning ?
Me: No! I don't mind doctor thank you. Please
keep those results safe. I will need them trust me
Him: You have nothing to worry about
Me: Thank you
I hung up I dialled my lawyer's number.
Him: Ms Seputla
Me: Send the Lawsuits
Him: You have the results?
Me: The doctor called me. He found a drug in his
Him: Great! We have a case. Look how about
you bring them to me tomorrow
Me: I will be there
Him: See you then
I hung up. I texted my mom
" Mom we have a case. That girl drugged my
brother indeed. I am going through with the
lawsuit "
Me: Sent.
I ran up the stairs. I have to Tell my brother
about this. I walked to his room. I knocked once
then opened there door I found him fixing God
knows what next to his bed.
Me: What were you doing ?
He looked at me. His eyes are red. Has he been
Him: Nothing
Me: Then why are you acting strange?
He looked down smiling. He started sniffing
Me: Do you have a flue ?
Elton: No! Priscella I am fine!
Me: Okay then. The doctor called you were
drugged I will find out what Kinda drug She
used tomorrow
Elton: That bitch !
Me: They are going to pay trust me !
I walked out. I got a text from Sonia.
" He says we can postpone. Friend I can't stand
Him! I am so angry but I guess I will have to
keep pretending "
I smiled. Who would've thought ? Who would
have thought Sonia would believe anyone
saying something about her man. I guess
whatever accusations you throw at someone
you have to have something to back up your
accusations. I know she is not that stupid. I
knew she would never ignore the evidence. That
is what I want her to do when she is accusing
Masixole about something. She must give me
something. I replied
" Being a reality star makes you an actress. She
me you can act. Love that man more than you
loved him before until we have something that
will bury him and be unable to deny"
Me: sent
Tomorrow my brother is going to win that case.
I don't want him to be exposed to that. I will be
there on his behalf infact I will bring Doctor
Qakathayo. He might be needed there to testify.

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
I just received a massage from the department.
This is so sudden and unexpected. I didn't expect
this but I am glad. I don't have to spend any
money on this. I got an email telling me that
King Zwelicacile will be ordained at Bisho so we
won't have this extravaganza event at the Royal
house. He will go to the provincial house and be
ordained. That is good news and that means the
wedding is going to be the best in the country.
My son will be a well known king when he gets
married. That is why I want to call a family
meeting. I hate these meetings. I thought The
meeting this morning will be the last but it looks
like everyday we will have to be together. I don't
like having Nontorotyi and her husband here
everyday because whenever they are here we
fight. Things will be more awkward now that
Nontorotyi washed my feet. I must say I am still
shocked. It happened in the morning but it still
feels like it happened a second ago. A woman
who despises me so much went down and
washed my feet. I don't know what Nomaxabiso
has on her but it looks hectic and huge.
Princess: My Queen you want to speak to us ?
I asked everyone to come to the living room. I
want to tell them about the email..
Me: Thank you guys for coming.....
They sat down
Me: I got this email from the department
Zwelicacile: Is everything okay ?
Me: Yes everything is great. They want you to be
ordained next week at Bisho not here
Princess: So we won't have to do anything here ?
Me: Yes but when we come back from Bisho we
have to get here and do a small thing and
slaughter two cows for the village
Zwelicacile: So that means I should come back
as soon as possible from Gauteng ?
I looked at Nomaxabiso
Me: He told you he is leaving Tuesday right?
Nomaxabiso: Yes. He is going there to finalise
some things from Varsity
Princess looked at me. I smiled at Nomaxabiso
Me: Great. The King has to come back over the
weekend so I was thinking How about we invite
the wedding planner to have a meeting with us
tomorrow and talk about the wedding. Everyone
has to put their ideas on the table. It's gonna be
a big wedding
Princess: Sounds good
I looked at Zwelicacile
Zwelicacile: Looking forward to it
Me: Great!
I looked at the door
Me: Where is Siqalo , Siqalo!!!
" Your highness! " He said from the kitchen. He
came running
Me: What are you doing there ?
Siqalo: It's that time of the month my Queen. I
am checking groceries writing down what needs
to be bought
Me: Okay when you're done please go to the
chief house and tell them we want them to come
here midday for wedding preparations
Siqalo: Okay My Queen
Princess: Bring the list to me when you're done. I
will take it to the driver
Siqalo: Okay my princess
He walked away.
Nomaxabiso: If I may ask my Queen. Why did
you ask him to tell them what the meeting is
Me: In case Nontorotyi is scared to come.
Remember what happened earlier ?
Everyone laughed
Nomaxabiso: It looks like that woman always
has something to say. Telling her before time
will make her prepare herself. We can't let that
woman breath. I think they shouldn't know
what the meeting is about
Me: I am trying to avoid another conflict. I don't
want the chief to think I do things behind his
back. I think I should call him and tell him
Princess: You should but we still have to send
someone to officially invite them. The royal
house don't send invitations through cell phone.
We send someone
Nomaxabiso: Oh I hear you
Me: Yes my sister in law is right. I am looking
forward to the meeting. We have a lot to talk
about. This wedding has to be big. We need to
find a designer for Nomaxabiso's gown
Nomaxabiso's face lightened up
Nomaxabiso: Really my Queen? A real designer?
Me: Yes my dear
Zwelicacile: I can make that happen. I know
Me: We are sorted then
I am glad they will get married before she gets
pregnant. I am sure next month she won't be

< Narrated >
Tasha has been going around the city. She was
scared to go home. Her phone had no battery
that is why she went to the penthouse to
apologise. She knows what Priscella did is
nothing compared to what is waiting for her at
home. She left the Seputla Towers and went
straight home to face her parents. The taxi left
her in front of her house. She walked to her
house. She looked scared. She went to the door
and opened the door, Her eyes went straight to
her father.
Tasha: Afternoon dad
Her father looked at her. He shook his head then
focused on t.v. We see her mother walking to the
living wearing an apron
Her: Tasha what the hell is going on ?
Tasha: Mom I am sorry. I was drunk. I don't
know what happened. I don't remember
Her dad stood up
Him: When you refused to be an accountant did
you want this?
Tasha: No dad....
Him: You wanted to be famous for wrong
reasons and ruin our reputation while at it ?
Tasha: I am sorry guys please forgive me
Mom: How can you do that to such a sweet boy?
Tasha: I.....
Dad: What kinda human being does that to a
human being? Who are you Tasha?
Tasha: I am your daughter fath....
Dad: My daughter would never kill a man for
another man
Tasha: He is not dead
Mom: What if he died? That boy has a powerful
rich family. What if those drugs killed him?
Tasha: I was drunk mom
Mom: You make me sick! I am ashamed to call
you my daughter!
Tasha: Please mom don't sa.....
Someone knocked at the door. Tasha's father
went to the door. It was a delivery man. He
signed then took the envelop
Dad: Thanks bye
He closed the door. Tasha's mom went to her
Mom: What is it honey ?
Tasha's dad opened the envelop. He read then
shook his head. He threw the envelop at Tasha
Dad: Its for you!
Tasha covered her face.
Mom: My dear what is it ?
Tasha's dad exhaled. He sat down
Dad: Priscella Seputla is suing her
Tasha's mom put her hands on her mouth.
Tasha's eyes pooped out.
Mom: Oh my God how much?
Dad: Half a million
Tasha: What !?
She took the paper and read
Mom: Where are we going to get that money ?
Tasha's dad stood up.
Dad: We are going to sell her car and take some
money from her education ffunds
Tasha: What!? dad you ca....
Dad: Do you prefer to go be a real prostitute and
sell your body ?
Tasha: No
Dad: I am not going to lose my house because of
you. Those people are powerful. We are selling
your car!
Her father walked away after he said that. Tasha
sat down and cried so hard. Tasha's mom
slapped Tasha with a table cloths hard then
walked away .
At Hungani's house. How desperate can girls be?
Where is their self respect? Is Hungani the only
man in their lives? Why they keep coming back
after how he treated them last night? The super
models are here. Sitting with him. It looks like
they are comforting him. They were all drinking
and sitting together in one couch. He was in the
Hungani: I can't believe you girls are here after
how awfuI treated you last night
Girl1: Don't worry about that. We want to show
you that we are the only people who care for
Girl2: When she said she had something we
don't. Did she mean this ? She is trouble
Girl1: What did she mean about that ?
Hungani sipped then exhaled
Hungani: She said she wanted us to make
Priscella jealous
Girl1: Hungani your obsession with Priscella is
getting you into trouble
Hungani: I know. It actually destroyed all the
chances I might've had with her. She hates me
Girl2: That Tasha bitch. How could She drug her
own boyfriend. That is not love !
Hungani stood up. He gulped his wine.
Hungani: She doesn't love him. She was using
him and I am the biggest fool. The real plan was
to be with me because she is in love with me.
She used Priscella and I situation because she
knows I love her
The girls stood up
Girl2: She confessed that ?
Girl1: Are you telling us she poured her heart to
Hungani: Yep
Hungani poured another drink
Girl1: She is stupid! She had no solid plan at all.
IF I were her I wouldn't be honest in last than 24
hours. I was gonna let you fall for me first
before I do
Girl2: She is not that smart after all
They heard a knock at the door. Hungani went
to the door. It was a delivery man. He signed
then went back to the girls opening the envelop.
Hungani: What !?
The girls looked at him.
Hungani: That is like all I am worth! This is
crazy! I didn't drug that boy! That girl went to
us and that boy was already out !
The girls took the paper
Girl1: A million rands?
Girl2: You have nothing to worry about. We are
your witnesses in court. We were there
Girl1: She is right. We will do whatever you
Hungani: Thank you girls. There is another
witness who can get me out of this
Hungani took his phone. He made a phone call
and put it on speaker
Voice: I know I....
Hungani: Hey baby I am sorry. I was angry and
disappointed but I know that's no excuse. I
shouldn't have kicked you out like that
The girls folded their arms on their chests
wondering what is going on
Tasha: I am also sorry for not being honest
about my feelings
Hungani: Can I see you here tomorrow
Tasha: Sure my family is mad at me i can do
with fresh air
Hungani: See you tomorrow
Tasha: Bye I love you
Hungani: Love you
He hung up
Girl1: The fuck?
Hungani: I want that bitch to testify and tell
court she did this all on her own
The girls smiled then sipped on their drinks
Hungani looked out the glass door fuming with
< Nontorotyi >
Why everything is happening so fast and at the
same time? What provoked this whole thing?
Did I upset the ancestors by planning the
Queens murder? This is the only thing that can
explain what is going on. Ever since I got
married to Hlohlesakhe I never went back to
Ntsimbini. I don't like that place. It reminds me
of my hardships and the poor childhood I had. I
came from a poor family. When I started dating
Hlohlesakhe that was my ticket out of there and
the last time I saw Bhalisile was the time I was
breaking up with him 22 years ago. I broke up
with him the next few weeks I was marrying the
chief. I have never seen him since. Seeing him
here shocked me. I didn't even recognise him. It
has been years. It looks like going to Mqanduli to
see Zinyovile woke up a lot of things. I regret
going there. My hate for the queen is the reason
I am here now.I should've known the ancestors
wouldn't let me kill her. I should've known that
one day my secret about who is the real Father
of Ngejiwe would come out soon. I didn't think it
would be this soon. I am screwed. I am already
screwed. I need to get money and give it to that
man. He must leave before he gets me in
trouble. I cannot lose my husband. If I would
lose him I would also lose my job at the project.
The only people who could help Me get my old
original job back would be the Royal house and
finding out about this, I don't think they would
help me become a nurse again. If this comes out
I will lose a lot. These people are powerful.
They'd make sure I don't get hired anywhere in
this town. I need to make sure Bhalisile leaves
the Royal house and never comes back. I have a
lot going on in my life. I have to find a way to
deal with two people from the Royal house.
Nomaxabiso is becoming a huge problem.
Bhalisile shows up out of the blue. I want to ask
my husband if he knows about this man the
ancestors recruited but I can't do that, What if
while trying to make him fight his sister and
sister in law he ends up discovering the truth?
Me: It looks like things are not going my way
I heard heels behind me. I quickly turned
around. It's Ngejiwe, She looks like she is going
somewhere. I hope this girl is not going to the
Royal house
Me: You're not going to the Royal house are you?
Ngejiwe: What if I am ?
Me: Just don't go there!
Ngejiwe: I am not mom, I am going out but I am
curious to know why you don't want me to to
there ? The Queen didn't accept My apology?
I smiled.
Me: No honey! she forgave both of us
Ngejiwe: That's great! Thanks mom
Me: You're welcome sweetie
She opened the door then walked out. Her father
walked in .
Me: My love
Hlohlesakhe: Hey my love
Me: How did it go with Dubulingqanga?
Hlohlesakhe: Don't call my father by his name
woman !!!
He snapped. My husband has never raised his
voice on me. He never called me "woman" What
is going on ?
Me: Honey is everythin....
Hlohlesakhe: Nontorotyi a Xhosa woman is not
allowed to call her father in law by his name
more especially if that man was a chief! You
didn't even say Chief Dubulingqanga at least I
would understand. You said his name just like
that !
Me: Honey I didn't mean to..... :'(
Hlohlesakhe: You know ! Today while I was at
the cemetery! Zinyovile came and said
something very interesting to me. Do You still
remember Zinyovile right ?
Oh no. What has she done. What did she say to
my husband. What did that woman say! I sat
Hlohlesakhe: Do you remember Her!?
Me: She was fired by Queen Nomakhosazana my
Hlohlesakhe: She disturbed me talking to my
father. She said I gave him wrong information. I
don't know what she meant by that. When I
asked she disappeared
I wonder what he said for Zinyovile to tell him
that ? I can't ask though. I don't want this
Zinyovile conversation to go any further
Hlohlesakhe: Before that. Gedleza also came and
told me that You and I are the reason we cant
have an heir. When I wanted to ask further he
also disappeared. Hearing you now calling my
father by his name shows that You are the
reason we can't have sons!!!
I put my hands on my mouth. Yes I am the
reason but I never thought my husband would
accuse me of that without any proof.
Me: Those are serious accusations my love. How
can you say that when I want to give you boys
Hlohlesakhe: Nontorotyi you're disrespecting
everyone in my family ! My ancestors are mad
at me for letting you do as you please in this
family !
Me: Forgive me my love. Forgive me
He walked out and went straight to his car. He
got in and started the engine. I pulled a chair
then sat down. I literally broke down
If this man is mad like this for something he is
not sure of, What is going to happen when he
learns that our daughter is not his? My life is
falling apart. I feel like the walls are closing up
on me. I have Nomaxabiso on my neck now my
husband ?
Me: What have I done
" I thought you'd call " Said a voice behind me. I
jumped then looked behind me. It's Zinyovile.
She smiled.
Me: Stop this !
Zinyovile: What is it ?
Me: Zinyovile an hour ago I was washing The
Queen's feet me!!!
Zinyovile laughed clapping her hands
Me: Don't laugh at me! I am in trouble! That girl!
That king's wife is messing with my life ! The
worse part when I walked out I bumped into
that fool!
Zinyovile: The one whose name can't be
Me: Yes! But I managed to talk to him. I said I
will pay him. He is poor he will accept money
Zinyovile: What did you see in him? I am this old
hag but I wouldn't sleep with that
Me: Stop laughing at me! He was okay then !
I said walking past Zinyovile. She turned with
Zinyovile: He was okay but you left him for the
I turned around
Me: You know why I left him!
Zinyovile: Yeah. You wanted status
Me: Now that I know how to solve that.....
Zinyovile took a glass with wine from the coffee
Zinyovile: Yes ?
Me: How am I going to solve the other problem?
Zinyovile sipped on her wine.
Zinyovile: The other problem?
She is making me angry . She can read my mind.
I don't know why she asks
Zinyovile: Remember. My soul is here but body
is in Mqanduli so don't expect everything to be
normal like when I am right in front of you
Me: But you were able to read my mind. How do
you know what I was thinking about? Stop
playing mind games with me !
Zinyovile: Okay. I am enjoying this fancy
alcohol. We only drink African beer, Commando
, Gordons and old buck
Me: I do not care! Answer my question! How....
Zinyovile: How do you solve Queen the second?
Me: Yes!
Zinyovile: Simple.....
Did she just say simple? I want to hear this
Zinyovile: Kill your two younger daughters
Me: Are you crazy?
She laughed do hard and fell on her back. What
made me surprised was how the glass didn't fall
or spit the wine
Me: Please don't play with me Zinyovile !
She stood up
Zinyovile: That was a joke
Me: This is no time for jokes !!!
Zinyovile sat on my coffee table. She put her leg
on top of the other. She flipped her dirty
dreadlocks. It looks like this woman was
beautiful back in the day. I was standing waiting
for her to say something
Zinyovile: Don't worry about Queen the second
She stood up
Me: How can I not wor.....
Zinyovile: Because she won't be here for long.
You will have a break
What did she just say?
Me: Is she gonna die ?
She shook her head no. That was disappointing
Me: Is she gonna leave? Permanently ?
Zinyovile walked to the window. She looked at
the Royal house. I went to her
Zinyovile: Maybe... or maybe not
Me: Come on ju......
She vanished
Me: Zinyovile ?
She is really gone. So that bitch is going to leave
? And she might leave for a while or permanent?
I like the sound of that. I looked at the Royal
house . I chuckled
Me: Once she is gone, I am going back to my old




< Priscella >
Wow I don't know what to say about last night. I
just wish that moment was experienced by me,
mom and my brother. I remember not so long
ago my brother coming to my office. He was so
nice asking me to be part of his show. He was
excited. I could see this is something he wants to
do but now..... It's just something he wanted. He
doesn't show any interest anymore. My brother
is hurting. And it's worse than I thought.
Yesterday I talked to him. I told him I wanted us
to watch the show together he agreed. Last night
when the show was about to start I went to his
room. He locked himself up in his room. He
didn't want to watch it with me. That broke my
heart because I know how excited he was for
this. Hungani and Tasha hurt my brother so
much. I will never forgive them. I banned Tasha
from coming to this building. I told my security
to never let her and Hungani in our home. They
ruined my brother's life and they didn't show
any care at all. That bitch was using my brother.
She wasn't even ashamed to tell me to my face
that She doesn't love my brother. I mean she
told me he is a boy which loudly shows there
was no love there. She wanted to achieve
something and she got it. I hope she and
Hungani will live happily ever after. I cannot
wait to see him show her the man He really he
is. We all know Hungani can't date one woman. I
am really looking forward to seeing this.
Anyway it is Monday morning. A busy Monday
for me. I have a lot to do. I woke up on the right
side of the bed. I am excited to see how my day
will look like. I am all dressed up and ready for
work but first I need to go see my brother. I
knocked at his door then turned the handle.
Thank God it's not locked
Me: Good Morning brother
Elton: Hey
Me: I watched your show yesterday. It was great
Him: Yeah so I heard
Me: What do you mean you heard? Your tv isn't
I said looking at his tv
Elton: I didn't feel like tv sis
Me: You need to wake up. Take a shower and go
shopping or something. Show people and those
bastard that they didn't break you !
He stood up
Elton: Well the producer called. He asked what I
want to do I said I want to go to the mall. I was
gonna ask you for money
Me: Today I am not fighting with you. I know
you need this so I am going to give you the
Him: How much?
Me: We can't give you 10K every two days Elton.
You have to be responsible. I will give you Five
thousand rands
Him: Thanks sis
Me: You're always asking for money! What do
you do with your monthly allowance ?
Him: It's for an emergency
Me: No more buying girls anything! Take a girl
out for lunch. Buy her flowers that's it! You can't
trust these girls. You're still young to be
committed and buying women clothes. That's
what they want from you. They want your
money and this life and because they are not
born in this life. It makes them greedy and want
more. That's what happened with Tash.....
Elton: I don't want to hear that name in this
Me: I am sorry. I am glad you're done with her
Him: Yeah
Me: Call me when you're about to leave so I can
send you the money
Him: Sure thanks
Me: You're welcome
I walked out. I went to my room. I took my
handbag and cell phone. I headed downstairs. I
found Algebra having coffee.
Me: Morning. Why didn't you tell me you're here
Algebra: Cleo said you're getting ready. Sorry for
coming here. I had to come and tell you how
your day look like but first let's talk about the
Rich kids reality show. I want to read the
comments for you
Me: I didn't check my social media please read
Algebra: Well there are those who like laughing
at people so there's few individuals who say
nasty things but the response is good. People
love your brother. Girls are insulting Tasha
Me: What are they saying ?
Him: They say she is a gold digger. Some say
they'd kill to be with EJ. He is such a handsome
guy and rich of course
Me: Can't people love someone without
mentioning money. This is the reason I only
have one ex. I couldn't trust men because I was
scared to be used
Algebra: The feedback was good. People can't
wait for more of him
Me: That's good. So how does my day look like ?
Algebra: We are going to the office. You have to
get ready for court at 12 so your meeting at
12pm I moved it to 10 am so that is why I think
we need to go prepare
Me: I don't care about this meeting. I am
prepared. What I am worried about is my
brother's case. I hope I win this
Algebra: Me too. What they did to your brother
was so wrong and heartless
I walked to the elevator
Me: They are going to pay
He followed me. We got in
Me: Please go get me something to eat at bakery.
You will find me in the office
Him: Alright ma'am
We got to my office floor. I walked out alone. He
is going down. I was asking myself why I am so
happy today then I remembered. Masixole is
coming back tomorrow. I missed him so much. I
can't wait to see my man and I am also worried
about the case. Will the judge give me what I
want? I am hoping to get 1.5 million from those
idiots. I want my brother to take a holiday
overseas with it. I hope he finds a girl and take
her with him no! I don't think i want him to
have a girl so soon. He must take a friend. I want
that Tasha bitch to pay for what she did. I want
her to see my brother happy without her. A lot
will be going on today. I missed Sonia. I am
happy I dodged my way out of her reality show.
Remember the only reason that was going to put
me on that show was the wedding and it is
postponed. I hope for good. I am not going to sit.
I am prepared to fight until I find something to
get rid of that Bastard Brendan. Sonia deserves

< Hungani >
I am happy to have the girls I have. These girls I
don't only have fun with them. They have my
back. They want to protect me. I don't like how I
ditched them at the club. I thought they would
want nothing to do with me. You see me and
these girls we have an understanding. We just
freinds with benefits that's it. That is why It
wasn't hard to drop them for Tasha. Crazy
Tasha... what can I say about her? She is a stupid
girl. I cannot believe she did this to me. I cannot
believe she drugged EJ because she wanted to be
with me. I grew up with white girls around me.
I mean I was adopted by a white couple. I slept
with beautiful white girls before but none of
them were what I was looking for. Priscella has
been the girl I saw a future with. In my attempt
to get her so far everything I do to win her has
failed. I don't think she will be able to forgive me
this time. I mean the girl I love is suing me one
Million rands. I am going to defend myself in
court from her. I don't think I will ever be able
to be with her again. I messed up and I let
people who had no good intentions to help me
use me and look what that got me. I was in the
papers accused of drugging a boy. First I was in
the papers with Sonia drama because of her
husband. Brendan pretended to be my friend.
He used my situation for his personal gain. What
did he expect me to do? He expected me to
congratulate him for ruining me ? He is crazier
than I thought. I am suffering the consequences
of my actions now. I feel like things are going to
get worse for me. I had my phone off all day
yesterday. I am about to switch it on now and I
am scared.
Anyway i am with these girls having breakfast.
Afternoon they are going to a fashion show in
Cape town. By the way they also live there. I saw
one of them running to the kitchen.
Her: She is here!!!
Me: Girls go hide. I need to speak to her alone
They walked away going to the stairs. I heard a
knock. I went to the door to answer. I opened
the door. She ran in and hugged me
I don't have time for this. I want to use her that's
all. She is the only person who can get me out of
Tasha: Baby Priscella Is suing me !
I broke the hug. She is crying. I took her hand
Me: Come
We walked to the living room
Her: Where will I get half a million ?
I looked at her.
Me: They gave you a 500 000 lawsuit?
Tasha: Yes baby. My dad is selling my car. He
says he doesn't have the money
I took my envelop
Me: That's how much I am sued for something
you did
She put her hand on her mouth
Tasha: A million rands? This bitch is so bitter
It pisses me off to hear her call Priscella a bitch.
She is the only bitch here. A bitch who left a
man who loves her for someone who doesn't
give a f**ck about her.
Me: The worse part is the fact that I didn't do
Tasha: We can deny everything baby
Me: There is no denying something that is
written in the papers Tasha. Your face is there!
you were caught on camera drugging EJ! . What
you need to do is tell them that I had nothing to
do with This....
Her eyes popped out. She couldn't believe what I
just said.
Me: You know I didn't do that! it is the truth
She stood up and paced up and down
Tasha: I thought you called me here to help me. I
thought you called me here to help us get out of
this situation not to pin everything on me
Me: Pin everything on you ? Tasha you drugged
that boy. I wasn't there. You did it yourself and
we didn't discuss that. You know how much I am
going to lose here. I have a job. All I want is for
you to own up to what you did and face the
Tasha: Wow just like that ? You don't love me.
You just wanted me to come here
Me: Look here little girl. I was clear about my
feelings. You know I love EJ's sister. That's how
you and I know each other to begin with. You
were trying to help me
She shook her head. She took her handbag then
looked at me
Tasha: What if I say you gave me the drug?
" You can't do that ! " said one of my girls
walking down. We both looked up the stairs.
Model1: We were there. You came to us and that
boy was already drugged
Model2: And we are testifying in court so save
yourself from humiliation and take
responsibility for your actions !
Tasha looked at me
Tasha: You said you were sorry for what you
did. You said you loved me !
Me: You're crazy ! I didn't say I love you. I said I
was sorry for kicking you out. I was angry!
Me: Tasha I want an answer now. If you go on
and lie to court. I will win the case and sue you
for dragging my name with you. I am sure you
don't want that
Model1: Are you going to own up or you want to
pay more than you will? I swear little girl you
and your family will be left broke. Hungani is a
Tasha looked at me crying
Tasha: Fine! I will tell the judge
I smiled
Me: Good girl
She ran out
model1: Bitch
Model2: These girls love taking chances with
people like us
Me: can you believe she wanted to blackmail me
Model1: She is going to regret the day she dated
that rich boy
I am glad we were able to speak some sense into
her. I can't pay a million rands I just can't.
Anyway I took my phone and switched it on. I
heard a knock at the door
Model1: who is that ?
Me: Let me go find out
I walked to the door. I opened. Oh no I am in
trouble. My manager is here. She never visits
unless I am in trouble.
Manager: Really Hungani?
Me: good morning. Are you good ?
She walked in then laid her eyes on the girls
Her: Every time you hang out with these girls
things fall apart!
Model1: Mandy that's not fair!
Me: Mandy they were not the.....
Mandy: I know they were there! a friend of mine
called telling me you were there with them!
Model2: We left him. We were not in the papers!
Mandy: All I am saying is that everytime you
visit Joburg he is always in trouble! You should
stay in Cape town!
Me: Mandy you should be shouting at me not the
Mandy: You should unpack you're not going to
Me: What? I have to be at the screening of...
Mandy shook her head
Mandy: Hungani you're suspended!!!
Me: What?
Why would they suspend me before hearing my
side of the story ?
Mandy: One of your colleagues is going
tomorrow. You're not going. Your producers say
they don't want to be associated with you until
your name is cleared! I have been calling you!
Hungani I was out of town I had to stop
everything and come here!
I sat down on the couch. I cannot believe this
Mandy: You need to get yourself out of this
mess. I am meeting people who take their
careers seriously bye !
I jumped up
Me: I am going to court at 12. I will clear my
Mandy opened the door. She walked out
Mandy: Good luck.
She slammed the door
Model1: I am so sorry babe
Model2: You really wanted to interview that
movie star
I cannot believe this. Tasha ruined my life.

< Nontorotyi >
I am so curious to know what did Zinyovile
mean when she said Nomaxabiso is going to
leave the Royal house. What did she really mean
by that? I am so curious. I want to know what
will happen. I want to know if it's gonna be
permanent. She said she is going to give me a
break. A break is what I need. I could do with a
break. I want to go to the Royal house and act
like I used to. I don't want to be scared. I don't
want to be pushed around. Those women are
smart. They will know I did something. They will
know that crazy girl has something on me. They
can't know I wanted to kill The Queen. Making
Hlohlesakhe raise a child that is not his was
wrong and bad enough. I don't think them
finding out that I wanted to kill the Queen would
be good for me. I feel like I am this close to
losing my marriage and everything I worked so
hard to have. I hope Zinyovile is not playing
with my mind when she says Nomaxabiso is
going to leave for a while or forever. I really
want her out of that house. I hope her departure
is permanent. I cannot live in fear as for
Bhalisile......I know what to do. I will do
everything in my power to make sure he doesn't
say a word. I hope he calls me soon so that we
can make a deal about this. I don't want the
royal house to find out he is the father of my
daughter. My daughter would be torn to know
and see how that man looks. I am also ashamed
that I ever slept with him. Even though he was
poor then, at least he was clean.
Anyway I heard footsteps behind me. I quickly
turned around. Oh look at how they love each
other. My daughter and my husband are ready
to go to the Royal house. They are walking
together coming to the living room. My husband
is still mad at me for what I said. I called his
father by his name and he says I am the reason
we can't have sons. I feel like the Royal healer
will ruin me. it looks like Nomaxabiso and
Bhalisile are not the only people I should be
worried about. Gedleza is also a threat. He is the
one who brought Bhalisile to the Royal house.
I just got emotional looking at my daughter and
my husband. This could end pretty soon. My
daughter could lose the only father She known
her whole life.
Ngejiwe: Mom why do you look like you just saw
a ghost ?
Hlohlesakhe: Didn't you tell your mother we are
invited at the Royal house?
Ngejiwe would speak. I would look at her, when
my husband speaks, I would turn and look at
him. He is not talking to me now? he asks
Ngejiwe things? Anyway Ngejiwe didn't tell me.
And I know why. Anyway someone from the
Royal house came and told me.
Me: She told me
I said smiling at him. He looked at me then
walked out. I looked at Ngejiwe.
Me: When were you planning to tell me ?
Ngejiwe: I am sorry mom. I completely forgo....
Me: That's because you didn't sleep here! who is
the boy you're sleeping with?
Ngejiwe: No one! I slept at a friend
She walked away .
Me: Hey I am still talking to you!
She ran after her father, little spoilt brat! Well I
am glad they are leaving. I don't want to be with
people right now. I want to be alone. I walked to
a bottle of wine.
Me: I am not going to work also
I poured myself a drink then sat down
My phone rang. I took it from the table. I
Me: Hello ?
Caller: Your husband and our daughter just got
Me: She is not your daughter you idiot! what if
someone hears you?
Bhalisile: I am sorry. They just arrived and I
heared they will have breakfast here. I was
thinking. How about I come there?
Me: Hurry! and make sure no one sees you !
Bhalisile: Don't worry. All the workers are
inside. That guy from yesterday went to the
project. Siqalo is always at front
Me: just get here already!
I hung up then headed to the guest room. I took
the money from under mattress. I went back to
the living room. I heard a knock at the door.
Me: blood time!
I went to the door. I opened then pulled him in.
Me: Get in before someone sees you!
He got in and started looking around admiring
the house. I looked around Then closed the door.
I looked at him, He whistled
Him: You left me because you wanted to live this
Me: You and I were just kids! We were not an
item don't go around lying about me!
He smiled then threw himself on the couch
Me: Get up! can't you see how dirty you are!
Him: Come on now. You carry on like this I will
walk out and tell my daughter I am her father!
Me: fine! you can sit but don't touch anything
Bhalisile: Fine !
I sat down also.
Me: I managed to get the money.....
I took it out of my handbag. I gave it to him.
Him: How much is it ?
Me: Five thousand rands, I will give you some
more every month but it can't be five thousand
every month
Bhalisile opened the envelop. He smiled then
looked at me then stood up.
Bhalisile: Don't worry. No one will hear
anything from me
I stood up
Me: Does that mean today is your last day
working at the Royal house?
Bhalisile: What ?
Me: Bhalisile. I want you out of that mansion. I
want you gone. You can't be around!
This man thought I was paying him to stay here?
Can't he see him being here will get me into
Bhalisile: Nontorotyi you're the one married to
the Royal family. You know how powerful they
are including their healer. I was brought here by
them. Do you really think I would defy the
Me: Bhalisile you can't stay here!
Bhalisile: And you cannot push them!
Him: You need to stop going against them or
they will reveal the truth in the most painful
I started mumbling and thinking about what he
just said. He is right. What am I gonna Do? I
don't want this man here. I don't want him here.
His presence will make me unhappy and
Bhalisile: I am sorry, I guess from now on you
will just keep paying me
Me: Till when? Till they finally decide to tell the
royal house the truth?
I said down.
Me: Oh My God I see the disappointment in my
daughter's eyes when she learns a dirty man like
you is her father!
Bhalisile: I will pretend like I didn't hear that.
You lied to me. You kept my child from me for
21 years!!!
I stood up
Me: Stop calling her yours! She is not yours!!!
Bhalisile: Whether you like it or not, That girl is
my child! have a good day
He walked to the door
Me: Wait!!
I opened the door then looked around. No one
can know he was here.
Me: You can go!
He walked out. I slammed the door hard then
put my hand on it crying. I hate that he is right.
If I go against these people they will be upset
and punish me. I have to let them expose me
when they are ready
Me: I am doomed
" Doomed indeed " That's Zinyovile. She is back.
What is she doing this time.
Me: I thought you said i would get a break but it
looks like hell is about to break loose
Zinyovile: We were talking about Nomaxabiso
not your dark secret, Oh Nonto you come so far
Me: What do you mean ?
Zinyovile: I just took a good look at your ex
boyfriend while he was here. Your husband
would faint if he'd find out He was your ex
She is not helping. I need solutions here. I don't
need her to make fun of me.
Zinyovile: Don't get me started with your
daughter, Poor girl
Me: Zinyovile I need help! Stop making me more
nervous. How do I prevent this Tornado that is
about to strike ?
She chuckled then sat down.
Zinyovile: Yesterday you said you're going back
to your old ways when Nomaxabiso is gone
Me: When she is not around I can be
comfortable to go to the Royal house without
being scared of a blackmail
She looked at me.
Her: Oh poor thing
She stood up
Zinyovile: Two certain individuals from the
Royal house are going to discover the truth
Oh no. I put both my hands on my mouth
Me: Oh My God who are they ?
Zinyovile laughed so hard
Me: Please tell Me! Who are they? What is going
to happen to me ?
Zinyovile vanished
Me: No! No! No!
I ran to my phone. I dialled her number.
Zinyovile: Hello ?
Me: You were here again and you told me that
two people from the Royal house will discover
the truth about my first born. I want to know
who they are !
Zinyovile: I have to throw the bones first. I don't
know as well, How about you call me
Me: Zinyovile I cannot do tomorrow ! I wan.....
Zinyovile: ....... ( Tu tu tu tu tu tu )
I looked at my phone
Me: She hung up on Me?
I sat down
Me: Who are they?

< Narrated >
This day is a dream come true for Nomaxabiso.
She really want to marry Masixole. She stayed so
many years without a man because she was
waiting for the day she marries the love of her
life and the love of her life is King Zwelicacile.
Today she feels like that day is near as she sees
everyone gathered at dining room.The royal
house is having a meeting, discussing the date of
the wedding. The lovebirds are getting married.
One person is in love the other is doing this
because it's what he should do. Will he
eventually love her? He doesn't have a choice in
this one. Love or no love he has to love her.
Someone you make love to every night you have
to somehow feel something for them. Even the
king is hoping that eventually he will fall in love
with Nomaxabiso and love her like he loves
Priscella. The way he loves Priscella almost
everyone believes he will never love her like he
loves Priscella. I mean this man took risks and
betrayed his family for her. Do you think this
had something to do with money? I doubt. This
man had a bright future and was financially
secured at birth. This is true love now the
question is, will the chosen one be able to top
the love the king has for his true love?
Anyway Ngejiwe and Hlohlesakhe are here.
Only Nontorotyi is not here. We also see
Princess Nomagampompo's first born son. He is
back from University. Ngejiwe and Nomgcwabe
are in the kitchen with Notiniphu and the other
Ngejiwe: I can't believe you didn't tell me you're
back cousin. When did you get here ?
Nomgcwabe: I Didn't say date a commoner cuz
Ngejiwe's eyes popped out then she looked at
elders who were in the dinning room.
Ngenjiwe: What are you talking about
Him: Aunt didn't tell you? I went to see you last
night when I arrived. She said you were not
home. I just knew you were back together with
that guy
Ngejiwe: I was at a friend's place !
Nomgcwabe laughed
Him: I have that Imbecile on Facebook. He had
you and him on his Facebook story. You were
Ngejiwe looked down
Ngejiwe: Please don't tell anyone. My dad will
kill me
Nomgcwabe: Are you still even a virgin
Ngenjiwe cleared her throat Looking down
Nomgcwabe: I cannot believe this!
Ngejiwe: Don't you dare act hollier than thou.
You're not a virgin yourself!
Nomgcwabe: Cuz I am not a girl! I am a man I
am allowed to fuck any girl I want! as for you,
you're not acting like a royal princess. Your dad
is Hlohlesakhe. I am sure he has so many plans
for your future. When he finds out You're no
longer a virgin you will break his heart. I can't
believe you did this. Ngejiwe you don't act like a
royalty. Are you sure you're royalty?
Ngejiwe: Oh between you and I, I am more
royalty than you. You're a son of a girl. My
father is a prince! This is my home. You should
be where your father lives. By the way your dad
is a commoner
Nomgcwabe: This conversation is over!
Nomgcwabe walked away
Ngejiwe: Truth hurts dear cousin!
Notiniphu: But princess that was harsh
Ngejiwe: Men in this family think they can do as
they please and as for us. We are expected to be
some price to make the family rich. I will marry
whoever I want. I will marry a commoner. I
don't see myself marrying a prince. Those guys
bore me sorry
" Are you sure you're royalty cousin? " Said a
voice behind them. It was Nomgcwabe's little
Ngejiwe: I am not going to have this
conversation with you too Phonqa!
Phonqa raised his hands
Him: Sorry. I didn't mean to.....
Ngejiwe: You never mean anything. Just shut up!
Phonqa: Sorry
The poor boy walked out without taking what he
went to the kitchen for. Notiniphu shook her
head in disbelief. She knows exactly what is
expected of the princess and Ngejiwe is not
following any of those.

At the living room. We see everyone sitting. The
meeting is about to start. They saw Nomgcwabe
walking up the stairs.
Nomakhosazana: Nomgcwabe come join us.
You're old now
He came and sat down.
Nomakhosazana: Brother in law I hope you
were told what this meeting is about?
Hlohlesakhe cleared his throat then sat up
Him: I was told my Queen. We have to discuss
the King's wedding.
Nomakhosazana: Correct but before we do that.
I am not sure if I told you but I was told that He
will be ordained at Bisho. It won't happen here
so we can just come and celebrate with those
who want to celebrate
Hlohlesakhe: Everyone should celebrate. This is
huge for the king, Not just him but the whole
He smiled. He was starting to doubt the chief but
hearing him say that makes the king smile.
Princess: My brother you're right and I hope
your wife will make it since she is not here
Nomaxabiso smiled. She knows exactly why that
woman didn't come. She is scared to be around
her and have to go through what she went
through yesterday.
Hlohlesakhe: She is probably on her way here.
You know my wife. When we left she was still in
her gown
Princess: So we should wait for her?
Ngejiwe joined everyone.
Ngejiwe: My mother said she has a lot to do at
work, She is not coming My Queen
The Queen looked at Hlohlesakhe.
Hlohlesakhe: Well I didn't ask her my Queen. I
just left assuming that she'd follow
Nomakhosazana: Okay then I guess we should
start. We are going to have a wedding on
December 16th
The Queen said that excited looking at her son.
Someone cleared their throat from up the stairs.
Everyone looked up. Gedleza walked down.
When the Queen saw who it was she got mad.
Nomakhosazana: Gedleza?
Everyone stood up. They looked straight where
he was standing.
Gedleza: My Queen I am sorry to interrupt this
Nomakhosazana: You really interrupted us. The
wedding planner is rushing somewhere. She has
to leave in two hours and your visit is not
helping any of us! are you sure you can't come
back later ?
Gedleza looked at the wedding planner then at
The Queen
Gedleza: With all due respect your highness.......
He looked at wedding planner
Gedleza: She is the one leaving
The White lady stood up. She looked at the
Queen hoping that she speaks some sense into
Nomakhosazana: Gedleza we have t.....
Gedleza: My Queen do you want us to do this In
front of her?
The Queen looked at Ngejiwe
Nomakhosazana: Ngejiwe please take the lady
The Queen couldn't finish what she was saying
when she saw Gedleza pulling the poor white
lady to the door.
Nomakhosazana: I am so sorry dear please wait
Gedleza turned around
Him: She is leaving bye ma'am
The lady walked out. Gedleza closed the door
Then turned around.
Zwelicacile: What the hell was that ? Do you
think this white lady will understand what is
going on?
Gedleza: I want to know from all of you, what is
going on here!?
Nomakhosazana: Your King is getting married to
Nomaxabiso Zidenge! You know that!
Gedleza: If she is then why don't you do things
the right way?
Princess Nomagampompo stood up
Princess: We always do things The right way!
Gedleza shook his head and chuckled. He looked
at King Zwelicacile
Gedleza: So my king ....... ?
Zwelicacile: Yes?
Gedleza: Your first wife gave you a permission
to marry Nomaxabiso Zidenge?
Everyone had their jaws on the floor. They knew
everything that is said by Gedleza is always the
truth. They didn't know the king is married.
They all looked at him. The Queen and Princess
Nomagampompo were shocked by this question.
Hlohlesakhe looked at The Queen and
Hlohlesakhe: You two knew this didn't you?!!
Gedleza: I asked a question?
Nomakhosazana: They got Divorced!
Gedleza: Since when we do things the western
way in this family ?
Everyone got their tongues tied. They just looked
at Gedleza. Gedleza looked at King Zwelicacile
Gedleza: You're married and in order for you to
merry the Zidenge woman. You have to ask
permission from your first wife!
Nomaxabiso: Nontorotyi was right



< Narrated >
Still at the Royal house. The healer dropped a
bomb at everyone. The Queen and Princess
Nomagampompo knew about this but the part
they don't understand is "Wife" As far as they
know Masixole and Priscella got a divorce. The
Queen is kind of doubting if her son was telling
the truth. No one can blame her The home
affairs can't lie. I guess the Queen is finding it
hard to trust her son. The King lied before and
he doesn't hide how he feels about Priscella. The
Queen and the Princess were not the only ones
shocked. Hlohlesakhe was shocked by this as
well. They called his wife a liar now it turns out
she was telling the truth. He is livid. He is angry
at them for lying to him once again. He asked
them a question. He asked if they knew. The
Queen ignored the question. She was more
interested to know what is going on.
Nomaxabiso looked at Gedleza.
Nomaxabiso: What are you talking about!?
Hlohlesakhe: A first wife ?
He asked looking at his sister then sister in law
Nomakhosazana: My son is not married. He
divorced that girl !
Nomaxabiso: What !? why didn't anyone tell me
I am going to be the second wife? Why didn't
you tell me he is married?
Nomakhosazana looked at Gedleza
Nomakhosazana: King Zwelicacile is not
married! He got a divorce !
Gedleza: Ancestors don't know anything about a
Gedleza: The ancestors know him as a married
man and they say he can't marry Nomaxabiso
until the first wife agrees to this marriage!
King Zwelicacile looked away and smiled. This is
what he always wanted and the ancestors seem
to be on his side.
Nomaxabiso: I cannot believe this !
Nomakhosazana: Why are they punishing us?
The King should be the one punished. He is the
one who went against the ancestors now they
support The woman of his choice?
Gedleza looked at King Zwelicacile then at the
Gedleza: Before I answer that your highness, we
need to talk about something serious
Princess: There is nothing more serious than
what you just said!
Gedleza ignored her. He looked at the Queen
Gedleza: Nomaxabiso Zidenge must leave the
Royal house immediately. The only time she will
come back is when the king's first wife gives you
the go ahead
Nomakhosazana: I cannot believe this! Masixole
this is all on you !!!!
Zwelicacile: I am sorry my Queen
Gedleza looked at King Zwelicacile. It started
getting windy very fast. The curtains were
flying. Open Windows closed themselves.
Everyone was terrified by what was going on
Gedleza: There is hell to pay for betraying your
Gedleza disappeared. King Zwelicacile put his
hands on his head terrified. Nomaxabiso ran up
crying. The Queen looked at King Zwelicacile..
Nomakhosazana: Run after her!!!
Zwelicacile slowly walked up the stairs. He was
worried about what was said by Gedleza. He is
asking himself what is gonna happen to him.
Zwelicacile ran after her. Nomaxabiso got to the
room and attempted to close the door. The King
blocked the door.
Nomaxabiso: Now I know why you didn't want
me to sleep in your room!
Zwelicacile: I am so.....
Nomaxabiso: I was honest with you. I came
clean you didn't tell me anything !
Zwelicacile: I was goin.....
Nomaxabiso: I am packing my clothes get out!
You and your family will pay! You will give my
family everything you owe them! Everything! I
know you are nothing without us! without me!

Downstairs Hlohlesakhe is looking for answers.
Nontorotyi came with this information few days
ago and she was called a liar. Hlohlesakhe wants
to know what is that about. He wants to know
why his wife was treated the way they did
knowing she was telling the truth.
Hlohlesakhe: Can someone explain To me what
the hell is going on? You two lied to.....
Nomakhosazana: When I called Masixole telling
him about Nomaxabiso, he divorced that girl
that is why when we called home affair they
said he's single. Your wife said he is married
which was a lie!
Hlohlesakhe: Then why does he need that girl's
permission to marry Nomaxabiso?
Princess: So you want us to repeat what Gedleza
said? Didn't you hear that ancestors don't know
Anything about a divorce ?
Hlohlesakhe: You made me believe my wife was
Nomakhosazana: We didn't make you do
anything Hlohlesakhe! Your wife decided to
humiliate us infront of the elders! If she was a
trusted member of this family she would've
waited for people to leave then cofront the king.
Your wife is out to get me! She wants to
humiliate me! Her hate for me is affecting my
son. She didn't do this to hurt him. She did it to
hurt his mother! Now tell me Hlohlesakhe! Ever
since I got married to your brother have I ever
disrespected anyone in this family?
The Queen was furious. She got teary.
Hlohlesakhe: No but you should've told me !
Princess: How did you expect us to tell you
anything when you were turning on this family
Zwelicacile ran down. Everyone stood up
Nomakhosazana: What is it ?
Zwelicacile: She is packing. She says her family
will take everything from our family. I am sorry
this is my fault
Nomakhosazana: Let's all sit down and wait for
Zwelicacile: Did you hear what I said mom? She
is leaving and that...
Nomakhosazana: Siqalo!!! The chauffeur must
get ready to take Nomaxabiso home
Zwelicacile: Mom I know I put you through this
but you're not listening. Let's find a way to make
her stay so.....
Princess: You want to betray the ancestors again
King Zwelicacile?
Zwelicacile: No aunt I.....
Princess: Then shut up!!!
Zwelicacile looked down. He slowly went to the
couch and sat down. It was intense in the room..

< Priscella >
Can it be twelve already. I am ready to go to
court and get over and done with this. I feel like
this is the best thing to do for my brother. My
brother is was taken advantage of and left there
drugged. They have to pay and I will make sure
they do today. No one messes with my family
and get away with it. What make me more mad
is the fact that two people who claimed to love
me and my brother are the ones hurting us. I
want to make an example of them. Whoever
dates my brother will know what we are
capable of. I have a man already and he is my
soulmate. So on my side there will be no new
partner coming to my life.
Anyway the time now is 10:48 am. We have to
be in court at least at 11:45. The magistrate court
is not too far from Seputla Towers so I am very
early. I will finish up a few things. It's Monday I
can't waste the hours I have. I have to work. I
heard a knock at the door. The door opened. It's
my assistant
Me: Algebra
Him: Mr De Villiers is here
Me: Send him in
Him: Okay ma'am
He walked out. I continued working. I heard a
knock I closed my laptop and stood up. Uncle
walked in.
Him: Hello my dear
Me: Hello Uncle. Let's go to the couch
I said showing him the way. I have a couch in
my office. I sometimes take a nap on it when I
had a rough day.
Me: Can i get you anything to drink Uncle ?
Him: No I just had lunch with my wife I am okay
Someone barged in. We looked at the door.
Sonia walked in. She was out of breath.
Me: What is it ?
Sonia: Sorry for barging in like this. I saw dad
passing by my office. I thought maybe he has
new information?
I looked at Uncle
Me: He hasn't told me why he is here
Uncle looked at Sonia
Him: You'd have been part of this if I had new
information sweetheart. I am here because I
want to go support Priscella in court
Me: Thank you uncle
Sonia: Oh yeah
She looked at her wrist watch
Sonia: What time are we leaving ?
Me: Friend you're not going anywhere.
Remember we are supposed to be mad at each
other to Brendan?
Sonia: He is shooting his soapie. You know they
take long hours. He will be free from 8pm. He
won't know
Me: Isaiah Norman and other journalists will
there. He will see on social media. Remember I
am suing a celebrity
Sonia: Don't remind me about that Isaiah. I hate
him for all the things he wrote about us!
Me: Leave that man to me. He is so obsessed
with dragging my name down the drain in his
newspaper !
Sonia: What will you do ? Tell me you have
something that will humiliate him like he did to
Uncle: We do! He is part of whatever is going on
in his house
Me: Sonia we don't know for sure what happens
at Isaiah's house but I want you to know that
when I find out I will go to another journalist
and drag his name along with Brendan's name
and unfortunately you will be caught in the
middle of it because it's your husband who will
be dragged for cheating on you
Sonia: He didn't care about my name. I don't
care. I want us to find what we want then go to
Uncle: That is when you will be able to confront
Me: Yes when everything is on the papers. You
will pretend like you didn't know anything
Uncle: When we do find what we looking for tell
me who to go to. I don't want you girls to be
involved in this. Journalists are sneaky. They
might tell him their source. I don't care if he
finds out it was me
Me: Okay uncle
Uncle: That man will regret the day he messed
up with You girls !
Sonia: Thank you father for doing this
She looked at me.
Sonia: I didn't take my lunch break. I want to go
see my co star at a restaurant at 2pm. We are
Me: Who is following you when your husband is
working ?
Sonia: Camera men and co-producer
Me: Okay then
Sonia: Tell EJ I will be there with him in spirit
Me: I don't want him to go. The only people who
will be there is Uncle, The doctor and I. I don't
want my brother to see that girl
Uncle's phone rang. He looked at me
Uncle: You will find me downstairs excuse me
He ran to the door
Me: Okay uncle
He ran out. I looked at Sonia.
Me: I am also suing your best friend. Ain't you
mad ?
I walked back to my desk
Sonia: Friend I am sorry for choosing his side
over yours. He is a bastard!
Me: Hungani ?
Is Sonia doing this because I forgave her? I know
she likes him so she doesn't have to pretend.
Sonia: When you kicked me out of the penthouse
I went to his house to ask him to help me fix
things with you
Me: That was gonna make me more mad. What
were you thinking? I got nothing to say to that
Sonia: I was desperate friend
Me: So what happened ?
Sonia: A lot happened
Me: What ? Tell me
Sonia: I found him having sex with those models
I shook my head. Oh so it's true. He was caught
having sex with them. I know that. He bursted
himself to me.
Me: That's not new
Sonia: I got so mad. I felt bad for always
defending him. Hungani will never change. So
He told me he suspected my husband with the
paper thing and because I trusted Brendan I
defended him. I said he is the father of my
children. He would never do that. Hungani said
they were not biologically his. I got mad and
slapped him
Me: Wow he is savage
Sonia: Now I know he was telling the truth! That
bastard don't give a Damn about my children
She got teary. I went to her. I hugged
Me: At least you see that now. Brendan is all
about himself
Sonia: I am paying for what I did to my ex
Me: You made a mistake now you see it besides.
The only person who is wrong here is Brendan.
He is the one who is supposed to pay. He is good.
He brainwashed You! He made you believe
everything he says and no one else. You almost
lost your Love ones because of him!
I broke the hug. She sat down.
Sonia: My father never liked him from the start
Me: Honestly I never trusted him. He was too
controlling. I hated that you followed everything
he said. That man made you do things I never
thought you'd do !
Sonia stood up. She wiped her tears
Sonia: Like plastic surgery
Me: I am just grateful you didn't do things that
will complicate your life and want to be fixed in
the further
Sonia looked at me.
Sonia: He said we will save for my boob job
Me: What ? There is nothing wrong with your
boobs! don't tell me you're doing it
Sonia: To be honest.....
Oh no. She cannot be serious right now
Sonia: I am cancelling every plan I had with
him. Even this wedding postponing. It is not
postponed. It is cancelled!
I let out a sigh of relief
Me: Thank God
Sonia: That is why I want us to find whatever we
are looking for sooner. I can't stand that man
Me: Patience my friend. Just keep loving him
Sonia smiled. She looked at me.
Me: What ?
Sonia: When is Masixole coming back? I have a
lot of apologising to do
Me: He Is coming back tomorrow. I am so happy
Sonia: I am sorry for everything friend. I swear I
will be loyal like you always been to me
Me: Come here
I hugged her.
Me: I forgive you
I broke the hug
Sonia: Thank you very much. I missed my friend
Me: I missed you too
I am glad she is back to her senses. I want to
help her see Brendan for who he is. I hope it
won't take long. We need to unmask that son of
a bitch soon.

< Nontorotyi >
I felt happy and confident when Zinyovile said
Nomaxabiso is leaving but I am scared now. The
ancestors know the truth and Bhalisile is
expected to stay here. He can't leave. I think
Nomaxabiso will leave and I will be left with a
new challenge. You know when you mess up
someone's life it feels good but when the tables
turn you realise you're not too strong. I have
been bothering Judge Nomakhosazana. She
didn't seem bothered at all. That woman is
strong. She doesn't crack at all. I always see my
strength when I am hurting someone. When I
am in trouble and need that strength I am not
able to infiltrate it in me. I have been sitting
here thinking. What can I do to remove
whatever that Is threatening my marriage.
Bhalisile is a threat. I might not only lose my
husband. I might lose my daughter as well.
Ngejiwe and my husband are like saliva and
tongue. They are too close I even get jealous but
somehow I like that they have that relationship
because I believe when the truth comes out it
will be hard to let go of that special bond they
share. So that makes me less jealous. It makes
me happy to know that they are close but I can't
help but think about how things will be when it
does come out. I never thought anyone would
know about Bhalisile. Zinyovile knows,
Sabonkolo knows now the ancestors.
Me: What am I saying? The ancestors knew
while I was still pregnant
I sat down.
Me: That is why they gave me Only daughters
I need to call my sister. I have to Tell her about
this. I stood up. I dialled her number.
Sabonkolo: Sisi
Me: I am in trouble
Sabonkolo: Is everything okay ?
I looked at the door. I walked to the window
and checked if no one is coming. .
Sabonkolo: Sisi speak I am working!
Me: Okay! Bhalisile is here !
Sabonkolo: Bhalisile?
Me: Don't act like you don't know him! Bhalisile
from Ntsimbini!!!
Sabonkolo: Oh My God! The man was your ex....
She whistled. Oh My sister acts like a man
Sabonkolo: Don't tell me!.......
Me: He is working at the Royal house!
Sabonkolo: What !?
Me: The ancestors requested that they hire him
specifically !
Sabonkolo: Oh My God! They know! bayazi!
I broke down with my hand covering my mouth.
I don't want to be so loud
Me: Yes they know but only the ancestors. The
royal house don't know
Sabonkolo: What do you think we should do ?
Me: Kill Bhalisile maybe? I was thinking we
could use Siqalo to do it
Sabonkolo: No! Are you crazy? Not only Siqalo is
loyal to the royal house. He loves his job. He
can't lose it and we need the money! they pay
him well. Besides, Doing so will anger the
ancestors. They are playing mind games. Sis I
know you're desperate but I think you need to
sit back and let them play this game. All I can
say is prepare yourself
I sat down again. This time on the floor. I was
leaning on the wall under the window
Me: You're right sister
Sabonkolo: Do you want me to come there? I can
lie and say I am sick
Me: No! don't come. I don't want my husband to
be suspicious. Sis do you think he will divorce
me ?
Sabonkolo: No! Please don't think like that. Just
wait and see what is going to happen. Chief
Hlohlesakhe loves you. You have two beautiful
children together
I stood up
Me: Three! Ngejiwe is my husband's daughter
Sabonkolo: I will be praying for your marriage
I hung up then threw my phone on the couch.

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
Do you see how hard it is to be married to a
royal family? don't get me wrong. I am a
princess. My father was a chief. I have never
seen something like this. We never had
ancestors who put us on our toes like this family
ancestors do. We didn't even have a royal healer
at home. I was introduced to this when I got
here. Some of their demands are ridiculous
sometimes. How can they do this to us? They
accepted Nomaxabiso. They showed her things
in this family. She protected this family when it
was in danger. Those things don't count ? King
Dubulingqanga made a deal with that Zidenge
family. My husband and my father in law should
be the ones to protect the project not destroy it.
What if the Zidenge family wants what is
rightfully theirs? What will we do when they
take us to court? We are going to lose all This!
We are going to lose everything. Why can't they
think for us? Why are they so selfish? They are
gone now all of us should suffer? I was starting
to love Nomaxabiso. I love the fact that she
knows what is expected of a royal princess. She
knows the rules. They want us to accept a girl
we don't know. A girl who is not even royalty?
What the hell is Wrong with them ? I am angry.
I feel betrayed by the ancestors. Right now we
need each other. Right now we have to be one.
We have to have each others backs. It is time to
put our differences aside and work together.
Nomaxabiso is upstairs packing her clothes. It's
sad to see her go. She will think we are liars
now. The respect she had for me is lost. I am
ashamed. I blame the King. This is all Masixole's
Me: Siqalo!
He came in running
Him: Your highness
Me: I want you to go ask Gedleza to come to the
Royal house as soon as possible !
Siqalo: Oka....
Hlohlesakhe: Sister in law what do you want
from him? He was here. He said all he came
here to say!
Princess: That was not him. It was the ancestors.
They were speaking through him. He was not
here in the flash !
Hlohlesakhe exhaled
Princess: You know since we were children.
These things happened. We are not going to act
like they are new. His father would come here
and cause hovoc
Me: And now it looks like his son took all that
and more from him
I looked at Siqalo
Me: Siqalo go and please ask him to throw bones
before he comes. I want to talk to him about
Nomaxabiso and the situation we are in
Siqalo: My Queen
He walked out. I looked at Hlohlesakhe
Me: Chief Khabalandile I am really sorry for
keeping this from you. The King Humiliated this
family. I was ashamed. I didn't hide this because
he is my son no, I hid this because I was
ashamed. I was scared of what might happen
and your wife laughing at me. I am sure she will
be thrilled to know she was right
Hlohlesakhe: Well there is no hiding this now
my Queen. She is going to find out eventually
when she sees The " Supposedly " first wife
I sat down
Me: Don't remind me. I blame myself. This boy
should have never went to further his
Hlohlesakhe: I disagree with you my queen. We
have to be respected not only by what we are.
People must know we worked hard and went to
colleges like normal people
Me: We know Nomaxabiso. We promised her
family the world. Hell is about to break loose.
She is right. They will take us to court
I stood up. Nomagampompo stood up as well
Princess: That's what I am scared of. We can't
lose everything sisi
I looked at her then at Hlohlesakhe. They are
both worried. I can see it.
Me: I am going to promise you one thing
Me: I fought for this family once and won. I am
not about to give up now. Not with the power we
have. We are more powerful now more than
ever !
Princess smiled even though I could see the
nerves in her eyes
Me: I will fight with everything I got. I will wear
my gown if I have to and go back to being a
Hlohlesakhe: And I want you to know we are
nothing without you. Queen you have done a lot
for this family. We appreciate you
I smiled
Me: I know you do, Even when you're angry I
could see the level of respect you have for me. I
know sometimes we exclude you. It's not
because we disrespect you. Sometimes we don't
want some things to get into the ears of your
wife. She doesn't like me brother in law
Hlohlesakhe: This has to end my Queen. You two
need to settle your differences. I would love to
We heard a travel bag making noise being
dragged on the stairs. The King was running
after Nomaxabiso.
Zwelicacile: Please don't leave. We have to fix....
Me: You want to go against the ancestors again
Me: We don't know the punishment you will get
for betraying this family. We are still scared for
you now you go against Gedleza. You ask her to
stay ?
Zwelicacile: I can't just watch her leave mom,
you know what's at stake
Nomaxabiso: That's all you care about. You care
about the business not me!
Zwelicacile: That is not tru.....
Siqalo walked in
Siqalo: Your highness Gedleza is here
Me: Send him in
He ran out and came back with him.
Nomaxabiso walked to the door
Me: Nomaxabiso please. Just wait a second. We
can fix this !
Nomaxabiso looked at Gedleza
Nomaxabiso: You heard what this man said My
Queen. I am nothing to this family. I am waiting
for my fate to be decided!
She looked at King Zwelicacile
Nomaxabiso: It should've been me!!! I should be
the one making a decision on whether you
should take a second wife not her!!!
It breaks my heart to see her cry like this. More
especially knowing I am partly the reason she is
crying. This woman trusted and respected me.
Me: I know my dear. That is why I called
Gedleza her......
Gedleza started clapping his hands dancing
bending his body like he was being eaten by
something. We were all looking at him waiting
for him to say something. He was crying doing
all those things walking around. He stopped
pacing up. He looked at me and
Nomagampompo. We were standing together
Gedleza: Your daughter in law is the victim in
this whole thing!
I went and stood next to Nomaxabiso
Me: Exactly! You're a victim in this my dear and
we are going to fix al.....
Gedleza: I said your daughter in law! Queen the
Me: You mean the Johannesburg girl?
Gedleza: There is only one victim in all this!
there is only one victim in this! She is the
innocent one !
Me: Nomaxabiso is the victim! She is the one
who stayed pour for 3.....
My son don't know her age. I cleared my throat.
Me: For her entire life!
Gedleza looked at Nomaxabiso straight in the
eyes. Nomaxabiso looked down nervous.
Gedleza went to her. He put his hands on her
face. He made her look at him straight in the eye
His other hand reached for Masixole. He put his
hand in his face as well. He looked at Masixole
then at Nomaxabiso straight in the eyes. He
turned around and looked at us
Gedleza: These two wronged the ancestors.
Everyone who is affected by this played a part in
creating this mess !
Me: Can you speak something we understand.
Just get to the point! This poor girl is innocent.
She is going home now because of what!?
Gedleza: Because of her actions!
Gedleza snapped pointing at Nomaxabiso. We all
looked at Nomaxabiso.
Me: What is he talking about ?
Nomaxabiso shrugged her shoulders then pulled
her bag walking to the door.
Princess: I don't know anymore
Gedleza looked at us.
Gedleza: When she is ready to be a royal wife.
She will come back
Gedleza walked to the door then stopped half
way. He turned around and looked at me
Gedleza: That's if Queen the second agrees
He walked out. I kicked the couch then sat




< Nontorotyi >
I know I am a lot of things. But one thing I don't
like is when someone makes me look like a fool.
My daughter worked so hard. She did an
investigation and got me information about the
King. She brought the information forward.
They denied and made me look like a liar and a
troublesome person. All along they knew what
he did. How could they? How could they lie.
Why the ancestors don't punish them since it
looks like they are doing a great job in punishing
My husband just got home. He is telling me
everything. It's him and my daughter. They just
told me Nomaxabiso left. That one is making me
so happy. I am so happy that woman is gone.
Judging by what my husband said I can tell she
is gone for good. And there is no way she is
coming back. The Queen is not ready for me.
Me: My love... so Judge called one of her friends
and made her lie and say she works at home
affairs ? Priscella and Masixole got married at
Home Affairs?
Hlohlesakhe: No, King Zwelicacile got Divorced.
He knew we'd find out when he gets married to
I wonder if this Johannesburg girl knows why
she was divorced. I smiled looking away
Hlohlesakhe: What is it My love ?
I looked at Ngejiwe
Me: Sweetheart do you know her social media
details ?
Hlohlesakhe: Who? The first wife?
Me: Yes. I just wa....
Hlohlesakhe: I dare you! Just try and contact her
you will be dealt with this time and I am not
going to defend you anymore!
I walked pass him
Me: I didn't say anything about contacting her !
Hlohlesakhe: You're my wife and I know you!
You dare call The King's wife I won't protect you
when he bans you from this village
Ngejiwe: Don't worry dad, I stole the file and I
won't tell mom her names
Me: What were you doing in my stuff ?
Ngejiwe: I gave you that information. You
almost got me in trouble with the Queen. I had
to burn it
I feel so stupid. I can't believe I never read
anything there. I asked my daughter to tell me
what's in there. I didn't read it. I hate myself for
being so lazy.
Ngejiwe: I will be in my room if you guys need
She walked away
Hlohlesakhe: I also need to change and go to
He attempted to follow his daughter
Me: Wait a second my love !
He turned around and looked at me
Him: Yes ?
Me: I.....
He didn't let me say what I wanted to say. He
started talking. This man was ready to walk
away when was he planning to say this ?
Hlohlesakhe: Ngejiwe told the Queen you went
to work and by the look of things you didn't.
Why did you lie ?
I smiled. I looked at him
Me: Isn't that a question you should be asking
our daughter?
Him: I don't understand?
Me: Our daughter was trying to protect me from
the Queen. I didn't say I was going to work
Hlohlesakhe: Then why didn't you join us at the
Royal house?
I exhaled then sat on the couch. I looked at him.
He doesn't understand. This should make him
Me: My love every time I go there I embarrass
you. I try to be civil but I am too opinionated. I
can't say yes to everything so I thought I should
stay behind so you have a peaceful meeting. I
don't want to anger ancestors anymore
Hlohlesakhe: Do you know that staying here also
angers them ?
I stood up shaking my head .
Me: Baby I don't know anymore. Your ancestors
are just impossible
Him: The next meetings you better be there. If
you can't close your mouth Nontorotyi put a
tape on it so you won't be able to say anything!
He walked away. I chuckled
Me: You're not serious right?
He looked at me.
Him: You and the Queen need to fix things. This
is ridiculous! You need to grow up!
I am not interested to talk about the Queen. I
want to talk to him about something important.
Me: Okay fine. You're a chief now. Have you
ever thought of moving to the Royal house ?
Hlohlesakhe: Why would I move there ?
Me: Because it is the chiefs mansion!
Hlohlesakhe: I think we've had this conversation
before. Peace is not in your blood woman. You
always wanna fight. That palace was built for a
premier of this province. That was my father!
He left that house to his first born son my
brother Nkosesizwe. I have no right whatsoever
to claim it. The Queen is my brother's wife. My
sister is not married. She dedicated her life to
protect this family. The Queen's family and my
sister's family belong there. Unless you want us
to move there with them ?
Me: Oh hell No!
Hlohlesakhe: Then there is no other way we can
live there
He attempted to walk away. I grabbed his arm.
Me: Honey! The throne!
He looked at me
Me: Baby I am not trying to start a fight. The
royal house has a King. You're a chief. I feel like
the throne issue needs to be addressed don't you
Hlohlesakhe: I haven't thought about that thank
you. We need to discuss it
I smiled. He came to me and kissed my lips.
Hlohlesakhe: Thank you my love
Me: You're welcome My love
He walked to the bedroom. I looked around for a
spot to put it.
Me: The throne in my house
I chuckled
Me: that will be interesting

< Sonia De Villiers >
I haven't heard from the guys in court. I just
wrapped up my shoot with this lady I was
filming with. She is a nice woman. I think she
will be my friend on this show. The reason I
chose to talk to her is because she was quiet the
whole time I was fighting with the other woman.
I feel like she is on my side and today she
proved that. She proved that she is on my side
and I appreciate that.
Things were easy without my husband. I am
tired of him. I am tired of him acting like he
loves me and has good intentions about us. I feel
like this man makes me his object. I am tired of
that. I am glad I was able to open my eyes. I am
really happy he is working long hours. I can't
stand him. I can't stand the man I sleep with
every night in my bed. I learnt my lesson. Never
leave a good man for a man who excites you.
That excitement turn into something toxic.
People change. Better stay with your boring
partner no matter what. At least you know that
person unlike a man you don't know who will
come and promise you the world Only to end up
giving you misery. I feel like I am being
punished for leaving my ex husband for
Brendan. My life now is complicated. I can't
walk from marriage to marriage. I feel like my
marriage is ending soon. I have to go back to
dating game. I am not getting any younger. I am
a mother of two. It will be hard for me to find
love and someone I trust.
Me: Wait a minute....
I saw Isaiah walking in at the restaurant, The
one i was when they took pictures. I am going to
take advantage of this. Brendan is not here. I can
do whatever i want. I know my husband don't
control everything. He is just a co- producer. I
think I have a plan. I looked at my producer.
Me: Do you know that man ?
Producer: Everyone knows him and how he
attacks celebraties in his news paper
Me: Can the cameras roll and follow Me?
Producer stood up.
Him: Where are you going ?
Me: You want drama right ?
Him: Yes but you must tell me what's this
Me: Trust me
I saw Isaiah order. He went and sat down. I
went straight to him. The cameras followed me.
I put my hand on the table, Isaiah looked at the
table then up my hand to my face
Me: Hi you look surprised like someone who just
saw the wife of a man He is screwing Hihihi
Isaiah: Ha ha ha You're funny Sonia
I sat down giggling. I could see how shocked and
how unsettling what I just said made him feel.
He definitely knows something
Me: How are You?
Isaiah: I am camera shy. I don't know why you
didn't give me a hands up about this
Me: I thought you wouldn't mind. I am also
newspaper shy as well actually, but that doesn't
stop you from ruining my name now does it?
I said with a big smile in my face. oh my God I
am having so much fun right now. I am saying
all offensive things with a smile in my face. I like
seeing him so uncomfortable like this.
Isaiah: I am doing my job and I am good at it. I
know some people don't like it but it is my job
I lost my smile.
Me: I am one of those people who don't like it
and I am going to make sure I expose you for
who you are !
Isaiah: I don't understand? I am sitting here with
your Cameras all over my face. I don't mind
because it is your job. why can't you understand
and respect my job ?
I stood up
Me: Because you were not here when my
husband, Hungani and I were here. Someone
took pictures and gave you the information
Isaiah: I was here! You didn't see me because I
didn't want you to see me
Me: Well Sonia don't believe you honey!
Isaiah stood up
Him: Well that's your problem ma'am and don't
you dare make your problems mine
Waitress went to him
Waitress: Your order Mr Norman
He took it then attempted to walk away. I
grabbed his wrist. He yanked his arm. I smiled
then formed a " lit " sign with my hand
Me: I am this close to finding out who helped
you lie about me
Isaiah: Good luck with that
I looked at him from head to toe
Me: Goodbye bitch
Isaiah: Excuse me !?
I walked away flipping my hair. The cameras
ran after me. I headed to the parking.
Producer: What was that ?
Me: That bitch is testing me
Producer: Whatever it is I like it
I turned around and looked at him.
Me: I need a favour from you
Producer: Anything my superstar ?
I looked at his camera men. They were minding
their own business.
Me: When my husband goes to studio to check
on things please show him the one I did with
that housewife. I don't want him to see this one
with the journalist. That journalist is his friend.
If you could, can you go to work now and give
this last footage to your line producers and
editors. I want it to be ready for tv
Him: I will do that
Me: Remember.....
Him: Your husband won't see it. He will be
surprised when he watch it on tv
Me: Thank you very much
Him: No! thank you
I unlocked my car. I walked in and started the
Me: You're not the only smart ass Brendan

< Priscella >
This was too personal to me. This was personal
because it involves my brother but most
importantly. I was disgusted and still am by
Hungani. He knows my brother. He is the last
person I expected to hurt him. I wanted him to
pay for that and more. I am mad at the law of
this country. I am angry at the supermodels who
were in that courtroom. I am mad at Tasha and
everyone right now. We just got out of court. I
won the case fortunately but things didn't go the
way I wanted them to go and that's unfortunate.
Hungani was found not guilty. His bitches
testified and the judge believed him because of
their testimony. I swear I hate those women. I
hate them for always being there to hurt me.
They are the reason I left his arse. Now They are
here defending him. Defending a man who
didn't think of them when he was sleeping with
my brother's girlfriend. I am disgusted by him.
By the way the court gave Tasha two weeks to
give me half a million. I want it. Like I said I
want my brother to go on a holiday using that
Uncle: That went well
Me: Yeah but I was hoping that man also paid.
How can he sleep with Tasha?
Uncle: He did tell the court he did it to make you
jealous my dear
Me: Well they are both stupid because I don't
love him. I don't care about him! Tasha lost my
brother for good! Their plan was to hurt me and
my brother and they did. I wish I could make
him pay as well !
We walked out. We saw him speaking to
journalists. When they saw me. They ran to us.
J1: Priscella how do you feel about what just
Me: I feel disgusted
I walked away. They ran after me
J2: Disgusted how? please explain to us !
I turned around.
Me: I feel disgusted to see two people who hurt
my family. We trusted Tasha and invited her to
our home because we thought she was a good
girl. She fooled us all and I don't want her
anywhere near my brother again
J1: Your ex boyfriend was found not guilty how
do you feel about that ?
Me: Hungani knows my brother's girlfriend.
Someone I once loved did that to my brother. He
is guilty to me. I feel like he should pay. He is
childish man whore who is acting like a high
school boy. He needs to grow up!
I walked away. They didn't run after me thank
God. My chauffeur opened the door. Uncle
walked in
" Priscella!!!" Said a voice behind me. A familiar
voice that I don't want to talk to. I chuckled then
turned around
Me: What do you want Hungani?
Hungani: I want to say I a....
Me: I don't want your apology. You're disgusting
Hungani: Prissy you can't expect me to pay you
a million rands for something I didn't do. Did
you think I was gonna just give you a million ?
Me: This has nothing to do with money!
Hungani: It sure does look like it to me
I looked at him
Me: You're not serious right? You think I want
your money ?
Him: Babe you were gonna take it weren't?
Me: Don't call me that !
Hungani: Priscella do you see the things I do to
try and be with you? Can't you see I love you ?
Why do you have to sue me? I know you wanted
this money because you wanted to hurt me
This son of a bitch. How dare he? while I was
surprised by that the models joined him and
started nodding their heads agreeing to what He
just said. I chuckled.
Hungani: You're not happy in that relationship.
Let's give people what they want. We were....
Me: Don't flatter yourself honey! first of all I
don't want your money. You know that very well
Model1: Oh please! then you wanted to hurt
him? Why don't you stop acting like a child and
just admit you still love him
I looked at her. How dare she ?
Me: All of you.... your opinion of me is just like
your bank balances
Me: Insufficient!
I catwalked to the car. The chauffeur opened I
walked in and closed the door. I looked at them.
Hungani was shaking his head in disbelief the
girls had their hands on their mouth shocked.
< Judge Nomakhosazana >
After the chaos that happened today we needed
to clear our heads. Nomaxabiso is gone. My son
is leaving tomorrow going to Johannesburg. I
feel like we need to talk to King Zwelicacile
tomorrow before he leaves. His wife needs to
give him permission to marry Nomaxabiso. That
girl is royalty. She is a chosen wife for my son. I
want her to be my daughter in law. I don't want
her to think I am a liar. Yes she is disappointed
in me for keeping this first wife thing. I really
thought divorce would be enough for the
ancestors. I didn't think it doesn't count to them.
They allow some western things sometimes they
don't? This is crazy. I just cannot believe they
took away all that wedding fever. We were so
excited. All we have to do now is just wait for
the day my son will be ordained. That is the only
occasion we will have it seems. I don't think that
city girl will be easy on my son. He has a lot to
confess to her. The permission thing will be the
last thing he tells her about.
I am under so much stress. The Ndengana family
is going to fall apart when the Zidenge family
strikes. I have to go to my sister's trial
Wednesday. This is too much on me. I feel like
my head is going to explode. That is why I asked
my sister in law to take a walk with me.
Me: This is too much
Princess: When Nomaxabiso did whatever she
did I was so sure, I was so sure that she is the
one for the king
Me: She will be, All we need to do is convince
that city girl
Princess: It won't be easy trust me. It will not be
easy. He lied to that girl that is why the
ancestors say she is a victim. If The King told her
who he was then it was gonna be a different
Me: Yeah
Princess looked at someone. My eyes went to the
direction. It's Bhalisile
Princess: Why is he wearing a scarf covering his
neck in this heat ?
Me: Let's go talk to him. This heat is going to kill
this man. Is he crazy?
We laughed about it then walked to him. He
went down on his knees and bowed down
Bhalisile: Your highness! My Queen
Me: It's a hot day wouldn't you agree?
Bhalisile: It is very hot my Queen
He was responding looking down smiling
Me: Then what is going on? Why are you
wearing a scarf?
He stood up
Him: No, It's nothing my Queen
Princess: Are you hiding something Bhalisile?
Bhalisile: No!!!
He snapped then stopped himself and smiled
faintly. He looked nervous, Okay I am concerned
Princess: Are you hurt ? did someone hurt your
neck ?
Bhalisile: Like I said I am fine thank you fo.....
Me: You're a very important addition to the
family. Whoever is important to our ancestors is
important to us. We want to make sure you're
okay. I mean no disrespect by this.....
I went to him. I removed the scarf. He fought me
but he was being respectful about it, so he
finally let go of it. I checked his neck
Me: Turn around. We have a doctor on
Oh My God. I couldn't finish what I was saying
when I saw what he was hiding. I put my hand
on my mouth
Princess: What is it sisi ?
She came and looked
Princess: Why is he hiding a birth mark?
I hit Nomagampompo's shoulder hard
Me: Ngejiwe has the same birth Mark!
Nomagampompo looked at me. She put both her
hands on her mouth
Princess: And same spot!
Bhalisile: Who is Ngejiwe? I don't know what
you talking about my Queen
Me: I think you do, and your tears show it
He quickly wiped his tears
Bhalisile: I am not crying . My eyes are so sore
I grabbed his wrist and pulled him
Me: I am sure they are. Let's go finish this
conversation at the mansion
Princess: Oh my God




< Judge Nomakhosazana >
What is going on here? Who is this man, Who is
Bhalisile? Why did the ancestors bring him to
the Royal house? Is the birth mark a co-incident
? There are no co-incidences at the Royal house.
Whatever happens, it happens for a reason. We
have to find out what is going on. I pulled this
man like a child walking to the mansion as
quickly as I could. No one can blame me. This is
unbelievable I am shocked by that birthmark.
This is a very sensitive matter. It can't be
discussed outside. Who is this man? Is he related
to Nontorotyi? Why didn't Nontorotyi mention
this to us? Why didn't anyone say anything?
Why didn't He, Bhalisile tell us anything? To
think about this. Sunday on Bhalisile's first day
at Royal house, he saw Ngejiwe. He said she
looked familiar and before that he was staring at
her walking out. I think he saw the birthMark
now Monday he comes to work hiding his
birthMark? If this man had nothing to hide he
wouldn't have had that scarf around his neck.
He is going to tell me and my sister in law
everything right now.
Anyway we got in. We saw my nephews and the
king sitting in the living room.
Me: Guys please give us a moment
Nomgcwabe: But Auntie The King and I are
watching this movie
Phonqa: You forget who you're talking to
I looked at his little brother. Phonqa is a very
smart 13 year old boy. The King saw how serious
I was . He stood up and tapped Nomgcwabe's
shoulder. Nomgcwabe stood up. He looked at me
then bowed.
Nomgcwabe: I apologise my Queen
His mother looked at me then smiled
Me: Can you leave now ?
Nomgcwabe: Of course my Queen
He and the king walked to the stairs. Princess
Nomagampompo looked at Phonqa
Princess: Actually you're also excused
Phonqa: Oh me too ?
I shook my head
He ran to the kitchen. I walked to the double
couch. I sat down. The Princess came and sat
next to me. I pointed to a chair on a distance
away from the sofas. He is not too clean to sit on
my furniture.
Bhalisile: Thank you my Queen
He sat down.
Me: I am not going to ask you again. And I won't
sit here and be insulted by my cleaner
Bhalisile: My Quee.....
I didn't let him talk
Me: One lie coming out of your mouth, a light
will strike you hard coming from that throne!
I said pointing at the throne. He looked at the
throne then swallowed sweet nothing. He looked
scared. I saw glasses forming in his eyes. He sat
up straight. He cleared his throat
Bhalisile: My Queen I know the chief's wife. I
know her from Ntsimbini
I looked at Nomagampompo
Me: I didn't know Nontorotyi was from
Princess: Neither did I......
Bhalisile: They are originally from there. 23
years ago they crossed the MDUMBI river and
went to live at a village called....
Me: Hlalwini ?
He nodded his head yes
Me: We are listening
He looked at us. He kept sucking his dry lips. He
looked nervous. It looked like what he was
about to say was hard to say.
Bhalisile: Nontorotyi was my first ever girlfriend
Oh My God? Did Nontorotyi see this man ? I
doubt she knows. If she knew she'd have made
sure he left the Royal house the same day. What
is this man telling us ? Is he trying to tell us that
he is Ngejiwe's father? I thought He was gonna
say his brother not him. The way this man looks.
I don't see him with my sister. Nontorotyi is a
very classy woman or maybe she is trying to be
just to be in my level but the woman I know
would've never had a boyfriend looking like
this. Then again. It was more than 22 years ago.
Me: What are you saying to us ?
Bhalisile: My Queen believe me. I didn't know as
well. I remember how she dumped me telling
me she was in love with a prince of
Sdabadabeni. I was heartbroken but what I
didn't know was......
Princess: That she was carrying your baby when
you broke up ?
He nodded his head. Princess Nomagampompo
stood up
Princess: I can't believe this!
I stood up as well. I was trying to calm her
down. I understand it's her brother who was
lied to. I look Bhalisile
Me: Does Nontorotyi know you're here ?
Bhalisile: She saw me when she was here
yesterday my Queen
Me: What did she say? I am sure it was a shock
Bhalisile: She even cried my Queen. I know she
left me because I had nothing but seeing her so
scared and crying showed how much she loves
her husband
Princess: She lied to him! to all of us !
Me: Sister in law please sit
She sat down.
Me: So what did she say? Is she okay with you
being here?
Bhalisile: She wanted me to leave. I told her I
can't leave because ancestors brought me here
my Queen
Me: I want you to promise me something
Bhalisile: Anything my Queen
Me: Don't mention this to anyone. Don't tell
Nontorotyi we know about this. Keep on
wearing your scarf Only when you're around
the family. I don't them to see what we saw
Him: Okay my Queen
Me: Go back to work
He stood up. He bowed then walked out. I
looked at sister in law. She is angry. I let go of
my lower body. I threw bum on the couch
Me: This is heavy
I felt someone put their arm around my
shoulder. I looked. It's Phonqa. His left arm was
around his mother's shoulder. His face was
between us. I smiled then put my hand on top of
his hand while it's on my shoulder.
Phonqa: This is heavy in deed my Queen. What
do we do now ?
Bare in mind, This is a 13 year old. I jumped up.
So did the Princess . We looked at Phonqa
Me: What are you talking about ?
Phonqa: That the cleaner is Ngej....
I saw the princess jumps to the couch. Her knees
were on the couch. Her hands covering her son's
Princess: Don't you dare say a word to anyone!!
Phonqa: I can't breath mom
She removed her hand
Me: What did we say about Eavesdropping?
Phonqa: I am sorry my Queen
Princess: Promise us you won't say a word even
to your brother!
Phonqa: I swear on Grandma, grandpa and
uncle's graves
Me: Good
Princess: Go upstairs and watch tv with your
brothers !
He walked up the stairs. Princess
Nomagampompo looked at me.
Princess: This child!
Me: At least he swore, Besides the ancestors
won't let him say anything
Princess: He can't say anything at least not until
we announce this
I looked away. We are not announcing anything.
This is one secret that cannot come out.

< Priscella >
I know this will sound like I am obsessed with
this but I cannot help myself. I am angry. There
are so many things that disgust me about
Hungani. This man does everything wrong.
Everything he does makes me feel so proud for
leaving him. That was the best decision I have
ever made. That son of a bitch comes to me with
his bitches to confront me? What a joke. How
can they think I was doing this to get his money?
I don't need money. I make money. I employed
thousands of people in the company. Hungani
and his bitches live on money they made by
pose on Camera's naked. Who do they think they
are ? I know how Hungani got his tv gig. He was
a model as well. He got that gig because he was
discovered as a good looking man. He is working
because of his looks. He is not that handsome
trust me I know him in person. Don't let that
beard fool you. Anyway I am still angry because
of what they said. I hated what I said to them. I
sounded like a snob. I did that because I didn't
want to be the one losing the battle. They were
attacking me with words. I just needed
something to shut them up, I got that and I used
it. I was the last woman standing. I left their
jaws on the floor. I am not going to apologise for
my behaviour. They started this. They started it
when they didn't respect my relationship with
Hungani. Can you believe they were acting like
they wanted us together when they were the
ones who broke us up. Bunch of whores.
Anyway I just got to the office. I found Algebra
and Sonia talking at passage
Sonia: Hey friend
Me: Come to the office guys
I opened the door. I walked in I put my handbag
on my desk. They walked in.
Sonia: Congratulations friend we saw on social
She hugged me
Me: Thanks
She broke the hug
Algebra: You don't look happy ma'am
Me: A part of me is happy another part of me is
not happy. I feel like Hungani walked off so
easily. But I know I won't use the law to fight
personal feelings. Yes I am happy he was not
part of drugging but I wanted him to pay for
betraying my brother but that can't be discussed
in court
Sonia: I am very disappointed in him. I wonder
if they will reinstate him since he is innocent
Me: He was fired?
Algebra: We just saw on social media. He was
Me: Good!
Sonia looked at Algebra
Sonia: Dear can you wash these two glasses. I
am thirsty
He took them then walked out.
Me: Hungani confronted me after court. He
accused me of wanting money
Sonia: He is crazy! You don't need his money.
You did what had to be done
Me: He was confronting me with his whores. I
put them in their place
Sonia: He is losing his mind. I don't know what
he sees on those girls
Me: How was the filming ?
Sonia: Oh it was amazing! then after we were
done, I saw Isaiah walked in. I asked the
producer and the crew to follow me. I
confronted him on camera. He will never mess
with me again. I told him I don't believe him.
Someone helped him
Me: And?
Sonia: He denied everything. I told him I will
find out who did
Me: Let's not get excited. Your husband might
not use that video
Sonia: That's the exciting part.....
Me: What?
Sonia: I told the producer to not sure my
husband this. I told him he must show him the
part I was with that wife. He agreed
Me: What if Isaiah tells him ?
Sonia: I didn't think of that
Me: Don't worry. You will deny it. You will say
you did confront him but cameras were not
rolling. When he sees it on tv you will say you
didn't know they were filming
Sonia: And he lies to me as well
Me: Exac.....
My phone rang. I took my phone.
Me: It's CleoPetra let me answer
Sonia: Okay
I answered
Me: Hello Cleo
Cleo: Ma'am I am sorry to disturb you
Me: Is everything okay ?
Cleo: Ma'am EJ has about 30 people partying
Me: At the penthouse ?
Sonia looked at me curious
Cleo: Yes ma'am they are swimming and they
are drinking Mr Ndengana's alcohol
Me: I am coming!
I hung up. I can't believe this.
Sonia: What is it?
Me: Apparently there is a party I don't know of
in my house. We have about 30 guests can you
believe It?
Sonia: EJ ?
I nodded my head closing my laptop.
Sonia: Let's go stop that! They will steal !
Me: I know
Sonia: He is hurting don't shout at him
I know he is hurt but this? This is crazy. I asked
him to never bring strangers at home. My
brother never listens and that makes me angry.
I understand what he is going through but I
won't tolarate hiss nonsense.

< Isaiah Norman >
What was that ? What happened an hour ago?
That woman I saw wasn't the insecure idiotic
wife i know. She was confident and so sure
about what she was saying. I am really worried
now because I can tell she knows something.
She is the one who left me speechless this time. I
thought she bought the story about me trying to
see how much she trusts her husband. I feel like
this woman is following me or us around. This
cannot be good for either of us and the secret I
keep for him. I am sorry but my guilt can't wait
for this man to knockoff. I have to see him now.
I am at his work place. I hope They are taking a
break. I cannot stand waiting. I have work to do.
I am tired of this whole thing because I can see it
is going to cost me my job. I cannot lose my job. I
can't afford that.
Anyway I am in my car. I texted him. The
message went through. I am just waiting for him
to respond. I saw him was typing
I am so nervous right now. I have never felt this
way. I am always the one making people feel
this way. Celebrities are always uncomfortable
around me because I am that kinda journalist. I
act like your friend bit once I see something
dodgy you do I write about it. I make sure I look
at every single step they take. But when the
table then and the investigation is done to me I
just get so scared. Now I can imagine how they
feel when that happens to people. This feeling is
not nice at all.
Brendan: * What do you want? I told you I am
the one who should text you! *
I texted him
Me: Come to the parking lot I know you're on
break !
He called. I answered
Me: We need to talk about your wife
Brendan: What about her ?
Me: She confronted me again at the restaurant!
She caused a scene !
Brendan: You're a journalist you know how to
handle Celebrities who confront you !
Me: It was different because......
Brendan: I don't have time for this goodbye ( Tu
tu tu tu tu )
He hung up on me. He didn't even wanna hear
the important part. I threw my phone on the
passenger seat.
Me: ...... She confronted me on camera
I started the engine. This is his mess. I don't care.
I won't even contact him. I hope they don't show
him the video and surprise him with it on
national tv. He is the one who has a lot to lose

< Narrated >
At the Royal house. We see Bhalisile running for
his life. It was like he was running from
someone. He went and hide behind the tank. He
lied down and raised his head and looked at a
distance. From a distance we see Nontorotyi
walking to the Royal house. You'd swear she was
going to a wedding. She was wearing colourful
clothes. She was wearing a yellow dress, Green
blazer and a red big hat. She was smiling. It
looks like her visit will be the best. She knows
Nomaxabiso is not there any more. She has her
handbag hanged in her arm
She got to the house. She was welcomed by
Siqalo: Sister in law
Nontorotyi: Announce my arrival Siqalo
Siqalo: Right away Sister in law
He walked in. Nontorotyi smiled. She had a
smirk in her face.
Siqalo: You can Come in sister in law
Me: Thank you Siqalo
Nontorotyi walked in walking like she was on
capert or was owning the mansion. When She
got in. The Queen and the Princess stood up and
looked at her. Phonqa giggled. He walked away
leaving them to talk. The Queen and the Princess
looked at each other questioning Phonqa
Nontorotyi: I feel so important. You guys stand
up when I arrive
In Queen Nomakhosazana's mind she was like "
You have no idea what we have on you so you
better behave " On the other hand Princess
Nomagampompo was disgusted by Nontorotyi's
presence at the Royal house.
Nontorotyi: What is it ? You guys are acting
They didn't say anything. They just looked at her
with their eyes popped out.
Nontorotyi: If this is the way you guys apologise
to a woman you wronged then that's strange
Nontorotyi looked at the kitchen.
Nontorotyi: Notiniphu get me a cold drink my
She looked at the Queen and the Princess
Nontorotyi: So...... ?
Princess: Apologise for what!?
Nontorotyi: For starters I want you to apologise
to me for letting a woman who wasn't even the
king's wife humiliate me by forcing me to wash
The judge feet! and secondly for calling me a liar
when I was telling the truth
Princess: I can't believe this !
The Queen chuckled. She shook her head.
Nomakhosazana: Nontorotyi before we do that
we want you to do something for us
Nontorotyi: What is that ?
The Queen looked at Princess Nomagampompo
then at Nontorotyi
Nomakhosazana: Go to our new cleaner......
The Queen went to the back window. She looked
at Nontorotyi
Nomakhosazana: He is working over there....
The Queen turned around.
Nomakhosazana: When you get to him please
remove the scarf on his neck and look at his
neck from behind then come back and get your
Nontorotyi: Now?
Nomakhosazana: Right away
Nontorotyi looked nervous. She put her handbag
on the couch. She walked to the door and out.
The Queen and the Princes went to the window
and watched her going to Bhalisile.
Outside We see Nontorotyi walking alone
talking to herself.
Nontorotyi: I wonder what is it on that bastard's
She headed to Bhalisile. The poor man saw her.
He attempted to go hide
Nontorotyi: I am coming to you!
She got to him.
Nontorotyi: Remove the scarf!
Bhalisile: Here ?
Nontorotyi grabbed the scarf and pulled it. She
turned him around then we see Nontorotyi let
go of the scarf looking like someone who just
saw a ghost
Nontorotyi: Oh My God
Bhalisile turned around and shrugged his
Nontorotyi: Why didn't you tell me you have a
birthmark ?
Bhalisile: It's a birthMark like you say! I was
born with it. I thought you knew about it ! We
were together for a long time how come you
don't know about my birthMark?
Nontorotyi: We only met at night you idiot! I
didn't know. Oh My God! Nomakhosazana and
Nomagampompo now know ?
Bhalisile: I am sorry. I tried to hide it I really did
Nontorotyi looked away thinking.
Nontorotyi: Two people at the Royal house will
find out.......
Bhalisile: What did you just say ?
Nontorotyi walked pass him.
Nontorotyi: A healer. Some friend of mine who
is a healer told me something like that the other

In side the palace. The Queen and Princess
Nomagampompo are sitting in the living room
waiting for Nontorotyi to walk in. It looks like
they are ready to " Apologize " to her. They were
just sitting there. No one was saying anything.
The Princess looked angry. The Queen didn't
show any emotion whatsoever. She was just
sitting waiting patiently. Siqalo walked in. The
Queen stood up
Siqalo: Your highness I am here to get My sister
in law's handbag
The Queen looked at her sister in law smiling.
Princess: What a Coward!
Nomakhosazana: Not infront of Siqalo sisi!
The Queen looked at Siqalo
Nomakhosazana: There it is
He took it then walked out. Nomagampompo
stood up.
Princess: She can't leave like this !
Nomakhosazana: Sisi this is the last time we
have this conversation
Princess: What do you mean, My brother has....
Nomakhosazana: Your brother can't know about
this believe me
The Queen said that not even looking at the
princess. The Princess was livid.
Nomagampompo: The more we keep secrets
from my brother is the more we drive him away
from the family. This is a big one
Nomakhosazana: You're a royal princess. It's
your duty to keep such secrets. This secret might
tear the family apart so as a royal princess you
have to make sure that doesn't happen!
Princess Nomagampompo walked around
pacing up and down. She put her hand on her
forehead frustrated
Princess: I swear my brother won't forgive me
this time!
The Queen walked to her
Nomakhosazana: Sisi the ancestors brought that
man here for a reason and that same reason is
the one that made sure you and I are the ones
who discovered the truth. I think we should
keep this to ourselves !
Nomagampompo turned around. She was
Nomagampompo: Till when sisi? Till when? My
brother raised the girl thinking it Was his child.
He loves her !
The Queen looked around then at Princess
Nomakhosazana: I know he does. I know he
loves her. All I am asking you is just keep this a
secret and wait for the ancestors next
Princess Nomagampompo looked at the Queen.
She wiped her tears. " There are no further
instructions your highness " Said a voice behind
them. They quickly turned around. They looked
at Gedleza. Who was on his knees looking down
clapping hands.
The Queen walked closer to Gedleza
Nomakhosazana: So we should tell Chief
The healer shook his head no. The Queen looked
at Princess Nomagampompo giving her the "I
told you so" look. But they were both confused
though...... They wanted to know what should
they do next. The healer looked at them.
Gedleza: Now you have a weapon to use against
Nontorotyi Dimbaza to instill peace in this
The Queen and The Princess looked at each
other and smiled.
Gedleza vanished into thin air. The Queen
looked at Princess Nomagampompo. They
touched each other's hands giggling and happy
to hear the ancestors' plan
Nomakhosazana: The weapon they say?
The Princess looked at the Queen agreeing to
what she just said.
Princess: Mhhmm
The Queen looked away and chuckled




< Nontorotyi >
Tell me? If you were me, were you gonna go
back there and demand apology ? Apology for
what? I feel like what they did calling me a liar
was nothing compared to what they found out
about me. I was just being dramatic when I went
to the Royal house asking for forgiveness. I feel
like I always put myself in trouble. Why did I go
there why? I wished I should've stayed at home
at least the situation was gonna be less awkward
before they knew that I know what they know
about me. I feel like now that they know that I
know they found the truth things will be hard
for me. I had to ask Siqalo to go fetch my bag. Oh
My God why these ancestors are doing this to
me? Why they are so hard on me. I had no idea
the child I was carrying was not Hlohlesakhe's
child. When I found out the Lobola was already
paid. I was already married to the Royal house. I
couldn't have told him. I loved my husband like I
still do right now. I had to keep this secret from
everyone. My husband was excited. I couldn't
bring myself into hurting him with the truth. I
just couldn't..
Anyway I just got to my house. I turned the door
handle, The door is locked
Me: Thank God you're not home Ngejiwe
I unlocked. I walked in. I closed the door then
ran to the kitchen I took a glass. I poured myself
I gulped the glass of water. The front door
opened. I ran out of the kitchen to the living
Me: Oh thank God it's you!
It is my sister Sabonkolo. I called her when I left
the Royal house. I need her. I need her now
more than ever. I feel like i am on my own and I
will be on my own when those two decide to
hurt me.
Sabonkolo: I came as fast as I could my sister
Me: Sis I am in trouble
Sabonkolo: Is this about the man at the Royal
house ?
Sabonkolo said looking around
Me: Don't worry my daughter is not here. I am
home alone !
Sabonkolo: Is she at the Royal house?
Me: No! She is probably with that commoner!
My daughter has a boyfriend in this village
Sabonkolo: Oh it looks like her actions are the
ones that will get you busted. She is not acting
like a royal princess
Me: I am already bursted sis. The judge and
Princess Nomagampompo know !
Sabonkolo: No! how did they found out ?
I sat down. I was crying, scared. I wish I didn't
left. I wish i stayed and ask what they want. The
reason I left is because I was ashamed. I couldn't
stay there. I had to leave. I am not the begging
type. I can't go there and humiliate myself.
Me: Bhalisile has a birthmark
Sabonkolo: Your daughter has one at the back of
her neck where is his ?
That made me cry even harder
Sabonkolo threw her handbag on the couch
Sabonkolo: No don't tell me
Me: same birthmark, Same spot
Sabonkolo: Oh this is a disastar
Me: I know sister! I know ! Those women hate
me. They will make sure I suffer. They asked me
to go check Bhalisile's neck. They said I should
come back after. I couldn't go back sisi. I
Sabonkolo: You have to go back ! you have to
know their next move. Leaving like that will
anger them. They will say you disrespect them
and go tell my brother in law
I stood up
Me: No! I can't do that
I took my handbag. Sabonkolo stood up
Sabonkolo: Where are you going ?
Me: You and I are going to Mqanduli. We are
going to Msukeni village ! We have to see
I ran out. I turned around. She is standing there
Me: Are you coming or not ?
Sabonkolo: Of course Mntaka mama

< Priscella >
In days like these I wish my father was still
alive. My father was a loving man. He loved us
but he made sure we don't act like little brats.
He made sure we appreciated every little
everything in life. He made sure we see how
other people live and experience it. We were
lucky to have a parent like him who had
everything. Having everything didn't make my
dad forget where he comes from. He always
reminded us where we come from. I think every
teaching he gave us he gave it to me only. I
swear my brother wouldn't be behaving the way
He does if father was alive. My father wanted us
to do what he wanted for us. I didn't think he
was controlling us because he showed us love.
He made sure we had everything we wanted. As
a young girl I knew my father wanted the best
for me even though some people would think I
followed my father's dream not mine. I don't
care because my father's dream made me the
business woman I am. When father wanted me
to study this business I thought why not? Why
wouldn't you take advise from a billionair and I
don't regret following in his footsteps. Dad
wanted us to study the same thing and so did
uncle De Villiers to Sonia. He begged her to quit
modeling and study. She did and now Sonia is a
good business woman in her own right.
I am sure you're asking where I am going with
this. My Brother has about thirty people in our
house. We are one of the richest families in the
country. Everyone want a piece in this empire.
Everyone want to hurt us and take everything. If
my brother listened to father's teachings he
wouldnt bring strangers into the penthouse. He
brought Tasha look where it got him? He
reached his rock bottom. He is hurting even now
because of someone he trusted. He trusted one
person. She betrayed him now tell me, How can
you trust 30 people in your house when one
person you trusted with your life betrayed you ?
I love EJ. I do everything to make sure he is
happy. I fight his battles. Even today I was out
there fighting for him when I should've been at
work, working for the family. While I was there
fixing his mess he is in the house turning it
upside down. I am pregnant. How will things be
when I am big ? I swear I will give birth with my
mouth. My brother don't want to grow up. This
boy must show us his gratitude. Dad wanted him
to study business. He didn't want it. Dad died
when he was in 11th grade. That made him
ignore whatever dad said. When He graduated
high school. He went and did this media
nonsense. What would our family benefit in that
? We don't want to be famous. We want to build
an empire and employ people. He went against
dad. He will never be mentally stable and he
keeps proving that he is not normal. Maybe it's
because he ignored my father's dying wish.
Anyway I am glad Sonia is here with me. We are
in the elevator going up. Sonia is like a sister to
me. She knows how to deal with EJ. When there
is a crisis in my house. She fixes it like it was her
business. I really appreciate her and I am glad I
won't be the only one talking to EJ. I am always
talking to that boy and he doesn't listen. Anyway
the elevator opened.
Cleopatra: Thank God you're here ma'am
Me: What the hell?
There is clothes everywhere in the living room
and the dining area. We were looking around
Sonia: Oh My God. The share holders love
stopping by here. Imagine if one of them came
here !
I looked at her
Me: Exactly!!!
Sonia: Where are they?
Cleo: In the pool ma'am
Sonia looked at me.
Me: Let's go upstairs. We can't do this in heels.
We need flat shoes to deal with these morons!
follow me
We went to my room. We wore flat shoes. We
walked down.
Sonia: We can't go there with out Anything to get
their attention. Judging by the clothes there is so
many people in that pool!
I took out my phone. I called the head of
Security: Hello ma'am
Me: We need guns and rubber bullets
Him: What is going on ma'am?
Me: I should be asking you! What the hell is
going on in my penthouse? There is about 30
people partying in this building with EJ. Since
when do we let in strangers in this house?
Him: Ma'am I am so sorry. I will call my security
at the gate then come to the penthouse. Are you
there now?
Me: Hurry !
I hung up
Sonia: What did he say?
Me: It's news to him. He is acting like he doesn't
know there is a crowd partying in this house! He
says we should wait for him
Sonia: Let me have a drink
I took my phone. It rang I chuckled
Sonia: Who is it ?
Me: I was about to call Masixole. He is calling
Sonia: Answer
I answered
Me: Hi baby i was about to call you
Masixole: Is everything okay ? I was calling to
ask what happened in court
I exhaled
Me: Baby I won the case against Tasha
Masixole: So when are you getting 1.5 million?
Me: Hungani was proved not guilty
Masixole: What ?
Me: He had people testifying saying he wasn't
there when Tasha drugged EJ. Even Tasha
agreed he wasn't there
Masixole: That's great babe right ?
Me: He betrayed my brother. I wanted him to
pay anyway my brother is having a party in the
penthouse. He invited 30 guests
Masixole: Is it happening tonight?
Me: Now!! I am heading over there to end this
nonsense !
Masixole: He Is hurting babe. He loved Tasha
Me: Baby we are all hurting for HIM. You don't
see us bring strangers to the house. EJ is
provoking me !
Masixole: Come on babe
The elevator opened. Head of security walked in
Me: Talk later babe. Oh by the way he is
drinking your alcohol
Masixole: What !?
I hung up. I thought he said he was hurting. "
What " What now?
Security: Ma'am I am so sorry. Here is what
Me: I am listening ?
Him: The guys at the gate say EJ left with the big
bus, The one that has the bar and...
Me: Oh My God
We have a bus that has a lounge, A bedroom and
a bar in it. That bus always have alcohol in it. I
am sure alcohol that is worth close to 10
thousand was there. We use it when We are
going to a vacation around the country.
Security: He left with it. He came back. They say
they didn't see anyone in it. I guess....
Sonia: They sat down so that you guys won't see
Me: The party is over!
I said walking to the pool. He ran after me
Security: Let us escort them out. You don't have
to go there ma'am
Me: Do it fast and please make sure that bus
don't leave this Seputla Towers. We tell you guys
when we are travelling. I don't know why you
let EJ use it !
Security: I apologise ma'am. The thing is it's
hard to say no to the family members
Me: I call the shots here! You don't go through
with anything without consulting me are we
clear ?
Him: Yes ma'am
He looked at his guys. They ran to the pool. I
took phone and called mom..
Mom: Hello sweetheart how did it go ?
It's a video call. I decided to use my phone. My
laptop is at the office
Me: Only Tasha was guilty so we will be
expecting a half a million from her family
Mom: That's great so what are you going to do
with it ? Are you gonna put it in our foundation?
Me: I was gonna surprise your son with a
holiday in Mozambique but he is not getting it
Mom: That's so sweet honey. Why not?
Me: Mom as we speak. About 30 boys and girl
are in this house partying. I was called by
Cleopatra. Can you believe he brought strangers
I saw them coming in screaming
Me: Look Mom!
I said turning the camera showing her
Mom: Don't be hard on your brother. He is
hurting !
Me: Mom I am supporting that brat! I went to
court for him. I have been there for him why
can't he listen? What if this people steal?
Mom: Priscella you so uptight honey
I shook my head
Me: I cannot wait to give birth and show you
how to be a good parent !
Mom: You gonna teach me how to be a parent?
Honey who is your mother? I raised you ! look
how you turned out!
Me: Mom I chose to be responsible! you didn't
do that! if you did Elton would be as responsible.
I cannot believe you don't have a problem with
bunch of drunk strangers walking around our
home !
Mom: Honey you're pregnant. Please don't upset
the child
I cut the call. I looked at Sonia
Me: Can you believe this ?
Sonia: Mrs S for you
I looked at these whores screaming picking up
their clothes
Me: Get out of my house before I call the police
and report you for a break in !
They ran to the elevator. I couldn't see my
brother and the security guys. I am sure he is
talking to them.

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
I knew Nontorotyi was many things but I never
thought she would do something like this. For
someone who is trying to prove that she is a
better daughter in law for the Ndengana family
she sure has a lot of scandals. She has been
trying to show everyone that I am this evil
person in this family without anything thing to
prove it but me, with my silence I managed to
find something that shows she never deserved
to be a royal wife. For me I don't think a
commoner should be married to the Royal
house. I am not saying that because I am selfish.
I am saying that because commoners are looked
down at. No one take them seriously so why
would you wanna be where you will always be
reminded how useless you are to the family?
Nontorotyi is a commoner. That alone makes
her useless in this family. She can't have a word
whatsoever when we are having meetings
because she is not a royalty. Since she has been
so desperate to be recognised. I thought she is
clean. I thought she had no skeletons in her
closet. Why would she act so crazy in this family
when she knows very well that she wronged this
family? She is prooving us right everyday. This
woman is not fit to be part of this family. She
doesn't follow any rules. It's her way or no way
at all. She should've thought about this before
acting crazy. If she was a good wife and a
daughter in law to this family, I don't think she
would've been exposed. She did this to herself.
She has herself to blame for this.
Anyway I am so glad Gedleza saved us. I was
worried that I will have to convince my sister in
law to keep this. The way she was so angry for
her brother I was so worried. I am glad she
respects the ancestors. Now she is calm and she
understands why we can't tell the family this.
Before this Bhalisile drama I was meaning to
talk to my sister in law about something. I need
to talk to her so I can take this Ngejiwe drama
off her mind.
Me: Sisi I have been meaning to ask ....
She looked at me.
Her: Yes ?
Me: When king Zwelicacile left us yesterday. He
was going to speak to Nomaxabiso about her
virginity. He didn't come back to us
Princess: You're right my Queen. I wonder why?
Would that mean Nomaxabiso is really hiding
something from this family?
I smiled.
Me: After what happened do you still doubt
Gedleza, You still think he is not as strong as his
father ?
She stood up
Her: No! he proved himself. Now I am asking
myself what did Nomaxabiso do to anger our
ancestors. I mean they humiliated her. She went
home without a ring in her finger
Me: Don't doubt your ancestors sisi. I am sure
very soon they are going to show us
Princess: After what just happened I have no
doubt. I am positive they will
I took out my phone. I dialled Zwelicacile's
Zwelicacile: Hello my dear queen?
I smiled. He has been so nice since this
Nomaxabiso drama happened. He feels
responsible and he is responsible.
Me: Come down we need to talk
Zwelicacile: 30 seconds I will be there.
I hung up
Princess: Before the king arrives
Me: Yes ?
Princess: Phonqa
I laughed
Me: Do you really think Phonqa would open his
big mouth?
Princess: SisI you said " big mouth! "
I exhaled then leaned on the couch
Me: Out of all the children in this palace. Phonqa
is the only child who understands this family
She looked at me.
Princess: He is only 13 years old. This is a big
secret he knows!
Me: What do you say we do ? Should we kill
Princess: No! He is my child!
Me: Exactly sister. He is your child. You told him
to never breath this to anyone and i am sure He
won't do it
She leaned on the couch
Princess: Oh I hope so. I would hate it if my own
son would ruin things for this house
King Zwelicacile walked down
Zwelicacile: You guys asked me to leave now
you ask me to come down. You have no idea
how hard it is to walk up these stai.....
Me: Is your fiancé a virgin or not !
He put his hand on his mouth looking around
Zwelicacile: did you have to be so loud mom?
Princess: and you should've waited until you get
down here
Zwelicacile: wow
He walked down. He got to us and sat down
Me: So? We've been asking ourselve what secret
could this girl be keeping. Don't tell me you
didn't think about it ?
Princess: or maybe she did tell you that is why
you didn't come back to us ?
He smiled then sat down.
Me: She did! oh my God you don't learn to you?
What do you think we are to you?
Zwelicacile: Mom no need to be worked up. I
was gonna tell you. It's just that a lot happened
Princess: Tell us !
He exhaled
Zwelicacile: She didn't sleep with a man
Me: So she did sleep with something, Was it a
Zwelicacile: Mom!
Me: What ? If you told us I wouldn't be guessing.
Just tell us !
He looked down smiling
Zwelicacile: It was a vibrator
My sister in law looked at me
Her: Sisi what is that ?
She could tell I knew what my son was saying.
Me: Those toys white women buy to satisfy
themselves sisi
Princess: She is not a virgin then ! Wow she
deserve everything coming her way and I am
ready for her family. They brought us a skank
Me: I am ready for them that is why I am so
calm about this
Princess: Sies. She served us food after
everything She does in the dark !
Zwelicacile: She was doing it then auntie. Not
Princess: Still! I know your ancestors
Zwelicacile. They will deal with her
Me: She was so perfect for this family
Princess: say that again. She fooled us all
I folded my arms
Me: She was so conservative just what we need
in this family
Princess: I hope she does fix things and come
back I do pray she does
My brother in law walked in. Well Siqalo is not
home that is why he just walks in like that.
Hlohlesakhe: Ebukhosini ( Greetings royal
house )
I smiled. He is in a Good mood this afternoon
Me: Ahhh Chief Khabalandile
This is so awkward. We know something he
doesn't know. I feel so bad for hiding this from
him but we can't do anything at this point. It's
what the ancestors want.
Princess: My chief
Hlohlesakhe: Where is Siqalo? I am always
welcomed by him
Me: I asked him to go run some errands for me
He looked at my son. He took off his hat
Hlohlesakhe: Ahhh Zwelicacile
Zwelicacile: Chief Khabalandile
He sat down.
Me: We didn't expect to see you here Chief
He sat up straight
Him: I hope I am not speaking out of turn but I
think there is something we haven't discussed
We looked at each other then at him..
Hlohlesakhe: The throne. Now that I am a chief
and Zwelicacile a king. What is going to happen?
Princess Nomagampompo smiled then looked at
Me: I am glad you reminded us that. I think we
should get you a new throne. That one belongs
to this house it can't leave. My father in law sat
Princess: My brother also sat there
Hlohlesakhe: I agree. I think we need to fix the
problem with Zidenge first and get the king
ordained then after we can discuss my throne
Me: I totally agree my chief
Hlohlesakhe: Speaking of the Zidenge family, Do
you think Nomaxabiso arrived already ?
Zwelicacile: The chauffeur called me. He is on
his way back. I guess we have to wait for them
My phone rang. I stood up. It's Siqalo calling.
Me: I have to take this
I walked away answering
Me: Siqalo ?
Siqalo: My Queen they crossed the Mthatha Dam
Me: Keep following them !
Siqalo: I am afraid they might recognise the car
my Queen.
Me: Make sure they don't! You're driving
Zwelicacile's car. That car was in the garage for
8 years. I don't think your sister in law will
reconginise it
Siqalo: You're right my Queen
Me: Keep me updated
I hung up then looked at the guys in the living
Me: Where are you going Nontorotyi.....?
< Nomaxabiso >
I have never been this humiliated in my life. I
am old now. I have seen humiliations before but
this one? This is beyond Humiliation. I stayed
there for weeks. My family told everyone that I
am married to King Zwelicacile a chief of
Sdabadabeni village. That's what everyone
know. I thought so as well till today. Today I was
told I don't have the authority that I thought I
had in my " husband " Or the Royal family. It
turns out I will kneel down to a commoner and
ask her permission for everything and that's if
she agrees I marry King Zwelicacile. I never
thought this could happen to me. Believe me
when I say since I was a child. I knew this man
was my husband. I grew up knowing that. I
made some sacrifices there and there. I did
things I am not proud of because I wanted to
make all of that dream a reality. My family
assured me I was gonna be his wife. Now I am
told I have to wait for some woman I don't know
to give me a permission to marry my husband?
This is ridiculous. It's beyond ridiculous. I don't
know. I should be mad at my parents right now
but no, I am more embarrassed and humiliated
to even feel the need to shout at them. I don't
have energy for this. I don't know how I am
going to answer their questions. They are
shocked to see me. What surprised them more
was seeing how big my luggage is. I am back
home. I have no promise ring nothing. This
could be forever. I might never go back there
and that kills me. I have fallen in love with the
King even more now that I met him and slept
with him. The thought of sharing him or not
having him at all is killing me. It scares me. I am
praying the ancestors do something. They
accepted me to the family. I saved The Queen's
life. They must have mercy on me. I really want
to be with the King. I want to be his Queen. I
dedicated my life to that. I didn't have a normal
childhood because I knew i was gonna get
married to him. He betrayed me. He must fight
for us. He must show me he regrets what he did
but I feel like it's too late now. The ancestors
demanded that I leave immediately and my
family need answers. It's over. I feel betrayed by
the Queen and the Princess. They knew The King
cheated on me and they decided to keep it from
me. I am going to make sure they pay for this.
We are taking everything.
Father: Nomaxabiso what is going on ?
Mom: What are you doing here ?
She looked at my luggage
Mom: What a big luggage?
I felt tears drops and falling down my cheeks. I
sat down on the couch.
Mom: What is going on talk to us!
She looked at my father.
Mom: Shosholoza speak to your daughter!
Dad: Nomaxabiso we asked you a question! How
do you expect us to help you if you don't tell us
what is going on?
I stood up. I wiped my tears. I didn't look at
them. Like I said I am embarrassed and a part of
me think this is partly my fault. Gedleza said
something. He said we both wronged the
ancestors so I can't bring myself into looking
into my parents faces when I know what I did
humiliated the family.
Me: King Zwelicacile is already married
Dad: What !?
I looked at dad.
Me: He secretly married a girl from
Johannesburg now the ancestors say he must
speak to his wife and ask for a permission to
marry me
Mom: What the hell? Shosholoza can you believe
this! These people lied to us! We were there!
They lied to our faces!
Dad was just standing there fuming with anger.
He didn't say anything.
Mom: Say something Zidenge! Your daughter
stayed pure for all her life for that moron!
I looked away and I made sure the corner of my
eye is looking at my father. This is not the
reaction I expect from my dad. I thought he
would be livid like mom. My father is not saying
anything. He looks like a man whose mind is far
away thinking.
Mom: Fine! It looks like I am a man in this
house! I am going to fix this on my own! I am
calling our lawyers. I am taking everything
those traitors own!
My mother walked away furious.
Dad: Nomfunzelo!!!
My father snapped calling my mom. Her name is
Nomfunzelo. Mom turned around
Mom: Oh? you can speak? I thought you're
Dad: Shut up Nomfunzelo!!!!
He got so mad. I was also scared now. I could see
mom she was scared too
Dad looked at me. I looked down. What is on his
mind? What is in this man's mind. Why do I feel
like he is coming for me ? He is my father. He
should be angry and I expect him to try and get
answers from the Ndengana family.
Father: That boy wronged us. He wronged the
ancestors and Our daughter here is innocent
Me: Exactly dad. I can't be treated this way !
Dad: I am glad you said that my baby
Mom folded her arms listening to what dad is
Dad: If you're really a victim in this then why
the ancestors are punishing you not King
I started mumbling words couldn't get out of my
mouth. My throat got dry in a second. I looked
Mom: Nomaxabiso Zidenge ?
I didn't turn around.
Me: Mama
Mom: Turn around and look at me !
Oh My God
Mom: Now!!!!
I slowly turned around they were both looking
at me. Mom was breathing heavily. I couldn't
look at my father. I know he is ready to eat me
Mom: Why are you punished when you're not
the one who wronged the ancestors?
Me: Because....
Dad: Because what !?
Nomaxabiso: I am sorry
Dad: Nomfunzelo I am going to do something I
will regret to this girl. She says she is being
punished because she is sorry ?
Mom: What did you do Nomaxabiso?
Me: I lost my virginity when I was 20 years old
Mom put hands in her head and walked around
Mom: Oh Mesiah
Dad: What did you just say ?
Me: I am sorry. I tried to wait but.....
Mom: Who is the boy who did this to you ?
Me: Malingene
Mom: I can't do this now! I can't look at this girl!
Let's go talk my husband
They walked away. What the hell? I must die I
am already dead anyway.
Me: That's not all!
They both turned at the same time and looked at
me. .
I breath in and out.
Me: When I was 25, I realised......
Mom: What ?
Me: That I was Pregnant
Dad: What !?
Mom: How come this happened under Our
noses! What happened to that child ?
I looked down
Me: I had an abortion
My mother put her hand on her chest. I could
see the anger in my father's face. I disappointed
my parents. I am so ashamed of myself.
Me: I am so.....
Mom: Oh My God! You're as loose as they come
I broke down
Mom: What a whore!
Mom walked away. Dad looked at me. He shook
his head then walked away as well. I sat down
Me: I am sorry




< Priscella >
I watched every single half naked girl and boy
one by one walking inside the elevator. I feel
like the number Cleopetra gave me was
incorrect. I wouldn't be surprised if I would be
told there were 50 of them. What is Wrong with
my brother. Why can't this boy do anything right
? I am so angry at him right now. I don't think i
have energy to speak to him. By the way I
haven't seen him. I heard him shouting from the
pool. I am sure he is speaking to the head of
security. I heard the voices coming closer and
Sonia: Wow! Girl I don't think you could trust EJ
with the house. I think at this point I trust
Cleopetra more than him
Me: Why didn't he go to Durban and have this
party at the beach, This is our home !
He appeared from the kitchen. Oh his show is
here. He is followed by cameras.
Elton: What the hell Priscella ?
Me: What the hell? Are you really asking me
Elton: Weren't you the one who said I should lie
low ?
I laughed then looked at Sonia. I looked back at
Me: Do you call bringing 100 strangers in our
home lying low?
Elton: Don't exaggerate! They were 56 !
Me: Oh My God! Imagine that! How ungrateful
can you be Elton?
Elton: Ungrateful? You act like I am not entittled
to anything in this house !
Me: Hey little brat! I was in court fighting for
you while you were here partying in our home.
Inviting people here! What if they stole EJ?
Sonia: Elton you're really acting like a child.
You're 21 now. Your sister was in court today
you don't even care to ask how it went. The first
thing you said was " What the hell " You know
exactly What you did was wrong. Why do you
bring strangers in a private home like this?
He sat down
Him: I was trying to forget everything that's
happening you guys decided to ruin all that!
Me: Don't be stupid. Tasha would be so happy to
see you feel sorry for yourself because of what
she did to you! Don't act crazy! Alcohol is the
reason you got drugged by your girlfriend!
Elton: Did you have to remind me
Me: Someone had to say it. You asked me for
money. I gave you money to go shopping not
take a family bus and bring strangers in our
home Damn it EJ!
He stood up
Elton: Okay I am sorry !
The elevator opened. A guy carrying his shoes
walked in
Him: EJ help a nigga out with taxi fair. They
don't want to let us into the bu....
I took off my heel and threw it at him. He ran
back to the elevator.
Me: You're not going a cent from my brother
and he is not going anywhere !
The elevator closed.
Elton: I am going shopping. I told you akere?
Me: You wasted that time when you went across
this town inviting people. You're not going
anywhere. I want you to clean this whole mess
Elton: That will not happen! You're not my
mother Priscella
He walked to the stairs.
Me: Junior
He turned around
Elton: What!?
Me: Hungani was found not guilty. I am only
getting half a million from your ex. I thought I
would hire a cruisesheep for you and your close
friends. I wanted you to take a holiday from
Durban to Mozambique
I dialled Algebra's number
Me: but since you're behaving the way you do,
disrespecting me and the efforts I make to
ensure you're taken care of. I decided against
Elton: Come on si....
Algebra answered
Algebra: Hello ma'am
Me: Algebra go to HR. Tell them whoever is
Handling Our charity funds should come to the
penthouse immediately
Algebra: Alright ma'am
I hung up
Elton: Are you giving away that money to
charity ?
Me: I don't need it. My bank account is full.
akere I have a real career? I am a CEO of this
company. I get paid a lot Mr Tv star
I looked at Sonia
Me: Let's go wait for our lunch at lounge friend
I walked to the living room, Sonia followed me.
We left EJ standing there. I am sick and tired of
him. We sat down. I turned around. I saw Elton.
Slowly walking up the stairs
Sonia: Are you really giving the money away ?
Me: Yes. He is getting on my last nerve. Nothing i
do is appreciated by my brother. My mother
ruined him
Sonia: Honestly Junior don't want to grow up.
He is acting like a teenager
Me: He is not going anywhere this holiday

< Nomaxabiso >
I underestimated the power of ancestors.
Growing up at home as a princess I have never
soon anything like I see with ancestors of the
Ndengana family. Our healer just protected my
family. They never appeared out of no where
predicting things and revealing secrets. That
probably the reason I lost my virginity. I am
ashamed that I lied. Honestly I never believed
this could ever happen. I knew I was gonna get
married to Masixole but I never really trusted
the process. I thought he might hate me and say
he doesn't want me and in this day and age no
one is forced to marry anyone they don't want to
marry. When I got older. I think when I was 24. I
saw how handsome Masixole was. I looked at
my boyfriend. He honestly never stood a chance.
When I agreed to date him which was when I
was a teen I told him I wasn't his forever. That is
why when I got pregnant I aborted the child. If I
didn't, my family was gonna discover my secret.
I never really thought that I was gonna be
bursted like this. My parents are so ashamed to
call me a daughter. I made a lot of mistakes
growing up. I messed up a lot. When I got
pregnant I ended things with my boyfriend. I
told him I was preparing myself for marriage.
He is even married now to another woman. He
is a mine worker. I don't see him anymore.
Anyway I don't know how to apologise to my
parents. I am such a disgrace. My question right
now is, Will the ancestors forgive me since i
confessed to my parents? am I ever gonna get
married to the king now that I just told my
parents I am not a virgin. This is a mess. This is
more embarrassing than it was when the King
confronted me about my virginity. That man
saw I wasn't a virgin. How many humiliating
events are coming for me? I feel like it's over for
me. I am back at home. I don't have a man. I am
a useless princess. My peers will laugh at me.
While I was sitting crying. I saw mom and dad
walk in. They came straight to me. They look
angry and disappointed as expected.
Mom: I can't even look at you. Nomaxabiso
you're damaged goods!
Dad: What goods? She is useless! This girl is not
Me: I am sorry. I know I humiliated the family.
Please forgive me
Mom: I will never forgive you. What if their
ancestors don't want you ? All our investments
will go to waste. What got into you Nomaxabiso!
Dad: Here is What is going to happen
I wiped my tears. I looked at father.
Father: That boy who broke your virginity is
going to pay for the damage he did to you !
Me: What do you mean he is going to pay ?
Mom: He means just that! You have no shame !
if I were you I wouldn't even open my mouth!
Dad: We want a cow from that family !
Mom: Two cows! He had no right to sleep with a
royal princess !
Me: But he is married. And he married my best
friend I can.....
Mom: Tell me something......... ?
Oh boy
Mom: Were you sleeping with him while He was
with your best friend ? Your friend has been
with that man for years!
I looked down
Dad: You have no shame! To think you were my
pride and joy!
Me: I am sorry daddy
Dad: After We get those damages. You are going
to go to the Royal house to apologise to them for
lying. You will tell them you have been sleeping
with men all your life !
Me: It was one man da....
Dad: Does that make it right?
I stood up. I looked at both of them.
Me: If you go to that family my friend will know
and she will be mad at me. She will even laugh
at me and tell everyone in this village. I will be a
laughing stock
Dad: You should've thought about that before
betraying us. You care a lot about what people
say. You were not scared to betray us! You
deserve everything coming your way !
Dad: Right Nomfunzelo?
Mom: What you said my husband
They walked away. I don't know what to do
when my own parents are ganging up on me. I
betrayed my friend. I was sleeping with her
boyfriend. She was okay with me being around
him because she knew there is no way I would
have sex with him since she knew I was a virgin
waiting for my prince. She had no idea We were
sleeping all along. My phone rang. I looked at it.
It's Masixole. I threw if away. I can't speak to
him. I just can't.

< Nontorotyi >
Only Zinyovile can take me out of this. She is the
only person who can help me get away with this.
I will do whatever she wants me to do. I am
prepared to do anything. I am desperate. I need
my marriage. I cannot lose my husband or my
daughter. This is a tough situation. I don't know
what to do. I don't know how I am going to face
those two evil women. I am sure they are
waiting for me. I don't know what to do. I don't
know how to get away with this. That is why I
need this woman. I hope she doesn't ask me to
kill anyone though. Her requests are always
impossible to accomplish. I promise this time I
won't go against her will. I am going to do what
she wants no questions asked.
Anyway we just got to this house. I didn't think I
would set my foot here so soon after She
betrayed me. This woman made me leave
knowing she didn't help me. She played me. I
shouldn't trust her but do I have a choice? This
woman don't like The Queen. I don't like the
Queen. I do believe we can form an alliance. I
believe if anyone can take down the Queen it's
us .
Zinyovile: It's just a dream just forget it
Me: What ?
Zinyovile: You and I taking down
I forgot she also read minds. What a gift she has.
Me: It's just an idea. Zinyovile you're a powerful
She stood up. She looked at us then smiled.
She looked at her bag with bones
Zinyovile: I am powerful yes but not More than
Zinza-Zenja's son
Sabonkolo looked at me.
Sabonkolo: Zinza-Zenja ?
Me: Zinza-Zenja is Gedleza's father
Sabonkolo: Oh........
Zinyovile took her bag. She came back. She went
down on her knees so hard. She started shaking
her bag calling her ancestors. She went on for a
minute. She looked at me. She opened the Bag
Zinyovile: Blow
I did
Zinyovile: Again
I did again. She started crying
Zinyovile: Yohh!!!! Yoh!!!
Her entire body was vibrating. She was crying
hitting her hand on her thigh
Her: I am listening! I am listening my ancestors
talk to me..... Betrayal! betrayal!!!
I looked at my sister
Me: Betrayal?
Zinyovile: Hayi hayi Hayi!!
She stood up and started walking around crying.
She kept saying " No"
Zinyovile: Hayi mna ndiyabhideka!
ndiyabhideka! ndiyabhideka
She was crying saying she is getting confused
Me: Talk to us. What is it?
She looked at me. She looked at my sister. She
sat down. She took her stick. She pointed at
Zinyovile: Your husband is too loyal to the royal
I looked at Sabonkolo
Me: See What I just told you ?
Sabonkolo: What did he do?
Zinyovile cried and cried. She looked at
Zinyovile: It's what he is about to do not what he
Me: What is it?
Zinyovile: Hayi ndiyabhideka mna
ndiyabhideka! Hayi hayi!
Me: Zinyovile. I am not here for Siqalo! I want to
know what I can do to make sure my secret
don't get to my husband's ears or at least if it
does he can't divorce me. Do you think you can
do that ?
Zinyovile looked at me.
Zinyovile: Poor woman
Me: What is it, Don't tell me there is nothing I
can do
Zinyovile: There is, But the question is.....
Me: Yes ?
Zinyovile: Will you do it ?
I mumbled. I don't like this I can just tell. Even
the person who is about to say this look nervous.
Imagine how nervous I am right now. I looked
Sabonkolo: Anything to save your family sis
I looked at Zinyovile
Me: I will do it. Just name it
Zinyovile sat back. She leaned on the wall. She
looked at me straight in the eyes.
Zinyovile: Convince your husband to find a
second wife
Me: What!?
Zinyovile: A woman who is going to give him an
No! no! no! NO!!!! No can do!

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
So apparently....according to the Ancestors we
have a weapon to use against Nontorotyi. This is
going to help us make sure she is in her place at
all times. I cannot wait to see her face. She is
such a coward for a troublesome woman. If it
was me who had a bastard child and she knew
about it, we were never gonna hear the end of
this. This woman was gonna come and laugh at
me. I knew this secret is not the Kinda secret you
just tell the family. As a royal house there are
things we cannot share more especially if they
might hurt or humiliate the name of the family.
Nontorotyi is in trouble and her pride is
preventing her from coming to us and talk. I am
sure she figured out that we know. I thought
perhaps she'd come and negotiate a deal. Or
Maybe she knows we'd never make a deal with
her. I mean she is a devil in a dress that one.
Earlier I got a call from Siqalo. I asked him to
follow his sister in law. I hope I won't regret this.
I don't expect Siqalo to be loyal to me instead of
his sister in law but I am warning him. I want
him to dare betray me. I am going to fire him
right away. He told me they crossed the Mthatha
Dam River heading to Mqanduli. I want him to
follow her until She gets to her destination. I
want to know her plan. Now that we know she
made my brother in law believe he was
Ngejiwe's father we have to make sure we know
her next step. Now that she knows we know. We
have to be prepared for anything. My brother in
law's wife don't give up. She doesn't know when
to stop. She is a fighter. A very dumb fighter. If I
were her I would just humble myself and just
wait for the punishment. Whatever she is going
there to do, I am curtain that it has something to
do with us discovering the truth.
Anyway enough about Nontorotyi. We have a lot
of things to do. Way better things. My son is
leaving tomorrow. I am going to court
Wednesday. I need to go prepare myself in my
husband's study. I stood up.
Me: Guys let me go look at this case
I was sitting with my son and the princess
Princess: Before you go, Did any of you get a call
from Nomaxabiso? Do you think we should call
Zwelicacile: She didn't call me but I want to call
Me: I don't think that is a good idea son.
Remember we disappointed that girl. I would
advice you to call her when you have good news
for the girl
Princess: Good news?
I sat down.
Me: Zwelicacile must go to Johannesburg and do
what the ancestors asked him to do
Princess: My Queen the ancestors didn't ask him
to do anything. What they said was when he
decides to take a second wife he must ask
permission from that girl. I don't think getting
there and tell that girl this will be a good idea.
Remember he has to tell her everything before
asking her
Me: We made a deal with the Zidenge family.
What will they think of us? We have to do
everything we can to make sure that Your first
wife agrees. This wedding has to happen
Zwelicacile: Mom I never gave Priscella a
wedding. If anyone is having a wedding here is
me and Priscella. There is a lot Nomaxabiso
needs to do before she thinks of being my wife
Me: Do you know we are in this mess because of
you ? That girl proved herself to this fam....
Zwelicacile stood up
Zwelicacile: With all due respect my Queen... We
both wronged the ancestors. She also has a
secret she is keeping from us. She is the one who
is delaying things not me!
He walked away. I looked at Princess
Her: Sisi he is right. Gedleza said they both
wronged the ancestors. We know what King
Zwelicacile did. What about your daughter in
law? What did she do ?
Me: Yeah......
I heard my phone rings. I looked at it. It's Siqalo
Me: It's Siqalo!
Princess: Answer!
I answered and put him on speaker
Me: Talk to me
Siqalo: Your highness they arrived to their
Me: Siqalo you keep saying they! they! Who is
with this woman ?
He exhaled
Siqalo: My wife your highness
I shook my head in disbelief
Me: Siqalo your loyalty to the Royal house is
appreciated. Now find out whose house is that
and why they are...
Siqalo: My Queen I don't think you gonna like
I don't think so either. I felt nervous. I looked
behind me I sat on the couch.
Me: Whose house is tha.....!?
Siqalo:........ ( tu tu tu tu tu )
I think he ran out of airtime. He can't do this to
me. Not now! I want to know
Princess: Call him maybe he ran out of airtime
I dialled his number. It took me straight to
Me: Dammit voice mail!!!
" Maybe I might help " We turned around. It's
Me: Please take me out of my misery. Who is this
Gedleza: Follow me
He walked to the door. Princess
Nomagampompo stood up. No one asked why or
where we are going. We just followed him. We
walked out. He walked to the left. He headed to
the back of the Mansion. He took something and
started digging. He didn't go down too deep. We
saw him asking us to come see.
Gedleza: You want to know what Nomaxabiso
did to earn the ancestors trust?
Me: I don't think i want to know tha.....
Gedleza: I think you do my Queen. Come!
We went closer. He pointed to something that
was wrapped in a paper.
Gedleza: Someone wanted to poison you my
Queen using this. Nomaxabiso saved your life
Me: Who would want me dead ?
Gedleza stood up, remember he was on his
knees digging . He looked at us.
Princess: Who is it ?
Gedleza: Two people who hate you the most in
this world. One is holding an old grudge , The
other one.....
Gedleza: She just despises you
I looked at Princess Nomagampompo scared. I
felt tears falling down my cheeks
Princess Nomagampompo looked at Gedleza
Princess: Just tell us already!!!
Gedleza: One holding an old grudge. The other
just hates you
Me: Give me the names! I swear I will murder
them with my bare hands!!!
Gedleza put his hands together. His hands made
a sound like the sound when you slap someone.
He looked at us. The hands were still joined
Gedleza: They joined forces to take you down
My Queen
Princess: Damn it! Gedleza just speak already!
What should we do to stop this !!!
He laughed so hard looking at both of us. I got
scared. He came closer to me. Our noses met,
How dare his nose touch mine? I am the Queen!
He was breathing heavily. He was not smiling or
laughing anymore
Gedleza: You have the weapon! Use it!
He vanished. We looked around he was no
where to be seen.
Princess: Wait a minute...... ?
I looked at Princess
Me: What is it ?
Princess: Nomaxabiso had something on
Me: Nontorotyi is trying to murder me ?
Princess: She is not working alone. She is
working with the person who is holding a
I let go of my lower body. I sat on the green
Me: Who is she ?
Princess: Or He ?




< Sonia De Villiers >
After getting rid of those people at the
penthouse. I received a call. We were on our
way back to the office when I got a call from
Brendan. He wants to see me. I am sure Isaiah
called him. I knew it. I knew he was gonna call
him. I should've known he wouldn't waste time
as for my husband, Instead of working he goes
around making time for Isaiah in the middle of
his shoots ? I asked him what is the meeting
about. He asked if he can't take out his wife. I
couldn't say anything After he said that. He is
right. A man don't need to have a reason to take
his wife out. A real man not him. He wants to
meet because he wanna confront me about
Isaiah. I am ready for him. I am actually going to
tell him what he said the first time. I want them
to fight because of me. I will turn them against
each other they don't know me.
Anyway I just got to the restaurant. He saw me.
He stood up and pulled out a chair for me
Me: Thank you
I sat down. He ordered food for us. I saw food on
the table.
Brendan: I bought your favorite
Me: Thank you
I smiled at him then looked at waiter. He came
to us
Me: Please make this a takeaway for me
Him: Okay ma'am
He took it then walked away.
Brendan: What's wrong ? I wante....
Me: I am full. I just ate few minutes ago. I know
you're not here to eat. You came here to ask me
about Isaiah
He smiled then looked at me
Him: Baby he came to work complaining about
you. He.....
Me: So I should've just ignored him when he is
the one who came to me and told me I shouldn't
trust you?
Brendan looked shocked
Brendan: He said that?
Me: Yes. He said I shouldn't trust you. I asked
him to leave me alone oh.... I also told him I
know someone feed him false information about
me. He kept denying it !
Brendan: Baby you need to let this go. You don't
wanna start a war with a journalist
Me: Brend.....
The waiter came with my take away. I smiled
more like just showed my teeth.
Me: Thank you
I looked at Brendan.
Me: Isaiah is the one who is obsessed with our
family. In fact it looks like he knows about my
marriage more than you and I think. So I think
you should be having this coconversation with
him not with me. You brought him into our
lives. He is your friend
Brendan: Honey he is not my friend. He...
Me: He is not your friend but You left everything
and came here to confront me about something
that happened between him and I?
Brendan: Like i said I wanted us to have lunch.
Tell me about the filming. How did it go with........
I stood up
Me: You will see it at work when you go there
later. I have to go to work
I kissed his cheek. I walked out leaving him
eating. I saw some boy outside
Me: Ain't you hungry ?
Him: I am
I gave him the takeaway. I went to my car. I got
in then drove out. I am so angry at Brendan. He
doesn't believe his own wife. He believes some
journalist over me.

< Narrated >
At Seputla Towers. In their offices. We see
Algebra speaking to Elton outside Priscella's
Elton: Hey I am here to speak to my sister
Algebra: She said she shouldn't be disturbed but
I think she can make time for you go in
Elton: Sure thanks
Algebra smiled. Elton walked to the office. He
knocked. Priscella looked up. The nice thing
about her office is that she can see everyone
walking around because it's glass wall and door
as well is a glass. When she saw it's her brother
she looked angry then continued with her work.
We see Elton put his hand in his head frustrated.
He breath in and out then opened the door.
Priscella: Junior I am busy
Elton: Please give me two minutes I won't be
Priscella: You said everything you wanted to say
to me upstairs. I don't know what more you
want now
Elton: I am here to apologise. Maybe bringing
people to the house wasn't the best idea. I
apologise. I am sorry. I thought you wouldn't
Priscella chuckled then stood up
Her: You thought I wouldn't mind ? Do you think
I was gonna laugh seeing people in our house
with their clothes all over our dinning area are
you crazy?
Elton: I don't know why they left the clothes
there. I asked them to put them nicely in the
living room
Priscella: Are you telling me that you left them
alone at dinning room changing?
He looked down
Priscella: I called mom and told her this!
Elton: You shouldn't have done that I.....
Priscella: So you're allowed to tell mom what is
happening in my life but I can't tell her how you
behave ?
Elton: Nothing is stolen in the house why.....
Priscella: You're a disappointment in our family!
even our father I am sure he is so disappointed
in you. Elton you don't use your head. You're
just acting like a little spoilt brat!
Elton: You're insulting me now! I didn't come
here for that
He walked to the door.
Priscella: Go on and mess up again. I will be
behind you to fix your mess!
He walked out and slammed the door
Priscella: You break it you will never get
allowance from me till it's fixed!
Priscella clicked her tongue then sat down.
Sonia walked in.
Sonia: I heard the yelling from a distance why
was he here ?
Priscella: I don't know because that didn't look
like an apology. If he can't see he is an arse hole
then he will never change. I am so tired of him. I
don't know why he doesn't go to US and live
with mom!
Sonia: It is not that easy to live in USA
Priscella: He can go on a student visa or
something. He is just stressing me out ! I want to
propose it to mom. He must leave. I can see
mom don't see how spoilt he is. I want him to
annoy her so she can see what I have to deal
Sonia: Friend you're serious about this? EJ won't
leave. He has fans now and a reality show. I
doubt he would want to go live in another
country and start from the bottom
Priscella: He is making me angry. Anyway how
did it go with Brendan?
Sonia sat down
Sonia: Don't start with me
Priscella looked at Sonia
Priscella: That bad ?
Sonia: Friend it's monday. Brendan don't get
breaks in his show more especially after they
took a long break. That man got a call from
Isaiah. He came fast to confront me
Priscella: He confronted you ?
Sonia: He lied and said he wanted to have lunch
but he ended up doing exactly what he said he
didn't come to do
Priscella: He defended him ?
Sonia: He did. I stood up and left. I didn't even
eat his food. That man disgust me. Did you check
from the PI?
Priscella: He will contact us when he has
something. We did say he must focus on his
other jobs as well. I just want you to be patient
Sonia: Till when? Friend please call that PI. I am
going to pay him. He must make this a priority
Priscella: I will call him
Sonia: Please ! I want this to end soon
Algebra knocked at the door. Priscella looked at
her watch. She asked him to come in
Priscella: It's time
Algebra walked in
Sonia: It's time I should go pack my stuff as well
Algebra: Do you need anything ma'am before I
leave ?
Priscella: No! I can see you're in a hurry. Eating
out with your sis again?
Sonia smiled looking at Algebra
Algebra: I am going to a blind date. I am so
Priscella: I thought you said you're done with
Johanesburg men already ?
Algebra: This one seems so nice. He has been
begging me for a while. Ever since I got here
actually. I want to give him a chance
Priscella: Well good luck dear
Algebra: I will need it
Sonia: You said it's a blind date who knows. You
might be going on a date with some creep
Algebra: Like the one I met the time I got to Jozi
Priscella: You didn't tell me what happened
Algebra's phone rang
Him: Guys it's him I will see you later
They waved at him. He walked out.
Priscella: He is a nice fun guy. I hope the man is
who he says he is
Sonia: Yeah poor thing he doesn't know anyone
in Joburg
Priscella: Exactly
Sonia: Let's go home it's late
Priscella: Yeah let me send this email first
She opened her laptop.

Downstairs at Bakery. We see Algebra walking
out of the Elevator. He looked around trying to
spot where his date was sitting. A guy raised his
hand smiling.
Algebra: This bastard catfished me !
He said between his lips then walked to him
smiling. The guy stood up
Him: I know I am not the person in the pic. I
thought maybe you might not like me
Algebra looked annoyed but he kept his cool. He
didn't shake his hand. He sat down. The guy sat
down also
Guy: I guess I deserve that
Algebra: Dude I sent you my pic. Why did you
lie? You're not even bad looking. Why did you
have to do this ? .
Guy: I am sorry. Most people know me in this
city. So I thought using someone else picture will
help me secure a date
A waiter joined them.
Algebra: Water please
Guy: Me too. We will order later
The waiter walked away. The guy looked at
Him: I am really sorry
Algebra smiled
Algebra: It's okay. Are you even Tashreeq?
Guy: Yes I am
" Wait Isaiah Norman? " said a guy behind them.
So the guy is Isaiah Norman. Algebra looked at
him angry. The waiter brought their water.
Isaiah stood up. He was So embarrassed. He
looked at the guy who was greeting him
Isaiah: Do I know you?
Guy: I am not sure but I am a photographer. The
one who was doing the housewives photo shoot
Isaiah: Oh okay nice to see you again
Guy: Cool. Let me not dustub you guys
Isiah: Okay later
He walked away. Isaiah sat down
Isaiah: I can explai.....
Algebra stood up. He took his glass and threw
water at Isaiah
Isaiah: What the fuck !?
Algebra: First of all. I don't do boys like you! I do
man who look manly! I sat here because I was
trying to be nice to you. Honey you look bottom
to me and that's a turn off !
Algebra attempted to walk away. He turned
Algebra: If you were hoping to get closer to me
so you can get information about my boss well
you failed try another strategy. This one was an
epic fail sister!
Isaiah: Firstly I don't know your boss, secondly
don't call me that! I am no girl
Algebra chucked
Algebra: funny your body language disagrees
with you
He walked away. People were looking at them.
Isaiah stood up shaking his head smiling at
everyone. He did the walk of shame walking out
the building..

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
I don't know why I am feeling like this. I don't
know why I am even surprised to find out that
my brother in law's wife is trying to murder me.
Somehow I knew her hate would lead to
something. I knew one day she will say this is
enough. I want to end this once and for all. I
knew she was/ is dramatic and so hateful but I
didn't think she would go as far as trying to
murder me. What is Wrong with her. Why is this
woman doing this? Why is she trying to ruin her
life when we are trying so hard to protect it
from happening? What do we do when things
are falling apart like this? This is a time where
we should be celebrating our success and the
recognition we got from the house of traditional
healers. What did I ever do to Hlohlesakhe's
wife? I never fall apart. I never fall apart in
front of anyone but this. This made me so
emotional. So many things are coming to my
mind. Nomaxabiso saved my life but I feel like I
wasn't there for her when I should have. I feel
like I should've fought for her to stay at the
Royal house. I didn't do that. I am sure she
regrets trying to save my life. This is too much.
How do you tell someone that their wife was
trying to harm you ? How do you do that
without hurting people in the process? There are
children here. They are in the middle of it all.
Breaking that marriage would affect my brother
in law's kids. He has two kids with that woman.
Those kids don't live with him. They spend most
of their time in boarding schools. If Nontorotyi
leaves she'd have to leave with them because
they are young. My brother in law wouldn't be
able to see his kids grow up when he saw a child
that wasn't his grow up to be the woman she is.
This is so hard for me because I am a pillar of
this family. I am the one who makes sure there
is peace. I can't really be the one who is
destroying this family. I am caught between
telling my brother in law and keeping it from
him.. I don't know what to do. I don't think i
have the energy or strength to keep another
secret from Chief Khabalandile. This is heavy in
my shoulders. I don't know what to do. I don't
know what to think. I am scared and angry. I am
angry that I have to protect a woman who
wouldn't think twice before throwing me under
the bus. I know she would push me in a heart
beat. She wants me dead. I didn't know how
much she wanted me dead but right now I just
know how much. I know more than anything
she wants to see me no more.
Nontorotyi is dangerous. What terrifies me more
is the fact that she is working with someone
now. Two is better than one. She formed this
alliance to kill me. What kills me the most is the
fact that i don't know who is this person she is
working with. I don't know any old enemy of
mine. I don't know what is going on here. Who
could want me dead? I never wronged anyone
before, Who could want me dead besides
Nontorotyi Dimbaza?
Princess: Sisi please stand up before people
notice you sitting like that
I wiped my tears. I looked at her.
Me: Who did I ever wrong in this village?
Princess: Not here. In Mqanduli!
Me: That's the thing! I don't know anyone from
there! Do you think maybe it's someone I gave a
harsh sentence ?
Princess: My Queen. I think the only person
who can tell us who this person is will be
Gedleza himself
Me: Ask someone to go summon him
Princess: No my Queen !
Me: No?
Princess: You and I need to drive to Gedleza's
hut and consult. He needs to stop saying things
in riddles. He must he straight up with us !
Me: You're right and he never speaks in riddles
when he comes as his real self
Princess: Exactly! now lets go
We walked to the car. I hope he gives us the
answers we need. I have to prepare myself. I am
not going to die. There is a lot I need to do. I
need to help my son. I want to work alongside
him teaching him everything. Anyway we got in
the car. We drove to Gedleza's house. He doesn't
live far from us because we need him
everyday.We arrived. I got out of the car. I
cannot wait for him to tell us who is this old
enemy of mine. I walked inside. My sister in law
locked the car then ran after me. I knocked and
waited. I attempted to knock again. I heard him
asking me to come in. I got in.
Me: Gedleza
Him: My Queen, it's an honour to have your here
my Queen
My sister in law walked in. They greeted each
other. I wish i came here to chitchat but I am
Gedleza: I see the Royal house came to see me
today it's always been the other way....
Me: Gedleza the ancestors came to the Royal
house using you of course
Me: As their pipe to give us a message
Gedleza: Okay. I have no idea about that but let
me call the ancestors
He started doing his thing calling the ancestors.
moving around hitting a stick on the floor
listening. He would look like some of the things
shocked him. We were just sitting looking at
After five minutes of sitting looking at him..He
finally looked at us.
Gedleza: The ancestors just told me what
happened at the Royal house. Do you have the
poison with you ?
I looked at my sister in law. She took it out.
Gedleza took it. He opened the paper. We saw
his eyes popped out.
Me: What is it ?
Gedleza: You were gonna die before you got to
the hospital
Princess Nomagampompo looked at me.
Gedleza: She asked Nomaxabiso to poison you.
Nomaxabiso agreed because... ey..... ey
He started crying shaking his head no..He looked
at us.
Gedleza: Nomaxabiso had the same goal as the
ancestors regarding the secret
Me: How so? Does she know about Ngejiwe ?
He shook his head no
Gedleza: Nomaxabiso knew Nontorotyi was a
problem. She made sure she'd find something
that will neutralise Nontorotyi. Something that
will make her behave and respect you my Queen
Princess: She wanted to instil peace in the Royal
Gedleza: That's the exact words the ancestors
used !
Me: If Nomaxabiso did that then why the
ancestors don't want to accept her ?
Gedleza: Because she is a liar! She is not honest.
She betrayed everyone. Nomaxabiso is the
reason King Zwelicacile broke his promise to the
family. She is the reason King Zwelicacile met
his first wife. He felt the need to follow his heart
because the ancestors let him after She,
Nomaxabiso betrayed them
Me: You said there is hell to pay! Why my son is
being punished when he was given A
permission by the ancestors?
Gedleza: Promise my Queen! The King made a
promise. He broke the promise.. He broke the
family tradition. He has to pay for that !
Me: Okay! That is not why we are her......
He didn't let me finish. He reached for his little
bag that was created with a goat skin.
Gedleza: You want to know who is this old
I sat up straight
Me: Yes! Who is she....?
Princess: Or He!?
Gedleza shook his bones. He asked me to blow.
He started calling upon ancestors to help us.
Gedleza: Oh....... ?
I looked at him
Me: What is it? Tell us !
Gedleza: I don't know this woman
Gedleza looked scared. He moved backwards .
He got to the wall and leaned on it
Me: So it's a woman?
He looked at me
Gedleza: Not just any woman. A powerful
woman. A woman who has been blocking
everything from me. She managed to make sure
I don't see some of the things that were
happening! I feel played!
He looked at us
Gedleza: I feel outplayed
Princess: Discribe her to us !
He started thinking shaking his head with his
eyes closed. He was looking up. I was
impatiently waiting.
Me: Please describe her !
He opened his eyes. He stood up
Him: I didn't know this......
He started walking around.
Me: What ? Please quit your riddles now ! We
have no time. Nontorotyi is there with her as we
speak !
Gedleza turned around. He looked at us
Gedleza: I didn't know there was a healer before
my father.. Who is she ?
I felt weak. Tears streamed down my cheeks
Princess: Oh My God
I tried to stand up but I couldn't. I was crying
more than that I was furious.
Gedleza: Who is she ?
I managed to stand up
Me: Nontsingizi.....
Gedleza: Who ?
I looked at him
Me: She goes by the name Zinyovile........
Me: Nkosesizwe's lover
Me: I wanted that bitch dead. I had her locked
up in the old houses behind the Royal house.
Someone helped her escape
Gedleza: The good thing my Queen is that she is
blocked from causing harm to the Royal house
I looked at Gedleza
Me: I want to know who helped her escape
Gedleza looked down.
Me: Was it Nontorotyi? I swear....
Gedleza: No! it was not her
Me: Then who was it ?
Gedleza: I feel like I said too much already my
Me: You work for Me! Tell Me who did!
He looked down.
Gedleza: I can't
I took my shoes. I walked out. Nomagampompo
walked out as well. I opened the door of the car.
We got in the car..
Nomagampompo: Who do you think did this?
Me: I don't know but the good thing is Siqalo
knows where Nontsingizi lives. I am going to kill
her like I planned to
That woman slept with my husband. I found
them at her hut together having sex. I lied to my
husband. I said a forgave that bitch. I went there
at night. I took her and tied her up in that house.
I don't know who saw her. I made sure no one
could see her. My husband loved that dirty
woman. That bitch used love potion on my
husband. I hated her with passion. When she
escaped I had to come clean to my husband. I
told him what I did. He lied to people and told
them we fired her because he had an affair with
her. He did that to protect me because people
respected me and the reason he told them about
the affair was because everyone besides me
already knew. Apparently they were lovers
before he married me.

< Nontorotyi >
This woman is not serious. I hate how She acts
like my friend then all of the sudden She builds
mountains for me to crawl on to get to where I
want. She always do or give me the impossible
tasks. I can't believe what she just said. She said
I should encourage my husband to find a second
wife. Is this woman serious? I don't think i can
let another woman into our lives. I can't invite
another woman to be in my house. First of all I
have to think about our finances. Adding
another wife will mean less privileges for me. It
would mean I won't get the same amount I am
getting from my husband. I cannot accept that. I
just can't. I don't know what to do. Again I wish I
didn't come here or asked her. She did say I
won't like her answer. Why my life is so
complicated. Why am I not getting a break? I am
faced with challenge after another. I am so
scared that Nomakhosazana will know I came
here. We have to leave here and call Siqalo
before he goes and report to the Queen but
before that. I have to make sure I shut down all
this second wife nonsense. It is just not
Anyway I stood up. I walked around. I felt
myself brush my back. I slapped her hand.
Me: You're not hoping that I will consider this!
Sabonkolo: Well sisi Zinyovile said it's the only
choice you have. She did say you won't like it
and besides. We said anything to make sure
your family don't fall apart
Me: The only person who is helping people ruin
my life is your husband! Call him! He can't tell
Nomakhosazana I am here !
Sabonkolo took her phone, Zinyovile snatched
the phone from her
Me: What are you doing ?
Zinyovile looked away. She looked scared. She
was listening attentively to whoever was talking
to her
Me: The time is ticking. Give her the phone!
Zinyovile: He already told them but they
Zinyovile looked at us. She had her hands in her
mouth. She really looked scared now
Zinyovile: Oh that bastard
Sabonkolo: My husband?
Zinyovile: No! Zinza-Zenja's son! That pig told
them you came to me.....
Me: You look scared ! You look scared Zinyovile.
What is happening tell us ?
She ran to her herbs. She started packing them
Me: What are you doing ?
She looked at me
Zinyovile: Nkosesizwe's wife is going to kill me!
She is going to finish what she started
Me: Wait what do you mean what she started,
She tried to kill you before ?
Zinyovile looked away avoiding eye contact
Me: I thought you were fired ?
Zinyovile: She is planning my murder
Me: So you're the person she is gonna kill soon?
She looked at me.
Zinyovile: No, it's not me but I could be one of
them if I was gonna let her. I am not going to
stay here Anymore! Get out! I have to run away!
Me: But Zinyovile I have to know where you live.
Why don't you let us take you wherever you
wanna go ?
Zinyovile: I think that is the last of your worries
Me: What do you mean?
Zinyovile: You should worry about what you
gonna say when The Queen confronts you for
trying to kill her !
I put both my hands on my mouth shocked.
What is this woman talking about
Me: She knows?
Zinyovile: What else would Nomakhosazana
wanna kill me for?
Me: For sleeping with her husband in the past
Zinyovile: Nomakhosazana knows I was your
accomplice in attempting to murder her!
Me: Oh My God



< Nontorotyi >
My mind is all over the place. I told myself when
we left Zinyovile's house I won't speed the car. I
had to think but because of stress. I saw myself
arriving at my sister Sabonkolo's village. How
did we get here so fast. I couldn't think at all. I
don't know what is waiting for me at home. For
all I know I could be welcomed by my clothes at
the door. I could be banned from Sdabadabeni
village. I am in a whole lot of a mess. I was
trying to kill the Queen of Sdabadabeni. I am so
mad that Zinyovile didn't give me a hands up. Sh
said Nomaxabiso will go and I will get a break
but no, Ever since she left it's been problem
after problem. Something inside me says I
should run away and never be seen again but I
love my children. I don't have an income. How
would I live without a job or money ?
Nomakhosazana knows I wanted her dead, She
knows I have a child with Bhalisile. That woman
has everything that could destroy me forever.
And I also have to ask my husband to get
another wife. I just pray that they don't tell him
anything then i will think of a plan to solve this
problem without another wife joining my
family. I don't think i would be able to share my
man and our monthly budget. Anyway while
thinking I was driving and crying at the same
time. Sabonkolo looked at me
Me: What?
Sabonkolo: What are you gonna do ?
Me: I can't go to the Royal house. I am scared.
What if I am the one she is gonna kill soon? You
heard what Zinyovile said. She said she won't let
the Queen kill her so that leaves me in danger.
She could kill me
Sabonkolo: Then we should go to my house. You
can't go home !
Me: What will I say to my husband? No! I am
going home. All I will do is just make sure I am
with my husband All the time
Sabonkolo called someone.
Sabonkolo: Still voicemail! Why is Siqalo's phone
off ?
Me: That one doesn't know the meaning of
Sabonkolo: Sis don't be selfish. You know the
ancestors would kill him if he went against
I shook my head
Me: Everything "me" is Against them. What did i
ever do to them? All I ever wanted was
recognition by the Royal house that's it
Sabonkolo: I wish I stopped you when you
wanted to kill the Queen. It was a disaster plan
look now !
Me: I know!
I stopped the car. We are next to her house.
Sabonkolo: Before I go, What about the second
Me: Sisi I need to go home! get out of the car
She got out of the car. She didn't close the door
of the car
Sabonkolo: This conversation is not over!
She slammed the door. I hit the steering wheel
then lied my head on it and cried. I might get
home and be welcomed by drama or my bags at
the door.
Me: I just pray they haven't told my husband
I felt like someone was sitting next to me. I
looked it's Zinyovile. She looked at me then
Zinyovile: Drive
Me: Thank God you still visit. I was worried
you'd disappear for good
I said starting the engine driving
Zinyovile: I am here to guide you. All I want is
for you to follow what I told you. If you don't
then it's up to you. At the end of the day I don't
know best I am not God
I looked at. She meant the opposite. This woman
knows best.
Me: So tell me..... does my husband know yet,
that I was trying to poison Nomakhosazana?
Zinyovile: I don't know why you call the Queen
that. She is a Queen. Show some respect!
Me: Can you be serious for a second?
Zinyovile: I am serious !!!
She snapped
Zinyovile: To answer your question no, He
doesn't know but....
Me: Oh No
Zinyovile: When he knows, Which will be
sooner than you think.......
Oh My God. I am screwed. Zinyovile is smiling
while I am crying
Zinyovile: He will learn about your evil deed in
Me: What do you mean in style ? What's gonna
happen ?
She laughed then looked at me
Zinyovile: Why would I give you a spoiler?
Zinyovile: You will be there. You will see for
Me: Oh Lord
Zinyovile: It will be tomorrow morning ;)
She vanished. I stopped the car
Me: Oh My God

< Narrated >
At Seputla Towers. We see Elton at living room
pacing up and down. He looked upset. Maybe he
is upset because he messed up on a great
opportunity to go to a holiday. He could see his
sister was serious when she said she won't give
him the money. He was trying to find a way to
persuade his sister but he couldn't think of
anything. He sat down. He stood up putting his
hands on his head. His phone beeped. He looked
at it. He walked to the couch. He took his phone.
He played the voice mail.
" Hi EJ it's me... Tasha. I am so sorry for what I
did to you. I was drunk. I don't know what got to
me. I love you baby please give us another
chance. I miss you. I miss us..... " Ej hung up then
clicked his tongue
He walked to the dinning area. He sat on a table
chair. He opened his laptop. He started calling
someone. He was calling his mother.
Refilwe: Hey sweetie
Elton: Hey mom how are you ?
Her: I am angry at you !
Elton: Mom I got a lecture from Priscella not you
too !
Her: Do yoy blame her for being mad at you ?
How can you bring strangers to my home? Are
you out of your mind ?
Elton: I was bored mom. That's why I think I
could do with a holiday. Please speak to
Priscella. She cancelled the plans She made for
me because of what I did. She wants to give half
a million to charity. Can you believe it ?
Refilwe: Your sister loves you EJ but you keep
disrespecting her. Priscella can't be angry now.
Please stop stressing her! Don't do things that
upset her. You know How Your sister is! and her
condition! She is pregnant
Elton: Mom can you speak to her?
Refilwe: I am going to hung Ej!
Elton: Okay mom I am sorry. I promise to do
better next time. I won't upset her
Refilwe: Good. I will speak to your sister. She
can't promise you a holiday and not fulfil her
Elton smiled
Him: Thank you mom
Refilwe: Bye I have to go
Elton: Bye Mom
He closed the laptop
Elton: Yes!
The Elevator opened. Algebra walked in
Algebra: Hi, Can I speak to Ms Seputla ?
Elton looked at The kitchen
Elton: CleoPetra go tell Priscella she has a guest
Cleopetra: Okay Mr EJ
She walked up. EJ went up as well. Algebra was
left looking around standing in front of the
Elevator waiting for Priscella. We see her
walking down with Cleopetra.
Priscella: Algebra? What are you doing here ?
What happened to your date ?
Algebra shook his head
Priscella: Let's go to the lounge
They walked to the living room. Priscella sat
down then looked at Algebra
Priscella: What happened?
Algebra: I was catfished
Priscella: What?
Algebra: When I arrived some guy who was not
the guy in the picture raised their hand. I went
to him. He lied to me even when we were
together. He didn't give me his real name. He
gave me a different name. I was helped by
photographer who came and called him by his
real name
Priscella: So who is he ?
Algebra: Isaiah Norman
Priscella: You said what?
Algebra: Isaiah Norman is the man I was with
on a date. When I heard his name I had to think.
I remember you guys talk about him with Ms De
Villiers. He was the man who wrote crap about
Priscella: Yes. I didn't know he was Gay. Oh My
God. How are we going to trust our men when
straight looking men like Isaiah turn out to be
gay ?
Algebra: He looks straight to you because you're
not gay ma'am. To me he is gay as fuck. Do you
think he knows I work for you?
Priscella sat up straight. She didn't think about
this one
Priscella: Do you think he was targeting you
because you work for me ?
Algebra: Who knows ? Ever since I got here.
Which it hasn't even been a month but he had
two articles written about you already. I think
he wanted to know things about you
Me: That bastard
Algebra: I put him in his place. He will never
mess with me again
Priscella: Thank you for telling me this
Algebra stood up
Him: I thought I should come up and tell you.
See you tomorrow it's late
Priscella stood up .
Priscella: Ask my chauffeur to take you home
Algebra: Thank you ma'am
He ran to the elevator. He got it
Priscella: Bye
The elevator closed. Priscella quickly took out
her phone. She called Sonia
Sonia: Friend?
Me: I told you we are close to the truth
Sonia: New information?
Me: Do you know who was Algebra's blind date
Sonia: Who ?
Me: Isaiah Norman
Sonia: Shut up! Oh My God wait a minute.......?
Priscella: Yes he is gay or Bisexual and this could
help us. We are close to the truth now
Sonia: Close ? Priscella we got the truth! My
husband is sleeping with that annoying man!
Priscella: Sonia please don't confront him! Wait
please! We have to have every detail. Remember
what we discussed with Uncle Kobus. don't
confront that ma......
" Sweetheart I am home!!! " Said a voice behind.
Oh My God, It's Brendan
Priscella: Oh boy it's him ?
Sonia: It's that Faggot!
Priscella: Listen here! We will talk about this
tomorrow don't act weird just pretend !!!
Sonia: I don't think i can anyway later !
Priscella: Don't you dare....... Sonia?
Priscella looked at her phone. Sonia hung up.
Priscella sat down
Priscella: Oh Sonia...... you better not ruin our

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
Wow! why didn't I think of that slut? That
woman slept with a respected man. My
husband. I cannot believe she is still seeking
revenge on me for what I did. I have so many
questions right now and tonight or tomorrow
someone is going to answer them and I will
make sure of it. That bitch slept with my
husband. As if that was not a humiliation for
me, She teams up with my sister in law to kill
me. if they think I will let them kill me they have
another thing coming. I am going to kill them
before they kill me. Nontsingizi came here to be
our healer. She did things we didn't hire her to
do. She screwed my husband. What was I
supposed to do? I should've kissed her ass? I
wanted her dead. I wanted her to pay for what
she did to me. Someone saved that bitch. They
saved her, I don't know who. I planned to
murder her. She disappeared. Now I know
where she lives. Maybe it's time I finish the job I
started. You don't know how humiliating it is to
be a beautiful woman and see your husband
sleeping with an ugly dirty healer behind your
back. I was very busy. I was hardly home.
Remember I refused to leave my job. While I
was away working she and my husband were
sleeping together. That killed me. That killed my
confidence. I kept asking myself what is Wrong
with me. Why her? Why did he sleep with her.
This woman brings back bad memories. I am
trying so hard to forget those memories. I want
to remember the good things about chief
Nkosesizwe. I don't want to remember him as a
man who didn't respect me. I don't want to
remember him as a cheating man but now that
his bitch just showed up out of no where. All the
hurt just came back. I do believe if there was no
Nontsingizi I would've had a second child even a
third child. After I learned about the affair and
caught them sleeping, I was so disappointed in
him. I never showed any interest in sleeping
with him without protection. Even sleeping with
him disgusted me knowing that he was sleeping
with our healer.
Anyway we just got home from Gedleza. The
question in my mind right now is what Gedleza
is not telling me. Why he is so scared to tell me
everything? He doesn't want to tell me who
helped Nontsingizi escape from where I kept
her. I know it is not him who doesn't want me to
know. It's the ancestors. They are protecting the
person who helped her escape. I swear they
must keep protecting the person or when I find
out there will be hell to pay. I was played for a
fool. When I confessed to my husband about
how I kidnapped that woman and how she
disappeared he pretended to be on my side. He
suggested that we say to people we fired her
since everyone already knew about their affair.
I feel like my husband was part of this but I
don't want to accuse him. What if he wasn't? I
don't want to do that to my husband. I was
scared when that woman escaped. My husband
was a pillar of my strength. He supported me
through out that. He didn't judge me for
kidnapping his lover because he knew he
wronged me.
Nomagampompo: What is your plan with
Nontsingizi ?
I poured myself a doubt whisky. I gulped it
down. I poured another one then went to the
sofa. I sat down still had my glass
Princess: My Queen?
I looked at her.
Me: I want to go to court first Wednesday. That
same day I am paying Nontsingizi a visit
Princess looked nervous. I looked at her
Me: Not a friendly one
She sat up straight. She looked at me.
Princess: What do you mean by that ?
I looked at her.
Me: I am going to ask her who helped her escape
Me: After that I kill her. My husband's gun hasn't
fired one shot since he died so I will kill her with
her lovers gun. How romantic is that ?
I stood up
Me: As for the one who betrayed me. I will do
worse to them
I looked at her
Me: In fact I have a good idea.....
Me: When I kidnapped that home wrecker. I had
a planned to torture her..... so I will do
everything I planned to do to Nontsingizi to
those who betrayed me
I walked away gulping my drink. I put the glass
next to the vase on my way to my study. I have
to look at this case one more time.

< Narrated >
Still at the Royal house. We see Princess
Nomagampompo standing looking like she just
saw a ghost. She watched the Queen walk to the
study. When she got in and closed the door, The
Princess let tears run out of her eyes. It looks
like she was holding them back. Could this mean
she knows something? She looked around then
at the window. She saw Siqalo driving in. We see
her kicking her shoes. She pulled up her dress.
She ran to the door. She walked out then ran to
the driveway. She found Siqalo walking out of
the car
Siqalo: My Princess is everything okay? I am
sorry about ear.....
Princess Nomagampompo didn't wait for him to
finish explaining. She pulled him and ran with
him to the back of the palace. She looked around
making sure no one eavesdropping or watching.
She closed a window that was near them.
Siqalo: My Princess you're scaring me
Nomagampompo: The Queen wants to know
who helped Zinyovile escaped and she wants to
make them pay !
Siqalo: Oh My God
Princess covered Siqalo's mouth
Princess: You don't know anything do you hear
me ?
Siqalo: Of course ! So tell. Do you guys already
know whose house wa....
Princess: Yes we went to Gedleza and I wish we
Siqalo: This is a tough Situation. Now I regret
being a part of this
Princess: You were following the orders! The
only thing you know is the fact that my sister in
law and your wife went to see Zinyovile. That's
it! You don't know anything else !
Siqalo: Of course
Princess smiled. She had tears in her eyes. She
fixed Siqalo's tie
Princess: Go update her. She is in my brother's
Siqalo walked away.The princess looked around
then took out her phone. She dialled a number.
The number was written Zinyovile.
Zinyovile: After so many years you still have my
number. Hello Noma.....
Princess: Are you crazy? What were you
thinking trying to kill my brother's wife ?
Zinyovile: That woman tried to kill me! She
couldn't stand the fact that Nkosesizwe loved me
and only me!
Princess looked around, She was angry and
Princess: Like we saved you before, I am going
to save you again and don't you dare think I am
doing this for you!
Zinyovile: I know you're doing this for
Nkosesizwe. I am listening
Princess looked around
Princess: I betrayed my sister in law once
because my brother asked me to, Now I am
doing it again and I am only doing it because I
know my brother loved you
Zinyobile: The entire Sdabadabeni village knew
Princess Nomagampompo bit her lower lip. She
was angry and annoyed by her. She hates what
she is doing.
Princess: The Queen is planning to murder you.
She says she will do it Wednesday night but I
don't believe She will do it Wednesday......
She looked around again then focused on the
Princess: I want you to leave that house!. As we
speak she is asking Siqalo about where you live.
I want you to leave that house immediately!!!
Zinyovile: I left an hour ago. If you need me you
will find me at My sister in law's house
Princess: Just disappear!
Princess Nomagampompo hung up then leaned
on the wall. She put her right hand on her
Me: I am sorry sister in law for betraying you.....
She looked around then swallowed hard
Princess:..... Again




< Priscella >
Oh finally it is Tuesday morning. I left my house
so early. I don't want to bump into my brother.
The tension in the house is just too much. He
created this tension. Everything he does is
annoying me. I don't know what to do anymore.
I am mad at him. He is so childish. I don't know
what these girls see in him. Maybe Tasha was
right. He is just a boy. He will be played by girls
if he carries on like this. Oh another thing that
excites me besides my husband coming back
today, is learning that Isaiah is into men. Which
means he is the "Girl " Who has been sleeping
with Brendan or since there are wigs involved
maybe there is a girl who lives there. The only
thing that is holding me back from telling my
journalist this is because of the wigs and bras.
Who wore them? This is why somehow I don't
believe Isaiah is the one who was sleeping with
him. I know Sonia is desperate to end this whole
thing. I don't want us to rush this. I want us to be
sure about everything. I don't want what if's.
Wigs, panties and bras raises that suspicion that
is why I am blocked from moving forward with
this investigation or closing it. I called the guy to
start digging again. I hope we get the answers
we need..
Anyway I have a busy day as usual. My man is
coming back afternoon. We miss him a lot at
home and at the office. I am glad he is coming
back. Anyway while working I heard my phone.
It's a video call. I exhaled
Me: I swear mother. If this call is about your
brat I will hung up
I answered after I said that.
Me: Hello Ms Refilwe
Mom: Hi sweetie you look great
I flipped my hair
Me: Thanks mom what are you doing at this
hour ?
Mom: I have insomnia. You know it's 2:09 am
Me: Yes I was surprised to get your call
Mom: Baby let's talk about your brother......
I exhaled again
Me: I was hoping we won't
Mom: Can you reconsider your decision to give
the money away?
I heard a knock. I asked her to come in. It's the
girl from our foundation offices.
Mom: Priscella I am speaking to you !
Me: Wait Refilwe !
I looked the girl
Me: Yes good morning dear. Here is the cheque
of R500 000.00 rands please go put it in the
foundation account
Mom: Priscella!!!!
Girl: Alright ma'am
Me: Bye
She walked out. I looked at my phone
Me: Mom you were saying?
Mom: I am not smiling with you! Run after that
girl and tell her you're joking !
Me: I am not joking mom. I made a decision
Mom: How could you do this to your brother !
Me: We are all working for it. He must work
hard and take himself to a holiday!
Mom: Well since you're wasting money. I
demand you write R400 000 cheque for my son
from the company money. He is going to a
holiday !
Me: Why don't you come to South Africa and
write the cheque yourself mom?
Mom: Take that back Priscella !
Me: I don't have time for this
Mom: Hey I am still talk.....
I hung up. I threw my phone on the table. When
my brother hit rock bottom. I will remind mom
every little thing she did ruining that boy's life. I
meant what I said. I am not writing any cheque
infact I will make sure the cheque book is locked
up in the safe. I saw Sonia and uncle walking to
my office. I smiled. Just the people I need to
make my day.
I raised my hand indicating that they open the
door and walk in. They walked in. I stood up.
Me: Good Morning
Sonia: Morning babe
She kissed my cheek. I went to uncle, He kissed
my cheek as well
Uncle: Girls I am late what's up?
Me: Isaiah Norman is into men
Uncle looked at me hoping that I will say I am
Uncle: How did you find that out ?
Me: He asked my Secretary out on a blind date
Uncle: So this means that son of a bitch is
Sleeping with Isaiah Norman ?
Sonia: That is what I am thinking as well father
Me: Let's not jump into conclusions here
Uncle: Explain to us why would he go there with
all these sex things
Me: We still need to find things that explain the
Wigs, Bras, And panties. We have to have
something solid please guys let's be patient. I am
begging you
I looked at Sonia
Me: Did you manage to pretend ?
Sonia: I hate you for making me do this Priscella
I let out a sign of relief
Me: Thank you so much for not confronting him
friend. I promise you. I got this
Sonia: Do you really?
Me: Please friend don't cry. We can't us
suspicions. We have be sure about everything. I
asked the PI to follow both Brendan and Isaiah
Uncle: Okay guys keep me updated
He ran to the door.
Me: Bye uncle have a productive day
He walked out. I looked at Sonia. I opened my
arms. We hugged .
Me: I am sorry
Her phone rang. We broke the hug.
Sonia: It's that bastard
Me: Answer!
Sonia: Hi honey
Sonia: Okay I will be waiting
Sonia hung up. She looked at me.
Sonia: He said I shouldn't eat lunch. He wants us
to eat together, He will bring lunch
Me: Nice
Sonia: Oh shut up!

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
I was hoping when my son leaves today I will be
cheerful and all that. I don't want him to leave
me grumpy. I don't want him to run away. I
want him to come back. I don't know how that
boy thinks that is why I have to make sure he is
always happy in this house. Now that is
impossible because I just found out bad news
about the case. I am so mad. I don't know why
they are doing this. I didn't want to be angry at
them. I don't want them to suspect that the case
is personal to me. I cannot risk that. Yesterday I
prepared myself for it. I locked myself at study
all evening that is why I didn't even go check on
Nontorotyi. Do you really think I would let it
slide like I did with her bastard child? No, This is
my life we are talking about. That woman tried
to kill me and today she is going to pay. I want to
find her when she least expect it. She will have
me for breakfast. I am also angry that no one
knows who helped Nontsingizi escape when I
kidnapped her. Anyway I am with my sister in
law and my son. I want to tell them about the
news regarding the case.
Zwelicacile: So what is it that couldn't wait till
breakfast mom ?
Me: The court date for the woman who killed
your aunt is postponed for the 14th of December
Princess: What ? Why ?
Me: They have a lot of things going on now. I feel
bad for them. I am glad I am on leave
Zwelicacile: At least on the 14th I will be there
with you
Me: it will be a day before your wedding
Zwelicacile: Mom stop being indenial. It's unlike
you. There is no wedding on the 16th !
I forgot all that. I have a lot on my mind.
Me: King I will book your ticket shortly. I
completely forgo.....
Zwelicacile: No my Queen no need
Princess: What do you mean no need? You're no
longer leaving ?
Zwelicacile: I called our Pilot to come fetch me
this afternoon with a helicopter
I looked at his aunt
Me: I didn't know we had a helicopter ?
Zwelicacile: My wife do mom. Her helicopter
with fetch me afternoon
Me: Wow
Princess: Wow indeed
I stood up
Me: In that case let me go to the chief's house
Princess Nomagampompo stood up, So did My
Zwelicacile: What are you doing there ?
I looked at him
Me: Let's just say whatever I will be doing there
will need your father's sjambok
Zwelicacile: What?
I furiously walked to the study. I heard someone
running after me
Nomagampompo: Are you seriously going to
whip my brother's wife ?
She said running after me. I turned around
Me: What if it's what the ancestors want sisi?
Nomagampompo: Sis.....
Me: Sisi Nothing Nomagampompo!
Nomagampompo mumbled sweet nothing. I
continued with my journy to the study. I turned
around then raised my finger..
Me: And don't you dare think of calling her for
hands up......
Me: Wait right there
I opened the door. I looked for the Sjambok. I
took it then walked out. Her eyes popped out
when she saw it
Me: You're older than me but I swear....I am
going to drag your panties from your waist
down to your ankles then whip your arse!!
I furiously walked passed her. I headed to the
front door " Can someone tell me what's going
on in this royal house? " That was my son
probably speaking to her aunt. I was already
walking out passing Siqalo at the door.

< Narrated >
Still at the Royal house. King Zwelicacile was
surprised to see his mother so worked up
walking out with a Sjambok. He knows this
doesn't look good at all and he knows his aunt
knows very well what is going on. He stood
there looking at Princess Nomagampompo
waiting for her to explain to him what is going
on. Princess Nomagampompo looked nervous.
She was not sure whether she should tell him or
not. She shook her head then walked away
Princess: No! I can't!
King Zwelicacile ran after her.
Zwelicacile: No! You're not going to walk away! I
demand you tell your king what is going on !
Princess Nomagampompo turned around. She
looked scared.
Zwelicacile: Auntie talk to me
Princess: Do you remember the day you found
Nontorotyi washing your mother's feet?
Zwelicacile: Yeah. That was strange
Princess: Well your second wife forced her to
Princess Nomagampompo walked to the living
area. King Zwelicacile followed Her
Zwelicacile: Nomaxabiso ? Why?
Princess continued with her journey to the
living room.
Princess: Because she had something on
Nontorotyi. Something we knew nothing about
The Princess sat down..
Princess: Yesterday we found out the truth
Zwelicacile: What is it ?
Princess: Nomaxabiso saved your mother's life.
She stopped Nontorotyi from poisoning the
Queen using a poison that was given to her by.....
The Princess cleared her throat. She stood up.
Zwelicacile stood up as well
Zwelicacile: Who gave Aunt Nontorotyi a poison
to kill mom?
Princess: Your father's ex lover
Zwelicacile: The witch? Her name is Zinyovile
Princess: She is not a witch, She is a healer
Zwelicacile: She tried to kill my mother! She is a
Zwelicacile: I hope mom gives Nontorotyi a
beating she deserves. She is been so
Zwelicacile: Let me go get dressed for breakfast
The King walked up the stairs. He disappeared
into the bedrooms. The Princess took her
handbag. She walked out then got in the car. She
tried to start the engine nothing worked. " No
need. I am already here " said a voice behind
her. Princess looked at backseat through the
rearview mirror. She exhaled
Her: Oh Gedleza you scared me
Gedleza: I apologise my princess. Talk to me
Princess: I am scared. Last night i betrayed the
Queen. I came to tell you so that you won't rat
me to her
Gedleza: You did that because you were
protecting the ancestors. Let's be honest....
Gedleza: I can feel it in my blood. Chief
Nkosesizwe and Zinyovile were soulmates. Their
souls were like this
He said joining his two fingers together showing
their bond. .....
Princess: Say that to the Queen
Gedleza: The thing is, Your father was fond of
the Queen
Princess: Gedleza you were so young then. You
have no idea! My brother couldn't leave
Zinyovile. He loved her so much that is why he
saved her and went and hid her where she's
staying now
Gedleza: The Queen can't know this

At Hlalwini village in Mzonyani At Zidenge
house. We see Nomaxabiso sitting with her
parents. It looks like she wants to talk to them
about something. She looked nervous because
she was not sure if they will agree to this.
Shosholoza: I am late for work start talking!
Nomfunzelo looked at her daughter as well. It
looks like She feels the same way her husband
Nomaxabiso: I know apologising won't fix
anything I did....
Shosholoza: Get to the point !
Nomaxabiso sat up straight.
Nomaxabiso: I spoke to the king. Since I ruined
everything. I feel like it is my responsibility to
fix things. I will go away for a few days. We are
meeting at a hotel. I want to tell him everything
before I tell his family...
That seems like a lie. We didn't see her call the
king. What is she up to? Nomfunzelo looked at
her husband
Shosholoza: We have to go ask for damages from
that family! Malingene must pay !
Nomaxabiso: I think we should put that on hold
father, I think since we have to wait for The
king's wife to approve we still have time. How
about we wait for Malingene to come back.
Today it's 3rd of December. Mine workers are
coming back for festive
Nomfunzelo: She is right. He has to be there
when we go my husband
Shosholoza: Fine. So when are you leaving to see
the king ?
Nomaxabiso stood up
Nomaxabiso: Today father. I am going to pack
They nodded their heads. Nomaxabiso walked to
the bedroom. She dialled a number.
Person: What do you want?
Nomaxabiso: Malingene we need to talk
Malingene: Talk !
Nomaxabiso: In person I am coming to Gauteng
right now. I will arrive tomorro....
Malingene: Are you crazy? My wife is...
Nomaxabiso: Your wife is here I know she is not
there I will see you tomorrow
Malingene: But yo....
Nomaxabiso hung up the phone. She looked at
her bag then smiled.
< Nontorotyi >
Oh God. I didn't sleep last night, all I was doing
was pray. I was praying that Nomakhosazana
and Nomagampompo don't come to my house
and I was also grateful that I found my husband
home still with no clue about my secret. My kids
are back from Boarding school. The only person
who is not home is Ngejiwe. She didn't sleep
home. My husband didn't wanna come to bed.
He was waiting for her in the living room all
night. He came to the bedroom in the morning
and took a bath. He didn't say a word to me. I
don't know why I have so many problems at the
same time. Ngejiwe didn't sleep here last night. I
don't know why she is acting like this. I don't
know why she didn't wake up early and come
home. Why all of the sudden she is acting like a
loose girl. She knows she has to stay pure till
marriage. I really pray she is still a virgin.
Anyway I just made breakfast. I want my
husband to eat before he goes to work. I saw
him walking to the living room.
Me: Right on time
Hlohlesakhe: Nontorotyi You didn't go to work
Him: Even today you don't look ready for work.
What is Wrong with you? Why do you do this?
Me: Yesterday the family had a meeting. Usually
on such days we don't know go to wor........
Hlohlesakhe: You're talking about the meeting
you didn't want to be part of! You were not
Me: My love.....
Hlohlesakhe: Women in this house do as they
please what to you want from Me?
Me: Is this still about me not going to work or we
are talking about our daughter?
Him: Ngejiwe is starting to be disrespectful!
Who does this? A royal princess sleeping out ?
I looked down. Oh how I wish she was a princess
my dear.
Hlohlesakhe: You're the reason she does this!
Me: But my love this had nothing to do with me!
Hlohlesakhe: Where were you yesterday?
Hlohlesakhe: Your car looks dirty. It's like you
went somewhere far! When I got to work I didn't
find your sister there! You and Your sister will
lose your jobs if you carry on doing what you
doing !
Me: We will never be absent again I promise
Hlohlesakhe: Then go get dressed! I am not
leaving without you!
Me: My love you are a chief. What do you want
at the project?
Hlohlesakhe: I am going there to watch people
like you! People who don't take their jobs
seriously because they think they are family!
Hlohlesakhe: I am waiting go!
Why is this man so grumpy today
Me: And the food? I made breakfast
Hlohlesakhe: I said......
We heard a knock at the door. I quickly looked
at the door. I am scared. What if it's someone
summoning us to the Royal house.
He went to check on the door. He opened the
Hlohlesakhe: My Queen? Come on in. I have
never seen you here in a long time
Oh My God. This is worse than I imagined. She
came here herself? what is this woman doing
here. I looked at her. She walked in and looked
at me. She was livid. Oh lord not now
She looked at my two daughters who just
walked in
Nomakhosazana: Kids go to the Royal house.
Notiniphu made a delicious breakfast. I will
catch you with you there
My kids stood up excited. They ran out.
Hlohlesakhe: My Queen is everything okay ?
Oh My God. She is here to expose me. I am
doomed right now. I am losing my husband, My
house and my daughter. What will I be without
them? What will my children say when they
hear I tried to murder the Queen ?

< Narrated >
Hlohlesakhe: My Queen is everything okay?
The Queen didn't answer The chief. Her eyes
were at Nontorotyi who was dying of guilt and
nerves. She got glasses in her eyes. She looked
scared. The Queen walked straight to
Nontorotyi. She pulled out her Sjambok.
Nontorotyi raised her hands and screamed
moving backwards. She tripped on something
on the floor. She fell on her back. The Queen
whipped her so hard repeatedly. Nontorotyi was
down helpless covering her face kicking her
legs. We see the Chief running to The Queen
Nontorotyi: Help Me!!!
Hlohlesakhe: What the hell!!
He ran to the Queen. He grabbed the Queen
from behind. The Queen turned around and
pushed Hlohlesakhe, Hlohlesakhe fell. She
whipped The chief so many times
Hlohlesakhe: Nomakhosazana what are you
doing !!!?
Nontorotyi stood up and grabbed DVD bag from
the wall unit. She threw it at the Queen. It hit the
Queen from behind. The Queen turned around
boiling with anger
Nontorotyi turned around scared attempting to
run away. She hit the wall with her face and
fell. She was not aware how close she was to the
Nontorotyi: Ouch
The Queen turned around. She saw the Chief
attempting to stand up. She kicked him, the big
belly man fell again. The Queen put the Sjambok
down then grabbed the entire couch and carried
it. She put it on top of Hlohlesakhe.
Hlohlesakhe: What are you doing! Stop this !
The Queen ran to another couch. She went and
put it on top of The chief. She turned around
with Nontorotyi's punch on her face the Queen
turned red. She felt that punch from Nontorotyi..
Nomakhosazana: You have some nerve
The Queen said fuming going straight to her.
Nontorotyi turned around attempting to run
away. She tripped on the Sjambok That was on
the floor. She fell. The Queen pulled up her
dress. She pulled down her underwear
Nontorotyi: Yooooh
The Queen put her foot on the back of
Nontorotyi's neck. She was face down. She
picked up the Sjambok and had no mercy on her
arse with sjambok
Nomakhosazana: I warned you woman! What
do you want from Me huh?
Nontorotyi: Forgive me ! Please have mercy on
me my Queen
It was like the Queen was deaf. She didn't listen
to her crying and begging her to stop
Nomakhosazana: How did you know where
Nontsingizi lived?
Nontorotyi didn't tell her. She was just crying for
Nomakhosazana: speak!
Nontorotyi: Yoh! yoh yoh!!!
Nomakhosazana: I said speak!!!
She was whipping her arse hard. everywhere
She hit her on her bum, it left red marks
Nontorotyi: My sister ! My sister told me !
Nomakhosazana: Who told her? how did she
know where Zinyovile lived?
The Queen wasn't just talking, She was still
whiping her arse.
Nontorotyi: Siqalo told her! Siqalo was asked by
my brother in law to take her and hide her there
The Queen looked shocked by this.
Nomakhosazana: My husband asked Siqalo to do
that ?
Nontorotyi: He didn't want you to know where
she was gonna stay !
The Queen stopped Whiping her, tears streamed
down her cheeks. She was furious. She felt
" Sisi these sofas are heavy! Help me! " that was
The chief speaking under the two sofas that
were on top of him. Nomakhosazana went to
him. She pushed the sofas off him with her foot,
They rolled away. He was struggling to stand up.
He must blame his fat belly
Hlohlesakhe: What was that ? Why did you do
that to my wife. You're going to pa.....
Nomakhosazana: Ask her why I did it!
The Queen looked at Nontorotyi who was
looking at her scared
Nomakhosazana: If you don't tell Hlohlesakhe
what you did to me.....
The Queen raised her Sjambok. Nontorotyi hid
her face.
Nomakhosazana: I will be back to start where I
left of
The Queen walked out of there slamming the
door hard.



< Sonia Dr Villiers >
I really appreciate my friend and my father for
helping me But I wouldn't heal or be happy if I
didn't play any part in hurting Brendan. I feel
like I have to do something as well to help them.
I know they have everything under control and I
trust Priscella. She is never wrong about
something. When she says this is not enough I
agree with her. I want her to find enough
evidence to nail my husband and Isaiah and I
hope when she does my plan will also be
finished and ready for action. I know lately I
have been busy filming the show in between my
office time. That is why I make sure stay in
office till five. We normally knock off at 4pm but
I take the next hour as well covering up my
lacking. Even now, I had to steal the PI number
from my father's phone. I don't want him and
Priscella to know I am getting involved. I know
they will be against it. They will think I am going
to mess up the plan. I trust my gut. I know I
trusted my gut before and it failed me but i have
never been so sure about something like I am
about this one. I am meeting the PI. Luckily we
are meeting here at work just downstairs at
Anyway while walking to the elevator I saw
Priscella door open. I looked at her..
Priscella: Where are you going?
Me: I am going down to the HR offices. I am
taking these papers there
Priscella: Okay
Me: Anyway shouldn't you be working?
Priscella: My legs are swollen. I want to stretch
my legs and walk up and down the passage
Me: Shame You pregnant thing! You should stop
wearing heels friend
Priscella: Have you ever seen me in a flat shoe ?
Me: Yeah. But only training shoes for gym
Priscella: Exactly! I can't dress like that here
Me: But you need to make a plan. Trust Me,
From a mother to a first time preg woman. You
will need flat shoes
I pressed the button. The elevator opened. I
walked in then looked at her
Priscella: Bye I will think about it
Me: Good and bye
She smiled and walked passed the elevator.
Shame her little legs are shining. I feel sorry for
the poor thing. She is a very active person but
now. She is always ready to fight and she is so
down. She is not that energetic Prissy I know.
Anyway the elevator took me down. I walked
out. I looked around. I saw him raising his
hand. Well he knows me and that helps because
i don't know him..
Me: Sorry I am late
Him: Its okay it's been only five minutes sitting
I said down.
Me: Can this meeting be between us ? I don't
want Priscella and my father to know about it
Him: I promised you on the phone. It will be
between us and I meant it. I hope you don't have
another task for me. Remember I can't do
anything to ruin my investigation. Your father
and your friend are paying me a lot of money
and I am very loyal and discrete person
Me: I know that. They always update Me about
everything you find so there is no problem. So
did you do what I asked you to do ?
He smiled. Thank God.
Him: Those are rented properties. They don't
own them so the agents have the masterkeys
I sat up straight
Me: Excellent. Do you think you can bribe one of
those agen...
Him: Ms De Villiers relax it's already done. That
lady charged me a lot but because I wanted the
job done I had to pay
I smiled. I looked around then at him
Me: Are you telling me you have cameras
already installed in Isaiah Norman's apartment
Him: Yes! so what's next. Remember we have to
be fast. That lady might be fired if Isaiah could
see the cameras
Me: Since they asked you to make this your
priority. I want you to follow my husband. If he
goes there stay outside and wait for him to
Him: Then after Isaiah leaves the agent goes
there and take the cameras
Me: Exactly
Him: I actually asked her to keep an eye and tell
me when someone else goes there
Me: I think you need to focus on my husband. Go
sit out of the soapie studios and follow him
Him: Let me not waste time But first. Ma'am you
have to pay me the money I used to bribe that
lady then half of my fee then the rest when I am
Me: How much?
Him: Mine is R2 000 rands and the money i used
to bribe that girl is one point five
Me: She was greedy wasn't she ?
Him: She was
Me: So I will give you R3 500 then when you're
done I will give You....
Him: 2K
Me: Okay luckily I have my card with me. Let's
walk to the ATM
We stood up. I went to the ATM. I withdrew his
money. I gave it to him.
Me: Job well done
Him: Thanks ma'am
I smiled. He walked away. I turned around then
pressed the button. I walked in, up I went. I
want a brutal humiliation all over the
Me: Brendan is not ready for this

< Ms Refilwe >
Being so far away is hard for me. I cannot even
speak some sense in any of my children. My
daughter is stubborn. I cannot believe She
wasted so much money unnecessary. Don't get
me wrong. That foundation is mine. It makes
money on its own. It doesn't need more money.
We have so many sponsors. I don't know why
Priscella did what she did while I was on the
phone. My children are disrespectful. I didn't
raise them like that. Their father didn't raise
them like that. I am a little too soft on EJ because
he lost his father at a young age. He is been
surrounded by women all his life. He needs a
father figure. Kobus is too boring for my son. He
doesn't want to be mentored by him because
Kobus is all about business something My son
don't show any interest in. Then there is my
amazing son in law. He is also a smart man who
is all about business. He doesn't have that fun
father figure. I don't know what I should do.
These kids are going to kill each other. I know
Priscella meant what she said when she said I
should come write the cheque myself. My
daughter is as stubborn as her father. She
doesn't know when to stop. She is too serious
and strict. I won't let her act like a mother to my
son. I know how to be a good parent to my son.
EJ don't want to be shouted at. Tell him what
you don't like about him politely. Don't shout at
Right now I don't have any other options. I can't
go to South Africa for that nonsense. I will ask
my son in law to do this for me. Priscella won't
do this I know. She doesn't change her mind
when she says she is Not going to do something
she means it. But first I need to start with Sonia.
She is the one who is close by. I heard Masixole
is not around.
Sonia: Mrs R!!!
Me: Hello dear how are you. I didn't know you
knew my office landline
Sonia: I wasn't sure. I just saw the US code and i
knew My favorite aunt finally thought of me
Me: I wish it was a friendly call.....
Sonia: Is everything Okay in the Chicago offices?
Me: No everything is good. It's my daughter and
Sonia: Honestly Mrs R. Your sin is a pain. His
sister is trying so hard to make him happy it's
like he just looks for something to annoy her.
Prissy was planning a very expensive trip for
him he disrespected her in front of me. She
cancelled everything
Me: I heard. EJ is a little boy
Sonia: Mrs R. He is twenty one. He must grow up
Me: I will come back around Christmas. I will
speak to him. I want you to check how much a
ship would cost me. I want to do this for my son.
When you find out all the expenses. Please book
everything for him. I want him to leave after
Christmas. I want to see him before He leaves
Sonia: Mrs R You know I love you so much. I am
the one who is here. I see how EJ behaves. I can't
betray Prissy and do this. I just fixed things with
her. I am so sorry
Me: Well I tried. It looks like the situation with
my son is bad
Sonia: Trust me Mrs R. He needs to grow up fast
Me: Have a great day Sonia
I hung up. I have to call my first option.
Masixole was my first option anyway. I am
disappointed in Sonia. Anyway I called my son
in law.
Masixole: Ndegana
Me: Hey son. It's your mother in law. I am so late
for a meeting I will be quick
Masixole: Hello Ms Refilwe
Me: I want you to lend me half a million and
help me book a cruiseship that will take EJ from
Durban to Mozambique with his friends. Find
out how much it will cost and pay. When I come
back I will give you the money
Masixole: Okay Ms Refilwe
Me: Thank you so much and please My daughter
can't find out about this
He exhaled
Me: Please !
Masixole: Looks like I am being good at lying to
my wife. I hate it okay ma'am....
We lost the connection. I looked at the telephone
Me: What's that suppose to mean......?
What is he keeping from my daughter? Anyway
I took my phone. I texted EJ
" Your brother in law will take care of
everything "
He quickly typed
Elton: Thank you. You're the best I love you
I just read the message. I put my phone in my
handbag. I stood up. I have a meeting

< Nontorotyi >
Oh My God I thank the Lord that I was able to
stand up from the floor. My fear now is how am
i gonna sit or sleep again. The pain is too much. I
am bleeding. I can't stop crying. What makes me
cry even more is the fact that I have to Tell my
husband what I did and by the look on his face
he is not leaving until I tell him what happened.
If I don't tell this man what I did I will get
another beating from that cruel woman. How
can she be so insensitive about this sensitive
Matter? I could lose my family. I could be
banned from Sdabadabeni..I have never seen
Nomakhosazana so mad in my life. Zinyovile
said this. This woman said today early in the
morning I will get a surprise. Did she mean this
beating ?
Hlohlesakhe: What was that ?
Me: Baby check my bum Please
He came to me. He pulled up my dress
Hlohlesakhe: You need to take this dress off!
Today you must stay in doors naked. I will make
sure the kids don't come back from Royal house
and as for my brother's wife.....
Hlohlesakhe: Hold it !
He was asking me to hold My dress. " Oh My God
" Said my daughter walking in. She saw my bum
Hlohlesakhe: Where have you been ?
Ngejiwe: Morning dad I am sorry my battery
died. Can you believe my friends from Varsity
were at Mthatha Mouth Beach. I was there with
them.I am sorry I didn't tell you guys. What
happened to mom?
Hlohlesakhe: I was worried sick about you !
Ngejiwe: I am sorry dad. You know I am
Hlohlesakhe: The Queen came here and beat
your mother
Ngejiwe: What?
She looked at me. Tears ran out of my eyes
seeing my daughter and my husband so angry at
the Queen meant a lot to Me but will they still be
mad when they learn about what I did?
Hlohlesakhe: I am calling a family meeting !!!
I ran to him. I snatched his phone
Me: No!
Ngejiwe: Why not ? Mom we should be calling
the police!!!
Me: No you can't!!!
Hlohlesakhe looked me with questioning eyes
Hlohlesakhe: Before The Queen left she did
mention that you know why she did this.....
I swallowed hard
Ngejiwe: Mom what did you do ?
I looked at her then at her father. I have to Tell
them. I can't take another beating
Me: I went to Zinyovile. I asked her to give me a
poison to kill The Queen....
They both put their hands on their mouths
Hlohlesakhe: What !?
Me: I came back I gave it to Nomaxabiso to do
the job for me. I saw her she was not fond of the
Queen so I thought I could use her
Hlohlesakhe put his hands on his head
Hlohlesakhe: So Nomaxabiso told the Queen?
That's why she spoke to you the way she did the
other day ?
Me: No ! She didn't tell her but she betrayed me.
She started blackmailing me with what I asked
her to do. Gedleza is the one who told the Queen
what I wanted to do. I am sorry guys. I know I
disappointed you
Ngejiwe: Why do you hate the Queen so much ?
Me: I don't know! that's why I don't want to
report her
Hlohlesakhe: I almost called elders. Do you
realised I almost exposed you ?
Me: Yes my love
Hlohlesakhe: Do you realise you could be
banned ?
Me: Yes my love
Hlohlesakhe: What the Queen just did was the
honourable thing to do. She didn't want to
humiliate you. She punished you the right way,
The Royalty way! Now I have to go apologise for
you !
Me: I know. I am so sorry
Hlohlesakhe: Call a doctor! and don't tell her
what happened!
I nodded my head yes tears streaming down my
cheeks. He walked out. I looked at my daughter.
Ngejiwe: And you want to be taken seriously as
a Queen?
Ngejiwe: You keep showing us that you not one
of us !!!
Me: Bab....
Ngejiwe: Oh shut up mom! I need to go sleep I
had along night
She walked to her room. She slammed the door
behind her..
Me: Only if you knew you not one of them as
well my sweet girl
I leaned on the sofa
Me: Ouch
I am in so much pain. I am so scared. I saw my
husband's car drives out. I let out sigh of relief.
Me: At least she didn't tell you about Bhalisile
I heard a chuckle behind me. I quickly turned
around. It's Zinyovile.
Zinyovile: That was intense wasn't it ?
Me: You should've warned me. I am in so much
Zinyovile: Come on Nontorotyi. I warned you
even the universe is my witness. I told you that
this morning you will be served. If you took me
seriously you would've slept at Sabonkolo's
Me: I wish I did. My husband is mad at me. My
daughter is also mad and disappointed in me. I
am just happy Nomakhosazana didn't say
anything about my other you know what........
Zinyovile tapped my shoulder.
Zinyovile: The royal house is not planning to rat
you out
I looked at her
Me: Are you certain ?
Zinyovile: I am sure but.......
I put my hands on my head
Me: That but.........
She turned around. She looked at my daughter's
room. I ran to the kitchen. I want to be far from
her room
Me: Come!
We got to the kitchen.
Me: What about her ?
Zinyovile: The only person who is going to risk
or burst your cover is Ngejiwe
Me: What do you mean ? Does she already
Zinyovile shook her head in disbelief
Me: Please talk to me !
Zinyovile: No! But use your head woman use it!
What could Ngejiwe do to blow your cover ?
Me: I don't know
Zinyovile: Then stay dumb
Me: Please don't vani.......!!
This Woman! She just vanished on me. What did
she mean when she said Ngejiwe will be the one
ruining my life?

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
Chief Khabalandile should be respected as the
Chief and even I as the Queen I should respect
him and every male In this family more
especially my husband's brother. Today I forgot
that. I think I did that because if I didn't, things
were never gonna go the way I planned them. If
I didn't put those sofas on top of that man I was
gonna be unable to to punish his wife. We are a
royal house. When someone do something
wrong or disrespect this family they are
punished the way I punished my sister in law.
The reason I didn't do that to Masixole is
because he is a man. Only a man can punish a
man with a Sjambok on their bum as for
women, I am here. I am here to put them in line.
I don't think Nontorotyi will ever think of killing
Me again. Now the only person I need to deal
with is my husband's lover. I am going to deal
with Nontsingizi differently. I won't be too nice
to her like I was to her accomplice. That woman
Made my life a living hell. She is acting like she
was innocent in all that. She was sleeping with
my husband. I had to teach her a lesson. Right
now I am so mad at my husband. I don't know
what to do. This man listened to me when I was
confessing my sins to him. He pretended that he
was trying to protect me when he said
Nontsingizi got fired. He betrayed me. He took
that woman and sent her to live in Mqanduli. I
stayed in fear for months worried that she might
report me to the police. My husband kept saying
I shouldn't worry she would never do that now I
see why he was so sure. What do I do with
Siqalo? Just yesterday when he came back from
Mqanduli I asked him if he knew anything about
anyone who rescued Nontsingizi, He said no.
Now I just learnt he was lying to me. He was the
one who sent that woman there. Just yesterday I
was thanking that bastard for his loyalty to this
Me: I feel so stupid. They made me stupid!
Anyway I am furiously walking home. I was not
kidding when I said if Nontorotyi don't tell her
husband what she almost did to me I will go
back there and whip her. I am going to give her
another beating til she learns to be honest. I am
going to make her the most humble person in
this family. I just got home. I found this traitor
sitting next to the door. He is Sleeping on the
Me: You didn't have enough sleep?
Siqalo jumped up. He looked at me
Siqalo: My Queen I guess.......
Me: Stop! I don't want to hear another lie from
I took out my Sjambok. I whipped him
everywhere in his body
Me: You lied to me you bastard! You lied to me!!!
I had no mercy on his body. He ran to the door.
He opened It then ran in crying
Siqalo: My princess help me !
Me: Traitor!!!
I was running after him beating him. Everyone
ran from the dinning room to the living room
Nomagampompo: Sisi Stop!
She ran to me. She grabbed the Sjambok
Nomagampompo: Nomakhosazana I said stop!!!
I let go of the Sjambok, Siqalo was leaning by the
stairs hugging his knees scared..
Nomagampompo: What is Wrong with you ?
Me: That bastard was asked by my husband to
help Nontsingizi escape !!!
Princess Nomagampompo let go of the Sjambok.
Her eyes popped out. I looked at her, She looked
Me: Oh My God
Nomagampompo: I am so sorry!
Zwelicacile: What is going on ?
Me: Oh My God
I walked away
Nomagampompo ran after me. This traitor. I live
with bunch of traitors.
Nomagampompo: Sisi.....
I furiously turned around. I don't want to hear
Me: To think about it. You and I were the only
people who knew about where I kept that
woman !
Nomagampompo: I know
Me: You're the snitch who told my husband!
Nomagampompo: I am sorry sisi. I had to! My
brother was never gonna forgive me If I let you
kill her. You know how much he loved her
Oh she wished she didn't say that. I slapped her
so hard on her face she fell.
Zwelicacile: Mom!!!
Zwelicacile ran to me
Me: Don't you dare touch me wena!
Zwelicacile moved back
Zwelicacile: Sorry
Phonqa: Oh that was a hot one
Nomgcwabe looked At his brother
Nomgcwabe: Shut up wena!
I looked at my sister in law. She was sitting on
the floor. Moving backwards holding where I
slapped her.
Me: Don't you ever say that
Me: Don't you ever say my husband loved
another woman in this house!
Nomagampompo: I am sorry. I didn't want to
betray my brother. You know I couldn't keep
anything from him
I chuckled then looked at Phonqa and
Nomgcwabe. I looked back at Nomagampompo
Me: Like you were honest about your affair with
their father?
Nomgcwabe: Who is our dad ?
Phonqa: Mom?
I looked at Nomagampompo. I shook my head in
disbelief. I am so disappointed in her. I clicked
my tongue then walked away. I got to my study.
I took out a key from the drawer. I went to the
safe. I took out a gun. I sat on the chair. I cleaned
My phone rang while cleaning the gun. I put the
gun on the desk. I took the phone. I don't know
this number.
Me: Judge Nomakhosazana
Caller: I knew when you were telling your sister
in law You were coming to murder me on
Wednesday was a lie......
The nerve
Zinyovile: You gave her the wrong day because
you didn't trust her! You don't trust anyone
Nomakhosazana! that's your problem!
Me: What do You want bitch? Where did you get
my number ?
Zinyovile: It doesn't matter. I just wanted to say
good luck in finding the witch
Me: I hate you !!!!
I hung up. I put the phone down. I grabbed the
gun. I threw it across the room then broke down




< Narrated >
Everyone was shocked to see The Queen slap the
princess like that. Even Princess
Nomagampompo's first born son didn't seem
happy to see his mother falling down like that
and the fact that she was slapped by the Queen
made him so mad. Everyone was terrified. They
didn't know what was going on. We see Siqalo in
the corner sitting scared. He has never seen the
Queen angry like that. He was worried about his
job. He was scared he might lose it for lying to
the Queen.
Anyway The Queen was in her study crying and
throwing everything around. They could hear
the nose coming from the study. They didn't
know what to do. We see The King pacing up
and down. He didn't know what to say. He saw
his aunt getting a slap from his mother. He is
embarrassed by his mother's behavior. He can't
even look at his cousins. He looked at Princess
Zwelicacile: Auntie I am so sorry for my
mother's behavior. What happ.....
Nomagampompo: I deserved it! I deserve what
happened to me!
Nomgcwabe: You're older than the Queen mom.
She shouldn't do that again. You guys are tight !
what happened? I saw her beating up Siqalo as
They all turned and looked at Siqalo. He was still
in the corner looking scared.
Nomgcwabe: Mom what did you and Siqalo do
to upset auntie like that?
Nomagampompo: You're children! You can't
know everything! all you have to know is that I
betrayed the Queen with my brother Chief
Nkosesizwe and we used poor Siqalo to do the
job and made him swear to secrecy !
She was shouting . She then looked at Siqalo
Nomagampompo: Stand up and go sit on your
chair Siqalo
He stood up and walked to the door.
Nomgcwabe: Mom what did you do?
Nomagampompo: You can't know everything.
It's a secret! a family secret that only elders
know. I can't tel....
They heard the Queen throwing things and
screaming in her study.
Zwelicacile: Guys! I feel like you know mother
more than I do. What do you do when she is so
mad like that ?
Phonqa: I have never seen my Queen so mad.
Wow that slap though.....
He shook his head smiling folding his arms
Phonqa: Impressive
Nomgcwabe: Your mother was beat down you
say impressive ?
Phonqa: You heard mom. She said she betrayed
the Queen. Whoever betrays the royal house
gets punished. Right mom ?
The Princess looked away crying
Princess: True my son
Phonqa looked at his brother
Phonqa: You see ?
Nomgcwabe looked at his mother
Nomgcwabe: Mom Auntie said something about
our father. Every time we ask about him you
guys get mad
Phonqa: Yeah. Who is our father mom ?
" Ask that question again I swear..... " Said Chief
Khabalandile walking in. They all turned around
and looked at him
Hlohlesakhe: Didn't we tell you to never ask
your mother that ?
Nomgcwabe: Everyone knows their father why
can't we ?
Princess Nomagampompo walked to the study
where The Queen is hiding.
Hlohlesakhe: Nomgcwabe I am not going to
repeat myself! Can't you see you're upsetting
your mother ?
Nomgcwabe sat down. The chief looked at the
Hlohlesakhe: Anyway what brought up all this
now ?
The King looked down. He shrugged his
shoulders then sat down. The chief looked at
Phonqa. The boy smiled. He sat down as well.
Hlohlesakhe: I guess I will sit here and wait for
them to come out of that study

We see the Princess at the door. She kept
touching the door then shook her head. She was
not sure going to her while she is still mad was a
good idea. We see her breath in and out holding
the door handle. She finally gathered strength
and opened the door. She walked in. She found
the Queen sitting on the floor with her back
against the desk. She was crying.
Princess: My Queen I am asha.....
The Queen stood up
Nomakhosazana: I don't want to talk to You!
The Queen walked out. The Queen saw
Hlohlesakhe at the living room. She wiped her
tears then stopped walking. She didn't know
what to say. She didn't only cause a chaos here.
She went to the chief's house and beat his wife
in front of him. She went on and put sofas on top
of The Chief. She is ashamed. She regrets it but
she still stands by what she did to Nontorotyi.
We see her walking to the living room. The kids
including the king were sitting with
Hlohlesakhe. They stood up when they saw her.
Nomakhosazana: I want to speak to my brother
in law alone. Kids go upstairs. I will be there to
talk to you as well
They all stood up and left. Hlohlesakhe looked at
Queen Nomakhosazana..
Hlohlesakhe: My Quee.....
Nomakhosazana: You also knew who helped
Nontsingizi escape?
Hlohlesakhe looked down. He cleared his throat
sitting up straight
The Queen looked up. Tears came out of her
eyes running. She was disappointed..
Nomakhosazana: So everyone betrayed me !
Hlohlesakhe: I am sorry My Queen. I was at the
project with my brother when My sister came
and told us where Zinyovile was. My Queen you
know we were looking for her worried
Nomakhosazana: Worried about a home
wrecker! All of you supported the affair. While I
was working so hard for this family you had
Sgaqa and Nontsingizi locked up having sex
behind my back!!?
Hlohlesakhe: My Queen this is a complicated
matter. You know you can't say no to the chief.
When Nomagampompo came to us. He asked me
and Nomagampompo to go and rescue Zinyovile
while he went home to distract you. We asked
Siqalo to help her cross The Mthatha Dam river
The Queen looked away shaking her head.
Nomakhosazana: Not only you knew, You were
an accomplice as well?
Hlohlesakhe: My Queen I am sorry but I can't be
the one who is reminding you the rules. You are
the one who always tell me to follow them. No
one can say no to the chief and he was my
brother. I loved him and we can't ignore the fact
that when Chief Dubulingqanga got you to
marry my brother the chief was in love with
The Queen put her hands on her waist. She was
livid. She hated to hear this again. She looked
Nomakhosazana: Get out
Hlohlesakhe looked at the Queen. He wasn't sure
he heard that well
Hlohlesakhe: My Quee.....
Nomakhosazana: Ndithe phum'uphele Kwam!
She was basically saging, I said get the hell out of
my house. We see Chief Khabalandile mumbling
words. He slowly started walking then turned
Hlohlesakhe: I am here to apologise for my wife
my Queen
The Queen chuckled then looked at him.
Nomakhosazana: So she told you?
Hlohlesakhe: Yes she did my Queen. I am so.....
Nomakhosazana: What did she say exactly ?
Hlohlesakhe: That she went to Zinyovile and
asked for a poison to kill you. She says she asked
your daughter in law to be the one who is
poisoning you. Is that the truth ?
Nomakhosazana: Yes
Hlohlesakhe: I am so sorry my Queen. Please
don't ban her from here I am begging you
The Queen turned around.
Nomakhosazana: I punished her. Next time She
does something like this, I am sending everyone
packing including yourself
Hlohlesakhe: I will tie her up if I have to. I
promise I won't let her do something like that
Hlohlesakhe: If you don't mind me asking my
Queen.....I want to know what happened. What
made my sister's kids want to know about their
father ?
The Queen sat on the couch
Nomakhosazana: I was upset confronting their
mother. She said something about not being able
to keep a secret from her brother. I asked why
She didn't tell him about her relationship with
the father of her kids if she can't keep a secret
from him
Hlohlesakhe: You know that can't come out
The Queen looked away
Nomakhosazana: I was just trying to point out
how hypocritical she can be! She can tell other
people's secrets to him but not hers! Your sister
is a hypocrite!
We see Princess Nomagampompo joining them.
She heard all that. The Queen stood up and
walked away. THe princess sat down
Nomagampompo: How did she find out about
Siqalo ?
Hlohlesakhe looked down
Nomagampompo: Hlohlesakhe!
Hlohlesakhe: She got to my house and attacked
me and my wife
The Princess put her hands on her mouth.
Hlohlesakhe pulled up his shirt showing her the
damage that was done by the Sjambok
Nomagampompo: She beat you as well ?
Hlohlesakhe: I was trying to stop her from
attacking my wife. She turned around. She
attacked me. I saw myself down. I don't know
how I fell the next thing two sofas were on top
of me. I couldn't move. She was beating my wife.
Sisi she pulled her underwear down and beat
her with a Sjambok. My wife can't sit now but
she deserved it
Nomagampompo: How is She gonna trust me
after this ? I betrayed her. She told me about
Zinyovile because she thought I was on her side.
Yes I am on her side but I couldn't let her kill my
brother's soulmate. I couldn't do it
Hlohlesakhe: So what are you gonna do about
the kids asking for their father?
The Princess looked nervous. She just shrugged
her shoulders.

< Nontorotyi >
Zinyovile can't leave the way she did. She has to
tell me what she meant when she said my
daughter is going to be the one who will get me
bursted. Here I was worried that my sister in
law and Nomakhosazana were the ones who
were gonna tell my husband now it turns out it's
my daughter? I have been thinking so hard.
Trying to find out what Zinyovile meant when
she said that. She said I should think. I have
been thinking a lot. I can't seem to find the
reason and how my daughter will learn about
the truth. The doctor disturbed me while I was
thinking. I had to attend to her and stop
thinking. She gave me something for the pain.
She wanted to know what happened. She is
suspecting that my husband is an abusive
husband. That makes me angry because my
husband is the sweetest man I know. He would
never lay a finger on me.
Anyway I opened the door. She walked out.
Me: Again Doctor....
She looked at me.
Me: It's not the first time you were called for the
same situation so don't insinuate things that are
not true
I saw her put her hand on her mouth. Oh now
she gets it.
Me: Yes
Doctor: I thought only kids.....
Me: Everyone get the same punishment in this
family. It doesn't matter how old you are
Doctor: I am so sorry. I know you will be able to
sit tomorrow
I smiled then closed the door in her face. I
leaned on the door.
I felt tear drops. I wiped my tears.
Me: Zinyovile come back. I can't think right now.
I can't
I moved away from the door. I walked to my
bedroom. looking up crying and begging
Zinyovile to come back. I don't know Where she
lives. The only hope I have now is the fact that
she is always watching my every move. I opened
the door. I walked in then went to my bed. I
attempted to lie on my stomach.
Me: Please Com.......
" You know cheating.... " it's her. I looked up
Me: Oh Thank God
I looked at her.
Me: I never cheated on Hlohlesakhe!
Zinyovile sat on my bed
Zinyovile: I know......
Me: Then what is this talk about chea......
Zinyovile: You cheated to become the nurse you
were right?
I swallowed hard
Zinyovile: You never .... no, I mean to say you
don't know how to use your brain because you
got everything you have so easy !
Me: I work hard !
Zinyovile: You call dumping a poor man for a
wealthy man hard work?
I don't know how to answer that. She stood up.
Zinyovile: You mean sleeping with every
lecturer for each and every memo of exams
hard work?
I put my hand on my mouth crying
Zinyovile: You know nothing about hard work
There is nothing I can say at this point. I need
this woman. I will let her tell me how bad I am. I
won't fight her.
Zinyovile: That is why you're finding it hard to
figure out what I meant!
Me: Please tell Me
Zinyovile: Open your eyes! Your daughter is
Sleeping with a commoner!
I knew that
Zinyovile: She sleeps out and comes back with a
sun up our heads! She is disrespecting your
husband and it's just the beginning !
Oh My God
Zinyovile: Her behavior will make Chief
Khabalandile question her, She will make him
doubt that she is his daughter !
Me: Oh My God
I put my hand on my mouth. I never thought of
Zinyovile: And it will get to the point where
Chief Khabalandile request a paternity test
Oh no! This can't get to that. I can't let this girl
ruin my life.
Me: Zinyovile. It looks like she is going to make
my life a living hell. What do we do ?
Zinyovile: Back to my original plan. The one that
made you walk out of my house furious !
Me: You kicked us out !
Zinyovile: Before that !
Me: Which one is that ?
Zinyovile: Help your husband find a woman
who will give him an heir !
Me: Oh this again!
I walked passed her then turned around.
Me: How will that change my daughter's
Zinyovile: It won't
Me: Stop playing with me! Then why are......
Zinyovile: But......!
She raised a finger stopping me from talking
Zinyovile: This could distract your husband
from paying a lot of attention to Ngejiwe. He will
focus on this new woman in his life
I think I like this
Zinyovile: Exactly!
I looked on thin air smiling
I then looked at Zinyovile
Where is this woman now ?
Me: You don't even say goodbye!

~ Narrated ~
At Seputla offices. We see Priscella and Sonia
walking in at Priscella's office. It looked like they
just came back from a hectic meeting. They went
straight to the couch. Priscella sat down. Sonia
stood next to Priscella's desk.
Priscella: Thank you for accompanying me to go
speak to those mine workers
Sonia: You usually go there with Mr Ndengana
so he is not here. I am happy to help
Priscella: Thanks friend
Sonia: Anyway when is he arriving?
Priscella looked at her wrist watch
Priscella: The helicopter is leaving in an hour so
I don't know what time will he be arriving
Sonia: Are you excited?
Priscella fixed her hair.
Priscella: I miss him so yeah I am very excited to
see him
Sonia: I am happy for you. Oh i wanted to Tell
you something
Priscella: What ?
Sonia: Mrs R called me asking me to give EJ R400
000 rands
Priscella stood up
Me: I can't believe mom ! I hope you're not
Sonia: Oh hell no! I saw how that boy
disrespected you and besides. I am never
betraying your trust again. I didn't go around in
circles. I told her no straight up
Priscella: Thank you friend
Algebra knocked at the door. He walked in
Priscella: Where were you we didn't see you at
your desk ?
Algebra: I went to the HR offices to drop some
documents. How did it go underground ?
Priscella: It went okay but it's hot in there. Could
you please go get us water and two glasses
Algebra: Alright ma'am
He walked out and left. After 3 minutes Algebra
gone, We see Priscella looks at the door then at
Sonia. She looked nervous
Priscella: Look at me. Don't turn! I am going to
shout at you please play along
Sonia's eyes popped out. She knew her husband
is gonna walk in.
Priscella: Sonia I said I don't want to talk to you!
Sonia: Priscella you need to stop being childish.
How are we gonna work if you don't talk to me!
Priscella: I think you need to get out of my
Brendan walked in. He noticed they were fight
Sonia: I am not leaving! We need to fi.....
Brendan: Baby let's go! you can't apologise all
your life!
Brendan took Sonia's hand. Sonia looked at
Priscella. She was " angry "
Sonia: This gotta stop!
Priscella: Get out of my office before I call secu....
The door opened. Algebra walked in. Sonia
smiled at Algebra.
Sonia: Oh give me my bottle and glass of
She took them
Sonia: Algebra let me introduce you to my
husband Brendan ! babe this is Priscella's
secretary .....
Brendan turned around excited then his eyes
met Algebra'a eyes. He looked shocked.
Algebra looked at Brendan. He let go of the trey.
It fell down on the floor glasses broke
Algebra: I am so sorry ma'am !
Priscella: Hey it's okay !
Priscella ran to Algebra trying to stop him from
cleaning up the mess
Sonia: I understand. Everyone behaves like that
when they see a famous person
Brendan grabbed Sonia's wrist.
Brendan: He is such a clumsy PA! Let's go to
your office baby. Our food is getting cold
Priscella was looking at Algebra then at Brendan
Priscella: ....... ?
Sonia: Okay! okay stop! you will make me fall !
He was pulling her more like running with her.
They walked out. Priscella looked at Algebra
Algebra: Ma'am I will go get something to clean
Priscella: Wait. ....
Algebra walked out and closed the door. He ran
down the passage.
Priscella stood in her office with her hands
folded on her chest
Priscella: That was strange.......
Outside We see Brendan watching Algebra
running down the passage.
Sonia: Baby come in !
Brendan: How about I go to the men's room first
Sonia: Okay
Brendan walked fast to the direction where
Algebra ran to. He found Algebra with his hands
on his chest. he was shocked and out of breath.
He didn't expect to see this famous person. He
looked up and saw Brendan approaching him.
He attempting to walk away avoiding him.
Brendan: Hey get your ass here!
Algebra got teary. He was scared of Brendan
Brendan: You dare open your fat mouth you will
see what I am made of
Algebra: I promise i won't say anything
Brendan put his hand on Algebra's face. Algebra
was breathing heavily scared. Brendan winked
at him.
Brendan: Good boy ;)
He walked away. Algebra went down leaning on
the wall. He sat down.
Algebra: Oh My God



< Judge Nomakhosazana >
If the case was not postponed, tomorrow I was
gonna be expected to go to court. I am really
happy they decided to postpone it even though I
was mad when I heard it was postponed.
Imagine going to court to solve a case that is so
personal to you when the day before you found
out you were betrayed by everyone you trusted.
How can they do this to me ? How could
Princess Nomagampompo stab me in the back
after everything we've been through to make
sure this family stayed together? After how
Hlohlesakhe was mad at me for not discussing
the car with him. I am surprised he was an
accomplice as well. Why does it look like I
cannot trust anyone in this family? I am mad! I
am angry I don't know how to deal with this. I
don't know how to handle the truth that they
keep throwing in my face. They keep saying my
husband loved that woman. How did they
expect me to feel when they said that ? Did
Nomagampompo expect me to shut up after
what she said ? I am angry so angry that I doubt
I will ever forgive them for this one. I have been
so good to everyone in this family. None of them
see how much I love this family. They don't
appreciate everything I have done for them. I
am really disappointed. My son is leaving today.
I didn't want to beat up people or Slap my sister
in law the day my son is leaving. I didn't want
that. I wanted him to leave seeing his family
happy not this.
Anyway I know the kids don't understand why I
did what I did and I feel like I should sit them
down. I am glad Nontorotyi daughters were not
with us when this happened. They went to take
fresh veggies from the project. I am happy they
were not here. I am heading to my son's room. I
hope I find all of them there. I knocked then
walked in. They are all here. I am surprised King
Zwelicacile haven't packed anything. Why do I
feel like he doesn't want to leave?
Me: Guys I want to speak to you all
They looked at me and stopped what they were
doing. Nomgcwabe is angry with me I can see
Me: Before I tell you about what happened out
there I would like to apologise to you
Nomgcwabe and Phonqa for witnessing that....
I sat on my son's bed.
Me: You know I love and respect your mother.
She is my sister in law and she is older than me.
Slapping her is not acceptable at all. I am not
going to justify my actions. I was angry and
disappointed in her for betraying me. You boys
know how close we are. I don't keep things from
your mother. She doesn't keep things from me....
well so I thought......
Nomgcwabe: What did mom do?
Me: You're young but I feel like you deserve to
know this..... While your late uncle was alive I
used to work out of town a lot. I was hardly
home. One day I got a break. I decided to come
home and I arrived here. I couldn't find your
uncle. I saw his car packed next to the house
behind the mansion. The old houses out there. I
went there and I found him having sex with that
Me: That woman was our healer at the time. I
felt betrayed I felt disgusted. I was angry. I
kidnapped that woman and tied her up in her
house. I wanted to punish her
I stood up. I walked around the room. I looked at
Me: I was gonna punish her
Me: I told your mother where I hid The healer. I
told her because I trusted her !
I sat down again..
Me: This morning I found out that She ran to
Sgaqa and Hlohlesakhe after i told her. Sgaqa
asked her and Hlohlesakhe to go rescue her and
help her cross the Mthatha Dam river
I shook my head just by thinking about it.
Me: I remember when I found out she was gone.
I was with your mother. Your mother was so
I felt a tear
Me: She acted like she knew nothing! She acted
like she was surprised as I was. When I realised
she was gone. I was so scared. I thought she was
gonna go to the police and report me. Your mom
and your uncles watched me scared having
sleepless nights. They didn't tell me what they
did! I lived years of my life asking myself what
happened to that woman
Zwelicacile: Where does Siqalo come in ?
I looked at him.
Me: They asked him and Sabonkolo to take her
to Mqanduli. They all knew. What makes me
mad is the fact that I asked Siqalo yesterday. He
lied to my face !
Me: The reason I lost it is because Princess
Nomagampompo said her brother loved that
woman that is why she saved her. How could
she say that to me ?
Nomgcwabe: I apologise for my mom. I know I
was young when my uncle died but I know how
close she was with him. I get why she did what
she did but what I don't understand is why they
didn't tell you the same day they helped her
I stood up
Me: They wanted to keep it a secret. Royal house
and secrets are one. You guys should know that.
You can't know everything that is happening in
this house. I just wanted to tell you what is going
on. I want everything to be normal. Princess
Nomagampompo and i will fix our problems
when we are both ready
Nomgcwabe: We appreciate you for talking to us
I smiled. I looked at Masixole
Me: Shouldn't you be packing ?
Him: I won't leave with anything mom. I will
just call the driver to be ready to take me to the
helicopter. It's on its way now
Me: We will be waiting downstairs
Zwelicacile: Okay mom
I walked out. Tomorrow I have to go visit my
husband. I need to talk to him. He has a lot of
explaining to do. Even though he can't answer
me but he must hear how I feel.

< Narrated >
After Brendan spoke to Poor Algebra who was
so scared. He went back to his wife and
pretended like everything is okay. Sonia thought
maybe Algebra reacted the way he did because
he was seeing a celebrity. Little did she knew
that these two have met before. It looks like
Algebra and Brendan had an encounter and
only them can explain what is going on or what
happened between them. It looks like Priscella
saw through them. Poor Sonia didn't notice
anything. It looks like Priscella is getting closer
to closing her investigation.
Anyway we see Brendan and Sonia standing up.
They just finished eating.
Sonia: Thank you so much for the lunch honey. I
didn't realise how hungry I was
Brendan: Only the best for my beautiful wife
Sonia: You're the best husband in the world
Brendan: I like the sound of that
He said biting his lower lip walking to her. He
put his hands around her waist. He leaned for
the kiss. Sonia looked around.
Sonia: I have to close the blinds honey. we can't
be seen doing that
She attempted to go to close them Brendan
grabbed her wrist. He pulled her closer and
kissed her. He broke the kiss
Brendan: we can't do this here. I am late I have
to go back to work
Sonia: Oh....
Sonia walked away. She seemed disappointed
Brendan: I promise, I will make it up to you
baby. We sleep in one bed don't we ?
Sonia turned around.
Sonia: You're always tired and you're working
now so......
He pulled her closer
Brendan: I promise I will make it up to you.....
He made sure she could feel his private part
Brendan: Can you feel that ? I want you honey
but I am late
Sonia: Okay fine I will wear something sexy
Brendan winked at her. He kissed her cheek
then walked out..
Sonia: Honey why don't you go give Algebra an
autograph. He seems like a huge fan
Brendan: Next time honey
He walked away, Sonia lost her smile. She closed
the door Then leaned on it.
Sonia: I can't believe you son of a bitch still turn
me on when I know the things I know about you
She turned around and looked at him walked
away ..
We see Brendan get into the elevator. He made
phone call. Someone answered
Person: You hung up on me what do you want ?
It's Isaiah He is mad at him for hanging up on
him when he called the other day.
Brendan: I was at work yesterday you know
that. Please meet me at your house right now
Isaiah: You can't expect me to jump whenever
you want to see me!
Brendan: I am begging you. I have only an hour
Isaiah: I am driving him
Brendan: Good. I will see you in few minutes
The elevator opened. He walked out and headed
to the parking lot.
At Seputla Towers in the parking lot. We see a
security guard speaking to Elton. It looked like
they were having a heated argument about
something. The poor man looked nervous. He
kept looking around while speaking to EJ.
Ej: Come on man I got this!
Security: I am not sure EJ. I don't want to lose
my job. I can't keep doing this. You said you
were going to do this once but you keep on
coming to me. I can't keep doing this
EJ: I got this. I am cool man. I don't take it a lot. I
just wanna have fun you know. Just trust me I
got this. Here is R500 rands. I will give you a
R200 when your guy comes with it
Security: Fine! this is the last time. I swear if you
come back again I will go to Ms Seputla and
report you !
Ej: Relax ;)
He walked away dialling a number.
Ej: Hey brother in law what's up ?
Masixole: I am good EJ. I take it your mom told
you ?
Ej: She told me. Thank you so much brother in
law. I owe you one
Masixole: She did tell you that you will only
leave after Christmas, I will just do the booking
EJ: Yes she did. Please book immediately. I don't
want to be told its fully booked
Masixole: It's already done. You're leaving 26th
December. Please don't tell your sister about this
Ej: I wouldn't dare
Masixole: I hope you will have my back also
when I tell your sister something that I have
been hiding from her
EJ's eyes popped out. He stopped walking .
Ej: What is that ?
Masixole: Don't worry. It's not something too
bad... at least I hope it's not but I will tell her
when I get back later today
EJ: Well as for my support. It will depend on
what it is that you're hiding from my sister
Masixole: I just hope you , your mom and sister
will understand why I did what I did
EJ: Bro this sounds hectic?
Masixole: I will see you later
Ej: Sure
They hung up. EJ stood there thinking. He might
act like a jerk sometimes but he really cares
about his sister. He is nervous about this
EJ: .........

Sonia is at her office. She is angry. She feels mad
that she is still in love with this man and she was
willing to sleep with him after everything. You
see, These two hardly have sex and Brendan
excuse is that he is tired and all so Sonia really
missed feeling special. She felt good about
herself when she felt the chemestry and how
Brendan couldn't take his hands off her. That
made her forget that he lied and humiliated her
to the papers. This made her forget that very
soon she is divorcing this man that she has to
switch off her feelings for him and move on. She
knows she can't spend even a day feeling
something for Brendan after they got Divorced.
She knows Brendan don't deserve her feelings
and her love. In her mind she wish she could
forget him the day she divorces him but is it that
easy ? How do you switch off feelings because of
something your partner did? She knows right
now it is still anger. She knows it will be hard
for her to forget this man. She also fears what
will people say when they find out she was
married to a bisexual man. In her head she
really hopes Brendan is sleeping with a woman
in that house not Isaiah Norman. Because of her
anger she is prepared to humiliate herself by
putting the truth out there but will she be able to
handle it ? We all have to wait and see.
Anyway we see her stand up. She put her hands
on her desk. She looked into space.
Sonia: I can't believe I still love you
She removed her hands from the table. She went
to the tissues. She wiped her tears.
Sonia: I can't believe I almost slept with you
While she was crying and wiping tears, Her cell
phone rang. She turned around and looked at
her table. She took her phone and answered. She
started sniffing before speaking
Sonia: Hello
PI: Ma'am your husband just arrived at Isaiah's
Sonia put her hand on her mouth. She couldn't
believe it. She got more emotional..
PI: Isaiah Norman arrived first. The Agent told
me since I was following your husband. so few
minutes later we arrived also. He is inside now
Sonia chuckled
Sonia: This son of a bitch left me here saying he
was late for work!
PI: I will bring the video to you later
Sonia: Please
She hung up then sat down
Sonia: He said no to me to go sleep with another
man ?
Sonia ran to her handbag. She took out a mirror.
She looked at herself in the mirror. She flipped
her hair. It looks like this makes her lose her self
confidence. She thinks something is wrong with
her. She was starring at the mirror crying and
trying to see what is it that is wrong with her for
her husband to do this to her.

< Priscella >
What the hell happened 30 minutes ago? Call me
paranoid but what I saw is something to
question. I feel like what Sonia said is not it.
Algebra knows something and he is going to tell
me what it is. I saw how Brendan couldn't wait
to walk out of the office. He literally dragged
Sonia out of my office. As for Algebra. He looked
shocked and terrified instead of being happy to
see The actor. I have been trying to call Algebra.
It's been over 30 minutes. I called someone else
to clean the mess he caused. He is not taking my
calls and I don't like that. He is being
unprofessional. I am not happy about that
because I am his boss. I don't have work for him.
I just want him to get here so that he can tell me
what is going on with him and Brendan.
Anyway I saw Brendan leaving Sonia's office
earlier. I thought maybe she'd come and update
me but no. She didn't come. I hope she is okay. I
know pretending is not nice at all. I heard a
knock coming from my door. I looked up it's
Uncle Kobus. I wonder why he is here.
Me: Uncle
Him: Hey. What's up with Sonia. She is burying
herself with work. She didn't even see me pass
through her office
Me: Maybe she has a lot of work to do today. She
just had a lunch with Brendan
He didn't look happy to hear that.
Uncle: This has to end very soon Priscella. I want
my daughter to leave that man and.....
He looked at me
Me: And what uncle ?
Uncle smiled. What is he up to?
Me: What is going on ?
Uncle: I managed to convince Hunter to come
work in my company and he finally agreed
Me: Wow
Uncle: I asked him to go to Namibia to fetch my
grandchildren. I want him to surprise my
Me: But uncle you know Sonia hurt Hunter. You
can't expect him to take her back
Uncle: I know it's just that I am worried. Ever
since my daughter found out about who her
husband is, She didn't show any hurt or
anything. I am worried when the story breaks
she will be a mess. I want Hunter to be there for
her and besides, Hunter own a few properties in
the country. This is going to be easy for him to
be close to his business
Me: Yeah you're right
Uncle: I just wanted to tell you that and I hope
you finish this soon
I smiled
Me: If things go as I expect them to, I think today
I am closing the investigation
Uncle: New information?
Me: I can't talk about it now
Uncle: Okay. Let me go home. Keep me updated
Me: Okay uncle
He walked out. I called Algebra. His phone rang.
after few rings he answered
Algebra: I am sorry ma'am I am coming
I hung up. He must come and tell me what is
going on. I sat down and waited for him to come
to my office. We see Algebra at the door
Priscella: Come in !
Algebra opened the door. He walked in.
Algebra: Ma'am I am sorry for the mess I caused
Me: It's okay please take a sit
He looked at me. Algebra is light skinned. Like I
said he is coloured. When someone with his skin
colour cried, You can tell just by looking around
his eyes. Even his eyes are red. It looks like he
was crying. Something is going on. This boy
knows something about Brendan. He must tell
me what is going on. When I was about to ask I
saw Sonia opening the door of my office. She
walked in looking down. My friend is not okay. I
moved away from my desk. I went to her.
Me: My friend is everything okay?
Sonia broke down.
Me: Hey what's wrong?
I looked at Algebra
Me: Please pour her a glass of water!
Sonia: I don't want water
Sonia looked at Algebra.
Sonia: Can you give us a moment ?
Algebra: Of course I will be at my des.....
He attempted to run out. I can't let him
Me: Algebra!
He turned around and looked at me
Algebra: Yes ma'am?
I looked at my friend
Me: If this is about Brendan.....
I looked at Algebra. His lips started shaking. He
was scared.
Me: I think Algebra should stay
Sonia: I don't mean to be rude but I don't wa......
Me: Friend, when you walked in I was about to
ask him about what happened earlier. I know
that was not a reaction from a fan seeing his
favorite Celebrity
Algebra got teary..
Algebra: That man is a celebrity?
Sonia: You don't know that? Which tv do you
watch? He is on a soap at YaTV, Wait you don't
know him? What was that ?
Algebra: Well at home we are not subscribed to
Premium. That's for rich people
Me: Then where do you know Brendan Algebra,
How do you know him and please don't lie to us
Algebra got more nervous. A tear finally escaped
from his eyes. Sonia looked at me.
Me: Algebra speak to us trust me this could help
us. Tell us !
Algebra looked at the door then walked to the
Algebra: I can't
Sonia: Don't you dare walk out of that door!
Sonia ran and stood at the door
Me: Sonia don't shout at him! you will make him
nerbous! let me handle this
I looked at Algebra
Me: Algebra.......
He started crying
Sonia: Wait.......
I turned my attention to Sonia. She was crying
so hard with her hands on her mouth
Me: What is it ?
Sonia looked at Algebra
Sonia: After we walked out of here He wanted to
go to the bathroom. So he ran after you ?
Algebra started crying again putting his hand on
his mouth.
Me: For goddess sake Algebra just talk!
Algebra: Remember when I told you about my
first date when I got to this city ?
Sonia: No
I saw Sonia searching for a chair. I ran and
pushed a chair to her. She sat down. I looked at
Algebra so he could continue..
Algebra: When I got here. I downloaded a dating
He started pacing up putting his right hand on
his forhead. He looked at me.
Algebra: A gay dating app. I saw this handsome
man texting me immediately
Sonia: No!
Algebra: Of course it wasn't the real person in
the picture..I was catfished. I don't know why I
don't learn my lesson about online dating
Sonia was sobbing while Algebra was crying and
talking. Algebra sat on my office couch.
Algebra: We agreed to meet at a hotel. I was so
excited to be in this city then a day later I scored
a date with a hot guy
Algebra: I got to the hotel. I was excited. I was
told the room number. I went there when I got
in it was a white Tall good looking man but not
the man in the picture....
Sonia stood up
Sonia: You slept with him. Oh My God he slept
with you!
Algebra shook his head no crying
Me: No?
Algebra stood up. He walked around. Sonia
looked at him waiting for him to explain
Algebra: I didn't sleep him......
He looked at us..
Algebra: I couldn't sleep with him
Me: Why is that? Was it because he lied to you
about who he really was ?
Algebra shook his head no. Well I don't know
right now. I just wish he could just get to the
Algebra: Trust me I would've slept with him if it
was only that..... I have dealt with bisexual men
before. They are too discreet, I understand why
they don't want to be seen online
Sonia: Why didn't you sleep with him?
Algebra looked at Sonia
Algebra: He wanted me to dress up like a
Sonia: Oh my God
Me: Oh No
Algebra: He bought everything. He came
prepared. I just ran out of there. I have never
seen that man since. Today was the first day I
saw him after that day
I went to Sonia. I brushed her back
Sonia: My husband is sleeping with Isaiah
I hugged her tight.
Sonia: Ahhhhhh
She screamed so hard like someone who was in
so much pain. I broke the hug she was holding
her stomach
Sonia: Ahhhhh ahhhhh
Oh My God. She is in so much pain.
Me: Algebra! Call an ambulance please !!!
Sonia: Ahhhhh ! ahhhh!
Me: Friend please breath oh my God what am I
gonna do with you
Sonia: Ahhhh !




< Isaiah Norman >
Being a well known journalist is very hard for
me. I want to find love, Genuine love not a
public thing. i might love putting people's lives
out there but not mine. I was hoping I'd find that
with Algebra. He looked like a cute boy. He was
what I was looking for. The fact that he didn't
know who I was when I met him made me feel
good but I must say lying about my name in
person was stupidity on my side. I just hope he
doesn't tell Priscella Seputla this. I honestly
didn't know he was working for her. Knowing
Priscella and Sonia i am sure they will think i
had an agenda. Johannesburg looks so big but in
this case it feels so small. I didn't think for once
he would be her employee. I was really
embarrassed at least no one took a video or
anything When he threw water at me. I can't see
myself in the paper. I am the one who should
put people in the papers and my private life is
exactly that, private. I know there are so many
people who would enjoy seeing my name in The
news for bad reasons. I did bad so many
celebrities and they hate me for it.
I don't know why I even let him come to my
house after how he treated me. Brendan don't
respect me. I don't know why. Maybe it's
because he knows how I feel about him.
Someone who knows how you feel about them
will make you feel useless and hurt you
knowing that you can't leave them and that is
what Brendan does to me. I don't like the way he
spoke to me when I went to warn him about his
wife. I went there to warn him about his wife. I
wanted to tell him that his wife is onto us. I did
that because I care about him. He doesn't care
about me at all. All he wants is to sleep with me.
I don't know what is Wrong with me, probably
all gay men. We love to go after people who
don't give a damn about us. We want to be
where we are not treated well. If he wasn't a
celebrity I don't think i would still be with him.
The fact that he is famous turns me on. Don't get
me started with his arrogance. It makes me
want him more. I can't control how I feel but I
will let him know I don't like what he is doing to
me. I like him. I want him to end things with his
wife. I do pray his wife finds out about his other
life. I really do but I don't want to be the one
doing it.
Anyway I am sitting In the living room waiting
for him. I am dressed like a woman. I don't like
this believe me I don't. I look like a real man. I
am straight acting. I shouldn't be wearing these
but I only turn him on when I am dressed like
this and because I love him I have to make sure I
dress like this when he comes over. I heard a
knock at the door. I put down My glass of wine
on the table. I went to the door. People who
know me would be so disappointed to see me
like this. Anyway I opened the door
Me: Ahhh
Brendan put his hand on my neck. He walked in
and closed the door with his hand strangling me
Me: What are you doing!
Brendan: What did you say to my wife !
Me: Nothing! I didn't sa.....
He pushed me to the wall and strangled me. I
was trying to fight him but he was took strong..
Brendan: stop lying! You said she shouldn't trust
me !!!
Me: She is lying !!!
I managed to push him. He almost fell. I put my
hand on my neck coughing.
Me: She said you are defending me so she will
make sure you hate me! and I cannot believe
you trusted her!
I know I am lying but I won't let this crazy man
beat me. Denying is the best option right now.
He looked at me.
Brendan: She said that?
Me: Yes! I can't believe you put your hands on
I said walking away trying to take of the bra. He
grabbed me
He turned me around and pulled me closer
Brendan: You think I would let you go looking
that sexy
He forcefully kissed me. I kissed him back. I was
crying and kissing him. I cannot pull out. The
Brendan I fell in love with is this Brendan. I love
his aggression and arrogance. That's what turns
me on. I was taking off his clothes. He doesn't
take off mine. We always have sex with me
dressed like a stripper. We were on the floor. He
lifted me up and put me on the couch. He made
love to me. We made love. I feel sorry for the
wife. She must stop coming to me. She must try
and make her man happy. He always come back
for me. She can't give him what I give him.

< Nontorotyi >
My daughter is mad at me. My husband is mad
and disappointed in me and I don't blame any of
them. I didn't realise how evil what I wanted to
do was. I wanted to kill a human being. Not just
any human being. The queen of this village. The
judge for the province. I don't know what got to
me. I don't know why I wanted to kill a very
important member of this family. My actions
will get me in trouble one day. I just hope they
won't take action and decide to ban me. I hope I
won't be banned. I cannot afford to leave this
village and my family. I need to focus on being
the Queen. My husband is the chief now. Now
more than ever i have to prove to everyone that
I am one of them. It broke my heart to hear my
daughter say I show that I am not one of them
and that got me thinking. What will happen
when she finds out that She is not royalty? My
daughter will die. I pray she never finds out
about this.
This is my chance. This is my chace to make My
husband happy and I just know how. I am going
to use what Zinyovile told me. I want us to have
an heir in this family and I just know how we
will do it. I want to talk to my husband about it. I
hope this does distract him and make him focus
on it and forget what I did and Ngejiwe's
Anyway my husband just walked in. He came
back early I wonder why ? Maybe he came to
check on me?
Me: My love why are you back so soon ?
Hlohlesakhe: You wanted to do something
behind my back again?
Me: No like I said. I am surprised you got back
from work so soon
He took off his blazer and put it on the couch. I
took it
Hlohlesakhe: I am back because the king is
leaving in an hour. I want to go to the Royal
house and say my goodbye
Me: Okay baby we need to talk before you go
Hlohlesakhe: I can't talk right now
Me: Baby please. I want to apologize
He shook his head in disbelief.
Hlohlesakhe: You wanted to kill the Queen of
this village ! My brother's wife!
Me: I know
Hlohlesakhe: You know nothing ! how can you
do something like this? Did you think the
ancestors won't find out, How can you be so evil
and stupid at the same time?
I just stood there crying
Hlohlesakhe: What is Wrong with you ? We've
been married for almost 22 years now and you
still don't get it!
I was just crying. I don't know what is Wrong
with me too. I know i make things hard for him.
Hlohlesakhe: By now you should know that we
are watched! Everything we do the ancestors are
Me: Forgive me. Forgive me Tshezi forgive me
Jalamba, Mqal'ungangendu . Forgive me
I was on my niece now giving him all his clan
Hlohlesakhe: Stand up! Stop embarrassing
yourself. It will take time to forgive this. Even
the Queen didn't forgive me because I am one of
the people who betrayed her
Me: How did you betray her? what did you do?
Hlohlesakhe: So You can use that against her ?
Him: Forget it! Make me lunch I am hungry
Me: Okay can you go to the kitchen with me. I
want us to talk about something important
Him: Fine let's go
We walked to the kitchen. He sat on the kitchen
table chair.
Him: What is it ?
I smiled at him. I know he is angry but this is
exciting. He has to agree.
Hlohlesakhe: I don't have all day Nontorotyi. I
have to go to the Royal house
Me: Okay I was thinking my love
Him: Yes ?
Me: You said the ancestors are mad because you
don't have an heir ?
He looked at me. I could see His eyes widen. He
really wanna have a son. I wish I could but there
is no guarantee that I could give him a baby boy.
If I could Zinyovile would've told me. Anyway I
walked close to him. I put my hand on his
Me: How about we find a surrogate to carry our
He doesn't seem convinced or impressed by my
idea. He just looked at me. I saw his one
eyebrow goes up
Me: Think about it baby. The baby will have our
genes! our DNA. We will use my eggs and your
juicy sperm
Hlohlesakhe stood up
Him: Baby I am happy that you want me to have
an heir but there is no guarantee that the baby
will be a boy. What if she gives birth to a girl?
besides That thing is expensive. I have enough
girls. I don't want anymore girls. You see
Ngejiwe sleeping out without telling us
I looked down clearing my throat.
Me: My love you can choose what you want. If
you want a boy you will have a boy
Hlohlesakhe: They can do that ?
Me: Yes my love
Hlohlesakhe: Okay I can't say we have a deal or I
give you a go ahead until I speak to the royal
healer to get his point of view on this
Me: Okay my love thank you. There is nothing I
want more than giving you an heir
He smiled
Him: Let me go I am late
I ran to the kitchen door
Me: You can walk out from this side my love
I opened the door. He came to me. He kissed my
cheek then walked out. I closed the door then
leaned on it. I made sure my bum is far away
from the door though. I am still in pain. I looked
at my kitchen.
Zinyovile is sitting on my kitchen table having
tea. Who made her tea When and how ?
She took her cup then sipped on it. She chuckled
then looked at me
Zinyovile: A surrogate ?
I swallowed hard. I know this is not what she
wanted. We didn't agree on this.
She stood up with her tea. She let go of the cup it
hit the table hard. I jumped. The sound of it
broke frightened me..
Zinyovile: You don't listen do you!!!
She snapped hitting the table hard with broken
glasses making noise. I got teary and scared.
Zinyobile: This is the second time you don't
listen to something I say! You don't listen! You
always go against my orders!!!
Me: Zinyovile I don't think i can let him take
another wife
She smiled then shook her head
Zinyovile: Let's wait and see what Zinza-Zenja's
son say......
Me: Do you know what he will say ?
Zinyovile: Maybe ;)
After she said that She winked at me. She
walked passed me tapping my shoulder. I quicky
turned with her
Me: Zinyo.......
She vanished. I looked around. I guess will have
to finish what I was gonna say.
Me: Tell me what Gedleza is gonna say

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
Thinking about the things I have done for this
family makes me wanna put my hands in my
head and cry hard. I have done a lot for this
family. I changed their way of living for the
better. My father in law's brother killed a
person. The Chieftaincy was taken away. I,
Nomakhosazana stood up and fought for them
in front of the judge. I won the case. The
Chieftaincy they keep fighting about is here
because of me. I did everything I could to show
that man love but he kept disrespecting me.
When I found out about their affair, I asked my
husband to fire that woman. He didn't. I
overheard him and Hlohlesakhe talk. He told
him he can't fire Nontsingizi. He planned to call
the elders to come and talk to me. That is when I
decided to kidnap that woman and planned to
kill her. When I got married to him I was not
told he was in love with someone else. When I
got married here. The only people who lived
there were Nontsingizi's parents. She was not
staying here. Apparently she was banned for
sleeping with a royal Prince. She left her family
and went to live with family relatives. She came
back because " ancestors " wanted her. They
wanted her to be a royal healer. To think about
it. It was just a plan because this happened after
my father in law died. They waited for him to
die then brought that witch here. I only found
out later that she was her ex. I found out after I
caught them sleeping together. You might ask
what my husband saw in Zinyovile, I cannot
believe I will say this. They actually looked good
together. That bastard was a dark man like
Hlohlesakhe. The only difference between them
is that my husband was a skinny tall man. He
was a copy of my son. That is why my son don't
look like me. My son is a handsome version of
my husband. A bastard who betrayed me. A man
who humiliated me. A man who loved A witch
over me. He loved an old woman. I know he was
her age but I was younger and prettier. He kept
sleeping with her. That broke me a lot. That is
why I kept focusing on my job. I cannot hurt
when my husband was alive, and now have
people reminding me how much he loved her
not me? Nomagampompo really made me angry.
I don't want to talk to her. I can't speak to a
Anyway enough about my painful past. I am a
woman who knows what she wants and stand
by it. I am not going to let all that get in a way of
me building my family. I am too old to up and
go. This is my palace. My businesses. I am the
Queen. I call the shots here. My son is about to
leave. We are all in the living room. We just
prayed for him. He must come back and lead his
people. I am surprised to see Hlohlesakhe back
here after what happened. I can't believe he, His
sister and Siqalo listened to my husband and
betrayed me.
Hlohlesakhe: My Queen I am sorry to bother
you. I really want to know what you gonna do
with my wife. I am ashamed fo....
Me: Chief I told you I did what I wanted to do. I
punished her. It's all behind us now
I looked at King Zwelicacile
Me: You know what you're going to
Johannesburg to do right?
Zwelicacile: I am going there to tell my wife the
truth about who I am, resign and come home
that's it
Me: Good but you're forgetting something
Zwelicacile: Oh I will also ask for her blessings
to marry Nomaxabiso
Me: Yes and I am worried about the Zidenge
family. They are awfully quiet
Hlohlesakhe: Don't you think we should go
Someone cleared their throat trying to get our
attention. It's Gedleza kneeling with one knee
Me: Gedleza what is it?
Gedleza: My Queen I am sorry to interrupt you. I
want to talk about what my chief just suggested
Hlohlesakhe: You think it's a good idea?
He shook his head no, he looked at my brother
in law
Gedleza: If it didn't come in the Queen's mind
that you should reach out then don't
Me: Who says that ? My disgusting unfaithful
husband or his father!?
My sister in law looked at me. I gave her the
look, She looked down
Gedleza: I can't say
I chuckled then looked away
Me: After that dirty secrets they kept from me I
didn't think I matter
Hlohlesakhe: My Queen you're a big part of this
family. Your opinion is important to us and the
ancestors. In fact you're like Gedleza. Your gut
feeling and what he says are always right
Me: Siqalo open the door! My son must leave its
getting late
I walked to the door leading the way. I don't
want to talk about the ancestors who don't love
me. Who never did even when They were still
Gedleza: My Queen!!!
I turned around and looked at Gedleza.
Everyone looked at him. Gedleza looked at King
Gedleza: My King don't you learn your lesson.
You kept a secret from the Queen and you got a
beating for it. Do you think keeping another
secret from her is a good idea ?
This boy is keeping another secret from me? I
slowly turned and looked at him. He looked at
me then at Gedleza
Zwelicacile: What are you talking about ?
Gedleza: Nomaxabiso Zidenge !
He started mumbling
Me: What is it Masixole?
He looked down
Zwelicacile: My Queen........
Me: Just speak!
Zwelicacile: I......
Gedleza: My Queen Nomaxabiso might not be
pregnant like you were hoping she might be.....
I looked at Zwelicacile
Me: Why is that ?
Zwelicacile: I faked Orgasm....
Nomagampompo put her hand on her mouth.
What the hell is wrong with this boy ?
Me: I can't believe this!!!
Zwelicacile: I didn't want to make her pregnant
before telling Priscella I am sorry. There's just
too much lies!
Me: Who did I give birth to?
Zwelicacile: Mom plea.....
Me: Don't you dare!
Gedleza: It's not his fault !
We all turned and looked at Gedleza
Gedleza: The Ancestors are divided
Me: What ?
Gedleza: Chief Dubulingqanga is against every
decision Chief Nkosesizwe made while he was
still alive
Me: You mean the business deal with the
Zidenge family? I thought he agreed with him
because they were bringing us money and we
started that business with.......
Gedleza: Chief Nkosesizwe kind of forced his
father into agreeing with the deal
Me: So Nomaxabiso and my son won't get
married ?
Gedleza: That is all up to Shosholoza,
Nomfunzelo and their daughter Nomaxabiso
Gedleza vanished. I looked at Hlohlesakhe
Me: That is why the Zidenge family didn't come
to us ?
Hlohlesakhe: They know something we don't
I chuckled
Me: This family and it's ancestors. They just
leave you confused. We are always putting
pieces together
Hlohlesakhe: It's always been a puzzle when it
comes to this family
Zwelicacile: Guys I am late
Me: Oh let's go
I can't believe Masixole did this. Nomaxabiso is
so stupid. Can't you see when a man is faking it?
Anyway we walked to the car. We Said our
goodbyes. My son left for Johanesburg. I got
teary watching the car drives away.
Hlohlesakhe: He is going to come back my
Queen..Let's go inside

< Priscella >
Oh My God. I cannot believe this. I cannot
believe I am done with this investigation. This is
it. This is what I have been waiting for. I have
been waiting for someone who knows for sure
that Brendan is bisexual. Right now I don't know
whether I should be happy or sad. My friend is
in there being checked out by the doctors. I don't
know what is Wrong with her. She was crying.
She was in pain. I really don't know what is
wrong. They have been there with her for like
10 minutes now. Oh my God. I was one person
who was defending Brendan. Everyone knows I
hate the guy but i didn't believe he could be gay..
I mean bisexual. This is too much. My friend is
about to get a divorce. She is about to make
headlines. I am thinking about her kids. I don't
know. My emotions are too high now.
Algebra: Ma'am here is your water
I took the water I took a sip then started pacing
up and down looking at Sonia's ward
Algebra: This is my fault. I shouldn't have went
back when I ran away from your office ma'am
Me: Don't beat yourself up. Sonia and I have
been searching for the truth for weeks now. You
helped us
Algebra looked at Sonia's ward
Algebra: I helped you? Look at her! She is lying
in there ma'am. I broke a marriage. I should've
stayed in Cape town
Me: Don't be stupid! You just saved Sonia from a
miserable marriage. Even her father will be
grateful to you. Babe you didn't sleep with that
man which is a good thing.. The only bad guy
here is Isaiah! That Gay boy kept sleeping with a
married man over and over again
Algebra looked at the exit door.
Algebra: Did you call Mr Brendan? if you did I
have to leave. He is going to kill me. He
threatened me. He said I shouldn't say anything!
Algebra really looked scared. He was crying. I
took his hands
Me: Listen here. I will make a plan. That man
won't know anything about you I promise you!
Algebra: Ma'am I broke glasses when I saw him
now his wife knows and She is in hospital. He
can't be that stupid. He knows. He is going to kill
me. I have to go back to Cape town. That man is
Me: How about you move in with me for a few
He wiped his tears
Him: Ma'am?
Me: Brendan won't know you did this but since
you're scared I think you need to move into the
penthouse til I assure you that he won't suspect
you. How about you go home and take a few
clothes then go straight to the penthouse
Algebra: Okay I can do that. I am really scar....
He looked behind me. Oh no tell me it's not
Brendan. I slowly turned around
Me: Oh doctor. How is she?
The doctor looked down
Me: No!!! She can't leave Me! She can't die
Doctor: No! no! She is alive. She is okay but sh....
Me: Oh Thank God
I hugged Algebra quickly then I thought.....
Me: Wait.... you said but ?
Algebra and I looked at the doctor curious to
Doctor: Unfortunately her baby didn't make it
Words couldn't come out of my mouth. Tears
ran out of my eyes so hard. I had both my hands
on my mouth. I looked at Algebra
Me: I didn't know she was pregnant




< Tasha >
I haven't spoken to Hungani ever since I testified
in his favour. I don't know why he doesn't call
me. I feel like he should at least say thank you. I
helped him. I don't understand why he didn't
say anything to me after court. I was the only
guilty one something he wanted. I know I am the
one who should pay but what I don't like is for
him to use me and think it is okay to do so. That
man used me. He knows I love him. I don't know
why he thinks it's okay to use me just because he
knows I like him. I lost my car because of my
love for him. My father and mom went to some
car dealer yesterday. Today they said they are
getting the money and they will send it to
Priscella. I cannot believe my actions cost me my
car. A rich family that doesn't need anything
sued me so much money. They know I don't
have money. I just wish they sent me to jail
once. I don't know why they did this to me. The
Seputla family don't need that money. They
wanted to hurt and humiliate me. I know maybe
I deserve it but it's not nice to take a Taxi or call
a friend whenever you want to go somewhere.
Anyway I am about to speak to mom and dad.
They went to work and just came back. I know
why they are back so early.
Mom: Sit down
I sat down and looked down. I don't want to look
at them. I can see how disgusted they are by
what i did. I don't know i will apologise how
many times for them to forgive me.
Dad: We got the money. They bought the car
Mom: And we are taking the money to that
family as soon as possible. We don't want that
girl to take us to court again
Me: So I will take the money there?
Mom: No! You caused enough damage to that
Dad: Your mom is right. Only the lawyers will
deal with this matter. Our lawyer will meet the
Seputla lawyers tomorrow
I was hoping to see EJ I miss him. I miss being
loved. I miss how he treated me. I was his queen.
I must say the followers went up after that
scandal and when the reality show aired. A lot
of haters were slamming me but Followers are
going up and I love that. I am becoming an
Me: Okay
Dad stood up. He looked at mom.
Him: I have to go back to work I will see you
He kissed her then walked out. Mom looked at
me. I stood up. I went to my room. I don't want
to hear it. I have been doing the same thing ever
since that day they saw the papers. I am tired of
apologising. I am going to see Hungani. I just
need to take my handbag and leave. I got in. I
looked myself in the mirror. I put on a little
make up. I took my handbag. I walked out and
went down. I saw mom standing up
Mom: Where are you going?
Me: To look for a job. I can't sit here with you
and Dad angry at me. I need to find myself a job
for the holidays
Mom: That's good! How about I call your uncle.
He can give you a job at his coffee shop
Me: I don't need favours from family. I want to
look for my own job
I walked out and headed to the street. I took a
Taxi. I am going to Hungani. I need to speak to
him. He needs to respect me. He seems like a
gentleman. I dont like the way he treated me.
That's no way to treat a lady. After about 40
minutes. I arrived at Hungani's house. I paid
then got out of the car. I headed to his house. I
saw his car at driveway. Thank God he is home.
I knocked then moved back. The door opened.
Hungani: Tasha
Me: Hi
He stood at the door. You know when someone
is not really willing to invite you in. He was
standing at the middle of the door making sure I
don't get in.
Me: Are you gonna invite Me in ?
Him: Tasha the last time I was with you, I got
involved in a scandal
Me: We are at your house now
He moved aside
Him: Please make it quick I am tired
Me: Were you at work?
Hungani: No, I was out of the country working
I sat on his couch. I thought this man was
Me: I thought you were suspended ?
He sat down
Him: I was but it turned out I was innocent
thanks to you
Me: That is actually why I am here......
Him: Yes ?
Me: I testified and you won the case but I never
heard from you. I thought maybe you'd say
Thank you
Hungani: Tasha you didn't want to testify. We
had to threaten you to do it. Don't act like you
did me a favour
I stood up
Me: Today my car was bought. We are giving
Priscella the money
Hungani: You sold your car?
I looked at him. This man is for real right now? I
came here crying. He didn't pay attention to
what I said because of his girls.
Me: I told you when I came here. I was hoping
you'd speak to Priscella for me but you didn't
want to hear anything I wanted to say
Hungani: I was desperate. I wanted to be free
from all this. Sorry man. That must be rough
Me: It is. I take a Taxi now something I have
never done in my life....
Hungani: I am sure you miss EJ now ?
I looked at him..
Me: I am going to be honest with you. He made
me feel loved and special. I loved that about him
Hungani: But you didn't love him did you ?
I looked away. I wiped my tears. I saw him
pouring us glasses of wine. He came to me and
gave me mine.
Me: Thank you
Hungani: Did you love EJ ?
I looked at him. I don't know how I am going to
say this without sounding like a gold digger.
Trust me I am not a gold digger. I am looking for
opportunities and I grab them
Me: EJ is very pretty boy.....
Hungani: That's all he is right ? a pretty boy ?
I sat down again. I sipped my wine.
Me: I am not into boys my age group. I like older
men. I like mature men. EJ is just a boy like I
said to his sister. He likes to show off and all
Hungani: I get what you mean.....
Me: He is not serious. He lives in the moment. I
don't like that. I want someone who is going to
ask about my career, show interest in what i
want to do. Help me..... in the beginning I
thought he was gonna help me get to tha.....
Hungani: He did though. Did you watch the
reality show on Sunday? everywhere He was
you were there and you two looked good
together on tv
I stood up. That one makes me regret everything
I did.
Me: I thought you were out of the country?
Him: I have the app in my phone. I can watch
my South African shows wherever i go
Me: Oh Yeah..... it was beautiful. I saw myself
smiling alone but the feedback on Twitter.....
everyone was insulting me because of what I did
to us. Black Twitter to be more specific
Hungani: I don't know why you did what you
did to him. He was gonna take you places. I
mean the channel was somehow gonna show
interest in you and maybe hire you to do
something. What do you wanna do ?
See what i am talking about? This man is
interested to know about my career. I got
Me: I am interested in TV presenting and Radio.
EJ and I like same things actually. He wants to
do the same
Hungani: You're smiling. It looks like you guys
did discuss careers. I still don't understand why
you did what you did to him
Me: I guess I realised i wanted to be happy. Don't
get me wrong he has money, a lot of it but I
wanted to be happy. I wanted to be with a man I
love .......
I looked at him .
Me: When I saw you at their home. I just knew
you were that guy and When I asked Priscella if
she still felt anything for you she made it clear
that she wanted nothing to do with you and she
will never get back together with you
I saw him clear his throat. He didnt look happy.
He gulp down the wine. He looked away
Hungani: That is why you decided to lie to me
and take advantage of the situation
Me: I am sorry....
Hungani: No It's fine. I am not cut out for this
shit anyway. I love women. I can't be loyal to
Me: I was a fool to think you'd want me
Hungani: It's nothing personal. I can't commit to
a girl. I have a relationship with the girls you
saw here. We are friends and they care about
me. They don't get jealous or too attached to me
I put my glass on the table
Me: But I can love you. We could be something
special. Celebrities are always involved in
scandals and taking other celebs partners people
will forget. Why can't we do it?
I said touching his hands. He pushed my hands
Hungani: Tasha you're not a celebrity. I am
I swallowed hard. I looked down. Buti sm a
reality star now. I was on EJ show. Even though
it's gonna be just one episode since we no longer
Him: Appearing on a reality show of rich kids as
a girlfriend of a rich boy don't make you a
celebrity or a rich kid. don't get too excited that's
why you always mess up
He is so rude. He is saying all these hurtful
things with a smile in his face.
Hungani: Tasha I want to see you. I don't see
mmyself having any future with you. If you and
I could have anything it would just be sex
nothing else
I smiled. Sex can lead to something. I am going
to make him fall for me. Last time we slept
together I was too comfortable because I
thought I won him. Tonight I will make sure I
show him flames. I slowly walked to him.
Me: I don't mind sleeping with you
I attempted to put my hands around his neck. He
removed my hands
Hungani: What are you doing ?
Me: Don't you wanna make love you me now ?
I said unbuttoning his shirt.
Hungani: What are you doing!?
He snapped. I looked at him. I am a bit
disappointed in him. I thought he wanted sex.
Why is he treating me like this?
Hungani: Tasha I will tell you when I want to
Fuck you !
Hungani: Right now you're acting like a slut and
it's a turn off
I still got my self respect. I am not going to stand
here and let a man insult me like this. I took my
handbag. I did the walk of shame to the door
hoping that he might stop me and apologise. I
can't believe I want that after he made me feel
like I am a cheap slut. I opened the door. I
walked out. He didn't say anything. I turned
around looking at him hoping he'd say
something. He shook his head then walked up
the stairs. I left the door open
I feel so stupid and useless right now. I am mad
at myself. I am looking at my chance to make it
and I can't find any at the moment. I keep
ruining things for myself.

< Priscella >
This is shocking. Last time I checked Sonia said
they are not planning to have children until she
is is thirty. Sonia is 28 years old now. SHe told
me they were using protection. This doesn't
make any sense. I don't think She knew this. I
doubt Sonia knew she was pregnant. She would
never hide something like this to me. I know
her. She gets excited about everything. The fact
that we were both pregnant was gonna be
something that was going to make her happy. I
was gonna be happy too. My child was gonna
have someone close to play with. Honestly for us
it's hard to find friends. I remember growing up.
I had no friend. My only friend was Sonia who
was two years older than me. She was My senior
in school. When I tried to make friends I was
always told that people will want to be close to
me to use me because I am a daughter of this
rich man in the country. So for me it was hard to
trust people. I was always paranoid. I couldn't
see who was genuine or who was not. That is
why I decided to focus on my school and forget
about friends. I don't want that for my child. I
want him to have a normal childhood. I want
him to be nothing like my brother. That boy is
just a disappointment in my eyes. If I had a way
to help him, I would. He really needs serious
help. he is my only sibling. I love him but he is
impossible. Giving that money away was
showing him tough love. I don't have the money
with me yet but my mind is made up. i sm not
giving it to him. I already told the foundation.
Elton will stop acting liks a brat. Since mom is
not here I am going to be a parent. I just feel
mad that she is interfering asking people to give
him money.
Anyway we were just shocked to hear about the
miscarriage because my friend was not
pregnant. I need answers. The doctor needs to
explain what he means when he says she lost
the baby. I was looking at Algebra telling him I
didn't know she was pregnant. I looked at the
Me: We didn't know she was pregnant. She
didn't tell me. Sonia tells me everything!
Doctor: I don't think she knew. She was only 6
weeks pregnant
Algrebra: Can we see her doctor please
Doctor: Ms De Villiers lost a lot of blood. We are
giving her blood and we also sedated her but its
been a while now. She can wake up anytime. I
also told her husband he cal....
Me: You did what ?
The poor doctor got scared. I looked down. The
poor man don't know what i know.
Me: I am so sorry doctor it's jus....
Doctor: It's okay ma'am. I don't want to know.
Just you know I didn't say she lost the baby. I
just said she is in hospital
Me: Doctor I need a favour from you......
Doctor: Anything
I looked around then at him.
Me: Mr Brendan cannot see Sonia before me. I
have to be the first to speak to her before Mr
Brendan do
Him: How do I do that?
Me: I will stay inside while my friend is sleeping.
Don't let him in. There are things I need to talk
to her about. I don't want her to mess up things
because of emotions
Doctor: Okay I will. Please take this phone and
go inside. You can lock the door if you want
Me: Thank you
He walked away. I looked at Algebra
Algebra: Ma'am I have to go. That man is on his
way I am sure.....
I took both his hands
Me: That is why I have to speak to Sonia first.
She can't confront him. He will know you told
her. Just go home and pack your clothes
He attempted to run away
Me: Algebra!
He turned around.
Me: You will hurt me if you leave town. When I
get home I want to see you at the penthouse!
Algebra: You will find me there
I smiled. I opened the door. I walked in. Oh My
friend. I feel so bad for her. I don't want to go
through the pain she must be going through. I
Don't want to break her more than she is.
Hearing that she was pregnant and she lost the
baby will kill her. The reason I don't want
Brendan to get here and speak to Sonia before
me is because I know my friend. She is hurting
she won't care about protecting Algebra. We
dont know Brendan. We don't know what he is
capable of, So we can't afford to risk him
knowing That the poor boy told us. I closed the
door. I walked closer to her. I saw her open her
eyes. She looked around
Me: Hey beautiful
Sonia: Prisy what am I doing here?
Oh God no, don't tell me she doesn't remember
anything. I just stood there with my eyes popped
out. I didn't know what to say. She closed her
Sonia: I know what happened Priscella ! What I
don't remember is how I got here
I can't hurt her even more. I felt a tear drop. The
door opened. I turned around oh thank God it's
the doctor.
Me: Doctor
Sonia: Doctor what happened to me ?
Doctor: Ms De Villiers, Ms Priscella brought you
here. You were in pain and bleeding
Me: You were in so much pain
Sonia: Why would I bleed it doesn't make sense.
My periods are......
Oh My God. I looked at the doctor nervous. How
will she take this? I hate seeing Sonia like this. I
hate what she is going through and I hate her
husband for making her go through this.
Brendan is a bastard I cannot wait to see him
gone. He must get the hell out of her life.
Doctor: Ms De Villiers, You were Pregnant
Sonia put both her heads on her mouth. I saw
tears running out of her eyes to her ears. She
was lying on her back
I walked to her. I don't know what to do..I put
my hand on her shoulder.
Me: I am so sorry my friend
Sonia: He did this Priscella. He killed my baby.
How could he ?
Me: I am so sorry
I looked at the doctor
Me: What caused the miscarriage. Did it leave
any damages ?
Doctor: It was caused by stress. She has been
stressing a lot. Was there something going on in
your life Ms De Villiers?
Sonia: A lot, I kept acting like I was okay. I don't
sleep at night doctor.....
She was crying hard
Sonia: How can you sleep next to a monster?
Doctor: We will subcribe some pills to help you
Sonia: I wanted to be okay. I made sure I was
avoiding thinking but I guess what I heard today
was too much
Doctor: I am so sorry
Sonia's phone rang. I looked at it
Me: I didn't know you had the PI number ?
Sonia: Answer please!
I wonder what she has been doing with our PI. i
should've known. My friend don't like being in
the dark. She contacted this man. I wonder why
he didnt bother to tell me and uncle. Anyway i
answered and put him on speaker
Me: Hey it's Priscella what's up ?
Him: Can i speak to Ms De Villiers
Sonia: Is it done?
Pi: Yes i got the video but i don't think you want
to see this
I looked at Sonia. She broke down.
Me: Can you please come to the private hospital
and call again when you get here
Him: Okay
I hung up then looked at Sonia
Me: What is going on?
Sonia looked at the wall. I looked at the Doctor
Me: Can you.....
Doctor: Of course
He walked out. I looked at her
Sonia: I asked him to install cameras at Isaiah's
house. I wanted to help you guys speed up
things I was tired of pretending
Me: Wow so what video does he have?
Sonia: I asked him to follow Brendan. When that
bastard left the office he said he was going to
work. He lied to me ! The PI told me he was
heading there and the cameras were already
installed. That bastard just slept with Isaiah
Norman !
I put my hands on my mouth
Me: So it's all in that video?
Sonia: Yes! he can't deny it now
I pulled a chair. I sat down. I love this
Me: Listen here Sonia. He is going to be here
very soon. The doctor called him. You cant
confront him !
Sonia: What? Priscella we have everything now!
i just lost my child! a child i didn't even know of
now you want me to keep quite?
She broke down. I took her hands
Me: My friend listen. We are going to confront
him in style. We cant do it like this! I want him
to have panick attacks !
She sat up straight
Sonia: What do you mean ?
I smiled. I am going to enjoy this.
Me: He threatened to kill Algebra if he tells
anyone. That boy is terrified. If you confront
him he will think he did this
Sonia: What do you suggest we do? Honestly
right now i can't try and protect anyone. I am
tired of pretending Priscella
Me: I know here is a plan...... obviously he is
going to come here. When he asks what
happened you will tell him you had a
miscarriage which is true !
I looked at the door then at her.
Me: Then while he is here inside still digesting
that i will alert the PI to send him the video on
his phone
Sonia's eyes widened. She seemed like she likes
the idea...
Sonia: Actually i have a better plan
Me: Yes?
Sonia: I am going to leave his ass broke and dry
using that video
I smiled.
Me: You want to blackmail him?
Sonia: I want to take every cent he has.....
She looked away
Sonia: We just need a plan to make this
blackmail look professional. We can't afford to
be sloppy
Me: I like the idea but you need to get out of
here first. let me ask the PI to bring a burner
I called him.
Him: I am close
Me: I want you to get a phone that we are going
to use to send that bastard the video
Him: I have one with me and a couple of sim
I looked at Sonia
Me: Hurry!
I hung up
Sonia: Priscella i cannot believe this. I cannot
believe i was pregnant and lost my baby
Me: You said you guys use protection. How did
you get pregnant ?
Sonia: The day he found out they were getting a
reality show. He was so excited. we ended up
having sex without protection. I was surprised
as well
Me: I am so sorry friend
Sonia: I was such a fool. That son of a bitch
Isaiah Norman has been laughing at me behind
my back
Me: Don't you worry about that one. He is going
to pay after you got what you want from
Sonia: I can't believe he is sleeping with men.....
She looked at me
Me: What is it ?
Sonia: He asked me a few times, no! so many
times to have anal sex i said no! that was
disgusting even thinking about it. I am actually
surprised that i didn't agree because i have been
agreeing to everything that son of a bitch says
Me: Oh My God. He is creepy
Sonia: Prisy who did i marry?
Me: You married a sick man who was trying by
all means to turn you into a drag Queen by using
surgery. That son of a bitch is not into women.
He couldn't stand the look of a woman in your
face. He was trying to turn you into a man who
is transitioning into a woman ! He is a sick man!
Sonia: I hate him! I hate him! i can't live with
him any longer
It breaks my heart to see my friend like this. She
was so sure about this man. She loved him and
she trusted him with all her life. This woman left
her husband, The father of her children to be
with this man. She sacrificed a lot for what? A
gay man ? Oh he is going to pay..

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
I don't like to be lied to. I know Ancestors
control my son but he is my son. I know him. He
never hid anything fron me. This new Masixole
who is being controlled by ancestors is just not
my son. Lately he lies and act like everything is
okay. I cannot believe he did that while he was
having sex with Nomaxabiso. My son loves this
Johannesburg girl. The things he does for her
are too much. I hope she will be able to forgive
him and understand why he did what he did. I
don't think it is going to be easy. His secret will
affect that girl's decision to accept Nomaxabiso.
This is going to be a tough one. If that girl
forgives my son. I dont think she will accept
another woman and that cannot be good. The
ancestors love Nomaxabiso. That girl saved my
life. She deserves to be one of us. But i can't help
but think of what Gedleza said. He said
Nomaxabiso's marriage Will depend on her and
her parents. What are they hiding from us? I
swear if they are hiding something huge this is
going to be ugly. If its a betrayal to my son, They
will lose what they think we owe them. I have
something up my sleeve. I am just waiting for
them to mess up.
Me: ......
I was standing alone thinking. We just walked
in. Remember my son left. I am just thinking
about the Zidenge family. The chief is still here. I
haven't spoken to my sister in law. I am not
being impossible. I thought our sisterhood was
stronger. I thought she was the one i could count
on. I didn't think she would be the one who
would kick me when i am down. I came here
from Nontorityi's house hurt. I didnt expect her
to rub what she said in my face. How could she
do that. The reason i am speaking to my brother
in law when i should also be mad at him is
because i expected that from him. I don't trust
him because of his wife. I trusted
Nomagampompo with my life. She betrayed me.
I cant just let it slide. She needs to know that she
is a traitor. I live with bunch of traitors. Anyway
i felt someone tap me. I turned around
Me: Yes Phonqa?
Him: Uncle says come to the living room. He
wants to talk to you my Queen
I smiled at him. I looked at the living room. Chief
Khabalandile is with Princess Nomagampompo.
Me: Okay
I walked to them. There is a lot in my mind. I am
also thinking about my day tomorrow. I am
going to the cemetary to talk to my husband. I
am not looking forward to that.
Hlohlesakhe: My Queen i can't apologise enough
for what me and my sister did to yo.....
Me: You were following orders. His soul mate
couldn't die right ?
Even though i am pretending to be smiling it
hurts. Nomagampompo looked embarrassed
Hlohlesakhe: That too, We shouldn't have said it
to you
Me: You damn right you shouldn't! Do you think
i enjoy this? My family married me to that old
man. I learnt to love him. He cheated on me with
that old dirty low life woman and i should just
accept that ?
Nomagampompo: It was insensitive of me. I am
sorry. Please forgive me Sisi
Me: It's fine.....
Nomagampompo: Thank y.....
Me: Not so fast!!!
Me: Things are never gonna be the same in this
house. I don't trust you guys. I will only share
things concerning the throne with you. I am
disappointed by how you all treated me. Even
the ancestors! i am disappointed in them !
I looked up
Me: Do you here me Ancestors? i am
disappointed in you bunch of traitors!!!
They looker scared. I was fuming with anger. I
looked at them
Me: You were saying?
Hlohlesakhe: I know we have a lot to do to prove
to you that you can trust us again.... Anyway i
am here to also talk about something personal
I looked at him. Something personal? Is he
divorcing Nontorotyi?
Me: Okay ?
Hlohlesakhe: Few days ago Gedleza told me that
me and my wife are the reason we don't have an
Nomagampompo looked at me. I looked down. I
just remembered another reason why it was
easy to forgive Hlohlesakhe. I forgave him
because i know about Ngejiwe and i can't tell
him. I know he will be hurt when he finds out.
When it comes to him i am no saint. The only
person i owe an apology here is Siqalo though.
He get orders from us. I will apologise to him. I
won't apologise to Nomagampompo. She
deserved that clap
Me: Do you know what you two did for you to be
Hlohlesakhe: I don't know. Nontorotyi is in her
fourties now. I doubt she will be able to give me
an heir......
What is Hlohlesakhe going to do with an heir?
That boy will be laughed at. He wont even get
the chieftaincy. My grandson will be the chief. I
can't wait to hear his plan..
Hlohlesakhe: My wife surprised me today. She
said we should find someone to carry our baby
Princess Nomagampompo looked at me. I can
see she doesn't like this.
Hlohlesakhe: So i came to you guys to hear your
views about this. What do you think?
Me: I don't think ancestors will agree to this but
I am not them. I think you need to go see
Gedleza and find out what they think but as for
me i wouldn't suggest it sorry
I looked at sister in law
Princess: I agree with my Queen. I don't think
they will accept this but it's our ancestors.
Anything is possible with them. We never
thought they would be divided. Today we found
out they are, so i think you need to go talk to
The chief stood up
Him: I don't think i should waste anymore time.
Let me go straight to Gedleza
Me: Thank you for coming to us with this
though. We really appreciate it
He smiled then walked out. Princess looked at
Nomagampompo: Nontorotyi suggested this?
I shook my head then took my wine.
Me: Guilt. It's killing her
Nomagampompo: Do you think maybe she
thinks if he has an heir he won't be as mad as he
would be if he had no heir?
I looked at her. She is right. I didn't think that
Me: When you need Nontorotyi's brain to work
on something important it doesn't but something
that concerns her and her marriage she is smart
Nomagampompo: She is very manipulative. I
thought maybe she'd have came right now to
apologise and thank us for keeping this from my

< Narrated >
Sonia is heartbroken. She just lost a child and
she just discovered that she was living a lie.
There is nothing more hurting than finding out
someone you trusted and loved has been lying to
you. This is painful for her. This man came to
her and made her leave everything behind. He
made her give up her marriage. She feels like
the most stupid person in the world. She feels
like she failed her children. Priscella is worried
about Sonia's reaction when she sees Brendan.
We all know what pain can do to someone.
Sonia might forget the plan and let it all out and
lose it infront of Brendan. Priscella Knows there
might be more they don't know about Brendan
so she is trying by all means to make sure her
secretary is safe. She wouldnt forgive herself if
anything would happen to Algebra.
Anyway still at the hospital. We see The PI
speaking with the doctor.
Doctor: I told everyone that i don't want anyone
around here !!!
PI: They want to see me. I am here because
Sonia wants to see me
Doctor looked around.
Doctor: I said no to her husband. How do you
expect me to let you i....
The door opened. It was Priscella
Priscella: Let him in
Doctor: Brendan is out there. He wants to see his
Priscella: That bastard can wait a bit longer.
Please come in sir
The PI walked in. Priscella looked at the doctor
Priscella: 15 more minutes please !
The doctor exhaled.
Him: Okay
Priscella: Thank you
She closed the door.
Sonia: What is in the video?
Pi: It's a sextape ma'am
Priscella: Oh My God!
Sonia: I can't believe this
PI: I saw him outside we have to be quick
Priscella: Did he see you ?
Pi: No, I had sunglasses on
Priscella: Okay here is what's gonna happen.....
Priscella: We gonna let Brendan walk in. After
15 minutes you will send him this video via
WhatsApp i am going to give you his number
PI: Okay
Priscella: After that you leave
Him: So you don't want the video?
Priscella: Send it to me as well but using your
Priscella looked at Sonia then at the PI
Priscella: We need your complete discretion
Him: Of course. You pay me a lot besides this is
my job. Being discreet is part of the job
Priscella: We think he is a fraud who married
my friend for wrong reasons so we want to get
money from him. How do we blackmail him?
Him: I will leave the other burner phone with
you and a few SIM cards after calling him
destroy the sim card. I will find you a device that
will change your voice when you speak to him
Priscella: How long will it take you to bring the
Him: I can get it tomorrow
Priscella: Great go and wait outside
Him: Before i leave........
Priscella: Yes ?
Him: They both might sue you for breaking into
Isaiah house. I have this little device. I want you
to put it in his phone. I don't know how you
gonna do it. I know when you blackmail him he
will look for someone to help him find you. We
will see that when we get there but about how
we took the video, He will go to Isaiah's house
and check cameras on the wall. their phones
and any kinda jewellery they wear. I want you
to put it on his phone so that none of them
suspect a break in
Sonia: That's a good idea. Priscella you know
Brendan always has his phone on his hand. He
will put it down and hug me. I will make sure i
don't break the hug till you put the device on his
Priscella: Great idea
The PI gave them the device.
Priscella: You can leave. I think you need to stay
at the door. But make sure he doesn't see you. I
want you to choose a perfect moment to send
the video
PI: Don't worry. I will follow him
Priscella: Go
He walked out. I sat on the chair next to
Priscella's bed
Priscella: I know what you will say to him
Sonia: What ?
Priscella: He will want to know the cause of your
miscarriage. You will tell him you got a text that
was demanding money saying they have
something on him
Sonia: When he wants to see the text? Wha.....
Fuck ! the door opened. He came in running.
Let's hope she thinks of something
Brendan: Sweetheart
He ran to her. He put the phone on her bed. He
hugged her
Sonia gave Priscella the look. We see Priscella
tiptoe to his phone.
Sonia: baby i lost our baby
Priscella smiled at her. You love even when
someone is dead in cases like this. She knows
she is acting and it kinda sounds so funny but
She knows she is hurting. She is a woman in
pain trying to get her power back. She is hurting
but at this moment she is acting to get this done.
She wants to see Brendan pay. Priscella slowly
touched his phone. Sonia was sobing hugging
him tight. we see Priscella put the device on his
phone. She put the phone down then let out a
sigh of relief. She looked at Sonia. The doctor
walked in. They broke the hug
Brendan: Doctor what caused this miscarriage?
Priscella looked at Sonia who looked angry and
disgusted to hear Brendan ask this question.
Doctor: She was under a lot of stress. Did
somethimg happen that made her stress so
much that she got to a point of losing the baby?
It was only 6 weeks it doesn't make sense
because she was okay
Brendan looked at me
Brendan: You see what you've done?
Me: Me?
Brendan: You just don't get it! my wife is hurt
and you keep shouting her at the office!
The doctor looked at Priscella. Priscella couldn't
believe the audecity in this man. In her mind
she wanted to say. While your wife was working
you were busy sleeping with men but she
couldn't say it now could she?
Doctor: Ms Seputla?
Priscella shook her head in disbelief.
Priscella: Don't listen to this crazy man. He likes
doing things and point fingers at others when
they backfire! my friend lost your child because
of you!!!
Brendan: What did i do? you're the one who is
angry at he.....
Sonia: Shut up Brendan! just shut up!!
Brendan was surprised by this. I guess He
expected her to be on his side like she always
Brendan: Baby?
Sonia: I received a text demanding half a million
if i don't give it to them they will send a very
sensitive video of you to the press
Brendan: Sensitive video? What video is that?
Priscella: Are you gonna apologise to me
He looked at Priscella then shook his head. He
looked at Sonia
Brendan: Can i see.......
His phone beeped. Priscella looked away and
smiled. Brendan took his phone. Sonia looked at
Brendan looked at his phone. The was a video
with a caption that says. " A MERE TEXT KILLED
Sonia: What is it honey ?
We see Brendan swallow hard. He downloaded
the video fast. He lowered the volume then
watched it. He saw him and Isaiah Norman, He
quickly paused the video
Priscella: What is it Brendan?
Brendan looked scared and nervous at the same
Priscella: Care to tell your wife what really
caused her miscarriage because i am very
certain it wasn't me!
Brendan looked down. He got sweaty
Sonia: What did you do dammit!!!!
Brendan looked at Sonia who just snapped. He
shifted his attention to Priscella who was angry
waiting for him to explain
Brendan: Excuse me
He ran out of the ward and slammed the door.
The doctor looked at Sonia then at Priscella
Doctor: What is going on with him?
" We don't know! " Priscella and sonia said at
the same time
Doctor: Tjo!
The doctor clapped once then walked out. The
ladies looked at each other




< Priscella >
Can you believe Brendan was trying to blame
me for Sonia's miscarriage? If we didn't have
anything, and Sonia was still on his side i was
gonna be blamed for this. This is the reason i
don't jump on someone until i get my facts. I
don't like accusing people about things. I think
the only reason i went to confront Hungani was
because i was disgusted by the fact that he was
spotted kissing Tasha. That made me angry
because he betrayed my little brother. I didn't
expect that from him. I thought the relationship
him and i had meant something. Getting your
facts straight is very important. We will see how
he is going to get out of this one. He is going to
see how smart women can be. I want to watch
him fall apart. He is a dusgusting man who
manipulates a woman who has children. He
didnt only lie to Sonia. He lied to her children as
well. He thinks hurting her won't hurt the kids?
Or maybe he thought his secret will be forever
stay hidden? He is such an imbecile. He
underestimated his wife. Honestly i did too. I
didn't think of this video thing. Sonia is a genius.
I wonder how did they convince that woman to
help them get into Isaiah's house. Whatever they
did helped us. It is going to be a brutal
humiliation. He is going to pay i swear he will..
Anyway Brendan just walked out. I wonder
where is he running to, We have him by the
balls. There is no running out of this one. I
looked at my friend. I feel so bad for her.
Finding out you were pregnant like this. This is
heartbreaking and to think the father of the
child was responsible for it makes it worse. I
don't know how will Sonia recover from this. I
looked at her.
Me: Are you okay?
Sonia: I love seeing him like that
Me: I cannot believe he was blaming me
Sonia: I am going to leave him broke
The door opened. The PI walked in smiling
Me: What did he say? did he contact you ?
Pi: I blocked him then destroyed the sim card. I
even uninstalled my WhatsApp
Me: Good. I loved what you did. It was a perfect
timing when you sent the video
Sonia: Do you think he watched it?
Me: He did, Didn't you see him lower the volume
on his phone ?
PI: I think what made him more scared was the
caption on the video
Me: What did you say ?
He looked at Sonia. He looked nervous
Him: I am sorry about what i am about to say
ma'am i just wanted him to be scared
Sonia: No speak
He looked at me
Sonia closed her eyes. I put my hand on hers
Me: That must've scared him that is why he ran
like that. I think we must act fast !
Sonia: What do you have in mind ?
I looked at PI
Me: I think you must follow Brendan!
Sonia: Why? I don't think we need anything
from him now!
Me: We have to play with his mind Sonia!
Pi: Ms Seputla is right. The first person he is
suspecting right now is that journalist. I need to
find out if he went there. If he went there i will
text him something
Me: No! Let me do it. Just update me i will know
what to do
Pi: Here is more simcards
Me: Thank you
Him: Later
He left. i looked at Sonia.
Me: We have him where we want him
Sonia: Tomorrow we ask for half a million
Me: How are we gonna get it though. Remember
we have to go get it somewhere and it could be
Sonia: Not if we make him believe we follow
him wherever he goes. We have to make him
believe that we are psychopaths
Me: What do you have in mind?
Sonia: We will say he must leave the money at
our garage
Me: What if he keeps people watching it?
Sonia: He does that the information links. He
can't risk that i know
Me: My friend you're good at this
Sonia: I just want to hurt him and i know where
it hurts. I know a little bit about him. He loves
money and i am sure it's one of the reasons he
was with me
Me: That bastard. To think about it he was not a
South African citizen then. He got his citizenship
when he married you
Sonia: He pla.....
My phone rang. I looked at it
Me: Your dad!
Sonia: You didn't tell him?
Me: I completely forgot!
Sonia: I am glad. I don't think he was gonna be
able to pretend
Me: Yeah.......
He stopped calling. I will call him myself.
< Brendan >
What the hell? I knew Journalists were crazy. I
knew gay people are too desperate but i didn't
think Isaiah would do this to me. I am going to
kill that son of a bitch. I am going to his place
right now. How can he blackmail me like this?
How could he? I was with him two hours ago. I
spelt with that imbecile. I had sex with him
something he wanted why the hell did he do
this? Why did he send my wife that text. He
killed my child. He doesn't get how serious this
is. I might lose Sonia. I might get a divorce. He
doesn't get it. I told him i would never leave my
wife for him. What i do with him is just a fantasy
of mine. He doesn't mean anything to me. All i
wanted from him was his behind. I don't want
him anymore. Not after what he did. He is a
murderer. I swear i will kill him the same way
he killed my child.
Amyway i just arrived at this faggot house. I
asked him to meet me at his home. I am going to
leave him dead. He is a skinny useless weak boy.
I dont need an weapon to kill him. I got out of
my car. I headed to his house. I didn't knock. I
turned the door handle. I walked in. He stood
up. He is in his normal clothes and i like that. It
makes me more pissed. I have a soft spot for him
when he is crossdressed. I will kill him right at
this moment.
Isaiah: Hey i didn't expect your call so soon. We
were having se.....
I slapped him so hard on his face. His face
turned red in a second
Me: What do you think you're doing?
Isaiah: What the fuck is wrong with you
Brendan? 2 hours ago you did this now you
come back again you slap me?
Me: Why did you send my wife that text?
He shook his head. He walked away.
Usaiah: I can't believe i came home for this
I ran after him. I turned him around. I punched
him. He fell. I got on top of him I started
punching him
Me: You recorded us having sex you son of a
bitch. How coul.....
He grabbed my arms.
Isaiah: What? I would never do that! what are
you talking about?
Me: You sent me this video few minutes ago!!!!
I jumped off him. I roughly pulled him up.
Me: Look at this!
He took my phone. He watched. I saw him put
his hand on his mouth shocked. No, i know him.
I know when he is lying. He is not lying. He has
no idea what i am talking about. I heard my
phone beep. It was in his hand. He let go of it.
My phone fell down on the floor. He had both
his hands on his mouth looking around. i picked
up my phone
Me: What is i......
Me: Oh My God. He is watching us
Isaiah: What if this is Sonia? She acted so
confident the time i bumped into her. She said
she'd get me
He was pacing up and down. I was doing the
same. Who could do this to me.
Me: No my wife would never do this
Isaiah: Don't be stupid! your wife is not as naive
as you make her out to be. She knows
something. She.....
I turned around and punched him. This idiot is
working with someone who is watching all this.
It can't be Sonia. A text took her to hospital. This
bastard is playing me. I started kicking him
while he is on the floor.
Me: Who is your accomplice!
Isaiah: Don't kill me please
Me: How dare you betray me like this ?
Isaiah: It was not me i swear
Me: Prove it dammit!
Isaiah: Show me the video again
I took out my phone. I threw it at him
Me: I don't know why you want to see something
you know !
Isaiah watched it
Isaiah: It wasn't me i swear!
He looked around
Isaiah: Someone has cameras here
He was looking up checking everywhere in his
house. Why do i feel like he is telling the truth? I
don't know what is going on. My mind says he is
telling the truth. The other part in my mind says
he is working with someone.
Me: Does anyone have keys to your house ?
Isaiah: No! It's just me and the owner and the
agent. Oh my God my career
Me: I have a lot to lose. Don't tell me about your
lousy jo.....!
My phone got another message. I looked at my
WhatsApp. It's another video this time..
Isaiah: What is it ?
I read the caption out loud
Isaiah: See? It's not me. I am here with you. I
don't even know where you bought the stuff
I opened the video. Indeed its me purchasing
them. The person sent the slip as well
Me: Oh My word
Isaiah: What is it ?
I sat down
Me: He has everything! the receipts and all. I
have been followed. My wife is going to kill me
I texted this person.
I stood up
Me: Dammit they blocked me !!!
Isaiah: You need to trace this number
I looked at him
Me: Hungani! he is good at this technology stuff
I have to see this man. I know we not cool
anymore but i need him and his skills.

< Masixole >
Everyone except me couldn't wait for me to get
back to Johannesburg. I am excited to be back
yes but am i excited to do all i came here to do? i
don't think so. I don't think i can do this. I don't
think i want Priscella to see the liar i've become.
I cannot believe i managed to keep such secret
to her. I love her. For me more than anything it
was about being normal, Living a normal life
without anyone thinking i am better or
honourable. I remember even in high school i
couldn't be a normal boy. The kids treated me
with respect. I have been treated like an old
person all my life. I wanted to live. I wanted to
be care free. That is why i lied but the question
right now is, Will she understand? will she
forgive me for what i did. I feel like she could
forgive me for lying about who i am but the
divorce.... i don't think so. That was a painful lie
to pull through. I knew when i will have to tell
her the truth it would hurt her. No man why am
i lying? I didn't think about the outcome. All i
cared about was to get through the day. All i
cared about was to get home a single man. I
didn't think of Priscella. My woman is very
sensitive. She doesn't want to be lied to. She is
going to kill me. Seeing the Seputla towers
makes me nervous. I am downstairs. I am at
packing. I am just standing there. I am scared. I
love her. I don't want to lose her. I cannot let
Hungani win. That bastard don't deserve her.
Me: Do i?
I looked around then down. I guess i thought out
Chauffeur: Mr Ndengana are you okay ?
I smiled at him.
Me: Yeah.... i missed this building
Him: We missed you sir. I am sure Ms Seputla
will be happy to see you
I chuckled
Me: That's all i wanna see man. I want to see her
I quickly walked to the elevator. I pressed. The
elevator opened. I walked in. I pressed the
button again. I looked up. I exhaled. I have
never been this nervous in my life. I heard the
sound of it. I wish i didn't hear it. This says one
thing. I just arrived at the penthouse. I am going
to see my baby after a week away. I should be
excited right now but i am not. I am so scared.
The elevator opened. I breath in and out. I
walked in with just my briefcase. It just has
laptop. I saw a coloured boy at living room. He
stood up when he saw me. Is he EJ friend?
" Good Afternoon mr Ndegana...." said a voice
behind me. I turned around
Cleopatra: Welcome back sir
Me: Thank you so much Cleopetra, It's good to be
Cleopatra: May i take your briefcase sir
Me: Yes please. Take it to our bedroom
She smiled then took it. I headed to the lounge..
Me: Good afternoon
Him: Afternoon sir. I am Algebra. Ms Seputla's
Me: Oh hello nice to meet you. I am her
husband. You can call me Mr Ndengana
Algebra: Nice to meet you sir
Me: Where is she?
Algebra: Oh she is at the hospital sir
Me: Is everything okay?
Him: Sonia just had a miscarriage sir
Me: What? What happened? I didn't even know
she was pregnant ?
Algebra: My boss was shocked as well. I don't
think its my place to tell you but Ms De Villiers
heard something shocking about her husband
she was really shocked. She started crying in
pain we rushe..........
This boy was talking and explaining. I was no
longer listening anymore. I was worried about
what will happen when i tell Priscella. When
someone who was probably few weeks
pregnant. What will happen to my wife who is a
showing a bit?
Algebra: Sir !
I quickly snapped out of it and wiped a tear
from my right eye
Me: Yes?
Algebra: I was asking if i should call her?
Me: No! no! don't call her. I want to surprise her
Algebra: Okay sir
I have to call my friend Aaron. I need to talk to
this dude. I don't know what i should do right
now. With everything that is happening, The
politics about who should be my first wife i don't
think losing my child is an option. I walked to
the elevator. I walked in dialling his number.
Aaron: King of England !
Me: Don't start with me bro
Him: What's up boy?
Me: Are you at your office?
Aaron: Yeah. I was about to knock off though
Me: I am coming there
I hung up. The elevator took me to his floor. I
went to his office. I knocked then walked in.
Him: Hey Easten Cape King
I closed the door
Me: I see you're good man
Him: What's wrong? You always have problems
I exhaled then sat across his desk.
Me: Dude i was just told that Sonia heard
something about Brendan. She had miscarriage
just by hearing that.......
Aaron: Damn i didn't know she was pregnant.
What did that arrogant bastard do ?
Me: Who knows? That dude is creepy anyway
Aaron: So you're worried and you think telling
Priscella about who you really are will hurt your
baby ?
I stood up scratching my head
Me: How could i not man ?
Aaron: Masixole you're going to tell your wife all
the lies you fed her..... today!
I looked at him.
Me: Br....
Aaron: Dude no! no more lies. Go to your wife
and tell her you're a liar! you're not who she fell
in love with
Me: I am !
Aaron: No bro! Prisy fell in love with an orphan
not a royal man who comes from a rich family
He is not helping me. He is making it worse
Aaron: Do it tonight! i am tired if running away
whenever i see your wife
I looked at him
Me: Why are you running away?
Aaron: Because of the things i know and i feel
bad that i can't tell her. Dude you must fix this. It
gets awkward in our board meetings
I sat down
Me: I know man and i am sorry i am making
your life hard.....
Aaron: Are you gonna tell her?
I looked at him. I didn't say anything. I took out
my phone. I called Gedleza. I put him on speaker
Gedleza: Ahhh King Zwelicacile! what can i do
for you my King
He is laughing at me.I know he finds all this
funny and uncomfortable. Trust me it is for me
too that is why i lied to my wife.
Me: Gedleza i want to tell my wife everything
but i am worried. I don't want to lose my child. I
am worried that hurting her will affect her
Gedleza: That must be tough my king.
Me: I know! that is why i want you and
ancestors to make sure this doesn't affect the
Gedleza: My king her heart is heavy today. So
today might not be a good day for you to tell her
I looked at Aaron giving him the " see? " look
Me: So i should do it tomorrow?
Gedleza: As soon as possible but not today
Me: Thank you. So you sure my child will live?
Gedleza: I am not sure my king. Have a good
Me: Wai.....
Gedleza:...... ( Tu tu tu tu tu )
Me: Dammit ! he hung up
Aaron: Ancestors?
I looked at him
Me: It's a long story man
Aaron: Wow i never pictured you to be so
conservative in just a week you went home
I was looking away. I know he is making fun of
me. I am not in a good mood right now. My
child's life is in danger.
Me: Trust me man, A lot happened in a week
I looked at him...
Me: A lot

< Hlohlesakhe >
I dont think i want to know what Gedleza will
say to me. I dont want anything that will mess
up a chance of me having an heir. What My wife
said got me excited. I want us to try if there is a
chance for me to have an heir. I have three
daughters. Ngejiwe is a pain already. I see she is
all over the place. I don't want anymore
daughters. I love them but they are handful. I
want a son who is going to take over and be the
man in my house. I know i am a last born but
even " indlu encinci " has to live on. I want to
have an heir. I want him to keep this family
together. I want to be proud when i am dead
knowing that a part of me is alive and is taking
over from me. I thank my wife for trying. I really
appreciate her for that. I love her so much i just
wish she could stop always plotting to take
down the Queen because she is the one who will
end up falling hard.
Anyway i am here at Gedleza's house. He was
speaking on the phone.
Me: Was that king Zwelicacile?
He looked at me. He nodded his head yes then
looked down doing what he was doing. He is
mixing herbs. That is weird. Why is he acting
like this. I am his chief i expect him to speak to
me not what he is doing.
Me: Gedleza is everything okay? Did The King
He gave me a head. I stopped talking. After a
minute he looked at me.
Him: I was speaking to the ancestors
Me: Oh
Gedleza looked at me.
Gedleza: Forgive me for asking my chief......
I sat up straight
Me: Yes?
Gedleza: What is an heir?
I smiled. So he knows why i am here....
Me: An heir is a person who inherits something
He looked down and started mixing his herbs..
Gedleza: So that is what you want?
What does this man mean? He is the one who
said me and my wife are the reason i cannot
have an heir. He knows i want a son more than
Me: I don't think i follow......
Gedleza: Let me add something very important
in that definition you gave me
Me: Yes ?
Gedleza: An heir is your first born son. Someone
who will inherit everything you leave behind,
Someone who will make sure the legacy you left
behind lives on
Me: Yeah! Yours is very perfect! and well
detailed! i lik.....
He didn't let me finish
Gedleza: What legacy are you leaving behind!?
He snapped. I don't know when he got to my
face but he was speaking in my face so close to
me. I swallowed hard.
Gedleza: Maxhobandile's chieftaincy ?
Me: Who is Maxhobandile now?
He chuckled. He was on his knees. He dragged
his body to the wall. He leaned on it.
Gedleza: You want to bring your son to this
world only to disappoint him?
Me: Disappoint him?
Gedleza: Go get what's yours! only then you can
come here to talk an heir
Me: I don't understand..... ?
Gedleza: You are the only person who has
experience, who went to college and did
agriculture. That project is standing because of
your skills!
I smiled
Me: Are you saying that entire project is mine?
Gedleza: Hlohlesakhe!!!!!
He snapped. I looked down
Me: I am still your chief Gedleza
He cleared his throat.
Gedleza: I apologise my chief. They forced it out
of me......
Gedleza: They are complaining about your greed
I put my hands together. I looked up
Me: I apologise my ancestors
Gedleza: Stand up and go claim what is
rightfully yours. Get legal representation and tell
them why you think you deserve a part of the
company then take it to the elders
Me: Thank you so much!
I stood up. I walked to the door.
Gedleza: My chief
I turned around
Me: Yes?
Gedleza: When you have your family legacy,
come back to me and talk an heir
I nodded my head. I attempted to walk out then
decided against it. " Maxhobandile " this name
stayed ringing in my head. I turned around
Me: Gedleza Who is Maxhobandile?
Gedleza stood up with his herbs. He went and
put it with others He didn't turn around. He was
just looking at the wall
Gedleza: Maxhobandile is the boy who is going
to be next in line for the Chieftaincy




< Priscella >
I am in charge now. I am the one who is sending
Brendan the messages. He doesn't know what he
is in for. I left the hospital and went home to get
the receipt hoping to find my husband home but
at the time he wasn't there. I was just told that
he arrived and unfortunately now i am back at
the hospital. I understand he and Sonia are not
in good terms but that doesn't mean he can't
come see her. He can't let someone else actions
change the person he is. I know he is a loving
and a caring man. I am expecting to see him
here. By the way Sonia is being discharged. I am
taking her to the penthouse. She is going to stay
with me.
Anyway i am with her and Uncle Kobus. He is
livid. I am glad he is able to listen to me. I told
him our plan. I told him what i am doing. He is
also supporting Sonia's plan to take all his
Me: I cannot believe this!
Uncle: What is i.....
We saw camera people coming in. It looks like
they are rolling. I looked at Sonia.
Sonia: Just play along. Remember the show must
go on right?
I smiled. I looked at cameras smiling. I don't
know how these reality show works but i didn't
think even painful things like this are filmed.
Uncle: Brendan left his wife here to go call these
people? get this thing off my face!!!
He was pushing cameras off his face
Me: Uncle please!
I looked at them. I am so embarrassed. The
micro phone is on top of us. They are recording
and filming. I took Uncle's hand we walked out.
We left Sonia talking to the other producer.
Me: I can't believe Brendan left his wife and
went to call these people
Uncle: Everything is all about money with that
Me: He will be broke very soon i swear
Uncle: I want him exposed!
Me: Uncle let your daughter handle this. Sonia is
got this
Uncle: Yeah i can see that i mean look at the
We sat at benchs that were at passage.
Uncle: Remember what i said to you earlier? I
said she was hurting. That is why i want Hunter
I am not sure about Hunter but i won't say
anything. I hope Hunter knows what is going on.
I would be hurt if he would realise that he is
being used by uncle. I hope his heart still beat
for Sonia because if not then he finds out Uncle
wanted to get them together it's gonna get ugly,
he might even turn down the job offer.
Me: Yeah i didn't think she was hurting because
she didn't show it. I knew she was gonna be hurt
when it's out there
Uncle: I pray i don't see that bastard. You girls
are strong. I would lose i.... oh hey Masixole
Me: Oh My God
I stood up and ran to him. I hugged him tight.
He hugged me so tight. Oh i missed his warm
Masixole: Hey sweetheart
Me: I missed you
I broke the hug. I kissed him. He broke the kiss
then played with my hair
Masixole: I missed you more. Its like i was away
for months
I kissed him again
Me: Don't leave me again
Him: I won't
He looked at Uncle
Him: How are you Mr De Villiers ?
Uncle: I am very well. I am glad you're back. The
girls need your support right now
Masixole smiled. He squeezed me with his right
arm side hugging me
Masixole: I will love to help where i can
Uncle: Please
The camera guys walked out. I went to Sonia.
They are walking out with her.
Me: Are you okay ?
She smiled
Sonia: I am fine
She looks drained. She is still weak. She wanted
to be discharged because a while ago while i was
at the penthouse a journalist sneaked into her
Masixole: Hey Sonia. I am so sorry
He hugged her. Sonia started crying .
Sonia: Thank you
After few seconds they broke the hug.
Me: Let's get out of here before more journalists
get here
Masixole took the bags. We walked to the
parking lot. My phone rang
Me: It's the PI
I answered
Me: Hello ?
PI: He left Isaiah's house 30 minutes ago. He just
arrived at a house in Sandton. Rose Avenue
house number.....
Me: 1109
PI: Yes. Do you know whose house is that ?
Me: Yes Hungani Oliphant lives there. He is good
with Technology. He did I.T in varsity
Sonia stopped walking. She looked at me.
PI: Where are you now?
Me: We are about to leave the Hospital
PI: Please remove your finger prints from that
burner phone and throw it out the window
Me: Okay.
I hung up
Me: He is going to seek help from Hungani
Sonia: They can't stand each other
Me: A desperate man can do anything
We got to the car. The chauffeur opened the
Masixole: I will see you guys when we get home
Me: Okay baby
Uncle and Masixole went to their cares. We got
in the car. The chauffeur drove out. We got to
the main road. I threw the phone out
Me: Your job is done Bye
Sonia: Tomorrow i am contacting my lawyer
She was looking out the window
Me: Not yet friend. You're a celebrity. Divorce
news get to the media fast. Remember " you
don't know what he did "
Sonia: oh yeah
Me: Now we gonna use a burner phone for
blackmail calls only from now on
Sonia: I want us to demand half a million in
cash. He must give it to us within 24 hours
I looked at her.
Me: After that we up the price
Sonia: It will keep going up till he is broke

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
Me: Okay i understand. We are a royal house we
love big ocassions. We love going all out. I am
sure the village will love this
MEC: I knew you'd understand My lord
Me: It's okay
Her: The government will fund everything don't
Me: Okay i am glad to hear that
Her: Have a good evening
Me: Bye
That was the MEC telling me they are
postponing the ordaining ceremony again. They
want it to be a big event here in my palace. They
said it should be in January. Maybe this is for
the best. My son has to speak to that girl. We
don't know how will things go there. I want his
heart and soul to be in that ceremony. I don't
want him to leave Johannesburg until
everything is okay between him and that girl so
that his feelings or mind can focus on his duties.
That cannot take 5 days. I am glad the ceremony
is not next week.
Nomagampompo: At least they will pay for
Me: Yeah.....
I walked to the door. Siqalo stood up and
attempted to go open the door
Me: Siqalo i am here to speak to you
Siqalo: My Queen......
Me: I apologise for beating you. At the time my
husband was a chief. You only followed his
orders. I understand why you didn't tell me.
Please forgive me. Anger made me do that. I
promise it won't happen again
Siqalo: I understand my Queen and i forgive you
Me: Thank you. You can go home now it's late
I left him smiling. I walked back to the living
Nomagampompo: Did you check on the king ?
Me: He called me. He arrived. He said he will
speak to the girl tomorrow
Nomagampompo: Okay that's good. I think she
missed him. He can't drop something like this to
her the same day
Me: Mmhmm....
I know i might be acting like a child but i am not.
I just don't know what to talk about with my
sister in law. She chose her brother's side. Who i
am? I am just a sister in law to her. I am not her
blood so it is expected she would choose him but
that doesn't erase the fact that betrayal is a
betrayal. She bretrayed me. I am trying to talk.
At least i answer her questions. Like i said the
only person i owe an apology here is Siqalo no
one else. She is not getting one from me. I want
people to realise something. When someone
trusts you and confide in you about something
that person trusts and loves you. Blood or no
blood a betrayal is a betrayal. I was gonna
understand if Nomagampompo told me that she
didn't like what i planned to do then when i
don't listen that's when she should've done what
she did. This woman was supporting what i
wanted to do. She acted like she was on my side.
That is why i am pissed off. That is why i can
forgive her brother not her. She is a traitor!
anyway I saw Notiniphu coming to us
Notiniphu: My Queen dinner is ready
Me: Great We are hungry
I stood up. My sister in law also stood up. We
headed to the dinning table. Notiniphu walked
up the stairs to call the kids. We sat on the table.
Me: This smells nice
Nomagampompo: indeed
Me: Sister in law don't you think you should go
back to work now?
Me: I mean The king is gone. Nomaxabiso left a
long time ago. I don't see why you can't go back.
You are needed there
Nomagampompo: I am going back tomorrow
Me: Good. You need to check on things. I don't
want Nontorotyi to do as she pleases there. She
and her sister think that company belongs to
them. This is not a Dimbaza family project.
When Nontorotyi went to Nontsingizi she went
with Sabonkolo and i wouldn't be surprised if
that imbecile was there the day she went to get a
poison to kill me
I threw a fork on the table. I stood up. How come
i never thought of this. Nomagampompo stood
up as well.
Nomagampompo: My Queen you're not thinking
of punishing Sabonkolo are you?
I looked at her than away. I am just angry at the
fact that i gave that girl's husband a job and we
pay him well. How could she even think of
getting me killed? Her children, the ones she has
with Siqalo are fed with my money
Nomagampompo: With all due respect my
Queen.... You need to think this through,
Sabonkolo is not family. She could get you
arrested. We can't afford....
Me: Another court humiliation i know!
I took out my phone. I called Siqalo. I am sure he
arrived at Ntshilini now. That is the name of his
Siqalo: Hello my Queen
Me: Where is your wife?
Siqalo: She is cooking my Queen. Do you want to
speak to her?
Me: Tell her i want to see her at the royal house
tomorrow before she goes to work
Siqalo: Okay my Queen
I hung up.
I saw the boys walk down. I pulled a chair. I sat
Nomagampompo: My Queen what are......
I gave her a hand. She stopped talking
Me: Not now!

< Narrated >
In Sandton in Hungani's house. We see him in
his bedroom sleeping. He was only in his undies,
No blanket. It looks like he had a long flight.
While he was sleeping he heard a door bell ring.
He stood up. He put on shorts then walked out of
his room. He ran downstairs. The person kept
Hungani: I am coming!!!
He yelled walking to the door, He got to the door
then opened the door. His eyes widened when
he saw who it was. It's Brendan
Hungani: What are you doing here ?
Brendan walked in
Brendan: Man i need your help!
He was crying looking scared. He was a
desperate man in need of help. He walked to
Hungani's whisky. He poured himself a glass
then gulped it then looked at Hungani who was
still standing at the door surprised by all this.
Brendan looked like a mess. His shirt was rolled
back into short sleeve. The tie was loosened.
Brendan: Bro don't just stand there! i need your
Hungani closed his door then chuckled. He
shook his head then turned around.
Hungani: After everything you said to me over
the phone when all i said to your wife was the
truth, Now you come here asking for my help?
Brendan let go of the empty glass. It fell on the
floor and broke
Hungani: What the fuck man that's my favourite
He said angry walking to Brendan who was
looking at him shocked. He wasn't even blinking.
He looked like someone who realized something
Brendan: It was you!
Hungani: What ?
Brendan: Are you that desperate to win Priscella
back that you willing to destroy my life? you're
prepared to prove that you were right to my
wife? How desperate can you be man? What is it
that you really want from Priscella? Is it her
Hungani got angry. His now started moving
pacing up and down. His eyes got red in a
Hungani: You're insulting me Brendan
Brendan: What do you want from me you
Hungani was breathing heavily. He formed a fist
Brendan: Is it because you dont know how to
make her love you? why don't you get it?
Priscella can't stand your ugly as........
He wished he didnt say that, Hungani punched
him. He fell on the floor. Brendan stood up fast,
Hungani punched him again, He fell again.
Hungani went running to Brendan. He sat on his
chest. He attempted to punch him again,
Brendan pushed Hungani. He fell on the wall
behind Brendan.
Hungani: I am going to kill you bastard
Brendan got a chance to stand up. They were
both standing throwing punches at each other.
Hungani grabbed Brendan by his hair. He hit his
face with his forhead Brendan saw stars. He was
blinking none stop. Hungani punched Brendan
again He fell. Hungani went to the door. He
opened the door then turned around with a
punch hitting his face. Hungani fell. Brendan
jumped on top of him then ran for his life. Half
way to his car his phone beeped. Brendan took it
out of his pocket. He looked at it.
After Brendan read the text. He looked at the
door. He saw Hungani trying to stand up.
Brendan: It wasn't him?
Hungani stood up. He walked out of his house
Hungani: Wait right there you son of a bitch. I
will be right back
Hungani ran in to fetch something.
Brendan: He is gonna kill me
Brendan got to his car. He started the engine and
drove out in high speed. Even Lewis Hamilton
wouldn't catch up with him.

< Nontorotyi >
After everything Zinyovile said i regret and
question every decidion i make. Why every
action i take has a consequence? I suggested
surrogacy because its also another way to have a
baby. That child will be ours. He will have our
DNA. I don't know what is it that i did wrong or
maybe everything i do is wrong in the eyes of
everyone including the ancestors. I am sitting
here crying all afternoon. I know what my
husband will come back saying but a part of me
hopes he won't agree to it but then again
Zinyovile is never wrong. That woman knows
everything before they happen. I hate the fact
that her timing is so wrong. She likes ruining my
victories. Every time i try to celebrate something
she comes to ruin it.
I don't know what is taking Hlohlesakhe so long.
The suspense is literally killing me. I am scared.
I know i might say i will say yes to the second
wife but when he finally tells me about it i know
i will say no. If you remember few weeks ago. I
went to the royal house saying i will behave look
what happened? I walked out on everyone.
There is something about me. I don't know when
to shut up. I am not a push over. I am a no " Yes
My Queen " woman. If Nomakhosazana is
talking nonsense i tell her that is why i am hated
in this royal family. I have no filter. I say it like it
is. People don't want to hear the truth.
Anyway i saw my husband parking his car. I got
teary. The nerves overwhelmed me. The thing is
i know what he is going to say
I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around its
my maid. I quickly wiped my tears then looked
at her smiling
Deliwe: My Queen dinner will be ready in an
Me: Okay Deliwe
She smiled then walked away
The front door opened. I ran to my husband.
Me: Hey honey! What would you like to have?
tea while Deliwe is preparing dinner? Give me
your blazer
I said taking it off. I have to act like a wife. I
want him to see he doesn't need a second wife
Hlohlesakhe: O-kay why are you acting like this?
Me: I am your wife. I have to know how my
husband is doing. What he wants
Hlohlesakhe: What i want right now is a glass of
whisky. My laptop and my study. I have a lot to
He is smiling. He is not the grumpy man who left
me earlier.
Me: What is going on my love? Shouldn't you be
telling me how it went with the royal house and
the ancestors?
Him: Oh come with me to my study
Me: I can't leave your glass of whisky behind my
Him: Please
He said walking to the study. I poured him a
drink then put my hands on the wall unit
Me: Oh i hope finding a second wife is not what
makes you so happy
I took the glass then walked to the study. I got in
then went to his desk. I gave him his drink
Me: So my love ?
Hlohlesakhe: The Queen raised the same
concerns i had.....
Me: An educated woman like that knows
nothing about surrogacy?
I am so happy to be smarter than her. I know i
am the one who should know these things since
i am a nurse but this? this makes me so happy.
Hlohlesakhe: No! she knows it
Me: Oh
Talk about " Miss know it all" I kinda figured
that out.
Hlohlesakhe: She said she was worried about
what will the ancestors say
I pulled a chair. I sat down opposite my
husband. Don't get it twisted. I am still in pain
but i feel like the pills and the zambuk that i
applied on my wounds are working magic.
Me: What did the ancestors say?
He smiled. What is going on with this man.
Hlohlesakhe: The ancestors asked why do i want
an heir when i have nothing in my name
Me: That's absurd! why are you smiling? They
are the ones who made sure you had nothing!!!
Hlohlesakhe: Actually my wife it's me
Me: I don't understand?
Hlohlesakhe: I was told to study Agricultura.
Then the family started the project.....
Me: O-kay...... ?
I still don't understand where he is going with
Hlohlesakhe: My love they gave me a legacy for
my family but i was too blind to see......
Me: Baby get to the point wethu
He chuckled
Hlohlesakhe: My wife they used my skills and
my experience to make this project what it is
Me: Everybody knows that. We employed people
who had no experience. You taught them
everything they know! look at the fresh veggies
we produce
Hlohlesakhe: Exactly my love
Me: That smile? What is it?
Hlohlesakhe: The ancestors think i deserve to
own a potion of the company
I stood up fast
Me: My love
Hlohlesakhe: Yes that's the news i got from
Gedleza. So when we have an heir, He will have
a legacy after i got those shares
Me: Wow so Gedleza said only that?
Hlohlesakhe: Yes my love
Me: Oh My God!!!
I ran to him. I hugged him tight then baby kissed
his lips so many times
Hlohlesakhe: Okay okay stop now
Me: So what do we do now my love ? What's the
way forward?
Hlohlesakhe: I am making an appointment with
the firm. Tomorrow you and i will be paying our
lawyer a visit
Me: I love you my love
Hlohlesakhe: I love you too now can you leave
me ?
I ran to him. I kissed him one more time then
ran out leaving him shaking his head laughing
I cannot believe this!!! i can't believe my family
is going exactly where i wanted it to go. We are
going to the top. I want us to demand 50 %
shares. Anyway i took a sealed bottle of wine. I
have to celebrate this. I am about to get rich. I
poured myself a glass. I looked at it smiling. I
chuckled then looked away
Me: Me, Nontorotyi Zidenge owning a potion of
Ndegana Project
Someone chuckled behind me. I quickly turned
around. Zinyovile is here. She had her hands
folded on her chest. She was smiling looking out
the window.
Me: Your chuckle makes me worried?
She didn't look at me
Zinyovile: You should be
Me: What? Why?
She chuckled again. She turned around then
looked at me.
Zinyovile: Because those shares will help you
pay LOBOLA when your husband takes a second
Me: What!?
Out of no where she was holding an empty glass
Zinyovile: Now can you pour for me as well so
we can celebrate?
I walked passed her crying. Is she for real?
Me: What is there to celebrate? My husband is
taking a second wife behind my back! he didn't
tell me about this ! he only told me about the
Zinyovile: He doesn't know
I turned around fast.
Me: He doesn't?
Zinyovile: Remember he didn't get a chance to
request for that stupid surrogate nonsense. The
topic about a second wife will come when they
discuss your stupid plan!
I felt tears coming out of my eyes like heavy
Me: What do i do to stop this ?
She walked to me. She took my glass of wine
then walked passed me
Zinyovile: At this point there is nothing you can
Me: Come on!
Zinyovile gulped down the wine then looked at
Zinyovile: By the way forget shares, You're not
royalty, The second wife is getting the shares not
She dropped the glass. It fell so hard and broke
on the floor. The noise made echoes in my
house. She walked out leaving me crying sitted
on the couch
Me: What ?




< Narrated >
It is Tuesday night. At Siqalo's house we see
Sabonkolo pacing up and down. Her husband
was sitting and eating while She looked scared
walking around
Siqalo: Sabonkolo let's eat!
Sabonkolo: How can i eat? That woman never
summons me there. You said it yourself. There is
no event coming. Why would she want me
Siqalo: The ancestors are listening. You can't call
the Queen " That woman " If you don't want to
be like your sister you better respect the Queen
Sabonkolo: What if she is going to beat me like
she beat my sister? That woman is crazy
Siqalo chuckled then stood up
Siqalo: " That woman " again?
Sabonkolo: Oh come on! i am scared here!
Siqalo: You should be if you keep calling her that
Sabonkolo: I can't go! i won't go. I can't be
beaten by a sjambok. Look at your arms
Siqalo: The Queen don't summon people to beat
them. When she wants to beat you she drives
her car and go beat you at your house!
Sabonkolo: So you think she is calling me there
for something else?
Siqalo shrugged his shoulders
Him: Maybe she wants to talk about your sister i
don't know. Just promise me you will go and
hear her out
Sabonkolo looked at her husband. She took her
Sabonkolo: I lost my appetite
She walked to the kitchen. She put her food in
the mocro wave. She took out her phone and
called Nontorotyi.
Nontorotyi: Sabonkolo?
Sabonkolo looked at her husband who was
eating far from where she was standing
Sabonkolo: I am summoned to the royal house. I
am scared to go. The Queen wants to see me
Nontorotyi: Sisi i don't mean to be rude but i
have problems of my own. Please go and hear
what she has to say
Sabonkolo shook her head in disbelief
Sabonkolo: Ever so selfish! and ungrateful!
Nontorotyi: Excuse me?
Sabonkolo: When you are in trouble you call me
and you expect me to jump but when i have a
problem and need your help you not there for
Nontorotyi: Stop being dramatic! maybe she is
calling you there for a promotion or maybe
there is an event coming so she want you to go
Sabonkolo: Nontorotyi i was with you when my
husband saw us going to Mqanduli!
Nontorotyi: Then whose problem is that?
Sabonkolo: i can't believe you!
Nontorotyi: Sisi your husband is a traitor! He
betrayed us! It's his fault the queen summoned
you not mine!
Sabonkolo: I am in trouble because of your......
Sabonkolo looked at her phone then put it next
to her ear
Sabonkolo: Hello?
Nontorotyi: ........ ( Tu tu tu tu tu )
Sabonkolo: I can't believe she hung up on me!
what a horrible sister
Sabonkolo took her handbag then walked out
wiping tears.

At Sdabadabeni in Chief Khabalandile's home.
We see the lights go off in the living room. We
could barely see what was going on but a
shadow went to the door. The person made sure
she doesn't make noise. She slowly turned the
key. We hear a sigh of relief. She attempted to
turn the door handle the lights went on. She
jumped up scared. It's Ngejiwe. She was trying to
sneak out. She was in her white pjyam pants and
its top. She wore boots
Ngejiwe: Mom you scared me!!!
Nontorotyi: Where the hell do you think you're
Nontorotyi said approaching her.
Ngejiwe: I have a runny tummy. I was going to
the outside toil......
Nontorotyi: Your father and i spent every peny
we had and built a bathroom with a toilet inside
our home something that is so rare to see in
rural areas except the royal house! We did that
so that you can have a better life my child. Now
do you care to tell me where exactly you're
Ngejiwe looked down embarrassed and annoyed
At the same time.
Nontorotyi: I am talking to you!!!
Her voice was firm but she made sure she
doesn't wake up others.
Ngejiwe: There is no water so i was not gonna be
able to flush. I decided to go ou....
Nontorotyi didn't wait for her to finish. She
grabbed her wrist then walked to the kitchen
with her. She ran water from the sink
Ngejiwe swallowed sweet nothing. Her mother
didn't look at her. She was staring at water
pouring from the tap
Nontorotyi: Go to your room and sleep
Ngejiwe dragged her feet walking out of the
Nontorotyi: Leave your keys with me!
Ngejiwe threw her keys on the floor then walked
away. Ngejiwe's phone rang. Nontorotyi slowly
opened a window. She saw a light from a
distance. She closed the curtains. She went and
took a pan. She walked to the key. She picked it
up. She put it in her gown pocket. She went to
the door unlocked with the key that was already
at the door. She walked out then went straight to
Ngejiwe's boyfriend. Ngejiwe's boyfriend looked
away focusing on his phone. He thought it was
Ngejiwe who was coming to him
Boyfriend: Damn babe i have been waiting. Your
family sleep lat.....
Nontorotyi hit him with a pan. The poor boy fell
Boy: Ouch
Nontorotyi threw the pan away. She sat on his
chest then strangled the man
Nontorotyi: Who do you think you are!
Boy: I am sorry ma'am please don't kill me
Nontorotyi had no mercy on his throat. She was
strangling the boy while speaking. The boy was
kicking trying to break free
Nontorotyi: My marriage is on the line because
of you!!! you make my daughter disrespect her
father how dare you
Boy: You're ki..... lling.....
He was kicking and kicking. She didn't stop. The
boy let go of his body. Nontorotyi quickly
jumped up
She was breathing heavily scared looking at
him. The boy jumped up
He faked death. He knew if he didnt he was
gonna die. We see him running away leaving
Nontorotyi angry picking up her pan.
Nontorotyi: You've been warned

< Brendan >
Fuck that son of a bitch hit me so bad. I had to go
to the doctor to get checked my jaw, Teeth and
my cheek bones. Another reason i came here is
because i want to see my wife. How can i do this
to her. I hurt her so bad. I cannot imagine what
will happen when she finally sees the video. I
am so grateful they haven't sent it yet. I am
heartbroken i lost my first child. A child i had no
idea existed. I am so mad at myself and the
person who is behind this. Who could do this? I
keep blaming innocent people. I beat Hungani
for something he had nothing to do with. This
person is following me wherever i go. I don't
know anyone i wronged. I am confused now. I
really am. If it's not Hungani or Priscella then
who? Who is doing this to me? Who is trying to
ruin my career? I cannot wait for tomorrow.
This person said they will contact me tomorrow.
Doctor: There is no damages just bruises
Me: Thank you doctor
I stood up
Me: Is my wife still awake. I want to see her
Doctor: Your wife asked to be discharged she left
about two hours ago if i am not mistaken
Me: She is not at home though......
The doctor shrugged her shoulders. I looked
Me: That bitch Priscella. She is taking advantage
of the situation
Doctor: Mr Brendan Priscella has been so good
to your wife. She brought her here and stayed
by her side all day
Me: That's because she wants her to leave me!
All of them they don't like me!!!
I snapped
The door opened. The police walked in. What
are they doing here ?
Officer: Mr Brendan O'Neal you're under arrest
for assaulting Mr Hungani Oliphant in his house
a while ago.....
Me: What ? That bastard beat me just look at
me! he hit me first!!!
They grabbed both my hands and put them
behind me while talking telling me all those
stupid things they say when they arrest
Me: Look at me! Doctor tell them i am hurt
Officer: Mr Hungani Oliphant came with a CCTV
footage of you attacking him at his house. You
threw the first punch. He fought back in self
Me: This is crazy! this is ridiculous!!!
Officer: Take hin to the car !
They dragged me out. This is not good. I am
waiting for the call from my blackmailer. I can't
afford to be in jail not now!!
Hungani is such a coward. How could he do this
to me? His best friend?

< Judge NoMakhosazana >
I know i am too hard on everyone. I know telling
that girl will be hard for my son so i am happy
his ceremony will happen in January. I can't
believe i am gonna say this but i think it's for the
best so that he could spend more time with that
girl. I know i am a woman as well i take my
time to forgive people. That girl might be mad at
him so him rushing back won't be a good idea.
The fact that he will resign will also be a
shocker. I am a professional as well. I know you
don't just leave when you're not fired. You give
your boss a notice. As much as i want him back i
want him to do things right. Respect those
people who believed in him and employed him.
It's Wednesday morning. I didn't call him last
night to tell him about the news. I think this is
the perfect time now. I took my phone then
called him.
Zwelicacile: Hello
Me: Morning son, i see you're not free to talk i
will make it short
Him: Please
Me: You're no longer getting ordained next week
monday. You will be ordained in January so you
can stay as long as you want but i want you here
on Christmas
He laughed
Zwelicacile: Okay thank you so much
I saw Siqalo walk in
Me: Okay son talk later
Zwelicacile: Bye
I hung up then looked at Siqalo
Siqalo: My Queen my wife is here
It is about damn time. I stood up
Me: Let her in
Siqalo: My Queen
He walked out then came back in with her.
Sabonkolo: Good morning My Queen
She bowed. Such a traitor. I am not even going
to buy her act of respect because i know she
doesn't respect me. One thing i learned in the
past few days is that, everyone is loyal to their
blood and there is nothing wrong with that. It is
just a pity that all my family members have jobs.
They are too busy to visit. With that said
though... They can all be loyal to each other i do
not care as long they don't betray Queen
Nomakhosazana in the process. I didn't greet
her back. I looked at her husband.
Me: Go get me fresh fruit from the project
Siqalo. You will find your wife here
Sabonkolo smiled
Siqalo: My Queen
I threw the car keys at him. He walked out. I
looked at Sabonkolo
Me: Follow me
I walked to my study. I heard her footsteps
behind me.
I got to the study. I opened the door and moved
aside. She walked in. I did too then closed the
door, turned the key and locked. She quickly
turned around and looked at me scared. She
knows what is going on
Sabonkolo: My queen
Me: I am going to ask you a few questions
I saw tears streamind down her cheeks
Sabonkolo: Anything my Queen
Me: I don't want any lie coming out of your
She swallowed hard
Me: I don't want any explanations for my next
question. I want yes or no
Sabonkolo: Yes.... i mean okay my Queen
Me: Were you with your sister when she asked
for a poison from Nontsingizi?
Her eyes popped out. She didnt say anything. I
took a glance at my sjambok
Sabonkolo: Yes!!! Yes! my Queen
Me: So you let your sister take a poison from
that woman to kill me
Sabonkolo: I am so so.....
Me: After everything i have done for you and
your husband?
Sabonkolo: I am sorry. You know my sister she
doesn't listen. I tried to stop her but she is
Me: Why didn't you come to me and warn me?
She was against the table with her hands
holding the table. She couldnt move. I was
infront of her
Me: Why didn't you!!?
I snapped
Me: Or that is what you wanted as well? You
wanted me dead!?
Sabonkolo: That's not tru.....
I slapped her so hard on her face, she fell down.
I grabbed her arm. I pulled her up. Her entire
face was tripping wet with tears
Me: Are you calling me a liar?
Sabonkolo: No my Queen i am not
Me: Then why didn't you!!?
Sabonkolo: She is my sister!!
I grabbed her breast. I squeezed it and twisted it
Sabonkolo: Yoh!!!
Me: If i hear another person say that i swear i
will kill them!!!
Sabonkolo: Its painful my Queen please stop!!!
Me: Does Nontorotyi pay your salary?
Sabonkolo: No my Queen
Me: Who does?
Sabonkolo: You my Queen
Me: Then why you betrayed me?
Sabonkolo: I am so sorry
I slapped her so hard she almost fell i pulled her
up. I slapped her again letting go of her breast.
She fell
Me: Get your ass up!!
I said going to the door to unlock. She quickly
stood up
Me: Stop crying and wipe those crocodile tears!!!
She quickly wiped her tears
Me: You're going to go out there and smile
Me: Do you hear me?
She nodded her head yes crying
Me: Start smiling! let me see it
I walked closer to her. I started breathing in her
Me: Next time you decide to be an accomplice to
anything evil against me you will think twice
Me: Get off my face!
She ran to the door. She touched the door
Me: Sabonkolo?
She turned around
Sabonkolo: My Queen
Me: You go to the police. Your brother in law
will know he raised a bastard child
Me: Oh wait
I walked closer to her
Me: What the fuck? Go i don't care
Her eyes popped out. I could see she was curious
why i don't care. Let me indulge her
Me: Go report me. I have the poison you and
your sister tried to use on me
Me: Don't get me started with whatever my
daughter in law Nomaxabiso has on your sister
I put my hand on her shoulder
Me: You and that big round nose ugly sister of
yours would go to jail for attempted murder i
am sure you don't want that
She shook her head no with her hand on her
Me: Say it!!!
Sabonkolo: No! i don't want that my Queen
Me: Good! get lost
Me: And smile!!!
She turned around while running. She smiled
I closed the door. I went to my desk. I sat on my
chair and looked at my late sister's case
Me: They will all respect THE QUEEN

< Narrated >
I will be speaking for everyone when i say this is
the day everyone has been waiting for. Gedleza
adviced the king not to tell Priscella yesterday
but he did mention that he should do it sooner.
The king is tired of lying. He wants to get this
over and done with now. His mind is
everywhere. He is asking himself if what he is
about to do is a good idea. He called a meeting.
He wants everyone to be here when he says
what he has to say. In his mind he is asking
himself if Priscella will be happy with him
telling her all this in front of everyone. He is
confused. He feels like every move he makes its
gonna mess up things even more.
Anyway we see King Zwelicacile in their room
walking around nervous. He just spoke to his
mother on the phone. He is happy that he has
more time to spend in Johannesburg.
Downstairs we see Priscella, Sonia and Uncle
Kobus. Priscella was walking from the kitchen
sipping coffee. Sonia was sitting on the couch
covering her lower body with a grey flees. She
had her legs on the couch.
Priscella: Sonia i don't know why you came
down so early in the morning
Sonia: Dad is here as well. Your husband wants
to speak to all of us
Me: He doesn't wanna tell me why. I am worried
She sat down
Priscella: Oh breakfast is almost ready
Kobus: Girls before Masixole comes down. I
want to speak to you two
They both looked at him
Sonia: What is it dad?
Kobus: I want you guys to leave the
blackmailing to me......
Priscella: I think we got this though
Kobus: I have no doubt my girl i know you got
this but let's face it. Sonia is going through a lot.
She needs you Priscella. The company needs
you. When you ask for money how are you
going to get the money ?
They looked at each other
Kobus: It's nice It's a game now but when it gets
to ransom it will be a dangerous game. We will
find boys to go take the money. Well done for
getting this far but you've done enough
Priscella: But uncl......
Kobus: Priscella you begged me to pretend i did
that. My daughter is hurt by that bastard. I want
to beat the hell out of him but i can't because of
you! please let me finish it
Priscella: Okay but promise us.....
Kobus: What is that?
Sonia: Keep us updated
Priscella: Make sure you involve us in each and
every decision you make
Kobus: Done! i will call him before this meeting.
I have everything in fact let me do it now...
He stood up and walked to the balcony. Priscella
looked at Sonia
Priscella: Great! the game starts no....
Algebra walked down walk to the living room
staring at his phone
Algebra: Guys did you see this ?
Priscella stood up
Priscella: What is it?
They saw EJ running down reading out loud
Elton: Brendan was arrested last night for
assaulting Hungani Oliphant. Yes! i wish he
killed that bastard
Sonia: Oh My God so he is suspecting him ?
Priscella: Wow wow wow. It's getting mercy i
Love it
Elton: He thinks it was him who did what ?
Sonia: It's a long story
Elton: Are you guys hid....
The elevator opened. Aaron walked in
Aaron: Good morning guys
Priscella: Your friend is back now we will see
you more often
She sipped her coffee then put it on the coffee
Aaron: Sorry for not visiting
Kobus came back to them. Sonia and Priscella
looked at him. He nodded his head assuring
them that it is done. Sonia and Priscella looked
at each other then smiled. Anyway everyone sat
down. We see Masixole walking down the stairs.
He looked nervous. He knew what he was about
to do was not easy. He knew this could be his
last day in this penthouse. He was scared that
Priscella might not understand his reasons. He is
scared to lose her. He sat down then smiled at
Masixole: Oh wait a minute guys
He stood up. He went to the laptop on the table.
He made a call. It was a video call. He was
calling Ms Refilwe.
Refilwe: Hello everyone
Everyone greeted her back. Priscella looked
worried. Masixole sat down.
Masixole: Guys i called all of you here because i
have something to tell you.....
Everyone listened attentively sitting up straight
and looking at Masixole waiting impatiently to
hear what is it that he wanted to tell them.
Masixole: I love all of you and i feel like i was
not honest with you about so many things
Priscella: What is goi.....
The elevator opened. Brendan walked in
wearing yesterday clothes. Masixole stood up
Masixole: What is this son of a bitch doing here?
Brendan: I am here to see my wife. This is not
your house man. You are just a boyfriend here
after what he's done !
Masixole went to him running ready to attack
him. Aaron got between them
Masixole: Your wife lost your baby where were
you? What did you do?
Kobus: What do you want here you bastard?
Brendan got teary. He looked at Sonia. Priscella
rolled her eyes
Brendan: Baby i went to check on you again at
hospital. They said you lef.....
Priscella: Was it before or after you were
arrested for assault?
Brendan looked at Priscella
Brendan: Are you gonna ask me that infront of
your boyfriend? Are you sad that i beat your ex?
Masixole tried to break free from Aaron but he
didn't let him. He was angry that he was
disrespecting Priscella.
Masixole: Get out!
Brendan: Baby we have to talk please
Kobus: You're not goi....
Sonia: It's okay dad
Everyone looked at Sonia with " Are you crazy "
look. Sonia looked at Brendan
Sonia: Let's go to the balcony
Brendan smiled. They walked to the balcony.
Sonia got out of the door first. She got to the
balcony. She was looking at the beautiful view
outside the building.
Brendan: My sweetheart i am sorry i left like
that yesterday. I had to rush somewhere but i
did go back to see you
Sonia folded her arms on her chest. She didn't
say anything.
Brendan: Tell me baby. Why would you come
live here! Priscella hates you!
Sonia: I am not safe in my house. I feel safe
when i am here. Did you find the person who
sent me that massage?
Sonia was speaking still looking outside. She
wasn't looking at him. Brendan was still behind
Brendan: Baby they contacted me. They want
half a million. I don't have that kinda money.
You have to help me pay
Sonia: I don't know why you're speaking behind
Brendan smiled. He went and stood infront of
Sonia and looked at her. Brendan looked
nervous and desperate. He was even teary. He
smiled between those tears. He was looking at
his wife hoping that she will agree to help him.
This man has money. He just doesn't want to use
his money. He wants to use his wife's money.
Brendan: Please baby. You have to help me. I
know you can find it for me ASAP
Sonia silently breath in and out. She closed her
eyes and did a short prayer. Tears escaped from
both her eyes. She opened her eyes then looked
at Brendan. She kicked his private part so hard
Brendan: Ahhhhh
He screamed so hard holding his private part
leaning on balcony. Sonia went closer to him.
She lifted him. She was trying to throw him
down the tall building. Bare in mind they are
almost at the top of this tall building. You could
see Sonia was in pain. Remember she just lost a
child. She was crying so hard while trying to
throw Brendan out of the balcony.
Brendan: What are you doing? help!!!
Sonia: What did you do Brendan?
Brendan: Baby put me down. You gonna kill me.
I am going to die. The floor is too far baby don't
do this
Brendan's entire body was hanging outside.
Only his legs were still inside the balcony. His
body was upside down. He was screaming like a
Sonia: Speak Dammit! speak!! what did you
We see everyone stand up hearing the noise.
They came running to the balcony
Priscella: Oh my God guys stop her!!!
Masixole: Sonia plea.....
Sonia: Don't get anywhere near me! let me kill
this son of a bitch!!!
Kobus: Sonia! you gonna rot in jail! think about
your children!
Brendan: Help me
Sonia: I am doing this for them! my kids are not
safe with this man alive. Let me finish him once
and for all!
She gathered all her strength. She lifted his legs
Priscella: Baby stop her!
Masixole grabbed Brendan's leg. Aaron pulled
Sonia back she fell on her back. She broke down.
Priscella went down and hugged her.
Sonia: Let me kill him
Masixole helped Brendan stand on his two feet.
Brendan: Thank you Jesus!
Kobus: What did you do? your wife asked you a
Brendan looked at the door. The only thing that
came to his mind was getting out of there before
he died. He ran out of the balcony to the



~ Brendan ~
What is wrong with Sonia? Why did she do that
to me? She knows i am scared and she knows i
don't know who is doing this. Why would she do
this to me? She knows this is not my fault, Well
it is my fault but she doesn't know that. I really
don't know what got into her. I understand she
lost a baby. She is supposed to feel the way she
is feeling but i lost a child too. I am suffering just
like her. We need each other more than ever
right now. I don't know why she wanted to kill
me. How would i know why someone is
blackmailing me? Well i know because that
bastard contacted me when i was in the elevator
going up to the Seputla penthouse. He wants
Half a million. This is not good for me. The
person i thought was gonna rescue me and help
me with the money is the one who wants my
head. I am trying to be one of the richest actors
in the country. I have One point five million in
my name. I thought with the gig i got with the
housewives show i will be worth 2million and
more but now i can't do that. i have to take the
entire 500 000 rands out of my account. I am so
frustrated right now. I spent a night in jail. A
man i thought was my best friend laid charges
against me. I will never forgive Hungani for this.
I am happy my lawyer came this morning and
bailed me out. Just few minutes ago my wife
wanted to throw me off balcony. What is going
on in my life? I have an angry woman looking
for answers. Someone has very sensitive
information that could destroy my life and my
career. My crazy father in law is mad at me not
forgetting the crimial record i got for beating
Hungani. They have CCTV footage. I am doomed.
I don't know maybe i am being punished for the
things i did to my wife. I am paying for all the
lies. For betraying her to the papers. I am paying
for everything. I feel like i am alone. Even God is
punishing me. He doesn't think i deserve to have
a child. What will happen when that video
links? Who is going to date a man who is
sleeping with other men? I might as well kiss the
dream of having a child goodbye. Girls will see
disappointment in me. No girl will look at me
after this. I am alone. I am on my own.
Anyway i ran out of Seputla towers into the
bakery downstairs. When the elevator opened. I
found so many journalists waiting. The camares
were flashing in my face.
J1: Brendan O'Neal why did you assualt your
best friend?
J2: Mr O'Neal we need answers? When is the
I ran out. I got to my car. I opened the door and
got in. The journalists were running after me. I
started the engine.
Me: Thank God
I wiped my tear then called Isaiah
Isaiah: She gave you the money?
Me: She attacked me.....
Isaiah: What?
Me: My wife almost threw me off the balcony. If
Masixole wasn't there i would be dead
Isaiah: So she knows? Oh My God
Me: No! She doesn't! She was asking me what i
did. I couldn't tell her
Isaiah: Okay what are you going to do with the
Me: I don't know you and i need to put the
money together so......
Isaiah: You and i? Mr actor i don't have that
kinda money!
Me: This is both our mess ! do you want this to
Isaiah: I don't but i don't have the money as well
Me: Fine ! Where are you ?
Isaiah: Come i am with this expect who will help
us figure out how we were filmed
Me: On my way
I hung up and focus on driving. I got a text. I
opened it
After i read that i threw my phone away
My phone rang. It's my manager. I ignored her.
She kept calling. I decided to answer.
Me: Mandy
Mandy: I don't know what is wrong with you
and Hungani. Few days ago he was suspended
now you are suspended for beating him. What is
wrong with you ?
Me: I am suspended?
Mandy: What do you think? You were supposed
to start shooting at 6am and you were not there!
not like they were gonna let you work anyway.
They called me last night. You're suspended till
after your trial
I hung up then hit the steering wheel hard.
Me: Dammit!!!
I Continued with my journey. My phone rang
again. I looked at it
Me: What does Mandy want now
I answered. I just breathed not saying anything.
Mandy: I was not done Brendan !
Me: What's up?
Mandy: It gets worse. The channel and the other
producers of the Housewives say they can't be
associated with you. They don't want you to
come to their offices
Me: What!? that was my dream too! they can't
do this to me!!!
Mandy: They did. Now we need a way forward.
We need to meet up with your lawyer so that we
can speed things up. I was hoping we also go to
Hungani and ask for apology and maybe beg
him to drop the charges. Things are bad for you
I pulled over on the side of the road. I lied my
head on the steering wheel while she was
talking in my ear. My life is over now.

< Nontorotyi >
Life looks good for my husband. I am happy for
him i really am. The only thing that doesn't
make me happy is the fact that i am going to be
an outsider in my own house. I am an outsider
at the Royal house now i just found out i am not
going to have any control what's so ever with
the shares. I have been married to this man for
almost 22 years. I should mean something in this
family. I have three children with this man. Why
am i treated like dirt? A woman we don't know
is going to come to my house and be handed
shares. I have been here fighting for my
husband and now i am expected to accept a
woman who come to my house and take
something i have fought for all the time i have
been married here? When my husband told me
about this shares thing he forgot to tell me about
the surrogate or maybe he didn't forget? He just
doesn't want to tell me? Zinyovile said he doesn't
know about the wife yet. I just want to make
sure if they only talked about the shares. I am
really worried. It looks like me and my
daughters will have nothing in this family.
Anyway i looked at my husband. He wants to go
to the project before we go see the lawyer. I am
excited to go see the lawyer and i want to be
there when we break the news to
Nomakhosazana. I want to see the look on her
face when we tell her we demand a part of that
company. I will be just there sitting while my
husband is making me proud. I must say it will
not be easy to face Nomakhosazana and
Nomagampompo. They know Ngejiwe is not my
husband's daughter. I just pray i won't be asked
to convince my husband to stop this madness.
Those evil women will do that i know them..
Me: Oh My God they wouldn't do that would
Hlohlesakhe: My love?
I quickly wiped my tear then turned around
with a big smile in my face.
Me: My love
Hlohlesakhe: What were you saying?
I smiled then walked pass him. He turned
around with me. Thank God he didn't hear me.
Me: Love you didn't say anything about
Surrogacy. What did he say about it?
Hlohlesakhe: I couldn't even touch that topic. He
just asked me why i want to have an heir when i
got nothing to leave behind for him
Hlohlesakhe: He said after i got shares i should
go back to talk about an heir
I looked away. That's when he will tell him to get
a second wife.
Hlohlesakhe: Anyway let me go my love
I turned around smiling. He can't see i am
Me: Okay baby when you come back i will be
ready for us to go see the lawyer
Hlohlesakhe: Okay baby
He walked out. Oh no. Zinyovile was right
I heard footsteps behind me
Ngejiwe: Really mom? How can you attack the
poor guy like that? He says he is in pain!
Me: I was beating " Friends from varsity "
remember the ones you spent a night with
disrespecting your father and i?
She looked down
Me: You didn't hear what your father said
yesterday. He might act okay but he is not !
Ngejiwe: Dad is okay, i told hi...
Me: He is not! he said he can't have anymore
girls. He doesn't want girls anymore because of
what you did!!!
Ngejiwe: You're lying mom
I walked closer to her
Me: Little girl you're going to be the best
Princess any royal house has ever seen....
Me: You sleep out at a friends place one more
time, I send you to the Queen she punishes you!
Ngejiwe: I got the message can i leave now?
Me: I am not going to let you behave like a slut!
you're a royal princess love yourself !
She walked to the door. She opened it then left. I
clicked my tongue
Me: The cheek!
I walked to the couch. I sat down.
Me: Oh i am able to sit now
I heard a knock. I stood up. The person opened
before i could attempt to go to the door.
Me: Sabonkolo?
Why is my sister crying. Did Nomakhosazana
beat her?
Me: What happened?
Sabonkolo: That woman called me there to
confront me for being your accomplice
Me: then why are you crying? Your husband told
her and you know that!
Sabonkolo: It's your fault! why did i go there
with you!
Me: You're my sister!
Sabonkolo: You were not there when that
woman was slapping me and squeezing my
Me: she did what?
Who does that woman think she is? I let her beat
me because she knows my secret. She thinks she
can do as she pleases? well this is a stop. This is
going to stop right here. I won't let her do this to
my sister. She has nothing on her. I want her to
lay charges
Sabonkolo: Nontorotyi she slapped me a couple
of time
Me: What are you waiting for? Go to the police.
We are not going to let Nomakhosaza.....
Sabonkolo's eyes widened when i mentioned the
police. What is it ?
Sabonkolo: That would be the biggest mistake
Me: Why? This is assualt. Is it because she is a
Sabonkolo sat on the couch.
Me: Speak already! Are you gonna lay the
charges or not?
Sabonkolo: Are you ready to go to jail for
attempted murder because i am not!
She stood up then walked away. What is
Sabonkolo talking about? I stood up and
followed her.
Me: What are you on about?
She turned around crying. A part of me feels bad
because this is my fault. I asked my sister to take
me to Zinyovile.
Sabonkolo: The Queen said if i tell anyone that
she slapped me she is going to lay charges of
attempted murder. She said she has that poison
and she is also gonna take what Nomaxabiso has
on you. She has a case sisi
I looked behind me. I went to the couch. I sat
down With my eyes popped out.
Me: She has a strong case.....
Sabonkolo: She also said.......
She looked around.
Me: Don't worry i am alone. I sent Deliwe to the
shops. Your nieces are at the royal house
Sabonkolo: She said she will tell my brother in
law about Ngejiwe
I jumped up. I ran to my sister. I pulled her into
a hug
Me: Forgive me
I said breathing heavily. I cannot afford that. I
have a lot going on as it is. I can't risk it. No one
can know Ngejiwe is not a royal princess
Me: Forgive me. Forgive me my sister
She broke the hug
Her: It's fine. She could've done worse right? i
mean look at your bum... it was just meaningless
slaps even though they made me fall. That
woman is strong
I looked at her.
Me: She is! you remember i told you she carried
sofas and put them on top of my husband! That
woman is a beast! this violence comes from her
mother's side. Her cousin is like this
Sabonkolo: Then why do you keep messing with
her Sisi?
Me: Not again!
I sat down again looking into space.
Me: Not anymore
I looked up at my sister.
Me: No one can know what she did sisi do you
hear me?
Sabonkolo: Loud and clear. I don't want to go to
Me: And i don't want to lose all of this
I said looking around.
Me: I can't

< Judge Makhosazana >
Call me a bully i really don't care. Everything i
do i always have a strategy or want to get
something out of it. Sabonkolo is Nontorotyi's
sister yes but that doesn't mean she should let
her sister do things that she knows very well
they could put her life in danger. I believe a
good friend or a sister shouldn't let people they
care about do things that they know they are not
good just in the name of love. When you love
someone you put them on the right track. You do
not agree to nonsense. When i beat Sabonkolo it
wasn't because i am a QUEEN and i think i am
allowed to do anything i want no, i did that to
prepare her for the future. The next time
Nontorotyi goes to her with a crazy idea, she will
think twice before letting her betray the royal
house. I know she is not stupid. I dont
understand why she let her sister do this. I have
been good to Sabonkolo and her husband. I
thought we were good. I mean this woman is
always invited to my house when i need help. I
don't think i trust her with anything right now. I
am not going to ask her to do nothing for me.
She also proved to me that indeed blood is
thicker than water. It looks like i am on my own
after all.
Anyway i walked out of my study. I headed to
the living room and attempted to take a glass
when i was rudely interrupted by my sister in
Nomagampompo: You didn't beat up that
woman did You?
I paused then took my glass. I poured myself a
Nomagampompo: My Queen do you realise that
we might be in trouble here
I turned around and looked at her confused
Me: Trouble with what?
Nomagampompo: What if she goes to the police.
Remember no one can take us to court
Me: She betrayed me! everyone who betrays
Nomakhosazana Dlungane pays!!
Nomagampompo's popped out. She didn't think
i would snap did she?
Nomagampompo: I am sorry my Queen. I am
just looking out for you
I looked at her. I just thought of something. I
sipped on my wine then shook my head in
Nomagampompo: What is it my Queen. Please
let's not fight. I am really sorry for betraying you
that tim.....
Me: Was it the first and the last time?
Nomagampompo: My Queen?
Me: Was it the first and the last time you
betrayed me?
She swallowed hard. She looked down then at
Nomagampompo: Yes my Queen. You know
why i di....
Me: You couldn't go against your brother. You
were trying to save his soul mate!
She cleared her throat then looked down..
Me: I am going to ask you another question
She looked at me.
Me: Was that the only time you saved
Nontsingizi from me?
Nomagampompo: I....
I didn't let her say whatever she wanted to say. I
hit her with another question
Me: Or it was you who gave her a handsup
about my little visit to her?
Nomagampompo: No! remember she is a healer.
She can sense danger!
Me: I hope you're telling the truth!
Nomagampompo: I am
Me: Good.....oh one more thing......
Me: That woman is not a healer. She is a whore!
call her and tell her that or is she here with us in
I looked around.
Me: You're a slut Nontsingizi! A men snatcher!!!
Nomagampompo: Sisi there are children under
this roof!
I gulped down my glass of wine. i looked at her.
Me: Let me go see Your brother's grave. I cannot
wait to tell his ugly ass what i think of him! rha
bloody ancestor!
I walked passed her

< Masixole >
I didn't expect this meeting to be interrupted
like that. I hate Brendan for showing up a
minute before telling these guys about my
secret. I have been scared. Earlier i was already
facing my fears. Now i have to start again. I am
scared. After that drama with Brendan
everyone is in a foul mood. Anyway we got Mrs
Seputla back on the line. I have to do this. I have
to. I stood up from the couch. I went down on
my knees. I looked at Priscella. I put my hands
on her knees.
Priscella: Baby you're scaring me
Me: Baby i hid something from you.......
Everyone was looking at me. I could tell Priscella
is gonna hate this.
Me: Growing up it was hard for me. It was hard
because i had so many responsibilities. The
responsibilities i ran away from coming here
thinking they would go away
Priscella: Masixole just tell me what is going on
Me: I lied about who i was
Priscella: Are you trying to tell me you're not
Masixole Ndengana?
I swallowed
Me: I am Masixole Ndengana......
Priscella: What did you lie about?
Me: I am a royal Prince
Oh my God she is smiling. Is she okay with it? I
heard EJ laugh. I looked at him
Elton: Dude what are you talking about? I am a
Prince as well
Me: What?
Refilwe: My brother is a chief in Mahikeng i
thought you knew that Masixole
Me: Wow i didn't know
Sonia: Wow it looks like you guys were brought
together for a reason
Priscella: Why didn't you tell me ?
Me: I was scared and......
I scratched my head.
Priscella: What?
Me: My life is complicated you guys don't know.
I lied to my family. I didn't tell them i finished
my studies three years ago. They think this was
my last year
Priscella: Why would you lie about that?
Me: Because of the responsibilities that were
waiting for me at home
Priscella: What responsibilities? I don't
understand why you didn't share something so
important to me
Me: I knew if i told you that i have a mother.......
Priscella: You have a mother!?
I looked down nodding my head yes frustrated.
It looks like i am heading for trouble now. This
is where the sad part comes. I hate what i am
doing to her. I hate this and i hate myself for
doing this to her.
Priscella: Answer me Masixole! you wanted to
talk now talk!!
Sonia: Friend please let him finish i am begging
you! My baby has to be the only loss we have
here. We can't afford to lose another baby please
breath in and out and calm down. If not for your
baby then do it for mine. The one i lost
Priscella looked up. She closed her eyes. She was
breathing. I was still on my knees holding her
hands. She opened her eyes then looked at me
Priscella: Continue
Me: Thank you baby.....
She rolled her eyes then looked away. I deserve
Me: Priscella our love is very special and
important to me. We love each other. One thing i
realised about our relationship is the fact that
we don't care only about us. We care... i mean
you care about people i care about and you also
want me to care about people you care about so
the reason for me to hide that i have a mother
was because i knew you loved me and you
would want to meet my mother
Priscella: Is that a wrong thing Masixole ?
Me: Baby you don't know my mother. I have met
people who are scared of their fathers. In my
case i am scared of my mother. If i told her
about you she was gonna ask me to leave you.....
Then i thought about the fact that she is
Me: At least that's what i thought......
Priscella: Why wouldn't your mother want me?
I looked down.
Me: I didn't know you're royalty. They want me
to marry Royal princess
Elton: It looks like it was a miscommunication
between you guys. You didn't tell each other
everything. Sis you can't bla.....
Priscella: Shut up EJ !
Elton: Bathong for once i am standing for your
Refilwe: EJ!!!!
Elton looked down
Elton: Sorry mom
Priscella removed my hands from hers
Priscella: So there is a girl they were hoping that
you'd marry?
Damn that was a question i have been avoiding
Refilwe: I am glad you asked that sweetie. i am a
Royal princess myself. I know how controlling
they can be. I was gonna ask that. Son in law...?
I turned around. I looked at my laptop
Me: Mrs Seputla
Her: Is there a girl they chose for you ?
i looked at Priscella. I saw a tear coming out of
her eye.
Me: Growing up.......
Priscella: Oh My God! if i hear that growing up
nonsense again i swear i am will walk away !
Sonia: Priscella a lot of us had our reservations
about Masixole. I think its only fair that we let
him tell us every detail, questions can come
later. Please speak
Me: Thank you again Sonia....
Priscella: Just speak we will be late for work
Me: My father used to joke..... well that's what i
thought. He would say i will marry some girl
from some royal family there. I woild laugh
about it. I didn't know he was serious til he
Priscella: So you're married already. How can i
be such a fool!
Me: Yes i am married....
She attempted to stand up i pulled her down
Me: Married to you
Priscella: We divorced! wait...... you divorced me
because you were going home didn't you?
Me: Bab.....
Priscella: Oh My God
Uncle Kobus stood up. He came to Priscella
Kobus: Prisy your father didn't raise you to be a
cry baby. He raised you to be strong! The
Priscella i know would sit back and listen while
brainstorming in her head about a way forward.
I want you to listen to this man
Priscella wiped her tears. She gave me a death
Me: My mother is a well known judge. She also
works with the government in the provincial
parliament. She works with the law she knows
everything. To fast forward everything. Few
years ago i found out that my family and that
girl's family made a business deal. My family
started a business with some of that family
money in hopes that i marry that girl. That is
why i ran away and came here....
I looked at Priscella
Me: Baby it was nice to meet real people who
looked at me like i was a normal person. You
loved me not knowing that i was a Prince. I
didn't only lie to you. I lied to my family. I said i
only finished studies this year but they
investigated me. They know i lied and i was told
that i am going to pay
Me: I was scared to lose you
Priscella: It looks like you already have
Sonia: Don't say that Priscella
Kobus: This man called all of us here. He loves
you. He wants to do things ri.....
Priscella: Where is your Fiancé?
I cleared my throat. I stood up. I sat on the couch
next to her.
Me: When i got home. I found her there.....
Priscella: I can't believe this!
She attemped to stand up i tried touching her
Priscella: Don't touch me!!!
Elton: So you're married ?
Priscella went and sat next to Sonia. She was
Me: No! i am not married ! they took her in
without speaking to me. When i got there my
family was angry at me for lying to them and
marrying Priscella. They forced me to sleep with
her because they want an heir
Priscella: You slept with her? You and i are
Me: She is not my wife! she.....
Sonia: But like you said they made a deal. It
looks like that was a bride price to me. I might
not be black but i know when that is paid You're
officially married
Me: Well my ancestors disagree
Refilwe: What's that?
I looked on the screen
Me: My ancestors spoke to our family healer.
They said that woman cannot be there until
Priscella gives me her blessings to marry her.
They recognise Priscella as my first wife. They
said if she says no that girl cannot be my wife
Priscella looked at me
Elton: The ball is in your court sis
Me: If you don't want her baby she is not going
to my wife
Priscella: I am not your wife! You and i are
divorced and i want you to take all your
belongings and get the hell out of my house
Refilwe: Sweetie let's not make decisions like
that when we are angry. You need to think this
Me: Baby i am sorry for lying to you.....
Kubos: So Masixole you came here to get
blessings from Priscella ?
I cleared my throat. Aaron looked at me
Priscella: He can marry that girl i don't care. He
is not my husband! as far as i am conserned he
was just a sperm donor to me!
That was a stab in my heart. I love her. I don't
want to lose her. I want her to be my wife. I
want us to raise our child together
Me: Baby please don't say that.....
Kobus: Masixole we have businesses to run!
I looked at him
Me: Actually i came back for many things
They all looked at me.
Me: In January i am going to be ordained as the
King of Pondoland
Uncle Kobus put on his glasses. He took his
Kobus: No man! King of the Pondoland.......
He was looking at his phone.
Sonia: What is it dad ?
Uncle Kobus looked at me
Him: Are you the King Zwelicacile who will be
ordained 21st January?
Me: Yes my Queen just called......
They looked lost
Me: I am sorry its my mother. We call her that
Kobus looked at Refilwe
Kobus: Refilwe I was invited to that event.
Almost all business people are invited..He is not
a small town chief. He will be a king. I saw other
leaders from abroad mentioned in that poster
Refilwe: Wow this is amazing. It looks like i don't
know my son in law at all
Me: I apologise Ms Refilwe for hurting you and
your daughter. This is all overwhelming that is
why i ran away
Sonia: Friend You're going to be the Queen
Priscella: You didn't hear what i said. I said i am
ending the relationship i had with him!
Me: Priscella please baby. I will do anything
Refilwe: Guys it's almost 3am here Masixole
finish what you were saying
Me: I came here to work for few weeks. I want to
give you my notice because i am going to resign.
Next year i won't be working here....
Priscella: You're fired! you can leave!!
Refilwe: Priscella!!
Priscella: I am the boss here! i am firing that
man! He is a liar! i don't know him anymore!!
Sonia: Friend Masixole was not caught. He
decided to come clean
Priscella: Because he knew we were gonna find
out from the news!
Me: I went home to come clean to my family
then come back and do the same to you
Priscella: Oh please
Refilwe: Continue!!!
I looked at Priscella then Kobus
Me: I am also here to get the blessing from you
i said looking at Priscella who gave me death
Me: Then take my Queen home with me
Priscella: That is not going happen!!! i am not
going anywhere with you!
Me: I.....
Refilwe: I am with you there sweetheart! night
What the hell? Did she just say that. I looked at
the screen. She cut the call
I was standing there looking stupid. I didn't
want this to happen. I was scared of it. That is
why i kept it to myself for so long. I felt someone
tap my shoulder i turned around it's Priscilla
Me: I am sorry baby. You're the only woman i
love. I am not going to lose you. Baby you know
how much i love you. You know what we mean
to each other. I can't go on with life without you
by my side
I was crying shaking while holding her hands
Priscella: Are you done?
I swallowed hard
Priscella: You see that Elevator over there
I looked at the elevator
Priscella: Use it ! and stay downstairs i will get
someone to pack your clothes
Elton: Come on sis you can't kick out your
highness like this ?
Priscella looked at EJ then at me..
Priscella: You're fired and you have 10 seconds
to leave my home
She Catwalked to the stairs. I put my hands in
my head. I have never cried for anything in my
life. I have never seen or heard myself with
Sonia came to me. She looked like she was still
in pain. I feel bad for waking her up so early
Sonia: I will go speak to her
I nodded my head okay. She walked to the stairs.
Kobus tapped my shoulder
Kobus: She is still in shock. Don't leave town
fight for your love !
He walked to the elevator. Aaron came to me
Aaron: Sorry dude
Elton: Well brother in law i tried my best
The elevator opened. Two security guards
walked in
Security1: Mr Ndengana we hate to so this but
Ms Seputla asked us to throw you out please just
get in the elevator and leave
Elton: What the fuck?
Me: No EJ it's okay i will leave
I walked to the elevator. I got in so did my friend
Elton: Where are you going to live?
I turned around
Me: The Luxury Hotel
Elton: Okay
The elevator closed. I sat down inside the
Me: Fuck!!!!
Aaron brushed my head
Aaron: You did it man. You should be proud of
I looked at him
Me: Are you for real? dude i lost my girl!




< Brendan >
My life is turning upside down infront of my
very eyes. I lost my two main jobs because of not
being able to control my anger. I worked so hard
to be part of that reality show. They can't take it
away from me. It wasn't a one man show dream.
We were a collective. They can't cut me out. I am
not going to allow this. I swear i am going to kill
whoever did this to me. I don't care how long it
takes for me to find the blackmailer but i will
and when i do, I will kill them. I am about to lose
my family as well. My wife is angry. My father in
law always hated me. I am imagining how will
he take it when he sees everything. I don't know
when will this end. I am just hoping after i give
them the money they will leave me alone but
hey i know this is far from over. I feel like when
they get the money they will expose me anyway.
I am just taking chances because i am scared
right now. I am thinking about my wife. My step
daughter and son. I am thinking about my father
in law. My colleagues and the industry at large. I
am going to be humiliated. I don't have know
where to hide. A part of me says i must just
leave the country and disappear but i think
about the things i have done for myself. I am
thinking about the reality show. I invested
everything to make that happen.
Anyway we are here at this man who is going to
help us find out how we were filmed.
Guy: Before i go to your house i would like scan
all your jewellery you're wearing right now....
Me: I don't wear jewellery
Guy: Your watch sir
Me: Oh ?
I took it off. He looked at Isaiah
Him: Your ear rings, Your gold chain and your
rings please
Isaiah took them out. Isaiah gave them to the
guy. The guy did his thing. He looked at me
Him: There is nothing here. How about your
phones ?
Me: My phone is always in my hand i don't
He took my phone then looked at me
Guy: You never know sir
He scanned it, The machine started beeping. He
looked at me
Me: What?
Guy: There is something here
I sat down
Me: What ?
He kept scanning
Guy: Here he is hiding at the back of your phone
I looked at Isaiah
Isaiah: So a small camera captured that whole
Mev I can't believe this!
Guy: You better believe it.
He gave me this small device.
Isaiah: I told you it wasn't me and you didn't
believe me
Me: I was confused because all that time i was
with you. Only you
Isaiah looked at the guy
Isaiah: Can you give us a moment please
He stood up
Him: Of course
He walked out. I was looking at him. He
disappeared, I turned around
Isaiah: What are you gonna do ?
Me: I will go apologise to Hungani and ask him
to help me track down these people
Isaiah: Are you crazy Brendan, You said he ran
in to get a gun why would you go back there ?
Me: Because i want him to drop charges. I need
my job. I have to get back to work and recover
this money i am losing today
I am paying the blackmailer today.
Isaiah: No Brendan don't go. Why don't you go
beg Mandy to speak to Hungani for you. You're
both her clients. She is your manager. You can't
risk going there man
Me: Mandy is mad at me
Isaiah: Better an angry harmless woman than a
mad man with a gun
Me: You're right. Let me go
I attempted to walk away
Isaiah: So you're not going to even bother to talk
about the person who bugged your phone?
I looked at him
Me: I don't know !
Isaiah: Come on Brendan! can't you see? This is
your wife!
Me: I am not going to do this with you. This is
Isaiah: You said it yourself. Your phone is
always in your hand. The closest person to you
did this!
Me: It could be anyone!
Isaiah: Your wife said she was gonna get me. Us!
Me: Explain the text she got!
Me: Explain the miscarriage! My wife is falling
apart. Do you think she is acting all that?
Isaiah: Who knows
I looked at him. I cannot believe he said
something like that. He is saying this because he
didn't see how drained and pale my wife was
when i saw her. I saw her with my own two
eyes. I saw the pain myself.
Me: You didn't just say that Sah!
Isaiah: My name is Isaiah!
Me: Whatever. This is my wife we are talking
about! I am grieving here! i lost a child i didn't
know about
Isaiah: That's exactly......
Me: What ?
Isaiah: What if this is your wife's plan? What if
she didn't lose any baby she is just trying to
make you believe she is clueless?
Me: I am not going to stand here listen to you
insulting my wife after everything i put her
Isaiah chuckled then folded his arms
Isaiah: It is nothing compared to what she is
putting us through
I formed a fist. He looked at it
Isaiah: Punch me! Hungani won't be the only
person taking you to the police. I am not your
punching bag
I walked out of there. I need to leave before i do
something i will regret.
Isaiah: Brendan!!
I turned around and looked at him
I didn't say anything
Isaiah: I am going to prove it to you
I continued with my journey to my car. I have to
make Hungani drop charges. Isaiah will put me
into more trouble. I am not going to let him
accuse my wife.

< Nontorotyi >
I am not as excited as i was when my husband
was telling me about the shares. Zinyovile killed
all my excitement. I am just here to support my
husband. At first i was angry thinking he knew
the ancestors plan but it turns out he is still
clueless. I am trying to be the best wife i can be.
My plan is to make sure he sees that we don't
need another wife. I want him to see that we've
got this. I don't want him to get married to
another woman, Not just any other woman, a
woman who is going to take everything from us?
This bitch will come here and have shares. My
22 years of marriage to this family don't count?
Why these people hate me so much? When will
they stop punishing me about Ngejiwe?
Speaking of Ngejiwe, I am glad i was able to
make sure she slows down with her wild ways. I
got a plan and i used it against her. She will
never sleep out again. Zinyovile said finding a
wife will distract my husband from paying
attention to Ngejiwe so since finding a wife is on
hold i found another plan to scare my daughter.
She is scared of the Queen. I know even though
the Queen cannot stand me, She would love to
help me with Ngejiwe. She really enjoys feeling
like she is in charge. I know she wouldn't waste
time. She'd punish her.
Anyway we just got to the firm. The lawyer is
here. He just walked out to get some documents.
I hope things go well. I hope we have a case here
but i don't think the ancestors would encourage
this if it wasn't the right thing to do.
Me: I thought the ancestors forgot about you my
Hlohlesakhe: For a moment i did too. I mean i
felt useless. I remember the dream i had my
father called me ungrateful
Me: You had a dream?
He looked surprised more like disappointed in
himself for telling me this.
Me: Baby when was this?
He looked down.
Him: You remember when i slept determined
that i would wake up and go demand to be the
king ?
Me: Yeah. I remember how you just changed
your mind ?
I asked this man why. He didn't wanna tell me..
Hlohlesakhe: Well my father attacked me in a
dream with a sharp sword
Me: Oh My Love why didn't you tell me this ?
Hlohlesakhe: I didn't want you to go against my
father's wishes. I knew you'd persuade me to go
on with the plan even when i tell you
Me: Am i that bad my love ?
Hlohlesakhe: I wouldn't say bad. You just want
what's best for your husband
Me: That's all i want my love
I kissed him. The lawyer walked in. I looked at
his desk. He sat down
Him: Okay how can i help you my chief ?
Hlohlesakhe: I have been working for my family
business for years.....
Me: A business that is where it is because of him
Hlohlesakhe: I went to college to study so that i
could have the skills to help the family business.
I taught all the workers how to treat the soul.
How to produce good veggies....
Lawyer: I must say your project expanded a lot
these past years
Me: It's all thanks to my love
Hlohlesakhe: Like i said, When there is a
problem. I know how to fix it because i am the
only one with a skill so i want to claim a few
shares from my family business. I think i
deserve them
Lawyer: Tell me about the business. Who started
it how many people who own shares there
I looked at my husband
Hlohlesakhe: My father and my brother started
in. In fact my brother and his wife were the ones
who came up with this. When my father and my
brother died they all left their shares to the royal
house. So The Queen owns 80 % of the company
and i must say we do get extra money from it on
top of our salaries because it's family business
but i think i am owed more
Lawyer: Who owns the 20 %
Hlohlesakhe: Zidenge family. My nephew's in
laws. They helped create the project
The lawyer was writing while my husband was
Lawyer: How much do you think they owe you
my chief?
Me: 40% ! my husband has to be equal partners
with the royal house
The lawyer laughed. He looked at my husband
Him: My chief is that what you want ?
Hlohlesakhe: I don't think that is fair. The royal
house has to have more shares. So i think 30 % is
Why? They don't do anything there. The lawyer
took his calculator. He started writing things
Lawyer: I just wrote everything you said down
on why you should get shares but i didn't write
the amount because i feel like its still too much
Me: What!?
Lawyer: You cannot be the majority share
holders or equal partners of the royal family
Hlohlesakhe: 30 %? that leaves them with 50 %
Lawyer: Let's say you join forces with the
Zidenge family and go against the family that
would make you the majority share holders. I
am your family lawyer. I swore that i will
always look out for the royal house interests. I
am sorry but i can only give you 20%. Go try it to
the elders. They might go down to 10 % just be
Oh That is disappointing. I was hoping for 40
and even 50 % if possible. I am disappointed i
won't lie
Hlohlesakhe: I guess 20 % is not bad?
I faked a smile.
Me: It's not my love
Lawyer: Good! now take this and go speak to the
Hlohlesakhe took the document. We stood up
and said our goodbyes. We walked out.
Me: That was a bit disappointing don't you think
my love ?
Hlohlesakhe: Yeah but i never thought i would
get this so i should be grateful. I am trying to
avoid getting another dream. I cant look at that
sword again
Me: Yeah.....
We should prepare ourselves for a war.
Nomakhosazana won't give up without a fight i
know her. This will divide us. I am worried.
What if my sister in law and Nomakhosazana
force me to change my husband's mind? I don't
think i would do that.

< Priscella >
Oh my God i hate when something like this
happens. So many people hated Masixole. I was
the only one who saw good in him. I defended
him. I was always on his side. How could he do
this to me, The only person who actually treated
him like a human being when others thought he
was just a farm boy from the Easten Cape. How
could he hide this from me. If this was only
about him being a Prince i wouldn't have a
problem with it. I was still gonna stand by him.
How can i forgive him after so many lies. This
man lied to me about so many things. He said he
was an orphan He said he had no parents. Now
it turns out he has a mother. It turns out not
only he has a mother. He is also a mama's boy.
He slept with another woman because his
mother said so. How could he? How could he
cheat on me like this. How could he do this to
me. People who were warning me about him are
going to say they told me so. Does he know how
much i hate that? How can i trust him again?
why did i let him impregant me when i knew
nothing about his life?
Me: Oh My God i am such a fool
I am sitting in my room infront of the computer.
What breaks me even more is the fact that i
never thought of searching him online. Now i
just searched " Ndengana royal house " then
boom! a big mansion appears.
Me: When he said he was walking down. Oh my
God ...?
I remember when i called him while he was
there he said he was walking down. I asked him
he was walking down what since i thought he
was poor now i see. He has a doubt story home
in the Easten Cape.
Me: Oh My God so many lies!!
I stood up. I started pacing up and down. I heard
my phone ring. I went to it and answered
Me: Yes?
Security: We kicked him out of the building
Me: Good! never let him back in again!
Security: Okay ma'am
I threw my phone on my bed. " Priscella pleas....
" that was Sonia out of the door..
Me: Go away Sonia!!!
She tried to open. The door is locked.
Me: Leave me alone!!!
I sat down on a chair crying.
Sonia: Priscella you heard what the doctor said.
He said i can't stand so long open the door!
Me: Just go to your room and sleep Sonia
Sonia: I will stand here. I don't care if i collapse
but just know if i die it's on you sweetheart
I looked up
Sonia: You think i am joking
I stood up. I went to the door. I unlocked. I left
the door. I heard it open. She opened the door
and walked in. I looked at her.
Me: Say you told me so! say it!!
Sonia: What the hell was that Priscella?
I looked at her. What is she talking about?
Me: Wha....?
Sonia: Ordering your security to kick your
husband out?
Me: I don't have time for this!
I walked to the chair.
Sonia: Well i do! you're acting crazy you didn't
think this through. How can you humiliate a
man who loves you like that ?
I looked at her. I didn't Stand up
Me: A man who loves me?
Sonia: Prissy i know i said a lot of things
suspecting Masixole bu....
Me: But nothing! You were right about him! We
married liars!!!
Sonia looked at me.
Sonia: Don't you dare Petronise me!!
Me: What?
Sonia: You cannot compare our situations! You
can't compare my situation with yours! Masixole
loves you! my husband is sleeping with men! I
lost my child because of that
I stood up
Sonia: Ouch
Me: hey are you okay?
I ran to her. She gave me a hand. She sat on the
Sonia: I will be fine
I stood in front of her. She should be asleep.
Sonia: I thought Masixole was fraud ! i thought
he was here for your money
Me: He is! what mad...
Sonia: Now you're acting like a foolish little girl.
That man i saw out there couldn't careless about
your money! He was raised with a silver spoon
on his mouth
Sonia: I don't understand why we didn't suspect
this. Masixole never looked poor. He was
intelligent. He knew everything! this world
wasn't fascinating to him. Friend this man could
even drive a luxury car
Me: All that don't change the fact that he lied to
me Sonia. I loved him. I gave my all to him. He
decided to lie. Even when i got pregnant he
continued to lie!
I looked at Sonia.
Me: Sonia who did i marry?
Sonia: You married Masixole Ndegana. A man
who loves you. A man at a young age was given
Me: I don't want to hear that!
Sonia: You don't want to but you have to.
Remember Masixole was young. They arranged
a marriage for him. He knew if he was open to
you that was gonna blow his cover or you were
not gonna want him. He wanted to be normal
friend! What is wrong with that?
Me: What is wrong is that is the fact that he slept
with another woman behind my back
Sonia: He said he was forced to. Friend you
made me see the good in him. Now i see it why
can't you? This man was scared to lose you! My
friend you need to give him a chance please
I paced up and down.
Me: I can't.....
Sonia: You can! Friend you love this man. You're
carrying his baby!
I sat on the edge of my bed
Me: The biggest regret of my life
Sonia: You don't mean that! Friend You're so
lucky. Your brother was on Masixole's side. I am
as well. We support you and your relationship.
Isn't that what you always wanted?
Me: You support me when i don't need your
support! You guys always support what i don't
want!! All the time. Elton is doing this because
we not on speaking terms right now
Sonia: Your brother took his time and went
downstairs to listen to what your husband
wanted to say. That is so unlike EJ. Why don't
you take advantage of that? Why don't you want
peace in your life?
Me: I always attract drama and altercations
Sonia: Maybe you allow it in your life. You need
to stop fighting more especially now that you're
pregnant please. I lost my child because i was
upset. I don't want that to happen to you. Meet
up with Masixole and apolo.....
Me: Apologise? He will never get that from me
Sonia: I am not done! You are going to apologise
to him for humiliating him with bodyguards!
Me: Sonia i will never speak to Masixole, not
now. I am mad at him
She stood up and looked at me.
Sonia: I am not going to let you throw away the
only person who loves and respect you. Hungani
was a jerk i admit it now. He couldn't commit.
Masixile is incapable of loving another woman
the way he loves you
Sonia: Friend you've never seen him flirt with
any girl. I saw the way he looked at you
downstairs. It was so cute to see a man admit
his flaws in front of his girl's entire family. This
man loves you and on top of that he is an
important citizen of this country. Imagine my
father is invited to his ceremony. A white man
invited to such things happening in rural areas
just shows he is important!
She walked away then turned around.
Sonia: That is not being a snob or anything or
trying to look down on his culture or his people.
It's a fact. Your husband is a big deal and by the
I looked at her..
Sonia: You're no polygamist. If you don't want to
share your man, Don't let anyone force you!
She opened the door then walked out. My phone
rang. It's Algebra. I answered
Me: yes ?
Algebra: ma'am should i Cancel all your
meetings i.....
Me: when is the first one?
Algbra: In...... 18 minutes ma'am
Me: i am coming to the office
I hung up. i took my handbag and my laptop
bag. I walked to the door. my phone rang. I
looked at it
Me: nxa!
He has some nerve to call me. I told Masixole
that i don't want to speak to him. I don't know
why he is calling.

< Narrated >
At the Bakery. We see King Zwelicacile sitting
with Aaron having breakfast. Masixole looked
sad. He is worried about his relationship. He
knows Priscella don't forgive men who hurt her.
He thinks he lost her for good. He was just
playing with his fork not eating.
Aaron: Dude stop looking depressed. You have
EJ and Sonia on your side. Those two were the
ones who really didn't like you and Mr De
Villiers as well is taken by you. He is happy and
he is also invited into your prestigious event
Masixole: Dude two women i care about are
mad at me and i don't blame them
Aaron: Mrs Seputla is not mad...
Masixole shook his head
Masixole: Did you hear the last thing that
woman said? She said i am with you on that one
sweetheart meaning she is not on my side
Aaron: What did you expect man? You lied to
her daughter and besides that, Priscella is the
CEO of this company. You of all people should
know she can't leave this business. Mrs Seputla
lives abroad you were out of your mind if you
thought she would leave everything and go live
at the farm
Masixole: Dude what if my ancestors don't want
her to live here ?
Aaron: I.....
Masixole: That's only if she wants to be with me
at all
Aaron: Your ancestors control everything don't
they? I don't understand this sudden change.
You believe more in them where were they
when you lied to your family and the Seputla
Masixole: You don't understand man
Aaron: Make me understand buddy
Masixole: I was told that i would be punished for
lying. I am impatiently waiting for the
punishment. They never lie. They deliver on
their promises
Aaron shook his head. He didn't believe this.
Aaron: I will believe it when it happens
Masixole: I don't know what to do. I wish i was
allowed to get to the building. I feel like i didn't
give her enough reason to why i lied to her. I
wish she could give me a chance to explain
Aaron: I think you explained enough man. I
think you need to give Priscella time to digest all
this. What do you think EJ?
Masixole turned around. He saw Ej standing
behind him.
Elton: I feel like it was enough explanation. If it
wasn't i wouldn't be here right now. Give my
sister time. She doesn't like to be lied to
Masixole: I know man that is what has been
eating me ever since i have been seeing her
Elton sat down
Elton: And The fact that you slept with another
woman man
Masixole hit the table. He got teary. People
started looking at them
Masixole: i know man !
Elton: You don't tell a girl you cheated bro
Aaron: That's true Ej
Elton: But it means a lot you did. It shows you
love my sister
Aaron looked at Masixole
Aaron: Did you tell Prisy because you were
afraid The other lady might be pregnant?
Masixole looked down..
Masixole: I slept with that girl to get mom and
that girl off my back. She is not pregnant though
Elton: How do you know that ?
Masixole: I didn't reach climax but she thought i
did. I couldn't make a girl pregnant before
Priscella gives me her blessings
Elton: You mean you faked orgasm? Dude i
thought only ladies can do that shit
Masixole: You have a lot to learn boy. I can feel
when my sperm is coming and i know how to
hold it back
Aaron: He is young
Elton: But i think my sister might forgive you but
i don't think she will want to share a girl so good
luck with persuading her
Aaron: He needs it
Aaron stood up
Aaron: Let me leave you boys. I have to go to the
office ;)
They said their goodbyes. Aaron left.
Masixole: Let's go to my hotel room. I don't like
sitting here
They walked out and crossed the road. They
went to the Hotel. They got in and headed inside
then to the Elevator.
Elton: We need to call my mother and hear what
she has to say. I was surprised to hea......
" Yes! Nomaxabiso Zidenge,...... " Said a voice
behind them
Masixole held EJ back. Elton stopped talking.
Masixole had his eyes popped out. He was still
looking the other way
Elton: What is i....
Masixole covered Elton's mouth. He pulled him
to the stairs instead of the elevator. They stood
where they couldn't be seen by Nomaxabiso.
Nomaxabiso: Hihihi i am from the Eastern Cape.
I understand well it's N.O.M.A.X.A.B.I.S.O
She said spelling her name out loud. Masixole
looked at EJ
Masixole: Take as many pictures of that girl as
you can even videos !
Elton: Wh....
Masixole: Questions later!
Masixole attempted to walk away then turned
when Nomaxabiso started talking again
Nomaxabiso: Then Zidenge it's Z.I.D.E.N.G.E
Lady: Got it. You will stay alone?
Nomaxabiso: Oh no! I will be staying with my
Masixole: Boyfriend......?
Lady: The name please
Nomaxabiso: He is still at work though here at
Seputla mine. His name is Malingene Gubhu
UUNBELIEVABLE! that was the look on
Masixole's face. He had his hand on his mouth.
He couldn't believe what he just heard and
Masixole: She fooled us all



< Narrated >
When you see your " Fiancé " at a place you
never expected to see them you'd think they are
there to see you and that is what King
Zwelicacile thought when he saw Nomaxabiso
Zidenge. He thought she came to Johannesburg
to see him. He was worried. He thought this
could make things worse between him and
Priscella and that is the last thing he wants. The
only thing he wants at this moment is to fix his
relationship with his wife. Nomaxabiso is the
last person he wants to speak to more especially
in this city. When the king heard Nomaxabiso
say she is here to see another man He was
shocked. He didn't know what to do or say, he
stood there with his hand on his mouth. Elton
was standing there taking pictures lost. He had
so many questions but he knew this is not the
right time to ask the questions.
Lady: Oh i get it now
Nomaxabiso:.....Yes Malingene Gubhu
Masixole put his hand on his mouth. He tapped
Elton's shoulder
Masixole: Keep at it, i will be right back
He said then ran away
Elton: Wai.....
Masixole was running away. Elton turned
around and continued taking pictures.
Elton: This is crazy! but am doing it
He said taking pictures. We see Masixole at a
distance making a phone call
Masixole: Mandisa it's Mr Ndengana
Mandisa: Hello Mr Ndegana how can i help you?
Masixolo looked at Nomaxabiso. He moved
backwards so that she couldn't see him.
Masixole: I want you to check the list of our
employees. I want to know if we have any
employee by the name of Malingene Gubhu
Mandisa: Maling...... Yes sir. We have him he is
actually on duty right now
Masixole shook his head in disbelief.
Masixole: Thank you Mandisa
He hung up. He dialled another number. He saw
Nomaxabiso looking excited going to the
elevator going upstairs pulling her travel bag
Nomakhosazana: Hello son i just got to the
cemetery make it quick
Masixole: Like i told you i am at the hotel guess
who i just bumped into
Nomakhosazana: Right now i am in a foul mood.
I do not have time to guess !
Masixole: Okay mom i was going to my room. I
heard a familiar voice speaking at front desk.
When i turned around i saw Nomaxabiso
booking herself a room
Nomakhosazana: She followed you?
Masixole: No mom! She is here to see another
man. She said she will be sharing a room with a
man by the name of Malingene Gubhu who is.....
Nomakhosazana: What?
MAsixole: He is a mine worker at our mine. I
just called HR they know him
Nomakhosazana: King Zwelicacile don't tell
anyone about this. In few days i am going to
court. I will pass by the Zidenge house.
Nomfunzelo and Shosholoza have a lot to
explain to me !
Masixole: Okay my Queen
Nomakhosazana: Make sure Nomaxabiso don't
see you. I want you to focus on winning your
wife over !
Masixole: Okay my Queen
The Queen hung up. We see Elton walking to
King Zwelicacile..
Masixole: Did you take enough pictures?
Elton: Yes i did and videos but i still don't
understand what you want with her?
Masixole: Let's go to my room. I will explain
everything to you
They walked to the elevator then went up to
Masixole room. They were not talking on the
way. Elton was going through the pictures not
saying anything and that helped Masixole focus
on his thoughts. He has a lot in mind. He is
thinking about his wife and a Fiancé who has
been playing him for a fool. He couldn't believe
such an innocent well mannered woman like
Nomaxabiso could do this. Anyway they got to
the Hotel room. EJ looked up.
Elton: I was about to ask you why you didn't use
the family suite. You did the right thing
Masixole: We pay a lot of money for this room. I
just hope your sister won't find out i live here. I
don't want to see myself being kicked out
Elton: That was not cool she is just mad don't
mind her
Masixole: I know and i don't blame her
Elton showed King Zwelicacile the pictures
Elton: So? why are you so interested in her? I
hope you're not cheating on my sis.....No She
looks older than you though.....
King Zwelicacile's eyes popped out. He looked at
Masixole: You think?
Elton: Definitely! yes she is a good looking lady
but older than you. Wait..... Who is she?
Masixole sat on the couch.
Masixole: The girl my family chose for me
Elton laughed then sat opposite him hoping that
he'd say he is joking
Elton: You're joking right?
Masixole: I wish i was
Elton: Wait what the hell is she doing here. She
said the boyfriend works at our company and
she mentioned a different name.....
Masixole: Yeah it's another man.....
Elton: Damn she is old and also a whore
Masixole: My ancestors demanded that she
leaves the royal house....
Elton: The royal house?
He doesn't know King Zwelicacile's home is
called "The royal house" .
Masixole: My home..... So they asked her to leave
because apparently she wronged us but we don't
know how.... now i think i have a clue......
Elton: What?
Masixole: The deal was that she stays pure till
she marries me. When i had sex with her i could
feel and see that she was not a virgin..She was
more experienced than i expected
Elton: Damn she had to stay that long waiting?
That's hectic...
Masixole: I guess she couldn't wait....
Elton: Did you talk to her about it?
Masixole chuckled
Masixole: I did. She said she was using a
Elton laughed so hard. He laid on the couch and
put his legs in the air laughing
Elton: She is also hilarious. That's bull. So what's
gonna happen?
Masixole: My Queen will handle it. She said i
shouldn't confront her or tell anyone about it
Elton: My sister knows about it?
Me: My mother is the Queen
Elton: Oh okay
He stood up then put his phone on the coffee
Elton: Let me go pee
He walked to the bathroom. He disappeared
then his phone rang. The king looked at it. He
saw it's one of security guards at Seputla towers.
He took the phone and answered.
Masixole: Hello
Security: You promised me that day was the last
time. Your stuff just got delivered. EJ you need to
stop taking this!
Security: Ej?
Masixole cleared his voice then pretended to be
Masixole: Can you cross the road and come to
the hotel please
Security: I am on duty
Masixole: Please
Security: Sure let's meet at front desk
Masixole heard the water in the bathroom. EJ
was flushing the toilet. Masixole quicky hung up.
He put the phone on the table. Elton walked out.
Masixole: I will be right back. Let me go get us
something to drink
Elton: Cool
Masixole ran out. He ran to the elevator. He got
there on time people walking out. He got in. The
elevator took him downstairs. He got
downstairs. He saw the security guard.
Security: Mr Ndengana
Masixole: Give it to me
Security: Sir?
Masixole grabbed his wrist aggressively then
looked at him.
Masixole: You were speaking to me on the
phone. Give me the drugs!
Security: I begged him to stop. I swear i didn.....
Masixole searched the guy's pockets. He got the
drugs. He took them
Security: Please don't fire me sir. He threatened
to fire me if i don't get him the drugs
Masixole: Go back to work if i hear that you're
giving him drugs i won't only fire you. I am
going to get you arrested
Security: Arrested now?
Masixole: Go to work!
He ran out. Masixole put the drugs in his pocket
Masixole: Dammit EJ!
He took his phone. He called Priscella hoping
that she'd answer but unfortunately she
dropped the call.

At Priscella's office. We see Mr Kobus walks in.
Proscella's phone rang. She looked at her phone.
She threw it away
Kobus: Is that Masixole?
Priscella sat down. She didn't sat anything..
Kobus: somehow you two need to sit down and
talk. I understand where he is coming fro....
Priscella: Uncle why nobody understands where
i am coming from? You all on his side
Kobus: I understand you my dear. No one wants
to be lied to by people they love but in his case i
understand. He is young. The responsibility he's
been given is too much and he loves his job
here. He is passionate about engineering. He is
going to leave all that....
Priscella: Uncle he slept with another woman.
He lied to me. He said he was poor!
Kobus: Priscella he explained why he did that
and i understand
Priscella: Do you want me to leave my father's
company and go be a royal wife?
Uncle Kobus looked down. He pulled a chair and
sat down.
Kobus: Honestly speaking i don't want that to
happen. In fact i don't see it happening. We are
losing him which is a great loss. We cant lose
you as well no
Priscella looked away
Kobus: Give him a chance to talk to you. He is
the father of your unborn child. And he is your
Priscella turned fast
Priscella: He is not my husband! We got
Priscella snapped. She then looked down when
she realised she raised her voice at Uncle Kobus
Priscella: I am sorry
Kobus: It's okay i understand ho.....
Priscella: No uncle you don't understand.
Masixole manipulated me to marry him at
Home Affairs. I didn't like doing that but i did
because of how much i love... i loved him! after
like two days he manipulated me to divorce him
and again i fell for his lies. I don't know that
man anymore. He is just like Brendan
Kobus: He is nothing like that scum!!!
Priscella: Brendan lied about who he was to
Sonia. Masixole did the same to me. What is the
different in them?
Kobus: We both know Brendan never loved my
daughter. He was there for wrong reasons.
Masixole loves you
Priscella wiped tears.
Priscella: Let's talk about why you're here. I dont
want to talk about that man
Kobus: Oh yeah..... please call Sonia. I want her
to be part of this conversation
Priscella called Sonia
Sonia: Hey
Priscella: Uncle wants to talk to us
Kobus: Your husband has the money. My men
will meet him later
Sonia: So soon? Where did this man get half a
million in cash so soon?
Priscella: There is a lot we don't know about that
Kobus: How much does he have?
Sonia: I knew 1.5 Million as his savings. I don't
know maybe he has more
Kobus: We will want 1 Million next then after
that we are sending the video to the......
Priscella: No! We can't send the video
Sonia: Why not?
Kobus: Yeah why? Priscella we dragged this long
Priscella started thinking. She chuckled then
looked at Sonia then at Uncle Kobus. .
Priscella: You said it yourself uncle. Brendan
wasn't in this for love. We don't know if he
already got what he wanted.....
Kobus: That is true bu.....
Priscella: He might not want to get divorced.
What i was thinking is how about we screenshot
the video and send pictures to the media. This
video will help us when we force him to sign the
divorce papers
Sonia: I like how you think!
She looked at her father. It's a video call.
Sonia: Father we don't even have to use the
video at all. We can give this lady journalist the
information we got about buying kinky stuff and
that video at the shop. And tell the journalist
that he is sleeping with Isaiah. When he denies
that in the media, I divorce him then link the
video online
Priscella: I like that !
Sonia: I want to see that bastard suffer
Priscella: He is not ready for this
Kobus: Okay i think i like this as well. i want that
moron to pay for hurting my baby girl
Sonia smiled when she heard her father say that
Sonia: Priscella it's almost lunch time ain't you
going to come and eat at penthouse?
Priscella: You miss me i am coming. and bye
you're finishing my Wi-Fi
Priscella hung up.
Kobus: I will go downstairs and wait for Hunter
and kids. They are almost here
Priscella: They are coming today?
Kobus: Yes
Priscella: Okay
Uncle Kobus walked out. Priscella looked
worried. She is not sure about this whole ex
husband thing. She doesn't think hooking up
Sonia with her ex husband is the best decision.

< Nomaxabiso >
I don't remember the last time i got to travel. It
was a long night being in the bus all night was
not nice. Johannesburg is very far from Where i
come from. You travel for over 12 hours. I was
on the road all night. I was so tired when i got
here but the bath i just took make me feel fresh.
All i need right now is my beauty sleep but
before that. I need to speak to Malingene. He
told me he is coming back for lunch. He will go
to work again. I am excited to see him. It's been
a while since we last met. We always talked on
the phone. Remember at 25 i ended the affair.
That was after my abortion. The reason for
staying far away from each other is the fact that
he is married. I have been a bad friend for a
long time. I grew up and decided to end things
besides that, i wanted to stay away from sex so
that Zwelicacile could find me still tight. But it
looks like all that was a waste of time. The
ancestors exposed me. They took him away from
me. He is with that woman now and i have to sit
back and wait for her to make a decision about
my life. I was supposed to be the one doing that.
He was supposed to be mine. I was supposed to
be his world. I wasn't warned about the
ancestors. If they did i wouldn't have done the
things i have done. I believe i was gonna do
things differently. I am disappointed in myself.
What if that city girl don't want me? What if she
doesn't wanna share her husband what will
happen to me?
I stood up wiping my tear. I looked at the time.
Where is this man? I heard a knock at the door
when i was about to call him. I went to the door
and opened.
Malingene: Wow look at you
I smiled then walked away leaving him at the
door. He is so dirty with his overall and boots
Me: Don't act like you're happy to see me
Malingene: What? i am happy to see you
I turned around and looked at him .
Me: You didn't want me to come here
Him: Princess you know i am married and not
just to anyone. I am married to your friend. She
can't know about us
I sat at the edge of my bed.
Me: It looks like she will know pretty soon
Him: What did you say?
I looked at him
Me: Malingene ancestors are not happy. They
know what you and i did
Malingene: What? What did we do wrong?
Me: You broke my virginity now my family
wanna go to your family and ask for damages
Him: What!? They can't do that Nomaxabiso
please talk to them
Me: I tried. They are disappointed in me
Malingene: no! this can't be happening to me.
We have to do something!
I stood up.
Me: I managed to calm them down. I said they
can't go there when you're not home. I did that
to buy you time....
Malingene: Thank you baby princess
Me: Don't get excited. You still need to figure out
what you need to do when you get home. You
cannot let them go there. You must do
something to shut them up. I don't want to be
the talk of that village
He came closer
Him: When we think together we always come
with great ideas. I think we will get through this
together but first......
He squeezed my butt. I giggled blushing
Him: I have to welcome you to Johannesburg
Me: Hihihi Malingene
He pushed me to my bed, i fell on my back. He
climbed me.
Him: I have only 15 minutes. Do you think we
can make use of it?
Me: I don't think this is the bes......
He played his tongue in my ear. That paralyzed
me. I let out a soft moan
Me: Oohhh.....
He stopped then looked at me
Malingene: You were saying?
I pulled him closer
Me: You're wasting time
I smashed my lips on his. We started undressing
each other hungrily. I missed him. I missed
having sex with him. I cannot stay waiting for a
man who is with a woman he loves. I am going
to wait for him with Malingene inside me.

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
I just spoke to my son on the phone. He almost
disturbed me talking to his father because When
i was about to walk out of my car, i heard my
phone ring. I am glad he called before i left it
because i am not going with it to his father. He
told me that his first wife is royalty which was
such a surprise to me. I knew the ancestors
wouldn't mislead him. I knew there is no way in
hell he would make a commoner a first wife.
Now i see why they love her. As for that whore
from Hlalwini, I am going to deal with her
parents. They lied to us. They got caught, they
don't come and apologise. Their daughter is
whoring in Johannesburg. This girl has no
shame. She lied to all of us here. She is not a
pure girl. That vibrator story was a lie.
I didn't tell my sister in law about Nomaxabiso
being in Johannesburg. The reason i didn't tell
her is because i know she will mess up my plans.
There is a very important reason why i can't tell
her but i promise soon enough you will know
why. All i am doing is for the goodness of this
Anyway i just walked out of the car. I am looking
forward to seeing my son's Johannesburg in
laws. i hope he solves the issues with his wife
I am angry because i am standing next to my
husband. I loved him. I made him a better man
how did he repay me? By sleeping with
Me: Sgaqa it's me your wife
I put my hand on his tombstone
Me: I didn't bring you flowers, Do you know
I walked to the other side.
Me: I don't have a doek in my head right now do
you know why?
I walked and stood in front of him
Me: I am not on my knees, Do you know why?
it's because i don't respect you anymore! It's
because you're a cheating ungrateful bastard
I wiped my tears..
Me: Your bitch is still a problem in my life. She is
still doing the things she was doing when you
were alive! She is hurting me!!!
" Oh Nomakhosazana........." Said a voice behind
me. I quicky turned around
Me: You
It's Zinyovile. She smiled and came closer to me
Me: Hey don't you dare come near me
Zinyovile: This crying and emotional blackmail
never worked while he was still alive
Zinyovile: Remember he would go see me. When
he comes back you'd be crying and blackmailing
him but he would still come to me
Me: What the hell are you doing here?
Zinyovile: What makes you think he will care
Me: Leave i am talking to my husband!
Zinyovile: Your husband loved me! Why don't
you go over there and talk with that pervert you
called father in law!
She said pointing at father in law's grave
Me: I am here to see my husband!
Zinyovile: How about the man who was inlove
with you? He was too much of coward to admit
Me: Who are you talking about? Who loved me?
She turned around and looked my father in
law's grave
Zinyovile: Him!
Me: What?
She looked at me
Zinyovile: Dubulingqanga!
No! She is trying to mess with my head. She is
lying to me.
Me: You're crazy! My father in law was too old.
He loved me as his daughter in law !
Zinyovile: Oh he wanted you
Me: You're lying! How can yo......
" She is telling the truth " said a male voice
behind me. I turned around. it's Gedleza
Me: Gedleza tell her she is lying!
Gedleza: She is telling the truth my Queen
Me: What!?
Zinyovile started talking , I turned and looked at
Zinyovile: Your soul mate is Chief
Me: You're lying bitch! you're lying!
Gedleza: She is not!
Me: No!!!
I was shouting turning around looking at each of
them when one started talking.
Zinyovile: Why don't you ask yourself why you
haven't been with any man since my man died?
Me: He was not Your man! He was mine and i
am not dating by choice!
Gedleza: I am afraid that is not true my Queen
I turned and looked at Gedleza
Me: What?
Zinyovile: Your father in law is jealous of every
man who wanna get closer to you. He wants you
for himself
Me: This is ridiculous! You're lying!!
Gedleza: I am afraid she is not
I looked at Gedleza fuming with anger
Zinyovile: And when you're on the other side
you will finally be together because you're soul
I turned around.
Me: Liar!! You're lying! i don't believe you!
Gedleza: She is not ly....
I turned around fast
Me: Shut up Gedleza!!!
Zinyovile: The day you die you and Chief
Dubulingqanga will finally be together!
Me: The devil is a lie ! i would never be with that
old man ever!
I walked away more like running. I got to my
Me: I am going to prove you wrong. All of you!
I took my phone while driving. I dialled my
cousin sister's number who is in Port Elizabeth.
There is a man in PE who really wanna go out
with me. I am going to say yes to the date.
Cousin: Mzala
Me: Mzala tell that man I agree to a date, After
my sister's trial in few days i will come there
Cousin: Oh cuz, I forgot to tell you. He was in a
car accident few months ago. He died
Oh my God. I hung up then stopped the car.
Me: Oh My God

< Nontorotyi >
All i wanna do right now is sit here and watch
the Queen fuming with anger. She cannot go
against the ancestors. That bitch beat my sister.
This is personal. I will enjoy seeing her lose
some of the shares to my husband. I know she
will be upset and throw a tentrum i don't care.
We are not going to listen to her. The tables are
turning now. Only the ancestors are deciding
what is next. She is not in charge anymore.
We just arrived at the royal house. Only sister in
law is here. Nomakhosazana is not here. I
wonder where she is. We are here to talk to her
and the elders. Honestly speaking i so wish we
don't get to see her today so that things could
delay. Remember after we got what we wanted,
He has to go back to Gedleza. I don't think i am
ready for the next step. I am not ready to
welcome another woman in our lives.
Hlohlesakhe: Sisi where is the Queen we are
here to see you and her
Princess: She went to the cemetery to see our
Hlohlesakhe: Is everything okay? Did she have a
dream.... ?
Nomagampompo looked at me..
Princess: No Hlohlesakhe! Your wife told her
about our secret remember!
Me: Me?
Princess: If you didn't go to Zinyovile or told The
Queen how you found out about Zinyovile's
where abouts we wouldn't be here!
I looked down. I cannot upset her more than she
Me: I apologise. It wasn't my intentions but if i
didn't tell her she was gonna kill me
Princess: That was not gonna be a bad thing
Me: What?
Hlohlesakhe: Sisi that is harsh. This is my wife!
You can't say something like that
Me: Tell her! She can't!
She looked at me then chuckled. She looked at
Princess: Wait for The Queen if what you came
for is urgent
Me: We are going to wait for The Queen
Princess: Can i go speak to you in private
Oh no, What does she want? Maybe coming here
wasn't the best idea. My husband would've done
this alone.
Hlohlesakhe: Is everything okay Sisi?
Princess Nomagampompo looked at me
Her: Everything is okay
I stood up. We walked to the study. She opened
the door then walked in. I walked in as well and
closed the door. I turned around with her
pointing a finger at me.
Nomagampompo: After everything that
happened you just walk in here like nothing
She looked at the door then at me
Nomagampompo: My brother raised a bastard
child! Why did you do this to him?
Me: I didn't know i was already pregnant when i
met him. I found out weeks later when i found
out how far i was and i couldn't tell him because
he was so excited
Nomagampompo: I don't believe that! you
always have an agenda. You just wanted to
marry a rich man!
Me: That's not true. I love my husband
Nomagampompo: Whatever! why didn't you
come back after you realised that we knew
about your secret?
I walked pass her. I am not acting to make her
feel sorry for me. I am crying because this could
ruin my life if it were to come out.
Me: I was scared, Ashamed, embarrassed and
disappointed in myself
Nomagampompo: Stop lying! You just don't
respect us ! you don't care about the Queen and i
at all!
Me: That's not true
Nomagampompo: So you care?
Me: Of course i do!
Nomagampompo: Then why did you try to kill
my sister in law?
I looked down ashamed.
Nomagampompo: Keep acting like this. Your
days are numbered in this family!
She stormed out fuming with anger. I pulled a
chair then sat down and cried silently.
I felt someone brush my back. i jumped up
Me: Oh it's you Zinyovile
Zinyovile: I feel responsible. I should've warned
you when you asked for that poison
I saw a tear. That's a surprise. Is she really
feeling sorry for me?
Me: You damn right you should have!!
She turned around. She looked at me. She was
not sad now. She was livid
Zinyovile: As if you do take no for an answer !
I looked down
Zinyovile: Anyway enough about that......
She walked cross the study. She picked up the
sjambok. She looked so serious. She was wiping
it with her hands cleaning dust
Zinyovile: I am here to warn you
I went and stood infront of her scared to hear
what is this about.
Me: About what now?
She looked at me. She didn't blink at all. She was
so furious. Her eyes went back to the sjambok.
Zinyovile: When your husband is telling the
family about his demands please wipe that
smirk in your face because it will upset the
Me: When did i start caring about how
Nomakhosazana feels? Seeing her upset brings
so much joy to my soul
Zinyovile chuckled then shook her head in
disbelief. Her eyes were glued on the sjambok.
Zinyovile: You remember me telling you that the
Queen is gonna kill soon?
I felt urine drops a little in my pants because of
Me: Yes?
Zinyovile looked at me
Zinyovile: Well it's sooner than we both thought
it would be!!!
I put both my hands on my mouth in shock
Zinyovile came closer to my face shaking her
Zinyovile: I repeat.....
Zinyovile: It's sooner than we both thought
Me: Is She gonna kill me? Am i the one who is
going to die in the hands of Queen
Zinyovile stood there looking at me breathing
heavily. I saw a tear drop coming out of her eye
Me: No!
I didn't feel my lower body. I don't know when i
got down to the floor but i saw myself sitting
down with both my hands on my mouth
Me: No!!!



~ Sonia De Villiers ~
I have been played for a fool for such a long
time. This man knows he is in trouble and he
knows i am this close in finding out what he did
but he continues lying to me. How much of a
fool does he think i am? When i was talking to
him at balcony i was trying to give him a chance
to come clean but clearly he just doesn't want or
know how to be truthful to me. All he does is lie.
I am sick of it. I want my father to finish this. I
am ready to divorce his ass. I want him to take
his belongings and leave my house. I cannot live
with Priscella forever. I have to go home and
claim my life back. My doctor said i could go to
work next week monday. I am not going to sit
here and feel sorry for myself. The sooner the
truth comes out the better. I feel like i am at my
worst now so why not suffer at once? I know i
will be laughed at for marrying a bisexual man.
I don't want to heal from losing my child when i
feel better and start breaking down again. I
want to see Brendan losing everything..
Anyway i heard my phone rings. I looked at it.
It's Hungani. I wonder what he wants. I
Me: Hello
Hungani: Hey i saw on Twitter in some news site
that you had a miscarriage i am sorry
Me: Thank you
Hungani: I didn't think you'd answer after what
happened between me and your husband
Me: That man is the reason i lost my child
Hungani: What happened? He came to me
accusing me of things i knew nothing about
Me: Someone is blackmailing him. They sent me
a text that is why i lost my child. He did
something and he doesn't wanna tell me what it
I cannot tell Hungani that i am the blackmailer.
This can never come out. I can't trust Hungani. I
know he wouldn't rat me to Brendan but i have
learnt my lesson. I don't want to involve
Hungani in anything that involves Priscella. This
man is obsessed with Priscella he could use this
to blackmail her. I am just sticking to the story i
told Brendan.
Hungani: Wow i wonder what he did this time
Me: Blackmailers always expose you after they
got what they want. Let's just wait
Hungani: Yeah. Let's hope he fixes this problem
I heard the elevator open.
Me: Hungani i got to go
Him: Okay
I hung up. I looked at the elevator it's Priscella
Me: Hey
Priscella: You still good?
Me: Yes friend
Priscella: I thought i would find you in the
I stood up
Me: Let's go sit at the lounge upstairs. You know
i don't like sitting in one place
We walked to the stairs.
Priscella: Cleo please bring two plates!
Cleopetra: Okay ma'am
She brought take aways from downstairs
Me: What did you buy?
Priscella: The Mexican
Me: Flavourite
Priscella: I know
We got upstairs. I sat down
Me: Have you spoke to Masixole?
She looked angry in an instant.
Me: Friend while you busy acting childish the
time is flying! that man has only weeks with us.
He should be at work doing his work or maybe
busy grooming someone who is going to take his
position. This is not only about your personsl
life. This affects business. We need Masixole in
this company
Priscella: He's been calling me. I am not going to
take his calls! you guys don't....
Cleopetra walked in. She put the plates on the
Me: Thank you
She smiled then walked out. I looked at Priscella
Priscella: Friend please don't tell me about what
you're going through. I know it is worse but you
guys don't know what i am going through!
Masixole is not the man i thought he was and on
top of that he is going to leave everything behind
and go start his life at the farms!
I smiled
Me: So we are angry because he is leaving the
city and we don't want him to go?
She stood up
Priscella: Dish up!
Me: Babe let's face it you love that man. And
these changes are scaring you and it's okay to be
Priscella: Friend i don't know if i still love him
after the things he told us
Me: That is not true! you just angry. Tell me , Are
you really going to let that gorgous man slip in
your little fingers. That man is deeply in love
with you
Priscella: That man has a woman he has been
sleeping with while my bed was cold! His family
is counting on him to marry her so that they
don't lose whatever business deal they had.
Sonia i feel like they don't really care about me.
All they care about is securing their future using
that girl
Me: Babe do you remember when i said you
didn't give that man a chance to explain?. You
see now. You just assume that his family don't
want you. Did you ask Masixole how his family
think about you?
Priscella: I......
She just opened her mouth no words were
coming out.
Me: Oh i forgot you didn't give you guys time to
talk. You just asked your security to throw him
out !
She threw her fork on the table
Priscella: I just lost my appetite
Me: Thank you i will have all this myself
I started eating pulling her plate to my side.
Me: Whether you like it or not you and that man
need to talk about your future and the future of
that woman who is waiting for her fate
She looked at me
Priscella: I am not sharing a man!
Me: Oh? So you want all that dark chocolate to
yourself mmmmm yummy
Priscella: Oh My God you're so annoying Sonia!!
She furiously walked away approaching the
I was laughing at her. She loves him. She thinks
her stubbornness will work on Masixole because
it did to Hungani? Well by the look of things she
didn't love Hungani like she loves Masixole. You
could see while she is talking. Her body says i
want Masixole. The tone of her voice and how
angry she is shouts i don't want him. She must
just forgive her man and plan the future. I saw
her standing looking downstairs. I ate up
quickly with the hopes of standing up and go to
her and watch what she was looking at then i
saw my babies. What are they doing here ?
I saw Hunter then my dad. Priscella was hugging
my kids. My kids saw me. They ran to me.
Me: Hey guys
I kissed them.
Me: I missed you
Roxy: Mom you're crying ?
I quickly wipe my tears
Me: I am not honey i am just happy to see you
I looked at Hunter. He came to me and kissed
my cheek
Me: Hi
Hunter: hey
Dad was standing there smiling. He did this
didn't he?
I stood up wiping my mouth with tissue.
Me: Hunter can you take the kids downstairs i
will speak to you there i want to talk business
with Priscella and dad It will be just a minute
Hunter: Okay let's go guys
They walked away.
I lost my smile. I watched them walk down.
Dad: Honey that was rude. Your children are
happy to see you why did you give them a cold
I looked at him
Me: I loved them all their lives they know that.
Who is loving the child i lost daddy?
Me: I couldn't even touch my stomach and feel
it. I didn't know i had it. I am sure the baby think
i didn't love it
Priscella came to me
Her: Friend you didn't know. It won't think that
She tried to hug me. I pushed her hands. I
walked to the couch and sat down.
Me: Then my father decides to bring my ex
I looked at dad
Me: A man i hurt daddy! You want him to see
me like this?
Dad: I wanted to cheer you up. I knew it would
make you happy to see your children...
Me: And Hunter?
Me: Daddy i made him feel worthless. I gave up
a family that loved me for Brendan! A bisexual
man now you're telling me i would be happy to
see a man who is probably saying i told you so
or who could be saying karma is a bitch?
Dad: I didn't thin......
Me: You're right. You didn't think at all daddy!
you humiliated me. I can't look at him. I am a
mess because of a man i thought was better than
him. Hunter must be so proud of himself right
now. And i am the biggest fool in the world!
Priscella: Don't say that about yourself. You
know Hunter is a good guy i am sure he doesn't
think any of that
I looked at daddy
Me: Did you tell him i divorced him for a Gay
Daddy: No! He actually doesn't know you're
going through something. He doesn't even know
you had a miscarriage
I saw my son running in
Him: Mom when are we seeing daddy Brendan ?
I stood up i walked to the door to the upstairs
balcony. I walked out.
I took out my phone. I called Brendan
Brendan: Hey sweetheart thank you for call.....
Me: Brendan!
Brendan: Yes Gorgeous ?
Me: My children are back in the country
Him: Wow where are my babies. Can i come
Me: We are heading to my house this afternoon.
Can i found you gone when i get there?
Brendan: Baby?
Me: Brendan we need time apart. I want you out
of my house today and you better do it now
because i would hate to embarrass you in front
It was quiet for a few seconds
Me: Brendan?
Brendan: I will go home and pack a few things
Me: Now!
I hung up. I felt someone brush my back. I
turned around. It's Priscella. I just through
myself at her and broke down.

~ Masixole ~
What stressful few days it has been. Let me tell
you what happened since the day we last saw
each other. I remember it was last week
Wednesday when i was with Elton and how can
i forget seeing Nomaxabiso booking a room for
her and her boyfriend Malingene Gubhu. I can't
forget the dude's name at all. It keeps ringing in
my head. Honestly i don't want be anywhere
near that woman. I don't want her to be my wife
at all but then again. It's not my call. It is what
the ancestors want and only if Priscella agrees.
Speaking of my royal princess. I am so happy
she is royalty. I love the fact that my mother has
nothing to judge her about anymore. She is
royalty what she wants. Can you believe it's
Sunday and i haven't gotten forgiveness from
Priscella. When i found out Elton was using
drugs i kept him in my room. he started craving
making excuses to leave. I didn't let him leave.
What i did was give him alcohol so he could be
drunk while i am trying to contact Priscella but
that too failed. I contacted Mr De Villiers and
told him. That is when i got to see Priscella. We
took EJ to a rehabilitation centre. His mother
was livid. She said i was lying. I just want to be
the hero since i hurt her daughter. That hurt me
so much because i would never use such to
make Priscella love me again. To some things up.
We took him to Rehab. The doctor confirmed
that he was on drugs and that kinda shut Ms
Refilwe up but i hear She wants to come back. I
am sure she is going to take him out of the
rehabilitation centre. We haven't addressed our
problems with Priscella. After that day she
thanked me then said i should go back to work
she cant let her personal feelings get in the way
which i think was a start. I am a very patient
man. I am taking it one day at a time.
Anyway i just read my Mother's text. I cannot
believe i didn't think of this. I know it's risky but
i am willing to take the risk. I am at bakery
waiting for Aaron. I dialled my mother's
number. I just want to thank her for the plan. I
also want to check on her. I heard that things
didn't go well when she went to the cemetery. I
didn't want to leave Johannesburg and go attend
on mom. Priscella was gonna think i am not
serious about her..
Mom: King Zwelicacile
Me: Hello My Queen. I saw your text tomorrow i
am ready to use it
I saw Aaron sit infront of me.
Mom: You think it is gonna work?
Me: It is worth trying. At least i must get one
thing done. If she forgives me then i can be able
to ask her to accept Nomaxabiso
Mom: Don't do that!
Me: Mom?
Mom: I have another plan. Your Queen always
has a plan. I don't want to see that loose woman
in my house. No child of mine will marry a
woman like that!
Me: Okay.... if you say so i guess
Mom: I am sure about my plan like i am sure
about the one you have to get the Princess to
forgive you
I smiled When i heard her calls Priscella
Me: Thank you my Queen. So are you ready for
Aunt's trial tomorrow?
Mom: I am ready to give my sister the justice she
Me: Well make her and i proud mom
Her: I will my boy
Me: So after what was reaveled by Gedleza and
Zinyovile are you winning in finding my
potential step dad
Mom: You're not funny Masixole! ........ ( tu tu tu
tu tu)
I looked at Aaron
Me: She hung up on me man
Aaron: Dude that was insensitive
Me: You know these ancestors are funny. I cant
believe they are doing this to my mom
Aaron: Let's hope she finds someone even if it's
not her soul mate. Not all of us are with our soul
Me: mom is young and beautiful but
to be honest i don't think i can see her with
anyone other than my dad
Aaron: Dude your dad is no more. You're
starting to sound like your ancestors now
Me: Yeah i know......

~ Narrated ~
After a stressful week of jail, Getting suspended
from both his jobs, Losing half a million and was
given three days to put together a million
Brendan looks shuttered. From Wednesday
afternoon till today which is Sunday, He has
been going from banker to banker trying to find
a million in cash. Right now he just got back
from Paying the blackmailers. He knows this is
not over. He is drinking the last cents he has in
his cards. We see him at the bar drinking like
nobody's business.
Brendan: Another one!
The barman kept them coming. We see a young
beautiful lady standing behind him. She went to
him. She sat on a high chair next to Brendan.
They were sitting next to the counter.
Girl: I was like you two weeks ago
Brendan looked at this woman then looked
away. He gulped his drink
Brendan: How am i?
Girl: Heartbroken. Feeling sorry for myself,
blaming myself for everything happening in my
Brendan looked away
Brendan: Your move was very stupid
Girl: At least i recovered from it and it worked. I
am not here at the club to feel sorry for myself
now. I am here to celebrate
Brendan: Celebrate what?
Girl: First payment as an influencer
Brendan looked at the barman
Brendan: More
He then looked at the girl
Brendan: Congratulations Tasha
Oh so this is Tasha. The perfect person who
knows how it is like to be on the news for the
wrong reasons.
Tasha: So do you care to share what's up with
you? At least you saw my problems on the news
Brendan: You saw mine too and i am afraid
there is more to come
Tasha: You did me a favour for beating that ugly
ass man Hungani! wait you said there is more.
What is going on?
Brendan: I am being blackmailed. They want
one million rands Cash
Tasha: Damn man why don't you go to the
Brendan: I go to the police my dirty laundry will
be out there
Tasha brushed his back
Tasha: I am so sorry that's bad so what did you
Brendan looked at Tasha
Brendan: I don't want to talk about it. Why don't
we get the hell out of here and talk more about
this at the hotel
Tasha: I don't see why not. I want to know more
about the reality show as well Mr Producer ;)
Ever an opportunitist. What are you up to
Tasha? They took each others hands and walked

People seem to forget that Brendan is not the
only person who is going through hell. Isaiah is
going through the same. His reputation is also
on the line. He knows he will be humiliated.
People who respect him will no longer look at
him the same way they used to. He is worried
about his family. He is also worried about the
celebrities he wrote bad things about. He knows
he will be the laugh of the entire city if not the
country. Comediens will crack jokes about him.
Colleagues will gossip about him in corridors.
We see him at some stuff room with so many
people who are working for the publication. We
see him looking at everyone. He is thinking
about the working environment after the video
link. Will he be able to cope sharing an office
after the story break. Anyway we see him taking
his cell phone. He stood up and walked out. His
phone was ringing. He got outside then looked
from left to right. He leaned on the wall then
Isaiah: What do you have for me nurse?
Nurse: I am going to lose my job if the doctor
finds out i checked this...
Isaiah looked around again
Isaiah: Can you answer the burning Question
Nurse: Yes Ms Sonia De Villiers indeed had a
Isaiah put his hand on his mouth. Tears
streamed down his cheeks
Isaiah: What else did you find?
Nurse: Sir the doctor took some tests, The results
are out and the results are not yet recieved by
Ms De Villiers
Isaiah: What tests?
Nurse: Ms De Villiers will never be able to have
kids again....
We see Isaiah hanging up the call. He ran to the
bathroom. He got in then slammed the door. He
sat down.
Isaiah: Oh My God! It's our fault
He broke down blaming himself for what
happened to Sonia.

< Judge Makhosazana >
All my years of marriage i thought my father in
law's love for me was the love for a daughter in
law. I never not a single day have i Ever thought
that sick man loved me. How could he hold my
happiness. Now more than ever i believe he is
the reason my husband couldn't love me
enough. My father in law made sure he never
fully loved me. How could that man be so cruel.
Believe me when i got married here he was very
old. I remember he retired from parliament
while i was already married here. I was a young
girl then and he was an old man. Way older than
my own father. I cannot believe he was in love
with me and i got to hear that from Zinyovile of
all people. I didn't sleep that night. I will never
forget Wednesday last week. I still have
nightmares. I feel disgusted. I feel like i have
been taken advantage of. That's all has been
happening ever since i got married to this
family. How would you feel if you were in my
situation? Knowing that your father in law loved
you and he was probably jealous of his own son.
These people are sick. I have heard it all not this.
Anyway when i got home that day i was very
upset. What made me more upset was hearing
that a man who really wanted to be with me
died. What if my father in law killed him? I can't
take that out of my mind. That day when i got
home i found the elders, the Chief and
Nontorotyi at my house. That ruined my day
even more. I kicked them all out of the Royal
house. I had no time for them. I was shocked,
angry and disgusted at the same time.
Hlohlesakhe kept asking to see me. I told him i
was working on this case. That was my excuse
all week. Today i finally allowed the meeting to
happen. The elders are here. My brother in law
is not here yet.
Princess: Are you sure you don't want to go with
me to the magistrate tomorrow?
Me: No! i don't want you to miss a day at work
I said pouring myself a glass of wine. The reason
i don't want company is because i will drop by
Nomaxabiso's home on my way to Mthatha. I
can't do that with my sister in law with me. I am
not trying to shut her out like she and everyone
else think. I am over what happened. Like i said
the other day. Nomagampompo cannot know
about Nomaxabiso and very soon you will know
why i kept her in the dark.
Princess: Everything is running smoothly
Me: Sisi King Zwelicacile is not here. There
should be someone who is always around the
royal house. Someone who is family and loyal
and that person is you
That word " loyal" made her smile
Nomagampompo: You're right sisi
I looked away and sipped.
She is far from being loyal. The only loyal
person here is me and me only. Siqalo walked in
Siqalo: My Queen the chief and his wife are here
Me: Send them in
He walked away
Princess: I wonder what those two are up to this
I looked away
Me: Up to no good
Princess: If i were Nontorotyi i wouldn't think
about it
I looked at the door. They walked in
Me: Hello Sorry about last week. Let's go
through to the dinning tab.......
Nontorotyi came running to me. She went down
on her knees. She kissed my feet
I looked at my sister in law shocked by this
Nontorotyi: My Queen we are so grateful that
you could see us. So grateful
I took her hand and pulled her up
Nontorotyi: Thank you my Queen
I smiled then looked at her husband
Me: I guess i should also apologise for last
Hlohlesakhe: Trust me my Queen i understand
Notiniphu served them drinks. My eye was on
the file on my brother in law's hand. I am a
woman who deals with law and paperwork.
When such are presented to the family i get
nervous. I know we gonna fight
Me: Off we go
We went to the dinning table. We all pulled out
chairs and sat down. Princess Nomagampompo
cleared her throat. We all looked at her.
Princess: My brother you wanted to do this last
week, I don't think we should waste anymore
The chief stood up. He smiled. I could see he was
nervous. He looked at me.
Hlohlesakhe: My Queen......
Me: Yes my chief
Hlohlesakhe: You asked me to go to Gedleza
when i came to you about a matter.....
Me: Oh yeah! How did it go?
I looked at Nontorotyi
Me: Now i see the smile on Nontorotyi's face
Nontorotyi played with her hands. She looked
Nontorotyi: Actually my Queen i don't agree
with this at all
It looks like these two are not on the same side. I
could see how shocked Hlohlesakhe was when
his wife said that..
Nontorotyi: But we can't go against the ancestors
right ?
I looked down
Me: Oh them
Nomagampompo: Continue Hlohlesakhe
Hlohlesakhe looked at me
Hlohlesakhe: My Queen to make things
short....The ancestors don't think i should have
an heir until I have a legacy of my own.
Something i could leave for him when i am gone
The elders smiled nodding their heads agreeing
to this
Me: Oh wow so what's gonna happen? Are you
gonna build something from scratch? My
brother you're not getting any younger
Hlohlesakhe: Actually they opened my eyes my
Me: They did?
Hlohlesakhe: Yes my Queen.....
I sat up straight waiting for this.
Hlohlesakhe: As you all know i don't have
anything because i am the last born. I am
grateful to be the chief i really am.... I didn't
expect it
Hlohlesakhe: As you all know that this
Chieftaincy don't belong to me. It belongs to
Nomagampompo: Maxhobandile?
Me: Yeah who is that?
Hlohlesakhe: I.....
Gedleza walked in. I haven't seen him since he
ganged up on me with Nontsingizi
Gedleza: The ancestors gave The King's first
born son that name My Queen
Me: Interesting
Gedleza looked at Chief Khabalandile waiting
for him to continue
Hlohlesakhe: Okay so as you all know we have
the family project
Hlohlesakhe: When we started it no one had
skills. I was the only one who did
Nomagampompo: That's why we sent you to
Hlohlesakhe: Even our workers knew nothing. I
taught everyone everything
Me: Ndifuna uvuthondaba ngoku
I am not going to sit here another minute
waiting for Hlohlesakhe going around and
around. He must get to the point.
Hlohlesakhe: Okay the ancestors think i should
own a part of the business
I stood up. He said what?
Me: Intoni!?
Nontorotyi: Exactly my reaction my Queen. This
is ridiculous!
Hlohlesakhe: Nontorotyi !
Okay what is going on here? Is this sarcasm or
something? if it is Nontorotyi is not funny i will
punch her in the face. Since when she says no to
such opportunity? Is she trying to play mind
games with me?
Nontorotyi looked down. I don't know what is
happening with these two! Hlohlesakhe started
distributing papers
Hlohlesakhe: I went to my lawyer. He agreed
that i do deserve an amount of shares
I looked at the paper
Me: Twenty percent?
I felt someone touch my arm. I looked at them
Me: Take your filty hands off me Gedleza!
Gedleza: Can we go speak at living room my
Me: What about !?
Gedleza: Please
I furiously walked to the living room with my
glass of wine.
Me: This better be good Gedleza
I gulped down my glass
Gedleza: My Queen the next few days you will
be given a task.....
I turned around and looked at him
Gedleza: A task that will need your clear mind
I walked to the bottle of wine. I poured half a
glass. I went back to Gedleza
Me: Does that have something to do with those
shares you want me to give to Hlohlesakhe in a
silver plater ?
Gedleza: It has everything to do with that
Gedleza: If you're smart enough this week you
will be able to secure your interests
I looked at him. These ancestors always enjoy
toying with my emotions. I am sorry but i have
to ask this.
Me: Does that come from the pervert or the man
i married?
Gedleza bowed
Gedleza: It's all chief Nkosesizwe my Queen
My hand searched for the couch, Luckily it was
behind me. I sat down
Me: Thank God




< Sonia De Villiers >
Last week was the worst week of my life and i
feel like there is more to come but at least i
prepared myself. I expected what is coming. Call
me a Diva for saying what i am going to say i
really don't care. I am a princess in my father's
eyes. I am a wealthy working woman. When you
marry me, You make sure i am happy all the
time. We get divorced, I make sure you pay for
all the years i have wasted with you and that is
just what i did with Brendan. As we speak right
now i just added one point five million in my
bank account. Yes that imbecile gave us the
million we asked for after that half a million. He
is a broken mess right now with no money and
job. I told my children that me and Brendan are
separated. I don't hide anything from my kids
but i didn't get into details into why that is why i
am worried about the article. I hope they don't
see it. I was really angry about my father
bringing Hunter here but i feel like it was the
best thing because the kids spent more time
with him. He is a wonderful man. I ended up
telling him what is going on. I didn't want him to
find out about it in the papers. It was gonna be
awkward. I have been seeing a therapist. Taking
days off from work really helped but today it's
monday and i am at work. i am here to drop my
work files, Talk to Priscella and dad then go to
my appointment with the doctor. Last week he
took some tests. I am going there for my results.
Anyway i just got to Priscella's office to wait for
my father.
Me: Morning Ms Seputla
She looked up smiling. She walked out of her
desk and came to me for a hug
Priscella: Welcome back to work girl
Me: Thanks babe i feel better now
Priscella: The therapist is helping you i can tell
Me: Yeah and i feel like writing my baby a letter
was the best. It made me feel at peace and be
able to focus on my two children
The therapist suggested that I wrIt's a letter to
the baby I lost and I feel like writing it and
telling the baby How I feel really helped me
move on and be the normal mother my kids
Priscella: You said you're going to a doctor's
I looked at my wrist watch
Me: Yes i have to be there in thirty minutes
We heared a knock at the door. It's father
Priscilla: I can't go with you i have a meeting
Me: You told me about it
Dad: Hello ladies
Me: Hello dad
I went for a hug and a kiss. I sat down. He
greeted Priscella.
Dad: Let's not waste time. The sooner we finish
with this the better
Priscella walked to her desk. She took a file. Dad
looked at me..
Dad: Did you call the lawyer?
Me: No daddy, If i file for divorce today it will
look suspicious
Dad: You're right but you should as soon as
Priscella: The paper will be out tomorrow. She
will contact the lawyer tomorrow
Dad: So what is in there
He said pointing at the file Priscella has in her
Priscella: You don't have to say anything uncle.
It's all written here. There are pictures we took
from the video.There is a video of Brendan
attacking Isaiah at packing lot and the one at a
sex shop. There are pictures of them intimate
and they show their faces. We are going to hold
on to the video for now
Me: Great
Dad: Thank You i have to go.......
Priscella: Good luck Uncle. Make sure you can
trust that girl she can't rat you
Uncle: I called her. She doesn't know me. I told
her where she will find all this information
Me: Great! you can't trust that she won't
mention you
Dad: Hence i decided to just leave the
information somewhere. I am going to send one
of my workers to do it
Me: Okay dad
Dad: Later girls
He looked at me
Him: Prepare yourself sweetheart
Me: Yes daddy.
He walked out. I closed the door.
Priscella: How do you feel?
Me: Nervous. Tomorrow is going to be my worst
Priscella: You can come sleep at the penthouse
tonight. You will be safe there than at your
Me: You're right. I am glad the kids are with
their father
Priscella: Great! oh I also mentioned that Isaiah
Norman sleeps with men for stories. I didn't
only destroy Brendan. I destroyed that journalist
as well
Me: I feel like it's not enough. That man watched
me make a fool of myself while he was sleeping
with My husband. They must go down together
Priscella: Trust me they will. I made the ugliest
screenshots. I made sure i showed them in a
very compromising position. It's going to be a
brutal humiliation
I looked away
Me: I cannot wait to see tomorrow's paper. At
least i won't be the only one humiliated :'(
Priscella: Why do you care about what the
public thinks? Your most paying job is managing
Seputla mine finances. You don't go out there
meeting people
Me: I don't care about the humiliation but it
won't be easy to ignore stares and the ladies will
talk about me
Priscella: Well there wouldn't be a real
Housewives without gossip. They will always
talk even when there is nothing to talk about
Me: Yeah and i just remembered. I was gonna
shoot another scene with my kids in it now i
think tomorrow is not the best day for me. I will
call and cancel
Priscella: You should have an assistant Sonia.
You can't keep up with all your meetings and
doctor appointments and therapists
I sat down.
Me: I know trust me i thought of it
I need someone to help me. I mean i can afford
to lose a few thousands for a PA. I see how
helpful Algebra is to Priscella
Priscella: How about i ask the HR office to put a
post out there for that position and remember it
will come out of your pocket. Your position in
the company don't allow you to have a PA but
you don't have one job that is why i think you
need help
I smiled
Me: I have it all figured out in my head. I will be
able to pay my assistant and yes call Mandisa
and get the ball rolling
I took my handbag and stood up
Priscella: Great i will call her now
Me: Make sure you tell her the interviews for the
shortlisted guys will be friday and you will help
me with them
Priscella: You helped me get Algebra why not
I smiled then walked to the door. I opened the
door then looked at Priscella
Me: Call your husband and tell him you miss
him girl this has to end already!
Priscella: Do.....
I gave her a hand. I closed the door. It's been 8
days. She is going to lose that man. This is
Johannesburg. There are so many beautiful
women. I am sure she doesn't want another
woman taking her place and becomes the

< Isaiah Norman >
Brendan moved in with me ever since he was
asked to move out of his home by his wife.
Yesterday he didn't come home and i had
information for him, It'snot really information. I
just wanted to apologise to him for thinking his
wife was involved. He really knows his wife. I
feel bad for blaming the poor woman after
everything we put her through. That woman lost
a child and will never have another one because
of what we did to her. I wish i told her
everything i knew when i had a chance. If i did
none of this would've happened. The person
who is doing this has a grudge on one of us.
Instead of pointing fingers at Sonia i should've
looked at myself. I make a lot of enemies
because of my work. I am starting to think who
could do this to me but i can't think of anyone.
Celebrity people don't have so much time. This
person has so much time. He has been following
us around and i am sure it is a man. No woman
could be this smart. We tried tracing the
numbers and failed.
Anyway i am still at my house. I am not looking
forward to going to work today. That stuff room
is just too much for me. I am scared. I keep
checking my phone. You never know when will
this person link the video online.
I heard the key turn. I looked at the door. He is
finally here. I was hoping he arrives while i am
still here and I am glad he did.
Brendan: Hey
He looks like a mess. I wonder where he slept
last night.
Me: Where have you been? I have been trying to
call you!
He walked pass me
Brendan: Sorry my phone died
Me: Where were you ?
He sat on the couch
Him: I was clearing my head
Me: That's all you can say for yourself?
Brendan: Hey! I just lost one point two million
rands to someone i don't know so please!
Brendan: You don't know what i am going
I sat down. Well he is right. He lost money. I
didn't lose anything. I am just waiting for my
worst nightmare because i will lose my career
Me: You were right.....
He looked at me
Him: About what?
Me: Your wife
Him: Oh so now you know she had nothing to do
with this?
This man has anger issues. I can't tell him about
the condition Sonia is in. He might get mad and
attack me. It looks like he loves his wife more
than I thought or maybe he just knows his wife
is not smart.
Me: I managed to speak to the nurse who was
working with the doctor. She says she lost the
baby that was not a front
Brendan: I know she did. That is why she is so
angry. I hear she is also going to a therapist.....
He looked at me
Brendan: Do you think this will be over soon ?
I can't lie. I am worried as well..
Me: It will be like hell when people find out but
it will blow over
Brendan: And my family? will i get it back?
Me: I really don't know Brendan
Brendan: What Got into me? why did i do this to
my wife?
I don't know what to do with a grown man
Me: Brendan i am going to be in trouble as well.
You can't blame yourself for being who you are.
You prefer a man over a woman. Tell me.....
He looked at me..
Me: Which one do you enjoy more, with me or
He stood up
Him: really Isaiah ?
Me: I am just asking. This could be the end of
girls and the begining of your life with men.
Trust me there is no girl who is going to want to
sleep with you after this
Brendan: And you would love that very much
wouldn't you?
I swallowed hard
Brendan: Out of my way!
I moved aside he walked to the bathroom.
That was a genuine question. I wasn't trying to
be insensitive or anything. He is not the only
man attracted to me. I can find another one any
day. I am worried about him. He is a confused
man. I am not sure whether he is bisexual or he
is just into boys. That is why i am asking too
many questions. I need to know what was his
intentions with his wife. I mean you cannot
cheat on someone you love and do the things he
did to Sonia.

< Narrated >
At Rehabilitation centre. We see Elton at some
office. He was with a nurse. He has been in this
place for seven days. He hates it there but he
knows this is the best place to help with his
addiction. When he was still craving he was
obviously mad at Masixole for getting him
committed there. Let's hope pretty soon he will
see why Masixole did what he did.
Nurse: Mr Seputla sit your mother will call in
few minutes
Elton: Okay
The telephone rang. The nurse smiled. He looked
at EJ
Nurse: It is her
He answered
Nurse: Mrs Seputla your son is here.... okay hold
He gave Elton the telephone
Elton: Ms Refilwe
Refilwe: Hello my boy. How are you doing ?
Elton: Mom i want to get out of here how soon
can you get here?
Refiwe: Is it 14th already there? Well just few
more days. I said I will be home for Christmas.
You're going to your trip
Elton: Mom come home soon. This place is
driving me crazy!
Refilwe: I am coming home baby. I am going to
get you out of there. I will make sure the doctors
drain the drugs out of your system. I want you to
spend the christmas with us then go to your trip
only if you promise you won't touch drugs!
Elton: I am no addict! That was just for fun.
Masixole overreacted
The nurse was surprised to hear him say he is
no addict after everything they found in his
Refilwe: I must admit i was angry when i found
out because i didn't believe him but EJ he was
right. The doctor confirmed it....
Elton: Yes because i was using it not too much
Refilwe: Honey! you shouldn't have drugs in
your system at all! Drink alcohol. There so many
things you can do to have fun not drugs!!!
Elton: Yes ma'am
Refilwe: Now go to your room and read the
books i asked Mandisa to send you
Elton gave the nurse the telephone. He stood up.
The nurse stood up
Nurse: Mr Seputla this place helped so many
people. If you really love yourself you're going to
stay here. Trust me in the end the results are
amazing. You won't even recognize the person
you were when you were using. Please trust us
Elton waiting for him to finish talking then he
walked out. The Nurse exhaled
Nurse: What a brat
At SeputlaTowers In Priscilla's office. She is all
alone working. A telephone rings. Priscella
picked up the phone.
Priscella: Priscella?
Refilwe: Hey Priscella it's your mother
Priscella: If this is abou.....
Refilwe: I called Masixole last week and
apologised. I spoke to the doctor. He was in
serious danger
Priscella: He is taking drugs because a slut broke
his heart. That girl is out there living her life. I
saw an article about her. She is one of famous
online pipuls now
Refilwe: Good for her! at least she will stay away
from my son. It's clear she wanted money from
Priscella: It's unfortunate that my brother had to
suffer alone
Refilwe: Honey you told me her parents sold her
car. I am sure she is suffering
Priscella: My brother is in Rehab mom. That girl
is doing well for herself! EJ didn't even finish
shooting the reality show. That is the only thing
that hurt me about taking him there but his life
is more important even though he doesn't see it
Refilwe: They will discharge him when i am
Priscella: Do you think that's a good idea? Mom
you can't make a decision like that then leaVe
him! i will be the one who will be dealing with
him. He has to spend six months there like
Refilwe: Honey i want to spend Christmas with
my children
Priscella shook her head in disbelief.
Refilwe: Please visit him. Show him that you
love him and you support him
Priscella: I will go to Pretoria later today
Refilwe: Thank you honey. Buy him food
Priscella: Okay
Refilwe: You and Masixole?
Priscella: Nothing is changed mom
Refilwe: The way you were defending him to me
about the rehab thing? honey you still love him
Priscella: Mom he did the right thing to save my
brother. You know how much i hate how you
treat EJ. He thinks everything is okay. He doesn't
know what " No " means because you give him
everything he wants!
Refilwe: We were still talking about your
husband not EJ
She saw Algebra running to her office.
Priscella: Mom i have to go bye!
Refilwe: Wait i am not do.......
Priscella cut her mother off. Algebra barged in.
Algebra: Ma'am!
Priscella stood up. She looked at Algebra
Priscella: What is it Algebra?
Algebra: Ma'am i am so sorry to barge in like
this! i just heard from Mandisa that there is a
press conference that is happening downstairs
Priscella: A press conference?
Algebra breath in and out. He was out of breath
Algebra: Mr Ndengana called a press conference
to tell the press that he is leaving the company
Priscella: What!?
Priscella said pushing her chair taking her
Priscella: That son of a bitch didn't tell me this!!!
She ran to the door. Half way there she turned
Priscella: Algebra do you mind helping me with
my make up?
Algebra: Of course not!
Algebra pulled a chair. Priscella sat opening her
handbag taking out the make up
Priscella: Make it quick!

Downstairs at a press conference. It was held at
the front desk. It looks like journalists came in
numbers. There is so many people, journalists
from different tv networks. It was a chaos. Could
this be the plan Queen Nomakhosazana gave
Masixole? If it is then we have to wait and see
but by the look of things it did get Priscella's
attention and if that is what they wanted then
they achieved it because she didn't see this one
coming. The last time we checked she couldn't
wait to leave the office. The journalists were
asked to sit down. We see Mandisa from the HR
offices running to Aaron
Aaron: What is it Mandisa?
Mandisa: Aaron Mr Ndengana is your friend. I
am sure he told you what this conference is
about ?
Aaron: He didn't
He smiled then walked away. Another colleague
went to Mandisa.
Her: He definitely knows something
She said looking at Aaron who was just smiling
walking away
Mandisa: I tried asking him he says he doesn't
Colleague: That's a lie! let's go closer there is Mr
Indeed Masixole walked in. The journalists stood
up. He went to the stage that was prepared by
the team. He had a piece of paper in his hand.
J1: Mr Ndengana what is this press conference
They kept asking questions. Masixole tested the
mic then looked at them.
Masixole: Good morning everyone
They greeted him back
Masixole: I am going to ask you guys to just
listen and ask questions later okay?
They agreed but everyone couldn't wait to find
out what is going on. We see one Journalist
looking at another one next to him
J2: I wonder where is his girlfriend
Journalist next to him shrugged his shoulders
looking at Masixole..
Masixole: First of all i would like to introduce
myself to you. I am King Masixole Zwelicacile
The journalists looked at each other some
questioning the middle name. " Zwelicacile? "
others were surprised by the king part " King? "
Masixole continued .
Masixole: You know me as the COO of Seputla
mine. About 8 years ago i came here to realise
my dream..I loved engineering. I wanted to get a
degree in it then go home and take on my duties
J1: Duties? What duties?
J2: Yes and you introduced yourself as a king ?
We see Algebra and Priscella walking in more
like running going straight to Masixole..
We see Priscella running and smiling at
Masixole: Oh ladies and gentlemen this is my
CEO. She was running late she had a meeting.
Thank you for joining us honey
Priscella: Thank you baby
She hugged Masixole. While in a hug she lost her
Priscella: What the hell is this?
Masixole broke the hug. He had a big smile in
his face. He kissed Priscella's cheek then looked
at journalists.
Masixole: Isn't she beautiful. I am the luckiest
man alive
Everyone laughed some saying yes she is.
Priscella: Thank you honey
Masixole: Okay back to my statement. Ladies
and gentlemen i am a son of a chief in the
Eastern Cape. My father the late Chief
Everyone was shocked to hear this.
Masixole: When i came here i told myself i was
gonna work 3 years then go back and be a
Everyone had their Jaws on the floor. Priscella
was smiling. Her smile was too much i am sure
her cheeks were in pain.
Masixole: But it turns out i am not going to be a
Everyone looked confused. They didn't know
what he meant by this. He said he was gonna be
a chief then not a chief. They were waiting for
an explanation.
" Your son! is gonna be chief! chief
Maxhobandile " Masixole heard a voice. He
looked around. He couldn't see Gedleza but he
knew it was him. Masixole realised Gedleza
wasn't there. He smiled at the journalists.
Masixole: My family decided to make the man
who was regent the permanent chief......
He raised his fist
Masixole: Ahhh Chief Khabalandile
People laughed some said " Ahhh Khabalandile
Priscella: Ahhh Khabalandile!
Masixole: That is my father's brother's name. He
is the chief. But when he is no more, The
Chieftaincy will be given to our.....
He pulled Priscella closer then brushed her
Masixole: Our son Chief Maxhobandile will be
the next in line for the Chieftaincy
Priscella whispered punching Masixole at the
back with her fist
Priscella: How do you know i am carrying a boy?
She looked at Everyone
Masixole: The ancestors spoke to me
J3: Congratulations guys So Mr COO tell us, why
are you going back home if you won't be the
chief ?
Masixole: Oh that's the interesting part. I was
fortunate enough to be appointed as the King of
all the towns in the Polondland. I am talking
PORT ST JOHN'S and many more. So this month
is my last month working at Seputla mine. Next
month January i will be officially Ordained as
the King. I thank you
Priscella smiled and clapped her hands so hard
J1: Congratulations King Max....
Masixole: King Zwelicacile
J1: Congratulations King Zwelicacile. Tell us
what does this mean for your girlfriend? Will
she also move to the Eastern Cape?
Masixole smiled. He looked at Priscella then at
Masixole: We will decide when we are officially
married right my Queen?
Priscella: Yes my king
J2: Priscella are you really going to leave all this?
If you do who will be in charge of the company?
Priscella Looked at Masixole
Priscella: His mother is a Queen but she is still a
judge so i don't see why i can't do both. Thank
you guys for your time we really appreciate you
for coming. We won't be taking anymore
Questions because of back to back meetings bye!
She pulled Masixole and catwalked to the
elevator with him
Masixole: You were amazing my love
Priscella: I hate you!
Masixole: OKAY? let's go back and tell them you
He said turning around. Priscella grabbed his
Priscella: You wouldn't dare !
They walked to the elevator then waved at
The elevator closed. Priscella turned around and
attempted to slap Masixole. Masixole pulled her
closer and kissed the living day light out of
Priscella. She was trying to stop him but he was
too strong. She finally gave in and kissed him
back. The elevator beeped. Masixole attempted
to stop it Priscella pushed him. It opened. She
walked out. They were at their offices now
Priscella: How could you do this to me!
Masixole: Come on my love let's talk about this
Priscella: Go to your wife!
She ran away. Masixole put his hand on his
waist, His other hand wiping lipstick on his lips
while licking the lips smiling.

< Judge Makhosazana >
I didn't let what Gedleza and Zinyovile said to
me bother me. I have more important things to
think about. I know this is important as well
because it's my life and i am letting no man
control it. Last night i slept hoping i would get
another call saying the case is postponed but i
didn't. Even though i am disappointed, a part of
me is happy to finally do this. I want to close this
case so that i can be able to move on with my
life knowing that i got justice for my sister, But
before that, I can't just pass by the Zidenge home
and not stop by to say hi if you know what I
mean. I want to confront Nomaxabiso's parents.
Those two didn't come running to my house to
cause trouble because they knew they are guilty
of something. I feel like this is disrespect to us. I
feel like when they saw their daughter come
home they should've followed up to find out
what is going on but they didn't, Which simple
shows they know what their daughter did and
they are ashamed to face us. Today i am making
things easy for them. I am going to go there
myself and find out what is going on. I just pray
that i find both of them there. I cannot believe
Nomaxabiso did this. When my son told me this
it was hard to believe him. Not the innocent girl
who was living in my house. She really fooled us
all. I am so disappointed in her. I don't see her
the same at all. Even what she did saving my life
I really don't care. I hate being lied to.
Oh My God a lot is going on at the Royal house. I
forgot to mention the stunt Hlohlesakhe and
wife pulled. I am failing to understand these
Ancestors. Why did they give Hlohlesakhe the
shares if they don't want him to keep them. I am
still waiting for what Gedleza said. I don't know
how this whole thing gonna turnout. I am still
waiting for this task. Gedleza said i should make
a wise decision soon. I don't know what. I am
still waiting and i am worried that i won't make
the best decision. We just lost twenty percent of
the company. I really don't know what My
husband meant when he said there will be a
task given to me and i should have a clear mind
when solving that task. I am ready though. I am
the only person who make wise decisions in this
family hence the business is doing so well.
Anyway i am driving like i said. I am getting
closer to the Zidenge house. I have to be in
Mthatha at Magistrate at 12pm. I just hope i
don't arrive there late. I have to make it quick
and leave. Shosholoza and Nomfunzelo are not
ready for me. I am going to show them what i
am made of. I heard my phone ring. I looked at
it. It's my cousin sister, The one who is in PE.
Me: Yes?
Her: Mzala i am so sorry about what i dropped
on you few days ago
Me: No problem. I guess it was not meant to be
Her: If i may ask, What made you change your
mind about staying single?
Me: It's a long story, I will tell you when i see
Her: Okay. Good luck today. I feel bad none of us
are going to be there
Me: I think it's best you stay far away. We don't
want to get people suspicious. We are a family
that look alike. They can't know i am related to
Her: You're right. At least her husband and
family will be there
Me: Yeah
Her: Keep us updated mzala
Me: I will do, i have to go now
Her: Oka.....
I hung up. I just arrived at Zidenge house. That
got me in a foul mood. I will apologize later to
her for cutting her off. I got out of my car. I
walked to the door. I knocked then moved back.
After few seconds i heard footsteps to the door.
Nomfunzelo: Who could this b.......
She saw me and stopped talking. She didnt
expect to see me. She must cut the act. Her
daughter fooled us with her innocent face. I am
not falling for it from her mother. Anyway i
didn't walk in. I just stood at the door.
Me: Nomfunzelo where is your daughter?
Nomfunzelo: We should be asking you! she left
here going my son in law
Me: Which one?
Nomfunzelo: What kinda question is that?
I walked in. I saw Shosholoza walking to us
Him: Judge Nomakhosaza....
Me: Where is your daughter!?
Shosholoza: She said she was gonna spend some
time with your son at the local hotel....
Me: My son is in Johannesburg with his first
wife! that slut lied! where is she?
Nomfunzelo: Don't call my daughter that!
Me: Then where is she!!! and why didn't you
come to us when you saw your daughter arrive
Nomfunzelo looked down. She knows
something. I looked at her husband
Shosholoza: You mentioned a first wife. Let's
discuss that! Why did you betray us?
I chuckled..
Me: What did the contract say Shosholoza?
Shosholoza: We had a deal years ago that my
daughter was gonna marry your son!
Me: Correct!
Shosholoza: Your son decided to go to
Johannesburg and marry another woman!!!
Me: From a Judge to a high school principal!
I walked closer to him
Me: The contract said my son should marry your
daughter! i didn't see a part where it said your
daughter only!!
I smiled then looked at his wife
Me: Oh we did ask you to bring the girl to us
didn't we?
Nomfunzelo: Then you decided to ditch our
daughter like that!
I chuckled
Me: I wonder why is that Nomfunzelo?
She looked down.
Me: Why did the ancestors ask her to leave and i
think both of you know !
I said looking at them. They looked down
written guilty in their faces
Me: My son was ready to marry your daughter.
We kept our promise, Did you?
Me: The contract also mentioned that you will
give us a virgin.....
I looked at both of them
Me: My son cannot close his mouth about how
he was drowning in a swimming pool !
Me: That is how wet she was between her legs!!!
Me: Care to explain that!?
Shosholoza: Queen Nomakhosazana we.....
Me: Queen Nomakhosazana nonsense!!!
I snapped
I looked at Nomfunzelo
Me: Nomfunzelo who is Malingene Gubhu?
Nomfunzelo: My husband make her feel at
home. I will go get her favourite wine!
She said running to the kitchen. I turned around
and looked at her husband
Shosholoza: I can expl....
Me: When your wife comes back, i will be gone
and please drink that wine for me because i feel
like you gonna need it after what i am going to
say to you
Me: The deal my family and your family had is
Shosholoza: There's business invol......
I grabbed his tie and pulled him closer. I looked
him in the eye.
Me: The 20 % shares you have in my company
Me: Are no longer yours!
Shosholoza: What?
Me: You're paying damages for Phonqa and
Nomgcwabe with those shares!
Me: They are your children ain't they?
He swallowed hard
Me: I don't care how you explain it to your wife
but you're no longer getting a profit from us!
Me: You can take me to court if you want!
I pushed him, He fell on the couch
Me: I am ready for a fight!
I furiously walked out of there. I got to my car
then drove off. Now you think i should've told
Nomagampompo about Nomaxabiso being in
Johannesburg with another man? i was gonna
find Shosholoza ready for me. She was gonna
tell him. Those two....
Me:..... Are lovers! and have been for years!




< Brendan >
I am with Mandy. She finally gave me time to
talk to her. I have been calling her, she was
ignoring my calls but i feel like if i really wanted
to see her i would've came to her office like i just
did. I was too busy drinking my life away to
even think about my career. I am a mess right
now. I don't know what to do to fix my
problems. This is too much. My children are
back in the country and i cannot see them. That
is what drives me crazy. I feel like this is not a
temporary seperation. I feel like i am losing
Sonia for good and i feel like so many people
would love that so much. Maybe they are not
wrong about me. Maybe i am a bad person.
What makes me mad at myself is the fact that i
did the things i did not thinking about the
consequences. I wish i was too careful.
Mandy: Brendan stop day dreaming!
I looked at her. I have a lot in my mind. It looks
like she was talking and I was too busy thinking
to hear her.
Me: Oh sorry
Mandy: We have to talk about a way forward. I
have been waiting for you. You didn't shoot for a
week. Your role might be written off. We need to
find a way forward here !
Me: Yeah. I was thinking how about i apologise
to Hungani in front of you then you help me beg
him to drop the charges
Mandy: Why can't you do it yourself you guys
are friends
Me: I beat him Mandy!
Mandy: You're going to apologise
Me: Hungani attacked me first. He is violent! if....
Mandy: But the video shows you hit him first
Me: That's what he wanted everyone to believe!
He hit me first but i don't blame him. I accused
him of something he knew nothing about
Mandy: What is that?
I looked down
Mandy: Brendan whether you like it or not It's
gonna come to me and you will expect me to
help you. So you better speak now so that i
prepare myself
I stood up..
Me: Mandy i did something. I am not ready to
tell you. I will tell you tomorrow when i thought
it through
Mandy: Did you break the law?
Me: No! It's about me like i said i will tell you
tomorrow. Please just promise me you will
speak to Hungani. That day he wanted to shoot
me. I can't risk going there
Mandy: Fine i will speak to him. Brendan you
need to sort this out and come back to me. It has
been scandal after scandal with you! How is
your wife?
Me: She asked me to move out so i don't know
how she is feeling at the moment
Mandy: Is it about Hungani ?
Me: No, The reason she had a miscarriage was
because she got a text from these people who
are blackmailing me
Mandy stood up
Mandy: What do they want? Do you see what
this done to your family ?
Me: I know
Mandy: What is it they want?
I looked at her.
Me: They wanted to leave me dry and they did.
All my savings are gone. I am broke Mandy!
I broke down.
Mandy: Brendan we need to get to the bottom of
this now! tell me what you did!!
Mandy: Brendan!!!
I wiped my tears. I looked at her..
Me: No! i will tell you tomorrow. Please speak to
Mandy: Brend......
I ran out and slammed the door behind me. I
cannot tell her. I need to think. She must give me
tonight at least. I got to my car. I cannot go back
at Isaiah's house. He is stressing me even more.
I want to be with someone who doesn't know
what i am going through. I need to spend this
afternoon and night with Tasha. Isaiah is
nervous and I am more than that so I feel like
we can't be together in a room. He makes it
Me: Sorry Isaiah. I have to be with her
I said dialling Tasha's number.
< Nontorotyi >
No! Nomakhosazana is up to something. It's
unlike her. I don't know what Gedleza said to
her. This woman came back and signed on the
dotted line. When she walked away with
Gedleza she was livid then came back a different
woman. She didnt fight us anymore. She gave us
what we wanted. i couldn't sleep last night. I was
thinking about this all night. Zinyovile said
Nomakhosazana is going to kill very soon. What
if she thinks i influenced this decision and get
me killed? I cannot die. I just cannot trust that
woman. I could see she was not impressed with
my gesture of showing respect. She always
suspect that i am up to something. That scares
me. I know the old me would seem like that but i
am a changed woman now. They have
something on me, something that will make me
behave all my life. My worry now is the safety of
me and my husband. What if she kills one of us?
Me:.......... ?
Hlohlesakhe: What are you thinking about?
I quickly turned around, Well i was in the
kitchen enjoying my coffee looking out of the
window thinking about Nomakhosazana..
Me: I am thinking about yesterday.....
Hlohlesakhe: What about yesterday?
I sipped on my coffee. I put the coffee on the
table then looked at my husband.
Me: My love.....
I went to the cabinet. I took out his cup. I made
him coffee
Me: The way she easily accepted our offer. It's so
I said giving him his coffee.
Hlohlesakhe: Thank you. I am sure Gedleza
explained to her why the ancestors want this
I pulled a chair. I sat down.
Me: Hey if you say so my love
Hlohlesakhe: What matters is that we got what
we wanted
I looked at him. He sipped on his coffee. I am not
gonna lie i am worried. I wish my husband
knew what i know. He has no idea and he could
easily get killed.
Hlohlesakhe: Oh and my love i think after work i
have to go see Gedleza again. To talk an heir
I cleared my throat. I stood up. This is not the
talk i wanted to have with him because again i
know something he doesn't know about it. How
can my life be so complicated.
Me: Do you have to go now my love. Can't you
wait for a day or two?
Hlohlesakhe: You think i should wait a little?
Me: Yeah. I think so. One thing at a time right?
Hlohlesakhe: I should go tomorrow then
I looked away. So soon? This man is rushing to
ruin my life.
Me: Okay my love
I said walking out of the kitchen. What's the use
of delaying things? I might be punished for it as
well. I might as well just let him go. Anyway i got
to my room. I opened the door. I found Zinyovile
sitting on our bed. I exhaled
Me: What is it now?
I am so bored by her terrifying theories. She
started shaking.
Zinyovile: I can smell blood!
Me: Whose blood?
Zinyovile: She is going to kill so soon!
Me: How soon?
Zinyovile: Today! that woman is gonna kill
I sat down
Zinyovile was shaking and crying. The way she
is so scared, It scars me too. Who is going to die?
Me or my husband ? God please have mercy on
our souls. Our children are very young.

< Narrated >
It is just after the Queen left The Zidenge house.
We see Shosholoza, Nomaxabiso's father still in
the same position he was in when he was
pushed to the couch by the Queen. We see
Nomaxabiso's mom walking out of the kitchen
with glass of wine..
Nomfunzelo: I got you your fav.......
She noticed the Queen was no longer in the
living room. She looked at her husband. Her
husband stood up
Nomfunzelo: Why were you sleeping like that?
Shosholoza: I was thinking about your daughter!
That girl put us in a lot of trouble!
He said snatching the glass of wine from his
wife. He attempted to take a sip, Nomfunzelo
slapped the glass. It fell down. Shosholoza
looked at his wife shocked.
Nomfunzelo put her hand on her mouth looking
at the broken glass and the wine on the floor
Shosholoza: No ?
Once Shosholoza said ' no ' His wife furiously
walked to the kitchen
Nomfunzelo: What did you expect me to do? Do
you want that cruel woman to sue us?
Shosholoza: And you thought poisining her in
wine was the solution. Did you forget their
powerful healer?
Nomfunzelo turned around.
Nomfunzelo: We were gonna deal with that
when we get there!
Shosholoza stood there shaking his head in
Nomfunzelo: Judge me! your daughter messed
up and that affect us and our investments!
Shosholoza: I have to go to work
He walked out. Nomfunzelo folded her arms on
her chest.
Nomfunzelo: I was this close into killing that
woman! This close!

At the Luxury Hotel. We see Aaron in front of
Masixole's door. He was making a phone call.
While at that, He touched the door handle then
put his hands in the head. He ran to the
Elevator. He got in and went down. He got to the
front desk..
Aaron: Can i get the master key. I want to open
the door of the seputla suite
Lady: Sir we can't give you the key! what do you
want in there?
Aaron: I can't get hold of the Seputla mine COO.
We were supposed to go to a meeting together
he didn't show up
Lady: Sir we can't......
Aaron: Dammit! you guys know he is my friend
why are you doing this! call your bloody
Lady: Calm down sir
Aaron: Don't tell me to calm down!
" What is going on here? " Said a white man
behind them. Aaron turned around.
Aaron: Thank God you're here man. Masixole is
staying at Seputla suite for few days. I cant get
hold of him. I want to go check on him! i want
the master key!
The manager looked at the lady.
Guy: It's okay give it to him
Aaron snatched the card
Aaron: Thank you!
He ran to the elevator. It took him up. He got to
Masixole's room. He opened the door then ran in
He saw Masixole sleeping. He went to him and
shook him
Aaron: Dude wake up!!!
Masixole turned around and yawned
Masixole: Damn i overslept
He started blinking so fast...
Aaron: We were supposed to go to a meeting! i
went there alone!
Masixole: Dude just switch on the lights. I don't
know why you're sneaking up on me. I am sure
you handled the meeting
Aaron: Of course i handled it wait? Why do you
want lights on at midday in this heat?
Masixole: What?
Aaron: You asked why i didn't switch on the
Masixole: Are you sure its midday?
Aaron started getting worried. He waved his
hands on Masixole's face. He didn't blink at all
Aaron: What is going on man?
Masixole put both his hands on his head
Masixole: I am blind man
Aaron: What?
Masixole: This room is dark man. I can't see
Masixole: I can't see
Aaron stood there not knowing what to do or

< Priscella >
I cannot believe the stunt Masixole pulled today.
I keep laughing alone. How could he do this to
me? How could he surprise me with a press
conference announcing things about my baby.
Things i didn't know about. I didn't want to
know the gender of my child till he or she
arrives. Now He knows i am carrying a boy and
he announced it in public. What if it's a girl?
Does this man realise what he is done? There is
no child of mine will be called that name he told
me at conference. What an ugly name. My poor
child is not going to be a chief at a village. He is
going to the best schools and he is going to
become something. After Masixole told me
about his life i made sure i read more online. I
didn't want to speak to Masixole so the best
thing was Google. I got all the info i wanted
there. My mother in law didn't quit her job why
should i? I am not quiting my job. I am not going
to do that. As for that girl he slept with, I feel
sorry for her because she won't marry my man.
I am not going to share a man with anyone. I
love Masixole. I can't lie and say i am not hurt by
the things he did to me. Even though i hate him i
cannot ignore the strong feelings i have for him.
I love him. He is my baby's father and he owes
me a wedding. He can't ruin my life and divorce
me then leave. The only way to erase the fact
that i am a divorcee is getting married to the
man i divorced. If i am going to leave every man
i have a misunderstanding with then i will date
the entire Johannesburg. I love Masixole. He is
the love of my life but i hate him for sleeping
with another woman.
Anyway i saw Priscella coming in. She didn't
knock she just barged in.
Me: Hey you're back?
She put her handbag on the sofa then sat..
Sonia: Yeah and i saw press conference online
while I was coming back. I hope that fixed things
you two were good at pretending
She smiled faintly. I stood up
Me: And you're not good at pretending. What is
I said walking to her. I saw a tear drop
Me: What is wrong?
She gave me an envelop. I took it then opened
it..I started reading. Then i looked at her. Oh My
Me: Oh My God friend you can't have children
Sonia looked up
Sonia: I hate Brendan. I hate him for doing this
to me
Me: I am sorry friend
I hugged her for almost a minute. She was
crying. I understand her pain and i can't say i
know how she feels. It's not nice to hear bad
news everyday. She is going through a divorce.
She is going to be humiliated in the papers. The
man she thought loved her was not in love with
her, he was here for wrong reasons now he is
leaving her broken. I broke the hug.
Me: Babe i know what i am about to say will
sound insensitive but i want to understand....
Sonia: Yes?
Me: Were you planning to her more kids, The
last time i checked you said you didn't want
anymore kids....
She stood up
Sonia: Priscella that's not the point !
She looked at me.
Sonia: In a perfect world my kids were enough.
I just lost a husband. I am only 28 years old! i am
going to find love. What if the man i meet want
Me: I didn't think about that
Sonia: Brendan ruined my life. That one point
five million won't fix me
Me: I am so sorry friend. Maybe you shouldn't
be avoiding Hunter. Maybe you should talk to
him. I feel like you can't ignore what happened
in your marriage forever. That topic about what
you did to him will come up sooner or later and
maybe getting back together wouldn't be a bad
idea. You have kids and you wouldn't be
pressured to have another baby
Sonia: You know things can't always go my way?
We can't be happy. We will always talk and fight
about what i did
My phone rang.
Me: It's Aaron
She wiped her tears
Sonia: No you can answer
Me: Thanks
I answered then put him on speaker
Me: Aaron?
Aaron: Please come to the hotel!
Me: What happened?
Sonia came closer and listened attentively, So
was i. Aaron seemed desperate..
Aaron: Masixole is blind
Wow! I am sick of their pranks. This is getting
old now!
Me: What? Do you think that is something to
joke about? You......
Aaron: Priscella stop being stubborn! i was
supposed to go to a meeting with Masixole. He
didn't show up. After the meeting i went to
check on him. He fell asleep. When He woke up
he couldn't see!
Me: Oh My God! i am coming!
Aaron: Your suite!
I hung up
Sonia: Let's go!
I didn't waste time. I ran after Sonia.
I got out. Algebra stood up
Algebra: What is going on ma'am
Me: Lock my office. I will tell you later!
Sonia got in the elevator. I got in as well. We
went down. We stopped running because its a
public place downstairs. We walked out and
crossed the road. We got to the hotel and headed
to the elevator. Off we went to my suite. I called
Aaron. The door opened. I ran in
Me: Baby
He was sitting on the edge of the bed. He raised
his hands
Masixole: Baby
I ran to him. I hugged him then quickily broke
the hug.
Me: What happened ?
Masixole: After the press conference i came here
to take a nap because it was about to be lunch
time and i wanted to be fresh for the meeting. I
guess i fell asleep. I was woken up by Aaron. I
couldn't attend the meeting. When he woke me i
thought it was dark until he told me it was
midday. That's when i realised i was blind
I put my hand on his face.
Me: Oh My God. We have to take you to the
Masixole: The ancestors said they'd punish me.
The doctor won't help
Sonia: I think we should call his family
I stood up fast
Me: No!
Sonia: No?
I looked at Masixole. I went and sat next to him
tears streaming down my cheeks
He touched me
Masixole: Priscella is this you baby?
He said touching me. I tried to say yes my throat
got dry. I looked up and swallowed my saliva
Me: Yes it's me baby
Sonia: Priscella we have to call his family. Why
did you say no?
Me: I want to keep him here till the end of the
week. I have a lot to do at work. If we call his
mother, she will want to take him and i can't
leave during the week!
Sonia: You wanna go with him?
I nodded my head then looked at Masixole
Me: Baby do you think you can wait for a few
days before telling your mom? We will leave
together friday night
Masixole: Yeah. I can wait for you baby
I went down on my knees. I put both my heads
on his face
Me: Baby are you sure you can't see me ?
Sonia: Priscella don't do this to yourself!
I ignored her
Me: baby
Masixole: Yes babe?
Me: Can you see me?
Masixole: It's dark. It's like i have my eyes closed
that's how dark it is
I looked up frustrated putting my hand on my
Sonia: He is going to be okay friend
Me: He is blind! I want us to take him to the
doctor. I am sur....
I said standing up. I stopped talking when
Masixole grabbed my wrist. I looked at him
Masixole: They are not going to help me. I am
being punished for lying and hiding you from
my family
Oh my God. What if this is permanent? What if
he won't be able to see ever again? What am i
gonna do? I love him. I wish i didn't waste so
much time acting dramatic. I know i love him.
Even when i was so angry i still loved him. Why
did i waste time?

< Narrated >
At Magistrate court. A lot of people walked out.
It's after the court case. In front of them it was a
lot of authorities wearing gowns and one of
them was Judge Nomakhosazana. We see her
shaking hands with all of them. They went their
seperate ways. Judge Nomakhosazana turned
around and laid her eyes on Her late sister's
husband. They quicky looked away. Remember
they can't be seen speaking in public. We see the
queen walking to her car. Journalists ran to the
family of Dlungane and some to Fikiswa's
family, Fikiswa is the woman who was just
sentenced. While the Queen was walking fast to
the parking lot we see a journalist running to
her. It was a male journalist.
Journalist: Congratulations Judge
The Queen turned around and looked at this
journalist. The guy smiled.
Nomakhosazana: Congratulations?
Journalist: You finally closed the case. Justice is
served right?
The Queen looked at Dlungane's husband and
family walking into their car.
NoMakhosazana: You should congratulate That
poor family for getting justice. I was just doing
my job. Bye now
Nomakhosazana walked to the packing. The
journalist ran after her.
Journalist: I am sure you were doing your job
The Queen stopped walking
She had her eyes popped out. She knew there
was more to that statement. She slowly turned
Nomakhosazana: Excuse me?
Journalist: I mean 50 years really?
Nomakhosazana: She is a murderer! She
deserved more than what i gave her!
Journalist: Come on Judge Nomakhosazana....
Fikiswa didn't kill Dlungane. Her nephew did.
Why would you sentence her 50 years in prison
Nomakhosazana: It's for covering a murder and
burying a human being!
The Queen walked away after She said that
Journalist: Sounds personal to me!
The journalist said running after her again. We
see The Queen stop walking. She started
breathing heavily looking at her car. She breath
in and out
Journalist: Is it personal Mrs Judge ?
He said standing behind the Queen with a smirk
on his face.
The Queen knew right there she got bursted. She
couldn't hide her anger and nervousness. We
are talking about losing her career here. She
knows if this gets to the officials/ the board.
She'd lose her job and not only that.
Journalist: You better come clean to me now but
you know what?
He was still behind the queen.
Journalist: Maybe you don't have to, i mean your
body language says it all. I guess i will just go for
Nomakhosazana: The reason i am rushing to the
car is because i don't want to be interviewed by
journalists. You mind if we get in the car and go
somewhere private?
Journalist: With pleasure
Nomakhosazana smiled then pressed her key
unlocking the car. They both walked to the car.
They got in. The Queen took her handbag. She
took out black gloves and wore them
Journalist: Gloves in this heat?
The Queen was looking in front of the car fixing
her gloves.
Nomakhosazana: I am The Queen. I get driven
around by different chauffeurs......
She looked at the Journalist and smiled.
Nomakhosazana: You can imagine different
hands with gems touching my steering wheel
Guy: I understand
The Queen started the engine. Then drove out
Guy: Drive me to Norwood. That's where our
publication is located
The Queen smiled driving. She drove down
passing Mthatha CBD. She drove through the
Norwood bridge.
Nomakhosazana: How far are we?
Guy: It's at the back
Nomakhosazana drove. The guy kept directing
Guy: You will drop me at that board
We heard the car doors lock
The Queen focused on the road. She was not
smiling anymore.
Guy: You were supposed to unlock the door!
wait this is my stop!
The Queen looked at him
Nomakhosazana: I am taking you for a ride
The Queen said that then stepped hard on the
Guy: Oh My God....
The guy turned and looked out the wondow. He
attempted to hit the window
Guy: Hel......
The Queen grabbed the back of the guys' head
with her left hand. She is left handed. She hit his
face on the bonnet repeatedly. The guy was
crying, the queen kept at it hitting his face on
the bonnet. We saw saliva everywhere his face
hit then we saw blood on the bonnet. They were
now out of the surbub. She was still hitting the
guys face on the bonnet. The Queen couldn't see
any houses.
She kept hitting the guy on the bonnet. It was
blood everywhere. He was no longer crying. It
looked like he fainted. Nomakhosazana
unlocked the doors. She slowed down the speed
of the car. She pushed the Guy's body it fell out.
She stopped the car. She threw the guy's bag out.
She grabbed her own handbag. She took out a
gun then fired shots at the guy
Nomakhosazana: BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!
She shot him three times. Then closed the door.
She put her gun in her handbag. She took off
gloves then turned the car around. She drove off
taking out a phone calling someone
The person answered.
Person: I heard you attended my mother's
funeral! i never thought you would call after you
refused to help me! i spent 7 months in prison
that year! my own cousin sister refused to help
Nomakhosazana: May you were right!
May: what's that?
Nomakhosazana: Yes we are the same. We were
both married to old men who didn't love us
May: Bitch you better get to the point!
Nomakhosazana: I just murdered for the first
time in my life Nodolly!
May: okay ! okay! slow down! and stop the car
The Queen pulled over
May: Tell me what happened
Nomakhosazana: A Journalist just told me he
knows i am Thululu's sister. I gave him a lift. I
wore gloves and drove away. I killed him then
threw the body outside the car
May: Okay sis.... i want you to turn the car
around and go back
Me: May are you crazy?
May: Do you want my help or you want to rot in
I am not as strong as May. What if I go there and
get caught? should I follow her instructions ? I
had my hand on my mouth crying. She asked me
a question. What do I do?
The End.




Few minutes later.....................
We see Nomakhosazana crying her car. She had
a phone next to her ear, She was speaking to her
cousin sister May Ndamase. Her cousin asked
her to make a choice. Nomakhosazana asked for
her help now she is giving her and she has to
decide whether she wants the help or she
wanna go to jail and Jail is the last thing
Nomakhosazana wanna go to. We see her turn
the car around
Nomakhosazana: Okay i am going back!
May: Listen to me and listen to me very carefully
Nomakhosazana: Yes?
May: i hope you still have your gloves on! i want
you to search that body and His bag! take all
that information He has on you
Nomakhosazana: Oh my God forgot
She drove fast
May: That's why you have me cuz, I want you to
search his pockets. I know Journalists always go
around with backpack or something. Turn it
upside down if you have to! Open his zip i don't
care! find anything that could have the
information about you. People do strange
things! if you have enough time open his asshole
who knows maybe he pushed the hard drive up
his ass hole!
Nomakhosazana: Come on now this is not jail!
May: You never know. I want you to take his cell
phone. Take out his sim and destroy it then
drive to town to get that phone wiped. He might
have information on his phone!
Nomakhosazana got next to the body. She
stopped her car. She got out of the car. She
looked around then put on her gloves. She went
to the body, she got to the body then heard a car
stops behind her. She turned around fast it was
some man.
Nomakhosazana: May i am caught
May: Shoot them!
Nomakhosazana: I left my gun in the car
May: Idiot! did they see the body? if not and
where you are its steep behind you, kick the
body and let it roll down!
Nomakhosazana: Okay i can do that!
The Queen turned around. indeed its steep. She
smiled at the car..The guy opened the window.
She stood infront of the body. She pushed it with
the back of her foot. The body rolled down. She
let out a sigh of relief.
Guy: Do you need some help ma'am ?
Nomakhosazana: Yes please
The guy attempted to walk out of the car.
Nomakhosazana: You can help me by driving
through because i wanna pee! off you go
Guy: Oh i am so sorry
He started the engine then drove off. The Queen
put her phone next to her ear
Nomakhosazana: He is gone
May: Very good! now run to that body and
search him! .
She took off her heels
She ran down. The body wasn't far.
Nomakhosazana: Hold on i will get back to you
She got to him. She put her phone in her pocket
then searched the guy. In his pocket he found a
recorder. She took it. She searched the other
pocket and found his phone. She ran to his bag.
She took the file and laptop she found there. She
searched the bags and found a hard drive and
ID. She didn't take the ID. She let out a heavy
sigh. She looked around then ran up. She got to
her car. She put everything she got at the back of
the car..She got to the driver seat
Nomakhosazana: You're still there?
May: Done?
Nomakhosazana: Yes. I left his ID only in his bag
May: I hope you got his name because it is very
important to know who he is
Nomakhosazana: Linamadla Qengebe. That's
what's written in there. What are you gonna do
with it?
May: I have a plan and that plan will help us
know every detail about this murder. Nothing
can connect you to it. But before you go, is that
gun registered to you ?
Nomakhosazana: My husband
May: Dammit!
Nomakhosazana: What ?
May: I am so sorry cuz, it gets worse....
Oh no! That was the Queen's reaction to that
Nomakhosazana: What ?
May: You need to go back to the body
Nomakhosazana: What ?
May: You have to dig your fingers in those bullet
wounds and take out the bullets if you don't they
will identify whose gun was it and we don't
want that now do we?
Nomakhosazana: No May! I am scared to do this.
This is too much!
May: Do you wanna get arrested !?
The Queen looked where the dead man fell
when She threw him out. She saw two bullets
Nomakhosazana: Thank God two are here!
May: You shot him more than two times ?
Nomakhosazana: I shot him three times
May: You're stronger than I thought cuz
Nomakhosazana opened the door of her car. She
through the laptop, hard drive and papers in.
Nomakhosazana: Hold
She put her phone in her pocket. She ran to the
body. She got to it. She found him sleeping face
down. She looked up
Nomakhosazana: Forgive me God
She first checked his back to see which ones
went through. That helped her to identify the
wound with a bullet. She turned him around.
She closed my eyes. Tears streamed down her
cheeks. She breath in and out then forced her
finger in. She felt the bullet
Me: Thank you lord
She pushed her finger deeper. She came back
with a bullet. She stood up then turned around.
She saw her shoes. It looks like she almost left
her heels at he scene. She picked them up then
went to her car. She got in and took off her
Nomakhosazana: May you're still there ?
May: Yes is it done ?
Nomakhosazana: I have all three bullets
May: Leave that place now!
Nomakhosazana: Okay thank you Cuz
May: I will keep you updated
Nomakhosazana hung up then focused on the
road. She wiped her tears while driving. She
didnt look scared anymore. She looked relieved
and She was angry. She couldn't believe what
that boy almost did to her. She kept looking at
the blood on her bonnet. It was dry.

At Sdabadabeni village in the Royal house. We
see Princess Nomagampompo, her sons and
Ngejiwe sitting in the living room talking.
Princess Nomagampompo seemed happy for a
change. Her guilt for betraying the Queen has
been killing her. For a change she is smiling.
Maybe it is because the Queen is not home.
Princess: How is your mother Ngejiwe?
Ngejiwe: She and dad were happy because of the
shares. Ever since they got them she has been
very happy
Princess: That's good. She has been behaving
well around Queen Nomakhosazana. I am really
proud of her
Ngejiwe sat up straight.
Ngejiwe: i am surprised they didn't have to put a
fight to get those shares. What is going on aunt?
Why did the Queen give them the shares like
Princess: Your father is my brother. This is a
family business. He deserves those shares
Nomgcwabe: Do you have shares in this
business mom? You also work so hard mom
Princess: And i get a good salary. I can't compare
myself to your uncle. He is a man and
unfortunately men are entitled to everything
when it comes to family legacy
Nomgcwabe: That's not fair though
Ngejiwe: I hope you don't say it's not fair that
my father got those shares. His proposal from
the lawyer was reasonable. I am not saying aunt
you're not doing anything. I do believe you also
deserve a share but so is my dad
Nomgcwabe: I didn't say he doesn't deserve
anything i was talking about my mom!
Ngejiwe: And i am talking about my dad!
Princess: Hey why you two love fight?
They both looked down.
Princess: Everything you both said is true. Me
and my brother are the only living children of
Chief Dubulingqanga but one thing you need to
know is, This was Chief Nkosesizwe's dream
and he left it to his family. We must be grateful
we are benefiting from it. All you children are in
school and we are using this family money for
your eduacation.
She looked at Nomgcwabe and Ngejiwe.
Princess: The Queen pays for your varsity
education !
Ngejiwe: Mine as well?
Princess chuckled.
Princess: I didn't expect your mother to tell you
anything good About the Queen. Yes every child
who goes to university here the Queen is paying
for their education. Hlohlesakhe and i are only
responsible for you guys from primary to high
school. She takes it from there i thought you
knew !
Nomgcwabe: I know
I looked at Ngejiwe
Ngejiwe: Whenever i need something i call mom
and dad they.....
Princess: Whenever you call they go to the
Queen i do the transactions myself
Ngejiwe: Wow i didn't know
Princess Nomagampompo's phone rang. She
looked at it then stood up. She looked nervous.
Her: Excuse me
She walked away. Nomgcwabe looked at
Nomgcwabe: I see aunt Nontorotyi didn't think it
was important to tell you this Ngejiwe. I wonder
why or maybe she wanted to take credit for it
Ngejiwe looked Angry she stood up..
Ngejiwe: I will tell you for the last time. Call me
Princess Ngejiwe not just Ngejiwe!
Nomgcwabe: For someone who don't act or
behave like a Princess you sure love to be
treated like one
Ngejiwe: Whatever!
She looked at Phonqa
Ngejiwe: Phonqa tell aun......
Phonqa didn't her finish
Phonqa: Prince Phonqa
Ngejiwe: Oh please! Your mom is a royal
princess. We don't know whether your dad is
royalty or not !
Phonqa: Ouch
Nomgcwabe: You know Ngejiwe. Why dont you
sit so we wait for mom and solve your issues
with us! this is our home!
Nomgcwabe snapped, Ngejiwe looked at study
nervous. She looked at Nomgcwabe.
Ngejiwe: I am sorry cuz please don't tell aunt
Phonqa leaned on the couch smiling. He closed
his eyes
Phonqa: Princess Ngejiwe, You're excused
He said trying to sound like a queen. Ngejiwe
looked at Nomgcwabe
Ngejiwe: Please
Nomgcwabe looked away
Nomgcwabe: Sure you can go
Ngejiwe: Thanks it won't happen again. Phonqa
rolled his eyes. Ngejiwe walked out. Phonqa put
his foot on the couch. He hugged his knees. He
Phonqa: Princess Ngejiwe
Nomgcwabe: She ain't getting that from me little
Phonqa stood up. He ran to the window. He
looked out watching Ngejiwe.
Phonqa: Oh cuz....... you have no idea
Nomgcwabe: What's that?
Phonqa turned around fast. He didn't know he
heard him..
Nomgcwabe: She has no idea about what?
Phonqa shrugged his shoulders smiling
Nomgcwabe shook his head
Him: You're weird
He walked away. Phonqa whispered
Phonqa: Maybe
He went and sat on the couch
Phonqa: Or maybe not

At study we see Princess Nomagampompo
pacing up and down talking on the phone.
Princess: I told you i didn't see your missed calls.
Why would the Queen do that?
Shosholoza: I don't know. I want you to speak to
her. She can't do this to me !
Princess: I will have a word with my sister in
Shosholoza: Please do! you know what can go
wrong !
Princess Nomagampompo pulled a chair.
Nomagampompo: You know I don't care about
that. Only you care
Shosholoza: I care and your family cares as well.
They are the ones who don't want this to come
Nomagampompo: So you want it to come out? if
you do I can come over there now and tell your
Shosholoza: You can't do that! you know we
Princess: Then stop saying its my family! you're
the one who don't want to know your children!
Shosholoza didn't say anything. He was just
Nomagampompo: When can I see you?
Shosholoza: It was over between us a long time
ago! just speak to your sister in law and make
her change her mind. You know I am married
and youre old now. Why do you insist on
sleeping with a married man!? You're disgusting
Princess Nomagampompo hung up the call. She
sat down crying.

< Nomaxabiso >
I have been here for over a week now. I missed
Malingene so much but I think we have to make
another plan. This hotel is expensive. We need
to find a place somewhere. I can't keep paying
for a hotel room as if I have a job. I discussed
this with him he said I should go back home. I
am not leaving here until he knows what he is
going to do. His wife can't find out. She can't
know I betrayed her. My family has to
understand Why I can't let them do this. I love
them they are my family but I feel like they
want to do this to punish me. What did they
really expect? They expected me to stay single
and a virgin for that long ? They must
understand that was done back then not now. A
13 year old nowadays know what sex is. I am
not going to let them make me feel bad. I am
also planning to call Zwelicacile. He must tell me
what his wife say. I still want to marry him. I am
not the only person who wronged the ancestors.
He did too. We have to make this work. My
family money built their empire. They forgot
that. I am their daughter in law whether they
like it or not and Masixole's looks are a bonus on
top of it. I will make sure I give him babies. I just
pray his wife struggles with that so that they
could see how much they need me.
Anyway Malingene is in the bathroom taking a
shower. He just got back from work. I feel like
it's time we think of a way forward. His wife
can't know this She just can't. While I was sitting
waiting for him to walk out of the bathroom, I
heard my phone ring. I looked at it. It's my
mother. I smiled then answered
Me: Hello mother
Mom: Where are you Nomaxabiso?
What? I stood up. I didn't expect mom to be so
mad after a week not speaking. Did she hear
something ?
Me: I told you I am with my Ki.....
Mom: Stop lying! I saw the press conference!
King Zwelicacile is in Johanesburg! He was
resigning from Seputla mine standing next to his
first wife!
Me: Did you just say Seputla Mine?
Mom: Where are you Nomaxabiso Zidenge!!
I hung up fast. I sat on the edge of the bed.
Me: Oh My God....... He is here?
I saw Malingene walking out of my bathroom. I
looked at him.
Malingene: Are you okay?
Me: Do you know Masixole Ndengana?
Him: Yes one of our bosses. He just resigned why
do you ask?
Me: He is my fiancè
Malingene: What? That man is from
Me: Malingene my family knows I lied They
know I am not with him!
Malingehe's phone rang. He took his phone
Malingene: I don't know this number
I snatched his phone. I looked at caller id. I
threw his phone on my bed
Malingene: What is it?
Me: It's my father!
Malingene: No! No! No! you need to take a bus
back home now!!!
Oh My God. I just pray no one knows I am here. I
just hope my parents are just calling, I hope they
don't know for sure that I am with him

< Sonia De Villiers >
I swear people think our lives are perfect
because of our who we are and the things we
have but that's not that case. We have a lot of
problems. It's hard for us to focus on one thing
and try to fix that. When we are comforting each
other about one thing another comes by. I am
saying this because I came back with disturbing
news from the doctor telling me I cannot have
children anymore. While I was shocked by that
we got a call telling us about Masixole's
blindness. I don't understand ancestors. I don't
believe they could do that to someone. I still
think Priscella needs to call a doctor and get him
examined. We can't sit back and wait for a
miracle, not when he is going to stay here till
Friday. While waiting for Friday we should do
something. I hope Priscella will agree to that
when I tell her. She can't just wait for a miracle
to happy. I don't know her as someone who
believes in Ancestors. She shouldn't listen to
Masixole. She must get help as soon as possible.
Anyway she took him to the penthouse which
makes me so happy. It shows that she still loves
him. I am glad she swallowed her pride and
decided to take care of her man. I am with my
father downstairs. I just told him about what the
doctor said. He is very angry. I don't want him to
do anything to Brendan.
Dad: I should've listened and trusted what my
gut was telling me when you first introduced
that scum to me
Me: Father whatever you said was gonna be
useless. I loved him. I couldn't listen to anyone. I
have myself to blame for all this
Dad: Don't blame yourself for this! That bastard
is the one who made you believe he was a good
person. He took advantage of your good heart
Me: Daddy I am ashamed. I left a good man for
what ?
Dad: That good man still cares about you
I stood up.
Me: Yes because Hunter is a good person....
I looked at dad
Me: But love? I don't think so. I hurt him so
Dad: He forgave you sweetie. That means
something. Just open your heart
Me: Daddy I am his children's mother. Of course
he will care for me but that doesn't mean he
loves me. Nothing good can come out of this
Dad: Just promise me when an opportunity
comes you won't reject him. He is a good man !
I heard footsteps coming from up the stairs. I
turned around. It's Priscella
I sat down. Dad looked at Priscella
Dad: Is he asleep?
Priscella: No he is talking with Aaron upstairs. I
asked Aaron to take a day off. Sonia and I are
going back to work
Me: Is he feeling any pain?
Priscella: No, He is just blind. What if I caused
this,? What if these ancestors are punishing me
for punishing him?
Me: No I don't think so, Masixole told us at the
meeting that he Is waiting for a punishment.
This is it
Dad: Sonia is right. He is going to be fine and he
said this was gonna happen. We didn't know
I brushed her back
Me: I am glad you brought him home friend
She looked at me.
Priscella: I wish I wasn't so stubborn. I wish I
didn't take time to forgive him
Me: You had to heal as well! Maybe you needed
that space! now let's talk about O'Neal
Dad looked at me.
Dad: All set for tomorrow. I called the Journalist,
She Is happy and cannot wait to publish this
I looked at Priscella
Me: I guess this is it?
Priscella wiped her tears. She stood up
Priscella: Brendan knows that you know how
much he has. This will make him suspecious.
Uncle I want you to make a fake demand of
maybe one point five so that He won't suspect
Me: You're right Priscella. I mean it sounds
suspecious to demand the exact amount he has.
He will think I had something to do with this.
Whatever I do I have to be careful. I have
children and I don't know that man anymore! I
doubt if I ever did
Dad: I feel like what we did to him was nothing
compared to what you're going through Sonia.
That bastard has to know how you feel. I want
him to know how I feel
Priscella: Tomorrow is for that uncle. When the
world knows who he is that is when you can
confront him. You all have to be surprised like
everybody else
Dad stood up
Him: I will make the demand
Me: Thank you father
He came to me and kissed my cheek then went
to Priscella
Priscella: Bye Uncle
He walked to the Elevator. I stood up. This
makes me so angry. My father warned me about
this man and I didn't listen. I didn't expect him
to be so supportive this means so much to me.
Priscella: It's almost over Sonia
I looked at her.
Me: Is it? Why am I so nervous about tomorrow?
Priscella: Your family name will be the talk of
the town tomorrow. You should feel like that but
remember, Your husband and his boyfriend are
the ones who will have a bad day. At least the
heavy load will be off your shoulder
Me: You're right. People Will finally know who
he really is. After tomorrow his reputation will
be ruined!
Priscella: Exactly! you got your revenge and you
still have all your jobs and people will know you
lost your child because of this
Me: His sexuality won't be the only thing making
headlines tomorrow
Priscella looked at me.
Priscella: What else?
Me: I will also be forced to issue a statement......
I sat down. She did at well. She was looking at
me waiting to hear what I have to say.
I looked at her.
Me: I think I am ready to tell the public that I
cannot have children anymore
She got teary. I saw her put her hand on her
Me: Yeah.....
Priscella: Come here
She came closer. We hugged. I have to do this.
We heard the elevator. We broke the hug then
stood up at the same time looking at it waiting
for someone to walk in. It's Algebra.
Algebra: Afternoon
Priscella: Hey we were about to go back to the
office. My man went blind I had to take care of
Algebra: I am so sorry ma'am is he gonna be
okay ?
Priscella smiled.
Priscella: I hope so....
Algebra looked at me. He looked nervous
Me: What is it?
Algebra: Ma'am you're the reason I came up
I started feeling nervous
Me: What Is it?
He gave me his phone.
Algebra: I just saw this post from SA gossip
Twitter page
I took the phone. The first thing that caught my
attention was Brendan hand in hand with a girl
who had cap and shades on
Me: Who is this girl?
Priscella came
Algebra: It's Tasha ma'am. They were seen
together last night and today kissing
Me: This son of a bitch don't waste time
Priscella: Oh My God this Tasha girl don't love
herself. She got herself a next victim
Me: I am just appalled by how my husband is
living her life like nothing is happening when I
am here hurting because of him!
Priscella: Brendan is a jerk. He will never
change over night trust me
My phone rang. I looked at it then at Priscella
Me: It is the surgent office
Priscella: Answer!
I wiped my tears then answered.
Me: Sonia hello?
Caller: Hello Mrs O'Neal, I am calling to remind
you about your boob surgery on Thursday. The
Me: Cancel it!
Caller: Ma'am?
Me: I do not want to enlarge my breasts!
I hung up then sat down. I don't want to lie. I
cried like I just heard news about a dead loved
one. That's how loud I was crying. I had hiccups
and I felt like I couldn't breath
Priscella: Algebra bring water!! friend calm
down! breath please

< JudgeNomakhosazana >
I just killed a human being and dug his wounds.
I am a mess. I don't know how I will recover
from this. I killed someone into cold blood. I was
never this person. I remember how I used to
judge my cousin sister for killing people in
Pretoria. I didn't think I would do it. I remember
the last time we spoke she said I am everything
like her. I said no she was lying but now I see I
am just like her and I cannot believe I asked her
for help. Everything May touches turns out to be
trouble. She had endless enemies. What if I
become that ? May's mother and my mother
were sisters. Aunt Florence didn't want the life
of a princess that is why she ended up marrying
a commoner Mr Ndamase. That is not the only
person in my family who did that. My sister the
one who died ran away from Royalty. Even my
uncle Mpingololo did the same we never saw
him again till years later when he met May in
Pretoria. I am the only person who loved and
embraced this. Oh My cousin in PE is also a
proud princess.
Anyway I didn't want to kill that man but that
was the only way to see another day as a free
woman. I was not only gonna lose my job as a
judge. I was gonna go to jail. You don't know
how much the gorvenment pays me for my
services to the provincial parlament. I don't see
myself losing that. I am prepared to kill whoever
is trying to ruin my life. Right now I know I
should trust my cousin but I am scared. What if I
get caught ? What will happen to me. I feel like
everyone who looks at me sees a sign written
Murderer in my forhead. When I left the scene I
didn't drive to Ngqeleni my home town. I drove
to Mqanduli. I will go home through Coffee Bay.
Speaking of Coffee Bay. I just got to their Hotel. I
am not going home sober. I feel so guilty. I will
book myself a room and drink my problems
away. I am at front desk getting help .
Lady: So how long are you gonna stay with us
ma'am ?
Me: I am going to stay here for a few hours.....
Lady: Okay ma'am when are you going to leave ?
I want to leave this place when it is dark.
Me: Can you give me your pen and a piece of
paper ?
Her: Yes of course
I took out my phone. I wrote Siqalo's number
down. I switched off my phone. I don't want
anyone who is going to call me.
Me: Around 6:30pm. I would like you guys to call
this person to fetch me
Lady: Okay we will do so
Me: Make sure he comes with someone who is
going to drive my car
Lady: Okay ma'am
Me: Now can I order room service
Her: Absolutely! We have very delicious meals!
our chefs ar.....
Her eyes popped out
Me: What's wrong ?
Her: No nothing ma'am
Me: A bottle of gin with a high volume
Me: Ice blocks , a lot of ice blocks. I want lemon
and I want you to prepare me snacks can you do
that ?
Lady: Ma'am all that will be in your room in 10
How are we gonna do this? I do not have ten
minutes. I looked at the bar
Me: Is it okay if I go take a bottle there and the
rest follow in 10 minutes?
Her: Its all good ma'am that's perfect !
She raised her hand the barman looked at me. I
walked at him.
Me: A bottle of Gin
I said pointing at it. He took it. I walked to the
stairs. I walked up. I got to my room. I opened
the door then walked in. I saw a glass on the
small table. I saw a fridge. I opened it. There is
water inside. Good. I poured a little bit of water.
I poured the gin then sat on the small single
couch. I drank. While drinking, I heard someone
clapping hands coming closer to me. I looked up
Zinyovile: You're not that strong after all
What is she doing here? I just want to be alone
and drink is that too much to ask for?
Me: I am strong!
Zinyovile: You're lying Nomakhosazana!!!!
She snapped. The nerve. I looked at her.
Me: How dare you raise your voice at me?
She pointed her index finger at me
Her: You're scared! you're traumatised!
Me: I am not !!
Zinyovile: Then why are you hiding in a hotel,
Why are you at Coffee bay in a hotel instead of
your big mansion. The one that should've been
Me: Oh My God! why is it mine not yours ? Have
you ever thought of that ?
She looked at me angry. I could see the same
jealous she had when my husband was alive.
She is a bitter woman.
Me: It's because I am ROYALTY!!!
Zinyovile: That's all you could offer him!
Me: I have class! brains and education! what do
you have?
She hit her chest so many times
Her: I have a heart! I have a heart for Sgaqa! he
was mine! You took my life and didn't give a
Damn about the girl who was left alone! with no
Me: And whose fault was that?
Zinyovile: Your soulm......
Me: Don't you dare call him that! he is not my
soul mate! I don't love him all I see when I think
of him is disgust! the only man I ever loved was
my husband!
Zinyovile: Shut up!!
Me: You know what ? He loved me somehow. I
mean why did he manipulate you to leave the
village without reporting me to the police?
Her eyes popped out. She was thinking about it
I walked closer to her
Me: He used the only weapon that made you
weak and stupid!
Zinyovile: I said shut up Nomakhosazana!!!
Me: He whispered sweet nothing in your ear
then boom ! you were out of the picture. You
I am enjoying this. I am enjoying hurting her
with the truth.
Me: We were very happy when you were gone
She was breathing heavily. She was sweating
her face was dripping wet with tears and sweat
Me: To think about it......!?
Oh she was hating every moment she saw me
smiling. I could tell just by looking at her.
Me: He never visited you ever since he sent you
to that hell hole you were living at
Zinyovile: I said shut up! I said shut up !!!
Me: You bitch waited for my father in law to die
then you crawled back to Sdabadabeni and
manipulated everyone and made them believe
you were there to protect us when all you
wanted was my husband's penis!!!
Zinyovile: Oh I loved it!
Me: But he was alive for the whole six years
when you were gone. He wasn't sleeping with
you.... guess who he was sleeping with?
Zinyovile: I am warning you bitch !
Me: He was sleeping with his wife ME!!!
Zinyovile grabbed the bottle of my gin from the
floor attempting to hit me with it
Me: I know your soul is here not your body.....!
She had her hand up high in the air ready to hit
Me: You dare hit me with that I swear I will hunt
you down with the help of Gedleza and kill you
like I killed that man today
She let go of my bottle, it fell down luckily there
is rug on the floor. It didn't break
Zinyovile: Oh My God you finally did?
Me: Try me! pick it up!
She disappeared. I looked around the room. I
swear I am going to kill this bitch. " My Queen"
Said a male voice behind me. I turned around
Me: Gedleza you scared me !
Gedleza: Don't stay here my Queen, Go home
and save me
Gedleza was crying
Me: What ? Save you from what ?
Gedleza: Don't stay here! go home and see me!
Send me to Mozambique before things get out of
Me: Things ? What things ?
Gedleza: If I go see my teacher. I think there will
be a lot to be revealed. I am sorry I failed you
my Queen!
He varnished. I looked around
Me: What......?
I heard a knock coming from the door. I went to
the door. I opened
Guy: Your room.....
I opened the door wide then pointed at my gin
Me: Take that and these and make them a take
Guy: You're leaving ma'am ?
I left him at the door. I walked to the beg. I took
my handbag then attempted to hang it in my
arm, The gun fell out
The guy's eyes widened. He was shocked to see
The gun. I gave him a deathstare. He swallowed
hard. I picked up my gun. I cocked it two times
I looked at the door
Me: I have to drive 30 minutes crossing the
Mthatha Dam river to my house......
I looked at him
Me: I said TAKEAWAY!
Guy: Of course ma'am
He ran in. He took my gin. He ran out.
Him: You will find your takeaway downstairs
He ran out and pushed the thingy. I looked
around the room. I slowly walked out of the
door. I closed the door Then looked around
Me: I want you to go find the truth, come back
and put it on the table Gedleza




< Tasha >
I am really happy that day I went to the bar. If I
didn't, I don't think i would've met Brendan. I
am so lucky and I don't want to mess this up.
Famous people love me and I shouldn't mess up
like I did with EJ. Dating Brendan makes me
settle so many score and it helps me rubs some
people the wrong way which is what I want.
Sonia is Priscella's Best friend. She sued me now
I am dating her friend's husband. Brendan is
Hungani's best friend or used to be and now I
am dating Hungani's friend. I slept with
Hungani. He is human. He will miss what we did
and want me. Me dating Brendan will make him
jealous and don't get me started with Priscella's
anger when she finds out. I don't have anything
against EJ. I know I hurt him so much so I don't
wish him anything bad and I know he didn't sue
Anyway I just got to the restaurant with a friend
of mine. I am taking her out. I left her sitting I
went to say hi to the producer of Rich kids. I
hope he remembers me.
Me: Hi
He turned around and smiled. Thank God he
remembers me.
Him: The famous Tasha
I smiled then flipped my hair.
Me: The one and only
Him: How are you,? The last time I saw you we
woke up into some disturbing scandal
Me: Well .....
I looked down .
Him: What you did really hurt EJ
Me: well I can tell. He blocked me everywhere
Him: You don't understand....
Me: I do! I mean I really hurt him and I feel ba....
He looked around then at me.
Him: EJ is in rehab because of those drugs you
gave him. He craved for more after that and
started using
Me: No! really ?
Him: Please don't tell anyone this. He is in rehab
Me: So what about the show ?
Him: The show has 6 cast members. One episode
focus on one person. We shot his two episodes
but I am afraid by January we might need him
for new season but if he is not out by then we
will have to find another rich person from Here
He took his order..
Him: Have a nice day. It was nice to see you
I smiled
Me: You too thanks
He walled away. Oh my god. I had no idea. I was
going on and on about being sued when I ruined
that boy's life.
I felt a tear escape my eye. I quickly wiped it
then walked to my friend.
Her: Oh drinks are here
Me: Great. I am sorry I stayed long
Her: Are You okay?
Me: Yeah! I am great
She doesn't believe me, Well I am not okay. Not
after what I heard and I am afraid I can't tell
her. I can't humiliate him like I already did. If I
tell my friend it might end up to the media.
Me: Friend thank you so much. I depend on you
now when it comes to transport
Her: Your new man should buy you car
Me: He is going through a lot I don't think he can
afford it now. Maybe later
Friend: Friend what do you see in that man?
Me: What do you mean?
Her: He is married, He is not hot, He is just okay.
Honestly I dont find him attractive
Me: Friend he is tall, handsome and an actor
She took my hand
Friend: Honey we both know you're a white girl
who is only into black men. When did you start
dating white men?
I looked down smiling
Her: What are you up to?
Me: Friend nothing. I love Brendan
Her: You're not into whites!
Me: I am a white girl I shouldn't hate white boys
besides. The black boy I like don't give a damn
about me and the other one. I decided to drug he
wants nothing to do with me
Her: You made a cute couple. I don't know what
got into you friend
I took my glass
Me: I don't want to talk about this again. It's my
past. I am focusing on the future and it looks
I looked at her
Me: Cheers friend
She took her drink
Her: Cheers

< Narrated >
Princess Nomagampompo has been waiting
impatiently for The Queen with no luck. There
Queen was no where to be seen. After the call
Princess Nomagampompo got from her lover.
She is determined to fight for her man. It looks
like the princess loves the father of her children
more than we thought. She is willing to risk it all
to help him. Remember this woman is still trying
to fix her relationship and trust with the Queen.
She is not thinking straight because if she is
going at this pace. She will destroy their
relationship for good all for what ? For a
married man who has no intentions of having
anything to do with her? Love is blind. We really
love people who do not pay attention to us or
see the efforts we make showing them how
much they mean to us. I swear those who are
married hit a jackpot. Nowadays it's hard to
make a relationship last with a partner. It really
takes strong and faithful people to get married
and unfortunately those people don't exist
anymore. Nomagampompo needs to move on
and leave that man. The way he spoke to her
was not nice at all. She cannot act like he is the
only man in the world, I mean he is married
even. Anyway outside we see the Queen arrives.
We see Bhalisile running to the garage. The
Queen didn't drive inside the garage. She packed
it outside then walked out of the car..
Nomakhosazana: Bhalisile come here
Bhalisile went to the Queen running
Bhalisile: My Queen
Nomakhosazana: Can you be trusted ?
Bhalisile: Of course my Que.....
The Queen looked behind Bhalisile. Siqalo was
approaching them
Nomakhosazana: Bhalisile forget it. Why don't
you open the boot and take my drinks inside
Bhalisile: Okay my Queen
He went to the boot. He took the plastic. He
walked to the house. The Queen looked at Siqalo
Nomakhosazana: Siqalo I want you to take a wet
towel and clean that blood on my bonnet
Siqalo: Blood ?
The Queen looked angry
Siqalo: Okay my Queen I will do it now
Nomakhosazana: Great! I had a nose blood. I am
so clumsy! I didn't even have a tissue with me !
Bhalisile walked out of the Mansion
Nomakhosazana: Siqalo will clean the inside do
you mind washing my car? The gravel is too dry
the dust is too much in my car
Bhalisile: Okay my Queen
The Queen opened the door. She took her
handbag then walked to the door. She walked in.
Princess Nomagampompo stood up .
Nomagampompo: I have been trying to get hold
of you ! where were you My Queen !!?
The Queen looked at her. She chuckled
Nomakhosazana: With all due respect Sister in
law but I don't like the tone in your voice ....the
way you just raised your voice at me, I feel like
you should've just said where were you
Nomagampompo's eyes popped out. She didn't
expect this and she didn't realised she raised her
voice. She is just desperate to know why The
Queen betrayed her lover.
Nomakhosazana: Excuse me
The Queen walked to the stairs. We see Princess
Nomagampompo running after her.
Nomagampompo: I am sorry my Queen
The Queen walked up fast. Nomagampompo got
to the stairs and ran after her.
Nomagampompo: My Queen we have to tal......
The Queen turned around fast and looked down.
Nomagampompo was few stairs down, The
Queen few stairs up
Nomakhosazana: I am going to push you then
scream so loud and cry a river saying I
witnessed you miss a step!
Nomagampompo swallowed hard. She looked
down the stairs then at the Queen
Nomakhosazana: And trust me I could !
Nomagampompo ran down. She stood at the end
of the stairs then looked up
Nomagampompo: We have a lot to talk about
Nomakhosazana stop this nonsense!
Nomagampompo looked down at her. She
Nomakhosazana: I know you don't care or
wanna know what happened to my sisters trial!
all you want to know is why I betrayed your
Nomagampompo put her hands on her chest.
She felt bad. She knows how important the trial
was to the Queen. And she hates the fact that
The Queen is right. Anyway After The Queen
said that Princess Nomagampompo looked
around checking if No one heard the Queen
Nomakhosazana: I am tired! I had a long
emotional day. All I wanna do is take off these
high heels. Wear something comfortable and go
see Gedleze.....
She breath in and out
Nomakhosazana: Do you think you can wait a
few minutes for me?
Nomagampompo breath in and out .
Nomagampompo: Yes I will wait. You will find
me here downstairs
Nomakhosazana: Thank you very much
The Queen walked to her room. Downstairs we
see Nomagampompo standing alone then out of
no where we see Phonqa walking slowly
approaching his mother.
Phonqa: Mother
The Princess turned around
Nomagampompo: Yes boy ?
Phonqa looked up the stairs. He looked at the
kitchen. He couldn't see anyone. He ran to the
door. He saw Siqalo's chair empty. He ran and
made sure the door is closed. His mother was
just amazed watching this boy doing all these
Nomagampompo: What are you doing Phonqa?
Phonqa: Now it's safe
He looked at his mom and smiled
Phonqa: Who is your lover ?
Nomagampompo put both her hands on her
Phonqa: It's just you and I mom
Nomagampompo: What is Wrong with you?!
Phonqa shrugged his shoulders
Phonqa: Curiosity maybe ?
Nomagampompo: Well it killed a cat!
She furiously walked away avoiding the
question. Phonqa took a glass that had wine in
it. He smiled
Phonqa: I have never seen a dead cat though...
just saying
He sipped the wine then spit it out fast
Phonqa: Damn what is nice about this thing ?
We see Notiniphu from a corner watching
Notiniphu: You gonna clean there!!!
Phonqa turned around
Phonqa: How long have you been standing
Notiniphu walked fast to the kitchen
Phonqa: She is not going to get away with this
Phonqa ran to the kitchen. He put the glass in
the sink and ran water. He looked at Notiniphu
who was looking at her vegies peeling them
avoiding amy eye contact with Phonqa. She sure
looked like she was avoiding Phonqa.
Phonqa: What did you hear ?
Notiniphu started peeling fast. Phonqa slowly
walked out of the kitchen
Phonqa: Okay fine! I am going to the Queen and
whisper in her ear that someone don't follow the
Notiniphu: Okay fine!!
She ran and grabbed Phonqa's wrist
Notiniphu: I swear I didn't wanna hear. You
spoke so loud boy
Phonqa: I am sure
Notiniphu: I heard you ask my princess about
She looked around then at Phonqa
Notiniphu: About her lover
Phonqa: Do you know her lover?
Notiniphu looked so nervous. She walked back
to the vegies
Notiniphu: Me? No!
Phonqa: Okay
Phonqa walked out of the kitchen. We see
Notiniphu let out a sigh of relief. She looked up.
Notiniphu: Thank you my Lord. I really need
this job
At the front door. We see Nomgcwabe walks in.
Phonqa was about to walk up the stairs. He ran
to his brother
Phonqa: sssshhhhh
He was asking his older brother to shush
Nomgcwabe: What's up ?
Phonqa went to his ear. He couldn't reach it
because Nomgcwabe is a little taller.
Nomgcwabe went down to Phonqa's level..
Phonqa: Good. I am this close in finding out who
our father is
Nomgcwabe's jaw was on the floor for a second.
He looked at the door. He pulled Phonqa out.
They closed the door..
Nomgcwabe: Tell me everything little bro
Phonqa breath in and out
Phonqa: Okay..... I did my part! Now it's your
Nomgcwabe: What did you do? You haven't told
me !
Phonqa looked at the kitchen window
Phonqa: I know who knows who our father is
and you're the only person, The only person
who can help us find out
Nomgcwabe: O-kay?
Phonqa: Go seduce Notiniphu. Have sex with her
she will tell you who is our father
Nomgcwabe: Are you sick boy?
Phonqa looked around. He pulled his brother's
arm trying to reach his ear
Phonqa: I am not sick bro. I AM DESPERATE!
Nomgcwabe looked at Phonqa
Phonqa: Aren't you ?
Nomgcwabe: You want me to sleep with our
maid? Are you crazy ?
Phonqa smiled trying to sweet talk his brother
Phonqa: Bro she is hot and young
Nomgcwabe: Why don't you sleep with her ?
Phonqa: Sex? me? no!! Besides she wouldn't
want me. She calls me boy
Nomgcwabe laughed so hard. He tapped
Phonqa's shoulder
Nomgcwabe: I want as much as you do to find
out who my father is but this is no way to do it.
The ancestors don't want us to know imagine
what can happen if you do it your way
Phonqa didn't think about that now did he?
Nomgcwabe: Just forget it okay ? ;)
He walked away. Phonqa kicked thin air
Phonqa: I was this close to find you father!
I put his hands on his waist.
Phonqa: I need another strategy

< Priscella >
There is always something to talk about. Now it
turns out Tasha left my brother for Hungani.
From there to Hungani's friend who happens to
be my friend's husband. What is Wrong with
this girl walking around in public with a
married woman ? I am so happy she is no longer
with my brother. She was too experienced and
old anyway. I don't want that girl anywhere
near my family. Brendan is a cruel man. He is
the reason Sonia lost her baby. The reason she
cannot have anymore kids. How could he walk
around with a girl when he is still married to
Sonia. He doesn't get tired of humiliating my
friend. I hope He can top the humiliation he will
be getting tomorrow.
Anyway that was not the only shock of the day.
The call from the surgent's assistant was
unexpected. I need to get this straight, so Sonia
was supposed to do a boob job? This woman
looks perfect as she is. Why the hell did she
agree to this nonsense? We are still in my office.
I want her to tell me what is going on right now.
I am just happy She changed her mind now I
know she won't do it and that is a relief. I
managed to calm her down
Me: Friend what is Wrong with your breasts ?
Sonia: Nothing
Algebra came with water. He gave her
Me: You made an appointment for breasts
surgery !
She sat down
Sonia: It was Brendan. He asked me to make an
appointment. You know he was the reason for
all the things I have done to my body !
Me: Thank God you cancelled !
I looked at Algebra
Me: Algebra you can go
Algebra: Okay ma'am
He walked out. I looked at Sonia
Me: Did you pay for it ?
Sonia: Brendan paid for it!
She stood up wiping her tears
Sonia: I am done crying because of that man !
Me: And he doesn't deserve your tears
Sonia: If they don't call Brendan. I won't call
him. They can keep that money
Me: I cannot believe he is a grown 36 years old
dating Tasha!
Sonia: That is not what makes me angry. The age
doesn't matter but for him and Hungani to date
Elton's ex that's so wrong. They were EJ's older
brothers. How can they do this to him?
Me: It just shows our relationships with them
didn't mean nothing to them
Sonia put the glass of water on my desk
Sonia: You're right. I can't believe we were in
love of them. Bunch of losers
Me: Well I am glad he showed his true colours.
imagine if he didn't I wouldn't have found the
love of my life
Sonia: I am happy for you friend. That man
loves you. Don't let what is happening in his life
scare you
Me: I love him with legs or no legs. His blindness
don't scare me. I love that man
I said smiling looking away
Sonia: Well you better go be with him it's time.
Me: Yeah Friend it is time for us to leave now
Sonia: Me and Algebra we are going to my house
to get my clothes. We will find you at the
Me: Oh alright then
She walked out. Going home makes me so
happy. The past two weeks i was not happy to go
home because Masixole was in the Eastern Cape
then a week later he lived at a hotel. Knowing
that when I get home I will find him there
makes me look forward to going home. I love
him so much.
I saw myself smiling alone. Algebra appeared at
the door.
Algebra: Ma'am will you need anything I want to
Me: No! Sonia told me you can go
Algebra: Thanks
Me: See you later
He ran back to his desk. I started packing my
things as well.

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
I don't want to exclude my brother in law
anymore in what's happening in our family. I
decided to call him and tell him to meet me at
the royal house ASAP. That man's death won't
stand in a way of protecting my family. This is
not how I planned my day. After I killed that
man I told myself I was gonna drink the whole
afternoon but the ancestors had other plans and
I have to listen to them. Gedleza is our healer
and our protector. When he calls for help we
have to take that seriously.
Anyway I walked down. I found sister in law in
the living room. She stood up when she saw me.
Nomagampompo: Can we talk now my Queen?
Me: You see right now it's no time for what you
want to talk about! it's time we go protect this
family. Let's go
Nomagampompo: Where are we going?
I went to the door. Siqalo opened the door. I
walked out. Princess Nomagampompo was
following behind me. I saw the chief next to my
Me: Oh Chief Khabalandile you're already here ?
Him: I came as fast as I could
Nomagampompo: What is going on ?
Chief Khabalandile opened the door for me. I got
in at driver's seat. They also walked in. I started
the engine.
Me: Gedleza came to me... His soul came to me.
He said he has to go to Mozambique ASAP and I
should get home and go tell him that. You know
sometimes he doesn't know the things that
happen when he comes to us that way
Hlohlesakhe: Yeah. I wonder what is going on
We arrived at his hut.
Me: I guess it's time we find out
We got out of the car. We went to the door and
Gedleza: Leave your shoes there and come in
We took off our shoes. We walked in .
Gedleza: My Queen? My Chief. My princess good
Me: Hello Gedleza. We won't waste time. You
came to me today. I was at Coffee Bay Resting at
a hotel room. Apparently you have to go to
Mozambique as soon as possible
Gedleza: I have been waiting for you My Queen.
I didn't know that. I just knew you were coming
I didn't know why....
Hlohlesakhe: What are you going to do there ?
Gedleza: I don't know. But my teacher. The
person who made me and my father the people
we are today is there
Me: Who sent you to me. Was it that pervert or
my husband ?
Gedleza: My Queen this is the second time you
talking to me about a pervert ?
Me: Chief Dubulingqanga
Nomagampompo: My father ? You call my father
a pervery?
I chuckled .
Me: Gedleza knows why I am calling him that !
I looked at Gedleza
Gedleza: I do?
Me: Don't look lost! When I visited my husband's
grave you and Nontsingizi were there telling me
that my husband never loved me and the only
person who loves me and is my soulmate is my
father in law!
Hlohlesakhe: What ?
Nomagampompo: That's why you were upset all
week last week?
I looked at Gedleza
Me: Am I lying ?
Gedleza: My Queen I don't remember that. I
would never say such about Chief
He looked up
Gedleza: My his soul rest in peace
I looked at Hlohlesakhe and Nomagampompo
Me: I wouldn't insult my father in law like that.
You know I loved him. I just hate what he and
Nontsingizi told me about him
Gedleza went to his herbs. He took them then let
go of them. He went to his bones. He came
down. He shook them then throw them. He was
doing it fast. He started moving them one by
one pointing at them with a stick. He looked at
Gedleza: Something is wrong that is why I have
to go !
Me: You really don't know this ?
Gedleza: I don't know what spell Zinyovile used
on me. I feel like she has been using me. How
come I didn't see this coming
We were looking at him confused.
Me: So my father in law was not in love with
Gedleza: No!
Me: Did my husband love me ? I know he cared
but I doubted his love because he kept sleeping
with that woman !
Gedleza: They dated before you. It's hard to
break that bond but all will be revealed when I
come back... no! some will be revealed even
before I come back
We were sitting looking at him scared. What is
going on? What is it that I have done for me to
be played like this? I feel like I am being kicked
like a ball. My emotions are all over the place.
When will I find peace ? What did Zinyovile do?
What is she hiding? Gedleza was slapping his
face scratching his head. He looked at us
Gedleza: My Queen there is a lot going on. I feel
like the ancestors are trying to reveal something
Me: What is that ?
Gedleza: I feel like Zinyovile has been playing
with me
He said this already. All along i thought Gedleza
was strong.
Me: What ? how ? I thought you were powerful ?
Gedleza stood up . He sat down so quickly then
looked into space then at Chief Khabalandile
Gedleza: If I was powerful. I would have Seen
My chief's wife coming
Hlohlesakhe: What did my wife do now ?
Gedleza: I should've seen her when she was
trying to kill the Queen but I didn't!
Gedleza stood up. He started emptying his bags
Gedleza: How am I gonna get to Mozambique
my Queen? I have to get there now!!!
I stood up
Me: Get ready! I need to go outside and make a
phone call
I walked out and called my son. He answered
Masixole: Masixole's phone. Priscella speaking
Me: The woman who married my son before
meeting me
Her: Well maybe if you did a good job in raising
him I would've known you existed. I don't mean
no disrespect by that ma'am
Me: I know. My son has been an ass lately. This
has nothing to do with how I raised him. If I
didn't raise him well you wouldn't even look at
Her: That is true
Me: Can i speak to the king ?
Priscella: Well can I take a message. He is
sleeping. He had a hectic day I don't wanna
disturb him
Me: I think you're the perfect person to help me
Her: I am listening ma'am ?
Me: We haven't met. I am embarrassed to ask
trust me, if I wasn't desperate....
Her: I am listening ma'am
Me: I need to get our healer to Mozambique
ASAP it's very important he gets there tonight....
Her: How long can they get here. I will make
sure the pilot is ready to take them
Me: That's the see this person is
here at home. Bus would take him over 12 hours
to get to Johannesburg. I was hoping you send
the Helicopter here now
Her: Okay ma'am I will speak to the Pilot and
ask him to come there now luckily He knows
where you live
Me: Thank you so much. You should visit some
Priscella: Friday I will be there
Me: You will?
Priscella: Yes
Me: Wow I am looking forward to it
Priscella: Later I have to call the pilot
Me: Of course
I hung up. I walked inside. They looked at me.
Me: A helicopter will be here in 3 hours
Hlohlesakhe: How did you pull that off?
Me: Let's just say there is nothing I wouldn't do
for this family
I looked at Gedleza
Him: I have never flew before
Me: This is your chance
I looked at Nomagampompo and Hlohlesakhe
Me: Let's go home your sister want to confront
me about something and I would really
appreciate if you're present when she does
Hlohlesakhe: Sis?
Me: Let's not do this here
I looked at Gedleza
Me: You go wait for the pilot at the field and
keep us updated
Gedleza: Thank you my Queen for doing this for
I looked at sister in law and brother in law. I
walked out. They followed me.

< Nontorotyi >
You know everyone is scared to die. Living in
fear is not nice at all. Nomakhosazana is going to
kill. Zinyovile said soon. I don't know who is
going to die. She didn't tell me. She doesn't seem
like she has a clue about the person who is going
to die. I am so scared right now. What if that
woman comes back from work and decide to
come kill me? What if she thinks this was my
plan to take shares and I used my husband then
pretended like I didn't know any of That? It is
hard to read that woman's mind.
Nomakhosazana is always nice to me. The
scarcastic nice. I don't buy it. That is just a front
for people. When we are alone she is not that
kind to me but when everyone is around I am
the one who always look dumb because she acts
nice to me and I don't know why i alwaya act
like a bitch around her. When I think of the list
of people she could kill I am at the top of that
list. How can I not be scared. I am sitting next to
the window in my house. The only reason I
didn't go to work with my husband is the fact
that I know Nomakhosazana is not home. They
say she went to work. It's been a long time I
heard that. She has been home for a long time. If
she was home I would be at work with my
husband. That is how scared I am. I don't want
her to find me alone and kill me. I cannot die. I
can't ..
I am having a glass of juice. I told myself that I
will not drink alcohol till i know for sure that I
am safe. Anyway I heard the door open. I looked
at the door.
Me: Hey honey
Ngejiwe: Mom
Me: Are you okay? you look sad
Ngejiwe: I am fine....
Me: Honey. I am your mother. I know you !
Her: Okay fine!
She sat on the couch.
Ngejiwe: Mom I am the only young princess......
Oh boy no. Why do I feel like I won't like where
this is going?
Ngejiwe: I feel like I need a little respect from
my cousins
Me: Nomgcwabe and Phonqa?
I said sitting as well.
Ngejiwe: Yes. I want them to call me Princess
Ngejiwe just like Siqalo and that garden boy
what's his name?
Me: You speak to the garden boy?
That son of a bitch better stay away from my
Ngejiwe: Not really When I get there and see
him I say hello. He says hello Princess Ngejiwe
Me: Okay.....
Ngejiwe: So today I was telling my cousins that,
they didn't like it. I got mad
Me: Ngeji
She stood up
Ngejiwe: I said I am more royalty than them
because my father is a Prince. I kind of said they
don't belong here. They belong in their father's
Me: Ngejiwe!!!
She started pacing up and down.
Ngejiwe: I know mom. Nomgcwabe got mad and
threatened to tell aunt Nomagampompo
Me: Oh My God
Ngejiwe: No mom relax I apologised I don't think
he would do it
I gulped my juice. I put my glass on the coffee
Me: Honey. Your aunt is a Princess just as your
father is a Prince. All their children are royal
blood and they are family. Never say that again.
I don't want you to put us in trouble
Ngejiwe: I am sorry mom. I won't do it again and
I will text both of them and apologise again on
Me: Thank you sweety
Ngejiwe: Let me go get ready. I am visiting dad
at work before he knocks off
Me: That's sweet baby okay
Ngejiwe: Why ain't you at work?
Me: I made all the deliveries yesterday. Today
we don't have any people coming with big
Ngejiwe: Okay
She walked to her room. I attempted to sit down
I felt someone grab my wrist. I looked at my
hand then at her. It's Zinyovile.
Me: You scared me!
I looked at my daughtet's room then at Zinyovile
Me: What do you want?
Zinyove looked at my daughter's room
Zinyovile: She must stop acting like ROYALTY
because she is not !
I put my hand on my mouth.
Me: How can you say something so awful!
Zinyovile: It's the truth!
Me: I know bu.....
She didn't let me finish. She quickly looked at
me, her dreads flew around her face
Zinyovile: She better stop for her own good!
Me: Her own good ?
Zinyovile sat down. She took my husband's
whisky. She drank from the bottle. Disgusting !
Zinyovile: Disgusting is your mother!
Oh mind reader. I keep forgetting
Me: I am sorry it's just that I don't like what you
doing. There is a gla......
Zinyovile: If she doesn't stop one of your
nephews will tell her the truth
She said furious looking into space. I stood up
Me: One of Nomagampompo's sons know?
Zinyovile: Yep
I went and sat next to her. Oh my God
Me: Who is it? Tell me ?
She looked at me. She smiled then stood up.. She
poured a drink into a glass
Me: Tell me!
She chuckled then looked at me.
Zinyovile: I wouldn't dare!
Me: Why not ?
Zinyovile looked at me. She downed the whisky
then looked at me..
Zinyovile: When I told you one of your nephews
knew the first thing That came to your mind was
She snapped. Oh she is right. I looked at my
daughter's room
Zinyovile: Don't worry. She can't hear us !
Oh that's a relief. I looked at her
Me: I have to do whatever it takes to keep this
more especially now That some bitch I don't
know will be my sister wife
Zinyovile: It's a bitch you know and I like how
you called her
She started laughing. I looked at her
Me: I know her?
Zinyovile: She is a bitch indeed and she likes to
get under your skin
Me: Who is she ?
Zinyovile brushed my back
Her: Don't worry. Sooner or later you will know
Me: Please tell me!
Zinyovile: Oh Nontorotyi...... You will make me
forget the very important things I came to say to
you here
Me: What are those things ?
Zinyovile: First don't you worry. The secret will
never come out. The royal house made sure of it.
Even the boy sworn to secrecy
Me: That's a relief
Zinyovile chuckled then walked pass me with
her hand on my shoulder
Zinyovile: Talk about reliefs, There comes
another one
I looked at her curious
Zinyovile: You and I are officially safe
I smiled. It was excitement all over. I hope this is
what I think it is.
Zinyovile: It is
Me: She already killed someone ?
Zinyovile: In cold blood
Me: Oh My God. I wonder who is it ?
Zinyovile walked around. I saw her getting sad.
Zinyovile: That's what worries me.......
I saw a tear escape her eye. I walked to her
Me: Why are You worried? You and I are safe
right ?
Zinyovile: Nontorotyi when I know something I
know it to the T. Why can't know who is
Nomakhosazana's victim?
Me: You don't have to know. What is important
is that you and I are safe My friend
Zinyovile looked at me.
Zinyovile: Oh Nontorotyi, I wish I was as
positive as you are
Me: Is it that serious?
She let go of a glass she had in her hand. This
woman might be here in spirit but all these
glasses she breaks, Break for real. How many
times should a buy glasses?
Zinyovile: Nontorotyi I am losing my gift
Me: What? no! I am nothing without your gift!
Zinyovile: I am losing my gift bit by bit....
She vanished. I quickly looked around
Me: Zinyovile ?
" Mom ? " That was Ngejiwe behind me. I quickly
wiped my tears
Me: Sweetheart
Ngejiwe: Were you talking to someone ?
Me: No sweety I talk to myself
Ngejiwe: Okay...... later then
I smiled, She walked out. She closed the door. I
ran to the door and opened it then closed it
myself then leaned on the door with my right
hand on my chest.
Me: Don't lose your gift please




< Priscella >
What just happened? I don't know why I am so
excited about this. It is amazing that I was so
mad and hating everything Masixole now his
mother just called and I cannot stop smiling. I
must say I was so nervous speaking to that
woman but I am very proud of myself. I handled
her so well. I am glad I could help her. We are
family now. We have to help each other. I
cannot wait to go see where my man grew up
but at the same time I am scared. I am the
woman Masixole disrespected his family for.
What if they are angry with me? But My mother
in law didn't seem angry. Even what she said
about me marrying her son without her. I could
tell she was joking. I just pray she wasn't nice
because she needed my help. I am a little
sceptical about this ancestors thing. It looks like
it is a big deal in that family and my son being
their child, I feel like I will be tied to it as well
and that is terrifying. This woman wanted a
helicopter to fly a healer to another country.
What is that man going to be doing there? We
really find love in hopeless places. I never
thought I would get married to a family that
deals with traditions and stuff.
Anyway I am in my bedroom. Sonia and Algebra
went to fetch Sonia's clothes. I heard a knock. I
went to the door. I opened. It's Masixole and
Aaron: I am going home. This dude must rest
Me: Thank you for keeping him company. Take
my hand baby
I said giving him my hand
Aaron: No problem. See you guys
Masixole: Sure boy
Aaron left. I closed the door
Me: Guess what baby
Masixole: You've decided that we go home now ?
That is not funny. I feel like he is blackmailing
me now. I don't like when he uses Emotional
blackmail. We went to the bed. I sat him down
Masixole: Okay tell me what is it ?
Me: Baby we agreed that we are leaving together
Friday now I feel like you cannot wait to get
home and I feel bad that I am the one keeping
you here and hiding things from your family
I saw him trying to reach for me. I gave him my
Masixole: I was joking babe. I know Why we
have to leave Friday. Even if I didn't understand
I would respect your decision, The fact that I am
going home with you makes me happy. I am
excited baby
Me: Your mother called your cell
Him: Did you answer it ?
Me: Yes and I handled everything she was nice
Masixole: Wow my mom nice? What did she
want ?
Me: She needed a favour
Masixole: From you ?
I sat next to him
Me: No baby from you but I lied. I said you're
sleeping. I was afraid you might tell her you're
blind. I asked her to leave a message. She
wanted us to lend her the Helicopter
Masixole: Where is she going ?
Me: She said she had to take the royal healer to
Mozambique ASAP, so I sent the Helicopter
there. I am sure they are on their way to
Mozambique now
Masixole: Thank you for helping them baby
Me: We are fami...
He lied down then pulled me. I fell on his chest
Me: Baby i am pregnant you're going to harm
the baby
Masixole: You're not even big come on
He is so handsome you wouldn't say he is blind.
I swear I am staying with him even if it's
permanent. I love him
Masixole: You're beautiful
Me: Baby you can't see me though
Masixole: Remember I know you
Me: And you're the most gorgeous man I have
ever met
He put his hands on my face. I went for a kiss.
We kissed so passionately. I love him. I missed
him. I am glad he is here with me. I will take
care of him. I just hope his ancestors won't be
upset that we are going to stay here for four
more days. I hope they understand why I can't
leave now.

< Nontorotyi >
What Zinyovile told me got me scared. I am
really worried. That woman cannot lose her gift.
That woman has warned and helped me a lot
with her gift. She cannot lose it. I am not going to
allow it. I won't. This woman just told me that
my secret is safe. They won't tell my husband.
Who will predict everything for me? This
woman has to explain to me what she meant
when she said she is losing her gift. Anyway
right now I am preparing to leave my house.
After Zinyovile disappeared. I took a nap. I
forgot i was waiting for the Queen to come back
so I could leave. I think the reason I was able to
sleep was hearing that Nomakhosazana already
killed that person. I was less scared. My house is
so stuffy. I guess it is because I have locked
Windows all day. I stood up. I opened the
Windows. I looked at the royal house.
Me: That murderer is home ?
I saw the driver's door open. She walked out. On
the other side my sister in law walked out.
Me: My husband ?
What is he doing there? Where are they coming
from ? why didn't he tell me he was going
somewhere with the Queen ?
Me: I can't believe this .... ?
I ran to the kitchen. I took out water from my
fridge, i poured it to a glass.
Me: There's a conspiracy and I am not part of it!
what if it's about me ?
I sipped the water
Me: Zinyovile take me out of my misery !
This woman must appear. She must tell me
where did they go and to do What? I have to
prepare myself. Zinyovile promised me that my
secret will stay hidden forever Or maybe her gift
is really gone ?
Me: It can't be gone. It cannot
I looked around. I looked up
Me: Zinyovile !
I was calling her name looking around. She
should be somewhere in the room right now.
Me: Come back! I wanna hear your chuckle or
something !
I feel like I am losing my mind. I am walking
around looking at every corner in my house.
Me: OH you're in my room again ?
I said running to my bedroom. I got in
Me: You're not here ? Come on Zinyovile! what
are they up to?
I took out my phone. I am going to look for her. I
know she doesn't live where she was staying
before. She said she stayed at her sister in law's
house. I need to find her. I dialled my sister's
number. She must accompany me back to
Mqanduli. Her phone rang. She answered on 4th
Sabonkolo: Sisi?
Me: Sabonkolo we have to go find Zinyovile
Sabonkolo: What ?
Me: Whenever I call for her she comes. The last
time I saw her she said she felt like she was
losing her gift. We have to find her. I think the
walls are closing up on me
Sabonkolo: I have a lot going on! go on your
Me: What ?
Sabonkolo: You remember when I, your sister
was desperate for your help ? You said the same
Me: This is different! we are talking about my
I looked at my phone then put it next to my ear
Me: Sabonkolo?
Sabonkolo:........... ( tu tu tu tu tu )
Me: I cannot believe this. She hung up on me ?
No! Zinyovile has to come back. I have to see
her. I am used to knowing things before hand. I
am not good with surprises.
Me: You have to come back my friend
I sat down.
Me: My own husband turned on me. He turned
on his own wife

< Narrated >
At the Royal house. The kids were asked to leave
the living room because the Elders wanted to
talk. We see Nomgcwabe and Phonqa stand up.
The Queen stood up
Nomakhosazana: Kids sit! We will go to my
Princess Nomagampompo looked at Phonqa
Princess: Your study is the perfect place my
She said giving her eavesdropping son death
stare. Phonqa looked down embarrassed. We
see the Elders leave the Leaving room.
Nomgcwabe looked at Phonqa
Nomgcwabe: It looks like mom knows about
what you've been up to
Phonqa smiled then looked at the kitchen.
Phonqa: Bro did you really mean it when you
said you're not curious to know who our father
Nomgcwabe: Not this again man !
Phonqa looked At Notiniphu who was busy in
the kitchen
Phonqa: I feel like she'd just tell you if you'd ask
Nomgcwabe: Fine! I am going to ask her who is
mother's lover but I won't seduce her
Phonqa smiled
Nomgcwabe shook his head then stood up. He
walked to the kitchen. Phonqa tiptoed then hid
in a corner close to the kitchen
Nomgcwabe: What are you doing here ?
Notiniphu smiled
Notiniphu: I am ready to cook dinner but I feel
like it's still early. I am just waiting for 4pm.
That is when I start Mr Nomgcwabe
Nomgcwabe: Okay nice. Can I ask you something
Notiniphu walked to the fridge with a bowl. She
took out pieces of chicken one by one. She
looked nervous and She knew the question.
Notiniphu: Yes ask anything Mr Nomgcwabe
Nomgcwabe: Do you know my mother's lover? If
you do who is he?
Notiniphu closed the fridge. She looked at
Nomgcwabe then walked to the kitchen counter
Notiniphu: I have been working for the Royal
house for only five years Mr Nomgcwabe. How
do you expect me to know your father when you
don't know him yourself ?
Nomgcwabe's eyes popped out. He walked close
to The counter.
Nomgcwabe: That's interesting because I didn't
ask about my father.....
Notiniphu turned around fast nervous
Notiniphu: What did you ask ?
Nomgcwabe: I asked about her lover... wait a
minute ?
Notiniphu looked down.
Nomgcwabe: The day we were confronting mom
asking her about our dad you were listening ?
Notiniphu walked passed him. She was teary
Notiniphu: I am sorry Mr Nomgcwabe. You and
your family speak so loud I can't help but hear
Notiniphu: The kitchen is not so far from the
Nomgcwabe looked at the living room
Nomgcwabe: But It's so far...... This is a mansion
Notiniphu. A palace
Notiniphu looked down. She put the chicken in a
pot then closed the pot. She took off her apron.
Notiniphu: I have 30 minutes before starting
cooking. I am meeting Deliwe At the shops
excuse me Mr Nomgcwabe
She walked passed Nomgcwabe. Phonqa ran
away, Remember He was eavesdropping.
Nomgcwabe grabbed NotiNotiniphu's wrist.
Notiniphu turned around and looked at him.
Nomgcwabe: Something tells me you know who
our father is
Notiniphu yanked her hand
Notiniphu: How do you expect me to know him?
I am your age! I started working here while you
guys are old !
She snapped
Nomgcwabe: Hey calm down. I was just asking
Notiniphu ran out of the kitchen to the door.
Siqalo: Is everything okay ?
He said opening the door
Notiniphu: Ma Deliwe is waiting for me and I
was cutting the onion hence the tears !
She ran out. Siqalo closed the door then folded
his arms looking concerned.
Siqalo: That was a strong onion if you ask me
We see Phonqa running to Nomgcwabe
Phonqa: And?
Nomgcwabe: You want me to repeat what you
heard ?
Phonqa looked down
Phonqa: Sorry bro, I couldn't help it
Nomgcwabe shook his head in disbelief.
Nomgcwabe: She knows something
Phonqa folded his arms on his chest
Phonqa: She knows a lot. It looks like the
eavedropper of the year award goes to her this
Nomgcwabe laughed so hard walking away
leaving Phonqa so serious and thinking. This
boy really wanna know his father.
Phonqa: ..........

It looks like meeting Deliwe was not just an
excuse to run away from the questions
Notiniphu was asked by Nomgcwabe. She really
was meeting her as we see her get to Deliwe
who was sitting in some table chairs in a shop.
Deliwe: Girl I have been waiting for you .
Notiniphu: I am sorry Ma Deliwe
Well Deliwe is an old woman. Notiniphu is in
her early twenties.
Deliwe: Were you crying ?
Notiniphu looked down
Deliwe: What is wrong ?
Notiniphu: Nomgcwabe and Phonqa suspect that
I know who their father is. They were asking me
Deliwe pushed a glass of juice.
Deliwe: I bought you that
Notiniphu: Thank you
She said taking the glass of juice
Deliwe: So do you ?
Notiniphu looked at Deliwe. She put the glass on
the table.
Notiniphu: What ?
Deliwe looked around then at Notiniphu
Deliwe: Do you know who their father is ?
Notiniphu looked down
Deliwe: Talk to me !
Notiniphu looked around nervous. She looked at
Ma Deliwe who was dying of curiosity
Notiniphu: I am not sure but I caught Princess
Nomagampompo trying to kiss some man every
time that man visits the royal house She tries
flirting and touching him
Deliwe: Who is that man?
Notiniphu: I can't really say he is their father
because the first time I found the princess
arguing with him. That man was telling her how
she is such a desperate woman Who is not
ashamed of herself. That was after he rejected
her trying to kiss him....
Notiniphu: Ma Deliwe not so long ago it
happened again. The Princess just becomes
someone I don't know when That man is at the
royal house. She.....
She wanted to make sure no one heard this. She
was looking around.
Notiniphu: She behaves like a desperate horny
woman something that is unlike her and the
man keeps telling her how he hates what she is
doing. The princess ends up crying
Deliwe: Okay young lady. I want the name now.
Who is he?
Notiniphu sat up straight. She looked nervous
Deliwe: You can trust me. You're my friend
around here. What you tell me stays between us
Notiniphu: It was.....
Deliwe: was?
Notiniphu swallowed hard then looked at Ma
Notiniphu: Mr Shosholoza Zidenge.....
Deliwe: Wait......
Notiniphu: Nomaxabiso's father
Ma Deliwe's jaw was on the floor. She put her
hand on her mouth.
Deliwe: Explains the Meetings they always had
at the abandoned house behind the royal Palace
Notiniphu: You've seen them going there ?
Deliwe: For years my dear, For years. At some
point I thought they had business plans about
that land since he is not only a school teacher
but a business man as well
Notiniphu: Wow I am speechless
Deliwe: Secrets!
Ma Deliwe clapped once
Notiniphu: I always hear things I am not
supposed to hear in that house
Deliwe: What else did you hear ?
Notiniphu looked around then at Ma Deliwe
Notiniphu: Apparently there is a first wife for
the king. Nomaxabiso is out. She will be back
after she confessed her sins
Deliwe clapped once
Deliwe: yoh! well... you're not the only one
working for a weird family
Notiniphu leaned forward.
Notiniphu: Even there ?
She said pointing at Nontorotyi's house. Deliwe
looked around then at Notiniphu
Deliwe: I don't know how many times I see my
boss crying breaking glasses. I cleaned about
four glasses this week and she always drinks
with two glasses girl. Two !
Notiniphu: Ma Deliwe you're exagarrating right
Deliwe: I am telling you girl. That bubble
Nontorotyi is not so bubble at her house. She is
talking alone. She cries and glasses get broken I
am telling you
Notiniphu took her juice
Notiniphu: Yoh!
She sipped on her juice
Deliwe: At least you hear people talking. You
don't see Magic. your situation is better than
She sipped on hers as well.

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
My sister in law has been dying to confront me
about what I did in the morning at her lover's
house. I made sure I don't let her until I deal
with Gedleza matter. I knew if I let her. I will be
in a bad mood way more than I was. I don't
know What the ancestors meant with a task. I
am even asking myself if sending Gedleza to
Mozambique maybe that was the task they were
talking about. It is amazing that after the
revelation about my father in law I still respect
these ancestors. There is no use in staying mad
at them because I am the only person they use to
make sure everything runs smooth in this Royal
house. What I am dying to know is if what
Zinyovile said tricking me and Gedleza was true.
It turns out Gedleza don't know about it. I know
sometimes he doesn't know things when only
his soul came but when he consult it gets shown
to him but this one. It made him believe more
than ever that Nontsingizi manipulated things. I
am ready to find out what is it that she did. I am
ready for the truth to be uncovered.
Anyway I am with my husband's siblings in my
study. I want Princess to confront me already.
That is What she has been dying to do.
Me: Sisi talk to me. What is it?
Nomagampompo: I want to talk to you about the
selfish decisions you make to benefit yourself.....
Selfish decisions? how dare she say that to me ?
Nomagampompo: My Queen I know what you're
trying to do......
I looked at Hlohlesakhe then at his sister.
Me: Tell us sisi. we are listening
Nomagampompo looked at her brother.
Nomagampompo: She doesn't want to lose the
family 20% shares to you. She went and used my
secret to take Zidenge family share so She could
give them to you. She doesn't wanna lose 20%
shares to you !
Wow you know? I didn't think it that way. it
wouldn't be a bad idea but that is not why, and I
don't appreciate her calling me greedy. Chief
Khabalandile looked at me
Him: My Queen?
Me: Before I prove my innocence for being
insulted and accused of things I didn't do
Me: I want to tell you something and I want it to
stay in this room......
I looked at My sister in law then the chief
Me: If this leaves this room I want you to ban the
princess from the village
Nomagampompo: Why do you think I would tell
someone ?
Me: It wouldn't be the first time you betrayed
She looked down..
Me: Nomaxabiso is no longer at home
Hlohlesakhe: Where is she ?
Me: She left her house Tueday last week saying
she was gonna spend a few days with my son at
a local hotel. We all know that is a lie. we all saw
My son on the news last night. He is with his
Hlohlesakhe: Where is she ?
Me: That's where I want you to swear to secrecy.
My son saw her at a hotel in Johanesburg
booking a room for her and a man
Nomagampompo: What if King Zwelicacile is
lying so he won't marry her?
Me: My son has pictures of her and videos.
Nomaxabiso don't know My son saw her. The
name of her boyfriend is Malingene Gubhu.
When I went to Shosholoza and his wife asking
about the man they looked guilty. Those two
knew about the boyfriend that is why they didn't
come here when Nomaxabiso was asked to leave
the royal house. They know their sin!
Hlohlesakhe: Do you think this boyfriend has
been around for a long time ?
Me: The man is the vibrator that broke her
Nomagampompo stood up and walked around .
Hlohlesakhe: Wait she was no virgin and her
excuse was she had sex with a vibrator ?
Me: Yes
Hlohlesakhe: The deal was to give us a virgin
Me: Exactly !
Nomagampompo: They can find a virgin girl
from the family and marry her to king
Zwelicacile. You didn't have to take the shares
I chuckled.
Me: Sisi do you really think Shosholoza would
leave his wife and marry you?
Nomagampompo: I told my family I do not want
to get married let's not change the topic here !
Me: Do you think your children will ever get
anything from that man?
Nomagampompo looked down
Me: Do you think that man when he dies he will
leave things to his sons? That man has no sons
in his marriage. He has son's with you. This
family will not be humiliated by you! The truth
cannot come out that you slept with a married
man! but hiding it from your children was your
choice. We gave you a go ahead to tell your kids
you refused. The only thing we don't want to
come out is the affair and I know why you don't
want to tell your kids. It's because your lover
don't want you to and he sent you to me now to
manipulate me to change my mind about the
Nomagampompo: What will he tell his wife
when she asks about the shares
Me: That man managed to lie to his wife for
years about your children. I am sure he will
think of something. Since you don't want to
secure the future of your children I did it for you
like I always do for everyone in this family !
She looked at me. She was lost.
Me: Chief Khabalandile asked for shares from
the family. I gave him shares from the family
shares because that is what the ancestors
wanted! The Zidenge shares will be divided
amongst your children!
Me: Keep the secret from them about who their
father is but I am going to make sure that son of
a bitch leaves those kids a legacy! From
tomorrow till eternity! Phonqa and Nomgcwabe
own 10 % each from the family business!
Hlohlesakhe: This is perfect my Queen! I love it!
it's time that bastard paid
He looked at his sister
Hlohlesakhe: Don't you agree sis, Don't you want
your children to have something ?
I pulled out a drawer. I took out a paper then
put it on the table.
Me: Princess Nomagampompo you're going to
call that man and ask him to come here
tomorrow for the handover of shares
Chief Khabalandile looked at me
Hlohlesakhe: She is in love with that man. I don't
see her do this my Queen. Let me call that
bastard myself
Me: Thank you. At least one person in this family
sees the efforts I make. One more thing. The
Zidenge family doesn't know that Nomaxabiso is
in Johanesburg and my son knows that. If it gets
to their attention I will personally tell
Nomgcwabe and Phonqa the truth and you
know I will Sisi
Hlohlesakhe: My Queen I will call him on my
way home. Keep me updated about Gedleza
Me: Will do Chief. Thank you for today
He smiled then looked at his sister. He shook his
head then walked out. I looked at Princess
Nomagampompo. I took the paper. I put it back
in the drawer. I looked at her again.
Me: You choose a man who doesn't even love
you over your own children ? what do you
think they'd feel?
Nomagampompo: I love my children! I just don't
Me: You don't like that I am hurting your
boyfriend's feelings?
Nomagampompo walked around
Nomagampompo: I just don't like the fact that
everything with you it has to be done illegally!
Me: Illegally? What about sleeping with a
married man? Is that holly ?
Nomagampompo: You know I dated Shosholoza
before he met that woman !
Me: Yes I know! and I also know that his family
asked him to marry you but he didn't. He
brought another woman calling her you that's
how Nomfunzelo's marriage name came from
She looked down ashamed I guess She didn't
know I knew this.
Me: You are Nontobeko not her!
She looked away. My sister in law's first name is
Nontobeko. She Miscarried her first born child
before Nomaxabiso was born. Shosholoza's
family never knew how my sister in law looked
like. They just knew Shosholoza Impregnated a
Nontobeko royal woman. That is why that
bastard found a better looking woman, he lied to
his family and told them she was Nontobeko.
Even Nomfunzelo knows nothing about this. She
just thought her in laws called her Nontobeko
since in Xhosa culture every girl who gets
married gets a new name.
Me: You should be ashamed of yourself for
letting that man walk all over you!
Nomagampompo: I am not! a deal is a deal
Me: They broke the deal themselves when their
daughter slept with Malingene! You should look
at yourself. Look at how angry you are at me for
making sure your children have better future!
Nomagampompo: It's not that!
Me: Sisi I am tired of your excuses! you're
behaving like a teenager who is naive and in
love. You think I don't see how he turns you
down every time you want to get closer to him?
Me: Talk to me when you're ready to say thank
You for what I did for your children !
I walked out leaving her in my office. She is
making me mad.




< Nontorotyi >
What is going on? How can I not be paranoid
when I see my husband walking out of
Nomakhosazana's SUV with Nomagampompo.
My husband was at work. He promised me that
he would wait till tomorrow then go to Gedleza.
Don't tell me he took those two women and went
to see Gedleza. I know I said we can go as soon
as we can because I don't want to delay things
and get punished but I can't help how scared I
am. Do you know the fear of the unknown? I
don't know how fast this second wife can get
here when Gedleza finally tells him he needs
her. I feel like I need to breath a little bit. I feel
like I am not ready for this woman. I don't know
who it is and I don't know how she will be like
when she is living in my house. I am so scared. I
am stressing about a second wife on the other
hand I am worried about Zinyovile who decided
to abondan me when I needed her the most. This
woman said I hate the woman who is going to
marry my husband. How can She vanish before
telling me who it is? it looks like I am going to
live in a mad house and I am not looking
forward to it. The only woman I can't stand and
I know can't stand me is The Queen and i highly
doubt that she'd marry my husband and be a
second wife.
Me: Oh no one wanna live my life. No one
wanna be me
I tried to stand up. Oh my God. I am drunk. I
have been sitting here for more than two hours
drinking. Trust wine for going exactly where
you want it to go. I gulped my glass. I tried to
stand up and reach for my bottle. I sat back
down. The door opened. Deliwe walked in..
Me: Oh Thank God refill !
I said raising my glass
Deliwe: My Queen don't you think you've had
enough for the day?
Me: Excuse me?
She took my glass.
Deliwe: I am sorry my Queen. I just don't want
to clean another glass. Your glasses are
expensive my Queen. I would hate to see
another one break
I looked down. She has been counting just like I
have been. My expensive glasses have been
breaking and it all thanks to my friend.
Me: A friend who just abondaned me
Deliwe: My Queen?
I looked at her
Me: Wine please !
Her: Oh yes!
Where are you Zinyovile. I need you. I can't
travel to your house alone. My sister hung up on
me. She doesn't want to travel with me. I am
scared to cross the bridge alone. And I cannot be
driving around a village I am not familiar with. I
am so desperate.
Deliwe: Here you go my Queen
Me: Leave the bottle next to me
Deliwe: Okay my queen. Let me go finish
I raised glass for her indicating that She could
leave. She walked away. I sipped. The door
opened. My husband walked in. I chuckled then
Hlohlesakhe: My love I have never seen you
sitting on a chair What is going on?
Me: Strange right ?
Hlohlesakhe: Yes it is wait, Are you dru.....
Me: Well so is seeing you walking out of the
Queen's car with them!
Hlohlesakhe: Nontorotyi don't tell me that is the
reason you're drinking your life away. Really ?
I shook my head. I gulped my wine. I attempted
to pour another one. He snatched the bottle and
the glass from me
Hlohlesakhe: It's 5:30 pm on a Monday! you can't
keep skipping work. Tomorrow you're going to
work Nontorotyi!
Me: Hlohlesakhe are you stabbing me in the
back ?
Hlohlesakhe: Is that your way of asking where
we went ?
Me: I am dying already! please tell me
He poured himself wine in my glass. He sat on
the couch.
Hlohlesakhe: I got a call from the Queen telling
me that Gedleza has to be sent to Mozambique
to see his teacher. It was a request from the
Ancestors. So we went to give him the news
Me: That's all ?
Hlohlesakhe: Yes so the Queen organised a
Helicopter to take him to Mozambique
I stood up and fell on the floor.
Hlohlesakhe: Hey careful!
He ran to me. He helped me up. We went to the
Me: You said a Heli What?
Hlohlesakhe: A helicopter my love
Me: My Love the Queen has a lover ?
He laughed.
Hlohlesakhe: No, The King's work owns a
Helicopter so we called him. He organised it
Me: Wow that dirty chubby man is flying now ?
Hlohlesakhe: That chubby dirty man is going to
come back more powerful than ever
I attempted to stand up again
Hlohlesakhe: Hey sit!
I sat back
Me: More powerful ?
Hlohlesakhe: Yes. More than ever !
I looked down. Oh Zinyovile. Switch on your
phone. I don't like what I just heard and I am
sure you won't like it as well. Gedleza is going to
expose everything we discuss. I am more scared
Hlohlesakhe: Its a good thing right my love ?
I looked at him. I faked a smile.
Me: It is I mean lies and secrets are not good and
he is going to protect us
Hlohlesakhe: Exactly my love
I looked away
Me: Oh I meant the opposite...
You think I said that out loud? No I wouldn't
dare. I said that between my lips. When it comes
to my secrets I get sober in a second. I know I
am the only person with lies and secrets here
and I don't want them to come to light.

< Priscella >
We heared a knock at the door. We looked at
each other and laughed. It's amazing how
normal things are even though he is blind. The
reason we are laughing is because we just had
sex and a minute later someone knocks at the
Me: Thank God
I kissed Masixole then stood up.
Masixole: Did you lock the door ?
Me: I didn't! just imagine if they walked in on us
I took my gown. I went to the door. I opened the
Sonia: In a gown already and we haven't had
dinner yet?:girl you missed your man
Me: You're back
Sonia: Yes and Cleo said I should tell you dinner
will be ready in 30 minutes
Me: Okay we will shower and go down
Sonia: Okay I am also going to the guest room to
wear something comfortable
Me: Okay babe
I closed the door.
Me: Baby we have to shower and go down have
Masixole: Come here. I want us to talk about
Me: What's that ?
Masixole: I know this will change your mood
Me: What is it? I don't want anymore secrets
between us
Masixole: It's about the girl...
Me: Masixole I am not going to be in a polygamy
marriage. I don't want that girl in your life!
Masixole: We won't have her in our lives
I looked at him..
Me: What ?
Masixole: The day you kicked me out. I was
going to the suite with EJ. We saw her here
booking herself a room
Me: She followed you! how desperate this bitch
Masixole: Baby calm down. She didn't come here
for me .
Me: She knows someone here ?
Masixole exhaled
Masixole: Baby I noticed that the girl was not a
virgin. I confronted her. She was supposed to be
a virgin when I marry her. She said she used a
Me: That's a lie. Who introduced her to a
vibrator? She is lying! She slept with a man
Masixole: I think the ancestors saw through her
that's why they wanted her gone. Yes she lied.
She has a boyfriend who works for us here
Me: Who is He?
Masixole: I don't think you'd know him. EJ and I
heard Nomaxabiso saying she will be staying
with her boyfriend Malingene Gubhu. I called
the Queen and told her. She said I am not going
to marry her. That's what I wanted to tell you
Me: Well boyfriend or no boyfriend she was not
going to marry my man Anyway
Masixole smiled. I went to him.
Me: Stand up let's bath together to save time
Nomaxabiso: Am I getting another one in the
shower ?
Me: No! you're going to kill me
Masixole: I guess a second wife is not a bad idea
Me: You're not funny Masixole!!!
Him: I am sorry my love
I don't see myself sharing a man with another
woman. I am not being difficult like I usually
am. It's just that we are talking about Masixole
Ndengana. He is my man. I want him all to
myself. Anyway we took a shower together. We
finished. We walked out. We helped each other
lotion. He is such a gently man. Even when he is
blind he wanna apply lotion on my back.

< Narrated >
In Hlalwini village at The Zidenge house. We see
Shosholoza looking around for his wife. He
didn't see her anywhere. He made a phone call.
Everyone knows who he is calling. He expect
Princess Nomagampompo to take him out of his
mess, No, He expects princess to be against her
family and support him even after he spoke to
her the way he did. There is nothing for Mahala.
Everyone has a price or Maybe He knows
Princess Nomagampompo, He knows she won't
give up even after that insult. Maybe Mr
Shosholoza doesn't know the say that says
everyone has a price. No one does things out of
goodness of their heart then again we are
talking about Princess here who is so in law.
maybe she has no price. Let's see if
Nomagampompo will continue trying to help
him when he made it clear that he wants
nothing to do with her.
Nomagampompo: Zidenge ?
Shosholoza looked around again.
Him: And? Did you speak some sense into
Sgaqa's wife ?
Nomagampompo exhaled
Him: Nomagampompo please don't tell me you
didn't manage to convince her !
Nomagampompo: You know how my sister in
law is. I tried Zidenge I really did
Shosholoza: Dammit you didn't try enough! if
you did you'd be saying you managed to made
her stop this nonsense!
Nomagampompo: I tried I really did. You know i
would do anything for you Zidenge
Shosholoza: Ahhh nonsense ! you're a useless
woman !
Nomagampompo: I....
Shosholoza hung up then kicked thin air
Shosholoza: Stupid woman !
He turned around. He saw his wife walking in.
Shosholoza: My wife
Nomfunzelo: Who were you shouting at like that
Shosholoza: That Gubhu boy! can you believe he
says he doesn't know where our daughter is ?
Nomfunzelo folded her arms. She looked into
Nomfunzelo: I wonder where that immoral girl
is. She is not taking my calls. How can we plan
her future for her only for her to do us like this!
Shosholoza started thinking about his shares. He
wasn't paying attention to his wife.
Nomfunzelo looked at him..
Nomfunzelo: Can you believe this girl ruined her
own future! We built a future for her she
decided to ruin it! Who do you think told
Nomakhosazana about Malingene if
Nomaxabiso didn't tell the king ?
Shosholoza: Okay
Nomfunzelo looked at him
Nomfunzelo: Okay? okay what? Are you even
listening to me ?
Shosholoza looked at his wife..
Shosholoza: Sorry my wife.This upsets me. You
were saying ?
Nomfunzelo: Your daughter left here saying she
waS planning to tell the King on her own then
spend a few days with him. Two days ago I
called her. She said she was with him now it
turns the King left last week Tuesday for
Shosholoza: I was surprised to see him in the
news speaking in Johanesburg. I thought maybe
he left my daughter at the royal house
Nomfunzelo: Now who do you think told the
Queen about Malingene if Nomaxabiso didn't
tell the king?
Shosholoza: I don't know now. Maybe ancestors
revealed it?
Nomfunzelo: That explains how angry that
vicious woman wa.....
Shosholoza's phone rang. He looked at his
Shosholoza: It's the deputy principal I will go
take this in my study
Nomfunzelo: Okay
Shosholoza walked fast to his study. He walked
in the locked. He answered
Shosholoza: Chief Khabalandile
Hlohlesakhe: Tomorrow we will be waiting for
you for a handover of shares
Shosholoza: Bu.....
Hlohlesakhe: No buts Shosholoza! you come
straight here after work. If you don't do that
your wife will know your secret.....! ( tu tu tu tu )
Hlohlesakhe hung up after He said that.
Shosholoza sat down looking defeated.

Zinyovile ran away from where she was staying
she is now staying in a village, A village
everyone is familiar with. She decided to go stay
at Nowaitile's home, Her sister in law's house.
She is scared to be killed by The Queen. After
what happened to that Journalist no one can
blame Zinyovile for being scared. The Queen
removes the problems that is blocking her from
moving forward. Zinyovile is one of those people
who manage to make the Queen lose it.
Zinyovile knows The Queen wouldn't say no to
an opportunity to murder her that is why she
didn't think twice about moving. I guess She
should thank Princess Nomagampompo for
telling her what the Queen was planning.
Anyway inside the house. We see Zinyovile lying
on her bed. We see a shadow of a man standing
next to her bed. Zinyovile had her eyes closed.
Something fell She jumped and sat up straight.
She looked at the person who was standing next
to the window.
We see her excited. She put her hands on her
Zinyovile: I knew it! I knew what that woman
said wasn't true. I knew you didn't abondan me
my Chief
The man wasn't looking at her. How does
Zinyovile know who is this person because she
only could see His back.
Zinyovile: Come ! come my Chief
We see Zinyovile lying on her back. Pulling up
her dress. She was butt naked. The man turned
Zinyovile: Its been a long time Nkosesizwe it's
been a long time
Chief Nkosesizwe walked to her. He was at the
end of the bed. He hold both Zinyovile's legs, He
pulled them. He dragged her body closer to him.
Zinyovile was giggling. Chief Nkosesizwe part
her legs. Zinyovile was smiling. She looked
really happy to finally have her soul mate visit
her after a long time. Remember what the
Queen Said was true. Ever since Zinyovile left
Sdabadabeni The chief never visited her even in
a dream.
Nkosesizwe: Soon
It looks like The Chief isn't here on a friendly
visit .
Nkosesizwe: Very soon.....
His voice had echoes. Zinyovile was looking
around. She tried to close her legs the chief was
holding them. One leg was on the other side of
the bad, The other on the other side.
Nkosesizwe: Gedleza is going to expose all the
lies you told my family and what you did to me
Zinyovile: What are you talking......
Out of no where Chief Nkosesizwe raised a
He stabbed Zinyovile right through her private
Zinyovile: Yooohhhh!!!!
Zinyovile jumped up
Zinyovile: Oh My God ! thank God it was a
dream ! it was a dream
She had her hand on her chest. Zinyovile felt
like it was wet on her bed. She stood up and
switched on the lights. She looked at her bed.
When she saw blood she put both her hands on
her mouth
Zinyovile: I haven't been menstruating in such a
long time
She looked around. She was scared. The
weather outside started changing. It was very
windy. The windows opened. The curtains were
flying around. Zinyovile ran to the window. She
closed it then leaned under the window.
Zinyovile: It was a dream but what you Said was
true Sgaqa
She thought of Nontorotyi. She ran to her spells.
She wanted to connect with Nontorotyi. She
wanted her soul to visit Nontorotyi like she
usually does.
Zinyovile: Come on! Why can't I do it
She tried so many times to Visit Nontorotyi but
nothing worked. She ran to her phone. She
called Nontorotyi. Her phone sent her to
Nontorotyi: Hi I am the Queen of Sdabadabeni. I
am not available right now, You know how busy
I am as the Queen so please kindly leave a
message I will get back to you
Zinyovile: Nontorotyi it's happening! I lost it..... I
lost my gift. Give me a call when you get this. We
have to talk!
Zinyovile sat down under the window with her
arms hugging her knees. She looked like a child
in a naughty corner.

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
I never thought I would have a evening like this.
I thought right now I wouldn't even know my
name. It's really amazing how everything in this
family needs my attention But honestly I am not
complaining. I haven't had a single flesh back of
what I did today. It has been one thing after
another. I really want to know what is it that
Gedleza is going to reveal when he comes back. I
have a bad feeling that there is hell to come. This
whole thing is confusing. Gedleza was there at
the cemetery agreeing to everything Nontsingizi
said and that alone made me question him. It's
like he was really under her spell. I remember I
hated Gedleza for what he did. I didn't want to
speak to him only to find out the poor man was
Nontsingizi's victim. I cannot wait for him to
come back. Now more than ever i want to know
if my father in law is my soul mate or not. If he
is not I will have to apologise to him for calling
him names but I feel like he understands.
Nontsingizi was trying to mess with my head.
Anyway we just had dinner. My fear right now
is going to bed and dream about that young man
I murdered. This is my first time killing
someone. I never thought I would ever kill in my
life. I am mad at that boy for doing what he did.
He was a good journalist, him finding out about
this just shows that. It is unfortunate that he is
gone now. What a waste of life. Why did he
target me. Why did he do this to me? He made
me kill. I am a killer now. I was never gonna kill
him if he didn't come to me. Right now I wish he
just ran with the story I don't understand why
journalists need to verify some information.
Anyway it was a blessing for me because I feel
like i escaped trouble. I feel bad for his family
because it's a great loss for them.
Nomgcwabe: My mother left us eating now you
my Queen are crying what is Wrong?
Oh my God I am crying? I quickly wiped my
Me: Boy ?
Nomgcwabe: What is Wrong my Queen. Did you
and mom have another fight ? I thought you
guys were doing....
Me: Me and sisi are good
Nomgcwabe: But she looked upset and you're
I smiled at him.
Me: My late sister finally got justice today. Her
killer was sentenced to 50 years in prison. It's
just an emotional day for me
Nomgcwabe: Oh I am sorry to hear that auntie
at least she is found guilty. It's something to
I started thinking about the dead boy. I quickly
snapped out of it then looked at Nomgcwabe
Me: That is true
Phonqa: Volume!! that's Mthatha!
Oh no! That is the exact spot I killed that young
man at. We are watching the news.
Anchor: Nolwandle I see a lot of police officers
walking around there on that long grass can you
tell us what is happening?
The reporter started talking.
Reporter: The police you see walking around
here are busy looking for something or Maybe
the bullets that were used to shoot this young
journalist who was brutally murdered midday
Phonqa: People are cruel
I saw people who looked like his family crying
Me: Oh My God
I stood up. I couldn't control my tears. I put my
hand on my mouth.
Phonqa: My Queen did you know that
What do I tell this boy? Do I tell him I am the
cruel person who killed that Journalist. I didn't
answer his question. I ran to the stairs
I walked up the stairs. When I was two steps
before getting to the top, my phone rang. I took
it out. It fell. I picked it up and I answered
Me: May?
May: My daughter is in Mthatha now.
Me: I just saw the news now. They are
May: I did too that is why I called. The name in
his ID helped because she was able to allocate
his friend but we have a problem.
I looked downstairs. The kids are watching. They
are not paying attention to me. I ran up. I
opened the first door I got to. I walked in then
closed the door. I leaned at the door. She says we
have a problem?
Me: No! What problem is that May?
May: That boy's friend thinks he has some
information that could help the police find out
what happened
Me: What information is that?
May: Nomakhosazana that boy knows about the
supposedly " Tomorrow headlines "
Oh My God. I didn't feel my lower body. I fell
down on my bum leaning on the door
Me: My life is over
May: Your life is not over until I say it is! I want
you to tighten up your balls and act like a
woMAN! Remember we smile even when we
Me: How can I smile when I am going to jai...
May: Your highness! if you do something stupid
and end up in jail I swear I am going to hire one
of the prisoners to beat you up!
Me: What do you want me to do!?
May: I want you to stay calm and wait for my
next instruction! can you do that !?
I stood up wiping my tears.
Me: Yes I can
May: You're not going to jail and you're the one
who is going to make sure of that!
Me: How ?
May: ........ ( Tu tu tu tu tu )
She hung up on me? How could she say that and
hung up on me. How am I gonna save myself
while I am here scared and falling apart?. Police
can walk in any minute from now and arrest
Me: I am going to make sure I won't get
I put my hand on the door handle
Me: I wonder how will I do that May.....?




< Priscella >
I am thinking about the trip to Eastern Cape
Friday. I know it's still Monday night. I have a
few days To prepare for my trip and I am
nervous. I cannot go there alone with Masixole. I
need my best friend there with me. I want to ask
her. I hope she says yes. I mean from tomorrow
there will be chaos for her with the news
coming out. I am worried about her so I think
she could do with a trip out of the city. I hear
rural areas are the most peaceful places. I want
to experience that with her. I also want to bring
my assistant with me. I work wherever I go and
I might not be able to work because everyone
will want to talk to me. So having Algebra there
will help me a lot. I can instruct him on what to
do and leave him doing it while I do Makoti
duties which are kinda making me nervous. I
grew up with helpers doing everything for me so
being there will be wow I don't know hectic.
Anyway we are having dinner. This is the
perfect time for me to ask them. I hope they
agree. I heard my phone rings. I looked at it. I
stood up
Me: It's the rehab
They all looked at me. I answered then put them
on speaker
Me: Hello
Nurse: Ms Priscella. I called to tell you that your
brother got the things you sent him. He says
thank you. Unfortunately phone calls are not
allowed this time.
Me: I am glad. Thank you for the call
Her: Alright bye
I hung up then sat down
Masixole: What did you send him?
Me: Somethings to eat. Mom wanted me to go
visit, I didn't because I had a busy day so I
thought the best thing is to just send him food
Sonia: That's sweet
My phone rang again. I am not going to stand
up. I am eating here. I answered. It's the pilot
Me: Hello
Him: Hello ma'am. We have a problem. It turns
out this man can't come back tonight so I
wanted to ask if I should leave then come fetch
him tomorrow?
Me: What time is he coming back tomorrow?
Masixole looked at me. Speaking of him. He is
struggling with eating. I don't wanna help him
and get him upset. He is used to doing things on
his own but at least he is not causing a mess. He
is eating pretty fine even though his hand keeps
searching for his plate.
Me: Sleep there. You can't come back tonight
only to go back there again in the morning. Book
yourself into a hotel
Pilot: Alright ma'am
Me: Give me invoice of the money you used
tomorrow I will give it to you
Pilot: Alright ma'am
Me: Bye
I hung up. I looked at Sonia.
Me: The healer is coming back tomorrow about
midday so I asked the pilot to sleep there
Masixole: Looks like this is hectic. I have to call
the Queen before I sleep please remind me
Me: I will do
Sonia: Oh i was also thinking of not going to
work. There is a huge headline coming
Me: Yeah... I think you should stay in doors. You
can't go out there. I know journalists will be
sneaking in and out of the office
Masixole: Its a good thing this is happening
during the holidays. Imagine what was gonna
happen to your kids at school.
Sonia: I am also happy, and I think I should
thank Algebra. I feel like he kinda confirmed
everything we only had suspicions and we
couldn't work with that
Me: True. I am glad he was honest with us
Sonia: I feel more calm. I wonder how I will feel
Me: I think the best thing is to switch off your
Sonia: I don't think i will be able to live without
My phone. I will keep my phone on but I am not
taking no calls
She picked up her juice and drank. She really
looks calm and that bothers me because she was
like this when we found out about Brendan. She
only reacted later and we all know what
happened. Algebra cleared his throat. We looked
at him.
Algebra: I don't think Brendan suspects me. If he
did i think we'd all know. I mean he wasn't
banned from coming to the building but I didn't
see him coming here to confront me. I just want
to thank you all for making sure I was safe but
tomorrow I was thinking of going back to my
sister's house after work
Me: That's okay as long you promise you will be
Algebra: I promise
Sonia: And talk to us when you need help we
will be here. I am just happy you were brave to
tell us
Me: Okay before we all go to bed i wanted to tell
you guys that I am going to meet Masixole's
family Friday and I would like if you Sonia ......
I looked at Algebra
Me: And my assistant could come with me to the
Eastern Cape. I really need you guys there with
Sonia: I was not gonna let you take a sick man
home alone
Masixole: You make it sound like I am in pain. I
am just blind
Sonia: Which is not normal because you're not a
blind man
Masixole: I appreciate the support. I would love
for you guys to see my family
Me: Great so Algebra?
Him: I can't say no to my boss. I am in
Me: Great we leaving Friday and coming back
Monday morning
Sonia: Awesome
Masixole: Bring your swimming costumes there
is a bitch there
Sonia: Really ?
Masixole: Yeah Mthatha mouth beach and on
the other side of Mthatha Dam River there is a
beach called Coffee Bay you will love it there
Sonia: Now I am more excited. Sunday we are
going to the beach thank God we are coming
back Monday
I am glad Sonia is excited. Honestly if anyone
needs a vacation it's her. She deserves it. She has
been through hell.

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
Oh thank God I get to see another day a free
woman. I didn't sleep a wink. I am scared. I
don't know when I will see the police knock at
my door. I feel like they will. Every car I heard
driving by I stood up and looked through the
window all night. I was scared and I still am. I
am just grateful that I got to see another day. My
son called me last night asking about Gedleza. I
told him what happened. He is sure his father
loved me. I am sure he did as well. But recently
when I was reminded about the affair he had
with Nontsingizi, I kind of doubted his love. I
hope Gedleza comes with something. I really
need to know if my husband loved Zinyovile
more than me. I have to close this chapter with
her. We cannot be fighting for a dead man. She
must stop hating me. I understand I met my
husband when they were in a relationship
which I didn't know at first because when I got
here she was not living with her parents. When
my husband met me, He focused on me I won't
lie. He started changing when they hired
Nontsingizi and I was working a lot.
Let's talk about the meeting I had with my
brother and sister in law yesterday. I know I
have such a strong personality that some people
always think I want things for myself or I am too
controlling but I am not. All I am doing is
looking out for this family. Who made Chief
Khabalandile a Chief? it was me. I gave him that
job. I didn't want him to go to his old job that
pays less and I didn't want him to fight with my
son. I did all that out of love. Everyone in this
family is benefiting from the business. I don't
understand why some think I am selfish or
always up to something. I cannot believe my
sister in law Nomagampompo thought I took
those shares from her lover because I didn't
want to lose the 20% to Hlohlesakhe. When I
took the 20% shares all I had in mind was her
children. It's bad enough that we can't tell them
who their father is. That man is alive. I have
never seen him giving us something for them.
Even though we all don't want the villages to
know but he should support his children. That
man comes here and walk around. He doesn't
even look at his two sons. He has only a
daughter with his wife. He should be happy and
proud to be a father to these two amazing boys.
If Sister in law don't want to open her eyes I will
open them for her. What I am doing is what's
best for her and her children. I am not going to
let her manipulate me. She should be happy
that's all I am saying and I am happy
Hlohlesakhe is on my side on this one. It means
a lot. Nomagampompo is acting like a brat in
this house. She is angry. She is not talking to me
even the kids noticed. She doesn't know that I
can just tell the kids everything that is going on
and I don't think She wants me to do that.
Anyway it is 6 in the morning. I can't stay
sleeping. I know I had sleepless night and I am
tired but I cannot sleep. I am nervous. I am busy
mopping the living room. it's clean but I am
doing it. I am just nervous. I have never killed
before. Someone is dead because of me. I am a
judge. I give sentences to people for breaking the
law now it's me. I don't know how to deal with
this. I feel like I am just like that woman who
killed my sister. Anyway my phone rang. I
looked at it. It's Gedleza. I quickly answered
Me: Gedleza
Gedleza: Hello my Queen
Me: Is everything going well there ?
Gedleza: My Queen my initiation is not done but
I thought I should call before you start your day
Me: Yes ?
Gedleza: I want you to prepare Umqombothi (
African beer ) for Saturday
Me: What is happening Saturday ?
Gedleza: I don't want to tell you now My Queen.
I know if I tell you that will ruin things for the
King. You will panic. All I can say is it's gonna be
his ceremony
That makes me worried even more. Why didn't
he tell me he was in trouble? I spoke to him last
Me: Okay is my son okay ? I talked to him he
didn't seem like someone who has a problem
Gedleza: He will be fine my Queen
What is Wrong with my son? I am worried now.
I need to tell ladies from our village to come and
Me: Okay. Gedleza, I did something and I am
scared taht I am going to get into trouble. Can
you please tell me what's gonna happen to me. I
am really scared
Gedleza: .........
I looked at my phone
Me: Hello Gedleza? Are you there ?
Gedleza:.......... ( tu tu tu tu)
Oh damn. Did this have to happen now. We had
to lose connection when I want to know
something very important. Anyway I dialled
Chief Khabalandile's number.
Hlohlesakhe: My Queen
Me: Good Morning. How are you doing?
Hlohlesakhe: I am good my Queen how are you ?
Me: I am okay. I just received a call from
Gedleza. He wants us to prepare UMQOMBOTHI
for Saturday and Your sister hasn't been talking
to me since our meeting. Can you call your sister
and ask her to get the ladies to prepare it
Hlohlesakhe: Let me just come there and speak
to her in person
Me: That's great please do
Hlohlesakhe: Okay before I go to work I will
start there and please my Queen make sure you
call me when Shosholoza comes to handover the
Me: That I am looking forward to
Hlohlesakhe: Ha ha ha He must do the right
Me: Talk soon
I hung up. I was asking myself what makes me
excited about today but now I just remembered.
My nephews are going to be shareholders of the
company. That makes me happy. Even my own
son has no shares in the company. I don't know
why Nomagampompo has a problem with what
I am doing. I don't know why she thinks
everything I do is about myself. If it was I would
make sure my son has shares as well. I want my
son to create his own legacy. I know he could do
it. He doesn't need me.

< Narrated >
At a hotel somewhere in Johanesburg in a room.
There is a lot of Empty bottles around the room.
Two people were sleeping in bed. There was
clothes on the floor, Bottles and white sheets.
Two people on the bed were not under sheets. It
looks like they had a really fun night. A cell
phone rang. We see the girl move. She raised her
head. It is Tasha.
Tasha: Oh My head
She said putting her hand on her forhead. Her
eyes were closed. She touched her phone. It fell
on the floor. She stood up from the bed and
opened her eyes then yawned. She picked up
her phone and answered.
Tasha: Girl why are you calling me so early in
the morning!
Friend: Tasha where are you ! ?
Tasha looked at Brendan then removed her hair
from her face. She focused on the call
Tasha: At a hotel with my boyfriend
Friend: You're with that double adaptor!?
Tasha: Double adaptor, What are you talking
She said walking to the bathroom.
Friend: Friend it looks like trouble is following
you. You're in the papers again. I think you need
to check the news yourself
Tasha: What are they saying about me?
Friend: Its more about your boyFriend and I
promise you. You're not gonna like it. I just wish
you didn't go public with your relationship so
soon. Your boyfriend made headlines on the
Daily news check online
Tasha hung up. She couldn't wait to see. While
going through her phone trying to get to the site
she was speaking to herself " Oh My God. I
wonder what did he do this time. I hope I am not
in trouble. My family cannot be humiliated
because of me again" That's all she was thinking
about. She finally got to the site. She put her
hand on her mouth shocked. She looked at
Brendan who was in deep sleep.
Me: What the Fuck?
She saw pictures of Brendan with Isaiah
Norman. The words that were written in bold
Tasha: I can't believe he is gay! how can he do
this to me ?
We see Tasha running to the sink. She washed
her face. She ran out of the bathroom. She
started dressing up fast hoping that Brendan
won't wake up. She took her hand bag. She took
out shades. She put them on. She pushed back
her hair with both her hands. She spotted her
cap on the floor. She took it and wore it. She
took her heels and her handbag then tiptoed out.
She slowly closed the door Then leaned on it.
She let out sigh of relief.
She ran to the Elevator and got in. Luckily for
her she was alone in the Elevator. Her phone
rang. She answered
Tasha: Tasha?
Caller: Did you know your lover was gay ?
Tasha quickly hung up
She was silently crying and breathing heavily.
Her phone rang again. She looked at it. The
friend who called her earlier was calling.
Tasha: I saw. How can he do this to me? No
wonder Sonia didn't even bother to call and
confront me. Friend he is gay!
Friend: Well your man is bisexual if it can wake
up for a both genders
Tasha: He is not my MAN! him and I it's over !!
Friend: There are journalists surrounding the
Tasha's eyes popped out.
Tasha: What ?
Friend: Yes. When I realised that you knew
nothing. I just took my keys and decided to come
fetch you. I am here. Please come down.
Tasha: Oh My God! thank you friend
The elevator notified her it was about to open.
She hung up and put her phone in her bag. She
wiped her tears then put her shades on. The
elevator opened. She walked out and walked to
the exist fast. The second she walked out
Journalists went to her running.
J1: Tasha where did you leave your boyfriend ?
Tasha stood there looking around for her
friend's car
J2: Tasha do you sometimes sleep with Isaiah
and Brendan at the same time ?
J1: Did you know he was sleeping with drag
Queens ?
Tadha: No comment !
J3: So you want to tell us you knew but you went
on and dated him ?
Tasha: Do you thin...
She decided again at it. She didn't want to say
anything to them.
Tasha: no comment!
J2: What were you doing with a married man?
Weren't you close with the Seputla and De
Villiers families? well it's not the first time you
screwed them over
She saw her friend's car
Tasha: I said no comment!!!
She ran to her friend's car. She got in.
Tasha: Drive!!!
Friend didn't ask why. She drive off

Back in a hotel room. Brendan's phone is ringing
non stop. He is still sleeping. We see him move.
He was not wearing anything Not even
underwear. It looks like they had a long night
with Tasha because she herself was butt naked
when she woke up. Anyway we see Brendan
searching for his phone with his eyes closed. He
just laid back on the pillow when it stopped
ringing. The phone started again
Brendan: Baby pass me my phone
He has no idea he is alone. Tasha is long gone.
He opened his eyes
Brendan: Where is this girl?
He picked up his phone then looked at the caller
Brendan: Damn what does Mandy want? I said
I'd call her when I am ready to talk
He said that then answered.
Brendan: Hey Mandy?
Mandy: Don't hey Mandy me! I asked you
yesterday to tell me what is going on.....
She was shouting on his ear. Brendan removed
the phone from his ear. He put her on speak
then laid on his back
Mandy: Did you want me to see this on the
papers before you tell me ?
Me: I will tell you today I will come by.....
Mandy: You don't have to! it's in the front page
of today's paper!!!
Brendan jumped up then ran to the towel that
was on the floor
Brendan: What?
Mandy: Your private life is all over the papers!
the affair with Isaiah Norman! really Brendan?
How can you be so stupid and sleep with that
heartless journalist anyway since when do you
sleep with men?
Brendan went down on his knees he let go of his
phone. It fell on the floor. He put both his hands
on his mouth .
Words couldn't come out of his mouth. He
looked really scared. Tears running down his
cheeks. He knows his life is over. He knows he is
losing everything He fought so hard to have.
Right now he just reached rock bottom. The look
on his face, The way he is on his knees shows he
is given up on life.

It looks like Isaiah is taking this better than
Tasha and Brendan As we see him busy in his
kitchen making breakfast. He is alone. Brendan
didn't sleep at home again. He doesn't like that.
He hoped that they could have something
serious when he and Sonia separated but it
looks like Brendan had other plans and Isaiah
unfortunately is not part of those plans. We see
Isaiah eating a sandwich walking to the counter.
He took his phone then made a phone call. The
person answered.
Him: Hello
Isaiah: I have a job for you
Guy: I am listening
Isaiah: I haven't wrote a juicy story in a while. I
want you to dig some dirt on that girl Tasha. I
want something that will make headlines and
sell for my publication
Guy: That's if you still have a job
Isaiah: What are you talking about ?
Guy: Check the Daily
Isaiah quickly hung up. He looked at the door
for a paper
Isaiah: No! let me use my phone
He switched on his data. Messages came in from
all his social networks. He went on Twitter. He
opened a tweet then saw pictures of him in drag
Isaiah: No! This can't be happening!
He dialled Brendan's phone. It took him straight
to voicemail
Isaiah: Great! just great!!!
He started pacing up and down. It's amazing
how scared he is. This man write about people
everyday. Now he is getting a taste of his own
medicine and by the look of things he doesn't
like it one bit. He heard the door bell, His eyes
popped out looking at the door.
The person rang the bell again.
Isaiah: Go away !!!
Isaiah went down and sat down. He leaned on
his kitchen counter " It's your boss " He quickly
jumped up When he heard his boss talking
outside the door. He wiped his tears.
Boss: I came to tell you that you ruined our
publication. People are not buying our paper
because you don't work for us. Instead you
make headlines in other papers! and you sleep
with people to get gossip. How could you!!
Brendan: Ma'am I can explain. That is not true
He said running to the door.
Boss: It's too late. Open the door and take your
box. I cleared your desk. You're fired!
The boss left. Brendan cried so hard. He opened
the door. He was welcomed by his box at the
door. The boss was no where to be seen. Isaiah
ran out to the driveway. He found His boss
driving away. He put his hands in his head
He heard footsteps of people running his way.
He looked at them. It was reporters with
We see Isaiah running back to his house. He
walked in and slammed The door, locked then
leaned on it. He put his hand on his chest. Tears
were falling hard

In Mthatha In front of central police station. We
see a woman walking out of the car. She was
wearing a blue shirt, tight blue jeans and and
black high heels. She was wearing a WIG. She
stood next to her car. She looked at a picture in
her hand. She chuckled then threw the picture
in the car then folded her arms on her chest and
rested on her car.
A taxi stopped by next to her. A man walked out
of the taxi then fixed his blazer. The taxi left.
The man looked at the police staton. The woman
took the picture and looked at it one more time.
She looked at the man who was now walking to
the police station. She quickly threw the picture
at the back of her car.
Woman: Hello !
The woman ran after the young man. He turned
around. He looked at this beautiful woman.
Woman: Hello I am detective Ziyamkhonkotha
you look terrified or rather kinda disturbed is
everything okay?
Man: Detective Thank God
Detective: Are you okay ?
Man looked around then at Detective
Man: I have some information that I think can
help with the journalist who was brutally
murdered yesterday........
Detective's eyes popped out and She smiled. She
looked excited.
Man: He was my friend
The detective looked at the police station then at
the man.
Detective: I was just appointed to handle the
case why don't we get in my car and talk more
before I take your statement inside?
Man: Okay Detective
The detective walked to the car followed by the
She opened her door. The man opened his. They
walked in and closed the doors. Inside the car
We see the Detective look at her door. We see a
syringe put nicely at the door pocket. It already
had a yellowish liquid in it. She didn't pull it up.
She just touched it and hold on to it. She smiled
at the man.
Detective: So tell me..... ?
Man: So my friend was working on this story
about a judge.....
The detective shook her head looking out the
window of the man's side
Detective: Just look at that....
The man looked out his window. The detective
quickly took out the injection and injected him
on his neck and covered his mouth so he
couldn't screen. The injection worked so
quickily. He was out in few seconds. The
detective let out sigh of relief. She grabbed the
guy's neck aggressively pulled him back so he
could lean on the car seat so he won't look like
he is unconscious but rather asleep. The
detective started the engine. The car didn't
Detective: Ziyamkhonkotha.......
She chuckled then drove off. While driving her
left hand was playing with The poor
unconscious man's hair.
Detective: What a nice surname I gave myself




< Tasha >
I don't know how I escaped the journalists
outside that hotel. It was a chaos. I have never
seen so many journalists and cameras. To think
they were all running to me is just unbelievable.
I wished for that. I always wanted journalists to
do that when they see me but only because of
my success not scandals. I am really happy Laila
came to fetch me. She is really a great friend and
I am really grateful to her. I cannot lie and I say
I am not ashamed though. Yesterday I was
gushing about how amazing my life is. I was
bragging about that gay man. I cannot believe
Brendan is that kinda man. I am so disgusted. I
didn't see that in him. When I found out I had to
leave that place. I couldn't face him. I couldn't
stay there to see his pathetic face when he is
trying to defend himself. Those pictures look so
real. The person who screenshop them made
sure we could see it's a video. At the bottom of
them there is 1 hour , play and pause which
shows it is a video. I don't see him getting away
with this. He cannot lie. Once he denies it, the
person will send a video. No wonder he didn't
wanna tell me what he did I mean who could
tell a girl they are dating that they are also
sleeping with men? I am mad at myself. I feel
like this was wrong from the beginning. I feel
like I am being punished for always making
wrong decisions when it comes to men. Right
now I am thinking about my parents. I am
scared they might read about me again. The
reason I wore shades every time I was with
Brendan was because I didn't want to be seen. I
was shocked To learn that the first day I was
with him they recognised me.
Anyway I asked Laila to drive me home.
Laila: Friend I don't think this is a good idea
Me: Friend mom and dad must be at work now. I
don't think they are home
Her: Okay
We got to my street. There is no car at driveway.
The garage is locked.
Me: Oh Thank God my parents are not home!
stop the car at driveway
Laila: I wouldn't be smiling if I were you. I know
your parents. They are going to eat you alive
Me: I am scared as well. The plan is get in, pack
a few things and write them a letter apologising
then go stay with you for a few days please
friend say yes
Her: I can't say no to a celeb
Me: Oh Stop it! I just lost that stupid man. I
thought he was gonna marry me and help me
join the housewives now I lost all that
Her: I knew you had a plan!
Me: Oh I thought I had this one in the bag
Her: Girl you're beautiful! you're doing well on
Instagram thanks to EJ!
Oh did she have to do that? Now I am reminded
that he is in Rehab fighting for his life. I am such
a bad person. I always attract drama. We walked
out of the car and headed to the door. I took out
my key and unlocked. I really didn't expect this
about Brendan. I am disappointed in him. How
can he sleep with men. Oh Lord. I just thought of
something ..
Me: Oh my God Laila!
Laila: What is it ?
Me: He slept with men! and I slept with him with
out using protectio.....
Oh My God. My parents tricked me. They are
inside. They heard what I said about not using
protection. They stood up then shook their heads
Me: Mom and dad?
Their eyes went to three black trash plastics.
They are kicking me out?
Mom: Take your things and get out of our house!
Me: Mom I am sorry. I didn't know. I just dated
him. I didn't know he was gay
Father: You were in the news for drugging a nice
boy. You went and slept with another man. We
forgave you for that now you went and slept
with that same man's friend.....
Me: Dad........
Father: You humiliated this family we are
washing our hands. We don't have a daughter
Dad took two plastics. Mom took one..
Mom: Get out!
They threw my things out. I ran out followed by
friend Laila. We took my things. I was crying. I
never thought this would happen to me. I don't
know why i don't learn my lesson. The last time
I lost my car. I should've been a better daughter
then try and show my parents that I have
changed. Why didn't I?

< Priscella >
I have never been so happy and nervous at the
same time. I am happy that all our hard work to
expose that moron paid off. All those meetings
we kept having trying to get at Brendan today
are finally paying off. He is exposed. He is
trending at number one, his Boy lover is
following him at number two and that slut
Tasha at number Five. I can't believe we did this.
He will never mess with any woman ever again.
Well that's if he gets any after this. This man
hurt my friend and disrespected her. He didn't
care about her feelings I mean that man knows
Sonia just lost their child. He knows she is
hurting. I don't understand why he did what did.
I don't know why he cannot use his brain. How
can you be seen holding hands with another
woman when you're married? Yes Sonia
attacked him but she didn't say it is over. Only
Sonia knows it is over. Sonia attacked him out of
an impulse. I don't understand why he did this.
It's like he is doing this to hurt her on purpose
well he just got served. Let's see how he handles
that public humiliation. The entire country is
shocked. I am sure the neighbouring countries
are also shocked even his country included.
There is nothing for her here. He must go back
to his home country. No one will hire him not
because of his sexuality but his reputation. He
assaulted someone. The public know. He went to
Isaiah and told him to write a bad article about
his own wife. He cheated on his wife all those
things were happening public now tell me who
would wanna work with that kinda Person? It is
over. He must pack his clothes and go be with
his family in Zimbabwe.
Anyway I said this is a happy moment and a
nerve wrecking moment for me because I
haven't seen my friend this morning. I don't
know how she must be feeling and I am scared
to even think of how she must be feeling. I know
journalists are calling her now. They want to
know her side of The story. I have been reading
the comments for my husband. I hate leaving
him for work but I have no choice. I have to
dress up and go to work. Sonia can't go to work.
One of us has to be in the office and I am that
person. I am the CEO after all so I have to put
work first. That is why I had my man lie And
keep his blindness from his family. I just hope It
won't backfire.
Me: Baby I have to go check on Sonia then come
back and get ready for work okay
I kissed his lips then walked to the door.
Masixole: Tell her I am sorry I know she must be
hurt right
Me: Yeah that is what worries me
I heard my phone rings. I was gonna leave it in
the bedroom. I went and took it from my closet. I
left it there when i was picking an outfit. I took it
then walked out. It is Hunter. I looked at
Me: Baby it's Hunter
Masixole sat up straight
Masixole: Answer
I answered then put him on speaker
Me: Morning Hunter
Hunter: Hey Priscella, How is Sonia her phone
is on Voice mail.
Me: I am actually on my way to her room. How
about I call you after I spoke to her ?
Hunter: Okay
Me: Did the kids see it ?
Hunter: I don't think so. If they did they
would've asked me. They are still sleeping
Me: Okay
I hung up
Me: Baby let me go
Masixole: Sure babe
I opened the door. I walked out. I got a
notication on Twitter. I opened my Twitter. I
saw a tweet directed to me And my brother. It's
a video with a caption that said " This is your
revenge guys The bitch is feeling the fire " I
opened the video. I saw Tasha running out of
hotel followed by journalists.
That bitch attracts trouble. Anyway I got to
Sonia's room. I knocked. I was just looking at my
phone. There were so many tweets about
Brendan. People were saying a lot of things.
Some were saying he thought people won't find
him in a cheap hotel. I looked for the name of
the hotel
Me: Oh My God. What a down grade
He went to the most cheapest hotel and I
understand why. We took all his money.
Anyway I am surprised Sonia is not opening the
door. I knocked a minute ago. I turned the door
handle. Thank God it's not locked. I opened the
door. I found Sonia sitting on her bed.
Me: Hey frie.....
I saw a lot of tissues on the floor. I looked at her.
Sonia: Don't worry I feel good after That crying
She stood up. A small box fell. It's her ring box.
She picked it up
Me: How are you feeling now that it's out there?
She looked at me. She smiled. I don't like her
when she acts all tough. I wish she could just cry
and show her emotions but at least she did cry
which is great. Anyway After I asked how she's
doing. She opened the box
Sonia: Felt better when I took it off
Me: Did he at least call ?
Sonia: I don't think he did. I took your advice. I
didn't switch on my phone. That man didn't call
me when he was spotted with Tasha. He doesn't
care. The only person he cares about is his gay
Let me not talk about him. I see it upset her.
Me: Masixole said he is thinking about you and
Hunter called. He wanted to know how you
holding up. He cares friend
Sonia: That is who Hunter is. He cares a lot. I
don't know why I left him for a heartless lying
man like Brendan. My ex husband was the best
man I have ever been with
Me: I think he wants to be there for you. Please
don't push him away
Sonia: I don't want to put my hopes up and I do
not want to put his hopes up. I think I need a
break. Friend I jumped from marriage to
another. I think I need to find myself and I am
happy he is there but a relationship with him
scares me. I didn't just cheat on him. I left him. I
divorced him and married another man. A man
who broke my heart into pieces just like I did to
She sat down
Sonia: Karma is really a bitch I see it now
Me: But at least in your case the man you hurt
cares a lot about you and he wants to be there
for you
Sonia took the newspaper. She looked at it. She
shook her head then looked at me..
Sonia: I am ready to divorce his arse, borrow me
your phone. I need to call my lawye.....
" That will not be necessary " said uncle walking
in. I didn't even notice I left the door opened.
Me: Uncle
Uncle: Hello my dear
He looked at Sonia
Uncle: Oh My sweetheart
He hugged her. Sonia cried on his arms. I hope
this is the last time she cries in her life. Sonia is a
happy person. She likes to brag about how
happy and how perfect her relationship is. I
want her to get that again. I want her to find a
reason to smile again.
Sonia broke th hug
Sonia: Daddy what did you mean by what you
said? I need to get my lawyer here!
Uncle: He is downstairs take a shower
Me: He is here ?
Uncle: I personally went to his home
I looked at Sonia
Me: Are you ready ?
Sonia: I don't think i need a shower. I want to
sign my divorce papers looking like this
She walked to the door then turned around
Sonia: Are you coming ?
Uncle: Of course
We walked after her, We walked down the
stairs. We got downstairs.
Sonia: How are we going find Brendan. I want
him to sign divorce papers now
Me: I saw a video of Tasha running out of the a
Algebra started talking walking in
Algebra: I am sorry to interrupt. I am following
a journalist and She says they are waiting for
him to come out. It looks like he is in that hotel
Sonia Walked to the lawyer. We followed her..
Sonia: Good Morning
Lawyer: Good Morning Ms De Villiers. Your
father asked me to draw up these pape.....
Sonia: Where do i sign?
I looked at Uncle. He smiled. This is a divorce. I
would first think about it before signing. then I
guess She feels humiliated and I would too if I
was her. The sooner She leaves that excuse of a
man the better.
Lawyer: Ma'am don't yo........
Sonia: I don't have to think anything. I know
what I want and that is divorcing my husband!
Lawyer: Okay sign here
Sonia took a pen. She sat down. She signed then
put the pen down. She looked at her signiture
for a few minutes. I swear tears stream down
her cheeks .
Uncle: You need to take these papers to
He couldn't finish what He was saying. He was
interrupted by Sonia
Sonia: I will do it !
Me: Sonia?
She looked at me then at her father .
Sonia: I am taking these papers to that son of a
bitch and none of you will stop me !
She stood up and picked up the papers and pen
Sonia: I am sorry I am going to need your pen.
Mind waiting for me here? Tightly Hotel is just
around the corner
Me: Friend don't you want me to accompany you
Sonia: Go to work friend I got this
Algebra: Ma'am there are so many reporters out
Sonia: That will save me time to think of better
words for my statement. I am going to do this
with no filter or anything! I want them to see
how I feel and look!
I ran to the drawers. I opened it. I took out
Me: At least allow my Chauffeur to take you
there and please wear these Shades
She took the shades.
Sonia: Call the chauffeur
She walked to the elevator. I took my phone and
Chauffeur: Hello Ma'am
Me: Get ready you're taking Sonia to Tightly
Hotel and please make sure there are also body
guards with you
Him: Okay ma'am
I hung up
Uncle: I was about to say she must go with
guards thanks
I just smiled. I hope she knows what she is

< Nontorotyi >
Today I was supposed to go see Zinyovile but I
didn't I am scared to travel alone. I don't even
know the exact place Zinyovile is hiding at. If my
sister was on board I was gonna go. I just don't
want to go alone. I don't want to be hijacked.
What would I tell my husband ? He is angry that
I don't like going to work. Today he left saying I
should follow him and I did. They left me at
work. There is a meeting at royal house. I didn't
want to go and I regret it. What if this is about
Zinyovile? I am her eyes and ears here. I just
wish she could show up. I am here at work I
want to speak to Sabonkolo and ask her to
reconsider going with me. If she agrees this
afternoon we are going there together. I just
remembered my phone is off. I took it out of my
handbag. I switched it on. I got a message
notifying me about a voice mail. I wonder who
left me a voice mail. I listened to it
" Nontorotyi it's happening! I lost it..... I lost my
gift. Give me a call when you get this. We have to
talk! "
Me: Oh My God! this cannot be happening
I was going through my phone trying to find her
number. My hands were shaking. My phone fell.
Sabonkolo ran in
Sabonkolo: Is everything oka.....
Me: Get out!!!
Sabonkolo: Sisi?
How dare she? How dare she run in acting like
she cares. I called this woman! I called her she
literally said I should go to hell. I have been so
desperate to get hold of my friend and to think
that she was too really breaks my heart.
Sabonkolo didn't expect me to say that. She
looked at me
Me: I said out of my office !!
Sabonkolo: This is your husband's office not
I pushed her out. I closed the door Then leaned
on it
Me: I said out!
I was breathing heavily my hands balancing
behind me on the door. I spotted my phone on
the table I don't remember placing it there,
anyway I ran to it
Before I could reach for it my phone rang. I took
it. It's Deliwe. I answered
Me: Deliwe?
Deliwe: You have a visitor ma'am
Me: Who is it?
Deliwe: Let's just call her anonymous till you get
here ma'am
Me: Don't you dare play with me! Who is it ?
Deliwe: ........ ( Tu tu tu tu tu)
Me: Really? Did that woman just hung up on
I grabbed my handbag. I ran out of the office
Mw: She is so fired !
I ran to my car. I threw my bag in. I got in then
drove out in high speed. I took my phone and
called Zinyovile. Voice mail again. I threw my
phone on the seat next to me. In no time I was at
my house. I got out of the car. I wiped my tears
then walked in. I found a woman sitting on my
couch. She is dark. wearing jeans and blouse.
She had a blue wig on and shades covering her
Her: Thank God you're here
Me: Who are you ?
Her: Oh please can't you hear my voice !
Hold up? Is this who I think it is ?
Me: Zinyovile?
She took off her wig, She threw it at me
Zinyovile: Did you get my voice mail?
Me: Yes I just listened to it now. My phone was
off. I just switched it on few minutes ago. What
are you doing suffocating yourself in tight jeans
She took a bottle of whisky. I snatched it from
Me: Wait here. I need to get you another glass. I
can't let you break all My glasses
Zinyovile: Suit yourself
I attempted to walk aWay
Zinyovile: But I don't have the whole day
I turned around. I gave her the glass. She poured
herself a drink .
Zinyovile: Nomakhosazana wants to kill me. Do
you think I would come here dressed the way I
usually do? I had to be in disguise
Me: Yesterday I wanted to go see you. Why
didn't you take your calls !!!
Zinyovile: I lost my phone. I found it last night
Me: Well I have news for you. Very bad news for
us !
Zinyovile downed the whisky
Zinyovile: I don't think the are as bad as what I
am going through
Me: I think it is bad. The royal house flew
Gedleza to Mozambique to get more powers! We
are doomed
Zinyovile poured another one. She did all that
fast. She looked scared. She gulped it
Zinyovile: He is close to finding the truth
Me: What truth?
Zinyovile put the glass nicely on the window.
She went down on her knees. She was in front of
Zinyovile: You have to help me
Me: Of course just say the word. I can do
anything for you My friend. They are on to us
Zinyovile: I have to get to Swaziland before that
Zinza-Zenja son comes back. My teacher is from
there. I need to get my gift! I need to get my
powers back. I need to block him from doing this
Me: Block him from doing what ?
Zinyovile: I need money. I need to get to
Swaziland please help me!
Me: How much do you need ?
Zinyovile: R 8 000 rands
Oh no! this money have to go to my brother. I
saved it for him.
Zinyovile: Please. I am desperate
Me: Okay fine! I will help you
Zinyovile: Thank you!
Me: I have a condition though
Zinyovile: Anything ?
Me: When you come back you tell me who is
going to be my sister wife. You also help me kill
that person without giving me any conditions to
go through before eliminating her
Zinyovile stood up. She took my hands
Zinyovile: You got it
I pulled her into a hug. I hugged her
Me: Thank you. Thank you my friend
I am ready for you sister wife. You're going to
die before you become one and I swear it. This
time I won't be sloppy like I was when I was
trying to kill the Queen. This time I will be
successful. I just want to know the bitch who is
going to take everything from me. I need to
show my face at work then come help Zinyovile.
< Judge Nomakhosazana >
I decided to go to the Project to speak to Princess
Nomagampompo and Chief Khabalandile. I have
to talk to them about what Gedleza said on the
phone. He said we should prepare
UMQOMBOTHI. We don't know what is it for. I
want to tell the chief so that he could tell the
elders. Honestly I don't want any meetings in my
house. Not this week. I need to get over this
whole thing I am going through. I cannot be
around people.
Anyway we are in the office. Funny I didn't see
Nontorotyi outside. Is this woman still working
Hlohlesakhe: My Queen it's been a while seeing
you around here
Me: I had to come before I forget. I forget a lot of
Hlohlesakhe: Okay.... oh here is my sister
I saw Nomagampompo walks in. I also asked her
to come.
Me: Where is Nontorotyi?
Hlohlesakhe: She was here but I don't see her
anywhere now..... oh here she is
I stood up. I looked at the door. She smiled. She
was at the door.
Me: Come in. You will want to hear this as well
She smiled then walked in.
Me: Gedleza called asking us to prepare
UMQOMBOTHI for saturday. He didn't get into
details about it so I wanted to tell you guys and
the chief so that you can let the elders know. We
will get more details when He arrives
Hlohlesakhe: Oh okay. We haven't had that in
our family in a while
Nontorotyi: Maybe this is gonna be a new start
for us You know me for example. I wanted to do
something so evil to my Queen. I feel it in my
blood. Gedleza is going to cleanse those who did
evil to others even those who do cruel things
and never get caught right my Queen?
What? What is she talking about? I shook my
head trying to snap out of all my paranoia. This
woman knows nothing about me killing
someone. She doesn't know let me not act guilty.
I smiled.
Me: Why don't we wait for Gedleza and hear
what he has to say
Nontorotyi: I agree
I looked away then lost my smile. I hope she
doesn't know anything.
I got disturbed by my phone. I took it out then
Me: Notiniphu?
Notiniphu: My Queen Gedleza is here and he
wants to see you and The Princess
Me: We will be right there
I hung up then looked at Everyone
Me: Gedleza has arrived and he wants to see us
Chief Khabalandile stood up
Him: Let's not waste time
Princess: I will meet you guys there I have to
take my handbag
Nontorotyi: I will look on things here at work.
How is that My love?
Hlohlesakhe kissed her
Him: Okay my love
I walked out and got to my car. I drove home.
Since when Nontorotyi don't want to be part of
anything? She just keeps surprising me I won't
lie. But she can't fool me. What she said about
people who do bad things and never get caught ,
That was for me and I don't know what she
meant about it and I don't want to know because
if it is what I think she was referring to? I am
afraid I would do worse to her. I know she is up
to something. She didn't stay behind because she
wanna look after business. She is up to no good.
Anyway I arrived at home. I saw my husband's
siblings drive in. We all got out of our cars. We
walked inside.
Me: Siqalo where are the boys ?
Siqalo: They went to the beach my Queen
Me: Okay
I saw Gedleza sitting on a chair in the living
Me: You're back ?
He stood up then bowed
Gedleza: I am back my Queen
Me: Gedleza I wasted resources on this trip. I
want you to sing. Don't leave anything
Gedleza: You can sit my Queen
We sat down and looked at her.
Gedleza: My Queen, My princess and my Chief.
Zinyovile worked on all Of us except for the
Me: She didn't do anything to me?
Gedleza: Well my Queen she did when she was
messing with your mind but She used Muti on
everyone else
Princess looked at her brother then Gedleza
Princess: On us as well ?
Gedleza: When Chief Nkosesizwe saw My Queen
he was so happy. He couldn't believe he was
marrying such a beautiful royal princess
I can't lie and say I don't like that. I believed he
loved me. That is the reason I stayed. Yes at first
it was hard to connect. I don't know maybe I
intimidated him and I think the fact that we
didn't know each other was also a problem. And
he was in a relationship with that witch and i
didn't know about it.
Gedleza: Chief Nkosesizwe couldn't control his
excitement, Even Zinyovile saw it. After Chief
Dubulingqanga passed that is when she came
back and worked her magic on all of you. She
made all of you see her as the perfect woman for
the chief. She made all of you love her and
believe she was your brother's soulmate. You all
believed that the only reason he couldn't be with
her was because she was a commoner but you
respected their relationship....
Princess: We did I mean I even betrayed the
Queen because of that
Gedleza: It was all her doing.
Princess: How do I stop caring about her? I hate
the things she does but I always....
She looked at me. Oh her eyes just confirmed
she told Zinyovile I was gonna kill her.
Princess: I always feel sorry for her. I always
think of my brother
Gedleza looked at me.
Gedleza: My Queen, chief Nkosesizwe is
desperate to make you see that he loved you. He
was used by that witch. He wants you to see
what happened to him and I am ready to show
Me: How ? How are you going to show me that
woman poisoned my husband ?
Gedleza: My Queen Zinyovile didn't poison them
with her love potion. She put it in a plastic, Tied
it up then buried it. What we need to do right
now is get to that Muti, dig it up and untie
whatever she tied there.....
He looked at Princess Nomagampompo
Gedleza: That answers your question my
princess. The bond you have will be broken
when we untie it
He looked at me
Gedleza: My Queen, You're the one she made
suffer all these years. I would love if you do the
Me: You want me to be the one uncovering that
Gedleza: You have to cut that bond!
Me: What are we waiting for?
Gedleza: I want us to do it Saturday the day we
are doing The Kings ritual
Me: Okay then. That means I go face that woman
now. I need to confront her.....
I chuckled then took my handbag
Me: Or kill her
Princess: My Queen don't!
I looked at her. She was running after me.
Me: That evil woman made me disrespect a man
I love and respect so much! I called your father a
Princess: I know the chief understands. My
father was a very understanding man and he
loved you
I smiled shaking my head
Me: That is the exact reason I want to kill her !
I walked away
Gedleza: My Queen!
I turned around
Me: Yes ?
Gedleza: I am not done .....
I walked back to the living room
Me: What is it ?
Gedleza looked at Chief Khabalandile then at me
Gedleza: The chief's wife is not the only person
who wanted to kill you
I put my handbag on the sofa. My sister and
brother in law looked at him Curious to know..I
am as well because whoever did is dying as soon
as I walk out of that door
Me: Give me the name
Gedleza: Someone offered you a drink. You left
before they could come back with it.....
Who offered me a drink again......?
Hlohlesakhe looked at me.
Hlohlesakhe: Do you remember who that is my
Princess looked at me. She had the same
Oh my God..... oh my God that witch
Princess: Do you know who it was?
I cannot believe this! oh my God that wOman. I
started breathing heavily. I sat down on the
couch with my hand on my chest.
Hlohlesakhe: Let me go get you wat....
He attempted to stand up. I pulled him down.
Me: I don't need water Khabalandile
He sat Down
They were looking at me waiting for me to tell
Me: I went to Shosholoza's house. I confronted
them. When I asked them who this Malingene
I stood up
Me: That witch Nomfunzelo ran to the kitchen
saying she was getting me a drink. I told her
husband he should drink that wine because he
will need it then I left after i said what I had to
Princess stood up
Princess: Oh My God Shosholoza drank it?
I looked at her. I can't believe this. She looked
down embarrassed. I looked at Gedleza
Me: I am going to Nontsingizi, from there to
I took My handbag again.
Gedleza: My Queen you cannot leave!
I turned around
Me: Why is that ?
Gedleza: Zinyovile won't be home when you get
there. Give it time till after we do the ceremony
for the King then after you can go see her
Me: Two people wanted to kill me, two! First it
was my brother in law's wife now Nomfunzelo?
I looked at Gedleza
Me: You say I can't go see Nontsingizi today?
Gedleza: I am afraid you won't find her home
I looked at the door. Then I guess I have a
shorter trip to Hlalwini.
Me: Then I am going to deal with Nomfunzelo
I said going to my car keys. I took them. I turned
around and then saw Gedleza infront me
blocking my way
Me: Our of my way!!
Princess: Gedleza talk to her. She cannot do this
I looked at Nomagampompo she looked down. I
looked at Gedleza
Me: She wanted to kill me! I want to give her an
opportunity to physically do it !
Gedleza: You cannot leave the Royal house right
now My Queen
Me: Why is that? why is that Gedleza ?
Gedleza: Because you will welcome a visitor
My eyes popped out.
Me: A visitor?
Gedleza: If that is all please allow me to go take
a nap
He walked to the door. I ran after him
Me: Don't You dare do that to me!!!
I ran after him. I grabbed his wrist and turned
him around aggressively.
Me: Gedleza I wasted my daughter in law's
resources taking you across the Southen Africa.
Don't you dare give me riddles! Who is coming
to see me ?
The way I am so angry right now. I don't even
recognize who I am. It is like I am hypnotized.
This is not me at all. Gedleza was looking at me
Me: I asked you a question!!!
I snapped he jumped a bit. I frightened him. He
yanked his arm. He looked at me.
Gedleza: You have to finish what you started my
I was breathing heavily searching for Siqalo's
chair. I sat down on it watching Gedleza walking
out. I saw Princess running to me
Nomagampompo: What is he talking about ?
I didn't say anything To her. I just cried looking
into space.
Nomagampompo: I don't know what to do right
now ! I really don't
" You have to finish what you started " Those
seven words kept playing in my head. What's
this supposed to mean ?




< Nomaxabiso >
It looks like I am busted. The reason I left home
was because I couldn't take the look on my
parents faces when they found out the things I
have been keeping. They didn't hide what they
thought of me. They showed me how
disappointed they were. What did they expect?
They expected me to stay and take all the ill
treatment from them? They must know and
recognise their part in all this mess. They had so
many expectations. They put me under so much
pressure and stress. I disappointed them and I
am ashamed that I did but I couldn't take this.
Let me tell you about my family role in royalty.
My father is not a chief. His father was, then
after him it was my uncle. My father's older
brother. My father is like Hlohlesakhe. He has
no claim to the throne. The only difference
between My father and Hlohlesakhe is that my
father grew up knowing he had no part in
royalty and that made him work hard. He made
something of himself. He went to school. He
started businesses and continued with teaching.
My mother is focusing in my father's businesses.
I was also helping around after matric. I feel like
my father should never had done what he did. I
would understand if he was a chief. He was
never one. Why did he sell me? Why did he do
this? Now I fell for Masixole. Even though I am
still with Malingenge I strongly love Masixole.
More especially now that we had sex. The
reason I went to Gauteng was because I wanted
Malingene to think of a plan to use to make sure
mom and my father don't expose us. My friend
cannot know about this. She can't know i have
been sleeping with her husband. She would kill
me. I know she is not okay upstairs. She is
unstable and the village's hooligan
Anyway I just got to my village. Yes last night I
left. I left Johannesburg the minute I realised I
am so close to being seen by Masixole. Speaking
of him, I am going to call him later but right
now. I want to talk to my parents. I really need
to think of something. I don't know what but I
will make sure they don't know I was with
Malingene. It is still early. I don't think my
parents are home. Anyway i just got dropped by
a taxi. I pulled my travel bag then entered my
yard. I walked to the house. I took out my key. I
put it in, it's not locked
Does this mean someone is home? I didn't think
I would find my parents here. I don't want to
talk to them now. I know mom is going to shout
at me. I can't take the shouting. I stood there at
the door. Trust me I don't want to go in. I saw
the door open, I looked up.
Mom: Scared to walk in?
I quickly put my key in my bag
Me: Of course not mom. I just realized it's not
locked that's why I am putting in my key
Mom chuckled then walked in leaving me at the
door. I opened the door. I walked in. I saw her
sitting down. She had paperwork in front of her.
Me: Mom I think we need to talk
Mom: I don't want to talk to You! there is
nothing we can say to each other at this point
She stood up Then looked at me.
Mom: Nomaxabiso I never thought I would look
my child in the eye and say this
What is she wanna say now? That she is
disappointed? I know that. Their actions show it.
I know and she doesn't have to repeat it.
Mom: You're a disappointment in this family!!
Me: I know that's why I left
I took my bag then attempted to walk away
Mom: You lied! You said you were going to
spend a few days with the King and tell him
about your lies did you do that?
I stopped walking. I put down my travel bag
down. Maybe we should do this now.
Me: No mom I didn't do it
Mom folded her arms
Mom: You're a grown up woman! you need to
stop acting like a child !!! why didn't you see the
King ?
She was shouting at me. My mom is angry I
understand but I wish they could also
understand me and where I am coming from.
Me: Firstly King Zwelicacile has a wife and he
has to ask for a permission to be with Me!
secondly I called him and asked to meet that
day. He said he was leaving to be with his wife
so that's why we didn't meet
I am lying. I didn't call Zwelicacile. I had a plan
the day I left home. I knew I was going to My
Mom: Where have you been then?
Me: I had to stay away for a bit
Mom: Then why are you back here?
I looked at her
Me: Because you're harrasssing Malingene
mother ! I told you him and I are over. I wasn't
with him. He called me telling me you guys are
calling him
Mom: He didn't know we knew about you two
why didn't he take the call? Do you think we are
stupid? We know you were there with him !
Me: I wasn't. I called him telling him about the
damages you want. I had to tell him Mom!
Mom: Where were you?
Me: I was at a friend's place in Town
Mom: Nomaxabiso Zidenge you're a royal
princess you don't stay with friends!!
Me: Mom I couldn't stay here! you guys were
giving Me silence treatment what did you
Mom: Do you blame us?
Me: Yes!!!
Her eyes popped out. I could tell she couldn't
wait to hear this and I cannot wait to pour my
heart at her. They must know how I feel.
Me: I blame you for making your own decisions
about my life. I blame you for everything! you
put me in so much pressure. Mom How old were
you when you broke your virginity?
Mom looked away
Me: Answer me! I am almost in my late 30s and
you guys expected me to wait that long to be
intimidate with a man ?
Mom: You knew what was expected of you !
Nomaxabiso tell me ?
I looked at her.
Mom: Since you broke every promise you gave
us about our plans.....
Mom: Tell me? If you were this smart at making
your own decisions why didn't you go to
university behind our backs?
I looked down
Mom: Yes answer me! clearly you're not a proud
princess. You couldn't stand everything that was
expected of you then why didn't you get
education for yourself ?
Me: You said King Zwelicacile was gonna take
care of me and even if I was working i would
Mom shook her head in disbelief.
Mom: Do you know what I see when I am
looking at you ?
Mom: I see a middle age woman who is lazy and
Mom: You didn't listen to everything we wanted
you to do. You decided to choose that one
because you don't want to go to school! you just
want people to support you. Who is going to
want you without education ?
Me: But you said I don't have to go to school
Mom: That was when you were going to marry
the King ! We said that to our virgin girl ! I don't
know this disgraceful woman standing in front
of me !
I grabbed my bag. I ran to my room. I cannot
believe she said that to me. I got to my room. I
threw my travel bag on the floor. I took out my
phone. I have to call King Zwelicacile. I need to
know his wife's decision. I need to go back to the
royal house and be a wife. I want mom to
swallow her words. His phone rang. After 5th
ring he answered thank God. I thought he was
avoiding me.
Masixole: Masixole's phone, Priscella speaking
Bitch! Why can't she give him the phone. I don't
know her. Is she the wife ?
Priscella: Are you there ? Hello
Me: Give him the phone why did you answer
someone else's phone ?!
Priscella: Simple. Because he is my man and he
asked me to come to work with his phone and
take his calls who You?
I quickly hung up.
Me: Bitch ! Whore!! City slut with an accent!!!
I sat on my bed crying. My door opened it's mom
Mom: Is everything okay?
Me: Get out !!!
I said throwing my shoe at the door. She
slammed it behind her.

< Nontorotyi >
I cannot get Eight thousand rands anywhere at
Sdabadabeni village. We don't have Atm here. A
close by ATM is in Mqanduli. You just cross the
Mthatha Dam River and drive 20 minutes to get
to the supermarket. I wanted to send it to her
bank card using my phone. She showed me her
bank card. It is expired. So I had to do what I
was avoiding to do since yesterday. Going to
Ngqeleni Town is just not gonna happen. It's far
so I had to go to the supermarket with Zinyovile.
I want to help her so bad I really do. Zinyovile
helps me a lot. It's good to know what is going to
happen in your life before hand. I cannot stand
surprises. You saw me yesterday. When i saw
my husband walking out of Nomakhosazana's
SUV I was a mess. I had a lot to drink. That is
what I do when I get a surprise. I hate surprises.
I am just happy the ancestors are willing to keep
my secret. I am grateful to them even though I
know they are not doing this for me. I know they
are doing this for my husband. They want to
protect him.
Anyway I am here at this supermarket.
Unfortunately because of my R3 000 daily limit I
got only 3k. She is going to town to do her card
then leave today but first I am going to ask her a
few questions. What is it that she did to the royal
house that she doesn't want them to know.
Me: It's still early I mean we bought your ticket
here at the supermarket. Your bus is leaving at
2:30 pm. You will get a chance to renew your
Zinyovile: Thank you so much Nontorotyi. I
really appreciate you for doing this for me
Me: You helped me so many times. When I had
no one. When I was crying alone you always
came and put me out of my misery. I want that
Zinyovile back
Zinyovile: She will be back
Me: Before you take a Taxi can you tell me What
you don't want them to find?
She looked at me. She opened the door
Me: Come on now! you know All my secrets
Zinyovile: I am telling you this because I know
We are on the same page....
I smiled. She looks really worried. This must be
big. I can't wait to find out.
Zinyovile: As you know Nkosesizwe was just a
village man. He was a simple man. He didn't
care about anyone else but me then again I
think it's because there was only me. He never
saw any women from the city. His father forced
him to break up with me. My parents were
working for the royal house. They also wanted
us to break up. They sent me to live far away
from Sdabadabeni. He came to visit me once
Me: Why is that?
Zinyovile: Because he didn't know the woman
who was chosen for him, When he finally met
She started crying
Zinyovile: He saw this beautiful light skin girl
from the city then to him I was useless. I was an
embarrassment. He didn't even want her to
know about me
Me: That's bad I am so sorry
She wiped her tears.
Zinyovile: I knew I would never win him back
with his father alive
I put my hand on my chest.
Me: You killed my father in law ?
Zinyovile: No!!! How do you kill a royalty man?
I couldn't do it but he died, When he died that's
when I decided to use a love spell on him, In fact
to his entire family so.....
Me: So?
Zinyovile: Last night i had a dream. Your
brother in law visited me. He was so angry. He
said Zinza-Zenja's son is about to discover what I
did so I ran to where I buried my muti.....
Me: And ?
She put her hand on her mouth.
Zinyovile: I got lost. Nontorotyi believe me I
know the spot but whenever I go there I get lost
Me: You think the ancestors are trying to make
sure Gedleza gets there first?
She nodded her head yes.
Zinyovile: Yes that is why I need to go now
Me: One more thing before you go .....
She looked at me
Zinyovile: Yes ?
Me: So Chief Nkosesizwe loved
She looked up crying
Zinyovile: With all his heart
I stepped in my accelerator hard! I speed off. I
hit the steering wheel hard.
Me: Damn it !!!
This Explains everything. This Explains her
status as the Queen. You'd swear she is Queen
Elizabeth. She is very important not only to the
royal house. She is important to the people of
this village at large. My husband is a chief what
about me ? Why can't I get the same respect ? I
am a Queen. I am married to the chief!
Me: Is it because I am a commoner ?

< Sonia De Villiers >
I decided to go see Brendan. I hope everyone
don't think this is a stupid decision. I feel like I
need to see Brendan. My fear is hearing that he
left town or even worse left the country. I need
to find this man And get his signature. I cannot
stay married to him. I want to free him. I want
him to go be with a man. I am a beautiful
woman. I am everything a man want but clearly
this man don't want a woman. He wants men.
This is his chance to be with one. I am tired of
being treated like a fool. When he looked at me
he saw a fool. Brendan took me for grunted. He
never saw anything smart in me. He was
arrogant and he thought I would do anything he
wanted with me and I hate myself for falling for
it. I did everything this man wanted. I was too
blind to see I was being played. I will hate
myself for the rest of my life for that but you
know what? This might have ruined me but all
this experience with him gave me a good lesson.
Do not let a man tell you what to do. Never
change who you are because you want to
accommodate people in your life. It's your life
live it. Don't let someone live it for you. I learned
that if someone is not happy with the person
you are then that person don't deserve you.
Someone should love you for who you are not
what they want you to be. If he is not happy
with who you are let him go find that person
they want because it is not you. These days it's
hard to keep a relationship. Relationships don't
last. So that shows you cannot make life
decisions for someone who might leave you
messed up to a point where no other men will
want you. I feel like this whole thing made me
stronger. I am better than I was before. This
might sound crazy but I am grateful for the pain
he gave me because it made me a better person.
I am stronger than I was before. I see a lot of
changes in my life. When I was happy with
Brendan or should I say when I thought I was
happy? Well I was a different person. I was
arrogant and judgemental. When things started
going south I realised that this man was
changing me. His arromance made me arrogant
as well and I didn't even see it because I was
Anyway I called the show crew. I know this
might sound too much, well it is. This is a
scandal. They will want me to relive it that is
why I wanna deal with it now. The plan is to
Humiliate Brendan the same way he humiliated
me when he made me look like a fool..This man
made me look like a backstabbing ffriend to
Priscella. Who does that to his wife? I don't
know the man I married. I am glad I am
divorcing him right now. Anyway the producer
told us they were in front of the hotel with
journalists. We just arrived. Priscella's
Chauffeur and bodyguards accompanied me. I
have divorce papers in my hand. I was reading
them on the way. I am just glad we had a pre-
nup. Anyway I walked out of the car. Journalists
and my show came to me with cameras and
micro phones on top of me. I put on glasses.
J1: Mrs O'Neal what is your say about what just
came out about your husband?
Me: I am shocked. I didn't expect this.... well I
was kinda expecting something but I didn't
think it was this
J2: What did you expect?
J1: Did Brendan act differently is that why you
say that ?
Me: Brendan was being blackmailed by someone
J2: Did you know what the blackmail about ?
Me: My husband refused to tell me and I think
you all know why now And to be honest. I
wouldn't tell my wife as well If I was him
J3: Are you justifying your husband's infertility ?
Are you telling us you're staying and supporting
Me: No. I don't support it. I feel betrayed by him.
I feel like he should've told me about his
sexuality and I don't think i would've married
him I guess that is why he didn't tell me
J1: How do you feel about both cheating
scandals? What is the status of your marriage.
Are you still married or you're separated?
I took off my shades. I wiped my tears
Me: I don't want to talk about those two. Isaiah
Norman has been obsessed to destroy me now I
know why and as for Tasha. We all know what
kinda girl she is. All we can do right now is just
wait for her next victin
J1: What's happening in your marriage right
now? Why are you here?
Me: I am here because I heard he is inside that
building. I am divorcing him these are divorce
J2: Are you divorcing him because he is bisexual
or because of the infertility?
I paused. I have to think about the answer to
that question
Me: All the things you said and more
J1: What is more?
I breath in and out.
Me: Few days ago I was hospitalised because the
blackmailer contacted me. I got scared and lost
the baby I was carrying
I saw how shocked the journalists were. For a
change they had no words to say till after a long
30 seconds of quietness. I heard a question from
the back
J4: Sonia blackmail Is a serious case. Why didn't
you go to the police? Clearly he didn't because
he was scared of what he knew but you..... you
didn't know anything and I think you should've
went to the police
Me: Maybe if my husband told me he was being
blackmailed I was gonna do that. I got a message
then I had a miscarriage. Saving a man who
didn't wanna be saved was the last thing in my
mind. You guys saw him walking around with
Tasha two days after I lost our child! Excuse me
I took my body guard hand. I walked fast to the
hotel entrance leaving the journalists shocked.
They didn't even run after me which was
surprising. My phone rang. I looked at it.
Priscella is calling
Me: Friend?
Priscella: That was amazing I feel like you really
made the right call.. I know we wanted you to
talk about the miscarriage with a magazine but
that, That was amazing. Public sympathy is
better than trolls throwing insults at you
Me: Thanks I feel better as well
Priscella: Good luck with that animal
Me: I just walked in. All I need is his hotel room
Priscella: Let's hope he signs
I looked around. People looked at me because I
was followed by cameras.
Me: That is why I want you on standby with the
Priscella: Just give me a ring
I hung up. I stood there waiting for the producer
speaking with a lady at front desk. We need the
room number.

< Narrated >
The Queen was left with words ringing in her
head. " You have to finish what you started" She
wished Gedleza could've been more specific. The
Queen is asking herself what could be more
important than what she wants to do. She
doesn't know anything she started. We see her
walking around the house. She had a glass of
wine in her hand. Chief Khabalandile Is still at
the royal house. I swear Phonqa will regret
going to the beach. Things are intense at the
royal house right now. The Queen was pacing up
and down. The Princess and the chief were just
standing. They didn't know what to do. The
Queen is angry at two women and she wants to
confront both of them. She hates the fact that
she has to wait for whatever she has to finish.
She is dying to touch Nomfunzelo with her bare
hands. We see the Princess looks at her brother .
Princess: Hlohlesakhe I am the last person the
Queen could listen to right now. She is angry I
don't know what to do with her looking like this
Notiniphu went to them with two cups of tea.
Princess: Thank you Notiniphu
She took her cup Notiniphu smiled then went to
the chief. She bowed then gave him his
Hlohlesakhe: Thank you
Notiniphu: You're welcome my Chief
She walked out of the living room. The Princess
looked at her brother
Hlohlesakhe: What got into Nomfunzelo?
Princess: Who knows what's in that wicked
woman's head?
Hlohlesakhe: Let's go to the Queen and ask her
what really happened
They walked to her
Hlohlesakhe: My Queen we want to understand
something. What did you say when you got to
the Zidenge family for That woman to want you
dead ?
The Queen looked at Hlohlesakhe
Hlohlesakhe: I know you didn't do something
out of....
Nomakhosazana: I asked for their daughter.
They said She was with my son. I told them she
is not then I asked why they didn't come back to
us. They started questioning me about my sons
marriage. I asked them who Malingene is. That's
when that woman ran out pretending to offer
me a glass of " My favorite wine!"
Princess: We need to get to the bottom of this
how could she do this to you !
Nomakhosazana: No don't worry Sisi. That
woman I can handle on my own!
Hlohlesakhe: I cannot believe she wanted to kill
you because we found out what their daughter
have been up to. Did she think maybe the family
don't know and you went there before telling us
The Queen looked at Chief Khabalandile
Nomakhosazana: No, She is just a witch. She
can't help herself
We see Siqalo walks in they all looked at him.
Siqalo: My Queen Gedleza is here to see you.
Nomakhosazana: Let him in
Siqalo bowed then walked out. The Queen
looked at her in laws
Nomakhosazana: I wonder what he wants now.
He left few minutes ago and nothing is changed.
I don't know what he meant by what.....
The Queen stopped talking when she saw
Gedleza walks in. Gedleza went down on his
Gedleza: I am sorry my Queen. I had to come
back Aiiii......
He cried hitting his head on the floor. The Queen
looked at Princess and the Chief.
Hlohlesakhe: What is it Gedleza ?
Gedleza: I am sorry My Chief you might not like
one of the things I am going to say
The Queen looked at Chief and Princess then at
Nomakhosazana: Your job is to tell us
everything that is a threat to us. If one of us is in
danger we have to know
Gedleza: When I was here I said you won't find
Zinyovile at her house but I didn't tell you where
she went
The Queen's face changed. She looked angry
Nomakhosazana: Where is that woman?
Gedleza: She is going to her teacher in
Swaziland. She wants to get to her muti before
us. She knows if we get there and break the tie
no one will like her in this family. She knows I
exposed her now she doesn't want us to get to
that Muti
Nomakhosazana: Gedleza we have to cut
whatever is binding her with this family right
now! Saturday is far !
Gedleza: It will take her the whole night to get to
Swaziland. Tonight we are going to do it
Nomakhosazana: Good !
He looked at Chief. You could tell he was
nervous. He didnt want to say this but he felt
like he had to.
Nomakhosazana: What is it Gedleza and don't
tell me it's nothing!!!
Gedleza swallowed hard.
Princess: What did my brother do? What do you
feel about him. The ancestors are telling you
Gedleza: My chief where is your wife ?
Hlohlesakhe: She is at work.....
He looked at The Queen then his sister
Hlohlesakhe: We all left her there right ?
Nomakhosazana: She offered to look on things
while sisi and my brother in law came to take
care of family matters
Gedleza: She left after you. She got a call from
Zinyovile, She was at your house My chief
Nomakhosazana: In my Village ? That woman
came here?
Gedleza: My Queen Mrs Ndengana is the one
who helped Zinyovile with money to go to
The Queen gulped her drink. She threw the glass
on the wall, It broke and made so much noise.
We see Chief Khabalandile walking around
kicking thin air with his hand on his forhead
Princess: What is Wrong with my sister in law!
Chief what is Wrong with your wife !?
Nomakhosazana: I swear......
The chief took out his phone. He called her and
put her on speaker then put his cup of tea on the
Nontorotyi: Hello my love
The Queen shook her head. She was breathing
fire. The way she was so angry you could tell she
wanted to beat Nontorotyi through the phone.
Hlohlesakhe: Where are you Nontorotyi?
Nontorotyi: I am around My love. Sorry I had to
leave work. It was my lunch time but I am on
my way bac.......
Hlohlesakhe hung up. He sat down.
Hlohlesakhe: I don't know what is Wrong with
this woman! I really don't
Nomakhosazana: I thought The punishment I
gave her would put her in line but it's clear that
woman don't want to respect any of us !
Princess: She must be summoned to the Royal
house !
Nomakhosazana: I am done punishing her. The
first time I didn't give the chief a chance to deal
with his wife and now this is the time
The Queen looked at Chief
Nomakhosazana: But I must tell you one thing
Chief Khabalandile....
Nomakhosazana: The only reason your wife is
still alive is because she has children
The Chief and the Princess didn't expect this.
Their eyes widened. They were shocked to hear
the Queen say this
Nomakhosazana: but I promise all of you. If I
find out Nontorotyi is plannig to kill me again I
swear this time I will kill her
Hlohlesakhe: I will speak to her my Quee....
The Queen looked away
Nomakhosazana: I am sure the ancestors would
applaud me for killing the enemy
Hlohlesakhe: My Queen let's not talk like that. I
am going to punish her my own way please let
The Queen turned around
Nomakhosazana: One last chance Chief. One last
Siqalo walked in again.
Siqalo: My Queen Mr Zidenge is here to see you
Princess Nomagampompo smiled then started
fixing herself. The Queen and the chief looked at
her. She looked down embarrassed.
They looked at each other then shook their
Nomakhosazana: Send him in
The Queen looked at Gedleza
Nomakhosazana: Oh this is the visitor I was
stopped from leaving for ?
Gedleza: No
The Queen's eyes popped out
Nomakhosazana: Someone else is coming?
Gedleza looked down nodding his head. The
Queen seemed uncomfortable about this. She
can't think of anyone who could visit her. She
looked at her brother in law
Nomakhosazana: We need to get the contract
Hlohlesakhe: Where is it ?
Nomakhosazana: Your brother's study in a
drawer. Also take a pen on the table
Hlohlesakhe walked to the study. Shosholoza
walked in.
He is in a foul mood and no one can blame him.
He is going to lose the profit from the project.
Anyone could feel that way.
Nomakhosazana: We are glad you're here Mr
Zidenge. Can we offer you anything?
Shosholoza: I don't want anything from you
The chief came with the contract. The door
opened. Phonqa and Nomgcwabe walked in.
They all looked at them nervous. Their timing is
so bad. It was awkward for a second till the
Queen spoke to them
Nomakhosazana: Boys can you go upstairs for a
Phonqa: I am a little bit hungry how about I go
sit in the kitche.....
Princess: You're not doing no such thing!! up you
go !
Phonqa looked sad. He walked up the stairs with
his brother. The Queen went next to her sister in
Nomakhosazana: You didn't have to be so harsh
Princess: That boy eavesdrops a lot! after you
and I talked yesterday he asked me who is my
lover !
We see The Queen put her hand on her mouth
Nomakhosazana: He didn't?
Princess: Oh yes he di....
Shosholoza: I don't have the entire day!!
Nomakhosazana: Then what are you waiting for
? Sign those papers
The chief gave him the papers. He signed all of
the papers. He looked at The Queen.
Shosholoza: I regret doing business with this
family! If Chief Nkosesizwe was here he was
never gonna allow this!
The Queen went closer to Shosholoza. She
whispered in his ear.
Nomakhosazana: Do you think he was gonna be
happy to learn that you were sleeping with his
ShShosholoza swallowed hard
Nomakhosazana: Do you think he was gonna be
happy to see how you look at my sister in law
right now ?
Every time the Queen was talking she was
getting more closer to Shosholoza. He was
moving back. Princess was so curious because
she couldn't hear what they were talking about
Nomakhosazana: You're disgusted by her ain't
you ?
Nomakhosazana: Get out before I make you
Shosholoza: You're disrespectful Nkosesizwe's
wife! I am not your friend. I am way older than
you !
Nomakhosazana: And I am way stronger. Do you
really want me to Humiliate you infront of your
ex and children?
He shook his head in disbilef
Nomakhosazana: You think I wouldn't?
The Queen said forming a fist. He was against
the wall.
Nomakhosazana: I will count down from 3. if I
get to one and see your face inside this palace, I
swear you will walk out a corpse
The Queen said pulling up her jacket revealing
the gun. Shosholoza looked at it then turned
He ran out. The Queen was looking at him
running out .
Siqalo closed the door. The Queen turned
around and walked back .
Nomakhosazana: Phonqa you can come out now
Princess and the chief looked up the stairs. They
didn't see anyone.
Nomakhosazana: My boy I know you were
listening but unfortunately you heard nothing
this time. Come out before I get mad !
Phonqa appeared up the stairs
Princess: I can't believe this child!
Phonqa: Actually I was not alone. Come out
Nomgcwabe also came out..They did the walk of
shame walking down. The Queen sat down and
whispered at chief Khabalandile and the
Nomakhosazana: Can you believe that imbecile
didn't even look at his sons?
Hlohlesakhe: Exactly what I notice! I thought I
was the only one who saw it
The kids got down.
Princess: Phonqa you said you're hungry go to
the kitchen then
Phonqa: I lied mom
The elders looked at each other.
Nomgcwabe: I want to apologize for
eavesdropping. It won't happ......
Siqalo walked in running. He was running
behind a beautiful young lady.
Siqalo: I am sorry my Queen this lady didn't
want to listen to me. I told her I have to
announce her first before letting her in
Girl: Aunt tell him we don't follow orders we
maif them
The Queen put her hands on her mouth
Nomakhosazana: Universe? Oh My God I haven't
seen you in so many years
They hugged. Nomgcwabe looked at Universe.
They broke the hug. Universe looked
Universe: Don't look at me boy I am married
Universe looked at The Queen
Nomakhosazana: Universe this is my brother in
law and th....
Universe didn't wait for the Queen to finish
Universe: Follow me
Universe walked out. The Queen looked at Chief
Khabalandile and Princess
Nomakhosazana: I am sorry about that
She ran after Universe. She saw Universe
leaving her car walking out of the yard.
Nomakhosazana: Where are we going?
There was no smile in Universe face. She was
livid. She was going straight to abondaned
houses behind the royal house. She got to one of
the rooms. She opened the door then looked at
The Queen
Universe: Get in Auntie
Nomakhosazana: What is going on? We could've
talked in your car why did we have to come here
Universe gently pushed the Queen in. She got in
as well. She closed the door. The room was so
dark. Universe used a torch then pointed it at
someone who was sitting on a chair tied up.
Nomakhosazana: What The......?
Universe: So you wanted me to give you this
package in front of everyone auntie ?
Nomakhosazana: Is he dead?
Universe checked her wrist watch
Universe: No. He will wake up in few.....
Nomakhosazana looked at the guy. Universe
tapped the Queen's shoulder, The Queen looked
at her. Univese smiled
Universe: You're going to kill him
The Queen's eyes popped out. She thought
universe was bluffing
Nomakhosazana: What ?
Universe took out a gun..She cocked it four
times. She took something and put it in front of
the gun
Universe: This is a sound protector. We are
going to wait for him to wake up so that you can
enjoy murdering him alive
We see the Queen put her hand on her chest.
She went down and sat down crying




< Narrated >
At the royal house. The Princess was shocked by
Univese's disrespectful behavior. She was left
with questions. This girl comes into their home.
She was disrespeful, She didn't want to follow
orders she just barged in. What makes The
Princess more surprised was the fact that she
called the Queen Auntie. She and The chief
desperately wanted to know what is going on.
The boys were with them in the living room.
Phonqa: Mom who was that ?
Nomgcwabe: Yeah who was that mom. She
called the Queen Auntie. Is she related to us ?
Princess: I don't know that girl. There doesn't
even have a stain of royal blood in her body
We see Nomgcwabe smile when he learned she
is not family. It looks like he is taken by
Universe. Princess noticed Nomgcwabe's smile.
She looked at him, Nomgcwabe looked down.
Princess: And I hope she was telling the truth
when she said she was married !
She could see her son was taken by her.
Princess: No son of mine will date a woman like
Hlohlesakhe laughed. He stood up
Hlohlesakhe: Sisi I have to go home and speak to
that woman
The Princess looked at her sons then at her
Princess: Let me walk you out
They walked out
Princess: Chief how can Nontorotyi do this
Hlohlesakhe: I really don't know sisi, I really
Princess: So you know what you will do to her ?
Hlohlesakhe: I don't beat women. I will do what
any decent man does to punish his wife
Princess: What is that ?
They stood next to his car.
Hlohlesakhe: Silence treatment. Moving out of
the main bedroom. That woman need to learn. I
don't know what to do to change her I really
Princess: I don't know too. Your wife is not
scared of anything. She take risks that could
ruin her life. When someone does that I just
don't know
I guess the Princess is referring to Nontorotyi's
secret. She thought maybe Nontorotyi knowing
that they know about the secret was gonna help
them change her but she just keeps getting in
trouble. They were now standing next to the car.
Hlohlesakhe: She doesn't understand the fact
that she is only hear because you guys love me.
She keeps doing these disrespectful things
because she knows I will be on her side. I love
her she is my wife and the mother of my three
Princess Nomagampompo looked down when
she heard him say " Three "
Hlohlesakhe: Everything my wife has done ever
since she got here is Wrong. She wronged this
family so many times. If she was someone else
she'd be long gone but she is my wife. All I need
to do right now is show her that she can be
banned and there is nothing I can do about it!
Princess: Brother I am just happy that you see
the kinda woman she is and I am tired of always
making you feel bad about choosing her as your
wife. You have children now and that is why I
accepted her but honestly I will keep going back
there. Nontorotyi is from a village not so far
from here. Marrying her was bad from the start
and she did nothing to show us that You didn't
make mistake for marrying her. How can she
keep helping the woman who was helping her
kill the Queen?
Princess: She knows we know what she did. If
she was remorseful her relationship with
Nontsingizi would be done right now. Her
helping that woman shows there is more to
come and all I can say right now is just prepare
The chief opened the door.
Hlohlesakhe: I have to go speak to her
Princess: Before you go !
The chief looked at his sister
Princess: Chief don't you find it weird that My
Queen didn't confront Shosholoza about what
his wife tried to do to her?
The chief chuckled. He got in the car. He closed
the door Then looked at his sister.
Hlohlesakhe: The Queen always attack when
you least expect her
That made the Princess nervous and a bit
Hlohlesakhe: No one knew she'd go to my house
and beat my wife and throw sofas on top of me.
I think she wants to give them a visit. She didn't
want him to let his wife know and I hope you
won't call and tell him she knows
Princess: No of course not !
Hlohlesakhe: Good
He drove out. The Princess walked back to the
house. She dialled a number.
Shosholoza: What do you want !?
Shosholoza shouted
Princess: I... .
Shosholoza: I want nothing to do with you and
your family ! just lose my number! nxa
disgusting woman! ..... ( tu tu tu tu tu )
Princess Nomagampompo put her phone on her
pocket. She sat down crying. We see Phonqa
behind her
Phonqa: Mom are you oka.....
Princess Nomagampompo jumped up
Princess: Do you have to be everywhere!!!?
Phonqa: Sor...........
His mother ran to the stairs. She walked up.
Phonqa sat down
Phonqa:..... ry for caring

< Nontorotyi >

Oh Thank God my husband is not home. I need
him to find me here relaxed. I don't want him to
suspect that I took a long trip. All I want right
now is my flat shoes, Sit at my living room and
enjoy a glass of my wine and pray that
everything goes well with Zinyovile. I wish her a
safe trip. If I had a plane I was gonna fly her like
Nomakhosazana flew Gedleza. I wish she could
get here soon before they ruin things for us. I
just love the fact that Zinyovile ruined The
Queen's life. I want her to believe what she
believes. I want her to stay believing that her
husband loved Zinyovile. I want her to see that
her beauty is useless. It will never get her any
man. Speaking of men. That woman has never
been with any man or maybe she has. She is
doing this behind our backs. That woman killed
a person. She carries on with her life like
nothing happened. I thought when I see her I
would see a woman who is feeling guilty of
something she's done. That woman is her old
self. She shows no remorse at all of her sins. I
have never seen a woman so cold hearted in my
life. What I said at the project was to test her
conscience but nothing. She didn't seem
bothered at all. But I believe God will punish
her. Her time is coming. We are so unlucky that
God give us punishments while we are alive.
People like Nomakhosazana are lucky.
Anyway first thing I want to do when Zinyovile
comes back is to find out who is marrying my
husband. After that we work on a plan to
eliminate the bitch permanently. She told me I
don't like the woman. I don't think i would
hesitate to kill her and the fact that she said I
won't have to kill anyone else in order for me to
kill her is just a bonus. I just got home. I saw my
kids watching tv
Me: Hey guys
They greeted me back. I went to my room. My
feet are burning. I just remember how I kicked
out my sister in my husband's office.. I need to
apologize to her. I took off my heels. I took my
phone and called her. She didn't take my call.
She is so proud. I don't really care. I have
Zinyovile by my side. I don't need her at all. I
don't want to be close to someone who will keep
stopping me when I want to do something. I
saw the bedroom door open. It's my husband. I
walked to him
Me: My love
I attempted to hug him, he gently pushed me
Me: My love ?
Hlohlesakhe: Where were you ?
Me: I was just driving around my lov.....
Hlohlesakhe: You're lying !!!!
I walked passed him. What is going on? Why is
my husband so mad.
Me: Are you following me around my love ?
Hlohlesakhe: Nontorotyi!!!
He snapped at me. I turned around and looked
at him. Oh My God he is livid. What did Deliwe
tell this man?
Me: My love you raised your voice at me?
Hlohlesakhe: Do you regret trying to kill the
I looked down. Why is this man asking me that?
l thought we were done with this. Why is he
bringing it up now?
Me: Of course I regret and I apologised to you
my love
Hlohlesakhe: If you regret it what was Zinyovile
doing here ?
I walked to the other side. I took my sleeping
shoes. Now he knows she was here?
Me: I am going fire Deliwe for telling you about
everything I do !
Hlohlesakhe: What was that woman doing here
I looked at him. Why do I feel like he won't
believe a word I say. Why do I feel like he is
asking me something he knows?
Me: What woman baby
Hlohlesakhe: Nontorotyi Dimbaza What was
Zinyovile doing in my house ?
Me: Oh her
I attempted to walk pass, He grabbed my wrist
Hlohlesakhe: Yes her! you think I am a fool don't
you ?
Me: Baby don't be angry. I asked her to leave. I
told her I want nothing to do with her! I told her
Hlohlesakhe: Was that before or after you gave
her money to go to Swaziland?
Oh no. Hlohlesakhe knows every detail. I sat
Me: I felt bad. She was desperate
Hlohlesakhe: So you went behind our backs and
gave a woman who has been working against
my family for years ?
Me: Baby she once helped me. I was rertuning a
Hlohlesakhe: You betrayed the family. You know
that woman is a witch. She helped you try kill
the Queen How do you think she feels now
knowing what you did?
Me: Please don't tell her. Zinyovile came here.
She said she needs money to visit a friend in
Swaziland. She didn't give me any details. I don't
know how I betrayed The Queen I really don't!
Hlohlesakhe: I am not going to repeat the same
thing to you. You got help from her to kill the
Queen. How do you think everyone feels?
Hlohlesakhe: I am going to call the elders on
you. You're out of control
I ran to him. I tried to take his hands. I was
crying now. I might be out of control but I
cannot stand being the centre of attention. I
could be in front of those old men and women. I
know they'd leave the royal house and go
around telling people about it. I don't want
people to hate me or disrespect me even more.
This is not happening to me. How can I be so
stupid. How can I not think of Gedleza. Why did
I help Zinyovile but how could I not ? Everyone
knows how great that woman has been to me. I
couldn't let her go without what she wanted.
Having her by my side is better than sitting here
like a fool waiting for people to take advantage
of me. I have to know everything that is to
happen. I mean one of my nephews know
Ngejiwe is not my husband's daughter. I need
Zinyovile. I need to know every move the royal
house make.
Me: I am sorry baby she was so sad and crying
for help. I had to help her. I really had to
Hlohlesakhe: Nontorotyi that woman used Muti
to all of us and my late brother. She lied about
my father! the first chief of this village. What do
you think my father feels about you right now ?
I looked up. I put my hands together on my chest
then looked up.
Me: Ahhhhh Dubulingqanga. Forgive me my
chief. Forgive me
Hlohlesakhe: Nontorotyi a daughter in law is not
allowed to call her father in law by his name.
You're not fit to be my wife and I cannot believe
I see it after almost 22 years of our marriage !
That cut my heart deep. I never thought I would
hear him say that.
Me: My love don't say that
Hlohlesakhe: How can you do this to my family?
How could you!?
Me: Baby I am sorry please forgive me. You
know I am a good person. I was just helping her
because she was there for me. I don't have any
friends! you know that. That woman is the only
person who sees me as a human being
Hlohlesakhe: Nontorotyi don't lie you're not a
good person !
Oh my God What? Did my husband say that ?
Did this man say this to me? I put my hand on
my chest. This can't be happening to me not
when He is about to marry another woman. He
can't hate me!
Me: My love
Hlohlesakhe: And it is your fault that you don't
have any friends!
I was just crying with my hand on my mouth.
Who is this? This is not my husband. He
attempted to walk away. I grabbed his wrist
Me: My bab.....
He yanked his arm. I fell next to the bed. He
walked to the door then opened
We both were shocked to see Who was at the
door when he opened.
Hlohlesakhe: Gedleza are you eavesdropping on
your chief?
Gedleza: No my chief. I am sent by the ancestors.
I am glad I found you two together
I jumped up wiping my tears. What is this about
now? I hope that is not a punishment for me.
Hlohlesakhe: What is it?
Gedleza: I am ready to talk an heir
I ran to the door
Me: You are? Do you agree to the surrogacy?
Gedleza looked at me. He didn't say anything. He
turned his attention to My husband.
Gedleza: Come see my after The King's
Gedleza looked at me then at my husband
Gedleza: Alone
I swallowed hard. I thought he said it was good
that we are here together. How could he say
Hlohlesakhe: I will be there
Gedleza vanished.
Me: My lo.....
Hlohlesakhe gave me a hand then walked out.
Things are not going well for me. Why me?
What have I done to this family to be treated like
this ?

< Priscella >
Wow I am so proud of my friend. She is my role
model. I was worried about her but what I see
online is amazing. Brendan and Isaiah are
trashed even more. They were trashed in the
morning but what is happening right now is
worse. This is amazing. Everyone is on Sonia's
side. I love this. When we were planning this we
never thought the results were gonna be exactly
as we wished. I am satisfied. I love this. I am so
happy for myself. I really am. I cannot wait for
her to come home so I could give her a hug. I
hope she stops by work because I wanna see her
and I can't go home now. I need to work.
Anyway forgive me for being too excited. You
cannot blame me. Brendan also wronged me.
That man insulted me. That first article had my
name and my husband's name on it. He aired
our dirty laundry to Isaiah and the country. I
didn't forget that. I hate him for what he did to
me. Let's talk about the phone call I just got. A
woman called my man's phone demanding to
speak to him. I can't wait to get home and talk to
him about it. The woman's number is not saved
that's probably why I was rude. Well she was
rude as well because I answered telling her who
I was. She should've nicely asked me to give my
husband then I was gonna tell her nicely that I
have it at work. Now that he was announced as
a king, I know these girls will go after him. I am
ready for them all. I am tired of gold digging
women going around seducing men for their
Anyway I heard my office telephone rings. I took
it and answered
Me: Priscella
Caller: Ma'am there's someone who is here to
see you
It's algebra
Me: Who is it ?
Algebra: Celebrity manager Mandy
Me: Send her in
I hung up. I stood up. I wonder what is this
woman doing here. She is Brendan and Isaiah's
manager. I don't like both those men. And I don't
see anything that can involve me in that. I can't
stand them. I heard a knock. I walked to the
door. I opened
Me: Hi
Her: Hi Priscella. I have been waiting for you
call !
She said walking in. This woman is so rude..
Me: Do you want anything to drink ?
Her: I am very busy these days. My clients are
just messed up!
How is that my problem?
Her: Speaking of my clients. Why do I have to
hear That EJ is in rehab from Rich Kids
I don't think we understand each other. I feel
like she should've come and spoke to me nicely.
She is assuming things now and I don't like it. I
walked to my desk
Me: Why woul I tell you that about my brother! I
asked that man to keep it to himself!
Mandy chuckled
Mandy: What about his manager?
I looked at her. She is my brother's manager?
Me: You're my brother's mother?
Mandy: You did...
Me: I didn't even know my brother had a
manager. I don't understand why you came here
shouting because you and I never sat on a table
have drink with my brother. You come here
shouting and so sure that I know you're his
Mandy: I am so sorry. I thought you knew
Me: I didn't know and I don't think i would've
approved of you working together no offense
Mandy: Why ? I said I was wrong
Me: It's not That, It's about your other clients.
Those two men don't respect my brother. I don't
want him to be connected with any of them
Mandy: I am just their manager there is no
connection between them
Me: I was just saying
Mandy: I am sorry. Those two men you're
talking about are out of control. So when is EJ
coming out?
Me: I don't know. I wanted him to stay there for
months but he has school and he will be
shooting that show January. So Maybe in
Mandy: Can you give me his address. I need to
go see him. I care about my clients
I took my handbag. I attemped to open it and
take out a card. My cell phone rang
Me: Sorry
Mandy: Okay
I took my phone. It's rehab. I answered.
Me: Priscella ?
Receptionist: Hello Ms Priscella. I was calling to
find out what time are you picking up your
Me: Why ? My brother is not coming out today
as far as I know....
Receptionist: Ma'am your mother is coming back
from USA today. She said he must be released
I cannot believe this. I sat on my chair
Me: Listen here lady. My fiancè and I paid for
his stay there. I say no, He is not going anywhere
Her: Okay ma'am
I hung up
Me: I cannot believe this !
Mandy: He is coming out ?
Me: That's what I was just told
I took My handbag again. I took out the card
Me: Go see him. he is not going anywhere
Mandy: Thank you
She walked out. I stood up. I don't even have the
energy to call that woman. I don't know how my
mother thinks. That woman don't use her brains
for important things. Business is all she is has
brains for and I am afraid business is not
important more than my brother's life. She must
understand that. I am not gonna call her. I made
the call. I hope the centre will respect my
Me: Mom you're going to kill My brother

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
I cannot believe this. I cannot believe what May
created in this child. She was very young when I
last saw her. I remember her husband's ex left
Univese when she was very young. I am really
shocked to see this man here. I am more than
shocked to hear that I have to kill this young
man. I cannot do this. I cannot kill anyone at
Sdabadabeni. What will I do with the body. Did
she have to bring this body here? Did she have
to bring that man here. She should've done this
herself. I appreciate that they are helping me
hide what I did but this is too much. I am a
royalty Queen. I cannot kill again. I killed that
Journalist by mistake and I will regret it for the
rest of my life but another murder? I don't think
i can do this. I cannot kill this man. I pray he
doesn't wake up. What got into them. Why are
they so determined to get me arrested? Why this
mean so much to them. I wish they stayed and
minded their business. He wouldn't be here now
if he shut his mouth.
Anyway I was sitting on the floor crying. I
looked at Universe. It's dark I don't see her
clearly. I stood up then wiped my tears.
Me: Why did you bring this man here ?
Universe: Do you know the risk I took to get this
man here ? Auntie I found him infront of the
police station. He went there to report you. I ran
after him. I pretended to be a detective. That is
how I got him to come with me to the car
Me: How did you get him sleep?
Universe walked across the room. She picked up
Universe: I injected him with a strong sedatives
Me: Why didn't you kill him ?
She looked at me
Universe: Because this is your mess. My mother
said I should make sure you're not going to jail
but she also said I shouldn't kill anyone
I walked away
Me: May is trying to traumatize me !
Universe: No! she is trying to show you that
sometimes you don't want to kill, You are just
forced by the situation. She says you used to
judge her. She wants you to see how she got to
this life
Me: We are at Sdabadabeni! what am I going do
with his body?
She got a message notification. She took the
phone.l then raised it
Universe: It's his phone
She read out loud.
Me: Oh my God someone else knows ?
Universe: It looks that way. That's why I want
you to kill this man !
Me: No!
" Who are you? Where am I ? " said a voice
behind us. UniveRse pointed a torch at him
Universe: He is awake kill him!
Man: No! please don't kill me! please I swear I
won't say anything
Universe gave me a gun
Universe: He is lying ! I don't know how many
people said that and betrayed mom and I. Kill
him aunt!
Me: No I can't!
Univese: Kill him!
She forced me to take the gun. I took the gun. I
looked at this boy. His eyes were wide open like
a cat in the dark. He looked scared
Him: Please don't kill me I am begging you
Universe looked away
Universe: If it was my mother she'd have long
done th.........
If this is the only way to stay out of jail then
forgive me God. I didn't wait for her to finish. I
pulled the trigger
Me: ---------> ( BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! )
I shot at him for times. When I pressed the
trigger for the fifth time nothing came out. I was
crying looking at this boy dead and bleedy on
that chair. Universe turned around smiling
Me: What are we going to do with his body....
Univese: This is a body bag. I am going to put
him in this bag then take him to his girlfriend
She said untying him and putting him in the
body bag
Me: Ain't you gonna be arrested ?
Universe: I am going to kill her before she does
Me: No!! please don't kill her !
Universe looked at me. May created a monster
in this girl. She is cold. She was fuming with
Universe: I am not going to kill her
Me: Do you promise? She is just a young girl. I
don't want anyone who kill women please
Universe: Oh Auntie.......
She tapped my shoulder then walked passed me.
She didn't remove her hand. She looked at me
Universe: You thought that journalist was the
first and the last right?
Thinking about him makes me so guilty. I looked
down. I saw her looking at that body bag
Universe: What is in that body bag? someone's
body! Don't say never. Women are the most
provoking ones. They are stubborn. They don't
take no for an answer so please don't say you
won't kill any woman. Tell me who is causing
problems in your life? Is it men or women?
When she asked that question Nontsingizi,
Nontorotyi and Nomfunzelo came to mind
Universe: It's women right?
Me: Please don't kill that girl!
Universe: I won't kill her. I am going to put a
note inside her boyfriend's mouth. In that letter
there will be a message
Me: What message is that?
Universe: She opens her mouth, she dies the
same way her boyfriend died

< Sonia De Villiers >
Haven't this man hurt me enough? God haven't I
suffered enough? Why did you make this man so
selfish! What I expected was for him to
understand me and want to free me from all the
pain he put me through but no. This man is
prepared to keep hurting me. He doesn't feel
anything for me. Like always all that matters is
himself. He doesn't care about me and my
feelings. He makes me sick. I hate him. I am not
leaving this place until I get what I want. I have
been standing at this door for thirty minutes
now. Brendan don't want to open the door. I
thought maybe it was because he looked
through the door and saw cameras but no. He
doesn't want to speak to me. I really don't know
what to do. I don't want to speak to him either.
All I want is his signature on this papers. That is
all I want. I am so happy that I am not losing
anything and I have to thank my father for that.
He didn't trust Brendan. He said the only time
he will accept him is when we both agree to sign
a pre-nup. Brendan was not happy obviously. He
said I didn't trust him but he had to sign because
I am wealthy because of my father. I couldn't
share his wealth with someone he doesn't like.
He believed that we'd never last and now I see
what he saw. My father was always right. All
along he saw something I could not see.
Anyway I am knocking here. The producer said I
should give up but no, Like I said. I am not
leaving without this Signature.
Me: I had a miscarriage! You saw me at hospital.
What did you do ? You went and slept with
Elton's ex girlfriend. What kinda man are you ?
I said hitting the door hard
Me: Open up you coward!!!
He never said a word to me. I don't know why
he can't even say one word. I hate him. I swear I
do. I don't know what I will do to him when he
finally opens this door. I swear I will kill him for
everything he did to me not only for making me
stand here for over thirty minutes.
Producer: Sonia we have to leave. He is not
going to open up
Me: He will!!!
I looked at the door
Me: Do you hear me Brendan? You will sign
these papers!
Bodyguard: Ms De Villiers, Why don't we all Go
and speak to the manager and ask for the
master key. You're this man's wife. You're
allowed to get in his hotel room
Me: You're right !
We walked down the passage. We got to the
elevator. It opened
Bodyguard: After you ma'am
I walked in. They all walked in. We went
downstairs. They walked out, I followed. We
walked to the front desk. While walking there.
We heard people crying. Journalists who were
outside running behind the building. The crew
ran out to check. I was left with bodyguards. I
walked to the lady
Me: My husband is here.....
I took off my shades
Me: You know my husband. The actor right?
Her: Yes ma'am. Mr Brendan O'Neal. He is all
over the papers everyone knows him
Me: Well I am here to see him. He doesn't want
to open up for me. I am his wife. So can you help
me open his hotel room ?
Lady: Ma'am he is our client. We can't do that to
him. If he doesn't want to be disturbed. As the
hotel we should respect that
Me: What about me!!!!?
I shouted. She was frightened. I looked around
then at her
Me: I am sorry. It's just that I need to se.....
I felt someone tap my shoulder. I looked at him.
It's the bodyguard. Once I looked at him. He
used his head pointing behind me. I turned
around. I saw a lot of people standing looking at
me. They were so many. Even the journalists.
Some were crying some just had their eyes
popped out with hands on their mouth. What is
it? Do I have blood running down my legs? I
looked down my legs. " Sorry ma'am " someone
said. I looked up. It was a man in a suit
Him: I am the hotel manager
Me: I need to see my husband. Please give me
the keys to his roo....
Manager: Ma'am
He looked so nervous
Me: What is it ?
Manager: I am sorry ma'am
Me: Sorry ? What are you sorry for? He is my
Manager: Ma'am your husband jumped off The
window from 5th floor
Oh My God no
Manager: The people you saw running were
going there. He passed on
Me: Oh My God
I looked behind me. I almost fell. What are they
talking about? Brendan fell off the building?. My
bodyguards held me nor fall
Bodyguard: Are you okay ma'am?
Me: Get me out of here!



< Narrated >
Brendan's passing came as a shock to everyone
even those who hated him. No one understands
how it feels like to lose someone who has been
part of important moments in your life. It
doesn't matter how much you hate them, when
you hear that they passed it just click that this is
final. You will never see or talk to this person.
You can imagine how Sonia feels. She is angry.
She wanted to shout at Brendan so that she
could start with healing process but she didn't
get that chance. She just found out the man who
caused her so much pain is dead. She is beating
herself up for it. She regrets the things she was
saying when she was waiting for him to open
the door. She feels like she is partly the reason of
this man's suicide. She is scared. It is like he is
going to haunt her for the rest of her life.
Anyway we see Sonia running out of the hotel
with her bodyguards. The reporters ran after
J1: Sonia did you talk to him? Did you give him
the papers ! for
She was crying walking fast to the car.
J2: Do you think he killed himself because you
divorced him ?
The chauffeur opened the door. Sonia Walked
in. The chauffeur closed the door.
Bodyguard: Do you guys have no shame at all?
She just lost her husband. Just move away !
He ran to another car. Sonia's chauffeur drove

We have to find out how Tasha feels. Sonia was
not the only woman who felt like she was
betrayed by Brendan. They were both mad at
the guy. It's clear Sonia feels sorry for Brendan.
She feels like she could turn the times and bring
him back and do things differently. How does
Tasha feel? Does she feel the same way Sonia is
feeling? We see Tasha sitting on the couch with
Laila. She was looking at her phone. She was
shocked to see this. She kept playing the video
that was taken of Brendan falling.
Laila: I am so sorry friend. This is so awful
Tasha stood up. She did not say anything. We see
her friend stands up as well.
Laila: It must be sad. A man you just slept with
him last night now he is dead
Tasha didn't respond to that too. She was just
standing looking into thin air thinking. Laila
walked closer to her. She hugged Tasha
Laila: I am so so....
Tasha removed Laila's hands from her. She
walked away flipping her hair leaving Laila
Tasha stopped walking..
Tasha: I should've stayed
Laila walked to her
Laila: Oh friend no, You didn't know he was
gonna die
Tasha turned around. She looked at Laila.
Tasha: If I stayed maybe I was gonna be able to
comfort him. Make him feel better
Tasha: Friend you can't blam....
Tasha: That would've saved him. Think about it
friend. I dated him when I felt nothing for him
Laila was a little confused. She didn't know
where she was going with this
Tasha looked At Laila
Tasha: Think about this, If I was able to pretend
to love him what was gonna stop me from
pretending after finding out about his sexuality?
if I can be with someone I don't love because I
want something from them, I don't see why I
can't be with them when they are gay. I just
ruined an opportunity to be a housewife just
like that
Laila: Wait......
Tasha looked at Laila.
Laila: Here I was thinking that you were hurting
Tasha: I am hurting!!
Laila: No! you're hurting because you lost an
opportunity to become a housewife on tv
Tasha: What else would I be hurting for ?
Laila: A dead man maybe ?
Tasha carried her trash plastics.
Tasha: I couldn't careless about the man
Laila put her hands on her mouth
Tasha: Brendan O'Neal made a fool of me. He
didn't tell me he fuck boys! I mean look at me! a
beautiful woman like myself sleeping with a gay
boy! that's so gross !
She looked at Laila
Tasha: Where am I gonna sleep friend ?
Laila: That room
She said pointing at it. She was still shocked.
Tasha: Thank you darling. We should go out
drinking later ;)
Laila just faked a smile. Tasha walked to the
room humming a song
Laila: Wow

< Priscella >
I couldn't stay at work. That phone call really
made me worried. What if it's not that
Nomaxabiso girl. What if it is another girl who
wants my husband. I have to be prepared for
such things. I needed to speak to Masixole about
it and I was also hoping to find Sonia back at
home but I don't think she is here. I think I am
the first person she'd have called and told me
she was back. Another thing that made me leave
is that phone call from Rehab. How can my
mother do this? It's not even two weeks yet. How
could she do this. Elton is not ready to come out
of rehab. I am sorry she will have to forgive me.
He is not getting out of there. If I am the person
who is supposed to fetch him then he must
forget it. Things at the penthouse are better
without him. When my brother is around I have
to worry about him. He is in a better place. Him
wanting to come out after a week shows he
doesn't want to be there and he doesn't see why
he was sent there in the first place. That shows
he is still an addict. He is manipulating mother
and she is falling for it. She didn't even tell me
she was coming home today. I am glad Algebra
decided to leave today. Mom was gonna
question his stay here and cause drama.
Anyway I walked out of the elevator. I saw my
man sitting on the couch.
Me: Hey baby
He looked at my direction .
Him: Is it 4 pm already?
Me: What? you didn't miss me ?
Him: No, I am just surprised to see you baby
I Kissed him then sat next to him
Me: Who helped you come down here ?
Him: Aaron stopped by he helped me
Me: Okay you received a call
Him: From ?
Me: A number. You don't have it saved in your
phone. It's A woman who got mad when I
answered. She wanted to speak to you
Masixole: It was not the Queen right?
Me: No, I know her voice besides your mom
knows me. She was not gonna be that rude
Masixole: I deleted Nomaxabiso's number from
my phone when I came here but I have it in my
diary maybe it was her
Me: She must stop calling my man ! how dare
she speak to me like that. I am your wife!
Masixole: Why don't we call the number and tell
her that ?
Me: Tell her what?
Masixole: That you're my wife and she shouldn't
speak to you in that manner
I laughed. I took his phone. Don't judge me He
suggested it. I dialled the woman's number. Her
phone rang. She answered
Nomaxabiso: Thank God you came back to me
my king
I looked at Zwelicacile then remembered he
can't see me.
Me: I.....
Masixole: What do you want Nomaxabiso?
Nomaxabiso: wow that's rude. We haven't talked
since I left the royal house. Remember you said
you will ask permission to marry me. What did
that woman say ?
Me: That woman said no! You will never marry
my husband !
Nomaxabiso: He was mine first! he is my
husband our families mad.......
Me: Oh spare me that nonsense! Why did you
lose him? Masixole is my husband. I am his first
wife and I say you're not going to be his wife!
Nomaxabiso: It's not up to you sweetheart. You
will never go against what the ancestors want !
I chuckled
Me: You mean the same ancestors who kicked
your ass out of The royal house?
Nomaxabiso: You're a real commoner! I can
hear it from your voice
I hung up. I don't have time for ratchet rural
girls. She will never be my sister wife ever.
Me: I don't have time to be fighting with this
bitch. Who said I was a commoner to her ?
Masixole: I guess She assumed
Me: Like you did?
He touched me. He pulled me closer to him.
Masixole: People don't think there are royal
people living in the city. I didn't think you were
a royal princess but I feel like I was sent to you
by ancestors. They knew and I am glad they did
I Kissed him. My phone disturbed us. I looked at
What does Hungani want from me ? I stood up
Me: Baby I have to take this
I answered
Me: Hello ?
Hungani: I saw what happened to Brendan. It's
Me: Sad? That man is responsible for the lies
that were written about me and my Man!
Hungani: Priscella I know he was a jerk but you
can't say that about someone who is dead
Me: Dead?
Masixole looked at me curious just as I am. what
does this man mean when he says " someone
who is dead" ?
Hungani: You don't know ?
Me: Know what?
The Elevator opened. Sonia walked in.
Hungani: Priscella Brendan jumped off the
building. Check the news
Me: Oh My God
I threw my phone on the couch
Me: Brendan is dead ?
Masixole: What?
Sonia ran to me and threw herself at me. I
hugged her tight. She was crying so hard. I
looked at Bodyguards then nodded my head.
They walked back to the elevator and left.
Me: Friend what happened?
Sonia: I couldn't see him. He didn't want to open
the door. It's my fault. It's my fault he is dea.....
I broke the hug
Me: This is not your fault!!!
Sonia: Priscella He couldn't take the humiliation.
He took his own life and it's all becau....
Me: Sonia shut up!!!
She is crying and scared. She can't do this to
herself. This man didn't love her. He didn't give
a damn about her. Yes it is sad he is dead but
this is all his fault not hers!
Me: You didn't lie to a partner, he did! he slept
with other men and women. Now he was caught
and it is not your fault! do you hear me ?
Sonia: But......
Me: Sonia!!!!
I Snapped. She is making me angry. I was
shaking her face holding her cheeks
Me: Listen to me! You didn't push that man off
that building. He humiliated you! he cheated on
you !!
Me: None of this is your fault and I don't ever
wanna hear you say it is your fault do you hear
me ?
Sonia: Maybe if we di......
I gave her death stare then looked at my
Me: Baby we will be back
I pulled her to the balcony. I closed the door
Then looked at her.
Me: Sonia don't you dare do this to us!!!
Sonia: He was a human Prissy
Me: A horrible human!. He hurt you! all we did
was expose his cheating. He was not the first
man exposed for his cheating in the papers. Hell
that man didn't care who sees him cheating.
Look at his bitch Tasha! He was with her in
public while married to you ! while you were in
hospital lost a child and hurting !!
Sonia sat down. I sat next to her. I took her
Me: Brendan did not respect you. He did not love
you. All he saw in you was his toy. Someone he
could use so he could cover his sexuality and he
used you to get respect from public. Can't you
see that?
Sonia: Why does it hurt so much. I can't help the
guilt I have
I stood up. I opened the balcony
Me: Notiniphu please make sweet water and put
a bit of salt and bring it here !
Notiniphu: Okay ma'am!
Masixole looked at my direction
Him: Is she okay ?
Me: She will be. I will be there with you shortly
I closed the balcony. I went and sat next to her.
Me: You need to remember the reasons you did
what you did. You found out he betrayed us all
to the papers. You also found out he was
sleeping with men. You even lost your child for
it! did he care at all?
Sonia wiped her tears. She was thinking about it
Me: He didn't give a damn. He was going up and
down the city with Tasha. He didn't think it was
important to be with You do you know why?
" Because he didn't care or love you ! " I looked
at the door. It's uncle
Sonia: Daddy
She ran to him and hugged him. He came with
Hunter: Hey Prissy
Me: Hello Hunter
Uncle: That man died there because he couldn't
handle his sins. It was too much. He humiliated
you, Priscella and Masixole to the papers and he
couldn't take the humiliation. He was a coward
Me: And a disgusting cheat
They broke the hug. She looked at Hunter. They
hugged. Uncle came to me. I whispered at him.
Me: She is falling apart and She regrets
blackmailing him
Uncle: Sonia needs to be strong. The......
The door opened. Notiniphu brought water.
Notiniphu: Ma'am the police are downstairs.
They are here to see Ms Sonia
Oh Boy this can't be good. This can't be good at
all. Sonia looked scared when she heard the
police are here to see her. I took the glass, I went
to Sonia
Me: Drink up! you need to be calm and think
about every answer you give the police
She took the water and drank it.
Uncle: Let's go attend to them. I just heard the
We walked out. We saw them walking out of the
Officer: Good afternoon I am detective Danger
He looked at his two colleagues
Him: This is Officer Molefe and this is detective
Uncle: Welcome please take a sit
They sat down. We sat as well. Detective Danger
looked at Sonia.
Danger: I am sorry for your loss and I am sorry
for doing this now at this difficult time
I looked at Sonia. She better be strong and not
rat us. I have a company to run. I have a baby
growing in my stomach. I cannot go to jail.
Sonia: Thank you
Danger: We'd like to do this at the police station
but we understand how you might be feeling.
We just have a few questions for you
Sonia: Okay ?
Danger: Obviousy Mr O'Neal took his own life
but we have to do something and we cannot
ignore what led to his death......
We were just sitting there. I looked at Uncle. He
looked guilty. I looked at Sonia same thing. I am
sure I look the same because I feel guilty.
Danger: Ma'am We saw your video speaking to
the press. You said he was blackmailed
Uncle and I looked at each other then at Sonia.
She better be careful
Sonia: My husband was acting strange. He didn't
tell me he was being blackmailed til I got the
message in my phone.That is when I found out
about the blackmail
Danger: Ma'am can you show us the message
Oh no! Sonia looked at me. She got more teary
and nervous. I quickly chuckled taking attention
from her. I made sure she doesn't say anything I
was thinking what to say. The officers looked at
Me: I am sure she doesn't know what happened
to the message
I was shaking my head smiling. Sonia was
looking at me with Questioning eyes
Danger: Why is that ?
Me: Because I was at the hospital when Sonia
had a miscarriage. She was heavily sedated
when Brendan arrived. I confronted him
because I has Sonia's phone. He got angry and
deleted the message. He said he was gonna fix
Uncle smiled
Danger: So there is no message ?
Me: Nope, unless you check Brendan's phone
maybe you might find the message or messages
Uncle: Yes you should talk to the people of that
hotel. He wasn't staying with my daughter
Detective Danger stood up
Him: Thank you for your time. We will look at
his belongings and also We have to go to the
journalist who wrote today's paper
We looked at each other then smiled at him
Uncle: Good luck detective and keep us updated
here is my card
They walked to the elevator. I went and stood
next to Uncle while looking at them walking into
the elevator
Me: Should we be worried?
Uncle: No, I called the journalist with a burner
phone. When she went to fetch the information
it was there with no one. She doesn't know who
gave her the information
I felt someone put her arms around my
shoulders. It's Sonia
Sonia: Thank you for saving me with that SMS
question. I didn't know what to say
Me: We are not going to jail because of that man

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
I killed two people with in two days. What kinda
person am i? I am a monster. I cannot believe
the ancestors encourage this. I am saying they
encourage this because if they didn't want me to
do this they should've let Gedleza allow me to go
see Nomfunzelo. They didn't. They wanted me to
finish what I started. Did I finish it though ? did
I? another person is out there and she knows
about me. What is going to happen? Do I have to
kill her as well? I am tired of this. This is not me.
I am not a killer. I am not like my cousin sister. I
am a woman who do things by the books, Well I
used to. It looks like after Monday I am no
longer that person anymore. I just killed in two
consecutive days. I am a horrible person. I don't
even want my son to know this. It is just too
Anyway few minutes ago Universe went to fetch
her car from My property leaving me with this
dead man. I still cannot believe it. I can't believe
I took another innocent life. Who am I ? Why did
i do this. I know it was something I had to do but
i wish there was another way not murder.
Anyway she brought the car to the door. This
girl put This body in this body bag. She put the
man on her shoulders and carried him to the
Universe: Let's go I want to say hi to your family
then leave
I got in the car. She drove. We went to my house.
Me: Please park the car outside my property
I don't want a dead person in My house. She
walked out of the car. My family walked out. My
phone rang
Me: Go say your goodbyes while I am speaking
to your mom
She smiled at me then walked to them. She was
hugging them. I saw a smile in my sister in law's
face. At least she is smiling. That shows she
forgives her for earlier. I answered the call.
Me: NoDolly was this necessary?
May: What?
I looked around then leaned on the car then
remembered there's a dead man in it. I moved
away from it.
Me: send that man here alive for me to kill? May
I am not a murderer !
May: He he he he. Cuz can you say that again ?
I lowered my voice breathing heavily
Me: I am no murderer!
May: What happened to the journalist your
She is making me angry. I hate what I did.
May: You need to relax. You will never see jail.
We will make sure of it.
Me: I hope you're telling the truth
May: My daughter is very smart. I know she will
make sure the police have no lead
I looked around
Me: May she wants to deliver the body to the
man's girlfriend. This is risky! what if she gets
caught then tell on me
May: She gets caught she takes the blame. My
daughter and I love taking risks. She is going to
love running away being chased by the people
of that city
Me: It's risky!
May: And fun
I hung up
Me: Oh aunt Florence you had no daughter in
I said tears streaming down my cheeks. I leaned
on the car then remembered again. It has a dead
man in there. I saw Universe leaving them
walking to me. I looked away. I wiped my tears.
Universe: Auntie I am leaving
I turned around with a big smile in my face
Me: Have a safe trip and be careful
She hugged me then whispered.
Universe: I am going to set me up. They will turn
their attention to me not you. Believe me you're
not going to jail
I broke the hug fast
Me: No! you can't go to jail for something I did.
You told me you're a mother of twins and Your
mother would kill me
Universe: This is what she would love. I am
doing this for her
Me: I am sorry
Universe: You might never see me again
She kissed my cheek then got in the car. She
drove away. I was just watching the car drinking
away. She is going to set herself up ? I can't
forgive myself if she goes to jail.
< Priscella >
I am not going to jail because of Brendan. He
can't make our lives miserable when he was
alive and do the same when he is dead. I am
going to make an example with a few
individuals in a second. I can't lie and say I
wasn't scared when the police came to my
house. I was scared because Sonia was falling
apart. I understand why she felt the way she did.
She was married to that man. Some of The
decisions we made led to his suicide but we
didn't push him. Call Me cold but I am not going
to feel bad for anything I suggested regarding
Brendan. He deserved everything he got. That
man never liked me. He hated me. I was his
wife's best friend but he never tried to get along
with me. He was a bastard. A useless human
being. I hate him. I hate him for everything he
put us through and I am afraid a few individuals
are going to pay for it. In few days I am going to
the Eastern Cape. When I come back I want this
chapter closed. I don't want anything or anyone
who will talk about Brendan.
Anyway I left Uncle Kobus at my house. He ,
Hunter and my Man are with Sonia. For me it is
business as usual. I had a meeting in town. I
came with Algebra and my chauffeur. The
meeting went well. Now we are driving back.
The chauffeur stopped next to Isaiah's
publication offices. Algebra looked at me
Him: And now?
Me: Let's walk to that building
He didn't ask. He put down his bag. The
chauffeur opened the door for us we walked to
the offices. We were welcomed with open arms.
If I was them I wouldn't. They won't like what I
have to say. We were directed to a boardroom.
They say there is a meeting. We got to the
boardroom. Their boss was talking. We stood at
the door.
Her: Okay now that we are done discussing
tomorrow's paper. There is something I want to
talk to you about ......
They all looked at her
Her: Isaiah Norman is no longer working for
this publication . We can't be associated with
I looked at Algebra, I smiled. Good, they did the
right thing. Some of them saw us. The boss
looked at us.
Her: Priscella Seputla! what an honour
I looked at Everyone
Me: Hello everyone. I am glad i found all of you
They all looked at me..
Me: I am sure you know why I am here right ?
Boss: I am not sure?
Me: Weeks ago you published lies about me, My
fiancé and my friend Sonia
Boss: That was Isaiah Norman. I fired him. We
want nothing to do with him
Me: What about us ?
Boss: You ? What do you mean what about you ?
Me: Someone who works for you slept with my
friend's husband for a story. He wrote all kind of
lies about us. And you ma'am didn't even reach
out to us to find out if all that was true
Boss: He was my editor. I trusted him. I do...
Me: Look what happened ! I don't know how
things work here but I know business.
Everything goes through the boss before it is
Boss: What do you want from us I just told you I
fired him. I thought that would make you happy
and show you that I don't condone what
Norman did
Me: Ma'am I want an apology
Boss: From Isaiah or us ?
Me: I don't think i would be discussing this with
you if I wanted it from Isaiah. I don't want to
talk to that sick man
Boss: I am sorry our publication published false
news about you. It won't happen again I swear
Algebra looked at me. I folded my arms on my
chest. I looked at this woman.
Me: That is not good enough ma'am
Her: Excuse me ? What do you want us to do?
Me: Tomorrow's paper. I want my apology there.
I want a piece on the front page if you can't do
that then we will see you in court
Her: What !?
Me: I want a public apology from you and I want
it out tomorrow
She chuckled then shook her head in disbelief.
She looked at her workers. They also had the
same reaction. I looked at them one by one
Me: Then I guess you're ready to be sued by
powerful business moguls in Johannesburg. I am
here on my behalf. I want a million rands from
you. I don't know how much my fiancé will want
from you
Boss lady swallowed hard. I walked to the door.
I turned around
Me: Don't get me started with Sonia. She might
charge you a lot of money because she is the one
you hurt the most
I continued with my journey..
Boss: Wait!!!
I smiled. I didn't turn around. I just put my left
leg front of the other with my hands on my
Boss: You will get your apology!
I turned around.
Me: Tomorrow right?
Boss: Yes. Tomorrow you will get your apology
Me: Thank you
I looked at Algebra
Me: Let's go

< Nomaxabiso >
Earlier after speaking to my mother. I felt so
bad. I really felt like a disappointment to my
family. My mother made me feel so bad. If that
was her plan then she succeeded in it. I feel like
hell right now. I am heartbroken. It broke my
heart to hear mother say the things she said to
me. I guess what makes me more hurt is seeing
the damage that is done by my mistakes. An
hour ago, I got a Call from The King. I was happy
and excited that he heard I called and he called
me back. I felt so special to him but I wish I
didn't answer. That feeling I felt was great And
amazing. I didn't want to stop feeling like I was
loved and cared for by the king. I am beating
myself up for answering. I feel like I'd better not
know how he feels about his wife. Now I know
and it kills me. He answered a Call and put me
on speaker for his wife to hear. How can he
disrespect me like this ? How can he do me like
that? Traditionally I am his first wife and he
should respect me more especially in front of his
wife. Something tells me that man knows
something. It's either he saw me here or he
thinks I am hiding something. Remember
Gedleza said I wronged the ancestors in front of
his family. They know I did something. That is
why Masixole is so rude. I didn't expect him to
ask me what I want. We didn't have a fight when
i left the royal house. I expected him to be nice
to me. This man slept with me. I expected him to
show me some respect.
Anyway I am walking up and down my room. I
am pacing up and down just to clear my head
and start thinking of a plan. I need to prove my
mother wrong. I am the Ndengana bride. I am
going to make sure that happens. I need to go to
the Royal house. The Queen loves me. She said I
am a Good woman for her son. I saved that
woman. I am connected to the ancestors
something I can't say about that city Commoner.
I took my phone. I dialled the Queen's number.
Her phone rang. She answered
Nomakhosazana: Yes ?
Yes? Is that the way to answer a call? I saved her
from death! why everyone is so cold ?
Me: My Queen it's been a while
Her: What is it Nomaxabiso?
Something is going on her. Something I dont
know is going on.
Me: My Queen I was calling to ask how far are
you with persuadin.....
" where is She? where is this disgraceful girl!
Nomaxabiso get out of there !!!" That was my
father shouting in the living room coming to the
bedrooms. Oh my God I am doomed. I hung up
the call then threw my phone on my bed.
Me: Think Nomaxabiso think!!!
I was pacing up and down my room My father is
coming here and he is livid.
Me: Think Nomaxabiso think!
My bedroom door opened. I quickly wiped my
tears. I saw my father at the door.
Dad: What is wrong with you! Why are you
doing this to Me!!! why are you ruining our
I was just standing there looking at my father
scared. He is at the door which means if he
wanna beat me he can so easily.
Dad: Get out of your room !!!
I went to the door. My father is furious. He
wanna kill me I can tell. I walked out of the door
Then stopped and smiled
Dad: Don't just stand there! your mother and I
wanna talk........
Me: Follow me
I walked passed him and headed to his study. I
turned around and looked at him. He is
following me. I opened the door. I walked in. In
his study There are boxes packed from down up
to the roof. I offload each and everyone of them.
I put them down. He was just standing looking at
me. I am looking for the last box. The one at the
bottom. I finally got to it. I opened the box. I took
out the books until to the last one. I took it out. I
found an envelop. I stood up and looked at
Now he knows what is going on. His eyes
popped out.
Me: For years I saw these pictures of these little
boys. So cute right?
I said showing my father
Me: Of course they were taken a long time ago.
They are very young here but do you know the
interesting thing about being your child ?
Dad was just swallowing hard. He had no words
Me: Your children look just like you
He kept swallowing hard. I walked passed him.
Me: Of course I didn't know who they are or
where they come from until.....
I looked at dad
Me: Until you married me to the Ndengana
family. Guess what daddy ?
Me: They are old but they still look the same way
they looked whan they were babies isn't that
Me: Father you cheated on my mother and she
doesn't know anything about these children!
Dad: Don't speak loud !
Me: Be nice to me daddy! be kind to me !
Dad: Okay. I can do that
Me: Finally ! I can feel at home in my own house
I tapped his shoulder
Me: Can i go back to my room daddy?
Dad: Yes
I walked away smiling leaving the study




< Judge Nomakhosazana >
I have no words for my brother in law's wife. I
don't know what that woman wants from me. I
beat her up. I thought that was a lesson, little did
I know she would see that as a motivation to
keep fighting against us. Does this woman know
what is at stake here? The ancestors are
preventing the truth from coming out. She
should be happy that we can't tell The chief
about Ngejiwe. Why does this woman keep
upsetting the dead? Does she realise that they
can change their mind ? Does she even value her
marriage? Maybe she knows one day it is going
to come out that is why she is doing this. I must
say she is brave. My mind is all over the place. I
am not going to think about Nontorotyi. That
woman is a fly that I would just squash in a
second. I have so many things to worry about.
Right now we are waiting for Gedleza to come
here. He went to fetch his things at home. My
brother in law is here. We are all going to that
place to dig up that poison Nontsingizi buried.
Anyway I was surprised to get a Call from
Nomaxabiso. That girl has no shame. She will
never get married to my family ever! she is a
disgraceful woman who has no morals at all. I
am not even surprised I mean who raised her ?
Her witch mother and her cheating father.
Nothing good can come out of that. They are a
messed up family.
Princess: That was quick?
Me: She hug up on me. Can you believe She is
acting like everything is okay ?
Princess: I really believed in her. She really
disappointed me
Me: I am glad we found out about this before
she married my son
Hlohlesakhe: She disappointed all of us even the
Princess Nomagampompo stood up
Princess: I am sure Gedleza is close. Let me go
wear a jacket
Me: Okay sisi
She walked up the stairs. My brother in law
looked at me
Him: I am glad we got a chance to be together
Me: Yes ?
Him: When are we telling the boys about their
Me: I forgot let's do it tomorrow or when we
come back
Hlohlesakhe: I was also thinking we should do
now. I think one of us should be the boys' proxy
to their shares not my sister. I am afraid she
might take the shares back to that man
Me: Don't worry. When Shosholoza signed my
signature was already in that paper
Hlohlesakhe: Oh you?
I looked at him. This man said one of us. I just
told him I am the boys proxy why do I feel like
he doesn't like that ?
Me: Like you said one of us. I am one of us right?
I said standing up. I walked to the bottle of
Hlohlesakhe: Of course my Queen
I poured myself a drink .
Me: My chief I am the one who came up with
this plan and I feel like it's my responsibility to
look out for them
Hlohlesakhe: You're right my Queen
Princess Nomagampompo walked down. Siqalo
walked in
Siqalo: Your highness Gedleza is here
Me: Send him in Siqalo
He walked out
Princess: I expected you to confront Shosholoza
about what his wife wanted to do
Me: I am just waiting for the right moment
I gulped my whisky
Princess looked at Chief Khabalandile
Me: What ?
Hlohlesakhe: I told my sister why you didn't
confront him and it looks like I was right
Me: And I haven't forgotten Zinyovile. She is
going to pay
Gedleza walked in..
Princess: Gedleza are we gonna need to buy
alcohol for Saturday or it will be Mqombothi
Gedleza: You have to buy alcohol. The ancestors
will want to drink red and white brandy
Me: Siqalo you heard that ?
Him: Yes your highness. I will come to you when
you come back. I need to know what to buy
Me: Okay. Let's go guys. Let me take my car keys
Gedleza: My Queen it's in this property
Me: That woman buried a Muti In my property?
Gedleza: Yes my Queen. I want you to bring a
I walked to the kitchen
Me: How is the dinner coming along Notiniphu?
Notiniphu: It will be ready in 30 minutes my
Me: Good
I took the big knife in my kitchen
I walked out.
Me: This is perfect to stab Nontsingizi
I said looking at the knife.
Me: Where is the chief and Gedleza?
Princess: Digging behind let's go
We walked to the back. We saw them digging. I
looked at them then at my house.
Me: Do you see what i see?
Gedleza: She made sure she did this under the
window of your bed room My Queen
Me: She doesn't know who I am
Gedleza took out a skin that was folded
Me: What is that ?
Gedleza: It is inside here
He unfolded the python skin, It revealed a
plastic inside.
Gedleza: cut this into pieces with a knife
I started cutting it off. I saw red powder in it. I
stabbed the plastic and cut it into pieces. He took
out something.
Gedleza: This is the tie. The symbol of that
strong bond you had with her my princess....
Princess: That witch
Gedleza: My Queen I want you to cut this tie
I didn't waste time. I cut it. I saw Nomgcwabe
coming with paraffin and matches
Gedleza: Thank you Nomgcwabe
He set everything we took out on fire. I looked at
that fire and The smoke. This feels like a heavy
load has taken off my shoulders
Me: He loved me not you bitch
I said watching the smoke going up.
Princess: All evil must go !
Gedleza: From now on. Zinyovile will never be
able to do anything to this family. No member of
this family will be caused any harm by her.
Whoever is connected to this family be by blood
or marriage her evil won't work
Princess looked at me. She touched my hand. I
smiled. What is left now is for me to meet
Zinyovile and Nomfunzelo.
Princess: What is this Saturday Ceremony about
He looked at me. I also wanna know
Gedleza: We are going to apologise to the
ancestors. They kept their promise. The King got
his punishment
Me: What punishment is that ?
Gedleza: Let's wait for the king my Queen
What is Wrong with my son ? Is he hurt? What
no one is telling me Anything?

< Priscella >
I can't believe Brendan is no more. What a
coward. What a useless man he is. How could he
choose the easy way out. He should've taken the
humiliation like a man. I am going to say this
once again. I am not going to jail because of that
man. Hell is yet to come for Isaiah. What I just
did going there demanding apology will make
his ex colleagues and boss hate him even more.
No one will hire him. The country knows about
his unprofessionalism. They know he would do
any dirty thing to get a story even of it means
humiliating the publication. Isaiah will regret
messing with us.
Anyway I am downstairs. We just got back. I just
told Algebra to go up and take his clothes. He
must get home early. It is almost 4 anyway. We
went up to the penthouse. The elevator opened.
We got to the dining room.
Uncle: Hey come over here
It's him, Masixole, Hunter and Sonia
Me: Hey what's up you guys?
Uncle: The detective called
Me: Detective Danger ?
Him: Yes. He says the journalist don't know who
gave her the information
Me: It looks like they should focus on the suicide
and stop investigating someone that is not even
relevant to what is going on. I also have news
Algebra: I am sorry let me go take my bags
Me: Okay
Masixole: What news babe ?
Me: I went to Isaiah Norman publication. They
told me they fired him
Sonia: Good !
Me: I told them I want public apology from them
for lying to people about me my fiancé and
Sonia: They agreed?
Me: They didn't want to do it but I reminded
them how powerful we are. I said each of us will
sue them they got scared agreed
Sonia: Pity the person who did this won't see the
paper tomorrow
Uncle: Brendan was a coward. He didn't want to
face this. He took the easy way out. I cannot
believe he'd rather kill himself than facing
people. The thought of people knowing what he
does behind closed doors scared him
Sonia: I didn't even get a chance to confront him
for everything he is done to me. I wish he could
come to me in my sleep I feel like I won't be
okay til I speak to him
We heard the elevator beep. We all looked at the
elevator. Elton walked in
Me: The hell
I said standing up.
Elton: What's up sis
Everyone stood up
Masixole: Is that EJ ?
Mom walked in. I shook my head
Me: You did it again Mom
Mom: Hello family
She went to uncle Kobus. She hugged him. She
looked at Sonia. Mom put both her hands on her
mouth. She got emotional
Mom: Oh My poor girl
Mom hugged Sonia. I breath in and out. I have to
stay calm.
Mom: It's gonna be okay. I want to know
everything. I feel like I missed a lot of things
She broke the hug then looked at me
Mom: No one is telling me anything
She looked at Sonia brushing her face
Mom: Are you okay ?
Sonia: I will be fine Ms R
Mom: Oh honey
She walked passed her going to my husband.
Elton went to Sonia and hugged her.
Elton: I am so sorry about your loss
Sonia: Thank you EJ
Mom opened her arms. Masixole didn't hug her
Mom: Son in law I thought I apologised for the
things I said?
Masixole: Mrs Se.....
Me: Mom Masixole is blind he can't see you
Mom: What ?
She looked at me..
Me: It's been few days. He is blind he can't see
Mom went to him. She hugged him. Elton looked
at me
Elton: That's crazy. What happened ?
Me: He did mention he was gonna be punished I
think that is what's going on right now
Mom broke The hug
Mom: I have to call in Specialists. Did he see a
doctor ?
Me: No. He doesn't want to
Mom looked at him
Mom: What? Masixole this is serious
Masixole: Only my family can fix me.
Mom: Did you call them?
Me: No, I didn't want him to call them because
they'd take him from me. I wanted to go with
him Friday
Mom: Priscella that is selfish!
Me: Mom can we go speak at balcony
I walked away. She followed me. We got to the
Elevator .
Me: Mom I am not selfish. You think I would be
able to work knowing he is out there blind. I
should be the one taking care of him
Mom: Priscella you're selfish my daughter
Me: I did this so I can't neglect the business!
what do you say about what you just did ? It has
barely been two weeks already your drug addict
son is out of Rehab! why are you doing this to
your Son?
Mom: I called a doctor. They took the drugs out
of his system besides I will be here for the whole
month. He will be with me day and night
Mom put her hand on my cheek
Mom: He is okay honey
Me: You're ruining his life
Mom: Priscella please!
She pulled me into a hug
Mom: He is my baby boy. He still needs me. He
begged me to take him out of there. I did it
because I knew I would take care of him. I am
the mother here okay?
She broke the hug.
Mom: And I love you as well. That is why we are
all going to the Royal family together to support
Me: Really? You're coming with us ?
Mom: I would never let my baby go meet her in-
laws alone
Me: Thanks mom and promise me we are taking
EJ with us
Mom: Don't worry he is going to be my handbag
all month ;)
Me: Thank you for supporting me
Mom: You're welcome honey now let's go
support your friend
I smiled. I don't know how long will this go on
until EJ is tired of being followed everywhere.
He is home now. He has all the freedom. I hope
mother knows what she is doing. I am just
happy she is taking me to the Eastern Cape.
Mom: Tonight one of the drivers is going to drive
the Bus to the Eastern Cape. It will wait for us
there. They might not accommodate all of us. At
least one of us will sleep at a hotel or the bus
I won't say anything. The house I saw on Google
will swallow all of us but then the bus will help
us when we wanna go around.

< Nontorotyi >
My life is falling apart. I don't know what to do.
My husband hates me. I have never heard this
man so nasty to me. He looks disgusted by me.
He hates me. This is not good. This is not good
for me. I feel like this is the end for me. This
cannot be good for me and everyone knows that.
When my husband takes a second wife, he has
to take her when he and I are in good terms so
that we can both be treated equally. Now he
hates me which means I will be treated like
trash in my own house. How can this happen
now. How can this happen exactly when he is
about to take a second wife? I am so scared. I
can't believe how accurate Zinyovile was about
this. When Gedleza asked to speak to my
husband alone, I just knew what it's about. He
knows I won't like to hear it. No one would love
to hear a third party telling your husband that
he must take a second wife. I need to win my
man over. I have to do something to get my
husband to forgive me. Saturday is here. It's
around the corner. My husband has to forgive
Anyway I was left alone in the bedroom crying. I
took my handbag. I went to the door and opened
Ngejiwe is at the door with her hands on her
Me: Move I want to walk out !
Ngejiwe: No mom !
She pushed me and walked in. She closed the
Ngejiwe: Me and my sisters heard you fight with
dad. I have never heard my father speak like
that to you. What did you do mom?
Me: You're a little girl. You should respect us and
stop eavesdropping in your parents
Ngejiwe: Mom I am 21 now. I am not a little girl
anymore ! We didn't eavesdrop. Dad was
shouting at you. My father never raise his voice
to anyone what did you do !?
I walked passed her
Me: Why do you assume it was my fault?
Ngejiwe: Because I know you and I know
whenever you fight you did something that
involves the royal house !
I sat at the edge of my bed.
Me: Am I that predictable?
Ngejiwe: You ask?
I stood up. I wiped my tears
Ngejiwe: What did you do mom?
Me: I did nothing to the royal house. All I did
was become a friend with their enemy now I am
officially the enemy number one
Ngejiwe: Why are you always doing everything
you can to provoke the royal house? Who is this
Me: Some healer from Mqanduli
Ngejiwe looked at me. I could see how disgusted
she was
Her: You and a healer are friend?
Me: She is good people
Her eyes popped out.
Ngejiwe: Oh no!
Me: What ?
She is scaring me now. Why is she acting like
this. She had her hand on her mouth. She looked
at me. I saw her eyes getting teary.
Ngejiwe: Mom don't tell me you're still meeting
with the woman who gave you poison to kill the
Queen? That's not what this is right? I mean the
royal house would never tell you who to be
friends with?
I looked at My handbag. I picked it up then
looked at the door
Ngejiwe: Oh my God mom you're unbelievable!
what do you expect dad to feel about you after
doing this ?
I ran to the door.
Ngejiwe: You're going to be banned in this
village if you keep acting like this!
She was shouting. I ran out then turned around
attempting to close the door.
Ngejiwe: You're pushing daddy away. Do you
want him to find another wife? would that make
you happy?
Oh My God. I slammed the door. I leaned on the
door with my hand on my chest
Me: Oh you don't know nothing baby
I continued with My journey. I passed my
younger daughters. I ran out. I got to my car. I
drove out of my house. I am driving to work to
speak to my sister. I got to the Project. I parked
my car. I ran to the office. I saw my sister alone.
Me: Sisi
She looked at me then walked away
Sabonkolo: I am not interested in your drama go
She said furiously walking away
Me: Hlohlesakhe is getting married sooner than
we thought!
She stopped walking. She turned around
Sabonkolo: What are you talking about?
I walked to her. I took her hand. I walked to the
chairs. I sat down, She did too
Me: My husband is gonna be told to get a second
wife on Saturday and he is going to marry a
woman I hate so much
Sabonkolo: Who is she? the Queen, No don't tell
me it's the Queen !
I stood up. I looked away frustrated. I put my
head on my forhead. My head is spinning
Me: No I don't think Nomakhosazana would
marry my husband.....
I looked at her.
Me: What kills me is the fact that I don't know
the Woman and I knowing that I don't like her
already kills me. Sisi Zinyovile said she'd tell me
when she comes back from Swaziland
Sabonkolo: Zinyovile went to Swaziland?
Me: Yes. She lost her gift. She is going there to
see her teacher. She came to me today for
money. I gave it to her. I mean sis that woman
has been so good to me
I wiped My tears
Me: I didn't know my husband would find out
that I gave her money
Sabonkolo: He did ?
Me: Gedleza told the whole royal house.
Nomakhosazana knows I helped that woman to
contunue with her witchcraft, Now I am in hot
mess. My husband is mad at me
Sabonkolo: Your husband is harmless. You
should be worried about The Queen!
Me: Sisi I am worried that my husband will
marry another woman before we fix things.
That would be a disaster for me. I can't watch
my husband being in love and lovey dovey with
another woman
Sabonkolo: You need to fix things before that !
Me: Yeah. I need a love portion
Sabonkolo: Sisi when that thing expires your
husband will hate you and beat you up. Please
don't do it!
She is right. I have another plan. I just love how
my mind work. I think on my feet.
Me: I won't make him eat anything.........
I smiled then looked away
Mw: I will do it Zinyovile style
Sabonkolo: How does she do it?
She doesn't have to know how. All She has to
know is that I will win my man back. I didn't
look at her. I was just smiling looking away.
Zinyovile must come back soon.

< Narrated >
When Universe left Sdabadabeni village
everyone was asking how she will pull this off.
Even The Queen was not comfortable with this
plan of dropping the body to the girlfriend. The
Queen agreed to this because she has no choice.
They asked her to trust them and that is what
she is doing right now but she can't help but
worry. Anyway back in Mthatha. We see
Universe driving her car. The car she is driving
is an old car. It doesn't suit her at all. I guess we
will all find out why she is driving a car like
that. We see her stops in the middle of no where.
She took off her clothes. She was inside the car.
She wore Adidas leggings a vest and a jacket.
She wore training shows. She took gloves. She
put them on. She took her other clothes and put
them in a backpack. She went to the body. She
took it out of the body bag. She took a pen and a
paper. She wrote something. She folded the
paper then opened the mouth of the dead man.
She put it in. She then took the guy's phone. She
texted his girlfriend. She drove then stopped at a
far distance from the houses. She was at Polar
Park. We see a woman walking to the car.
Universe took a black Balaclava. She put it on.
She jumped to the back seat where the body
was. She pushed the body out of the car. It fell
out. She closed the door then went to the drivers
seat. The woman who looked like she was in her
late 20s got to the car then saw him.
Girl: Oh My God baby
She ran to him. She shook him crying. Universe
looked around nervous. The girl had the man on
her thighs shaking him. The girl looked at
Girl: What did you do to him! Why did you kill
him! Who are you ?
Universe lowered the window
Universe: I am not wworking alone. If you tell
the police about what you know regarding the
judge, Your son! Grandmother! your mother are
going to die
Universe took out an envelop. She threw it at
Universe: For funeral preparations
Girl: No! Why did you kill him! Who are you !! ?
Universe uncovered her face then flipped her
hair then looked at the poor girl. The girl was
crying with her hand on her man the other on
her mouth
Universe: If you decide to go report me to the
police I don't want you to struggle to describe
me so this is me
Universe: I will say this again Girl. You don't
know anything about the article. You tell the
police why they died, Your entire family is going
to be killed by my partners
The girl was just crying looking at her. Universe
Universe: But I don't think I would do that if I
were you. I mean two dead people are enough
don't you think ?
The girl was just crying. Universe started the
engine then drove off fast. The Woman hugged
her dead boyfriend. She looked up crying
Girl: Oh My God!! Somebody help me!!!!
The poor woman was crying asking for help. She
was hugging her dead boyfriend crying so
painfully. The girl saw a note on that man's
mouth. She took out her phone. She called the
Police: Central police station, Constable Ngcwele
speaking how can i help you?
Girl: Please help Me!!! come to Zone 14 yes at
Slovo next to the river. We are down at Polar
Park. I got a message from my boyfriend asking
me to meet him. When I got to the place I found
my boyfriend dead
Police: Did you see who did this ma'am ?
Girl: It's a girl. There was a note in my
boyfriend's mouth
Police: Ma'am stay there we will be there with
you now but first please tell us what's in that
note ?
The girl opened the note. She read
Girl: It says " If you want to know who did this to
your boyfriend turn around but unfortunately
when you turn I will be in ashes
The girl stood up fast. She looked behind her.
She put her hands on her mouth
Girl: Oh My God officer!
Police: What is it ?
Girl: I see her car. It's on fire. She burnt herself
inside the car!!!
Officer: What !?
Girl: OH My God



< Priscella >
It is just after dinner. It is good to have my
mother home. It is good to feel like a child again
in this house. Even though mom is always
getting on my last nerve she is still my mother, I
love her and I do miss her a lot when she is in
the US. I feel like I am more confident now more
than ever knowing my mom will go to Eastern
Cape with me. I kind of feel like Sonia might not
want to go. So having my mother here is just
amazing. She is a heaven sent right now. Her
timing was perfect. I am not prepared to go meet
that family alone. I am scared. Royal families are
intimidating. I haven't asked Sonia if she still
wanna go after what happened to Brendan. I
don't want to bring this up and sound like I am
selfish. All I want to do right now is to support
her through this difficult time. I hope she heals
and forget that man as soon as possible. She
can't spend her time thinking and crying for a
man who hurt her the way Brendan did. The
sooner we all move on the better and I pray that
she agrees to go. I just hope Brendan's funeral is
not this week.
I want to speak to my brother alone. I said no to
him being discharged from the institution. I am
thinking maybe he might hate me for it. I want
to speak to him alone without my mother's
interference. Elton has been talking with others
except me. I love my brother. I don't want him to
see a monster when he looks at me.
Me: EJ can we go sit at dinning table. I want to
speak to you
Elton: Sure
He stood up. We left everyone at living room.
We sat down across the table.
Me: How are you ?
Elton: I am good. I am okay. It's like I have been
away for a long time. I missed out on a lot of
things. It's good to have my phone again
I smiled.
Me: Are we good? you and I?
Him: Yeah sure why wouldn't we ?
I looked down.
Me: It's just that a got a call from Rehab. They
asked me to fetch you because my mother said
so. I was surprised because no one told me you
were coming out. I mean it was just after a
week. So I said no you're not going anywhere I
guess they told mom I refused that's why she
fetched you. I didn't even know mom was
coming back
Elton: wow when the nurse came back from
calling you she said you were coming. I guess
She didn't want to bad mouth you
Me: That was very nice of her. Well it's their job
to make sure you don't get upset. Anyway I hope
you're not holding that against me, to be honest
with you I don't like that you decided to leave
that place. I thought you'd stay until January. I
even moved your shoots for your show
Elton: No It's cool. Thanks for negotiating with
my team but I will call them again to proceed
Me: Are you ready?
Elton: Sis believe it or not but I learned. Being at
that place and listening to the stories it made me
see how much danger I put myself in. I know
better now. And I also want to talk about my
addiction on the show so what's better time than
the present right ?
Me: Well then I am happy you learnt your
lesson. Did Mandy come see you today?
Him: No she didn't
Me: She was here when I got the call I guess she
decided to wait for you to come out. I can't
believe she's your manager
Elton: She is good sis
Me: She is Hungani and Brendan's manager. The
two men who betrayed you
Elton: I can't believe Tasha dated Brendan after
Hungani. What did i see in that girl ?
Me: Love and Love is blind
Elton: Eish..... Anyway I thank Masixole. If he
didn't find out I was using i'd be into deep now
or maybe dead
Me: Did you thank Him?
Him: Yes I did
I want to ask him a question. I know it's silly I
just want to know and I also want him to see
why I do the things I do when it comes to him
and his behavior.
Me: What do you think of me. Do you think I
love you ?
Elton: Sis what is this ?
Me: EJ I want you to see I don't treat you the way
I do because I hate you. I just want my brother
to make right choices and be a better person.
That is why I support your reality tv career
He stood up then tapped my shoulder
Elton: I know that relax. I know you love me
I stood up
Me: Thank you
We hugged. I am happy he is home and I am not
happy he is home. Does that make sense?
Me: Love you
Him: Love you
We walked back to others
Mom: What were you two talking about?
Elton: Sister and brother talk
Mom: Well I don't wanna know I like what I see
Sonia: These two never end a conversation
without fighting and yelling at each other
Me: We not that bad
Sonia's phone rang. She looked at us
Me: What is it ?
Sonia: It's daddy. Do you think he was contacted
by the police ?
Mom: Answer !
She answered then put him on speaker.
Sonia: Daddy?
Uncle: The O'Neal family say they tried calling
and your phone is off
Sonia: I switched it off, journalists are calling
me left right and centre
Uncle: Well they want to have a meeting with us.
I was thinking I should bring them there if
Refilwe don't mind
Mom: I don't mind Kobus. You can bring them
He exhaled
Me: What is it uncle?
Kobus: I don't know. There was something in
Brendan's father's voice. I could feel they are not
happy. Not like I expected them to be. They lost
a son but hey. There is something. He sounded
intense like He was angry or something
Me: We are ready for him! Sonia will not be hurt
by Brendan now his parents. She didn't do
anything to him that man hurt her
Sonia: I wonder what They want? Maybe they
want to talk about the funeral ?
Uncle: Lets wait for them tomorrow we don't
know what to expect but that man sounded
angry and I promise you if he is bringing a fight
it's a fight he will get
Me: Yes uncle
Mom: They should be ashamed instead of being
Uncle: He was their son. They didn't see wrong
in him
Sonia: I am not going to fight with them. If they
want a fight I am going to show them the
Elevator. I fought a lot with their son. They were
hiding in Zimbabwe. They never came here
Uncle: Dont worry we are family and we will be
there. We won't let them speak to you alone
Sonia: Thanks daddy
He said his goodbyes. I stood up
Me: I wonder what are they mad about? I just
can't think of anything they'd be mad at you for
Sonia: They just ruined my night. Good night
guys I need to sleep
Me: Night babe
She walked to the stairs
Mom: Poor girl. She has been through a lot
Me: Yeah .......

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
It was good to finally get rid of Nontsingisi's bad
energy out of our house. We burned her evil
things. She will never ever be part of this family.
We shook off all she hold over this family. Her
page is closed. But her page with me. It is far
from over. I am going to take good care of her
for everything she put me through these past
weeks. I am not going to let this woman mess up
with me. Nontsingizi is originally from
Sdabadabeni. I am her queen. She must respect
me. She knows that. I am going to get my respect
out of her. I am just waiting for her to come back
from her trip. I asked Gedleza to take me. He
agreed. I am going to see her very soon. She
better finish up everything and come back.
I feel like things between me and the Princess
are better. She is changing ever since
Shosholoza came and left. She is a complete
different person. I don't know what Shosholoza
said to her but whatever it is. I thank him for
saying it. My sister in law and I have been close
since I got married to this family. I care about
our friendship as sister in laws. That is why I
look out for her children when she is not using
her head. I am glad I have her back. I hope she
forgets about that married man.
Anyway we just had dinner. Hlohlesakhe is still
here. I can tell he is not looking forward to going
home to his wife. Speaking of Nontorotyi. I
wonder how it went with her. I didn't ask the
chief because I didn't want him to think I don't
trust him to take care of his business. I hope he
spoke some sense into his wife. I disciplined that
woman once. I don't think I want to do it again. I
swear the next time I might kill her. We just left
the dinning table. We went to watch tv at
lounge. I think this is the perfect time to talk to
the boys about this.
Me: Nomgcwabe can you go take a white
envelop in the drawer at my study. Take a pen
Nomgcwabe: Okay auntie
He stood up. He walked away. I looked at sister
in law and the chief
Me: I think we should tell them now and make
them sign
Hlohlesakhe: I wanted to say that
Princess: They will be happy
Me: What makes me happy is seeing you happy
about it because initially you were not
Princess: I didn't know how we could do it. I was
scared. 20 % is a big deal. I am afraid he might
fight us
Me: I am ready for the fight! That man has a
very cruel woman for a wife. He doesn't have a
son with her. Imagine if Shosholoza would die.
Your sons would get nothing from their own
father !
We were whispering. We don't want Phonqa to
hear us. He is in the kitchen with Notiniphu
Hlohlesakhe: Look at that. It's about the video I
showed you !
He was pointing at tv. We are watching the
Me: That was awful
Hlohlesakhe: I know. White people are very
Princess: To think he was one of the best actors
in this country
Nomgcwabe joined us. We are watching the
Nomgcwabe: He was on the first page Auntie. He
was cheating on his wife with a man and a
woman. He was a bisexual man. That is why he
committed suicide
Me: White people! how can you be with a man
and a woman at the same time? I only know
gays. I didn't know there is something else
Nomgcwabe: It was sad to see his wif.....
Princess: there she is !
We saw this white girl speaking to the reporters.
Princess: She went to divorce him and he died
before signing the Divorce papers? This is crazy
Me: Poor woman
They went to another headline.
Anchor: In other news. It has been cofirmed that
the person who brutally killed a journalist in
Mthatha killed again. This time She killed the
journalist's bestfriend...
Oh no. This is not what I want to hear right now.
Princess: This is sad. I don't know what is
happening in this world!
Anchor: Our reporter is in Mthatha with more
details over to you Bhongolwethu
Bongokuhle: Thank you. I am here with
constable Ngcwele who has been here at the
scene all day. Constable what happened here?
Ngcwele: This psychopath as we call her
kidnapped the friend of that journalist. She
killed him then had him delivered by herself to
the man's girlfriend. After that this psychopath
burnt herself inside her own car. The forensic
report came back telling us it was a woman. We
are struggling to find out who it is. As the police
we will keep investigating and Try to find out
who this DNA belongs to
I stood up . I walked away.
Me: She killed herself
I said to myself walking away. I can't do this
now. These kids can't know about these shares
now. I took out my phone. I called May. Her
phone is on voicemail
Me: She can't die
I heard feetsteps of someone running after me. I
wiped my tears. I turned around. It's the
princess Nomagampompo
Me: Sisi
Nomagampompo: My Queen are you Okay?
Me: How can someone kill people like that ? I
swear I want to be the judge for this case !
I sat on the first step breathing heavily
Me: I do not condone crime! I can't stand it. That
is why I studied to become a judge!
Princess: My Queen I don't think telling the boys
about the shares will be the best thing now. Let
me tell the chief
Me: please
She walked away
I stood up fast. I walked up dialling a number.
Still voice mail.I left a message
Me: May I told you this was a bad idea. What are
we gonna do now? Why did she kill herself like
that why ?
I hung up the phone. I stood at the top of the
Me: Oh My God

< Nontorotyi >
The things my daughter said really broke my
heart. She is young. She is my child. Hearing her
tell me that what i did to my husband will push
him away really made me scared a bit. What if
my daughter is right? Even now it's late. We just
had dinner and my husband wasn't with us. He
didn't take my calls when I called to ask him to
get home early for dinner. I really don't know
what to do to make this man want me. I don't
want my children to hate me for the things I did
to their father. I always made sure they don't
hear us fight. Now that they know I am at fault I
feel like if this marriage falls apart they will hate
me and choose staying with their father. One
thing that stabbed me in the heart with that
altercation I had with my daughter was hearing
Ngejiwe say my father might marry another
woman. What kills me is the fact that she doesn't
know and I know that her father is going to get a
second wife. This is all my fault. My husband
getting a second wife is my fault. I don't have an
heir and it's all my fault. If I had a son all my
children were gonna benefit in my husband's
legacy. The ancestors denied me an heir because
I lied to their grandson. If I didn't lie about
Ngejiwe being his, Maybe he was gonna
understand me. I mean I didn't cheat on this
man. I left another man for him which shows
how much I love him. I don't know why the
ancestors don't see my love for him. I love that
man wholeheartedly. He is the only man I
wanna grow old with.
Anyway enough about that. I am so happy. I am
glad I went to see Sabonkolo. Talking to
someone really helps. Now I know what I will
do. I won't feed my husband a love portion. I am
going the Zinyovile style. Everyone heard and
knows what he did to my brother in law. I am so
happy I helped Zinyovile go to Swaziland. She
owes me. She will do whatever it takes to make
me happy. She will help me get my man back. I
love my husband. I can't stand seeing him so
disgusted by me. I need this man to love me and
think only about me. As for the woman he is
going to marry. I feel sorry for her. The minute I
know who she is, She will be gone. I want her
eliminated fast. I am not going to share my man
I refuse. Anyway I just finished eating dinner
with my family without my husband. Ngejiwe
looked at me.
Me: What is it?
Ngejiwe: It's the first time having dinner without
father here. Where is he ?
Me: Your father is a chief honey. He is a busy
man. Excuse me
I stood up. I wiped my lips with a table cloth. I
walked to my bedroom. I opened the door. I
walked in.Turned around and closed the door. I
took my phone. I called Zinyovile..
Zinyovile: Hello
Me: You need to get there. I want you to help me
get my husband back
Zinyovile: You think I work magic Nontorotyi. I
am still on my way. I don't know what will
happen when I get there
Me: For the first time. I had dinner without my
husband. My kids are not happy
Zinyovile: Did you have a fight?
Me: He found out I helped you go to Swaziland
Zinyovile: Zinza-Zenja's son!
Me: Yes him! He told the royal family. I am sure
they are planning something huge agaisnt little
old me
Zinyovile: Nontorotyi I am on the road. Let's talk
Me: Okay. My marriage is on the line. First thing
you should think about when you get your gift is
my marriage and The threat that is about to
cause Hurricane Dineo in my marriage
Zinyovile: Can we save this till I get there? We
had a deal. I will come back then help you.
Me: Right now Hurricane Dineo is my priority. I
can't share my husband with another woman
Zinyovile: Talk later..... ( Tu tu tu tu tu )
She hung up on me. I sat on my bed. My
marriage means a lot to me.
Me: She is indeed Hurricane Dineo. The

< Narrated >
We see so many cars At the scene. The police
were trying to take the girl away from her man.
She was crying hugging the man. Some officers
were surrounding the burnt car. Some with the
girl at the scene. We see a car from the mortuary
coming. The girl finally let go of her boyfriend.
They put him in a body bag. They took him to
the car. The girl was now silently crying. We see
one officer leaving the burnt car going to
constable Ngcwele who was speaking to the girl.
Officer: Constable indeed someone got burnt in
that car
Ngcwele: We can smell her body. This was a
psychopath. Who kills someone they don't know
then kill themselves?
Officer: Maybe she wanted to die with the truth
Ngcwele: She was a sick person. I am glad we
managed to stop the fire. Now we have to send
her burnt body to the forensic so that we can
identify who this person is. Maybe then we will
have a lead
Officer looked at The girl
Officer: Or she is going to help us get to the
truth. She will tell us what she knows
The girl's eyes widened. She got nervous. She
thought of what Universe said. She said she was
not working alone. She knows if she tells on her
it will be death for her entire family.
Ngcwele: Yes that is why I am taking her to the
station. I want to know how she got here and a
whole lot of things
Ngcwele looked at her
Ngcwele: Lets go to the police car ma'am
The girl swallowed hard. Her phone rang. She
looked at her phone. She didn't know the
number. She looked at officers then wiped her
Girl: Let me take this first
She looked away answering
Girl: Hello
Caller: It's Me, The person who died in that car
was not me.....
The girl's eyes popped out. She put her hand on
her mouth
Universe: I am still very much alive.....
The Girl liked around then focused on the phone
Girl: How..... ?
Universe drove off leaving the woman crying
and asking for help. Univese knew if she stayed
there another minute her death was gonna be
painyup. She knew the people or that formal
settlement were gonna kill her. She had
everything planned. She had a smart plan that
no one thought of. We see her park the car at a
distance. The woman was crying hugging the
body of her boyfriend asking for help. She called
the police. While calling the police we see
Universe smile in her car. She ran out of the car.
She went to the boot and opened it. She pulled
out something Oh My God. It's another body.
Whose body is this and how did she get it? She
ran to the drivers sit. She put the body in there
and sat it down. She took a five litre of petrol.
She was doing this fast. She poured the petrol
inside the car. She took a matches then slowly
opened the door. She took her backpack. She
wore it in her back. She lied down so that she
won't be seen by people or the girl. We see her
smiling with a matches stick in her hand.
She threw the matches stick inside the car. The
car was on fire in a second and co-incidentally
the second the car was on fire was when the
poor girl turned after reading the note.
" I see her car. It's on fire. She burnt herself
inside there " That was the girl talking to the
officer. Universe smiled
Universe: That's how you get away with murder
She said that then rolled her body down. She
was down and very far from the car. The place
was up heel. When she got down. She stood up.
She ran to the forest. We see her running so fast.
She got on the other side of the forest. She
walked fast. She heard her phone rings. She
took it out and answered.
Universe: Phil... I hope you're At Mthatha
airport. My job is done here
Phil: I brought the private jet. I am waiting for
you Mrs Smith
Universe smiled then hung up. She looked
behind her then in front of her.
Universe: 15 more minutes to get to the airport
The girl asked how Universe did this. She
explained to her how she did it.
Universe: I took a woman who lives in the
streets and murdered her.
Universe: I put her body in the boot while your
boyfriend was at the backseat
The girl was silently crying
Universe: Stick to seeing me and please do
describe me I don't mind but If you dare tell the
police about the judge? it will be Tsunami for
your family. I talk bodies everywhere!
The girl hung up. She cried so hard. The police
ran to her
Ngcwele: Is everything okay ? Who was that?
The girl put her phone on her pocket fast .
Ngcwele: Who was it ?
Girl: His mother. I was telling her about this
The officers stood there feeling sorry for the girl




< Narrated >
Yesterday Shosholoza went to Nomaxabiso's
room. He was angry and shouting calling for his
daughter then came out so quickily a different
person which his wife questioned but
unfortunately she didn't get an answer. It looks
like he is prepared to be Nomaxabiso's puppet.
Nomaxabiso is calling the shots. As much as
Shosholoza is angry because of the shares he
lost, He also knows those shares are not as
important as keeping this secret from his wife.
Anyway we see Hlohlesakhe walking out of his
study with his briefcase ready for work. He
looked around then tiptoed to the leaving room
heading to the front door. We see Nomfunzelo
walking out of their bedroom. She saw her
husband sneaking out. She folded her arms on
her chest
Nomfunzelo: So you're leaving without
explaining what happened between you and
your daughter yesterday ?
Shosholoza stopped walking. His eyes popped
out. He didn't expect to get caught. He turned
Him: My love I didn't want to wak......
Nomfunzelo: Shosholoza I asked you a question.
What happened in your study?
Him: Our daughter made me understand how
selfish we were. I know she wronged us but she
is still our daughter
Nomfunzelo: She cost us! She is not going to get
married to the Ndengana family! We had a deal
with that family. Nomaxabiso lied to us !
Zidenge you were angry just as I was and still
am! what changed and please don't lie to me!
something happened in that study!
Shosholoza: Okay fine. I will tell you !
Nomfunzelo put her hands on her waist
Nomfunzelo: I am waiting talk
Shosholoza looked at bedroom then at his wife
Nomfunzelo: Speak! you know your daughter is
still asleep at this time. That girl is lazy, all she
knows is lie on her back and open her legs for
men !
Shosholoza: My wife this is your daughter! how
can you say that !
Nomfunzelo: What did she say? Is she
blackmailing you about something?
Shosholoza: What? No !
Nomfunzelo: Then what is it !?
Shosholoza: She threatened to kill herself
Nomfunzelo: What ?
Shosholoza: Yes ! our daughter said if we keep
putting her down like this, she will take her own
life. She told me about the things you said to her.
She showed me a pill. She said she'd take it. I
had to forgive her! My wife this is our only
child! do you really want to lose our only child?
Nomfunzelo put her hand on her mouth. She sat
We see Nomaxabiso standing at passage.
Shosholoza looked at her.
Nomaxabiso: ;)
Nomaxabiso winked at her father showing him
he did well. She walked in her room.
Shosholoza: That is why I stopped all this
Nomfunzelo: My daughter is so selfish. She
wrong this family now she uses emotional
blackmail to make us forget everything she did ?
Shosholoza: Well between us I don't know who
she took that from. I am not a selfish person
Nomfunzelo looked at her husband
Nomfunzelo: Don't look at me. I am not a selfish
person. That girl is not okay in the head
Shosholoza looked at the time.
Shosholoza: My wife I will be late
Nomfunzelo: Okay you can go. I have to speak to
that girl
Shosholoza: Don't insult her please
Nomfunzelo looked away

At chief Khabalandile's house. We see
Nomgcwabe and Ngejiwe sitting at living room
watching tv and talking. It was still early
because Nontorotyi was still home, Only the
chief was not home. It looks like he left for work
so early in the morning.
Ngejiwe: What is really happening Saturday at
the royal house?
Nomgcwabe: Some ceremony for the King. I
don't know the details. Siqalo bought a lot of
booze. It looks like it's gonna be lit
Ngejiwe: Wow I won't miss it. I have been bored
here at home
Nomgcwabe: It will be fun and we are all
expected to be there. I heard the Queen talking
to Siqalo. Apparently she hired cleaners to come
clean the palace
Ngejiwe: Oh ? This thing Saturday must be huge
Nomgcwabe: Looks like it is because My cousin's
wife and her mother are coming here. I am
excited to be in the presence of billionaires. I
read about them online. Those people own a
Ngejiwe: Wow and I did too when I was doing
an investigation for mom
We see Nontorotyi tiptoe to her room Smiling.
She was Smiling about the news she just heard
of the guys from Johannesburg coming.
Nomgcwabe: Speaking of your mom, Why is she
so scarce? She doesn't go to the Royal house
Ngejiwe chuckled then leaned on the couch
Nomgcwabe: What is it?
Ngejiwe: You remember I told you about the
Queen beating mom ?
Nomgcwabe: Yeah ?
Ngejiwe: Well my mother is still working with
that woman. That woman who helped her
commit attempted murder
Nomgcwabe: Auntie don't want to learn man
Ngejiwe: I am up to here with her! My dad didn't
have dinner with us last night. This morning
when I woke up he was already gone
Nomgcwabe: He had dinner with us last night.
This is not good dude. Uncle and auntie must fix
Ngejiwe: I don't care! mom don't want to listen. I
cannot wait for February. I really wanna go
back to varsity. I am tired of this place and this
Nomgcwabe: Can't be That bad
Ngejiwe: Cuz mom and dad were shouting. Me
and my little sisters heard that
Nomgcwabe was shocked to hear this. He didn't
say anything.
Ngejiwe: Now you see why I am tired

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
A man falling off a building was not the only
headline in last night news. Something that
concernes me happened. There was a headline
about the killer of a journalist and his friend. I
am the one who killed that Journalist. They were
talking about Me at least that is what I thought
until they said they found her. This doesn't make
sense at all to me. When Universe said I might
never see her again did she mean this? Did this
girl really kill herself in that car? I have been
trying to call May. She is not taking my calls. I
am afraid to call Universe. What if I call her then
incriminate myself. I am a judge. I know the law.
If a police officer would take my call, They
would know I was involved somehow. The only
person who can take me out of this misery is my
cousin Sister.
Me: Cousin sister who doesn't want to take my
I walked out of my room. May is Crazy. She
might do something to me. But she promised.
She promised me that whatever happens,
happens and it won't be my fault. I hope she
won't change that because Univese is dead. I am
prepared to stay quiet until she reach out. I don't
want to call my Daughter in law for a helicopter
again. I heard her mother is back and they are
coming here so I can't ask for favours. I mean
We never met. I cannot embarrass myself like
that. Anyway I walked down the stairs. I walked
to the dinning room. Everyone is there for
breakfast. My phone rang. I looked at it. It's May
Me: You can start Sisi, I have to take this
Nomagampompo: Okay my Queen
I walked away answering
Me: Cuz
I said running up the stairs. May laughed so
hard .
Me: Woman are you crazy? Your step daughter
is dead and all you can do is cry? You raise
Universe as your own ! She is your daughter
May: And she is very much alive
I wiped my tears
Me: Say what ?
May: I told you My daughter is a genious. I
raised her well
Me: How did.... who did she kill because that girl
is alive
May: She killed a nobody. A street kid well a
street woman.
Me: It's still a human May!
May: So you prefer going to jail?
Me: No.....
May: Then call my daughter and say thank
you!.... ( Tu tu tu tu tu)
She hung up. I dialled Universe number
Universe: Hello Auntie I know what you gonna
say. You're welcome. I am about to go pitch at
boardroom. There is a big deal my mom wants
so desperately. Talk later !
Me: Oh.....
Universe: ........ ( tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu)
She hung up on me. I smiled.
Me: A murderer and a smart woman as well
I chuckled
Me: My cousin raised you well
Anyway I walked down. I feel much better but I
am so sad an innocent person is dead. I am glad
she didn't kill that girl though. At least she
listened to me. I went to the study. I took the
contract and pen. I walked to the dinning room.
Me: Nomgcwabe and Phonqa I need your
signatures boys
Nomgcwabe: O-kay ?
He said smiling looking at his mother.
He signed. I gave it to Phonqa
Me: Sign here baby
Phonqa: Auntie I haven't decided on my
signature yet. I am young. I haven't designed it.
How do I sign ?
We all laughed.
Me: Just your initials boy
He signed.
Me: Well Boys......
They looked at me smiling
Me: Your uncle should've been here as well to
witness this but he had to go to work......
Nomgcwabe: What were we signing Auntie ?
Princess: You're in varsity but you just signed
something you didn't read. Well that contract
says when you start working you give the Queen
all your salary
Nomgcwabe stood up
Nomgcwabe: What ?
We laughed. It's good to finally have a laugh in
this family
Me: She is joking
Princess: You should've seen your face
Me: As of today you and your brother have 10%
shares each at the project
Nomgcwabe: What?
Phonqa: I am rich. How much am I getting
month end ?
Princess: Your allowance !
Phonqa: But I am a shareholder
Me: You're still kids. When you both start
working you will claim your money. For now
things will continue going as usual but don't
worry. Your monthly profit will be put in an
account that you will be able to have an access
to when you're all older
Nomgcwabe: Thank you Auntie
Me: Don't thank me. Thank your mother
I said looking at her.
They stood up and hugged her. I looked at her
and winked
Me: ;)
The door opened interrupting this special
moment. I looked at the door. It's Siqalo. I asked
him to go get professional cleaners for me.
Siqalo: I apologise to interrupt your highness
Me: How did it go ?
Siqalo: Very well my Queen. They are coming
tomorrow morning
Princess: Where did he go ?
Me: He went to get cleaners. The King, His wife
and his mother in law are coming here
Princess: Wow when ?
Me: Tomorrow afternoon
Princess: But this house is so clean my Queen
Me: We are talking about a billionaire woman
coming to The royal Palace. We are not taking
any chances. I want to see my face in every
furniture in the house
I looked at Siqalo
Me: What time tomorrow ?
Him: I said 8am sharp my Queen
Me: Very good you can go to your chair Siqalo
Siqalo: No my Queen. I have to go buy alcohol.
We didn't get everything
Me: Oh yeah please go and go check our rack
Siqalo: Okay my Queen
He walked away
Princess: I can't wait to know The King's
Me: He didn't tell me. He laughed when I asked
Princess: Maybe he doesn't wanna worry you
Me: I am his mother. I worry
Princess: We always worry about our children. I
don't sleep peacefully when Nomgcwabe and
Phonqa are at school
I looked at her then smiled. Our children were
young just yesterday. My son is no longer mine
now. He has a wife. Nomgcwabe Is going to get
married when he finishes varsity. Time flies.

< Nontorotyi >
I see my life falling apart in front of my very
eyes and there is nothing I can do about it. I am
a mess right now. My heart is torn. First my
husband came home late, He didn't talk to Me,
He didn't have dinner at my house and He slept
in the guest room. While I was still surprised by
that. He woke up early. He ironed his clothes. He
bathed then made his own breakfast. My
husband has never done this. He gets mad and
still talk to me but this time, It is different. This
man cannot stand me. My husband hates me
and it is all my fault. I cannot wait for my friend
to come back and help me. Today I feel like if I
don't show up at work I will be fired. This man
turned a new page. There is no more Nontorotyi
favouritism. One mistake I feel like I am out.
This cannot be happening. I need This woman
back here. I want her to help me. She owes me.
She better get home tomorrow and help me. We
have a lot to do. We have to kill my sister wife.
We have to make everyone love me. This is
going to be nice. For once Nomampompo and
Nomakhosazana will be nice to me. I want them
to see that I love my husband. I want them to
believe it not just see it.
Anyway I am getting ready for work. My
husband left me. We not on speaking terms so I
did not expect him to wait for Me. Oh another
thing. I just heard that billionaire woman is
coming here. And I also know she is single. It
would be nice to be her sister wife I mean it
comes with a lot of benefits. I wonder why
Hlohlesakhe didn't mention this to me. I have to
be there when they arrive. I want them to see
how nice I am. I want them to have a
relationship with me not Nomakhosazana. I
want to show them how big my heart is.
I smiled just by thinking about it. I am thinking
about it already. Standing next to that woman
while the judge is so jealous looking at us and
admiring us
I heard someone burst into laughter behind me.
I am in my room. I quickly turned around
Me: Zinyovile?
Her: I am sorry to laugh. It's just that you sound
so rid.....
I hugged her
Me: It worked! you're back
Zinyovile. I am about to leave Swaziland. I am
not here to chitchat. I was just testing my gift.
One two one two
She is so happy she even cracks jokes but I don't
have time for that. I am desperate.
Me: Before you go. I want to tell you this
Her: What do you wanna tell me ?
Me: When you come back. I want you to make
sure my husband shows interest in King
Zwelicacile's mother in law. She is single
Zinyovile: And wealthy right ?
Me: Exactly! I would rather have her as a sister
Zinyovile: Hlohlesakhe would never marry that
Me: Why not ? I am going to put that idea in his
head. My husband is an opportunist by blood!
he will want to marry that billionaire !
Zinyovile shook her head in disbelief. I looked at
her. Why is she doing that ?
Me: What ?
Zinyovile: What do you call people who have
standards again...... ?
Me: The word you're looking for is class?
Zinyovile: Exactly! That woman has class. She
would never marry here !
Me: I have class too. When it comes to royalty
you never say never. She could fall in love with
my husband. While they are here I will make
sure I tell her how amazing my husband
is.Think about this . My husband has a
billionaire wife, which means we'd also be
I looked away smiling
Me: " The Wealthy meets royalty "
I looked at Zinyovile
Me: How does it sound? I am so happy! Now I
won't have to kill anyone. I got my sister wife
Zinyovile: That woman will never be your sister
wife. I have to go !
I ran to her. I grabbed her
Me: Don't go! we haven't talked about why
you're here
Zinyovile: I came to test my gift and I know
things are back to normal
Me: Which means you're ready to help me
Zinyovile: With what?
Me: Spell to make everyone at the royal house
love me and don't get me started with my
husband. I want him to drown in love with me
Zinyovile: And all that will be done by me ?
I looked at her. She can't be serious ? What was
the plan? The plan was for her to go there. Get
her gift and help me. I saw her walk around the
Me: What is it ?
Zinyovile: Sometime yesterday I heard your
thoughts . You were going on and on about me
owing you! Woman I don't owe you anything !!
I put my hand on my chest
Me: Oh My God calm down Zinyovile
Zinyovile: I had no plan with you. When I came
to you I needed help. You were helping me now I
feel like I owe you my life!
Me: Okay I am sorry
Zinyovile: A deal you and I had was me coming
back and telling you the name of your sister
Me: Who is that bitch? Who is she ?
Zinyovile: Another one was to kill her....
Me: I want her dead who is she !?
Zinyovile: And I agreed to do that
I saw her sit down.
Zinyovile: When I made that promise it was
before I got my gift back........
Oh no, Why do I feel like this woman took me
for a ride
She looked at me.
Zinyovile: I am blocked from harming anyone in
this family. They all know what I did and they
got to my spell before me so that means I will
never set my foot at Sdabadabeni again
Zinyovile: I can't cause harm to that family
Me: I thought you got your gift ?
Zinyovile: I did but to heal people not to harm
the royal house
Me: That was not the deal. I thought you were
gonna help me do the things we agreed on
Zinyovile: Nontorotyi I know what we agreed on
and I am telling you it's not gonna happen
because I am blocked from causing harm to the
royal house
Me: The bitch.....
I walked closer to her
Me: The bitch who is going to marry
Hlohlesakhe is not a Ndengana. You will be able
to kill her right?
She shook her head no
Me: No?
She shook her head yes. No this can't be
Me: Why not ?
Zinyovile: I cannot cause harm to anyone who is
from the royal hous.....
Me: She is not from there ! That is why she is
marrying my husband
Zinyovile: I am not done talking!!!
Me: Oh ?
Zinyovile: Be by blood or marriage. I can't cause
them any harm
I took her hands
Me: Let's do it fast then! Let's kill her before she
becomes sister wife
She pushed my hands away. She walked away. I
turned around and followed behind her.
Zinyovile: Nontorotyi she is already the chosen
one. They are protecting her
Me: No this can't be happening
She turned around .
Zinyovile: Nontorotyi besides the fact that you
know I can't help you harm anyone from the
royal house, Have you ever thought that if I
were to succeed in killing anyone precious to the
royal house they would find out you and i did it?
Oh My God I didn't think of that. Maybe I do not
think at all. I am just too passionate to remove
any obstacle standing in my way.
Zinyovile: Now tell me? do you think they'd
forgive you this time ?
Zinyovile: You need to focus!
Me: And you need to deliver ! tell me the name
of the woman who is marrying my husband?
Zinyovile smiled. She tapped my shoulder
Zinyovile: All I will say is, She has a nickname
for you and that nickname rubs you the wrong
way ;)
Me: What? Who.....
She disappeared
Me: Zinyovile? Where are you ? Who is she ?
I was looking around shouting. I sat down
Me: Who is she l....... ?
~ Sonia Dr Villiers >
It has been a long week. We were waiting for my
in-laws yesterday they didn't come. They said
their flight got cancelled. Last night they called
my father. They told him they arrived. We are
waiting for them today. Then after that we are
going straight to the Eastern Cape. Priscella has
been there for me. I can't stay back and let her
go there without me. I know she put all her time
in getting Brendan caught and together with my
father they made It happen. You know losing my
child I thought it was such a tragedy but
thinking about it now. I feel like it was for the
best. I know it sounds so wrong but I think it
was for the best. Imagine right now I am beating
myself up. I feel like I drove Brendan to suicide
with our plan. Imagine if I was still carrying his
child. What was I gonna tell the child when he is
born, I was gonna tell the child that I watched
their father falling apart because of a blackmail
and I did nothing? I literally watched him scared
and desperate. I didn't do anything. I feel like if I
confronted him then divorced him he wouldn't
be dead now. He would be alive right and that is
the reason I feel like It was a blessing in
disguise. I loved Brendan. Thinking about how
much of a fool he made me makes me so mad. I
hate him. He is dead but I hate him. That doesn't
change how I feel about him but at the same
time I can't help the guilt. I am human after all. I
have to feel like this.
Anyway I am still living with Seputla family. I
will go home next week. I don't think I want to
be alone. My kids still live with Hunter. I saw
them yesterday and I told them about their step
father. They were sad of course. Kids will always
be Kids. They don't see things and some things
are better kept a secret from them. I don't want
them to know I have been such a fool. It is
embarrassing enough to see their father here
after everything I put him through.
We just had breakfast. We have to pack our
clothes and leave. My clothes are already
packed. I am not sure about others.
Me: Is EJ also coming with us ?
Priscella looked at me.
Priscella: Mom says he is going to be wherever
she goes so I am assuming he is coming
We saw Mrs R come down
Mrs R: They are not here?
Me: No not yet. I think maybe they will arrive
with dad. He said he wasn't far
Mrs R: Well it's not a big deal. I just want to
check at the office before we fly to Eastern Cape
that's why I want us to finish this meeting fast
Priscella: Did you tell EJ about the trip ?
Mrs R: Yes he is packing. He is excited to get out
of here for few days. He also wants to go see the
Priscella: Mom you know he can't be out of your
sight right ?
Mrs R: That is why I said the producer should
come here and shoot. My son is not going
anywhere without me. I know what I did is risky
but the Doctor assured me. He said the drugs are
out of his system. He is okay. He can't crave but
his mental state needs therapist and that is what
they were gonna provide him if he stayed there
longer, So till he sees someone he can't be out of
my sight
We heard the elevator beep. We all looked at the
elevator. Algebra walked in with his bag. He
looked like he is ready for work
Mrs R: Who is that ?
Priscella: Oh mom this is my secretary Algebra
Mrs R: Hello my dear. Such a handsome young
Algebra: Thank You Mrs Seputla
Mrs R: Nice to meet you. And the bag ?
Priscella: I am taking him with me. I can't leave
him behind. We have to work
Mrs R: You need to stop working hard. You're
Priscella: I am not big mom
We heard the elevator again. My father walked
in. He greeted us.
Dad: Tell me the divorce papers are here
Me: What? What are you going to do with them
Brendan is no more
Dad: I don't know as well My dear. Your in laws
asked for them. They want them present when
they arrive
Priscella: That's strange ?
Mrs R looked at me.
Mrs R: Do you think maybe they think he
Me: I don't know........
I stood up. I walked to the dinning room. I saw
Me: Did you change this water ?
Cleo: Yes Ms De Villiers, It's fresh
I smiled. I poured water in a glass. I took a sip. I
heard heels approaching me. I know it is
Priscella. She knows me more than anyone.
Priscella: You're worried ain't you ?
I looked at her.
Me: Don't you find it weird. What are they going
to do with those papers ?
Priscella: I hope they won't cause drama. You
said you last saw them at your wedding. That
was a long time ago. They don't like you and I
don't think they'd start liking you now
I downed the glass of water
Me: That is exactly what I am thinking about.
Why would they request for it ?
Priscella: Let me take it out
She walked to the drawer with a key. She took it
out. She came to me.
Me: I don't think I want to see them Priscella
Priscella: You have to girl. We need to close this
chapter. Besides people will expect to see us at
his funeral
The elevator beeped and opened. I quickly
turned around and poured water. I am not
ready for this
I heard their shoes. They are here.
Dad: Welcome guys, come this side
" Sonia !! " I heard a livid female voice calling
my name. Here we go. I know Betty is so crazy. I
turned around
Me: Mrs O.....
She didn't let me finish. She is here with my
father in law
Mrs O: What do you have to say for yourself ?
Priscella: Excuse me ?
Mrs O'Neal looked at Priscella
Her: Shut up girly I am not talking to you!!!
She snapped
Mrs R: Betty don't you dare speak like that with
my daughter! I thought we were waiting for
adults here not this !
Mr O: Sonia why did you lie to the press about
my son ?
Me: Me lie? Everything I said to them was
exactly what happened !
Mrs O: Stop lying Sonia Dr Villiers!
Dad: What is going on? What did my daughter
lie about ?
Betty saw the papers on the table
Mrs O: Before we answer that. Let me get this
out of the way !
She grabbed a pen.
Me: What are you doing Batty!
Mrs O signed the divorce papers. We were all
standing there floors by what she just did. This
woman is not Brendan. What is she trying to
prove ? I always knew Betty was crazy. She is
just like Brendan
She looked at me
Mrs O: You wanted to divorce my son right?
Well there you go !
She threw the papers at my face
Mrs R: Woman you have some nerve! I don't
tolerate this behavior in my house! get out of my
building !
Brendan's mom chucKled
Mrs O: Refilwe Seputla right?
Mrs R: Get of my house Betty
Mrs O: You wanted this to be done in your house
because you're so noisy. We are not done here!
enjoy the show you invited in your house
Mrs R: I am calling security!
Mrs R said going to the telephone Priscella
grabed her mother's wrist
Priscella: Mom let them say what they came to
say and leave
Priscella looked at Brendan parents
Priscella: You have 5 minutes to make your
point across. You waste it I won't call the
security I will drag you out of my building
Mrs O'Neal shook her head in disbelief. My
father looked at Brendan's dad
Dad: Man don't just stand there I asked you a
question. What is going on ?
Mr O'Neal looked at me.
Mr O: Your daughter acted like she didn't know
about our son's sexuality !
Me: What !?
My family looked at me.
Me: I didn't know !
I didn't know. What these people are talking
Mrs O: Liar!!!
Me: What ? oh my God you're just like your son!
you're psychopaths !
Priscella came and stood next to me. She was
brushing my back. Mr O'Neal looked at my
Mr O: My Son came to South Africa few years
ago. He studied film and television. We didn't
want him to do it because we knew about his
sexuality. At the time we didn't think it would be
Me: You knew ? You knew he was gay and you
Mrs O: You knew as well. You're just acting!
Me: Oh My God you're sick people !
Mr O'Neal looked at dad and continued
Him: You know most Zimbabweans who want to
be in the entertainment industry or succeed in
sport make it here in South Africa. So we told
him it was gonna he hard for someone like him.
He told us he made a deal with a South African
woman. He said they'd get married so that they
could make it together.....
Me: That's a lie!
I was crying. Looking at everyone trying to show
them this is all a lie.
Mr O: And your daughter here agreed to,
knowing that my son was Gay
Priscella: So he is not bisexual. He is gay?
Mrs O: Gay and was very much in love with
Isaiah Norman
I got weak. I literally saw my jaw on the floor.
What is this? Who is was that man I got married
to ?
Me: So you knew about Isaiah?
Mr O: Why wouldn't we know ? He introduced
him to us. He visited us with him so many times.
And you never went to visit
Me: Because he didn't want me to go there. He
said you didn't like me
Mrs O: You're lying. The reason we never
bothered ourselves with you was because we
knew it was a fake marriage
Priscella: Your son fooled you ! Why did he sleep
with Sonia if it was fake?
Mr O: That is what they both wanted you to
believe. They were not sleeping together
Me: Oh My God
I searched for a chair. I pulled it and sat down
Me: I had a miscarriage! I lost his child. Brendan
never told me about his sexaulity. Do you think I
would've done the things I did for him if I
knew?, I divorced a man who loved me for him.
Do you think I would do that for a gay man ?
Mrs O: You did. Why did you divorce your
husband? You wanted fame this was a business !
when you do business you make selfish
decisions and I must say you're hell of a
business woman. You left the father of your
children because of fame!
Me: Get them out of here !!!
Mrs O: now you went and lied to the press about
our dead son because he can't defend himself!
We are going to give them our side of the story!
Priscella: You wouldn't dare do that ma'am!
Mrs O: Excuse me?
Mrs R: You heard my daughter. You dare go lie
about Sonia she is going to sue you for
everything you have and I will make sure we get
her the best lawyers in the country
Dad: I want you to dare try O'Neal
Brendan's father looked at my dad. He gave me
Mr O: You're not welcome at my son's funeral
Me: You are sick just like your son was. I don't
want anything to do with you and his funeral
Dad: Now get out !
Dad pressed the elevator. It opened
Mr O'Neal: I want you to take your belongings
out of my son's house
Me: What ? That is my house! I married your
son! I bought that house with my first husband.
He doesn't own that house
Mrs O:
Priscella: Now get out of my home out !!
They got to the elevator. The elevator closed. I
turned around. Everyone was looking at me.
What is this? Don't tell me They believe all that
crap. I didn't make no business deal
Me: Guys tell me you believe me! Brendan lied
to them. I would never agree to this nonsense!
he made them believe this was a business
arrangement. That is why when we were there
to get married they kept having secret meetings
with him! I knew they never liked me. When I
wanted us go visit them Brendan refused. He
always went alone now I see why. He didn't
want them to bring up the fact that our
marriage was not real. Tell me you believe me
Priscella gave me a hug
Priscella: I believe you friend
Dad: What kinda family did you marry to Sonia
Mrs R: We do honey. We are just surprised to
find out this marriage was not real
Me: He played me from the start and I was such
a fool
Dad: Good thing he is dead
I was crying in Priscella's arms. I cannot believe
this. I can't believe Brendan did this to me. I
know he was capable of so many things but I
never thought he would do something like this. I
left my husband for what?




< Tasha >
I think I made my intentions very clear from the
beginning. I didn't hide what I wanted. Everyone
knows I really wanna be famous and I feel like I
am. Everyone knows me now. I have been on
papers for so many times. I made celeb gossip
Columns for about three times. And my social
media is going well. Losing Brendan is not
affecting me in anyway. For me it is hustle as
usual. I am building a brand. If my family
thought I will be poor when they disowned me,
They have another thing coming. I am getting
paid already and I think I mentioned that. I
remember my first payment was the reason I
met Brendan. I went to the club to celebrate by
myself and I saw him there. I am glad I met him.
I feel like he was more fun than Hungani. That
bastard never liked me. He just wanted to use
me for one night. At least Brendan and I were an
item. He didn't mind being seen with me in
public and I cannot say the same about his
buddy Hungani. That man is full of himself. He
thinks he is the best thing that has ever
happened to people. I am going to work so hard.
I want to be successful so that I could be
interviewed and I wish he could be the
interviewer. I would enjoy being his guest. I
would enjoy monking him.
Anyway I am still living with Laila. I know this
must be a lot for her that is why I am not
planning to live here for long. I don't want to
overstay my welcome. She helped me and I
appreciate her. She is such a great friend. Laila
is a chef. She went to culinary school so that is
why she is already working. She works at the
hotel, The one next to Seputla building. Luxury
hotel. I decided to go have lunch with her. I am
so bored staying at her house alone.
Laila: Hey girl
Me: Hey
We sat down
Me: How much time do you have ?
She looked at her phone.
Her: Thirty minutes
Me: That's enough time. Friend I want you to
help me find a place to stay
Laila: Tasha you're not making a lot of money
right now. Why don't you stay with me for a
little longer?
Me: I don't want to invade your space. Some
people don't like Sharin....
Laila: Friend I enjoy being with you. While
you're still struggling stay. You can look for a
house when you're making a lot of money
Me: Thanks friend
Laila: So when is the funeral ?
Me: I really don't know. I have been looking
online but no details yet
Laila: You have to attend. You're the last person
he was seen with. Right now you don't do things
for yourself. You have to please the public if you
want to make your brand grow
Me: You're right
Laila: I saw your ex. He still looks good
Me: Which one ?
Laila: EJ. At Seputla Towers some woman had a
birthday so they usually ask me to make cakes
for them when one of them has a birthday so I
was delivering it then I saw him arriving with
his mom
Me: So he is out of Rehab..... ?
Laila: Rehab? You didn't tell me that
Oh flip ! I really forgot I didn't tell her
Me: I am sorry friend. The day we saw his
producer he told me that. And I was ashamed
because he went there because of me
Laila: Wow that drug really damaged him
Me: did you speak to him? Did he say
hi ?
Laila: They didn't see me friend
Me: Can you text him, just say hi and tell him
you're with me
I really miss EJ. when i lost him my life was
upside down. I regret letting him go.
Laila: No friend I have less than 15 minutes. I
can't text him then disappear. I will do that later
Me: Okay..... I miss him
Laila: Do you really miss him or this is another
plan of yours since that one failed
Me: No! I love EJ
Her: Friend. You said he was a child. You
wanted a real man. Now you want him ?
I took my juice and sipped on it
Laila: EJ loved you. He is a great guy please take
him out of your game plan. I beg you. He
deserves someone who will love him. You
proved Priscella right . You all loved her brother
for his money
Me: I love him
Laila: Let's forget EJ. Let's talk about something
serious. Friend remember when we arrived at
your house that day. You were talking about
having sex without protection with Brendan
Me: Oh My God
I put my hand on my chest. I completely forgot.
We found mom and dad at home we had to stop
talking about it.
Laila: I think when you leave here you need to
go to the doctor
I sipped my juice then stood up. I kissed her
Me: I am going now!!!
I ran out. I have to know if I am HIV or not. See
what I said about Laila? This is a friend to keep.
If she didn't remind me I don't think I would've
remembered this. I need to know. I have been
reckless. I have been so careless with my life. All
I was thinking about was fame. I didn't think
about my well being.

< Priscella >
How much pain can one person take in one
month? My friend has been through hell this
month. She found out her husband was a
bisexual, She lost her child. She was humiliated
by her husband who didn't even apologize to
her for anything he did. Sonia didn't get a
chance to confront this man. He took the easy
way out and killed himself. He was a selfish man
now I see where he got it from. Brendan is his
parents' son. They are selfish. I understand they
lost their son but this? This was not the way to
do things. I don't know whether we should
blame them or their lying son. I can't believe this
marriage was not real from the start. Brendan
lied to my friend. He didn't only lie to her. He
lied to his parents. He made them believe my
friend was in this plan. He died now leaving his
lies catching up with all of us. Who is going to
give us answers? Sonia needed answers when
She Went to that hotel with divorce papers. He
didn't give her the answers. He killed himself. I
was planning to help Sonia forget him and the
questions she had for him now this ? Now she
has more questions and I feel like this is going to
kill her. I am so scared. She is an emotional
wreck. I don't know what we gonna do with this.
Did it have to happen the day we are supposed
to leave for Eastern Cape. I believe Sonia. Yes I
know she wanted to be a super star but she
would never stoop that low. Sonia would never
marry a bisexual man. I was shocked to find out
he was not even bisexual. Sonia has been
bragging about how perfect Brendan was. She
didn't know all this. What a sick man. How could
he do this to her. Seeing my friend cry like this
breaks my heart. He used her. He fooled us all.
Anyway Sonia's step mom, Kobus wife just
arrived. We were telling her what just happened
with Brendan parents
Sonia: Daddy tell me you believe me !
Uncle: Of course I believe you baby I do
Me: I can't believe all these lies !
Masixole: So he also lied about your house. He
said it was his
Me: That was not shocking at all to me. After all
The lies nothing surprises me about that man
Mom: Wow! What a con man. I am so happy you
found out about him before it was too late
Sonia: Mrs R I spent over 3 years with this man.
How come I didn't know all these things. They
said it was a business arrangement. I am
working. I have a stable job. I would never settle
for a gay man
She looked at her father
Sonia: A gay man daddy!!!
Mrs De Villiers ran to her. She hugged her
Mrs D: Oh honey I am so sorry
Sonia: He is not here now! Why didn't I find out
about all this when he was alive?
Me: That is what pisses me off! I am so angry
that he is not here to answer these questions
Sonia sat down. She looked at me.
Sonia: I an sorry Priscella. I cannot go with you
guys. I am glad Mrs R is here to accompany you
That one is disappointing but I understand. She
won't be a good company. I respect her decision.
She needs to find herself but I don't want her to
be drepressed alone. She can't sit and feel sorry
for herself. This is a lesson for her. I am sure she
learnt something from this. Anyway I walked to
her. I took her hands
Me: It's okay friend you can stay as long as you
promise to move in with uncle or Hunter. I don't
want you to stay alone
Sonia: I will go take my kids and stay with them
Kobus: We will keep checking on her as well
right my love ?
He said looking at his wife
Mrs D: Of course. I will stop by or we can spend
the weekend with her please say yes darling
Sonia: Okay fine. I will go to your house but
Sunday I wanna go to my house
Mrs D: Deal
They hugged. I looked at mom. She brushed my
back. This is just not right. I just hate this.
Me: To think Isaiah Norman knew about all this
Sonia broke a hug from Mrs De Villiers. She
looked at me
Sonia: I swear when I bump into that man it
won't only be a tongue of war. I am going to kill
him with my bare hands
Me: He wrote lies about you and on top of that
he knew he was the main partner and he didn't
bother to tell you
Sonia: I cannot believe every time he went to
Zimbabwe he went with Isaiah Norman
I chuckled then poured myself water
Me: I just cannot believe Mr And Mrs O'Neal
knew their son was gay all this time!
Sonia: Then that bastard had the audicity to lie
to them about me ! Guys he said it was an
agreement between us that I divorce my
husband, The father of my kids for this plan of
Mom: That is the most ridiculous thing I have
ever heard I mean what was that couple
thinking? Who would give up their family for a
game ? Did they really believe that ?
Me: It looks like they did because they were here
so convinced that Sonia knew
Sonia exhaled then sat down
Sonia: If this is Karma? God hit me hard with it.
The punishment is too much
Me: Sonia there is no way you'd have seen this
coming. Brendan is a master manipulator. He
brainwashed you because if you remember
clearly you were the only one who believed him.
All of us couldn't stand that man
Sonia looked up. She was wiping tears, they kept
coming out.
Sonia: I don't think there is little bit of heart left
in me right now
Mom sat next to him
Mom: Sonia you're still young. You will love
again. You will find a man who truly loves you, a
man who will treat you the way you deserve
Sonia: I have been hurt more than anyone. The
things I have been through are things that have
been experienced by people who have lived. I
have been with two men in my life
She wiped her tears
Sonia: Well one man. Brendan was no man
My phone rang. I looked at my phone. it's the
Me: Sorry I have to take this
I walked away answering
Me: Hello
Him: Ma'am the helicopter is ready
Me: We will be there In few
I hung up then looked at EJ and Algebra
Me: Guys please take the luggages downstairs to
the car. We have to go to the helicopter
EJ: Sure
I walked to everyone.
Me: Mom the helicopter is ready
Masixole stood up.
Mom: Guys we have to go. We will leave you
here. I am sure Sonia need to pack
Sonia: I already packed for the trip so i will just
go take a few things from the bedroom. You guys
have a safe flight
She said coming to me. We hugged. I guess this is
it. I am going to meet my in laws. I pray for a
good and smooth weekend.

< Isaiah Norman >
My life is going south in front of my very eyes. I
got fired by my boss. She came to my house and
fired me. She didn't even give me a chance to go
clear my desk. She brought everything to me.
That is how much she couldn't wait to get rid of
me or maybe that's how bad I ruined their
publication. I worked for that news paper for a
while. I did a lot of good for it. There is no
journalist who was fearless like me there. One
mistake I am out. I can't take that lying down.
The reason I didn't follow up is because I am
tired. I am not myself. I cannot do this now. I am
not ready to face the public. I am not ready to go
beg my boss. I am not in the right state of mind. I
never left my room ever since I heard about
Brendan's passing. How could he do this to me.
Why did he leave me like this without saying
goodbye? Right now I am not even mad at him
for cheating on me with that Tasha girl. I am
mad at him for leaving me without saying
goodbye. How could he do this to me. He knew I
was always there for him.. I opened my home to
him because I loved him. Why did he leave me
again for a woman? Why did he choose Tasha of
all women. That woman is poison. Every man
who gets involved with her ends up in the news.
How could he be so stupid. The day I died I was
planning to go apologise to Sonia for all the
things I wrote about her. The reason for that
was because I was angry to see Brendan in the
news with Tasha. I wanted to piss him off so He
could give me attention. I was ready to betray
him and I was ready to take the beating from
him, Yes that man beat me. Whenever I asked
him about leaving Sonia he'd beat me up but I
guess I didn't leave because I was in love with
him, probably still am but he is gone now. And
that makes me so angry. Anyway I threw the
glass to the wall when I thought about it. He is
Me: For good
I looked up.
Me: You're selfish man! what did you do this !!
I broke down. My wish was to marry this guy
but I started losing hope when I noticed he
didn't plan to leave Sonia. I remember when I
almost told Sonia. My plan was to just betray
him and tell her. When he finally moved in I
saw that dream again till he decided to sleep
around with Tasha. I feel like the blackmailer
did this to us. He pushed him to the edge. He
didn't just kill himself. It was the pressure and
fear of being humiliated. I am going to miss him.
I am going to miss him deeply.
Anyway I heard a knock at the door. who could
that be? I never get visitors.
" Isaiah we know you're in there! it's mother
Betty " What ? That is Brendan's mother's voice
and Betty is her name. I stood up. I wiped my
tears. I looked around. Oh My God. So many
bottles. She kept knocking. The heck I will just
open the door. I went to the door. I opened the
Mr O:
Me: Hello
Betty ran to me. She hugged me .
Betty: Oh poor thing. I miss him too
She hugged me tight. I broke down
She broke the hug then looked around
Betty: Oh my God. You're going to kill yourself!
She looked at her husband
Betty: Sweetheart look how bad it looks in here.
Bottles of alcohol everywhere! the room is so
stuffy! Please open the Windows so we can talk.
We have a lot to talk about and we need your
help honey
Mr O opened the Windows i was just standing
crying. What can I possible do to help them?
Betty: Oh sweety. We just came from seeing him.
He is gone. My baby boy is gone. We need to be
strong and fight for him
What is that supposed to mean? What are we
gonna fight for? She was cleaning the bottles
and glasses. I sat down. I am just a lost puppy
who don't know what to do. I am lost without
Brendan. When I met algebra I was ready to let
go of Brendan. When he moved in with me that
changed everything. I fell so deep. How do I
forget him now? How do I move on after that
humiliation? Everyone now knows I Cross
dressed for him. I am a joke. Who will date me? I
feel like I should leave the city but go where ? I
am a journalist. Journalism is in my blood.
That's all I know what to do and when you're in
this country journalism is useless when you're
not in Gatueng. I am not a tv person. Maybe I
would join the news. Even if I would try who
would watch news delivered by the man who
dressed like a woman having sex with another
man ? All my dreams are shuttered.
Anyway Mr O and Betty finished cleaning. They
came and sat with me.
Mr O: Isaiah you need to live your life. I know
you loved my son but you can't go on like this
Betty: My husband is right. I hope this will make
you happy I mean you should be busy writing it
because you already knew about it
I wiped my tears. I looked at Betty
Me: What are you talking about Betty?
She smiled then looked at her husband. She
looked at me and lost her smile.
Betty: The lines that were told by that wicked
Me: I don't think I know what you're talking
Betty: Sonia went to the papers and lied to them
about my son. Can you believe she is denying
making a deal with our son ?
Me: A deal ?
Mr O: Don't tell me you don't know. Sonia and
Brendan got married to please people and to
make sure he works in this country. Sonia knew
my son was gay. Now she is denying everything
What ? What are they talking about? I am so
confused. I was just looking at them
Betty: That is why we want you to write a story
about that. Tell the public Sonia knew about my
son's sexuality!
I stood up. I walked away. They stood up
Mr O: Norman?
I turned around. I looked at him
Him: Are you listening to what we just said? We
want to expose that De Villiers woman
Betty: How can she lie like that to the public,
How could she do that? She humiliated your
man. She made him look bad. She didn't tell
people the part she played in this
I was just teary looking at them talking.
Mr O: Are you gonna help us or not ? Remember
you loved him. Brendan would be happy if....
Me: No!
I walked away then pacing up and down. Their
son is dead I don't know why they are doing this.
Betty: No? What do you mean No?
I went to the sofa. I sat down
Me: First of all I lost my job.....
Betty: Oh I am so sorry
Me: Secondly.......
How do I say this to them.
Mr O: What ?
I swallowed my saliva just to make sure my
throat don't try up when I say this.
Betty: What is it talk!
Me: Brendan lied to you
Betty: What ? are you turning on my son as
well? How could you do this ?
Me: Ma'am please calm down
Betty: Don't you dare tell me to calm down !
Mr O: My dear let the boy tell us what he meant
by that
Betty looked at me
Betty: What did he lie about ?
I sat up straight then exhaled.
Me: Sonia didn't know Brendan was sleeping
with men
Betty: That's a lie! My son told us. We never saw
that girl as our daughter in law. That is why we
saw you as our daughter in law
Me? a daughter in law now? I don't think that
makes me comfortable. I guess people are saying
I wore female clothes for him so guess the shoe
fit ? It felt like an insult I won't lie.
Mr O: Why are you sure that he didn't tell us the
Me: Because.......
I stood up again.
Me: Because I remember one day. I got jealous
of their relationship. I wanted him to leave her
he didn't want to....
Betty: Why would you be jealous of someone he
was not even sleeping with?
Me: Brendan was sleeping with Sonia. How do
you think she got pregnant ?
Betty: Who knows ? Sleeping around maybe ?
Me: You guys believed a lie that was told by your
son. Brendan lied to you and his wife. He was
sleeping with her. When they seperated, He left
me and slept with another girl here. Her Name
is Tasha. If you don't believe me I can call her
They were looking at me. I could see they didn't
wanna believe me.
Me: The reason I believe Sonia didn't know is
because I wanted to tell her. I was tired of these
lies. Some time I almost told Sonia. He arrived. I
had to stop. When Sonia told him I wanted to tell
her something he came here and strangled me
Betty: That's unlike my baby boy. He was not
I walked closer to her. I showed her my neck
Me: That was his nail. He cut me with it while
strangling me. Brendan lied about his sexuality.
That marriage was real and He didn't want to
lose Sonia
Mr O: Explains why he never wanted her
around us. He knew we would bring this thing
Me: Yes. That is why I hated being with him. I
hated that I was hurting a woman who truly
loved him
Betty sat down
Me: I know that is not what you want to hear but
it is the truth. Sonia had no idea she married a
gay man. The child she lost was your grandchild
Mr O: I cannot believe this
Me: And even if I was still working I was never
gonna write lies. I learnt my lesson when
Brendan asked me to write lies about his wife. I
don't want to be sued
Betty: Why would he ask you to write lies about
his wife?
Me: For drama and ratings for his new reality
Betty stood up
Betty: So my son was ambitious and ruthless?
He did selfish things to get ahead. He didn't care
who he hurt as long he got what he wanted?
Me: All of the above unfortunately
Betty looked at her husband
Betty: What did we do wrong with him ?
Mr O shrugged her shoulders then looked at me.
Betty: Tell me that house belonged to him ?
Betty: Tell me my son was being truthful once in
his life
Me: When Brendan met Sonia, She was already
living there
Betty: Oh My God. So that is not Brendan's house
I shook my head no. She looked at her husband
Mr O: I guess we owe Sonia De Villiers an
Betty looked away
Betty: Apologizing is not in my DNA O'Neal
Mr O: We don't have a choice in this one my love
I looked at Betty. She was looking away shaking
her head no
Betty: You know that's not me. I do not
apologise. I say we take the corpse and leave this
This woman has so much pride. She looked at
her husband
Betty: "Sorry Sonia. We were wrong and you
were right. Our son was a complete idiot who
was thinking for himself no one else ? "
Mr O: That sounds perfect
Betty looked away shaking her head
Betty: It can never be me. I do not see myself
doing that sorry

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
No one want to stay in suspense wondering
what happened or what is gonna happen to you.
These past two days have been hard for me. I
thought I was gonna get caught. I was so scared.
I guess I should trust my cousin Sister and her
daughter more. They have been doing this for a
long time. I am just glad that whenever I am in
trouble I know who to call. I feel bad that I
wasn't there for May when she needed me those
years ago. I thought I was better because I was a
royal Queen. I should've supported her and I
didn't, now she showed me the importance of
family. I will be there whenever she needs me. I
promise her that. I was so scared. I thought
Universe was dead. Anyway I just heard from
my colleagues that it is hard to identify the
woman who got burnt there as her DNA isn't in
any of the local hospitals medical files. So now it
is just a cold case. I will be happy when I hear
that the case is closed. I cannot be in any scandal
not now. Imagine if I would, The Chieftaincy
would be taken from my family. King
Zwelicacile wouldn't even get a chance to be
kind. There is a lot at stake here that is why I am
doing everything in my power to make sure this
doesn't come out and I feel like The ancestors
brought May back in my life for a reason. But I
still have a question. Is this the task I was given
by the ancestors? If it is I pray they never do this
to me again. It was a traumatizing experience. I
surprised myself. I never thought I would kill.
Anyway everything is in order. We are ready for
our visitors. I am so excited for this. I missed my
son and I cannot wait to see him. It's been days
and it feels like it has been months. I guess what
makes me miss him more is the fact that I know
he is going through something and he doesn't
want to tell me. I don't think there would be any
ceremony to apologise to the dead if nothing
happened to him. I feel like something happened
to my son. He doesn't want to tell me what. He
just laughs when I ask. I guess it is not that
serious. If it was I don't think Gedleza was gonna
keep it from me. I just pray my son is okay. The
cleaners just left. My palace looks and smells
fresh. We are ready for them. They said they'd
be here this afternoon. This is the beginning of a
great relationship with Seputla family. Our
children are marrying each other. I really thank
the ancestors for rescuing my son from that
Zidenge girl. He is with a decent woman now. I
am really happy. I cannot believe I was
supporting his marriage with Nomaxabiso. That
girl is a liar. She lied to my family. Who does she
think she is lying to the royal family? Our royal
family is not like any royal families around here.
We are well known and respected. That is why
that King honour was given to us. I don't want to
take credit and say I fought For it. I did fight yes
but looking around here. There is no other
family that deserves this more than us. I am in
my living room smiling looking around. I saw
my sister in law walking to me smiling.
Me: You still think i shouldn't have called the
cleaners ?
Princess: I see the change. this house looks good,
Quiet and smells divine
Me: Exactly what I wanted
Princess: Do you think they left Gauteng
I looked at the time. It's still after midday. They
said they'd be here Afternoon. I really don't
Me: I hope they are on their way. We can't wait
Princess: I wanted to thank you my Queen
Me: For ?
Princess: For saying I am the one giving my sons
the shares. I feel like now they won't hate me so
much for not telling them about their father.
This will show them that i love them and I can
take care of them They don't need him
Me: That's what I wanted as well. I wanted them
to see that you love them and that you can take
care of them without a man who don't want to
be part of their lives
Princess: Yeah. Thank you My Queen
I smiled. My phone rang. I looked at it then at
Princess Nomagampompo.
Princess: Who is it my Queen?
She could see I got angry in an instant.
Me: Nomfunzelo Zidenge
Princess: The nerve on that woman
I answered
Me: Hello
Nomfunzelo: Hello Queen Nomakhosazana
Me: Hello
Nomfunzelo: I feel like things didn't go well the
last time you were here. Do you mind a meeting
just the two of us. Woman to woman talk
Me: Tell me where and when?
Nomfunzelo: My house. My husband and my
daughter are leaving today visiting my sister in
law in Butterworth they will be back later
Sunday. I was thinking how about tomorrow?
I smiled
Me: Tomorrow won't work for me I am waiting
for honourable guests from Gauteng. How is
Sunday for you ?
Nomfunzelo: Sunday is perfect. I will cook. Be
here let's say at 9 or 10 am Sunday
Me: I am looking forward to it
Nomfunzelo: Great!
I hung up. Immediately after I hung up the door
opened. Gedleza ran in crying and jumping
Siqalo: My Queen I apologise for this
Me: It's okay Siqalo go back to your chair
He bowed then walked to his chair. I looked at
Me: What is it Gedleza?
Gedleza: Don't go she is planning to kill you my
Me: I know.....
I looked away fuming with anger
Me: That is exactly why I am going



< Tasha >
I hope I am not too late. I hope I didn't get any
diseases from Brendan. How can I be so stupid.
How could I be so careless. My life is going
south. My life should be going up now. Look at
the efforts I made to be known. first I was with
EJ who really helped me get where I wanted.
While i was excited about that I felt like the
opportunities kept coming. I foolishly followed
my heart and ran after Hungani. I think Greed
really made me mess up my life. Things were
going welI for me and EJ. I even appeared on his
show. As for me and Hungani? Nothing good
came out of that one. I didn't benefit nothing
and that goes for my relationship with Brendan.
My plan failed before it could kick off. That man
turned out to be someone I don't know. He
didn't give me opportunities at all. I hope he
didn't give me any sexual transmitted disease as
well. That would kill me. So In all my attempts to
be famous the only man who put me in the map
is the man I thought wasn't good enough for me
and I don't think he would take me back after
what I did to him. I literally threw him to rehab.
Karma came collecting so soon for me. The way I
was so lucky to get men I didn't think in few
weeks I would be all alone single, disowned by
my parents and homeless. Life can humble you
Anyway I just got to the doctor's office. I hope it
is not full because I don't think I can wait any
longer and I am not a patient person I just hope
because it is Friday I will not have to wait
Receptionist: Hello welcome
Me: hi
Her: How can I help you ?
Me: I am here to consult. I hope the doctor is
here ?
Her: Yes he is
She said typing in her computer. She looked at
Receptionist: Should I put it in EJ's medical aid
I didn't expect that. I always came here with EJ
and i used EJ's medical aid. I didn't think she
would remember me though. How I wish I could
use EJ medical aid. Right now I need every
penny I make. This is awkward. I smiled at her..
Me: No I will pay
Her: Okay please go through. The doctor is alone
I smiled then walked to the office. I knocked
then walked in.
Doctor: Tasha. Welcome
Me: Thank you doctor
Doctor: Take a sit
I thanked him then sat down
Him: What can I do for you ?
Me: I came to do HIV test
He smiled. I don't know why he is smiling. I
hope he is not smiling because he knows the
things I have been doing.
Doctor: That's a wise thing to do but I am
curious.... ?
He is going where I didn't want to go. I just wish
people could do their jobs and stop being
Doctor: Did an incident happen or you're just
doing an HIV test ?
Me: I just want to know my status doctor
Doctor: Okay firstly I need to counsel yo....
Me: Remember Doc this is not my first time.
Let's get this over and done with
Him: Okay. I am going to take your blood and
send it to the lab but first we need to do the
quick test, is that okay with you ?
Me: Perfect doctor
He stood up. He took niddles and syringe and
two small bottles. He came back and took some
blood. We did the Quick test also
Doctor: Let's wait 5 minutes
I am so nervous. I'd be so mad if I would find out
that he infected me with any disease. I mean he
is not even here to explain himself. I would
really be so angry. He took it then showed me
Doctor: It's ready and it's negative
Him: But we can't be excited until these come
back. This one is not too accurate
Me: Yeah I know
Him: Come back Monday around 12pm for the
results and I am sending them to lab right now
Me: Thank you. I will see you later
Him: See you then
I stood up then walked out. I took out my phone
and dialled my friend's number.
Receptionist: Bye Ms Tasha
Me: Bye
I walked passed her. Laila answered .
Her: Friend?
Me: It's done. I am negative on the quick one. He
took blood so I will be here Monday
Laila: Good thing I am off monday. We will go
Me: Great
I hung up. I hope I am negative. I really don't
want anything that will complicate my life.

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
I cannot believe this. I cannot believe
Nomfunzelo is doing this again. This woman
wants to kill me for the second time. What have
I done to her ? She really wanna see my son
marry her daughter don't she? Well not while I
am still alive. She better kill me on Sunday
because she is not going to get what she wants
from me. I dare her. I dare her to kill me
Sunday. Who does she think she is? Does this
woman really think at all? She knows how
powerful our ancestors are. She knows
whatever she does to me is going to backfire.
This woman is just like Nontorotyi. She is
unbelievable. She is planning to kill me when
her husband and daughter are not home? I am
going to make her dreams come true.
Anyway I was just looking away. I just hung up
the call. I am thinking about this. Is this
marriage this important to Nomfunzelo? She
really wanna be my son's mother in law? I am
one hundred percent sure Shosholoza didn't tell
this woman about the shares. I would
understand if she was doing this because she
heard about what i did but no, she didn't. I am
saying this because I know. If she knew she'd be
here attacking my sister in law. The reason this
woman wants me dead is because she knows I
made decisions here. If I say Nomaxabiso is not
going to marry my son that is final. So right now
she is trying to get rid of the problem. I am a
problem to her. I am a problem that is standing
in her way and I deserve to be eliminated. I
want to see it happen.
Princess: My Queen you can't do this. It is risky!
" That's what excites us. We love taking risks "
Those words played in my head. May said that to
me earlier when I spoke to her. Anyway I
snapped out of it. I ignored my sister in law. I
looked at Gedleza..
Me: I am going to see That woman please don't
stop me
Gedleza: Who am I to stop you my Queen?
Princess: Gedleza stop this nonsense! The Queen
is risking her life!
Me: At least I know her plan I don't see why I
shouldn't go
Princess looked around
Me: Phonqa is at Nontorotyi's house with his
I know she doesn't want him to hear what she is
about to say.
Princess: My Queen what if this is Shosholoza's
plan. What if they both wanna kill you? I saw
how mad that man was. He was livid!
Me: At least if I die you will know who to go to
Princess: My Queen I am not happy about this
I looked at Gedleza
Me: Gedleza go home and throw bones. Is
Shosholoza leaving town today with his
Gedleza: I don't have to my Queen. I know they
are leaving
I looked at Nomagampompo
Me: She said she'd be alone. I can handle her
Me: Stop worrying yourself. Everything will be
Princess: Don't eat there ! just hear her out.
Believe it or not I don't see this family going
anywhere without you
I hugged her
Me: That is very sweet sisi. It means a lot to hear
you say that
Gedleza: The Batswana royal house is close by
I broke the hug..
Me: The King and the Seputla family?
Gedleza: Yes. They are on their way. They are
very close my Queen. I was gonna leave but I
can't go. We will have to talk about tomorrow
when they arrive
I looked at my sister in law smiling
Princess: My Queen you don't look surprised by
what Gedleza said. He said Batswana royal
house ?
Oh flip! Remember when i was going to the
cemetery telling everyone that my son told me
Priscella Is royalty? I forgot to tell my sister in
law. Anyway I sat down
Me: Please forgive me sister in law. I blame
Zinyovile. When I came back from cemetery I
was very angry. She messed up my head that I
even forgot to share with you something so
important. The second Queen's mother is a royal
Princess: Oh My God. I was surprised that the
ancestors let him marry a commoner for a first
Me: Yes me too. I was so happy when I found out
that is why I have been so fond of Priscella
Princess: Wow
Me: Let me go check Notiniphu. We must have
dinner at 6. the time now is just after 3pm
Princess: Okay my Queen
This is happening they are finally here.

< Nontorotyi >
I am a woman who is always with a plan. Right
now I feel like I am not going to be in the guest
list at the royal house. I mean the Billionaires
are coming here today and my husband and I
are not on speaking terms. I really have to do
something and that something has to get me to
the royal house today. They are expectinging to
see Hlohlesakhe there that is why I decided to go
talk to my husband. I am going to beg him to
forgive me. Remember the royal house knows I
helped Zinyovile and I am sure they don't want
anything to do with me. I can't go there if my
husband and I are not on good terms. That is
why I want to fix things. I just want to make
sure I play my card right with that man.
Anyway I am about to knock at his office. I
cannot wait to see Zinyovile back even though I
feel like all my wishes are not going to come
true. She cannot kill Hurricane Dineo. I feel like
she is so useless now. The plan was to make her
more powerful but she is weaker than she was
before and that makes me worried. These people
are ganging on me. Zinyovile is my only gang.
She is the only person who helps me. If she can't
help me against these royalty people then what
can she really do for me? Bring bad news? Trust
me that woman loves and enjoys making me cry.
When it comes to bringing bad news she is
always on time. Anyway I am about to knock. I
breath in and out.
I knocked then opened the door. I walked in
then broke down.
Hlohlesakhe looked at me. He shook his head
then focused on what he is going.
Me: What kinda mother am I? What kinda wife
am I?
Hlohlesakhe: I guess you will tell me? I mean
after all you're the only person who knows and
understands herself
Me: Can you believe our girls heard us fighting.
And they say it's my fault
Hlohlesakhe: So it's not ?
Me: No!
Me: I mean yes ! it is my fault. My love my kids
are such good children. The fact that they can
see how wrong I am to you means a lot. We
raised good children. I am so happy they didn't
take after me. They are just their daddy's little
girls. They are on your side and I am on your
side as well. I feel like you have a right to feel
the way you do. I would do the same if I were in
your shoes
Me: My love you're my world! when you're sad I
am as well..What kinda wife who humiliate her
husband like that? Everything I do reflect to you
because you're my husband. I am so sorry. I am
such a bad wife
Hlohlesakhe: I like everything you just said
He stood up and put his hands on his pockets. I
Me: You do ?
He looked at me. He looked angry, for someone
who likes what I just said he doesn't look like he
Hlohlesakhe: I do but Only if it was true and
came from your heart !
I put my hand on my chest
Me: My love
Hlohlesakhe: No NoNontorotyi ! You have no
shame at all. You're disrespectful. You're acting
exactly like you're name! You are unbelievable.
Woman tell me
Hlohlesakhe: Do you regret what you almost
done to the Queen?
Me: Of course I do !
Hlohlesakhe: Woman stop lying Damn it!
Me: I regret it my love I do !
Hlohlesakhe: Why did you help that Woman
I pulled a chair then I sat down. I was also
looking down.
Hlohlesakhe: You don't know? Is that what you
want to tell me ?
Me: You never gave me a chance to explain why
I did it
Hlohlesakhe: Nontorotyi I gave you a chance to
explain you never did !!!
I stood up
Me: I felt like you came knowing everything. I
didn't see the need because I know I would
never change your mind. When you spend time
at the royal house you just change
I started pacing up and down
Hlohlesakhe: Don't you dare pin this on me!
you're the traitor here!
I looked at her.
Me: My husband. When I went to Zinyovile to
ask for muti to kill the Queen I had no money
with me. I said I was gonna pay her later. When
Zinyovile came here three days ago she didn't
say she wanted money to go to Swaziland. She
came to collect her money. I only paid her what
I owed her. It's not my fault that she took that
money and went there
His eyes popped out. It looks like he believes me
Hlohlesakhe: So she didn't tell you she was going
to a trip ?
I shook my head no.
Me: Like I said my love. I was paying my debt
Hlohlesakhe: I wish you explained that to me. I
wish you told me When I was confronting you
I looked away
Me: Like I said when you come from the royal
house no one can tell you anything
Hlohlesakhe: Nontorotyi you can't expect
everyone to be happy with you befriending our
enemies. You never do anything by the book. It's
Like you are against us
Me: I am sorry my love
His phone beeped. He looked at it.
Hlohlesakhe: The King is about to arrive. I have
to go to the Royal house!
He started packing his things
Me: And me ? Your date ?
Him: Fine let's go! I want you to behave
Me: Don't worry honey I will be In my best
behavior. You go! I need to go home and wear
an outfist that's worth million dollars
Hlohlesakhe shook his head then walked out
I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder
more Like slapping my shoulder. I quicky turned
Oh My God. I was hoping it's Zinyovile.
Me: Gedle.....
Gedleza: You were paying a debt ?
I swallowed hard
Gedleza: Who is a fool now, Me right?
Me: He is angry with me
Gedleza: And you thought you should push me
under a bus?
Me: I am sorry
Gedleza: Good luck
Me: What's that supposed to mean ?
He disappeared. I looked around
Me: Where are you! Gedleza ?
I sat down
Me: I said I was sorry
< Isaiah Norman >
I think Mrs O'Neal needs to swallow her pride
and go apologise to Sonia for the lies Brendan
told them. He dragged me in these lies as well. I
don't know how he did this. Brendan was the
master manipulator. He lied to his parents and
told them his marriage was fake. He lied to
Sonia and made her believe he loved her and
the marriage was real. He lied to me. He made
me believe his marriage was real. He just
enjoyed sleeping with me and I believe all that
gabbage. I don't know how he did this. How did
this man manage to make sure his parents never
brought up his fake marriage in front me or
Sonia. How did he do this. The lies were catching
up with him and he couldn't handle it that is
why he killed himself.
I wronged Sonia and I feel very bad. I feel like
the least I can do right now is apologise to her.
And also persuade Betty to apologise to her. This
woman must swallow her pride and apologise
for her and all the things her son said and did to
Sonia. She didn't deserve this and I feel so bad
for keeping up with this lie. Anyway they are
still here. They must go and apologise.
Mr O: Betty we cannot leave without giving that
girl an apology. We really acted like fools at that
Betty sat down
Betty: Why did my son do these things?
Mr O: We all know why. He wanted to be
famous. He didn't care about anyone else. Even
us his parents. We need to go there and
apologise. We are not like that. We don't act the
way we did to that girl
Betty stood up
Betty: I hate this
Me: Betty I think you need to listen to Mr O'Neal.
You guys need to go apologise to Sonia. She lost
so many years. She left her husband for Brendan
thinking he loved her. She deserves an apology
from you
Betty: When did you become her fan. You were
sleeping with Brendan. Why did you let it
continue if you cared so much about that girl?
I looked down. I won't be offended at all. I know
what I did and I am sorry.
Me: The reason I didn't put a stop to this was
because I loved him and also I thought maybe he
loved Sonia. I didn't think he was lying to her. If
I knew that marriage was a lie. I don't think I
would've let him fool her like that. All I am
saying is go say sorry. I am sure it won't hurt
apologising. It will actually make you feel better
Mr O: he is right Betty. I said a lot of things when
we were there. things I regret. I want to
apologize. We must accept that we raised a
Betty walked away
Betty: I don't think they want to see us. We were
so rude. I even...
She turned around and looked at us. She was
Betty: I even signed divorce papers on behalf of
my son
Me: You did ?
Betty: After I signed I threw the papers in her
Me: Oh My God
I saw Mr O'Neal dialing a number. I hugged
Me: Now I think you really owe her an apology
Betty: I know
I saw Mr O'Neal walking back to us
Him: I asked for a brief meeting Kobus agreed
Betty broke the hug
Betty: I was horrible to Refilwe. She is inviting
us in her building ?
Mr O: No, They are driving to my Sonia's
Betty looked at me
Her: Are you coming with us ?
No I can't. I don't want to do this with them
Me: No, My house is dirty I need to clean up
Betty: We are burying Brendan Saturday. Please
Me: I will. Travel safe guys
They smiled. I opened the door. They walked
Me: Bye
I closed the door Then leaned on it.
Me: Brendan you fooled us all

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
I know I keep going back and forth talking about
the same thing. I can't take this out of my head. I
understand my sister in law's concern. I thought
of that too. The first thing that came to mind
when she invited me was her husband. I was
like What if this is their plan. What if Shosholoza
wants to kill me at their house then I thought of
Gedleza. If I was in danger he'd tell me So now
that he confirmed that he won't be there. I can
handle Nomfunzelo myself. I don't need anyone
to help me with her. I am just curious about how
it's gonna go down. Before she called. My plan
was to go there and beat her up for trying to
poison me in that wine glass. Now that she
wants to kill me for the second time. I don't have
no game plan. I am going there blank. I will see
what happens when i get there but one thing
everyone should know is I am not going there to
smile. She is not my friend. She was never my
friend that is why it is so easy for her to kill me.
Only our husband's were friends.
I have been thinking about what Zinyovile did to
me. How it really messed with my mind. How
can I not tell my sister in law about Priscella
being royal princess? Zinyovile really messed
with my head and she is in a list of people who
are going to respect me. Anyway Gedleza is here.
He has to be here when we welcome our guests
and he wants to speak to us about tomorrow. I
saw Siqalo walk in
Siqalo: My Queen the chief is here
Me: Send him in Siqalo
I looked at Phonqa
Me: Go ask Notiniphu to bring a glass for the
Phonqa: Okay my Queen
He stood up and walked to the kitchen.
Princess: I don't like how divided we are in this
family. We are welcoming a new family to our
family and my brother's wife is not here and it is
all her fault !
She stood up and walked around.
Me: I am not complaining at all. I want peace in
my life. That woman can't even spell the word
Princess: I don't know why she is so difficult. It's
hard to trust her. How do you welcome someone
you don't trust to your home?
Hlohlesakhe: Who is that?
Princess turned around
Princess: My chief
Hlohlesakhe: The person you don't trust.... who
is it ?
Notiniphu gave my brother in law a glass and
poured him a drink
Princess: Oh Nomfunzelo is inviting My Queen
to her house
I sipped my drink.
Hlohlesakhe: You're not considering going there
my Queen?
I stood up
Me: Chief Khabalandile her daughter was
supposed to marry my son. We do need a way
forward don't you think? I mean I feel like it's
only fair we hear each other out
Hlohlesakhe: Don't eat anything there please
I looked away
Me: I won't
I sipped my drink. How are we going to talk if I
don't eat? I have to make sure we are able to
talk. Siqalo ran back in..
Me: What is it Siqalo?
Siqalo: A big bus just arrived my Queen. I think
it is them
I sipped one more time then put it on the coffee
table then picked it up
Me: Notiniphu come take all these glasses. Wash
them then pour drinks and put them in a tray
I looked at Everyone
Me: Let's go welcome them everyone
I said rushing to the door. We all walked out. Oh
My God. Did they have to show off? I don't think
this big bus is hired from the airport. I don't
even know why the helicopter didn't land here
at our village. This bus is big. Don't tell me these
people didn't fly they drove all the way from
Gatuent to My village. The bus came infront of
the palace. We were just standing smiling. I am
nervous. They are going to see the woman who
raised the King for the first time. I want
everything to go well and I hope everything will.
I don't want any drama or anyone who will
mess this weekend up. I know there is a
ceremony tomorrow but I take this weekend as
a chance for us to bond and get to know each
Princess: Wow this is such a big bus Do you
think they brought the entire family?
Me: I doubt. He said it's him and her family Do
you think it's a big family?
Princess: My Queen they are royalty. They must
have a big family
Me: I hope not. I mean if they were bringing the
entire family I think they would've warned us
Princess: Yea....
I saw a woman walking out. This must be the
mother. She walked down then looked up. Her
son walked out then followed by a girl. She is
beautiful. I think this is my daughter in law
She walked down to the door of the bus. She was
helping my son walk. What is going on here? I
lost my smile. I was supposed to smile all the
way to show them warm welcome but I can't.
What happened to my son
Priscella: Careful baby
Princess: What is going on ?
The woman looked at us. I have to pull myself
together. I can't throw a tantrum. I really need
to welcome them before questioning what is
going on with my son
Me: Welcome to The Ndengana royal family
Woman: Thank you so much
I went to her. I hugged her then broke the hug. I
took both her hands
Me: I am Queen Nomakhosazana. Masixole's
I let go of her hands. I looked at my sister in law.
Me: This is my sister in law, Masixole's aunt
I looked at my brother in law
Me: This is my husband's brother Chief
I looked at my nephews and Ngejiwe
Me: And these boys are Princess children and
the girl is my brother in law's daughter
Her: Nice to know you all Such a beautiful
family. I am Refilwe Seputla, Priscella's mother
and that's her
She said pointing at her. Priscella smiled at us
Refilwe: This is her brother Elton Junior. We call
him EJ
I saw Phonqa smiling whispering at his brother's
Me: Nice to know you. You have a beautiful
children and I am not surprised, their mother
looks stunning
Refilwe: Thank you
I looked at Priscella
Me: Daughter in law. I heard a lot of things
about you
I said hugging her then broke the hug. I noticed
my son is trying to look at me but he is not
looking at me. This boy is blind. Oh My God my
son is blind.
Priscella: Hope nice things only ?
Me: Amazing things sweety. I see you're taking
good care of my blind son here
I said slapping Masixole so hard on his face
Princess: Ma'am!!!
I pulled Masixole into a hug. I hugged him tight
Me: Why didn't you tell Me you're blind. I am
your mother
Masixole: I am sorry mom I knew you'd wanna
fetch me. I had to wait till the end of the week.
My fiancé was busy
I broke the hug. I brushed his pretty face
Me: Oh baby
Priscella: I am sorry Mrs Ndengana. It's my fault.
I don't think I was gonna be able to work if you
went and took him. He got blind Sunday
I looked at Priscella
Me: It's okay
I looked at my son
Me: Masixole you know how vengeful your
ancestors are why did you betray them?
I saw Gedleza joining us with Siqalo
Me: Oh this Is our healer Gedleza and The man
who runs this palace. His name is Siqalo. Let's all
Go inside
I cannot believe my baby is blind. I hope this is
not permanent. I can't forgive myself if this is
permanent. I would blame myself. I feel like I
didn't raise him well. Anyway we walked in and
found our female servants standing with trays
with drinks.
Me: Notiniphu go get my daughter in law a juice.
She is pregnant she can't drink
We all took glasses then stood at the living room
Refilwe: Oh My God your house is beautiful
Queen Nomakhosazana
I looked at Princess Nomagampompo She
winked at me
Princess: ;)
Me: Oh Thank you. You can sit
Refilwe: No! I have been sitting for over 4 hours.
You have a big open space here. I feel like
Me: Well if those high heels are not killing you
then let's stand
Refilwe: I am comfortable in heels
Me: Great then, Feel at hom.....
I heard someone giggle behind us. The giggle
was coming from the door. I know that voice I
can't believe this. I turned around
Nontorotyi: Oh My god Refilwe Seputla? the
most Beautiful, powerful and richest woman in
the country If not the entire African continent
What is she doing here ? Refilwe looked at me
Refilwe: O-kay..... ? and who is She?
Me: She is my Brother I....
Nontorotyi: I am the Queen!
The nerve! Refilwe looked at me
Refilwe: I thought you were the Queen of this
village ?
Nontorotyi looked at her husband pointing a
finger at him
Nontorotyi: That one over there is a chief and
My husband so that makes me the Queen of
Nontorotyi looked at me then at Refilwe with
her hand pointing at me
Nontorotyi: Her time has passed. Her husband is
Hlohlesakhe: Nontorotyi!
Nontorotyi: He passed
I walked away furious. I grabbed my glass and
poured myself a drink. I was breathing heavily. I
swear if she doesn't stop talking I am going to hit
this glass on this wall, Take the broken glass and
attack her
Refilwe: That's a horrible word to use to
describe a passing of someone who was so
important to this village Nontoloti
Nontorotyi: It's NontoRoTyi.... tyi..... tyi say it
with me
I turned around and watched this woman
making a fool of herself. I heard Princess breath
next to my ear
Princess: Don't let her get to you. Let her make a
fool of herself!
Nontorotyi: Nontorotyiiii
I saw the chief shake his head in disbelief
I gulped my drink



< Nomfunzelo >
I don't know how things turned out to be so bad
when we planned this so beautifully for my
daughter. Nomaxabiso really ruined her life. She
ruined our business plans. All I am thinking
about right now is how are we going to keep our
investments. How are we going to make sure we
don't lose everything. My daughter didn't even
think of that. All she thought about was herself.
How can we make so many sacrifices for her
then get this for a thank you. We all made
sacrifices for this family. Why can't she? Why
can't she do the same. When will she think for
others not her once in her life? I hate this. I can't
believe I will say what I am about to say but I
will never look at her the way I used to. I will
never be proud of anything she does. In my eyes
she is a disappointment. Of course I can't say
that to her face since she is determined to
commit suicide if we don't stop mistreating her.
I mean the nerve on this girl. How could she
betray us then act like a victim? How could she?
All her mistakes are pushing me to make really
bad decisions. All l care about is the business. I
care about this business. The fear of not
knowing what Nomakhosazana is planning it
kills me. I know if my daughter don't marry her
son there will be a lot to pay. I know that
woman. She is law. She makes the law. She will
manipulate the system and leave us empty
handed or with the exact amount of money we
gave them for our investment. That business
grew a lot. It made a lot of money. It wouldn't be
far to get only that money but if there is no
Nomakhosazana. We could win and my
daughter could marry The King that is why I am
planning for a successful murder this time. The
first time her ancestors were with her. She left
without eating what I made for her. She can't
escape the second time. She cannot be lucky
Anyway my husband and my daughter are
about to leave. my husband is in our bedroom
finishing up packing. My sister in law has a
family event. I can't go. The reason I don't want
to go is because of my meeting with
Nomakhosazana but no one knows about it. I
didn't tell my husband. I just made an excuse to
stay behind.
Nomaxabiso: Mom i know I messed up but do
you think i will marry The King? very soon they
will announce their wedding and when they do,
people will start talking. We told them I was
marrying Zwelicacile
I hugged her.
Me: You're going to get married to King
She broke the hug
Nomaxabiso: How mom? I broke all promises. I
ruined this family. I don't think they want me. I
called the Queen yesterday she was so cold.
They don't want me there mom
I looked at bedroom. I looked at Nomaxabiso
Me: You see that woman.....
Me: She is the only person who is going to make
sure your dreams don't come true
Nomaxabiso: But I thought she liked me. I even
saved her life
Me: Baby her son comes first. With her alive you
will have to forget the marriage
Nomaxabiso: I will be the laughing stock in this
Me: Not if we get rid of the problem
She wiped her tears. She looked at me.
Nomaxabiso: Mom?
Me: You heard me
I walked to The kitchen. She followed behind
me. I felt her touch my wrist. I turned around.
She looked at bedrooms then at me
Nomaxabiso: As in .......
She was whispering .
Me: Kill her
I opened the fridge. I took out water. I poured it
in a glass then looked at Nomaxabiso. She has
her hand on her mouth
Me: That woman is a judge. We have
investments there. Nomakhosazana can do
anything to make sure we don't get our
investment from them Even if we take them to
court that woman would win that case so......
Me: Why don't we get rid of the problem then
you get your marriage and me and your father
keep our investments
I saw a smile in her face. I could see she was
thinking about it. I knew there's evil in my
daughter. She is not as good as she makes people
believe she is.
Me: Do you like it?
Nomaxabiso: Mother I want to marry King
Zwelicacile more than anything in this world
Me: The only way you can get that is if we get rid
of the problem, then carry on with the plan.
Even if they take us to court we will win that
case but that can only happen if Makhosazana is
no more
Nomaxabiso: How are you gonna do it mom ?
I sipped my water
Me: I will make a plan
Nomaxabiso: It's our plan. I wa......
Me: No! Nomaxabiso
Me: It's not our plan. It is my plan. The less you
know about it, the better
Me: You're the one who used emotional
blackmail to us. Now I am trying to show you
that I don't want to lose you and you need to
trust me
Nomaxabiso: I trust you mom
I hugged her. I saw my husband standing at
passage smiling. I hope he didn't hear
everything. I quicky broke the hug
Me: Zidenge
Shosholoza: I am ready
Me: Let me walk you guys out then
We all walked out.
Shosholoza: Are you sure you don't wanna go
with us ?
Me: I need to meet up with this supplier
tomorrow my love. I really can't go. Send my
love to sister in law
Him: Okay
I hugged him. I went to Nomaxabiso
Me: Enjoy yourself sweetheart
Nomaxabiso: Thank you mom
They got in the car. He drove out. I waved at
I need a perfect plan. I need to make sure no one
sees me when i drag Nomakhosazana's body to
the car. When she dies her body must be taken
out of my house. I will drive her and leave her
next to MDUMBI river and go back home. I feel
like I will need an accomplice on this one.
Me: .........?
Who can I trust though? No i can't trust anyone.
I have to do this myself. I am going to keep her
in my house till it's dark then drive her bost to
the river later

< Sonia >
I cannot believe this. My father just got a call
from those people. They want to talk to me
really? after the drama they caused they want to
speak to Me? Why do they think i would want to
have any sort of conversation with them? They
want to talk to Me, About what? I have no
respect for them and I know they have no
respect for me. I respected these people because
I thought they were my in laws. I didn't know all
along they knew me as some woman who is an
idiot. A woman who gave up her life for a
business deal. I am angry at them. I feel like
even if they knew what they knew at least We
should have had sort of a relationship. After all I
helped their son, So it seems. I am saying that
because i was not aware I was helping him. All I
knew was I met a man of my dreams Who loved
me. Now it turns out it was all lies. I swear I hate
him. I hate him so much.
Me: Mom why are we going to my house. There
is nothing I need from there?
Dad: Why don't you want us to go to your house
Me: No It's not like I don't want you there, it's
just that I said I wanted to spend a weekend
with you guys
Mom: We appreciate that and we want to spend
a weekend with you. Since Betty and her
husband thought that house belonged to their
son we thought we should stay there til they
leave the country. We don't know when they are
leaving but we feel like we should spend the
weekend at your house
Me: Okay then you're right
I cannot believe Brendan told them so many lies.
I can't believe that my marriage was a lie from
the very beginning. Oh Sonia you're a fool. A
complete idiot. Anyway we arrived at my house.
Maybe it is for the best that I stay in my house.
Just to familiarise myself with the place without
Brendan. When we got in we found my kids and
Hunter in my house. I feel like my step mom and
father knew he was here. I greeted my kids.
They went to their rooms. I am happy to have
Hunter here but a part of me is embarrassed. I
did this to myself. I did this to my family. I left
them for that gay man. My dad got a text. He
looked at me
Dad: They are on their way I asked them to
Me: Daddy those people insulted me. I don't
think i want to speak to them
Dad: Sonia when those people left they didn't
seem like people who would want to see us
again. I think there is something important they
want to say to us
Hunter looked at me.
Hunter: I don't think it's a good idea to stay
when th....
Dad: No! you're not going anywhere. That
marriage was fake. Besides they don't know you
and they don't know my daughter at all
Me: you might think i am fool right ?
Hunter: You loved him. The only fool was him.
You can't apologise for loving someone. You
loved him. He was a fool to play you. Sonia
you're a great person and I feel like that is why
that bastard played you
Me: I was a fool. I brought that dangerous man
to my house. He lived with my children!
Dad: He is gone now
Hunter: Yeah it's over. You will be happy again
I exhaled
Me: I don't think i would ever be happy again
Hunter: Are you saying you loved him so much
that you can't move o....
Me: No!!
I stood up. Like i hell would do that. He doesn't
deserve anything from me.
Me: I don't love Brendan. I stopped loving him
while he was still alive. He has no hold over me !
Hunter: Then you will find love again. Don't give
up you're very young
Me: Young and divorced twice. What a messed
up life
I said walking to the window. I was looking
away. I saw a car drives in.
Me: They are here
Dad: They arrived ?
I turned around. I looked at him.
Me: Yes
Dad: Lets just hear them out
I heard a knock. Dad went to the door. He
opened the door.
Dad: Come in
Mr O: Thank you De Villiers
I shook my head in disbelief.
Betty: Thank you for welcoming us in your home
after how we acted earlier....
I looked at her. It didn't take her long to realise
that they were wrong. I wonder what changed.
Mrs O: Sonia daughter in law.....
She called me what ? I quicky turned around
and looked at him
Me: Daughter in law? don't make me laugh sir
Mr O: I know how you must be fe....
Me: You don't know anything ! Your son lied to
me! he came to my life. He brainwashed me. He
manipulated me to leave my husband and be
with him! That man said he loved me!!!
Betty: We know honey. We just found out that
your marriage was real to you. He fooled us all.
He was my son but I didn't know he was that
kinda person
Dad: Oh now you know? Who told you?
Betty looked down.
Betty: We went to his boyfriend Isaiah. That boy
is a very honest boy. He stood up for you. He
told us that your marriage was real. You and my
son were even intimate. He changed everything
we believed about our son. He told us
everything you've been through because of him
and Brendan. Please forgive us. Brendan lied to
us as well. You're not the only fool here please
forgive us
I was just standing furious. Their presence
reminds me of that animal. I hate them for
giving birth to such a monster. A man who
destroyed lives and felt nothing about it. He was
a monster and a disgusting man. I hate him. I
wish he could read my mind right now. I hate
him. I hope people in hell can hear what we
think about them.
Mr O: Please find it in your heart to forgive us.
We never showed any interest in you because
we knew the marriage was fake. Please forgive
Me: You hurt me. You hurt me like your son did.
I told you I had a miscarriage you didn't care at
Betty: We didn't know you were sleeping
Me: I told you we were but you still believed
what you wanted to believe. You still don't know
why your son was like that ? You still looking for
a reason why he did the things he did ?
They were just looking at me
Me: Go to the morror. You will see where he
took his evil from!
Betty put her hand on her chest. She couldn't
believe I just said that !
Me: Your son left me at hospital. I just lost his
child her went and slept with another woman
and walked with her on the streets holding
I looked at Betty
Me: And you ......You signed divorce papers as if i
was married to you
Betty: I am so....
Me: I am not ashamed of anything I did. I
showed the papers to the reporter's. If i were to
go to the mortuary to get his signature I would
take his hand and make him sign. That's how
much i was fade up with him!
Me: You came here and slammed me about
speaking to the press and threaten to sue me !
Mr O: We apologise please forgive us. We
thought you were lying
Me: Mr O'Neal. Your son lived with me all these
years. Yes he did go see you but he always came
here. Do you think it is okay to call me names? It
doesn't matter what I did. I was a grieving
mother! You guys are the kinda people who put
up a fight with their late son's wife because you
want inheritance!
Betty: That's not true !
Me: It is! The last thing you said when you left
Seputla towers was my house. Your eyes were
on this house! The only thing your son came
with here was a bag and a bag that I am going to
pack right now and give it to you !
Mr O: We know we were wrong. That is why we
came back to apologise. The things you're
accusing us of.......
Me: The things I am accusing you of are true.
You asked me to take my clothes and leave your
son's house! well guess what? I am not
interested in anything your son owns. I am sure
he has millions somewhere hidden from me.
You can take it all! I was a fake wife anyway! I
made my own money. I don't manipulate people
to succeed. I went to school. I am educated. I
have a decent job. I don't have to hurt people to
get paid
Betty looked at her husband.
Betty: I told you this was a bad idea. Let's go
Me: Bye !
I went to a drink. I poured myself.
Mr O: Again. I apologise for our behaviour
earlier. The funeral is this weekend please do
I turned around. I looked at him
Me: I am not coming
Betty: And what will we tell the press ?
Me: You will tell them you said you don't want to
see me there !
Betty: But we are inviting you now!
Me: And they don't know you changed your
mind and invited me again
Me: And you don't have anything that proves
you've invited me again Unless of course you've
been recording this conversation?
Betty: Tjo!
She clapped once ..
Me: I have so many witnesses who heard you
say i shouldn't set my foot there! bye now
Betty: Let's go honey
They walked to the door
Me: O'Neal family!
They both turned around and looked at me. I
raised my glass
Me: Cheers to never seeing you again !
They looked at me shocked. I gulped my drink
.They walked out. My father looked at me.
Dad: Son....
I gave him a hand
Me: Not right now daddy !
I walked to the stairs. I heard my phone ring. I
looked at it. I don't know this number. l I
Me: Sonia ?
Caller: Hello Sonia it's Isaiah Norman
I chuckled. I felt tears running down my face.
This man has been lying to me. He has been
laughing at me behind my back.
Me: What do you want ? A scoop?
Isaiah: Can we meet please ?
I paused. I breath in and out.
Me: My office in 30 minutes
Isaiah: Okay thank you
I hung up
Me: I am going to throw your ass in jail and I
just know how
I ran down the stairs. My parents and Hunter
were looking at me. I went to the whisky. I
poured myself a double. I gulped it. I took my
Dad: Where are you going?
Me: To the office
Dad: But it's just after five !
I opened the door. I walked out then looked at
my dad
Me: I know daddy
I slammed the door then ran to my car. I felt like
my face is numb. I can feel I am tipsy. Perfect!
this is exactly what I need.

< Narrated >
Still at the royal house. The guests are here. All
Queen Nomakhosazana wanted was to impress
them. All she wanted was to show them this is a
good family. She wanted to show them that they
didn't make a mistake for marrying their child
to this family. Things started very smoothly until
Nontorotyi arrived and made everything about
her. In a second she walked in things were
iintense. The tension escalated in the room. The
Queen was livid. She was so angry that she
didn't even have words for Nontorotyi. The only
person who was handling the business was Ms
Refilwe. She was coming along with Nontorotyi
nicely teaching her manners. Did she show any
regrets though For saying that about the late
chief? It didn't look like it. The Queen wanted
this to be a good evening. She knows if she
shows her dark side things would get ugly that is
why she just walked away and excused herself.
We see her at a distance standing drinking.
Princess Nomagampompo was next to her. They
were looking at Nontorotyi making a fool of
herself trying to make Refilwe pronounce her
name correctly
Refilwe: Okay i get it but you need to apologise
to the Queen! You just said the late chief is dead.
Yes he is but the way you said it ?
Nontorotyi: Forget her. She likes making
everything about herself. My brother in law
passed. I am the Queen. I am married to that
Nontorotyi ran to Chief Khabalandile and kissed
his cheek
Nontorotyi: Isn't he handsome Refie?
Hlohlesakhe pulled Nontorotyi aside
Hlohlesakhe: What the hell is wrong with you !?
He snapped
Nontorotyi: My Love
Hlohlesakhe grabbed her wrist. He pressed his
hand so hard on her wrist. He was was holding
her wrist tight to make her snapout of it
Nontorotyi: You're hurting me!
Hlohlesakhe: Go to the chicken, pour tap water
in a glass and drink it
It looks like Nontorotyi didn't only go home to
wear her million dollar dress. She went home to
drink as well.
Nontorotyi: But......
Hlohlesakhe: Now or I will have you banned
from this village !
Nontorotyi: Banned ?
She asked looking at her husband. Hlohlesakhe
gave her deathstare. Nontorotyi looked at the
kitchen. She pulled up her dress
Nontorotyi: Banned
She ran to the kitchen. We see The Queen looks
at her sister in law.
Nomakhosazana: Go distract the guests. I will be
right back.
Princess: Please don't do anything to her
The Queen gulped her drink. She gave
Nomagampompo the glass. She didn't really give
it to her. She forced it onto her chest.
Nomagampompo took it.
Nomakhosazana: The guests sisi!
Nomagampompo: Of course
The princess smiled at Refilwe approaching her.
When she got to her Chief Khabalandile was
already apologising.
Refilwe: Its okay. Tell me is your wife having a
drinking problem. It's like she planned to come
here drunk to do this
Hlohlesakhe: She doesn't have a drinking
problem. I don't know why she drank before
coming here
Refilwe: She has such a big personality
Princess: Her behavior is going to be addressed
Hlohlesakhe looked nervous when his sister said
Nomagampompo: No my chief! this is not
acceptable! This is not about her. Queen
Nomakhosazana has guests here. She is trying to
ruin that !
Hlohlesakhe: I will have a wor.....
Princess Nomagampompo didn't wait For him to
finish. She is fade up
Nomagampompo: If you gave me a dollar every
time you said " You'll have a word with her" I
would be rich now !
Refilwe: So she is always like this?
Hlohlesakhe: N.....
Nomagampompo: Every time she comes to the
royal house! This house drives her crazy!
Refilwe: Wow i am out of words
She sipped her wine then looked at Priscella
who was sitting with Masixole in a double couch
Masixole: I apologise for my family's behaviour.
Where is my mother Auntie ?
Princess Nomagampompo looked at the kitchen.
She couldn't see anyone. The kitchen is a bit far
from the living room..
Princess: She went to the kitchen to have a word
with Nontorotyi
Refilwe: I think that is a good idea
We see Notiniphu walks in. She bowed then
looked at Ms Refilwe then at Princess
Notiniphu: My Princess the dinner will be ready
in 30 minutes. I am not sure if our guests will go
freshen up or.......
Refilwe: I don't think i would come back. I think
we will have dinner and bath later
Notiniphu bowed then walked to the kitchen.
When she got to the kitchen She saw the Queen
slowly walking to Nontorotyi who was busy
drinking water standing in front of a sink.
The Queen raised her hand. She had a knife in
her hand. She chose the biggest and the sharpest
knife in the cabinet or maybe she saw it on the
counter since it looks like Nontorotyi is not
aware the Queen is behind here. Notiniphu was
just standing there. She looked like a statue. She
couldn't move at all.
Nontorotyi turned around then saw the Queen
Nontorotyi let go of the glass. The Queen got the
glass before it hit the floor. Nontorotyi was in a
corner at the kitchen. She couldn't move. The
Queen looked up. She put the glass in the sink.
Nontorotyi: Pleas.....
She couldn't finish talking because the knife was
right on her neck. If she made one mistake and
moved, it was gonna cut her throat.
Nomakhosazana: What do you want from me ?
Nontorotyi: My Queen we can talk about this I
swear we can....
Nomakhosazana: Why don't you open your legs!
push a baby boy out of your vagina! find him a
wife and invite your own in laws to your house
Notiniphu had her hand on her mouth. She was
scared and teary She knew if she screamed she'd
kiss her job goodbye.
Nomakhosazana: You cannot have sons because
Of Ngejiwe your bastard child right?
Well well well. Another person knows the secret
now. Notiniphu was shocked to here this.
Nomakhosazana: Now you're trying to ruin my
son's special moment ?
Nontorotyi: Forgive me your highness. Please
forgive me
Nontorotyi had her hands up in the air. She was
crying silently tears streaming down her face.
She was really scared.
Nomakhosazana: Woman why everything that
comes out of your mouth stinks just like your
Nontorotyi: My breath stinks?
Nomakhosazana: A stunt like that again you're
Nontorotyi: Not again! not ever again my Queen
The Queen still had the knife on Nontorotyi's
Nomakhosazana: You think i wouldn't cut your
throat right Now and drag your body out of my
kitchen door and go dump you in the river
without anyone noticing?
Nontorotyi: No! no! No! No! I know you're
capable ! you'd do it in your sleep my Queen
The Queen removed The knife from her throat
then pointed it at Nontorotyi
Nomakhosazana: That was the only warning I
have for you, I have ran out of warnings when it
comes to you
Once the Queen attempted to turn around
Notiniphu walked in pretending like she didnt
see Nothing.
Notiniphu: Dinner will be ready in about 20 My
The Queen smiled. She threw the knife on the
kitchen counter then walked out. Notiniphu
looked at Nontorotyi. She felt sorry for her.
Nontorotyi was catching her breath with her
hand on the neck. She saw Notiniphu. She ran to
her then blew air
Nontorotyi: Tell me my breath don't smell. I use
a toothpaste that is recommended by United
Kingdom doctors. Tell me my breath don't smell
tell me. Tell me Servant
Notiniphu's eyes widened when she was called
Servant. She is surprised because no one has
ever called her that at the royal house.
Notiniphu: No, It smells alcohol only
Nontorotyi: Thank you
She turned around. She saw her clutch bag on
the foor. She ran to it. She picked it up and
opened it. She took out chowing gum and put it
in her mouth. She started chowing
Notiniphu was just standing looking at
Nontorotyi. Nontorotyi looked at Notiniphu. She
faked a smile then walked out of the kitchen.

Back in the living room. We see the Queen
walking with Refilwe around the living room.
The Queen was showing her all the photo
frames on the wall telling her about the family.
Nontorotyi was standing with her husband. The
chief was not talking. Nontorotyi looked like she
desperately wanted to talk to her husband.
Nontorotyi: My husband I am sorry
Hlohlesakhe: Nontorotyi what you said was
wrong! You promised to behave !
Nontorotyi: My love I am not a white woman
from England. English is not my mother tongue.
It was the only way to explain death
Hlohlesakhe: Nontorotyi even in our home
language you don't say what you said. You
literally said " Uchief Nkosesizwe ufile!!! " do
you realise how insensitive that sounded ?
Nontorotyi put her hand on her chest
Nontorotyi: That sounds so brutal
Hlohlesakhe: Even in English it sounded like
Nontorotyi: I swear i am going to drink water all
night no more alcohol I swear
Hlohlesakhe shook his head. He walked to the
couch. Nontorotyi saw a glass with wine. It was
half full. She looked around. No one was paying
attention to her. She took the glass. She gulped it
then put it down in a tray. She attempt to
remove her hand from the glass then heard
someone whisper in her ear " Really mom ? "
She slowly turned around
Nontorotyi: Honey i am embarrassed. Alcohol is
the only thing that can get me through the night
please don't judge abego
Ngejiwe: Now you're a complete Nigerian in that
green dress and doek now you topped it off with
that " Abego" of yours. Mom you're drunk. I
think you need to go home!
Nontorotyi: Honey that is not a good idea. I just
want you to promise me one thing. Watch my
every move. Make sure I sleep at home safe
tonight okay?
Ngejiwe exhaled
Nontorotyi: I am begging you my baby
Ngijiwe: Mom you're embarrassing my father
and I!
Nontorotyi: No more drama! I just want to
mingle and make some business deals with.....
She looked at Ms Refilwe then at Priscella
Nontorotyi:.... Billionaires around here
Ngejiwe: Can you not provoke the Queen please?
Nontorotyi: Only if you promise to watch me
Ngejiwe: I will mom. Go sit next to dad and
Ngejiwe walked away.
Nontorotyi smiled, We see her look at Priscella.
She wanted to go to her and Priscella noticed.
We see Priscella kiss The King
Priscella: Baby let me go help at the kitchen
Masixole: Baby Notiniphu call other helpers
after she is done cooking. They can do it
Priscella: So you want me to act like a city wife ?
Masixole: Okay go
Priscella smiled. She kissed his cheek then stood
up. She catwalked to the kitchen avoiding
Nontorotyi. She got to the kitchen. Notiniphu
looked up. She smiled then bowed
Priscella: You don't have to do that
Notiniphu: How can I help you my Queen ?
Priscella: I came to help you
Notiniphu: You don't ha....
Priscella: I want to help what should I do?
Notiniphu: This is so weird and awkward my
Queen, Can you wash those place. They have
dust. I will use them for desert
Priscella: Alright
Priscella took the plates. She walked to the sink
Notiniphu: I love your perfume my Queen. It
smells nice
Priscella: I have another one it's still sealed. I
can give it to you
Notiniphu: I don't think i would be able to pay
you my Queen. It smells nice and I can tell it is
Priscella: Its a gift from me to you. When i go to
bed please come fetch it don't be scared. I might
Notiniphu: Thank you so much
Priscella smiled then continued with dishes.

It is after dinner. Everyone was gathered in the
living room. Gedleza was standing talking to
them. Everyone was there even the kids. Even
Nontorotyi was quiet. Gedleza looked at The
Gedleza: My Queen I see this party will go on till
Everyone laughed
Refilwe: Weekend is not enough so we can't
waste time sleeping we will blink then boom it's
Monday and we have to go .
Nontorotyi: Hihihi weekend is just a day these
Refilwe smiled at Nontorotyi. Was it a real
smile? Refilwe is a talkative person. She always
has something to say. Nontorotyi was hoping
she'd say something after her comment but she
didn't. She just smiled at her. You couldn't tell
the smile was genuine or fake.
Gedleza: The King is home. He is not okay. That
is why I asked you my Queen to prepare
Priscella smiled at The King. She lied her head
on his shoulder
Gedleza: Tomorrow early in the morning we are
going to our river. We all know our river is
Mthatha Dam river. All Tshezi clan find healing
from there So Tomorrow everyone in this room
will go there in the morning with a goat and
some alcohol. We are going to slaughter the goat
there. The only person who is staying behind is
King Zwelicacile and we are also going to
introduce Queen the second to the ancestors so
she has to be there
Nontorotyi: Queen the Third. I am second
Before your jaw drops She didn't say that out
loud. She said it between her lips
Gedleza looked at Refilwe then Elton
Gedleza: I want everyone there. Only The King
will stay behind. The ancestors must see you
there and welcome you
Elton nodded his head
Refilwe: We will be there
Gedleza: Thank you
Gedleza looked at the Queen
Gedleza: My Queen I will see you all tomorrow.
Thank you for dinner. I felt like royalty as well
Nomakhosazana: You're royalty. There would
never be us without you
Gedleza: Thank you my Queen. Thank you
everyone have a wonderful night
They wished him a good night. Gedleza walked
out. Refilwe looked at Queen Nomakhosazana.
She stood up
Refilwe: Let's take a walk Queen
She looked at Princess Nomagampompo
Refilwe: Please join us and you chief
Refilwe looked at Nontorotyi.
Refilwe: What we are going to talk about is very
serious and I feel like you need to sober up. Do
you mind taking a rain check on this one ?
Nontorotyi: Not at all
Nontorotyi looked away and lost her smile. She
was not happy at all to be excluded.
They stood up then walked away
Nomagampompo: I need a jacket
Refilwe: We will talk in a bus outside it's warm
in there
They walked out. Ngejiwe went to her mother.
Boys stood up and started pouring alcohol for
themselves. It was Elton, Nomgcwabe and
Algebra was also with them. Phonqa was not
drinking alcohol. Masixole looked at Priscella
Masixole: Babe take me to the bathroom
Priscella: Okay babe let's go
They walked to the bathroom. we see Ngejiwe
sits next to her mother..
Ngejiwe: Are you okay mom?
Nontorotyi looked at her daughter
Nontorotyi: I am great honey ! fantastic
Ngejiwe: Mom you're not happy that she
excluded you. The way you acted earlier showed
you can't be trusted
Nontorotyi: Your friends are drinking go. I will
apologise tomorrow
Ngejiwe stood up. She walked to everyone and
poured herself a drink. Nontorotyi saw Priscella
standing alone looking at her phone waiting for
the king to come out. Nontorotyi stood up. She
smiled then walked to The bottle of whisky. She
poured herself a drink then walked to Priscella
Nontorotyi: The King's wife
Priscella looked up
Nontorotyi smiled
Nontorotyi: You're so beautiful. I feel like you
and I will get along so well. I am a good person.
If you need anything I am here. You can count
on me. If you want to know how you carry
yourself as the Queen I am your girl
Priscella: Why do you think I would need
anything from you?
Ouch! that was rude. Priscella walked away
written disgust all over her face. Nontorotyi ran
after her
Nontorotyi: Because I am your aunt and I am
one of the nicest people in this house. You see......
Priscella turned around
Nontorotyi: I love the Queen trust me I do but
she is a control freak! Come your wedding she
will tell you what to do or what not to do. She
will make it look like it's her wedding
Priscella's phone rang. She answered
Priscella: Sonia I will get back to you
She hung up then looked at Nontorotyi
Priscella: And why should I trust you?
Nontorotyi fixed her dress
Nontorotyi: Because I am smart. I am fun, I am
happening, caring and I have your best interests
at heart
Priscella: Really?
Nontorotyi: Think about it. I am a commoner
and so are you so you and I have so much in....
Priscella: You need to stop talking now ma'am
Nontorotyi put her hand on her chest
Priscella: You do not have my best interest at
Nontorotyi: I do !
Priscella smiled. She walked closer to her
Priscella: Then why did you have your daughter
investigate my man ?
Nontorotyi looked down
Priscella; You can't speak now?
Nontorotyi: I can......
Priscella: was that your way of showing that you
have my best interests at heart by humiliating
my man so that everyone could hate me for
marrying The king without his family approval ?
Nontorotyi: I didn't know you knew so much
about me.That was a bad call on my side
Priscella: Lady I don't like you
Priscella chuckled
Priscella: You disrespected my mother in law
and my father in law and you expect me to be
your friend?
Priscella shook her head then walked closer to
Priscella: Stay in your lane! the only commoner
here is you!
Priscella said pointing at Nontorotyi's chest then
walked away. We saw Nontorotyi sit on the
couch next to a small table with a book. Royal
people sit there when they wanna read books.
Nontorotyi looked upset. She was looking
around making sure no one was seeing her. She
put her glass down



< Priscella >
I have only one Mother in law. Masixole's
mother is my mother in law. I am not going to
let that woman ruin my relationship with my
mother in law. I don't have any relationship
with my mother in law yet because we didn't get
time to talk one on one So I am not going to let
that ratchet woman ruin it before it even start.
Masixole told me about his uncle's wife
behavior. He told me she is the one who told
everyone about us. If this woman really liked
me she wouldn't have done what she did. She
thought I didn't know. I know everything that is
happening here. I asked my man he told me.
And She was the only person he warned me
about. She didn't even give me time to give her
the benefit of the doubt. She walked in and
disrespected the woman we came here for. I
don't regret how I handled her. I don't care if
she hates me at least I will live peacefully. It was
not even 10 minutes we arrived. Already there
was drama everywhere. I don't like her
behavior at all. Oh my God this woman is crazy I
just can't stop laughing alone thinking about it. I
thought she felt bad about what she did. One
minute the elders walked out she couldn't wait
to come to me and tell me how bad my mother
in law is. I won't let her do this to me. I want to
see for myself and be the judge of that. I can see
she is poison in this family.
I must say this is not what I expected. This house
is big and beautiful. Since I met my man I
always thought he came from a poor family. It
feels good to be here but I must say I cannot
wait to finally sit down with my mother in law
and talk. I am really looking forward to that.
Anyway I promised to call Sonia. Let me call
her. I first looked at bathroom. Masixole is Still
in there. Sonia's phone rang
Sonia: Friend
Me: Are you driving ?
Sonia: Yes to the office
I looked at the time. It's to 7
Me: At this time?
Sonia: I am meeting Isaiah there
Me: What ? What does he want ?
Sonia: I don't know. Brendan parents came back
to us to apologise
Me: What ? what made them apologise?
Sonia: They believe me. Isaiah told them I knew
nothing about the fake marriage. He told them
Brendan lied now they finally believe me
Me: Wow! I didn't expect that from Isaiah at all!
Sonia: That doesn't change the fact that he slept
with a man I was married to. That man wrote a
lot of crap about us. We can't applaud him for
telling the truth! He told them exactly what
Me: Friend What Isaiah told them helped you.
We don't know if uncle didn't have doubts that
maybe you had a deal with Brendan. This makes
you look innocent. I believed you and I think it's
good that his parents believe you
Sonia: That bastard slept with him and looked at
me in the eye! that's why he always had a smirk
in his face Every time I saw him. He knew we
were sleeping with the same man
Me: I don't think meeting Norman is a good idea.
I can tell you're upset
Sonia: You said we'd get our revenge from him.
Let me deal with him!
Me: Sonia De Villiers what are you gonna do ?
Sonia: I am going to attack him. If he attacks me
back i am laying charges. POlice will believe me
because he came to my work !
Me: Please friend don't do that! hear him out !
let him explain himself. I mean Brendan family
was threatening to tell press about what they
thought was true. You had no gurranty that they
wouldn't do it after we threatened to sue. Now
you know for sure they won't and it's all because
of Isaiah. You know if he hated You he was
gonna let them believe what they wanted to
believe about you! He didn't do that because he
didn't want to hurt you. Friend we know your ex
was a bully. Look at that video. What if he was
physically abusing him ?
She Exhaled
Sonia: Why did I call you?
I laughed
Me: Because I am the only person who can
speak some sense into you
Sonia: Thanks friend I just arrived talk later
Me: Later
I hung up. I saw Nontorotyi walking out of the
front door. Bye bitch. I turned around i saw the
little boy helping Masixole.
Me: Oh Sorry baby I was on the phone
Masixole: Don't worry babe my little cousin
helped me
I looked at the boy
Me: What's your name ?
Him: Phonqa
Me: The clicks I don't think I would be able to
pronounce your name
I touched my man then looked at Phonqa
Me: I don't want what happened to mom earlier
happen to me
Phonqa: Call me Paul
Me: Nice name. I will Call you Paul. Phonca is
hard for me to Pronounce
Phonqa: Here we go
Me: What?
Phonqa: You just called me Phonca , Its Phonqa
with a Q
Me: See? Let me just stick to Paul
He smiled. He has such a beautiful smile
Me: You must be bored others are having fun
drinking and you're here not drinking anything
Phonqa: I will go have coffee in the kitchen then
go play video games in my room
Me: That's a good idea
Masixole: Phonqa don't go. You're taking me to
me room
Me: And me ?
Masixole hugged me. Phonqa covered his face. I
Masixole: My baby will go make me a cocktail
then take it to me upstairs
Me: Baby who are you going to kiss with
Him: But I wanna drink I guess we won't kiss
Me: That will never happen. Let me go make you
your cocktail. I love you
I kissed him
Masixole: I love you more
I walked to The couch. I took my handbag. I put
the perfume there earlier. I know the help will
be scared to remind me. I walked to The kitchen
Me: Here you go
She put both her hands on her mouth
Notiniphu: Oh My God
Me: Its yours
She took it
Her: Thank you
Me: Can you go get me a bottle of gin I don't
know where to find alcohol in this house. Do
you have lemon?
Notiniphu: Yes we do. Let me go get gin then I
will come back and show you
Me: Great
She walked out running. She is excited. She is a
sweet girl. I think she is my age or younger. She
is pretty I wonder why she is a maid?
Me: Priscella you were born with a silver spoon
in your mouth. You won't understand.....
But I am tempted to ask her. Tomorrow I am
going to ask her or when she comes back from
fetching alcohol.

< Sonia De Villiers >
How do you prepare yourself when you're about
to meet a woman who is or was sleeping with
your husband ? Do you stay calm or you just get
there and beat the hell out of them ? I am here
at parking. I don't know whether I should do this
or not. I heard what Priscella said and
unfortunately she was right. I can't do that to
him. He stood up for me when i failed to stand
up for myself to Betty and her husband. I was
serious when I said i am not going to the
funeral. How can i go to the funeral of someone
who lied to me. I can't go there and act like i am
hurt. He is an actor. There will be a lot of people
from the media even Celebrities. I can't go there
because I don't have anything nice to say about
him. So I can't be there pretending. As for
Brendan's parents, I want them to lie to them
and say they did invite me. I will deal with them.
Anyway I have to get out of this car and go to my
office. I wish we could sit at Bakery and talk but
this but I don't think it needs a public space. I
can feel it will end with tears. I can't cry in
public. Today i was supposed to go to Eastern
cape. I was gonna go there and forget Brendan
and come back a new person. I feel like since I
didn't go I need something to make me feel
better and talking to Isaiah might do that. I feel
like he has the answers i need. I walked out of
my car. I heard my phone ring I looked at it. It's
Me: Hey
Hunter: We are worried about you where are
you ?
Me: Actually I wasn't lying when I said I was
coming to the office. I forgot to send an email. I
left it as a draft for later but I forgot to send so I
will just send it then come home I promise. Tell
mom and dad
Hunter: You're telling the truth?
Me: Of course come on !
I saw Isaiah standing next to the elevator.
Hunter: Okay
Me: See you in an hour
Him: Okay
I hung up. It's nice that he cares. It really makes
me Smile. The elevator opened. Isaiah walked in
then hold it for me. I walked in
Me: Thank you
Isaiah: You're welcome
I pressed number five. I looked up. It was the
two of us in the elevator. We didn't say anything
to one another. The elevator opened. I walked
out, He did too. I greeted security then headed to
my office. I unlocked then walked in. He walked
in then closed the door. I looked away
Me: Sit if you want to sit
Isaiah: Thank you
He walked to the chair. I was looking at his ass.
He is skinny. What was this man seeing in him ?
We are both skinny. Well I wasn't a boy. He
wanted a boy. He sat down.
Isaiah: Before i tell you why i came I would like
you to accept my condolences. I am sorry for
your loss
I chuckled shaking my head. I looked at him
Me: Don't you think i should be the one saying
that to you?
Isaiah: I am really sorry
Me: Today I found out i was the side chick and
you were the main girlfriend how funny is that?
Isaiah: I am sorry for everything I did to you.
Sonia I am a man please don't call me girlfriend.
I sleep with men yes but I will always be a man
Me: So who was the man ?
Isaiah: Excuse me ?
Me: Who was fucking who? That's what I wanna
I am testing him. I know everything. I watched
the video. I just want to know if when he lied to
me it was the last time. If he lies now I will know
his apologise is not sincere. He looked down.
Isaiah: Him
Me: He was Fucking you ?
Isaiah: Please don't make this harder than it is
I saw a tear drop .
Me: Did you see and hear me in a restaurant
speaking about Priscella?
Isaiah: Pardon?
Me: You wrote an article about me! were you at
the restaurant that day ?
He stood up
Him: No i wasn't
Me: So Brendan gave you everything?
He looked at me.
Isaiah: He called me saying you wanted to see
him and Hungani. He asked me to send a
photographer who was gonna take picture. He
said I shouldn't come because he will record
everything and he did
Me: That son of a bitch
Isaiah: I swear I didn't know your marriage was
a fake. He didn't tell me that. He said he loved
you and you're his wife
I looked at him
Me: What did he tell you ?
He just looked at me. He didn't say anything
Me: Did he say he loved you ?
He sat down
Isaiah: He only said that when we were having
sex after that he would be aggressive more like
someone who regrets what he was doing
Me: It happened every time you slept together?
Isaiah: Yeah. That's why I thought he loved you
Me: That man never loved me. To him I was
something to use so that he could be respected
as a man. I was a trophy! a toy he used to feel
like a man !
Isaiah: I don't know how many times I wanted to
tell you but I couldn't
Me: Did He beat you ?
He looked down
Me: He did didn't he ?
Isaiah: Every time he beat me it was always
about you
Me: What do you mean?
Isaiah: Before i met you I always pressured him
to leave you for me but he wouldn't. He'd beat
me and tell me he loves me but he couldn't be
with me
I want to ask him about what happened at
parking where we had a photo shoot but I can't,
that will make him suspect that I was following
him. I don't want him to know I am behind the
news paper article that humiliated them.
Me: The day you almost told me at the shoot. Did
he suspect something?
Isaiah: Yes He threatened to kill me. I was scared
that is why i got mad at you when you were
forcing me to tell you at Bakery. Believe me I
wanted to tell you so bad. I didn't like this but
you know Brendan
Me: Yeah. He is a liar and a master manipulator
Isaiah: I thought he did that only to us. I was
surprised he lied to his parents. They thought
you were not even sleeping together
Me: I know. I told his parents that it's a lie they
defended their son. Betty even signed the
divorce papers
Isaiah: She told me. She felt bad
Me: That woman is evil just like her son. She
didn't feel bad at all. They were determined to
take everything from me
Isaiah: Yeah they really thought you were the
bad guy till I told them you're not. They only
believed it when i told them that you guys were
in a real marriag.....
Me: It wasn't a marriage
Isaiah: But you didn't know that and i didn't as
well. I showed them a scratch in my neck where
he strangled me thinking I was the one who
wanted to expose him to you. I showed them
how much he didn't want to lose his marriage
that's when they started regretting the things
they said. Before I told them they even wanted
to go to the papers and tell them you knew he
was gay
Me: Even after I said i would sue them ?
Isaiah: They got to my house and asked me to
write a story about it That's when i told them
I looked at him. Funny when i left my house I
was angry. I wanted to beat him up but now. I
don't feel like that. I know we will never be
friends because of what happened but I can't
attack him. He was scared of Brendan. I saw
how He wanted to tell me. I don't care if he
wanted to tell me so I should leave his man
alone or he told me out of the goodness of his
heart that really don't matter now. The fact that
he wanted to tell me alone means a lot.
Me: I am sorry about your job. I hope you get
another one soon
Isaiah: Thank you. Monday I want to go fight for
my job. I hope my boss will forgive me and
reconsider her decision
I looked at the time then at him
Me: Isaiah You hurt me. You hurt my friends
and my family. I can't lie i really hated you for
that. It was like I knew you were sleeping with
Isaiah: I am really sorry. I met him in varsity
before he met you
Me: He is gone now. I would like to move on
with my life and forget the past. I wish you the
best. I hope you find a man who will find you
good enough to be with only you. You deserved
better than Brendan. That goes for me as well
Isaiah: I know and I am sorry for everything I
really am
Me: I forgive you. I hope you will forgive
yourself and be able to deal with what you're
going through. Losing a job and being laughed
at is not nice
Isaiah: I know and my family is not happy with
me at all
Me: I am sorry
Isaiah: Thank you
I am not ready to give him a hug yet sorry. I feel
better now that I forgave him.

< Judge Makhosazana >
You know leaving Nontorotyi there made me
feel so bad. I don't know why because i should
be angry at her. Trust me I am. But leaving her
with children there when she shuould be here
with us it makes me sad. I don't know why we
can't get along. I always hoped that we'd get
along one day. I really wanted to have her by my
side but her jealousy is just too much.
Nontorotyi don't understand. I got married to
this family first. I am older than her when it
comes to position and everything else regarding
the royal house. I was their first Queen after my
mother in law passed. I have proven my loyalty
to this family, Her on the other hand. She has
done nothing but to oppose everything I do. She
is not happy that I get the respect I get from the
people of Sdabadabeni. The people of this village
know the things I did to save this Chieftaincy. I
never poisoned people against her. I don't know
why everything76 people think of her is my
Anyway we just got to the bus. We were shocked
to see couches instead of bus seats. This is a
home. There is a bedroom inside it. We found
the driver in here sleeping. We sent him to the
house to eat and bath. He is going to sleep inside
the house. Refilwe's son is going to sleep here.
He wants to party. We can't have that inside the
house. We wouldn't sleep. This bus has
extension. We connected it to the house for
electricity. I wonder what is this woman wanna
talk about. I hope this meeting is going to go
well. We are sitting.
Refilwe: I am not going to be long. I feel like we
all know what happened in Johannesburg
before Masixole, now the king came home after
a long time
Me: Yeah
Refilwe: I am a parent. If I know he had a family
I don't think I would've let the things that
happened happen. I was at his graduation his
mother wasn't, they wanted to get married at
home affairs i didn't like the idea but because i
wanted them to he together I let It happen and
again I wouldn't have let it happen if I knew he
had a family. I do understand his reasons
though and it's unfortunately he is paying for
Me: I don't want to lie. When my private
investigator came to me with his findings I was
really upset I even beat him when he arrived
Refilwe: An old man like that ?
Me: Masixole will always be my baby boy. But It
was the last time i laid a finger at him. He will be
ordained soon so I won't be allowed to do
somethings I use to do. I beat him because i was
upset. Its not nice to hear that your son finished
studying three years ago and he graduated
without your knowledge. I was really upset
Refilwe: The poor boy was scared of this life.
Anyway let's talk about a serious matter. Both
kids wronged both families. They impregnated
each other out of Wedlock and that is not right.
When something like that happens what do you
do this side ?
I looked at Chief Khabalandile.
Hlohlesakhe: We pay damages for the girl
She looked at me.
Me: Yes the chief is right. We are going to pay
damages and i think that we can do now and
start with Lobola negotiations later. There is a
lot to do before we get there. The King has to be
ordained in January and all that will be done
here so we have to prepare everything to make
that day a success with no distractions
Refilwe: Some people do Lobola negotiations the
day of the traditional wedding. I think it's a day
before the actual wedding
Nomagampompo: Yes they do that and us
Xhosas you pay Lobola first but I think the one
option you just told us about is best for us right
now. Let's pay Lobola the day of the traditional
wedding what do you say my Queen ?
Me: I agree
Refilwe: Great now the big question. When is the
Me: For me I was thinking the day after the king
is ordained the wedding planner should start
planning the wedding but of course it's not our
wedding. We have to involve them in this
Refilwe: You're right Queen. It's their dream
wedding let's let the kids have fun with it and
enjoy. We can't interfere all we need to do is just
guide them and tell them what is right or wrong
other than that I think it's none of our business
Me: i agree
Refilwe: Oh wait! how can i forget this? You guys
forced The King to sleep with another woman.
Did you solve that ? I don't want my daughter to
get hurt
Me: I am sorry about that. It was all me acting
on impulse. The thing is, We had a business deal
with that girl's family. Masixole was a baby then.
When I found out that Masixole had another
woman I got nervous and I didn't know the girl
was royalty. I felt betrayed and of course I was
worried about our ancestors. They are very
active. They make decisions for us on a daily
Refilwe: That's scary
Me: I know so my fear was my son marrying a
commoner as a first wife. I wasn't completely
against his love for Priscella. I just wanted him
to marry Nomaxabiso maybe talk about
Priscella later when he and Masixole are already
married, i didn't think or know the ancestors
recognised Your daughter
Refilwe: They do ?
Me: They said he can't marry Nomaxabiso
without your daughter's blessings
She smiled.
Me: But there is no need for that. The King is no
longer marrying that girl. We had an agreement.
They promised us a virgin and they didn't keep
it. That girl was not a virgin and she is in a
relationship with one of your employees
Refilwe: My employee?
Me: I am telling you. That boy is working
underground in your company
Refilwe: Small world
Me: I know .
Refilwe: I know we are going to fight about this.
The King is not expected to run the village right?
it's the chief's job?
Me: Yeah but they make decisions together and
The King has to travel a lot
Refilwe: I don't want to completely get rid of
Masixole from the company. His skills are
needed there. I want him to keep an eye on
things. I have a helicopter. He can be there on
board meetings and help the workers where he
could while he is here But for board meetings he
has to go to Johannesburg. I want to make him
executive board member and we need his
influence more especially now that he will be
Chief Khabalandile looked at me.
Him: I don't think that is a problem my Queen?
Refilwe: He is going to be paid a lot for his part
in the company way more than his COO
position. This relationship we are building will
help all of us. You won't need anything as a
family. I will help you grow the business. I hear
you have a big project that makes a lot of money
I can help where I can
Me: My son loves his Career. I think that will
make him happy. Going up and down will help
him get busy and I would like to thank you for
your generosity
Refilwe: We are family. I am going to help The
King to build his own business. He is going to be
my daughter's husband and now he is a king. He
needs funds to help this community and
communities he will be visiting
Me: Oh absolutely. He needs all the help he can
get. He will be busy
Refilwe: Okay so what is expected of my
Me: She is going to live with us. She is a royal
princess. She has to be by her husband's side
Refilwe: What?
Me: It's what it should be. She is a royal Queen.
She has to be here. Right sister and bother in law
Hlohlesakhe: You're right my Queen
Nomagampompo: You're correct my Queen
I looked at Refilwe
She looked away I could see she is thinking
about this. What is it? She was doing well. I
think she should speak her mind. I drove day
and night working and coming home. That is not
going to change with Priscella. She has to come
live here and support her husband's projects.
< Tasha >
It is Friday Evening. It's a night to have fun. I
know people will start talking because i just lost
a boyfriend. It's still after 7pm. Laila and I
decided to go buy outfits for tonight. We are
going out partying. My wish is to see EJ there. I
really miss him. I feel like I would be happy and
feel better just by seeing him. I really miss him
and it's serious. I know people including my
friend think i have a new plan. I don't have any
plan now. All i want is to make piece with EJ and
I wouldn't say no if he wanted me. He was a
great boyfriend to me. I see that now because no
one is treating me the way he did. He was a
gentleman. I didn't see all that when I was still
with him now that he is gone and happy without
me I see the good in him. That doesn't sit well
with me. I am really missing him. The thought of
him being with another girl kills me. I don't even
wanna think about it..
I shook my head. My hair flew around my face.
I need to shake off that thought. He can't be
happy without me.
Laila: Hey are you okay?
I smiled at her
I looked away
Once I looked away tears ran out of my eyes. I
felt her touch me.
Laila: What is wrong?
I looked around. I quickly wiped my tears. We
are at the mall shopping. I don't know why i got
so emotional in public. Laila kept looking
around checking if no one was looking at us..
Laila: Friend you can't do this. You just gave a
little girl an autograph just now. She can't see
you like this
I wiped my tears
Me: You're right
That's where thinking about Ej came. A little girl
who was with her mom wanted an autograph.
We even took pictures. I asked where she knew
me from she said Rich Kids that broke my heart
because the person who put me on that show
don't want me anymore. Only if this girl knew I
am living at a friend's house.
Laila: What just happened?
Me: Do you think cell phones are allowed at
Laila: Friend he is no longer in rehab
Me: No, I am thinking
I walked away. She followed me. I stopped next
to pair of jeans
Me: What if he was talking to another girl then
now is dating her. I don't think i would survive
seeing him with another bitch Laila
Laila: Friend this is complicated. We are not
talking about a man whom you were having
drugs with then he decided to leave you because
he thought you're a bad influence. If that was
the case that person would forgive you but this
is a different, Complete different situation. This
man we are talking about you drugged
I looked away
Me: I know
" Look what we have here! " Oh no tell me this is
not who I think it is. I was looking away with my
eyes popped out. I wiped my tears. I turned
Me: Hungani
He was with another guy who is also a celebrity
Hungani: I am sorry for your loss
I could see through that smile. He is just making
fun of me.
Me: What are you talking about. Brendan and i
were just friends
His friend laughed
Hungani: I didn't say you were dating why are
you so defensive. Even losing a friend is a loss
you should say thank you. Wait but the news
said you were dating
His friend: They said it
Me: You know gossip columns they just write
His friend looked at Hungani
Him: We also saw a video of her running out of
his hotel few minutes after she found out he was
shagging boys
Hungani: We did
Me: Oh my God you're so childish!
I walked away. I saw some girls giggling taking
pictures of me.
Me: What are you doing!?
They ignored me. They took pictures. I looked at
Me: Go pay you will find me in the car
I gave her my card then ran out
I got out then bumped into some guy at the door.
We both almost fell. Our chests collide
Me: Oh Sorry
He touched my waist then licked his lower lip
flirting with me
Him: Look how beautiful you are. Can I buy you
dinner ?
" Hell no!!!" That was his friends saying "hell no"
at the same time. He looked at them. He was still
holding my waist. I don't know why i don't
remove his hand and run. I can see these guys
too will make fun of me.
HIm: Why not?
Friend: Dude you don't wanna end up drugged
or in the papers....
Friend2: Or dead
He looked at me then moved my hair away from
my face. He ran away from me
Tasha: I didn't know you're Tasha sorry i am
They all laughed at me. Oh my God

I continued with my journey out of the mall. I

didn't even say i wanted him. Who the hell does
this man think he is. I can't believe everyone
think i am walking with a dark cloud all over
me. They think i am the one who is causing
drama in my exes lives? There is only one man I
caused problems to, it's EJ. I drugged him and I
feel bad about that. Now every man in South
Africa is making fun of me. Even that arrogant
bastard Hungani. We chose to do shopping late
because we thought we won't find anyone who
knows me. I guess I was wrong. Let me call
Laila: I am still in the queue friend
Me: Don't buy them. I don't wanna go out. Let's
buy alcohol and drink in doors
Laila: Okay friend I am coming
I hung up. I got to the car. I unlocked it. " Is that
Tasha. Hi Ta..... " I didn't even turn. I got in the
car do fast then locked the doors.



< Priscella >
My mother just called me. She wants me to go to
her bedroom. She didn't sound happy at all. I
wonder what happened. She was happy to no
here few minutes ago. I hope she didn't cause
any drama. I don't want any drama here. I want
them to get along if they can't do it for the
families then for us. We love each other and we
want to stay married till we die. I hope this is
not what I think it is.
Anyway I am still with my man. Mom said she
will take a quick bath then call me. I am waiting
for her to call me. I just pray it's something
about business not about this family. I was
praying so hard for them to get along. I hope
mom don't think this family is not good enough
for me. I feel like I belong here. I don't see
myself married to anyone else. Masixole is my
Masixole: So how was the first day with my
family besides Nontorotyi's drama
Me: I am happy but I haven't had time to talk to
your mom. My mother had her by her side all
the time
Masixole: I am glad they get along
I kissed him then laid my head on his chest.
Me: Me too
It would be cool if our parents would get along. I
hope what mom wanna talk about has nothing
to do with this family. Anyway my phone rang
Me: Sorry babe it's Sonia
Him: Sure
I answered
Me: Hey
Sonia: I just got home
Me: And ? How did it go?
Sonia: I forgave him. I can't believe I did
Me: That's good friend. You need to move on and
forget about Brendan. You can't do that if you're
holding grudges on people who were close to
Sonia: I will never forgive his parents. I want
nothing to with them
Me: After what they did i can't stand up for
them. They disrespected us
Sonia: Friend we will talk tomorrow
Me: Okay good night
I hung up
Masixole: How about...
Me: What?
He pulled me closer. He kissed me then broke
the kiss
Brendan: We start again
He said sliding his hand in my night dress
Me: No! we came up here and had sex God I
need a breather Mr King
My phone rang. I looked at him
Me: See ? Mom is ready to talk
I kissed him and stood up
Masixole: You will find me here
Me: That scares me. I will go sleep in Algebra's
He laughed. I walked out. I headed to my
mother's room. I knocked then walked in.
Me: Ms Refi....
Mom: What was the plan when you agreed to
marry Masixole?
Oh okay. I was right. She is angry
Me: A plan?
Mom: Priscella you have to choose it's either
your father's mine or marriage you need to
choose. Wealth or royalty Baby i left North West
because of all these rules! I won't let you follow
them never you can't have both
Me: Mom you're going on and on and i don't
even know what you're on about
Mom: Which one is important to you. Your
marriage or the mine ?
Me: That's not fair
Mom: What is not fair is you leaving my
company and come live here. I can't have
someone I don't trust as a CEO. Why are you
leaving your legacy!
Me: What? Who said anything about leaving the
company. I am the CEO of that company till I die
Mom: Your in laws say they expect their bride to
live here. Priscella baby I am always overseas. I
can't leave people I don't trust running my
company and my family
Me: Mom don't cry
Mom: Why shouldn't I? You have so many
responsibilities at home. You have the company
you can't leave it baby. You have to choose I
know this is selfish of me but you do have to
Me: Mom i am not choosing anything. I am
staying in my marriage. I am staying as a CEO
and I am not moving anywhere. I will live in my
father's home..I want it all. I want the marriage
and the business
Mom: Do you think they will agree to that ? They
have powerful ancestors who get what they
want. When they said they want you to live here
I couldn't say anything to them. I am scared that
you will agree to whatever they say
I looked away
Mom: You're not going to agree sweetheart are
you ?
I turned around. I looked at mom
Me: You know me better than anyone. I am no
Me: I am a career woman. I don't have to dress
up as makoti and be dirty here. He chose me
knowing my responsibilities at home. I am not
going to make any sacrifices that will cost the
Mom: Oh thank you baby
She hugged me. I thought it was something
serious. I am glad this all she wanted to discuss.
God I almost had a heart attack. I am not really
sure about this though. I need to face them and
tell them this. I am worried because i am not
sure how they will take it. I hope my husband
will be by my side and support my decision. I
mean he is the only one who knows what's at

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
You know right now I am confused. I feel like we
messed up I don't know. I feel like if any of us is
not okay with something they should speak up. I
was surprised by Refilwe's reaction. She looked
upset when i said my daughter in law should
come live here but she didn't say anything. I
didn't ask her anything as well because I didn't
want to ruin things. We had such an amazing
meeting. I didnt want it to end bad even though
in a way it did because things got awkward.
When we got in we showed her the bedroom.
She is taking a shower now. I decided to go
downstairs to say goodbye to my brother in law.
He is sitting with Princess Nomagampompo
Hlohlesakhe: My Queen you're back. How is she
I could see she wasn't happy about her daughter
moving here
Me: I thought Maybe going to with her to her
room she was gonna say something but she
didn't. She wanted to take a shower. I said good
night because i could see She wanted me to walk
out. I wish she could raise her concerns
Princess: We had such a great meeting. I see
things getting better in this family. She is really a
generous woman. We are not opportunists but
the things she said I don't think we should
jeopardise that relationship. I know what our
culture expects from her. She has to move back
here and be a wife. More especially now that
She is going to be a Queen. She is no longer the
city girl now. The people of Sdabadabeni are her
people and She has their problems in her
shoulders. I hope she knows the responsibility
I walked to The drink. I poured myself. This is
getting complicated. I didn't think things would
be like this on the same night they got here. I
went back to the chief and the Princess.
Hlohlesakhe: The family business can have a
franchise. We can start another project and
make it a success. This is a great opportunity
and we cannot mess it up. We have to make
some sacrifises. They love The Kings work in the
company. They are willing to pay him. He is also
gonna be paid as the King. My Nephew is going
to be rich
Me: And they are willing to help our family
business as well
I sat on the couch. I gulped my drink .
Me: Talk about being caught between wealth
and Royalty
Princess: Tell me about it. We are going to look
and sound like hypocrites
Me: On the real guys. We need to have another
meeting tomorrow when we come back from
the river. I am going to bring this up. I feel like
Refilwe should've given us her views on the
matter. She just stood up and said kids wanna
party on the bus let's go just like that
Hlohlesakhe: I could cut the tension with a knife.
She does sound spoilt you can tell she grew up a
royal princess
Me: Well she is old now. She must speak up. She
is very opinionated personthat I noticed. You
can tell when she is not happy she can't fool us.
We are going to get to the bottom of this. This
weekend must end on a high note. We can't have
Princess: I agree with you
I stood up
Me: We have another matter that needs to be
addressed before we all go to bed or go to the
I went to the drink. I poured me another half.
Princess: I want to drink as well but the
headache in the morning
I looked at her
Me: I have so many issues I need to drink
besides it's weekend. Next week I can't drink. I
have to work
Hlohlesakhe: What is the matter my Queen. I
cannot drink. I have a wife to deal with before I
sleep. I need to be sober
I looked at him
Me: Funny enough that is exactly what I want us
to talk about. Your wife disrespected me and my
husband and when the elder are here tomorrow
this issue is gonna be raised!
Hlohlesakhe: My Queen can't we discuss it as the
Me: Nontorotyi is very lucky to have a husband
like you who always stands by her side no
matter what..How many times we had private
meetings with your wife?
Hlohlesakhe: My Queen she is the mother of my
children. I love Nontorotyi
I can't believe this. I know this man loves her
that is why we always let it slide but the
question in my mind right now is for how long
will Nontorotyi keep disrespecting the royal
house and be forgiven?
Princess: Trust me little brother that is the only
reason she is still here. It is because We know
you love her
Me: My question is how long will we tolerate her
nonsense for ? Every time she comes to the royal
She insults me either indirectly or straight up
just like she did today
Hlohlesakhe: This time let's blame alcohol. She
was drunk. You know she would never look you
in the eye and disrespect you. She was drunk
please let's not tell the elders. I am begging you
Me: First it was me, Next my son then now my
husband and me again. I lost count when it
comes to how many times she tried to provoke
Princess: And so far I have been impressed by
how you've been so calm when she acts crazy. I
am really proud of you for not reacting
I gulped my drink
Me: Oh this time I did. I put a knife in her neck
Hlohlesakhe jumped up
Hlohlesakhe: What? When ?
I looked at him then I looked at
Me: Sleep well everyone
I put the glass on the coffee table. I walked up
the stairs. Nontorotyi is doing this because
knows her husband loves her. I am sick of this.
Tomorrow I am going to expose her to the

< Nontorotyi >
Oh my God. How can i have such a solid plan
only to blew it the last minutes when it was time
to start working on it. When I heard Nomgcwabe
speak to my daughter I knew exactly what I
needed to do. I knew what I wanted to do. The
plan was to sweet talk the girl so that she likes
me. I wanted to be the mother in law
Nomakhosazana couldn't even dream of. I
wanted to make her jealous. My second plan
was to get closer to Refilwe, Oh that self
righteous woman. She thinks she is better than
me. She looks down on me. How dare she
exclude me in a family meeting. It hasn't even
been 6 hours they arrived already she is calling
the shots and that, that Gold digger
Nomakhosazana is a "yes maam " To that
woman. She followed everything that woman
said. I swear YOUR Queen is kissing that rich
woman's feet. The way She is following her
around like a lost puppy.
I don't know what went wrong. I had everything
planned. I wanted to impress them with my
unique sense of style but when I saw
Nomakhosazana standing with them I couldn't
stand it. I lost my morals. Remind me to never
drink Russian Bear vodka again. I had three
shots then made myself a cocktail. When i was
walking to the royal house I felt like I was flying.
I couldn't feel my entire body. I shouldn't have
gone there. I regret it. I made a fool of myself.
Anyway I got to my house. I took a bath. I need
to go check the volume of that vodka I drank.
The way it worked it was not normal. I saw it on
the coffee table. I picked it up then looked at it
Me: 12 % ?
Someone chuckled behind me. I quicky turned
Me: Zinyovile !
Zinyovile: Pour me some. I want to taste it as
Me: We have a lot to talk about. Are you back ?
Zinyovile went to the glass on the table. I
slapped her hand
Me: I have plastic cups specially bought for you
I ran to the kitchen. I took the glasses. I went
back to the living room. I found her with my
bottle of Vodka
Zinyovile: Are you drunk ?
Me: Not yet but I am planning to be. Why do you
ask ?
Zinyovile: Because the bottle was upside down.
This is 21 %
Me: Is that so?
Zinyovile chuckled then poured herself a drink..
Me: So are you back?
Zinyovile: I am back
Me: So which one from the things we talked
about are you willing to do ?
Zinyovile: Why did you lie about Gedleza ?
I swallowed hard
Me: How do you know?
Zinyovile gave me the " Really ? " look
Me: Okay I had to lie. I wanted to win my man
Zinyovile chuckled shaking her head
Me: What ? You did crazy things for love as well!
don't be a hypocrite. don't you dare judge me
Zinyovile: You won your man back yes but It
didn't take long for you to ruin it now did it ?
I drank from the bottle
Me: I know
She looked at me. She smiled
Zinyovile: That was all Zinza-Zenja's son doing.
He made sure your husband stays mad at you !
Me: It was him ?
Zinyovile looked at the door.
Zinyovile: Your daughter is at the door see you
Me: Wait.......
She disappeared. Oh my God. I knew That was
not me. I went there prepared to have class and
be likeable. All That didn't happen because of
Gedleza. How could he ?
Me: How could you ?
The door opened. I stood up wiping my tears.
Ngejiwe: Hey mom
Me: Hey sweety
Ngejiwe: I came to check if you're okay and safe.
You asked me to
I went to her. I kissed her cheek
Me: Thank you baby
Ngejiwe: But I have to go back. We are having a
party in a bus
Me: Who are you gonna party with baby?
Ngejiwe: Nomgcwabe, Ej And Algebra
Me: Which one is Refilwe's son ?
Ngejiwe: Ej! mom he is so cool !
I started crying. I sat on the couch
Ngejiwe: Mom are you okay?
Me: There is something i need to tell you my
Ngejiwe: What mom ?
I wiped my tears. I looked at her
Me: Oh My baby
Ngejiwe: speak mom !
Me: It's your father
She hugged me. While in a hug I smiled.
She broke the hug I started from the top. I cried
so hard
Ngejiwe: What did dad do ?
Me: This morning
I stood up
Me: He said he is in a quest to find you a
husband. He says he is looking for families who
want virgins. He says next year you're finishing
at law school
Ngejiwe: What ?
I looked at her.
Me: Baby i know you're not a virgin. I am afraid
that if you do marry this person He will feel that
you're not a virgin
Ngejiwe: How could dad rush into doing this
Me: Baby don't confront your father he asked
me to swear into secrecy and if he finds out, I
tell you. He is going to divorce me this time
around. All i want is for you to just act normal
like you don't know anything
Ngejiwe nodded her head
Me: But I have a solution for you my baby
Ngejiwe: What solution is that mom?
I put my hands on her cheeks
Me: Oh sweety
Ngejiwe: Mom i don't want to get married to a
I pulled her into a hug
Me: Mama has a plan. Mama has a plan that will
make sure you don't get caught about losing
your virginity
She tried to break the hug. I hugged her tight. I
didn't let her break the hug.
Ngejiwe: What are we gonna do ?
Me: I will tell you shortly sweety. I will tell you
shortly.... Mama is a smart woman

< Tasha >
I wanted fame and I still want it. I wanted all the
things that are happening in my life. I wanted to
be known. I wanted to be followed by journalists
but i didn't want this. I didn't want to be
followed and known only for bad reasons. I
wanted to be loved and be a role model to young
girls. I am getting the opposite of what I always
wanted. I don't know how I will make people
take me seriously after this. It's like everyone
who is close to me is in danger why is that ? Am
I attracting people with issues? I never thought
shopping would end like that. We didn't buy
clothes because of people following me and
making fun of me. Of all people I didn't expect
that from Hungani. How could he make fun of
me. Brendan was his friend. He shouldn't be
making fun of a situation that involves his
friend. How heartless can he be? I dont know
why i am surprised. This man went home with
me knowing I was with EJ. He slept with me
after that he treated me like a slut. I hate him.
He has no heart at all.
Anyway we just got back to the house. At the
mall when Laila got to the car I asked her to
keep quiet. I was the one driving her car. I don't
want her to feel sorry for me. I brought all this
to myself. I knew dating Brendan was gonna get
me attention and again I was hoping for a
positive attention but that didn't happen. I feel
like I am being followed by this dark cloud. I
don't know what is going on with my life. I just
hope that what happened at the mall won't be in
the papers. I don't want my parents to see any
more bad thing about me. They might've
disowned me but I respect them as my parents.
My parents don't understand the industry I want
to be in that is why they are not supporting me. I
made all the decisions I made to kick start my
career but they don't wanna see that because
they don't get my industry.
Laila: I know you don't wanna tal....
I turned around. I looked at her. We are
drinking. I need this alcohol. I want to drink my
problems away.
Me: It's fine we can talk
Leila: I am sorry for what happened
Me: I brought it to myself right
I walked passed her
Laila: You didn't ask for all this. Why Hungani is
so childish. I have always seen him on tv. I didn't
think he was like that in person. His behavior is
so unattractive
Me: So is his attitude and arrogance
Laila: I wish you saw that before sleeping with
him, you wouldn't have hooked up with him if
you did
Me: I don't want to talk about Hungani. He is
one of my many mistakes
Me: Did you text EJ ?
Leila sipped her drink
Me: What is it ?
I can tell she did speak to him. I see the look on
her face. I wonder what did they talk about.
Leila: On our way from the mall I texted him. I
said hi EJ , His response was " Not now Laila "
He logged off WhatsApp. I didn't want to text
him again and end up being blocked
Me: Can i see ?
She gave me her phone. She is right that's what
he said. I went to statuses. I searched his name.
I saw pictures and videos. He is drinking
Me: Where is he? And who is this black bitch
next to him ?
Leila: Friend you will be hurt. I think you need
to stop stalking EJ
Me: How can he leave me for this! look at this
black girl. She is not even pretty !
Leila looked the phone. She looked at her
Leila: she looks younger than you
Me: And uglier than me! EJ can't date this girl ! I
am calling him
Leila snatched her phone
Laila: Not with my phone. You're going to mess
my relationship with your ex. Friend you should
be happy that you could see what's happening in
his life through my phone. What will happen if
you call then he blocks me and delete my
number? I won't be able to see these posts
I gulped my drink
Leila: Friend think about it. I am not.....
Me: I know and you're right. I just wanna talk to
Laila: Next week I will meet with him and talk to
him. Anyway I wanted to talk to you about the
lady who was calling you when you got to the
I looked at her
Me: Who was she? I heard her then i got in the
car I thought she was gonna say something
nasty as well
Leila: She said she was Mandy. I told her what
happened that's why you didn't wanna speak to
anyone. She wants you to come to her office. She
said you know her
Me: Its EJ manager. I wonder what she wants
from me
Leila: Lets hope she wants to manage you and
find you a gigs
I wonder what she wants, I met her once with
EJ. Speaking of EJ I wonder who is that bitch in
that picture

< Narrated >
Still Friday night at the Royal house. Elton,
Nomgcwabe, Algebra and Ngejiwe are in the bus
drinking. The elders went back inside. We see
Ngejiwe walk out of the bus. She looked around
then ran out of the premises. She went to a man
who was standing outside. It is her boyfriend.
Ngejiwe: Hey
The guy went for a kiss Ngejiwe looked the other
Guy: What's wrong?
Ngejiwe: Baby we are next to the royal house.
Remember I wasn't supposed to sleep with you
in the first place so I cannot be disrespectful
Guy: Let's go to my house then. Ngejiwe this is
our chance. your family is busy tonight. No one
is gonna pay attention
Ngejiwe: We have a ceremony here tomorrow. I
can't sleep out baby I am going to see you
Monday bye !
Ngejiwe kissed the guy's cheek then ran away
Guy: Ngejiwe!
Ngejiwe ran back in and went to the bus.
Nomgcwabe: Oh there she is
Ngejiwe: Sorry guys I had to go home and check
on mom
Nomgcwabe: Again?
She took her drink.
Ngejiwe: I had to be sure she is drunk. So What
did I miss ?
Ej: Nothing, These two were about to go sleep
and I am taking you home ;)
EJ looked at Nomgcwabe and Algebra
Algebra: I am the one who mention that I am
tired. I need to go sleep
Nomgcwabe: I am going to bed as well. Gedleza
wakes us up so early when we are going to the
river I need to sleep
Ej: Bye guys. I will go fetch my jacket then
accompany Ngejiwe home
Nomgcwabe and Algebra walked out of the bus.
Ngejiwe: Go I am waiting for y.....
It was like Elton couldn't wait for them to walk
out of the bus. He kissed Ngejiwe. We see
Ngejiwe look surprised. She didn't expect this.
She put her hand on the back of EJ's head and
kissed him back. Elton pushed her. She fell on
the couch. He climbed her. They were kissing
hungrily. Taking off each other's clothes.
Ngejiwe stopped him.
EJ: I thought you wanted this?
Ngejiwe: I do but.....
Ngejiwe looked at the door
Ngejiwe: Lock the bus
Elton smiled. He kissed her for the last time.
Elton: I will go pee outside why don't you go to
the bedroom I will find you there ;)
Ngejiwe: Take your time
Elton smiled then walked away. Ngejiwe stood
Elton walked to the door. Ngejiwe watched him
walking away. She was smiling. Once EJ walked
out Ngejiwe ran to the bedroom. It was like she
couldn't wait For him to walk out. Once Ngejiwe
walked in. She closed the door. She took out her
phone. She dialled a number. Someone
answered the call.
Ngejiwe: Mom it's happening!
Nontorotyi: You mean you're going to sleep with
Ngejiwe: Yes mom!
Nontorotyi: Ngejiwe !
Ngejiwe: Mom?
Nontorotyi: No condom! If you do use it please
make use of your nails honey!
Ngejiwe hung up She looked into thin air smiling
biting her lower lip.



< Nontorotyi >
The Seputlas have whole lot of surprises coming
their way. They think i am nothing. They
excluded me in things they were doing because
of something i did because alcohol and with
influence of Gedleza of course. That man hates
me so much. I am prepared to do everything in
my power to get the taste of their reaches. I
wanted their attention they didn't want to give it
to me now i am forcing them to notice me and
what a better way to do it ? What a better way to
get a piece of that than having our children
drunk in love with each other? This will look
like a Shakespeare story. Two children of people
who hate each other fall in love. I beat two birds
with one stone here I am sure everyone is
confused when I sat that. Let me break it down
for you. If Ngejiwe gets pregnant my husband
won't be mad at her when he finds out who is
the father of the baby. I know that man. I
married to him. He really loves money. He is one
opportunist man. You will never see it. He acts
like he is innocent and he is good people. My
husband jumps into an opportunity when he
sees one. It's in his blood. He loves money and
power. If my plan goes well my daughter is
going to be stinky rich. She will marry that EJ
boy then we all become rich, Now that's the first
bird. Let's get to the second bird. When they are
together Mrs Billionair will have to swallow her
pride and try to make this work who is she
gonna talk to? She will come running to me. The
second granny of the baby. I think I didn't kill
two birds though. I think i killed three.
Nomakhosazana will be so mad that I am also
an in law to that family. I will love upsetting her,
You know I always enjoy rubing it in her face.
I saw myself smiling alone. What a genious plan
I have. Even my smart husband didn't see this
one coming. Oh by the way, My husband didn't
say anything about finding my daughter a
husband. I lied. I manipulated Ngejiwe. I did that
to help her. She was in trouble because she is no
longer a virgin. I saved her arse she must be
happy. When i said she can't confront her father
I knew if she did my husband was gonna tell her
I lied and my whoring daughter here was gonna
be mad at me and start acting like she didn't
want that EJ rich boy. I saw it in her eyes. She
couldn't close her mouth about him. I just gave
her a little push and she went for it. Imagine if
my husband found out that she broke her
virginity to that nobody of a boyfriend of hers.
" I didn't expect that big smile after everything
you did at the royal house yesterday ! "
Oh my God it's my husband walking in. I didn't
speak to him last night. He didn't come to the
bedroom. I stood up
Me: My Lo....
Hlohlesakhe: Shut up Nontorotyi!!!
My husband hit the table hard. He snapped. I got
teary. I looked at passage. I hope my kids didn't
hear that.
Me: My love the kids!
Hlohlesakhe: Why did you do that ? Why did
you humiliate me like that ?
I walked out of the kitchen. He followed me
Hlohlesakhe: How many times should I
apologise for you. How many times should I
stand up for you to the family!!!
I turned around.
Me: I am sorry
Hlohlesakhe: They wanted to tell the elders.
They wanted to do it in front of the entire family
and village. I had to beg them !
I opened the wall unit door. I took out the vodka.
It was half now.
Me: Look at that ! look at that volume baby look
at it
He took it then looked at it.
Me: My love it's you and I who drink here. We
cannot have alcohol with that high volume.
You're the one who buys alcohol. This is
unacceptable! I had one cocktail. One my love in
five minutes I was walking on thin ice. I was
living in my own world. I don't remember
anything I did
Hlohlesakhe: You don't remember?
Me: I remember absolutely nothing my love
I was crying so hard. Only tears can save me
from this one.
Hlohlesakhe: We are going to the royal house.
You will go apologise
Zinyovile: Don't do it! they are going to
humiliate you infront of everyone. The Queen is
planning to do it and your husband think they
listened to him when he begged them not to
I couldn't see Zinyovile. She was speaking in my
Hlohlesakhe: Are you listening to me !?
I looked at him
Me: I can't go my love. I don't wanna humiliate
you any further. I want you to be happy infront
of your family and have fun
Hlohlesakhe: You're my wife! you have to be by
my side
I fixed his tie.
Me: I don't want to ruin the King's ceremony
baby. Please don't beg me. How about I make
you breakfast?
His phone beeped. He looked at it.
Hlohlesakhe: I have to go to the royal house
there's a meeting before we go to the river
He kissed my cheek then walked out and closed
the door. I looked next to me. Zinyovile was
standing next to me watching my husband
through the window walking to the royal house .
She had her arms folded on her chest..
Zinyovile: You don't deserve him
I looked at her. That broke my heart i got
emotional even more.
Me: I know
Zinyovile: No matter how much you mess up
and make him angry you just have a way of
softening him up
Me: I feel bad
She smiled then looked at me
Zinyovile: On the lighter note though. I think
your plan to make your daughter pregnant was
Me: Is it gonna work?
Zinyovile: Time will tell
Me: Can't you throw bones ?
Zinyovile: I can't see anything but I just liked the
plan. Let's hope it works
Me: Yeah. So who is the Woman my husband is
going to marry?
Zinyovile: Your husband will give you a name
When he comes back from seeing Zinza-Zenja's
Me: But you promised to tell me when you come
back from Mozambique
Zinyovile: I was not dying. I am allowed to
change my mind. I can't spoil the surprise
besides, I gave you the clue it's up to you if you
use it or not
Me: I can't think of anyone who has a nick name
for me
Zinyovile: Another clue. She is crazy as hell. She
can do anything to get what she wants even if it
means compromising something that is dear to
Me: Who is she?
Zinyovile: When i say compromise, I mean that's
what is going to happen exactly
Me: What is she gonna compromise?
Zinyovile: There's still a lot to happen. Less sex
for you and more lonely nights for you all
Me: For us all? What do you mean? Who are we?
I know myself and Hurricane Dineo of course
then who else ?
Zinyovile: Do you have anything that you regret
in things you did?
I walked passed her. What do I regret again?
Me: trying to poison the Queen of course?
Zinyovile: You don't regret that at all! are you
appreciative of what the royal house did for
Zinyovile looked around.
Zinyovile: I mean the secret !
She was whispering
Me: I do appreciate them for keeping it
Zinyovile: I just had a vision right now.....
She shook her head. The dreadlocks were
moving around
Me: What is it ?
Zinyovile: You didn't thank them for what they
did for you, You kept disrespecting them. You
manipulated your daughter to do something so
dirty. Did you forget that they are watching ?
Me: You supposed to be on my side
Zinyovile: I am on your side. Trying to protect
you from others but I can't protect you from
yourself. The ancestors are angry and they are
stopping Gedleza from ruining your plans. They
want you to mess up your own plans
Zinyovile: I can only protect you from others but
I can't protect you from yourself! You're a
poison to yourself!
Me: I wish you could stop me sometimes. Like
you interrupted me while speaking to my
Zinyovile: Nontorotyi, I let you make mistakes
hoping that you'd learn from them but you don't
learn !
Me: Tell me my daughter is pregnant right now.
They cannot reject their child can they?
Zinyovile shook her head. She took the bottle of
Vodka from the table. She walked through the
door while it closed. I couldn't see her
I hope bad things are not coming for me. I am
really scared right now. Oh why do I keep
causing problems for myself?

< Priscella >
I hope i am not going to make a mistake by this.
I really want to speak to Notiniphu about her
life. Like she is young and she looks smart. I
really want to know more about her. I hope my
mother in law won't think i am interfering. I
know how hard it is to lose someone who has
been working for you for a long time. I don't say
i will make her leave but our talk might change
her and make her wanna go back to school.
There is a lot i love about this girl. She is
respectful. Everyone here is respectful I think
maybe that is how they are taught to behave
around here. It is weird to be called " Queen "
though. It makes me uncomfortable I won't lie.
Anyway today we are going to the river. All i
want is to see my husband get healed. I hope
these ancestors are going to forgive him. He did
all he did for us. He loved me and he didn't
wanna lose me. I guess this is partly my fault
because I didn't tell him I am royalty. He was
scared that I was gonna leave him. I understand
why he did the things he did for us even though
in the beginning I was upset. I really hate being
lied to. The reason I forgave him was because i
knew Masixole would never cheat on me. I
know he loves me and he is loyal to me. Unlike
Hungani who slept with every woman he passed
by behind my back. That man didn't respect me
that is why i didn't even think of giving him a
second chance. He really made me feel cheap.
Anyway enough about people who don't matter
in my life. I just bathed. Masixole is also bathing.
I don't want to leave him before He took a bath.
I just got dressed. I am wearing a long dress and
flat shoe. I don't know the place we are going to
so I can't wear high heels.
Me: Baby !
I was calling for him he is in the bathroom..
Masixole: Hey love
Me: I am going downstairs to make myself
breakfast are you gonna be okay ? .
Masixole: Yes I will find my way to the bedroom.
I also have dry towel in here
Me: Okay babe
I walked out. I walked down the stairs. I didn't
see anyone in the living room. I hope they are
not gone but I don't think they'd leave me
behind. I headed to the kitchen.
Me: Good morning
Notiniphu bowed. I am not going to ask her to
stop. I am not here to change the rules. I am
here to follow them
Notiniphu: Morning my Queen you look good
Me: Ahh thank you so much where is everyone?
Notiniphu: They will be done for breakfast in
few minutes
Me: Oh great so ......
She looked at me.
Me: Tell me about you. How did you end up
here. You look young you should be studying or
She smiled then continued with what she was
Me: Wow your eggs look so good how did you
learn to make them like i see the way you play
with it in the pan ?
She exhaled then looked at me
Notiniphu: I was studying to become a chef. I did
two levels. I didn't finish but at least i learnt to
Me: Why ? Why didn't you finish ?
She smiled.
Her: I was studying at a school owned by a white
man at coffee Bay. I got a sponsor that is why i
afforded it. My dad was a gardener in some
white guy's house. He helped me with my fees.
Then both my parents died at the same time a
year after the white man moved to Cape town
Me: What ? I am so sorry. What happened to
them ?
Notiniphu: They died in a fire that was caused
by a candle. Our village has no electricity even
this one has no electricity only the royal house
and the chief's house has electrity
Me: Why is that ?
Notiniphu: I really don't know My Queen. So we
had only two Rondavels at my home. They both
got burned. I remember when i came back for
holidays I had no where to live then I saw a
poster about a job at the royal house. I decided
to drop out of school and here i am now
Me: This is sad. I am so sorry. So where do you
live now ?
Her: With the pay i get here i managed to build a
three rooms house for me. So when i have to go
home I live in it
Me: That's nice
Her: Yeah the pay here is very good and I also do
other jobs on the side. The Queen helped me
with equipments. I have my catering company. I
get hired and she gives me days off when i have
a gig. She has been so good to me. I have like
everything I need
Me: Wow that's very nice of my mother in law.
Now you have a business and a full time job
Her: Yes. She has been so good
Me: That's nice. So are you saying there is still no
electricity here and in your village ?
Her: Unfortunately
Me: That's crazy. The incident with your parents
should've been a wake up call for the
Notiniphu: Government doesn't care about us
Me: That is one of the things the king needs to
fight for when he gets ordained
Notiniphu: That would help us My Queen. Let
me take food to the dining room they just
walked down
Me: Okay let me make me something quickly I
can't eat your breakfast. I just want Cereal. I
have nothing against it I am just in a duet
Notiniphu: Okay my Queen
She walked out. Poor thing. She has been
through a lot and she is strong. She didn't even
shed a tear when she was telling me her story. I
love her. She is very strong. I saw Algebra
coming to the kitchen.
Me: I hear you were partying all night. I didn't
expect you to wake up so early
Algebra: That's not true. I think we went to bed
around to 8
Me: Why so early ? That's unlike my brother
Algebra: We were worried about this morning.
Nomgcwabe said the healer wakes them early
when they have to go to the river
Me: I am glad you had enough sleep. You can
stay up all night tonight we are not going
anywhere tomorrow
Algebra: Yeah
Me: I am glad you're having fun. I was worried
you'd feel left out
Algebra: I am okay
Me: That's great

< Narrated >
Still at the royal house. We see the Queen at
dinning room with princess Nomagampompo,
chief Khabalandile, Masixole, Priscella and Ms
Refilwe having breakfast. The Queen kept
looking at Refilwe. It looks like she wants to talk
about about what happened last night. She feels
like this is the perfect time to address it.
Nomakhosazana: Refilwe how did you sleep ?
Refilwe: I slept pretty well thank you very much
Nomakhosazana: I am glad
She looked at Priscella
Nomakhosazana: And you my daughter in law ?
Priscella: I slept well. Our bedroom is beautiful I
felt at home
Nomakhosazana: That is good to hear. does that
mean you are ready to move to the royal house
Refilwe looked at the queen then at Priscella.
She couldn't wait to her answer.
Priscella smiled
Princess: Priscella ?
Priscella: I remember when Masixole had a
press conference he said guys called him talking
about it
Nomakhosazana: We did call her. It was good to
see you together and you handled that so well
Priscella: Thank you and everything I said there
was true
Hlohlesakhe: Where is this conversation going?
The question was are you ready to move here
permanently Makoti
Priscella looked at her mother in law
Priscella: My mother in law knows what I am
talking about
She said with a smile in her face. The Queen
smiled at her then started eating.
Refilwe: Honey I was In Chicago. I didn't see the
Nomakhosazana: My daughter in law made an
example about me. She said I never quit my job
so why should she
Refilwe: That's a good question
Nomakhosazana: But there is a difference
between us my daughter in law. I slept in this
house every night what's gonna happen to you ?
Masixole: Priscella is a CEO of a huge company.
Her mother doesn't live in the country. She is the
only person taking care of the entire Seputla
tower. She has to live in Johannesburg whether
you guys like it or not
Hlohlesakhe: King Zwelicacile you know that
your wife has to be by your side. You cannot live
here when your wife live in Johannesburg.
Makoti is ours now
Priscella stood up. She looked at Queen
Priscella: Can i speak to you in private
A tear drop escaped her eye eye. The Queen
stood up wiping her mouth with a tissue.
Nomakhosazana: Of course we can go speak
Masixole Hold Priscella's hand
Masixole: Are you okay honey?
Priscella: Yeah i am okay
Refilwe also started crying when she saw her
daughter cries. Priscella and The Queen walked
to the living room.
Nomakhosazana: Are you okay? come here
They hugged after a minute. They broke the hug.
They sat down.
Priscella: I am crying not because of what I am
asked to do. I am crying because i don't want
you guys to think i don't want to follow the
family tradition. I cannot stay here. My mother
lives overseas. She came back few days ago. I am
a mother and a father to my brother. My family
owns a wine and the entire building it has
different businesses and I have to make sure
everything Is running smooth. I am a CEO. I
cannot sit back and let anyone be in charge of
my father's company. I won't allow that. I am
sorry for not listening to you but what you're
asking me is not going to happen and I love your
son. I am going to marry him and remain doing
what he found me doing I am not ready to
change my life but that is not why i asked you to
come here
She wiped her tears. The Queen was just
listening to her speaking.
Nomakhosazana: What do you wanna talk
Priscella: I had a dream this morning. I didn't
tell Masixole. I was scared. I was speaking to this
person. They didn't want to show their face but I
remember the voice and words the man said
The Queen Sat up straight
Nomakhosazana: What did he say?
Priscella looked at The Queen
Priscella: He said don't let full package bully
you. She never compromised or sacrificed
anything when it came to her career
The Queen jumped up. She looked at Priscella
Priscella: What is it ?
The Queen looked at dinning room
Nomakhosazana: Masixole did you tell your wife
how your father called me ?
Priscella: No!
Masixole stood up. He looked at where the
voices were coming from from.
Masixole: No mom. Father called you Judge and
Priscella knows you're a judge
Nomakhosazana: No man! another name !
Princess Nomagampompo stood up
Princess: What name is that because i don't
know it as well. I lived with you and my brother
all years of your marriage ?
Masixole: Hey I don't know any other name
The Queen looked down when she remembered
He only called him that when they were in the
Nomakhosazana: Priscella come to the dinning
The Queen walked to the dinning room. She was
looking down avoiding eye contact. They got to
the dining room. Priscella was just looking at
The Queen confused. The Queen started eating
Hlohlesakhe: My Queen I think you need to
explain wha......
Nomakhosazana: Priscella is not quiting her job
and that is final!
The Queen snapped. Refilwe took her glass. She
sipped on it smiling
Masixole: Thanks mom
Priscella smiled then looked at the Queen
Priscella: Thank you my Queen
Hlohlesakhe: My Quee........
Princess hit the table
Princess: Hlohlesakhe our brother visited
Priscella last night !
Princess Nomagampompo looked at The Queen.
Princess: He did didn't he?
Nomakhosazana: Yes and he had to make me
look like a bad guy! it's his brother who brought
this up. Your brother says i am a bully !
Priscella: I am so sorry
The Queen smiled.
Nomakhosazana: I am mad at your father in law
not you sweety
Siqalo walked in
Siqalo: My Queen the elders and the cars
arrived. They say They are ready to leave.
The Queen stood up
Nomakhosazana: Someone call the ki....
The Queen saw Phonqa
Nomakhosazana: Phonqa call your brother and
EJ. it's time for us to leave
Phonqa: Okay my Queen
Phonqa ran up.
Refilwe: I need to go wear a jacket
Princess: And it's cold down there let's go I want
to go fetch mine as well
They walked up the stairs. The Queen looked at
Nomakhosazana: welcome to the family
Priscella: Thank You my Queen
Nomakhosazana: call me mother
Priscella smiled. The Queen looked at Masixole
Nomakhosazana: Zwelicacile are you gonna stay
here or you're going to your room until we come
Masixole: I will just go to my room mom. Honey
take me I want to sleep
The Queen looked at Priscella
Nomakhosazana: Take him sweety
Priscella and Masixole walked up the stairs. The
Queen looked at Chief Khabalandile.
Hlohlesakhe: This is not right my Queen we can't
let them change us. We cant let this happen. You
know the village. People are going to want to see
her here
Nomakhosazana: This girl's mother doesn't live
in the country. This girl is the only adult in that
family and she is the CEO of that company do we
really want to ruin that? The ancestors sent
Masixole to her for a reason. We can't be selfish
in this brother in law. Let's act like real people
in a real world for once. Priscella was not gonna
live with people of this village. She was gonna
live in this house. I have never spent time with
them. I only see these people when we have
Hlohlesakhe: I hear you my Queen but this
doesn't sit well with me
Nomakhosazana: I guess after the ceremony you
need to go speak to your family at Cemetery. I
did the same when i had problems and they got
solved. Look at the things that were revealed
about Nontsingizi
The Queen tapped The chief's shoulder.
Nomakhosazana: Think about it
The Queen walked away. She saw Priscella
walking down. She walked up and met her half
way. The Queen pointed a finger at Priscella
Nomakhosazana: Don't ever call me by that
name. My husband called me that in the
Priscella laughed with her hand on her mouth
Priscella: Oh my God I am so sorry
The Queen laughed walking up the stairs.
Priscella smiled walking to the kitchen. She
pumped into Notiniphu walking to the kitchen
with dishes.
Priscella: We are about to leave. I took off sheets
from our bed. Can you please go fetch them
when you're done with washing dishes. Don't
knock my husband dozed off the minute he got
into bed I don't want you to disturb him
Notiniphu: Okay my Queen
Priscella: Thank you
Princess Nomagampompo and Ms Refilwe
walked down with their handbags. Algebra
walked to the kitchen.
Priscella: Algebra wear a jacket we are leaving!
Algebra: I am not family I didn't think i would
be going
Priscella: Don't be silly. You're my Sonia. I need
you by my side. Go dress up !
Algebra: Okay ma'am
Priscella smiled looking at him

It looks like a journey to Nomgcwabe's room
took longer. We see Phonqa walking out of his
room wearing a big jacket, Gloves. He looked
really warm. It looks like he went to his room
before going to his brother's room. Anyway we
see him open his brother's room.
Phonqa: Dude! You're still sleeping !!!!?
Phonqa shouted him trying to wake him up
making a lot of noise. Nomgcwabe jumped off
his bed.
Nomgcwabe: Damn bro you scared me that is
not The way to wake someone up !
Phonqa: Everyone is waiting for us you can't
even bath the cars are outside
Nomgcwabe: Damn you look like an onion I can
see layers of everything you're wearing on top
Phonqa: And you're late !!!
" Boys come on!!! " that was The Queen calling
The boys
Phonqa: Did you hear that ? Hurry !!!
Nomgcwabe: Yoh! I will wash only my face and
my teeth
Nomgcwabe ran to the bathroom. Phonqa
looked at Nomgcwabe's bed. He saw His phone.
Phonqa smiled then looked at the bathroom. He
ran to the phone. He took it then unlocked it
He got the pattern right
Phonqa: Yipppp.......
His excitement was short live when He saw The
picture that was on the screen. It looks like
Nomgcwabe fell asleep looking At someone's
Nomgcwabe walked out of the bathroom. He
saw His brother snooping on his phone
Nomgcwabe: What the hell !!!
Phonqa threw the phone on Nomgcwabe's bed
Nomgcwabe: What were you doing with my
phone ?
Nomgcwabe: And what were you doing with
Geometry's picture brother ?
Nomgcwabe looked down. He cleared his throat
Nomgcwabe: He sent me a friend request. I was
just looking at him before accepting the
He looked down then looked at his brother who
was not convinced at all
Nomgcwabe: Yeah that's what happened !
Phonqa: You see that's weird because that
picture is not on Facebook it's in your gallery,
Are you.....
Nomgcwabe: Get out of my room !!!
Nomgcwabe snapped
Phonqa: No wonder you didn't want to sleep
with Notiniphu ?
Nomgcwabe looked around for something to hit
his brother with. Phonqa ran to the door
Phonqa: don't worry brother I am Babes of
He ran out and slammed the door. Nomgcwabe
put his hands on his head then kicked thin air
Nomgcwabe: Damn it this kid




< Masixole >
I am the one who brought Priscella to my home.
I should be by her side and stand by her when
they start bullying her into doing something she
doesn't want to do. I want her to stay here with
me more than anything but at the same time i
know her responsibilities. I knew this
arrangement was not gonna work. I was just
hoping that it does happen but a part of me
knew it was just a dream. I am happy she could
stand up for herself. I am really happy my father
spoke to her. It makes me feel so good to know
that dad does visit my wife. I feel like he
approves of our relationship. Now I know he
accepted her to be my wife. I want to marry her
very soon. I can't wait to make her my wife. And
i cannot wait to be healed. I cannot be a good
husband to her when i cannot see. I can't be a
blind man forever. Priscella is a very beautiful
woman. She deserves a man who can take care
of her. Now I feel like a child who cannot do
anything for himself. I need to see. I want to see
again. I think I fell asleep while thinking about
our future. I felt like it was darker than it
already or usually was which was very strange
to me.
Me: What is going on ?
It got really dark. I know I am blind but this is a
very strange darkness. I saw, No i heard a sound
of something cutting something. I saw a light.
someone walked into the light. He turned
around. He had a sword in his hand. He cut the
darkness and showed light
Me: Dad?
He smiled then moved backwards. It got blury
Me: Dad don't leave me!
I was trying to reach for him. I didn't want him
to leave. I tried standing up but failed. His body
kept getting blurry and blurry till I couldn't see
" My king ! my king! my king!! " I heard
Priscella's voice calling me. My upper body woke
up. Our faces met
Me: yes my Queen
I pulled her closer he fell on top of me..
Priscella: My Ki.....
Me: shhhh
I put my index finger on her mouth
Me: Make love to me
I kissed her. She didn't kiss me. I turned her
around and three her next to me. She started
kissing me hungrily. I thought they were
leaving. I am sure they will wait for her. I don't
know why I am getting so aroused a lot while
she is pregnant. I was on top of her. I pulled up
her dress. I pulled down my tracksuit. I pulled
down her panties. I played my finger in her
private part. she started moaning so sexy.
Me: I love you baby
Priscella: I....
I kissed her. I didn't wait for her to finish. I
inserted myself in. She moaned
Priscella: Ooohhh
I tried again. I succeeded. I moved in and out.
She was moaning. I was kissing her while doing
her slowly. I went in and out few minutes then
upped The pale. Her moans made me want her
more. I went in and out so hard. We made love
for about 30 minutes if I am not mistaken. I
finally reached climax. I collapsed next to her. I
can't lie on her. She is pregnant. I put my arms
around her neck trying to make her to sleep on
my chest
Me: I love you so much Priscella baby
She pushed me and jumped out of bed then ran
Me: Baby what's wrong. Don't tell me you still
get nauseous ?
I heard feetsteps running. She ran out and
slammed the door. I shook my head in disbelief
Me: Maybe she is late
I laid my head on the pillow
Me: I just couldn't help it baby

< Narrated >
We see cars arriving at Mthatha Dam River. One
car had a goat and alcohol at the back. They also
brought African beer ( UMQOMBOTHI) People
were singing. The family was not singing. They
were just looking down showing respect. We see
them walking out of cars. All women had doeks
on their heads even Priscella. She was also in a
long dress. We see everyone walking closer to
the river with alcohol and the goat that is going
to be slaughtered.
Ms Refilwe looked at Queen Nomakhosazana
Refilwe: Queen I have never seen a river so big
and the water is so dirty which is weird because
is a moving river
Nomakhosazana: They are not so dirty when
you're looking at it in a glass and they are nice to
Refilwe: Wow
Nomakhosazana: I am glad we finally reached
an understanding about my daughter in law
Refilwe: I am so sorry you had to break the rules
Nomakhosazana: It's okay I feel like they chose
her knowing her responsibility in your family
Refilwe: Yu're right Queen. I am really happy
The Queen touched her hand. They smiled at
each other. We see Nomgcwabe standing alone.
Village boys were slaughtering the goat. We see
Phonqa walking to his brother.
Phonqa: Bhuti
Nomgcwabe looked at his brother. He looked
away then shook his head
Nomgcwabe: I don't want to talk kid
Phonqa: You look depressed
Nomgcwabe: What do you know about someone
who is depressed ? how do you even know that
Phonqa: Come to me when you wanna talk ;)
Phonqa winked at him then walked away.
Nomgcwabe looked at Algebra their eyes met.
They both looked away fast avoiding eye
contact. Nomgcwabe looked up, His eyes met
Phonqa's eyes Phonqa smiled Nomgcwabe gave
him death stare. He looked away.
Gedleza walked to the Queen. He went down on
his knees
Gedleza: My Queen they are done with the goat I
would like the whole family to go closer to the
river and sit
Nomakhosazana: Okay
The Queen looked at Nomgcwabe
Nomakhosazana: Nomgcwabe the family to the
river let's go !
The family walked closer to the river. Ms
Refilwe, Priscella, Algebra and Elton remained
with others. Gedleza looked at them.
Gedleza: The three of you also
Refilwe: Oh
Refilwe stood up. Priscella looked at Algebra
Priscella: You will be fine right?
Algebra: I will be fine
The seputla family joined the Ndegana family.
Gedleza looked at people who were singing.
They stopped singing. Gedleza asked the boys to
bring the meat, Alcohol to the river. They put
everything just outside and near the water.
Gedleza: Ahhh Dubulingqanga!!!!
Crowd: Ahhh Dubulingqanga !!!
Gedleza: Ahh Nkosesizwe!!!
Crowd: Nkosesizwe !!!!
Gedleza: Ahhhh Khabalandile!!!
Crowd: Khabalandile
After Gedleza greeted the late chiefs and the
current chief He burnt incense then started
calling the ancestors.
Gedleza " Bo jalamba kaTshezi
Mqalungangenduku. ONjilonjilo
kuyaselwandle!! " we are here this morning. We
are here to apologise for your grandson. We
know he wronged you. He didn't follow your
teachings and now he is paying. We came here
to say we are sorry. Your grandson learnt his
lesson. Please forgive him. We know you blinded
him. He cannot see. He knows he wronged you.
He knows what he did was wrong please forgive
him. He has a lot of responsibilities. He can't do
that A blind man ..
Gedleza looked at Refilwe and her kids
Gedleza: We have The Seputla family here. Your
grandson is taking their daughter. He loves her.
You our ancestors approved. You showed us you
approve of their relationship please welcome
them to the family. The Queen , Your princess
and the chief, Ahhh chief Khabalandile!!!
Crowd: Khabalandile!!!!!
Hlohlesakhe smiled then nodded his head.
Gedleza: They are all here and they welcomed
them with open arms
Gedleza walked to the meat
Gedleza: We slaughtered a goat for you and
alcohol to show you how sorry we are for what
your grandson did
The Queen smiled looking at Gedleza. She
nodded her head, Gedleza bowed
Gedleza: Like you always do our ancestors. If
you forgive your grandson we want you to show
us. Take your feast and enjoy
Women started ululating. Everyone was sitting
down looking at the river.
Priscella: Mom do you think the river will take
the food and alco..... ?
Refilwe: Ssssshhhh!
Priscella looked down. The backet with
Mqombothi fell people jumped up and started
praising the ancestors. We saw The river widen
to the side with meat. It took the meat and went
back inside with it
Priscella: Oh My God!
Refilwe: Unbelievable!
EJ: what ?
The Seputla family was shocked and amazed by
this. The Ndengana family didn't look shocked at
all. They were just happy and relieved that the
ceremony went well. Gedleza started dancing,
Thanking and praising the ancestors. Everyone
stood up even the family. Priscella walked to the
Priscella: Mother what does this mean? Does this
mean when we get home he will he healed?
Nomakhosazana: The ceremony went well but
we don't know when will he see again let's just
pray soon
The Queen hugged Priscella
Gedleza: Lets all go to the royal house. The
Queen prepared something for the village
Everyone walked to the cars.

< Nomaxabiso >
I have a task, a huge task that I have to think
about with a clear mind. my life is falling apart
and i am doing nothing about it. How did a royal
princess who had her life planned so beautifully
end up like this with no man? few weeks ago I
was The Queen. I was Queen the second. I was
rolling with one of the powerful royal families
in this town. I felt like I was part of the family.
They took me shopping. I was wearing classy
clothes. I had a husband. A beautiful man who
has everything. A man who could change my life
for the better. I ruined all that. I ruined my life
with my past mistakes now I might never be his
wife anymore.
Anyway I am in Butterworth. We arrived safe
last night. Now it's in the morning. I am just
walking around the streets clearing my head. I
have to make a decision. I need to think about
what I want. What I want right now depends on
this decision. There are two questions in my
head. Should I save the Queen again? or should I
let her die and be the Queen? If i let her live I
will not marry her son. If I let her die I am going
to marry her son. I saved this woman once what
did she do? That woman let me go. She didn't
fight for me. she didn't show any gratitude so
tell me why should I save her ? Why should I
save her this time? I called that woman she was
so rude to me. She asked what I wanted. After
saving her life that's all she could say to Me?
Why didn't her ancestors tell her I saved her?
Well They should have told her because i am not
turning back. I am going to make her a sacrifice.
I have to get married to the king. I belong at
Anyway I dialled King Zwelicacile's number. I
hope his bitch doesn't have his phone today. I
am sick of that commoner controlling his life.
That woman is a commoner. I have known since
i was a kid that I was gonna be married to him
to the king. She only met him like few years ago
and already she is calling the shots. Anyway he
Masixole: Hello
Me: My king. please don't hung up it's me
Masixole: You again ? what do you want?
Do you see how they are speaking to me. I
haven't wronged them well at least they don't
know and what they don't know won't hurt
them. I don't know why they are so horrible to
Me: I am ready
Masixole: ready for what ?
Me: I need to tell you everything my king
Masixole: You cannot come here! my wife is
Me: You mean at Sdabadabeni? Are you back ?
No! That woman cannot be there! Is this the
reason why The Queen was so rude to me. She
found a new favourite daughter in law now ?
Masixole: yes! she is here don't come here!
Me: So this is it? You all forgot about me? You
carrying on with your lives like I never
Masixole: You will never be my wife
Nomaxabiso just stop calling Me!!!..... ( Tu tu tu
tu tu tu )
He hung up on Me? What the hell? Why would
he do this? They don't care about me at all. My
phone rang. It's my mother. I wiped my tears
Me: Mom?
Mom: Are you sure about your decision? do you
really think you could live with a secret of
killing someone?
Mom: Nomaxabiso I want an answer from you.
Do you want to get married to the King or not?
Me: I do!
Mom: Mama is going to kill Nomakhosazana in
order for you to achieve that
I breath in and out
Me: Kill her !
Mom chuckled
Mom: Consider it done! There won't be more
than one Queen in that palace. One has to go !
Me: And it's not me
Mom: Enjoy your weekend my baby
Me: You too mom
I hung up. King Zwelicacile is going to be my
husband whether he likes it or not. Right now it
is not about how he feels about me. It is about
doing the right thing. I don't care about how he
feels. What I care about is the tittle. And that
tittle I won't get with his mother alive. Queen
Nomakhosazana left me no choice. If she didn't
abandon me things wouldn't go like this. She
abandoned me. This is the thanks I got for
saving her life. I can't keep saving her. She can't
be saved all the time. She thinks she is the most
important person in the world. I swear the big
tree will fall and when it does. We are going to
fight them in court. King Zwelicacile is going to
be my husband. I can't be with Malingene. That
man is married to my friend. They have kids
together. I can't wait for that. I can't wait for him
to leave her because from the beginning he
made it clear that he would never leave his wife.
Him and I were just having fun and we both
knew it was fun between us nothing more.

< Narrated >
The royal family is arriving from the river. The
cars came in one by one. We see Elton walks out
of the car. We see Ngejiwe walks out from
another car. Ngejiwe smiled then went to Elton
Ngejiwe: So how did you find the whole
ceremony ?
Elton: Magical. I didn't expect to see the things i
saw. I hope it helps my brother in law though.
It's not nice being blind overnight
Ngejiwe: I know right
We see Ms Refilwe going to Elton
Refilwe: Baby come to mom
Elton smiled then walked to her mother leaving
Elton: Hey mom
Refilwe kissed his cheek. The village young
people were looking at them. Some giggling
because they never saw this. An old man get a
kiss from his mother.
Refilwe: We haven't been talking much since we
got here. How are you feeling baby?
Elton: Good, It's nice being here. I didn't think it
was gonna be nice though. I mean it's a village
Refilwe: I was worried as well but we have to
support your sister. She also supports us besides
Masixole has been living with us for like three
years? He's like family
Elton: He is like a brother I never had yeah
Refilwe smiled
Refilwr: Ahhh that's sweet baby
Elton: Mom I think Queen and Nomgcwabe's
mother are waiting for you
Refilwe: Oh yeah let me go in. Keep it up okay ;)
Elton just smiled. Ms Refilwe walked back to The
Queen and Princess. We see Ngejiwe going to
Ngejiwe: Mama's boy
Elton: She's like mom and dad you know what I
Ngejiwe: I guess i should be grateful I still have
both parents neh?
Elton: Yeah........
Ngejiwe looked at him then smiled.

Not everyone from the family was in the same
car. We see Priscella and Algebra walking out of
another car. Priscella looked at Algebra.
Priscella: You're going to be okay right? I want to
go to my man in the bedroom
Algebra: I will go to EJ and Ngejiwe
Priscella: You guys must go in and have
breastfast You didn't eat. I will tell Nontiniphu to
prepare something for you
Algebra: Okay
Priscella: Oh and that fridge in the bus is not
empty there are things ready to eat there
Algebra smiled. Priscella catwalked to the
palace. Algebra saw Nomgcwabe. He smiled
then walked to him.
Algebra: Can we talk?
Nomgcwabe turned around. He looked at
Nomgcwabe: Yeah sure ?
Algebra: Look I am sorry about last night. I
thought you wanted it. I didn't know you were
straight please forgive me. I feel bad for kissing
Nomgcwabe: It's cool
He faked a smile then looked away
Algebra: So you have a girlfriend ?
Nomgcwabe shook his head no still looking
Algebra: If You don't mind me asking why ?
Nomgcwabe turned around
Nomgcwabe: What's the use of dating someone
if you won't marry them
Algebra: Why not?
Nomgcwabe: You don't marry someone you love
here. You marry who they love for you
Algebra: Who is they ?
Nomgcwabe: Family and fuckin ancestors!
He snapped them walked to the palace. EJ and
Ngejiwe saw it. They went to Algebra
Ngejiwe: Is he okay?
Algebra shrugged his shoulders
Ngejiwe seemed worried about her cousin
brother. While at that we see Gedleza walking to
The chief. He wanted to talk to him the cheif
noticed that. He walked to him they were
approaching each other.
Gedleza: My chief I know we have to take care of
guests give them meat and alcohol but we can't
forget what's important
Hlohlesakhe: Which it ?
The chief was clueless. How could he forget
something So important in his life?
Gedleza: My chief I said after the chief ceremony
you must come to me to talk an heir
Hlohlesakhe: Oh yeah! how can i forget that. I
thought maybe we we'd first enjoy this and go to
your house later
Gedleza: It was just a reminder my Chief
Hlohlesakhe: I can't forget that Gedleza
Gedleza bowed then walked to others where
boys were slaughtering sheeps for the village.
The chief was left smiling thinking about the
possibility of having a son.

The ceremony at Mthatha Dam River wasn't
only successful. It was also quick. No one
expected it to end so fast even the royal helper/
Chef wasn't aware. People are back at the royal
house and Notiniphu is no where to be seen at
the royal house. Notiniphu was just taking a
short break to go speak to her friend who is also
a mother figure to her. We see Ma Deliwe sitting
at this shop's tables having a juice. She kept
looking around waiting impatiently for
Notiniphu to join her. Notiniphu walked out of
the shops with a can of Coke and a glass. She
walked to Ma Deliwe.
Deliwe: You even have time to go buy a drink. I
have been sitting here for more than 15 minutes
waiting for you. What is it that couldn't wait till
our lunch time, My boss didn't go to the river.
She is in a foul mood at the house!
Notiniphu sat down
Notiniphu: I am sorry Ma Deliwe
Ma Deliwe looked at her. She noticed she was
Deliwe: Oh poor thing what happened now?
They left you with someone at the royal palace?
Are Nomagampompo's children still fishing for
their father ?
Notiniphu: Ma Deliwe it's worse. I feel like my
life is falling apart in front of my very eyes and I
can't do anything to save myself
Ma Deliwe noticed this is serious. She stood up,
Put her juice in the table and went to her side
and hugged her
Deliwe: Okay this is serious! You're really crying
right now
Deliwe was hugging her from behind. Notiniphu
cried her eyes out.
Deliwe: Let it all out my girl and tell me what is
eating you.
Notiniphu: It's too much Ma Deliwe
Deliwe: Oh sweety! you had it so hard in your
Ma Deliwe walked back to her chair. She sat
Deliwe: Tell me what happened?
Notiniphu cried for like a minute. She wiped her
Notiniphu: How do they people live with such
secrets and carry on like nothing happened?
Deliwe: What is it? Put it on the table. I want to
know what happened. What secret now ?
Notiniphu: Its about both your bosses and I
cannot tell you. The ancestors are going to
punish me
Notiniphu: I can't
Deliwe took Notiniphu's glass she gave it to her
Deliwe: Ancestors won't punish you for telling
me because I keep secrets. Drink up
Notiniphu drank her coke.
Deliwe: Now tell me
Notiniphu: Ngejiwe is not Chief Khabalandile's
Deliwe: Shut Th.....
Deliwe looked around
Deliwe: Well there is no door. We are outdoors
but like what a wow?
Notiniphu: I know right
Deliwe: Notiniphu this secret has nothing to do
with you though....
Notiniphu broke down looking up once Ma
Deliwe said that
Deliwe: What else happened young lady. What
did you do ?
Notiniphu: Ma Deliwe
Notiniphu was scared with her hand on her
mouth, her eyes popped out. She didn't know
how to say this.
Deliwe: What did you do ? What happened! Tell
Me dea......
Notiniphu: I slept with King Zwelicacile!!!
Ma Deliwe paused for few seconds. She was
digesting this
Deliwe: What ?
Notiniphu: I slept with King Zwelicacile
We saw Phonqa behind the tree with both his
hands on his mouth. He hid behind the tree and
leaned on it trying to catch his breath..




< Narrated >
Still at Sdabadabeni village at the shop. Phonqa
was floored when he heard what Notiniphu did.
He was asked to go look for Notiniphu but didn't
think showing his face to Notiniphu will be a
good idea. He ran away hoping that they don't
notice him and luckily for him they didn't. When
he was at a distance. He made a phone call
calling Notiniphu. Her phone sent him on
voicemail. He left a voicemail
Phonqa: Hey The Queen is looking for you come
Phonqa hung up then walked home. Back at the
shop. The old lady was shocked to hear that
Notiniphu had sex with the king.
Deliwe: Notiniphu what did you do! how could
you sleep with a son of Chief Nkosesizwe! You're
a commoner!
Notiniphu: You think i don't know Ma Deliwe ? I
know I messed!
Deliwe: Why did you let the king take advantage
of you ?
Notiniphu looked around then the Ma Deliwe
Notiniphu: That's the most painful part Ma
Deliwe! he thought I was his wife
Ma Deliwe raised both her hands she started
praying calling upon God asking him to come
down and intervene. She then looked at
Deliwe: How come ? Why would the king think
you're his wife ?
Notiniphu: We have the same body type. He
thought I was her. I said my King. He said my
Queen and pulled me to him. I fell on his chest
and while I was still shocked by that he started
kissing me
Notiniphu wiped her tears
Notiniphu: The kiss was so good and lying on his
chest I felt butterflies and a heat I have never
felt before. In my head I thought he knew who I
was because everyone was already gone to the
Deliwe: When did you realise he didn't know it
was you ?
Notiniphu: After we were done having sex......
Deliwe's eyes popped out.
Notiniphu: He said I love you Priscella that's
when i knew I made The biggest mistake of my
Deliwe: Her name is Priscella?
Notiniphu nodded her head
Deliwe: Oh this is a very complicated situation. I
always had solutions but on this one My
Notiniphu: I Think the reason he thought I was
his wife was because of Queen The second's
Deliwe tapped Notiniphu's shoulder
Deliwe: Little girl you stole that woman's
perfume and worn it while she is still here ?
Notiniphu: I didn't steal it! She gave it to me as a
gift now I betrayed her! i slept with her
husband. She has been so nice to me
Deliwe put her hands on her head
Deliwe: Oh how a good deed on her side turned
and bite her
Notiniphu: Oh my God
Notiniphu's phone rang. She looked at it. The
Queen was calling
Notiniphu: No! they are back !
Deliwe: Don't confess! please don't do it ! it was
a mistake!
Notiniphu was just looking at Ma Deliwe crying.
Ma Deliwe gave Notiniphu a tissue .
Deliwe: Pull yourself together and go but before
you go........
Ma Deliwe smiled
Deliwe: I hear tall and dark men Are gifted
down there. How is he in that department !?
Notiniphu looked down playing with her hands
Notiniphu: He is so big Ma Deliwe. I wanted to
scream but I couldn't because i was at Royal
Deliwe: Go! Go! they are back
Notiniphu stood up then ran away. Deliwe shook
her head then clapped once
Deliwe: Tjo! Ndaze ndakuva zwindini!
Deliwe couldn't believe what she just heard.
At the royal house. We see Priscella at Living
room. She was about to go up when she saw the
Nomakhosazana: I'm glad I saw you. Have you
seen Notiniphu anywhere ?
Priscella: No mothar. Did you see her since we
got back?
Nomakhosazana: No! I can see she prepared
everything. The other helpers say she didn't tell
them. I sent Phonqa to go look for her
Priscella: Lets hope she is around
Nomakhosazana: Yeah. Please bring The King
down to join others
Priscella: Okay i will
She walked to the stairs leaving the Queen
looking around searching for Notiniphu.
Priscella got upstairs. She walked to their
Priscella: Honey i am back
Masixole: Hey welcome back. Why did you run
out earlier. I hope they didn't leave you behind ?
Priscella looked confused.
Priscella: I didn't run out but no they didn't
leave me babe. The only people who were late
are your cousins
Masixole: How did it go ?
Priscella: That's why I came here to fetch you.
They want to update you
Priscella pulled Masixole up. They kissed for a
dear one minute. Priscella broke the kiss
Masixole: I love you baby
Priscella kissed him then hugged him tight
Priscella: I love you more baby and thank you
for standing up for me this morning
Masixole: I am your husband. It's my job
Priscella: I love you
Masixole broke the hug and kissed her forehead.
They walked out of the bedroom and headed to
the stairs. They walked down. Priscella saw The
Queen, Princess, The chief and her mother
sitting at Living room.
Nomakhosazana: Here they are
They all looked at them Walking to the living
Priscella: Baby sit here
Masixole: Good day parents
Nomakhosazana: You have such a big smile in
your face King what is going on. Did you tell him
Priscella: No ma he did ask but I said he will get
an update from you
Nomakhosazana: Good. Zwelicacile what is
going on ?
Nomasixole: My dad visited me in a dream. I
guess that's why I was so sleepy I needed to see
Hlohlesakhe: What did he say?
King Zwelicacile smiled He was excited to say
this.The Queen also was smiling. She sat up
Masixole: I was in this dark place. I heard
someone cut something then I saw a light. Dad
walked into that light. He turned around that's
when i saw him. He smiled at me then he was
fading away till I couldn't see him
Nomakhosazana: Wow son if that is not a sign
then I don't know what is. Your ancestors
accepted everything we brought them. They are
happy and they accepted your apology
Masixole smiled. Priscella hold his hand smiling
Masixole: Wow. Thank you mom, aunt and
uncle for doing my ceremony with open hearts. I
apologise again. This will never happen again
Hlohlesakhe: It better not. Now we are waiting
on you Bo Jalamba to cleanse his eyes and make
him see again
The chief was speaking to the ancestors asking
them to help him see again.
Nomakhosazana: Amen!
Nomagampompo: Camagu
The Queen looked at Priscella and The King
Nomakhosazana: I know you're going back to
Gauteng monday morning, so I think tomorrow
morning around 9am we should have a meeting
Nomagampompo: My Queen you have an
appointment with someone at 9
She was talking about the meeting with
Nomfunzelo Zidenge
Nomakhosazana: I will move it to ten
Nomagampompo: Okay
The Queen looked at the young couple
Nomakhosazana: So you two need to set a date
of your wedding you have so many hours to do
so. At that meeting at 9 you will be telling us
which date you decided on
Refilwe: Is that okay with you guys?
Priscella looked at Masixole
Priscella: Yeah i think it is. Right baby ?
Masixole: Yes it is. I just hope I won't be blind on
my wedding day
The Queen got teary when She heard her son say
Priscella noticed it. She took both Masixole
Priscella: Even if you are your bride will show
up and marry you. Baby you're going to be the
most handsome blind groom that day
Masixole searched for her face
Masixole: I love you
Priscella kissed him
Priscella: I love you more baby
The parents were just smiling looking at them..

Still at the royal house. We see The Queen
standing with princess Nomagampompo. They
were having drinks while standing and talking
in the living room. Ms Refilwe, Priscella and
Masixole were having a conversation of their
own sitting on the couch.
Nomakhosazana: Everything went well right ?
Nomagampompo: Everything well perfectly well
except for one thing
The Queen looked at Princess Nomagampompo
curious to find out what didn't go well.
Princess: Nontorotyi!
The Queen looked angry when she heard her
Nomakhosazana: I can't believe this woman
didn't show up when we wanted her to be there
so we could expose her!
Nomagampompo: Maybe it was for the best my
Queen. We were going to betray the Chief when
he nicely begged us not to
Nomakhosazana: When will this stop? She gets
away with everything!
Nomagampompo: What she did yesterday was
unbelievable. How could she ruin your special
moment like that?
Nomakhosazana: Sisi that woman will never be
important in this family! I don't want her to get
any favours from us. She is on her own. She
doesn't want to work as a team. I am just asking
myself. What will happen when She has
something that needs to be done in her house?
That house was announced to the ancestors.
When the chief wants to do something he will do
it there not here. Now does she expect us to go to
her house when she comes to mine and
disrespect me and my guests?
Princess shook her head. Notiniphu walked in.
She stopped and looked at Priscella. When
Priscella saw her. She smiled then looked at The
Nomakhosazana: Notiniphu you're back! Where
were you ?
Notiniphu: I am sorry my Queen. I was with Ma
Deliwe. I was done with everything and I didn't
expect to see you back so soon
Nomakhosazana: Okay it's fine I saw everything
but you cannot leave our food like that!
Siqalo: My Queen she left me. I was here all the
Nomakhosazana: Alright. You can go to the
kitchen Notiniphu
Notiniphu bowed
Notiniphu: Thank you my Queen
She walked to the kitchen. Chief Khabalandile
walked in from the kitchen. He went to the
Queen and Princess Nomagampompo. He was
eating an apple
Hlohlesakhe: I am going to see Gedleza about my
The Queen looked at him excited
Nomakhosazana: That's amazing
Nomagampompo: Wow all the best my brother.
With Ancestors so happy right now I pray
everything goes well
Hlohlesakhe: Me too Sisi
Nomakhosazana: Be quick. The meat is going to
be ready soon. We cannot start dishing up for
people if you're not here
Hlohlesakhe: I will come back with Gedleza
The chief ran to the door. He walked out. Siqalo
closed the door. The Queen and The Princess
remained looking at the door not saying a word.
The princess cleared her throat.
Nomagampompo: My Queen do you think the
ancestors will agree to this surrogacy?
The princess asked that then looked at the door.
The Queen was still also glued at the door.
Nomakhosazana: Let's say they do agree. Who is
going to be their surrogate?
Princess: Good question because in royalty an
heir has to be of a royal blood from both sides.
Do you think there is any royal princess who
wants to be a surrogate?
The Queen chuckled
Nomakhosazana: Princesses want to get
married. They don't want to deliver babies for
other people. Maybe the ancestors have a better
Princess: I guess we have to wait and see
The Queen sipped on her drink
Nomakhosazana: Yeah......

< Sonia De Villiers >
I just complicated my life didn't I? I know this
could be a good thing or a bad thing at the same
time. I got my heart broken into pieces this past
few weeks up to when Brendan died. I do not
want that to happen again but what happened
last night..... It could be my next heartbreak. I do
want to believe I can make things work with
Hunter, I really do. But I cannot help but fear
that things could never work between us. I hurt
that man so much. He might be nice now
because he sees I am falling apart but what
happens when I heal? We are going to face our
problems hands on. We can try and ignore them
now but there will be time where we will have
to confront the issue and face them. I cannot
leave him for another man, Come back to him
and just continue like nothing happened. Maybe
I made a mistake. I shouldn't have slept with
Hunter last night. Yes you heard right. When I
came back from talking to Isaiah I found him
alone with kids, The kids went to bed. We had
drinks and one thing led to another. We slept
together. When I woke up this morning he was
no longer next to me. So I decided to cook for
him and take food to him. I know he is in the
office. They work on Saturday. I am driving to
work right now to see him.
Anyway I decided to call Priscella on the way
just to tell her. I had a good time last night. I
really did. I cannot wait to see him. I feel alive
again. I can't help but feel like my feelings for
him are still strong. I know it's not fair to him
because i hurt him but he made a move last
night, A move that woke up feelings I buried a
long time ago. I cooked just to thank him for
being there for me and my children When I
couldn't be with them. Priscella's phone rang.
She answered in fourth ring ..
Priscella: Hey friend
Me: Hey how is everything?
Priscella: Everything is going well friend as you
can here the noise. How are you feeling?
Me: I feel great. I feel like I am alive friend
Priscella: What happened? I can hear by
listening to the tone in your voice that you're
Me: Hunter and I had sex
Priscella: Really? Wow i didn't expect it so soon
Me: I know right! We were drinking the next
thing he kissed me. I couldn't say no. The next
thing we were in my bedroom having sex
Priscella: Did you talk about it in the morning
Me: I am going to his office now. But I am not
ready to talk about it. What if the past comes
back. I don't want to open old wounds. I wish we
could just live in the moment you know?
Priscella: You know one day you have to face the
issue and address them right?
Me: I know friend but right now I feel like I am
in love and I don't want to ruin it
Priscella: I don't want you to get hurt Sonia. I
just pray you guys work.
Me: Me too
Priscella: Good
Me: I just arrived talk later
Priscella: Later love you
Me: Love you too
I hung up. I got out of the car. I locked then
headed inside. I greeted people then went to the
office. I knocked then opened
He smiled at me
Me: Hey I hope you have time for lunch
Hunter stood up
Him: Yeah thank you
Me: You're welcome
I put it on the table. I pulled a chair then sat
He opened it
Him: This smells nice
Me: Thank you
He started eating
Hunter: Sorry for not waking you up I wa....
The door opened. I looked at the door. Who is
this girl and how dare she opened the door like
that. Doesn't she know how to knock?
Her: Oh Sorry to interrupt. I thought you were
alone honey
Honey? What is going on ?
Hunter: No come in honey. I am glad you're
Him as well? He is calling her honey? What is
going on here? Hunter stood up. He kissed her
then looked at me
Hunter: Honey meet Sonia My ex wife...
I stood up. I looked at her. She extended her
Her: Nice to finally meet you
Me: Uh uhh
I faked a smile then shook her hand. Hunter
looked at me.
Hunter: This is my girlfriend Claire
I looked at Hunter. I gave him deathstare he was
smiling. I smiled at Claire
Me: Nice to meet you Claire. I came to Thank
your boyfriend for being there for me
Claire: He told me. I am so sorry about your
husband. It must be so embarrassing. I can
imagine the stares you're getting. Not nice at all
Me: Thank you Claire. I am a very strong woman
I looked at Hunter
Me: Let me leave you into it
I looked at Claire then shook her hand again .
Me: It was nice to finally meet you Claire
While still shaking her hand I looked Hunter
Me: I heard a lot of nice things about you
Hunter looked down embarrassed
I walked to The door. I turned around then
looked at Hunter
I closed the door then did the walk of shame to
the exit. I cannot believe he cheated on his
girlfriend. How could he do something like this?
He is pretending to be my friend. He is the
father of my children. Why didn't he tell me he
found someone. I know he doesn't owe me any
explanation but come on. We are co parents. I
need to know.

< Nontorotyi >
The only thing I did when my husband left for
the royal house was take my car keys and run to
Zinyovile. Yes i drove to Mqanduli. The reason I
did that so early was because the same bridge I
was gonna cross is the same river they are going
to do whatever they are going to do. Zinyovile
directed me. The reason for my visit is to know
what is going on. I wanted to know what will
happen since their plan of exposing me to the
elders is not gonna work. I want to know their
next move because i want to go to the royal
house before the billionaires leave. I just want to
know how my visit will be like. My plan to make
my daughter pregnant is going well. Ngejiwe
had sex with that EJ boy. If they didn't make a
baby last night, tomorrow tonight they have to
because i want her to sleep with him again. I
want them to fall in love.
Zinyovile: Stop with fairy tale! what brings you
here !
Zinyovile snapped. I snapped out of my day
dream. I looked at her
Me: Throw bones. I want to know all I need to
know. You promised to tell me everything and
you haven't delivered in any of your promises!
Zinyovile shook her head in disbelief.
Nontorotyi: I had to come. I want you to throw
bones and see what happens. I didn't attend that
ceremony like you asked me not to. I want to
know how the ancestors feel
Zinyovile looked around for her bones. She took
her mini bag. She came and sat down. She
started shaking her bones. I am amazed by how
she doesn't have so many words like she always
does. She just did what I asked of her.
Zinyovile: Blow
I blew air to her bones. She asked me to do it
again I did.
She started crying and slapping her knee. She
roared like a lion
Me: Makhosi!!!
She was shaking. Her entire body was shaking
like she was experiencing electric shock.
Zinyovile: Hayi !
Me: Makhosi!!!
I said Makhosi clapping my hands.
Me: What do you see Makhosi
She looked down shaking her head no
Zinyovile: Hayi hayi hayi ndiyabhideka hayi
Zinyovile roared and cried
Me: What is it? What is it so confusing. Come on
speak to me
She tried to calm down. Saying no she is
confused. She kept repeating that till she was
calm. After minutes of her trying to calm down
she finally did, She wasn't breathing heavily
anymore. She flipped her dreadlocks. I could see
her red eyes now. She was sweaty. She looked so
scary and scared at the same time.
Zinyovile: They are livid
Me: Why now? I didn't go there! why are they
mad ?
Zinyovile: They are mad for what you did
yesterday and for everything you've done to
disrespect the throne and the Chieftaincy
Me: Can i apologise? can you do something to
calm them down. I mean the Russian Bear did
all that not me ! and you said it yourself it was
Gedleza who set me up for failure
Zinyovile shook her head no. why is she saying
no? No to what?
Zinyovile: Do you have anything prepared to
make sure you don't lose when the truth about
Ngejiwe comes out?
Me: Its gonna come out ? You promised that it
won't. You said they were preventing it from
coming out
Zinyovile: You left them no Choice Nontorotyi
with all your stunts and plotting. Their minds
are made up and the truth is going to come out
very soon !
I stood up and started pacing up and down.
Me: Oh My God. I am going to lose the two most
important people in my life
Zinyovile: I am still curious. What are you going
to do because your future at the royal house
doesn't look Good at all
I went on my knees begging her
Me: Do something! I can't leave please
Zinyovile: Nontorotyi I kept warning you and
telling you things before they happened but you
kept provoking the ancestors. I am sorry you
know I can't go against the Ndegana Royal
I stood up. What the use of begging? she won't
help me
Zinyovile: Drive home and make sure when you
get there you make sure your relationship with
your daughter is solid before the truth comes
I grabbed my handbag. I ran to the door.
Zinyovile: Nontorotyi!!
I turned around and looked at her. I wiped my
Me: Yes ?
Zinyovile: By the way the plan with a billionaire
son will backfire badly
I put my hand on my chest. I felt like there's a
hole in my chest.
Me: What ?
Zinyovile: And The boy.......
She walked closer to me
Zinyovile: One of your nephews. The one who
knows the truth about Ngejiwe?
Me: Yes ?
Zinyovile: His actions will initiate the Chaos !
Me: Which one is it! ? I want to kidnap him for
Zinyovile: No! You're going to kill him! You're a
ruthless woman just go home and build a strong
foundation in you and your daughter's
I walked to The door.
Zinyovile: Nontorotyi!
I turned around and looked at her. I didn't even
say anything
Zinyovile: Don't you dare touch
Nomagampompo's children
She was livid. I looked at her then ran out of her
house running to my car. Oh my God. My life is
falling apart. What will I be without my house
and my husband?.




< Tasha >
I received a call from Laila asking to see me at
her work. My friend just had lunch how can she
asks to see me when she is working? We are
living together she can tell me this when she
comes back or She could've told me on the
phone. This sounds serious I am really nervous
now and excited at the same time. What if It's
EJ? What if he wants to see me or maybe she
spoke to him and he is willing to talk? Oh My
God my mind is everywhere right now. I am
really happy and nervous at the same time. This
taxi is so slow for me. I cannot wait to get there
and speak to Laila.
A lot is going on in my life. I have go to get
results on Monday. I also have to go see Mandy
the same day. They suspense is killing me. I
don't know what to think at all. Why would a
celebrity manager wants to see me? Maybe she
wants to talk about EJ? or maybe she wants to
talk to me about my career? That would be great
though I mean if she wanna talk my career that
means she sees talent and potential in me. I
mean that woman don't work with any
celebrities. She works with successful
celebrities. I am so excited right now. I really
am. The possibility of kicking off my career is
exciting. I guess the followers I have helped me
and that is all thanks to EJ and his reality show. I
am really grateful to him. I wish he could be by
my side when i succeed and i wanna be by his
side when he does as well.
Things are just exciting right now. I hope I get
good news only Monday. I am nervous about the
tests. I am nervous about the meeting.
Everything is just happening at the same time.
Driver: Ma'am we are here
Me: Oh How much?
Driver: R8.50
I gave him R10 note. I opened the door.
Me: Keep the change
I closed the door then walked to Luxury Hotel. I
dialled Laila's number.
Laila: Come straight to the kitchen please
Me: Okay
I hung up then walked to their kitchen. I saw
Laila: Let's go to the store room i won't be long
Me: Okay
She opened the door. I walked in she did too.
Laila: Isaiah Norman was here
Me: That disgusting man! What does he want? I
didn't know you knew each other ?
Laila: I met him few years ago. We were friends
for some time we still are but we kinda lost
Me: You know it's disappointing to come here
for this. I thought you heard from EJ
Laila: Tasha this is also important!
Me: Okay ?
Laila: He says he is going to the funeral. He was
asking if you wanna go with him since he is
leaving this afternoon
Me: I hope you told him about my intentions
with that relationship. I am not going anywhere
with that Gay man
Laila: Hey! I am gay too watch what you say !
Me: Sorry friend. I just don't trust him and
besides you know I didn't care about Brendan at
all. I have a busy day Monday I can't travel
Laila: Do me a favour then if you wanna stay
famous, Don't post at all tomorrow it's his
funeral just be quiet
Me: Sure thanks friend
Laila: Sure that was all
She walked to the door. She opened it.
Me: No friend I can't go to the funeral I am sorry
please tell him. We don't even know each other
for him to ask to go with me. This is ridiculous!
I walked out. She closed the door..
Laila: Oh another thing friend
I looked at her
Me: Yes ?
Laila: Before he left he received a call from the
lawyer. It looks like Brendan left him something
Laila walked away after saying that
Me: Wait.......
Laila gave me a hand
Laila: I have to work we will talk at home later!
Me: What?
I looked at the door.
Me: I can't believe he was really deep into this
gay thing. I can't believe he left that....
I looked around then walked out of the door. I
stood waiting for a taxi
Me: Calm down Tasha you dated him for two
So Brendan, The man who rocked my world was
in a serious relationship with another man and
he mentioned him in his will? This man had no
shame. He had no shame at all. How could he do
something like this. He is a disgrace for using
me. He didn't even leave me one thing.

< Sonia >
I never felt so betrayed and lied to in my life.
How could Hunter do this to me? He knows i am
fragile. He knows i am hurt deeply. How could
he do this to me. How could this man lead me on
like this then drop a bomb on me? What was he
doing to me ? Why did he try and get close to
me. We had sex. Did he tell his little girlfriend
that since he decided to tell her about my life?
How could he do this to me how could he? This
is the last thing I need right now. This is the last
thing I want in my life. How could he do this to
me? This weekend was supposed to be only
about healing. Why did he do this to me why, I
am angry. I am hurt. I am heartbroken. I knew
this was wrong the day I saw my father walk in
with this man at the Seputla tower. I knew This
was never gonna end well and I was right about
it. I don't even know why i thought I should give
this the benefit of the doubt. I knew this was
wrong but I took my chance. This was my
chance. This was my weekend to forget the hurt
and I won't let anything get in the way of that. I
am packing my clothes. I am going to Eastern
Cape as we speak. I don't want to hear none of
this. I saw my son walk in my room
Son: Mom where are you going ?
Me: I am going to the eastern cape on work
baby. Tell me, did you know dad had a
My daughter came running
Her: Claire is cool mom !
Me: Oh so you know that your father has a
Her: Yep
Me: That's nice for daddy
Son: Mom do you like Claire we like her
I smiled at her
Me: That's sweet my boy. I like her
I pulled my travel bag.
I walked down the stairs. I heard my phone
rings. I answered
Me: Yes ?
Pilot: The helicopter is ready for you ma'am
Me: Great don't call Priscella I want to surprise
Her, like I said I called Mrs R she has no problem
with me using the Helicopter
Him: Okay ma'am
I hung up. The front door opened. My step
mother and dad walked in.
Dad: What was so urgen....
He saw my bag.
Dad: Where are you going ?
Me: Where I should've been in the first place
The tone of my voice shook my step mother
She looked at kids
Her: Go upstairs grandma will be there with you
They ran up
Dad: What went wrong? Why are you so upset?
Me: What is not going wrong daddy?
They were just looking at me confused
Me: I said stop trying to get me and Hunter
together didn't I?
They both looked down
Me: Dad I begged you! I said this was a bad idea.
Since you guys kept pushing I thought why not?
let me try!
Mom: Then what happened?
Me: I had sex with him last night
They both smiled. If I were them I wouldn't be
smiling right now.
Me: When i woke up this morning he was gone!
Dad: He had a lot of work to do
Me: I know! That's why I woke up and cooked
for him. I went to his office to give him his food
and guess who showed up while he was eating
MY food?
Dad: Who ?
Me: His Girlfriend Claire!!
Dad also looked shocked like mom was
Me: What ? You didn't know?
Dad: No we didn't and he didn't tell us !
Me: That is because he didn't know your agenda
Dad looked down. I took my bag then looked
Me: Take my children to your house. I am going
with my original plan! The weekend getaway !
Dad: I am sorry baby
My phone rang. I took it out.
Me: Sonia De Villiers
Caller: Hello Ma'am, This is advocate Roberts. I
called to tell you that I am coming to your house
for Brendan will reading Monday at 12pm
Me: Why here? Why not in Zimbabwe ?
Him: I am sorry ma'am I am very busy I told The
O'Neal family and they agreed
Me: Fine
I hung up
Me: The WILL reading will be read here Monday
mid day Goodbye
I walked out. I am going to the Eastern Cape. I
don't want to be here. I don't want Hunter
running to my house trying to give me a lame
explanation. That man played me. If that was
his plan to get his payback then well done to
him. He played it well. I don't want to hear from
him ever again. I am sure that Claire girl now
knows what I did to him. The fact that she
knows what is going on in my life shows it and it
shows that she and Hunter are serious. What
makes me upset is him introducing my children
to her before i met her. That was not cool at all.
No mother would love that. As the mother I
should meet my ex husband's partners and see if
they are good people to be introduced to my
kids. What he did was just wrong.

< Notiniphu >
I know so many people including ma Deliwe are
asking why i did this. What did I do? I didn't do
anything. it's like This is something i planned. I
didn't plan this. It just happened so fast. It's like i
was hypnotized. It's like I was not my self during
that whole thing but what surprises me is the
fact that i do remember the sex. I remember
sleeping with him and I remember how good he
was in bed. I remember his touch. How he
moved. Some girls are very lucky in life.
Speaking of lucky people what have I done to
Queen Priscella? I didn't think of her at all
during that. The only time i thought of her was
when I realised how much i messed up. How
could I do this to a woman who was so nice to
me the minute she laid eyes on me. She liked
me. She made me open up to her something i
never done to anyone. What will happen when
she found out ? She is going to hate me and don't
get me started with the Queen. She is going to
despise me. She is going to hate me God and I
don't think i will be able to survive this. This is
the end of Working for this family. A lot is going
on in my mind now let me go back to why I did
this. When the king pulled me I thought he knew
who I was. I didn't want to do it but I couldn't
say no to the king because of my respect for him.
Ever since i started Working here which was
when he was not here. I was always drown to
his pictures. He is so handsome. Maybe I wanted
him. I know this is bad and i look like a bad
person. I know I am not going to have him and I
am okay with that but it happened and one way
or another it is going to come out. I am doomed.
How ungrateful am i? When the king said I love
you Priscella I was very shocked because i
thought it was gonna be something we do in
secret and I wouldn't mind he is the king and
handsome God I need to stop thinking like this. I
sound like a bad person and I am not. I just saw
Priscella briefly. I couldn't look her in the eye
because of what I did. I am ashamed believe me
I am. if it wasn't for this family I don't think i
would be where i am right now. I have a three
rooms out. I am the only family alive. I have
myself. I have everything I need in my house
even your fridges and television even though
there is no electricity i believe one day we will
have it. The same woman I betrayed is the one
who is determined to help me. How could I do
this why ? why did i do This? Why didn't I stand
up for myself. Why didn't I pushad him and told
him I wasn't Priscella? How was I gonna know
that when i thought he knew who I was ? How
was I supposed to do that when I was getting
what I always dreamt of? I dreamt of this man
and that photo frame is in my phone. I shoot it
with my phone while I was cleaning years ago.
Why am i inlove with my boss' son? Who am I to
be in love with the king? I am fooling myself. I
need to pull myself together..
Anyway I am in the kitchen. Nomgcwabe,
Ngejiwe and The two other boys just left. They
only had breakfast. I was serving them. I am all
alone in the kitchen. I was actually cleaning the
kitchen counter. I felt a tear. I put the cloth on
the counter. I put my hands on the counter then
looked down. I breath in and out.
" You need to stop that my dear! " That's Deliwe.
I quickly wiped my tears. I looked at her. What
is she doing here?
Me: Ma Deliwe what are you doing here ?
Deliwe: Besides the fact that whenever there is a
function here i have to come. I came to check
how you doing
I ran to the entrance. I looked around then ran
Deliwe: What are you doing?
Me: Phonqa love sneaking around so we must be
careful. Let's use a language that will confuse
Deliwe: You mean like.....
She looked around then took the cloth. She
started cleaning
Deliwe: How are you coping with that Parcel
I smiled. I took my own cloth and helped her.
Me: I am not coping at all Ma Deliwe. I can't look know who
Deliwe: Oh Poor thing
Me: I.....
I swallowed hard when i saw Queen Priscella
coming to the kitchen. I looked down.
Priscella: The Queen says warm up the food the
meat is ready. Do you want me to help....
Deliwe: No!!!
Queen Priscella looked shocked. Deliwe looked
Deliwe: I mean you can go back and sit how
about I call you when we have to serve the
Priscella: Alright. I haven't met you....
Me: Oh this is Ma Deliwe. She works for the chief
Priscella: Nice to meet you Meh Deliwe
Ma Deliwe smiled at her. She catwalked away.
Me: Look at her. She is so perfect. When She
went to the river she wore flat expensive shoes.
Now she is back in her high heels. She walks like
a super model
Deliwe: And why does that bother you ? She is
rich !
I walked away to the pots. I switched on the
Me: That's why I should forget The King.
I heard Ma Deliwe's footsteps running to me.
She tapped my shoulder
Deliwe: You're thinking about him? Girly erase
that thought!!!
I wiped my tears..
Deliwe: You said you didn't want it. You were
scared now show it! show that It didn't mean
Me: And If it meant something?
Deliwe: Oh My God! forget him! wait.....
Me: What ?
Deliwe: Are you in a pill?
Me: No
Oh My God! what if I am already pregnant. What
am I gonna do ?
Deliwe: Oh child! did you use a condom ?
Me: Ma Deliwe I need a morning after Pill
Deliwe: What is that ?
Me: A pill that you take after you had sex if you
don't wanna get married. How am I gonna get
that here! We are in the middle of rural areas!
we way too far from town
Deliwe: Okay how about we call Bhotsotso
Me: Who is that ?
Deliwe: A taxi driver from here. He drives that
red and white Van
Me: Please call him. Ask him to buy it at
Ma Deliwe took out her phone. She dialled a
number then listened
Deliwe: It's ringing!
I smiled looking at her crossing fingers that he
Deliwe: Hello Bhotsotso! it's Ma Deliwe. Yes the
one who is working for this chief yes
Ma Deliwe looked at the living room
Deliwe: My boss is asking me to call you and ask
for a favour. She needs morning after Pill
Deliwe: It's found at Pharmacy. You will get the
money when you pass by The royal house
Ma Deliwe looked at me. She covered the
Deliwe: There is no Pharmacy at Ngqeleni town
I put my hands in my head
Me: He must ask someone who is going to
Mthatha, A taxi driver from the rank
Deliwe: Can you ask someone who drives to
Mthatha to buy it please. I will pay you R50
Deliwe: Thank you my boy
I let out a sigh of relief when she said thank you.
Ma Deliwe hung up
Deliwe: He agreed
I looked up
Me: Thank you Lord
Deliwe: You're burning the pots!
Me: Oh no!
Deliwe: Get the money and R50 ready girly. You
get paid more than i do and you're a business
I smiled at her. Oh i am so worried right now
and money is no problem at all. I don't use my
salary at all. I live here and eat here.

< Narrated >
At Chief Khabalandile's house. We see
Nontorotyi pacing up and down the living room.
She was walking around with water in her hand.
I am saying it's water because it looked like
water and with Nontorotyi, you never know.
When she is in that state only alcohol works.
Let's hope she is not drinking alcohol. It's a relief
that whatever it is, It's not that Russian Bear she
had yesterday. Zinyovile left with it. Nontorotyi
was happy she got through her daughter. She is
happy that her daughter understands why she
gave her that advice to date EJ but the question
that is in her mind and everyone's is that, Will
Ngejiwe forgive her mother when or if she finds
out the chief is not her father ? That question
was in Nontorotyi's head and it was driving her
crazy. She was pacing up and down thinking
about that.
Nontorotyi: She said sooner. If I kidnap both my
nephews now, That means they'd be missing
and If they were to find out that I kidnapped
Nontorotyi sat down. She sipped her drink.
Nontorotyi: I don't think they'd only ban me
from this village.....
" They might even kill you ! just like the people
Nomakhosazana killed " You can guess who that
was, It was Zinyovile. Nontorotyi stood up.
Zinyovile came back with that Russia bear she
left with..
Nontorotyi: You came back with it ?
Zinyovile ignored that Queen. She went straight
to the topic at hand.
Zinyovile: You say they might ban you ?
Nontorotyi: Or Murder me
Zinyovile chuckled. She went to Nontorotyi. She
walked passed her. She sat on the couch.
Zinyovile: Whether you kidnap them or not
you're going to get banned from this village
Zinyovile turned the bottle upside down. She
drank from it. Nontorotyi snatched the bottle
from Zinyovile.
Nontorotyi: You said what ?
Zinyovile stood up. She was angry
Zinyovile: Oh come on! Yes we know your
husband loves you but do you expect him to
congratulate You for all the lies and conniving?
Nontorotyi was crying. She sat down then
looked at Zinyovile
Nontorotyi: So they are going to ban me?
Zinyovile snatched the bottle from Nontorotyi
Zinyovile: This is not about "they" it's about who
is going to do it!
Nontorotyi wiped her tears. She looked at
Zinyovile then chuckled
Nontorotyi: It's her isn't it?
Zinyovile: Who ?
Nontorotyi: Nomakhosazana who else? She
wants to ba......
Zinyovile: Hlohlesakhe is going to ban you from
this village not The Queen! and the decision
won't be influenced by The Queen!!
Nontorotyi put her hands on her mouth. Tears
streamed down her cheeks
Nontorotyi: My husband?
Zinyovile stood up
Zinyovile: YES And your husband is on his way
here goodbye
Nontorotyi stood up fast.
Nontorotyi: Zinyovile don't g.........
Nontorotyi stopped talking when She saw her
husband parking his car outside. Nontorotyi
looked at Zinyovile who smiled giving her the ' I
told you so" look
Zinyovile: I told you
Zinyovile said that then vanished. The chief
opened the door. Nontorotyi looked away
wiping her tears. The chief looked at the coffee
table. Ouch Zinyovile left her bottle. We see
chief shake his head in disbelief looking at the
bottle. Nontorotyi looked at it as well then put
her hands on her mouth
Nontorotyi: I didn't drink it I swear !
The chief took it. He walked out. He threw it on
the wall it broke. He walked in.
Nontorotyi: I swear i didn't dr.....
Hlohlesakhe: Sit down we need to talk
Nontorotyi sat down. She wiped her tears
Nontorotyi: You can kiss me or Smell me I didn't
drink alcohol my love
Hlohlesakhe: I didn't say you drank it. I just
want to talk to you !
Nontorotyi: Oh.....
Hlohlesakhe: I went to see Gedleza today
Nontorotyi stood up. She looked away. She
wiped her tears. Her eyes were wide open. She
knows exactly what happened next at his visit to
Nontorotyi: What did he say ?
Hlohlesakhe: The ancestors don't want me to go
the Western way to get an heir
A tear escaped Nontorotyi's eye
Nontorotyi: O....
She was trying to say " Oh" Her throat got dry.
She cleared her throat
Nontorotyi: Oh ...
Hlohlesakhe: They want me to sleep with a
woman so I could get an heir
Nontorotyi turned around fast
Nontorotyi: So you just need to sleep with a
woman. You don't have to marry her ?
The chief cleared his throat..He looked down
then stood up. Nontorotyi closed her eyes. She
was silently crying. She knew what was coming.
Hlohlesakhe: My wife I have to marry a second
Nontorotyi almost fell. She looked behind her,
She was searching for something to sit on. She
sat on the couch.
Hlohlesakhe: I am sorry. I don't want to do this
but the ancestors are forcing me to and they
want me to get married right away
Nontorotyi looked at her husband
Nontorotyi: Do You know her?
Hlohlesakhe: Who ?
Nontorotyi: Hurricane Din.... I mean the woman
you gonna marry! Who is she !?
Chief Khabalandile exhaled
Nontorotyi: Tell me!!
Hlohlesakhe: I do not know!
Nontorotyi: You don't?
Hlohlesakhe: It's not my call, It's The Queen's
Nontorotyi stood up fast. She took her glass
Nontorotyi: You gotta be kidding me
Hlohlesakhe: Now I have to go tell her that
Nontorotyi: That woman will choose a woman I
don't like just to upset me!
Hlohlesakhe: There you go again disrespecting
The Queen!
Nontorotyi turned and looked at her husband
Nontorotyi: Why her !?
The chief shook his head. He walked to the door.
He walked out then slammed the door hard. We
see Nontorotyi close her eyes because of the
loud sound of the door. She sat down
Nontorotyi: She always get her way! why that
stupid woman why! I can choose my own sister
" That was just the beginning my dear friend "
Said Zinyovile standing next to the window
watching the chief walking to the royal house.
Nontorotyi turned around she looked at
Nontorotyi: What do you mean ?
Zinyovile: Hell is yet to come!
Nontorotyi put her hands on her mouth crying
Nontorotyi: No!
Zinyovile: Let me just roll the carpet, sit and
enjoy the shoe with everyone
Nontorotyi: No! Don't leave! Don't leave me like
that! Why are you enjoying this! You're my
friend !!!
Zinyovile: You're one stubborn friend !!!
Zinyovile snapped. Nontorotyi sat down on the
Nontorotyi: I know
Zinyovile: Who will the Queen choose ?
Nontorotyi jumped up. She looked at Zinyovile
Nontorotyi: So do you have the name now ?
Zinyovile smiled
Zinyovile: I don't
She looked out the window then at the royal
Zinyovile: But the Queen does have a name for
your husband
Nontorotyi fell on the floor. She sat down
Nontorotyi: Oh That woman will make sure she
chooses my nightmare
Zinyovile walked through the wall and
Nontorotyi: Forgive me Ancestors. Forgive me I




< Priscella >
There is not so many people here left now. Some
people ate and left. Masixole has been with
people of this village outside for sometime. He
just walked in. I think this is the perfect time for
us to talk about important things. We need to
discuss our wedding and I want to know his
future plans since he won't be working full time
at the company. Being here has been a great
experience for me. I never had a chance to see
this side of the world. It's good to finally see and
know how people live here. I feel like the talk I
had with Notiniphu made me more interested to
know. I cannot wait to find out Masixole's future
plans for this village and I also wanna know if
he is going to leave with us to Johannesburg or
he is going to stay behind.
Me: Baby i want us to go talk upstairs it's kinda
too loud around here
He attempted to stand up.
Me: No baby sit I will be right back. Algebra
wanted to speak to me
Masixole: Okay
I walked out. I walked to the bus. I opened the
door then walked in. They are drinking
Me: Guys you were drinking last night, You're
drinking now and tonight as well ?
They laughed
EJ: We just having a Good time you should try it
as well sis
Me: I am Pregnant remember ?
EJ: Oh yeah
I looked at Nontorotyi's daughter. She smiled. I
looked at Algebra. You know it's unfortunate
that this girl did this with her mother before she
got to know me. I cannot pretend now. I can't
stand here and I feel bad. I hate pretending. It's
just who I am. I just don't know how to pretend.
She did an investigation on me. She and I will
never speak until she comes and apologise to
me. Anyway I sat down next to Algebra
Me: You wanted to talk to me ?
Algebra: Oh yeah. I got a call from Mandisa. She
said when that Brendan thing happened she
cancelled Ms Sonia's interviews for the PA
position. She says she is scared to call her and
ask about the new date so she could inform the
candidates. Can you please call Sonia and ask
her then tell me so I could get back to Mandisa ?
Me: Oh yeah i will call her but can you remind
me later because I tried calling Sonia 30 minutes
ago her phone was off I think she is with Hunter
she doesn't wanna disturbed. Let's be
professional. Why don't I speak to her
tomorrow then Monday Mandisa calls them and
ask them to come for interview on Tuesday.
Remember Sonia wanted me to be there and
Monday I will be tired when we arrive and I will
have a lot of work to do
Algebra: Okay wait....
He took his phone and started writing
something. Elton took his glass
Elton: Really guys. You're really doing this ?
You're working on a weekend in front of us?
Me: That's why you have an expensive gold
chain in your neck right now. It's because we
work hard. We don't need Monday to Friday to
get the job done
I looked at Algebra
Algebra: I set a reminder for tomorrow. I will
remind you to call Ms De Villiers
Me: Great What time is my Monday meeting ?
Algebra: Eleven thirty
Me: Okay let me leave you guys
Elton: Wait sis we are Jo'burgers we don't have a
sea. Tomorrow we should go to the beach
Me: We should I want to join you also
Elton: Nomgcwabe which one do you
recommend I hear there are two beaches
Nomgcwabe: Let's go to Coffee Bay
Me: That's great i will tell Ms Refilwe
Elton: Sure sis
I walked out of the bus. I went back inside.
Me: I am back babe let's go
I took his hand. We walked up the stairs. After
about 3 minutes of walking up the stairs. We
finally got upstairs. We walked into our room.
Me: Baby Your cousin. Did she apologise to you
for investigating us ?
Masixole: NgejiWe?
Me: Yeah. I can't warm up to her because of that.
I can see she wants to get closer to me but I can't
let her because of what she did
Masixole: She was just helping her mother babe
don't be hard on her. We can do anything for
our mothers right?
Me: Speak for yourself Mr Ndengana. I don't do
anything for my mother. She knows when she is
wrong she is wrong and I tell her that. Why did
she let her mother do this ?
Masixole: She said she was worried her father
was gonna lose his job
Me: What job is that ?
Masixole: The Chieftaincy
Me: Which was yours from the beginning. That
family is crazy ! I feel like Uncle Hlohlesakhe is
better even though he was insisting that I stay
and quit my job
Masixole: The thing is he doesn't have
Nontorotyi's blood running in his veins Ngejiwe
Me: I cannot believe she didn't come to
something that was so beautiful for the family.
Do you think that woman likes you ?
Masixole chuckled
Masixole: Who is my mother?
I shook my head. I stood up then walked to his
closet taking off my heels
Me: I wonder what my mother in law did to her
for her to hate her like this
Masixole: ........
Masixole didn't respond. I took my flat shoe. My
legs are heavy. I am tired. I wore my flat shoes. I
walked out of the closet.
Me: Bab.....
I laughed then shook my head. I cannot believe
Me: Wow
This man is sleeping. I can't believe he fell asleep
in like 10 seconds after he spoke to me. I took his
grey Flees. I put it on him. I guess We will talk
about our wedding tonight. I am a little
disappointed because i wanted to talk about this
now. What if he sleeps again tonight ? I am
going to wake him up when he does this next
time. I feel like I shouldn't disturb his sleep
because he connects with his ancestors.
Anyway I walked down. I saw the Queen She
Her: I don't see the king outside where is he?
Me: I went upstairs with him to set a date for
our wedding guess what Your son did? He fell
asleep while we were talking
Queen: Oh Forgive him this is not easy for him
Me: I understand he has to sleep so he could
communicate with ancestors
Queen: Oh yeah he has to I mean right now I am
sure they are watching him
I smiled. I saw EJ looking at me. He was standing
at the door.
Me: Mother let me go speak to my brother I can
see he wants to speak to me
Queen: Okay sweety
I walked to The door
Me: And now?
Elton: Ngejiwe feels like you don't like her. She
asked me to come find out the problem. She
didn't want me to tell you she sent me though
So she noticed. Why don't she asks herself that
question instead of using my brother.
Me: That girl did an investigation on me and
Masixole then she and her mother came and
told the family that we are married. They did
that so that her father couldn't lose the
Chieftaincy. She thinks I don't know she did that
to us
Elton: What ?
Me: You know I wouldn't be nasty to someone
for nothing right?
Elton: Yeah of course. That is why I didn't hide
that she sent me. I know you wouldn't do that
Me: Now you know what she did
Elton looked at the bus
Elton: She is a little devil isn't she..... ?
I chuckled then looked away
Me: Who is her mother? That lady didn't know
us but she came in and caused chaos. She called
me a commoner can you believe it ?
Elton sipped his drink
Elton: Wow

< Narrated >
At Hunter's office. We see Hunter with his
girlfriend Claire. They were sitting and talking.
Hunter seemed busy in his computer. Claire was
just sitting on a chair across his desk.
Claire: Baby we should invite your kids to spend
the weekend with us. They will go home on
Hunter smiled at her then looked at his
Hunter: I want that too baby I really do but
Sonia was supposed to go to the Eastern Cape to
be with Priscella but she didn't because of her ex
in laws. She was upset then decided to stay. I
don't think taking the kids is a good idea. She
needs a distraction
Claire: She looked fine when she was here. Wait
do you think she likes me? She couldn't wait to
walk out of that door
Hunter: I didn't notice that. She looked
completely fine and happy to see you
Claire: She looked shocked than happy
Hunter: It was shock because she never heard of
Claire looked at Hunter..
Claire: You mean you never mentioned me to
your ex wife ?
Hunter looked nervous. He smiled
Hunter: No! She knows you. I mean she sees you
for the first time in her life
Claire: Oh okay. Baby let me go. I need to go do
grocery shopping
He stood up. He went to her and kissed her
Hunter: See you later baby
Claire: Knock off at 3 baby it's Saturday
Hunter: I will
Claire walked out. Hunter took his phone. He
called Sonia. Her phone took him to voice mail.
He dialled Kobus number.
Kobus: Hunter
Hunter: Mr De Villiers are you with Sonia. I am
Kobus: My daughter decided to fly to Eastern
Cape to get some peace. This heartache is not
good for her and i would appreciate if you don't
call her. She needs to be happy and the only
person who can do that is Priscella and her
Hunter: Okay sir I just wanted to kn....
Kobus: ......... ( Tu tu tu tu tu tu tu )
Hunter looked at his phone when he heard his
phone beep.
Hunter: Wow
He just realised Mr De Villiers hung up on him.
He sat down then continued working.

It is after work for Laila. It's around 2pm. We
see her standing next to her car. Another car
stopped next to hers. It was a taxi. Someone
walked out. it's Isaiah. He went to Laila.
Laila: What happened to your car ?
Isaiah: I had to take a taxi because i am leaving
for Zimbabwe in 25 minutes and I am taking a
Leila: Oh silly me I forgot
Isaiah: So did you speak to your friend?
Laila: Let's get in the car
They got in the car. Laila looked at him
Laila: I am sorry friend she is not going
Isaiah: Wow i thought she'd go since she was the
last person he dated. Or maybe she is ashamed
because of what came out about me and
Laila: Friend I hope i am not telling this to a
journalist. I am telling you this as a friend
Isaiah: Okay ?
Laila: Tasha wanna be in the entertainment
industry. For her that relationship was just
something for exposure. It was nothing more
than that. She didn't love Brendan and she didn't
feel anything when she heard that he died. All
she felt was disgust. She felt betrayed because
she knew nothing about his sexuality
Isaiah: Wow i had no idea. So even Hungani. She
didn't love him it was just business?
Laila: Unfortunately she loved him and Hungani
didn't feel the same that is why they are not
together now
Isaiah: And EJ Seputla?
Leila: Honestly I don't know. She loves him yes....
you know my friend is confused. One minute
She says she is into older guys. She had that with
Brendan but it turns out it was not love. Now
she wanna get back together with EJ
Isaiah: Wow she really thinks EJ would take her
back ? I am the one who wrote their story. I saw
her drug him. I don't think she is going to get
Laila: Time will tell, Friend let me take you to
the bus station then go home I am tired
Isaiah: Please
Laila drove to the bus station.

< Notiniphu >
I am so angry at myself. I am so angry at the
Ndegana ancestors for making the king blind.
That man was not blind when he came here in
November alone. He didn't even pay attention to
me. Who was I kidding to think he wanted to
sleep with me? Why did I do this. Why didn't I
push the king and stop him. He is about to
marry The Queen. The woman who was so nice
to me. I should've said no I can't do it. I love your
wife. Why didn't I say that? After sleeping with
her husband I don't know if I still like her. She
has been nothing but good to me. Why did i do
this. When i got to this family I had nothing. I
mean no home and no clothes only the ones I
had at the college. I got here. I was treated well.
The Queen bought me things for my catering
company. I started doing my business. I get paid
for cooking for the Royal house. They let me stay
at the palace with them for free. Who does that ?
What will happen when they find out I slept
with one of their own? They will think i am this
ungrateful bitch who has no morals. I am such a
mess. My life is messed up. I hope this pill gets
here so i can put this behind me. A part of me
wants to speak to the king privately and tell him
about what we did and another part of me says
no. What if this becomes a drama? Priscella is
here with her entire family. These people are
rich. What if there is a business deal between
these family and I happen to ruin it with the
news? Maybe Ma Deliwe is right. This was a
mistake. It will never happen again and I need
to focus on that. I need to keep telling myself it
was a mistake because that's what it was.
Deliwe: You're awfully quiet ?
Me: I cannot believe these village women left
dirty dishes. We are not working for them
Deliwe: They say the Royal servants will clean
Me: That's not cool
Deliwe: I know you were not quiet because of
that Notiniphu
Me: Ma Deliwe
I looked down.
Deliwe: I know secrets always have a way of
coming out but don't ruin your life and be the
one getting yourself busted. You need to keep it
in your head that it was a mistake and stop
acting weird people will start talking!
Me: I know that but I cannot help it
Deliwe: You have to help it. We are not talking
about any man here. We are talking about THE
KING who happens to be getting married to a
woman who is under this roof as we speak!
Ma Deliwe's phone rang. She looked at it then
dried her hands
Deliwe: It's Bhotsotso
Me: Answer who is going to go fetch the pill me
or you !?
Oh My God I am so excited. He got the pill.
Anyway Ma Deliwe didn't respond she
Deliwe: Bhotsotso?
Bhotsotso: .........
I was looking at her waiting for her to finish
talking. I saw her face becoming long. oh no
Don't tell me this stupid taxi driver forgot. He
can't do this to me. This is my only chance go
bury this secret forever.
Deliwe: I will tell her
She hung up
Me: How can he forget Ma Deliwe. We even
offered to give him R50
Deliwe: It's Saturday. The pharmacy closed early
I am sorry my dear
Me: Oh My God
Deliwe: I am sorry. Just wait till you know for
sure that you're pregnant then kill it
Me: No! I can't wait that lon.....
I looked at her then smiled
Deliwe: What is it ?
Me: Ma Deliwe You have to take the pill within
like 72 hours so that means even tomorrow is
still time
Deliwe: Is that so? Let Me call him again
Me: Please
If he says no I will have no choice but to go to
town myself. I need this pill. I cannot get

< Priscella >
I am a little angry that Masixole had to fall
asleep when i wanted to speak to him about our
wedding but at least we still have a night and I
hope when we do speak we won't be in bed. I
don't want him to fall asleep on me again. This is
serious. For me I would like us to get married
before he gets ordained. I don't want to be seen
with him in such an event as just a Fiancé. I
want to be his wife so that all these girls can see
that he is taken. I feel like when I am officially
the Queen I will get the respect I need from the
public. Even the girls out there , When we are
king and Queen they will respect us. A man is
not yours until he marries you but I must say I
am not worried about that. I know Masixole
loves me. We have this special bond that only us
can understand. So I don't see neither of us with
other people. We belong together.
Anyway I am downstairs. Masixole is still
sleeping I want to speak to the Queen about
going to the beach. You never know. Maybe I am
not allowed to do that so I want to ask her So
that I could tell my brother if I am going or I am
not. Ever since he came back from Rehab we
haven't had fun. I want to go and have fun with
him and I know that will make him happy.
Queen: You wanted to speak to me ?
Me: Yes i wanted to speak to You about
She pointed on the couch. I saw mom walks out
of the front door. I wonder where she is going.
Maybe she is going to EJ. She did promise to
keep an eye on him.
Queen: So.....
Me: As you know we Iive in Johannesburg. We
don't have a sea there. When we planned to
come here together Masixole told us you guys
are close to the beach so we said Sunday we will
go to the beach so i was wondering if it's okay if
I go as well tomorrow?
Queen: Yes it is okay but when you're married
You can't go to the beach here and be
surrounded by people of this village. You can go
to Durban or Cape town but here you can't when
you're married So tomorrow enjoy it because it
will be your last
Me: Thank you so much
We saw the princess Joining us.
Princess: What are you guys talking about ?
Queen: They want to go to the beach tomorrow I
told her it's okay because she is not yet married
Princess looked at me
Princess: Yes but when you're married you
won't be allowed to. When you go next You will
be taking your children to swim
Me: Children oh God
Queen: Priscella I want grandchildren. As you
can see there is no children in this family. Only
my brother in law's kids and sister in law boys. I
only had one child because of reasons I cannot
discuss. We really want kids I hope you won't
deny me that
What ? Wow i don't know what to say right now.
I never wanted to have many children. I only
wanted to have two and with this one growing
in my stomach I thought maybe I would stay like
9 years then have another one. I didn't think i
would have more than two. This is crazy. I
looked at them. They smiled at me waiting for
response. I just smiled.
I don't know what to say. So many rules in one
weekend. This is overwhelming. I looked up they
were still looking at me smiling. " Siqalo I will
take it from here! " That was my mom walking
in oh thank God. I looked at the door
Me: Oh my God friend!
What is Sonia doing here? I am so glad they
saved me from that awkward and
uncomfortable conversation.
Sonia: Hey
We were running to each other. We hugged
Mom: Surprise!
I broke the hug
Me: Mom you knew she was coming?
Mom: She wouldn't ask my pilot to bring her
here without speaking to me. Come let me
Introduce you Sonia
Mom took her hand. She went to The Queen and
Mom: This is my daughter's best friend, a family
friend and my business partner's daughter Sonia
De Villiers. Sonia this is Masixole's mother
Queen: Welcome You look familiar
Sonia: Hello Thank you for welcoming me to
your beautiful home
Princess: Ain't you the woman we saw on the
news few days ago ?
Sonia: Unfortunately that was me
Queen: The one whose husband jumped off a
building ?
Sonia: YES ma'am
The Queen's eyes popped out.
Queen: I am so sorry. I didn't think you guys
knew each other. I didn't think a woman we
were sad for the other night would be in my
Sonia: Well it's all over I was divorcing him
The Queen hugged her.
Queen: I am so sorry
Sonia: Thank you
The Queen broke the hug
Queen: Let me go speak with my maid to make
you something to eat
Sonia: Maybe later Ma'am. I want to speak to my
friend in private
Queen looked at me
Queen: You said my son is sleeping why don't
you go to the study and talk its over there
She said pointing down the passage.
Me: Thank you my Queen
We left them
Me: Wow I didn't expect to see you here friend
Sonia: I didn't think i would be here as well
I opened the door. We walked in
Sonia: Masixole's home is huge and beautiful Its
like I am dreaming. I never thought he came
from such a home. I always looked down on him
Me: That's because it's what he wanted everyone
to believe. He wanted to be simple, Nothing
special as a results some of you didn't see
anything special in him but I did
Sonia: And I am happy you did because i was
never gonna see How amazing he is now I do
and I am proud to call him a friend
Me: Thank you friend!
I hugged her briefly then looked at her.
Me: What is it ?
I know she didn't just come here. Something
happened. She looked down when i asked. I
could see she was sad.
Me: What happened friend?
She turned a chair that was looking at my
mother in laws desk. She sat down I was just
standing next to the door looking at her with my
hands folded on my chest.
Sonia: You remember I told You i was going to
see Hunter at work ?
Me: Yes taking his lunch to him ?
Sonia: Well I arrived. We were cool I didn't
notice anything awkward since we did what we
did last night. I gave him his lunch and started
Me: And then ?
Sonia: A beautiful dark white girl walked in....
no! she didn't walk in. She actually barged in.
She didn't knock at all. She called Hunter honey
Me: What ? Hunter is in a relationship?
Sonia stood up
Sonia: I thought maybe it's one of those girls you
know..... I believe there was nothing going on
between them it was some girl who likes calling
men honey until Hunter stood up, Called her
honey then introduced her to me as his
Me: Wait .....
I walked around then looked at her
Me: You say Hunter looked you in the eye and
introduced that bitch as his girlfriend? Is that
what you're telling me ?
Sonia: Friend I had no words. You won't believe
what she said. " Oh, Hi. Hunter told me
everything you've been going through I am so
sorry "
Me: Really ? Hunter told this girl that? a girl he
never even mentioned to you. I understand You
wronged him but you guys are raising kids you
should tell each other when you meet someone
Sonia: Exactly and I was surprised when I got
home and asked my kids about her they knew
that girl Priscella!
Me: That is not cool at all. How could he
introduce your kids to a stranger before telling
you ?
Sonia: What makes me so angry is the fact that
this man kissed me last night and slept with me
knowing very well he is in a relationship
Me: I am so sorry friend
Sonia: I got so angry I just left. I don't know why
he didn't tell me about this Claire girl
Me: Wait did you just say Claire?
Sonia: Yes her name is Claire do you know her ?
I laughed
Me: No it can't be her. The one i know is in a
relationship with chef Laila You remember
sometime meeting them to renew Chef Laila's
contract with us ?
Sonia's eyes popped out. She looked at me
Sonia: The Luxury Hotel Chef who make Cakes
for the stuff that work in our offices ?
Why that reaction? She had her hand on her
Me: What? don't tell me it's her? Claire is a
Sonia: I was asking myself why she looked so
familiar Oh my God
Me: So it's her ?
Sonia: YES it's her !
Me: Wow
Sonia: Story of my life. I am always competing
with Homosexual people
Me: I don't know what to say
Sonia: Oh Monday at 12pm there's a will reading
at My house
Me: No?
Sonia: Yep. We are finding out what Brendan
left us
Me: This is gonna be interesting
Sonia: Very interesting now that I have the one
point five million. I can't wait
Me: Let's go join others. I am just glad you're not
heartbroken about Hunter
Sonia: I am not but I need answers when I get
I opened the door.
Me: And he owes you answers
We walked to others.
Queen: You must go warm up meat for her. I am
sure she wants to taste fresh meet. In
Johannesburg you eat meat you don't know
when it was slaughtered
" Sonia. You're here!? " said a voice up the stairs.
Everyone stood up. We all looked up the stairs.
We saw Masixole sitting on the steps
Me: Baby you're going to fall wait for me th....
Masixole: Relax babe I got this
I stopped running. I looked at him. He was
smiling looking at me
Me: You're going to fall!
Masixole: You look good in your maroon dress
Me: Oh My God you got your sight back?
Queen: Oh My God my baby
Masixole walked down smiling
Masixole: I can see you all clearly. I can see
Sonia's White plants and yellow top
Sonia: Thank God
Me: I am So happy
I ran to him. I threw myself at him. He lifted me
up and kissed me. I hugged him tight
Me: Thank you God! Thank you Ancestors
He carried me then walked down. We got down
the stairs. He put me down.The Queen hugged
him. Mom joined in , Princess and Sonia they did
a group hug. I joined them as well. I am so
happy!! It broke my heart to see a man so active
blind. I had to help him with everything. I am so
Masixole: Okay okay guys let me go outside and
see the sun before it sets
We broke the hug laughing. He walked out alone
we were just looking at him smiling. Ms Refilwe
hugged me.
Mom: I am so happy
Me: Me too

< Judge Makhosazana >
Oh my God it's all smiles and excitement at
Royal house. I didn't think it would happen so
soon. This explains why he slept a lot. He
wanted to get his sight back. I am so happy for
my son. It was sad to see him like that. MY son
now can look at me and smile. I missed that. I
am so happy. I am the luckiest mother in the
world right now. This boy is the only child I
have. He means everything to me. I wouldn't be
this person i am without him. I love my son. I do
everything I do for him. I want the best for him
that is why i made sure He doesn't marry
Nomaxabiso. My son will never marry that girl. I
am not going to bully the only child I have into a
marriage he doesn't want. He is my only son. He
never felt like He was my only child because I
am everyone's Queen. Everyone wants my
attention. I worked a lot. I never spent so much
time with him. Right now I want to make sure he
is happy and I will do whatever it takes to make
sure he stays happy.
So he left us inside the house. He walked out. I
heard everyone screaming in a bus. It's the kids
excited for him. We all smiled inside looking at
him through the window. I saw the chief
hugging him. He just walked in. I wonder how it
went with Gedleza. I cannot wait to find out. It's
time we celebrate. We are celebrating my son's
recovery and also the ancestors and I am sure
there is more to celebrate. I wonder who is
going to be the surrogate though. Believe me it
wouldn't make sense to have a royal princess as
a surrogate. I have never seen that.
Anyway I saw Priscella and Sonia joining them
outside. I didn't see them walk out. They are
happy they can't help it. I understand how
Priscella must be feeling.. I saw the chief coming
to the palace.
Refilwe: Wow i have never seen something like
this before
Me: It's a miracle
Princess: And this means we have to have
another Ceremony to thank the ancestors
Refilwe: What ?
Me: Yes. This was to apologise now that they
accepted the apology and helped the boy we
have to thank them
Refilwe: Wow you guys are busy
Me: We signed up for this
Refilwe: Wow let me go get myself a glass. I need
She walked away. Siqalo walked in
Siqalo: My Queen.....
Me: Please let the chief in
Siqalo: Okay my Queen
The chief walked in. I don't know but he doesn't
look happy. I can see his mind is all over the
Me: Chief Khabalandile
Hlohlesakhe: My Queen I am here with a very
serious matter
Me: What's going on ?
Hlohlesakhe looked at his sister
Hlohlesakhe: Your ancestors don't want
anything to do with surrogacy
Princess: I am sorry Bhuti, but The Queen and I
suspected that, how are you going to get an heir?
Hlohlesakhe: By marrying a second wife
I laughed. I am sorry i couldn't help it. I know
how frustrated he is but this is hilarious to me
for some reasons.
Me: Nontorotyi will never allow that
Hlohlesakhe: It's not her call
MY brother in law is really desperate to have a
second wife. I have never seen him like this. He
said that like someone who didn't care about his
wife feelings which is strange because we all
know him and how much he loves Nontorotyi.
The chief looked at me.
Hlohlesakhe: My Queen they want you to find
me a wife
I looked at my sister in law. She smiled. I looked
at Hlohlesakhe
Me: Me?
Hlohlesakhe: They want you to find me a wife
right away can we go speak in private?
Me: Yes the study
I looked at sister in law. She opened her arms. I
hugged her. She kissed my cheek
Princess: Good luck
I broke the hug
Me: Thank you
I said walking to the study. I am shocked to hear
this. I wonder if he told his wife about me and
the responsibility the ancestors given me. We
got to the study. I walked in so did he. I closed
the door then turned around.
Hlohlesakhe: So My Queen... Do you have
someone in mind ?
I looked at my brother in law for few seconds
Hlohlesakhe: My Queen
Me: Bring your wife here tomorrow for that
meeting we are going to have. I am also going to
tell everyone there. I need to think don't you
think I need to sleep on it ?
Hlohlesakhe: Of course My Queen
Me: Now please leave me. I want to start
Hlohlesakhe: My Queen
He bowed then walked out. I went and closed
the door then turned around and saw Gedleza
standing infront of me. I put my hand on my
Me: You scared me Gedleza!
Gedleza: My Queen this is your task.....
Gedleza: This is the task the ancestors promised
to give you. Think carefully before you choose
Me: Oh ?
Gedleza: My Queen think carefully and make a
decision now because you have to make a phone
call to the chief's second wife right now !
He vanished. I started pacing up and down.
What ? I can't make such a rushed decision.
What if I don't choose the right woman ? I was
pacing up and down. I took off my doek. I threw
it on the table. I started thinking
Me: Think Nomakhosazana think!
The Person has to give an heir to the chief.
Which means the woman is going to be the
owner of 20% shares of our company.
Me: It has to be someone I can trust. No stranger
is going to own 20% in my company
I hit my phone on my thigh thinking then a
name came to mind.
Me: How can i forget her
I started laughing. I am so happy. I dialled her
number. Her phone rang. She answered on third
Her: Cousin sis. I am sorry for not telling you
that guy died. I will find you anothe......
Me: Shut up Nomahelele and listen!
Her: Sorry
Me: I found you a husband
Nomahelele: Mzala don't play like that !
Me: Your dreams are about to come true
Nomahelele: I am not marrying any man. When
i came there for your husband's funeral I slept
with someone's husband and if it's not him then
thank you bye
Me: Who do you wanna marry Nomahelele ?
Her: S'ntoro-ntoro's husband
I hug up then looked on the wall and smiled
Me: You have him cuz




< Narrated >
How would you feel if you were to find out the
woman you do not like at all is given an
opportunity or a responsibility to choose your
sister wife? You would be angry and frustrated
because you know she won't do you any favours.
The way Nontorotyi is feeling is expected. We
see her running to her car crying. She started
the engine then drove off. At her house we see
Ma Deliwe looking at Nontorotyi's car through
the window. She had her phone next to her ear.
She was calling someone.
Notiniphu: Ma Deliwe you just left what did you
Deliwe: You won't believe this!
Notiniphu: What?
Deliwe: The chief came home and told Madam
what the ancestors said. They want him to get a
second wife
Notiniphu: What? I don't think she will agree to
Deliwe: It looks like no one needed her approval.
He just came to tell her then he left. He is there
at the royal house now. Here comes the
interesting part ......
Notiniphu: Yes, I am listening ?
Deliwe: The ancestors want the Queen to choose
The chief's wife
Notiniphu: Your boss is going to choose the wife
Deliwe: Your boss!!!
Notiniphu: Oh My God
Deliwe: My boss is livid. She just left with her
car. She is breathing fire Notiniphu!
Notiniphu: I wonder who is the lucky woman?
Deliwe: I am also curious. Let me start with
dinner bye !
Notiniphu: Bye !
Ma Deliwe put her phone in her pocket then
clapped once walking to the kitchen
Deliwe: Tjo! i will have two, Two Madames
On the road. We see Nontorotyi's car leaving
dust behind. She was speeding crying. She took
out her cell phone then called Ngejiwe.
Ngejiwe: Hello my favorite mom !
Nontorotyi: You're drunk!
Ngejiwe: Just tipsy. I mean We have something
to celebrate mom !
Me: Lucky you! So what is it ?
Ngejiwe: The King can see again!
Nontorotyi rolled her eyes
Nontorotyi: All we know it might've been an act
Ngejiwe: How can you say that mom!?
Nontorotyi: Don't mind me! I am going through
a storm
Ngejiwe: What is it mom?
Nontorotyi: Your father! Your father is getting a
second wife baby
Ngejiwe: What !? Let me go speak to him..... ( Tu
tu tu tu tu )
Nontorotyi threw her phone On the passenger
Nontorotyi: Hurricane Dineo is near
She arrived at Ntshilini village. A village near
Sdabadabeni where her sister and Siqalo live.
She parked her car then ran of the car. She
headed to the door.
Sabonkolo: Sisi what are you doing here ?
Nontorotyi: She is near !
Sabonkolo: Who ?
Nontorotyi walked in. She sat down on the
Nontorotyi: Hurricane Dineo!
Sabonkolo: What ?
Nontorotyi stood up. She was pacing up and
Nontorotyi: I told you my husband might get a
wife soon well he just told me the ancestors
want him to marry another woman
Sabonkolo: At least you knew all along. I didn't
expect you to react like this when it finally
happens. I thought you prepared yourself ?
Nontorotyi: If Nomakhosazana was choosing
your sister wife you'd be like me!!!
Sabonkolo: She is what ?
Nontorotyi: The ancestors say that woman must
choose his wife
Sabonkolo sat on the couch
Sabonkolo: Oh Sisi. Did it have to be her though?
That woman is going to choose Your nightmare
just to hurt you
Nontorotyi: My exact words! my exact words
Sisi when I was talking to Zinyovile!
Sabonkolo's eyes widened
Sabonkolo: After everything you still speak to
that woman?
Nontorotyi stood up then walked away.
Sabonkolo followed me
Nontorotyi: Why Shouldn't i? Why shouldn't I
when my husband is going to find out about
Ngejiwe's biological father soon?
Sabonkolo: What? I thought they agreed to
prevent the secret from coming out ?
Nontorotyi: I messed up again Sisi. I went to the
royal house drunk and disrespected everyone.
They've had enough of me. They are exposing
Sabonkolo: Oh My Lord when ?
Nontorotyi: Soon! You know soon can be right
now. I think it's happening right now. And to
think that Nomagampompo's son is the one who
will expose me
Sabonkolo: Which one ?
Nontorotyi: Zinyovile refused to tell me because
She thinks I would kill him
Sabonkolo: Would you?
Nontorotyi folded her arms
Nontorotyi: Wouldn't you ?
Sabonkolo: Oh My God this is a mess
Nontorotyi: You tell me
Sabonkolo: So when is brother in law telling the
Queen ?
Nontorotyi: Right now
Sabonkolo: I wonder who is the woman ?
Nontorotyi: Whoever she is I just know she is
hurricane Dineo. She is going to destroy my
family. I have that feeling
Sabonkolo: Oh I am sorry sisi
Nontorotyi Walked back to the couch. She sat
Nontorotyi: And I will be banned
Sabonkolo: What? Brother in law wouldn't do
that why would he ?
Nontorotyi looked at her sister, Tears were
streaming down her cheeks.
Nontorotyi: I asked Ngejiwe to seduce the son of
the Billionaire so he could marry her the
ancestors are angry
Sabonkolo: Nontorotyi!!!!
Nontorotyi: I am a hustler! Besides those people
looked down on me. I was trying to show them
love can conquer all and I wanted to take them
down from their high horse
Sabonkolo: My mother's daughter you're ruining
your life everyday. Who knows about this ?
Nontorotyi: Just that brat and my daughter. But
soon Zinyovile said it will backfire badly and
guess who's fault is that?
Sabonkolo: You?
Nontorotyi: No! Nomagampompo's son !
Nontorotyi stood up
Nontorotyi: I wonder which one

We see Ngejiwe hung up The phone. She just
spoke to her mother. She is angry to find out her
father is marrying a second wife.
EJ: You look upset what's up?
Ngejiwe: You didn't tell me what your sister said
why do you care?
Ngejiwe attempted to walk away, EJ grabbed her
Wrist. She turned around. They looked at each
other. We see Nomgcwabe and Algebra look at
each other
Algebra: It didn't take long for honeymoon to
end ?
Nomgcwabe smiled. He wanted to laugh but
stopped himself
EJ: Okay fine i will tell you first tell me why
you're so upset
Ngejiwe: Not until you tell me
Ej: She says you were the little PI who was trying
to ruin her relationship
Ngejiwe's eyes popped out
Ej: Yep now tell me
Ngejiwe yanked her hand then ran out of the
bus. EJ looked at Algebra and Nomgcwabe. They
both shrugged their shoulders.
EJ: Wow
We see Ngejiwe walks to the palace. She saw her
father walk out of the house.
Ngejiwe: Dad what is going on?
Hlohlesakhe: Baby?
Ngejiwe: How can you take a second wife, My
mother loves yo....
The chief grabbed Ngejiwe's wrist.
Hlohlesakhe: Let's go home and talk about this
They walked out of the royal house. They
headed to their house. They were not talking on
the way. The Chief kept shaking his head. He
looked angry. They got in.
Hlohlesakhe: Sit !
Ngejiwe sat down
Hlohlesakhe: Firstly I don't appreciate you
confronting me like that!
NgejiWe looked down
Hlohlesakhe: You're a child! I am your father! I
am your chief! you don't raise your voice at me
like that!
Ngejiwe: Daddy a second wife, My mom loves
Hlohlesakhe: Who told you this ?
Ngejiwe: Mom called me. She was crying
Hlohlesakhe: Your mother shouldn't have done
that! As a family we were gonna call a meeting
and tell you kids not what she did !
Ngejiwe stood up
Ngejiwe: Oh My God so it's happening!
Hlohlesakhe: Sit down Princess!!!
The chief snapped. Ngejiwe sat down
Hlohlesakhe: Your mother have been fighting to
be recognised by the family for years now and
they finally did! We got 20% shares for our
family. The ancestors wanted me to have an
heir. Ngejiwe you know how disrespeful your
mother is to my family. Gedleza said my wife is
the reason i cannot have an heir. I Still don't
know what she did!
Hlohlesakhe: Your mother suggested surrogacy
and I supported it. I went to Gedleza so I could
ask the ancestors blessings. The ancestors said
they want me to get a second wife who is going
to give me an heir !
Ngejiwe stood up
Ngejiwe: So me and my sisters don't matter? We
are not going to get anything when you die ?
Hlohlesakhe: Ngejiwe you're all princesses. You
will be married. I have to leave my inheritance
to your brother who will keep the family name
Ngejiwe: So My mother won't have anything.
The woman who is coming is gonna have
everything my mother worked so hard for ?
Hlohlesakhe: Ngejiwe you're a child. If you keep
questioning ancestors like your mother my baby
you will be punished! I don't think you want
Ngejiwe: Of course not but I feel like being a girl
is a curse at the royal! We are useless!
Hlohlesakhe: That is how I felt as a last born but
look at me now. We are family. We support each
other. You might not get my inheritance but that
doesn't mean you will be poor. We will give you
opportunities! We are going to make sure your
future is bright and you're financially secured.
When you become a royal wife you expect
polygamy. Your mother knew this was gonna
come somehow
Ngejiwe sat down
Ngejiwe: I am worried about her daddy. Where
is she now ?
Hlohlesakhe: I am worried too my princess but
you know your mother. She is strong. She must
support me. She wanted me to have a son now
it's happening
Ngejiwe: Dad find mother
The chief tapped Ngejiwe's shoulder
Hlohlesakhe: I will don't worry
He walked away dialling a number. He was
walking to the Kitchen. Ma Deliwe started doing
God knows what in the kitchen trying to impress
the chief. Anyway the chief was calling his wife.
Nontorotyi answered the phone.
Nontorotyi: Let me guess. You know Your new
Hlohlesakhe: Woman where did you get the
nerve to tell my daughter about this ?
Nontorotyi: You thought I was gonna hide it to
my child. You can't expect me to act like
everything is okay when you're about to....
The chief bit his lower lip. He was livid
Hlohlesakhe: This is the last time you cross a
Nontorotyi: What?
Ma Deliwe stopped what she was doing. She put
her hands on her mouth. The chief was just
standing in the kitchen
Hlohlesakhe: I am warning you woman.
Disrespect me and my family again. You're out
of this family and village !
Nontorotyi: So I should celebrate losing my
husband ?
The chief breath in and out.
Hlohlesakhe: Try me !
He hung up after that then put his phone in the
pocket of his pants. He was looking out of the
Hlohlesakhe: Deliwe my Whisky!
Deliwe bowed
Deliwe: Your highness
She ran to fetch it from the living room. Ngejiwe
was still sitting in the living room digesting this.
It looks like The chief is avoiding his daughter.
He is waiting for his whisky in the kitchen. He
didn't even ask where Nontorotyi is. I wonder
what will he tell his daughter when she asks.

< Tasha >
I am not sad that Brendan didn't leave me
anything. We were dating for days he couldn't
have changed his will so soon. Maybe he was
gonna change it after he got divorced. The only
thing i wish happened now is dating him sooner.
Maybe he was gonna leave me something but
other than that I am not hurt. I don't feel like he
betrayed me because he didn't know he was
gonna die. He decided to die at the hotel because
he didn't want to see anyone. He couldn't face
people that is why he killed himself. That gay
man Isaiah is lucky. He is the one who won
jackpot. I wish to be him right now. Brendan
was one of the best actors in the country. He has
been working for few years yet he's done a lot
for his name to be known. That is why he was
one of the people I was targeting. I really thank
Laila for her advice. She is right. I cannot post
sexy selfies on his funeral day. Tomorrow I will
stay off social media even though it's gonna be
hard but I will try. I have an image to protect
right now. I can't do anything without thinking. I
can't even take rushed decisions. I hope Mandy
wants to hire me. No i am the one who has to
hire her. I hope she wants to work for me.
I am just imagining when she gives me hard
time. I will go like.
Me: You're fired Mandy
Oh dream just become a reality already. I have
been chasing you for so long. I heard the front
door open. I turned around.
Me: I expected you 20 minutes ago did you have
a date ?
Laila threw her car keys on the couch
Her: Someone decided to drink without me.
You're going to the liquor shop alone today
Me: Friend you know I can't go to a public place
not after what happened at the mall
Laila: I am joking go take the booze in the boot
She took the key then threw it at me.
Me: Wow you bought alcohol ?
Her: Yes now let me start cooking. I am sure
when I am done it will be cold. Go fetch it and
put it in the fridge
i sipped my drink
Me: Take here i will be right back
I gave her my glass then walked away. I turned
Me: You took forever though. Was it full at
liquor shop ?
Laila: No i took Isaiah to the bus he left his car at
Me: Oh
I walked out. I don't like him. He is the one who
betrayed me. He took pictures of me drugging
EJ. i don't understand why Laila is a friend with
that person. I won't show her i have a problem
with it I mean i live in her house rent free.
Anyway I walked down the stairs. Her flat is at
third floor. I got out. I went to the building
parking. I saw Laila's car. I walked to it.
" If it's not the widow " Said a voice behind me. I
was about to unlock Laila's car
Me: Are you following me now Hungani?
Hungani: Don't flatter yourself. I just bought a
plane ticket for tomorrow. I came to find out if
you are going as well.
Hungani: Don't tell me you are not coming to
your gay boyfriend's funeral ?
He said that then laughed. I walked closer to
him. I am not going to let him break me again.
He might have won't the first round at the mall
but He is not winning this one.
Me: Listen here Mr Presenter
Hungani: You meant to say your celebrity crush?
I rolled my eyes. He is no longer interesting to
Me: Funny
Me: I am a heartbreaker sweetheart.. I am what
you call a parasite! I use you then drop you like
a hot potatoe......
Hungani: You wish. You never dropped anyone
you get dropped. Remember how i dropped you?
I ignored that.
Me: Like I said i drop you When i am done with
you. You're one of the people on my least that I
Hungani: You? usin......
Me: Do you really think i loved you fat face ?
Hungani looked angry when i called him that. I
could see him breathing heavily
Me: Hit me. What are you waiting for ?
Hungani: You're a slut everyone in this country
knows that !
Me: And you have a small d*ck
I chuckled then looked away smiling
Me: Maybe everyone should know......
He swallowed hard. His eyes got more red than
they already are. I looked at him
Me: i didn't love you ! I didn't love Brendan. You
were all part of my plan to be famous! EJ is a
better man than you two combined when it
comes to the bedroom. So the next time you
wanna act all cool to your friends and think of
embarrassing me in public, Your penis will
accidentally hit the internet ! You do not want
that do you !?
Hungani: You're bluffing. You don't have my
d*ck pictures when did you take them?
Me: When i spiked EJ's drink did he see me
Me: You thought you were using me. You didn't
think i had an agenda of my own
Me: Leave me alone Hungani! if you don't. I will
expose you and all these girls screaming your
name When they see you......
I chuckled
Me: All of it will go away when they see how
small you are .....
I looked at his private part
Me: Down there
He started breathing heavily. He opened the
door of his car. He got in then speed off.
Me: Jerk!

< Priscella >
This was one busy and the most happiest day for
all of us. I can't express how happy I am right
now. The excitement and the joy I am feeling
right now cannot be put into words. I just
wanna jump up and shout. I cannot believe my
man can see again. Oh my God these ancestors
are just darlings. This is a miracle. I didn't care if
he stayed blind or not but i was just worried that
he'd be depressed when it sinks in that he will
never see again. I am happy that it was not
permanent and I have my man back. It was joy
everywhere when he walked down on his own.
We all sat together when he came back from the
bus. We spent some quality time as a family and
I understood why everyone wanted a piece of
him. I had to let everyone enjoy him because
they were all worried about him. I am happy
right now. I just cannot wait to be with him
alone and talk. Tomorrow he is going to join us
at the beach I cannot wait I just can't.
Anyway now it's time to sleep. I had to go chat
with Sonia in her room before i go to my
bedroom. Do i feel like what Sonia did sleeping
with Hunter was a perfect idea? I don't know. I
can't say I understand how she felt because i
don't know what happened. I feel like if I was
her as well I would've fell for his charms.
Hunter came back to South Africa when he
found out Sonia was not doing well. He has been
there for her making sure she is okay. I would've
confused that with love also. I think Sonia
thought he loved her. She didn't know all Hunter
was doing was just being there for her. I also
think what Hunter did was not decent as well.
How can you sleep with your ex wife when
you're in a relationship with someone else. I also
blame him for not telling Sonia about Claire i
mean these guys share a custody of the children.
I feel like when he started seeing that girl he
should've told Sonia before introducing the kids
to the girl. What he did was so childish. i
understand he is a victim in all this situation but
that doesn't give him a right to use that to act
crazy. If you're a decent person you don't do
what he did. You don't stoop at that level and
hurt someone because they hurt you. This is just
not like Hunter. I guess you can't say you know
someone for sure. I am also surprised that
Brendan had a will. I wonder who is in it and is
getting what ? This is gonna be interesting pity I
can't be part of it.
Sonia: Friend I just spoke to the lawyer. He
refused to tell me who is in the list of people
who are going to my house. I asked if Tasha is in
it. He said no. I am tempted to call that bitch and
ask her to be there! I want to see the look on her
face when she gets nothing. Tasha knew me. She
always arrived with EJ to your house and we
used to chill together
Me: I know. Well I am not surprised. Who
thought she'd drug my brother?
Sonia: That is what makes me angry. Sent!
Me: Sent what ?
She looked at me
Sonia: I sent her a text inviting her to the will
reading. I lied and said the lawyer don't have
her number. If she doesn't text back i will call
I stood up
Me: Friend you're crazy !
Sonia: Go sleep ! I need to sleep as well
I kissed her cheek
Me: Night babe
Sonia: Night
I walked out then headed to my bedroom. I
opened the door. Masixole walked out of the
bathroom. He had a towel wrapped around his
Masixole: I missed this beautiful face
He put his arms around my waist
Me: And I missed you
He kissed me. After three seconds I broke the
Me: You slept when i wanted to talk to you. Let's
talk now and do this later
I walked to The couch. There is a couch in his
Masixole: I don't like when you're serious
Me: Well tough. Our wedding day is very serious
to me
Him: Oh shit I forgot we had to make a decision.
Baby i don't know if this could be impossible but
I want us to get married before 20th January. I
want you to be my wife before i get ordained
I stood up
Me: Oh My God babe that's exactly what I was
thinking about earlier. How is the 10th of
January then go to a honeymoon for a week ?
Masixole: That sounds great babe
I ran to him. I hugged him then looked at him
Me: We are doing this ?
Masixole: We are doing this
I hugged him
Me: I love you
Masixole: I love you
I broke the hug
Me: One more thing baby before i go take a
shower. Now that you will stay here what are
your future plans ?
Masixole: I saved a lot while I was working but
now I am thinking about our wedding so I am
like should I put this on hold or just do
everything at once
Me: What?
Masixole: I want to build a swimming pool here
at home for mom and my aunt
Me: That's nice
Masixole: Then I also wanna start a business. I
want to hire a construction company that will
build a gym club for me. There are two beaches
around here. I want to introduce people to
healthy living and even people who are leaving
in hotels near by can come here for a gym. I
want to also build rock climbing. You know I am
all about fitness. I also need to hire personal
Me: That's a lot of work babe and that could
make a lot of money for us. We need to do it
Masixole: You think it's a good idea?
Me: Yeah it is. Your target market is the whites
from the hotels around and people with cars
who won't mind to travel here. I think it's a good
idea. So what plans do you have to help The
community ?
Masixole: As you can see here we don't have a
good road. We have a gravel road. We need a tar
Me: I feel like that should be your second
priority. People around here don't have
Masixole: Even now ?
Me: Yes. I was speaking to Notiniphu. She said
her parents died in a fire that was caused by a
candle. I think electricity is the first thing we
need to fight for. So any ideas on how we gonna
go about it ?
Masixole: After I am ordained I am going to call
iMBIZO and invite people like Mayors and
MEC's. People should tell them their needs I
can't go with their needs to government. I feel
like Government should come here and see for
Me: You're right baby. I was surprised when i
heard only The royal house and The chief house
have electricity and the village don't
Masixole: We are going to help them baby
Me: Thank you
Him: Thank you for caring for others. It shows
you're the real Queen of this village
We hugged. He kissed my forehead. I am glad
we talked about this now I can start looking for
a wedding planner. That's my first priority when
i get to Johannesburg.

< Narrated >
It is Sunday morning. In a normal world
everyone on Sunday wakes up thinking
positively, looking forward to going to church.
That was not the case for Nomfunzelo. This is
the day She has been looking forward to. This
weekend was too long for her. All she wanted
was to see Sunday so that she could kill the
Queen and it looks like her dreams are finally
becoming a reality. We see her busy cooking
humming a song. She was excited dancing while
chopping and checking her pots. We see her
stops what she was doing. She wiped her hands
with a table cloth. She took her phone that was
in her apron pocket. She walked out of the
kitchen dialling a number.
Nomaxabiso: Hello mom what's up so early. it's
after 7 am
Nomfunzelo: Honey i am calling to find out what
time are you guys coming home I am going to
Nomaxabiso: Dad said we will drive home
around 3pm
Nomfunzelo: Great !
Nomaxabiso: Why?
Nomfunzelo's eyes popped out after she realised
she almost got herself caught in her lie.
Nomfunzelo: Because I want to go to church first
Nomaxabiso: Oh alright mother you still have
Nomfunzelo: Alright sweety I love you
Nomaxabiso: I love you too mom
Nomfunzelo hung up. She lost her smile. She
picked up her glass of wine.
Nomfunzelo: I have enough time to get rid of
that woman
She sipped then walked to her kitchen. She put
her glass on the counter. She checked her pots. It
was four of them. She smiled.
Nomfunzelo: I can't wait for you to get here
Her phone rang. She looked at it. The phone was
on the counter. She walked to it then picked it
Nomfunzelo: Speak of the devil
She answered
Nomfunzelo: Queen Nomakhosazana
Nomakhosazana: I will be a little bit late. I think
I will be there at around 10:35 am
Nomfunzelo looked at her wrist watch
Nomfunzelo: I am not going anywhere Queen
Nomakhosazana: Okay bye
The Queen hung up. Nomfunzelo smiled still
looking into space.
Nomfunzelo: I am doing all this for my family
She walked to her glass. She picked it up then
shook it. She didn't drink. She just stared at her
Nomfunzelo: All for my family
Royalty family meetings never ends and this
morning there is another meeting. It is almost 9
am And already they are starting with the
meeting. We see Nontorotyi in the room. I
wonder how did The chief convince her to come
to the royal house. Let's hope we won't see the
repeat of the last time. Maybe the reason she
came is because she couldn't wait to find out the
name of her sister wife. Maybe the chief told her
they are going to find out the name that is why
she came. Anyway everyone was seated. We see
Notiniphu and other two servants walking to the
living room with coffee. They served everyone
then stood watching them having coffee. The
Queen looked at them.
Nomakhosazana: You can leave now thank you
Notiniphu bowed. She then looked at King
Zwelicacile who didn't even pay attention to her.
Priscella smiled thinking Notiniphu was looking
at her. Notiniphu faked a smile then walked
Phonqa: ......... ?
It looks like Phonqa witnessed this. The Queen
looked at Phonqa.
Nomakhosazana: Boy go upstairs or go to the
Phonqa: Okay My Queen
He stood up then walked out of the front door
heading to the bus.
Refilwe: He is adorable isn't he ?
The princess Smiled
Nomakhosazana: You don't know half of it. The
only one who knows and respect this house and
what it stands for
Nontorotyi rolled her eyes then sipped on her
The Queen looked at Priscella and King
Nomakhosazana: Guys we are waiting
Masixole: Oh....
He looked at Priscella
They smiled at each other. King Zwelicacile
looked at the Queen.
Masixole: We decided to get married before I get
Hlohlesakhe: Wow we are having a wedding
Nontorotyi shook her head then sipped again. In
her mind she doesn't expect her husband to be
excited for anything when they have a crisis of
their own which is " Hurricane Dineo "
Masixole: Yes Uncle we decided to to be husband
and wife when i get ordained
Refilwe: So when is the wedding. I hope i will
still be here when you guys get married
Priscella: We decided to get married on the 10th
of January
Nomakhosazana: Wow that's like in few weeks
from now. We must get the wedding planner to
come here i will call her
Priscella: My Queen don't get me a wedding
planner. I am going to use a wedding planner
from Johannesburg
Nontorotyi looked down and smiled. Again, She
sipped on her coffee
Nomakhosazana: No problem. It's your wedding
I give you guys freedom to do whatever you
want with it
Nontorotyi kept rolling her eyes every time the
Queen spoke.
Priscella: Thank you My Queen
Nomakhosazana: You're welcome
Nomagampompo: But that freedom doesn't
mean you shouldn't follow the royal house rules.
We've been bending them and that is not right.
The Wedding is going to be here at this house it's
family tradition that can never be broken
Nomakhosazana: I hope king Zwelicacile told
her that. People when they come to the wedding
they are coming to the Royal wedding at Royal
Priscella: I have no problem with that auntie
Princess Nomagampompo smiled.
Nomagampompo: Good
Nomakhosazana: Now that we are done with
that let's go to the very important part of this
Everyone sat up straight.
Nomakhosazana: Everyone! Chief Khabalandile
is getting a second wife isn't that amazing?
The Queen said that so excited.
Priscella looked shocked by this. You could tell
she was worried about her future here. She was
thinking about a possibility of having a sister
wife. She doesn't want that.
Nontorotyi looked away looking annoyed.
Masixole: Wow congratulations My Chief
Hlohlesakhe: Thank you Son
Nomakhosazana: We need to call the kids and
tell them as a family
The chief looked at Nontorotyi
Hlohlesakhe: Nontorotyi don't you have
something to say about what the Queen just
mentioned ?
Everyone looked at Nontorotyi
Nontorotyi: My opinion don't matter. I don't
think she needs my opinion
The chief shook his head then chuckled
Hlohlesakhe: My Queen yesterday Nontorotyi
told Ngejiwe. My daughter confronted me
Nomakhosazana: What !?
Princess Nomagampompo put her coffee on the
Nomagampompo: I am sick and tired of your
wife doing everything in her power to disrespect
this house! You need to do something about this!
How many times this woman disrespected us
from the past month till now?
Nontorotyi: I apologise sister in law. When i am
sad I speak to my daughter. We don't hide
anything from each other besides I didn't know i
shouldn't tell my kids their father is getting
himself a wife
Nomakhosazana: As if you follow anything we
do in this family! You don't respect anyone in
this family Nontorotyi and enough is enough
Hlohlesakhe: I will deal with her later. My
Queen who is my new wife ?
The Queen smiled. She sipped on her coffee
Nomakhosazana: She is smart, a Doctor ,
Beautiful and a royal princess
Nontorotyi started thinking. Remember
Zinyovile gave her clues. Now she is thinking
about this woman putting everything together.
Who is a doctor and doesn't like her ?
The Chief smiled. He was looking at the Queen.
He was impatiently waiting for her to give him a
Nomakhosazana: My chief I hope you will love
my decision
Hlohlesakhe: I trust you my Queen. You know
what is good for all of us
Nontorotyi put her cup on the coffee table.
Everyone looked at her. She leaned on the sofa
then folded her arms
She gave the Queen deathstare
Nomakhosazana: And i hope she and Nontorotyi
will be great sister wives
Nontorotyi shook her head in disbelief. She was
breathing hard. Her nose wanted to jump off her
face that's how angry she was. The Queen smiled
at Nontorotyi
Nomakhosazana: Nomahelele Dlungane is your
sister wife
Nontorotyi jumped up
Nontorotyi: Never!!!
Everyone was shocked by her behavior and how
loud she shouted "never"
Nontorotyi: That woman is a home wrecker. She
disrespected my marriage at my brother in law's
Nontorotyi pointed a finger at the Queen
Nontorotyi: Your husband's funeral! You forgot
that? She is a whore!
Ms Refilwe put her hand on her mouth.
Nontorotyi: That woman is.....
The Queen got tired of Nontorotyi insulting her
cousin. She stood up
Nomakhosazana: That woman is educated!
Nomakhosazana: That woman is a doctor! that
woman don't need us we need her! That woman
is royalty!!
Nomakhosazana: That woman is decent and
respectful something you only wish to be
Nontorotyi: She is old! She can't have children!
Nomakhosazana: My cousin sister is 36! She can
have as many kids for the chief as he wants her
Nontorotyi: He is my husband! I have to have a
say in this !
Nomakhosazana: The only thing you need to do
is shut your mouth!!!
The Queen said pointing a finger at Nontorotyi.
She kept quiet in a second. The Queen was
breathing heavily, She looked at Chief
Nomakhosazana: The only person who is
expected to have a say in this is the chief......
The Queen sat down. Everyone was now quiet
just shocked by what just happened.
Nomakhosazana: Chief Khabalandile are you
against marrying Princess Nomahelele ?
Hlohlesakhe: My Queen the ancestors chose you
to find me a wife and you did. What's the next
step ?
Nontorotyi looked at her husband giving him a
deathstare, the chief didn't look at her at all. He
was avoiding eye contact. The Queen smiled
then looked at Nontorotyi.
Nomakhosazana: We have to get her here as
soon as possible. You have to try for a baby now.
Your wedding will be after The king's wedding.
Right now we can only have engagement party
to announce her to the family
Hlohlesakhe: Wonderful
Nontorotyi: You said you were over her but now
you look like you cannot wait to have her !
The Queen smiled. She is enjoying all this. After
the disrespect she got from Nontorotyi she feels
so happy to finally get her. She put her in her
Hlohlesakhe: Nontorotyi I left Gedleza's house
yesterday, I didn't come here. I went straight
home to you because i respect you as my wife.
We talked about this. I don't understand why
you're causing drama here. Does everything
have to be about you ?
Nontorotyi ignored her husband. She looked at
the Queen.
Nontorotyi: Is that all? I need to get out of this
She stopped talking when she saw Phonqa
running in. Everyone turned and looked at
Prince Phonqa curious to know what is going on.
Nomakhosazana: Phonqa what is going on?
Phonqa: Ngejiwe and EJ DiMira are having sex
in a bus !
Everyone except Nontorotyi jumped up shocked.
Nontorotyi remained seated. She took her coffee
then looked on thin air sipping.
The Queen Caught Nontorotyi smiling alone. She
looked at her with questioning eyes
Nomakhosazana: .......... ?



< Narrated >
It looks like this is a harbit for Nomgcwabe. He
just cannot wait up early like others. Earlier
Phonqa was asked to leave the elders which led
to him seeing things he shouldn't have seen. He
woke up early but his brother struggles to wake
up early. He is really enjoying his december
holidays. Anyway we see him uncover his face.
He looked next to him we saw his eyes widenes
He saw Algebra sleeping next to him. He jumped
off bed. He was wearing his boxer shots. He ran
to the door. He turned the door handle
panicking the door was locked. He lied his head
on the door then let out sigh of relief
Nomgcwabe: Thank God
We see Algebra raise his head then yawned.
Algebra: Thank God for what ?
Nomgcwabe quickly turned around. He looked
at Algebra
Nomgcwabe: Please dress up!
He opened the door. He looked around then
closed it
Algebra took his phone.
Algebra: It's still early for the beach though
Nomgcwabe: Dude my brother can't find you
Algebra: Why? It's not like we are dating or
sleeping together
Nomgcwabe: He won't see it like that! That boy
is suspecting
Algebra stood up. He was not wearing anything.
Nomgcwabe turned around fast and looked at
the door avoiding to look at Algebra's naked
Nomgcwabe: Why did you sleep naked?
Algebra: I am not comfortable sleeping with
clothes on. Anyway why is he suspecting us ?
Nomgcwabe: He saw your picture in my phone.
He thought I liked you
Nomgcwabe was still looking at the door.
Algebra smiled.
Algebra: So you have my pictures? I wonder
where you got them because i don't remember
you asking for them
Nomgcwabe: No!
Algebra dressed up
Him: You can turn around now. So you say no?
No to what?
Nomgcwabe: I was just....
Nomgcwabe opened the door. He looked on the
left then right
Nomgcwabe: Run to your room before someone
sees you!
Algebra walked to the door. He stood at the
door. He looked at Nomgcwabe.
Algebra: You give good cuddles. I enjoyed last
He walked away. Algebra slammed the door. He
leaned on the door. He put his hands on his head
then went down. He sat down on the floor. He
covered his face.
Nomgcwabe: Thank God this boy isn't here

Still at the royal house. Everyone was shocked
by what Phonqa just said. You could see by the
look on their faces that they didn't expect this.
Nontorotyi was sitting down smiling sipping her
coffee. The chief was fuming with anger. Phonqa
was just standing with his eyes popped out.
Phonqa: Hey things happen. This is the second
time this happened under our noses. Yeste......
Nomakhosazana: Phonqa that's enough !!!
Phonqa: Sorry my Queen
The chief was angry. He looked at the door.
Hlohlesakhe: I am going to....
Nomakhosazana: Chief Khabalandile!!!
Hlohlesakhe attempted to run out The Queen
called him, the chief turned around. The Queen
looked at Nontorotyi who pretended like she
didn't smile at all. She knew Queen was about to
humiliate her.
Nomakhosazana: I think you shouldn't go
running to Ngejiwe, I think someone asked her
to do this.....
The Queen turned around. She looked at
Nontorotyi. Nontorotyi stood up looking
Nomakhosazana: Am i lying Nontorotyi?
Refilwe: You think she asked her daughter to
seduce my baby boy ?
Nontorotyi: Why everything is my fault!? I was
with you here. I left my daughter at home
The chief Looked at the Queen
Hlohlesakhe: Why do you think Nontorotyi had
something to do with this?
The Queen looked at Nontorotyi
Nomakhosazana: All of us stood up shocked but
she just sat there and smiled like she knew what
Ngejiwe was doing
The chief looked at Nontorotyi
Hlohlesakhe: Did you ask Ngejiwe to sleep with
that boy ?
Nontorotyi: Of course not! The only reason i
smiled is because it's not such a bad idea. The
kids love each other. I know Refi's son is a
commoner but......
Refilwe: You said my son is what ?
Nontorotyi smiled at Refilwe
Nontorotyi: Let me put it in a language you
understand Reri. He is not royalty
Priscella: And who told you that ?
Nontorotyi swallowed hard
Nomakhosazana: Nontorotyi did you ask your
daughter to sleep with Elton or not?
Nontorotyi: I....
The Queen didn't let her answer
Nomakhosazana: Be careful with your answer
because i am going to walk out of that door and
confront her like I did when you asked her to
Investigate The King!
Nontorotyi looked down. King Zwelicacile
looked at her
Nomakhosazana: Now......
The Queen walked closer to Nontorotyi
Nomakhosazana: Answer my question. Did you
manipulate your daughter to have sex with
A tear escaped Nontorotyi's eye.
Hlohlesakhe: You did ?
Nontorotyi: She said that boys loves her. I said
she should date him because He is someone we
could trust. I didn't know they'd have sex I
swear! I sweat it!
Nomagampompo: Amen
The princess said that then sat down. The chief
looked at Nontorotyi
Hlohlesakhe: I will deal with you later! You're
going to pay for this!
Nontorotyi: But I didn't know.......
The chief looked at Ms Refilwe then at Priscella
Hlohlesakhe: It looks like we have a lot to talk
about Seputla family
Priscella: With all due respect uncle, I don't
understand what you mean by that ?
Refilwe: Me too sweety and I would like him to
explain ?
Hlohlesakhe: My daughter was a virgin. She was
gonna get married a virgin but now that won't
happen because of your son, so You're going to
pay for the damage you did to her then marry
Refilwe: That is never gonna happen! My son is
young !
Nontorotyi: My daughter is also young and She
was pure!
The Queen looked at Nontorotyi
Nomakhosazana: Why did you push her to sleep
with EJ?
Nontorotyi didn't answer that. She looked away
Refilwe: Why don't we call the kids to come here
and explain!
Priscella: Let me go call them
Nomakhosazana: Don't tell them what is going
on !
Priscella: Okay my Queen
Refilwe: MY son is not going to marry your
daughter let's be clear about that
Hlohlesakhe: Let's see what the kids say. We
can't stand in a way of love Refilwe
Refilwe chuckled.
Refilwe: They both know nothing about love. We
just got here. When did they fall in law?
The Queen Looked at Princess Nomagampompo.
The princess shook her head in disbelief. She
looked down. It was Quiet. They were waiting
for Ngejiwe and EJ to join them. Let's see what
they have to say for themselves.

< Tasha >
Today is Brendan's funeral. I can just feel it.
Besides the fact that it is Sunday you can tell
another thing is happening. I feel so down I
don't know whether it's hangover or his funeral
or maybe what happened yesterday between me
and Hungani. I don't know how he found me
really. What was he doing in that building? He
doesn't live there. His house is in suburbs not
here In town. I am really curious to find out
How he found me but you know what ? I am
glad he did at least now I know whenever he
sees me he won't make fun of me. Yes i lied
when i said i had his nudes and I am sure he
can't say I am bluffing because he was drunk
when we got to his house. I could tell just by
looking at him that he was a little scared. He will
never mess with me again. Whenever he sees
me, He will look the other way.
Anyway it is Sunday. I just got to the kitchen to
drink water. I am thirsty maybe it's because i
had a lot to drink yesterday. I feel bad for Laila
though. She bought alcohol hoping we'd drink
together but that didn't happen. I took my
alcohol then went to bed. I didn't want to have
any company after I spoke to Hungani. Anyway I
just drank four glasses of water, I heard
footsteps behind me. I turned around then
Me: Morning How are you ?
Laila: Great you're sober now. I am sure you're
ready to talk about yesterday. When you went to
fetch alcohol You came back so angry
I am glad she mentioned that because i wanted
to ask her. I hope he is not her friend also. She
can't be friends with my enemies. I don't think
they know each other though. If they did at the
mall they were gonna say something to each
other. They didn't which shows that they don't
know each other.
Me: Do you know Hungani ?
Laila took out a milk from the fridge
Laila: You mean the guy from tv the one we saw
at the mall ?
Me: Yes. I found him at parking yesterday. Do
you know each other?
Laila: No, We don't but I think he saw me
because i saw him at liquor shop, Oh my God
don't tell me he followed me. So you're telling
me even Friday night he noticed me ?
Me: Clearly and he knew he'd find me here. Oh I
put him in his place
Laila: What did he want ?
Me: He was asking me if I am going to the
funeral. He said we should go together. I could
see he was just trying to get under my skin and
he did
Laila: Maybe this guy likes you
Oh i cannot believe I am going to say what I am
going to say.
Me: Even if he did it's too late. There is a lot i
don't like about him now. He is not attractive
anymore to me
Laila: Wow so you want EJ?
Me: Friend I miss him
Laila: But you know it won't be easy to get him
back and you might not even get him back
you're aware of that right?
That is a sad truth. We all know how men are.
They are too proud and what I did was bad. He
knows i chose someone else over him so he
might not want to be with me just because he
knows he is not my number one. I wish he could
believe that he is because right now that's what
he is. I left him and saw different men. I realised
that there is no one like him and by the way
what I said about the manhood size? that was no
lie. They are nothing compared to Elton Seputla.
EJ was good in bed. I feel like I am such a fool
for letting him go. Anyway when Laila asked me
that I pulled a high chair. I sat down
Me: I know.....
Laila: Even if he was to give you that chance you
need to work hard to make him trust you again
are you willing to do that ?
I looked at Laila.
Me: Friend I am doing whatever it takes. His
family hates me. I know I have a lot to prove not
only to Elton but to his family as well
Laila: I hope I won't regret what I am about to
say but I believe you really love EJ now. Maybe
what happened had to happen so you could
realise how much you love him
Me: You're right friend but how will knowing
help me? I caused him a lot of damage and
humiliation. I let my family down. I let my
boyfriend down. I mean I took advantage of
him. Elton is younger than me. He loved me and
I didn't feel like he was young. I felt like he was
my age. How am I gonna make him see that I am
sorry ?
Laila: Sorry friend
She hugged me. I cried in her arms. I really love
EJ. I really do.
Me: What if it's too late ?
Laila: Don't say that until you and Elton meet
and talk. You haven't talked since what
I broke the hug. I wiped my tears
Me: To think your friend was the reason for that
Laila: Tasha Isaiah was doing his job. The fact of
the matter here is you drugged that poor dude
because you wanted to sleep with a pretty old
dude! If you want to get forgiveness from EJ you
need to stop pointing fingers and own up to your
Me: You are right. I will take full responsibility
Laila: As you should ! friend you cheated on him
and you did it in public !
Laila: So how do you feel today? Brendan is
getting buried
I opened the fridge. I took bottle of water
Me: I feel nothing. Let me go back to bed
I walked out of the kitchen. I never loved
Brendan. I do not date bisexual men. He didn't
think i should know about it. He lied to me. I
hate him. I hope he rots in hell. I just
remembered something how can i forget. I
stopped walking. I looked at Laila. She was in
the kitchen. I was at a distance.
Me: Oh by the way
Laila looked at me.
Me: I am in Brendan's will. I got a call from his
Laila jumped off the high chair
Laila: What ?
She ran to me
Me: Yep
Laila: Wow! This man meant business few hours
into a relationship he puts you in his will?
Me: I know right ? I was so drunk when Sonia
called that's why I forgot. I had to check my
phone in the morning to make sure I wasn't
Laila hugged me
Laila: Congratulations
Me: Thank you friend
I wonder what he left me. I cannot wait.

< Sonia De Villiers >
You know sometimes When you're happy you
think you have it all. You just live in the
moment. You don't think about anything
negative or what might happen in future when
the honeymoon stage is over. Few months ago I
had it all. I had a perfect family. I was in love. I
was married to a man I thought was my life. In a
blink of an eye all that was taken away. I found
out it was all a lie. It broke me. I am still broken.
I feel like I am back at the bottom again. This is
not nice at all but I am glad I am no longer living
that fake life anymore. I am glad I will be able to
find a man who really loves me one day but
what I hate about this whole thing is that, I will
always fear to be betrayed. It will be hard to
trust anyone again. Whoever I meet I will see
Brendan. I was willing to start a relationship
with my ex husband and he proved to be exactly
like Brendan, a jerk. He played me. I don't know
why i am surprised that he did that. I guess it's
because i always believed he was a good person.
He fooled me. He made me look like a cheap
woman. I hate him for taking advantage of me.
Anyway I have never experienced such drama
in my life. I am really happy I didn't wake up
early like Priscella. All the drama that was
happening I was watched from up the stairs.
They were talking downstairs. I decided to go
back to my room to stay until their meeting is
over. I saw Algebra walking to his room. Let me
go to his room and pass time. I am bored. I need
to speak to my friend but she is busy with family
drama. I can't disturb them talking. I am not
here for drama. I left it in Johannesburg. I
knocked at Algebra's door. He opened.
Algebra: Hi I was about to shower
Me: I am sorry dear I am just bored there is a
meeting downstairs
Algebra: Come in
I walked in
Me: Thank you
Algebra: I am glad you're here. Mandy called
about your PA interviews
Me: Oh My God it was supposed to be last week
Friday. How can I forget
Algebra: When the newspaper came out about
Brendan she cancelled the interviews
Me: That was very thoughtful of her tell her we
are on for Monday
Algebra: No Ms De Villiers. Ms Pricella and I
spoke about it. She said since you also want her
to be part of it we should schedule it for Tuesday
and call the candidates tomorrow Monday
Me: That's fantastic. Please call Mandisa and tell
her. I will go to my room while you take a
Algebra: Okay Ms De Villiers
I walked out. He closed the door. My phone
rang. Hunter has been calling me I think He
started calling since he realised I left town. Let
me hear him out. I Opened the door then walked
in. I closed the door answering. I walked and sat
on my bed. I don't know what the hell this man
wants from me. He has a girlfriend Why he
insists on calling me ?
Me: What do you want Hunter?
Hunter: I have been calling you all afternoon
yesterday why did you ignore my calls ?
Me: Do you really wanna know ?
Hunter: Come on Sonia!
Me: Come on? Hunter you slept with me how
could you do that when you have a girlfriend.
What kinda person are you ?
Hunter: Sonia I didn't mean to do that. You're
my ex wife we have two kids together. I was
trying to console you and.....
Me: By using me and cheating on your
Hunter: Sonia you also cheated on me when you
left me for Brendan
Me: So this was pay back huh?
Hunter: I told you I didn't want to do it. I was
drunk. You were too ! We both made.....
Me: So because i was drunk you thought it was
okay to use Me? Hunter why you kept following
me acting like you cared?
Hunter: I care!
Me: You call sleeping with me when you have a
girlfriend care ? You call not telling me you had
a girlfriend care? why did you introduce my
kids to a stranger before i met her?
Hunter chuckled. He has the nerve.
Sonia: You didn't tell me when you cheated on
me with Brendan did you ?
Me: Are you really going there ?
Hunter: Let's go! You thought what you did was
Me: So you admit it was payback ?
Hunter: Call it whatever you like. You didn't
expect me to wait for you did you?
Me: You know what Hunter? I didn't call you! I
didn't ask you to come to my life. I want you to
go back to the hole you came from. Never set
your foot in my house and don't you dare
introduce my children to strangers again !
Hunter: Sonia Brendan was a stranger! You
didn't know who he was. You didn't even know
he was gay!
Me: Oh so you knew Claire sleeps with other
women ?
Hunter: What?
I chuckled.
Me: You and I Hunter are the same! You slept
with me while you're in a relationship! Your
girlfriend is bisexual just like my late husband.
You and I are just the same. one more thing
before you run , Never set foot in my house.
Don't you ever call me again do you hear me?
I hung up

< Narrated >
It looks like Claire was around when Hunter was
speaking to Sonia on the phone. Immediately
After Hunter hung up the phone Claire opened
the door. We see Hunter thinking. He was
processing what Sonia said. She said his
girlfriend is bisexual. The way Hunter was so
deep in his thought he didn't even hear his
girlfriend walk in. Claire was just standing
behind him.
Claire: That was intense
She said folding her arms on her chest. Hunter
turned around fast. Claire smiled. Hunter looked
at Claire.
Hunter: Are you bisexual?
Claire shook her head in disbelief.
Claire: She couldn't wait to tell you did she ?
Hunter: So it's true ?
Claire: You remember earlier I said your ex wife
didn't seem happy to see me? you tried to make
it look like I was seeing things. Now I am more
convinced She doesn't like me because she
wanna be with you
Hunter: Sonia don't want to be with me you
know that's besides the point. You didn't answer
my question
Claire smiled. She closed the door.
Claire: So this is our first fight. That's cute
Claire sat down smiling. Hunter was annoyed
that she was not answering the question
Claire: Your ex wife wants you
Hunter: That's not true
Claire: You said to me you and her share custody
of the kids and you're friends but this doesn't
look like that. If she was your friend, She wasn't
going to tell you this like that. It's like she is
trying to break us up
Hunter: Are you a lesbian?
Claire stood up
Claire: Why am i with you if I am a lesbian ?
Hunter: Claire yes or no. Do you date women ?
Claire: Where did you sleep last night Hunter?
Hunter walked away
Hubter: You called me. I told you I was at home!
Claire: I came by your house. The lights were off.
I just did your laundry and the shirt you were
wearing last yesterday has a lipstick
Hunter looked down then at Claire
Hunter: I met up with a client Maybe I got it
when i hugged her
Claire: So Sonia just brought you lunch you
didn't spend a night with her ?
Hunter: of course not! that woman is going
through a lot i can't take advantage of her
Claire: For someone who is going through a lot
she sure is a two faced woman. She must stay
out of my business. What were you fighting
about anyway because yesterday you were
happy eating her lunch. What happened ?
Hunter: She is not happy that I introduced our
kids to you without telling her
Claire: Ha ha ha I knew she didn't like me. Well
she cheated on you. I didn't take you from her. I
want you to tell that woman to leave you alone
and stop talking about me. If she has a problem
with Claire. She must come to Claire!
Claire walked to the door then turned around.
Claire: Yes i was dating a lesbian. It was just an
experiment. Now I know what I want. i want to
be with a man not a woman
Hunter: Okay
Claire walked out. She slammed the door then
looked into space fuming with anger.
It looks like she is not happy at all with Sonia.

Back at Sdabadabeni village at the royal house.
The elders were waiting for Elton and Ngejiwe
to join them. It was quiet awkward because
everyone was mad at each other and in this case
The Queen and Princess Nomagampompo didn't
know which side to be on but because they
found out it was Nontorotyi's plan they favoured
the Seputla side but they didn't show that. They
didn't even have a say in this matter.
Refilwe: I have never met a woman so conniving
like you! Who does this ?
Nontorotyi: The children liked each other. I just
said your son is a good boy she must persui it. I
didn't say they must have sex. Now that it is
done I don't find it wrong. I mean I just found
out that you're also royalty
Hlohlesakhe: All i am saying is there is no
daughter of mine who is going to be used and
left like that. Ngejiwe is a princess
Nontorotyi: Exactly my love and she must be
treated as.....
The chief looked at Nontorotyi
Hlohlesakhe: Shut up Nontorotyi! You're the
reason we are here right now!!!
The King smiled then looked down. Priscella ,
Elton and Ngejiwe walked in. They looked
nervous. They didn't see Phonqa walk in They
are not aware that they are called here for
something that concerns the two of them.
Nomakhosazana: Sit!
Elton smiled. He looked at his mom. Ms Refilwe
looked away. She was angry and EJ noticed that.
He sat down.
Hlohlesakhe: Ngejiwe
Ngejiwe: Dad
The chief looked at Elton
Hlohlesakhe: Young man
Elton: Sir
Hlohlesakhe: What is going on between you two
They both looked at each other surprised by the
unexpected question the chief asked them.
Refilwe: Junior I think that question was very
clear and simple
Elton sat up straight
Elton: Nothing....
He cleared his throat
Elton: Nothing is going on between us
Nomakhosazana: I am not going to sit here and
beat about the bush. I will ask you straight up.
Are you two sleeping together?
Ngejiwe swallowed hard. She got teary. Elton
looked everyone nervous. He smiled
Elton: Is this really necessar.....
Nomakhosazana: Boy this is serious! You slept
with a royal princess. In this family a royal
princess don't engage in sexual intercourse until
marriage. If it does happen before marriage the
boy pays damages and marry the girl !
Elton: Oh wow i didn't know
Elton looked at Ngejiwe. Princess Ngejiwe
smiled and played with her hands blushing.
Nontorotyi smiled as well
Elton: At least I didn't break her virginity I am
sure she will tell you who did ?
Ngejiwe's face changed. The chief looked at EJ
Hlohlesakhe: Boy don't you dare disrespect my
daughter. My daughter was a virgin till you got
here. You're going to marry her
Elton stood up
Elton: Like hell I will !
Priscella: EJ!
Elton: No sis! I didn't break this girl's virginity.
She must tell you who did. I would never marry
a farm girl She is not even a girl I would date let
alone marry
Princess Nomagampompo put both her hands
on her mouth
Nontorotyi stood up
Nontorotyi: How dare yo.....
Ms Refilwe stood up as well
Refilwe: No! how dare you !
Nomakhosazana: Ladies please !
They both sat down. Elton looked at Ngejiwe.
She was crying
Elton: Don't just sit there tell your father you're
not a virgin and I didn't break your virginity !
Ngejiwe: You said you love me how can you say
you'd never date me ?
Elton: This shows you're a farm girl and naive!.
Girl I said that only when I was inside you!
Priscella: EJ!!
Ngejiwe stood up. She ran. The chief, Nontorotyi,
Princess Nomagampompo and The Queen ran
after Ngejiwe

They were running after each other. Siqalo

opened the door wide. Princess Ngejiwe ran out
and bumped into Bhalisile. They both fell face
down. The scarf on Bhalisile's neck flew away.
Ngejiwe and Bhalisile were both lying on their
bellies with both their necks facing, The Chief,
The Queen, The Princess and Nontorotyi. They
all saw the birth marks. We see all of them with
their hands on their mouths shocked. They were
now just standing still
Nontorotyi: Oh My God
Ngejiwe stood up, she continued with her
runway journey. Bhalisile was still on the floor
holding his elbow. Chief Khabalandile turned
around. He was furious. He looked at his wife.
Nontorotyi pulled up her dress. She jumped on
top of Bhalisile then ran for her life.




< Princess Ngejiwe >
I am so humiliated. I don't know how I am going
to look at my family right now. I disappointed
everyone. Do you know how it feels like to be
told that by someone, a guy that You're a useless
girl that he would never dream of dating? It was
gonna be okay if he said it to me not in front of
my entire family. How am I going to look at my
family? How am I going to move on from this.
Why did i do this? Why did i leave a man I love
just to please my family? All the efforts I made
failed. It backfired badly in my face. I did all this
out of respect for my father and my family. Now
my father knows i am not that girl he thought I
was. He knows i am not a virgin anymore. How
am I going to explain this to him? My father
believes in me just like the Queen. Speaking of
the Queen. How can i do this? She is my mentor.
She is a person i look up to, how can i do
something like this? My mother is the last
person you'd take advise from. I learnt that the
first time. Right now it was different though. I
don't blame my mother. I knew it was wrong of
me to trick Elton to sleep with me but I did that
out of desperation. I have myself to blame. I hate
myself for letting this happen. The reason I did
this was because it looked like a perfect plan for
me to do and what is right for the family. And
another thing I really loved Elton. I mean how
can you not love him ? He is handsome, dark
and charming. He is nothing like the guys here.
He was right even though it's painful. I am a
farm girl. Who was I kidding? I am sure he has a
beautiful girl in the big city. I do not know how I
am going to face my family but one thing I know
for sure is that I am going to have to stand up for
myself something i should have done a long time
ago. I am going to forget that EJ boy. I will look
at my father in the face and tell him I love
Anyway when i left the royal house I knew I was
gonna be followed. I made sure I take a turn so
they won't see where i went. I went straight to
my boyfriend's house. I made sure they don't see
me. I am sure they think i went home. Right now
I am really upset. I don't care if Velezantsi's
family sees me running to their house. I just
need him. I want to talk to him. I knocked at the
door. The door opened.
Him: Ngejiwe what......
I pushed him out of the way. I got in
Me: Baby my dad knows i am no longer a virgin
He slammed the door then looked at me.
Velezantsi: Oh no! I am going to die. He is going
to ban me
Me: Baby is that all you care about?
Him: Ngejiwe they are not going to ban only me.
They are going to ban my whole family from this
He looked at me
Velezantsi: Please tell them it wasn't me
I slapped him so hard on his face. He touched
where i slapped him. He looked at me shocked.
How dare he says that? Who am I going to
accuse for his stupid selfish decision? This man
begged me to give him my virginity and I did.
Me: Are you crazy? Do you know that if I do that
I will have to marry The person ? What is going
to happen to us? Don't you love me?
Him: I love you baby. You know my family is
poor. No one is working here. My mom only has
grant of my younger siblings and I don't get paid
a lot at Coffee Shark If we get banned where are
we going to live ?
Me: I will make sure that doesn't happen baby
Him: Are you sure baby ? How are you going to
do that ?
I sat on his bed
Me: I know you don't have nothing and I know
they will be disappointed that I am with you but
I want you to show my father that you love me. I
want you to stand like a man and show him that
You're A good man. That not everything is about
money and status
Him: How do I do that ?
I wiped my tears.
Me: You need to pay damages. Give my dad a
cow in form of cash. I know you don't have cows
Velezantsi: Baby a cow is R8 000 rands. I only
have R3 800 rands in my savings. I want to pay
your damages. I am tired of hiding you. I want
everyone to know that we are dating. Give me
two months
I smiled. Now I see why I chose him. I am really
happy he saves money, not so many people
around here know about saving money. I am
really proud of him. It's not a lot of money but
the fact that he saves makes me proud. This is
the reason i fell in love with this man. He is
different. He is nothing like the men here. I went
at him. I kissed him then broke the kiss
Me: I am going to give you R5 000 rands. You
can't leave your savings card Empty
Him: You'd do that for me ?
Me: Yes baby. I want you to pay the damages as
soon as possible. I am ready to tell my father
about us
Velezantsi: Thank you baby
He hugged me. I hugged him tight. I cannot
believe I was ready to leave him for EJ. I cannot
believe I was gonna leave him. He is a good
man. I feel so bad and i am sure he'd hate me If
he would find out what I was about to do. I am
so guilty but I guess what I am doing right now
is make up for what I did. I didn't stop loving
him. I was just weighing my options and EJ was
the better option when it comes to my family
and what we stand for. Right now I am going to
do this for Ngejiwe not to please family.

< Narrated >
In front of the palace. We see Bhalisile on the
floor. Nontorotyi just jumped on top of him and
ran away. Nontorotyi was running away
praying that her husband is not running after
her. We see Everyone with their hands on their
mouths. Bhalisile crawled to his scarf. The chief
ran to him. He grabbed Balisile on his neck. He
turned him around and sat on his chest. The
Queen ran to the chief
Nomakhosazana: My chief plea....
The chief looked at The Queen
Hlohlesakhe: Don't talk me My Queen !!
The Queen moved away. The chief punched
Bhalisile: Forgive me my Chief!
Hlohlesakhe: Do you know my wife?
Bhalisile didn't say anything. He covered his
face. The chief punched him again.
Bhalisile: Okay! okay !!
Chief: Do you know my wife! answer me Damn
The Queen and the princess were just standing,
They didn't know what to say or do. All they
wished was for the guy to say the truth and save
himself from getting beat.
Bhalisile: I know her! I know her my Chief
Chief: How do you know her ?
Bhalisile: I was dating her. You took her from
me. She dumped me when she met you my Chief
Chief Khabalandile stood up. He was fuming
with anger. His eye were still glued on Bhalisile.
Hlohlesakhe: Get out of my sight!!
Bhalisile ran on his knees to his scarf. He
grabbed it then stood up and ran to the back of
the palace. Princess Nomagampompo looked at
The Queen hoping she'd say something.
Nomakhosazana: Chief let's go inside and talk
about this. We can't do this here !
Chief Khabalandile looked at his house
Nomagampompo: You cannot go there until We
speak to you !
Chief Khabalandile walked to the door.
Everyone walked in. The Queen went to Ms
Refilwe. She whispered in her ear. Ms Refilwe
was nodding her head saying okay to the Queen.
The Queen looked at everyone. They were all
cluessless because only Nontorotyi, The Chief ,
The Queen and Princess Nomagampompo were
at the door when Ngejiwe fell with Bhalisile.
They are the only peoplw who witness the
Nomakhosazana: Go Everyone! Leave us ! I have
to talk to my sister in law and my brother in law
Everyone walked up the stairs. The heads of the
family were standing in the living room
watching them go up. We see The Queen looks at
Princess Nomagampompo. She looked nervous.
The chief looked at them.
Hlohlesakhe: Did you know about this ?
" No! " They said at the same time. You could see
How relieved they were for lying and saying the
same thing at the same time.
Nomakhosazana: No! I was as surprised as you
were. I don't know why it took this long for the
ancestors to reveal why this man was hired to
work for us
THe Queen looked at Princess Nomagampompo
hoping she'd back her up. The chief was pacing
to and down. He had his hands on his head.
Nomagampompo: Now we know why they chose
him to work for us. How come we didn't think of
this. How come we never thought Ngejiwe might
not be one of us
Nomakhosazana: Sisi Ngejiwe is one of us. The
chief cannot tell her this. He raised that girl. This
is going to hurt her like it is hurting him
Hlohlesakhe: This woman knew this. She knew
all along I mean If she didn't know when we
hired Bhalisile she was gonna tell me he was her
boyfriend back in the day
Nomakhosazana: She didn't say that because she
knew we'd notice the resembles. Nontorotyi
always knew Ngejiwe was not yours. The love
she has for her. She loves her more than the
other girls !
The chief sat down.
Hlohlesakhe: Right now I am not sure if any of
them is mine
Nomakhosazana: Bhuti! how can you say that?
The chief stood up
Hlohlesakhe: Do you blame me? Nothing is
surprising about this woman. She is a devil in a
dress. She doesn't respect any of us !
Nomagampompo: Oh I agree with you on that
one. I cannot believe she told Ngejiwe about
your second wife! The nerve !
Hlohlesakhe: That is why I made a decision
The Queen and the princess looked at him
curious to know about this decision.
Hlohlesakhe: I lost count. I don't know how
many rules she broke today only. She
manipulates my dau.....
He was gonna say his daughter then decided
against it
Hlohlesakhe: She manipulated Ngejiwe to sleep
with that boy because she wanted money from
the Seputla family!, She told Ngejiwe about my
second wife now the same day I just found out
about this !
The chief looked at them
Hlohlesakhe: I don't want you to stop me from
doing this
Nomakhosazana: From doing what ?
Hlohlesakhe: I am banning my wife from this
village. She is leaving today!
The Queen put both her hands on her mouth
shocked. Princess Nomagampompo had her eyes
wide open.
Hlohlesakhe: What ? You always wanted this !
Nomakhosazana: Yes we always did but did we
ever suggest it ?
Hlohlesakhe: I am the chief here! I made a call
Nomagampompo: The reason we never
suggested it was because o....
" Of the kids! " Princess Nomagampompo and
the Queen said at the same time. The chief
breath in and out looking at his sister and sister
in law
Hlohlesakhe: Nontorotyi is leaving my village
today and none Of you is going to stop me. After
that I want to know if my two other kids are
The chief attempted to go to the door
Nomakhosazana: Wait !!
The chief turned around
Hlohlesakhe: You're not going to sto......
Nomakhosazana: Wait for your second wife! this
is a serious matter that needs to be dealt with
privately. She is the one who is going to do the
paternity test and the kids cannot know
anything about this. We are going to steal their
DNA samples
Hlohlesakhe: Okay
Siqalo walked in
Siqalo: Forgive me for interrupting you. Your
highness the uncle's are at the sport ground
right now
Nomakhosazana: Okay you can go Siqalo
He bowed then walked away. The chief looked
at The Queen
Hlohlesakhe: What's going on ?
Nomakhosazana: Refilwe borrowed us the
Helicopter. It's fetching the uncles. I called my
family in PE. They are waiting for them. I gave
them a black card from our family trust fund to
pay Lobola
Hlohlesakhe: Thank you My Queen. I will pay
the family trust every cent
Princess Nomagampompo smiled
Nomakhosazana: They are coming with your
wife tonight
That lit up his face. He looked excited then
looked at them.
Hlohlesakhe: I need to kick out my wife from my
Nomakhosazana: Chief.....
The chief ran out. He didn't wait for Siqalo to
close the door. He closed it himself trying to
avoid the Queen.
The princess walked to the Queen who was
standing looking rather worried about this.
You'd think the Queen would enjoy seeing
Nontorotyi leave but it doesn't look that way.
She knows this will hurt the kids.
Nomagampompo: My Queen can i ask you
The Queen turned around and looked at her
waiting for the question.
Nomakhosazana: Yes?
Princess Nomagampompo walked to the living
room. The Queen followed behind her.
Nomagampompo: Why is Nomahelele not
married. She is beautiful. She has a big house ,
money and everything. I thought she'd be
married by now ?
The Queen walked to the whisky. She poured a
glass. She wanted to ask the princess why
herself isn't married but she decided against it.
She didn't wanna ruin their relationship.
Anyway the Queen smiled then turned around.
Nomakhosazana: Sisi some princesses don't
want to get married and you should answer that
question but in my cousin sister's case it's
Nomagampompo: How ?
Nomakhosazana: Nomahelele beats men. Every
man in Port Elizabeth fears her. No man
disrespect her that is why she is single
Princess Nomagampompo looked more worried
now. The Queen walked up the stairs. We see
Princess Nomagampompo's lips moving but
words couldn't come out. The Queen turned
Nomakhosazana: But don't worry. I don't think
she will beat your brother. She might be my
cousin sister but the punishment for someone
who disrespect one of us is the same
Princess Nomagampompo looked more relieved.
She smiled.
Nomakhosazana: I don't use that Sjambok to
people i don't care about. I use it to people who
wrong us. It doesn't matter if they family. If
Nomahelele lays a finger at my brother in law I
will deal with her
The Queen walked up after she said that. That
made the Princess smile.

Upstairs at Hall way. We see everyone standing.
They were a bit confused by what happened
downstairs and outside. They wanted to know
how The chief ended up beating Bhalisile. When
this happened they were not at the door. They
only went there when they heard Nontorotyi say
" Oh My God " When they got to the door
Nontorotyi was running away. They are just lost
now asking themselves what happened. We see
Sonia and Algebra walk out joining them at
Sonia: What was that about?
Refilwe: Ej! Priscella and Sonia . Let's go to my
Ms Refilwe walked to the room. She opened the
door. They walked in. Ms Refilwe closed the
door. She turned around then clapped EJ so hard
on his face..
Elton: What th...... ?
Priscella: What is What Ej? how could you
humiliate us like that! You made my mother
look like a bad mother. How can you say the
things you said infront of my in laws !
Elton: I was not going to let that girl take
advantage of me!
Priscella: Elton you insulted the poor girl infront
of her parents! You acted like a hooligan. I don't
have a problem with you defending yourself
because that girl was tricking you to marry her.
She was working with her mother but the things
you said! EJ you can't say such things even in
front of mom. I know you treat her like your
friend but those people are not your friends!
They are treated with respect !
Refilwe: Your sister is right. I am proud of you
for standing up for yourself but what you did
was wrong. Son your sister is marrying into this
family. We are starting a relationship here! The
Princess' sons and The chief's children are
supposed to be like your brothers and sisters!
why did you sleep with that girl? There are so
many girls in Johannasbury why didn't you
Priscella: I just want to know what is wrong with
EJ. I thought he was doing so well. I don't know
why he likes drama!
Priscella looked at him
Priscella: What is wrong with you?
Elton: Do you really wanna know what is wrong
with me !?
Elton snapped..
Priscella: Please ! I have been trying to figure it
out for a long time now. What the hell is wrong
with yo.....?
Elton: I miss Tasha!!!
They all looked shocked to hear him say that
Elton: I am still in love with Tasha now judge
She looked at Priscella then at his mother
Elton: Come on judge me !
Elton: Do you think i am happy really ? How can
i be happy when i am still in love with a girl who
drugged me ?
Ms Refilwe had her hands on her mouth. All of
them including Sonia got teary when they saw
EJ cry. Elton sat on the rug
Elton: I tried to forget her. I blocked her
everywhere. She keeps sending me voice
messages. I listen to them and get tempted to
text her
Priscella looked at her mother
Elton: Tasha is the only girl I love and want to be
Refilwe: Son she drugged you!
Elton: You think i don't know that mom? I can't
help how I feel
Priscella: You have to forget her
Elton shook his head no
Elton: I said I love her how can i forget her ?
Sonia: Elton Tasha slept with both your sisters'
exes. She slept with Brendan. She slept with
Hungani. How dp you think it's gonna be like
when we are all in the room? We used to
hangout with you guys but that didn't stop her
from doing what she did. You know we were
fond of her. I can't feel the way I did about her
now. I can't like her after what she did
Priscella: Tasha will never set her foot in my
house I don't care if they get back together or
Priscella went on her knees. She sat in front of
Priscella: You know I love you and i want the
best for you but this is messed up. Elton that girl
proved to us that she'd do anything to be
famous. She can't be trusted. We can't welcome
her in our house you know I always told you
that we can't bring people we don't trust into
our home. Not all of them they come for good
reasons. They always have an agenda. Tasha is
one of those people! I don't like her. She drugged
my brother
Refilwe: Son please do me a favour. Don't text
that girl. Let's continue with this conversation
when we get home. We can't talk about this
here. I feel like you and that girl need to meet
and talk. Do you promise me you won't text her
Elton: Yes ma'am
Refilwe: Let's get ready to go to the beach. Let's
not ruin this day for us okay ?
Priscella stood up then looked at Sonia
Priscella: Let's go friend
They walked out and closed the door leaving Ms
Refilwe and Elton inside. They were walking to
Sonia's room
Sonia: What do you think about this Tasha thing
Priscella: You said she was coming to the will
reading ?
Sonia: Yes i called her last night
Priscella stopped walking.
Priscella: I want you to tell that girl to leave my
brother the hell alone
Sonia: That's the first thing I will say when i see

< Nontorotyi >
This is it for me. I am not getting away with this
one. I have done it all but this. I don't see myself
walking out victorious. I have done things and
my husband forgave them but this. This tops
them all. I got away with a lot. I don't see him
standing up for me after this. You know I always
believe everything Zinyovile says but there's
always this little voice in my head that believes
it won't happen. I always think She is just trying
to scare me. I did believe her when she said the
truth will come out but I didn't think it was
gonna come out like this. How can things go
wrong like this at the same time? How i be
humiliated like that. I couldn't look at my
husband. When i finally laid my eyes at him I
wished I didn't. The man I saw was not my
husband. He looked like he wanted to eat me
alive. I saw how disappointed he was. This man
has been there for me so many times when
everyone had given up on me. He stood by me.
How could I do this to him. How can i lie to such
a good man. How am i going to explain all this to
him. How am I going to look at him in the eye
and tell him why I lied to him ?
My life is upside down. The reason I ran was
because i wanted to be there for my daughter.
She just got humiliated by that spoilt brat. He
made her feel like she was nothing. I was there. I
watched my baby being told that she was
nothing. I had to run find her. I also had to
leave. I have no answers for my husband. I
wanted to get to her before Hlohlesakhe sees
her. I cannot let him tell my daughter he is not
her father. I would rather tell her myself. I can't
let him tell my daughter that. I need to make
sure I tell her before he does. When he comes
back the only thing i have to deal with are the
questions he will have for me. Everything i
worked so hard for will be taken away from me.
When I got married to this family. He was
advised to make me sign Pre-nup If This man
bans me. I am leaving only with the underwear I
am wearing. I am going to lose my family, My
house and my husband. I need the strength to
tell my daughter this. I hope she will understand
why i did what I did. If i told my husband I
wasn't carrying his child I was gonna lose him
or if he didn't want to lose me he was gonna ask
me to leave my child at home. My baby was not
gonna have the opportunities she has now. I just
hope they are not going to take everything from
my daughter. She is a victim in all this. I am the
one who should be punished but do I want to
punished though? I just wish my husband could
forgive me and understand why I did what I did.
Amyway I had my dress up on my knees
running to my house. I have to get there and
finish explaining to Ngejiwe before her father
arrives. I feel like I deserve a moment alone
with my daughter. I need to tell her why I never
told her she wasn't my husband's daughter. All i
am thinking about now is what those two evil
women are saying to my husband. I am sure
they will ask him to kick me out. They hate me
and he listens to them.
I got to my house. I opened the gate I walked in.
I left it opened then attempted to run to the
house. I saw Zinyovile standing infront of me
with her hand up stopping me.
Me: Move I need to talk to my daughter! My
husband is coming. I have to be the one telling
her about her father !
Zinyovile: You need to calm down!
Me: How can i calm down. My daughter needs to
know the truth from me. She didn't see what
others saw. She is clueless and her step father is
coming. He will make sure he humiliates me to
my daughter
I threw myself on the green grass outside.
Zinyovile: What is it?
I looked at her. She is still asking what is It? She
knows what the hell is going on. My husband
knows he raised a bastard child. Is there any
other way to react when you know you're in
trouble ?
Me: I just called him her step father. Oh My God.
I believed in my own lie for so long now it's
strange to call him what he actually is to her
I cried hard putting my hand on my mouth. It is
finally sinking in that I am in trouble. I never
thought this day would come. Yes i believe the
things Zinyovile say to me but I always have a
side that says maybe things would change.
Maybe her visions are not correct.
Zinyovile: That's who he is. He is her step fa.....
Me: Don't say it !
I stood up. I looked at the door. I attempted to
run to the front door, I felt Zinyovile grab my
wrist. I turned around and looked at her
Zinyovile: Where are you going ?
Me: I am going to tell my daughter the man she
thought was her father is not her fath....
Zinyovile: Nontorotyi I said the ancestors will
prevent the truth from coming out!
I yanked my arm
Me: Which was a lie! It is out! My husband is
going to come here and...
Zinyovile: Ban you from Sdabadabeni village !
I looked at her. I put my hands on my mouth
Me: What ?
Zinyovile: Your husband is coming back to ban
you from this village. Don't you dare make the
biggest mistake of your life and tell your
daughter this! That man is not going to tell your
daughter nothing!
I looked at Royal house
Me: I am going to leave all this and go live at
Thaleni? I don't belong there anymore
I felt Zinyovile tap my shoulder from behind
Zinyovile: Till we meet again
I quickly turned around
Me: Wait.........
She did what she always does. Oh my God. I
cannot believe this. I cannot believe I am going
to be banned. I never thought this day would
come. Sometimes I did the things i did because i
knew how much he loves me and I knew he had
my back but now that I betrayed him. I never
thought my betrayal would kill all the love he
has for me.

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
I am really grateful to Refilwe for her
Helicopter. The ancestors wanted things done
quickly. After I called my cousin sister last night.
I had to call our family in Port Elizabeth then I
called the Ndegana uncles and told them about
their journey to Port Elizabeth. They were very
excited when i told them they will fly. They are
very excited. I hope everything goes well in PE. I
want them to bring my sister here today. I am
really sad Nontorotyi is leaving. I know
everything will look like Nomakhosazana had to
get rid of her so that she could bring her cousin
sister. How was I supposed to know that
Nontorotyi is gonna do that? She ruined her own
life and i had nothing to do with it. I am sad she
is going to be banned. I know she doesn't like me
and i am sure she thinks I am jumping with jog
but I am nothing like her. Unlike her I always
think about the outcome of every decision is
make which is something she never thinks of
hence the mess she keeps causing. I am thinking
about the poor children. What is going to
happen to them. I always wanted to ban that
woman but I stopped myself because i was
thinking of them. My brother in law's mind is
made up and there is nothing I can do. He is
getting rid of her. I can't speak him out of it
because i won't be the one living with someone
who lied to me for 22years. I cannot be selfish. I
don't know the pain my brother in law must be
going through. At that meeting I could see he
was happy about the plan of Elton being with
Ngejiwe. I know he is an opportunist. I don't
know why they always running after what i
have. First it was the family business which is
mine in a way. They wanted shares I gave them.
Now my son fell in love with a rich woman now
they want a piece of that. I don't know why they
can't appreciate what they have. I never pushed
my son to be with Priscella. I didn't know
Priscella. It just happened. Did Nontorotyi really
think because she want them to be together She
will just switch on a button then boom they are
in love? She is such a fool and i cannot believe
Ngejiwe keeps falling for her mother's
manipulations. I am so ashamed to be Princess
Ngejiwe's mentor. That girl should follow my
example not her mother. She knows that woman
is no good. I understand that woman is her
mother but she should know better. she is going
to be a lawyer soon. She doesn't think like an
adult at all. I am afraid Elton was right. She is
Anyway enough about my brother in law's
family. Let me talk about mine and make sure it
stays drama free. Refilwe and the kids went to
the beach. I am left with my sister in law. When
i say I want to make sure there is peace in my
house I meant Bhalisile. That man was assaulted
by my brother in law. He works for me and i feel
like it is my duty as the leader of this family to
go and apologise for the chief. My sister in law
and I are walking to him. He saw us, he stood
up. He took off his hat.
Bhalisile: My Queen and My Princess please
forgive me. I didn't mea.....
Me: Bhalisile we are the ones who should
apologise to you
He looked at me..
Him: Your highness?
Me: One of us assualted you. On behalf of him
We are really sorry
Him: No my Queen i understand. He was upset.
It's not easy to accept that a child you thought
was yours all these years is not and a servant is
her father
Nomagampompo: My brother is not a violant
person Bhalisile. When he is calm he will come
and apologise to you
Bhalisile: I completely understand how he must
be feeling. I don't expect him to apologise
Nomagampompo: That is very nice of you
Bhalisile anyway We wanted to say that
Bhalisile: Thank you my Princess
Nomagampompo: You're welcome .... There is
another thing
She looked at me. I looked At Bhalisile
Me: I know this might sound unfair to you
I looked at Princess Nomagampompo
Nomagampompo: But it has to be done for the
sake of the girl's well being
She looked at me.
Me: Bhalisile the girl cannot know you're her
father. The chief agreed that we cannot tell her
and we think that is best for her right now
Bhalisile: It would be nice for my daughter to
know me but the situation is very sensitive and
it could ruin her
Nomagampompo: Exactly!
Me: And The chief is going to confront his wife.
You know Nontorotyi. She will turn him against
us. That is why we want you to deny everything
if she tells her husband we knew all along
Bhalisile: You can relax my Queen. The only
person who knew was me and Nontorityi no one
Nomagampompo: Good
Me: Thank you so much Bhalisile That was all
Bhalisile bowed. I looked at Sister in law. We
walked away. I saw Notiniphu walking out with
my handbag
Me: Thank you Nontiniphi
Nontiniphi: Here are your gloves and sunglass
my Queen
Me: Thank you
She bowed then walked away. I put them in my
Nomagampompo: My Queen you cannot go
there alone I am worried. That woman is evil!
let me go with you !
Me: Don't worry Sisi. You have to stay here at
home. Remember tomorrow night I need the
financial report of the project
Nomagampompo: Oh
Me: You need to start working on that and let me
deal with Nomfunzelo
She came to me. She hugged me
Nomagampompo: Good luck My Queen
I put my hand on her back
Me: Say all the best. I do not need luck
She broke the hug
Nomagampompo: I am scared
I put my hand on her shoulder. I smiled at her. I
didn't say anything I turned around and walked
to my car. Siqalo opened the door. I heard
footsteps running to me.
Nomagampompo: At least go with a chauffeur!
I shook my head then turned around
Me: Sisi, Nomfunzelo's plan is to kill me and
probably dump at MDUMBI river or something.
how is she gonna do that with a chauffeur
waiting for me outside ?
Nomagampompo: Please don't say that
Me: I will be careful
I smiled then turned around and lost the smile. I
attempted to walk to my car. I saw Gedleza
running in. I exhaled I don't want to hear this. I
walked fast to my car
Me: What is it Gedleza!
Gedleza: My Queen you cannot go! Someone is
going to die there! it's not clear who so to be safe
you can't go !
Me: You say what ?
Gledleza: Someone is going to die !
I got in my car. I sat at driver's seat. I looked at
Me: Well it's not me!
Gedleza: But my Q......
I slammed the door hard. He touched my
window and starter knocking
Gedleza: My Queen please don.........
I stepped hard on the accelerator then sped off.
Nomfunzelo has been waiting for me
impatiently. I focused on the road
Me: I cannot miss this for the world




< Tasha >
I am so happy to know that I am in Brendan's
will. Can it be tomorrow already? I need to find
out what he left me. I cannot wait I just cannot
help myself. I am excited. I want to scream and
shout. I feel bad that I didn't go to his funeral. I
really feel bad. I hope he will forgive me. I didn't
mean to disrespect him and his memory like
that. I know when Laila asked me how I felt
about his funeral I snapped. I feel bad for that
and that is why I am doing this. I decided to light
candles and put them on the dresser infront of
his picture. I don't have a photo what I did was
just put it in my laptop screen. I will talk to him.
It's too late to go to Zimbabwe now. This is the
least I can do for him. I just hope he will
appreciate the way I pay my last respect to him.
He was such a generous man. He deserves more
than what I am planning to do for him.
Anyway I sat on the chair. I looked at his picture.
Me: Brendan it's me........
I paused for a few seconds.
Me: I know what I did was wrong, I shouldn't
have left you alone in the hotel room when i
found out about your sexuality. I should've
stayed and confronted you
I exhaled.
Me: Maybe talking to you would've at least made
you feel less scared to face people. Why did i
leave you like that when you needed me?
I never thought I would shed a tear for him but
this moment is just too emotional for me. I never
thought our relationship meant something to
him. I am really grateful in advance for
everything he left me.
Me: I am such a bad person. I am sorry please
forgive me. I didn't go to your funeral because i
was scared of your family. You spent your last
night on this earth with me. What if your wife
told them that? I got scared. I couldn't go to
another country please forgive me. I hope you
I felt uneasy like someone was looking at me. I
turned around and looked at the door. I stood up
and wiped my tears .
Me: Laila you just disturbed me !
Laila: Are you really crying for the same man
you said you didn't care for ?
I wiped my tears embarrassed
Me: I just realised he loved me. I mean he left
me something
Laila: So you feel sorry for him ?
I looked at her. She is making fun of me and i
don't like that.
Me: What do you want in my room leave !!!
Laila: I just came to tell you Ej says he is ready to
talk when he comes back from Eastern Cape
Me: What ?
Laila walked away. I turned around and looked
behind me. I ran to the candles. I switched them
off. I looked at Brendan on the screen. I closed
my laptop. I ran out
I swear if Laila is lying I am going to kill her. She
doesn't know me at all. I am going to show her.
She better not be lying. I love that man. I am
prepared to give him my all. I found her at living
Me: Please tell me you're not joking
She stood up.
Laila: I really hope i won't regret this Tasha. I
kept nagging him about you. Now Seeing you
crying for a dead man because he left you
something? I mean a man you didn't even care
for! This shows material things matter more to
you !
Me: That's not fair. You make me look like a gold
digger now
Laila: Do you blame me ?
Me: You know I love him. You said it in the
morning. You said you believed me what
happened now?
Laila: Just now i saw you crying for a man, A
man you said you didn't give a Damn about this
morning. How can i trust you ?
I took her phone more like snatching it off her
hand. I went to WhatsApp she was shaking her
head. I saw their chats. I looked at Laila I hugged
Me: Oh My God friend
She broke the hug..
Laila: Remember he wants to talk. He is going to
confront you for what you did to him. I think if I
were you I would be more nervous than excited
My eyes widened. She is right. It won't be hi I
missed you and I love you. He is going to look at
me. Maybe he might be disgusted. Oh God just
by thinking about it I started panicking. I felt a
tear escape my eye
Laila: Yep. This is not just a reunion. This is a
confrontation. I hope you won't ruin things for
Me: I am going to take full responsibility for my
actions. I will tell him I hate myself for what I
did to him
Laila: Don't be too much he might not believe
anything you say. Just go there and listen to
what he says and answer his questions. I just
pray he doesn't call his entire family on you. I
hope you will meet alone without them because
if you meet the entire family girl.....
She said down
Laila: They will eat you alive. Priscella is very
nice but when she is nasty she gets very nasty
Me: She and I we were getting along. I
remember the last chat I had with her at the
Laila: And how about your last encounter at
Hungani's home ?
I put both my hands on my mouth. Tears
streamed down my cheeks
Me: I was so bitchy. The things I said about EJ.
She might mentioned them
Laila: Hey good luck friend
I sat down. I looked at Laila.
Me: I don't think this talk is about getting back
together. I mean if it was.....
I stood up I took my phone. I looked at my
Me: He would've unblocked me already. He still
hates me. I think you're right. They are going
roast me
Laila: It is time to face the music don't you think
? so that everyone can move on ?
Laila: It is for the best. At least you will leave
there knowing where you stand. You can't stay
here hopeful that He will forgive you. You need
to move on with your life. If it's not happening
then focus on your career. Love will find you
along the way
Me: You're right Laila. I need to go there. I need
to know if we are going to be together or I am a
disgusting human being to him. I need to move
on and I can't if we don't talk
Laila: Exactly
I hope this is not the end for us though. I love
this man. I love him so much. I don't know how I
will answer for the things I said to Priscella
about her and her brother.

< Narrated >
At Coffee Bay beach. It looks like they just got
out of the water. They all looked wet and dirty
with sand. We see Priscella sitting with Sonia.
Ms Refilwe walking with Masixole talking. From
a distance Elton, Prince Nomgcwabe, Prince
Phonqa and Algebra were standing talking.
Elton was talking to them about what happened
At Royal house.
Elton: Well that's what happened boys that is
why I was apologising to the Queen
Algebra: Wow i thought she had genuine
feelings for you
Elton shook his head.
Nomgcwabe: I think she did. I think she also
wanted this because she knew you're royalty
and rich which was gonna make uncle more
understanding. I don't know I feel like Every
time she gets advise from aunt Nontorotyi
everything goes wrong
Algebra: It's sad she was looking forward to
coming to the beach
Elton: She did this to herself. She was using me
after I confronted her for betraying the king and
my sis she continued with this crazy plan. I don't
understand her anyway guys let me go speak to
mom and the king
Algebra: Okay
Elton ran to Ms Refilwe who was walking with
king Zwelicacile. They were talking. Behind
Elton left Prince Nomgcwabe, Prince Phonqa
and Algebra
Phonqa: Let's walk
He said smiling and looking at both Algebra and
Prince Nomgcwabe. Algebra looked at Prince
Nomgcwabe then walked. They all walked
Phonqa: So Geo.... Algebra what music do you
listen to?
Algebra: I listen to hip hop and a bit of rnb
Phonqa: Prince Nomgcwabe loves Rnb and Hip
hop as well
Algebra looked at Nomgcwabe they were both
Phonqa: How about food?
Algebra: Well I don't really have a favorite. I am
hardly home. When i was in varsity I always had
pizza I enjoy pizza
Phonqa: Wow another tick. My brother take
pictures for instagram eating pizza. another
thing you have in common yay!
Prince Nomgcwabe pulled Phonqa aside, He
looked upset.
Nomgcwabe: What are you doing?
Phonqa shrugged his shoulders.
Phonqa: Nothing. Just getting to know Geometry
Nomgcwabe: I heard you're the one who told the
elders about Ngejiwe and EJ. I hope you won't
spread lies about me! there is nothing going on !
Prince Nomgcwabe looked around then at his
Nomgcwabe: There is nothing going on! I am not
Gay !
Phonqa: But they'd find that picture story very
Prince Nomgcwabe put his hand on his
forehead. He looked frustrated.
Nomgcwabe: What do you want Phonqa ?
Phonqa smiled at him .
Nomgcwabe: Speak!
Phonqa: 1Gig data every month take it or leave it
Nomgcwabe kicked the sand pissed off
Nomgcwabe: Damn It boy !
Phonqa: Do we have a deal?
Nomgcwabe: Fine. You will get your 1G month
end !
Prince Nomgcwabe walked away
Phonqa: Brother
Nomgcwabe turned around
Phonqa: Starting from right now then another
one month end
Prince Nomgcwabe gave him deathstare
Phonqa: Be nice
Nomgcwabe took out his phone. He was on it for
about 3 minutes. Phonqa's phone beeped. He
looked at it then his eyes popped out. He looked
at his brother
Phonqa: We won't have this conversation again.
Nice doing business with you my Prince. Let's
shake on it
He said extending his hand. Nomgcwabe looked
at it he just walked away.
Phonqa: Yes!
Phonqa started dancing looking at his data

At a distance we see Priscella sitting down with
Sonia watching the Weaves
Priscella: This is beautiful People who live here
are very lucky
Sonia: That's why Brenda..... You know what I
don't want to talk about that man!
Priscella: You were married to him his name
will always come up
Sonia looked away
Sonia: We always travelled whenever they were
on a break on his show
Priscella smiled
Priscella: I remember those days. You'd not
come to work on Friday because you're going to
Cape Town, Durban or PE
Sonia: That man knew how to pretend. I can't
pretend for a second to get someone out of my
hair. That man was planning to pretend for
years because i know for sure he didn't want to
spend the rest of his life with me
Priscella: Yeah. He wanted to have a certain
amount of millions then divorce you what a
Sonia shook her head then laughed.
Sonia: I thank him for that. Look now. All those
years he worked for me. He left all that money
to me
Priscella: Friend we took that money. If you
were not smart he would've left you with
nothing. Imagine those years you wasted with
Sonia: I am glad we blackmailed him and I am
impressed with how smart we were. We didn't
get caught at all
Priscella: Yeah. Anyway how does your Monday
look like. We are leaving at 6am we will get to
Johannesburg at 9am and I will go straight to
Sonia: I want to go straight to work as well then
later at 11am I will go to my house and wait for
the will reading
Priscella: Great then
Sonia: Is Masixole coming with us ?
Priscella looked at him while he is walking with
Ms Refilwe. She smiled.
Priscella: He is going to stay behind for a few
days. I think he is going back to Jozi Thursday. I
want him to spend more time with me now and
spend more time here when he is ordained
Sonia: I am excited for your wedding ! Do you
know who is going to be your wedding planner
yet ?
Priscella: I don't know. My mother in law
offered to find me someone. I don't think
someone from here would work magic. I want to
give them magic
Sonia: I cannot wait
Priscella: In the morning I will work then at
11:30 I think I have a meeting in town then after
that I will look for the best wedding planner
Priscella looked sad
Priscella: It won't be easy though
Sonia: Why is that ?
Priscella: Planning a wedding in another
province when the wedding is gonna be in
Sonia: I guess that's the sacrifice for being a
royal wife?
Priscella looked at Sonia. She smiled
Sonia: But I wouldn't change it for nothing. I am
happy to be The Queen and I am marrying the
man i love
Sonia: And that's all that matters friend
Priscella smiling looking at her fiancé

< Elton Junior >
I am really not sure about what I want to do. I
feel like I keep letting my family down. I know
this is a selfish decision. It is not right for me
imagine how mom and my sister must be feeling
but at the end of the day I have to make myself
happy. I am not happy right now. I think about
Tasha. I want her. I need her in my life. I don't
know how it will be like to see her for the first
time. This girl betrayed me. She hurt me so
much and I don't think i will ever forget what
she did. I just want to see how I will feel when i
see her. I really need her in my life. My life is not
right without her. I will keep making these
stupid mistakes because i miss her. I am scared
though i cannot lie. What if I lose it and beat her
? I think the more reason i want to reconcile
with her is because of my trip to Mozambique. I
need to go there with people. I need to invite as
many people as I can. That gets me to why I
think seeing mom and Masixole together is a
perfect time for me to talk to them. They are
here together. I want to remind them about the
trip. I hope they didn't change their minds. With
mom determined to watch my every move. I
hope she will let me go to the trip without her.
Masixole: EJ
Ms Refilwe turned around
Mom: Hey sweety
Me: Hey guys what are you talking about ?
Mom: Grown up stuff ? business ?
Me: Boring
Mom: Your brother in law is going to be a senior
member of the board. He won't work full time
now but he will be there for your sister and the
Me: Wow that's nice. Is that a good thing for him
? If it is congratulations brother in law
I shook his hand
Mom: Yes he will get paid and he will help a lot
even though he will spend more time here
Me: Nice
Masixole: I don't think you came here to listen to
us bore you with business though?
I cleared my throat laughing.
Me: You know me
Mom: What is it boy ?
I looked at them.
Me: I know I messed up and i hope what I did
with drugs didn't make you cancel my trip
Mom looked at Masixole. No don't tell me they
did ?
Mom: Masixole?
He looked at me.
Him: You're still on
Me: Yes!!!
I hugged him. I hugged mom
Me: Thank you guys I was worried
Masixole: Have you invited people yet ?
Me: Yeah but not so many people have
passports. I was thinking. How about I get
something from this trip. I will ask them to pay
R500 each
Mom: That's a mind of a business man. You
sound like your dad now
Masixole: I rented a house for you guys so it's
only fair they pay you. Food is paid for, A bus to
travel and tour guide who is going to be waiting
for you there
Mom: Wow that's great. Son no drugs okay !
Me: No drugs mom i promise
Mom: GooD
My phone rang. I looked at it
Me: Excuse me
I walked away answering. It's my producer
Me: What's up?
Producer: So we are on ?
Me: Sure come around 4 to 5pm. My family will
be at work all day tomorrow so I think it's best
we shoot in the afternoon after work
Producer: You're a star EJ. Your episode had
more Viewers than your co stars episodes. I am
sure they will love this one too
Me: I hope so too man
Producer: Sure boss
Me: Ola
I hung up mom looked at me.
Mom: Who was that ?
Me: The producer mom. I am shooting
tomorrow again
Mom: Okay Mr Reality star
I need to pick myself up. I need to show
everyone that nothing broke me. I am still
strong. I know that i took drugs because i
couldn't take the pain. I hope my family won't be
angry at me for being too forward. They said We
will talk about this when we get home. What did
I do ? I texted Laila and invited Tasha to my
house. I didn't even speak to my family.
< Narrated >
At the royal house. We see The princess all alone
in the palace. She took her laptop. She walked to
the study to start working. In the Kitchen we see
Notiniphu smiling at her phone looking at king
Zwelicacile. She hugged her phone on her chest
then closed her eyes. A tear escaped her eye.
Notiniphu: What are you doing Nontiniphi?
She questioned her actions. We see her look
around. She wiped her tears then put her phone
in her pocket. She took a cloth and started
cleaning the cabinet. Her cell phone rang. She
put the cloth down then took out her phone. She
smiled answering
Nontiniphu: Ma Deliwe ?
Deliwe: What did you do to my boss there. She
got here crying. She is in her room sniffing
Notiniphu ran to the end of the kitchen. She
looked at study then ran back to the kitchen. She
put her phone next to her ear.
Notiniphu: Ma Deliwe the chief knows !
Deliwe: About what ?
Notiniphu: About Ngejiwe's father. And it looks
like Ngejiwe was sleeping with the son of the
Billionaire and it turns out your boss asked her
to because she was hoping they'd get married
Deliwe: Shut up!
Notiniphu: The boy says it was sex nothing
Deliwe: What happened to Velezantsi? Why did
this girl cheat on that good boy ?
Notiniphu put her hand on her mouth
Notiniphu: What!?
Nootiniphu looked upset. I wonder why
Deliwe: You didn't know they were dating ?
Notiniphu: No! Ma Deliwe I will call you back!
Deliwe: Before you hung up! I wanted to tell you
Bhotsotso got the pill. He is on his way
Nootiniphu: Thank God
Ma Deliwe hung up. Notiniphu dialled another
number. The phone rang. It rang unanswered
then sent her to voicemail.

On the road. We see a black SUV driving away. It
was the Queen crossing the MDUMBI river. She
is driving to Hlalwini at Nomaxabiso's village.
She is like thirty minutes away from Zidenge
family home. She was listening to Gospel music.
She didn't look like someone who is going to the
situation She is going to. She looked calm. She
had her gloves on Maybe when she said she
wore gloves to prevent Gems she was telling the
truth because it's a sunny day. There is no need
to wear gloves. We see her look for her phone.
She smiled then took it. She dialled a number.
She was calling Nomahelele..
Nomahelele: Cuz
Nomakhosazana: Are you excited?
Nomahelele: I just read the message you sent
me. I can't believe the things S'ntoro-ntoro did. I
feel like I have a lot to do to teach my sister wife
how to be a decent royal wife
The Queen laughed
Nomakhosazana: Well it looks like that won't
happen now that she is leaving
Nomahelele: Our husband was hush though
Anyway enough about that. Cuz I hope you're
armed. Don't you dare go there without a
weapon. Remember that woman tried to poison
you the first time and failed. She might have
new trick up her sleeve.
Nomakhosazana: I have my gun with me. I am
not willing to use it though. I just hope she really
wanna talk. I would hate to kill her you know?
Nomahelele: Don't go there with that mentality!
remember she'd die to make sure you're dead so
don't be kind. You're Dlungane! We always win!
Me: How many times May got caught cuz?
Nomahelele: I don't want to talk about May! let
me go your family just arrived !
Me: You And May need to.....
Nomahelele: Forget about each other! ...... ( tu tu
tu tu tu)
Nomahelele hung up. She sounded upset. The
Queen exhaled. She looked infront of her. She
looked surprised
Nomakhosazana: I am here already?
The Queen drove in. The gate was open. She
parked her car at driveway. She took out her
gun. She was wearing a skirt and a blouse. She
tried to put her gun in her waist
Nomakhosazana: No!
She put it back in her handbag. She left the hand
bag unzipped. She took off gloves then walked
out of the car. She walked to the door with her
hand locking the car with a key. She knocked
then moved away. After about 30 seconds the
door opened.
Nomfunzelo: Queen Nomakhosazana come on in
Nomakhosazana: Thank you very much!
Nomfunzelo: Oh my GoD! look at that skirt
you're stunning. I want you to take me shopping
when we are both free
Nomakhosazana walked in. Nomfunzelo closed
the door Praising the Queen and throwing
around compliments
Nomfunzelo: Please make yourself at home. I
want us to enjoy today anything to drink?
The Queen smiled. She looked at Nomfunzelo
Nomakhosazana: How about my favorite wine?
Nomfunzelo: Oh silly me! of course. I mean how
can i forget?
Nomakhosazana: Hihihihi
The Queen giggled till Nomfunzelo disappeared
in the Kitchen. When she finally did. The Queen
lost her smile. She looked into thin air fuming
with anger
Nomakhosazana: Bitch

< Hlohlesakhe >
I have been supporting this woman. I have been
making excuses for her ever since i married her.
I let her disrespect my family. People I trust so
much with my life. My brother's wife is younger
than me but I trust her and respect her because
of the responsibility she was given by this
family. She is the Queen UNDLUNKULU of this
family. She deserves to be respected by
everyone from Sdabadabeni, Ntsimbini to
Ntshilini. Everyone respects her but she doesn't
get the respect she deserves from my wife. She
shed a tear when i said i am banning her. Would
my wife shed a tear If the Queen was getting
kicked out of this family? No, She would
celebrate that. She tried getting rid of her. She
went as far as trying to kill her. The Queen
didn't ban her. She has the authority to do it but
she didn't do it. She thought punishment was
enough that is why she beat my wife but that
didn't stop my wife. That didn't stop her from
messing up. She kept causing trouble for our
family. What is wrong with her. Why Nontorotyi
keeps hurting me? I have been nothing but a
good husband to her. Why she never told me she
was pregnant? This woman was honest when I
met her. She said she was dating another guy
but she was leaving him for me because she
loved me. I was happy because I loved her. I let
her make that selfish decision because of the
love I have for her. Why didn't she tell me the
little important detail? Why didn't she tell me
She was pregnant with his child ? All along I
thought Ngejiwe was my daughter. I always saw
myseif in her. I believed she was mine. Her
strong personality and good heart I thought she
got it from me. I didn't think she got all that
from Bhalisile. Nontorotyi has nothing good in
her. She is evil and a lying disgusting woman. I
am ashamed to call her my wife. I am ashamed I
am pushed to do what I am about to do. I am
ashamed the village might find out we are
separated. I don't know what I did to deserve
this. The thought of not being a father to all my
kids scares me. I hope my little girls are mine. I
really do. I cannot begin to describe the situation
my wife put me in. How am i going to look at
Ngejiwe after this? I am not worried that
Nontorotyi might tell her. I know how selfish
that woman is. She didn't tell her I know that for
a fact.
Anyway when I left the royal house I left with
The Queen's Chauffeur. I need to get the girls out
of the house ASAP. I can't do this with them
there. I don't know how will this go but I am
doing it. Finally I am doing what I should've
done a long time ago. I am doing the right thing.
What should been done. Anyway I was at the
door. I breath in and out. I opened the door.
Nontorotyi: My love
I looked at my little girls, they are sitting on the
Me: Girls the driver is here. He is taking you
wherever you wanna go daddy will give you
I took out my wallet. They jumped up
Notumata: We want to go to town and buy nice
Nontwana: Daddy I want to do my hair. Can he
take us to two?
Me: Of course baby Here
I saw Nontorotyi smiling at them looking
nervous. She knows why I am doing this. I gave
her R400 , I also gave her sister R400
Me: Go do your hair
They ran out. I turned and watched them get in
a car. The driver got to the driver seat. He drove
out. I took my phone and called him.
Driver: My chief
Me: They want to go to town. Make sure you
take them to the salon I don't want you to lose
my children
I heard Nontorotyi sniffing behind me.
Driver: Okay my chief.
I hung up
I turned around
Maybe this could have worked a long time ago
but it won't work right now. My wife is on her
knees. Her hands are joined together. I am not
going to fall for this. She lied to me.
Nontorotyi: You're a better parent than I am. I
am watching how you spoke to the kids. My
husband you love them in a way I would......
Me: Get up !
I snapped..
Nontorotyi: Please don't ban me my love please
don't do it. I swear i will accept The hurricane
Me: The what? What are you talking about?
Nontorotyi: I am going to love your second wife.
I am willing to love and cherish her. I am going
to be the best sister wife of all sister wives !
She stood up. She ran to tv. She changed the tv
channel to TLC. She changed it again to Life
Nontorotyi: See? I have been watching the Sister
wives. I an practising to be the bes....
I furiously went to the Tv. I disconnected it!
I looked at the kitchen. Deliwe quickily looked
Me: Get out of my house Deliwe ! I am giving
you a day off !!!
Deliwe took off her apron. She ran to her
Deliwe: Remain behind with the Lord my Queen
and My chief
She looked at the door
Deliwe: Okay i am gone
She ran out. She closed the door. I turned
around with Nontorotyi in my face. I pushed her
she fell on the couch
Me: You lied to me!!!
She was lying on the double couch covering her
face. She thinks I would lay my hand at her? She
doesn't know me at all.
Me: You made me believe Ngejiwe was my child!
How could you do that?
Nontorotyi: She is your chil.....
I grabbed her dress from her chest. I pulled her
she stood up. I looked at her face
Me: Don't patronize me woman!!!
I said pointing a finger at her. She had her hands
in the air
Nontorotyi: Forgive me my love! Forgive me my
Me: Why didn't you tell me she wasn't mine?
Nontorotyi: I was scared. I feared that you
wouldn't want me besides. When found out how
far I was we were already married traditionally
The front door opened. I let go of her. I looked
away and wiped my tears. Siqalo walked in. I
asked him to come when he sees my car gone.
Siqalo: I am sorry my Chief I heard the shou......
Me: Siqalo go to the bedroom and pack all her
Nontorotyi went down on her knees. She hugged
my legs
Nontorotyi: No baby no!!
I looked at Siqalo. I took the t.v. remote from the
coffee table, I threw at him
Me: You're still standing there!!!
Siqalo: Forgive me my Chief
He ran to the bedroom
Me: The travel bags are on top of our wardrobes
empty put everything that belongs to this
disgraceful woman in those suitcases
Nontorotyi: My love. My soulmate. My
everything. My life. My rib Please baby I am
nothing without you
Me: Take your dirty hands off me now woman!!!
She shook her head no.
Nontorotyi: No! I can't. I can't breathe without
you. Baby you give me oxygen
I pushed her. She fell on her Back. I walked
away. I turned around.
Me: Nontorotyi Dimbaza I am banning you from
this village! I want you out of this house when i
come back! You dare call any of my children and
tell them I banned you......
I started breathing hard
Me: You're a dead woman
I walked to The door. I turned around
Me: When i say my children, I also include the
one that is fathered by the royal servant!
She cried so hard with both her hands on her
mouth. I am sick and tired of this evil woman.
We are done. She and I are over.




< Princess Ngejiwe >
I have been told My whole life that my future is
going to be planned by my family. Right now I
want to change all that. I want to do things my
way. I don't care if they think I don't behave like
a princess. I am not living in the past here. I am
going to show them those days are over. Right
now I have my future planned by me. You don't
know how great that feels. I spoke to Velezantsi
and he is willing to stand up and show my father
that he loves me and he wants to be with me. I
am tired of being scared and behaving like I am
ashamed of my boyfriend. I got caught up in a
drama with EJ because of the fear I had. I was
scared that they won't be happy that I am not a
virgin anymore. Right now they know and I feel
like this is my opportunity to speak to my father.
As much as my plan blew up in my face, I feel
like I had to do that so I could be free and have
courage to tell my family that I don't want to
follow the family tradition, I want to follow my
heart. When I left Velezantsi he said he was
gonna tell his mother so that she could speak to
his uncles and ask them to come apologise and
pay damages. I asked them to come tomorrow. I
want to speak to my family first. I don't want
them to come while My father is still angry. I am
very sure he is livid right now.
Anyway I just got home. There is no one here
even Ma Deliwe. What is going on? Where could
my mother be ? And my sisters? I hope my
mother not is at the royal house. I don't think
they are happy with her right now. My mother
can't be in a place she is not comfortable to be
and I know she won't embarrass herself. I am
sure she is not there. Anyway I took out my
phone and called Ma Deliwe
Deliwe: Ngeji
Me: Where are you and my sisters?
Deliwe: I don't know about your sisters. I left
them there with your mother and the chief. The
chief gave me a day off. I am at My house now
Me: Oh okay. I wonder where they went to ?
Deliwe: I would be lying if I said I knew my dear
Me: Okay Ma Deliwe
I hung up. I dialled my mother's number. Her
phone rang. She answered in third ring
Mom: Baby I am so sorry. I wa....I am
Me: Mom it was not your fault. Where are you
guys there is no one at home
Mom: Your sisters went to Ngqeleni to do their
I heard the front door open. I quickly hung up. It
is my dad. I was looking at him nervous
He walked in. He closed the door then headed to
the to the study
Me: Daddy !
He stopped walking. He didn't turn around. Oh
my God he is angry with me. I can just tell. My
father can't even look at me.
Me: Dad I am sorry for not telling you that I am
no longer pure. I know you expected me to stay
pure till I get married. I didn't mean to......
He turned around. He looked at me.
Dad: Don't worry about it. You wouldn't
understand the royalty ways and I don't expect
you to
He walked away, I quicky followed him. What is
going on? Why is he saying that? Does this mean
he doesn't see me as his daughter anymore
because of what I did?
Me: What do you mean I wouldn't understand it
daddy? I do understand. I apologise that I didn't
follow what you guys expected of me
Dad turned around. He looked at me
Dad: Like i said you wouldn't understand our
ways Ngejiwe
Ngejiwe: What do you mean by that daddy ?
Dad: Your mother doesn't understand or follow
our ways. Why would you follow our tradition?
You and I have nothing in common that is why I
am not even angry with you
He opened the door of his study. My heart is
heavy. My father and I have been so close. He
doesn't seem or sound like my dad now. It's like
he is given up on me. Anyway he closed his
door. I opened it then walked in. We are not
done talking. I don't know why he is walking
away from me. I know I disrespected him but
that doesn't mean he should do the same. I
expect him to shout at me. He is just calm but
cross with me I can tell. Right now he is a ticking
time bomb and that worries me.
Me: Daddy I am sorry to barge in like that. I
don't know. I feel like you hate me. I don't feel
like you forgave me for what I did and what you
just said saying you don't expect me to
understand royalty ways it makes me feel like I
am disowned
Dad: I didn't say that did it ?
Ne: No but dad I want you to shout at me. Tell
me you're disappointed in me. I don't like you
like this
This makes me cry. I didn't know how much
damage I caused. When i got here i was
confident that I wanted to live my life but seeing
my father like this just shows how messed up
this situation is. I messed up big time.
Dad: What's the use of shouting, What is done is
done. You don't respect me as the head of this
family. You and your mother don't. what do you
want me to say Ngejiwe?
Me: I respect you daddy
Dad: If you did We wouldn't be having this
conversation and you know it. Ngejiwe leave me
I wanna work
Wow. My father hates me. I can tell he hates me.
One think i expected from him When we see
each other was for him to confront me and ask
me who broke my virginity. He is just not
interested. He doesn't care.
Me: Daddy don't you wanna know who broke
my virginity?
He shook his head no. Tears streamed down my
cheeks that broke my heart.
Me: Daddy he wants to come pay damages. He is
a good man.
Dad: In this family no one pays damages. A girl
stay pure till marriage. I won't let you ruin our
family name with your damages. Tell them to go
pay them at Thaleni where your mom is at. In
the royal house. We don't negotiate damages!
No wonder mom is not here. I hope he didn't
ban her for what she asked me to do. Dad
wouldn't do that to mom would he ?
Me: Mom left ?
Dad: Yes. Your mom decided to leave. After
everything she thought we deserve a break from
each other
Me: You let her go? Is this because you're getting
a new wife. Is that why you let her leave?
Dad looked at me then chuckled. He stood up.
Dad: How dare you speak to me like that? Who
do you think you are! You are sleeping around
with different men before marriage. I don't say
anything now you come to my study and judge
He snapped
Me: I am sorr.......
Dad: Get out of my study! out !!!!
He said shouting getting off his desk. I ran to the
door and walked out. I closed the door. Oh I
made things worse. I don't know why i said that.
How I wish he raised his voice when i wanted
him to. He just doesn't care about my life
anymore. If he cared he would be angry trying
to find Velezantsi but no. He is not even
interested to know my boyfriend. I feel like I
need to stop Velezantsi from telling his family.
My father is not interested in this and i am
afraid if they come he will take out his
frustration on them.

< Narrated >
At the royal house. We see Notiniphu knocking
at the door of the study where Princess
Nomagampompo was busy working. The
princess asked her to come in. Notiniphu walked
in. She closed the door then looked at Princess
Nomagampompo then bowed. .
Nomagampompo: Do you need anything
She smiled at Notiniphu then looked at her
Notiniphu: I wanted to know if my Princess will
need anything. I just cleaned. I want to go to the
shop to buy myself airtime
Princess Nomagampompo looked at her. She
Nomagampompo: Just a glass of water then go
Notiniphu: Okay my Queen
Notiniphu bowed then walked out. She went to
the kitchen. She took a glass and a jug of water.
She put them in a tray then headed to the study.
She knocked once then walked in. The princess
looked up
Nomagampompo: Just put it here i will help
Notiniphu: There you go my Queen
Nomagampompo: Thank you
Notiniphu walked out. She went to the kitchen.
She looked around. She didn't see anything she
has to do. She took out her phone. She looked at
it. We see her thinking. She shook her head then
headed to the front door. She walked out and
closed the door.
Notiniphu: I wonder where did Siqalo go ..... ?
Anyway we see Notiniphu leaving the royal
Premises. She didn't go to the shop direction. She
took another direction. A direction Ngejiwe took
when she ran to her boyfriend. She was walking
fast and she was heading straight to Velezantsi's
home. What might these two be doing together.
When Ma Deliwe told Notiniphu that Ngejiwe
was dating Velezantsi Notiniphu looked upset.
Anyway she got to the door. She formed a fist
then knocked with it. The door opened
Velezantsi: Haybo Notiniphu what are you doing
here ?
Notiniphu walked in
Notiniphu: When were you gonna tell me?
Velezantsi turned around. He looked at her. He
seemed lost.
Velezantsi: Tell you what ?
Notiniphu: Velezantsi you asked me out! two
days ago!
Velezantsi: And you turned me down
Notiniphu: I didn't turn you down. I said there
are very important guests at the royal house and
I will be busy and we were gonna talk about this
when they are gone back to Johannesburg. I said
give me some time. I didn't turn you down!
Velezantsi: Oh so when was I gonna tell you
what ?
Notiniphu: That the girl you said had no time for
you anymore was the princess?
Velezantsi looked down
Notiniphu: Velezantsi I work for the royal house.
I cannot date someone who is dating a royal
princess. How do you think Ngejiwe is gonna
look at me. Why did you ask me out? Did you do
that to get her attention ?
Velezantsi looked at me then looked down again.
Notiniphu: Oh My God so you were doing that to
get her attention? You were using me!
Velezantsi: Ngejiwe and I worked on our
problems. I just got tired of sneaking around.
She just left. She says She is ready to tell her
family about us
Velezantsi sounded and looked excited.
Notiniphu chuckled.
Notiniphu: So you admit that you were using me
Velezantsi: Notiniphu you're a beautiful woman.
I like you but like you said I can't date you when
I am with Princess. You shouldn't be mad at me.
We were not dating yet. I am happy you asked
me to wait at least no one is hurt
Notiniphu looked down. She was upset
breathing heavily. She then smiled looked at
Notiniphu: Did she tell you why she came back
to you so desperate ? I am sure she didn't tell
Velezantsi: Did something happen? oh yes she
told me her father knows she is not a virgin
anymore so I am going to pay for her damages
Notiniphu: That's all she told you?
Velezantsi: Yeah there is more ?
Notiniphu: She didn't tell you what happened
exactly. Ngejiwe was ready to lea...
The door opened " BABY I am bac...... " That was
Ngejiwe walking in, She looked surprised to see
Notiniphu in her boyfriend's house. They both
turned around and looked at Ngejiwe
Velezantsi: Baby
He looked nervous and guilty. Ngejiwe looked at
Ngejiwe: I didn't know you guys knew each
Velezantsi: Babe I.....
Notiniphu stood infront of Velezantsi
Notiniphu: Velezantsi asked me to speak to you
because he was saying you were ignoring him.
So he called and asked me to come now. He just
told me the great news that you guys don't
wanna hide anymore
Ngejiwe walked to Velezantsi smiling. She put
her arms around his waist. Notiniphu rolled her
Ngejiwe: Me and my man we are in love and we
don't wanna hide that any more
Notiniphu: I wonder what changed?
Velezantsi looked down. He knows Notiniphu
knows something and when Ngejiwe came in
She was gonna tell him .
Ngejiwe: I guess I got tired of hiding you know. I
decided to stand up for us. We are not going to
hide anymore and I am so happy we are finally
free ain't you happy baby ?
She said looking at Velezantsi
Velezantsi: I am very happy my baby
Velezantsi looked Notiniphu nervous, Notiniphu
chuckled smiling
Notiniphu: I am so happy for you guys. I am
inspired by your love and how honest you are
with each other
Ngejiwe's eyes popped out. She started thinking
about EJ and felt Guilty. Notiniphu looked at her
Notiniphu: It's inspiring. Let me leave you love
Ngejiwe: Bye Notiniphu
Notiniphu smiled. She looked at the door and
lost her smile. She rolled her eyes walking out
leaving the love birds. Velezantsi looked like his
mind was not there. His eyes were at the door.
He was thinking.
Velezantsi: ....... ?
Ngejiwe: Oh baby
Velezantsi looked at her and faked a smile.
Ngejiwe hugged him
Ngejiwe started sniffing. She was crying.
Velezantsi broke the hug.
Velezantsi: What is wrong?
Ngejiwe walked tp the bed. She sat at the edge of
the bed.
Ngejiwe: Baby My father didn't confront me
about losing my virginity because i ran here. So
when i left here and went home i was ready for
him to confront me but he didn't. I apologised he
said he doesn't expect me to understand their
ways as if I am not one of them. He didn't even
want to know who broke my virginity. It's like
my father don't see me as his daughter any
more. Baby i feel like I messed up really bad. I
broke my father's heart
Velezantsi: I am sorry babe. So do you think He
will agree to speak to my uncle's when they go
Ngejiwe stood up.
Ngejiwe: That is why I am here. I hope you
haven't told your uncles yet ?
Velezantsi: No, did you tell your father i am
going to pay damages ?
Ngejiwe: He said go pay it at Thaleni where my
mother comes from. He said at Royal house they
don't negotiate damages. They only negotiate
Lobola for a pure princess
Velezantsi: I am so sorry. Please forgive me this
is my fault
He hugged her.
Ngejiwe: My fear is that, Even when we want to
get married no one is going to want to be part of
our wedding and Lobola negotiations. I am
nothing to my family now. They don't see any
value in me because i didn't sleep with a rich
Velezantsi hugged her tight
Velezantsi: I am sorry. This is my fault
Ngejiwe was just crying on his chest
Ngejiwe: You didn't force me. I was a willing
participant. I can't believe I went there so
confident only to come back feeling like this
She broke the hug
Ngejiwe: I knew I would get home and my father
was gonna shout at me but he didn't and it hurts
more than how it was gonna be if he shouted at
Velezantsi: Maybe we should've respected your
family tradition. Elders know best look now
you're regretting this and I feel bad for you
Ngejiwe: How am I gonna make things right
Velezantsi pulled her into a hug. She cried in his

< Nontorotyi >
I am sorry my husband has to forgive me on this
one. I cannot go home. I cannot go back to my
family and tell them I am banned from the
village by my husband. I don't want to answer
the question they will ask me. I can't tell them
why I got banned. I really can't. I have been
married to my husband for 22 years. I have
never seen him so angry. I have never seen him
so mad at me the way he is. Hlohlesakhe never
laid a hand at me in my life. Today he dragged
me across the living room. He pushed me I could
see he was tempted to beat me up. Did I really
push my husband to a point of losing who he is ?
Why did i do the things i have done? I have done
a lot of things that I am even confused. I don't
know which one that forced him to ban me from
the village. I think it's because of Ngejiwe. He
really thought she was his. I feel so bad. I
thought when I told him my reasons for not
telling him he was gonna understand but no.
This man doesn't want to understand my
reasons. He hates me. I know what he is doing.
He wants Nomahelele to arrive and take over
my house. That Nomahelele woman slept with
my husband. Hlohlesakhe said he felt nothing
for her. He said I had nothing to worry about. He
said he was hurt about the passing of his
brother and I believed him. Today at the
meeting i saw a smile in his face. He is excited to
have that woman back in his life. How can the
ancestors be so unfair. That woman didn't
respect my marriage. She doesn't deserve to
have my man. That man is my husband. I can't
let him throw me out like that. I want them to
give me the years I spent there. The years I
wasted married there. Who is going to want me
now? I have no job. I am old. I want my husband
Anyway Siqalo was driving me to Thaleni. I
asked him to take me to his house. I wanted to
speak to my sister first. No, I don't want to speak
to her first. I want to live with her. I have to
know what is going on at the royal house. When
I am at Thaleni I will be far. Ntshilini is very
close to Sdabadabeni.
Sabonkolo: I can't believe he actually banned
you from the village. How could he do this ? This
is unlike my brother in law. So unlike him
Me: I know. That is why I have made a decision
She looked at me. .
Sabonkolo: Oh sis your decisions are never good.
What is the decision?
Me: I want to go to Zinyovile. I need a muti
Sabonkolo: No!!! not that woman again! things
got messed up when you started seeing that
woman. Sis please don't do this! The chief loved
you for 22 years without love potion. He forgave
you for so many things. He loves you. It's just
that right now he is angry. Please don't go ruin
your marriage with Muti. Wait for him to calm
down then talk to him
Me: Sisi He took my car. I am going to live
without my car. He asked Siqalo to take me to
Thaleni. I can't go there. I have to live with you
" That is not going to happen !" that was Siqalo
walking in .
Me: What?
Sabonkolo: Baby please......
Siqalo: The chief of Sdabadabeni asked me to
take his wife to her family and that is what I am
going to do! You don't want me to be punished
for not doing what I was asked to do now do
Me: Sisi talk to your husband. I can't go to that
dusty village!
Sabonkolo: Sis let's face it. Even if my husband
lies and say he left you with our family they will
find out you're here. Remember Gedleza ?
I put my hands in my head
Me: There is no electricity there. How am I
gonna live like that?
Sabonkolo: How are you gonna live here
because we don't have power as well
Siqalo looked at the time.
Siqalo: I can't be gone all day. The Queen will
come back and ask for me. I need to take you to
your village.
Me: Fine!
I have no other option. I need to go home. If I
don't I will make things worse. I don't want to
upset my husband even more. I took my phone. I
looked at my battery
Me: five percent ? My phone is going to die
I looked at Siqalo
Me: Is there a charger in the car ?
He shook his head no
Sabonkolo: Sorry Sisi
My life is over. I cannot live without my phone. I
know what to do. When i get home I am going to
sleep, wake up tomorrow and take all my
belongs and go to Mqanduli to live with
Zinyovile permanently. She has electricity there.
My life stops without my phone. What if my
husband wants to make peace and call Me? My
phone has to be on twenty four seven.
Me: Siqalo I am ready to be taken home

< Narrated >
At The Zidenge house. We see Nomfunzelo
leaving the Queen going to the kitchen. The
Queen lost her smile looking at her till she got to
the kitchen. Nomfunzelo got in the kitchen. She
turned around and looked at the living.The
Queen was just looking down not curious at all
to know what is Nomfunzelo doing there. We
see Nomfunzelo running to the glasses. She took
out two glasses, She put them on the kitchen
table. She let out sigh of relief.
Nomfunzelo: Relax Nomfunzelo. You have to be
smart. She doesn't trust you. Do something very
She was speaking to herself.
Nomfunzelo: How about i kill her before we
start with the main course meal?
She said with both glasses in front of her. She
ran and stood in the middle of the kitchen. She
looked at the living room
She shook her head. All she felt was hate for the
Queen. She wanted her dead. She turned around
and looked at two empty glasses on her cabinet.
She smiled.
Nomfunzelo: She won't see this coming
She furiously walked closer to the glasses. She
took out a small black bottle from her pocket.
She opened it then poured a drop on one glass
She looked at her glass. She chuckled then
walked closer to it. She also poured a drop of the
poison then smiled closing the small bottle.
Nomfunzelo: Swipe a poison with poison
She chuckled
Nomfunzelo: I like that
She walked to the cabinet door. She took out a
bottle of red wine. She poured to both glasses.
They were half full. She took both glasses then
She turned around then watched her step. She
walked like a lady to the living room smiling
from ear to ear.
Nomfunzelo: Here you go !
The Queen looked at her and smiled.
Nomakhosazana: That took forever I thought
you'd come with the food judging by how much
time you spent in there. Thank you
She said taking the glass
Nomfunzelo: I am so sorry. I was warming up
the food
Nomakhosazana: I cannot wait to taste the food
Nomfunzelo faked a giggle. She put her glass on
the coffee table.
Nomfunzelo: Let me go get the food ready. We
cannot talk on an empty stomach right?
Nomakhosazana: What you said exactly
The Queen put her glass on the coffee table as
well. Nomfunzelo walked back to the kitchen
The Queen gave her deathstare looking at her
going to the kitchen. Nomfunzelo disappeared.
The Queen Swiped the glasses then let out a sigh
of relief.
She had her glass on her hand smiling. We see
Nomfunzelo looking at the Queen smiling
waiting for her to drink
She headed to the plates when She noticed the
Queen was about to sip. We see the Queen going
in for a sip She felt someone grab her arm. She
looked next to her
Nomakhosazana: Gedleza what are you doing
here ?
The Queen was whispering. Gedleza was sitting
next to the Queen on a doubt couch looking
straight at tv which was not even on
Gedleza: Both glasses have poison in them
He said that not even looking at the Queen. We
see Queen Nomakhosazana look at her glass.
Her eyes popped out. She couldn't believe what
Gedleza just said.
Nomakhosazana: She is evil isn't she?
Gedleza: And you were ready to die
The Queen got teary
Nomakhosazana: Thank you Gedleza
Gedleza: You're welcome my Queen
Nomakhosazana: What am I gonna do? I can't
show her that I know what she did
Gedleza: Drink the water in your handbag then
pour some of the wine in that bottle
Gedleza was just staring At the television. The
Queen took out a bottle of water she brought.
She doesn't leave the house without water. She
gulped all the water in it. She took the glass then
poured some of the wine in it then closed the
bottle and put it back in her handbag. She
picked her glass then looked at the kitchen.
Nomakhosazana: Your wine is so nice !!!
Nomfunzelo: Drink up there is more !!!
Nomfunzelo shouted from the kitchen the
Queen lost her smile.
Gedleza: My Queen that woman is smart. You
don't know what she has up her sleeves now.
You need to leave before any of you dies
The Queen looked at Gedleza. She was fuming
with anger
Nomakhosazana: If i don't kill this woman now,
She will kill me before i kill her! This is my time!
Gedleza: My Queen there are patients that just
arrived at my hut. Let me leave you. Just know I
am not watching you. My focus is gonna be on
my patients. Be careful My Queen that woman is
not stupid
The Queen looked at Gedleza
Nomakhosazana: I will keep my eyes wide open.
Good luck with Your patients
The Queen said that then looked into space. She
was in a foul mood. Inside her she wanted to
confront Nomfunzelo and just challenge her into
a fight. Gedleza looked at the Queen for a second
then vanished.
Nomakhosazana: No Queen. You're too classy to
fight. Just give her the taste of her own medicine
A tear escaped the Queen's eye. In the kitchen,
Nomfunzelo is busy humming a song preparing
the food. She smiled then moved away from the
Nomfunzelo: I dished for myself in a small plate.
We have to talk now so that means I have to eat.
She can't swipe the plates now can she?
She took out the small bottle. She poured the
poison in Queen Nomakhosazana's plate then
closed it.
Nomfunzelo: Just in case she didn't drink the
wine right?
She chucked then took two plates. She put them
on a tray. She walked to the living room.
Nomfunzelo: Take my glass and come to the
dinning room
The Queen smiled. She took two glasses and her
handbag. She walked to the dining table. She sat
down. Nomfunzelo put the food on the table. She
took the poisoned plate and put it infront of the
Queen then took hers. She took out her cell
phone. She pushed it away from her then took
fork and knife. The Queen looked at both plates.
Her eyes popped out when she saw the plates
are of different sizes. Nomfunzelo smiled at her.
The Queen smiled faintly.
Nomakhosazana: I think you forgot to bring the
Nomfunzelo: The table cloth! my bad. Let me go
get it from the kitchen
She walked to the kitchen. It was a bit far from
the dinning room. Even if Nomfunzelo wanna
stand in the middle of the kitchen and watch the
Queen she won't succeed and also the Queen
can't see Nomfunzelo.
Nomakhosazana: These plates are not the same
size what do I do ?
The Queen looked at her handbag. She breath in
and out. She took the fork then opened her
Nomakhosazana: My poor Eight Thousand rands
She said that pouring the food to the handbag. It
was just few spoons just to show that she ate the
food. Then she noticed some small black bottle
lying on the table next to the cell phone. The
Queen looked at the kitchen.
The bottle mistakenly fell out on the table when
Nomfunzelo was taking out her phone.The
Queen took the bottle. She opened it fast and
smelt it, Then smiled. She quickly poured it on
Nomfunzelo plate then Quickly closed it then
put it in her handbag
Nomfunzelo came back smiling with a table
Nomakhosazana: Oh Your Food is amazing!
Nomfunzelo: I know! I am great in that
department are you okay ?
She said looking at the Queen's glass and my
food. She could see she drank and ate. She is
wondering why she is still fine.
Me: I am perfectly fine thank you
Nomfunzelo took her fork and knife. The Queen
looked at her food. She was smiling. Nomfunzelo
started eating fast while talking.
Nomfunzelo: Well you will forgive me
She said picking up her glass
Nomfunzelo: I will have this when i am done
eating. I don't drink until I am done eating Oh
you're right this meal was cooked with love
She started taking the meat eating and licking
her fingers
Me: You are just a great cook
Nomfunzelo smiled then put the glass down
Nomfunzelo: Come on. Keep eating!
Nomakhosazana: My son is getting married next
month. I need to watch my figure besides, I am
not feeling so well all of the sudden.....
Nomfunzelo smiled. She looked at Queen
Nomakhosazana's plate. What the Queen said
was just a motivation for her to eat some more.
She kept eating smiling and happy that the
Queen is not feeling well
Nomfunzelo: I wonder why. You don't think i
We see Nomfunzelo's eyes pop out. She touched
her stomach. The Queen smiled.
Nomakhosazana: You were saying?
Nomfunzelo: Ahhh
Nomakhosazana: Are you okay darling ?
Nomfunzelo: What is going o.... Ahhhhh
Nomfunzelo was in pain. She was holding her
Nomakhosazana: Are you okay ? Please have
some wine
The Queen said taking Nomfunzelo's glass giving
it to her. Nomfunzelo slapped the glass it fell on
the table the wine was spit on the table
Nomfunzelo: What did you pu.... Ahhh !!!
ahhhhh what did you put in my foo...Ahhhh ?
The Queen smiled. She opened her handbag. She
took out the small bottle. Nomfunzelo's eyes
popped out
Nomakhosazana: I put this ?
Nomfunzelo started searching her pocket crying
in pain
Nomakhosazana: Maybe it fell when you were
taking out your phone because i saw it on The
table I was like why don't I give her the taste of
her own medicine
Nomfunzelo: I put poison in both glasses. Why
ain't you ahhh...... aahhhh....
The Queen took out the bottle of water. She was
not smiling anymore now. Nomfunzelo was
sweaty crying. The poison was cutting her body
parts inside..
Nomakhosazana: Here is your wine. I poured it
here. What a great plan? putting it in both
Nomfunzelo: Help me!!! Call an.... take me to the
Queen Nomakhosazana stood up..
Nomakhosazana: Why would I do that?
Nomfunzelo: Plea.....plea.........
She was struggling to breath holding the
Nomakhosazana: Nomfunzelo you're going to
die here. I am not leaving you alive. You're
killing yourself now die!
Nomfunzelo was struggling to breath. She
looked at her phone. She extended her hand to
reach for it. The Queen got to the phone first.
She took it
Nomfunzelo: Don't le... t me die plea ....e
Nomakhosazana: No one is calling an
Nomfunzelo raised her hand asking the Queen
to give her the phone. she couldn't utter a word
now. We saw her hand let go. It fell on the table.
Her face fell on her left arm. The one she used to
reach for the phone. Her eyes just and only
showed the white part. The Queen stood there
doing nothing watching the poor woman's soul
leaving her body
Nomfunzelo's head slip from her arm, her face
hit the table hard. She was gone. The Queen
looked up. She opened her handbag. She took
out plastic gloves. She put them on. She took
Nomfunzelo's phone. She took out tissue. She
cleaned the phone removing her finger prints.
She put the handbag down. She took her glass
and her plate. She walked to the kitchen. She
opened the drawers. She took out a plastic. She
threw her food in the plastic. She washed her
plate and her fork and knife. She rinse the plate.
She put it inside the cabinet. She quickly took
the plastic with food. She walked to the dinning
room. She looked around. She took out tissue.
She wiped the chair she was sitting on. She
picked up her hand back. She walked to
Nomfunzelo. She felt her pulse. She didn't
remove her finger
Nomakhosazana: It was either me or you
The Queen took the little bottle of poison. She
wiped it with tissue then walked to the
Nomakhosazana: I hope i will find your bed
She opened doors. She walk in on one. She saw
her photos and Shosholoza photos. She then
went to the pillows. She put the bottle under the
pillow then ran out of the bedroom. She looked
around the dinning and living room. She opened
the door then walked out with her plastic and
handbag. She got to her car then removed her
gloves. She wore her leather gloves then started
the engine. She drove out and got to the road.
She speed off dialling a number. The person
Her: Your highness
Nomakhosazana: May I killed again!
May: he he he he What?
Nomakhosazana: Some woman invited me in
her house to poison me. She ate the poison
May: was she alone ?
Nomakhosaza: it was just me and her
May: You watched her die
Nomakhosazana: Yes, She wanted me to take
her to the hospital I couidn't. What if it was me
who needed help? She was not gonna help me!
May: tell me about the moment you watched her
die. How did you feel?
The Queen paused. She started thinking while
focusing on the road driving
May: Nomakhosazana?
Tears streamed down her cheeks like heavily
Nomakhosazana: It felt so Good
May: I hope there is no trace you left there!
Nomakhosazana: You taught me well
The Queen hung up then threw her phone on
the passanger seat.



< Priscella >
We had such a great time at the beach today. I
had so much fun. It was nice to go to the beach
with people I love. I wish my mother in law was
there. I guess i will have to get used to her life.
That life is going to be mine very soon. Actually
next month and now I will have to start learning
things from her. Maybe I should come here like
two weekends a month. But I don't think that
will be possible though. In few months I will be
big. I don't think i will be allowed to fly. I hope
she will agree to visit me in Johannesburg. She
must come and bond with her grandchild.
I want to speak about this Tasha matter. I don't
want to judge EJ but I do judge him. How can
you trust a woman who drugged you? What will
happen next a poison? My brother is going to die
in the hands of that girl. I hope Sonia will
manage to speak some sense into that Gold
digger. She needs to back off. I will never accept
her as my brother's girlfriend. She must find
another man.
Anyway I am sitting on our bed applying lotion
on my legs. I am wearing a skirt and an oversize
shirt. Masixole came out of the bathroom.
Masixole: Finally I managed to get rid of all that
Me: I can't wait for us to get to bed and look at
all the pictures we took baby. You looked like a
super model At that beach
He kissed me
Him: Thanks babe. You smell so good. I just
wanna lie you down and lick every part of your
Me: Mmmmm
I closed My eyes. He kissed my lips then put his
hand on my chin. I opened my eyes. We looked
at each other's eyes. I pulled him closer and
kissed him. He broke the kiss
Me: What's wrong baby?
He lifted me up then kissed me.
Him: I am sorry my Angel we will do this later I
have to go see Gedleza. I need to know how we
will go about apologising to the ancestors and if
it's okay to do it without you. then from there I
will go see my dad's grave
I put my hands around his neck he helped me
stand up
Me: Oh that's nice babe. please make sure you
come back before dinner
Him: I will
He kissed me
Him: Let me dress up baby
Me: Okay I will go downstairs and see if
Notiniphu started with dinner but it's still early
Masixole: I will say goodbye before i go
Me: Okay babe
I kissed him then pulled down My skirt. I walked
out then knocked at Sonia's door. No response. I
opened the door. I heard the shower.
Me: She is still in there
I closed the door then walked down the stairs. I
saw mom downstairs sitting with a glass of
wine. Me: Ain't you hungry mom ?
She looked at the time
Mom: No I will wait for dinner baby
Me: Okay
She stood up
Mom: Priscella tomorrow we won't have time to
talk. The pilot is going to sleep here. As you can
see the bus already left we will find it at home
Me: Okay?
Mom: I am about to speak to the family. I am
just waiting for the Queen to come back from
wherever she went
I looked at mom and smiled.
Me: You want to talk about?
Mom: I want to give you and the Queen two
point five million rands. I want you to start a
business. I want you to tell me what you want to
do before the Queen comes. You better start
thinking about something that could make
money and my family is going to have 40
percent from that business
Me: That's great mom! I need to think about that
Mom: I know you're smart. I need business
proposal later
Me: A business proposal that is worth two point
five million rands and I have to pitch for it in
Mom: An hour
She laughed walking away. I shook my head. I
want something that is going to create jobs for
the women of this village. I need to think very
carefully. I wonder what will that business be ?
The Queen must come back so that she could
help me. It's not my business after all.

< Sonia De Villiers >
It had so much fun at the beach just something i
needed. I cannot wait to go back home though
and live my life. Hopefully there will be no more
drama. I just want to focus on my jobs and my
children and forget men. I didn't say what I said
to Hunter because i was angry no, I meant every
word. I don't ever wanna see him in my house I
don't care what everyone says. What Hunter did
was wrong. First of all he came to the country
because of me. I don't care if he was aware or
not. This man knows the things i have been
through these past weeks. Any good person
would never take advantage of a vulnerable
woman. I am still his children's mother. I don't
care what he says about me not introducing him
to Brendan. A step mom and step father are two
different things. I don't trust women. Brendan
was actually a great father to my children. No
matter what he did to me but he made my kids
happy. He was a very good father. Maybe Claire
is also a great mother because they like her but
still, He should've told me. When he forgave me
for what I did to him we became friends so I
expected a lot from him. Okay maybe I don't
deserve any explanation from him but he was
also in touch with my dad. Why didn't he
mention that because my father thought he was
single that is why he brought him back. I knew
this matchmaking was a disaster from the start.
I am glad he showed his true colours so soon
before I fell for him even harder. I really wish
him the best with that girl. I do trust her because
it's someone we know but the fact that she didn't
tell him about her previous relationship and life,
It just shows she is no good for him but what do
I know? I don't know what attracted him in her.
I am happy for them but I don't ever wanna see
him again. He keeps reminding me of my past
mistakes. I just want to have a peaceful life and
he can't be part of it.
Anyway I have been on Social media checking
comments and stuff about the funeral. It looks
like things went well but people are asking
about me. They are saying things like how can
you be mad at a dead man. They don't know
what that dead man put me through. I am not
ready to engage in that conversation. Brendan
don't deserve my sympathy. He is dead he must
stay in hell where he belongs. I cannot have
anymore children because of him. I am broken
and humiliated because of him. Everyone sees a
loser when they look at me because of that man.
What would I do at his funeral? I really don't
Anyway I heard my phone rings. I just got out of
the shower. I had to remove all the sand. It's my
dad. I wonder. I hope everything is okay at
Me: Hello daddy ?
Dad: Hey how are you?
Me: I am great daddy it's nice here but we
coming back tomorrow how are you?
Him: I am good. I wanted to apologise for what I
did. I really had no idea that boy was in a
Me: Its okay dad I guess this was his pay back
Dad: I didn't expect this from Him. I told him he
shouldn't call you at all this weekend
Me: He did
Dad: Is he sorry at all for what he did?
The fact that they spoke together after I left
shows my dad love interfering. I didn't tell them
what happened because i wanted him to fight
my battles. I told him because he is my father
and I wanted him to know he was wrong. Now I
feel like if I tell him what happened when he
called dad will call him again and defend me.
Me: Dad I don't wanna talk about it
Dad: Okay have a safe flight tomorrow
Me: Thank you daddy
He hung up. I put my phone down it rang again.
I looked at it. It's a number I don't know. I hope
it's not journalist
Me: Sonia De Villiers?
Caller: Sonia it's Claire. Can we meet tomorrow ?
She wants to meet with Me? Who gave her my
number? What can we possible talk about ?
Me: I will be travelling back to Johannesburg
tomorrow and I have to go to work. I have a
very busy day sorry
Claire: Please squeeze me in we need to talk it
won't take your time
Me: Okay, come at 10
Claire: Thanks
Me: Can i ask what is this ab.......
Claire: ... ( Tututututu)
I looked at my phone. She hung up on me.
Me: How rude ?
I wonder what she wants to talk about? I don't
think she and i can have anything to say to each
other though? i guess I will just have to wait and

< Narrated >
It looks like Prince Nomgcwabe's mood changed
after he was blackmailed by his brother. Since
That happened at the beach he was not speaking
to anyone. He is afraid That he might tell the
family like be did to Ngejiwe and EJ. Only if he
knew how many secrets Prince Phonqa has been
keeping he wouldn't worry himself about him
telling anyone. The incident with EJ and Ngejiwe
was shocking for him. He didn't mean to say
anything. He is a 13 year old he was traumatised
to see two people he took as family do that.
Anyway we See Algebra looking at EJ speaking
on the phone. He went to Prince Nomgcwabe.
Algebra: Do you think he will talk to Ngejiwe
before we leave?
Nomgcwabe: I don't think my cousin will want
to talk to him after what he said to her. I wasn't
there but the way he said it I am sure it offended
Algebra: I hope she is okay wherever she is
Nomgcwabe: Yeah......
Algebra looked at Prince Nomgcwabe.
Algebra: Why don't you call her and ask ?
Nomgcwabe: Let me do that and you go speak to
EJ and ask if he Will speak to her
Prince Phonqa came running.
Phonqa: So what are we talking about?
Prince Nomgcwabe gave him deathstare then
walked away. Prince Phonqa looked at Algebra
waiting for him to answer since his brother
decided to ignore him. Algebra shrugged his
shoulders then walked to Elton
Phonqa: O-kay........
He looked at his phone checking is data. He
smiled. We see Algebra speaks to Elton who was
no longer on the phone.
Algebra: So Are you gonna talk to Ngejiwe about
what happened?
Elton: I have nothing to talk about with that
Gold digger. I hope i never see her again. Joe
how can she try to do that to me?
Algebra: We were having a good time. This
ruined everything
Elton: She ruined things for herself. Nothing of
mine is ruined. I had a great time at the beach I
didn't miss her. Let me go inside and shower. I
need to also find out where i will sleep tonight
Algebra looked at the stop that had the bus
Algebra: I noticed it is gone
Elton: Yeah. I am sure he will arrive tonight he
left very early in the morning
Algebra: Okay sure you can go inside
Elton walked in. Prince Nomgcwabe walked to
Algebra: And ?
Prince Nomgcwabe exhaled
Nomgcwabe: She is not answering her phone
Algbra: And Elton wants nothing to do with her
Nomgcwabe: Wow
Algebra: And you and your brother? What
happened at the beach?
Nomgcwabe: He is disrespectfful That one. Don't
you wanna bath ?
" Are you gonna bath in the same bathtub At the
same time ? " Said a voice behind them. They
turned around. That was Prince Phonqa asking
Phonqa: I was just asking. I wanted to offer my
room there is a bath......
Nomgcwabe: So is every room in this palace!
why don't you go play with your friends or
something and leave us alone?
Phonqa: I am a Prince I don't have friends
Nomgcwabe: Let's go Algebra
They walked away. Prince Phonqa shrugged his
shoulders then slowly followed them.
The Queen just arrived at the palace. She parked
her car outside the gate. Bhalisile was cleaning
next to the gate. He ran to her and opened the
door. The Queen walked out of her car.
Nomakhosazana: Thank you
The Queen opened the back door. She took out a
Nomakhosazana: Bhalisile go burn this plastic
Bhalisile: Okay my Queen
The Queen looked around then closed the door
of her car. She took out her phone and called
Notiniphu: Hello my Queen
Nomakhosazana: I want to wash my hands
Please bring soap and water at the gate
Notiniphu: Okay my Queen let me boil it quickly
Nomakhosazana: It's hot outside Notiniphu
there is no need for that
Notiniphu: Okay my Queen
The Queen hung up. Her phone rang. She looked
at it
Nomakhosazana: What do you want May ?
She said that then answered
Nomakhosazana: Cuz
May: Your highness you sure no one knew about
your visit to Nomfunzelo?
Me: On my side it is just my sister in law and my
May: On her side ?
Nomakhosazana: You know I am not supposed
to know that
May: I am asking because I want you to prepare
Me: Prepare me for what ?
May: You know you have to kill whoever think
they might know what happened right?
The Queen got scared. It looks like she doesn't
enjoy killing at all. The thought of killing again
don't sit well with her.
May: Your highness once you start killing you
will never stop and the only way to survive or
get away with murder is killing whoever who is
going to be a problem. Sis that was a story of my
life until I removed all my enemies
Me: When will it stop?
May: I haven't killed in months and I am happy.
You will get there as well you killed how many
already ?
She cried. She didn't say anything
May: three? The journalist, His friend and the
She chuckled
May: The satisfaction of killing your own gender
such a fun murder
Nomakhosazana: Bye NoDolly
The Queen hung up. She saw Notiniphu walking
to her with water. The Queen put her phone in
her handbag, then put the handbag on the green
Nomakhosazana: Thank you
She washed her hands.
Notiniphu: You visited the cemetery my Queen?
The Queen smiled
Nomakhosazana: Something like that
The Queen looked at her handbag
Nomakhosazana: Notiniphu I want you to clean
that handbag. It's dirty food I was eating
accidentally fell inside please make sure you
have gloves on when you clean it okay ?
Notiniphu: Yes My Queen
Notiniphu went to the handbag. The Queen
walked to Bhalisile.
Nomkhosazana: Bhalisile drive that car in then
wash it and clean it inside
The Queen threw the key at him.
Bhalisile: Okay my Queen
Nomakhosazana: Now Bhalisile!
He left the fire and ran to the car. The Queen
walked to the palace. She walked in.
Nomakhosazana: Hello everyone. Let me go take
off these shoes
Refilwe: Okay
The Queen quickly went to the stairs. Princess
Nomagampompo ran after her.
Nomagampompo: I am so glad you're okay my
Nomakhosazana: Me too
She walked faster. She didn't seem interested to
the chat She just couldn't wait to get to her
Nomagampompo: So what happened?
Nomakhosazana: I don't want to talk about it
Nomagampompo: Gedleza said someone is
The Queen turned around fast
Nomakhosazana: I need to take a shower!
Princess: I want to know how it wen.....
The Queen gave her deathstare. The princess
raised her hands
Nomagampompo: I am sorry
The Queen turned around then walked up
leaving The Princess with questions
Nomagampompo: ......... ?

< Notiniphu >
Friday night I went to see Ma Deliwe at her
house. Ma Deliwe is from this village unlike me
who sleeo at the royal house. Anyway on my
way back. It was around to 8 if not 8pm. I
bumped into Velezantsi. He asked me out. I
didn't want to lose focus because something
happened between me and the king and I have
no hopes that it might happen again but I
thought since it happened so recently I needed
some time to myself. That is why when he asked
me out I said he must give me some time.
Another thing that made me ask him for some
time was the fact that he said he was in a
relationship with someone and he wanted out so
I thought we both needed to fix our lives. I
haven't been seeing anyone in a while. Since I
started working here i never had time for men.
It was the first time i was asked out. I have seen
him at the shop. It was nice to see that he was
interested in me. I wanted to get rid of these
ridiculous feelings I have for the king before i
date him. I know I will never be with King
Zwelicacile ever. I need to get him off my head.
When Ma Deliwe told me the girl Velezantsi is
seeing was Princess Ngejiwe I was very shocked.
How could he do that. He knows this could cause
tension between me and the princess and I am
really upset to find out that he was using me to
get her attention. Ngejiwe cannot have every
man she wants. She wanted to leave Velezantsi
for that rich boy now that it didn't work out he
went back to VelezantsI acting like she loves
him? oh please. I am tired of these royalty
people getting whatever they want. First I slept
with the king because i thought he knew it was
Me and I couldn't say no because he is who he is,
Now finally I was excited for a new relationship
with Velezantsi another royalty person is trying
to ruin my chances. Why does it look like I will
never be happy as long as I am still working
here. I don't like that at all. I don't want to lie.
I am starting with dinner It's in the afternoon.
The whole day I was alone with Princess
Nomagampompo. Now everyone is back from
the beach. I am sure they are hungry. The Queen
just arrived. She just walked up the stairs. I am
surprised to see Deliwe arrives. This is The time
for her to cook dinner at The chief's house. I
wonder why she is here. I thought the taxi
driver was gonna call then I go to the road and
wait for him. I feel like she has the Pill. I see the
smile in her face.
Me: Ma Deliwe
Her: You look surprised to see me
Me: I am, Shouldn't you be cooking?
Deliwe: I will for my family when i get home
Me: And The chief ?
Deliwe: He gave me a day off. He wanted to
speak to the Queen. He looked really angry
Oh My God. For them to ask ma Deliwe to leave
it sure was a serious situation. I don't know
what is wrong with Mrs Nontorotyi. How can
you fight with your man few daysbefore he gets
another wife? Or maybe they are fighting about
her or what happened in the morning? Drama
will never ends in this family I tell you.
Me: I hope they fixed their problems
Deliwe: I hope so too......
She said looking around then opened my hand.
She put the pill in my hand then closed it.
Deliwe: You will pay me. I paid him. Take glass
of water and drink it
I looked at this pill. I got so nervous
Deliwe: What is it ?
Me: I am going to take it in the bathroom
I said attempting to walk out of the kitchen.
Deliwe: But there is water here! There is sink
why do you have to go take the pill in the
I turned around. This old woman is going to
make me angry. How can she shouts like that?
What if the Queen hears her and ask what pill?
Me: Ma Deliwe someone might hear us why you
so loud ?
Deliwe: Sorry my girl. Let me continue helping
you with dinner! go don't stay long !
I smiled at her
Me: Okay. I just need a moment alone you know
Deliwe: I understand but don't forget why you're
doing this
Me: How can i forget ? I am just happy I finally
got this
I said raising the hand with the pill. Ma Deliwe
smiled. She took my hand
Deliwe: Good luck go!
I smiled then walked to the bathroom. I heard
my phone rings. I stopped walking. I answered
without looking at caller id
Me: Hello
Caller: Nontiniphi we need to meet. I want to
know what Ngejiwe did
Oh It's Velezantsi. I rolled my eyes.
Me: You love each other why don't you ask her!
Leave me alone !
I hung up then looked up. Oh My God it's The
King. He was wearing jeans, sneakers and golf
shirt. He looked at smelt so good
King: Boyfriend ?
I bowed
Me: No! No my king. I am single
Him: He keeps calling maybe you should give
him a chance
I faked a smile
He went to his wife and kissed her. Priscella put
her arms around his body
Priscella: Don't take long i will miss you
He kissed her
King: I can't stay long and leave my beautiful
wife all alone
Priscella giggled and hugged him. She looked at
Priscella broke the hug
Priscella: Notiniphu do you need something?
Me: No my Quee.....
King: She is having problems with her boyfriend
The King laughed after he said that. Priscella
looked at me concerned
Priscella: Ahhh I am so sorry
Me: It's okay
I quickly walked to the bathroom
Me: " Ahhh I am so sorry "
I opened the door. I walked in then closed the
door. I leaned on the door
I looked the pill.
I walked to the toilet seat. I dropped the pill then
flushed it.
I turned around oh my God.
Me: Gedleza?
He looked at me. He is angry what have I done?
If i am pregnant then He should be happy that I
didn't take this pill. Why is he so mad.
Me: I flushed it
Gedleza: Maybe............
Tears escaped both my eyes
Gedleza: Just maybe! if you flushed that pill
because you didn't want to kill an innocent child
the ancestors were gonna be happy about your
Gedleza: But the reason you flushed that pill
wasn't because you couldn't kill an innocent
I was crying with my hand on my mouth.
Gedleza came closer to my face. I was leaning on
the wall scared.
Gedleza: Your intentions were not good at all!
He snapped.
Me: Yhiyhiyhi
I couldn't control my cry. I heard myself crying
out loud.
Gedleza: For that reason and that reason only......
Me:...... .
Gedleza: You will never be the king's second
Me: Yhiyhiyhi
Gedleza: You were this close to being one! this
He vanished. I looked around breathing heavily.
I went down and sat on the floor



< Masixole >
I am very grateful to my ancestors for being
with me after everything I have done to them. A
part of me was very worried about my eye sight.
I was hopeful that I might see one day but a big
part of me didn't even think i was gonna see
again. I am the king. I am expected to follow the
family tradition more than anyone in this family
but i didn't. I let them down. They showed me.
They still control my life and they can do
whatever they want if I don't follow the rules. I
learnt my lesson. I don't think i would ever
wrong them. I got my eye sight back and i feel
like I should go thank my ancestors before the
family do it for me. I need to prove to them that I
respect them and i have changed. This is my
calling and there is no running away from it. I
am happy my Fiancé still loves me. She was with
me through that darkness, She didn't leave me. I
am really blessed to have a woman who
understands me and my responsibilities. I never
thought Priscilla would understand. So far I am
impressed. I was really amazed to see that she is
so passionate about helping my community. She
has a good heart. A true Queen. I am a lucky
Anyway I just arrived at the Cemetery. I will
speak to my father. I hope all of them will be
listening. I am not used to doing this but it's
something i think i need to do after everything
that happened. I am really happy and it's all
thanks to them. I know if they didn't want me to
see again I would still be blind right now. I don't
remember the last time i came here. I think the
last time i was here was the day of my father's
funeral. I didn't believe in visiting graves but I
am old now and I kind of got a lot of western
influence. I hope they won't have a problem
with it.
Anyway I cleared my throat. I don't know where
to start.
Me: Chief Nkosesizwe it's me your son
Zwelicacile..... I know I have never come here.
The last time I was here was when we laid you
to rest. Father I know I have never talked to you
ever since you passed but that doesn't mean I
don't think about you. I think about you
everyday. You never came to my dreams. The
day I got my sight back I was so happy to see you
in my dream. Thank you for visiting me and
thank you for helping me see again. I apologise
again for not listening to you. I know you
wanted me to marry The Zidenge girl. She
turned out to be someone we didn't want to
associate ourselves with but The great news is I
found someone
It makes me feel good to tell My father about my
Me: I found a good woman who is very
respectful. She has a good heart and she has
your people's best interests at heart. She is
willing to help them live a better life. I feel good
to have her by my side. I promise you she and i
will make you proud. Father she is the only
woman I love. I hope she is the only woman
chosen for me. I don't love and I don't wanna
love anyone else. I love her
I looked up. It is getting dark.
Me: I hope you love her too. Father it is getting
dark. I hope you appreciate my visit and I hope
you heard me. I promise to make you proud. I
promise to take care of your people
I kissed my hand then put my hand on his
tombstone. I stood up. I walked away then
turned around.
It was cloudy but a little part cleared and the
sun hit exactly at my father's grave.
Me: Wow
" That is a sign that shows he heard everything
you said to him " Said a voice behind me. I
quickly turned around. It's Gedleza. He was
smiling looking at my father's grave
Me: That's great. I am glad he heard me
He was just smiling looking at my dad's grave
Me: I was going to your place
Gedleza: You don't have to, Go home and ask the
chief to call IMBIZO for Wednesday. You and
your Queen are going to announce the job
opportunities you're going to give to the people
Me: How do you know about that ?
He looked at me then looked away
Gedleza: I have eyes and ears everywhere My
I smiled at him. How is this gonna happen?
Priscell is leaving tomorrow.
Gedleza: Queen The second can come and leave
the same day my King
Oh as if he knew what I was thinking
Me: Thank you Gedleza I will tell My fiancé then
talked to the chief
He smiled then vanished. I looked at My father's
grave. The sun was not there anymore

< Sonia De Villiers >
I cannot believe the nerve on that woman. Who
does she think she is asking to meet with Me? I
said I don't ever want to see Hunter again, I
don't know why his girlfriend is calling me. The
reason i didn't want to see him again is because
he is dating. I don't want drama. I don't want to
be the crazy baby mama no. The reason I let him
into my life was because i thought he was single.
I don't have a problem with the fact that he is in
a relationship but " lies" that is something i am
having a problem with. Why didn't he tell me he
was dating, He might compare our situations all
he wants I don't care. What I know is when i fell
in love with Brendan I told him that and asked
for a divorce. Unlike him I didn't keep sleeping
with him when i was seeing Brendan. He slept
with me while he is with her. What does that
make him ? A cheat, a piece of work! I am going
to call him and ask him Why he gave Claire my
number. The nerve on both of them. I swear if
he sent that woman to speak to me on his behalf
there will be hell I am not joking. I decided to
call him and ask.
Hunter: It's good to see your call after you said I
shouldn't call you at all.
I breath in and out. I don't want him to upset me
but I am going to be firm. I want him to see that i
don't want to play with him. I want nothing to
do with them .
Me: What the hell is going on Hunter?
Hunter: I should be asking you. You're the one
who called right ?
Me: I just got a call from your girlfriend asking
to see me tomorrow do yo....
Hunter: What !?
Me: Do you have any idea what is that about ?
Hunter: I am going to call you back
Me: Hunter don't you dare hung up! all I want is
for you two to get out of my life! Tell that girl to
leave me alone and that goes for you to..... !!!
Hunter: .... ( Tututututu)
I looked at my phone. He didn't just hung up on
me ? I stood up
Me: He didn't just do that did he ?
My door opened. I turned around.
Priscella: Who are you fighting with ?
Me: Can you believe Claire called me asking to
meet ?
Priscella: What? Where did she get your cell
number ?
Me: That's what I want to know. Where did she
get my number?
Priscella: Girl your ex husband is Hunter. You
and Claire have nothing to discuss
Me: I asked her boyfriend. He has no idea she
called me. He just hung up to confront her
Priscella: Wow drama
Me: I think she stole my number from his phone
Priscella: You need to meet and talk. That girl
met your children you need to get to know each
other better. Maybe meeting her is a good thing
Me: You think so ?
Priscella: Don't you want to know your
children's favorite step mom?
I smiled then looked away. Maybe Priscella is
right. I can't even be nasty to this girl. My kids
are fond of her. I can't mess up. I need to have a
relationship with her for the sake of them. But
still I want nothing to do with Hunter. I looked
at my friend.
Me: You know what? You're right but I have a
bad feeling about this
Priscella: Why ?
Me: I asked her what the meeting is about she
just hung up on me
Priscella: That doesn't sound good. Did you say
something about her and Laila to Bre.... I mean
I sat down. Oh no that's why she is upset. Why
didn't she come clean ?
Priscella: Don't tell me you did ?
I looked at Priscella
Me: My friend Hunter insulted me about
Brendan and his sexuality and the fact that i
never introduced him to Brendan. He said I
can't expect him to tell me when he found a girl.
I don't remember what he said about Brendan's
sexuality. I said we are the same. He is also with
a bisexual woman
Priscella: So she didn't tell him?
Me: Clearly and that idiot ran and confronted
Priscella: I think you need to prepare yourself
for a Office drama. Please make sure you don't
entertain her drama. Be calm and collected. I
feel like the shouting is caused by two people. If
the other is not loud that doesn't give the other
the power to shout. Journalists are always on
standby in our offices. You don't want to be on
the news again
Me: Yeah you're right. I just pray she comes
before or after my meeting with Housewives
Priscella looked at me
Priscella: You have an appointment with him?
Me: Yes he wants to see me
I am worried. I just got a call from the producer.
What if they want to tell me I won't be back for a
second season since i am no longer married?
And Brendan is not on the show anymore so this
is going to be hard. I don't know what to think
about that meeting. I Keep getting bad news and
I am tired of hurting.
Priscella: Honey your day is busy tomorrow. You
have work, A meeting with Claire, Another one
with the producer and a will reading then come
to work. And I am afraid there might be
something That upsets you at that will reading
and that will leave you angry and not interested
to work
I looked at her. Priscella scares me right now. I
wasn't worried at all but I am now. What if
there will be something upsetting at that will
reading? I looked away
Priscella: I don't mean to worry you or anything
but you need to prepare yourself. I know you
always say you are ready and that you're strong
but when you get upset you just show
Me: That I am not that strong I know but i would
be stupid if I cry infront of Brendan's parents
again. I am going there to just listen. I am not
interested in anything that will be happening
Priscella: Good and don't forget to ask that girl to
leave my brother alone
Me: How can i forget?
Priscella smiled. I am thinking about Brendan's
family right now. I know they will be
disappointed that I didn't go to the funeral but I
told them I won't go. I am also worried about
surprises that might come from that will
reading. Brendan surprised me with so many
things before he died. I won't be surprised to
find out he has another surprise for me in that
will. I am just glad I have all his money.

< Narrated >
In Johannesburg in a mine hostel. A man's cell
phone rings. He was sleeping. He stood up then
sat up straight. He answered his phone.
Him: Nkosikazi ? ( my Wife )
Woman: Malingene something really bad
Malingene stood up. He looked nervous. He has
secrets that he doesn't want his wife to find out.
When his wife said something bad happen he
thought about Nomaxabiso's family going to his
house to tell the family about the affair.
Malingene: What happened?
Woman: Nomaxabiso's mother was found dead
at her house by their part time helper
Malingene: What ?
Woman: I don't know what to do baby. I can't
get hold of my friend and even if I get hold of
her what will I say? I can't say her mother is
Malingene: Where is Nomaxabiso?
Woman: She and her father were in
Butterworth. They are coming back today. Her
phone and Mr Zidenge phones are off.
Malingene: That's bad. Let's hope they will
arrive soon
Woman: Yeah. This is a tragedy. She was found
looking like she was eating. No one knows if it's
the food that killed her or what. The people who
are good with all those things just arrived. We
are waiting to hear from them.
Malingene: This is so sad Nkosikazi
Woman: I just feel sorry for my friend. This is
going to kill her
Malingene: Yeah
Woman: I am running out of airtime bye !
She hug up. Malingene quicky dialled
Nomaxabiso's number. It took him to voice mail

It looks like father and daughter had so much
fun at Butterworth. They seem happy driving
home. They were not so far from home. We see
them Passing by Mpimbo Junior secondary
school. They were talking and smiling. It looks
like everyone forgot about all the blackmail.
They are both happy.
Nomaxabiso: Father why you never mentioned
anything about your sons to me. I haven't told
mom. What is the real reason you never
mentioned this to me?
Shosholoza exhaled.
Shosholoza: You know your mother Nomaxabiso
He said smiling while driving
Nomaxabiso: But I am not her father. I lived
with those boys at Royal house. I didn't pay any
attention to them till one day when i
remembered about the photos then looked at
them closely.I saw the round faces like mine.
Then I put two and two together. I wasn't even
Shosholoza: I didn't know how you'd react. I
didn't want to take a risk. You and I both know
what your mother is capable of
Nomaxabiso looked at her father.
Nomaxabiso: Yeah..... The one reason mother is
still alive is because we are royalty. If we were
not they'd have burnt us alive. Everyone knows
about the woman she poisoned at a funeral. It's
all over our village
Shosholoza: Exactly. The thought of her finding
out is just.... I don't even want to think about it.
That is why I don't even look at my sons. The
Ndegana family think i am cold and I do not care
about my sons. They don't know I fear my wife
and her slow killing poison. I love my children
equally. I love them like I love you and i am
scared if I tell them about this they'd be mad and
come to my house causing drama. I know
Nomfunzelo would murder them one by one
and their mother
Nomaxabiso thought about the conversation she
had with her mother. She knows she can't share
it with her father because she knows her mother
is trying to help her. All Nomaxabiso wants is to
marry King Zwelicacile and she knows she can't
do that with Queen Nomakhosazana alive.
Shosholoza: I love your mother a lot. I can't lose
her. I know she'd even kill me for betraying her
Nomaxabiso looked at her father.
Nomaxabiso: I am sorry for blackmailing you
dad. I was desperate and I wanted you to stop
judging me. I promise you mom will never find
out about this
Nomaxabiso said this like she knew. Oh only if
she knew she is right. Nomfunzelo will never
find out about the boys and her father's
Shosholoza: Thank you my daughter
Nomaxabiso smiled. She looked infront of her
They were crossing the small bridge they were
close to their house.
Nomaxabiso: So you and Princess
Nomagampompo ?
Shosholoza: Oh no! I am not in love with that
woman. I love your mother. I don't know why i
slept with that woman. I slept with her once. I
was invited in one of their fancy events. Your
mother was not home. So I didn't bring her. I
spent a night at Ndegana house. Something
happened she got pregnant. Few years later I
went there for business. We ended up making
the same mistake again.
Nomaxabiso: Are you telling me you were with
her two times only ?
Shosholoza: More than that. I am not proud of it.
But we haven't done anything in 13 years. When
she got pregnant with the last born we never
had anything again.
Nomaxabiso: It looks like she liked you
Shosholoza: She still does but I keep turning her
down. I was her first and the only man she's
been with
Nomaxabiso looked at her father surprised
Nomaxabiso: Wow She really likes you. I was
gonna say she was a good woman but good
women don't sleep with married men. I am not a
good woman as well
Nomaxabiso looked out of the window, A tear
escaped her eyes. Her father looked at her
briefly then focused on the road.
Shosholoza: We all make mistakes my dear. No
one is perfect
Nomaxabiso wiped her tear.
Nomaxabiso: Do you think you can forget about
the damages. Father my best friend will be
heartbroken to find out about this
Her father smiled at her.
Shosholoza: I need to discuss that with your
Nomaxabiso smiled then her smile changed into
shock when she looked at her house and saw so
many people and police officers
Nomaxabiso: Daddy!
Her father looked at their house. He upped the
Shosholoza: What is going on there ?
Nomaxabiso: What happened ?
Shosholoza drove in. He stopped the car. He ran
out. Nomaxabiso did the same
Shosholoza: What is going on here ?
People put their hands on their mouths looking
at Nomaxabiso and her father. Shosholoza ran
to the door. the police held him back
Shosholoza: Let go of me this is my house!!!
Nomaxabiso: Mama! where is mama?
The police held them back. Four people came
out covering their mouths carrying a body bag
Nomaxabiso: no!!!!
Nomaxabiso threw herself on the floor she was
crying hard. Shosholoza ran to the body bag
Shosholoza: Who is in there! Nomfunzelo! Come
out baby !
She said looking at the house
Officer1: We are so sorry sir We got a call from
these people telling us your wife was found dead
on the table after she had her meal
Nomaxabiso: No!!! Mama
Nomaxabiso ran after the people who had her
body. She was crying so painfully and
screaming. People were standing looking at her
feeling sorry for her some crying with her.
Shosholoza stopped the people. He unzipped the
body bag. He moved back with both his hands
on his mouth. Tears ran down his cheeks.
Nomaxabiso viewed the body she hugged the
body crying
Nomaxabiso: Mama!!!
She broke down. The police pulled her away
from the body. She was crying fighting them.
Two inspectors walked out with a plate, fork and
knife in a plastic.
Shosholoza: What happened to my wife?
Inspector1: We think she ate poison judging by
what was coming out of her mouth and nose.
We are going to take her body to forensic to see
what is the poison and we will do the same with
the food
Shosholoza's eyes popped out. He knew this was
her wife poison. People looked at each other
when the inspector mentioned poison. They
know Nomfunzelo's reputation and poison
Inspector2: We also found this small bottle
under your wife pillow we are going to check
what is in here
Shosholoza looked away with both his hands in
his head.
Officer: Mr Zidenge did something happen that
upset your wife?
Shosholoza started thinking.
Shosholoza: Please come sit down. We want to
know who visited her....
Inspector: But in the house there is nothing that
shows she was with someone. Who comes and
cook here maybe someone who cooked for her
did this ?
Nomaxabiso was crying. Some women were
hugging her. A woman came closer
Woman: I am the one who called. I always come
and clean on Sundays. I got here at 1pm I
usually help her cook the Sunday lunch but
today I found her already cooked. She was
sleeping on the table..... Well that's what i
thought until I shook her so many times she
didn't wake up
Officer: Let's go speak Mr Zidenge
They walked away from people leaving the
cleaner crying.

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
Today was not my best day at all. I really didn't
want things to end like that between me and
Nomfunzelo. Like I said before only our
husbands were friends. Nomfunzelo and I were
not friends That is why it was not a problem for
her to kill me. What surprises me is how
desperate she wanted to kill me. What have I
ever done to this woman? All i did was follow
the papers. I did law for that. I respect what is
written down. The only person who deserves a
poison is her daughter. She is the one who
betrayed them not me. Nomfunzelo wanted to
kill the wrong person. That woman lived with
two people who betrayed her. She had no idea
she was fighting A battle that was not even
worth fighting for. How could she even do this?
First time i visit her house she ran to her kitchen
and put poison in my drink. This woman! you'd
swear she walked around with that bottle in her
hand everyday. She was a witch. I saved a lot of
innocent people including my nephews and my
sister in law. Speaking of my sister in law. She is
so desperate to find out what happened. I am
not ready to talk about what I did today. I am
not proud of it at all. I just want her to
understand that. At least she is going to find out
soon enough. This is a perfect time for her to
fight for Shosholoza but only if their
relationship is worth fighting for which i don't
think it is worth it. I think My sister in law is
better off without that man. I cannot believe
how stupid Nomfunzelo was but I must give it to
her though. She was smart. She almost killed me
with that wine. Who would've thought of such a
plan? She put poison in both glasses. I am really
grateful to Gedleza and my ancestors for always
being there for me when I need them. I almost
died today. I was this close to drinking that
Anyway I have been avoiding my sister in law.
She left 15 minutes ago. She went to her room to
bath. Refilwe and her daughter want to speak to
me in private. I can't wait to find out what is this
about. I asked them to come with me to the
study. You know I have a lot on my mind. I need
to speak to Phonqa. That boy was ready to say
something when I stopped him This morning.
Today i have had enough drama. After this
meeting i just want to have dinner then go to
bed and sleep. I am exhausted and so is my
head. I will ask him tomorrow. Anyway we got
to my study. I walked to my chair. I sat down
then looked at them. Refilwe sat on the chair
infront of my desk.
Refilwe: I was speaking to my daughter
She put her leg on top of another thrn leaned on
the chair.
Refilwe: I know I said I would help your
business grow and i am still willing to do that
I smiled
Refilwe: After being here. Getting to know the
family and listening to the things you told me
and the drama I felt like you've done a lot for
this family and i feel like you deserve more.
Your brother in law's wife doesn't like you at all.
The fight for the shares was not necessary. Their
daughter is in Universaty and you're paying for
her fees. They have jobs because of you. I feel
like you need to have something of your own.
Something they won't feel like it belongs to them
Priscella looked at her Mother and smiled.
Refilwe: I feel like you and your son must have
something that is yours before we help the
family business. I want you and my daughter to
come up with a business. That is going to bring
money for your grandchildren. Masixole's
children. Queen you have one child and he is
going to have children. You told me he has no
shares in the business. You need to have your
own business so that when you die he takes
over. I want you and Priscella to come up with a
smart business plan
Me: This is unexpected. Thank you so much for
this though. I am really happy you are doing this
for us
I looked at Priscella
Me: Do you have something in mind?
She fixed herself. You can tell she is a
boardroom woman. She was standing looking at
Priscella: This is a rural area. I want us to start a
business that is going to create jobs for women
in this village
Me: I like that
Priscella: I was thinking how about we buy
machines that will help us produce Eggs and
chickens. We will sell egges and also have eggs
that are able to produce chickens so that we can
also sell live chickens
I love that idea a lot. We gonna need a property
then build business there. I was smiling looking
at her. This was gonna be the last business plan I
would come up with buy I love it. This makes
sense here.
Me: Sorry. I am just thinking a lot now. About a
venue That we could use to start all this and i
know just a piece of land that we can us
Priscella: Mother in law so you like the idea ?
Me: I love it. There are so many unemployed
women here. It will help a lot
Priscella came to me. I stood up. She hugged me
Priscella: Thank you so much
She broke the hug
Priscell: I can see the smiles in those poor
women already when they get these jobs
I took her hands
Me: Thank you for caring for others. This shows
you have the qualities of a good Queen
Priscella: Thank you. You're an incredible Queen
I looked down. I am thinking about the people I
have murdered.
Priscella: I am serious My Queen
I looked at her
Me: I was a good Queen .......
I looked away. I made sure none of them could
see my face
Me: Not anymore
Refilwe: I saw how people respect you. You're
amazing Queen Nomakhosazana
I quicky wiped the tear drop. I turned around
Me: Thank you
I walked out of my desk. I hugged her.
Me: Thank you
Refilwe: You're welcome
I broke the hug and smiled
Refilwe: Here is what's gonna happen. My
family will have shares in the company
Me: Of course I wouldn't expect you to just
throw away money. We have to waste money to
make money
Refilwe: Exactly. I wanted 40% but I decided on
30% reason being I am not here. Priscella is
yours now. She is not representing me anymore
in your business. This is both your business so I
will take 30% and I won't be part of the decision
Me: You're a very generous woman Refilwe
Refilwe: I just want you to make my daughter
She said looking at her daughter. Priscella
Me: My son loves her and i love her. The entire
family loves here. We are happy to have her
Priscella: Thank you my Queen
Refilwe looked at me
Refilwe: So you have Two point five million
rands Budget I will sign a cheque when i arrive
in Johannesburg. My daughter will bring it back
Me: That's a lot of money
Refilwe: You gonna buy expensive equipments.
That money will be nothing trust me
Me: Thank you so much
Refilwe: We are family. So you're a lawyer here.
I think you will draw up papers. The King will
bring them to me to sign in Johannesburg
Me: I will prepare them during the wee.....
We heard a knock at the door
Priscella: Come in
Notiniphu walked in. She looked nervous
Me: Notiniphu what is it ?
Nontiniphu: My Queen the police are here and
they want to speak to you
Me: The Police?
Notiniphu: Yes My Queen they are in the living
room with everyone
Priscella and Refilwe looked at me. They noticed
I am nervous. I smiled at them. I wonder what
the police found at The Zidenge house. Oh My
God I can't be arrested no.
Nomakhosazana: Notiniphu I will be right there
I looked at Priscella and her mother then smiled
I breath in and out then walked to the door
Me: Are you coming guys ?
Priscella: Yes mother!



< Narrated >
The elders just arrived from Port Elizabeth. We
see them at the sport ground. They walked out
with two sheeps that they were given to them by
The Dlungane family in Port Elizabeth. We see
one of the men helping Nomahelele walk out of
the helicopter. The chief smiled. He was there
waiting for them. We see The Chief smiling
walking to them. Nomahelele looked up
Nomahelele: H!!!
She jumped on him and hugged him tight. She
broke hug
Nomahelele: It has been a long time hasn't it ?
Hlohlesakhe: I know. The last time i saw yo.....
Nomahelele didn't wait for him to finish his
sentence. She finished it for him.
Nomahelele: It was when i came to the funeral. I
had to stay away you saw how angry S'ntoro-
ntoro was and.....
Nomahelele fixed the chief's shirt
Nomahelele: I wonder how she must be feeling
since i will be joining the family now officially
The chief looked around then at Nomahelele
Hlohlesakhe: She is not happy but don't worry.
She is not home
Nomahelele laughed
Me: Me worried? H that woman found you and i
in bed I was not bothered at all anyway where is
the car ? I can't walk to the royal house
Hlohlesakhe: It's over there. Siqalo open the
door for your Queen
Nomahelele took The chief's hand. They walked
to the car. The field is not far at all. It takes like a
minute or two to get to the Royal house.
Nomahelele: So did you tell the kids?
" My chief we need to talk about..... " That was
one of the elders. Nomahelele kissed the chief..
Nomahelele: I have to leave you behind. I miss
my cousin sister
Hlohlesakhe: Okay
Nomahelele walked to the car
Nomahelele: Siqalo nice to see you again
Siqalo: Hello My Queen. It is nice to see you too
Nomahelele: Take me to the palace
Siqalo closed the door. He went to the driver's
seat. He started the engine.
Nomahelele: I left my entire clothes in that
helicopter. You have to hurry back to fetch it
okay ?
Siqalo: Okay my Queen
They arrived.
Nomahelele: Open a door for me Siqalo
Siqalo: Oh Sorry
He walked out and opened the door. Nomahelele
walked out. She flipped her big afro
Nomahelele: Oh I never thought I would end up
here. The only luxury in this village is this
She walked to the door. Siqalo ran after her
Nomahelele: Dont worry. I don't have to be
announced. Go fetch my clothes
Siqalo turned around
Nomahelele: I wonder what the police are doing
here ?
She said looking at a police car. She turned the
door handle then walked in. Everyone including
the police looked at her
Nomahelele: The Police at the judge's house?
The officer looked at The other
Officer: A judge?
The Queen walked out of the study with
Priscella and Refilwe.
Officer2: Judge Nomakhosazana?
Nomakhosazana: Officer Swana what are you
doing in my palace ?
He raised his hand trying to explain. He shook
his head then laughed
Swana: I am sorry my Lord it's just that this
Nomakhosazana we were coming to see we
didn't think it was you
Nomakhosazana: Well welcome to my home
The Queen said that then went to her cousin and
kissed her and hugged her
Nomahelele: You're in trouble ain't you ?
Nomahelele whispered in the Queen's ear
Nomakhosazana: looks that way
The Queen broke the hug then looked at the
Nomakhosazana: Come on take a sit
Officer: Can we talk somewhere private. This is
a serious matter My Lord
The Queen smiled looking at her family some
attempted to leave
Nomakhosazana: Where are you going?
They turned around. The Queen looked at
Officer swana
Nomakhosazana: Swana everyone knows
everyone's business in this house. We are one
big family oh by the way that is my son King
Masixole: Officers
They took off their caps
Swana: King Zwelicacile
Masixole nodded his head smiling and nervous
at the same time. He was worried for his
mother. He could see She was also nervous.
Nomakhosazana: So officers? How can i help
you ?
The officers looked at each other. Everyone
looked at Queen Nomakhosazana.
Nomakhosazana: We are having dinner shortly
please talk
Swana: I don't know how to say this. At Hlalwini
in Zidenge house......
Nomakhosazana pretended to be concerned
Nomakhosazana: Yes ?
Swana: The wife of Shosholoza Zidenge was
found dead
Nomakhosazana: Hayi!!! (no)
The Queen sat down shocked. She put her hand
on her chest. Princess Nomagampompo looked
at the Queen shocked. She couldn't believe she
did this then after that we see her look away
smiling. probably thinking about a possibility of
being with Shosholoza.
Nomakhosazana: What happened to her ?
Swana: We believe she ate poisoned food but
there is no trace of someone being with her
during the time she was eating but we have to
do our job and start an investigation
Officer2: We also found the poison under her
pillow. Fortunately for us the forensic did the
tests fast and confirmed the poison that was
under her pillow was the poison that killed her
Nomakhosazana: Oh My God so she committed
suicide ?
The Queen looked at her family and quickly said
something before the officer spoke.
Nomakhosazana: To think I was gonna meet up
with her today. I remember she called it was.... I
am not sure whether it was Friday or yesteday
The Queen took out her phone and looked at it.
Nomakhosazana: It was Friday I said I couldn't
meet up because i have guests from
The Queen said looking at Seputla family.
Nomakhosazana: She called me today she asked
if I could come for a moment I said no. We had
such a busy morning
Swana: So you didn't go see Nomfunzelo Zidenge
Nomakhosazana: No! In the morning we were
discussing the King's wedding and some matters.
My brother in law is taking a second wife
Nomahelele: Me
The officers smiled at Nomahelele then looked
back at The Queen.
Nomakhosazana: So After we were done with all
that which was after ten. The guys from Gatueng
went to Coffee Bay. I was here all day I didn't
leave the house !
Some of the people who knew The Queen left the
house looked shocked.
Nomagampompo: She is telling the truth
officers. Who said she went there?
Officer: Mr Shosholoza said she heard his wife
saying she was gonna meet Judge
Nomakhosazana: Did he see me there? I think
she told him before I cancelled
Nomagampompo: My Queen and I were busy
with company finances at that study all day
Swana: Ma'am are you sure about this?
Notiniphu joined The family
Nomagampompo: We were here with her. The
Queen didn't leave the house today
Princess said looking at Notiniphu
Officer: Ms was the Queen here all day ?
Notiniphu: Yes officer. My Queen was here all
Nomahelele: Where is Siqalo with my luggage ?
Nomahelele walked out. She looked around. She
saw Bhalisile. She ran to him.
Nomahelele: I am sure you don't know me! I am
the chief's new wife. If the police ask you if The
Queen left the house today say no! Tell them she
didn't leave the palace
Bhalisile nodded her head yes.
Nomahelele took out something from her
handbag. She drew a knife
Nomahelele: You make a mistake
Bhalisile: No! The Queen didn't see the sun
today. She was in doors
Nomahelele smiled. She put her knife in her
She walked back to the palace
Nomahelele: Officers you're leaving already?
Swana: Yes we shouldn't have come here. All the
DNA in that house is of everyone who live there.
There is nothing that shows the Judge was there
Nomahelele: Okay drive safely
Officer2: Thank you
Nomahelele smiled at them. They got in the car.
They drove out. Nomahelele walked in.
Nomahelele: They are gone
The Queen let out sigh of relief.
Masixole: A sigh of relief? Mom what's going on
Nomahelele: Kids upstairs!
Algebra, Nomgcwabe, Phonqa and Elton walked
up the stairs
Nomakhosazana: EJ stay I don't want you to
think we are criminals. You have to hear this
Elton turned around. He sat down
Nomahelele smiled at her cousin sister. The
Queen stood up. She went to whisky
Masixole: Mom! ?
Nomahelele: Wait for your mother!
The Queen gulped her drink. She looked angry.
She was facing the wall. Everyone was looking
at her back
Nomakhosazana: I almost died today
Everyone looked at her. She turned around and
looked at everyone. She poured another one
Masixole: What ?
The Queen walked to the couch. She sat down
Nomakhosazana: You remember after you
called me telling me the woman who was gonna
be your first wife was in Johannesburg?
Masixole: Yes?
The Queen exhaled
Nomakhosazana: I went to her home and
confronted her parents hoping that They will tell
me why the ancestors kicked their daughter out
of the palace
Masixole: What happened?
Me: I asked them who is Malingene. The man
who is sleeping with that girl. Shosholoza's wife
ran to the kitchen saying she was getting me a
glass of wine. I don't know what but I felt like
leaving before she came back. I left. Days later
Gedleza came here. He told me I did the right
thing by leaving because that woman put poison
in that glass of wine
Refilwe: Oh My God
The Queen let out a heavy sigh.
Nomakhosazana: Friday she called asking me to
come to her house. I said you guys were coming
I can't go. I said I was gonna go there today
Masixole: And you didn't go right?
Nomahelele: Masixole your mother is not a
murderer! sit back and listen !
Masixole leaned back and put his hands on his
head. Priscella brushed his back. She looked
nervous. The Queen looked at Refilwe , Priscella
then at Masixilo
Nomakhosazana: When you came back from
coffee bay You all didn't find me here did you ?
They all shook their heads no
Nomakhosazana: After you guys took off. I went
to apologise to The man my brother in law beat
after that I went to my car planning to leave.
Gedleza came running asking me not to go
because this woman is planning to kill me
Refilwe: Why? Did you have a fight or
The Queen shook her head np. She looked at
Nomakhosazana: My sin was loving your
daughter and protecting my son from that.......
The Queen paused. She leaned forward
Nomakhosazana: Slut!
Priscella: So she wanted to kill you because you
didn't want her daughter to be with Masixole?
Nomakhosazana: Yes. So I said to Gedleza I am
going. I went there today. I wanted to hear her
out. She brought two glasses of wine then went
to check on the pots. What I did was swipe our
glasses then attempted to drink, Out of no where
Gedleza came and stopped me from drinking.
Both glasses were poisoned. She knew i didn't
trust her. I almost died. If Gedleza didn't stop me
I could be dead now
Nomahelele brushed her back. She was standing
behind her
Nomakhosazana: I don't want to get into too
much details. All i can tell you is she was sloppy
then ended up eating her own poison from the
food. Son I am sorry but i stood there and did
nothing. I watched that woman die
The Queen was crying. Refilwe shed a tear.
Nomakhosazana: I took the plate that was
supposed to be mine and glass. I washed them. I
made sure there was nothing that showed she
was eating with someone. I left after that. It was
gonna be me. I was gonna die if Gedleza didn't
stop me from drinking that wine
Refilwe: We are happy you're safe Queen. Right
Masixole looked at The Queen.
Masixole: I am happy you're okay mom. I am
glad you didn't go there with a poison. At least
she ate her own poison
Nomakhosazana: At least she is dead now which
means Your wife is not in danger. That woman
was a witch !
Sonia touched Priscella's hand
Nomakhosazana: If they find something on me. I
will be arrested Yes but I am innocent! She took
a fork and knife then ate her poison!
Nomahelele: I know I just got here but the girl
just set the table. Let's go eat before The food
gets cold
Everyone stood up
Masixole: EJ ask the guys to come down
Elton: sure
Everyone walked to the dining room. The Queen
remained standing at the living room. She took
out her phone. She called Shosholoza..
Shosholoza: They didn't arrest you ?
Nomakhosazana: What was that ? I didn't do
anything why did you lie to the police about me
Shosholoza: Nomakhosazana I overheard my
daughter and my wife talkimg. She said She was
gonna meet up with you !
Nomakhosazana: I did not meet up your wife!
Shosholoza: Stop lying!
Nomakhosazana: If you don't stop this nonsense
I am going to tell your daughter about the
shares. I will tell her your wife was fighting a
losing battle because you didn't tell her we took
those shares. You don't want your daughter to
know about your other kids now do you?
Shosholoza: She knows!
The Queen's eyes popped out.
Shosholoza: My daughter knows she has
brothers. The walls are closing up for you
Nomakhosazana. You killed my wife and i won't
sleep until I prove it to the police and that will
happen tonight !
The Queen Sat down on the couch. She looked
nervous tears fall down her cheeks.

< Narrated >
Elton did mention that he contacted Laila and
told her he wants to see Tasha. You can imagine
how Tasha must be feeling right now. She can't
wait to see him tomorrow. It looks like she
forgot the fact that it might not be a good visit.
No one wants to see her there. The only person
who is drunk in love with her is Elton not the
family. If Tasha was a normal person she would
be more worried than excited. She is forgetting
that she is not meeting him somewhere at a
restaurant. She is meeting him at his home
where his mother and sister live. How do you
look at a family of a man You drugged because
you wanted another man? Some people like
Tasha have no shame at all.
Anyway We see Laila shaking her head walking
to the kitchen. She was shaking her head
because Tasha was making noise singing.
Laila: And then?
Tasha stopped singing. She looked at Laila
Tasha: I am just singing
Laila: Don't forget what I said. I see you're
excited but.....
Tasha interrupted her
Tasha: I know it might not be good news but
remember. Elton is not the only thing i should
be excited about. Tomorrow I am going to a will
reading. I have an appointment with Mandy. A
lot is happening and I can feel it. I can feel that
it's good news all round
She continued washing dishes
Laila: I don't mean to be a party pooper but you
remember we have to go to your Doctor's
appointment at 10 right ?
Tasha lost her smile.
Tasha: I wonder why I forgot that ?
Laila smiled then tapped her shoulder
Laila: That's why you have me friend
Tasha faked a smile then looked away thinking
about the results
Laila looked at her phone. She smiled then
looked at Tasha
Laila: Oh Isaiah is going to stay there for another
night. He is coming back tomorrow with
Brendan's parents
That also made Tasha nervous. It looks like Laila
is just ruining her mood altogether
Laila: Ready to answer the big question when
you meet his parents ?
Tasha: What question?
Laila: Why you didn't go to the funeral?
Tasha's eyes widened. It looks like she didn't
think about that.
Laila: How was their son before he died since
you were the last person who saw him?
Tasha started panicking. She balances on the
cabinet. Tears dropped from both eyes
Laila: I don't mean to scare you. I just want you
to go there prepared. Those people might not be
nice to you
Tasha wiped her tears. She walked away
Laila: Hey the dishes!!!
Tasha ignored her. She walked to her room.
Laila looked at the dishes.
Laila: I was just trying to be a good friend
She said taking over from washing dishes.

It looks like Hunter is making his life more
complicated. This man was told about Claire's
sexuality. He went running to confront Claire
and he didn't really get details. Claire just
brushed him off then walked out on him. Claire
was angry about that. She didn't understand
why Sonia told him this. Now he just heard
Claire called Sonia and now he looks upset going
to confront Claire. It looks like they are not going
to be happy in this relationship and that
unfortunately happens when one cheats. Hunter
cheated. He denied it and Claire don't seem like
she believes or trusts him. No one can blame her
though. Her gut feeling tells her he cheated and
it's not wrong. She is right he did cheat. He slept
with his ex.
Anyway Hunter walked in and found Claire
reading a book. Claire put the book next to her
then looked at Hunter.
Hunter: Baby do you have something to tell me ?
Claire: I wouldn't say it's something to tell you.
It's more like something i want to ask you
Hunter: Yes ?
Claire: Why did you cheat on me with your ex
Hunter looked down and exhaled
Hunter: I told you I didn't slee.....
Claire stood up then walked away
Claire: Well I don't believe you
She walked out of the door. Hunter followed her
Hunter. How are we going to work if you don't
trust me?
Claire: How are we going to work if you sleep
with your ex wife then deny it ? Do you want me
to trust a liar?
Hunter: I am not....
Claire: Are you crazy? Why are you even
speaking to that woman after everything she's
done to you ?
Hunter: She is Roxy and....
He paused then breath out
Hunter: You never had a problem with me
having a friendship with her what changed ?
Claire: You slept with her that's what changed!
Hunter chuckled.
Claire: I also found out she is still in love with
You!, don't you think that changes everything?
Hunter: She is not in love with me!
Claire: Why did she get annoyed to see me, Why
did she tell you my secret. She wanted you to
leave me !
Hunter: You know that we shouldn't have
secrets in a relationship right?
Claire: Then confess. You slept with your ex
Hunter: Claire you had no right to call Sonia.
What do you want to talk about with her ?
She chuckled then walked away
Claire: Oh my God this woman called you! ?
Hunter: Baby you guys are not friend you can't
call her
Claire: This is the reason i want to meet her.
First of all you're right about one thing. We are
not friends! she had no right to tell you about
my past. I need to introduce myself to her that's
Hunter: I don't think you have to do this. Don't
meet her !
Claire: Baby i know you respect the De Villiers
family and whatever but your ex wife needs to
learn some manners. She has no manners at all!
Hunter: Claire
Claire: What ? You know what? I don't want to
hear you defend your ex wife you make me sick!
Claire: I am meeting her whether you like it or
not. She agreed to meet!
Claire walked back to the bedroom. She
slammed the door hard. Hunter put his hand on
his head then exhaled .
Hunter: I don't know now

< Narrated >
At the royal house. It's just after dinner.
Everyone went to bed. The seputla family has to
wake up early and get ready to go home and get
to work the same day. The only people who
were down stairs was The Queen, Nomahele and
Hlohlesakhe. Nomahelele said goodbye to
Hlohlesakhe he left. Nomahelele said they can't
spend a night She wants to catch up with her
cousin. Anyway we see Notiniphu washing
dishes with Royal servants. Her phone rang. She
looked at it then shook her head. She answered.
Notiniphu: I am busy what do you want?
It was Velezantsi on the phone.
Velezantsi: Get out of there I want to speak to
Notiniphu: But I just said I was busy. What do
you want ?
Velezantsi: I will get in there and embarrass
you! is that what you want ?
Notiniphu: Fine wait for me at the gate
Notiniphu hung up then looked at others
Notiniphu: Guys I will be back
She walked out from the kitchen door. She didn't
wanna be seen by the Queen. She ran to the
gate. She found Velezantsi waiting for her.
Notiniphu: I am here what do you want? To use
me again?
Velezantsi: Get out !
Notiniphu walked out. Velezantsi grabbed her
top. He pulled her closer
Velezantsi: What did Ngejiwe do? Don't even
think of lying to me girl
Notiniphu: Let go of me. You know I was gonna
tell you before she walked in
He let go of Notiniphu then fixed her top
Notiniphu: You remember when i said there are
guests from Johannesburg?
Velezantsi: Yeah ?
Notiniphu: They own a mine. Seputla mine
Velezantsi: Wow my uncle work there
Notiniphu: Yep well your girlfriend seduced
their son
Velezantsi: What ?
Notiniphu: They slept together I don't know how
many times....
Velezantsi looked away angry. Notiniphu smiled
and started talking while looking at him looking
Notiniphu: But nothing stays hidden forever at
Royal house. Phonqa caught them having sex he
told the entire family. Her family said they must
marry her because she was a virgin. The boy
said she wasn't and He doesn't love her. Princess
Ngejiwe cried saying he said he loved her then it
was revealed that Ngejiwe's mom asked Ngejiwe
to seduce him so that they get married and your
girlfriend was in love with the guy. She was
disappointed when the guy said it was just sex
Velezantsi: This explains how she brushed me
off Friday night. She didn't even want me to kiss
Notiniphu: That's when i bumped into you...?
Velezantsi: Yes! i was angry. I just spoke to her
when i saw you
Notiniphu: Well She is back to you because she
was rejected by Billionaires and their son
Velezantsi: She thinks I am a fool! She is just like
all of them. All that matters to them is status. I
was amazed by the sudden change of heart
Notiniphu: She is a royal princess. She takes
whatever she wants whenever she wants
Velezantsi: Not today
Nontiniphi: So what are you gonna do? Are you
gonna call her or.....
Velezantsi: I left that bitch in My room
Notiniphu put her hand on her mouth
Velezantsi: Sharp. I have to go !
He walked away fuming with anger. Notiniphu
smiled Then chuckled. She walked back to the
royal house.

< Judge Makhosazana >
I don't know I feel like I won't get away with this
one but I didn't murder Nomfunzelo. I didn't do
it. She killed herself. My only sin was leaving her
there and dead. I don't know what I am going to
do. Shosholoza is going to be a problem. I can't
call May. If i call my cousin she is going to Kill
Shosholoza. I can't let that happen i just can't. I
knew someone else might know about my visit
to Nomfunzelo and I was hoping it's her
husband because i told myself i knew what I
was gonna do. I was gonna blackmail him about
telling Nomaxabiso now that Nomaxabiso
knows about the children, I don't know what to
do. This man is going to be a problem. A man
who lost a wife is dangerous. One thing i won't
do is kill him. I will make sure he doesn't kill me
though. I will do whatever it takes to make
Nomaxabiso believe that her father is the reason
for her mother's death.
I smiled just by thinking about it. I took my
phone. I texted Shosholoza.
Me: No! I can't send him a text. He will use this
and take it to the police
I heard Nomahelele's heels making noise. She
was coming from the bathroom
Nomahelele: You need to stop doing that!
I turned around
Me: I am doing what ?
Nomahelele: Acting guilty. You didn't kill that
woman. She killed herself you were just there !
I sat down
Me: Say that to Shosholoza. That man is
planning to get me arrested. He said he was
gonna prove that i was there
Nomahelele: There is no proof. He must bury his
wife and leave you alone
" Chief Nkosesizwe wants to apologise. He says
this is his fault " That was Gedleza walking down
the stairs. He never goes upstairs. Maybe he
came in some spirit form. I don't know
Me: How is this his fault?
Gedleza walked down
Gedleza: He says your life is in danger because
of him
I looked at my sister. She looked nervous. I can't
lie I am too. There is a lot to lose here. But I am
at peace If i get arrested with My sister here, She
will take care of my interests. Oh my God I
sound like I have given up already.
Gedleza: He says If he didn't make a deal with
Shosholoza your life wouldn't be in danger right
Nomahelele: Ye Sgezenga you keep saying
danger. What danger is my sister in ?
Gedleza looked at me.
Gedleza: Shosholoza
Me: What about him ?
Gedleza: My Queen he is going to kill you
Nomahelele: So what do you suggest? Do you
think she must kill him before he kills her ?
Gedleza looked at me. Tears streamed down my
cheeks uncontrollably. I shook my head no I
can't do this again.
Nomahelele: Ngedle! Thetha! ( Gedleza speak)
Gedleza: I am Gedleza my Queen
Nomahelele: What's the solution? Should we kill
him or you will?
Gedleza looked at me
Me: Gedleza do something!
Gedleza: The only way to stop him......
Me: Is what?
He looked up the stairs. We all did. He looked at
Gedleza: Is to eliminate him!
I put both my hands on my mouth
Me: Gedleza you're going to do it right?
Gedleza: My Queen I am not a murderer. I am a
royal healer. I am here to heal and protect you
not to kill for you
Nomahelele: So you're giving us a go ahead to go
kill him?
Gedleza looked at me. I shook my head no
Gedleza: The only way to stop him.......
He vanished after he said that. Nomahelele
looked at me
Nomahelele: Is to eliminate him and that is what
we are going to do!
Me: No! I refuse !
I walked away I heard Nomahelele's heels. She
was running after me. She grabbed my arm. I
turned around and looked at her. I was crying
with my hand on my mouth
Nomahelele: You refuse what ?
I yanked my hand. I walked to the Whisky
I poured myself a glass. I looked at my cousin
sister she was standing there pulling up her
Jesery rolling up the sleeves. I don't know who
we took after. Nomahelele is more like May. We
are all ready for war. I am better because i have
a conscience. This one has never killed anyone.
I don't know why she thinks this is a game!
Nomahelele: Drink up! just know that is the last
one because we have an old man to take out
I gulped the glass. She snatched it out of my
hand. She put it on the table.
Nomahelele: What's the plan ?
I shook my head no !
Me: The plan is I need body guards !
I walked away. I heard her heels. She was
running after me..
Nomahelele: Are you crazy!? That man is going
to kill you! Cuz you heard Sgezenga!
Me: Its Gedleza!
Nomahelele: Whatever his name is. He is
ashamed to put it like it is and say kill him. He
knows you're capable of killing
Me: Cuz......
I was breathing heavily scared. I looked at the
stairs then up. I looked at her.
Me: Cuz Think of Nomgcwabe and Phonqa
Nomahelele: They know him ?
Me: No bu......
Nomahelele: That man doesn't care about those
boys! They have a good life without him and
they can be anything without him. All you have
to do is kill that man and pay him by taking care
of his children financially!
Me: My sister in law is in love with that man
Nomahelele: Don't tell me about that imbecile!
She has never been with any man in her life but
him! We are going to find her an old man who
has no wife !
Me: No! I am going to find myself bodyguards.
He won't be able to kill me. I will up security he
won't be allowed to enter my home
My cousin sister shook her head in disbelief.
Me: What ?
Nomahelele: You know I can do this with or
without you right ?
What? I looked at her. She is not serious right?
Me: You can do what? are you cra.....
My phone rang. I took it out then looked at it. I
looked at Nomahelele
Nomahelele: It's him isn't it ?
I nodded my head yes. She snatched my phone I
ran to her to take the phone She answered
Nomahelele: Shosholoza?
Shosholoza: Finally I have evidence to take you
straight to prison !
Oh My God. I put my hands on my mouth
Nomahelele: What are you talking about ?
Shosholoza: My wife was a woman who
recorded everything down. Yes my wife had a
diary In that diary she wrote something. She
was planning to meet you today
Nomahelele: That doesn't prove anything. I was
not there and I have an alibi and the police
know that!
This idiot don't know my voice. He can't hear he
is not speaking to me.
Shosholoza: That is not All, I found the diary in
the kitchen in one of the drawers
Oh No! Don't tell me She was writing while I was
Shosholoza: It reads here.....
He started reading.
Shosholoza: 20 December 2019.....This woman is
sitting in my living room. I am taking wine to
her. I made sure both glasses have poison. She is
going to swipe poison with poison.
Oh my God he is not bluffing now. I can tell he
knows what he is talking about. He can't know
all the detail of both glasses poisoned unless
they both planned it.
I had My hand on my mouth I sat on the couch
Shosholoza: It goes on and say. Listen to her
yelling from the dinning room complimenting
my food. Nomakhosazana Ndengana is dying
Me: Oh My God
Nomahelele: I stand with what I said to the
police. I wasn't there but I can see you want to
ruin my reputation. I am willing to listen. What
do you want?
I stood up and wiped my tears looking at the
phone impatiently waiting. It looks like
Nomalelele is handling things well.
Shosholoza chuckled.
Shosholoza: I want My 20% shares back. Bring
the paper work to MDUMBI bridge right now
Nomahelele: Shosholoza it's 9pm!
Shosholoza: Nomakhosazana I am sure the
police will be interested to read this diary and
find it very interesting.
Nomahelele: Okay fine!
Shosholoza: I am giving you only 30 minutes to
get to the bridge if you don't arrive in 30
minutes I am going to call the police
I snatched the phone. I hug up. " He will make
you sign then kill you ! " Said a voice behind
us.We looked at him. It's Gedleza obviously. We
were looking at him. I was scared. My sister
looked at me giving me the look.
Gedleza: He knows when he comes back to claim
his shares the Princess won't rat him or question
how you signed and when you're not around it
will be easy to Manipulate the chief. No one
knows about these shares except the three of
He is playing with fire. I won't have no mercy
now. Gedleza looked at Nomahelele
Gedleza: Since you are planning to go together
he is gonna make sure you sign then kill both of
My cousin sister chuckled Then walked to her
She picked it up. She unzipped it. She took out
something then turned around. It's a gun.. She
cocked it three times
Nomahelele: The premier's bodyguards had
bullet proofs. Do you still have them?
I looked at her
Nomahelele: Come on Cuz you still feel sorry for
this man ?
I looked into space
Me: No!
Nomahelele: But?
I looked at her. I walked to my handbag as well.
I looked up the stairs. I took out my gun. I
cocked it three times. I looked at Nomahelele
Me: I was just thinking about what I am going to
She smiled.
I tried to save him. I really tried. If he wants to
die he is going to die.




< Princess Ngejiwe >
I haven't seen my dad ever since he was so cold
to me and I haven't spoken to my mother. Her
phone is off. I really want to tell her about
father's behavior but I can't get hold of her and i
think the problem is electricity. There is no
Electricity at Thaleni. My father said My
boyfriend should go pay the damages at Thaleni.
I am still thinking about it. I am confused. I don't
know what he meant by that. I have two guesses
though. Guess number one i think Maybe he said
that because they don't allow such to happen at
the royal house. They only expect you to be
married to a family of their choice while you're
still a virgin and that is something i am not.
Another guess is that maybe my father don't see
me as his daughter anymore. I feel like he
doesn't think I deserve to be a Ndengana that is
Why he thinks I belong to the Dimbaza family. I
need to speak to my father for the last time
before i take this matter to the Queen whom I
don't think i want to see. The first time i did
something my mother asked me the Queen
almost beat me. I cannot imagine how she must
be feeling right now. I am sure she doesn't want
to see me. I am sure she feels like I am stupid
and some how I feel the same but I know I had
to do what I did. I had to seduce EJ. I wanted to
be with him. I wish I didn't though. If i knew
how he felt about me. I wouldn't have wanted
him. I cannot believe I slept with him when he
didn't feel nothing for me. I believe what people
say. Men are trash. Men can say anything when
they are aroused. He said he loved me. I
should've known he didn't mean it. He just loved
the sex. I cannot believe I was so stupid.
Anyway I am in Velezantsi's room. He said he'd
be right back i don't know why he is not back
yet. I took my phone. I need to try my mother
again. We need to talk. Mother can't just want to
go to Thaleni. I feel like something happened
between her and dad. My family is very
secretive. My mother don't hide nothing from
me though. When I called her she didn't say
anything which is unlike her. Anyway the door
Me: Baby you're back ?
Velezantsi: Baby? is that what you called that
Jozi boy?
I stood up fast. Who has he been speaking to?
Me: Baby?
Velezantsi: Why did you come back to me ?
Me: B.....
He didn't let me respond. He raised a hand
Him: No, Why did you refuse to kiss me Friday
night and ran back in while I was still speaking
to you ?
Me: We were at the royal house. I ....
Him: You and your mother were planning to
marry you to that boy and you were ready to
leave me because of him!
Me: That's not true babe I love.....
Velezantsi: Stop lying! I know that boy rejected
you after God knows how many times you had
sex with him !
Oh My God. I haven't seen him so angry
Me: I can explai.....
Velezantsi: Is that why you said no to sex when i
wanted sex mid day?
I looked down. I don't know what to say because
whoever he spoke to told him everything and
the reason i didn't want to have sex with him
was because i slept with EJ this morning. I saw
him go to my clothes. He picked them up..
Me: Baby What are you doing?
He threw My clothes at me.
Velezantsi: Get dressed and leave my house
Me: What ?
Velezantsi: Get dressed and get out!!!!
He snapped. I took my clothes I dressed up. He
was looking away angry. I got dressed quickly. I
can't speak to him when he is like this. I need to
leave. I walked to the door
Velezantsi: Ngejiwe!
I turned around
Velezantsi: It's over. Don't call me and never
come to my house again!
Me: Baby please...
Velezantsi: Leave !!!
I walked out. I have to catch my breath. I can't
believe what just happened right now. How
could he do this? Who told Velezantsi? Where
did he go and who did he speak to ?
Me: Notiniphu? Oh My God yes it's her !
That girl is going to know me. I am going to the
royal house first thing in the morning. She is
going to tell me why the did what she did. I
didn't know She and Velezantsi knew each
other. I don't buy what they told me about
Nontiniphi trying to help him win me back. Why
would he speak to a royal maid and ask her to
speak to me? I am going to find out the truth
tomorrow I will make sure of it. She doesn't
know me.

< Narrated >
At Royal house. Everyone is sleeping. We see
Hlohlesakhe walks in. He looked at Secury guard
who opened the gate for him.
Him: Thank you
He walked to the palace. He knocked then
opened the door. He walked in then headed to
the living room. We see Princess
Nomagampompo walking down the stairs
wearing a night dress and a gown on top. She
was busy tying her Morning gown. She got
Nomagampompo: Why did you wake me up in
the middle of the night. Don't tell me I am your
excuse to see Nomahelele again. That woman is
decent. She won't sleep with you the same night
she got here. I thought she made it clear that she
is spending a night with the Queen
Only if she knew. The Queen and her cousin are
not at the palace at the moment.
Hlohlesakhe: I am not here about that Sisi
Nomagampompo: Okay let's sit
They sat down.
Nomagampompo: So what is this about?
Hlohlesakhe: I am here to talk about Ngejiwe
Princess Nomagampompo exhaled.
Nomagampompo: You know I was trying to
avoid to think about this. I know we need to talk
about her
Hlohlesakhe: You know she came to me to
apologise. She wanted to tell me that her
boyfriend is willing to pay for damages. I might
have said things I shouldn't have said to her
The Princess looked at him
Nomagampompo: What did you say?
The chief looked down.
Hlohlesakhe: Sisi you have to understand that I
was still angry at her mother. That woman lied
to me all these years !
Nomagampompo: What did you say
Hlohlesakhe: I said her boyfriend must go pay
Lobola to her mother. We don't do that here. A
girl here stay pure till marriage. She asked if I
wanted to know her boyfriend I said No! I
completely dismissed her ! I feel like the reason
she and her mother planned what she did with
that boy this morning because the boy who
broke her virginity is poor
Nomagampompo: Bhuti you need to pull
yourself together. Yes you're right. We don't
allow that. I got pregnant before marriage I
decided to never get marry. Does she want the
same? I don't think so besides she is not even
royalty but for her sake and the family
reputation you need treat her as your daughter.
Be mad at her as a parent but don't show her
that you're not her father
Hlohlesakhe: You're right Sisi. So when are we
telling the kids about my second wife ?
Nomagampompo: Bhuti tomorrow it's Monday
we have to go to work. How about tomorrow
Hlohlesakhe: Afternoon is perfect thank you sisi
Nomagampompo: You need to listen to the girl.
She is your child you raised her. If you treat her
like that she will be suspecious and start digging
Hlohlesakhe: Yeah I have been thinking about
that. It's not her fault Nontorotyi did this so I
cannot punish her
Nomagampompo: Exactly! Please leave now I
need to go drink water and go back to bed
Hlohlesakhe: Before you go Sisi.....
Nomagampompo: What is it ?
Hlohlesakhe: What happened to Nomfunzelo is
sad though
Nomagampompo: She killed herself. She got
tired of living
Hlohlesakhe: Yeah hey. I wonder how
Shosholoza must be feeling and their poor
Nomagampompo: We must pick a date and go
Hlohlesakhe: Yeah hey let me go and sleep.
Tomorrow is gonna be one of the days I am not
looking forward to
Nomagampompo: They need to know. We are
royalty. Polygamy is part of our tradition
Hlohlesakhe: Yeah but they will question their
mother's sudden disappearance
Nomagampompo: You don't regret banishing
her do you ?
Hlohlesakhe: No! That woman wronged me. She
lied to me! I don't think i will ever forgive her. I
don't want to see her
Nomagampompo: Okay good night I want to lock
the door
Hlohlesakhe: Night sisi

Shosholoza gave The Queen thirty minutes to get
to MDUMBI bridge, If in thirty minutes she is not
there he is calling the police. The Queen knows
Shosholoza is not bluffing. She knows he wasn't
there when all this happened but he is singing
everything that happened. What kinda woman
was Nomfunzelo. Who record everything she
does down even when they are under pressure?
If you remember correctly, When this woman
was talking and planning in The kitchen She did
all this fast because she didn't want to be caught
and She wanted the Queen dead as soon as
possible. Where did she get time to write in her
diary. The Queen knows it's possible that she
was writing in her diary because Nomfunzelo
took time when she kept going back and forth to
that kitchen and back. The Queen didn't want to
kill Shosholoza at all. She was thinking about the
kids and her sister in law but all that changed
when Gedleza revealed that Shosholoza is
coming to kill not to negotiate with the Queen.
Amyway we see the Queen and Nomahelele in
The car driving. Nomahelele was in the driver's
seat. The Queen in the passanger seat. She
looked nervous. Nomahelele was not bothered
at all. They were quiet until May decided to talk.
Nomakhosazana: You know May was right.
When you start killing you never stop
Nomahelele: I thought we agreed you never
mention that name infront of me !
Nomakhosazana: Cuz we are cousins. You need
to fix your problems with May!
Nomahelele: How far are we from the bridge?
Nomakhosazana: We turn then you will see the
Nomahelele: Oh
Nomakhosazana: I still don't understand why
you had to bring so much cash
Nomahelele: We don't know what will happen
there. We might have to run with our own two
feet if things don't go well
Nomakhosazana: I hope it doesn't get to that
Nomahelele: Take my gun out of my handbag
Nomakhosazana: If we go together he will be
paranoid and think I am here to fight. This could
go wrong Cuz
Nomahelele: You're right that is why I am going
to him alone
Nomakhosazana: Are you crazy? He is expecting
to see me not you! if you go there h....
Nomahelele: If i walk out of this car with my
lights off and walk to him looking down he
won't notice. We are of the same size and height
Nomakhosazana: I don't want you to be in the
crossfire because of me cousin
Nomahelele: There he is! lie down! he knows
you will come from the driver's seat. So there is
no way you are going there. I am on the driver's
seat and I am the one going. Give me these fake
documents !
The Queen lied down. She gave her the
documents then the gun. They were both
wearing black jackets. Nomahelele stopped the
Nomakhosazana: What are you gonna do. Tell
me before you go
Nomahelele: I get there I shoot him till he is
Nomahelele walked out of the car after She said
that. She didn't want go hear anything the
Queen had to say. She had the gun on the same
hand with documents. The documents were
hiding the gun. She walked to the car looking
down. She had shades on. Shosholoza lowered
his window
Shosholoza: Actually the passenger door is not
closed. Why don't you get in the car ?
Nomahelele cleared her throat trying to sound
like Queen Nomakhosazana.
Nomahelele: I don't think you expect me to be
excited to be here. You're taking my shares. I
don't have time to chitchat I just need your pen I
will sign and leave
Shosholoza chuckled.
Shosholoza: Suit yourself
Shosholoza reached for a pen. Nomahelele's left
hand took the papers from the right hand.
Shosholoza turned around
Shosholoza: Here yo.......
Nomahelele pulled out a gun. She shot at
Nomahelele: BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!
She shot the poor man three times. The Queen in
the car had her hands on her mouth
Nomahelele cocked the gun one more time
Nomahelele: This is to make sure you're really
She pushed Shosholoza's body. He fell on the
passenger seat. Nomahelele aimed for the heart
Nomahelele: BOOM!
That was the last shot
Nomahelele: Cuz I know this is the middle of no
where but someone might hear the gun shots
and decides To come
The Queen walked out
Nomakhosazana: Oh Thank God it was not you! I
thought he shot you
Nomahelele: Go get my handbag from your car!
Nomakhosazana: I thought May was the bravest
of us three. Is he dead?
Nomahelele: For goodness Sake cuz I don't have
enough time give me my handbag I have to go
with this body !!!
Nomakhosazana: Where are you taking him.
Why don't we leave him here ?
Nomahelele shook her head in disbelief. She ran
to the Queen's car. She took her handbag then
walked back
Nomahelele: If this man is found here you will
be a suspect again!
Nomakhosazana: So where are you taking him ?
Nomahelele: This is where money comes in
Nomahelele kissed and hugged her sister then
walked to Shosholoza's car. She pushed the body
to the passanger's seat then looked at The Queen
Nomahelele: Go home and sleep. Wait for my
Nomakhosazana: How are you going to get
Nomahelele: I said go home Cuz! Don't worry
about me ! go! go!!!!
The Queen ran to her car. She opened the door
then got in. Nomahelele drove away
Shosholoza's car. The Queen was in her car
crying and looking at Shosholoza's car.
Nomakhosazana: Be safe Cuz
The Queen started the engine. She wiped her
tears then drove to Sdabadabeni.

< Nontorotyi >
I am at home. You know when you arrive after
you were a way for a long time people come and
stay at your home till late. My home is full of
people right now. I really don't like that because
i am not here for a friendly visit. I didn't want to
visit. The situation forced me to come here. I am
not in a good mood at all. My husband banished
me from My house. He is getting a wife. I can't
be happy about that. And I am not a good
company to these people. I bought them alcohol
they are making a lot of noise. I am in My room
now trying to sleep. Tomorrow I have to wake
up and go to Mqanduli. I need to leave this
place. When I am at Zinyovile's house I will be
able to be alert about everything. I need to know
what is happening in my house. That house is
still mine. I also need to know when is
Nomahelele coming.
Anyway I heard my door open. My brother and
his wife walked in.
Me: I was about you sleep
Brother: We just wanted to ask how you find the
house ?
Me: The house is exactly how I wanted it to be.
And my room is clean. I am happy
Brother: Thank you for the money you keep
sending me Nontorotyi
Me: I am just glad your wife made sure you don't
drink it
They laughed
Brother: I am not that bad
I wonder where will I get money to send them
next month. I am no longer working. Right now
all I want is to send my CV's and get a job. I don't
want to go back to that company. I can't work at
a company where when I have a problem with
family I lose my job. I am going back to Nursing.
Anyway I smiled at my brother. He is right. He is
not a trustworthy person but since he got
married I see change.
Me: I know you're not that bad I mean look at
this eight rooms house you built. I never thought
this house would stand. I took a risk when i kept
giving you money to build
Sister in law: He was very excited to build this
house. Sisi you are married to one of the richest
families in this town if not the only one. As your
family we are expected to have a beautiful home
When is my brother getting a job? I can't keep
supporting them. I smiled then looked down.
Only if she knew. I could be getting divorce
papers tomorrow. Nomakhosazana and her
cousin are determined to get rid of me.
Brother: Sisi?
I looked at him .
Me: Yes
Brother: You're not back for good right ?
Me: No! silly. I am leaving tomorrow. I just
wanted to spend a night in a house I built. Are
you guys kicking me out?
Brother: What? no!
His wife: Its just that you brought all your
Me: I brought my clothes here because I want to
have clothes here. Look at my wardrobe! It was
empty. I built this house because i wanted to
have a home! Bhuti I promised you that I will
take care of you. I married Hlohlesakhe because
i wanted to better our lives not only mine. I built
this house so that I can have a place to call home
Brother: I know that sister. The monthly
allowance is also appreciated, right my wife?
She nodded her head yes. I looked down. Where
am I gonna get money to give them this coming
month? Tonight it's the 20th of December. I have
to make a plan in ten days I have to give them
R5 000 Rands..
Me: Well let me sleep. I will catch up with you
before i leave tomorrow
Sister in law: Where is your car?
I smiled.
Me: My car is getting fixed. That's why I am
going home tomorrow. I can't wait to see it. Can
you believe I have been without a car for three
Bhuti: You without your car? You must be going
Me: Oh brother. I am just happy my husband is
paying for it
Sister in law: He is such a wonderful man. I was
so happy when he became chief
Me: I am so proud of him and everything he is
I said looking on thin air smiling. Can they walk
out already. I want to cry My eyes out. I have
lost my husband, My car and my job. Speaking
of my job. I have to fight for it. They can't fire me
Bhuti: Sisi!!!
I snapped out of my thoughts. I looked at them
Me: Huh?
Sister in law: Good night
Me: Night guys
They walked out. I let out a sigh of relief. I
turned around
Zinyovile: Fraud!
Me: What?
Zinyovile: Fraud!!!!
She was screaming the word at my face. What is
she talking about?
Me: What are you talking about Zinyovile. My
husband just kicked me out. You should be
helping me instead of insulting me! ever since
you came back from Swaziland you never done
anything to help me! I am sorry to say but you're
useless !
Zinyovile: Your sister wife arrived
I put my hands on my mouth
Me: What?
Zinyovile: She arrived today
Me: What? She is in bed sleeping with my
husband now?
Zinyovile: That woman is no pushover. She set
the rules or maybe your husband is a stupid
man because he always listened to you as well !
Me: I loved me. He still loves me he will forgive
me right?
Zinyovile: If your sister wife wants you back you
will go back , IF she doesn't want you back .....
Zinyovile looked at my bed
Zinyovile: Make yourself at home. You're not
going anywhere
I put both my hands on my mouth. I sat on the
edge of my bed.
Me: Please don't say that
Zinyovile: I didn't say she won't and I didn't say
she will just stay out of trouble but.....
I stood up
Me: But what?
Zinyovile: You're already in trouble !
Me: Is it something i don't know or something i
know which is lying about daughter?
Zinyovile: You know all your sins. They are
coming to light one by one!
I cried so hard then I realised someone outside
might hear me. I cried silently.
Zinyovile: Nontorotyi When you sin it's nice you
are having a good time that you even forget
about the outcome of your sins
Me: I am willing to change! but first I have to kill
Nomahelele! give me your poison. After that I
will change
She chuckled then pulled a chair I took the
clothes that was on the chair. She sat down.
Zinyovile: I will tell you a story
Me: Yes ?
Zinyovile: A year! many years ago till
last year, I was helping a woman with my
poison. She killed quiet a number of people
Zinyovile looked at me
Zinyovile: Do you know how she died?
Me: No
Zinyovile: The same poison killed her
Me: How ?
Zinyovile: She accidentally ate food that had her
poison. She thought she was smart. I was her
supplier, She decided to be a supplier As well for
someone else. She gave her neighbour my
poison. The neighbour killed her with the same
poison. Oh how I miss Nozazi
She said folding her arms looking away smiling.
I looked at her
Me: But I won't give it to anyone. I will just kill....
Zinyovile: I was not done with my stories!
Me: Oh
I sat back down and listened
Zinyovile: I started giving my poison to a royal
woman. She killed as well. Quiet a number of
people as well. guess what happened To her ?
Me: Tell me !
Zinyovile: The same thing happened. She died of
her own poison
She looked at me and smiled
Zinyovile: I am sure you know her
Me: Who ?
Zinyovile: Nomfunzelo
Me: Nomfunzelo? I don't know any dead
Zinyovile: Nomfunzelo Zidenge!
Oh My god. I put my hands on my chest shocked.
Nomfunzelo is dead?
Me: But Nomfunzelo is Alive!
Zinyovile: Have I ever lied to you ?
Me: No
Zinyovile: Nomfunzelo is dead. Oh She and her
husband will talk about their departure from
this planet....
Their departure? She looked away
Zinyovile: Nomfunzelo was a selfish woman. She
just didn't want to leave alone. She had to take
the love of her life with her
Me: Shosholoza?
Zinyovile looked at me. She came closer to me
Zinyovile: You ask for my poison, I give you, you
kill someone and succeed! then.....
Zinyovile: It will be the cause of your death if
I got scared. I was just crying looking at her
Zinyovile: You will be diagnosed of life
threatening disease and die just like that
Zinyovile: Now Nontorotyi.....
Zinyovile: Do you still want to kill Nomahelele
using my poison?
I shook my head no fast.
Me: No!
She smiled then tapped my shoulder walking
passed me
Zinyovile: Before I go
I turned with her.
Zinyovile: I want to say something
Me: Yes ?
Zinyovile: I thought you getting banished would
give you a peace of mind but I was wrong......
Me: What do you mean ?
Zinyovile: Trouble is following you !
Me: I was thinking of living with you for a while
until my husband forgives me
Zinyovile: Nontorotyi, This is something you've
already done. You can't run away from it!
Me: What is it ?
She looked at me then shook her head. She
Me: What have I done? Why don't I know of it?

< Narrated >
In Mthatha at CBD. A car stopped then a woman
walked out of the car. She was naked and in
heels. She was only wearing a bra and
underwear. She looked bloody. The police ran
approaching her
Officer: We came as fast as we could. What
happened? I am constable Ngcwele ! What
Girl: There is a man in that car!
She said crying and pointing at the car.
Officer: Is he armed?
Girl: No!!! he dead!
The officers looked shocked
Ngcwele: What?
Girl: That man is.... was my client. Every month
end well on the 20th. He comes here to spend a
night with me at a B+B. Today he called. I was
surprised because i expected him Friday since
the teachers got paid on the 18th. We were
driving to the B+B some men shot at the car.
They shot him
The officers ran to the car. They used torches.
One officer put on gloves then felt his palse
Officer1: He is dead constable
Constable: Lady get in the car. Let's go to the
station. We need to get your statement.
Girl: Okay
Constable: Do you know his name?
Girl: Yes! Shosholoza Zidenge!
Constable: Okay get in the car
The woman was crying. She was traumatised or
was she really? The police drove to the station.
One of them driving Shosholoza's car..

Still at Mthatha. So many women wearing
lingeries were walking around infront of St
Mary's private hospital. Under a three next to
the road just a little far from the hospital. We
see a woman standing folding her arms hugging
her handbag on her chest. She is in the streets in
town. it's not safe that is why she is hiding her
handbag. The woman is Nomahelele. An hour
ago she was listening to that woman talking to
the police. We see her put on her sunglasses
when she saw a girl walking to her car. The girl
looked around then leaned on the tree.
Nomahelele was on the other side of the tree.
Girl: I hope i didn't keep you waiting
Nomahelele: So they took a statement?
Girl: Yes. I told them he was my client. We were
driving from our hotel. He got shot and you did
the right thing for shooting the car before you
left because they believe the person who short
him was on the left side
Nomahelele: So they didn't question why you
were not shot?
Girl: I told them he was not comfortable because
i was only dressed like this and many people
know me. I said i was at the back seat
Nomahelele: Genius
Girl: They bought everything I told them
Nomahelele chuckled
Nomahelele: What's gonna happen next ?
Girl: I will have to testify in court they took my
number and My address.
Nomahelele: How are they gonna go to court
without any suspects? idiots !
Nomahelele took out an envelop from her
Nomahelele: How much do you make a night ?
Girl: Month ends I make about R1 500 a night it
Nomahelele: This is your lucky night. This is R8
000 Rands
The girl put her hands on her mouth shocked.
She turned around then walked to Nomahelele
Girl: So much money ma'am
Nomahelele: From now on you will be taken
care of. I want to see your home so that when
you betray me I know where to find you
Nomahelele said smiling. The girl smiled looking
Girl: I will never betray you !
A shuttle stopped next to them.
Nomahelele: Let's get in the shuttle. We are
taking you home. You're traumatised right? You
just witnessed your client getting shot
Girl faked a smile. She was scared.
Girl: Yes
They got in the car. The driver started a car. He
drove. Nomahelele looked at the girl.
Nomahelele: Not only you're the most beautiful
prostitute. You're an incredible actress as well
Girl: Hihihi .
The girl giggled. Nomahelele looked out the
window. She looked angry
Nomahelele: Nice job out there. You were



< Narrated >
At the royal palace. We see the Queen pacing up
and down her room. She was in a night dress.
She had her phone on her hand. The night is
long for her. She doesn't want to sleep. She is
worried about her cousin sister. She knows if
she gets in trouble it will be her fault that is why
she cannot fall asleep at all.
Nomakhosazana: Think Nomakhosazana think!
She sat down. She looked at her phone then
dialled a number. It took her straight to
voicemail. She stood up.
Nomakhosazana: How come I didn't think of this
She stretched arms then yawned. She walked to
the door then walked out. She headed to
Princess Nomagampompo's room. She got to the
door then knocked.
Nomakhosazana: I am sorry. You can't suspect
me at all. You have to see that I was here all
The Queen said that in her thoughts. She didn't
say it outloud. She let out a sigh of relief. She
knocked again. After a minure The door opened.
The princess Yawned
Princess: My Queen
Nomakhosazana: Sisi I am sorry to wake you up.
I just woke up from a dream. Your brother
visited me
Nomagampompo: Oh? Please come in ?
The Queen walked in then smiled.
The princess closed the door then turned around
Nomagampompo: What did he say ?
The Queen turned around.
Nomakhosazana: He was just lying next to me. I
think we need to thank the ancestors. Gedleza
must come tomorrow and tell us what to do
Nomagampompo: Tomorrow I have such a busy
day. He must come afternoon. I need to go sign
some orders since Nontorotyi is not around
Nomakhosazana: Oh yeah you're right. Let's ask
him to come for dinner
Nomagampompo: Okay my Queen. How are you
feeling though. About this Nomfunzelo matter?
Nomakhosazana: I don't know. It was not easy to
watch that woman die but she was out to get me.
I couldn't call an ambulance and besides. If I did
I was gonna be a suspect. I had to leave that
place before I got caught
Nomagampompo: Yeah. We will talk tomorrow I
am very drowsy
The Queen exhaled
Nomakhosazana: I hope i will be able to sleep.
Good night Sisi
The Queen walked out. Princess
Nomagampompo closed the door. The Queen let
out a sigh of relief. She heard a door open. It was
Refilwe's room. Priscella walked out
Nomakhosazana: I thought you were asleep ?
Priscella: I was in conference call with mom
talking to someone from the US
Nomakhosazana: Okay
Priscella: Aunt is still awake?
Nomakhosazana: Yes but I just left her room
she is sleepy
Priscella: I just wanna get to my room and sleep
Nomakhosazana: Priscella now you see why I
said I wasn't a good Queen?
Priscella looked confused
Priscella: Mother?
Nomakhosazana: I watched a woman die I didn't
do anything
Priscella: That woman wanted to kill you.
Imagine what she was gonna do to me. I am
marrying the man she was hoping her daughter
was gonna marry
Nomakhosazana: Exactly! When I left her die I
was thinking of you and my son. Both of you my
children were not safe with that woman alive!
Priscella: Thank you for being a strong woman
The Queen felt emotional. She hugged Priscella
for a few seconds. The Queen broke the hug.
Nomakhosazana: Go get some sleep. I am going
to bed as well
Priscella: Good night
The Queen smiled they both went to their

In Hlalwini At Zidenge royal house not at
Nomaxabiso's home. At Nomaxabiso's home it's
a crime scene. So no one is allowed to go in
there until the investigation is over. No one
knows how Shosholoza got in and saw the diary
when he was alive and he is not here to answer
that. Anyway Shosholoza's sister in law who is
married to the chief of this village was trying to
calm down Nomaxabiso who was crying. Ever
since her mother died She has been crying.
Anyway the chief walked in.
Chief: I don't see this case going anywhere. First
of all. The entire village is talking about my
sister in law and her reputation with poison. She
was found dead and her poison was found
under her pillow. The police can't find any
evidence. I hear what my brother say but I don't
think The Queen of Sdabadabeni would kill My
sister in law
Mrs Zidenge: My husband so do you believe
Nomfunzelo killed herself ?
Nomaxabiso stood up
Nomaxabiso: Mom didn't kill herself! She
wouldn't do it! She was....
Chief: She was what?
Nomaxabiso walked away Slowly. She was
ashamed to say what she wanted to say. She
knows her mother was desperate to kill the
Queen. She doesn't understand why She would
kill herself and Nomaxabiso knows she can't tell
them her mother's plans.She knows if she does
they will judge her for keeping something like
Nomaxabiso: She......
Mrs Z: She what?
Nomaxabiso looked at her uncle and aunt.
Nomaxabiso: My mother loved life. There is no
way She could've taken hers I refuse! I refuse!
Mrs Z: Oh My baby. I am so sorry. No one will
ever know what happened to Nomfunzelo. The
police think this is a cold case. They want to
finalise the investigation and call it a suicide
Nomaxabiso cried hard.
Chief: My niece I am sorry. We all loved my
sister in law
He looked at his wife
Chief: Get her tablets. She needs to sleep. She has
been crying for hours
The chief phone rang.
Nomaxabiso: I need a moment
Chief: It's the police
Nomaxabiso stopped walking. She turned
around. The chief answered
Chief: Hello ?
They looked at him. The chief looked at his wife
then at Nomaxabiso.
Mrs Z: What is it?
The chief sat down on the couch. He let go of his
phone. It fell on the floor.
Mrs Zidenge ran to the phone. She answered
Mrs Z: Hello I am the chief's wife
Mrs Zidenge's eyes popped out. She looked at
Nomaxabiso: What is going on? Tell me!!!
Mrs Z: Please sit down my dear please sit
Nomaxabiso: Don't tell me to sit down tell me !!!
Nomaxabiso snapped. Her uncle stood up
Chief: Shosholoza was shot in Mthatha. What I
don't understand is what Was he doi....
They heard a sound of someone fall.
Mrs Z: Nomaxabiso!!
Nomaxabiso collapsed.
Chief: Call ambalance!!
Mrs Z: Tata we cannot wait for an ambulance.
We are far from town. Let's take her to the
Chief: Okay go open the door!
Mrs Z:
Chief Zidenge carried Nomaxabiso and ran out
with him.

The Queen waited and waited for her cousin
sister till she fell asleep. In the middle of the
night. She heard her phone rings. She sat up
straight. She was on her bed. She answered.
Nomakhosazana: Cuz I have been trying to get
hold you are you okay ?!
Nomahelele: You thought I was gonna switch on
my phone while walking on the streets of
Mthatha ?
The Queen stood up from her bed
Nomakhosazana: Mthatha? What were you
doing there?
Nomahelele: I hired a shuttle to bring me home
please bring a thousand rands. This man works
local in around Mthatha I begged him to bring
me all the way here
Nomakhosazana: You're at the gate ?
Nomahelele: Yes. Don't come! security is coming
to the palace with me. I will come get it myself
Nomakhosazana: Okay
Nomahelele: wait before you hung up?
Nomakhosazana: Yes?
Nomahelele: Did you make sure everyone is
aware you're around?
Nomakhosazana: My sister in law and Priscella.
And I am sure The king knows as well because
Priscella and I were talking at their door.
Nomahelele: Good
Nomahelele hung up. The Queen stood up. She
went to her handbag. She took a key. She went
to the safe. She took out money and counted it.
The door opened. Nomahelele walked in
Nomakhosazana: You're here? There you go
She said giving Nomahelele a thousand rands
Nomahelele: Thank you
She took The money then looked at the door. The
security guard was at passage.
Nomahelele: Give him this money and thank
him for me
Security: Okay my Queen
Nomahelele closed the door.
Nomahelele: What a night?
Nomakhosazana: Tell me how did you end up in
Nomahelele: I had to go where i could find a
prostitute. Those girls are desperate for money
Queen Nomakhosazana sat on her bed listening.
Nomahelele: I briefed her. I told her I am with a
dead man in the car and she must call the police
and cry saying She was with him when he got
shot. I asked her to lie and say she drove from
outside town to the CBD because of fear. That
man was already cold. I had to be smart. I made
sure She hugs him so she could have blood all
Nomakhosazana: So you're not sure if the police
bought it or not you just left ?
Nomahelele: Me? Never! I hid somewhere.
Remember I had no car.The police took the car. I
listened to the girl talking to the police. They
bought her story. They took her to the police
station. She made a statement then came back. I
paid her
Nomakhosazana: Are you sure she won't talk ?
Nomahelele took off her jacket.
Nomahelele: She doesn't know who I am. I had
shades on. I took her to her home. I told her one
mistake she is dead along with her family I don't
think she can be that stupid
Nomakhosazana: I never thought I would do the
things i have done this month
Nomahelele: You didn't kill Shosholoza, I did!
Don't feel guilty. Tomorrow we have to move on.
I have a man to focus on tomorrow. I need to be
The Queen smiled then stood up
Nomakhosazana: You're right. Thank you so
much for everything you've done for me
She hugged Nomahelele.
Nomahelele: We are family. I am showing you
we don't need NoDolly at all !
The Queen broke the hug when Nomahelele
mentioned May.
Nomahelele: And i want us to be clear about
Nomahelele: My son has to have a bright future.
Those shares....
The Queen didn't let her finish, She interrupted
Nomakhosazana: Those shares are yours!!! no
strings attached! Cuz I do not trust Nontorotyi! I
don't care about those shares as long they
belong to someone who is family and who will
look out for this family not herself! you're my
sister and I trust you. This is your children's
legacy !
Nomahelele: And Nontorotyi children. I want
them to have a good life. I am not going to marry
that man for his money. I want to love his
children like I love him
The Queen smiled
Nomakhosazana: That is the reason i chose you.
Sisi you and I we were raised well. We look out
for family. You and Nontorotyi don't like each
other. For that, If you were someone else you
wouldn't care at all for her children and the fact
that you do tells me a lot and I am proud
Nomahelele: I am here to build this family not to
tear it apart. So where am I gonna build my
house? I don't want to stay at Nontorotyi's home.
That house is hers
Nomakhosazana: You are going to build at
Nontsingizi's parents house at the back
Nomahelele: I want Masixole's wedding and
mine to pass then I will start building my house.
When are we going to the department of health.
I want to work
Nomakhosazana: Its gonna be a busy day. We
will see during the week
Nomahelele: I need to go to bed i am tired
Nomakhosazana: Thank you for everything
They hugged. Nomahelele broke the hug then
looked at The Queen
Nomahelele: I am here now. Things are going to
Nomakhosazana: I am excited
Nomahelele: Night
Nomakhosazana: Bye
Nomahelele walked out. The Queen closed the
door then looked up
Nomakhosazana: Thank you for her Lord
She got to bed then kneed down.
Nomakhosazana: Father God I come before you.
I am a sinner. I know I have done a lot of bad
things. I killed people. Today i did worse. I killed
a man who is the father of boys I care so much
She broke down. She cried silently for a minute.
She continued with her prayer.
Nomakhosazana: My Lord her wife wanted me
dead. I didn't do anything to that woman. She
wanted to finish me off. Lord I am not going to
stand here and lie to you. If I was a good person
i would've confronted her but I didn't. I feel like
if I confronted her we were gonna end this with
no one harmed. Now two bodies will be buried
because of my selfishness and my desire for
revenge. Lord I pray to you. I pray for change
Lord make me more brave. Make me brave
enough to confront my enemies. I Shouldn't fight
them back because i know who I am. When I am
pushed to the edge something bad happens.
Forgive me Lord. Make me strong so that I can
face those kids and my sister in law oh Lord. I
need your forgiveness, Not only your
forgiveness Lord I need your protection. Protect
me. I can't be punished for the things i did. I am
a pillar of everyone in this house and village. I
am asking all this in the name of your son Jesus
Christ. AMEN.
The Queen exhaled. She wiped her tears then
laid down. She lied on her back then looked up.
Tears ran to her ears
Nomakhosazana: Forgive me

< Prince Nomgcwabe >
I sleep a lot, so when i have to wake up early I
have to make sure I set an alarm so that I can be
able to wake up. Sometimes I can't even hear
that alarm. The guys from Johannesburg are
leaving at 6. I have to be up at five and brush my
teeth and wash my face so I could accompany
them to the helicopter. It's gonna be boredom
When they are gone I can just feel it. This
weekend has been the greatest for me. We are
not allowed to bring friends home. Having Elton
and Algebra here was nice. I got to have a good
time with people my age. my little brother is
young. I can't spend time with him. He is savage
and sneaky. I don't like him. I love him he is my
brother but I don't like how he makes me feel in
my own home. I am not comfortable at all and I
don't like what he is insituating about me and
Algebra because it is not true. He is Young.
When i was his age I didn't know people of same
sex can be in love let alone knowing what you
call them. My little brother is way smarter than I
was when i was his age. I guess this boarding
school they say it's good for us isn't that good
after all. He knows a lot of things and things he
shouldn't know at his age.
Anyway I don't know whether I am dreaming or
what. I heard my door open. I tried to open my
eyes but I couldn't. I just love sleeping. Waking
up for me is hard. I felt like someone was
climbing my bed.
Me: Phonqa I will mess you up boy! can't you see
I am sleeping!
I shouted with my eyes closed. I felt lips meet
mine. Am I dreaming? Someone is kissing me. I
haven't done this in a while. I opened my eyes
Me: Algebra what the fuc....
Algebra: Sssshhh
he pinned me down. He was holding both my
arms. He kissed me. Fuck I kissed him back I felt
a heat. No i felt fire. He broke the kiss.
Algebra: I am leaving in an hour and I will
regret it if I didn't do this
He said taking off his t. shirt. Why don't I push
him now that he left go of my arms? He kissed
me again. I don't know why i am just letting him
do what he wants. I should stop him. This is
wrong. He kissed me. I had my hand at the back
of his head. We were kissing hungry. He
touched my private part. I removed his hand
embarrassed. I am aroused. He smiled at me
Algebra: Do you wat me to stop?
I ignored him. I just closed My eyes, he kissed
me. I broke the kiss.
Me: You're going to be late
Algebra: Already packed. The time now is..... .
He looked at my phone. I wish he is late so that
he could stop. Do I really want him to stop? He
came to my ear and whispered
Algebra: It's 4:58 am. We have 32 minutes use it
wisely Mr
He said biting ear. I pulled him closer. I turned
him around and took charge. I kissed him so
hard. Today i am about to do something i might
regret later but right now I am not thinking
about what will happen later. I am enjoying this
and i want to do it. I saw myself between his legs
we were both naked. Some things I can't get into
details about happened. All you need to know is
we were safe. He came to my room prepared.

< Narrated >
It is time for Visitors to leave the palace. We see
everyone downstairs even the two who just did
something upstairs. Siqalo walked in and took
travel bags to the car. We see Nomahelele
walking down in her tights and a oversize shirt.
She was stretching
Nomakhosazana: And now ?
Nomahelele walked down. She went to Refilwe
and kissed her cheek. She went to Priscella. She
did the same then to Sonia, Algebra and Elton
Nomahelele: I am going to wake up the chief. We
have to go jog. I won't get pregnant if that man is
Nomagampompo: My poor brother
Nomakhosazana: You're going to kill the chief
Nomahelele: Bye everyone
She ran out leaving everyone laughing and
shaking their heads.
Masixole: Before everyone leaves. I wanted to
tell you that there is IMBIZO here Wednesday
and Priscella has to be there. So she has to fly
back for few hours
Nomakhosazana: What is it about ?
Masixole: The future of this village and the job
opportunities we are going to give them
Refilwe: That's when she will come with that
parcel Queen
Ms Refilwe was talking about the one point two
Nomakhosazana: That's wonderful
Masixole: That's all I wanted to say
Nomakhosazana: Let's go
They walked out. Priscella looked at Princess
Priscella: Princess what is Prince Nomgcwabe
doing in varsity ?
Princess Nomagampompo looked at Nomgcwabe
and smiled. Algebra looked at Nomgcwabe
smiling. Nomgcwabe looked away avoiding
Nomagampompo: That one is left with only 6
months to finish. He is going to be an auditor
Priscella: Wow. Nomgcwabe please do visit
Johannesburg soon. You have a home there and
just know that you have your job waiting for you
at Seputla mine
Nomgcwabe: Wow Thank you so much that is
very nice of you
Refilwe smiled at Prince Nomgcwabe
Refilwe: So that means you have to go for a tour.
Just to see how things are there before you
finish your studies
Nomgcwabe: Thank you Mrs Refilwe
Elton: Yeah he must visit I want to show him Jozi
Elton said brushing Nomgcwabe's head
Refilwe: Honey don't corrupt the Prince! He
doesn't have to know the city. He must know
Seputla mine
Elton: Are you saying I am corrupt mom, I just
wanna make him famous. And feature him in
my reality show maybe find him a girlfriend
who knows
Algebra's eyes popped out. Nomgcwabe seemed
uncomfortable with the topic. He laughed it off
to confuse others.
Nomagampompo: He is going to marry a
princess. As long that girl is royalty and comes
from a good respectful family
Nomgcwabe looked at Algebra Then down.
Algebra looked away looking sad. Phonqa
noticed this
Elton: That's a tough one. You can't find a royal
girl in Jozi
Nomakhosazana: And the Prince is finishing his
studies soon. We have to find him a wife
Algebra walked faster to the gate. Phonqa ran
after him.
Phonqa: Are you alright?
Algebra looked away. He had glassy eyes
Algebra: I am great! can't wait to go back to Jozi
Phonqa: Yeah. I can imagine

< Notiniphu >
Last night I did something that could put me in
trouble. All i am praying for right now is for
Velezantsi to keep my name out of it. I told him
about Ngejiwe because i felt like Ngejiwe was
using him. This man wanted to be with me a day
ago. Now He suddenly changed his mind. He
doesn't want me, he wants her. I had to open his
eyes. I am working for the royal family yes but I
am not going to let them get what they want
whenever they want. I don't like what Ngejiwe
did to Velezantsi. That man is a good man.
Ngejiwe chose another man and left him. Now
that things didn't work out she goes back to him.
I want Velezantsi. I really want to be with him
and I hope Ngejiwe won't cause problems for us.
I know Ngejiwe is not royalty. I don't think the
ancestors will have a problem with me falling in
love. I fell for one of them I was judged. Gedleza
visited me in a way I have never seen before. I
have to make sure I get rid of the feelings I have
for the king and that starts with deleting his
picture on my phone. King Zwelicacile has a
woman and that wowan was so kind to me. I
think noticed that I changed in a day. I was
avoiding her. I was jealous of her. It was hard
for me to see her and The King so in love. Why is
that ? I shouldn't be feeling like that at all. They
are my bosses. I should respect them. That
respect is the reason things went wrong. Out of
respect for the king I let him sleep with me. I
was kidding myself to think he would be
attracted to me. Priscella is everything I am not.
She has money. She is smart what do I have? I
didn't even finish at Culinary school.
Amyway I have been thinking. I want to go see
Gedleza. I want to apologise to the Ndengana
ancestors for what I did. I know it was wrong of
me to flush the pill hoping that I could be
pregnant and get married to the King. Yes that
was my plan. When i had the pill. I thought
about the things i would have for having a baby
for the royal family. I didn't think of Priscella. I
just wanted what she has. I was selfish. I need to
pray about this before i go to Gedleza at lunch
time. Anyway i ran to the window. I couldn't see
anyone. I have to kneel down and pray. I went
down on my knees. I raised both my hands
Me: Father God. I come before you. I sinned oh
lord and I.....
I felt someone grab my straightback. I jumped
up then turned around with a slap across my
Ngejiwe: Praying that my man loves you ?
Me: Princess Wha....
She slapped me. I grabbed her arms
Me: Stop! I don't know what you're talking about
She kicked me. I fell She ran to me. She tried to
sit on me. I kicked her stomach and attempted to
stand up
Ngejiwe: Bitch!
She ran to me. She grabbed my hair then
dragged me around the room. She started
kicking and punching me. I was covering my
face. Have you ever fought someone you don't
wanna beat. As I fight back i fear getting in
trouble with the royal family. I will make sure
she doesn't get my face though. I don't want to
answer to the family when they get here. I hope
they don't find us fighting. All i need to do right
now is to over power this brat then pin her
down and try to calm down
Ngejiwe: You're nothing but a servant! Who do
you think you are !
She was shouting and beating me. I wish I could
say she is no royalty but I can't.
Me: What did I do Ngejiwe? I didn't do anything
to you!
Ngejiwe: Lying bitch! You told Velezantsi that I
slept with Elton. Do you want him! ?
Me: I didn't!
Ngejiwe: You're lying! You told Velezantsi that I
slept with Elton because you want Velezantsi!
admit it!!!
" It was me!!! " Said a tiny voice at the door.
Ngejiwe stopped beating me. I pushed her. What
is Phonqa talking about? I told Velezantsi not
him. Ngejiwe looked at Prince Phonqa.
Ngejiwe: It was you what ?
Phonqa: It was me who told him that you had
sex with EJ DiMira. Remember it was me who
told the family as well right ?
Ngejiwe ran to Prince Phonqa ready to beat him
Ngejiwe: Why did you do tha.....
Prince Phonqa raised his hand.
Phonqa: Put your dirty nail at me I am telling
mom what you said about me and Prince
He just threw that threat around not sure if it
was gonna work. He looked scared. Ngejiwe
stopped running. Prince Phonqa let out a sigh of
relief. He didn't show it though. He was acting
Ngejiwe: Why did you do that? My boyfriend left
me! Do you realise how much damage you
Prince Phonqa shrugged his shoulders
Phonqa: I was doing you a favour. You said you
love EJ DiMira. How many hearts do you have
my princess?
Princess Ngejiwe looked at him fuming with
Ngejiwe: Move!!!
Prince Phonqa moved aside. Princess Ngejiwe
ran out crying. Prince Phonqa closed the door
then looked at the door. I don't know why he is
not turning around. Let me thank him. He saved
my life
Me: Princ.....
He didn't let me finish
Phonqa: I didn't do that for you
Me: Oh?
Phonqa: You're going to tell me the name of my
Oh My God. Why is he doing this to me? I wasn't
lying when I said I didn't know his father. I put
my hand on my mouth
Me: I don't know your father I told you that!
Phonqa: Yeah right. Like I don't know that you
and the king had sex?
Me: Oh My God
I put my hand on my chest. How did he find out
about this? That day there was no one in the
house. How did this boy find out about this
Phonqa: I won't ask you again. The family is
coming. I will have a meeting with them ;)
Prince Phonqa winked at me then walked to the
Me: Okay !!!
I said running after him. He turned around i
stopped running
Me: I don't know who is your father but I think I
know your mother's lover. I am not sure if he is
your dad or not !
Phonqa: The name
Me: Ms Nomaxabiso Zidenge's father
Phonqa: What?
Me: I saw her trying to kiss him your fat.... I
mean Mr Zidenge stopped her
Prince Phonqa sat down on a step. He looked
Phonqa: It can't be. He never paid attention to
He looked at me. I saw tears streaming down his
Phonqa: He can't be my dad No!
Oh My God what have I done. I put my hands on
my chest.
Me: I am sorry
Phonqa stood up
Phonqa: He can't be !
He ran up the stairs. I sat down and broke down.
Why things are so complicated of late? Why am I
always put in such situations!




< Narrated >
Last night Nomaxabiso collapsed when she
found out her father was shot in Mthatha. She
was really heartbroken as expected. Losing both
parents on the same day is not something one
would take like a strong person. Even strongest
person wouldn't take so much pain. What makes
Nomaxabiso more hurt is the fact that she and
her father bonded for the first time on their trip
only to lose him like that. She is also thinking
about her mother. She knows without her she
won't be able to marry King Zwelicacile and that
kills her even more.
Anyway at the clinic. We see Nomaxabiso, Her
uncle and aunt walking out going to the car and
talking to the police from Ngqeleni police
station. The case was handed to them by
Mthatha police. They were explaining what was
on the statement the prostitute gave them.
Nomaxabiso: I want to meet this girl. She is lying
Chief: I never thought my brother was into such.
I mean we were close. He would've told me !
Nomaxabiso: Exactly uncle. That prostitute is
protecting someone!
Swana: Ma'am the Mthatha police say that girl
was very traumatised
Nomaxabiso: I want to speak to her. She knows
who killed both my parents !
Officer: We will talk to the Mthatha police but I
don't think you will get to speak to her. She has
to testify in court and that's if we find the culprit
Chief: So my sister in law and my brother are
just dead. No one is going to jail for their murder
Swana: Chief Mrs Zidenge's death was a suicide
and we closed the case. Right now we are
investigating your brother's death because it
was murder. They shot at the car
Chief: We are begging you. Do all you can to find
the person who did this I am begging you. When
my brother left my house He said he was going
to his house
Chief: I don't know how he ended up in Mthatha.
It doesn't make sense at all
Swana: Do you know any enemies He had
maybe ?
Nomaxabiso: My father had no enemies. He was
a good man. Who did this?
The officer looked at the chief
Swana: Do you know anyone ?
Chief: My brother had no enemies but....
He looked at Nomaxabiso
Chief: My sister in law was not liked by the
community so whoever might have done this....
Nomaxabiso: Are you saying this is my mother's
Mrs Z: No! We are just trying to find out what
really happened
Nomaxabiso: What happened is someone
wanted to kill my parents and they did!
Everyone at the clinic looked at them
Chief: Officers keep us updated. We have to go
The chief looked at Nomaxabiso
Him: Please get in the car
Nomaxabiso got in the car. The officers went to
their cars. The officers drove out first. They left.
They didn't drive up to Ngqeleni. They took the
other direction. After 45 minutes Nomaxabiso
and her father got to the chief's house.
Nomaxabiso walked out of the car. She walked
fast to the house.
Mrs Z: I Understand she is hurt....
Chief: But that doesn't mean we should ignore
the possibility of her mother being the reason
this happened to my brother!
Nomaxabiso walked out of the house
Chief: My niece where are you going ?
Nomaxabiso: I will be right back
She ran to one of the cars with car keys. She got
in then started the engine. She drove out leaving
them shocked.
Mrs Z: Your brother said the same thing last
night. he said he'd be right back. He didn't come
back! follow her honey please!!!
The chief ran to his car. He started the engine
then drove After her.
Mrs Z: Be with them lord!

Everyone at Sdabadabeni village is surprised to
see The Chief and this woman running. They
have never seen this. The only people who run
around here is always the guys who work at the
army and the police officers. They have never
seen something like this. This is a real village.
Anyway it looked like The chief was having so
much fun. For a change we see a smile in his
face. It looks like Nomahelele's presence makes
him happy and that wouldn't make Nontorotyi
Hlohlesakhe: The last time i've done something
like this I was very young playing soccer at that
spot field
Nomahelele: That was before you started
working. Look what money have done to you
Hlohlesakhe: I will lose now that you are here
my wife
Nomahelele: You also have to watch what you
eat. I just got you back i can't lose you so soon. I
don't want to be a single mother
Hlohlesakhe stopped running
Him: I will make sure we raise our kids together
Nomahelele stopped running. She smiled at him.
Nomahelele: If the people of this village knew
about us. I would kiss you right now
Hlohlesakhe: What are you waiting for? Kiss me
Nomahelele walked away
Her: You're crazy! I respect people. You have a
lot to learn Mr Chief. Let's run come on !
The chief shook his head then started running
Nomahelele: So how are you feeling. I mean
finding out that your daughter is not your
daughter must have been hard for you
The chief stopped running. He sipped on his
water bottle.
Hlohlesakhe: How does one feel when they find
out they have been lied to for 22 years
Nomahelele: Did you ask her why she lied ?
Hlohlesakhe: Nontorotyi is a liar. She always has
something to say. That woman use tears to make
me fall for all her lies
Nomahelele: Wow
Hlohlesakhe: I want to be with someone who is
going to love me. Be honest with me and respect
my family. That woman is in some kind of
competition with the Queen. She is jealous of
her. All she do is disrespect my family. My late
family and I am sick of that
Nomahelele: Do you know that one of these days
we have to go fetch her and bring her home
Hlohlesakhe's eyes popped out. He didn't expect
Nomahelele: Darling I am a second wife. The
people who went to my family said I will be a
second wife. I want you to heal first. When
you're ready to see her we are fetching her. That
woman is the mother of your children
Nomahelele looked at her wrist watch
Nomahelele: Let's walk home. You have to go to
work. It's 7:30
The chief opened his bottle. He drank water.
They walked home.
Nomahelele: So what do you think about what I
Hlohlesakhe: Why do you want her back. I didn't
expect You to want her to come back
Nomahelele: People will think my cousin sister
got rid of her and replaced her with me. That
woman must come back. Give her a second
chance. If she wrongs you again then there is
nothing I can do to stop you
Hlohlesakhe exhaled
Nomahelele: You told the kids that banished
your wife ?
Hlohlesakhe: I couldn't
Nomahelele: Then they will expect her to come
Hlohlesakhe: Yeah i know
Nomahelele smiled.
Nomahelele: Take your time. And we need to
discuss our sleeping arrangement. I have to stay
at your parents home till we have our own
house. I cannot live at Nontorotyi's house
Hlohlesakhe: Yeah I know. There is another
thing I want to talk to you about
Nomahelele stopped walking
Her: What is it?
Hlohlesakhe: There is something i want you to
do for me my love
Nomahelele: And there is something i want you
to do for me as well
Hlohlesakhe: Sounds serious?
Nomahelele: Stop calling me " My love " it's how
you and Nontorotyi call each other
Him: Oh I am sorry sweetheart
Nomahelele: That's sounds better
She started running again. The chief ran after
Hlohlesakhe: What I want to say to you is
serious! please wait for me
Nomahelele stopped running. She looked at him.
The chief looked around then at Nomahelele
Hlohlesakhe: I want to know if my other
daughters are biologically mine or not
Nomahelele: You think they might not be yours ?
Hlohlesakhe: I thought Ngejiwe was mine. I have
to be sure
Nomahelele: You want me to do the tests? How
about I first get a job then do it?
Hlohlesakhe: I want this to be done before
Nontorotyi comes back
Nomahelele: I will take the samples to a doctor
myself. Let's do it but the kids can't know
Hlohlesakhe: That's what the family agreed on
Nomahelele: Great! honey let's talk about this
some other time. Go home
Hlohlesakhe: I will see you later?
Nomahelele: I will visit you at work ;)

< Princess Ngejiwe >
Somebody tell me this is not true. So The
Queen's cousin is going to marry my father? I
don't know for sure but I have this feeling. My
mom said dad is getting a second wife. Dad
didn't deny it when i confronted him then the
next thing Nomahelele arrives and is my father's
jogging partner ? when did my father start
jogging? That woman came here and woke up
my father. I want him to tell me what is going on
because i do not like it. Dad knows he can't
marry this lady. My mother cannot stand this
lady. Why is he doing everything he can to hurt
mom? I don't believe this sudden visit to
Thaleni. I want my father to tell me what
happened. Did he kick my mother out for this
woman because i don't buy what they both told
me. My mother always went there but she never
spent a night. In the bedroom my mother's
clothes are not there. If father want to banish
someone that person should be me. My mother
didn't push me to do something i didn't want.
She saw I liked Elton that is why she suggested
that. Speaking of Elton. The way this past
weekend started I never thought Elton would
leave without saying anything to me. Nothing is
going right in my life. First I lost Elton now I lost
Velezantsi because of that stupid boy! I am very
angry at my cousin. How could he do this to me?
Who asked him to go to Velezantsi? How could
he ruin my only chance at love? I thought
Phonqa forgave me for what I said to him and
Nomgcwabe. I didn't know he was holding a
grudge and he was gonna come and collect. I
must say he got me where it hurts the most. I
thought it was that maid. I didn't understand the
sudden friendship with my boyfriend. I am
going to fight for Velezantsi. He can't leave me
just like that. Today i have to make sure I talk to
him. I also have to go and apologise to the Queen
about the incident with Elton. Trust me I am not
looking forward to that. The first time i messed
up and betrayed the Queen She brought me to
tears. She has her way with words. She will
leave you crashed after speaking to you. I hope
she is not angry with me I really do.
Anyway I saw my dad walking in all sweaty. I
wonder when did this love for running start? I
have never seen my father do something like
this. I am sure Sdabadabeni village is shocked. I
haven't spoke to my dad ever since yesterday
when he was angry.
Dad: My daughter. Is Deliwe here already ?
Me: Yes she.....
Deliwe: My chief I am here !
Dad: I am late please make me a lunch box I will
eat at work
Deliwe: Okay my chief
I looked at dad.
Me: Dad don't you think my mother would be
mad to see her here ?
Dad: She is...... no baby she wouldn't. She knows
Nomahelele is here
Me: Wait Is Aunt Nomahelele the new....
Dad: My baby can we have this conversation a
little bit later?
My dad is in such a good mood. He just called
me " My baby" Maybe this woman coming here
is not such a bad idea if it's gonna fix my
relationship with my dad. I looked away smiling
Dad: Princess?
I quicky turned around
Me: Yes this afternoon is perfect dad
Dad: That's great ! I will see you then. Make sure
your sisters have breakfast okay?
Me: I will daddy
He walked away
Me: ........ ?
I was looking at him with questioning eyes.
What changed? Why is my dad is a complete
different person? Is it running? People say
jogging gives one confidence and I see it in my
dad the first day he started running. Anyway he
turned around.
Dad: When i come back to work. You tell me
about your boyfriend. The one who .... you know
He walked away. I smiled faintly. Why did he
choose to want to listen to me when things are
not good between me and Velezantsi. You know
what ? Dad knows what happened between me
and Elton. I won't hide why Velezantsi and I are
fighting. I am worried though. How am I gonna
tell Velezantsi that my father is interested to
know about him when he is mad at me? I need
to go speak to him. I need to make sure he
listens to me. What makes me angry right now is
the fact that he is at work and he will be back
I heard Ma Deliwe Speaking on the phone. She
looked at me.
I walked to the kitchen. I feel like whoever is
talking to her is talking about me. I hope it's
mom. She hung up then looked at me angry.
Me: Ma Deliwe?
Deliwe: You think because you're a royal
princess you have a right to lay a hand in one of
your family workers?
Oh My God Notiniphu
Deliwe: Who do you think you are little girl? You
think i am scared of you because i need this job?
Me: Ma....
Deliwe: You think i wouldn't do to you what you
did to Notiniphu? Umadoda mangaphi ? * how
many men do you have? *
Me: Ma Deliwe I thought she told
Velezantsi.Yesterday I saw her at Velezantsi's
room. Later Velezantsi confronted me. I thought
it was her
Her eyes widened
Deliwe: Why did you think it was her ? Was
Notiniphu there when your family was
confronting you?
Me: No, I thought she might've heard us talking
Deliwe: I want you to go apologise to that girl! I
know you waited for the family to go to the
plane then you went and attacked that girl!
Me: I thought it was her
Deliwe: Go apologise or I am going to take this to
the elders! Not only you're sleeping around.
You're not acting like a royal princess at all!
Me: I know I made a mistake!
Deliwe: Princesses don't go around beating up
people! You left there without apologising to her
because she is a servant right?
Me: That's not.....
Deliwe: That is what you said to her! You said
she was just a servant!
Deliwe: Go apologise before I go knock and
speak to the chief
Me: Fine. I will go apologise to her
Deliwe: Don't do us any flavours! if you dont
think She deserves an apology don't apologise
Me: I will go apologise to Notiniphu
Deliwe: Your highness
She bowed then walked away

< Sonia De Villiers >
Finally we are back in Johannesburg. I didn't go
to my house. I just went to work. I am not
looking forward to that will reading and I am
also not looking forward to meeting Hunter's
girlfriend. I have a bad feeling about this. I feel
like she is not coming here to get to know the
mother of her step children. I feel like she is
here to see me about Hunter and that is not a
conversation I am looking forward to. I was
serious when i said I don't want anything that
has something to do with Hunter. That man hurt
me. I asked him to leave me alone. The least he
could do is tell his girlfriend to stay away from
me. I am back to focus on myself, My children
and my career. I feel like I need a break from
relationships. I mean I just lost a man I thought
was my soulmate. I need to find myself and I
cannot do that with a distraction. Men are a
distraction. They just come at a perfect time.
They come when you need them only to make
things worse. Enough is enough. I want to be the
best mom i can be to my children. I don't want
them to feel like Claire is a better mother to
them. That would break me. They mean a lot to
me. I know I don't spend so much time with
them and the reason for that is because i don't
want them to ask me about Brendan. I don't
want to have that conversation with them. But if
things get there I am going to be honest with
them about everything.
Anyway I heard the telephone rings. The call is
from the reception. I don't think it's Claire. I
think it's the producer. I asked Claire to come at
Me: Sonia
Receptionist: Ms De Villiers there is....
" The producer! " He said at the background
Me: I heard! Send him in
I hung up. I am worried. I don't think they need
me now that I am no longer married. I am sure
this is bad news. They will tell me this will be
my last season. Anyway I saw him knock. I
raised my hand asking him to come in. He
walked in
Me: Welcome
Him: Morning. I brought the crew but I don't
think we must have this conversation on camera
Me: Oh? Now I am getting worried ?
Him: No don't worry. You might find this very
Me: Okay ?
Him: We started a production company. It was
three of us. So now that Brendan is gone. We
want to make you a partner and also a co
producer of the show
Me: What ?
Him: Yes. We started the company two months
ago. I don't think it was in his will. That's if he
has a will at all
Me: Well there is a will reading at 12
Him: I really hope he didn't put this in his will.
We want to work with someone we know and
trust. You will take over Brendan duties. As the
co owner and the producer
Wow this is amazing.
Me: So I won't be part of the cast anymore since
i will be the producer?
Him: What? No! I know the show hasn't aired
yet but everyone cannot wait to see you. Sonia
we want you infront and behind the camera.
The promo is out already. It came out today.
You're the one who is talked about the most on
Wow that is amazing news. He put some papers
on the table.
Him: What do you say?
Me: Let me go call my friend ! I can't make a
decision. Mind waiting?
Producer: Of course you can go speak to her
I ran out of my office to Priscella's office.
Algebra: Wow i need to start a running in heels
challenge. You'd win ma'am
Me: I am just excited. Where is Pris....
I stopped running when i saw her in her office. I
looked at Algebra.
Me: Can you go do a follow up on Mandisa about
the interviews?
Algebra: Okay ma'am
Me: I want an assistant who is as amazing as you
Algebra: Aww thank you
I ran to Priscella's office. I ran to the door. I
opened the door
Me: Friend can you come to my office?
Priscella: What is going on
Me: Now please!
I said then ran to my office. She followed me. I
got in. I turned around. She was at the door.
Me: Come in
She walked in. She looked at my producer.
Priscella: Hi
Him: Hey
Me: Priscella this is my producer. He is here to
tell me they want me to be a producer on the
housewives and co owner of their production
company They started with Brendan. I don't
know what to say
Priscella: Firstly you don't know who Brendan
left this to, Wait for the will reading before you
make a decision
Me: That's what I thought as well
Priducer: No problem. There is no rush. I just
wanted to tell her she will be part of the team. I
don't think Brendan put this in his will. Like i
said we started this about a month ago. I will
leave the documents with her
Priscella: And her lawyer has to see them before
she signs
Sonia: I need to call him
Priscella: Friend I think this is a great
opportunity. You will show some of your talents.
I am happy for you
Me: Ooh thanks friend
Priscella: Congratulations girl I have to go
prepare for my meeting
We hugged. She looked at my producer
Priscella: Sir
producer: Later
Priscella walked out. The producer looked at me.
He stood up
Him: Let me leave you. We need to find a new
angle and start shooting again. I think you're
ready to work now
Me: Actually. I want you to stick around. There
is a woman who wants to come see me. I feel
like she is drama filled
Producer: I like that. We are going to stick
around. We will sit outside you have to work .
What is her name ?
I stood up then chuckled. I looked at him.
Me: Claire just Claire. I don't know her last name
Producer: The minute she speaks to the
receptionist we will start rolling
Me: Can't wait
He walked out. My phone rang. I looked at it
then chuckled
Me: This bitch !
I answered
Me: Hello
Tasha: Hello it's Tasha
Me: Yes ?
Tasha: I want your address.
Me: You know you have to be there at 12 right?
Tasha: Yes i know. I just want to be ready I have
a busy morning
This bitch is excited to go to the Will reading.
She has no shame. She was dating EJ. She slept
with my husband while we were still married
now She is not even ashamed to show her face
at my house. She is a gold digger.
Me: I will send you my address
Tasha: Thank you
I hung up. She has no shame at all. I cannot wait
to see her and the look on her face when I tell
her She is not in the will. I chuckled
Me: She has no idea

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
I am so anxious right now. I just wish this could
come out already. I want my sister in law to find
out about Shosholoza but I don't want her to
find out from me. I want to be surprised like her
when she finds out. I want it to happen sooner. I
can't keep this anymore. This is too much.
Seeing my nephews and knowing that I am the
reason they don't have a father is killing me. I
pray and wish that they never find out who is
their father. What they don't know will not kill
them. We must keep up with this lie forever. We
denied them the opportunity to know their
father but that is not my fault. I asked her to tell
her children. She refused. She listened to that
man. Now I get what Gedleza was saying. If I
died last night then Shosholoza comes here
saying he still has his shares, Nomagampompo
was gonna know he is the one who killed me
and they were gonna convince Chief
Khabalandile to keep this a secret. I had to kill
that man. I am not ready to die. I need to be here
and see my family achieve a lot of things. I want
to see my grand children.
Nomahelele: What are you thinking about?
I looked up. It's Nomahelele. She just got down
from taking a shower.
Me: Nothing
Nomahelele sat next to me.
Nomahelele: Out with it. I know you're thinking
about something
Me: I almost died. Two people wanted to kill me.
First it was Nomfunzelo last night it was her
Nomahelele: Look what happened in the end
She looked up the stairs then lowered her voice
Nomahelele: They ended up dead
Me: Yeah
She looked at me.
Me: What ?
Nomahelele: Don't tell me you regret what you
did ?
Me: Hell no! cousin sis, It was gonna be me if I
didn't take them out !
Nomahelele: Exactly. We did what needed to be
I saw Notiniphu coming with two glasses and a
bottle of Wine
Me: Thank you Notiniphu
Nomahelele: You can go we will help ourselves
Notiniphu: Okay your highness
She walked away
Nomahelele: Hlohlesakhe cannot wait to know if
those two girls are his or not
Me: So what are you gonna do ?
Nomahelele: I don't know. I need to ask a doctor
I trust to do this but I don't know anyone
Me: I think you need to work first and do this
yourself. You can't trust anyone with such
sensitive information
Nomahelele sipped on her drink.
Nomahelele: Yeah
Me: How was your running with Chief
Nomahelele: It was good. We got to talk about
his problems. The poor man is hurting. I can't
believe Nontorotyi doesn't appreciate such a
good man
Me: You're here to do that
Nomahelele: I just hope she doesn't humiliate
the family anymore. I am here now. Whatever
she does will affect me too. I just pray I will be
able to control my temper
Me: You have to control it but then again we are
talking about Nontorotyi. That woman doesn't
listen !
Nomahelele: And you can tolerate so much....
Me: But if she knows what is good for her. She
will behave but that's if she is coming back
She smiled and started thinking. I don't know.
Every time I say that about Nontorotyi she
doesn't comment. I expect her to say I hope she
doesn't come back or she shouldn't come back
but no. She just doesn't comment on that which
worries me. You can't say you know this woman.
She will surprise you when you least expect it.
Anyway I saw sister in law walking down with
her handbag and laptop. Oh God when are we
getting the news about her lover's passing. I just
want it to come already. I don't know how it will
get to us though. I guess God will make a way.
Me: You looking good. It's been a while seeing
you on a work mode
Nomahelele turned and looked at Princess
Nomahelele: You two must get me my job. I am a
doctor I want to work already
Nomagampompo: I trust my sister in law. She
will make it happen for you
Nomahelele: I know she will. I know I have to
take it easy since i will be trying for a baby
Nomagampompo: You're not the only person
who should be taking it easy. My brother as well.
That baby won't be made by the talk. You need
to walk the talk
Nomahelele stood up and smiled
Nomahelele: Actually I am trying to surprise
him at work. Your offices there get locked right?
Nomagampompo: You're not thinking that ?
Me: The whole chief of Sdabadabeni having sex
in the office no Cuz !
Nomahelele: I am here to save him and his
legacy. I have to make sure I get pregnant as
soon as possible
Nomagampompo: I can't argue with you on that
Nomahelele: Then I suggest When i get there
you stay away from his office
She said taking the bottle of Wine.
Nomahelele: Should I be drinking though?
Me: You're the doctor here. Should you be
drinking ?
Nomahelele: Well
She sipped on her drink. We laughed.
Nomagampompo: I am ready for work. Bye
Nomahelele: Bye
Me: I didn't see Phonqa at breakfast?
Princess Nomagampompo turned around. She
looked upstairs then at me.
Nomagampompo: Me too. He left us at the sport
field and rushed home. I hope he is not sad that
they left?
Me: Don't worry i will go check on him go
Nomagampompo: Thank you
She walked to the door. Siqalo opened the door.
The princess walked out.
Me: She is going to have a busy day. Nontorotyi
is not there. She will have to do her job and
Nontorotyi's job and I am afraid when the news
come out work will delay
Nomahelele: She will be strong. After everything
you've told me about that bastard she is better
off without him
Me: I can't help but feel bad though
Nomahelele looked at me.
Nomahelele: Stop pretending
I looked at her. What is she talking about?
Me: What?
Nomahelele: You're a Dlungane original! We
don't regret our choices so please don't act soft
we are cold by nature!
Me: Bu....
She gave me a hand
Nomahelele: I don't want to hear it! If you dare
make me feel guilty again!
She looked around. She came closer and
Nomahelele: I can take out their daughter as
well what about that?
Me: No!
Nomahelele: Then stop acting like a good
Me: Fine!
I went to the couch. I sat down. My phone rang.
She looked at me.
Nomahelele: Who is it?
Me: Johannesburg
I stood up answered putting her on speaker
Me: Refilwe
Refilwe: We arrived an hour ago. I was tired. I
had to take one hour nap before going to check
on my company
Me: I am glad you're safe guys
Refilwe: Thank you. We will be in touch. Tell the
family we arrived safe
Me: Will do
Refilwe: Bye
Me: Bye
I hung up. Siqalo walked in.
Nomahelele: Siqalo
Siqalo smiled then Bowed. He looked at me.
Siqalo: Your highness the police are here to see
Oh my God! I feel like a criminal. I hate these
visits. What did they find now ? I started
breathing heavily. I sat down.
Nomahelele: Send them in
Siqalo walked to the door. Nomahelele looked at
Nomahelele: Hey! pull yourself together are you
crazy ?
I saw them walk in. I smiled standing up
Me: Detective Swana? You again
Swana: My Lord we are back, This time we are
here with something
Oh my God. I lowered my glass. I made sure I
hold on into it. If This glass falls, It's over for me.
They will see I am guilty. Officers are not stupid.
I smiled. I made sure my smile is so big that they
could see my last tooth.
Me: You do?
Swana: Can We sit ?
Me: Oh silly me! Of course take a sit! Feel at
home. Can I get you anything?
While they were looking at the couch trying to
sit my eyes went to Nomahelele
Officer2: No. We are not staying
Me: What is it ?
I sat down
Swana: Your honour We have more disturbing
I sipped on my wine
Me: I am listening?
Swana: Mr Shosholoza Zidenge was shot in
Mthatha while he was with a prostitute
I stood up
Me: Oh My God! Is he okay?
Swana shook his head no. I sat down
Me: Please don't tell me? Please don't tell me
that family lost another family member
Swana: He passed on Your honour
I looked at Nomahelele
Me: Oh My God
Nomahelele: Is this the husband of that woman
who poisoned herself?
Me: Yes! He was a good friend of this family!
Officer2: We found something in his car.
Something very interesting
Oh my God. I hope Nomahelele didn't leave any
trace. I looked at her. She swallowed hard. She
looked nervous..
Me: What is that? Is it gonna help getting this
Swana: My Lord we found a diary In his car
Oh My God My life is over. I need to pull myself
Me: What was in there ?
Swana: Mrs Zidenge was planning to kill you for
a little While judging by the dates on the diary
I put my wine on the table
Me: Can i see the diary?
Swana: My Lord in that diary.....The last entry
she wrote she spoke as if you were there with
her. She was saying you're going to die because
she put a poison in your drink
I stood up. I gulped my drink then looked away
Me: Oh My God She was a psychopath
Officer2: Were you there Mrs Ndengana?
I turned around
Me: Ex.....
I couldn't speak. Nomahelele spoke behind me. I
don't know when she stood up.
Nomahelele: Cuz you're a judge here. What does
what in that diary mean. Speak as a judge not a
woman who is being falsely accused !
Oh My God! How can i not think about this? I
looked at my cousin sister. I looked at officers. I
looked back at my cousin
Me: Nomfunzelo committed attempted murder!
She was trying to kill Me!
Nomahelele: Exactly! Should I call your lawyer ?
Me: No!
Nomahelele looked confused by my answer. I
looked at Officers.
Me: This is a simple case. Even my law student
niece could win this case! If these gentlemen
think I am guilty of something Ngejiwe
Ndengana is going to represent me. There is
evidence that show that woman was planning
my murder. They haven't found anything that
shows I was at Zidenge house yesterday
Detective Swana laughed then stood up. His
partner stood up
Swana: Judge Nomakhosazana we are not here
to arrest you. We are here to tell you this.
Nomfunzelo is not here to answer for what she
did. That is why the prostitutor thought this was
a waste of time. We just came to update you
since we were near by to speak with the Zidenge
I let out a silent sigh of relief.
Me: You're going to give me heart attack! I
thought you were trying to accusin me of
Swana: We apologise my Lord
Me: What happened to Zidenge it's sad right?
Swana: It's very sad. We are doing everything
we can with Mthatha police to find the person
who shot that man
Me: I never thought he was that kinda man who
sleeps with women who sell their bodies
Officer2: Yeah and his daughter don't believe it.
She wants to meet this prostitute
I can see Nomahelele is worried.
Me: That is not allowed
Swana: That's what I told her. Let's leave you
He walked away then stopped.
Swana: Oh.......
I looked at him.
Me: Yes ?
Swana: The gun that shot him is leaked to a gun
that killed a man in Port Elizabeth
Me: Is that so ?
I said giving Nomahelele death stare.
swana: Yeah but we are still investigating
Me: Good luck
Swana: Thank you Judge
Siqalo opened the door. They walked out. Siqalo
walked out with them then closed the door. I
didn't look at Nomahelele. I looked at the wall
Me: A gun that killed a man in Port Elizabeth?
I heard her heels. She was walking away. I
turned around
Nomahelele: Well
Me: Well? Don't "well " me speak !
She turned around. She looked nervous
Me: Nomahelele?
Nomahelele: Well cousin the man you wanted to
go on a date with
Me: Your gun killed him ?
Nomahelele gulped her drink. She hold the glass
hard. She started breathing heavily. She looked
Nomahelele: That bastard cheated on Me! I shot
him !
Me: You were sleeping with him!?
Oh my God! I cannot believe this. I really liked
that guy. He liked me. How could she do this? I
couldn't control my tears. I had my hand on my
mouth shocked. She just shrugged her shoulders.
She poured herself whisky this time. She sipped
on it then raised her glass.
Nomahelele: Sorry



< Narrated >
At Ndengana project. We see Nomahelele getting
dressed, She was with Chief Khabalandile at his
office. It looks like they are in baby making
mode already. We see them smiling at each
other and helping each other getting dressed.
Hlohlesakhe: I have never done something like
this before
Nomahele took her handbag. She took out a
Nomahelele: Your marriage to Nontorotyi was
boring, that is why you easily let her go
Hlohlesakhe: Sweetheart you know why I
banished that woman. I don't even wanna joke
or be reminded about her
Nomahelele: I am sorry honey but every time
you see Ngejiwe you will be reminded of how
much you've been lied to all these years
The chief sat down.
Nomahelele: I feel like My cousin will grow grey
her. She is so young. The mess your wife put her
through. All problems this family has to deal
with everyday and now this.....
Nomahelele paused. The chief looked at her
Hlohlesakhe: What?
Nomahelele looked at him.
Nomahelele: Darling the police came to update
us about Nomfunzelo case. They told us some
disturbing news
Hlohlesakhe: What did they say ?
Nomahelele: Shosholoza died last night
Hlohlesakhe: What ?
Nomahelele: Apparently he went to Mthatha to
distress. He was seeing a prostitute. He was shot
while he was with her
Hlohlesakhe: Why didn't you tell me
immediately when you got here ?
Nomahelele smiled.
Nomahelele: Darling I know he is very
important to the family but so is the heir. I knew
if I told you we were not gonna do what we just
Hlohlesakhe: Well it makes sense
Nomahelele: The Queen said today is very busy
at work. She doesn't want to disturb you guys. I
know this may sound selfish but your first wife
is not here. We need your sister to do her job
and she has to do some work of her own. We
decided not to tell her just yet. I hope you don't
have a problem with that
Hlohlesakhe: Yes but at twelve I will have to tell
her. At least that time there are not so many
deliveries. She can't stay here all day. I can't
believe that man is dead
Nomahelele: It's so sad darling. He just lost his
wife, the same day he followed her. What a
Hlohlesakhe: Poor Nomaxabiso
Nomahelele looked at him
Nomahelele: Who is that?
Hlohlesakhe: Their daughter
Nomahelele: Tell me how old is she ?
Hlohlesakhe: 32 or 33 I am not sure
Nomahelele: Oh she is a woman. What did
Shosholoza do again and his wife ?
Hlohlesakhe: Shosholoza was a principal at a
junior secondary school. His wife was in charge
of their business. They have a supermarket and
a hardware. Very successful business
Nomahelele: I see.....
Nomahelele smiled then looked at him
Nomahelele: Baby let me go back to the royal
The chief kissed her
Nomahelele: If you will go to a meeting you
better go home bath sir. We didn't play just now
She winked then walked out. The chief laughed
shaking his head. Nomahelele closed the door.
Hlohlesakhe sat down. He looked sad. He is
thinking about Shosholoza
Hlohlesakhe: I hope this won't kill you sis
He said that looking away worried about his
sister and how she will take the news.

It is a busy day at the office. The princess is very
busy and it looks like this company won't
function without her. Maybe this selfish decision
the Queen made was for a good cause after all.
We see her signing documents outside next to
the truck full of Veggies. We see A girl who is her
assistant going to her..
Girl: Ma'am there is a crisis
Nomagampompo: Oh No! I can't deal with
everything at the same time. Can't it wait?
Girl: Ma'am it's serious
Princess Nomagampompo exhaled. She signed
some documents then gave them to the truck
Nomagampompo: Let's go to my office
They walked to her office. She opened the door
then walked in
Nomagampompo: This is strange. Veggies
wholesale didn't come for their weekly order
and the other one in Libode. Don't you find this
strange ?
Girl: Actually ma'am that's why I asked to speak
to you
Nomagampompo: What is it now ?
She sat at her chair
Girl: Ma'am you asked me to read your emails.
Our two major clients pulled out of their
The princess stood up fast
Nomagampompo: What !? those are big contract
from the city. What happened? Did they give a
The girl shook her head no
Nomagampompo: Oh My God! this is not good at
She said that taking her office telephone dialling
a number .
Hlohlesakhe: Hello
Nomagampompo: Bhuti I hope i am not
disturbing you guys
Hlohlesakhe: No she is gone
Nomagampompo: Please come to my office now!
Hlohlesakhe: Is everything okay?
Nomagampompo: Not at all
Her assistant was just standing there. The
princess hung up
Princess: sit let's wait for the chief
Her Assistant pulled a chair then sat down. In no
time the chief opened the door.
Hlohlesakhe: Sisi ?
Hlohlesakhe: Our two major clients pulled out of
their contracts! I don't know why they didn't
give us a reason why. Brother there are stuck of
veggies that are going to rot out there ! How can
they send a message on a Monday! if they did
over the weekend the workers were not gonna
prepare so many veggies that will go to waste
The chief put his hands on his head..
Hlohlesakhe: This is not good
Nomagampompo: What are we gonna do? There
must be something that made them walk
Hlohlesakhe: Sisi I think you need to drop
everything immediately and go speak to The
Queen. She is always been the one they listened
Nomagampompo: And my work ?
Chief took out his phone.
Nomagampompo: Who are you calling ?
Hlohlesakhe: King we have a problem. Two of
our major clients pulled out of their contracts.
Please don't tell the Queen. Just rush to work
and come help please. Your aunt is going to
leave right now to tell The Queen
Hlohlesakhe: Thank you so much son
The chief hung up
Hlohlesakhe: Sisi The King agreed to come. Of
course he doesn't know anything but with the
help of you Cikizwa he is going to catch up fast.
He is smart
Cikizwa: Okay sir
Princess Nomagampompo took her handbag
Nomagampompo: He must come with
Nomgcwabe. We can't have educated men
sitting at home when the sheep is sinking here
Hlohlesakhe: Yeah i will
Princess Nomagampompo ran out. The chief
looked at Cikizwa
Cikizwa: Let me get back to work sir
She walked out. The chief dialled Nomgcwabe's
Nomgcwabe: My Chief?
Hlohlesakhe: Come to work with the king
Nomgcwabe: He walked down a few minutes
ago. I hope he is not gone.
Hlohlesakhe: If he is take your car and come to
work !
Nomgcwabe: OKay uncle
He hung up then pulled a chair. He sat down
Hlohlesakhe: I am glad you're going home sisi.
The Queen has to tell you about Shosholoza

< Nomaxabiso >
I never thought when i come here again I will
come like this. My parents died in one day. I
need answers. I cannot lose all My parents and
be told that there is no one responsible for their
murder. Someone has to pay for what happened
to them. My father died in Mthatha. He might
have died there but I do not believe this
prostitute story. My father would never do that.
This is unlike him. Dad loved mom. He loved her
even though my mother had flaws. He respected
her. He would never go sleep with someone the
day he lost her. I don't believe this. I don't want
to believe it. I pray that they find the man who
killed my father. As for that prostitute. I want
her to tell me why she is lying about my father.
What am I gonna do with my life. I wasted my
life doing nothing because i was hoping to get
married to the king. That doesn't look like it's
happening. The woman who was gonna help me
achieve that just died. My mother poisoned
herself. Why would My moother poison herself?
My mother was determined to kill the Queen
then she suddenly dies. No! the police need to do
their job. I just arrived at the royal house. I am
here to look that evil woman in the face and ask
her what she did to my mother. She knows what
happened to My mother. I am going to confront
her. I respected her. She didn't show me the
same respect. I lost respect for her. She forgot
about Me. I am done being nice to people who
keep hurting me. She must tell me what She did
to my mother. My mother was determined to
take her out. Why did my mother end up dead
when she was gonna kill her ?
Anyway like I said. I just arrived at the royal
house. I took out my car key then attempted to
unlock my car. I felt a hand touch me. I looked at
passanger seat.
Me: Gedleza
Gedleza: Who are you trying to convince
yourself or everyone ?
I wiped my tears quickly
Me: I don't know what you're talking about !
Gedleza: Whose poison killed her ?
Me: Don't ask me that! my mother didn't kill
Gedleza: Why are you so sure ?
I tried to open the door, it didn't open. I looked
at him
Me: Because I am sure !
Gedleza: So you're going in there to say No My
Queen! there is no way my mother would've
killed herself because she was planning to kill
you ?
I opened the door. I looked at Gedleza
Me: I don't know what you're talking about! stay
in that car if you want to !
I ran to the door.
Siqalo: Nomaxabiso
Me: I am not Nomaxabiso to you!
I pushed him out of the way. I opened the door
wide open that it hit the wall. I looked around. I
saw Masixole walking down the stairs. I ran to
Masixole: What? Are you crazy. You're going to
break our door. What do you want here ?
Me: That's all you can say to a woman you've
been sleeping with?
Masixole: I don't have time for this. We have a
crisis at the project
He said walking
Me: The same project that was started by my
father !
He turned around.
Masixole: You keep saying that! your father put
a small potion to the business. I don't know why
you keep saying we wouldn't have had that
business without your family
I put my arms around his neck. He tried to
remove them. I was just all over him. I am his
woman. Why he is treating me like this?
Me: I am your wife. I miss you
Masixole: Let go of me! I have one wife
Me: I am your wife. I love you! You're all I have.
I lost....
Masixole: I am sorry for your loss but You're still
not my wife bye
He walked away. I grabbed his arm. He turned
around. I kissed him. He pushed me
Masixole: Are you crazy ? You will never be my
Me: Don't say that
I heard someone running down. We looked up
Nomgcwabe: Thank God you're still here king.
Uncle just called he said I should come with you
I took The king's hands
Me: Masixole please don't leave me
He removed my hands from him.
Masixole: I feel really sorry for your loss but you
Me: I need you !
Masixole: No you don't need me. You need
serious help. You need to get your head checked.
You're sick woman
He pushed me gently
Me: Masi....
I attempted to run after him, Nomgcwabe
stopped me. He pushed me to the couch I sat
down. Masixole walked out.
Nomgcwabe: Back off you're making a fool of
yourself! You lost my cousin. He has a fiancé
Nomaxabiso: He is my fiancé
Nomgcwabe: If he is then why did you leave ?
Nomaxabiso: I....
Nomgcwabe: You didn't just leave. Ancestors
kicked you out
I looked down. A car beeped outside. Siqalo ran
Siqalo: Prince the king is waiting for you
Nomgcwabe looked at me.
Nomgcwabe: I wonder why they thought you
didn't deserve to be part of this family
I broke down. He ran out. I sat on the couch.
Me: Mama why did you die? I am all alone

< Narrated >
The King rejected Nomaxabiso then left her
crying at Living room. We see Prince Phonqa
smiling standing in a corner near the kitchen.
We see Notiniphu walking to Prince Phonqa
with a glass of water wrapped in a swab. Prince
Phonqa just raised his hand. He didn't even look
at Notiniphu. Notiniphu put the water in Prince
Phonqa's hand.
Notiniphu: Why don't you want my hands on
this glass?
Prince Phonqa looked at the living room.
Phonqa: Don't ask Questions
Phonqa walked to Nomaxabiso. Notiniphu was
left with her hand on her mouth. She just
realised Prince Phonqa's plan.
Notiniphu: This child !
We see Prince Phonqa smiling at Nomaxabiso.
When Nomaxabiso saw him. She stood up. She
wiped her tears
Nomaxabiso: Boy
Phonqa: I thought you'd need this
Prince Phonqa said giving her the glass of water.
Nomaxabiso: Thank you Boy
Nomaxabiso took the glass
Phonqa: You can give me the swab
Nomaxabiso: Oh here
Prince Phonqa took the swab. Nomaxabiso
drank water. Prince Phonqa looked away and
Nomaxabiso: Can you call the Queen for me ?
Prince Phonqa turned around then took the
glass. Nomaxabiso put it on a swab
Phonqa: Let me go put this in the kitchen. The
Queen is upstairs. I will call her for you
Nomaxabiso: Thank you
Prince Phonqa walked to the kitchen. He got in
Notiniphu: You want to take a DNA test?. How
are you gonna do that and who told you about
Phonqa: You don't have to know
Notiniphu: Well it looks like You didn't do your
research well. They take the glass then put it in a
plastic. You're just carrying that and it's gonna
be dry
Phonqa: Can you go tell the Queen she wants to
speak to her ?
Notiniphu: Of course
Notiniphu walked out. Phonqa searched the
Phonqa: I need to find a plastic
< Tasha >
This is the day I have been waiting for. A lot is
happening today and I had to make sure my first
appointment will be the one that might benefit
me financially. Trust me. If the will reading had
no time to start I would go there first but no. It
will start at 12. I cannot wait. I called Sonia
asking for her address. I don't know why she
called me in the first place if she doesn't want
me to come to her house. Sonia was being
bitchy. I don't see anything wrong with just
telling me where she lives because at the end of
the day I will know. I have been waiting for her
text but nothing so far. Right now I am heading
to my first appointment which is meeting
Mandy at her office. Laila is here with me. She is
off but she has no choice but to wake up early
and come support me. I am really grateful to
her. I mean I also need her car to go around the
town. I cannot wait to hear what Mandy has to
say. I just cannot wait to get there.
Me: You will also accompany me to the will
reading then to the Seputla towers?
Laila focused on the road. She is the one driving
Me: Laila ?
Laila: I heard you. I am just thinking about how
I will answer your question without upsetting
Me: I don't want to be upset today but sure tell
me. I will take it like a big girl that I am
Laila: Seputla tower has over a thousand
employees in that building. I have contract with
them. Not the workers but the company. Almost
everyday I have to send a cakes there. I don't
want to ruin things for me with them. I don't
think both meetings you mentioned will go well
so for you to bring me there it will complicate
things for them. I would see myself losing the
contract and my bosses would never be
impressed at all
Me: But I don't see why they'd have a problem
with you though?
Laila: Friend you drugged their son. Sonia is also
family and partner to that business. Do you
think they'd trust my food ?
Me: Wow
Laila: I really wanna support you but I can't. I
will go with you to the doctor and at Mandy's
office that's it
Me: Okay friend I guess I understand your point
Laila looked at me then parked the car
Her: Sorry friend
Me: No it's fine. You've done a lot already. I
really appreciate you taking time from your day
off to support me
She smiled. We are here. I opened the door. She
did as well. She locked the car. We headed
inside. We spoke to the reception. She told us
she is waiting for me. We went to her office. I
knocked then stood there.
Me: Should I open?
Laila: Let's wait.....
The door opened.
Mandy: Hey guys come on in
She said opening her arms for hugs. Wow at
least she is in a good mood. Now I am not
nervous. I hugged her
Mandy: Please take a seat
She looked at Laila
Mandy: Thank you for bringing her that day she
didn't want to speak to me
Me: I am so sorry. I was very upset and I didn't
know it was you
Her: It's okay
She went and sat down.
Mandy: Let's get straight to it. I have to go to a
meeting with Hungani Oliphant
Me: The person who upset me that day
She shook her head in disbelief
Mandy: I don't know why my clients don't get
along. Brendan and Hungani fought. Brendan
and Hungani had whatever they had with you
which upset another client of mine EJ
I looked down. This is Embarrassing. I mean
men hate each other because of me. I need to
Mandy: Now my potential client has a beef with
Hungani. Tell me what is happening between
you two ?
Did she just say I am likely to be her a client ? I
like the sound of this.
Me: Hungani used me. I thought he liked me but
he didn't
Mandy: Why don't you read, He is always with
two supermodels. Girls come and go leaving him
with those two girls
Me: Well I was a fool
Mandy: I am sorry for that anyway let's get to
why you're here. Tasha last week I was
approached by the producers of the popular
soapie the one Brendan was on ?
Me: Yes ?
Mandy: They wanted to contact you because
they have a role for you
Laila: Wow !
Me: Oh My God really?
Mandy: Yes. They told me because they thought
maybe I manage you since i managed your exes
Me: My only ex is Elton
Mandy: Well that's not what the papers say.
Anyway They wanted to contact you. I asked
them to let me contact you with the hopes that
you will come on board and let me manage your
Me: Sure! Mandy you're the best. I want to be
managed by you totally!
She took documents
Her: Great! I want you to sign these documents
for me but I would like you to take them to your
lawyer then bring them to me after he read
them and approved
Me: Thank you
Laila: I am sorry to ask.....
Mandy: Yes Laila ?
Laila: I follow that soap a lot. What will she be
Mandy took a paper then read
Mandy: Well She will be playing a side chick
who is causing problems in a marriage
I stood up
Me: What !? Why did they choose Me? Why do
they think I am suitable for the character ?
Mandy: Tasha what's your problem! You're
given a supporting role. I am not talking about a
called actor role here. You will sign a contract.
You're going to date a new guy there who is
taking over Brendan's role
Laila: Friend this is a great opportunity !
Me: I feel like the storyline is familiar with what
happened in my personal life with Brendan
Mandy took a telephone.
Mandy: Then I guess i should call them and tell
them you turned dow.....
Me: No!!!
Mandy put the telephone down
Mandy: No?
I looked at Laila then at her.
Me: I accept
Mandy: Great ! Tomorrow we will go you're
meeting your producers to take your scripts and
sign another contract. They said Monday you
start shooting
I smiled. I must say even though I feel insulted. I
am excited. This is one of the most watched
soap. To be told I won't be seen crossing a road I
will actually have lines and appear in almost
every episode. This is amazing. I cannot wait to
shine. I swear I will give this my all. I love being
an instaprenuar. The opportunities we get.
Mandy: You must have a good image now. No
more boyfriends and drama. Tasha this is the
beginning of great things for you. And i want
you to prove to people that you've changed and
you're better than that
When she said " boyfriends " I thought of EJ
whom I am meeting later. When she said I need
to prove to people that I am not that person, the
only people who came to mind were my parents.
I got emotional
A tear escaped my eye
Mandy: I am sorry did I say something.....
Me: No! it's just that when you said I need to
prove to people that I have changed I thought of
my parents. They kicked me out after the first
Mandy: I am so sorry. Where do you live now ?
Laila: She lives with me
Mandy: See? you need this break girl. Make
them proud
I laughed between the tears
Me: What excites me even more is the fact that
my parents don't sleep until that soapie played
Mandy: Imagine the look on their faces when
they see you in the teaser or when you appear
on the show
Me: Thank you Mandy
Mandy: It's not me it's you. People discovered
you because of you
I cannot wait for this. Thank you God for the
second chance.

< Judge Makhosazana >
I cannot believe what my cousin did. How could
she date a man She knew wanted me. I
understand I turned him down but come on. She
is a decent woman. She shouldn't have agreed to
be a second option. Look what happened. He
cheated on her because he didn't want her in the
first place.This upset me because that was a
good man. I cannot believe she killed him
because he cheated. Men cheat. I feel like she
didnt love that man. She was lonely then
decided to agree dating him. That is why it was
so easy for her to pull a trigger on his head.
Something told me what she did last night it
wasn't her first time doing it. She wasn't scared.
She got there and did what she said she'd do. She
handled everything like a professional. I am not
angry at her though. She is my sister. I love her.
It's not like I was in love with that man. Maybe I
was but the fact is we were not dating and we
never dated. I am just disappointed and
Anyway after My cousin sister left which was
after she dropped that bomb at me. I did go
check on Phonqa like i promised my sister. He
said he was okay. He didn't sleep watching t.v.
last night that is why he is in bed. I don't mind
him staying up watching t.v. He must enjoy his
holiday. My fear though is, What if he is feeling
his father's death in his blood?
Anyway Nomahelele is back from the office. She
came back and took a shower. It looks like what
she said she'd do happened. I am glad it did. This
woman needs to get pregnant.
Nomahelele: So how is the boy ?
Me: He said he didn't sleep last night he is tired.
He has tv in his room
Nomahelele: You don't sound convinced
I looked at the door. We are not at Living room
but you never know. I have to whisper. Anyway
I whispered
Me: What if he is sensing his father's passing?
Nomahelele's eyes popped out.
Me: My reaction exactly when i thought about it
Nomahelele: You don't regret what we did right
Me: Like i said earlier I don't regret it
Nomahelele: Good And i think you have to stop
feeling sorry for the boys and our sister in law.
If you do then that will show you regret it. Cuz
you must remember why you did this! Ngedle
said it! he said Shosholoza was gonna kill you
into cold blood!
Me: I know
I heard a knock. I went to open the door.
Me: Notiniphu
Notiniphu: My Queen Ms Nomaxabiso is here to
see you
Nomahelele stood up. I looked at her
Nomahelele: The famous Zidenge daughter?
Me: I wonder what is that woman doing here
Nomahelele smiled folding her arms. She looked
at Notiniphu
Nomahelele: Notiniphu we will be down in few
Notiniphu: Okay my Queen
Notiniphu left. Nomahelele Kicked the door. It
closed itself then she looked at me
Nomahelele: Do you wanna see her?
Me: As a matter of fact I do
I opened the door and walked out. She followed
me. We walked down the stairs. We saw her
sitting in the living room. She saw us then stood
Nomaxabiso: I am not here to cause any trouble.
I just need answers!
Me: Perfect. I also need answers about why the
ancestors suggest that you're not good enough
for my son
I said taking the last step down. She is livid. I
could see it. I could hear her breathing heavily.
Nomahelele: You look like a mess, I hope my
nephew didn't see you like that
Nomaxabiso looked at me.
Nomaxabiso: How did you do it?
I looked around the house
Me: First of all I would like you to accept my
condolences. It's so sad what happene.....
Nomaxabiso: How did you kill her !!!!?
She snapped. Nomahelele looked at me
Nomahelele: Cuz you're a murderer?
Me: How did I kill who ?
Nomaxabiso: Cut the act! You met my mother.
She called you asking to meet with you! I know
she called you. She called me on Sunday asking
what time we were coming home yesterday! She
had plans with you !
I sat on the couch
Me: Well she did have plans with me but do you
know what else happened ?
Me: I cancelled on her! I had guests here from
Johannesburg. I was not gonna leave my
daughter in law and her family and go see a
woman who was planning to kill me!
Nomaxabiso's eyes popped out. She swallowed
hard. She knew! this woman knew her mother
was planning to kill me. I stood up
Me: You knew didn't you ?
Nomaxabiso: I don't know what you're talking
about! I saved you! I saved you from Nontorotyi
but you didn't stand up for me!
Nomahelele: So this was revenge? You and your
witch mother were planning to kill my cuz ?
Nomaxabiso: That's not true! We didn't plan
that! The Queen didn't stand up for me! our
families had....
Me: Our families had a deal that you will stay
pure till marriage what did you do ?
She looked down
Me: You slept with a vibrator named Malingene!
She put both her hands on her mouth
Me: You thought I didn't know ? I went to
confront your parents guess what your mother
did when she saw me?
Me: She ran to get me A glass of wine in the
kitchen. I left before she returned to the living
room and about two weeks ago I just found out
she put her poison in that wine now tell me silly
girl !
Me: Do you think i was gonna go to your home
after I got the news i heard about your mom
trying to poison me ?
Me: Your mother killed herself! You need to
leave my home before you upset me even more!
Nomaxabiso covered her mouth. She wanted to
puke. She ran to the bathroom
I saw Nomahelele running after her
I didn't ask as well. We ran after her to the
I know she is going through a lot but I feel like
she was part of the plan that is why I don't feel
sorry for her. Now I know why they were trying
to kill me. I didn't " stand up" for her now her
mother thought she could kill me just like that ?
We got to the bathroom. She threw up for about
a minute. She stood up. She turned on the tap.
She washed her face and mouth. I was behind
her. I pulled her weave helping her. She looked
at me. I was still holding her hair.
Me: These ancestors are just something else.
Usually things like this are discovered in like
Nomahelele: To three months yes
I smiled then looked at Nomaxabiso
Me: It hasn't been a month since my son last
spotted you at Luxury Hotel....
I saw her eyes pop out
Me:... Booking a hotel room for you and your
boyfriend Malingene Gubhu but already the
ancestors are telling us you're pregnant with his
She raised her head remember she was still
looking down the sink. She put her hands on her
Me: Congratulations Nomaxabiso. I am sure you
will leave my son alone now that you're carrying
a Gubhu child
Nomaxabiso: Oh My God
She ran out of the bathroom. I was smiling
looking at her. I felt my sister breathing in my
ear behind me.
Nomahelele: I am very swamped. I feel like
you're the only one who has free time...
I turned around. I looked at her. What is she up
to ?
Me: Yes?
She looked at the wall then at me
Nomahelele: I want you to do an investigation
about the boyfriend.....
Me: The boyfriend?
Nomahelele: This Malengelenge boy !
I couldn't help myself. I just burst into laughter. I
know I shouldn't laugh. A man is dead and some
of our family members are gonna be greatly
affected by it but how She just called Malingene
Nomahelele: Cuz this is not funny. The might be
something that makes this girl desperately
wanna be part of this family after she threw her
virginity to that Malengelenge boy
I started thinking. I looked at her
Me: You might be onto something there.... ?
She looked at me.
Nomahelele: I am up to something and that
information you gonna get me will be very
I looked at her.
Me: What are you up to Nomahelele?
She looked at me.
Nomahelele: I will appreciate to get that
information before the end of the day dear cuz
She walked out. I was looking at her. Whoever
was like us in our family really ruined this
generation. I took out my phone and made a
phone call
PI: Judge Nomakhosazana
Me: Can you drive to Ngqeleni really quick? I
need some information
Him: Judge You pay a lot so why not?
Me: Good, I want you to drive this side but don't
come to my house straight away until you get
this information
Him: Can you tell me what I am looking for ?
I breath in and out
Me: You're going to stop your car at Mzonyani
store. That is at a village called Hlalwini. I want
you to look for a Gubhu family. When you do i
want you to find anything about their son
Malingene Gubhu
PI: Okay judge
Me: I want to know his friends, His girlfriend.
Who is friends with his girlfriend and What his
family do. Do you think you can get me that ?
PI: Ma'am this is easy because i am not looking
for a missing person or some unknown family. I
know village people and gossip. One person i
will bump into will sing
Me: I am expecting you to come to my house this
afternoon with the information I need
PI: I will be there Your honour
I hung up then let out a heavy sigh
Me: What are you up to Nomahelele.......?



< Narrated >
At Seputla towers in offices. We see Algebra in
his little space sitting. He was on his computer.
He kept checking his phone then continued
working. He looked like someone who is on his
thoughts and he was busy at the same time with
work. He exhaled then took his phone. He wrote
a text.
Algebra: Sent
He looked up then put down his phone. He
waited impatiently for him to reply. He
continued working. His phone beeped. He
quicky looked at it excited.
Nomgcwabe: " Algebra there is no us! what
happened in the morning was a mistake that
will never be repeated. Please forget me ! "
Algebra looked at that message. A tear escaped
his eye and dropped on his phone. The elevator
beeped. He quicky wiped his tears. He looked at
the Elevator. Isaiah Norman walked in. Algebra
looked down.
Algebra: It's gonna be a very long day
He didn't say that out loud. Isaiah Norman went
straight to him smiling
Isaiah: Hello Algebra
Me: Morning how can i help you ?
Isaiah smiled. He put his hands on his desk. He
looked at Algebra..
Isaiah: I haven't introduced myself to you
Algebra: You did or No, You lied !
Isaiah: Now you know why i lied right?
Algebra: Did you really come all the way to see
me ?
Isaiah: No but I was hoping to see you as well
Algebra chuckled. He started typing on his
computer looking upset.
Isaiah: My name is Isaiah Norman. I am 26 years
old. I am originally from Northern Cape. My
mother is a black tswana woman and my father
is a white man from Germany. He and mom
divorced. He moved back to Germany. I live with
mom and my two siblings At home. Here in
Johannesburg I live alone. Yes i was in a
relationship with Brendan. He was the only guy
He exhaled. It looked like it was not easy for him
to say it.
Isaiah: Fucked me. I don't know there was
something about him. I can't explain it anyway
enough about that. I want to take you out on a
date. since I told you about me how about you
tell me about you on a date ?
Algebra: Who are you here to see Isaiah?
Isaiah: Ouch
Algebra looked at him. He looked annoyed.
Isaiah: You have beautiful pink sexy lips
Algebra looked down and smiled..
Isaiah: Are we blushing ?
Algebra stopped blushing. He looked up. He was
Algebra: I will call security if you don't tell me
why you're here
Isaiah: I am here to ask you out on a date
Algebra stood up
IsaiaH: And to see Priscella and Sonia
Algebra looked at him. Isaiah smiled . Algebra
took a telephone.
Algebra: Ma'am Isaiah Norman is here to see
both of you should I send him in ?
Algebra: Okay ma'am
Algebra hung up then lost him smile. He looked
at Isaiah
Algebra: Go to Ms Seputla's office. They are both
Algebra: Thank you ;)
He winked at Algebra then walked away.
Algebra sat down and shook his head smiling.
He looked at his phone then read the message
Prince Nomgcwabe sent him. He looked sad. He
took his phone then replied with just "K"

At Priscella's office. Sonia and Priscella are
waiting for Isaiah Norman.
Priscella: I wonder why he is here ?
Sonia: I forgave him I don't know what he wants
Isaiah Norman knocked at the door. Sonia
looked at him and waved asking him to come in
and He Walked in.
Isaiah: Good morning. Is it still morning though?
Good day ladies
They greeted him back
Sonia: Come take a seat
There were two chairs infront of Priscella's desk.
One was sitting Sonia the other empty. Isaiah sat
Isaiah: Thank you for seeing me guys
Priscella: You wanted to see us?
He looked at Sonia.
Isaiah: Sonia I know you said you and I will
never be friends and I don't blame you but I
respect you and I am sorry for everything I did
to both of you guys
Sonia: I forgave you. I told you that. Isaiah I
want to move on with my life. I don't want to be
reminded of that man
Isaiah: I know and I am sorry but I had to come
Sonia: Okay?
Isaiah: I wanted to tell you that the lawyer called
me Saturday. I couldn't call you because i was
busy getting ready for Zimbabwe. I didn't want
you to be surprised when you see me at your
house that's why I thought I should come
Priscella and Sonia looked at each other.
Priscella: I wonder how many people are gonna
be there ?
Isaiah: Who else is coming?
Sonia: Tasha
Isaiah: What ?
Sonia: She called asking for my address
Isaiah: The nerve! I asked her to come to the
funeral with me. She said she didn't love him
she just used him
Priscella: That sounds like her! She is ready to
use my brother again as we speak
Isaiah: I am sorry for what I wrote Priscella but
is your brother crazy ?
Priscella: If you didn't write that article we
wouldn't know what happened so I thank you
for it
Isaiah: That girl is poison
Sonia: I will tell her to back off come twelve
noon! Tasha is not going to be part if this family.
We won't let her! Anyway how was the funeral ?
Isaiah: It was okay. A lot of people were there.
His colleagues mostly and the press. I kind of hid
from them after the funeral because they
wanted to speak to me
Priscella: You came back last night ?
Isaiah: I came back this morning with Brendan
Sonia: Where are they now ?
Isaiah: They said They will go rest at hotel
A knock came at the door. It was Algebra. He
walked in
Algebra: Sorry to interrupt
Priscella: Yes is everything alright ?
Algebra: Yes ma'am
He looked at Sonia
Algebra: Ms De Villiers
Sonia: Yes ?
Algebra: The reception say Claire is here to see
Sonia stood up
Sonia: Did you call my producer?
Algebra: Yes they are on their way up ma'am
Sonia: I wonder what that bitch want. Is my
make up okay ?
Priscella: It's on point
Sonia: Algebra I know you're not my assistant
but I need you, please kindly bring water and
two glasses in my office
Isaiah: I am sorry did you say Claire? Which
Priscella: The super model who is always on this
tv ads wearing local clothes
Isaiah: I know her! She was dating a friend of
Sonia turned around .
Sonia: A girl?
Isaiah: Yes Laila
Sonia: Well she is in a relationship with my ex
husband and she wants to see me
Isaiah: Shut up
Sonia: Please don't write about this
Isaiah: No i do not have a job but my former
boss said I should come. Don't worry from now
on I will come to you first before writing
Priscella: HallejulaH
Sonia: Later guys!
She ran to her office. Algebra also got there with
water she asked for. Isaiah looked at Priscella
Isaiah: Priscella Brendan forced me to write
about that home affairs thing. I am sorry about
Priscella: Don't worry your publication wrote an
apology so it's water under the bridge
Isaiah: I saw it I wonder how you guys
convinced that stubborn woman
Priscella: I threatened to sue. She was never
gonna apologise
Isaiah: I am sorry again
Priscella smiled.

Outside the office Algebra just got to his desk.
The crew and the producer went to Sonia's
office. They passed it. Sonia gave them a thumbs
up smiling. Mandisa from HR walked out of the
elevator with Claire..
Mandisa: That's her office over there
Claire: Thank you
She said smiling then lost her smile when she
looked at Sonia's office. Mandisa went to
Mandisa: Algebra I called all of them. The
interviews will be at 9 am at boardroom. I don't
want to disturb their meeting at Ms De Villiers'
Algebra: Let me write that down and go tell her
when she is done with her meeting
Mandisa: Thank you
Mandisa went to the elevator. She pressed the
button, The elevator opened. She walked in then
left. Isaiah walked out of Priscella's office. He
headed to Algebra. He didn't sat anything. He
just took out his card. He put it on his desk then
looked at Algebra
Isaiah: Think about what I said and call me
Algebra looked at his card. Isaiah walked to the
elevator. He got there people walked out. He
walked in. The elevator closed. He took that
card. He walked to the dustbin. He attempted to
throw the card then took out his phone. He
looked at Prince Nomgcwabe's text
" Algebra there is no us! what happened in the
morning was a mistake that will never be
repeated. Please forget me ! "
Algebra's heart was torn after reading that. It
was like he was reading it for the first time. He
decided against throwing away the card. He
went back to his desk then sat down looking at
the card

< Sonia De Villiers >
It's show time. To be honest i am nervous. I don't
know what to expect. First of all this woman is
used to smiling for the camera not speaking to
or for the camera. I want to catch her off guard
even if she came to fight she will be scared a bit.
It's been weeks not shooting. It's been a long
time coming. My producer said people are
looking forward to seeing me. I can see the
promo came out this morning. They say I am the
most twitted about. In that promo they showed
the part where we were at a club celebrating the
succeful photo shoot we had. Now that it looks
like I will be the star of the season, i will make
sure every scene I am in is the most talked
about. I know there will be a lot of shade thrown
around and at me for What was revealed about
Brendan. I seriously don't care. I am prepared
mentally and emotionally. That man don't mean
nothing to me but if being laughed at on tv mean
making lot of millions why not ? Now that i am
also a producer I have to bring content. I was
thinking. Tomorrow I want them to shoot with
my kids for the first time. We will just talk about
what happened " still to happen " between me
and Claire then the lady who was on my side
when I fought with my co stars will visit and
give me support fir what happy between
Brendan and I. That part is not acting though.
This woman reached out asking to see me. I told
her I wasn't ready. Now that I am we can meet.
Three others also reached out I am not sure if it
was genuine or not .
Anyway I am excited. I feel like I am back to my
old self. I am so proud of myself for forgiving
Isaiah. He looks and sounds like a nice guy. It's
good to see him comfortable and laugh in front
of us. It shows the only poison here was my late
husband. My his soul rest in hell. The reason the
cameras didn't come in is because i want them
to surprise her. She is going to be
uncomfortable. If she came angry she will calm
down. I am sure she doesn't want to look stupid
on tv. Anyway I saw her speaking to Algebra
Hunter loves skinny pretty women. Claire is that
and I am too. The only difference is that she is a
dark white girl. I am blonde, Just blonde not
stupid though.
Me: Come on Sonia, activate your bitchy calm
I said looking away smiling. I heard a knock at
the door. I turned around then smiled
I catwalked to the door. I am wearing a black
dress that goes up to my neck. My sexy thighs
are all out. She is wearing shorts, heels and a
white crop top. She looks so beautiful. I might
not like you but I just can't lie about someone.
More especially someone's looks. This girl is
beautiful period. But if she is here to confront
me, not to get to know me? we gonna have a
problem. I am little crazy. The way I was
walking to the door I just wanted her to see that
I did modelling as well. I just had to many
responsibilities and I was too smart to just smile
for a living and that is why I quit.
Anyway I opened the door then stood aside
Me: Hi
She looked at me from head to toe. She looked at
me in the face.
Claire: Hi
She walked in. Oh That is definitely a fake smile.
She just faked a smile. Who does she think she is
? The cameras came in. She turned around
Claire: What the....
I catwalked to my desk
Me: Please take a seat
Claire: Why didn't you tell me.... ?
Me: Honey this is my life. I thought you knew. I
have to do this to put food on the table for my
I sat down
Me: Your step kids
She looked pissed off. She breath in. I pointed at
a chair infront of my desk. She shook her head
then sat down. I looked at my producer. He
winked at me and gave me thumps up. I looked
at Claire
Me: Speaking of my kids! Oh My God they love
you! They talk about you a lot. Good things only
Claire: When exactly?
Me: I beg your pardon? wait can I get you
anything to drink?
Claire gave me a deathstare.
Claire: When does your kids talk about me
because you're never with them
Me: Excuse me? I am a working mom. My kids
know. They went to a holiday in Nambia
because they wanted to Anyway why are you
here i can see you're here to insult me
She chuckled.
Claire: You thought your little cameras were
gonna intimidate me?
Me: These people are here to work and you
sweetheart scheduled a meeting with me and
these people are following me around
I said pouring myself glass of water. I sipped.
She looked at me.
Me: I thought you came here so we could get to
know each other since you're dating my ex
husband. Their father
She poured herself water. She stood up
Claire: Their father? your first ex husband is My
man! You need to stop seducing my man! I know
you slept with him Friday night! ain't you
mourning your dead gay husband ?
I stood up. She is going to far now. I was trying
to be kind here.
Me: I know you know gays better than me
because you're one as well. I wonder why you
didn't warn me about my gay husband
Claire: Listen here Sonia De Villiers..... You don't
know me. You need to stop meddling in my
business! You had no right to tell Hunter what
you told him !
Me: I wonder why you didn't tell him? You're in
love right? I just assumed that he knew. Your
man insulted me about Brendan's sexuality I
said you're gay as well and I wasn't lying. What
is going to happen to women? Are you gonna
invite a woman to join you in bed? sounds kinky
She threw water in my face
Claire: Just like what Isaiah and Brendan did !?
I splashed water in her face as well. She jumped
on the table. I grabbed her hair. I threw her on
the table. She fell on her back. The producers
came running. I jumped on top of the table. I
slapped and punched her. She pulled my hair.
the producers separated us
Claire: What the fuck bitch ! let me go! I need to
teach this granny a lesson
I ran to her
Me: Who do you call granny bitch!
Producer: Sonia please stop!!!
Claire: Let her! I will mess up this fake bitch !
Producer: Get out ma'am!
Security came in Running
Me: Drag her bitchy ass out of here ! out of my
building you broke ass bitch!
They dragged her out then closed the door
Producer: Cut!
They took her to the elevator..
Producer: Great job Sonia
Me: This woman is very close with my kids. How
am I gonna trust her when she comes here and
insult me like that ?
Me: What am I gonna tell my kids? How am I
gonna stop them from seeing her? They are fond
of her
I broke down. This might sound interesting to
the crew but I don't joke when it comes to my
kids safety. Priscella came running..
Priscella: I hope you're not rolling I am here to
comfort my friend
Producer: We are done
Priscella: Oh friend how did it go ?
Me: So bad!
She hugged me
Priscella: What happened?
Producer: You will have to watch the show
Me: You were right she came to confront me
Priscella: Oh I am sorry babe
Who the hell does she think she is? Coming here
and insult me? I knew she came for a fight when
she come in shorts on a Monday. She didn't
throw a finger at me. The only thing she threw
was the water. Thank God she didn't throw a

< Tasha >
Oh my God! what did I say to everybody? I said I
am likely to get good news from my first
meeting and guess what? You're looking at an
actress right now. I am going to be in one of the
most watched soapies in the country. Rich kids
and Elton Junior are the reason for this. I am
really happy and grateful to them. I am saying
it's EJ because ever since that EPISODE aired I
have been getting more followers. Even when i
drugged him i got more followers. I love EJ but I
feel like right now I am not too desperate. Even
if I don't get to be with him. I got what I wanted.
I am going to be an actor now. It won't be hard
to get a job Even if I lose this one I just got. I am
excited about this. I know I can't share the news
with my followers until the show do. I can't wait
for my family to see me on tv. I am so excited
right. I can't help it but I have the next
appointment ahead. I don't know what to expect
from those results. I started my day on a high
note. I can't end it on a low. I am just hoping that
I will get the good news. I cannot get any sexual
transmitted diseases. Brendan is not here to
answer my questions. I don't need anything that
is going to mess up my mind right now. I am
happy. I am finally getting what I want. I am so
lucky. I am not going to waste this opportunity.
I will make sure I work hard so I can make
people forget everything bad I did in the past.
Anyway we just arrived at the doctor's office.
We walked out of the car.
Laila: Are you sure you want to go in with me ?
Me: Yes friend. you went in at Mandy's office. I
got great news. You're my lucky charm why
would I leave you in the car
Laila: I thought because it's something very
personal you might want to go in alone
Me: No. I trust you
She smiled. We walked in. I looked at the time.
We arrived at the perfect time. I am so nervous
now. The nerves overpowered the excitement of
the news I just received about my new job.
Laila: Are you nervous?
Me: Now that I am here yes
Laila: I am sure you're going to be okay
Me: I hope so
We went to the reception.
Me: Hey I made an appointment last week...
Her: You're Tasha?
Me: Yes
Her: Go stand there. Make sure when someone
comes out you go in. You were the first person
who booked
There were a lot of people sitting. I went and
stood next to the door. I saw Laila sitting at a
chair next to the reception
Me: Friend please come
I am scared. I don't want to lie. I don't know the
things Brendan got up to. I don't trust him at all.
Someone walked out. I looked at Laila. She
smiled. I walked in, She did to. My doctor looked
Him: Tasha! I was about to call you
I pulled a chair then sat down
Me: Sounds like an emergency doctor ?
Laila pulled her chair. She sat
Doctor: No, I just wanted to take you out of your
misery. You kinda looked worried the last time i
saw you
I smiled. It looks like I am getting good news
Me: So it's good news ?
He looked at Laila. I looked at Laila then at him
Me: Oh this is my friend. I trust her
Doctor took a report. He opened it.
Him: The results are back
He looked up. He had a smile in his face Then
raised the file.
Him: I don't have bad news you can relax
I left out a sigh of relief
Me: Thank God
Doctor: There is only one thing we discovered
from the blood tests though
Me: Yes?
Doctor: Congratulations You're going to have a
Me: What !?
Is that Good news? I am not a married woman.
Only a married woman would say this Is good
news. I can't believe this. I can't be pregnant I
just can't be. I stood up
The doctor looked at me.
Him: Are you okay?
Me: No! I am not okay !
I sat down again. Who is the father? in one
month a slept with three men. Oh my God. I
stood up again with my hands on my mouth
Laila: Friend are you okay ?
Me: No! I am not okay! i just got my dream job
now I just heard that I am pregnant with a child
i don't even know who the father is!
The doctor looked down. I know he is judging
Laila: Doctor can't you do something? She has to
know how far she is so she could tell Who might
be the father of the baby
Doctor: It says here you're almost a month
Me: Doctor be specific! how many weeks ?
Doctor: Oh Three weeks
I looked at Laila
Me: Thank God it's not Brendan !
Laila smiled faintly
Doctor: Do you know who it is ?
I looked at him. I looked at Laila
Laila: Do you think it's Elton's baby?
Me: I hope it is
Doctor: I am sorry Tasha but you don't sound
convinced and doing a paternity test of a baby
who is not even born is kind of dangerous
I sat down.
Me: I broke up with my boyfriend and hooked
up with some guy. That happened within that
three weeks
Doctor: That's a tough one. It's possible to find
out which one is the father but it's risk....
Me: That's if I am having this baby
They both looked shocked. Laila knows how
much i wanted this. I cannot ruin my chances of
becoming something i always wanted to be
because of a child. Then again. Maybe this child
will bring me and EJ together. Imagine having a
child for that family and be married to Elton.
That would be much better than my role at that
soap. Right now i am caught between abortion,
having this baby with Elton and my career. That
role is a supporting role I can be written out
easily if they discover I am pregnant. I have a lot
to think about and the meeting i will be having
with the Septutla family will decide if I have a
future with Elton or not. If I don't I am having
an abortion.
Laila: Friend you will have an abortion?
I looked at her. I am going to kill an innocent
child. But I am not ready to be a mother. It came
at a wrong time. I cannot be a mother right now
no. If i am having an abortion it has to be before
Monday. I have to heal before I get to work. I
don't want to be a hot mess at my new job
Me: I don't know. I think I need to sleep on this
Doctor: Do not take too much time. It's easy to
abort now because it's still early days and please
when you decided to do it don't go to black
market. Come here
Me: Thank you. Can I have this. I need to have a
proof that I am three weeks pregnant
Him: Let me make a copy for you
He stood up and walked out. Laila looked at me.
Laila: You're not sure you wanna abort?
Me: I need to meet Elton and his family first. If
he wants nothing to do with me then I will have
to choose my career
Laila: Good luck friend
I looked at her. I looked away. I cannot have a
baby now. I thought of my parents and how
proud they will be to see me on tv now This? I
will have a baby outside the wedlock? That's
another disappointed in their eyes. I really don't
know what to do right now. I really don't. I hope
by tomorrow I will have a solution to my

< Judge Makhosazana >
A lot is on my mind right now. Firstly my sister
in law has to find out about her lover. Secondly
my cousin sister is mysterious about her plans. I
just called a Private investigator to investigate a
family I don't even know because of
Nomahelele. I don't even know what she is
planning and i know she won't tell me just like
she didn't tell me about the man she killed. She
dropped that bomb on me then left to see my
brother in law. I feel like she and i need to talk
about that man. She must tell me how did she
end up dating the man she hooked me up with.
Why she never even once mentioned her
relationship with him at all. My cousin sister
and I are very close. We share everything. She
knew everything about the drama at
Sdabadabeni village before she even came here.
We share everything. I think the reason she
didn't tell me is because she knew I wouldn't
approve. I cannot believe she killed him just
because he cheated. All men cheat. If you have a
man who never cheated on you then tell us
which witch doctor you went to so we can all go
try our luck. Men are not loyal at all and that is a
fact. Nomahelele and I need to have a serious
talk. I am heartbroken because that man was
sweet. I was just scared to date. I never dated
anyone ever since my man died. I don't know
why. I am just scared because our ancestors are
very active. What if they don't approve ? I don't
want to fall in love and end up regretting it
because they don't approve.
Anyway Nomahelele left me speaking to the
private investigator. She didn't come back I don't
know what she is doing upstairs. I don't know
what just happened with Nomaxabiso. This girl
is crazy. She is such a chancer. She thought we
didn't know about her trip to Johannesburg. She
is pregnant now. I am sure she was gonna say
it's my son's baby. We know my son never left
no seed Inside her and we are aware of her lies.
What was more surprising about her visit was to
find out that she might have been part of the
plan to kill me. What happened to that innocent
girl who saved my life? Was that just an
excitement to become one of us and now that
she knows it might not happen she shows her
true colours. I don't want her anywhere near my
son. She is poison just like the woman who gave
birth to her. After what happened i doubt she'd
think of coming here again. Anyway I saw
Nomahelele walk down.
I smiled at her. I heard my phone rings. I looked
at it. It's chief Khabalandile. I answered
Me: Chief
Hlohlesakhe: My Queen I am sure you noticed
The King and Prince Nomgcwabe are not there...
Me: I was not aware of that?
Nomahelele looked at me curious
Hlohlesakhe: There is a crisis at work and my
sister is on her way to tell you about it and I
think this is the perfect time to tell her about
Oh My God. I sat on the couch
Nomahelele: What is it ?
Me: Okay Chief I will talk to her
Hlohlesakhe: Okay
I hung up then looked at my cousin
Me: Princess Nomagampompo is on her way
home and we have to tell her and he says there
is a crisis at work. I wonder what it is.....
I stood up.
Nomahelele: It was busy when i was there but
nothing looked like a crisis
Me: I am going to need a drink
Nomahelele: Since Princess is coming here i am
sure work is too much. How about I go and help
I took a glass. I poured myself wine.
Me: No! I will need you here. He says he asked
Prince Nomgcwabe and the king to go work.
They are there
Nomahelele: That's better
She looked at the window
Nomahelele: Are you ready? She just arrived
Me: I am more worried about the crisis but it
looks like they have everything under control
there. And i am worried about how she is going
to take this
Nomahelele: Yeah..... What a tragedy. The way
you talked about him he sounded like a good
I looked at her. Is she serious right now, What
tragedy? She killed the man ! I looked down and
smiled. I wanted to laugh but what if my sister
in law walks in on me laughing.
She poured herself a drink. The front door
opened. It was Siqalo opening it. The princess
walked in. She was in hurry. This is a real crisis.
What the hell happened at my company
Me: Sisi?
Nomagampompo: Sisi two of our major clients
pulled out of their contract with us. I want you
to call them and find out
I put my glass down
Me: Oh my God. What?
Nomahelele: That's bad but cuz we need to get
the important matter out of the way. I know
business is important but there is something the
princess needs to know
She looked at me. I looked down
Nomagampompo: What is it Sisi?
Me: I don't know any better way to say this Sisi
Nomagampompo: You're scaring me right now
Nomahelele: Please sit sister in law
She sat down
Me: The Police were here
Nomagampompo: Okay ?
Oh My God how am I gonna say this. That man
was her first and the last lover. I don't want to
break her heart. I am supposed to fix a crisis in
our company, A crisis that is making me angry
and there is this matter I don't even know how
it's gonna go
Nomagampompo: Sisi you're scaring me
Me: Sisi The police say last night Shosholoza was
found in Mthatha shot
She stood up. She had both her hands on her
Nomagampompo: Is he okay? What was he
doing in Mthatha?
Nomahelele: Well only he knew what was he
doing but they say a prostitute who was with
him say he went there to see him and he was
her customer
Nomagampompo: What ? Shosholoza and a
prostitute? That doesn't make sense at all. What
was he doing in Mthatha? Tell me he is okay
I looked at Nomahelele
Nomagampompo: Tell Me!!!
I put both my hands on my mouth. I felt a tear
drop from my eye
Nomagampompo: No!
Nomahelele: I am so sorry sister in law.
Shosholoza didn't make it
Nomagampompo threw her lower body on the
couch. She sat down
Nomagampompo: No! Shosholo can't die!
I went to her. I went down on my knees and
hold her hands
Me: Sisi I think his wife death hit him hard that
is why he went to Mthatha
Nomagampompo: No!! Shosholoza would never!
never sleep with a prostitute!
I hugged my sister in law then looked at
Nomagampompo: Shosholoza can't be dea......
" Was he our father? " Said a voice behind us.
We all had hands on our mouths before even
looking at him. We were shocked by his
unexpected question. What is this boy talking
about ? How did he find out. We all turned
around. Tears were falling down his face.
Me: Bo...
Phonqa: Answer me mom!!!
Nomagampompo: Yes! Yes he was your father!!
What have I done? What have I done? Why did I
do this.
Me: On My God
Princess Nomagampompo ran to Phonqa. She
knelt down
Nomagampompo: I am sorry
Phonqa: He hated us!
Princess hugged him. lI looked at Nomahelele.
Her eyes are dry this woman is cold
Phonqa: What did we do to him? Why he didn't
want us
I had both my hands on my mouth. Shosholoza
is not here to answer this question. He is not
here because of me. Nomagampompo was
hugging him tight brushing his back
Nomagampompo: He loved you boy
Phonqa: No! he never looked at us
I am such a terrible person. Why did I do this.
There were another ways to stop him from
killing me but what were they? He was gonna go
to the police.




< Nomaxabiso >
I am hurting. I feel like if I would cut out my
heart from my chest I wouldn't feel the pain I
am feeling right now. How can life hit me this
hard? How can everything go so wrong for me ?
This year has been awful for me. My life is not
going as planned. Now I see why Masixole was
so horrible to me. He saw me at that hotel. How
can i be so stupid. How was I supposed to know
he would be there? I feel like a useless person.
Everything is going wrong. Now I just found out
I might be pregnant. What if it's his child? I was
so sure that The Queen met up with mom. I am
surprised to hear that mom tried to kill her the
first time while I was in Jozi and she failed. Now
I see why mom called asking where i was. It's
the same day the Queen went to my house. I
know she is not stupid and I am not stupid as
well. I can see she is innocent. A person with the
right mind would never go back to where she
almost got killed. I believe her innocence
because she mentioned that Gedleza told her.
Gedleza is good. How did he know that me and
mom were planning this together ? That man is
not playing and I am afraid now that he knows
what we were trying to do I doubt the ancestors
would give me a chance. My life is over. This is a
mess I don't know how to get out from but I am
sure I am pregnant with Masixole's child. He
will want to be part of the baby's life. I know we
will reconnect. When He finds out I am pregnant
he will change his mind. His Fiancé or first wife
whatever she is will have to deal with it. I am
here to stay.
Anyway while I was driving. I noticed the car
infront of me. That car looks like my uncle's car.
Where did he go? was he following me? I made
sure I upped the speed. I am going to catch up
with him. I know his car. That is him. I drove
faster. I caught up with him. I slowed down
when our cars were next to each One another.
Me: Are you following me ?
Him: My girl your Father said he'd be right back.
I had to follow you. What were you doing at
Me: I don't know why i went there. I am just
upset. I am angry! I need answers uncle and no
one wanna give me answers!
Him: We all want answers my girl but the
matter is in police hands we can't do anything
I stepped in my accelerator hard. I drove passed
his car. I am so angry right now. I don't know
what to do. Everything is coming at the same
time. I don't know how to deal with this whole
thing. I just passed my house. The road is
heading to town. I need to know if I am
pregnant or not. Living in a rural area is hard.
You have to go to town to get things done and it
takes you more than an hour to get there.
" Turn the car around you're pregnant " Said a
voice behind me. I looked at the rearview
mirror. He is sitting at back seat.
Me: Gedleza what do you want ? You're my
witch doctor now? That family don't want me
why are you in my business?
Gedleza: Anything that involves the Ndengana
family is my business
I looked at the mirror
Me: So this baby is Masixole's baby ?
He shook his head no. How awful? What did I
expect? It looks like i am getting bad news every
minute. Why did I even think of a break? I will
never get a break. God is punishing me for What
I did to my family. I didn't obey now I am left all
alone to fix my life
Me: What do you mean ?
Gedleza: I just came to clarify that. I don't want
you to make a fool of yourself and go lie at the
royal house. That baby is not The king's baby
He disappeared after he said that. I stopped the
car. I hit the steering wheel hard and broke
down. Why nothing is going well for me. I am
pregnant again with the child of the same man
who is the reason i am not a royal wife. Why do
I keep messing up my life with a man who is
married to my best friend. I am so ashamed. I
don't know what i will do this time. I might not
have a chance to have a child again if I abort
this one as well. I need to call this stupid man
and tell him he ruined me again. I can't tell him
on the phone though. It's Christmas this
weekend. He is coming home. All i need to do is
schedule a meeting between us two and tell him
he knocked me down again! Anyway I dialled
his number. His phone rang. He answered in
fourth ring.
Malingene: Nomaxabiso I cannot speak to you
right now! My wife is with me
Me: How? When did she go to Gatueng?
Malingene: I just arrived today for Christmas
Me: We need to meet Malingene!
Malingene: That can't happen. If I see you I will
have to come with my wife, You know that right
Me: Please make a plan and come see me tonight
alone. We have to talk about something serious!
Malingene: Okay fine. I am just relieved that the
damage situation is not going to happen
Me: How can you say that? Are you saying
you're happy my parents are dead? What kinda
person are you!? What a monster!
Him: You know I didn't mean it like that. My
wife is coming talk later ! .... ( tututututu)
He hung up. I threw my phone on the passanger
I cannot believe he said that. He is happy my
dad and mother are no more. All he cares about
is his marriage. How can a human being be so
cruel? What is going to happen to my child? Is
he gonna be fatherless like Nomagampompo
children who were lied to all their lives? I can't
do that to my child. He has to know his father. I
don't know What would I do if his wife would
find out though. That woman would murder me
with her bare hands.

< Judge Makhosazana >
This is a sensitive situation. I don't know what to
do right now. I never thought they would find
out about this like that. How did Phonqa know
this? Who told him this ? When we killed
Shosholoza my wish was that they never find
out he was their father now Phonqa knows and
there is no way we could've denied it. This boy
knows very well that man was his father. This is
messed up. He is crying. His mother is crying. I
don't know. I really don't know what to do. I did
this. I am the reason they are crying. Even if I
were to tell them I killed him and tell them the
reason I did it, they'd hate me. I don't think
anyone would believe you when you tell them
why you had to kill their parents. All i need to do
right now is to convince myself that I did the
right thing. It was either me or him. Shosholoza
was a heartless man. He came in and out of our
home. He never looked at these boys and that
made me so angry. That is why when i got an
opportunity to get rid of him from our company
I did. That man didn't deserve to be a father. For
someone who didn't have a boy child with his
wife he should've tried by all means do be a
father to his kids. He was a heartless man and
heartless people end up where he ended up, In a
trash bin.
Anyway we were trying to comfort the poor boy.
His mother was hugging him. I don't know what
to do. Me and my cousin sister we were just
standing not knowing what to do. One thing i
won't do is make this boy believe that his father
didn't love them.
Phonqa: he didn't care about us
Nomagampompo: Don't say that!
I went to them. I knelt down.
Me: Prince Phonqa look at me
He broke the hug and looked at me. His mother
stood up.
Me: Shosholoza loved you and your brother
Him: How my Queen? What did he do to show
that ?
I looked at My sister in law. She didn't know
what to say and I could tell she was counting on
me. That is what I am here. I am here to fix
every problem in this family.
Me: Prince you know we are royalty right ?
He nodded his head crying
Me: Boy no one could know who your father
was because we were gonna be in trouble with
the village and your mother's reputation was
gonna be tarnished
Phonqa: Why?
Me: Because your father was married to
Nomaxabiso's mother
He was just crying. I don't know whether he is
crying for him because he is dead or he is angry
because we lied to them.
Me: I wanted you to know your father
I looked at his mother
Me: She also wanted you to know him...
Phonqa: Then why you didn't tell us ? We are
not the village
Nomagampompo came closer
Nomagampompo: He loved you guys
Me: Prince your mother is right
Phonqa: Then why he didn't tell us? Why he
didn't speak to us ?
The princess looked at me. He was sitting down..
Me: He was trying to protect you my boy
The princess nodded her head agreeing with me.
Phonqa: From what ?
I breath in and out. I looked at his mother. I
could see Princess didnt know what I was gonna
say but she was desperate for me to say it.
Me: He was scared of his wife
Nomahelele knelt down with me
Nomahelele: Boy Nomfunzelo was a dangerous
woman. She was ruthless like a villain in a
Nomfunzelo said acting scared trying to show
him how dangerous that woman was. I know it's
not right to talk bad about the dead but this is
the only option we have. Phonqa wiped his tears
looking at Nomahelele.
Nomahelele: That woman had this poison she
used to killl people. If she found out. You, Your
She looked at Princess Nomagampompo
Nomahelele: And your mom were gonna be
dead by now
Me: Even Nomaxabiso knew about you guys but
she didn't say anything because she feared her
mother. Now do you see why we couldn't bring
ourselves into risking your precious lives ?
Phonqa nodded his head. I hugged him tight
tears escaping my eye
Me: Oh I am so sorry for your loss my love. I
really am
I looked at my sister in law
Nomagampompo: Thank you
She said that between her lips. I just read her
lips to hear what she was saying. I broke the hug
Me: Do you know why i think your father loved
He shook his head no.
Me: You remember the shares we divided
amongst you?
Phonqa: Yes ?
Me: They belonged to your father. He gave you
those shares but we couldn't tell you
He smiled then looked at his mother. I did too
Nomagampompo: She is right baby. I am sorry I
didn't tell you My boy
He stood up then went and hugged his mom. I
stood up
Nomahelele: ncoah
Nomagampompo: Let me take you to your room
They walked hand in hand to the stairs. Tears
ran down my face uncontrollably
My cousin sister side hugged Me. We saw them
walking up the stairs
Me: I.....
Nomahelele broke the hug then raised a hand. I
stopped before I could say what I wanted to say.
Nomahelele: Don't speak. Let's just go sit on the
couch and close our eyes for a few minutes
She took my hand. We walked to the couch. I sat
down. I leaned on the couch. I closed My eyes.
My heart is heavy. This is sad. We just took away
a chance this boy had to get to know his father. I
have a headache. I hope this meditation will
help. I still have to save the family business.

< Nontorotyi >
Last night I couldn't sleep. I was thinking about
my trip to Mqanduli. I couldn't stay at Thaleni
for another day. I don't want to end up charging
my phone in a solar system. I want to charge it
in Electricity and at Zinyovile's place I will be
sorted. I didn't have to take a taxi to town from
there to Mthatha then to Mqanduli. I got a hike
that took the shortcut. I crossed MDUMBI bridge.
I passed my house then crossed Mthatha river
dam Bridge. I just got to Mqanduli. It didn't take
long for me to arrive here. I cannot wait to
charge my phone and call my daughter. I need
to know if that monster is abusing my children
or not. I need to know everything that is going
on there. To be honest right now I am out of
ideas. I don't know what to do. Everything is just
falling apart. Zinyovile said there is hell coming.
I don't know what it is and I don't know what i
have done right now. All my sins are out for
everyone to see. The ancestors exposed me. I
really don't know what i have done right now I
really don't.
Anyway I decided to pass Zinyovile's house. I
went straight to their big supermarket. I think I
mentioned this before. We are under Ngqeleni
town but we are close to Mqanduli. Sometimes if
we don't wanna go to our town this supermarket
is helpful. They sell everything. I came here to
get some griceries for Me and Zinyovile. I don't
know for how long i will be staying here so I
have to be prepared. I had to hire a van to take
me to her house. I feel like I am wasting money.
When i still have a crisis at home. How am I
gonna get money to give my brother and his
wife? They are expecting five thousand from me
every month. I am just happy I finished with my
house already. I am very proud of myself. I hope
my parents and my siblings are proud. I just
arrived at Zinyovile's house. Thank God she is
home. I saw her walk out of her house. She put
her hands on her waist looking at the driver
who was offloading the groceries. I grabbed my
handbag. I just remembered I have to charge
my phone.
Me: Zinyovile take the groceries. I need to
charge my phone !!
I am so happy. This is not a place I would be
happy to be. Life can humble you. When you get
to live A life you Are not used to. You start
appreciating the little things in life. I never had
to worry about electricity ever since I got
married to the royal family. Now I lost all that. I
feel like my life is falling apart. I am just happy I
have my cell phone. Anyway I got in. I took out
my charger. I ran to the plug then charged my
phone. It was still charging 0 % but I switched it
on anyway. I need to call my baby girl. I want to
know everything about her coping with losing
that brat EJ, Her relationship with her father
and that woman who is taking over my house.
Anyway I saw Zinyovile walks in with plastics
Zinyovile: Can't you let it charge?
She is asking because she sees standing next to
the charger typing
Me: You have no idea. I haven't been using my
phone in hours !
She shook her head then walked out. I am so
happy she is accommodating me for a while. I
can't go back to Thaleni. That is not a place. Even
informal settlements have electricity this days. I
don't know what kinda rural area is that.
Anyway I dialled my baby girl's numher her
phone rang. I smiled.
Ngejiwe: Finally ! hi mom!
Me: Hi baby how are you?
She exhaled
Me: What is it ?
Ngejiwe: I am just fine mom. When are you
coming home ?
I am not going to answer that because i don't
know that myself and I don't know what her
father said to her.
Me: Tell me everything that is happening at
Ngejiwe: Well me and my dad made peace. He is
interested to know about my boyfriend. He is
such in a good mood, More especially after he
went jogging with Queen's cousin
My husband is jogging now, This man forgot
about me. What the hell is wrong with him ?
How can he run at his age? I am wondering if
this man still wants me back. I don't think he
does. He forgot me just like that.
Me: Baby tell me that Nomahelele woman is not
taking over my house and my kitchen!
Ngejiwe: Wow you don't know how your kitchen
looks like why do you care about your kitchen?
Anyway tell me. Is she the one who is marrying
My eyes widened. First time i told her about this
second wife thing i got in trouble for it. Now I
am telling her who is the woman? What if I get
in trouble? I can't believe they haven't told my
children about her.
Me: No honey! I just assume since they have
Ngejiwe: You might be right. There is a family
meeting later about this so I think it's her. I
mean she can't run with him if she won't be his
Me: Mmhmm
I was nodding my head crying. I know it's her. I
just hate that I am acting dump on my girl
because I am scared to be punished. I don't want
them to think I told her about Nomahelele. I
want them to tell my kids. That is what they
want. They want things done their way.
Ngejiwe: You ignored my question. When are
you coming back? Did dad kick you out ?
Me: No honey! I went home to check the house I
built at home for my brother
Ngejiwe: And ?
Me: it's beautiful honey
Ngejiwe: I should come and see it
Me: I will let you know when to come love
Ngejiwe: Okay mom
Me: Baby girl tell me about your life. What is
going on ?
She lost that boy. I want to know if She will go
back to that loser
Ngejiwe: Hey mom, I went back to Velezantsi....
I rolled my eyes. My daughter deserves better
Ngejiwe: I didn't tell him what I wanted to do
Me: As expected. I mean you love him you can't
risk losing him also
Ngejiwe: Well it's too late mom
She sounded sad. What does she mean when she
says it's too late
Me: What happened?
Zinyovile walked in with a few things she left
outside. She sat down.
Ngejiwe: Mom Phonqa told Velezantsi that I
slept with Elton and I wanted to marry him
Me: Phonqa did what!?
Ngejiwe: Mama He is still angry at me for What I
said about him and his brother
Me: I swear that Phon.....
Zinyovile stood up, She snatched my phone,
hung up and threw it on the bed.
Me: What are you doing ?
Zinyovile: That family is still keeping your dirty
little secret and one of princes know the truth.
You have no right to throw threats at any of
those boys !
I started pacing up and down.
Me: Hurrican Dineo is acting like a white lady
running with my man! Nomagampompo's son is
messing with my baby girl Why everyone is
doing this to us?
Zinyovile: I said this once and I will say it again.
! You're a poison to yourself. You did all this
mess to yourself with your stubbornness and
I hate When she is right. What am I saying? isn't
she always right. She is right I can't cause any
trouble. I wonder which boy knows this secret. I
swear this must stay hidden because i don't
know what i would do if I were to find out.

< Judge Makhosazana >
Some situations force us to do things we never
imagined we would ever do. I never thought one
day i would be a reason for my family's tears. I
protect everyone here. I love my sister in law, I
adore her children. I could do anything for
them. When they hurt, I hurt. These boys have
been longing for their father for a long time we
kept lying to them. When they were this close to
the truth the man died. They didn't get a chance
to know him. I know he was a heartless man but
we all know. Your parent can be a lot of things
but they will always be our parents. I know they
love him even though they are angry at him. I
don't know how it will go when we decide to tell
Nomgcwabe. I just hope Phonqa doesn't call
him. It's a good thing he cried and fell asleep. My
sister in law just came down saying he fell
asleep. Poor thing. He was so angry and hurt..
Amyway right now we need to talk business. I
know sister in law lost a man she loved but we
won't eat her man. We need to get to the bottom
of this. I want to call these guys at the same time.
I took the telephone from my study. I brought it
to the living room. I find it suspicion that they
pulled out at the same time. I want to know
from both gentlemen.
Nomagampompo: You called them?
Me: I was waiting for you. We have to speak to
them together. I know I am the one who
negotiate deals but these guys speak and deal
with you A lot
Nomagampompo: Okay no problem. Call them
this is not good for us and the business
Me: I know
I dialled their numbers. One answered I will call
him manager one because i am not sure which
Manager1: Hello
Me: Hello this is Judge Makhosazana. I am not
sure which one is this. I am calling two
supermarkets that pulled out of their contracts
Manager1: Manager in Libode
Me: Please hold.
Manager1: Okay
Another one answered
Manager2: Hello
Me: Rob this is Judge Makhosazana
Manager2: Ahh I have been waiting for this call
Me: Rob I am here with my sister in law. Ms
Ndengana. And i have you and a manager from
Libode. The two of you took your business else. I
want to know why
They both exhaled
Manager2: It's Rob
Me: Yes Rob?
Him: I found it strange that you raised your
prices by 5%....
Me: Wait what are you talking about?
Him: Since last year, was it...
Manager2: June
Manager1: Yes since June you've raised your
prices and it was killing me. I didn't know
another company cancelled their contract. For
me I couldn't take how expensive your veggies
are. You sell the best veggies I know but it was
too much
Manager2: Same story with us
Me: Guys I hear you're talking but I don't know
what you're talking about! Tell me how much
was this 5 percent a week?
Manager2: It was R8 000 rands and R2000
delivery so it was 10K
Me: I cannot believe this! guys i don't know what
you're on about
Manager1: Judge Nomakhosazana the email was
sent from your email account
Me: My email?
Manager2: Yes Mrs Ndengana. Who checks the
the money after we deposited it ?
I looked at My sister in law.
Nomagampompo: Me! My assistant always give
me the right amount. I haven't seen any thing
that is over paid
Manager: Then your assistant is the one who has
been robbing us for 18 months
Me: I cannot believe this!
Nomagampompo: Cikizwa would never do
something like this !
I ignored her
Me: Guys please come back to us. We are going
to pay you every cent
Nomagampompo: That is a lot of money My
Queen!. Where are we going to get it?
Me: You have to lose money to make money
right ?
Manager1: I was in talks with another company
but if you say you will pay then I will
Me: And you rob?
Manager2: The person who did this committed
fraud You need to get her arrested. I love your
Veggies. It was sad to let you go. I haven't signed
contract from any company yet so I am coming
Me: Thank you so much! your deliveries are on
their way please pay the money we agreed on. I
will look into this matter. Someone is going to
Manager1: Those trucks must hurry I need that
Me: I will call them right away bye
Them: Bye
I hung up
Nomahelele: Who is this girl?
Me: She is my sister in law's assistant but what I
don't understand is how did she get her hands
on email box?
I started pacing up and down. Ten thousand
rands every week from last year till now. That's
a lot of money. How could this girl do this us ?
Nomagampompo: Wait Cikizwa always gave me
the right statements. How did she get these five
I took my phone
Nomahelele: Who are you calling?
Me: Your husband
I dialled Chief Khabalandile's number. We are
going there but he must get the trucks ready to
Hlohlesakhe: Sis
Me: Send the trucks to the Wholesales.
Hlohlesakhe: You managed to convince them?
Me: Something like that
I hung up
Me: Let's go to the project. I am not going to lose
so much money because of that girl
Nomahelele: We should call the police before we
get there or they will find that girl bruised or
Me: No! not yet! We have to get there and find
out exactly what happened before we involve
the police
Princess Nomagampompo took her handbag
Nomagampompo: Cikizwa is such a good girl! I
doubt she did this
I didn't take anything. I walked to the door. They
followed behind me. I don't want to think about
the amount of money I am going to pay to those
people. How could that girl do this ? How did
she get her hands on my laptop or my phone
because i am sure she doesn't know my email
details I would say maybe she logged in on her
phone but only me know my details

< Priscella >
I am meeting the wedding planner at the bakery.
I am excited. She is the best in the business. She
planned weddings for big names and celebrities
before, so she knows how to make magic when
it comes to high profile weddings. I am excited
about this meeting. I just wish Masixole was
here with me. I miss him so much. I can't believe
I last saw him this morning but I feel like I
haven't seen him in days. It was gonna be nice to
have him here but this cannot wait. Next month
we are getting married. Planning a wedding of
that magnitude is not something you wake up
and decide to do. It takes a lot of planning. I am
not going to wait for Masixole to come here. This
meeting is about getting to know each other not
start with the planning. I feel like a lot of things
should be done and talked about at the royal
house. Things like guests for example. The only
people I know are De Villiers family and Our
international friends That I can count in my
hands. The royal house will have to invite a lot
of people and I feel like the wedding planner
needs to have that list so that she can start
designing cards and send out invites.
Anyway I just got back from my meeting. I am at
bakery downstairs sitting here waiting for this
lady. She said she was stuck in traffic. I saw a
waitress coming to me .
Her: Ms Priscella can I get you anything?
Me: Yes please. Glass of juice for me and another
one for the person i will be meeting. Make sure
hers has ice she might take some time
Her: Okay ma'am
I smiled. She walked away. I looked at my
phone. I put it down. I wonder how things are
going at Sonia's house. When I left for my 11:30
Meeting she was going home. I hope things go
well. I don't like what happened at the office. My
friend said she was strong but I saw her crying
after what happened with Claire but I
understand. I mean this woman is going to be a
step mom to her kids and they like her. She
wanted them to get along but clearly Claire was
here to fight not to get to know the boyfriend's
ex wife. I so pray I will never have to deal with
the other woman in my marriage. I don't like
I just saw the wedding planner arrives. I smiled
then stood up.
Her: Hello I am Octavia
We shook hands
Me: Priscella Seputla. Please sit
She sat down
Octavia: It's such a pleasure to meet you. I was
so excited when I got your email. I kept checking
it. I thought it was a scam or something
Me: It was Me
The waitress came back
Me: Well I ordered juice for you with ice. I didn't
know how long you were gonna take to get here.
You can order anything to eat
She smiled then looked at waitress
Her: Your famous cake please
Waitress: Okay
I took my juice. I sipped. She took out a book
Octavia: You explained to me that it's gonna be a
royal wedding. I have never done a royal
wedding this is gonna be interesting and with so
little time
Me: I hope you can pull it off
Octavia: That will all depend on the budget
Me: We don't have a budget at all. I am my
father's first born. My fiancé is a first born and
the king. We are going all out
Octavia: I like the sound of that. I hate the stress
of budget. Whatever you buy you have to think
and make sacrifices
Me: I know. Well the wedding will be in the
Eastern Cape in a rural area but a luxurious
wedding. I want to make that royal house look
like heaven
Her: I need to make sure I start now. I need to go
do my research about royal wedding and
everything then come back to you to talk about
what you want and The guests!!
I am glad we are not starting today with
questions because I don't have any answers
Me: What will you be doing Wednesday?
Planner: You told me the wedding is on the 10th
next month and your Fiancé is a king. From
today till the wedding I have to be yours
Me: Great! Wednesday I am flying to Eastern
cape. I would love if you go with me and I think
a lot of things we should discuss when we are
there and I want you to take advantage of this
trip and ask everything there and see the venue
for the wedding
The waitress came
Octavia: Please make this a takeaway. I have to
The waitress smiled then walked back. Octavia
stood up.
Octavia: I have to go. I will take the cake from
the counter
I stood up. we hugged. She walked away. I sat
down then sipped on my juice. I took my phone.
I checked the time. It's still my lunch time. Let
me finish this glass.
" Priscella Seputla the golden princess "
Said an annoying voice. I could tell she is full of
shit before I could looked at her. I don't even
know who she is. Anyway I looked at her I know
this girl. She is one of those models who sleep
with Hungani. What does she want from me. We
don't even know each other for her to be so loud
and act like we know each other. I only see them
on papers when they made a headline with
Me: Hey! one of two models right ?
She rolled her eyes and looked up. She flipped
her hair
Her: Oh how awful!
Me: Awful?
Her: That's how these journalists call us. They
said one of the models who are with Hungani.
My name is Briana and I am offended that You
don't know my name. Everyone knows who I am
Me: Well I am not too much into fashion. So i
wouldn't know you.....
She looked at me
Her: I can tell
I looked at her. What is she trying to say ?
Me: Excuse me ?
She smiled.
Her: No, I have never seen you in any runway
I stood up. I raised my hand. My waitress came. I
took out R200 note from my wallet. I gave it to
Me: Your tip is in there
Waitress: Thank you so much
I smiled then took my handbag from the table. I
attempted to walk away, She stood infront of
me. I looked at her.
Briana: I came to this building to speak to you.
Do you mind giving me two minutes of your
time ?
She said pointing at the table. I looked at her.
She smiled. I am going to be a lady. I will hear
her out. I pulled a chair. I sat down
Briana: Thank you
I looked at the time.
Me: I am late. I have a company to run. What do
you want Brandy ?
Briana: Briana!!! my name is Briana!!
She snapped. I massaged my forehead trying to
show her that she is giving me headache. I don't
understand why she is snapping.
Me: It will take time. So what do you want ?
Briana: Do you still want Hungani ?
Me: Excuse me ?
Briana: Are you still in love with Hungani or not
Me: Next month I am getting married to my
man. What are you asking me? I haven't talked
to that man in a long time
Briana: Well he talks about you all the time! and
marrying another man doesn't mean You don't
love Hungani
I looked at her in the eye. She must read my lips
Briana: Good and i hope you don't change your
mind! I am sick of him always talking about
You! I am in love with him!
Me: Shouldn't you be telling him that ? I don't
get why you're telling me !
Briana: I don't want to have a problem with you
in future when we are official that is why I came
here. I wanted to tell you I want to make him
mine. I am in love with him!
I laughed shaking me head
Briana: Did I say something funny?
I lost my smile. She is starting to annoy me but I
am not about to fight in public and not when i
am pregnant. I will stay calm
Me: What is going to happen to your friend.
You're two models right ?
She stood up. She took her handbag then looked
at me.
Briana: I am going to get rid of that one very
She walked away. I unlocked my phone fast.
Me: Wait!
I stood up. She turned around
Me: What does that mean ?
Briana: What ?
Me: You say you're going to get rid of her. What
do you mean by that?
Briana: It's none of your business sweetheart
She catwalks away.
Me: Wow



< Narrated >
When Isaiah was at Seputla offices, he did
mention that he was seeing his boss about his
job. We see him sitting in a office with the boss
of the publication he was working for. The lady
didn't look angry like she was when she went to
his house the day of the headline.
Isaiah: Thank you for agreeing to see me
Boss: Should I get you anything to drink?
Isaiah: No ma'am. I am fine
Boss: Okay......
She exhaled
Boss: When you called me I was about to call
you. I told myself i was gonna call you today and
ask you to come here but I am glad you made it
easy for me and called
Isaiah smiled. He didn't say anything. All he
wants is his job back. He loves being a journalist
and he doesn't think if he leaves this publication
for good he will be able to get a job in the same
field that is why he is praying that she takes him
Boss: Isaiah I won't lie you're one of the best
journalists this publication has ever had. You're
fearless. Your stories sell but this time you just
messed up
Isaiah: I know
Boss: Discretion is very important as a
journalist. You have to protect yourself, your
source and make sure your accomplices are also
discreet and trustworthy and.....
His boss rested her back on her chair
Boss: You failed to do that. You slept with your
Accomplice. You were clumsy about it. No one is
supposed to know how you get stories and some
stories you need to get facts. Brendan O'Neal
was no man to trust at all !
Isaiah: I know. He used everyone even his wife
Boss: Imagine that! Anyway there are no stories
at this time. The celebrities are going on
holidays some to spend Christmas with their
families. 9 January I want you back to work
Isaiah put his hands on his mouth
Isaiah: I promise you won't regret this! I swear I
will work so hard. Thank you for this chance
Boss: Let's make something clear. I never
regretted anything. I loved what you did. You're
a brave man Isaiah!
Isaiah: But you were so angry when you went to
my house
Boss: Yes i was angry! this is my company's
reputation! I was angry that you were sloppy.
Discretion Isaiah! Discretion! make sure no one
finds out anything. Remember you are not
supposed to be on the news. celebrities should
be on the news not you!
Isaiah smiled
Him: Thank you
Boss bowed her head
Him: Go home! I am sorry for making you worry
about your job
Isaiah: Thank you ma'am. I needed a wake up
The boss smiled. He stood up and walked out.
The guys at Staff room looked at him through
the glass wall. He just waved then left. He got
out. He took out his phone and called.
Person: You gave me your number to call you.
why are you calling me ?
It's Algebra
Isaiah: I didn't think you'd call I thought I should
call. I never lost your number
Algebra: Looks that way
Isaiah: And it looks like You saved mine that
makes me happy
Algebra: I am working what do you want?
Isaiah: I just spoke to my boss. She says I still
have my job. I want to celebrate. My house at 7?
Algebra: Hey i am no one's booty call
Isaiah: Okay how about a restaurant?
Algebra: No offense but I can't be seen with you
in public
Isaiah: I understand
He sounded disappointed.
Algebra: I can go to your house only if you
promise after dinner you're taking me home
Isaiah's face lit up
Isaiah: Of course! I will cook
Algebra: Later
Algebra hung up. Isaiah smiled. He got to his car
and drive out.

At Hunter's office. We see Claire walking to the
building. The way She was walking you'd just
tell she was angry. She was still wearing the
same clothes she was wearing when she was at
Sonia's office. For someone who was asked not
to go see Sonia, everyone must be interested to
know what she is doing here. Hunter asked her
not to visit Sonia but she went still, she didn't
listen. Hunter was right. This visit was a bad
idea. I hope she will take it like a lady when
Hunter tells her " i told you so "
Anyway Claire got to the door. She didn't knock.
She barged in and found her man with a lady
who is also working for uncle Kobus. Hunter
looked up. When He saw how messed up Claire's
hair looked He just knew things went wrong. He
looked at his colleague
Hunter: I will come to your office and finish this
I am sorry for this
The lady smiled then stood up. She walked out
and closed the door.
Hunter: What happened?
Claire: Do you even have to ask ? This is all your
ex wife!
Hunter: You went there?
Claire: Yes i went there to talk about your kids. I
felt like I can't know only the kids. I wanted to
have a relationship with her But that bitch !
She started pacing up and down
Hunter: Sonia did this? She wouldn't do
something like this
Claire went to him. She took his hands and put
them on her top
Claire: I am wet! She threw water at me then
beat me up! look!
She said showing him her ear
Claire: I lost my earing. That ratchet woman had
camera crew there waiting for me to arrive. She
beat me up the minute I walked in!
Hunter: What?
Claire cried hard. She sat on the chair then
broke down.
Claire: I just went there to talk about the kids!
those kids deserve a better mother than that
bitch! I can't believe such a violent woman
raised such amazing kids. I hate your ex wife
and she will always be a problem in our lives!
Hunter looked at his wrist watch.
Hunter: I am sorry baby. I warned you no.....
Claire stood up
Claire: So this is my fault !!
Hunter: No it isn't! I just knew something like
this was gonna happen!
Claire: How was I supposed to know your ex
wife is a ratchet woman?
Hunter: I need to go speak to her
He took his car keys then walked to the door. He
walked out and closed the door. Claire wiped
her tears. She smiled. She picked up a pen and
started playing with it.
Claire: All i want is for you two to stop talking
and sleeping together
She stood up then looked into space.
Claire: You're mine babe. You're mine

< Priscella >
I cannot believe what just happened downstairs.
I don't care about her rudeness at all. I don't
care about how she insulted me. She is a
supermodel but one thing I can tell you is all my
clothes are way more expensive than hers. I
might not have a body of a supermodel but I
don't dress bad at all. She was trying to get in my
skin and I didn't let her at all. I am very proud of
how I carried myself. She was arrogant, So rude.
I don't understand what the hell is wrong with
US women. If things don't go our way in any
relationship with a man we run and blame a
woman. This woman didn't see texts of me and
Hungani or anything because I don't speak to
him. She didn't see him on a call with me. What I
don't understand is where did she get the nerve
to come here and ask me if I am still in love with
Hungani. What if Masixole was here? Do you
think Masixole was gonna be okay and not
suspect that I still talk or have something going
on with Hungani? How can i be still here talking
about Hungani when i broke up with this man
almost four years ago? Right now I am tempted
to call him and ask him to stop talking about me
but I feel like if i do then Briana finds out I
called it will be another problem and Hungani
himself will come back and start bothering me
because i called. Right now I am confused. I
don't know what to do to make sure my name
stays out of his mouth. Oh i talk too much I
forgot where i was going with this. What did this
woman mean when she said she was gonna get
rid of the other model? That word "Rid" can do
damage, A lot of damage. Rid can mean causing
problems between Hungani and the other girl so
that they fight and never speak again. At the
same time rid mean "Murder" What if she is
going to kill her? I guess we have to wait and see
right? I just want her to forget about me going
back to Hungani. She won't be happy if she will
be insecure and be jealous of me because i am
not even thinking of that man. To think about it I
never thought of him at all in Weeks. Ever since
What he did to my brother I never thought of
him so for his bitch to come to me and say what
she said ?
Me: This is upsurd
I took my phone. I played the voice note I
recorded for Sonia while I was speaking to
Briana. Yep. When she said what she said I
unlocked my phone then recorded her. I will just
have this in case. I have to know who I am
dealing with. If something happens to that
model I have to protect myself. I cannot stop
Hungani from talking about me.
*** Me: What does that mean ?
Briana: What ?
Me: You say you're going to get rid of her. What
do you mean by that?
Briana: It's none of your business ****
After playing that I chuckled. I will see how will
this end. How is she gonna get rid of her? I am
really curious. I want to know how she is gonna
do this. That girl is intimidating. Something is
wrong about her. I hope the poor girl will be out
of the picture unharmed. I am really worried
about her. Anyway while I was busy thinking
about this. I heard a knock. I looked up
Me: Algebra come in
Algebra: Hey ma'am I hope i am not disturbing
Me: No come sit what's up ?
He sat down
Him: OH first of all Mandisa called the the guys
for interviews. You have to be at boardroom at
9am tomorrow
Me: Oh great ! Sonia needs an assistant ASAP.
She has three jobs
Algebra: Three Jobs?
Me: She is a housewife, She is a producer of the
show. She is also our CFO
Algebra: She really needs help
Me: Oh and I want to speak to the guys at HR.
Mother said Sonia's assistant has to be paid by
the company not what we agreed on so I want
you to write that in my diary so that I raise it
after the interviews
Algebra: Let me write it now
I gave him my diary. He wrote it
Me: You wanted to talk about something else ?
He smiled then looked down. He found a man
didn't he? I smiled as well
Me: Who is he?
Him: Well I am in love with someone else but he
doesn't feel the same so someone else
approached me and kind of ‍♂
Me: Charmed you ?
Him: I didn't expect it at all cause I was mad at
Me: So what do you need from me ?
Algebra: Ma'am I need your advise.....
Me: Yes ?
Algebra: Isaiah asked me out on a date. I kind of
said yes
I smiled. I don't know why he looks nervous
Me: Okay?
Algebra: I am not sure whether I should give
him a chance after what he did to you and Ms
De Villiers and I also want to know how would
you feel if I were to date him?
Me: You saw we were laughing with him this
morning. Isaiah is a good guy. He was just dating
a poisonous man. He is a complete different
person now. All of us deserve a second chance.
Give him a chance if you like him
He smiled and started thinking. I am not sure
what is on his mind. Maybe he is really in love
with the other guy ?
Me: You're in love with the other one ain't you ?
He stood up fast
Him: No! I have to forget him !
Me: If you're meant to be you will be together. I
am just afraid you might hurt Isaiah when the
other one finally makes up his mind
Algebra: Ms Seputla you're confusing me excuse
me !
Me: Oh my God you're crying I was ju.....
He ran out and closed the door. What did I say ?
He needed my advice. What did I say that upset
I am worried about him. I hope he makes the
right decision.

< Sonia De Villiers >
I arrived in my house thank God I sent cleaners
to go clean in the morning. It was clean but I had
to make sure it is extra clean. I am going to be
under one roof with people I don't like and they
don't like me so i have to make sure They have
nothing to talk about when they are gone. I
called my father to come. He has to be here for
me. I can't be with these people only in my
house. I thought my morning was gonna be
amazing. I don't regret asking my producer to
come and shoot my meeting with Claire. This is
business and a job for me. If I am boring on
screen people will say bad things and I might be
exed. I know I am a partner but I have to be
extra careful. I love attention and i want to be
the centre of it. I will take the advantage of
being a producer and make sure it works for me.
I am very hurt. I am more hurt than angry about
what happened and that is why I didn't even call
Hunter. I don't want to run to him every minute
I have a problem with his girlfriend. I meant
what I said when i said i want nothing to do
with that man. Right now the question in my
head is, Will he stay away and not come to my
house to confront me ? What is he gonna
confront me about anyway? That woman came
to my office and called me a bad mother, A fake
old woman. What insult did I throw at her? The
only insulting thing I said was " Drag this broke
ass bitch out of my building " which was nothing
compared to the insults she threw at me. my
only worry right now is my children. How am I
gonna trust her with my kids when she can't
stand me? This is something i didn't wish to
happen. I really wanted to get to know this girl
but when Priscella said "what if she is coming
here to confront you?", That scared me. I didn't
want to cause drama. She started it. I wonder
how did she find out about the sex. Did Hunter
tell her? I feel like he did. If he did then why
didn't he call and warn me? Why didn't this man
stop her from going to see me because i called
him and told him this. I told him she called
asking to see me. This is Hunter's fault. I don't
know why he brought this girl into my life.
Anyway I don't want to talk about that. This is
about the will reading. Brendan parents just
arrived. What makes me uncomfortable is the
fact that Brendan parents refused to have
something to drink but they are nice which is
confusing. Tasha is not here, Isaiah and the
lawyer as well have not arrived. I looked at the
time. The time is 11: 50 they must be here. I gave
Tasha the address at 11:15. She must be here
right now.
Betty: The lawyer must be on the way, Stop
checking the phone
Me: I have to go to work. I don't even think I am
in that Will. Brendan didn't love me ! it's just a
pity I found out about it when he was gone
Betty: I am really sorry
I heard knock at the door
Me: Excuse me
I went to the door. I opened the door. What the
hell? What is Hunter doing here ?
Me: Hunter what are you doing here ?
Hunter: I am here to talk to you. How....
I gave him a hand. He walked in and closes the
door. He looked at Living room
Me: Really ? are you really here to do this right
now. The parents of my late husband who was
buried yesterday are here for his will reading
and you're here to talk about your stupid love
Hunter: Sonia......
Me: Please leave I will call you to come when I
am alone. I am really not interested to do this
right now
I opened the door. My dad was about to knock.
He doesn't look pleased at all to see Hunter
Dad: Hunter what are you doing here ?
Hunter: I just came to see Sonia
Dad: Hunter I want you to stop seeing my
daughter! You're in a relationship focus on it
and your children. My daughter doesn't need all
Hunter: I hear you sir. I just came to ask about
her trip
Dad: You should've called and it's none of your
Hunter: I am sorry again
He walked away. My dad looked at me
Dad: What did he want ?
Me: I don't wanna talk about it. Come in dad
Dad walked in. I saw a car drives in. I walked
out. It's Isaiah. I smiled. Few weeks ago I was
gonna be angry to see Isaiah coming to my
house. I am glad I am not a bitter person. Isaiah
was a victim as well. I cannot take out my anger
and frustration on him. I don't think it was easy
for him as well seeing her man married to me. I
know he wanted to talk to me about this.
Whenever I saw him I would tell he wanted to
tell me something.
Dad: Are you Okay?
Me: Yes and thank you for that
I said pointing at the door.
Dad: No problem
He walked to the living room. Isaiah knocked. I
opened the door.
Me: Hey welcome to my home
Isaiah: Thank you so much
He walked in then kissed my cheek. I closed the
door. We walked to the living room.
Isaiah: It looks like i am early I was worried
because my meeting took a lot of time
Me: The lawyer is not here yet
Him: Thank God
Me: He wasn't gonna start without you though
He smiled. Betty smiled when she saw Isaiah.
Batty: how did your meeting go?
Isaiah: They gave me my job back
Batty: Oh My boy!
She stood up and hugged him.
Mr O: Congratulations
Isaiah: Thank you
He looked at my dad
Isaiah: Hello Mr De Villiers
Dad looked at him. He fixed his glasses then
looked away. Isaiah looked at me
Me: Sorry
I mumbled that between my lips. I don't want
my father to hear me. Isaiah smiled at me then
sat down.
Me: Excuse me
I looked at Isaiah
Me: Can I get you a drink?
Isaiah: Yes please
I went to the kitchen. I took a glass. I came back
to the living room. I poured him a glass then
refilled mine. I want Brendan's parents to see
that I didn't poison it.
Isaiah: Thank you
I heard a knock at the door.
Me: Excuse me
I went to the door. I opened the door. Tasha is
Me: Tasha welcome
Tasha: Thank you
Me: You look good nice dress
Tasha: Thank you. I love your dress as well
Me: Mmmhm thanks please come in
She walked in. I lost my smiled
I closed the door then turned around
Me: Mr and Mrs O'Neal this is Tasha
They looked at her confused
Betty: We don't know her. Was she My son's
Me: No! She is the girl he was sleeping with
before he died
Tasha's eyes popped out. She put her hand on
her mouth
Me: Actually..... the night before your son died
he was with her. I am sure she can tell you how
was he the night and the morning he died
Tasha: I left him asleep when i saw the papers. I
don't know how he was like
Betty: Come sit! sit next to me. I want to know
how he was like the night before. Did you have
any future plans?
Mr O: The fact that she is in the will I think they
Betty: Hey i didn't know my son at all. He
became a different person once He lived here.
Tell me Tasha what did you and my son talk
about the night he died?
Mr O: Did he love you? Was your thing serious?
Tasha looked at me then at Isaiah
Isaiah: I can't wait to hear this
I took my glass of wine. Betty looked at Tasha
Betty: Tell us? Did you love our son ?
Isaiah: Did you Tasha ?
Tears streamed down her cheeks. She stood up
and attempted to run
Tasha: Excus.....
I gave her a hand. She stopped running
Me: I have to go back to work. If you walk out of
that door that means we will waste more time.
The lawyer just arrived. Go sit down and tell us
about your relationship with my late husband
Betty: Come sit. I am sorry for asking you
questions. It must be hard for you to talk about
him ?
Mr O: It looks like you cared a lot about him but
why weren't you at the funeral yesterday ?
Isaiah: Why Tasha?
Isaiah looked angry. Tasha swallowed hard. She
looked at Algebra
Isaiah: Why ?
Tasha looked at Brendan's parents

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
Right now I am angry and I do not want excuses.
I need answers. I just promised to Pay a lot of
money to those guys for something i didn't do.
How can this girl do this to us? We employ
people who are in need of this job. How can she
do something like this? Where did she get my
email details? Today she is going to jail and I am
not going to be nice at all. I want her to spend
the rest of her life in prison. I am angry that she
thought we were stupid. She thought we'd never
find out about this. How were we gonna find out
when She sat and thought about this so well?
She took her money and gave us the amount we
needed. There was no way we would've seen
this because we didn't lose any money. We got
the money we were supposed to get. We had no
reason to complain or question anything.
Cikizwa is my sister in law's assistant. They are
the ones who deal with finances. I feel like she
played my sister in law. I do have questions
though because i feel like this could've been
avoided. There are statements. Bank statements
that show money that comes in and go but I
don't want to fight. She just lost Shosholoza and
I am the one who killed him so I won't ask these
questions but if we don't get anything from this
girl I will be forced to ask these questions. I have
a feeling that they might be working together
and no one can blame me for thinking that. My
sister in law should've seen this as the person
who is responsible for our finances! The only
thing i care about is how much we make and
lose. I wouldn't have seen this but as for her. She
had no excuse but then again. I cannot ask her
or raise my concerns and suspicions.
Anyway we just arrived at the project. I saw
Cikizwa leaving the chief office ..
Me: Cikizwa where is Chief Khabalandile?
Cikizwa: He is in his office ma'am. Did you find
out why the clients left ma'am? I saw the trucks
Nomahelele: The nerve
She said whispering in my ear. I looked at
Me: Follow us !
I said furiously walking to the office. I knocked
once then opened the door. I found The Chief,
my son and Prince Nomgcwabe laughing looking
at the computer. How nice. We are in the middle
of the crisis they are laughing. Prince and The
King stood up when they saw me .
Hlohlesakhe: How did you do it ?
Me: We have a problam!
His eyes popped out. I looked at the door.
Cikizwa was standing at the door.
Me: Come in and close the door
Nomahelele went and stood next to her
husband. He kissed him then looked at me.
Me: We have a huge problem
Hlohlesakhe: I am listening ?
Me: Someone sent an email from my mailbox to
the clients informing them that we raise the
prices of our veggies. This happened last year
The chief stood up
Chief: What ? Who could do that?
Me: I don't know. I was thinking Princess and
Cikizwa could tell us where did the 5% increase
go because i never raised the prices and I never
got overpaid
Princess Nomagampompo looked at Cikizwa
Princess: I was also surprised to hear this Ciki.
How much did the two clients pay us ?
Cikizwa: The amount they always paid for all
these years ma'am
Me: Cikizwa I just told you they said they had to
pay 5% more! Where did those Ten thousands
go four times a week in 18 months ?
Masixole: Oh Boy that's a lot of money
Cikizwa started thinking.
Nomahelele: What is it Xiki? do you remember
Hlohlesakhe: My love it's Ciki
Nomahelele: Call me my love one more time
She gave him a death stare then looked at
Cikizwa. My sister in law looked at me. I can see
she is thinking about Nomahelele's history of
abusing men. I wonder why she doesn't wanna
be called my love
Nomahelele: Do you remember these ten
thousand rands ?
Cikizwa: Oh my God did you just say Ten
thousand rands ?
She got teary. It looks like she knows something
Me: Yes ! do you know where were they going?
She had her hand on her mouth looking at Chief
Khabalandile. Nomahelele looked at her
Nomahelele: Darling do you know about this
Cikizwa: No! he doesn't!
Me: Then who does! do you know we have to
pay them back !?
Cikizwa looked at Princess Nomagampompo
Cikizwa: Ma'am this happened only to those two
major clients. Every time they come with proof
of payment she would go take it from them
because she was in charge of delivers and I
would have to give her these 10 thousands every
month. She said it was her tip
Me: Nontorotyi?
Cikizwa: Yes! She always said they gave him a
tip. I would be so surprised to see the amount of
it but I didn't question it because the company
was getting it's money
We all had no words after this. We had our
hands on our mouths. This left us speechless.
How could she ?
Nomagampompo: Your wife! your wife
Chief Khabalandile started pacing up and down.
He looked angry.
Me: I swear that woman.........!
Nomahelele: What do we do, One of us stole
from us what do we do now !?
Chief Khabalandile took out his phone. He made
a phone call. We were all looking at him curious
to find out who he was calling
Hlohlesakhe: Detective Swana this is Chief
Khabalandile from Sdabadabeni village
We were staring at him not knowing what to do
or say
Hlohlesakhe: Yes. I am calling to report fraud.
Please come to my village immediately!
He hung up then looked at me
Hlohlesakhe: How much are we gonna lose?
Me: Over a million
Nomgcwabe: It is Seven hundred and twenty
thousand times two. That is One Million Four
hundred and fourth thousands rands
Nomagampompo: Oh My God
She sat down. I looked out the window
Me: I don't know what i will do when I see her



< Judge Makhosazana >
I have no words for this. l cannot believe
Nontorotyi did this to us. We can be anything
but when it comes to family we stick together
but in this? We can't save her this time. She
went too far. I fought for her in the past not
anymore. I am tired of covering her nasty
behavior and the nasty things she is done to this
family. She stole money that is near to million
and a half. How could she? When I said we'd pay
it back i didn't think straight at all. When Prince
Nomgcwabe told us how much i wanted to die at
that instant. I really don't know what to do right
now. Yes we are sending her to jail but that
won't pay the clients their money. We have to
take R 1,440,000 rands out of the family trust.
What are we working for ? What is this business
for if we can't have profit? First this woman
brought a bastard child to this family. I am
paying her varsity fees for free. She is not even
my brother in law's daughter for crying out
loud. Why can't Nontorotyi be appreciative to
the little we've done for her? I am boiling with
anger. The way my brother in law is so angry I
swear he would kill her. I can't tell you how my
sister in law is feeling. The mood in this office is
just intense. The one person whom I expected to
be more angry because she doesn't take
nonsense is Nomahelele. She didn't take this like
I expected her to. She was angry when she
thought it was Cikizwa. When she found out it
was her sister wife she didn't have a lot to say.
She looked shocked though. I need to keep an
eye on her. I don't want her to go kill my brother
in law's wife. She has killed God knows how
many people. I don't want her to kill anymore. I
want her to focus on starting a family.
Anyway the police arrived as soon as they could
get here. I am happy and grateful to Detective
Swana for always running wherever he is called
to help. He is a dedicated police man. We just
told him what happened. The only thing he
needs to do right now is go make an arrest.
Siqalo walked in
Siqalo: My Queen I came as fast as I could
Detective Swana looked at me .
Swana: Who is he again?
Me: He is taking you to Nontorotyi's house at
Siqalo: Is everything okay my Queen ?
Chief Khabalandile looked at Siqalo
Hlohlesakhe: You dare tell your sister in law
you're coming with police you will have me to
deal with
Siqalo looked scared
Siqalo: I won't my chief
Swana: Let's go Siqalo
" She is not there ! " said a voice behind us. We
all turned and looked at Chief Khabalandile's
desk. Gedleza is here
Swana: How did he get in?
Me: Story for another day ! He is the man who
sees things before they happen
I looked Gedleza
Me: Where is Nontorotyi Gedleza?
He looked at me, The police then at Chief
Me: Tell us!!!
He looked at me..
Gedleza: At Zinyovile's house
I cannot believe this. She just cannot stay away
from that woman! Speaking of that woman. I
had two people to pay a visit. It was Nomfunzelo
and her. I haven't forgotten. Her day is coming.
Hlohlesakhe: I give up on that woman!
Swana: Does Siqalo knows where this place is?
I looked at Siqalo
Siqalo: I know my Queen
Me: Go with them!
Swana: I promise you we will lock up Nontorotyi
Ndengana today
He walked away !
Me: No! Swana!
He turned around and looked at me. He looked
Me: I would like us to be complete victims and
not be associated with her. Please don't call her
Nontorotyi Ndengana. She is Nontorotyi
He looked at me confused.
Me: My chief here has filed for divorce
Nomahelele: He did?
I looked at Chief Khabalandile. We cannot be
associated with that woman. This man better
support my statement. Chief Khabalandile
looked at the police.
Hlohlesakhe: Yes but she hasn't sign officers. I
would like you to respect the Queen's request
Swana: Okay
He took out a pen. He scratched Ndengana and
wrote Dimbaza. Then said his goodbyes walking
out with Siqalo. I looked away
Me: Relax I just made that up
Nomahelele: Thank God!
I turned around
Me: Thank God? That woman ruined our family!
She deserves a divorce and worse!

< Priscella >
God this will reading is taking forever. I just
cannot wait to tell Sonia about what happened
to me earlier. I am sure she has a lot to tell as
well when she comes back to work. That's if she
is coming back though. I know when she is upset
she just lose it. I hope she doesn't let those
people get to her.
Anyway I was surprised to see Algebra cry when
i was giving him advice. I know these things.
When you're single no one comes to you. When
you start dating everyone wants a piece of you
and you end up being confused and make bad
choices. I hope he gets over the other guy so that
he can start a clean relationship with Isaiah. I
would hate if he wants to just tag him along. I
don't like people who use other people. Anyway
I didn't speak to him. He ran to his desk I just
continued with my work. I didn't want to
confuse him even more. I heard a knock at the
door. I looked up. It's him. He opened the door
Me: I am so sorry about earlier
Algebra: No i am the one who is sorry ma'am.
It's just that I have a chance to finally be happy
but the guy I am in love with don't know what
he wants and Isaiah. He just charms me. I am
afraid he might be my rebound
Me: So you were dating with the first guy ?
He looked down.
Algebra: Not really but I thought we were
vibing. We actually had sex
Me: I see
Him: But it doesn't matter anyway Mrs Seputla
says she is coming down to see you
Me: Okay i want to take a break anyway
He smiled and walked to the door. My phone
rang. I smiled it's my Fiancé. I answered
Me: Hey babe did you manage to fix the crisis
Masixole: The Queen managed to talk to the
clients. The trucks went to deliver but we have a
I stood up.
Me: What is that ?
Masixole: Nontorotyi stole one of mom's gadgets.
She sent clients an email telling them we raised
the prices. That money was going straight to her
Me: What !?
Masixole: Nontorotyi stole R 1,440,000 million
rands from us
I put my hand on my mouth
Me: Oh My God! what did she do with that kinda
Masixole: I guess she will explain that to a judge
because we called police on her
Me: Baby what are you telling me ? This is bad
Masixole: That woman is messing up my family.
I hope she rots in jail for this !
Me: I am so sorry baby I really am so what are
you gonna do ?
Masixole: A money you didn't work for you don't
use it wisely I am sure she doesn't have a cent.
My mother will take the money from family
Me: Oh My God
Masixole: I wanted to tell you that love
Me: Wow ! Baby I wanted to tell you that I will
be coming with my wedding planner on
Wednesday. Please tell the Queen to start
writing a list of our honourable guests so that
we don't take so much time there. We won't be
Masixole: And you will be leaving with me
Me: That I cannot wait for honey
Masixole: I love you so much and I miss you
Me: I miss you more baby
Masixole: Talk later
Me: Don't forget to tell the Queen!
Masixole: I won't
I saw mom coming to my office
Me: bye honey
Him: Bye baby
I hung up. Mom smiled at me then opened the
Mom: Hey
Me: Ms Refilwe you look great
Her: Thank you honey. I look and feel great. I
had a nice nap
Me: Lucky you boss
Mom: Soon you Will do the same
I rolled my eyes
Me: Who are we kidding Mom? I am going to
work for you for my entire life
Mom: And i am grateful. Who were you
speaking to on the phone. I hope you're not
cheating on the king
I laughed.
Me: With who? There is no man like him
Mom pulled a chair. She sat down
Mom: The Oliphant boy for example? His
mother wants to have lunch with me some time
Honestly right now I dont wanna talk about
Hungani. Not after what happened this morning.
I can't tell my mom. I don't want to worry her or
make things worse. She might call Hungani. I am
not planning on telling Hungani that I got a visit
from that girl. Like I said before. I know
contacting Hungani will make him come back to
my life. I don't want My fiance to doubt my love
for him. I don't want him to think I have any
kind of contact or relationship with my ex. I am
going to be married to a king not just anyone so
my reputation must be clean. I don't want to be
caught in the middle of drama. That Briana
woman is not playing. Anyway I hate that mom
is gonna have lunch with that woman. I know
they will talk about me.
Me: That woman desperately want us together
please before you leave her make sure you kill
whatever dream she has of her adoptive son and
I being together. I am destined for greater things
than her son
Mom: You go girl! I loved Hungani as well. You
choose well when it comes to looks but his
actions were just a turn off. She will regret
letting you go
Me: I don't regret leaving him in fact I am
blessed and I thank God he ended that
relationship because he found me the best man
Mom: And I am very proud of you for following
your mother's family roots. We are royalty
I smiled
Me: Thanks mom
Mom: I was just speaking to Queen
Nomakhosazana on the phone
Me: Okay?
Mom: She was telling me Nontorotyi robbed
some of their clients money that is over a
million rands
Me: Masixole just told me. I knew she was
trouble the day I first saw her. That woman is
Mom: I cannot believe she wanted her daughter
to get married to my son! my little boy
Me: And a little boy who is going to continue
dating that evil girl
Mom looked down. I looked at her.
Me: Mom we cannot let this happen please don't
support this nonsense I beg you !
Mom: That's what the meeting this afternoon
will be about. We need to convince him that she
is bad news. We must tell him social media
people will laugh at him !
Me: The backlash he will get when they find out
they are together! Mom he can't do this. I feel
like he should continue going to therapy. I feel
like the rehab doctor was helping. We must find
him a doctor
Mom: You're right. Baby before i forget. The
reason i am here is to talk to you about
something i decided to do for your family
Me: My family?
Mom: You know that I offered to also help their
project grow
Me: Oh yes !
Mom: I offered to pay their debt it's R1,440, 000
million rands. I won't be able to help The project
now because of that woman
Me: Wow that was very nice of you mom. I can't
believe they are losing so much money. It
could've done a lot for the project
Mom stood up
Mom: She committed fraud honey. She is going
to jail. I will see you later
Me: Later mom
She walked out. I was smiling looking at her. My
mom is so kind. I am glad she has a good
relationship with my Fiancé's family.

< Prince Ngejiwe >
I have been here at home thinking all morning. I
am ashamed to go to the royal house and face
the elders. I am ashamed to see Notiniphu. I beat
up that woman. I beat up an innocent woman. I
am ashamed. What if she tells the Queen and
add more fuel to the fire? I know for a fact that
she is angry with me. Finding out that I beat one
of her servants would really upset her. Over 30
minutes ago I saw them leave. I know she is not
there. I had to go speak to Notiniphu and
apologise to the poor girl for beating her and
accusing her of wanting my boyfriend. All that
poor woman was doing was just try and help me
and Velezantsi. I am so disappointed in myself. I
should've known that a servant would never
disrespect a royal princess. I was stupid to even
think about it.
I am really happy my mother was not kicked out
and I am ecstatic that we spoke. Her call put me
at ease. I feel like my mother left because she
couldn't stay and see the woman come to the
royal house. I understand her and how she must
be feeling though. She was with my father for
years. We were not even born then. She has
never shared him with anyone now this? She
must be going crazy but I know the ancestors. I
know this is written them all over it. Anyway I
just arrived. I hope this goes well. I knocked
then walked in clearly Siqalo is not home so I
can't wait for him. I walked in. I didn't find
anyone in the living room. I headed to the
kitchen. I saw the other servants. They looked
down when they saw me. I hope she didn't tell
them because they were not here when I found
Notiniphu praying. I don't think she was gonna
pray in the living room with them in the house.
Me: Ladies
" hello Princess " they bowed then greeted me..
Me: Where is Notiniphu I am here to see her ?
Servant1: She went to her lunch My Princess
Servant2: She said she was going with Ma
Deliwe My princess
Me: She said That?
They nodded their heads. I looked away. That is
very weird because i just left Ma Deliwe very
deep in cleaning. She didn't look like someone
who will take lunch any time soon.
Me: ....... ?
This is strange. Why would Notiniphu lie?
Servant1: Is my Princess okay ?
I turned around and smiled
Me: I am great!
I looked away
Me: I am fantastic
Why would this girl lie? unless.....?
Me: No!
I ran out of the the palace. I saw the new Man
Mr Bhalisile.
Bhalisile: Is everything okay my princess?
Me: Keep working !
I ran out. I am going to Velezantsi's house. I
really hope I am wrong with my suspicions. I
don't think Notiniphu would want to help me
anymore not after I beat her which take me
back to my suspicions. What if they are lovers ?
In no time i was close to his house. I thought
Velezantsi was at work. All houses are locked
though and his room has no locker outside
which is strange. Both doors are locked. I tiptoed
to the door. Before I could get to the door I heard
" Oh oh yeah oh yeah oh oh Ooohh yes! yes baby
" Oh My God ! those were the moans coming
from his room. He is cheating on me with her.
She is the one who told Velezantsi. Why did
Phonqa lie ?
Did that boy lie so that I could stop beating this
bitch ? I regret feeling sorry for her. That whore
deserved that beating I gave her. How could
Phonqa do this to me ? This is embarrassing. A
servant working for my family is sleeping with
my boyfriend? How humiliating is that ? I am
not going to humiliate myself even more. I am
not going to open this door or show them I was
here. I made this man a better person. How
could he humiliate me like this after everything
I have done for him? I gave him my virginity
and the thank you I get is this ? A maid sleeping
with my man?
Me: How awful

< Narrated >
When Hunter went to see Sonia it was his lunch
time. He couldn't confront Sonia about what
happened between her and Claire because she
was not alone and Uncle Kobus showed up and
asked him to leave. When he left Sonia's house
he went straight to work. We see him open his
office. He looked shocked to see Claire still there.
Hunter: You're still here?
Claire stood up
Claire: You think i was gonna leave just like that
? honey we are not done talking
Hunter: Oh
He went to his desk and Sat down
Claire: What did she say ?
Hunter: She was with guests at her house. She
couldn't speak to me. She said we will talk later
Claire: And probably sleep again!
Hunter: I did not sleep with her
Claire put her hands on her waist
Claire: She did say it! She said you slept together
why are you like this ! I never fell in love with a
liar !
Hunter stood up clearing his throat looking
Hunter: Baby i am sorry i didn't plan it she....
Claire put her hand on her chest
Claire: Oh My God you slept with her for real?
My instincts were not decieving me ?
Hunter: I thought you said she told you?
Claire: I lied! do you really think that bitch was
gonna admit that On camera! ?
Hunter: So you tricked me to confess. How could
you do that ?
Claire chuckled then looked away pacing up and
down. She looked angry. We see her turn
Claire: How could I? You say it's my fault ? Are
you saying it's my fault you cheated on me !!!?
She snapped
Hunter: Baby i am sorry please don't shout
Claire took her handbag. She looked at him
Claire: I hate you! You're not the man i fell in
love with! You're fake just like your ex wife! I
hate you !
Claire ran to the door. Hunter ran after her
Hunter: Baby pleas.......
Claire walked out and slammed the door hard
behind her. Hunter was left with his hands on
his head. He looked frustrated. He knows he
messed up big time and it looks like Claire is
done with him.

The last time we left things Tasha was put on the
spot by Sonia. She hated every minute of it. She
started regretting coming here. She is mad at
herself for coming here after Laila warned her.
Laila did mention that this will be asked.
Brendan's parents want to know what happened
the night before he died. They want to know if
their son was happy or not and Tasha couldn't
careless about that. She forgot Brendan the
second she walked out of that hotel that
morning and now she is taken back and is
expected to lie and say all the nice things about
him. Just because she is hoping to get something
from Brendan. Tasha felt attacked because
Isaiah was here looking angry waiting for Tasha
to answer the questions.
Isaiah: Why weren't you at the funeral Tasha!?
Isaiah snapped. Tasha broke down. Betty looked
at Isaiah
Betty: Isaiah I know you loved my son and i
know that you and him were life partners but he
is gone now. Get rid of that anger. I can see you
and Sonia get well now why can't you do it with
Isaiah looked down then at Tasha
Isaiah: Sorry Tasha but the Question still stands.
Did you love him? Why didn't you go to the
funeral ?
Tasha looked annoyed. She wiped her tears. A
knock came at the door. It's the lawyer. Sonia
walked to the door. Leaving Tasha trying to
Tasha: Ma'am and sir, Your son and I were not
in a relationship
Isaiah chuckled then sipped on his wine
Isaiah: Brendan moved out of this house to live
with me! He didn't sleep at home two times and
I saw on social media that you spent nights
Tasha ignored Isaiah. She looked at Brendan
Tasha: Your son was separated with his wife. I
had just broken up with my boyfriend. We were
just helping each other get through our break
Isaiah: Why didn't you go to the funeral ?
Tasha: I had no one to go there with
Isaiah: Betty and Mr O this girl said she didn't
love your son she was just using him so she
didn't have to go to the funeral
Brendan parents looked shocked. They looked at
Isaiah: Deny it I have Laila on speed dial
Tasha: We had an agreement. We were doing it
to make people talk. We didn't love each other.
Betty: O'Neal
Tasha: Mrs O'Neal we are celebrities. We do that
to boost our careers
Isaiah: She is not a celebrity. She appeared once
in a reality show of her ex boyfriend! The same
ex boyfriend she drugged because she wanted to
sleep with another man that night!
Betty: Oh My God!
Mr O: Is this true?
Tasha stood up
Tasha: I have to go !
Sonia came back
Sonia: Sit!!!
Tasha let go of her lower body. Her bum hit the
sofa. She was crying
Sonia: You didn't say you were in the will? Here
is the lawyer why leave?
Tasha: I didn't say it you said it!
Sonia's eyes popped out
Sonia: Are you out of your mind? You gave me a
call this morning asking for my address! You
said you're in the will
Tasha: You called me I didn't!
Sonia took out her phone and gave it to Betty
Sonia: Check the time. She called me this
morning. I sent her an sms giving her the
Tasha was crying with her hands on her mouth.
Betty looked at Tasha
Betty: Are you sure You're okay upstairs
Tasha: Oh My God
Tasha attempted to run. The lawyer stopped her
Lawyer: What is your name again ?
Tasha: Tasha
The lawyer shook his head
Lawyer: I don't know you and you're not in this
Sonia catwalked to the door.
Isaiah: ladies and gentlemen I present to you ....
Isaiah looked at Tasha who couldn't wait for the
lawyer to move so that she could run
Isaiah: The Gold digger !
Tasha pushed the lawyer. He fell on the couch.
She ran to the door. It was like she wasn't
wearing heels at all. She got to the door and
passed Sonia. Sonia grabbed her wrist. Tasha
turned around.
Sonia: Find a job and work for your money!
Tasha yanked her arm. Sonia splashed Tasha's
face with wine
Sonia: And leave Elton the hell alone!
Tasha looked at her yellow dress
Tasha: Oh My God
Tasha ran out of Sonia's property. Sonia was
watching her run away
Sonia: Bitch!




< Sonia >
Oh my God! I planned to humiliate Tasha but I
didn't think it would go like this! I didn't think
my plan was gonna be this smooth. That girl will
never mess with me and my family ever again.
The De Villiers family and Seputla family are
one family. You hurt one of us you hurt us all. In
this case she made sure she hurt us all by
making sure she does both families wrong. This
girl drugged EJ. She slept with my husband
knowing he was my husband. When Tasha slept
with my husband she didn't know we were
getting a divorce and even if I was divorced
Tasha is the last person i expect to sleep with my
ex. That girl sat across the table with me in
many dinners at Seputla Towers. She should
look at me as her older sister. How dare she do
this to me ? Oh i got her so good. I am satisfied.
My revenge was sweet and I can finally say I
forgive her for betraying me but I will never
forgive her for what she did to Elton Jnr. I hope
what I said to her didn't go in one ear and out of
the other. She must stay away from Junior. She
must find another man or go back to Hungani.
She is a disgrace! I mean this girl has no shame.
Look at what she said to Laila. She said she
won't go to the funeral because she didn't love
Brendan, she was just using him. Why did she
come? If she didn't want anything involving
Brendan she wouldn't have come. You should've
seen the look on her face when I said I didn't call
her at all. I mean she is so stupid. A lawyer
should have all numbers of the people on the
will. She believed me. The woman she hurt.
While I was in hospital crying after losing my
child she was on the streets with my husband
happy. What kinda monster is that girl? She will
never mess with me ever again.
Anyway after speaking to her I closed the door
and remained looking at the door. I felt someone
put their hand on my shoulder. I turned around.
Isaiah: Are you okay?
Me: I am great. I feel like we handled this pretty
Isaiah: I can't believe she accused you of calling
her ?
Me: That's because i did
I sipped on my wine. Isaiah looked at me. I could
tell he didn't believe I said that.
Isaiah: You called her?
Me: Isaiah I was in hospital in pain. I lost my
child because of Brendan. Do you know where
he was while I was suffering ?
He looked down..
Me: " He was spotted hand in head with her by
journalists! " I saw it on Twitter while I was in
the hospital bed!
This makes me emotional. Brendan really
messed with my life.
Isaiah: I am sorry
Me: You know how close I am with seputla
family. We are family friends. That girl was
dating EJ I saw her there. We had dinners
together. Where does she get a nerve to date my
man? Me? The sister of his ex?
Me: I had to teach her a lesson. Let's go hear
what Brendan has in store for us
Isaiah smiled. I could see he looked nervous. He
thinks I have something in store for him as well.
He must relax. I was the other woman. He dated
that monster before me. I meant it when i said i
forgave him.
Betty: Tell me what kinda person is that girl?
I sat down
Me: A gold digger who is using all famous men
because she wants fame
Betty clapped once. I looked Roberts
Me: I need to go to work. I know I am not part of
this will reading. I am just here to accommodate
you all !
Advocate Roberts looked down..
Dad: So it's true? My daughter is not in this will ?
Robert cleared his throat. I said something
before he could speak. I don't want to hear it. He
is a traitor! I feel like as a lawyer for this family
even though he is not my lawyer at least he
should've come to me while Brendan was alive
and ask about our relationship just to give me
clues. I am sure any lawyer would have
questions like " Why your wife is not part of this
will ? " I know that bastard left me nothing. He
is a son of a bitch!
Me: Roberts just read the will I have to go to
I looked at my dad.
Me: Father this marriage was a joke to him. He
even told his parents that! I am just wondering
why they never mentioned it to me !
Betty: Sonia we trusted him. We thought he was
telling the truth
You know right now I very tipsy. I am not going
to be nice.
Me: I am sure you thought I am the most stupid
woman in the world right ?
Mr O: What ?
Me: What kinda man would leave her husband !
the father of her kids to play a game ?
They looked down.
Me: A woman who want to be famous right?
Well I don't want to be famous! The fact that he
targetted me shows I am famous because of my
last name! I would never ruin my life for fame. I
have money! The only mistake I made was fall
in love with your sweet talking son!
They looked down.
Me: That was the biggest mistake of my life !
Betty: Please forgive us
I looked at Roberts.
Me: Read!
He cleared his throat
Roberts: This is....
Me: And go straight to the will! We don't want to
hear that !
Roberts: Okay i am going to be quick.....
He looked all of us then at the will..
Roberts: For my parents. I am leaving you One
point five million rands
Betty jumped up and hugged her husband. They
both looked excited. What one point five? The
one point five I know is in my bank card.
Betty: Yes!
I sipped on my drink smiling.
Roberts: I don't think you should celebrate yet
She broke the hug. She and her husband sat
down looking at Advocate Roberts
Betty: Why ?
Roberts: Mr O'Neal was blackmailed. With my
help we went to the bank. He withdrew all of it
in cash I have the documents to prove that
Mr O: So there is no One point five million
Roberts exhaled
Roberts: There is no one point five million rands
I saw Betty folds her arms disappointed. She
looked pissed off.
Betty: We need to find that blackmailer!
Me: Good luck with that
I sipped again.
Betty: What's that ?
Me: I did some digging of my own. That bastard
is the reason for my miscarriage. I wanted to
confront him but I couldn't find him
Dad: Sweetheart don't you have whisky?
My father is enjoying this
Me: Just wine. Do you want some ?
Dad: No that's for women. I need something
strong but it's okay i will be fin....
Mr O: Continue!!!
I don't know why he is snapping. What he is
doing won't change the facts. They failed to raise
an honest man. This is their fault.
Roberts: For my love. Isaiah Norman
Roberts looked up. Isaiah looked at me. He
looked down. We all looked at Roberts.
Roberts: My love I am sorry for the things i put
you through. I lived a lie. I used you in the
process breaking your heart because i wanted to
achieve my dream. Please forgive me....
Isaiah smiled looking down. .
Robert: To show my love to you I am leaving you
my two cars an SUV and a Lamborghini ......
Betty: Wow ? two?
Roberts: Yes and that is not All.......
Betty: You must be kidding me?
This woman's greed is showing. Isaiah was his
favorite " Daughter in law" now we are talking
material things she is jealous?
Me: Continue Advocate
Isaiah looked more relaxed when He saw I was
okay and smiling
Roberts: Isaiah. Sonia and I were planning to
buy a new house. We had a joined bank
Flip! I forgot about that. This son of a bitch is
going to give Isaiah that money now ?
My dad looked at me. I faked a smile
Roberts: If i die before we purchase that house
please take half of that money it's Yours
Isaiah looked at me. I smiled. He started feeling
Roberts looked at me
Roberts: SUV is with the police. I requested that
they keep it after the incident. And the
Me: In the garage
Betty: Continue Advocate!
Roberts: That was all
Mr O: What ? So we came here for nothing ?
Roberts: No! I have the card he left in his hotel
room There is....
He took out the card and a paper with a pin
Roberts: There is R38 450 rands in here
Betty snatched the card and the paper. She
looked at Isaiah.
Betty: Isaiah you must visit us in our hotel room
Isaiah: I will first speak to Sonia
He wants to speak to me ?
Roberts: Ms De Villiers how much is in that Joint
Me: One point one. So that means Isaiah will get
Five hundred and fifity thousand rands
I saw Betty and Mr O driving out. I didn't see
them walk out.
Roberts: I believe you will be able to settle it in
peace right ?
Me: Absolutely
Roberts: Have a good day everyone
He looked at Isaiah
Hin: Meet me at police station in 45 minutes to
fetch your car
Isaiah: Okay
Roberts walked out. I closed the door. My dad
stood up..
Me: Isaiah you're welc........
Isaiah: Can we all sit please
He said looking at my father. Dad sat down. I
walked to them I sat as well
Me: Is everything okay ?
Isaiah: I am so sorry again for everything that
happened. I should've never let Brendan lie to
you. I should've told you sooner before you got
Me: No it's okay. It's not your fault
Isaiah: I stayed behind because i wanted to tell
you that I won't take the car in your garage, it's
yours and the money also. You wanted to buy a
house please buy your house. I will only take the
SUV at the station and the reason i am taking it
is because you already drive an SUV please
accept the things i am giving you. You spent
years with Brendan. For the time you wasted
with him please accept these things
Dad: That is very nice of you young man
I put my drink on the coffee table. He did too. I
went and sat next to him. I took his hands. He
was crying.
Me: I also have a request
Isaiah: Anything
Me: I will take the Lamborghini. I really loved to
drive it thank you for giving it to me but....
Isaiah: But ?
Me: Please take your Five hundred and fifty
thousand please
Isaiah: Are you sure ?
Me: Isaiah I am a millionaire. I have my own
money. The reason I saved with Brendan was
because i didn't want to buy the house alone.
Now that I am a single woman I will buy my
dream house with my money. Take your share
and save for your own house
Isaiah: Thank you
Dad: You can go cash in now. I will write you a
cheque. I want you to show the lawyer
Dad took out his cheque book. He wrote it.
Isaiah: Thank you Mr De Villiers
Dad smiled.
Dad: Sonia I want my money by the end of the
Me: I will send it to you daddy thanks
Dad: See you guys later
He smiled then left. I stood up
Me: Hug
Isaiah stood up. We hugged. I broke the hug
Me: The reason i didn't take time to forgive you
was because i could see the good in you. You're a
good person and I am angry that Brendan
wasn't true to himself. He wasted a lot of time
you should've spent together building a family
Isaiah: Yeah
Me: Go the lawyer is waiting for you
Isaiah: Yeah
Me: Keep the cheque safe!!
He opened the door
Him: I will
He walked out and closed the door. I sat down
then looked around
Me: What a day
I completely forgot about the joint account. Wait
when Brendan came to Seputla penthouse
asking for money did he mean our house
money? I remember I almost threw him down
the building. I didn't give him a chance to
explain. He just asked for money. So it was this
money ? son of a bitch.

< Tasha >
I should've known! How can i be so stupid! The
second I found out from Sonia that I was on that
will I should've known it was a lie. I don't know
why i expected her to be nice to me after what I
did to her and EJ. I wish when i found out about
my new job I didn't show my interest in that will
but what if that man left me something big? I
was curious. I was never gonna let them take
what was left for me. I was stupid though, very
stupid. I need to stop this. I don't use my head.
To think of it all this was so ridiculous. Who puts
a girlfriend of two days in their will? What got
into me? I can't believe how much i cried. I
couldn't take a taxi. I asked Laila to come fetch
me. I can't be in a taxi when I have wine all over
my yellow dress and my neck. I cannot believe
that woman threw wine at me. I didn't think
Sonia was this conniving. I never thought she
had it in her. I didn't see this coming at all. Oh i
never cried like this. Even when my parents
kicked me out I didn't cry but being humiliated
like this made me cry.
Amyway I saw Laila stops the car next to me. I
opened the door. I got in then slammed the door.
Laila: You're going to break my door what the
Me: Drive !!!!
Laila: Yoh!
She started the engine. She drove. I was silently
crying looking out the window. She didn't say
anything. She drove. It took us 15 minutes to
arrive at our place. I walked out of the car. I left
her. I went in. I had to stand at the door because
i didn't bring my keys. She got to the door. She
opened. We walked in I attempted to walk to my
room She grabbed my wrist
Laila: Friend I am tired of you acting like a child.
I was supporting you all morning. You're not
going to tell me what happened?
I looked at her. I broke down
Laila: What happened?
Me: Sonia lied!
Laila: About ?
I walked to the couch.
Me: I was never in the will. Sonia wanted to
humiliate me infront of everyone and you were
right. The question about My relationship and
being the last person he saw came up.
Laila: Oh Boy
Me: I told them him and I were not dating we
were just having fun..
I wiped my tears.
Me: Your friend Isaiah was there ! He looked
upset at me. He and Sonia attacked me
Laila: I am sorry
Me: Friend it gets worse......
I stood up. I went to the fridge. I took water
Me: Brendan parents asked why am I in the will
if we were not dating then lawyer arrived and
said he didn't know me. I told them Sonia called
me. That woman stood there and denied
Laila: Friend that night you were drinking are
you sure you didn't dream like she called since
you were upset about Isaiah being in the will ?
Me: What ? you don't know me at all. I can't lie
about something like that! Sonia planned to
humiliate me. She wanted a Pay back for
sleeping with her husband and that friend of
yours had to tell Brendan's parents exactly what
I said . How can you tell Isaiah my exact words?
Laila: Your exact words?
Me: He told them I said I didn't love him I was
just using Brendan
Laila: That is what you asked me to tell him.
You said I should say it like it is and I did.
Me: I hate your friend! he shouldn't have said
that infront of Brendan's parents and you as my
friend you should've protected me and said it in
a nice way
Laila: You were not nice. You asked me to say it
exactly how you said it and I did
Me: I need to take a nap
I walked to my room ..
Laila: Are you sure you want to go to EJ's house?
I stopped walking. I am still going there? Oh
God. I turned around and looked at Laila
Laila: What if they have something of their own
planned? I am sure Sonia will be there
Me: And The last thing she said to me after she
threw wine at me was I should stay away from
Laila: I am worried about you friend. You're
pregnant now you can't be upset
Me: Its just three weeks stop reminding me!!!!
I snapped then I remembered Elton hasn't
unblocked me yet. I have to apologise
Laila: I am sorry
Me: I am sorry friend I am just going through a
lot at the moment
Laila: I understand girl
Me: Can you tell Elton that I can only meet him
downstairs at that restaurant. I am not ready to
see his family
Laila: Go take a nap I will tell him
Me: Thanks
I walked away. I got to my room. I threw myself
in my bed. I should be happy. I am an actress. I
got my dream job. Why can't I celebrate that ? I
didn't even have a chance to buy a champagne.

< Priscella >
The time now is just after 1pm. I saw my friend
coming to my office wearing a different outfit.
Well I understand. This morning she left wet
after the fight with Claire. A lot is going on. I
want to hear everything about the will reading
and at the same time i want to tell her about
what is going on at the royal house and what
happened after my meeting with My wedding
planner. Oh i also have to tell her about what
happened with the wedding planner. I hope i
won't forget anything. Just like I almost forgot to
mention the interviews tomorrow God I need to
say this the second she opens that door because
it's more important than the gossip. I saw a door
open. I smiled
Me: Girl!
Sonia: Hey Prissy had lunch ?
Me: Mom called asking to have lunch with me I
said no I don't have an appetite and you?
Sonia: Girl I left work at 11am the time now is
one. I have to get to that office and switch off my
Me: Friend you look happy. How did the will
reading go ?
She laughed then looked up rolling her eyes. She
pulled a chair then sat.
Sonia: Where do I start?
Me: Oh before you start the candidates for the
PA position will be coming in tomorrow so you
and I will be at board room at 9am
Sonia: Oh great!
Me: And i have some good news
Sonia: Yes ?
Me: Our bosses say you qualify to have a PA and
the PA will be paid by the company
Sonia: Ain't I blessed? I already put the person in
my budget please kiss Ms R and dad for me oh
they are darlings
Me: Now the will
Sonia: Brendan left his parents the 1.5 million
Me: The one.... ?
She didn't let me finish
Sonia: That one! He left Isaiah both his cars and
his share from our joint account
Oh my God. What did this man leave this
woman? I would be pissed if I was her.
Me: The one you were planning to buy a
mansion with ?
Sonia: Yep! he said if he dies before we do it's his
Me: How do you feel about that because after
everything you just mentioned I don't think
there is something else left ?
Sonia: Friend that man didn't love me we all
know that and I didn't expect anything from him
I stood up and ran to her
Me: Oh My friend I am sorry
I hugged her from behind. She was sitting on the
chair facing my desk
Sonia: It's okay friend. Can you believe Isaiah
gave me the car and all the money?
I broke the hug
Me: He did?
Sonia stood up
Sonia: He did. He was crying. I think he felt bad
that Brendan didn't leave me anything
Me: Did you accept?
Me: I only accepted the Lamborghini. It's the car
he gave me. I asked him to take the money
Me: Wow
Sonia: When he gave me the car he said the
reason he doesn't give me The SUV is...
Me: You have it already
Sonia: Yes
She sat down. I walked to my chair
Me: Wow
Sonia: I am really happy for him. He has a new
SUV, R550 000 rands. He can sell his old car and
buy himself a house and stop living in those
property houses
Me: Yes and Tasha ? Did she arrive ?
Sonia: Yes ! I humiliated her infront of everyone.
I said I didn't ask her to come. I said she came
because she was hoping to get something. She
left running and crying. I was the one opening
the door then I said my goodbye to her with
glass of wine all over her dress then i asked her
to stay away from Junior
Me: Wow you did good! I wish I did that to some
bitch an hour ago
Sonia: Hey tell me about the voice note you sent
me. Who was threatening who? I was so busy to
even ask you
Me: Friend I met the wedding planner. She is
happy to go Eastern cape with me Wednesday.
After our meeting she left. While I was sitting
finishing my juice one of the two.....
Sonia: Models ?
Me: Can you believe she came to ask if I am still
in love with Hungani?
Sonia: Why ? You haven't been in contact in a
while. The only person he called was me about
the funeral
Me: Exactly! I told her I don't want that man and
i am getting married! She said that doesn't mean
I don't love him. She said something interesting
listen to that voice note listen
She did
Me: That girl said she is in love with Hungani
and she wants him all to herself. I asked her
what's gonna happen to the other model She
said she will get rid of her
Sonia: Oh no!
Me: Sonia that girl said Hungani keeps talking
about me so please don't call Hungani and tell
him I was confronted by that girl
Sonia: No i wouldn't. If i'd do that he would
defend you from that girl and that would
confirm that girl's silly suspicions
Me: Exactly ! all I want right now is to just wait
and see. If something happens to that other
model then we will know who we are dealing
Sonia: And we might save Hungani from her
I am not sure about that. I am not a supergirl. I
don't save people.
Me: Friend saving Hungani would be an act of
care something i don't want to stay in his mind.
You know him he would continue with his
obsession. He would say I care about him and
confuse that with love. I don't love him and that
is why I want him to get burnt I know that
sounds cruel but I don't need drama sister
Sonia: I feel you sis. It's been over 3 years but he
is still fighting
Me: He is sick. He enjoyed seeing me hurt
remember when he would cheat and act like he
regrets doing it and do it again
Sonia: Stay far away from him. So the meeting
with investor ?
Me: Went well
Sonia gave me a high five
Sonia: Well done mama!
Me: Thanks babe
She stood up
Her: Later friend
Me: Bye
She walked out. This Hungani thing upsets me. I
can't stand him. He is so stupid. I want him to
get burned. He has been playing with fire for a
long time.

< Nontorotyi >
God I feel like I am in some kind of a holiday at
Zinyovile's house. I just woke up from a long
nap. I need to speak to her about something. I
am a responsible woman. I am a working
woman. I want to find a job at Mqanduli and
move this side permanently. Even if my
husband forgives me things won't be the same. I
will stay upset all the time. I don't think i will be
happy seeing him with Nomahelele so happy. I
know her. Now that she is not stealing him from
me she will make sure she flaunts their love in
my face. I know Nomahelele very well. This
woman never apologised to me. I ran to her to
beat her up She stood up and dared me to beat
her. I got scared. A woman like that will make
your life feels like hell. I hate someone who
takes and never feel guilty of it. She didn't seem
remorseful at all. Talk about a bitch. They say a
royal princess should carry her self a certain
way what do you call what Nomahelele did ?
She is a loose woman! I cannot believe the
ancestors agreed to this madness!
Anyway like I said I need to speak to my friend. I
need her help and I pray this time she won't say
no. I helped this woman when she lost her gift
ever since she came back it's like she is
forbidden from helping me. She just doesn't
want to.
Zinyovile: I don't remember helping you before i
lost my gift what are you thinking about?
I looked away
Me: Still reading my thoughts I see
Zinyovile: Nontorotyi my job in your life has
been warning you about things that will happen.
What to do and not to do and that I have been
doing all the time i have known you and even
after I got my gift back
Me: Okay fine. I am sorry
Zinyovile: Sit. Let's talk, what do you want from
Me: Tomorrow I want to go to Ngcwanguba
Clinic to look for a job. Can you make me
something that will be my lucky charm ?
She stood up and walked away. I stood up as
Me: O-kay....? No objection you just do as I say?
She turned around
Zinyovile: Who said I will be doing anything ?
Me: But I just asked you to help me get a nursing
job ?
Zinyovile: If i were you I would take my nursing
qualification and burn it !
Me: What ? Are you crazy?
Zinyovile: What is the use of having something
that you will never use ever again ?
Tears streamed down my cheeks. You know this
talk, I thought this time we'd finish this
conversation without me sharing a tear. This
woman always makes me cry and her word
never go in vein. She always say something and
it happens. So I. will never be a nurse again?
Me: What do you mean I will never use my
qualification ever again ?
Zinyovile: Because never again will you get a
paying job
Me: Why?
A loud knock came at the door. I looked at
Zinyovile. She pointed at the door.
Zinyovile: That is why
Me: What is happening out there?
" It's the police open up! " Oh my God. That was
the voice outside the door. I didn't feel my lower
body. I fell down
Me: What have I done ?
Zinyovile: Fraud! Fraud!
She shouted that then went to the door. I stood
up fast
Me: Please don't ope....
She opened the door. I stopped running. I moved
Me: Siqalo how can you do this! What have I
done ?
Officer: Nontorotyi Dimbaza....
He said coming to me with handcuffs
Me: You got the wrong woman! I am Nontorotyi
Officer: Nontorotyi Dimbazana you're under
arrest for fraud....
Me: What !?
I felt two officers grabbing both my arms
Me: Fraud where !? How?
Officer: You thought the money you took from
The project clients every week for 18 months
was not gonna com....
Me: Oh My God !
How did these people find out about that ? I
thought it was a great plan. How did they? Did
they know all along and they waited for me to
mess up so they could punish me?
Me: No!
Officer dragged me out .
Officer: You're going to spend the rest of your
life in prison. How can you steal R1,440,00
million rands from your family
Me: That much! Oh My God
They pushed me inside the back seat of private
car. I saw Siqalo go to his car
Me: You traitor! I can't believe you're my
brother in law! Tell my sister I need a lawyer!!!
The drove passes Siqalo getting in the car
Me: Traitor!!!!
Siqalo shook his head. how can he do this to me.
I am his sister in law. Oh my God. I wish i never
used that money. I can't believe it was over a
million? I can't believe I am going to jail.
Hlohlesakhe is making sure I don't come
anywhere near him. He is gonna live happy
without me.
So I would've been a millionaire?

< Judge Makhosazana >
I cannot believe the amount of money we lost.
How can i let something like this happen? I feel
like This Cikizwa girl is a biggest fool of them all.
How could she believe such madness? Ten
thousand rands tip? Even a thousand it would
be questionable. Nontorotyi messed up our lives.
I hate her. I don't think i will ever defend her
this time. I don't care if she rots in jail. There are
orphans out there who grew up without the
parents and turned out just fine. She is dead to
me. That woman is going to stay in jail for a long
time for what she did.
Anyway I called Refilwe. I didn't call her
because i was hoping she'd help me. She is done
a lot already. I already decided that we will take
the money from family trust fund. When i called
her I was just telling her as a friend. When she
came with this idea I liked it. I am so happy she
helped us. She said Priscella will also bring the
cheque of the money we are owing those guys. I
am very grateful to my son's in laws. They are a
blessing to our family and they came at the
perfect time. We are back at the palace. We are
waiting for a police call right now. I want to
hear that they locked her up and threw away
the keys. What an evil woman ! We couldn't tell
Sabonkolo at work. We knew if we told tell she
was gonna call her. We also asked Cikizwa's
discretion. I know after we left she went
running to her. Anyway I am walking back to
everyone. I just hung up the call. I was speaking
to Refilwe. I kind of stayed in my study for
sometime after I spoke to Refilwe. My family is
going through some crisis. I know we are
supposed to be happy that we are paying the
clients the money owed to them but what will
happen to the plans we had to grow the project?
I know Priscella and I will start something of our
own. Speaking of something of our own. I
haven't told My sister in law and her brother
about it and I feel like She will feel sidelined. I
hate lying but in this case I have to make sure
Priscella is in the front and i am a silent partner
Just to keep piece. I feel like this family has this
tittle in the project and I was surprised in just
one weekend I told Refilwe about what's
happening she picked that up. Anyway having
my own business don't change nothing. I will
take care of both business. I make a lot of money
in that project more than anyone in this family.
That is why when there is a crisis I stand up. I
give my brother in law and Princess so much
freedom to make decision in the company. I
trust them because they are smart. I just want
my sister in law to be hard on that assistant of
hers. That girl should've questioned this tip and
told her boss about it.
Anyway I got to the living room. Nomahelele,
Hlohlesakhe and Princess Nomagampompo are
here I need to tell them what just happened.
Me: Family! Refilwe helped us
Princess stood up
Nomagampompo: How ?
Me: Remember she was gonna help us grow the
project ?
Nomagampompo: Yes ?
Me: I know it's a loss for us but she offered to
pay our debt instead
Hlohlesakhe: Wow that's wonderful My Queen
Nomahelele: Even though I saw her briefly i
could tell she is a nice woman
Me: She has a good heart
Nomagampompo: It's past Notiniphu's lunch
time now. Where is she ?
Me: Maybe she is running late. With a friend like
Deliwe I am sure they are gossiping
Everyone laughed. We saw King and Prince
Nomgcwabe drive in. We have to tell this boy
Me: They are here guys Chief Khabalandile stay
we must tell him together before you go back to
Hlohlesakhe: Okay
The front door opened. The King walked in
followed by Prince Nomgcwabe.
Masixole: Royal family Damn we are tired we
need to.....
Me: Guys come here we need to talk!
Masixole stopped. He was about to go upstairs
with his cousin.
Masixole: Another crisis?
Me: No! but a more serious matter
Hlohlesakhe: Please come boys
They came and sat down. I exhaled
Me: We gonna start this from the beginning
Nomahelele: Sister in law why you decided to
never get married?
Nomahelele: I think that is where it should start
right ?
Nomagampompo: I am glad you brought it from
that angle
She looked at Prince Nomgcwabe
Nomagampompo: My boy this is about you. I
know you have so many questions
Prince Nomgcwabe sat up straight
Nomgcwabe: What questions mom ?
Nomagampompo: In our culture a royal princess
stays pure until she gets married. I failed to do
that. I knew that I disappointed my family.....
Nomagampompo: No one in my family knew
who your father was except for my Queen and
Chief Khabalandile and that only happened after
my brother died. The reason i never told my
parents and my brother was because the man
was my older brother's friend and he was gonna
kill him if he found out. When my brother
She looked at me.
Nomagampompo: I told his wife
She looked at Chief Khabalandile
Nomagampompo: And your uncle
Nomgcwabe: Then why didn't you tell us? Did
they say you shouldn't tell us ?
Prince Nomgcwabe looked at me then his uncle
Nomagampompo: No boy! They didn't. I did
Chief Khabalandile looked at me.
Nomgcwabe: Why ?
Hlohlesakhe: My boy you know how important
it is for this family to stay in the right side of the
law and with no scandals
Nomgcwabe: Why would knowing our dad be a
scandal ?
Nomagampompo: Because he was married my
boy !
Nomgcwabe swallowed hard. He was shocked to
hear this. I hope he doesn't judge his mother
Me: And his wife was very dangerous. She was a
witch who was known for poisoning people. We
were scared to tell you because she was gonna
know also. I know you guys were gonna
confront your dad for not showing himself or
introducing himself so we thought the best thing
was to protect you and your mother. She was
gonna kill you guys
Hlohlesakhe: That's why we'd be jumpy and
panic when you guys asked about your father
Nomgcwabe: When i was born did he have
children already or I was his first child ? if he
did was he married then ? or he got married
after I was born?
Nomagampompo: Son I was pregnant before
you were born. I had a miscarriage. when i had
miscarriage he started dating the woman he is....
was married to. He went home and lied to his
parents and introduced that woman as me
Nomgcwabe: Why ?
The princess looked up. Nomahelele brushed
her back
Nomagampompo: He didn't think i was good
enough for him
Nomgcwabe: What a jerk! I am sorry about the
language but why did you go back to him after
he humiliated you like that mom?
Nomagampompo: Were you gonna be here if
Nomgcwabe: He didn't care about you !
Masixole brushed Nomgcwabe's back. He is
angry and crying
Nomgcwabe: So who is he?
We all looked down.
Nomgcwabe: I thought this talk was going there
? Who is he !?
Nomagampompo: Shosholoza
Nomgcwabe: What !?
Me: I am so sorry Prince for your loss and i am
sorry for kee.....
He stood up. He looked at his mother
Nomgcwabe: That man was our dad ?
Princess Nomagampompo nodded her head yes
Nomgcwabe: Good thing he is dead!
He walked away and up the stairs after he said
that. He left us floored. I didn't expect what he
said. The front door opened.
Nomahelele: What the hell?
Ngejiwe walked in crying. I stood up
Ngejiwe: My Queen Notiniphu is sleeping with
my boyfriend. Sje is at his home now having sex
What ? What is this girl talking about?
Me: Who are you ?
Ngejiwe: My Queen?
Me: Yesterday you slept with My son's brother in
law now you're telling me you have a boyfriend?
Where was he when you slept with Elton?
Ngejiwe: I was scared of my father then mom......
I didn't let her finish. She knows what I said to
her about her mother but she keeps listening to
Me: Speaking of your mother!
Hlohlesakhe: My Queen no!
I gave him a hand
Me: No! I have to ask this !
Hlohlesakhe: Oh at least it's a question
He thought I was gonna tell her about the
arrest? Well that will depend on my question.
She might walk out of here knowing. I looked at
Me: Have you......
I started breathing heavily. Oh She better have
no idea.
Me: Have you by any chance did your mother a
Ngejiwe: A favour My Queen?
I saw My brother in law put his hand on his
mouth now he sees where I am going with this.
Nomagampompo: I highly doubt my Queen
Me: You need to stop talking Sisi! Nontorotyi is
not that smart! She doesn't have it in her to
write a formal business email to companies that
big !
My sister in law looked down. I looked at
Me: Have you ever went to my study and sent an
Email from my mail box for your mother ?
She looked down. I saw a tear drop. She looked
up then put her hand on her mouth
Hlohlesakhe: Ngejiwe don't tell me you did ?
Ngejiwe: Daddy I can explain
Me: Oh My God so you did?
Ngejiwe: I am sorry




< Judge Makhosazana >
I cannot believe this girl just admitted that She
invaded my privacy to help her mother steal
from us! What the hell is wrong with Ngejiwe?
How could she be so stupid. Nontorotyi knows
her children. She knows them well and she
doesn't even think twice when it comes to using
them. She uses her children to get what she
wants ajd she doesn't care about the damage it
would cause to a child. I have never met such a
selfish woman like this. I cannot wait to find out
if they were working together or she
manipulated her like she always does. I know
how to deal with Ngejiwe. She can't lie to me.
When i asked this girl if she did this I wasn't
sure. She was the last person i expected to do
this then I had to think that the email might
have been formal And I doubt Nontorotyi can do
that and it turns out I was right. She asked this
child to do this. I could see the look on Chief
Khabalandile when Ngejiwe started apologising.
He looked really angry and annoyed. The fact
that she is not his child will make him see that
she is really nothing like us and it confirms she
is a commoner just like her mother.
Me: How could you?
Ngejiwe: My Queen I......
Nomagampompo: Ngejiwe you committed
Ngejiwe: Fraud ?
She is asking ? She didn't know stealing money
from a company or from clients is fraud ? She is
making me so angry. My phone rang
Me: Excuse me!
I wiped my tears. I walked away answering
Me: Detective Swana ?
Swana: We have her. We found her at that witch
doctor's house
Me: Good!
I hung up then turned around and found
everyone looking at me.
Me: They arrested Nontorotyi. They found her at
Zinyovile's house
Ngejiwe: Oh My God
Ngejiwe ran. She was running to the front door
leaving. Nomahelele ran after her. Shee kicked
her from behind. Ngejiwe fell. My cousin
Grabbed her washing She pulled her up and
looked at her in the eyes
Nomahelele: Not yet!
She pushed her to us
Me: Why did you do this ?
Ngejiwe: Mom used me
Me: I don't know how many times I heard you
say that ! why don't you learn that your mother
is master manipulator! what did she say?
Ngejiwe: It was June holidays last year. Mom
came to me desperate. You were in court. She
said you asked her to write an email and alert
the clients about the prices. She said you asked
her a week before and she forgot. When i
offered to send with my email she said you said
she should use yours at your study and I
believed her
Nomagampompo: Oh My God
Hlohlesakhe: Ngejiwe the Queen never asked
your mama to do that. Everyone knows the
Queen don't trust your mother with her
personal stuff and no one can blame her! The
family has to pay R1,440, 000 rands your mother
stole from those clients
Ngejiwe: Oh My God!
Hlohlesakhe: Go home! You know the Queen
would never ask your mother to touch her
personal stuff!
Ngejiwe: I am so sorry
Nomahelele: What do you think your mother did
with the money?
Ngejiwe: She..... oh My God
She just realised something. We all looked at her
Me: Are you gonna tell us ?
Ngejiwe: She built Eight rooms house for my
uncle and she said it is fully furnished
Nomagampompo: Oh My God
Hlohlesakhe: Ngejiwe how could you betray the
Queen like this ?
Ngejiwe: I was trying to help my mother. She
was desperate! I didn't know she was lying to
I went to her fuming with anger. I pulled her
Me: Maybe joining your mother in prison is the
best lesson so that you start listening to me
when I say don't listen to that woman!!!
She covered her face thinking I will slap her
Me: What did I say to you when I found out you
were investigating your king ?
Ngejiwe: You said I shouldn't listen to my
Me: Why did you sleep with Elton? Why did you
try to pin your disgraceful act on that little boy ?
Ngejiwe: I was desperate
Me: Why didn't you think about what will your
father say when you slept with whoever you
slept with ?
Ngejiwe: Please forgive me !
Nomagampompo: I remember those same words
when you were caught with that investigation
you did on my nephew! You committed fraud
with your mother! You have to join her!
Ngejiwe: Oh My God
She ran out
Hlohlesakhe: Ngejiwe get back here !
Ngwjiwe: I can't go to jail
Me: Chief Let her go!!!
The chief turned around.
Me: All I wanted was for her to feel bad for what
she did!
Nomagampompo: And you think you achieved
that ?
I looked at her
Me: I hope she learnt her lesson
Princess Nomagampompo sat down
Princess: I doubt that little girl learns anything!
She comes here crying angry for a boy! She is
telling us that her boyfriend is sleeping with
someone. That is not the kinda behavior we
want to teach our children!
The chief sat down
Hlohlesakhe: I raised her. Why doesn't she
follow the right path? I mean she grew up into
this culture she knows what is expected of her
why? Why she is doing this?
Nomahelele: You all know Why! When a child is
suppose to find out about her background She
behaves like her !
Me: Oh We are not ready to do that
Nomahelele: She is a commoner. It's in her blood
whatever you do she will always be hooligan
Hlohlesakhe: I don't know right now
I looked at the kitchen. Notiniphu is not back
yet. I don't know what is wrong with her. I don't
care who she dates but you cannot go sleep with
a man while on duty. That is disgusting! She is
not going to cook for us today.

< Narrated >
Prince Nomgcwabe left the elders in the living
room. He was upset. He didn't go to his room. He
went straight to his brother's room. He opened
the door. Prince Phonqa looked up..
Phonqa: Don't you knock ?
Nomgcwabe: You heard?
Phonqa: Yeah
He said pointing at a glass that was in a plastic.
Princes Nomgcwabe looked at the glass
Nomgcwabe: What are you gonna do with that ?
Phonqa: When Princess Nomaxabiso was here I
gave her water then took that glass. I wanted to
know if she was our sister
Nomgcwabe: How did you know she could be
our sister?
Phonqa: I told you I would find my mother's
lover with or without your help and I did
Nomgcwabe: Who helped you ?
Phonqa: That's not important. That man is dead
Nomgcwabe: Can you believe he never looked at
us? What kinda father does that ?
Phonqa: He just threw shares at us
Nomgcwabe: What? Those shares were his ?
Phonqa: They didn't tell you downstairs?
Prince Nomgcwabe sat on the edge of Prince
Phonqa's bed
Nomgcwabe: I didn't give them a chance to, I left
now it makes sense. That family owned 20 %......
Phonqa: He thought money is love
Nomgcwabe: Rich people think money can fix
Phonqa looked at his brother.
Phonqa: Yeah
Nomgcwabe: Do you think she knew we were
her half brothers?
Phonqa: Yeah. They say she hid it from her mom
because she is a bitch
Nomgcwabe: Don't you find it strange that they
died the same day ?
Phonqa: Did you call Geograph... I mean
Geometry ?
Prince Nomgcwabe stood up
Nomgcwabe: Nice chat talk later
He walked to the door
Phonqa: He looked jealous when mom said
you're getting a wife
Phonqa laughed and threw himself on his bed.
Nomgcwabe shook his head then walked out.
Phonqa's phone rang. He looked at it and smiled.
Phonqa: Princess Ngeji
Ngejiwe: Who do you think you are !?
Prince removed the phone from his ear. He sat
up straight Then listened
Phonqa: I know who I am
Ngejiwe: Why did you lie! why did you say you
told Velezantsi!?
Phonqa: Do you want me to go downstairs and
tell everyone what I walked in on ?
Ngejiwe Paused. She started breathing heavily
Phonqa: Do you ?
Ngejiwe: Of course not!
Phonqa: I did that because I didn't want you to
harm her and get in trouble with family.
Princess don't behave like that !
Ngejiwe: Phonqa that bitch is sleeping with my
boyfriend! even now she is in his house they are
having sex. Do you blame me for being angry at
her ?
Phonqa: Wow
Ngejiwe: ......... ( Tututututu )
Ngejiwe hung up. Prince Phonqa looked at his
phone then smiled.
Phonqa: Notiniphu is having the best December

In Johannesburg at Seputla Towers we see Ms
Refilwe saying goobye to someone who just
walked into the elevator. Elton came down. His
mother turned around.
Refilwe: Boy
Elton: Mom who just walked out. I know your
friends but I have never seen her around?
Refilwe: Who does she look like ?
Elton started thinking
Elton: I don't know....... even though she is older.
She does look like the lady who got at royal
house Sunday then a little like the Queen
Refilwe: That family has so many ladies.
Powerful ladies. That one is a well known doctor
and a business woman in Pretoria. They are
cousins. I didn't even bother to call the Queen
and confirm because she looks just like them. I
just talked to her and We really vibed
The elevator opened. Priscella walked in. I
looked at the time.
Priscella: I just came for a file Ms Refilwe it's not
Refilwe: I was surprised. Is Sonia back ?
Priscella: Oh yes
Refilwe: And?
Priscella exhaled.
Priscella: He left everything to his boyfriend
Refilwe: Oh My God. Is Sonia okay ?
Priscella: She is handling it well and the
boyfriend gave Sonia the other car
Refilwe: That's insulting! You're married to this
man then he dies and you have to sit back and
accept handouts from his bitch ?
Elton: Is that Isaiah?
Priscella: Yes. Isaiah is a good person.
Apparently Sonia took Brendan from him in a
way so I understand why my friend is okay
Refilwe: I never liked that tall white man. He
was somehow Mysterious
Priscella: Yeah you and uncle Kobus didn't hide
how you felt anyway let me go get the file
She attempted to go to the stairs
Refilwe: I signed the cheques they are in a safe
upstairs. I don't know I don't trust this one in
such a public space here
Priscella: Well father made sure we had this one
so that whoever is here to Rob would think this
is the only safe and besides only documents and
some old phones are here
Refilwe: Yes
Priscella: Mom You gave away so Much money
to the Ndengana family. I thought maybe you'd
support the project after a year because you
already lost two point five million rands.....
Elton: Okay when you talking money and
He raised his hands and walked up the stairs.
They just laughed at him. Ms Refilwe looked at
Refilwe: I spent a lot of time overseas That I
didn't even donate money to some charities so I
took some of the money from that money. It's
not from our budget don't worry sweet.
Charities accept what you give them. Next week
I have to go to Ethopia to donate some money
and gifts in some orphanage there. I wouldn't sit
back when my in laws need my help
Priscella: I appreciate what you did mom. I
wasn't questioning you because i am
Refilwe: I know sweety! let me go make some
Priscella: Okay let me....
Elton came down running
Elton: Mom can i go downstairs in an hour. I
need to see someone
Refilwe: You know I have to watch you right?
Elton: I won't do anything stupid. I will go to the
restaurant and that's it
Priscella: Who are you taking out Elton?
Elton: No one just meeting some of the guys I am
taking to Mozambique. I want us to discuss what
we will do when we get there
Priscella: I thought you were not going
Elton: Come on sis I haven't done anything
wrong lately
Priscella gave him the look
Elton: Okay fine except the drama at the royal
Priscella smiled
Priscella: Mom i need to go get this file
Refilwe: Okay baby
Priscella walked away. Elton looked at Ms
Elton: So.....
Refilwe: Go
Elton: Than.....
Refilwe: But!
Elton: Oh boy
Refilwe: A doctor is coming tomorrow to check if
you've taken any kinda drug since you come out.
If you're not clean the trip will be cancelled and
you will go back to rehab
Elton: Sounds good to me
He kissed his mom's cheek then ran up the
stairs. Ms Refilwe shook her head in disbelief

< Sonia De Villiers >
I said I do not want to speak to Hunter again and
I meant it but what happened at my house has
to be addressed. I don't understand why Hunter
is angry with me. What did I do wrong to his
girlfriend? Wasn't I the one who called Hunter
telling him that Claire wanted to meet me? He
thought I told him that because I enjoy talking to
him on the phone ? No! I do not enjoy talking to
him. I told him that so that he could stop her but
clearly that woman wears the pants in that
relationship or He didn't even stop her. I called
Hunter and told him I am in my office if he
wants to see me and talk he should come. He
agreed and it looks like he didn't waste time. He
came as fast as he could. I just saw him speaking
to Algebra. I took my handbag. I took a mirror. I
fixed myself. No don't get it twisted. I do this
when i am meeting people. I don't like looking
ugly. I want to look good all the time. He
knocked then opened the door. I closed my
laptop then stood up.
Me: Insult me I am waiting. Then when you
done tell me so I can tell you what really
Hunter: Sonia I am not here to fight but first let's
talk about your dad. Why is he angry with me? I
noticed how cold he was the day you left town
I walked out of my desk. I flipped my hair
Me: When i left your office that day I called dad
asking him to come fetch the kids because I was
Hunter: And ?
Me: I was upset. He noticed that and asked why.
I told him that I slept with you thinking you
were single! Hunter my dad was shocked like I
was when he found out you're in a relationship
Hunter looked down
Hunter: You didn't expect me to stay all these
years single!
Me: All We wanted was for you to tell us!
Hunter: Did you tell me about Brendan?
I chuckled. Here we go again.
Me: I never slept with you when i started dating
Brendan. I told you everything that's why we
divorced wasn't it ?
Hunter looked down
Me: Anyway it's fine. You made it clear you were
getting your revenge
Hunter: I never said that Sonia
Me: I think you did when you called me !
Hunter: I didn't!
Me: Anyway you didn't have to. Your actions
showed your true colours. And the reason my
father is angry I think he was hoping that you
and I could get back together. I confronted him
about it. I told him you and i would never work
because we will keep reminding each other of
the past. My dad is angry that you used me
Hunter: I didn't use you!
Me: Whatever. Why are you here ?
Hunter: How can you attack girlfriend the
minute she walked in? Sonia this is real life.
Your show is changing you!
Me: Did you just say I attacked her?
Hunter: Her hair was all over the place. She lost
an ear ring
I walked passed him. Firstly she didn't lose
earings in my office Secondly yes I grabbed her
hair and threw her on my table but when she
walked out her hair was still flawless. This girl is
playing mind games. She is trying to make us
fight. She did that to her hair
Me: She is lying. They cleaned the water she
first threw at me and they didn't find ear ring
Hunter: So you also threw water at her ?
Me: I should've folded my arms?
Me: Let me tell you what happened!
Hunter: What happened is you called the crew
on her
Okay i am tired of shouting. I am going to be
Me: Hunter that girl walked in. I welcomed her.
Of course She had a problem with cameras. I
said this is my job and those guys were coming
here anyway with or without her. I said my kids
talk a lot about her. They love her. Do you know
what she said to me?
Hunter: what ?
Me: She said when did my kids tell me that
because i never spend time with them. I am a
bad mother. Do you see I was trying to be kind,
That girl called me names. She said I am a
granny and fake!
Hunter shook his head oh he doesn't believe me
Me: How about after work you and I go to the
studios and I am going to show you the clips.
They are there unedited at all. You will see
everything I said to that woman!
Hunter: No need for that
Me: What do you mean?
Hunter: She feels threatened by you and
sleeping with you made things worse that's why
she came here. She was angry it's my fault
Me: And accusing me of some things I didn't do
what's gonna happen about that ?
Hunter: She was angry. Maybe she wanted me to
hate you
Me: Of course she does! that girl is crazy! The
only insulting word I said to her was when we
were fighting. I said they should drag her broke
ass out!
Hunter: That was mean
Me: What do you call what she said to me ?
The door opened. Priscella walked in
Priscella: Sorry to interrupt
Me: Friend
Priscella: I just saw Claire wearing shades
walking out of the building. Was she here ?
Me: No! Oh my God she is following you now?
Hunter: Where is she ?
PrisceLla: She walked to the parking lot. Hunter
please leave my friend alone. That girl is a
Hunter: Excuse me!
Hunter ran out. I looked at Priscella.
Me: Oh My God Prissy!
Priscella: Stay away from that man! I have a
Briana woman I can't figure out. You can't have
your own Briana also!
Priscella: Get back to work sis
She walked out. I sat down. Oh My God she is
really nuts

< Judge Makhosazana >
What is going on now? I see my son walking
down looking all smart in formal, While I was
looking at that I saw Prince Nomgcwabe also
walking down wearing his famous black suit. I
stood up
Me: And now ?
I went to Prince Nomgcwabe and fixed his
Me: I am glad you're up and about my boy. I am
really sorry
Nomgcwabe: I am doing what he did to us all
these years
Princess Nomagampompo looked down
Nomgcwabe: He pretended like he didn't see or
know us. Now I am pretending like he never
Nomagampompo: He loved you
Nomgcwabe: Mom I know we are rich okay but
we are from rural areas okay ? We still people
and have humanity!
Me: Of course we are people. Good people !
Nomgcwabe: Love is not about throwing money
at me. Love is caring and ask how I feel! he
didn't do that. He just threw 10 % shares at me!
I looked down. Oh boy, How I wish I could tell
you how I got those shares from that animal.
Nomagampompo: I know baby he was scar....
Nomgcwabe: Sorry My Princess but that excuse
is pathetic just like he was !
" Pathetic ! pathetic ! pathetic!" We looked up. It
was Phonqa memorizing the word running up.
It looks like he doesn't wanna forget it. He
turned around and looked down .
Phonqa: I am sorry! I just wanna go check the
word in my ddictionary
He said that then ran up. We laughed at him
Me: Boy pathetic he was! but you can't stay
angry at him. He doesn't deserve that!
Nomagampompo: My Queen!
Me: No! I am tired of making him look like a
good guy. He was not!
Nomahelele: Amen sister
Nomagampompo: Nomahelele you have never
met him!
Nomahelele sat down
Nomahelele: You're right sister in law. I don't
know the man but one thing I know is that if.....
She looked at the chief
Nomahelele: Darling here would never wanna
be part of my kids He would be cancelled and
that is something you didn't do sister in law!
Princess Nomagampompo looked down.
Me: Anyway where are you two going?
Masixole: Aunty and uncle you wanted to sell
my great grandfather's land i told you I wanted
that land and you gave it to me
He looked at me
Masixole: To answer your Question my Queen i
am meeting the CEO of a construction company
that will help me build my Gym in that land
Me: Where are you meeting?
Masixole: Mthatha Mouth
Me: Okay good luck gentlemen
Chief Khabalandile stood up
Hlohlesakhe: So how many shares am I getting
from that Gym?
Masixole: Nice try uncle ;)
He walked out followed by his cousin. Chief
Khabalandile looked at me and Princess
Hlohlesakhe: It's a family land
Nomahelele: And he is family! He spent years in
Johannesburg why didn't you think of starting
business from that land darling?
Hlohlesakhe: Well
Nomahelele: Masixole went to Johannesburg
and worked for three years. He didn't ask
anyone for money he is doing it on is own that
tells you a lot about the leader he will be. He is
not even 30 yet. Darling you must think of
starting your own business and stop always
trying to benefit from what was built by others.
Don't follow your name okay ?
Hlohlesakhe: Well I was joking my l....
He was not joking. I am glad someone else who
is not me said that. Anyway The front door
opened. Notiniphu walked in. We looked at each
Notiniphu: My Queen
Nomahelele: Somebody go order us pizzas in
Mthatha I just cannot! not today
She stood up then walked up the stairs
Me: Where were you ?
Notiniphu: My Queen I went to have lunch and I
am sorry it took longer. It's just that i finished all
I had to do today and it's not yet time to prepare
dinner I didn't think you'd have a problem
Me: I am giving you an afternoon off. Don't give
us anything today. Just sit and relax okay ?
Notiniphu: Yes my Queen thank you
I smiled. She walked to her room
Nomagampompo: You're letting her lie like that
to us ?
Me: I don't have the energy sis. Can you call the
driver with your cell and ask him to come in
Nomagampompo: Okay
I attempted to go upstairs. I saw my cousin
walking down with my hand bag
Me: And now ?
Nomahelele: I am officially unemployed! so that
means I am not buying anything in this palace.
This is your handbag. give someone a card and
send them to Mthatha we got to eat right?
Me: I was actually going to fetch it thank you
I took my handbag bag. The driver walked in
Me: Oh you're here
Driver: Yes My Queen
Me: It's just after two. But make sure whatever
you do in Mthatha 6pm we are having dinner
Nomahelele: We want you to go buy pizza for us
Driver: I will be back before you know it my
I gave him the card
Me: Buy six you know how we want it right?
Driver: Yes My Queen if I forget I will call Siqalo
Me: Drive safely
He bowed then walked out. My phone rang. I
looked at my phone. My eyes popped out. I
looked at Nomahelele then smiled
Me: Guys I will be right back I have to take this
I walked away and hid by the stairs.
Me: May ?
May: How are you Your highness ?
Me: Are you driving ?
May: Yes had a meeting in Johannesburg I am
driving to Centurion
Me: Oh okay I am good how are you ?
May: I am great. Don't you need my help with
anything ?
Me: No! I don't need your help I am good thank
you very much
May: If you say so...... ( tu tu tu tu tu tu tu)
She hung up after she said that. I looked at my
Me: O-kay.....?
I looked into space
Me: That was weird..... ?
My phone rang again. I looked at it then
answered quicky
Me: Talk to me
PI: I got the information you need
Me: Come to the palace
PI: On My way
I hung up then turned around
How long has she been standing there?
Nomahelele is standing by the stairs looking at
me. .
Nomahelele: Why are you nervous. What was
that about ?
I walked passed her
Me: It was the PI. I am just worried
Nomahelele: About ?
I turned around then looked at her
Me: How you gonna use the information he got !
Nomahelele smiled
Her: So he has something for me ?
Me: Yes so what's the plan?
She tapped my shoulder than walked passed me
Nomahelele: Patience My dear cuz patience
She walked away shaking her behind
Me: At least you didn't hear that I was talking to
your cousin
I walked back to them

< Isaiah Norman >
One thing i did when i left Sonia's house was
drive to a good friend of mine. I took him to the
police station. We took my car, He drive it to my
house. I cannot go to my house. I have to speak
to Brendan's parents. Betty asked me to come. I
know they might be ready to go home since
things didn't go as they expected. The reason i
gave Sonia the things i gave her even though She
didn't take them all was she was married to that
man. I am really angry at him for doing that to
Sonia. The poor woman didn't know the
marriage was fake only Brendan did. How could
he leave her with nothing ? I wanted the money
as well but I thought It would be wrong of me to
take it. I am glad she gave it to me. I am going to
invest it into property. I love it where I live. Now
that I know i still got my job I feel like I have
everything and with my salary I still can afford
rent. I am not ready to buy a house yet.
Anyway I just got here. I knocked then waited. I
wonder what they want from me. I feel bad for
them but I am glad they find out what kinda
man Brendan was the hard way. At least they
got money even though it's not much. The door
opened. Mr O was The one who opened the
door. Me: Hello
Mr O: Come in son
I walked in.The bed is nicely made. They are
leaving. I thought they'd spend a night. I see
their lluggage next to Betty. Mr O closed the
Betty: We are glad you're here. We are going to
talk about the things our son left you
What ? I don't think it's any of their business
though... anyway I am listening. This doesn't
seem like it's gonna go well. She looked at Mr
O'Neal. I looked at him as well
Mr O: We made a decision son
He looked at his wife. I did too
Betty: We are taking the big car. SUV and R300
000 from that money. You're going to be left
with the flashy Lamborghini and R250 000 rands
how is that?
What the he'll? I had my eyes popped out
Mr O: We are being generous. I mean my son
was a man. You're a man you shouldn't be proud
to take anything from another man and leave
his parents with nothing. What do you say ?
I looked at him. He was smiling like he didn't
just insult and offended me. I looked at his wife
She is a snake. I wouldn't be surprised to hear
that this was all her idea. She can wipe her big
smile I am not interested.
Me: You have some nerve don't you ?
They both stood up shocked
Mr O: Excuse me ?
Betty: How can you speak like that to us ?
Me: How dare you make a decision with things
that do not belong to you ?
Betty: But it's only fair !
Mr O: I hated this thing you were doing with my
son but I respected him and I had to accept you...
Me: What does this have anything to do with my
Betty: The nerve! How can you rip everything
from us? We just lost our son. Have you no
shame ?
Me: The only people who should feel ashamed is
you two!
Their eyes popped out.
Me: Your son ruined that woman's life then left
her with nothing! What life lessons did you
teach Brendan? Did you teach him to be
conniving just like you ?
Betty: Oh My God
Mr O:
Betty had her hand on her mouth. Mr O'Neal
looked so angry
Me: The SUV you want has been my dream car
for a long time and it's mine!
Me: I need that money for myself. It's for the
humiliation your son put me through forcing me
to dress like a woman!
Me: As for the Lamborghini..... ?
I walked to the door. I opened it them looked at
them. They were just standing there looking at
me floored by the things i just said. They thought
I am some little push over naive boy didn't they
Me: I gave it to Sonia...
Me: She deserves it !
Mr O: You boy.........
Me: Goodbye
I looked at Betty
Betty: How could you ?
Me: See you no more!
I slammed the door hard then leaned on it
breathing heavily. I put my hand on my chest
breathing uncuncontrollable
Me: You did well Isaiah. You did well




< Tasha >
This is the day I have been waiting for but I feel
like I am not really ready for it. I am not ready
to see Elton not after what I did to him.
Remember I haven't seen this man since that
night. I don't know how it will be like when he
sees me in person. I am human of course I am
guilty and scared of how it will go. I have done it
all but I have never thought I would do
something like what I did to Elton. I am
ashamed of myself. If it was for me I wouldn't
meet this man but I can't help it. I like him. I
would love a second chance and there is a baby
on the way. I have no choice but to meet him. I
don't know how he is going to take the baby
news. I hope he will be supportive ready to be a
father. If he accepts my baby I am not going to
abort but if he doesn't. I won't have this baby. I
know having a child for that family guarantees
me a better life. A life that is way better that my
acting career. This meeting Can go wrong and it
can go way better and make me rich.
I was happy Elton agreed to see me alone at first
floor not at his house. I don't think i want to face
his family. I don't wanna see the mother of a
man I drugged and his sister. I said a lot of nasty
things to Priscella. I don't think she'd be pleased
to see me. The things i said about her, And her
brother were not cool at all. I hate myself for
saying such things. I don't know what got into
me. I guess the fact that my plan didn't go well
just proved that the things i did were not right at
all. I messed up a good relationship for a man
who didn't give a damn about me. I swear i will
hate Hungani for the rest of my life. He really
made me feel worthless.
Anyway I just got here. I need to relax. I know
this won't be easy. I breath in and out. I am
about to get to the tables. He said he was waiting
for me here already. I am really scared.
Me: Tasha you can do this
I flipped my hair then catwalked in. I saw him
sitting alone. My heart beat fast. I walked to
him.. He is Still the handsome man I left. I really
don't know what got into me. Elton treated me
like a Queen.
Elton: Oh Hi
Oh God I don't deserve him. He can even smile
at me after everything?
Me: Hi
He stood up. He pulled a chair for me. I sat down
Me: Thank you
Ej: You're welcome
He went and sat down
Me: Elton I am.....
He gave me a hand. I stopped talking.
Elton: I don't want to be upset. If we talk about it
I will end up upset and I don't want attention.
Why don't you tell me how you been ?
I smiled. I looked down then at him
Me: Where do I believe.... The last time we saw
each other till now a lot has happened. I lost my
car. My parents sold it to pay the lawsuit. I don't
have a car but my friend drives me around
Elton: You spend a lot of time with her
Me: My parents kicked me out after what they
saw about me and Brendan so I live with her
Elton: Oh I see I am sorry hey
Me: Thanks. What's been happening on your
Elton: Started taking drugs. I was at Rehab for
some time but I am fine now. I think I am good
Me: I am sorry EJ
He smiled at me. He didn't say anything. I don't
know why he is giving me weird vibes. He is not
himself. I don't know but I feel like he is
changed. He is more calm and more care free.
The Elton I know is proud. He'd probably be
disgusted with me but this Elton. He is
surprising me and i feel a bit disconnect. I guess
i was used to that arrogant and confident EJ
Elton: It's okay. Anyway on the 27th of this
month I am going to Mozambique with some
friends. I would really love if you'd come
Me: Really? wow!
Elton: Yeah. All you need is your passport. We
are going there on a cruiseshop experience. it's
gonna be fun, everything is paid
Me: Okay i would love to go there with you
Elton: Great ! Please say hi to Laila and she
should come also and bring a girlfriend. That's if
they both have passports
Me: She doesn't have a girlfriend at the moment
but I can talk to her maybe she is talking to
Elton stood up
Elton: Great ! We will be in touch then
He kissed my cheek then attempted to leave. Is
that it? I was expecting more.
Me: EJ!
He looked at me
Him: Yes ?
Me: Can you sit? there is something i wanna tell
He pulled a chair
Him: Okay what's up?
I don't know.... I was excited to meet Elton. But I
don't know anymore. He is just faking all this
kindness. He doesn't wanna talk about what
happened. How are we gonna move on if we
don't talk about it ? I cannot blame him though. I
am the one who requested to meet in public. I
can't expect him to yell and shout in public.
Maybe meeting here was a bad idea. I should've
agreed to go and face his entire family. Maybe
there he was gonna show me how he feels
because this person in front of me is hard to
read. I can't even feel the chemistry we used to
have. He didn't even hug me when I got here
now he gives me a perk on the cheek and want
to leave in like 10 minutes he got here? I need to
tell him about the pregnancy. I took my
handbag. I took out what doctor gave him.
Elton: What is this ?
Me: I know I did a lot of things in the past few
weeks but I know this is your baby
He looked at me.
Me: Elton I am pregnant with your child
He looked at me shocked. .
Elton: What !?
Me: We are going to be parents. That's why I
kept calling you. I wanted to tell you that
Elton: Tasha you can't be sure this is my baby.I
slept with you in the morning hours later you
slept with Hungani
Me: But wouldn't you wanna be sure? Do you
want me to go to him and tell him he is the
father when i am not even sure ?
Elton: And you're sure it's mine ?
I looked down then at him.
Me: At least I know you care. You're the only
person who is important to me. EJ I got a job and
I am starting working soon. I want to abort this
baby but it would break my heart to kill it and
find out later that it was yours
I broke down. His eyes popped out. He looked
Me: I finally got my dream job. What matters to
me right now is to better my life. I don't want to
have a baby but because it's your baby I am
prepared to make that sacrifice and be a mother
because i love you
Elton: Let's go to the penthouse Tasha we can't
talk here
Me: Why can't you book us a room at Lux....
Elton: I am not allowed to leave this building.
My family fear that I might use again. Let's go to
my house
Tasha: After what I did to you I am really scared
to see your family
Elton: You managed to face the person you hurt
come on let's go
He stood up and took my hand. I stood up. I
breath in and out.
Elton: Come on let's go
Oh My God I feel like what I went through at
Sonia's house is waiting for me up there. I am so
scared. Ms Refilwe is kind. Priscella is going to
eat me alive. What was I thinking? I feel like I
should've killed this baby once and kept my
mouth shut. God be with me. I am about to be
called names. I know I deserve it but God it's not
nice to be reminded of your past.

< Judge Makhosazana >
We have been going on and on about
Nontorotyi. We forgot about some matters. This
family needs to go cry with Zidenge family.
We've been friends for years. As another Royal
family we should go support that royal house
and show them our support. I am really scared
though. I am wondering if it's a good thing to go
there when i was the first suspect but again if I
don't go they will suspect me even more. The
case was closed whoever is going to bother me
about being suspected for Nomfunzelo's murder
will know who I am and what I am made of.
Something happened earlier. May called me. I
feel like that call was unnecessary. I don't know
why she called me but what she said before she
hung up worried me a bit. She asked if I needed
any help. Why would she ask me that? I am still
trying to figure it out. I Am also still waiting for
the PI. I don't know why he is taking so long. I
want to know my cousin sister's plan. I feel like
she is up to something. I know her, she is my
cousin. I wish she could put all her time in
trying for a baby or fix things with her cousin.
Earlier I had to lie to her because i know how
she feels about our cousin. I don't know why she
is like that. She doesn't forgive at all. When you
find out why she behaves like this you will
understand but her anger is directed at the
wrong person anyway that's a story for another
day. I feel like since this Nontorotyi matter is put
to rest I have to go and speak to that boy "
Pathetic " When that Ngejiwe drama with Elton
occurred I stopped him from saying something
and I want him to tell me what it is that he
wanted to tell us that day oh it was yesterday. It
feels like it was weeks ago. I guess that's what
happens when a lot happens at once. You even
forget when some things happened. Anyway
first I have to talk to the family about this visit to
the Zidenge family. I saw Nomahelele standing
with Chief Khabalandile all lovey dovey. I have
to disturb their little honeymoon before
Me: I think you will do this tonight come on
follow me !
Hlohlesakhe: Sisi I have to go back to the office
Me: I won't take a lot of your time
Nomagampompo: What is it ?
I sat down
Me: We need to go see the Zidenge family and
offer our deepest condolences
Hlohlesakhe: You're right Sisi. How about
tomorrow early in the morning?
Me: They were our family friends. We are
expected to go there as soon as possible. I agree
with you. Tomorrow is perfect because
Wednesday is busy
They looked at me.
Me: Priscella is coming back. She and the king
called a royal counsel. We have IMBIZO...
Hlohlesakhe: Yes and the servants went to all
the households around Sdabadabeni village
Me: Great
Nomahelele: The boys are coming with us
tomorrow right?
Me: Yes and I just pray they agree to go
Hlohlesakhe: Yeah......
He stood up
Hlohlesakhe: If that's all let me go
He went and kissed Nomahelele.
Me: Later Bhuti
I stood up
Me: I will be right back
I walked up the stairs. Prince Phonqa and I have
a lot to talk about. In no time. I got in his room. I
knocked then waited for him to open the door.
After few seconds the door opened
Me: Prince can i come in ?
Phonqa: But I made a mess my Queen
Me: Why did you do that ? The helpers clean
everyday here
I walked in.
He was eating chips, Biscuits and sweets. There
are tissue papers around
Me: Clean after yourself. They can't do
everything for you guys!
Phonqa: It's not happening again my Queen
I turned around and looked at him
Me: You would never lie to me right?
He shook his head no.
Me: What are you hiding from me ?
Phonqa: other than walking in on Princess
Ngejiwe beating Notiniphu for Velezantsi when i
came back from the helicopter, There is nothing
else. And don't worry my Queen I stopped the
Me: Ngejiwe Beat Notiniphu?
Prince Phonqa started kicking thin air showing
Phonqa: Who do you think you are ! How can
you tell my boyfriend I slept with EJ! Do you
want my man
He looked at me
Phonqa: That's what happened my Queen
I cannot believe this. Ngejiwe is completely out
of her mind. She is changed. That is why Poor
Notiniphu left this house for some time. She was
afraid that hooligan was gonna come and beat
her again since we were gone. I am starting to
believe what Nomahelene said. She is behaving
like this because she wants to know her
background. We can't tell her. I looked at Prince
Me: She was on the floor while she was kicking
Phonqa: Yes My Queen. I took the blame. I said I
told Velezantsi She stopped
Me: That little girl needs Sjambok on her bum
Me: When you found her and EJ you said
someone else had sex. Remember I stopped you
from telling us?
Phonqa: I did?
Is he trying to act smart now?
He walked away
Phonqa: I forget a lot these days my Queen.
Maybe I didn't know what i was talking about
Me: You sure?
He turned around and gave me thumbs up with
both his thumbs
Phonqa: Sure sure my Queen
I smiled at him then walked to the door..
Me: Maybe Sjambok will make you remember
what you saw
Phonqa: Okay !!!
I smiled then turned around.
Me: Boy tell me what I want to hear!
He looked scared. I took out my phone
Me: Queen Nomahelele must come up with my
Phonqa: When you ask.... Saturday when we
came back from the river you asked me to go
call Notiniphu from the shop
Me: Yes ?
Phonqa: I found her with Ma Deliwe. She was
telling her that she had sex with King
Me: What !?
Phonqa: She was crying
Me: Phonqa you can't tell anyone this! I mean
Phonqa: Okay my Queen
Me: Not anyone !
Phonqa: Okay My Queen
I furiously went out of his room. How could
Notiniphu and Masixole do this to Priscella!
What is wrong with Masixole ? I closed Prince
Phonqa's door. I leaned on it then put my hand
on my mouth when i remembered that he was
Me: What if he didn't know it was her?
How can these kids do this? What would happen
if Priscella could find out about this ? There
would be no wedding. There would be no
business. I just pray my son didn't cheat on
Priscella. I really hope he didn't know what he
was doing. As for Notiniphu....
Me: She knew Exactly what she was doing
I furiously walked down.
< Princess Ngejiwe >
I don't know what i did to deserve such a
mother. My mother makes sure she uses me
every chance she gets look now, I am going to
jail because of her. How could mom steal so
much money from the family. How can she keep
doing this to the family? How many times they
forgave her? My mother knows how the
ancestors work. I am actually surprised that
they didn't reveal this sooner. My family hates
me. They want to get me arrested. I worked so
hard to become a lawyer. I cannot go to jail. I
need to finish and graduate. How do I do that if I
have a criminal record? I hope my mother will
think of me and protect me from getting in
trouble. She must take all the blame.
Anyway I ran out of the royal house. I ran home.
I stole my mother's car keys. I drove her car. I
need to go to the project and speak to my aunt.
Sabonkolo is the only person who cares right
now. I am no one's favorite person at the royal
house right now and I do not blame them. I feel
like I always make myself look like an idiot to
them. I keep saying I was helping mom when
Every time I help her I end up in the cross fire. I
hate my mother. I never thought I would say this
but I hate her. She is conniving. She is
manipulative. I don't blame my father for
forgetting her so soon. Mom is trouble. It must
be unattractive for my father. My mother is an
annoying woman who makes sure she gets
under everyone's skin in the royal house. More
especially the Queen. She hates her I don't know
why. I feel like she sent that email hoping that it
would incriminate the Queen. Nontorotyi is my
mother. it's so hard for me to listen to them
bashing my mother but she deserves it. For
example when the Queen said my mother is not
that smart to write a formal email that broke my
heart even though it was the truth and that she
put me in trouble. I really hate mom. I hate her.
If i get arrested I will never forgive her.
Anyway I saw Cikizwa. I walked out of the car
Cikizwa: Wow yes girl! walking out of the
drivers seat! that car suits yo....
Me: Where is my aunt ?
Cikizwa: Are you oka....
Me: Oh please! I am sure you know what mom
She looked down. Of course she does
Me: Now where is my aunt ?
Cikizwa: that door
She said pointing at a office with a door opened.
I ran there. I got in. Thank God She is alone.
Me: Auntie Mom stole Money from clients at the
project. She was arrested just now
Sabonkolo stood up
Me: Auntie! Mom is in prison for stealing money
from this company clients
Sabonkolo: What ? My sister would never do
Me: She did!!
I can't believe she is defending her. This does
look like mom.
Sabokolo: How do you know that she did ? What
if Nomahelele is behind this because she wanna
be the only one married to your father!
Me: Nomahelele is gonna marry my dad?
She looked down
Sabonkolo: I am sorry. You didn't hear that from
Me: So mom told you ?
Sabonkolo: She was upset as expected!
I looked away
Me: Mom lied to me once again! She thinks I am
a fool!
Sabonkolo: it looks like it's not the first time she
Me: Whenever I am in trouble with my family
She is the reason! First she asked me to
investigate the king, Next she asked me to sleep
with that billionaire's son so I could get
Aunt put her hands on her mouth shocked
Me: Siqalo didn't tell you?
Sabonkolo: Well he did but it looks like the list is
endless and I am not sure I wanna hear the next
Me: Well you do! Last year I was back from
varsity for June holidays. Your sister came home
from work looking desperate
I shook my head. thinking about it makes me
mad. mom is a good actress. She really looked
scared of the Queen
Me: She said she was supposed to send two
emails to two clients from the Queen's email
telling them that they raised the prices of
veggies. She said she forgot to do it and she was
supposed to do it a week ago. She asked me to go
sneak in the Queen's office and write that email.
I did that and guess what? about 18 months later
I am told my mother was getting that extra
money for herself. It was all a lie
Sabonkolo: oh My God!
Me: She built that house with that money!
Sabonkolo: To me she said my brother in law is
helping her
Me: that was all a lie and i am caught in the
middle of it
Sabonkolo: You explained this right?
Me: Yes
Sabonkolo: Yes!
Sabonkolo: And?
Ngejiwe: Aunt they said I am going to be
arrested as well
Sabonkolo: No! i don't think they'd do that to you
Me: How do you know that aunt? They said it to
my face. I ran out of there I am sure the police
are looking for me
She hugged me. I cried in her arms. She broke
the hug
Her: Listen here. I am going to call my brother in
law and ask him What's gonna happen to you
Me: Please don't! He will know I am here
Sabonkolo: Ngejiwe you came to his work place.
The chief said he'd be back
I took the car keys. She grabbed my wrist
Her: Your father is not going to do that to you!
let me call him !
I sat down wiping my tears. She called my dad
and put him on speaker
Dad: Sabonkolo
Sabonkolo: Sir I heard about what my sister did.
I am so sorry
Dad: Did you know about this ?
Sabonkolo: No! sir you know I would never let
her do that!
Dad: So what do you want from me? don't even
think of sweet talking me. I am not helping that
woman !
Sabonkolo: I am just worried about my niece.
She called sounding scared. She said you are
getting her arrested
Dad: She doesn't know us. We would never do
that. We were just trying to scare her and make
her realise that listening to her mother is not a
good idea. Tell that girl I should find her home
when i come back from work
Sabonkolo: You're coming here ?
Dad: I am not done working. Yes i am driving
Sabonkolo: Okay sir
She hung up..
Sabonkolo: Your family would never do that to
you. They know my sister
I smiled. I am just relieved that i am not going to
prison. Someone cleared their throat at the door.
We turned around. It's Siqalo. I wiped my tears
Siqalo: I guess you already heard ?
Me: When i was at the royal house you were not
Siqalo looked down
Siqalo: I had to go show the police where do find
your mother
Sabonkolo: Siqalo how can you do that to my
Me: Aunt are you kidding me! Do you know how
much money she stole? Don't you think she
deserves to go to jail for stealing R1,440,000
million from the family!
Sabonkolo: It's that much?
Siqalo: Sabonkolo your sister needs to pay for
what she did !
Sabonkolo: She is still my sister. I have to find
her a lawyer
Siqalo: How are you gonna pay the lawyer? or
do you have some of the millions she stole?
Sabonkolo: You know I had nothing to do with
this! But she is still my sister !
Siqalo: Before you hire any lawyer you need to
go see her. Maybe she has money to pay the
My aunt looked at me
Sabonkolo: Ngeji you have the car. Let's go
Siqalo: You are going to waste petrol if you think
immediately when she arrives she will be
allowed visitors!
Auntie looked at me
Sabonkolo: Oh my poor sister is gonna spend a
night there
Me: You say a night? She will spend years in
there ! She committed fraud and she used her
own daughter! what kinda mother does that?
Sabonkolo: Will you take me there ?
Me: Auntie I need to make one thing clear to
you. The reason i am going there is to confront
her ! and on our way we have to stop by uncle's
house and tell him that big house his sister built
was built with money she stole from my family !
Aunt looked at Siqalo
Me: What ? it's the truth! now my family hates
Sabonkolo: Sorry baby

< Notiniphu >
I am not stupid. Something is going on here.
That comment made by the Queen's cousin
meant something but I don't think it is what I
think it is then at the same time i think it is. How
did they find out I had sex? Did they find out
that I had sex or they are angry that I took so
long that is why they gave me afternoon off ? I
was never, Ever given a day off in this family
ever since i worked for them. I suspect that they
know I had sex but there is no way they did.
Then there is Prince Phonqa. What if he
followed me when I went to my boyfriend and
came back and told everyone what he heard? it
wouldn't be the first time he does that. When the
Queen told me she is giving me afternoon off I
thought of what I did. It was wrong of me to take
my lunch break and go have sex while I am on
Right now I am embarrassed. I can't get out of
my room. I can't go anywhere near the kitchen.
If they know I don't think they'd appreciate
seeing me there. Anyway I heard my phone ring.
I looked at it then smiled. I am sorry ma Deliwe.
I already took my lunch time Anyway I
Me: Ma Deliwe
Deliwe: I spoke to Ngejiwe. I gave her a piece of
my mind When i got to work. She promised to
come to you and apologise. I hope it went well
because she was the.....
Me: Ngejiwe was here ?
Deliwe: Where were you ?
Oh my God what if she went to Velezantsi's
house when she didn't find me here ?
Deliwe: No! This girl said she found you at that
boy's home yesterday which was strange
because as far as I know you don't know that
boy! then again when i told you Ngejiwe was
seeing that boy you quicky hung up on me. Are
you sleeping with that boy she is not seeing
things ?
Me: Ma De.....
Deliwe: I watched her when she went to
apologise. She didn't take long at the royal
house. She went to Velezantsi then went back to
the royal house and came back upset. She took a
car then left. Tell me you were not there again
Me: Oh My God!
Deliwe: " Oh My God " What ? Where were you?
What are you doing with Matyhakrala's son?
I quickly hung up
Me: Oh My God! So she told the Queen and that
is why they don't want my food ?
I was breathing heavily crying. What if I am
going to lose my job ? My phone rang again. I
looked at it. It's Ma Deliwe. I ignored it. She kept
calling. I decided to answer.
Me: Okay Ma Deliwe you win! He loves me. We
love each other
Deliwe: Jesus Christ! You and taking men from
royal princesses. What awakened that horny
vein in your body ? Did King Zwelicacile's
machine Gun made you want for more
Me: Ma Deliwe!!
Deliwe: Silly girl did you even take that morning
after pill?
Oh My God she is making me feel more bad right
now. I started crying hard with my hand
covering my mouth I don't want the royal house
to hear me.
Deliwe: Answer me !
Me: Yes! yes I took it
Deliwe: Good...... ( Tu tu tu tu tu )
She hung up on me. I heard the door open. I
turned around fast
Queen: How can you take advantage of my blind
son ?
Oh My God! Tell me this is a dream. Tell me I
will be woken up by someone from this. How
did My Queen find out about this ?
Me: My Quee...
Queen: Notiniphu what did you do to my baby
boy !?

< Priscella >
I was supposed to knock off at 16:00 Now I got a
call from mom asking me to come home. The
time now is after three. I guess i will go home for
good and get ready to go see the fashion
designer. I asked to meet with him later tonight.
We are meeting at his boutique. I need to first go
tell Sonia about it so that she could prepare
herself. She will be my maid of honour even
though I haven't asked her I am sure she knows
that is why I want her to go with me.
Earlier When i came back from fetching my file,
I saw Claire downstairs. That is why I rushed to
Sonia's office. I was surprised to see Hunter
there. It looks like Briana is not the only
psychopath we should be worried about. That
Claire girl is crazy I am scared of her. Who does
that ? She will never be happy. You can't be
happy in a relationship where you don't trust
your man but when it comes to her man I feel
her pain. Hunter slept with Sonia. That girl
knows it and she must be hurting and I feel
really bad for her. I can see she loves Hunter but
she must control how she expresses her love.
She might seem obsessive and that is dangerous
and unattractive to men. It will ruin their
Algebra: Oh you're calling it a day ?
Me: Yes. Please go to my office and sort those
files when you're done you can leave. I will get
my office keys tomorrow. You better not be late
Algebra: I always arrive at 8:30
Me: Good. Is Sonia in her office?
Algebra: Yes ma'am
Me: Thanks
I walked to her office. I opened. I saw her busy
Me: Girl I am going home. I just wanted to tell
you that I am meeting the designer at 7 tonight
in his Boutique at the mall. I want you there
with me
Sonia: Okay babe bye !
Me: Bye
I am glad she didn't waste my time. I need to get
to the house and hear what is it that couldn't
wait for me to knock off. I pressed the elevator.
It opened.
Me: Bye Algebra
Him: Bye
Up I went to my house. I wonder what is going
on. She said I should come as fast as I can. I don't
like when someone says that to me. I hope EJ
didn't mess up again. I don't like The idea of him
leaving the house. It's hard for me to trust my
brother. I know him.
Anyway the elevator opened. I walked into the
dinning area. I looked far right at the living
room. You got to be kidding me. I let go of my
handbag. It fell on the floor. I hope my phone is
not broken. I went to the living room fuming
with anger
Me: What the hell is this girl doing in my house ?
Tasha stood up. Elton stood infront of her. I was
walking straight to her .
Elton: It's my house too you know!
Me: Shut up EJ! You don't know half of the
things this girl said when I went to confront her
at Hungani's house
Refilwe: Priscilla calm down
Me: I am not going to calm down!
I tried to reach for her but Elton kept hiding her
Me: Get out of my house!
Mom grabbed my arm
Refilwe: Priscella you need to calm down !
You're pregnant !
Me: Mom this woman said Elton is just a boy!
She wanted to be with a man! She said that after
she drugged him! How can you ask me to accept
and welcome her here! her presence makes me
I could see Eton getting angry when i said what
Tasha said but he kept protecting her from
getting beat, Yes i want to beat her ass. She must
leave my home
Tasha: I am sorry Priscella I d .....
Me: Just shut up!
Crocodile tears. What A good actress. She is
crying acting like a victim. you could've seen
how confident she was talking to me wearing
Hungani's shirt that day now she loves my
Me: You're a Slut! how many men you slept with
after you drugged my brother! ?
Tasha: I am sorry
Elton: Sis please stop! I just want you guys to
hear her out!
I was breathing heavily from trying to reach for
her and from the shouting. I sat down
Me: I don't want to hear her out! Please leave
this house now!
Refilwe: Priscella please !
I breath in and out. I looked at Tasha
Elton: Tasha sit
She sat down looking at me.
Me: You remember that morning my brother
took you out and bought you clothes!
Refilwe: Priscella!
I gave Ms Refilwe a hand
Me: I have to say this Mom!
Me: Before you and EJ went to town Hungani
came here. You remember that ?
Tasha: Yes
Me: You kept asking me Question after he left.
You asked me if I was still in love with him. Did
you ask me that because you wanted to sleep
with him ?
Tasha: I am sorry
Me: Just stop with crocodile tears and answer
the question! You came here to talk! let's talk!
come on! when did you plan to drug my brother
so you could sleep with my ex ?
She looked at mom.
Tasha: I am so sorry Mrs Seputla. I didn't expect
you to welcome me to your home. You're so kind
and I am so sorry for what I did to your son. It
was stupid
Refilwe: You Damn right about that !
Me: Now we gonna call loose women stupid?
That was not stupid! that was a smart plan to
sleep with another man !
Tasha: I don't love Hungani. I just had a
childhood crush on him. That's all it was. A
Me: That didn't look like it when i was at his
house. You were all over him saying all bullshit
about my brother. Accusing me of being jealous
of you and Hungani like what the hell?
I said taking off my heel ready to throw it at her
Elton: Priscella stop she's pregnant!!
I sat back down shocked..
Mom: What?
No This girl cannot be pregnant with my
brother's child and my stupid brother can't tell
me he buys this! this is not his child!
Me: And She is saying It's your child ?
Elton looked down
Me: Oh My God then she was right about you !
You're a stupid naive little boy! really EJ?
Elton: Prissy stop insulting me!
I shook my head I attempting to stand up and
leave mom pulled me down. She looked at Tasha
Refilwe: Girl this child is my son's child ?
She took out some papers
Tasha: Yes three weeks pregnant. I was with Ej
at the time
Me: Oh My God you're a gold digger for real!
Tasha: I don't want Elton's money I am just
doing the right thing. I am sure he wanna be
part of his child
Me: Right thing for you not my brother right?
Elton: Priscella
Ms Refilwe made a phone call.
Refilwe: Queen Please text me your healer's
number it's urgent. Yes I will explain later
I smiled. Oh i love my mother. I just love her
mind. How can i not think of Gedleza? Mom
hung up
Elton: Really mom ? When did we start believing
is such?
Refilwe: Since this past weekend when we all
saw the river doing what it did !
Mom got a message notification.
Refilwe: Great !
She said calling. It looks like she got the number.
The phone rang it was on speaker.
Gedleza: Hello
Refilwe: Gedleza it's Refilwe Seputla
Gedleza: Princess Refilwe how can I help you ?
Elton shook his head in disbelief.
Refilwe: I am with people who are very sceptical
of your work. I am not going to tell you what is
going on. I just want your opinion on the matter
We were looking at my mother's phone. I am
glad mom is handling this like this so that Tasha
and Elton can start being believers and
hopefully he will end this ridiculous relationship
Gedleza: Give me a few seconds My princess
Ms Refilwe looked at us and smiled. We waited
Gedleza: Are you still there ?
Refilwe: We are still here
Gedleza: Your son is not going to be a father...
Tears streamed down Tasha's cheeks. She had
her hand on her mouth
Gedleza: He is not the father of that baby!
Refilwe: ThaNk you
Tasha stood up
Tasha: Oh My God
She ran from the living room to the dinning area
then to the elevator. I waved at her
Me: Bye bitch
She got in the elevator
The elevator closed. Elton stood up
Elton: Was that necessary guys!?
Refilwe: Are you mad boy? At your age you
think you can raise another man's child ?
He furiously walked away




< Narrated >
I wonder how will this going back and forth
end? It looks like Hunter goes from this woman
and hear their side of the story then go to
another one to confirm. The poor man is going
to grow grey hair. The last time he was with
Claire she said she wanted nothing to do with
him and walked out on him. He is surprised to
hear that she was following him to the Seputla
Towers. We see Hunter walking out of his car.
He went to the door of this small nice
apartment. He knocked at the door then stood
there waiting. He played with his hair nervous.
The door opened. When Claire saw it was
Hunter she attempted to close the door, Hunter
blocked the door.
Claire: I said I wanted nothing to do with you !
Hunter: And i don't remember saying okay
Claire left the door. She walked back in
Claire: I am done with You! Hunter you cheated!
I don't know why you're following me !
She was speaking and walking fast crying
Hunter: No, You're the one who is following me
Claire stopped walking. She looked surprised by
Claire: What are you talking about?
Hunter walked to her. He touched her. Claire
slapped his hand.
Hunter: I know you followed me to the Seputla
Claire: One fight we had you ran back to her !
Hunter shook his head. He sat on the couch
Hunter: I really don't know what the hell is
wrong with you Claire
Claire looked at him
Claire: Excuse me ? You go back to your ex wife
and sleep with her now you say you don't know
what is wrong with me ? What's up with you
Hunter: Claire I told you I was gonna go
confront Sonia for what she did to you and you
didn't have a problem with that ! I went and she
had company. I told you I was gonna go back.
What I do not understand is why you're acting
like I hide this from you. You knew I was going
there !
Claire: I didn't know you slept with her! I didn't
know you were gonna sleep with her !
Hunter: I regret it. I did it once. She got upset
when she found out I was in a relationship.
Sonia didn't know i was in a relationship with
you. She wouldn't have let me do that if she
knew so please if you want to be mad at anyone
be mad at me! I am the one who never told her
about you
Claire: It's so cute how you defend her !
Hunter: I am not defending her! I am just trying
to tell you that it's not right to lie about Sonia
just because you don't like her!
Claire: What did I lie about?
Hunter: I saw the clips. You are the one who
started the fight and threw water first !
She looked down. Hunter stood up
Hunter: You're not going to deny it ?
Claire: I went there to confront her for telling
you about my personal life. I didn't go there to
smile at that fake bitch!
Hunter: So you initiated the altercation ?
Claire: Yes! and she is not innocent! She attacked
me! She was more pychical!
Hunter sat down.
Hunter: I didn't see clips. I wanted to find out
what really happened
Claire: So you tricked me!
Hunter: My love you did the same. I learnt this
trick from you
Claire walked to the door. She opened it wide
Claire: Get out of my house !
Hunter: Not until we talk about you stalking me!
it has to stop I feel like I am dating a woman I
don't know. I don't know ! You're dangerous.
How can I trust you with my kids. What if you
take your unccessary anger and hate out on my
kids ?
Claire couldn't believe this. She put her hands on
her mouth.
Claire: Oh My God
Claire ran to her cell phone.
Hunter: What are you doing?
Claire: Calling security!
Hunter: What the..... ?
Hunter attempted to snatch the telephone. Claire
hit his forehead with it
Claire threw the telephone on the floor
Claire: I am sorry baby
Hunter put his hand where she hit him. He
looked at his hand. He was shocked to see blood.
When he saw blood. He walked to the door
Claire: Please don't g....
Hunter slammed the door behind him closing it
in Claire's face. Claire went down with the door.
She broke down. Her phone was on the floor.
She took it then made a phone call.
Claire: Please come to my house I need you
She hung up. Outside we see Hunter get in his
car. He took a tissue and tried to clean his
wound. He took his phone and texted
Hunter: sent
He started the engine and drove out.

It's after the meeting. We see King Zwelicacile
and Prince Nomgcwabe in the car driving home
talking. Prince Nomgcwabe was the one driving.
It looks like things went well judging by the look
on King Zwelicacile's face. He looked excited.
Nomgcwabe: I can't believe they will start next
Masixole: The sooner the better
Nomgcwabe: I was gonna be fit if I lived here
Masixole looked at him
Masixole: There is no gym at Alice ?
Nomgcwabe smiled then focused on the wheel
Nomgcwabe: They are not owned by my cousin.
I can't go in and out as I please
Masixole: Yeah.....
Masixole's phone rang. He looked at it
Masixole: Let me answer this
Nomgcwabe: Sure
Masixole: Ms Refilwe
Refilwe: Son in law when are you coming back?
Masixole: Wednesday with Priscella ma'am
Refilwe: We need to advertise your old position
Masixole: I think we should also inform the
workers. There are people who are qualified for
that position. I don't want us to employ a
stronger. But we can advertise it as long we will
let the guys at the company apply as well
Refilwe: Get here first we will talk about this
Masixole: Okay ma'am
Refilwe: GoodBye now
Masixole: Bye ma'am
The King hung up the phone and then dialled a
number. He was calling his friend in
Aaron: Your highness
Masixole: Don't start with that bro
Aaron: ha ha ha What's up?
Masixole: Look man, I want you to apply for my
position. You're very good at your job
Aaron: As the COO ?
Masixole: You sound surprised. You are good
man and I want you to work closely with my
wife. I don't want a strange man joining the
company and spend more time with my woman
Prince Nomgcwabe looked at the king and
smiled. He focused on the road..
Aaron: Wow i never thought of this. Now that
you suggested it I think I want that position and
you bastard got paid a lot. I want that kinda
money as well
Masixole: Dude what are you gonna do with
money you're not even married
Aaron: Dude my son's school fees is expensive
and his crazy mother demands money every
Masixole: See? You need this position bro
Aaron: Thanks bro I appreciate your confidence
in me
Masixole: Remember you can't tell anyone this.
We will annouce it when I am back on thursday
or after Christmas
Aaron: Sure bro
Masixole: Sharp man later !
Aaron: Later
Masixole hung up
Masixole: Laugh at me Now, You will see how it
feels like when you found the one
Nomgcwabe laughed then started thinking. He
shook his head trying not to think about it
At Seputla towers in the house we see Elton
running down the stairs wearing a jacket. Ms
Refilwe stood up. So did Priscella. Elton ran to
the elevator.
Priscella: You don't ask permission now you just
Refilwe: Where are you going?
Eoton: If i answer you guys I will end up leaving
the building....
He got in
Elton: I want to find her downstairs and
apologise for your behaviour
Priscella: Our behaviour?
The elevator closed. Priscella shook her head.
Priscella: I need to go take off these heels !
Downstairs. We see Tasha walk out of the
elevator. She started talking to someone who
seemed to know her. The elevator opened. She
turned around. She saw Elton, She attempted to
leave .
Elton: Tasha please come sit with me on that
Tasha: Why EJ? What's The use ?
Elton went to her.
Elton: Are you really gonna do this in public?
Tasha looked around. She wiped her tears. Elton
pulled out a chair for her. She sat down. Elton
went to his chair
Elton: How are you feeling ?
Tasha looked at him
Tasha: Why are you so nice to me after
everything I have done to you?
Elton: I said this before. I don't want to talk
about what you did !
Elton took her hands
Elton: Talk to me. How do you feel ?
Elton: Ashamed, I feel like how I felt when i was
leaving Brendan's will reading
Elton: You went to his will reading ?
Tasha looked down
Tasha: I wish I didn't go. Sonia lied to me. She
said the lawyer asked for me. She wanted me to
go there so she could Humiliate me and she did
Elton:What did she do ?
Tasha: She denied calling me. I looked like a
fool. I was called a gold digger
Elton started laughing. Tasha stood up
Tasha: Wow you're laughing?
Elton: I am sorry. It's just that I didn't think
Sonia had it in her. I am impressed
Tasha: Elton what do you want to talk about?
Elton: Oh so who is the father ?
Tasha: This baby has no father. I am going to
abort it. The only reason i haven't done it was
because i thought it was yours
Elton: I am sorry but the baby doesn't change
any thing. We can still work on our relationship
Tasha looked at Elton. She couldn't believe what
He said.
Elton: Look I love you and i want us to work
Tasha smiled. She took his hands
Tasha: EJ I am so sorry for everything. I want us
to be the way we were but first I have to get rid
of this problem
Elton: So you're coming to the trip?
Tasha: I am coming to the trip
Elton: Thank you
He stood up then kissed her cheek. Tasha stood
up smiling
Elton: Are you gonna be alright?
Tasha: If you unblock me
Elton: It's dark do you want me to ask the driver
to take you home ?
Tasha: Would love that
He raised his hand. A guy in suit came to them
Elton: Please take her home
Guy: Okay Mr Elton
Elton kissed Tasha then said his goodbyes

< Sonia De Villiers >
Finally I just finished working. I have never
been left behind by Priscella. I love my job and I
take it very seriously that is why even when i
have a busy day out of the office I make sure
when I get to the office I work a lot. I am just
glad I finished all I had to do today. Right now I
just need to get home. Relax then later get ready
to go to the mall with Priscella. I don't think i
can go fetch my kids. I will go fetch them
tomorrow around midday when i am taking two
hours off work to go shoot my reality show with
them. I did speak with the producer and He
loved the idea. I feel like we will work very well
together. I like the fact that he respects my
decisions and my ideas.
Anyway while I was busy putting my laptop in
it's bag I heard a soft knock at the door. I looked
up then smiled. It's Isaiah
Me: Come in
He smiled then Opened the door.
Me: You know even when i hated you I always
wanted to be your friend. I remember being so
desperate for your number from Brendan. He
refused to give it to me. I told him now that I will
be on that reality show I need friends like you
Isaiah: Look what happened few weeks later
Me: I am happy we got over our issues
Isaiah: Me too. It's true what they say. Get to
know the person before hating or judging them
Me: True
Isaiah: I am here to update you
Me: Update me ?
I am lost. I really don't know what he is talking
Isaiah: Betty said I should....
Me: Go to them yes !
Isaiah: Well I got there. Your mother in law and
father in law told me that the right thing to do is
for them to take the SUV, R250.000 from my
money and leave me with R200 000 and the
Me: The nerve! so they were not asking they
were telling you ?
Isaiah: Yep
Me: What did you say ?
Isaiah: I said that will never happen. They are
getting nothing from me !
Me: Good! wow i can't believe them. This has
Betty written all over it!
Isaiah: I know right! That's what I said but I
didn't say it in their faces of course
Me: Wow
Isaiah: I left them there after I told you that
Me: I can.....
My phone rang. I looked at it
Me: Excuse me it's Priscella
Isaiah: Okay
I answered
Me: Sis ?
Priscella: Tasha was here. She says she is
pregnant with Elton's child
Oh my God! I put her speaker
Me: Friend you're on speaker. I hope you don't
mind I am with Isaiah
Priscella: Hey Isaiah
Isaiah: What's up
Priscella: So this girl shows up here with my
brother. She says she is pregnant with my
brother's kid
Isaiah: What was Brendan and Hungani doing
with her? how does she know he is the father ?
Me: Exactly! this girl is a gold digger. She failed
to get Brendan inheritance now she wants to do
this to Us ?
Priscella: Well my our family is a stop.
Remember that healer from Masixole's family?
Me: Yes ! that guy is good. You told me what he
Priscella: Ms Refilwe called him. That man didn't
wait for us to explain anything. He told us Elton
is not the father of that baby
Me: Oh My God
Isaiah: Things are not going her way
Me: What did she say?
Priscella: She ran out ! my idiot brother ran
after her
Me: You must be kidding me!
Priscella: I am telling you. Anyway later I need
to take a little nap
Me: Bye friend
I hung up
Me: Wow
I took My handbag and laptop.
Isaiah: That girl is just a pretty face. I can't
believe she came to this building after she did
what she did!
Me: Crazy! let's go
We walked out and walked to the elevator. I
saw Algebra locking Priscella's office. He walked
to us.
Algebra: What are you doing here ? I thought I
was seeing you later ?
I didn't know they meet up ? the last time i
checked he was mad at Isaiah. It looks like
Isaiah made amends with everyone.
Me: And you two ?
Isaiah: We ar......
Algebra: Going out for drinks
Me: Nice
Algebra smiled at me then looked at Isaiah
Algebra: What are you doing here ?
Me: he came to see me but I don't think he will
leave you here to take a taxi. He is a gentleman.
He will take you home
I said looked at Isaiah. He looked at Algebra
Isaiah: I think that is a good idea. I am in my
holiday already. I am starting work in January. I
have to enjoy every minute of it
Me: Lucky you. Can you believe we gonna let go
few workers Wednesday some thursday. There
is just a lot of work around here
I pressed the elevator..
Isaiah: Well at least you give them bonuses
Me: Every year they get bonuses
We got to the elevator. It took us down
Me: Guys goodbye
Isaiah: Bye
Algebra: Don't forget about the interviews
Me: I won't thanks babe
I walked to the parking lot. I got to my car. I
heard My phone rings. I took it. It's my step
Me: Hey mom
Her: The kids are asking about you. I told them
you were fetching them
Oh God. Tonight I am going to Priscella's
meeting with a designer. I feel like I am what
Claire said I am. A bad mother who doesn't
make time for her kids. I felt a tear.
Me: Tell them They must get ready we are going
shopping at the mall tonight
Mom: Okay they can hear you. They are excited
Me: Great see you in few minutes
I hung up then started the engine. I won't let
Claire make me feel like I am a bad mother. I am
not. I love my kids. They live with me all their
school terms. I am always home with them and
picking them up at school. I won't let that bitch
break me.

< Judge Makhosazana >
The reason i took this long to ask Prince Phonqa
about this was because i knew I had a lot of
things going on. I knew I wouldn't like it and I
was right. I can't believe this girl did this. Why
didn't my son tell us about it ? Was he
embarrassed to tell us ? I really haven't had time
to sit with him alone and talk. I feel like maybe
he was waiting for His wife to leave so that he
could tell us or me. I am really disappointed in
Notiniphu. I am angry and I pray she has a good
explanation for her actions. How can she sleep
with the king. What the hell was she doing in his
room when we were not around. I hate to think
she is not the person i thought she was. I would
really be disappointed. A part of me wants to
know what happened a part of me fears the
truth. What if it was my son's idea. Could this
boy do this to his fiance ? Is he capable of
cheating? is he even ready to get married? A lot
is in my mind right now. I don't know what to do
or think but what I know is I need to get to the
truth so that I can find a way to deal with this
matter immediately! This could ruin everything
for my son. I pray that boy didn't do this but this
girl had both her eyes and they could see. How
could she ? I remember Priscella telling me
about what Notiniphu told her. How could she
stab her in the back? I just asked her a question.
She is not going to act like a saint now not after
everything I have learnt about her today. Firstly
she took break and went to have sex on my time.
The time i pay her for. Now I find out she slept
with my son ?
Me: Notiniphu what did you do to my son!
Notiniphu: My Queen please let me explain!
I looked at the door. I went and closed it I am
not telling this anyone even Nomahelele and my
sister in law
Me: I am listening, speak !
Notiniphu: Okay ! So before you went to the
river, Queen Priscella asked me to go fetch her
dirty sheets from the bedroom and wash them.
She said she left him sleeping so I shouldn't
knock I should just walk in and take the sheets
Me: What did you do ? did you jump on bed ?
Notiniphu: No! On my way to his room. I heard
him crying. He was having a bad dream. I ran in
and called his name......
She walked passed me
Notiniphu: I was trying to shake him. I finally
woke him up, When i did he grabbed me and
pulled me closer. He kissed me
Me: He was blind why didn't you stop him ?
Notiniphu: I tried my Queen. When i called his
name I said My king. I thought he knew who I
was. When i pulled out from the kiss he didn't
let me. He kissed me......
She started crying hard.
Notiniphu: I am sorry my Queen i was weak. I
let him
Notiniphu: My Queen I swear i thought he knew
who I was
Me: When did you realise he didn't know who
you are ?
Notiniphu: When we were done. He said I love
you Priscella
Me: Oh My God! he thought you were her! why
didn't you try harder to stop him! why!
Notiniphu: Because........
She was looking around then at me
Me: Because what ?
She walked to her bed. She sat on the edge of her
Notiniphu: Because I wanted it
Oh My God. She didn't just say that to my face. I
was out of words. Who is this girl?
She stood up
Notiniphu: My Queen I respect you with my life
and i cannot lie to you. I can't make up a lie to
justify what I did. I am incapable of lying to you
I pulled a chair. I sat down. I have always had
something to say but today I am speechless. I
don't know what to say.
Me: How long have you been feeling this for my
She wiped her tears
Notiniphu: As you know when I got here he was
not here. I fell in love with the photo on the wall.
I know it's wrong my Queen
Me: It's very wrong and your heart is lying to
you! it's messing with you. Honey it is leading
you to the wrong direction!
She stood up .
Notiniphu: I know my Queen. I am so sorry.
Queen Priscella is a good person. I shouldn't
have done that to her. She gave me a brand new
perfume. That same perfume is the one that
confused my king. He thought I was her
Me: Oh My God. I smelt it from you and I don't
know why I forgot to ask
She looked at me
Notiniphu: My Queen I did something else
Me: You slept with him again ?
Notiniphu: No! The king doesn't know that was
me because when I realised he thought I was his
wife I ran out.
Me: What else happened ?
Notiniphu looked at me nervous.
Notiniphu: I bought a morning after Pill. I got it
yesterday. I went to the bathroom to take it
Me: And ?
Notiniphu: I couldn't do it
Me: Why ? Ain't you afraid of what might
happen if you were to get pregnant. Notiniphu
do you know how many lives you're going to
Notiniphu: I know...
Me: Where is the pill take it! it's not yet 72 hours
Notiniphu: I flushed it! I know my intentions for
flushing it were wrong
Me: What were you hoping to achieve?
Notiniphu: I am sorry
On second thought I don't wanna know. I took
my phone. I called the driver
Driver: My Queen I am about to leave Mthatha. I
promise i....
Me: Go to the pharmacy and buy morning after
Driver: a what my Queen
Me: Ask for a morning after pill
Driver: Okay my Queen
I hung up
Me: We are going to do it again
Notiniphu: My Queen I am doing everything I
can to get over these feelings. I found a
boyfriend and I am in love with him
Me: Congratulations! don't let Ngejiwe ruin
things for you. She doesn't deserve the boy
Notiniphu: Thank you My Queen
I stood up then walked out. I am sorry but this is
not going to happen. This girl is not having my
son's child No. As for Ngejiwe I apologise. I don't
want to be part of her lies. If Notiniphu is in love
with that man then good for her. As long she will
forget about my son.

< Tasha >
How do you think i must be feeling right now? I
just found out that one man I hate so much is
the father of my unborn child. Everyone knows I
hate Hungani. I hate him with every fibre of my
being. That man hates me. He finds happiness
and pleasure in making fun of me. How can i be
happy to carry a child of a man like that ? How
can i be happy to give him a child when every
time he looks at me he sees a joke? I am not a
joke. I am a young woman who made mistakes
and mistakes that I am still paying for. I knew
going to face Elton's family was going to be hard
and I was right. I knew Priscella was gonna be
the hardest and the most harsh and I was right.
Priscella hates me. She will never forgive me, I
know she won't. I don't know what i should do
to show her that I am sorry and I regret what I
did to Elton. EJ is nice to me. He is trying to
forgive me. He just gave us a chance, Why can't
she? I know I disrespected her in front of her ex.
Yes she is right about everything. I was mean
and confident when i said the things i said to her
about both she and Elton. I didn't know how life
could turn out to be. I didn't know things could
turn around and I could be the one on my knees
begging for forgiveness. Now here I am crying
and hoping to be with a man I wanted nothing
to do with. I understand where Priscella is
coming from.
I know I am white and I am clueless about
traditional stuff but what Mrs Seputla did was
very surprising. She didn't know i was pregnant.
We just told them at that instant. There was no
way She could've told that man. I believe this
child is not Eltons child. I can't believe I started
believing in traditional healers today. Anyway I
was very shocked when Elton said he still
wanna be part of my life. I thought he'd hate me
I mean I got pregnant the night I drugged him.
That should upset him but it doesn't and that
doesn't sit well with me. I feel like Elton is a
ticking time bomb and that scares me to death.
All i need to do right now is show him love.
Show him how important he is in my life. I love
him. I hope he will see that very soon. The
reason i didn't tell him and his family about my
job was because i don't want to say it then it
doesn't happen. I have to make sure I keep this a
secret until I start shooting and see that the
directors love my work. To Elton I just said it's a
job. I didn't tell him what job it is and I am
planning to keep it that way.
Anyway I am going to see Hungani now. EJ
asked a driver to take me home. I asked him to
take me to Hungani's house after that I am going
straight home. I just hope Elton won't have a
problem when he finds out that I went to see
Hungani. That bastard is the father of this baby.
I want to make things clear though. I am not
having this baby. I am going there to tell him
that I am not going to have this baby. The plan is
to hurt his feelings. I want him to see how much
i hate him. I just hope this works because it will
break my heart if he told me he didn't want to
have a baby with me anyway.
Me: Please stop the car here
Driver: Please be fast ma'am Mr EJ thinks I am
taking you home. I don't want to get in trouble
I looked at him.
Me: Don't worry I won't take long
I said fixing my make up. I made sure I look
good. I took out the doctor's papers.
Me: I am delivering these to him I will be right
Driver: Okay ma'am
I walked out of the car with my handbag. I put
the papers in my handbag. I catwalked to his
house. I hate that someone who is in the living
room can see you walking to the door. I got to
the door. I knocked. A girl came to the door. Oh
no. I didn't think I would find these girls here. I
know when I see one the other is somewhere in
the house. I wonder when are they working? I
wonder if they even have homes. I don't
understand why they live here with him. What
kinda man who lives with two girls at the same
time ? Even if I was keeping this baby I don't
think i was gonna want him to be part of it.
Anyway this girl opened the door. She looked at
me then looked behind her
Model: Oh My God Briana look sho decided to
pay us a visit after such a long time
Oh so the other one's Name is Brianna. Finally
they have names
Me: Don't exaggerate. It's been just three weeks
Model: Oh it feels like such a long time !
I saw the Brianna girl coming from the bedroom
Why is she so angry to see me?
Me: Where is Hunga......
Brianna: What do you want here?
I saw Hungani coming from the bedroom
Hungani: Tasha?
Brianna: Brendan is dead now she is here to
bother us again? this girl has no shame!
I looked at her. I shook my head
Brianna: For a supermodel you have a low self
esteem. Stop being so insecure. I don't want your
man !
I saw her nose moving, That's how angry she
was. She is so angry. She need to go see a
therapist for her anger issues
Hungani: I thought you said I should leave you
alone. What do you want here ?
Brianna looked at him
Brianna: What were you doing with her for her
to say that ?
Hungani ignored her. He was looking at me.
Me: Trust me this is the last place I wanna be, I
wouldn't be here if it wasn't important. Can I
speak to you in private?
I looked at the ladies
Me: Go I don't want him
Hungani: You can say whatever you want to say
infront of them
They both smiled and put their hands on their
waists. I rolled my eyes
Me: Great then
They looked at me curious to hear what I am
here to say. I took out the paper.
Me: I am three weeks pregnant....
He started laughing and the girls joined in. They
think this is funny
Hungani: You were Sle.....
I am not going to let him insult me. I got enough
insults from his ex girlfriend. I myself suspected
that this might be Brendan's baby and I was
wrong. Priscilla did as well, not her ex too! I
won't let him say this.
Me: I thought it was Brendan's baby but I was
with Brendan a week ago and I am three weeks
pregnant !
Hungani: You were.....
Me: The first person i thought of when I was told
I am three weeks Pregnant was Elton. I would
have his baby in a heartbeat. I was excited
thinking he is the father and I was like I
wouldn't mind having a child for him because
he is decent and mature unlike all men I have
been with and I feel bad that I got to see that
after I drugged him
They were looking at me with their eyes
widened. Now they see this is no joke.
Me: I went running to him. He was willing to be
a father to my child until it was confirmed that
he is not the father guess who else I slept with
three weeks ago?
I looked at him from head to toe. I put my hand
on my forehead pretending to be thinking
Me: Then I thought I slept with you
Me: Do you know the first thing that came to
mind when I thought of that ?
I looked at Hungani. I want him to hear this.
Me: It was disgust
Hungani swallowed hard
Me: I wanted to vomit right there and then
Hungani sat on the couch. I looked at his girls
then at him.
Me: This.....
I said pointing at girls then at him shaking my
head. I threw the paper at the supermodels
Me: My child will never have a father who lives
this kinda life. I came here to tell you that I am
having an abortion. Have a good life with your
little bugs here
Me: Excuse me
Hungani: Tasha!
I could hear the footsteps behind me while I was
running out. He was running after me. I made
sure he doesn't catch up with me. I ran to the car
I don't want to hear anything he has to say. I
hate Hungani so much. He will never be a man.
My child will never have a man so irresponsible
as a father. I cannot believe I thought he was a
man. Now I see Elton is a man. Hungani is not
even half a man Elton is. I got in the car.
Hungani: Tasha please wait
I looked at my chauffeur
Me: Drive!!!
He started the engine and drove off. I saw
Hungani with his hands on his head Standing
watching us. My decision is final. He will have to
forgive me.



< Tasha >
I don't know why when I am supposed to be
happy, I Have to go through the things i am
going through. I am having an abortion. I am
taking my power back. Tomorrow I want to start
my life afresh. I need to do this abortion after
my meeting with Mandy and the producers of
the soapie I will be acting on. I cannot have
Hungani's child. I really can't. I don't like that
man. I hate him. I don't want anything to do
with him. At his house I just couldn't wait for
him to say whatever he wanted to say. That man
treated me like I was a slut. He kept doing it
every chance he got even when i left him alone.
I cannot carry a child for a man I despise so
much. I cannot have his baby I am sorry. This is
best for both of us. I need to call the doctor and
make an appointment. I am terminating the
pregnancy. I am sorry if my decision is selfish
but I think this is what is best for me at this
moment. I made a lot of mistakes in the past. I
pray that this one is not one of them. I cannot
afford to lose this gig. I am not sure EJ and i will
work. I know his family will crucify him for
dating a pregnant girl. That is One of the reasons
I cannot have this baby. Right now I am
choosing my career over anything. Elton and I
will go through so much. I know it. The fact that
he doesn't want to talk about what I did shows
that when he does there will be fireworks. I
don't think i am in a good state of mind for that.
I am just scared that when he is ready to talk
about it things will go wrong. I can't take
another heartbreak. Elton is distant. He is not All
over me like he used to. It's not like I expect him
to but I just feel like something is wrong. I am
prepared to just take things slow. Talk to him
when he wants to and see him when he wants
to. My focus right now will be my job.
Anyway I just got home. I am emotional. I guess
what just happened few minutes ago made me
angry and it broke my heart. Taking away the
only chance Hungani has to be a dad is never
my intentions but at this point I feel like he
doesn't deserve to have child with me besides, I
am not sure whether he was running after me to
say I shouldn't do it or to just apologise and
support my decision. I don't even need his
support though. The car stopped next to my
building. I got out of the car
Me: Thank you for driving me to Hungani's
house and to my home
Chauffeur: You're welcome ma'am
I closed the door then went in. I got to the house.
I Opened the door. Laila was about to walk out.
Where is she going?
Me: Where are you going?
Laila: Tasha hi
Me: Where are you going ?
Laila: I got a call from Claire. She sounded sad
like she was crying
Me: And you're running to her? How stupid can
you be ?
Laila: Tasha I don't appreciate you raising your
voice at me you're not my mother!
Me: Yes I am not your mother but I know how
that girl hurt you! She is trying to manipulate
you again. Dude you need to find a lesbian girl
not that confused bitch!
Laila looked down. She can't go back and let that
girl hurt her again. We can't all go through
something. She must support me or find another
Me: Friend I need you. My afternoon was a
mess. I need a friend please don't go
Laila: What happened?
Me: Hungani is the bloody father !
I said walking in
Laila: What !?
She closed the door .
Me: I am having an abortion. We have to call the
doctor and schedule an appointment
Laila: Oh My God friend but how did you find
Me: Elton family called a sangoma who didn't
even ask what was the matter. That man just
told us he is not the father
Laila: I am so sorry
Me: Friend I was a fool again. I ran out of the
Seputla penthouse like I was a mad woman. I
was humiliated once again. Why nothing goes
my way ? why do I have to go through so much.
Is it because of what I did to EJ?
She hugged me. I cried so hard in her arms. God
must have mercy on me. I was young. I am
young and after everything that happened I am
Laila: I am so sorry friend
Me: At least Ej is still supportive
She quickly broke the hug
Laila: Even when he knows he is not the father?
Me: Yes he wants us to try again
I stood up
Laila: That's great right?
I need to tell her about his behavior and about
her being invited to the trip And about going to
Laila: What is wrong friend?
I turned around and looked at her
Laila: What is it ?
Me: He didn't want to talk about what I did.
When I kept bringing it up He said he will get
angry I decided to stop
I walked passed Laila with both my hands on
the sides of my face
Me: He was nice to me but he was not like his
usual self, not like i expected him to be......
I sat on the chair next to the window.
Me: Something is strange about him. He treated
me like a friend yet he wants us to start all over.
He didn't hug me when he saw me. He just
pulled out a chair for me. Even when i was
leaving he kissed my cheek that was it
Laila: One day at a time right? I mean this guy is
not the father but he wants to be part of your
Me: Yeah. That surprised me a lot but something
is not right. I can feel it
Laila: Give it time
Me: Anyway on the 27th we are going to
Mozambique with him. He invited you and he
said bring a girl
Laila smiled
Laila: I didn't plan to go anywhere this festive
and I don't have that kinda mone....
Me: Everything is paid for. We will be in a
Laila: Wow i want to go
Me: Great then
Laila: So ain't you gonna tell Hungani ?
I lost my smile. I stood up
Me: I went and told him I am having an abortion
Laila: That was not a good move though. Friend
you shouldn't have told him. You should've went
there to tell him only if you were keeping the
Me: The plan was the hurt him Laila and I hope i
Laila: what happened after you told him? What
was his reaction ?
Me: I didn't wait for him to say anything I was
pissed after he and those girls laughed at me
Laila: The models were there?
Me: Yes! He will never change Laila. I am not
about to be a single mother. I will have children
when I am ready with my husband
Laila: I hear you
I need to do this abortion ASAP.

< Judge Makhosazana >
I am not going to feel bad for fixing my family
and I am not going to sit and watch things go
wrong when i know I would've done something
to prevent the damage from happening.
Notiniphu is not pregnant. She had sex with my
son Saturday now it's Monday. Anything less
than 72 hours is not a baby. This girl has to take
this pill and stop playing. I am not going to let
her ruin my son's life and when i was speaking
to her I told myself I will tell the king what
happened but I have changed my mind. Only
me, Notiniphu, Deliwe and Prince Phonqa know
about this. It has to stay that way. I am not going
to tell Masixole. I don't trust my son. I feel like
he'd call Priscella and tell her. This could be too
much for her and I can't let that happen. She is
pregnant she can't be upset. If she were to find
out about this she wouldn't sleep tonight and I
don't know what would happen to their
relationship. If putting the pill myself inside
Notiniphu's mouth and force her to swallow will
make her do it then so be it. I am going to do
this. I decided not to tell my son about this, I am
not going to tell my cousin. I am not telling my
sister in law either. This never happened.
Notiniphu is a young person. I know young
people and how they behave when they see
good looking men. They have crush on
everyone. I am not going to punish her for that
but, She must forget any dream she has of
becoming my daughter in law because it is not
going to happen. She must take the pill and
forget it ever happened. I know hour 72 is today
but She still has hours close to 12 tIll the end of
the day. I am counting estimating the time she
had sex with the king while we were at the
river. I don't know what is wrong with Masixole.
We were doing his thing. He should've forgotten
sex that day. I don't even wanna think about it. I
can't have my son's sexual life in my head. It
doesn't sound good at all.
Anyway finally the PI is here. I was starting to
get worried. He told me he had a problem with
his car but he fixed it.
Me: I am glad you made it. If you told me I was
gonna go take the information from you
PI: I am sorry I should've called
Nomahelele: What do you have for us ?
I looked at her. I wonder what is this woman up
PI: Malingene is a mine worker who works at
Seputla mine in Johannesburg......
Me: We know that part
PI: He just arrived back from Johannesburg
I looked at my cousin
Me: He is probably back to be there for his
girlfriend how sweet ?
Nomahelele didn't look pleased when I said that
Nomahelele: I hope not
I looked at her Why does my cousin have a
problem with Nomaxabiso and Malingene being
together ? She should be happy because that girl
will leave her nephew alone. Anyway I didn't
ask why she says "she hopes not". Remember I
don't know her plan.
PI: Judge Did you just say a girlfriend?
Me: Yes he is in a relationship with a royal
princess from his village
The pi looked at his report
Him: That's strange....... ?
Me: What ?
Him: Because Malingene is married and his wife
is not royalty
Me: Shut up! He is married?
I saw Nomahelele stands up She looked excited
Nomahelele: That innocent girl was sleeping
with a married man ?
PI: Yes ma'am it looks that way well in that
village they didn't tell me that. I guess they don't
Me: It was a secret. Only my family knows about
PI: So Malingene's wife's name is Ntombencinci.
They call her Ncinci. She has a best friend. Her
best friend is royalty I am surprised that you say
he was dating a royal girl
I sat down. Oh My GoD this is shocking
Me: Please don't tell me the best friend's name is
Nomaxabiso Zidenge ?
He looked at his paper then looked at us
PI: Unfortunately It's her
Nomahelele came to me. She kissed my cheek
Me: And now ?
Nomahelele: I will be right back. This is all I
wanted to know
She walked away. No! She ran away
Me: Where are you going ?
She opened the door. She walked out. I was
laughing looking at her. At least she left her
handbag she is not going to kill anyone. I shook
my head then looked at the PI
Me: Thank you So much for this information. It's
late go home. I will transfer your money right
He stood up. We shook hands
Him: See you soon judge
Me: See you soon
I walked to the door and opened for him. He
walked out. I did too. we walked to the front
door. I opened for him. He walked out
Me: Bye
I closed the door. I saw Masixole walking down.
Masixole: We don't eat dinner tonight ?
Me: My chauffeur went to buy pizza. He was at
Ntibani 20 minutes ago coming home
Masixole looked out the window
Masixole: He must be close right now
Me: Yes maybe he is at Ntshilini
Masixole: Yeah
Me: Did you know Malingene is married and to
Nomaxabiso's friend ?
Masixole: What?
Me: I am telling yo....
My phone rang.
Me: Sorry I have to take this
Masixole: Okay mom
I don't know what May wants this time.
Me: Cuz
May: Sorry I hung up I was driving....
Me: Oh
May: My nephew is not married yet to that girl
already you call her mother for help when you
have me? your sister !
I exhaled. How did May find out about this.
Me: May I called Refilwe to share what happen. I
didn't ask her to help us anyway how do you
know ?
May: You didn't tell her you have a sister in
Centurion why ? Is it because your sister is an ex
convict ? Are you ashamed of me Queen?
Me: I am not ashamed of you! I thought I was
gonna introduce you guys at the wedding! You
know I love you
May: I had a meeting with my lawyer next to the
building. I thought why not go and introduce
myself. She is a nice lady. She welcomed me
with open arms!
I don't know if I am okay with her going there
without me. I don't know what is wrong with all
my cousin. They are too forward. Look at
Nomahelele for example. She is taking over.
What does she wants with Malingene ?
Me: She is a very kind woman
May: She told me she gave you money that was
supposed to help the family business. How much
was it ?
Me: R1,440,000 rands
May: I am not going to watch someone help you
when I do have money also. I just sold my late
husband's house in Johannesburg. That is why I
was meeting my lawyer there. I will bring you a
cheque of that money on the day of the wedding.
I don't want that son of a bitch money here
Me: May that's a lot of money. We are okay. The
business is doing well the clients came back....
May: So you won't accept my money ?
Me: I will take it only if I won't owe you nothing
May: You sound like a thug now! so paranoid! I
don't collect from family. I just want you to be
happy and live a good life in that dumb place
you chose to live in. I have so much money and
it feels good to give it away. Cuz this will help
you with Lobola. Your son is marrying the
richest girl in the country
She is right about that. Why didn't I think of this.
My son is building a gym with his money. We
just took money from trust and paid Lobola for
Nomahelele. We can't take another money no.
This money will help..
Me: Thank you Cuz. Thank you so much
May: I am going to ask again. what else do you
want me to do for you ?
Me: Nothing
May: Mmhmm ...... ( Tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu)
She hung up. Okay ? Why is this woman doing
this? Why does she keep asking me the same
question? what am I suppose to ask help for ?
She is worrying me now
Me: ............?

< Priscella >
It's hard to be friends with Sonia. These cameras
of hers show up everywhere but I understand
why she is doing this. She wants the country to
see she is a good mother. She brought the kids to
the mall to do shopping with them. I guess that
is why she brought these people. She did
shopping and finished. we didn't wanna bother
their quality time. We were at the boutique
waiting for her. We can't be part of mother and
kids moment. We sat here waiting for her. She
took the kids to the car after then came to join
us. That also gave us time to wait for the
designer because he was not here when we
arrived. They said he went to a venue where he
will have fashion show tomorrow. I hope we
won't have to wait for long. We haven't had
dinner yet. I am hungry and I am not prepared
to eat at a restaurant not when we asked the
chef to cook.
Anyway Sonia just got in.
Sonia: He is not here yet ?
Me: He is here. He just Went to fetch something
to use to take measurements with
Sonia: Great
I looked at the time then at Sonia
Me: It was a good idea you first went shopping
for the little ones look at the time
Sonia: I know and I made sure we did
everything fast
Refilwe: They are so adorable Sonia
Sonia: Someone accused me of neglecting them
Refilwe: Prissy just told me
Me: It's a good thing you brought the cameras
with us so that people can see how amazing you
are with them
Sonia: Yeah. I hope they will see it besides I am
not worried. They will see how rude Claire was.
They won't take her side
Me: Yeah
Sonia: Oh I got a call from her boyfriend asking
for Laila's number
Me: Hunter wants Laila's number? what for?
Sonia: I don't know, Maybe he wants to speak to
her about Claire
Me: Give him
Sonia: No you need to call Laila. You're the one
close to her
Me: We not close but we do talk. Let me call her
I took out my phone. I called her. She answered
on third ring
Leila: Hello Priscella
Me: Hey i am sorry to bother you....
Laila: No it's okay what's up?
Me: This will sound weird. Sonia's ex husband is
dating your ex
Laila: Claire?
Me: Yes. My friend just got a call from her ex
asking for your number. We didn't wanna give
him, we wanted to know you're okay with it first
Laila: No it's fine you can give him
Me: Thanks
Laila: Sharp
I hung up
Me: She is fine with it
Sonia: Let me send him
The designer walked out
Him: Hey Sonia How are you?
They hugged
Sonia: I am great how are you ?
Him: Fantastic ! I am sorry for your loss
Sonia: Don't worry about it I am great. When he
died we were not together
Him: Oh and congratulations! I saw the teaser of
your reality show I am excited
Sonia: I am excited as well thank you
He looked at me
Designer: I see you're pregnant. What kinda
dress do you want. I have to start right away.
The date is not far at all
Ms Refilwe and Sonia looked at me
Me: I want a dress that is more like a maternity
wedding dress. I want it to be traditional
because I am a royal princess marrying a royal
king. I want a traditional yet classy and a little
dramatic dress and it must look expensive. I
want you to get those expensive fabrics
Designer: We will try to create all these elements
in this dress. You will be beautiful that day
Me: Thank you
Designer: Let me take your measurement
He took all the measurement.
Him: When we are already started with the
dress you will get my call asking you to come fit
it once in a while
Me: okay
He looked at Sonia
Designer: Sonia I need a favour from you
Sonia: Okay ?
Designer: I am going to a showcase at Sandton I
have my new collection ready but I have one
small problem
Sonia: Okay ?
She exhaled then threw himself on the couch.
He is so dramatic. I love his work none the less
Designer: I don't have a great model to wear the
show stopper dress so I was like. This woman is
in a reality show that is causing buzz already.
How about she comes to the show and wear the
show stopper dress
Refilwe: Sonia says yes!
Me: Friend you're a celebrity now. This could be
good for you. Everyone think you must be hiding
after what happened. You need to show
everyone that you keep winning. Go and silence
the haters
Sonia looked at him
Sonia: Send the driver to fetch me from my
house when the show is about to start
Designer: Excellent! you were a model before
and you were good. I am very proud of your
decision though. You two ladies are the best
business woman in this country
Me: Thank you
Sonia: Thanks dear
He looked at mom then bowed
Designer: I can't even start with you ma'am
you're amazing
Refilwe: Ahh stop !
We laughed mom took her handbag
Mom: You're amazing as well. I once saw
something saying you were showcasing in new
York. Well done
Him: I try ma'am
Me: Let's leave you dinner is waiting for us at
Him: I will see you soon !
We said out goodbyes. I am so curious to find
out what he will do for me. I am excited to see
my dress. I hope he does what I want.
< Nomahelele >
I love it when I always get what i want. I don't
know what came to my mind when i decided to
do an investigation on that Malengelenge man. I
didn't know what might come but one thing I
knew was no one is clean. I knew I would find
dirt, Something that I could use to neutralise
him and boy did I get everything I wanted.
Nomaxabiso has been a naughty little girl. I
cannot believe she was bouncing on top of her
friend's husband. Wow she is my kinda girl. She
loves taking risks and that's my language as
well. I am a risk taker and sometimes I feel like I
would end up in trouble. Take what happened
with Shosholoza for example. What if
Shosholoza shot me the second I walked out of
the car thinking I was my cousin sister? I would
be dead right now but I am glad I am not and he
didn't do it. Now my plan is in motion. I just love
when things go exactly how I want them to. God
is amazing isn't he ? He brought me a greedy
man and I am just as greedy. My husband is
hungry for power but He has no guts to stand up
and start something of his own. Since he has no
desire to start his own thing I am prepared to
feed his needs. I will do what he always wanted
to do for so long.
I am sure you're asking where I ran to when I
walked out of the palace. I went straight to find
my man. I am not yet introduced to the kids so I
am trying by all means to show less of me at this
house that is why I asked to speak to him in his
car. I am in his yard but not in the house. We are
sitting in his car.
Hlohlesakhe: Sweetheart what couldn't wait for
me to come sleep at the royal house?
I leaned for a kiss. I kissed him
Me: Do you want to spend a night? I thought we
would do a quicky here then you go back.
Darling those kids are alone. They need a parent
Hlohlesakhe: In the car my love no! I am too big
to do that in the car
Me: We are going to the royal house then. After
we had sex you're coming home to your kids
Hlohlesakhe: I can do that
I kissed him.
Me: Great
He unlocked the door
Me: What are you doing ?
Him: I thought we were going to the royal
Me: Not until I say what I came here to say
Him: Okay?
I exhaled. I hope he agrees to this.
Me: Darling tomorrow we are going to the
Zidenge family. Are you ready ?
Him: Yes i am ready. I just hope they will stop
with their nonsense. My Queen would never kill
Me: I know right? Darling they have some nerve
to accuse such an honourable woman ! my
cousin sister is a badass when it comes to this
royalty thing. I got more into it because of her.
Even the house of traditional healers admire
her. She would never do anything to jeopardize
that !
Hlohlesakhe: At least the police closed the case
Me: Yes. Nomaxabiso has been through a lot
don't you think?
Hlohlesakhe: Poor girl. Everything happening so
fast. She was confident and happy to be part of
this family. I could tell how happy she was to be
part of this family now all that is taken away
then both her parents died. This is sad. It must
be so hard for her
Me: Such a beautiful girl with so many
problems. I wish we could do something to
support her
Hlohlesakhe: That's what tomorrow is about
Me: No darling I don't know......
He looked at me
Me: I feel like we could do more you know?
Him: What do you have in mind ?
I looked at him for like 30 seconds
Hin: What ?
Me: How about we make her dreams come true?
Hlohlesakhe: Dreams? What dreams?
I took both his hands
Me: How about we make sure she gets married
to the royal family
Hlohlesakhe: But I don't think The King wants
her and my Queen. She wouldn't accept that
Me: My nephew is not the only Prince of this
family Darling
Him: Who Nomgcwabe ? No! Nomaxabiso was
older than the kind. She is way older than
Me: Darling you're going to marry Nomaxabiso
Hlohlesakhe: what ?
He started laughng so hard. I switched on the
light then looked at him
Hlohlesakhe: River you're not.....
Me: I am very serious about this darling! let's
make Nomaxabiso our third wife
Hlohlesakhe: I can't keep up. I can't satisfy three
I put my index finger on his lips
Me: Darling that's what Men's clinic is for! I
already made calls tomorrow they are
delivering your things
Hlohlesakhe: I don't know... How will.....
Me: Darling did you forget that she owns a
supermarket and a hardware now ? Don't you
want to be her right hand man who is going to
help her run that business?
He looked at me and got excited
Me: Exactly! now make me proud! show me why
I feel in love with you. What is the plan ?
He sat back thinking
Hlohlesakhe: I am going to get there. Talk to the
family then ask to speak to Nomaxabiso in
private and ask about her feeling
Me: Yes! I am loving everything I am hearing.
Continue darling
Hlohlesakhe: I know that will end in tears. I am
going to comfort her. I will get very close to her
Me: Unlock the doors my job is done here
He pulled me closer and kissed me. He broke the
Him: You know having two sister wives won't be
easy right?
I hugged him
Me: Lonely cold nights......
I broke the hug then looked at him
Me: I am ready darling
Hlohlesakhe: I love you
I hit his belly playfully
Me: I know Darling

< Narrated >
At Seputla house. We see Priscella and Ms
Refilwe sitting across the table. They kept
looking at the stairs. It looks like they are
waiting for Elton to walk down and join them
for dinner. We saw Cleopetra running down the
stairs looking terrified. Ms Refilwe and Priscella
stood up
Refilwe: Is everything okay Cleo ?
Cleopetra looked terrified. She had glasses in her
eyes. She was looking at them not saying
Priscella threw the table cloth on the table and
moved out of the chair
Priscella: Cleopatra what happened to my baby
Cleopatra: I wasn't eavesdropping but I heard
Mr EJ speaking to someone on the phone
Ms Refilwe moved out of the table as well
Refilwe: And ?
Cleopatra: He said he made you and Ms Priscella
believe that he still loves Tasha. He said his plan
is to go with her to the trip then shoot her from
the ship and throw her body in the sea
Refilwe: Oh My God!




< Princess Nomaxabiso >
I have to have this conversation with Malingene.
I need to tell him I am carrying his baby. I am so
stressed out. I am angry at myself and
heartbroken that i lost my parents the way I did.
And the fact that they died before seeing their
grandchild kills me. How can they leave me like
this ? My parents loved me. After everything I
did to them they were willing to help me marry
The King which was just amazing for me. I know
I blackmailed them when i said i would kill
myself but they didn't give up on me. They
showed me they love me. I could see the effort
they made to make sure that I marry Masixole.
Now they are gone before they could see me
happy with the king. Right now I need to find
another man. I need to forget Masixole. He
doesn't look at me the same way. I lied to him.
He doesn't think I am a good mannered person
anymore. I gave him the idea that I was a
respectful girl. I am sure seeing me in
Johannesburg made him hate me a lot. I feel
like if he were to find out that I was even
pregnant years ago he would hate me even
more. I lied to that family a lot. I feel like the
reason they didn't want to see me again was
disappointment. They loved and respected me. I
need to take responsibility. I made a mistake
that caused my parents so much pain and a few
were disappointed. That is why the Queen didn't
want to see or talk to me. I am ashamed but that
chapter is closed. The dream of marrying
Masixole went out the window. I have to wait
for the humiliation and people judging me when
they find out I will never marry him. But you
know what ? I am ready for them. I will make up
an excuse and tell them I couldn't marry
because of my family business. I just hope they
will buy it. I don't want to go through the
humiliation of them finding out that I slept with
a man before marriage but again there is a baby
growing in my stomach. They will find out that I
am not pure. How am I gonna find a man now ?
I need to find a man that will accept the baby Or
I won't tell him that I am pregnant. He will
believe the baby is his. The Ndengana family
thought they got rid of me. They don't know that
we will see each other very soon. We are
business partners. I have 20% shares in that
company. Right now I need to have a smart man
who is going to help me run these businesses. I
hope i will find him sooner because this man
infront of me right now is just a sperm donor
and he knows it. We will never be official. I am
with Malingene. I asked to see him here at my
house. He came. I am glad he did without his
wife. He said he would come without her. I am
surprised he did. I guess maybe it's because it's
late and no one saw him That's why He was
comfortable to come.
Me: What did you tell your wife?
Malingene: I told her I was visiting my friend
Me: Oh okay
Him: I am sorry for what happened to your
parents. I really am
Me: Thank you please sit
He sat down
Him: I am sorry about what I said. It was
insensitive of me to think about me when your
parents died like that
Me: For your information my parents were
willing to keep this from your family. I talked to
dad He said he'd talk to mom and I am sure
mom was gonna agree
Him: Like i said i am sorry
Me: Its fine. Please hug Me
He moved backwards
Me: What? You don't want me now ?
Malingene: Nomaxabiso we are not in
Johannesburg here. Do you want me to go home
smelling your perfume?
He is right. His wife is my friend and she knows
the smell of my perfume
Me: It's fine i understand. I think this should be
the last time we see each other
Him: What ? Is that what you wanted to talk to
me about?
Me: No
Him: What did you wanna talk toe about ?
I stood up then looked away
Malingene: Nomaxabiso you can't just call me to
spend time with you! We are at Hlalwi....
Me: I wanted to talk about my pregnancy
Malingene stood up. I was looking away. I
assumed he stood up because i heard the noise
of the couch
Malingene: Pregnancy?
I turned around
Me: Yes Malingene. I am pregnant again with
your child
He put his hands on his head scratching it
Malingene: What is wrong with us! We
should've been careful! Why didn't we use
condom. My wife....
Me: Would kill us both. She can't know about
this !
He looked at me. I know his wife. She is no
woman to mess with. She'd kill us
Malingene: I am glad we agree on that one thing.
My wife cannot find out about this
Me: Ncinci would squash me like a mosquito. No
one can know the father of my baby
Malingene: Yeah.... Are you keeping the baby,
Don't you think people will ask who the father is
Me: I am having this baby and you're not gonna
be part of it don't worry, and please don't worry
about what people will say. I will deal with this
on my own
I sat down
Me: I never thought I would be a single mother
He came and sat next to me. He brushed my
Malingene: I am sorry Nomaxabiso
I stood up
Me: And I can't have a second abortion I just
can't. What if this is my last baby?
Malingene: Whatever decision you make I am
with you
How can my life be so complicated? I am
pregnant. No royal prince is marrying me. I lost
both my parents the same day. What will
happen to me ? How am I gonna find a man who
is going to be the father of my child ?

< Princess Ngejiwe >
Yesterday I was very scared. I thought I was
going to jail. I don't know why i was scared
though. I know my family always protect their
own and they were never gonna traumatise me
and send me to jail. I feel bad and stupid for
thinking the worst of them. I know they protect
the kids. They love us. But I thought of how
many times I wronged the family because of
mom then I thought maybe they've had enough
and I wouldn't blame them. I am just stupid
when it comes to my mother. She just knows
how to manipulate me and i keep falling for it
but no more. If she does come out of jail she will
never I mean ever get any favours from me. she
is on her own and today is the only time i will be
visiting her. when i leave prison she will never
see me again but first, I need to speak to
Velezantsi. I know it's over between us I am just
here for closure. Believe it or not I loved and I
still love this man. But the fact that he lied and
slept with my family maid drives me crazy. That
was it when i heard that woman moan in his
room. I knew I lost him for good. I can never
sleep with a man who slept with my helper I am
not stupid. How is she gonna respect me when
we shared the same man? I am not going to fight
for him any more. I just want to tell him what I
think of him and leave. He doesn't know the
pressure you go through to impress family when
you're a royal princess. I expected him to
understand why I did what I did. I mean this
man almost peed on his pants when I told him I
was gonna tell daddy about us. He was scared.
He thought his family was gonna be banned
from the village. Does he realise the pressure I
go through or he just cares about himself and
his family. I never thought he was this selfish.
Anyway I need to get this over and done with. I
came here very early in the morning because i
wanted to see him before he goes to work but by
the look of things he is not going to work. Maybe
he is off and I am sure Notiniphu knows that
and I don't.
Velezantsi: What are you doing here Ngejiwe?
Me: To tell you I came here yesterday around
mid day
I walked in uninvited. I looked at him
Me: I couldn't come in you know why right ?
He walked to his bed
Him: Are you gonna tell me or not ?
Me: You were having sex with another woman
He looked shocked. I could see he didn't want
me to know that.
Velezantsi: So what if I was having sex? It's not
like you and I are dating
Me: You lied to me Velezantsi! You said she
came here to help us get back together. How can
you make me a fool like that ?
Velezantsi: You did the sa.....
Me: A woman who works for my family really? (
Velezantsi: There you go again looking down on
people who work for your family ! Notiniphu is
a beautiful and smart woman
Me: That's why you're sleeping with her ?
Velezantsi: I am better that someone who tried
to trick a man into a marriage. How can you be
so desperate ?
Me: How dare you judge me!
Velezantsi: What?
Me: When you started dating that maid you
didn't know what i did so now tell me? What
does that make you ?
Velezantsi: I started dating Notiniphu yesteday
and I love her. Do you know how great it feels to
date someone you feel like you're in the same
level ? I don't have to try so hard to fit in
anywhere. Notiniphu loves me for me not what I
He went to the door.
Him: Get out of my house and find a man who
has money
Me: Velezantsi you know I loved you. I was
trying to protect you from my father that is why
I thought marrying EJ was the best thing !
Velezantsi: What did you think was gonna
happen to us? was our relationship not
important to you ?
Me: I was doing what I thought was best for....
Velezantsi pushed me out. .
Velezantsi: That was best for you and your
mother. If you dare touch Notiniphu again I
swear i will go to jail for doing something to you
He slammed the door in my face. How can he act
like a victim when he lied to me when I found
them together. I loved him. I was prepared to
pay my own damages because i loved him. Why
can't he see that? If he thinks I am gonna beg
him he is too late. He slept with her already I am
not interested. I will find a man who is in my
same level. He is right. I did him a favour. He
was not my type anyway. What an ungrateful
bastard. I have to go home and get ready to go
visit mom. When i got to my house I noticed my
dad was speaking to someone inside. I opened
the door then walked in. I saw him with
Nomahelele. It looks like they are ready for their
jog again. I wonder what happened to that
meeting they said we were gonna have at the
royal house yesterday?
Nomahelele: Ngejiwe you come home at 6:45
when you spent a night with a man ?
Me: Morning auntie
Yesterday i fell because of this woman. I can't be
mad at her though. I feel like I shouldn't have
left until we were done talking
Dad: She left few minutes ago. She slept here
Nomahelele: Oh sorry honey I thought you went
to a man
Me: No! I had to go to a friend
Nomahelele: I hope you don't hate me for What I
did. Honey i cannot stand lies and manipulation
Me: Mom lied to me I did.....
Nomahelele: I know it's not your fault. One piece
of advice though. In future Whenever Your
mother ask you to do something speak with one
of the elders they will tell you if it's a right or a
wrong thing to do
Me: Well she is in jail now. She won't
manipulate me anymore
Nomahelele: Are you cross with the family for
making the decision they made ?
I looked around.
Dad: Don't worry i just checked them They are
still asleep
Me: My mother stole money that is over a
million from the clients. That couldn't ruined the
family's relationship with clients. She committed
fraud. In order for her to learn she must be
punished and I think jail is perfect punishment
Nomahelele: Don't stop loving your mother
honey. She is your mother
Me: She doesn't think that when she put me in
trouble. I am going to take a shower and go see
her and please don't try and stop me. I need
answers from mom
Nomahelele raised her hands
Nomahelele: Trust me things will be fine. Your
mother will change
I chuckled
Me: I doubt that
Dad: We will see you later we have to go jog
Me: Okay dad
They ran out. I was watching them. I hope This
woman has good intentions with my father. She
looks fancy and she is from a big city. She could
have any man she wants. I am wondering why
she was still single for this long? Or she was still
having an affair with my dad ?
Anyway I need to get ready and go see that
woman. She must tell me why she used me.

< Priscella >
I can't believe this! I cannot believe Elton is
planning this! No wonder my brother was acting
so stupid. I knew this wasn't my brother. Yes
Elton is not the smartest person but I know my
brother. He is proud. He doesn't take nonsense
from anyone. He doesn't crawl back to anyone.
He can have any girl he wants and he is very
arrogant. I didn't understand his sudden
behavior. Because it's Elton and he is
unpredictable I didn't think he was faking all
this. I thought he wanted to be with her. I don't
know whether I should be happy about this
news. Yes I am happy that my brother is not
stupid. I am happy that he is not in love with
Tasha anymore but am I happy that he is going
to kill a person ? Absolutely not. He can't ruin
his life like that. He has a bright future ahead of
him. He can't mess that up because of this bitch.
He cannot ruin his life because of Tasha. She is
not worth it. Last night when Cleopatra came
down telling us this, I lost my appetite and so did
mom. She stood up and left. We didn't want to
face Elton. I asked her to keep quiet till we find
a perfect time to talk about it. We were both
tired we went to bed and slept. Today we have
to talk about it. At nine I have to sit for the
interviews. I am glad mom is up so early. I guess
she wanted to talk to me before i leave for work.
Mom: Morning honey
Me: Morning mom
She kissed my cheek then pulled a chair. She sat
down we are about to have breakfast. Mom took
a plate then dished for herself
Mom: Before your brother comes down we need
to have a talk about Tasha
I exhaled. I looked up
Mom: You know your brother don't wake up so
early more especially when he is not going
Me: What are we gonna do mom?
Mom: I really don't know. I feel like if we
confront him he will find another way to punish
that girl. I know what I am gonna say will sound
evil but it's better he does that on that ship.
Imagine if we confront him then he goes and
shoot that girl in her house. He would be
arrested. I can't have a child of mine locked up.
Imagine what would happen to this company!
Me: I know what you mean mom. We just have
to find a plan and I think I know what we should
Mom put her fork down
Mom: What is it ?
Me: Mom you know I can't stand Tasha but I
don't wish her to die
Mom: I know that
Me: And you know that if she hears about this
from me she will not listen. She will think it's my
way of trying to separate them
Mom: Tasha can't know the exact details of why
Me: Mom i think you should tell her. Tell that
girl what my brother is planning. She cannot go
to that trip
Mom: Is your morning busy?
Me: Yes i have to interview people who applied
for a secretary position. Mom I told you I can't
be part of this
Mom: I will go see that girl
Me: She doesn't live with her parents any more.
She lives with Laila. I will give you Tasha's
number though
Mom: Okay baby thank you
Mom looked up then looked at me and smiled
Mom: Tell me ain't you relieved that He doesn't
love her?
Me: I am so happy mom. I was to disappointed
and I didn't understand this so forgiving EJ. He
almost fooled us
Mom: You're still saying almost? That boy fooled
us. If it wasn't for Cleo I don't know what
would've happened
Me: I know right
I heard EJ whistles upstairs
Mom: He is up let's change the topic!
Me: Yeah
I saw him coming down. I stood up. He was
angry with me yesteday. I need to apologise for
how I got so angry when i saw Tasha.
Elton: Dumelang ( hello)
I stood up
Me: Morning
I ran to him then hugged him tight. He broke the
hug. He looked at me
Elton: What are you doing Prissy?
Me: I just wanna tell you that I love you and i am
sorry for what I did yesterday
He walked to the table. He started eating from
my plate.
Elton: How can i not know how much you love
me when you go extra miles and even disrespect
my guests just because " You love me "
He said that creating brackets in the air
Me: Now I feel bad
Mom: Come on Ej. She is your older sister. You
guys live together. She is protective of you and
there is nothing wrong with that but you can't
blame us. You know what that girl did
Elton: I get that. But the heart wants what it
wants. You can't change that
I looked at mom
Me: Right
Elton looked at me. I quicky stopped smiling
Elton: Does that mean you forgive her and you
accept her as my girl?
Me: Do you Ej?
Elton: huh?
He looked surprised
Me: Do you forgive her and accept her as your
girlfriend for real ?
Mom: Of course he does! what are you talking
about ? My baby is ready to be a daddy to
Hungani's child
Mom gave me a death stare. I am sorry mom I
hate pretending. This boy is such a good actor.
he is making us believe that he loves Tasha
when all he wants is to put a bullet in her head. I
cannot believe this is my brother. My little
brother wanna kill a person. This is too much.
Anyway he stood up after mother mentioned the
baby. He looked angry.
Elton: I lost my appetite
Me: But you took one bite ?
He walked up the stairs. Mom looked at me.
Mom: If you had doubt of what Cleo said then
here is your answer
Me: He is disgusted by the whole thing. He hates
her and this pregnancy makes him even more
Mom: Exactly. I mentioned that because I
wanted to see his reaction. I know when he is
with you and I he is more comfortable. This is a
safe space he can't act like superman anymore
because Tasha is not here
Me: Exactly. I feel like when you do find a
therapist they must not only discuss the
addiction. They must talk about what happened
Mom: Honey the cause of addiction was caused
by what happened so obviously the therapist
will start there !
Me: Yeah.....
Mom: Are you going to the fashion show with
Sonia tonight?
Me: No i can't. I am pregnant. I can't go out at
Mom: You're right
Me: I will just get flowers delivered there tonight
Mom: She will love that
Me: I know. Ms Refilwe Let me go get dressed
Mom: Okay don't forget to give me the girl's
Me: Let me send you now
I hope Tasha believes us for my brother's sake.
Tasha's death would give EJ so many problems
and it would affect the family and business as

< Judge Makhosazana >
It is a beautiful Tuesday morning. We have a
busy morning. We have to go see the Zidenge
family. I am really worried about that i won't lie.
I am not only worried. I am guilty as well. Both
deaths could've been avoided and I am to blame
for all this but I don't know which death should I
feel worse for because both of them wanted my
head. They wanted to kill me. They are dead
because of what they wanted to do to me. I just
protected myself. I don't think i want to see their
family crying for them. I will feel really bad but
because i am a big girl I will wear my big girl
pants and go cry with them.
Anyway I am up and about. I saw my cousin
sister walking in. She is wet. It looks like she
went for her jog again.
Me: I am glad you're back. Can you come to my
study. We need to talk
Nomahelele: Oh hello good morning family.
How are you?
I don't have time to play with her. I need to
know her plan. Why did she run out last night
after she spoke to the PI. What is she up to? Last
night when I went to bed She was not in the
house. She was with Chief Khabalandile
Nomagampompo: We are good how are you?
Nomahelele: I feel fantastic. You two should join
me and my darling. You will see the difference.
Running boost your confidence
Me: I was born confident. Now can we go talk?
Nomahelele: I need to go take a shower. I can
see you're ready to leave but you know you can't
leave without me and my darling right?
Nomahelele walked up the stairs. I hate being
kept on the dark. I saw The King and Prince
Nomgcwabe walking down.
Nomahelele: Morning boys. You look smart
Masixole: Thanks aunt
They walked passed her then came down to us.
Me: You have another meeting ?
Masixole: The whole family is going to Hlalwini.
The chief asked us to go help at work
Me: But Prince Nomgcwabe we....
He gave me a hand.
Nomgcwabe: I am not going there my Queen. I
am not ready to be introduced and smile like
everything is okay when it's not
He looked at Princess Nomagampompo
Nomgcwabe: I am sorry mom but we have
company to run. Let's go my King
Masixole looked at us then shrugged his
shoulders. He followed after Prince Nomgcwabe.
Me: We can't force them
Nomagampompo: No we can't. Let's sit I want to
talk to you about something
Me: Okay?
I sat down. She sat as well
Nomagampompo: What was the PI doing here
yesterday ?
I exhaled
Me: That is the reason i am angry and wanna
speak to your sister in law. Nomahelele wanted
me to do a background investigation on
Malingene Gubhu and report to her. The PI
came back with information. After the PI told us
what he found, She left and went to see your
brother. I don't know what those two are up to
Nomagampompo: Malingenene is that boy who
Me: Nomaxabiso's boyfriend
Nomagampompo: I wonder what is she up to
and I can see she is being Mysterious about it
Me: I hope they tell us soon
Nomagampompo: I hope so as well.... I wonder
what makes her so interested to know
something about that boy....
Me: I would be lying if I said I knew
We saw Nomahelele walking down humming a
song wearing a white morning gown.
Nomahelele: Notiniphu darling bring my
breakfast. I need to eat before i get dressed
Nontiniphu: Okay my Queen!!!
She shouted from the kitchen.
Me: Ready to talk ? We don't have to go to the
study now. Princess Nomagampompo saw the PI
and she needs answers
Nomahelele: I will tell you when we come back
from the Zidenge house. Hopefully it will be
great news
I looked at Princess Nomagampompo
Me: Your brother keeps attracting mysterious
Nomagampompo: And i am scared
My cousin just smiled. I heard my phone ring.
What is Detective Swana wants ?
Nomahelele: Who is it ?
Me: The detective
The princess stood up
Her: Answer!
I answered
Me: Detective Swana ?
Swana: Judy Nomakhosazana I am sorry to tell
you this.....
Me: What?
Swana: Nontorotyi Dimbaza was attacked by her
cellmates at Ngqeleni police station
Oh My God no! I removed my phone from my
ear and put my hand on my mouth
Nomagampompo: What is it Sisi?
Nomahelele looked at me worried. I put my
phone next to my ear
Me: Is she alive ?
Me: Detective Swana?
Swana: ............ ( Tu tu tu tu tu )
Nomagampompo: What did he say ?




< Hungani Oliphant >
I don't know what to think or feel right now.
Yesterday I got in my car. I followed Tasha. I saw
she went to her friend's house where she lives. I
stayed at their parking lot for a while. I had to
make sure she doesn't go to the doctor. I left
around 8pm and came home when I made sure
she didn't go to the doctor. I mean there are no
doctors who open till 8pm. Tasha cannot kill my
child. I need to stop her from making this
mistake. I know we don't get along but she
cannot do this to me. I was abandoned by my
biological parents when I was a baby. Such
things are very serious and hit home to me. All i
ever dreamt of was to have a child and give it
the love I never got from my parents. This
changes everything for me. I need to speak to
Tasha. I need to do whatever it takes to win her
back. She is very angry with me and it's
understandable. I kind of messed her up. It's
amazing how God works. How can the one
person i don't get along with be the mother of
my child? Believe me I don't hate Tasha If
anyone remember clearly the morning we woke
up together we were cool. I was happy and I
wanted to be with her because she is a gorgeous
girl. Even when Priscella was at my house I was
like what the hell. I will stand by my girl then
when she showed us the paper everything
changed. I got to see someone I didn't like at all.
I hated what she did to Elton but I didn't care
about taking her from him. I mean you take
someone from someone. It happens everyday. I
knew being with Tasha was either gonna make
me forget Priscella or make Priscella jealous and
want me back but none of that happened. Tasha
messed up something beautiful we were
starting. I need to leave this place now and head
to Tasha's house. I have to stop her.
Anyway I am having coffee. I saw Brianna
coming to me.
Brianna: Oh hi
Me: What's up?
She kissed me
Brianna: I missed you last night
Me: Sorry I wasn't in the mood to join you ladies
in bed. I wanted to sleep alone
Brianna: You should've called me when you
arrived. I am sure having only me in bed
wouldn't be that bad
She came to me. I wish I was in the mood but I
am not. I wish she could just Stop. I don't know
why she wants to be all over me. I put my cup
Me: I need to go somewhere
Brianna: Where are you going?
Me: To work
Brianna: And last night ? Where were you ?
Me: I went to see my mom then came home late
Brianna: What are you gonna do with this Tasha
girl. Let her do the abortion. She just came here
to blackmail you. If she wanted to kill that baby
she would've done it. She didn't need to come
here and talk to you about it. I think she wants
Me: Well I can't let her kill my child
Brianna: You sure it's yours. That girl is slut who
sleeps around with any man who smiles at her
Me: I am not sure it's not mine but I cannot just
sit here and Wait for her to kill the child
Brianna: You ran to the car and ran after her. I
don't understand why you lied about going to
your mom. I know you followed that girl
Me: I went to tell mom about Tasha that's it. I
needed advice
Brianna: So what's her advice?
I looked at her
Me: I have to go
Brianna: Fine! We are leaving in an hour going
to rehearsal and we will stay there til the show.
Hope to see you later
Me: Sure maybe
I headed to the door. I don't like her acting like
my wife. They are just my friends. I don't want
them to confuse what we have for anything. I
lost a lot because of them.

< Princess Ngejiwe >
My aunt asked for a day off at work. we are
going to see mom but we have to go see uncle
first. We have to tell him about what his sister
done to my family. I am sure he wants to know
the real truth. I am sure he doesn't know where
she got all the money they used to build that
house. From there we are going to Ngqeleni
police station and see mother. Aunt has to ask if
mom has money to pay the lawyer before she
hires one. I like Siqalo's advise to his wife. They
are not going to pay so much money for
someone who knew what she was doing. What
did she do with that million? I am sure she has
money hidden somewhere. My mother is not an
embarrassment to only herself. She is an
embarrassment to her kids as well. I am glad
that my sisters don't know what is going on. I
hope they never finds out. Mother don't think
about us when she does the things she does. The
only person she looks out for is herself. She
doesn't care about us and that is not fair. Today i
am ready to confront her. I will tell her what I
think of her. She is really a disappointment in
my eyes. I love her she is my mother but I am
not going to support her. She must learn the
hard way. If I keep helping her I will end up just
like her.
Me: You know aunt I won't be surprised if uncle
knew about this.
Sabonkolo: My brother is more like Nontorotyi.
They never wanted me to marry Siqalo because
he is a royal servant. To them you have to
marry someone rich. I don't know why my
brother didn't marry a rich girl
Ngejiwe: Uncle is so lazy. I can't believe he has
never worked in his life
Sabonkolo: That one must find a job. He has
children. He can't depend on my sister just
because you guys get money from many people
in your family
Anyway we arrived. I parked the car. We
walked out.
Me: Look at how beautiful this house is
Sabonkolo: I have been here. Wait until we get
We walked to the door. My uncle walked out
Uncle: My niece. Sisi
Me: Hello Uncle
Him: You left plastics in the car ?
Me: What plastics ?
Uncle: You can't visit your uncle Empty handed
Sabonkolo: Do you know where Nontorotyi got
the money to build this house?
He smiled
Him: Sisi our sister is married to a chief. unlike
you decided to Marry a servant. She married
into a family that is rich. Money is not a problem
in that family. I heard they don't use tissue
anymore when they go to the toilet. They use
I shook my head. He is more stupid than a 6 year
Me: That is why you and mom decided to steal
from us? :'(
He looked at aunt Sabonkolo
Him: steal ?
Aunt walked in I did too. God it's beautiful here
Sabonkolo: Nontorotyi stole One million four
hundred and fourty thousand rands from that
Him: So much money, Where is She? Did she go
to Dubai? why did she leave me and family
behind. We could start a new life with that
kinda money!
Me: Yeah you did start a new life. Look at this
house! it was built with it !
Him: What ?
Sabonkolo: Bhuti our sister was arrested
yesteday for fraud!
Me: She is going to spend most of her life in
Uncle: Your mother can't be in jail. What are we
gonna eat?
Me: Sorry uncle I don't mean to disrespect you
but at your age shouldn't you be working? You
can't depend on your older sister when you are
married with children
Uncle: Be careful little brat
Me: No uncle ! I just told you my mother is
arrested one thing that came to mind to you was
her money. Don't you feel guilty that maybe she
did what she did because of the pressure you
put her through ?
Uncle: She promised to take care of us. right sisi
He was asking aunt Sabonkolo. I shook my head
in disbelief.
Sabonkolo: BhutI this child is right. You need to
find a job. Nontorotyi won't send you money
anymore. She is in prison for fraud. She could
spend a lot of time in there !
Uncle sat down putting his hands on his head
Uncle: Eish what are we gonna do this coming
month. January is the toughest and the longest
Me: Uncle your sister is in jail. Ain't you worried
about her?
He looked at me
Uncle: I am sure her cards have money. Didn't
she leave.....
Me: Oh My God! I am done here !
I walked out furiously and headed to my car.
That man is crazy! He is just like mom. What an
opportunist. I can't believe mom did all this for
that ungrateful man.

< Tasha >
I am so excited about the trip to Mozambique. I
want us to work on our relationship. I want
Elton and I to work and I am planning to tell
him i went to see Hungani yesterday so that He
can see that I am a changed woman. I don't want
any fights between us. I want this to work. I am
aborting this child so that we can start afresh. I
have a busy day today. I have to go to my
meeting then go to see a doctor. I tried calling
the doctor yesterday but it was too late. I had to
call in the morning and make an appointment. I
am going there at Eleven. I don't know how long
my meeting with Mandy will take that is why I
chose 11am for my doctor's appointment. I feel
like I achieved what I want to achieve with my
visit to see Hungani. He thought it would be like
before. He thought he was gonna do what he
always does when he sees me. It felt so good to
see him running after me. He will see how much
i hate him.
Anyway Laila told me Sonia's husband wants to
see her. I am curious to know why, Maybe Laila
has an idea why that man wanna see her.
Me: So what do you think Sonia's ex husband
wants from you ?
Laila: We have one thing in common, Claire!
Me: Do you think she started with her jealous
ways again ?
Laila: I hope not. If that's the case then I feel
sorry for the poor guy. Claire is always
controlling, Acting crazy and forever apologising
for it
Me: But you kept going back. Even yesterday I
stopped you from making the biggest mistake of
your life. That girl hurt you. She messed with
your mind then dumped you!
She took her coffee mug then sipped on it
Me: I don't want to make you feel bad friend it's
Laila: I dumped Claire! She didn't dump me
I looked at her. What is she talking about? This
woman was broken not allowing anyone to see
her in this flat. She was heartbroken now she is
telling me she didn't get dumped?
Me: I don't understand?
She put her cup down then stood up. I stood up
to. I want to know because i am confused right
now. This girl is my friend. We share everything.
I can't believe she lied to me.
Laila: Tasha I was ashamed
Me: Ashamed ?
Laila: You kept saying she wasn't right for me I
kept making excuses for her. Claire and I
relationship was toxic. She was violant
Me: Violant how ?
She walked around the kitchen. I could see she
was re-living that experience. She got angry
Me: You're scaring me now
Laila: Whenever we argued she always threw
whatever she had in her hand at me
Me: What?
Laila: Yep. The day we broke up, Well we didn't
really break up we just stopped talking. I
threatened her she stayed away
Me: Tell me what happened that day ?
Laila: We were arguing about some girl I was
talking to. She was drinking milk, It was in a
glass. I kept saying I was sorry. Yeah I was
flirting with that girl but I knew I wouldn't
persue anything with her but you know Claire,
She just got mad. She threw the glass at me and
it hit me right here
She said pointing at a mark in her forehead
Me: When i saw this it was already healed. You
said you were walking out of your car then hit
your forehead on the door
Laila: I lied. That girl hit me with that glass. I
passed out. When i woke up I was cold on the
floor she was gone with all her clothes
Me: What ?
Laila: Yeah. I woke up. I went to the clinic. I
texted her telling her if I ever see her again I
would kill her
Me: Oh My God. So she thought you were dead ?
Laila: I think so, She thought I was dead that is
why She left me lying on the floor
Me: And yesterday? Why did you even think of
going to her after what she did to you ?
Laila: I don't want her if that's what you think. I
forgave her. I thought since she sounded like she
needed my help I should go and find out what is
wrong at least she is not mad at me and I know
how she is. I wanted to talk to her and remind
her of her actions
Me: You need to stay away from that crazy girl!
We need to find you a girl for the trip
Laila: I am talking to someone so I am sorted on
that department
Me: Great
My phone rang..
Me: Excuse me
Laila: Sure
I answered. I saw Laila answering her phone as
Me: Hello ?
Caller: Tasha it's Refilwe, EJ's mother
What is this woman want? Is she calling me to
ask me to stay away from her son like Sonia and
her daughter did?
Me: Oh, Hi Mrs Seputla
I saw Laila coming back. She looked shocked to
hear who I am speaking to
Refilwe: Can we meet please ?
Me: I have a meeting at 9:30
Refilwe: It won't be long. Send me your address.
I will be there now
Me: Ma'am is this about Elton? I wou.....
Refilwe: Actually I would prefer if my son don't
know about this meeting but this has nothing to
do with you being with him. It's something else.
Something way important
Me: Oh okay I think I have few minutes
Refilwe: You can tell anyone that I am coming
there but not Elton please promise me !
Me: I promise
She hung up. I sent her my address. Laila looked
at me.
Laila: What is going on ?
Me: Mrs Seputla wants to see me. What I don't
understand is why she doesn't want me to tell
her son......
Laila: That's weird....
Me: I know right? She said I can tell anyone else
but his son. What if she kills me ?
Laila: I doubt she will kill you if she said that. I
mean I know you're meeting her. If something
happens to you I will know who did it
Me: Yeah. So who called you ?
Laila: Oh Hunter wants to see me at his office
Me: Who is Hunter?
Laila: Sonia's ex husband
She took her bag
Me: And work ?
Laila: I am going in at two
Me: Okay bye. I will wai.....
We heard a knock at the door
Laila: I will get it on my way out
Me: Okay
She went to the door. She opened the door. I
heard someone asking for me. I stood up and
looked at the door. Hungani ran in
Hungani: Thank God you're still here
He ran to me
Me: Hungani
He got to me. He went down on his knees. This is
crazy. Is he proposing?
Hungani: I am sorry about everything. Please
forgive me. Don't kill our baby because you hate
Me: I don't have time for this
Hungani: Please Tasha. We will be best parents.
We will love this child and give it the best life
please don't do this I beg you
Me: I don't want to be a single mother. I will
have a baby when i am in a relationship
Hungani stood up. He took both my hands
Me: There is nothing you can do That can stop
me. We can't stand each other. Please let's not
make things worse! I don't want anything that
will make me doubt my decisio....
He kissed me. Oh My God what is he doing now.
I tried to break the kiss. He hold my waist and
pulled me closer. I got weak. I kissed him. I felt
shivers down my spin. His think soft lips and his
warm body betrayed my body and soul.
Laila: My Queue!
I heard the door shut. When i paid attention to
Hungani I realised I already took off his shirt. He
carried me and put me on the couch. He kissed
my neck. I felt his beard on my neck. I let out a
Me: Oh Yeah
He pulled up my dress. I grabbed his belt. I
unzipped his pants We did all this fast breathing
Heavily and kissing each other hard............

< Judge Makhosazana >
Oh my God I cannot believe this. Who could've
done something like this. Who sent people to
attack Nontorotyi in a holding cell? She is not
only beat. She hospitalised. I called Swana again.
he told me that. How can this be happening. We
dont need this. How are we going to look at this
woman's children. What are we gonna say to
them when she is fighting for her life in
hospital? This is too much. What are we gonna
do ? We were just about to leave for the Zidenge
family now we have to change our plans and go
see her at hospital in Mthatha. I hope she doesn't
die because if she dies those poor children will
never forgive us for this. I know I shouldn't be
thinking what I am thinking because this
woman is my cousin sister. What if Nomahelele
sent people from the police station to beat up
Nontorotyi? I love Nomahelele she is my cousin
sister. We are loyal to each other. We got each
other's backs and she trusts me. She tells me
everything. I don't think she did this but
anything is possible with her. You just never
know what Nomahelele is up to. She is
Anyway I just hung up. My sister in law and cuz
looked at me. I can't believe this. Who did this ? I
believe Nomahelele didn't do this. If she did I
know she would've told me.
Nomagampompo: Sisi what did Detective say ?
I started pacing up and down. What do I tell
them? The detective didn't tell me the details.
Nomahelele: You're scaring us right !
Siqalo walked in
Siqalo: I apologise to Interrupt my Queen. The
chief just arrived
Nomagampompo: Send him in!
They looked at me. I got a runny nose in a
Nomahelele: Cuz!
I sat on the couch. Chief Khabalandile walked in.
I looked at him
Hlohlesakhe: My Queen you're crying is
everything okay ?
Me: Nontorotyi was attacked in a holding cell. I
don't know how bad it is. She is in hospital
Nomahelele: No!
Nomagampompo: Oh My God
The princess looked at Nomahelele
Nomagampompo: I am sorry to ask....
Nomahelele: What?
Nomagampompo: Did you have something to do
with this ?
Hlohlesakhe: River would never do something
like this!
Nomahelele looked at me
Nomahelele: Speak to your sister in law !
I looked at princess Nomagampompo
Me: My Cousin was here with us all night and
she doesn't know anyone around here!
Nomahelele: Tell her sister! Tell her. To think I
wanted to have a meeting to talk about my sister
wife now I am accused of having her beat? how
upsurd !
Nomagampompo: I am sorry I.....
Nomahelele gave her a hand.
Nomahelele: I came here to be in a polygamy
marriage and I intend to keep it that way! I am
going to show you all how it's like to be a royal
Queen! I am going to make this work! But first I
have a request for you all
Hlohlesakhe: What is that sweetheart ?
Nomahelele: I want us all to first go to the
Zidenge family then after that go see Her in
Hospital no......
We were looking at her
Nomahelele: The clients have been paid. It's us
the family who laid charges against Nontorotyi. I
don't mean no disrespect to anyone. But I beg of
you guys to drop the charges against my sister
Me: But how is she gonna learn her lesson when
we always rescue her ?
She came to me.
Nomahelele: I love you. You're my family and
you know we always got each other's backs but
wasn't it you who was crying a minute ago
because she got beat ?
I swallowed hard.
She looked at all of us
Nomahelele: We don't know who sent people to
beat her. They said she is in hospital that means
she is alive now tell me. Do you want her to go
back to prison so that whoever did that finish
the job ?
Princess Nomagampompo folded her arms and
looked at me.
Me: You can't suggest this if you don't have a
plan to put her in line so tell us! what do you
have in mind ?
Nomahelele smiled at me
Nomahelele: Of course I have a plan.I hope all Of
you will like it
Hlohlesakhe: What is that?
Nomahelele: Nontorotyi will recover, Go back to
work and this time She won't have an executive
We looked at each other
Nomahelele: With her salary, I mean all her
salary will pay that money She stole from the
family. She is going to live by the allowance my
darling will give us as his wives
Me: I like this
Nomagampompo: That is a good lesson to learn.
She won't have a lot of money to go shopping
Nomahelele: Exactly but first I think we need to
go see her and tell her this before We drop the
Me: No! We have to drop the charges first. She
will never have a nerve to say no to us
Hlohlesakhe: So My Queen do we all agree with
my sweetheart plan ?
He looked at me.
Me: I love it
He looked at his sister
Nomagampompo: Perfect plan
Nomahelele: I knew you'd love it but we can't
ignore what happened. Someone was sent to
attack her. I wonder who?
Me: Yeah me too......
My phone rang. I looked at it. This woman's
timing is always bad. I looked at everyone.
Me: I don't know this number. Excuse me I need
to take it
Nomahelele: Okay
I walked away then answered
Me: Hello
May: You're welcome
Me: Welcome ?
May: You think I was gonna let that ratchet
woman mess with my baby cousin sister and get
away with it?
Oh My God! it was her. I put my hand on My
mouth. I turned around and quicky removed the
hand so that they don't suspect a thing. They
looked at me and smiled. I did too then looked
Me: It was you ?
May: I know you guys love that woman. I
thought let me just bruise her around a little just
to teach her a lesson
I wiped my tears then turned around. They are
still looking at me. I walked to them
Me: Hihihihi no thanks! I don't need this
insurance sorry
May: I am impressed, You're getting better at
this. What is it ? Is our little cousin With you ?
Me: Yes bye
I hung up then looked at the guys
Me: Let's go!
Chief Khabalandile and princess
Nomagampompo led the way. I was walking
with My cousin.
Nomahelele: Who was it ?
Me: Insurance
Nomahelele chuckled
Nomahelele: Tell insurance we don't need her
thug ways to punish one of us
My eyes popped out. I stopped walking. I looked
at her
She put her hand on my shoulder
Nomahelele: Don't worry about it. I don't expect
you to stop talking to May. She is our cousin but
as long She does her things far away from the
Me: I am glad you understand I can't hate her
just because you do
Nomahelele: She must stay in Centurion. We all
have big personalities. This place is too small for
the three of us
She walked away leaving me standing
Me: You're right about that one




< Narrated >
What is this? Are we dreaming ? The view in the
house is perfect. We see Tasha and Hungani
lying on the couch naked. Tasha was on top of
him lying on his chest. This looked like a perfect
couple believe it or not. Two people who hated
each other just made up and all is forgotten?
Talk about the power of make up sex. Does this
mean Hungani's plan to make Tasha change her
mind worked? Was this a plan or we are looking
at the most unlikely couple ? It looks like these
two are not just cuddling. They fell asleep. We
hear a knock at the door. It went on for a
minute. The door opened. Ms Refilwe opened
the door. She walked in then headed to the
living room.
Refilwe: Is someone home ?
Tasha jumped up. Hungani jumped up. His penis
was hanging around his thighs. Ms Refilwe put
her hands on her mouth shocked.
Refilwe: Oh My God!!!!
Ms Refilwe ran to the door. Hungani covered his
private part, isn't he a little bit too late? His
machine gun doesn't look like someone
explained it. Was it bitterness talking or what? I
mean it made Ms Refilwe run for her life.
Anyway we see both of them getting dressed
fast. They looked embarrassed. Anyway Ms
Refilwe didn't walk out. She was just looking at
the door.
We see Hungani kiss Tasha then hold her from
the back of her head.
Hungani: I will see you later promise me you
won't do this
Hungani: Promise me
Tasha: I promise
Hungani: I will see you later
He kissed her then walked away leaving Tasha
biting her lower lip but She looked embarrassed.
Hungani got next to Ms Refilwe. He looked
Refilwe: Hungani
Hungani: Mrs Seputla
Ms Refilwe shook her head then walked to the
living room. Hungani bit his lower lip
embarrassed. He looked like he hated what just
happened. He opened the door then walked out.
Tasha: I am sorry about that but you should've
Refilwe: I did but I was not gonna mess my
fingers. So does this mean you're done with my
son ?
Tasha swallowed hard. She didn't atar a word.

Earlier Laila opened up to her friend about what
really happened between her and Claire. Now
the Question is will she be honest with Hunter?
When Laila received a call earlier it was from
Hunter asking her to come to his work place.
What will Hunter do after he learns about the
kinda person Claire is ? He is already
experiencing abuse from her. Maybe he wants
to speak to Laila just to find out if hitting a
partner is what she does or she was really
Anyway we see Hunter going to the door. He
opened the door. Laila was at the door.
Hunter: Come in thank you for coming
Laila: No problem
Laila was looking at a plaster in Hunter's
forehead. She looked more concerned.
Hunter: Please take a sit
Laila: Thank you
She sat down. Hunter went to his chair and sat
Hunter: I hope i didn't mess up your day by
asking you to come here. It's jus.....
The door opened. They both looked at the door.
What is Claire doing here? The last time she was
with Hunter she hit the poor man. They didn't
speak since now she walks in like everything is
okay. Laila looked nervous when she was Claire
smiling at the door.
Hunter: Claire what are you doing here?
Claire: I came to see my boyfriend. What is Laila
doing here ?
Laila stood up
Hunter: She came to see Mr Kobus. I just told
here he is not in today. I am sure he is at Seputla
Laila: I am Sorry to bother you.....
Hunter: Hunter
Laila: Mr Hunter. I should've called Mr De
Hunter: Give him a call
Laila smiled and looked at Claire
Laila: Claire
Claire: Bye
Laila walked out and closed the door. Claire
turned around smiling
Hunter: Are you still stalking me ?
Claire: Come on baby. I was just around the
corner, I thought I should come and tell you that
I am going to the rehearsals for the fashion
show at Sandton
Hunter: Just like that ? To hell with what
happened yesterday
Claire: Baby i apologised. Please forgive me I
was so angry. You can't blame me. You cheated
on me
Hunter: When are you going to forgive Me? It
looks like we will fight about this all the time!
Claire flipped her hair. She smiled then put her
arms around Hunter's neck. She kissed him.
Hunter kissed her back. Claire broke the kiss
Claire: I forgive you
She said putting her finger on Hunter's lips
Claire: And you will never hear me talk about it
ever again
Hunter: Really ?
Claire kissed him
Claire: I give you my word
Hunter kissed her. They kissed for a while.
Claire unbuttoned Hunter's first button. A knock
came at the door. They stopped kissing
Claire: Am I seeing you at the fashion show
Hunter went to the door. He opened the door
Lady: Sir your meating starts in 15 minutes
Hunter: Thank you i will be ready
The lady walked away. Hunter looked at Claire
Hunter: I will be there
Claire kissed him
Claire: Thanks baby. I have to go I am late
Hunter: bye babe ;)
Claire walked out. Hunter closed the door. Claire
lost her smile. She took out her phone and made
a phone call. She is calling Laila.
Laila: He....
Claire: What business do you have with my
boyfriend because i know all What he said was a
Laila: I didn't get to hear what he called me
there for and you're to blame for that
Claire: Who gave him your number ?
Laila: Ask him.... ( Tu tu tu tu tu )
Claire looked at her phone. She noticed She
hung up
Claire: Bitch

< Tasha >
Oh My God I just had sex with Hungani. I am so
embarrassed by what happened because it
made me swallow my words and don't get me
started with what just happened with Mrs
Seputla walking in on us naked all over each
other. She just asked me if I am done with her
son. I didn't think of Elton at all. Everything
happened so fast. I can't make any conclusions
right now. I don't know what is going on and I
am looking forward to our date later afternoon.
I have to many decisions to make. I need to
know Hungani's intentions with us. I want to
know what was the sex about because i enjoyed
it. I just feel bad for betraying Elton again with
this man and i know this woman is gonna run to
her son and tell him about what she saw
because She wants us to break up. I feel like I
am playing with fire. Elton gave me a pass after
everything I have done to him. Now I am doing
the very same thing. If things go well when i
meet Hungani later, I will have to go tell Elton I
cannot be with him. He deserves to know the
truth but I have to tell him after the trip. I can't
miss out on this opportunity. I am going to
Mozambique. Who knows? His reality show
crew might be there. It boosted my following.
Being on that show again will help my career.
Refilwe: I asked you a question Tasha. Are you
done with my son ?
I showed her the couch. Ms Refilwe looked at the
couch. Oh rich people. She doesn't see sperm
there now does she ?
Refilwe: I would rather stand. Can you please
open the windows
I did the walk of shame to the windows and
opened them then turned around.
Me: I thought you said you're not here to talk
about EJ
Refilwe: I didn't say that. I said I am not coming
here to say break up with my son but I think
right I should!
Me: Oh My God that's what you're here to do I
knew it
Refilwe: You don't know me. You just know I am
your boyfriend's mother so please don't call me
a liar!
I looked looked down. I didn't call her a liar. I
just don't understand what she wanna talk
about if it's not about EJ because he is a common
denominator in this
Me: I am sorry
Refilwe: Good! I am here to beg you to change
your mind about going to the trip
I looked at her. Is she kidding ? I am looking
forward to going to that trip. I am even planning
to dump Elton after the trip. How can she say
this? I looked away. I don't think i like this. Why
would she go against her son and come here to
ask me this ?
I don't like this at all. I looked away angry
Refilwe: Tasha Please do not go to this trip I beg
Me: I am sorry ma'am, I know you and your
daughter don't like me but I didn't think you'd
stoop this low!
Refilwe: Tasha I dont have a problem with you
dating my son
She thinks I believe that? Let me hear why she
doesn't have a problem with me dating her son
after what I did to him. I am not being
ungrateful. Every decision a person makes they
have a reason to make it, I wanna hear hers
Me: Why?
Refilwe: Why !?
Me: I drugged him why don't you have a
Her: I am angry yes but I can't tell my son what
to do. All I am asking of you is for you to make
up an excuse and cancel from him. I don't care
what happens after the trip. I give you my
blessing. You can date him but do not go to that
I walked around. No man. I don't know I feel like
she is planning to break us up. It's her plan with
her daughter. She knows if I cancel Elton will be
angry and take back his forgiveness
Refilwe: Are you trying to tell me you believe my
son forgave you just like that? Girl open your
eyes. I don't trust him. I feel like he is angry. I
don't want him to do something to you in
another country
Okay...... She has my undivided attention now. I
have to hear her out. I notinced how he is but I
still can't trust this woman.
Refilwe: Tasha come on You noticed this! My son
is not the same person. He is just not the EJ we
know, didn't you notice something? anything ?
I noticed something yes but how do I trust her ?
All she wants is for her son to date someone else
not me. She can make things up just to scare me
Me: No! I noticed he is acting really weird but at
the same time i cannot trust what you tell me
because you don't think I am good for your son
after what I did
She got frustrated. I saw her walking up and
down pacing up
Refilwe: I took my time. I came here. Do you
really think I would waste my time and come
here if I didn't see something is off with him? I
am trying to save you here. I just told you to be
careful. Don't go there! when he comes back I
give you guys my blessings. Date him when he
comes back!
She came closer to me
Refilwe: Tasha I am scared for you. I am scared
of what my son might do. I don't want my son to
mess up. If you not there he won't do
Me: What is it that EJ planned?
Her eyes widened. She looked down
Me: I can't just take your word when you don't
wanna tell me what he wants to do to me
I saw a tear drop. This is serious
Refilwe: Promise me you won't go
Refilwe: Promise me you won't meet him in a
private place. Promise me you will only meet
him at my house or in public and when you're
in my house make sure you don't stand next to
the window that is open or the balcony. He
might throw you out the window or balcony
please listen to me!
Oh my God this is serious. What is EJ planning to
do to me. This woman is not playing now. If
Hungani and I are going to be in a relationship. I
will have to move in with him. I am not safe
now I believe this woman. She definitely knows
something but she doesn't wanna tell me. She is
protecting her son.
Refilwe: I don't care about you and you know
that but one thing you need to know is that I
care about my son. I love him and i don't want
him to get into trouble
I nodded my head yes
Refilwe: You promise you will be careful?
Me: Yes. I know what I will tell him when I see
She smiled
Her: Thank you. Thank you so much
She hugged me. This is serious. I never thought I
would even get a hug from her again
Maybe this is a perfect idea. I haven't thought of
how I was gonna fix the situation. I just had sex
with Hungani. I am alive again. I feel so happy. I
am happy that we had sex. I am in love with
Hungani. I love him so much and I was hurt that
he didn't treat me well. I am going to tell Elton
that I am raising my child with my baby daddy. I
smiled while hugging Mrs Seputla. I am glad she
came. This made things easy for me. I know
what I will do.

< Nontorotyi >
Me: Where am I! ouch!
Oh My God. My head is in pain. I tried to touch
my head I saw a chain in my wrist. Oh Lord I am
in hospital and I am still under arrest. They are
treating me like I am a con artist
Me: Help!!!
I saw a nurse coming in.
Nurse: Is everything okay ma'am?
Me: Call my husband!! call my husband
Nurse: Ma'am you need to calm down. I don't
know your husband!
An officer walked in. Nurse looked at him
Nurse: Did anyone call her family ?
Officer: Yes her family knows
Oh My God they don't care. How can i wake up
with no one here. I know I wronged the family
but i am injuried here. They should be here now.
Me: Nurse what happened to me ?
Nurse looked at the officer
Officer: You were attacked by other in mates
Me: I can't go back there! do something. release
me. I am not safe there
Officer: Now you're being dramatic. You think
charges against you will just be forgotten
because you got beat in a holding cell? It
happens all the time
Me: I am not safe there!
My daughter walked in
Me: Ngeji! Ngejiwe My baby ! .
She folded her arms on her chest. She gave me
death stare. Don't tell me She is angry as well.
My sister walked in
Sabonkolo: Oh My god
Me: Sister
She ran to me. She hugged me. I felt so much
Me: Ouch
Sabonkolo: Oh I am so sorry
I looked at Ngejiwe. She gave me death stare
again. I know she is angry. I always humiliate
my house. Sabonkolo looked at the nurse
Sabonkolo: Nurse how serious are her injuries?
Nurse: She has one at the back of her head. One
rib was almost broken
Me: No!
Sabonkolo: Oh My God
That is why I feel a pain in my right rib. Oh My
God Nomakhosazana did this. She goes a lot to
police stations as a judge. She paid people to do
this to me
Sabonkolo: Why were you attacked ?
Me: I don't know. They hit me from behind. I
remember a heavy thing hit me from behind
Nurse: I will give you 15 minutes with her I will
be back
Ngejiwe: Thanks nurse
She walked out. Ngejiwe looked at me
Ngejiwe: How could you ?
Me: I am sorry. I never thought this....
Ngejiwe: I am not talking about that! why you
lied to me last year?
I am confused. What is she talking about?
Me: Last year ?
Ngejiwe: Mother you asked me to send an email
from the Queen's computer!
Me: Oh My God. I hope you didn't tell them it
was you
Ngejiwe: I didn't have to! The Queen always
finds out every time i help you. She is smart and
it's probably why you hate her
I looked down. My baby girl is going through a
lot because of me.
Ngejiwe: Tell me mother, When you used the
Queen's email, Did you think everything was
gonna be traced back to her?
Me: I have a headache please call the doctor.
They must sedate me
I am lying. I can't face Ngejiwe right now. She is
causing me more migraines. She came to me..
Ngejiwe: Mother you need to stop being
dramatic or I am going to punch your rib!
Sabonkolo: Ngejiwe she is your mother!
She was breathing heavily. She means business.
She will punch me
Me: Please Don't
Ngejiwe: Then stop making noise!
Me: Okay
Ngejiwe: You messed up mom. You're going to
spend so many years in prison. What should I
tell Notumata and Nontwana?
Oh My poor babies. I closed My eyes and broke
down. I miss them
Ngejiwe: Should I tell them that their mother is a
thief and she is behind bars for fraud?
Me: No!
She shook her head. I can see she hates Me. I am
her mother. She can't hate me.
Ngejiwe: If you didn't betray me I was gonna
represent you and win this case but I am done
with you!
Me: Please baby help me !
Sabonkolo: Ngejiwe Fraud is a serious case.
What were you gonna do! You're still a student
Ngejiwe: This is nothing to me. I was gonna walk
out of court victorious but she is not gonna get
that from me
Me: Please
Sabonkolo: Tell me what were you gonna say to
the judge?
Ngejiwe: Mom was a senior nurse. She was
getting paid a lot. They asked her to quit her job
and paid her money that is not even half of her
salary. I was gonna tell the judge that she felt
unappreciated. She did that because she was not
used to being paid peanuts every month. She felt
like the family owed her. I was gonna take it
from there but I am not interested. I don't want
to look stupid again to my family
Me: Please help Me! I swear i will change !
Sabonkolo: Ngejiwe we can't pay a lawyer when
you can do something !
Ngejiwe: Auntie you will find me in the car.
Don't keep me waiting
She walked out. I looked at my sister
Me: She hates me
Sabonkolo: Don't worry I will speak to her. She
will come around but if she doesn't then I am
going to make sure I use the information she
told us and tell the lawyer. Speaking of the
Me: Yes! did you find me a lawyer ?
Sabonkolo: I cannot hire a lawyer until I know
you have money to pay him
Me: No! I am unemployed. Help me
Sabonkolo: Sisi I don't have money I am sorry
Me: Go beg my husband. I am sure he will feel
sorry for me now that I am here
Sabonkolo: I doubt that. We had to go to the
police station to find out you're here. They didn't
tell us and Detective Swana says he told them.
They just don't care. Let's use the state lawyer.
We will tell him what your daughter told us
Me: I am a royal Queen and You're telling me
that i will use a state lawyer? How awful
Sabonkolo: Sis I think right now status should be
the last thing in your mind. You're a royal Queen
and that didn't stop you from stealing !
Me: You're my sister. You should be by my side!
Sabonkolo: I will come see you soon
Me: That's if I am not dead by then
Sabonkolo: Don't say that!
Me: The person who did this to me is out there.
What if she comes and finish me off ?
Sabonkolo: You even know it's a She?
Me: Nomakhosazana and that sister of hers did
this to me but God didn't approve. He fought for
me. I am sure they thought I am dead
Her phone rang. She said waving her phone at
Sabonkolo: Your daughter is gonna leave me
She ran out.
Me: God keep protecting me

< Narrated >
The Ndengana royal family just arrived at
Zidenge royal family. It looks like they all moved
to Nomaxabiso's house. They are no longer at
the royal house. They walked in. Immediately
when they walked in. The Queen thought of
Nomfunzelo and how she was begging her to
call an ambulance. The Queen shook her head
trying to shake it off. The Queen was having a
conversation with herself. She kept telling
herself that she was gonna die anyway. She was
never gonna make it alive to the hospital. It was
her fault She died. This poison was hers and it
killed her.
Nomakhosazana: It was either her or me
Nomahelele: Are you saying something cuz?
Nomakhosazana snapped out of it. She smiled
Nomakhosazana: No!
The families did a short prayer. Nomaxabiso
was part of the prayer. She looked embarrassed.
Since the Ndengana family arrived she hasn't
looked up. She feels embarrassed and you
cannot blame her after what happened the last
time she was at the royal palace.
Mr Zidenge: So who is this lady, I have been to
the royal palace a few times and I have never
seen her
He said looking at Nomahelele. The Queen
Nomakhosazana: This is The chief's second wife
Mr Zidenge: Oh Khalandile you don't say?
Hlohlesakhe: We just paid Lobola. There hasn't
been a wedding yet as you know we are
planning King Zwelicacile's wedding
Chief Zidenge looked at Nomaxabiso. He knew
this wouldn't sit well with her
Mr Zidenge: Nomaxabiso are you okay ?
Nomaxabiso stood up
Nomaxabiso: I am fine uncle !
She stood Up then walked away. Nomahelele
pinched Chief Khabalandile asking him to follow
her. Chief Zidenge looked at his wife
Him: Honey follow her
Chief Khabalandile stood up
Hlohlesakhe: No! I got this ! I will follow her
Queen Nomakhosazana looked at Chief
Nomakhosaza: Are you sure?
Hlohlesakhe: Yes. She needs to speak to someone
who is not family. Someone She will be able to
speak her feelings to
Nomahelele: Absolutely darling! Go after her
Chief Khabalandile walked to the bedroom.
Nomahelele smiled looking down. Chief
Khabalandile knocked at the door then opened
the door.
Nomaxabiso: I don't want to see anyone!!!
Hlohlesakhe: I hope you want to see me
Nomaxabiso wiped her tears. She looked up
When she saw who it was She stood up.
Nomaxabiso: Chief Khabalandile what are you
doing in my bed room ?
Hlohlesakhe: I lost both my parents as well. I
know it has been a long time but when they died
I was younger. I felt like I had nothing to live for
anymore. I didn't know how I was gonna carry
on with life without them but I cannot imagine
how it's like to lose both of them in one day
Nomaxabiso: I am all alone. I am all alone chief
Khabalandile. I don't know what I am going to
do. I have So many responsibilities that I am not
even ready for. I never prepared myself for this
Hlohlesakhe: Nomaxabiso you need someone
you can trust. Someone who is going to look out
for you and help you with these responsibilities
He walked closer to her .
Hlohlesakhe: Nomaxabiso if you need anything I
am here for you. I can do anything to take that
pain away from you. You were almost our
daughter in law. We still care about you and for
the record. I think my nephew is very stupid to
let go of a beautiful woman like you
Nomaxabiso: I don't know. I am going through a
lot right now. A man I thought was gonna be my
soulmate hates me. I....
She walked passed the chief
Nomaxabiso: I lost my parents. The only thing i
feel is pain
The chief grabbed her wrist. Nomaxabiso turned
Hlohlesakhe: A hug can take all that pain away.
Come here
He pulled her and hugged her tight. Nomaxabiso
cried so hard on his chest. The chief hugged her
tight brushing her back
Hlohlesakhe: I am going to be here everyday for
you. I am going to take care of you. You're a very
special woman and Smart. The only thing you
need is a man who cares and sees your beauty
Nomaxabiso: Thank you my chief
Hlohlesakhe: Let it all out My Princess, Let it all
It's over thirty minutes Nomaxabiso and the
chief went to the bedroom. We see Nomahelele
stands up. The Queen looked at her so did the
Zidenge family.
Nomahele: I need to go check on them. My
darling forgot we have to be somewhere in an
Nomakhosazana: And we have to leave
Nomahelele: I will be right back
Queen Nomahelele walked to the bedroom. She
had a smirk in her face.
Nomahelele: I hope you're done Hlohlesakhe
She got to the door. She breath in and out " My
chief you need to dress up before someone
walks in" Said Nomaxabiso inside. Nomahelele
smiled then turned the door handle
Nomahelele: I am so sorry to interrupt its jus.....
Nomahelele put her hand on her mouth acting
shocked. Nomaxabiso stood up
Nomaxabiso: I am....please I...
Hlohlesakhe: Sweetheart this not what.....
Nomahelele: Hlohlesakhe leave us!!!
Hlohlesakhe: Sweetheart I didn't mean for this
to happen
Nomaxabiso: Please forgive him he was trying to
help me. It's my fault. I kissed him first
Hlohlesakhe: I am so sorry swee.....
Nomahelele: I said leave!!
Chief Khabalandile looked at her for the last
time. He said sorry then walked out and closed
the door. Nomahelele turned around..
Nomahelele: I understand the fact that you're
hurting and you lost your parents but....
Nomaxabiso: Please forgive me. Don't tell
people. Your Fiancé will be humiliated and I will
be humiliated as well please I beg of you
Nomahelele: I can't stand a woman who sleeps
with my man
Nomaxabiso: It's not going to happen again I
Nomahelele: How was it?
Nomaxabiso: Huh?
Nomahelele: You heard me how was the sex?
Did you enjoy it, I hate lies. I want you to be
honest with me
Nomaxabiso looked away
Nomahelele: Don't lie to me Nomaxabiso
Nomaxabiso: Okay it was unexpected. I was
emotional. I didn't think straight. I went for it
Nomahelele: Why didn't you stop him ?
Nomaxabiso turned around.
Nomaxabiso: I couldn't please stop asking I can't
have this conversation with you. I just slept with
the man you're going to marry
Nomahelele: You loved it
Nomaxabiso: I don't know but I didn't hate it
Nomahelele: I love Hlohlesakhe. I killed my two
other boyfriends because they cheated on me
Nomaxabiso got scared. She was shocked.
Nomahelele: I am not going to let this push me
to the edge. I love that man. He is royalty. My
dream is to marry him. You also have a dream of
being a royal wife right ?
Nomaxabiso: That dream died. I am sure You
know why
Nomahelele: Girl you slept with my Fiancé. To
avoid a conflict because the next time you sleep
with him......
Nomahelele walked closer to her smiling
Nomahelele: I am not going to kill him I am
gonna kill you
Nomaxabiso: It won't happen again
Nomahelele: You're right it won't happen again
because The next time it happens you will be his
third wife
Nomaxabiso: What ?
Nomahelele: Come on girl! you're pregnant with
with a married man's child
Nomaxabiso sat on the edge of her bed shocked
to hear this
Nomahelele: And the worst thing is you're
friends with his wife
Nomaxabiso: How many people know this?
Nomahelele: I am a 36 years old woman. You
and I have 3 year age gap. If i can marry him I
don't know why can't you. I am a royal princess.
My mother shared a wife with three women. I
love having sister wives. You and my husband
slept together. Why don't you just marry him. I
am sure you don't wanna be a side bitch all Your
Nomaxabiso: But you know I am pregnant with
another man's child. How is this gonna work ?
Nomahelele: We don't have to tell my husband
anything !
" So...... " Said a voice behind them. It came from
the closet. It was a male voice. Nomahelele
looked scared she got teary. The person didn't
reveal himself.
Nomaxabiso ran to the closet
Nomaxabiso: Daddy is that you !?
She opened the door of the closet. A man stood
up. It's not him it's Gedleza
Nomaxabiso: Gedleza?
Gedleza ignored her. He walked out of the closet
Gedleza: Thank you for opening for me. It's
really hot in there
Nomahelele: Gedleza what are you doing here.
Do you know you almost gave me a heart
Gedleza: My Queen I am here to see you
Queen Nomahelele looked nervous
Nomahelele: Is everything okay ?
Gedleza looked at Nomaxabiso then at Queen
Gedleza: If i heard you correctly My Queen you
He looked at Nomaxabiso's belly
Gedleza: This baby is going to be Chief
Khabalandile's heir
Nomaxabiso: That wouldn't be a bad thing I
mean I am a royal....
Nomahelele gave her a hand, Nomaxabiso
stopped talking. Queen Nomahelele looked at
Nomahelele: I am the chosen one!
Gedleza: Princess Nomaxabiso is carrying a
baby boy.....
Nomaxabiso got excited. She put her hand on
her mouth
Nomaxabiso: Oh My God
Gedleza: Now if you gonna make the chief
believe he is the father of this baby, He is
choosing his first born son
Nomaxabiso: What do you say sister wife? Isn't
this amazing?
Nomahelele smiled. She put her hand on
Nomaxabiso's shoulder
Nomahelele: I know right !
Nomaxabiso clapped hands
Nomaxabiso: Oh my God my baby boy is going
to be an...
Nomahelele: It's amazing that Gedleza showed
up and opened my eyes! I almost made a big
Nomaxabiso lost her smile
Nomaxabiso: I don't understand ?
Nomahelele: You sweety need to grow up. I don't
want to have a sister wife who is behaving like
She has lost a few screws in her head
Nomahelele: Your child is nothing but a bastard
but we will love him as our own okay ?
Me: Now let me go tell Our husband that you're
pregnant. I am going to give my husband an
Queen Nomahelele fixed Nomaxabiso's hair
Me: Not you sweety




< Priscella >
We just finished interviewing the guys. The
process for Sonia's secretary was a little bit
harder than mine. For me I called Algebra. He
came I interviewed him then gave him the job at
that instant. We just interviewed 13 people who
wanna be her secretary. This just shows how
scarce job opportunities are in this country. If it
was for me we were gonna hire all of them but
unfortunately we need one person only. We
don't have jobs for all of them. Our company is
probably the only business in this city with
thousands of employees but we cannot hire
everyone, sometimes even a person with a good
heart has to accept the reality and follow the
budget of the company.
Anyway we are walking from the boardroom to
her office.
Sonia: I have my favourites already
Me: Me too
Sonia: Do you want us to choose someone and
call them now ?
Me: Let's choose someone at lunch time and call
them tomorrow. We cannot act desperate. Yes
you're desperate for an assistant but we are a
big company we have to do things the right way.
It was different with Algebra because he was the
only one. We just interviewed 13 people and We
cannot look like we didn't even brainstorm
Sonia: You're right. I think I told you yesterday
that I will have to go to my house at lunch time
and come back to work after shooting. So let's do
it then
Me: Okay no problem
She opened the door and walked in. I did too
Sonia: Thank you for helping me
Me: You're welcome let me go to work. Tell me
are you ready for tonight?
Sonia: I think I am. I wanted to have an early
night tonight with my kids. I am sad that i have
to leave but it's a great opportunity
Me: Yeah
Her phone rang.
Sonia: Excuse me
Me: Let me go t....
She raised her finger asking me to wait a
moment. She answered I stood there and waited
for her to finish
Sonia: Oh hi Mandy
Sonia: Come around 3pm
She hung up
Sonia: Mandy wanna see me I wonder why ?
Me: Maybe she wants to be your manager
Sonia: I don't need a manager. I am a business
woman. I only do The housewives and that's the
only thing i am interested in when it comes to
entertaiment so I am really not interested
Me: Okay Later
Sonia: Bye friend
I walked out. I saw Algebra lying his head on his
Me: And now!?
He looked up.
Algebra: I am sorry ma'am do you need
Me: You look like a mess
He looked down.
Him: I know Isaiah and I had one crazy night.
Hangover is killing me
Me: He is selfish. He is only working in January
but He makes you drink Monday night when
you have to wake up and come to work
Algebra: I know right?
Me: Go make yourself black coffee or go drink a
drop of whisky in Sonia's office remember don't
drink to be drunk
He stood up
Algebra: Thanks boss
Me: Sure
I got a text. I looked at it. It's from mom.
I texted her back
Me: I have few minutes.
I walked to my office. I wonder how it went with
< Tasha >
I was in a meeting but my mind wasn't there. My
mind was all over the place. A man I have been
intimate with for few years wants to kill me. I
know Elton is planning something and that is to
kill me. Mrs Seputla gave me all the clues that
show her son wants to kill me. I saw the signs
but I ignored them. I cannot believe I almost
died. I can't believe I didn't trust my instincts. I
should have seen that coming. I wronged this
man. I said this, I knew Elton was a ticking
timebomb. I saw it and it looked like a dream
and The only thing I needed was a wake up call
and I feel like his mother was my eye opener.
She opened my eyes. I am sure now. I don't
think i want to see Elton In private. I want to see
Elton with my best friend and I am going to his
home and I will sit in their living room. I am not
going to his bedroom. I am going there to end
things but first I need to tell my friend about my
meeting with Mrs Seputla and my meeting with
my producers which I don't even remember. I
know I won't find her at the house. I need to go
to her work place. It's almost 2pm and she is
starting work at 2. I am rushing to get there
before she starts working. I am also waiting for
Hungani's call. I am praying that he calls. He has
been texting me though asking how I am doing. I
feel sexy all over again. I am falling in love with
him more. I know I didn't stop loving him. I just
hated him for what he did to me.
Anyway the taxi just dropped me at Luxury
Hotel. I need to call Laila and ask where she is. I
took out my phone and dialled her number.
Laila: Hey !
Me: Hey where are you ?
Laila: In the hotel parking lot. I just arrived
Me: Do you have few minutes?
Laila: I have like twenty minutes. I am coming to
the tables outside
Me: Thanks
I walked to the tables. I wonder what I will do
when i am working ? I will have to borrow
Laila's car and help with petrol. I can't take a
taxi when I am on t.v. You know I miss my
parents and it breaks my heart that they haven't
reached out to me.They kicked me out I feel like
it's them who should reach out I don't wanna go
there and get my heart broken all over again.
Anyway I saw Laila. I sat down. She saw me
then came to me.
Laila: Hey
Me: Friend
I know that big smile. She saw me kissing
Hungani now she wants to know all the details.
Me: What a day I am having God and I feel like
it's getting worse
Tasha: Don't tell me the producers didn't like
Me: They love me. They said We start shooting
tomorrow which is Wednesday and Thursday is
our last day. We will go to Christmas then on the
27th We are at it again. They say they are
running out of episodes since Brendan missed
lot of work they had to change the storyline. I
am just so excited. Oh by the way Mandy
surprised me with a lawyer. I signed all my
contracts. I signed hers and the soap opera
contract so I am employeed
Laila: Congratulations! So how did it go with The
other meeting? dude I Ieft you guys making out.
What was that all about?
Me: I actually I don't know. If that was his way
to manipulate me to stop what I was gonna do
he succeeded
Laila: You're not terminating the pregnancy?
Me: Nope
Her: And you two? And what About Elton?
Me: I am actually here to talk about Elton. But
let's finish this first. Friend I had a very touching
conversation with Hungani....
Laila: Before or after sex?
I smiled then looked down
Laila: Oh My God you had to give the baby
Me: Yes we had sex, We talked after. He told me
about how he was adopted and how he wants to
have a baby and be part of it's life
Laila: Wow so
Me: I don't know friend i just can't do it
Laila: Well it does sound selfish when a girl
wanna terminate a child when a father wants it.
So many girls don't get a chance to raise
children with their fathers. I pray he doesn't just
give you words. He must show with action
Me: I know what you mean. Well I told him I am
not prepared to be a single mother he didn't
back down. I hope he knows what he is doing
because pi meant what I said
Laila: ain't you worried about Elton though?
you're betraying this man for the second time
Me: His mother walked in on us naked on the
couch. We didn't hear her knock. After sex with
talked then fell asleep
Laila: Friend she is going to tell Elton!
I looked down
Laila: what ?
I looked at her.
Me: Friend Elton didn't forgive me. I was right
when i said something is off about him
Laila: what happened?
Me: Friend that woman came to beg me not to
go to the trip. She even cried begging me. When
I asked what is going on she kept saying she is
begging me not to go. She asked if i haven't
noticed Elton isn't himself and she is right about
that friend ....
Me: I didn't believe her at first because she and
her daughter don't like me
Laila: I was about to say that
Me: Well When i saw her cry and heard her say
She doesn't care if I continue dating him but one
thing she doesn't want is me going to the trip.
She went on and say I should only see him in
public or at her house. Friend she said if I am at
her house I should make sure I am not next to
an open window or balcony
Laila: she thinks he'd push you down that tall
Me: Yes friend that's when i noticed this is
Laila: So what are you going to do ?
Me: when is your lunch time when you started
working at 2pm?
Her: 5pm why ?
Me: At your lunch time you will accompany me
to his home. I want to dump him friend
Laila: Oh My God this is gonna be awkward
because i was begging him to forgive you
Me: well he had other plans. Something tells me
there is more Mrs Seputla don't wanna tell me.
She said she doesn't care about me. She is doing
this because she doesn't want her son getting
into trouble
Laila: Do you think he wanted to leave you in
Mozambique or humiliate you there in front of
his friends ?
Me: Or kill me. Friend no one would find out
Laila: Thank God I haven't told this chick about
the trip
Me: yeah
She stood up
Her: Friend let me go get my knives and start
Me: Thank you for listening
She looked at me
Her: did you tell Mandy about your pregnancy
and ask what will happen to your job ?
Me: I was nervous. I couldn't ruin that moment.
I will tell her soon though
Laila: Later
Me: Bye
I want to meet Mandy sometime and tell her
about my pregnancy. I hope it won't mess up
things for me. I am so nervous about meeting
Elton. Now that I know he wants to hurt me I am
really scared of him. I need to tell Hungani
about this. I don't know why everytime i feel like
things are getting better I put myself into more
trouble. I am pregnant. I am carrying a child of a
man my parents didn't approve of. Even if they
forgive me. When i tell them about this, things
will go back. I don't know what to do. This
pressure is too much for me and it is not good
for the baby. I need to call Mrs Seputla and tell
her I am meeting Elton today. I pray she is there
when i see him. I am scared of her son.

< Priscella >
When my mother asked to talk to me I agreed
then there was a crisis so I had to postpone. I am
free now. I want to know how it went with
Tasha. I hope this girl is not stupid because if she
is I am afraid she is going to die. I don't care
whether Tasha is going or not. Everyone who
goes to that trip must be searched. No weapon is
getting on that ship. I am not going to let my
brother do something he will regret. I will take
this request to my mother. I want her to surprise
them with the search. I don't want him to know
because he will be careful. We have him right
now. Whatever he planned will fail but the only
time I will be happy is when I hear that Tasha is
not going to the trip.
Anyway mom is coming to my office. She doesn't
want us to talk at home and I understand. If
Elton would find out that that we have been
talking to Tasha he would be angry. I don't want
to make him angry. I just don't know the Elton
who wants to kill people. My little brother
wouldn't do that. My telephone rang. I looked at
it then at Sonia's office. Oh she is back. I
Me: Hey
Sonia: Would it be a problem if you come here. I
am back we need to choose my PA
Me: I am having a meeting with Ms Refilwe in....
She walked out of the elevator
Me: She is here friend
Sonia: Okay I will wait
Me: Okay
I put the telephone down. The door opened.
Me: Mom
Mom: I am glad I am the one who went to see
Tasha. I don't know what would've happened if
you were the one walking in on what I walked
in on
Me: What happened?
Mom exhaled
Mom: I found Hungani and Tasha passed out on
the couch naked
Me: What !? She is cheating on my brother with
him again?
Mom: I was surprised as well. I asked what does
what I saw mean. She kind of dodged the
Me: Hungani don't love himself and I hate the
fact that he uses women like...... I don't know
Mom: He doesn't force them though but I hope
what I saw in there was because of my
conversation with Hungani's mom
Me: You spoke to her ?
Mom: At the mall I left you for few minutes
remember ? I got a call from her I went and told
her about the pregnancy
Me: Do you think Maybe they will become an
item ?
Mom: I hope so. That will make Tasha leave
your brother
Me: You're right. So did she believe you ?
Mom: At first she thought it was you and I plan
to break them up but when i explained she
believed me. She said she suspected it
Me: So she doesn't wanna go to the trip ?
Mom: Yes and she said she is going to....
Mom's phone rang
Mom: It's her
Me: Put her on speaker
She did
Mom: Tasha ?
Tasha: I will come to your home to speak to
Elton at 5. Please be there I am scared of him
Mom: We will be there. Me and Priscella will be
Tasha: Please speak to your daughter. I don't
want to fight
Mom: She won't fight you. She wants to protect
you. She is the one who forced me to go see you
Tasha: I see. I will see you at 5
Mom: Bye
Mom hung up
Me: I don't understand this girl. How does she do
it? She is switching her feelings on and off. I
don't think i would sleep with different men in
one month
Mom: She doesn't deserve my son. I am happy
their relationship won't last
Me: And your son? Since when he is a killer ?
Where did he take all this from?
Mom looked down
Me: Mom i want us to make sure the day they
are leaving we are in Durban with them. I want
us to search all of them. They can't leave with
any weapon
Mom: You're right
Me: Don't tell him. I want it to be a surprise
Mom: Of course. I also wanna test him. I have to
know if I could trust him to go be in public and
still not crave drugs
Me: Yeah
I am really worried about the day Mom will be
leaving the country. I don't trust Elton. I feel like
he will get into trouble more. I wish he could
start working while he is studying so that he can
keep his mind busy but he is not interested to be
in the office.

< Narrated >
At the royal house. We see Ngejiwe walking in. It
looks like she always goes there when the Queen
is not around. She doesn't look happy at all and
judging by how she just passed her biological
father without saying " Hello " shows it. All we
can think about is Notiniphu. How is it gonna go
this time ? Now Princess Ngejiwe knows for sure
that Notiniphu is sleeping with Velezantsi. Are
they gonna fight again?
Anyway we see her greet Siqalo
Siqalo: How did it go with your mom ?
Ngejiwe: She was assaulted in jail
Siqalo looked down
Ngejiwe: So you knew and decided not to tell us
Siqalo: You know the Queen. She is all about
protecting you guys. She thought she should see
her first before telling you
Ngejiwe: I get it
Siqalo: So how is she?
Ngejiwe: Still her manipulative self! She can't
change in one day in a holding cell right?
Siqalo: I was asking about her injuries
Ngejiwe shuruggled her shoulders then walked
in. She saw Notiniphu in the living room.
Ngejiwe: You!
Notiniphu stood up
Notiniphu: Hi
Ngejiwe: Yesterday I came here to apologise to
Notiniphu continued with what she was doing.
She didn't respond at all
Ngejiwe: You were not here where were you ?
She stopped dusting the furniture
Notiniphu: I don't remember
Ngejiwe chuckled then shook her head
Ngejiwe: How can you not remember when you
were moaning so loud in Someone's house!
Notiniphu walked away
Notiniphu: Why did you ask if you know where i
Ngejiwe: You back chat now ? What do you
think you are ? because you sleep with a man
who was my boyfriend you think you have a
right to disrespect your princess! What if I tell
my Queen what you've been up to?
She looked at me.
Notiniphu: I told the Queen about my boyfriend
and she knows he is your ex. You made sure you
come here and tell them I was having sex with
Velezantsi but that didn't get you the man now
did it ?
Ngejiwe: I knew this was gonna happen. You
speak to me with so much disrespect because we
shared the same man now you think i am your
equal ?
Notiniphu shook her head.
Notiniphu: Maybe you are
Ngjiwe: What did you just say ?
Notiniphu: I am tired of being disrespect by You!
I am older than you and I am no Servant! I am a
chef of this house. You heard me! I am not going
to repeat myself
Ngejiwe: You won't last here sweetheart with
that attitude
Notiniphu: The Queen is not happy with you so I
wonder why would she even listen to anything
you have to say PRINCESS
Ngejiwe: Remender I am family. I can tell the
Notiniphu: I told her you attacked me. So maybe
the only person who should be worried about
seeing her in the palace is you. She is not
pleased at all with what you did Princess
Ngejiwe gave her death stare then walked out of
the kitchen. She went to the door. She opened
and walked out. Siqalo closed the door.
Notiniphu: Garden boy's daughter!
She said that between her lips then clicked her

The Ndengana royal family just arrived at the
hospital. We see them walk in at Nontorotyi's
ward. Nontorotyi broke into tears when she saw
the whole family here to see her. She didn't
think they would come She knows this could
mean bad news but seeing them here means a
lot to her. She misses home. Remember she got
arrested living in Mqanduli. She hasn't seen
them in days. Chief Khabalandile doesn't look
like someone who feels sorry for this woman. He
didn't even look at her. Nontorotyi was crying
looking at him.
Nontorotyi: You guys don't know how sorry i am
Nomakhosazana: Officer !
Nontorotyi looked nervous
The officer walked in
Officer: My Lord ?
Nomakhosazana: Take those things off
Officer: My lord that.....
The Queen took out her phone. She made a
phone call and put it on speaker.
Swana: My Lord
Nomakhosazana: I am with your officer here,
tell him
Swana: The charges against Ms Nontorotyi
Dimbaza have been dropped come back to work
Nontorotyi put her hand on her mouth tears
streaming down her cheeks. The Queen hung up
Nomagampompo: Nontorotyi this is The last
Nomakhosazana: And it comes with lots of
Nontorotyi: I can do anything as long i am back
home with my husband I am happy
The chief gave his wife a death stare.
Nontorotyi: Forgive me my love. I know I don't
deserve your forgiveness but please try for the
sake of our children
The chief looked at Queen Nomakhosazan.
Hlohlesakhe: Tell her what's gonna happen my
Nomakhosazana: You're going to work for the
project without getting paid til all the money
you owe us is paid
Nontorotyi was shooked by this but she didn't
show it
Hlohlesakhe: We told the police we can reopen
the case anytime so if you do anything to
disrespect our family again you're going straight
to prison!
Nomakhosazana: And i will be the judge in court
Nontorotyi: Anything you want your highness. I
She looked at Nomahelele then at Princess, Chief
and the Queen
Nontorotyi: I bow to the three of you
She didn't mention Nomahelele. Queen
Nomahelele just smiled and shook her head.
Nomagampompo: You need to be a good mother
to your children. I hope you learnt your lesson
and I wish you luck in gaining your daughter's
trust. She hates you right now
Nontorotyi: I know she was here
Nomakhosazana: She was here ? We didn't tell
her because we didn't want to worry her. How
did they find out?
Hlohlesakhe: I am sure she went to the police
with Sabonkolo and they heard from there
Nontorotyi: I am so sorry My Queen for
everything I have done. I am on my knees
begging for your forgiveness
Nomakhosazana: We've been hear before. You
don't have to prove anything to me. You have to
prove it to yourself that you can be a better
person. Hopefully your sister wife will put you
in line
Nontorotyi looked away
Nomagampompo: Whether you like it or not She
is your sister wife. At least my brother deserve a
dignified wife, Someone who will not always
humiliate the family!
The door opened
Nurse: You guys have 15 minutes. The patient
has to eat and take her pills
Nomakhosazana: We are leaving
The Queen looked at Nontorotyi
Nomakhosazana: When you recover you come
home. Someone will fetch you. The chief
revoked your punishment. I hope you won't
make him regret this
Nontorotyi looked at Chief Khabalandile
Nontorotyi: You won't regret it my love
Chief Khabalandile took Nomahelele's hand,
They walked out, so did The princess and the
Queen. Outside Nomahelele turned around
Nomahelele: Can I have two minutes with my
sister in law ?
Nomagampompo: No! why didn't you say what
you wanted to say when we were there ?
Nomahelele: Because you guys are not my sister
in law and this is between the two of us
Hlohlesakhe: Are you sure about this sweetheart
Nomahelele: Yes darling. You guys wait in the
She walked to the door.

After the family left Nomahelele asked to speak
to Nontorotyi alone. Princess Nomagampompo
doesn't trust Nomahelele. She wasn't
comfortable with this. It looks like it will take a
long time for the princess to trust her. It's like
she knows Nomahelele killed her lover. She just
doesn't fully accept her. Maybe something inside
of her tells her Nomahelele did something to
betray her and whatever that is she is spot on.
She is responsible for Shosholoza's death.
Anyway Nomahelele walked in. Nontorotyi
looked up
Nomahelele: S'ntoro-ntoro
Nontorotyi: Why are you back? Are you back to
laugh at me or to finish me off ?
Nomahelele put her hand on her chest acting
shocked and offended by what Nontorotyi said
Nomahelele: S'ntoro-ntoro I am offended how
can you think that of me ?
Nontorotyi: Did you send those people to beat
me ?
Nomahelele: I came to this town to be a second
wife. You're a first wife. You call the rules and i
am okay with that wait.... ?
Nomahelele walked closer to her
Nomahelele: Did I just say you call the shots?
Nontorotyi was just crying looking at
Nomahelele with so much hate
Nomahelele: If i and our sister in law would take
orders from you God This family would be done
Nontorotyi: Sister wife? what sister wife ?
Nomahelele put her hand on her mouth.
Nomahelele: Oh My big mouth
Nontorotyi: What sister wife?
Nomahelele: Our husband is taking a third wife
and I gave him my blessings
Nontorotyi: What ?
Nomahelele: Isn't that amazing?
Nontorotyi: How can that be amazing when
another bitch is coming ?
Nomahelele: When you say another bitch you
mean I am the other bitch ?
Nontorotyi: You're destroying my family
Nomahelele: Let me go before i get mad
Nomahelele walked to the door
Nontorotyi: Nomahelele!
Nomahelele smiled looking at the door. She
turned around and looked at Nontorotyi
Nomahelele: Yes ?
Nontorotyi: Was it you who suggested all these
things to the family ?
Nomahelele: What things?
Nontorotyi: The third wife and not getting paid!?
Nomahele: Yes, How did you know?
Nontorotyi: You come to my family. It's been a
day already you're taking over. How do you
sleep at night ?
Nomahelele opened the door. She walked out
then looked at Nontorotyi
Nomahelele: Like a baby
Nomahelele closed the door then leaned on it
Nomahelele: Ungrateful bitch




< Nomahelele >
God knows I have been so kind when it came to
my sister wife. Everyone has been saying nasty
things about her and I understand their
frustration and I know she deserves that but I
thought as a sister wife I should have her back.
That is what is expected of a sister wife but right
now I feel like she is throwing all my effort in
my face. When Nontorotyi asked me if I did all
this. I thought she was gonna thank me because
she is a free woman but no, This woman asked
me how do i sleep at night? How dare she throw
my kindness in my face? I am not going to give
up on her though. I know she is trouble and I am
not gonna be this woman She and My sister in
law think I came here to be. Nomagampompo do
not trust me and it's just clear. I don't know why
she doesn't trust me though because i have
shown nothing but respect for her and everyone
else. I don't know why she doesn't trust me.
When I got to the car. I didn't say anything. I
wasn't in the mood. We just arrived at The
palace. I need to speak to my husband about
something. Gedleza thinks I should tell him
about the pregnancy and that's what i am gonna
Nomakhosazana: You haven't said anything ever
since you spoke to Nontorotyi
Nomagampompo: Yeah what happened?
I looked at Princess Nomagampompo
Me: I didn't kill her if that's what you are trying
to find out
Nomagampompo: I wasn't goi....
Me: You don't trust me though!
Nomagampompo: I trust you
Me: Oh come on!
I looked at my cousin
Me: Anyway She asked me if I was behind all the
things we said to her I said yes She asked how
do i sleep at night
Nomagampompo: What ?
Me: Yes. She says I am taking over her family
and I am making decisions about her life. She
asked how do i sleep at night after all I have
Nomakhosazana: Don't mind her. Nontorotyi is
never appreciative of anything we do for her.
Don't be upset. You're a good person and you're
trying to make sure we live peacefully in this
family and I appreciate that
Me: Thanks sis
Hlohlesakhe: The Queen is right sweetheart.
Don't let that crazy woman get to you
Me: Guys you can go inside. I need to speak to
my darling before he goes to work
They left
Hlohlesakhe: What is going on ?
I walked to the car.
Me: Let's get inside
We walked in then sat down.
Me: Firstly i just want to say you were amazing.
I am very proud of you with this Nomaxabiso
plan but I have good and bad news
Him: I want bad news first
I exhaled
Me: She is pregnant with that moron's child
Hlohlesakhe: What !?
Me: Relax baby. It's okay. Remember why we did
this ?
Him: Yeah besides it's not like I have never been
with a pregnant before, Well that's if she
Me: Exactly!
Him: Good news ?
Me: She agreed darling! She agreed!
Him: That's great news when do we tell family ?
Me: Not yet.....
I looked down
Him: What is it ?
Me: Baby i can have ideas and all that but first
we have to know if ancestors approve or not.
Let's hear from them if I made a good choice. So
I want you to go see Gedleza now
Hlohlesakhe: Damn it feels so good to have such
a beautiful and a smart woman by my side
Me: And you better find a way to deal with the
two others. They are crazy
Him: With you by my side I will find a way
Me: Good now go
I opened the door. I kissed him then walked out.
Me: Good luck
Hlohlesakhe: Thank you baby
I waved at him. I am nervous to find out what
the ancestors think of me. What if they think i
am messing up his life

< Priscella >
I haven't told Sonia about what Elton has been
planning. I feel like I will forget if I don't do it
right now. My mother just left I am so happy
Tasha is going to talk to my brother. I hope she
ends things God I don't want her in our lives.
She is poison. I was kicking her out just
yesterday. My brother was defending her but
still She went on and slept with the same man
who brought us where we are today. Do you
now see why I hate Hungani? He would do
anything for sex. I don't know what happened
and why He went to Tasha's place. He acted like
he hated what he did to my brother, Well he did
only when he learnt that she drugged him
otherwise that man knew what he was doing
when he was sleeping with her and I know he
doesn't regret it and him going back to her
shows it. I wish mom didn't tell his mother.
Hungani does not deserve any kindness from
our family. He and Tasha are the reason my
brother is turning into a monster. I am the only
one who lives here. My mom lives in the US.
What am I gonna do when his hate worsens? I
don't know this boy. I don't know who he is
anymore and I am afraid If this trip fails he will
find other alternatives to use to get Tasha and
thinking about that scares the hell out of me.
Elton is a man I cannot tell him what to do.
Anyway I just got to Sonia's office to tell her
about Elton then decide on her PA. To be honest
they were all good I am still confused. Those
guys looked like they all need this job.
Sonia: Girl
Me: How was the shooting ? Girl you shoot a lot
Sonia: I know right and I am glad my boss is my
best friend. Thank you for allowing me to go
Me: No problem. You never neglect your job I
don't see why I wouldn't let you go
Sonia: Thank you babe. It was good. I missed
that lady. She is so classy and I was in my work
Me: They must know you work girl ! hey friend
enough about your fleshy life we have serious
Sonia: Yes what's up ?
Me: I told you I was gonna speak to my mom
Sonia: Yes what was that about ?
Me: Yesterday when we came back from the
mall. The dinner was ready. We asked Cleo to go
fetch Elton upstairs....
Sonia: And ?
Me: About a minute waiting for We saw Cleo
running down looking terrified
Sonia: What happened ?
Me: She overheard Elton speaking to someone
and bragging about how he fooled us in the
Eastern cape and made us believe he was in love
with that girl
Sonia: You say what? Those tears were all a
Me: You reality tv stars are also referred to as
actors. My brother gave us an Oscar winning
Sonia: So he doesn't love that bitch ?
I shook my head no then looked down. I can't
look Sonia in the eyes when i tell her this
Me: He is planning to take her to the
Cruiseship.Take her God knows where in that
ship when they get to where no one could see
them, The plan is he is going to shoot her then
throw her in the sea
I looked up. I saw Sonia with both her hands on
her mouth. She got teary. She wiped her tear
Sonia: I cannot believe I am crying for a bitch
who slept with my husband
Me: You're not the only one who shed a tear
Sonia. How can Elton plan something so evil?
Sonia: Oh My God did you tell Mrs R this ?
Me: I was with her !
Sonia: Oh My God. I hate that girl so much but
we have to save her from him. Even if we
wanted him to kill her , We'd end up regretting
if when he goes to jail
Me: Exactly! Mom and I decided not to confront
him. We decided that we'd talk to Tasha and ask
her to cancel
Sonia: That's a good idea so ?
Me: You know I can't stand that girl. I asked Ms
Refilwe to go see her
Sonia: And?
Me: Mom walked in on that girl naked with
Sonia: What !?
Me: I am telling you
Sonia: Oh My Gosh! Maybe we should persuade
her to go! She deserves to die!
Me: Sonia!
Sonia looked at me
Her: What ? Just Yesterday you told me that girl
went to your house claiming to be carrying
Elton's baby. When it turned out it wasn't. Elton
accepted her with the baby now she betrays him
again with that same beard fat face brat
Me: Friend you need to calm down. Both you
and I know Elton didn't mean that
Sonia: But that bitch didn't know that! Tell me
what if Elton meant it what then ?!
Me: I know
Sonia: This is still a betrayal!
She looked at me .
Sonia: What does that make you feel ?
Me: What?
Sonia: I am sure they got naked because maybe
they are giving each other a second chance now
tell me how you feel about them being together
I smiled. I wonder why I should feel anything
Me: I don't care
Sonia: Friend you had so many dreams with
This man. You thought he was your soulmate..
Me: And i was wrong! Sonia it was over 3 years
ago. I am so happy right now
Sonia: I know you're no longer in love with him
but you still care ......
Me: You're wrong ! I do not give a Damn!
She looked shocked. I don't know why it's
surprising to her to hear this
Me: Do you remember when we talked about the
Brianna thing?
Sonia: Yeah
Me: I meant it when i said i wish he could get
Me: Sis you know this. You mess with my family
I am done with you. That man messed with my
family. Nobody crosses that line and still stick
around my circle !
Sonia: I understand that you're upset
Me: Ain't you?
Sonia: I am but I wanna hear your opinion on
Me: I am Listening
Sonia: Do you think Tasha is good for him?
Me: Tasha is not good for any man. I just wish
she could change now that she got what she
wanted. I mean she risked a lot for Hungani.
That girl is a gold digging opportunist. She
would never have betrayed my brother if she
didn't love Hungani. I believe in her love for him
but the Question is....
Sonia: Does Hungani feel the same?
Me: That's a big question
Sonia: I guess we have to wait and see
Me: Can I ask you a question?
Sonia: Yes?
Me: I got a kinda similar question from mom
regarding my history with Hungani. Why do you
guys think somehow I still care for that man?
Sonia: We know how you cared about each
other. Even after over 3 years it's hard to accept
that you don't care anymore. Friend you were
together for a long time and he is a good looking
man, Famous I mean he mingles with world
renowned superstars. I wouldn't get over such a
hunk so easily
Me: Well you would if you found someone you
love. Masixole cannot be a celebrity and he
simple but he is very attractive and I thank God
everyday for him. I have never felt the way I do
about a guy. Masixole is the man he is because
he has to look after his image. He is a very
important man a king. I wasn't happy with
Hungani when he was not around. I always
thought he was with a girl. I cannot be with a
guy who makes me feel less of myself like I am
not enough. With Masixole I am confident. I feel
sexy and loved I don't worry when he is not
Sonia: And she is blushing. I am never doubting
you anymore. I hope that boy get over his
feelings for you
Me: He better. He is way below my level now.
isn't it amazing though ?
Sonia: What ?
I flipped my hair
Me: I am expecting my first child he is as well
Sonia rolled her eyes
Sonia: Expecting a child with Tasha God
Me: I wish they work out. They are both
attractive. I can't wait to see their child
Sonia: I hope it lasts I really do
Me: There is Brianna
Sonia: Oh My GoD
Me: Yep
I fear for Tasha's life and the baby. I really pray
God protects them from that Brianna.

< Tasha >
After meeting Laila reality sank in. I have to face
Elton and he is going to be angry. I know he was
trying to hide his real agenda but when he sees
it's not gonna work, He is going to show his true
colours. Another thing that was stressing me
was Hungani. I had so many what ifs in my
head. He promised to see me later but I am
worried because i haven't heard from him. What
if Hungani is not gonna come? This would break
me because i feel like I need assurance. I feel
like I need confidence when I go see Elton. I
must be sure that Hungani and I are an item. If i
don't know that I don't think i could go to Elton
and dump him before knowing what is going on
between Hungani and I. I had so many plans
weeks ago. I didn't achieve any of them. I don't
want the same thing that happened before
happen again. I need to be careful with how I
make decisions.
Anyway I heard a knock at the door. Laila and I
never get visits. I hope this is not Claire. Laila
told me what happened at Hunter's office. That
girl is crazy. Anyway I opened the door. Oh My
God Hungani is here. He brought me flowers. I
feel so special
Me: Wow flowers
Hungani: I hope you like them ?
I took them
Me: I do they are beautiful. I thought you were
no longer coming please come in
Hungani: I am sorry. I had to go home to pack
the girls clothes. I don't want them to live in my
house anymore
Music to my ears. I put the flowers on the coffee
table. I sat down
Me: Did you tell them?
Hungani: I will text them when the driver tells
me he is at that fashion show
Me: They won't be happy about this
Him: I know...... let's go to the restaurant across
the road
Me: Oh a date ?
Hungani: Will you say yes ?
I took keys
Me: Let's go
He took my hand we walked out. I locked. We
walked down the stairs. We got down stairs. He
actually walked down first and help me walk
down. Well I am in a dress and heels. I was
hoping he was taking me out and he is. I am so
happy. I feel like I am the luckiest girl on earth
Me: Thank you
Him: You're welcome
We walked out. We crossed the road.
Hungani: They are everywhere
I flipped my hair with my other hand. The one
he is not holding
Me: Who ?
Hungani: Paparrazi. They are taking pictures
I looked down.
Me: Oh God another headline
Him: They never say anything positive about
you and I. We are going to shut them up pretty
He opened the door of the restaurant. I walked
Me: Thank you
He walked in. He pulled out a chair for me. I sat
down. He walked to the waitress
I am so happy right now. The fact that he is not
afraid to hold hands with me in public makes
me so happy. I cannot even hide my excitement.
I saw him coming back
Him: The night we were together you told Me
about your favorite meal I ordered it I hope you
will like it
Me: Oh My God you still remember?
Him: I do
Me: Thank you
Hungani: So tell me what was Mrs Seputla doing
I exhaled. I don't know where to start.
Hungani: She went to confront you about what
happened ?
Me: Not really....Mrs Seputla didn't confront me
but I can tell She is angry and disappointed in
me as expected. The only person who
confronted me and wanted to beat me up was....
Hungani: Priscella?
Me: Yeah that one......
Hungani: She is not a bad person. She just don't
like nonsense...
Me: Well I know she is not a bad person because
apparently she is the one who sent her mother
to warn me
Hungani: Warn you about what?
Me: I don't know. It seems like Elton wants to
harm me. He invited me to a trip in
Mozambique. I agreed. Mrs Seputla begged me
not to go to the trip. She was serious and
nervous. She even got teary. She said when i see
Elton again I should see him in public or in her
house. Even there I shouldn't stand with him
next to an open window or balcony. She is
afraid that he might kill me
Hungani: That's crazy. I didn't know you guys
were speaking
Me: He said he was willing to give us a chance. I
was a fool to believe him. I should've noticed he
was planning something I mean he even agreed
to love me with My baby. Now I found out he
wanted to kill me
Hungani: That's crazy. I know that boy. He is
very arrogant and proud. He would never
forgive you for all you did
Me: Now I see that and I am going to go to his
house at 5pm to end things with him
Hungani: Let me go with you
They brought our food.
Me: Thank you
Hungani: Thank you
Me: I don't think that's a good idea. They will get
mad and it would make things worse. I will go
there with Laila
Hungani: Okay fine. Now that I am getting rid of
the models. Do you mind moving in with me. I
feel like Elton will find another plan. That boy
can't know where you live
Oh My God. I was speaking about that earlier
now he wants it to happen? This is a dream. I
can't say no. I want to raise my child with his
father. This is gonna be an amazing pregnancy
Me: Are you sure you don't mind me moving in
with you ?
Hungani: Yes i want us to live together
Me: I would love to move in with you
Hungani: Really?
His phone rang. He looked at it
Him: Mandy my manager
Me: He is my manager as well. I Signed a
contract today
Hungani: What ? let me put her on speaker
He answered
Hungani: Mandy
Mandy: Hungani what is this I just saw on
Twitter! don't corrupt that girl! I know she is
trouble but i am trying to fix her life ! She just
got an acting gig! she can't lose focus!
Oh Boy they are talking about us already. My
eyes popped out.
Hungani looked shocked when mandy
mentioned my job
Hungani: Wait Mandy are you saying I should
abandon a woman who is carrying my child ?
Oh My God I wanted to tell Mandy myself. I hope
this won't ruin things for me.
Mandy: She is pregnant ? Oh My God I didn't
know! so are you guys an item?
My eyes widened. I looked at Hungani. I want to
hear this too.
Hungani: I think we are
He said smiling at me. Oh My God my heart
Mandy: Don't think! You need to do the right
Hungani: We are dating later Mandy !
He hung up
Me: Did you mean what you said ?
Hungani: I wanna do right by you guys. Let's eat
I am so happy right now. I can't even help
myself. I am moving in with him. He just said we
are dating. Now I know what to say to Elton. I
cannot wait to see what the future holds

< Nomahelele >
I am waiting for Hlohlesakhe to come back so
that we can tell the family. I am dying to tell my
cousin sister but I can't. I want to tell her when i
am sure that this is happening. If the ancestors
don't approve we stop everything and forget
about it. The Queen always told me about these
ancestors. They are the reason i am here so I
have to respect them no matter what and I do
respect them that is why I asked my husband to
go there. I just hope everything goes well. My
mind is not here. It is there with my man and
Gedleza. A part of me feels like if there was
something wrong with the plan the minute
Gedleza came to open my eyes he would've told
me if I crossed the line. I am a royalty. I know
how it goes. My father and Nomakhosazana's
father are bothers. May's mother is their sister.
That is why May is a Ndamase and we are
Dlungane. May's mother got married to a
Ndamase family. My father had three wives. I
grew up in a big home fool of children and
wives. My mother and her sister wives were
like sisters. What is wrong with me for wanting
what I grew up seeing in my home? The
Ndengana family is a big Influencial and royal
family but one thing that was missing was
Polygamy and I brought it. I am here to remind
them and Show them what is expected of a royal
Anyway I am sitting with my cousin and our
sister in law. I feel like there is a tension
between me and my sister in law. I was looking
forward to being friends with her but it looks
like it is never happening any time soon. This
woman does not trust me at all and that is
offensive to me I won't lie and what kills me is
the fact that i know she has a reason to distrust
me even though she doesn't know what I did.
Nomakhosazana: Cuz you're awfully quiet
I smiled at her then Raised my glass of wine
Me: This wine is Going exactly where I want it to
Her: Are you sure You're okay?
I sipped on my wine
Me: Yes i am fantastic
Nomakhosazana: Okay then
She looked at her sister in law
Nomakhosazana: Sisi I know I didnt tell you
more about the Royal MBIZO tomorrow. As you
all know Priscella can't live here permanently,
She wants to do something that will help women
around here and create jobs for them
Nomagampompo: That's wonderful
Nomakhosazana: I know. So tomorrow she will
tell people about her business and the jobs that
will be created by it
Me: I am excited for him and my nephew. They
are very smart and I feel like this village will be
a better place when their businesses go off
Nomagampompo: I am excited as well. This will
keep the village talking and they will respect us
a lot
Nomakhosazana: It's exciting
Siqalo walked in
Siqalo: Your highness I am sorry to interrupt
Nomakhosazana: What is it Siqalo ?
Siqalo: Ms Nomaxabiso Zidenge is here
The devil is a liar! I jumped up
Me: What?
Nomakhosazana: Let her in
Nomakhosazana stood up and looked at me
Nomakhosazana: I wonder what is this woman
doing here?
Me: Me too
I said sipping on my drink.
Nomagampompo: My son told me she was all
over the king the last time she was here
Nomakhosazana: not my son!
What the hell is this fool doing at the palace.
Nomaxabiso walked in smiling from ear to ear.
She was dressed so decent like a royal wife. She
had her handbag hanged in her arm
Nomaxabiso: Royal family afternoon!

We looked at each other. She looked at Queen

Nomaxabiso: My almost mother in law don't
look pleased to see me. Well you can keep your
son My Queen I don't want him
Me: Nomaxabiso shouldn't you be sitting on
your mattress mourning King and Queen
Nomaxabiso: I should but I was thinking why
don't i come and share the news with everyone?
Me: Nomaxabiso Zidenge!
Nomakhosazana: What News Nomaxabiso?
She said looking at Me giving me deathstare. She
knows me very well. I looked down
Nomaxabiso: That I am marrying Chief
Khabalandile just after Sister Nomahelele's
She didn't just do that!
Nomakhosazana: What !?
Nomaxabiso: You didn't tell them sister wife ?
Nomakhosazana: This was all you River wasn't
Princess Nomagampompo shook her head in
disbelief looking at me.
Me: Why don't you ask her how we got to that
Nomaxabiso swallowed hard
Me: Tell them!!
Nomakhosazana: What is going on River ?
I looked at Nomaxabiso giving her death stare
Me: At her home when i went to check on her
and my darling, I found her having sex with my
darling in her room!
Nomakhosazana looked at her then at
Nomagampompo: What?
Me: Deny it!
Nomakhosazana: Actually I don't want to hear
it! This does look like her !
Nomaxabiso didn't like that comment. She
looked angry. Nomakhosazana looked at me.
Nomakhosazana: And who suggested that they
get married? you?
I walked passed my cousin sister
Me: Cuz....
Nomakhosazana turned with me
Nomakhosazana: Oh My God River!!!
I turned around fast
Me: No Cuz!
I gave her a finger. I looked at Nomagampompo
oh the look on her face says it all. She is judging
me. I looked at The Queen.
Me: What did you expect me to do Cuz?
Nomakhosazana: You know.....
Me: You expected me to do to him what I did to
She swallowed hard. Princess Nomagampompo
looked at her
Nomagampompo: Who is Peter and what did she
do to him?
Nomakhosazana: Pe....
Me: Peter is my ex boyfriend. He cheated on me
I killed him!
Nomagampompo: Oh Lord
Princess Nomagampompo sipped on her drink
Me: The two of you say I should've killed my
darling ?
Nomagampompo: No!
I slowly walked to my sister in law and looked at
her in the eye
Me: I love your brother and this young
I said looking at Nomaxabiso
Me: She has a bright future ahead of her. I told
my darling he should marry her if he is attracted
to her because the next time they sleep together
one of them is gonna die
Nomaxabiso smiled then looked at The Queen
Nomaxabiso: And he said he will marry me. Isn't
that great?
Nomagampompo: No! this is.....
" Amazing! " Said a tiny voice up the stairs. We
all looked up. This Phonqa boy. The Elders are
Nomagampompo: Yo.....
Phonqa: I love my half sister's new attitude.....
Phonqa ran down and to Nomaxabiso
Phonqa: Way to go sis!
He gave her a high five. Nomaxabiso looked
excited. Nomagampompo was livid
Nomagampompo: Nomaxabiso go home and
mourn your parents!
Nomaxabiso: Shouldn't you be sitting there with
me Princess?
Nomaxabiso: He was your man
Nomakhosazana: Nomaxabiso Leave!
Nomaxabiso: I will leave but after you answered
this next question Queen of Sdabadabeni
Nomaxabiso: I thought today you were gonna
tell my family about this dirty secret my father
and your sister in law have been keeping?
My Cousin started breathing heavily. She
walked closer to Nontorotyi
Nomakhosazana: Elinyundululu lel'ika Yihlo
uShosholoza ! ufeleni engalibhencanga? ( This
is your father Shosholoza's dirty secret. Why did
he die before telling everyone? )
Nomaxabiso swallowed hard
Nomaxabiso: Get out of my house before i throw
you out!
Phonqa: Easy my Queen
Nomagampompo: Shut up wena Phonqa!
Phonqa: Sorry your highness
Nomaxabiso smiled looking at my cousin
Nomaxabiso: Almost mother in law
She said that then walked out. I tapped my
cousin sister's shoulder Then looked at Princess
Me: My darling had to go talk to ancestors first
before telling you this but my so not stable soon
to be sister wife ruined all that
I gulped my drink I gave Nomakhosazana my
glass. I furiously walked out. I found her before
she entered her car. I guess she heard my
footsteps because i saw her turn around smiling
Nomaxabiso: Sister wife
Me: What the hell was that?
She pointed at the palace
Nomaxabiso: oh That?
She opened the door then threw her handbag
inside. She looked at me
Nomaxabiso: After you left I fell asleep and I am
sure that says a lot about the sex I had with our
Me: Answer the question!
Nomaxabiso: While I was sleeping. My father
visited me
I swallowed hard oh My God I hope he didn't tell
her what I did. I got teary. I looked down
Me: Yes ?
Nomaxabiso: My father said....
She chuckled. I am so angry right now. This is no
way to announce things. How can she betray me
and my husband like this!
Nomaxabiso: " Don't trust that woman who just
left your room "
Oh My God
Nomaxabiso: In case you are wondering who is
that, Well it's you
Nomaxabiso: So I thought I should do things my
way..... Nomaxabiso's way
Nomaxabiso: I like the idea of us being sister
wives. I think it's exciting because it helps me
and my reputation but if you're trying to use
Me: I am no.....
She got in her car. She shut the door then
lowered the window
Nomaxabiso: You've been used as well Sister
wife. I can't wait to be officially his
She drove off so fast. I kicked thin air heading to
the door
Me: Stay calm River stay calm!

< Nontorotyi >
Why? Why didn't they mention that they are
taking a third wife? All they did was act all
perfect and made me feel bad about myself.
They are cowards. They had to send that
annoying woman to tell me this? I thought I was
losing my husband and that was worse but I
don't know how to describe sharing my husband
with two other women. Why is Nomahelele
happy about this? Did this woman marry my
husband just to hurt me? She doesn't love my
man and he is so stupid to believe that she loves
him. The only purpose of this marriage is to hurt
me. She and Nomakhosazana planned this! They
planned it. They act like they care about me
when all they do is make my life miserable.
What is working if you don't get paid. Why can't
they take Five thousand rands at least. Why do
they have to take all my salary? I made up my
mind. I am going to continue looking for my job.
I am a nurse and that is what I want to do. They
can't take all my money. I feel like they are
trying to ruin my life. One thing i am grateful for
though is to be free. I am happy for that but I
have no one to thank for it. Those horrible
women paid those thugs to beat me up. Now that
they achieved that with the punishment they
gave me. They are setting me free.
Me: Evil women!
I am the only person who has morals in that
family and the worst part they don't see it
because I am not a royalty.
Anyway Who is this woman Who is marrying
my husband? Will I be important as a the first
wife in that family? My husband became a chief.
I was never called the Queen. I was never
treated like the Queen. I was the only person
who had to leave a job because of a husband's
new position. No one else made the sacrifices I
made. I am very interested to know if
Nomakhosazana's cousin will quit Medicine
because she is married to my husband. She must
not work as a doctor anymore. It makes sense
though. They did the same to me. I wonder if my
input in anything will be recognised since i am
the first wife. Nomahelele decided to find a third
wife, Shouldn't that be my duty as the first wife
Me: This is not fair
" Oh stop it!" I looked up oh thank God Zinyovile
is here .
Me: How can she sleep at night when she did the
things she did to our family?
Zinyovile: They came through for you again but
you're still mad ?
Me: Zinyovile how could she do this ? How could
she do this to me? I won't have money anymore
now she comes to my home and make such a big
decision without me? That stupid Nomahelele is
gonna marry my man ?
Zinyovile: Why are you crying ?
Me: I just told you !
Zinyovile: I remember a while I ago, I said you'll
have lonely cold nights didn't I?
I didn't say anything. I am just angry that I didn't
pay attention to that. I remember her saying this
but I didn't think she meant a third wife
Zinyovile: I was talking about this. I remember
two days ago I said you should just burn your
qualifications because they won't be in use. I
meant that you are going to be working for the
family with no pay
Me: How am I gonna survive without money
Zinyovile? How is my brother going to live ?
Zinyovile pulled a chair. She sat next to my bed.
Zinyovile: Your brother is old! he must stand up
and start looking for a job!
Me: He won't do it!
Zinyovile: You know when the police took you. I
asked myself why would Nontorotyi do
something so stupid !
She stood up and walked around the ward. I was
just looking at her crying
Zinyovile: I thought I should consult my
ancestors. I was shocked to find out why. How
can your blood do this to you! Now the family
knows Ngejiwe is not their child. Why don't you
tell your brother how to get off?
Me: Ngejiwe don't know and that factor is the
only reason i am worried about money right
now. I know him. He will find out the family
didn't tell her. He will keep blackmailing me
Zinyovile: The family was here. Why didn't you
tell them why you did this ?
Me: What's the use Zinyovile? They won't
believe me! those people hate me!
Nomakhosazana and Nomahelele did this to me
that is why I am here
Zinyovile: I will probably regret saying this
Me: What ?
She came and sat again.
Zinyovile: The Queen cares about you !
Me: I don't believe that !
Zinyovile: Well let me put it this way. She hates
you for everything you've done to her but she
loves your children more to harm you and hurt
them in the process
Me: Are you saying it wasn't her ?
Zinyovile: She didn't do it !
Me: Then her.....
Zinyovile: She didn't do it either. Nomahelele is
excited to be a second wife. She is an
adventurous woman. She loves trying new
things. She wants this to work !
Me: Then if it's not her then who?
Zinyovile: She will come clean to you when she
is ready
Me: So it's a She? Who is she ? I am going to kill
her with my bare hands!
Zinyovile stood up
Zinyovile: That's cute Nontorotyi! You have a
real problem here and that problem is your own
flesh and blood! You have financial crisis right
now. How are you going to deal with this?
Oh My God I don't know. Maybe he will feel
sorry for me?
Me: When he sees what happened to me he will
feel sorry for me...
Zinyovile: That man don't give a Damn about
you. All he wants is his Five thousand rands
Me: What am I gonna go Zinyovile?
She looked away
Zinyovile: I do not know but......
She looked at me
Zinyovile: Why don't you ask your sister wife?
Me: What?
Zinyovile: To kill him
Me: What ?
Zinyovile: Think about it
Me: Why would I ask Nomahelele to do that ?
Zinyovile: Because she is done it before since
she is trying to be a good sister wife.....
She came to me
Zinyovile: Why don't she prove her loyalty to
you by helping you get rid of this crisis
Me: But it's my brother !
Zinyovile: A brother Who is ready to make your
life hell and wouldn't even think twice to push
you under a running bus! ?
I swallowed hard
Zinyovile: Think about it !
She dropped my phone on my bed. Oh My God I
missed it
Zinyovile: I thought I should bring this
Me: Thank you
Zinyovile: Think about it! That boy brother of
yours has to go!
She disappeared. Oh My God what am I gonna
do ? I saw Zinyovile reappears again
Zinyovile: I thought I should come back and say
Me: Yes ?
Zinyovile: You could set Nomahelele up and
have your husband all to yourself so consider
killing your brother
I looked at her
Zinyovile: He is a problem for you! just get rid of
I looked away. I really have to think hard about
Me: ............ ?




< Judge Makhosazana >
I don't know why but I feel like Nomaxabiso has
a problem with me. This girl was very
disrespectful to me and My sister in law. How
can she speak like that to us? She even said my
sister in law should be at her house with the
mourners. Who does she think she is? That
woman will never set foot in my house again. I
will make sure she doesn't come here again. The
next time she feels like coming to this family she
will go to her soon to be husband's house not
here. This is my palace. I am accommodating
The chief's second wife already. I can't
accommodate another one. It looks like
Nomaxabiso is going to be just like Nontorotyi.
What is wrong with Chief Khabalandile's wives
hating me? My Cousin sister must be very
careful with those women she calls sister wives.
I feel like they won't love her the same way She
is planning to love them. I know my cousin
sister. I know how excited she is to be in this
polygamy marriage. She grew up seeing that in
her family. She wants to do this and i wish those
two won't make it hard for her because i know
her. She is my blood. When she is had enough
things will get ugly. They better start treating
her and me very nicely because whatever they
do to either me or her things will get bad. I have
two very dangerous and protective sisters. I
can't tell them what to do or not to do. They just
do whatever they want to do to protect me. They
don't care about my opinion to the matter. Take
what happened to Nontorotyi for example. I
didn't ask May to do that. She just did it.
Anyway we are sitting here very disturbed by
what just happened. Nomahelele furiously ran
out I assume she was following her crazy sister
Me: Prince Phonqa call Notiniphu to come take
that whisky and fill my glass
Phonqa: I can do tha....
Me: I am not going to ask my 13 year old
nephew to pour me alcohol! call her !
Phonqa: Yes My Queen
He walked away
Me: I can't believe it !
Princess Nomagampompo stood up. She poured
herself wine. She took my Whisky then looked at
the kitchen
Nomagampompo: Notiniphu I got it
She looked at me.
Nomagampompo: She looked me in the face
then asked me why I am not at her home! Was I
married to her father?
She poured me a drink.
Me: She pointed out that I am not a good leader.
In her crazy mind a good leader should've
informed her family about the boys. This is not
something you can just say. Those people are
hurt. I can't put more salt in their wound. I don't
know how to tell them !
Nomagampompo: Without making me look like
a loose woman who has no morals I know!
Me: I wonder why Hlohlesakhe slept with that
Nomagampompo: A girl who slept with his
nephew. What will the king say ?
Me: I don't think he will care. My son loves his
wife. He slept with that girl because i forced him
and I am not proud for doing that
Siqalo opened the door. My cousin walked in
Me: Why didn't you tell me about this?
Nomahelele: Like i said my husband and I
decided that we will tell the family if the
ancestors approve. We didn't want to tell you
something we are not sure of. He is there with
Gedleza now
Me: How do you feel about him sleeping with
Nomahelele: I Don't mind sharing him with a
woman he is married to but to someone he is
not married to I get mad. The only reason
Nomaxabiso is not in hospital right now is
because she is someone I know and it looks like
she is full of nonsense
Me: Tell me about it!
I stood up. I walked to the door. She followed me
Me: Siqalo
Siqalo: My Queen
Me: Nomaxabiso Zidenge is not welcome to this
Siqalo: Okay My Queen
I walked out. I want to speak to River outside.
She came out with me.
Me: It was you who asked him to sleep with her
wasn't it ?
I said looking away. I turned around
Nomahelele: Why do you say that?
Me: Because I know you and you're my sister.
You think the Dlungane way and I know my
brother in law wouldn't cheat. He is very loyal
Nomahelele raised her hand.
Nomahelele: Guilty
I looked around then at her
Me: Cuz are you crazy!? I k.....
She put her hand on My shoulder. She
Nomahelele: No! I killed Shosholoza! if anyone
should be guilty here it's Me!
She looked at me
Nomahelele: Don't be dramatic !
Me: I don't want to see that girl in my house!
Firstly I don't trust her!
Nomahelele: Me too
Me: She and her mother planned to kill me. I am
not sure if she wouldn't do it
Nomahelele: I would kill her before she tries
anything on you Sis
Me: You're not safe as well! in that marriage you
will be the only woman who understands
polygamy. Once Nontorotyi and Nomaxabiso
realise that they are sharing a man with you.
There will be tension. They are not familiar with
this lifestyle !
She looked away thinking. She folded her arms
Nomahelele: I know that ......?
Me: What is it ?
She looked at me
Nomahelele: It's what she said....
I walked closer to her.
Me: What did she say?
Nomahelele: I am the one who suggested the
marriage to her she agreed. Few minutes ago I
asked her why she did what she just did she said
After I left she had a dream and in that dream
her father said she shouldn't trust me
Me: Oh My God
I put my hand on my mouth shocked. She took
my glass and gulped it.
Nomahelele: I have to keep a close eye on her
Me: And make sure she stays very far from my
family !
Her phone rang. She looked at it then at me
Nomahelele: It's Nontorotyi
Me: Answer!
I wonder what that snake wants.
Nomahelele: I did everything to make sure you
don't spend the rest of your life in prison and I
achieved that and the thank you I got from you
was " How do I sleep at night! "
What an ungrateful woman. Does she know
what River did for her? Why am I surprised?
That woman has always been ungrateful.
Nontorotyi: I know that. When you left I had a
lot to think about and I realised I was rude to
you please forgive me
Nontorotyi is apologising?
Nomahelele: I forgive you. I know What you're
going through
Nontorotyi: That is why I think you're the right
person to tell this.....
What is she gonna tell my cousin?
Nomahelele: What ?
Nontorotyi: The family just judge me. They
didn't care to know why i did it. They just think
the worst of me. I want you to come to the
hospital tomorrow. I will tell you
River looked at me
Nomahelele: I will be there first thing tomorrow
Nontorotyi: Thank you sister in marriage....... (
Tu tu tu tu tu )
Nomahelele: it's actually called Sister wi....
She looked at her phone
Nomahelele: She hung up on me
Me: Do yo.....
She looked away
Nomahelele: I know she is up to something!
She looked at me.
Nomahelele: But you know what?
Nomahelele: I am going there tomorrow, do you
know why ?
She walked closer to me
Me: You will tell me
Nomahelele: Because I am River Nomahelele
Dlungane! and as Dlunganes
Me: We are always a step ahead
Nomahelele: Exactly !
She looked away
Nomahelele: All I wanted was to be a good sister
She looked at me
Nomahelele: That's all I ever wanted

< Claire >
I am very excited about tonight. This is one
fashion show I have been looking forward to. I
will have an honour of wearing the show
stopper dress. I just cannot wait. I have been
trying to persuade Junaid the designer to show
me the dress but he doesn't want to and I don't
know why. It's good to see the models who are
based in Cape town coming here. They are very
nice girls and They are good friends of mine. We
just greeted each other because I was very late
for rehearsals. My mind is everywhere. I know I
have to make things better in my relationship.
Seeing my man with that plaster on his forehead
makes me so guilty. He doesn't deserve this. I
need to control my anger. He wants to speak to
my exes and that shows he is not happy with
me. I can't risk losing him. I pray Laila don't tell
him what I did to her because that would scare
him off and more especially now that I have
already hit him. What is wrong with me. Why
can't I control my anger. I just get so mad and
when i am, I don't think straight.
Anyway we just finished with rehearsals we are
ready for tonight now. I am just standing next to
the stage alone thinking. If i don't pull myself
together I am going to lose Hunter and I can't
afford that. " Hey !" I heard A familiar voice
greet me. I turned around.
It's Brianna and Michaela
Brianna: Are you okay ?
Me: Yes i am great I am just thinking about
something stupid I did Monday
I walked passed them. They turned around and
followed me.
Brianna: What did you do?
Michaela: Girls I will be right back !
She ran to other models.
Me: So my boyfriend cheated on me
Brianna: What ? That's crazy with who?
Me: With his ex wife
Her: Who is his ex wife?
I pulled a chair. I sat down
Me: Sonia
Her: Sonia?
Me: Yes Sonia De Villiers
Brianna: wait! Thee Sonia De Villiers?
I stood up and folded my arms on my chest
Me: Yep
Brianna: What's with them?
Me: Them?
Brianna: Her and her best friend are so lucky.
Men just can't get over them ! I don't know
whether it's their fathers money that make them
so special to men
why do I feel like It's personal to her more than
me who got cheated on? Priscella has been with
the new guy for a long time. Don't tell me
Hungani is still in love with her.
Me: Don't tell me Hungani is still in love with
Brianna: You have no idea girl. He talks about
her a lot. What makes me angry is that the girl
don't love him at all. I went to ask her. She is not
interested. I don't know why he can't forget her
I feel like this girl is catching feelings. They said
they were not in love with Hungani. They were
just having fun.
Me: There is something you ladies do wrong. I
mean you have been with this guy for a long
time while he was still with her and you haven't
made him forget her?
Brianna looked at me. She was offended I could
see the look on her face.
Brianna: You just said your boyfriend is
screwing his ex wife. What are you doing
Me: I just met Hunter recently anyway let's
forget this I am sorry we can't fight about this
useless thing
Brianna: Lets just agree that men are dogs
We laughed. I need to change the topic.
Me: Brianna the collection looks amazing
Brianna: I know right! Girl I wish I was you
Me: Why me?
Brianna: Claire you're going to wear the show
stopper dress and it's stunning
Me: I know right? I am so excited
Brianna: Congratulations girl !
She hugged me
Me: Thanks babe
She broke the hug
Her: Is your boyfriend coming?
I hope he comes. I regret what I did to him but I
don't understand. Why everyone I date cheats
on me? This is crazy !
Me: He will be here this evening. He is still at
work now
Brianna: I am happy for you. He is Hot
I looked at her friend who was talking with
other girls from a distance then I looked at
Me: I know and the sexy celebrity you guys
share ?
Brianna took a glass of her cocktail and slowly
walked away.
Brianna: He is going through some things but he
promised to come
Me: I hope he gets through all that. Tell me why
do you guys do this with him?
Brianna: We love him
She said smiling then walked away. I can see she
doesn't wanna hear what I will ask next.
Something is not right. When I said " The sexy
celebrity you guys share " When she heard the
word share she looked angry now she is smiling
acting like she likes the arrangement. Anyway I
have problems of my own. Let me mind my own
business. I am just excited about tonight. Let me
go live and share this with my followers. I took
my phone then went live on instagram
Me: Hi guys! it's me Claire
I flipped my hair. My hair is on point. I can't
wait to rock that runway.
Me: Are you guys coming tonight? God the
collection is amazing. My darling friend went all
out this time and I cannot wait for him to
showcase his amazing talent through us of
I flipped my hair again
Me: I will see you on the show tonight. Now I
need to go relax cheers
I went off then smiled. I am excited about
tonight. I know my relationship is not that
perfect right now but I am glad I have
something to smile about. Like the show tonight
and wearing the show stopper dress

< Tasha >
I am about to do something i have been scared
to do all day. The moment I haven't been looking
forward to has arrived. I have to end things
between Elton and I and I don't know how it's
gonna go I am really scared of him and I can't
even think about his reaction. I feel like he will
show his true colours and I don't think I want to
see that. I have to do this. I have to do this for
myself. My unborn child and Hungani. We are
trying to get to know each other. We are going to
be parents. Our child deserves to be raised by
both it's parents. Hungani and i did this to Elton.
We deserve each other. I am glad I am with him.
I don't care if Elton was planning something or
not today he has to realise that maybe Me and
Hungani belong with each other. He has to
realise that him and I would never work. That's
if He wanted a relationship. If he wanted to kill
me then He won't get to make that mistake. I am
going to save him from himself. I am so excited
about moving in with Hungani. I can't even
express how excited I am. I love this man. My
dream is coming true but whenever I am happy
about my new relationship I think of my
parents. Will they be happy to hear the news?
Are they gonna reach out to me and apologise
for being so hard on me? If they don't, Then that
means my child will grow up without knowing
it's grandparents. I hope mom and dad will not
be that cruel and do this to me. I am going to
need them. My child will need Them.
Anyway I saw Laila coming to me. I was waiting
for her outside the hotel..
Laila: Ready to do this ?
Me: I don't know friend
Laila: You will be fine girl let's go
I put my hand on my stomach
Me: Yeah. I am doing this for my child. It's
what's best for us
Laila: Yeah so how did it go with Hungani did he
Me: Check Twitter and the gossip columns
I said walking. She took out her phone.
Laila: Friend you're number two on trending
topics. Wow they took a nice picture of you guys.
Where were you walking to?
Me: To a restaurant. The one we went to when i
got my first payment as an influencer
Laila: Oh yeah. Wow girl some comments are
Me: I don't want to look at it. I knew they'd drag
me about Brendan
We went to security. They let us in. They know
me and I told them They are waiting for us up
there. Anyway we headed to the building. We
took the elevator up
Laila: I don't know why i am nervous. It's like I
am the one who is about to do this
Me: I am sweating friend
The elevator beeped
Me: Here we go
It opened. We walked in. We looked around and
saw Priscella in a phone call. I am relieved that
she is not acting crazy anymore. I understand
she is still angry but at least she is calmed down.
We looked at living room. Mrs Seputla stood up.
She is with Elton. I am so scared right now
This son of a bitch is smiling at me like he
doesn't hate me. Who is this man. I don't know
him anymore. Did I create this monster? am I
the reason he is acting like this?
Refilwe: Welcome ladies. Cleopatra is going to
get you guys drinks. Dinner will be ready in an
Elton came to me for a kiss
Elton: Hey bab......
I looked aside avoiding kissing him. I can't lead
him on. I looked at his mother who was shocked
by what I did but I could tell she was happy I
Me: I am sorry we can't stay for dinner Laila is
still on duty. She has only 30 minutes
Priscella: What a pity
Oh she is no longer on the phone.
Elton: Come on sis. Don't act like you wanted
them to stay for dinner. We all know what
happened yesterday
Priscella: I realized that if I keep mistreating
your girlfriend I will lose you and I can't afford
that so I am willing to give Tasha another
chance to be with you
Elton looked at me
Elton: That's great babe what do you think?
I cleared my throat. Laila looked at me nervous.
I looked at Elton. I have to tell him.
Me: Elton I don't think i would ever forgive
myself for what I had done to you
Me: The past month till a week ago I have been
making bad choices. I don't know who I am
anymore. What I did to you was very evil and I
hate myself for it. I hate putting you through
that humiliation. I never meant to do that and I
never thought someone would see me spiking
your drink. I know it was wrong but my
intentions was not to harm you. I got too excited
about the future and I got overwhelmed and ......
I broke down. I saw him looking mad. His eyes
turned red.
Elton: I thought I said I didn't want to talk about
Me: I know ! but I cant take this guilt anymore !
Elton put his hand on his head. He started
pacing up and down
Refilwe: Son are you okay ?
She said touching him. Elton yanked his hand
Elton: Yeah I am fine !
Refilwe: I am sorry for touching you
Priscella: No mom it's Elton who should
apologise. You're trying to comfort him. You did
nothing wrong!
Me: EJ I hope one day you will find it in your
heart to forgive me and move on with your life
He turned around then looked at me after I said
Elton: What!?
Me: You see that anger you have been keeping
inside. I fear That one day you will explode and
hurt me. I am scared of you
Elton slowly walked closer to me. Priscella got
closer to me and stood next to me
Elton: Tasha are you breaking up with me ?
Me: I have made a lot of selfish mistakes in my
life. Very soon I am going to be a mother. I have
to think for my child. Today i stop being
important. This baby inside of me is
I can't tell him I am moving on with Hungani. I
won't mention his name he will get more mad
Me: I want to focus on me. I don't want to be
with a man who is not the father of my child
Elton: That is why you've been going around
with that son of a bitch you ruined my life with?
Oh he saw that.
Me: Elton he wants to be part of my child's life. I
can't choose you. That would be selfish for my
child please understand. Try to forgive me so
that you can also heal please
Elton: You......
He walked around shaking his head. He kicked
the couch
Refilwe: Baby calm down !
Elton came straight to me
Me: I am sorry
Priscella: Elton don't do something You will
regret please abuti forgive her
Elton went down on his knees He took my
hands. They were all looking at him surprised. I
am too. What is he doing. He came to me livid. I
thought he was gonna attack me now He is on
his knees?
Elton: At least Go with me to this trip.....
Refilwe and her daughter looked At each other
with their hands on their mouths. He really
wanna kill me. He is angry but trying to smile
for me so that I can buy all this? I have been
sleeping with a monster but not again. I am
done with him.
Elton: Go with me to that trip you won't regret it
then when we Come back you can decide if still
you want to leave me or not please
I looked at his family. They both shook their
heads no .
Me: Elton I wouldn't go to the trip even if I
wanted to. I am working On the day you're
leaving I will be shooting for the soapie. I got a
acting gig
Priscella looked shocked by this
Me: it's not public knowledge yet but its
true..Anyway even if I wasn't working I wouldn't
go with you. Hungani and i are starting a rela......
Elton: Fuck you bitch!
He was still on his knees, He raised a fist he was
gonna punch my stomach I moves back wards.
Priscella grabbed his fist and pushed him, He
fell on his back.
Priscella: Are you crazy! You want to kill her
baby ?
Elton: She must die! with her baby this Bitch
messed up my life!
He said standing up. His mom grabbed him
Refilwe: Junior you're going to be arrested are
you crazy!!?
I was on the living room side. The elevator is on
The side with Elton. I can't run to it. Laila was
hugging me
Me: I am sorry....
Elton: Shut up bitch! You're going to pay for
everything you've done to me you slut! you
disgusting whore!!!
Refilwe: Elton enough!
Elton: I am coming for you bitcH! watch your
back !
Priscella: Elton stop!
Elton furiously walked to the living area. He
grabbed a vase. He threw it our way if fell and
broke and caused a mess
Priscella: Oh My God please stop!!!
He got to the dinner table. He grabbed a Bowl
and threw it on the floor it broke.
He ran up the stairs. We have to get out of here.
He went crazy
Priscella: Oh my God mom!
Refilwe: Priscella you're the one who is wearing
flat shoes run after him and listen to him he
might make a phone call !
Priscella: Okay
Priscella ran up the stairs. Ms Refilwe looked at
Refilwe: Guys please leave
Me: I feel so bad. I know he was planning to
harm me bu......
Refilwe: But nothing! come on go!
We ran to the elevator. It opened we walked in
then left
Me: Oh My God

< Narrated >
Prince Phonqa mentioned his half sister's new
attitude. It looks like she is doing it too much
right now. She is going to put herself in trouble.
This woman lost both her parents. They are not
buried yet but she is going around causing
problems in houses she shouldn't visit. What is
she doing at Malingene's house now? They spoke
with Malingene and agreed that Ncinci cannot
find out the child Nomaxabiso is carrying is
Malingene's child. What is she doing here now ?
Malingene won't like this. We see Nomaxabiso
walking out of her parents car. She headed to
the door and knocked, She moved back and
waited for someone to open the door. In few
seconds the door opened. Malingene opened the
door. He looked behind him then at
Nomaxabiso. He whispered
Malingene: What are You doing here ?
Nomaxabiso: The truth must come out now
don't you think?
Nomaxabiso said that then pushed him out of
the way. She walked in. Malingene grabbed her
wrist aggressively. Nomaxabiso turned around
and smiled
Malingene: Nomaxabiso your pare....
" Baby who was at the door ? " Said Malingene's
wife from the bedroom.
Nomaxabiso: Its me chomie ! Come out there is
something very serious I wanna discuss with
you and your husband
Malingene got teary. He put his hands on his
head panicking.
They heard footsteps. They turned around.
Ntombencinci looked like she was ready to go
Ncinci: Chomie what are you doing here ?
Nomaxabiso: I have a business proposal for your
husband but since you two are married I
thought I should talk to both of you
Malingene let out a silent sigh of relief.
Ncinci looked at her husband. Malingene smiled.
Ncinci: Baby why don't you go get me the 20 litre
of paraffin I am late. I won't join you guys my
husband will tell me when I come back
Malingene: Okay my wife
Malingene kissed his wife. Nomaxabiso faked a
Nomaxabiso: No problem friend I can also tell
you in case he leaves some details
Malingene walked away. Ncinci looked at
Ncinci: You look better than the day I last saw
Nomaxabiso: I have to woman up Ncinci
Her: That's the spirit girl but don't you think this
is not a time to discuss business now? Why don't
you wait until after the funeral ?
Nomaxabiso sat on a chair
Nomaxabiso: The show must go on. I need to
secure my future
Ncinci: Okay then I like this new you
Nomaxabiso flipped her weaves
Nomaxabiso: Thank you best friend
Malingene came back
Malingene: Here baby
Ncinci took the 20 litre. They don't have
electricity so they buy paraffin to use for stoves
and some other things so Ncinci is going to town
to buy paraffin and groceries. Anyway she
looked at Nomaxabiso
Ncinci: See you later
Nomaxabiso: Later
She walked out then closed the door
Malingene: You almost gave me a heart attack.
Look I even peed on myself!
Nomaxabiso turned around
Nomaxabiso: Ahh sorry can i see
Nomaxabiso opened his zip
Malingene: Nomaxabiso we can't do this in my
Nomaxabiso touched his manhood then looked
at him.
Nomaxabiso: You're aware that even when i am
married this is still mine
Malingene: You're getting married?
Nomaxabiso let go of his private part. She
walked away
Nomaxabiso: It's the only way to stop people
from sniffing around
Malingene: Sniffing around ?
Nomaxabiso chuckled then turned around.
Nomaxabiso: Do you want people to know that I
am carrying your child ?
Malingene: Of course not!
Nomaxabiso: Then I have to get married so that
THEY and your wife don't ask me questions!
Nomaxabiso snapped
Malingene: I am sorry you don't have to be all
worked up
Nomaxabiso: You men don't understand the
sacrifices we make! We do things with you and
when things are out of hand we are expected to
deal with things on our own!
Malingene: I am sorry so who are you going to
marry ?
Nomaxabiso wiped her tears
Nomaxabiso: Hlohlesakhe Ndengana
Malingene: What !?
Nomaxabiso: What ? Do you have a better
husband for me Malingene?
Malingene: No! Isn't he in his 50s?
Nomaxabiso: 48
Malingene: I guess that is not too bad ?
Nomaxabiso: Anyway I am not here for that. I
have a proposal for you
Malingene: I am listening
Nomaxabiso looked at him
Nomaxabiso: I want you to buy my 20 % shares
from Ndengana project
Malingene: 20% that's a lot. I am just a mine
worker. Where will I get that kinda money
Nomaxabiso: From me
Nomaxabiso: They are not gonna be yours They
will remain mine but they will be yours on
paper and we will have an agreement signed by
us and lawyers that the shares are not yours you
agreed to help me
Malingene: Why Do you want the royal house to
believe that the shares are mine ?
Nomaxabiso started breathing heavily
Nomaxabiso: I just want to annoy them! I want
King Zwelicacile to get jealous
Malingene: You're using me to make that dude
jealous !?
Nomaxabiso: Are you saying no to me
Malingene started pacing up and down
Malingene: No but what do I tell my wife. You
said to her you have a business proposal
Me: You will tell her what you told me. Tell her
you rejected my offer because you don't have
that kinda money
Malingene: You want me to lie to my wife again?
Nomaxabiso: You don't seem to hate lying to her.
You almost pooped on yourself when i wanted
Tell her about us
Malingene: Okay fine !
Nomaxabiso: Have a great day Malingene
Nomaxabiso walked to the door
Malingene: I will hear from you then
She turned around and looked Malingene
Nomaxabiso: Very soon and when this is all over
I will be able to visit you in Johannesburg and
sleep at that fancy hotel
Malingene: But you will be married
Nomaxabiso: As a third wife to a man who
already has two wives
Malingene: What !?
Nomaxabiso: We are doing this to hide our
secret right?
Malingene: I suppose
Nomaxabiso closed the door. She headed to her
car. She stopped next to the car then chuckled.
Nomaxabiso: Royal palace you think i am stupid
and I cannot be your son's wife
Nomaxabiso got in her car.
Nomaxabiso: Now let's see if you can stand
having my ex as your business partner

At Seputla towers. We see Priscella running
down the stairs
Refilwe: Be careful! You're pregnant!!
Priscella: Mom this is getting more scary! Who is
that boy!?
Ms Refilwe took Priscella's hands. She pulled her
to the dinner table. They pulled chairs and sat
Refilwe: Calm down and tell me what you
managed hear
Priscella: I ran to his room and listened like you
asked me to
Refilwe: Yes and?
Priscella: His friend answered the phone the
only thing Elton said was.....
Priscella broke down
Refilwe: What?
Priscella: CHANGE OF PLANS.....
Priscella stood up after she said that. Ms Refilwe
put both her hands on her mouth. Priscella was
pacing up and down.
Priscella: Mom The way in which he said it....
Ms Refilwe looked away
Refilwe: Like a Big shot thug I know.......
A tear escaped from Ms Refilwe's eye. Priscella
looked at her
Priscella: What are we gonna do? Mom
tomorrow I have to go to Eastern cape. How can
i do that when My brother is like that?
Refilwe: Sit here and calm down I will handle
Priscella sat down. Ms Refilwe walked to the
balcony. She opened the door and made sure
she closed it behind her. She dialled a number.
Tasha: Hello Mrs Seputla
Refilwe: Go to the police. Tell them you
overheard Elton planning to kill you. Obviously
they won't do nothing about that because you
have nothing that proves it. If they don't believe
you file for a restraining order against him and
make sure they visit him tonight! My security is
always up 24/7 !
Tasha: Ma'am this is your son!
Refilwe looked at the door then away
Refilwe: A very dangerous son!
Tasha: Okay i am on my way
Ms Refilwe hung up her phone. She went to the
couch. She didn't sit. She looked emotional. She
dialled a number.
Refilwe: Doctor it's Refilwe Seputla
Doctor: Oh My God! Refilwe Seputla! how long
has It been? is it 22 years?
Ms Refilwe walked around then stood next to
the couch at balcony. She broke down.
Doctor: Is everything okay?
Refilwe: Tomorrow I am flying to Cape town. We
need to meet
Doctor: Of course!
Ms Refilwe hung up. She looked inside with her
hand on her mouth




< Hlohlesakhe >
I didn't think about ancestors when my wife
suggested marrying Nomaxabiso. I don't know
why it didn't come to mind that I can't make any
decision without speaking to them. I am really
happy that I have River. This woman respects
my ancestors and that is something my first wife
has never done. She always did the opposite. I
am happy River and i found each other. I can see
she is worried about what will the ancestors say.
I am as well to be honest. I don't want to get
another visit from my father. The last time he
visited me he was very angry. I want to make
him proud right now. I am here hoping for the
best and I don't want to see my wife
disappointed. I hope they support her decision. I
love her and I want to see her happy at all times
because she makes me happy. I love her plan
with Nomaxabiso. I want to have something of
my own very soon but I don't know what
business can i start around here. I have two
paying jobs. I am a chief I get paid. I am working
at my family project and I get paid as well. I am
going to have three wives. All that money will be
nothing because I have to take care of all of
them. I need to have business of my own and I
pray now that I will offer advising Nomaxabis
she will give me some shares in her family
Anyway I just got to Gedleza's hut. He is busy
speaking to my ancestors. I told him why I am
here even though I know he knows very well
why I am here.
Gedleza: My chief your second wife is a royal
princess, A Queen in this family
Me: Yes
Gedleza: A royal wife who wants the best for the
family the ancestors connect with her
Me: Are you saying the ancestors connect with
my wife?
Gedleza: Whatever decision she makes she is
asked by ancestors to make it....
Me: That's great
Gedleza: But....
Oh the're is a but? why do I feel like I won't like
Gedleza: You and your Queen's intentions are
not the same as ancestors intentions
I sat up straight
Me: They don't want me to marry Nomaxabiso?
They don't like the reason why we chose her ?
Gedleza: They asked your wife to choose her
because Your wife can only give you an heir. She
will struggle to fall pregnant after that
Me: Oh?
Gedleza: Your second wife is from the city. Rich
people say they eat healthy food but when they
turn 40 they can't have children. That is not
He smiled.
Gedleza: Your third wife on the other hand is
from a rural area. She is fertile, She is ready to
give you as many children as she possible can
Me: That's great. She is pregnant and that child
is not mine
Gedleza: She can have more
Me: That's good. So my wife didn't cross the line
Gedleza shook his head no.
Gedleza: She helped you more than she thought
she did
Me: Thank you so much Gedleza. I need to go to
work then go tell them later and announce my
third wife
Gedleza: My chief she already announced
herself and your second wife is not happy about
Me: How could she do that ?
Gedleza: She is still angry about The King. She is
trying by all means to make the family feel bad
for not wanting her and she wants the King's
attention and she is not getting it. My chief You
have a lot of work to do to make her forget the
I stood up
Me: I will try my best
Gedleza: Go well my Chief
I walked out. Is that girl crazy ? We slept
together. How could she think of my nephew. I
need to see her more often. I dialled her number
while walking to my car.
Nomaxabiso: MY chief
Me: Can I see you later
Nomaxabiso: No! that's not a good idea
Me: Why ?
Nomaxabiso: Because we are not yet married.
We can only see each other when we are
Me: Why is that? I want to see you and you're
part of....
Nomaxabiso: How about Tomorrow around
midday ?
Me: tomorrow can't work for
me. There is a very important IMBIZO at Royal
house. The King and his Fiancé will be speaking
to our people
Nomaxabiso: Interesting.....
Me: That's why I want to see you tonight
Nomaxabiso: I can't see you until we are
married. I don't want what happened to Peter
happen to you My chief
Peter? Who the hell is that?
Me: Who is Peter and what happened to him ?
Nomaxabiso: Ask your second wife..... ( Tu tu tu
tu tu tu tu tu tu)
Did she just hung up on me? Why so much
drama like we are already married? This is
gonna be too much. I feel like my wife and
Nomaxabiso have issues. I got in the car then
started the engine
Me: Who is Peter....... ?

< Priscella >
Oh My God I have never seen my brother so
aggressive and violent in my life. I am starting to
believe he really wanted this girl dead. The
house is a mess There are broken bottles every
where in the dinning area. He almost broke a lot
of things in the house. I never thought he was
gonna behave like this. It looks like he has been
a ticking timebomb now he just exploded. I don't
know what to do right now. I always have
something to say but at this instant I don't have
nothing to say to him. This is crazy. He went
crazy when Tasha broke up with him. I was so
amazed by how he spoke to his friend. At least I
know who he was planning this with. I need to
speak to him. They can't do this. I am so amazed
that the boy he is planning this with is a white
boy. I can't believe my brother is a thug. He said
" Change of plans" When he said that I felt chills
down my spin. How can i live with a thug? How
can i and my child be safe around him? Elton
has everything he needs. Why is he doing this?
Why is he becoming someone we don't know?
My mother has been at balcony for a while now.
I don't know what she is doing there. I hope she
is calling a doctor because this boy needs help
Anyway I walked to balcony. I opened the door
and walked out. I found mom crying sitting on
the couch. Why is she crying? Is it because she
has never seen Elton so aggressive? He even did
it to her I was shocked. I felt unsafe with my
child. I didn't think of him when i was trying to
defend Tasha. Why am i so careless. What if he
did something to my child.
Me: Mom are you okay?
She stood up then looked out of the building
Mom: Yes
Me: Are you crying because you feel like you
failed him?
She looked at me
Mom: I have so many regrets
I walked to her then put my hand on her back.
Me: Mom you can't blame yourself for this. You
did everything you could to raise us well. You
started working internationally few years ago
when My father died. Elton was 18. You raised
us well it's not your fault he is acting like this!
Mom: I should've been careful
Me: Careful about what? You didn't know how
he could get when he is angry. We should've
expected this though. Tasha hurt him
Mom: We betrayed him and gave Tasha reasons
to dump him and me.....I Just betrayed him
Mom broke down.
Me: What did you do?
Mom wiped her tears.
Me: What did you do mom ?
She looked at me.
Mom: I asked Tasha to call.....
Me: Who ?
Mom: I asked Tasha to go lay a report to the
police that she is scared for her life
Oh My God. I understand where mom is coming
from though. The reason for me to come to the
balcony was to speak to her and find a way
forward.. I am scared for that girl's life.
Mom: Baby i had do to this. The police have to
come here to tell him that she laid a complaint.
That will ruin all The chance of him trying to kill
Tasha. It was the only way
Me: I get it. And if anything happens to Tasha
they will look at him I don't think he wants that
Mom: Yes and I asked her to file for a
restraining order against Elton. That boy must
stay away from her
Me: That's a good idea. Are you gonna be okay
tomorrow I have to leave for Eastern cape
Mom: I have to fly to Cape town first thing
tomorrow morning. I have a meeting there then
I will come back
Me: Mom i can't wait for you to come back from
Cape town. I also have to leave early
Mom: You will take the helicopter. I will fly from
the airport so there is nothing that will delay
Me: Thank you
The door opened. We looked at the door ..
Cleopatra: Ma'am the police are here
Me: There we go
I understand why mother did this. I don't know
my brother anymore. I feel like he is a danger to
us and to himself. We have to make sure we
don't let him make this mistake. He cannot kill
that girl because if he does his life would be
over. He has such a bright future. He doesn't
want to be part of family business. We gave him
the freedom to do whatever he wants to do and I
am proud of him for making things happen for
himself. He got to that Rich kids without our
help. I understand without us they wouldn't
have known him but still I am proud that He
made his deals and started working. I love him. I
don't want to lose him. I don't want him to ruin
his life. He must remember that if he breaks the
law all his dreams will go down the drain. I
know he is angry but one thing I know for sure
is that he is not stupid. I want to make him see
that. I hope the police will scare him a bit and I
hope he will calm down and be able to listen to
Mom: Thank you CleoPetra Tell them we are
Cleo: Okay ma'am
She walked out. I looked at mom.
Mom: Let's go talk to them
My mother opened the door. I walked out. She
followed me. The officers stood up..
Mom: Good evening officers
Officer1: Ma'am I am detective Corben and this
is Officer Molefe
Mom: Can we help you detective?
He looked up the stairs then at us
Corben: Can we see your son....
He looked at the paper he had on his hand
Corben: Elton Seputla Jnr
Mom: Priscella go call your brother
Me: Okay mom
I walked to the stairs. I hope he will open the
door when I get there. In no time i was at his
door. I knocked.
Elton: Go away!!!
Me: Elton you're 21 years ago. you can't lock
yourself up when you're upset open up!
Elton: I want to be left alone!
Me: I know that! mom and I wanted to give you
space but the police are here so you have to
speak to them
Elton: The Police?
Me: Yes EJ. The police want to speak to you. Who
knows what Tasha said to them after you
threatened to kill her !
He opened the door.
Elton: She called police on me ?
Me: Yes you traumatised the poor girl! I was
traumatised as well. Elton I don't know who you
are anymore!
Elton: Don't exaggerate!
Me: Exaggerate!? Elton you wanted to punch her
in the stomach. If i hadn't done what I did we'd
be talking assault right now or even worse
murder! How can you do that when you say you
want to be a role model? What kinda role model
you want to be if you are capable of killing ?
He walked out then down the hallway heading
to the stairs .
Me: Elton you're out of control! You need to go
back to rehab!
He turned around
Elton: Do you want the police to hear you ?
Me: Why can't you do the right thing once in
your life? what will you achieve by getting
He walked away. He is making me angry. I know
he is not a violent person. He is acting like this
because he is angry. I don't know why he is
letting anger control him. We got downstairs.
Mom: Son the officers say they are here to speak
to you
Elton looked at them
Elton: okay... I am listening ?
Corben: Young man a girl by the Name of Tasha
came to the station. She looked scared
Elton: Why?
Mom looked at me
Corben: She says you threatened to kill her. She
is scared for her life
Elton looked at mom and me
Elton: Mom , Sis tell them she was here I didn't
do anything to her
Mom: Detective we didn't see any fight. Right
Me: Nope. We didn't see anything
Corben: Are you planning to go to a trip ?
Elton: Yeah what about it ?
Corben: Were you planning to kill her on that
Elton: What!?
Mom: My son would never do that
Corben: Ma'am that girl was crying. She didn't
look like someone who made this up
He gave Elton papers.
Corben: Boy this is a restraining order she filed
today. You must stay away from her. All the
details are in that paper. If anything happens to
that lady you will be held responsible! If you
break anything written in that restraining order
you are going to jail!
Elton: What!?
Corban: Ma'am, Lady
He looked at his colleague
Him: Let's go
They walked to the elevator. They went in then
left. Elton attempted to walk away
Me: Are you gonna walk away just like that after
you made us lie to the police?
He turned around.
Elton: You guys know what that bitch did to me.
Do you blame me for being upset. you know I
didn't mean what I said. I am not a killer !
Me: You broke things! It was a mess here. you
can't just walk away. you need to apologise for
your behavior Elton!
Elton: I am sorry mom for breaking things. I was
Mom: Thank You son
He walked to the stairs
Me: Ej
He stopped walking. He didn't turn around
Elton: Priscella
Me: Did you really want to be with Tasha?
Elton: Nah
He walked up the stairs. I looked at mom, She
shrugged her shoulders
Me: So he really wanted to kill her
Cleopetra walked down.
Mom: Are they sleeping ?
Cleo: Yes ma'am. They had dinner then took a
shower and went to bed
Me: Thank you Cleo. Sonia will sleep here as
well. Make sure the guest room is ready
Cleo: Let me go change the bedding
I smiled. She walked up the stairs . I looked at
Mom: I am going to speak to your brother one
on one. You can't be there because you're.....
Me: I know I am kinda too hard on him. Its just
that I care about him. I don't want to have a
brother who is nothing like what my father
taught us. I am disappointed in him and
unfortunately I am not like you. I tell him what i
think I don't have to nurse his feelings or
sugarcoat things
Mom: That's why I think you should step aside
on this one
Me: He needs a shrink mom! make him go see
one or bring a doctor here to have private
sessions with him
Mom: I will talk to him about it
Me: Thank you. I need to go sleep
I am tired of my brother. He just too much. He is
stressing me out and I hate feeling this way.

< Tasha >
I can't believe what happened at Elton's home. It
broke my heart to see him so angry but at the
same time i had to get away from him. He is
dangerous. My life is at risk around him and I
am so surprised that his family gave me the go
ahead to go to the police. I am scared right now.
He threatenet to kill me. I don't know how to
thank Priscella and her mother. After everything
I have done I don't deserve their loyalty. They
are selfless. I don't have a heart as big as theirs. I
don't think i would have done what they did for
me. Now that I am still breathing I can say they
saved my life. I do not know what will happen
tomorrow. Now that this trip failed he might
have other plans. I just hope the police will scare
him and make him leave me alone. I don't need
him in my life. I have a man that I love. I am
sorry that I did that to him but people break up.
Its not a big deal. When Elton raised his fist
ready to punch me I just froze. I couldn't move
at all. If Priscella didn't grab his wrist and push
him we'd be saying something else right now. He
hates me. He wants to see me dead. I am
My friend went to the police with me. We spoke
to the police. She was late for work but she still
drove me home because i was scared and
traumatised by what almost happened. I am so
grateful to her for driving me home. I made sure
when she left I locked the door then called
Hungani. He is on his way. I don't feel safe at all.
I am not safe in this world while that boy is still
so mad at me. I really pray they get him help. I
know It is not my place to advise them but I pray
they consider getting him help. He is out of
control and I hate that I am the person
responsible for his behavior. It's like He always
had that monster inside of him. He just needed
someone to wake it up and unfortunately I was
that person. I feel terrible bad though.
Anyway I heard the knock at the door. I stood up
scared. I looked at the door
I took my phone. I dialled Hungani's number.
His phone rang at the door
Me: Oh
" Open up It's me. " I ran to the door and opened.
I hugged him so tight and broke down.
Me: Thank you for coming
I didn't let go of him. He hugged me tight trying
in his arms. He was just brushing my back.
Hungani: Its okay thanks for calling me
I broke the hug. He walked in and closed the
Hungani: Come let's sit. What happened?
Me: Like i told you on the phone he got
aggressive. Hungani I ruined his life
I said standing up crying
Hungani: Hey babe you apologised. Please stop
being hard on yourself. You apologised to him.
He knows you didn't mean to hurt him. Tell me
did he touch you ?
I looked at him. He wanted to. I thank his sister.
Baby he wanted to punch me in my stomach
Hungani: What !?
Priscella grabbed his arm and pushed him. She
saved me. She is already showing but she risked
her life and baby's life for me I remember when
he got so angry and wanted to beat me. Priscella
came and stood next to me trying to protect me
I sat down.
Me: I don't deserve her kindness. You remember
the things i said to her at your house?
Hungani: Priscella is a good person. I told you
that. Yes she does get angry and I feel like you're
lucky or she likes you because she never
forgives someone who wronged her
I wiped my tears then looked at him .
Me: She didn't forgive you ?
He sat down. He looked sad.
Hungani: Forgiveness is another thing. She hates
me. I think she was disappointed that I did that
to her brother. She knows Me, and I feel like she
expected that from someone else not me
Me: I am sorry
He smiled
Him: No this is not about me. So what's gonna
happen now. I feel like that boy is going to do
everything he can to hurt you
Me: I know. He said I should watch my back. I
was so scared. When we got downstairs I
received a call from his mother. She asked me to
go to the police and report him and fIle for a
restraining order against him
Hungani: His own mother said that ? He is out of
Me: He is, I mean he broke everything he could
get to in his house when i dumped him and told
him I am with you
Hungani hugged me
Him: You should've let me do this with you
I broke the hug
Me: No it was gonna be worse Maybe we were
gonna anger his family as well. I am glad you
Hungani: At least they protected you
Me: Yeah and i will never forget that because i
don't deserve it
Hungani: So What do you think about spending
a night with me ?
Me: I could spend a night with you but not at
your house
Hungani: Why not ?
Me: You haven't told those girls that they can't
live with you anymore so I don't think it's a good
idea for you to invite me before you spoke to
Hungani: You're right. I need to fix this with
them. I thought of sending their clothes to the
fashion show then I thought it would he
immature of me so I will sleep in my house
tonight and wait for them
Me: I don't have a problem with that
He took my hands
Him: I am happy with you and I want this to
work Tasha
Me: I want this as much as you do
He kissed my lips, His phone rang. He broke the
Him: Sorry
Me: It's okay
He stood up then answered
Hungani: Hey
Hungani: I am sorry I can't be there tonight. I
am very tired
Hungani: I am not having this conversation with
you. Brianna you know I am a guy I don't like
these things!
Oh He is speaking to one of the models. The
sooner those bitches leave my man alone the
better. I remember when i went there and found
them there with him they had a lot to say to me.
Look how things turned out. Karma is a bitch.
They are in my shoes now. I will see who is
going to win the man forever. I saw him hung
up. He looked at me.
Hungani: Sorry it's one of them. She is upset that
I don't want to go to the fashion show. She is
upset that I was with you all day. I don't
understand Brianna. We are just friends. I don't
know why she is acting like she is my wife
Me: Good thing you're talking to them tomorrow
Hungani: Yeah
I am so worried that they will be a problem in
our relationship. These girls are the reason he is
no longer with Priscella. Who am I to change his
ways when a woman he loved so much couldn't?
I hope he won't break my heart.
Hungani: I can't leave you alone. I will have to
wait for your friend to come back from work
Me: Thank you
Hungani: Congratulations on your acting job I
am really proud of you
Me: Thank you. It's my first day tomorrow I am
going to do everything I can to show them they
didn't make a mistake by choosing me
Hungani: I am very proud
I smiled. Hungani's phone rang. He looked at it
Him: Sorry again. It's our manager
He answered and put her on speaker
Hungani: Mandy
Mandy: Did you check your email?
Hungani: Nope i didn't why ?
Mandy: Is Tasha with you?
Oh no I hope we are not in trouble. He looked at
me then smiled
Hungani: Yeah why ?
Mandy: I am with your producer at Sandton in
that fashion show. He sent you questions you
will ask Tasha on her set tomorrow while she is
working. Read the email and practise the
questions and make her answer them so that
she can prepare herself
Oh My God! do you remember when i was angry
I said I want Hungani to be the one interviewing
me when I make it now look at God. We are
dating and he is going to interview me in his
popular lifestyle show. I am so happy
Hungani: Thank you Mandy
Mandy: Good evening
Hungani hung up. He looked at me excited. I am
as well
Hungani: Are you ready for this? We got to be as
professional as we can
Me: Okay
My mother and my dad are going to see me on
that show before they see me on the soapie. I
can't wait. I am so excited I can't even help it.

< Nontorotyi >
Now everyone can stop judging me and stand in
my shoes and see why I did what i did. I am not
stupid okay? I did what anyone would've done if
they were in my shoes. My brother knew about
Bhalisile being the father of My child way before
anyone did. That son of a bitch didn't tell my
sister because he wanted to get money from me.
I am not stupid. Yes i want the best for my
family but I would never give away R5000 rands
for free. Maybe a thousand but five? Not in this
life time but because my brother had something
on me I had to give him. Some months I would
give him eight thousand rands and that was
when they were building the house. He and his
wife know I am hurt but none of them want to
visit me. What kinda people are they? I know
the family knows about the secret and they don't
want anyone to know about it and I am gratful
for that but if I don't give my brother what he
wants, My daughter will end up knowing and
that day she will hate me even more. My
daughter hates me right now. She wants nothing
to do with me and I don't blame her because i
keep ruining her relationship with her mentor.
Nomakhosazana is not my favorite person in the
world everyone knows that but I shouldn't get
My daughter involved in My fights with
Nomakhosazana. Now Zinyovile, The only
person who can predict the future and has been
so spot on so far is telling me that my brother
won't feel sorry for me even if I tell him i don't
have money he will keep asking for money.
What do I do? She gave me an option. I made the
call. My dear sister wife is coming tomorrow.
Am I going to do this ? Why can't I when i am
the only person who cares? clearly he doesn't
care about me. The only person he cares about is
himself. I believe Zinyovile. That man will keep
asking for money and if I don't give him, he will
tell my daughter. I made the call and I am not
changing my mind. He has to die. Now that I
called Nomahelele and she agreed to come I
want to call Zinyovile and ask what's the plan.
She said we will set her up. I have to know how.
I need to prepare myself. I am really happy she
brought my phone. Everyone knows how my life
just stops without it. Anyway I dialled her
number and listened. Her phone rang in my
Me: She forgo.......
" No need to call I am here " She said behind
me. I was lying with the side that didn't get beat.
Me: Come this side
She came and smiled at me.
Zinyovile: So ?
Me: I want to know how I will set her up? Will I
record her while killing my brother?
Zinyovile: You'd die with your brother at the
same spot. That woman is ruthless !
Oh My God! She is just like Nomakhosazana isn't
she? Zinyovile looked at me
Zinyovile: She is worse !
I swallowed hard then looked at her.
Me: Are you sure she won't feel insulted by me
when I ask her to kill someone?
Zinyovile: You have to ask her to prove to you
that she is here for good reasons. Just ask her to
prove herself by killing Xhalanga
Xhalanga is my brothers name by the way.
Me: Okay so how do I set her up ?
Zinyovile sat on a chair next to my bed and
Zinyovile: Let her kill him....
Zinyovile: When you disposed the body you call
the police and tell them who killed him.....
Me: What if she finds out I.....
Zinyovile: That gun killed a couple of people.
You Will tell the police that you don't want her
to know you did......
Me: Okay
Zinyovile: Nontorotyi The police have been
looking for someone who committed a few
murders with that gun and that person is your
sister wife. You will be helping them!
Me: Okay I will do it!
Zinyovile: Remember.... if they find her she will
be arrested and locked up for a long time and
you will be left with just one sister wife
I wiped my tears. I looked at her. I have been
meaning to ask.
Me: Who is the third wife?
Zinyovile chuckled, She was smiling looking
straight into My eyes
Zinyovile: Nomaxabiso Zidenge !
I put my hands on my mouth
Me: You're joking right? From almost marrying
my nephew to marrying my husband ?
Zinyovile stood up. She looked amazed more like
Me: What?
Zinyovile: That is not the impression I expected?
I looked away and smiled.
Me: Let's just say we have unfinished business
with that bitch
Zinyovile: The poison drama?
I looked at her.
Me: Yeah..... I will get rid of Nomahelele.....
Zinyovile: Hurricane Dineo
I looked at her I smiled then looked away and
lost the smile
Me: Nomaxabiso I can deal with




< Ms Refilwe >
I am the mother in this house. I should be the
one who makes sure I have the last word. I need
to give my son tough love. Priscella has been
doing that. I don't want my children to hate each
other because they have to do what I should do
as a parent. Priscella is pregnant. She doesn't
need all this stress she is under. I need to speak
to my son and get the truth out of him. Earlier
while My daughter went to fetch him upstairs. i
was left with the police. I was honest with them.
I told them that I was worried about my son
because he wanted to beat that girl. I told the
police that my son is going through a lot they
said they saw the papers so I told them that if he
could find out I told them he would fall apart
even more that is why when Elton asked if he
was aggressive with Tasha we pretended like we
were on his side. The police knew. I told them
They should just intimidate him and leave. I feel
like telling the truth and asking Tasha to call the
police was not a betrayal to my son. It was a
mother trying to protect her son the only way
She knows how. But enough is enough. I got
angry two times today. I raised both these kids.
They know how I like respect and mannars,
today I felt like the only person i thought was
Priscella. Elton never listened. When he pushed
me away my daughter asked him to apologise.
When he broke my things Priscella asked him to
apologise to me. Why does he needs to be told to
do something. Doesn't he know when he is
wrong? My son is just changing and I hate it. I
want to speak with him.
Anyway I am not going to speak about the call I
made to Cape town. That is One thing i never
thought I would even think of. I am so angry
right now. I just hope i won't regret going there.
I am just praying I won't. while I was walking up
I bumped into Priscella I thought she went to
Me: I thought you went to sleep ?
Priscella: I want You to speak with you
Me: I am about to go speak with your brother
what's up ?
Priscella: I called his friend. I asked him
questions. He didn't want to tell me but I forced
him til he did. He says he was gonna borrow
him the gun to shoot Tasha. I told him it's in
police hands now. He said Elton called him
accusing him of telling Tasha about his plan
Me: I hope he won't harm his friend as well
Priscella: No he assured him he didn't He
believes him
Me: I need to go speak to your brother
Priscella: Okay good luck
I walked up the stairs. I went to his room and
Me: Son it's mom open up!
Elton: I am sleeping mom
Me: I didn't ask open the door !
Him: It's open !
I opened the door then walked in. He didn't look
at me. He remained sleeping looking the other
Me: I thought we loved each other in this family
He is not gonna say anything ?
Me: I thought we cared about how the other
Elton: She is not family
Me: But I am
He turned around and looked at me. He didn't
know what i was on about I could tell he was
Me: You Almost removed my arm out of it's
He sat up straight.
Elton: I was angry...
Me: Is that your excuse for manhandling your
Elton: I am sorry
Me: Why didn't you say that after you did it ?
Elton: I apologised mom
Me: No you didn't
Elton: I did !
Me: After Priscella demanded the apologise from
you !
He looked down
Me: Have you ever seen your dad lay his hand
on me while he was alive ?
Elton: I am sorry mom
Me: Your sister and I always look out for you.
We make sure you're happy. You keep things
from us. You don't want to talk to us
Elton: You won't understand !
Me: Son that's what the therapist is for! I need to
make some calls. You need to speak to someone
if you can't speak to us
Elton: I don't need to speak to a stranger
Me: Junior! you do when at your age you plan
He looked at me.
Elton: Murder ? mom do you really think I
would kill her? I was angry!
Me: Angry enough to kill!
Elton: I would never kill anyone !
Me: You almost killed her unborn child! Imagine
what would've happened if your sister didn't
grab your arm !
Me: Baby we are a modern family. You kids
grew up seeing doctors. You went to see a doctor
when your dad didn't want to understand what
you wanted to do. He understood it when he
spoke to a doctor with you. Why don't you try
that for yourself?
He didn't answer that.
Me: If anything or anyone would hurt me or
your sister would you do something?
Elton: Yes you're my family
Me: We are scared of you. Is that what you want
us to feel when we see you ?
He looked at me
Elton: No mom! I am not a monster i would
never do anything to you guys
Me: We don't feel like you wouldn't. We can't be
scared of you EJ you need to change your ways.
Your sister cares about you. I do too.Tell me if
your sister would go through something would
you notice?
Elton: I...
Me: No! You wouldn't! She also wants to have a
brother who will have her back. Ask her How
she is feeling once in a while. Elton months ago
we had your 21st birthday. You're old now. You
need to act like a man of this house not a boy
when he feels the heat he runs up the stairs or
break things! You were so happy in the Eastern
Cape. You changed on Sunday after you started
talking about that girl. That girl is not worth it.
And son a man who harms a woman is a
coward. Karma will deal with Tasha! you on the
other hand must move on with your life !
Elton: Yes ma'am
Me: I don't want you to go to jail!
Elton: I am not going to jail
Me: Good ! and tomorrow I am scheduling an
appointment for you. Son you must see the
doctor !
Elton: Yes ma'am
Me: Thank you
I walked to the door then turned around
Me: Still wanna go to the trip ?
Elton: Mom I wasn't going there to kill her. Yes i
want to go
Me: Then I want you to go have fun. Have a good
Elton: Night
I opened the door then walked out. I closed it.
It went better than I thought it would.

< Narrated >
The fashion show is about to start. The models
are busy doing their make up. Junaid the
designer is busy going up and down. Sonia is not
here yet. The only people who are here are the
guests who came for the show. The supermodels
are here are Claire, Brianna and Michaela to
mention the few. We see Claire standing up. She
was staring at her phone. She was wearing
white morning gown. She went to Brianna.
Claire: Friend did you see this?
She said showing her the phone.
Brianna: He said to me he had a busy day did he
mean this! I saw this and called him he hung up
on me!
Claire: Friend men are trash trust me
Brianna: Why can't they be loyal? Why can't
they stick with one girl!
Claire looked at Brianna with Questioning eyes
Brianna: What?
Claire: Friend are you sure you're not catching
feelings for this guy?
Brianna looked at Michaela then took Claire's
hand they stood at a distance.
Brianna: wouldn't you catch feelings for a guy
you sleep with SO many times a month. I mean
he is even hot
Claire: I think you need to be honest with him
about your feelings before things get serious
between him and that trouble girl
Brianna: I feel like I wasted time girl. That girl is
pregnant with his child
Claire put her hand on her mouth
Claire: shut up! some girls just know how to
make sure they trap a man. I mean he can't
move now. You know how needy pregnant girls
Brianna: What I don't understand is how she
changed her mind I mean She was angry
threatening to terminate the pregnancy. Now
they are seen holding hands?
Claire: I am sorry to put salt in your wound but
girl that chick has a lot of following. She is a
social media business woman now. If she
wanted to abort she wouldn't have said that in
front of you guys
Brianna: Shit! You're right. That girl went there
to get my man
" Who is your man ? " said a voice behind them.
Brianna's eyes popped out.
Claire: No ! We are talking about her celebrity
crush Liam Hammsworth
Michaela: Its so sad That they got divorced with
Miley Cyrus right?
Brianna: I am happy because he is my soulmate
Claire: The poor girl even released a song about
the break up so sad
Michaela: Yeah the Name of the song is called
SLIDE AWAY. Shame man. Ladies let me go get
my hair done
Claire: Bye babe
Michaela walked away. Brianna looked at Claire.
Brianna: Thank you for saving me from that
Claire: I am saving you now. What's gonna
happen when you want to be with Hungani.
What's gonna happen to her? You guys are best
Brianna looked down then at Claire
Brianna: I guess i need to get rid of these
feelings. I can't lose my bestie
Claire: That's so noble of you! I mean choosing a
friend over a hot TV hunk
Brianna faked a smile then looked away
She looked livid. I don't want to know what she
has in store for her "best friend" Anyway while
at that. Claire spotted Hunter looking around.
Claire smiled.
Claire: Hey baby you came !
She hugged him
Hunter: Yes baby I am here
Claire Broke the hug
Claire: Thank you so much my love. I can't wait
for you to see me in that show stopper dress
Hunter looked at a far distance. Claire hold his
face and made him look at her. Hunter was
looking at someone at a distance. Claire decided
to turn around. She looked when she saw who it
was, She looked angry. The person was talking
to the designer Junaid
Junaid: Oh dear thank you so much for coming! I
organised a room for you to unwind. There is a
very expensive Champagne in there. I will ask
someone to escort you there!
Sonia: Thank you so much !
The designer took Sonia's hand they walked
away. Sonia was wearing a long warm jacket,
skinny leather pants and a white top. She looked
so beautiful. She had a woman with her. Maybe
it's one of the housewives. She was walking with
the designer talking and laughing heading to
this special room.
Claire: What is she doing here ?
Hunter: She is followed by the camera crew. I
think it's their show
Claire: Did you know she was coming?
Hunter: No, I was shocked to see her
Brianna walked to Claire and stood next to her.
Brianna: Why is Sonia De Villiers Junaid's guest
of honour?
Claire looked at the door where Junaid and
Sonia went in
Hunter: Baby i have to go to the bathroom. I will
be right back
Claire looked at him. She Kissed him
Claire: Okay baby
The director of the show came to the models
Director: All models to the dressing rooms off
you go!
Brianna: Claire why is Sonia in that room and
not with other celebrities on the floor? ?
Claire: I really don't know.......
She looked away
Claire: And i don't like it

The models went to the dressing room. The
celebrities and everyone else who came for the
show were sitting. In the hall. We see Sonia and
her friend sitting having drinks. The cameras
started rolling
Friend: I am so happy for you friend
Sonia: Thank you so much babe. It was a last
minute thing and I am happy you came but I
was surprised you were the only one who
responded in the WhatsApp group
Friend: Well you know the girls
The door opened. Designer Junaid walked in.
Junaid: Girl I have something to tell you
Sonia stood up and put her glass of champagne
Sonia: Yes ?
Junaid: I promised one of the models that they
will wear the show stopper dress and I forgot to
tell them I found you now I have to go tell her
the bad news
Sonia: Oh Boy I hope it's not one of the two girls
I know in your team because the two of them
have loose screws in their heads
Junaid: Who are they ?
Sonia: Tell me it's Not Brianna or Claire
Junaid: It's Claire
Sonia: Oh no! That girl is dating my ex husband
and she attacked me in my office on Monday
Junaid: What ?
Sonia: I am sorry Junaid. You're too kind to offer
me this but I am not going to wear that dress
Junaid: Sonia please! I want you to wear that
dress please
Friend: Sonia come on
Sonia exhaled
Sonia: Okay fine. I feel like I need to pee. I need
to go to the bathroom
Junaid: Okay off you to! down the hallway the
bathrooms are there
Sonia ran out. The cameras followed her. She
walked faster down the hallway. She pumped
into Hunter who was coming out of the
Hunter: Sonia wow
Hunter was looking at Sonia from head to toe.
The cameras were rolling. He looked really
stunned by seeing his ex wife and she looked
gorgeous. Her smart casual looked great for a
fashion show red carpet.
Sonia: Hunter
Hunter: Hey Sonia, What are you doing here ?
Sonia flipped her hair.
Sonia: I should be asking you
Hunter: Claire will be modeling here
Sonia: So am I
Sonia faked a smile then walked passed Hunter.
Hunter: Where did you leave the kids ?
Sonia turned around.
Sonia: They are at Prissy's house. I will sleep
there tonight. I explained to them that I am
working and they are excited for me
Hunter: We have amazing kids don't we ?
Sonia: I know. I just hope your girlfriend won't
call me a bad mother for working day and night
for my children
Hunter: I am sorry about that
Sonia: You didn't say it don't apologise
Hunter: I brought her into our lives so it's my
Me: That " Our lives " can be interpreted
wrongly so please. There is no our. You brought
her to me. I am actually curious to find out what
she will accuse me of next time
Sonia looked at her reality show crew
Sonia: Monday she accused me of sleeping with
you infront of my employees
Hunter: I am sorry. Let me go before she sees us
together and think there is something going on
Sonia: Before you go
Hunter looked at her
Sonia: I am not here to model the collection. I
was specifically hired to model the show stopper
Hunter's eyes popped out..
Hunter: From which designer because she is
also excited to wear a show stopper dress
Sonia smiled. She looked like she couldn't wait
to say what she is about to say
Sonia: Maybe some of those Mediocre fashion
Designers but I am going to wear Junaid show
stopper dress
He put his hands on his head defeated
Sonia: Don't tell me we were hired to wear the
same dress ?
Hunter: Are you sure Junaid didn't make a
mistake. Maybe He......
Me: Well maybe he made a mistake with her
because he didn't with me
Hunter: What do you mean?
Sonia smiled
Sonia: Dear ex hubby I was fetched by the
biggest car outside my house. When I got here I
was taken to a private room that had
champagne, snacks and everything now
between she and i who do you think will wear
the dress?
Hunter: She will be upset
Sonia: And she will throw a fit
Hunter: A fit?
Sonia laughed shaking her head
Sonia: My poor Nambian ex. An outburst
Hunter put his heads on his head again. Isaiah
Norman and Algebra walked in.
Sonia: You made it! thank you at least I have my
friends in my corner
She went to them. Cameras ran after her. She
kissed both of them then looked at Hunter who
looked worried
Sonia: I will text you. I want you to be in that
room when she is told. I am afraid she will go
Hunter: Sure I will be there
Sonia: What happened to your forehead?
Hunter: I hit my forehead on my door
Sonia: Oh okay sorry
Hunter: No problem
Hunter walked out.
Algebra: Ms D who is going to go crazy?
Sonia smiled
Sonia: His girlfriend thinks she will wear the
show stopper dress
Isaiah: You're wearing the show stopper dress
what is she on about , Who is this girl ?
Algebra: Claire
Isaiah: The jealous Claire who was dating a
lesbian friend of mine ?
Sonia: The one and only
Algebra: Babe she is crazy. She attacked her in
her office this week
Isaiah: She has is today she won't lay a finger at
Sonia: Thank you for coming to support me and
the flowers ?
Algebra had flowers in his hands
Algebra: My boss asked me to bring them for
Sonia: Oh Prissy is so sneaky and sweet Let me
go pee wait for me here
She ran to the toilet
Isaiah: This is gonna be fun
Algebra: Tell me about it
Isaiah side hugged algebra then kissed his
forehead. So they are an item?
< Judge Nomakhosazana >
You know right now one thing I told myself was
I will never confront Ngejiwe about her mother
again. I am tired of doing that. I don't want to
look like I am trying to poison a child against
her mother. I need to put myself in their shoes. I
would hate if anyone could tell my son to never
listen to me. I would go crazy. Ngejiwe is old.
She knows what is wrong or right. If she feels
like she is happy with following what her
mother tells her then so be it. This evening we
decided to invite her, Her sisters and Ma Deliwe
for dinner. We told them about my cousin sister
joining their family. We explained to them the
situation and why we did it. They know we are a
different family. A royal family and we do things
the royal way. I am glad that we finally told
them and they didn't seem to have a problem
which was surprising for me. We decided to go
mum about Nomaxabiso. I didn't think it was
appropriate to do it. I didn't want to confuse the
kids. That Nomaxabiso has a funeral to prepare.
She has to stay at home until River and Chief
Khabalandile are married then we will
introduce her to the family. I feel like right now
is not the perfect time to do so.
Anyway this Nomaxaiso matter is really
bothering me. I am just happy I banned her
from my house. She will never at foot here and I
am glad because i can't look at her. I am
responsible for her parents death. I hear what
River is saying. If it wasn't for me they would
still be alive but then again. If it wasn't for River
I would be dead. I just wish I was strong like her.
She killed this girl's father now she wants to live
with her. Some women have no conscience at
Anyway when Chief Khabalandile arrived his
children were already here so we couldn't ask
him how it went at Gedleza's house. I don't
know why he didn't come straight to the palace
after he spoke to him. He really take his job
seriously and I love that. We just had dinner, Oh
before we told the kids we told Ngejiwe the
person who is the reason for her mother's
realise from jail. We wanted to soften her up a
bit and it worked.
Ngejiwe: Auntie thank you for giving my mom
another chance. I just hope she learnt her lesson
Nomahelele: I will be by her side every step of
the way don't worry. She won't do anything
from now on
Ngejiwe: Thank you
Hlohlesakhe: Okay guys go home it's late
They stood up
Ngejiwe: Thank you for the dinner
Me: You're welcome
They walked out. I looked at my brother in law
Me: How did it go with Gedleza?
Chief Khabalandile smiled and looked at River
Hlohlesakhe: Gedleza said anything that is said
by the Queen that is chosen by ancestors is a
request from the ancestors
Nomahelele: Oh My God so they are not angry at
me ?
Hlohlesakhe: No sweetheart
River stood up and ran to him
Nomahelele: Oh Thank you Darling I was so
She hugged him from behind then kissed his
Nomagampompo: I don't know whether to say
sorry or congratulations to you brother
Me: I feel the same
Hlohlesakhe: I hear she came here and told you
about this. How could she do something like
Nomagampompo: She literally shut me up and
asked of I shouldn't be sitting on mattrass
mourning her father
Hlohlesakhe: I will speak to her that's no way to
speak to an elder
" What are you guys talking about? " Oh Boy we
still need to tell my son about this. Everyone
looked at stairs. King Zwelicacile was walking
down. They all looked at Chief Khabalandile.
Nomagampompo: King come sit we have
something to tell you
River looked at me then looked down.
Masixole: Who died ?
Me: Nobody is dead son
Hlohlesakhe: It's good news
Nomahelele: I wouldn't say that darling but it
will depend on how he takes it
Nomagampompo: Your uncle is Marrying
Nomaxabiso Zidenge
Masixole: What !?
Me: I thought you didn't love her son?
Masixole: I don't love her! I don't even feel a
thing for her but we are talking about a woman i
slept with and she is younger than uncle. Very
Nomagampompo: The ancestors wanted this
king Zwelicacile
Me: And Nomaxabiso is not that younger then
the chief
Masixole: What do you mean?
Nomahelele: She is three years younger than me
Masixole: Are you saying Nomaxabiso.....
Nomahelele: She is 33 years old
Masixole turned and looked at me. I looked
Masixole: My Queen you were marrying me to a
woman who is older than Me?
Me: Your father was, it was not me
Masixole: Wow
Nomagampompo: It looks like she looks younger
than her age for you to think she is young
Masixole: When i saw her in Johannesburg Elton
mentioned this I don't know why i didn't take
him seriously
He looked at River
Masixole: Auntie you're okay with uncle getting
a third wife?
Nomahelele: I was chosen by the ancestors so
who am I to question them ? remember your
mother's uncle had....
Masixole: Was it three or four wives?
Nomahelele: Yes and I am familiar with it and I
love being a sister wife
Masixole: Wow
He looked at Uncle then shook his hand
Masixole: My chief you have my blessings
Hlohlesakhe: Thank you king
Masixole stood up then walked away
Hlohlesakhe: So Gedleza mentioned that she is
still in love with King
Me: Why am I surprised
Hlohlesakhe: So my plan was to spend more
time with her so that she could forget him. I
called her asking to see her she said something
Nomahelele: What is that darling ?
Hlohlesakhe: She said she will see me when we
are married. She doesn't want what happened to
Peter to happen to me
We all looked down. How could she?
Hlohlesakhe: When i asked her who is Peter and
what happened to him she said I should ask you
sweetheart ?
River stood up then looked at Princess
Nomahelele: Sisi who is Peter ?
Princess Nomagampompo shrugged her
Nomagampompo: I never heard of him
River looked at me
Nomahelele: Cuz?
Me: I never heard of him. We all know
Nomaxabisi is crazy and I am afraid she is
crazier than your first wife chief
I took my drink then stood up
Me: It was a nice dinner
Nomahelele: Very nice I enjoyed it. Notiniphu
paid for yesterday with that meal
Chief Khabalandile looked at his sister. Princess
Nomagampompo smiled then sipped on her
wine. She stood up
Nomagampompo: I have to go check leftovers
She walked away
Nomahelele: Me too !
They walked away
Hlohlesakhe: ....... ?
He looked at me.
Hlohlesakhe: My Queen Are you sure you don't
know Peter?
I smiled at him
Me: Chief Khabalandile are you calling your
wife a liar ?
Hlohlesakhe: No! of course not
I smiled. He stood up
Hlohlesakhe: Tell her I will be right back I need
to check on kids
Me: Will do
He walked to the door. He opened and walked
out. I looked at the kitchen Princess
Nomagampompo and River raised their glasses
at me from the kitchen
Me: Cheers
I sat down. " Have you cooked up a plan to help
your sisters reconcile? " What is this man doing
behind me. I almost spit the wine on myself
Me: Gedleza what are you doing behind me! You
almost gave me a heart attack!
Gedleza: Forgive me my Queen. I feel like this is
the perfect angle for what I am about to say
I didn't look at him. I was looking at tv
Me: I haven't thought of it
Gedleza: I have a plan
I stood up then turned around. I want that more
than anything. I hate being in the middle of this.
Me: I am listening ?
Gedleza: Tomorrow afternoon you will know the
plan. In fact you will come with it
Me: Me?
Gedleza: Yes you My Queen .
He vanished. I heard footsteps. I turned around.
Nomahelele: Who are you speaking to ?
Nomahelele: Cousin ?
Me: I know you just got here you might find this
ridiculous but I will ask anyway
Nomahelele: O-kay ?
Me: Do you get visits from Gedleza?
She smiled
Nomahelele: Yes i was surprised to see him
when i was in Nomaxabiso's room. He came to
speak to me
I raised my glass. I sipped on it then sat down.
Nomahelele: What did he say ?
I looked at her. She won't like it so I don't think I
should tell her.
Me: Nothing important.....
She sat down .
Nomahelele: Are you sure?
I looked at her And smiled
Me: Yeah
I sipped then looked away. Right now I am
worried if I will be able to do this. I haven't been
the mastermind lately. I am worried that I won't
be able to help them.

< Narrated >
It's time for the fashion show to start. All the
models are ready to go down the runway except
for the woman who is going to wear the show
stopper dress. I mean the real one not the other
one we all know has been bragging about it. We
see all of them queuing wearing the beautiful
casual summer wear. We see Junaid running to
Junaid: Ladies you can relax! my director says
we are going in five minute. If any of you feel
like they are oily can go do some touch ups with
their make up!
He said clapping hands excited then he ran out
of the stage. Claire looked at Brianna
Michaela: Is it me or Junaid is running with the
show stopper dress? Where is he taking it?
Brianna: Maybe he doesn't want it to get stolen
since we are all going out there
Claire: You're right friend. We are wearing the
summer wear now. When we go back again you
guys will wear other dresses and I will wear the
stunning show stopper dress
Brianna: Yay!
Michaela: The turn out. Look at how many
people are out there. Wait shouldn't Hungani be
here already ?
Brianna: Where is your phone ?
Michaela: Its been off for hours. I don't want to
be distracted besides I know I will get all the
pictures from you friend
Brianna and Claire looked at each other when
they realised Michaela didn't see the news about
Hungani and Tasha together
Claire: It's gonna be an amazing night I can feel
it. I am just happy my man is here you know
Brianna: You're so lucky friend
Claire flipped her hair
Claire: I know honey
Anyway back at Junaid. He ran to the room with
Sonia. He opened the door. He found Algebra
and Isaiah Norman with Sonia.
Junaid: I sent you the best make up and hair
stylists in the countr.....
He stopped talking when he saw how Sonia's
make up and hair looks. Sonia was now in a
Junaid: Oh My motherfeakin God ! honey Kendal
Jenner has nothing on you!
Sonia: Thank you
Junaid: You look stunning darling stunning !!
Sonia: They are the best thank you for the royal
treatment you're a great boss. I could get used to
Junaid: honey don't tempt me are you saying
you wouldn't mind to be the face of my brand ?
Algebra and Isaiah looked at Sonia excited
Sonia: What ? Would you do that ?
Junaid put the dress on the bed. He took his
Junaid: Oh Babe you don't know me
He said typing on his phone. He listened. The
phone was on speaker
Junaid: Advocate Roberts I am sorry for calling
you so late apologise to Mrs Roberts for me
Sonia and her friend looked at each other.
Riberts: No problem I am actually in my study
working. What's up?
Junaid: I found the face of J fashions. Would you
be a darling and draw up a contract I want her
to sign it tomorrow morning
Roberts: I will call my assistant to get to that
early in the morning
Junsid: See you at your firm tomorrow
Junaid hung up the phone.
Sonia: You didn't!
Junaid: Welcome back to fashion
Sonia: Thank you so much
Junaid: We will discuss payment when i go to
your office tomorrow for your contract signing
Sonia: Thank you so much for the opportunity
Junaid: You need to thank.....
They heard a knock at the door. Junaid ran to
the door. He opened the door.
Junaid: Mandy come on in
Mandy the manager walked in
Junaid: Thank her she is the one who came up
with this plan
Mandy looked at Sonia
Mandy: Still don't need a manager Ms De
Sonia: You're hired
She stood up and hugged her.
Mandy: Thank you. Trust me I told you no
matter what you do that is related to the
entertainment you need someone who is going
to finds jobs for you and manage your career
Sonia: Thank you
Junaid: Okay okay my five minutes is up. Where
are your housewives friends I left them here?
Sonia: They went to watch the fashion show. I
am so grateful to see all of them here
Junaid: How about Mandy helps you dress up I
will also come later and help you but now I need
to go out there and also make sure the dresses
are ready for the girls
He looked at Isaiah and Algebra
Junaid: You two must go watch the show. Isaiah
you have a lot of following and you're a
journalist please go watch I need a review
Isaiah stood up and so did Algebra. They walked
to the door. Junaid opened the door for them.
Isaiah and Algebra walked out. Junaid walked
out then grabbed Isaiah's wrist. Algebra looked
at Junaid. Junaid looked at Algebra
Junaid: Go on cutie I need to bribe this one
Algebra walked away Junaid smiled at Isaiah.
Junaid: I thought you were a Top I was so
disappointed to see that you were the receiver in
that relationship with Brendan oh my heart was
He said dramatically with his hand on his heart
Isaiah: For your information Even though i was
the one wearing dresses I was the one fucking
Junaid eyes popped out. He looked surprised.
Wait did Isaiah just lie like that with a straight
face on?
Junaid: Really? well in that case i will be
sleeping in that room with Sonia tonight
He said biting his lip flirting with Isaiah.
Isaiah: I am sorry that one is my boyfriend I am
Junaid looked at Algebra from a distance. He
looked sad
Junaid: Oh My arse is tired and look at that boy.
He is young , Prettier and sexier I mean look at
those lips he has. Honey Kyle Jenner don't stand
a chance there
Junaid looked at Isaiah
Junaid: And I don't stand a chance with you sexy
tall man now do I?
Isaiah: I am sorry
Isaiah walked away leaving Junaid heart
broken. He had his hand on his heart..
Junaid: Oh Some bitches are lucky I tell you
Director: Junaid! it's time!!!
Junaid: Oh yeah!!!
He ran to his models. Meanwhile At fashion
show. We see all models walking the runway.
We see Claire turn the corner and her eyes went
to Hunter. They smiled at Each other. Claire lost
her smile when she saw Hunter sitting next to a
gorgeous celebrity She continued walking off the
runway. Brianna also arrived backstage
Claire: He is sitting next to a gorgeous girl! the
one from the midday talk on t.v
Brianna: Honey he is sitting next to her
watching his gorgeous girl killing it on the
runway what's your problem ?
Junaid: Enough with talking let's get into
Claire: Okay Boss
Junaid ran to the dresses. Claire rolled her eyes.
Brianna looked at Claire
Brianna: I will be right back !
Brianna ran off the stage. She took her phone
then looked around. She started talking on the
Brianna: Yes! I will buzz you. When I do, run to
the window. I will throw the two jewelleries out
the window
She looked around.
Brianna: Of course I want it to look like a
jewellery heist so that I won't be arrested but I
will want the money when you sell them but this
is not about money. It's about getting rid of that
" Where the hell is Brianna!!! " That was Junaid
Brianna: I have to go!!!
Brianna ran out of the bathroom. She ran to the
back stage. She found Claire and Junaid arguing
Claire: But I don't understand! I thought I was.....
Junaid: Claire this is my show! I am your boss
today. I say wear this dress and get ready like
other girls!!!
Claire: Fine
Junaid said that then walked away then looked
at Brianna
Brianna: I am sorry I had to tak.....
Junaid: I flew you from Cape town to model my
line not to give me problems girl! get dressed!
Junaid walked away to check on Sonia.
Brianna: What's with him today?
Michaela: And what happened to the show
stopper dress you were gonna wear girl?
Claire: It looks like i am not wearing it or he is
short with models. I think I will wear it when I
take off this
Brianna: Or Sonia is the one wearing it
Claire: You're so hilarious! you mean that
granny? a mother of two? A boy and a girl with
full teeth in their mouth ? please! that would be
a horror! That dress is gonna be rocked by your
girl CeCe!
Brianna and Michaela looked at each other then
looked at Claire. They smiled
Claire: I mean
Brianna: I think we should get dressed

Inside Sonia is ready. The dress looked like it
was created on her body. Junaid couldn't close
his mouth when he walked in on her wearing
the dress
Junaid: Girl where have you been all my life !
Sonia: You like?
Junaid: Are you kidding me? Girl I love!
Sonia: So did you tell Claire? I am really worried
that girl is no.....
Junaid: Honey my director just called me. He
says I have a minute to get my models ready.
Look this is what's gonna happen.......
Sonia looked worried because of this Claire
situation but Junaid don't seem interested to talk
about it
Junaid: I will send two bodyguards to escort you
to the stage. Honey I want you to kill it and don't
worry. There is another entrance. Don't worry
about her. You won't bump into her at all
Junaid ran out of there. Back At the show. We
see guests sitting waiting to be wowed again by
the next collection.
Lady: I loved the summer casual wear. I wonder
what he has for us now
She said looking at Hunter. It's the beautiful
celebrity sitting next to Hunter. Hunter just
Lady: You look bored
Hunter: Honestly this is not my thing. My
girlfriend is a model so I have to be here
Lady: Someone I know ?
Hunter: Maybe or maybe not
Lady: I know supermodels. I go to all these
fashion shows. I mean your Africa fashion show.
Paris and New York. Oh My favourite is The
Milan fashion week
Hunter: Well it's Claire
The lady's eyes popped out. She was shocked to
find out who. The models walked down the
runway interrupting the conversation. People
started looking at them. The lady focused on the
Lady: Wow stunning
She said taking pictures. Claire came down. She
catwalked dramatically more like angry. But
people looked like they loved it. She passed
Hunter and the talk show co- host. Hunter was
smiling looking at Claire. She passed them.
Hunter looked at the lady
Hunter: So you know her? That's her!
The lady exhaled.
Claire: Yeah..... Now I am not surprised you have
a plaster in your forehead
Hunter looked shocked by her comment. The
models walked out.
Hunter: What do you mean by that ?
" Ladies and gentlemen ! " The host of the
fashion show interrupted them.
Brianna: Friend he is going to introduce Junaid
with the show stopper dress now
Claire: It can't be ?
They were talking back stage looking at stage.
Meanwhile back on stage.
Host: Ladies and Gentlemen that was the J
fashion collection what do you think about it?
" Amazing! Stunning ! " people were shouting
saying they loved it
Host: Well you haven't seen nothing because the
show stopper dress is about to hit the runway
Everyone cheered some clapped hands excited.
Host: Ladies and gentlemen wearing the show
stopper dress....
Claire: I can't believe that gay man betrayed me
like this !
Michaela and Brianna hugged her from both
side all looking at stage. She was in the middle
Host: She is a model, turned one hell of a
business woman, Turned reality star.....
Claire: It's her!
Brianna: Sorry friend
Claire: How could She! ? How could that
sticklegs bitch do this to me again! first she
screwed my man now she is taking my
Host: Now the new appointed face of J fashions.
Wearing the show stopper dress. Ladies and
Gentlemen help me welcome the most beautiful
woman in business and entertainment industry
in Johannesburg! SONIA DE VILLIERS!
Sonia walked down the runway like she has
been doing it for a long time. Everyone had their
jaws on the floor. Sonia looked amazing. She had
a smirk in her face, you can guess why. She was
turning heads killing it on the runway .
Lady: Oh My God she is stunning
Lady1: Kill it mama!!!
Lady2: Oh My God she looks happier and sexier
than ever for a window
Everyone was cheering some clapping. The
whole house stood up clapping hands for the
dress and the person wearing it
Backstage we see Claire crying with her hands
on her chest. Her entire face was dripping wet
with tears. She pulled up her dress She
attempted to run then decided against it. She
turned around.
Claire: I am going to face this bitch!
She stood there waiting for Sonia to come out.
Michaela: I need to go Pee
Brianna looked at Michaela. She took her
handbag then pulled up her dress and ran after
her to the bathroom
Sonia walked down. Turned in two corners. She
walked back up
Host: Ladies and gentlemen Mr J Fashions
himself. Junaid everybody!!!
Everyone clapped. He took Sonia's hand. They
walked down the runway together.
Lady: She is gorgeous
Hunter: I know she is my ex wife
The lady looked at him
Lady: You're Hunter?
Hunter stood up.
Hunter: Yes i have to go
Hunter ran backstage. We see Sonia and Junaid
walking up. Everyone was on their feet clapping
hands. They got up to the stage then walked out
of the stage. They didn't take the way She got in.
They went exactly where the models were
standing. Sonia's reality show was rolling on
stage and back stage.
Sonia: Oh My God that was amazing!
Junaid: You were killing it out there
Algebra: Wow you were so great!
Isaiah: Congratulations Sonia !
Sonia: Thank you so much
" Sonia!!! " Said a furious voice behind Sonia.
She and Junaid turned around
Junaid: Oh My God Sonia watch out!!!
" BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!! " those were
gun shots
Algebra: Oh My God !
Hunter: Claire!!!!!!!



< Narrated >
Backstage of the fashion show People Who were
Back stage didn't know what to attend to. A lot
was going on Back stage. Claire was attacking
Sonia with a hanger while in the bathroom shots
were fired. Someone shot four times. It was a
chaos. People back stage tried to hide hoping
that the bullets won't catch them. Some ran to
the bathroom some tried to stop The furious
Hunter: Stop it !
Claire: Bitch what do you want from me !!!
Sonia: What do I want from you ?
Sonia grabbed the hanger and dragged Claire to
the wall with it. Claire's tinny body hit the wall.
Claire: Ouch
Sonia took off her heels then went running to
Claire ready to finish her off
Hunter: Sonia don't do this ! don't let this crazy
girl make you someone you're not please
Claire: Crazy girl! ? You call me crazy?
Algebra: Girl you acting crazy! You lay your little
finger at her again I will deal with you
Claire ran to Algebra. She was ready to attack
her. Isaiah stood infront of Algebra
Isaiah: I am a man, I am not suppose to touch a
woman. That's what the law of this country say
but sometimes
Claire stood there breathing heavily
Isaiah: I forget I am a man so don't try me. No
body touches my people. Tough Sonia and my
man again I will deal with your crazy skinny
Claire looked at Hunter
Claire: How can you call me crazy? She is taking
everything from me. She wants my life!!!
Hunter: Is Sonia the designer? Why did you
attack her?
Claire: This old bitch takes everything from me !
Sonia: You still call me a bitch! I am gonna show
you a bitch !
Sonia said running to Claire. She slapped her
face and grabbed her hair and pulled it " Stop!
Stop!! stop it !!! " They stopped fighting and
turned. They looked at the person who was
Guy: While you're fighting here one of the
models is dead in the bathroom!
Claire: Oh My God who is She?
They ran to the bathroom. The found Brianna
crying hugging Michael's lifeless body. Michaela
and Brianna were not wearing the dresses
Brianna: No! don't leave me! don't leave me
Claire: Oh no Michaela!!!
Junaid: What happened to her?
Brianna was in only a panty and bra
Brianna: Some thugs took our dresses and the
jewellaries we were wearing. I ran they were
trying to shoot me as well look at the wall. If I
didn't run faster I would be dead like her
In deed the wall had a bullet hole. She planned
this perfectly. We see Sonia run out of the
bathroom. When she got out she put her hands
on her chest
Sonia: Oh My god she got rid of her
Still back stage. We see Hunter speaking on the
phone. It looks like he didn't run to the
bathroom like others did. He looked angry and
he sounded desperate..
Hunter: Laila I know you must be angry but I
need you to tell me everything I need to know
about Claire please I am begging you
Well I guess he saw first hand what a crazy girl
Claire is that is why she is calling her ex. I guess
now she believes Sonia when she says she
started the fight at the office .

< Sonia De Villiers >
I can't believe what just happened in that place.
What a sad thing to happen to someone so
beautiful. I am so heartbroken. I didn't know the
girl and the fact that i know who did it and I
can't confront them kills me. How can this
Brianna girl do this to that girl just for a man?
Did she at least try to tell the girl that she is in
love with Hungani and hear what she has to say
before doing something so evil? Did she even tell
Hungani or she just killed that beautiful girl?
How could she? My heart is torn. I don't know
what to do. How can such a successful night end
up a tragic night? Oh My God she fullfiled her
promises and Priscella and I are the only people
who know. We cannot share this with anyone.
What if she kills us or the person she paid to kill
Michaela kill us?
I am supposed to be happy tonight. I am getting
endorsements all over the place. My life is going
well. I can't celebrate that. Seeing the blood in
that bathroom and The dead girl ruined my
I even forgot I was attacked by my ex husband's
crazy girlfriend. How could Claire do this ? I
knew she would go crazy but I didn't think she'd
go this crazy. I really didn't. This girl attacked
me with a hanger. How crazy can she be? I was
so surprised to hear Hunter call her crazy in
front of me. I guess today he saw it himself. I
didn't call Hunter to come backstage like I
promised to and i am glad he came. The reason i
didn't call him is because i thought Junaid was
gonna call Claire and tell her about the show
stopper but to my surprise he didn't. He is so
savage. He wanted drama. I mean this man used
a private door to get me to the stage then when
we walked out we had to walk out on the main
door what was he trying to achieve? Anyway I
don't mind. He paid me and he is going to pay
me for being the face of his fashion house. I can't
wait for that. It just tops the night.
Anyway I just told Priscella everything. My
friend is awake I feel sorry for her because she
has a trip in the morning. She waited for me to
come home. When she heard on the news that
there was shooting she kept calling. I just went
to check on my kids. They are sleeping. I joined
her in the lounge room upstairs.
Priscella: You woke them up ?
Me: No they are sleeping peacefully. I just kissed
them then left them
Priscella exhaled.
Priscella: Sonia what are we gonna do? We
know who did this what are we gonna do?
Me: Honestly I don't know friend. This girl is
more dangerous than we thought
Priscella: I feel like we need to do something
friend. Tasha is not safe and the police when
they came here said if anything happens to
Tasha my brother will be held responsible
Me: I think we need to let the police do their job
first. Friend I don't want us to be in trouble. If
anything happens to Elton we will defend him
with this recording and we have the best
lawyers in town
I stood up
Me: I can't get that girl's blood and body off my
Priscella: I so hate Hungani right now. How
could this man do this !
Me: It's not him. It's the psycho he has been
sleeping with
Priscella: I am just happy I got out on time
Me: Friend you must say that again because he
started seeing those girls while you were in the
Priscella: I hope this is a lesson He will stop
messing with girls
Me: Yeah
Priscella: Anyway enough about sad stories. I
am sleepy so before i fall asleep why don't you
tell me about being the face of J fashions
Me: That I am excited about
Priscella: I have been all over social media
tonight. When I saw something that said " South
African you're looking at the face of J fashions " I
clicked. I was floored to see your stunning
Me: Friend....
She interrupted me
Priscella: I was like the hell I have to read this
online. Why Sonia didn't tell me this ?
Me: You won't believe who got me that job !
Priscella: Who?
Me: Mandy! You remember She came here
offering her services and I was like....
Priscella: You don't need her because you're not
interested in anything else in the entertainment
Me: Girl she proved me wrong. She made me
swallow my words. I hired her
Priscella: Congratulations! girl you keep winning
ever since Brendan died. You get deals
everywhere and that fashion show will open
doors for you. I don't know how many millions
you made already this year and still to make. Sis
I feel like you are going to be richer than me I
am jealous
Me: I know friend. It's like all that sadness is
being wiped away. I knew God didn't abandon
Priscella: I am so happy for you Friend. Honest I
was worried about you. I thought you'd sink into
Me: Your support kept me up. You friend and
dad walked with me through it all. You made
sure I got my power back
Priscella: Show the world that man didn't break
you and I am happy Isaiah and Algebra agreed
to go support you
Sonia: You sent them?
Me: Yes I even sent a driver to take them to the
fashion show
Sonia: They were with me even through that
fight with Claire. They let me beat her when
they so I got it they stepped aside
Priscella stood up
Priscella: Your life is drama filled you're really a
reality star
Me: And Claire keeps making a fool of herself
infront of my cameras
Priscella: Models of today have no class. Some
are killers some are ratchet psychopaths
Me: Tell me about it
We walked to our bedrooms and said goodnight.
What a night I had. I am so happy I am all over
the billboards even though a poor innocent
woman was killed. And i know who did it but I
feel like our hands are tied. Who don't know
who we are dealing with here. I know this might
sound selfish but this is my night and I won't let
this ruin it. Sonia reigned supreme.

< Claire >
I don't know why Junaid did this to me. How
could he do this. How could he humiliate me like
this? This man's show stopper dresses are worn
by me and everyone knows that. How could he
do this to me. How can he do this and replace
me with my enemy. The woman I hate so much.
How could He? That bitch stole the show. Even
Junaid designs were not most talked about. The
only thing Every one was talking about was
Sonia's come back to fashion and how beautiful
she is. Even that shooting no one is talking about
it. All they talk about is that bitch. I am so angry
but most importantly I am embarrassed at
myself. I am actually disappointed. I didn't see
that Hunter came backstage that is why I
attacked his ex wife. My plan was to run to him
after our fight and lie accuse Sonia of stealing
my spotlight, sabotaging me with the show
stopper dress and for beating me. I was so
ashamed to notice that he saw me attack her. I
couldn't stop though, the way I was so angry I
felt like I was possessed. I mean I have to feel
the way I do. That man is a coward. He didn't
even have the decency to come to me and tell
me I am not wearing the show stopper dress. I
hate him. If he wasn't the best in the business I
would stop working for him but I can't. I make
money through fashion. Fashion is my life. I feel
like I need to audition for other jobs now. When
I find a job I will leave his fashion house. I mean
he chose a part time model to be the face of his
company when he has me. How awful is that?
How can he insult me like that with a mother of
Anyway my night was a Mayhem. Not only I lost
a boyfriend, Yes i lost Hunter. He said it's over
then left. He is not taking my calls. I couldn't run
after him because i had to support Brianna. I
lost the spotlight to my boyfriend's ex wife. The
mother of two! How awful does that sound? I
also lost a best friend. How can Michaela die so
painfully. She was such a good looking Girl. One
of the prettiest in Fashion industry. I am torn.
My heart is heavy. I don't know if it is for losing
Her or for what happened to me but what I
know is I feel like my heart is cut into two. I
cannot imagine what this girl next to me must
be feeling.
Anyway Brianna and I slept at police station.
She was giving a statement because she is the
one who saw the person who killed Michaela.
We just got to my house. I can't wait for her to
leave so that I can go to my boyfriend and
apologise for my behavior. I want Hunter back. I
cannot lose him because of that woman. Sonia
slept with him I don't get why he doesn't
understand my anger towards her. They both
betrayed me. Anyway Brianna just took a
shower. I need to find out when she leaves.
Me: Friend what's your day looks like?
She finished doing her make up then stood up.
Brianna: I am going to Hungani. Later today I
have to fly to Cape town alone without my best
She started crying
Me: I am so sorry. She was my friend as well. I
am hurt
Brianna: She was such a great girl. So beautiful
I hugged her
Me: I can't imagine the trauma you must be
going through I mean you saw all that happen
Brianna: I did! I literally saw her soul leaves her
body. Do you know how painful that is girl.
Watching the girl close to you die like that? She
was like a sister to me
Me: I know. I mean you guys were called the two
models. You were like twins
Brianna: Her parents from the Cape must be
She cried so painfully. I hugged her again. I
heard the knock at the door. She broke the hug.
Me: Let me go get that
I said wiping my tears. We both walked out to
the living room. I went to the door. I opened the
door. A man wearing a suit was at my doorstep
Me: Hi
Him: Claire ?
Me: Yes
Him: You've been served please sign here
Me: Okay
I took the pen. I signed
Me: Bye
I closed the door. I opened the Brown envelop.
Brianna: what is it ?
Me: A restraining order what?
Briann: A what?
I looked at her
Me: Hunter just filed for a restraining order
against me. How could he do this to me ?
Brianna: Oh My God
How could he do this when i want to speak to
him. What did I do to this man? He is the one
who cheated on me. I cannot believe this
I am the victim here. The one who got cheated
on !

< Priscella >
You know what? I am not going to talk about
things that don't affect Priscella. I don't care
what Hungani does with whoever he does it
with. I know I am the only person who can save
him and Tasha right now but I feel like it's none
of my business. That man hurt me with those
girls. He trusted them enough to lose people he
loved and he trusted them enough to invite them
to live with him in his private space. I wish I
could tell mother but you all know my mom. She
is Mrs Oliphant best friend. One thing i say to
her it ends up in that woman's ears the next
thing it goes straight to Hungani. I am pregnant
with a Prince. I can't risk his life and mine for a
man I ended a chapter with a long time ago. I
am a married woman. I can't be associated with
my exes. My husband is a respected man. I need
to act like a respectful Queen. All i need to spend
my energy on is my family more especially my
brother. Everyone knows how much i love him. I
am the hardest on him but I do that because of
my love for him. He is my blood. My only sibling
in this world. I can't be saving people who
ruined his life I refuse.
I am very happy for Sonia's achievements. Last
night I thought was big. I didn't think it was
gonna be worse this morning. She is on the
cover of all the major news papers this morning.
I couldn't be more proud. She deserves all this.
Anyway Today my mother and I are leaving. she
is going to cape town I am going to Eastern cape.
My brother is gonna be left alone and I don't
think i like that. I am going to make a plan.
Maybe i will ask Sonia or Aaron my husband's
friend to stay with him. This boy can't stay alone
i won't allow it. Speaking of Elton. I am having
breakfast with Sonia. I saw him join us. He is
having breakfast with us. I am very proud of
him and amazed by his new positive attitude but
I can't help but ask, What's his next plan? The
last time he was like this he thought he fooled us
and he was planning to murder a woman in a
Me: Thank you for joining us brother
Elton: I always come down when it's time to eat.
I wish you could stop treating me like an egg
Sonia: I wish I was treated like an egg
I looked at Sonia
Me: He doesn't understand someone who is
treated like that is someone who is loved
Elton: Sis I know you love me stop trying to
show it all the time
Me: I can't telling my brother how much i love
him ? sorry bro
He started eating. He looked at Sonia
Elton: Congratulations you're in each and every
Sonia: Thank you
Elton: Tell me about this girl who attacked you?
Who is she? I saw it in Isaiah's newspaper
Sonia: Hunter's crazy girlfriend
Elton: Do you still love him?
Sonia: Who ?
Elton: Hunter
Sonia: Hell no! he is surrounded by so much
Elton: What if I say I have a plan to end that
drama ?
Me: What is that?
He tapped Sonia's shoulder
Elton: Distract someone who is trying to mess up
my sis family how is that ?
Me: No!!!
Elton: Come on sis stop it
Me: She is a psychopath! she is a stalker! and she
is older that you don't you want an innocent girl
your age ?
Elton: I was trying to help
Me: No! Sonia don't want Hunter. Right friend ?
Sonia: I am all over the papers in a stunning
dress. Honey the DM is flauding with messages.
Why would I want my ex
Me: You go girl !
Elton: If you say So
We saw Mom walking down. Wearing a skirt
Heels and a polloneck. She had a jacket hanged
on her arm and a handbag
Me: Isn't it hot for polloneck?
Mom: Good morning everyone
Elton: Where are you going mom ?
Mom smiled.
Mom: I am going to Cape town baby
She kissed Elton's cheek
Mom: How are you doing Sonia ? oh
congratulations I saw the newspapers
Sonia: I am great Mrs R how are you ?
Mom: Fantastic
Mom looked at me.
Mom: I checked Cape town weather baby
Me: O-kay
Elton: Damn I am so full
He is in such a good mood today I don't know
why. He stood up
Mom: What are your plans for the day son ?
Elton: I.....
Me: Elton is going to the Eastern Cape with me
I said not even looking at him
Elton: What ?
Me: It's for few hours! Elton do you want your
sister to face the people of that village alone? I
am officially being introduced to them in a royal
counsel. I need family to support me
Elton: Let me go take a shower then but first.......
I looked at him.
Elton: Tell me mom is taking a public plane and
we are taking the helicopter because i want to
bring my reality show. I want them to see that I
also live the country life
Me: Isn't it short notice though?
Sonia: Friend there is no such in reality t.v.
world. They are always ready to capture the
moments more especially if it's their time of
Me: Okay then you can invite them to come with
Elton: Let me to call them
He ran to the stairs. I smiled looking at him.
Mom whispered in my ear
Mom: Smart plan
He disappeared upstairs.
Me: This is a trap. I am taking him to Gedleza
Mom: Perfect plan again! he must protect him!
Me: Exactly
I sat down again
Me: I just wish he could see the efforts we make
to make him happy
Sonia: He knows you love him. He is nothing like
you described him to me Last night though
Mom: Sonia you didn't see him yesterday. He
was a monster
Sonia: Prissy told me
Mom: Where are your kids?
Sonia: They are sleeping. They will eat when
they wake up. I want them to stay here I will be
busy working. I will fetch them after work
Mom: Make sure the helpers are watching them
around the house. This home is not child
friendly. You should lock the door to balcony
Me: Yeah you're right and the door to the pool
should be locked
Sonia: I will make sure I do that before i go
Moms phone rang
Mom: The chauffeur ! later ladies
Me: Safe travels
She got in
Mom: Likewise honey
The elevator closed
Me: I can't believe you chose a girl as your PA
Sonia: I like her she is good. You can't deny how
smart and confident she is
Me: I prefer boys. I can't stand women I am
sorry friend
Sonia: She had a good interview. I had to choose
Me: Good luck
< Narrated >
In Hungani's neighbourhood. We see Laila's car.
It looks like she is not alone in the car. She was
with Tasha. Remember Tasha doesn't live with
Hungani yet. She said she wanted Hungani to
speak to the girls first when they are gone then
move in with him.
Laila: Tasha are you sure you're not late for
work? You can't be late on your first day
Tasha: I am not late. The time is 6:30. They said
We should arrive at 7:15 am the latest. Hungani
said he will take me to work and he will be
working there
Laila: Girl I can't believe you will be on that
soapie now you're gonna be interviewed in that
lifestyle show. Friend you're the it girl
Tasha: I will say that when I am in all billboards
like Sonia. That woman is killing it. Single life is
just amazing for her. I don't like her but girl
Laila: I know right? Everyone is talking about
Sonia and the deal she got with J fashions. Oh I
got a very interesting call last night around
Tasha looked at her
Tasha: Who called you?
Laila: Hunter called me asking what happened
between me and Claire and her jealous ways
and violence
Tasha: I saw a headline saying she attacked
Sonia out of jealousy. So what did you say ?
Laila: I told him everything. The poor man says
she is already started. The plaster I saw She was
the cause of what happened to him. He says last
night She attacked his ex wife
Tasha: Sonia
Laila: Yes apparently she is jealous of her
wearing the show stopper dress
Tasha: Friend that girl is crazy! Oh yeah leave
me here !
Laila stopped the car
Tasha: Friend thank you so much. I will see you
later and I think I will be going there to fetch my
Laila: Later
Laila drove out. Tasha walked to the house. The
door opened. Tasha looked up
Hungani: Morning beautiful
Tasha: Hey
She hugged him
Tasha: I am so sorry for what happened to the
girl. I know how close you were with them
Hungani broke the hug. He kissed Tasha.
Hungani: Come to the kitchen I will make you
cup of coffee
Tasha: You know I can't be late for my first day
right ?
Hungani: We will have coffee for 10 minutes
then go to work before 7. Their studios are not
fair and there isn't much traffic this side
Tasha: Okay
Hungani: About Michaela I am very sad.
Between her and Brianna I prefered her. She
was a sweet girl. Young and beautiful
Tasha: Oh you already made yours. I don't like it
hot. Can I have yours?
Hungani: Of course. That will help us leave
Tasha: Yeah.... I am really sorry for your loss
Hungani: Thank you bab....
They heard the door open. They put their cups
on the kitchen counter. They walked out of the
kitchen. It's Brianna. When she saw them. She
broke down and ran to Hungani
Brianna: She is gone!!!
Hungani: I am so sorry. I heard
She hugged Hungani tight. She was crying hard
on his arms. Tasha was just looking at her and
feeling sorry for her.
Brianna: How can my best friend die like that !
Tasha folded her arms on her chest then rolled
her eyes when she noticed she was being too
much. She was like they were pasted by glue.
She hugged Hungani more tighter
Hungani: I am so sorry
Brianna: I can't do this anymore H. I can't do it!
I can't live without her
Hungani: I know it's hurts. I am hurt as well
Brianna looked at Tasha while she is in a hug
Brianna: Why does it hurts so much
She said that with a bitchy voice looking at
Tasha. She was still in a hug. She raised her
thumb then pretended to be cutting her own
neck with her thumb looking at Tasha giving her
the scariest look. Tasha swallowed hard tears
escaped her eyes. She put her hand on her




< Narrated >
It looks like Now that Brianna got rid of
Michaela she is moving on to the next victim.
That sign she showed Tasha really terrified her.
She gave Tasha a clue that she will kill her and
she must stay away from Hungani and the sad
part of it all is that, Hungani didn't see it because
she didn't atar a word. She just used her thumb,
neck and her intimidating look. Poor Tasha, It
looks like her happily ever after is gonna be
short lived. This woman doesn't seem like
someone who is leaving any time soon. I wonder
how will she take the news about Tasha moving
in. Her bags were packed next to the couch
waiting for her. She hasn't seen them. All she did
when she came in was run to Hungani and hug
him for dear life just to annoy Tasha. Hungani
tried to break the hug. Brianna cried hard and
hugged him.
Brianna: What am I gonna do H?
Hungani broke the hug. Brianna started from
the top. She cried hard. Tasha went to Hungani
and laid her head on his chest. Hungani put his
hands on Tasha and hugged her
She looked at the travel bags that were next to
the couch
Brianna: And now ?
Hungani: I am sorry I know you lost your friend.
I thought I was gonna tell you both when you get
Brianna: Tell us what?
Hungani: I am in a relationship now so that
means you're not allowed to come to my house
for sleepovers. My girlfriend is moving in with
Tasha smiled looking at Brianna
Brianna smiled
Brianna: Wow congratulations
Hungani: Thank you. I really appreciate it and I
hope you don't think i am kicking you out or
anything. I am doing this for my baby and to
respect my girlfriend
Brianna: Of course not. You and I are friends I
know where we stand
Hungani looked at the time .
Hungani: I have to take my girlfriend to work if
you don't mind
Brianna: You can take her you will find me here
I am leaving midday
Hungani looked at Tasha then at Brianna
Hungani: I am afraid I won't be here. I will be
interviewing my girl
Brianna: Which girl?
Tasha: Me, My very first exclusive interview
Brianna: As a what? An instagram girl?
Tasha: Actress
Hungani: She got a tv soap role and my
producers asked me to go interview her and talk
about the role. It's her first day today and she
can't be late so if you will excuse us
Brianna smiled then took her bags and Her
friend's bags. She looked at Tasha
Brianna: Congratulations
Tasha: Thank you
Brianna chuckled then looked at Hungani.
Brianna: Good luck
Hungani: Thank you. Again I am sorry for your
Brianna chuckled then pulled the bags out. She
headed to her car. She put them in. We see
Tasha and Hungani lock then headed to their car
holding hands. Brianna was in her car watching
Brianna heard her phone rings. She picked in
Brianna: Yes ?
Caller: I took the two designer dresses to
laundry. They are clean and ready to be sold and
someone is buying the jewellery
Brianna: Don't sell the dresses just yet. The
matter is in police hands. I don't want them to
know I killed Michaela
Caller: I must say I didn't think you'd be able to
pull the trigger on your best friend. You're very
brave girly
Brianna looked at Hungani's car driving away at
a distance.
Brianna: I thought killing her would bring me
and Hungani closer but I was wrong. I thought it
would be like it used to be. No girl separated us
from him but now......
Guy: What ?
Brianna: I wish I knew how serious he is with
this new girl. If i did I wouldn't have killed my
best friend
Caller: So what are you gonna do?
Brianna: I don't know because I just found out
she is a celebrity. It could be a high profile case
if I kill her
Caller: You want to kill her also!?
Brianna started the engine. She looked angry
Brianna: If that's what it takes to get the man i
will do it
She drove out fast after she said that.
Caller: You're playing with fire !
Brianna: I need you to connect me with that guy.
I need a car that I will use later
Caller: What about the car you hired
Brianna: Don't ask me questions. Just do as I say!
Caller: Okay
She hung up

< Sonia De Villiers >
You know I don't have words for last night. I just
don't know what to say. Looking at social media.
The congratulations from celebrities I have
never met makes me so happy. Over a week ago
I was heartbroken. I felt like nothing was going
well for me. I was humiliated in from of the
whole country with Brendan scandal. I didn't
think i would get over that more especially
losing my child. I was at my lowest. I didn't think
I would recover that. Last night just showed me I
can do anything I put my mind into. It showed
me that my happiness depends on me. If i want
to be happy I will be happy. The love I am
getting for last night and being the face of J
fashions is overwhelming. I have been getting
calls all over the place.
Anyway I am with Mandy and Junaid in my
office. I just signed the contract. I am so happy
right now. I feel like my secretary came at the
right time. I am so happy she is here to help me.
I can't neglect Seputla mine. I want to do all the
work. I don't want to lack and make Priscella,
Mrs R and my father doubt my abilities. Mandy
has been speaking on the phone. I am just
talking with Junaid.
Junaid: I am so excited to be working with you. I
know you're a busy woman. What time do you
knock off?
Me: 4pm
Junaid: Tomorrow I want you to come to my
fashion house for a photo shoot. I want to have
you all over the billboards and my building. The
only model they must see there is the face of J
Me: Wow i will be there!
I took the telephone and called my PA .
Me: Thalala Please come in with diary
I saw her standing up and coming to my office.
She knocked then walked in.
Thalala: Ma'am?
Me: Tomorrow at.....
Junaid: 4:30 She has a photo shoot at J fashions.
Make sure she leaves this building at 4pm
straight so that she could make it on time
Thalala: I got it is that all ma'am?
Me: Yes thank you
She smiled then walked out. Mandy came to us
Me: That phone call took long
Mandy: That was Desire magazine. They want
you to be their next year February cover girl
Junaid: Wow congratulations Sonia!
Me: Wow i don't know what to say
Mandy: I said yes. I hope you don't mind
Sonia: Are you kidding me? How can i say no?
Mandy: So they say they will call me again next
month and find a day to come. I told them it
should be on weekends because you're in the
office week days. They said they will do a photo
shoot here then do the other one at your house
with your kids on weekend
Me: Wow that would be lovely
Mamdy: Yes they want to talk about business,
Personal life and your come back to fashion
Me: I should thank my friend Priscella. If it
wasn't for her I wouldn't have seen Junaid that
Junaid: You should thank Her. Where is she ? I
have started with her dress. Just the design. It
will be stunning
Me: That's great well she is in the Eastern Cape
for a day
Junaid: Alright. I will call her. Mandy let's go
Me: And the Champagne?
Mandy: It was your celebration enjoy
I stood up.
Me: Thanks guys go well
I opened the door. They walked out. I walked
out as well. I walked with them to the elevator.
They walked in.
Me: Bye
They said their goodbyes. I saw my secretary
and Algebra
Me: Come let's celebrate
They came to the office. I poured them
Me: Oh no
Algebra: What is it Ms D ?
They turned and looked outside. What is Hunter
doing here ? I got attacked by his crazy
girlfriend. What the hell is he doing here ?
Algebra: I guess we should give you guys space
to talk. Congratulations again Ms D
Me: Cheers
They walked out with their glasses. They left the
door open for Hunter to come in. He just stood
at the door.
Me: come in
He walked in .
Hunter: I see you're celebrating
Me: Why shouldn't I?
Hunter: No I am.....
Me: What!? You thought I would let what your
crazy girlfriend did to me spoil my success?
Hunter: She is not my girlfriend I dumped her
Me: What !?
Hunter: That girl is bad news. I ended things. I
don't want anything to do with her
Me: Good for you but I don't think it's any of my
business. You being here will cause a lot of
problems for me. I am tired of having
Altarcations with your girlfriend !
Hunter: I filed for a restraining order against
her. She can't call me , You or get anywhere near
my our children
Me: You did all that because she attacked me
because of jealousy? I think you went
overboard. That was nothing
Hunter exhaled
Hunter: Sonia I lied to you yesterday
Me: About what?
He pointed at his forehead.
Hunter: She hit me
I sat down
Me: What ?
Hunter: Yes and I called Laila she told me the
real reason they broke up
Me: What is it?
Hunter: She attacked Laila with a glass and left
her to die
Me: What ?
Hunter: Yeah that is why I had to get out before
she does the same to me. Do you know the
Fashion icon. The lady who has a talk show
Me: The one who was sitting next to you?
Hunter: Yes. When I told her who my girlfriend
was she said " now I see why you have a plaster
" something like that
Me: Wait this girl has history of abusing
partners ?
Hunter: I think so but when i asked her to tell
me She brushed me off.
Me: Hunter do you see why I don't want you to
introduce my kids to your girlfriends?
Hunter: I didn't know she was that kinda person
Me: Well from now on when you miss my kids
you come to my house and play with them.
You're not taking them to your house!
Hunter: What ? It was one mistake
Me: A mistake that almost got my kids harmed
by that psycho !
Hunter: I didn't judge you about Brendan how
I hit the table hard
Me: Brendan was not violent! he slept with men
that's all he did !
Hunter: I know I am sorry
I stood up.
Me: Please leave
Hunter: Bu....
I showed him the door.
Hunter: Sonia we should give each other a
second time. You and I never stopped loving
each other
I chuckled then went to the door. I opened the
Me: That's where you are wrong! I stopped
loving you the day you called me and told me
you were getting revenge for what I did to you
Hunter: I didn't put it like......
Me: You didn't put it like that but it sounded like
that and that day I stopped loving you. Hell I
know I wronged you and If you were the good
person you claim to be. You wouldn't have slept
with me, and When i confronted you about
having a girlfriend say the things you said to me
Hunter: I am sorry
Me: Too late bye
He looked at me. I looked at him. He must see I
am not joking. He walked out. I closed the door
then leaned on it.
Me: You just came to ruin my beautiful day
You know When I heard he just came back to
the country I was very happy. I thought we
could be a family again. I mean finding out that
I couldn't have children again I was like God I
am blessed. I have two children with a man who
is back and supporting me. we might get back
together and be a happy family again. I won't
have a pressure of wanting to have more kid
until he slept with me and told me he did it
because of how I treated him. Me and this man,

< Narrated >
At Sdabadabeni village. We see Priscella, The
wedding planner, Elton and his crew arrive.
They were welcomed by the family. We see
everyone standing infront of the palace. They
greeted each other then walked in
Nomakhosazana: How was the flight Priscella ?
Priscella: I don't know my Queen i slept through
out. I went to bed late last night
Nomakhosazana: You knew you were coming
why did you sleep late?
Priscella: Sonia, The girl who came here
Nomakhosazana: Oh I remember her
Priscella: She is also a model. She was there
when a super model was shot
Nomakhosazana: Oh God I saw the news
Priscella: I had to stay up until she got home. She
was gonna sleep over
Nomakhosazana: Is she okay?
Priscella: She is. She is not close to the model
Nomakhosazana: That's good
Nomagampompo: Let's sit and talk before
joining the villagers outside
Nomakhosazana: Oh yeah
They sat down. At a distance. Prince Phonqa and
Prince Nomgcwabe are catching up with Elton
Phonqa: Mr EJ so......
Elton: What's up boy?
He said playing with his head
Elton: Where is Geometry ?
Prince Nomgcwabe looked away furious with
Elton: Wait who?
Phonqa: Algebra
Elton: Damn boy you're smart. I can't believe I
couldn't figure it out
Phonqa: Did he send love to us? Prince
Nomgcwabe turned around
Elton: Well I didn't go to the office this morning.
My sister told me I was coming with her 15
minutes before we took the helicopter
Phonqa: How does it feel like to fly though?
Elton: You have never been in an aeroplane?
Phonqa: No
Elton: Why don't we go to the Helicopter maybe
it can take us to Coffee Bay. What do you say
Nomgcwabe: I don't think we have to attend the
IMBIZO so why not?
Elton: Let me speak to my sister first
Nomgcwabe: Sure
Elton walked to Priscella. Prince Phonqa tapped
Prince Nomgcwabe
Phonqa: You should thank me
Nomgcwabe: Go away!
Elton went to Priscella
Priscella: Is everything okay?
Elton: The Princes wanna fly. I was thinking
why don't I take them to Coffee Bay?
Priscella: I don't see a problem in that bu....
King Zwelicacile kissed Priscella from behind
and hugged her
Priscella: Honey are you gonna need Prince
Nomgcwabe and Phonqa at the meeting ?
Masixole: I doubt that. There is nothing that
needs them there
Priscella: He wants to take your cousins to the
beach. They want to fly
Masixole: To think about it, they never flew. I
think that's a perfect idea
Elton: It's sorted then You guys call the pilot. We
will get ready and leave
Priscella: Okay
Elton ran to the princes. Priscella turned
around and kissed King Zwelicacile
Priscella: Its good to see him happy. When he is
here he is just happy
Masixole: Yeah. I didn't believe the things you
told me on the phone then I thought it's Elton we
talking about. With him you just never know
Priscella: Exactly baby. I couldn't leave him
alone. I had to bring him here. Who knows
what he was gonna do when He is left there all
alone when he was so angry
Masixole hugged her and kissed her head
Masixole: He will be okay baby

In front of the entire village. We see The royal
family joining them. The only person who was
standing was Queen Nomakhosazana. All men
took off their hats. They looked down. Women
bowed their heads. The royal family was sitting
In front of the crowd. Everyone was looking At
Queen Nomakhosazana who just saluted her
father in law, Husband, The current chief and
king Zwelicacile. Everyone went quiet after that.
Nomakhosazana: People of Sdabadabeni we
won't be long. We have a lot of things to do in
one day and I hope your King and his soon to be
wife won't waste your time. They will get to the
point but that will happen when i ask them to
stand up
Crowd: Your highness
The Queen looked at Chief Khabalandile.
Nomakhosazana: I am sure you're asking where
is chief's wife
Nomakhosazana: Queen Nontorotyi went to visit
her family. I hear one of her siblings has flue. As
you all know she was once a nurse so she went
to take care her sibling. She will be back soon
but today we have a special someone whom I
think I need to introduce to you
Nomakhosazana: You know that we are royalty.
We are a big family, Well we used to be a big
family but we want to end that very soon. We
are supposed to be a big family. That is why we
thought we should start doing what other royal
tribes do
Everyone was smilimg waiting for the Queen to
announce the special someone.
Nomakhosazana: Five days ago if I am not
mistaken, The royal house went to Port
Elizabeth, Where I come from and paid Lobola
for Chief Khabalandile's second wife
Everyone started cheering. Some whistling
women clapping hands and ululating.
Nomakhosazana: Chief Khabalandile's second
wife is here. Queen River Nomahelele Dlungane
stand up so that your people can see you
Chief Khabalandile and Nomahelele stood up.
People started cheering, ululating and clapping
hands. Nomahelele looked at men and bowed
Nomahelele: Thank you
She looked at women and bowed again
Nomahelele: Thank you
Nomakhosazana: She is a Doctor. We as the
family decided that she won't leave her
profession. This is a village. We don't have
clinics near by so having her around will help
many of you and she will find work in the
nearest clinics and I think that will be beneficial
to you my people
They clapped hands
Nomakhosazana: You can sit Queen
Nomahelele: Thank you My Queen
She and chief Khabalandile walked down and
Nomakhosazana: Now to the main reason we
have this meeting. Next month My son. Chief
Nkosesizwe's only son is getting married for the
first time to a beautiful woman
People cheer and Priscella smiled
Nomakhosazana: My son king Zwelicacile and
his soon to be wife called this IMBIZO. I cannot
speak for them. I want you people of
Sdabadabeni to welcome them to the stage to tell
us why we are here today. King Zwelicacile and
Princess Priscella Seputla everyone!!!
People gave them a warm welcome and cheers
while They were walking to the Queen. They got
next to her. They both hugged her.
Nomakhosazana: Be quick guys we have to talk
the wedding and you're both leaving we want to
spend more time with you before you leave
Priscella: Thank you mother
Masixole: Thanks mom we will take it from here
Nomakhosazana walked down to join others.
She sat on her own throne.
Masixole: Ahhh Dubulingqanga!!!
Crowd: Dubulingqanga !!!
Masixole: Ahhh Nkosesizwe!!!
Crowd: Nkosesizwe!!!
Masixole: Ahhh Chief Khabalandile!!!
Crowd: Chief Khabalandile!!!
Chief Khabalandile smiled and bowed when he
was saluted.
Masixole: Ahhh Zwelicacile!!
Crowd: King Zwelicacile!!!
Masixole: I am not going to waste much of your
time. I know I should say ladies first
Priscella smiled
Masixole: But I won't sweetheart. I know you
won't spend so much time with your people so I
think it's only fair that you the last person to
speak so that they can remember your voice
Priscella: I can live with that
Everyone started laughing
Nomakhosazana: That is great king
Masuxole: Okay back to business. Bantu base
Sdabadabeni Village ( people of Sdabadabeni
They gave him undivided attention.
Masixole: I am not going to lie to you. When i
graduated I worked for this beautiful lady's
family mining company. I worked for them for
three years
Villager1: She must get us jobs. She is rich
Villager2: Yes she should
They were whispering. At a distance just in a
corner of the Palace. We see Nomaxabiso
standing with her hands folded on her chest. We
see Siqalo standing behind her.
Siqalo: You're not welcome around here
Nomaxabiso got such a fright. She turned
Nomaxabiso: You're aware that I am marrying
your chief right?
Siqalo: I am and that is why I have to make sure
you stand here and you don't do what you did
yesterday! people will be told about you when
the royal family agrees to do so. You can't
announce yourself
Nomaxabiso: You are a very trusted servant
ain't you ?
Siqalo: And i don't like people who upset my
Nomaxabiso: Don't worry. I will stand here and
Siqalo: And i will stand here behind you and
make sure you don't move
Nomaxabiso: Suit yourself
Siqalo: How is your family?
Nomaxabiso: None of your business....
Siqalo: You should be at home though....
Nomaxabiso turned then looked at Siqalo
Nomaxabiso: Do you mind? I am listening there!
Siqalo raised his hands
Siqalo: Sorry let's listen to king Zwelicacile
Nomaxabiso shook her head then looked at King
Zwelicacile and Priscella.
Siqalo smiled
Masixole: I was told that there will be my
coronation at the beginning of next year. I had
to quit my job and come be with my people. So I
thought I should do something to create small
jobs for my people. They might not be
permanent for some but they will make a
People clapped hands.
Masixole: I am building a gym club for the
people around here but it's a business. I need to
make a living so that i can help you. The
building of that Gym is going to create jobs for
50 men......
People clapped. They were very happy
Masixole: I hired a construction company that
will be building. They said they are bringing
their own construction company and workers. I
said no, I wanted my people to work with them
so we agreed that they bring 15 people with
them and 35 from this village.
People continued clapping
Masixole: The ones who are not going to get the
jobs now their names will be kept safe and
when the building is done. We will need male
cleaners. They will be employed and those jobs
will be permanent!
Nomakhosazana: Come on my people come on!
That is wonderful news!!!
People cheered.
Masixole: I am sure the women are asking why
they are excluded well you are not
Women started ululating
Masixole: My Queen here has news for you.
Over to you my Queen
Priscella: Thank you my king
Nomaxabiso rolled her eyes. King kissed
Priscella's cheek.
Priscella: Hello People of Sdabadabeni
They greeted her back clapping hands.
Priscella: Firstly I would like to salute the Queen
who came before me and the one i respect and is
coming after me
She said looking at Nomahelele
Priscella: I salute Queen Nomqondiso who is my
husband's grandmother. Queen Nomakhosazana
my mother in law and Queen River
Masixole whispered in her ear.
Priscella: Even though she is not here. I would
like to give my respect to Queen Nontorotyi and
most importantly I would like to salute Our
Princess. Princess Nomagampompo
The princess bowed smiling. The Queen leaned
on Princess Nomagampompo and whispered
Nomakhosazana: She is a good leader this one.
Who told her my mother in law's name ?
Nomagampompo: She is the best. I can't believe
we almost married Nomaxabiso to the king
Nomahelele: That fool
Priscella: My name is Priscella Seputla. I am
from Johannesburg Gauteng. I am the first born
in my family. The family business needs me. I
cannot be with you all the time but I promise to
come once in a while........
People smiled looking at her.
Priscella: My Fiancé here mentioned that I have
something for women. Well he is right. I am
going to employee about 80 women in this
Women stood up ululating. Some taking off their
Doeks throwing them around celebrating.
Priscella waited for them to settle down.
Priscella: I am a young business woman who
doesn't only want to benefit for myself. I grew
up seeing my family donating a lot of money to
different organisations. I have decided that my
business won't only benefit the royal house but
the entire village and I believe that so many
families of these 80 women are gonna change
for better. No only them when the business is
running I will also need cleaners that means
more people will be employed
Nomakhosazana: Sdabadabeni village my
children are going to change your lives! I think
you should do better than that with those hands
She said clapping hard herself. They did as well.
Priscilla: I am sure you are wondering what
kind of jobs are these. Well we are going.... in
fact we ordered the machines already. We are
going to produce eggs. Sell them to the biggest
supermarkets around here
Nomaxabiso: My supermarket won't be ordering
your eggs
Siqalo: You know there are so many big
supermakets around here. Do you know the one
in Mqanduli? The Lawsons?
Nomaxabiso: Shut up!
Priscella: Eggs are not the only thing this
business will produce. We are going to produce
chickens. Live and dead and sell them. These
women are going to be trained to use these
People started clapping and cheering
Priscella: I hope that each and every woman
who will get this opportunity will work hard to
make this business a success because the success
of it will mean better lives for your children. I
thank you
They all stood up and clapped hands. Priscella
looked at Men. She bowed then at women then
did the same.
Masixole: I know all of you think we are just
talking now, you don't see action well my Gym
building will start next week so that means I
need the chief to talk with his right hand men
from the different small surrounding villages to
give him the names of men who need jobs. The
names will come to me and I am going to call
everyone who is selected. Monday work starts
Priscella: One more thing baby
Priscella Whispered in King's ear.
Masixole: Okay baby
Priscella looked at the villagers
Priscella: I just forgot something. We don't have
a place for the business. My Queen if you could
join us....
The Queen went to them.
Nomakhosazana: I wanted to use Nontsingizi's
parents home but Queen River needs a home for
her and her husband besides. That business will
need a place a bit far from houses because it will
produce smoke and smell. We will use some of
the family land around here
Priscella: Thank you my Queen. My people I am
going back to Johannesburg this afternoon. I am
going to schedule a meeting With Ndamase
Construction in Centurion. My husband said 50
men then from 50 he went down to 35 so
another 35 will be employed to build my
Nomakhosazana: We are doing what the
government should be going people. We are
fighting poverty in this village !
Nomaagampompo: Hallelujah!!
Nomahelele stood up
Nomahelele: A round of applause for Queen
Priscella and King Zwelicacile! this is amazing
Everyone was celebrating.
Masixole: My people we are not the government.
There are so many needs this village has. Needs
that we can't really do as the royal family. We
don't have roads. We don't have electricity. We
are just blessed to have water
Everyone was nodding their heads clapping.
Masixole: After My Coronation I am going to
parliament and I will bring the goveremy here. I
want them to hear your needs. Thank you very
much for your time My people
They stood up cheering. King Zwelicacile and
Queen Priscella kissed. Nomahelele
womanhandled Chief Khabalandile and kissed
the hell out of him
The village people walked away happy making a
lot of noise. The royal family was hugging
Priscella and King Zwelicacile.
Nomakhosazana: I am so proud of you my
babies. You've done us proud
She said hugging both Priscella and King
Nomahelele: I need to go get freshed. I have
somewhere to be. It was my first time but I
loved IMBIZO today
Nomakhosazana: It was amazing. Let me walk
you in
They walked to the palace. They saw
Nomaxabiso standing next to the palace
Nomakhosazana: What is she doing her? I asked
Nomahelele: Cuz we had a great day! don't let
that loony get to you
Siqalo walked to them
Siqalo: My Queen I know what you said. Please
understand that i couldn't manhandle her. She is
going to be my chief's wife. But I made sure she
didn't move to the IMBIZO at the back
Nomakhosazana: Thank you Siqalo for your
The Queen furiously walked inside. Siqalo
looked at Nomahelele
Siqalo: My Queen do you think she is crossed
with me?
Nomahelele: No
Nomahelele turned around excited. She looked
at Nomaxabiso then pointed at her looking at
Nomahelele: But she is with that whore over
Siqalo's eyes popped out
Nomahelele: Hihihihihi Siqalo darling
Nomahelele tapped Siqalo's shoulder walking
passed him giggling. At the back we see King
Zwelicacile and Priscella walking to the palace.
" Look what we have here ! " Said an annoying
voice behind them. They both turned around.
Nomaxabiso: The love birds
Masixole looked annoyed
Masixole: Nomaxabiso
Priscella looked surprised. She looked at her
then at her husband
Priscella: What!? it's her? Hi
Priscella said extending a hand for handshake.
Nomaxabiso looked At Priscella's hand then
looked at Masixole
Nomaxabiso looked at Priscella
Nomaxabiso: Did he tell you when he came back
I was having sex with him Every night ?
Masixole: It wa....
Priscella: He did
Nomaxabiso: Yeah...? Did he tel.....
Priscella didn't wait for her finish what she
wanted to say. She rudely interrupted her.
Priscella: Do you know what else he told me?
Nomaxabiso folded her arms
Nomaxabiso: I am sure you're gonna tell me
Priscella looked at Masixole.
Priscella: He also told me that he faked the
orgasm and I am very surprised a lady like you
didn't notice it. I mean you didn't even feel that
he didn't ejaculate in your vagina
Nomaxabiso looked at Masixole shocked
Priscella: Look at me not my man
Nomaxabiso gave Priscella death stare
Priscella: That's why you only conceived when
you slept with your vibrator....
Priscella: I mean the one that broke your
virginity. I must say Vibrators in rural areas do
wonders wouldn't you agree honey?
she said looking at King Zwelicacile
Masixole: Mmhmm
Priscella catwalked away then stopped half way
and raised her finger indicating that
Nomaxabiso should wait for it
Priscella: Oh by the way
Priscella turned around and looked at
Priscella: Those handbags honey.....?
Nomaxabiso looked at her handbag then at
Priscella fuming with anger
Priscella: They are sold by hawkers on the
streets of Johannesburg
Masixole wanted to burst into laughter but he
hold himself. Priscella took her husband's hand
then catwalked with him to the palace leaving
Nomaxabiso crying a river



< Judge Makhosazana >
I do not understand what the hell is wrong with
this Zidenge girl. Who the hell does she think
she is coming here. Why this girl is all over the
place when she is supposed to be mourning her
parents. Today it is Wednesday. On friday her
parents will be laid to rest. Shouldn't she be
helping around buying groceries or something?
Why the hell did she decide to come here. She is
not yet married. I think she should stay away
from my house. More especially now that I
know she is still in love with my baby boy.
Anyway it's almost time to talk the wedding with
The wedding planner and my cousin sister has a
trip to Mthatha so she cannot sit in for that
meeting. I am not gonna lie. I am worried about
her. I am worried about my sister. She is about
to leave for Mthatha to hear Nontorotyi out. I
can't help but wonder what is that conniving
woman up to this time. I don't know why i am
not comfortable with this whole visit to
Nontorotyi. Anyway I am outside with her. She
is about to leave now.
Nomahelele: I am going to see you later
I hugged her tight then broke the hug
Me: Don't you dare die there!
Nomahelele: I am not dying any time soon. I just
want to give her the benefit of the doubt. I mean
she apologised to me and She told me She sees
that I care about her unlike others. I am the only
person She thinks would understand why she
did this. Cuz don't you wanna have someone
close to her in your corner?
Me: I am actually happy that you're the only
person she wants to open up to
Nomahelele: Because you know when she opens
up to me.....
Me: She opens up to me
Nomahelele: Exactly!
She kissed my cheek.
Nomahelele: Good luck with planning the
Me: Thanks Travel safe
River drove out. I saw Priscella coming to me.
Priscella: Mother is this so important for her to
leave on a time like this. I was hoping to spend
more time with her. I hope to see her before i
leave. Last time we were here we didn't spend a
lot of time with her
I smiled at her
Me: She is visiting her sister wife in Hospital
Priscella: Oh her. I heard from my Fiancé
Me: Priscella I don't like her as well but when it
comes to family she must be recognised.
Remember the village don't know about our
fights and differences. I saw you almost didn't
salute her
Priscella: Honestly I didn't forget her I just didn't
want to salute her but you're right. I have to
always be aware of what I say
I put my hand on her shoulder.
Me: More especially in a royal counsel
Priscella: I will remember that
Me: I spoke to Notiniphu and asked her to take
care of the wedding planner but I feel like we
neglected her a lot we must go inside and start
We walked up the door.
Priscella: Yes. I hope Elton will come back soon.
We need to go
Me: He knows you're leaving besides your Pilot
is there with them. He knows you need to leave
this afternoon
Priscella: You're right my Queen
We walked back in. We found everyone in the
living room.
Nomagampompo: I was about to go check on
Me: We are here. I wanted to talk to my cousin
before she goes to Mthatha
Masixole: I find it odd that She wants to speak to
my aunt. Honestly I thought she'd be mad at her
for agreeing to marry my uncle
Nomagampompo: King who says she is not? We
just gotta wait for her next scandal
Hlohlesakhe: She is very lucky her scandals
don't go public that is why she never stops. I
never thought I would be talking like this about
my own wife.
They are going on and on about a family matter
in front of a stranger. I need to shift their
attention to something important which is the
Me: Okay guys the wedding!
Planner: Let me open my book and take notes
Me: I will start
Me: I will say my piece and please daughter in
law if you don't like my ideas then say it. It's just
an idea okay ?
Priscella: That's the reason why I brought the
planner here. I want us to say what we want and
say what we don't like. Honestly I am not
familiar with royal weddings. The only thing i
know and I don't need anyone's view on is my
wedding dress
Nomagampompo: And you have your freedom
in that department
Priscella: Thank you auntie
They all looked at me.
Me: I don't know this might look expensive and I
hope i won't kill the budget
Masixole: Oh mom I forgot to tell you we will do
everything and send the invoice to the
government they are paying
Me: What !?
Masixole: I got a call from premier himself. He
said money will be available for us to use 5th
January so that's why we will take invoices and
pay that money when we get it from the
Priscella hit Masixole playfully
Priscella: He didn't even tell me !
Masixole: Sorry I got a call today. They will also
give us money for Coronation preparations as
well since it's not happening there anymore
Me: That's wonderful! Okay here is my plan for
the wedding......
My son looked at me smiling
Me: We all know the wedding is for everyone.
When I say everyone I include the entire
surrounding villages
Nomagampompo: True and we had weddings
before but all of them even my father's was
below Your standard my Nephew. You're a king
something extra ordinary
Masixole: it's scary sometimes
Everyone laughed.
Me: I was thinking. How about the wedding
ceremony that will be officiated by the pastor be
held inside the palace. The living room and the
dinning room combined is a huge space. I want
it to be something intimate
Hlohlesakhe: And the people? I mean our people
Me: There will be PVAs. We will have big screen
Televisions in sports field where they will watch
what is happening inside. When the ceremony is
over we will drive them around for people to
see. We will make sure we tell people through
those big screences that they should gather
around the road to see them. While our
honourable guests are being escorted to the
community hall for reception ceremony
Priscella: Wow
Wedding planner: I love that. So we need horses
and all that tradition.......
Me: Not really. I don't think that could work. It
will ruin her dress. This is a gravel road not a tar
road I think a car that will have more revealing
Windows ?
Planner: I think I could work something out
Priscella: And I think I should get a second
Wedding dress for reception
Me: That's great. You should do that
I looked at my sister in law
Me: Anything you want to add sister in law ?
Nomagampompo: I don't have anything to add. I
think I like this My Queen
Me: Great
Planner: The guest list ?
Me: Oh this is the royal house guest list. Priscella
will give you hers
Priscella: I need to go through mine with my
mother. I will give it to you tomorrow in Joburg
Me: Great
Planner: Colours?
Priscella: I hate white but I don't have a choice. I
have never seen a royal bride wearing any other
colour so it's gonna be white and some bling but
Silver and while looks cheap though
Planner: I will go through the colours that match
with white you will choose what you like
Priscella: Okay
Me: Son your suit ?
Masixole: My favorite colour is grey but my
bride just said silver looks cheap and grey looks
exactly like silver. I think a black stylish suit will
be fine
Priscella: You will look amazing honey
Masixole: Thanks babe
Hlohlesakhe: Is that all? I need to go to work ?
Me: I think that is all
Hlohlesakhe: I will see you guys before you
Me: Bye
He walked out.
Priscella: I think my mother told you about my
brother's behavior. I have decided to take him to
Me: She did mention it. You need to take him
there. Gedleza is very good
Priscella: He doesn't know that I brought him
here for that though
Me: He saw how he works. He will agree to go
Priscella looked at Masixole and smiled. At least
we are done with this one. Next challenge
< Ms Refilwe >
Okay fine. I guess nothing stays hidden forever
after all. The reason i am here in Cape town is
because i am here to see the doctor I called
yesterday. I need to ask her a few questions. Yes
it's a female not a male. Elton is my child. My
blood is running through his veins, Well I am
not sure though but without me he wouldn't
have been conceived. 26 years ago I had
Priscella. After about five years my husband and
I were trying for the second baby, Well we
talked about it then decided to go to a doctor
and check our chances. I was young. I knew I
could have babies but because i almost died
having Priscella we had to be careful that is why
we had to go see a doctor. I wanted to be
pregnant so bad. My husband wanted another
baby as well but he didn't want me to have it
because he didn't want to lose me. I kept telling
him I could do it but he didn't want me to try so
we made a decision. I had to use some of my
eggs. I kept them frozen and safe till I found a
woman who was suitable to have our baby. My
husband was very private. He didn't want
anyone to know our business so he decided that
when we found a surrogate and found out she is
pregnant I should go live in the US for about 9
months but I did when the surrogate was 3
months pregnant. He announced that I was
three months pregnant and I was working for
our international business and seeing doctors
since it was risky for me to give birth which was
not entirely true. Yes i was working but I wasn't
the one who was carrying the baby. So because
of all that. I couldn't bond with my child while
he was carried by that woman and I never met,
Well I have seen her but she never saw us and
she didn't know who we were at all she cared
about the money. When she was about to give
birth she started going crazy. She didn't want to
give us our child. Remember we agreed. We
spoke to her on the phone but we didn't want
her to know our identity and the only person
who knew this woman was this doctor and she
is the one who said she was a good candidate.
Now you want to know how did Elton ended up
with us when the surrogate mother didn't want
to give him to us Well...... That's all I can say
right now. We had all resources. We had money.
We had contacts and power. The boy had our
blood running through his veins. He was our
child. We had to do something.
Anyway I am at the doctor's office right now to
speak to her about my concerns.
Her: Good to see you it's been such a long time
Me: I know doctor
Her: I never thought I would see you here and
you and your husband promised after you paid
me that you'd never contact me again
I looked down.
Her: What is it ?
Me: I want to know more about that woman.
What kinda life she lived. Her family....
Her: Well.....
Me: Please don't say well. You said she was your
Doctor: Yes ! yes she was my friend. She was
desperate to get a scholarship. She really wanted
to go to Harvard university and I was like why
don't I give Her this opportunity. Remember at
the time and still now. In this country you can't
pay a surrogate. So you guys did it illegally and
you offered to pay a lot of money
Me: Doctor you're telling me everything I know.
What I want to know is if she was a good person,
Came from a great family because when we
talked to you we said we wanted a dark,
respectful, Healthy woman who has no mental
She looked down
Me: She wasn't a good candidate was she ?
Her: Well she wasn't......
Oh my God!
Her: All the things you wanted, she wasn't any
of them I am sorry ......
Me: How could you!?
She stood up
Her: Mrs Seputla like I said She was my friend.
Yes she had bipolar but she was smart I mean
she qualified to go to Harvard university
Me: That doesn't help me because i raised a
monster in my house. That boy wanted to kill
someone !
Doctor: Refilwe that boy is your child!
Me: I know but what I want to know is, Does a
child who was conceived through surrogate
with your eggs take any kinda DNA from the
surrogate mother ?
She laughed shaking her head no.
Doctor: The short answer is no: the baby has its
own blood flowing through its veins and,
ultimately, the DNA of the egg and sperm it was
created from.....
I was nodding my head listening. I am scared.
She can't laugh at me I am not a doctor. I don't
know much about these things. Back then all we
wanted was a child nothing else.
Doctor: After the embryo successfully implants
in the gestational carrier’s uterus, it continues to
grow there. Also developing in the uterus is the
placenta. This is an incredibly important part of
the pregnancy because it not only nourishes the
growing baby, but it also functions as a filter. It
only allows certain things to cross through,
acting as a gatekeeper to prevent DNA from
passing between the baby and surrogate
Me: Oh Thank God
Doctor: The only couples who have to worry
about the things you're worried about are Gay
couples because they have to use the surrogate
eggs or lesbians who will need the man's sperm
so obviously the baby is gonna have the mother
features in a gay case and father features in a
lesbian case. In your case no but one thing that I
messed up was choosing that woman knowing
her mental illness. I mean she did exactly what I
feared. She refused to give you guys the baby
Me: Yeah. My baby boy. She made us do
something we never dreamt of doing. We had to
steal our child at bath
Doctor: And i had to lie to my friend and the
police and told them I didn't know who you
were. If your husband didn't suggest that We
burn my office to lose all the patients files
something would've gone wrong
Me: I know. So where is your friend now? is she
Doctor: She is okay but not doing well. She is
married to a wealthy white man and she is a
spokesperson for the mayor's office
Me: You said she is not doing well?
Doctor: Depression
Me: Poor woman. Does she have any kids at least
Doctor: The first born passed she has Two. They
are both studying overseas. One in London he is
in High school and one at Harvard in the US
Me: Wow
Doctor: Yes
Me: I am still counting on your discretion Doctor
Her: Of course. I could lose my licence and get
arrested. I am well aware of the documents I
signed and thank you for the money you paid
me. All my children are successful today
because of it
Me: I am glad
I stood up
Me: I have a 14:00 flight. I also need to do some
shopping for my children. I will see you soon
Her: Bye it was good to see you
Me: Likewise
I opened the door then walked out. I closed the
door then exhaled.
Me: Thank God You didn't take anything from
that woman Elton
I wish you took her brains though. Your father
and I are smart but you are not too good

< Priscella >
Today has been amazing. I am so happy that I
came here and I didn't let my man do this alone.
It was so good to see these people and how
amazing and happy they were about the job
opportunities. It was such a blessing. I felt so
good to help them and be the reason for their
smile. I want to make sure tomorrow I am going
to Centurion. I need to go there and get the ball
rolling. I want this business to start as soon as
possible. I don't want to give people empty
promises. We are not politicians. We are
business people. We will benefit from this and i
am happy not only us but the village as well will
be benefiting..
I cannot believe what happened after that
IMBIZO. Who does this Nomaxabiso girl think
she is ? That woman is cheap and classless. She
really thought she could look down on me? I
swear she will never ever mess with me again.
She is even too old for my man. What she did
today made her more unattractive. I am happy I
am taking my man out of this place. I am glad he
decided to leave with me today. I don't think i
was gonna be happy to leave him here when his
uncle's third wife is definitely still in love with
him. She is so ridiculous. She just lost her
parents. I don't know what the hell she was
doing here holding big handbags like an old
village woman. I was actually trying to be nice to
that woman. I can't believe She gave me such
attitude when i don't even know her. I wonder
when will women stop hurting other women
when they lost a man. She should be mad at this
family and my Fiancé not me. I don't see why
she was giving me attitude but I am sure it was
the last time she did that. I put her in her place.
Anyway since I already did two things i came
here to do now there is only one thing left. To
take my brother to Gedleza and that is where we
are heading now. It's me , My man and Elton.
They came back at two. We are leaving at 3:30. I
am sure we will arrive in Johannesburg at 5:30
Elton: I still think this is ridiculous
Me: I still want you to stay alive. I love you. That
is why I brought you here
Masixole: Elton you know how good this man is.
He helped you with the Tasha situation
Elton: Yeah and mom asked me to bring him
money for the help
Me: That's great
We got out of the car. We headed to the hut. We
are with Elton's reality show. I am not sure I am
comfortable with this but I can't do nothing
about it. All i am thankful for is the fact that
agreed and came. Masixole knocked. Gedleza
asked us to come in. We walked in taking off our
Masixole: Gedleza
Hlohlesakhe: My king, My Queen, Prince and
your friends here
Whoever he greeted he looked at them. I saw
him looking at Elton. He didn't stop looking at
him. EJ looked at me. Gedleza remained looking
at him. He was not Blinking at all.
Masixole: Gedleza why are you looking at him
like That? Do you see something?
Gedleza shook his head no. He smile
Gedleza: No my King
Masixole: You can't look at him like that if you
don't see nothing
Gedleza: Prince are you sleeping here ?
Elton: No my sister said we won't spend a night
Gedleza: She was right. She is not but you are
Elton: What ? Why?
He looked at me.
Elton: Sis I don't even have toiletries here not to
mention clothes to change. I want to spend
Christmas with my family I can't stay here
Gedleza: Prince you can spend Christmas with
your family. It's still Wednesday and Christmas
is Saturday
Elton: Why do you want me to stay here?
Gedleza: Because you could spend tonight in jail
Elton: What !?
I sat up straight.
Me: What do you mean ?
Gedleza: There is a dark cloud that is following
you around Prince and the only thing that could
save you is staying behind
Me: Oh My God
Masixole: What is it baby?
Me: No! nothing honey
Oh My God. Brianna is gonna strike again
tonight and Tasha is next. Gedleza looked at me
then nodded his head. What is he doing? it's like
he read my mind. I don't want to tell Masixole
that a girl came to confront me about my ex and
she is on a killing spree. She is a serial killer who
is hungry for blood. She is on the loose. She is
going to kill that poor girl.
Masixole: Hey are you okay?
I looked at Elton
Me: You almost spent a night in jail
Elton: Wait something is up. The police said if
anything happens to Tasha I will be held
accountable. Does That mean something is
gonna happen to Tasha ?
Me: And it's none of your business bro. You call
her you break the law. Just stay away from her if
you care about her just pray that she doesn't die
Elton: Hell I don't give a Damn about that chick.
I was just asking
Masixole: Gedleza do you have something you
can use to protect Elton?
Gedleza: No My king
Me: What?
Gedleza: I have myself and I am going to follow
him wherever he goes
Elton: That doesn't sound right?
Me: It's music to my ears
Elton: I knew you'd say that
Masixole: Well thank you Gedleza. We have to
go. Elton has to go to Mthatha to get himself few
Elton: You're paying ?
Masixole: Sure you will go with Nomgcwabe or
ask the Chauffeur to take you and we won't be
here when you come back boys
Me: Yep we don't have clouds following us
Elton: Just send a pilot to fetch Me tomorrow
Me: We will
We stood up
Elton: Wait for me in the car. I have to give him
what mother asked me to give him
We walked out and went to our car. I need to get
to Johannesburg and go tell Tasha and ask her to
be careful. Something is going to happen to her
and I am afraid it has something to do with

< Nomahelele >
I just arrived in Umtata by myself. I didn't ask
anyone to drive me. I don't think a woman who
almost got her rib broken can attack me, I highly
doubt that. I know she is not that stupid. She just
got lucky and got away with stealing a million. I
doubt she would be that stupid. She has one
chance to prove herself that she is willing to
change. I give second chances. Even that crazy
woman who is going to be my sister wife I won't
give up on her. She will be straight like a ruler. I
am going to make her behave. I see she has No
manners. I hated how she spoke to my cousin
and how she spoke to my sister in law. It will
end the minute she moves in with our husband.
She will respect Everyone at the royal house.
Anyway I just arrived. I need to talk to this
woman and go back home. I don't think i will
find Priscella and the king there though. My
plan is to find them there but I don't think i will
do 15:00. I am on the floor where Nontorotyi is
admitted. I saw a doctor walking my way
Me: Hi doctor
Doctor: Hi I am doctor Tom
Me: Doctor Dlungane. I just quit my job because
i got married round here anyway I am here to
see My sister wife Nontorotyi Dimbaza she is in
that ward
Tom: Wow You're in a polygamy marriage ?
Me: Yes
Her: Wow okay I am actually discharging her
Me: Really? Let me quickly make a phone call
then we can go in after
Tom: Okay
I dialled Siqalo's number
Siqalo: My Queen
Me: Siqalo can you be a darling and go fetch
Nontorotyi's clothes from that woman, What's
her name again? Zinyosini?
Siqalo: Hahaha it's Zinyovile my Queen
Me: Good! Also tell the royal family that I am
bringing Nontorotyi home
Siqalo: My Queen
I hung up. I looked at the doctor.
Me: Let's go give her the good news
She smiled then walked to the ward. I followed
her. She opened the door then moved aside. I
walked in. Nontorotyi smiled.
Doctor: I have Good news for you Ms Dimbaza
Nontorotyi: Tell me I am going home
Me: Yes sister wife. I came to fetch you. How
awesome is that ?
Nontorotyi: Thank God. I hate it here !
Me: Doctor can you leave us for a moment?
Her: Okay I will go get her discharge papers
Me: Okay thank you
She walked out and closed the door.
Me: Excited to go home ?
Nontorotyi: I was gonna be if my husband didn't
hate me
Me: Our husband is just upset. He is going to
forgive you
Nontorotyi: I hope so, I really do
Me: So before the doctor comes back. Let's talk
about why I am here?
Nontorotyi: I promised to tell you why I did
what I did
I pulled a chair then sat down
Me: Yes ?
Nontorotyi: You know Ngejiwe is not
Hlohlesakhe's biological daughter right?
Me: I know that
Nontorotyi: The first person who found out
about it was my brother Xhalanga. He knew
Bhalisile from way back
Me: Oh ?
Nontorotyi: Yes but he found out about Ngejiwe
last year when we went back to our old village
called Zincukuthwini where we grew up from
before we moved to Thaleni. He saw Bhalisile's
birthmark then he started blackmailing me
Me: So all this time you were taking this money
got him?
Nontorotyi: I had to give him R5 000 rands and
Me: Why didn't you tell the family?
Nontorotyi: They didn't know at the time. I
couldn't do it. Now that they know still I have to
pay him because Ngejiwe doesn't know
Me: That's crazy! We are talking about your
brother here. How could he be So cruel? Did he
at least come to see you ?
Nontorotyi: No, He doesn't care. All he wants is
My money. He doesn't care about me
Me: We need to tell our husband. He must talk
some sense into him
Nontorotyi: I don't think that could help because
My husband won't be there when Xhalanga
wants his money from me
Me: I will deal with him. I will threaten to kill
him. I will point a gun at his head. I am sure he
will be scared
Nontorotyi: Actually I have a much better plan
I looked at her.
Me: You do? Why didn't you use it all these
months ?
Nontorotyi: I had no sister wife then
I smiled Oh stop it Nontorotyi. Flattery will get
you anywhere. I didn't say that to her though
Me: Okay?
Nontorotyi: You said you wanted to work on our
relationship and you wanted to prove to me that
you're willing to be my sister wife and have my
Me: S'ntoro-ntoro that's what sisters are for
Nontorotyi: Well you need to prove yourself
Me: I have already done that. I begged the family
to drop the charges. What more can i d.....
She didn't let me finish.
Nontorotyi: Kill Xhalanga!
I looked at her shocked. Is this woman crazy?
She just asked me to kill her own flesh and
blood. What is this? Is this some kinda trap?
Nontorotyi: You said you wanted to prove
yourself do it!
She snapped. I stood up. I went to her phone. I
took it then tried to unlock it
Me: Password!
Nontorotyi: What !?
Me: You think i am stupid? You want to record
this ?
Nontorotyi: Ngetumanto!
I looked at her
Me: What ?
Nontorotyi: My password is Ngetumanto. I put
my children's names together
I unlocked it. She is not recording. I took her
pillows. I checked everywhere
Nontorotyi: I am not recording you I am serious.
My brother will not stop!
I looked at her
Me: Okay
Nontorotyi: Okay?
Me: Don't act smart here! I said okay to your
She wiped her tears
Nontorotyi: Thank you sister wife
Me: I will give you privacy to get dressed. You
will find me in the car at parking lot
Nontorotyi: Ok.....
" Not so fast my Queen! " said someone at the
door. We both looked at the door. There Gedleza
is standing there looking like he has been with
us for a while now.
Me: Gedleza?
Nontorotyi: Are you gonna be her accomplice?
I looked at Nontorotyi
Me: OUR accomplice! We are in this together!!!
Nontorotyi: Of course sister wife
I gave her intimidating look breathing heavily.
She better not mess up with me or I will kill her
brother. Kill her and bury them on top of one
another. She doesn't know Nomahelele. I turned
and looked at Gedleza
Me: You came to say something?
Gedleza looked at Nontorotyi
Gedleza: Before we walk out my Queen I have a
question for Her
Nontorotyi: You never called me Queen but you
call her that
Oh God. Jealousy. She said we will be cool but
she is jealous of me like she is jealous of my
cousin. It looks like we will never be happy
Gedleza: That tittle is earned !
I looked Gedleza
Me: What's the question Gedleza ?
Gedleza looked at Nontorotyi
Gedleza: You're not going to be able to bury your
brother. Everyone including his family will
think he just took off
Nontorotyi: What do you mean?
Gedleza: His body has to disappear. Are you
gonna live with not knowing where your
brother is buried?
She didn't say anything. Her eyes widened. Is
she having second thoughts?
Me: Sister wife?
She breath in and out.
Nontorotyi: Whatever you say
Me: Good! Gedleza accompany me....
I have questions He must tell me why She can't
bury him. We walked out. He closed the door. I
turned around and looked at him
Gedleza: If the police find another body and
learn that he was killed by the same gun. They
will start sniffing around and you're the only
person who just came here from Port Elizabeth
My Queen and the killings with that gun started
when you got here
Me: Oh My God you're right and smart Gedleza
but what am I gonna do with the body ?
Gedleza looked around then at me
Gedleza: Go home, The Queen will know what to
He said smiling. I smiled at him then looked
away. Will Nomakhosazana help me? How could
she help me when even today she still feels
guilty of Shosholoza's murder she didn't even
commit ?
Gedleza tapped My shoulder. I looked at him
Gedleza: She will know what to do
I smiled. I felt a tear escape my eye. I quicky
wiped it.




< Algebra >
I hate this. I am so happy. I am in love with
Isaiah. It feels so good to be in love after a long
time. Yes i am in love but I fear a lot. My feelings
for Nomgcwabe are also strong. I don't know
what to do because this is not fair for Isaiah. I
feel like before I agreed to go out with him I
should've told him about these feelings I have
for the other guy but at the same time i am like
why? The guy I am in love with is straight and
he asked me to forget about us and what
happened at the palace SO I just don't see the
need but I cannot help but feel guilty. Today i
just found out that My boss and Elton went
there. When I should be thinking about my man.
All i am thinking about is Nomgcwabe. I wish I
went there with them. My boss was not gonna
mind. I mean I wrote this date in her diary. I
knew she was going there. Why didn't I go or ask
to go ?
Me: Damn you Algebra! You're an idiot
I sat down. I took my phone. I looked at it. I put
it on My desk. I took it again. " Call him " Said a
voice infront of me. I looked up. It's Sonia new
Secretary. Her name is Thalala.
Me: Who?
Thalala: You keep taking and putting it down. I
do that when I want to call a guy, call him
Me: No! He is not my boyfriend !
Thalala: Just call him
Me: Okay fine
She walked to Sonia's office. I took my cell. The
last time i spoke to Nomgcwabe on the phone i
ended up crying. I don't want him to upset me
again. Anyway I dialled his number.
Nomgcwabe: Hey
Me: Hi! I just...........
I looked at Thalala
Me: I just wanted to know if My boss and Pris.....
and Elton left already
Nomgcwabe: How are you Algebra?
Hold up? He wants to speak to me. I started
Me: I am okay thanks and you?
Nomgcwabe: I am good just been busy. The
family business needs more hands. That is why I
have been scarce
Me: Oh that's very nice of you to help you family
Nomgcwabe: Yeah but it's not gonna be fun. The
King left with Queen Priscella. I was enjoying
working with him
Me: Well you will be fine. Do you have plans for
Nomgcwabe: Not really..... We usually have
dinner then on the 26th we go to the beach just
kids though. The Elders are not allowed to go
Me: Mmhmm
Nomgcwabe: And you? Do you have something
Me: Well I don't know as well....
Thalala came, She has two coffees. Maybe a
client didn't want it sk Sonia gave them to us. I
am just assuming. She sat in front Me then put
mine on the table
Me: My Sister and her husband are going to
Cape town and I am not sure I want to leave. I
just got this job. I stayed at home for a long time.
I don't think i want to go. I want to stay at their
house and I guess i will be home alone
Thalala: ;)
Thalala winked at me.
Nomgcwabe: Looks like you will have a lonely
Christmas.... Anyway thanks for the call I need to
join EJ. We just got to the mall
Me: I thought you said they are gone ?
Nomgcwabe: He is leaving tomorrow alone. We
just came to town to get him things to wear for
Me: Oh okay
Him: Okay later bro
Me: Later
I hung up then looked at Thalala
Thalala: That went well
Me: Yeah......
Thalala: You don't look as excited as you were
when you were speaking to him
Me: No i am happy thanks for the coffee
I was hoping he would talk about us. He just
called me bro. He threw me straight into

< Tasha >
I had to ask Laila to come out of her work and
have lunch with me. Obviously we are given
lunch at work but I couldn't wait til I finish my
lunch. I had to go downstairs and meet Laila.
Luxury Hotel is not fair at all from our studio.
It's 5 minutes walk. I need to speak to someone
about Brianna. Now I am not only worried
about Elton. I am also worried about Brianna.
That woman threatened me. I didn't tell
Hungani. I had to speak to someone before
telling him. Brianna is crazy and I can't take her
threat lightly. I need to tell someone before
something happens to me. I don't know which
one i should be worried About now. Two people
threatened my life. What am I gonna do? I can't
always watch my back wherever I go. I need to
live a normal life. I am a pregnant woman. I
cannot be watching my back all the time. I am
happy to be with Hungani but it doesn't seem
like it's gonna be easy for us. Brianna doesn't
seem like she got the message. The fact that she
did what she did and intimidated me shows that
she is not going to give up. I mean this woman
just lost her close friend. How can all she can
think about is Hungani after what happened to
her friend? She should be hurting not thinking
about a man who is expecting a child with
another woman. She is such a psycho. She really
scares me. I mean this woman said it herself.
She said they are friends. Why is she jealous of
me dating her friend? I feel like only Hungani
understood their deal. This girl didn't and she
thinks they were an item.
Anyway I saw Laila coming to my table looking
at her phone.
Me: What is it? You've been staring at your
She looked at me.
Laila: Oh Hey! did you see an instagram post on
your soapie page?
Me: No! I switched my data off and I will do that
till I knock off. I don't want to lose focus what is
Laila: Wow girl you're so dedicated to your job
Me: It's been amazing. I have done 18 scenes
Laila: Wow?
Me: It's for 7 episodes
Laila: It looks like we will see you everyday on
that soap
Me: Yeah So what's on their page ?
Laila: A picture of you and other actors in gowns
Me: Oh we took that photo earlier at dressing
Laila: People are congratulating you
Me: And some are throwing shade right ?
Her: Well you know how it is right?
Me: Yeah. I have done a lot so I don't expect
people to just accept me and forgive me. I just
cannot wait for them to see the show
Laila: I am excited as well my friend is gonna be
Me: And i will not forget you friend. You've been
great to me and I hope you will be a great aunt
I said brushing my stomach. A waitress
interrupted us.
Laila: Don't get me anything. Just water
Me: Friend
Laila: Friend I work with food. I don't have
I looked at the waitress
Me: Juice for me please
Waitress: Okay
Laila: How much time do you have ?
I looked at the time.
Me: 18 minutes. Friend there is a reason i
brought you here.....
Laila: Yes?
Me: When I got to Hungani's place. The other
model arrived crying acting like she was hurt
Laila: Tasha she lost her friend
Me: I know that but she was crying so
annoyingly giving me death stare while hugging
my man! She went as far as saying she'd cut my
Laila: What? In front if Hungani ?
Me: No! She was in a hug. She used her thumb
and cut her throat showing me what she will do
to me !
Laila: Oh My God she is a psycho
Me: Exactly !
Laila: Did you tell Hungani?
Me: How do you expect me to do that friend?
What if she denies it and make me look bad to
Hungani? Remember I am not that Innocent so
Hungani wouldn't just believe me. I know girls
like that, They are manipulative. I don't want to
ruin the beautiful thing I have with Hungani. I
don't wanna ruin this for my baby
Laila: Oh Friend
I was crying. I hate crying in public. She just told
me the soap just introduced me to the public.
People will start seeing me like a celebrity. I
can't be crying like this at a restaurant.
Me: I thought I should tell someone this. I would
say if something happens to me tell Hungani the
name of the person who hurt me but how will
you know who did it when I have two enemies?
Laila: Oh there is Elton as well and what I saw at
his house yesterday he could do anything to you
Me: Exactly. I feel like I should just keep quiet. I
am moving in with Hungani today. I will be safe
The waitress brought water and juice
Me: Thanks
Laila: Don't worry friend. Nothing is going to
happen to you
Me: I hope you're right
My phone rang
Me: It's Hungani I just had such a great
interview with him
Laila: That's great
Anyway I answered.
Me: Hey
Hungani: Hey babe can you ask Laila to fetch
you from work. I will be working at some
location in Mpumalanga in few hours. I will
return home around 7. There is a celebrity
couple that is enjoying their honeymoon there
Me: Okay I am on lunch and I am with her
Hungani: Great see you later love you
Wow he just said he loves me? I started blushing
Me: I love you too be safe
I hung up
Me: Friend you will fetch me after week he will
be working late I guess i will move tomorrow
Laila: No problem
Me: Oh God look at the time
Her: Go!!
I stood up then ran to the elevator. It's time for
me to wear another outfit for my next scene. I
was hoping to get advice from Laila but its cool.
We will finish this discussion later. I have to tell
Hungani but I don't know how.

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
My son is gone back to Johannesburg with his
Fiancé. I am happy for them. They are really
good together. I cannot believe I wanted my son
to spend the rest of his life with Nomaxabiso. My
son was gonna be miserable for the rest of his
life. I am so happy he broke the rules and
followed his heart even though that had
consequences. It was beautiful what they did
today. I am very proud of him and the woman
he is going to marry. I am very excited about the
future of this village. I am very excited.
I have been thinking. Gedleza told me that I am
going to be the one who makes sure River and
May forgive each other. He said afternoon. It is
afternoon now and I am still waiting for that to
happen and I don't even know how it's gonna
Anyway we are at Nontorotyi's house. Believe it
or not but we are here. River called saying
Nontorotyi is being discharged. We thought we
should do something nice for her. We sent
Siqalo to go buy ballons and snacks on his way
to Nontsingizi to get Nontorotyi's clothes.
Luckily he arrived back home before Nontorotyi
arrived. The setting is beautiful. We let Ngejiwe
do it herself. She did an amazing job. We only
arrived here when we heard that they were
close. Anyway they just arrived. Shame her kids
missed her. I see how happy they are to see her
and how happy she is to be finally back in her
Nontorityi: My love you didn't have to do this
Ngejiwe: Actually mom it was the Queen and
Princess who suggested this not dad. Dad was at
She is still mad at her mother I can just tell.
Nontorotyi looked at me and Princess
Nontorotyi: Thank you
I raised my glass
Me: That's what family is for right?
Nontorotyi: Mmhm
Deliwe gave her glass of wine
Nontorotyi: Thank you Deliwe
Deliwe: We missed you my Queen. It's good to
have you home
Nontorotyi: That's sweet Deliwe. Very sweet
Deliwe went to River and gave her a glass. The
next thing I saw was broken glasses on the floor
and wine all over the tiled floor. It was just a
mess on the floor.
Deliwe: My Queen I am so sorry I....
River: It's okay go get me anothe.....
Me: No! Deliwe it's okay. Let me go speak with
my cousin outside
Chief Khabalandile threw a key at River
Him: You can go speak in the car
Nomahelele: Thank you Darling
We walked out and went to the car. We didn't go
inside. I don't want to talk in the car.
Me: So what was that ?
She breath in and out.
Nomahelele: Your family is creepy. Gedleza just
walked passed me. He literally pushed me that is
why I spit that drink
I smiled
Nomahelele: What? It's not funny. The reason i
didn't yell at him is because I realised that I was
the only person who could see him
Me: You're pregnant
Nomahelele: What ? no! in days? This is not a
movie or some fictional story cuz. This is real
life. I can't be pregnant
Me: You may be right but Doctor, remember it
takes one round of sex to plant a seed
Nomahelele: But still. It's barely a week
Me: Cuz you might not be pregnant maybe it's a
sign that you shouldn't drink alcohol while
you're trying to conceive
She started panicking
Nomahelele: It can't be
Me: What ? This is what you wanted right ?
She looked at me then walked passed me
Her: Of course it's what I want but the task I
have tomorrow I can't be sober. I am brave yes
but alcohol makes me more meaner and
Me: What the hell is happening tomorrow River
She swallowed hard
Me: Tell me what is happening tomorrow?
She looked around. She walked to the other side
of the car and asked me to come with her. I
followed her. I went and stood infront of her.
Me: I am listening?
Nomahelele: Nxamalala, Nontorotyi's brother
Nxamalala? I looked at her
Me: River he can't be Xhamalala. That's Zulu
clan praise. I don't know Nontorotyi's brother's
name but I doubt it's Nxamalala
Nomahelele: Anyway whatever his name is. That
She looked around. She didn't want anyone else
to hear this
Nomahelele: Is the reason for the stolen money.
He was blackmailing Nontorotyi about Ngejiwe.
Apparently He was the first to know
Me: Do you believe her ?
Nomahelele: I hate to say this but I do. I mean
she was scared begging me. She says he will
keep blackmailing her. I said the family already
knows she said Ngejiwe don't which is true! And
She fears that He might tell her
Me: So what does she want you to do ?
Nomahelele: You're not ready for this
She looked around
Me: Tell me !
She looked at me.
Nomahelele: She wants me to silence him
Me: What!? No! why can't she do it herself?
Nomahelele: Because she doesn't have it in her?
Because she is not a killer. Did you think about
Me: And you are a killer? Cuz what if this
woman is trying to set you up?
Nomahelele: I don't think it will happen because
after talking to her. Gedleza visited me saying
that body can't be seen by the police. I have to
get rid of it
Get rid of the body? That is hardcore gangster.
Me: Why would the ancestors encourage you to
kill someone?
" Because Nontorotyi has to pay for everything
she has done to this family " Said a voice behind
us. We turned around
Me: Gedleza
Gedleza: That murder will be on her Because
she called the hit. She will never forgive herself
for what she is about to do.
We were standing with our eyes wide open.
Gedleza: She must pay for what she did and still
keep doing to the family! continue with your
He vanished. I snapped out of it
Nomahelele: Anyway I was saying, When i asked
Gedleza how do I do that.....
I looked at her
Me: Wait first why doesn't he want the police to
find the body ?
Nomahelele: Because my weapon is the one the
police are looking for. If another person is killed
by this Port Elizabeth gun, they will start asking
questions and I am the only person who arrived
from PE then people started dying
Me: He is right....
Nomahelele: So when i asked how will I get rid
of the body, He directed me to you cuz
Me: Me?
Oh's afternoon. This is what Gedleza
was talkimg about. I smiled then looked at my
cousin sister.
Nomahelele: Are you gonna help me ?
Me: First where are you gonna do this?
Nomahelele: In my house behind the palace
Me: There is only one person who can help us
with this
River: Who?
Me: Our cousin
River: What!?
I gave her my glass of wine
Me: And you dear cousin will call May yourself
or you will end up in jail
She attempted to gulp my wine. I slapped the
glass. It feel down. Lucky on a green grass. It
didn't break
I tapped her shoulder
Me: Call her
< Nontorotyi >
It was very sweet of my family to do this but
forgive me for being paranoid..... I can't help but
ask why they are doing this? I stole from these
people. Kindness is the last thing I expect from
them. Why did these people do this for me? Are
they scared that I will go crazy when they tell
me about Nomaxabiso? The only woman who
makes me feel insecure is this woman who
brought me home. I mean the one who is going
to be in prison for a very long time. There is a
saying that says keep your friends close and
your enemies even closer. I am going to play
nice sister wife nonsense with Nomahelele
today. Tomorrow I will make sure the knife that
stabs her in the back is very sharp. I want to
stab it in and make sure it cuts deeper. I am the
only Queen in my man's life. The only one. I
won't let this bitch throw around her big bum
seducing my man. I want her to sleep with him
for very last time tonight because I am coming
for her hard. I can't wait to visit her in prison.
Anyway on our way home we were planning.
Apparently they already gave her Zinyovile's
parents house. I am going to tell her this. We
decided to kill Xhalanga There. I am willing to
call my brother though. Just to text him and find
out if he'd really betray me if I don't give him
money. I don't find pleasure in doing this. That
man is my brother I love him but he is heartless
and I am sick of it. I suffered because of him for
months. This call I will give him will determine
his future. I might not kill him if he is
considerate like a caring brother but of he
continues being a jerk it's over.
Anyway I stood up then asked for everyone's
Me: I don't know whether I am tired or this
medication is making me drowsy. I just wanted
to thank you guys for doing this for me. I will
not forget it but I need to go take a nap
Nomakhosazana: It's okay you can go. We are
also leaving
I walked away then turned around.. Nomahelele
looked at me and smiled walking out. I did as
well then looked away
Me: And your enemies even closer
I opened the door of my bedroom. I missed my
bedroom so much. I can't believe I am home. I
am very happy I won't lie. Anyway I took my
phone and dialled Xhalanga's number. His
phone rang. He answered
Xhalanga: Sisi! I knew you wouldn't stay there!
Me: Xhalanga I need to see you tomorrow
Xhalanga: Where are you Sisi?
Me: My house, are you gonna come ?
Xhalanga: Sisi I need advance. We don't have
enough for Christmas and Christamas is
Me: Xhalanga I gave you money month end. I
don't have it now!
Xhalanga: Sisi don't make your problems mine. I
want my money tomorrow
I sat down
Me: You will find your money when you get here
Xhalanga: That's what I want to hear Sisi no
excuses !
I hung up. Maybe I didn't make a mistake after
all. I looked around then dialled Nomahelele's
Nomahelele: S'ntoro-ntoro ?
I bit my lower lip. I can't wait for tomorrow so
that I can get rid of both my brother and this
annoying woman.
Me: We are on for tomorrow
Nomahelele: Looking forward to it. We are
doing it at my house. Your witch's old home
I hung up then sat down. She will sleep with my
husband for the last time tonight. Tomorrow it's
Me: Home wrecker!



< Priscella >
We are home save. What a day it has been. I
can't believe today actually happened. I was so
scared to stand in front of the people of that
village. I thought maybe they were not gonna
welcome me the way they did. I am so happy
that we did that and it passed. I felt like part of
the family. It was an experience and I enjoyed
every moment. I want to fulfil of the promises I
gave those people. I saw hope and excitement in
their eyes. I can't take that away from them and
I pray whoever will be responsible for hiring
will hire people who deserve this job. I know i
can't do that myself because i am not from there
and I don't know the people. I pray Chief
Khabalandile won't hire family. He will hire
only people who need these jobs.
Masixole arrived then went straight to gym. I
understand why he couldn't wait to go. This man
doesn't miss a day of gym. He missed so many
days while he was in Eastern Cape. My mother is
back from Cape town. I just told her that Elton
stayed behind because Gedleza thinks
something might happen. I really pray nothing
happens though. I won't forgive myself if
anything happens to Tasha. I know I have
something that could help them to stay aware
and careful but I can't. Well i tried calling Tasha
when I got back her phone was off. I cannot call
Hungani. I don't want to mess up my life by
involving him, I can't. I am giving everything to
God. I hope he will protect her from that
Mom: I am so happy Elton Agreed to stay behind
Me: Me too mom. He didn't even fight it. I just
love his attitude when he is there. He just love to
have friends or brothers around. He never got
that here at home
Mom: Yes. He sees The Princess sons as his
Me: So how did it go in Cape town?
Mom: Oh Very well my dear
Me: What were you doing there?
Mom: Prissy?
Me: What was the business about? It seemed like
it was something urgent. You wanted to go when
Elton started acting up
Mom laughed. Did I say something funny ?
Mom: Do you have to be like that all the time?
no! It had nothing to do with your brother. I was
meeting an old friend
Me: Wow he must be very important for you to
rush to Cape town in the middle of a crisis
Mom: What crisis?
Me: Mom you were prepared to leave Elton here
alone when you knew very well he was not okay
Mom: I was gonna ask Sonia to keep an eye on
the boy
Me: Because Cape town couldn't wait ?
Mom: I don't like what you doing Priscella! I was
meeting a female friend from US. She is in a
conference in Cape town. I always wanted a
meeting with her. When she said she could give
me an hour of her time I didn't waste time. I
flew to Cape town
Me: Oh It was a she?
Mom: Of course it's a she. Even if it was a he I
don't see a problem with that anyway back to
what happened there. You were excited about
what happened At Royal house. What's the plan
I know my mom when she is lying. She is like all
over the place and that is what she is doing right
Me: I need a legit and reliable construction
company that is going to start working now and
finish as soon as possible
I took my phone
Me: Oh My God I just forgot to call Algebra and
ask him to schedule a meeting With Ndamase
Construction in Centurion
Mom took my phone.
Me: Ms Refilwe what are you doing?
Mom: I am going to call the chairman and
schedule that meeting. They must come to you.
You're pregnant and with her grandchild
Me: Mom who are you talking about ?
Mom: May Ndamase. The owner of Ndamase
Construction. She is Nomakhosazana and River's
cousin sister
Me: What !?
Mom: Yes honey
Me: I mentioned the construction at the council
but I think she didn't want to say that in front of
the crowd
Mom: And she forgot when it was just the two of
you. Let me go call her and ask her to bring their
CEO to Johannesburg
Me: Thank you mama
She walked away dialling a number. The
elevator opened. My man walked in all sweaty
Mom: King there are showers at the gym!
Masixole laughed. Mom opened the door to
balcony. She walked out.
Me: Hey babe
He came to me and kissed me
Masixole: It feels good to go to a real gym again
Me: Your membership didn't expire?
Him: No, it expires Next month thank God. I will
have to go cancel it though because They deduct
money from my account every month
Me: You should
Him: Let me go shower then come join you ;)
Me: Okay honey
He walked up the stairs. I want to join him but I
am lazy. And i still need to call Tasha. I tried and
her phone was off. I am not even sure if I should
do this.

< Claire >
I am really not in the mood. I don't know why
this woman is here. I thought she was gonna
leave Hungani's place and go home. What is she
still doing here? I am really not a good comapy
right now. I just lost my boyfriend and I don't
know what to do. All i do is stalk him and follow
him around. That fool went to see Sonia. How
can he dump me and run back to his wife? What
does that say about hik? Was I just a distraction
to him? What makes me more angry is I can't
confront any of them. I cannot confront Hunter
and I cannot confront That annoying Sonia. That
woman makes me sick. I can't believe what she
did to me at that fashion show.
Me: I didn't think i would see you again, At least
not today
Brianna: Well i changed my flight to 8pm tonight
Me: I thought maybe you'd spend time with
Hungani or rush back Home to see Michaela's
Brianna: Friend you don't want me in your flat ?
Me: No don't be crazy. Sorry for asking too many
I closed the door. I showed her the couch.
Me: I just want to know what is going on friend
Brianna: Well He and that girl are an item. He
didn't even let me sit
Me: It's afternoon now. Why did it take you so
long to come here. Where were you ?
Brianna: I had to see the police again
Me: Oh Friend. I am so sorry
Brianna: It's okay. I am just trying to help them
find this evil man
Me: I can't believe Hungani kicked you out
though. Did you try to tell him about how you
feel now that Michaela is no more
Brianna: That Tasha girl was there
Me: Oh Girl
She sat down then looked at me and smiled
Brianna: I guess it's best I don't tell him. if he
loved me he wouldn't have done what he did
today choosing her over me
Me: Maybe he chose a child not her
Brianna: You were not there friend. You
should've seen them all lovey dovey.The fact
that she is an actress now I don't think i stand a
chance. These tv people date each other
Me: She is an actress?
Brianna: Check her on line. They announced it
on that most watched soapie page. She joined
the cast
I looked away. I could be one as well. I am
looking for a job. I want to find a job then leave J
fashions. I will never model for them when I get
a job but for now I still need them to make a
living I can't afford to quit. The other modelling
jobs are not enough. I get paid a lot by J fashions.
Me: Wow this girl is lucky. Her life is going well.
A baby on the way, new relationship and a new
fabulous job?
Brianna looked away
Brianna: Tell me about it
I got a message notification. I looked at it. What
the hell does this bitch want?
Brianna: Who is it ?
Me: Junaid wants to see me in his office in an
Brianna: Do you think Maybe he wants to
explain what happened with the show stopper
Me: Or he wants to know why i attacked Sonia
Brianna: You did what ?
I forgot she was with Michaela in the bathroom
when I had a fight with Sonia
Me: What was I supposed to do? She slept with
my man now it's the Show stopper dress ?
I looked away
I need to leave. I don't know how long I will stay
there. I need to find out how long Brianna is
gonna stay here.
Me: I will find you here if I leave you here ?
She looked at the time then at me .
Her: Yes. You will find me here go
Me: Okay
Her: Please don't stay long I might wanna leave
Me: Girl I might be going there for a photo shoot.
You know after every show I have to go back for
a shoot. Maybe that's what this is about
Brianna: Don't you think they will need Sonia
for that ?
What? She went there to be a part time model. I
highly doubt that.
Brianna: She is the face of the company now. All
you guys photos will go down. Sonia will be the
only woman they see on the walk
I looked away
Me: Don't remind me. That is why I need to find
another job and leave that place. I don't think i
can continue working for someone who
betrayed me
Brianna: Don't make hasty decisions now
Me: I am leaving immediately when I got a new
job. I can't risk quitting and struggle to get a job
Brianna: Good
I took my handbag. .
Me: Later
Her: By friend!
I hope it's just photo shoot and I am not going
there to talk about what happened because he is
the last person to do. He is the one who betrayed
me. I don't know. People who betray me always
try to act like victims. First it was Hunter, He
cheated on me now he doesn't know why i am
reacting to it.

< Nomaxabiso >
How can this woman humiliate me like this. I
felt like I was cheap. I felt poor. This bitch is
throwing money around for this family. She is
buying love with money. How can she be so
desperate. I hate her. I hated her before I saw
how she looked like. Now that I have seen her I
hate her even more. I don't know why i let her
walk all over me. I should've insulted her. I
should've told her at least I am not using money
to buy love. Who does she thinks she is coming
here and make everyone eat on the palm of her
hand. I hate her. She made an enemy of a wrong
woman. That bitch took my dream. She took my
man. A man I waited for my entire life. How
could she do this to me how could she? Seeing
Masixole laughing at me because of the things
that woman said made me feel so angry. I was
embarrassed. I was ashamed. I regretted going
there to make a spectacle of myself. I was so
sure I was gonna leave them fighting about me. I
was so sure. I don't know why i didn't stand up
for myself.
Anyway I arrived home. I called my best friend
Ncinci. She is the only one I can talk to now that
her husband is home. If Malingene was in
Johannesburg i was gonna call him. I can't call
him while he is here. Anyway I am pacing up
and down. I need to tell my friend this. I heard
my phone ring. I looked at it. It's Hlohlesakhe.
What does he want? I don't want to talk to him
right now. I ignored his call he didn't stop
calling. I had no choice but to answer. .
Me: My chief
Hlohlesakhe: I saw you at the royal house
briefly. I didn't think you'd leave before
speaking to your fiancé
Me: I was upset
Him: Tell me who upset you ?
Me: No it's okay. I am fine now
Him: Can I see you ?
Me: In two days I will be burying my parents
what do you want!?
Him: I see you're upset. I will talk to you at the
funeral Friday..... ( tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu)
He hung up on me after he said that.
I threw my phone on my bed. It rang again. I
picked it up.
It's Malingene. I have to take this
Me: Hello ?
Malingene: Don't you think you should distance
yourself from my wife? What if you slip up?
Me: Your wife has been my friend for years.
Have I done that? Where is she ?
Him: She is on her way there. Make sure you
don't tell her anything about us
I hung up. He is making me more mad. I heard a
knock at the door. I went to the door then
Ncinci: Chomi
Me: Hey friend. How are you ?
Her: I am okay thanks. I am sorry I see you're
not okay. Friend thank you for thinking of us but
we don't have that kinda money
Me: What money?
Her: To buy the shares
Me: Oh no it's fine. I was desperate. I didn't call
you hear for that though.
Her: Okay?
Me: I went to the royal house. You won't believe
the things Masixole's Fiancé said to me
Her: What did she say ? Whether that woman
likes it or not you will marry her husband
anyway when are you two getting married ?
I looked at her
Me: Soon hopefully after them
Ncinci: What did she say ?
Me: She said my handbag is cheap. It is sold on
the streets
Ncinci: I am so sorry Friend she is such a snob.
These handbags are original and beautiful. That
teacher said she bought them in Johannesburg
Me: Well she says they are sold by Hookeys on
the streets
Ncinci: I am sure she said Hawkers right ?
Me: Yes exactly that word!
Well Ntombencinci went to college. She is a little
smarter. She knows a lot of things. I am smart to.
I finished high school. I just didn't go to college.
Ncinci: Are you sure you didn't provoke this
girl? She is in all the pamphlets of that mine my
husband always bring home. She looks nice , She
doesn't look like someone who would say that
Me: Friend do you think i would make this up?
friend you know Me!!!
Ncinci: You're I thought I knew you
my friend but what I heard few weeks ago by
your aunt .......
Oh My God what did that woman tell her? Did
my parents tell uncle and his wife about
Me: What do you mean ?
Ncinci: I have been waiting for you to tell me but
you just don't do it. You've become a liar ! I
know you lost your parents and everything but
you need to trust one person in your life
Me: I don't like what you're doing raising your
voice at me. What are you on about? You just
called me a liar!
She smiled at me.
Ncinci: Chomi I know Masixole Ndengana is not
going to marry you because you're not a virgin
Oh My God. I looked down.
Her: I have known you since we were kids. I
always thought you're a virgin. I am surprised
you didn't tell me when you lost it when I told
you when I lost my virginity to my husband
I sat on my bed.
Me: How many people know this
Ncinci: Your aunt was not gossiping about you.
She called me aside and spoke to me asking for
the man who broke your virginity because your
mom and dad didn't want to tell them
I loudly let out a sigh of relief. I thought she
Ncinci: They want to go ask for damages
Me: No! They don't know the man. He is from
Butterworth where my aunt lives and they are
not getting my damages
Ncinci: You provoked the rich girl didn't you ?
I stood up then walked passed her
Me: I told her I was sleeping with her man the
whole time I was staying at Sdabadabeni
Ncinci: Nomaxabiso!!!
I turned around and looked at her.
Me: I was jealous okay! I slept with that man. I
grew up knowing he was my husband now.......
Ncinci: But that didn't stop you from sleeping
with the other guy
Me: Do you blame Me? He was getting all the
fancy education. I was in my 20s and never met
him. He didn't even think of contacting me
Me: I thought no one would find out. I didn't
think their royal healer is that good. I mean my
uncle is a chief and they don't have a healer like
Ncinci: What did the woman say when you said
you slept with her man ?
I can't tell her about the orgasm. It's
embarrassing. I can't believe I didn't see that he
faked it. I hate him for that. I hate him for doing
what he did to me and tell his wife everything
after that.
Me: She said he told her. That man used me. He
slept with me three times now he doesn't even
look at me
Ncinci: I am sorry friend, What's gonna happen
now ?
I can't tell her I am marrying his uncle. It's
embarrassing. She is going to laugh at me. When
I get married to the chief of Sdabadabeni. I will
never set my foot here. I will ignore her calls.
Me: Time will tell
Her: Sorry friend. You need to get over him. He
is clearly in love with that woman and they trust
each other
As much as that hurts but it's true I mean they
even discussed our sex life ? unless he didn't say
it she just wanted to hurt me. I looked away and
smiled. I know bitches like her. She knew I
would feel bad

< Nomahelele >
I know what my cousin is doing and
unfortunately it's not going to work.
Nomakhosazana knows me. She knows me very
well to think she could set a trap on me hoping
that I would crawl up to May for help. I am not
going to call May and ask for help. She was my
sister but she betrayed my trust. How can i go to
that kinda person and ask for help? I am not
going to do that I refuse. I am not going to let her
do this to me. I won't let May wrong me and go
to her for help after what she did to me. I have
other ways. I was a thug before i came to
Sdabadabeni. I won't stop just because i became
a Queen now. I still have my ways. I am going to
use them to get rid of that body. I will do
whatever it takes. I have my own house. I am
going to renovate that home. I can dig a grave
inside that house and bury that man I wouldn't
even need a man to help me. My cousin sister
doesn't know Me at all.
Anyway I just heard a knock at my door. I don't
know who is that because I am resting nicely
and I don't want to be disturbed. I am so thirsty.
I want to drink. On the other hand I just found
out that I can't drink anymore. Then this side I
have to kill a man looking at him in the eye. I
have never killed a man while sober. I made
sure I am tipsy so that I can have strength, guts
and confidence to stand and get the job done.
How am I gonna do that without alcohol? Am I
really ready to be a mother when i will not be
Me: Am I?
The knock went on at the door. I stood up. I
wore my morning shoes. I went to the door
wiping my tears. I opened the door.
Me: Boy
Phonqa: My Queen i am asked to fetch you
Me: Who wants to speak to me ?
Phonqa: The Queen
Me: Tell her my body is tired
Phonqa: O-ka........
I closed the door then leaned on it
Me: Leave me alone cuz
I heard my phone rings. I went to my bed. I
picked it up. It's Nontorotyi
Me: Nontorotyi is starting to annoy me right
I answered
Me: Your husband will start getting suspicious if
you keep calling me!
Nontorotyi: Our husband don't even look at me.
He doesn't even spend a second in our bedroom.
He took some of his clothes and went to the
guest room. You're the one who is sleeping with
him not me !
Me: What do you want Nontorotyi?
Nontorotyi: You're in a bad mood. I hope you
haven't changed your mind!
Me: I gave you my word didn't I?
Nontorotyi: What is going on ?
Me: What do you want Nontorotyi?
Nontorotyi: A big favour, You know I love
brother so much. Even though I want him dead
but I would love to have something that I could
remember him with
Me: After I murdered him I will make sure I
don't bury his underwear have a good....
Nontorotyi: Wait!
I breath in and out
Me: What do you want Nontorotyi?
Nontorotyi: His ashes
Me: What!?
She started crying
Nontorotyi: Please Sister wife. I know you don't
owe me any favours but you must understand.
He is my brother. I love him. If i won't have his
grave at least I must have his ashes please I am
begging you
Oh My God what is this mess I put myself
through? I sat on a chair next to my bed. I put
my hand on my forehead. My forehead is
burning. How am I gonna burn the body without
anyone question or suspecting anything?
Nontorotyi: Sister wife I am begging you please
help me. I know what I am about to do is evil but
I need him. I need my brother next to me. Are
you gonna help Me?
Me: Nontorotyi my plan was to kill and bury
your brother without anyone noticing now you
want ashes?
Nontorotyi: You give me ashes or you don't kill
my brother but just know something..... If my
brother tells my daughter....
Me: It's gonna be on me I know! They already
gave me a go ahead
I said standing up pacing up and down
Nontorotyi: So ?
Me: Give me time to think......
Nontorotyi: You know my brother is coming
tomorrow right ?
Nontorotyi: I called him. I said I will be giving
him his money it has to be tomorrow!
Me: Give me two hours
Nontorotyi: Thank you for your help sister wife
I hung up. I sat down
" River " Said a Low voice at the door. I quicky
stood up then looked at the door
Me: How long have you been sta....
She threw her phone at my bed
Nomakhosazana: Make the phone call
I looked at her phone, tears steamed out and
down my cheeks




< Narrated >
At the royal house. We last saw the Queen
walking in on Nomahelele speaking on the
phone. She asked her to make a phone call and it
seemed like she hated the idea, Will she make
the phone call? Only she knows. Meanwhile
downstairs. We see the chief walks in and finds
his sister sitting alone in the living room waiting
for The Queen who went to fetch Nomahelele
Hlohlesakhe: Sisi
Princess Nomagampompo looked up
Nomagampompo: Hey chief how is your wife?
Hlohlesakhe: Which one?
He exhaled then sat down.
Nomagampompo: For now you have Two and
the other I live with. I am asking about the one
fresh from prison
Hlohlesakhe: And hospital
Nomagampompo: I am talking about her. How is
she ? Did you speak to her at all? Because when
we were there you didn't say a word to her
Hlohlesakhe: And say what sis? This woman
stole 1,440,000 million rands from our clients.
She committed fraud and she is walking free.
When Will she learn a lesson? When Will we
stop feeling guilty about the kids and make her
pay ?
Nomagampompo: I know what you mean Bhuti
Hlohlesakhe: What can i possible say to her ?
Nomagampompo: Did she try to at least say
something to you?
The chief stood up. He went straight to whisky
Hlohlesakhe: You know her. She does things and
she is not ashamed to face you and apologise
and try to justify why she did what she did. I am
sick of that
The chief gulped a drink, he put the glass down
then went back and sat
Nomagampompo: River told you why Nontorotyi
did this right?
Hlohlesakhe: Princess it doesn't change the fact
that she is a criminal. She is capable of stealing
millions! She is fraud. Whose fault was that ?
Did any of us ask her to lie about her child?
Princess Nomagampompo looked around
Nomagampompo: I think you need to calm down
the kids might hear you
Hlohlesakhe: Phonqa knows already. He is the
only one who eavesdrops
Upstairs we see Phonqa Smiles. He looked up
then walked to his room.
Phonqa: I can't help it uncle
He opened the door of his bedroom. He walked
in. Closed the door. Went to his bed. He looked
at the door then let his body fall on bed
Phonqa: I just can't help it
Back downstairs. We see The chief looking up
the stairs then at his sister.
Hlohlesakhe: Where is River ?
Nomagampompo: The Queen asked her to come
down she didn't, She went to check on her
Hlohlesakhe: She doesn't want me to come here
tonight. I don't know..... after She spit that drink
she looked upset
Nomagampompo: I noticed as well. I hope
Deliwe didn't put anything in that glass
The chief stood up looking upset
Hlohlesakhe: Do you think she did?
Nomagampompo stood up.
Nomagampompo: Let's wait for her first. You
can't go running to Deliwe and accuse her of this
The chief went to the whisky again. He poured a
glass then went to the sofa with it.
Hlohlesakhe: You're probably right I mean if
River found out Deliwe did that...
Nomagampompo: Deliwe would be paralysed
right now
Chief Khabalandile shook his head laughing
Hlohlesakhe: You're right
Prince Phonqa walked down and headed to the
front door. He saw Elton and Nomgcwabe
standing outside.
Hlohlesakhe: Did you tell them the funeral is
Princess Nomagampompo shook her head no
Nomagampompo: But I want them to go to the
Hlohlesakhe: I can't believe Shosholoza never
told his brother about the boys
Nomagampompo: I am just trying to find a way
to convince them to go to the funeral then after
the will if there will be any, and my kids are not
mentioned then I will go tell that family
Hlohlesakhe: You're hoping that he is the one
who tells them ?
Princess Nomagampompo nodded her head yes
Hlohlesakhe: Yeah i hope for once he owns up to
something. He was a coward at least writing that
in a will is something a coward would do
Nomagampompo: Yep
Chief Khabalandile brushed his sister's Back.
Princess Nomagampompo took The chief glass.
She gulped the drink
Nomagampompo: He was the only man I have
ever been with
Chief Khabalandile exhaled then looked at her.
Hlohlesakhe: Sister...... You need to find real love
and experience how to be treated like a lady
because he never gave you that
Nomagampompo: I am too old for that
Hlohlesakhe: No one is too old for love. There is
a man your age out there who is looking for
love. Don't give up you will find him
Princess Nomagampompo looked at him like He
was stupid. She looked into space
Outside Elton, Prince Phonqa and Prince
Nomgcwabe are standing. They heard footsteps
behind them. They turned around. Their eyes
widened when they saw Ngejiwe standing in
front of them and She herself was shocked to see
Phonqa: Awkward
Nomgcwabe: You need to go to sleep boy !
Phonqa: Not until I have dinner
Prince Nomgcwabe looked at Elton
Nomgcwabe: Do you guys wanna talk Phonqa
and I can leave?
Elton: No we....
Ngejiwe: Actually I want to speak to him please
excuse us guys
Nomgcwabe: Phonqa let's go inside and check
on dinner in the kitchen
They walked inside the palace then headed to
the kitchen. Princess Ngejiwe looked at Elton
Ngejiwe: Don't worry. I won't seduce you to
sleep with me
Elton: Oh Thank God. I was starting to get
Ngejiwe: Do you have to be an asshole all the
time ?
Elton: Ain't you ashamed to have a mother like
yours who schemes and conniv.....
Ngejiwe: How dare you!
Elton: Wait you do it together so I doubt you'd be
Ngejiwe: I hate you !
Ngejiwe: I know that. Everyone seem to hate
honest people. I mean I was honest when I said
I didn't love you. Imagine what was gonna
happen if I tagged you along wasting your time
Ngejiwe: For your information I never loved
Elton: Liar Every girl loves me old or young. You
just saying that to make yourself feel good but
it's not working because you're still embarrassed
and feel bad that I told you what you are in front
of your entire family
Ngejiwe: What am I!?
Elton: A gold digging scammer, That's what you
are but I know where you got it from
Ngejiwe attempted to walk away
Ngejiwe: I am done here !
Elton: From Mommy!
Ngejiwe stopped. She breath in and out then
turned around.
Ngejiwe: I am surprised you still think Every girl
wants you when that white girl drugged you and
left with another man leaving you intoxicated in
a club
Elton: Get off my face
Ngejiwe: Are you humiliated? I mean someone
with the money you have. What would you be
doing in a place like this? Are you running away
from humiliation? I heard She is still with the
guy. I wish I could meet her and give her a high
Elton looked down. He smiled then looked up .
Elton: I heard that farm boy left you for the
royal maid how embarrassing is that ?
Princess Ngejiwe swallowed hard
Elton Tapped Ngejiwe's shoulder
Elton: He probably felt what I did
Elton walked away then turned around
Elton: For a girl who was supposed to save
herself for marriage you sure been around
Elton: Your vagina says it all ;)
Elton winked at her then walked away with a
smirk on his face
Princess Ngejiwe had her hands on her mouth

< Priscella >
I didn't know Sonia was still in the office at 5pm.
What is this woman still doing here? I told her I
am home she wanted to see me. I am meeting
her at the restaurant downstairs. I need to know
what she thinks about the matter. I want to
know what she thinks about what Gedleza said.
I haven't told her about my trip. I had a lot to
deal with. I needed to brief my mother first and
make appointment with Ndamase Constructions.
I cannot believe May Ndamase is my mother in
law's cousin. This world is very small. I know
that woman well I don't know her personally
but I know the scandals. In that family it looks
like they are powerful women and a bit
dangerous. Did I just say a bit? The may Lady is
very dangerous. I will never forget about her
dumping bodies in dams and burying bodies at
her daughter's house. If it was for me I wouldn't
even think of giving them this deal but I can't
help it. They are good at their job. They are just
fantastic. That company is one of the best
construction companies in Africa.
Anyway I just got down. Sonia is already here.
She stood up. We hugged
Her: Girl I missed you today
Me: I missed you too
I sat down.
Sonia: Guess what!?
Me: What ?
Sonia: Oh My God I had a lot going on today
Me: Start from the beginning?
Sonia: Hunter came to see me telling me that he
filed for restraining order against his crazy girl
and in that he included me and the kids so Claire
won't bother us
Me: Wow that is great. How thoughtful of him ?
She took her juice and pointed at one in front of
Sonia: That is yours
Me: Sorry friend i don't want anything sweet
Sonia: I wish he did that out of the goodness of
his heart
She sipped on her juice
Me: What do you mean? Anyway where are
your kids?
Sonia: Dad came to fetch them I am heading
there in few. Hunter wants us to get back
I looked at her. I can't believe this.
Me: What an idiot !?
Sonia: I know right?
Me: I mean I like the idea but how can He dump
his crazy girl, in less than 24 hours he runs back
to you after what he did sleeping with you when
he was in a relationship
Sonia: That is exactly what makes me angry. I
asked him to go to hell ! anyway let's talk about
something positive. I signed the contract for J
fashions. I am officially the face of J fashions
and tomorrow I have a photo shoot at 4pm
I took her hands
Me: Wow congratulations
Her: That's not all
Me: Okay... .?
Sonia: You're looking at the February cover girl
of Desire Magizine
Me: Shut up ! oh My God this is amazing!
Sonia: I know right!
Me: You've been famous for like 2 minutes but
already you're taking over
Sonia: Friend I was married to Brendan. I have
been to red carpets with him so I am not really
new. They saw me around but that fashion show
helped me and I thank you friend
Me: Me?
Sonia: I met Junaid through you
Me: Friend you forget your reality show. He
wanted you because he saw the promo of your
Sonia: I know but still I met him through you.
Anyway tell me. How did it go ?
Me: Well and scary that's why I am actually here
to speak to you
Sonia: Oh My God I went on about myself. I am
Me: No it's okay i deserve to know what's
happening in your life
Sonia: what happened?
Me: Gedleza said if Elton came back tonight he
would be arrested
Sonia: Why?
Me: Because apparently something is gonna
happen to Tasha
Sonia put her hands on her mouth
Me: We had to leave him there. But I feel like I
won't forgive myself if anything happened to
that girl. I tried calling her I can't get hold of her.
I think Brianna is gonna strike again
Sonia: In less than 24 hours she killed a woman
she wants to kill Tasha ?
Me: I don't know what to do. My man is here ! I
can't call my ex!
Sonia: Where is Masixole now ?
Me: When I walked into the elevator. Aaron was
walking into the house. It looked like he went to
his house to change because he was in casual.
Masixole said they were gonna have drinks, I
assume they are at the bar in my house now
Sonia stood up
Sonia: We need to put a stop into this once and
for all
I stood up
Me: What do you have in mind ?
Sonia: Call your driver. We need to go see them
at Hungani's. That man has to know what
Brianna did and still to do. It's up to him if he
believes us or not
Me: You know what? You're right. Tasha is
pregnant. She can't die
Tasha: More especially if Elton might be one of
the suspects
I dialled a number.
Me: Get the car ready we are driving to
Hungani's house
I hung up
Me: Let's go
Sonia: Let's go sister

< Narrated >
We see an SUV pulling off next to Hungani's
apartment. Sonia walked out of the car. She
started running. Priscella walked out and ran as
Sonia: Shouldn't his car be at driveway ?
Priscella: Or maybe it's in the garage?
Sonia: Stop running you're pregnant
Priscella: You want to leave me behind ?
Sonia stopped running. She was out of breathe
Sonia: I am sorry. I hope We are not late
Priscella caught ul with Sonia. She put her arm
on Sonia's shoulder and started catching her
Priscella: Me too
They quickly walked to the door.
Sonia: It doesn't look like anyone is here
They knocked and knocked nothing. There is no
one in the house.
Priscella: Call Hungani
Sonia: Okay
She dialled his number
Sonia: Voice mail
Me: Let me try Tasha again
I dialled her number. Damn it. It's on voice mail.
Sonia: Why don't we go to Laila's house ?
Me: Let me call her first
I dialled Laila's phone. It rang. She didn't
Me: Let's just go She is not answering
Sonia: Okay

Priscella and Sonia have been going from one
place to another looking for Tasha. They couldn't
find her anywhere. She and Hungani phones
were not available. Maybe it's Network because
Tasha said her phone was on only Data was off.
Anyway They were heading to Laila's house.
They are hoping to find her there and it looks
like they won't find them because Tasha just got
to Laila's car. If the car is faster they might find
them at their house but things don't look that
way judging by the traffic jam.
Laila: How was work?
Tasha: It's great. They said my character will be
pregnant. I told the producers about My
pregnancy they said Mandy already told them
and the good thing is the character was gonna
be pregnant they didn't change things because I
am pregnant
Laila: That's nice. Did you ask what will Happen
when you have to take maternity leave? Are
they gonna write you off ?
Tasha: I don't think they will because they told
me how long maternity live takes so I assume
even after my baby is born I will still have a job
Laila: That is wonderful. Wait is it me or the car
behind us is following us ?
Tasha: Why would anyone follow us? I don't
think they can see us unless the windows are
down and they have been closed the whole time
Laila: I don't know maybe I am being paranoid
It's just that I crossed the road, he did now I just
turned and he did
Tasha looked back
Tasha: How do you know it's a he?
Laila: I am not sure I am just assuming. Let me
turn left . We will find another way to get home
even though it's gonna be long just to make sure
we are not being followed
Tasha was looking behind her looking at the car.
Laila turned left. Laila's phone rang. Laila
looked at it.
Tasha: why don't you answer your phone?
Laila: Traffic officers at this time are all over the
place I can't risk it. I don't want any ticket
Tasha: Okay then
Laila: Can you check if it's not following me
anymore ?
Tasha turned and looked behind her, She
quickly turned and looked infront of the car
Tasha: You are right they are following us
Laila: Damn it! they are trying to overtake !
Tasha: Drive faster!!!
Laila: How !? there are robots In front of...
A gun was pulled out from the other car. Laila
drove faster and crossed the red lights and so
did the car. Laila looked at the car. She quickly
looked at Tasha shocked
Laila: Tasha lie down!!!
" BOOM! BOOM! " shots were fired on the side
with Laila. Tasha lied down
Tasha: Oh My God!!!
Laila: Stay dow......
" BOOM! BOOM!! ' They continued shooting. We
heard Laila screaming in agony. She lost control
of the car.The car crossed the road. People were
crying and screaming. The shooters drove
through. Laila's car was not controlled. It ran
and hit a pole the windscreen broke. People
stopped their cars. They ran to the car and
looked inside the car. The front was messed up.
Both Passangers were out and there was blood
Person: Call an ambulance. They are both
bleeding and they are not breathing!!!
Person2: Call an ambulance now!!!
< Nomahelele >
I am looking at this cell phone. I don't know
whether I should take it or not. This is going to
wake up all the bad memories. Memories I have
been avoiding to relive. I hate this. I hate being
in a corner. I hate this position Cousin is trying
to put me in. I knew this day was not gonna end
well for me. I am not an emotional person but
when i think of my past. I just become an
emotional wreck. I hate that. The reason i left
them and went to be alone upstairs was because
of that. I hate when I am emotional. I asked
Hlohlesakhe to sleep at his house and not come
like he always does. I know I am not myself.
When I am nervous i want to drink. I am angry
that I cannot drink. I am angry at the fact that i
might be pregnant and I will want to drink
anymore, I just can't do it without alcohol. I was
angry that my cousin asked me to call May. Now
she heard my conversation with Nontorotyi. She
knows I do need this woman and I hate to admit
that I do
Nomakhosazana: Give her a phone call!
I looked up. She came to me. She took the cell
phone. She dialled the number.
Me: What are you doi....
May: Your highness
I gave her a death stare
Nomakhosazana: May your cousin sister wants
to speak to you
May: River?
Nomakhosazana gave me the phone
Me: May
May: Cuz How ar....
Me: This is not a friendly call !
May: O-kay what do you want then ?
Me: Your help
May: You're my cousin. I can so anything for
you. How much.....
Me: How dare you! I have my own money
May: Okay fine! what do you want ?
Me: I need to get rid of a body tomorrow around
10 am and I want it cremated and I need the
May: Well i stopped dumping bodies in dams
and burying them. That got me arrested........
Me: This is not about you May! are you gonna
help me or not!?
May: I am going to come there and.....
Me: I don't want to see you !!!
May: Okay I will send my private jet there to
fetch the body. You will get your ashes later little
Me: May
May: Yes ?
Me: This doesn't change anything between us!
May: I know. I will call you tomorrow......... ( tu tu
tu tu tu )
I threw the phone on my bed and broke down
Me: I just asked help from her!!!
Nomakhosazana: Cuz you know it's no....
Me: She worked.....
Nomakhosazana: She didn't know!
Me: She worked with him! He died now she
replaced him with his son!!!
Nomakhosazana: Mzala Aunt Florence never
told May what reason that made Mpingololo
abondan the family
Me: She knows! She knows now. She knows
what he did to me but she is still using that boy !
Nomakhosazana: A boy who is innocent. That
boy never done anything to you cuz
Me: This shows if he was still alive she was
gonna still use that man even when she learnt
about what he did !
She hugged me. I pushed her away
Me: Let go of me
Nomakhosazana: Cuz everyone wants May's
head! Everyone wants to kill her. Wouldn't you
have done the same if you were in her shoes?
She wants to stay protected! Cuz I know your
Me: No you don't!
She put her hers on her mouth and started
crying as well
Nomakhosazana: Trust me I know how you feel
I shook my head no I had hiccups
Me: You don't Know !
She was just crying looking at me
Me: You will never understand Because uncle
Mpingololo never raped you!
Me: He raped Me!
She pulled me into a hug and hugged me tight.
Nomakhosazana: I am so sorry




< Judge Makhosazana >
My heart is too heavy right now. I cannot
imagine how my cousin sister must be feeling. I
get why she is mad and honestly I thought
talking about this was gonna be easy, I wish I
didn't push her too because right now I see why
she has been avoiding this. This is a sensitive
matter. Maybe I should've let her talk to May
when she was ready to. Uncle Mpingololo raped
her when we were very young. May wasn't
really big part of the family because she lived in
Mthatha and she got married at a very young
age. I remember when she was in University I
was still in school. She didn't get a chance to
spend more time with cousin and all that and
because it was along time ago it was not easy to
communicate because there were not cell
phones. May never had time to go to Port
Elizabeth. She had to do medicine. She got
married to an old man at a very young age when
was a teenager. When our uncle raped our
cousin He disappeared. No one talked about this.
May didn't know about it. After so many years
later we heard that Mpingololo was visiting May
in her house in Centurion. That broke River and
her family. They didn't like it at all and they
were angry at my aunt Florence for forgiving
him and welcoming him in May's house. I
remember River's family never attended May's
mother's funeral because of that. Back then
May's life was upside down. I didn't want to
associate myself with her as well. I thought she
was a monster. The bodies that were found were
so many. I couldn't believe a cousin of mine
would do something like that. I am glad I
forgave her. I learnt to not judge. She was my
family. I had to reach out and find out why she
did the things she did and now i understand and
I get why she worked with our monster uncle.
She needed him and he really helped her. May
told me the horrific stories. I get why she had to
have a powerful witch doctor like him. River
needs to forgive. I understand it's not easy but
she must understand it's not May's fault. May
found out the real reason why uncle left PE
when he and aunt Florence were already dead.
It's aunt Flo who kept the truth from May. It's
just a messed up situation and May is made a
bad person for it. I am just glad she is not taking
it personally. With all the hate from River she
just find a way to make a joke about it. I guess
she is avoiding getting upset and I understand. I
don't want to see her upset and I am sure River
don't want either but they are both the same.
They just don't care. It's gonna be hard. I am just
glad she agreed to ask for help. River has been
through a lot. She never had sex with any man
after that rape. Chief Khabalandile was the first
man she slept with willingly and after that she
was able to sleep with others.
Anyway I comforted her. She fell asleep. i left
her. I am sure my sister in law is wondering
what took me so long upstairs. When i went
upstairs Chief wasn't here. I see him here now.
Princess Nomagampompo saw me. She stood up
Nomagampompo: She doesn't wanna come
down ?
Me: She just feels tired that's all
Hlohlesakhe: My Queen something is wrong
with River. She didn't seem okay after she broke
the glass
Nomagampompo: Yeah. What was that about?
I sat down.
Me: That was about Gedleza but she was the
only one who could see him
Hlohlesakhe: Did Deliwe put something in her
drink ?
Me: No, Gedleza don't want her to drink and it's
overwhelming to her. She really needed a drink
Nomagampompo: Does that mean....?
Me: Too early to tell
Hlohlesakhe: Wow. Very soon I will have my
son. Can i go see her ?
Me: I don't think that's a good idea. She said she
doesn't wanna be disturbed
Hlohlesakhe: Okay
I got a notification. It's her. She is up already.
Me: I will be right back
Nomagampompo: Okay
I walked up the stairs and went straight to her
room. I knocked once then opened the door.
Me: How are you feeling ?
Nomahelele: Good. I am sorry about what
Me: No! no need to apologise. I understand
Nomahelele: I am hungry, What time is it?
Me: we still have few minutes before supper
Nomahelele: Okay I need to brush my teeth
Me: Your husband is downstairs. I just told him
you don't want to see him tonight
Her: I asked him not to come i don't know why
he is here
Me: He loves you sis
Nomahelele: I love him too but I don't want to
see him when i am not okay. He is used to my
bubble self and I want it to stay that way
Me: You're right but you might see him when
you go down. Go brush your teeth I will wait for
She stood up
Me: Are you sure you want to do this tomorrow?
She turned around and looked at me.
Nomahelele: I am a woman of my words
Me: You gonna be a mother soon. Promise me
this will be the last time
Nomahelele: Nobody knows what the future
holds cuz so I cannot promise you that
She walked to the bathroom.

< Hungani >
I am driving home from Mpumalanga. I was
shooting there today. I had a very busy day. First
I had to go interview Tasha and I saw her in
action. She is very good even though I saw her
for a short period of time because of how busy
they were. We were shooting in between their
breaks. Later around 11am I was told that I have
to stand in for one of my colleagues. I had to
drive to Mpumalanga. I am very tired. I think
Tasha should just move over the weekend. Right
now I just wanna go to my apartment and sleep.
You know it's been hectic. I haven't had time to
think about what happened to Michaela. I am
really sad that she is gone. I didn't want to break
down in front of Tasha. I know girls get jealous
even by a dead person. I don't think she
would've loved to see me sad. I had to stay
strong because I don't want to upset her. We've
been mean to each other for a while. I want this
to work. I love her and I want a family with her.
Like I said before I was against what she did to
Elton but everyone deserves a second chance in
life. She is a mother of my baby and I do believe
she is a different person than she was before.
We will make this work and silence those who
doubt us.
Anyway I was speaking about Michaela.
Between the two she was the one i was hoping
that when I am tired of this whole arrangement
I might settle down with. She was beautiful,
Smart and calm. She wasn't a loud mouth like
Brianna. I have noticed when Priscella or Tasha
comes to my house Brianna is always the one
talking and sometimes even though she'd be
defending me. I could pick up some things I
don't like about her. I hope she doesn't hate me
for kicking her out. I did what's best for me and
my family and I hope she understands that.
Anyway I am actually close to Johannesburg. I
think I am one hour away. I heard my phone
rings. The call is from a number I don't know. I
Me: Hello ?
Caller: Hello. This is Detective Corben, I believe
you're a boyfriend of a young lady named Tasha
Me: Yes what happened to my girlfriend?
Corben: Sir come to the hospital. She got shot an
hour ago
Me: What!? Is my girlfrlend okay ?
Officer: The doctors are inside. They have been
there for a while We don't know what is going
Me: I will be right there!!!
I drove faster. What? This Elton boy did this for
real? How could this boy be so evil. He knows
she is carrying my child. How can he do
something like this to me why ? I swear i am
going to kill him with my bare hands when I see
him. My phone rang. I looked at it. It's Brianna
Me: Not now Brianna
I ignored her. She kept calling. I picked up
Me: Yes ?
Brianna: Someone is in a bad mood
Me: Brianna I am driving!!!
Brianna: Okay! I just wanted to tell you that I
arrived safe. It's been hours actually. I am sorry
I didn't cal....
Me: It's okay bye
I hung up. I don't have time for this. I just heard
Tasha is shot. I don't know whether they are
alive or dead. I don't care how Brianna arrived
in Cape town. The only person that matters right
now is Tasha and our baby.

< Priscella >
My feet hurts from running up and down
looking for Tasha. I swear if my brother would
see me right now, He would be so disappointed.
I am here driving around trying to save the
woman who hurt him. Tasha don't deserve this
but she is human and there is a human growing
in her stomach and I feel like the reason i am
going up and down is to make sure My brother
is not being blamed for this. I know somehow
him being away might not work. He is the one
who threatened her life and I know the first
place the police will run to is my house. I won't
have my brother locked up for something he
didn't do. I won't let him go to jail when I had a
way to stop this. I am willing to do whatever it
takes to make sure Brianna is caught and is
locked up for the rest of her life. I don't care if I
do something unlawful to make sure she spends
the rest of her life in prison. I can do anything to
make that happen. I know this girl will know
that I recorded her and come for me. I don't
know who she is and I don't want her to harm
me for me to know her. What I know is scary
enough. A girl died and I feel like that too
would've been avoided but I didn't think she
would kill her. You can't expect a supermodel to
be a murderer. I didn't think she'd do this. Yes a
part of me knew this could mean death but I
didn't think she was capable of that. When this
woman gets arrested she will find a way to get
to me and I won't let that happen. I will make
sure I use all the resources we have to make
sure she rots in there.
Anyway we just arrived at Laila's building. We
talked to mom she told me where to find her.
Sonia: I just hope we find them up there
Me: Me too
We got out of the car. We saw a lady walking out
of the building. She was wearing a Luxury Hotel
uniform. She is going to work.
Me: Hi! have you seen Laila ?
She looked at me then at parking lot
Her: That's her spot and her car is not parked
there. I don't think she is back yet
Sonia flipped her hair
Sonia: What are we gonna do ?
Me: Lets try her cell again
I dialled Tasha's phone. I looked at Sonia
Me: It's ringing!
I removed the phone from my ear. I looked at
the lady
Me: Thank you for your help
Her: You're welcome
I put the phone next to the ear. " Hello this is
officer Hank " What ? Did I dial a wrong
Me: Wait officer it's Priscella why do you have
Tasha's phone ?
Sonia looked at me curious
Officer: ma'am We are at the hospital she and
her friend were shot. We.....
" Doctor how are they? " I heard someone from
the backgroup asking the doctor. The officer
hung up
Sonia: What is it ?
Me: Tasha and her friend. I don't know whether
it's Hungani or Laila but she was shot with
Sonia: Oh My God let's rush to the hospital
Me: This is my fault
Sonia stopped running. She turned around.
Sonia: This is not your fault! You have been
trying to get hold of them the entire afternoon!
Me: Sonia if i didn't focus on hating Hungani I
would've saved them. I said I wanted him to get
burnt look now! I should have told him that
same day that psychopath told me what she was
gonna do
Sonia: What was gonna happen after ?
Me: They were gonna be more careful....
Sonia: No! Hungani was gonna say you're lying
and go confront that girl what do you think was
gonna happen after she learnt that you recorded
her ?
I swallowed hard
Sonia: Exactly! She was gonna kill You! That girl
is psychopath that needs to be stopped! and only
you and I can do it !
After she said that she ran to the car. I ran after
her wiping my tears. I got in. I dialled Elton's
Elton: Hey sis
Me: Gedleza was right !
Elton: About what?
Me: Tasha and her friend were shot today
Elton: What? Are they okay?
Me: I don't know we are heading to the hospital
right now
Elton: Sis what if they think I hired those people
to kill her?
I wiped my tears
Me: You have your sister to defend you. I won't
let that happen!
Elton: Prissy you're a business woman. You're
not a lawyer or the law for that matter
Me: I am going to show you
Elton: Okay. Good luck
I hung up then looked at Sonia.
Me: She has to be locked up tonight!
Sonia: The first officer we run into We give them
our theory
Me: Oh My God she actually did it ?
Sonia: We are dealing with a serial killer here
Me: I hope they are all okay including the baby

< Ms Refilwe >
You don't know how hard it is to lie to my
daughter. Priscella knows I am lying to her. I
cannot tell her I didn't carry her brother for
nine month. I feel like a failure for hadn't been
able to carry him but what comforts me more is
knowing that he has no stain of that woman's
genes in his body. My daughter would be hurt to
find out about this and i can't imagine how her
brother would take it. He would die. What
makes me more scared is thinking of what me
and my husband did. We stole the baby from
that woman. She was being selfish. That boy
wasn't hers. He is mine. She used my eggs. We
had no other choice and I hope God will forgive
me for that. I know the depression the surrogate
mother is going through might have been caused
by us stealing our child from her
Anyway I am sitting on the couch watching the
news drinking wine. I saw Cleopatra tidying up.
I saw a headline on tv.
Me: Cleopetra the volume please!!!!
Cleopetra took the remote and turned up the
volume. Oh My God this is like a movie. The
person was caught on camera shooting a car.
Me: Oh My God to think this happened just
metres away from my building!
I heard the telephone rings. I stood up
Me: I got it Cleo
I sipped my wine. I put it on the coffee table
then went the telephone.
Me: Seputla house Refilwe speaking
Security: Ma'am the police are here to see you
Me: Send them up
Security: Okay ma'am
I put down the phone then looked at the elevator
Me: The Police?
I heard the elevator beeps. I stood infront of it. I
wonder what happened. They walked in
Corben: Good evening Mrs Seputla
Me: You've become a regular in my house
Corben: I promised to come back if something
happened and it did. I am here to make an
arrest where is your son?
Me: What!? What did my son do?
Corben: Ma'am Someone Shot at Tasha and her
Me: What? are they okay ?
Corben: Tasha is being treated for shock and She
was cut by the glass but it's not bad. Her friend
was shot on the shoulder....
Me: Oh My God that was not my son
Corben: Ma'am How do you know? You're the
one who said....
Me: And i am the one who is telling you that my
son didn't do it! He is not even in Johannesburg
right now! He left with his sister in the morning
to Eastern cape to see our in laws my daughter
is back. He didn't come back. How about I call
him. I am sure you can differentiate between
Johannesburg and rural areas !
I walked to my phone. I video called my son
then went and stood infront of them
Elton: Ms Refilwe can I call you back I just got
back from Mthatha I need to take a shower
I saw the look in thier faces. Corben started
pacing up and down frustrated
Me: Wait! the detective is here! Get out of the
palace. I am sure it's not yet dark there. I want
you to show him you're not here !
Elton: Oh Damn my sister just called me telling
me this. I am glad I didn't leave with her anyway
give me a minute
He stood up and ran down
Detective: This is not necesa......
Elton: Detective !
Corben: Yeah I can see you're not here. I know I
can't arrest you because you have alibi but that
doesn't mean you didn't hire someone to do it.
Was this the plan
Elton: Detective my sister surprised me with a
trip in the morning. I didn't even know I was
leaving. You need to find the person who did
this because it wasn't me
Detective: Alright but I am on to you boy
Elton: Detective Off record......
What is this boy gonna say ? Detective looked at
Detective: Yes ?
Elton: I must say I am disappointed. I am mad at
whoever failed to kill her talk later
Me: Son!
Elton: No mom Detective are you still there !!!?
Detective: Yes?
Elton: I didn't do it but I hope she is dead
Me: EJ!!!
Elton: No mom! I don't understand why
everyone expect me to kiss her feet after
everything she is done to me! I don't care about
that girl. I don't want to kill her God knows I did
want to but she is not worth ruining my life for.
I am letting karma deal with her. I am wishing
you luck in finding Mr Karma because I wanna
shake his hand. I don't really care to know why
he did this but I would take my hat off to him. At
least he tried and failed unlike me !
Me: goodbye son!
I hung up
Me: Detective I am sorry about that. My son is
upset with that girl but he didn't do this. I want
you to find the person who did this because it's
not my son
Corben: We will be in touch Mrs Seputla
I smiled. They went to the elevator, Got in and
left. I let out sigh of relief then dialled The
Queen's number. I am speechless. Gedleza
saved my son.
Nomakhosazana: Hello Refilwe ?
Me: How does it work..... Do you pay Gedleza
when you go consult or you pay him monthly?
I wiped my tear
Nomakhosazana: He is a royal healer. It's his
permanent job so we pay him monthly. Wait did
something happen?
Me: The girl was attacked a moment ago and the
police were here looking for my son. I video
called him and the guys he went there with are
gonna be his witnesses. Detective saw my son is
at the farm though so I doubt he is in trouble
Nomakhosazana: That's great
Me: I want Gedleza to work for my family as
well with your permission of course
Nomakhosazana: I will summon him to the royal
palace and talk to him about it
Me: Thank you
I hung up then sat down then looked up.
Me: Thank you Lord




< Prince Nomgcwabe >
I spent Christmas with my family every year of
my life. Maybe it's time I change things. I want
to go spend Christmas in Johannesburg. I know
they won't be happy about this but I want to go
and have fun. I can't do that here at home. It
sucks being here. Everyday you listen to elders
talking about their problems and drama. When
you walk in on them talking you have to rush up
to your room because apparently some other
things we can't know about. It sucks. I will never
be treated like an adult. I mean they didn't tell
me who my father was because they didn't want
to humiliate the family. What about us? Why
everything has to be about family. What about
us? Do they care about how we feel? It sucks and
I understand their reasons because I grew up in
this family I know how it goes but come on.
They're selfish. I just need to leave town for a
while. I know it's not entirely their fault. If our
father loved us he would've reached out and he
didn't. He just came in and out of my home
pretending like everything is okay and we are
not his sons. What kinda man who doesn't feel
proud to have sons? He was an idiot and I don't
understand why i should mourn his death. I
mean even his golden daughter. A child he
raised is not mourning him. She is going around
trying to find a ROYALTY husband. This is
messed up. He was messed up and so is his
family. I am not interested to know anything
about them.
Anyway it's dinner time. I let Elton and Phonqa
walk down. I need to call my cousin. I dialled his
number. His phone rang. He answered on fifth
Masixole: Hey what's up?
Me: Remember Queen Priscella and Ms Refilwe
said I should come there for a tour ?
Masixole: Yes you're free to come that would be
Me: Well I am willing to take on that offer. I
don't know how my family will feel about me
spending Christmas there but I am going to try
and ask them
Masixole: Cool. You're welcome to come here.
Ms Refilwe and my wife would love go have you
in their home
Me: Thanks my king
Masixole: You're welcome cuz talk later and
good luck with them
Me: Yeah. I will need it
I hung up the walked out of my room. I headed
Queen: I was about to drag you out of that room
Me: Sorry my Queen. I was a little busy
Mom: Busy with what? work stuff? I thought we
closed for the holidays ?
I smiled at mom. I started dishing up for myself.
Mom looked at the Queen. They like doing that.
Me: Okay I want to go spend Christmas in
Johannesburg. I am planning to leave with Elton.
I stayed upstairs because I was on the phone
with the King and he says he doesn't see a
problem with that. What do you guys think ?
Queen: When is Elton Leaving?
Elton: I am leaving tomorrow your highness
Mom: You can't leave tomorrow
Queen: It is gonna be funny to have the
Christmas dinner without you...
Mom: My Queen you can't agree to This! you
Queen: If they want to leave together then they
will on Friday after the funeral. Prince you have
to go to your father's funeral with the family on
Elton: I am sorry about your dad man. Maybe I
should stay and go support you and maybe go to
my home with you afterwards well that's if your
mom agrees
I looked at mom
Mom: As long you're attending the funeral
Me: Okay I am going
Mom: Great thank you son
Phonqa: They don't know us. Are you gonna tell
them about us Friday ?
The queen looked at mom.
Mom: To avoid the drama we think we should
do it after the funeral. Nomaxabiso already
knows so we don't know about the rest of the
Queen: So the three of you including you Elton
are going to town again tomorrow to buy
yourselves new suits for the funeral
Elton: Sounds great
He looked at me. I smiled
I hope they won't tell them a day after the
funeral because I won't be here when they want
to see us. I want to stay in Johannesburg for a
few days.

< Algeraba >
Tomorrow it's Thursday and my sister, brother
in law and my nephew are leaving town.
Honestly I haven't decided yet. I am not sure
whether I should stay or go home. I feel like it's
just useless to go home at the same time it's
Christmas. It is best spent with family. I just
don't know why i should go home when I stayed
there the whole year looking for a job. One
month into my job I have to go home. This
doesn't make sense to me.
Anyway I am at Isaiah's house. it's great that my
sister and my brother in law know about my
sexuality. They don't ask me a lot of questions
when I don't sleep at home but they call to make
sure I am safe. I just took a shower. I had to
think. I am thinking about Nomgcwabe. I feel
like our conversation went better than I
expected. He even explained why he hasn't been
talking to me. Even though i was not happy by
what he called me but when i started thinking
about the call I was happy. I would rather have
him as a friend than not speaking at all
I felt arms hugging me from behind. I turned
around. Isaiah kissed me.
Isaiah: You like doing this
Me: What?
Him: Running to take a shower after sex. I want
to cuddle you know?
I kissed him
Me: Sorry babe. I don't know I felt dirty from all
the sweating
Him: Sorry I hope I didn't hurt you. It's just that
you're too hot tonight
I smiled then walked out
Isaiah: Let me go warm up the food. Please dress
up then come to the kitchen
I turned around and looked at him
Me: Okay baby
He walked out. I went to my toileties. I took my
lotion then heard my phone beep. I went and
took it. I looked at it
It's a message from Nomgcwabe. He says he
might spend Christmas here
Me: Oh My God!
Oh flip. I can't believe I got too excited and
forgot where I am. I heard the door open
Isaiah: You also just saw this ?
I went to him. I won't answer til I see it. I can't
tell him I am excited that a man is coming to
Isaiah: At least Tasha is okay ?
Oh My God what happened to her?
Me: What happened? I just saw this but I didn't
Him: Someone shot at them they say her friend
got shot.... Wait that's my friend Leila! baby
dress up! we have to go see her
Me: Oh My God of course!
I ran to my clothes. My phone ran. I went to it
Me: It's my boss
Isaiah: Answer !!!
I answered
Me: Hello Ma'am
Priscella: Sorry to call you so late. I have a
meeting at 9:30 at my house please remind me
in the morning!
Me: Okay I will write it down now
She hung up. I couldn't even ask her about
Tasha. I hope she knows.

< Claire >
You know the two hours I spent here waiting for
Junaid I would've spent them thinking of a way
to get back my man. Junaid first betrayed me
and gave my enemy my spotlight. This man
called me asking to see me at his studio. I came
here as fast as I could. I got here and he wasn't
here. Who does he think he is? I know he helps
us a lot but I don't deserve this treatment. I have
always been here for this man. He found that
old bitch now I don't matter anymore? I should
be out there trying to find ways to win my man
back but no. I am sitting here. While sitting here
I have been thinking. If Sonia and I didn't start
on the wrong foot I would be at her front door
right now asking her to help me win Hunter
back but how do I do that when I ruined things?
How do I do that when Hunter made sure I can't
contact him, Sonia and the kids? I feel like my
life is falling apart. What am I gonna do? I can't
live without this man. I love Hunter. I love him
so much and I wish he could see that.
Me: Only if He could give me two minutes of his
" What is this? " Said a voice behind me. I stood
up. It's Junaid.
Junaid: You talk to yourself now ?
Me: I have been sitting here for hours. Why did
you call me if you knew you wouldn't be here
when I arrive ?
He looked at me then walked to his office
Junaid: What is this now?
I followed him.
Junaid: Are you gonna attack me also ?
He opened his office door then walked in. I did
as well
Me: I am sorry about that. This had nothing to
do with the job
He turned around fast
Junaid: Like hell it didn't!!!
Oh My God he is livid. Why do I feel like this has
nothing to do with a photo shoot?
Me: Trust me it didn...
Junaid: You attacked Sonia because she wore the
show stopper dress. Tell me did you and I sign
anything about who wears the show stopper
I looked down
Me: No J it's just that you don't understand. That
Junaid: Was married to your boyfriend and you
are insecure. You think Your man is still in love
with her and you can't stand it!
I sat down.
Me: They had sex. How do you expect me to
trust them when they had sex while I was in the
Junaid: Why did you bring your personal life to
my show?
Me: I got jealous. She just takes everything from
Junaid: Sonia didn't take anything from you. I
asked her to wear the dress because she is a
celebrity and an influencer. This was a business
decision it had nothing to do with your personal
Me: To me it didn't look that way
He shook his head
Junaid: Unlike you I am a professional. I
wouldn't have called you here and make you
wait if it wasn't important. I was called by the
police. They have a lead and they arrested a
man who was selling my friend's neck piece. I
had to go there as for your unprofessional
Me: Please forgive me. I saw the papers. People
are bashing me
Junaid: Do you blame them? You are jealous of
her success ! Sonia may not lay assault charges
against you but I will do something!
Me: What? Please don't get me arrested I am
begging you
Junaid: I won't, But I am going to let you go. J
fashions can't be associated with a girl like you.
Claire you have no class whatsoever. I wish I
could take that body of yours and give it to some
of the models. You're useless
Me: Please don't fire me I am begging you
Junaid: Claire you're fired! my models are not
safe with you around here
Me: Please
He took his telephone
Junaid: I am calling security
Me: Okay ! okay I am leaving
Junaid: Off you go! I don't need your body
anymore go!
I walked out. What is wrong with me. Why
everything in my life is going so wrong? What
have I done to deserve this. This was the only
designer who paid well. Now I will live by the
small jobs I get from the shoots and tv ads

< Narrated >
At the hospital. We see Sonia and Priscella
arriving. They arrived at the same time as
Detective Corben and the other officer.
Priscella: Detective how are they ?
Corben: The lady I have been looking for
Priscella stopped running
Priscilla: You've been looking for me ?
Corben: Yes I have questions for you
Priscella: Sure
Corben: Why did you ambush your brother into
going with you to Eastern Cape ?
Priscella: Next month I am getting marry to a
king. Today I was meeting the people of that
village for the first time. I needed my family to
be there with me
Corben: Why didn't you go with your mother?
Priscella: My mother had a meeting in Cape
Town. I can see you just came back from my
house. She didn't tell you ? If you don't believe
me call O.R Tambo international airport they
will tell you
Corben: Ma'am your brother threatened to kill
that girl
Me: And he is not in town. I left him in Eastern
Cape. My brother is not your guy!
Sonia: Officers we have a theory. You're the ones
who are trained for this I am sure you will tell
us what this means
Corben: What theory is that ?
Priscella: I don't know if you guys know this but
Hungani is my ex boyfriend
Corben: I read about it yes
Priscella: And I am sure you read about the two
models he has been with
Corben: Yeah. one of them died last night
Priscella: I bumped into the one who is alive at
my building. She told me she was in love with
Hungani and if I am still in love with him I
should tell her. I said I am not then I asked her
what's gonna happen to the other model since
she is falling for him. That girl said she'd get rid
of her. I didn't think she meant murder but I did
record her though because I didn't like the
sound of her voice. listen to this .....
Priscella played the voice note. The officer
looked at Detective Corben
Corben: But this can't be a concrete proof to lock
her up.
Sonia: The model is dead. She just saw online
that Tasha and Hungani are together she tried to
kill her too!
Corben: No I don't think a woman can.......
Detective Corben's phone rang.
Corben: Sorry I have to take this
He put it on speaker
Corben: Molefe ?
Molefe: Detective we found the person who
killed the model and stole the jewellery
Priscella and Sonia looked at each other.
Corben: Who is it ?
Molefe: In Cape town they arrested a man who
was selling the Jewellery. Apparently he sold it
to someone who is a fan of Junaid the designer
and she has been following the case. She went to
the police
Corben: That's great! I will call you back
Priscella: Do you think this is a co-incident?
Corben: What!?
Sonia: Brianna and Michaela are from Cape
Corben: What !?
Priscella: This was clearly an inside job! She was
connected to that person. I think you guys need
to go to Cape town and look for the gun from
that guy's house or Brianna's house. Maybe you
might find the dresses there !
Corben: I hate to say this but your story is
starting to add up
Priscella: It's clear! That girl was trying to harm
Tasha because she wants to be with Hungani
Officer: And the robbery was to confuse us and
make us think They were not after her, They
wanted the dresses ?
Sonia: Exactly!
Corben looked at the officer
Corben: I think the forensic report is ready now.
They said We should give them an hour. If the
gun matches the one that killed the model then
we have our woman
Sonia: Hurry guys!
Corben: We actually came to tell Hungani that
Your brother is not in town but we will be back
later to inform him
Priscella: Okay
They ran to their car
Priscilla: We didn't even ask how are they
Sonia: Here is the doctor. Doctor how is Tasha
and Laila. They were shot.....
Doctor: Sorry I can't speak to journalists about
" What !? " Sonia and Priscella said at the same
Priscella: I feel insulted
Sonia: Girl have you seen the designer clothes I
am wearing? I am not saying journalists have no
style but doc take a good look at us
She looked at us
Doctor: Oh My God! Mr Seputla's daughter and
you're Kobus daughter ?
Sonia: Oh My God she knows us
Doctor: I am sorry. It's just that Hungani said we
shouldn't let any journalists in. Tasha is
perfectly fine. She just fainted and she is bruised
just a bit on her forehead.....
Priscella: And the baby?
The doctor smiled.
Doctor: There is nothing wrong with the baby
but her friend was in surgery 30 minutes ago
Priscella: What !?
Doctor: Unfortunately They shot her. It looks like
the gun shots came on her side
Priscella: Oh My god Is she gonna be fine
Doctor: She will be fine. You can go Join Tasha
and Hungani in there. Tasha is going home
tonight but I don't think she will leave her friend
Sonia: Thank you doctor
The doctor smiled then walked away.
Sonia: Friend breathe
Priscella breathe in and out.
Sonia: Lets go in
They walked to the door. They saw Hungani and
Tasha hugging. They opened the door then
walked In. Hungani broke the hug and gave
them deathstare
Hungani: What the hell are you doing here!?
Tasha looked at Priscella
Tasha: Are you here to check if your brother did
the job well guess what ? I am alive and his ass
is going to jail! for trying to kill me and Laila
Hungani: Get out! I am going to deal with your
brother!, out!!!
Sonia: Elton didn't try to do anything to anyone
Hungani: How do you know that! Elton is crazy!
he needs to be locked up !
Priscella: Don't you dare call my brother crazy!
if he is crazy you two are the reason for that!
Hungani: so this was revenge? What kinda rich
people are you? You're bunch of thugs you think
you can do anything and get away with it? You
are wrong this time ! I am going to get his ass
locked up!
Sonia: He just called us bunch of thugs
Priscella: I heard him and i regret driving
around town trying to save Tasha from getting
Tasha: What !? You knew Elton was gonna do
this? Why didn't you go to the police? What did
you want from Me? To get a score from Hungani
for trying to be my savoir?
Priscella chuckled shaking her head. She looked
at Hungani
Priscella: You just know how to choose them
Hungani: Get out you disgust Me!
Tasha: What do you mean by that ? what's is it
with us ?
Priscella: You got the man but you're still
insecure scared that I might want or take him
Tasha: Hungani and I love each other and....
Priscella: That is why someone is trying to kill
you for it !
Hungani: Is that a threat! is that a confirmation
that Elton did this ?
Sonia: EJ did not do this! in fact this is your fault
Hungani: Are you nuts ?
Priscella: It's your fault! You brought a monster
into you life! Made her fall for you now you're
leaving her for another woman!
Hungani: I made you fall for me ?
Priscella: Don't flatter yourself! I don't want you
Tasha: Wait who are you talking about Priscella
At least one person has a good ear in this
relationship. I can see she is catching up
Priscella: I don't remember when but last week I
got a visit from Brianna
Tasha put both her hands on her mouth tears
started streaming down her cheeks. Priscella
looked at her
Priscella: Are you okay?
Tasha: Go on
Hungani was looking at Tasha strangely like he
was suspecting she knows something.
Priscella: She came to ask me if I was still in love
with Hungani. I was surprised why she came to
ask me that after three years. I told her no. She
said I better be telling the truth because she is in
love with you
Hungani's eyes widened. Tasha was crying. She
had hiccups
Priscella: Because I knew you're sleeping with
both of them
Hungani looked down
Priscella: I asked her what's gonna happen to
the other model now that She caught feelings.
She said she'd get rid of her. I asked what she
meant by that here is what she said.....
Priscella played a voice note.
" Me: What does that mean ?
Briana: What ?
Me: You say you're going to get rid of her. What
do you mean by that?
Briana: It's none of your business "
Tasha: Oh My God
Sonia: Guess what ? last night she got rid of her
Hungani: Brianna is not capable of killing
Tasha: Don't be so sure!
They all looked at Tasha.
Hungani: What? Baby i know her more than you
Tasha: While she was hugging you crying this
morning She threatened to cut my throat. She
used a gesture she didn't want you to see it
Hungani: Why didn't you tell me ?
Tasha: Because you're a man and....
Sonia: Men are Naive and you just proved that !
Hungani started pacing up and down
Hungani: It was a heist. How did she hid the
dress and the jewellery?
Priscella: Maybe you should ask her because her
accomplice was arrested in Cape town selling
the Jewellery
Sonia: He hadn't said anything about Brianna
but She was involved somehow we know !
Hungani: What.....
His phone rang. He looked at it
Hungani: It's Detective Corben let me....
Sonia: Put him on speaker I am sure he got the
Hungani: Detective?
Corben: Mr Oliphant the forensic report shows
that the gun that was used to kill Michaela is the
same gun that shot at your girlfriend I hope
Priscella and Sonia are still there because we
need that recording
Priscella: We are on our way
Corben: Great meet me at the station
They hung up
Sonia: Babe our job is done here let's go.....
Hungani: Priscella I am so.....
Priscella didn't wait for him to finish his apology
Priscella: I wasted my time running around the
streets of Johannesburg in heels! pregnant!
trying to save a woman who almost killed my
baby brother with drugs!....
Tasha put her hands on her mouth tears
streaming down her cheeks
Priscella: when i should be at home spending
time with my husband who just came back from
home !
Hungani: I am so.....
Priscella: Tasha
Tasha: Yes
Priscella looked at Hungani
Priscella: And you!
They looked at Priscella with eyes popped out.
Priscella: Leave my baby brother the hell alone!
Elton doesn't want to kill you. We spoke to him if
anyone you should watch your backs from it's
both your demons
She said pointing at both of them
Priscella: Everything that is happening in your
lives it was invited by you!
Priscella looked at Tasha
Priscella: I do not like you and I am sure you
know it but unlike you, I am not evil like you
and I hope today proves that because I have
been going around the city trying to warn you
about that woman and I pray you've changed
and you two will work out
Tasha: Thank you
Priscella looked at Hungani.
Priscella: My name must stay out of your mouth.
You will get me killed by your psychopathic
Hungani: You can't believe everything that is
said by Brianna
Sonia walked and stood next to Priscella. She put
her arm on Priscella's shoulder
Sonia: Brianna can be dangerous but at least she
is not a liar. She just tell you what's gonna
happen and it happens and she is always
accurate so please don't insult our intelligence
You Do talk about Priscella a lot. She just said
her name must stay out of your lips and all she
is expecting from you is a yes ma'am
Sonia: Let's go babe
Priscella: The judge might not believe what's in
this recording. I am sure there is video footage
in my building that shows that i did bump into
Brianna that day. I am willing to go to my
building to take the footage and go to them with
Priscella walked away. Sonia looked at Hungani
and Tasha
Sonia: I feel sorry for that baby. I hope you
become good parents to it I mean it from the
bottom of my heart and Tasha.....
Tasha looked at Sonia
Sonia: Not everyone is out to snatch your man.
It's your job honey. Priscella has a man and she
is happy
Sonia walked away. Hungani looked at Tasha.
Hungani: We never give her time to explain. We
always insult her....
Tasha looked away
Tasha: And we always end up looking like fools




< Priscella >
I have no choice but to tell my man and mom
about Brianna's visit. I hate keeping a secret and
I hope this won't make Masixole angry. I didn't
do anything wrong though. I just didn't tell them
about something that I didn't think they needed
to know. I just hope this won't cause tension
between me and my man. I don't like doing or
saying anything that involves Hungani because
he has been obessesd with me for a long time. I
don't know why he doesn't let go. He keeps
dating people who are close to me and I always
see myself involved somehow in his drama. I
hate it. I hope he grows up. Did you see how
they insulted me in there ? They reminded me of
the morning I found them at Hungani's kitchen
so happy. They thought I went there because I
was jealous. Even now Tasha was starting to
accuse me of things that are not even there. I
don't know when will these girls stop being
insecure and get that I am no longer interested
in that man. What makes me even more angry is
the fact that I am happy and getting married.
Why they always think my eyes are fixed in
their man when I have mine. Maybe what
Brianna said is true. Hungani can't stop talking
about me.
Anyway after we stopped by the station Sonia
had to go fetch her kids and go home. I am
home, I am home too. I want to tell Mom and
Masixole. I am glad they are together. Masixole
was just on the phone. I smiled at mom while
waiting for Masixole to finish talking on the
phone and he did then he came. He Kissed me
then sat down
Masixole: That was Nomgcwabe he wants to
come with Elton
Me: That is great! Elton needs company
Mom: And he must be given a tour. He can't
follow Elton footsteps. He must learn about the
Masixole: I will make sure I give him a tour
My mom's phone rang. I am nervous to tell them
about this but I have to and these phone calls
are not helping. They kept interrupting us.
Mom: It's your brother
Me: Take it
She put him on speaker.
Mom: Hey honey
Elton: Hey mom I am coming back Friday
afternoon tell the pilot
Mom: Remind me tomorrow baby
Elton: Alright later good night
Mom: Night I love you
Elton: I love you too
They hung up. Mom looked at me.
Refilwe: The police were here. They wanted to
arrest Elton. Gedleza was so spot on!
Masixole: I saw them speaking to you while I
was drinking with Aaron
Me: Guys I wanna talk to you about something
They looked at me
Mom: Sweetheart where have you been ? Why
did you want Tasha's address?
Me: I am sure now you know Why
I went and sat next to my man. I kissed him
Masixole: Hey love
He smells alcohol. I can see he is tipsy. His eyes
are more sexier now.
Mom: Because of what Gedleza said? You
wanted to give her a heads up?
Me: That and more
Masixole: What do you mean ?
Me: I know who shot the supermodel at the
fashion show
Masixole: What !?
Mom: Who did it ?
Me: Last week. I don't remember the day. I was
in a meeting downstairs at bakery. After that
meating, A girl came to me. It's a model from
Cape town. Her name is Brianna. She is one of
the models who hangout with Hungani
Masixole: What did she want ?
Me: She came to me to ask if I am still attracted
to Hungani
Masixole: What !? why would she ask you that?
Me: I had the same reaction and question
because I broke up with that man years ago but
she explained herself. She said Hungani always
talks about me and she told me she has real
feelings for him and she would hate if I would
ruin that. She wanted to know if I was in love
with him so that if I am not she could start a
relationship with him. I told her I don't love that
man. I am even getting married. I asked her how
is the relationship gonna work because there's
two of them that girl said she'd get rid of her
friend and be with Hungani
Mom: What ?
Me: Yes mom I asked her what did she mean by
that she said it's none of my business. I have all
that on record
Masixole: So that girl killed her friend?
Me: Unfortunately. And I didn't say this to
anyone. I said it to Sonia. I couldn't go tell
Hungani and give him a crazy idea that I care
about him. So this Elton Situation helped me
help the police to find out the killer and I did
Mom: Wow sweetheart
Me: So when I went to see Sonia. I told her what
happened in Eastern cape. She said we should
look for Tasha and warn her but we were too
late. I did All this to save my brother. I knew
even if he is not here they might say he paid
someone to do this
Masixole: The police believed you ?
Me: At first they didn't. Then the jewellery was
found in Cape Town. They started believing me
Then later when we were at Hospital the police
called confirming that the gun that killed a
model is the gun that shot Laila
Masixole: Laila the chef who always bake cakes
for us?
Me: Yes baby. Tasha was lucky but Laila was
shot. She is alive and I feel bad I left the hospital
before seeing her. I just couldn't stand the
presence of Hungani
Mom: Did something happen?
Me: We spoke to the detectives outside. It was
before they spoke to him and Tasha. Because of
the information i gave them and the phone call
They had to leave so when we walked in
Hungani and Tasha chased Sonia and I away
accusing Elton of this whole thing. They insulted
me mom
Refilwe: They assumed it was him ?
Me: Yes. The call from the detective telling them
about the forensic saved me
Mom: That Tasha girl has some nerve to throw
insults at you when we are here because of her.
She is the reason for all this
Me: Both of them actually
Masixole: I think we should go see Laila
Mom: I agree
Me: Let me go get a jacket. It's kinda cold
Masixole: Don't worry I will go fetch it for you
Me: Thank you baby
He kissed me then walked away.
Mom: The reason you didn't tell us....
Me: It's embarrassing to be confronted for other
man when you're marrying another one
Mom: I know but your fiancé is a great guy. Like
you saw right now. He is not mad at you because
you didn't do anything. He knows it's not your
fault Hungani can't let go of you
Me: Yeah.... if it was another guy we would be
having a different conversation. He is amazing. I
always think he is like other men. Moments like
this make me guilty because everyday he proves
to me that he is unlike the other men. He is
Mom: He is a perfect man for you sweetheart
I looked at mom then smiled
Me: That's why I love him

< Nontorotyi >
I know I won't be forgiven over night. I know I
disappointed my husband and it will take time
for him to forgive me. I am willing to wait but
the silence treatment is killing me. This man
walked in, He took his pyjamas and a blanket.
He walked out. He didn't say anything to me and
that breaks my heart. I don't know what I will do
this time to win him back but a part of me is
happy because I know the person who makes
him feel like he doesn't need me is Nomahelele
and her days are numbered hare, Did I just say
days? No I meant hours.
I am a woman who was born and raised it a
very rural place. I got married in rural areas. I
don't know nothing about Ashes. That whole
thing creeps me out. I wouldn't think of it in a
million years. That was all Zinyovile. If I was
alone. I was gonna call for her to come and
explain to me why she suggested this. I am with
Notumata and Nontwana. I missed my children
so much. I missed their sister as well but she has
been cold to me. Speaking of their sister. I saw
the door open. She walked in with a cup of
coffee. Is it mine?
Ngejiwe: Girls go to bed it's late
They stood up
Me: Give mom kisses before you go
They kissed me. One on one cheek one of the
other. They walked out and closed the door.
Ngejiwe: I made you coffee
She is smiling but I see sadness in her eyes.
What is wrong. I looked at her coffee. What if
this girl wants to poison me and she feels like
she doesn't like what she is about to do and I am
forcing her to kill me?
She chuckled when she noticed I was just staring
at the cup of coffee. She sipped on it
Ngejiwe: You're my mother I wouldn't poison
She snapped. I feel bad for thinking that. I took
the cup
Me: No baby I wasn't thinking that. I just noticed
you look sad
I said sipping on it. She sat on my bed.
Me: What is it honey ?
Ngejiwe: Elton is back and He keeps making me
feel like a whore who was after his money
Me: Oh honey. I am sorry. I heard a plane
making noise. It was close. I kinda figured it was
the billionaire. Is he here alone?
Ngejiwe: I couldn't go inside the palace. I spoke
to him outside. He insulted me mom I had to
Me: I am so sorry my love. Tell me are you still
in love with him ?
Ngejiwe: No! I hate him !
Me: Okay okay i understand
Ngejiwe: Mom why am I struggling to find real
love? I am a royal princess. All men should want
I looked down. I can't do this. She is making me
feel guilty of the truth about her background. I
am about to kill her uncle just to make sure she
doesn't find out. Ngejiwe is very proud to be a
princess. She loves it. If I were to tell her, I don't
know what would happen.
Ngejiwe: Mom are you listening to me ?
I snapped out of it.
Me: Tell me about Velezantsi. Did you fix things?
Ngejiwe: No mom. He and Notiniphu betrayed
I stood up
Me: That boy is stupid. How can He leave you for
a servant! a poor servant!
Ngejiwe: Maybe he is trying to hurt me the same
way I hurt him. I lied to him mom. I was ready
to leave him for Elton and that loose maid took
advantage of that and took him from me
I put my cup on the dresser. I hugged her
Me: I am sorry baby. I am so sorry
She cried in my arms. I am just happy she is
opening up to me. Her mother not some queen
of some cattle. This is my daughter. Mine!
Anyway I broke the hug. I took my jacket from
my wardrobe
Me: I will be right back
Ngejiwe: Mom you just got out of hospital. I hope
you are not going to get yourself in trouble
Me: Just taking a walk baby. I can't stand seeing
you hurt like this. I love you and you're my
baby. When you hurt I do too
Ngejiwe: I am sorry. You're injuried and I go on
about My problems. I shouldn't be talking.......
Me: Nonsense! if you don't talk to me who will
you talk to ?
She smiled. I went and kissed her cheek
Me: I am taking a walk. Your father don't speak
to me. I need to clear my head okay ?
Ngejiwe: Okay
I smiled at her then turned around and walked
to the door.
I am angry as hell at that boy. Who the hell does
he think he is hurting my daughter? I walked
out of my yard. I headed straight to Velezantsi's
house. I see the lights, sorry I meant the candle
is on at his house. He and I need to talk. I got to
the door and knocked.
" Who is it? " He said inside. I won't answer that.
I opened the door. This is cosy...... Notiniphu is
here. They are not sleeping yet. It's a little to
early for her to be here. It's just after 8pm
Velezantsi: Mrs Ndengana
Me: Nontiniphu did you wash dishes at the
Notiniphu: Mrs Ndengana I wouldn't be here if I
didn't. I take My job seriously
Me: You're right but I want you gone because I
need to speak to your boyfriend in private
She kissed Velezantsi
Notiniphu: I will be right back baby
Velezantsi: Sure babe
She walked to the door and walked out. She
closed the door. I turned around and looked at
Me: When I get home I am telling My husband
that you're ready to pay R8 000 rands for
Me: I will also inform him about how you
humiliated his daughter. You know what? on
second thought I don't want your dirty money!
all i want is you and your family gone and I will
use tonight very wisely and persuade my
husband to banish your entire family from this
village now is that what you want?
He got teary
Velezantsi: No! Of course not Mrs Ndengana. My
mother is excited to work on the job
opportunities that are coming. We can't afford
to be.....
Me: I made my daughter a whore something she
would never dream of doing, you know why I
did that?
Velezantsi: No ma'am
Me: Because I was trying to protect your broke
arse and your family and I failed but you....
He looked terrified
Me: You should thank me for trying but you
know what? It's not too late to shatter all that
dream job your mother has
Velezantsi: Please ma'am. I could do with some
help. Two salaries in this family would make a
Me: Then do the right thing
Velezantsi: Anything ma'am
Me: Tomorrow you're going to go to My
daughter and Tell her how sorry you are for
leaving her.....
Velezantsi: But ma'am you attacked me in the
dark because you didn't want us together
Me: Of course I didn't you idiot!. She is a
princess but back then I didn't know you
damaged her already!
Me: You're going to Tell her you wanted to hurt
her the way She hurt you but because you love
her so much you're tired of pretending to love
that servant! you want her back and you are
going to treat her like the princess she is! are
you gonna do that or not?
Velezantsi: I will
I smiled. I went and kissed his cheek then
tapped it
Me: Good boy I will delay the damages till you
have all the money
Velezantsi: Thank you ma'am
Me: You're always welcome
I walked out of the door, i closed it then
chuckled when I saw Notiniphu standing at a
distance waiting for me to leave.
Me: You can go to your boyfriend now
She didn't say anything. She walked to the door.
He better do the right thing and dump that bitch

< Tasha >
I feel so bad for thinking Elton did this. I know
he wanted to harm me as well but for me to
think he did it makes me feel bad and I think
what makes me feel more bad is how good his
family has been treating me. Trying to help me
stay alive. Priscella was looking for me. I
listened to the voicemails she left me. She really
wanted to save me and I feel bad that I always
think she wants Hungani. She has never given
me that impression. It's just that knowing she is
his ex alone makes me jealous. Priscella is a
beautiful black woman. She is successful and
rich. As a white woman dating a hot black man
it's hard to think I am good enough for him and
that he won't look at a woman who looks like
him. That is the only thing that makes me
insecure when I see her around my man. I am
willing to grow up though. Treat her with
respect and trust my man more around her but
that's if he gives me a reason to.
Anyway we are sitting here in Laila's ward
waiting for her to wake up. They said she'd wake
up soon. It's just me and Hungani. I am so scared
of what she Will say when she wakes up. This
girl is lying in this bed because of me. I am the
reason she is here and I feel really bad. I feel
bad that she protected me and took a bullet that
was meant for me. I regret not telling Hungani
about Brianna's intimidation. If I did he
would've confronted her and I don't think she
would've done this if he did.
Me: I should've told you she wanted to kill me
Hungani: Baby you didn't know she wasn't just
trying to scare you. I didn't know she was
capable of this either
Laila opened her eyes
Me: Oh My God
Laila looked at me then closed her eyes looking
relieved and emotional
Laila: Oh Thank God
Me: Hey you're awake
We heard a knock at the door. Mrs Seputla,
Priscella and Her man walked in with Isaiah and
some boy I don't know.
Refilwe: Good evening everyone
A tear escaped Laila's eye. I hope she doesn't
think what we were thinking As well. Elton
didn't do this.
Priscella: Laila it's good to see you're okay
She started crying
Me: I am so sorry friend for doing this to you.
Your life was drama free before I moved in with
you forgive me
Refilwe: Laila my son didn't do this to you. I
came to tell you that so that you don't hate him
and think he did this
Laila: I know. I know he didn't do this
Me: You do?
Laila looked at me.
Laila: I saw the person who shot me
Hungani: Who is he? Do you know him ?
Laila: Her
Priscella: Oh My God so she pulled the trigger
Laila looked at me
Laila: When I saw her eyes. I knew it was her. I
knew who it was I asked Tasha to lie down. I
thought she wouldn't shoot if she didn't see her
She looked at Priscella
Laila: The guy was driving. She was the one
shooting. She had balaclava on. When she shot
me and she noticed I lost control and I drove out
of the road, she took the balaclava off then
smiled. Her smile was the only thing I saw
Refilwe: Oh My God She is crazy
Hungani: I can't believe I lived with an evil girl
like that
Laila: You guys know it's her?
Priscella: Yes I told the police who I am
suspecting and they found some evidence that
kinda point at her. The gun that shot you is the
one that shot her friend
Laila: Oh My God so she wants to be with
Hungani. So when she threatned you Tasha she
wasn't playing?
Me: Yes She wasn't
Hungani: Wait Laila you knew about this ?
Me: I told her at lunch time today. I wanted to
ask her for advice because I was afraid you
might not believe me
Laila: Are you still pregnant?
Everyone looked at me. I put my hand on my
Me: by the grace of God yes
Laila: Thank God
Refilwe: How are you feeling though?
Laila: Dizzy. Maybe it's the pills. Thank you for
coming ma'am I appreciate it
Refilwe: No problem. My daugher came back
from Eastern cape Saying She left Elton there
because Something was gonna happen that
might lead to him going to jail for something he
didn't do
Priscella: That is why I came back and started
looking for all of you. I am sorry that i was too
Laila: No It's okay. At least you helped the police
Priscella: Lets hope they find everything at
Brianna's place in Cape Town
Me: I hope they find her. That girl is going to kill
me if she is out there free
Masixole: Maybe Hungani should've been
straight up with her and stop playing with girls
Masixole said giving Hungani death stare.
Priscella smiled
Hungani: Dude I told that girl I am with Tasha.
We are having a baby. How was I supposed to
know she was a psycho?
Masixole: You spent a lot of time with two girls
you were not dating. Did you really expect them
to play your games with no attachments? Dude
if you can't be with one girl be a porn star or
Hungani shook his head
Refilwe: Okay boys that's enough
Masixole: I wish I could say good riddance but
no I can't because this girl is hurt
Hungani: Dude shut up!
Masixole: Or what? What are you gonna do ?
Refilwe: Enough!!!
I don't understand why Priscella is smiling. She
should stop her man. He is out of control. He
didn't say anything since he got in. Now one
word comes out of his mouth is this? I don't like
this. I feel like this is more about Priscella than
the situation at hand.
Masixole: Ms Refilwe I have to say this
He looked at Hungani
Masixole: If I ever hear that one of your bitches
are harassing my wife again. I will deal with you
Hungani: Boy I didn't send Bria.......
Masixole came to us fuming
Masixole: What did you just call me?
Priscella: Baby don't do this !!!
Priscella stood in front of her man. I just
remembered what she did for me when Elton
almost killed my child
Hungani: Let him com....
Priscella turned around fast and gave Hungani
death stare
Priscella: You shut up!!!
Priscella: You're the reason that psychopath
came to my house! you're the reason my brother
was gonna sleep in a jail cell for something he
didn't do! You're the reason my brother was the
first suspect to begin with. This is all your fault !
My name must stay out of your mouth. We
broke up over three years ago! Move on and
stop targeting people around me!!
Hungani: What are you on about? I have a
girlfriend and I love her
He put his arms around me . I smiled faintly. I
feel like a whore of the hour. I am so
embarrassed to be in this situation in front of
Elton family.
Refilwe: A girlfriend of two days ? this girl came
to my house a day ago wanting to be with my
son. Now already you're in love?
Hungani looked down
Refilwe: There is a reason that woman went to
see my daughter and I know it has nothing to do
with my daughter. It has something to do with
Refilwe: Fix it.......
Refilwe looked at Hungani then at me.
Refilwe: And love this girl the way my son did !
Oh My God I couldn't hold my tears back when
she said that. I broke down.
Masixole: Laila get better soon
Laila: Thank you
Masixole: Let's go guys
Isaiah: Algebra and I will stay a little longer
Refilwe looked at Hungani. Priscella and
Masixole walk out hand in hand. Refilwe walked
out. I wiped my tears. Hungani looked at Laila.
Hungani: Your car is a messed up but don't
worry i will fix it. I am really sorry for putting
you through this
Laila: You don't have to do that
Hungani: I want to please let me. I already sent
the car to be serviced. And I am paying for the
hospital bills as well
Laila: Thank you
This made me more worried. I know I am in love
and I believe Hungani is as well but what just
happened makes me doubt a lot of things. They
are right. Brianna knows why she went there.
They just said three years. Why would Hungani
still talk about her? He is still in love with her. I
am hoping that he will fall for me soon. Refilwe
said something. She said Hungani should love
me the way Elton did. That man loved me and i
broke his heart. I feel so bad. I turned him into a
monster. Elton would never wish to harm me
but after what I did he wanted to. I feel like a
whore of the year.

< Brianna >
I am not the kinda girl who throws money
around and get the job done. I get my hands
dirty. I am a very crazy girl. At the fashion show
I followed Michaela to the bathroom with my
handbag. I had my gun in it. I called my cousin
who was outside. I asked him to go to the
window because it was time. When I got to the
bathroom I took off my dress and the jewellery
then I waited for her to come out. She opened
the door and the gun was already pointed at her.
I asked her to take off the dress. She thought I
was bluffing for a second but she noticed i
wasn't. She took it off. I shot her three times. The
last shot I shot the wall next to the door. I
quickly threw the clothes out of the window
then put the gun in my handbag. I heard people
running. I made sure they find me crying
hugging Michaela. All of it was planned and
things went exactly as planned. I asked my
cousin to take a flight to Cape town and He did.
He arrived. Sent the dresses to laundry. He sold
the jewellery which I regret now because he is
arrested for it. Around midday he came back. I
told him I need him to drive a car that I
borrowed from some guys in Benoni. The car is
used for racing. That was the car he drove when
I was shooting that bitch. I saw Tasha going to
the car. I just pray the other girl didn't get
harmed. I don't know what disturbed me. I am
not sure if that car was Tasha's or her friend. A
track stopped infront of it when we were in the
car waiting for them to drive so when I was
shooting I didn't know who was in the driver's
seat. I love Hungani and I hate that it's easy for
him to let me go just like that. When i hear the
news of Tasha's death I will fly to Johannesburg
tomorrow and be this supportive friend. Next
week I am going to New York to meet some well
known models. In Cape town they chose me and
I have sponsors who are paying for everything. I
am planning to sell the dresses in New york.
I am smiling because I am looking at them. They
are on my bed. I took the gun. I put it in my shoe
box. I went to my closet. I put it there. I walked
out. I took my phone then walked out checking
the news in my phone. I really feel bad for my
cousin. I am just happy that he is loyal and he
won't rat me to the police.
Me: Wait what !?
This can't be! They say Tasha is not harmed at
All! no! this can't be
Me: Dammit she is alive!!!
" Who is alive? " Oh no i know that voice I froze.
I know it's mom. I hate what she always does. I
quickly turned around
Me: Mom
Mom: Who is Alive!!?
I smiled then walked passed her.
Me: Just a character in my tv show. I thought
they killed it. I heard yesterday.....
Mom: Stop lying to me!!!
She snapped. I turned around and looked at her
Mom: It was you wasn't it ?
Me: Me what Mom?
Mom: Stop playing dumb with me! it was you
who put your cousin brother in trouble!!
I looked down
Mom: You....
She started breathing heavily pointing a finger
at me.
Mom: You sent your cousin to steal from that
designer didn't you?
Mom: Did you ask him to kill your friend as well
Me: Of course not Mom! it was an accident!
Mom: OH my God
Me: Come on mom please don't make me feel
bad more than I do!
Mom: How could you do this !? Brianna you
don't need money! you are one of the best
models and you're paid a lot. You didn't do this
just to steal that jewellery and two dresses!!!
Me: You saw the dresses?
Mom shook her head in disbelief
Mom: Your cousin came here. He brought them
here from the laundry! I saw them and they are
exactly the same as the ones I saw on the news!
I sat down
Me: I am sorry mom
Mom: You are not a thief. I know you. I gave
birth to you. What was the plan. This heist thing
was just to confuse people !
Me: I....
Mom: You better tell me the truth girl! you know
I am your mother and I know when you are
lying so I dare you to lie to me
I broke down. I don't know what to say to my
mother. She knows me. She knows when I am
lying that is why I never lie to her. Anyway I
stood up wiping my tears. I looked away. I heard
her breathing like an angry snake behind me.
Mom: One lie out of your mouth..... I am going to
the police and I am going to tell them your
cousin wasn't working alone
I quickly turned around
Me: Okay! okay !!!
Mom: Speak!!!
Me: As you know Michaela and I were seeing
Hungani Oliphant
Mom: Yes ?
Me: I have realised that I was falling in love with
him and I noticed that my chances to be with
him were slim. He liked her more than he liked
Mom: So you thought you should kill your friend
for a man who doesn't love you ?
Me: I know Mom I feel bad
Mom: How can you do this? How do you expect
me to look at that girl's mother?
Me: I am sorry
Mom: I know my nephew is a coward. He
doesn't have it in him. He would never kill
anyone which leaves you....
Me: Mama please
Mom: Did you pull the trigger on your best
friend ?
I sat down crying
Mom: Answer me!!!!
She snapped. I cried harder. She came and sat in
front of me. She aggressively pulled up my face
so I could look up
Mom: Brianna I asked you a question! did you
kill your best friend into cold blood?
Me: Yes! Yes! I killed her! I shot her mom!!
My mother put both her hands on her mouth
Mom: Who are you?
I stood up
Me: I am in love with him. I love him so much I
thought when I am the only one around he'd
love me
Mom: And live happily ever after?
I didn't answer that, I just cried.
Mom: If that was the plan then what are you
doing here ? Why ain't you with him?
Me: After I killed Michaela I found out that he
moved in with a girl he impregnated
Mom: Are you gonna kill her as well?
I put my right hand on my forehead. She has no
idea I tried and failed.
Mom: Answer me!!!!
I took my phone. I went to the news. I showed
Mom: What is this ?
The anchor started talking .
Anchor: An actress and Instagram business
woman was shot at today by an unknown
Mom paused then looked at me ..
Mom: Wait the headline here has Hungani's
name written on it. What does this girl hav.....
Me: It's his new girlfriend mom. I tried to kill her
as well and failed
Mom: Oh My God!!!
Me: Mom I am out of control
Mom: Oh My God you're going to get arrested!
what is wrong with you ?
Me: My cousin won't tell them. He will take the
Mom: How sure are you? What if he starts
getting scared there and talk then what ?
Me: He won't talk I trus........
A loud knock came at the door. I looked at mom.
Mom: Who is it?
" It's the police open up!! "
Me: Oh My God mom!
Mom ran to me. She pulled up my top. She
wiped my tears with it
Mom: Listen here. You need to pull yourself
together. You said you trust your cousin and he
won't talk so stick to that ! you don't know
" If you don't open up we are kicking this door "
He said hitting the door. I quickly wiped my
Mom: Coming!!!
She ran to the door Then opened. Oh My God.
Why so many ? About five police walked in.
Officer: I am Detective Davis. We are here to see
Me: It's Me. Is everythin....
I saw two police offices taking my hands and
putting them behind me cuffing me
Me: What is going on ?
Mom: What did my daughter do?
Me: I didn't do anything
Detective: Officers I want you to search the
entire house! put on gloves and turn everything
upside down !
Officers: Yes detective
Mom looked at me scared Oh my God the gun
and the dresses I am doomed. I am going to jail.
How did they find out. Did my cousin rat Me? He
wouldn't. He knows my reputation is very
important to me and our family but who did?
Detective: Brianna. You're under arrest for the
murder of a supermodel you know very well,
Attempted murder of Laila and Tasha and for
the heist you at J Fashions and more charges I
didn't mention....
Me: No! she was my friend
Mom: Michaela and my daughter were best of
friends. She wouldn't do.......
" Officer we got some things " Oh My God. We
turned and looked at them. Mom put her hands
on her mouth when she saw the dresses.
Detective looked at mom
Detective: You were saying ma'am?
Mom: Nothing ! what are these doing here
Detective: Come on ma'am you're smarter than
Me: I don't know who put those in my room.
They are trying to frame me!
Another officer came out running
Officer: I found this gun in the closet
The detective looked at Me
Detective: It looks like you're going to be in your
next flight back to Johannesburg, The difference
this time is that you will be in a jail cell not a
luxury hotel !
Me: No!



< Priscella >
The only thing that is in my head right now is
prayer. I want the police to go to Brianna's
house and find a gun and the fashion show
material she stole. I want them to arrest that
girl. She is dangerous. I can't believe she fooled
Hungani for so long. This girl has been sleeping
with him for over three years. How come he
didn't know this about her? Or maybe she hid
this very well. That alone makes her more
dangerous. I hope getting her behind bars will
stop her from doing things. The video footage I
just saw doesn't show her face but there was
two of them in the car And I pray the person
they arrested in Cape Town is her only
accomplice otherwise if not, Tasha and I are not
safe at all. The reason I desperately want them
to find these things at her house is not only to
prove my brother's innocent, I Don't want them
to use the recording in court. I don't want to
make an enemy of a serial killer. I am scared of
her I won't lie but at the same time I want them
to use everything to make sure she spends the
rest of her life in prison and if I want that then
the recording has to be heard in court and that
will make me a witness. God this is going to be
too much for a pregnant woman who is
planning a wedding.
Anyway we just got home from the Hospital.
Mom just walked up. I am in a couch with my
man. I want to apologise to him for all the
drama at hospital. It was very sexy to see him
angry though. I have never seen him like that. I
loved it and if he wasn't about to be a king, I
would've let him punch that bastard.
Masixole: You're quiet. What are you thinking
about ?
We are actually lying on the couch. He is behind
Me: The drama I put you through this evening
I turned around and looked at him.
Me: I am sorry baby for what happened at the
Masixole: Why are you apologizing honey?
Me: Because I feel like he is in our lives because
of me and you two don't like each other because
of me
Masixole: That fool is not in our lives. He is just
trying to be in our lives. I met you and when I
did you just broke up with him. I know how he
is. He is crazy just like that Brianna girl. The
reason he is with Tasha is because he wants to
upset you because he is in love with you and in
his mind he thinks that would make you jealous
Me: He can think again. The only thing that used
to upset me about them was what they did to my
brother. I don't understand why he thinks I
would be upset because I don't love him at all
Masixole: He called me boy. How old is he ?
Me: I think 36 this year
Masixole: Damn girl you were dating a sugar
I hit him playfully
Me: Don't judge me
Him: I thought you said you met at school?
Me: We did when he was visiting his mother
who was my teacher
Masixole: Oh and he thinks you're that school
I kissed his cheek
Me: Not just a school girl. A naive school girl. He
dated so many girls but I continued dating him
Masixole: Shame thank God I rescued you
Me: You may say that jokingly but honestly you
did baby. Thank you for showing me what
loving someone unconditionally is like. I am
blessed to have you as my husband
Masixole: I am blessed to have you
I kissed him. We kissed for a little while and it
got really hot. I guess we forgot where we are.
We heard someone clear their throat at a
distance. We broke the kiss. It's mom walking
down the stairs
Me: I am going to the kitchen to make myself a
cup of tea. You need to stop doing that when I
come there for my soapie
Me: You can watch upstairs if you want
Mom: I can watch wherever i want it's my house
Me: Yes ma'am
Mom: I can't watch t.v. alone in Chicago and do
the same at home never sweetheart
Me: I am joking mom
She walked to the kitchen. I got a text .
Masixole: Damn I never made you blush like
I laughed then threw the phone at him. He
looked at it.
Masixole: Ahhh this is nice. It's so odd to see or
hear him so appreciative more especially if
something is done by you
Me: I know right? That is why I am so happy
He kissed my forehead.
Masixole: He loves you and he knows you love
Mom joined us
Mom: Who is that ?
Me: Your son is thanking me for what I did for
him. He said thank you big sis
Mom: Ooh I love my kids when they are like this
She said down
Me: So are you ready to see Tasha in your
favourite sooapie?
Mom: She is joining this one ?
Me: Yes
Mom: Oh God. Maybe I will stop watching it on
YouTube when I am overseas
Masixole: You can't stop because of her. They
have like 16 cast members. I don't think your
hate for her would make you stop watching
your favourite soapie
Mom: I guess I will have to tolerate her then
My phone rang. It was in Masixole's hand
Masixole: Detective Corben
Me: Oh God
I took the phone. Mom sat up straight. I put him
on speaker.
Me: Detective
Detective: We got her
I jumped up. So did mom and Masixole
Me: What !?
Detective: The police in Cape Town just arrested
her. You were right. They got the dresses and the
gun. Of course they will still have to check if it's
the right gun
Me: Trust me it is
Him: I know but it's a procedure
Me: I know
Detective: They will fly her up here tomorrow.
Thank you so much Ms Priscella for your co-
Me: Anything to make sure the world is a safe
Corben: Bye
I hung up then sat down
Me: More like anything to prove my brother's
Masixole gave Me a long kiss on the cheek
Masixole: Well done baby
Me: Thank you baby
Mom came and gave me a hug.
Mom: Thank you baby for being so brave
I let out a heavy sigh. Thank God she won't hurt
anyone anymore.
Mom: You can relax now and sleep peacefully.
You need to rest you're pregnant
Masixole: Amen to that Ms Refilwe
Me: It has been a long day hasn't it ?
Mom: Thank God that murderer is locked up

< Notiniphu >
What was this woman doing in my man's house?
I don't like this at all. I feel like she is not here on
a friendly visit and I pray and hope she is not
here to beg my man to get back together with
that trump Ngejiwe. I hate that girl. I hate that
she thinks she is better than us. Velezantsi told
me about their last conversation. She
undermined him. How could she say that about
the man she was dating and sleeping with ? She
was telling him he is nothing and don't derseve
her. Who does she think she is? I feel like one of
these days I will see myself telling her she is a
commoner just like us but I can't afford that
now can I? first I screwed up with King. He
doesn't even know he slept with me and when
his mother found out she was So understanding
but one thing she made clear to me was the fact
that I am not having her grandchild and I
understand that. I mean a lot could go wrong
and I don't want to upset Queen Priscella. She
was so kind to me and I just can't afford to ruin
our relationship. Few days after sleeping with
King I could feel like my attitude was changing
towards Queen Priscella. That was a biggest
mistake that will never be repeated.
Anyway I watched this witch walking away. I
thought she was hurt. This woman was out of
Hospital today already she is going around
fighting her daughter's battles. didn't she learn
with Mr Elton Situation? She never learns.
Anyway I opened the door. Velezantsi looked at
Velezantsi: Hey you back ?
Me: I wasn't supposed to come back ?
He smiled then looked down. why do I feel like
he is not himself? He is giving me a cold
Me: What was that about? .
Velezantsi: What?
Me: Come on Velezantsi ! Ngejiwe's mother was
here! what was that about !
Velezantsi: Notiniphu I think you have to go
Me: You think I should go? You think!?..... What
the hell is going on?
He looked at me.
Me: She threatened you didn't she?
Him: Notiniphu I have to pay damages for
Ngejiwe. You can't be here until that is done
please leave
Me: What did she say to you? What did she tell
you ?
Velezantsi: Please leave don't make this harder
than it is
Me: Am I walking out to give you space to pay
damages or you're breaking up with me?
He looked at me. He sat down.
Me: So you're breaking up with me because of
that? You can pay damages. You don't have to
dump me
Velezantsi: I am sorry Notiniphu it's over
between us
Me: What !? Baby I can tell the Queen what that
woman did. She will deal with her!
Velezantsi: Don't do That!!!
Me: Why ? Don't you want to be with me?
Velezantsi: The Queen can't help in this matter.
If the chief finds out about what I did to his
daughter he might ban us from this village and
take out my mother's name from the list. My
mother needs That job please you need to
I wish I could scream and tell him that Ngejiwe
is not Chief's daughter but I can't do that. The
ancestors would punish me. I guess we don't
have a choice on this one.
Velezantsi: I am sorry
Me: So The royal family wins again?
He shook his head looking down
Velezantsi: I am sorry
I furiously walked to the door. I opened it then
walked out. I am so pissed off right now. That
evil woman came here to destroy my life. How
could she? I hate Nontorotyi. I cannot believe it's
over between us. I can't believe I am walking in
the dark leaving him because that woman
doesn't want us together. This is not fair. This is
not fair at all. Anyway I arrived at the royal
house. I opened the door. I walked in. I headed
to the kitchen. I took a glass. I poured water then
gulped the whole glass.
Me: How can he dump me like that?
" Already? " Said a voice behind me. I quicky
turned around. What the hell?
Me: Phonqa shouldn't yo.....
He pointed a finger at me
Phonqa: Prince Phonqa!
Me: It's late go to bed
Phonqa: He went back to Princess Ngeji?
Me: You're a child please leave Me alone! go to
bed !
He looked away then continued walking out
Phonqa: Mmhmm this child has your secret
I knew he was gonna pull that card!
Me: Okay you win!
He turned around with a silly smile on his face.
Phonqa: I am listening
Me: Yes he got a visit from Ngejiwe's mom then
he dumped me now go to bed
Phonqa: Not until I help you forget him
I dropped the glass then picked it up before it hit
the floor thank God gravity wasn't at work
tonight otherwise I was gonna break this glass. I
looked at him
Me: What do you mean?
Phonqa: Not what you think dirty mind
I saw myself laughing
Phonqa: That's what I am talking about
Me: Thanks Prince but you can't help me
Phonqa: You know what? I have an idea
Me: What is that ?
Phonqa: Go to your room. I will find you there
Me: O-kay ?
Phonqa: Go!
I rinsed the glass then put it in the cabinet. I
walked to my room. I wonder what he has in
mind. I walked back to my room. I opened the
door. I switched on the lights. I looked at my
My bed is nicely made. Looking at it makes me
not look forward to climbing on it. It looks cold.
Don't get me wrong. This is a fancy house. All
the bedrooms have rugs on the floor and it's not
cold but you know what I mean. I wanted to
sleep with my man.
Me: My ex
" If you don't move you will break these glasses
" Said Phonqa behind me. What is this boy
talking about? What glasses? He sounded
excited. I don't think I wanna turn around and
see this.
Phonqa: Do you mind?
I quickly moved aside then looked at him. Oh My
God. I literally saw my jaw on the floor. He has a
tray with him. On it there was two glasses, A
bottle of gin. A jug full of juice.
Me: What are you doing ? What if The Queen
sees there is a bottle missing? and since when do
you drink ?
Phonqa: Close the door and keep it down. You're
going to wake up the family
I quickly closed the door.
Phonqa: Relax if they notice we will say EJ had It
Me: What if they confront him ?
Phonqa: They won't and if they do I will take the
Me: Okay but first , Let me go get ice. I would
advice you to drink with just ice not a sweet
juice. We don't want to vomit and make
everyone suspicious right?
Phonqa: Right
Me: Great!
I opened the door. I took off my shoes then
threw them in. I ran to the kitchen. I looked
around then took ice. I ran to the light. I
switched it off then ran to My room. I can do
with a drink. I mean I just lost my boyfriend and
it's cute that little Phonqa wanna cheer me up. I
just hope I won't get into trouble for this. I
opened the door Then walked in
Me: Wait what are you doing ?
Phonqa: I just took two sips of it. It's hot but not
too bad
Oh My God. I am going to regret this. I took his
glass. I fixed his drink.
Me: There you go
I poured myself a glass. I first had two shots raw.
Me: Oh Just what I needed after this sad evening
I had
Phonqa: So he is getting back together with
Princess Ngeji?
This is odd. I am talking to a thirteen year old
about my love life.
Me: Her mother went to see him. She wants him
to pay damages and I don't know why he
decided to dump Me! Maybe Ngejiwe's mother
forced him to
Phonqa: Drink
I took a sip.
Me: I am so hurt. I thought Velezantsi and i were
gonna work
I walked to the window. I took a sip and looked
at the wall
Me: I wish I didn't leave. I am so hurt Prince. I
am so hurt! why life is so unfair?
Phonqa: It hurts to not know your parent then
later it turns out he was just around you and he
didn't care
I looked at him. I feel bad for him. His father
died before he could meet him officially
Me: Yeah and So is working for ROYALTY and
feel worthless because you're not from a royal
I looked at him
Me: I am sorry but It's either you guys or nobody
at all
Phonqa: Sorry
Me: I know you're 13 and I shouldn't be talking
to you about this but damn I love that man
Phonqa: And My cousin?
I looked at him. I didn't expect that question
about the king
Phonqa: I am sorry
Notiniphu: No! it's fine. He was Just a crush of
mine and again I can't do anything about it
Phonqa: You're a commoner. Damn I feel so
weird like I got punched in my face and I am
Notiniphu: You're drunk that's why. Let me take
you to bed
Phonqa: After the next glass
I hope I won't regret this. I don't know how
many times I said it but I feel like I need to pray.
I hope I won't regret letting a thirteen year old

< Tasha >
I don't know how to describe today. This day
was supposed to be a day to celebrate my great
day at work. It was my first time and I did great.
I remember so excited when I left work with
Laila. I was looking forward to going to Laila's
house, Take my clothes and leave to be with my
man. I wanted to celebrate with him. All that
didn't happen because of a crazy girl who don't
want to get the message. Hungani is my man. I
got the man he is mine and he showed her that I
am all he wanna be With. We were all over
each other infront of her. Why did she have to
do This? Why did she do something so evil ? She
was planning to risk it all for a man? What am I
saying though? Hungani is not your typical man.
I mean look at what I did? I did the unthinkable
just to be with him. I drugged The man who
loved me just to be with my dream man. I
understand why Brianna don't want to lose him.
He is the whole package. He is everything a girl
wants. Wherever he goes girls scream his name.
I am so lucky to have him in my life and having
him and knowing that I am carrying his baby is
just a blessing for me. I love this man so much.
Anyway some of my colleagues and my bosses
are here to see me. We are about to leave Laila. I
hate leaving my friend but I need to get home
and learn my lines. They say I shouldn't come to
work tomorrow and I feel like that is bull. I can't
do that. I need to work. I can't work one day and
the next day take a day off. That can't happen. I
am not going to do that..
Me: Laila I am sorry that I have to leave you. If it
was for me I was gonna sleep here but I can't. I
have to go to work tomorrow
Laila: It's okay friend. It's your new job so I
Producer: I still think you should....
Me: What !? No!
Producer: You've been through a lot tonight. It
wouldn't be fair of us to ask you to come to
work. Take two da.....
Me: No!
Hungani: No? Baby thi......
Me: I worked so hard to get to where I am and
where I am heading. Today was my first day of
work. I was excited to work and made sure I put
my all in that. I cannot skip a day of work !
Producer: We are thinking about your state of
mind. You need to read your lines
Me: I got This! I am going to read my lines....
I looked at Hungani
Me: Baby you will help me right?
The producer looked at him. He looked at me
Hungani: Yeah sure
I hugged him tight
Me: Thank you babe
He brushed my back. I broke the hug. I kissed
him then looked at producer
Him: You will have to see someone though
Me: I am fine. I just feel scared but that doesn't
mean I will be distracted from work as long you
promise to keep me safe
Producer: Of course. Tomorrow we start
shooting at 6am so that means you will arrive at
five but don't worry, a driver will fetch you. All
we need is your address
Hungani: She will sleep at my place
Producer: We will need your address. Please go
home Tasha. You need to rest
Me: Thank you
Hungani's phone rang
Hungani: It's Detective Corben
Me: Answer!
Hungani: Detective ?
Hungani looked at me then smiled. I wonder
what is going on ?
He hung up
Hungani: They found the two dresses and the
gun at Brianna's house in Cape Town
Producer: Wow that's great ! How amazing are
these police?
Hungani: Well we all have Priscella to thank for
Okay I must say I am having the same concern
Brianna had. Why does it seem like we will talk
about Priscella a lot in our family? He denied it
when Priscella said it now he is saying it again.
Hungani looked at me
Hungani: We should call Priscella and apologise
Me: Maybe you shouldn't say her name more
often babe
He looked down. I looked at my bosses then
Producer: Let's leave you two. I will see you
tomorrow you send the addreas now
Me: Okay
They walked away. I looked at Hungani
Hungani: I thought maybe it's the right thing to
do. She did help us. Please don't believe that
nonsense that criminal said. I am not obsessed
with her. I love you
I kissed him then looked at him
Me: I know babe and i love you too
Hungani: Let's go bab.....
Hungani looked surprised. He was looking at the
Me: What is it.....
I turned around. Oh My God my parents.
Me: Mom and dad ?
Mom: Oh My baby you're alright
I hugged her so tight. I am so happy to see them
and I am so happy to see dad with a smile in his
Me: I am happy to see you
Mom broke the hug then put her hands on both
sides of my head
Mom: I am happy you're alive. I saw the news I
was shocked
Dad opened his arms.
Dad: I am glad you're okay my baby
Me: Thank you daddy
I hugged him.
Hungani: She was very lucky and the baby is
also okay
My dad pushed me away. Oh My God! his big
Dad: The What?
Me: Dad I.....
Mom: Let's go sweetheart
Dad took my mother's hand. They walked away
Me: Come on guys I was gonna tell y.... !
I felt Hungani hug me from behind.
Hungani: I am so sorry baby

< Nontorotyi >
I think I have shown that I would do anything to
get what I want and I would do whatever it
takes to see my daughter happy. I wronged my
daughter. I used her with that money stealing
thing. I also used her to get money from those
billionaires. It backfired and my baby was a
joke. I am trying to work on our relationship
right now. I want to make sure that she is happy
and she sees that I care a lot about her and I will
do anything to see her happy. That Velezantsi
boy thought he would take my daughter's
virginity then drop her like that? For what ? For
a royal servant? Who the hell does he think he is
? I hope he did the right thing because if he
didn't I will make sure my husband make their
lives hell. I hope he got the message loud and
clear. I didn't stutter. I told him what's gonna
happen if he doesn't do what is expected of him.
Anyway I am walking home. I opened the gate
then heard footsteps behind me. I turned
Me: You scared Me my love !
Hlohlesakhe: Shouldn't you be resting ?
I walked in then headed to the house.
Me: Hello my love
Him: I asked you a question!
I turned around.
Me: And you haven't talked to me since I got
here. Khabalandile I know I am a
disappointment and a fraud but I was never
gonna risk him telling my daughter !
Him: Do you think discussing this here at my
house is the best thing to do ?
Me: No, discussing this in OUR house is not a
good idea!
Hlohlesakhe: Where were you?
Me: I took a walk because I am guilty of what I
did! I am guilty that my husband don't want to
talk to me anymore because of what i did
Me: I am upset that for the first time in our
marriage you don't want to speak to me. We had
fights before but you never walked in and out
without saying nothing to me!
Hlohlesakhe: What do you expect ?
I am going to ignore that. I want to finish what I
am saying.
Me: And knowing that it's happening because
you have another woman in your life really
breaks my heart
Hlohlesakhe: That woman Is your sister wife,
She persuaded the family to forgive you and
drop the charges. All River wants is to be a sister
wife to you. She doesn't want to take me from
Me: Then stop changing because she is here.
Listen to me!
Hlohlesakhe: I am not going to listen to you say
something I have heard before. You wronged the
family. You can't use emotional blackmail to me.
I am upset. I need space from you !
He opened the door then walked in. He closed
the door leaving me outside. I can't believe he
locked me out. I opened the door Then walked
in. Thank God the kids are in bed. I walked to
my room. This crazy man stormed into the guest
room. I headed to my bedroom. I walked in. I
closed the door. Then turned around with
Zinyovile standing in front of me
Me: You're here
Zinyovile: Are you sure what you just did is the
right thing to do?
Me: Which one ?
Zinyovile: Helping your daughter with the boy?
Me: I don't know but what I know is that I want
to see my daughter happy and if being with that
imbecile makes her happy then so be it
Zinyovile: Okay later
Me: Wait......
I exhaled. She vanished. I took off my jacket
then got to bed. My phone rang. I don't know
this number. I answered
Me: Hello?
Her: So this is the trouble wife?
Me: Who is this?
She chuckled
Her: I am the woman who sent you a message in
a jail cell
I jumped up tears streaming down my cheeks.
Zinyovile said this person will introduce herself.
Me: Who are you? You coward! Show yourself. I
am going to kill you ! Tell Me who your name is,
I will be at your door step tomorrow morning!
Her: I am May Ndamase, The woman you don't
want to fuck with and the woman you're
disrespecting and ruining her business is my
cousin sister !
Me: What woman is that!?
May: NomaKhosazana !
Oh My God. I sat down
Me: I knew she was involved!
May: Oh Sweetheart she had nothing to do with
this. I have eyes and ears everywhere!
I stood up and looked around the room
May: Go on Google and Google May Ndamase.
You will see who I am and bitch you dare
disrespect my uncle's daughter again I swear......
She started breathing heavily
May: ......( Tu tu tu tu tu )
She hung up
Me: Oh My God
This bitch. I am going to Tell My husband.
NomaKhosazana has to pay for this! I stood up
and headed to the door
I saw Zinyovile standing at the door.
Me: Zinyovile?
Zinyovile: Are you sure you want to go lie to
your husband?
Me: You heard that woman!
Zinyovile: Loud and clear and it looks like you're
the one who didn't!
Me: What do you mean?
Zinyovile: She said The Queen didn't know and
she is telling the truth!
Me: But still it's her family that harmed little old
Zinyovile: Let me tell you something about that
woman !
I looked at her. She pointed at my bed indicating
that I should sit.
Zinyovile: Trust me you will want to sit for this
I hesitantly went to my bed. I sat down
Me: Fine talk !
Zinyovile: Seven men kidnapped her daughter.
That woman killed 6 of them in less than
fifthteen Minutes!
I put both my hands on my mouth
Me: What ? What happened to the 7th man?
Zinyovile smiled. She walked closer to me.
Zinyovile: She gave him to her daughter and
asked her daughter to deal with him
Me: How ?
Zinyovile: She locked him up in a warehouse.
She'd go there everyday and cut one finger
Me: Oh My God while he is alive?
Zinyovile: Yes !
Me: Oh My Go......
My phone rang
Zinyovile: Answer it's still her
Me: What !?
Zinyovile: Answer!
I answered
Me: I promise I won'..........
May: Sorry my battery died. Where was I?
I didn't say anything. I just cried
May: Oh I remember..... Disrespect The Queen
Me: I won.....
May: I will cut one breast from that bastard!
what's her name again?
Me: Please
May: And cut one from Notumata
Me: Oh My God
May: Since Nontwana has no breast yet I will
figure something out........ ( tu tu tu tu tu)
She hung up. I looked at Zinyovile. She is gone.
Me: Chief Nkosesizwe who did you marry?
I started pacing up and down
Me: What kinda people are the Dlunganes?




< Tasha >
You know saying no to people who know what
they are doing and talking about makes you
doubt your decision and think what if they are
right? what if this was the best thing for you to
do? That's how I felt when I was going to work
this morning. I was nervous. I was so scared that
i might think of what happened and hear the
bullets when something falls on set but to my
surprise I am doing so well. I am focused.
Hungani was helping me last night. We slept at
12. I am so happy that he was there for me. He
even woke me up early. Remember I was told
that I will start shooting at 6am. I had to work
up early and with the help of my man I did. He
woke me up. I took a shower. When I got out
breakfast was ready. I ate then the car came to
fetch me like they promised and my man went
back to bed. I just love how my life is right now.
It's amazing. I cannot believe that he is my man
and the father of my child. I don't want to talk
about my mother and dad and what happened
yesterday. Hungani kept apologising all night for
it. I don't blame him for what happened. My
parents kicked me out. Did they expect me to go
to their house and tell them that I am pregnant
when we are not even talking? They are being
unreasonable and it just reminds me why I am
not living with them anymore. My parents are
impossible. They don't want to give me a chance
to prove myself. They just judge me. I want them
to keep distancing themselves from me so that I
won't be nervous to make any decision about
my life. I am a grown woman now. I don't need
to answer to anyone. I know if mom and dad
were to forgive me they would expect me to go
home. I can't let go of Hungani not when I went
through the things I did to be with him. I love
mom and dad so much but I won't let them
stand in my way. I almost got shot. I thought
they would see that life is too short and decide
to give me a chance but no, They are still
judgemental. I am not going to apologise for
being pregnant.
Director: CUT! Tasha you have 10 minutes of
break and after 10 minutes you need to go to the
dressing room and take an outfit and go to the
next set
Me: Okay thank you
I walked away
Him: You guys take two
I heard him walk behind Me. I am so proud of
myself. I was really worried. I saw the producer
coming to the set approaching me and the
Producer: You are surprising me. I didn't think
you would be so focused today
Director: More especially after what happened
Me: I need this job. Being here means a lot to me
I can't afford to be off work
Producer: What is it? are you having financial....
Me: No! I am just grateful and focused. I don't
want to lose the momentum. I can't mess up
Producer: But Tasha we were gonna understand.
We were not gonna cut you off the show
I smiled
Me: I am just happy I am doing better that I
I walked to a bottle of water. I took it and drank
Producer: You are doing amazing. Keep up the
good work
Me: Thank you
My phone rang.
Me: Excuse me, I have to take this
Director: Okay remember you have Nine
Me: Yes
They smiled then walked away. I took my phone
and smiled. It's My man
Me: Hey baby
Hungani: Hey I was taking a chance. I thought
maybe you'd be working
Me: It is not a break but I can speak. Others are
Hungani: Are you doing okay though?
Me: Way better than I expected
Him: I am happy. Well I wanted to tell you that
Brianna was arrested. Detective came by after
you left. He said he's been calling us
Me: Wow that's amazing
Hungani: I know right? Priscella really helped us
Here we go again about Priscella!
Hungani: Oh damn I am sorry
Me: No baby you're right! She did. I mean if it
wasn't for her that girl would be out there
looking for me or us
Hungani: I know right! I just feel bad we were so
mean to her
I rolled my eyes. He is in love with her its sad.
The way he is so excited when he speaks about
her just shows it. I am not insecure or anything
or maybe I am but come on. He is not making
this any easier
Me: We didn't know. Elton did threaten me
Hungani: I know but still.....
Oh God I don't have time for this
Hungani: We should've known that what Elton
does has nothing to do with Priscella and if she
knew she would've prevented it like she tried to
save your life
Me: I know baby I have to go!
I hung up. I don't have to listen to him anymore
but he is right about one thing. I looked up. I felt
a tear.
Me: She was willing to do anything to protect me

< Nontorotyi >
What do you think I am feeling right now after
that phone call? A woman I don't know paid
people to beat me up. She called me and told me
she did and she is not apologizing for it instead
she threatened me. I didn't sleep last night. I
Googled this May woman. She is the most
dangerous woman in the world. I cannot believe
the Queen has a family member who is that
dangerous. Who told that woma the names of
my children? It looks like she is watching
everything I do or someone has been feeding
her information about me. I didn't think
someone I don't know could've done that to me.
I suspected NomaKhosazana and her other
cousin who is going to jail this morning. I am not
going to Share Hlohlesakhe. I cannot share that
man. He went against his family and married
me. I am not going to fail him and let another
woman come between us. He fought for us to his
family when he married me. It is now my turn
to fight for us. I am excited to see some hearts
broken when that woman is caught with a body.
She will be humiliated. She will never be
respected in this village even if they find a way
to get her out like they did with me. The
Dlungane women are dangerous. I have to do
something to make sure my daughters don't get
hurt. That woman is sick. She is dangerous and I
cannot believe NomaKhosazana let her do this. I
pray if I find out she knows that May woman did
this I am calling a meeting and I will tell the
elders that if I disappear it's that May. But for
now, I don't know if she knows or not and I am
scared so I have to go apologise to the Queen for
the things I have done to the family and to her. I
woke up feeling like apologising. I want her to
see that I have changed and i regret the things I
have done. I want to do what I think will make
her cousin sister happy. She is dangerous.
Anyway I just got to the royal house. I have to do
something I am not even happy to do. I hate
living like this. What makes me more angry is
that I am not sure whether my husband is on my
side anymore. I was gonna relax if I knew he got
my back but after what I did I highly doubt he
would save me, I mean think about what
happened for example. Nomahelele was on my
side, My own husband wasn't. I am sorry that I
have to do this to Nomahelele. One would say
she doesn't deserve dishonesty from me but I
don't care. We are talking about a man I spent
22 years with. I have three beautiful children
with him. I can't let a woman come and take
those shares. Nomaxabiso is going to be less
threat in my marriage but that woman, She will
make my husband lose interest in me.
Nomaxabiso is naive I am not even jealous of
her but that woman. She is going to destroy my
marriage I don't trust her.
NomaKhosazana: How are you feeling today? I
didn't expect to see you so early in the morning
Me: Mmhmm.... I have been in a jail cell and
hospital in the past few days. I wanted to take a
NomaKhosazana: that's good
Notiniphu walked in with coffee. I looked at her
and smiled, her face changed. She looked
NomaKhosazana: Thank you Notiniphu
The Queen said taking her cup of coffee.
Notiniphu came to me.
Me: Thank you Notiniphu
This bitch faked a smile.
Me: it's a beautiful morning isn't it Notiniphu ?
She looked at me then chuckled
Notiniphu: Mhmm
She walked away. I looked at NomaKhosazana
Me: what's up with her this morning?
NomaKhosazana: I saw her taking painkillers in
the kitchen maybe she has a headache
I smiled. She is not sick, She has a broken heart
Me: I see
NomaKhosazana: Tomorrow It's Nomfunzelo
and Shosholoza's funeral
Me: is the family going?
NomaKhosazana: Yes you can join us if you
feeling better
Me: I am family so I am going
NomaKhosazana: Right
You know what I am tired of faking it with this
woman. I can see her smile is fake and so is
mine. Let me save use from this awkwardness. I
must get it over with
Me: This is not the first time doing this but I
keep coming and I hope this time you will see
that I mean it. Believe it or not I meant it the last
time as well. I am sure your cousin told you why
i did what I did
NomaKhosazana: She did but I feel like you
could've made other means to get money not
steal from our clients. I don't say do it but You
could've stole from us instead of clients! You
humiliated us !
Me: I know and I am deeply sorry it's just that
my back was against the wall I had to do
NomaKhosazana: Like what you're going to do
today ?
I looked down. That bitch tells her everything
deosn't She? The Queen don't have to know
every single thing we discuss. She is not her
sister wife. I am!!!
NomaKhosazana: River don't hide anything
from me relax
NomaKhosazana: She is your blood you don't
have to do this
I stood up then put the cup on the coffee table. I
looked at her .
Me: My Queen I came to apologise. Thank you
for the coffee
NomaKhosazana: You're welcome
I attempted to walk to the door, I saw
Nomahelele walking down. She is in her Pj's
Nomahelele: Sister sister
Me: Sister wife
Nomahelele: What are you doing here so early ?
I looked at the Queen
Me: I came to see the Queen
Nomahelele looked at her
NomaKhosazana: Yes and it's between the two
of us
Nomahelele: Then she should join us tomorrow
we are going to the funeral
Me: The Zidenge funeral? I can't miss it
NomaKhosazana: Are you sure you're fit to go ?
Me: Yes I am. I will see you later
Nomahelele: I will walk you out
I looked at The Queen
Me: My Queen
NomaKhosazana: Later and thanks for stopping
We walked out passing Siqalo at the door. When
we got outside she looked at me.
Nomahelele: Ready for today?
My eyes pooped out. I looked around then at
her. This gonna be big for me and hard. I
avoided this conversation with
NomaKhosazana. I can't avoid it with her.
Me: I am
Nomahelele: You will find me there
Me: Okay
I walked away. I felt a tear. I cannot cry now. I
have to be strong and get this over and done
with. I still have to talk to the family about
finding another job. I can't stay in the family
project I need to go back to nursing.

< Narrated >
Back in side the palace. we see Nomahelele
walking in after speaking to Nontorotyi. She
smiled at Queen NomaKhosazana. Notiniphu
walked up the stairs with a glass with water and
a cup with tea.
NomaKhosazana: What were you talking about
out there?
Nomahelele: I was asking if she is ready for
NomaKhosazana: Funny she left because I asked
her about that
Nomahelele: What did you ask her ?
NomaKhosazana: I told her she doesn't have to
kill her brother she said she came to apologise
then stood up
Nomahelele: Her mind is made up. I always
knew she was no saint
NomaKhosazana: I am sure she knows she is
not. That woman has been doing bad things to
this family. I mean she tried to kill me. That
doesn't make her a saint
Nomahelele: I knew she hated you but I never
thought she would wanna kill you
NomaKhosazana: That woman is a she devil. She
was pretending to be nice here. She knows me. I
am always nice when she is. Her drama and
attitude don't bother me at all. She will never be
The first son's first wife. I am and i will always
be the Queen of this village
Nomahelele: maybe she thinks I accept the fact
that you're more powerful to this family more
than us because you're my cousin. She doesn't
know that when you marry to a royal family you
must know your place
NomaKhosazana: You're her sister wife. you
have to show her that
Nomahelele: Cuz that woman knows. I feel like
one of these days I will get tired and punch her
in the face I am just happy that She hasn't
crossed me yet
NomaKhosazana: I don't think she would expect
that from you. You've been kind to her. I don't
think she thinks you'd lay a hand on her
Nomahelele: One can tolerate so much sis
The Queen sipped on her coffee
NomaKhosazana: Yeah.....
Nomahelele: My darling called me telling me he
went jogging alone this morning. I am glad he is
dedicated to this. I want to see him healthy
NomaKhosazana: He was worried about you
Nomahelele: Yes but he was happy to see me at
dinner that kinda made him relax a bit
NomaKhosazana: yeah
Nomahelele: He doesn't know what happened to
me those years ago and I want it to stay that way
NomaKhosazana: Of course. It's not my story to
Nomahelele looked down thinking about it
Nomahelele: Yeah

At Prince Phonqa's room. We see Notiniphu
walks in. She looked around. She put the tray
down then went to Phonqa
Notiniphu: Prince
Phonqa: I am awake please remind me to never
touch that stuff again my head is heavy. I can't
even raise it
Notiniphu: and that sheet on the floor?
Prince Phonqa looked at Notiniphu
Phonqa: I kind of....
Notiniphu: puked?
Phonqa: Can you wash it for me? I know it's
Nontiniphu: Relax! I will wash it. come on take
the pills and have this Coffee. it's black and
She said picking up the glass then took the pills
from her apron pocket. She gave him.
Phonqa: Thanks
Notiniphu: You guys are going to town so please
after you had your coffee take a shower if you
don't you won't go to town
Phonqa: You're a star FRIEND
Notiniphu smiled then took the sheets. She
walked out and went to the laundry room. She
threw it it then walked down

At Seputla mine. It's a busy Thursday morning.
We see Sonia in her office. She took off her
blazer and hanged it on her chair. She pulled
her chair then sat down. She took her laptop.
She opened it and switch it on. She took her
handbag and took out her hands lotion. She
applied it on her hands. She looked at her wrist
watch. She exhaled looking At her laptop
Sonia: Start working Sonia before the board
meeting starts
A knock came at the door. Sonia looked up, Her
assistant walked in.
Thalala: Ma'am you wanted to see me ?
Sonia: Oh yeah!
Sonia looked at her wrist watch. She stood up
then took a file from her desk. She walked out of
her desk to the side with Thalala.
Sonia: Thalala dear I want you to go to a meeting
on my behalf. I told the lady I am having an
important board meeting here At work and
you're coming. A car is waiting for you
downstairs and there is a driver outside
Thalala: Okay ma'am
Sonia: You will be back in no time. It's not a
serious meeting That's why I didn't want to go
when there is an important board meeting here
Thalala: Okay ma'am I would love to go
Sonia: Thank you dear so much
Thalala smiled then walked out and closed the
door. She looked at Sonia. They smiled at each
other. She walked down the passage.
Sonia: That's why I hired you darling
Sonia looked at her one more time .
Sonia: Always ready for a challenge
She started working .

About Thirty minutes later. We see all the board
members and some workers at boardroom. Ms
Refilwe, Uncle Kobus, Priscella, Masixole, Sonia,
Aaron and Mandisa were some of the people
who attended the meeting.
Priscella: Ladies and Gentlemen thank you for
coming. I know some of you already started with
their holidays, Thank you for taking time to be
here. We won't take a lot of your time. Mrs
Seputla has something to say to us
Refilwe: Thank you Priscella
Priscella smiled then sat down. Ms Refilwe
stood up.
Refilwe: It has been a while since I have been
here. I am glad I got This chance go see all of you
Everyone smiled.
Refilwe: About a month ago you heard that our
COO is going to step down and become a king in
the Eastern Cape so that means We need a COO
At Seputla mine
Sonia fixed herself then looked at Ms Refilwe
Refilwe: So me, Mr De villiers, The current COO
and your CEO here decided that we will put a
post out there for the position
Mrs Seputla said looking at Mandisa Who was
noting everything down.
Refilwe: We have included people in our team so
we decided that it's gonna be open for everyone
who is interested in this position and qualifies
for it
Everyone smiled.
BoardM1: So is Mr Ndengana leaving us for
Refilwe: I am happy you asked that. Mr
Ndengana is going to be here for board
meetings. He will be an executive board
member. In Between his busy schedule he will
make sure he doesn't miss any board meeting
and he will also be an adviser to the new COO
and help The CEO as well where he is needed
Masixole looked at Priscella and smiled.
Refilwe: I think that is all please have wonderful
holidays guys
Ms Refilwe looked at Priscella
Refilwe: You wanna say something?
Priscella stood up
Priscella: Since it's a short notice and some of
you it's the last time at work today. I would like
to tell you guys that on the 10th of January Mr
Ndengana and I will be getting married and of
course you will get official invitations maybe in
January. I just wanted to let you guys know
Kobus: Thank you for the invite my daughter.
We will be there
Everyone laughed.
Sonia: He was gonna be there even if he was not
They laughed
Refilwe: Mandisa advertise the position please
Mandisa stood up with her tablet
Mandisa: Alright Ma'am
Refilwe: The meeting is adjourned happy
Everyone: Happy holidays !
Everyone walked out. Sonia and Uncle Kobus
were talking walking out. Ms Refilwe, Priscella
and Masixole were talking behind them.
Refilwe: I have decided to use Gedleza as out
family healer as well. The Queen is gonna speak
to him today
Priscella: Wow that's amazing. He is great
Masixole: That's a good idea. You really need
protection. I won't be here all the time and I
don't want to worry about my wife when I am
not around. I don't like these visits she gets from
that guy's girls
Priscilla: I don't think I will get any more of
Masixole: Never say never baby. I have to be
cautious. You're my wife
Priscella: Thanks babe
Priscella looked at her mother.
Priscella: Great idea to hire him mom
Refilwe: You're going to pay him baby
Priscella: No problem mom. I will draw up a
Masixole: Baby This is not a SM matter. it's a
family thing and he is healer. You don't have to
draw any contract
Refilwe: And he hasn't agreed to anything
Priscella: Well I apologise. Let's go home
Refilwe: Ms CEO going home at 9:30 in the
morning ?
Priscella pointed a finger at Masixole
Masixole: Ouch
Priscella: I am having a meeting with a CEO of
his aunt's construction company
Refilwe: Oh yeah Ndamase Construction
Masixole kissed Priscella's cheek
Masixole: You ladies can go up I will stop by
Aaron's office
Refilwe walked to the elevator
Priscella: Okay baby I love you bye
Masixole: I love you ;)

About few minute after the board meeting. Still
at Seputla mine offices. We see A man sitting on
a chair at hallway. The elevator opened.
Mandisa walked in and saw the man. Mandisa
looked at Algebra.
Mandisa: Did you help that gentleman?
Algebra: He has a meeting with my boss.
Weren't You in that meeting?
Mandisa: Yeah. Ms Seputla left with her mother
Algebra: Let me call her
He called her.
Algebra: She is not answering
Mandisa: I am sure she will be back soon. Let me
go talk to the gentleman
Mandisa walked to him.
Mandisa: Good morning. I am Mandisa. I Work
in HR department here
They shook hands
Gentleman: I am Athayanda Mphixanisi the CEO
of Ndamase Construction
Mandisa: Oh My God Ms Seputla is making a
CEO wait ?
Anda: No It's okay. She called and moved our
meeting to 10pm so I will just wait here and go
up 15 minutes before our meeting and besides,
She is the one who is bringing business to us so I
had to wait
Mandisa: Okay can I get you something to drink.
Coffee, Whisky....
Anda: I would love tea
Algebra stood up
Algebra: I will go make it for you
Anda flipped his breaded hair
Anda: Thanks you're a darling
Algebra disappeared. The elevator opened.
Isaiah walked in
Mandisa: Hi
Isaiah: I hope I am not too early. I brought my
boyfriend lunch
Mandisa: He will be right back in few minutes
Isaiah: Let me go sit over there
Anda looked at Mandisa
Anda: Isn't this the cross dresser who was
screwing a married man ?
Isaiah turned around and looked at Anda
Isaiah: Excuse me ?
Mandisa swallowed hard looking Nervous. Anda
put his briefcase on Algebra's desk. He walked to
Isaiah who had his face red fuming with angry
Anda: I was telling her how I wish I could sit my
fat ass in your face and shake it off
Isaiah's face relaxed a bit. He smiled
Isaiah: That would be an experience
Anda looked at his wrist watch
Anda: I have about an hour
Isaiah looked at Mandisa who couldn't hear a
word of what was said.
Isaiah: My house is not far from here
Anda: You will find me in the elevator
Anda took his briefcase. He walked to the
elevator smiling
Isaiah ran to Mandisa
Isaiah: Tell Algebra something came up and this
is his lunch
Mandisa: O-kay?
Anda got in the elevator. Isaiah ran and got it.
The elevator closed. We see Algebra with tea
Algebra: Where is he and what am I gonna do
with his tea?
Mandisa shruggled her shoulders
Mandisa: Your boyfriend brought you lunch it's
over there
Mandisa said pointing at it then she walked
away shaking off what just happened
Algebra took the plastic with his lunch. He
opened it and smiled. He put his right hand on
his chest
Algebra: Oh My baby. He is so romantic




< Judge NomaKhosazana >
I have always known Nontorotyi was evil but I
didn't think she was this evil. How can you kill
your blood? About two years ago I found out my
cousin sister was a serial killer but not a single
day have I ever wished to kill her. Family always
comes first to me and I think to most people as
well. I just don't understand how can a human
being plan their family murder. Earlier when
she was here I was trying to persuade her to
change her mind but she didn't even try to
listen. I chased her away with the question I
asked. How is she gonna live with knowing that
she killed her brother? There are crazy people
who harm others and I think those deserve to
die but a brother blackmailing his sister? That's
not a crime. That's not something you would kill
your family for. That woman is smart. Who told
her how to steal from our clients? That was a
perfect well thought plan but now when She has
an opportunity to use her mind to save her
brother she doesn't know what to do and the
only plan that comes out of her mind is murder
? I am not a saint. I killed a journalist and his
friend and I am not proud of that but I would
never kill family. I would never even kill her
even though she deserves it. When River says
she will get the job done she means business. I
can't stop her but the only person I think has
control of the situation is Nontorotyi. If she says
no, River wouldn't do it. I don't know why she
wanna get rid of her brother so bad. Is she really
that scared of her daughter that she is prepared
to kill to make sure the truth doesn't come out ?
What will happen when it does come out? Will
she bring back her brother or she will be left
with regrets and regrets that could've been
Anyway enough about other people's problems.
Refilwe gave me a call last night asking me
about Gedleza and working for her. I think that
is a good idea because they are family now.
Whoever hurts them will be hurting my family. I
think it's a perfect idea and it will also help
Gedleza financially. I asked Siqalo to summon
him. He just arrived to the palace.
Me: Gedleza thank you for coming
Gedleza: Anytime my Queen
Me: Yesterday I received a call from Refilwe
Seputla. She was telling me that you were right
about Elton. He was gonna be blamed of a
Gedleza: Good thing he didn't go
Me: Yes indeed. Gedleza She wants you to work
for her family as well....
He looked at me confused
Me: She wants you to be her family healer as
well and they are going to pay you like we do
Gedleza: My Queen you know I don't do this for
Me: Gedleza I know That! Your father said this
to my husband as well. Gedleza you don't have a
paying job. How are you gonna feed yourself?
How are you gonna start a family one day ?
He smiled looking down .
Me: The salary you're getting from me with the
one you will get from Refilwe will help you a lot.
You will support your family and you can even
buy a car and use it to visit some of your clients
Gedleza: Okay my Queen. I accept this
Me: Great! so what's next?
Gedleza: I have to go to her house and connect
with their ancestors. I will perform a ritual
there. When I finally connected with her family
and the ancestors my job will be done
Me: So the ritual is performed at night?
Him: Yes my Queen
Me: Tomorrow you need to get ready. Prince
Elton and Prince Nomgcwabe are going to
Johannesburg tomorrow after Shosholoza and
Nomfunzelo's funeral
Gedleza: Okay my Queen
Me: You can go, Wait what size are your pants?
Him: 36 my Queen
Me: Okay
He walked out. Elton, Phonqa and Nomgcwabe
walked down.
Me: Oh You're ready to go?
Nomgcwabe: Yes my Queen we are but after
The Queen took a pen and paper. She wrote on
the paper then looked at them.
Me: Boys I want you to buy a suit for Gedleza. It
doesn't have to be expensive but make sure it's
not a loud colour. I want you to buy him formal
shoe and tie. His waist is 36 and shoe size is 7 I
have written everything here
Nomgcwabe: Okay my Queen
Me: Okay you can go have breakfast I need to
make a phone call
They walked away. I called Refilwe
Refilwe: Queen
Me: Hello how are you this morning ?
Refilwe: I am good. Just came from a board
meeting how are you ?
Me: I am good thank you. Refilwe I spoke to
Gedleza. He agreed
Refilwe: That's great! .
Me: Yeah he says he has to come there and do a
little Ritual for you
Refilwe: Just tell me when and what he will need
i will send a helicopter
Me: I asked him to leave with Elton tomorrow so
be home Friday night because it's done at night
Her: That's great I will be here tomorrow night.
So did you talk payment?
Me: I think that is something you need to discuss
together when he is there
Her: You're right thank you so much friend
Me: You're welcome bye
Refilwe: Bye!
I hung up. I am glad I could help. It seems like
there is so much drama there. Sonia came here a
day after we saw her in the news with her
husband. She left then few days later she was in
an event where there was shooting. That girl is
close with that family. I feel like whatever
happens affect all of them so I think Gedleza is a
solution to their problems.

< Priscella >
When I go from one Meeting to another meeting
I just feel so tired. I need to stop working too
much. The meeting with Ndamase CEO I decided
to have it at my house because I felt like they are
family since my husband's aunt is the owner of
the company. I don't know what delayed him. I
expected to see him at 10 am. The time now is
10:34 am. When I called he said he was in our
offices. I am surprised it took him so long to
come up here. I am just glad he finally arrived
and we had the meeting. I can now finally go
back to work.
Me: Thank you so much for coming Mr
Him: Please call me Anda. Thank you for this
opportunity. I haven't been so excited about a
project in a while. It means a lot to us to get this
contract and you won't regret it
Me: Thank you
Anda: I am going to drive to Centurion right
away. I need to send our Constructors to go view
the sight where we will be building. Next week
Tuesday they should be starting
Me: That is in between Christmas and New year.
Don't you guys take holidays?
Him: Not when we are talking Million rands
Me: Okay I guess that's good for Me
Anda: It sure is
We walked to the elevator. It opened. We
walked in.
Me: I must buy you lunch downstairs
Him: Thank you but I can't accept. I have to rush
to work
Me: Okay I guess I will just sit and enjoy my
lunch alone
Anda: Next time
Me: I didn't know your boss is my fiancé's aunt
Anda: Chomie?, I mean May ?
Me: Yes my mother in law and her are cousins
Anda: I was asking myself since when Chomie
gets us deals. I aM sorry that's how I call her
Me: I get it well I didn't know. Mom told me and
scheduled this meeting for me
Anda: Wow you should Meet your cousin soon.
May's daughter
Me: I would love that
The elevator opened. We walked out ..
Anda: I have to run it was nice to see you and
thank you for this
Me: Its our pleasure bye
He walked away. I walked to buy my lunch
Cashier: Ms Priscilla
Me: Hi, Can I have the usual ?
Her: Coming right up
I got a text from mom. I read it. It's about
Me: On second thoughts why don't you send it
up to my house not the office
Her: Okay Ms Priscella
I smiled then walked to the elevator. " Prissy!
Prissy ! "
Me: No way , Don't tell me it's him and he wants
to speak to me
I heard a faMillar voice calling my name
running to me. It's Hungani. I turned around
Me: What do you want?
Hungani: Hey beautiful how are you ?
Me: I was actually great until you showed up
I said turning around attempting to go to the
elevator. I felt him grab my wrist. The nerve!
How dare he put his filthy hands on me. I
yanked my arm
Me: What are you doing?
Hungani: Prissy you helped the police And us. I
wanted to say than...
Me: I was helping the you two of you until you
insulted me And cal....
I chuckled
Me: You actually said I am disgusting!
I walked away furiously
Hungani: Priscella wait!
He said running after me. He grabbed my arm
again. I furiously turned around
Me: Touch me one more time!!!
Hungani: I am sorry
I walked to the elevator. I pressed the button. He
touched me again. I pushed him
I didn't see Masixole behind him. Their chest
collide. Masixole pulled him and punched him in
the face
Masixole: What the hell are you doing with my
Oh My God. Hungani threw a punch Masixole
grabbed his arm. He hit his face with his
forehead then looked around. People were
looking. The elevator opened. Masixole pushed
Hungani into the elevator. He went in and fell
inside then ran in with him.
Me: Baby stop !
We both got in. He closed the elevator
Masixole: Not until I teach this son of a bitch a
He punched his face a couple of times then
opened the elevator. He pushed him out then
closed it And hugged me
Masixole: Are you okay ?
Me: Baby you attacked him! in public! You can't
go around beating people you're going to be
ordained on the 20th next month. Don't ruin
your life because of that bastard!
Masixole: For you I can do it all over again!
I put my hands on both sides of his head
Me: Baby please! stop this! I am not marrying a
violent man. I am marrying a sweet man! my
Him: Are you defending him?
He is making me so mad. He doesn't see how
serious this is. He asked that sulking
Me: Of course not! What you did was hot bu......
I couldn't finish he kissed me. The next thing the
elevator opened. We were in our dining area
still kissing strong
Refilwe: Hey what the hell is going on! this is
still my house!
Masixole broke the kiss I was giggling like a
Masixole: No buts! I will be right back. I need to
go see Sonia. Work related ;)
Me: Bye tough guy
He walked into the elevator. He looked at mom
Masixole: Sorry Ms Refilwe. We were making up
Refilwe: Isn't that obvious? that I saw! Your
tongues were literally down each others throats!
The elevator closed
Me: Don't exagarate mom that sounds
disgusting. I hate people who use tongues when
they are kissing. That's gross
Mom laughed
Mom: That's actually funny because it just
reminded me of my boyfriend in high school.
That boy couldn't kiss at all. He was hurting me.
He would pull my tongue with his and every
time we kissed I would go home with the vein
under my tongue cracked and in pain because of
the tongue pulling
Me: Imagine that! God I just love sucking my
Refilwe: No! no! No! I am not doing this with you
She ran away
Me: Mom!!!
She turned around
Me: Lips! sucking Lips!!!
She sat on the couch with her hand on her chest
Mom: Oh Thank God
Me: Mom you so dramatic though
Refilwe: I am a Morden woman yes but it feels
so weird to have this conversation with my baby
Me: I am not a child anymore
Mom: Still! I don't wanna know about your oral
I laughed so hard. Oh My God this woman. I
pulled a chair at dinning table. I sat down. My
stomach hurts from laughing
Refilwe: Continue laughing at me
I don't know why I am laughing. My Fiancé beat
up a man downstairs and some people saw it. I
just hope there are No videos going around. I
don't condone what Masixole did but Damn
Hungani can be a pain. What was he doing
here? Even a man who is not jealous can turn
into a jealous man because of this. My man
tolerated Hungani. He used to be cool around
him but now that he has this obsession over me
Masixole is starting to get jealous and I
understand why he feels this way. This will
make him hate going to Eastern cape and the
sad part is he is needed there most. He has to
spend more time there.

< Narrated >
At Chief Khabalandile's house. Nontorotyi
children just spoke to their uncle. They walked
to their rooms leaving Nontorotyi and Xhalanga
alone together. We see Ma Deliwe in the kitchen
trying to listen. She was trying to clean her ears
so that she could here but she couldn't hear
anything. She walked out the kitchen door. She
dialled a number
DeLiwe: Notiniphu the Princess is still sleeping.
She hasn't gone to see Velezantsi. And the Queen
Notiniphu: That woman is not a queen!
Deliwe: Hey girly! respect my boss because I
respect yours! She is speaking with her brother
now I don't know what about
Notiniphu: Probably about the damages. She has
no job now she wants to milk money out of my
Deliwe: You mean your ex?
Notiniphu: You know what I mean Ma
Deliwe!....... ( Tu tu tu tu tu)
Notiniphu hung up. Ma Deliwe watched
Nontorotyi and her brother walk out
Deliwe: Yeah..... I know exactly what you mean
Ma Deliwe opened the door Then walked in.
Nontorotyi and Xhalanga walked to the gate
Nontorotyi: Xhalanga let's go get your money
from the house behind the palace
Xhalanga: Why did you ask me to say goodbye to
my nieces. I will come back and say goodbye to
Nontorotyi: The sooner you leave my house the
better! you're not my friend!
Xhalanga: I am your brother!
Nontorotyi pushed him out then walked out. She
closed the gate
Nontorotyi: Exactly! you're Not my friend you're
my brother and you shouldn't blackmail your
own blood!
Xhalanga: I am sorry sisi but we have to live
Nontorotyi: All you had to do was ask for a job
not do what you did to me! my husband was
gonna help you find a job
Xhalanga: your husband has money. I don't
know why you complaining. Look at that big
house. He grew up in that palace. Money is not a
problem in this family sisi you're the problem!
Nontorotyi shook her head then walked away
fuming with anger
Nontorotyi: I can't wait for us go get there so
that you get what you want !
Xhalanga: Who lives there ? That house looks
like the walls can fall any day
Xhalanga: Silence treatment fine. That won't
change anything though. I left my wife getting
ready to go to town with this money
Nontorotyi: does she know you're blackmailing
Xhalanga: We don't keep things from each other
if that's what you're asking
They got to the warehouse. Nontorotyi breath in
and out
Xhalanga: Are you sure someone lives here?
Nontorotyi: No dummy! She is trying to fix the
house. She doesn't live here !
Him: Oh
Nontorotyi opened the door. She walked in.
Xhalanga followed her and walked in.
Nontorotyi heard a loud sound. She turned
around and saw her brother on the floor
Nontorotyi: Oh My God
Nomahelele appeared from behind the door. She
smiled at Nontorotyi. She had a gun in her hand
raised up in the air. She had black gloves on
Nontorotyi: I thought I was gonna talk to him
first and tell him how I feel
Nomahelele: Help me put him on the chair. I
didn't kill him, I just hit him with the back of my
Nontorotyi: Oh Thank God are you sure he is not
dead ?
Nomahelele put her gun on her waist. She
dragged the guy's body to the chair. She then
turned around and looked at Nontorotyi. She
was not smiling anymore
Nomahelele: Are you gonna help put him on this
chair or not ?
Nontorotyi: Oh Yeah
She ran to her and helped her make the guy sit.
Nomahelele took a rope from her pocket. She
tied him up
Nontorotyi: Where did you learn all this?
Nomahelele: Will you stop talking!?
Nontorotyi's eyes widened. She has never heard
Nomahelele raise her voice to her.
Nomahelele finished tying Xhalanga on the
chair, She stood up
Nontorotyi: Can I ask you something?
Nomahelele: Sure ?
Nontorotyi: If you knew who beat me in jail
you'd tell me right?
Nomahelele looked at her surprised by this
Nomahelele: Of course I would tell you
Nontorotyi: Good
Nomahelele walked to the bottle of water,
Nontorotyi gave her death stare
Nomahelele turned around and looked at
Nontorotyi who smiled from ear to ear like she
was not giving her any funny look while she was
looking away .
Nomahelele threw the bottle of water at
Nomahelele: Catch!
Nontorotyi: What am I gonna do with it ?
Nomahelele pushed a chair.
Nomahelele: Sit infront of your brother and use
water to wake him up. I will be standing right
here while you're talking to him. When I am
tired of listening......
Nontorotyi: Kill him while he is out !
Nomahelele: No sister wife, We have to wake
him up and tell him why we are doing this
Nontorotyi: Oh My God
Nomahelele took out her gun
Nomahelele: I will shoot him in the head
Nontorotyi: Okay
Nontorotyi looked nervous. She turned around
and looked at her brother. She slapped him so
hard on his face
Nontorotyi: How can you be so stupid ?
She opened the bottle then poured water on
him. He jumped up Then realised he was tied up
Xhalanga: What is going on ?
Nontorotyi didn't say anything. She pulled a
chair then sat down
Nomahelele looked away and smiled
Xhalanga: Sisi what is going on ?
Nomahelele: Damn he is your brother? He just
called you sisi
Xhalanga looked at Nomahelele fast. He looked
shocked to see a gun
Xhalanga: What is happening?
Nontorotyi ignored him. She was just looking at
him angry
Nontorotyi: Yes sister wife. This bastard is my
brother. My blood!
Xhalanga: Sisi
Nontorotyi: You know Xhalanga when mother
gave birth to you I was so happy. I was like I will
have a brother to protect me one day. Sabonkolo
was born after you and I was like. We have a
brother to protect me. and who will make sure
we are okay. I didn't think I would need people
to protect me from you!
Xhalanga: But i have never hurt you sis. I would
never hurt a fly
Nontorotyi: You hurt me when You blackmailed
me! You didn't want to hear what I had to say.
All you wanted was money
Xhalanga: I am sorry. She is not gonna kill me
He said looking at Nomahelele. Once he asked
that Nomahelele cocked the gun three times. Her
gun now had a sound proof. Smart move
because everyone was gonna hear the shots
Xhalanga: No! please don't do this!
He looked at Nontorotyi crying
Xhalanga: Don't let him do this please !!!
Nontorotyi: Yesterday was your last chance. I
told you I didn't have money after I got arrested
because of you but you insisted on getting your
money. You said I shouldn't make my problem
Xhalanga: Please forgive me
Nontorotyi: I was arrested you didn't care, I was
hospitalized still you didn't care. All you wanted
was your Damn money!!! What am I? A money
Xhalanga: Forgive me ! I am begging you sisi
Nontorotyi: Well I am saying the same. Don't
make your problems mine!
Once Nontorotyi said that. Nomahelele pulled
the trigger
Nomahelele: ----> -----> ----->
Nontorotyi: No! No! no!
Nomahelele shot him in the head three times
then turned around and looked at Nontorotyi
Nomahelele: What is it now?
Nontorotyi: He looked scared! he got the
message I was gonna forgive him. Why did you
do that! why didn't you wait for me to give you
the go ahead!!!
Nomahelele: Oh please! don't try to make
yourself feel better for what you did. We came
to kill him and we did what's the matter !?
Nontorotyi: You don't understand! how can you
be so evil!!!
Nomahelele gave Nontorotyi death stare. She
walked to her
Nomahelele: Hold this for me !
Nontorotyi was crying , She took the gun from
Nomahelele. Nomahelele walked to her
handbag. She took out a safe plastic then went to
Nomahelele: Put it here !
Nontorotyi put the gun in the plastic.
Nomahelele closed the plastic.
Nontorotyi: What are we gonna do with him
Nomahelele: Leave that to me! Let's go !
Nontorotyi: Can you give me a moment with my
brother please !
Nomahelele: Of course sister wife but make sure
when you leave you lock !
Nontorotyi: Okay sister wife
Nomahelele smiled walking out of the door.
Nontorotyi ran to the window. She watched
Nomahelele walking away. She wiped her tears
then gave Nomahelele death stare
She took out her cell phone and dialled a
number. She listened. Someone snatched the
phone from her. Nontorotyi turned around
Nontorotyi: You scared me!
Zinyovile: What are You doing?
Nontorotyi: calling the cops that's what you said
I should do right ?
Zinyovile: Bitch you touched the gun! Only your
finger prints are there! How can you be so
stupid and incriminate yourself!
Nontorotyi put both her hands on her mouth.
She looked out the window watching
Nomahelele walking like a Queen she is
Nontorotyi: That bitch set me up!
Zinyovile looked away
Zinyovile: Yes she did
Nontorotyi broke down
Nontorotyi: What do we do now?
Zinyovile: Nothing! She was a smarter woman
than you



< Priscella >
Today I am very lazy. I am just happy I don't
have any meetings. I am still here with mom.
She hasn't told me what she called me up here
for, I just know it's about Gedleza. When I got in
we talked about my sex life which was a
conversation that made her super
uncomfortable. I am eating my lunch with her.
It's nice to relax a bit and spend sometime with
her without interference of work.
Me: What did you wanna talk about ?
Mom: How did it go with the CEO ?
Me: Great This afternoon they are going to
Eastern cape just to check the site which
reminds me. I need to tell the Queen. I hope she
has a spot already
Mom: Okay let me not disturb you
She stood up
Me: You said it's about Gedleza what is it ?
Mom: Oh sorry. He agreed to work for us and he
is coming with Elton and Nomgcwabe tomorrow
Me: That's wonderful
Mom: I know
She walked away. I dialled the Queens number.
Queen: Hello Priscella
Me: Mom how are you ?
Her: I am great how are you ?
Me: I am good. I had a meeting with Ndamase
Construction today. You didn't tell me it's your
cousin's company
Queen: Ndamase! oh flip I am so sorry. The thing
is my cousin is a doctor I don't know much
about her other businesses. I have never been to
her Pretoria home even, so that's why I didn't
Me: Oh i see well I didn't speak to her but the
CEO. They are coming to check the site today I
think in the afternoon. I asked our Pilot to take
them but they are using their Jet so please when
you see a private jet arrives please go to them
Queen: I will do that thank you for the amazing
job you do
Me: It's not a problem mom talk later
Her: Bye dear
I hung up. My phone rang. It's my office phone
Me: Algebra?
Algebra: Ma'am the wedding planner is here
Me: Send her to the house
Algebra: Okay ma'am
I hung up. I saw mom coming down
Mom: You found her ?
Me: Yes mom she will be waiting for them and
the wedding planner is on her way up
Mom: That's great
The elevator beeped. I stood up
Me: I think that's her
I said walking to the elevator. It opened. She
walked in.
Me: welcome
We hugged
Her: morning Mrs Seputla
Mom: Hello dear please come to the living room
with us
We all walked to the living room. She started
talking about why she is here before we even
got to the living room. This woman is dedicated
to this.
Planner: I am not staying. I have a lot to do
Me: Okay it looks like you've been busy since the
day I last saw you
Her: You have no idea but I am glad everything
is in order
Mom: That's good to hear
We all sat down
Planner: I came to show you the invitations and
the colours we will be using for decor
She said taking them out
Mom: Beautiful cards
Me: Oh My God. I think I need to go give them to
the executives at work now
Mom: That's a good idea. And the board
members who just left will get them from me
later we having a gala dinner somewhere in
town. I am lazy to go but I will make sure they
get them
Me: Why wasn't i invited ?
Mom: You will be bored it's just us grown ups
Me: Mhm thanks anyway
Mom: You're welcome
Planner: So let's talk bridesmaids. I believe your
dress is being made. What about your
bridesmaids dresses and how many are they ?
Me: I don't know. I only know my maid of
honour but the great thing is I have to take them
to Junaid on the 27th which is monday. Over the
weekend I will try and find girls
Planner: Okay I will see you Monday. Send me
time and place
Me: At J Fashions at 12pm
Her: Okay I will be there
I stood up and walked her to the elevator
Me: Bye
Her: Bye

< Narrated >
Earlier after Priscella said good bye to Anda the
CEO of Ndamase Construction, Anda headed
straight to his car. Now at parking We see Isaiah
running like a crazy guy. He was running after
Anda who was about to get in his car.
Isaiah: Excuse me!!
Athayanda turned around and looked at Isaiah.
He looked surprised to see him
Anda: Why are you running after me like a love
sick teenager ?
Isaiah brushed his head embarrassed
Isaiah: I am sorry about that it's jus....
Anda opened the door of his car then looked at
Anda: It's just what ?
Isaiah looked around
Isaiah: I just had sex with you and it was
Anda got in the car
Anda: It was just sex
Isaiah: It's just that I don't know your name. I
don't know who you are and you're leaving
without telling me
Anda: Sorry Isaiah......
Isaiah: You see! you know my name and I don't
know yours and it seems like you know more
about me...
Anda: I am married and We have a baby boy
with my husband
Isaiah: What !? but why did you....
Anda: Just wanted a new d*ck that's all no big
He started the engine then drove away leaving I
Isaiah Amazed trying to digest what just
Isaiah: What ?
At SM offices we see Mandisa and Algebra
talking at Algebra's desk. They are talking about
the board meeting.
Algebra: So are you gonna apply for the job?
Mandisa: No! I was part of that meeting because
I am a manager of HR department so I had to be
there. When I got This job they needed me and
that is what I studied for. I don't have the
education of that position and to be honest it's
not in the cards
Algebra: Oh okay then... Hey tell me
Mandisa looked at him smiling.
Mandisa: Yes ?
Algebra: Don't you find it weird that I went to
get that guy tea and he Just left ?
Mandisa eyes widened. She looked down
Algebra: What?
Mandisa: He is a good looking gay man don't you
Algebra laughed
Algebra: No you're not insinuating that I wanted
him. I mean look at him. We are both looking for
the same thing if you know what I mean
Mandisa looked away
Mandisa: I know exactly what you mean
It looks like Mandisa is angry that she has to lie
to Algebra for Isaiah.
Algebra: Anyway He left, My boss told me before
the wedding planner arrived and I saw a ring in
his finger. I think he is married
Mandisa: Yeah ?
Algebra: Yes I saw the ring
The elevator beeped then opened. Isaiah walked
Isaiah: Hey baby
Algebra: Hey babe thank you for the lunch
They hugged. Isaiah looked at Mandisa while in
the hug. Mandisa shook her head in disbelief
then walked away. Algebra broke the hug
Algebra: Mandisa we will talk later
Mandisa got in the elevator
Mandisa: Later
Isaiah: I thought she was working here ?
Algebra: Yes she is. The floor below us. She is HR
Isaiah: I see. Look babe I hated how I left. I came
to say hi. I will see you later okay ;)
They hugged
Algebra: See you later babe I love you
Isaiah pressed the button. He walked in and
turned around
Isaiah: I love you too babe
Algebra smiled then walked to his desk. The
elevator opened. Thalala walked in.
Algebra: Look who is back from a meeting
Thalala: And look who has to go report to her
Thalala said walking to her boss office
Algebra: Talk later
Thalala: Later
She walked to Sonia's office. At HR offices. We
see Isaiah walking out of the elevator.
Isaiah: Where can I find Mandisa?
Girl: That office
Isaiah walked to the Office. He knocked then
opened the door. Mandisa looked up then down
Isaiah: Mandisa can I talk to you for a minute?
Mandisa: Sure
Isaiah: I saw the way you were looking at me. Is
everything okay?
Mandisa chuckled
Mandisa: Everything is great
Isaiah: Oh no! you don't think I have something
going on with that guy. He wanted to smoke. We
went to smoke outside. We couldn't smoke in
your offices
Mandisa: And that smoke went well I see you're
wearing a different outfit
Isaiah: I spit drink on myself I had to go home.
Anyway do you know his name ?
Mandisa: You just smoked with the CEO of
Ndamase Construction now you're standing in
front of me asking me his name? Do you think I
am that stupid?
Isaiah smiled because he got what he wanted.
He is a journalist it won't be hard to find Anda.
Isaiah: I don't know him
Mandisa: Algebra is in love with you please
don't break his heart!
Isaiah: All my heart beats for him. I just smoked
with that guy later! ;)
He ran out.
Mandisa: He is lying. That pretty boy I saw sure
didn't look like a smoker
She shook her head.

In Johannesburg at police station. It's business
as usual. We see Officers helping people with
their cases. We see a male officer going to a
female officer then looked out the window
looking at a guy who was wearing shades
approaching the door.
Officer: Isn't that the guy on tv. What's his name
again. The one who is famous and dating the
models, The other one died
Officer2: Oh Hungani Olipha....
She cleared her throat when Hungani walked in.
Hungani went straight to her.
Hungani: Hello officer
Officer2: Hello sir how are you ?
Hungani took off shades, The female officer
looked shocked. Hungani put his shades on
Hungani: I am sure you can see
Officer2: The swollen eye and the swollen upper
lip, I take it you're here to report what
Hungani: I am here to lay charges of assault
against Masixole Ndengana. He works at SM
The officer took a glass of water and gulped it
Officer2: You said his name is ?
Hungani: Masixole Ndengana

< Sonia >
I really want to be the COO of this company. I
work closely with Priscella. I want this position.
I decided to put my name forward. I doubt they
will deny me this opportunity. They know I am a
hard worker and I do a lot for this company. I
don't think they will have a problem with me
applying and besides they said we are all
allowed to apply. I have been working all
morning. I started here at 8:30am In the
morning. The plan is to get done with everything
at 3:30 pm and drive home to take a quick
shower and go to the shoot. I am excited about it
I won't lie. I have been meaning to ask Algebra
about Priscella's whereabouts but I didn't since I
have been burying myself with work. I didn't
speak to her after the board meeting. I chat with
my father all the way to my office. When I
looked behind she was no where to be seen.
Anyway I am so hurry. I need to go get myself
something to eat. My phone rang. I looked at it.
It's Masixole. Great he will tell me where his
wife at. I thought she was gonna have one
meeting at home and come to work. I don't
know why she is taking all day, But again she is
pregnant and I don't blame her for taking time
out. She must be tired from all that running
yesterday. Anyway let me answer before this
man hung up
Me: Hey
Masixole: Are you in your office? I need to talk
to you
Me: Yeah sure. Come through
Masixole: I will be there in few...
He hung up. I heard a knock at the door. I
smiled. Thalala is back from the meeting. She
walked in .
Me: Hey you're back ?
Thalala: Yes ma'am. Like you said I would be
back in no time
Me: I told you ! so how did it go?
Thalala: Very well. They were welcoming and
too nice to me. They even bought me lunch
anyway here are the notes I took from the
Me: Thank you dear I will look at them in few
minutes I am so hungry do yo....
I saw Masixole at the door. I smiled he opened
the door Then walked in.
Masixole: Hey
Thalala turned around and smiled. Masixole
looked surprised to see her. Don't tell me they
know each other ?
Thalala: Oh My God! Hey boo!
Me: Boo?
She threw herself at Masixole then kissed his
lips and put her hands on both sides of his head
Me: Hands off my friend's man!!
She quickly let go of him
Me: What the hell?
Thalala: Your friend ?
Me: My boss! The lady I was interviewing you
with ?
Thalala: Oh My God I am.....
Me: Get out both of you!!!
Masixole: I didn't do anything, She was my
girlfriend in high school why are you chasing
me ou....
I didn't wait for him to finish I pushed him out
and Thalala was already out. I slammed the door
then leaned on it with my hand on my chest.
This bitch pretended to know everything about
this company how come she didn't know
anything about Priscella and Masixole? What
have I done?
Me: Oh My God. Priscella is gonna kill me



< Narrated >
At Seputla mine we see Thalala running to the
bathroom. She was embarrassed. Masixole
walked out of Sonia's office then looked around
for Thalala. He couldn't see her. He shook his
head then walked to Aaron's office laughing
alone. Algebra stood up from his desk. He ran
after Thalala. He got to the bathroom and found
her in a toilet looking at the wall. Algebra
cleared his throat. Thalala turned around.
Algebra: What is going on ?
Thalala: I think I just messed up on my second
Algebra: What did you do ?
Thalala: I kissed Ms Priscella Seputla's boyfriend
Algebra: What !? Girl he is her fiancé! they are
engaged what got into you. How can you even
do that in front of your boss that's
Thalala: I know! it's just that I haven't seen the
Prince in years!
Algebra: You know each other?
Thalala: Oh we know each other very well.....
Algebra: Why don't I like that ?
Thalala: He was my boyfriend in high school
until his father found out and forced us to break
up because he was already engaged to some girl
from some village. I can't believe he is not even
marrying that girl. I wish I fought for my man
when Chief Nkosesizwe died....
Algebra: Hey hold up! Who is Chief Nkosesizwe?
Thalala: His stupid old fashioned father! I wish I
fought for us you know .......
Algebra: You better forget that. Mr Ndengana is
very much in love with his fiancé. They are a
perfect couple!
Thalala closed the toilet seat and sat on the seat
Thalala: I know that
Algebra: You better sound convincing girl
Thalala looked at Algebra and smiled
Thalala: It's been years don't worry
< Laila >
I almost died. I will never forget what happened.
I thought I was dying when I felt the bullet
penetrate my body. I thought that was it for me
and losing control of the car didn't make things
any easy. I thought if the bullet didn't kill me
then the car accident would. I am so grateful to
be alive that is why the first thing I said when I
opened my eyes was " Thank God" God has
always saved Me from situations that should've
killed me. All this morning I have been lying on
this hospital bed I am thinking about how Claire
almost killed me. In that incident I didn't need
anyone to wake me up. I woke up on my own
cold and bleeding. I knew if I survived that I can
beat anything now it's a bullet and I am still
here. I am really grateful to God.
I haven't seen Tasha today but she called me. I
understand why she didn't sleep here. She just
got her dream job. She can't miss her second day
of work. I understand that. I would've done the
same too. I am so happy that woman is arrested.
She will never kill anyone again. She killed a
woman, tried to kill two and stole from one of
the best designers in the country. The judge
won't have no mercy on her. I want to see her
when she is sentenced. She is a sick woman..
Anyway I am surprised to see Claire walking
with a nurse. She and I are not friends and she
knows it. I don't know why she is here. After the
call I got from Hunter I doubt she is still with
him and if she thinks she could come to me and
ask for love back she must think again.
Nurse: How are you feeling? Any pain?
Me: for now no pain
Her: I will come back in an hour with some
Me: When am I leaving this place nurse?
She looked at the file in her hand
Her: As you know your medical bill has been
paid by Hungani Oliphant, You can stay here
until Saturday night but the doctor said if you
don't want to spend Christmas here you can go
tomorrow but not today. You're sleeping here
Me: Thank you nurse I want to go home
Her: Great
She walked out. Claire looked at me.
Claire: Hey
Me: Claire
She pulled a chair and sat down.
Her: I am so sorry for what happened to you
Me: Well one of these days a third model I will
bump into will kill me. It looks like you're all
Claire: I am not a criminal!
Me: Claire a criminal is not only a thief. If you
physically harm someone you're a criminal and
it looks like you haven't learnt your lesson with
what happened to me
Claire: What do you mean ?
Me: What happened backstage at the fashion
She looked down.
Claire: She slept with my boyfriend!
Me: Why don't you beat your boyfrie.....
I chuckled then looked at her
Me: You did right ?
Claire: What are you talking about?
Me: I saw a plaster in his forehead when you
found me in his office. What happened to him ?
Claire: When was the last time you spoke to
Me: That day you made sure we don't talk
Claire: Give me your phone
Me: What!?
Claire: I want to see if you're lying or he really
didn't call you again
I shook my head in disbelief. She searched my
pillow. If she sees my phone she will see that at
11pm the night of the fashion show. I spoke to
Hunter that night. This lunatic woman will kill
me here. I need to think fast. I looked at her
Then looked at panic button. I pressed it
Claire: What are you doing!?
" Why are you shouting at her !? " Said a familier
voice at the door. We both looked at the door.
Oh Thank God. It's Priscella. This crazy bitch was
gonna see Hunter called me the night of the
show. She was gonna strangle me.
Claire: No we are just talking
Priscella: That didn't look like it. You were trying
to remove a pillow
Claire: I just wanted to see something on her
phone I wasn't gonna suffocate him!
Priscella: Why are you angry again?
Claire looked down.
Claire: I am not angry I just hate people who
Priscella: I am sorry if I upset you. I don't want
to be the reason you go to prison for attacking a
pregnant woman because I am not Sonia. I
would call the cops on you and make sure you
spend the rest of your life with your friend in
Damn she got her match. I have never seen
Claire out of words. She looked pissed off
Priscella: I saw her press a button that means
she doesn't want you here so leave
Claire took her handbag. She furiously walked
Priscella: What the hell is wrong with these
models ?
Claire: She pretended to come see how I am
doing when all she came to do was to check if I
didn't tell Hunter about our past. When you
walked in she was trying to check my phone log
Priscella sat down.
Priscella: You're not safe here. When are you
going home ?
Me: Tomorrow
She took her phone and dialled a number.
Priscella: Hey can you send a security guard to
the hospital. I want him to watch a patient
Me: That's not ne.....
She gave me a hand.
Priscella: Okay thanks and when he knocks off
make sure you send one for the night the patient
is going home tomorrow. Okay bye
She hung up
Priscella: Sonia told me what Hunter told her.
Claire is crazy. I am trying to help you. We don't
even know Brianna don't have accomplices
Me: Yeah. Thank you
Priscella: You're welcome. How are you doing ?
Me: When the medication is out of my system I
feel so much pain
Priscella: That girl is crazy. I hope you get better
soon because I need you
I looked at her. She needs me? Well I can do
whatever she wants. Priscella is a nice girl. I
know whatever favour she will ask will affect
Tasha and I relationship but she will have to be
strong. I know she doesn't like Priscella and I
know things are gonna be worse now that she is
seeing Hungani. I just pray whatever favour this
is She won't ask me to cause problem in Tasha
and Hungani relationship but I don't think she'd
do that. I see her with her fiancé they love each
other and the way Priscella spoke to Hungani
you can tell she feels nothing for him.
Me: You need me ?
Priscella: I came to see how you're doing but
also I need a favour from you and I hope you
will be able to help me
Me: You can ask anything?
Priscella: Next month. On the 10th I am getting
married. It's a royal wedding. My man is a king
and we are expecting guests from everywhere. I
want you to make a huge cake for us. Do you
think you can pull it off ?
Oh Thank God. I let out a sigh of relief. I thought
it was something hectic
Me: I specialise in baking. Of course I can do it.
Actually it would be an honour to make a cake
for your wedding
Priscella: Great ! I will tell my wedding planner.
Another favour, I hope this won't cause tension
between you and your friend
I was praying she wouldn't ask anything that
has something to do with Tasha.
Priscella: I am short on bridesmaids I would like
you to be my bridesmaid
Me: Oh My God
Priscella laughed. Oh My God this is the last
thing I expected from her. This is amazing Tasha
will have to deal with it. I am saying yes
Priscella: You're look surprised
Me: I didn't expect this. I thought you would say
something that might compromise my
friendship with Tasha
Priscella: It won't?
Me: I think what is going on between you guys is
none of my business. You helped me make a
business of selling you cakes on the side while
working at Luxury hotel. I respect you and I
respect Tasha as my friend And I hope as a
friend she will respect that there are people who
respect me and see a friend in me. I hope she
won't take this personally though
Priscella: Me too I mean causing problems
between you guys is the last thing I want to do
Me: Tasha is a grown ass woman. She will have
to be strong
Priscella: Yeah. So I see your arm is lifted by
something. They said you should buy arm
balancer ?
Me: Yes they said when I get discharged
Priscella: I heard your car is damaged
Me: Hungani is fixing it
Priscella: That's very nice of him. Please when
they discharge you tomorrow call me I will fetch
you and take you to your house
Me: But won't you be bus....
Priscella: Just give me a call
Me: Okay thanks
Priscella: Monday my bridesmaids are going for
measurements. If you are not okay on Monday
someone will come take them in your house
Me: Thank you
Priscella: I have to leave you.... oh that plastic is
yours, I wasn't trying to bribe you though
Me: Thanks
Priscella: You're welcome and please let me
know if you don't have ingredients for the cake
and also send me invoice for how much it's
gonna cost me
Me: Will do
Priscella: Later
Me: Thanks again bye
She walked out. She is very nice. Tasha must
give Priscella a chance. She must understand
why she is upset with her. She drugged her
brother. Anyone would feel this way if they
were in her shoes.

< Masixole >
I can't believe today. I feel like going to Eastern
cape already. It looks like Johannesburg is not
for me now. I see I will break the law if I stay
here longer. I got violant with Hungani infront
of my pregnant woman. My girl has to forgive
me. I always wanted to beat his ass and I am
glad i did. This bastard is harrasing my girl. How
dare he lay his dirty hands on her. I knew
exactly what I was doing and it happened at a
perfect time when I was out of my formal wear.
I know Priscella is worried about Me and my
reputation. I got everything under control she
must relax. I just wanted to teach that fool a
lesson And I dare him to go to the police. She
will be the one going to jail and that was the first
thing I made sure I take care of when I left
Priscella in the house. Then Few minutes later I
found out Sonia hired my ex girlfriend as her
assistant. This day is getting better. I can't
believe they hired Thalala. This girl was my
girlfriend. My dad broke us up. Yes we loved
each other at the time. I was living there. She
was the most beautiful woman in that place. We
had something and I respect and care for her as
a human being but that was years ago. I don't
feel anything for her. I don't know when she
jumped on me and kissed me I just froze. I hope
Sonia didn't tell Priscella and make it look bad.
That girl caught me offguard and she was the
last person I expected to see. Damn I hope this
won't cause problems between me and Priscella.
We are very happy and I don't want anything
that comes between us.
Anyway after Sonia chased us out. I headed back
to Aaron's office. I just told him what happened.
Aaron: Damn bro! Prissy won't want to see this
woman that this floor
Me: I know man
Aaron: Were you able to speak to Sonia about....
Me: I couldn't man but don't worry. I won't let
this happen. We need Sonia as the Chief
Financial officer. She is very busy to be a COO.
She can't keep up you're perfect for the job !
Aaron: I hope you're right man
Me: Dude you're smart and very educated. This
is yours and the board is gonna vote for you
when it gets to that trust me
Aaron: Thank you man for your vote
Me: Always bro
His office door opened. We looked at the door.
It's Sonia
Me: You're looking for me ?
Sonia: Yes! i hope you don't blame me for
kicking both of you out after that shocker!
Me: I was as well
Sonia: You came to my office to talk ?
Me: Oh yeah. I saw your name in the list of
people who wanna be COO how come? you're
the CFO of this company
Sonia: How about we talk about what just
happened? Masixole I hired your ex. That fiancé
of yours is gonna murder me
Me: You will tell her you didn't know
Aaron: And you didn't
Sonia: You guys don't understand. After the
interviews she didn't choose her. I asked her to
help me like I helped her with Algebra even
though he was the only candidate. Anyway She
helped Me and she chose someone else. I made
the final call!
Me: You chose Thalala ?
Sonia: Yes!!! and she wasn't impressed at all
now this
Me: I don't wanna be you
Aaron: Me neither
Sonia: You boys are not helping !
She pulled a chair and sat down. She exhaled
Sonia: I am doomed I swear I am! I don't know
what got into me. The executive offices, Infact
this floor. She doesn't want girls around here.
Why did I hire a girl when she chose a young
boy for me?
Aaron: You saw something on her don't feel bad
Sonia: I did. She just came from a meeting I
should have attended. The lady called saying she
was great now this?
Me: I have no words on this one
She took a magazine from The desk and hit me
with it
Sonia: You should have a say! you're a royal
Prince for goodness sake! why are you such a
whore! ?
Me: She is my only ex I am no whore
Sonia: She is still very much in love with you
Me: She better fall out of love the way she fell in
Sonia: I need to find Prissy
Me: If you tell her first she will be mad at me....
Sonia: If you tell her first she will be mad at me
Me: That's why I think you should tell her with
me present
Sonia: let's go up then
Me: She went to see Laila at hospital
Sonia: Why didn't she tell me ?
I shrugged my shoulders
Sonia: God

< Narrated >
Still at the police station. It looks like the female
officer was shocked to hear this about Masixole.
Does this police officer know Masixole? Why
this kinda reaction after she is told who is being
Hungani: Did you hear what I said?
Officer: Yes let me go get my pen and take your
Hungani: Okay
The female officer sneaked her pen in her pants
then smiled at Hungani. She walked back and
opened the door to another office. She stood
where she could see Hungani and made a phone
Officer: Is that Priscella Seputla ?
Priscella: Who is asking?
Officer: This is Bhembeha, The girl who was in
your class in your first year, The one who failed
all her modules in her first year and decided to
drop out
Priscella: You don't have to explain I remember
you Bhembeha. You were funny by the way !
Bhembeha: I still am but that's not why I called.
Remember your ex The hunk on That tv show
Priscella: Hungani Oliphant what about him ?
Bhembeha looked at Hungani who was resting
his arms on the counter waiting
Bhembeha: Listen to me very carefully, I am a
junior officer. He Is here to lay charges of
assault on your fiancé. I am going to take his
statement. If you have a way to stop him do it
now before I put an ink on that book
Priscella: Thank you so much! stay where you
are I will call him now
Bhembeha: Sure
Bhembeha hung up then looked at Hungani. She
smiled when she saw Hungani look at his phone.
Bhembeha: I am sorry handsome. I think you
are just jealous the poor guy didn't do anything
to you.... Well he did beat you but I don't know
the whole story
Hungani's phone rang. He smiled then
Hungani: Hey beautiful. I was wai.....
Priscella: You dare lay charges on my fiancé, I
am going to take this CCTV footage of you
harrassing me in my building. You don't want
your fans to see you pulling a pregnant woman
by the arm now do you?
Hungani's eyes pooped out. He hung up then
looked around. Bhembeha came back smiling
Bhembeha: I am ready to take your statement
Hungani: No! Never mind
He said faking a smile walking out confused and
asking himself how Priscella found out
Hungani: How...... ?
Bhembeha smiled watching him walk away. Her
cell phone rang
Bhembeha: He just upped and left
Priscella: Thank you so much. Can you be my
bridesmaid ?
Bhembeha dropped a pen
Bhembeha: Are you sure? I mean you have rich
fancy friends
Priscella: I have one friend and You know her.
Meet me at J Fashions Monday around 11 am.
Will you be available?
Bhembeha: I will make a plan
Priscella: Thank you again
Bhembeha: Anytime
Priscella hung up. Bhembeha put her phone on
the counter then put her hands on her waist and
got down twerking
Officer1: And now?
She stopped then looked around. She smiled.
Bhembeha: No never mind
Bhembeha started writing on the note book
humming " Here comes the bride , Here comes
the bride "

< Nontorotyi >
I am a horrible person. I can't believe I helped
someone tie up my brother and killed him. How
can I do something like this ? how can I let this
happen? When I was talking to him I saw how
scared he was. I already had my mind made up.
I knew I wasn't gonna let her kill him. I already
decided that he won't die. How can she do This?
How can she kill my brother like that? She said I
was stopping her because I was feeling guilty,
like I didn't want to look like a bad guy. That's
bunch of bull! I know I didn't want him dead.
Yes I did in the beginning but talking to him,
Seeing how scared he was there was no way I
was gonna kill him. What makes me more mad
and crazy is thinking about his two kids,his wife
and my sister. How am I gonna look at All of
them? I feel sick. My stomach is fighting inside
my belly. I am going to see my sister. I don't
know why I decided to visit her at work. Maybe
it's guilt and I hope I will be able to pull myself
together. A lot is on my mind. I saw the plane
coming. Nomahelele went there with her car
that had the body. She won. That bitch proved
that she doesn't trust me. I thought I was
smarter than her. The plan was very good. I was
sure she was gonna get arrested but no, She
laughed in my face. She had a plan of her own.
I am going to confront Nomahelele for setting
me up. I don't want to do it while I am
emotional. I don't want everyone to see me
yelling at her. I can't afford to yell when she has
a gun with my finger prints all over it. I am now
the officially murderer of my brother. This is not
what I planned. I planned to get Nomahelele
arrested not this. I have nothing on her now. She
has something on me. How am I gonna get this
woman? maybe two people can get rid of her. I
don't think I would do it on my own. Maybe
going to that funeral will help me connect with
Nomaxabiso. Maybe we can do this together.
Spending sometime with her at the funeral will
help me see if she likes her or she hates
Nomahelele like I do. I pray she does and this
time I have to be careful. That fool betrayed me
the last time. I must have something on her first
before I can attempt to speak bad of
Anyway I just arrived at Ndengana Project. I
saw my husband enter his office. I smiled then
went to him. I knocked then opened the door
Me: My love
He opened the drawer and took out a file. He
threw it on the table then looked at me
Hlohlesakhe: Nontorotyi shouldn't you be
Me: I.....
Hlohlesakhe: The doctor said you almost got
your ribs broken but here you are. Did you fake
the whole thing ?
Me: What!?
He stood up then put his hands on his desk and
looked me in the eyes
Hlohlesakhe: Did you pay inmates to beat you
up ?
Me: I can't believe this!
I ran out of his office. How could He? After his
wife's cousin did to me He is accusing me of
getting myself beaten? I know I am no saint but
how dare He? I ran out out then slammed the
door hard! I ran to my car. " sisi! sisi! " Said my
sister calling me. I am sorry sis, I came to see
you but the only mistake I made was talking to
my husband first. Anyway I got in my car
Sabonkolo: Si.......
I stepped hard in the accelerator. I drove off
Me: I am sorry sis
I was crying driving out .
Me: I am sorry for leaving without talking to you
I wiped my tears.
Me: I am sorry for killing our brother
" I am sorry too " Said a voice behind me. I
looked at Rearview mirror.
Me: Zinyovile!
Zinyovile: I don't know how I didn't see this
Me: What!?
Zinyovile: How come I didn't see that vaskom
woman was gonna set you up! I feel useless!
I heard someone next to me clear their throat. I
looked at the passanger seat. I can't believe this.
What is Gedleza doing in my car? Two witches
in my car!
Me: Great! Another witch in my car!
Zinyovile: Zinza-Zenja's son?
I drove faster. I have had it with these two.
Gedleza turned and looked at Zinyovile at the
Gedleza: So because you couldn't cause harm to
anyone who is family to the royal palace you
thought you could use this commoner.....
He said pointing at me
Me: Excuse me?
Gedleza:.... to hurt The Queen by getting her
cousin arrested?
Zinyovile: I don't know what you're talking
about! I was helping Nontorotyi!
Gedleza: stop lying old woman !
Zinyovile looked down. I stopped the car then
looked at her.
Me: What is he talking about Zinyovile?
Zinyovile: He is lying!
Gedleza looked at me.
Gedleza: This crazy old woman thought if she
used you to hurt the royal house it will work!
She forgot that an order even if it's indirect it's
still an order from her !
Me: I can't believe this!
I turned the car then attempted to turn around
and look at Zinyovile
Gedleza: I am sure she is already gone
I slowly turned. Dammit! this snake is indeed
Me: She is gone! Zinyovile get your dirty ass
back here!!!!
Gedleza opened the door then walked out then
looked at me
Gedleza: By the way your dearest friend is the
one who made sure your brother didn't care at
all to visit you and I assume she is the one who
suggested that you kill him right?
To think about it now...?
Me: Oh My God!
Gedleza: You've been played. May his soul rest
in peace though
He walked away smiling. Oh My God I can't
believe this. I really can't. Zinyovile played me!
She used for her own gain! I should've known
she would never help you without getting
anything from it.



< Tasha >
It is after mid day. I have been thinking about
my parents a lot. I am very upset with them. I
feel like it's time I tell them how I feel since they
seem to not care at all about how I feel. I am
prepared to make them listen to me. I am sick of
them always running away every time when I
have done something. When will they support
me as their child? I got a job, A real job. I can't
celebrate that with my family because they are
mad at me. After work I need to go see my
parents. I will deal with this once and for all. But
right now I need to go see my best friend. I last
saw her last night and I am the reason She is in
that hospital bed. I feel really bad. I don't want
to lie. I don't want to lose friends because they
are not safe around me. I am tired of that life
that is why I want to see Brianna rot in jail.
Anyway I just walked out of the building. I saw
Hungani's car. What is my boyfriend doing here
? I smiled then went to his car. I opened the door
Then got in. Oh My God what happened to him?
He has bruises and His mouth is swollen
Me: Baby what happened to you ?
Hungani: I was walking to my car boys came out
of no where and hit me then took my wallet
Me: Oh My God I am so sorry baby but are you
okay ?
He smiled
Him: Yes I am okay. I just came to check on you
Oh My God his upper lip. It's like he bit it when
he was punched. I don't know why these things
are happening to us. Maybe this is karma for
what we did to Elton.
Me: Baby do you think all these bad things are
happening to us because of what we did to EJ?
Hungani: No! and please baby. I don't want to
hear anyone of us mentioning that family
I am so good with that I mean a day without
Priscella's name mentioned will be the best day
of my life. I just hope he will be able to keep her
name out of his mouth as well.
Me: Great ! i would love that baby
Hungani: Great, Oh I brought you lunch
Me: That's sweet babe I was gonna go see Laila
but I am already late. I will eat and go back
Hungani: Call her now. I haven't visited as well. I
feel bad because I am off for the holidays
Me: Thank God. You can't shoot looking like this
Hungani: Yeah
Me: Let me call Laila
I dialled her number. She answered
Laila: Hey
Me: Hey Friend I was gonna come and spend my
30 minutes break with you but Hungani arrived
and he got mugged so I will see you later okay
Laila: What !? is he okay ?
Me: Yes he will be fine just little bruises
Laila: Okay Please come later we have to talk
Me: Sounds serious?
Laila: No it's not. Just come
Me: Okay I will, Later
I hung up
Me: Baby what do you think about me going to
see my parents?
Hungani: I think you should go. I will take you
Me: No baby. I don't wanna upset them even
more, I will call a cab
Hungani: Are you sure?
Me: Yeah baby
I don't want them to see him like this and tell me
he is bad for me blah blah blah . I know by now
they know I was shot at by someone who is
connected to him. And I hope they won't say
they told me so. I hate that and it's something I
don't wanna hear right now.

< Priscella >
I don't know what to say. I mean my former
classmate is heaven sent. I don't know what I
was gonna do if Masixole got arrested today. I
thank Bhembeha a millions. She really helped
us. I am not going to tell Masixole about this
though. I feel like I have had enough of this
drama I don't think it's healthy for me so the
more I talk about this the more it upsets him
and that will affect us. All I care about is us. I
cannot believe Hungani though. I did not want
to talk to him he kept touching me. What did he
think people will say when he does that to me? I
just invited people to my wedding. I am
marrying another man and there he was doing
that in public. He is so stupid I hope he learnt his
lesson. Earlier when I got that call I had to think
on my feet because that man was about to
destroy my husband. I had to say something that
could stop him from making the biggest mistake
of his life and I am glad I succeeded. That
bastard is sick in the head. I thought Brianna
was sick but him, He is worse. A woman is
pregnant with his son but he is going around
alone asking for unnecessary apology. I know
that was not about apology. He just wanted to
talk to Me.
Anyway I am in the house. I want to tell mom
about what happened. I answered the call in
front of her so she deserves to know.
Refilwe: Is everything okay ? You just
threatened someone?
Me: Do you remember when I walked out of the
elevator with Masixole kissing?
Mom: Yes it was an hour ago honey
Me: Well he just beat Hungani downstairs
Mom jumped up
Mom: What !? How could he ?
Me: Hungani was harassing Me. I wanted to go
he didn't want me to go he wanted to talk to me.
He kept pulling me and then Out of no where
Masixole came and beat him
Mom: You're smiling as if this is a good thing!
Me: It's a good thing that i know I am safe with
my man around
Mom: Our reputation! What if he goes to the
police ?
Me: He did an officer called me to stop him and I
Mom: What did you do?
Me: I told him if he lays charges against
Masixole I am going to give the police a footage
of him pulling me. He left the police station
Mom: I don't know why he keeps coming here.
What was he doing here again?
Me: " To apologise "
I sat down
Me: As if he didn't do that enough at the hospital
Mom: He wanted to talk to you alone. He wanted
to show you he meant it
Me: mom you were not there when I went with
Sonia. That man said I disgust him. I have
nothing to say to him and he must leave me the
hell alone! Who the hell does he think he is
calling me disgusting?
Mom: Did Masixole ask what was going on or he
just beat the guy ?
Me: Ms Refilwe I am your daughter! I am
pregnant. Do you think it's okay for someone to
hold my wrist tight against my will when I want
to go ?
Refilwe: Baby cal....
Me: Don't tell me to calm down Mom! Masixole
did that because he loves me and he saw That I
was upset ! i don't know why I feel like you're on
that guy's side!
Mom: Don't be silly! I am on your side!
Me: Show it then! you should be proud I am
marrying a man who is going to protect me !
Mom: Protecting you is one thing but punching
people in public ?! I am thinking abou.......
Me: Save it Mom!
I stood up then walked away heading to the
stairs. I walked up the stairs. I saw her taking
her handbag going to the elevator
She is making me angry. I expect her as my
mother to be concerned about me. The only
person she should be mad at is the guy who is
harrassing her daughter not taking his side.
Maybe mom overstayed her welcome. She must
go back to the US. I don't need her here.

< Refilwe >
How can Masixole be so stupid. He has a bright
future. He is about to become a respected man.
How can he do something like this in public ? I
am really angry with him right now. I really am.
All I can do right now is go help both him and
my daughter. Whatever happens to him it
affects my daughter and the company. Now that
I am here I need to make sure I do damage
control. I feel like they do a lot when i am not
around and I appreciate it but now that I am
here. I need to help. Priscella is being silly. I am
not on that man's side. I am just worried about
Masixole and his reputation and Our reputation.
I don't know why they don't think about that.
I know where to find Hungani. He is definitely
in his house. The fact that he went to the police
shows that he got hurt..I don't think he would be
walking around with bruises. My driver arrived
at his house. I saw his car outside. I smiled. He is
home. My Chauffeur opened the door for me. I
walked out
Me: Wait for me here. I will be right back
Chauffeur: Okay ma'am
I headed to the door. I rang the bell. I saw him
coming to the door. He opened the door. Boys
are so clumsy. How do you walk around not
wearing anything on top?
Hungani: Refilwe I don't want to talk about this
Me: I came to check on you. My daughter told
me what happened. Oh My God your eye and lip.
I am so sorry
He walked away. I followed him
Hungani: I am sure she must be proud of herself
for blackmailing me
Me: She is just doing what any wife would do to
protect her family
Hungani looked at me pouring wine
Hungani: Wife? I thought you guys denied Home
Affairs marriage. Why do you call them husband
and wife?
Me: You know what I mean
He gave me a glass of wine
Me: Thank you
We walked to the living room .
Hungani: I just went there to apologise. You
know how your daughter is. She didn't want to
hear it and because I know her, I didn't care if
she wanted to hear it or not i just wanted her to
hear me out then that bastard showed up
Me: That man is my daughter's Fiancé. You and
Priscella are exes. You just can't keep going to
Priscella. You and Tasha betrayed her. She not
your friend why can't you get that ?
Hungani: I have known Prissy for a long time. I
thought because of our history we could get
through anything and be friends again
Me: Priscella is not your friend. She is your ex
and she is in a relationship. And I know
friendship is not what you want from her so you
just can't be anywhere near each other.
Masixole is not blind. He sees what you're trying
to do
Hungani: I am with Tasha
I stood up
Me: Right , Just conveniently with Tasha
Hungani: What do you mean ? I love her
I checked his wound
Me: Don't you think you should go let the doctor
check this?
I said touching his wound. He looked at me.
Hungani: Now that I am up close I see where
Priscella got her good genes
I cleared my throat. I put my wine on his coffee
table. I took my handbag
Hungani: Did I say something....?
Me: No, My time is up. I just wanted to thank
you for not laying charges against My son in law
Hungani: Wait!
I didn't listen to him, I walked to the door. I
walked out and headed to the car.

< Judge NomaKhosazana >
I am so happy that the Ndamase Construction
came here today. People of this village now see
that we were not playing. I am very excited
about the new business and I feel so bad that my
sister in law don't know I am part of this
business. I am walking with her home from the
site where we are going to start the business. We
didn't go with River because she had to send
some documents and read emails. She got the
job. She is starting work in January I am glad I
helped her get the job. I know she was getting
bored here. Before I left she reminded me that
her having this job mean doing the paternity test
for Nontorotyi's children and that scares me.
What if all of them are not Chief Khabalandile's
kids ?
Anyway we just got back to the palace.
Me: I don't remember the last time I walked
such a long distance
Nomagampompo: Me too I enjoyed it though
Me: Me too. We should do this more often in the
Her: Yeah..... My Queen the Plane came here two
times. I know now it came for the site but the
same plane came and no one came to us
Me: Oh
I am not comfortable talking about this.
Nomagampompo: What is going on? Your cousin
went to the back house then left and went to the
jet. Whose jet was that and what was it doing
here ? Was it the same jet ?
She is asking about the time it came to take
Nontorotyi's brother.
Me: It's My cousin sister's. She has a
construction company. The one we just spoke to.
She wanted to know how much they'd cost her
to renovate that house
Nomagampompo: That's good
Me: I know Nomahelele wanna move to her
house as soon as possible
Her: That's good for her. I mean she got the job
now her life will be normal again
Me: I know
My phone rang. It's Refilwe
Me: Go in sisi I have to take this
Nomagampompo: Okay
I answered
Me: Hey
Refilwe: Queen Masixole punched a man here
Me: What !?
Refilwe: Well the man was bothering my
daughter. I am proud of him for being protective
but he will be king soon. He must protect his
Me: Absolutely! I am going to give that boy a call
right now!
Refilwe: Please don't do that. They will be mad
at me. He regrets doing it and the guy knows he
was wrong so he is not laying charges
Me: That's good to hear but that doesn't make
me feel okay about what he did. He must lead by
example! I never raised a hooligan!
Refilwe: Don't worry about it
Me: How can I not worry. Reputation must be
his first priority. He is not some boy now! He is a
Refilwe: Exactly! that is why I made sure he
doesn't report him to the police
Me: Thank you Refilwe. You're a great friend
Refilwe: You're welcome Queen...
She cleared her throat. I can tell she wants to say
or ask something.
Me: What is it ?
Refilwe: I was just with a friend of mine. She
asked for my advise but I was unable to help
her. I want to hear your opinion on this
I sat down on the resting chair outside
Me: I am listening ?
Refilwe: This friend of mine walked in on her
daughter's ex boyfriend naked
Me: That must've been awkward?
Refilwe: It was! ..... She says it was and the worst
thing is she can't take the picture of that boy's
naked body and penis off her mind ever since
that day it's all she thinks about
Me: Do you think your friend is in love with this
ex ?
Refilwe exhaled
Refilwe: I don't know but she always fantasize
about his body and his penis. She said she
always picture it in her head
Me: I will have to think this through and get
back to you
Refilwe: Please do! I said the same thing to her
so your feed back will help me get back to her
Me: Okay I will think right now
Refilwe: Goodbye friend
Me: Bye
I hung up
Me:....... ?



< Narrated >
At SM offices. We see Thalala still panicking
about what she did. She is worried about her
future at this company. It's funny how one
desperately needs a job, when finally gets it in
just a day in it She messes up. What was she
thinking kissing a man in front of her boss. It
doesn't matter who is the man. Masixole or not
the fact is she crossed the line. Let's hope she
won't say she was punished because she kissed
The boss' man. Her behavior was just
unacceptable. I guess She really missed her ex
boyfriend, Maybe it was an innocent act on her
Algebra: Ms D is very kind to nice people. I am
sure she will forgive you for this
Thalala: What do you think is gonna happen to
me if the CEO finds out? My boss is not back yet I
really don't know what's gonna happen to me
Algebra: You need to calm down. I don't think
you will get fired. You didn't know the King is
getting married
Thalala cleared her throat then sat down.
Algebra: You didn't know right ?
Thalala smiled
Thalala: Of course I didn't. I mean I wouldn't
embarrass myself the way I did if I knew
Algebra: I know right
The elevator opened. Algebra looked at it.
Mandisa walked out.
Mandisa: Algebra can we have a moment?
Algebra: I will be right back friend
Thalala: Okay friend
Algebra walked to Mandisa
Algebra: Mandi
Mandisa: Hey I hope this won't sound weird but
while I was working I was thinking
She looked nervous
Me: Yes?
Mandisa: Algebra you're a nice and young
beautiful boy
Me: Thanks But I feel like there is a but coming
Mandisa: Do you and Isaiah use protection?
Algebra: Why would you ask me that ?
Mandisa: Algebra that was a simple question!!!
Mandisa snapped. Algebra looked surprised by
her behavior. Mandisa looked down.
Mandisa: I am sorry
Algebra: What is going on sis Mandi?
Mandisa: No It's just that i know you guys are
careless. You... I mean He was dating Brendan. A
celebrity who was also sleeping with that loose
girl what's her name ?
Algebra: Tasha
Mandisa: Exactly! And Tasha was sleeping with
Hungani you get what I mean? All the people I
mentioned. If one of them have any disease then
you have it if you don't use protection
Algebra started thinking then looked at Mandisa
Algebra: You know I felt like Isaiah and I were
on that stage of trusting each other and we could
do it without condom but what you just told me
just proves to me that using protection with him
was the perfect idea from the beginning and I
shouldn't stop....
Algebra looked at Mandisa
Algebra: Thank you
Mandisa: Mandisa is always here
Algebra hugged her
Algebra: Thank you so much
They broke the hug
Algebra: I have to go back to work
Mandisa: Okay I need to go back to the office
Algebra: Bye
Algebra walked to his desk. Mandisa let out a
heavy sigh then smiled

Sonia and Masixole are walking in at the
penthouse. They find Priscella in the living room
just on her computer.
Priscella: Hey you guys
Sonia: Hey
Priscella stood up. She could tell Sonia was
Priscella: I don't see you All morning and now
you come to my house looking like someone
who is gonna say someone is dead. What's up ?
Masixole was smiling. Priscella looked at him
then at Sonia then started thinking fast. "I don't
want to look at him. He always has silly smile on
and his smile always mak him get away with so
many things. When I see his long white teeth I
just get weak and right now I can see someone
did something and if I look at this man I won't
be able to lashout. The best thing to do right now
is look at my best friend " That was all in
Priscella's head while looking at them
Sonia: Friend I am so sorry for being stubborn. I
should've known better than not taking your
advice. You're a pure genius and......
Priscella didn't look impressed at all. She
interrupted her.
Priscella: What did you do Sonia?
Sonia looked at Masixole. Masixole smiled
showing the teeth. Priscella didn't look at him at
all. Her eyes were glued on Sonia
Sonia: She is the worst PA
Priscella: What did she do?
Masixole: She is my ex from high school
Priscella looked at Masixole who had his hands
on his pockets
Priscella: You're joking right?
Sonia got teary. A tear escaped her eye. Priscella
looked at Sonia
Priscella: What did she do?
Sonia: Masixole came to my office while I was
speaking to her. I didn't know they knew each
Masixole: And I didn't know she was working
here. I haven't seen her in years
Sonia: She got excited. She jumped on him and
kissed his lips. I shouted at her! I said hands off
my friend's man. She ran out embarrassed. She
didn't know about you two
Priscella: Are you sure she didn't!?
Sonia: The way she ran out i don't think she di....
Priscella: Friend I love you but I can't stand you
right now
Sonia: Pris
Priscella stood up
Masixole: Baby she didn't know
Priscella: Baby I didn't like this girl she knows it!
I said she wasn't the best of the guys we
interviewed and I told her I don't want girls
working on our floor! I am not a sexist or
anything I just don't like girls because they
easily fall for people they shouldn't fall for, look
Sonia: What do you want me to do? I can fire
Priscella: That doesn't sound right. You want me
to feel guilty for being the reason someone lost a
job ?
Sonia: But she can't work here. She is obviously
still in love with Masixole
She looked at Masixole
Sonia: Right Masixole ?
Masixole: I think her behavior wasn't right. I
mean she started working for you yesterday but
today she is not ashamed to jump on someone
and kiss him in front of you in your office
Sonia: Imagine that!
Priscella: And you will kiss me with those lips
Masixole: Come on babe. It was just a perk
Priscella: Baby we are getting married next
month. We don't need these problems. I feel like
she is gonna be a problem!
Sonia: I completely agree with you friend! I
totally agree
Masixole: I feel bad because I know where she is
from and for her to come to Johannesburg and
get a job here means a lot. I am proud
considering her background but that doesn't
mean she should kiss me. Sonia you know what
to do
Sonia looked at Priscella then at Masixole
Sonia: Yeah.... I am gonna see you lovebirds later
She walked out. Masixole went to Priscella for a
kiss. She gave him a hand
Priscella: That is not healthy for me and our
child. Go wash you lips I mean did you think
about bacteria
Masixole: I am going upstairs to do just that
Priscella smiled
Priscella: Bye
Masixole: Are you sure you don't wanna give me
a kis.....
Priscella: Go!
He laughed and walked away
Priscella: Idiot
She started thinking about this girl

< Nomahelele >
After I killed her brother i left her there. When i
went there with a pilot she was already gone. I
see her for the first time since that happened.
She said she wanted to speak to me privately. I
hope it's not about her Maxhala brother because
I already cleansed myself and I am done talking
about it. I don't like talking about my victims.
The only thing I expect from sister wife is a
thank you.
Anyway we just got to the guest room. I left my
cousin in the living room alone. I don't know
why she wanna speak in private because she
knows I don't keep nothing from The Queen. I
closed the door. I turned around and looked at
She gave me deathstare.
Me: I don't want to talk about this with you
I said attempting to go to the door.
Nontorotyi: What's the plan?
I stopped walking. I didn't turn around. What is
she on about?
Me: A plan?
I heard footsteps behind me. I will have to be
brave right now. I don't know if she will attack
me or something. I will just trust my gut and
take it like a woMAN. You can't let someone you
don't trust come behind you but this one I am
going to let her. I just hope I won't regret it.
Nontorotyi: You want me to take a fall for my
brother's murder?
I smiled. I must say I am relieved. You can't trust
Nontorotyi when she is behind you. She is very
unpredictable. I turned around Smiling
Me: Now look at that Sntoro-ntoro
Nontorotyi: Just answer me dammit!!!
Me: Okay sister wife. I love you and you know I
do but don't you dare say dammit to me are we
She walked around crying pacing up and down
Nontorotyi: I thought I could trust you. I mean
how can I be so stupid. Who trusts a side chick
who was sleeping with your husband way
before she married him
Okay She is taking this too far now. I won't listen
to her insults no more!
Me: Nontorotyi you don't know what that sex I
had with your husband the first time meant to
She looked at me. She was surprised to see me
Nontorotyi: I am sorry I didn't mea....
I gave her a hand. I hate breaking down infront
of my enemy. I know I can try all I want to get
along with her She will always be a snake
Me: No It's okay. It's a pity I don't trust you. If I
did I was gonna tell you but one thing you
should know is that your husband changed my
life. If I were to do it again I would now back to
your question !
I said wiping my tears
Me: No, I won't set you up. I just wanted to build
our trust. You can trust me because I have your
best interest at heart but I do not trust you and
you will have to live with that
Nontorotyi: So you won't set me up ?
Me: Not yet
Nontorotyi: What's that supposed to mean?
I looked at her.
Me: It means Nontorotyi Dimbaza Ndengana is a
Queen of Ungratefulness. I know one day you
will doubt cross me even after everything I have
done for you. So I wanted to have something on
you so that we can live in peace in this marriage
Nontorotyi: Fair enough. I need another favour
from you
I sat on the bed
Me: I am listening
Nontorotyi: Hlohlesakhe don't wanna forgive
me. I tried. He hates me. He can't even look at
me. He said he wouldn't be surprised if I hired
those people to beat me in prison. How can he
say something like that about me?
Me: Oh My God That's not like my darling
I said standing up. I need to speak to him. He
told me he forgave her so many times. What is
stopping him now ?
Nontorotyi: Our darling!!
Me: Sntoro-Ntoro we are sister wives yes but we
are allowed to claim our husband as individuals.
When you call him your love I don't get jealous
Nontorotyi: He is changed. He only respects you
Me: That is because I have never done anything
to hurt him. All I do is make sure he is happy
and I think you should use this time to make
him feel special. Go home and make him a
special dinner for tonight
Her: You think he will appreciate that ?
Me: Very much. When it comes to winning your
husband's heart you have to do everything to
make sure he forgives you and food is the best
gesture to show love and appreciation for your
husband. You don't cook Deliwe do, When He
realises that you cooked for him He will be very
She smiled then stood up. She wiped her tears.
She looked at me.
Nontorotyi: I will pretend like he didn't accuse
me of asking people to beat me
I looked down. I am guilty that I know who did.
Nontorotyi: I will take all the punches just to win
my man's heart
I smiled at her
Me: Make use of tonight because he is all mine
tomorrow night S'ntoro-ntoro
She walked out. I smiled then followed her. We
walked out of the guest room. We headed to the
living room. My cousin sister stood up
NomaKhosazana: You're done talking ?
Nontorotyi stood next to the Queen. She looked
at her then at me. She turned around and made
sure She could see us both..
Nontorotyi: You'd tell me if you knew who
Attacked me in jail right?
We both looked surprised by her question.
NomaKhosazana: Yeah of course
She looked at me
NomaKhosazana: Right cuz ?
I looked at Nontorotyi
Me: You and I are sisters. Of course I would tell
Nontorotyi: Mmhmm
She walked to the door. Siqalo opened the door.
She walked out. I looked at cuz
Me: She knows doesn't she?
NomaKhosazana: Looks that way and she knows
you and I are involved
Someone cleared his throat behind us. We
turned around
NomaKhosazana: Gedleza ?
Gedleza: Your highness I apologize to interrupt
Me: What is it?
Gedleza: Your highness your cousin is the one
who called and told her
We both sat down on the couch at the same
Me: May Ndamase!
NomaKhosazana: She just loves taking risks!

< Tasha >
It's just after one. I didn't think I would knock off
so early. We didn't just call it a day. We called it
holidays. We are going to start working 4th
January. If I was still with Elton that was gonna
mean going to the trip. Speaking of the trip. I
wonder if it's still happening. I feel like that trip
was just organised for my murder. I can't
believe I created a monster in him. I feel so bad
though. I wish one day we'd meet and get some
closure. I feel like that would do us good. I do
hope eventually he forgives me and find
happiness because I found my happiness in the
man of my dreams. The man I always admired
and been a fan of. It's amazing how God works.
Anyway I didn't call Hungani. I just decided to
go see my parents. From there I am going to see
my best friend. I took a cab. It's so good to walk
freely without worrying about Brianna. I am so
happy she was caught. What an evil woman. I
am so lucky to survive that and I feel so bad for
the poor Michaela who died so tragically. I know
my parents are home. The varsity is closed for
my dad. He is home and my mom as well I don't
think she is still working. I rang the bell and
waited for someone to answer the door. Few
seconds later the door opened. It's mom
Mom: What are you doing here!?
Me: To show you that I am not a coward! I don't
walk away from a conversation! today we all
gonna talk. Dad!!!
I said walking in and yelling calling for dad.
Mom closed the door.
Dad: What do you want here !?
Mom: I asked her the same thing
I walked to the kitchen. I opened fridge. I took
out juice. I poured a glass. I walked to them.
They were standing in the living room looking at
Me: Great! now that we all here we can talk
I sat on the couch then sipped on my juice. I
looked at them.
Me: So tell me mom, I know I work on your
favourite soap. Are you gonna stop watching
now that I am acting on it ?
Mom's eyes popped out.
Dad: What is she talking about ?
Oh? So they don't know ?
Me: You don't know? Then who told you I was
shot? Because the headline said an actress and
Instagram business woman
Mom: We saw your name on the news we just
went crazy. We didn't know about your acting
Me: Well I am mother. You will start seeing me
beginning February
Mom looked at dad
Me: The word you both are looking for is
congratulations well thank you parents now let's
talk about last night. Why did you get upset?
Dad: How can I not? We hear from that boy that
my only child is pregnant
I stood up sipping my juice
Me: How was I gonna tell you when you kicked
me out of my home and put my clothes in trash
Mom: You humiliated us!
Me: I am still your daughter! family over
everything! It's always been your words dad! I
am pregnant and the child was not made
recently. I got pregnant the night of the scandal
what do you want me to do? Abort?
Mom: We don't believe in that!
Me: Exactly!
Dad: And we don't believe in children out of the
wedlock! We don't like your boyfriend! We liked
that Elton sweet boy
Mom: Tasha Elton loved you. This boy doesn't
love you. He is just with you for a child!
Me: He loves us both
Dad looked at mom
Dad: My wife maybe she didn't see it. Show her
what you showed me !
Me: What is that?
Mom: A video of your baby daddy getting beat at
Seputla mine. We don't know the man who was
beating him because his head is covered by his
hotty hat
Me: He said he got mugged
I said taking the phone
Mom: That boy doesn't love you sweety and he is
always on the news. A girl died because of him.
Your friend took a bullet that was for you! Leave
What? never! he is my baby daddy and I love
him. I watched this video. Oh My God it's
Masixole. I can see it. I know Masixole even
though I can't see his face. A woman ran to the
elevator. I can tell who it is looking at her
behind. It's Priscella
I gulped my juice then furiously walked to the
Dad: That boy never loved you!!!
I put the glass in a sink. I put both my hands on
the counter
Me: So he lied to me. He went to see her

< Judge NomaKhosazana >
So Nontorotyi knows our cousin did that to her
but she decides to play games with us and
pretend like she doesn't know. You know what
that says to me about her ? I feel like she will
never change. She is forever sneaky. I know we
are too for hiding this from her but do we have a
choice? We didn't ask May to beat her. In fact
she is the reason my cousin decided to
intervene. She doesn't respect Me and my
principles. It is her fault that she got beat. I
won't feel bad at all but I can't help but ask
myself why didn't she tell her husband? Is it
because they are in a bad space? but knowing
her she would make him listen to her and make
sure we are the bad guys in all this. Maybe May
threatened her. And I wouldn't run it pass her.
She is such a bully but she is helping me by
Neutralizing that woman. Nontorotyi has to be
stopped. I am glad both my cousins achieved
making her a good person. River has a gun with
with her finger prints locked in my safe. Gedleza
just told us May called Nontorotyi. I think that is
why she came to apologise. That was not all her.
She did it because she was forced to. She will
never change.
Anyway enough about my brother in law's wife.
I have an important phone call to make. I have
to call Refilwe. I have an answer for her. I
thought this through and I think she will love
my answer. I dialled her number. It rang and
she answered in fifth ring
Refilwe: Hello Queen
Me: Refilwe I have been thinking and I have an
answer for you
Refilwe: I am listening ?
Me: Tell your friend that she must pack her
bags, Go back to Chicago and find a hot African
American man, Date him and stop playing with
fire because she will get burnt!
She started breathing heavily
Refilwe: How did you know it was me?
Me: Leave your daughter's ex boyfriend alone!
You're going to ruin your relationship with your
Refilwe: I know!...... ( Tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu)
She hung up on me. I sat down then took my
Me: This is disgusting




< Refilwe >
Oh My God I feel so embarrassed. I feel like a
whore, and thinking about that word makes me
sick. I know who I am. I am a decent woman. I
don't like younger men. I don't know maybe the
devil is testing my faith in God. I have been
hiding this for such a long time now. I don't
know why I can't stop thinking about what I saw
in Laila's house. How can I even have these
feelings for my daughter's ex boyfriend? How
can I feel like this for a man who betrayed my
son with my son's girlfriend? Why?. I just
humiliated my daughter to her mother in law.
What got into me. Why did I ask the Queen for
advice, Now I feel so bad. I am so ashamed of
myself. What if she thinks I am a shameless
loose woman? Oh boy this is bad. I feel like I
need to take a trip and I will do it right now! I
have the resources. I don't have to plan to go to a
trip. When I want to go to a trip I go to the trip.
Earlier at Hungani's house I felt like we had a
moment and I had to run away from it. I can't do
that. I just can't feel the way I feel about my
daughter's ex. What got into him though? Why
did that man flirt with me? Did he really flirt or
it's just in my head? I feel like he did. He looked
me in the eye and told me I am beautiful. The
way he looked at me was uncomfortable. He
looked at me like he wanted me. I can't do this. I
just can't.
Anyway I just walked into my house right now.
Priscella is here. Great just what I needed.
Priscella: Where were you mom? When I told
you about What Masixole did, you just stormed
out and when I saw him he didn't mention that
you went to see him so where were you?
Me: I had to go make sure Hungani doesn't
report your man
Her: But mom I told you I stopped him ?
Me: Mama had to make sure. You can't afford
bad publicity sweetheart
Priscella: I know Mom. I just wish Hungani
could just leave us alone. He is behaving just like
The elevator opened Algebra walked in
Priscella: Algebra
The boy looked at me.
Him: Hello Mrs Seputla
Me: Hi boy
He looked at Priscella
Algebra: Ma'am can we talk in private?
Priscella: You can say whatever you wanna say
in front of mom
He gave her the phone
Algebra: It's a video of Hungani getting beat by
Mr Ndengana but it doesn't show Mr Ndengana's
face since he was wearing a hooty
Me: Oh Thank God but I am worried about
Hungani's reputation
Priscella: Why do you care what happens to that
I swallowed hard
Me: No It's just that people might figure it out
who that was. Masixole might be in trouble
Priscella: He won't
Priscella: Thank you algebra go back to work
He smiled then walked to the elevator. He went
in and left. I looked at my daughter. I need to
talk about this trip I need to take. I can't let the
Queen think I am a slut. I am not a slut. I know
what I feel is wrong and I need help to forget it.
Me: Baby I miss your mother in law. I want to go
there and go to the funeral with them
Priscella: That's sweet mom so when are you
Me: Tonight baby
Priscella: Okay no problem. I am really happy
you support each other
Me: Me too baby. I will come back with Elton
and the guys
Priscella: Okay mom
I looked away. I need The Queen's advice. I can't
ask for my friend's advice because she is
Hungani's mother. This is so embarrassing. No
in fact this is sick. Imagine me sleeping with my
friend's son. My daughter's ex boyfriend.

< Sonia De Villiers >
What the hell this wrong with this girl? why did
she put me through this? I really wanna believe
that she didn't do this deliberately but I just
can't. I am sorry if she needed this job but she is
going to lose it in the next five minutes. It would
make me so mad to know that to her this was a
game to get close to Masixole when there were
so many people who came for this job. We let go
of people who needed this job for someone who
is here to seduce an executive of this company.
Anyway I asked Aaron to come do this with me.
I can't do this alone. Priscella and Masixole left
for home. My friend has been away from the
office today. She came and went to the board
meeting then went home and came back. Now
she is gone. She is in the holiday fever. I can't
wait to spend tomorrow with my kids as well. I
have been away from them. They will start
school soon and I haven't spent quality time
with them. Anyway we walked out of the
elevator. Algebra and Thalala were at their desk.
Aaron: Is that her?
Me: Yes that's her I am so nervous
Aaron: I am sorry you will do this alone
Me: What the hell! Aaron!?
He ran down the hallway. He didn't go to the
elevator. What the hell is going on? I turned
around and looked at Algebra and Thalala
They looked at me with their eyes popped out.
Me: Thalala my office now!
I catwalked to my office. I am scared to do this
but at the same time I am angry. I feel like there
is more to this. This is not a co incident. This girl
knew Masixole was working here and she damn
knew who he is in a relationship with. If she
came here to seduce her ex well she can only do
that in his inbox not in this building. I am firing
her. Anyway I opened the door. I walked in and
left the door open. She walked in.
Me: Close the door and take a seat
She closed the door and came to me. She pulled
a chair
Thalala: Ma'am I......
Me: I will do the talking!
Thalala: Okay ma'am
Me: The first time I saw you I was like wow
Me: She is beautiful so ambitious. She knows
what she wants she knows everything about this
Me: At that interview You said you knew
everything about this company. You said it has
always been a dream of yours to work here
Thalala: I meant every word ma'am. I am a
professional and a hard worker it's just that
Me: One thing you forgot to mention was
screwing our COO in high school
Thalala: I didn't know he was working her....
Me: You know everything about this company!
that's what you said. Masixole has been working
for us for three years now. Are you really gonna
tell me that you didn't know our COO?
Tears started streaming down her cheeks
Thalala: I didn't know I swear
Oh My God. She is such a good actress. I actually
felt bad for firing her but I am more sure it's the
right thing to do now. She is lying to me
Me: Nonetheless you saw and read your contract
Thalala: I did and I am so s...
I stood up .
Me: I am sorry Thalala you're fired
Thalala: Please
Me: Thalala you lied about not knowing our
COO. You knew who he was and I feel like He
was the reason you wanted to work here. You
wanted to be close to him and that makes you a
bad person because you know He is in a
relationship and he is about to get married but
you didn't care about that
Thalala: I didn't know
Me: whether you did or you didn't it doesn't
matter what matters is you're in love with our
CEO's Fiancé and that is unacceptable. Thalala
you're very smart and i am sure you will find
another job somewhere
Thalala: I promise from now on I won't look at
Me: Thalala you don't want me to get you
blacklisted. You're very young you need a job
but not at Seputla mine. The lady you're trying
to mess up with her name is written in bold out
of that door you don't want to be here! and you
don't want to be blacklisted because baby one
phone call to the fifth floor Priscella will make
sure you don't get a job anywhere
She stood up
Thalala: Thank you for the opportunity
She walked to the door and out.
She shrugged her shoulders looking at Algebra.
Algebra put his hand on his mouth shocked. I
could see glasses in his eyes from my office. If
Algebra knew this girl's agenda he wouldn't be
crying for her. That girl is a pychopath and it
looks like they just love messing with my best
friend. I took my telephone and called Priscella
Priscella: Sis
Me: She lied to my face. She knew our COO and I
feel like she came here because of him
Priscella: She denied knowing him?
Me: She said She didn't know our COO
Priscella: That girl said she knew everything
about this company!
Me: Exactly what I said to her friend. Prissy?
Priscella: Yes ?
Me: I think you need to call an investigator and
look into this woman's past
Priscella: You think there is more into....
Me: Won't hurt to check it out!
Priscella: I am on it. What's her last name again?
Me: Thalala Siwalala
Priscella: I am sorry for making you do that. I
know firing someone is not cool at all
Me: You warned me
Priscella: Let's not go there. It's over she is gone
Me: Yeah. I will see you later
Priscella: I love you bye
I hung up
Me: I love you too
The door opened. Algebra walked in
Algebra: Ma'am she is crying. I feel bad
Me: That bitch knew Masixole was working
here! during the interview she said She knew
everything about this company. She told us what
we do. She said I was the CFO and Priscella a
CEO. don't you find it strange that she didn't
know only her ex position in this company?
Algebra: So she is not who she says she is?
Me: At least we know her name and we are
going to dig deeper and find out what she is
hiding !
Algebra: Girls are dangerous in this city
Me: Everywhere! Brianna is from your city! Now
I see why Priscella only hire boys for other
departments. She doesn't want any girl who is
gonna work closely with she and I
Algebra: I don't know what to say
Me: I say pour us whisky. Your boss already
called it a day. I am sure you too have nothing to
do. I have to go home change and go to a photo
shoot but that will happen at four. Will you go
with me ? I will drive you home
Algebra: Of course . You don't have to drive me
home. You can just call me an uber
Me: I Will do that let's drink
Thalala Siwalala..... I will never forget her

< Princess Ngejiwe >
Maybe I am being tested here. First this Man
humiliate me by sleeping with my family helper
now he is at my doorstep? What is Velezantsi
doing in my house? After all he is done to me he
comes to my house and smile?
Anyway after I saw him I walked away leaving
him at the door
Velezantsi: Ngejiwe please hear me out I don't
want to come in. The chief might find here
I sat on the couch. He was standing outside.
Me: I wish he could find you here and deal with
Velezantsi: Can we talk outside?
Me: After you dumped me for a maid and
chased me out ?
Velezantsi: How did it feel Ngejiwe how did it
The nerve. I stood up. I looked at the door
fuming with anger
Me: What did you ask me ?
Velezantsi: How did it feel to be mistreated,
dumped and Kicked out like that ?
Me: It hurt a little and I felt bad for hurting
about what you did because I deserve better !
Velezantsi: Do you want to know how it felt to
find out that I am not good enough for you? Do
You know how I felt when I heard that you slept
with another guy then when he rejected you....
I looked down
Velezantsi: You came back to me! do you know
how that made me feel?
Velezantsi: It made me feel useless, like I am not
worth anything. Not worth of your love. I felt
like I will never be good enough for you. I felt
like I was just your sex machine. Something you
didn't care about. Something you only needed
when you wanted sex!
Me: That is not true!
Velezantsi: But when we were fighting you
confirmed those things. You said I wasn't your
type and what you did just proved it. I accepted
that I wasn't good enough. That's why I decided
to date her. My plan was to hurt you the same
way you hurt me but I was a fool to think you'd
care then I decided to leave her because to me it
was just a game, My plan to hurt you but what's
the use of trying to make you jealous when you
don't even care about me ?
Me: I care about you! I love you it's just that I
didn't know how we'd go forward after you
found out what I did
Velezantsi: I was angry yes but I understand
why you did it. You were doing it for me because
you were scared that I might be banished. I
mean you even offered to help me with
damages. That shows....
Me: That I care!. I was not in love with him. I just
wanted to give my father what he wanted. I
wanted to make him proud but then I realised
that I can't live my life to please someone. I have
to live for me
Velezantsi: I am sorry
Me: I am sorry for hurting you. I am sorry for
the things I said to you. I didn't mean them I was
He hugged me. I hugged him tight.
Me: I missed you
He hugged me so tight
Him: I missed you
I broke the hug. I looked at the palace. The
garden man was looking at us
Velezantsi: I think I should leave before he goes
in and tell people that I hugged the princess
Me: Hihihi yeah
Him: Is it too late to try again?
I smiled. My phone rang. I looked at it. I don't
know this number
Me: I will come to your house later. I have to
take this
Velezantsi: Okay
I closed the door Then leaned on it smiling. I
Me: Ngejiwe
Caller: Ngejiwe it's Priscella.
My eyes pooped out. Thee Priscella is calling me
Her: Priscella Seputla
Me: Hello My Queen
Priscella: I hope you're good. I just wanted to
know if you would like to be my bridesmaid
Me: What ? of course I would love that
Priscella: Thank you so much. Ngejiwe I don't
want to regret this. I know how your mom can
get and you seem to follow her orders and that
scares me. I don't want anything that will ruin
my wedding
Me: I promise you my Queen Nothing will
happen. I learnt my lesson
Her: Okay Monday the designer of dresses
wanna see us for measurements. I will make a
plan to fetch you
I don't think I will be comfortable being at Elton
home after what I did. I can't go there. I want to
go for the measurements that's it and I am not
telling my mother about this. She will have
opinion and ideas I don't want to hear.
Me: Promise me I won't have to sleep there
Priscella: A helicopter will come fetch you at 8 it
will be there. At around 10 or 11am you will be
here. After the measurements are taken it will
take you back to Sdabadabeni
Me: Okay thank you so much. I know I don't
deserve this. Thank you
Priscella: You're family. I give family a second
Me: Thank you
Priscella: My secretary will call you on Sunday
and remind you bye
Me: Bye My Queen
She hung up. Oh My God. I am so honoured to be
part of this. I just got back together with my
boyfriend now this?
I can't wait to go to The palace just for a visit. I
know my visit will upset Notiniphu

< Narrated >
At Sdabadabeni village. We see Nomahelele
drives in at the project to see her husband. She
walked out of her car. She headed to the office.
We see Cikizwa and Sabonkolo looking at her
Ciki: Do you think she gets along with your sister
Sabonkolo: I don't know all I know is I would
never share my husband with any woman. My
sister came here and left upset. I hope this
woman didn't upset her
Cikizwa: She looks like a decent woman though
Sabonkolo: Even decent women do get jealous
and they are very rude and nasty
Cikizwa: Well we don't know but Your sister
doesn't look like a pushover
Sabonkolo looked at Cikizwa
Sabonkolo: Have the Queen's cousin as a sister
wife then come and tell me how it's like in your
Cikizwa looked down
Ciki: Yeah
Sabonkolo: Anyway she is the reason my sister
is free. Let's not jump to conclusion. Maybe she
is not the reason my sister was upset
She said smiling at Cikizwa then walked away.
Cikizwa folded her arms looking at Sabonkolo
walking away
Ciki: Or your sister was just being her dramatic
She didn't say that out loud. Anyway in the
Hlohlesakhe: To what do I owe this visit
Nomahelele: Do I have to have a reason to visit
my darling?
Hlohlesakhe gave her the " Out with it " look
Nomahelele: Okay you know me
Hlohlesakhe: You Damn right I do. So what's up
Nomahelele: Darling I feel like we are all trying
to forgive Nontorotyi and I feel like you're the
only one who is not trying at all
Chief Khabalandile dropped his pen on the table
and exhaled
Nomahelele: Darling I know she is a pain in the
arse but I used to get calls from my cousin
telling me what your wife did. When I ask what
you say about the matter she'd say you always
stand by your wife. Why can't you do that one
more time?
Hlohlesakhe: I am angry at her
Nomahelele: We all are but we are family. We
stick together through thick and thin. She says
you're very rude to her. I understand you need
space you moved to the guest room but baby
you can walk in kiss your wife ask how she is
doing and still sleep in the guest room. You don't
have to be mad at her and not talk to her that's
not right
Hlohlesakhe: So she came to you ?
Nomahelele: Yes she did. We are sister wives
Hlohlesakhe: It's a good start. I like that you guys
can share your problems with each other. I
wanted that
Nomahelele: Does that mean you're willing to
try? .
Hlohlesakhe: I will try but I am not ready to
move to the bedroom
Nomahelele: It's fine as long you don't show the
kids what's happening between you two
Hlohlesakhe: I love you
Nomahelele stood up. She put her hands on the
desk and leaned forward for a kiss. They kissed
Nomahelele: Promise me one thing
Hlohlesakhe: What is that ?
Nomahelele: No matter how angry you are with
me promise me when it's my night you come to
bed and sleep with me
Hlohlesakhe: For you anything baby
Nomahelele: Let me leave you to it then
Hlohlesakhe: Okay
She walked out leaving the chief smiling .

At Priscella's home we see Sonia walks out of the
elevator. Priscella and Masixole stood up and
came to her to the dining area.
Priscella: Hey
Sonia: Where is Mrs R?
Priscella: She just left. She is going to the Eastern
Sonia: Oh when is she coming back?
Masixole: Christmas eve
Sonia: Which is tomorrow?
Priscella: Yep so.....
Sonia: Before I leave I just wanted to tell you I
fired her
Priscella's face lit up then looked at Masixole
then at Sonia acting like she didn't get the call
Priscella: You did?
Masixole smiled
Sonia: Yep
Priscella: How did it go?
Sonia: She made me upset with her lying. This
girl said she knew everything about this
Priscella: I remember telling me I was the CEO
and you were the CFO
Sonia: I was asking her that! I was like how
come you didn't know who is our COO? She kept
lying. She said she didn't know Masixole was
working here
Masixole: I think she is lying. She came here
knowing I work here and I am engaged to
Priscella what I don't understand was her plan.
Did she think I would join right in and fall in
love all over again? I was 17 when I broke up
with her, I am a grown man now
Sonia: Well I dealt with her
Priscella: You were nervous. It looks like taking
Aaron with you helped
Sonia: That one literally ran off when he saw
Thalala. I don't know I feel like there is history
there and it's bad
Priscella: What !?
Priscella looked at Masixole hoping that He
might know something
Masixole: That is weird because when I told him
about this he didn't know the girl......
The Elevator beeped. They all turned around
and looked at the elevator. Aaron walked in
Priscella: Great! I am sorry but you will tell us
what is going on between you and Sonia's
former secretary
He walked out of the elevator. He looked at them
with his eyes widened
Masixole: Dude!
Aaron stretched his head.
Aaron: You guys know how hard it was for me
when I divorced my ex wife
Sonia: Yeah You were terrible every day you
came looking like you were gonna die
Aaron: Well......
Masixole: What !?
Aaron: I kind of you know........
Priscella: You kind of what ?
He exhaled. Sonia, Priscella and Masixole looked
at each other then at him
Aaron: I was her client
Sonia: Her client ?
Aaron: Before Thalala graduated and left last
year she was a Prostitute
They were out of words. They just stood there
looking at him
Aaron looked down embarrassed
Aaron: Yep




< Nontorotyi >
After the confrontation between me, Zinyovile
and Gedleza I had to do this. I know I am
supposed to be cooking for my husband so that
he can forgive me for what i did but this cannot
wait. This little witch used me. She was not
helping me. She did this for her own gain. She
always comes first all the damn time. She
doesn't do something if she won't benefit from
it. First it was a poison to kill the Queen and she
was gonna benefit from that now she made me
kill my brother because she wanted to set
Nomahelele up because she knew this was
gonna kill the Queen. How can she do this? How
can she suggest that I kill my brother How could
she? What have I done to her to deserve this
suffering. I am going to live with killing own My
brother. Why did she decide this? Why did she
make me kill my brother? This woman has
never done anything for me ever since she came
back from Swaziland. All I do is fail and it's all
because of her.
Anyway I just arrived at her house. I walked out
of the car. I headed inside. I knocked once then
opened the door.
Me: How could you?
Zinyovile: I have been waiting for you
Me: Why did you ask me to kill Xhalanga ?
Zinyovile: I didn't force you. It was just a
suggestion. He was gonna mess up your
relationship with your daughter!
Me: Oh stop it! Gedleza said you made my
brother that stubborn because you wanted me
to kill him. How could you!!!?
Zinyovile: I didn't force you. You did it all on
your own so don't you dare come here and take
out your frustration on me!
Me: Witch you used me! You used me for your
own gain. When Gedleza confronted you what
did you do? You disappeared like a coward you
Zinyovile: You know and I know that it was not
my fault you killed your brother. I didn't force
you! I gave you a choice and you loved the idea
because you wanted to get rid of Nomahelele so
bad! this one is on you!
Me: So you won't admit to anything. You won't
take the blame for anything for your
manipulation! what kinda friend are you ? I
can't believe I thought you were my friend!
Zinyovile: I never said we were friends you
concluded that yourself!
Me: We are done! We are no friends anymore.
When you need money again don't call me
Zinyovile: If you don't want me as a friend
anymore it's fine! we both used each other here!
losing you as a friend won't be a loss for me
because I don't need you any more
She said smiling looking away. What is she up
Me: What do you mean by that ?
She looked at me and smiled.
Zinyovile: That's all you need to know. I don't
need you. I am moving on to better things and
better friends
Me: Okay I don't want to lose our friendship but
next time we must be transparent with each
Zinyovile: Fine. I will tell you the next time I
want to use you
Me: Good
I smiled. I don't know what she is up to but I
know she is up to something. I need to drive
home and make dinner for my husband.

< Tasha >
I thought after seeing my parents I would go
straight and see My friend. But no, I have to go
home and confront my lying boyfriend. How can
he lie like this? Hungani is the reason Brianna
shot at me. I am supposed to support a friend
who got shot because of him but no, I am here to
speak with him. I feel bad that I don't make Laila
my first priority when I should. Even though I
feel bad but I feel like this cannot wait. Hungani
must tell me why he lied to me. He must make
up his mind. I am going to be the mother of his
child. My parents think he doesn't love me and I
am sure so many people think that too. He must
do something about that. He must make people
believe in our love. He must not only do that for
people. He must believe it and show me that he
loves me. I almost thought he was in love with
me but after that video, I don't know if he loves
me anymore
I don't want to get in there and cry. I don't want
him to see me cry. I am so angry right now. We
were doing so fine together. I don't know why he
is so into someone who has a big belly and
pregnant with another man's child when he has
me carrying his own child. I swear this man
would choose Priscella if he were to choose
between her and our child. I don't know how I
am going to make him forget Priscella when
Two supermodels couldn't for three years. I
don't know if I could trust this man. He lied to
me. How am I gonna trust him? How are we
gonna work without trust? He is pissing me off.
Anyway I just arrived. His car is not in the
garage, it's parked at driveway. I walked to the
door. I opened it. He is lying on the couch half
naked. He saw me and stood up.
Him: Hey baby
Me: Hi
Hungani: You're home early
I smiled then put my handbag on the couch and
looked at the kitchen. I am thirsty
Me: Yeah and I also saw the video of you getting
I gave him a death stare then walked to the
Hungani: Bab....
I continued with my journey to the kitchen
Me: The thug who mugged you is a COO and is
marrying a very rich woman. I wonder what he
wanted from you
Hungani: I am sorry I lied babe
I turned around and looked at him .
Me: You don't know how painful it was to hear
that from my parents. You don't know how
painful it was to see them realise that I didn't
know you went to see your ex
I said I was not gonna cry but I am angry right
Hungani: Baby I went there to thank her for
saving us from Brianna
We did that didn't we ? Why does he think I am
stupid ?
Me: My patents think you don't love me
Hungani: What !?
Me: They think I left a loving man for a man
who doesn't love me and when I saw that
I cried so hard
Hungani: No baby. I love you
Me: I realized that they were right. You don't
love me !
Hungani: I love you baby. I kicked the girls out
to focus on us
Me: You lied to me! yesterday we thanked
Priscella and she wasn't impressed or moved by
what we said. What were you trying to achieve
by going there ?
Hungani: I was trying to show her how grateful I
Me: Why is it so important to you ?
Hungani: Huh?
Me: Talking to her! Why are you running after
her like a love sick teenager. She is getting
married. Why can't you focus on us!
Hungani: Tasha I spoke to Priscella in public! I
wasn't trying to hide anything why do you act
like you found us having sex!?
Me: Wow
He clicked his tongue then walked up the stairs.
I continued with my journey to the kitchen. I
pulled a high chair then sat down
How can he be so mean to me? Why do I feel
like we will keep fighting about Priscella
Seputla? Is he gonna marry me any time soon?
my family have a problem with me having a
child before marriage. I wanted to talk to him
about that. Of course I was gonna say it jokingly
trying to see his reaction but his lies and
obsession with Priscella? I don't know. Maybe he
will warm up to me when he sees my success on
the show. I feel bad for even saying that. Why
should I have something to benefit him for me to
be accepted and loved by him? He must love me
not my fame.

< Priscella >
My plan is to have about eight bridesmaids. I
know Ngejiwe is not the best choice but she is
family and I don't want to seem funny or
anything. I just need to know if I could trust her
to not mess up my wedding. So far I have Sonia
whom I haven't even asked. I have Sonia,
Bhembeha, Ngejiwe, Mom suggested May's
daughter and I have to ask Mandisa or not
forgetting Laila who agreed. Maybe six girls are
enough. I am excited for my wedding. I am not
bothered by that Thalala girl. She is not going to
mess with us. If She is a psycho I will go to the
police. People who are a threat in my life I send
them to Jail. Brianna was gonna be a threat to
me too eventually. You don't know how a sick
person thinks. Let's say she succeeded killing
Tasha. Hungani was still gonna talk to her about
me. What was gonna happen? I was gonna die
also. Thalala will go to Jail as well if she came
here to cause problems in my life. I am trying by
all means not to think about her or what she
might be trying to do to our relationship. I am
pregnant and I am planning to have a very
healthy pregnancy. I won't let this girl upset me
because I can feel it that's what she wants. She
knew Masixole works here. She knew he is with
me. I am even starting to feel like she doesn't
even need this job. This woman's job is getting
my man and I won't let that happen. I know she
is beautiful and light skin but if she thinks she
will use her looks to get my man she must think
again. If Masixole loved her so much he
would've looked for her after his father died but
he didn't. He came to Johannesburg and studied
when he was done he moved on with me. I am
just happy Sonia had the guts to fire her. I would
feel really bad if what she did was a mistake and
she needs this job but something inside me tells
me there is more to this, There is more to her.
Anyway I need to call My Secretary. I have a lot
on my mind right now and I am afraid I might
forget about Ngejiwe Monday. I want him to
take care of it.
Algebra: Hello Ma'am
Me: Algebra you know Ngejiwe right?
Algebra: Yes I do ma'am
Me: Can you set a reminder. I want you to call
her Sunday reminding her about the dress
measurement Monday. A helicopter will go fetch
her Monday morning and I also want you to tell
the pilot about Monday. He has to leave at 6am
and be here around 11 with her Monday
Algebra: I am on it ma'am
Me: Thank you
I hung up. I closed my laptop and stood up. I
think I need to go join my man in the jaccuzi. I
heard the elevator beep. I wonder who is the
visitor. I always walk to the Elevator every time
I hear it makes a sound. I guess i love welcoming
guests. Well Only Sonia, Aaron and Algebra who
don't announce their visits so I am assuming it's
one of them. The Elevator opened. What the
What is Thalala doing smiling inside my
elevator coming to my house. She was fired how
did she pass security?
Me: Wait.... what are you doing here ?
She walked in. I didn't invite her in why is she
coming in?
Me: I didn't invite you in
Thalala: I am avoiding holding the elevator.
People are busy in this building. I don't want to
delay their businesses
Me: What are you doing here?
Thalala: Priscella I need to speak to you and
your fiancé
I am Priscella now? When I was interviewing
her I was ma'am. Now that I am marrying her ex
I am suddenly Priscella. Anyway how did she
gets here. Who told her which floor is my house?
Me: How did you ge....How did you....
I started pacing up and down
Me: This is a very private house. Not everyone is
welcome to come up here
Thalala: I know. I lied. I told the security
downstairs that Sonia asked me to come up.
They still think I am her secretary
" Honey did..... " Said Masixole walking down. He
had only a towel around his waist and another
one drying his head
Masixole: Thalala? What are you doing here ?
Thalala looked at him from head to toe admiring
Me: Hey! he asked you a question!
Thalala snapped out of it
Thalala: I came to apologise to you Priscella and
you Mas
Me: His name is Masixole!
Masixole: Honey I am not even Masixole to her, I
am King. She is from a village that is under me
Me: Then she should call me Queen don't you
think Thalala ?
She looked at me then at Masixole
Thalala: When you dump.....No
She smiled then moved around
Me: Do you really wanna have this conversation
right here ?
She ignored me. She looked at Masixole, The
nerve. I am this close to calling security.
Thalala: When your father forced us to break up
we were writing our final exams in Matric
Me: She is doing it
Masixole: That was a long time ago! We grew up.
I see you've changed also. You apply for jobs just
to get my attention and I hear things about you.
What happened to that decent.....
She chuckled shaking her head
Thalala: He told you didn't he?
Masixole put his arm around my waist then
looked at her
Masixole: Aaron is our friend. We don't keep
things from each other
Thalala: I am not ashamed for doing what I did!
You came from a good family! right after high
school you jumped straight to Varsity. I had to
work to raise some money! I stayed at home for
three years! When I finally studied at Wits I had
no money and that was the only way to make
sure I finished my degree! so you're not going to
stand there and judge me when you grew up
with a silver spoon in your mouths!
Me: We didn't judge you
She looked at me
Thalala: You didn't have to it's written all over
your faces!
Me: Why are you Mad? You're the one who came
to our company we didn't come to you and
you're the one who messed up
Thalala: And you couldn't even give me a
warning. You got rid of me just like that because
you don't trust him around me. Insecure much?
How dare she ?
Masixole: Don't you dare speak to my woman
like that !
Me: I am not your boss Thalala. Sonia is, I didn't
fire you but so you know she came to me
because I am her boss. I told her to do what she
thinks was right and I am very proud of her for
getting rid of you. You're not here to work.
You're here because you want my fiancé and
you will never get him
She chuckled then looked at Masixole. She
slowly walked to her stretching her long legs
Thalala: Is she telling the truth When she says
you don't want me ?
Masixole smiled then put his hand on her
Masixole: Unfortunately for you yes. I don't love
you. I don't want you and I never will. You need
to accept that and get your ass out of
Johannesburg and go home find a job where no
one knows you're a Prostitute
Me: Ouch
I am sorry I couldn't help myself. I put my hand
on my mouth and laughed hard. She got teary.
Tears ran out of her eyes down her cheeks
Thalala: Your family always do this to our
family! first it was Your father to my aunt now
it's you to me!
Masixole: What ?
Thalala's eyes popped out. She just realised she
gave away too much information, things we
were not supposed to know. Who is this girl ?
Me: What do you mean they always do this to
you. What did they do to you ?
The elevator beeped and opened. The head of
security walked in Thalala ran to the elevator
Thalala: Excuse me!
She bumped into head of Security then ran in
and pressed the button
The elevator closed
Head: Ma'am what was that ?
Me: A woman who shouldn't set foot in this
building ever again........ ?
Masixole: Go make sure she never comes here
again !
Head: Yes sir!
I looked at Masixole
Me: Baby who is that woman?
Masixole shook his head looking lost like I am
Masixole: Right now I don't know
He said pulling me into a hug. I love this man. I
love how he put her in her place. I didn't expect
him to say that. Masixole is very sweet and
sensitive. I didn't think he would use her past
like that to her and I loved it. I am not laighing
at her situstion, I am laughing at her because for
someone who went through that to succeed she
should know better. Anyway who is this girl and
what did she mean by what she said ?




< Refilwe >
I just arrived at the palace. My visit here was
sudden. I didn't even go to the Gala dinner. If I
was going I would be getting ready for it now. I
don't know my reason for coming here whether
it's to forget these feelings or just to make the
Queen understand that I don't want that man
and it's not like I do, I don't but I can't control
how my head thinks. I can't erase that body and
penis from my head. It's in my head and it
doesn't want to get out of it..
Anyway I am here. All I have to do is smile. I
can't even look at NomaKhosazana. I am so
guilty and ashamed of myself for feeling the way
I do about my daughter's ex.
Me: Good afternoon family
They all stood up. I walked in with the Queen.
She is the one who fetched me with her car.
Queen: Sisi and cuz. Refilwe is here because she
wanna go support us tomorrow at the funeral
Nomahelele: Wow that's so sweet of you
Me: Thank you so much. It's always good to be
Nomagampompo: It's good to have you here and
thank you so much for coming to the funeral. It
means a lot to me
I took her hand.
Me: You welcomed me and my daughter. I love
your sons. They are like my son's brothers. I
couldn't miss this and again I am sorry for your
Nomagampompo: Thank you
Queen: Notiniphu come take Mrs Seputla's
luggage to the guest room
Notiniphu: Okay my Queen
The Queen looked at me.
Queen: Do you mind coming with me to my
study for a minute?
Me: Not at all. Where are the boys?
I said following behind her.
Queen: Went to town in the morning. It's almost
five I don't know where they are. They can't
miss dinner I will be very upset with them if
they do
Me: Did you try calling them ?
She opened the door and moved aside. I walked
Queen: A busy wealthy business woman like
yourself wouldn't take a plane and come down
here for a funeral of someone you don't even
know. It's just you and I now. Is this about the
boy ?
I looked down. This woman! I am trying to make
a conversation avoiding that topic she just goes
straight to the point.
Me: Queen NomaKhosazana I don't want you to
Queen: I don't think anything about you.
Feelings are natural. It's not something you
create. It just happens and you can't control it.
You didn't sleep with the man why would I
judge you?
Me: I am In love.......
Queen: Love!? Don't say that! this is a crush. It's
gonna go away don't even think about it !
Me: Okay okay but I can't help......
Queen: You are a beautiful woman. You can
have any man you want. You can't fall for your
daughter's ex and I know right now the way
you're feeling it's like you've already slept with
him just by keeping this from your daughter.
Now imagine what would happen if you do
actually sleep with him
Me: I would feel worse
Her: Exactly! and it is a good thing that he
doesn't know that you feel this for him
I looked down
Queen: He doesn't right!?
Me: We had this moment today
Queen: Don't tell me something happened ?
Me: No! no! it didn't but it almost did
Queen: This has to stop Refilwe!
Me: I know ! I just can't wait to leave already
Queen: You know I have been without my
husband for a long time. My son just finished his
matric In November then his father died end
January. He was going to Varsity that year but
what makes me happy is that, at least he died
knowing that his son graduated high school
I looked at her. This woman smiles when She
talks about her husband. She really loved him.
She looked at me.
NomaKhosazana: How many years since your
husband died ?
Me: Five
Queen: How many men you've been with since
he is been gone ?
Me: Two... the other one it was just a fling. He
was married
She looked surprised
Me: No! I didn't know. It's something that
happened when we were at a conference in
Scotland. It ended there then my boyfriend......
She looked at me
Her: You have a boyfriend ?
I pulled a chair. I sat down
Me: My children don't know about him. He is in
this mine industry as well. He is American and
Queen: Okay
Me: He is also Married
Queen: Refilwe!
Me: Getting a divorce soon! It's been a year
living apart. You know how long these divorce
take in the states more especially if you have
I looked at her
Me: Anyway What were you gonna say ?
Queen: It's been 11 years
I looked at her. What is she on about ?
Queen: My husband died 11 years ago and I
have never been with a man since
Me: Why ?
Queen looked away then at me
Queen: I don't know maybe work?
She smiled
Queen: I don't really have time for myself. I look
out for people. Make sure everyone is okay
Me: You need to live
Queen looked at me.
Queen: What I was trying to say is you can't die
because you don't have sex. I thought maybe
you were lonely but you just said you have a
man. Why would you want that boy?
Me: I don't want him !
Queen: No you do! you saw that man naked now
you want his penis. You want him
Me: I can't want him
I stood up then started pacing up and down. My
phone beeped. I looked at it
Queen: Who is it ?
Me: It's him. He says we need to talk about what
Queen: You said this boy is still in love with your
Me: Yes that is why your son beat him. He talks
about my daughter. He is always trying to find
an excuse to speak to her
Queen: Do you know what this boy wants?
Me: What ?
Queen: He wants to sleep with you and tell your
daughter or the world that he slept with a
mother and daughter
Oh no that can't be good
Queen: He now knows Priscella don't want him.
A man can do anything to hurt a woman who
doesn't want him. You don't want to lose your
reputation and your daughter for good
Oh My God I turned around and looked at her
Me: You're right!
Queen: Of Course I am right
Me: After what you just said I don't know. It's
like I just blocked all the feelings I have for him.
I don't want him anymore. He was gonna use me
Queen: He is gonna harrass you now that he
knows you feel something
Me: I am planning to leave on Monday 27th and
come back 8th next month for the wedding
Queen: I will miss you but it's the right thing to
do believe me
Me: Thank you so much for opening my eyes
and for not judging me
I hugged her
Her: No one is perfect trust me

< Priscella >
I hope I won't forget. Tomorrow I want to send
Algebra to go buy Laila's arm balancer for her
arm. She will need it. I am wondering if Tasha is
supportive to that girl. That girl took a bullet for
her. She should be there all the time but then I
understand she is working. Sonia wanted to go
to her photo shoot with me but after I told her
what happened with Thalala she understood
why I can't go. I told her I am not a good
company right now. She took Algebra with her. I
am so upset about what just happened. I can't
believe we were fooled by that girl, Well I
wasn't. I didn't like her. She was too loud and
seemed so desperate. Yes I understand when
you need a job you do sound like that but her,
She was too much. I knew there was something
wrong about her and I was right. I don't ever
wanna see her here again. She is banned from
this building. It didn't take long for her to
pretend. She showed her true colours when we
saw through her.
I got a little emotional after she left. We went to
our bedroom. We made love and just chilled. I
love him and I love how he dealt with that girl.
He was a turn on. I am blessed to have a man
who has my back no matter what and I wish he
could know I have his as well. I mean look at
what I did to stop Hungani. I didn't tell him
because I didn't want to upset him even more.
The less he hears anything about that man the
better and I don't want to hear anything from
him. I just hope he will realise that I don't love
him and if what I did with that threatening call
didn't show that then I don't know how I will
show him I am I am not feeling him.
Me: Baby ?
Him: Yes babe ?
I looked at him
Me: Did your father have so many women while
married to your mom?
Masixole: I only know one affair with a woman
who was once our healer but I was not born
then or maybe I was still young then
Me: This woman came here thinking whatever
happened to her aunt won't happen to her and
we need to find out who is this aunt
Masixole: I agree with you. We need to call the
Queen and as......
My phone rang. I looked at it
Me: It's the PI
Masixole: Answer
I answered and put him on speaker
Me: Hello
Him: Ma'am you said she just got a secretary
position at SM ?
Me: Yes but we fired her
Him: I got some information
Masixole looked at me
Me: Yes?
PI: When I got the information I got I thought
maybe she lost her job or something then
decided to go to Johannesburg but no.....
Me: What did you find out?
PI: I found out she is a teacher in some high
school in Eastern Cape then my theory was
maybe she got fired. I called the principal of that
school pretending to be Thalala's former
professor. I said I was doing a follow up on what
my students are doing. He said they closed for
the holiday. Thalala is one of the teachers at his
school. She is not fired. She is still a teacher at
the school
Masixole shook his head in disbelief
Me: Thank you very much I think that's all we
wanted to know
Him: Okay ma'am
Me: Come by tomorrow with your invoice
Him: Okay ma'am
I hung up then stood up
Me: Baby she didn't need this job!
Masixole: She came for me and I need to know
what is going on
He took his phone
Me: Who are you calling ?
Masixole: The Queen
I cannot believe this. This girl looks decent.
What the hell is wrong with her? Why is she
doing this to herself? if she thinks she is doing
this to us she is wrong. It's her reputation that
will be ruined not ours.

< Tasha >
Why my life is so complicated? When I think
things are going so well they just go south. I
remember seeing my parents at the hospital. I
was so happy that my family forgave me, In less
than a minute that was all ruined. They walked
out on me. Few weeks ago I did something so
stupid. Something I really regret now after My
first fight with Hungani. I messed up. I fell in
love with Hungani and betrayed my boyfriend.
Hungani wanted nothing to do with me. When I
thought i lost him a miracle happened. I got
pregnant with his child. He took me in. He said
he loved me now I see all that falling apart. We
are fighting when we only started dating in less
than a week. How can this be happening? My
child is barely six weeks already we are fighting.
I don't know what to do anymore. I am so
emotional. This man said he loved me. He said
he would take care of me and our child, He said
that a day ago today he is lying and speaks
however he likes with me. I cannot believe we
just had our first ugly fight. I don't know, I feel
like everything is just preventing me from going
to see Laila. My plan was to confront Hungani
then go see Laila. I should've known better. I
should've known that I was gonna be upset after
speaking to him. Now I am hurt and angry. How
am I gonna cheer up my friend when I am this
What makes me so angry about this whole thing
is the fact that I almost died for this man but still
I don't come first. He still loves her. This makes
me so jealous of Priscella for having everything
she wants and for having the opportunity to be
with my man but don't want it. I wish I was her
so I could say yes to Hungani and be happy with
him but I can't. I can't be Priscella and that
means I will have to live with being with this
man who only loves her. I know I am not
suppose to hate Priscella because she doesn't
like this man but I feel like she is a problem in
our relationship and that makes me hate her
and I feel so bad for that because that woman is
not a bad person. She tried to protect me so
many times.
Anyway enough about that. I just arrived at the
hospital. I need to have a clear mind and cheer
my best friend up. I can't always make
everything about myself but who am I gonna
talk to about my problems if I don't speak her ?
Me: Hey
Laila looked at me and smiled. She is eating
things that are in a plastic. Did she send
someone to buy her food or her family from
Eldorado park visited her ?
Laila: Hey you're early. Yesterday you knocked
off at 6pm
Me: We are taking a break. We will be back in
Laila: That's nice. That gives you time to bond
with Hungani
I cleared my throat then looked down.
Laila: Did I say something wrong?
Me: No, It's just that on my way here I was upset
and I told myself I won't make this visit about
me now you're asking me and I will have to go
on and on about myself
Laila: There is nothing exciting about me I enjoy
listening to you telling me about your wonderful
Me: Is it wonderful?
Laila: What is wrong Tasha?
Me: A lot actually. First last night my family
came to see me. Hungani opened his big mouth
he told my family about my pregnancy. They got
upset and left
Laila: Did you go see them?
I pulled a chair. I sat down
Me: First thing when I knocked off
Laila: Did you speak some sense into them ?
I exhaled and told her everything that
happened. Even the fight between Masixole and
Laila: That's not fair though. Your mother and
father should be happy you're carrying their
grand child. You don't have a big family. You're
their only child
Me: They hate the person I am with. Laila when
I saw Hungani beat I asked what happened he
said he got mugged! I had to go home and hear
about it from my parents. Mom and dad even
noticed Masixole in the video. You just watched
the video you can't tell who that guy is but my
family did and they were right
Laila: Are you doubting your love for each other
Me: Friend I confronted him. That man made me
look like I was at fault. He yelled at me then
walked away
Laila: You think your family is right?
I looked at her
Laila: You think he doesn't love you ?
Me: I don't know but let's talk about you. It looks
like I missed your family
Laila: My family came in the morning and left
Me: Nice. I see they bought you something to eat
Laila: No that was Priscella
Me: Priscella? Why was she here?
Laila: She wants me to bake her wedding cake
Me: That's nice. You will make a lot of money.
Laila: Thanks friend. She also asked me to be her
Me: What !?
Laila: Yep and I said yes
Me: Wow
Laila: You don't have a problem with that right ?
Priscella has been ni...
Me: Wait ?
I looked at the door
Me: I saw a SM security at the door. what is he
doing here?
Laila: Claire came to see me. She demanded to
see my phone because she suspects I told Hunter
about our past. If Priscella didn't walk in she
would've done something to me
Me: These girls Are crazy. Wow Priscella must
like you so much for her to do this for you
Laila: She is nice and she is my client. I make
cakes for her company
Me: I am just happy you're safe friend. She is
very nice
Laila: I know right
I smiled. I never thought Laila would attend
Priscella's wedding. If I didn't mess up she was
gonna ask me as well. I feel like I messed up so
bad. This is one of the reasons I always wonder
if I made a mistake for following my heart.

< Judge NomaKhosazana >
I haven't spoken to my son about what he did. I
know if I call him I will end up fighting with
him. I need to understand that he is old now, He
can take care of himself which I must say it's
hard to accept as a parent. Your child will
always be your little baby and when it's time to
accept that they are grown and they could take
care of themselves It just becomes harder for
you to accept. I did all I could to make sure he
becomes king, That alone shows that I knew he
was and is capable of being a leader. I don't
want to give him a silly idea that I don't trust
him to do the right thing and besides if he did
something bad I think Priscella would be the
first to tell me. The fact that she didn't call just
shows everything is under control and I have to
trust them. I haven't told anyone here about it
and I am happy that Refilwe is not here about
that matter. For a second I was thinking that my
son is in trouble then I thought about the call I
gave her. She is here running away from that
boy who is in love with her. No he is not in love,
He is just trying to use her to get to her
daughter. I won't let Refilwe kill my grand child.
This could kill Priscella. She is pregnant, she
cannot be hurt and her own mother can't be the
reason for that. I want her to leave the country
for a while. She has a boyfriend. She has no
business in having feelings for some toy boy
who was sleeping with her daughter in the past.
It's just disgusting for me and I hope she will
listen to me and avoid eating the forbbiden fruit.
Anyway the boys just came back. It's only few
minutes before dinner. I was gonna kill them if
they came home after dinner.
Elton: Ms Refilwe why didn't you tell me you
were coming ?
Refilwe: And spoil the surprise never
They hugged. She kissed his cheek. She greeted
Prince Phonqa and Nomgcwabe as well
Me: What took you so long boys ?
Nomgcwabe: We went to watch a movie My
Queen and lost track of time sorry
Me: At least you know you couldn't miss dinner
Phonqa: We aren't hungry my Queen
Elton: Yeah he is right we will just take our
clothes upstairs you guys enjoy dinner
Me: No problem I am just happy you're home
before six
Nomgcwabe: Here is Gedleza's parcel
Me: Leave it here I will ask Siqalo to take it there
before he leaves
Nomgcwabe: Okay my Queen
He walked up the stairs.
Nomagampompo: How much did you give them?
They bought they whole shopping mall
Me: I didn't give them much I am surprised to
see so many plastics
Refilwe: He asked me to send him money
midday I think it was for this
I shook my head
Me: kids!
My phone rang .
Me: Excuse me
It's my son. I walked away answering
Me: King
Masixole: Hello mom, I hope you're good. I have
a question for you
Me: Yes?
Masixole: Do you know a Siwalala family at
Me: Siwalala.......
I turned around and looked at My sister in law
Me: Hold on a second son
I walked to the living room. I put Masixole on
Me: Princess do you know a Siwalala family
around here ?
Masixole: At Ntsilini to be more specific ?
Princess Nomagampompo stood up
Nomagampompo: Yes I know that family. What
about it ?
Masixole: Did my father date a woman from that
family ?
Me: What !?
Nomagampompo: ......... ?
Princess Nomagampompo looked confused. I
could see she was thinking. I hope there is no
other secret! I am sick and tired of them.
Nomahelele stood up
Masixole: Guys do you remember the girl father
asked me to break up with in high school ?
Me: Yes what about her ?
Masixole: Sonia was looking for a secretary. She
hired her.....
Refilwe stood up.
Masixole: She didn't know she is my ex. I saw
the girl at her office. She was kinda
inappropriate with me. She jumped on me and
kissed me in front of Sonia. We had a meeting. It
was me my Fiancé and Sonia. We decided to fire
here. That girl went to the penthouse. When
Priscella and I asked what she wanted she said
she came to apologise. We do believe that she
had an agenda we confronted her it didn't go
well. After she left we had someone look into
her life. She is a teacher. It looks like she was
just there to seduce me and used this
opportunity to be close to me. While we were
confronting her she brought up our past saying
she didn't get closure and that she still loves me.
I rejected her and there is something that is
bothering Priscilla and i......
Me: What is that!?
Masixole: "What did she say babe ? "
He was asking Priscella .
Priscella: When Masixole rejected her She said,
"Your family always do this to our family! first it
was Your father to my aunt now it's you to me!"
Me: What's that supposed to mean?
Priscella: That was my exact question my Queen,
She stormed out when she realised she exposed
I looked at Princess Nomagampompo. She
knows something. She looked upset. Her hand
was on her mouth
Me: What is it sisi?
Nomagampompo: That girl's mother is
Zinyovile's late sister
I ran to the stairs. I need to get my gun and pay
that woman a visit
Me: I am going to kill Nontsingizi i swear I am
going to kill her !




< Narrated >
At Seputla house. Upstairs in the bedroom. We
see Masixole alone in the bedroom. He was on
his computer. His phone rang. He looked at it
then smiled. Aaron was written on the screen.
He stood up then answered.
Masixole: Hey man
Aaron: Dude this Sonia situation. Have you
spoke to your woman about it ?
Masixole: Damn I forgot because of what has
been going on today. I need to tell her now. She
is in the shower. But first I need to call uncle
Kobus and hear his opinion
Aaron: Okay dude
Me: Relax man I have power in this company
and other board members respect my opinion.
This job is yours ntwana
Aaron: It's just that I am feeling a bit insecure. I
mean don't you think the fact that I am not a
South African will affect their....
Masixole: Dude you got your citizenship. You've
been living here for 11 years. You've done a lot
in and for this company
Aaron: It's just that after this xenophobic
Masixole: Aaron you're a Nigerian yes but dude
you studied here. You didn't leave and
contribute in your economy. You stayed here
and worked for this country. You are a citizen
with a South African ID. You know in this
company we don't discriminate right?
Aaron: Sure. I just hope Sonia won't hate me
Masixole: Don't worry about it. Sonia just needs
to get laid. We should go out with her ex
husband sometime
Aaron: ha ha ha Sure man let me go visit my son
Masixole: Sure
He hung up then dialled uncle Kobus number.
Uncle Kobus answered
Kobus: Ndengana
Masixole: How are you uncle?
Kobus: I am okay how are you doing?
Masixole: I am good. I just have something to tell
you. I don't know how you gonna take it but I
don't like it
Kobus: O-kay? What is going on?
Masixole exhaled. He sat at the edge of his bed.
Water was making noise. It looks like Priscella is
in the bathroom.
Masixole: I think we have a problem. I don't
know how you gonna see it but I just wanted to
know how you feel about this. Sonia wants the
COO position. I was surprised to see her name in
the list
Kobus: How many in the company applied?
Masixole: It's her and Aaron
Kobus: You know what? Let's not call everyone
for interview. Monday we need to call an urgent
board meeting and let the board vote. That job
belongs to Aaron. Sonia has kids and too many
jobs already
Me: And she is a good CFO where are we gonna
get another Sonia?
Kobus: She will lose and I hope she will take this
like a professional. Monday we are all betraying
her later Son!
Masixole: Later uncle
Masixole smiled. " What are you smiling at ? "
Masixole turned around
Masixole: Hey baby
Priscella: Who were you speaking to?
Masixole showed her the Phone
Priscella: What are you planning with uncle ?
Masixole: To betray your best friend and I want
you on board
Priscella: There is no way I am betraying my
best friend !
Priscella said walking to her closet
Masixole: Even if she wanna be the COO ?
Priscella turned around
Priscella: She what !?
Masixole laughed
Masixole: I am telling you
Priscella: Her drive, Confidence, Taking risking
and loving a challenge is impressive but she is
not getting that job! we need her at finance She
is crazy!
Priscella walked to the closet
Masixole: Another vote in the bag

< Judge NomaKhosazana >
To think I decided to stop going to confront this
woman now this? This slut made me believe that
my family was messed up, that my husband
loved her and that my father in law was in love
with me. Now she sent her niece to mess up my
son's relationship? Oh i am going to deal with
her this time I swear. Nobody messes with my
child and get away with it.
Anyway I ran to the stairs heading up to get my
Nomahelele: Cuz!!!
I turned around. I am planning to go see this
woman tonight
Nomahelele: Refilwe just got here. You can't take
a drive and besides it's dark
Me: How do you know I was leaving ?
Nomahelele: Because you're my sister and I
know you ?
I exhaled then looked at her.
Me: If I am not going anywhere tonight then no
one is going anywhere and no one is going to
fight my battles this time
Nomahelele smiled
Me: I mean it River! and I will make sure I lock
the front door and sleep with the keys if I have
Nomahelele: I am not getting involved trust me
I walked back to the living room. Something
says I should just go. Anyway I sat down.
Nomagampompo: I cannot believe this woman's
obsession with this family !
Nomahelele: What are you gonna do cuz ?
I stood up. I went to the whisky. I poured myself
a glass. River stood up and came to me
River: You can say.......
I went to her and whispered in her ear
Me: Focus on having a baby
I went to the couch and sat down .
Refilwe: This woman has to be stopped. My
daughter is pregnant with your grandchild. This
pressure could put the pregnancy at risk
Me: Gedleza would never let that happen
Refilwe: Gedleza is not working for me yet. My
Me: Your daughter is protected. She is a
Ndangana now
She let out a sigh of relief
Nomagampompo: What are you gonna do sisi?
Me: What I should've done a long time ago
Nomagampompo: What is that ?
Me: Face the woman who slept with my
husband and beat the hell out of her
I gulped my drink then stood up. My sister in
law stood up
Her: What are you gonna use? Your Sjambok
right ?
River laughed. I looked at Princess
Me: You still have a soft spot for her don't you?
Nomagampompo: No! I just don't want you to
get into trouble. We have a wedding and a
coronation coming. We can't mess up
Me: You're right
I walked to the whisky again. I poured a double
then threw few rocks in. I chuckled then looked
at everyone.
Me: I still have my husband's belt. I will beat her
with it
I sipped
Me: But I can't drive now. I am a little drunk. I
will deal with her tomorrow before I go to the

< Tasha >
I don't know what to think about Laila going to
Priscella's wedding and be a big part of it. I don't
know. I don't like it at all. Maybe I am being
jealous because I am not the one asked. How can
i expect to be part of that wedding After
everything that I have done? I need to get over
it. I can't expect Laila to say no because of me.
She has been through enough because of me. I
guess because we are friends I expect her to be
loyal to me only. I feel like our friendship has no
code at all. First I found out she was friends with
the man who destroyed me in the papers and
after that things between them didn't change.
Isaiah Norman is still her friend and he visited
her in the hospital and they spoke alone. I know
i shouldn't feel like this but I feel like Laila
shouldn't be friends with people who don't like
me. I know Priscella is not my enemy. I don't
have a problem with her but she has a problem
with me and I expect Laila to think about that
before doing anything. I expect her to consider
my feelings but then again I put her through a
lot and it's not fair of me to expect her to reject
things that will help her. I have a job that will
pay me. Being a baker is her job and I can't
expect her to say no. Maybe she thought if she
said no to being the bridemaid then she won't
have the opportunity to make the cake. I get it
Anyway i just got to Hungani's house again. I
don't want to be here but this is my new home. I
have to face him again even though he is
treating me like trash. I opened the door. I found
him in the living room drinking. I walked to the
" I am sorry " I stopped walking once I heard
that. I heard the couch, he is standing up. I
turned around
Hungani: I am sorry....
Me: For what?
Hungani: I am sorry for lying to you. I just didn't
He paused
Hungani: I knew if I said anything you'd
insinuate that I am still in love with Priscella
Me: Are you?
He looked at me.
Me: Are you in love with Priscella?
Hungani: I feel like it's unfair of you to ask me
that when you know our history very....
Me: So you're still in love with her great
I walked away
Hungani: I love you!
I stopped. I turned around
Me: I just asked you a question you couldn't give
me a straight answer. Do you really want me to
believe that ?
Hungani: I was with Priscella for a long time. I
respect her. I feel like talking to her in front of
people is not enough. I wanted her to see how
sorry and grateful i am that She helped us
Me: We did that at the hospital
Hungani: I feel like you didn't listen to what I
just said
Me: Are you ready to be a father?
Hungani: Where is that coming from now?
Me: Hungani earlier when I asked you about this
you said upsetting things to me then walked
away. You didn't care at all about how I feel
Hungani: I am sorr....
My phone rang. I looked at it. It's my mother. I
quickly answered
Me: Hello mom
Mom: Honey your father and I have been
Me: Yes ?
Mom: Honey it's still early. You can abort this
baby and come home
Me: What !?
Mom: Okay even if you don't want to come
home. You can leave him. He doesn't love you
Me: Bye bye mom
I hung up
Hungani: What did she say ?
I looked away
Me: That you don't love me and I should just
abort the baby and come home
Hungani: What ? That's crazy baby I love you
I turned around
Me: Then show it!
He looked surprised that I raised my voice at
Me: Respect me! and my parents!
Hungani: How do you expect me to respect
them?you know they don't like me
Me: Start by not running after Priscella! or
fighting with her man about her that's the
problem my family has with you! Support the
woman who is carrying your child and stop
thinking about the woman who is heavily
pregnant with another man's child!
Hungani: I went there to say thank you !
Me: She loves him you know that?
Hungani: I am going to bed
Me: Running away from the truth again
He ignored me. He walked up the stairs. My
phone beeped I looked at the message.
I threw My phone on the couch. I sat down and
cried my eyes out.
Me: Stop it Mom!

< Thalala >
I messed up. How can I be so stupid. Why did I
tell them about his father and my aunt. Now
they are sure I was up to something and I am
not going to be able to set foot in that building
ever again. My aunt is going to kill me for
messing this up. How am I gonna get to see
Masixole? My plan, Well it wasn't my plan. It
was my aunt's plan but with my help of course
and i was gonna benefit from it because I want
to be Masixole's wife. I desperately want to.
Being a girl from a rural area and have dated
the King before everyone laughs at you and see
you as a failure if the prince ends up with
someone else. My friends laughed at me and
stopped. I did look like a failure to them. The one
time I got my dignity back was when I came
back with my education degree. In rural areas
most people are teachers and when you become
one you get respected by people. Imagine if I
could become the second wife of Masixole. I
would be more respected but I don't see that
happening. I should've reached out to Masixole
like a decent girl he always known. I didn't have
to pretend like I needed a job at that mine. I am
a teacher. The schools are closed. I came to
Johannesburg to " visit " my former roommate.
She is also doing well. She doesn't know what I
am doing here. I just said I came to visit her.
When I was working for Sonia, I would wait for
my friend to go to work then leave for office.
This morning I am not going anywhere because
I got fired yesterday. I have that messed up. It
didn't take long for me to get caught. I really
missed Masixole that is why I saw myself
jumping on him. I just hate that he hates me. I
mean that guy don't give a damn about me and
that Nigerian guy didn't help at all. Why did he
have to work there. That man was my client. He
came almost everyday to sleep with me. When I
was in varsity I was struggling financially. I had
to do sex work so that I can live up to the life
style. It helped me I mean look at me now. I am
a working woman. I built my family a house
even though I am not done paying the loan I
borrowed from the bank.
Anyway I need to call my aunt and tell her I
messed up. I exhaled then took my phone. " No
need, I am here " said a voice behind me. I
turned around.
Me: Aunt. I am so sorry
Zinyovile: You lost focus!
Me: I know. I told you I wasn't good for the job. I
told you I love him so much and I might lose
Zinyovile: Dammit !
She started pacing up and down
Zinyovile: I used the chief's wife and that one
keeps messing up. Nothing I make her do works
Me: Now It's me. Your blood
Zinyovile: It's okay. It's not your fault. The
Ndengana ancestors don't sleep. They always
look out for their own. I was a fool to think
they'd let you get between those two. It looks
like I will never hurt NomaKhosazana
Me: Aunt what is it with this family? Chief
Nkosesizwe dumped you for The Queen. I was
dumped by his son for a woman he is not gonna
marry anymore. He is in love with that Pregnant
rich girl and he would never choose me over
her. That girl has everything and all the money
in the world!
She exhaled .
Zinyovile: Maybe you and I are not meant to be
married to royalty. Maybe it's time we accept it
but I am not giving up. I will hurt the woman
who took my man from me !
Me: So I am! I will make sure the woman who
took my man from me never find rest in her
marriage. She is too confident and comfortable
with Masixole. I will make him want me !
Zinyovile: How?
I looked at her and smiled.
Me: Aunt I have a plan
Zinyovile: What plan is that?
I smiled then looked away
Me: Priscella's secretary is a very good friend of
mine. He is fond of me. He was crying when I
got fired
Zinyovile: Your plan ?
I turned around and looked at her
Me: I want you to give me a poison
Zinyovile: You will give this secretary a poison ?
Me: No! I will put it in a chocolate. Ask her to
give them to her boss. I will lie to him and say if
you want to keep a job you need to spoil your
boss. He will buy it I know
She doesn't look impressed why? I am trying to
help us here
Zinyovile: I know you are but girly you know
what happens when you kill with my poison,
You die too
I swallowed hard
She walked passed me
Zinyovile: Yes!
I followed behind her
Me: What are we gonna do!?
She turned around and smiled.
Zinyovile: You pay a boy to beat you up a little.
Then call Masixole and ask him to come rescue
Me: I like that
Zinyobile: Tell him he is the only person you
could call. The only one you know in Jozi
Me: Thank you auntie! It's happening! It's
happening tonight I need to go find a boy
I said attempting to run to my handbag. She
grabbed my wrist. I turned around smiling at
my genious aunt
Zinyovile: Tomorrow night!
I nodded my head yes smiling




< Judge NomaKhosazana >
For someone who went to bed so angry I sure
did enjoy my sleep and whoever is at that door
is going to die for waking me up. Someone is
banging my door and I don't like It. I guess the
reason I am more angry is because I know what
my day look like and the start of it is not good at
all. Before i go to the funeral I have to go see my
Husband's ex lover. Nontsingizi is really
desperate to get my attention. She lied about my
husband and his father I didn't go see her. Since
I didn't she thought she could find other ways to
get my attention and I feel like she did by
messing with my only child. I would never let
my son have any kind of relationship with that
woman's family member. They are evil, They do
not deserve to be married to this family. They
need to accept that and move on. I don't know
why it is so hard for her to understand that our
families will never have any sort of relationship.
The people who hurt Nontsingizi are dead. I
don't know why she is after me. When I got
married to this family she was not in the picture.
I don't know why it's my fault that she lost My
husband. I don't know what I will do when I get
there. Remember when I went to see
Nomfunzelo I had no plans at all but a plan
created itself and today we are going to bury
her. Since Nontsingizi is a big shot witch why
doesn't she know what I am capable of? Why
don't her evil spirits warn her about me or is it
because I hate her so much that even her things
can't work on me ?
Anyway this person won't stop knocking. Let me
stand up and open that door. I stood up and
went to the door. I opened the door. I can't
believe River right now. I left her smiling at the
Me: What's going on! I was enjoying my beauty
sleep !
Nomahelele: Cuz you locked the front door. I
need to go jog
I turned around Putting my hand on my
Me: Oh sorry. I completely forgot
Nomahelele: I am sure you did sister
Me: I said I am sorry okay!
Nomahelele: Do you really think I would do
something behind your back ?
Me: I had to be sure Cuz don't take offense for
what I did. I just didn't want you to get into
trouble. You might be pregnant. I didn't want
you to visit a witch at night !
Nomahelele: Thank you for being concerned but
you're not fooling me. You didn't want me to kill
her and that's what you thought I was planning
to do
I looked down. Guilty as charge. I know her. I
couldn't risk It.
Nomahelele: I know the three of us have similar
personalities and we can be dangerous but don't
compare me to May. Killing or hurting people
behind your back for you is not my kinda style.
it's May's style. Trust me I would never kill a
woman who was sleeping with your husband
for you. I feel like you're the woMAN for the job
Me: Thanks
Nomahelele: You're gonna kill her right?
I walked to the bathroom. I took my toothbrush
and toothpaste.
Me: I am going there in an hour
Nomahelele: I didn't ask where you're going in
the next hour
I looked at her.
Me: I am not a killer
Nomahelele: Yeah right
I looked at her.
Me: Sis in few weeks my boy. My only child is
getting married. I don't want to get in trouble
and miss his wedding. That would be the biggest
Nomahelele: We got way with many Murders in
the past few weeks. We are not the types who
get caught
I brushed my teeth then rinsed my mouth. I
walked out of the bathroom
Me: I will do this my way
Nomahelele: You know she won't stop right?
I looked at her
Me: I know that!
Nomahelele: Then why would you keep letting
her get away with everything she does. This
woman is trying to ruin our relationship with
the Seputla family!
Me: I know that!
Nomahelele: Then do something about it before
she succeed in destroying you!
Nomahelele: I have to go jog bye
She kissed my cheek then walked out. I sat on
my bed. It looks like I have a lot to think about.
She is right. That woman Will never stop doing
this to us. I need to put a stop to this.

< Priscella >
It's Friday morning. My family is coming back
tonight I am so excited. I am not used to having
breakfast and dinners without my brother. I
miss him so much and I am excited that he and
Prince Nomgcwabe are coming here. It is really
gonna be fun to have more people in the house.
Looking at this breakfast all over this table
makes me lose appetite. I don't think I would
enjoy living only with My husband. I think big
family is what I want to be part of and that
shows that I am indeed royalty. I am just glad
we will never move out of the royal palace and I
think I want to have more children. I know I
hated that at first but I changed my mind. It's
what I want.
Anyway I am having breakfast. Masixole said he
was coming down I won't wait for him. I heard
the elevator beep. I stood up. It opened Security
walked in
Security: Ma'am I am heading to the hospital
you said you wanted to see me ?
Me: Oh yes !
I stood up. I walked to the drawers. I took out a
plastic then gave it to her.
Me: Please give Laila this
Security: Okay ma'am
He walked to the elevator
" What was that ? " said a voice behind me. it's
my man. I turned around. .
Me: Just an arm balancer honey
I pulled a chair and sat
Hungani: That's nice
He said sitting down
Me: I just want her to recover. I asked her to be
my bridesmaid and also bake our wedding cake
Masixole: I love her cakes they are nice
He started eating
Me: Have you thought about what you gonna do
about this Thalala situation. I mean this girl is
crazy. She is an educator. She doesn't need a job
but she comes here pretending to need one only
to seduce you and get you back?
Masixole: Maybe she was trying to write a new
story about her family. The first one wasn't a
good one. My mother took dad from her aunt
Me: And I took you from her
Masixole: You didn't take me from anyone.
When I met you I was single and engaged to a
stranger I didn't know
Me: Baby I don't understand people. She knows
what happened to her aunt happened to her as
well in high school. Did she think the tradition
was gonna die with my father in law ?
Masixole: If she thought that she would've came
to me soon after my father died. I just feel like
this was more than getting me.....
Me: Yeah. I heard the sound of The Queen's
voice. It looks like she and that woman have
been at it for a long time
Masixole: That woman messed up my mother's
life. Remember when she thought my
grandfather was her soul mate?
Me: Yeah
Masixole: It was all that woman's doing!
Me: She is dangerous
Masixole: She must be stopped. I hope the Queen
has a plan. Thalala has to leave Johannesburg.
What She is trying to do won't work at all
My phone beeped
Me: Sonia and the kids are coming up
He took a bowl of his fruit salad. He stood up
and came to me. He kissed me
Masixole: I will leave you ladies to talk
Me: Okay baby
He walked up the stairs. The elevator beeped. I
turned around and looked at it. They walked in
Me: Hey you guys!
Sonia: Morning
I hugged the kids.
Me: Have breakfast come to the table
Roxy: We had breakfast aunt Prissy
Me: Okay baby. You can go watch tv.Your mom
and I will eat
They walked to the living room. I looked at Sonia
Sonia: I am sorry again. I had no idea that
Thalala was planning to steal your man. What a
waste of smart woman. She was really good as
Me: She is a teacher
Sonia: What?
Me: Thalala is an educator in the Eastern Cape. I
did a background check on her like you asked
me to and we found out she is a teacher. All she
came here for was my man
Sonia: Wow! What a bitch! I can't believe she
came to the house. I hope you told security to
never let her in again
Me: I did. So how was the photo shoot ?
Sonia: Oh it was fun. Algebra didn't tell you ?
Me: No
Sonia: I went there with him, My reality show
crew and my kids......
She looked at them then at me
Sonia: They loved seeing me in action
Me: That's amazing. I mean you're an amazing
CFO, You have a production company, You're in
a reality show. We thought you'd be a part time
model you turned out to be the face of J
Fashions which by the way is a full time job
because you will have to be in all his compaigns.
J Fashion is a global.....
Sonia: Enough Prissy I know where you're going
with this! I am a very smart woman. I am
ambitious. I want to maka my kids proud and
inspire them. What is wrong with trying to take
on a new challenge ?
Me: Nothing but you're not going to get the job.
Sonia you're very busy woman. You will need to
go to shoots. Not just modeling shoots but your
show as well! interviews! you're deep in this
entertainment industry and you are a hell of a
CFO What are we gonna do without you there ?
Sonia: Can we not have this conversation?
Me: You're not getting the job
Sonia: We will see about that. You didn't say
Sonia can't apply. You said everyone who think
they qualify can
Me: Write in your diary Monday at 11:30 we
have to go for your measurements Ms Maid of
Sonia: I will be there
Me: I just made you My maid of honour you
didn't seem surprised you just acted normal ?
Sonia: I am your only bestfriend. Who else could
be if not me?
Me: Bhembeha perhaps?
Sonia: I can't believe she is part of this
Me: I had to show her I appreciate for what she
Sonia: Yeah.... I wanted to talk to you about
Me: Yes ?
Sonia: You're pregnant with your first child. A
Prince who is gonna be very important to his
Sonia: I have spoken to my team.....
I don't think I will like this
Me: About what?
Sonia: Our company would like to document all
your journey till the day of the wedding
Me: You know I don't want to be in a reality
Sonia: It's not for people to see. No one wanna
watch it now because The King is not yet
ordained. Once he is they might shoe interest in
your lives
Me: Sonia I don't want to be in a reality show
Sonia: It's not! I am doing this for your child to
watch it when he is older please let me do this
for you guys. Your child has to see your love
I think I like this. My child has to see how we got
Me: Okay as long it's for my family's eyes only
Sonia: I promise
Me: Do it
Sonia: Thank you
But still, She is not getting the job. Absolutely
< Tasha >
I am very upset with Hungani I don't want to lie.
I knew what I was getting myself into yes but I
didn't think it would be this hard. I thought it
would be easy to make him forget Priscella
Seputla but I was wrong. If Tall beautiful models
couldn't do it then who am I? Even my
pregnancy doesn't help me. I don't want to lie, I
honestly thought this pregnancy was gonna be
my perfect way to trap him to focus on me but I
was very wrong. This man is in love with
Priscella. He can say he loves me a million times
I will not believe him still. This man is supposed
to treat me like an egg. I am pregnant. I am
sensitive and emotional. He should consider my
feelings. I am very disappointed in him and I
hate the voices in my head. It's not strange
voices. It's my mom and dad. Their words keep
replaying in my head I can't think straight at all.
I can't help but wonder if they are right. I know
they are right but I am thinking what if I regret
being with him in the near future?
I stood up and started pacing up and down. I am
here to fetch Laila.
Me: I can't be thinking that
Laila: What is going on ?
I looked at her
Me: No never mind
Laila: Tasha what is wrong?
Me: My parents say he is not good for me. A part
of me believe them another part believes him
Laila: What happened? You didn't make up?
Me: Things are not going well friend
Laila: Do you think you made a mistake by
moving in with him ?
I looked at her then sat down
Me: I hope not. The plan was for him to bond
with the child but all we do is fight. I am not
even sure he knows the baby exists anymore
Laila: You need to remind him what is
important. You two are not Important right now.
The baby is and if he continues to disrespect you
or hurt you that will affect the baby. I am sure
he doesn't want nothing to happen to the baby
Me: I just wish he could forget her!!
The door opened. Security walked in
Him: I am sorry to interrupt. Ms Priscella asked
me to bring this
Me: Great
Tasha looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders.
She looked at security
Laila: What is this
She took the fancy plastic
Laila: Arm balancer! She asked me about it I
didn't know she'd buy it
It looks like I am losing my friend to her. She
looked at the guard
Laila: Thank her for me, No I will call her. She
said she'd pick me up when I get discharged
Me: No! no need we will take a taxi. I will take
you home
" That won't be necessary " Said a familiar voice
behind us. I turned around. Hungani waved
Hungani: Her car is outside you can just take her
home baby
Laila: Thank you Hungani
Hungani: You're welcome
He looked at me
Hungani: I know your friend needs you but can
you be home at 6pm. I have surprise for you
Me: Me? Okay
He kissed my cheek
Hungani: later ladies
Me: Bye babe
He walked out
Laila: He is in a good mood
Me: I wonder what is it that he is planning

< Narrated >
In Mqanduli at a village called Nothintwa where
Zinyovile is staying. We see Zinyovile walking
around the room crying and sneezing. It looks
like she is speaking with her ancestors.
Zinyovile: Thethani nam! thethani nam zihlwele
Zam! Ndiyanibiza zidweshe. Makutyhileke!
She was calling her ancestors asking for them to
speak to her and give her the light. She went
down then hit her thigh with the palm of her
Zinyovile: Speak to m....
" This will not end well! " Zinyovile heard voices.
She stopped hitting her thigh then looked
Zinyovile: What !?
" She won't come home alive " Said another
voice echoes in her room
Zinyovile: I will protect her. She is my blood. I
will protect her!!
" No! it's too late! "
Zinyovile: Don't say that! I will protect her. She
is smart. She will follow my instructions!
" Yeah you're right. She will follow your
instructions "
Zinyovile: You see? I told you she Wil.....
" Same instructions that will take her life! "
Zinyovile: One try if she fails. I will bring her
home unharmed I swear!
" She is not coming home alive " Said more firm
and deep voice. Zinyovile stood up looking
scared. A knock came at the door. She turned
around. She wiped her tears then went to the
door. She opened the door
Zinyovile: NomaKhosazana?
The Queen pulled out a gun
NomaKhosazana: It's me bitch and this is your
last day on earth!
Zinyovile: No!!!

At the police station. We see Hungani going to a
visiting area. He sat down in front of a glass and
waited. He was the only visitor. Brianna walked
in. She was on the other side of the glass. She
smiled then fixed her hair when she saw who
her visitor was. She sat down then looked at
Hungani who looked so angry like he could
break the glass and go kill her.
Brianna: I have been waiting for you
Hungani: You still have time to smile after you
killed Michaela?
Brianna: She is dead now and I don't want to
think about it. How are you doing ?
Hungani: You act like you care about me but you
were prepared to kill my child and a woman I
Brianna laughed so hard then stopped and gave
him deathstare
Brianna: The only woman you love is Priscella
Seputla! I feel sorry for that Tasha girl. I was
doing her a favour. I feel so bad she didn't die
because she will have to live with the pain of
being the second choice !
Hungani: Priscella doesn't love me! she is getting
Brianna: And that pisses you off because you
love her!
Hungani: You don't know what you are talking
Brianna: Did you tell her that the only reason
you're with her is because you just want her to
keep the baby when the baby is born you go
back to being a jerk ?
Hungani: You don't know what you're talking
about ! you know what ?
Hungani stood up. Brianna rolled her eyes
Brianna: What?
Hungani: I am done here !
Hungani walked away
Brianna: You haven't heard my plan yet
Hungani stopped walking. He turned around
and walked back
Hungani: What plan?
Brianna Rolled some of her hair in her finger
and started playing with it.
Brianna: I will ask Tasha to come see me
Hungani: Stay away from her!!!
Brianna: Why? She deserves to know that you're
just using her so that she doesn't terminate the
Hungani: You don't know what you're talking
about! you're a sick murderer!
Brianna: what does that make you if I am a
Brianna: You made me fall for you
Hungani: That was not my fault we had an
understanding! .
Brianna: You made me fall for you! You made
me think that we had a future. You're the reason
Michaela died. You made me kill her and you
will live with that for the rest of your life!
Hungani: You killed that innocent girl because
you're sick. You're the one who is going to live
with seeing her fearful eyes when you were
pointing a gun at her!
Brianna looked down tears streaming down
Brianna: I didn't mean to kill her. If I knew you
liked Tasha I wouldn't have done it. It's just that
I thought you liked me
Brianna: I loved my friend but I loved you more
and I had to do what I did so that I could have
you all to myself
Hungani: Brianna you can't force someone to
love You!
Brianna: I know......
She started crying hard looking down, her hair
covering her face.
Hungani: I am sorry that you had to be behind
that glass for you to see that but you have...... (
She looked up and flipped her hair removing it
from her face.
Brianna: Do you know what else I have realised?
Hungani looked at her.
Hungani: What?
Brianna: That I can't let you be happy out there
while I am here
Hungani: What !?
Brianna looked around then at Hungani
Brianna: Then I thought.....
She looked straight at Hungani's eyes
Brianna: How can I do that when I am here?
Then I also thought My cousin didn't do
anything why don't I tell the police that it was all
me so that they could let him go and I am sure
you know why i did it right ?
Hungani: Why?
Brianna: So that he could finish what I started
She burst into laughter after she said that
Hungani: You're sick !
Brianna: Maybe that's why you never wanted
me but you know what?
Brianna: It's time to pay pretty boy for all the
time I wasted with you
Hungani: We were friends !!!
Brianna: She won't have that baby! I will kill her
and the baby then.....
She stood up.
Brianna: Then whoever is next is also gonna die
Hungani stood up panicking. He walked away. "
Then there is Priscella!" Once Hungani heard
that he stopped walking away. He turned
Hungani: You leave her alone!
Brianna: My lawyer just told me that bitch is the
reason I am here! she recorded me and she is
going go testify against me !
Hungani: Leave her alone!
Brianna: She is at the top of my cousin's list ;)
Brianna winked at him then attempted to walk
away then looked at him. Hungani put his
hands on his head crying
Brianna pointed at him
Brianna: You did this !



< Narrated >
Last time Ngejiwe had an encounter with Elton
things didn't go well and the way she left, No
one thought she could set her foot at the royal
house until Elton is gone. We see her early in the
morning walking to the palace. She was dressed
like someone who just came from a jog. It looks
like so many people are inspired by River's
Jogging. Ngejiwe was wearing a black tight ,
white vest and running shoes. She had a bottle
of water in her hand. She got to the door and
greeted Siqalo
Ngejiwe: Morning. You're here early
Siqalo: I didn't know when the family will want
to go to the funeral so I had to come early. I
haven't seen you here in days
Ngejiwe: I know
Siqalo opened the door. Ngejiwe walked in and
saw Prince Phonqa walkingYes down
Phonqa: My Princess
Ngejiwe furiously walked to the kitchen
avoiding Phonqa
Ngejiwe: I don't want to talk to you. Prince you
don't know the meaning of family
Phonqa: Family don't look down on each other
Ngejiwe turned around
Ngejiwe: When have I ever done that to anyone
who is a Ndengana like me?
Notiniphu looked away and smiled when she
heard Ngejiwe say that
Phonqa: take my brother and I for example. You
said we are not royalty enough
Ngejiwe: You know you're annoying. I
apologised for that. I am talking about you lying
for that woman! I am your family not her!
She said pointing at Notiniphu
Phonqa: Can you lower your voice we have
guests from Johannesburg and today is my
father's funeral so don't shout at me
Ngejiwe looked surprised
Ngejiwe: Your father?
Phonqa: yep, it turns out we are completely
royalty after all. Nomaxabiso's dad is.....
Phonqa paused
Phonqa: Was our father, he is dead now
Ngejiwe looked surprised and emotional. Prince
Phonqa smiled
Phonqa: Now look at who is half Royalty now....
You Princess, You
He walked out of the kitchen after he said that.
Ngejiwe had her hand on her mouth. She was
out of words
Ngejiwe: I had no idea
Notiniphu switched a cattle on
Notiniphu: Yeah I am sure you didn't
Ngejiwe looked at her
Ngejiwe: I am sorry you woke up on the bad side
of the bad. it's not my fault the man wants me!
oh by the way. I woke up on his bed. I was on his
chest the entire night
Notiniphu: You should thank your mom for that
because Velezantsi didn't miss you at all until
your mother knocked at his door! I wonder what
she said to him for him to leave the woman she
loves for the woman who thinks he is a nobody!
excuse me
Notiniphu stormed out of the kitchen leaving
Ngejiwe shocked
Ngejiwe: Mom.....?

The Queen is not at the palace and we all know
where she is. We see Refilwe pacing up and
down her bedroom. Her phone kept ringing She
was just looking at it terrified. The phone
stopped ringing
Refilwe: I am not going to take your call. This is
wrong. The Queen is right. You want to use me
to get to my baby girl
It rang again. Refilwe took her phone. She
grabbed it then switched it off..
Refilwe: I have to leave this country sooner than
The door opened. She quickly wiped her tears
then turned around. its EJ
Refilwe: Hey honey
Elton: Are you okay?
Me: Yes I am okay baby
Elton: Okay. Don't forget to call the pilot. We
can't arrive home late. At one we have to leave
the funeral. At least we should arrive in
Johannesburg around 4 or 5pm
Refilwe: I spoke to him in the morning. He is
coming at 9:30. The only person I need to call
right now is Gedleza and tell him we leaving at
Elton: Let me leave you to it then
Refilwe: Okay baby
Elton walked out. Refilwe looked at her phone
then thought of Hungani.
Refilwe: No! I can't switch it on. I will send a

< Princess Nomagampompo >
My sons want to speak to me. I don't know why.
I am so worried that they might not want to go
the funeral. I am very nervous and I am not
going to be able to force them. If they don't want
to go then they won't and there is nothing I can
do about it. I am the one who hid their father to
them. I can't bring myself into telling them what
to do. I just hope it's not what I think it is. If my
boys would refuse to attend their father's
funeral that would kill me. I don't think I would
forgive myself for it. I feel like I failed them. I
feel like I should'nt have listened to that man
when he said he didn't want my kids to know
him but I had to listen to him because I feared
what his wife might do to me and my kids. I
couldn't take that risk and I didn't want to be
humiliated. That is why I decided to listen to
Anyway I found the two of them sitting at living
room. I am so worried about my sister in law
and her visit to Zinyovile. I really hope she
doesn't do anything stupid. We cannot afford
bad publicity.
Me: Boys I thought you'd be dressed by now?
I am trying to find out what is this about. I hope
they didn't change their minds..
Nomgcwabe: Mom you're in your gown as well
what are you talking about?
Me: Boy it's after 8
Nomgcwabe: And it will take us about 40
minutes to get to Hlalwini
Oh at least they are still going.
Me: You're right. So what is this abou....
Phonqa: Did he talk about us with you?
Me: Baby?
Phonqa: Mr Zidenge. Did you guys talk about us
Nomgcwabe: If you did what about?
Honestly speaking that man never mentioned
anything about our kids. What am I gonna say to
them? What If I tell them he didn't talk about
them and they decide not to go?
Phonqa: Why are you crying mom?
I quickly wiped my tear..
Me: I am not crying
Nomgcwabe: Mom you are crying
I stood up
Me: I don't think I am ready to have this
Nomgcwabe: Why mom? You waited so many
years. Are you telling me you're still not ready to
talk about it even now ?
Me: Can we bury him first and have this
conversation after ?
I said looking at the wall crying. I don't want
them to see me like this.
Phonqa: Tell me mom, Did you show him our
reports every year when we passed ?
Nomgcwabe: Did he even know we were his
I quickly turned around
Me: Of course! I told you why he didn't want you
to know
Nomgcwabe: I feel like that excuse is lame mom.
If he really wanted us to know him as our father
he would've done something!
Me: I don't know what you guys want me to say
Nomgcwabe: Tell Prince Phonqa the truth. He
asked you a question.
Me: No, He never asked for your reports
Phonqa: You didn't even tell him when we
passed ?
Me: I did tell him every time.....
I exhaled
Me: Only when he took my calls though
Phonqa: He ignored your calls? I thought he was
bad to us only
Nomgcwabe: Prince that man was married. He
couldn't take calls all the time
Phonqa: Which side are you on?
Nomgcwabe: I wouldn't speak for that man. I am
just trying to figure out why sometimes he didn't
take mom's calls
Phonqa: Maybe mom knows why?
I looked at him. He shrugged his shoulders
Phonqa: Just saying
Me: I don't know why he never answered my
calls sometimes. Maybe it's what Nomgcwabe
said. He was with his wife
Nomgcwabe stood up.
Nomgcwabe: I have a favour mom
Me: Yes ?
Nomgcwabe: Don't get there and tell them who
we are. We are just going there to attend the
funeral not to be introduced
Me: And what if Nomaxabiso decides to tell
Phonqa quickly stood up and stood next to his
Phonqa: We will get there and tell her right bro?
Nomgcwabe: Yeah I know how to put that
nutcase in her place
He said walking up the stairs
I am so relieved that they are still willing to go. I
don't mind their request. That was the plan
anyway, We didn't want to tell them till after the

< Nomahelele >
What a nice jog we had today. I really missed
running with him yesterday and I am very
proud of him for taking this seriously and run
even without me. I love him. I hope he won't
stop when I get pregnant. I don't think I will be
able to jog with him..
Anyway everyday when we run. I make sure I
leave him at his house and today is no different.
I usually leave him at the gate but today I am
going in. My sister wife is home and the kids
know about me now so there is no hiding.
Hlohlesakhe: I enjoyed that
Me: Me too
He opened the door. I walked in. He did too. We
found Nontorotyi at the living room. When she
saw us she walked to the kitchen. I looked at
Hlohlesakhe: You said you're cool what is that ?
Me: Maybe you're the one she is mad at
Hlohlesakhe: Maybe
I Kissed him
Me: Go take a shower
Hlohlesakhe: I love you
Me: I love you more darling
My husband walked to the bedroom. In case
you're wondering..... I am calling Hlohlesakhe
my husband because once the Lobola is paid
you're officially a wife. Nontorotyi looked at me
then walked to the kitchen. Why is she angry?
Me: I was expecting a thank you ?
She stopped walking then turned around
Nontorotyi: For what?
I walked to her then took her hand. We walked
to the kitchen
Me: I advised you to cook for him. I went to
speak to him after I advised you and this
morning he was waking up in your arms
She removed her hand from mine
Nontorotyi: Yeah.......
Me: I am waiting? Thank me
Nontorotyi: Go home Nomahelele! it's too early
for a small talk
Me: For a woman who spent the night with our
husband you sure are in a bad mood. My darling
gives a good sex. You should be in a good mood
She hit the kitchen table hard. Oh My God
someone is grumpy
Nontorotyi: We tried he was not in the mood!
Me: Oh damn!
She looked at me
Nontorotyi: What ?
Me: I am sorry around 5pm we kind of you
know. ........
Nontorotyi: You had sex with him didn't you !?
I walked passed her. I took a glass then poured
Me: Well I can't help it. We have good sex
Nontorotyi: Nomahelele it was my night! you
said I should cook a romantic dinner for him.
How could you sleep with him hours before my
Me: My darling and I have to make babies
Nontorotyi: You're selfish!! for someone who is
into this nonsense you should know that he has
to be in the mood! you can't sleep with him like
two hours before my turn! how can you be so
selfish ?
Me: I am sorry S'ntoro-ntoro. How about you
have him tonight again
Nontorotyi: What's the use? We will have an
agreement then the next thing I hear people say
they heard moans in his office!
Me: your sister is spying on us?
Nontorotyi: I didn't say my sister did! woman
buy a toy and help yourself. I want to sleep with
my husband as well!
I gulped the glass of water
Me: Okay. Have it your way sister wife
I tapped her shoulder then put the glass on the
Me: Have it your way
I walked passed her then turned around
Me: Nontorotyi you can't be the centre of
attention all the time. I need your support as
well! the three of us are trying for my baby. I
need your support!
Nontorotyi: You mean the four of us?
Me: Four?
Nontorotyi: It's Me, You, our husband and
Nomaxabiso. You think I don't know about her ?
Me: Who told You?
Nontorotyi: little old Me has to stay in the dark
Me: We were gonna tell you when the time is
right. Besides I did tell you there was another
one coming
Nontorotyi: Except you didn't say who
Me: You need to speak to your husband. I can't
see him I am afraid I might sleep with him again
I walked to the door and left.

< Judge NomaKhosazana >
She was not ready to see me in her house so
early in the morning was She? I am starting to
wonder if her witchcraft is working anymore
because if She knew I was coming she would've
ran like she did when She left her house to move
here. This woman had made my life a living hell
while my husband was alive. She didn't stop
when he died. She continued using people
around me to hurt me. How desperate can she
be? You know I feel bad for resenting my
Husband for sleeping with this woman. I
should've known my husband would never
leave me for a dirty creepy woman like this. I
should've known she used her witchcraft to turn
my man against me. This woman is the reason I
never had a chance to have another baby. She is
the reason I only have one child. I think I did
mention this before. When I caught Sgaqa with
this woman I never wanted to sleep with him
without protection and our relationship was not
the same because of that. I never had a chance
to enjoy the last days of my Husband's life
because of the tension we had about this witch.
What should I do with her? She tried to kill me
so many times. She tried to use people to hurt
me so many times. When she hypnotized
Gedleza with her witchcraft and made him lie to
me about my father in law I was mad at this
woman. I remember i planned to go deal with
her. Because of how busy I am I decided to let it
slide now this? She uses my son to get to me?
Nobody messes with my son and get away with
it. This woman is gonna pay I swear it. Today
she will know who I am.
Anyway I am pointing at gun at her. She looks
terrified as she should be. This is the first time I
am going to face her and beat her up for what
she did to me and for sleeping with my husband.
Zinyovile: Please don't shoot me! I beg you
She had both her hands in the air tears
streaming down her cheeks. Is she really
scared? How can she do the things she's done if
she is scared ?
Me: Surprise! surprise!
I said walking in pointing a gun at her. She was
moving backwards
Zinyovile: This village! Nothintwa village has a
royalty. The Tshomani royalty is going to find
you if you kill me
Me: Thank you for the heads up. I guess I will
shoot you and go blow their heads off as well!
I cocked the gun two times fast
Zinyovile: No!!!
She moved backwards fast and bumped in a
table. I saw her look behind me
Zinyovile: Watch out behind you !!!
I turned around and looked. Dammit! this bitch
tricked me! there is no one. I turned around
fuming with anger. She hit my gun with a long
wooden spoon she picked from the table. My
gun flew across the room and hit the wall at a
far distance
Me: Bitch!
I attempted to run to my gun.
Zinyovile: You're not getting to that gun you
stupid educated fool!
She attempted to hit me with a wooden spoon. I
grabbed it and pulled it my way. She pulled it
her way, I pulled it my way
Me: Let go you sick bitch!!!
Zinyovile: You're not getting to that gun! If you
do I will make sure you fall and die on top of it!
Me: We will see about that!
Zinyovile: You look cared for a woman who
came for a fight!
She said pulling the wooden spoon. I pulled it
Me: I never walk away from a fight !
Zinyovile: We will see about that! let go of my
Me: Make me you desperate whore!!
She pulled the spoon. I pulled it she pulled it
again I pulled. She came and made me believe I
was powerful. She pushed the spoon and
stabbed my chest with it
Me: Ouch! you're not going to get away with
Zinyovile: I already did!
She let go of the spoon then ran to my gun
Me: Not so fast you dirty pig!!
I threw the wooden spoon at her. It hit her
spine. She threw her hands in the air bending
her back in pain screaming
Zinyovile: Yo!!!!
I grabbed her dirty clothes from behind I
dragged her back to me. I turned her around
Me: Fight me!
Zinyovile: My back......
I punched her in the face she fell. I saw her look
at my gun. Oh no! it's an inch away from her
hand. I saw her getting mad. The look on her
face I swear she is going to kill me. It was the
scariest look I have ever seen
I jumped and stepped at the back of her hand
with my sharp heel and I didn't move it. She
screamed like a bitch she is.
Zinyovile: Yo!!!!! take your shoe off my hand!!!
I snatched her doek off her head revealing her
dirty dreadlocks. I covered her mouth with her
doek and tied it. She tried to cry the voice
couldn't come out. I can't risk her making noise
Zinyovile: woooooo woohoo woooo
She was crying. I slid my hand on my jacket. I
took out the belt
Me: Remember this belt?
Zinyovile: woooo
I kicked her she rolled and fell on her belly. I
stepped my heel on her neck. I pulled up her
dress. I folded the belt into two and hold it in the
middle. I hit her bums!!! she was crying like pig.
I had no mercy on her bum. I whipped her arse
for dear life. I took my heel off her. I knelt down
Me: This is my Husband's belt. I am sure he is so
happy wherever he is to see me do what I just
did to you!
Her hand was bleeding I guess my heel went in
Zinyovile: Woo woo
I untied the doek
Me: Tell your little niece if she doesn't leave my
son alone.......
I walked to the gun and picked it up Then looked
at her
Me: I am not afraid to use this
Zinyovile: Leave my home!!
I smiled and walked closer to her. She was on
her knees
Me: Who do you think you are ?
Zinyovile: I said go!
Me: Can you smell that ?
Zinyovile: Go!
Me: You don't wear an underwear! and you
have a smelly vagina. Did you really think a neat
man like my late husband was gonna love a
woman as dirty as you are ?
Zinyovile: I said go! go away !
Me: ---> BOOM!
I shot at her
Zinyovile: Yoh!
She said looking at the wall on top of her head
with her hands in the air.
Me: Next time I won't miss. Do you know why?
Zinyovile: Forgive me
I walked closer to her
Me: Because the next time I point a gun at you. It
will be half inside your vagina and the only
thing I would need to do is pull the trigger and
make sure the bullet goes out through your head
Zinyovile: Oh My God!




< Narrated >
It's been over an hour since the Queen left
Zinyovile's house. She really beat the hell out of
Zinyovile. She can't sit on Her bum. We see her
in her house trying to sit then stand up before
she could because of the pain. She had a t.shirt
bandaged on her hand. Outside a car pulls over.
It's Nontorotyi's car. She walked out of her car
then ran inside. She didn't even knock. She
opened the door and found Zinyivile pacing up
and down. When Zinyovile heard the door she
looked at the door.
Zinyovile: I didn't think you'd come
Nontorotyi: Are you kidding me? You were in
tears! I had to come. What happened?
Zinyovile looked away, She pulled up her dress.
Nontorotyi covered her face as quickly as she
Nontorotyi: What are you doing!
Zinyovile looked at her and realised she didn't
see nothing
Zinyovile: How are you gonna see what
happened to me when you covered your face
like that !
Nontorotyi didn't remove her hands.
Nontorotyi: Promise me I won't have bad luck
after seeing your bum. I have bad luck as it is
seeing an old woman's bum will make things
Nontorotyi: Just remove your hands from your
face !!!
She quickly did
Nontorotyi: Oh No! don't tell me this is what I
think it is ?
Zinyovile: It is
Zinyovile said fuming with anger looking away
Nontorotyi: What happened ?
Zinyovile: When I said I had another plan?
Nontorotyi: Yeah ?
Me: I meant my late sister's daughter. She dated
NomaKhosazana's son back in high school. I sent
her to Johannesburg to ruin her son's
relationship with that rich woman
Nontorotyi sat down
Nontorotyi: Let me guess the ancestors' favorite
daugher in law was alert ?
Zinyovile walked away
Zinyovile: Not this time! I don't know what
Zinza-Zenja's son is playing at. He is acting like
he doesn't see the things I do. He has a new
strategy now. A strategy " ruin it yourself " My
niece messed up like you did!
Zinyovile: I am sorry maybe I should've helped
you two. I am at fault as much as You guys are
Nontorotyi looked at Zinyovile's bandaged hand
Nontorotyi: And that hand ?
Zinyovile: That city whore! She fought me with
heels on.This is her heel! She stepped on me
Nontorotyi: Oh My God so you actually fought
her ?
Zinyovile looked away fuming with anger
Zinyovile: I tried
She turned around and looked at Nontorotyi
Zinyovile: I was this close into shooting her with
her own gun
Nontorotyi got excited.
Nontorotyi: Tell me she was not wearing gloves
Zinyovile looked at Nontorotyi
Zinyovile: The Dlungane girls are smart. They
are not bunch of amateurs
Nontorotyi exhaled looking defeated
Nontorotyi: But you can go to the police station
and report her
Zinyovile sat down
Zinyovile: Ouch
She remained seated while in pain
Nontorotyi: What ? She can be arrested and
you'd get the revenge you always wanted
Zinyovile: You mean we always wanted!!
Nontorotyi looked down
Zinyovile: My ancestors are upset with me for
sending my sister's daughter to Johannesburg. I
don't know Nontorotyi. I can't do it. I feel like
something would happen to my gift if I do and I
am nothing without my gift
Nontorotyi: Maybe we should just forget
revenge. This always backfire on us
Zinyovile shook her head no looking away
Zinyovile: One last attempt
Nontorotyi: Are you positive it's gonna work?
Zinyovile looked at Nontorotyi
Zinyovile: I won't give up! I am still going on
with my plan
Zinyovile: Me and my niece have a good plan. I
just hope our ancestors are with us even
Nontorotyi: Even though what?
Zinyovile sat down then cried. She stood up. It
looks like the Queen had no mercy on her bum.
Zinyovile: There is a voice that keeps saying She
won't come back alive
Nontorotyi: Oh My God
Zinyovile looked at the wall
Zinyovile: Leave me! I need to protect my sister's
Nontorotyi: Of course
Nontorotyi took her handbag. She walked out
and closed the door. She smiled
She walked to her car. The door opened.
Nontorotyi turned around and looked at the
door. Zinyovile was at the door
Zinyovile: You like the idea of my niece dying
don't you?
Nontorotyi's eyes widened
Nontorotyi: I don't know what you're talking
Zinyovile gave her death state
Zinyovile: You're forgetting who you're speaking
Nontorotyi walked back to Zinyovile
Nontorotyi: Okay fine! You want my honest
answer? Why do I bother ? you already know!
Zinyovile: I want to hear it !
Nontorotyi: You killed my brother Zinyovile and
you didn't even apologise for it. You just told me
we not friends and you were moving to better
things. How do you think that made me feel? To
me I feel like God is answering my prayers I am
Zinyovile: Thank you for your honest answer
Zinyovile slammed the door in Nontorotyi's face
after she said that. Nontorotyi put her hand on
her forehead regretting what she just said.
Nontorotyi: I am sorry friend I can't believe I
said that
She didn't say that out loud but she was hoping
that she heard her since she can read her minds.

< Priscella >
Hungani has been calling me non stop. I had to
block his number. I thought after I blackmailed
him he would back off but no, he keeps calling
me and I am sick of it that's why I decided to
block him. I don't want to cause problems in my
relationship with Masixole because of my ex
boyfriend. I don't know why these problems are
coming right now. We are like weeks before our
wedding. Our ex partners are becoming
obstacles in our relationship. I love this man. I
want us to grow old together. We have to be
strong and not let them come between us.
Thousands of people are counting on us in that
village. If anything could go wrong between us I
don't think the plans we had for that village
would come true. I am going to fight for us if it's
the last thing I do and I am happy Masixole is
standing by me throughout all this.
Anyway I saw Masixole coming down putting on
his wrist watch. He came to me and kisse my lips
Masixole: You said Sonia is on her way back
Sonia left the kids here and went to some tea
date with her housewives.
Me: Yes and where are you going?
Masixole: Not leaving the building don't worry. I
am meeting Aaron at the office for some work
Me: Mhmm
Him: Call me when Sonia decides to leave but
when we are done at the office we will come
and have a few drinks at the bar
Me: Okay but promise me you guys won't drink
too much tonight....
Masixole: Gedleza is performing a ritual I know
my love and before I go to the office I will ask a
bodyguard to come stay here just in case. We
can't trust the security at the entrance
Me: Okay love
He kissed me
Him: I love you
Me: I love you
His phone rang. He took it out then showed me
the screen. Aaron is calling
Me: Go
He ran to the elevator. He is so handsome. It
looks like I will have to fight so many girls for
My phone rang. I took my tea. I sipped then
picked up my phone from the Coffee table. It's
my mother in law. I smiled then answered
Me: Mama
Queen: Hello my dear how are you ?
Me: I am good. I have been waking up tired
lately but I am okay. How are you ?
Queen: I am good. Please take it easy now. Don't
work too much
Me: Yesterday I was working home. Today I am
just resting at home
Queen: I am glad. Is everything going well with
the wedding planning?
Me: Yes everything is going well but I wanted to
have 8 bridesmaids And I think I have six.
Ngejiwe is one of them I called her
Queen: You're a sweet girl Priscella. Thank you
for involving her. Ngejiwe is a good girl. Her
mother is poisoning her
Me: She promised to behave
Queen: That's good... I am surprised you asked
for Ngejiwe's help when you and Notiniphu got
along so well
I stood up. I can't believe I forgot her.
Me: Oh My God mama! how can I forget her. Can
you please ask her for me please
Queen: She will love to be your bridesmaid
Me: Thank you. Can you give her a day off
Monday. She and Ngejiwe must come here for
measurements. The Helicopter will be there at
Queen: Okay baby don't worry she will be ready
when the Helicopter arrives. Let me go in and
get ready for the funeral
Me: Okay thank you ma
She hung up. Oh My God I cannot believe I
forgot Notiniphu. She is a sweet girl. I really like
her. I am glad the Queen called me. I love my
mother in law. I thought she called me to ask
something. She just called to ask how I am
doing. I really love her and I cannot believe I
thought she might not like me because I took
Nomaxabiso's place in her son's life.
Anyway I heard the elevator. I looked at it. Sonia
walked in
Me: At least today you don't walk in wet with
drinks all over your clothes
Sonia: You think I would've came back wearing
the same outfit? The fight was not physical and
thank God I was not the one fighting for a
Me: That's great
I took my phone and looked at it then put it
Sonia: Are you waiting for someone's call?
Me: Laila
Sonia: About what ?
Me: I offered to go fetch her from the hospital. I
don't know why she hasn't called me
Sonia: Stop it! that girl is not your friend or your
child! You said she should call you. Just wait
Me: Yeah you're right friend and thank you for
the documentary idea. I didn't think of it and
Masixole loves it
Sonia: Great! My guys are ready for Monday
Me: I am excited
Sonia: I am excited as well. To think this festive
was gonna be my wedding with Brendan
Me: Oh yeah I forgot. I am so sorry friend
Sonia: Sorry for what ? I am not sad. You
wouldn't be sad as well if you found out you've
been married to a gay man
Me: Yeah

< Hungani >
Who is this woman? who did I let into my life?
Why did I ever hurt Priscella with these models?
I feel like I am being punished for all I put her
through with them. Where I found happiness
now I am getting misery. The people who made
me happy are hurting me. It's just one person
though Brianna. Michaela was a good soul. She
was amazing. She didn't deserve to die and I
take full responsibility for her death. Why did I
agree to the arrangement? Why the hell did I
ever slept with bestfriends at the same time.
What did I expect to happen at the end ? Now
people I care about are in danger because of me.
I have been trying to call Priscella. She blocked
my number. That woman really hates me and I
hate myself for being the reason for that. Every
time I see how much she hates me I think about
how I hurt her. I hurt her in a way I wasn't
aware I did. I feel really bad and knowing that
there is nothing I can do to change it kills me. I
lost her for good. I feel like my mind is all over
the place. Refilwe's visit really messed with my
head. I saw how much she cared about me. I saw
how she looked at me. I wish her daughter could
look at me the same way. I knew after what She
saw between me and Tasha things would be
awkward between us. I feel like she feels
something. I felt something as well but I know
it's wrong
Anyway right now I need to protect Priscella
and Tasha. Their lives are in danger including
mine. I wish I never visited this place. I am just
happy I recorded our conversation. I am
planning to give the police this though. What I
am interested to know right now is if her cousin
is really out of jail. I saw the lady who helped me
when I came to report Masixole.
Me: Hey
She looked at me. She looked shocked. I get this
a lot. I have been seeing stares I guess it comes
with being a celebrity
Her: Hey! you remember me I am Officer
Novenge everyone love calling me with my first
name though and I love my first name
Me: I see, Can you tell me the name of the officer
who is in charge of The fashion show heist ?
Her: Oh Yea it's detective Corben. Go through
that door. Walk down and take the last door on
your left
Me: Thank you
I smiled then attempted to walk away
Her: Bhembeha!
I turned around
Me: I beg your pardon?
Her: The name. It's Bhembeha Novenge
Me: Nice name
Her: Thank you
I walked away fast. I got to the office. I knocked
then opened the door.
Corben: Oliphant
Me: Detective. I came to see Brianna And...
Him: You shouldn't have done that !
I looked down
Me: I know trust me I do
Him: What happened ?
Me: Brianna says his brother is out of jail and he
is gonna come for my people and me
Corben laughed
Me: This is serious detective Corben! that
woman is sick. Is her brother out ?
He took his telephone. He made sure I could
hear as well
Person: Detective ?
Corben: Warden is the Cape Town boy still
there? The one who just came in with his cousin
sister. His name is Louis
Warden: I am actually looking at him right now.
The poor man is miserable in that cell. He can't
stop pacing up and down stretching his head
I let out sigh of relief. Corben looked at me
Corben: Thank you warden
He put the phone down.
Me: Detective thank you but that doesn't mean
we are safe. We don't know if they have
accomplices outside
Corben: She was just trying to mess up your
head. She just lied to you. That's what
psychopath do. They play mind games. Don't
mind her. She will stay in there for a long time. I
heard there won't be a big court day at
magistrate court because we have enough
evidence that is already convincing the
Me: I don't know man. I am worried about
Priscella and Tasha. She knows Priscella
recorded her
Corben: You need to relax. Breath Mr Oliphant
I breath in and out then looked at him
Me: But she holds a grudge on her so She could
do something
Corben: It's possible but as you can see she is
sick. She is playing mind games. She lied about
him getting out. That man was an accomplice.
He is going to be sentenced as well
Me: She could ask someone else
Corben: Only her lawyer is allowed to see her. I
am surprised they let you see her!
Me: I am sorry I begged an officer
Him: She is dangerous we can't risk it. We made
sure there is no cellphones in that cell. How is
she gonna ask someone?
Me: Yeah I hope you're sure about this
Corben: They are going to Sun City very soon Mr
Me: Thank you Detective
Corben: Have nice holidays. She won't do
anything to you trust us
I smiled then looked away. I hope he is right.

< Judge NomaKhosazana >
Nontsingizi is going to be the death of me. That
woman is a problem. I don't know if she learnt
her lesson or not today. But I really hope she did
and I am very sure wherever She is she respects
me. Whenever she wanna try something again
she will think twice before she attempts to do
something. Anyway I got home. Everyone was
curious to know what I did. I toId them I didn't
kill her if that's what they feared. They all
looked relieved except for my crazy cousin
sister. She wanted to hear that I murdered her. I
can't kill that woman. I told everyone my
husband has been dead for 11years but she is
still jealous of me. What if after I kill her she
haunts me ? I don't want to deal with a jealous
We've been waiting for Nontorotyi for about an
hour. The time is now 9 and the funeral starts at
10am. We can't get there late. We are a royal
family going to a royal funeral. We have to leave
this woman behind. She is old. She can't just
disappear into thin air. I don't know why River
is going around trying to call her. She should've
told her she was gonna be late or she is no
longer going. What She is doing switching her
phone off is just rude. I don't like it. She just
loves to disrespect us. She can't keep the family
waiting. She really can't. Anyway I saw Refilwe
look at her wrist watch
Refilwe: Are you sure it's not far? We can't be
I looked at River who is busy trying to call her
sister wife. She walked back to us.
Refilwe: No luck ?
Nomahelele: Let's leave her
Me: Okay. Maybe she went to her family we
don't know
Nomahelele: She promised to come with us! how
can she do this? days after she disappointed us?
Me: Well that's Nontorotyi for you
Nomahelele: She is making me so angry. She is
trying to connect with our husband now she
wanna ruin it again
Refilwe got a call. She looked nervous
Me: Who is it ?
Refilwe showed me the screen
Me: Answer it and tell him to leave you alone !
She breath in and out then answering and put
him on speaker
Refilwe: You need to stop callin.....
Hungani: It's about Priscella she is in danger!
What? Now she got my attention. I hope it's not
one of his games
Refilwe: What do you mean ?
Hungani: I went to see the model who Killed
Michaela and shot Laila. I wanted to confront
her she said she is coming for me, Her and
Refilwe: Oh My God
Hungani: The police think she is bluffing. She
lied to me and said her cousin is out to do the
job. I asked the police they said she is lying so I
don't know. I tried calling Priscella to give her
heads up but she is not taking my calls
Refilwe: Priscella is getting married. She doesn't
need her ex blowing up her phone !
Hungani: I got the message loud and clear. She
blocked me
Refilwe: Good for her!
Hungani: Can we talk......
Refilwe: No!!
She hung up
Me: You did the right thing. This boy is
disrespectful now this is not funny anymore
Nomahelele: Ladies we can't take that threat
lightly. The news say this girl is dangerous
Me: Oh she made a big Mistake
Refilwe: Queen that woman is dangerous! She is
going to kill my daughter you know she killed
that Model we can't take this lightly
Nomahelele: Nobody is taking this lightly
Refilwe. Your daughter is family and she is
protected now I need to speak to my cousin
sister alone
River said pulling me aside. She turned around
and looked at Refilwe.
Nomahelele: Don't tell Priscella. The next phone
call you make is to that boy. Tell him Priscella
can't know about this
Me: If he didn't tell her already
Nomahelele: Call him Refilwe!
We walked away leaving Refilwe
Nomahelele: I hate to say this but on this matter
we need some assistant
I have a plan but I want her to stop being selfish
and say it herself. We need her
Me: Anything in mind ?
Nomahelele: More like anyone ?
Nomahelele: Priscella might lose our grandchild
because of fear! We don't know Gauteng like our
cousin do. I think we need her help urgently.
Refilwe won't stop freaking out until she hears
that girl is dead and we have to make that
Me: As much as I hate this killing I think it's the
only way. If we don't do this my daughter in law
will die and I don't think we want that
Nomahelele: We don't and that cousin of hers is
dying as well
Me: What if The boy has no idea about this plan.
Remember what that boy said. He said she said
he is released and it turned out she was lying
Nomahelele: What if she is not lying this time
and we get a surprise of our lives when we see
Priscella dead!?
I started pacing up and down
River grabbed my arm
Nomahelele: Hey look at me!
I looked at her
Nomahelele: We ask May to kill both of them!
I nodded my head yes
Me: Yeah



< Nontorotyi >
Wow I have seen NomaKhosazana in action.
Remember when she beat me up that I couldn't
even sit on my own? What She did to Zinyovile
is worse. She really messed up that old woman's
bum. I felt so sorry for her. I think she should
stop this before she gets a phone call from The
Queen's cousin. A part of me feel like she
wouldn't be as lucky as I was. I think she
wouldn't even call her. She would just call a hit
and kill her. I am family. Whatever
NomaKhosazana does she first thinks of the
family and I know she wouldn't harm me and I
think her cousin knows that is why she gave me
a warning as for Zinyovile? They don't care
about her. I think they wouldn't think twice
before killing her. She needs to stop this whole
nonsense. I am not going to lie when I heard that
her niece might die in Gauteng because of her I
felt happy a little bit. This woman didn't even
consider my feelings when she sacrificed with
my brother's life. It was not her place to do that.
She shouldn't have done that to my only brother.
I am so worried that she knows I am happy this
is happening to her. What if she punishes me for
celebrating her pain? Throughout this journey
from her house to mine I have been thinking
about it and I am so worried. That woman is
crazy. She is also dangerous. She could mess up
my life
" I won't " That's Zinyovile at the backseat as
always. I shifted the rearview mirror just to see
Me: I am sorry
Zinyovile: I think you need to stop thinking
about my mess and focus on yours
Me: What is my mess ?
Zinyovile: Like " where is my husband? he came
here to get money from you sister in law " mess?
I put my left hand on my mouth. How can I
forget that? my sister in law might contact us
about my missing brother?
Me: Oh My God
Zinyovile: Talk later friend
Me: Wai.....
She vanished. I looked in front of me. God I am
home. I drove in. I got out of my car. I am so late
for the funeral. I wiped my tears then headed to
the house. I opened the door then walked in.
Ngejiwe: You're here ! I was worried about
catching a van to the funeral. These taxis are so
dusty. I think you need to get me a car
Me: Honey you're going to be a lawyer soon. You
will buy yourself a car
I walked passed her
Ngejiwe: Nomgcwabe has a car
Me: He has a mother who doesn't have any
money problems. My sister in law don't buy
groceries with her payment. She doesn't do
anything with her money
Ngejiwe: So are you! everything is done by my
dad here
Me: We are not doing this now I am late
Ngejiwe: Mom did you know Shosholoza was
Prince Nomgcwabe and Phonqa's dad?
Oh My God! it makes sense now. I was
wondering why we didn't know about their
father yet the only man who was close to the
palace is Shosholoza
Me: I had no idea! Oh My God! Who told you ?
Ngejiwe: Prince Phonqa
Wow I feel like I am the only lost one in this
family. No one tells me anything in this family
Me: Honey where are you going dressed like that
Ngejiwe: To the funeral with you! I just told you
I wanted to take a taxi?
Me: Yeah
Ngejiwe: Everyone waited for you where were
you ?
Me: Let me go get dressed
Ngejiwe: You and I mother need to have a
serious talk!
My phone rang. It's Velezantsi. Why would my
daughter wanna have a serious talk then her
boyfriend calls? I need to hear this before I have
this serious talk. I didn't ask for permission. I
Me: Hello ?
Velezantsi: Notiniphu told Ngejiwe you visited
me .....
oh no! I looked at Ngejiwe with my eyes pooped
Velezantsi: I denied everything you do the same.
You didn't come here!
Me: Alright my love. Me and your daughter we
will be there in thirty minutes
Ngejiwe smiled
Velezantsi: I am sorry to say this ma'am but
you're weird just like your daughter
Me: Bye my love
I hung up then looked at my daughter
Me: Honey come let's talk while I am dressing
up. What's the matter
I said running to the bedroom
Ngejiwe: Did you threaten Velezantsi?
I turned around
Me: I haven't seen that boy since the night I hit
him with a pan! honey we don't talk to
commoners like him
Ngejiwe: Mom you're one as well
Me: And look how my life turned out ? look at
this house glamorous! I wouldn't dare set my
foot at Matyhakrala's house you know that
Ngejiwe folded her arms
Me: What's the matter honey ?
Ngejiwe: Nothing it's just that out of the blue
Velezantsi forgave me and it's like we never
been apart before
She said blushing. I ran to her and hugged her
Me: Congratulations honey !
I hugged her. She quickly broke the hug
Ngejiwe: You're not mad?
Me: Why would I? The days of interfering in
your love life are over! I want to see you happy
Ngejiwe: And I am mother
Me: Hihihihi
I giggled then opened the door rolling my eyes.
Not the kinda man I want you to end up with but
as long you're happy sweetheart I am happy.

< Judge NomaKhosazana >
We just arrived at Hlalwini for the funeral. I
can't waste time. I can't attend the funeral until I
know that crazy girl is taken care of. I need May
for this. She is the only one who can help us.
Before I attend this funeral I need to know my
daughter in law is okay. I need to call May and
let her take care of this. I don't know why people
are so mad at the world that they are prepared
to hurt others to get what they want. Priscella is
a sweet girl. Her only mistake was falling for a
stupid womanizer who is messing with her
mother's head as we speak and he has a sex
partner who is crazy and is ready to hurt people
Hungani cares about just because he doesn't
want to be with her. How crazy is that? I am the
fixer in this family. I will make sure she never
hurts anyone. I know my ways are sometimes
not the right or the Godly way. God will have to
forgive me. There is nothing he can do to stop
that woman. If he had a way he would've
prevented the first incident that happened
caused by that serial killer.
Anyway I just got out of the car. I can't believe it
got to this. I can't believe Nomfunzelo's
desperation for her Daughter to marry my son
led to this. Where was that woman's pride? Why
would you keep pushing to marry your child
where she is not wanted? She didn't want her
daughter to be happy. She wanted her to be
miserable for the rest of her life and that is not
what a mother should do! I had to back off when
I realized that my son don't want to be with
Nomaxabiso. When I saw how much he loved
Priscella as a mother I had to accept even
though it took some help from Ancestors who I
must say are also hypocrites because I was
following their rules. They didn't tell me when to
bend them that's why I was so hard on my son. I
am just happy that eventually they finally
showed me when to bend the rules
Me: Maybe she also needed someone to tell her
when to bend
Nomahelele: Pardon?
I snapped out of it and smiled. I guess I thought
out loud
Nomahelele: Are you okay?
Princess Nomagampompo looked at me
Nomagampompo: My Queen?
Me: I am fine
Refilwe: No you're not
I wiped my tear.
Me: I need to make a phone call and make sure
my daughter in law is okay
Refilwe smiled.
Refilwe: I feel so useless as a mother. I am her
mother. I know Jo'burg inside out yet I depend
on you to make sure my daughter is safe in my
own city
I put my hand on her shoulder
Me: You don't know how to handle it my way
and please stay that way okay
Nomahelele smiled at me
Nomagampompo: What does that even mean?
I smiled then walked away. I made a phone call
May: Your highness
Me: The girl who killed her friend at the fashion
show ?
May: Diana
Me: It's Brianna. Cuz that girl killed that
innocent model because she.....
May: Wanted to be with the TV guy I know the
story and She also shot at Refilwe's son's ex
Me: How do you know?
May: Elton is Chase best friend.
Me: Chase ?
May: My friend's son anyway what's about that
girl ?
Me: The tv guy is my daughter in law's ex and
apparently he went to see Brianna and that girl
threatened to hurt Priscella also
May chuckled
May: I think I like her but she is messing with
the wrong family
Me: There is nothing to like about a psychopath.
That girl said her cousin is released and is going
to do the job. The tv boy found out she is lying
about the cousin release
May: But we can't be sure she is bluffing about
killing Priscella. I feel like she was sharing her
plan to get the cousin out and let him do the job.
I know how sick people like her think. When she
says she will do something she will
Me: Exactly! she said she'd get rid of the model
and she did
May: What do you want me to do?
Me: I am not familiar with prisons and police
stations in Gauteng.....
May: I am familiar with prisons everywhere.
Look what I did to that bitch River calls Sister
wife. Do you want me to kill her?
I swallowed hard. Killing is just nothing to my
cousin sister. Anyway i looked around then
focused on the call
Me: Them! not her
May: That's more complicated but I will get to it
with my daughter today
Me: Thank you cuz and thank Universe for me
for agreeing to be part of the wedding
May: We are just excited to be close to you guys
Me: Thank you
She hung up. I felt a hand touch my shoulder.
My eyes pooped out. Who is that? I hope they
didn't hear the conversation. I turned around
Me: Sisi
Nomagampompo: I saw how you said something
looking at that room with corpses. You didn't do
anything wrong
I took her hand. I walked to the car. We stood
behind it.
Me: Remember when I forced my son to sleep
with Nomaxabiso?
Nomagampompo: It was the right thing to do.
She was gonna be his wife
Me: But he didn't want her ! I didn't wanna
listen to him until the ancestors spoke and made
me see they were not meant to be. I feel like if
the Zidenge ancestors were like ours maybe they
could've spoken some sense into Nomfunzelo
and make her see her daughter wasn't enough
for my son....maybe She wouldn't have died
Nomagampompo put her hand on my shoulder.
Nomagampompo: The Zidenge family is a saved
family. They are saved Christians. They don't
care about ancestors. Maybe it was her time
She smiled. I didn't think she would be the one
who says these words. I saw her look down
chuckling and shaking her head smiling
Nomagampompo: I can't believe I am gonna say
I saw a tear escape her eye
Me: What is it ?
Nomagampompo: Maybe Shosholoza and
Nomfunzelo were meant to be.....
Me: Oh Sisi
She smiled. Tears were running down her
Nomagampompo: Til death do us part
I put both my heads on my mouth. I started
crying. What are we doing crying at a funeral
making this about us ?
Nomagampompo: As hard as it is to believe
maybe that is why he left me for her. Maybe that
is why he sacrificed a life with me and his sons
to be with her
I hugged her tight
Nomagampompo: She was worth it
She broke down while in a hug. I don't know
what else to say to her to make her feel better.
She seems spot on about this. I am glad she is
not naive she sees this exactly how it is. Anyway
while in a hug we heard someone clear their
throat. We quickly broke the hug wiping tears. A
lady looked at us smiling. We smiled back. She
looked at me.
Her: You have a big heart NomaKhosazana
She even knows my name? Who is she? She
didn't blink at all she was staring at me in the
eyes looking at me. She looked like she was
analysing me or she saw through me. This is
getting uncomfortable. I looked down. Who is
this woman?
Her: Even after you were a suspect in my sister
in law's murder you still shed a tear
Oh my God this is Shosholoza's sister. I only
heard of her. I don't know her. I hate myself for
crying like that here. This is uncomfortable for
Her: You know in this family.....
I looked at her. She looked at my sister in law
then at me.
Her: We only cried for two days. The day it
happened and next day when I arrived and we
accepted that my brother and my sister in law
are gone for good
She said with a big genuine smile? Is it really
genuine though?
She smiled even more
Her: It's refreshing to see people cry for them til
Me: They were good people
Her: I am sure they were
What is that? She walked away. I looked at my
sister in law. She looked at me the same way i
looked at her. I don't like that " I am sure they
were " That sounded rude and fake. Nobody
disrespect me like that
Me: Lady!
She turned around.
Her: Notaligana is the name
Me: I a....
Her: I know who you are. I need to go view my
brother and Sister in law bodies in a minute
Me: Are you okay ?
She exhaled
Notaligana: No! no I am not okay! I am about to
see two dead bodies of two people I love in the
world! I am not okay I am angry and hurt!
Me: As you should be. It's not easy to lose
Notaligana: How would you know? You've never
Me: Both my parents?
Notaligana: Tell me something I have never felt
Lady! I don't have both parents!
Me: And I.......
Notaligana: If you gonna talk about a
husband..... ?
She is right I was about to
Notaligana: I lost mine too! Today is the third
anniversary of his passing and it's my brother's
Oh boy this is not going well
Notaligana: You don't know how heavy or light
this pain it is... oh you said it's not easy......Well
you don't know how easy or how difficult it is to
experience what I am experiencing you know
why ?
I swallowed hard
Notaligana: You never had two coffins in the
same room so please don't try and tell me you
know how I feel because you don't!
Me: Okay I am so.....
" Is everything okay over here ? said River
approaching us
Her: I am River. They call me Nomahelele I like
it because it shows I have such a big personal.....
Notaligana didn't let her finish
Notaligana: You're the one my brother says we
shouldn't trust?
Nomagampompo: What !?
what is this woman talking about?
Notaligana: Oh My niece told me I didn't know it
was a secret
She said with her hand on her chest
Nomahelele: Well I am not here to educate
people about polygamy. No one is forcing your
niece to be my sister wife. I have no hidden
agenda! I have her....
" My best interests at heart" Said Nomaxabiso
joining us. We turned around and looked at her
Nomaxabiso: I heard that before
She looked at her aunt
Nomaxabiso: Family is needed inside let's go
Notaligana: We will be in touch
She attempted to walk away
Me: I do not think we will. We don't know each
other and I want it to stay that way
She turned around and smiled
Notaligana: Let's not do this now. But to respond
to that yeah, you're right we don't know each
other but you have something that belongs to us
and we are coming for it
They walked away
Nomahelele: What is that ?
Princess Nomagampompo came closer and stood
by me. I actually wanna know the same thing.
We were all looking at them and Princess was
also looking at them but she made sure she is
closer to me
Nomagampompo: 20 % shares
She said smiling oh my God she is right. I looked
at her
Me: And they are not getting them
Nomahelele: She has some attitude don't she ?
Me: Yeah there is something dark about her.......
Nomahelele chuckled then took my hand and
whispered in my ear
Nomahelele: And we are darker
I squeezed her hand
Me: You're right about that little sis

< Narrated >
Things between The two royal families are not
going well. It looks like there is some grudge that
one family is holding against the other. We see
How Notaligana spoke to the Queen. It was like
she could see through her. She didn't like her
even though she tried by all means to smile. We
saw how that pretending didn't last long. She
finally told them what she is about and what she
is after. Maybe she is angry that her niece won't
marry King Zwelicacile? We don't know time
will tell. When we thought the Zidenge and
Ndengana Fued ended a sister comes out of no
where with the same attitude her brother and
sister in law had. One got to wonder how will
the Queen solve this one? Like I said time will
tell. She can't kill everyone who gets in her way
now can She? if that's the case then she will kill
everyone in this world and we all know her.
Even though she does this killing, She doesn't
really find pleasure in doing it like others do.
Anyway we see Nomaxabiso speaks to someone.
Her aunt went to the room. While Nomaxabiso
was talking to the person. We see Elton, Phonqa
and Nomgcwabe approach Nomaxabiso from
Phonqa: Hey
Nomaxabiso turned around and smiled
Nomaxabiso: Hey baby br.......
Prince Phonqa put his finger on Nomaxabiso
mouth. He is shorter but he made sure he
reaches her lips by standing on his toes
Phonqa: Don't say that
Nomaxabiso: Why? Actually I have to intro.....
Nomgcwabe: He said no!!!
Prince Nomgcwabe snapped. Nomaxabiso's eyes
pooped out. Some people started looking. Prince
Phonqa showed a big small at everyone who
was looking. He was trying assure them that
everything is okay. Nomgcwabe smiled then
walked closer to Nomaxabiso. He put his hand
on her shoulder.
Nomgcwabe: Your father failed to do that. He
was a coward. Why don't we just enjoy his send
off? We are not here to steal the spotlight
Nomaxabiso: My family has to know though
Nomgcwabe: And it's not your place. Our family
is gonna take care of it
Phonqa: And we heard you were banned from
the palace but you went still so just know if you
don't listen to our instruction you just made an
enemy of us
Prince Phonqa looked at Prince Nomgcwabe
Phonqa: Right big brother ?
Prince Nomgcwabe looked at Nomaxabiso
Nomgcwabe: What he said
Nomaxabiso: Okay
Elton: I will go sit with elders I can't stand the
two women coming to us
Elton walked away. Others turned around. They
saw Nontorotyi and Princess Ngejiwe arriving.
Nomgcwabe: Prince Phonqa Let's go join others
He said then walked away
Ngejiwe: Really Nomgcwabe?
Prince Nomgcwabe turned around
Nomgcwabe: It's almost ten. We need to get seats
He walked away. They followed to the tent.
Nontorotyi went and stood on the other side. She
and Nomahelele put Hlohlesakhe in the middle.
They were all standing. Nomahelele was holding
the chief hand. Nontorotyi looked at their hands
then took the other hand and did the same.
Hlohlesakhe: Where were you ?
Nontorityi: I got a call earlier. My brother is
missing that comes first my love
She said smiling then looked at Nomahelele who
was so guilty
Nomahelele: She is right my darling that is
important. Can we sit ?
Nontorotyi: Save me this sit I have to go speak to
my other sister wife
The chief cleared his throat then looked down.
Nontorotyi left.
Nomahelele: I am sorry darling. I forgot to tell
you she knows. I don't know who told her

After Nomaxabiso left the Queen with her aunt
they said they were going to view the body but it
looks like she got distracted by her half siblings.
She left her aunt Who went in alone while she
was attending to Prince Nomgcwabe and Prince
Phonqa. After she spoke to them she headed to
the room with coffins. We see Nontorotyi
running to her.
Nontorotyi: Sister wife
Nomaxabiso turned around and looked at
Nontorotyi. She didn't look pleased at all to see
Nomaxabiso: Nontorotyi
Nontorotyi turned around and looked at
Nomahelele and her husband.
Nontorotyi: What do you think about our sister
wife ?
Nomaxabiso: I can't stand both of you. I don't
know how this gonna work excuse me i have a
body to view
Nomaxabiso said that then walked to a room
where people were singing. It's the room with
the corpses.
Nontorotyi: Wow...
Nontorotyi put her hands on her chest looking at
Nomaxabiso walking to the room
Nontorotyi: It looks like it will take a lot from me
to win you over bitch!




< Priscella >
A lot is going on this evening. I don't know how
are we gonna manage. If it was a normal day I
was gonna ask Sonia and her kids to sleepover
so that we can watch her reality show together.
Yes tonight it's the premiere of their reality
show. I am excited to see my best friend on that
show. I hope the fans won't trash talk her
though. She is in such a good mood. Everything
is going well in her life and i am very happy for
her. All the accolades are coming at the right
time after she lost her husband. I am really
happy. I was worried about her mental state. I
get it we are the ones who took everything to the
press but I know how people can be. Sonia is so
much into social media and she reads
everything and I know her, When she falls apart
she does hard. I am happy that didn't happen
though. I am so happy my wish is coming true. It
looks like I am having a big number Of
bridesmaids exactly what I wanted. I am so
embarrassed that I didn't think Of Notiniphu.
How can I forget her. She never had it easy in
life. I know this will mean a lot to her and seeing
her happy is what i want. She has no one. She is
all she has. Her family died tragically. It broke
my heart to hear what happened to her family. I
cannot wait for the coronation so that my man
can stand up and go speak to the government
about this matter. I mean we can do so much but
we are not government. It's government's job to
improve infrastructure. We did all we could and
provided jobs. It's the least we can go. We are
not God. We can't do everything.
Anyway I saw Aaron and Masixole walking in.
Sonia and I are in the living room. I am happy
they are back. I was not really happy with him
out there when there is a woman who came
here to ruin us. I am not happy when my man is
not next to me. I have been working with this
man for three years and I started living with
him in almost three years. I am not used to
living without him. I am praying that when he
goes to the Eastern cape I will go with him and
plan the wedding there. I just can't let him go
there alone not when I know there is Thalala
there who is planning to steal my man. I trust
Masixole a lot but he is a man. He might lose
focus. I am doing this to save us because I know
one mistake I would be done with him for good.
Masixole: Hey ladies
Sonia: Hey you guys don't go to the bar come
here !
I am smiling because Aaron is her contender in
the COO position. A position she doesn't even
wanna talk about. When I ask her about it she
dismisses me.
Aaron: Afternoon guys
Me: Hey. It's good to have two contenders of the
COO position under one roof
Sonia: Aaron is......?
Aaron: Yep. I couldn't miss such an opportunity.
I mean think about it. We would be a big four. I
am the only one who doesn't have a big position.
I wanna be a C something also like you guys
I looked at Sonia. She looked away
Sonia: May the best candidate win
Me: You're already a C something friend what
are you on about ?
Masixole: Yeah Mrs CFO
Sonia: I know what you're trying to do it's not
gonna work. I am trying to climb up the ladder
Masixole: Like she said may the best candidate
win. Oh did you guys check your emails?
Me: What's happening?
Aaron: Looks like the chairman of the board got
the list of candidates. They decided to cancel the
Sonia: What does that mean?
Aaron smiled
Aaron: It means it's a battle between you and I.
The board will vote Monday
Sonia is smiling. I don't know why she is smiling
about this. We will see what happens Monday. I
can't believe they do this to us. It's a holiday. We
don't care about Emails at this time. We are
resting. I am just happy my work is in my
building. I don't have to travel. I just need to
take an elevator to board room.
Masixole: Let's leave you ladies
Me: Again bab....
He came to me and kissed me.
Masixole: I won't drink too much I know what's
happening tonight
Me: Okay great so your groomsmen? I am
having my bridesmaids here Monday for dresses
Masixole looked at Aaron
Masixole: I haven't thought about it but this man
is my bestman
Aaron: Wow thanks man I appreciate it
Sonia: Masixole when we go to J fashions you
and your groomsmen must go suits shopping
Me: Actually I think they should get them
designed. Do you think someone would finish
them before 10th?
Masixole: I don't see why not. I will call my suits
designer and make an appointment for Monday
Me: So who are your men ?
Masixole: Elton, Nomgcwabe and my main man
Me: That's it ?
Masixole: I have to call Hunter and ask him
Me: I like that what do you think friend ?
Sonia: First make sure he and Claire are not
back together. He can't travel across the country
without his girlfriend. If they are together then I
forbid you from asking him. I don't want bad
energy at that wedding
Masixole: You know what Sonia ?
He looked at Aaron
Masixole: I think we should go to him right now
and ask him
Me: I like that
Masixole: Oh another thing baby your Secretary
as well but not his boyfriend. People might talk
and start asking questions. He wrote bad things
about us. We can't suddenly become friends
with him after Brendan died. I just don't want
bad press
Me: You're right but I did invite him to the
Masixole: He is better as an audience than a big
part of my day. I have nothing against him but
you know....
Me: I know what you mean baby
Masixole: Algebra is not gone for holidays right ?
Me: No, Elton asked me to call him and ask him
to come here at 4 when they arrive
Masixole: Okay see you guys later ;)
Me: Bye
They walked to the elevator. Sonia looked at her
phone and went through it. Anyway I am glad
Masixole wants algebra to be part of the team. I
am really happy he did it means a lot to me and
I am sure he will be happy about this. I can feel
the wedding fever already.
Me: What are you doing in your phone am I
boring you ?
Sonia: No, There is something I am planning for
Elton. I think it will help him focus and forget
about crazy things
Me: What is that ?
Sonia: I will tell you when I am sure
Me: Okay then
I saw Cleopetra coming to us
Cleo: Ma'am you wanted to see me ?
Me: Yes we are having a special dinner tonight.
There will be guests from Eastern Cape tell The
chief to make something special
Cleopatra: Okay ma'am
She walked away
Me: Friend tonight is the premiere of your show
on tv how are we gonna watch it?
Sonia: I don't have anything planned. I was
planning to wear my sweaters sit on the couch
and watch it with a glass of wine
Me: Tonight we gonna be busy in this house. I
don't know what time Gedleza will start. I am
hoping it's not 7:30
Sonia: Me too but at least you can record it
Me: I want to watch it with the country
Sonia: Yeah I can't wait
My phone rang. It's Laila. Finally she calls me.
Sonia: Who is it ?
Me: Laila
Sonia: Finally
I answered
Me: Hello ?
Laila: Hey Priscella. I got the Arm balancer.
Thank you so much
Me: You're welcome. So where are you ?
Laila: I just arrived in my flat. The reason I
didn't call you is because Hungani brought my
car and Tasha was here she brought me home
Me: Okay babe no problem. Please tell me how
you feel Monday morning. Remember we have
that appointment at midday
Laila: I won't forget it
Me: Okay bye
She hung up
Me: Hungani fixed the car. Tasha drove her
Sonia: It had to be her who drove Laila home?
Me: Deep down I asked myself that actually
Sonia shook her head in disbelief
Sonia: She annoys me

< Tasha >
We just got to Laila's house. I can't believe my
friend was shot. This was so scary. I thought she
would die. I don't think I was gonna forgive
myself if something happened to her. I am really
happy she is okay. I wish I was as thoughtful as
Priscella. It was gonna be nice to buy the arm
balancer myself. I am the one who put her
through this and I am the one who is jealous of
someone who is doing nice things for her. I am
such a bad person. I hate myself for that. I feel
like I am selfish. Maybe my problem is with
Priscella. Hungani loves her. I hate her for it. She
does nice things for my friend I don't like her for
it. I think I have a problem and it's huge.
Anyway we arrived here with Laila's car I was
driving. I am so happy Hungani fixed it. It looks
brand-new. I am really proud of him for doing
this for Laila even though all this is his fault. We
are watching t.v. I just saw that Sonia's show
starts tonight. In that promo her name is
mentioned by the voice over artist and the video
is hot. She is all over the place. It looks like she
will be the star of that show
Laila: She is killing this
Me: But she must be embarrassed to see it. Did
you hear what She said in that clip? She said "I
am married to Brendan. The love of my life "
Laila: She was happy at the time
Me: Right! as if we don't know the show is
scripted. That woman wasn't happy in that
Laila: We don't know that
Me: He was sleeping with Isaiah
Laila: And you!
Laila: While he was still married to her
Me: What's that supposed to mean?
Laila: It means you are the last person to judge.
Shouldn't you be thinking about what to wear
tonight? It looks like you're having a date
Me: A date to apologise for having feelings for
Priscella. That's what this all date is about
Laila: You knew how he felt about her way
before you dated him. Why is it a surprise to you
Me: Because I am pregnant with his child and I
went through a lot because of him!!!
Laila laid back
Laila: No offense friend but I went through a lot
not you
I swallowed hard
Me: You know what I mean
Laila: Actually I don't! I feel like you should've
prepared yourself for this. Tasha you knew this
guy was not in love with you but you went on
and dated him. I feel like instead of fighting him
about it you should be helping him get over it
Me: How?
Laila: I really don't know. I just think you
shouldn't be mad at anyone for this but yourself
Me: Wow
Laila: Serious. Like even at the hospital when I
got a delivery from Priscella I could see you
were not okay about it. I don't know why but I
feel like you are not happy that someone else
is.... no Priscella is nice to me. Remember I have
known her before you became Hungani's
Me: I have no problem about that!
Laila: You do. I know you. tell me? do you wish
she asked you to be her bridesmaids?
I stood up
Me: Don't be ridiculous
Laila: Am I?
Me: Of course you are! I am happy for you!
Laila: Okay I believe you, thanks

< Judge NomaKhosazana >
It's just after the funeral. We have to leave
because the guys have to go to Johanneburg. I
can't leave yet though. I am not the kinda
woman who let another woman intimidate me. I
need to speak to this Notaligana woman. I feel
like she was disrespectful to us. More especially
to me. I feel like she heard so many things about
me and she doesn't like me. I want to know what
she knows. I am guilty of some things so it's
important to me that i know who knows my
secrets so that I could deal with them before
they deal with me. I didn't eat after the funeral.
In fact none of us did. We just took cool drinks
and fruit. I am not even gonna eat it. I can't eat
when I can see that some family members of
this family still think I had something to do with
Nomfunzelo's death.
Refilwe: We don't want to arrive in
Johannesburg late. We have to leave the Pilot
just arrived
Me: Okay please make sure you don't tell
Priscella about this
Refilwe: Do you think i should leave Sunday
when I know my daughter's life is in danger ?
Me: Sunday is very far Refilwe. By then
everything will be taken care of believe me
Refilwe: Thank you so much
Me: And it's in your best interest that you leave
South Africa
She looked down
Her: I know
I saw River coming to us.
Nomahelele: Guys let's go the kids are panicking
Me: I am not leaving until I find out what the
hell is wrong with that woman
I said pointing at Notaligana
Nomahelele: She just buried her brother
Me: I do not care
I looked at my sister in law
Me: Sisi no offens.....
Nomagampompo: None taken
She looked at River
Nomagampompo: I get it why the Queen wanna
speak to her. Trust me you were not there when
she spoke to us
Nomahelele: I was.....
Me: Late!!! you got there when we were already
done talking !
She put her hands up in surrender
Nomahelele: Okay
I walked to her. I just want to know what she
knows so that I can watch my back. I don't trust
this woman one bit.
Me: Oh NomaKhosazana I hope you won't regret
I said that exhaling and breathing in and out.
You don't know the importance of breathing. I
feel like people should pay attention to their
breathing and breath because there are people
out there who are gaspying trying to breathe but
they can't and some are taking their last
breathe. Some people spend years not thinking
about breathing. I forget sometimes but once i
remember i do it while paying attention to it, I
don't know but you can feel change in your body
and it relaxes you. I know this woman is hurt
and just buried her family and I respect that. I
am breathing because I don't want to be upset.
Breathing helps me calm down. I just want to
speak to her calmly.
Anyway I saw her speaking on the phone. I was
standing behind her
Notaligana: It was a beautiful send off. My
brother and Sister in law's funeral was beautiful
and dignified
Notaligana: Okay I understand why you couldn't
make it. Bye
She hung up then turned around. She looked
shocked to see me behind her
Me: What's your problem with me ?
She walked passed me
Her: I have no prob.....
I grabbed her arm and turned her around
Me: Cut the crap! you think I am buying this " it's
good to see people crying " nonsense!?
Notaligana: I just bur....
Me: I know that and I don't know how it feels
like to lose two families members in one day!
Notaligana: Great then let me grieve however I
want !
She attempted to walk away
Me: I wasn't crying for them!
She stopped walking. She turned around.
Me: I couldn't careless about neither of them!
She looked shocked
Her: Then what are you doing here ?
I turned around and looked at Princess
Me: My sister in law lost the love of her life!
Notaligana looked at me confused. I looked at
her then put my hand on my chest. She wants to
be sarcastic? Let's go
Me: Oh sister of the year are you trying to tell
me he didn't tell you that he had something
going on with my sister in law ?
Notaligana: No! my brother had nothing going
on with that lady! you guys were just business
Me: Nontobeko!!!
She looked at me
Her: What does my sister in law's name has
Me: That name is my sister in law's real name!
it's in her ID document !
Her: O-kay?
Me: Your parents asked your brother to bring
his pregnant Nontobeko to them and marry her
what did your brother do ?
Me: He left my sister in law in pain after She
miscarried their child. He married
Nomaxabiso's mother and lied to your parents
and told them she is my sister in law!
Notaligana: No that is not true! Nomfunzelo was
Me: So was my sister in law and your parents
found out about her not Nomfunzelo!
Notaligana: I don't appreciate you saying these
things about my brother who is not here to
I tapped her shoulder then looked at my
Me: It didn't end there.....
Notaligana: Stop!
I pointed at them
Me: After he married your sister in law it didn't
stop there. That bastard you call a brother
continued to sleep with my sister in law and
produced those two beautiful boys who are
standing next to each other! look at them !
She looked shocked as expected. This is not the
way I wanted to tell them but she left me no
Me: Your sneaky manipulative niece knows all
about it
I walked away then stopped. I turned around
then walked back to her.
Me: She also knows that her mother tried to
poison me two times and failed well the second
time I didn't show up. That's when she decided
to eat her own poison
I went to her ear and hugged her whispering
Me: I didn't kill her
I broke the hug then looked at her smiling
Me: She killed herself even the police officers
confirmed it. You can call in for a lied detector
test it will tell you I didn't kill your sister in law
she ate her own medicine
I put my hand on her shoulder
Me: Before you make assumptions about me
again you need to get your facts straight
Notaligana: How do you know she was trying to
kill you ?
Me: Because unlike your family we are still
doing it old school....
She was lost. She didn't know what I was talking
Me: We have a royal healer who always tell us
when danger is coming but unlike others. He
doesn't speak in riddles much. He tells you
exactly what is gonna happen
I tapped her shoulder
Me: You wouldn't know that now would you Ms
Saved Christian
Notaligana: .....
I looked away then at her
Me: You know ? so many people would go to
church if people like you were not only nice
inside the church house
Notaligana: What are you talking about?
Me: You're a rude woman! a Christian shouldn't
be like that
I walked closer to her
Me: A Christian is supposed to be someone who
is reachable. Someone kind and approachable
but you......
Me: You lack all of that !
Me: You're a beautiful woman Notaligana I can't
take that away from you
Notaligana: Your family is waiting for you
I smiled at her
Me: Smile more ;)
I walked away after saying that

< Narrated >
In Pretoria at Centurion in May Ndamase's
office. We see Universe walk in
Universe: Hey mom
May: Hey I am glad you came did you get my
Universe: Yes and I already know what we
gonna do
May stopped what she was doing. She looked at
May: I am listening
Universe pulled a chair then sat down.
Universe: This boy went to the police and told
them she threatened to kill Priscella, His
girlfriend and himself so if we get someone
inside to kill her all the people I mentioned will
be suspects
May: That's true
Universe: You deal with this girl's matter. I will
deal with the cousin brother but my act will
depend on how it went with the girl
May: What does that mean?
Universe stood up..
Universe: Kill this girl you will see what's gonna
happen to the cousin
May: Brianna will be dealt with this evening
Universe opened the door Then walked out. She
looked at her mother
Universe: Tomorrow morning I am dealing with
cuz then ;)
Universe winked then closed the door leaving
May smiling looking into space thinking about
her plan.

In the streets of Johanessburg. We see a woman
walking to a guy who looked like a homeless
man who was in his late 20s. He was walking
fast smoking. The lady was trying to catch up
with him .
Lady: Excuse me !
The guy heard her. He just walked fast ignoring
Lady: Please I need to talk to you !
Guy: This street is very dangerous. What are you
doing here ?
Girl: I need your help !
She was talking and running after him.The guy
turned around
It's Thalala It looks like she is going through
with her plan
Thalala: I need your help. I swear you won't
regret helping me
Thalala said throwing a brown envelop at him.
He took it then opened it
Guy: This is a lot of money. Anyway what are
you doing here? Ain't you afraid to get mugged?
Thalala: I am scared to death but this....
She breathe in and out
Thalala: This is worth taking the risk
Guy: Let's hear what you want me to do ?
Thalala: Around 5pm I will come here. I want
you to beat me up and take all my belongings. I
will bring a cheap Handbag and a wallet. You
will beat me up. Not too much just bruise my
Guy: I can do that
Thalala: I need your number. I will call you
when I want us to meet
Guy: Okay
He took her phone and entered his number
Guy: Here
Thalala: Thanks you
The guy raised the envelop
Guy: Thank you for this
Thalala smiled then walked away. The guy
walked to his direction. While the guy walking
we see Gedleza running after him. He was out of
breathe. The guy turned around
Guy: Is everything okay?
Gedleza: That lady! the one who is walking away
Guy: Yeah I was just with her, what about her?
Gedleza: She is late for work. She just asked me
to tell you that.....
Guy: What ?
Gedleza: I am afraid she changed her mind
Guy: Changed her mind ?
Gedleza: She says don't leave her alive
Guy: What !?
The guy turned and looked at Thalala who only
could see the guy not Gedleza. Thalala raised a
thumb when she noticed the guy was looking at
The guy also smiled and raised his thumb
Guy: I haven't killed in a while but if that's what
she wants I will do it
Gedleza looked away and smiled



< Hunter >
I think reporting Claire to the police was the best
thing I've ever done for myself and my family.
That girl was a danger to me, My kids and the
mother of my children. I don't speak to my ex
wife because of her and her insecurities. I am
just happy that she is scared to go to jail. She
hasn't done anything. She hasn't contacted me
ever since I served her with papers. I am happy.
Maybe this is time for me to get my family back.
I just wish Sonia could speak to me. I know I
messed up and I didn't mean to. I didn't even
mean it when I said I hurt her because she hurt
me. I forgave her a long time ago. That is why I
came back to the country to support her.
I really want to support Sonia for her show
premiere but I don't know how I will do that
when she is so angry with me. I get it. What I did
to her was stupid. That night she was sexy. I
couldn't control myself. When I moved here I
thought about being with her then at the back of
my mind I was thinking what if we get back
together then the same thing that broke us up
happens again? She cheated on me and if she is
capable of that she can do it again.
Anyway I know it's too soon. Wanting to watch
with her and our kids is just a ridiculous dream
that will not happen right now. She needs space.
I have to give her space. Anyway while I was
sitting on my couch watching tv I heard a knock.
I stood up then went to the door. I opened. What
the hell? I didn't expect to see these guys.
Masixole: Are you gonna let us in dude ?
Me: Oh Flip sure men come in
They walked in. I closed the door
Me: I am surprised to see you two. I don't know
you've been distant ever since....
Masixole: You slept with my woman's friend and
dropped her like that ?
I laughed
Me: Anything to drink?
Aaron: Nope we are driving dude
Me: I don't think one glasses Wil...
Masixole: We had a few before we came here
and we were told not to drink. There is
something they will be doing at the house
Me: Oh cool let's sit then what's up ?
Masixole: Dude I need groomsmen. I want you
to be one of them
Me: Sure I would love that
Masixole: Yeah?
Me: Yeah that would be great but...
I need to ask this. Sonia won't like this I know
Aaron: What ?
Me: Did you speak to Sonia first?
Masixole: Sonia has no problem with you man
but if you're still with Claire you can't be part of
the wedding
Me: I am done with that chick. I even sent her
Aaron: Papers ? were you married?
Me: Hell no! restraining order
Aaron: Damn I wish I could do that to my ex
wife but she is my baby mama so I can't
Me: Is she also abusive? Physical abuse?
Masixole: Dude this chick was beating you?
Me: Not really. But she beat her ex girlfriend
and I could see she was tempted to
I can't tell them she hit me. They will think I am
Aaron: She is gay too?
Masixole: She was dating Chef Laila
Aaron looked at me
Aaron: And you knew and continued with the
relationship ?
Me: I didn't know. I found out later
Aaron: Damn man
Masixole: We have to rush back. Why don't you
come and watch the reality show with us. You
got to support your ex wife
Me: Will she be there ?
Masixole: More reason you should go man. I will
say I invited you
Me: Why don't you guys leave me. I will take a
shower and follow
Masixole: Cool I hope you're not lying man
Me: I can't miss it. I will be there I promise
They stood up. We shook hands. I walked them
Me: See you in Thirty boys
Masixole: lock the door in case your crazy ex
Me: She wouldn't do that
They laughed. i closed the door. I hope we fix
things tonight.

< Nomaxabiso >
I haven't forgotten how Nontorotyi treated me at
the royal house and I haven't forgotten how I
betrayed her. Some people might not remember
but that woman the first day I had dinner with
that family at the palace she came to me and
told me that i will never be Queen and Masixole
will never be chief. I hate that all what she said
was true even though it was not nice to hear.
Masixole became something way bigger than
being a chief. I didn't become a Queen but pretty
soon i will be one and that village will treat me
better than they treat her. Between her and I? I
am the better Queen and she will see it herself.
Besides me marrying the chief to cover up my
dirt. Nontorotyi is one of the reasons I agreed to
be the chief's wife. I want her to know one thing,
She can't expect me to be her friend. She and I
don't trust each other. What if she records me
while she is plotting whatever she is plotting
against Nomahelele? This is so sad because I
don't trust both of them. I don't know how will
this sister wife thing work. I really don't.
I am supposed to think about how my parents
funeral went but my mind is occupied by
Ndengana drama. I regret the day my father
introduced my family to that family. They
destroyed us. Mom wanted to kill the Queen
because of the Queen and her family and their
family pathetic tradition. I hate them and I can't
believe I will be part of them.
Anyway the funeral went well. People came in
numbers. My parents are at a better place now. I
will always love and miss them. I want to make
sure I grow their businesses. I want to make
them proud. I know I disappointed them and
they don't see anything good that will come out
of me but I will prove them wrong. I will show
them that I learnt something from them. This
business will be bigger than it was while they
were alive. Anyway I told my aunt about
Hlohlesakhe. She is not happy about it. She has
no choice but to accept it. It's my choice. I kind
of briefed her on what's going on. She knows
what happened to me and how I was ripped off
the the opportunity of becoming the Queen.
Anyway I saw my aunt coming to me. She has
been so angry ever since the Ndangana family
got here. I understand how she must be feeling.
She is very protective of me and she feels like
what they did to me is not fair at all and I agree.
Me: Aunt
Auntie: Why didn't you tell me your father had
an affair with that woman?
I looked at aunt then around. I don't see any
Me: What woman?
Auntie: How many women have your father's
Oh boy. So much for letting them handle it. Was
that the way? Didn't they send the kids to make
me keep my mouth shut because they thought
this is not the way? It's always the way when it
suits them.
Me: Auntie follow me
I said walking to my father's study. I didn't want
her to find out like this. I was hoping that she
might find out at the will reading. I was hoping
father mentioned them and if he didn't then I
was gonna tell her myself. Anyway I opened the
door. I walked in
Me: Come in and close the door
I went to the boxes. I offload them then took the
last one. I put it on the desk. I took out the
Me: Two days before we went to your house I
saw these
I am lying It's been a while I saw them. I just
confronted dad that day.
Me: I confronted him about these pictures he
told me the truth
Auntie: Did my sister in law know this?
I exhaled
Me: No, She didn't know and she is probably the
reason why you don't know... well....
I walked passed her
Me: Not probably. For sure she was
I turned around
Aunt: Why?
Me: It's no secret that my mother was accused of
killing in this village
Her: But she was not those thing.....
Me: Auntie they were accusing her but me and
dad knew for sure that she was those things
Aunt: what ?
Me: That my mother had a poison that she used
to kill people. It's the same poison that killed her
but we don't know if she did it herself. I mean
why would mom prepare a poison for herself ?
Auntie: Your father told me that he overheard
you and your mom planning NomaKhosazana's
Oh My God dad knew ? why didn't he confront
me ? or maybe he wanted the same and he had
no guts to do it ?
Me: He did ?
Aunt looked at the photos .
Her: Your father told Me everything. He never
hid nothing from me. I just don't know why he
didn't tell me this. These boys look like this
Me: Maybe he was ashamed. He said he didn't
like her. He said it always happened
unexpectedly and unplanned
Auntie: I knew he didn't love her. I mean why
would he love her when he had your mother
Me: My mom was a Goddess wasn't she?
Her: She was but she is dead for something you
two were planning
I looked down
Me: Auntie mom said there is no way I was
gonna get married with NomaKhosazana alive. I
had to listen to her because she was trying to
help me
Aunt: Anyway your father thought the only
reason your mother didn't come when I was
taking off the black widow clothes was because
she was gonna meet that woman. I confronted
her she said she didn't come because their
healer warned her. Is that possible that Igqirha/
sangoma (traditional healer) can see what is
Me: I am afraid it is with Gedleza. He is powerful
aunt. So powerful
Auntie: But your mother didn't kill herself.
Nomfunzelo was not suicidal. The question I
have in my head is... What did NomaKhosazana
do when she found out my sister in law was
gonna kill her? Did she just sit back?
Aunt: No! she didn't and that is why sister in law
Me: We can't prove anything Aunt
Her: I know that and that is why I want you to
be careful when you get married there
Me: Does that mean you're giving me your
She turned around and looked at me
Her: Don't get to excited You're not going there
to play happy wife. You're going there to open
your eyes and ears and find out who is
responsible for your mother's death. You don't
have to ask questions. Just keep your eyes and
ears open
I nodded my head.
She came to me. She put both her hands on the
back of both sides of my head.
Her: You don't get out of that marriage without
the name of your mother's murderer
She removed her hands then looked away.
Her: And my task is to find the woman who is
ruining my brother's name. My brother was not
sleeping with prostitutes
Me: Exactly what I said auntie

< Narrated >
At The Seputla house. We see the guy's from the
Eastern Cape arrive. Priscella, Sonia , Masixole
and Aaron welcomed them. Prince Phonqa was
one of them. We also see Algebra. It looks like he
arrived before the guys from Eastern Cape
arrived. Anyway They got in and put their
luggages infront of the elevator.
Refilwe: Welcome to my house guys
They were looking around admiring the house.
Refilwe: While everyone is here. I would like to
announce something
Priscella: What's that ?
Ms Refilwe looked around. He saw Gedleza
Refilwe: It has been a long flight
She looked at Cleopetra
Refilwe: Cleopatra please take Gedleza to his
room. It's the one down the passage. He must
rest before tonight
Gedleza: Thank you Princess Refilwe
They walked away
Priscella: Gedleza looks really smart
Refilwe: He does right ?
Sonia: I almost didn't recognise him
Masixole: He glammed up
Everyone laughed
Refilwe: Guys before I go take one hour nap. I
wanted to tell you that I am leaving Sunday
Priscella: What? but you called a board meeting?
Refilwe: Video call sweetheart! When you guys
are at board room I will be boarding a plane
from Dubai to the states
Priscella: Well okay
Cleopatra came
Refilwe: Is he fine ?
Cleo: Yes ma'am
Refilwe: Guys later
Priscella: Elton you will show Prince
Nomgcwabe his room. Prince Phonqa let's go I
will show you yours
Phonqa: Okay my Queen
Elton: Algebra go up with us
Algebra: Okay
They all walked up the stairs. Priscella taking
Prince Phonqa to his room and Algebra , Prince
Nomgcwabe and Elton walking to Nomgcwabe's

The boys got to Prince Nomgcwabe's room. Elton
opened the door. He looked at them asking them
to walk in. They did. Elton did as well then
closed the door.
Elton: This is your room Prince Nomgcwabe
Nomgcwabe: It looks nice thanks bro
Elton: You're welcome
Elton's phone beeped. He looked at it then at
Prince Nomgcwabe
Elton: Let me leave you lovebirds I have a date ;)
Algebra looked shocked to hear Elton say that.
He looked down smiling
Nomgcwabe: Love birds?
Elton: Come on dude even a child can feel the
chemistry between you two. Just talk about it
kids. I have a hot chick waiting for me
downstairs ;)
He winked at them then slammed the door
before Nomgcwabe could say anything. Prince
Nomgcwabe put his hands on his head.
Nomgcwabe: How did he.....
Algebra: I don't know. Maybe he saw what your
brother has been seeing
Nomgcwabe: I hope it's only them or I am
Algebra: You don't have anything to worry
about. There is nothing going on between us. I
can even go downstairs chill and wait for others
to come down
Nomgcwabe went to him. He hugged Algebra
which surprised Algebra because he didn't
expect the hug
Nomgcwabe: I missed you
Algebra: I missed you too hey
Nomgcwabe broke the hug then went in for a
kiss. Algebra looked aside.
Nomgcwabe: And now?
Algebra: What are you doing?
Nomgcwabe: I thought.....
Algebra put his hand on Nomgcwabe's shoulder
Algebra: You know how I feel about you. I am
really in love with you but....
Nomgcwabe: But what ? I came here for you
Algebra: When it suits you?
Nomgcwabe: You know how my life is
Algebra: And I have seen men in the closet
before but they don't sleep with you and tell you
to forget them and what happened
Nomgcwabe: I was not comfortable with .....
Algebra: You hurt me Nomgcwabe. I was hurt i
even cried at work after you said what you said.
Anyway I did what you wanted. I met someone
Nomgcwabe didn't look impressed by that
Nomgcwabe: Wow
Algebra: I am sorry but I was trying to do what
you asked me to do
Nomgcwabe: Do you love him ?
Algebra: Yes but not like I love you. Maybe one
day I will love him like I love you. I just love the
fact that he doesn't treat me like an object. You
said what you said then went Awol for days. He
is not ashamed of me. I am not saying come out.
I know people come out when they are ready
but that doesn't mean they don't date
Nomgcwabe sat on the bed
Nomgcwabe: So you're happy?
Algebra: He loves me
Nomgcwabe: You're not answering the question!
Algebra looked up. A tear escaped his eye.
Algebra: Yes.... yes I am happy
Nomgcwabe: I don't think we have something
else to talk about then
Algebra looked at him
Algebra: So this is the end of our friendship?
Nomgcwabe: I don't want to be your friend and
you know it
Algebra: You know how I feel and I won't keep
reminding you that. You hurt me when you
Nomgcwabe: Please leave
Algebra: Okay
He walked to the door. He opened it then walked
out. Immediately after he walked out Prince
Phonqa quickly closed the door in his room. It
looks like he was about to go Eavesdrop. Algebra
closed the door then leaned on it
Inside after the door shut Nomgcwabe threw his
back on his back then closed his eyes covering
his face with his hands.

< Elton >
While I was at the palace the first time I noticed
the vibe between Algebra and Prince. Before
that I could see how uncomfortable he was
when I mentioned girls. I picked up he was gay
then the night we were drinking at the bus they
left together going to the palace. I saw them
hand in hand walking to the palace. I
understand they were drunk but I can tell they
want each other.
Anyway i have a date down floor. I am going
there to meet the girl. I walked down the stairs.
Me: Guys I will see you later I am going out
I ran to the elevator.
Priscella: I wonder who gave you the freedom to
leave the building
Me: That's the thing sis. I am not leaving the
building. I am going on a date first floor
Priscella: Who Is the girl ?
I pressed the elevator then looked at them. It
opened. I walked in
Sonia: I am curious to know too?
Me: Later
I got in then closed the elevator. I went down. It
opened I walked out. Oh there she is. She smiled
when she saw me. I will be clear about few
things to her before we take things to another
Me: Sorry for keeping you waiting
Her: No problem. I just got here
Me: Great
I pulled a chair then sat down
Me: I want us to be clear about something
Her: Okay ?
I looked at her in the eyes. I want her to take me
seriously about this because I mean it.
Me: I know about your history with men
Her: I.....
Me: I am not done talking
She looked down
Me: We both just got out of relationships and we
are both each others rebounds
Her: We talked about this E....
Me: I might look like this little boy you see right
now but you don't know what I am capable of
Her: I thought this was a date not....
Me: If you dare try your men abuse tendencies
with me I will break your noise bridge with a
punch, Take you to the doctor fix it and make
him perform electric shock on you and make
you forget everything that happened to you. Do
you still want to try this relationship?
Claire: You're so arrogant
Me: Is that a problem to you?
Claire: I actually like it
Me: One more thing. You never touch my sister
again do you hear me ?
Claire: I never touched your sister, What are you
talking about ?
Me: Sonia is my sister. I don't like people who
mess up with my people
Claire: I am no....
" There are so many restaurants in
Johannesburg! I don't know why you wanted to
buy desert here! " I know that voice. I stood up
and turned around
Me: Look what we have here
Claire turned with my eyes and looked
Hungani: Tasha I told you I like to buy my desert
Me: Trouble in paradise already?
Tasha turned around. She looked at Claire then
got more angry. She looked at me
Tasha: What do you want here? I am calling the
police! they said you must stay far away from
Me: Do it!
She looked at me shocked that I am making fun
of this.
Me: Come on! call them! Tell them you came to
my building to invade my space. I went to
Detective Corben and asked him what will
happen if you do the same to me. He said the
same happens to you and I have something
signed to prove it. Before you make a mistake
little tramp just remember that There are
security cameras here. I can take the CCTV
footage and take it to the police! you know
I took out my phone
Me: Let me call them
Hungani: Please don't call the police she can't be
arrested She is pregnant
I looked at this Imbecile. I have a better idea
Me: Go down on your knees
Hungani: What ?
Me: You heard me! I said go down on your knees
and beg me or your little girlfriend is going to
Tasha looked at him with pleading eyes
I dialled the number
Me: You think I am joking with you !
Tasha: Baby please go down!!!
Hungani: Okay! okay!!!
Me: I said down
He looked around embarrassed. People were
looking at him with their phones recording. I put
the phone next to my ear
He threw himself down on his knees
Hungani: Okay! please forgive her! please don't
call the police
I looked at Tasha
I pushed Hungani with my foot he fell..I looked
at Tasha
Me: You left me for this bitch?
Tasha put both her hands on her mouth crying
I looked at Hungani.
Me: Leave my sister alone you punk!
I took Claire's hand
Me: Let me take you to the hotel
Claire: Okay baby
We walked away leaving Hungani on the floor.
Claire: Wow that was sexy




< Hungani >
No one knows how I feel like now. What I feel
can't be put into words. I am angry. I feel stupid.
I have so many regretS. I wish I could turn back
the clock and change things. When did my life
become so messed up? How am I gonna be
taken seriously by the fan when all I do is
appear in front pages all for bad reasons? I
swear I am going to lose my job this time. I am
certain that someone captured what happened
at that restaurant. There is always reporter
wondering around that building everyday. My
life is messed up. That Elton boy really got me.
He humiliated me a lot today and seeing Tasha
next to me makes me so annoyed and angry. She
is the reason for all this. When I said I wish I
could turn the ends of time I meant her. I wish I
was never involved with this girl. I hate her
right now but at the same I care so much
because of my child. Believe it or not I love
Tasha but I am in love with another woman. I
mean look at this girl. She is beautiful. Very
beautiful. She is everything. I just wish she
never met me when i am like this. I am still
caught up in Priscella. I am caught up in a
fantasy, Something that will never happen. I am
done with Priscella what i pray for is for me to
stop feeling what I feel. I know things will never
be okay between us. Priscella is a smart girl.
Whatever decision she makes even if it's not a
business decision she always uses the business
mind. I am crazy if I think she will get back
together with me when she is pregnant with
another man's child. Priscella is not the kinda
girl like Sonia. A girl who would divorce her
husband, A father of her children for another
man. That baby she is carrying is Masixole's
child. She would never leave him even if she
were to lose interest in him. That is the kinda
girl she is. A girl with Principles and stick to
them. Right now I don't know what I am doing. I
just want something exciting. Her mother and I
have this chemistry that I want to exposure.
That woman is drop dead gorgeous. This might
sound crazy but I want her. Is it love? I don't
know but what I know is I wanna get her under
my sheets and regret it later when it's done. I
love Tasha. I want a future with her. I just don't
like the fact that she is insecure of someone she
knows very well was a big part of my life. Right
now I would rather be happy than fighting with
a pregnant girl.
Anyway I am driving like a crazy man. We going
home. We didn't even get the desert I wanted.
That restaurant makes a good desert. I don't
know why Tasha is angry. Seputla Towers is
located just outside of Johannesburg city. It has
a big mall and few businesses near by. The
closets place to my surbub is there. What did she
expect me to do? I was supposed to drive to the
city just to get a desert? This dinner was suppose
to be a surprise. She decided to come back early
that is why I had to go buy desert with her.
Tasha always take a taxi home. Today she asked
me to fetch her that is why I thought we should
stop by and buy. I don't know why she threw a
fit about it.
Tasha: I am pregnant don't drive do fast
Me: You're not showing don't be a drama queen
Tasha: Hungani I am carrying your child!
Me: And I was just humiliated by your ex
boyfriend because of you!!!
Tasha: What? I didn't do anything. I didn't ask
him to.....
Me: But you kept fighting me for going to buy
there! We went to a restaurant not to their
house! Why are you do insecure!!!
I snapped. She kept quiet. I heard her breathe
Me: If only you just kept quiet infront of people
that boy was not gonna have something to talk
Tasha: Okay
Me: You're a celebrity now. You can't be fighting
me in public. Do you want your name on the
Tasha: I said okay! it's my fault! everything is my
fault even when you got beat up by Masixole it
was my fault
She broke down. I feel bad now. I don't like to
see her cry like this but she must use her head.
Anyway we arrived. I parked the car at
driveway. I touched her hand She yanked it
them walked out. I took out the key then
followed her.
Me: Baby look I am so....
Tasha: Save it Hungani!
I ran and opened the door for her. She walked
Me: I am just angry your ex humiliated me and
that we were stupid to continue fighting in
My phone beeped. I took out my phone and
looked at it
Me: Oh my God what?
Tasha: What is it ?
I gave her the phone.
Tasha: Oh My God

< Elton >
I got that son of a bitch good. Tasha never paid
for what she did to me and the law is on her side
So I couldn't do anything to her. I am glad I
didn't though. I mean I was gonna ruin my life
and that cannot happen. I don't know what got
into me When i wanted her dead. There is a lot I
want to do for myself. I want to be the famous
son of Seputla. I know dad didn't like my path
but I want him to be proud of me when he sees
how hard I work. Next year I want to finish my
studies. I am going to get a job soon I know I
won't struggle. I am already well known and I
have fans already. It will be easy to get a job and
my last name will speak for me before I open
my mouth. I don't want handouts though. I want
to work hard and prove myself. Anyway I was
still talking about those two fools who wronged
me. I couldn't get at Tasha. Hungani is a dude.
He is not Tasha. He won't get me arrested. I am
not going to harm him. I will keep humiliating
him in public like he humiliated me on that
newspaper. To think about this. I wish I made
them both kneel down. Tasha should've been on
her knees with her fool. How come i didn't think
of this?
Anyway I am going back to the house. I will see
Claire later. Before everyone bite my head off I
am not doing this because I am in love with this
chick. I am doing this for my sis. She wants to
get back together with her husband. I think I am
the only one who knows about this. She said I
shouldn't tell Priscella. I don't know why she
doesn't want my sister to know. Maybe she feels
embarrassed anyway I am happy to help. She
and I are family. They do a lot for me with
Priscella. It's time I do the same for them. I Just
got out of the elevator.
Priscella: Date didn't last long
Me: It was not really a date
I looked around. Where is algebra? Why is
Nomgcwabe downstairs alone? I walked to him
then whispered
Me: And now ?
Nomgcwabe: He is gone. Please don't do that
Me: Come on dude I know you like him You
don't have to worry about a thing here. This is
Jozi. No one cares about your sexuality
Nomgcwabe: He doesn't care about me
He sipped his wine.
Me: He said that?
Nomgcwabe: Dude we had sex at the palace.
When he left I kind of got guilty and asked him
to forget us
Me: Why the hell did you do that?
Nomgcwabe: He says he moved on
Me: What ? That boy loves you man. Maybe he is
playing hard to get I doubt he is moved on
Nomgcwabe: I asked him to leave
Me: That's rude
Nomgcwabe: I had nothing to talk to him about
I saw mom coming down. She had a doek
around her head. What is going on ? I need to
speak to them about something.
Me: Let's walk to everyone
Nomgcwabe: Cool
We walked to them.
Me: Oh Guys I won't sleep here tonight I am
spending a night at a hotel with a girl
Priscella: why don't I trust that ?
I took out the key
Me: This is our Luxury hotel suite key
Mom: Why didn't you bring her here?
Me: I learnt my lesson I don't want to bring girls
here anymore
Priscella: Hallelujah. I don't know how many
times I sang that song to you and you refused to
I smiled. I looked at mom
Mom: Okay
The elevator beeped
Masixole: I think that's Hunter
Sonia: What !?
I looked at Sonia smiling. She is acting like she is
not happy
Masixole: I invited him for dinner. We want to
watch your reality show with you. We not into
such shows but because it's yours we are
supporting it
Sonia: Thanks I guess
Hunter walked in. I haven't seen this guy in a
Mom: Welcome Hunter. We are having dinner
in 30 minutes thank you for joining us
Hunter: 6:30? I rushed here for 6 because I know
you guys have dinner at 6
Mom: We have some ritual we want to perform
at 6. We don't wanna miss the show
Hunter: Okay
Priscella: Hey Hunter
Hunter: Hello Prissy
He looked at Sonia
Hunter: Sonia
Sonia: Hi
Priscella's phone rang. We all looked at her
Me: What does detective Corben wants?
Masixole: Answer babe
Priscella answered. She put him on speaker
Priscella: Detective ?
Corben: I thought you'd want to know.....
Priscella: Know what?
What is going on? I hope I am not in trouble for
what I did to Hungani
Corben: Brianna passed away an hour ago
Priscella: What !?
Why my mother is happy about this? It's not like
that girl did something to her or she was a threat
to this family or was she....?
Corben: She was having dinner with other
inmates just few minutes she arrived at Sun City
Prison. She vomitted blood and died
Priscella: Oh My God! okay thank you for the call
Corben: You're welcome
Priscella hung up then looked at us
Priscella: Can you believe this?
Me: Wow what a terrible way to die
Refilwe: The world is now a safer place. I need
to go make a phone call
Mom walked away
Me: Someone died and all mom says is the world
is now a safer place?
Sonia: She says that because that same woman
was gonna be the reason you were gonna be
arrested for something you didn't do
Well that one is true. I didn't think about it and
besides. My family likes Chef Laila. Maybe mom
was worried about her.

< Narrated >
Still at Seputla house in the living room. We see
Aaron, Hunter and Sonia sitting. There was no
family around. We see Masixole walking out of a
room. He called for Sonia. We see Sonia stands
Sonia: I will be right back guys
She said that then walked to the room following
Masixole. They both got to the room. They found
Gedleza on his knees. Refilwe, Elton, Priscella,
Prince Nomgcwabe and Prince Phonqa sitting on
the floor rug.
Gedleza: While all of you were in the living
room I did all the work
Refilwe: Don't you need us?
Gedleza: No, All I needed was to be in this house
and connect with your ancestors which I did
and that nap I took also helped me a lot to
connect with them
Priscella: That's great. Why did you wanna see
Sonia ?
Sonia looked at Gedleza curious
Gedleza: I want to talk about your former PA
Sonia sat up straight
Sonia: Oh yeah. I thought......
Gedleza: Don't feel bad that you are not good at
seeing bad people. It was not you who was
drown into that girl
Sonia: What do you mean ?
Gedleza: The royal house has an enemy. A
woman who once worked for them as their
Masixole: You mean Zinyovile? My father's ex?
Gedleza: Yes my King. She used Sonia like she
used me before. She made her like Thalala that
is why she couldn't listen to Queen Priscella
when she told her she didn't like Thalala
Sonia: Oh My God. No wonder I didn't want to
hear anything. There were good guys but I
wanted her
Priscella: Zinyovile has to be stopped
Refilwe: The Queen visited her in the morning
Gedleza: And taught her a lesson
Masixole: What did mom do?
Gedleza: The only royal punishment
Masixole laughed..
Masixole: She whipped her bum?
Sonia: Your mom does that? isn't this woman
Masixole: My mother don't care how old you
are. It's her duty to punish a woman who breaks
the law in that village or at the royal palace
Sonia: Wow
Priscella: I wonder why this old woman hates
me when she doesn't even know me
Gedleza: This is not about you my Queen. This is
about your mother in law. She hates the Queen
and she knows hurting you two will hurt the
Priscella: She is evil !
Gedleza: Not more than I am!
Everyone looked shocked when Gedleza
Gedleza: Come tomorrow morning. You will see
what I am talking about !
He started breathing heavily fuming with anger.
Everyone's eyes pooped out.

At Isaiah's house. Algebra walks in and finds
Isaiah in the kitchen. Isaiah came to the living
Isaiah: I have been waiting for you. I bought
takeaways. I will just warm up food
Algebra: You're hungry ? I am still full that was a
big lunch we had in the afternoon
Isaiah: I thought you're hungry since you left
without finishing your food
Algebra: They wanted me to help. My boss'
mother and brother were coming back from the
Eastern came
Isaiah: Okay babe. Let me go take a quick
shower. I can't wait for Sonia's show
Algebra: Me too. I hear they will watch it at the
Isaiah: Let me go shower
He ran to the bedroom. A phone rang in the
kitchen. Algebra looked at the kitchen. He ran to
the phone. He took the phone then answered
Algebra: Is....
Caller: Hey Isaiah. I did some digging on the
Ndamase Construction company CEO. He is lying
to you. He is not married. He has a on and off
relationship with a Head of Security of Smith
Hotel. Are you sure the sex wasn't bad? I mean
why would he lie like that
Algebra panicked. He hung up the call then
looked at bedroom.
He ran to the living room and headed to the
couch. He took his jacket then walked out.
Algebra made a phone call calling a cab. He
didn't wait for it. He walked
" Algebra you're a nice sweet boy.... " Mandisa's
words played in his head
Algebra: Oh My God !
He dialled Mandisa's number
Mandisa: Hey !
Algebra: Mandisa when you asked if I was using
protection with Isaiah....
Mandisa: Forget what I said. I am just protective
of people I am fond of. It's not like I saw
something. Anyway why this again? I gave you
my reasons at the office.......
Algebra: No! I think you're lying to me !
Mandisa: Why would I lie? You know I like you
And I wouldn't hid.....
Algebra: Oh Yeah I know you like me that is why
you think telling me the truth about my cheating
boyfriend will break me !
Mandisa: Algebra I am about to have dinner....
Algebra hung up his phone. He sat down. He
dialled Priscella's number.
Priscella: Hey Algebra I didn't see you leave I
thought we were gonna watch the show with
Algebra: I had things to do ma'am
Priscella: Is everything okay?
Algebra: Can I ask you a favour
Priscilla: Yeah anything
Algebra: I am going to the head of Security. I will
ask for some footage. I am going to tell him that
you sent me. I really need to check something
Priscella: Of course but is everything okay?
Algebra turned around. He looked at Isaiah's
Algebra: Yes ma'am......everything is okay
Priscella: Okay good luck
Algebra: Thanks ma'am
He hung up then wiped his tears. He looked at
Isaiah's house one more time
Algebra: There will be no denying it when I have
a CCTV footage
A car stopped next to him. He went to the car.
He got in
Algebra: Seputla Towers
Driver: Alright sir
Algebra looked out the window
Algebra: I turned down a good guy for what?



< Algebra >
How can Isaiah do this to me? Who was I
kidding dating a man who was sleeping with a
married man? Oh My God it didn't even take a
month for him to show his true colours. I
wouldn't be feeling the way I do if I found out he
wanted him. Finding out that they slept together
really kills me. I don't know why I am even here
at security offices when that friend of his said it
on the phone. He said he slept with him before.
The naive side of me wants to see if he left with
him that day. I feel like Mandisa saw something
that is why she came to our floor to see me and
warn me about using protection. I am broken. I
don't think I want to see this but I am going to
see it. I have to know What he did that day. Why
did he rush and leave without seeing me. This
man has free time all December. He didn't have
anywhere to rush to. He lied to my face.
Anyway I just got to the security office.
Head: Hey. Ms Priscella said you needed a CCTV
Algebra: Yes Thursday 23rd around 9am to
Him: Let's see.....
He went through the footage.
Me: Just the hallway infront of the elevato....
I saw The CEO standing alone. Mandisa went to
Me: There!!!
Head: This is what you want to see?
Me: Yes but I want to see the person who is
gonna come out of the elevator
He fast forwarded the footage
Him: THere !
I saw Isaiah coming out.
Me: I want to see what happened because he left
before I came back from making tea
I saw the two of them talking. I looked at head of
Me: Please Zoom in. I want to see their faces
while they are speaking
He did
Head: Are they gay? The other one look like He
wanted the other. Look at The other guy and his
tongue out
Me: I want you to save this footage and give it to
Isaiah is the one who had a tongue out by the
way. I can't believe he did this to me. I saw him
running to my desk Leaving my lunch. They got
in the elevator together. Anyway the head of
Security stood up. He went to some machine. He
took a Disc
Him: Here
Me: Thank you
I took it. I walked out then closed the door
I wiped my tear. I ran to the elevator. That day
he slept with him. He lied to me when he came
back. He said he had to leave. How can he do
this to me?. I got to the elevator. I called
Nomgcwabe. I hope I am not too late.
Me: Great he is not taking my call
The elevator opened. I walked into the
restaurant. I went to the table. I sat down..
I have to call Elton. He is the only one who can
help me with Nomgcwabe. I know he might be
mad at me. I just didn't want to cheat. I didn't
wanna break Isaiah's heart. I didn't know he
was a jerk! I also didn't want to lie to
Nomgcwabe and hurt him. But it looks like I
already have because He is not taking my calls.
Anyway Elton's phone rang. He answered in 4th
Elton: Hey what's up ?
Me: Hey EJ. I am at bakery. I need your help
Elton: Hey calm down and tell me what's going
Me: I am scared to go up to your house in case
your mom is in the living room. I don't want her
to ask me what I am doing there at this time and
Nomgcwabe is mad at me. He doesn't want to
take my calls
Elton: I am at Luxury hotel. I will be right there
Me: Thank you
I sat down. Waitress came to me with water
Waitress: I think you will need this
I looked at her. Oh My God I forgot I am in
public. Some people are looking at me. I took the
glass of water. I took two sips. I put the glass
infront of me
Me: Thank you
I wiped my tears. I just hope it's not too late for
me and Nomgcwabe.

< Tasha >
Last night I had a nice night. I know dinner
won't take away our problems. We can eat but
problems will still be there if he doesn't want to
change. He prepared a romantic dinner for us
and it was nice but that doesn't fix things. It
doesn't. The fact is this man is in love with
Priscella and there is nothing I can do about it.
He promised to make an effort to show me he
loves me. I will see when that happens.
I am not sure if I want to talk about what
happened with EJ. I hate myself for fighting in
public and I hate that I did that and my ex saw
it. He is so happy to see me suffer. It was good to
see him but what hurt me was seeing him with
another girl. That model! I know Claire is not
good for him. She is Laila's ex. I know what she
is capable of.
Anyway last night when he was shocked after
seeing something on his phone it was Brianna's
death. I can't believe she died in jail. I want to
know how he feels about it. I am so happy that
woman is dead. She wanted to kill me. If it were
not for my God I would be dead. If it wasn't for
Priscella she would've came for me and finished
what she started. I am so happy that God is
looking out for me. This is something to
celebrate about but how do we do that when
every time I speak to Hungani We fight?
Anyway I want to call Laila first before I speak
to Hungani. Laila's phone rang I smiled. I know
the last time I spoke to her we were not good as
well. I feel like I am pushing everyone who cares
about me away. If this pregnancy is the reason
then remind me to use contraceptives next time.
I am not getting pregnant again.
Laila: Tasha
Me: Merry Christmas friend
Laila: Thanks merry Christmas to you too
Me: I have great news for you. I am sorry I didn't
tell you last night. It's just that I wasn't in a good
Laila: Still fighting?
I exhaled
Me: I don't know when will this whole thing
stop. I feel like we need an intervention
Laila: Yeah I think that is not a bad idea. Why
don't you go see his mother ? Maybe she could
speak some sense into him
I looked at the door. I went and closed it then
leaned on it
Me: My friend you're right! We are having
Christmas lunch with her in the afternoon.
Thank you so much
Oh My God look at me. I am making this phone
call about me again. I called her to tell her about
Laila: By the way if this is about Brianna don't
worry I heard yesterday. My brother came to
fetch me. I am at Eldorado park as we speak. My
mother is a prayer warrior. It didn't take long
for her prayers to be heard and answered. I say
Good riddance!
Me: We are safe now
Laila: I can't say we are when there are likes of
Claire walking around free
Oh My God she just reminded me of something.
Me: She has her next victim
Laila: Who? Anyway what is it that I hear about
Hungani using drugs ?
Me: What?
Laila: It's all over social media and there is
video of him on his knees with you next to him.
What did EJ say to make him do that?
Me: Oh My God I should've known someone was
taking a video
Laila: What is going on Tasha?
Me: I will call you back!
I hung up I walked out. I headed downstairs. I
found him in his briefs having whisky. Why so
early in the morning? I saw a newspaper next to
him oh my God he saw it. He looked at me and
Me: Baby we need to talk
Hungani: I hope we won't fight because it's not
good for the baby
I smiled
Me: No, I actually wanna apologise. Please
forgive me for being jealous. You were right.
That was the nearest place to buy desert. I am so
sorry for acting up and for what EJ did to you
Hungani: I don't want to talk about that boy. We
talked about it last night and I don't want to talk
about it anymore. I showed you last night that I
care about you and my baby. I went down on
my knees so that he won't send you to jail
Me: I appreciate that baby thank you
He took the paper then chuckled
Him: They say I am losing it. They say I am on
drugs. If they knew why I did that they wouldn't
be saying what they are saying
Me: Honey let's tell them. I violated my own
restraining order and went to Elton's building.
Tell them he was threatening to send me to jail
because I was invading his space they will
Hungani: Nah let them talk
" Listen to your girlfriend! " Said a voice walking
Hungani: What is this Mandy? You don't knock ?
Mandy: Have I ever knocked when I see your
name on the news? It's always bad news nothing
good is published about you nothing!
Hungani: Maybe I should propose to Tasha.
Maybe they will say something nice!
I looked at him. Is he for real
Me: Baby ?
Hungani: Yeah! actually this is a perfect idea.
Baby marry me
I looked at Mandy
She smiled. I looked at Hungani
Me: Baby you can't propose to me for people. I
want to be your wife but I can't be just because
you wanna please people. It must be something
you wanna do
He stood up. He gulped his drink
Hungani: Let me go dress up! I will go buy a
He ran to the stairs
Mandy: In the mean time i am writing a
Mandy yell at him
Hungani: It's not like you will listen if I say no so
knock yourself out!!!
I laughed watching him running up wearing
only an underwear.
Mandy: Can you tell him to stop walking around
Me: That guy knows he is sexy and he is showing
it. Besides I love seeing his body so I can't
Mandy laughed then sat down with her laptop.
Mandy: I like what you said to him. We will use
that strategy
Me: Okay
I cannot believe he is gonna propose to me.
I need to go see my parents. I have never spent a
Christmas without them before. I know their
lunch is at twelve. We are going to the Oliphants
at 2pm. I can't believe I didn't have a chance to
ask him how he feels about Brianna's passing

< Narrated >
At Ndengana palace. We see The Queen sitting in
front of dresser doing her make up. Behind her,
We see Gedleza covering his face. The Queen
looked in the mirror then saw him. She stood up
and turned around.
Queen: Did you have to come to Chief
Nkosesizwe's bedroom? What if I was naked?
Gedleza: I am sorry your highness. The reason I
came is because you're not naked and this
couldn't wait because it's good news. In fact it's
great news
The Queen smiled
Queen: Are you back and what is this great news
Gedleza: I am still on the plane back. I just
wanted to tell you that Queen Priscella is no
longer in danger. That woman is gone
Queen: Did you do it ?
Gedleza: No, You did it and I think you should
call your sister and thank her
Gedleza Vanished. The Queen smiled then took
her phone. She dialled May's number.
May: I expected the call yesterday
Queen: I only found out today. You did it
May: You don't watch news
Queen: We were tired from the funeral
May: Well I did the half job of the job yesterday
and other half today, actually the one today was
done by Universe. Merry Christmas sis
Me: Well thank....
May: .......( Tututututu)
The Queen looked at her phone then chuckled
Queen: She hung up on me
She looked away smiling. She texted Refilwe
Queen: It's done.
Refilwe replied immediately
Refilwe: Sorry I couldn't tell you yesterday.
There was a lot going on with the ritual and
exhaustion from the flight. Yes The officer told
The Queen threw her phone on her bed. She sat
down on her chair. She took her lipstick then
put it on and pouted
Queen: Happy Christmas Judge NomaKhosazana
She took a photo frame from her dresser. It had
her husband. She kissed it
Queen: Merry Christmas honey

In Mqanduli at Nothintwa location. We see
Zinyovile running to her phone. It was ringing.
She took it then answered
Zinyovile: Hello?
Zinyovile: Yes
Zinyovile's eyes pooped out. She put her hand on
her mouth tears running down her cheeks
Zinyovile: No! no! no! it can't be!!!
She threw herself on the floor and broke down
Zinyovile: I begged you ! I begged you my
forefathers! no! it can't be !!!
The door opened. Zinyovile sat up straight
crying. Gedleza walked in with a smile in his
Zinyovile: It was you! You're evil just like your
father Zinza-Zenja!!! you killed my niece !
Gedleza: I said this to you when you tried to set
up Queen River. I told you an indirect order
from you to the royal house is still an order from
you but you didn't listen!!!
Zinyovile: How could you! How could you?
Gedleza: Xhalanga and Thalala Murders are all
on you!!!!
It started getting windy. Windows opened and
closed themselves. Plates and glasses fell down
from the table. Gedleza Vanished. All was left in
the house was his voice echoes . " ALL ON YOU!!"
Zinyovile coverd her ears. The voices were
playing in her head. " ALL ON YOU"
Zinyovile: Stop! stop! I said stop!!!

Still at the palace. We see everyone in the
dinning area. The dinning table was full of
different kinds of food. Nomahelele and the
chief were not in the house. The only people
who were there were The Queen, Princess
Nomagampompo, Nontorotyi and all her kids.
NomaKhosazana: I am glad you could join us.
We haven't had one of these in a long time
She said looking at Nontorotyi
Nontorotyi: I think Christmas is time for the
family to come together and I respect that
tradition. I am not prepared to break it
Nomagampompo: Amen sisi .
Nontorotyi: Maybe one of you should speak
some sense into my sister wife and our husband.
We get it but they shouldn't do this even on
Christmas. It's not like they will be fat in one
miserable day
Ngejiwe: Let them be mom. I understand them.
In Varsity I jog. One day without it feels like you
stopped for days
Nontorotyi: You were joking yesterday. Today
you're here why ain't you jogging honey ?
Ngejiwe looked down
NomaKhosazana: I will speak to them
Nontorotyi: Good. I hate waiting
Nomagampompo: You do? then why did you
make us wait for you yesterday?
The Queen looked at Nontorotyi. Nontorotyi
poured herself juice. The front door opened.
River walked in
Nomahelele: So much food? Are we dying today?
Merry Christmas everyone
Nontorotyi rolled her eyes
NomaKhosazana: Go take a shower and join us.
It's Christmas breakfast
River smiled then looked at Nontorotyi
Nomahelele: S'ntoro-ntoro
Nontorotyi dropped the knife. Everyone looked
at her. She smiled picking it up
Nontorotyi: Sister wife. You're getting fatter. Are
you sure you're not pregnant already? Maybe
you should slow down on sex and give me a
NomaKhosazana: Nontorotyi the kids!!!
Nontorotyi's eyes pooped out
Nontorotyi: I am sorry babies. Mom is joking
She gave River deathstare then stood up
Nontorotyi: Excuse me. I need tap water
She furiously walked to the kitchen. The Queen
looked at River.
River walked to the kitchen following
Nontorotyi. They both got to the kitchen. Other
servants walked out. Notiniphu switched off
River: I didn't sleep with The chief yesterday
and last night he was with you! what the hell is
wrong with you ? What do you want from me?
Nontorotyi: Are we gonna do this infront of the
Notiniphu didn't like that comment. She looked
angry. Nontorotyi poured water from the tap
Nomahelele: This is not over! After breakfast I
am going to your house
River walked out of kitchen. Nontorotyi watched
her walk away. She was sipping water
Nontorotyi: Looking forward to it
Notiniphu: I am not a servant. You and your
daughter Ngejiwe must stop calling .......
Nontorotyi: Princess to you!!!
Notiniphu opened the kitchen curtains wide.
Bhalisile was outside. Notiniphu looked at
Nontorotyi who had both her hands on her
Notiniphu: Princess you say?
Nontorotyi: Who told you?
Notiniphu: From today onwards I am Chef
Notiniphu to you!
Notiniphu: Are we clear?
Nontorotyi nodded her head yes..
Notiniphu: Good my Queen now get out of my
Nontorotyi put the glass on the kitchen counter.
She wiped her tears then did the walk of shame
back to everyone.

< Priscella >
Sonia's reality show's first episode was a buzz
online. Everyone loved it. It was a messy first
episode with fights already. I really loved it and
I am glad the fans loved it too. After the show
she left with her kids, Hunter and Aaron. The
news about Brianna were unexpected. I can't
believe she died just like that. I wonder what
happened to her. Maybe she messed with the
wrong people. Maybe that family made it
happen and killed her for killing their daughter.
I know this will sound evil but I am glad she is
dead. Imagine what would've happened if she
heard about the recording I did. She was gonna
kill me. It's a good thing she is gone for good.
Anyway I don't feel sick this morning. I have no
morning sickness which is good because it's
Christmas. We have to be merry. I just spoke to
my brother who didn't sleep here last night. He
says he wants me to speak to mom. He wanna
take Nomgcwabe and Algerbra to his trip and
they don't have passports. I am downstairs
already. I heard my mother's heels
Mom: Who is that?
I turned around
Me: Mom your son just called me. She is asking
you to call favours and organise papers that will
allow Prince Nomgcwabe and Algebra to leave
the country on Monday
Mom: Okay I will do that but I will need their ID
documents and stuff
Me: They are still sleeping. I will talk to them
when they wake up. I will also give Algebra a
Mom: Okay honey
Cleopetra came to us with today's paper
Me: What's on the news today
Cleopetra looked nervous. I walked to her.
Me: What is I....?
Wow I can't believe this. My brother is in
another Scandal with those two. Let me read
Mom: What is it ?
Me: Mom you gonna love this!!!
Mom: What?
Me: Hungani was down on his knees in front of
Your son apologising. They say Hungani is on
drugs. They are questioning his behavior lately
Mom snatched the papers from me. She didn't
look pleased at all. A man who wronged his son
was apologising what the hell is wrong with
Mom: This boy!
Which boy mom is mad at?
Me: What boy?
Mom walked away reading
Mom: Your brother! how can he humiliate
Hungani like this !
Me: Excuse me !?
I said furiously following her
Mom: How can Elton do something like this to
Hungani ! What was he doing near that girl!!!
Me: Mom Elton Seputla Jnr is your son! you did
this when Masixole beat that man. You were on
Hungani's side!
Mom: I am not on his side! look at this! In this
picture my son is here with Tasha. That could
get him in trouble!
Me: Why do you always choose your friend's son
over your family?
Mom: Don't be ridiculous ! are you even
listening to yourself! I am worried about your
brother here!
Me: Stop lying Mom! I am the one who has EJ
best interests at heart! I am the one who rescues
him when he is in trouble not you! Even when
Hungani Threatened to get Masixole arrested I
was the one who handled it. I don't know what
you went there to do when the situation was
already taken care of !
" He wanted to do what!? " Oh no! that's the king
walking down. I gave mom deathstare then
looked at Masixole.
Me: I am sorry I didn't tell you this. I just didn't
want you to get into more trouble. I got a call
from my varsity former classmate....
Masixole: The one who is part of our wedding?
Me: Yes. She called to tell me that Hungani was
there about to open a charge. That girl asked me
to call him and stop him. I threatened Hungani
That's why He didn't lay charges
Masixole: What did you say ?
Me: That I am going to send a CCTV footage that
shows him manhandling me at first floor. I told
him police will see you were defending me he
left the police station
Masixole came to me. He kissed me
Him: Thank you baby but don't ever do that
again. I can take care of myself. By the way I
also had the footage
I smiled then put my hands on his face. I kissed
While kissing we heard mom's heels making
noise walking to the elevator. We broke the kiss.
Mom is furious. I can't believe her
Me: Going to comfort Hungani like you did when
my husband beat him? Shouldn't you be doing
that to your son?
She furiously turned around and pointed A
finger at me
Mom: Don't you dare speak to me like again!
I folded my arms on my chest
Me: That was a simple question mother!
The elevator opened She looked at me.
Mom: My son is in our suite at Luxury hotel. I
am going to him. You should ask before you
insinuate things you don't know nothing about !
Me: I hope you're going there to be there for him
not to confront him. He is your son! Hungani is
just your friend's jerk arse son!
She looked at me then pressed the button then
looked at Masixole
Mom: Gedleza just arrived at Sdabadabeni
Thirty minutes ago
Masixole: Oh okay ma'am
The elevator closed. I furiously walked away
Me: Can she move her plane ticket to today? She
is getting on my last nerve!
Masixole: Baby what was that about?
I turned around. Then looked at the paper mom
dropped next to the vase
Me: Read that paper
He went and took it. He started reading
Masixole: No! he didn't
Me: Oh yes he did
Masixole looked at me
Him: What is Ms Refilwe's problem again ?
Me: That Tasha was there and my brother broke
the law. The most successful business woman in
the country can't use her head. This is Elton's
building. That girl is the one who broke the law
not my brother
Masixole came to me
Masixole: Calm down honey
Me: Baby I don't like fighting with my mother
more especially infront of staff! I don't know
what is wrong with her! Maybe I am wrong for
having my brother's back
I broke down. I hate this. Mom thinks I am
disrepectful. She can be unreasonable
sometimes. Wait did I just say sometimes? All
the time! Masixole hugged me.
Masixole: It's okay. Maybe she just doesn't like
seeing her family on the bad side of the law
Me: She has a bad way of showing it
Masixole: It's gonna be okay
Am I overreacting? am I the wrong guy for
standing up for my brother?




< Narrated >
Last night Isaiah went to take a shower. When
he came out his boyfriend was not home.
Algebra left when he found out what happened
thursday between Isaiah and Athayanda
Mphixanisi, The CEO of Ndamase Construction.
When Isaiah realised Algebra was gone he kept
calling him all evening till algebra switched off
his phone. A night he planned to spend with his
boyfriend became a lonely night. The poor man
has no idea what happened.
Anyway we see Isaiah in the kitchen making
breakfast for himself. He stopped what he was
doing and started thinking. He went to his
phone that was on the counter. He made a
phone call .
Guy: Hey bro
Isaiah: I thought you'd have came back to me by
Him: What do you mean? I called you yesterday
and gave you an update
Isaiah: What time was this ?
Him: I think around 7pm I am not sure
Isaiah: Did I say something?
Him: Come to think of it. You were not like your
usual self. You said one word I started telling
you what I found
Isaiah: Dammit it was not me tell me you didn't
give away some information that indicates that I
want him ?
Him: Eish man.....
Isaiah: Eish what man? What did you say?
Him: I told whoever answered that The CEO of
Ndamase Construction is not married. He is on
and off with the Head of Security of Smith Hotel
in Centurion
Isaiah: That's all you said?
Him: Hey man I might have said the reason he
doesn't want you maybe the sex wasn't good
Isaiah hung up then hit the counter
Isaiah: Dammit!
He ran to the living room. He took his car keys
then ran to the door.

It's Saturday the Christmas day. At Seputla
house in Prince Nomgcwabe's room. We see
Algebra and Prince Nomgcwabe standing
looking like they are ready to go downstairs. It
looks like they fixed their differences judging by
how they couldn't take hands off each other.
Nomgcwabe: I had a great night with you
Algebra: Me too and I am sorry about yesterday.
It's just that I don't know how to cheat
Nomgcwabe: I guess I won't have to worry about
you cheating on me then
Algebra kissed
Algebra: You won't
Nomgcwabe: We've been called down for
breakfast let's go
Algebra: Oh yeah. Do you think they know we
spent a night together? I don't want to make
things awkward for you. Why don't I walk down
alone. You will follow me
Nomgcwabe: I didn't want to say it myself. I
think that's a perfect idea
They kissed. Algebra walked out of the bed
room. He walked down the stairs. He saw
Priscella and Masixole at the living room.
Phonqa was sitting at dinning room having
breakfast. The first place you get to when you
walk down is the dinning room which is infront
of the elevator. Phonqa looked up and smiled at
Algebra: Morning
Priscella: Oh Algebra you're here ?
Algebra looked at living room
Him: Yes ma'am I came with Elton around 10 if I
am not mistaken. But he left after he dropped
me off
Priscella: He wants to go to Mozambique with
you guys. Mom needs your ID number but we
will give her when she comes back. Join Prince
Phonqa and have breakfast. Where is Prince
Algebra looked up the stairs
Algebra: Actually he is the one who told me
about breakfast. I am surprised he is not here.
Maybe he is still in his room
Priscella: Okay
Algebra sat down. Prince Phonqa was just
looking at him smiling
Algebra: What ?
Phonqa: Maybe he is with that person he as
giggling with this morning
Algebra looked down looking guilty
Algebra: Yeah
Phonqa: Wow so you did come back ?
Algebra: What?
Phonqa: You left and came back. Did you spend
a night in his room?
Algebra: Why would I do that when there are so
many rooms here?
Phonqa: Yeah. that was a stupid question. Sorry
Algebra smiled at him then dished for himself.
Prince Nomgcwabe walked down. He looked at
his brother
Him: Little bro
Phonqa: You're in a good mood does that have
something to do with that person you were
giggling with this morning ?
Prince Nomgcwabe cleared his throat. He sat
down and started dishing up for himself. He
ignored Prince Phonqa
Phonqa: I was just ask...
Nomgcwabe: Maybe you should've gone home
with Gedleza don't you think?
Phonqa: Nope
Algebra's phone rang. He stood up then walked
away. Nomgcwave looked at him
He answered walking away
Algebra: Can I find you at your house in 15
Isaiah: How can you leave like that? I couldn't
sleep last night!
Algebra: We will talk!
Algebra hung up the phone then went to others.
Nomgcwabe: Is everything okay ?
Algebra: Yeah. I will finish eating and go home
and check on the house
Phonqa: So you don....
Prince Nomgcwabe gave Phonqa a hand
Nomgcwabe: The elders are talking eat your
food !
Phonqa: Sorry

< Nomaxabiso >
Today it's saturday. A Christmas day and the day
of my parents' WILL reading. I cannot believe
my parents are gone for good. I didn't give
myself time to grieve for them. I have been
occupied by other things. I have been ignoring
the fact that my parents died so tragically. I can't
believe this. I can't believe no one is arrested for
my dad's murder. They both died in a very
strange way and no one is put to book and
questioned for their passing. Even the woman
who was a suspect, it didn't take an hour for her
to be cleared. I feel like after the will reading we
have to do something. We have to go see that
prostitute who said my father was her client. I
feel like she is lying. I will be at peace when I see
her and speak to her. I am really worried about
the will reading though. I hope there won't be
any surprises there. I want to go to the
Ndengana Royal palace and make them believe
that Malingene is the new owner of those
shares. I just hope when I get there Masixole will
be there. I want to rub it in his face.
Anyway I just made coffee for me and my aunt. I
saw her coming.
Me: Merry Christmas auntie
I gave her the cup of coffee
Her: Thanks
She doesn't look okay
Me: Are you okay aunt?
Her: There is nothing merry about it! I just
buried my brother and his wife and I don't know
what happened to them
Me: I am sorry aunt. I also have so many
unanswered questions. I am sorry I kno....
She looked at me and smiled
Her: No, I am the one who should apologize.
Merry Christmas my dear
She kissed my cheek
Me: Thanks auntie
She sipped her coffee
Her: My brother and I were very close. I don't
want to believe this prostitute story then again if
it's true it won't be the first thing he lied to me
about! I just found out he had sons and he didn't
tell me about that! and.....
Me: A part of you thinks if he could hide that,
The prostitute might be telling the truth ?
Aunt shook her head and walked away
Auntie: I don't want to think about that!
Me: Me too and for the record. I don't think my
father was sleeping with prostitutes
Auntie: I don't want to defend him yet. He lied
about his kids. What else was he lying about ?
Me: I told you Why he did aunt...
Her: Nomaxabiso I am his younger sister. We
were close. We talked about everything!
Me: I know
Her: I will decide what I think after I have
spoken to the sex worker
Me: When are we going to see her ?
Auntie: Maybe tonight of tomorrow. After the
will reading we have to plan a visit to the
Ndengana family
Me: That I am looking forward to
She looked at me and smiled. She looked away
then sipped her coffee.
Her: I am not
I looked at her. She looked at me
Her: I am not looking forward to it
I am not even gonna ask. I will just change the
Me: Aunt are you ready for the will reading?
Notaligana: I should be asking you. I have no
business there. You're my brother's heir
I smiled thinking about it.
What if he leaves everything to his sons. What
would happen to me ? Oh My God and it might
be a possibility. I don't know but a part of me
think my dad is like other men. All men don't
believe a woman can keep the family name
alive. Maybe they are right because I am getting
married soon but I am my father's only child he
Notaligana: Are you okay?
Me: Yeah. I am okay aunt
I looked away and took a long sip

< Priscella >
I do not need this stress right now. I hate how
my mother makes me feel. She spends more
time overseas. We miss her a lot when she is not
around. I never thought I would wish for her to
leave. She is my mother. I love her but she
drives me crazy and there are only two people
we always fight about. We fight about how she
spoils my brother. A brother I happen to love so
much. Another person is Hungani. I hate this
soft spot she has for him. I want my mother to
love my man like he is his own son. I am
expecting her to love my brother as she should.
He is her son. It doesn't matter who is wrong.
Always she must have our backs. I don't see
nothing wrong Elton did. He didn't attack that
man. He just asked him to go down on his knees
which I am very curious to find out how he
pulled off.
Anyway I am sitting on the couch with Masixole.
He is comforting me. I cried after the way I
spoke to mom. I don't like how I spoke to her. I
feel bad but she made me speak like that though.
Masixole: This was supposed to be a beautiful
Christmas day but I don't feel like it will be good.
You cried a lot
I looked at him
Me: I am sorry about that
Masixole: I wonder how did EJ make that fool do
Me: I have no idea. I want to know as well.
Him: Yes honey
Me: Do you think he is using drugs? He did this
and few days ago he was running after me like
he was losing it
Masixole: We don't know. Anything is possible
with Celebrities
Me: Maybe finding out who Brianna is really
messed him up
Masixole: Baby don't you think you should give
Ej heads up about Ms Refilwe's visit ?
Me: Oh My God!
I stood up. My phone rang
Me: It's Corben
Masixole: Answer
I answered
Me: Detective Corben
Corben exhaled. Why do I feel like I won't like
this? oh no! don't tell me Brianna faked her own
Corben: After the cousin found out about
Brianna's passing he killed himself
Oh My God no! Masixole stood up..
Masixole: What?
Me: Oh My God. How does one commit suicide
behind bars?
Corben: He took off his t.shirt and hang himself
Me: Oh My God. This sounds like a horror movie
Masixole's phone rang. He walked away
Corben: I just called to let you know. I have to
call Junaid now bye
Me: Thank you so much for the call bye
He hung up. I saw Masixole coming back looking
like he has seen a ghost
Me: Is everything okay baby?
Masixole: That was the Queen. She says Thalala
was found dead here in Johannesburg
Me: No baby!
Masixole: Mom says they slit her throat open
with a knife and the man who did it was caught
he is arrested
I sat down
Me: Oh My God
He sat next me then hugged me. What is going
on in this city?

< Elton Junior >
Damn it's been a while since I've been with a
girl. I remember the last one was Ngejiwe who
seduced me to sleep with her because she
wanted marriage. I had a great night with Claire.
I enjoyed our time but she and I are not am
item. We are helping each other that's all and I
have the other agenda of course.
Anyway We took a shower in the morning and
ordered room service. I don't want to go home. I
want to spend this day here and forget
everything. I hope My Boy Nomgcwabe had a
great night with Algebra. Last night I took
Algebra up to his room. I spoke to him. He was
willing to listen to him. I hope they had a great
time. I left them before they solved their issues
though because I had to rush back to Claire.
Claire: Your phone has been ringing please
answer Maybe it's important
Me: Yeah let me..........
I reached for my phone.
Me: It's my sister
Claire: Maybe it's important
I answered
Me: Hey sis
Priscella: Elton mom just left. She is coming
there. She saw the newspaper and the headline
about you making Hungani go down on his
I sat up straight
Me: It's on the news?
Priscella: Yes. Your mother is defending
Hungani. We had a fight about it. I can't believe
She is on his side. Waitsi ( you know) mom is
doing this for the second time. First time she
defended him over my Fiancé
Me: Sis please hold on a sec....
I covered the speaker then looked at Claire. She
has to leave. Mom can't see her here.
Me: Take your things and leave my mom is on
her way here !
Claire: But we......
Me: But nothing just go!
She stood up and started dressing up. I am glad
she already took a shower
Me: Hey sis Thanks for the heads up
Priscella: Abuti please come home and tell me
all about it
Me: I will see you later sis
I hung up. Claire looked at me. She is done. I
took my wallet. I took out a few two hundred
Me: Go buy you something nice
Claire: I am not a prosti.....
Me: Nobody said you were. I am just giving you
money to buy something nice. Please leave mom
lives across the road!
She took the money. I stood up. I kissed her then
opened the door. She walked out. I closed the
Me: You pretend like you don't want the money
I walked to my bed.
Me: Bitch
I took my clothes and started dressing up. I have
to be ready for this woman. I don't know why
she is so loyal to him not us. Is it because he is
her best friend's son. That bastard was adopted.
He is not even Mrs Oliphant's biological son.
Why does she care so much about him? I am her
son. Masixole is her son in law. I heard a knock
at the door.
Me: It's about Damn time mother
I turned around and headed to the door. I
opened the door. Mom pushed me out of the
Me: O-kay?
She walked in. I closed the door then turned
Mom: What is this Elton Seputla Jnr?
Me: What Ms Refilwe?
Mom: You humiliated Hungani in public! Look!
She threw the papers at me. Her cell phone fell I
looked at it. Hungani's half naked picture was on
the screen
I ran for it and got to the phone first and I took
it. Mom ran to me to take it away. I didn't give it
to her
Mom: Give it to Me!
I looked at her
Me: Why are you defending this man ?
Mom: I am not defending him! I am doing this
for you! give me my phone!
I looked at the picture. This bastard is wearing
briefs only. He is standing at the beach there is a
caption. He sent it on WhatsApp.
Me: Mom stay right there I swear I will do
something i will regret if you dare take this
phone from my hand!
She put her hands on her mouth crying
I started reading the messages.
Me: " We need to talk about what happened
between us "
I looked at mom
Me: You slept with this fool?
Mom: No! what do you take me for!
Me: For a woman who is flirting with her
daughter's ex boyfriend!?
Mom: Oh My God no! son! Please ready
responses please
I looked at Messages. All I am interested in Is
what this fool is saying to mom.
Me: " Did you really kill Brianna for Me? "
I looked at mom
Me: It was you?
Mom: I am your mother! this man is sick. I know
these games he is playing. He is messing with
my head! He wants to ruin my relationship with
my daughter!
I continued reading. I want to read the caption
on the picture
Me: " Look at that. Are you sure you don't want
to sleep on that? I can take off this underwear if
you want "
I looked at mom
Mom: Read the things I said please
I put her phone in my pocket
Mom: What are you doing?
Me: I am going to kill that fool!
I walked to the door. I opened then walked out.
She ran to me.
Mom: Baby don't do something you will regret!!!
I turned around
Me: Don't you dare follow me!
She stopped running her hands were on her
Me: You should be ashamed of yourself!!!!
Mom: Baby I didn't do anything! it was only
I slammed the door on her face. I ran to the
elevator. People walked out. I walked in dialling
a number
Chase: Bro! are you ready fo......
Me: Chase I need that gun !
Chase: Dude you know your sis is gonna kill m...
Me: Chase the gun!!!
Chase: Okay come fetch it!
I hung up




< Refilwe >
What did just happen? What have I done ? I feel
like I am losing my children all of them. I
thought going to the states I will leave in good
terms but right now I feel like I will be kicked
out of my own home by my children for what I
have done. What is wrong with me? why did I
entertain this whole thing? It's amazing how you
try so hard to avoid something but your heart
always betray you all the time. My daughter was
starting to be suspicious. When Elton gets home
and tell her this will confirm everything about
me always defending that stupid boy. I don't
know what happened. When I do it I am not
aware I am doing it. It just happens. I defend
him. This time it's worse. I chose his side over
my son's side now my son knows what is going
on. Oh My God. what am I gonna do? My son is
going to tell Priscella. It's over for me. I am going
to lose both my children. There is no escaping
this. There is no way I am getting away with this.
I am ashamed. I don't know what will happen
when my daughter finds out. The Look on
Priscella's face is going to kill me. I don't know
what I am gonna do. What am I gonna do now?
Elton left with my phone. I want to call The
Queen and ask for advice but I have no phone. I
need to get home as soon as possible. I am
worried about what will happen to Hungani. If i
had my phone I was gonna tell him Elton is on
his way. I don't want my son to do something he
will regret. I don't want him to get arrested
because if he would, i don't think i would forgive
myself because this is My fault. When i left my
house Hungani sent me his picture. Because I
wasn't driving my chauffeur was, so my eyes
were fixed on this beautiful picture. I forgot to
log out of my WhatsApp. When I got there I was
still in that picture. I am sure my son thinks I am
a bad mother. Right now I have no choice but to
tell Priscella before her brother tells her.
Anyway I got to the car. The driver drove me to
my building. I got out of the car. I headed to the
elevator. The elevator took me up. Thank God
there is no one here. I walked up the stairs. I got
to my room. I took my other phone and called
The Queen. Thank God I have her number in my
diary. I need her right now. I don't know when
will Elton come back and I don't know what he
will do when he arrived at Hungani's house.
This is a messed up situation. I really don't know
how I am gonna get out of it.
Anyway Nomakhosazana's phone rang and she
answered just after three rings
Nomakhosazana: Hello Refilwe
I ran to the door. I closed it then leaned on the
Me: Queen what I feared is happening
Nomakhosazana: What are you talking about?
Me: That daughter's ex doesn't get
along with my son. Today's paper shows that
boy on his knees apologising to my son. I
confronted Elton for humiliating that boy in
Nomakhosazana: You did what !? you
confronted him instead of asking what
Me: I know I messed up
Nomakhosazana: What else happened?
Me: He got angry at me. He accused me of
defending that boy....
NoMakhosazana: He was right you were!
Me: I don't remember what happened. I saw my
phone on the floor with Hungani's half naked
picture on the screen
Nomakhosazana: What was that boy's picture
doing in your phone! ?
Me: On My way to confront my son he sent me
that picture on WhatsApp. My son is angry. He
went to confront him. I am thinking of telling
my daughter about what that boy has been
doing before Elton comes back and tell her
Nomakhosazana: Don't tell Priscella!
Me: She better hear it from me than from her
brother !
Nomakhosazana: Don't tell Priscella anything!
wait for your son to come back and hear what
he has to say when he is calm!
Me: Okay
Nomakhosazana: You must forget that man! I
thought you were over these feelings!
Me: I am....
Nomakhosazana: You're not! every time you
hear someone did something to that boy you go
crazy even your son sees it! you better be
careful or you will lose both your children for
I sat down. Oh My God I can't afford that. I don't
think i would live without my children.
Nomakhosazana: Wait for your son Refilwe.... (
Tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu)
She hung up. I threw my phone on my bed.

< Judge NomaKhosazana >
I can't believe this is still going on. This woman
said she blocked that boy. Why did she forget to
block him on her WhatsApp? People don't use
phone calls to communicate anymore. They text.
How stupid is this woman? She really has to go.
She is not foolimg me. She is still in love with
this boy and she can't even hide it from her
children. She is playing a dangerous game. I
don't know why such a smart woman be so
stupid. Does her brain only work in the
boardroom? If she can't put her family in order.
She is going to lose them for good.
Anyway I have a family of my own to take care
of. I just asked Priscella to make Notiniphu a
bridesmaids which some people might think it's
a bad idea. Priscella needed a large number of
braidsmaids. I am helping her. She loves
Notiniphu. I am sure sooner or later she was
gonna think of her. Let's be real for a second.
Bridesmaid or not Notiniphu was gonna be part
of the wedding. We can't avoid her. She is part of
this family. She works for us and she is good at
it. She knows a lot of secrets. We don't whisper
all the time. Sometimes we lash at each other
and say things we shouldn't say. These servants
and our chef are not blind or deaf. Their ears
are not covers with cotton wool. They can hear.
We hired them because we could trust them and
I trust them. They know one mistake they will
pay a big price.
Anyway I am walking to the kitchen to speak to
her. I found her with others
Me: Can you guys leave me with Notiniphu for a
They bowed then walked out. I turned around
and watched them walk out. I looked at
Me: The King's wedding is near
Notiniphu: Oh ?
Me: Yes. The Queen called me. She needs a
favour from you
Notiniphu: What is that my Queen ?
Me: She wants you to be her bridesmaid and I
think it's a perfect idea since you guys got along
so well when she was here
Notiniphu: Wow i don't know what to say
Me: Just say yes
Notiniphu: Yes My Queen. I would be honoured
Me: Great. I will give her a call and give her the
good news
Notiniphu: Okay my Queen
Me: You and Ngejiwe are leaving Monday
morning for Johannesburg. A helicopter will
come pick you up. She needs your
She smiled looking away. What's that smile
about? She looked at me
Notiniphu: Did you say I am leaving with
princess Ngejiwe ?
Me: Yes she is one also. Why do I feel like you
love the fact that you're going with her ?
Notiniphu: My Queen Mrs Nontorotyi and
princess Ngejiwe have been looking down on me
and they have been calling me a commoner and
a servant. I feel like she will be surprised to see
me there. Can you not tell her I am going? I want
her to be surprised
Me: No problem. I understand you guys have
been fighting about a man....?
Notiniphu: They are back together!...
What ? This is news to me
Me: What?
Notiniphu: The day Mrs Nontorotyi came back
from The hospital she made sure she made it her
personal mission to get them back together and
she won
I don't want to get involved in this. I feel like if
that boy didn't want this it wasn't gonna happen.
Maybe he wanted to be with Ngejiwe
Me: It's his loss Notiniphu. You're a beautiful
Notiniphu: Thank you my Queen. I have a
Me: Yes ?
Notiniphu: A lot of people in this house take me
as a servant. They don't know how I got here.
With your help I think they should be reminded.
I am not a servant. I am the palace's personal
I smiled.
Me: In our next meeting i will raise this and
from then onwards they will call you Chef
Notiniphu and I will be the one to start calling
you that
Notiniphu: Thank you my Queen. You're an
amazing boss and an incredible Queen
Me: Thank you dear
I hugged her then kissed her cheek. I broke the
hug then attempted to walk out. I turned around
and smiled
Me: Chef Notiniphu you're aware that if I find
out that you're still in love with my son and you
have any hopes of being with him I will
personally take my gun and shoot you in the
middle of that kitchen and make sure I leave
you cold when I am done with you ?
Her eyes popped out. She started swallowing
sweet nothing
Notiniphu: Of course my Queen
Me: Good
I walked out of there. If anyone thought making
the Chef a bridesmaids was a mistake Can sit
down and relax now

< Elton Junior >
I have been watching this bastard treating me
like a kid. He doesn't respect me. He doesn't
respect my family. He doesn't respect my sister
and the relationship they once had. First he slept
with my sister for years after my sister He went
after my girlfriend. After my girlfriend he is
after my mother. My own mother? The mother
of his ex girlfriend? How dare he? Who does he
think he is? Does he really think I am just a boy?
Is this personal? Does he really want to see the
dark side of me? Because my father passed he
think he could just ruin my family and get away
with it? Well he has another thing coming. I will
blow his brains off. I want him to tell me what
he wants from my family and he is going to do it
right now. I just arrived at his place. I took my
mother's phone because I didn't want her to call
and give this bastard heads up. I can see mom is
starting to entertain this bull. It might not be in
these texts but her actions and how She defends
him I can see she is developing feelings for him
and I am in a mission to watch every move my
mother makes. I swear if they are having an
affair I will catch them and kill them both at the
spot but for now I will give mom a pass because
the messages vouch for her. She has been
chasing him away but that bastard don't want to
Anyway I am at the door. I opened the glass
door. There is no one in the living room and the
door is not locked which shows there is someone
home. I looked around. I saw the camera. I took
a chair. I removed it. I jumped off the chair. I
saw him running down
Hungani: What the hel....
I took out my gun and pointed at him..He
attempted to run up
Me: One step up I will pull the trigger
Hungani: What do you want from Me? Tasha
was the one who seduc.....
I laughed
Me: Do you think I am that naive and desperate.
You think this is about that Whore?
Hungani: Then what do you want from me EJ?
Me: Walk down and answer that very question
for me. Between you and I, I am the one who
should ask that
Hungani: I don't know what....
I cocked the gun he ran down with his hands in
the air
Hungani: Okay okay ! say what you want and
leave please I don't want to figh.....
Me: What do you want from me !?
Hungani: I don't want anything from you!
Me: First Priscella. She dumps your arse. You go
after my girlfriend. You have her and knocked
her down with your child now she is not
attractive anymore. Your next target is my
I snapped. He looked scared. I saw tears in his
Me: You want to sleep with my mother!?
Hungani: Elton I can explain. It's not.....
Me: Explain what !? Explain that you're sending
my mother your nudes?
" He what!? " When I heard a voice behind me I
flashed a smile at Hungani. Perfect timing bitch.
This is the man you left me for. You must see
him for who he is.
Hungani: Baby this is not wha...
Me: What she thinks it is?
I turned around and looked at Tasha
Me: Can you catch ?
Tasha: Yes
I threw my mother's phone at her
Me: That's my mother's phone
Hungani: Baby don't look at....
He said attempting to run to her. I pointed a gun
at him
Me: Don't you dare
He put his hands in the air and stood still
Hungani: Baby it's not what it looks like
Tasha just let go of her body. She fell and fainted
Hungani: Baby!!!!
He ran to her. I walked out. It's his fault. If his
girlfriend or the baby die it's his fault not mine.

< Nontorotyi >
How can Zinyovile forget to tell me a very
important piece of information about the
number of people who know about Bhalisile.
After I realised that Notiniphu knew. I couldn't
stay there. I left the palace and came home to
digest this. How can this woman not tell me
there is another person who knows? It looks like
everyone knows this secret. This is a secret I
sacrificed my brother's life for now this? What
am I saying? My brother's passing was one of
Zinyovile's games. My life is a game to her. What
am i paying her for if she can't tell me nothing.
We killed my brother to make sure this doesn't
come out. Notiniphu is in love with Velezantsi. I
am afraid that if Notiniphu slip up this might
end up in Ngejiwe's ears. That servant is not
family. Killing her would be easy as A,B,C. I want
her gone and I want her gone now. I need to call
Zinyovile and confront her then negotiate killing
Me: I am going to kill her!
" I would like to see you try " Said a voice behind
me. I turned around. There is no one
Me: Who are you ?
I think I heard someone dare me to try. Who
was he? And why they are not showing their
face ? I need to call Zinyovile. I dialled her
number. Her phone rang. She was not
answering. What the hell is wrong with her ?
Me: Zinyovile answer your phone !!!
I heard a knock at the door. I don't have time for
this. I walked to the door and opened. It's
Nomahelele. I attempted to close the door in her
Me: Not now!
She blocked the door.
Nomahelele: What was that about?
I walked away leaving her at the door
Me: What?
She slammed the door hard. I quicky turned
Me: You're going to break my door!!!
Nomahelele: I want the truth or I will open that
door and bang it even more harder and believe
me I would !
I looked at her fuming with anger. She looked at
me then at the door. This crazy woman is gonna
do this
Me: Okay fine!
Nomahelele: Speak!
Me: Last night
I walked to the kitchen. She followed me
Nomahelele: What happened last night?
Me: We were making love
Nomahelele: Wow that's great! that's amazing.
It's a progress !
Me: " Wow that's great! that's amazing. It's a
I said that sarcastically imitating her voice. She
was looking at me
Me: I thought so too until he ruined it by calling
me River!!!!
She smiled at me
Me: What are you smiling about?
Nomahelele: S'ntoro-ntoro....
Me: Stop calling me that !!!
Nomahelele: It's Normal. He just got to this
lifestyle. With time he will know who he is with
Me: Bitch I was with him for over 22 years why
your name not mine!!
Nomahelele: Don't you dare call me a bitch
Me: I am sorry. I am just frustrated!
Nomahelele: Do you know that the next time
you call me the B* word which will be for the
third time I will punch you in the face ?
Me: No need for violence Dlungane
Nomahelele: Remember that surname
Me: We are done here!
Nomahelele: Give him time. while you were in
jail for fraud I was here for him. Men easily
adapt. he is new to this polygamy thing. when
time goes on he will not call my name when he
is with you. Stop complaining you had sex what
you wanted !
I looked away
Nomahelele: You did right ?
Me: He was about to put it in when he said your
name. I kicked him out of the bedroom
Nomahelele: Well your bed
She walked out of the kitchen
Me: Are you saying I brought this to myself?
She turned around
Nomahelele: You made it now lie in it
She opened the door and walked out. She left
How can she kick me when I am down? She is
supposed to be supporting me not judging me. I
heard another knock after five minutes
Nomahelele left. I went to open the door. Oh No!
my sister in law and my sister are here
Her: Why are you keeping my husband here
when I and his children are hungry!
I have to lie and I have to make them believe
me. I can't go to jail for my brother's murder
Me: What are you talking about ?
Sabonkolo: Apparently Xhalanga came here to
take money that you give him.....
Me: Come on in guys
They walked in
Me: Why did it take you so long to come looking
for him ?
Sis in law: I thought maybe he was spending few
days here. We are running out of food. It's
unlike him to stay here so long. He never sleeps
Me: Xhalanga came and left with the money the
same day. He is not here
She sat down
Her: What !?
Me: He didn't sleep here. He came here and left
the same time saying you were late for town ?
Her: Yes i was planning to go to town. I was
gonna go when he arrives with the money
Sabonkolo looked at me
Me: I wonder where our brother is ?
Sabonkolo: Xhalanga can be lazy yes but he
would never abondan his kids and his wife
I looked at my sister in law
Me: Did Xhalanga ever mentioned to you why he
comes to take money from me or you knew and
you let him do this to me ?
Her: Do what? What is my husband doing to
Me: Xhalanga was.. I mean is getting money
from me because he is blackmailing me about
something. Did you know he was blackmailing
" What was my uncle blackmailing you about
mom? " Oh no! we all jumped up
Me: Baby
Ngejiwe: I don't stutter mom!



< Sonia >
The show was a success last night. I cannot
believe the tweets and the sweet things people
said about me. I am very proud of myself and I
cannot wait for more episodes to air. I never
thought I would be the partner in that show let
alone being a partner in the production
company. Brendan might have taken a piece of
me but he left me with Gold and I will dig it and
make myself millions for my kids. Kids that
were not his. I am sure anger is killing him
wherever he is. I am so proud of myself and I
am happy because a lot of things happened last
night. Not only did the first episode cause a
buzz, I also got my ex husband back. Speaking of
him. He spent a night here. We are trying again.
I saw him walk in the kitchen
Hunter: What are you making ?
He kissed my cheek
Me: Salad for later and you? What's your plans
for the day ?
Hunter: I want to spend today with you guys
Me: Sounds lovely. Our kids are happy to see us
Hunter: Are you happy to see us together ?
I smiled at him. I took the salad and put it in the
fridge then looked at him
Me: Of course I am
I closed the fridge. He came to me and kissed
me. After few seconds he broke the kiss.
Hunter: What do you think about what Elton did
to Hungani? Do you think he is on drugs? If not
then why would a man of his size let a twenty
one year old make him do that?
Me: Honey Elton is way smarter than his size.
Did you and everyone think he would let what
Tasha and Hungani did go away just like that?
Both of them humiliated him. He was getting his
revenge and I am so happy he did
Hunter: That was too extreme if you ask me
I took my phone then looked at him
Me: So is being drugged in a club and be left
there intoxicated!
Hunter: Yeah
I walked out of the kitchen. I headed to the
living room making a phone call.
Elton: Hey sis
I looked behind me. I walked up the stairs
Me: I saw you on the papers and I haven't got an
Elton: Been busy. I spent a night with her
Me: Promise me you won't catch feelings your
family will kill me
Elton: Relax. I got this. I have a girlfriend
Me: You do ?
Him: Yep she's 19 and pretty. I am just doing this
for you
Me: Well i also have good news. I speng a night
with Hunter and we decided to try again
Elton: Great! game over!
Me: Not yet !
Elton: Why the hell not?
Me: Because they will figure out our plan. We
can't stall. At least let's wait until after a month?
Elton: Sonia my girl will go crazy!
Me: Please
Elton: Fine
Me: Thank you little brother. Now tell me how
did you make Hungani go down on his knees?
Elton: I threatened him and he fell for it
Me: Good
Elton: Later
Me: Bye
I hung up. I have decided to get back together
with Hunter to build our family. I am very busy,
my kids need a stable home. Hunter can move in
and live here. When i am working he will be
here with kids. I am 28 years old. I have two
kids. Obviously my ex husband and I still love
each other so why run away from that. Claire is
undoubtable beautiful and a little younger than
me. I asked Elton to do this because I wanted to
make sure both of them get over each other. I
don't want to be married to a man who is also in
love with another person. Brendan hurt me a
lot. I am not about to suffer again I won't allow
< Judge Makhosazana >
I am glad I spoke to Notiniphu and made
everything clear to her. This girl must forget this
delusion about her and my son. It's not gonna
work. It is not going to happen. She must move
on with her life. If not with Velezantsi then
someone else. She knows how it goes and I don't
think I have to tell her that. She knows she can
never be with my son. My son doesn't know he
slept with her when he was sick. He doesn't even
look at her so I don't think i had to even try to
convince her that it will never happen. She
knows it will never happen, that's if she is as
smart as I think she is.
Anyway after speaking to Notiniphu i went to
the living room to my sister in law and River
Nomahelele: What was that about with
Me: Priscella wants her to be her bridesmaid
and what was that in the morning ?
Nomagampompo: I want to know too. She said
she had everything under control but The
Nontorotyi I saw this morning is the same old
trouble maker
Nomahelele: That Nontorotyi you saw is a
woman who misses sex so much
Me: What do you mean ?
Nomahelele: Your bother in law called her by
my name while they....
Nomagampompo: No!! I would be livid as well
Me: Wow
This is actually funny. I see why Nontorotyi was
angry. I would too if I was her. This polygamy
thing is not for everyone. I am curious to find
out how it's gonna work out. Anyway I saw
Siqalo walk in
Siqalo: I am sorry to disturb my Queen
We looked at him..
Siqalo: My Queen Gedleza is here to see you
Me: Send him in
Nomagampompo: I heard something like a plane
making noise. I see it brought him
Nomahelele: Hopefully everything went well
Me: I hope so t.... Hey Gedleza
Him: Merry Christmas
Me: Marry Christmas to you too Gedleza please
take a sit
He sat down. We looked at him
Gedleza: I came to tell you how it went with the
Seputla family
Me: Yeah tell us
Gedleza: Everything went well my Queen. Their
ancestors welcomed me and they are happy they
have someone they are going to use to connect
and communicate with in their family
Nomagampompo: That's good
Gedleza: I also discovered that Zinyovile used
The white girl to get Thalala close to the
Me: Sonia?
Gedleza: Yes My Queen. She used her like she
used me
Nomahelele: Good thing her niece is dead!
Me: She will never do something like this again I
swear it
Gedleza stood up
Gedleza: I hope she learnt her lesson. Anyway I
need to go home my Queen
Me: Before you go Gedleza.....
He turned around and looked at me
Him: Yes My Queen?
I looked cousin and Sister in law then at
Me: The Killings. The ancestors.....
I stood up
Me: I am confused. Is it normal for ancestors to
kill ?
River stood up and folded her arms curious to
hear this. I have been thinking about this for a
long time.
Gedleza: My Queen this is the last time you
accuse our forefathers
Me: I apologise I just want to know
Gedleza: The ancestors appointed me to be this
family healer and they instructed me to
protector and that is what I am doing. I am
doing everything I can to protect you
Nomahelele: So it's not them who kill.....
Gedleza: I am the killer
Okay? that males sense right?
Gedleza: I am the guilty one. All they asked me
to do was to protect and that is what I do......
He looked at the three of us
Gedleza: I protect the only way I know how!
He said that then walked out leaving us looking
at each other.
Nomahelele: I guess that was clear enough?
Me: Crystal

< Nontorotyi >
What do I say to her? How do I answer her
question? Do I tell her the truth? Do I tell her
that her uncle was blackmailing me about her
being a bastard? If I do lie to her what lie will I
tell her? What would my brother blackmail me
about? I am so lost right now and if I don't say
something Sabonkolo might say something that
might ruin our lives. I don't want the truth to
come out. The Ndengana ancestors don't want
the truth to come out. I can't let my sister ruin
my life. I need to make up a lie and very fast. I
said I would do anything to prevent the truth
from coming out and I meant it. Notiniphu
knows. I will visit Zinyovile and get rid of her. I
have been lying for 22 years. I can do it again. I
gave birth to this girl. I can tell her what she
wants to hear and get over this.
Me: Baby
Ngejiwe: I will not ask you again. Why do I
bother? Everything that comes out of your
mouth is always a lie. Lying is in your blood
mom. You think on your feet that's why.......
She paused then looked at Sabonkolo. I
swallowed hard
Ngejiwe: I will ask you auntie. What was my
uncle blackmailing mother abou......
I need to say something before she does
Me: Sabonkolo is not my father's child!!!
Sabonkolo looked at me shocked
Sabonkolo: What !?
Me: I am sorry sis. I didn't mean for it to come
out like this. Please forgive me for keeping the
truth from you all these years
Ngejiwe's phone rang. She looked at it then at
Ngejiwe: I am so sorry aunt. I shouldn't have
asked but I need to take this
Sabonkolo: Go
Ngejiwe walked to her room. I let out a sigh of
Me: I am sorry I had to make up a lie so she
could get out of our hair !
Sis in law: Oh My God You didn't mean that ?
Sabonkolo smiled
Sis in law: So what was my husband
blackmailing you about?
Sabonkolo: I think it's better you ask him when
he comes home
Me: I think that's a good ide....
We heard a knock on the door. I stood up
Me: I have to get that
I stood up. I went to the door. I opened the door.
I saw a white man standing infront of my door.
Me: Can I help you ?
Guy: Sorry ma'am I am Philip, A pilot from of
the Ndamase family in Centurion....
He slid his hand in his long black coat oh my
good is he pulling out a gun
Philip: I was asked to bring your brother's
I covered his mouth pushing him away from the
door.. I slammed the door behind me
Me: Put that big thing in your Jacket and walk
out of my property I will be there with you
Phillip: I am sorry for hurting you ma'am. I
didn't mean to
I was silently crying. I felt like I am having a
panic attack judging by the rate of my breathing.
I hope they didn't hear me inside. If they did I
am going to jail
Me: Off you go!

< Princess Nomaxabiso >
The lawyer just arrived. I hope none of us will
walk out of here unsatisfied. I don't want any
drama. We have Enough drama with the
Ndengana family. I am the only heir in this
house. I am going to inherit everything and by
the look of things my wish is becoming a reality.
My father didn't invite his sons and you know
what that means. The will can't be read until
everyone is present. I see this man opening his
briefcase which simple means whoever is in this
will is in here. It pains me so much to see that
my father really didn't love his children. He lied
to me when he said he loved them. He was just
scared of mom. He knew very well that my
mother will only know about this when he is
dead. Why didn't he mention them in the will if
he was scared? This is really confusing but I am
happy that I am my father's favorite child and
the only child he loved is me but thinking about
how Nomgcwabe and Phonqa feel? It makes me
guilty and sad at the same time. But I shouldn't
worry about them. They are from a rich family.
They don't need my father's money. I think they
hate me though. The way they treat me when
they see me shows it. They think hurting me is
hurting my father. They are angry at him. I don't
know why they feel like they should take it out
on me.
Anyway the entire family is here. My uncle who
is a chief and his wife are here. Some other
family members are here including my aunt
Notaligana. My parents lawyer has a firm in
Mthatha and I hear he is originally from
Mqanduli. I only know his surname. We call him
Advocate Joko.
Me: We are doing this
Aunt: I hope your father was atleast honest in
his will
Me: Yeah.....
I said taking a sit. My aunt sat down as well.
Joko: I am glad everyone is here
He said looking around.
Me: Is this all of us?
Joko: Yes
Auntie looked at me and whispered in my ear.
Aunt: Something is not right. He was a partner
in Ndengana project. I think someone from that
family was supposed to be part of this. Just to
know their new partner or partners
I looked at Aunt. Oh My God she is right. I
wonder why no one from there is here?
I am starting to worry now. I looked at Mr
Lawyer. He opened the will then looked at us.
Him: I have two wills in my hand and I am going
to start with Mrs Zidenge's will
I didn't know my mother had hers. I thought we
were here for my father's will.
Joko: This is the last and the only will of Mrs
Nomfunzelo Zidenge
We sat up straight.
Him: Nomaxabiso, I know when I am gone you
will be married to Masixole Ndengana.....
Everyone looked at me. I looked down. I felt a
tear escape my eye. That's what you wanted
mom and you died before fulfilling that and I
am sorry if it's my fault that you're dead.
Joko: Nomaxabiso you're our only child. When
your father and I are dead that will be the end of
our family....
My aunt brushed my back. I didn't think i was
gonna cry but this makes me emotional. When
this lawyer speaks I don't hear him. I hear my
mother speaking and this is the last time I get
direct words from her. This is too much and
important. I should listen.
Joko: I am leaving you My 40 % of the family
business. The reason for this decision is to make
sure that you don't forget home even when
you're no longer living here. I want you to help
your father to build the family business
My aunt smiled at me.
Joko: I am also leaving You R1 80 000 rands use
this money wisely
The lawyer said looking at me. That money is
staying in the bank. I am not touching it.
Hlohlesakhe wants to be my husband. I want
him to take care of me. I am going there with
nothing. I want him to take care of me.
Joko: Now let's go to Mr Zidenge's will
Everyone sat up straight waiting.
Joko: This is the last will of Mr Zidenge....
He looked up
Joko: He actually updated his will recently it's as
if he knew he was gonna pass but all of you will
find out why he had to update it
What? we looked at each other. I wonder why?
Joko: If i die first before my wife. I am leaving
60% shares of the family business to her. If my
wife is no longer alive. I am dividing my shares
into two. My daughter Nomaxabiso Zidenge will
get thirty percent and my sister Notaligana
Zidenge will get the other thirty percent
Auntie looked at me.
I am so happy I will be working with my aunt.
Chief: Nothing for his older brother?
We all looked down. He is saying it jokingly but I
can see he is not happy.
Joko: My sister please make sure you teach my
daughter more about business. I know You by
her side things will go well in this business.
Don't disappoint me
Aunt: I will not big brother
She said touching my head.
Joko: For my daughter I am also leaving you R50
000 rands
Me: Wow
Joko: For my brother.....
My uncle sat up straight..
Joko: My chief you were my father's first born.
You got everything. I had to work hard to be
successful like you. I have something little for
you just to say thank you for being a there for
me and my family in hard times. I know I was
not completely honest with you with some
things. I wasn't honest because I was ashamed
and I didn't want to disappoint you after
everything you taught me. I hope this R50 000
will make a different and help in your business
Uncle: Wow My brother grew up it's sad i had to
see that when he is gone
The lawyer smiled. He put the will on the table..
Me: Is that all?
The lawyer looked at me.
Joko: The assets yes that is all but before I go
there is a letter I need to read for you
Oh My God. What happened to the Ndengana
shares ?
Auntie: That is not all Mr Joko? It can't be all?
Him: Maybe after this letter you will get what is
going on Ms Zidenge
Auntie: Okay
He took the letter. There was also other papers
under the letter. What is going on?
Joko: This letter is directed to Mrs Zidenge, Ms
Zidenge and the chief but unfortunately Mrs
Zidenge is not here
It's about The Ndengana boys isn't it ? I couldn't
ask I was just thinking about it.
I am so angry right now. I know I should be
happy I own 70 % of my company and it's selfish
of me to be angry because my father left me
money and 30 % shares something I feared
might not happen since he has sons. I am happy
yes but You must understand. I need those
shares. I need to annoy that family. I want to
have asay. I want to sit with them at boardroom
even when they don't want me there. How is
that gonna happen now? I wish he gave them
shares in the business. Right now I feel like 70 %
shares is worthless than that 20 %. Right now I
wanna scream and shout !
Aunt: Are you okay ?
She could hear me breathing heavily.
Me: Yes i am fine
Joko: Nomfunzelo.......
" Nomaxabiso! Nomaxabiso! " I heard someone
shaking me. Wait? I opened my eyes
Me: No!
Auntie: What is it ?
I looked at her
Me: It was a dream?
She hugged me tight
Aunt: Yes My dear. It was a dream. Go take a
shower. Christmas lunch will be ready in few
and Mr Joko called. He is on his way
I stood up. I wonder what's gonna happen in this
will reading. How can things go so well. I was
getting a lot of things and I remember in the
dream I was angry about 20 % and My aunt
disturbed me before I found out where it
disappeared to since it wasn't in that will
Auntie: Nomaxabiso are you sure you're okay?
I looked at her
Me: Yeah
I looked away.
Me: Yeah I am okay....... ?



< Algebra >
I was played a fool. I didn't play Isaiah. When I
started dating him I was single. I was trying to
forget Nomgcwabe yes but I did nothing wrong.
I even rejected Nomgcwabe for him because I
didn't wanna be unfaithful. I almost made the
biggest mistake of my life because of him.
Yesterday i rejected a man who truly loves me
for an unfaithful bastard like him. That phone
call from his friend was evidence but I had to
have something enough. My reasons for going to
get the footage was to make sure he can't deny
anything. I have the footage now. I am so
curious to hear what he has to say.
I just arrived at his house. This is the last time i
come to this house. I am done with him. I am
ready to be with Nomgcwabe. He loves me. I
know he is not out yet but he loves me and I feel
the same. I am willing to wait until he is ready. I
know it won't be easy but he is worth the wait.
Anyway I knocked at the door. He quickly
opened the door.
Isaiah: Did you have to knock baby?
Me: I didn't sleep here
I walked in
Isaiah: Someone is in a bad mood. Look baby
my friend is crazy. I told him I am writing a
story about the CEO. He just assumed that I was
interested in him
Me: What happened the day you sent me food at
the office ?
He smiled. I don't know why he is smiling
because this is not funny. I am serious and I am
not in the mood for his silly smile.
Isaiah: I got there. I got a phone call I had to
leave before you arrived. You don't think i left
with him do you ?
I took off my backpack. I took my laptop and the
Me: Come sit
I put the laptop on the coffee table. I sat down.
Isaiah: What is going on?
Me: Sit!
I snapped he sat next to me. I looked at him
before playing it
Me: Did you leave with him ?
Isaiah: No! was he there that day ? Like I said I
am working on a story
Me: You're such a terrible liar! You see I have a
CD with the footage but you still insist on lying.
What is wrong with you?
Isaiah: Getting in the elevator with him doesn't
Me: A second a go you said you didn't seem him
that day now you're telling me getting in an
elevator with him doesn't mean anything?
He looked down. I played the footage. I zoomed
Me: There you are flirting with him
He swallowed hard
Me: You didn't see him that day right?
Isaiah: I saw him. I didn't want you to suspect
something tha....
Me: Look at you with your long tongue out
Me: You were wearing shorts but when you
came back you were wearing a jeans which
confirms what your friend said. You slept with
him !
Isaiah: I didn't sleep with him. We had a meeting
down floor. I spit drink in my shorts then.......
I closed My laptop. I put it in my bag. I stood up
Isaiah: Where are you going....
I went to his bed room. I took a few clothes I
came with yesteday. I walked down
Me: I am leaving please don't call me again !
Isaiah: Where were you last night because you
didn't go home. I went to check on you
I looked at him then laughed
Me: You have some nerve
I took my backpack. I walked to the door.
Isaiah: I swear i didn't....
I turned around and looked at him.
Me: Did he make you dress up like a woman like
Brendan did ?
Isaiah: Leave
Me: I was on my way out
I opened the door. I walked out then closed it. I
leaned on the door. A tear escaped my eye
Thank God I was safe when I slept with him. He
is not the kinda man I want to be with.

< Refilwe >
I don't know what is going on. Prince Phonqa
and Prince Nomgcwabe just left. The princess
wants to see them. I don't know what is going on
and I didn't want to ask since I am dealing with
a lot with my family. I hope nothing bad
happened. Maybe She doesn't wanna spend
Christmas without her sons. Poor woman. She
never spent christmas without them. She
thought she could but I guess she can't. Anyway
I don't know the whole story. I need to stay
down stairs and wait for my son to come back. I
am scared. I am shaking even. Elton has some
anger that has been hiding inside of him. When
he is angry he doesn't show it. He has a way of
manipulating people into thinking that he is
okay. When he explodes he does. Today he
didn't pretend at all. Who knows what he did to
Hungani? Oh lord i hope he didn't do anything
Anyway while sitting and worried. I heard the
elevator beep. I stood up fast. It's him. He is
here. I hope Priscella don't come down now.
Me: Oh hey baby
I looked up the stairs
Elton: Relax ma
Me: What did you do?
Elton: Worried that I killed your crush? well I
didn't! now you have a shot to be with him
He walked away
Me: Please don't say that !
He turned around.
Elton: Let's go to my father's study and talk
before you embarrass yourself even more
I quickly wiped my tears
Me: Okay
I followed him to the study. The fact that he
wants to talk at study shows that he doesn't
want anyone to know and that is good for me.
We walked in. I closed the door. He was looking
away. He couldn't look at me. I don't blame him.
Me: Baby I am sorry. I didn't want to cause
problems between me and your sister. He is
messing with my head
He turned around
Elton: My sister can't know about this !
Me: What if that boy tells her? He is sick Elton.
He put me in this game. I feel like he won me
over because I started feeling something
Elton: I don't want to hear my mother say that !
Me: i know it's embarrassing I am ashamed of
Him: When did this start ?
Me: I walked in on him and TaSha naked on the
couch at Laila's house
Him: What were you doing there?
Oh No! I went there to betray my son. I can't tell
him that
Me: Your sister asked me to ask Laila to be part
of the wedding. We want her to bake the cake
Elton: And you and Hungani ?
Me: The day he and Masixole fought. I went
there to ask him not to lay charges. He started
giving me compliments. I got uncomfortable and
left. He thought I wanted him
Elton: Do you?
Me: What!? No! I don't want him. It's wrong
Elton: it's Humiliating!
Me: I know
Elton: I will make sure I speak to Hungani and
Tasha about this. They can't say anything
Me: Tasha knows ?
Elton: Overheard me confronting Hungani. She
started crying and fainted. She is in hospital now
Me: Oh My God is she okay ?
Elton: I don't know and I don't care. If that baby
dies, it's the child's father Who killed it
Elton: I will make sure that bastard doesn't say
anything and also his bitch. I will make sure she
doesn't talk because if she does
Me: Baby don't ruin your life because of me. I
don't want you to beat anyone up. You will go to
Elton: Mom I don't have to do anything to them.
They do things to themselves. They harm
themselves look at the news. He is messing up
his career. His girlfriend is under a lot of stress.
They fight a lot that's how I get my revenge from
He gave me my phone
Elton: I deleted his number and blocked him on
WhatsApp. I see you already blocked the
Me: Yes i did. And i was about to do the same on
WhatsApp when you saw that
Elton: If he contacts you again please let me
Me: I will I promise
He opened the door then walked out. I let out a
sigh of relief. I dialled Queens number
Nomakhosazana: Hey
Me: You were right. He doesn't want my
daughter to know
Nomakhosazana: I told you.
Me: Thank you
Nomakhosazana: Thank Me by staying away
from that boy
Me: Do you have to ask? I would be stupid if I'd
entertain this
Nomakhosazana: Good
Me: Later
Nomakhosazana: Alright bye
Me: Bye
I hung up then rested on the edge of my
husband's desk
I hope that child lives or that girl will come here
and confront me. How am I gonna look at her
after this though ?

< Hungani >
I cant lose my child I can't. My child can't die
because of me. How can i be so stupid. How is
Tasha going to forgive me after this? Why am I
so stupid. What am I going after my mother's
friend. I need to deal with this obsession I have
over that family before things get ugly. I don't
know what is wrong with me. If this get to
Priscella she will hate me even more.
Right now I don't want to think about that. All i
want to think about is my child. I hope he is
okay. I hope they are both okay after that. She
looked pale when the doctors took her.
Anyway I saw the doctor come out. I stood up
Me: How are they doctor?
Doctor: They are both fine. The mother has been
under a lot of stress and that is not good for the
baby Mr Oliphant. She told me you guys have
been fighting a lot. If this happens again they
could both be in danger
Me: I will make sure it doesn't happen again.
Can I see her ?
He opened the door
Doctor: Go in I will go check on my other
He opened the door for me. I walked in. I saw
her lying on bed. She is angry. This is Elton's
fault. The gun shocked Tasha.
Me: Hey
Tasha: Refilwe Seputla really?
Me: I was sending that picture to you. I....
Tasha: Get out if you came here to lie! out!!!
Me: Okay. I was stupid. I sent it to her. I don't
know why i did please forgive me
Tasha: What kinda person are you?
Me: I am sorry Tasha. I swear i.....
Tasha: You wanted to buy me an engagement
ring. The same day you sent another woman a
nude. What is wrong with you ?
Tasha: You almost killed my baby
Me: That Elton boy scared you. I have cameras
in my house. I am taking the footage to the
police. I want him arrested!
I said that then looked at the door. I am going
home now to take the footage.
Tasha: You send that footage to the police I
terminate this pregnancy
What ? I turned around and looked at her
Me: Tasha what.....
Tasha: You know I would and I think this baby
doesn't deserve to have a father who is as
disgusting as you are and I would be saving him
from dying painfully in my stomach because of
the stress you put me in
Me: Tasha....
Tasha: What is happening to you is all your fault
Hungani! You can't blame Masixole for beating
you. You can't blame Elton for threatening you.
If you go to your house and take a footage and
get Elton arrested I get abortion and move on
with my life!
" There is no footage ! " said a voice at the door. I
turned around. What is this son of a bitch doing
Elton: I destroyed the cameras before I took out
the gun
He said looking at Tasha then at me
Elton: You didn't see that because you were
Hungani: Why di....
He didn't let me finish
Elton: Now here is what's gonna happen Bitches
I bit my lower lip dying with anger. I wanna
punch him in the face. He looked at me.
Elton: Priscella can't know that you have
mommy issues
Elton: From now on you didn't seduce my
mother. We are leaving that in this room and we
are burying it here
Me: Or what ?
He looked at me
Elton: I have the footage where you're pulling
my pregnant sister
Dammit! I looked down furious. He looked at
Elton: And you baby girl. The footage from
yesterday is safely saved in my hard drive
Elton: Let's just move on with our lives. You
Play happy family and I will enjoy myself with a
younger girl with family values
Tasha looked down
Elton: That's all. Merry Christmas ;)
He walked out. I kicked the chair
< Narrated >
At Nontorotyi's house. She was nervous chasing
away the pilot who brought ashes. Her sister
and sister in law were inside. She was nervous.
She felt like this was happening at the wrong
time and she is right. Minutes ago her family
was asking for her brother now a second later
someone is delivering his ashes. She felt
Nontorotyi: Off you go!
She slammed the door in his face. She turned
around and saw her sister in law and Sister
Standing infront of her
Sabonkolo: Are you okay ?
Nontorotyi: Yes
Nontorotyi walked away to the living room
Nontorotyi: My sister wife is gonna drive me
crazy. She is planning to renovate the house at
the back. She sent this guy to fetch me. I don't
know why she wants me to be part of her
renovations anyway guys I will be right back
They looked at her questioning her behavior
with face expressions. She took her handbag
then looked at them. And started thinking while
looking at them " I hope they didn't hear
anything. They look at me like I am crazy Maybe
I am because I am nervous " She was saying that
in her head looking at them. She looked at the
Nontorotyi: Deliwe make them coffee and give
them biscuits I will be back
Deliwe: Okay my Queen!
I ran to the door. I opened it then walked out. I
ran to the palace with my heels on. I saw
Nomahelele. She didn't say anything. She
pointed At their private jet. I didn't ask. I went to
it running. She was walking there also. We
arrived at the same time.
Nomahelele: Looks like your wishes just came
Nontorotyi: Nomahelele how can you ask them
to send that to my house!!!
Nomahelele: I had no idea it was coming today
Nontorotyi heard her phone rings. She looked at
it then answered
Nontorotyi: Nontorotyi?
Caller: Are you scared?
Nontorotyi: Who is this ?
Nomahelele went closer curious
Caller: I just wanted to make your blood boil.
You're very smart I must say....
Nontorotyi: May Dlungane?
Nomahelele looked shocked to learn that it's her
cousin on the phone
May: My mother was a Dlungane. I am
Ndamase. I thought you googled me
Nontorotyi: Please don't do that again!
May: I was just testing you. Lifting your spirit
up. You're so relaxed like someone who didn't
kill her own brother
Me: It wasn't me! It was your cousin!!
May: Ha ha ha ha see you at the wedding...... ( Tu
tu tu tu )
Nontorotyi sat down on the green grass
Nomahelele: What did she say ?
Nontorotyi: She is sick just like all of you
Dlungane girls!
Nomahelele: Be careful
Nontorotyi: What does she want from me? She
says she wanted to scare me. Make me nervous
that's why she sent the ashes to my house what
if My husband was there!?
Nomahelele went down and hugged Nontorotyi
Nontorotyi: That woman creeps me out
Nomahelele broke the hug. She looked at
Nontorotyi straight in the eyes. She was livid
Nomahelele: You haven't seen nothing!
Nontorotyi put her hands on her mouth when
she realised that Nomahelele was in on this. She
stood up. So did Nomahelele
Nontorotyi: You asked her to do this ?
Nomahelele: When i got you out of jail I
promised the royal house that I will change you.
Make you more respectful !
Nomahelele: What you did at Christmas
breakfast can't be repeated do you hear me ?
Nomahelele: Do you hear me !!!!! ?
She snapped frightening Nontorotyi.
Nomahelele's eyes turned red. She had glassy
eyes. She was fuming with anger
Nontorotyi: Yes
Nomahelele: Now fly away little bird! off you go
Nontorotyi didn't ask why, She ran away.
Nomahelele looked at Philip the pilot
Nomahelele: Give me the ashes and go
Philip: Yes ma'am
He gave her the ashes then walked to the private
jet. Nomahelele looked into thin air breathing



< Tasha >
I don't buy this "if I get anywhere near Elton I
will be arrested" nonsense. I am going to Corben
today and ask him myself. After that, I am going
to get my pay back from Elton and Hungani
unfortunately for them it won't be sweet. Elton
heard me defend him but still he calls me a
bitch/ tramp. As for Hungani. This son of a Dog
went from daughter to mother? I want Priscella
to hate him even more. I want to make sure
there is nothing that gets them back together
again. I am sorry if I will ruin a family but I am
tired of being played by Hungani. I want to ruin
him and love him at the same time. I do love him
a lot. I mean look at the things i have done to be
with him. I want this obsession he has with that
family to end now.
I almost lost my baby because of him. How can
he do something like this? How can he wanna be
with that woman. A mother of his ex girlfriend.
Hungani makes me sick. He is still here. I am
really not in the mood for him right now. I wish
I could stay in this hospital for days. I am angry
that I am being discharged in like two hours I
got here.
Me: He is right you know
Hungani looked at me
Him: The doctor?
The doctor just walked out to get my discharge
papers. I am not talking about the doctor and he
knows it I don't know why he is acting crazy.
Me: Elton.....
Hungani: About what ?
Me: You were so quick to publicize our
relationship. Things are not going well you're
not happy with me and we are always fighting.
My advise is let's just pretend and play happy
family for the baby's sake. You heard the doctor.
Stress is not good for us
Hungani: Tasha my love for you is no joke. I
can't pretend. I don't want to pretend. I want to
love you. I love you
I looked at him then shook my head in disbelief
Me: My last name is not Seputla Hungani. You
can't love me. I swear if Elton would ask you out
you'd go for it! that's how obsessed you are with
that family !
Hungani. You know what? i don't want to stress
you even more
He walked to the door
Me: Walking out on me while I am talking hurts
more than the altercations
He stopped walking. He turned around
Hungani: What do you want me to do?
Me: Tell me what is it about that family. I
thought you were in love with Priscella. Now it
turns out You're in love with everyone in that
family even her mother
He put his hand on his head. He kicked a chair
then sat down
Hungani: I don't love Refilwe
Me: The texts don't agree with your statement
Hungani: That day she saw us naked
Me: And you're trying to put the blame on her
and say she seduced you after she saw us? I saw
the texts !
Hungani: You remember I told you she came to
see me...
Me: Yesc
Hungani: I might've read something wrong. I
complimented her. She got uncomfortable and
left. I thought maybe she was trying to avoid
Me: Well you were wrong! The woman probably
got terrified and ran
Hungani: I am sorry Tasha
Me: It's a lot to know that the man you love is in
love with someone else but finding out that He
has been persuing something with the mother of
the same woman in he in love with?
Hungani: I know. I am so sorry. I promise I will
never do something like this again.
He took my hand
Him: Maybe we shouldn't go to my mother's
Me: No! I can't miss that
There is no way I am not going there. I need to
speak to that woman.
Hungani: Are you sure ?
Me: Yes. I am looking forward to meeting your
Hungani:... We can visi.....
Me: Today
Hungani:.......... ?
Me: You should check on the doctor. I can't wait
for the Christmas lunch
Hungani: Sure
He walked out. I looked at him. This is going to
be one awkward family lunch and I will be
responsible for making it unbearable

< Nontorotyi >
I will not forget what Nomahelele did to me. I
can't believe she did all that just to show me she
could mess up my life just like that. How can you
not lashout when you feel like you're not treated
right in your marriage. I am sexually frustrated.
I want to have sex with my husband and all he
thinks about is his new wife. Now tell me how
can you not be angry at the woman who is
giving your husband all his desires. I am nothing
to him now. I never meant what happened at
Christmas breakfast I really didn't. I was just
pissed off at her for being the favourite wife. I
am sick of my husband who decided to change
over night.
Anyway Nomahelele and I decided that the
ashes will stay at her house. When i miss my
brother I will go speak to him there. Right now I
have a woman to confront. A woman who have
become useless over night. The likes of
Notiniphu speak to me as they please now. They
don't respect me because they know my secret
and Zinyovile didn't tell me this. She hid this
from me. How could she ? How could she miss
something so important? What if she lied to me
when she said One of princes knew about this ? I
am sick of her games.
Anyway I just got here. I got out of my car. I
locked it then walked to the house. I got to the
door and knocked. I can't even hear footsteps. I
knocked again
Me: Zinyovile it's me! Nontorotyi
Still no answer. I am going in. I turned the door
handle then walked in.
Me: Zinyovile what the hell?
There are papers everywhere. She is covering
herself with a blanket. Her eyes are red. It looks
like she has been crying
Me: I am supposed to be a drama queen around
here but what I am seeing here ?
Me: Your actually cut out papers from a note
book and wiped your tears. Don't you have
tissue or maybe your clothes. Why are you
damaging your eyes?
Zinyovile: Leave !
How dare she gets mad at me.
Me: Not until you tell me why you forgot to tell
me Notiniphu knows about Ngejiwe not being
My husband's daughter!
Me: You can't speak now ?
She looked at me. I saw tears in her eyes.
Zinyovile: Uzotala? ( Are you here to gloat?)
Me: What ?
Zinyovile: Your family killed my niece! You
killed my niece now you're here to see the
damage you've caused me. Did they send you
here ?
Oh My God. I put my hand on my chest.
Me: Oh My God she is dead
Zinyovile: Don't you dare play dumb with me !
Me: Zinyovile you're a traditional healer. You
know when someone is lying to you. I
understand you're going through a lot but you
can't accuse me of this. You know I am not their
accomplice !
She stood up. She went to the door. She opened
the door.
Zinyovile: Maybe I need to be alone !
Me: You know I knew nothing about this right?
She looked at me.
Zinyovile: I want to be left alone
Me: Okay
I walked out then looked at her.
She closed the door. I thought I was gonna be
happy but right now I am not sure anymore. It's
sad to see her like this.

< Priscella >
My mother wants to see me, Masixole and Elton.
I wonder what is this about. I am tired of
fighting with my mother. If this is about how he
defended my ex over Masixole and Elton, We
are going to fight. These are two men I love so
much. I won't let her loyalty to her friend hurt
the people I love. I don't care about Hungani. He
is a jerk. Everything that is happening to him he
invited it to himself. I just want him out of our
lives. What I hate more is the fact that he always
makes sure there is something that is upsetting
my family. His constant fights with my brother
will always make us see each other or talk about
him. I am tired of talking about him. I am afraid
that he will change my Fiancé and make him a
person he doesn't wanna be. I am afraid he
might ruin my brother's life and make him end
up in jail. Actually both Masixole and Elton
might go to jail if He keeps coming to us and
upsetting them. He has a good life. He has a
great job, Loyal fans and a pregnant gorgeous
woman. I might hate him but I want the best for
him. I want him to be happy WITHOUT ME. I
pray for that all the time. Hungani and i can
never be friends even if we want to. We've been
through a lot.
Anyway I just cannot wait to hear what mom
wanna talk about. I am praying I won't get
upset. I will try by all means to stay calm.
Me: So Mom what is this about?
Elton: I don't like meetings. They make me
Mom: Okay I wanted to speak to you guys
because I want to get you guys tickets to go to
Chicago and have your bachelor party there. All
of you the girls and the guys what do you say.
Just after new year you leave
Me: No thanks
Mom: Why honey?
Me: Mom it's 25th December. Next month on the
10th it's my wedding. I am busy planning a
wedding. We can't be in two continents in such a
short period of time. I am sorry mom. It's a great
gesture yes but we can't do America sorry
Mom: Honey is this about earlier ?
Elton looked at mom. I did too
Me: No mom! think about it also. We have no
Mom: It's not about the fight we had?
Me: Oh My God mom no! it has nothing to do
with that. I am flattered that you asked and I
don't want you to tell my bridesmaids that I said
no! Some of them have never left the country.
They will want to go and they might hate me for
saying no but we have no time
Mom: I am sending your brother to a cruiseship
trip. I wanted to do something nice for you too
Me: I appreciate that mom. But think about it.
Monday I have to take the girls for
measurements the dresses are not even made
yet. Today it's 25th December and on January
10th it's my wedding. I have like 14 days left
mom. We can't leave everything like this. I am
pregnant. I have to go fit my dress Monday and
almost everyday until It's finished please
understand. I can take them after the wedding
just to thank them
Mom: Okay sweetie I understand
Masixole: We haven't decided on our
honeymoon destination yet. Maybe we should
go to America after the wedding and leave the
guys there and go to Hawaii
Me: I like that
Mom: Well that's My wedding gift to you guys
I hugged her
Me: Thank you
Mom: You're welcome
I broke the hug.
Elton: Damn me, Prince Nomgcwabe and
Algebra are lucky. Under 30 days we will go to
two international trips
Me: I hope next year will be normal and better
than this year. No more drama from you bro I
will have a child. I can't take care of you both
Elton: Funny
Me: I am serious
Elton: Don't worry Sis. This year I wanna work
and also finish my degree
Mom: That's wonderful baby
Elton looked at mom
Elton: Yeah
He walked away. I looked at mom. She looked
Me: Are you two okay ?
Mom: Yeah! we are great
Me: Are you sure ?
Mom: He didn't like me shouting at him for what
he did. He also felt like I was defending Hungani
and he was right. You're both right
Me: No mom I am sorry. It's just that you see
good in other people but some people don't
deserve that kindness because they take
advantage of it
Mom: Oh tell me something I don't know. It
looks like you're smarter than me
Masixole: Ms Refilwe did something happen?
She looked at Masixole and smiled.
Her: No, Nothing happened. I just don't want to
lose my children
I put my hand on her shoulder
Me: You'd never lose us. Dad would kill us
Mom: Thank you Prissy
Me: Don't worry mom. We can fight but nothing
can ever come between us. We are family
Mom: Thank you
I hugged her then looked at Masixole
Masixole: ;)

< Judge Makhosazana >
You know making rushed decisions is never a
good idea. Imagine what was gonna happen if
Refilwe told Priscella thinking Elton was gonna
tell her. She would've ruin her relationship with
her daughter. This woman needs to get out of
the country. She is in big trouble. Nothing ends
well with secrets. The only reason I don't
encourage her to come clean is because I am
worried about Priscella. She is under a lot of
pressure. She is planning a wedding and that is
stressful enough and she is pregnant. I can't risk
it. I just hope she can get rid of that boy's
feelings completely and manage to make him
stay away from her. She can report him for
harassment but I feel like she doesn't want that.
She is enjoying a young man wanting her. This is
a dangerous game she is playing.
Anyway I am sitting with my River. I saw Siqalo
walking in. I wonder who is here now.
Me: Siqalo
Siqalo: My Queen Mrs Ndengana is here
Me: Nontorotyi?
Siqalo: Yes my Queen
Me: send her in
Siqalo walked out. We saw Nontorotyi walk in
Nontorotyi: I am family I am tired of being
announced My Queen
Me: He is only doing his job. Let's respect
people's jobs like they respect ours. I hear you
and your daughter call My chef a servant.
Notiniphu is here because of her proffesion
Nontorotyi: Speaking of her!
She looked around
Nontorotyi: Who told her about my secret?
Me: She knows?
Nontorotyi: Maybe people must discuss such
matters in private. this wide living room is not
Me: I am sorry. I will Speak to her no need to
Nontorotyi: I am sorry. It's just that I freaked out
and why am I the last person to know about
Nomgcwabe and Phonqa's father ?
Me: What do you know about him ?
Who told her this ?
Nontorotyi: Phonqa told Ngejiwe
Nomahelele: Nontorotyi even the Queen of this
village don't call those kids like that. She
respects them. Why don't you call them Prince
or princess before you say their names ?
Nontorotyi: I apologise. I just feel like I am the
only one who is in the dark
Me: The kids didn't know. They found out the
day after he died. You were not the only one
who didn't know
Nontorotyi: Oh okay
River stood up
Nomahelele: I will be right back ladies
She walked up the stairs
Me: Whisky ?
Nontorotyi: Please
I stood up. I poured her whisky and also poured
Me: River decided to stop drinking for a while so
I don't like drinking when she is around that is
why I would like us to gulp our drinks before
she comes down
I gave her a drink
Nontorotyi: Thanks, Is she pregnant yet ?
It's weird to talk to Nontorotyi in a civil manner
Me: We don't know and we don't want to
pressure her to test. It's still too soon
I gulped my drink. I went and put my glass. She
did the same and gave me the glass, I put it
down. I went and sat down
Nontorotyi: If Nomahelele is not pregnant now
then she will never be. She has been having sex
with The chief ever since i was gone till today
Me: Let's not put pressure on her Okay?
Nontorotyi shrugged her shoulders
I saw River walking down looking nervous. I
looked at her
Me: What is it? You look terrified?
Nomahelele: No i am great!
She looked at Nontorotyi. Nontorotyi stood up.
Nontorotyi: I think you two wanna talk. Without
Me: We will talk later
She looked at River then walked away
Me: I wonder when will you two get along ?
Nomahelele: Never mind her. We have a serious
Me: What is it ?
Nomahelele: I just switched on my burner
phone. The girl left me a voicemail asking for
money. Then she.....
Me: River breathe!
She breathe in and out
Me: Now tell me what is going on? What girl are
you talking about?
She exhaled then sat down.
Nomahelele: She first sent me a voicemail asking
me to help her with Five thousand rands. She
also left another one saying she borrowed the
money from a loan shark because I wasn't
responding to her messages. She wants Me to
give her Ten thousand now before 26th
December which is tomorrow. She said if I don't
she will talk
Me: What girl!!!?
She stood up then looked around. She looked at
the kitchen.
Me: There is no one. Notiniphu walked out an
hour ago. She is with Deliwe. What girl?
Nomahelele: The prostitute!
I put my hand on my mouth. I searched for the
couch. I sat down
Me: What is today's date?
Nomahelele: relax! deadline is today. Tonight I
am going to Mthatha
I stood up
Me: River you can't go there. What if it's a set
up? What if they want to arrest you! What
agreement did you and her have ?
Nomahelele: That I send her money every
month end
Me: It hasn't been month end yet!
Nomahelele: Cuz she had an emergency !
Me: River you can't go there !
Nomahelele: I am not stupid and that girl is not
stupid as well. She took me to her house. She
wouldn't mess with me !
Me: I am going with you!
Nomahelele: No nee......
Me: You get your gun ready.. I will make sure
mine is ready. You're not leaving this house
without Me!
Nomahelele: Imagine the judge arrested for
murder! are you out of your mind?
She is right about that.
Nomahelele: I will be fine. Come here
We hugged. I am not comfortable with this. I
don't know. I am just scared. I don't want her to
get arrested. She can't lose her medical licence
because of me.




< Priscella >
It would've been very nice to go to the US with
the guys, In fact it would've been amazing to go
and have my bridal shower there. I just wish the
wedding was not too soon but it is and there is
nothing I can do about it. I don't want to go to
the coronation as just a Fiancé. I want to go
there as his wife and we can't move the
coronation so this wedding is happening and I
am afraid United States can't happen now I want
to focus and make my wedding the best. I think
after the wedding is perfect. I am willing to go
have nine or eight days in the USA and that
means I should also start looking for a dress for
the coronation because i will be late if I don't do
that before i go to the honeymoon.
Anyway Sonia is here. I haven't seen her since
yesteday. I am so happy to see Ms Reality star. I
want to talk to her about what's going on
between her and her ex husband and I also
wanna talk about the trip as well.
Me: You look happy and glowing
Sonia: Well it's Christmas friend. I have to look
and feel great
Me: With that feedback you got last night I am
not surprised. You deserve to be happy friend
Sonia: I wish my friend was happy as well..... ?
She said giving me a questioning look
Sonia: You're getting married pretty soon. You
should be happy and you don't seem happy
Cleo brought us drinks. She gave Sonia wine and
juice for me.
Sonia: Thanks Cleo
Cleo: You're welcome Ms Sonia
She gave me my glass
Me: Thank you
Cleo: You're welcome ma'am
She walked out of the lounge. We are sitting
Sonia: I am glad we are sitting here. The sound
of the elevator down stairs is kinda irritating
Me: I know right
Sonia: So what's up ?
Me: A lot. You saw the papers ?
Sonia: Yeah. Don't tell me you're angry with
your brother
Me: No! I am actually glad he did that. Mom was
upset that he did. I kind of had a fight with her
about it. I can't believe she was on Hungani's
side. She did the same when Masixole beat
Sonia: Don't tell me Mrs R is still against your
relationship with Masixole?
Me: No! Mom was the one who invited Masixole
to live with us and she is great friends with my
mother in law. I just told you even in this case
he was on Hungani's side over her own son but
the good thing is she apologised
Sonia: That is a good thing why are you
bothered with that though? She apologised. The
poor woman doesn't like drama you know that
Me: Thalala was murdered this morning.....
Sonia: No!
Me: I don't know whether it happened last night
or this morning. The Queen called this morning
Sonia: Oh My God. Last night Brianna died
Me: Friend there is more
Sonia: What?
Me: Brianna's cousin comitted suicide when he
learnt that Brianna is dead
Sonia gulped her glass of wine
Sonia: Cleo!!! bring up the bottle!!
She looked at me
Sonia: Oh My God! what is going on ?
Me: I don't know friend. This is bad
Sonia: A girl I hired Three days ago is now no
more ?
Me: They slit her throat friend
We heard someone clear their throat behind us.
Sonia screamed and jumped up. I stood up and
turned around. Wow Gedleza? What is he doing
here ? I looked at Sonia
Me: Friend I am pregnant. You can't scream like
Sonia: I am sorry friend. I didn't see him come in
Gedleza: Thalala hired the man to beat her up so
that she could call Masixole for help
Me: What?
Mom ran in
Mom: What is going on? What's with the noise.....
Before we could answer her She saw Gedleza
Mom: Gedleza I thought you left ?
Me: Mom He is not here the way you think.......
Gedleza: Thalala hired the man to beat her up so
that she could call Masixole for help.....
Mom: The high school ex ?
Cleo walked in. Mom took the bottle of wine.
Mom: You can go!
Cleo walked out
Me: So she was still planning to come for
Masixole ?
Gedleza: Yes My Queen. The man got too excited
and killed her
Mom: Good riddance!
Gedleza vanished
Sonia: He is gone?
I looked at mom .
Me: Mom you said the same with Brianna why
don't you feel anything? They are human
Mom: Humans who were a threat in your life.
Honey I won't change my mind. Those two girls
got what they deserveD. I am not going to
apologise for that
Sonia: I am sorry friend but Mrs R is right.
Thalala was not gonna give up without a fight as
for Brianna? It was only a matter of time she
I took a sip.

< Hungani >
I didn't want to come see my mom when Tasha
and I are not good. I don't want her to snap
infront of my mother and i don't want her to say
something she shouldn't say. I saw the look in
her face and how desperate she wanted to come
here. Earlier in the morning I went to buy the
ring. I have it with me. I just want to ask my
mother's permission to marry her. I hope in that
table she will find something she likes about
Anyway we just arrived. We were waiting for
someone to open the door. Mom opened the
Me: Mother
Mom: What took you so long come here
Mom ran to me and hugged me. She looked at
Mom: You must be Tasha right?
I smiled at Tasha
Tasha: Yes ma'am. Nice to meet you. Beautiful
house you have here
Mom: Thank you sweetie
She pointed at the living room. We walked to the
living room
Mom: So why are you late?
Me: Traffi....
Tasha: I fainted !
Everyone at dinning table stood up. It's my
siblings and their spouses, my nephews and
Tasha looked at me.
Tasha: Sorry babe. I just don't want your mother
to think i am disrespectful for being late
She took out her medical report. She gave it to
my Mom.
Tasha: Hungani and i had a fight. I fainted
Me: Bab....
Mom: Don't stop her! I see here they say it's
stress that caused the fainting! why are you
troubling the poor girl ?
Dammit! I knew she was up to something
Tasha: Oh My head. I feel light headed
I helped her sit
Me: Are you okay babe ?
Mom: She is not okay. She was just admitted !
what did you do?
Me: Mom we are a couple. Couples fight. Don't
you agree Michelle?
Michelle: My brother is right mom but it can't
happen again. Come sit with us
I kissed her cheek. We greeted everyone then sat
Michelle: So my brother has a new girlfriend.
Can you tell us about you
I looked at Tasha
Me: Come on Mich......
Tasha: It's okay baby
She looked at My sister
Tasha: I am Tasha Battlefield. I am a final year
student. I am doing my final year next year. I am
an instagram entrepreneur and an actress
Brother: Anything we know you've acted on?
Tasha: Yes but my episodes are not yet televised.
You will watch me on I SEE HEAVEN February
Michelle: Thee I SEE HEAVEN? the most watched
soap in the country ?
Tasha: Yes i was very lucky. I didn't even
audition. They just called me
Michelle: Being with my brother has perks
Tasha: No! you're wrong ma'am. I was not in a
relationship with him then. If anyone would
take credit for my fame it's my ex
Michelle: Brendan O'Neal?
She looked at me
Michelle: My brother's friend
Me: Okay that's enough!
Tasha: No let her speak her mind
This is not going the way I wanted it to. Tasha
looked at Michelle
Tasha: What was happening between me and
Brendan was just a publicity stunt nothing more.
I was not in a relationship with him. I am talking
about Elton
I said we shouldn't mention that boy's name
again i don't know why she is doing this.
Me: Nice food mom
Mom: You know me
Tasha: So Mrs Oliphant ?
I am not comfortable with this.
Mom: Yes ?
Tasha: How was your relationship with Hungani
when he was young?
Michelle: Oh I am very interested to hear this
I am not sure where is Tasha going with this
Me: Mom you don't have to do this
Mom: Well.....
Brother: He was mom's favourite. Talk about
mama's boy
I loked at Tasha
Me: He is lying baby anyway let's talk about
something else like your marriage life guys?
Tasha: Does he have history with older women ?
I mean really older women?
Everyone looked shocked. I am sick of this now
Me: Baby we gonna leave if you keep this up
Mom: No, Let her ! come on baby. Speak your
I looked at her with pleading us. She must stop.
She can't do this to me. My mother and Refilwe
are friends
Tasha smiled
Tasha: No, I am just getting to know my man
and i think you guys know him better
I let out a sigh of relief
This is going to be one awkward family lunch.
Everyone is looking at us. I can see they are
questioning our relationship.

< Narrated >
At Oliphant residence. It is just after that
awkward Christmas lunch. Everyone was
mingling. It looks like Hungani don't see his
siblings a lot. They are happy to see each other
and it looks like they are a very close family
judging by how He and his siblings are
interacting. At a distance we see Tasha speaking
to Mrs Oliphant.
Mrs O: You just got out of the hospital. Don't you
think standing for long might make You dizzy?
Just two hours ago you almost fell
Tasha looked at her then smiled.
Tasha: Thank you for your concern. I wish your
son was just as caring
Mrs O: My son seems to care a lot about you
don't tell me this is all an act?
Tasha: It's not or maybe it is
Mrs O: I do not understand?
Tasha: One moment he is nice and I start putting
my hopes up the next morning I hear he was
chasing Priscella Seputla
Mrs Oliphant looked down
Mrs O: They were dating for....
Tasha: I know and I also know that Priscella
can't stand him and she is marrying another
man. A very nice and faithful man. I don't know
why he can't see that I am the only woman who
can tolerate his cheating...
Mrs O: Tash...
Tasha didn't wait for her to say whatever she
wanted to say
Tasha: I just wish he could at least wait until I
give birth. He can be a good man for Nine
months right? that is not too much to ask for
Mrs Oliphant noticed that Tasha was emotional.
Tasha: He lied to me when I saw him beat. He
said he got mugged. Only to hear from my
parents that someone took a video of him
getting beat by Priscella's fiancé for harassing
her! That hurt me so much
Mrs O: I am so sorry. Hungani....
Tasha: It was just two days ago but you won't
believe me when I say two more incidents
happened after that lie and they all involve that
family !
Mrs Oliphant looked down
Tasha: Mrs Oliphant I want you to help your son
to stop obsessing over that family. I feel like he
could do anything to date someone from that
family. Right now I feel like he could even date
Elton just to be with a Seputla
Mrs O: Why would you say something like that ?
What makes you think he is obsessed with
Tasha: Hungani is obsessed with that family. I
am starting to think that Priscella is not the only
person he is obsessed with in that family
Mrs O: What do you mean ?
Tasha looked down then at Mrs Oliphant
Tasha: All I am saying is help your son before he
loses me and his child. You saw the things that
has been written about him. I can leave him and
make sure He doesn't get to see his child. The
law would be on my side. They think he is on
Mrs Oliphant swallowed hard looking at her
Tasha: I love your son. I don't want to lose my
child because of stress. The doctor said I am
stressing a lot and it's all because of him
Mrs O: No need for threats. I am sorry for all this
misunderstanding. I will speak to my son and
help him where I can
Tasha: Thank yo.....
" What are you guys talking about " Said
Hungani behind them. Tasha quickly wiped her
Mrs O: Can we go walk in the garden my boy ?
Hungani: Sure mom
Hungani walked to Tasha. He kissed her
Hungani: Are you okay babe ?
Tasha smiled
Tasha: Yes go
Hungani hugged her
Hungani: I don't like what you were trying to do.
Refilwe is mom's friend! I hope you didn't tell
her wha ....
Tasha: I didn't. I just asked her to help me win
your heart because if you don't love me I will
leave you
Hungani's eyes pooped out.
Tasha: That's all I said honey and I meant it
Hungani: Tasha I love you. I will prove myself
Tasha: You said that when you were caught on
camera getting beat but you didn't prove
Hungani: I know and now I am trying to do the
right thing
Tasha: No you're not
Hungani's eyes popped out .
Tasha: You're still lying. You apologised for lying
but we went for desert there....
Hungani: I told you why we had....
Tasha: I still think if you want to forget her or
causing problems for that family you need to
stay away from that building. It's good for you
not my insecurities. Anyway you apologised for
that too it didn't take twenty four hours for you
to mess up again. You sent your mom's friend a
half naked picture I knew nothing about and
that was like four hours ago. Now tell me do you
think i will believe you when you say you're
trying to do the right thing ?
Hungani swallowed hard
Tasha: Let's not fool ourselves here And you
don't want to mess with me. Some people might
not believe that statement Mandy wrote And if I
could confirm those journalist accusations
everyone would believe me over you and I
would win full custody of the baby and you'd
never see him or her!
Hungani: Wait ? Are you threatening me ?
Me: If that's what it will take for you to accept
that Priscella will never love you again
Tasha: Your mother is waiting for you my love
Tasha kissed his cheek then walked away
leaving Hungani floored
Tasha: I need more juice please
Tasha said waving her glass then looked at
Hungani who was slowly walking out following
his mother.

Outside we see Hungani approaching his
Hungani: I am sorry for takin.......
Mrs O: Why are you with that girl?
Hungani: Because I love her and she is carrying
my child. Actually I came....
He was about to talk about his plan to propose
when his mother rudely interrupted him.
Mrs O: You keep hurting this girl publicly and
she sees it and the baby feels it. You're the
reason she went to the hospital. The things she
said and her behavior at the table was not
because she is a disrespectful person. She is
hurting. She knows You love someone else. She
feels like there is nothing she can do to make
you love her. She is angry at you and that could
do a lot of damage to the baby is that what you
Hungani: No! of course not !
Mrs O: Do you love Priscella or you just want to
be with her for their money? Isn't your job
paying you well?
Hungani: What !? mom where is this coming
Mrs Oliphant started pacing. She was thinking.
We see Tasha standing and hide not so far from
them. She was eavesdropping
Mrs O: I am trying to put everything she said on
that table and what She said about your
obsession with that family. She thinks you're in
love with an older woman.......
Hungani looked down nervous
Mrs O: She wanted to tell me something. We
know Priscella is not older than you and your
obsession is with that family so which means.....
Hungani: What !?
Mrs O: I am sorry if I am wrong but I have a
theory and I want you to be honest with me
Hungani looked at her
Hungani: Ask anything
Mrs O: Are you in love with my friend?
Hungani: What !?
Mrs O: Boy Are you in love with Refilwe
Tasha sipped her juice
Hungani: No!!!
Mrs Oliphant walked away leaving Hungani.
Tasha ran back in.
Hungani: Mom!
Mrs O: You think i don't know you. I am your
mother. I am going somewhere And i don't want
to be followed !
She got in. She took her car keys. She walked out
and pumped at Hungani at the door
Hungani: Mo.....
She gave him a hand. She got to her car and
started the engine And drove out. Hungani put
his hands on his head. He took his phone and
dialled a number.
Hungani: Dammit she blocked me
At long last. The moment Nomaxabiso has been
waiting and dreaming of is here. She looks
nervous after the dream she had. In that dream
it looked like a lot of things went her way. She is
now wondering if in reality things will still go as
it did in her dream. She is nervous but at the
same time she is excited. She knows she is the
only heir in her family and she seems ready to
be responsible and start working for the
business. In the house we see The Chief of
Hlalwini village who is also Nomaxabiso's uncle
And the chief's wife is here. Aunt Notaligana is
here And Mr Joko the advocate is here. We see
everyone sitting down. Everyone was looking at
Advocate Joko who didn't seem ready to start at
all. Everyone was ready but he didn't seem
ready. The house was a bit fool with family
members we don't know.
Nomaxabiso: Advocate you're late
Advocate: I know
Notaligana: I guess i don't see why we should
waste more time
Nomaxabiso: I agree with aunt. I think we need
to start
Advocate: I don't
Nomaxabiso: Why? Everyone is here
Advocate: I am the lawyer here and I am
supposed to say that not you. I know who is in
this will and who is not and when everyone is
here I will start
Everyone looked each other.
Nomaxabiso started getting more nervous. She
got teary then looked down avoiding everyone's
eyes. A knock came at the door. Advocate stood
Advocate: I think it's them
He walked to the door. Nomaxabiso looked at
her aunt.
Nomaxabiso: Them?
She looked at chief who was as confused.
Advocate came in with Princess
Nomagampompo, Prince Nomgcwabe and
Prince Phonqa. We see the look on Chief's face
when She sees Princess Nomagampompo
Chief: You got to be kidding me !
Advocate: Everyone this is Princess Nontobeko
and her sons
Nomagampompo: I am sorry for keeping you
waiting. My sons were in Gauteng. A helicopter
just brought them about Fourty minutes ago
Chief: How fancy
Princess Nomagampompo looked down.
Nomgcwabe: My mother is telling you what just
happened. It's not her fault the lawyer didn't
have her number
Chief: Boy you're speaking to a chief. You better
watch how you speak to me
Nomgcwabe: I am the kinda man who would
never let another disrespect my mother the way
you just did. It doesn't matter how old you are. I
am a Prince as well And I also know a leader
don't speak to other people the way you just did
to my mother
Princess Nomagampompo smiled. The chief
looked down fuming with anger.
Advocate: Please sit
They sat down. Prince Phonqa looked at
Phonqa: Half sis ;)
It looks like Nomaxabiso is not in a good mood.
Chief: Half what ?
Advocate: I kept you waiting I want us to start
Everyone settled down. The Ndengana family
who had no idea about the secret were shocked
scanning Princess Nomagampompo kids with
eye. Chief Zidenge looked really shocked and so
was his wife.
Joko: As you know Princess Nomaxabiso, I am
both your parents lawyer so I have two wills
with me
Nomaxabiso smiled. The fact that he was
explaining this to her gave her assurance that
this is all about her but she wasn't fully happy.
She was worried about some guests she didn't
expect to come.
Joko: This is the last will of Nontobeko
Nomfunzelo Zidenge
Princess Nomagampompo shook her head in
disbelief when she heard Nomfunzelo's second
name and we all know why.
Joko: I , Nomfunzelo Zidenge leave my 40
percent shares to my beautiful daughter
Nomaxabiso Zidenge. I am sorry if this decision
will upset my husband. I know I am all
Nomaxabiso has and I want to see her having a
bright future and everything she wants
Notaligana: What does she mean when she says
Nomaxabiso only has her? We are all here for
you dear
The chief looked nervous
Joko: If My husband is not around I also leave
my house to you my daughter and I know you
will love my car you've always loved driving it. I
am happy to say I am leaving my car to you
Nomaxabiso got emotional. She looked happy
Notaligana brushed her back
Notaligana: Congratulations dear
Nomaxabiso: Thank you auntie
Joko: That is all from Mrs Zidenge's will
Mr Joko Put down the will and took Mr Zidenge's
will then looked at Notaligana
Joko: I will just get to it. Let's start with you Ms
Nomaxabiso looked at her aunt and smiled.
Joko: To my Sister I am leaving you with R150
000 rands. I want to thank you for being an
amazing sister who has always been there to
listen to me and help me when I needed advise. I
am sorry I kept a lot of things from you
Aunt Notaligana Smiled.
Mr Joko looked at the Ndengana family then at
the will
Joko: I leave 40 percent of my shares to my two
Nomaxabiso: Two children?
Aunt Notaligana looked confused and so did
everyone else
Joko: Nomgcwabe and Phonqa Ndengana
It looks like shares won't solve the mess
Shosholoza did. His sons don't look happy at all
Nomaxabiso: That's so many shares to take out
of the family
She said Whispering in Aunt Notaligana's ear.
Nomaxabiso started getting nervous. She looked
at her aunt
Joko: I am sorry sons for not recognising you. I
hope you will understand why i did what I did. I
know this might sound like an excuse but I did
all this to protect you......
The lawyer looked at Princess Nomagampompo
Joko: Nontobeko I know I might have said it's
because of my wife and other people but there is
more and you will find out later in a letter that
is directed to Nomaxabiso. Again I am sorry for
the things my family put you through
The chief sat up straight clearing his throat.
Nomaxabiso got nervous. She put her hand on
her chest
Nomaxabiso: A letter for me ?
Joko: If my wife Nomfunzelo is alive. I give her
20 percent of my 60 percent shares in the
company. If my wife is not alive. That 20 percent
shares goes to Nontobeko Ndengana
Nomaxabiso: What !? Almost all the business is
going to the Ndengana family? They are Major
shareholders now?
Chief: Are you sure this is the right will?
Joko: I have been doing this for a long time. My
family has been your lawyer for years. My dad
died your lawyer I am a professional chief so I
don't appreciate you trying to accuse me of....
Nomaxabiso started crying
Nomaxabiso: So my father didn't leave me
Joko: For Nomaxabiso Zidenge. I love you. You're
my daughter. I raised you and I am proud of the
woman you've become. I love you and your
mother loves you and I know you will have a
good life. I hope you're not angry with me for
What I did. What I leave for your mother is
Nomaxabiso: Where is She? She is dead! did he
think about that ?
Joko: If my wife is not alive when I am gone I am
leaving the house to Nomaxabiso Zidenge. You
grew up here. I don't want you to lose your
childhood memories. This house is now yours
but only if your mother is no more. I am also
leaving you with a letter that i want read in
front of everyone at My will reading. I hope it
will clarify things to everyone
Chief: Advocate are you sure he wanted this
letter read in front of these strangers ?
Notaligana: That's what the will said! that's what
our brother wanted !
Notaligana snapped at her brother because she
could notice there is something he is hiding.
Nomaxabiso: I can't believe this
Joko: Before the letter is read there are three
things left. I have a life policy that will payout
R500 000 rands. That money I want it given to
Nontobeko Ndengana.....
Nomaxabiso: So this man left me nothing!!
Princess Nomagampompo smiled.
Joko: My truck will remain working for the
business. My van. I want to give it to my last
born son Phonqa. He seems like an adventurous
boy who can even do hard labour and get his
hands dirty. My first born son the Mercedes
Benz is yours
Nomaxabiso: That's it!
Nomaxabiso stood up crying.
Notaligana: Nomaxabiso please sit !
Nomaxabiso: He didn't love me
Notaligana: That's not true. He left you a house.
Nomaxabiso: Just a house!!! ?
Joko: Can I read the letter or you will read it Ms
Nomaxabiso sat down looking angry.
Nomaxabiso: Read
Joko: It is not easy to write this letter. My wife
you will have to forgive me. I knew if I discussed
this with you Nomaxabiso was never gonna find
Nomaxabiso started crying.
Joko: Our daughter has to know what is going
on. She must know why I had to give all my
shares to my sons......
Advocate Joko looked at Nomaxabiso
Joko: Nomaxabiso many years ago I was in a
Chief: I think you shouldn't do this!
Nomaxabiso: Uncle this is my letter! it's not your
place to say that! continue Advocate
Joko: Many years ago I was in a relationship
with this woman. She didn't have much at the
time. All she had was her royalty blood. Her
family didn't have much, at least not much to
impress or benefit my family or should I say my
Joko looked at Chief. He sat up straight looking
nervous. Everyone looked at him.
Joko: I loved that woman even though that
changed over the years...
Joko: This girl fell pregnant. I was only 18 years.
I was stupid and young. I was scared I told my
brother that and my father overheard me telling
my brother about the pregnancy. My father said
I should marry The woman. I keep saying
woman. I am talking about Nontobeko
Nomagampompo Ndengana. After we spoke to
my father, My brother asked to speak to me
Princess Nomagampompo started sobbing.
Joko: He was not happy at all. He said I didn't
love her and I was gonna regret marrying her
later. Like I said his reasons were The Ndengana
family was not wealthy at the time. My brother
thought Nontobeko was not good enough for me.
He went on and spiked her drink and caused her
Nomagampompo: Oh My God
Chief: I can't sit here and listen to this
He stood up and ran out of The house like he
was being chased out
Joko: I am sorry that I didn't tell you about what
My brother did. He was greedy. He wanted
power. He found a rich girl who was pregnant
with another man's child. The girl was raped so
her parents thought it was a good idea she gets
married to me. They paid my brother a lot of
money to lie to my family. So my brother bullied
me to agree to this but that was not entirely his
fault because I got some of that money. So my
brother brought her home to introduce her to
our parents. That pregnant woman was your
mother. I am not your biological father
Nomaxabiso: Oh My God
Princess Nomagampompo looked at Notaligana
Nomagampompo: Did you know about this all
this time?
Notaligana: No! I didn't even know he had
children with you
Nomaxabiso: Oh My God




< Nomaxabiso >
I cannot believe this. I cannot believe I am not a
Zidenge. How can my family hide something like
this from me? How can my dad hate his sons
and stay with me. My mother should've told me
this. I have So many questions with no answers.
What I am gonna do? Who is going to answer
my questions? This is all my uncle's fault. I am a
no one. I just found out my father is not my
father and he didn't leave me anything. I
thought he loved me. I always thought I was
daddy's little girl now to find out that i was
fooling myself my dad didn't even love me is a
lot. What is going to happen ? I don't want to
know what is gonna happen to me. I don't want
to know maybe it's a good thing he didn't leave
me anything. I was gonna be guilty to accept his
assets. I am guilty that he loved and chose me
over his children. My life is a mess. It is not
going as I expected it to go. I didn't marry The
king. I lost my parents. Now j just found out that
I am a product of rape. I need to go see my
mother's family and find out who raped my
mother. Maybe he is still alive. I need him to
answer a few questions for me.
Anyway the Ndengana family just left. The
lawyer just walked out. There is another man I
need to confront. My uncle. He is the one who
put us in this mess. He is not even my uncle.
How dare he decides who should be my father? I
am so mad at everyone right now
Me: All this time i was living a lie and no one
thought i should know
Notaligana: Nomaxabiso I swear i didn't
Me: People always say I look like my dad. Even
those boys I saw a lot of me ......
I sat down
Me: Or maybe it was in my head
Auntie: Nomaxabiso when you live with
someone for a long time or when people know
you're someone's child They try to find
Me: I don't look like my..... I don't look like
Shosholoza! I never did
Auntie: You're my brother's daughter ! He raised
Me: That's all he did. He raised me. He didn't
love me. He just loved the woman who gave
birth to me
Notaligana: That is not true!
Me: What did he leave me ?
She swallowed hard
Notaligana: This house look at it
Me: Auntie I am not stupid! we both know he
did that because he knew my mom was gonna
get it and give it to me. If He loved me he
would've said if mom is not alive the shares he
gave to Nomagampompo should be mine!
She looked down
Me: He didn't because I am not his and the years
we spent together meant nothing to him. He
even gave all his cars to his children ! which
simple shows He didn't love me
Auntie: I know my brother loved you. He raised
I walked away then stopped
Me: Wait.......
I turned around.
Auntie: What is it ?
Me: Nothing was said about the Ndangana
Auntie: You're right! let me call the lawyer !
She ran to her bedroom. I looked around then
took my phone. I dialled Malingene's number.
His phone rang. He answered
Malingene: Hey chomie
Oh My God. It's his wife
Ncinci: Nomaxabiso
Me: Hey friend. I was calling you and your
phone was off. I am....
Ncinci: Are you okay?
Me: Yeah.... what's happening for Christmas?
Ncinci: We are just having drinks. I am sorry I
didn't invite you it's just....
Me: No it's okay friend I understand. I just
wanted to say merry Christmas
Ncinci: Do you want me to come. I don't mind.....
Me: No! I don't think I will be a good company. I
don't want to see anyone
Her: Okay then. We will talk later
Me: Bye
I hung up. then threw my phone on the couch.
Me: Maybe you should stop answering A phone
that is not yours!
I sat down. I saw auntie coming to me. She
looked nervous. I stood up
Me: How did it go with Advocate Joko?
She sat down
Me: Aunt what is going on ?
Notaligana: Your father....
Can she stop it already! that man is not my
father and he proved that to me in so many
Notaligana: He gave those shares to his sons
while he was still alive. Apparently he said he
wanted them to have something from him
This messes up all my plans now. I don't know
what to do. I don't even think I want to get
married anymore. I feel like in that family I
won't have anything to hold against them. All i
will be is Hlohlesakhe's wife.
Me: I can't believe this !
I stood up again then looked at Aunt
Me: How do we know this is just a lie that is
made by the Ndengana family?
Auntie: Your father signed on the dotted line. He
went to Joko with a copy. Joko says if we want it
he could give it to us. We don't have shares in
that family business anymore
Me: This is a disaster !
Notaligana: I am so angry that my brother did
this to you. I am not angry that he did something
nice for his sons after he abondaned them but to
leave you nothing? you're his baby. He left this
house to your mom not you. He wasn't sure he
will die first
Me: He was such a bad person. Why didn't he do
the same with that 20 % shares He gave his lover
Notaligana: Maybe he felt like he owed her
Me: And Nomaxabiso can go to hell because she
is not family
Notaligana: Don't be like that. He knew your
mother was gonna take care of you
Me: Yeah as she should. I am her child. A child
who was a reminder of her horrifying past how
Notaligana: Nomaxabiso some people don't keep
the kids because they think they will be a
reminder but your mother loved you. She didn't
terminate the pregnancy. She loved you with all
her heart. You must not believe this but my
brother loved you too
Me: Right
I stood up
Me: I am tired I need to sleep
Notaligana: Yes you should sleep. At 5 pm we
must go to Mthatha. We have to meet that
prostitute. We have to know what happened to
your father
I turned around
Me: I don't have a father.....
She put her hands on her mouth crying
Me: I never did
I walked to my room. I am not going to fight
battles for a man who had no backbone. I am
not going to thank him for raising me. My
mother raised me. I just happened to live under
one roof with him. I don't know who killed him.
Maybe it's one of the people he kept secrets

< Algebra >
I am not an unfaithful person. I hate when
someone lie to me. I hate lying that is why i don't
respond well to lies. I always knew Isaiah and I
were a bad combination from the beginning.
This man lied to me on the dating site. He saw
how I looked. He sent me someone else picture. I
met him he continued lying. He didn't tell me his
real name. I don't mind someone lying on a
dating site but when you meet me and continue
lying that is not cool. I shouldn't have given him
a second chance. I should've known he would
never change. I am pissed at him but at the same
time I am happy because I am with someone I
love now. I don't feel bad for moving on too
soon. Nomgcwabe and I know each other. We
shared something special before I dated Isaiah. I
love him and I pray we work and I am willing to
respect and accept him as he is. Some people are
not fortunate like others. Some people show
signs of homosexuality when they are young
and they grow up with parents knowing. Some
parents never pick it up until they are told.
Anyway Isaiah wants to see me. I went to check
at my sister's house. I am coming back to the
Seputla house. I will wait for Isaiah down floor. I
am heading to the restaurant. I saw him sitting
alone. I am not going to change my mind. He is
wasting his time. I sat down.
Me: I thought we said all we wanted to say to
each other
Isaiah: I came to say you're right. I slept with
him that day
Me: I know you slept with him what's the point
of this meeting?
Isaiah: I love you. I don't know what got into me.
I swear this will never happen again. Please give
us a try
Me: I gave you a chance to come clean you lied
even when the evidence was right in front of
you !
Isaiah: I know. I was scared to lose you
Me: Well in the future use that fear before you
climb a bed and sleep with someone
I stood up
Isaiah: Does that mean you want to give us a
Me: No! you and I are done. Take this mistake.
Learn from it and use it in your next
I walked away
Isaiah: Algebra!
I put on my headsets on. I walked to the
elevator. I can't do this with him. He is a cheater
and he will never change.

< Nomagampompo >
This was a lot to take in. I didn't know what to
say about that. All along I thought Shosholoza
chose that woman over me. I didn't know his
older brother was a mastermind in all this. I
didn't know he didn't want to do this. He was in
an arranged marriage. A marriage that was
arranged by his brother and he fell in love with
that woman. Shosholoza wasn't innocent in this.
He should've told me. He didn't tell me that evil
man caused my miscarriage. The medical
system was poor at the time. The nurses didn't
tell me what caused that miscarriage. I didn't
know what caused it. How can that man be so
evil? How can he kill his nephew or niece like
that? I am very certain that he knew nothing
about US seeing each other again. He knew
nothing about my sons and by the look of things
he was gonna make sure he kills all my children.
I know something changed about Shosholoza
those years ago. His brother never liked me and
he never hid that.
Men are good liars. This man never told me
anything about Nomaxabiso not being his child.
I feel sorry for the poor girl but she got
something. She owns 40 % of the business that is
not bad. As for my kids. It looks like things are
going well for them but they don't look happy at
all. They got home and walked up the stairs.
They didn't say anything. I guess they could see I
was hurt. Shosholoza's brother and I need to talk
one of these days. I need answers. I know why
he did it. I know he did it because I was poor. I
just want him to answer me one question. My
child was innocent in all this. Why did he kill my
Anyway I just told The Queen and River about
what happened and the 60% Zidenge business
we brought home. We are going back for the
cars soon.
Queen: What are you gonna do ?
Me: I don't know
Nomahelele: Cuz I think you meant to ask......
I turned around and looked at her. She put her
hands on my shoulders
Nomahelele: The question was.....
Nomahelele: Should I kill him
Nomakhosazana: River!
Nomahelele: What !? That's what she wants!
She looked at me
Nomahelele: Right sister in law ?
The way I am feeling right now killing him
would make me feel at ease. It would make me
feel better than how I am feeling right now

< Narrated >
After the disastrous christmas at Oliphant
residence. Hungani and Tasha left. Hungani
looked angry at Tasha for giving his mother
clues about what happened between him and
Refilwe Seputla. Mrs Oliphant left looking angry.
Hungani tried calling and we all know he was
blocked And he couldn't get hold of Ms Refilwe
and he can't even call Priscella. He knows he'd
make things worse. He feels helpless. We see
him pacing up and down at his house. Tasha
was sitting on the couch.
Tasha: Say it
Hungani stopped pacing. He looked at Tasha.
Hungani: You just risked your life and our son's
life. Elton said he will go to the police if you tell
anyone about this ! do you want to go to jail?
Tasha: I have Corben's number. I called him
while I was at Hospital. He said Elton didn't go
see him so he lied
Hungani: What about what he threatened me
with? What if he lays charges against me for
What he has on me ?
Tasha: I don't care about that. We are in this
because of you. I didn't seduce Refilwe Seputla,
you did!
Hungani: How can you do this? How can you tell
my mother something so embarrassing? Refilwe
is her friend!
Tasha: Now it's my fault
Hungani: You don't get it do You!?
Tasha stood up. She breath in and out then
looked at Hungani .
Tasha: You're the one who doesn't get it!. In your
mother's house you said this will never happen
again. I said to you it will happen again because
everything you say won't happen it does happen
again. Today i was hospitalised but here you are
breathing down my neck. Shouting at me. What
did the doctor say?
Hungani looked down.
Hungani: You shouldn't have told my mother
that Tasha!
Tasha took her phone. She dialled a number.
She put her phone on speaker.
" Hello "
Tasha: Hello Laila, are you back from Eldorado
Leila: No, I am coming back Monday morning
Tasha: I will be staying at your house till I get a
Hungani's eyes popped out.
Laila: What happened? I thought you and
Me: You thought wrong! He is not ready for
commitment and sure not ready to be a father. I
still have the spare key. With your permission I
want to move in today
Laila: You know you're always welcome
Tasha: Thanks friend
Tasha hung up
Hungani: Baby i.....
Tasha: Save it
Tasha walked to the stairs
Hungani: Baby I bought the ring. You can't leave
I wan.....
Tasha: Give it to Priscella's mother. I am sure
she will love to be your wife
Tasha walked up the stairs then stopped half
Tasha: Oh, you can also call Mandy and ask her
to write another statement announcing our
break up we are done !
Hungani: I am sorry!
Tasha ignored him. She walked up to the

At Seputla house. We see the family, Sonia,
Hunter and Algebra standing having drinks. It
looks like they just ate dinner. We see all of
them leaving the dinning area going to the
lounge. Cleopetra and other helpers were
clearing the table. The elevator beeped. A
security man walked in. Cleopetra walked to
Cleo: Can I help you Shaun?
Shaun: Yes please give Mrs Seputla this envelop
Cleo: Okay
Cleopetra walked to the living room. Ms Refilwe
stood up
Refilwe: What is that ?
Cleo: Shaun just brought this up ma'am
Ms Refilwe looked at everyone nervous. She
walked to Cleo and took the envelop. Elton
noticed. He smiled and went to his mother who
was quicky opening the envelop. She took out
the paper then looked up and let out a sigh of
" Mom is everything okay? " Said Elton behind
her. She jumped up and turned around
breathing heavily. Priscella went to them
Refilwe: Elton you scared me!
Priscella Looked at her mother with suspicious
Priscella: Mom why are you so jumpy? Is
everything okay ?
Ms Refilwe smiled then gave Elton the paper
Refilwe: Your friends are going to travel using
this paper
Elton: Wow nice mom
Refilwe kissed Elton's cheek
Refilwe: You're welcome sweetheart
Ms Refilwe walked to others.
Refilwe: I proposed an idea to the bride to be. I
wanted you guys. All the grooms and
bridesmaids to fly to the USA to have a party
there before the big day
Masixole looked at Priscella. He knew she won't
like this. Priscella's face changed.
Priscella: Mom didn't I say you can't tell anyone
because we can't go?
Refilwe: Oh my big mouth I am so sorry
sweetheart it's just that doing everything I can to
make sure Elton Takes All his friends makes me
guilty that I can't do something nice for you
Priscella smiled.
Priscella: But mo......
Sonia: Wait? did you just say Priscella turned
down our trip to United States of America ?
Priscella looked at her mother
Refilwe: I am sorry baby
Sonia: Prissy? What do you have to say for
Elton: She said she has no time. In few days she
is getting married and she has to make sure you
guys have dresses for the wedding....
Elton looked at Priscella
Elton: Right sis?
Priscella: Yes and I also said that after the
wedding I am taking Everyone to Chicago, Leave
them there. My husband and I go to our
She looked at Sonia
Priscella: The trip is not cancelled. It is
Sonia through her bum to the couch
Sonia: Thank God
She sipped on her wine. Priscella shook her
Priscella: Woman you have so much money and
you can go anywhere in the world when you
want to. Why were you upset ?
Sonia: It's a free trip don't judge me
Everyone laughed. Algebra went to Elton Who
was standing busy on his phone.
Algebra: Are they coming back tonight ?
Elton: Who? oh
Elton pulled Algebra aside.
Elton: I asked mom she said they were asked to
come home for a will reading and she told me it
seems like things didn't go well and it explains
why his phone is off. I think he is upset
Algebra: Shame I was starting to worry
Elton: I think they might come back Monday
Priscella interrupted them
Priscella: Are you talking about Nomgcwabe?
Elton: Yes
Priscella: They will come back Monday morning
with Notiniphu and Ngejiwe. Algebra is staying
with us till his family comes back and it's not up
for discussion
Priscella walked back to the couch. Elton smiled
at Algebra. Elevator beeped. Everyone looked at
the elevator which is very far from the lounge.
Claire walked in wearing a short brown leather
skirt, White top and heels. She looked really
Elton looked at her shocked to see her. He
mumbled words
Elton: What the hell
Everyone stood up. Hunter saw her first and his
facial expression was priceless
Sonia turned around. She let go of her glass it hit
the floor and broke
Sonia: Somebody call 10111!!!
Claire looked
Claire: Sonia? Hunter ?
She was surprised to see them. She turned
around and looked back at the elevator
Sonia: I didn't know you were here sorry !
She ran to the elevator. The elevator opened.
Someone walked out of it, Claire bumped on the
woman. They both fell inside the elevator. The
woman flipped her hair. It's Mrs Oliphant
Mrs O: What the hell?
She said standing up
Claire: I am so sorry!
Claire pushed Mrs Oliphant out of the elevator.
She quickyl pressed the elevator button it closed
in Mrs Oliphant face. Mrs Oliphant turned
around and found the whole family and friends
standing infront of her
Priscella: Mrs Oliphant we didn't know you were
coming here ?
Mrs Oliphant looked at Priscella and smiled.
Priscella looked at her mom
Priscella: Mom did you know she was coming ?
Mrs Oliphant gave Mrs Seputla death stare.
Elton: ....... ?
Ms Refilwe could see this is not a friendly visit.
She swallowed hard
Refilwe: Welcome




< Nomaxabiso >
Why did dad do this? Why did he hate me so
much? This man gave his sons so many shares
even the ones from the Ndengana family and
left me with nothing. He hated me. Whatever
Notaligana says I don't buy it. That man hated
me. I feel like deep down my mother knew
things would end like this even though she
didn't know her husband had kids with another
woman. My mother is dead because of the man
she married. My father lied to her. Mom was
fighting for us because she thought those shares
still belonged to us. How can he lie to my mother
like this? He overheard me and Mom talking
about killing the Queen. He didn't do anything
about it. He let my mother burn. Maybe he
deserved to die the way he did. He was paying
for all the lies he had been feeding me and my
mom. I thought after the funeral I would seek
justice for him but I changed my mind. That
man don't deserve that from me. He was evil
just like his older brother. I cannot believe
Notaligana is expecting me to go play detective
with her for a man who didn't think i was
worthy of inheriting anything from him. He was
an arse as far as I am concerned. He died with
all the memories we had. From today on wards
he never existed in my life.
Anyway I heard aunt tiptoing behind me. I
turned around. She smiled.
Auntie: So are you really not going to Mthatha
with me?
Me: No, I am only going to find out what
happened to my mother
Notaligana: Does that mean you're going
through with the marriage?
Me: I don't know yet. If I don't want to I won't. I
can also tell people of this village that Masixole
found out I am not royalty that's why we didn't
get married. They will be off my back
I sat down
Me: I can take them feeling sorry for me but I
can't take the humiliation of being unwanted or
being a loose girl who couldn't wait for her
chosen husband to marry her. My fear was to be
laughed at. Now they will pity me and that is
better than being a joke
Notaligana: But I think marrying Hlohlesakhe is
the only way to be close to those people. There is
no shares now which means you don't have an
excuse to go there unless you marry him
Me: You're right and I will marry him
Auntie smiled
Notaligana: I know you don't want to hear this
because you're upset but something tells me
these murders are connected. Maybe....
I looked at her
Her: Maybe you might find out what happened
to my brother as well
I won't comment on that. I am angry at my
father. He betrayed me. While talking, we heard
a knock at the door.
Notaligana: I will get it
She walked to the door. She opened. " Where is
Nomaxabiso " What is Malingene doing here
drunk ? I stood up
Me: What are you doing here ?
Malingene: I was drinking with Chief. He says
the lawyer was here. When do we start with our
plan with the Ndengana shares?
My aunt turned around and looked at me.
Notaligana: What !?
Malingene has a big mouth!
Me: Malingene leave!
Malingene: I thought your aunt knew!
Notaligana: You have some nerve to show your
face here after everything you've done! Does
your wife know about what you and my niece
are doing?
I looked down.
Malingene: DAmn! I am drunk I am sorry. Please
forgive me
I pushed him out then closed the door. I leaned
on it
Notaligana: Nomaxabiso what was that! how
can you make deals with family shares ?
Me: We don't own those shares anymore
Notaligana: That's not the point!
Me: Okay auntie. I was mad at Masixole. I asked
Malingene to come with me to the palace to lie
and say he bought the shares so that they'd be
mad that I sold shares to A man who broke my
virginity. Malingene is just a mine worker. He
doesn't have that kinda money to buy shares
Notaligana: Okay fine. I have to go get ready for
my trip to Mthatha
Me: Okay
She walked to the bedroom. I ran to the window.
I watched Malingene walking away. I took out
my phone. I called him. I saw him take out his
Malingene: I am sorry
Me: I miss you
Malingene: You know we can't do this
Me: We can! my aunt is going somewhere. We
can meet at the bridge. I will hide you in my car
and bring you here please I need you
Malingene: Okay fine when?
I looked at the time.
Me: At 5pm ?
Him: Don't call me i will call you
Me: Okay
I hung up

< Narrated >
Still at Seputla. They just welcomed Mrs Tina
Oliphant who didn't seem happy at all. We see
her and Ms Refilwe walking to the study.
Priscella looked at Masixole
Priscella: I hope that woman is not here to
confront mom about what EJ did.....
Masixole: Do you think she'd have the nerve to
do that?
Elton went to Priscella
Elton: Keep this envelop safe for me sis....
Elton said looking at study
Priscella: You think what I am thinking?
Elton: Yep and I got this one sis
He said walking away. Sonia ran after Elton
Sonia: EJ!
Elton turned around
Elton: Yes ?
Sonia looked behind her then at Elton
Sonia: So you're taking Claire to the trip? by the
way what the hell is wrong with her? What was
she doing here ?
Elton: Your guess is as good as mine. To answer
your question no, I am not taking that bitch to
the trip. I am taking my girlfriend .
Sonia: But.....
Elton: I said no! do you see what kinda person
that girl Is? She knows she is not welcome here
but she came anyway. I feel like everyone has a
game plan. Tasha wanted to be famous and be in
papers, She achieved that. I don't know what
Claire's game plan is and I don't want to know
about it
Sonia: I hope i didn't make a mistake
Elton: Me too
Elton ran to the study. Sonia gulped her drink

< Ms Refilwe >
This woman knows. I wonder who told her. How
could Hungani tell his mother about this? What
is he playing at? I am tired of this game he is
playing. It is not funny anymore. He is trying to
ruin my friendship with his mother and my
daughter. We just got to the study. I don't know
what to say to her. I don't know what excuse I
will tell her for not telling her about her son's
behavior. I am so ashamed. I wish she called me
and asked me to go to her house. My daughter is
not stupid. She could tell Tina is not here for a
friendly visit. I am glad there is not evidence
that shows anything about me having feelings
for that silly boy. All evidence is pointing at her
son and nothing I said showed anything. In all
our interactions I am asking him to leave me
Me: I am glad you cam....
Tina: Have you no shame?
Me: Excuse me ?
Tina: My son? You're entertaining what Hungani
is doing!? how can you do this to your own
daughter! to me!!!
" Did mom tell you what is your son doing " Said
Elton at the door. I quickly turned around
Me: EJ
He closed the door then locked it. He turned
Tina: Actually you're disturbing us Elton. Elders
are talking!
Elton: Ma'am with all due respect. I saw how
you looked at my mom. I won't let you bully my
Me: Elton please !
Elton: Mom stop!
He looked at her.
Elton: You know your son's psychotic model is
dead right?
Tina: Everyone knows that. It's in the papers
Elton: Well your son thinks my mother had
something to do with it and is blackmailing my
mother into sleeping with him. He says If she
refuse he will talk!
I let out a sigh of relief. Thank God he walked in.
He saved me.
Me: I couldn't tell my daughter. I couldn't tell
you. I was looking for a perfect time to. He did
this today. I am leaving tomorrow. My plan was
to go see you tomorrow before I leave! That boy
has gone crazy!
Elton: My sister is pregnant Mrs Oliphant. This
would hurt her. My mom told me. I went to
speak to Hungani. I told him he can't say a word
to my sister!
Tina sat down
Tina: My son may not but I am not sure about
your ex girlfriend Elton
Elton: What do you mean ?
Tina: No one told me about this but that girl
gave me clues I don't know how she figured it
out how smart I am but she knew it. She knew I
would be able to put the puzzle together
Elton: I am going to kill her
Me: Son no! don't do it !
Elton bit his lower lip and stretched his head
Elton: I talked to those lunatics! I spoke to both
of them. I told them if any of them tell anyone
about this I will get them arrested. It looks like
they didn't listen !
Tina: Elton calm down. Give me a chance to
speak to them. Those two are not good for each
other. That relationship is toxic. I think they
need to break up
Elton: And your son needs to leave my family
alone !
Tina: I will Speak to them
Elton: Mrs Oliphant this is the last time your son
pull a stunt. If he does something again I will kill
Tina looked at Elton. She smiled then looked at
Tina: I apologise for what my son did. Please
forgive me my friend
Me: It's okay. I was protecting you Tina. I know
how embarrassed you were gonna be. I didn't
want things to be awkward between us
Tina: Thank you. You're a good friend
She hugged me. While in a hug I looked at Elton..
He shook his head in disbelief then walked out

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
When we killed Shosholoza I thought it was the
end of the Zidenge and Ndengana rivalry. I
didn't think it was just the beginning of the ugly
part of it. I didn't think something like this
would happen. I thought I knew the truth about
my sister in law and Shosholoza. I didn't know I
knew half of the truth. It is shocking to me to
hear that my sister in law lost the baby because
of that imbecile chief Manyokonya Zidenge.
How could he do something like this to my sister
in law? I feel like if I was married here at the
time i would've figured out what happened to
Princess. This is the next level evil. I don't know
what to say to My sister in law. Finding out that
someone decided to terminate your pregnancy
without your permission is the most
heartbreaking thing no one could wish in their
worst enemy. My family is the most powerful
family in this area. We may not have been at the
time which led to him to think we were not good
enough but we are good now. In fact we way
passed the good. We are powerful more than he
could wish for his family.
I feel like the investment Shosholoza gave to this
family was to help this family become
something. I feel like he was desperate to see
this family better so that his brother could stop
looking down on us but before that happened he
fell in love with his wife Nomfunzelo. He
stopped caring for princess Nomagampompo. He
just had sex with her because she was his ex and
you know how it goes with exes. They never stop
sleeping together when they are always around
each other but do you know what is exciting
about the end of this story? My sister in law is
running that family business. She is the majority
shareholder now. She owns 60% of all that
business. As for Shosholoza's brother, That son
of a bitch can't do anything about it. The only
thing he will get now is a visit from me. I am not
scared of him. He hurt my family and he is going
to pay for it. I am willing to make sure that
Zidenge business is doing well. I am willing to
help my sister in law financially. I want her to
be there most of the time. Chief Zidenge didn't
win at all and I am happy he is alive to see that
the woman who should've been Shosholoza's
wife from the beginning is claiming her place.
He will never get rid of her.
Anyway the question is still standing. River
asked if she wants Chief Zidenge dead or not.
She hasn't answered the question. She was just
looking at us. I don't think killing him is a good
idea. I mean everyone knows what he did to my
family. If anything happens to him they will
know who to go to first and we don't need that.
We have a prostitute who is threatening our
lives. I don't know why River is entertaining that
girl. I don't know why she doesn't kill her and
end that chapter and turn to the new page. I
have realised that people will never change.
They will do anything to make your life hell in
the name of money. That girl Is blackmailing
River and that is not good for us. If they'd find
out that River did it I don't think i would not be
suspected and River might be pregnant. She
can't go to jail. Anyway I saw princess
Nomagampompo walking away.
Nomahelele: Sister in law I don't miss. Say the
word I will put the bullet in his head
Nomagampompo: No!
She snapped then turned around. " Why? " Said
a voice up the stairs. We all turned and looked
up. It's Prince Nomgcwabe
Nomgcwabe: Why not mom? That man killed my
brother or sister! He walked out. He didn't even
apologise to you !
Nomagampompo: He is your uncle
Nomgcwabe: He is a murderer! He deserves to
die the same way he killed the child !
Nomagampompo: Nomgcwabe no one is killing
anyone. If anything happens to that man. The
entire Zidenge family including his wife they
will think I did it
Me: I am afraid I agree with Sisi. What is the use
of avenging what he did if one of us will end up
in jail?
Me: Boy I know you're angry. I am angry at that
man for what he did to my sister in law and he
is going pay for it but we need to think of what
the house of Traditional leaders said. If we are
in any scandal the chieftaincy will be taken
Nomgcwabe: Bu....
Me: I know we could live without it. All of us
are educated but we risk that at whose expense?
Your mother going to jail? And King Zwelicacile
not becoming king after he left his job for this?
We have a lot to lose!
Me: Being a ROYALTY is not a child's play. Prince
you're old now. You are going to make selfish
choices for the family in the future
Me: We all made sacrifies for this family. We did
things we never thought we'd do to protect this
family and we can't ruin that now. We've come
so far boy!
I saw Phonqa appear on the top. He sat on the
Me: I have done things for this family and I kept
them to myself because those things would hurt
many. Do you know how hard it is to keep
something that is eating you inside every time
you see someone you love hurt and you can't
tell them you're the reason they are hurting?
I am thinking about Shosholoza and they are a
reminder of what I did to him. They have never
seen me cry. I just want them to understand
sometimes we can't do some things because We
have to think of the family reputation. River
brushed my back when she noticed I was crying.
Nomgcwabe: I am sorry my Queen...
Me: No! don't apologise. It's not your fault boy
I said wiping my tears.
Me: I just want you to see that sometimes we are
forced to let things be. God will punish that man.
Your father might've been many things but after
today you know he loved you and those shares
will be a constant reminder that he loved you.
You were important to him and choosing you
over a girl he raised shows that
Me: Eventually you will have to forgive him. He
was very young at the time and his brother
bullied him to make a selfish decision because of
his greed
Nomagampompo: And we have a business to
run. We have to make sure that business don't
die. We need to do this for your brother or sister
Nomahelele: I am just happy that whatever he
used to terminate your pregnancy didn't ruin
you. Imagine if you were not able to have
anymore children after that
Nomagampompo: I should've known he did this.
That man never liked me
Me: He is going to pay for killing that child and
the damages for these two boys. We are not only
taking over their business. We are going for
their pocket as well
Prince Nomgcwabe smiled. He walked up the
stairs. His brother stood up and walked up as
Nomahelele: I like that idea! anyway guys I have
to get ready. I am going to a medical event I am
invited to
Nomagampompo: Where?
She looked at me
Nomahelele: Mthatha
She walked up the stairs. I don't think i like that
idea of her going to Mthatha alone. Princess
Nomagampompo sat down
Nomagampompo: What a Christmas we had
Me: Tell me about
I walked to the whisky. Notiniphu walked in
Me: Go wash these glasses for me
She bowed
Notiniphu: Okay my Queen
She looked away. Princess Nomagampompo
stood up
Nomagampompo: Why are you looking at her
like that?
I didn't look at her, my eyes were glued at
Me: She knows about Bhalisile Gubhu and
apparently she made sure Nontorotyi knows she
is keeping her secret
Nomagampompo: What is this? We have to
whisper in our own home now?
Me: It looks that way
I saw Notiniphu coming back with glasses.
Me: Thank you
I took the glasses
Notiniphu: You're welco......
Nomagampompo: Whatever you said to
Nontorotyi about what you know I hope you
won't do the same with Princess Ngejiwe
because there will be consequences
She looked nervous. She looked at me
I smiled..
Notiniphu: I am so sorry. She upset me. I know
Princess Ngejiwe can't know. I just wanted Mrs
Ndengana to get off my back
Nomagampompo: It doesn't matter how angry
you are. Our secrets can't be shared
Notiniphu: I apologise my princess
Nomagampompo: You can go
I poured double whisky for both of us. I went to
Princess Nomagampompo and gave her the glass
Nomagampompo: Thank you
I gulped mine then took my phone. I dialled
Chief Zidenge's number. His phone rang. He
answered in fourth ring. What surprised me was
him chuckling before saying anything
Chief Z: Been waiting for your call...
Me: Your family is not going to church
tomorrow because I am coming there to speak to
you !
Princess Nomagampompo stood up and looked
at me. Chief Zidenge chuckled again.
Chief Z: I have been looking forward to this for
two weeks now. I cannot wait..........( tu tu tu tu tu
He didn't? He didn't just hung up on me! how
arrogant. I looked at my phone.
Nomagampompo: What did he say?
I looked at her
Me: That he is looking forward to it
Nomagampompo: That doesn't sound like
someone who regrets what he did
Me: Not at all
I poured myself a drink
Me: And i don't think I liked the sound of His
Nomagampompo: What do you mean ?
Me: I am not sure of what I mean either..........?
She sat down then looked at me
I looked at my phone. He said he is looking
forward to it? Well.....
Me: So am I Manyokonya.....
I gulped my drink
Me: I am looking forward to it




< Claire >
What is going on? Why was Sonia next to
Hunter? why was Hunter there in the first
place? are they back together? Why did Elton
contact me after Hunter gave me retraining
order papers? Was this their plan? Was this
Elton's plan to use me so that I forget Hunter?
How could he do that? That boy has a lot of
explaining to do. I am going back to the hotel. I
want him to explain to me this when he comes
back. But before I deal with him, I need to go
speak to Laila. She is the only one who knows
how to listen when I have problems. I got to my
car. I drove to her house. I hope she won't chase
me away. I know what I did at the hospital was
not cool at all. I get so possessive sometimes and
that is the reason i went to the Seputla Towers. I
am sure Elton is angry right now and I don't
blame him but I am glad I went there because
now I know what is going on. I got played and it
hurts so bad I won't lie.
Anyway I just arrived. I parked my car. I headed
to the house. I walked up the stairs. I knocked
twice then waited. I saw the door open.
Me: Tasha ?
Tasha: What are you doing here ?
Me: Move aside I didn't come to see you
I said pushing her out of the way gentle. This is
not her house. She has no right to ask me what I
am doing here. Laila and I have history.
Tasha: That attitude is the reason my friend
don't want you anywhere near her !
I looked at her
Me: I am sorry okay. I just want to speak to her.
She is the only person who can understand me
Tasha: When she got discharged she went home
I am sorry
Me: Damn. I guess i will give her a call
I attempted to walk to the door.
Tasha: Maybe I can help!
I looked at her
Me: You ?
Tasha: Look I know you never liked Me but I
have a good ear. Besides I am going through a
lot as well. Maybe we can help each other
Me: Funny that's what your ex said when he
used me. Anyway what do you mean when you
say you have problems? You have nice life
problems. You have a job I only wish I had. You
have a hot guy.....
Tasha: A guy who is still in love with Priscella
I looked at her shocked
She sat down. A second ago I saw a smile now I
see glasses in her eyes
Tasha: Thee Priscella Seputla. Who can top that?
Who can be in that girl's level?
She wiped her tears
Tasha: Anyway this is not about me. You also
have Elton. I didn't know you two were a couple
Me: I just came back from there. I went there
uninvited. Elton don't want his family to know
about us. When I got there I found my ex and
Sonia there. I think EJ is with me to distract me
from fighting for Hunter. He is using me
Tasha: I am sorry to say this but don't you think
this was wrong from the beginning?
Me: What ?
Tasha: Elton was my boyfriend. You knew that!
why did you think it would work?
I can't believe this
Me: Excuse me? Is that you saying that ?
She looked down
Me: You slept with Priscella's ex! you were
dating her brother!
Me: You went and slept with Hungani's friend
remember Brendan?
She didn't say anything. She just looked upset.
Me: You're the last person to say that so please
don't sit there and tell me that I am wrong.
You're the biggest hypocrite in the world!
Tasha: Laila is not here. I think you should leave.
You insulted me enough
Me: You're a hypocrite! you should focus on
your boyfriend and leave Elton alone. You left
Tasha: I know what I did
Me: Then what I do with him is none of your
business !
Tasha: Okay
Me: Let me go to the hotel room Elton booked
for us
Tasha: Okay that's if you will find him there
since he is just using you
Me: Watch what you sa.......
A knock came at the door. I looked at her
Me: Whoever is out there saved you bitch
I walked to the door. I opened the door. Oh it's
Me: Hi and bye
Hungani: O-kay....? hi ..... I guess
I walked away

< Priscella >
What was Claire doing in my house? Everyone is
carrying on like this didn't happen. Maybe they
forgot because of Mrs Oliphant. I need to know
why that girl was here. Who did she come for,
When she saw Sonia and Hunter she ran like she
just saw a ghost and now that I think about it
She left because of the restraining order. Now
what I want to know is why she was here
because clearly She was not here to see Hunter
or Sonia. She was here to see someone else. No
one is that psycho's friend in my house.
Anyway I saw Elton coming out of the study
Me: Is everything okay in there?
Elton: Yeah
Me: Oh great. She didn't look happy
I saw mom and Mrs Oliphant walking out
Elton: See?
Me: Well I have to worry. She is my mom
Elton: Yeah
Me: What time are you leaving Monday?
Elton: We need to go for suits first then leave. I
think in the afternoon or late
Me: Okay
Tina: Priscella it was nice to see you
Me: Leaving already?
Tina: Yes I had to speak to your mother about
something. I have to go home. My grandchildren
came to see me I can't leave them
Me: Oh nice it was nice seeing you too
Mom pressed the elevator. Tina walked in
Tina: Have a safe trip tomorrow
Mom: Thanks friend
The elevator closed
Me: Okay everyone. Why Claire was here ?
Sonia looked at Elton .
Me: I know Hunter and Sonia have nothing to do
with this. Look how shocked she looked when
she saw them. I think she came to see someone
Aaron: Not me
Hunter: She is the only person who knows why
she was here
Sonia stood up
Sonia: Mom just texted me. Baby let's go fetch
the kids and go home
She looked at Mom
Sonia: Mrs R it was a nice dinner. Thank you
Mom: You're welcome
Sonia came to me and kissed my cheek. They
said their goodbyes and left
Mom: Aaron ready for the board meeting?
Aaron: I am ready ma'am
Mom: I will see you at boardroom monday then
Elton: Ain't you leaving tomorrow Mom?
Mom: I am but I will vote with the board
Elton: Cool
Mom: Guys I need to get enough rest. Enjoy your
Me: Night
She walked up the stairs. Elton's phone rang
Elton: Guys I will see you later I need to go
Masixole: Sure bro
Me: I hope we won't see you on the front page
Elton: Later sis
Me: Bye
Aaron stood up
Aaron: I will leave with Elton. I will see you guys
Masixole: Let me walk you to the elevator
They walked away..
Algebra: I must go to bed as well. Thank you
ma'am for allowing me to stay here
Me: I hope you and Isaiah had no plans
Algebra looked down
Algebra: We broke up
Me: Oh No! I am so sorry. What happened ?
I saw Masixole coming
Me: Baby go run me a bubble bath. I will find
you upstairs
Masixole: Yes ma'am
I smiled. I don't want him to disturb us. I want to
hear the whole story. I looked at Algebra.
Me: What happened?
Algebra: The day you had a meeting with CEO of
Ndamase Construction Isaiah and that man had
Me: Wait a minute? I remember you said he was
at the office but it took him more than an hour
to get to the house
Algebra: They went to Isaiah's house and slept
together. I ended things
Me: I am so sorry. So what is gonna happen.
Yesterday I sent him an invitation to the
wedding and that CEO is invited as well.
Algebra: Don't worry about it ma'am. His
presence don't bother me at all
Me: Oh thanks. I didn't want to be a bad person
Algebra: I don't know why i gave him a chance
in the first place. That guy lied to me. I don't
know why i thought he'd change
Me: I can't believe how unprofessional Mr
Mphixanisi is. How can he keep me waiting for a
Algebra: They deserve each other
Me: Wow maybe you belong with the other guy.
The one you said he was not sure
He looked down and smiled
Algebra: Maybe
Me: That smile
He laughed
Me: You love him don't you ?
Algebra: I love him a lot
Me: You must Tell him. Fight for him. Maybe it
was meant to be that's why Isaiah messed up
Algebra: Yeah you're right ma'am. I am excited
about the future
Me: You heard in January we are going to the US
right ?
Algebra: Yeah i heard while you were talking
Me: We must get you a passport ASAP
I stood up
Me: Remind me Monday. You should go do it
Monday in the morning. I won't need you. We
are going in for a board meeting
Algebra: Thanks ma'am
Me: Oh you can make yourself at home. If you're
hungry you can go to the kitchen and help
yourself. Cleo will sort you out. I need to be with
my husband now
Algebra: Okay
Me: And don't ever call me ma'am again. Call me
Algebra: Okay
Shame. At least he is taking this so well. Way
better than when he was confused not knowing
what to do when he was caught between two
men. I remember after advising him he stormed
out crying. I am disappointed in Isaiah. I thought
he changed.

< Narrated >
It looks like Hungani couldn't stay away from
Tasha for a day. After she moved out he
followed her and everyone can say he saved her
from that Claire woman. No one knows what she
was gonna do to TaSha after what Tasha said to
her. Claire is unstable. You don't want to make
her upset not when she is angry about a man.
Anyway Hungani closed the door then looked at
Tasha smiling.
Tasha: What are you doing here ?
Hungani: I cam....
His phone rang. He looked at his phone.
Hungani: It's mom I have to take this
Tasha swallowed hard. She knows what's going
on. She knows she is the one who pushed Tina to
go there and she also wanna know what is going
Tasha: Please put her on speaker!
Hungani: Hello mom
Tina: I am at your house. I want to speak to both
of you. Where are you ?
Hungani looked at Tasha
Hungani: Can you wait for us. We will be there
in an hour
Tina: Okay
Hungani hung up
Tasha: An hour is a long time let's go now
Hungani went to Tasha
Hungani: I said that because I want us to spend
40 minutes here. Tasha I am not ready to let you
go. I want you to be my wife and I won't let you
go till I achieve that
Tasha: We won't work Hungani accept that. We
are spending all our time fighting instead of
enjoying each other. We are young and we are
expecting a child we should be happy. Hungani I
am too young and beautiful to be in a
relationship with a man who is not in love with
Hungani put his hands around Tasha's waist..
Hungani: Give me one more chance I will show
you that I am done with Priscella. Baby I learnt
my lesson. My mother knows what I did to
Refilwe. I am ashamed of myself. I don't know
what got into me. Please give me this only
chance. I will never contact any of them again. I
Tasha: Why don't I believe you
Hungani: You won't see that until we try. Please
Let's make this work. Let's make us work please
He said breathing in her face trying to kiss her.
Tasha started crying. Hungani kissed her. Tasha
put her hands at the back of Hungani's head and
kissed him. Hungani carried Tasha and lied her
on the couch. They started taking off each
other's clothes.

In Mthatha at the house of the prostitute who
helped Nomahelele get rid of Shosholoza's body.
She was welcomed by a young girl. We see River
put her finger on the couch. She looked at her
finger. She was checking if it had no dust. She
sat down then looked around the living room.
Girl: She will be here shortly ma'am
Nomahelele: Okay
The girl walked to the kitchen. River opened her
handbag. She looked around. She cocked her
gun then took it out. She slid it in her black
jacket then sat up straight and smiled
A bedroom door opened. A lady in a night dress
walked to her. River smiled looking at the lady.
The lady looked older and chubby. The day of
the incident The prostitute was skinny in a
lingerie. I doubt this is her
Lady: Hi! I heard you're looking for me.....
Nomahelele: Cha, Angila uzobona wena ( No, I
am not here to see you )
The lady laughed
Her: You said you came to see the lady of the
house. It's me. Sdwedwe
Nomahelele: No I don't think we understand
each other. I am Nonzaba from Durban. I
brought this light skin beautiful girl here at the
beginning of the month. It was around 11pm.
She said she lived here
Sdwedwe smiled.
Sdwedwe: Oh you're talking about her. One of
my girls. Well that one was in demand. She
made me a lot of money but she loved to dodge
work and go sell on the streets
Nomahelele: So you're.....
Sdwedwe: As much As I don't like to say it yes. I
am a pimp
Nomahelele's eyes popped out
Nomahelele: Interesting
Sdwedwe: A girl do what she gotta do to make a
living. So....
She walked to the drink and poured a drink in a
glass, Just one glass then looked at River
Sdwedwe: You want her for your husband?
Nomahelele: It's private. I am afraid I can't tell
Sdwedwe sat down. She sipped on her wine.
Nomahelele: Something wrong?
Sdwedwe looked up then down playing with her
Sdwedwe: Thalala pa....
Once Nomahelele heard the name Thalala she
smiled and showed a sense of relief
Sdwedwe: Passed away. That girl dropped me
and went to Johannesburg. Can you believe she
was slaughtered like a goat in Gauteng ?
Nomahelele: Oh My God! That's awful
She snatched the glass of wine from Sdwedwe's
hand she attempted to drink it. She sniffed it
then stopped herself from drinking it She gave
it back to Sdwedwe
Sdwedwe: What is it ?
Nomahelele: I am sorry I don't drink cheap
wine. I have to go
Sdwedwe: Oh?
Nomahelele walked to the door. Sdwedwe ran
after her
Sdwedwe: I have other girls beautiful girls!?
Nomahelele turned around and smiling
Nomahelele: I am a woman. I don't have a penis
to fuck them
Sdwedwe looked disappointed and angry at the
same time
Sdwedwe: Why are you so rude?
Nomahelele: Why didn't you offer me a drink?
Sdwedwe: You didn't say you wanted a drink
River chuckled
Nomahelele: Right
She opened the door then walked out then
closed the door. Half way to her car she saw a
police car and a private car park next to her car.
Someone walked out of the private car. River
quickly turned around and looked the other way
Nomahelele: Oh My God Notaligana




< Nomahelele >

Oh My God! is this a set up? If it is a set up i
swear when they arrest me one or two of them
will be dead. I can't go to jail without a fight. I
will shoot them and the first person I will shoot
is Notaligana. I feel like this was a trap. She set
Me up. She is better dead with whatever
information she thinks she has but I can't act
while I am not sure she is guilty of anything. I
don't know for sure. This might be a co-incident.
I must calm down.
Anyway I looked away avoiding them I don't
want them to see my face. They don't know me
but Notaligana knows me and if she notices me
she will put two and two together. Her brother
said I can't be trusted now I can't be seen where
the prostitute lived. This Thalala girl had no
shame at all. When i heard that she was a
prostitute in Johannesburg. I was like wow, She
really wanted her degree. I was impressed. I saw
her as a powerful woman who did whatever she
could to succeed but this, I didn't expect this.
What was her excuse to continue with
prostitution when she had a teaching job? such a
disgusting woman who thought she could be my
nephew's wife. Unbelievable.
Officer: Hello ma'am
I remained looking away
Me: Hello. Sdwadwa is inside
Officer: Okay.....
They walked passed me. I heard the officer
talking but he was not talking to me.
Officer: I thought she was Sdwedwe not
Sdwadwa. Constable is it me or.....
Constable: She is the one who pronounced it
They laughed walking to the house. Whatever
her name is. I just wanted them to leave me
alone. I slowly turned around at the same time
as Notaligana checking me out. I quicky looked
the other way
They walked in. I ran to my car. I got in and
stepped hard on the accelerator. I need to get
out of here. I need to get out of here. I doubt this
was about me. Maybe they came to ask the girl
for some information. I am glad she is dead with
whatever information she had on me. To think
she was that close to me. Small world. Imagine if
she went to the palace to see Masixole. She was
gonna see me there imagine what was gonna
happen to me. Well nothing was gonna happen
to me. I was gonna make sure she dies right
there and then. I can't wait to get home and tell
my sister this. Oh another thing I just
remembered. That prostitute didn't know how I
look like. I had sunglasses on when I spoke to

< Notaligana >
Why do I feel like that voice sounded so
familiar? Her body and height. It's like it's
someone I have seen before and by the look of
things she was avoiding us which can only mean
she knew me too and she didn't want me to see
her. I am going to remember where I have seen
her. When I looked at her she quickly looked
away. Something is not right here. I need to find
this prostitute and I won't leave until she tells
me what she knows. I feel like she knows more
than she lets us in. She can fool the police but
she won't fool me. My brother would never
sleep with a prostitute ever. I don't want to
believe it and I won't. I am very grateful to the
officers for bringing me to her at this time of the
Anyway we just arrived at this house. I don't
know what I will say to someone who might be
My brother's killer or an accomplice to his
murder. This girl was involved somehow. I want
to have few minutes with her. I want her to tell
me why she is lying.
Lady: Detectives
I don't know what size a prostitute should be but
this woman don't look like a woman who is a
sex worker. She is a bit fat. In my mind I think a
prostitute should be a young skinny girl. I don't
know maybe I might be wrong. I wouldn't know
these things because I have been saved my
whole life. The only person who didn't want to
be saved was Shosholoza but we still loved him
because he was our brother. I don't think my
elder brother loved Shosholoza though. What he
did to Nomagampompo was pure evil and he
has to apologise for it. I am ashamed to have a
brother like that. He must apologise to God. He
is a sinner.
Officer: Sdwedwe we are here again
She exhaled then opened the door wide. She left
us at the door
Sdwedwe: This time you came with bad news I
already know
Me: What do you mean?
She looked at me then at Constable Ngcwele
Sdwedwe: Who is she ?
Constable: This is Notaligana Zidenge
Her eyes widened she looked at me. .
Her: You're related to the man who was shot ?
Me: Yes it's my brother. Where is the girl who
claims that my brother was her client?
Sdwedwe: You don't know? Isn't that why you
all are here ?
Me: We don't know what ?
She looked at the officers then at me
Constable: What is going on Sdwedwe?
Sdwedwe: Why are you here ?
Me: I want to see the girl who lied about my
brother. My brother don't sleep with prostitutes.
That girl must tell me what happened to my
brother because all she said to the police was a
lie! I believe she knows more than what she told
Sdwedwe: Well I guess you will never find out
what happened to your brother then
Me: What do you mean?
Sdwedwe: Thalala is dead. She was killed in
Johanneburg on Friday
Officer: Wait a minute? What did you call her?
She looked nervous. She smiled.
Sdwedwe: Well in this business she called
herself Tiny but her real name was Thalala
How can she die like that ?
Me: Who killed her? What was she doing in
Sdwedwe: She was killed by some boy there. The
boy says she asked him to kill her so he helped
her die
Me: It looks like we are dealing with dangerous
people here
Officer: It looks that way I mean why would she
ask to be killed?
Constable: Maybe she couldn't live with
knowing the truth. Maybe they threatened her
so she took her life because she didn't want
them to hurt someone she cares about Maybe?
Me: That too can be possible. Maybe they
threatened to kill her family so she killed herself
because she couldn't live with this and she also
couldn't speak because she was trying to protect
her family
Constable looked at me.
Constable: Ms Zidenge you're a private
investigator do you think you can find out what
really happened ?
I looked at him.
Me: It's risky but we habe no choice. We have to
find out what happened but before we go.....
I looked at Sdwedwe
Constable: What is it ?
Me: Sdwedwe can you tell me about the lady
who was outside when we arrived. She was
wearing a long black coat
Sdwedwe: Oh that woman is Zulu She speaks
Zulu and she said her name is Nonzaba. I have
never seen her before. She also came to see
Thalala. I told her she is dead but one thing that
surprised me was her reaction when I said
Thalala is dead
Me: What was her reaction?
Her: She showed a sense of relief? She even
smiled when she heard she is dead
Constable: We have to run after her !
They ran out. I walked out
Me: She is gone. I don't think you will know
where she went !
Constable: We will take the Durban road. We
might find her
Me: You don't even know the number plate of
that car and we didn't even check what kinda
car she was driving !
They drove out. I felt Sdwedwe brush my back
Her: I am sorry for your loss
I looked at her.
Me: If you were to see her again would you be
able to identify her ?
Sdwedwe: Thalala was working for me so
definitely! but she is dead lady! She is not
coming back
Me: I meant the lady! the Zulu lady!
Her: Oh Nonzaba. What a rude lady. Of course I
would know her when I see her again and I
would love to see her locked up! Let's share
She gave her my phone.
Me: That's good. I have seen her somewhere..... I
just need to figure out where.........
She buzzed herself then gave me my phone
Sdwedwe: When you remember you must
contact me
Me: I will

< Tasha >
Wow! So Elton don't love this girl. She was using
her. I am so happy about that part. I don't want
Elton to end up with a psychopath like that. He
deserves a good girl who will love him. I failed
to love him. I ruined his life. All he deserves is a
good girl. He is right what I did to him showed
the kinda person I am. I was hurt to hear him
saying he will find someone young with morals.
As much as it hurts but he is right and he does
deserve that girl and I hope he finds her.
When I saw Hungani arrive I was angry. I didn't
know what he was doing here but I am glad he
got here the time he did. I don't know what that
Claire was gonna do to me if he didn't knock at
the door. I don't know why all the exes of the
guys I have been with are so crazy. I dated Elton.
He has Claire. I am with Hungani and he had
Brianna. I don't know what game I am playing
with Hungani. I was mad at him but after we
had sex everything was forgiven. I hate that he
does this. I feel like he thinks sex is my
weakness. I hope next time he messes up he
won't use the same thing because it won't work.
This is the only shot he got and he better use it.
Anyway we just arrived at his house with all my
clothes. Mrs Oliphant is here to speak to us. I
don't know why she is here. I hope she is not
here to cause problems. All i want is for her to
speak to her son and make him see what is
important to him. Me and his child are the only
important people he has right now. He can't
screw up.
Me: Baby did she take a cab? I don't see her car
outside ?
Hungani: That's exactly what I am asking myself
Me: Call her
He took out his phone. I opened the door then
walked in. Maybe the poor woman stayed in her
car and got tired and left. I really wanted to
know what happened between her and Refilwe
Seputla. I can't believe I am here hours I just
moved out. I am so disappointed in myself but I
can't help it. I love him and there is nothing I
can do to change that. He got one shot and I
want him to use it. I heard footsteps behind me.
I turned around.
Me: What did she say?
Hungani: She is upset that we kept her waiting.
She says first thing in the morning she wanna
see us. I wonder how did it go where she went
I looked away and smiled. I am glad she is not
mentioning anything Seputla. This is a start right
Me: I also wonder babe

< Judge Makhosazana >
For a man whose secret came out the way it did
I expected more from Chief Manyokonya
Zidenge. Manyokonya Zidenge killed my sister
in law's child. I expected him to drive after my
sister in law and come here to apologise. His
brother had two Sons. He should do the right
thing and apologise for the kids sake but no. All
he says is " he is looking forward to it " As if he
is ready for a fight. This man calls himself a
Christian. When did he become a saved
Christian? Before he killed a Ndengana
grandchild or after? If he got saved after then
isn't apologising something a Christian would do
they wronged someone ? There are good
Christians. I don't wanna give Christianity a bad
name but the Zidenge family is far from saint. In
fact they are the ones giving Christianity a bad
name. I guess i will find out tomorrow When i
pay this man a visit.
Anyway my sister in law went to bed. She is not
feeling so well. I am not leaving this living room
until my cousin sister comes home. I would be
so hurt if I were to find out that something
happened to her. I still think i shouldn't have let
her go there alone. I saw Notiniphu coming to
the living room playing with her hands.
Me: Done with dishes ?
Notiniphu: Yes my Queen, Can I sit?
Me: Sure
She sat down.
Notiniphu: My Queen I apologise for what I did.
I don't eavesdrop but sometimes I hear things
and it's impossible to unhear what you heard
but I know what to say and who to say it to. Mrs
Ndengana knew about it. I thought it wouldn't
be a problem to say it to her. I just wanted her to
get off my back. I know Nge.... Princess Ngejiwe
doesn't know and I wouldn't make a mistake
and tell her. She upset me so many times but not
a single time have I ever thought of telling her
Me: I am not worried about you at all. I know
you know how it goes. Nontorotyi is upset
though. She thinks maybe we betrayed her. She
is worried it might get to her daughter
Notiniphu: When she finds out, It won't be from
me I swear my Queen
Me: I am happy to hear that
Notiniphu: Thank you My Queen. Can I make
you tea?
Me: No go to bed it's late
She bowed then walked away.
Me: Switch off the light please
She switched off the light then used her phone
to find her way to her room. I sat there in the
dark .
Me: Come on sis, Where are you?
I am going to sit here for an hour. After an hour
I will be forced to go look for her. I don't know
where to start though. I didn't even ask for the
address of that woman. After thirty minutes of
sitting and waiting. I heard a car drives in. I
closed My eyes
Me: Please let it be her God
I waited impatiently. I heard the key at the door.
I smiled looking at the door. She walked in then
switched on the lights. She locked then turned
around and put her hand on her chest
Nomahelele: Nomakhosazana!
Me: What ?
Her: You scared me! what are you doing up so
late ?
Me: If you answered your phone you'd know
She exhaled then took off her coat
Me: I am happy you're safe
Nomahelele: I almost got caught
Me: What do you mean ?
Her: When i walked out of that woman's house a
police car and a private car arrived
Me: And ?
Her: I looked away but I managed to see who
was in a private car
Me: Who ?
Her: It was Shosholoza's sister. Notaligana
Me: Do you think she is the one who sent you
messages ?
Nomahelele: I don't think so. I think Maybe she
went looking for the prostitute. I got in my car
and left. I think she was suspecting me but I am
not sure she noticed who I am
Me: Oh My God! what if that girl tells them ?
Nomahelele: That would be impossible sis
Me: Why you so confident. Did you think she
would blackmail you? no you didn't!
Nomahelele: I just found out Tiny is dead and
she was murdered in Johannesburg
Me: Wait? Killed in Johannesburg ?
Nomahelele: It looks like Tiny is Thalala
Me: Oh My God
Nomahelele: Good thing she is gone. She was
starting to become a problem!
Me: But cuz we have to look at Thalala's picture
first before celebrating. It might be someone
My phone disturbed me. I looked at it. It's May. I
looked at River
Me: It's your cousin
Nomahelele: Put her on speaker
I put her on speaker.
Me: May ?
May: You said what is the name of the woman
you let die of poison again?
Me: Nomfunzelo Why do you ask ?
May: She is from Gogozayo. Married to a Prince
Me: In Hlalwini yes?
May: Never! ever mention what happened to her
Me: Why?
May: Do you remember my ex husband John
Me: Yes
May: His brother Mlungisi was Nomfunzelo's
Nomahelele: Oh Boy
Me: That makes her Universe's cousin ?
May: This is the last time we have this
conversation cuz...... ( Tu tu tu tu tu )
She hung up. I sat down. My phone rang again
Me: Still her !
I stood up and answered
Me: Yes ?
May: When it comes to blood? Universe turns on
me too. This is the last time we talk about that
incident understood?
Me: Yes
She hung up. I sat down
Nomahelele: Small world
Me: We should listen to May. That girl is
Nomahelele: Without a doubt and she is not
scared of jail
Me: Nomaxabiso's relative
River looked at me
Nomahelele: This is a nightmare
Someone cleared their throat we jumped up. Oh
Thank God it's Gedleza
Me: What is it Gedleza?
He looked at River.
Gedleza: My Queen you must get rid of That
burner phone. In her house there is a diary with
a number written under the name.......
We looked at him nervous
Gedleza: The Killer !
Nomahelele: Oh My God!




< Claire >
Loose women always point fingers. They don't
see anything wrong with what they do. This girl
had the audacity to stand there and judge me for
dating Elton? First of all Tasha is not my friend
and she never was. I was only dating her friend
She and I are not friends. She must get that
through her thick skull. There is no girl code
between us. She amazes me. She is the one who
dated circle of friends who the hell does she
think she is to tell me I shouldn't be with Elton?
She is dating Hungani. Why don't she focus on
that and leave me alone. If her boyfriend didn't
knock at that door i don't know, Something
could have happened. I was very upset. I guess
it's a good thing he came at that time. I don't
want to get in trouble with the law. A lost two
friends. Michaela died. Brianna went to prison
and also died in there. I have to lead by a
example. I have to be the better model out of the
three and work so hard for them. I have to make
them proud.
Anyway I am at the hotel. This boy must tell me
why he targeted me. He must tell me the real
reason he wanted to help me get over Hunter. I
heard the door open. He walked in looking
angry. I thought I was supposed to be the one
angry. He is not going to make me do what I
planned I can't see that. He will put the blame
on me to avoid the questions I have for him.
Elton: What the hell was that ?
Me: What ?
He came to me furious. He is kind of
intimidating. When you look at Elton you see
this pretty nice looking rich kid but when he
shows his arrogance. He does look scary.
Elton: I warned you girl. I said you fuck with me
I wi.....
Me: Babe I was not there for you
Elton: Stop lying what were you doing in my
damn house ?
I sat down
Me: I can't talk to you when you're like that!
He breathe in and out
Elton: I am calm give me your best excuse
Me: It's not an excuse !
Elton: Okay I am listening talk!
Me: I have been thinking about what you said.
You brought my past up in our first date. It's not
something I want to be known for. So I am
trying to change. Since I can't contact Hunter
and Sonia I decided to go to your sister for help.
I want her to beg Hunter to withdraw the
restraining order. I want to speak to him and get
Elton: Are you sure that's what you were there
for ?
Me: I am not stupid. You said your family can't
know why would I do that to you?
Elton: Okay fine I believe you
Me: Good! Now that we are being honest about
everything why don't you tell me the real reason
you are here?
Elton: Because we fuck?
Me: Right
Elton: What's that supposed to mean?
I looked at him.
Me: Do you think i am stupid? You think i can't
see what you're playing?
Elton: We had an agreement!
Me: And you also had your own agenda
Elton: Which is ?
Me: We hook up. The next day Hunter and Sonia
are together. What is that?
Elton: Who said they are together?
Me: Come on EJ. Those two couldn't stand each
other now I see them together at your house!
Elton: My brother in law invited Hunter to my
house because he is gonna be his groom! That
was a family Christmas dinner and he wanted to
tell him Monday we are going for suits
measurements. As for Sonia. She is my family.
She is always at my house. You need to stop this
nonsense. Remember You and I are helping each
other get over our exes. Why do you care what
Hunter does?
I walked away. I sat on the bed
Me: Elton I don't want to be played. I don't
respond well to that !
Elton: We are playing each other. Don't start to
catch feelings now
Me: I just want to make sure you're not helping "
Your sister " get my ex back
Elton: No, I am not but those two have children
together. It wouldn't be bad if they started
dating again
I stood up
Elton: What? Do you think Hunter will want to
be with you after you beat him up ?
I looked at him. I took my handbag
Me: I am not happy with this arrangement. The
deal is off
Elton: What ?
Me: Bye bye
I opened the door
Elton: Wait.....
I closed the door then quickly walked to the
elevator. I got in on time before it closed. People
walked out. I walked in. I don't want to do
something i might regret. Elton is so sure of
himself. I don't want to upset him and see
myself getting beat. Another reason i decided to
end this is because I am starting to fall for him
and he keeps reminding me we are just having
sex. When I love someone I get crazy. I cannot
risk loving him. I can't ruin my life. I lost one job
for beating Sonia. I can't risk the small jobs I got
for a boy who doesn't even take me seriously.

< Priscella >
I don't know but I feel like I need to call this
Claire woman. I need to find out why she was in
my house yesterday. I also have to speak to
security and find out why they let her in. They
didn't even call to let us know She was coming
up. How could They do that. What did she tell
them for them to let her in? We had a Brianna
and Thalala. I hope we are not going to have
another crazy girl. I don't want her anywhere
near my family. She attacked my friend. She
can't expect us to welcome her in our home with
open arms after what she did.
Anyway I just woke up. Mom is leaving today
but she is leaving later not now. I looked next to
me. Where is Masixole? I sat up straight. Let me
call Claire now. I texted Sonia.
Me: Sent
Sonia started typing
Sonia: " No! that girl is crazy. Don't call her "
I shook my head then replied
Me: Then I guess I should ask Hunter for the
number ?
She sent the number. I dialled it. Her phone rang
Claire: Claire ?
Me: Hello Claire it's Priscella. I want to know
what you were doing here yesterday. You didn't
Claire: Oh hi. I am sorry about yesterday. I am
not allowed to be near Hunter and Sonia. I came
there to speak to you
Me: I am listening ?
Claire: I want to speak to Hunter for the last
time. I need closure and you're the only person
who could help me talk to him. I just want to
speak to him before I move on with my life. Do
you think you can help me ?
Me: What? I don't think i can do that
Claire: I am begging you. I wouldn't have asked
you if I didn't know you'd help please. Don't
disappoint me
Me: I will think about it
Claire: Thank you
I hung up.. She wants me to help her talk to
Hunter after everything she did to my friend ? I
called Sonia
Sonia: So ?
Me: Can you believe she says she came to ask me
to talk to Hunter and tell him she wants to talk
to him to get closure?
Sonia: She is lying. I hope you told her that will
never happen! She wants us to withdraw the
restraining order after that she will start where
she left off. Do you think the police will wanna
help us again?
Me: I said I will think about it because I wanted
to speak to you first but my mind is made up. I
will tell her I will not help her
Sonia: Just tell her Hunter doesn't wanna talk to
Me: Okay thanks friend
Sonia: See you afternoon
Me: Later
I hung up. I will call Claire later. I can't tell her
right now. I stood up. I went to the bathroom. I
brushed my teeth and washed my face. I walked
out of the bathroom. The door opened. Masixole
walked in with a tray with breakfast
Masixole: Ahh I wanted to surprise you in bed
Me: Are you kidding me? I am surprised this is
sweet baby
I went to him and kissed him
Me: Who helped you make all this ?
Him: Sit and enjoy your breakfast
I didn't ask. I sat down. He put the food on my
night table.
Me: Thank you baby
Him: You're welcome
He kissed me.
Him: I received a call from the Queen
Me: What did she say?
Masixole: Apparently Thalala didn't stop being a
prostitute. She was doing this in Mthatha as well
Me: I thought she did it because she was
struggling financially. She said it herself. She
said she was not ashamed of it because she
wanted to finish her studies. I wonder what was
her excuse for doing it in Mthatha?
Masixole: And she thought she would be my
wife? She was crazy
Me: Do you think maybe she had debts?
Masixole: I don't want to lie babe. I really don't
Me: Wow
I can't believe this. I am starting to think
something was wrong with that girl. She was
beautiful and educated. What really pushed her
to do this ? It's a pity she is not here to answer
these questions now.

< Nomaxabiso >
I need to tell my aunt about the dream I had. No,
I feel like so many things from that WILL were
true. The 20 % shares for example. It was not in
the will in my dream then the real will didn't
have them as well. How can one thing be so
accurate and the entire thing change. If i
remember correctly. In my dream me and my
aunt got the shares in the business. The real will
my aunt didn't get shares and I only got them
from my mom. In my dream I got them from
both of my parents. I don't know why I was
given false hope. It is really hard to accept that
the man I thought was my father is not. When
Nomahelele was here, He came in my dreams
Why would he come to me if I am not his child ?
I know this is true but it's hard to accept. I am in
this whole mess because of Uncle Manyokonya. I
have no strength to go face him. He is such a
coward. How could he do all this then run away
when the truth is revealed. He is the only man in
this family. What is he teaching us When he just
runs away in the times of trouble? He is not a
man we could count on in this family. He is
weak. I can't believe he is a chief.
Anyway fell asleep before aunt came home. To
think about it, I don't think she slept here. I
opened my window. Her car is not outside. I
dragged my body. I stood up. I went out to wash
my teeth. I went to the kitchen. I boiled water. I
want coffee. Last night I drank my problems to
sleep. While in the kitchen waiting for water to
boil. I heard a car stops outside. I opened the
Me: I wonder where she slept?
It's my aunt. She came to the door. She opened
the door then walked in
Me: You didn't sleep here last night?
Her: It was late. The road this side is bad. I
couldn't drive at night so I booked myself into a
motel in Mthatha
Me: Coffee?
Her: Yes please
I switched off the cattle. I took two cups. I made
coffee for both of us.
Aunt: Why ain't you ready for church?
I gave her coffee
Her: Thank you
I pulled a chair. I sat down.
Me: I just buried both my parents Friday. I don't
want to go to church. Anyway how did it go with
The prostitute?
Aunt: I didn't think you'd wanna know
Me: I am just asking. Honestly I don't care. I am
just curious because I always believed my f....
your brother would never sleep with a
Notaligana: Nomaxabiso he raised you. He was
your father
Me: No! I was just a price to him and his brother
I can't believe this. I stood up. I just remembered
Me: That's why they called me Nomaxabiso!
How can my mother allow them to call me this!
Notaligana: I don't think she thought of it like
that but it's not like she had a choice. I feel like
she needed my brother more than he needed
her. Your mother didn't want to be the laughing
stock of her village that is why she agreed to be
my brother's wife
Me: I want to know my father. I want to know
the man who raped my mother
Her: Where are you gonna find him?
Me: Next week I am going to Gogozayo. I have to
meet my mother's family. I think they might
Her: I will go with you.
I smiled
Me: Thank you
Her: We are family Nomaxabiso. No matter
what you are still my niece
I sipped my coffee
Her: The prostitute died in Johannesburg. I don't
know what she was doing there. Apparently she
asked a thug to kill her
I looked at her
Me: What? What was she doing there and do
you believe she was killed by a thug?
She sat down
Notaligana: There were witnesses
Me: I guess we will never know for sure
Notaligana: I won't give up until I get my hands
to her personal things. I am planning to go to
her house tomorrow. I hear her home is not too
far from here. The lady she was working for
gave me an address
Me: Good luck
Her: You're coming with me ?
Me: No
I walked away. I am not going to support a man
who didn't love me.

< Judge Makhosazana >
I have bad vibes about this meeting. I don't
know why i am going alone. I guess the reason i
am going alone is because I don't want to seem
like I rush my sister in law to face them now. I
feel like she is not ready but someone has to do
something about the information we just found
out. That man killed our child and he is going to
pay for it. We are not what we used to be. The
days where he did as he pleased are over. I am
ready to face all of them. I swear if they do
anything crazy I will shoot all of them before the
lay their hands on me. Even thougg I am looking
forward to getting there and tell Manyokonya
what I think of him I can't help but think about
how he was on the phone yesterday. He said he
has been waiting for this call for weeks. He
didn't know what was in the will how did he
know eventually I was gonna call him? Or is
there something else he wanted to discuss with
me ? I can't wait to get there and hear what is in
his big head. When i was accused of killing his
sister in law he didn't have a say. I am really
curious to find out what is going on. I hear he is
very arrogant man and it was unlike him to just
keep quiet. Maybe he was waiting for a perfect
time. I am not worried though. If danger was
waiting for me where I am going Gedleza
would've warned me. I just had to bring my gun
just in case and when i go to such things i make
sure my gloves are on. I put them on when I
drive myself but today I am not. I just put them
on so that I don't temper with evidence or leave
my Finger print or DNA at the scene. You never
Anyway Refilwe is leaving today. I might forget
to wish her well. Let me do it while I still
remember. Something tells me it's gonna be a
long day and might forget to call her. I dialled
her number.
Refilwe: Hello Queen
Me: Hey how are you Refilwe ?
Refilwe: I am good thanks. How are you?
Me: I am good. I just remembered you're leaving
today. Have a safe flight
Refilwe: Thank you so much Queen. I am leaving
at 14:00
Me: Travel safe
Her: Thank you
Me: Bye
I hung up the call then looked infront of me. We
just got here. I can't believe how fast we got
here. I know I am the one who called the
meeting. I just feel like I am not ready for what I
might hear inside there. By the way I went
straight to his house not at Shosholoza's house.
Today i made sure they don't go to church. My
driver opened the door for me. I took out my
My chauffeur's eyes popped out looking at my
gun. I don't know why he looks surprised. I put
it my jacket. I walked out of the car.
Me: Wait for me in the car
Him: Okay your highness
I looked around. I am thinking of that Sunday
where I saw Nomfunzelo die in front of my very
eyes. Today is Sunday as well. What if someone
dies today? I remember That day like it was
yesterday. Hlalwini village and felt so quiet and
the same thing is happening today.
I walked to the door. I knocked then moved
away from the door. I went and attempted to
knock again. The door opened.
Manyokonya: You're a very impatient woman
Me: After what was revealed yesterday I didn't
expect a smile in your face. I guess Jesus Christ
can never change an evil man. Once a monster
always a monster
He chuckled then pointed at me. He had a silly
smile on his face.
Manyokonya: You would know that
My eyes popped out.
Me: What's that supposed to mean ?
Him: Come in
Me: After you
He left the door open. I slide my hand in my
handbag. I unzipped it. I pressed the recording. I
walked in and closed the door.
Me: I called for a family meeting not a
Nomakhosazana and Manyokonya meeting.
Where is everyone?
He looked at me.
Him: I am a chief. I would appreciate if you
Me: Where is everyone?
Him: Something to drink?
Me: Old man I am not here to play. I am here on
a family matter !
Him: It's gonna be you and I today. This was
long over due don't you think?
He said smiling. He looked at me. I sat down
Me: it's just you and I huh?
Him: Yes. It's just you and I
Me: That means I could kill you the same way
you killed my sister in law's child
Him: It wouldn't be the first time you do that I
do believe you. Actually I am scared because I
know you're capable of that
I looked at him
Me: I am not a monster like you. I don't mean
what I just said. I am here because i want you
and your family to pa....
Him: You're not a monster?
Me: I am not a monster !
He took his phone. He played something.
" MKHULUWA ( big brother) I am worried about
my wife. Like I told you about the situation we
are in. My wife wants to kill Nomakhosazana. I
heard her speak to my daughter. My daughter
and I are not there. That Nomakhosazana
woman is very dangerous. I am afraid that she
might kill my wife before my wife kills her.
Please don't go to church. I want you to keep an
eye on My wife please "
He stopped it then looked at me. I won't lie I look
and feel guilty and nervous.
He looked at me. I can't show him I am guilty of
anything. I stood up
Me: So you just played a voice message that
incriminate you and your brother! The police
know I was invited at That house! and.....
He didn't wait for me to finish. He quickly stood
Him: You forgot to tell them you actually did go
see her
I turned around and looked at him
Me: The police know I didn't go there! How can
you go where you know you're going to be
killed! And you as a Christian. Why didn't you
call me and give me heads up or you and your
brother also wanted me dead?
Him: Nomakhosazana I didn't go to church that
Me: Good for you! and what does that have
anything to do with me?
Him: It has everything to do with you
Me: You're wasting my time
I took my handbag then attempted to go
Manyokonya: I have evidence that show that
you went there
Me: I didn't go there! I was not there that day!
Manyokonya: You know you're very good at
lying. You managed to convince the police that
but you can't convince me. Because I saw you
Me: You're bluffing! You want to scare me! you
want me to forget what you did to my family!
how can you be so evil!? Let's say I went there.
What will you say when the police ask you why
you kept this information you claim to have on
He pressed his phone. He gave it to me.
Him: I don't claim! isn't that you arriving.
Getting out of your car and walking into my
brother's house?
I took his phone. I saw my car. I walked out of
the car. I looked around. I went in. This son of a
bitch even edited it. He took another one of me
coming out.
Him: Check the date. The very same day you said
you didn't set foot in my brother's house. Do you
think the police will believe that she ate the
poison on her own free will when you lied to
them and said you were not there
He smiled. I thought I was good at lying and
standing by my word but not today. I can't hold
my tears back. There is a lot at stake. This could
ruin everything.
Him: It looks like you and I are just the same
Me: There is a reason you didn't go to the police
with this. What do you want?
Him: Simple
He walked away. I slide my hand and hold my
gun in my pocket.
Him: Before I tell you that. I want you to know
that I am not the only one who has this video so
if I die they know who to go to
I have heard of that before. I don't buy it. It's an
excuse people say when they are scared.
Me: What do you want !?
He looked at the couch.
Him: I made sure we are alone when you
He looked at me.
Manyokonya: I want so many things but today
Me: What is that?
Manyokonya: I want to sleep with you
Me: What !?
Him: You don't want your secret to come out
Him: Are you coming ?
He turned around and attempted to go to the
bedroom. I took out my gun I hit the back of his
head with my gun. He fell face down
I ran to the door. I locked it. I looked at the time.
It's 11:30 am. I looked around
Me: You still have time
I took his phone. I deleted the video. I looked
Me: Where do I start looking for more footages ?




< Elton >
Last night I got dumped by Claire. It came as a
surprise but I must say it came at the perfect
time. I don't want her to go crazy on my
girlfriend. I have a girlfriend. Her name is Mia.
She is 19 years old and she is beautiful. I want to
focus on her. I love her and I feel bad that I
cheated on her with Claire. I didn't do it because
I wanted Claire. I did it for my sis. I hope she
never finds out. I don't think she would though
because Claire is the one who dumped me. I
don't think she is holding a grudge against me.
We had an arrangement. She is not happy with
it. She broke it off that's good.
Anyway today it's Sunday. I had to come see
Sonia and tell her the good news. Well it's good
news for me. I can't say the same for her though.
She wanted me to continue seeing her til I don't
know when. I am not sure if she will be happy
about this. I knocked at the door. The door
Sonia: Elton come in
Me: Thanks
I walked in. I looked around
Me: Is it safe to talk ?
Sonia looked at the back.
Sonia: Hunter is swimming at the pool with our
kids. Why don't we go to the kitchen. Anything
to drink ?
Me: Wine
We got to the kitchen. I jumped then sat on high
chair. She took two glasses. She poured us wine.
Sonia: Here you go
I took the glass.
Me: Thank you
I sipped. She sat down.
Sonia: What brings you here ?
Me: I won't be going around in circles....
Sonia: Why don't I like this
Me: I went back to the hotel to confront Claire
last night. She dumped me and left
Sonia: What ?
Me: Yes. She first accused me of playing her to
get you guys together. I tried to convince her it's
not what she thinks it is. She broke it off. She
said she is not happy with our arrangement. She
Sonia: That bitch saw my husband now she
wants him
Me: Good thing you have a restraining order
against her so she won't come anywhere near
Sonia: Yeah.....
She stood up
Sonia: Priscella called her
I stood up. This is not gonna end well. I know my
Me: What? Priscilla is gonna kill me!
Sonia: Relax. That bitch wants to get closure
from my man. She says she went there to see
Priscella. I don't know if it's true. I just hope it is
Me: That's what she said to me too
Sonia: Well let's hope that's what it is. I just need
to make sure this doesn't get to Hunter. Men are
stupid. He might buy her excuse to see him and
end up caught up with her craziness again
Me: Make sure that girl doesn't come anywhere
near Hunter. I don't trust her. I just hope she
won't be a problem to us
Sonia sipped her wine.
Sonia: Yeah......
She looks worried. I hope there is no drama. It
would suck if what we did backfire on us. She is
happy with Hunter and that makes me happy.
She deserves it after the humiliation with

< Nomahelele >
A lot happened last night. I found out Thalala
was the model. I knew her as Tiny. I didn't know
this girl was the woman who wanted to marry
my nephew. She was so crazy to think she would
be a prostitute and marry my nephew who is
gonna be a king. What was she thinking really?
She had big dreams I tell you. Maybe that is why
she made sure she sold herself to succeed. As for
her death I said good riddance. I helped that
bitch with money. She didn't kill. She just cried
like a bitch she is to the police that's it. I don't
know why She thought she had a right to
blackmail me. She only had my burner phone
number. She didn't even know my name let
alone my face. She never saw my face at all.
Speaking of face. When I left Sdwadwa's house. I
regretted showing my face so what I did was
deactive all my social media profiles. I had to do
this so that I could be safe. I don't need social
media. I am a grown woman who is married.
People who are important to me will call me. I
must say I was shocked to find out that
Nomaxabiso is Universe family. I know that girl.
She is brave and dangerous. She went to jail and
spent years there for something that was done
by her mother my cousin. I don't want to mess
with her. I don't want family to fight against
each other. May has proven herself to me that
family means a lot to her. I have to do my part to
make sure the family stays together. That
Universe is her step daughter but she loves her
like she Is her own child. I don't want to ruin
that for her and I don't want to be on the bad
side of that dangerious young girl.
Anyway I miss my husband. He has been
spending night after night at his house with
Nontorotyi. It is not my fault that Nontorotyi
spends her time fighting that man instead of
sleeping with him. I miss my man and I am
getting him to my bed tonight. I just got to their
house. It looks like my sister wife and her
daughter are already up. We are taking a break
from jogging until second January so I am sure
my darling is still asleep. Princess Ngejiwe
opened the door for me.
Ngejiwe: Morning my Queen come on in
I walked in.
Me: Morning honey. How are you?
She closed the door then followed me.
Ngejiwe: I am good thanks how are you? my
Me: I am good thanks
Ngejiwe: I am getting some air later guys
Nontorotyi: Bye baby
Ngejiwe walked out.
Nontorotyi: So what brings you here ?
Me: I am here to see you and our husband So
how are things?
Nontorotyi: I took your advice. My husband and
i we are doing so well. He was calling my name
all the time last night
Me: That's beautiful! That means he is all mine
Nontorotyi: What ?
Me: He is spending a night with me tonight
Nontorotyi: We just connected. Can't I have him
for few nights?
Me: I gave you four days with him S'ntoro-ntoro.
It's my turn now. That's how this works
" I thought I heard your voice sweetheart "
That's the chief. I looked at him he is coming
from the bedroom. He got to us then kissed my
Hlohlesakhe: Morning baby
Me: Morning my darling. I missed you
Hlohlesakhe: I missed you more baby
Nontorotyi: Hello!!!
She said pointing at her cheek. The chief
laughed then kissed her cheek. He attempted to
come sit next to me. Nontorotyi grabbed his
Nontorotyi: Sit right here next to me my love
Nontorotyi is so insecure. I suspect when it's my
night she will cry all night.
Me: Okay now that we are all here. We need to
talk about the woman who is going to be our
sister wife
Hlohlesakhe: Nomaxabiso?
Nontorotyi: You haven't had your wedding yet.
Why do you want her to live with us?
Hlohlesakhe: My love River didn't say anything
about Nomaxabiso moving in. Why don't you let
her explain herself?
Nontorotyi looked down. She is too forward. I
will bring the ashes if she doesn't shut up
Me: Thank you darling
Me: Nomaxabiso just found out that Shosholoza
was not her father. She is a product of rape. I
think we should stand together and go see her.
The three of us
Hlohlesakhe: I love that sweetheart
Nontorotyi: Wait a minute? Nomaxabiso is not a
royal princess?
Me: Unfortunately and I think she needs us right
now. She must see that we care about her
Nontorotyi looked away and smiled
Nontorotyi: For the first time i agree with you
Sister wife. When are we going there?
Me: This afternoon
Nontorotyi: My love I am in what do you say?
Hlohlesakhe: She is one of us. We must be there
for her
I stood up
Me: 2pm I will be here to fetch you guys
Nontorotyi: I can't wait
I walked to the door.
Me: Oh darling
I turned around
Me: I can't wait to spend a night with you
Hlohlesakhe: Me too sweetheart
Nontorotyi looked away
I smiled then walked out. Now I feel like there is
another thing I need to teach this woman. She
must not be jealous. She must get that this man
don't belong only to her. Another thing, She
must learn to have my back as well. I can't show
her kindness and get nothing in return. I gave
her days with Hlohlesakhe. I don't understand
why she has a problem with me spending a
night with the Chief. He is our husband not hers

< Priscella >
My mother is leaving. We are taking her to the
airport. It's sad to see her go. I guess I will
always be my mother's little girl. Even though I
want her to go I feel sad to see her go and it
happens every time when she leaves. I really
appreciate the time she spent with us here. She
really stayed this time. She usually stays here for
a week and go, maybe that is why some of us felt
like she over stayed. I appreciate her for coming
and spent the holidays with us. It means a lot to
me I won't lie.
Anyway we are still at the house. I am waiting
for Sonia and Elton. I called both of them. They
say they are on their way. Mom can't be late for
her flight.
Masixole: Are you sure you packed everything
Ms Refilwe?
Mom: Masixole you know I bring home more
clothes but when i go back I go back with a small
bag. If i need something I will buy it
Masixole: Okay then
Mom: Please take care of my pregnant daughter
and please be there for the company. I know my
girl will need help
Me: And i will
Mom: Another thing......
She looked at Masixole
Mom: When i come for the wedding you guys
will leave me here in South Africa. I have to be
here for your Coronation. I can't do the up and
Me: I understand mom
The Elevator beeped. Sonia and Elton arrived at
the same time? Were they together
Me: You arrived at the same time. Were you
together ?
" No!!! " They said at the same time
Me: O-kay why do I feel like you're hiding
Sonia: We are not hiding anything
Mom: You sounded so defensive like you were.
Anyway I am late let's go
Me: Before we go I have something to say mom
Mom looked at me.
Me: Thank you so much for spending this month
with us it was nice having you around
Mom: Ahhh I love being with you guys of course
it was a pleasure honey
Me: And i want to apologise for being hard on
you about Elton coming out of Rehab. I really
didn't think it was gonna work. You made the
right call so for that I am sorry for doubting
your decision
My brother smiled
Mom: Mothers know best sweetie
She hugged me
Mom: I forgive you
Me: Thank you
She looked at Elton
Mom: Please don't give your sister A hard time.
Be there for her okay
Elton: Always mom
I smiled. She kissed his cheek and hugged him.
Mom: All the best with your Mozambique trip
and King
Masixole: Yes Ms Refilwe
Mom: When they come back from the trip please
give Prince Nomgcwabe the tour he came here
for. He has to know more about this company
before he works for it
Masixole: I will make sure I do
Mom: Okay now let's go
The security pressed the button. We all got in
the elevator. This holiday was the best. My
brother is at his best behavior. He makes good
mature decisions. I am so proud of him. I wish I
could believe in him more like mom do. I guess
the reason i was so hard on him was because he
did all the wrong things in front of my eyes. I
was kinda ready to give up on him. I hope my
mom has a safe flight back to the US. It was great
to have her even though we fought a lot. I am so
nervous about tomorrow. We are going for the
girls measurements and my dress feeting. I can't
wait to see how far Junaid is with it.

< Narrated >
At Royal palace. We see the driver opens The
door for the Queen. She walked out of the car
taking off her gloves. She also took off her jacket.
Siqalo ran to her. He took the jacket and gloves.
Nomakhosazana: Thank you. Take them
Siqalo opened the door. The Queen walked in
Nomakhosazana: Thank you
She saw River in the living room sitting alone.
River stood up
Nomahelele: You're back?
Nomakhosazana: Yes. Where is our sister in
Nomahelele: Upstairs. She can't put her laptop
down. I recommended this Tv series. THIS IS US .
I just want her to clear her head
Nomakhosazana: My poor sister in law
The Queen looked at Whisky then at River
Nomakhosazana: I am sorry cuz. I need it
Nomahelele: No problem
The Queen poured herself a double. She gulped
it then put the glass down.
Nomakhosazana: Oh cuz thank you so much for
helping me with that I.T guy. He really helped
me crack that bastard's computer
River looked up the stairs
Nomahelele: Let's go to your study
They walked to the study. The Queen opened the
door and walked in. River walked in also then
closed the door.
Nomahelele: So did you find something in his
Nomakhosazana: I found two laptops in his
house. I checked all of them. There is no video
there. I only found this though
She said taking out a hard drive. River smiled.
Nomahelele: Did you check what's in there ?
Nomakhosazana: The whole video
Nomahelele: Great ! so you woke him up right ?
The Queen's face changed. She looked angry.
Nomakhosazana: I left him unconscious
Nomahelele: Does he have bloo....
Nomakhosazana: Relax. He didn't have blood or
Nomahelele: Oh Good. So what do you think will
happen when he wakes up?
Nomakhosazana: He will be angry and look for
the footages and I am sure he will be
determined to expose me
Nomahelele: We might have the video but he
must be stopped. The police didn't find anything
on Shosholoza's murder. They are still angry
about that. They might want to listen to him
when he comes with new findings in that cold
Me: You're right. That is why I have this
recording of him asking to sleep with me
Nomahelele: Brilliant!
Nomakhosazana: Well we had a long
conversation though. There are things that
incriminate me so....
River took the recording. She walked to The
Queen's study chair. She sat down
Nomahelele: Let me edit this recording and send
it to him. When he wakes up. He can't tell
anyone what happened. He has to die with what
he knows !
The Queen ran to the door. She locked the door.
Nomakhosazana: We can't kill Him River. You
know we can't keep killing. Two people died in
that family and it's all because of us. We have to
send the recording and pray that he won't do
Nomahelele: When i said he must die with the
truth I meant he won't tell anyone. We can't kill
him i know that! we can't always be lucky
The Queen looked at her wrist watch
Nomakhosazana: The church is coming out soon.
You better get cracking
Nomahelele: You're right. Let me listen to it first
The Queen looked away
Nomakhosazana: I can't save myself for such a
long time only to sleep with an old man! Never

At Chief Manyokonya's house. We see the family
arrives from church. He wasn't with them
because he didn't go to church. He had a
meeting with Queen Nomakhosazana who left
him unconscious. This is risky. This man might
wake up more determined to avenge his sister in
law. Did the Queen make the right choice? You
can't upset the man who can ruin your life in a
blink of an eye. What if he wakes up dizzy and
share everything?
Anyway The daughter opened the door.
Her: Dad! Oh My God!
Mrs Z: My Chief!!!
They both ran to him leaving the younger kids at
the door. They went to him. He was face down.
The girl turned him around
Girl: Da....
Chief Manyokonya opened his eyes.
Him: What...
He looked around. His wife hugged him tight.
Her: Oh Thank God!
Girl: Dad what happened?
The chief stood up
Wife: Why were you sleeping on the floo....
The chief's phone beeped. He took it out then
looked at it.
The chief scrolled up. He saw an audio attached
to the message
Mrs Z: What happened? why were you on the
He smiled then started stretching his muscles
Manyokonya: It's old age. I fell and my lower
body couldn't move
Girl: Dad you scared us !
Mrs Z: Things happen these days. I was scared.
Anyway let me go change
They laughed walking to the bedrooms. Chief
Manyokonya went to the couch and sat down.
He touch where he was hit by the Queens gun
Him: Ouch




< Narrated >
It looks like everyone liked the idea of visiting
Nomaxabiso. When i say everyone I also mean
Nontorotyi. If she didn't like the idea she
wouldn't be here with River and chief
Khabalandile. It looks like they didn't waste time
after River came with the idea. They took one
car and drove to Hlalwini village. We see the
three of them walking out of the car fixing
themselves. We see Nomaxabiso and her aunt
standing inside looking at them through the
Notaligana: I know that family wouldn't let what
happened at will reading yesterday slide. They
are going to punish us for my brother's sins
Nomaxabiso: That is my soon to be husband and
his wives. I doubt they are here about that. I
know the Queen would be here if they came to
confront you guys
Notaligana looked at Nomaxabiso
Notaligana: You might be right. Maybe they
came to see you
Nomaxabiso: Yes.....
They heard a knock at the door.
Nomaxabiso: Let me go get that
Nomaxabiso walked to the door. She opened the
door. Once the door opened. River ran in and
hugged Nomaxabiso.
She looked surprised to get a hug. While in a hug
she looked at Nontorotyi
Nontorotyi: ;)
Nontorotyi winked at Nomaxabiso. River broke
the hug
Nomahelele: I am so sorry
Nomaxabiso smiled
Nomaxabiso: Come in guys
They walked in. Chief Khabalandile looked at
Hlohlesakhe: Are you okay ?
Nomaxabiso: I am not okay. I am actually
shocked that I am not my father's daughter
She said that then walked to the living room.
River Pinched Nontorotyi asking her to say
Nontorotyi: We are here for you as your family
Nomahelele: Nontorotyi is right. We are going to
be sister wives. We have to support each other.
If you need anything talk to us or call our
husband if you're not comfortable talking to us
Hlohlesakhe: Hello Notaligana
Notaligana: I hear you're the Chief now hello
Hlohlesakhe: Yeah i am the new chief
Nomaxabiso: Can I get you something to drink?
Nomahelele: I am fine but I know you might
have a lot of milk from the funeral. So I will
have coffee
Nomaxabiso: And you my chief ?
Hlohlesakhe: What my sweetheart is having
River smiled. Nomaxabiso looked at Nontorotyi.
Nontorotyi: Why don't we go together and make
coffee for our husband and sister wife ?
She said standing up. They walked to the
kitchen. Notaligana looked at Chief Khabalandile
Notaligana: I am so sorry about what my
brother did to your sister. We had no idea
Hlohlesakhe: I hear that bastard stood up and
walked out. He is going to pay for what he did to
my family. We are Still gonna come and talk
about that. We are here for Nomaxabiso now
Notaligana: I had no idea. I didn't even know
about the two boys
Hlohlesakhe: Even the boys didn't know. We had
to tell them the day your brother passed
Notaligana: Why did you hide this from them.
My brother was always there in meetings
Hlohlesakhe: Your sister in law was a witch and
your brother was married. We didn't want to
invite attention to our family
Notaligana: I understand but kids had to know
their father. It's not fair what you did
Hlohlesakhe: What is not fair is telling people
about this and have Nomfunzelo kill my
nephews. We were protecting them!
Notaligana: My sister in law never killed
anyone. At least not someone we know, I just
don't understand why everyone was scared of
Hlohlesakhe: The only people who did
something wrong here were your brothers!
Notaligana's phone rang. She stood up
Notaligana: Excuse me
She walked away answering. Chief Khabalandile
looked at River
Nomahelele: What?
Hlohlesakhe: Baby you were so quiet it's unlike
Nomahelele: I don't know your family history
and why you did the things you did to protect
the children so I would rather keep quiet darling
Hlohlesakhe: You're right
River looked away. She is nervous about
Notaligana. She kind of regret coming here. She
completely forgot that she saw Notaligana at
Sdwadwa's house.

In the kitchen we see Nontorotyi and
Nomaxabiso making tea. They were quiet for a
Nontorotyi: Your mission is to end up with a
chief no matter what. I remember the first time i
saw you we talked about how much you wanted
to be the Chief wife. But the difference right now
is that you're marrying my husband not the
handsome Zwelicacile
Nomaxabiso took a tray
Nomaxabiso: Your point is ?
Nontorotyi: You just want to be the Queen it
doesn't matter who you marry as long you're
getting that tittle
Nomaxabiso: I should've known you didn't come
here to support me. If you don't want me to be
Chief Khabalandile's wife then why don't you go
to them and tell them you don't want me to be
his wife? You're the first wife after all
Nontorotyi chuckled. She put cups on the tray
Nomaxabiso: What ?
Nontorotyi: I am sorry to hear that you and I are
Nomaxabiso: Excuse me?
Nontorotyi: You're not a princess. You're a
nobody like me. Even if you were to become a
queen. You wouldn't be that important in that
village. Believe me. I am saying this from
experience, I am a commoner as well
Nomaxabiso threw the cloth on the table.
Nomaxabiso: Tell them I had to go see my uncle
She walked out through the kitchen door.
Nontorotyi smiled then took the tray to the
living room.
Notaligana: And now? Why is Nomaxabiso
leaving ?
Nontorotyi: She received a phone call. She says
She is going to see her uncle
River stood up
Nomahelele: I am sorry I won't have the coffee.
We came here to see Nomaxabiso. I don't know
why she left us here. Let's go home guys
Notaligana: And the coff.....
River opened the door and walked out. Chief
Khabalandile shrugged his shoulders then
walked out.
Nontorotyi: Forgive my sister in law's nasty
attitude. She is always like that. Imagine I am
stuck with her for the rest of our lives. I live in a
Nontorotyi took a long sip then put down the
Nontorotyi: At least had mine
She walked out. Notaligana looked at them
through the window. She looked at River's back.
Her eyes widened
Notaligana: Oh My God! it's her !
She took her phone and made a phone call. The
phone took her straight to voicemail
Notaligana: Where are you Nomaxabiso. We
need to talk!
She started panicking. She couldn't believe it.

< Tasha >
I know this might be the biggest mistake of my
life but I am willing to take it. I said yes to
Hungani's proposal. I know so many people will
think I am stupid. I am young. I am going to be
the first time mom. I can't be alone. I know some
are asking why don't I go home. How can I go
home when my parents don't like the man who
impregnated me. They want me to abort the
child and that is not something I am willing to
do. I am not going to abort my child and I am
not going to stay at Laila's house and raise my
child there. I want to raise my child with
Hungani. I feel like being with him is the only
option I have. I know he and Priscella can never
be together. It will never happen so I am willing
to be with him and fight these feelings he has for
Priscella with him. I know he doesn't love
Refilwe. He was doing that to hurt Priscella. I
know men hurt you when you don't want them.
For him he knew hurting Priscella with her
mother was gonna hit her hard.
Anyway Mrs Oliphant is here. Yesterday she had
to leave because our sex session took longer
than we expected. So she came back today. She
really wants to talk to us. I wonder why she is
here. I am just curious to find out what did
Refilwe say to her about the matter. I hope this
is not the end of their friendship though. I would
hate myself if they end up hating each other.
Refilwe showed me that she cared when she
asked me to go to the police even though a part
of me feels like she was protecting her son but
still it worked in my favour. Elton is not looking
for my head anymore so I am grateful to her and
her daughter for saving my life.
Tina: I saw an article this morning of You two
walk out of your car holding hands when you
were fighting at my dinner table yesterday.
What is going on?
I smiled at Hungani.
Hungani: Mom I asked Tasha to marry me she
said yes
Tina looked at me shocked. I smiled..
Tina: Are you sure you want to do this?
Me: Hungani is the father of my....
Tina: You can't sacrifice your life for a child. You
can't sacrifice your entire life for that! there are
so many single mothers out there. You don't
have to be with someone who makes you
Hungani: Mom i am your son here how can you
say that ?
Tina: This girl was hurt embarrassing you and
herself infront of your brother and sister. You
can't ignore the problem and you two are not
ready to be married
Me: I am staying with Hungani because I love
him. I want to make this work. He is willing to
Hungani: Mom i know I haven't been a good
boyfriend to her but I am willing to focus on her
Tina: Are you sure you're not going after the
Seputla family again?
Hungani: That was stupid mom I am sorry and i
want to apologise to you and to Tasha. It's not
gonna happen again
Tina: I hope you're right. You two make a good
couple I hope you work
Me: Thank you Mrs Oliphant
Hungani: Thanks mom we will make us work
Tina: I love the sound of that and That girl who
died. She coughed blood and died. My friend
didn't kill her!
Hungani looked down
Me: Were you accusing Mrs Seputla?
He looked at me.
Hungani: I was upset that day after what Elton
did anyway I am over that now
I smiled. I really hope he is over that. I am tired
of fighting about the same thing. This is the only
chance I am giving him. His phone beeped. He
looked at it then at us.
Tina: What is it ?
Hungani: All presenters of our show are asked
to a meeting tomorrow
Me: At least they called everyone so that means
you're not in trouble ?
He looked at me. He looked worried. He dialled
a number. the person answered it's Mandy
Hungani: Mandy do you know about the
meeting presenters of my show are having ?
Mandy: I got the email. I am going there with
you tomorrow. Don't worry the meeting is not
about you.
Hungani: Okay
He hung up
Tina: You seem worried son
He looked at her
Hungani: Something doesn't feel right I don't
know why
I really hope he is wrong.

< Judge Makhosazana >
About an hour ago. My Cousin sister took Chief
Khabalandile and Nontorotyi to Hlalwini. I hope
things went well there. I don't want to get
anywhere near there. The next time i go there is
when we have a meeting with that family. After
we sent that text Manyokonya didn't call me. I
was expecting him to call me when he wakes up
but he didn't. I hope he is not planning anything
because if he does anything. I will lose my
patience. I gave him an easy way out. If he
wants to die he will. I don't find pleasure in
killing people. I don't want to kill him. I wouldn't
have killed Shosholoza if I knew the things I
know now. I don't want to make another
mistake and end up in jail.
Anyway I heard footsteps. Someone is walking
down. I looked up. It's my sister in law
Nomagampompo: Drinking alone where is
everyone ?
Me: River, The Chief and Nontorotyi went to see
Nomaxabiso. They are worried about her
Nomagampompo: That sounds like River
Me: You know her
She poured herself a drink
Me: Oh you're done watching the tv show ?
Nomagampompo: I haven't finished season one.
It is nice. I came down for some snacks. So how
did it go with Manyokonya?
Me: That dirty man
Her: What happened?
Me: Come sit
She came and sat down.
Me: Manyokonya knows I was at Nomfunzelo's
house the day she died
She looked at me
Her: What?
Me: Yeah
Her: It's his word against Yours! He doesn't have
anything to prove his allegations
Me: He took a video of my car driving there. And
the video is dated that day so I could go to jail
Nomagampompo: That man is evil My Queen!
What are we going to do?
Me: It's already done
Her: What did you do?
Me: I asked that bastard for a family meeting. He
decided to stay behind alone. He said I should
sleep with him...
Nomagampompo: What!?
Me: He asked me to follow him to the bedroom.
While he was looking the other way walking to
the bedroom I hit the back of his head with your
brother's gun. He fainted. While he was lying
down. I turned his house upside down. I deleted
the video on his phone then deleted it on his
laptop then left with his hardrive
Nomagampompo: My Queen you're brave. What
if they found you inside ?
Me: I locked the door. If his wife arrived while I
was still there. I was gonna wake him up and cry
accusing him of rape. Sisi you don't know what I
am capable of
Nomagampompo: Wow so when you left. Was
Me: I left him unconscious but he will wake up. I
can't kill that man. He can't die so easy not after
that evil things he's done to you
The door opened. River walked in
River: God my feet are killing me
Nomagampompo: I didn't expect you to come
back so soon ?
Nomahelele: Sister in law that girl is hurting.
She left us in her house. She went to see that evil
man who messed up your life
Princess Nomagampompo looked at me
Nomagampompo: She is going to tell us if Chief
Manyokonya woke up or not. You must call her
Nomahelele: I saw that man at his house. He is
very much alive
Nomagampompo: Thank God
She looked at me
Her: We don't want trouble. Like you said he has
to pay but not with death
Me: Exactly
I looked at River
Me: It was nice of you to go support Nomaxabiso
Nomahelele: The poor girl needs us. She was
actually happy to see us United
Me: Wow i don't know what you did but I didn't
expect that from Nontorotyi
Nomahelele: I wouldn't be too excited if I were
you cuz.....
Me: Why ?
Nomahelele: Nomaxabiso and Nontorotyi went
to make us coffee in the kitchen. Nomaxabiso
just left. She didn't come back. I think something
happened at that kitchen
Nomagampompo: Nontorotyi will never change
Me: At least She went there with you. Only
Nomaxabiso can tell us what happened
Nomahelele: Yeah.....

< Nomaxabiso >
I don't like Nontorotyi. I never liked her the first
time i saw her. I hate how she always makes me
feel. I guess she will never forgive me for
betraying her with that recording. I didn't
expect her to be my friend but she should be a
bit sensitive. I buried my parents two days ago. I
am hurting. I just found out my father is not my
father and Uncle is the reason behind all this
mightmare. Nomahelele and my chief will have
to forgive me. I had to get out of that house
before I go crazy. I am going to see my uncle. I
have been avoiding this but it's time i face him.
Anyway yesterday Malingene said I shouldn't
call him he will call me. I waited all evening. I
spent the night alone. He didn't come or contact
me. He pretends to care. I don't know why he is
not there when I need him. I arrived at my
uncle's house 30 minutes ago. Everyone is going
back to church to an afternoon service. Even my
uncle is going there.
Auntie: My husband you didn't come to the 10:00
to 13:00 service. You can't be late. The 14:30
service is very important
She looked at me
Her: I see you want to speak to your uncle.
Please don't keep him here for long okay ?
Me: Okay aunt
They all walked out except for uncle. He closed
the door then looked at me.
Me: How could you ?
He looked at me
Him: What did I do?
Me: How can you do something like this to your
own brother? You made him leave someone he
loved for my mom!
Him: Are you asking me why I helped that little
girl have a normal life after She was raped by
three men ?
Me: Oh My God! They were three?
He kinda looked regretful I guess he regrets
telling me how many were they well guess
what? It's done. Now I know I have to look for
three man to find my father.
Him: Why are you here ? My brother gave you a
better life. You should be happy instead of being
angry at him! even that 40 % your mother
owned belonged to my brother. You wouldn't
have it if it were not for my brother
He was going on and on about hi brother. All i
was thinking about was the three men who
raped my mother
Me: That means I won't be able to know which
one was my father ?
Uncle: When are you moving out ?
I looked at him. This man just told me how my
mother was raped and he doesn't even care
about how I feel. Now he is talking about
moving out. Moving out of what ?
Me: What?
Him: You think you can just claim my brother's
house? You're not a Zidenge! that house belongs
to my last born son !
Me: What!? That's my house! dad said that house
is mine if mom is no more
Him: My brother was not your father!!!
Me: How can you be so cruel?
Uncle: Sign the house back to us or I will go tell
Ntombencinci that you have been sleeping with
her husband!
Me: Oh My God!
Uncle: Think very carefully little girl!
Me: My father told you? I specifically asked him
not to!
Him: That was my brother. He was loyal to me
not to a bastard child!
I looked at the door
Uncle: Before you go!
I was crying. I turned around and looked at him
Uncle: You have 24 hours to think this through.
The day after tomorrow or tomorrow evening I
want that house in My son's name
I ran and opened the door. I ran out. I got to my
car. I dialled a number
Nomahelele: Sister wife
Me: I need your help
Nomahelele: Do you want me to come there?
Me: No, I am driving to Sdabadabeni
Nomahelele: I am waiting
I hung up
Me: Oh My God
My phone rang. I looked at it. It's aunt. I
declined then started the engine
Me: Not now Auntie



< Narrated >
Ever since Prince Nomgcwabe and Prince
Phonqa came back from the will reading. They
haven't been wondering around the house. They
stayed in their rooms. You'd think maybe today
they woke up better but no, they are still
avoiding family. In Prince Nomgcwabe's room.
We see him taking his phone. He switched it on
then made a video call. Algebra answered
Algebra: Hey
Nomgcwabe: Hey how are you
Algebra: I am okay now. I was worried sick
about you. Are you okay?
Nomgcwabe: I am sorry a lot happened
yesterday. I just wanted to be alone without my
phone. I apologise for not telling you
Algebra: No it's fine. My boss and Elton told me
what is going on. I am sorry
Nomgcwabe: It's all cool. I am fine now You're
still there or you went home?
Algebra: Priscella said I should stay until my
sister is back from Cape town so I went home to
fetch my clothes
Nomgcwabe: That's good. I will see you
Algebra: I can't wait. I miss you
Nomgcwabe smiled
Nomgcwabe: I miss you too .
Someone knocked At the door
Nomgcwabe: Someone is At the door. I will text
you on WhatsApp
Algebra: Okay I love you
Nomgcwabe: I love....
The door opened. Phonqa walked in. Prince
Nomgcwabe hung up
Nomgcwabe: What do you want ?
Phonqa: Downstairs now!
He walked out. Prince Nomgcwabe called
Algebra again
Algebra: Hey
Nomgcwabe: They want to see me downstairs. I
just wanted to say I love you too bye
Algebra: That's sweet thanks babe
Nomgcwabe hung up then stood up from his
bed. He put his shoes on then ran out.

Still at the palace. Downstairs we see The Queen
and Princess Nomagampompo sitting at living
room. At a distance we see River speaking on the
phone. She hung up the phone then went to join
the Queen and Princess Nomagampompo
Nomahelele: That was strange....
The Queen looked at her
Nomakhosazana: What ?
Nomahelele: That was Nomaxabiso. She was
crying and she says she needs my help
The Queen looked concerned
Nomakhosazana: Poor girl
Nomagampompo: She is overwhelmed by this
whole thing. She must join the club. I don't know
what to do. I am burying myself in Tv series and
books. I don't want to think about this
Nomakhosazana: We have to face this one way
or another
River looked at Princess Nomagampompo
Nomahelele: Do you want to speak to someone I
can look for a therap...
Princess Nomagampompo didn't let her finish
Nomagampompo: That won't be necessary
thanks but I will be fine. I mourned my
miscarriage and healed. Right now I am just
angry at Manyokonya that's it
Nomahelele: If he regretted what he did he
would've followed you guys here after the will
Nomakhosazana: That man doesn't care about
Princess and he doesn't give a Damn about his
nephews. He is a cold man. I wish I killed him !
Nomahelele: I suggested it you guys turned me
Nomakhosazana: Because it's not the right thing
to do. We don't wa....
Nomahelele: I get it you guys explained and I
understand but that man must respect this
Nomakhosazana: After he woke up from a cold
floor. I am sure he won't mess with us again
Prince Phonqa walked
Phonqa: He will be down in few minutes my
Nomakhosazana: Okay boy please sit
Prince Phonqa sat down. Nomgcwabe walked
down and joined them.
Nomakhosazana: Thank you for coming down
boy. We need to talk about what happened. You
guys deserve everything you got there! your
father loved you and I am sorry you guys didn't
get to know him
Nomagampompo: And i am sorry for keeping
that from you. It is my fault you didn't get to
know him
Nomgcwabe: This is his brother's fault. I am not
angry at you mom
Phonqa: Me too
Nomagampompo: Thank you boys
They smiled.
Nomakhosazana: Tomorrow you're leaving for
Johannesburg very early in the morning. With
your permission I want to send people to Your
father's house to fetch your cars before they
Nomgcwabe: I would love that my Queen
Phonqa: Are we coming back tomorrow?
Nomakhosazana: Notiniphu and Ngejiwe are
coming back. You guys can stay as long as.....
Phonqa: I am coming back!
They looked at him surprised
Nomagampompo: What is it? Don't you like it
there ?
Prince Phonqa looked at Prince Nomgcwabe
then at his mom
Phonqa: Mom i am not comfortable there. I can't
stand next to the window. When i look down I
just wanna puke
Nomgcwabe: He is afraid of height
Nomahelele: But you don't mind the helicopter
Phonqa: I do my Queen. I am just doing this for
my king
Nomakhosazana: Aww you're so sweet. I am
sure he appreciate your sacrifices you made to
make him happy
Nomgcwabe: He would appreciate it only of he
said something. King Zwelicacile doesn't know
he has phobia of height. This one is acting tough
in front of him
Prince Phonqa stood up
Phonqa: How do you right Phobia?
Nomahelele: P.H.O.B.I.A
Prince Phonqa ran up the stairs
Nomahelele: And now ?
Nomgcwabe: He is going to check the meaning
in his dictionary
Nomahelele: He is so smart
Nomagampompo: And curious
Nomakhosazana: Very curious if you ask me
They laughed.

< Claire >
I have to go get my life from J fashions. I have to
speak to him and apologise for everything I did.
I know I acted crazy. There was no contract that
said I was anything in his company. I was wrong
and I want to be the bigger person and apologise
to him. I just hope i will find him at work. I saw
his location in his last instagram post. He is at J
fashions. I need to apologise and I hope he will
want to work with me again. Africa fashion
week is around the corner. I want to model his
collection. He is the best in Africa. I am driving
there right now and I am praying he won't be all
over me with insults. I understand the last time i
saw him he was angry. I just hope he will be
able to listen to me today. But first I need to call
my therapist and tell her about what I did
yesterday. I am so proud of myself. I hope she
will be too. I ended a relationship. Me Claire I
ended a relationship. Wow. it's unbelieveable! I
never thought I would do that. I am always the
one who gets dumped. Elton is amazing. He is
just perfect but I just knew he was another
disaster waiting to happen. I couldn't go through
that again. I had to save myself before drowning
in love with him and get disappointed.
Anyway my doctor's phone rang. She answered
on third ring.
Her: Hello Claire. Good to hear from you
Me: Hey doc. Thank you for taking my call
Her: It's okay. I told you I can take your call
anytime what's up?
Me: So I started seeing this guy. The deal was we
were just playing since we both just got out of
Doctor: Dangerious game you're playing
Me: That is exactly why i ended it
Her: You did ?
Me: Yeah. We spent like one night together. I
started feeling something for him which is not
good for me now. I decided to end things
Her: Wow i don't know what to say. Are you
okay ?
Me: Okay? I am proud of myself Doc. We were
not dating. I knew that so I had to prevent
another disaster from happening
Her: I am proud of you
Me: Thank you Doctor. I just wanted to tell you
Her: You should come by my office this coming
Me: Sure I would like that
Her: Okay later
Me: See you later
I hung up. I just arrived at J fashions. I hope this
goes well. I walked out of my car. I headed
inside. I saw him walking out of his office going
to his studio. He saw me I don't know why he is
pretending like he can't see me. I followed him
to his studio.
Him: You're not supposed to be here
Me: You're working on Sunday?
Him: Priscella is coming in to fit her wedding
gown for the first time tomorrow. I want it to
look better when she gets here
Me: Can I see...
Him: No!
He walked in.
Me: Can we talk?
Him: What do you want ?
Me: After losing both my best friends I realised
that life is too short. Both of them died and they
didn't live a mark in this world. I am prepared to
change and do right by people I wronged. Junaid
I know I messed up and I regret what I did. Can
you please give me a second chance ?
Junaid: You're a jealous person! Sonia is the face
of this company! She will be here all the time!
She will be treated better than all the models.
You will explode!
Me: I won't I swear !
Junaid: I don't want problems. You're a ratchet
girl. You can't be the second choice I know you
Me: Give me a chance. I will prove myself. I am
over what happened. I guess it was more than
the dress. I took what was happening in our
personal lives to work which was very
unprofessional on my side. Please you know I
have never disappointed you before. It was my
first time doing so. Can you have mercy on me ?
You're so talented. I love wearing your designs. I
don't want to go
He smiled. Why is he smiling? I am desperate
here. He extended his hand. I looked at it then
shook it
Him: You're hired
Me: Thank you so much !
I hugged him.
Him: Let go of me I have to work
I broke the hug
Me: Thank you so much
Him: You're welcome
I walked out. I am so happy. I won't mess up
again and I won't let Sonia intimidate me again.
I can't ruin my career because of that woman.
She is not worth it.

< Sonia De Villiers >
I have to tell Hunter what is going on. I can't lie
to him. I don't want him to think i am lying to
keep him around. I know if I manipulate him to
be with me things won't end well. I have to tell
him his ex wants to talk to him. It's up to him
what He decides. I am worried that she might
tell him Elton and i used her. When that
happens I will ask Hunter one question. I will
ask him if I was gonna tell him what She said to
Priscella if I didn't want them to be in contact
and that will prove Claire is lying. I love Hunter
but I don't want to manipulate him. I am the
reason he and I divorced. I am not going to
manipulate him to stay with me. That is not fair
for him. I want him to stay because he wants to
stay. I am done playing games. I am actually
glad Claire ended things with Elton. Imagine
what was gonna happen if that girl fell for Elton
and started going crazy and hurting him. Prissy
was gonna kill me. I don't want her to find out
what I did. I have a lot going on. I just can't be
insecure. I am a beautiful woman. I know
Hunter is still attracted to me. I am done playing
dirty. I even regret doing it. This is so unlike me.
I appreciate Elton for helping me though. Maybe
this is a sign that we should stop doing this.
Anyway I just got home from the airport. When i
went to Seputla towers I got a lift from Elton.
They brought me home after Mrs R left the
country. Tomorrow I have a busy day. I might
get a position at my job. I have to go to J fashions
with Priscella and these other girls. I opened the
door. I walked in.
Me: It smells nice here
Roxie: Mom !
She ran to me and hugged me. I kissed her
Me: Where is your brother baby ?
Roxie: In his room
Me: Okay my love. Let me go check what dad is
Roxie: Okay mom
I kissed her again then walked to the kitchen.
Me: I can get used to this
Hunter looked at me
Him: Hey
I kissed him
Me: Smells nice
Him: Thanks I hope it taste nice
Me: I am sure it tastes good babe
Hunter: How did it go at the airport?
Me: Well, She left at 2pm. It's sad to see her go
more especially for Prissy. I mean she is the only
elder they have
Hunter: They have My father in law
Me: You still call him that even after we
divorced ?
Him: He is angry at me for What I did to you. I
want to prove myself to him. Actually we should
invite them over for dinner sometime
Me: How about tomorrow after I become the
Him: Baby you said Priscella is not happy with
this. Why do you insist on doing this ?
Me: Because I am a powerful woman. I want to
inspire my children and my fans? did you think
about that?
He smiled
Him: Fair answer
Me: I am not being selfish babe. I want people to
see things i have done when someone search my
Him: Well I am behind you all the way
I kissed him
Me: Thank you baby
He smiled. I have to talk to him about Claire.
Me: We have to talk about Claire babe
He put the swab on the counter.
Him: Yes?
Me: Priscella called her asking why she went to
her house. She said she went there to ask
Priscella to talk to you on her behalf. Apparently
she needs closure
Hunter: So..... ?
Me: Maybe she wants you to drop the
restraining order against her?
Hunter: What if she goes crazy again and attack
you ?
Me: Well I don't know. I just wanted to tell you
what she said to Priscella. I didn't want to hide it
from you because Priscella said she won't do it.
You know she is trying to protect me
Hunter: I don't want to talk to that girl
That is music to my ears. I did my part. I won't
be accused of anything now.

< Judge Makhosazana >
The fact that i don't know Chief Manyokonya's
next move is killing me inside. I want to know
what he is gonna do next since his plan to sleep
with me was an epic fail. I married an old man.
My cousin sister May also married an older man
when she was very young. I would never make
that mistake again when I am allowed to have a
say in that decision. That man is old and he is
older than my late husband was. Imagine me
having sex with that disgusting man. I was
prepared to lose it all. I can't wait over 11 years
only to sleep with a disgusting murderer who
killed a child who was not even born. What this
man did was cruel. I would understand if
Princess Nomagampompo was his girlfriend. I
am not saying it would've been a right thing to
do but hell where did he get the nerve to decide
what is right for his brother? He didn't give the
man a choice. He never cared about what his
brother wanted. He was selfish. He just used
him to achieve whatever he wanted to achieve.
He is a disgusting man and I would be damned if
I let that man bully me. I am no man's pushover.
Anyway I am wondering what does Nomaxabiso
want from River. I want her to be careful. She
said she saw Notaligana in Mthatha. I hope this
is not another plan they have to get the truth out
of us. Now that I think about it. I need to speak
to River about it. She has to be careful. I am in
my bedroom. Let me go down before that girl
arrives. I don't trust Nomaxabiso. I walk out
dialling River's number.
Nomahelele: Cuz
Me: Where are you? is Nomaxabiso there yet ?
Her: I am downstairs alone. I am waiting for her
Me: Great !
She looked up the stairs. Indeed she is alone. She
stood up then looked at me
Nomahelele: Is everything okay Sis?
I quickly walked down. I looked around
Nomahelele: Notiniphu and the girls walked out
what's up?
Me: I was thinking. You said Notaligana saw you
in Mthatha.....
Her: I don't think she saw me
Me: Still! You have to be careful with
Nomaxabiso. I don't trust her
Nomahelele: I am always careful. I don't trust all
my sister wives
Me: Can I be here when you speak to her ?
Nomahelele: Of course. They know i don't hide
anything from you
Me: Great
Her: Or maybe she might be sent by her uncle
when he woke up ?
Me: I doubt that. I am sure those two don't get
along. He is the reason she is in this mess she is
in now. I doubt she would do him any favours
Nomahelele: She sounded desperate and hurt.
She was crying cuz
The door opened. We stood up fast and looked at
the door. Siqalo walked in
Me: Oh Siqalo it's you ?
Siqalo: Yes My Queen. Princess Nomaxabiso
Zidenge is here
Me: Send her in
He bowed then walked out. Nomaxabiso ran in
Nomaxabiso: I need your help
Me: What is going on?
River hugged her tight then looked at me
She sounds really desperate. If she is not then
she must be a good actress. River broke the hug
Nomahelele: Please sit and tell us what is wrong
Nomaxabiso sat down then looked at me.
Nomaxabiso: My uncle
Oh My God is he dead? I started getting nervous.
I saw River looks at me. She also looked nervous.
I guess she is thinking what I am thinking
Me: Is He okay?
Nomaxabiso: Yes! and evil as ever!
I let out a sigh of relief and so did River
Nomahelele: What did that monster do?
She started breathing heavily. River walked to
the alcohol poured Nomaxabiso whisky. She
gave her
Nomahelele: Drink this.....
Me: She is pregnant!!
River put her hand on her forehead
Nomahelele: Oh Flip!
Nomaxabiso: It's okay. I can speak
Me: Okay what is going on ?
Nomaxabiso: He says he gives me 24 hours to
sign my house to his younger son. He says I am
not family and my house is not mine
Nomahelele: That son of a bitch!
I stood up
Nomaxabiso: Please help me. I know the last
time I was here.......
Me: You don't have to beg Nomaxabiso! we are
going to help you
I took the drink that was meant for her. River
stood up
Nomahelele: What do you have in mind cuz?
I looked at her. I sipped my whisky then took out
my phone. I called Manyokonya. His phone rang.
He answered on 4th ring. I can hear he is
driving. The gravel road is making a lot of noice
Manyokonya: What do you want you....
Me: The day Nomaxabiso is found dead...? as a
judge I won't even need witnesses because I am
Nomaxabiso and River looked at me
Manyokonya: What are.....
I won't give this son of a bitch a chance to speak.
Me: In case you don't understand something.
That house is legally hers! The only time you
will get the house it will be when she is dead
and you wouldn't live a day to tell what
happened because I would lock you up and
make sure I murder you in there !
River smiled. Nomaxabiso was just looking at
me crying
Manyokonya: What did that bastard tell.....
Me: Why don't you use the money you got from
Nomfunzelo's parents to build a house for your
son? It must have been huge amount of money
for you to kill a feutus from my sister in law's
Manyokonya: ..... ( tu tu tu tu tu tu tu)
I looked at my phone. That coward hung up on
Nomaxabiso: Thank you so much
Me: That house is yours! don't sell it! when your
half brothers are sick. You will do their
ceremonies there! Manyokonya is a monster and
if he wanna kill you.... he will get through me
River brushed Nomaxabiso's back
Nomahelele: And you can count on that
Nomaxabiso: Thank you so much guys
I gulped my drink then looked away. What a
coward. He thinks he can bully women just
because he is a man? He must thank his lucky
stars that I don't have evidence that show that
he is a murderer. If i had a proof that He killed
that child, I would make sure he dies behind
bars. He doesn't know who I am




< Priscella >
It is Monday. Busy day for all of us. My mother
called. She says she is arriving in states in an
hour so we decided to move the Board meeting
to 10 am. Sonia called she says she got a call
from Junaid about their business so before the
meeting she has to go there. Sonia is so
dramatic. People have to come to work because
of her drama. If she just supported the idea of
appointing Aaron we wouldn't be waking up in
the morning rushing to the board room. She is
my friend but the way she makes me feel I
swear i will enjoy seeing her disappointed face
today even though she will be mad at me. I hope
she won't take this personal. Some people really
need that job. She doesn't need it. She just wants
people to know that she is UP there in the co-
operate ladder which is stupid because
Everyone knows that. I haven't called Claire. I
don't know what to say to her. I can't betray
Sonia and tell Hunter what she asked me to tell
him. I see my friend is happy. I want her to be
happy with Hunter. I can't betray her. I hope
Sonia and Hunter fix this before I am in the
middle of it.
Anyway I just got dressed. If i didn't respect my
job I wouldn't dress up like this. it's holidays I
am in no mood for office. I saw my fiance
coming out of the bathroom naked. He came and
kissed me
Him: You're beautiful
Me: Thank you baby
Masixole: Ready to betray your best friend?
Me: I don't know baby. I hope she understands
it's just business
Masixole: And it's her business. We are doing
what is best for her company I don't know why
she is doing this. It is unprofessional
Me: She will see that when her own father vote
against her
Masixole: This is gonna be fun. At least she has a
man to comfort her after the board meeting
I looked at Masixole.
Me: I hope those two last for my babies sake.
Those beautiful children deserve a family not
divorced parents
Masixole: Yeah they do
He looked at his phone. He looked concerned.
Me: What is it?
He looked at me.
Him: It's Nothing It's just that today Ndamase
Construction starts work and I am not there
Me: oh My God both our projects. Why don't you
leave when The guys from Sdabadabeni arrive?
You can vote while in a helicopter
Masixole: No I am not going anywhere. I want to
be here and you need me here. I am not leaving
your side. I will go check on things at home after
new year's day
Me: okay
Masixole: Chief Khabalandile just texted me
telling me people are excited to work
Me: That's great now I wish I could see their
Masixole: We are busy we can't handle
everything at the same time
Me: You're right
I hugged him
Him: I love you
Me: I love you too dress up I don't wanna have
breakfast alone. Your suite is over there
I said pointing at our bed
Masixole: I thought I won't wear this till my
wedding day
Me: It was hard for me too to dress up but at
least I will only wear heels downstairs when we
go to board room
Him: Let me wear my pyjama pants and go eat
Me: Great

< Nomaxabiso >
I am so grateful to Nomahelele and the Queen. I
didn't think i would run to them for help. Life is
just something else. Few days ago I wanted to
provoke them with shares. About a month ago I
was conspiring with my mother about killing the
Queen and the same Queen is the one who is
saving my life from that monster I call step
uncle. He showed me that only blood matters to
him. He doesn't care about me at all. He is the
reason for this whole mess. I don't know why he
doesn't take responsibility for his actions. If he
didn't do what he did I wouldn't be inheriting
his brother's house now. He is paying for his
sins. He is paying for everything he is done to
people. He is such a respected man as a chief
and the preacher. How can he be like this. I wish
people knew the kinda man he is. I couldn't
believe what He told me about what happened
to mom. Everything is happening so fast. I keep
hearing things. Horrible things about my life. I
keep getting bits by bits information. I want to
know the whole truth. Monday I have to go find
out who are the men who raped my mother. I
knew It wouldn't be so easy to find my father
but I didn't think it was gonna be this
complicated. Now I have to test three men to
find out who is my father. Those guys might be
dead. I may never know where I come from.
What did I ever do to deserve this ?
Anyway I just got home from the Royal house.
when i opened the door Aunt Notaligana stood
up fast.
Notaligana: Where were you? I found out who is
Me: Did you know your brother was planning to
kick me out of this house?
Her: What?
Me: I went to confront him. He didn't apologise
he was arrogant like he was on Saturday at the
will reading. He didn't care at all. He said I am
not family and I should leave because this house
now belongs to his younger son and i have 24
hours to sign the house to him
Her: He can't do that !
I wiped my tears then looked at her.
Me: You're right and I made sure of it!
Her: What did you do ?
Me: I went to Sdabadabeni for help
Auntie: How can you leave the royal house and
run straight to Sdabadabeni without talking to
me first?
Me: You?
Notaligana: Yes! I love you! I care about you and
I always have. Why would you doubt that now?
What have I done to show you that I don't care ?
I saw a tear drop. I feel bad but it was for the
best. I have to lie to make her feel better but I
will give her a little bit of the reason i didn't
involve her
Me: I needed legal advice. The Queen is a judge.
She knows these things
Her: But I am your aunt. You should've talked to
me first
Me: Aunt my dad loved....
I paused. I used the wrong word
Me: He treated me like I was his own. I thought
he was my dad. Chief, Your brother. He loved
me. He acted like he did. When the truth came
out he showed his true colours and when my
dad told me the truth he showed his true colours
by leaving me with nothing!
Her: And you think i will change too?
Me: Aunt I love you but I am scared... I was
scared that you knew about it. You guys were so
close. The three of you. I know how much you
loved your brothers...
Her: But this weekend you realised that they hid
a lot of things from me !
Me: Why don't you go to your brother and yell at
She looked down. .
Me: It's because he is your brother. You love
him. Yes you're disappointed but you don't want
to hurt him and you will always be loyal to him
Her: That doesn't mean I don't love you! you
can't go ask for help from someone who was a
suspect in your mother case
Me: Me going to my sister wife and the Queen
doesn't mean I don't love you
She shook her head and sat down.
Notaligana: You just don't trust me right
Me: I am sorry. I don't know who to trust
anymore. I am scared that your brother could
come here and kill me at night
Notaligana: He wouldn't do that!
Me: Did you know he would terminate
someone's pregnancy ?
She looked down
Me: Did you know he would force his brother to
do what he did! did you know he would force
me to leave my house ?
She stood up
Her: Okay! okay I get it but he wouldn't kill you !
Me: You can't be so sure. He killed A helpless
child !
She looked down
Me: I listened to your voice mail. You sounded
desperate. What is going on ?
She looked at me.
Her: You can't trust Hlohlesakhe's second wife.
Your father was right. You can't trust her
Me: What ? did something happen?
Her: Remember I told you in Mthatha they said a
Zulu woman came there looking for the
prostitute. I told you I saw the woman leaving.
She looked like someone I knew and I was right !
Me: Who is she?
Her: Hlohlesakhe's second wife! I think she
killed my brother. Why was she there looking
for the same girl we were looking for?
Me: Nomahelele is not from here. I doubt she
was the girl you saw. Like you said she was a
Zulu woman. Nomahelele is a Xhosa woman
who hardly speaks Xhosa. She likes speaking
English. I doubt you got the right woman Aunt
Her: No! I know it was her and I will prove it! All
i need to know is her real names. Where she is
from. I also want to go to that Prostitute home. I
already called Sdwedwe she is coming with me
Me: Who is Sdwedwe again ?
Her: The pimp
Me: I think you are wrong
Her: Oh I am right. I will find what I am looking
for. I will search her on social media and and go
ask questions in her home town. Do you know
where she is from?
Me: No, Maybe in big cities I don't know but she
is not around here
Notaligana: I am starting with my investigation
Me: What will you be doing in her home town ?
Notaligana: I will download her pictures on
Facebook or screenshot them on instagram. I
will go there and ask people who know her. I
feel like we are dealing with a serial killer here
Me: Good luck aunt
Her: Thank you
She took her laptop then walked away. I looked
at her. She disappeared in her bed room. I took
out my phone and dialled a number. I am calling
Nomahelele because I know my aunt. Once she
takes her laptop and start digging she will find
something we both won't like. I don't care about
Shosholoza's death! He didn't care about me. He
just tolerated me because he loved My mother.
Nomahelele: Sister wife?
I looked at the bedroom
Me: I think you have a problem and that
problem is my aunt..
Her: What ?
Me: She is a Private Investigator and she is good
at it. She believes that she saw someone who
looks exactly like you where the prostitute lived
and she wants to check your pictures and go to
where you from and ask what kinda person you
are. She suspects that you had something to do
with what happened to dad
Nomahelele: That's crazy! I didn't do anything to
your father and I never met him!
Me: I know that. I just want you to make sure
she doesn't find anything if there is something to
Nomahelele: Thank you so much Sister wife for
your loyalty but don't worry yourself. I am very
clean and innocent
Me: Good to hear and one more thing please
Her: Yes ?
Me: I love my aunt. Please don't hurt her. She
just wanna understand what happened to her
brother. It's her way of grieving
Nomahelele: I am here to protect you and your
loved ones. I don't know how to hurt a person. I
am a saint Nomaxabiso. I don't even like crime. I
watch want crime shows on t.v. and I love life. I
can't take one's life
Me: Thank you
Nomahelele: I know your father said you can't
trust me but I swear to you. I would never hurt
you and your aunt
Me: Thanks
I hung up then sat down

< Narrated >

At Sdabadabeni village. We see Trucks going to
the site where The King is going to build the
Gym. Some were going where The Queen and
Priscella will be having their business. It's a
chaos people look happy. At the sport field we
see Prince Nomgcwabe, Phonqa and Ngejiwe get
in the helicopter. They sat down. Prince Phonqa
looked at Princess Ngejiwe
Phonqa: Your first time on an airplane ?
Princess Ngejiwe looked at him.
Ngejiwe: Are you monking me or you really
wanna know ?
Phonqa: I am just asking
Ngejiwe: All of us it's our first time
Prince Nomgcwabe laughed
Ngejiwe: What?
Nomgcwabe: You didn't notice we were not here
for a few days ?
Ngejiwe: Well I am always with my man so.....
Phonqa: We have been on a plane before in fact
I lost count. I don't know how many times
Princess Ngejiwe looked at Phonqa then faked a
Ngejiwe: Good for you
Phonqa: Thank You
Princess Ngejiwe looked at the pilot.
Ngejiwe: Shouldn't we be leaving now?
Phonqa: One person is not here...oh there she is !
Princess Ngejiwe looked at a distance. She saw
this girl coming. She looked really good. She was
in heels. She was catwalking to the helicopter.
Judging by how she was walking you could tell
She was feeling herself. Ngejiwe's eyes popped
Ngejiwe: Who is that ?
Prince Phonqa looked at his brother. They
The lady walked in then sat down. The pilot
went in and sat
Notiniphu: Sorry I am late we can go now
Ngejiwe: Notiniphu?
Notiniphu smiled
Notiniphu: Princess
Princess Ngejiwe looked at Phonqa and Prince
Nomgcwabe fuming with anger
Ngejiwe: Where the hell is she going ?
Prince Nomgcwabe looked at Prince Phonqa
Nomgcwabe: Is she the 8th bridesmaid?
Phonqa: Yep
Princess Ngejiwe put her hand on her mouth
shocked. She couldn't believe it.
Notiniphu put on safety belt then looked on thin
air smiling
Notiniphu: Buckle up people we are about to fly




< Tasha >
Last night when I left Laila's house. I called her
and told her I came back to Hungani's house. I
am surprised to see her visit me. I must say it is
a beautiful surprise. I didn't expect to see her
here. I missed her though. I am glad my friend is
back and things are going back to normal. It's
good to have her back and I am happy she
decided to surprise me with a visit.
Anyway I just told her everything that happened
with Elton, His mother and Hungani. She
wanted to know what we were fighting about. I
had to start from the beginning.
Leila: But friend what were you thinking telling
Mrs Oliphant this. Remember what that family
did to protect You?
Me: I didn't think about that at the time. I was
Leila: You said it yourself Mrs Seputla didn't like
what Hungani was doing to her. Why would you
hurt her?
Me: I was trying to hurt Hungani not her. I didn't
think of her at the time
Leila: Yeah...... Let's hope it didn't get to Priscella.
She is pregnant
Me: And she saved my unborn baby from Elton.
I don't think i would forgive myself if she'd lose
her baby because of me
Leila: I am glad to hear that. Don't punish
innocent people for Hungani's mistakes. You
must deal with him. Anyway where is he ?
I stood up
Me: He went to a meeting. He and his colleagues
were called in for a meeting. Let me make us tea
I went to the kitchen. It's a little bit cold. I made
us tea then went back to the living room.
Me: Here
Laila: Thank you
I sat down
Leila: So now that you're engaged. Have you
discussed a wedding?
Me: He proposed yesterday so we are not there
yet besides. Even if we do plan a wedding I
would have to give birth first. There is no way I
am wearing a wedding gown with a big belly
Leila: Well some people get married even when
they are pregnant because of circumstances....
Me: You're defending Priscella now. I am not
saying I am against what she is doing. I just don't
think it's for me
Leila: Actually I was gonna say it's for the best....
Me: What is?
Leila: The fact that you're willing to wait till you
have a child. In between that you will have
enough time to decide he is the right guy for you
Me: I know he is. I love that man
Leila: Tasha I don't know nothing about men but
I know love. When you are in love with someone
it doesn't mean you're meant to be with him.
You guys haven't fought for like..... 12 hours and
already you know he is the one ?
Me: I am madly in love with him
Leila: I don't wanna spoil whatever you're
feeling but let me remind you. Yesterday you
were ready to forget him so please don't say
what you're saying. It's still a long way to go
I looked down.
Me: I know....
My phone rang. I looked at it.
Me: It's Hungani excuse me
Laila: Okay
I put down my cup then answered.
Me: Hey baby
I looked at Laila She smiled.
Hungani: Hey
Me: You sound so down is everything okay?
Hungani: I have bad news baby
Me: What's wrong?
Hungani: Our Show is cancelled. They called us
there to tell us we don't have jobs anymore
Me: I am sorry baby. Please come home
Hungani: It's okay my love and don't worry. I
have been a star from a young age. I am
financially secured we are going to be okay
Me: I don't care about the money. I care about
you !
Him: Thanks babe. I am going out with my
former colleagues will you be okay?
Me: Yes Laila is here
Him: Later love you
Me: I love you
I hung up
Laila: I will stay till the time to go to J fashions
Me: Oh yeah
Laila: So what's up ?
Me: Can you believe that amazing show is
cancelled. We don't have a show that interviews
international stars anymore now
Laila: Shame is Hungani okay ?
I sat down taking my cup
Me: He is devastated
Laila: Shame man. Despite what he does
sometimes but to you he is such a good soul
Me: If you wonder why I keep coming back
there is your answer
Laila: He is famous. He will get a job soon
I smiled at her
Me: yeah
< Priscella >
I am really nervous about the meeting. I don't
know how things will be. I feel like I react badly
to unreasonable people. Take my mother for
example. I was fed up with her presence
because I felt like we are nothing alike. We
always clash when it comes to handling
situations. I don't know maybe I am a control
freak. I just love when things are done my way
and I guess the reason i am so sure about my
decision making is because I am never wrong. I
just hope Sonia and I friendship won't be tested
after this board meeting we will be having. I feel
like Sonia is being unreasonable and she knows
it. That is why she always dismisses me when I
ask about her applying for job. I am really
looking forward to this. I want to see what is
gonna happen. But one thing for sure is I won't
apologise for making a business decision. When
I get to the boardroom she is not my friend and
she knows it
Anyway I am still about to leave. It's still early.
Like I said earlier the meeting is moved to 10. I
just had breakfast.
Me: Baby you should go get dressed
He is on his phone typing
Masixole: My cousin says she and her husband
are about to drive here. I said they should come
straight here
Me: Oh that's great. I am glad that they are not
on their way yet. Centurion is not far. I am
excited to see your cousin. Universe sounds
Masixole: Yeah i don't know her well though.
Our parents were not getting along for a while
but I am glad they are good now
Me: maybe Our wedding is bringing your family
Him: I love that. We are meant to be
Me: Better believe that
My phone rang.
Me: Oh it's mom
Masixole stood up
Him: Let me go get dressed while you're taking
He kissed me
Me: Okay baby
He walked up the stairs. I answered it's a video
Me: Hello Ms Refilwe
She appeared on the screen
Me: Oh My God you're in bed
Mom: I am so tired and I will be here when I
vote. I hope i am not being unprofessional
Me: You were in a plane for many hours they
will understand and besides. You're the boss
Mom: Yeah. I just called to tell you I am in my
house. I will set an alarm. Talk soon baby
Me: Okay mom. Miss you
She looked at me and laughed
Me: I seriously do
Her: I miss you too baby bye
Me: bye mom
She hung up. Was I that bad that my Mother
doesn't believe me when I say i miss her? I
seriously feel bad now. She makes me feel like a
bad person.

< Sonia De Villiers >
The board meeting is moved to 10am. I was so
worried when I got a call from Junaid asking to
see me at 8am. I thought I might be late for the
board meeting. I am glad it's moved to 10am.
This gives me enough time to spend with Junaid.
I hope he is not asking me to go there for work
because I am rushing to the board meeting.
I decided to bring the cameras. I want to capture
all my special moments on camera. I hope it's
another deal. I am so loving my job. Every deal I
sign it comes with a lot of money Anyway while
driving. I heard my phone rings. I looked at it.
It's from a landline
Me: Sonia De Villiers?
Caller: Hello it's Trish from Desire Magazine. We
wanted to tell you that we scheduled your
interview for the 3rd january is that okay with
you ?
Me: Yes perfect!
Her: Great we will be in touch !
Me: bye
I hung up then pulled over to the side of the
road. I set a reminder. I don't have an assistant
anymore. So for me to make sure I don't forget. I
have to set a reminder. I don't want to miss my
appointments. Anyway after I set a reminder. I
continued with my journey. I got at J fashions
studios. I went straight to his office. I knocked
then opened the door. He stood up
Junaid: The super star! hello darling!
He came to me with his arms wide opened We
hugged. He broke the hug
Him: Take a sit. Can I get you something to drink
I can call my assistant to....
Me: No I am fine thanks
I sat down. He did too then looked at me. He
looked at his diary then at me
Him: You said you had a busy day
Me: Yes busy morning then I have to come back
with all the girls
Him: Oh yeah let's get to it
I smiled at him. He looked at his diary again
then at me
Junaid: Africa fashion week is coming up next
month 26th January I want you ready
Me: Let me check. 10th I will be at the wedding.
From then til 18th I will be in the US then 20th I
will be at Masixole's Coronation so I think 26th
is perfect
Junaid: Girl you're so busy! anyway I am glad
you managed to squeeze me in on your busy
Me: Do I have a choice? You're my boss
Junaid: Sonia you're a huge star. I understand if
sometimes you might not be available
Me: Thank you that means a lot
Junaid: I mean it anyway let's go straight to why
i called you here and I am afraid you might hate
me for this
He is scaring me now. Is he taking away my job
Me: What is it ?
Him: Claire was here begging me for a job
I looked down.
Me: You gave Claire her job back ?
Him: I am sorry. She said she will be at her best
Me: It's okay as long she will keep her promise
Him: She better or I will fire her ass again and I
will make sure no designer hires her
I got a text from Hunter. I read it. He wants to
have breakfast with me at a restaurant around
here. I am glad he is already there. I want to talk
to him about this Claire thing. Anyway I looked
at Junaid
Me: Great then I will see you at around 11:45 ?
Junaid: Thank you
He stood up. We hugged. He opened the door for
me. I walked out and headed out. I got to my car
then drove to the restaurant. In no time i was
packing near the restaurant. I quickly walked in.
I saw him
He stood up then pulled out a chair for me.
Me: Thank you baby
He kissed my cheek then went to sit.
Him: What was the meeting about ?
Me: Africa Fashion show on the 26th January. I
forgot to ask where it will held Gosh!
Him: You will see him later
Me: Yeah and he also asked me there to talk
about Claire. He hired her again
Hunter: What !? So how do you feel about that ?
I exhaled
Me: Baby I hope i won't regre.....
A girl came to our table
Girl: I am sorry to interrupt you. I am such a
huge fan. Can I take a picture with you please
I looked at Hunter
Me: I am so sorry
Hunter: It's okay
I stood up. I took two selfies with the girl
Her: Thank you so much! I enjoyed the first
episode of your reality show. I can't wait for
next Friday
Me: Awww thanks. There is more to come
Girl: Can't wait
We hugged. She left. I sat down
Me: Sorry about that
Hunter: I am with a celebrity so I have to
Me: Thanks babe
Hunter: So what is this you hope you won't
Me: Junaid says he hired Claire. She is working
for him again and I thought, The restraining
order will be a problem. So I was thinking
I exhaled again. I don't like this but I don't have
a choice.
Hunter: You want us to revoke it ?
Me: Only if you promise you won't go back to
He laughed
Him: I would be a fool
Me: You promise?
Hunter: I promise. Baby I love you. I want our
family back
Me: I want that too my love
He leaned for a kiss. We kissed then quickly
broke the kiss
Me: Another thing baby I want us to take our
kids to the holiday with us. I don't spend more
time with them
Him: You're right. Our trip is free. We need to
pay for them
Me: Yes and we have to make it a surprise to
Hunter: They will love this
Me: I know

< Judge Makhosazana >
I am so angry right now. River just told me
about Notaligana knowing that it was her she
saw in Mthatha. I don't know why she didn't tell
me last night when Nomaxabiso called her. If
that woman saw her that means she will keep
digging. She will be sure one of us did this. That
woman doesn't like my cousin sister because of
what Nomaxabiso dreamt. She is suspecting my
cousin. Now seeing her there put everything
together and that won't be good for us. I don't
trust that woman. She showed me what kinda
person she is when I was at her brother's
funeral. The reason i didn't kill Manyokonya
when I had a chance is because I don't want to
kill anymore. I would hate to kill a woman. I told
myself I would never kill a woman. I hope that
woman won't push me to the edge. She better
keep her suspicions to herself. Is it suspicions
though? Seeing her at the pimp house yesterday
confirms everything. I am just happy that
Nomaxabiso is in our corner now.
Anyway I am confronting River about this. River
takes things lightly and I feel like she doesn't
really take them lightly, She just keep them from
me because she knows I will overreact. Take
what Nomaxabiso said to her about Shosholoza
warning her in a dream. River didn't tell me
Nomaxabiso said that. I had to hear it from
Notaligana at the funeral. Now she didn't tell me
about Notaligana almost caught her.
Me: Why didn't you tell me yesteday!?
Her: My darling was here. The princess was also
downstairs. She called when we were having
dinner I couldn't
Me: Oh okay
I started pacing up and down. This cannot be
good. This is not good at all. I need to figure out
what we will do to protect River. I looked at her
Me: River what if.....
Nomahelele: Relax! Remember Gedleza warned
Me: Yeah but we have.....
Nomahelele: My social media is down. She won't
have my picture. She will go to PE and hear good
things about me
Me: That's good! We can't afford any loose ends
Nomahelele: That I know Sis
" What are you guys talking about? " We turned
around. It's Princess Nomagampompo
Me: The guys arrived in Johannesburg safely but
that is not what we were talking about
River looked at me nervous.
Nomagampompo: What were you talking about?
I walked passed her
Me: About what Manyokonya did to Nomaxabiso
Nomagampompo: River told me. I am not
surprised. I am glad you guys helped her
I looked at her. I just have a fresh idea. I went to
her. I put my hands on her shoulders
Me: And i know how to help you !
Nomagampompo: Help me with what ?
Me: Punish that bastard without harming him
Nomahelele: What else would she do to punish
him other than physically hurt him?
Princess Nomagampompo looked at me
Her: I also wanna know.....?
I looked at both of them. I took out my phone.
Me: You two watch and learn!
I left them looking at me with questioning eyes. I
dialled May's number.
May: Your highness ?
Me: May where can I find illegal drugs
May: What!? the whole entire judge is into drug
business now?
I didn't answer that. I started breathing heavily
just to show her I am still on the phone. I won't
let a man mess with my family. I won't do it.



< Tasha >
After speaking to Leila about my behavior I
realised that as much as I hate her when she
defends other people I feel like what i did was
wrong. I should've made sure Hungani hears me
and make him realise that he messed up. I didn't
have to drag his mother into it and I should've
known better than doing that. I was selfish. I
didn't think about the consequences of my
action. I don't think she got there and caused
drama though. If she did she would've told us or
We'd see Priscella at our doorstep. That girl is
very confrontational. She makes sure she tells
you what she thinks of you. Whatever Tina did,
It was a good And mature decision. She helped
me. As much as I was curious to know I was also
ashamed to ask her how it went with the
Seputla's. I can't help but feel like it backfired on
me. The look she was giving me this morning
made me worried. She seemed happy for us but
she wasn't as happy as I expected her to be.
Maybe she doesn't like what I did at Christmas
lunch. I just hope she understands I was hurt. I
almost lost my baby. She is a mother she should
understand me and be on my side. I regret what
I did and I continue learning from my mistakes.
I appreciate having friends like Leila around me.
She really put me in line. She doesn't pretend to
make me feel good. If i mess up she tells me I
messed up in my face. She doesn't go and talk
about me behind my back. I really appreciate
her so much.
Anyway I am so hurt to hear that my man's
show is cancelled. He sounded so devastated on
the phone. I am really sad for him. I don't know,
a lot of good things are happening for me even
though I have some lows. First of all that show is
every celebrity dream to be on. For me to be on
it when I only started in this industry means a
lot. I am so blessed. I can't wait to watch myself
next year. That episode will be aired next year. I
wish I could be there for him. I don't know why
he decided to go with friends. Maybe it's for the
best. What can I possible say to him to make him
feel better? His job was his world. I am even
scared to see him. Leila just left. She says she
wanted to go to her house first then get ready to
go to J fashions. I am just bored and browsing
through Twitter
Me: Wow
I just saw a tweet from Elton. How can he say
something like this?
I stood up. He is laughing because Hungani is
involved. I checked people who commented.
Some are laughing with him some are asking if
he is happy because Hungani is losing his job
Me: Elton can be a jerk sometimes !
I attempted to dial his number
Me: No Tasha. You have a restraining order
against him. You can't call him
My phone rang. I stood up then wiped my tears.
It's Hungani. I am happy he called. I answered
Me: Hey baby
Hungani: Hey babe lock and come I am outside.
Let's go out and eat
He sounds drunk oh lord.
Me: Will be right there
I took my handbag. I took out my mirror. I need
to do touch ups in my face with make up. I ran
upstairs. I did my make up. He called. I ran
down. I locked then saw the car
He is so sweet. I thought He was gonna stay
there with friends all morning. I am so proud of
him for wanting to spend time with me. I was
getting bored. Anyway I got to the car. He is
sitting on the passenger seat.
Him: You're going to drive babe I am a bit tipsy
Me: Who brought you here?
Him: Some boy but he left
I got in the car. I kissed him
Me: I am so sorry about your job
Him: Don't worry about it babe. Your man is
famous. He will get another job soon
I kissed him
Me: I love you
Him: I love you more
Me: Where are we going?
Him: Our usual restaurant
Me: Let's go
I started the engine. Off we went to the
restaurant. He is a complete different person. I
hope he didn't see Elton tweet. I want us to close
that family chapter and write a new one. A
Tasha and Hungani Chapter. Thinking about it
makes me smile. This has been a dream of mine
and it looks like every dream I have becomes a
In no time we arrived. I parked the car. He got
out and came to open the door for me. I walked
Me: Thank you baby
He kissed me then closed the door. He took my
hand we headed to the restaurant
Me: Oh My God Paparazzi
These people came out of no where. I wonder
how did they know we were coming here.
Reporter: Hello! you guys look good and happy
I smiled at Hungani then looked at the reporter
Me: Thank you
We kept walking. They ran after us. The reporter
looked at Hungani.
Reporter1: We heard your show was cancelled. I
am so sorry
Hungani: These thing happen
We walked. They ran after us
Reporter2: What's next for You ?
Hungani: I don't know. I am also curious to find
He looked at me
Hungani: Let's go baby
They ran after us. God can't they leave us alone?
Reporter: Hungani your ex girlfriend Priscella is
getting married next month. A lot of Celebrities
are going. Are you invited?
Hungani stopped walking.
Hungani: She is my ex not my friend
He pulled me.
Reporter2: So that means you're not invited ?
He ignored them
Reporter: You've been seen fighting with her
and her brother in public. How is your
relationship now ?
Hungani opened the door of the restaurant.
Me: Thank you
I walked in. He did then closed the door. We
walked to the table. He pulled out the chair for
me. I sat down
Me: Thank you baby
I sat down. He went to his chair and sat down.
Me: How did They know we'd be here ?
Him: They are always around here. Celebrities
eat here
Me: Wow

< Nomaxabiso >
Today is a day I was supposed to hand over my
house to my uncle on a silver platter but thanks
to the women who helped me. Today I have
gained the confidence I lost when my uncle
crushed me yesterday. Knowing that I am not
losing my house makes me feel so good. I can't
wait to get to my uncle's house and gloat that he
won't do nothing about it! He thinks he can do
as he pleases well he has another thing coming. I
believe in the Queen and Nomahelele. I know he
won't do anything to me with them by my side.
Anyway I just arrived. Everyone is home. My
cousin opened the door for me. I saw Uncle look
at me. When he saw me he didn't look pleased at
Uncle: What are you doing here ?
Auntie: This is her home baby how can you ask
her that. Come on in my dear
Me: Thank you Ma
I looked at uncle
Me: Can we go speak in your home office uncle?
He stood up then walked to the office. I smiled at
family then followed him. We got in. I closed the
door then looked at him.
Him: What do you want ?
Me: I was supposed to come here bringing the
books signed right ?
Uncle: Yes! until you decided to run to our
Me: You're the enemy here!
Him: Me? You're a naive little brat! yo.....
Me: And you're going to tell me the names of the
men who raped my mom!
He looked shocked by that. He looked down
Me: What? You thought I came here to speak
about my house? I am not here to speak about
that I am sure you don't want your wife to hear
the things you said to me yesterday ! Uncle you
keep surprising us! you keep showing us what a
monster you are !
Him: I am your chief!
He snapped!
Me: You're not my chief! You're not my uncle! I
am not from here so you will get that respect
from people you are leading not me!
Him: If you are not from here then what the hell
do you want here! take your clothes and go!
I shook my head in disbelief
Me: So that you can give my house to your son?
You must be dreaming!
He started breathing heavily looking at me. I
swear if his family was not here he would touch
Me: I don't know who you are anymore! All i
want from you is the names of the men who
raped my mom!
Him: I am not your mother's parents! how am I
supposed to know?
Me: Then I guess I will have to go to Gogozayo
and find out for myself !
Him: You know your grandparents are no longer
Me: Someone else will help Me
Him: You need to stay away from that woman.
Don't let them fool you. Nomakhosazana is your
Me: Thank you uncle
I walked to the door
Him: for what ?
Me: I was gonna find help from my mom's
family but you just helped me. I will go ask
Queen Nomakhosazana to help me get to the
bottom of this and you know she will
I opened the door
Him: Nomaxabi....
I slammed the door in his face. I walked to the
living room
Aunt: What were you and my husband talking
Me: It's personal
I walked out of the door. I ran to my car. He
really helped me My aunt is a PI but she is loyal
to him so I can't. I need to go back and speak to
the Queen and Nomahelele.

< Narrated >

At Seputla Towers a car stops next to the
building. Prince Nomgcwabe, Prince Phonqa and
Notiniphu walk out of the car. The only person
who didn't come out of the car was Ngejiwe.
Maybe she really meant what she said about
only coming for the measurements nothing else.
We see Notiniphu stand infront of Prince
Nomgcwabe and Prince Phonqa
Notiniphu: Guys I know Ngejiwe and I don't get
along but I don't like this. What is The Queen
gonna say when we get in there without
For Once Prince Phonqa had nothing to say. He
looked at his brother hoping he could say
Notiniphu: Between the three of us I think you
Prince Nomgcwabe gets along with her.
Nomgcwabe: Just a little
Phonqa: Then use that little to convince her to
come with us
Prince Nomgcwabe looked at Notiniphu
Notiniphu: Please. This is not about us. This is
about the King and the Queen we must leave our
differences behind
Nomgcwabe: You're right. Wait for me
Notiniphu smiled. Prince Nomgcwabe walked to
the car. He opened the door then walked in.
Ngejiwe looked away.
Nomgcwabe: I know what you said to Queen
Priscella but we need to get in there together all
of us. They are going to a board meeting first.
Are you telling me you will stay in this car for
almost two hours ?
Ngejiwe: It's not likE I am holding a grudge or
She chuckled shaking her head in disbelief
Ngejiwe: How can i hold a grudge on someone I
wronged. It should be them who are doing that
to me...
Nomgcwabe: Exactly! and They are not. Queen
Priscella wants you to be part of her wedding
that's amazing
Ngejiwe: Priscella is not the one i hurt. I Hurt EJ
and his mother and I can't go up there and look
at them after all I did because I wanted their
Princess Ngejiwe started crying
Nomgcwabe: Hey Ms Refilwe is not in the
country !
Ngejiwe looked at Prince Nomgcwabe
Ngejiwe: Really?
Nomgcwabe: Yes. She left yesterday. She will
come back next year for the wedding. It's
obvious that Queen Priscella forgave you. As for
Elton come on. You can deal with him besides
this is not about him. This is about our cousin.
King Zwelicacile
Ngejiwe: You know what? You're right. I need to
stop hiding because during the preparations we
will be together so I might as well start now so
that things are not awkward between us
Nomgcwabe: That's the spirit now can we go ?
Princess Ngejiwe looked at Prince Nomgcwabe
then smiled
Ngejiwe: Yes
They walked out of the car. Prince Nomgcwabe
put his hand on Princess Ngejiwe's shoulder.
Nomgcwabe: By the way it was Chef Notiniphu's
idea that I ask you to come
Ngejiwe didn't seem happy about that
Ngejiwe: What is she planning now? First it was
that i get surprised when I see her now she
wants me to go up?
Nomgcwabe: Remember who we are doing this
for ?
Ngejiwe: Our cousin
Nomgcwabe: Great let's go
They walked to Prince Phonqa and chef
Notiniphu. They all went to the elevator.

At the house. We see Priscella and King
Zwelicacile standing in front of the Elevator. The
Elevator opened. Universe and David Smith who
is her husband walked in
Masixole: Welcome guys
Universe: Hi Cuz
They hugged
Masixole: Hey nice to see you
Universe: Nice to see you too
They broke the hug. King Zwelicacile looked at
Masixole: This is my Fiancé Priscella
Priscella: Hi
Universe: Hey
She hugged Priscella then broke the hug.
Universe: This is my husband David. We just call
him Dave
Priscella: Hi nice to meet you
David: Nice to meet you too guys
Masixole: Hey pal
They hugged .
David: Where is Ej?
Masixole: You know my brother in law ?
David: He is my little brother's friend
Priscella: Chase?
David: Yes him
Masixole: Small world
Priscella: Wow! can I get you guys something to
drink ?
Universe: Red wine for both of us
Priscella: Cleopetra bring two glasses and a
bottle of red wine from the bar please
The Elevator opened. Prince Nomgcwabe, Prince
Phonqa , Princess Ngejiwe and chef Notiniphu
walked in
Universe: Oh My God if it's not the little princes
of Sdabadabeni
Masixole: You know them?
Universe: Cuz I have been to the palace before
Phonqa: Miss Universe right?
Universe: That sounds like I won a beauty
contest. Just Universe please
Phonqa: Hihihi
Prince Phonqa giggled. The elevator beeped.
Sonia walked out.
Sonia: Oh My God it's a full house hello
Masixole: Hey come meet my cousin sister and
her husband
Sonia walked to them and greeted Universe,
Dave and the guys from Sdabadabeni.
Priscella: How did the breakfast go with Hunter?
Sonia exhaled
Sonia: I just set free my man's crazy ex
Priscella: What do you mean you set her free?
Sonia: Remember yesterday I told you Junaid
hired Claire to work for him. So I thought we are
bound to bump into each other at J fashions
studios. So I asked Hunter to revoke the
restraining order against her
Priscella went to her and hugged her
Priscella: Ahh friend it must have been the
hardest thing to do
Sonia broke the hug
Sonia: I hope she meant it when she said she just
wants closure from my man not to be with him
Universe: She must be really crazy for you to
take out a restraining order against her
Sonia: You don't know half of it. That girl
attacked me in my office. She attacked me at a
fashion show
Universe: You're the face of J fashions. Oh My
Sonia: I am. That is why I did the dumbest thing
Universe: I am here if you need anything. We
won't let her walk all over you. If she does
anything please don't hesitate to call me
Dave: Don't take my wife's number. She is
serious I would advise you against taking her
seriously if you will regret what she might do
when you ask for her help
They all laughed. Cleo brought wine And poured
it into two glasses. Universe took a glass and
sipped smiling
Universe: I just don't like bullies. A loony should
stay at a mental institution
Sonia: You might say that jokingly but she does
need it
Masixole: We gonna leave you guys. We have a
board meeting to go to
Priscella: feel at home all of you. when you need
anything please go speak to Cleopatra
They all smiled. She went to Ngejiwe
Priscella: I know what you said I am really
happy you decided to come up
Ngejiwe: This is about you guys i have to respect
Priscella kissed her cheek
Priscella: Thank you
The Elevator beeped. Everyone looked at it.
Elton walked out alone
Elton: Oh hey everyone
They greeted him back. He looked at Priscella
Elton: Sis I think I made your dreams come true
Priscella: What's up?
Elton looked at the elevator a hand came out. A
beautiful girl came out of the elevator
Elton: Everyone meet my girlfriend Mia
He looked at Priscella
Elton: Your eighth Bridesmaid
Priscella: Oh My God thank you!
She ran to him and hugged him. She broke the
Priscella: Hello Mia
Mia: Hi
Sonia: Welcome Mia! we are happy to see you
but the three of us.....
She sat running to the elevator, So did Priscella
and Masixole
Masixole: We are needed at board room
Everyone laughed at them running. Algebra
walked down the stairs. Prince Nomgcwabe
smiled and looked at him
Prince Phonqa whispered at his brother
Phonqa: Here we go again
Prince Nomgcwabe cleared his throat. He
walked away fixing himself pretending like he
wasn't smiling at Algebra
Ngejiwe: Algebra !
Algebra: Ngeji!
They ran to each other and hugged. Prince
Phonqa looked at the kitchen. She saw
Notiniphu with a glass of wine looking into
space thinking
Prince Phonqa walked to her
Cleo: So you're the royal house chef. How does it
feel to work for an important family ?
Notiniphu sipped the wine .
Notiniphu: It has it's prons and cons but overall
it's great. I mean look at how I got here. I never
thought I would fly in my life. Let alone be in
such a tall building
Cleo: Neither did I. I was just a girl from
" You just never stay away from the kitchen "
Said a voice behind them. They turned around.
It's Prince Phonqa
Notiniphu: Prince Phonqa
Phonqa: Live your new normal for a day. Why
don't you enjoy your day off and stay away from
the heat ?
Cleo: Prince is right. Go mingle with others
Notiniphu looked at others talking and enjoying
Notiniphu: I am used into being in a corner
watching people happy living their lives while I
am just standing making sure they are doing
well. They are full and happy
Cleo: I know what you mean girl. At least you're
a chef not a helper. In this house I make sure
everyone who walks in gets a drink. I make sure
everything that runs out I order it. I make sure
the cleaners make the house clean
Phonqa: That sounds fancy. I thought you cook
and scrub ?
Notiniphu: Me too. I feel like she and I are just
being silly. At the palace I wash dishes because I
want to. I just love washing dishes after
everyone is eaten
Phonqa: Maybe that's why we didn't take you for
a chef for a long time
He said that then walked out. Notiniphu started
Cleo: He is right you know that ?
Notiniphu: Yeah i know but they never
mistreated me but I can't say the same about... .
She looked at Ngejiwe who was chatting and
laughing with Prince Nomgcwabe and Algebra
Cleo: About what? Who ?
Notiniphu pointed her glass of wine at Ngejiwe
Notiniphu: About her and her mother
Cleo: What is she to Mr Masixole?
Notiniphu swallowed hard. She remembered the
Queen's words. She smiled at Cleo
Notiniphu: They are cousins. Their dads are
Cleo: I see
Notiniphu sipped on her drink again.
Cleo: Go sit with them
Notiniphu looked at her
Cleo: You are beautiful. You're smart. You don't
look different from them. You have a
professional job. No one has to look down on
what anyone's is doing for a living. I enjoy my
job and I think you need to start enjoying and
embracing yours
Notiniphu looked at her then smiled. She put her
glass down then jumped off the high chair. She
grabbed her glass
Cleo: Refill?
Notiniphu: Yes please

At Board room. They are all looking at the
screen. Ms Refilwe was addressing them about
the meeting. Priscella whispered in Masixole's
Priscella: I said she shouldn't leave a bedroom or
dress up for this meeting but look at her
Masixole: It looks like she is in her office
They laughed silently
Refilwe: So I thought why hire a new face when
we have smart people in our company. At first I
wanted everyone to apply for the job but when i
saw Ms De Villiers and Mr Uzonwa I thought it
would be great if they go against each other. We
know what both of them are capable of we don't
want or need them to say anything. I would like
us to go straight to the vote
Everyone sat up straight smiling.
Refilwe: Those in favour of Sonia De Villiers
becoming a COO please raise your hands
Sonia looked around. She lost her smile when
she noticed no one raised their hand. She looked
at Uncle Kobus.
Sonia: Dad?
Kobus: Ms De Villiers
Sonia shook her head in disbelief then looked at
Sonia: Prissy ?
Priscella: Thank you so much Ms De Villiers for
trying but I think everyone loves your job as our
CFO. Ladies and Gentlemen your new COO
Priscella stood up clapping hands excited. She
extended her hand to Aaron
Priscella: Congratulations Mr Uzonwa
Aaron: Thank you so much Ms CEO and thank
you everyone for believing in me
The board members nodded their heads. Sonia
stood up then extended her hand to Aaron
Sonia: Congratulations Mr Uzonwa
Aaron shook her hand
Aaron: Thank you Ms De Villiers
Sonia looked at Priscella then took her cell
phone. She walked out of the board room.
Priscella attempted to run after her
Kobus: Let her be!
Masixole: Congrats my man
Aaron: Thanks man. I can't believe it
Masixole: Better believe it because I am going to
take my things from your office and get the hell
They laughed.

< Claire >
I have my job back. I have to make the best of it.
I will try by all means not to mess this up. I came
too far to mess this up. I can't be known as this
crazy girl who is an abuser. All my exes are
going around talking about me because
apparently I beat all of them And none of them
are lying. I keep saying I love people. I don't
understand why don't I just love them and not
hurt them.
I remember correctly how much i loved Hunter.
I didn't want my past to repeat itself with him. I
wanted to love him no one else. I am so
disappointed in myself for letting jealousy ruin
us. What was I supposed to do though? How do
you react when you just found out your partner
slept with another woman? Do you just pretend
like everything is okay when it's not ? or you
should go beat the woman like many other
women do as if it's a woman's fault? well it
doesn't work like that with me. I beat the one i
am dating but with Sonia I don't know. There is
something that makes me tick about her. She
gets under my skin. I was angry at Hunter. He
hurt me. All I ever wanted was for him to own
up to What he did but he didn't. He acted like he
was a victim. I think him and I need to talk. We
need to fix this. We must both apologise to each
other. I don't see why I should apologise to him
when i reacted to how I was treated by him. This
is just bad. I don't know how I am gonna move
on from this. I really don't know. Junaid just told
me about Africa fashion week. I already knew
about it. That is why I went back to him. I am
happy I will be walking the runway in his
clothes. By the way I was gonna be there with or
without him but I can't help it. He is the best. His
collections are always most talked about in
these fashion shows. That is why I can't move
Anyway I wanna post one of my previous Africa
fashion week photos and caption "I can't wait
for the 26th" I have to do it on Twitter and on
Instagram. I took my phone. I first went on
Twitter. I refreshed my feed.
Me: What ?
I see a picture of Sonia and Hunter all coupled
up in a restaurant. They look cosy. I need to read
Me: The reality star was spotted with her ex
husband at a restaurant cozzing up. It looks like
they got back together. We think this is the best
decision she made they have kids together and
they make the most gorgeous couple. We cannot
wait to see the Hunk on her reality show. By the
way She was followed by her show crew and
cameras it looks like he is part of the show
I threw my phone on the couch
Me: Blah! blah! Blah!
I broke down then threw everything in my
house around
Me: This sucks!!!
I took my Vase. I threw it on the wall. I kicked
my couch. I grabbed my remote and threw it
across the room. I sat down and cried so hard
I heard a knock at the door
Me: Go away !!!
" Please open up it's Hunter " I jumped up when
I heard his voice. I quicky wiped my tears. I
looked around. Oh My God my house is a mess.
He will say I am crazy. I looked at the door.
Me: Hunter ?
Him: Yes it's me can we talk ?
I looked around the room with my eyes popped
out crying.



< Claire >
Oh My God he is here. When i open this door he
will see the reason why he left me. He will see I
am still crazy. Why did I mess up my house
because of that article. Why did I get so jealous?
Why can't I realize this is for the best. This is the
live I should be living. A life with no man. My
life is sad. I feel like I am drowning and no one
is rescuing me. Anyway what is this man doing
here? He had a restraining order against me.
What is he doing here or did he get my message
from Priscella? Is he here to be with me or say
goodbye? I am scared of goodbyes. It will be
hard for me to watch him walk away. I am still
in love with him. What am I gonna do? This
whole mess I just caused will assure him that he
made a good decision by leaving me..
" Okay I am coming in! " That was him turning
the door handle. He can't see me when I am
crying like this. I am a mess, My house is a mess.
This is a nightmare
Me: No....... !!!
I couldn't finish what I was about to say.No
more excuses. He is already inside my house. He
looked around.
Hunter: What the hell happened here ?
Me: What the hell are you doing here ?
Hunter: Okay before you grab your stuff and
throw it at me. I came...
Me: I am not a monster. I don't just throw things
Hunter: Okay calm down. I just came to tell you
that I went to the police and revoked the
restraining order
I quickly wiped my tears then ran to him
Me: Really!
Him: Yes Sonia.....
Once he mentioned her name my mood just
changed in an instant
Him: She asked me to......
I looked at him. Why would that woman do
that? She hates me and she wants him. She
would do anything to get rid of me.
Hunter: She went to J fashions and she was told
you got your job back so she didn't want things
to be hard between you two
I sat on the couch
Me: So you didn't withdraw it because you
wanted us to fix things
Hunter: I did it because Sonia asked me to and I
also want us to move o.....
He looked at my phone oh boy it's still on that
article. He will see why I am upset. I stood up
and grabbed my phone. He looked at me
shocked. I looked down embarrassed. He saw
the article I was looking at. He saw it! I was too
Hunter: You're destroying your house because of
that? I thought you wanted closure not me. How
are you going to work with Sonia when you are
this mad....
Me: Don't flatter yourself I don't want you. I just
want us to talk about you cheating on me and
say our goodbyes. She is your ex wife. I am glad
you're fixing things
Hunter: You mean that ? Wow thank you. I
thought you'd be upset. I want my family back. I
really wanna make things right this tim....
Me: And i want to clean my house! So please
excuse me
He looked at me. I smiled
Him: I thought you wanted closure. We haven't
talked about us yet?
Me: You cheated on me. I got angry and jealous.
It's normal for someone to act like that when she
was betrayed
Hunter: You laid your hands on me. That is not
something I expected. I respect women and I
expect to be respected as well
Me: I pray she respects you
I went to the door
I opened the door
Me: Now I really wanna clean. Thank you for
stopping by
Him: Thank you for understanding
Me: Always
I keep surprising myself. I can't believe how
calm I am. I guess I still have My bride. He just
declared his love for her. Why would I waste my
energy fighting for that ? I smiled. He walked
out. I slammed the door then leaned on it

< Priscella >
Uncle Kobus asked me to let her be but I can't
help but worry about her. I am the kinda person
who always make sure I protect the people I
love. I always make sure I protect Sonia. It's so
hard for me to just sit back and this time it's
worse because I broke her trust. I know she was
being unreasonable but still I am her friend. She
expected me to have her back. Right now I wish
at least I raised my hand. It was not gonna make
a change because everyone voted for Aaron but
my friend was gonna be happy that I had her
back. I hope she is fine wherever she went. I
have one difficult friends but I have known her
since I was a child so I am used to these kinda
behavior. I mean this woman betrayed me when
she went and told Hungani about my affairs but
we got through because we are family. I hope
we will get through this too. If she is the
business woman she claims to be then she will
Anyway We just walked out of the boardroom. I
saw algebra and Mandisa walking to us with a
bottle of Champagne and glasses
Masixole: Anyone joining us for celebration?
The old people laughed walking to the elevator.
They wanna spend time with their families it's
understandable it's holidays
Masixole: I guess it's just us
Kobus: I am also leaving. Congratulations again
Aaron: Thanks Mr De Villiers
Uncle looked at me.
Kobus: Don't worry I will Speak to her
Me: Okay uncle
He walked to the elevator. I took out my phone
and dialled Hunter's number.
Hunter: Am I late? Tell Masixole I will be there
at 11
Me: That's not why I am calling. Aaron is the
new appointed COO. Sonia left and I think she is
Hunter: Oh shit! thanks I will call her. Tell Aaron
I said Congrats
Me: Will do
I hung up then looked at Aaron
Me: Hunter says Congratulations
His phone beeped. Aaron looked at it
Aaron: He just texed me
Algebra gave me a glass. I didn't take the glass. I
took his hand and put it in my belly
Me: In case you're blind
Algebra: Oh I am so sorry I forgot
Me: It's okay
I looked at Mandisa
Me: I take it you're ready to go to J fashions?
Mandisa: I can't drive home and come back I am
Me: Let's all go up then
Masixole: Not until we toast
Me: Okay
They raised their glasses. I raised my phone.
Algebra gave me the empty glass
Masixole: To our new COO. Congratulations bro
you deserve it
Mandisa: Here! here !
Algebra: Congratulations sir
Aaron: Thanks
Mandisa's phone rang. She looked at her phone
then at us. She smiled
Mandisa: I have to take this
Me: You will find us up there
Mandisa: Okay
We walked to the elevator. I am so happy for
Aaron. My man told me he was worried about
his nationality. Now he sees we all focus on
work no colour or where you come from. He is
done a lot for this company. He deserves the
same treatment as everyone else

< Sonia De Villiers >
Honestly I don't hold anything against my family
and the other board members. Those people
know what they want. They know business
more than I do. They really want me to stay at
finance and i understand why they want that.
They want someone they trust and that person is
me. I feel bad for wanting to leave that position
and that is why I left. The reason i left acting
angry was because i was embarrassed for even
considering the new position. Now to the reason
why I wanted to be a COO. Everyone know I
have So many jobs and it's no lie I do. I am a
very busy person. At finance I get so busy
looking at all these accounts. Next year is gonna
be very busy for me. Sometimes I will have to
leave work for an hour to do other things and i
know that is wrong. As a COO what I was gonna
do was operate all the work other people done. I
wasn't gonna be so busy since I was gonna be
the big shot COO. Even though the job pays a lot
it is not hard like CFO position for me. So my
considering taking the job was not for a selfish
reason. I was looking out for myself. I can't be
too tired to spend time with my children. I
wanted to have more time to myself. I am not
selfish. When I heard that other people were out
of the race and it was between me and Aaron. I
was so happy for him because I knew he was
gonna get the position. In the group he was the
only one who didn't get paid like the rest of us.
It's gonna be great to have him as a friend now
and someone who is a big part of the business. I
am so proud of him.
Anyway some people might ask where I am. I
didn't run away. I had to go to an appointment
in town. I just arrived actually. All i need to do
now is take an elevator to the studio. I heard my
phone ring. I entered the elevator then
answered. It's Hunter
Me: Hello baby
I saw someone running to the elevator
Him: Sonia are you back together with your
The Elevator closed in his face
Me: Serves you right
People inside the elevator laughed
Hunter: Who was that ?
Me: A reporter. He wanted to know if we are
together or not but the elevator closed in his
Hunter: Ha ha ha shame
Me: How did it go with Claire ?
Hunter: I will tell you at home baby. I am sorry
about the position. Priscella called me. She is
Me: Don't worry baby. I knew they won't let me
leave my position
The Elevator opened. I walked out
Hunter: Are you sure you're okay?
Me: Yes baby I will call you later
I hung up. I saw one of the ladies I was with in
the Elevator standing next to me
Her: Can I take a selfie with you. I love your
reality show
Me: Of course
We took selfies.
Her: Thank you
Me: You're welcome
I went to the door and opened it. I am having a
meeting at this radio station. I saw the guy I
came to see taking off headphones. He is DJ Cass
Him: Hey Sonia
Me: Hello guys
Him: Sit there. I actually promised our listeners
that you will be here
He is the breakfast show host. I don't know why
he is also doing the mid morning show. Maybe
the presenter is busy she asked him to stand in
for her
Me: But I didn't know I was gonna be
interviewed. I just came for our meeting
Him: Let's hear what you have to say. I am
playing two songs. I hope it won't take long but I
am interviewing you after. I promised my
Me: You will get your interview
Him: Thank you
I sat down
Me: I came here on behalf of my brother. He
doesn't know I am here though
Him: Your brother?
Me: Elton Seputla
Him: Oh the rich kid reality tv star sure what
about him ?
Me: DJ Cass As you all know he was in some
drama with Hungani and Tasha. That really
broke him. He explained it in his reality show
but the episode will be aired in January and i am
not allowed to say much about it but I want you
guys to give him a chance to be an intern in your
radio show. He is very smart. His mother left for
US yesterday and his sister is pregnant. I don't
want him to get in trouble because he will stress
Priscilla. If he gets busy and distracted he won't
get to no good
Dj Cass: There is a three of us here already. Me,
my co host and my producer we all talk on air
Me: I know. Your morning breakfast show is the
most listened to radio show. Having him here
will be great. I am not saying you're not great I
mean look at your ratings, They are amazing.
Elton has a lot of followers. You will ask him to
go buy you breakfast, Bring you water and when
you guys have a topic you let him come in to the
mic and share his point of view. He is amazing
Dj Cass: I like that idea actually but Sonia that
boy is rich. Do you think he will settle for less
and let us push him around ?
Me: Ej is the most down to earth rich boy I have
ever met. He really needs to be busy. His classes
are in the afternoon next year. Please think
about it
He looked at his producer then co-host
Dj Cass: I don't have to think about it. I want this
young man on this show
Me: Great!
Him: When can he start ?
Me: January how about the 6th? It's just that this
afternoon he is going on a cruiseship to
Mozambique for a little holiday with his friends
and i also need to tell him the news
Dj Cass laughed
Him: You see ? This boy doesn't need this job. He
goes wherever he wanna go whenever he
wanna go
Me: Trust me he has to keep busy
Producer: We are going on air in 15 seconds
Dj Cass: The boy got the job. Ready for your
Me: You're on
I took my phone then quickly called Mandy
Mandy: Hey Sonia
Me: Dj Cass just hijacked me for an interview
what should I do ?
Dj Cass winked at me. He is on air by the way.
My mic is off.
Mandy: Do the interview and be careful with
how you answer the questions. Don't give away
too much on your painful personal life. Just talk
your success
Me: Got it
I hung up. I am glad my plan worked. I hope
Elton won't be hard on me and look down on
this internship. He will take the job. He wants to
be on radio. This is an opportunity of a life time.
He might even get a job and even a show there.

< Judge Makhosazana >
I am so excited. The contractors started work. It
is so busy at Sdabadabeni. I am just happy so
many people got jobs now. It makes me so
happy to know that my family is the reason for
that. It is not our responsibility to provide jobs.
Our only responsibility is to make sure we speak
to the government and Mayor for our people.
We are doing more than that. I hope the people
of this village see our efforts. We are not all talk
and no action and I am sure today they see that.
Anyway Nomaxabiso wants to see us. She didn't
tell us what is going on. We are waiting on her. I
am scared that maybe Manyokonya told her.
Would he make that mistake though? I need to
get rid of that man before he ruins my family.
That phone call I made to my cousin sister? I am
going to plant those drugs in his car. He is going
to jail. He must see no one messes with the
Queen of Sdabadabeni. He thought he could
blackmail me and sleep with me just like that ? I
am making sure he stays away from
Nomaxabiso. I know when he is arrested,
Nomaxabiso won't even go visit him. She will
forget him. And even if He could try telling
Nomaxabiso that girl might look dumb but she
would never believe him without proof.
Nomaxabiso is smarter than what we see. You
can't underestimate her that is why I want to
make sure she doesn't get the idea in her head
that I killed her mother. That is why I am getting
rid of Manyokonya. I know that man lost the
first round and I know he will be ready to work
on a new plan to get me. I have to attack him
before he attacks me.
Anyway while We are sitting waiting for
Nomaxabiso to arrive we saw Siqalo Walk in
Nomahelele: She is here ?
Siqalo: Yes my Queen, should I let her in
Nomahelele: Yes please
Siqalo bowed then walked out
Nomagampompo: I wonder what is it this time
Me: It better not be her uncle because I swear......
We saw her walk in River stood up
Nomahelele: Are you okay?
Nomaxabiso: No I am not and I am so sorry for
coming here all the time....
Me: Hey you're family now. River said you can
count on us with anything you need
Nomahelele: Please sit and tell us what is going
Nomaxabiso sat down then looked at me.
Nomaxabiso: This week I was planning to go to
my mother's family to look for a man who raped
my mom
Princess Nomagampompo looked at me
Me: And ?
Nomaxabiso: I went to my uncle to ask him
about the man. He insulted me and he
accidentally said it was three men who raped
my mom. When i asked who they are, he
dismissed me. It was like he didn't mean to tell
Nomahelele: It looks like there is more into this.
Cuz we need your PI. He must find all those men
Nomaxabiso: I want to know my real father. I
have So many questions for him. I also wanna
know why he did this to my mom. Can you guys
help me please My Queen
I touched her hand
Me: Nothing Gedleza can't figure out
Nomahelele: How come I didn't think of Him!?
I stood up then made a phone call. Gedleza
Gedleza: My Queen is everything okay. I am
busy with a client
Me: How long will it take for you to get here. We
need you but it can wait until you're done there
Gedleza: Give me an hour my Queen
Me: An hour is fine
I hung up then looked at them
Me: In the next hour you will know who your
father is




< Sonia De Villiers >
My day is going exactly as I planned it to be. I
was really worried that I might be late for J
fashions and Priscella might be worried. She
thinks I am upset with her. I am just happy I did
something nice for Elton. He didn't ask me to do
this. I just thought about what will happen when
the holidays are over and Mrs R is gone. I know
he might go to his old ways. I wanted him to
have something exciting to live for. I just hope
he will appreciate my efforts and take the
internship. I know he wants to be behind the
Mic. It takes time to get there. He must have a
story to tell about how he made it. Things are
not going to happy just because he has money.
He must be normal so that people can look at
him like a normal person not some spoilt little
rich boy Who got everything because of his last
Anyway I just got to Prissy's house. I see
Everyone is still here. Priscella came to me
Priscella: Friend I.....
Me: Oh don't worry about that. I am really
happy for Aaron
I said smiling at Aaron
Priscella: Really ?
Me: Friend I knew what I was doing was wrong
but I looked at my schedule. I am very busy at
the moment. I didn't want the job because I need
it. I thought maybe when I am a COO I won't
work so hard. Girl the finances of this company
are in my shoulders. I want to sneak out
sometimes to tv interviews and see TV friends
Priscella: I understand and i am sorry
Me: Don't be....
I looked at Aaron
Me: There is only one man who needs and
deserves that job
Aaron came to us.
Aaron: Hey i.....
Me: Congratulations again! trust me no hard
feelings. I am happy for you
Aaron: Thank you Sonia
I hugged him. The Elevator opened. Hunter
walked in. I broke the hug then approached him
Me: Hey baby
Hunter: Hey babe
We kissed. I took his hand. We walked back to
Masixole: I am glad you're good Sonia I was
Me: It's water under the bridge. It was just
business I understand
Elton came to us. His girlfriend is really
beautiful and innocent. I am glad Claire ended
things. I almost messed up beautiful thing going
on between Elton and this girl.
Elton: You met my girlfriend. This is Mia
Me: Yes i met her. You're beautiful Mia
Mia: Thank you
I smiled at her then looked at Elton.
Me: Elton I got you an internship
Priscella: What?
She looked at Elton. He looked at me. I can see
he doesn't know what is going on. Well i didn't
tell Him I was gonna find him a job so I don't
expect him to know.
Me: It's nothing big. We all start somewhere. At
least you will be spending a day with people
who are doing what you want to do. I got you a
job at a radio station
Elton: Wow what!?
Me: You won't be behind the mic. You will just
be with them on their show. The only time you
will be on air is when they have a topic. I think
this is a great opportunity. When the station
manager hear you say your views maybe he
might like you and give you a slot. I hope you
don't feel disrespected. They are really excited to
have you
Priscella: Who is they ?
Me: The breakfast show with Dj Cass
Elton: What !? and you think i will have a
problem going around buying them lunch
bringing them water ?
Me: So you know what the internship entails?
Elton: Yeah i know. Thank you I don't mind
doing that and i am glad it's a morning show. It
won't clash with my classes
Me: I had to call your varsity
Priscilla: You had all this figured out ! did you go
there when you left the office ?
Me: Yes i was rushing there that's why I left so
Elton hugged me
Him: Thank you
Me: You're welcome bro
He broke the hug then walked to Nomgcwabe
with Mia. I went to Priscella and whispered..
Me: Problem solved. You won't have to worry
about him and what he does. He has something
positive and exciting to look forward to
Priscella: Thank you Sonia
I hugged her. My phone rang. I broke the hug
Me: Excuse me I need to take this. It's my
business partner
Priscella: Okay
I walked away answering
Me: Hey
Him: Hey can we meet? I have a brilliant idea
that you might like
Me: How is 2pm for you ?
Him: Perfect I will see you then and I am looking
forward to this week episode. We are doing
great Sonia
Me: I know right. This is exciting
Him: There are a lot of people who want to
invest on the show. They are not even sure we
will have a second season but already they want
to invest.
Me: That's great! let me see you later so you can
tell me all about it
Him: sure
I hung up. Life is just amazing. I can't wait to see
what's next for me. I just made Elton so happy
and that makes me happy. Priscella has a lot on
her plate. She doesn't have to worry about her
brother. I know her, She can be too much and
treating EJ like a little boy but I understand she
wanna protect Him.

< Tasha >
I had a great lunch with Hungani earlier but his
brother called him. He said he wanted to cheer
him up after losing his job. I am glad he had
support from not only me but his family as well.
To be honest I don't know what to say to him
and I can see he doesn't want me to talk about
him losing a job. He is just focusing on making
me feel like a lady and I waited my whole life
for that but he can't do it just to avoid talking
about it. At some point we will have to talk
about it. I love him and I want to be there for
him. I hope he gets another job soon. He is very
talented and people love him so I am very sure
something will come up.
Anyway he left his car with me. It is good to
drive again. His brother picked him up from the
restaurant that is why he left his car. After he
left I went to Leila. I just got here at her flat. I
hope i won't disturb her. I am sure she is about
to leave for J Fashions
Leila: What are you doing here?
Me: I was in the neighbourhood. I thought I
should come. Before you say it yes I know you
are about to leave. I am just bored. Hungani left
with his brother I am left alone with his car
I said waving his key
Leila: That's nice. You guys went from low to sky
high which is amazing
Me: I know
Her: I saw the news you were just two streets
from here. I am happy for you. It's amazing how
a dream just became a reality. You fantasized of
having this life and him as partner now you
have all that
Me: I know right? I just kept believing in my
dream and now I have everything I dreamt of
and more
Leila: You never dreamt of him losing a job
I looked down
Leila: What does that makes you feel ?
I looked at her
Me: Actually now that I think about it this makes
me feel so good because he took me out after he
got fired. He made me feel like a lady
Leila: That's nice
I smiled at her.
Leila: Did you listen to DJ Cass. Sonia was there.
She was actually great on that show
Me: They didn't ask about my affair with
Brendan right ?
Leila looked down
Me: I guess they did. What did she say?
Leila: They asked if she's seen you after
everything. Sonia said yes she saw you at the
hospital when i was shot. They asked how she
feels about you. She said she just wanna focus
on herself and her family which was not the
answer to the question
Me: So she dodged the question?
Leila: Yeah. It was smart actually. Journalists
always wanna see girls fight. She wasn't there
for it
Me: I am glad. I know she has a lot to say about
me. It means a lot she decided not to say
Leila: Now you see they are not that bad. It's
normal to react when someone wronged you. It
doesn't mean they hate you. I think one day you
need to be the bigger person and go apologise to
both those women because you owe them an
apology for everything
I smiled. Leila always gives good advice but this
is impossible for me. I don't think i can do it
Me: When I am ready
Leila: Thank your time and do it when you mean
I smiled. My phone rang
Leila: Oh God I got to go
We walked to the door. I answered..
Me: Mandy?
Her: Can we meet. I am at the restaurant you
and Hungani were at 15 minutes ago
Me: Give me 10 i am close
I hung up
Me: Friend i am meeting my manager. This
woman must tell me why she hasn't gotten me
any interview. She got Sonia everything but me!
Leila: Friend Sonia's reality show premiered last
week, She is a face of J fashions and a business
woman. And you just started shooting a soap.
Your episodes are not yet on Tv What do you
want dude?
Me: Recognition. I have been on the news with
my Fiancé. I want to gush about my handsome
man. They know and love him
Leila: People are interested in work not people
who are famous for dating people who are
famous. You haven't made it yet friend. Wait
two months At least
Me: Bye! you always so brutal with the truth
Leila: That is because I am your real friend. I
don't want to lie to you
I turned around and looked at her
Me: I appreciate it. I was gonna make a fool of
myself to Mandy. Thanks friend
Leila: Anytime
I walked to my car. I need to get to her and hear
what she wants.
< Narrated >
In town. It looks like boys are done. They are
walking out of the shop. It is eight of them. They
went to their cars. Prince Nomgcwabe received
a call. He looked at his phone and smiled. He
Phonqa: Hello My Queen
Queen: Boy Universe is going to give you a bag
please don't open it. I want you to bring it here
Phonqa: Okay my Queen
Queen: Prince again......
Phonqa: I won't open it my Queen
Queen: Good boy
Prince Phonqa hung up then ran to the car.
Masixole: You have a girlfriend now?
Phonqa: No my king. It was my Queen
Aaron and David smiled at him. In the car it's
just him and the three of them. Algebra and
Prince Nomgcwabe were driving Elton's car.
Elton was with Chase in Chase car.

At J fashions we see The ladies arrive. The only
person who was not with them was Bhembeha.
They walked in. Sonia ran and stood in front of
Sonia: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to J
Junaid appeared from behind.
Junaid: Ladies and Gentlemen that is why she is
the face of my company
Sonia turned around
Sonia: hi I didn't see you there. Let me introduce
you to....
Junaid: Universe Mqhekezweni Smith I designed
her wedding gown
Universe: Hey babe
They kissed both cheeks
Junaid: Where is that hunk friend of yours
Universe: You and Anda are looking for the
same thing so it can't work I told you
Junaid looked at Sonia
Junaid: You should see his lips. They are to die
for !
He said kissing Proscella's cheek greeting her
Priscella: It looks like these gays have cute lips
wait until you see my assistant
Junaid: Your assistant. Isaiah Norman's ex right
Priscella: You know Isaiah?
Junaid: Who doesn't know the famous
Sonia: It looks like you know more than his
Junaid fixed his tie smiling
Junaid: Let's just say I have been warming his
bed since the little boy been gone
He said walking into his studio
Sonia: shut up!
Priscella: He is a jerk. He cheats ! And move on
the same week he brokeup with the man he
claimed to love ?
Junaid: Technically we are not dating. We just
spend sometime together
Priscella: I guess he was spending some time
with your crush as well
Junaid looked at Priscella
Junaid: My crush ?
Priscella looked at Universe
Me: I take it your friend is the CEO of Ndamase
Universe: Yep
Junaid: Wait bitches are you saying Anda and
Isaiah hit it ?
Priscella: Yep
Junaid sat down
Junaid: Oh this Community is this Small
Everyone laughed
Junaid: Maybe I should organise a three some
with the two of them
They laughed. He stood up then raised his hand.
His assitant came running
Junaid: These guys are the guys I want you to
work on. Take measurements correctly. We are
not sleeping from tonight on!
Girl: Yes J
Junaid looked at Priscella
Junaid: I am fetching your dress it's not yet
down though but you will love it
Priscella: I can't wait
Junaid walked away. Mandisa's phone rang
Mandisa: Excuse me
Priscella: Okay Mandie
She walked out
Sonia: Where is Bhembeha?
Priscella Exhaled
Priscella: I wish I knew
Outside Mandisa is walking away answering
Mandisa: Sikelelwa I am busy !
Sikelelwa: I am thinking of coming back
Mandisa looked around.
Mandisa: Really ? You're going to leave your
family in Swaziland and come here just because
he is promoted. It's not like he already got paid. I
am sure he gave you child support month end!
Sikelelwa: He got bonus! He should've given me
more! He can't give me the same amount in
Mandisa: You're abusing the poor man!
Sikelelwa: That moron lied to me! He never
loved me! He lied and said he loved me because
he wanted South African citizenship! when he
got it He left me!
Mandisa: That's not how it happened we both
know it! do you think a man who didn't love you
would have a child with you ?
Sikelelwa: Are you my friend or Aaron's friend ?
Mandisa: I am your friend but you can be
unreasonable sometimes!
Sikelelwa: I will stay here just for few days.
After new year's day I am coming back not for
him but my job as well
Mandisa: Bye
Mandisa hung up then looked around.
Mandisa: Oh I regret telling you about his
Someone cleared their throat behind Mandisa.
She turned around
Mandisa: Princess Ngejiwe right ?
Ngejiwe: Yes.. I am sorry but I didn't mean to
eavesdrop. Aaron's story is inspiring right? I
mean everything he told us about himself and
now becoming a COO. I am so inspired
Mandisa: He deserves it Ngejiwe you have no
idea. Everyone at SM is so happy for him
Ngejiwe: What is his surname. I want to check
him on instagram. He is such an inspiration. I
am from a village in the Eastern Cape. Him and I
are from villages. We have a lot in common
Mandisa: Oh okay well He is Aaron Uzonwa
Ngejiwe: Oh Thank you
Mandisa: You're welcome Princess
Mandisa walked away. Notiniphu tapped
Ngejiwe's shoulder. Ngejiwe turned around and
looked at her
Ngejiwe: What !? why are you sneaking on me
like that!?
Notiniphu: I don't want history to repeat itself.
Aaron asked for my number so to avoid what
happened with Velezantsi I would advise you to
stay away princess. The man saw you at Queen
Priscella's house. He didn't even pay attention to
Ngejiwe: Aaron Uzonwa asked for your
number? You wish
She walked away
Notiniphu: That story about being inspired by
him I know that's a lie. You're thirsty for him.
You wanna do what you did to Elton to him! I
wonder what would Velezantsi say if I were to
tell him
Ngejiwe stopped walking. She slowly turned
around fuming with anger.
Notiniphu: You took Velezantsi from Me with
your mother's blackmail. I am moving on! why
don't you just focus on one man why do you
have to sleep with every man that crossed by?
Ngejiwe: I am still your princess!
Notiniphu: Then start acting like it !
Notiniphu said that then headed inside
Ngejiwe: This bitch
< Nomaxabiso >
For once I thought I will never know who my
monster father is. I don't regret one bit coming
here. Ever since I involved Nomahelele and the
Queen I feel like I have a family I never had.
They have been supportive to me. I am sorry
that I betrayed my aunt but I am not going to let
her hurt them when her family is hurting me
and she is doing nothing about it. I love my aunt.
She loves me and I don't have a doubt about it
but what bothers me is the fact that she didn't go
speak to her brother ever since that will reading.
She is putting all her time in finding her
brother's killer. Does she really care about what
I feel ? I am the one alive. She should care about
me not someone who is dead. My aunt has been
ignoring the problems we have. Someone needs
to put the chief in his place. She is the only
person who can do that but no. She is doing
nothing. That is One of the reasons I had to find
people who are willing to be in my corner. As
much as I love Auntie but I cannot trust her
Anyway Gedleza just arrived. I can't wait for
him to tell me what i want to know. Ever since I
have known this man He always brought me
bad news. I hope this time he comes through for
me. He walked in with Siqalo following him with
a chair.
Nomakhosazana: Gedleza thank you for coming
I know You have a busy schedule this week
that's why we see less of you
Gedleza: Yes My Queen and thank you for letting
me finish what I was doing. Being a Royal healer
is a full time job. When you need me I should
stop everything
Nomahelele: We are not the only people who
need your help. You can't feel bad for healing
Gedleza: Thank you my Queen
Nomagampompo: Is it the mine workers and
their wives? I know you work a lot around
Christmas because they are back
Gedleza: It's them my Princess
He stood up from the chair. He sat down on the
floor then took out his bones
Nomahelele: Hold up ? You came prepared how
did you know what we called you here for ?
Gedleza: My Queen I speak to my ancestors
before I go anywhere
He said looking at me. I sat up straight
Me: Gedleza I need your help
Gedleza: There is nothing I can do. The man who
can help you get your answers is your uncle
Me: He doesn't wanna tell me who my father is.
He mistakenly said my mother was raped by
three men. I don't know whether he was telling
the truth or he didn't want me to know my
Nomakhosazana: Is he telling the truth when he
says three men raped Nomfunzelo?
Gedleza looked at the Queen then at me Gedleza:
It's not clear but it was not one man
I put my hands on my head
Me: Oh My God! Can you help me find out who
my real father is. I am lost Gedleza. I don't know
who I am And my uncle is not making anything
easy for me
Gedleza: Go to your father's brother. He knows
who your father is !
I looked at the Queen, Nomahelele and Princess
Me: But He said he does'nt know
Gedleza: How come?
Me: How am I supposed to know?
Gedleza: He was there !!!!
Me: Oh My God
Nomakhosazana: What do you mean he was
there ?
Gedleza looked at me breathing heavily
Gedleza: The child you're carrying?
Me: What about my baby?
Him: That child is not only your daughter, She is
your niece as well
Nomahelele; What's that supposed to mean ?
What does this man mean when he says my
child is my niece. What is even that? Is there
such in this world? How can your child be your
niece? This doesn't make sense at all.
Nomakhosazana: Are you saying Malingene is
Nomaxabiso's half brother?
Oh no!!! Gedleza looked at me. He can't say yes!
there is no way I have been sleeping with my
brother. I am pregnant for goodness sake!
Him: There you have it! Go to Manyokonya for
Me: Oh My God




< Judge Makhosazana >
This is too much. It looks like every time we dig
deeper the dirtier it gets. I didn't know this man
is this evil. He was there when Nomfunzelo was
raped. He knew Who Nomaxabiso's father was
but still kept quiet. How could he? What I am
failing to understand is why Nomfunzelo didn't
say anything ? Why didn't she tell her daughter
about this. Why didn't she tell her when she
found out her daughter was sleeping with
Malingene. I feel like if she knew she would've
told her to stop all she was doing with
Malingene and tell her daughter the reasons so
that she can shut this down as soon as possible
or maybe she didn't want her daughter to know
that she was a product of rape? I am confused. I
don't know the answers to these questions. Even
if she didn't want her to know but come on! She
should've done something to make sure they
never seen each other again. Nomaxabiso got
pregnant on her trip to Johannesburg. Her
mother already knew about their relationship.
Why didn't she say anything? Was she drugged
when this happened and she didn't know
Zintlungwini Gubhu was the rapist ? I feel like
we need another sit down with Gedleza and get
details because I know even though Nomaxabiso
is gonna go to Manyokonya she will come back
with nothing. That man doesn't have a heart. He
is greedy, Selfish and evil. He only looks out for
himself. I wonder which part he played in this.
Gedleza says he was there.
Anyway Gedleza just walked out. He is busy
lately and we decided not to bother him. I am
happy things are going well for him and he is
getting more patients/ clients. Nomaxabiso is
still here. This poor girl has been through a lot. I
cannot believe the man who broke her virginity
was her mother's rapist son! her own brother.
This is painful. Manyokonya is evil and he
doesn't deserve forgiveness for this. He is one
man of God who is going straight to hell no
Nomahelele: Wow. I don't know what to say
Me: This is too much i don't think Nomaxabiso
should go alone
Nomagampompo: You're right Sisi. That man
might kill her. I don't think his wife knows
Nomahelele: You have a point guys so .....
Me: You go with her River
Nomaxabiso looked at River
Nomaxabiso: Can you do that ?
Nomahelele: Earlier The Queen said Your uncle
will go through her first if he wanna kill you. I
say he will go through us !
She stood up
Nomahelele: Let's go confront that man. He must
tell us what happened those years ago. I want it
all in details. He can't keep dropping pieces here.
He must tell us the whole truth
Me: And if he doesn't you come back. Gedleza
knows everything. He just wants it to come out
from the horse's mouth
Nomaxabiso: I can't believe he was there when
it happened
Me: You need to go see him now go
River took her handbag She looked at
Nomahelele: Let's go and i think we should drive
your car. Something tells me we will be back
here with nothing
Nomagampompo: I was about to say that
Me: Good luck guys
They walked out. Princess Nomagampompo
looked at me.
Nomagampompo: Do you think Manyokonya
raped Nomfunzelo?
I looked at her. That could be true but there are
so many things that do not make sense.
Me: If a man would rape me. I would hate the
entire family. I don't think i would get married
to them and see them every day. If that man
raped Nomfunzelo then why the hell did she
marry Shosholoza?
Nomagampompo: Good question and
Nomfunzelo was a smart woman. I don't think
she would've done this. There is more to this and
i feel like the more we dig the more shocking
things will come out
Me: How was Manyokonya when he was
younger ?
Nomagampompo: He was a bully in school. He
thought world revolved around him. He called
himself a chief before he became one and boys
his age respected him.They worshiped him. He
always had boys surrounding him
Me: Do you think maybe He forced the other
boys to rape Nomfunzelo?
Nomagampompo: Sounds like something he
would do
Me: Wow
Siqalo walked in.
Siqalo: My Queen I am sorry to bother you. I
came to tell you the chief and Mrs Ndengana are
here and the chauffeurs just got here with the
Me: The cars from Zidenge, Great ! send the
chief and Nontorotyi in
He bowed then walked out
Nomagampompo: I am glad When Prince
Phonqa arrives his car will be outside
Me: Me too
Chief Khabalandile walked in with his wife
holding hands
Hlohlesakhe: The royal house
Nomagampompo: Chief
Nontorotyi: Where is my sister wife ?
Me: She left with your other sister wife
Nontorotyi: I have been meaning to ask. Since
she is no longer royalty is she still the good
choice to be my sister wife ?
Me: Nontorotyi you're not royalty but here you
Nontorotyi looked upset. She sat down
Nontorotyi: It looks like you and I will never get
along. You always fight Me
Nomagampompo: That was a practical example
Nontorotyi. You don't have to be royalty to
marry into this family but you should know
your place. A commoner will never be more
powerful than a Royal princess. That is a fact
and so many commoners including yourself
have proven that by the bad behavior
Hlohlesakhe: Why are we fighting my wife
It is cute that he is defending his wife. It shows
there is some improvement in their relationship
I like that.
Me: No one is fighting here. Nontorotyi, River
told us Nomaxabiso walked out through the
kitchen door leaving you guys there. Do you care
to share with us why she got upset and left
without saying goodbye to her future husband ?
She looked nervous. She looked at her husband
and smiled
Nontorotyi: That girl is going through a lot. Who
knows what's going on in her head?
Hlohlesakhe: I found what she did strange. I
mean she was happy to see us. She went to make
coffee the next thing she left without saying
goodbye..... ?
I smiled. Now he sees why his sister is in a foul
mood with his wife. I want to hear what she has
to saY
Nontorotyi: How am I supposed to know. Who
knows what's going on in that round head of
hers. Wait you guys don't think little old me had
something to do with this ?
Nomagampompo: Did you ?
Nontorotyi: Why do you always think the worst
of me!
I took my phone
Me: I don't like falsely accusing people. I think I
should just call Nomaxabiso and ask her what
you guys talked about
Nontorotyi: Okay fine!
Hlohlesakhe: What was that ?
Nontorotyi: I just said now that she is not royalty
she and i are equals. She got upset and left
Nomagampompo: That was insensitive! after
everything she went through you said that! Two
days after her parents were buried!!?
Nontorotyi looked down
Nontorotyi: I am sorry Sisi. I will apologise to
Nomagampompo: You should !
Hlohlesakhe: What was she doing here and
where did she take River?
Princess Nomagampompo looked at me the
same time i looked at her. I shook my head no
Me: Maybe when you're alone ?
Nontorotyi looked at me
Me: I mean we don't want her to be monked
about her situation
Nontorotyi stood up.
Nontorotyi: Don't worry I am leaving
Hlohlesakhe: My lo.....
Nontorotyi: You wanna know if your third wife
is in trouble or not right? So the sooner I get out,
the sooner you will know and probably save her
She said walking out. Hlohlesakhe looked at us.
Hlohlesakhe: We haven't had these fights in a
long time. Did you guys have to be so hard on
Me: So laughing at your third wife situation is
something funny to you?
Hlohlesakhe: No...
Nomagampompo: Then shut up bhuti! Shut up!
That girl is going through the most! She just
found out her uncle was there when her mom
was raped! She just found out Malingene is her
half brother!!!
Hlohlesakhe: What?
He looked shocked
Me: Now do you think sharing that with your
wife present is a good idea ?
Words couldn't come out of his mouth.
Nomagampompo: Exactly! Nontorotyi didn't
change. She took a break now I think she is
starting where she left off and you ! I feel like
every time you two are good you don't see
anything wrong she does!
Hlohlesakhe: I won't tell her what you just told
Me: Thank you my Chief
We didn't do anything wrong. His wife is
disrespectful and insensitive. A complete
opposit of a royal wife.

< Priscella >
I can feel the fever now. The wedding fever is
here. I saw my dress God it is stunning. I can't
wait for the finished product. This is gonna be
amazing. I will be the happiest bride I swear. I
was worried about getting married with a big
belly but I am excited now that I saw the dress. I
made the right call. I have to be The King's wife
on the 20th. I don't want to smile next to him as
a girlfriend. My father would be very
disappounted in me.
Anyway we are about to say goodbye to
Universe and David. They are going back to
Centurion. I am glad they are part of this. They
are really lovely. It's good to finally see someone
I can call my sister in law. We all stood up
Universe: So now the number of bridesmaids is
full? What about yours Cuz. Do you have eight
Masixole: I think I have seven for now
Me: It's not necessary though. It's not like there
will be a dance. This is a different wedding
David: Yeah royal weddings are different. Even
if there will be a walk. They will just walk, there
won't be a dance
Universe: Why don't cuz make the CEO of my
family company the 8th guy? Remember if
bridesmaids are eight so should the groomsmen.
Even in that walk we have to walk in pairs
Me: You're right
Universe: What do you say king ?
I looked at him
Masixole: I am on board. He must take time and
come for measurements
Algebra: And tell him he can have him! I
dumped his ass
We all looked at Algebra shocked. He looked
Him: I am sorry guys
He ran up the stairs.
Elton: Prince Nomgcwabe I think you should run
after your buddy
Nomgcwabe looked at me
Me: Please
He stood up and ran after him. Universe looked
at me
Universe: What was that ?
Me: Your CEO came here and slept with his
boyfriend before our meeting
David: What!?
Universe: God Anda is a whore!
Masixole: Why didn't you tell me this ?
Me: Because you gave him over a million rands
contract. I didn't want you to think he was being
unprofessional and drop him
Universe: He wasn't late for your meeting?
Me: Please don't confront him. It was my fault. I
didn't know my meeting was gonna take long.
He waited then went to sleep with Isaiah when I
didn't come back
Universe: That was unprofessional ! you guys
gave us business not the other way around!
Me: Don't fire him
David: He is family there is no way he will lose
that job besides he is even terrific at it And i
guess he knows it that is why he thinks it's okay
to just sleep around While working
Universe: He is good at it but this needs to be
God my big mouth. I hope he is not in trouble.
David: Babe we need to go I have a conference
call at 4pm. I want to get home and rest
Me: Guys we can't thank you enough
Universe: No need we are family. Call me when
you need me
I hugged her
Me: I will
David pressed the elevator. It opened they
walked in
Me: Bye
Universe: Bye guys
The Elevator closed.
Me: Wow this was amazing
Sonia: It was
She looked at Hunter
Sonia: Baby I have a meeting with my partners
in few minutes. I am going to find you here
when I come back right ?
Aaron: Where will he go? We are here right bro?
Hunter: You will find me here babe
He kissed her. Sonia came to me
Sonia: I will be right back
Me: Okay
She walked to the Elevator. Elton and Mia
walked into the elevator as well
Me: So Mia won't say goodbye?
Elton: We will be back sis remember she is going
to Mozambique with us
Me: Okay
She looks like a really nice girl. I hope their
relationship works out.

< Narrated >
Still at Seputla Towers. Upstairs in Prince
Nomgcwabe's room. Algebra is sitting on their
bed. He looked embarrassed. He hates himself
for doing what he did downstairs. He didn't
mean to but when Universe Mentioned Anda He
remembered how Isaiah deceived him. It looks
like he took out his anger on a wrong person.
Anyway the door opened. He jumped up. Prince
Nomgcwabe walked in
Nomgcwabe: Hey are you okay ?
Algebra: Is Universe upset with me ?
Nomgcwabe: No! She didn't seem upset but you
are. What did that CEO do with your ex ?
Algebra sat down
Algebra: When we got back from the Eastern
Cape that CEO came for a meeting. He bumped
into Isaiah bringing me lunch. I just left to get
the CEO tea. When he arrived I was not around.
They left together and had sex that's why I
dumped him. I am sorry I didn't tell you the
Prince Nomgcwabe took his hands
Nomgcwabe: You said he cheated that's what he
did. You don't have to apologise. When you
dated that guy I was still confused. I didn't know
what i wanted in fact this is my fault. If didn't
give you mixed signals we wouldn't be here
now. I am sorry
Algebra: I should've known you loved me. I am
also sorry I didn't wait for you
Nomgcwabe kissed him. They kissed for almost
a minute. Algebra broke the kiss
Algebra: So What did they say when I ran up ?
Nomgcwabe: They were concerned
Algebra: They shouldn't. I just didn't want that
CEO to be part of this. It's gonna be awkward
anyway you're the only man I love. That day I
will focus on you
Nomgcwabe: You better
Algebra kissed him
Algebra: It's a promise
Prince Nomgcwabe's phone beeped. He looked
at it
Algebra: Is everything okay ?
Nomgcwabe: Elton says He is meeting his
manager about some new job. He says we must
take his luggage and go down
Algebra: Wow that's nice
Nomgcwabe: Yeah It is. I can't wait to work here
as well
Algebra: And i will miss you when you're gone
back to the Eastern Cape
Nomgcwabe: I will come every weekend when I
don't have tests
Algebra: That's great. I like the sound of that
They kissed.

At Hlalwini village. Chief Manyokonya's wife
Dlezinye walks to the living room with a tray
with two cups of tea. She got there and put the
tray on the coffee table. She took a cup and gave
it to her husband.
Chief: Thank you my wife
She smiled then sat. She took hers and sipped.
Her eyes were at her husband like she wanted to
ask a question. Manyokonya looked at her
Manyokonya: Are you alright ?
Dlezinye: Yes are you?
Chief Manyokonya sipped on his tea
Him: Yeah i am alright
Dlezinye: You've been getting visits from
Nomaxabiso what is going on?
Chief: She wants to know the name of the men
who raped her mother. How am I supposed to
know? We live Like at the end of NgqelenI. Her
mother was born and raised in another small
town in Mqanduli, Not just across the bridge but
up North near the town. How am I supposed to
know that ? it's not like we grew up in the same
place. We lived in two different small towns
Dlezinye: Honey The poor girl is lost. Since your
brother claimed that you helped her mother.
Maybe She assumed you might know the
Chief Manyokonya looked down
Chief: The perpetrator you say......
Dlezinye: Yes ! the man who committed this
Chief: I heard it was three men. I didn't know
them. I didn't even ask about them. I just helped
the poor man with his daughter. He seemed
desperate and he offered me money and i knew
nothing about the lord At the time. I just did
what I had
Dlezinye put her cup down
Her: Tell me you didn't tell the poor girl that!
our niece is going through a lot
Chief Manyokonya stood up with his tea
Him: She is not our niece. My brother revealed
that in front of everyone! Now everyone knows
our business! That girl is not family!
He snapped at his wife.
Dlezinye: Tata!! ( My dear !!!)
She said that standing up. It looks like she is one
of the good ones in this family. Chief
Manyokonya looked at her
Him: What? It's the truth!
Dlezinye: We raised her. She grew up in front of
our eyes. Your brother loved her
Chief Manyokonya laughed
Him: No he didn't! If he did he wouldn't have
caused all this mess after he died. He didn't even
leave her nothing! it shows he didn't give a
damn about her! Now that she knows She is not
family... honestly I don't know what she is still
doing around here
Dlezinye put her hand on her chest. She couldn't
believe he said that.
Dlezinye: Chief! You need to pray and apologise
to the Lord. That was an unholy thing to say as a
child of God
Manyokonya: Nomaxabiso Must go back home
to Gogozayo where she comes fro........
She stopped talking when the door opened.
Nomaxabiso and River walked in
Dlezinye: Nomaxabiso you don't knock now ?
Chief Manyokonya looked at his wife
Chief: See what I am talking about my wife?
Nomaxabiso: Why didn't you tell me you were
there when my mother got raped?
Chief Manyokonya dropped the cup of tea it fell
on the tiled floor and broke. It caused a lot of
noise. Guilt was written all over his face
His wife looked at him
Dlezinye: Honey you were there ?
Chief Manyokonya swallowed hard. He looked
at River who gave him a silly smile and the look
that was seconding Nomaxabiso's question

< Notaligana >
Right now I am so angry. A part of me wants to
go to Sdabadabeni and see Nomahelele. That
woman is the one i saw that night. I just want to
know what connections she had with that
Prostitute and i am going to find out sooner
rather than later. I decided to call Sdwedwe. I
want her to go to Thalala's house with me. When
Nomaxabiso left I decided to search Nomahelele
online. I needed her picture so that I can be able
to steal her picture and ask Sdwedwe if it was
really her. I don't know her surname so it is
hard to trace her. All i know is Nomahelele. I
don't even know what kinda name is that.
Anyway Sdwedwe arrived. We are on our way
to Thalala's house. We need to search her house.
We might find something there. I am hoping we
do. I really don't know what I will do if i reach a
dead end again. I was really hoping to face this
girl and find out why she lied. Before I could do
that someone decided to kill her.
Sdwedwe: So you think you know who Nonzaba
is ?
I looked at her
Me: Nonzaba
I looked in front of me then chuckled. I an
Me: What kinda name is that
Her: I know Right!
Me: And the woman I suspect has a ridiculous
name as well
Sdwedwe: You talk about Ridiculous names.
have you heard mine?
I shrugged my shoulders
Me: I laughed at yours
She laughed
Her: Anyway what is her name?
Me: Nomahelele
Sdwedwe: Wow
Me: Exactly! and I can't find this woman
anywhere in the internet. It's like she doesn't
exist at all! I am so pissed because I am a PI. I
help people figure mysteries out now it's mine
and I can't do anything about it
I felt a tear.
Sdwedwe: I am sorry friend
I wonder when did I get to that stage of
becoming a friend. I just need her to help me
that's it. I don't have friends with nails this long
and too much make up. I am a saved Christian
Me: I am sorry too
Her: How about we go to her house maybe it's
her. I mean the police followed her and they
didn't find her. Maybe she didn't take the
Durban road
Me: Exactly! That's why I want us to go too
Sdwedwe: We are going there after this. Oh
there is Thalala's house
I looked
Me: Wow she built such a beautiful house
Sdwedwe: She borrowed a loan. That girl never
enjoyed her government job and the money that
came with it
Me: Government job?
Sdwedwe: She was a teacher
Me: What !? Why the hell did she become a sex
She looked at me.
Her: She did it since varsity but now it was to
pay her debts
Me: Wow
Anyway I packed the car. This is one beautiful
house. It is so sad to see it because it is not even
painted yet. I am sure her family was counting
on her now she is no more. This is so sad. We
walked out of the car.
Sdwedwe: Let's go in
She led the way. We walked in. We were
welcomed by the family and people who came
to pay their respect. Honestly I want to do the
same. Usually when I come to families that lost
the loved ones I stand up and give them words
of wisdom but this is a different situation. What
is important right now is finding out or finding
something that connects the dots. I have a good
feeling about this. A case I do not give up on I
always find what I am looking for. Anyway we
prayed and did all we had to do. Sdwedwe asked
to speak to family in private. A woman who
looked like a traditional healer walked out with
Her: People call me Zinyovile
Sdwedwe: Sdwedwe and this is Notaligana.
When i brought Thalala's clothes here you were
not around
Zinyovile: I am her aunt. I live in some village in
Mqanduli. How can we help you?
Sdwedwe: I am....
Zinyovile: The woman who helped my niece sell
her body
I looked down. Sdwedwe looked embarrassed
Zinyovile: I am not judging. My niece tried to
hide it from me but she couldn't because I am
this person I am. Let's go to her room and check
what you are looking for
She said leading the way. I looked at Sdwedwe
Me: But we didn't tell her we are looking for
something. How did she know?
She turned around
Zinyovile: Like i said I am the person that I am
I was whispering though and she was walking
away and from a distance from us. How does
she do it?
Sdwedwe: Interesting
We followed her. We walked in. We started
Zinyovile: Her trip to Johannesburg had nothing
to do with what you want to know
I looked at her
Zinyovile: Years ago she dated Masixole
Zwelicacile Ndengana. She wanted to get back
together with him. I encouraged her to go see
him in Johannesburg
We stopped searching and listened to her
Me: My niece was gonna marry that boy as well.
Things didn't go well though
Zinyobile: Now you know why. Everyone
including the ancestors kept lying to prevent the
truth from coming out from wrong people. It
was not our place to tell but now the truth is
gonna come out. Your niece is determined to
find the truth and your brother is in the centre
of it all
Me: Shosholoza?
Zinyovile: The one who is living. I must say he
messed up with the wrong family this time.....
She looked at me and smiled
Her: But he deserves everything that is coming
his way
Me: What do you mean? Is my brother gonna
die? Is he in danger ?
Zinyovile: Only God knows his fate. All i can tell
you is...
I looked at her. She is smiling
Zinyovile: All of you will know the kinda person
he is. Nomaxabiso is about to unmask him
Me: Oh My God
Zinyovile: Keep looking I am overstepping my
mark don't mind me
Sdwedwe: Wait I found her diary
I wiped my tears. I went to her
Sdwedwe: It has numbers of clients she slept
with while she was alive. I know these names
Me: Lets check a Nonzaba from that list but I
doubt there is anyone with that name. I swear
that woman who went to your house is the
woman I was telling you about
Zinyovile Smiled at me. I looked at her. She
looked away avoiding eye contact. Does she
know something?
Me: Zin.......
Sdwedwe: Got you!!
I turned and looked at Sdwedwe
Me: What?
She showed me the number
Me: Oh My God
Oh My God this is great. Some people will cry
and one person is going down. I knew I would
crack this
Me: We have our girl!
Zinyovile smiled at me faintly like she was
feeling sorry for me. It's a like she doesn't
believe I got what I wanted and she doesn't
wanna ruin our little celebration and that
worries me. Even though I am a none believer of
this traditional nonsense but I can't ignore how
good she is.
Me: Zinyo.....
Zinyovile: Good luck with everything and close
the door behind you when you're done okay ?
She quickly walked out like she was avoiding
more questions
Sdwedwe: That was weird.....?
I sat on Thalala's bed then looked at Sdwedwe.
Me: You telling me.....?



< Nomaxabiso >
I am sick and tired of this man and she is going
to tell me what the hell happened that day. He
was there. I don't know why He is lying and
acting like he wasn't. If his wife didn't believe
me the minute I walked in asking the question
then after he just dropped that cup of tea I am
sure she knows he is guilty or knows something.
If she doesn't then she is stupid and there is
nothing I can do to open her eyes. I mean she
has been married to this man for years. She
didn't see anything evil about him till now. So I
won't be surprised if she is still blind. I Am so
happy I brought Nomahelele. Right now I feel
confident because I have someone in my corner.
The days of bulling me are over now. He won't
even try to intimidate me.
Anyway we were standing. His wife was staring
at the broken cup. Uncle looked at us fuming
with anger. I am mad at hell as well. I am not
scared of him.
Uncle: What are you talking about!?
Nomahelele: Why did you drop that cup if you
don't know what she is talking about? or Is it
Aunt looked at him. He looked at aunt
Him: This girl is lying! I heard about it! I was not
He looked at me
Uncle: who is feeding you lies. Who told you
Me: You were at the scene! Remember what I
said when I left ? I said I will find the truth and I
found a part of it! If you keep lying I will go back
to my source and ask more questions
Nomahelele: And by the look of things i am sure
you don't her to know more ?
Him: Okay fine! I saw them and I was too late. I
found them doing it but I stopped them! I made
sure they were brought to book
Auntie: Honey Who were these men ?
He looked down
Him: I don't know them. They had balaclava.
They were not from here
Me: Oh My God! I didn't know you're such a
Aunt: Hey! That's your uncle! you don't speak
like that to your elders. This is a house of God
Nomahelele: House of God Yokunuka! ( my foot
Auntie looked at Nomahelele
Auntie: I beg your pardon?
Nomahelele: Your husband is lying. He just said
he put them to book. How did he do that. If he
didn't know them! ? When people are arrested
you get to know their real names! since he cared
so much about Nomfunzelo's future why didn't
he find out who they were and did they just
stand there when he caught them? I don't think
they would just stand there. I am sure they ran.
This man knows these men!
Auntie looked at her husband
Her: My dear are you lying to me?
Me: Yes he is! he knows them all because they
come from this village !
Uncle swallowed hard. His eyes popped out. I
have never seen him so scared and nervous. He
started loosening his tie
Auntie: What is this girl talking about ?
Me: Tell her uncle! tell her that boys from here
raped my mom and on top of that you married
my mom to your brother out of pity!
Nomahelele: Or guilt!!!
They looked at Nomahelele
Nomahelele: Why would you feel like it's your
responsibility to make sure Nomfunzelo is
happy and sacrifice your brother's happiness for
hers. Boy I don't buy that money bullshit. I feel
like there is more and we have the whole day
we are not in a hurry! break it down for us!
Auntie: Lady you don't use that language in this
Nomahelele: You're living in a fantasy world "
lady " maybe you're the only child of God in this
House! Your husband has done the most evil
things but you still believe he is a man of God,
How naive can you be?
Me: Auntie did you even ask him about the
things that were revealed at that will reading or
you just decided to ignore them ?
Auntie: I have been married for over....
Me: Twenty five years I know that ! but I am
here! you used to see me as your child but now
you let your husband bully me !
Manyokonya: You two must leave my house
Me: Why ? Why should we leave?
He started breathing heavily
Nomahelele: Why did you help Nomfunzelo's
family ?
Him: I just told you I was the one who found her
getting molested! I kept in touch. Weeks later
they told me she was pregnant. I helped them
because I felt sorry for her and my brother
needed a wife
Nomahelele: He had my sister in law
Him: I swear if you don't leave I will call my
men to escort you out of here !
Nomahelele looked at Aunt. She put her hand on
her shoulder
Nomahelele: Don't worry. I know you have a lot
of questions that your husband will never
answer to you. We also have those Questions but
you should know one thing
Nomahelele gave uncle death stare then looked
at Aunt
Nomahelele: When we come back we will tell
you the whole truth. For now we know who the
father of Nomaxabiso is.........
Uncle: What !?
Me: Yes uncle we do!
Aunt put her hands on her mouth
Aunt: Who is he ?
Me: It.....
Nomahelele: Don't say it!!
She looked at Aunt
Nomahelele: Your husband will tell you He
She smiled at uncle. He took off his blazer he
was really getting hot
Nomahelele: Let's go Sister wife
I gave uncle death stare then followed after

< Narrated >
River and Nomaxabiso walked out of the house
and headed to the car. They drove out and left
leaving Mrs Zidenge with so many questions. We
see Chief Manyokonya sitting on the couch. His
wife sat next to him. He looked nervous. He was
breathing heavily
Dlezinye: What is going on My husband?
Dlezinye: Lets start from the beginning! Why did
you do that to your brother!?
Manyokonya: Dlezinye It's the same reason. I
felt sorry for her. I told them I will get my
brother to marry her. They thanked me with
money. They didn't want their child to be
humiliated and get asked questions about who
impregnated her
Manyokonya: When I found them raping her I
stopped them. I told Nomfunzelo's father after
that they got arrested. I did the right thing now I
am the bad guy !
Dlezinye: Was that the reason you got saved?
Him: I didn't want to see that happen again. I
didn't like what I saw. I had to do something! I
had to be diffarent from other boys in this
Dlezinye: Who is Nomaxabiso's father?
He looked down
Dlezinye: Enough with the lies!
Dlezinye snapped at her husband. He looked
Him: I don't know for sure but the resemblances
and the round face and head. I think She is
Zintlungwini Gubhu's daughter
Dlezinye looked shocked ..
Her: That man was arrested before I got married
here for a rape in Mthatha. He died in there. I
should've guessed. I wonder why Nomfunzelo
didn't tell me this
Manyokonya: She asked us to keep it a secret
Dlezinye: So when Gubhu was in college he was
already married ?
Manyokonya: Yes. He got married while He was
in High school. You know how parents were
back then. I was also married to my late wife
Dlezinye: How was Malingene conceived?
Him: They found out they were having a baby
while he was in prison
Dlezinye: Who is the other two men ?
Manyokonya: They are not from here. We met
them at college. Only Zintlungwini was from
Mrs Z: Oh My God

< Tasha >
I don't like being alone. I was getting used to
always being with Hungani or Leila and both of
them are not here now. Hungani isn't back from
where his brother took him. Leila went to J
fashions. I was just alone. I am really happy
Mandy gave me a call. She wants to speak to me.
I haven't done anything wrong so this could
mean only one thing. There is something
exciting for me she is planning. I am here for
anything. I really wanna work as hard as I can
before I get big. I don't want Hungani and I to
struggle. Now I am going to be a mother so that
means being responsible. I should be
responsible and work hard for my child. I won't
live for me anymore. I will make sure our child
has everything it needs.
Anyway I just got to the restaurant. I hope i
didn't keep her waiting. I came straight here
after she called so I don't think I kept her
waiting at all.
Me: I came as fast as I could. What is going on ?
Mandy: I have been trying to get hold of
Hungani. How is he doing?
Me: He is trying to be okay. When he left the
meeting you were also there right?
Her: Yes
Me: He went to drink. He was responsible
though because he says he asked someone to
drive him home. When he got home he asked me
to drive us to eat at this restuarant. But his
brother came and took him I don't know where.
He wanted to cheer him up
Mandy: That's nice
Me: So any jobs. I feel like he needs a new job. I
know he is going to think about the baby and
stuff. I don't want him to feel less of a man like
he can't provide or anything
Mandy: I know what you mean but don't worry.
Hungani is famous. I will get calls soon. The only
thing i have right now is an acting role. I just
came from a meeting. Please keep this to
yourself because I haven't told Elton. I am
meeting him shortly. I got that role for him he
will audition for it Wednesday
Me: What!? Why don't you give that role to
Hungani. He is the one who needs it
Mandy: Tasha this is Elton role. He is going to
play a son of a man who is almost Hungani's age
if not his age. Hungani can't play that now can
I looked down. Did she have to make me feel like
I am dating an old man? He is not old. I felt
someone touch my shoulder. I jumped a little.
Mandy looked behind me I am sitting opposite
her so she is the one who sees who is behind me.
I slowly turned around. Oh My God it's Elton. I
put my hand on my mouth. I hope he didn't hear
this. He is with a gorgeous young girl
Elton: Sorry Tasha. Not everyone wanna put me
down like you do
Me: I don't want to pu....
He didn't wait for me to explain
Him: Don't bother. I heard what you said if that's
not putting me down then I don't know what is
I couldn't control myself. I was crying with
Hiccups I don't know why i keep messing up
when it comes to EJ. He must think I hate him or
something. I don't hate him. He looked at Mandy
Elton: Where is my script ?
Mandy took a stuck of papers from her handbag.
Mandy: They start shooting on the 5th if
January. If you get this role you must be ready.
It's just a Drama for Netflix with about 12
Elton: I will read it in Mozambique I am going
on a trip this afternoon. I will be back around
3rd to 4th I am not sure
He looked at this girl
Elton: Will you help Me read my lines baby
Her: I will
He kissed her. Mandy looked at me. I looked
down. Elton looked at Mandy
Elton: Don't discuss my business with my
enemies again
Mandy: I am sorry it won't happen again Elton.
But wait you said you are leaving. The audition
is in two days. Why don't I take you to audition
now ?
Elton: Without reading this first ?
Mandy: Do we have any other choice?
Elton: I guess we don't. Baby let's just go to my
audition. We will eat in Durban before we leave
Mia: Okay
They walked out with Mandy leaving me alone. I
looked around then wiped my tears. I just keep
hurting him. Why do I keep making myself look
like his enemy number one?

< Judge NoMakhosazana >
My sister in law and I are sitting here waiting
for River and Nomaxabiso to come back and
hopefully they bring us good news. That bastard
must tell this girl what happened that day. He
was there and I am very curious to find out
what he was there doing. That man is about to
be unmasked and i am afraid he might go to jail
before all that happens. Maybe I should keep the
drugs here until We exposed him. I want to ask
Gedleza about everything but I don't think i am
ready for the answers. I feel like a lot was not
revealed. I feel like that man did something. He
might not pay for what he did to Nomfunzelo
because I didn't give a damn about the woman
but the drugs my nephew is bringing are to
make Manyokonya pay for what he did to my
family. He killed one of us. No one walks
through us like we are doormats and live to tell
the story. He is going down. I will make sure I
take that drug case myself if I have to. He
doesn't know who I am. I am not a woman to be
messed with more especially if something
involves hurting My family.
Anyway I am just sitting with Princess
Nomagampompo talking about what happened
earlier with Chief Khabalandile and Nontorotyi
Nomagampompo: I thought we were doing well
with Nontorotyi. I don't know whether it's us or
She is the one who ruined it all
Me: Sisi we didn't do anything wrong.
Everything we do is for the best for this family.
Nomaxabiso is about to marry The Chief. We
can't have both of them fighting. We want them
to get along. I am sure she said something to that
girl that is why she stormed out and left them
Nomagampompo: I guess she will never change
We heard the noise of a helicopter
Nomagampompo: It's them
Me: I hope Prince Phonqa didn't open that bag
Nomagampompo: I don't think he would when
you specifically said he shouldn't
Me: I guess you're right
My phone rang. I looked at it. It's May, I
Me: Cuz
May: That bag is wrapped with plastic. Make
sure whoever is gonna plant those drugs use
gloved so that they won't find their fingerprints
Me: Thank you
She hung up. Phonqa didn't use gloves. We are
going to make a plan. The door opened. Prince
Phonqa and Chef Notiniphu walked in
Me: Hey guys how did it go ?
Notiniphu: Good My Queen. We had such a great
Me: Well you can go rest we are sending Siqalo
to buy pizza today no cooking for you
Notiniphu: Thank you my Queen
She walked to her room. Prince Phonqa came to
me with a bag
Me: Thank you my boy
Phonqa: You're welcome my Queen. I feel dizzy I
wanna go lie down
Nomagampompo: First go drink water
Phonqa: Okay mom
He walked to the kitchen. The door opened.
River and Nomaxabiso walked in. We stood up
Me: How did it go ?
River sat down
Nomahelele: That man didn't give us much. He is
a liar. We decided to leave. I think we need to
speak to Gedleza and get the whole truth
I took the bag
Me: Nomaxabiso we are not going to hide
anything from you. I feel like that man will not
stop bothering you and we are also angry for
what he did to my sister in law. We want him to
pay but we are not violant in this family. We
want to set him up and plant these drugs in his
Nomahelele: No! in his car. His house.... there is
so many people there. The police might say it
could be anyone even the servants so to avoid
that we must plant them in his car
I put down my glass of wine. I took whisky
Me: You're right
I looked at Nomaxabiso. She took the bag
Nomaxabiso: Give me those drugs. I just know a
man who will be happy to do the job
We all looked at her. It's Malingene isn't it ?
Nomahelele: Are we talking about
Nomaxabiso smiled
Nomaxabiso: Malingene's father died in Jail. His
mother gave birth to him while his father was in
Jail. When i tell him this He will be happy to
plant this in Uncle Manyokonya's car
Me: What happened to him in Jail?
" Nomfunzelo got him killed inside " said
Gedleza's voice behind us. When we turned
around he was no where to be seen. River went
to Nomaxabiso. She put both her hands on her
Nomahelele: You know he can't know your
mama killed his father right ?
Nomaxabiso: That is why I will pin all that on
my uncle
Princess Nomagampompo looked at me. I looked
away and smiled
Me: Why do I love the sound of that ?
I sipped on my drink. Princess Nomagampompo
gulped her drink
Nomagampompo: Looks like I am getting my
revenge after all
River looked at me
Nomahelele: Talk about beating two birds with
one stone
I gulped my drink
Me: First Siqalo must Summon Gedleza. We
want to hear the whole story
I looked at Nomaxabiso
Me: Are you ready ?
She sat on the couch. Tears streamed down her
Nomaxabiso: Yes


< Notaligana >
I didn't like Zinyovile's reaction to us celebrating
getting this number. It's like she knows
something. What I don't understand is why she
didn't tell us. Her niece was involved in a crime.
Doesn't she wanna know what happened to her
niece? She says what happened to Thalala had
nothing to do with what I am investigating. I
want to believe her but the way she died shows
that it was connected. Right now I am so
frustrated. She said things about my brother. I
don't know what my brother is hiding but the
things that are about to be revealed don't look
nor sound good to me. I am afraid my brother is
going down. That Zinyovile said he is about to be
unmasked. What does that mean, Who is my
brother? It looks like I really don't know my
brother and This bothers me That is why I want
to go see him. I need to go to him and ask what is
going on. If he has a way I hope he prepares
himself for the sake of the family. We don't want
people to think we are pretending to be
Christians because we are not. At least I am not.
I am not acting like a Christian. I am saved. He
introduced me to the Lord. I don't think i am
prepared to know the things he is done in the
Anyway I didn't call the number while we were
still there. I can't do it in an uncomfortable
place. I asked Sdwedwe to come to my house
with me. I want us to call the number in a quiet
place. On our way to my brother's house I was
thinking about that woman. That woman is
hiding something from us. She said good luck
yes but The tone in her voice is bothering me. I
hope this call will confirm everything.
Sdwedwe: Your brother's house is beautiful.
Way bigger then mine
Me: He was a high school principal. He and his
wife had a business so they were doing well
hence the house
I packed the car.
Me: Let's go in
Her: Alright
We walked to the house
Sdwedwe: Let's hope Nonzaba answers that
phone. I know her voice. I remember it
She keeps referring to her as Nonzaba. It's
Nomahelele I know it and i cannot wait to hear
that woman's voice on the phone. We walked in.
Sdwedwe: Ready to talk to our woman?
Me: Yeah. Can I get you something to drink?
Sdwedwe: Yes please I would love a glass of
Me: My sister in law drank wine but we don't
drink in this family and I haven't seen it around
Sdwedwe: Let's just call her
Me: Okay let's call her
I dialled the number.
Me: Moment of truth
She sat up straight
Her: Moment of truth
I put the call on speaker.
" Doesn't exist!? "
We both said at the same time. We stood up
Me: Dammit!
I sat down then looked up. I can't believe I just
used that word
Me: I am sorry lord
Sdwedwe: How does this woman do it?
I stood up.
Me: I don't care. What I know is I am going to get
that woman and the only way to confirm that
She was lying to you is to see her face. You said
you remember her face right?
Sdwedwe: Girl I know Nonzaba. I was looking at
her in the face
Me: Let me go to my brother's place. When i
come back we are going to that woman's home.
The same woman you're so convinced She is
Sdwedwe: Okay
Me: I will be right back
She smiled. I walked out then looked at my
brother's house. I headed to my car dialling
Detective number.
Detective: Ms ZIDENGE
Me: I found a cell number from Tiny's things.
The number is written The killer!
Him: What!? So she knew who killed your
Me: Yes and I don't know why she didn't tell
Him: Now she is dead and there is no way we'd
find the killer
Me: I will send you this number. I want you to
trace it. When you're done I want you to email
me every detail about my brother's case
Him: You know I can't do that! I would be
breaking the law!
Me: You haven't found my brother's killer! you
know how good I am and besides when I find
what I am looking for I will tell you everything
and you will take credit for it!
Him: Fine I will email you everything you need
I smiled
Me: Thank you so much
He hung up. I put my phone on the passenger
seat. I started she engine.
Me: One of these days you will sleep behind bars

< Priscella >
This afternoon is about Aaron. He is the new
COO. It's unfortunate that this happened on
holidays. If it was a work day we were going to
go all out but everyone is home. The only people
who are celebrating with him is us and I am glad
that we are here to celebrate him. We are his
friends after all so I am sure he doesn't want to
be anywhere else as well. I am really happy for
Anyway I saw Algebra and Prince Nomgcwabe
walking down with their travel bags and Elton's
bag. Where is my brother? He can't just leave
without saying goodbye to me. He knows that is
not acceptable. I stood up
Me: And now?
Nomgcwabe: We are leaving the pilot is ready to
take us to Durban
Me: Where is EJ ?
Algebra: He said he was meeting his agent or
manager. He says he has a job for him
Me: That's great but why don't you guys wait for
him here?
Nomgcwabe: My Queen He said he will find us
downstairs in a car that will be driving us to the
Me: My brother is something else. He is going to
Mozambique to a holiday. He doesn't wanna say
goodbye to me !
Masixole came to me.
Him: Hey calm down. We were not gonna let
them go to the car without us. Let's all go say
goodbye at parking lot
Me: Okay let's go
Aaron pressed the button. The elevator opened.
We walked in..
Me: Is he already down there?
Algebra: We are not sure ma'am. She said we
will find him there
The elevator opened. We walked out. We found
him waiting For the elevator with other people.
It looks like he was gonna go up
Me: Were you gonna leave without saying
Elton: No! I asked them to come down with my
luggage. I was on my way up
Me: Oh
What a relief. Sometimes I forget how good he
has been. I keep treating him like the Elton he
was before. He came to me and hugged me
Me: Take good care of yourselves guys
Elton: Don't worry we will behave
Me: Good and the meeting with Mandy ?
He looked at his girlfriend.
Him: Baby give me that
Mia passed him papers
Elton: I just auditioned for acting role I got it
Me: What !?
I hugged him
Me: Congratulations Abuti I am so proud of you
Elton: Thanks sis
I broke the hug. Wow this is amazing
Masixole: Congrats man that's great
Elton: Thanks
Aaron , Hunter, Algebra and Nomgcwabe
congratulated him as well. Oh My God I am so
happy for him.
Me: Wow
Elton: I found Mandy telling Tasha that she has a
role she wanted me to audition for. Tasha tried
to sabotage me
Me: What!? How ?
Elton: She said the role should be given to
Hungani because he lost his job
Tasha: This girl don't give up! She ruined your
life now she is doing this to you? after
Elton: Don't be upset. Mandy didn't let her
manipulate Her. She defended me before she
could see I was eavesdropping so whatever she
does won't work
Me: I cannot believe this. I thought she was
becoming a better person. I have to call.....
Elton snatched my phone
Elton: She is my ex. You will make her think I
am weak. I can take care of my business sis. I
talked to her
Masixole: He is right babe don't get involved
Me: Okay fine. I am just disappointed in her. She
doesn't show any remorse for What she put my
brother through! She keeps putting him down
Elton gave me my phone when his rang
Elton: Sis we got to go and please don't call
He kissed my cheek then took his luggage
Me: Bye guys
Algebra: Bye
They walked away. Masixole brushed my back
and hugged me from behind
Masixole: They will be fine don't worry about
I turned around and smiled at him. He kissed
me then hugged me
I am not even worried about that. I am livid.
How can Tasha say something like this? How
can She even think of taking my brother's
opportunity away from him? Tasha is the person
she is today because of my brother. No one
knew her until she good digged her way into our
lives now she does us like this ? What a bitch. I
am so tempted to give her a piece of my mind
but I will respect Elton wishes. She said he was
weak to my face before. I don't want to confirm
it to her

< Sonia De Villiers >
Before Hunter left to see Claire he told me. I was
really worried about it but I didn't think much
about it because i was busy doing my things. He
didn't wanna tell me how it went on the phone
and when i saw him at Seputla Towers, He said
he will tell me at home. I cannot wait for that. I
want to know what happened. I won't lie I am
scared of losing him to that girl. I am worried
about my decision to revoke the restraining
order. I am worried about how we gonna work
together at J fashions. This is going to be hard I
tell you. I am prepared to fight for my family
though. I let Hunter go the first time. I am not
doing it again. I will fight for him. I am going to
make sure we get our family back together. I
want to take the kids to the USA. We are not
going there to a Honeymoon. Masixole and
Prissy are. We are going out for one night. We
are going there to just enjoy ourselves. I Am not
leaving my kids. I will do whatever it takes to
make them happy. I want hunter and I to spend
more time with them. I want us to create new
memories. I just cannot wait.
Anyway I am in this meeting with my partners. I
don't know what they are here to talk to me
about. I am sad that I left Hunter alone. He must
understand I am working. I am surprised they
didn't bring cameras. It looks like this is a
serious matter. It is about our show and the
good job we did with it. I guess that cannot be
filmed. I saw them sitting I smiled then went to
Me: Hello guys
They greeted me back.
Jerry: Anything to drink?
Me: Just water. I am not planning on staying.
One of my colleagues is promoted so we are
celebrating that but I had to sneak out. This is
more important
Jerry raised a hand. The water came
Him: A glass of water for the lady
The waiter nodded his head then walked away.
Me: So what is going on ?
Jerry: The show is doing well. The channel
bosses are impressed and just after one episode
they just confirmed that we are coming back for
another season when this one is done
Me: That is amazing
Tony: So we thought we should add other cast
Me: And make us eight ? That's not bad anyone
in mind ?
They looked at each other. Why don't I like this ?
Why do I feel like they want someone they think
I won't like or don't approve of? Don't tell me
they want me to convince Priscella. My friend is
a decent private royalty woman. The law and
the tradition of royalty don't allow her. I want
her to join but it's impossible. I just hope they
are not putting me in that position!
Me: Come on guys like I told you I don't have
The entire day. I am missing out on a
Jerry cleared his throat. The waiter brought my
water. I took it
Me: Thank you
I sipped on it.
Jerry: We know Mandy manages your career
Me: Yes ?
Tony: The thing is we want one of her clients
and we also wanted us three as partners to
agree on this before we approach her
Me: Why Mandy? Mandy is just a celebrity
manager. She has no class and no one wanna
know her life. Is her husband rich? Is she even
Jerry: Sonia you're not listaking. We want her
client not her
Tony: We want Tasha Battlefield
What!? I picked up my glass of water. I gulped it.
Jerry looked down
Jerry: Yep
I looked at them.
Tony: The thing is when the girls came to cry
with you the woman you were fighting with on
the show became nice to You and we saw your
friendship blossom
Jerry: What reality show without drama? So the
plan was to bring in a woman you dislike
I laughed so hard. They looked at me
Me: I like it
Jerry: You do?
Me: Yes I do but the problem is, Tasha is not
married! this is a show about married women
flashing their luxury lives. What does she have?
She is living with a bachelor who lives in a small
house for goodness sake !
Tony: Sonia Tasha is beautiful. She is a rising
star. Brendan was old and the other ladies are
older than you and so are their husbands. It
would be nice to bring in a young good looking
Me: Except they are not married!
Jerry: About that......
He looked at Tony nervous.
Tony: We are thinking...... Tasha was flashing an
engagement ring. We don't know if they will get
married so we were hoping you'd go to Mandy
and ask her to go to them and present the offer
with you and They can only be on this show if
they plan to get married next year. When we
start shooting season two they have to start
planning their wedding
Me: So we are forcing Hungani to Marry that girl
before he even thought of marrying her ?
Tony: The three of us don't care. All we want are
I smiled
Me: And we don't. I can think of the things she
and I have to talk about
I looked at them
Me: If you thought this season was fire wait until
we get to season two. I have good content
already. It will start from where she slept with
my husband to drugging Elton to the will
reading at Brendan house
Tony: Wow I am gonna love this. The last few
episodes when you joined the producing team
were fire. Your content is always good
Jerry: Anything about Claire next season?
I stood up. I took my handbag
Me: Let's just say I am back together with my ex
husband...... Her ex boyfriend so you can
They laughed
Jerry: How soon can you speak to our new cast
Me: Is tomorrow fine with you all ?
Tony: It's perfect
Me: Enjoy your drinks boys
I walked out of the restaurant dialling Mandy's
Mandy: Hello Sonia
Me: Hey Mandy I have a proposal for your
clients Tasha and Hungani?
Mandy: Tell me it's a job. I have been trying to
find Hungani something. Tasha is very worried
that he could be depressed
Me: I think you will love it. Please schedule a
meeting between both of them, You and I at
their place tomorrow morning
Mandy: I am on it
Me: See you then
I hung up then chuckled.
Me: Tasha If I wanted to lay my hands on you
before? this is the time Bitch
I unlocked my car then got in. I started the
Me: I love my life

< Judge Makhosazana >
I am not sure whether or not I am ready to hear
this. I am not sure Nomaxabiso is ready to hear
the whole truth about her mother's rape either. I
feel like this is gonna be heavy but heavy or not
it's time. We have to get this over and done with
so that we can move on with our lives. There is a
lot going on in this family. We've been going up
and down it's time finally here all of it.
Construction has started. We didn't even go to
the site because we are trying to get rid of this
monster before He swallows us all into his
darkness. I want Nomaxabiso to connect with
my brother in law. She can't do that with this
thing going on. She needs answers. This girl
loved Malingene. I knew when River said
Nomaxabiso agreed to Marry the chief That she
was not ready. I knew she might cheat on my
brother in law with Malingene. As painful as the
situation is but my heart is jumping with joy.
She is not going to sleep with that man. The only
man she is gonna sleep with is Hlohlesakhe
Khabalandile Ndengana and that warms my
heart. I care about my brother in law. I don't
want him to be played for a fool. Nomaxabiso's
heart must be in it as well. She can't do this to
protect her sins. She must do this out of love and
she has all the time to fall for the Chief. River
hasn't walked down the aisle yet which means
Nomaxabiso and the Chief have so much time to
get to know each other. When it gets to them
getting married both of them will be drunk in
Anyway Siqalo went to summon Gedleza and he
came as soon as possible. I feel bad that we
order him around but he must understand why
we are doing this. He gave us half of information
the first time. Manyokonya didn't want to say
anything so he must tell us all we need to know
about Manyokonya. Who is this man. We have
to know him and what he is capable of. We have
to know what we are dealing with. I picked a
fight with him. I have to be prepared.
Nomahelele: I am sure you know why we asked
you to come again
Gedleza looked down. Nomaxabiso looked at me
nervous. River brushed her back.
Gedleza: I wanted it to be him who does this.
This man is such a liar!
He said looking down. He looked like he was
listening or sensing something
Me: That is probably why we can't trust him to
tell us everything
Nomahelele: Ngedle we are desperate. I mean
look at Nomaxabiso. She is a mess !
I whispered at River's ear
Me: It is Gedleza!
She looked at him
Nomahelele: Take her out of this dark place she
is in. She needs to move o....
Gedleza: It was four men!!!
We all looked shocked. We looked at him
Me: What?
Nomfunzelo was raped by four men? Oh My God
the poor thing
Gedleza: It was not three men. It was four men!
Nomaxabiso: Oh My God
Gedleza: The fourth man ran for his life and the
other boys covered for him because he was
about to become a chief of their village. They
didn't want to be banished from Hlalwini village
Oh dear lord!
Me: So Manyokonya was the fourth man?
Gedleza: I am afraid so my Queen
Nomaxabiso: Oh My God!
Nomahelele: How come Nomfunzelo accepted
help from him?
Gedleza: All of them had balaclavas on and the
situation was to bad and intense for her to count
how many men slept with her
Me: Then that bastard deserves everything that
is coming his way
I looked at Nomaxabiso
Me: Nomaxabiso attack!
She stood up. River stood up too
Me: River you're not leaving this time. You have
to do this on your own Nomaxabiso
Nomahelele: Cuz......
Me: River I am the Queen that was an order!
River looked down. I looked at Nomaxabiso
Me: It's gonna be you and Malingene just as you
planned it
Nomaxabiso took her handbag and drugs. She
ran out. I looked at River. She is not happy about
my decision. When she cares about someone she
does. I guess it's a Dlungana thing because the
three of us we all like that and sometimes it can
be dangerous. When we care we do. When we
get out of control we go all out and lives get
Gedleza: Queen Nomahelele... The Queen is
trying to protect you
Nomahelele: From wha......
Princess Nomagampompo's phone rang.
Nomagampompo: Excuse me
She walked away answering. River and I looked
at Gedleza waiting for him to explain. I didn't
know what I was protecting her from. I just
didn't want her to go. I feel like three is a crowd
but I can see that's not the case.
Gedleza: Nomaxabiso is going to her house first.
Notaligana is with The pimp and Notaligana is
desperate to get her hands on a picture of
yourself so that the pimp could identify that it
was really you
River sat down shocked.
Me: Oh My God put down all your social media
Nomahelele: It's already done. Remember I told
you ?
I sat down
Me: Oh Thank God




< Notaligana >
I have to go speak to my brother. What I heard
from this Zinyovile woman is not cool at all. It
makes me scared. My brother is in trouble. I feel
like he and I need to have a serious talk. A one
on one talk. I don't know why he is so secretive.
This is the reason I was close with my other
brother. Manyokonya has always been distant.
He always thought he was better than us
because everything was left to him by our
parents. He always thought we were his
children instead of siblings and he treated us
that way and we didn't like that. We turned out
very good. We both had carreers way better
than his. One thing in common I had with
Shosholoza was drive and hunger for success.
We didn't want anything to get in the way of
that. When we became successful my brother
the Chief became jealous and started saying we
owe him everything we achieved which is a lie
because bursaries got us here.
The reason I didn't run after him when he left
the will reading is because even though we are
both saved we don't get along. This man didn't
go to my cleansing ceremony A year after my
husband died. My ceremony was the one
Shosholoza went to with Nomaxabiso. My
brother didn't go because it was gonna be done
traditionally and because I agreed to wear the
black widow attire. As a saved Christian you're
not allowed to wear it. As a married woman I
had to respect my husband's family and their
tradition and I was unapologetic about that even
my pastor couldn't stop me. I expected my
brother to support me but he didn't. He judged
me. Nomaxabiso thinks I am protecting him. I
am just running away from bad blood but I
guess I can't keep running now can I? Even after
everything he is still my blood. The only blood
left. I see myself at his doorstep. I can't believe
he judged me after everything he did to that
Ndengana woman. How can He judge me for
wearing a piece of clothing? That is nothing
compared to what he did to a child, our family
child! that baby was his nephew and he killed it!
Anyway I saw the door open. I quickly wiped my
Her: We heard the car drives in. I was asking
myself when are you gonna knock ?
Me: Sister in law
" Who is that..... " That was my brother. He said
coming to the door. He looked shocked to see
Me: Can I come in?
Dlezinye: Yes come in
I walked in
Me: Where are the kids?
Manyokonya: You come today and ask for my
children after you've been here for how long ?
Me: Look who is talking !
Dlezinye: Guys I know you're siblings but come
on! you're old to be fighting!
Manyokonya: I like fighting ? She likes acting
Me: That's the problem! you never listen to
yourself when you speak! that always been the
problem brother. You never treated us like your
siblings. You treated us like you were our father.
Even my father wasn't as controlling As you are
Manyokonya: I think you need to go back to
Butterworth and perform your traditional
Me: Says a man who killed his brother's unborn
He came to me fuming
Manyokonya: I am still your......
Dlezinye: Okay that's enough!
Sis Dlezinye ran and stood infront of us. She
looked at me.
Dlezinye: If you two can't be civil with each
other then one of you should leave!
Me: You mean me right? Well I am leaving.
Going back to my brother's house! the one who
was buried on Friday last week! Saturday was
his will reading and that is the day I last saw all
of you!
Sis Dlezinye looked down
Me: How can you bury your brother and
abondan his home? His house is quiet and cold
like there was no funeral three days ago
I looked at my brother
Me: I came here to pray with you. Someone said
there is a dark cloud hanging all over you !
Manyokonya: You see my wife! This woman is
working for the devil. She is not saved anymore
Me: My devil said soon enough we will find out
who you really are!
His eyes pooped out.
Me: You better kneel down and pray because
you're about to be unmasked. It looks like the
brother I thought I knew was all a lie
Manyokonya: Get out!
Me: Pray brother! Pray
I walked to the door. I opened it then walked
out. I headed to my car. My phone rang. It's
Me: Hey ?
Sdwedwe: Hello Nota I want to know what we
gonna say when we get there. We can't say we
came to see that woman's face
Me: My late brother has children there. They are
our excuse to go there
Sdwedwe: Okay hurry
I got in the car
Me: Coming

< Claire >
Did you hear him? Did you hear him thank me
for understanding as if I understand. I am doing
this because I want to live. I want to live a better
life. A life with a job. That is all this is about. I
want to go to Africa fashion week. I want to
wear Junaid designs. I want to continue working
for J fashions. I made this sacrifice for my career
because I needed to get real. I needed to look at
myself and accept reality. This man will never
love me the way he loves his ex wife. He loves
her and he wants to be with her. You should've
seen him. He didn't even look at me like he
wanted me. He carried himself like he was
conversing with his sister not a woman He was
sleeping with a few weeks ago. He thinks I
would just get over him just like that? Men are
stupid. He is stupid. The dumbest man on earth.
A man who goes back to a woman who divorced
him for another man. What a fool!
Anyway I called my therapist. She said she was
out of town. I wanted to go see her. I decided to
go to Leila. I just need someone to talk to her. I
saw her posting her breakfast on Instagram and
the location said Johannesburg. I hope she will
open the door for me and let me in. I knocked
then waited for her to open the door. The
opened. She looked shocked to see me.
Me: Hi
Leila: I can't let you in
Me: Leila plea....
Leila: The last time I spoke to you I got saved by
I don't know what to say she is not lying but I
was not gonna kill her
Leila: The last time you came to my house Tasha
got saved by Hungani
I looked down
Me: She told you
Leila: Of course she told Me! Claire you're a
I put my hand on my chest shocked. Tears
streamed down my cheeks
Me: A monster ?
Leila: I am sorry that's the only word to describe
your behavior
Me: Wow
I looked down
Me: I came here to tell you that I saw Hunter
and Tasha at Seputla Towers. I realised that
maybe Elton was trying to make me forget
Hunter. I decided to end my fling with him.
Today Hunter told me that Sonia asked him to
revoke the restraining order against me....
Leila: That's very nice of her after you attacked
her like that
Me: Hunter was at my house. We ended things
and I gave him my blessings. He is going back to
Leila: You messed up. You beat the poor woman.
There was no fixing maybe it's for the best
I looked up crying
Leila: I am sorry and if that is all i...
She grabbed the door
Me: Oh bye
She nodded her head then closed the door.
Me: Wow. She didn't even let me in

< Sonia De Villiers >
My friend Priscella is the sweetest but It's hard
for her to forgive and forget more especially
when someone she trusted with her life betrays
her. She and Tasha will never be the same again.
Yes she cares for her. Priscella can try to be
hardcore but her good heart always betrays her
even when She is prepared to stay mad. I am
worried about the news I am about to give them
about the job I got for Tasha and a little part for
Hungani. I have two people She doesn't like
joining my show. I gave them that opportunity.
She is going to be mad. I don't know how she is
gonna take this but she better hears it from me
I just got here. They are drinking only my friend
is not drinking .
Priscella: You won't believe what Elton told us
Me: What?
Priscella: Mandy got Elton an acting role. When
Elton got to the restaurant to meet Mandy she
found Tasha with her trying to convince Mandy
to give the role to her Fiancé because he lost his
job. I didn't even know that show was cancelled
Oh My God. I was worried about the past. How
can Tasha do this. How am I gonna tell Priscella
this when Tasha keeps messing with us
Me: How could she ?
Priscella: As far as I am concerned she is dead to
me. Dead and buried!!!
Oh My God my friend is in flames with anger.
She is literally burning.
Me: What did Elton say?
Hunter: He said you two don't get involved and I
hope you will respect his decision. You can't
make him look weak. He said he fixed it
Masixole: By the way he got the job. My brother
in law is a real actor now
Me: Shut up! That's amazing! way better than
being an intern at a radio station
Priscella: I want him to do both. It's a drama
series on Netflix. He is not gonna be shooting
24/7 so don't end the deal with the station
Me: Great
Aaron: Sonia are you okay?
I looked at him. He can tell I want to say
something. I looked at Priscella.
Me: Babe you know I love you right ?
Priscella: You did something didn't you ?
I looked down
Priscella: Just say it Sonia
Me: This is not about what happened at the
boardroom. I told you all why I did that. I just
wanted to get off the load of work but I am
afraid the answer I am about to give you will be
the same as the one that was given to me and I
took it like a lady and as a professional
Priscella: Talk Sonia
Me: My partners want us to add another woman
to the cast. They want Tasha and Hungani to be
on the show
Priscella: And you agreed? Those people know
what she did to us! why would they want her!
How are you going to work with her? This is
Masixole: Baby I am sure it was two against one.
They want her and I don't think there is
something Sonia can do about it
Me: Thank you Masixole
I looked at Priscella
Me: It's not personal. It is business. It was not my
idea like I said but when they presented the idea
to me it was perfect. To me it is not about the
job. It is about who is on my show and who
brings drama and I think all my anger and
frustrations that I have over Tasha can be
expressed there and that means good ratings
and more investors for us. All of you can agree
with me when I say Tasha put us through a lot.
People need to see and hear what she put us
through with what she did to Elton. I do not care
about what she did to me with Brendan.
Honestly I deserved better than that man but i
am afraid that too will be addressed and.....
I looked at Hunter
Me: I am sorry you will have to see that baby.
We are doing this for entertainment and I am
glad that I get to do it because it Will be
therapetical for me
Hunter: I know how happy you are about the
show and I am fortunate that I understand the
kinda show you're in
Me: Thank you honey
I kissed him
Priscella: Friend I am sorry I overreacted it's just
that I am upset about what she did to my
brother. I thought she regretted everything she
Me: Trust me that girl is only beautiful on the
outside. Inside that child is rotten and I cannot
wait to reveal the dirt that is inside of her
Masixole: She is your new rivalry?
Me: Apparently and I feel sorry for my man
because when we start shooting the second
season I will come home grumpy sometimes
Aaron: Dude you need to learn ways to cheer up
a mad white woman
Me: Oh My God Thank you Aaron
Aaron: I am sorry
Me: You're right though. He must do that
because I want us to work this time and this
time I won't let him slip through my fingers
Hunter: That won't happen baby
I kissed him
Priscella: I am happy you guys found each other
Masixole: What meant to be it will be
I hugged my man
Me: Say that again Masixole
Aaron: Ndengana when are you going to check
on construction back in Eastern Cape?
We looked at Aaron. He smiled.
Aaron: He is very excited about his Gym and I
think he wants to see how things are done
Priscella: Uzonwa you want my man to leave me
all alone ?
Aaron laughed
Him: No! of course not I was just asking
Hunter: What is going on dude ?
Masixole: Yeah he is hiding something?
Me: Aaron?
Aaron: Okay fine I think I like one of the girls
who came here today
Masixole: Hell no! you're not gonna date my
cousin forget it!
Aaron: No! the taller one
He checked his phone
Priscella: Wow that's Notiniphu she's sweet and
Masixole: Wait what!?
Aaron: I want to get to know her
Masixole: Dude you want to date the palace
Priscella: Masixole she is not a maid! She is a
chef. Notiniphu spent two years in Culinary
school. She didn't finish because she lost her
parents. She was hired there as a chef not a
maid !
Masixole: I am sorry babe I wasn't there back
then. I only saw her when I went home for the
first time
Priscella: I understand baby
She looked at Aaron
Priscella: She is amazing. She is the only family
member that is alive in her family. She is smart.
I think you need to get to know her and I think
the wedding will be the perfect time to see her
Me: Thank God you will stop relieving the stress
your crazy baby mama gives with Prostitutes
Priscella: Sonia!!
Aaron: She is right. I think that girl is the one
Me: We are happy for you
Aaron: Thanks
Masixole: You know what my guy. Let's go to
Sdabadabeni tomorrow and come back the same
Masixole looked at Priscella
Masixole: That's if you're okay with that baby
Priscella: I am happy with that
Aaron: Wow we are doing this
Masixole: You must take her on a date. You
should call her and make sure she is ready to go
on a date with you
Aaron: I will
Priscella: And I will call my mother in law and
ask her to give her few hours off
Aaron: Thank you
Oh my God the gang is in love. I am so happy we
finally got together and we are all happy. Hunter
kinda removed himself from the team when we
divorced. I am glad he is back and I love him
more than I did before but he and I must go
home and talk about what happened at Claire's

< Nomaxabiso >
I need to call Malingene. He must come to my
house. I don't know why but right now I don't
feel guilty at all of the things I have done with
him. I feel like so many people are responsible
for it. I am no longer ashamed or afraid to be
seen with him because right now I have
something to say to people when they ask why
we are together. The affair it's over. The feelings
I had for him are long gone. Thinking about the
things we've done make me feel sick! I can't
believe my mother hid this from me. I cannot
believe that woman didn't tell me even when
she found out what I was doing with Malingene.
I am angry at her. I feel like she and my uncle
are the reason for my messed up life. This is
their fault. I understand why The Ndengana
ancestors didn't want me to marry their son.
They didn't want their son to be with a messed
up girl like me. I am a product of rape. None of
my parents are alive to answer the questions I
have. I am not going to fall apart now. I am
going to stand up and deal with this. I am going
to do what the royal family asked me. I want to
make sure I get my mother the justice she
deserves. Talking to My uncle is useless. Every
time he speaks he breathe lies. I am on my way
to my house right now. The reason I am coming
to my house not Malingene's house is because I
want to speak to Malingene at my house. I can't
tell him this in his house where we won't be able
to say what we have done. Why did we sleep
together in the first place? if you think about it
our relationship was wrong in the first place. I
disobeyed my parents. I broke a promise. I
continued sleeping with Malingene even when
he got married. All of that was wrong but we
didn't stop. I can't do this in front of his wife. I
need to call him before I get home. I dialled his
number. He answered.
Malingene: You need to stop calling me!
Me: And you need to get to my house because I
need to talk to you! don't hide that from your
wife. Tell her you're coming to see me because
after I tell you this you will have to go home and
tell her
Malingene: What is that ?
Me: My house now!
I hung up. I continued with my journey home. I
got home. I drove to the garage. I parked my car.
I closed the garage then I headed inside. I
opened the door. I found a woman with too
much make up on and some cheap weave.
Me: Hello?
She looked at me and smiled
Her: Hi
Me: Can I help you ?
Her: No, I am Notaligana's friend
Me: Oh i see
I walked to the kitchen. I heard a car pull over
outside. I looked out the window. I saw my aunt
coming out of her car. She ran to the door. I
have to hide here. I have never seen that friend.
My aunt don't have friends like this. The front
door opened. She walked in
Notaligana: Sdwedwe the detective from
Mthatha sent me an email with My brother's
case. The gun that shot him is connected to two
murder cases in Port Elizabeth. We need to call
Nomaxabiso and ask her where Nomahelele is
from! If we get that then go to Sdabadabeni and
confirm it's her we will also help police in PE
because apparently till this day no one knows
who killed those men
Oh My God my aunt is prepared to destroy
Nomahelele. I am scared of what she wanna
know. We are not sure she did this. What did
father do to that woman? nothing! Princess
Nomagampompo loved that man no one at the
royal house would hurt a person one of them
love. He had children with Princess
Nomagampompo. There is no way Nomahelele
did this ! I am just surprised by how far Aunt is
prepared to go to make sure Nomahelele is
Sdwedswe: Isn't she the one in the kitchen?
I walked out of the kitchen.
Notaligana: Honey we are going to find the
person who kil.....
Me: Your brother raped my mother
Notaligana: What ? Shosholoza and Nomfunzelo
were madly in.....
Me: Your other brother raped my mother! He!
Zintlungwini Gubhu and other two men raped
my mother!
Sdwedwe stood up
Notaligana: That's impossible! you said he said
three men did it !
Me: Oh and you think your lying brother was
gonna admit to what he did!?
Notaligana: Nomaxabiso I don't understand this!
Me: You don't have to aunt! Your brother ran to
my grandfather. He lied to him and pointed only
the three. They covered for him because he was
gonna be the Chief. They didn't want their
families to be banned from this village! Why
don't we go to your brother and confront him
Aunt Notaligana looked at her friend. Her friend
looked at her wrist watch
Sdwedwe: Nota I need to go home. It's getting
Aunt came to me
Her: I am not defending my brother. I was at his
house. When we went to Thalala's home a
sangoma said he......
I saw her put her hand on her mouth. She
looked at me
Me: What ?
Notaligana: She said we are about to get to know
who he really is. She said He is about to be
I pointed at myself
Me: By yours truly! The product of that rape !
Notaligana: Don't tell me you're Manyokonya's
daughter ?
Me: Oh hell no! I don't even wish to be that
man's child. He is evil! He took money from my
family after he raped my mother !
Notaligana: Who told you ?
Me: A sangoma
Notaligana: You believe a sangoma?
I laughed. I looked at her. What a hypocrite
Me: Says a woman who got her eyes pooped out
when she realised a sangoma was correct about
her brother!
Notaligana: When did we become this? When
did we speak to each other like this ?
Me: When you stopped having my back. I said
let's go confront your brother!
She looked at Sdwedwe
Sdwedwe: I guess we should cancel ?
Notaligana: No way! I will confront my brother
She said running out. I looked at her friend
Me: See that !?
Sdeedswe: Sorry this can't wait !
She ran after her and ran out leaving the door
Me: You won't succeed!
I took out my phone and called Nomahelele
Nomahelele: Sister wife
Me: Aunt Notaligana is working with a detective.
She got information about the case. She knows
the gun that killed my father kissed two people
in PE. She is desperate to see your face and to
know where you come from. She and her friend
are on their way to Sdabadabeni
Nomahelele: What friend is that ?
Me: Some woman with a ridiculous name
She chuckled
Nomahelele: Sdwadwa
Me: It's Sdwedwe ! how do you know her ?
Nomahelele: She has been asking questions
about me. Well tell them The Royal palace will
roll down the red carpet for them. We are ready
for them
Me: Nomahelele if you're the woman she is
looking for please hide. I don't want you to harm
her. She is a good person. She is just.....
Nomahelele: Asking to be killed well she won't
be killed By me. You're my sister wife. I can't
hurt you. That woman will live long. I pray she
finds what she is looking for though
Me: I pray she stops
I heard doorsteps behind me. I turned around
It's Malingene. He came with his wife. Is he
crazy ? I said alone!? or maybe did I forget to
Me: I have to go
Nomahelele: Again thank you for the heads up
I hung up
Ncinci: Are you okay ?
Malingene is looking at me nervous. Maybe they
were together when I called. I looked at him
Me: Do you know the woman your father raped?
" What!? " They asked at the same time shocked.
I know it's a sensitive matter since their father
died in jail for it. I walked to my handbag. I took
out a nip of brandy. Don't judge me this is too
much. I poured it in a glass
Me: It's a simple question
Ntombencinci: It's not that simple! my father in
law died in jail. My husban......
I turned around fast my weave flew around my
Me: Your husband is my brother!!!!
Malingene: What !?
Ncinci: What are you talking about?
Me: I am a product of that rape!!!
Malingene searched for something to sit on
behind him. He couldn't find it. He sat down on
the floor
Ncinci: Oh My God
I looked at Malingene
Me: Now your wife must leave us. I want us to
get revenge on the only rapist who is still alive
Malingene looked at me
Malingene: But why would you want me to hurt
someone I don't get it ?
I breathe in and out
Me: Because the man who is alive didn't pay for
it. He sold your father and the two others and I
am sure he is the one who silenced them for
Ntombencinci: Oh My God
I looked at Malingene. He stood up. He looked
Malingene: Who is that bastard?
I looked at his wife
Ntombencinci: Okay I am leaving
She ran out. Malingene snatched the glass of
commando brandy out of my hand. He gulped it
then looked at me
Him: You're pregnant, don't be stupid
I looked away
Me: With your niece
I walked away crying
Him: And my dau........
I turned around
Me: Don't you dare say that !!
Malingene: I am sorry
I fell down on the floor and broke down



< Notiniphu >
I don't know how many times I can Thank
Queen Priscella for involving me in her
wedding. If she didn't I don't think i would ever
fly in my life. It was good to fly. It was good to
see the big city. A city I have never been to. I am
so grateful to her. I cannot believe I almost
ruined her marriage. Imagine if I continued
with my jealousy and scheming. I don't think I
was gonna get the opportunity I got to fly. I feel
guilty but I pray that soon I will forget all this.
One highlight of the trip was meeting Aaron. We
didn't talk much. He just took my phone and
buzzed his then winked at me. I smiled. He is a
very handsome man. I heard he became a COO.
What does that man see in me. I am a chef in a
rural royal house. I know it's fancy and all that
in this house and I even forget it's in a farm but I
am a small town girl. I don't even live in town. I
love in a very rural area. I don't know what he
saw in me really. I keep asking myself that. All
the time while we were there he kept looking at
me. Then before we left. I think Ngejiwe and
Algebra went to the kitchen. Aaron talked to me.
He asked if I was family I told him everything
about me but we didn't finish talking. We got
Anyway my phone wake me up. I was asked to
take a nap. I hope I didn't over sleep. I stood up.
It's Aaron. I answered
Me: Hello?
Aaron: Hey you good
Me: I am okay thanks. how are you ?
Him: Good so you arrived safe ?
Me: Yes thanks
Him: That's good. Can I take you out for lunch?
I laughed
Me: You know where I am right?
Him: Masixole and I are coming there tomorrow
My eyes pooped out
Me: Oh ?
Him: Yes he wanna go to the site and I wanna
see you. We won't sleep though
Me: I don't think the Queen will let me..
Him: Don't worry Priscella is gonna call her
Me: Wow it looks like you sorted everything out
Him: I really wanna go out with you
Me: Okay I will see you tomorrow
Him: Okay talk later
Me: Later
I hung up and hugged my phone. I heard
someone whistle at the door. I quickly turned
Me: Phonqa!
Him: This time I won't save you from Princess
Me: Oh please I am done with that man. He is all
hers anyway what do you want here?
Phonqa: I just came to check on you so who was
Me: Didn't the Queen pay for Dstv this month?
Phonqa: She never miss a month Why do you
ask ?
Me: Then go watch Cartoons
Phonqa: Sooner or later I will find out
Me: Close that door
He laughed then closed the door. I went on
Instagram. I looked at Aaron pictures. He is so
perfect lord

< Tasha >
Oh My God. I feel so awful right now. I can't
believe what I did. What got into me? Now I look
like I have something against Elton. It's like I
hate him. I thought him and I could work out on
our differences and become friends now I
ruined all that. Why did I say what I said to
Mandy? I wish she told me she was meeting
Elton there. If She did I don't think I was gonna
even say what I said. I guess I am desperate.
Hungani and I have been fighting. I don't want
him to be in a bad mood and lose his cool
because he is frustrated and stressed because of
unemployment. I desperately want us to work. I
want us to last. I know we are the most odd
couple out there. It is a lot of pressure to have
people say bad things about your relationship
and our past. They don't believe in us and we
have to make sure we stay together forever. I
want this. I want this for me and my child. I
want Hungani to find a job and things go back to
Normal. I actually cannot wait to go back to
work so that I can stay far away from
restaurants. Having free time is the reason I was
begging Mandy to give Hungani Elton's job. This
is a mess.
Anyway I am sitting alone. I am not going to Tell
Leila what I did. That woman knows how to
make you feel bad about yourself. I know she
will judge me and make me feel worse than I
am. I don't know what will happen the next time
I see Elton. I heard the door open. I stood up
Me: Babe you're back
Him: Yeah and I got us take out
Me: Only Americans call Takeaways that
He closed the door then looked at me
Him: Maybe I miss travelling
Me: I am so sorry about your show
Him: I said relax babe. Me not having a job
doesn't mean nothing. We will have the life we
want to live
He kissed me
Him: Let's go dish up
I followed him to the kitchen
Me: I met up with Mandy today
He looked at me then put the food on the kitchen
Him: You did?
Me: Yes it was after you left with your brother.
Mandy knew I was around. She invited me for a
drink to ask me how you're doing, apparently
she couldn't get hold of you
Him: I will talk to her tomorrow
I have to tell him what happened
Me: Something happened while I was with her
and please don't get mad
He came with plates
Hungani: What happened ?
Me: She said she got Elton a role in a new tv
series. I asked her Why didn't she give you that
role since you're not working
Hungani: You shouldn't have done that Tasha
Me: Baby I am sorry. I know I messed up. I just
don't want you to be depressed....
Him: I am okay. I was gonna be upset if I was
fired. I wasn't
Me: While i was talking to her Elton overheard
Hungani dropped a knife on the counter
Hungani: Damn It!
Me: I am sorry
He looked at me
Hungani: Tasha do you want me to show you
how much I have in my bank account for you to
Me: Forgive me baby. I was looking out for my
man but I know it's wrong
A tear dropped from one eye. I wiped it. He
came to me. He took my hands
Him: We are not desperate Tasha. Mandy knows
her job. Please don't tell her how to do her it. I
can find myself a job
Me: I am sorry I didn't mean to overstep
He kissed me
Him: It's okay. It's cute that you worry about me
Me: We are in a good space now. I don't want us
to fight. I didn't want you to feel like you can't
take care of me
Him: I will take care of yo....
My phone rang. He took it from the counter
Him: It's Mandy
Me: Answer it
He answered then put her on speaker
Hungani: Mandy I am safe and I am good
I smiled at him
Mandy: Great! I am glad I found both of you. I
am coming to your house with someone who
has a job offer for both of you
Me: But I still have a job on I SEE HEAVEN
Mandy: I manage your career. I know what you
can and cannot do. I am coming to your house
tomorrow with this guest around 9am
Me: How do we prepare ourselves?
Mandy: Tonight I want you two to make love to
each other like it's the last time you see each
Hungani: That's it ?
Mandy: That is all I ask for...... ( tu tu tu tu tu )
She hung up. I looked at Hungani
Me: What is going?
Hungani: We are going to be porn stars
Me: Wow
I am so happy. I don't know what job it is but I
am happy. I cannot wait for them to come
tomorrow. Opportunities are coming left right
and centre. We must keep up with these public
appearances. Maybe we should continue
walking around together. It looks like people are

< Sonia De villiers >
I ignored the matter for about five hours. It is
time Hunter tells me exactly what happened
with Claire. I understand it was not the right
thing to tell me on the phone and at Priscella's
house but we are home now and i cannot wait to
hear what happened there. I don't trust my ex
husband around Claire alone and I guess the
reason I don't trust him is because he did the
same with me. When he was dating her he slept
with me. Life is like that. If you date someone
who is with someone else and succeed in
stealing that person and end being the main
partner it is highly possible that he can leave
you too for someone else. If Hunter can sleep
with me while he is with Claire I can't stand
here and tell you she wouldn't sleep with her
while he is with me so that is why it is so
important to me to know what happened exactly
at her house. I just want my family so
desperately. I disappointed Hunter before and
most of the time when you do something bad
you don't like it when it is done to you. I am very
fragile. It's still early after what happened
between me and Brendan. I don't want to be
hurt again but I cannot compare the two
relationships. Brendan cheated and controlled
me. Hunter has never done any of those I am the
one who hurt him and I am not really sure he
wouldn't hurt me after what happened in the
past and I know he doesn't trust me fully. We
have a long way to go. We have to do a lot to
trust each other again. I am just happy that the
love Is there from both parties. I swear I will
never make the same mistake I made before. I
am a 28 year old woman now. I am not the
young woman I was back then. I am wiser and I
know what is important. I am just happy I am
not doing this only for my kids. I am glad my
heart is also here with me. Not so many people
get a second chance in life. I got that and I am
very grateful. You know what? Maybe I
shouldn't keep asking about Claire. If it was
important he was gonna tell me.
Hunter: Are You Okay?
I turned around. I am standing next to the
window in my living room. I smiled at him
Hunter: You seem quiet like something is wrong
I smiled then walked to him.
Me: I just don't want to keep asking you how it
went with Claire....
He put his hand on his head oh my poor man
forgot. I was starting to worry. I thought he was
avoiding the topic
Me: If there is nothing to tell then it's fine....
Him: No! I completely forgot. I am glad you
brought that up because it's very important
Me: You're scaring me, is everything okay ?
He sat on the couch and tapped next to him
asking me to sit. I went and sat down
Me: What is it ?
Hunter: I went there. I knocked her response
was " Go away "
What ? I thought she was doing better. It looks
like I untied a monster. A biting dog! Do you
know what a dangerous dog does? What have I
done. That girl is gonna run to me and hurt me.
Me: She yelled Just like that?
Hunter: I don't think she knew who I was. I told
her who I was and I asked her to open the door
and she hesitated I decided to open the door. I
saw a mess like she was throwing things around.
She looked embarrassed that I saw that....
Me: Did you ask her Why she was acting crazy?
Hunter exhaled
Hunter: I didn't have to, I saw her phone on the
couch. It looks like she was reading the article
about us going to a restaurant eating and I think
it upset her
I stood up and started pacing up and down
Me: What have I done. Why did I free her. Why
did I ask you to revoke the restraining order
Hunter: You did the right thing for your job
baby. You wanted to be in a healthy
Me: Will it be really healthy Hunter?
He looked down
Me: I will be watching my back all the time. That
crazy girl is sick!
Him: I told her we got back together and we
both want our family back. She gave me her
Me: And you believe her ?
Hunter: Hell No!
I looked at him. He looked at him
Hunter: Of course I made her see that I believe
her but I don't believe her for a second. She Is
not happy about our relationship. The fact that
after she saw that she went mad shows she
hasn't changed
Me: What are we gonna do?
Hunter: I just found someone who is gonna rent
my apartment. I want to move in here
permanently and use that money to pay A
bodyguard to go with you wherever you wanna
go. I found a guy who is a professional celebrity
body guard and I hired him full time so he is
gonna start working tomorrow
Me: Thank you baby but I can pay for a
bodyguard you didn't have to do that for me. I
know you own properties you should continue
with your business and let me pa....
Hunter: I brought that girl in our lives let me do
Me: Okay. Thank you
I hugged him tight.
Me: I love you
Hunter: I love you too
I don't know why I thought Claire could change.
This girl is out of control. I don't know why she
is acting like she has been with my ex husband
for years. She must move on with her life. In fact
I don't think she should. I think she should just
get help.

< Narrated >
At the royal palace. We see the Queen and River
sitting and talking. Princess Nomagampompo
was not downstairs. They should thank their
lucky stars. It looks like every time a Shosholoza
confrontation happens Princess
Nomagampompo Is not around or she gets
distracted. I am saying this because outside
Notaligana and Sdwedwe just arrived. They are
speaking to Siqalo.
Siqalo: Good afternoon ladies
Notaligana: Hello. We are here to see
Siqalo: No one is allowed to call her that ma'am
The ladies looked at each other.
Sdwedwe: What do you call her then ?
Siqalo: She is the Queen of this village. Everyone
respects her like the Queen she is
Notaligana: I see. Well we are here to see the "
Queen "
Sdwedwe laughed. They followed Siqalo.. He
stopped then turned around
Siqalo: You're not coming with me. I will go
inside and tell them. If The Queen wants to see
you I will let you in
Sdwedwe: Wow the royal traditional way. I am
impressed and even the mansion shows the
fancy ways
Notaligana: Oh Where are we? In England ?
Siqalo: Ma'am with all due respect but with that
attitude I might not even go inside and tell them
you're here. I will just call security and ask them
to remove you from this property!
Notaligana smiled looking nervous
Notaligana: Apologies
Siqalo: Your names please
Notaligana: The Zidenge family
Siqalo: Wait for me here
Siqalo walked in. He closed the door Then
locked in. He went to the living room. The queen
heard the key. She stood up .
NomaKhosazana: Is everything okay Siqalo?
Siqalo: Notaligan Zidenge is here. It looks like
she has some attitude my Queen
River jumped up
Nomahelele: Is she here alone ?
Siqalo: With some woman my Queen
NomaKhosazana: River upstairs now!
River took her cell phone. She walked up the
stairs. The Queen was looking at her while
walking up. River disappeared upstairs
Siqalo: Should I let them in my Queen?
NomaKhosazana: I will deal with them at the
door. Where is my gun ?
Siqalo's eyes pooped out. The Queen ran to her
handbag. She opened it then saw the gun. She
smiled then Walked to the door with her
handbag. She opened the door and found them
waiting at the door
NomaKhosazana: What do you want?
Notaligana: You advised me to smile more. I
didn't think you don't use the same when you
welcome guests in your lavish home
The Queen chuckled
NomaKhosazana: Guests? Even the MEC tells me
when he comes to my house. Who do you think
you are ?
Notaligana: What is wrong? Why are you so
angry? I came to see my nephews
NomaKhosazana: You're murderers!!! You killed
our child! I expected to see you coming here
with your entire family to apologize!
Her: I came with someone
The Queen looked at Notaligana fuming with
anger. She started talking in her head " Who
does this woman think she is testing me like this.
She brings a pimp to house and lie To my face
and say she is part of her family ? " The Queen
snapped out of it. She slid her hand in her
handbag breathing heavily
NomaKhosazana: If you don't leave in the next
15 seconds
The Queen took out her gun. They both looked
shocked moving backwards with their hands in
the air. The Queen looked at their little legs. The
fat one has stick legs with a body so big. The
Queen looked at Sdwadwa
NomaKhosazana: I am going to shoot your
improper fraction body!
The Queen looked at Notaligana
NomaKhosazana: As for you. I will make sure a
bullet pisses through your sticklegs!
NomaKhosazana: 14....13
Sdwedwe: Friend let's go!
Sdwedwe said running. Notaligana didn't move.
The Queen continued counting
NomaKhosazana: 12.....11..... 10.....
Notaligana ran for her life when she realises she
wasn't playing. The Queen slammed the door
She put my gun back in her handbag.

At Chief Manyokonya's house. We see his wife
Dlezinye opening a curtains. She saw a car
drives in.
Dlezinye: Good thing the guys are at the beach
When she says the guys She is referring to their
children. Chief Manyokonya looked at her
Him: Why?
Dlezinye: Your niece is here and she doesn't look
happy at all
Manyokonya: That girl is not my niece!
Her: Your brother raised her please stop talking
like that! we are Christians!
A knock at door. Dlezinye went to answer the
Dlezinye: Nomaxabiso come on in
Nomaxabiso walked in. Dlezinye closed the
door. Nomaxabiso looked at her uncle
Nomaxabiso: I am back with the whole truth are
you ready to tell your wife the real side of the
Dlezinye: Nomaxabiso i am sick of this! I am
tired of hearing you disrespect your uncle!
Nomaxabiso: Are you really sick of it or you're
afraid that your perfect husband might not be
that perfect after all ?
She saw that Nomaxabiso was crying. She
looked at her husband
Dlezinye: What is she talking about ?
Manyokonya: Nomaxabiso leave my house!!
Nomaxabiso looked at him crying
Nomaxabiso: Or what ? Or what Uncle? are you
gonna kill me in this house so that I don't go
around and tell the families you destroyed by
what you did?
Chief Manyokonya looked down nervous
Dlezinye: Oh My God what is she talking about ?
Me: The men who raped my mom were four not
Manyokonya: Enough!!!!
Nomaxabiso looked at him then at Mrs Zidenge
Nomaxabiso: He.....
She pointed at Manyokonya crying
Dlezinye: No!
Nomaxabiso: Yes!! he was one of the rapists!!!
Manyokonya looked at his wife. He tried to
touch her
Dlezinye: Don't touch me!!!
Nomaxabiso: He ran off! then ran to my
grandfather and lied to him. He told him it was
the other three and they couldn't rat on him
because he was about to become Chief!
Chief Manyokonya sat down and put his hands
on his head crying
Dlezinye: Tell me this is all a dream I am about
to wake up on!
Nomaxabiso: No! He was a participant in all that
evil they were doing to my mom!
Dlezinye: Oh My God! why did Nomfunzelo keep
this about you Manyokonya!
Nomaxabiso: All of them were wearing
balaclava. My mother didn't know her rapist
was her brother in law !
Manyokonya: I am so sorry
Nomaxabiso: Oh shut up you evil man!!!
Dlezinye quickly looked at Nomaxabiso shocked
by her insults but she didn't say anything
because she understood where they came from
Nomaxabiso: You're not sorry ! if you were sorry
you wouldn't have demanded that I give my
house to your son and fuck off!!!
Dlezinye: Language Nomaxabiso !!!
She quickly turned around and looked at her
Dlezinye: You did what!?
Manyokonya: Please don't tell anyone about this
I am begging you. I can't live with myself with
this! I have been beating myself up for 34 years
Me: You're not beating yourself up enough
because here you are! you're alive and all the
men who paid for all you all did are died! How
come they all died and you're alive ?
Dlezinye put both her hands on her mouth and
looked at her husband crying
Dlezinye: You didn't kill them did you?
Manyokonya: Jesus no! I didn't !
Dlezinye: Don't you dare involve The son of God
in this!!!
Manyokonya: He is my witness
Dlezinye: Get out!!!
Manyokonya: My wif....
Dlezinye: I swear I will call your children from
the beach and tell them everything if you don't
He walked out of the door. Mrs Zidenge looked
at Nomaxabiso
Dlezinye: Nomaxabiso I am so sorry.
They hugged and cried in each other's arms. Mrs
Zidenge broke the hug then put both her hands
on Nomaxabiso's shoulders
Dlezinye: I know this is a lot to ask
Nomaxabiso looked at her crying
Dlezinye: No one! I mean no one can know
about this please the village, My children oh
more especially my children this will kill them.
Please they can't know
Nomaxabiso moved away. She wiped her tears.
Dlezinye ran after her. She stood infront of her
Dlezinye: Your cousins can't know
Nomaxabiso: Totally
Dlezinye: What does totally mean?
Nomaxabiso: I agree with you hundred percent
Dlezinye quickly pulled Nomaxabiso into a hug
and hugged her tight
Dlezinye: Thank you




< Notaligana >
I cannot believe that NomaKhosazana woman.
How can a woman point a gun at other women?
We went there in peace. All we wanted was to
talk. She goes around talking about being kind,
What was that? I had a perfect plan. My plan
was to pretend like I wanted to see my nephews.
That woman doesn't know how to forgive. How
can she prevent me from seeing my nephews as
if I knew about this whole thing? Yes I know I
wasn't there to see them but she didn't know
That! I am going to pay for my evil brother's sins
now. I cannot believe the things Manyokonya
did. I am hoping that when I go there again he
will tell me Nomaxabiso is crazy he didn't do all
those things but after everything that went
down when I went there, I doubt my brother is
innocent. That sangoma woman was right. I
don't know my brother. He is a complete
different person and he was that person for a
long time. I was too naive to think he was just a
strict brother. He is evil. I don't know how he did
it. I don't how he could pretend for years to be
an honest son of God. He fooled all of us. I
cannot believe my own brother is a rapist. How
can he do something like this? I Don't know
what to tell Nomaxabiso because I don't think I
want to go to my brother's house. I promised her
we will go together. I am praying she went
alone. I can't go there. I need to focus on this
case. I cannot lose focus. I cannot fail
Anyway we are on our way from Sdabadabeni.
My plan failed. We didn't see that woman. It's
like NomaKhosazana saw through me. It's like
she knew exactly why I went there.
Me: Oh My brother I hope you see the things I do
to get justice for you
Sdwedwe: That Zinyovile woman knew we were
wasting our time. The look she gave us and what
she said makes sense
Me: I kind of knew. I knew this was not gonna
work. That " Good luck " Said a lot. I knew this
was a dead end
My phone rang. I looked at it. The officer I am
working with is calling
Me: Detective
Him: What do you have for me ?
Me: Nothing. I am planning to leave for Port
Elizabeth. I have to go there I think I will find
what I am looking for there
Detective: Well even the number you gave me is
registered with a Pakistan name. It looks like it
is those sim cards you buy already registered
Me: God I have never struggled like this. But I
have a good feeling about Port Elizabeth. I am
going there
Him: Good luck
Me: Thank you
I hung up. Sdwedwe looked at me.
Me: What? This is the only way. We can't enter
the palace by force. If the owner of that house
don't want us in. There is no way we can and
even the police have no right to go search there
without a reason to. That woman is the most
ruthless Judge in this province. She gives people
30 to 35 year sentences. She is not the kinda
woman to mess with but she is not God. If I go to
Port Elizabeth I will find people who know that
Sdwedwe: Are you sure you wanna do this?
Me: I am going to Port Elizabeth to ask around
about Nomahelele. I saw an account on
Facebook with that name with no picture. The
person is from there. NomaKhosazana's
surname is Dlungane! Nomahelele Dlungana is
from there!
Sdwedwe: When are you leaving?
Me: I was thinking of driving you to Mthatha
since it's a bit late. I don't think you will find a
taxi to Ngqeleni now and there is no guarantee
that you might find a taxi to Mthatha if you
happen to find one to Ngqeleni. In Mthatha I will
book myself into a B+B. I will wake up around
3am and drive to PE
Sdwedwe: You don't have go sleep in a hotel.
You will sleep in my house
I looked at her. I miss my kids. I need to go home
Me: You know what? I think I will drive to my
house. I will wake up from Butterworth and
leave. When I am there at least I am a little
closer. Mthatha is very far when you're going to
Her: Okay. All the best
Me: Thank you
I am doing this. I know what to do and I know
how to get information when I get there. I heard
someone clear their throat at backseat. I jumped
and lost control. I stopped the car. I looked
behind me
Me: Oh My God Sangoma
Sdwedwe: Zinyovile? How did you get in the car
Zinyovile: I visit my friends like this. I guess I
found new friends
Me: You knew we were not gonna get
information ?
Zinyovile: I am not allowed to cause harm to the
royal palace so I can't help you
Me: Then why are you here ?
Zinyovile: Nomahelele's sister wife.....
Me: The first wife? What about her ?
Zinyovile: I don't think you must go to Port
Elizabeth yet........
Me: How do you know.....
Zinyovile: Do you really have to ask ?
Me: Well....
Zinyovile: Go home and sleep. Come back to me
tomorrow. I will get her to be there. Maybe she
can help you find that woman's picture
I looked at Sdwedwe and smiled
Sdwedwe: I need to go home. I guess you will
send it to me ?
I looked at Zinyovile
Me: Where is she ?
Sdwedwe: The hell? She just disappeared?
Me: Wow! let me drive you to Ngqeleni. You will
hike there. I think you will find taxis
Sdwedwe: It looks like PE will have to wait
Me: This woman is good
Sdwedwe: I know

< Nomaxabiso >
This is hard for Malingene. You can imagine
how I feel. I am the one who is hurting more
here. I didn't get to know my father. The father I
was longing for is the man who hurt my mother.
I don't know what to do to get over this whole
mess. I actually I don't feel bad for Malingene.
His father deserved to go to jail. He did rape my
mother and I am the proof of that. I just need
Malingene to help me execute this plan to frame
Manyokonya. After that we go our seperate
ways. His father was a monster and so was my
mother. I know she was hurting but killing
people who were paying for their sins was cruel.
Did she even think about me when she killed my
father? My mother was evil. When she put her
mind into something she never gave up until she
got it. I am telling you, If my mother didn't die
that day we would be telling a different story.
Queen NomaKhosazana would be dead today.
Whatever happened really saved The Queen. If
the Queen did it then she was very smart. She
saved her soul because my mom was not gonna
spare Her life.
Anyway after I told Malingene I left him at my
house. He was angry. He wanted to go harm my
uncle. I locked him at my house. I told him we
will talk When he is calm. I had to go confront
Manyokonya alone. That went well didn't it ? He
ran out like a coward He was. I hope he didn't
run away for good because I want to see him
pay. I just got home. I opened the door.
Malingene stood up
Malingene: Finally !
Me: I am sorry I locked you here
Malingene: How did it go?
Me: There was no way he was gonna deny it. I
had all the facts. The only thing he denied was
killing them and I don't believe him. He denied
everything to me until I had to get the facts why
should I believe him now. I am sure he killed
them. He silenced them
Malingene: I am gonna kill that bastard!
Me: You're not going to do that! if you kill him I
will be the first suspect. The royal house will be
suspects as well
Malingene: Since When did you care about
those people?
Me: Since they were there for me! since they
helped me find out who I am and lastly since
they opened your eyes and revealed to you that
chief Manyokonya was the reason your father
didn't raise You!
He kicked the thin air
Me: Since they made me wonder if our father
was killed by him in prison!
Malingene: What must I do! I have to confront
him !
Me: You and I are going to confront that man
after we got our revenge
Malingene: He deserves death
Me: That is easy! He deserves prison time! He
must see his family move on with life without
Malingene looked at me.
Him: You think the police will believe us ?
Nomaxabiso it was many years ago. I am sure
the men who were in charge of the case are all
I walked to the bag. I picked it up
Me: Maybe a new case can put him in jail for
He looked at the bag then looked at me
Him: What case?
Me: This bag is full with dangerous and illegal
drugs. I want you to plant them in his car. This is
Malingene: Where did You get it?
Me: It doesn't matter. A man who raped my
mother must pay no matter what !
Him: You must hate me. My father raped your
Me: You mean our father?
He bit his lower lip angry.
Me: We need to focus here. We need to be smart.
We must know what to do next. We must do
something that is believable that he really was
selling or using those drugs
His phone rang. He looked at it
Him: My wife
Me: Don't an....
He answered.
Malingene: Ncinci?
Ntombenicinci: Baby the chief is at the tarven
next door drinking !
I smiled wiping my tears
Malingene: I will be right there
He hung up
Me: This is our chance!
Malingene: Yeah I will take him to his car when
he is drunk then leave the bag under the car seat
He took the bag
Me: Wait!!!
Him: What is it?
Me: Get home. Wear gloves. then take a few kilos
and put them in your jacket. When you get there
you put theM in his pockets then tell drunkard
boys that you saw drugs in his pockets but do
that when he is too drunk. They will steal them
and smoke them. The police must finds
witnesses who will confirm that he was really
the one who brought drugs to the tarven
Malingene: You're a genious
He came running to me then stopped himself.
He looked down
Me: Forget it Malingene! forget the past it's over!
He shook his head in disbelief
Him: Thinking about it makes me disgusted
He looked at me
Him: Please terminate the child
Me: What !?
Him: This will be a constant reminder of........
Me: This is Chief Khabalandile's child. I am
marrying him
He wiped his one tear
Malingene: Okay. Wish me luck
Me: Don't mess up! I did my part you do yours.
When you're done call me I will tip the police
then when he is arrested you can go confront
him in jail
He smiled
Malingene: I am sorry about everything
Me: Me too
He walked out and closed the door. I sat down

< Nontorotyi >
My life is complicated. For a second I thought
me and the Queen were starting to get along. I
should've known if I do or say something to
Nomaxabiso it will get to them. They don't trust
me again and I don't know what I will do to
prove myself I really don't. Maybe I shouldn't do
anything. I am not the kinda woman you can
trust. I don't have friends for a reason. I am not
going to try and be friends with people who
can't trust me. One mistake I make they make a
big deal out of it. I am done trying. They can call
me names I don't care. In few days we will start
a new year. I have to plan my future. I haven't
told the royal house that I am not planning to go
back to my crappy job. I am going back to
health. I want to be a nurse again. I am tired of
living my life under a micro scope. I am tired of
being told what to do. I want to work with
people and help people. That is my proffession
not that stupid job They gave me
Anyway a call woke me up from a nap. I looked
at my phone.
Me: Oh My God
I jumped off bed. It's Zinyovile. I cannot believe I
never called to check on her. Anyway I
Me: Wow Zinyovile hi
Zinyovile: You thought I killed myself?
Me: No! it's just that the day I saw you....
Zinyovile: I was in a bad space
Me: You literally kicked me out.. I didn't want to
bother you again. I knew you'd call when you
need me
Zinyovile: I am with the Siwalalas until the
Me: Oh.... how are things there?
Zinyovile: Sad
Me: I will come tomorrow
Zinyovile: Okay. I will see you then
Me: Okay cool
I hung up. I walked out. I heard my husband
speaking on the phone. He is in the living room.
I left the bedroom door open. I don't want him
to hear that I am awake. I tiptoed and listened
Hlohlesakhe: This is your night sweetheart what
do you mean?
I smiled. It looks like the golden wife is
cancelling on my husband. That means he is all
mine tonight.
Hlohlesakhe: Okay fine sweetheart I love you
He hung up
Me: Spending a night with me isn't that bad is it
He turned around and looked at me.
Him: Of course not
Me: Then you should be happy I have yet
another night with you my love
I kissed him
Him: I am happy
Me: I am happy to hear that my love
He smiled at me. We heard a knock at the door.
Me: I got it baby
I walked to the door and opened
Me: Sabonkolo what are you doing here ?
Her: Hi sis. Can't I visit my sister?
Me: Of course you can. Come in
She walked in.
This visit makes me nervous. I closed the door
then turned around
Me: Welcome
Sabonkolo: Thank you
She looked at my husband. Hlohlesakhe stood
Him: Hello sister in law. I will leave.....
Sabonkolo: No stay my chief
Oh No why don't I like this?
Me: Is everything okay sis ?
Sabonkolo: No, My brother is still missing
My husband looked at me. I looked down
Hlohlesakhe: Why didn't you tell me?
Me: Why didn't they tell me he is still missing? I
thought he was with a woman since it's festive. I
didn't know he is still missing
Sabonkolo: Well he is and tomorrow we want to
involve the police
Hlohlesakhe: I wonder where did Xhalanga go
Sabonkolo: His wife is crying. She says the kids
are hungry
Oh God what have I done. I stood up
I looked for my handbag
Hlohlesakhe: My love are you okay ?
Me: No! my nephew and my niece are dying of
poverty! and here I am eating custody and jelly!
Hlohlesakhe: Calm down my love why don't we
go run to the grocery shop before they close ?
Sabonkolo: That would be so great my chief
Hlohlesakhe: What do you say my love ?
Me: Wonderful
My husband took the car keys. He ran to the
door. Sabonkolo ran after him..I looked up
Me: I am sorry
" Mom are you okay? " I quickly turned around
its Nontwana
Me: Of course I am ! go to Deliwe
I ran out to the car

< Judge NomaKhosazana >
I just kicked those women out. That Notaligana
woman, I swear If I didn't kill her brother she
was gonna be the one dead. I cannot stand her. I
can't stand her at all. She comes here on a
mission to accomplish her little vengeance. Does
this woman really know who she is messing
with? I doubt she does. She doesn't know us at
all. We are not running to May at all this time.
She helped us a lot. We have to deal with this on
our own. She has done enough. I don't want to
involve her because she will want to kill,
something I don't want. If something happened
to that woman they would look at us. We don't
know the people She is working with so we can't
risk it. My son is gonna get married soon. I can't
mess that up. I can't miss his wedding. Imagine
if I would be arrested for murder do you think
people would come to his wedding? I don't think
so. That wedding is the reason we have to put up
with these two women.
Anyway I got a call from Nomaxabiso telling me
the boy agreed to help. I hope they won't mess
this up. I am sure May paid a lot of money to get
those drugs. If they mess up I will be very angry
but I trust a hurting woman. I believe
Nomaxabiso will use that hurt and anger and
make this happen. Anyway like I said I just
chased away these women. I closed the door. I
walked to the living room. I found Princess
Nomagampompo standing looking at me.
Me: Sisi
Nomagampompo: Who was that ?
Me: The nerve on that woman! Notaligana
comes to this house alone to see the boys! I want
that family to come here and apologise to us !
Nomagampompo: Took her forever to come!
Where was she the past three days ?
Me: Exactly!
I walked up the stairs. I need to talk to River
alone. I only involve Princess Nomagampompo
in Nomfunzelo case not in this one. We killed
her soulmate. I just can't risk it. I walked up and
knocked in her room then opened the door
Nomahelele: They are gone?
Me: Yes What are we gonna do? This woman is
digging deeper! She is starting to piss me off !
She stood up
Her: Don't worry yourself about that. This is my
mess. Don't call May I got This
Me: What are you gonna do ?
She looked at me
Nomahelele: I can't kill Notilinga! I promised
Nomaxabiso that I won't and I never break
Me: What's the plan?
Nomahelele: I am going to neutralize both
Me: The plan River !
She looked at me. She is very angry. I have never
seen her like this
Nomahelele: All I am prepared to say is Tonight
or tomorrow morning I am Paying Sdwadwa a
Me: Is that a wise decision?
Nomahelele: Trust me once in your life !
I raised my hands
Me: Okay
She looked away
Nomahelele: When I am done with her She will
want nothing to do with Notilinga! as for her.......
She looked at me. I don't want to know what is
going to happen to these women. My cousin is
breathing fire. She looks exactly like May today.
All I can do right now is to pray that she doesn't
get caught.
Nomahelele: If she never lost any lead ever since
she became a Private investigator then she is
dealing with another woman this time!




< Princess Ngejiwe >
No! I have heard this two times now and the
first time I did I confronted both my mother and
Velezantsi. It looks like Notiniphu knows what
she is talking about. She is still convinced that
my mother blackmailed Velezantsi to get back
together with me. I cannot ask my mother this
because everyone knows She just doesn't know
how to tell the truth. But I can definitely ask
Velezantsi and get the truth out of him. I believe
Velezantsi loves me. He can't pretend all his life.
Even when I want to sleep at home he makes
sure I don't. He wants to spend every night with
me. A man who doesn't love you wouldn't do
that. As much as I am so determined to confront
Velezantsi a part of me is worried. What if he
goes crazy on Notiniphu then Notiniphu tells
him what I wanted to do in Johannesburg. That
girl loves Velezantsi and she can do anything to
make sure she gets him back so I can't afford
this happening not when I am not even sure
Aaron is attracted to me. I don't believe
Notiniphu when she says he asked for her
number but what if she is right? What if I lose
Velezantsi again and don't get the man? I have
to be smart about this. But really? Would Aaron
want her over me? Maybe Aaron is respecting
me because I am his friend's cousin. I can't wait
for the wedding. I am going to seduce him. I
want him. He is very handsome. I can't lie he is
every girl's dream boyfriend.
Velezantsi went to another room. I am in my
phone checking Aaron pictures on Instagram.
This man is hot I don't want to lie. I really want
him. I can't wait for them to come to the
wedding. I am going to take a few days away
from Velezantsi because of the wedding and my
main focus will be Aaron. I know he won't spend
more time with King Zwelicacile because leaders
will come and go talking to him. He won't have
time for him. While Aaron is alone I will make
sure I entertain him
Me: I can't wait
As for Notiniphu? She will be sweating cooking
in a hot kitchen. That's all she is good for. While
she is doing what she does best I will be closer to
Aaron making sure he has everything he needs. I
mean everything. Anyway I saw Velezantsi
walking in. I logout of Instagram
Me: You're back
Him: Yeah I hope I didn't take long
Me: You didn't
He sat next to me. I am just lying on my back on
his bed.
Velezantsi: You were excited to go to
Johannesburg but now you don't even talk about
it. Was it that bad ?
I looked at him then smiled.
Me: In that Helicopter it was me, My two cousin
brothers and to my surprise Notiniphu was
there. Now I am sure you know why I am not
excited to talk about it
Velezantsi: Wow. So she went too ?
Me: Yes. She is the eighth bridesmaid. It looks
like Queen Priscella don't have much friends
Him: Yeah.....You two need to stop what you're
doing. She lives with your family. You should try
to get alone
I looked at him.
Me: Funny you didn't think that when you dated
He looked at me
Him: Do you want me to remind you how it
I looked down. I don't want to talk about what I
did with Elton. I was in his house he didn't even
look at me. Rich boys are jerks. He was happy
laughing with everyone but me. I was invincible
to him.
Me: I am sorry
Maybe asking about What Notiniphu said is not
a good idea. But no I need to know.
Me: She keeps insisting that my mother
blackmailed you. Are you sure mom didn't
blackmail you to be with me ?
He looked at me and smiled
Velezantsi: Hey.... if your mother would do that
after our break up I would be very happy.
You're the only woman I want to be with. You're
the woman of my dreams. You're beautiful
Ngejiwe. I am with you because I love you
Me: Ahhh baby that's so sweet
I hugged him then quickly broke the hug. I
kissed him for a few seconds. I looked at him. .
Me: You're the only man I love. You make me
feel special
Him: You're special
I hugged him tight
Oh How I wish you were special Velezantsi. I felt
a tear drop. I hugged him tight
I love him. But I feel like there is this gap He
can't fill up. I can't keep being attracted to other
men when I have a man who loves me like he
does. Something is wrong with us. With him. I
just need to figure out what it is.

< Judge NomaKhosazana >
My cousin sister is out there visiting a woman
who might be a problem in her life. That woman
was here with Notaligana. They came here to see
River so that she can confirm she went there.
Seeing River at her house looking for Thalala
doesn't mean anything. That woman must find
something better but while she is doing that, I
will make sure she never sees my cousin sister,
At least not when She is with that Sdwadwa
woman. One thing I want her to do is make sure
she doesn't go out without sunglasses on.
Notaligana is a Private investigator. She might
sneak around our house with a camera. Anyway
I hope River don't mess up. I hope she knows
what she is doing. I always get worried when
she drives around at night. Going to Sdwadwa's
house is a risky thing to do. By the way I am not
even sure the name of that woman is Sdwadwa.
I can't take my cousin word for it. You know
how she twists names. I hope River gets what
she wants because if she doesn't she might go
down and that cannot be good for the family. It
is amazing how we do things behind her
husband's back. My brother in law wanted to
spend a night with River. She said no to him. I
hope he took that no. I hope he doesn't come
here at night to check on her. I hope when or if
he does he finds her here not in a jail cell.
Anyway I just checked my emails. It looks like in
the afternoon I got an email from the MEC
Nomagampompo: Is everything okay ?
I looked up and smiled.
Me: It looks like I got a message from the MEC
few hours ago
Nomagampompo: What does it say ?
Me: He is personally brining the cheque
Nomagampompo: Good thing king Zwelicacile
will be home. I hope he will be here already
when the MEC arrives
Me: You know what? Let me call him and ask
him to fly down here early
I took my phone and dialled his number. He
didn't waste time. He answered. I put him on
Masixole: My Queen
Me: Hey how is everything?
Masixole: Everything is good mom. Are you guys
Me: We are great. I got an email from the MEC.
He is coming here with a cheque tomorrow. I
want you to come home early tomorrow so that
he finds you here
Masixole: Oh like how early should I get there ?
Me: I don't know what time but at least be here
around 11?
Masixole: I am leaving Johannesburg at 8:30
Me: That's not bad honey. See you tomorrow
Masixole: Great. Mom Priscella wanna speak to
Me: Give her the phone
Priscella: Mama
Me: Queen how are you?
Priscella: I am good thanks. I have a favour to
ask you
Me: What is that?
Priscella: King Zwelicacile's friend and the COO
of my company saw Notiniphu. He likes her. So
during the visit there tomorrow he is hoping to
take Notiniphu out. If it's okay with you can you
give her time off for like an hour or two?
Me: Tomorrow is gonna be a busy day My baby.
I need all hands on deck the MEC is gonna be
here. Chef Notiniphu has to lead the team in
preparing lunch for the government
Masixole: Maybe when He is gone or after lunch
then they can go
Me: Okay I am okay with that
Priscella: Thanks mom
Me: You're welcome. Have a good evening guys I
love you
Priscella: Love you too bye
Masixole: Love you bye
Me: Bye
I hung up the phone.
Nomagampompo: It looks like people had a good
time in Johannesburg
I looked at the kitchen
Me: It looks that way

< Narrated >
They team arrived in Durban and took the
cruiseship to Mozambique. They are still on
their way there. To some people It was
surprising to see Anda and a partner waiting in
Durban. They didn't know they were coming.
This makes things worse for Algebra who
doesn't like Anda at all. I guess if he knew he
was coming he wouldn't have came but he was
there already so he had no choice but to accept
the situation even though he didn't like it. But
the Algebra we saw at Seputla Towers was angry
at this guy. There is no way he is gonna keep his
cool forever. On their way they had alcohol.
Inside their transport there is everything you'd
think it's a moving house. Everyone was
drinking and minding their business. We see
Algebra walking to Elton. It looked like he
wanted to talk to him and everyone can guess
what the talk is about.
Elton: Hey Algebra having fun ?
They all had paper cups. When Elton asked if he
was having fun, Algebra smiled then went closer
to him
Algebra: Why didn't you give me heads up Elton
Elton: About?
Algebra looked at Anda.
Algebra: When I met you down floor at your
building I told you everything and you know
that guy is the guy Isaiah cheated on me with
Elton: I didn't know who Chase was inviting. I
am so sorry man
Algebra: It's okay. I thought maybe you invited
Elton: Everyone I invited I asked them to bring
whoever they wanna bring. I should've known
Chase was gonna bring him
Algebra: It's all good
Elton smiled. Mia went to them. Algebra walked
away. He saw Nomgcwabe and the whole bunch
sitting. Everyone including Anda and his date
were there. Algebra walked to Anda when he
saw him stand up.
Algebra: Hi
Anda looked up
Anda: Hi! Mmhmm Priscella Seputla's PA right ?
Algebra: And Isaiah's ex! the man you slept with
about a week ago! just before your meeting with
my boss
Everyone heard. They looked at them. His date
didn't seem impressed. Wait it's a familiar face.
The head of security of some famous hotel. The
Smith Hotel. His name is Tshivhidzo.
Tshivhidzo: You did what!?
Anda: What is he talking about! honey I don't
know what he is talking about!
Algebra's eyes pooped out when he realised that
Anda has a man. Maybe he thought they were
just friends because he didn't see them kissing
or anything. Elton went to Algebra
Elton: Why did you do that ?
Algebra: I didn't know he had a man. Why did
he sleep with Isaiah if he had a man ?
Mia: Honey it's called cheating
Nomgcwabe: Can we go speak in private ?
Algebra: Sure
They walked away. Prince Nomgcwabe didn't
look pleased by this.
Algebra: I am sorry about that. I didn't mean
Nomgcwabe: I don't appreciate you acting
jealous about your ex when you're with me
Algebra: Baby I am sorry
Nomgcwabe: Did the guy even know you were
dating Isaiah ?
Algebra: No he didn't
Nomgcwabe: Then it's not his fault. The only
person you should be mad at is Isaiah and I
think we are not going to work until you speak
to him
Algebra started crying
Algebra: Are you breaking up with me ?
Nomgcwabe: No but I feel like you're still
holding on to your past
Algebra: I am sorry baby
Nomgcwabe hugged him
Nomgcwabe: It's okay. A part of this is my fAult.
If I knew What I wanted you were not gonna be
caught up in this
Algebra: It's not your fault. I acted like I bitch. I
guess I wanted to let him know what he did but I
didn't do it the right way
Nomgcwabe: Yeah
At a distance. We see Anda and Tshivhidzo
Tshivhidzo: How can you do something like this
Anda: It was the day after I found out you're
sleeping with Yolandy's daughter!
Tshivhidzo looked down embarrassed. Anda
walked away. Algebra walked to him
Algebra: I am so......
Anda raised his hand
Anda: Don't even say it

< Nomahelele >
My reason for this visit is to stop this woman. I
feel like she is trying to fight a battle that is not
hers. She was only Thalala's pimp not her
mother. She didn't know Shosholoza at all. I
don't know what the hell she wants from me. Oh
i just remembered, Gedleza gave us a clue.
Notaligana wants her to identify me. She really
wanna see me arrested. I don't know how she is
gonna do that really because the only thing that
would put me in trouble is my gun and her
knowing where I come from. I feel like even
though that is not enough evidence but it's
enough to put me in jail as the possible suspect. I
am not going to let that happen and the only
thing that will help me stop her is by coming to
her and face her. Nomaxabiso told us that a
woman who spoke Zulu spoke to her and the
police ran after her. I am that woman. They are
looking for me. That woman won't stop if she
finds out it was really me that night. I need to do
this now before I have to start work. I can't stay
in doors for long. I need to deal with these two
women before I start working or if not I am
going to prison. I cannot hurt my cousin. I can't
come here and ruin this family and her son's
bright future. I don't think i would forgive
myself but if it does get to that I just know what I
would do. I am not legally married to my
husband so that means I am not his wife yet. I
might have been introduced to public but no one
recorded that. If I get caught I take the blame
then tell my cousin sister to lie and say I am
unstable. That will help them from humiliation.
Anyway Sdwadwa is not the only woman I need
to neutralise. The most dangerous woman here
is Notaligana. I need to do something with her. I
need to put her in her place that is why I am
using NomaKhosazana's PI to help me with her.
This is going to be amazing. Two Private
investigators will go head to head. I just hope
they don't know each other and I hope he finds
the things I am looking for sooner before that
woman messes my life. NomaKhosazana said no
death . I need to honour that, For now. I am
human I do snap. I get tired. I lose my patience
and when I do things like what happened to
Shosholoza and Xhalanga tend to happen. I
would hate to go back there. Not when I might
be pregnant.
Me: I am here
I Just parked my car. I need to go in. I am
wearing leggings, Sneakers and a jacket. My
jacket has pockets in front. I put the gun in one
pocket. I took a stick that I brought with me. I
looked around then walked out of my car. It's a
good thing this woman has no yard in her house.
I don't have to go through security I mean where
would she get money for that? She is just a pimp.
I walked to the door. I breath in and out. I broke
the light outside then knocked.
" Who is it ? It's her. She said yelling from inside.
I cleared my throat.
Me: Nota
Sdwadwa: Notaligana.....? What are you doing
here so late ?
She is not ready for the face she is going to see
when She opens this door. The door opened. I
grabbed her top from her chest then pulled her
out of the house. I have a gun in my other hand.
Me: Hi friend let's talk outside
I gave her death stare then whispered
Me: You dare scream I will blow your chest open
Sdwadwa: I won't scream
She walked out. I closed the door
Me: Walk to my car
She didn't ask. She walked to my car
Her: What are you gonna do to me. I didn't do
anything. She forced me to go to your house
with her
Me: My house? How do you know my house and
what are you talking about? Who are you
talking about?
I am going to act like I don't know they went
there. I am still keeping up with this Durban lie.
Sdwadwa: The palace. We went there
Me: What palace? Woman get in the car !
She got in the car.
Me: Move to the passanger seat
She moved. I got in then closed the door.
Her: Please don't kill me! I just knew Thalala. I
have nothing against you. I don't know you
Me: The day I left here. You sent police to run
after me!
Sdwadwa: I didn't. The woman. Notaligana. Who
is a sister to the man who died in Thalala's
hands asked me who you were. I said you're
Nonzaba and you spoke Zulu. They thought
maybe you're from Durban. They decided to run
after you because they thought you're connected
to the death of Shosholoza
Me: What do you think?
Her: I don't know you. I don't know what
happened. I have no say in the matter
Me: You just said you went looking for me
accompanying a dead man's sister....
She is crying. My gun is pushed on her stomach.
She is breathing heavily scared. I am making
sure she doesn't mess with me ever again.
Her: She said you lied. She wanted me to see you
so that I can see if we are talking about the same
person. I swear I am not out to get you
Me: You better be telling the truth because in
this story, She is the one important! She lost a
brother as for you......
She was crying with hiccups
Me: I might be in trouble if she dies but if I kill
you ..... ?
Sdwedwe: Please don't kill me. I learnt my
Me: No one is gonna miss you! They won't even
miss your tired busy wet vagina!
Sdwadwa: I am not a prostitute! I am a pimp!
Me: All female pimps start from there! when
they get older, tired, fat and unattractive they
use other women now I am warning You. We
don't know each other. There is nothing
important about you. All they know is what you
do When it's dark. Sometimes all people who do
bad things die like dogs and you don't want me
to make an example of you !
Sdwadwa: I will never help her again. I will tell
her I am done
Me: Go! Now get the hell out of my car !
She quickly opened the door. She walked out. I
started the engine and drove down in Mthatha
East direction to the Durban road. When I was
sure she couldn't see me. I took another road. I
turned the car and drove to Mqanduli. I am
going home using this side again. When she calls
the police she will think I went that direction.
My phone rang. I looked at it. It's my PI.
Me: Talk to me !
Him: I found Notaligana's house what do I do ?
Me: Starting from Tomorrow. I want you to go
near her house. Take pictures of her children.
What they do and where they go document that
in pictures and videos. I want her to see that I
can shut her world down just in a blink of an
PI: I am on it
I hung up then focused on the wheel
Me: That is the only attempt I have to make you
back off Notaligana.... If this doesn't work.....
I wiped my tear
Me: I will have to get rid of you. Even my sister
won't know what happened to you I swear you
don't wanna mess with me




< Notaligana >
Today I am supposed to be excited because that
traditional healer is willing to help us. I should
be over the moon right now because that is all I
ever wanted. I want justice for Shosholoza. I am
not going to give up on him. I will make sure the
person who killed him sleeps in a jail cell one of
these days. I feel like there are so many
challenges I am facing. While I was busy
investigating. I found out things about my
brother. Things I didn't know about him. While
at that I got lost and didn't support Nomaxabiso.
I didn't care about what she was/ is going
through. It is not like I don't care. I just feel like
this case needs my undivided attention. This
morning i just got a disturbing text. My brother
is arrested. They say he had illegal drugs why
everything is happening at the same time? Is
this one of the things I didn't know about my
brother? That Zinyovile woman did say that I
will learn a lot of shocking things about him. I
cannot believe he was selling drugs. How can a
man of God do that ? How can he sell drugs?
Now we have to look at people and explain his
actions. We are the ones who will be laughed at
by people. I don't even want to think about what
is going to happen to the chieftaincy
Anyway I just got to Nomaxabiso's room. I need
to tell her even though I doubt she will feel sorry
for him. I still don't think my brother slept with
my sister in law. Why would Nomfunzelo live
here. Why would she marry into a family where
one of family members raped her ? This doesn't
make sense at all.
Me: Nomaxabiso wake up!
She didn't respond. I shook her
Me: Nomaxa....
Nomaxabiso: What is it aunt!
Me: Wake up !
She opened her eyes
Her: What!?
Me: Was it you?
Nomaxabiso: Me what?
Me: Did you plant drugs in my brother's car?
She jumped up
Nomaxabiso: Me? How can you think that of
Me? do you know what I did?
Me: What!?
Her: I confronted your brother ! He admitted
that he raped my mom and it was eating him all
these years! That's all I did. When his wife asked
what happened to the guys he put under the bus
he took off. Who knows what he did wherever
he ran to? Anyway what drugs. What happened
to him ?
Me: Let's go to his house and find out
Nomaxabiso: I asked you to accompany me to
his house! I asked you to go support me you had
better things to do now guess what aunt !?
Nomaxabiso: I have way better things to do as
She jumped to bed then looked at me
Nomaxabiso: Things like sleeping
She covered her face. What got into this girl. I
understand she is hurting and I wasn't there but
this kinda behavior? She is acting like someone
who did this. Is Nomaxabiso capable of doing
something like this? Where did she get the
drugs? Anyway I walked out. I got to my car. I
drove to my home, My brother's house. In no
time I was in their yard. I parked my car. I
rushed inside.
Niece: Aunt
I hugged her
Me: Hey baby
Her: Dad doesn't use drugs. He is a saved
Me: I know, I know baby
I looked at Dlezinye. I broke the hug
Me: Can you give us a moment please
Niece: Okay aunt
She walked away. I looked around. I wonder
where are my nephews. The first wife had a son.
Dlezinye has a son and a daughter. I sat down
next to Dlezinye
Me: Sister in law what happened ?
She started crying
Me: What is going on ?
Dlezinye: He raped Nomfunzelo with other men!
He lied to Nomfunzelo's family and blamed the
other guys. He didn't tell them he also raped her.
Sisi he also killed all the me....
I covered her mouth
Me: Not so loud kids will hear you. I want to
know about the drugs !
Dlezinye: He left Nomaxabiso here. I was
judging him as well. He is a man of God. The
way he spoke and the things I heard were so
unlike him. He was so guilty but I kept telling
myself he was innocent but the last
confrontation. I believed Nomaxabiso and he
admitted to the crimes as well
Me: Oh My God! Even the murders?
She stood up
Her: You know your brother. He never admit to
anything until he is cornered. I didn't get to do
that because he left. I guess that is when he
bought drugs and kept giving them to the
children of this village
She looked at me
Her: Sisi kids were taken by ambulance. They
overdosed. The chief. The preacher gave kids
drugs !
Me: Oh My God
My phone beeped. I looked at it
Dlezinye: Who is that?
I looked at her then smiled.
Me: No one
I am sorry brother. We were not that close
anyway these past few months. I am not going to
stop my investigation for you. The brother I am
trying to help here is the one who treated me
like a sibling. Shosholoza might be gone but I
will never forget him. He never hurt my feelings.
He always supported me. I feel like he is
drowning. He needs me to save him. I can't fail
him because he never failed me.
Me: So what is gonna happen. Did you call our
Dlezinye: His heir went to see a lawyer and the
village called a meeting. They want to make my
step son a regent
Me: So soon?
She looked at me.
Dlezinye: No village needs a leader who is a
drug dealer! please stay I can't face those people
Me: Sisi I don't think I can....
Her: What is more important than your arrested
I stood up
Me: My dead brother!
She put her hand on her mouth.
Me: Manyokonya doesn't care at all to find out
what happened to our brother. I mean you
didn't even go to my ceremony!
Dlezinye: We are christians! we don't g....
Me: I think you explained enough with your
husband the time you were washing your hands
off me
I walked to the door.
Dlezinye: Your brother needs you !
I turned around
Me: What about you Dlezinye? What about you?
Her: What about me?
Me: Shouldn't you be at police station or at the
firm with your step son trying to get out your
husband ?
She looked down. .
Me: So it is okay for you to judge him but i
She looked down.
Me: I am looking for my brother's killer. I don't
care about a brother who is alive and well in a
holding cell
I opened the door Then walked out.

< Priscella >
It's the 28th of December. My man and Aaron
are going to Sdabadabeni to check on things. I
wish I could go with them but I don't feel like
travelling. I need to stay in doors. I woke up
thinking about Thalala. If she was alive I think I
was gonna go to the Eastern Cape with them
even though I don't feel well. This must sound
evil but I am happy she is gone. I just wonder
how was I gonna survive with him so far.
Everyday I was gonna wonder what he is up to. I
was gonna worry about that woman seducing
him. I can't wait to go back to work. Today I
really don't know what I will do. I am going to
be so bored without Masixole around. I hope
Sonia will spend a day with me.
Anyway I saw Cleopetra coming to me with my
coffee. I am at lounge the one upstairs. Masixole
is getting ready to leave. I don't know why I am
up at 7.
Cleopetra: Here is your coffee ma'am
Me: Thank you
I took the coffee then sipped on it. She walked
away. I heard my phone ring. I looked at my
phone. it's a video call. Algebra is calling me.
Thank God someone decided to call. I don't
know why Elton hasn't called. I put my coffee on
the coffee table then picked up the phone
Me: Hey
Algebra: Morning Prissy how are you?
Me: I am good. How are you guys. I was worried
about you
Algebra: We are good. I just wanted to tell you
we arrived safe. It's so beautiful here
Me: Wow that's good. Tell Elton to call me
Algebra: Will do
I hung up. I am glad they arrived safe. I need to
call Sonia and plan my day. I called her. She
Sonia: Hey
Me: Hey friend. I will be alone today please
come spend the day with me if you're not busy
I took the cup and sipped
Sonia: Babe I am on my way to Hungani's house
for the meeting. From there I will come straight
to you I promise
Me: Okay friend
Sonia: Don't be sad. I won't spend even an hour
there. I can't stand Tasha. I am even forcing
myself to do this
Me: Okay friend see you later
Sonia: I have something to tell you about Claire
Me: Lord bye
Sonia: ha ha ha exactly. Everything about her is
Me: I wonder when will we get rid of all these
weirdos in our lives
Sonia: Say that again. Babe let me hung up
before I get a ticket
Me: Good luck sis
Sonia: Thanks love you ! ( Tututututu )
She hung up. I put my phone down then sipped.
I felt lips kiss my cheek from behind. I giggled
Masixole: I can cancel and stay. I don't like how
you sounded on the phone. That seemed like
someone lonely and desperate
I turned and looked at him
Me: Hey I am good baby. Sonia will be here in an
hour. You can't do this to Aaron. He really likes
this girl
Masixole: He does right?
Me: It's good to see him so in love
Masixole: How is it gonna work though?
Me: After the 20th of January you will be moving
to the Eastern Cape permanently and I will be
here. How are we gonna work ?
Masixole: Well you're right. Let's hope they will
have a relationship that is strong like ours
Me: They better make it work. I am so happy for
Notiniphu. I am so excited
Masixole: I don't know the girl. I only see her
when she puts food on the dinner table and
leave. I don't know her that well to be happy for
her but I know my friend and I am happy
Me: Notiniphu and I got close while I was at the
He smiled then came and sat next to me.
Masixole: I will miss you
Me: You're leaving for a few hours
He stood up
Him: Yeah I know. I can't wait to see how
everything is going at the sites
Me: Please take pictures
Him: I will. Isn't your coffee cold let me go make
you another cup
I gave him my cup
Me: Thanks babe. I don't know why it is cold and
raining in summer. This is crazy
Masixole: Climate change
Me: Well I didn't do Geography
He laughed walking out. I covered my body with
my flees then closed my eyes. I am so lazy this
morning my body is in pain. I am exhausted
from yesterday.

< Judge NomaKhosazana >
Last night I didn't wait up for River to come
back. I was very sleepy. I am really curious to
find out what happened in Mthatha. The first
thing I did before even taking a shower was look
out the window to check if her car is at
Driveway. It was such a relief to see it there. She
is one hell of a woman. River doesn't know
much about this neighborhood but she drives at
night and go do unholy things. I am glad she is
okay though. I don't know why I can't trust her
to take care of herself when she has a gun. That
woman knows how to handle a gun and
Shosholoza's absence proves That.
A lot of things were expected last night. I don't
know why I was so tired. There was another call
I was waiting for. I was waiting for an update
from Nomaxabiso but looking at my phone. It
seems like she didn't call. If she did I guess she
called her sister wife.
Anyway me and Princess Nomagampompo just
came down to speak to Notiniphu and Siqalo.
We haven't showered yet. it's still early.
Everyone had a long night and what is funny is I
don't remember doing anything yesterday.
Me: Good morning guys
They both bowed
Siqalo: Good morning my Queen. Good morning
The front door opened. We all turned and
looked at the door. Chief Khabalandile walked in
Nomagampompo: Let's wait for him
Me: We are here !
He came to the kitchen
Chief: Sorry I am late
Me: It's okay you're right on time
I looked at Chef Notiniphu
Me: Chef Notiniphu today MEC , King Zwelicacile
and his friend are coming here
She smiled. I guess she knew that.
Me: I want you to go all out with your dishes
Notiniphu: Yes my Queen
I looked at sister in law. She looked at Siqalo
Nomagampompo: Help the boys to pick the
biggest sheep to slaughter for the occasion
Siqalo: Yes my Princess
Chief: I will go with you Siqalo. I don't want
them to pick the wrong Sheep. Where is River ?
Me: Upstairs
Chief: Okay. Let's go Siqalo
He walked away with Siqalo. We saw Phonqa
running down zipping up his jacket.
Siqalo: Am I late ?
Nomagampompo: No follow them to pick the
He ran out. I laughed.
Nomagampompo: Let me go run myself a bath
Me: Okay
She walked away. I looked at Chef Notiniphu
Me: Do we have a desert ?
Notiniphu: Yes my Queen. I prepared it before I
went to bed last night
Me: Perfect !
I walked to the living room. I saw River coming
Nomahelele: Good morning. Why everyone is
busy ?
Me: MEC is bringing the cheque. Your nephew is
coming home just for the day
Nomahelele: That's good
Me: Cuz you came home late. Last night I
couldn't wait for you downstairs like I usually
do. I was so sleepy
Nomahelele: It's okay I understand. I also didn't
wanna wake you so I just went straight to bed
Me: What happened?
Nomahelele: I made sure she understands what
will happen if she keeps helping that woman
and I think she got the message
Me: Let's say she did get the message, What is
going to happen to Notaligana. What are you
doing to make sure she stops this? yesterday I
made sure she never set foot to this palace again
Nomahelele: I am working on it. I always get
what I want. I want her to stop all this and I
think she will
Me: Good
The front door opened. We looked at it.
Nomaxabiso: I am sorry Siqalo wasn't at the
Me: It's okay come in. We've been waiting for
She smiled then came to us
Nomahelele: I have been trying to call you
Nomaxabiso: I know. Yesterday was very
emotional for me. I knew people were gonna
call me after my uncle got arrested so I was
avoiding that but I should've called
Nomahelele: Okay what happened? Did you do
Nomaxabiso: It's done my Queen !
Me: Tell us how did you do it ?
Nomaxabiso: Malingene agreed then on the last
minutes I had this idea....
Nomahelele: What idea?
Nomaxabiso: People knew he was a preacher
and a good chief. He was gonna have people
supporting him and telling the police he is a
good man.......
Me: That is true. People don't know the things
we know
Nomaxabiso: Malingene got a call from his wife
telling him Uncle was getting drunk so I asked
Malingene to open the bag. Take a few kilos of
cocaine and fill his pockets then put more in his
Nomahelele: Smart!
I didn't know she was this smart.This girl is
amazing. How come I didn't think about it ? I
guess i didn't know He was gonna be drunk
Nomaxabiso: Malingene says he was giving boys
drugs last night. Few of those boys overdozed.
They are in Hospital now
Me: Oh No!
Nomaxabiso: No my Queen don't worry.
Malingene was one of the men who left with
ambulances. He says all of the boys are going to
be okay
Me: Thank God
Nomahelele: And we cannot afford to kill
innocent kids
Nomaxabiso: They told the police they got drugs
from the chief
Me: Thank you God !
" What is going on ? " We looked up the stairs.
It's Princess Nomagampompo
Me: Sisi everything went well
Nomagampompo: Good! if The MEC wasn't
coming we were gonna take that last bottle of
Champagne and celebrate
Me: I know right!
She walked down
Nomagampompo: I want him to be charged first.
I don't want to see him in a holding cell. I want
to see him behind bars. In prison
I chuckled
Me: You and I both
Nomaxabiso: For now Malingene and I are going
to confront him at that holding cell
Nomahelele: You and Malingene...... ?
Nomaxabiso: Oh No! He even suggested that I
terminate the baby. We are done
Nomagampompo: I hope you won't do that! This
unborn child is innocent!
Nomahelele: And our husband accepted the
baby which makes him the father now
Nomaxabiso: That is what I told him. I told him
my child has a father
I went to Nomaxabiso. I put my hands on her
Me: That is good Nomaxabiso. I am glad you
know that this child is a Ndengana now
Nomahelele: Actually I have an idea. Why don't
you guys spend a night together ? You and our
Me: I think that is a perfect idea
Nomaxabiso: This is so weird. Can I go get
myself a glass
She walked to the kitchen. Nomahelele smiled
watching her go to the kitchen
Me: River is it me or you're avoidng your
Nomagampompo: Yeah yesterday he wanted to
spend a night with you.... ?
Nomahelele: I don't know..... he looks so ugly
and he annoys me lately!
She walked up the stairs. I looked at Princess
Nomagampompo: She is pregnant
Me: Are you sure ? Anyway why the sudden
change of heart. He loves the chief I know for a
Nomagampompo: She is pregnant
Me: Wow

< Narrated >
At Hungani's house. It looks like they are looking
forward to this meeting with Mandy and this
person who is supposed to give them a job. They
looked decent and clean so early in the morning.
They just had breakfast. They were just sitting
on high chairs having coffee
Hungani: I hear Coffee isn't good for a pregnant
Tasha: God it seems like nothing is good.
Sometimes when I am having a bad day I want
to drink a glass of wine but I can't because I am
pregnant. I need to speak to my doctor about
Hungani: I think it's a good idea for us to get
advice from the doctor. We are gonna be first
time parents
Tasha: I agree with you baby
Hungani looked out of the window
Tasha: What is it ?
Hungani: Mandy is here. Let's move to the
They stood up. Mandy stood at the door. She saw
they noticed her. Hungani went and opened the
Hungani: Morning Mandy come in
Mandy: Thank you
She walked in then looked At Tasha
Mandy: Hello Tasha. Feeling better today?
Tasha: Yea. I am sorry about yesterday
Mandy: It's okay
Hungani: Mandy I don't understand. Why did
you ask to see Tasha yesterday when you knew
you had a meeting with Elton. You know they
don't get along
Mandy: I thought you guys were still around. I
saw the celebrity blogs. I called just to ask how
you were doing. She said she left the restaurant
but she wasn't far so I said We should meet
since you were not taking my calls
Hungani: I am not an actor
Mandy: I know! That is why I never get you
acting jobs
Tasha: I was wrong. I am sorry baby
Mandy: Tasha don't worry about Hungani. He
will get a job soon
Hungani: Speaking of Jobs why are we here ?
Mandy: Oh.....
She said looking out the glass door. An SUV
vehicle parked at parking lot
Mandy: SHe is here
A lady came out of the car. Hungani looked at
Mandy when she saw Who it was. Tasha looked
at Mandy
Tasha: What the hell? Nothing good is gonna
come out of this! She can't stand me ! why would
she help ?
Mandy: Sonia can be all things but she is hell of
a business woman and besides, She is my client.
She wouldn't waste my time. She knows how
busy I am
Hungani: I don't think I will like this
He said going to the door to open for Sonia
Sonia: Good morning
Tasha rolled her eyes then folded her arms.
Everyone was standing
Hungani: Morning
Sonia: It's been a while. You look Good Hungani
Hungani: Thank you. Why don't we just get to
the reason you're here
Tasha: I couldn't agree more
Sonia looked at Tasha.
Sonia: I am here on a business meeting but I can
see there is a giant elephant in the room that
needs to be addressed!
She looked at Sonia
Sonia: Everyone knows what you did to Elton
and it was dirty and evil we can't forget it. We
will keep bringing it up! Don't you dare give me
that attitude remember you're the one who
messed up here. Not me!
Hungani: Okay! Sonia why are you here ?
Sonia ignored him
Sonia: Apologise for being a bitch
Tasha looked down. She was pissed off
Tasha: For what exactly?
Mandy: Sonia I know you take business very
seriously. Can we put our personal differences
aside and get this out of the way ?
Hungani: Thank you
Sonia: Okay fine. I have never talked business
standing unless I am doing a presentation
anyway I would like to stand
She looked at Hungani
Sonia: Hungani you're a tv guy. You follow a lot
of things that are happening on t.v. You know
which show is most watched and I think you
know how the first episode of my reality show
Hungani: I saw congratulations
Sonia: Thank you. Well already we are talking
the second season and we want to add another
cast member to the bunch
Sonia looked at Tasha who just realised where
Sonia was going with this. She smiled with her
eyes pooped out .
Sonia: We would like to have your Fiancé and
youof course to appear on and off the show as
you know it's housewives show. It's about the
Tasha looked at Hungani excited
Tasha: Oh My God baby
Hungani: Wow this is.....
Tasha: Amazing!!
Sonia: We are going to pay both of you of course
Tasha: Baby this is amazing
Sonia: All I want from you guys is a yes then we
will bring a contract for you to sign
Hungani: Wow
Mandy: Sonia thank you so much for this. It's a
great opportunity for this new couple and
people want to see their relationship. They must
show doubtors that they are a real couple
Tasha: Baby let's do this
Hungani looked at Sonia
Hungani: Would you gave us a day or two to
discuss it?
Mandy: What is there to discuss ! guys that show
will be shot in your spare time if you're worried
about your schedule
Sonia looked at Mandy
Sonia: Actually I think they will need that day or
two after what I am about to say
The three of them looked at Sonia curious
Tasha: What do you mean ?
Sonia: There is a condition though. But that
condition is not a problem if you love each other
Mandy: What is that?
Hungani sat down. Tasha sat next to him. They
hold hands
Hungani: I should've known
Sonia looked at them
Sonia: If you agree to do the show. When we
start shooting you guys must start planning your
wedding. You must get married. This is a show
for married women
Tasha got excited. She looked at Hungani.
Hungani: Excuse me
Tasha: Bab....
Hungani stood up. He walked to the front door
and walked it. He headed to his car, Got in and
drove off Leaving Tasha with her lower mouth
wide open. She was shocked by what he just did.
Sonia: Girl he didn't just run away from you did
he ?
Tasha: Excuse me
Tasha ran uthe stairs. Sonia looked at Mandy
Sonia: I guess I need to find another couple.... a
real one
Mandy: Please wait a little longer. They are
Sonia: Tasha isn't. She wants this. Hungani
Mandy: Just a day or two
Sonia: I can give you a day or two




< Priscella >
Masixole and Aaron left about an hour ago. I am
here waiting for Sonia. I cannot wait to hear
how it went at the meeting. First of all Sonia and
those guys are not good of friends but then again
We are talking fame and money. That is what
Tasha is after but Sonia mentioned a condition.
That condition forces Hungani to marry Tasha. I
think I put that wrong. It doesn't force him.
Those two are engaged. It just speeds things up
which gets me to my next question. I know that
man. I know Hungani. I have known him since I
was younger. He is not loyal. He is not a faithful
man. The question I have right now is in
everyone's mind. Is Hungani ready to be a
married man? Will he agree to do this because
he lost a job or he will agree to do this because
he loves her? If he does this because of love then
that is beautiful but if he is doing this for public
and tv show then that is messed up. I don't give
a Damn about Tasha but being played is not
nice. I know Tasha has done a lot of things in the
past and yesterday when she said what she said
but she is going to be a mother. Hungani has to
be in it with her 100%. I admire Tasha for one
reason and I think Hungani should love her for
that. Tasha left money for love. If She stayed
with my brother she was not gonna worry about
the next meal or what to wear because my
brother has money. She didn't care about that.
She followed her heart. That is amazing. It
shows how much she loves Hungani. Let's hope
he feels the same.
Anyway I saw Cleo coming to me. She took the
empty cup.
Cleo: Do you want more coffee ma'am?
Me: I would like Water please
Cleo: Okay ma'am
She walked away. I heard the elevator beep. I
looked at it. Sonia walked in. She looks happy
Sonia: Hey
Me: Finally you showed up
She hugged me then sat down. Cleo came
Sonia: Glass of wine please
Cleo: Okay ma'am
Sonia looked at me
Sonia: Oh the reason I took time to get here is
because I went to give my partners a feed back
from my meeting
Me: And the meeting went well I can see just by
looking at you
She laughed.
Sonia: Do you wanna hear the bad news or the
good first?
Me: I don't know but let's start with the bad
Cleopetra brought my water and her wine
Me: Thank you CLeo. You can leave the tray
Cleo: Okay ma'am
She smiled then walked away
Sonia: Shame why didn't she go home for festive
Me: When we were in the Eastern Cape she left
for home. Mom is paying her a lot of money for
staying for festive
Sonia: Okay. The bad news is Hungani and
Tasha might not join the show
Me: Oh friend I am so sorry. What happened?
Sonia: They loved the idea. Tasha was the
happiest of course....
Me: Until the condition part came right ?
Sonia: Well that was the problem. Hungani
didn't seem happy about that. In fact he was
terrified that he ran out and drove out leaving
us in his house
Me: You're kidding me right ?
Sonia: Why are you upset about this ?
Me: Oh My God Sonia that woman is pregnant.
Why didn't he pretend at least or maybe a lame
excuse to think about it or an excuse not to take
the deal. Did he have to run out like a teenage
boy ?
Sonia: Well You're right. He just stood up and
ran friend. There is nothing he can do to justify
what he did. He was a coward. He just ran. I
couldn't believe it but I can't lie, It was kinda fun
Me: Damn Hungani will always be a D*ck
Sonia: Oh My God I have never heard you use
that word before
I looked at her.
Me: If I could get a pen and a blank note book I
would write million reasons why I left Hungani
and him running leaving a pregnant woman
alone in his house is one of them!
I gulped water
Sonia: Oh My God friend you're so angry
Me: Why ain't you!?
Sonia: Prissy calm down!
I stood up
Me: Friend I am pregnant. How do you think I
would feel if Masixole would walk away from
me while I have this big belly ?
Sonia: Friend I am sorry
Me: Sonia men don't use their heads. Do you
remember how you lost your last born child?
She looked down
Me: A man was involved. Why can't they treat us
good and think about our feelings?
Sonia: Priscella you don't know how it feels like.
You have the most amazing man! The perfect
Me: I might not know how it feels like but I
know people who do! You!
Sonia sat down crying
Me: Did you stay and make sure Tasha is okay ?
or you just laughed at her ?
Sonia gulped her drink. She put the glass on the
coffee table.
Sonia: I actually laughed at the situation. I didn't
think about that
Me: I don't like her too. I understand how
protective you are of people you care about but
that woman is pregnant like me. I just put
myself in her shoes. She must be going through
a lot
Sonia looked at me
Sonia: Priscella Seputla I understand you're
bored today but don't you dare ask me to take
you there! Tasha is not your friend !
Me: Oh no! I can't stand her. I am defending her
because she can't hear me. No good I do will
make that girl care about this family. I just hope
she is okay wherever she is
Sonia: I hope so too.....
Me: So the deal is not off ?
Sonia: Even before Hungani knew about the
condition he said he wanted to sleep on it so I
am willing to give them a day or two
Me: Okay.....Is he that scared to be married ?
Sonia: You should've seen his face
Me: I hope after they get married he will fear
divorce like he fears marriage
Sonia: Do you think they will agree though?
Me: As a business woman I say they are stupid if
they don't take this deal
Sonia: Yeah. Let's hope he tightens his balls for a
Me: It will be a first
Sonia: And it's Hingani we are talking about
Me: Yep

< Tasha >
I have never felt like this. Am I that bad for
Hungani to just run away like that. What is the
reason for engagement? Doesn't engagement
lead to getting married? What did this man
really want ? Why is he running away? This is
an opportunity of a life time. I remember when I
started with my bad behavior with Brendan. My
dream was to be in that reality show. I wanted
to be a house wife on the show not in real life. I
wanted to work. How can Hungani just run out
like this? How many times will this man keep
hurting me ? Does he wanna kill our child? He
knows my history with Sonia. He knows his
history with Seputla family. How can he make
them happy by humiliating me like this.
Hungani knows what happens with Sonia
around happened with Priscella around. I am
sure Elton already knows the man ran out on
me. Is marrying me such a bad thing? I am so
hurt right now. I don't want to see him today. I
hope he doesn't come home today. I am tired of
running whenever we have a misunderstanding.
If I am that bad he must leave me and go live
with Tina his mother. This is a great deal. Even if
he didn't like me that way he should've said
what he said before we heard about the
wedding. He should've said we'd think about it
not run away from me. I am so hurt. My heart is
in pain. I don't know what to do. I don't know
how to feel anymore. I feel like he is with me for
the baby. He doesn't care about me. Why does
he let this happen to us. Why is he doing this to
me now.
Anyway I am in my room crying. Mandy has
been knocking. I hope Sonia is gone. I don't want
her to act like she cares because I know she
doesn't care at all. I saw the door open
Mandy: I am sorry Tasha I had to come in. I can't
leave you like this
Me: How can he do that!?
Mandy: Hungani is a bachelor. He is used to
living on his own. Having girls in and out of his
life. Maybe he realised the reality of life and it
scared him
Me: Am I such a bad woman that he would be
scared to marry me and run like he did?
Mandy: Tasha you're a very beautiful woman.
You're talented. The only people I work with are
people who are loved and have a lot of social
media followers. You're a gorgeous girl. You are
at the top of the game right now that is why
producers want to use you in every show. If
Hungani don't want you then he is an idiot!
Me: Of course he is an idiot !
She put her hand on my shoulder
Mandy: Tasha every girl or woman want to get
married. Men are scared to take that step. It's
not you it's him. He is terrified. It's not because
He doesn't love you. The thought of calling you
wife scares him
Me: He humiliated me in front of Sonia. That
woman doesn't like me at all. You saw her. You
heard the things she said before she talked to us
Mandy: Sonia was here on business. I don't think
she will go around and make fun of you
I heard my phone beep. I looked at it then at
Me: Can you take me to my friend's house?
Mandy: Of course
I stood up. I took my handbag. I went to the
mirror. I fixed my hair
Me: Let's go
The only person who knows how to speak to me
is Leila. I don't want Mandy to play a
psychologist on me. I want to speak to my
friend. She drove me to Leila's house and
dropped me in her street. I walked to her place.
In two months I won't be able to walk on the
streets like this. I will be a well known actress. I
cannot wait for that. I feel like it will be
something positive about my life. Right now my
life is messed up. When the episodes are being
aired, I will be busy working and happy. I just
can't wait for the time where I don't think too
much about Hungani and all is in my mind is my
job. This man is bruising my heart each and
everyday and it hurts so bad. Anyway I got to
the door and knocked. Leila opened the door..
Leila: Hey come in
I walked in
Me: I am sorry for showing up unexpected
Leila: You're my friend. I am always here when
you need to talk
She closed the door Then looked at me
Her: And I can see you're not okay what did he
do this time ?
I walked to the couch and sat down
Me: What didn't he do ?
Leila: Friend this is not working. You need to
end this I understan....
Me: We are offered a job!
She looked at me.
Her: A job? What job?
Me: Season 2 of the housewives. They want me
and Hungani
Leila: Then what is a problem? I remember
when you were with Brendan you thought of the
possibility of joining the show
Me: I know right!
Leila: Hungani doesn't want you to be part of the
show ?
Me: No! it's what we have to do to be part of it
that is the problem to him
Leila: What is that ?
Me: They say we have to get married
Leila put both her hands on her mouth with her
eyes pooped out
Leila: Oh My God
I stood up
Me: Yeah. They say when we start shooting we
have to start with wedding planning
Leila stood up
Leila: What did Hungani say?
Me: He took his car keys and stormed out in the
middle of a meeting. He ran to his car. Is
marrying me such a bad thing?
I broke down crying hard
Leila: No! I don't think so friend
She said touching my hands. I removed her
hands from mine
Me: No! you're just saying that because you're
my friend. You think it's your job to make me
feel good
Leila: I don't think I know! I know you're my
friend and I am supposed to say the right thing
but this is different Tasha
Me: How? The father of my child doesn't want to
marry me. Why did He ask to marry me if he
wasn't ready ?
Leila: Have you thought about him losing his
Oh my God. I wiped my tears.
Leila: Have you thought that maybe he thought
about the wedding expenses and losing his job?
Me: Oh My God! I was being a drama Queen
thinking about myself not what he must be
going through
Leila: Did you say something hurtful to him? If
you did you better apologise now
Me: No! I didn't. I was shocked. All I need to do
now is to just text him and ask if he is okay. I
need to tell him I am not angry
Leila: Yeah then when you're together you must
talk about it. He is not a child. He must stop
being inconsiderate. You're pregnant. He can't
upset you
Me: Thank you friend. I will talk to him
Leila: Great come to the kitchen I am baking
Me: Oh wow
Leila: Yeah trying different flavours for
Priscella's wedding
Me: Nice

< Narrated >
Finding out that your father's killer is someone
you've known your whole life must be heart
breaking. No one knows how Malingene feels.
No one knows the pain he was in when he had
to pretend infront of Chief Manyokonya that he
didn't know he betrayed his father and killed
him in prison. If Malingene was a bad person.
He would've killed Chief Manyokonya when he
found him drunk. He didn't do that. He knew
getting him arrested would be the best revenge
for him. This shows what kinda man Malingene
is. If he was someone else he would've lost it but
he didn't lose it. He made sure he execute the
plan and he succeeded in it. Now he is at the
police station To See the results of what he did
the previous day. He is at Mthatha central police
station. He was walking with an officer.
Malingene: Officer I don't understand. I went to
Ngqeleni police station to see him. They said he
is here. Why is he here when he was arrested in
his home town ?
Officer: This is a serious case. This man is not
only here for selling drugs. He is here for
attempted murder of those kids who overdosed
and also the charges of selling them to miners
Malingene smiled when he heard about the
Officer: He won't even go to magistrate court.
The court decided to do this between lawyers
and the accused. They contacted a judge that
will give a verdict only
Malingene: Wow that's interesting
Officer: Yes. There are also videos of him drunk
and high so this is a tight case
He saw another officer
Officer: Oh Constable Ngcwele this man came to
see the chief who got arrested
Constable looked at Malingene
Constable: He is not allowed visitors sorry
He walked away after he said that. The officer
looked at Malingene
Officer: Sorry man
He walked away. Malingene walked out. He
headed to a familiar car. It is Nomaxabiso's car.
She is in the car. It looks like she didn't wanna
see him. Malingene got in the car
Nomaxabiso: And ?
Malingene: They are not allowing anyone to see
him. He is facing a lot of charges in there,
Including attempted murder
Nomaxabiso: Good. I just feel bad that we had to
hurt people to get justice. I hope those kids don't
Nomaxabiso started the engine
Malingene: Yeah... that would be really bad
Nomaxabiso: Yeah.......

At the royal house. We see everyone busy. The
queen looked at the kitchen. She saw Princess
Nomagampompo helping in the kitchen. She
shook her head smiling
NomaKhosazana: She always does this
The Queen said going to her. Princess
Nomagampompo looked up and smiled when
she saw the Queen
NomaKhosazana: It's always weird to see you in
the kitchen busy
Notiniphu: I am not used to it at all too my
Queen. It doesn't look right
Nomagampompo: It's a special day today. We all
have to help
Servant: That's what we are here for My
The Princess smiled. The Queen looked at
Princess Nomagampompo and put her hand on
her shoulder
NomaKhosazana: I have been asking myself
The Queen walked out. Princess
Nomagampompo took off the apron then walked
out of the kitchen following the Queen.
Nomagampompo: Yes?
They were walking to the living room talking.
River attempted to walk up the stairs.
NomaKhosazana: River I want you here too
River turned around
Nomahelele: Yes ?
The Queen sat down. Princess Nomagampompo
and River sat down looking at the Queen curious
to find out what she wants to say.
NomaKhosazana: Nomfunzelo was raped by
four men......
Nomahelele: Apparently
The Queen looked around then at River and
NomaKhosazana: Before we knew that Ngejiwe
wasn't family, we saw a lot of similarities with
family which were not even there! How do we
know for sure that Nomaxabiso is Zintlungwini's
Princess Nomagampompo looked at River
Nomahelele: You have a point there !
" I feel undermined " Said a voice up the stairs.
They all stood up fast and looked up the stairs.
NomaKhosazana: Gedleza
Gedleza: I am the one who said he is the father
my Queen. I am sure of what I said
He vanished after He said that. They looked at
each other.
Nomagampompo: We just wanted to know
NomaKhosazana: At least now we know for
sure.... Zintlungwini is the father
River sat down.
Nomahelele: Yeah.......

< Notaligana >
This woman is my last hope. She is my only
hope. If she can't help me my trip to Port
Elizabeth won't be as exciting as it was gonna be
if she didn't stop me. To me this Zinyovile
woman sounds like an amazing traditional
healer. If she can't help me I will be demotivated
to go to PE. I mean why wouldn't you be when
every attempt you try you fail. The Ndengana
royal house is full of thugs. They act like good
people. They are just like my brother. Speaking
of my brother. I hope things are going well for
him in prison. I don't think I want to visit him.
He is a Christian. He shouldn't be there. That is
what he said when I followed my husband's
family tradition. I am applying the same thing to
Anyway I am back at Thalala's house. The
woman who is Nomahelele's sister wife is here.
Well I haven't seen her because when I arrived
they started praying but luckily Zinyovile was
outside so she took me to Thalala's room.
Me: Are you sure you can trust this woman? I
don't want that family to know that I am on to
Zinyovile: I am sure and she is also on to them
so trust me. This is going to make her happy.
When you tell her what to do make sure you
look at her face. She hates them. She won't
hesitate to help trust me
Me: Wow, Now I cannot wait for her to get out of
that room
Zinyovile smiled
Her: I am sure they are done praying now. Let
me to fetch her
Me: Okay
She walked out. I took out my phone .
Me: I have to tell Sdwedwe I have a good plan
I dialled her number then listened.
Why is she not answering my phone call? I hung
up. I texted her
Me: Sent
The door opened. I turned around. Oh My God I
know her !
Zinyovile: Nontorotyi meet Notaliga....
Nontorotyi: Notaligana?
Me: Dirty G-string !?
Nontorotyi: Don't you dare call me that again !
Me: I am sorry. That's how everyone called you
at Ntibani S.S.S
Nontorotyi: Well this is not high school!
I looked down. I need her help. I have to be nice
even she is rude. She was a very loose girl in
high school. One day we were in a netball game.
It was windy her skirt revealed some things. She
was wearing a G-string that used to be white.
Everyone laughed at her about it..
Zinyovile: So she was a clumsy girl in high
Nontorotyi: Why am I here?
I looked at Zinyovile.
Zinyovile: Notaligana is Shosholoza's....
Nontorotyi: She is his brother I know that!
Zinyovile I said I was born at Ntsimbini. We
moved to Thaleni. It is just next to Hlalwini.
Notaligana and I know each other very well. Get
to the point
Me: I don't know you so well. If I knew you I
would know you married Hlohlesakhe
Nontorotyi: Why am I here ?
Me: The last time I saw you in high school I was
in 11th Grade and you were in Matric and I
remember you were rumoured to be dating the
Nontorotyi: Okay I am done here!
She said going to the door
Zinyovile: She believes Nomahelele killed
Nontorotyi stopped walking. Zinyovile looked at
me. Nontorotyi turned around
Nontorotyi: What makes you think that ?
Me: Because the prostitute who was supposedly
with my brother that night was Thalala
Nontorotyi looked at Zinyovile
Nontorotyi: Your niece ?
Zinyovile: Yes
Me: I didn't know she was dead. I went to
Mthatha where the police said she lived. When I
got there I found a woman who looked like
Nomahelele but because it was at night i was not
sure. Thalala was working for a pimp. I got to
that house and asked what was The woman
doing there.....
Nontorotyi: The woman you mean Nomahelele?
Me: Yes. Sdwedwe said That woman went there
looking for Thalala. She also didn't know she
was dead. When I saw the woman she seemed
like she didn't want me to see her....
Nontorotyi: Why would Nomahelele Go see
Thalala and don't want to been seen by you...... ?
I am glad she is suspecting her as well
Me: The first thing that came to mind to me was
that she knew what she did and she didn't want
me to know about it
Nontorotyi: how many years one get for
Me: 10 to 15 years I am not sure because it
Nontorotyi looked away smiling and gathering
her thoughts. Zinyovile looked at me and smiled.
Nontorotyi turned around
Nontorotyi: Again what do you want from me?
Me: I am desperate for the pimp to see the
picture of Nomahelele. That woman said she
was Nonzaba from Durban. She lied. If Sdwedwe
confirms it was her then I will go to the police
And even though I couldn't find her online I
found some information that she is originally
from Port Elizabeth and the gun that killed my
brother killed two men in Port Elizabeth
Nontorotyi: This can't be a co-incident. I am
going to ask you again. What do you want from
me ?
Me: Find a picture of her and send it to me so
that I can send it to Sdwedwe
Zinyovile: I know you want to get rid of that
woman. This might be a perfect opportunity for
you.. So what do you say ?
Nontorotyi: She has something on me......
She started pacing up and down
Zinyovile smiled looking at me.
Nontorotyi: If she can be gone I would have an
opportunity to get rid of that little thing she has
on me
She turned around and looked at me
Nontorotyi: I am in
Me: Thank you
Nontorotyi: Give me about an hour. I will send
you the picture
Me: Thank you so much
She walked to the door Then turned around
with her hand on the door handle.
Nontorotyi: I am not doing this for you. I know
you don't like me
Me: Nontorotyi we were teenagers
Nontorotyi: Teenagers who slept with the same
I looked down embarrassed
Me: How did you know that?
She chuckled
Nontorotyi: Let me go get what you want so we
can both stop pretending
She walked out and closed the door. I sat down.
As long she is gonna help. That is all that matters
Zinyovile: While you were a saved Christian? Do
you still sin even now ?
Me: Jesus! I was a teenager!
She raised her hands in surrender
Zinyovile: No judging here
Me: I was a teenager. I was young and naive!
Zinyovile: Right
I looked at her This woman is annoying




< Nontorotyi >
I don't want to talk about that goody to shoes
Notaligana. I know her. Back in the day she was
a slut! She had the shortest skirt in high school.
She thinks I didn't know what was happening
between her and the principal and now she
comes here telling Zinyovile about me acting
like she is God's only child. She must be happy
that I cannot stand Nomahelele. If she wanted to
ask for a different favour I was never gonna
help her but I can't help but help her with this
because of obvious reasons. Nomahelele is a
ticking time bomb. I don't know when she is
going to screw me over. I have to make sure she
moves aside so that I can be happy with my
husband. We are doing so well right now. Even
after he found out what I did to Nomaxabiso he
still sticks by me. I will never forget that and I
don't want it to change. Nomahelele has a gun
with my fingerprints on it. That gun killed
Shosholoza. That gun only has my finger prints.
I don't want to go to jail but if she goes to jail. I
am going to be able to find the evidence against
me and of course she will be out of our lives for
good! The fact that she and Nomaxabiso are
close makes me so angry. I know how to handle
Nomaxabiso. The other day showed that she
can't handle the truth. I know how to deal with
her when she gives me problems but when it is
two against one that is a different story. She is
strong with Nomahelele by her side. When I
found out she was gonna be my sister wife I
wanted to win her over. I wanted her to be by
my side. Nomahelele got that before I could. She
always gets everything that one. She and I went
to see Nomaxabiso. The next thing the Queen
asked me what I said to Nomaxabiso at her
house as If she was there. Nomahelele is
pretending to be my friend. She doesn't have my
back. Even though it is hard to accept but that is
the truth. Nontorotyi has herself. I got my back
Anyway i want to talk about what happened
yesterday. It was so good and emotonal for me
to hear that my brother's wife has been
struggling. I need to do something. I have to
make sure they are taken care of but how do I
do that when I don't have a job? I need to speak
to my husband. Speaking of him, I saw him
walking in.
Me: My love you smell like you were around the
fire. I smell smoke
Hlohlesakhe: Well someone came here to tell us
that MCE is coming to the royal house and you
were not here. Where were you ?
I walked passed him. I can't tell him that. I just
Me: I had to go check on my brother's wife.....
Hlohlesakhe: Yeah....this situation is sad
I turned around
Me: I know my love and I want to help her but I
cannot without money. I don't have money to
help them
Hlohlesakhe: Nontorotyi you provided for that
family for a long time. They must find a job
Me: Where? My brother is missing and you
know his wife is not educated. She needs a job I
agree with you but where is she gonna get it ?
Him: Yeah neh.....
I went to him
Me: My love you can help her find a job. We
can't keep buying them groceries. We have to
help her get a job. I am sure she can clean
Hlohlesakhe: I will figure something out. We
have to hire her as a cleaner or something at the
project or work in the garden
Me: Thank you baby that would be great!
I kissed him
Hlohlesakhe: You're welcome. Now I need to
take a shower I just helped boys slaughter a
Me: Oh NomaKhosazana is going all out for this
Hlohlesakhe: This man is doing something good
for the family. They are bringing money for the
Me: That's nice. So when are we going to the
Hlohlesakhe: In two hours I think the lunch will
be ready but they won't start without us. I will
shower and take a nap
Me: Okay my love
He walked away. I am so happy he is gonna help
my family. I was so worried. Anyway I think I
need to go to the palace. I forgot what i have to
do. I came here to get Nomahelele's picture. I
ran to my handbag. I picked it up then turned
around. Zinyovile is standing in front of me
Me: Zinyovile?
Zinyovile: You don't have to go there to do this.
She is coming here
Me: She is ?
Zinyovile: Yes
I looked at the palace and smiled
< Notaligana >
That went well with Nontorotyi wouldn't you
agree? She and I never liked each other. We
didn't Even hangout together. We always gave
each other funny looks. She dated or slept with
every teacher I can remember in High school. I
am not going to talk about my past mistakes.
Everyone knows. When you get saved you don't
stop everything at once. You let go of things as
time goes on. I was young. I doubted myself. I
didn't believe much in God. I was a teenager. I
did make mistakes but I grew up and changed
that is why I married an honourable man Even
though God decided to take him from us.
Anyway I have been calling Sdwedwe. She is not
taking my calls. I am going to try her again and
give her good news. I am so happy Nontorotyi is
going to help us. I know Sdwedwe will be so
happy to hear that someone is helping me. This
is very important to me. This will save me a trip
to Port Elizabeth. I just hope Nontorotyi will
forget the past and help me. My life depends on
this. I dialled Sdwedwe's number.
Me: Dammit! Voice mail again!
" Maybe you should get the message " Said a
voice behind me. I looked at her. It's Zinyovile. I
am still at Thalala's house.
Me: I don't know why she is not taking my calls
Zinyovile: I am sure when she sees the missed
calls she will call you
Me: Yeah. I hope so......
Zinyovile: You don't sound like you're convinced
she will
I sat down.
Me: No, It's just that Sdwedwe always has her
phone in her hand. She deals with Prostitutes.
Her phone has to be in her hand day and night. I
don't understand....
Zinyovile: You think Maybe she is avoiding you ?
I looked at her
Me: Is she?
Zinyovile: That was a question
Me: And this is my question to you. Is she
avoiding me ?
Zinyovile shrugged her shoulders then walked
Me: You know everything why don't you tell me
what is going on?
She looked at me
Zinyovile: She is your friend. Why would she
ignore you?
Me: You're right
She smiled then walked away
Me: Zinyovile!
She turned around
Her: Yes?
Me: She did it didn't she?
Zinyovile: Who did what ?
Me: Nomahelele.....
She exhaled
Me: Please ! I can't waste my time on something
that didn't happen. This is a cold case. That's
what the police say but I want to prove them
Zinyovile: Breathe Notaligana
I breath in and out.
Zinyovile: We are waiting for your old classmate
to send us a photo. Sdwedwe is the only woman
we can answer your question. I don't know. I am
trying to help but it's blank. I can't see or feel
anything about that woman
Me: She is evil and She dark that is why you
can't see anything
I stood up tears falling down my cheeks
Me: All I want is to find My brother's killer and
make sure they pay
Zinyovile: I know that
Me: I feel like I am failing him
Zinyovile: Go for what you believe in. That's all I
am gonna say. If you believe that woman did it
then stick to that. Trust yourself
I wiped my tears
Me: You think I shouldn't doubt what I feel?
Zinyovile: Trust your gut feeling
Me: Thank you Zinyovile. Thank you
She smiled then tapped my shoulder. She
walked out.
Me: So I am on the right track

< Judge NomaKhosazana >
Today is going to be a great day. I hope nothing
bad happens. It's been forever since we had
these family lunch or dinners. I hope no one
uninvited pitches up. I would be very angry. I
know when it's chaotic you lose control and just
focus on the fun you're having. If Notaligana
would know about this I feel like it would be a
perfect opportunity for her to sneak in. I have to
speak to the security and Siqalo. No one who is
not family should get in here without my
approval. Nomaxabiso has been good to us. I
want to invite her then again I think about her
relationship with Masixole. I don't want to
complicate her life even more. Inviting her here
would make things worse. She can't sit on the
table with us discussing Masixole's wedding to
another woman. That would be awkward. She
heard a lot of bad these past few days. I don't
think she has to know about this. All I have to do
right now is pray that she doesn't visit or if she
does, she will see that we are having something
special and she will feel excluded and think that
we don't care about her. We do. We just don't
want to hurt her. All I want right now is for her
to focus on her relationship with her soon to be
husband and leave everything to us. That
Manyokonya man will never mess with her
again and I will make sure of it. I have another
plan. I feel like this is going to be great. I can't
talk about it now. I just want to get through
today then talk about it to my family when we
are alone and it's not busy.
Anyway I just walked out of My study. I need to
talk to River about something. I saw Princess
Nomagampompo putting new flowers on the
Me: And those?
She turned around and looked at me.
Nomagampompo: I asked Siqalo to go buy them
at Mthatha Mouth hotel. Where should I put
Me: On that small table over there
Her: Yeah they will look good there
Me: Where is River ?
Nomagampompo: She is at Chief Khabalandile's
house. I am sure they will come back together
Me: Okay. MEC texted. They are approaching
Nomagampompo: Oh That's good
Me: Yeah. It gives us time to finish everything
Nomagampompo: You're right
Me: I hope Masixole is near as well
Nomagampompo: Don't worry he is. MEC is
approaching Idutywa. That is far
Me: Yes. I don't want him to get here before king
My phone rang. I looked at it
Me: It's the court house let me answer this
Nomagampompo: Okay
I answered
Me: Judge NomaKhosazana ?
Caller: Hello Judge NomaKhosazana, we have a
case here that we think is suited for you
Me: I am listening ?
Him: The Chief who is a drug dealer from
Hlalwini village. I Will email you all the details
about the case. We want you to take it
I smiled
Me: I accept
Him: Great I will send you the email right away
Me: No problem
I hung up
Nomagampompo: Who was that?
Me: How many years should I give
Her: You're gonna be the judge on that case ?
Me: It's mine sisi
Nomagampompo: Let's bury that bastard !
I looked away and smiled
Me: Whatever you say sister in law
It's amazing how a few minutes ago I said I have
a plan and I will talk about it after today then
now I get this opportunity? This is amazing. I
cannot wait to do this. He is never gonna see the
sun I swear it.

< Nomahelele >
I know my husband can't know everything but
the little bit he knows is enough for him to
support his third wife. I don't know why she let's
me do this. I don't know why she lets me do his
job. I want to speak to him about that. I want
him to connect with Nomaxabiso now and fall
for her. That girl is going through a lot. She
really needs a man's attention. She is pregnant
and fragile. I know we have visitors but I had to
take the little free time I have to go speak to my
darling. He didn't tell me when he left the
palace. I am walking to his house. I just hope
Notaligana is not walking around trying to take
my picture. I just hate being a fugitive of that
Notaligana woman. NomaKhosazana advised
me to wear sunglasses and it's a good idea. That
woman is going to make me angry. I hate what
she is doing because I will lose my cool very
soon and it won't be nice. I hope what happened
to her brother will be a distraction because I will
lose my patience. I don't like letting people do as
they please to me.
Anyway I just arrived. I saw Deliwe
Me: Deliwe where is everyone?
Deliwe: In the bedroom my Queen
Me: Okay thank you
I attempted to go to the bed room. Hlohlesakhe
walked out of the bedroom
Hlohlesakhe: Hey sweetheart are you here to
fetch us ?
Me: No darling. I am here to see you
Him: Okay let's sit
I sat down. He did too then looked at me waiting
for me to talk
Me: I don't know whether I will be overstepping
but with us renovating my house I think it's
gonna be a lot. Remember you also have to pay
the family trust the money you paid for my
brides price. So I was thinking.....
Hlohlesakhe: Yes?
Me: When you marry Nomaxabiso you guys
don't have to buy a house. You should stay at her
house together
He looked at me
Hlohlesakhe: You're right. That house is hers
and there is no need for us to build a house
Me: And I think you haven't been supportive.
You need to be there for her. Go visit her or
Hlohlesakhe: Yeah You're right. How about I call
her now and ask to come?
Me: Fantastic!
He took his phone and called her. The phone
rang. She answered
Nomaxabiso: Hello My Chief
Hlohlesakhe: Hello how are you doing? I haven't
been a good husband....
Nomaxabiso: No I am good. My sister wife has
been a great help. I am doing fine now that I
know my uncle is in prison and is gonna be
charged soon
Hlohlesakhe: That's good. Can i come by your
house later around 6 and hear all about this ?
Nomaxabiso: Okay. I will prepare dinner
This is amazing. Exactly what I want.
Hlohlesakhe: I would love that
Nomaxabiso: Talk later I am driving
Hlohlesakhe: later
He hung up
Me: This is great darling. You also need to talk
about the house thing
Hlohlesakhe: We will
I kissed him. Someone cleared their throat. I
stood up.
Me: Oh Nontorotyi
Nontorotyi: Why are you jumpy ? He is your
husband Sister wife. You're not stealing him this
Me: It is still your house so I can't do as I please
Nontorotyi: You're so sweet
I smiled. Chief stood up
Him: Ladies I have to get to the palace.
Sweetheart are you coming with me ?
Me: I will wait for Nontorotyi to be ready You
can go darling
I kissed him then broke the kiss. Nontorotyi
pointed at her lips. This woman will never
change. Everything is a competition to her. Chief
Khabalandile is our husband. When he leaves he
has to say goodbye to both of us. She doesn't
have to force him to kiss her as if he wasn't
gonna kiss her. Hlohlesakhe kissed her. He
walked out.
Nontorotyi: It's just us girls! I mean sister wives
Me: Yes get ready
She came next to me unlocking her phone. She
went to camera
Nontorotyi: Not until we take a selfie. I want to
open a WhatsApp group for the three of us. Just
to talk and bond you know?
Wait a minute? Why now? Why does she want
to take a picture with me ?
Nontorotyi: Say cheese !no! that's childish. Lets
take a normal picture so that people can see
how beautiful we are
I looked at her. This traitor. She never learns.
How can she try this to me after everything I
have done for her ? Who the hell does She think
she is ? I snatched the phone. I looked at her.
She looked nervous. I saw glasses in her eyes.
She tried to smile. She thinks I won't suspect a
thing? .
Me: Nontorotyi
Nontorotyi: What is wrong with taking pictures
with my sister wife? I want us to connect
Me: How about we take the gun. Give it to
Notiringa and tell her you killed her brother
Nontorotyi: What? Me ? I didn't do that! I never
killed a soul in my life! Anyway Where does this
come from?
Me: Do you think the police will believe you
when they find a gun with your Fingerprints all
over it?
She didn't say anything. She started crying
Me: How could you betray me like this
Nontorotyi !?
Nontorotyi: I am sorry. She begged me to take a
picture with you. She said she wanted to see
you. She didn't tell me why. I didn't see a
problem in doing so
Me: You betrayed me Nontorotyi! Do you want
to go to war ?
Nontorotyi: No!
I walked closer to her. I grabbed her top and
pulled her closer. I started breathing in her face.
She started shaking with fear
Me: You started war with me. I say let's go!
I pushed her. She fell on her back. I stormed to
the door. She quickly stood up and ran after me
Nontorotyi: Please don't go let's talk about thi.....
I opened the door then slammed it behind me.
Me: Ungrateful bitch!




< Hungani >
People might think running out of that door was
the most cruel thing anyone could ever do to a
pregnant woman I agree but you can't blame
someone before you get their side of the story. I
didn't want to make a decision so fast. I didn't
expect that request from Sonia. I know being
engaged mean you're on your way to become a
married man but another thing I know is putting
a ring in someone's finger doesn't mean you're
ready or you should get married right away. I
have my reasons for running out and I am going
to discuss them when with my mother. I need
her advise. She is a good listener and she always
gives a good advise. Marriage is a big deal.
People take it lightly. I feel bad that I hurt Tasha
but I hope when I come back and explain she
will understand. I love her and I want her to be
my wife. She shouldn't doubt that. I don't want
her to doubt that. I have learnt my lesson. I don't
want to do things I will regret and I don't want
to do something my mother will say I told you so
When things don't go well. I know I am ready. I
know having Tasha as my wife would be the
best thing. She is beautiful. She is pregnant with
my child. She loves me and cares so much about
me. I want that in a family. I want someone who
is going to spread love in our family. I want a
woman who is going to love my child the way
my birth parents couldn't love me. Tasha can do
that. She wants us. I want us too but I am scared.
I guess being scared is normal. This is a big step.
Anyway I just got to my mom's house.
Mom: Hey I didn't expect to see you
She hugged me.
Me: I didn't think I was coming today. How are
you mom?
Mom: I should be asking you. You're the one
who lost a job
Me: At least I wasn't fired
Mom: How are you though? Your brother told
me he took you out
Me: I am fine. Getting a job is not what is
stressing me right now
Mom closed the door
Mom: What is going on? Are you and Tasha
fighting again ?
Me: Yes! no!
Mom: Which one is it ?
Me: I walked out on her
Mom: Oh God. Do you know that when I went
there I went to tell you to end that relationship!
Me: Mom nothing happened trust me
Mom: Then why you ran away ?
Me: Mom we both received a job offer.....
Mom sat
Mom: That's nice. What job is that ?
Me: The housewives show that just started
Mom: The one with Sonia?
Me: Yes. They want us for second season.
Mom: Wow that is good. You two need money.
You're going to be parents
I exhaled
Mom: You think it's a bad idea ?
Me: The deal is we have to plan for a wedding
when we start shooting. So that means we will
get married on the show
Mom: And you don't want to marry her.
Me: I want to marry her. I love her......
I stood up
Mom: But?
I looked at her
Me: Mom I just lost my job. I have a child on the
way and now I have to spend... waste so much
money on a wedding And we have to go all out
to impress people and be left with financial
Mom: Why would they want you to get married
Me: Because the show is for married women
Mom: If you love her and you think being on the
show is a good idea I don't see why you can't get
married to her. The show just aired first episode
of season one. You will shoot season two later
and you might be employed by then but son....
Me: Yes Mom?
Mom: Marry Tasha only if you're in love with
her. Don't do it because you pity her or you
think about the baby. Marriage is a big deal. You
don't want to be a divorcee at your age
Me: Of course not Mom....
I stood up
Me: I love Tasha and I want to marry her. It's not
like I will be broke. It's just that I wanted to be
responsible. She wants to be on this show and I
feel like I like the idea too
Mom: Then what are you waiting for? Go home
and apologise
Me: Yeah I should go. See you soon mom
I kissed her cheek then ran out. I hope it's not
too late. I hurt her I know but I had to do this. I
had to ask for approval from my mom.
< Notaligana >
I have been calling Sdwedwe for over two hours.
Why this woman doesn't wanna take my calls.
Why is she avoiding me ? Yesterday i dropped
her in town. She got a taxi and we were cool. I
don't know what happened yesterday after I left
her and I want to make sure we are cool. She
can't just ignore my calls. There must be an
explanation for this. I don't know. I feel like the
only thing that could explain her silence is if
something happened to her. I don't think i would
forgive myself if something happened to her. I
can't lose another person. I dragged her through
this. I can't lose her. I would really feel bad.
Anyway I am no longer at Zinyovile's house. I
believe Nomahelele did this. Zinyovile said I
should trust myself and I shouldn't give up if I
feel like there is something to find and that is
how I am feeling right now. I feel like I am on
the right track. I am going to crack this case. I
am going to make sure that woman goes to jail.
She killed my brother. A human being. She must
pay. My brother didn't deserve to die. I am
thinking about so many things that could've led
to them killing him and I can't find one. What
did my brother do to hurt that woman? They
didn't know each other. I am so angry that my
brother don't appear in my dreams. He came to
Nomaxabiso who doesn't even care about him. I
am the only one who wants to see the killer pay.
I don't know why he doesn't come and tell me
what is going on and why he said Nomahelele
can't be trusted. I guess that is the only reason I
am still pushing this. I cannot fail my brother. I
cannot afford to. Manyokonya failed him, I am
not about to do the same.
Anyway I don't know what is happening
between me and Nomaxabiso. We are just two
strangers living in the same house. I don't know
where she is even now.
I heard my phone ring. I turned around and
took it.
Me: It's Nontorotyi. Come on why don't you just
send the picture. I don't want to talk to You!
I said looking at my phone. I exhaled then
Me: Tell me you got it
Nontorotyi: I am sorry I tried.......
Once she apologised tears streamed down my
cheeks uncontrollably..
Nontorotyi: I tried. She saw through me. She
said I am not going to get a photo to give you.
She knows
Me: Do you think Nomaxabiso told her ?
Nontorotyi: I wouldn't run it passed her. Be
careful what you say infront of her. Those two
are best of friends
Me: Thank you for trying
Nontorotyi: I am sorry Notaligana. I really mean
Me: It's okay
Nontorotyi: Do you want some advise?
I wiped my tears
Me: What is it ?
Nontorotyi: She is a dangerous woman. She is
not scared to kill so be careful
Me: Anyone you know she killed?
Nontorotyi: You and I are not friends. Let's not
push it
I hung up then sat down crying
" So what now? "
Said someone in the room. I thought I was alone.
I jumped up
Me: Zinyovile ?
Zinyovile: I am sorry to scare you. What do you
do now ?
I looked at my empty travel bag.
Me: Port Elizabeth
Zinyovile: Okay
I looked at her confused
Me: Ain't you gonna stop Me?
Zinyovile: Why waste my energy ?
I looked down
Zinyovile: You're not gonna listen anyway and
I looked at her
Zinyovile: I can't see anything that involves the
royal palace. I can't say go and at the same time
I can't say stay. I trust your gut feeling
Me: You do?
She nodded her head yes. I smiled.
Me: Then I should start packing my bags
She smiled. She gave me the same smile that She
gave me at her home. A smile that screams " I
am not sure "

< Narrated >
At the palace. We see everyone standing outside.
Siqalo was driving in. The car had King
Zwelicacile and Aaron. Even Notiniphu was
standing with family smiling. Siqalo walked out.
He went and opened the door for the King.
Aaron came out from the other side. Notiniphu
looked down and blushed
Masixole: Really Mom? Is this necessary though?
I mean we would've walked. You didn't have to
send a car. It's not far and why everyone is
standing outside?
NomaKhosazana: Don't be silly! you deserve this
kinda welcome
She hugged him
NomaKhosazana: Welcome home son
Masixole: Thank you mom
He looked around and saw how busy it Is.
Masixole: Something tells me I won't do what I
came here to do
Nomahelele: Maybe you can do it tomorrow?
Welcome home my favorite nephew in the
whole wide world
They hugged
Masixole: What's up River
Nomagampompo: You can be the King but
you're not allowed to call her that
She said hugging the King. Some were hugging
Masixole: I won't call her anything else. She
used to punish us for calling her aunt. She
wanred to be called River
Masixole said side hugging River
Nomagampompo: You're allowing this River ?
Nomahelele: See? He Is taller than me and yet I
am in heels
They all laughed walking in

The servants were standing near the door. They
served them drinks. The MEC is not here yet. We
see Prince Phonqa and chef Notiniphu in the
Notiniphu: Don't you think you should go take a
quick shower. It looks like the lunch is gonna be
Phonqa: Looks that way Chef
The front door opened. Ngejiwe walked in and
looked straight to the kitchen smiling
Notiniphu: What the hell is she doing here ?
Phonqa: She is family and there's something
special happening here
Notiniphu: Did you tell her Aaron is coming
Phonqa: Wait a sec..... ?
Notiniphu: What !?
Phonqa: You two are after another dude again?
Notiniphu: I am not after anything. Aaron asked
me out on a date. I said yes. Your cousin wants
Phonqa: You know I don't eat meat the same day
it was slaughtered. It gives me problems in my
stomach. Maybe I should make myself popcorns
then sit at the top of the stairs and watch the
drama unfolds downstairs
Notiniphu: This is not funny !
Ngejiwe walked to the kitchen.
Ngejiwe: Can I get an apron. I need to help
Notiniphu: Right
Notiniphu walked away. Princess Ngejiwe
looked at Prince Phonqa
Ngejiwe: What is her problem?
Phonqa: Maybe she didn't forgive and forget
Ngejiwe: What are you talking about?
Phonqa: Princess you took Velezantsi from her
didn't you ?
Ngejiwe: Well if that's the case she can have him
Phonqa: Why? Because there is a beard dark guy
with an accent in This house ?
Ngejiwe: Go watch Cartoon network and mind
your own business!
Ngejiwe walked to the cabinet. She took out a
glass. She looked at Prince Phonqa
Ngejiwe: Mind your own business
She walked to the living room to mingle with
elders. A servant poured her a drink. She sipped
then smiled at Aaron waving.

We see everyone standing at the living room.
Chef Notiniphu and the servants were setting
the table. Everyone is here including the MEC.
We see Chef Notiniphu going to Queen
Notiniphu: My Queen I think you can move to
the dinning table now
NomaKhosazana: Thank you Chef Notiniphu
Chef Notiniphu bowed then walked to the
kitchen. Aaron winked at her. She smiled.
NomaKhosazana: Everyone please go to the
table. In front of each seat there is everyone's
name so you will know where to sit
The Queen looked at MEC
Queen: MEC let's go to the dinning table
MEC: Alright
They walked away. Nontorotyi looked at
Nontorotyi: Wow! names on the table?
Nomahelele: We have to impress the member of
the provincial government
Nontorotyi: Or maybe our Queen is finall......
Nomahelele: How about we talk about how you
almost sold Me out?
Nontorotyi looked down. The chief smiled At
them walking to the dinning table. Nontorotyi
attempted to walk to him. River grabbed her
wrist aggressively then smiled
Nomahelele: S'ntoro-ntoro you're gonna sit next
to me
Nontorotyi: But I want to sit opposite you and
next to my love
River didn't say anything. She held on to
Nontorotyi's wrist.
Nomahelele: So that you can take a picture of
me right?
Nontorotyi smiled at everyone then looked at
Nontorotyi: Of course not. I told you I didn't
Nomahelele: Your name is next to mine. You sit
next to me or I tell my husband what you're
doing. He will go back to hating you!
Nontorotyi swallowed hard
Nomahelele: You don't want that now do you ?
Words couldn't come out of her mouth.
Nomahelele: Now stop being a bitch and start
acting like my bitch!
River walked to the dinning table then turned
around and gave Nontorotyi death stare.
Nontorotyi went and sat next To River
Nomahelele: Good choice
Nontorotyi: Hihihihi
Nontorotyi giggled looking at everyone making
sure they don't suspect anything.
NomaKhosazana: Okay before we eat. I would
like to thank everyone who is here. Thank you
for loving this family. Thank you for having each
other's backs all the time no matter what. Thank
you for knowing the meaning of family
The Queen looked at Nontorotyi giving her death
stare. Nontorotyi looked at River
Nontorotyi: You told her ?
She was whispering
Nomahelele: That is your first consequence.
Wait for the next one
Nontorotyi's eyes pooped out.
Nontorotyi: I apologised
Nomahelele: How are you gonna learn if I don't
give you a consequence for your actions?
Nontorotyi sat up straight. The Queen didn't stop
talking. She continued while the two were
having their little conversation
NomaKhosazana: We thank you for coming
Here MEC. Welcome to the Ndengana Royal
MEC: Thank you Judge. Before I start digging in.
I would like to give this cheque to the Queen. It's
for King Zwelicacile's Wedding
The Queen took the cheque. She looked at it. She
didn't look like someone who was seeing money.
She looked unimpressed and she couldn't hide it.
She looked up and smiled at MEC waving the
NomaKhosazana: My son Appreciates this
Masixole went and looked
Masixole: Wow so much money. Thank you Sir
MEC: It's our pleasure son
The Queen took her glass of wine. She sipped on
it. Princess Nomagampompo leaned
Nomagampompo: Are you okay my Queen?
NomaKhosazana: I will be
They started eating. Everyone was talking and
laughing even the Queen who was acting weird
a second ago was now talking and laughing.

30 MINUTES LATER..............
We see King Zwelicacile and the Queen talking
with Mr MEC. We saw Aaron put his glass down.
He went to King Zwelicacile and whispered. He
went to the Queen and hugged her. It looks like
he is leaving. Is the King not leaving? He walked
away leaving them. He looked at his wrist
watch. It looks like he is waiting for someone.
Maybe it's time for the date. We see Ngejiwe
fixing her dress then smiled and walked to
Ngejiwe: Everyone has a drink in their hands.
Are you sure you don't need one. I can call a
servant to bring you one
Princess Ngejiwe looked around pretending to
be looking for someone
Ngejiwe: Where is Servant Notiniphu? I don't
see her anywhere. Maybe I should go get it
Ngejiwe attempted to walk away
Aaron: I don't need a drink
She turned around
Ngejiwe: Are you sure? Maybe I can get you
something else. We have all kinds of....
Aaron: She told me what she does
Ngejiwe: I beg your pardon?
Aaron: Notiniphu, She told me what she does
Ngejiwe: Oh she told you that she is a helper?
The poor girl didn't have it easy gro.....
Aaron: The poor girl you're talking about is a
woman princess. You're just a girl and I think if
you were a woman you'd have noticed that I got
my eyes glued on her not you
Ngejiwe's nose started moving. She looked
embarrassed and angry at the same time. She
fixed herself
Aaron put his hand on Ngejiwe's shoulder
Ngejiwe: At least she is real, that is what
attracted me to her and that is something you
Ngejiwe: I don't want You! I was just trying to be
nice in my own home
Aaron: I am sure you were
Aaron looked behind Ngejiwe. Notiniphu was
approaching him. She was in a red beautiful
Short dress and heels
Aaron: Ready to go ?
Ngejiwe turned around. Her eyes pooped out
looking at Chef Notiniphu
Notiniphu: I am
Aaron took her hand. They walked out. Ngejiwe
looked away
" I understand why he spoke to you like that "
Said a voice behind Ngejiwe. She Quickly turned
Ngejiwe: Who asked for your opinion?
Phonqa: You didn't but I will give it anyway.
Maybe the wall will take it
Ngejiwe started breathing heavily fuming with
Phonqa: Other than badmouthing the ravishing
Chef, You were suffocating the guy
Ngejiwe looked around biting her lower lip
Ngejiwe: Get out of my face
Phonqa: All he needed was a space to breath
Phonqa inhaled annoying Princess Ngejiwe. He
then breathe out. He looked at Princess Ngejiwe
Phonqa: All he wanted was a breathing space
Phonqa walked away. Princess Ngejiwe kicked
the vase stand.
NomaKhosazana: Hey princess are you okay?
Everyone turned around and looked at Princess
Ngejiwe. She flashed a big smile
Ngejiwe: Yes my Queen. Thank you for asking
Ngejiwe turned around and looked away
NomaKhosazana: You're welcome honey
Ngejiwe gulped her drink



< Elton >
Mozambique is awesome. Masixole got us a
mansion here. This holiday is going to be great. I
cannot wait to see what he has in store for us.
He never told me anything about things he paid
for us to do here. I guess I will be surprised
when I see someone fetching us tomorrow.
Today we are just relaxing. I am tired from all
the drinking we were doing on the way. All I
wanna do right now is sleep all day. I don't
know what is gonna happen tonight but what I
know is that I didn't bring people here to be
bored. I have to make things happen. We have a
chef cooking for us. She made us breakfast. Most
of the guys ate and went back to bed. Some are
sitting downstairs. Mia has been moody. I had to
go speak to her in my master bedroom. I don't
know why she is acting up. We were happy on
our way here.
Me: So are you ready to talk ?
Mia: Are you ?
Me: Yeah if you are. You're the one who is angry
Mia: You have no idea do you?
Me: That is why I am asking baby. What's up talk
to me
Mia: I have been waiting for you to say
something but you're not doing it. I guess if I
don't we won't talk about it
Me: I have no idea what you're on about. what's
Mia: What is going on between us?
Me: What? Baby you're my girl. I thought we
were dating
Mia: So did i
She stood up then looked away. I stood up
Me: Mia what the hell is going on ?
She turned around.
Mia: The viral video of you, Tasha and Hungani
fighting ?
Me: No man I am done with that girl. I don't
want her!
Mia: Because you want the model. What is her
name Claire?
Oh Shit who told her that?
Me: What ?
Mia: Come on Elton. In that video you're with
Claire. I saw her in that video. I waited for days
for you to tell me about her but you don't
Me: Babe no! there is nothing going on
Her: What were you doing then?
Me: Sonia and Hunter had a restraining order
against her. She wanted me to speak to Hunter
for her because she got her job back at J fashions
and Sonia also works there
Mia: Oh
I pulled her closer. I kissed her then played with
her hair looking at her
Me: How can I cheat on this beauty
She blushed
Mia: I am sorry I thought you were cheating on
Me: I wouldn't do that with her. I wouldn't do
that at all with anyone. I love you
She smiled at me then put her hand on the side
of my face
Mia: I do love you too Elton
I kissed her
Me: That's what I wanna hear
I heard a knock at the door
Me: Excuse me
Mia: Okay
I went to the door and opened.
Me: Hey Algebra did you apologise to him ?
Algebra: I did but it didn't go well. At least I said
Me: He will come around. Anyway do you need
anything ?
Algebra: Yes oh hi Mia
Mia: Hey
He looked at me
Algebra: There is a man who is looking for you
Me: Oh okay? It looks like it's gonna pop today
Algebra: Elton we are exhuasted and hung over.
What is the reason for a holiday? To relax right ?
Me: Not this one. Let's go
I looked at Mia
Me: Are you gonna be okay baby?
Mia: I will come down if you're taking long you
can go
Me: Okay baby
We walked out then walked down the stairs. I
saw the man standing.
Him: Elton is you ?
Me: Sure let's go talk outside
I opened the door. We walked out.
Him: I am your tourist's friend. He is organising
something for you for tonight
Me: Okay ?
Him: He says you guys can relax and later get
ready a bus is gonna come and take you to a
Me: That's pretty dope man what time are you
picking us up?
Him: He said at 9pm. You will first have dinner
Me: Alright I will let everyone know
Him: Sure see you later
Me: Later man
I opened the door. I walked in
Me: Okay listen up guys ! tonight we are going
out to party dress to impress and be ready at
9pm. I will go tell the guys upstairs
Chase: Let me go sleep. It looks like we gonna
have a long night
I laughed. We walked up
Me: Where is your girl?
Chase: I told you she is not my girl. You know
my problem with girls bro
Me: Okay where is your " friend "
Him: In my bedroom acting like Mrs me
Me: You can make her Mrs you
Chase: You know my problem man. Later
Me: Yeah
He walked to his room. I need to wake up all
these lazy fools

< Notiniphu >
I don't know whether I should be scared or just
enjoy this moment. I have never had a real
relationship before. One I thought was real
ended in less than two weeks. What if this one
too won't last ? I like this guy and I have never
been treated the way he is treating me. I have
never been to a date. I only see that on t.v. and I
never thought it would happen to me. I mean
Velezantsi is a rural boy. He knows nothing
about being romantic or making a girl feel
special. I am with a different guy now and I
won't lie I am scared. I am scared to fall in love. I
am scared to think this is real only to find out
later he was using me. Ngejiwe would laugh at
me I know that. I have to make sure this works. I
have to make sure he doesn't use me. If how I
don't know.
We just got to this hotel in their restaurant area.
We ate at the palace. We are not hungry at all.
He asked me to order something. I just asked for
a glass of wine. I don't want to eat and by the
look of things he doesn't either.
Aaron: I blame your food. If we didn't eat at
royal house we'd be ordering something now
Me: Good thing we ate. You don't want to waste
money. Restuarants are expensive
Aaron: Money is not a problem
Me: Still there is nothing we can do. We are not
He smiled
Him: Yeah you're right
I looked down blushing. He took his glass then
sipped. He looked at me.
Aaron: So what are your future plans? What do
you wanna do? Do you have dreams......?
I have to be careful about what I will say next.
This question could destroy this before it even
Aaron: You look nervous. I am sorry if you don't
Me: No! It's okay
He smiled at me.
Me: I have a catering company. I work for the
royal house. I am going to be honest with you. I
haven't thought of doing something. I didn't
finish my studies. I only finished two semesters.
I would love to finish one day but it's not
something I have been thinking about but now
that you asked. I think I need to finish because I
love cooking. I am passionate about food and
trying different dishes. I think the knowledge I
have isn't enough
Aaron: That's good
I took my glass and sipped. Thank God he is
happy with my answer. I really wasn't sure what
to say
Me: Thanks and congratulations to you on your
new position
Him: Thank you. So do you have any books from
Chefs that you read and try the recipe on them?
Me: Not really but I asked the Queen to have tv
in my kitchen. I watch food channels and I make
sure I note down every recipe
Aaron: That must be hard. Everything on tv is
fast. I should get you a few cook books. Maybe
they will motivate you to try new things. Who
knows Maybe you will write your food book one
Me: That would be great thanks
Him: You're welcome. Don't you want to know
anything about me?
Me: I do. How did you end up in South Africa?
Him: I came here to study. I don't know why i
didn't wanna study in my country. I just wanted
to come here and live here. My brothers had a
night club here. They were not doing legal things
but I wanted to do better things for myself so
when they returned home. I decided to apply for
a student visa. I studied here. I met a woman.
We got married but our marriage lasted for over
two year. We got a divorce before our third
Me: I am so sorry
He smiled
Him: Its okay. It was the best thing for us even
though it was not fair for our son
Me: Oh you have a child together?
Him: Yes.... The woman is a South African citizen
but she is originally from Swaziland
Me: Oh wow so how old is your son ?
Aaron: Three and a half years old
He looked at the sea
Me: Are you okay ?
He looked at me..
Him: Do you mind if we go walk on the sea. We
will leave our shoes in the car and go just take a
walk there
Me: Okay lets go
He took out his wallet. He put money on the
table. He took my hand. We walked out. The
driver who brought us here opened the door
Aaron: We are going to walk on the sand We will
be right back
Driver: Okay
We walked to the sand both barefoot.
Aaron: I don't remember the last time i was at
the beach
Me: Well there is no sea in Johannesburg
Aaron: You guys are blessed here
Me: Yeah bit I hardly have time to myself
Aaron: I am sorry about that. So Tell me about
your previous relationship... What happened ?
I exhaled. I am going to be honest with Him
otherwise if I am not NgejiWe will for me.
Me: I dated Ngejiwe's ex. Things are not good
between Ngejiwe and I because of that. Anyway
he went back to her because she is a princess
and I am a nobody
Aaron: That's not true. You're beautiful and
special. He was stupid to leave you. Well i must
say I am glad he did
I stopped walking and looked at him
Me: Why ?
He came closer to me. He put his hand on my
Him: Because we wouldn't be here if you were
with him. I am glad he left you
He said looking me in the eyes. Looking at him
up close God he is really handsome.
Me: Me too
He leaned for a kiss. I went in for it. We kissed
for three seconds. He broke the kiss
Him: I am sorry
Me: For what ?
Him: I shoul.........
I kissed him. He put his arm around my waist.
His lips are so soft. His body is so warm. I feel so
safe in his arms. Oh No i am getting carried
awaY. I broke the kiss. I smiled then walked
away. He followed after me
Him: I loved that
I turned
Me: What?
Him: That kiss
Me: I loved it too
He came closer.
Him: Maybe we should do it again
I closed My eyes. I felt his lips touch mine. We
kissed again. I think I am falling for this guy. He
is such a perfect guy. I don't know why he chose
me. I am scared to be attached and disappointed
but when i am in his arms I forget that. I just live
in the moment. This feels so good. It feels like i
am in a soap opera kissing at the sea windy
blowing my hair. This I will never forget. Even
though we had such limited that. In my opinion
this as the best date ever.

< Priscella >
I have always known Hungani is one stupid
man. That is why it was so easy to leave him and
never looked back. Who walks out on a
pregnant woman like that? Yes Men walk out on
pregnant women everyday but they don't do
what he did. They disappear and avoid you. This
man just showed that poor girl that she is not
worth marriage. What he did was stupid. I feel
like he should've stayed and explain why they
can't get married. He is an idiot. He is too old to
be acting like a 20 something year old. When
Will he settle down? I thought what happened
with his models was a lesson learnt but clearly I
was wrong.
Anyway enough about that man. I have a
serious problem I have been ignoring. Days are
passing by no word from Bhembeha. No text
telling me why she ghosted me that day. She was
supposed to be at the boutique but she wasn't
there. She didn't even have the decency to tell
me why. I am getting to the bottom of this. Since
I have nothing to do today with Masixole in the
Eastern Cape. I decided to ask Sonia to
accompany me to the police station to speak to
Bhembeha. I hope she is working today because
I don't know where she lives. We are at the
police station at parking. I looked at Sonia
Sonia: Prissy do you really think this is a good
idea? We can find another girl. We don't have to
do this
Me: Bhembeha agreed. I just want to know what
changed her mind then we can go. I don't want
to be here also but you know me....
Sonia: Yeah Miss get to the bottom of it
Me: Exactly. I need to know who changed her
Sonia: I guess we should get out of the car then
and go see this officer
Me: Yeah
We walked out of the car then headed inside.
We saw an officer at front desk
Me: Good afternoon
Officer: Afternoon ma'am please join the line
We looked at the Queue. God it's a long one
Me: We are here to see Officer Novenge
He looked at another door.
Officer: Constable Novenge you have visitors !
" Coming! " I looked at Sonia. I don't think i am
ready to know her reason. I thought she would
jump at this opportunity. I am not trying to say I
am important but come on. I am having a royal
wedding. Anyone would wanna be part of that. I
don't understand the sudden change. Anyway
the door opened. She saw us then moved back
Me: Come on Bhembeha we are here now! don't
you think I deserve an explanation?
She walked out
Bhembeha: Come with me
She walked in. We followed her. We got in
Sonia: We waited for you at J fashions. Prissy
looked like a liar to that designer!
Bhembeha: Hi Sonia. I haven't seen you in a
while. it's that dumb classmates who was always
late. By the way I failed all my modules that year
That is why I am here
Sonia: I know and i am not interested
Me: Why didn't you go ?
Bhembeha: I did go there
She did? Then why no one saw her? She walked
away. Sonia followed her
Sonia: What ? Why didn't we see you?
I looked at Bhembeha. Why this girl is not her
bubble self. What is she hiding from us ? I am
starting to get more nervous now. What is she
hiding from us ?
Me: Yeah. Junaid is still asking about you. He
says you didn't pitch up
Bhembeha looked at me
Me: What is going on Bhembeha?
Bhembeha: A few years ago I was working for
Centurion PD... .
Sonia: O-kay?
She looked at me. She looks scared. What is
going on ? I wish she could just say it.
Bhembeha: I am one of the officers who arrested
Universe Mqhekezweni when she was arrested
for multiple murders at her mother's wedding.
In fact I put on the handcuffs. A woman to
woman thing. A man can't touch a woman.....
Oh my God this makes sense now. She saw
Universe there. Sonia looked at me
Sonia: Multiple Murders ?
I looked down. I know all about it. I googled that
Sonia: Prissy say something!
I cleared my throat then looked at Sonia.
Me: When David said don't take Universe
Seriously he was right
Sonia put her hand on her chest
Sonia: He mearnt Universe would actually kill
Claire if I were to call her ?
I nodded my head yes
Me: Mm-hmm
Sonia looked away and smiled thinking about it.
Wait? She doesn't think what I think she is
Me: Hey! you don't think of killing Claire are you
Sonia looked at me
Sonia: It wouldn't be such a bad idea
Me: Sonia!!!
Bhembeha: Hey watch it! I am an officer of law !
Bhembeha said taking out handcuffs
Sonia: I am only joking
Me: I hope you are !
She laughed
Sonia: Come on Prissy you know I wouldn't do
She pulled a chair then sat down
Sonia: She better keep her promise though
Me: Sonia !
Bhembeha: Don't worry Priscella. I will
remember this conversation When something
happens to.........
She looked at me
Bhembeha: What's her name again ?
Sonia jumped up and covered my mouth. She
looked at Bhembeha
Sonia: Nobody!!!
Wow why do I feel like she wanna do this ? Be
careful of a woman who badly wanna get her
marriage back on track. She is Dangerious. She
is acting suspicious and i don't like it one bit.

< Judge NomaKhosazana >
It is just after the beautiful lunch we just had
with MEC. I missed this. I missed seeing all of us
here together happy with no drama. I didn't see
drama today at all. I hope we are going to end
things on a high note. I don't want drama more
especially infront of a respected man from the
government. Earlier today River told Me
something Nontorotyi. I wash my hands. After
everything River did to help this woman she still
went and betrayed her. She wanted to take a
picture and send it to Notaligana. I think River
must act fast and stop this Notaligana woman.
She won't stop until she does something. I hate
feeling the way I do. We just can't trust anyone.
Who knew one of us would do something like
this ? I don't know why i am surprised. We are
talking about Nontorotyi here. That woman is
written trouble in her forehead. She doesn't
know when to stop. She just can't help herself.
What is going to happen when she hears that
Chief Khabalandile is sleeping at Zidenge house
? She will go crazy. There is one thing
Nontorotyi don't realise and i am going to
remind her right now. If everyone hasn't
noticed. I have always been nice to this woman
even though she sees through my kindness. She
sees through my sarcasm but whose fault is it
that I behave like this when i talk to her, It's all
hers. Speak of the devil. I saw her smiling at me.
She wanna talk. I looked at MEC
Me: Excuse me I will be right back
MEC: Okay
I walked to Nontorotyi
Me: You have something to say ?
Nontorotyi: He is a handsome old man isn't he ?
Me: Handsome for who, you?
Her: What !? I am married my Queen
Me: So am I
Nontorotyi: There's a difference.....
She looked at Chief Khabalandile and River
Nontorotyi: There he is.....
She looked at my husband's photo on the wall
Nontorotyi: and you're married to a dead man
My Queen. You need a man
Me: And you think a married man is the best
man for Me? What do you say about me ?
Nontorotyi: My Queen even River slept with my
husband you Royal Princess girls are allowed to
make mistakes too
Me: And that is why you wanted to betray her ?
She swallowed hard
Nontorotyi: She didn't tell me the whole story
I looked around. I walked closer to her
Me: You're a stupid woman you know that?
She put her hand on her chest
Nontorotyi: Excuse me ?
Me: Did you think about the fact that if your
sister wife gets arrested your " My Love " Will
lose the Chieftaincy ? Not only him but the
entire family! this chieftaincy would be taken
away from us !
Me: Whenever you try to betray this family just
remember what the Government and traditional
leaders agreed on. One mistake from this family
we will go from being the most powerful Royal
family this side to some ordinary people and I
am afraid you wouldn't live to see us poor....
Her eyes widened
Me: Because I would personally put a bullet in
your head sister
She started trembling, Her hand with glass of
wine shaking. I left her standing. I went back to
Me: Where were we ?
MEC: I was asking if you will let me sleep alone
in that big hotel bed tonight ?
I looked at him he is not serious right now? How
dare he show me his disgusting tongue.
Me: Well unfortunately for you Mr MEC we
don't have prostitutes around here. This is a
village and even in our small town you wouldn't
find one. If you want them go book yourself in
Mthatha. That would actually make things easy
for you I mean Bhiso is very far from here. You
would be saving yourself the long travel
He attempted to touch me
Me: What are you doing ?
Him: Come on don't tell me you don't feel the
chemistry between us
Me: So this is the reason you left your wife
behind? This is the reason you didn't give the
cheque to our Mayor. You wanted to come here
give me the money personally and sleep with
me as if this Royal family don't deserve this
money ? Who the hell do you think you are ?
MEC: OKAY I think I should leave before we say
things we will regret
Me: You Damn right about that! my servant will
open the door wide for you !
He put the glass on the table. He looked at my
son and smiled. He asked for everyone's
MEC: Thank you it was nice to spend this lunch
with you guys but I have to go
Masixole: Well let's walk........
Me: That won't be necessary son
Everyone looked at me with questioning eyes
MEC: Let me get out of here
He walked to the door
Me: MEC!!!
Everyone looked at me. He turned around and
smiled at everyone then looked at me
Him: Yes?
I slowly walked to him
Me: Mr MEC how much did the government give
my son for his wedding ?
Masixole: Mom!
Me: You shut up !
I gave the king a hand then looked at MEC. He
started laughing
Him: I gave you the cheque didn't I?
Me: Is that the exact amount the government
gives someone of my son's calibre?
Nomahelele: Cuz are you sure you didn't have
too much to drink ?
She looked at mr MEC
Nomahelele: Please forgive my.....
Me: River I didn't apologize!
River swallowed sweet nothing giving me the "
What are you doing " look . I looked back at the
man of the hour
Me: I asked you a question MEC. Is that the exact
amount of money a king gets for his royal
wedding ?
He smiled at everyone then looked at me with a
big smile on his face.
MEC: Are you accusing me of something judge ?
I looked at Princess Nomagampompo
Me: Sisi pass me my phone
Masixole: Mom.....
Princess Nomagampompo gave me my phone.
Me: Thank you sisi
I looked at everyone. I raised my phone
Me: Everyone excuse me. I need to call the
Premier. I need to speak to him
I walked to my Study
" Judge!! " Said a desperate voice behind me. I
stopped walking. I turned around
MEC: We can talk about this. This doesn't have
to go there
Hlohlesakhe: I cannot believe this ?
MEC looked down then at Chief Khabalandile
MEC: She is one hell of a woman isn't She?
You're lucky to have her
Nomahelele: How much did you steal from my
nephew ?
Masixole: Yeah tell us sir How much did you
MEC: Young man I didn't steal. I came to bring
R800 000 rands for planning the wedding. I was
gonna bring R700 000 rands when the wedding
is closer
Nomahelele: You were stealing R700 000 rands
from us?
Him: No! I wasn't stealing it....
Masixole: But you were leaving! you didn't tell
us that you'd come back !
He loosened his tie. It's getting hot in here
MEC: Son my hair is grey as you can see. I
Me: MEC I want the rest of that money here
within 24 hours are we clear ?
MEC: I will send someone tomorrow morning I
promise you
Me: Get the hell out of my palace!
MEC: I am sorry agai.....
Me: Out!!!
He ran to the door. Siqalo opened the door for
Me: Siqalo Slam the door hard behind his
Siqalo: My Queen the door will brea.....
Me: I said hard!
He slammed the door hard. I gulped my drink.
Masixole: Mom how did you know ?
Me: He is a politician. What did you expect Me to
do? take his word for it?
They all sipped their drinks with their eyes wide




< Tasha >
Men just know how to make you feel like you
worth nothing. How can this man do this to me.
I used to be confident and I always known that I
am beautiful. Ever since I have been with him I
am insecure and everyday with him I always see
the signs that show he doesn't feel the same way
I feel about him. This man literally ran out like
he saw a ghost. He left me because of what?
Because I am such a bad person to be his wife?
Did he forget that We are engaged. What was the
engagement ring about if we won't get married ?
Was it a ring to make me stay and hope that one
day he will marry Me? Hungani don't realise
how much He hurt me. I don't know why he
keeps doing this to me. I don't deserve this. I
deserve better. I can't even convince myself
when I say " I am better " There is that question
at the back of my head. " Am I really better? " Do
you call yourself better when you're pregnant
with a child of a man who might not marry you.
Who is gonna want a woman who has a child? I
am not gonna be that " It girl " I wanted to be in
this entertainment industry. I will be a mother.
How did my life become so complicated. Were
my parents right ? I can't let this happen. I can't
make them look me in the eye and say they told
me so. I can't give them the satisfaction they
want. About an hour ago I wanted to move out
again then I told myself you know what? For
once let me not run and the talk with Leila
really helped. Let me make a decision when I
have spoken to him. He texted me asking me to
come home we have to talk. Leila just dropped
me off at my place. I need to face this man. I
opened the door. I found him sitting on the
couch. He stood up and smiled. I wish I could
feel the way he does but I don't and I am not
going to smile.
Hungani: I know what I did was stupid but i can
explain ?
Me: Sure
Hungani: Two days ago our show was cancelled.
I don't have a job. You were worried about me,
Something I found very sexy
I looked down. I don't want to smile but I can't
help it. This man is hot
Hungani: When Sonia talked about a wedding I
was like hold up. That's a big deal and I am not
just anyone babe. I am Hungani and i have a lot
of fans. Having my wedding filmed and showed
to the country and having to spend a lot of
money in a wedding when I am expecting a
child is not cool at all. I got overwhelmed. I
needed to be alone and I wish i handled that
Me: Now I understand but I don't wanna lie. I
was so hurt and Humiliated
He came to me
Hungani: I know and I am sorry I put you
through that
Me: But baby this is an opportunity for us to
show our love. This is an opportunity for us to
work for our child. We are going to go 50 /50 on
this wedding. We can pull This off
Hungani: I know we can and don't worry I will
tell you when i can't pay for everything. We are
going to work hard for our baby. We won't
Me: I know We won't! Thank you baby
I jumped on him and kissed him. He broke the
Him: So we are getting married?
Me: Yes we are getting married!
He hugged me tight. I am so happy.
Hungani: We have to keep the wedding and
joining the show a secret and even planning we
won't start now. We will start when they shoot
season two
Me: Thank you baby !
Hungani: I love you
Me: I love you more
I am getting married. I am so happy. I wish I
could see the look on Sonia's face when she
hears this.

< Priscella >
I thought it was something I did or I said. I was
really confused because the last time i talked to
Bhembeha, she was excited. I am glad it is not
something I did. All I need to do right now is to
assure her that nothing will happen but I can't
give her my word until I speak to Universe
about this. I understand why she is scared. It
will be awkward to be around someone she
arrested for murder. I hope i won't make things
hard for her when I force her to be my
bridesmaid. I know she was excited to be part of
this. I can't take it away from her. I have to make
sure she comes.
Me: I understand why you decided to leave but
you should've called me
Bhembeha: I didn't want to disappoint you. I
was hoping you'd just replace me and move on. I
mean you guys haven't seen me in years I am
sure you have friends
Sonia: Isn't there something we can do Prissy?
Me: Bhembeha please go to J fashions tomorrow.
I can take you. I am going to speak to Universe
first and come back to you. She is a nice person.
When i tell her you're my friend she will respect
that. She is not that bad
Bhembeha: I will wait to hear from you then
Me: Great let's leave you to work
Her: Thank you for coming guys. This shows you
care and you didn't just want me to be part of
your wedding just because I did you a favour
Me: No maybe yes but I am a woman of my
word. I don't say something I don't mean
Bhembeha: I see that
Me: Bye
We walked out. We headed to the car. She drove
us home. We arrived at my house in no time.
The police station is not far. We got to the house.
Me: I am tired
Sonia: God pregnant woman
Me: Don't start with me
I sat down. Cleo came to us
Cleo: Do you need anything ma'am?
Me: Yes i want tea and for you Sonia?
Sonia: Cleo I will make myself a cocktail. It's cold
I would use a nice cocktail
Me: Well get me tea then she will go to the bar
Cleo: Okay ma'am
She walked away. Sonia's phone rang. She
looked at her phone
Sonia: I have to take this
Me: Okay
She walked away and answered. After a few
seconds. I saw her coming back smiling. I
wonder what is going on.
Sonia: Mandy wants to see me. I think Tasha and
Hungani made a decision
Me: Oh? That's good I guess
Sonia: You know it could be a no right ?
Me: Or a yes
Sonia: The poor man left running
Me: Maybe he was overwhelmed ?
Sonia stood up
Sonia: I guess I need to go find out
Me: Good luck
She kissed my cheek then walked to the
elevator. I took my phone then dialled Universe
Universe: Hey
Me: Hey how are you ?
Universe: I am great how are you ?
Me: I am good. Can I see you tomorrow?
Universe: Sure but you can see me today. I am
having a meeting there. I will come over there
Me: Oh Thanks
I hung up.
Me: I hope that's all that happened Bhembeha.....
You just arrested her

< Narrated >
At Laila's flat. Her cell phone rings. She looked at
it then smiled. She stood up And answered.
Leila: Hey Tasha
Tasha: Hey friend I won't be long. I just wanted
to tell you that Hungani and I talked
Leila looked excited. She sat down
Leila: And ?
Tasha: You were right....
Leila: Ain't I always?
Tasha: Thank you friend. I knew coming to you
was a great idea. I can't believe the things I was
thinking. I thought he didn't love me. I had no
idea he was thinking about the future of our
Leila: So what did you decided on doing?
Tasha: He said I shouldn't tell anyone until it is
announced but you're my friend. We decided to
join the show and that means we are getting
married friend!!!!!
Leila: Oh My God Tasha that is amazing! you
must get the best wedding planner to plan your
wedding. It's gonna be on tv And.....
Tasha started laughing
Tasha: Friend calm down. It's not happening
now. I will see you tomorrow and talk. Bye now
Hungani is gonna come out of the bathroom
Leila: Okay I am happy for you guys !
Tasha: Thank you friend
Tasha hung up. Leila looked at her phone
Leila: Wow

At Seputla towers at first floor. We see Mandy
standing up when she saw Sonia coming to her.
They hugged then sat down
Mandy: I am sorry for calling....
Sonia: No it's okay. I am happy I got the call so
soon. I was expecting your call after a day or
Mandy: Well things changed really quick
Sonia: For the better I hope. Jerry and Tony
really want this and they want answers
Mandy: Well you will be happy to hear that
You're on. They are ready to get married
Sonia: Wow that didn't take long ? Did you ask
why he changed his mind?
Mandy: I am not allowed to share that
Sonia: Fair enough well I guess she will have to
answer that question on camera because I will
ask it
Mandy: It looks like the next season You will be
targeting Tasha
Sonia: There is bad blood there. Did you see
when I got there. I greeted them she didn't
respond all she did was roll eyes. She only
lightened up when I started talking money. She
loves money. I just hope She won't forget that I
am her boss
Mandy: I am sure you will remind her
Me: She has attitude already Mandy. She and I
will never be okay. She slept with my late
husband while I was still married to him. We
can't be best friends over night and that bitch
don't act like she wronged me
Mandy: I am not judging. I am just afraid of
what you two will do
Sonia: I am looking forward to all that I won't lie
Mandy: Let me not keep you. What's the way
Sonia: I will get a contract and give it to you. I
am sure they don't want to see me. You will
bring it to me when they signed
Mandy: Okay when can I expect it ?
Sonia: I am chilling with Prissy now. I will go to
office. How about tomorrow or later today?
Mandy: Tomorrow works for me
Sonia stood up
Sonia: Tomorrow it is then
We shook hands
Mandy: Thank you for everything Sonia
Sonia: You're welcome Mandy see you later
Sonia walked to the elevator

< Judge NomaKhosazana >
My son and Aaron just left. It was good to have
them here. I missed him so much. I never get to
spend too much time with my son. I don't like
that and he is going to be married soon. If he
wasn't gonna live here I was gonna be worried.
When your child gets married he is no longer
yours. I am blessed mine is royalty and a first
born. Whether he likes it or not this is his home.
He is going to live here. I can't wait to have him
here though. I know it is not going to be easy for
him. His wife and son will be miles away. That
cannot be easy for anyone but there is nothing
we can do about it. Priscella has responsibilities
and we have to respect that. This is for the
future of both families. Things have changed
now and I hope the ancestors respect that. I am
so relieved that Nomaxabiso's father is
Malingene's father even though that too is so
wrong. I mean she is carrying her brother's son.
I guess it's better than carrying Manyokonya's
child. Speaking of Manyokonya he has no idea
what's coming his way. I am going to make sure
he rots in jail. He doesn't know me. He will
regret messing with this family. He will respect
us from now on. I have a plan that I think will
bury him in there. He is going to pay for
everything he is done. I can promise him that
Anyway I am still shocked by what happened at
lunch. I cannot believe that MEC. How can he do
something like this? How can he take some of
the money from my son. The Government gave
us one point five million rands. He thought
because we live here in a small town that we
stupid. I didn't know how much one should get. I
just had this feeling after he disrespected me
and i am so relieved that I was right because if I
was wrong I was gonna be in trouble for
disrespecting and accusing the whole MEC.
Politicians will always be polititians. They never
stop. They never do things right. I cannot believe
he wanted my son's wedding to be cheap. It was
gonna be cheap with that money. My son is a
king. He deserves the best and we are going to
give him that. Tomorrow I am expecting the rest
of the money from that greedy disgusting old
Hlohlesakhe: My Queen before I leave I want to
thank you again. We are nothing without you.
That man almost robbed us
Nomahelele: Say that again Darling!
She looked at me
Nomahelele: You two were buddy buddy what
happened ?
Me: He thought I was gonna go sleep with him at
the hotel can you believe it ?
Nomagampompo: What !?
Me: I am telling you
Hlohlesakhe: He has no shame
Chief Khabalandile went to River and kissed her
Hlohlesakhe: I am going to Nomaxabiso's house
Nomahelele: Okay. We have to get you toiletries.
You must have toiletries here, At your first
wife's house and at Nomaxabiso's house
Hlohlesakhe: That is a good idea
Me: Did you tell Nontorotyi that you're sleeping
at Hlalwini tonight ?
Hlohlesakhe: I am going over there now to speak
to her
Me: Okay
Hlohlesakhe: See you guys
Chief Khabalandile walked out.
Nomagampompo: I need to go check the kitchen.
We had a long day. I want them to clean
Me: Okay Sisi
She walked to the kitchen. River looked at me.
Me: Tell me about Nontorotyi. I was a bit
distracted earlier with MEC being here
Nomahelele: I give up on that woman but like I
said it's taken care of. I don't want anyone to
know what she did. she and The chief are doing
well. I can't ruin that
Me: I gave her a piece of my mind. I am sure that
is why she decided to go home when we were
taking The king to the helicopter
Nomahelele: She is unbelievable! pretending to
be nice just to get a photo for Notilinga
Me: Your sister wife cannot be trusted!
Nomahelele: Yeah. She is her accomplice now
Me: I hope you mean it when you say you will
deal with her. She doesn't deserve your kindness
Nomahelele: Don't worry about her. I am going
to deal with her very soon. She doesn't know me
I looked at her. I wonder what is this dealing
with her mean? I hope it's not murder
Me: Don't kill Nontorotyi!
She laughed
Nomahelele: Of course not! what do you take me
for? I would never kill my sister wife but she is
gonna pay for being a traitor!
Me: That she deserves. I can't believe after
everything she is still deceiving us
Nomahelele: Maybe that confrontation you said
you and princess had with her woke up her old
Me: That is not an excuse! She was wrong even
Nomahelele: She is impossible. I thought I could
change her but I was wrong
Me: That woman would never change
Me: Yeah
Nomahelele: Cuz, I want Nomaxabiso to be the
first to get married
Me: What !?
She smiled then walked away. I followed her
Me: What is going on River? First you don't want
to sleep with Chief now you don't want to marry
him ?
Nomahelele: I need to take a shower. It has been
a long day cuz
She walked to the stairs
Me: River!
She ignored me. What is wrong with her ?
Me: ........?



< Priscella >
Masixole and Aaron are on their way back. I
can't wait for them to arrive so they can tell me
all about the date he went to with Notiniphu. I
could call Notiniphu and ask but I don't want to
be nosy, Between them Aaron is the better
person to talk to. I know him well and he is my
friend. I am really happy for him and I hope
they work even though it won't be easy because
of the distance and the crazy baby mama. I hope
he told her about Sikelelwa. That woman is not
okay upstairs. I don't even know what Aaron
saw in her.
Earlier I kind of overreacted about this Tasha
matter. Maybe my hormones are playing with
me. Thinking about it now makes me
embarrassed. I guess i was just looking out for
another pregnant woman. I don't know how it
feels like to be disappointed by my man so I
can't imagine how she felt. I am just happy they
fixed things. I hope they make it work and if
they don't make it work for them at least they
should do it for the baby. I can't wait to see how
Hungani will carry himself as a married man.
You never know with that guy. He might look
like a good man now. We don't know what will
happen when he forgets about the tragic death
of his two model friends. People don't change
over night. Whatever he does I hope does it after
she is given birth.
Anyway when I called Universe earlier She said
she is coming this side. I was gonna tell to her
tomorrow but She asked if we could talk today
and i agreed. We are meeting in few minutes. I
want Bhembeha to wake up and go to J fashions
tomorrow that is why I want to see Universe
before it is too late. That man is gonna make
eight dresses in less than 15 days that is a lot so
we can't delay him we just can't afford to.
Me: Friend thank you for spending the day with
Sonia: You're welcome babe
We hugged
Sonia: Let me go home I will see you tomorrow
Me: Okay
She catwalked out followed by her bodyguard. I
am standing next to my elevator. I am at the
restaurant area. I am supposed to meet Universe
here. I walked to the tables.
" Priscella! " Someone with familiar voice called
my name behind me. I slowly turned around.
What The hell ? Is she following Sonia?
Me: Claire
Claire: Hey i just wanted to thank you for
speaking to Hunter for me
Well I didn't but I won't tell her that. The sooner
we stop talking the better. I will do everything I
can to cut this conversation short. I don't have
anything to say to her.
Me: You're welcome. It was good for everyone
since you are back at J fashions
Claire: Yeah thank you so much
Me: I hope i won't regret talking to them for you
Claire: You won't. I am getting help with my
Me: Wow that's good. So what are you doing
here ?
Her: I had a photo shoot close by. We were
eating here
Me: Okay
Claire: See you later
I waved at her. She walked out. I pulled a chair
then sat down. I took my phone and called
Sonia: Miss me already ?
Me: A second you left for parking lot I was
greeted by Claire...
Sonia: What is this? Is she following me now ?
Me: She said she was having lunch here after
her photo shoot and she thanked me for talking
to you guys
Sonia: That's nice. I hope she means it because
she went crazy when she saw an article about us
Me: Let's hope she means it. anyway my date is
here. Talk later
Sonia: Bye
I stood up
Universe: Hey
Me: Hey how are you?
Universe: I am good thanks and yourself ?
Me: Good. You can order anything
Universe: I am not staying. I have to rush home
to my kids
Me: Okay. I wanted to talk to you about the girl
who didn't pick up when......
Universe: Oh yeah the eighth girl!
Me: Well it turns out she knows you and she saw
you at J fashions and left ....
Universe: Who is she and what did I do to her ?
Me: She says she was one of the officers who
arrested you at your mom's wedding and she
thinks you might be mad at her
Universe: Why would I be mad? She was doing
her job and it was a long time ago. I did time in
Me: I told her I would speak to you
Universe: Tell her I don't have a problem with
her. She was doing her job
Me: I will call her. Thank you for meeting me
She stood up
Universe: You're welcome. I have to go She
kissed my Cheek then ran to the parking lot.
Me: That went well

< Notaligana >
Something is definitely wrong that is why I
couldn't just leave without seeing Sdwedwe. She
can't be behind me and change her mind
overnight. This woman must tell me what is
going on. I want her to tell me why she is
ignoring my calls. Right now I want to get to the
bottom of This. Nomahelele is definitely hiding
something and she doesn't want me to know
that she is the one who killed my brother. Why
would she refuse to take a photo with
Nontorotyi? Who gave her a heads up? This plan
was perfect. There was no way she would've
suspected this unless someone told her what I
wanted. Maybe our visit to the palace was a
mistake. We should've found ways to get the
picture from someone. We didn't have to go
there. I really hate not getting the answers I
need but I won't give up. Things are looking
really promising and I cannot give up now.
Zinyovile said I am never wrong. I have to
believe that and go to Port Elizabeth. I don't
have time for my brother's arrest drama. I am
not going to stay there while Nomahelele is
getting rid of the evidence. I need to focus on
this then go and find out what really happen
with Manyokonya. Right now he doesn't come
Anyway just when I arrived in Sdwedwe's
house. I heard my phone ring. It's Dlezinye
Me: Did you go see your husband in jail?
Dlezinye: Sisi where are you? The family wants
you to be a regent !
What the hell? My brother has a son who is 22
years old with his late wife. Why me not him?
This is crazy. I cannot deal with this right now
Me: What !? My nephew can be that. He is taking
the throne after My brother anyway why me ?
Dlezinye: Your nephew says he has to finish his
studies. He doesn't want to accept this!
Me: What happened. Did he find the lawyer ?
Dlezinye: He did but things are not looking good.
The charges against him are way too much that
is why the village needs a new chief! please
come home
I started thinking. No, This is going to distract
me. I cant do this. Not when I am so close to the
Me: Tell them I need three days I will be there
Dlezinye: They want you to come now!
Me: I am sorry I am working right now. I am no
longer there
Dlezinye: What is more important!?
Me: My job!
I hung up then got out of the car. I headed to the
house then knocked. The door opened. That was
Sdwedwe: What do you want !?
Me: Haybo friend ?
Sdwedwe: Notaligana we are not friends! you
and I live different lives. I am a pimp you're a
saved Christian. You're just using me because
you want the truth. Why can't you accept that
your brother is gone and move on?
Me: Just like that? What changed ?
Sdwedwe: Nothing is changed! I am in
mourning. I lost one of my girls. I am tired of
playing detective. I need to mourn Tiny. I am
Me: Don't you wanna know what happened with
the woman who was gonna help us get the photo
Sdwedwe: Goodbye Notaligana. I don't want to
see you here again!
She slammed the door in my face. What the hell
is going on ? I hit the door hard
Me: She got to you didn't she ?
Me: Sdwedwe you can talk to me about
anything. I can get you protection and....
The door opened. A scary dark man was at the
Him: You heard the boss! get out of here or I will
make you
I didn't ask. I ran to my car. I got in. I started the
Me: Zinyovile they got to her didn't they!?
I can't see her. I am hoping she reappears. I need
her. I looked at the passenger seat. She is here.
She is looking out the window. It is like she has
been sitting here for a while.
Me: Oh Thank God you're here!
Zinyovile: Do you think going to Port Elizabeth is
a good idea ?
Me: It has to be ! it's my last hope
Zinyovile: Everything you try fails. Maybe you
need to accept that you won't get anywhere with
Me: You said I should go!
Zinyovile: I didn't. I said trust your instincts
Me: That's exactly what I am doing!
Zinyovile: If you don't find something?
Me: I have to get my hands on that woman's
Zinyovile: And do what with it? It's Useless now
that Sdwedwe turned on you
I broke down hitting the steering wheel. I hate
that she is right
Me: There has to be a way! there has to be!!!
Zinyovile: Safe journey
I looked at her. She is gone.
Me: There has to be a way

< Judge Makhosazana >
I am not going to let River throw away what I
worked so hard to build. I never took her for a
confused woman. She is too old to act like
Nontorotyi, Well she is younger than her but
you know what I mean. She must tell me what
the hell is going on before I lose it and get Chief
Khabalandile involved. I am sure she doesn't
want him to finally realise that he is being
avoided by his wife. River must stop always
looking out for Nontorotyi and Nomaxabiso. She
and Chief have a relationship of their own and it
doesn't look good at the moment. What if she is
pregnant, How can she push him away now. I
have never been in a polygamy marriage but I
know a woman in her right mind wouldn't push
away her husband. She has to appreciate all the
time she spends with her husband while she still
can. She can't ruin that relationship because she
is going to ruin her connection with him and
end up alone and pregnant. This thing they are
doing might not seem like a competition but it is.
They can love each other as sister wives but
jealous is always there. They didn't stop being
human when they married a married man. I
don't know why she is wasting her time. I know
she is not stupid that is why I have to get to the
bottom of this. But first. I need to speak to
Princess Nomagampompo. She and I have to talk
about Chief Manyokonya. That man has to pay
for what he did to her and I know how. That
Man thought he could just ruin my sister in
law's life and get away with it. Well he was
wrong. I can't wait to see the look on his face
when he sees who is the judge.
Me: Chef Have you seen Princess
Nomagampompo anywhere?
" She is upstairs my Queen " That was Prince
Me: Oh thank you boy
I looked up the stairs. I saw River was about to
come down. When she saw me she moved back.
I shook my head in disbelief. I need to get to the
bottom of this. I quickly walked up the stairs. I
got to her room. I opened the door. She turned
Nomahelele: Okay fine let's talk!
Me: And you're going to tell me everything!
She laughed.
Me: This is not funny River. You can't play my
husband's brother!
Nomahelele: You need to relax. I have been
Me: Yes?
Nomahelele: If i marry Chief first that means
Nomaxabiso will be legally married to my
darling. I can't live with that
Me: Oh is this what it's about?
Nomahelele: Of course it is! no offense to them
but I am the royal princess here. Both of them
are commoners and it saddens me to say this
about Nomaxabiso after so long thinking she
was a princess
Me: Yeah it is sad. She is a strong woman you
Nomahelele: I know right! so I was thinking. I
also told the princess this. I am sorry I first ran
this by her. It's just that you were busy with that
man. For a second I also thought you wanted
Me: Oh please
Nomahelele: I am sorry about that. Anyway I
want Nomaxabiso to get married first. After that
I marry my darling
Me: This might sound selfish but I love it
Nomahelele: So I was thinking. How about you
help with divorce papers. Nontorotyi has to
divorce him. The reason i am doing this and
want her to sign when our husband is gone is
because a part of me is angry that she wanted to
betray me
Me: You need to call your husban....
Nomahelele: I told my darling. He agrees that we
should do it sooner because it takes time. After
the king gets Married Nomaxabiso and him
should get married
Me: Okay then. I will do the paper work right
now. I was starting to worry
Nomahelele: You know how much i love the
Chief. I am offended that you even thought I
would leave him
Me: Do you blame me? You were acting weird
And avoiding him
Nomahelele: I love that man. That is why I want
to be the one who has the certificate
Me: Your plan is smart. You were supposed to be
the first wife anyway. You take care of your
sister wives
Nomahelele: I am worried about Nomaxabiso
though. I hope she won't be offended by my
decision. We are doing so well together
Me: Yeah..... You need to find a perfect excuse
Nomahelele: Yeah I will think about it. Right
now I just need to get Nontorotyi here and I
want you and Princess present
Me: Okay and i also wanna speak to her about
something. Let me go do the papers
Nomahelele: Okay
I am so relieved that she is okay and she still
loves her husband. Nomahelele is unpredictable.
I wouldn't be surprised that she changes her
mind that is why it wasn't so hard for me to
think that she was changing her mind about this

< Nontorotyi >
God I don't know why i am so stupid. I don't
know why i didn't think about what the Queen
said. That gun has my fingerprints all over it.
Notaligana talked about a gun that killed her
brother. That gun is their jackpot and it has my
fingerprints not Nomahelele's fingerprints. Why
did I continue with this after Notaligana and
Zinyovile talked about a gun infront of me. I feel
stupid. It looks like I will never get rid of
Nomahelele. She was starting to trust me. How
can she trust me when I did what I did to her.
Looking at the things she is done for me. She
doesn't deserve this but what was I supposed to
do? Let her ruin my marriage. Act like she is my
husband's first wife, How do you warm up to a
woman who didn't respect your marriage? That
woman slept with my husband while he was
married to me not her! Now I am expected to
accept this whole thing? She proved to me that I
cannot trust her when she tricked me to touch
that gun. I will never forget what she did to me. I
really won't forget it. How do you trust someone
who is holding something over your head?
something that could ruin your entire life? How
do you trust a woman who played you
pretending to be a good sister wife. Even now
my husband just left saying he is going to sleep
with Nomaxabiso. I am sure that was all
Nomahelele's doing. She got here and took over
and I am expected to just accept and laugh like
everything is okay? i can't let that happen. I can't
let her do this to my family. I won't. I need to
speak to my husband when he comes back.
whatever plan Nomahelele has she must come
to me and get approval from me. I am the first
wife not her. Before she goes and manipulate
my husband, She must come to me first so we
can go to him together. Isn't that what sister
wives do? She is such a hypocrite!
I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I
turned around. What is Zinyovile doing here ?
Zinyovile: You don't learn. I thought you stopped
drinking that Russian Bear
Me: And I thought you were loyal to me! all you
do is betray me. Play me and watch me burn!
Zinyovile: What are you talking about?
Me: Oh please you know exactly what I am
talking about! You asked me to help that woman
knowing that my family will find out. Why do
you keep making me do these things!
Zinyovile: I didn't make you. We proposed this.
You agreed. I didn't force you. If you were that
loyal to your family, You would've said no but
you didn't!
I looked down
Zinyovile: Do you know why? Because you want
them to pay! you don't give up! you never learn!
Me: If i never learn why do you keep asking me
to do things when you know they will get me
into trouble! you were supposed to be my
friend! you were supposed to be my protector!
someone who sees things before they happen!
Zinyovile let's be honest for a second. You might
be a good help to others but you're useless to
Zinyovile: Nontorotyi you're trapped in a cage
by that woman. I thought this was gonna work. I
wanted you to get rid of her. trust me I want this
to happen for you. We don't give up you and I!
it's not in our blood. I didn't think taking a photo
with that woman would be a problem. I wanted
Notaligana to do all the work
Me: Someone gave Nomahelele heads up. She
knows Notaligana is out there looking for her
photo that is why she is paranoid now!
Zinyovile sat down
Zinyovile: Zinza-Zenja's son!
Me: You keep forgetting how good that Zinza-
Zenja's son is!
She stood up. She took the bottle from the coffee
Zinyovile: Maybe we should give up and accept
that there is nothing we can do to that family
Me: Good! no more meetings and conspiracy
about my family from now on! you know all our
attempts fail!
She drank from the bottle then looked at me
Zinyovile: Here is my two cents warning. I hope
you will remember one day that I am not that
useless like you say I am. I have given you so
many warnings and they come through but you
keep saying I don't do anything for you !
Me: What warning?
Zinyovile: Nomahelele wants revenge for what
you did and the plan is cooked. She is going to
act in a minute from now
Me: Oh My God !
I gulped my drink. Zinyovile vanished. I heard a
door from the bedroom. I quickly wiped my
tears. I saw Ngejiwe coming out. I sat down
trying to avoid eye contact. I don't want her to
see that I am crying
Ngejiwe: Where is dad mom ?
Me: Out there making one of his wives happy
She looked at me
Ngejiwe: Are you okay mom?
Me: Me? little girl I am great. Your father was
with me all week
Ngejiwe: Is that why you're drinking Vodka on a
I looked down and smiled.
Me: Baby it's 28th December
Ngejiwe: You know what I am talking about
I raised my empty glass. I poured a drink then
sipped. She looked at me like she is feeling sorry
for me
Me: Baby come sit. I wanna talk to you
She came and sat down
Ngejiwe: Talk to me
Me: How do you feel about him choosing that
servant over you ?
Ngejiwe looked down
Ngejiwe: Mom what are you talking about
Me: About you losing it after they left for their
Ngejiwe: I wasn't losing it. I almost fell
She stood up avoiding eye contact
Me: Is everything okay between you and and
Ngejiwe: We are okay I guess
Me: Ngejiwe
She sat down
Her: Okay Mom! ....
I looked at her waiting for her to explain
Ngejiwe: Why Her? Am I not pretty enough?
Me: You're in a relationship!
Ngejiwe: Yes but he doesn't know that ! He just
chose a commoner !
I looked down and sipped on my drink. I just
wish my daughter could stop using this Royal
entitlement. She will be hurt when she finds out
She is not royalty
Me: Ngejiwe did you think that Maybe he was
respecting his friend? besides that. Us royal
people are intimidating.....
Ngejiwe: Mom you're not royalty!
Me: You know what I mean. A commoner guy
like him he knows he can't just go for a girl like
Ngejiwe stood up
Ngejiwe: Mom. I know you said something to
Velezantsi that's why he came back to me
I gulped my drink. Deliwe walked in and started
cleaning the wall Unit
Ngejiwe: He also chose her! something is
definitely wrong with me!!!
She ran to the door. I ran after her
Me: Ngeji!! Princess !!!
She slammed the door behind her
" Yo!!!! Yo!!! Madam! my Queen! come see this "
That is Deliwe! I don't know why she is such a
drama queen. I have to deal with my daughter.
Whatever She is seeing is not important right
now but me being me, I have to check what
makes her cry. I turned around. I couldn't
believe what I saw. Tears run out of my eyes like
heavy rainfall
Me: Oh My God




< Priscella >
This has been a productive day. I didn't think
things were gonna be the way they were today. I
thought I was gonna be bored in this big home
all by myself. I am glad I got busy today. I went
to see Bhembeha. I fixed the misunderstanding.
The only thing that is left now is to call her and
Junaid. Bhembeha has to go in for
measurements. My wedding is coming up. I
don't want anything that is going to mess up my
big day. I wonder what is taking Masixole and
Aaron so long. They said they were on their way.
It's been like three hours now. I am worried.
Flying is one Dangerious mode of transport.
Cleo: Ma'am
I turned around
Me: Yes Cleopetra ?
Cleo: Should I bring the food to the dinner table
or we will wait for Mr Ndengana?
Me: Let's wait a little
Cleo: Okay ma'am
She walked away. I took my phone. I called
Junaid. He answered
Junaid: I was about to call you. Where is this girl
Me: I met up with her. She had a family crisis.
What time should she come tomorrow?
Junaid: 10 am sharp. She is the only one who is
delaying things now. We started with dresses
Me: Great She will be there tomorrow I promise.
I will make sure I bring her myself if I have to
Junaid: Do that Queen !
Me: Bye
It's weird to hear someone from here calls me
Junaid: Bye
I hung up. I dialled Bhembeha's number.
Bhembeha: Seputla
Me: Junaid agreed to see you early tomorrow at
10am sharp please don't be late Bhembeha!
Bhembeha: Just like that Prissy? When you left
here you said you'd spea.....
Me: Oh flip! I am sorry. I spoke to Universe. I
was with her 15 minutes ago. She says you were
doing your job don't worry about it
Bhembeha: Okay I will take early lunch
Me: Do you have a car? I can come fetch you
Her: You can do that
Me: I will see you tomorrow then
The Elevator beeped. I hung up then stood up.
Masixole walked in then stood and look at the
living room where I am standing
Masixole: Hello Beautiful
Me: Finally !
I quickly walked to him. He hugged me then
picked me up
Me: I missed you
He put me down and kissed me. He broke the
kiss and smiled at me
Him: I missed you more. How was your day ?
Me: Come to the dinning table I will tell you
I said pulling him to the dinning table. I looked
at the Kitchen
Me: Cleo we are ready to eat !
The Elevator opened. The security came in with
a baket
Me: What's in there?
Masixole: Thanks man! Take it to the kitchen
and ask them to put it in the freezer
He walked to the kitchen. Masixole looked at me
Masixole: Red meat. Mom slaughtered a sheep
for the MEC
Me: Wow thank you baby
He pulled out a chair. I sat down.
Masixole: When I left you looked sad. Now you
look happier than I expected
Me: Well I had a good day. Sonia came
Masixole: That's nice of her to come
Cleo and other helpers came with food.
Me: Yes . When she got here I decided we go see
the police girl
Masixole: Yeah How did that go ?
Me: Apparently she went to J fashions. When
she saw Universe she freaked out and left
Masixole: Why?
Me: She was working for Centurion police
department When Universe was arrested. She
says she was one of the officers who arrested
her so she was scared
Masixole: But Universe wouldn't do anything to
her for doing her job right?
Me: I met up with Universe she said the same.
She told me Bhembeha was doing her job and I
just called Bhembeha. Tomorrow at 10 I am
taking her to J fashions. Please remind me when
I wake up I might forget. My assistant is in a
holiday somewhere in Africa
Masixole: EJ called me. They are having a good
Me: He didn't call me. Am I such an annoying
sister ? Only Algebra called me in the morning
Masixole: It's nothing like that. I am sure He
thought we were together. He even said you
shouldn't worry
Me: That's good
I dished up for myself.
Masixole: Baby I have to come clean about
I looked at him .
Me: My king I am very hungry. If what you
gonna say will take my appetite then maybe you
shouldn't say it
Masixole: I want to say it. The reason i want to is
because you feel different about EJ and you see
how much he is trying to do better
Me: Okay baby tell me
Masixole: When you refused to make the
arrangements for his trip Mrs Seputla called me.
I took money from my pocket and booked
everything for him
I smiled
Masixole: You're not angry with me ?
Me: No, I was upset and I was worried about
him. Like you said he is a different person now
and mom put you in a tight spot. I understand
why you agreed
Masixole: I love you
Me: I know
He leaned forward and kissed me.
Me: Food will be cold
Masixole: I am eating because I don't want you
to eat alone. We had a lot of food at the palace
Me: How did everything go ?
He started eating
Masixole: MEC brought a cheque. We were all
happy expect for mom but later we found out
why she wasn't happy
Me: Why?
Masixole: Government gave us R1 500 000 rands
for our wedding
He said taking it out of his diary. I took the
Me: But this is R800 000
Masixole: MEC didn't give us all the money. He
lied and mom confronted him. He said he was
gonna bring the money later which was a lie
because he didn't tell us about it until he was
Me: Oh My God politicians
Masixole: He said he will bring the rest
tomorrow. So baby we are going to change that
cheque tomorrow
Me: Oh that's great. We should go after I took
Bhembeha to J fashions
Him: Okay and we will get the rest of the money
from the Queen when we go home
Me: Okay baby. We should call Elton just to
check on him
Masixole: Just after We done eating because
tonight they are going to a party i organised for
Me: Did mom pay you back ?
Masixole: First thing when she arrived from the
Me: Okay good. And Aaron's date? Did they even
have time to go on a date ?
Aaron: My boy can't stop smiling. Yeah they
went out together. He is really in love with her
Me: Wow
Masixole: I have never seen him like this babe.
That dude is in love
Me: They both deserve to be happy. I am glad
Masixole: That is true baby
I am glad everything went well. I was gonna tell
him about what happened between Tasha and
Hungani but I don't want to ruin this. I want to
have a nice evening with my man. He doesn't
really care about it and i don't want to keep
taking about my ex and his life over and over

< Princess Ngejiwe >
I need to do what is right for me. I am tired of
being lied to by my mother and Velezantsi.
Before I did mentioned this gap Velezantsi can't
feel. I know I am scared of lonely but I need to
do what is right for me. After that conversation I
had with my mother I realised that something is
wrong with me. Before I find out what it is. I
need to start over. I need to confront Velezantsi
about everything. I need to end our relationship.
When i go back to University I want to go there a
single woman. I want to start over. I want to find
someone who doesn't know me. Someone who
will fall in love with me for me. Velezantsi left
me for Notiniphu. If he really loved me, he
wouldn't have done that. I know I lied to him but
He had no right to date her. My life is a joke.
Even that Aaron guy saw it and it was so
embarrassing for me to be insulted by him. He
made me feel worthless. I hate myself right now.
I am angry that a man chose her over me again.
I am more sure than ever that he chose her not
because He respected me. He chose her because
he didn't like me and it's hard to accept that. I
need to make a lot of changes in my life.
Anyway I just got here. I have a way to make
Velezantsi tell me the truth. I am tired of the lies
he has been feeding me. It is time for the truth
now. He doesn't have to pay damages for me. No
one tells me what to do besides I am sure my
dad forgot about it.
Velezantsi: Hey baby I thought you said you
won't sleep here tonight
Me: I won't
I walked in. He closed the door.
Velezantsi: Princess are you okay ?
Me: Mom told me she came and forced you to
get back together with me
I turned around.
He looks nervous. He lied to me. How can he lie
to me over and over again?
Velezantsi: Bab....
Me: Don't baby me! I kept asking you and you
kept lying to me. How can you do this to me
Velezantsi. How can you pretend to love me! and
lie to my face ?
Velezantsi: Ngejiwe you know I love you. I am
not pretending here! After speaking to her I
realised that I still loved you. I was just angry.
You know I love you. Notiniphu was just a fling
because I was angry at you. You're the woman I
love please believe me
Me: You and mom deserve each other! mom
didn't confess anything! I just wanted to find out
if what Notiniphu said was true now I can see
she wasn't lying to me
Velezantsi: You tricked me to tell you the truth
how can you do that !?
I shook my head in disbelief
Me: Notiniphu might not like me but at least she
is honest. She told me you were with me because
of my mom and I didn't believe her!
I looked him
Me: I believed you !
Velezantsi: I love you !
Me: Oh please
I walked to the door.
Velezantsi: Ngejiwe !
I turned around
Me: I think we should end this here and now
Velezantsi: But I really love you! You're the one
who messed up. Why are you punishing Me?
Your mom helped us !
Me: I need my me time. It's for the best and
besides. This might save you from paying
damages. Just forget everything
I walked out and closed the door then leaned on
it and cried my eyes out. I hope this is the best
decision for me. It is for the best. He must find
the girl who loves him. I did him a favour. He
must thank me

< Notiniphu >
I have been in a relationship before. I have met
guys. I know I haven't been with many because
of how life was for me but hey I haven't felt the
way I do. I haven't felt the way I feel about a
man and no man has ever made me feel the way
I do and no man has ever made me feel so
special. No one has ever done anything so
romantic for me. No one has ever asked me on a
date before. It was the first time. That two hours
felt like 20 minutes. I didn't want it to end. I
didn't want him to go. He is such a gentleman. I
love how he wanted to know so much about me.
Most guys always go on about themselves. I just
hope the answers I gave him made him want to
go out more with me. Career driven men don't
want to be with women who do not dream big. I
want to finish my studies. I need to talk to the
Queen about it. I will do that when I am ready
though. I don't want her to feel like I am
dropping her. I don't want her to hate Aaron and
think he made me do this. I didn't expect us to
kiss on our first date. I couldn't believe it when it
happened. It was amazing standing on the sand,
Feeling the sea breezes and kissing next to the
water. It was magical. I felt like I was in a movie
or something. I cannot stop smiling. I just cannot
help myself. I love this man. I want to be with
him. I don't know what is going on between us
because we didn't really talk about it. We just
kissed. He has been texting me. Telling me How
much He misses me. This man left three hours
ago but already he misses me. I feel so special
My phone rang disturbing Me from day
Me: Velezantsi ?
What the hell does he want, Why now after all
this time? The devil is testing me.
Me: Yes ?
Velezantsi: Hey can we meet ?
Me: You meet Me? Do you think the princess will
like that ?
Velezantsi: Forget her! not everything is about
that one. Please come to my house this evening
Me: I am sorry that is not going to happen. Lose
my number
I hung up then clicked my tongue
Me: Devil!
He called again. What the hell is going on ? Is
everything okay between him and Ngejiwe?
They are not going to play me. I will not allow
them to. I am not going to ruin my relationship
with Aaron. I declined the call
He called again. I switched off my phone.
Me: Not today Satan!
" And now ? " I quickly turned around
Me: Phonqa you scared me. Shouldn't you be
resting. It has been a long day
Phonqa: Who was that?
I looked at him. Phonqa might be young but he
helps me talk and talking to him feels like
talking to someone old. He is smart
Me: Why now?
Phonqa: Chef I am still lost ?
Me: Velezantsi just called me. He says he wants
to meet tonight at his place
Phonqa: What!? Princess Ngejiwe will find you
there and tell Mr Aaron don't go
Me: Exactly. I can't ruin my relationship for
someone who left me for another woman. I
want to be with Aaron and i don't want to ruin it
Phonqa: Don't go then
Me: I won't go. I am not going to let that man
ruin my life. I have had enough drama with
Ngejiwe. I don't want to fight with her about
Velezantsi again
Phonqa: She was upset when you guys left
Me: I noticed that. She was shocked to see us
leaving. All day she was with him and I was just
doing my job ignoring him. She didn't expect to
see me dressed up going on a date with him
Phonqa: When are you going to Johannesbury?
What is going to happen to us when you get
married ?
Me: Prince! we are not even official yet already
you talk marriage? You're a little boy these
things take time boy
Phonqa: OKAY can I have cold drink? I am
Me: That meat you were eating is making you
Phonqa: I didn't eat it...
I looked at him
Him: Okay it smelt so good I did a little. I just
hope i won't have stomach bug tonight
Me: If you do wake me up. I will make you a
medicine to take it all away
Phonqa: Thank you Chef
I smiled at him. I took a glass then poured him a
cool drink. Aaron might be texting me. My
phone is off. I am not going to suffer because of
Me: Here
Phonqa: Thanks
He walked away. I took my phone then switched
it on.

< Narrated >
Is this the revenge Zinyovile was talking about?
Did River do this because of what Nontorotyi did
to her? What was Nontorotyi thinking when she
double crossed River. It looks like whatever
River was doing worked judging by how
shocked Nontorotyi is right now. She couldn't
even try to be strong. Tears streamed down her
cheeks looking at Deliwe who was carrying the
urn with Xhalanga's ashes.
Nontorotyi: What are you doing with that! how
did you get.....
Deliwe: These are ashes. What are they doing in
your wall unity shelves ? Is someone dead.
White people keep those in the house whe.....
Me: Shut up Deliwe !!!!
Deliwe: Forgive me your highness it's just that
your mother in law, Father in law and the Chief
Nkosesizwe were not cremated. Who died?
Nontorotyi: Oh My God I swear If another word
comes out of your mouth I will scream!!!!!
Deliwe: More than you are doing right now
Nontorotyi: Jesus Deliwe zip your mouth!!!!
Deliwe: I apolog........
Nontorotyi: Not a word!!!!




< Nomahelele >
I called Nontorotyi to come to the palace. I don't
want to do this at her house. I want to do it here.
The reason I don't want to go to her house is
because my plan to get to her for betraying me is
in her house and her presence there will delay
things for me. Nontorotyi betrayed me. I did
everything to show her that I am not her enemy.
The reason i did what I did with a gun is because
I knew she would never be loyal to me and I was
right. Even though I have something on her she
still betrayed me. It's just who she is. She cannot
help herself. She is ungrateful. She is
troublesome. I don't know how many times I
saved her and defended her to this family. She is
messing with a woman who has been by her
side. How can she do this to me? She is going to
pay. I will make her life uncomfortable. She will
regret the day she chose outsiders over family.
She is a stupid woman. She doesn't want to have
me for an enemy. She let me down. All my
efforts to help her fit in and be treated like an
equal went down the drain. I feel embarrassed
that I failed to change her. I am sure
Nomakhosazana must be laughing at me for
thinking I could change this woman.
Anyway earlier I spoke to Princess
Nomagampompo about The divorce. Nontorotyi
has to divorce her husband in order for us to
marry The chief. She has to do it as soon as
possible. I know her. She is not okay upstairs.
She will make this look like she is ending her
marriage. If she didn't mess with me I was
gonna do this the right way considering her
feelings but not anymore. I can't keep
considering her feelings when she doesn't
consider mine. I called The Queen and Princess
to the living room. I want to speak to them.
Nontorotyi also just arrived. I called her earlier.
I am curious to know how it went with the
parcel I sent her but I won't ask that infront of
everyone and I know she is very smart to
confront me here.
Me: Queen and Princess Nomampompo I want
you to be here when I say this
Nomagampompo: O-kay?
She sat down looking at the Queen. Cuz smiled
then looked at me. I looked at Nontorotyi. I took
out papers from my handbag
Me: Sister wife. These are divorce papers
Nontorotyi: Divorce papers ? Who is getting
divorced ?
Me: You+ so that we can marry our husband
Nontorotyi: What!? Is this about what
happened? Why do you want me to divorce my
Me: Nontorotyi you're supposed to be an
educated woman. You know when someone
marries another wife. The first one divorce
She walked away
Nontorotyi: What !?
Me: Yes! He can't marry Nomaxabiso until you
and him are divorced legally
Nontorotyi: Wait....? What about you? Ain't I
supposed to divorce him for you?
Me: I am going to be the third wife
She looked at me then put her hand on her
Nontorotyi: Oh My God. You want to be the one
who is his wife at home affairs?
Me: At least you caught up really fast
Nontorotyi: So you want to be the one who is
legally married to my husband?
Me: Our husband!
I took my handbag. I took out two pregnancy
tests. The Queen and Princess looked shocked. I
threw them at Nontorotyi
Me: The sooner Nomaxabiso marries our
husband the sooner I will marry him. I am
pregnant with his child and i don't want to give
birth before The wedding !
Nomakhosazana: Why didn't you tell us!
Princess: How can you hide such news! does my
brother know?
Me: I haven't told him. I am going to tell him
myself tomorrow when he comes home from his
second wife
I said smiling looking at teary Nontorotyi. Is this
tears of joy or she hates all this? Queen stood up.
She ran to me. She hugged me while I am sitting
Nomakhosazana: Congratulations cuz!!
Me: Thank you cuz
Princess Nomagampompo stood up..
Her: I said this Queen. I said she is pregnant.
Thank you God
I stood up. She hugged me
Nomagampompo: Congratulations!
Me: Thank you
I looked at my cousin. She is crying. I broke the
Me: Why are you crying ?
Nomakhosazana: You know when you were still
living in Port Elizabeth I was worried about you.
River you were living in a big house alone. I
thought you'd never have kids
Me: Ahhhh
I hugged her again. " I will think about this ! "
Said Nontorotyi standing up. I broke the hug
then looked at her.
Nontorotyi: I know this is not saying it's over but
I deserve a day to think about this
Me: Of course
She looked at pregnancy tests on the floor. She
didn't catch them?
Nontorotyi: Your pregnancy tests are over there
She walked to the door. We looked at each other
Me: She won't even congratulate me?
Nomagampompo: Ignore her!
I bought the pregnancy tests when I went to pay
Sdwadwa a visit. I didn't take them that night. I
took them today and I am pregnant

< Narrated >
Just outside Seputla Towers. We see Claire
walking. She felt someone touch her shoulder.
She turned around.
Claire: The hell Leila!
Leila: Sorry if I scared you
Claire: If ? you scared me! I went to your house
because I needed someone to talk to. You didn't
even let me in now you have the audacity to put
your dirty little hands on me ?
Leila smiled then shook her head.
Leila: Are you following Sonia?
Claire walked away looking guilty
Claire: What are you talking about ! can't I walk
on the streets !
Leila walked behind her following her
Leila: I heard the lie you told Priscella that you
had a photo shoot. We all know that was a lie
Claire turned around furious
Claire: What is this? Are you following me now?
Leila: No! I went to Luxury hotel to see My boss.
I am going back to work Thursday. When i
walked out I saw Sonia's SUV taking the road to
Seputla towers and you started the engine then
followed her. I know you had no business in that
building. I followed you. I saw you went there to
see her !
She looked down
Leila: You haven't changed have you ?
Claire: Okay fine! I don't want to harm her. I just
want to check her moves. That woman cheated
on Hunter. She will do it again and I Will take
pictures and show Hunter. People don't change
Leila. I hit all my exes and I never mean to beat
them but it keeps happening and I promise you,
Sonia is going to cheat again. What made her
cheat on him will make her cheat on him again
trust me and I will be there to pick up the pieces
Leila: Do you know what I think about this
whole thing ?
Claire: What?
Leila: You're sick in the head. You need to start
taking treatment or if you don't you will hurt
someone and you will end up in jail! not
everyone will let you get away with your
psychotic behavior
Claire: Wow says a woman who has a whore
best friend. Have you forgotten how you got
Claire: These are two different things. Tasha is in
love with her Fiancé and you're in love with a
man who doesn't love you and you're ready to
go crazy on his ex wife !
Claire: You act so perfect! are you that lonely
that you even waste your time playing a stalker?
Leila: I tried
Leila walked to her car. Claire walked to hers
Claire: Who do you think you are! gay bitch!
She was mumbling unlocking her car. It looks
like all Leila said fell on deaf ears.

At the store. We see Ma Deliwe and Notiniphu
sitting at tables talking over cool drinks. It has
been a long time since they sat there. I
remember the last time they were here Was the
day Chef Notiniphu slept with King Zwelicacile.
The day Prince Phonqa was eavesdropping on
them talking about it
Deliwe: It has been busy few weeks hasn't it
been ?
Notiniphu: It has. I can't believe you didn't come
to the palace
Deliwe: There was something I didn't know
Notiniphu picked up lunch box from under the
table. She gave Ma Deliwe
Notiniphu: They slaughtered a sheep for the
MEC. I can't believe Ngejiwe's mom left you
Deliwe: Oh Thank you my girl. I will eat this
meat at home. Well i understand why that
woman forgot to tell me. Something is wrong
with her
Notiniphu: What is it ?
Deliwe: Not a word to anyone!
Notiniphu: You know I never tell anyone what
we talk about
Ma Deliwe looked around
Deliwe: Let's hope that boy is not..... Dear God
Prince Phonqa I can see you!
Notiniphu looked behind the tree. Phonqa came
Notiniphu: You got to be kidding me right now.
Really Prince ?
Phonqa: I came to buy airtime I swear I wasn't I
didn't hear anything
Deliwe: Then get inside! before I go report you
to Princess Nomagampompo!
Phonqa: Okay I am sorry.
He ran inside the shop. Notiniphu looked at Ma
Deliwe: Tell me what happened at your date
Notiniphu: It was so good! I think I love him and
I think he feels the same. But you were gonna
tell me something serious
Ma Deliwe looked around.
Deliwe: I am the one who cleans at the house
everyday. Today something happened
Notiniphu: What ?
Deliwe: I found ashes
Notiniphu: Ashes?
Deliwe: An urn. When someone is dead. Some
people burn....
Notiniphu: Yeah i know but who died at Chief's
house and when? I don't remember anyone who
got cremated there. I know I haven't been living
at the royal house for long maybe someone we
don't know about was cremated, but do you
think the Queen would let Mrs Nontorotyi keep
ashes of an important family member ?
Deliwe: I have no idea what is going on child.
When i confronted my boss about it she cried.
She looked terrified. She made me swear that I
won't tell anyone that i saw the Ashes. She ran to
her car with the urn then went to the palace
without them
Notiniphu: Do you think they are in her car
Deliwe: I am positive but the question I have
right now is....
Notiniphu: Whose ashes were they ?
Deliwe: Yeah child..... Who died ? and why my
boss is so nervous about this if it's someone who
died years ago?
Notiniphu: If it's someone who died recently
then who ?
Deliwe: Child remind me when I retire from
working for the royal family. I need to see a
therapist !
Chef Notiniphu leaned back
Notiniphu: I need that too.....
Ma Deliwe looked at the palace. She saw her
boss coming out. Ma Deliwe stood up fast
Deliwe: There is Mrs Nontorotyi! I have to rush
back to her. I think we need to talk before I go
Notiniphu: Be careful Ma Deliwe!
Deliwe: Always child
Ma Deliwe ran to Nontorotyi's house. She
wanted to Get there before her. Notiniphu was
left with so many questions about the ashes

< Nontorotyi >

I went there to confront her about the ashes
now I get there and hear about a divorce? Me
and that woman need to talk. We need to talk
about how she betrayed me. We had a deal.
Those ashes were supposed to stay hidden at her
house. This is my house. What if my children
saw the ashes? What if my husband saw them?
How can she do this to me? I know I betrayed
her but This? This is not something to play with.
This is my brother's ashes that She is dragging
around. It is his soul. She should respect that.
Did she really expect me to congratulate her for
her pregnancy really ? She must be out of her
mind. I am tired of acting like her friend. I
know even if I wanted to be. She would still treat
me like a fool. I walked out on them while they
were congratulating her. I couldn't stay there for
their silly celebration. All we know she might
give birth in prison. She is a criminal. A serial
killer. Oh My husband has no idea he brought a
monster to this family. In their eyes. I am the
monster. They are too blind to see the truth.
Princess Nomagampompo and my husband
have no idea what is going on. I am tired of
being seen as a monster when people who are
Dangerious are treated as saints. I am sick of it. I
want Nomahelele to come here. I need to
confront her.
Anyway I just got to my house. I saw Deliwe. I
see she is still here. She stood up
Me: I thought you gone home
Deliwe: My Queen I think we need to talk!
Me: Go to the kitchen and get me a glass and put
ice in it
I said opening my wall unity doors. I took out
my vodka. I don't want to talk to this woman. I
said She must shut her mouth up! I don't know
what she wants to talk about with me. Anyway
my phone rang. I looked at it. What does
Velezantsi want from me ? I answered
Me: I don't know why you're calling me !
Velezantsi: My Queen Ngejiwe came here. She
lied and told me you told her what you said to
get us back together
Me: I am glad you see that she lied. Keep up with
the lie
I attempted to hung up
Velezantsi: Ma'am we have a problem. I believed
her then confessed
Deliwe gave me my glass
Me: You're an idiot!
I said running to the window to check my
daughter if she is coming. Indeed she is coming
Velezantsi: I know and she dumped me.
Me: Best decision she has ever made in her life.
Goodbye! I have a doctor to deal with
Velezantsi: You mean a daughter right?
I hung up
Deliwe: Ma'am We need to talk about those
Me: You need to get the hell out of my house!
that's what you need!
I snapped. She looked scared then Attempted to
Me: Deliwe!
She turned around.
Deliwe: Madam
Me: My husband's second wife's mother died
two years ago. They cremated her. The Queen
don't want ashes in her house. You know her.
She is obsessed with tradition and the ancestors.
She doesn't believe in model day things. So I
kept them for her ... no!...
Oh God I am usually good at lying. I don't know I
feel like I look guilty and She can see through
me. She looked at me when I said " no "
Me: I asked Nomahelele to bring them here. I
didn't think she would do it without telling me
first. That is why I freaked out
Deliwe: Okay my Queen. I was really shocked to
see them. Have a good evening my Queen
I waved smiling
She walked out. I lost my smile then poured me
vodka on the rocks. I took my glass then went to
the kitchen. I took juice. I poured it In my glass. I
Me: Delicious
The front door opened. Ngejiwe walked in.
Ngejiwe: Mother you don't get to blackmail men
to be with Me!
Me: I know that. I just wanted you to get back
together with him so that you can end things in
your terms which I hope you did. You need to
get your power back my princess
She smiled. Oh Thank God I am off the hook.
Ngejiwe: And i did mother !
Me: Congratulations baby girl! now find a man
of your dreams
She smiled looking on thin air.
Ngejiwe: 2020 is gonna be my year. I can feel it
Me: I can feel it too honey
I sipped on my drink. She walked away
Me: Was your decision influenced by what
happened with that dark man from Africa?
She stopped walking. She turned around
Ngejiwe: Why South Africans always say people
from West and East Africa are from Africa as if
we are leaving in our own continent?
Me: That doesn't answer my Queen though. I just
hope you don't regret dumping that boy because
that dark man sure does love the servant
I took a long sip
Ngejiwe: We are done here!
She furiously walked away
Me: Ngejiwe!
Ngejiwe: What mom!
Me: I have noticed that every time a new man
comes by, it's either you dump Velezantsi or you
treat him like he is some piece of work. Please
don't be the girl I used to be
Ngejiwe: What does that even mean mom?
Me: Simple...
She looked at me like I was crazy. I looked
around. I don't want anyone else to hear this but
she is my daughter. I have to make sure she
makes the better choices than I did.
Me: A whore
She walked away
Ngejiwe: I am not doing this with you mom
Me: I slept with 7 teachers in high school!
She turned around and looked at me. She was
Me: The eighth one Was the principal. I am not
proud of what I did. I was a silly little girl back
then. You can't take the most indecent thing
about me honey
Ngejiwe: Well mommy, You were a commoner, I
am not and don't call me a whore again because
I am not!
She opened the door of her room then walked in
and closed it. I searched for a couch. I sat down
tears streaming down my cheeks
Me: Oh you have no idea.....
I gulped my drink
Me: You have no idea at all sweetheart




< Sonia De Villiers >
As much as I enjoy getting paid for having these
many jobs but I suffer. It's holidays. We only
open at SM next year but still I wake up early
going to meetings. Yesterday I had to wake up
for a meeting at Hungani's house. I spent the
whole day with Priscilla. This morning I had to
wake up early because I have to meet Mandy for
the contract and go give the news to my
partners. I just can't rest it sucks. I wish I could
get the whole day off. Stay in bed and let my
kids make me tea in bed. That would be Nice. I
really miss staying at home. Sometimes I feel
guilty to say no to Priscella when she wanna see
me. She is pregnant. When she needs to see you
she has to. That girl has a temper of late. I am
just happy that Masixole is back. I can spend the
few last days with my babies.
Anyway I am really shocked to hear that Claire
was at the same place as me Yesterday. I don't
care what she says. I just know that girl was
following me. I am so happy my man hired a
body guard for me. This girl is Dangerious and it
looks like she is not going to change anytime
soon. All that closure act was bullshit. I
should've known she was lying. I am about to
leave my house. I hope i am not forgetting
Hunter: Go you said you're seeing Mandy in 15
minutes. The traffic is going to be hectic out
Me: You're right. Guys I am leaving !
Roxy: Bye mom!
Me: Where is your brother?
Roxy: He is still sleeping. I wanted to help dad
with breakfast
Me: That's sweet baby
I took my handbag. I kissed Hunter
Me: Bye
Hunter: Bye love
I turned around and headed to the door. " When
are we seeing Aunt Claire again ? " That's Roxy. I
frozed. I slowly turned around and looked at
Hunter giving him death stare
He smiled then looked at his daughter
Hunter: Let's wait for your brother to wake up. I
will talk to you both about Claire
I opened the door then walked out. I ran to my
car. I don't want Claire talk in my house. I don't
want her anywhere near my kids. I drove out.
My phone rang. I looked at it
Me: Oh Mandy and time!
I will ignore it. I drove to town. In no time i was
next to her office. I got out of the car. I saw my
body guard waiting for me there. Who told him I
was coming here? I took my phone. I called
Hunter: Love
Me: You told him to come here ?
Hunter: After what you told me yesterday you
think I will let you go alone?
Me: Yeah thanks
I walked out of the car. I took my handbag
Me: Good morning
I threw the key at him
Me: Wait for me in the car
He locked the car. I looked at him
Me: And now?
Him: I am your bodyguard ma'am I will wait
outside the office
Me: Suit yourself
I walked in. I headed to Mandy's office. I saw her
at passage.
Mandy: You're late!
Me: Come on Mandy it's holidays. I am not going
to wake up early just to pick up a Contract
Her: Here! I saved you time. You can go to your
next appointment
Me: Oh thanks. I am seeing my partners for
breakfast in....
I looked at my phone
Me: Twelve minutes!
Mandy: Time is money Sonia!!!!
Me: I know !
I ran out. I got to my car. I tried to open the car.
It is locked. I turned around
Me: Dude I am late
He unlocked the car. I opened the backseat. I
went in. He went to the driver seat. He started
the engine.
Me: I already connected the GPS
Him: Okay ma'am
He drove. I looked through the contract. I
smiled. Things Hungani do though. Clearly he is
not sure about this girl. I don't know why he is
doing this. But I don't care. It's good business for
me. Maybe that's the reason they agreed as well.
They saw a good business. All in all we are using
each other. I hope Hungani really loves her
because to Tasha this is real. She wants this
relationship so bad.
Bodyguard: We are here ma'am
He walked out. He opened the door. I took out
sunglasses. I put them on. He took my hand. I
walked out
Me: Thank you
I rushed inside. I don't want to talk to paparazzi.
I walked in. I saw Jerry and Tony. I smiled then
went to them.
Jerry: I hope you have good news for us
Me: Morning guys
I hugged them then sat down. I put the papers
on the table
Me: Sealed and delivered
Jerry: Yes!
People looked at us. Tony looked at them
Tony: We apologise
Jerry: Waiter a bottle of Champagne please!!!
Me: Not until you buy me breakfast I need to eat
Jerry: Order whatever you want
I took the menu
Me: Let's see

< Priscella >
I don't know how I will survive with Masixole
living in the Eastern Cape. This man left for few
hours. I missed him like he was gone for days.
When i saw him it was like I haven't seen him in
a while. I really don't want to live without him. I
don't know what's gonna happen after the
coronation. I am really curious to see how I am
going to deal with this distance. I hope we are
going to make this work.
Anyway I have a busy day. I had to wake up
early. We both had to because I got a call from
Leila. She wants me and Masixole to come to her
place and taste a few cakes She made. Tasting
my wedding cake will make me really feel the
wedding fever.
Masixole: You look good My wife
I kissed him then took his hand. We walked out
of our bedroom.
Me: Thanks baby
Masixole: Did you call the wedding planner?
Me: Yes she is downstairs
We walked down. I saw her sitting at dining
room having breakfast
Her: I am sorry Cleo was very kind to offer me
Me: Morning ! I am glad she did
Masixole: I guess we will just join in
Planner: Please
We sat down.
Her: So Who is this girl who is going to make
your cake ?
Me: Chef Leila. She works for Luxury Hotel?
Her: Oh i know her. She is a good cook. She once
cooked for a romantic dinner my boyfriend
planned for us
Me: She has been baking cakes for this company
for years
Planner: Oh i see. So the wedding cake will be
made here in Johannesburg? How are we gonna
take it to the Eastern Cape? I don't trust a
helicopter what if it messes up the cake
Masixole: My aunt in Centurion has a private jet.
We are going to use it. It will land at Mthatha
airport then from there the cake will be
transported to My house
Planner: Exellent !
She stood up
Her: I have to go deposit some money at the Atm
outside. I am running out of money from my
pocket. When are you.....
Me: Oh Flip! We have the Cheque of R800 000
now. Afternoon we are going to change it at the
Planner: That's a lot of money!
Me: When I pay for my dress. The other girls
and the men this money will be nothing
Masixole: We are only going to give you the
amount you need. Also You need to hire big TV
screens for the PVA viewing for our wedding
Planner: I will come around 5pm with invoice of
the money I already used to book a sound
system and a DJ I need someone who is going to
film the wedding and pay for the decor
Me: 5 is perfect. We will have the money then
Planner: See you guys later then
She walked to the elevator.
Me: Baby let's finish up. I completely forgot
about this cheque
Masixole: Me too. Maybe we should split up. You
Me: You promised to be with me all day
Masixole: Okay then. Let's do this together
I stood up.
Me: Let's go to Leila's house then
Masixole: No baby. Call Leila and tell her you're
going to be there in the afternoon. Remember
you have to take Bhembeha to the designer
Me: Oh yeah
I took my phone and called Leila.
Leila: Hey Prissy
Me: Look I am so sorry. Remember the girl who
didn't make it that day ?
Leila: Oh yeah i remember
Me: I have to take her to J fashions at 10 How
about I see you after
Leila: That's okay. I am here in my flat I am not
going anywhere
Me: Thanks dear
I hung up then looked at Masixole
Me: She has no plans
Masixole: Great how about I drive you to the
Police station now ?
I put my arms around his neck
Me: You know what? I missed you yesterday.
Today i am not letting you out of my sight
Him: Use me I am your slave
I took my hands off him
Me: Okay that sounds shady as hell
I attempted to walk away. He grabbed my wrist
and turned me around and kissed me. He
squeezed my ass. I broke the kiss
Me: We are not doing this here
Masixole: Let me carry you upstairs then
Me: Masixole Junaid said we can't be late let's go
He looked at his pants. My eyes slowly scanned
him from top to his private part
Me: Oh My God! I am done with you !
I walked to the elevator. He ran after me. I
pressed the button. It opened. I walked in. He
walked in too then kissed me
Me: Masixole what will people say when they
see this ?
Masixole: Maybe we should stay here until it
goes down
I pushed him
Masixole: What?
Me: It won't fall if you're all over me
Him: I will get you ;)
Crazy man I am marrying

< Judge NoMakhosazana >
It is Wednesday 28th. I am going to have a busy
day today. I have a case to prepare for.
Tomorrow I have to go face Manyokonya but
first. We have to open another case and I have to
speak to my sister in law about it. I know it is
gonna open some old wounds but it is the best
thing to do and she will agree with me on this
one. I thought it was impossible to do this but I
think i was wrong. It is possible and the case will
also contribute in making this man pay for all
the things he is done. Some judge would say we
can't rely on a story of a dead man. Well this hits
home to me. I knew a little about it then it
turned out I didn't know the whole story but
now that I know, I have no doubt in my mind.
That man did all these evil things and he must
pay. I am sorry if my decision and plan will hurt
many people. It is just how life is. Life is not fair.
It never was. Manyokonya killed that child
because it was carried by a poor girl coming
from a poor family. Oh how table have turned. It
looks like he invited poverty in his family. We
are going to show him what poor is.
I heard The princess and River laughing walking
down. I am pacing up and down in the living
room. I hope the princess will want to do this.
She has to support me.
Notiniphu: My Queen here is your coffee
I took it.
Me: Thank you. Please leave us
She bowed then walked out. The door opened.
Siqalo walked in
Siqalo: My Queen I am sorry to bother you. A
man from the MEC office is here.
Nomahelele: That didn't take long ?
Me: Send him in
The man walked in.
Him: Good morning
Me: Are you telling me you come from Bisho so
early ?
Him: No i arrived in Mthatha midnight. The
MEC asked me to bring a cheque Book
Me: How can we help you ?
Him: I brought this cheque Ma'am. The MEC
apologises for the misunderstanding
Me: Of course he does. Tell him I said thank you
He smiled then walked out
Nomahelele: We won't offer him anything to
Me: He will be fine. He is probably his assistant
I went and sat down
Me: I called you down here to talk
Nomahelele: About?
I looked at Princess
Me: Sisi I am planning to go to Advocate Joko to
ask for WILL. Shosholoza confessed the evil
things that were done to you. Joko will help you
open a case tomorrow. When i go to court Friday
I want that man to have about 10 charges
against him
Princess Nomagampompo sat up straight
Nomagampompo: I will open a murder charge ?
Me: Yes! it's in black and white. His brother
incriminated him it's there! The advocate will
back it up! I just hope he is not working for
Manyokonya because if he is then he might lie
and say he destroyed that will
Nomahelele: And he might do that
I looked at Princess
Me: Are you up for this ?
Nomagampompo: My child would be
disappointed in me if I would say no. Of course I
am in !
Me: Good
I stood up then walked around. River stood up
Nomahelele: Something else is bothering you
what is it ?
I looked at both of them.
Me: I will also propose a petition to take away
the Chieftaincy from that family. I know this
sounds harsh but that man deserves everything
coming his way. I just hope people of that village
will sign
Nomahelele: That is a lot
Me: Maybe they should focus on their Church
and businesses. They have proven that they are
not fit to be leaders. I will also ask Nomaxabiso
to lay charges on behalf of Nomfunzelo
Nomagampompo: Rape charges ?
Me: Yes We have the proof
Nomahelele: Cuz you're destroying this man
Me: Just like he was prepared to destroy me
River smiled. I looked at Princess
Me: I want to go see that lawyer with River. We
will come back and tell you how it went. Friday I
have to go to court. When i come back I will
make sure you go lay charges
Nomagampompo: Thank you for doing this My
Queen. I lost hope to get a real justice for my
child. I thought maybe we would just hurt him
by getting him arrested for drugs. It feels so
good that he is also gonna pay for killing my
I hugged her
Me: I know but we can't celebrate yet. I need to
call the man who called me. If Manyokonya uses
Shosholoza's lawyer then we won't get the will
but with my influence, I could fight that as well
She broke the hug
Nomagampompo: Thank you my Queen
Me: Anything for this family
I looked at River
Me: Let's go get dressed into decent clothes
Nomahelele: Let's go

< Princess Ngejiwe >
I am very proud of myself for taking the
decision I took. I need to stop being selfish for
once. I needed to make the hardest but good
decision for myself. Mom was right even though
I can't tell her that. Whenever there is a boy
involved or a boy that comes to this village I
always have problems with Velezantsi. I have a
problem. Our relationship has a problem. We
need to move on with our lives and find other
people. Maybe then we can be happy. I don't like
doing This to him maybe that is the reason i had
to end things before I messed up again. Aaron is
not the only man out there. I am going to find a
guy who doesn't know me. I think Aaron knew
me before he saw me and I think he was warned
by my cousin brother about me. To think about
it now this does make sense. Ever since I
betrayed King Zwelicacile we never really spoke.
Only his Fiancé confronted me about it, wait did
she though? No If i remember correctly she told
Elton why she doesn't like me. I was suprised
she involved me in her wedding. I kind of regret
agreeing. It is going to be awkward. There will
be Aaron and Notiniphu around. Aaron noticed I
liked him and I feel so stupid for being so
obvious I mean even that stupid Phonqa noticed
it. I am so ashamed of myself. I just can't stop
making a fool of myself and knowing my cousin
brother, I will never hear the end of it. He will
keep making me angry and reminding me about
how a man chose Notiniphu over me.
Anyway I just took a shower. I am all dressed
up. I am just staring at this big mirror in my
room checking flaws in my face and my body. I
have to find a little thing that turns men off. I
have to find it. They can't just be mean to me.
Aaron and Elton were mean to me. Elton can't
even look at me in a room full of people. I can
feel it. Aaron is going to do the same when they
come for the wedding.
Me: Why did he choose her?
I said looking at myself in the mirror. I pulled
out a drawer. I looked for something sharp. I
can't find anything. I took my jewellery case. I
took an earring. I pulled up my top showing my
wrist. I closed My eyes then cut myself. The door
opened I jumped up pulling down the sleeve and
wiping my tears
Me: Mom!
Mom: Good morning honey
Me: Don't you knock ?
Mom: This still my house baby. I just came to say
sorry about yesterday
I turned around and looked back at the mirror. I
sat down on the chair
Me: Are you apologising for saying you were a
slut before ?
She walked in and closed the door. She came to
me. She looked at me through the mirror
Mom: No, I am apologising for assuming that
you broke things off because of that foreign boy
Me: Okay can you leave my room now?
Mom: Two more things, The first one is I didn't
lie about my past so don't be like me. The second
one I need your legal advice
She took her hands off my shoulders, I turned
around and looked at her.
Mom: Do a research for me. I don't want you to
tell me now. I just want you to get more
Me: About what?
Me: Does a man have to divorce his first wife
legally for him to marry another woman?
I stood up
Me: Mo.....
She gave me a hand
Mom: Come to me when you've done your
She opened the door then walked out. Is my dad
divorcing her ?
Me: ........ ?
I looked at my wrist. I saw blood. I took a tissue.
I put it in my cut. I looked at the time. I walked
out of my room pulling down my sleeve. I
headed to the living room. I saw Deliwe cleaning
Me: Morning Ma Deliwe
Deliwe: Hello child your breakfast is in the
Me: Did you see Mom?
Her: Yes she just drove out. She went to see
I smiled then walked to the kitchen then
stopped. I turned around.
Me: Ma Deliwe can we talk ?
She put the featherduster on the coffee table
then pointed on the couch asking me to sit.
Deliwe: Mm-hmm
Me: Thank you and I want this to stay between
Deliwe: I won't tell if you won't
I smiled..
Me: Do you know of any traditional healer....
Her eyes widened
Me: Please
Deliwe: Zinza-Zenja left his son a spacial gift....
Me: I am not talking about someone I know and
knows me and my family! I want to speak to a
stranger !
Deliwe: Okay calm down
I looked down
Me: I am sorry for snapping at you
Deliwe: Is everything okay child ?
I stood up
Me: I don't know Ma Deliwe. I feel like I am not
the person I am supposed to be. I feel like there
is humongous dark clouds hanging over me. I
have bad luck
Deliwe: Don't cry
Me: Men don't find me attractive. I want to know
what is wrong with me
I looked at her
Me: I don't want love portion Ma Deliwe! I don't
love any guy at the moment. I ended things with
Velezantsi because I want to find myself
She put her hand on my shoulder
Deliwe: Good for you child
Me: I just want to start over. I want to find a guy
who doesn't know me but I can't do that until I
get rid of this bad luck. That is why I need to see
a healer
Deliwe: Okay. I know a woman but no one likes
her in this family
Me: I don't want Zinyovile! that witch is my
mother's friend!
She looked away thinking. She smiled then
looked at me. She raised a finger
Deliwe: Mangqazula!
Me: Mangqazula?
Deliwe: The name of this healer I have to take
you to!
Me: Where is he ?
Deliwe: It's a "she" child! She lives
ENdungunyeni! Oh we will have to go there at
night. We won't find a taxi to get there though
Me: I will take my mother's car
Deliwe: Okay. When are we going?
I have to think. As much as I want to know I
don't think i am prepared to find out. I am
getting scared now because I am finally gonna
find out what is wrong with me..
Me: How about tomorrow night?
Deliwe: Remind me. I am an old woman now I
Me: Okay Ma Deliwe
I walked to the kitchen. I looked out the window.
Is this the best decision though? I don't know. I
seriously don't know. What I know is I need help
Me: As soon as possible




< Tasha >
I am the happiest woman on the planet right
now. I don't know what to say. I wish I could
share the news with the world. I wish I could
jump up and down like a child but I am a
woman now. I am pregnant. I need to act like a
woman. I am not only pregnant. I am a celebrity.
As much as the news is burning me inside I need
to keep it inside me. The best is yet to come. I am
going to makes headlines for the right reasons
for a change. Well i have been making the news
for the right reasons lately. Everyone wants a
piece of us. Everyone wanna see us together and
take pictures. I am just imagining my life as a
married mother. God I am so excited. I can't
even help myself right now. I really love
Hungani and he has shown me that he loves and
cares about me and our child. The thought of not
being able to provide for us freaked him out and
I get it. I understand because that is exactly how
I felt when I heard their show was cancelled. I
am just happy he is here and strong for us.
Anyway we are having breakfast. He says he has
a meeting. I am also going to Leila's house to
check how it went with her boss. I hope she is
going back to work soon. It was my fault she got
shot so I have to make sure I show her that I
care about her.
Me: Baby don't you find it strange that a woman
who is a housewife on the show was the one
who is offering us the job? Sonia is just like us
there right ?
Hungani: Baby it looks like you only read news
about yourself. Sonia is one of executive
producers and she is also the partner in that
Me: Wow how are we going to work together
when she is gonna be my boss and my colleague
at the same time ?
Hungani: Don't worry when the cameras are
rolling you're equals. Don't let that intimidate
you. I am sure they chose you because they
know you will fight on camera. You have history
I put my head on my forehead and closed my
Me: God I forgot that. So this is their strategy ?
Hungani: This industry is dirty baby. You can
look at the bigger picture but don't forget reality
and why you are the good candidate
Me: Yeah.......
Hungani: Anyway I think you need to tell your
mom and dad about us getting married. I told
my mom
Me: Do you know that they never spoke to me
again after your viral video?
Hungani: You must work on getting along with
them and also helping them see what you see in
Me: I will do that baby......
I haven't spoken to them since that day. They
don't even wanna check on me. Maybe I should
take Leila with me
Hungani: Let me go I am late
Me: I will also get ready and go to Leila's
He kissed me then walked out
Me: Parents......
I walked up the stairs. I took my handbag. I
looked myself in the mirror then smiled. I
walked out and headed downstairs. I walked out
and locked. I saw a taxi. I raised my thumb. It
stopped. I got in, off I went to Laila's house. I
don't know why i am so happy. I just can't stop
smiling but do you blame me ? I deserve to be
happy. Any woman who is going to get married
in few months has to feel the way I do. I am
looking forward to planning this wedding
though. I just can't wait for everything to be
public. I am not good at keeping secrets. I hope i
will keep this one for my relationship sake.
Hungani would be very mad at me. We haven't
been fighting in a while. I don't want to ruin
that. I can't afford to.
Anyway I paid then walked out of the car. I went
to Leila's flat and knocked. She opened the door.
Leila: Hey come in
Me: Hey. You good ?
Leila: Yeah what about you ?
Me: Fantastic !
I sat down
Leila: It's good to see you're happy. So when are
you telling the parents ?
I looked down
Leila: Don't tell me you won't?
Me: Of course I will. It's one of the reasons I am
here. I want you to come with me when I go but
I don't know when..... They haven't contacted me
ever since that day of the video
Leila: I will go with you whenever you decide to
Me: So how did it go with your manager?
She smiled.
Leila: I feel better I am going to work tomorrow
Me: That's great
Leila: On My way from there I kind of saw
Me: What is that?
Leila: You know that Sonia revoked the
restraining order against Claire?
Me: Yes and i don't think it was a wise decision
but I understand they will bump into each other
She exhaled. I looked at her.
Me: What is it ?
Leila: I agree with you. It was not a wise
She stood up
Me: You agree with Me? Wait? what did you see?
Leila: Claire is following Sonia
Me: Oh My God! she is gonna kill her !?
Leila: I confronted her
Me: And?
Leila: She said she knows Sonia is going to mess
up again. She wants to take pictures when she
does and show Hunter
Me: And you believe that?
Leila: I don't know what to believe but what I
know is I am going to tell Sonia about this
Me: Don't! It's none of your business! Sonia
knew what she was doing! what if Claire go
psycho on you ?
Leila shook her head in disbelief
Me: What!?
Leila: You're the one who said you understand
why she had to do that because of the work
thing but you say this ?
Me: I just think it's Dangerious
Leila: I am not scared of Claire. When she
knocked me down I wasn't expecting it! you
should be worried and pushing me to go give
Sonia heads up. Remember It was Sonia and
Priscella who were running up and down this
city trying to save your behind!
I looked down.
Leila: You must stop being so evil!
I looked at her
Me: I am not evil! I am just looking out for you!
Leila: Priscella and Sonia risked their lives and
betrayed a serial killer for You! They didn't
think about what will happen if Brianna found
out about what they wanted to say to You!
I sat down
Leila: You need to think for others once in your
life !
She walked to the bedroom. We always end a
conversation like this. I don't know how to talk
to Leila anymore.

< Judge Makhosazana >
I hate leaving the palace when I am not working
but this is important. Making sure that
Manyokonya spends the rest of his life in prison
is my first priority. This meeting i am going to
with River will determine that. I am counting on
this. My sister in law needs me. I cannot fail my
husband. He would be really disappointed in me
if I would just sit back and watch this whole
thing happen. That man killed a royal
grandchild. He has to pay. He must pay for
everything that he is done to my family. I am not
the kinda person who just sits back when
someone messes with my family. This was
planned by the ancestors. They are the ones who
handed me this case on a silver platter and I will
make sure I make them proud.
Anyway we just got to Mthatha. We are driving
to Joko firm.
Nomahelele: What happened yesterday?
I looked at her
Me: What?
Her: Cuz I know you're a Dlungane and you lose
your cool but I know how much you respect
Government people and the traditional leaders. I
didn't expect you to speak like that to that man. I
understand you knew she robbed us but I didn't
expect that
Me: That man you're talking about thought
because he brought us money I will throw
myself on his bed open my legs wide and let him
do as he please with me
Nomahelele: He didn't?
Me: I told you guys yesterday! I told him there
are no prostitutes here. He said he wanted me.
He even tried to touch me. I put him in his place
that is why out of the blue he decided to leave.
When he said he was leaving I completely forgot
that I was waiting to ask him about the money
but when i was Watching him walk away. I got
so angry. I wanted to touch him with my own
two hands
Nomahelele: He has no shame. I was asking
myself why would he come here and be treated
like this without his wife
Me: When i asked boys to slaughter a sheep. I
thought he was coming with his wife
Nomahelele: He had a plan
Me: Oh it failed!
I stopped the car then looked at my wrist watch
Me: Our meeting starts in five minutes
Nomahelele: Let's go in
We walked out of the car. We headed to the
building. We walked in
Receptionist: Honourable Judge Makhosazana
Advocate Joko said you should go straight to his
office. It's the last one on your left
Me: Thank you
We went to the office. We knocked then walked
in. He was on his phone.
Joko: Okay I promise I will try to finish this
meeting quickly. I will be there in 15
He hung up
Me: I guess we will have to be brief
Joko: Judge Makhosazana I had to squeeze you
in. I have a busy day please sit
We sat down
Me: I will be brief. I must say I was relieved
when you told us you're not representing the
Joko: Thank God I wasn't. You haven't been so
kind to most of my clients
Me: You always defended the guilty party that
has always been your problem anyway that is
not why we are here
Him: Why are You here My lord?
Me: Do you still have Shosholoza's WILL?
His eyes widened
Me: Joko it will be in your best interest if you
don't lie to me. My sister in law couldn't report
that man for what he did because she doesn't
have the doctor's report. It was about 35 years
ago But I came with a plan. That confession in
Shosholoza's will is gonna help my sister in law.
She is laying murder charges and I want that
will right now !
Joko: I don't want to be in his shoes right now. It
looks like you're going to bury him alive
Me: Unfortunately after this meeting I will have
to pull out and ask a friend of mine to step in.
This case is close to home. It wouldn't be fair to
the state and the defendant lawyer if I am a
Nomahelele: Cuz are you sure about this ?
Me: It's the only way to make that bastard pay
but I must say. It has been forever since I
represented someone. I am going to represent
the children of Hlalwini village. The state and
my sister in law. As of right now
I took out my phone. I went to the email I
drafted. I looked at Advocate Joko
Me: First. I want to know if I am getting the will
from you
He stood up. He went to the boxes. He took it out
then came back. I started reading and reading. I
smiled then pressed send
Me: Sent
I took out my phone and made a phone call
Boss: Judge Makhosazana
Me: Hello. my sister in law just told me she is
laying murder charges against Chief
Manyokonya so I found a new judge. I don't
want to be involved in this....
Him: Well it's a day after tomorrow so I can't say
no to whoever you suggested because I am
Me: Thank you. By the way fire whoever who is
representing the village of Hlalwini. I will be
representing all of them
Boss: Wow okay whatever you want Judge
Me: Bye sir
I hung up then looked at River
Me: First thing Tomorrow Princess
Nomagampompo has to go to Central police
Nomahelele: She has to
I looked at Joko
Me: Thank you for this. I will keep it for few
Joko: You're welcome My Lord
This man is going down this time.

< Priscella >
I am so glad Bhembeha finally went to J
fashions. We did like we promised her. We
fetched her. Took her to J fashions for the
measurements then from there we took her to
lunch from there to the station then now we are
driving to Leila's flat. I just remembered. The
wedding planner is busy. She says she can't join
us. She had other things to do and I understand.
It won't make a difference. At the end of the day
this is our wedding. We are the ones who have
to decide which cake we want for our day. I am
glad my man is here. It has been fun to spend
the day with him. This is the best day I have ever
had and it's still early because it is not even
12pm yet. I love being with him. I keep thinking
about what will happen when he is gone
because of yesterday. Without him I feel lost.
Maybe work will keep me busy. I don't know
how will that happen though because I might be
in my maternity leave. I am going to go crazy.
Maybe I will spend my maternity leave at
Sdabadabeni. The Queen would love that. This is
going to be her first grandson and this child is
going to be very important to that family.
Me: Babe yesterday Sonia was suppose to spend
a day with her kids. She didn't because of me. I
am thinking about her right now. She should be
here for cake tasting. She is my maid of honour.
I don't know. I feel like I should just call to
update her?
The chauffeur stopped the car. He walked out
then opened the door. We walked out.
Masixole: Call her babe
I dialled her number while walking to Leila's
Sonia: Hey you
Me: Friend I am sorry to bother your family
time. I just wanted to update you on something
Sonia: Yes ?
Me: Leila called. Masixole and I are going to her
house for Cake tasting. I know you should be
here but you don't have to, Masixole and I got
this. Just spend time with your family. Say hi to
my babies
Sonia: All the best please take the cakes for
takeaway. I will taste them at your house
tomorrow or I can go to Leila's house and taste
Me: Okay babe bye
Sonia: Bye!
I hung up. Masixole knocked. The door opened
Leila: Hey guys! come in
Me: Thank you
I walked in and looked around. It's a nice flat
very clean
Masixole: Thank you for the invite. I cannot wait
to taste I can smell it already. It's inviting
Leila: Well i hope it will taste as it smells. Come
to the kitchen. You're right on time
We followed her
Me: I was just speaking to Sonia just now. She
says she can't be here. She is spending quality
time with her family. She wants the cakes
Leila: Oh i want to see her. I guess i will just go
to her house and deliver the cakes to her
Me: That's great!
Leila: Sit there. I will bring the plates. I actually
put them in the fridge. They are already in
We sat on high chairs .
Me: This flat is nice Leila
Leila: Thanks. It is close to my job I like it here
Me: That's nice
Leila: Here! Let me go take the spoons
Me: Looks good
She came and gave us two spoons
Leila: Start with the first one
Masixole: Let's see
Leila: Well i did some research. I found out the
cakes the Royalty from England used From their
previous weddings. These four were some of
Me: Wow you really worked so hard on this. You
should've asked me for money to buy all the
Leila: No that's not.....
Masixole: No Leila. Every money you spend on
something you're doing for us. You have to write
it down. We want invoice. Our wedding is paid
by the government. We don't want to spend that
money on ourselves. We want to spend it on this
Me: And if you don't give us invoice this money
will end up doing things we didn't get it for
Leila: Okay I hope i still have receipt
Me: It's okay we will just give you extra
I tasted the first one. I closed My eyes
Me: Mmmm.... I don't think i am going to be able
to choose. I love cake
Masixole: That's why you brought me. I know
how much you love good cake and looking
at....Hmmmm this is nice
Me: See!?
Leila laughed walking to her cupboard. She
pulled a drawer and took out a book .
Leila: After you've tasted all of them we have to
choose a design
Me: Wow i forgot about that
Masixole: Wow this also is nice
I tried it.
Me: I love it
Masixole tasted the third one then fed me
Masixole: How is that ?
Me: You know me!
He laughed shaking his head in disbelief. He
tasted the last and the fourth one. I did too
Masixole: I loved the second one
Me: Me too actually
Leila wrote the flavour down.
Me: Leila we want it to be big and we want two
cakes. We have to have one on standby. There is
so many people coming there
Leila: I can do that. So which one of these
designs ?
Me: The Circle but with more layers
Leila: Okay....
Someone knocked once then opened the door.
We all looked at the door. It is Tasha
Tasha: I am sorry I didn't know you had
company I will c....
Me: No stay. We are done here right honey ?
Masixole: Yeah sure let's go
I looked at Leila
Me: Leila you're amazing I can't wait to see what
you're going to do
Leila: Thank you
I kissed her cheek then looked at Tasha
Me: Tasha
She just smiled. I walked passed her. I opened
the door then walked out.
Masixole: Will you guys ever be okay ?
Me: She hates me. Did you see her fake smile?
Masixole put his arm around my waist
Masixole: Well at least you try babe.
Me: What is the use of trying babe ? It's like I
wronged that girl. She is the one who messed up
my brother's life and our lives
Masixole: Yeah i don't know why she doesn't
wanna humble herself and try. She is the one
who wronged the family
Me: I am sorry baby to say this but I feel like this
is about Hungani. When she looks at me... I don't
know Maybe I intimidate her ?
Masixole: You're Priscella Seputla of course you
intimidate her
The chauffeur opened the door. I walked in. He
did too. The chauffeur closed the door. He went
to drive
Me: Take us to the bank
Him: Yes ma'am
He drove. Masixole put his arm around me
Masixole: Come here
I lied on him. He is such a gentleman. I love him
so much.

< Nontorotyi >
Nomahelele thinks she is smart. I took those
ashes and hid them under my car seat. I am so
happy the urn is small. It fitted nicely under my
seat. She will never get them and she won't have
nothing to scare me with now except that gun. I
doubt she would leave it around my house
though. She knows she could be in trouble also. I
do not live in Port Elizabeth. She is the one who
lives there and two people from there were
killed by that gun. She is even the one who killed
Xhalanga. I don't know why she is doing this.
She agreed to kill my brother just to have
something against me. Who kills a human just to
have something on someone? She is crazy. She is
Anyway I am not happy with my daughter's
behavior. I thought ending her relationship was
a decision that was gonna make her happy. I
don't know why she is acting all Moody. I just
got back from seeing My sister. I just went to
check on her. She is worried about our brother.
It breaks my heart that I have to lie to her about
this. I am afraid it is not something you can just
share with anyone. There is no good explanation
to use to justify why I killed my own brother. I
saw my husband walking in
Me: How was your night with Nomaxabiso?
Hlohlesakhe: It was okay my love. I don't feel
comfortable talking about it with you if you
don't mind....
Me: Of course. Only Nomahelele is good with
these things. I understand
He looked down.
Me: Did she tell you about divorce papers ?
Hlohlesakhe: Yes she did can we talk about this
later I have a meeting in town
Me: Who are you taking?
Hlohlesakhe: No one. River is in Mthatha with
The Queen. You can come with me But you will
wait in the car. it's Royalty leaders only meeting
Me: No! you can go my love. I will go spend
some time with your sister
Hlohlesakhe: That's nice
Me: My love tell me. When was the last time you
saw Shosholoza. It is sad what happened to him
Hlohlesakhe: I last saw that moron the day we
forced him to give his sons the shares in the
company. He was not pleased at all
Me: Is that so..... ?
Hlohlesakhe: Yeah. Let me go get dressed. All my
suits are ironed right
Me: And hanged my love
He kissed my lips
Hlohlesakhe: Thank you
He walked to the bedroom. This is interesting.
Someone had a motive. Maybe he got angry and
someone did something to him to protect the
Me: This is interesting!
I looked at the kitchen
Me: Deliwe I will be back. I am going to the
palace !
Deliwe: Okay my Queen!
I opened the door. I ran out and headed to the
palace. I need to speak to my sister in law. I got
to the palace
Me: Siqalo
Siqalo: Sister in law
Me: You don't have to announce my arrival. The
Queen is not here
I walked in. I saw my sister in law
Me: Good morning sister in law
Nomagampompo: Hello Nontorotyi
Me: Where is the Queen?
Nomagampompo: She went to Mthatha with
I knew that and that is the reason i am here.
Me: oh okay
I looked at The kitchen then at her.
Me: Let me go ask them to make us tea. It's been
a while since you and I had a chat
Nomagampompo: I would like tea
I looked at the kitchen
Me: Chef Notiniphu can you please make us tea
Notiniphu: Of course Ma'am coming right up
I smiled. She is acting like a respectful person in
front of my sister in law. I looked at sister in
law. I smiled then sat down..
Me: I haven't offered you my condolences. I am
sure no one did. I am really Sorry for your loss. I
didn't know Shosholoza but I believe he was a
good man. I mean look at Prince Nomgcwabe
and Prince Phonqa. Such fine kind hearted men
Notiniphu came with our tea. She gave princess
Nomagampompo: Thank you
She gave me.
Me: Thank you chef
She smiled
Notiniphu: You're welcome
She walked away. I looked at Princess
Nomagampompo: That is very sweet of you to
say what you said. I really appreciate it but I
can't say it is hard because he wasn't a father to
my children and we were not together
Me: But you cared about him
She sipped.
Her: There is history there so of course I do. And
there are also regrets
I sipped. It's amazing to finally sit with her
without the Dlunganes. Look how we so good
when they are not here. Those women are
poison to this family
Me: You are talking about not introducing the
kids to him?
Nomagampompo: He knew them. I am talking
about not telling my kids while he was alive
Me: I meant that Sisi. It must be hard
Nomagampompo: It was I won't lie to you
Me: I can imagine.....
I don't know how I am gonna ask the next
question. I hope it doesn't ruin this.
Me: If you were to know who killed him how
would you feel?
She looked at me.
Nomagampompo: I would tell the police. I mean
that's what they deserve. Yes Shosholoza might
have done things but he was a good man
Me: I know right....
I sipped looking at her. Come on
Nomagampompo. You can do better than this.
Why don't you ask yourself who might have
done it?
Me: Did he have any fights with this family like
few days before he died.....
She looked at me. I smiled.
Me: I mean anyone even if it's not this family I
want you help you figure out who did it Sisi. I
have to do something nice for you. I feel like you
and I could be good. I want to bond with my
husband's sister and have a good relationship
with you. I want us to find the killer together.
We will put the pieces together
She looked at me. She sipped her tea. She looked
at me again
Me: I would like to be how we used to be.
Wouldn't you like that ?
Nomagampompo: I would like that Nontorotyi
I smiled at her. She did too then looked down
thinking. I looked away and smiled. I sipped. If
Nomahelele thinks she is going to scare me with
ashes. I have my ways as well to make her life




< Nomaxabiso >
My house and uncle's house are not far apart. I
think it's a five minutes walk. That is how close
we are to each other. That is why I am upset that
none of them came to see me after the funeral
and the will reading. I am angry at everyone
who is Zidenge. Dlezinye is calling me. I don't
know why she can't come here. I am the one
who is mourning a loss. She has a criminal
husband in jail. I don't know why she expects
me to go there when she wasn't there for me
when I lost my parents. That woman was not
there for me even when she found out what her
husband did to me. She only believed me when
her husband started cracking. I was expecting
her to follow me after she discovered what
uncle did. She just gave me a hug in her house
and that was it. I didn't get support from my
family at all even from my favorite aunt in the
world. The only people who supported me was
the Royal palace at Sdabadabeni. They have
become my family now. I am happy to be part of
their family. They showed me that they got my
back. They are the only people who matter to me
right now and I am blessed to have them. Chief
Khabalandile spent a night here. I liked his idea.
I don't have to leave my home. Even though I
will be married to him I won't have to move to a
new place or have to sell this house. I am happy
about that I cannot lie. The last time i saw my
aunt Notaligana was yesterday in the morning
when she woke me up. I haven't seen her again.
She didn't even see me before she left. I see a
few clothes gone. Her not telling me when she
leaves just shows she doesn't care about me. I
don't care about her either. I just hope wherever
she is She is safe. She better stop this nonsense
before it's too late.
Anyway someone is at the door. I need to go
check who it is. I went to the door then opened
the door. Every time i see this woman at my
doorstep my heart jumps. I guess it is the guilt. I
pray she never finds out about what happened
between me and her husband. The only people
who know are uncle Manyokonya and the
Ndengana family. I hope none of them tells her.
I hate even thinking about it.
Me: Ncinci
Ncinci: Hi Malingene told me. I thought I should
come and see how you're doing
Me: Come in
She walked in. I closed the door.
Me: Can I make you tea, coffee or juice ?
Her: Juice please
Me: Okay let's just go to the kitchen and talk
We walked to the kitchen. I made her juice. I
took two glasses then sat on the kitchen table.
Ncinci: How are you feeling about the whole
thing? I can't believe you're my sister in law
I smiled then looked down. In my head I was
like and the woman who was having an affair
with your husband. This whole thing is messed
up. I don't even want to think about it.
Me: Friend this is hard for me. I don't even want
to think about it.....
Ncinci: I understand. You just lost both parents.
A day later you discover such things about
people you love...
Me: You know it was gonna be nice to hear that
my mother had an affair with your father in
law! She didn't ! that man raped her!
Ncinci: I am so sorry
Me: It's not your fault he did that. I can't even
call your husband brother. It is like I am
betraying my mother
I stood up
Ncinci: Oh My friend
Me: This is hard you know? This is so hard
Ncinci: Do you know the other men ?
I looked at her. I am not even sure if telling her
about the Chief is a good idea. I don't know why
i am still protecting that man. He hates me. I
should be happy to tell everyone how evil he is
but it is not easy
Ncinci: No it's okay. You don't have to tell me
I wiped my tears.
Me: It was....
I heard a knock at the door. I wiped my tears.
Me: Let's go sit in the living room
We walked out of the kitchen. We went to the
living room. I went to the door and opened.
Wow Queen Nomakhosazana and Nomahelele
are here. I didn't expect to see them. I wonder
why they didn't call? anyway it's a pleasant
surprise. I am not complaining
Me: Wow hello
Nomahelele: Sorry to drop by unannounced we
just came back from Mthatha we thought we
should come and say hi
Queen: That's if you're not busy
Me: No! come in! my home is your home
Queen: You're very sweet
They walked in. Ntombenicinci stood up
Me: Oh My Queen this is Ntombenicinci,
Malingene's wife
Queens eyes popped out
Queen: Oh hi!
Ncinci: Hi, It's nice to see you up close
Queen: Oh you have seen me before?
Ncinci: In your car when you pass by my house.
My house is next to the road
Queen: Oh i see
Ncinci looked at me.
Ncinci: I will leave you guys
Nomahelele: It was nice seeing you
Ncinci: You two
I went to the door with her
Me: I will see you later friend
Ncinci: Okay
I closed the door then turned around
Me: Can I offer you any....
Queen: Oh no! We had a lot of liquid stuff on the
way. We kept stopping the car and urinating
Me: Okay
I sat down.
Queen: Nomaxabiso I am not going to waste
your time. We are here to tell you that Princess
Nomagampompo is going to lay murder charges
against Your uncle
Me: For the unborn baby ?
Nomahelele: Yes and she has a case. We took
your father's will from the lawyer. It's the only
witness we have. A man who is passed but we
have a case
Me: Wow
Queen: I wanted to know if you want justice for
what happened to your mom because this will
can also help you
Me: Totally ! I want in. My mom would be mad
at me if I wouldn't take this opportunity! I am
the product of that rape. Uncle Manyokonya is
going to answer to the authorities why the rest
of the men are dead
I looked at Queen Nomakhosazana
Me: Why didn't they ask you to be the judge?
Me: They did. I agreed then withdrew when we
decided to do this. It is just close to home for me
Me: Yeah I understand..... Wow he is in for a
Queen: Not just him but the family and the
entire Hlalwini village....
Me: Okay ?
Nomahelele: We want the Chieftaincy to be
taken away from that family. The things he is
done and the things that are gonna be revealed
in that private court room is a lot. Requesting for
this or not I think the court will propose this
Queen: We just want to attack in all angles
Me: Don't worry about me. I don't really care
about the Chieftaincy. Uncle made it clear that I
am not family so I don't care what happens with
it. Maybe they will stop thinking They have a
right to hurt people and get away with it
The Queen stood up.
Queen: We just came to put you up to date
Me: I appreciate this thank you
They smiled. We hugged then said goodbyes. I
watched them drive out of my house. I looked at
uncle Manyokonya's house.
Me: He is gonna pay dearly

< Tasha >
Priscella and Masixole just walked out. If i knew
they were here I wouldn't have came back. It is
just awkward to be around them. I don't know
why. I feel like when Priscella and Masixole look
at me they judge me. The looks they give me is
just not a friendly one. It makes me so guilty
about everything. Maybe staying far away from
them will make me forget everything. I wonder
when will this stop. When Will I stop feeling
guilty for what I have done in the past? will I
ever stop feeling like this? Will they ever stop
judging me for it ? They might not say anything
but I can tell. They hate me for it. I feel like
things will never be normal between me and
Priscella. I dated her brother. I asked her about
her ex while I was with her brother. The same
day at night I left her brother for her ex. That is
unforgivable. I feel like somehow she must be
hiding her real reason she is mad at me. I ask
myself if it is only about her brother or maybe
it's jealousy? Forgive me for asking that.
Priscella is human like you and I. She has
feelings. I just hope it's just about her brother
nothing else because if it's about Hungani then
she is not different from me, We are cut from
the same cloth.
Anyway Leila closed the door. Then turned
Leila: I.....
Me: They look so perfect together. I wish I was
so sure like her
Leila: I thought you left
She said walking away. Ouch. I am trying here.
Why she is so cold. I understand what happened
when she walked out on me but she doesn't
have to act like this. I am trying here.
Me: When you walked out on me I thought I
should give you some space
Leila: That didn't take long
Me: Okay I know I am selfish. You were right
and I am sorry
Leila: Are you really ?
Me: Yes. I think Sonia has to know what is going
on. I was not aware my life was in danger until
they told us even though somehow they were
Leila: But they helped us catch my shooter. That
is a big deal. I can't just sit here. I have to go see
Sonia and tell her this. I just can't sit on it For
another day
Me: You're right but be careful. She can't tell
Claire you told her this. Claire is Dangerious.
And before you say you're not scared of her I
know you're not but you need to be careful. Just
tell her to take care of herself and not trust
Claire so much
Leila smiled.
Leila: Thank you so much Tasha. I appreciate
your advise
Me: Any time friend. So when are you going?
Leila: Actually right now
Me: Okay. Let me not keep you then
Leila: You can wait for me here I won't take
long. Priscella said she is having family time so I
don't want to take too much of her time
Me: Okay. Hungani is still in a meeting so I will
stay here
Leila: Great
She walked Away. She stopped half way then
looked at me
Leila: When are we visiting your mom and dad ?
Me: I was thinking new year's day
Leila: Okay
She walked out. I took my phone. I texted mom.
" Hey mom I hope you and dad are okay. I just
wanted to tell you Leila and I will spend the first
with you guys "
Me: Sent
I sat down. After a minute I heard my phone
beep. I looked at it.
" Your father and I are very happy. We went to
that holiday We promised to take you. I am
sorry honey we will be back on the 8th of
January "
Me: They are in Cape Town
We made reservations together in October. I was
gonna go with them. Even though I might not
have agreed to go but I feel like they should've
checked with me first. My name was on it as
well. Wow I feel like I don't have a family
Me: I am all alone
I went on Instagram. I browsed through my
feed. You know I am not going to say this
because I miss it. Actually I do but I don't regret
the decision I made because I love my Fiancé
but When i was with Elton I was never lonely.
He always had something planned to cheer me
up but here I am on the 28th of December bored
on Laila's couch.
Me: Wait......
I stood up. I see videos and picture of Elton
partying. Some at the beach
Me: The Mozambique trip
I sat down.
Me: Great! He replaced Claire with a new girl.
The one he was talking about

< Nomahelele >
I am sure many people understand my decision
and some don't and I understand why because I
don't understand myself either. I don't know if
it's a good decision but I will tell you why.
Nomaxabiso got pregnant first. I might be
behind by a week or two but there will be a
problem here. If she gets married first and give
birth first people will expect her child to take
over. I think I need to speak to the Queen about
this and ask what she thinks about it. I can't risk
that. I married Hlohlesakhe because I have to
give him an heir. I am pregnant with that heir.
Someone else can't take that. Ancestors won't
allow it but people will talk. I need to speak to
the Queen about this now while I still
By the way we are still on our way home. We
just left Nomaxabiso's house. It was good to see
her. I hope things went well between her and
our husband.
Me: Cuz I have a concern about my decision
She looked at me
Nomakhosazana: River never makes a decision
she didn't first think about. Maybe this
pregnancy is making you lazy to use your head
Me: Maybe
Nomakhosazana: What is it ?
I learned on her shoulder and whispered. I don't
want the chauffeur to hear this.
Me: If Nomaxabiso marries him first it's gonna
be complicated for the chieftaincy because she
might give birth first.
She smiled then looked at me.
Nomakhosazana: She is carrying a girl
Me: Flip! I knew my decision was not wrong. I
just missed one little piece even though I knew I
was right but something at the back of my head
thought this might backfire
Nomakhosazana: You are not wrong
Me: Thank you for opening my eyes
I looked out the window. My phone rang
Me: It's the PI
Nomakhosazana: Take it
I answered
Me: Talk to me ?
PI: Ma'am I just emailed you pictures of her
children at home. On their way to school and
while playing at the park. They are pretty good
Me: Great! please send me the invoice for the
amount I owe you. Your job is done
PI: Thank you ma'am.
I hung up
Me: He took pictures of Notaligana's children
Nomakhosazana: You sent him there ?
I looked out the window
Me: Anything to make that woman back off!
Nomakhosazana: What are you going to do with
Me: I am going to send them to her. I want her to
see that I can end her little family if I want to
Nomakhosazana: God she has to back off now !
Me: I know
My phone rang. I looked at it
Me: O-kay.... ?
Nomakhosazana: Who is it ?
Me: Bhonyongo. Some boy who always ran
errands for me
Nomakhosazana: It might be important
Me: Yeah
I answered.
Me: Bhonyongo?
Bhonyongo: Nkosazana there is a lady who is
going around asking Questions about you. I have
a feeling she is no good
I looked at the Queen the put him on speaker
Me: Can you describe the woman for me ?
Bhonyongo: She is tall light skin. Well
mannered. When she respond when you ask
how she is doing she mentions God
Me: Notaligana
Bhonyongo: Nkosazana you know her?
Me: Yeah.... She is an old flame of mine.
Bhonyongo: What should I do?
Me: I want you to rough her up. When you're
done. Give me a call. I will take it from there!
Him: Okay Nkosazana
Me: Hey! don't kill her. Take money. Punch her a
few times then run. She can't know you were
sent by me. She must think it was just mugging
Him: Got it
Me: Give me a call when you're done
Him: Will do
I hung up
Nomakhosazana: I cannot believe she went to
Port Elizabeth?
Me: That woman will stop at nothing
Nomakhosazana: That cannot be good
I looked at her.
Me: Not good for her not us !
Me: Bloody woman

< Judge MaKhosazana >
What is Notaligana doing? If she knows River
did this to her brother doesn't that scare her?
Shouldn't she be scared that she could do worse
or even kill her if she doesn't stop with this
nonsense now? How can she be so stupid. Her of
all people should know revenge is not the
answer. She should let God deal with people
who wrong her. Maybe she is not so much of a
believer after all. Just like her brother. She is
going to leave River no choice. I hope this
roughing up will make her end all this
investigation. I hope when she sees these
pictures she will stop her selfishness and think
about her kids not herself For once.
Anyway we just got home. I can't wait for all this
to end. I want my sister in law to go lay charges
against that man. I made things easy for her. I
talked to the new judge. She is going to email her
statement that will correspond with the will. She
doesn't have to go all the way to Mthatha.
Nomagampompo: How did it go ?
Me: It went well. We got the will and we were
able to convince the court that I can't be the
judge because this is close to home
Nomagampompo: But I can't do this without....
I took her hands
Me: You won't because I will be your lawyer
Nomagampompo: Oh Thank God!
Nomahelele: Yeah the court will call you in no
time from now. They want to ask you a few
Nomagampompo: Thank you so much guys. I
hope you will help me with this too
Me: O-kay..... ?
She chuckled
Nomagampompo: I am still shocked and you will
Nomahelele: What did we miss ?
Nomagampompo: Nontorotyi was here. She said
something that makes so much sense
Nontorotyi and sense? That doesn't go together. I
looked at River. She looked uncomfortable just
as I am.
Me: What did she say ?
Nomagampompo: She said She wants to help me
find the man who killed Shosholoza
River swallowed hard then faked a smile looking
Nomahelele: She said that ?
She looked at me then Quickly at Princess
Nomagampompo: Yes. She said We must find
out who Shosholoza had issues with before he
Me: That is the first thing the police do when
someone dies! I think Tha...
Oh Boy I almost said it was Thalala
Me: I think the killer was the prostitute's
boyfriend or something
Nomahelele: The Queen is right. Nontorotyi was
not helping at all opening old wounds !
Princess Nomagampompo's phone rang.
Nomagampompo: Sorry I have to take this
Nomahelele: Okay
Princess Nomagampompo walked away
answering. River looked at me fuming with
Nomahelele: That......
Me: What do we do with that woman?
River: We don't call May ! not yet
Me: What do we do?
River took her handbag then looked at me
River: I know what to do !
She walked to the door. I ran after her
Me: River where are you going!
She turned around. I stopped running
River: I am going to Thaleni Village
Oh My God What would she possible want there
? She doesn't know anyone there. I put my hand
on my mouth
River: I can play this game the same way she is
playing it......
River: Let's see who plays it better
She furiously turned around. Siqalo opened the
door. She walked out then turned around and
looked at me one more time
She ran to her car.
Me: Nontorotyi what have you done ?
I felt a hand on my shoulder. I quickily turned
around terrified breathing heavily hoping it's
not my sister in law and hoping she didn't hear
what I said
Oh It's Gedleza. I let out a sigh of relief
Gedleza: This is a Dangerious game Queen River
is playing but I like it
This is too much. I couldn't hold back my tears. I
don't know what is there to like about this. I
have a feeling that this won't end well
Gedleza: It's intriguing




< Narrated >
In Port Elizabeth at Motherwell. We see
Notaligana walking with a man who had a cap
on. They were leaving Notaligana's car
approaching two buildings that are opposite one
another. Notaligana had her hand bag and a cell
phone in her hand. Notaligana looked nervous.
She kept looking around. It looked like he didn't
trust the guy. She was just doing this because
she is desperate for information on River.
Notaligana: I don't understand why we are not
talking in my car ?
Guy: You have been asking everyone so many
Questions. If They see me in your car, They
might call her and tell her I spoke to you
Notaligana: Well you're right about that
Guy: That is why we are here
Notaligana: So tell me everything you know
about Nomahelele. How is she as a person. Is she
a killer?
Guy: I don't know who that is
The guy was walking in front of her. Notaligana
was in heels. She ran after the guy
Notaligana: What do you mean you don't know
who I am talking about. You said....
The guy turned around furious
Guy: I know what I said! I got you here because I
wanted money. Give me your bag
Notaligana: What?
The guy slapped her so hard on her face. She
covered her face. The guy looked around
Notaligana: Yoh! someboy help!
The guy grabbed her top. He covered her mouth
with the other hand. He pushed her to the wall
then punched her in the face. She turned her
around and make her face the wall. He pushed
her, Notaligana hit the wall with her face she
fell. The guy Grabbed her and lifted her up. He
punched her on her ribs a few times then
pushed her to the wall and the same thing
happened. She hit the wall then fell. The guy
picked up the handbag from the floor then ran
away leaving Notaligana moaning in pain
holding her rips with her other hand on her face
She tried standing up. She was crying in pain
balancing with her hand trying to stand up
holding her ribs. She finally stood up
Notaligana: ouch
She started searching herself. She looked
around. Her handbag is gone
Notaligana: They took my phone also
She put her hands on her head crying. A guy
went to her running
Man: Is everything okay ma'am? What
happened to your face ?
Notaligana: Some guy beat me and took my
handbag. My phone was in there!
The man kneeled down and picked something
Man: Isn't this your phone ?
Notaligana: Yes it is thank you !
Notaligana took the phone.
Man: This part of Motherwell is very
Dangerious. You can't be walking alone more
especially if you're not from here. My advice to
you is to just stay in your house you will be safe
or walk with the person you live with. They
won't do anything if you're with the person from
Notaligana: I am not from here. There is my car !
She said running to her car leaving the man. She
got in and started the engine. Her phone beeped.
She looked at it. It's a WhatsApp message. She
opened it. She saw pictures followed by a
Notaligana: Oh My God
She speed her car dialling a number. A person
Notaligana: Please make sure my children are in
doors. And please lock the doors
Lady: Why?
Notaligana: Do as I say! don't ask me questions! I
will be there in 4 hours !
Lady: Okay madam
She hung up the phone. Someone cleared their
throat at the back. She panicked and shifted the
rareview mirror trying to see who is at the
Zinyobile: Maybe you must just let go
She didn't respond. She just cried hard.

After Princess Nomagampompo revealed
Nontorotyi's plan River ran out. The princess
was busy on her phone when River left. We see
The Queen pacing up and down with a glass of
Whisky in her hand. She looked nervous. She
knew things are about to get messy. She was
worried about River. She is pregnant. Not only
one person is after her but two. They were angry
about Notaligana going to Port Elizabeth only to
get home to another problem. The Queen kept
asking How could Nontorotyi do something so
stupid? She kept saying that over and over
again pacing up and down. She heard the study
door open. She gulped her drink then poured
another one. She looked at Princess
Nomagampompo who was walking back to the
living room.
Nomakhosazana: That took forever. Who was
that ?
Nomagampompo: To my surprise it's the judge
can you trust her ?
Nomakhosazana: She is a good friend of mine.
She wanted to know more things about the case.
I gave her your number
Nomagampompo: This is going to be hectic. I
have to call Prince Nomgcwabe and tell him
Nomakhosazana: Don't tell the boy. He is in a
holiday somewhere in Mozambique. He has
never lived freely. It's time he lives
Nomagampompo: Yeah you're right. Anyway
where is River ?
Nomakhosazana: She said she was meeting her
builders she drove out
Nomagampompo: Okay. About what we were
talking about earlier. Nontorotyi said even the
family was mad at him.....
The Queen looked nervous and angry at
Nontorotyi. You could see her holding the glass
tight. It looks like she is taking off her anger on
the glass.
Nomakhosazana: Nontorotyi is accusing the
family of something!?
Nomagampompo: No! but you know when you
wrong this family. Things don't go well for you. I
think I need to go see Gedleza. I think she meant
something like what the ancestors would do to
get back at Shosholoza for abondaning the kids
Nomakhosazana: Oh i think you should go see
him then
She smiled then walked to the door. The Queen
turned around and looked at her
The Queen didn't seem pleased at all. Siqalo
opened the door. Princess Nomagampompo
walked out. The Queen took her phone putting
down the glass. Then looked up the stairs
thinking of Prince Phonqa. She didn't see him.
She shook her head then walked to her study.
She walked in and closed the door. She dialled
River's number
Nomahelele: I won't do anything stupid but you
can't stop me
Nomakhosazana: Not after what Princess
Nomagampompo told me. I can't stop you
Nomahelele: What did she say ?
Nomakhosazana: That the family might be
Nomahelele: What!?
Nomakhosazana: Not in so many words but
Nontorotyi made her believe that even the
family might have done it. She wanted her to
look closer... I mean very closer to the family
Nomahelele: That bitch!.......( Tu tu tu tu tu)
River hung up. " Don't worry my Queen " Said
Gedleza behind the Queen. The Queen turned
Gedleza: I am waiting for Princess
Nomagampompo. I will make sure she comes
back with nothing
The Queen smiled.
Nomakhosazana: Thank you Gedleza
Gedleza disappeared. The Queen sat on the edge
of her desk
Nomakhosazana: Nontorotyi you don't get tired

< Sonia De Villiers >
I am a very busy woman. I don't get days like
today. It means a lot to me to play with my
children all day and seeing them so happy to be
playing with me and their father is just amazing.
We are a family. We should have days like this
one. I will make sure I do better from now one.
It makes me so happy to see my children so
happy. They are not used to this. That's why
every time i want to spend time with them they
just avoid me but I get it, I only see them at night
after work. I hope they understand that we are
busy working for them.
Anyway in the morning before I went to my
meeting Roxy asked about Claire. We need to
have that talk. That woman called me a bad
mother. I am glad today I spent Some time with
my kids playing and taking pictures and videos
for instagram. When that EPISODE where Claire
accuses me of being a bad mom plays people
won't buy that. Forgive me for being a working
mom. I work so hard for my children kids but I
make sure I tuck them in bed every night. I
make sure they go to the best schools. I won't let
a crazy single girl tell me how to be a good
mother. That woman has no child and I doubt
she would ever have one because she can't even
keep a man.
Anyway when I came back we talked to them
about Claire. We told them she is no longer with
dad and she is out of our lives they must forget
her. I hope they are okay with that.
Hunter: Can you believe after such a good
morning these kids asked to go spend a night
with their grandparents ?
Me: They are not used to having us around
Hunter: They better get used to it because we
are going to do this a lot
Me: And i want us to do that baby. Weekends
have to be about them
Hunter: I can't say no to that. When are they
leaving ?
Me: They said in the afternoon. Apparently my
step mom is fetching them at 3
Hunter: No problem. We are too young anyway
to be parents
Me: Don't let them hear you say that! they will
think they are a mistake
Hunter: I know
I saw Hunter look at the gate. He took the
Me: You're opening the gate without asking who
it is ?
Hunter: It's a female babe
She drove in.
Me: Oh My God it's Leila
She parked the car then walked out. I opened
the door.
Me: Wow what a surprise? Priscella didn't ask
you to bring these Takeaways did she?. I said I
would go by your house and taste the cake
Leila: I was coming here so I thought I should
bring it to you
Me: You were ? Come in
What would Leila want from me ?
Leila: Hello guys
Hunter: Leila good to see you
Me: Anything to drink ?
Leila: Not for me. I hear you're having family
time i won't keep you
Me: Well sit
I said sitting down. She did too
Hunter: I will.....
Leila: stay it's not a secret
Hunter sat down.
Me: Is everything okay?
Leila: Yesterday when I went to see my boss
about going to work I saw you pass me driving
to Seputla Towers. What surprised me was
seeing Claire's car following you
I looked at Hunter
Me: Oh My God.
Hunter: So She was following you yesterday it
was not a co incident Priscella saw her?
Leila: I saw that too. I had to confront her
Me: What did she say ?
Leila looked down.
Me: Leila you can tell me anything I can take it
She looked at me.
Leila: She said you cheated on Hunter before.....
I looked down
Leila: And she thinks you will do it again that is
why she is following you. She wants to capture
the moment.....
Me: And send pictures to Hunter
Leila nodded her head yes
Hunter: This girl is crazy
Leila: I just came to tell you to be careful. I know
you wouldn't cheat but this might not be the
reason. That woman has anger issues. She might
attack you
Me: Don't worry I have a bodyguard. Thank you
for telling me this
Hunter: And don't worry about it we won't
confront her right babe ?
I wanna confront her. What is this man talking
Leila: I also wanted to say that. I don't want to
invite drama in my life. She is a problem. If you
confront her she will know i told you
Me: You're right. Don't worry Leila I won't ask
her anything
I touched Hunter's hand
Me: I am just happy my man got me a
He kissed me
Hunter: We are safe baby
Leila stood up
Leila: I hope you enjoy the cake. I have to go. I
left Tasha in my flat she is alone
I smiled
Me: Poor girl. Don't leave her. She doesn't have
so much friends
Leila: Yeah
I stood up. I went to the door. I opened
Me: I appreciate your friendship Leila Thank
you for this
Leila: You're welcome bye
Me: Bye
I closed the door then turned around.
Me: She is still in love with you!
Hunter: THe mess at her house shows it
" Who Claire? " Said a tiny voice behind Hunter.
We looked at her. It's Roxy
Me: I thought you were swiming?
Roxy: We are going to pack. Who is still in love
with dad ?
Me: Nice try little girl go take a bath
She giggled running up the stairs. I looked at
Hunter: I am sorry baby
I sat down. I took my wine
Me: It's not your fault baby

< Nomahelele >
I am not The kinda person. Who snitch on
people because they wronged me. I don't like
playing games either. I am a straight up
individual. What you see is what you get. But the
most important thing you need to know about
me is that I am Human. I can take so much from
one person. I have done nothing but support
Nontorotyi. I helped her when she was in a
situation with this family. I made them drop the
charges. I made them give her the job back. I
made them accept her as the member of the
family again. I made sure she comes home. I
brought her back to Sdabadabeni myself when
she was banished. When she had a crisis with
her brother she ran to River for help what did
River do? I got rid of the problem following her
orders. Now tell me? Where does this farm
woman get the nerve, The audacity to fuck with
me? Who does Nontorotyi think she is ? How
dare She speaks to Princess Nomagampompo
about that. How can she try to mess up her head
like that? My sister in law loved that man.
Nontorotyi didn't even think about that. She
didn't consider her feelings. She didn't think that
what she did could tear the family apart. All she
cared about was her selfish plans to destroy me.
Someone tell me what did I do to this woman? Is
she mad at me because I refused to take a photo
that was gonna put me in trouble? What the hell
is wrong with Hlohlesakhe's wife ? I have been
asking that question since I got to this village. I
am done asking it now. Now this is the time i
destroy her. What I did with that urn was just
the beginning. Wait until I do what I am about to
do and don't even think I will feel bad about it
and if she thinks of coming to me for help she is
too late. I am done helping her. The Queen said
something when we were driving to Mthatha.
She said I should look out for me more. I need to
stop caring too much about my sister wives and
I think she was right. As much as it pains me
that I won't have the sisterhood I wished for but
what the Queen said opened my eyes. I need to
focus on me and my relationship with my
husband And that is exactly what I am going to
do. From now on What I do is in the best interest
of Hlohlesakhe and Nomahelele no one else.
Anyway I am at the doorstep of somebody's
house right now. I am here to do no good. That is
what Nontorotyi was doing at the palace in my
absence right? I am not a bad person here. I am
returning the favour. We will see which of the
two hurts the most. Her betrayal or mine. The
door opened
Her: Hello ?
Me: Xhalanga's wife right ?
Her: Yes my name is Vathule who are you ?
Me: Vathule ?
I chuckled
Me: What a nice name. Well this is Nomahelele
One of Hlohlesakhe's wives
Her eyes popped out she smiled. I moved aside
from the door. I looked at my car. The boot is
full with groceries
Me: I heard about What happened. It's so sad
Vathule: Wait those are for me ?
Me: All yours take them inside the house
Vathule: Oh My God! kids !!!!
She said calling her kids from inside. They came
out running. I smiled.
Vathule: Go take the plastics
They ran to my car. I looked at Vathule
Vathule: But my sister in law and your husband
bought us food yesterday ?
Me: Let's call this..... Me introducing myself to
the family
Vathule: Thank you ! you're a kind woman
Me: Do you mind us going to my car And talk?
Vathule: Not at all
Me: After you
She walked to the car. Kids were taking plastics
in. I followed her. I walked in, She did too.
Me: Tell me what happened to Xhalanga?
Vathule: My husband left here early around
8am. Before he left he asked me to get ready to
go to town. He was going to my sister in law to
fetch money
I chuckled then looked out the window
Me: Fetch money from Nontorotyi?
Her: Yes
I looked at her
Me: Have you ever asked your husband why
your sister in law is giving him so much money
while he is sitting here doing nothing?
Vathule: Well i thought she was helping him
since they are siblings but when i went to see
My sister in law after he disappeared she said he
was blackmailing her
I smiled.
Me: That is true. Your husband was
blackmailing his sister. Did your sister in law tell
you what he had against her ?
Vathule: Both his sisters didn't wanna tell me
when I asked. What did he have on them?
I looked at her.
Me: When your husband went to collect from
Nontorotyi I am sure she had no money to give
your husband. After her arrest she was cut off
financially. Do you know what I think
Vathule: What happened?
Me: Clearly this secret Nontorotyi doesn't want it
revealed. I am going to ask you a question
Vathule: Yes?
Me: What would you do if someone put you in a
corner threatening to expose your secret ?
Me: She had no money to pay him. She knew if
she said no your brother was gonna expose her
now tell me what would you do to keep your
secret safe when someone keeps threatening
you with it ?
I saw tears running down her cheeks
Vathule: Eliminate them?
Me: Eliminate them!.....
I looked out the window
Me: Mmmm..... I love the word you used....
I looked at her. She was crying. I could see she
was thinking about it
Me: That word carries a lot of evil yet releases a
lot of load off on one's shoulders. In this case
Your sister in law was desperate. She did What
she could to take that load off her shoulders
Vathule was crying so painfully. She had hiccups
Vathule: But he was...... is her brother. She can't
do this to him ?
Me: Why the hell not?
Vathule: No!
I tried and tried to get tears to come out of my
eyes so she could believe me. I felt my eyes
getting watery
Me: Not if that secret was larger than life itself
I felt a tear escape my eye. A lot of tears came
out of my eyes. She saw I was crying
Me: What if she silenced him forever?
Vathule: Oh My God
She opened the door, Ran out and slammed it
and ran to her house
I fleshed a smile watching her run away crying.
I started the engine wiping my tears. I drove to
the main road fuming with anger.
Me: Nontorotyi you asked for war.....
I took my right hand off the steeringwheel. I
fliped my air
Me: You got the war!




< Sabonkolo >
I am Sabonkolo, Nontorotyi's sister. I know I am
nothing like her. Growing up till now she's
always about status and all fancy life and that
makes us different because I want nothing of
that. I believe in working hard for everything I
have. All my life I have been doing everything I
could to make my family and myself happy. She
hated my husband. She didn't like that I fell for
Siqalo. She wanted me to find someone better
than him. I didn't listen to her because my
husband made me happy and i loved him and i
still do more than ever. Staying with Siqalo was
the best decision I ever made. I still don't regret
marrying him. We are foing well for ourselves
and we support each other. Nontorotyi's life is
complicated and she complicates it herself. She
came to see me telling me about the divorce. I
don't see anything wrong about it. That is what
happens when you're married to a man like the
chief. I don't understand why she is making a
big deal out of this. I don't know why she is not
bothered at all by my brother's disappearance. I
am very worried. This is nothing like Xhalanga.
He would never do something like this but we
are willing to wait till after festive then report
him. I am really worried about my brother and
his family. I am hoping that next month he
comes back. His disappearance is the reason i
am at work today. I am surprised to see The
chief here. What is Chief Khabalandile doing at
work today? I myself just came to do some work
I couldn't do and to check on things in the
garden since I also took my sister's duties at
work. I have to deal with a lot. I am doing my
work and hers. I saw Chief coming to the staff
room. I smiled then closed My laptop. He opened
the door. I stood up
Me: My Chief
Hlohlesakhe: Sister in law what are you doing at
Me: I should be asking you the same my Chief
Him: Actually I was looking for you. Your
husband Said I shouldn't go to your house
because I won't find you there
I leaned on my desk.
Me: He said you will find me here ? Well i came
to check on things. Check if they irrigate the
vegies and I also needed to do some paper work
Him: Oh that's good. I wanted to speak to you
about your sister in law......
Me: Vathule? What about Her? It was nice what
you guys did for her. She is lost with my brother
Hlohlesakhe: Wherever your brother is hiding
this festive when he comes back he will see his
wife doing something he couldn't do for himself
Me: What is that ?
Hlohlesakhe: I want you to get her a job here
Me: Wow boss that is amazing thank you!
Hlohlesakhe: Yeah you and Nontorotyi are
married. You need to take care of your families
not Xhalanga's family. It's time they work for
themselves now
Me: Thank you boss but how is this gonna work?
Thaleni is very far from Sdabadabeni
Hlohlesakhe: Some of our workers live at
Ngojini and Ndungunyeni. Lucas transport
them. He will do the same with Vathule
Me: I am going to call her and tell her the good
Hlohlesakhe: Great but do that when you found
her a position. In cleaning or the garden
Me: Okay. I will have to speak to Cikizwa first
Hlohlesakhe: Okay
He walked out. I went back to my desk
Me: Hell yeah!
I opened my laptop. After five minutes working,
I heard a knock. I looked up. I looked at the
window checking who is at the door. What is
Vathule doing here?
She doesn't look happy at all. I went to open the
Me: Vathule?
Vathule: What secret did My husband keep for
Me: What ?
I walked to my desk. I didn't sit. I looked at her.
Why now? Why didn't she ask that day we were
talking about it. This is my sister's business. She
should ask her and leave me out of it.
Vathule: Sisi you and sis Nontorotyi told me
Xhalanga was blackmailing Sis Nontorotyi. What
did he have on her ?
I walked out of my desk
Me: What does that have to do with your crying.
What is going on ?
Vathule: Did you guys kill my husband ?
Me: What!?
Vathule: This big secret you can't tell me! Sis
Nontorotyi was broke but she asked my
husband to come fetch money. He didn't come
home. He disappeared
Oh No! I looked down then searched for the
desk. I leaned on it. This theory sounds scary
and I don't want to think my sister can be
capable of this
Vathule: Oh My God
I looked at her
Me: Oh My God what !? I am thinking about
what you just said but do you think Nontorotyi
would do something like this ?
Vathule: I got a visit from Nomahelele
Me: What did that woman want ?
Vathule: She brought me groceries
Me: Don't trust that woman! Throw that food
away. She is my sister's enemy which makes you
her enemy!
Vathule: But this makes sense
Me: None of this makes sense! my sister would
never do that! Throw that grocery away !
Vathule: Everything is sealed I don't have to do
that but we must keep looking. Why would she
come to me with this
Me: Because She despises my sister. She would
do anything to make her look bad! Be careful
with that woman!
Vathule: Then I am glad I didn't go to sis
Nontorotyi, I came to you. Please don't tell her
I smiled
Me: It's our secret. Next year you're going to
work here. I will come to your house with
details after new year's
Vathule: What!? really ?
Me: Chief got you a job
Her: Thank you so much! thank him for me.
They have been so supportive
Me: I know right? Please leave me now I have to
Vathule: Okay
She walked out. I stood up and paced up and
Me: Shit! Would you do this Nontorotyi?
No! my sister would never do this. That evil
woman Nomahelele is playing dirty. She wanna
get my sister in trouble. I am going to pay her a
Me: She is not going to mess with my family

< Narrated >
At Gubhu house. We see Ntombencinci taking
food to her husband who was sitting outside
alone listening to radio. While walking she was
looking at Nomaxabiso's house.
Malingenene: Nkos'kazi what is going on?
Ncinci looked at her husband. She put the food
infront of him on the water baket that was face
Ncinci: I was just looking at Nomaxabiso's
house. The judge and the woman she was with
left her house
Malingene: They were there?
Ncinci: Yes they were there. I feel like I am
losing my best friend you know
Malingene: Why do you say that ?
Ncinci sat down
Ncinci: I don't know... the way her face just
lightens up when she sees or talks about that
family. They make her happy they care so much
Malingene: I would feel the same way too if I
was her. If it wasn't for them we wouldn't know
the things we know about Manyokonya
Ncinci: That is true.... my husband there is
another thing that I noticed about Nomaxabiso
Malingene looked at his wife. He took his food
then started eating
Malingene: What is that ?
Ncinci: I looked in her eyes. I couldn't believe
what i saw and her body kind of confirmed it
Malingene looked kinda uncomfortable. You
could tell he knew what was to be said.
Malingene: What?
Ncinci: Nomaxabiso likes to keep secrets from
me but I can't blame her with this one because
Maybe she doesn't know
Malingene: Know what ?
She looked at him
Ncinci: I think she is pregnant
Malingene choked on his food
Ncinci: Are you okay baby. Do you want water ?
Malingene: No! I am fine. You see someone is
pregnant just by looking at her in the eyes ?
Me: Our neighbour's daughter Vuyiswa? I saw it
in her eyes I told her. She denied it. She said I
was crazy her son is 3 years old now. Trust me
baby she is pregnant. I don't even know who she
slept with because I know she is not marrying
the king anymore and that too I didn't hear from
Malingene: Baby give her a break. She's been
through a lot
Ncinci: I know but she was sleeping with this
new man before she went through this. I am her
friend. I am supposed to know everything or
maybe it's King Zwelicacile's child? Maybe they
are thinking about making her the second wife ?
Malingene: Who was telling you All this about
Ncinci: Dlezinye. She told me her husband told
Malingene stood up fuming with anger
Malingene: That woman's husband killed my
father. I don't want you hanging out with that
cruel family!
Ncinci: But.....
Malingene: But nothing!
Malingene furiously headed to the house and
walked in. Ntombenicinci looked at Chief
Manyokonya's house.
Ncinci: The poor woman was not even married
to that man back then

At Zidenge royal house. We see A car drives in.
Dlezinye walked out with her daughter and son.
A young man in his early twenties walked out of
the car.
Dlezinye: And ?
The young man ignored her. He walked passed
all of them and walked in. They ran after him
and walked in.
Dlezinye: Prince tell us !
The boy sat down. It's Dlezinye's step son. Chief
Manyokonya's son with his first wife.
Son1: Auntie Notaligana shouldn't even bother
coming here !
Son2: Why? What happened there? Did you see
dad ?
Son1: On top of the charges I told you about
Princess of Sdabadabeni added murder charges
Dlezinye put both her hands on her mouth
Dlezinye: Which murder? The child's murder ?
Daughter: What child's murder?
Son1: So mom you knew about this? I was
surprised to hear about it there. Father poisoned
the Princess of Sdabadabeni so that she could
lose uncle Shosholoza's baby
Dlezinye: They can't prove this !
Son1: They took the will from Advocate Joko.
And The court is talking about taking the
chieftaincy from us
Dlezinye stood up and started pacing up and
down crying
Dlezinye: Oh My God! Joko is a traitor
Son1: Mom dad fucked up so bad!!!
Dlezinye: Language boy!!
He stood up and looked at her.
Him: Really Mom? after everything my father
has done you still....
Dlezinye: This is still the house of God!!! I am not
your father!
Him: Yeah you're right.......
He sat down
Him: He is a monster
Son2: The whole family has to pay for it
Dlezinye broke down with hands on her mouth.
She couldn't believe what she just heard
Dlezinye: The Chieftaincy down the drain just
like that ?
Son1: Yeah. A better family will take over. We
don't deserve it
Dlezinye: Oh My God! stand up let's pray
" Hell No!!! " All kids said at the same time then
left her alone in the living room crying.

< Nontorotyi >
I am supposed to be celebrating my victory right
now. I did when I left the palace seeing the look
on Nomagampompo's face. She bought
everything I said. I made sure she looks closer.
Very closer to home. She is going to be the new
problem in that family and I will be standing
next to her whispering in her ear telling her
what to say. When to say it and who to say it to. I
am sending her straight to Nomahelele. She is
going to pay for everything she's done to me. She
is going to pay for trying to take my life from
me. Like I was saying in the begining. I was
celebrating my victory. I stopped celebrating
when I saw Nomahelele driving out of the
palace like a mad woman. Where is she going? I
am really scared now. I wonder if she is going to
get weapons to attack me or she is running away
because Princess Nomagampompo oh I hope she
finally looked at her direction. I just hope i am
not in trouble though. Why always I have to be
the one to blame for everything? I went to my
sister in law. I showed her support and gave her
my condolences for her loss. She lost a lover. She
deserves to know what happened to that man
but one thing that is bothering me is.... .
Me: What If River didn't do it?
I sat down. I sipped my vodka. I looked around
making sure no one hears me
Me: What if the judge did it ?
I stood up. I can't be wrong. I cannot afford to be
wrong but River likes saving the day. I might be
right. I went and stood next to the window
looking at the palace
Me: What if she saved the day this time as
I sipped
Me: What if she saved her cousin?
I spotted my phone on the coffee table. I went to
it. I am drunk I can feel my entire body getting
hot and numb. I picked up my phone. I dialled
Notaligana's number.
Notaligana: Nontorotyi
Me: Hey! I have been thinking
Notaligana: Nontorotyi after a lot of thinking i
decided that I am tired of thinking of these sick
plans that never work! I am done !
Me: Hold on are you crying Notaligana?
Notaligana: What Do you want Nontorotyi?
Okay she is crying.
Me: You said you suspect Nomahelele. What
made you so sure that she did this besides seeing
someone who looked like her?
I sipped my drink
Notaligana: Nomaxabiso had a dream. In that
dream my brother...
Me: The dead one ?
Notaligana: Yes. He said Nomaxabiso can't trust
I smiled
Me: Interesting. Are you driving
Notaligana: Yes and bleeding
Me: Bleeding?
Notaligana: I am on my way from doing my
investigation in PE. I got attacked by a man
there. They took my handbag with my money.
Just after that I got a text threatening me.
Nontorotyi they are targeting my kids. Someone
is following my children!
Me: Fuck Me!
Notaligana: Goodbye! you don't use that
language talking to me...... ( Tu tu tu tu tu tu tu)
She hung up on me. I threw my phone on the
Me: Bye bitch at least you gave me something
with that warning from the dead
I gulped my drink then walked to the bottle.
Me: Maybe I should pay princess another visit
" Really ? " Said a very annoy voice behind me.
She is the last person to judge me. I quickly
poured myself a drink. I didn't look at her.
Me: Zinyovile!
Zinyovile: What have you done !?
I turned around. I raised my glass smiling
Me: What haven't I done?
Zinyovile: This is serious Dammit!
Me: A drink ?
Zinyovile: That card you played......
I looked at her
Me: What card ?
Zinyovile: Did you see Nomahelele leave the
palace earlier?
Me: Yeah. Where was she going? Don't tell me
she was rushing to PE to attack Notaligana
Zinyovile snatched the glass from me. She threw
it at the wall and smashed it there it broke. I saw
Deliwe running to me
Deliwe: My Queen is......
I looked at Deliwe
Me: Don't come anywhere near me old woman!
Deliwe stopped running she stood there looking
at me terrified
Me: Back to work!
She ran back to the kitchen. I turned around
with Zinyovile's hand on my neck
Me: What the......
She choked Me. She pushed me to the wall. I was
against the wall trying to remove her hands, She
strangled me. Oh My God she is gonna kill me. I
can't breathe!
Me: Zinyo.......
I felt like I was passing out. She let go of me. I
fell on the floor. I put both my hands on my neck
looking at her coughing
She knelt down in front of me. I haven't seen
this woman so angry
Zinyovile: Are you ready to pay attention now ?
I nodded my head yes with my hands on my
neck still coughing
Me: Yes
Zinyovile: Nomahelele just played the same
She stood up breathing heavily. She shook her
head feeling sorry for me.
Zinyovile: Things are not looking good for you
Me: What card? Which card. I kind of played
many this week?
Zinyovile: You're on your own on this one
Me: Zinyovi......
I said standing up. She vanished
Me: Oh My God. What is Nomahelele up to ?
" Your accomplice just told you what
Nomahelele has been up to " Said a voice behind
me. I turned around my doek fell. I put my
hands on my head covering my messy hair
Me: Gedleza?
Gedleza: The same card
He smiled then disappeared
Me: Oh My God. This is horror




< Judge NoMakhosazana >
I don't like this. Princess Nomagampompo has
been good. What did Nontorotyi do? I don't want
to fight with my sister in law again. I really hate
this. We have been doing so well after that
Nontsingizi fight we had. I don't want to go back
there. I don't want to be hated by my nephews.
What was Nontorotyi thinking ? What is it that
we've done to this woman to hate us like this ?
What is my sin? My sin was to be married to the
first born of this family? With the fights we
always had her excuse was her husband don't
get what he deserves. I made sure he got what
he deserved which was the chieftaincy, wait did
he deserve it? no he didn't! He is a last born. I
did this to avoid fights. I gave Hlohlesakhe
everything and a decent wife on top of that. I got
him my cousin sister. Nontorotyi has proven to
be rotten and the biggest traitor this family has
ever had. After all I have done for her and her
little family did I ever get a thank you? No! she
went on and tried to murder me. She got away
with that. When River got here she was very
kind to her. She wanted to form a sisterly bond
with her what did she do? Nontorotyi took the
sharpest knife from her drawer and stabbed my
sister in the back and left the knife inside my
sister. I am the Queen here. I always have my
ways and use them to make people obey and
respect me and this royal house but as the
Queen of Sdabadabeni I failed to control
Nontorotyi. This woman is stubborn. She is
trouble. I give River my support. I want her to do
whatever she wants with her even if that means
spilling blood. I have had it with her. My head is
spinning. This family means everything to me.
When someone tries to destroy it i get angry.
Nontorotyi don't want to see me angry. She
doesn't want to see that again. She once saw
what I am capable of. She doesn't wanna see me
the second time because the second time i will
up the punishment. I might even kill her. I spoke
to this woman at MEC lunch. I thought we had
an understanding but I was wrong because the
next day she came here while we were gone and
did the very same thing she did before. What do
you do with someone like this? My only hope
right now is Gedleza. I seriously ran out of
options. Hearing Gedleza saying he is going to
handle this makes me a little relieved even
though I am worried about my blood going to a
village she doesn't know to do God knows what.
Me: Oh you don't wanna get married to a royal
I heard footsteps behind me. I quickly turned
around and smiled.
Notiniphu: My Queen is everything okay? You
look upset?
Me: No! I am good dear
She smiled. I could see she doesn't believe me. I
smiled at her again
Me: Family matters
I sat down and looked down thinking about
Notiniphu: I am sorry My Queen
I looked at her
Me: Nothing I can't handle Chef. You know me. I
am a superwoman
I gulped my drink
Me: Please bring ice and pour me more Whisky
Notiniphu: Right away my Queen
She walked to the kitchen. I put my hand on my
forehead. My head is spinning
" Rough day? " I looked up. I saw Prince Phonqa
Me: You have no idea boy. No idea at all
Phonqa: One of those days?
I looked at him. I burst into laughter.
Me: Boy you better go wherever you're going. I
have a therapist !
Phonqa: My Queen Chef talks.....
Me: I won't repeat myself
Phonqa: Your highness
He ran to the kitchen. Chef Notiniphu came with
Ice. She poured me a double whisky
Me: Thank you
She smiled. She looked at me
Me: You needed something what is it ?
Notiniphu: No my Queen this is not the right
Me: Nonsense! Sit !
She sat opposite me
Notiniphu: Thank you for seeing me my Queen
Me: No problem. Talk to me before Princess
Nomagampompo or River comes back. Those
two will change my mood
Notiniphu: My Queen I have been working here
for few years now and I can't lie...
Me: Notiniphu are you resigning?
Notiniphu: No! I am not my Queen. I just wanna
finish my studies next year and.....
Me: Fantactic! I am going to pay for the left
semester! when you've graduated you and I are
going to find a spot at Coffee Bay and open a
restaurant. You will be my partner. I will Speak
to My cousin sister to build a restuarant for us
for a cheaper price. We can also involve
Princess Nomagampompo. She just got money
from Shosholoza. We can be partners you, Me ,
River and The Princess
Notiniphu: Oh My God my Queen really ?
Me: You bring the skills , River , Princess and I
bring money. You make partner we make
Notiniphu: Oh My God I don't know what to say
Me: Say yes
Notiniphu: Yes!
Me: Good I will Speak to the other ladies and
propose the idea
Notiniphu: I don't know what to say thank you!
Me: It will be your restaurant. We will just be
silent partners
Notiniphu: Oh My God
She went down on her knees and bowed
Me: You're welcome
She stood up and thanked me one more time
then walked away.
Me: Chef
She turned around......
Me: Are you intimidated by the young man
being the COO ?
She looked down
Notiniphu: Honestly my Queen yes but going
back to school is what I always wanted to do....
Me: Good. Go back to the culinary school for you
not for him. That young man loves you for you
Notiniphu: Thank you my Queen
Me: And don't worry about distance. The way
Priscella and Masixole will make it work is the
same way you will do. Masixole is coming home
next year for good. Priscella will stay there. You
can spend weekends In Johannesburg. We will
survive eating takeaways for two days while
you're gone
Notiniphu: Thank you my Queen
I smiled. She walked away. I am sorry if she was
thinking of Moving to Johannesburg it is not
happening. I trust her. I can't lose her. I am not
good with new people. I hope i am not being
selfish. She has been good for my family. She
kept the darkest secrets. She earned this
Restaurant. I want to make it happen for her.
We will just put money in it then let her run it.

< Priscella >
Oh i am so excited and confident about the
desert I am going to serve people at my
reception. Laila's cake was delicious. I can't wait
for the day of the wedding. This is going to be
the best day of my life. I am excited. I can't even
hold my excitement. I even miss my mother. I
wish she was here. I cannot wait for her to come
back. I can't believe I just said that. She is my
mom. No matter how much we fight I still love
and miss her. I don't have to feel bad about that.
Aaron is here. I want to know all about
Notiniphu. He really looks like a man in love.
Masixole was right. He is in love with this girl. I
can see how happy he looks when he speaks
about her. This is exciting. They better make it
Me: So you think this one is the one ?
Aaron: She has to be. I have been sleeping
around with some girls and even prostitutes
Masixole's phone rang
Masixole: One of those girl is my ex. I have to
take this it's Elton
He said walking away answering. I looked at
Me: You have been single for a while. I think
you're ready
Aaron: I know I am
Me: Notiniphu is a very nice girl. Please treat her
Aaron: That's the plan and i am glad she doesn't
live here
Me: Trust me I know what you mean. Sikelelwa
was not gonna make her life easy. I still think
she won't even though she doesn't live here
Aaron: Damn I don't know what I saw in her
Me: People change from good to bad
Aaron: Yeah that defines my ex wife
I saw Masixole coming to us
Masixole: I just got a weird call from Elton
Me: Is everything okay ?
Masixole: He said he needs advice about
something and he is going to ask me when he
comes back
Me: Wow? When are they coming back?
Masixole: They will get here 3rd January
Me: That's in 5 days
I looked at Aaron
Me: I am so happy you guys are giving each
other a try
Aaron: Me too
Masixole: You two will come down to
Sdabadabeni to see us. I will love this
Aaron: I wish she lived closer though
Masixole: I hope you're not thinking of breaking
my old lady's heart. She loves Chef Notiniphu's
Me: Yeah She is like family now
Aaron: She is going to lose her eventually. One
day I might marry her. Who knows?
Me: Well if things get to that The Queen and
Masixole will hire a new chef
Masixole: This guy is talking marriage already
Aaron: Having one failed marriage doesn't mean
I should give up
Me: And people are not the same
Aaron: Exactly
My phone rang. I looked at it. It's Sonia.
Me: Sorry I have to take this
Masixole: Okay babe
I answered
Me: Hey
Sonia: Are you guys home Hunter and I are
thinking of coming there
Me: Yes Aaron is here but wait I thought it's
family day ?
Sonia: Kids went to dad for a sleep over
Me: Then you two are sleeping here tonight
Sonia: I guess we must pack a few things
Me: Great !
I hung up
Me: Sonia and Hunter are coming here
Aaron: That's good I guess we will drink all
Masixole: It's good to get together. I just hate
that my baby can't have fun with us
Me: Being with you guys here is my fun not
Masixole: I am glad to hear that baby
He kissed me
Masixole: thanks baby
Me: You're welcome
Something tells me something is going on here.
Does it have something to do with what Leila
said? Leila wanted to see her.I hope they are not
coming here because Leila said something

< Tasha >
I am not going to lie. I am hurt. Even though I
wasn't gonna go to the trip but I am hurt that my
parents didn't even consider letting me know
just to be sure if I wanted to go or not. That trip
was supposed to be a family trip. They decided
that I am no longer family and left me behind.
How can mom and dad do this to me. I know I
humiliated the family. I am not the first person
to make a mistake. Why can't they forgive me? I
am trying to be a better person. People who
don't know me see the change but my parents
don't want to see that. I have selfish parents. I
never noticed this about them. I can't believe
they are willing to punish me for as long as they
are still alive. Would I be wrong to get married
and not tell them? Or let me guess. They would
come running to confront me and tell me how
bad of a daughter I am. What does what they did
make them? They went to a trip we were
supposed to go to together without me. Why
can't I confront them about that? You know I
thought this wedding was gonna help us
reconnect. I was wrong. It looks like when they
come back they will still want nothing to do with
me. I was hoping to introduce Hungani to them
officially but at this point I doubt that will ever
happen. I am disappointed in my family. I never
thought my parents of all people would be the
reason for my tears. After speaking to my
mother I cried. I was hurt and I still am. I left
Laila's flat. That woman has problems of her
own. I didn't want to bother her with my
problems. I have to deal with this myself. The
stress I am under is too much. I can't take this
anymore. When things are going smooth in my
relationship my parents happen. Why do I have
to deal with so much. What is it that I have ever
done to deserve this punishment? I hope when
they come back we will be able to resolve this. I
really want them in my life. I want them at my
wedding. I can't do this without Their support.
Anyway Hungani is not back. I am alone at our
house. My phone rang. It's Leila. I answered
Me: Hey
Leila: Hey i thought I was gonna find you here
Me: I decided to leave
Leila: Why ? Did I do something
Me: No! you didn't do anything I just decided to
Leila: Tasha I know you and know when you're
lying to me. What is going on ?
I exhaled
Me: I called mom
Leila: Oh boy
Me: Remember the trip to Cape town I told you
about few months ago ?
Leila: Yeah. Wait? You're supposed to be in Cape
town since Friday 24th which was few days
Me: Mom and dad went without me. They are in
Cape town to our holiday. They didn't even ask if
I wanted to go or not they just left me Leila
Leila: Don't cry friend but you were not gonna
go right?
Me: Yes i was not gonna go but they didn't know
that. Them leaving me behind just show they
don't see me as a family member anymore
Leila: I am sorry friend so did you tell them?
Me: No, I called Mom to tell her that you and I
were planning to go there Sunday she said she
was in a holiday in Cape town she will be back
January. No "Sorry honey we didn't think you'd
wanna go" No nothing! She didn't even sound
Leila: You need a serious talk with your parents
when they come back. They can't do this to you.
You apologized to them. I hope Hungani
marrying you will show them that he is serious
Me: I hope so too
I looked out. I saw the car
Me: Hungani just drove in talk later
I said standing up looking at the door. He just
Leila: Okay
Me: Wait how did it go with Sonia?
Leila: She thanked me. She promised she won't
confront Claire. She already had a bodyguard so
she is safe
Me: Okay
The front door opened. I hung up then wiped my
Me: Hey babe
Hungani: Hey babe. I had a great meeting today
Me: It's written all over your face
He looked at me
Hungani: And you look sad what is going on?
Me: I am great babe
He gave me the look
Me: Okay at the beginning of the year mom and
dad planned this trip to Cape town for
december. Today i called Mom telling her that
Leila and I are coming to spend New year with
them mom said they are in that holiday in Cape
Hungani: Damn sorry babe
Me: Obviously I wasn't gonna go but what
upsets me is the fact that they didn't even tell me
they are going there. It's like they disowned me
Hungani hugged me.
Hungani: I am sorry
Me: I couldn't even tell mom I am getting
Hungani: When are they coming back?
Me: I think she said 8th
He broke the hug and wiped my tears
Hungani: You will tell them in person when you
go see them. You need to talk and make things
I wiped my tears. I sat on the couch.
Me: Yeah that is what I will do. Anyway what
was The meeting about?
He smiled then came and sat next to me.
Hungani: I got this game show gig
Me: What !?
Hungani: Yep i will be hosting a 12 Episodes
game show
Me: Wow congratulations baby
I hugged him. This is amazing. This morning we
were signing another contract now this. Wow
God is good.
Hungani: Thanks babe. I told you I got this
Me: This morning we signed contracts
Hungani: I just signed another one
He kissed my stomach
Hungani: Mom and daddy are getting this paper
I kissed his head while he I kissing my tummy
Me: I am so happy for you baby
He looked at him
Hungani: I am happy for us
I kissed him. Thank God we have something to
celebrate about after my parents betrayal.

< Narrated >
It looks like what Nontorotyi said to Princess
Nomagampompo opened her eyrs. More than
ever she is determined to find out who killed her
lover. It looks like that talk with Nontorotyi
made her feelings for her late lover come back.
She forgot how he treated her before he died.
She is prepared to get to the bottom of this and
this visit to Gedleza she thinks it is going to help
her get to the bottom of this. Will Gedleza be of
any help? I guess We got to find out now. We see
Princess Nomagampompo get out of her car. She
headed to Gedleza's hut. She knocked taking off
her shoes. The door opened.
Gedleza: Come in My Princess. I didn't expect to
see you here
Nomagampompo: Gedleza I am here to get
Gedleza: You came to the right place my
Princess. How can I help you?
Princess Nomagampompo looked at Gedleza for
a few seconds. She wasn't saying anything. She
looked down then up
Nomagampompo: I am here to find out who
killed Shosholoza.. Gedleza who killed
Gedleza's eyes popped out when he heard the
question. He looked down.
Nomagampompo: I have to know Gedleza please
tell me !
Gedleza: I am sorry My Princess but before we
continue I would like to ask you a question
Nomagampompo: What is that ?
Gedleza: Why now ?
Princess Nomagampompo sat up straight
swallowing hard thinking about Nontorotyi. She
knows if she tells him who opened her eyes
Gedleza won't take her seriously. She is not sure
she should tell him and at the same time she
knows if she lies Gedleza will know. It is good to
see even though she believes Nontorotyi she still
has hee reservations about her.
Princess: I guess it was always at the back of my
mind but I wasn't ready to ask or confront it......
Gedleza: Since when we lie to each other my
Princeess ?
Nomagampompo: Okay. This morning
Nontorotyi came to see me. While we were
talking she asked me who do I think killed him.
She said she and I should find the killer
Gedleza: And she also suspected that someone
from the family might have done it. The dead,
The living or me
Princess Nomagampompo looked down
Gedleza: That woman is doing it again !
Gedleza stood up. He took his bones. He sat
down and shook them then threw them on the
floor furiously
Gedleza: She wants to see the family divided.
She wants to see all of you fighting!
Nomagampompo: What?
Gedleza looked at her.
Gedleza: She is back to her old tricks. She found
her first victim and She won you over. She has
you eating on the palm of her hand
Princess Nomagampompo looked angry. Gedleza
looked shocked by something he just discovered.
He looked at Princess Nomagampompo
Gedleza: Go to Nontorotyi and ask her when was
the last time she saw Zinyovile
Princess Nomagampompo looked at Gedleza
Gedleza: You will be shocked by the answer and
you also put everything together yourself. You
don't need me my princess. You need to use your
Nomagampompo: I am going there right now !
The princess stood up fuming with anger. She
stormed out. Gedleza looked at the door then
looked into space and smiled




< Sonia De Villiers >
I spent a few hours with my kids but an
emergency is an emergency. I have to speak to
my friend about this. I can't believe what Leila
told me. It is unbelievable insane. I gave this
woman a freedom to walk around at work. I did
that because I was doing her a favour She didn't
even deserve. How can she do this to me after
everything? When Will this stop. What should I
do to make her stop obsessing over my family ? I
am glad Hunter and I had a talk with our kids.
This woman hates me. She could do something
to my kids just to hurt me. I want them to be
careful around her or stay away from her once
and for all. That woman is poison. But if that
plan she told Leila is real then she is wasting her
time. I am never letting any man near me ever
again. it's like today was an eye opener for me.
Spending time with My children and their father
made me feel whole again. Today reminded me
of what I almost lost. I almost lost a loving and
caring man. I am not letting him go but hey
again we were talking about Claire. Maybe that
woman told Leila what she wanted her to hear.
Maybe she has a better plan than that. Maybe
she wants to kill me but I don't see that
happening. The man she is fighting for made
sure I am safe. He got me a bodyguard. That
man knows his job. he is not letting me out of his
sight. I can't wait to see her plan succeed. She
must be glad that I have to protect Leila. If it
wasn't for that I was gonna demand that Junaid
fire her behind But I can't do that for Leila's
Anyway we just arrived at Seputla Towers. Our
children ditched us. They went to My father's
house. Maybe it was for the best. I was gonna
die of keeping this to myself. I need to tell Prissy
this. We just arrived. The Elevator opened. We
walked into the house.
Priscella: Finally !
Me: Hey family
Aaron: Sonia I fixed you a cocktail and I think
you will love it
Me: Oh you're a darling! Thank you
I took the glass. It looks like Masixole and Aaron
are tipsy
Masixole: Hunter grab a beer and join us
Me: Prissy let's go talk in private
She stood up
Priscella: What's going on?
We walked to the dinning table. We sat down
Me: Leila came to see me
Priscella: When i told her you wanted to taste
the cake she said She was going to your house
anyway which made me curious
Me: Prissy you were right. Claire was following
me. Leila confronted her. She said there was no
photo shoot
Priscella: What did she say to justify her actions
Me: That she wants to catch me cheating on
Hunter, take pictures and show him
Priscella: Then they will live Happily ever after?
What nonsense is this ?
Me: My point exactly. Clearly Hunter don't want
her anymore. I don't know why she doesn't see
Priscella: The only man who knew how to
manipulate you and turned you against your
family is dead and you know better than letting
another Brendan sweet talk you. If she thinks
you would fall for another fool again then i
would like to see how long the wait will take
Me: I don't know friend. I feel like maybe she
told Leila what she wanted her to hear
Priscella: You think she might be planning
something big ?
I shrugged my shoulders
Me: I don't know but I am not worried. My
bodyguard is with me all the time
Priscella: Yeah she is not going to do anything.
Oh i also wanted to talk to you about something
Me: Yes ?
Priscella: We need to go back to the CV's you
need to pick another person who is gonna be
your Secretary please Not another Thalala
Me: Oh friend you are right. My January looks so
Priscella: Yeah ?
Me: We need to call that person tomorrow. I
have to have an assistant as soon as the second
of January. On the 26th of January I will be in
Nigeria for Africa Fashion week and I think.......
I checked my phone.
Me: 3rd January I have an interview with Desire
Priscella: Oh My God I forgot you're February
Cover girl ?
Me: I am so nervous
Priscella: you're going to kill it I know. Oh an
update My maid of Honour. Masixole came with
R800 000 cheque from the palace. We gave The
planner some money. We are going to give Leila
some money as well
Me: Wow i am sorry i am such a lazy maid of
She stood up
Priscella: It's okay you needed to spend time
with your babies. Let's go to others
We walked back. I am glad Priscella reminded
me about the assistant matter. I really need one

< Princess Ngejiwe >
I couldn't wait for tomorrow. I have decided to
go see this traditional healer today. I can't wait
for tomorrow I really can't. I need to go now and
find out what is wrong with me. I feel like this
has nothing to do with me. I think this is more
than me and the only person who can help me
with this is someone who doesn't know me and
my family. If i go to Gedleza even when he sees
what is wrong he will not tell me. He will tell the
elders. If I go to that Zinyovile woman then she
finds something she won't tell me. She will tell
my mother and you know what happens when
my mother knows something. She will make
sure she tells me lies to cover up whatever is
going on with me. I am sick and tired of beating
myself up thinking I am the problem. Maybe
there is something that is making me make bad
choices. Maybe there is something that made me
date a commoner in my village when I could've
found a guy at Varsity and date them. I know I
promised to go tomorrow. I can't wait for
tomorrow night. That feels like a week. I called
my dad and borrowed his other car. I am going
there with Deliwe right now. I just hate that I
don't know what I will say to mom when she
notices that I left with Deliwe. But I will figure
something out.
Anyway I walked out of my room. I went to my
dad's study. I took the car keys. I walked out and
headed to the living room. I saw the stain on the
Me: Ma Deliwe what happened here?
Ma Deliwe looked around. She came running to
the living room.
Deliwe: Hey child. I hope i won't get into trouble
but your mom was very angry. She threw a glass
to the wall. She didn't want me to clean it. She
ran to her room While I was surprised by
She paused then looked at me then played with
the cloth in her hands
Me: What is it ?
Deliwe walked to the kitchen
Deliwe: No child! I think I said too much. I said
too much already. Your mother is hurting. Go to
her room and talk to her
Me: I can't do that now. I have to leave. We have
to leave
She turned around.
Deliwe: We ? Where to?
I smiled. I won't entertain mother's drama. She
knew this was gonna happen. She is Now acting
like she was just told my dad is getting new
wives. We've known for a while and made peace
with it. Why can't she?
Me: Ma Deliwe let's go to the healer
Deliwe: No child! We agreed that we are going
tomorrow night
Me: I wanna go now
Deliwe: I am sorry child. I said at night. You can
go alone
Me: You know what? You're right Ma Deliwe. I
want to hear what is wrong with me alone. I
don't need anyone. Just give me directions
Deliwe: Okay I am glad I am not going. I don't
want to lose my job. Your mother is very angry
and acting strange lately. She cried when she
saw Queen River's mother's ashes
Me: What !? Where ? Wait...... River's mother
isn't dead and if she is then why we didn't hear
about this ?
Deliwe put her hands on her mouth
Deliwe: She is not ?
Me: We'd know and the Queen has never left for
a funeral in Port Elizabeth in years
Deliwe: See what I mean? Never mind I said
anything. I think old age is playing with me. Go
to Ndungunyeni. When you get there ask for
Mangqazula's house around Lwandile Clinic
people will tell you
Me: Thank you !
I ran out. I got to the car and started the engine.
Me: Mangqazula here I come

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
I am sitting here waiting for two women who
are messing with my head. Princess
Nomagampompo went to Gedleza. I am curious
to find out how it went. River hasn't returned
from Thaleni Village and that worries me. She
doesn't know anyone there. What if something
happens to her while she's there. I am in my
fourth drink. No one is coming in. I don't know
what the hell is going on. I tried calling River.
You know how she is when she is on a mission.
She never answers calls. I will Speak to her
when she gets here. That's if she does get here.
While sitting and waiting I saw the door open. I
stood up when I saw Princess Nomagampompo
walks in.
Me: How did it go ?
Oh God tell me she erased all that silly
investigation nonsense off her head.
Nomagampompo: Nontorotyi is at it again. It
looks like she spent sometime with Nontsingizi
recently. You know how she gets when she is in
contact with that witch. I am sure you don't
want to know more
She said that walking away
Me: Where are you going ?
She turned around.
Nomagampompo: To fetch something from your
study. I need to pay that woman a visit
I smiled then sat down sipping my drink. She
walked to my study. Is she going there to take
my Sjambok?
I saw her walking out. She wasn't holding
anything. She didn't say anything to me. She
went to the front door. Siqalo opened the door
for her. She walked out.
Me: You deserve everything that is coming your
way Nontorotyi
My phone rang. It's the king. I answered
Me: Hello son
Masixole: My Queen how are you ?
Me: I am good son. I am very good. How are you
Masixole: I am good. Did the MCE keep his word
I sipped my drink.
Me: A man got here before I took a shower.
That's how early the money was delivered
Masixole: Wow That's great
Me: Son I want you to be that kinda leader
Masixole: Mom a thief?
Me: Fearless and feared leader just like your
Masixole: Yeah you are one hell of a leader. I
don't think i can be at your level
Me: Nonsense! you're my son. You have the
beast in you. You haven't realised it yet
Masixole: I hope you're right. say hi to everyone
Me: I know I am right. I will send your love to
everyone bye
I hung up. The door opened..
Me: Thank God you're back! what happened I
want every detail
River: Your study
She said that walking to my study. I followed
her. She opened the door then stood aside
waiting for me to come in. I walked in.
Me: Thank you
She walked in then closed the door and leaned
on it
Nomahelele: Simple! I did what she did to me. I
gave that woman clues that she might have
killed her husband
Me: Oh My God River. Gedleza was right
Nomahelele: What did he say ?
Me: That you're playing a Dangerious game but
he seemed impressed. He was even smiling. He
said he liked it. He even said it's intriguing
Nomahelele: Oh he has no idea how it felt to
betray Nontorotyi. It felt So good to be a dirty
player again. I hope she can handle the game
and I hope she won't hate the player
Me: She better hate the game
Nomahelele: Nje!
Me: So how did the woman react ?
Nomahelele: Cuz I hated to do that to her.
Vathule is such a nice young woman. She cried. I
am sure she did something after I left, But what I
loved about the whole thing was....
I looked at her. She smiled.
Nomahelele: She doubted me. She thought I am
some jealous sister wife. I am sure she is going
to tell Nontorotyi or tell the younger sister
River sat down smiling.
Nomahelele: Now I will sit right here and wait
for any of the Dimbaza sisters. I know before the
end of the day there will be collision between
me and one of them and I am ready
I gulped my drink. I can't wait to see how this
ends. River is enjoying every moment of this.

< Narrated >
It is rare to see Gedleza visit Nontorotyi. You can
imagine how scared this made her feel. If you
think Zinyovile's warning scared her then this
one scared her even more. She lost her mind.
She Saw the vodka on the wall falling, broken
glasses on the floor. She was looking at it crying.
Remember when Nontorotyi was not listening to
what Zinyovile was saying, Zinyovile snatched
the drink and threw it to the wall. That is when
she gave Zinyovile her undivided attention.
Nontorotyi knew this. She knew there were
gonna be consequences. Why did she even do
this? Look now. Even the woman she thought
was on her side it didn't take even ten minutes
for Princess Nomagampompo to turn on her.
Princess Nomagampompo promised Gedleza to
go see Nontorotyi. When princess left the
palace. She mentioned paying her a visit. Maybe
she is heading to Nontorotyi's house right now.
Anyway Nontorotyi was crying looking at
glasses. Her daughter is gone. She also left the
mess as it was. Nonto didn't want Ma Deliwe to
clean. We see Nontorotyi looked at the coffee
table. She saw the bottle. She ran to it. She took
it then went back to the broken glasses. She
drank from the bottle .
She went to the window. She put the bottle on
the window. She ran out. She took a mop and a
broom. She went in to clean. Ma Deliwe put both
her hands on her mouth. She was shocked to see
Nontorotyi moping and sweeping the floor. She
has never done it before. The front door open.
She threw both the mop and broom on the floor
and looked at the door. When she saw Princess
Nomagampompo she quickly turned around and
wiped her tears. She turned around again
looking at Princess smiling and fixing herself
Nontorotyi: Sister in la.....
Nomagampompo: Nontorotyi I have one Queen
for you and you dare lie to me I swear.......
Princess Nomagampompo took out the Queen's
Sjambok. Nontorotyi put both her hands on her
mouth scared. Ma Deliwe looked at them from
the kitchen. She saw a Sjambok
Nontorotyi: Okay you can ask anything
Nomagampompo: When was the last time you
saw Nontsingizi ?
Nontorotyi looked down. Princess
Nomagampompo raised the Sjambok
Nontorotyi: Yesterday!!!
She quickly shouted crying and scared. The
princess shook her head in disbelief. She
lowered her arm
Nomagampompo: I wash my hands on you
Nontorotyi: I can explain......
Princess Nomagampompo walked out and
slammed the door. Nontorotyi sat on the couch
and broke down
In the Kitchen we see Ma Deliwe shakes her
head sympathizing with her boss
Deliwe: Poor woman




< Priscella >
I am very proud of Leila for going to Sonia about
what Claire said. Leila has proven to be a great
friend to us. I am glad I made her part of my
wedding. I am really happy she told her this. We
were stupid to think Claire would change over
night. That girl will never change until she is
committed to a mental centre. She is definitely
losing it. I am really scared for Sonia. I just hope
Claire cares about her image as a model. She
can't harm people and continue getting gigs. If a
man is more important to her then she will end
up with out a career and alone. No man wanna
be with a crazy girl.
Anyway everyone is drunk at my house. At least
we have rooms for everyone. I decided to leave
them. I had somewhere to be. A lot of people are
going to be disappointed mostly the guys who
are going to be part of my wedding. I have been
thinking and I don't want to worry everyone
about this. I just thought about it and decided to
leave everyone in my house and went to speak
to my doctor. I am worried that I might not be
able to fly such a long distance while pregnant.
These guys might go to the US without my
husband and I. I know they will be sad but it is
what it is. There is nothing I can do about it. This
is for the best for my health and my baby's
health. I just hope i will have good news for
them when I leave this place. The receptionist
took me to the doctor's office. She opened the
door. I walked in.
Me: Thank you
Doctor Qakathayo stood up
Him: Ms Seputla
Me: Hey Carlos how are you ?
Him: I am good thanks please take a sit
I thanked him then sat down.
Me: I was surprised to hear you're still in town
at this time of the year
Him: I am just avoiding family but I just came in
because you wanted to see me. What's up ?
Me: In January after my wedding I have to go to
the US for my honeymoon. I was wondering if in
my condition I will be allowed to fly for that
Him: You're in your 20th week now right ?
Me: In a few days yes
Him: If your pregnancy is straightforward and
you're healthy, flying will not cause any harm to
you or your baby. The safest time to fly if you're
carrying one baby, is before 37 weeks. From 37
weeks of pregnancy you’re considered full term,
so there’s a possibility that you could go into
labour at any time. For a straightforward twin
pregnancy, the safest time to fly is before 32
weeks. So in your case I don't see any problem. I
think you can go enjoy your honeymoon Ms
Me: Oh Thank You! a lot of people will be happy
about this
Him: Ain't you supposed to go with Masixole
Me: Oh We are taking our bridesmaids and
groomsmen to the US We won't have a bridal
shower so We will have it there then leave them
for our honeymoon
Him: Oh that's great
I stood up. He did too
Me: Yeah....... Doctor I didn't tell anyone I was
leaving. I have to head back home
He went to the door and opened it
Him: Thank you for the invitation
Me: You're welcome. See you at the wedding
I left. I was worried about this. I am glad he
cleared things up for me. I can finally relax.

< Nomaxabiso >
The last time i saw Aunt Dlezinye in this house
was the day of the will reading. She just got
here. I don't know what she is doing here and i
am not interested to know. Her husband raped
my mother. I don't want anything to do with
them. The only reason I am giving her a chance
to speak to me is because she didn't know about
this. I can't take my frustrations out on her but I
am angry with her because after the things that
were revealed in the will, As an aunt I expected
her to come and talk to me after the mess that
happened. She didn't do that. She stayed with
her evil husband and supported him. How can I
be friendly to someone who did that?
Anyway I let her in. She walked in. I closed the
Me: I didn't expect to see you here
She stopped walking. She didn't turn around and
look at me. She exhaled.
Dlezinye: They are taking the chieftaincy from
our family
She started sniffing. Oh She is crying. I went to
her. I stood infront of her.
Me: I am sorry Aunt
Dlezinye: The charges against my husband.....
She looked at me
Dlezinye: I was shocked to hear that you......
She started boiling up with anger. What have I
Dlezinye: I was surprised to get a call from our
lawyer saying you of all people kicked us when
we are down! You laid charges against my
husband on behalf of your dead mother! after
everything this family did for You! You're going
to pay Nomaxabiso!
I put both my hands on my mouth crying. I can't
believe. I can't believe she just said it like That!
how insensitive! I don't know why i am
surprised. This woman wasn't there for me after
that tragedy.
Me: Get out!
Dlezinye: He is already paying......
I grabbed her and turned her around and
pushed her to the door
Me: I said out of my house you evil bitch!!!
She turned around
Dlezinye: What did you cal....
I looked at the broom. I ran to it
I grabbed the broom
Me: I won't take abuse from your husband and
from you too! I refuse!
She ran out. I slammed the door behind her. I
leaned on the door. I took out my phone and
called Chief Khabalandile
Hlohlesakhe: Hey
Me: Can you sleep here tonight again please
Hlohlesakhe: I don't know.....
Me: Please
Hlohlesakhe: Are you okay ?
Me: My family is angry that I laid charges
against Uncle Manyokonya I am scared
Hlohlesakhe: Calm down I will Speak to your
sisters. They will understand
Me: Thank you
I hung up then locked the door. I got a
WhatsApp message. I opened the message. My
aunt Notaligana is sending me a picture with a
Me: Oh My God !
I dialled her number. She answered.
Notaligana: Do you see what she did to me ?
Me: Auntie where are you ?
Notaligana: On My way home from Port
Elizabeth to Butterworth
Me: Auntie, Nomahelele was here few hours ago
with the Queen how did she beat you up?
Notaligana: She sent one of her thugs. She even
threatened To kill my kids if I don't stop
Me: Auntie I don't believe you and if she really
did this Good riddance! You left me in pain here!
all you cared about was your late brother! why
can't you accept that dad is gone? !
Notaligana: I can't believe you chose them over
me !
Me: I can't believe I was crying alone and you
didn't give a Damn! Your brother is in jail did
you go see him?
Notaligana: You gave Nomahelele a heads up
that I was looking for her photo. You're the
reason she was suspicious of Nontorotyi!
Me: You involved Nontorotyi in this! ?
Notaligana: Don't say I didn't warn you and
don't come crying to me when they turned on
you! Nomahelele is a serial killer!
Notaligana: Since you're her messenger Tell her
she wins! I am done with this investigation. I
won't know who killed my brother
I hung up
Me: I hope you're wrong about your accusations
I really hope she is. I dialled Nomahelele's
Nomahelele: Sister wife?
Me: I have two questions for you
Nomahelele: Why don't you come and ask them
in person sister wife ?
Me: On My way
Nomahelele: I cannot wait
I hung up. I looked at the photos again. I have to
go to Sdabadabeni and ask her two questions

< Narrated >
At Ndungunyeni where Ngejiwe's traditional
healer lives. We see Ngejiwe arrives. Everyone
was looking at her walking out of the car. She
was welcomed by a woman who looked excited
to see her. When People who live with a healer
sees someone who drives a car visit the healer.
They just assume that the person brought a lot
of money. That is why they are so welcoming
and too friendly
Lady: Welcome please come with me
Ngejiwe: Thank you ma'am
They walked to the room.
Lady: For you to come driving a car That shows
you come from far. I wish you called though
They walked in
Lady: Have a seat
Ngejiwe: Thank you. What do you mean I
should've called. She is not home?
Lady: Yes. She will be back in two hours. Do you
think you can wait ?
Ngejiwe: Yeah. I will wait for her
Lady: Good. I will call her to rush home
Ngejiwe: Thank you
The lady walked out of the room..

At Chief Khabalandile's house. We see
Nontorotyi coming out of her room. She looked
better than she looked earlier. When she was
cleaning the glass earlier she was crying, Angry
and drunk. Now she looks better. She was even
Nontorotyi: Deliwe can you come to the living
room ?
Ma Deliwe put the table cloth on the table then
walked to the living room.
Deliwe: My Queen
Nontorotyi: I am so sorry about earlier. Please
forgive me
Deliwe: No, No problem My Queen I understand
Nontorotyi: Thank you Deliwe
Nontorotyi looked around
Nontorotyi: Where is Ngejiwe?
Ma Deliwe looked down
Nontorotyi: Deliwe?
Deliwe: My Queen I didn't want to do this
Nontorotyi: You didn't want to do what ?
Deliwe: Princess Ngejiwe says there is a dark
cloud following her. She left to see a Sangoma to
find out what is wrong with her
Nontorotyi: Oh My God no!!!
Deliwe: My Queen is everything okay?
Nontorotyi: I have to go fetch her from Gedle....
Nontorotyi said running to the door. Ma Deliwe
ran after her
Deliwe: My Queen!
Nontorotyi turned around.
Deliwe: She is not there. She said she wanted a
sangoma who doesn't know who she is
Nontorotyi: Oh My God! Zinyovile ?
Deliwe: No i am afraid it's not her
Nontorotyi: Then who the hell is it! take me
there before things get out of hand!!!
Deliwe: Let's go My Queen
Nontorotyi: No God don't do this to me !

< Nomahelele >
God I haven't told My husband that I am
pregnant. Telling Nontorotyi first was a bad
idea. I know for sure she told him. That woman
will do anything in her power to make me look
bad to our husband. When i came here I knew
she didn't like me for obvious reasons and i
made sure when I get here I will prove to her
that I am not here to take her husband. I am
here to be part of the family but it looks like she
didn't see that in me. All she saw was some
home wrecker who came here to destroy her
little family. I didn't come here to do that and
she knows it. If she says I am a home wrecker
then fine maybe I am because I slept with her
husband but what did my cousin sister do to
her? She definitely didn't sleep with
Hlohlesakhe. The only person who has a
problem in this family is Nontorotyi not me. I
really hope what I said to Vathule stayed in her
mind. If she is as smart as I think she is, That
woman is going to get to the bottom of this and
we will see who will Nontorotyi run to this time.
I am the only person who always rescued her
when she put herself in situations And look
where all that got me. She betrayed me. I want
to see her sweat. I will enjoy telling her she is on
her own.
Anyway I decided to call The chief to come to
the palace. I want to tell him here. i feel like
going to his house is not something I wanna do
for a while. I cannot stand my sister wife. I
didn't imagine things to turn out like this. I feel
like I am going to lose both my sister wives. Take
the call from Nomaxabiso for example. I think
she got a call from her stupid aunt. She knows I
got her beat. I cannot afford to lose both of them.
I asked Nomaxabiso to come here and I hope i
think of something before she comes here but
one thing I can tell you is I will have an answer
when I am looking at her in the face. Oh another
thing Princess Nomagampompo told us
Nontorotyi has been talking and seeing that
witch. Nothing that woman says will be believed
from now on. She is actually not welcome to the
palace. I will Speak to the Queen about that.
Hlohlesakhe: What is it that you wanted to speak
to me about in private sweetheart
I walked in then closed the door. We are at
Me: Nontorotyi didn't tell you ?
Hlohlesakhe: About the divorce? She told me
and she said she will sign when she is ready
Me: Wow i am impressed
Him: With her delaying things ?
Me: The fact that i told her I am pregnant but
she didn't tell you anything about it
Hlohlesakhe: You're what !?
He hugged me and lifted me up
Me: Put me down silly man! you're going to drop
He put me down then kissed me
Him: Wow this is amazing
He went down on one knee and kissed my
Him: Finally I am going to have a boy
Me: Your first wife walked out on me after I told
her. She didn't even congratulate me
He stood up
Him: Don't worry about her. She will get used to
this soon
Me: Oh trust me I don't care what she thinks
Him: That's good baby
His phone rang. He looked at it.
Hlohlesakhe: Oh Boy I have to go.....
Me: What is going on ?
Hlohlesakhe: There is a family that lost
someone. I promised to go there with counsellor
He is calling me
I kissed him
Me: Go baby
He ran out. I left out a sigh of relief
Me: Thank you Nontorotyi
I opened the door then walked out. I saw
Notiniphu watering flowers
Me: Where is the Queen and Princess
Notiniphu: My Queen. They went to the site to
check on what is going on there
Me: Oh I haven't gone to my house as well. I am
sure they are doing a great job with renovations
Notiniphu: I saw. It's beautiful. I love what they
are doing with the house. And i see you're
adding more rooms
Me: My house in Port Elizabeth is very big. I
won't be able to build something like that but i
want something for Me, my darling and our son
Notiniphu: A son ?
I laughed
Me: When God decides to bless us with a child
Notiniphu: Okay my Queen
I sat on the couch. Siqalo walked in
Siqalo: My Queen My wife is here to see you
Me: Your wife? She wants to see me ?
Siqalo: Yes! Sabonkolo
I stood up Then walked to the study
Me: Tell her she will find me at study
I said not even looking at him. I don't want his
wife to shout at me in front of our workers.
What did I say? remember what I said to the
Queen? I said I am waiting for one of the sisters.
It looks like I am getting the visit I have been
craving for.
Me: One of the Dimbaza sisters
I opened the door. I walked in. I went straight to
my cousin sister's chair. I sat down like a QUEEN
I am. I heard a knock at the door. I cleared my
Me: Come on in
The door opened. Oh dear.... she doesn't look
happy at all. She is livid. That is exactly what I
want to see. I am not going to let this girl mess
with me. Nontorotyi started this.
Me: Oh Sabon.....
Sabonkolo: You come here.........
I stood up. The nerve!
Me: Yes?
Sabonkolo: You promise to be a sister wife to my
sister then you go behind her back and make
fun of our pain?
Me: Make fun of your pain?
She started breathing heavily pointing a finger
at me
Sabonkolo: I know you're a princess and All
That! and you're supposed to be respected but
what you did to Vathule stabbing my sister in
back was low even for You!
Me: Low? What do you call what she did this
morning when she let me and the Queen go to
Mthatha to protect this family and she decided
to come here and feed the Princess lies about
Her eyes widened
Sabonkolo: What lies?
Me: Your sister knows what she said to my sister
in law and i suggest you go ask her and as for
what I said to Vathule.....
I moved away from the desk. I went closer to
Me: Your sister had no money not even a cent
when she promised to give Your brother money!
That woman didn't ask me for money! Hell that
woman didn't even ask our husband for money !
Where did she get the money to give your
brother? did you give her?
She swallowed hard
Me: I guess not!
I pointed at her chest. I made sure I stab her
chest with my long nails
Me: Your sister was with Zinyovile yesterday!
Who knows what they talked about? I mean the
next day after she saw her she came here and
tried to tear this family apart!
I said pushing my finger on her chest for the last
Me: That woman you call sister would do
anything to make sure her secret stays hidden.
Nontorotyi did something to your brother and
she knows very well where he is and all you
need to do is corner her and ask her what she
did to your brother to make sure he doesn't
threaten her again and her secret about her
bastard Daughter never comes out !
Me: Open your eyes! Your brother is dead! and
your sister killed her!
Sabonkolo: She would never do that
I chuckled then went to the chair. I sat down
Me: With Zinyovile by her side?
She turned around and opened the door. She
ran out leaving the door open.
Me: Nontorotyi you started this !!!!
I stood up crying. I kicked the desk
Me: You made me do this!!!
I looked at the door breathing heavily.
Me: I am ready for round two if you are




< Judge NoMakhosazana >
I have to talk to my sister in law and my cousin
about starting this business with Chef
Notiniphu. I am not prepared to let her go. She is
doing a great job in this house. I don't want to
bring in someone I do not trust. I can't take a
risk of letting that girl leave us. She could write a
book if she could be asked to write a book about
the things she's seen and heard in this house.
She knows a lot. I can't let her go. I just cannot
besides that I love her and care for her like
family. I am trying to protect my family. I want
to be safe than sorry. This restaurant is going to
do a lot for her. It's gonna be her baby. The three
women she is going to be partnering with have
jobs. We are very busy.
We just got back from the sites. Princess
Nomagampompo and i decided to go check what
is going on there. These guys are doing a great
job. In winter next year I think we will be in
business. They are dedicated. I am surprised
they are working in festive. Anyway I haven't
talked to My sister in law about what went
down at Nontorotyi's house. I want to know
what happened when she went there.
Me: So you didn't tell me about Nontorotyi. What
did she say?
Nomagampompo: It turns out she was with
Zinyovile yesterday and all they discussed was
ruining this family
Me: Wow. I don't know why you're surprised.
What she did coming here after We left just
shows she was trying to turn you against us
Which makes me wonder......
Princess stopped walking. She looked at me. We
just entered my premises
Me: When she said look closer to family, did she
mean me and River?
I looked at her.
Me: No! River doesn't know Shosholoza. She
meant me! That twisted conniving woman
suspects me!!
Nomagampompo: Well whatever she was trying
didn't work! I would be a fool to listen to
anything that involves Nontsingizi
Me: The next time i cross path with that
Zinyovile of yours. I swear i will leave her dead!
I furiously walked to the door. Siqalo opened the
door for us. I walked in. Princess
Nomagampompo walked in also. We found
River sitting on the couch looking at space
looking upset.
Me: River ?
She looked at us
Nomahelele: Hey guys you're back
Me: Are you okay?
Nomahelele: Yeah. I am fantastic. My darling is
ecstatic about the great news
Nomagampompo: Oh My brother has been
waiting for this his whole life. Let me go take a
bath my feet are burning from the walking
She said going to the steps
Me: Not yet sis!
I looked at the kitchen.
Me: Chef Notiniphu can you please join us?
Notiniphu: Coming my Queen !
I sat down. Princess Nomagampompo came and
sat down. Notiniphu got to the living room
Me: Please sit
Nomahelele: What is going on?
Me: Ladies after the constructors finished with
the Gym and Priscella's business. I want the
three of us to build a restaurant in Coffee Bay or
Mthatha Mouth and make Notiniphu a partner.
She will run the restaurant. We will just put
funds and let her do everything
Nomagampompo: That is not a bad idea but
starting something from scratch will be very
Me: I wouldn't be asking if I didn't know you
guys have the money. I know you have the
money. I have money. We can make this work
Nomahelele: Next year I am starting work. I am
selling my house in Port Elizabeth. I am in
Nomagampompo: I haven't thought about what
to do with the money Shosholoza left me. So I
think to have shares in a business that is not
what my father and my brother started will be
good for us. Even them they will be proud
Me: Great ! I want the four of us to be equal
partners. I am willing to pay for Chef Notiniphu
Notiniphu: Thank you so much my Queen
Me: It is just a thank you for being loyal to this
family all these years. You gave up your dreams
now it's time you show us that you can pull this
Nomahelele: I see Chef you're not surprised to
hear about is. It looks like you and the Queen
discussed this
Me: Yes we did. The idea just came to mind
while I was talking to her. She is dating a COO of
a big mining company in the continent. She
must have something so that she cannot be
intimidated by that smart boy
River looked at Notiniphu
Nomahelele: So Chef what preparations do you
have to make the restaurant a success. We can't
waste thousands of Rands for a business that
might fail
Notiniphu: Earlier I told my Queen that I am
going back to Culinary school this coming year
Nomagampompo: That's good but what will we
be without you here ?
Me: She is going to that private Culinary school
in Coffee Bay. A chauffeur will take her there
and go pick her up everyday
Nomahelele: Great! Don't disappoint us
Notiniphu: I won't I promise you
I smiled.
Me: You can leave Chef
She stood up and left.
Nomagampompo: Ladies I need to go bath. I am
exhausted. I wanna finish the Tv series after my
bubble bath. I will see you at dinner
Me: Okay Sisi
She walked up the stairs. I looked at River
Me: When......
Nomahelele: Woman you're going to leave me
broke! I just bought your aunt a car cash. I am
renovating. My darling has to deal with the
money he borrowed from the family. Where am
I gonna get so much money?
Me: You're a doctor. You lived alone What did
you do with your money ? You said you will sell
your house
Nomahelele: Then you better pray it gets sold
fast. I am not touching my savings. I am
I put my hand on her shoulder
Me: I know! you need to relax. If you don't have
the money you have a nephew. You will borrow
it from Masixole. Now tell me what got you
upset ?
Nomahelele: I was right. Vathule went to
Sabonkolo. She was here. I got upset. I told her
she must go to her sister and find out what
happened to her brother. I told her exactly what
I said to Vathule or maybe too much anyway it's
not like Nontorotyi didn't deserve it
Me: If things fall apart we will fix it. We always
Nomahelele: Yeah. Nomaxabiso is coming here. I
know she is here to confront me about Me
getting Notaligana beat. I am ready for her
Me: Do You know what you're going to say?
She nodded her head yes. I leaned back on the
couch and closed My eyes
Me: Close your eyes
Nomahelele: What?
Me: Let's meditate. Close your eyes and just
breathe out
I looked at her. She has her eyes closed. I smiled
then closed mine again.

< Notiniphu >
I am so happy for the opportunity the Queen
gave me.This is a big deal. I need to do research
about opening a restaurant. I don't want to mess
this up. They trusted me with this. I cannot
afford to disappoint them. I never in my life
thought I would have a restaurant. I am so
excited for this to happen. The way I am so
happy I even forgot that I was thinking about
something. Earlier Ma Deliwe told me Princess
Ngejiwe wanted to go see a Sangoma because
she thinks there is something wrong with her.
This girl is crazy. A rejection from a man she
runs to a Sangoma? there is nothing wrong with
her and one thing she needs to know is, there is
no herb that could heal being a loose girl. That
girl loves men. She wants every guy she sees.
The only thing she needs to fix is her thirst. She
must control her hormones when she is around
men. If she thinks that woman will help her she
is more stupid than I thought. I just hope this is
not a plan to get love portion to make Aaron
hate me. I am not trying to make this about me. I
just know the kinda person Ngejiwe is. She is
just like her mother. She doesn't like losing. She
takes and takes. They don't think people like us
deserve anything so I wouldn't be surprised if
it's a plot to end my relationship. All i can do
right now is pray that whatever they are
planning doesn't work.
Anyway I just arrived at the shop. This is time
for our lunch. Why Ma Deliwe isn't here? I took
my phone and called her.
Deliwe: Notiniphu hello
Me: Ma Deliwe I am having lunch alone. Where
are you ?
Deliwe: You won't believe this....
I looked around
Me: What happened ?
Deliwe: Remember I told you about the Sangoma
Princess Ngejiwe wanted to go see. She decided
to go today. My boss found out. She freaked out
and ambushed me to drive after her. When we
got to Mdumbi River she got a flat tyre. She took
a taxi and left me here
Me: What!?
Deliwe: Don't worry. She called someone to
come and fix it. I have something else to tell you
Me: Yes ?
Deliwe: Remember I told you about the Ashes ?
Me: Yes how can I forget that ?
Deliwe: She lied to me! she said those ashes
belonged to The new Queen. She said It's Queen
River's mom's ashes...
I stood up
Me: She is alive though. Only Her father is late
Deliwe: Exactly child! She lied to me!
Me: Now the question is..........
Deliwe: Who died? Who did my boss murder?
I sat down on the chair
Me: Oh My God that is a million dollar question
Deliwe: Don't breathe this to anyone or I will see
myself in a tin as well
Me: No! I wouldn't do that to you Ma Deliwe
Deliwe: I have to go these young men just
Me: Okay bye
I hung up
Me: Who did she kill?
I looked around.
Me: Who died.......... ?
" I know who " I jumped up when I heard a voice
behind me. It's Prince Phonqa
Me: Prince
Phonqa: Sit down i will tell you
Me: Tell me What Prince Phonqa and why are
you following me ?
He stood up
Phonqa: I guess you don't want to know
Me: No sit!
I can't let him go. This boy knows everything.
Me: Tell me everything you know
Phonqa: Ask the Questions I will give you an
Me: No! you just wanna know what I was talking
about with Ma Deliwe. I am not going to tell you
Phonqa: Try me, You won't regret it
I looked at him. I hope i won't regret this.
Me: Ma Deliwe saw an urn , a tin with Ashes of a
dead person. Mrs Nontorotyi said it's.......
Phonqa: Did you see Queen River and Ms
Sabonkolo going to the study ?
I sat up straight. He is onto something here.
Me: Yes
Phonqa: I heard Queen River heels approaching
the study.....
Me: You were at the study?
Phonqa: Yes My mom asked me to go put The
Queen's Sjambok there. I took my time to go. So
when I heard the heels I jumped into an empty
box and closed it. I heard all the conversation
between the Queen and Ms Sabonkolo
Me: What Did they talk about?
Phonqa: Aunt Nontorotyi's brother went missing
after blackmailing Aunt
I put both my hands on my mouth
Me: Oh My God
I stood up
Me: Prince we didn't have this conversation do
you hear me?
Phonqa: My lips are sealed
Me: I regret asking you. I can't with these
secrets! I wish you could untell me
Phonqa: Is that even a word ?
I wiped my tears .
Me: Let's go back to the Palace !
I said walking away fast. This woman killed her
own brother. What kinda monster is she ?
Me: Oh My God

< Nomahelele >
I am supposed to be the doctor here but I am
glad my cousin sister made me do that.
Whatever it was it helped. Maybe I should
meditate a lot. I am ready for Nomaxabiso right
now. I am prepared to answer her two
questions. I only know one of the questions and
I think I know the answer and I will make sure I
lie to her. I can't have both of them hating me.
It's enough with Nontorotyi trying to destroy my
life but I must say she will never mess with me
again after what I did. Who the hell does she
think she is coming here telling princess that.
Does she realise the damage she was trying to
cause the family? That man had two sons. Our
nephews are here. Did Nontorotyi really think
about them or she just thought about herself like
she always does? I swear one of these days I am
going to lay my hands on that woman. I know I
am not a saint but I hate the person Nontorotyi
is making me to be. That woman who went to
see Vathule and the one who was speaking to
Sabonkolo was not me. I am not the conniving
type. All i was trying to do was help her. Trying
to be a sister to her. She threw all that in my
face. I knew a part of me came to this small
town to annoy Nontorotyi but when This family
paid lobola for me, I realised how serious this is
and I had to do what a sister wife was expected.
All that woman needed to do was to play her
part. I played mine. I reunited her with this
family when they washed their hands on her.
She deserves everything that is happening to
her. I got my revenge. I just hope Sabonkolo and
Vathule will take action. When she comes to me
for help I am not going to help her.
Anyway I am sitting here waiting for
Nomaxabiso. I don't know why she is taking so
long. I saw Princess Nomagampompo walking
down. This is not good. That woman doesn't
know I am accused of killing her lover. I thought
she was gonna watch a series.
Me: I thought you were not coming down till
dinner ?
Nomagampompo: Watching the show makes me
sleepy. I thought I should come down. Where is
the Queen?
" I am over here ! " She said walking out of her
Nomakhosazana: I was reading my emails. Did
they call about your statement?
Nomagampompo: Yes Immediately after I sent it
NomaKhosazana: Great !
They both sat down. Siqalo walked in.
Siqalo: My Queen Ms Nomaxabiso is here
Me: Send her in
The Queen looked at me nervous. I smiled. She
must not worry. I got this. I am not letting
Nontorotyi and Notaligana mess up my life.
Siqalo walked out.
Nomagampompo: I saw the renovations. Good
Me: I want them to finish before the wedding.
We have to move stuff from this living room and
dinning area to my house
NomaKhosazana: You're right I even forgot
about that. They must speed things up
Me: They know the wedding is on the 10th
Nomaxabiso walked in
Nomaxabiso: Good afternoon
NomaKhosazana: Hello Nomaxabiso how are
you doing ?
Nomaxabiso: I am okay my Queen thanks how
are you ?
NomaKhosazana: We are great thank you
Nomagampompo: Nomaxabiso are you okay ?
Nomaxabiso looked at me. The Queen stood up
NomaKhosazana: Sisi let's leave the sister wives
to talk
Me: No!
They looked at me. I could see the look on
Nomakhosazana's face. I could see she was
angry with me for wanting them to stay
NomaKhosazana: No?
I looked at Nomaxabiso
Me: Nomaxabiso has two questions for me. She
is going to ask infront of you guys
Nomaxabiso: Are you sure?
Me: We don't keep secrets in this family. If I
have kept a secret now is the time to come clean
sit Nomaxabiso
My cousin is nervous. I just wish she could trust
me for once.
Nomaxabiso: My aunt left without telling me
yesterday. This morning around 11am I got a
picture from My aunt. She had bruises in her
face. She said she was in Port Elizabeth
Me: What !?
NomaKhosazana: What was she doing in Port
Nomaxabiso looked at me
Me: Do you think I had something to do with this
Nomaxabiso: I am sorry Sister wife. It's just that
she went there to investigate you. I thought
maybe you asked someone to do it
Nomagampompo: Wait...... Why is Notaligana
investigating you ?
Nomaxabiso: Becau....
Me: I am going to answer that Myself Princess!
I looked at Nomaxabiso
Me: What was the next question.....?
Nomaxabiso: Do you know what my father
meant when he said I shouldn't trust you?
Princess Nomagampompo looked at me.
Nomagampompo: I didn't know Shosholoza
knew you ?
Me: He didn't know me. And i have never met
him. Now to the first Question......
Me: Sister in law Notaligana is insinuating that I
had something to do with Nomaxabiso's father's
Nomagampompo: What !? The night he died you
were all here
Me: Maybe I sent someone like I sent someone to
beat her in Port Elizabeth. Do you remember
what Nontorotyi was saying about the killer
being close home ?
Nomagampompo: She also meant you?
Me: Yes! She was speaking to Notaligana. I am
going to tell you why I am the suspect number
Me: When we found out about Their passing. We
went there together right ?
Nomagampompo: Yes
Me: That same day after we came back.
Nomaxabiso came here to ask me about a dream
she had after we left. Her father was warning
her about me
Nomagampompo: Why would he warn her
about you ?
Me: Because that day when we went there. I told
my darling that I like Nomaxabiso and I want
him to get closer to her so that she could forget
Masixole and fall for him. Back then I didn't
trust Nomaxabiso. I thought she was gonna
cause problems between Priscella and Masixole.
I know what I did was wrong but Nomaxabiso it
helped you
Oh she is smiling. I have to shutdown all
Sdwadwa story because it might make princess
suspicious. That is why I didn't want
Nomaxabiso to tell the story. It was my story to
tell anyway
Me: Nomaxabiso I am sorry I wasn't honest with
you but as time went by I realised how good you
are. I don't regret the decision I made one bit.
Look at you today. You're happy maybe not
happy but you have support system.........
Nomaxabiso: Trust me I am happy
The Queen smiled. I saw Nomaxabiso crying
Nomaxabiso: This decision was for the best.
Today i got a visit from Aunt Vathule. She is
saying it's my fault they are losing the
chieftaincy. I am scared for my life. That family
is blaming Me
NomaKhosazana: What!? I am the one who did
this! they must leave you alone !
Nomaxabiso looked at me
Nomaxabiso: I am sorry. I hope you don't mind
but i asked the chief to come spend a night with
Me again
Me: No! I don't mind
NomaKhosazana: Next time when he is not
spending a night please come sleep here
Nomaxabiso: Thank you my Queen
NomaKhosazana: You're welcome
I looked at Princess Nomagampompo
Me: I am sorry I didn't tell you guys about the
Nomagampompo: It's okay. This is ridiculous
because you didn't even know Shosholoza. I
don't understand why would anyone suspect
you killed him
Me: Trust me I am asking myself that. Why
would I kill a man I don't know. I think
Notaligana got mugged at Motherwell. I didn't
get even a call telling me someone was asking
about me
Nomaxabiso looked at me
Nomaxabiso: I need to go home and prepare
dinner. I am sorry for coming here asking you
questions. I just wanted to hear your side
Me: I am an open book honey. A harmless one
Nomagampompo: Don't let them mess with your
head. River doesn't even know anyone around
here why would she go to Mthatha at night and
shoot your father it doesn't make sense
Nomaxabiso: I know. I am going to speak to my
aunt. Enjoy your afternoon
Me: Bye
Nomaxabiso walked to the door. Princess
Nomagampompo stood up
Nomagampompo: I have to go check what is the
chef making for dinner
NomaKhosazana: Okay sisi
She walked away. NomaKhosazana hold my
hand. She didn't look at me. She looked at Tv
NomaKhosazana: You scared me there
Me: Trust me I was scared as well
NomaKhosazana: Tell your husband the same
story. I am banning Nontorotyi from the Palace.
The chief must know the reason
Me: Yes ma'am

< Narrated >
After Sabonkolo spoke to River she went to her
sister's house ready to confront her. She didn't
find her there. The kids told her She left with Ma
Deliwe. Sabonkolo didn't waste time. She made a
phone call but Unfortunately Nontorotyi didn't
answer. She tried Ma Deliwe who told her where
to find Nontorotyi. She took a taxi. It looks like
she cannot wait for her to get home.
At Mdumbi River. Ma Deliwe is with the men
who are fixing the car. A taxi pulled over.
Sabonkolo walked out of the taxi. Mad Deliwe
ran to her
Deliwe: I gave you directions. Why did you get
off here ?
Sabonkolo: I am going to wait for her here
Deliwe: Okay.....
Sabonkolo: Tell me something Ma Deliwe
Deliwe: Yes?
Sabonkolo: How was my sister like these past
few days. Did she behave a certain way ?
Deliwe: I am not sure?
Sabonkolo: Was she acting strange? crying or
sad........ ?
Deliwe: She did threw a glass to the wall and she
was very upset
Sabonkolo looked shocked. She looked away and
started thinking about the things River said.
Ma Deliwe's phone rang. She looked at it then
Deliwe: Child ?
Notiniphu: Ma Deliwe are you free to talk?
Ma Deliwe looked at Sabonkolo then focused on
the phone.
Deliwe: As long you're the one who is gonna do
the talking........?
Notiniphu: I think Ms Nontorotyi killed her own
brother. The Ashes you saw ar....
Deliwe put her hand on her mouth. Her eyes got
Deliwe: Oh My God
Sabonkolo turned around. Ma Deliwe hung up
fast then wiped her tears
Sabonkolo: Is everything okay Ma Deliwe?
Deliwe: My cousin's cousin's cousin's uncle just
passed on
Ma Deliwe broke down..
Sabonkolo: That's barely your uncle
Ma Deliwe looked away
Deliwe: I know

Just out side Lwandile clinic. We see Nontorotyi
getting out of the Taxi. She started running to
the people who were walking away. She stopped
then took off her heels then ran again
Nontorotyi: Hello! hello !
They stopped walking and turned around.
Nontorotyi: I am looking for Mangqazula's
house. She is a Sangoma
Guy: That's her house. She just drove in You
arrived just on ti.......
Nontorotyi didn't wait for him to finish. She
pulled up her skirt and ran as fast as she could.
Inside Mangqazula's house. We see her and
Princess Ngejiwe sitting on the floor.
Ngejiwe: Makhosi nothing is going well in my
life. I am a royal princess. My ancestors
Mangqazula: Yoh! Yoh! Yoh!
Mangqazula started crying and moving her
entire body like something was eating her
Ngejiwe: Do you see something Makhosi talk to
Mangqazula: Mm-hmmmm hmmm
Ngejiwe: Talk to me. What are they saying ?
She went on and on crying and shaking for
about two minutes
Mangqazula: Mmm I don't think she is gonna
take the news well
Ngejiwe: I am a big girl. I can take it please tell
me. What are they saying?
Mangqazula looked at Princess Ngejiwe for a
few seconds with her lips trembling
Mangqazula: Not a little drop of blood in your
veins Is....
Nontorotyi: Enoug.......!!!!
Nontorotyi shouted at the door. She tripped and
fell inside the hut. The heel flew and hit the
Mangqazula: ouch
Princess Ngejiwe turned around
Ngejiwe: What the hell mom?
Nontorotyi stood up.
Nontorotyi: Give me my shoe!!!
Mangqazula took the shoe and gave it to
Nontorotyi. She took the shoe then carried
Ngejiwe: What are you doing!!!
Nontorotyi: I am making sure you don't
humiliate us any further!!!
She ran with her then put her next to the car
Ngejiwe: Mom this is importa....
Nontorotyi covered Ngejiwe's mouth
Nontorotyi: People are looking at us! get in the
car or I will call your father right at this moment
Ngejiwe looked at her mother breathing heavily.
She unlocked the car. Nontorotyi ran to her side
and got in. Ngejiwe started the engine crying.
Nontorotyi: I already know what Is wrong with
Ngejiwe: Then tell me !
Nontorotyi: Not here
Ngejiwe sped off
Nontorotyi: The truth will hurt you but I think
it's time



< Narrated >
In Johannesburg just outside the famous
restaurant. Claire's car pulled over. She received
a text message. She took out the key then looked
at the message.
Claire: Mia ? Who is this
Claire texted back then viewed her picture
Claire: Elton's girlfriend? What the hell does this
bitch want ?
Claire quickly texted back
Claire threw her phone in her handbag
Claire: Bitch!
She walked out of the car then headed to the
Restuarant. Inside the restaurant we see
Hungani and Tasha eating.
Tasha: We need to stop eating out and start
cooking baby
Hungani: You love coming here
Tasha: When i am big I don't think i will enjoy
that and I will be tired from working you know
Hungani: Yeah i get it. But once in a while we
will hire a private chef to cook for us
Tasha: I would love tha....
Tasha saw Claire. Hungani looked at Tasha
Hungani: Who......
Claire: Hey guys !
Hungani: Hey Claire
Claire: Hey handsome. I haven't seen you since
my friends passed
Hungani: Yeah hey......
Claire: Life is something else. I never thought I
would be left all alone
Hungani: You and Michaela had a bad friend.
You should be happy you're alive
Claire: I am just glad I didn't join whatever you
three were doing
Tasha: You should thank Leila. She kept you out
of trouble
Claire faked a smile.
Claire: I will see you guys lat....
Tasha: Babe stop messing with rich people. They
will ruin your life and when they are done with
you no designer will want to hire you
Claire turned around confused
Claire: What are you talking about?
Tasha looked around. She stood up then
whispered in her ear
Tasha: Babe I know you hate me because you
thought something was going on between Leila
and I but like I said before I am very much
Tasha looked at Hungani
Tasha: This man is my Fiancé
Hungani: She can join us
Claire: I don't wanna.......
Tasha: Don't be silly. Come and join us
Claire sat down. Tasha pulled her chair and sat
Claire: Where were you going with that speech.
Who am I messing with?
Tasha: I see a lot of me in you Claire. I think you
deserve a second chance. I messed up too and I
got my chance and I am making the best of it. I
think you should do the same
Claire: I still don't understand what you on
Tasha: I hear you're following Sonia. You need to
stop that. Sonia and Priscella are no women to
mess with
Claire lost her smile. She stood up .
Claire: Excuse me
She walked away .
Hungani: She is following Sonia?
Tasha: Baby that girl is a pyscho. She is still in
love with Sonia's ex husband now she is
following her around
Hungani: Wow

In Mozambique at the house. The guys were in
the living room Some sleeping and a few
watching t.v. It looks like they have long nights
judging by how exhausted they look. Up the
stairs we see Mia running down upset. Behind
her Elton was running after her calling her
Mia: Leave me alone Elton !
Elton: Wait babe. Let me explain !
Algebra and Prince Nomgcwabe stood up
Elton: Baby let me explain!!
Mia turned around
Mia: I don't want to hear It! you lied to me!
Algebra: What is wrong guys?
Mia looked at Elton
Mia: I need some air
Mia opened the door. She walked out then
slammed the door. Elton attempted to run after
Algebra: EJ!
Elton turned around
Algebra: She is upset. Let me speak to her
Elton: Okay fine
Algebra ran out. Chase went to Elton and brush
his back.
Nomgcwabe: What happened man why is she so
Elton: I cheated man
Chase: Are you crazy?
Nomgcwabe: When ?
Elton: When i went to sleep at the hotel. It wasn't
with her. It was with another chick who didn't
even matter to me
Chase: Bro you're screwed
Elton sat down
Elton: I know man
Outside we see Mia sitting by the pool. Algebra
joined her.
Algebra: Hey girl
Mia looked at Algebra then looked away
Mia: I feel like a fool. He lied to me !
Algebra: About what?
Mia: He was sleeping with Claire! the model
Algebra: Claire? The crazy Claire who attacked
Sonia at J fashions' launch?
Mia took out her phone then showed Algebra
Claire's photo
Algebra: Oh My God it's her
Mia: Our relationship is new ! how can he mess
up so soon?
Algebra: Mia Elton just got out of a very messy
relationship. I am sure you saw in the news. He
is scared to be hurt again. I think he wasn't sure
about you when he cheated. I mean when he
cheated on you we didn't even know about you.
He introduced you now because he is sure
you're the one. Please understand. He has been
through a lot. He was in rehab few weeks ago.
Please don't give up on him
Mia: I just hate that he lied to me !
Algebra: How do you know they dated. I feel like
I would've known if they were dating. His sister
hates Claire. I don't think Elton would date
Mia: Well he did. Check the message !
She showed him the chats between her and
Algebra: See? It's over already. We don't know
when it started and when it ended
Mia: In that video of Tasha and Hungani fighting
with him Claire was there
Algebra: Mia we don't know why they were
together. That time Claire was desperate to
speak to Hunter. We don't know if She saw him
about that or maybe it was the day they ended
Mia: He did mention that she asked him to speak
to Hunter
Algebra: You See? Elton wouldn't date that girl. I
am sure they were just doing whatever they
were doing. It wasn't serious. Please give EJ
another chance. He loves you. He went public
with you. He never did with her. Just give him a
second chance. If he messes up again then you
can think of leaving him but Claire is not the girl
you'd leave a man for. His family can't stand the
Mia: Fine. I will Speak to him
Algebra: Thank you ! Let me call him
Algebra ran inside. Elton stood up
Elton: And ?
Algebra: Go get your girl
Elton: I owe you one !
Elton ran out. Prince Nomgcwabe went to
Nomgcwabe: Thanks babe
Algebra: He helped me when you were mad at
me so I was Just returning the favour
Nomgcwabe: I wasn't mad. I was sad you didn't
wanna be with me anymore
Algebra: We both know I wanted to be with you.
That decision was about being loyal to my
Nomgcwabe: I know and I understand babe
They kissed

< Nomahelele >
The Queen said I should tell Hlohlesakhe the
story I told Princess Nomagampompo. I feel like
now that I have told Sabonkolo about her
brother, Nontorotyi will fight back. I can't give
her that chance and the only thing that can
prevent her from getting to Princess
Nomagampompo is if she is banished from going
to the palace. Whenever we decide to go we
have to bring Princess Nomagampompo with. I
can't afford breaking that woman's heart. Don't
get me started with her boys. They would be
broken. I can't be the reason for that. I refuse to
let Nontorotyi expose me and i am going to
make sure this doesn't come out and if killing
her is the only option then so be it. Her children
have two mothers now. We would take care of
them and we'd be the best parents to them. That
woman only cares about herself no one else.
Anyway I am still sitting with my sister waiting
for Chief to come back. I just hope from that
family he went to he will come straight home
before going to Nomaxabiso's house. Anyway
why Chief Khabalandile didn't tell me about
going to sleep with Nomaxabiso again? I just
hope at least he told Nontorotyi. I saw Princess
Nomagampompo coming from the kitchen
Me: Notiniphu is back from her lunch?
Nomakhosazana: You didn't see her walk in ?
Princess: She just started with dinner. Let me go
back upstairs
Nomakhosazana: Okay Sisi
She walked up. I took water and sipped
Nomakhosazana: We can't leave her in the
house again. Nontorotyi might come here again
and feed her all kinda of crazy
Me: I just thought of that too. She comes with us
wherever we go
Siqalo walked in
Siqalo: Your Majesties
Me: Siqalo
Siqalo: My Queen chief Khabalandile just
I stood up
Me: Thank you Siqalo
I looked at Queen
Me: I have to go see that man
Nomakhosazana: Good luck
I smiled then walked out. Siqalo followed me
Me: Siqalo is everything okay ?
Siqalo: My Queen I don't mean to be nosey or
disrespectful. I saw how upset my wife was
when she left here.....
Me: Who is your wife again?
Siqalo: My Queen. Sabonkolo is my wife
Me: Oh Nontorotyi's sister ?
Siqalo: Yes
Me: She came to insult me
Siqalo: What ? That's unlike her. My Queen i am
so sor....
Me: It's not problem. She came here to defend
her sister I understand but I told her exactly the
person her sister is.....
He looked at me nervous. He is such a respectful
man. I put my hand on his shoulder
Me: A murderer
Siqalo swallowed hard shocked.
Me: Exactly....... She wasn't upset because i upset
her. She was upset because of the truth I told
I tapped his shoulder then walked to the gate.
Bhalisile opened the gate. I walked out.
Me: Thank you
Bhalisile bowed
Bhalisile: Your Majesty
I walked out then headed to Nontorotyi's house.
Me: Look at that man
He is taking an outfit to the car. He was not
gonna tell me? He put it at the back seat. He
closed the door then looked at me.
Hlohlesakhe: Hey sweetheart
Me: I thought today was my night?
I kissed him
Hlohlesakhe: I am sorry baby. Nomaxabiso as.....
Me: She told me it's okay. I just have a problem
with you not checking with us first
Hlohlesakhe: It won't happen again I promise
He kissed me.
Hlohlesakhe: Tomorrow night I will spend a
night with you
Me: Nomaxabiso must sleep here tomorrow
Hlohlesakhe: That is a good idea. That poor
woman is scared
Me: She is welcome here any time. Can we talk
in your car ?
Hlohlesakhe: Okay
He opened the door. I walked in.
Me: You remember the day I asked you to
seduce her ?
Hlohlesakhe: You're very naughty. I remember
how scared I was
Me: Well after you did Nomaxabiso fell asleep.
Her father came to her and told her she
shouldn't trust me
Hlohlesakhe: In a dream ?
Me: Yes and I think it was because of what I said
about her Empire. Today she asked me about it
because after she told her aunt about this they
just assumed I killed the man
Hlohlesakhe: What!? you didn't even know the
Me: Exactly darling. That Notaligana also told
Nontorotyi who went and told Sister in law that
she must look close to the family She will find
the killer
Hlohlesakhe: Nontorotyi said that ?
Me: Baby I am tired of fighting and I don't want
you to fight with your wife. I was so ashamed to
come clean to Sister in law and Nomaxabiso. I
had to lie and say her father was mad because I
asked you to seduce her. I didn't mention the
Hlohlesakhe: Then we must stick to that story
Me: Yeah. If Nomaxabiso asks you just say I
liked her and suggested that you get her
He kissed me
Hlohlesakhe: I am sorry about your sister wife.
You don't need this. You're carrying my boy
Me: The Queen is angry. She doesn't wanna see
her at the palace again so I suggest you tell her
that. She is banned from the royal palace
Hlohlesakhe: It's for the best. She is going to
upset my sister and my nephews
Me: That is what my cousin sister said
Hlohlesakhe: Don't worry I will talk to her
Me: Thank you
I just hope Nontorotyi don't get into details with
everything. I don't want my husband to see me
differently. No one has to know I am the one
who pulled the trigger.
Hlohlesakhe: Your sister wife is not here. Why
don't we go inside and have tea ?
Me: I would love that
We walked out and went inside. Nontorotyi
won't like this. I hope she doesn't find me here.
< Narrated >
At Mdumbi Bridge. Ma Deliwe and Sabonkolo
were standing and talking. The guys finally fixed
the car. We see them go to Ma Deliwe and
Guy: It's good to go. Tell Mrs Ndendena we will
see her tomorrow at her house
Deliwe: Thank You boys
They smiled then went to their car. They left.
Sabonkolo looked at Ma Deliwe. The poor old
woman is still shaken by what Notiniphu told
her on the phone. She looked jumpy around
Sabonkolo and it looked like Sabonkolo could
see through her.
Sabonkolo: Tell me Deliwe.......
Deliwe: Like I said I don't know anything. You
know my boss. One minute she is okay the next
minute she throws a tantrum please ask her
what is wrong. Don't involve me
Sabonkolo: You really scared of My sister ain't
you ?
Ma Deliwe looked down then walked away
Deliwe: I am not scared of that girl. She is
younger than me ! I respect her because she is a
royal bride
Sabonkolo: I was gonna ask about your call not
my sister. Was that really about this uncle of
uncle ?
Deliwe: Of course it was! We black people have
so many relatives. A cousin of my uncle's
cousin's cousin is my family !
Sabonkolo: If you say so
Sabonkolo looked at the time.
Sabonkolo: Give me the car keys. Nontorotyi will
find us at her house. You said Ngejiwe was
driving right ?
Deliwe: Yes. She was driving her father's old car
Sabonkolo: Let's go to the car then
Sabonkolo went to the car. Ma Deliwe stood
there scared not knowing what to do. She was
thinking about what happened to Xhalanga.
Deliwe: Jesus...... Jesus...... Jesus.
She was whispering silently crying. Sabonkolo
opened the door of the car. She looked at Deliwe
Sabonkolo: Ma Deliwe we have to go
Deliwe: Oh
Ma Deliwe quickly wiped her tears then ran to
the car. Sabonkolo lifted her leg then saw a gold
tin under her seat. She took her leg off the car
then looked under the seat
Deliwe: What is it ?
Sabonkolo took the urn then looked at Deliwe.
Once Ma Deliwe saw the urn she put her hands
on her mouth and started crying
Deliwe: Oh My God
That got Sabonkolo more curious
Sabonkolo: You know what's inside ?
Ma Deliwe got out of the car. She ran to
Deliwe: Don't open it!
Sabonkolo: Stay where you are Deliwe!
Ma Deliwe stopped running. She moved
backwards with both her hands still on her
mouth. She was crying. Sabonkolo opened the
Deliwe: Oh Lord
Sabonkolo: Oh My God Ashes?
Deliwe ran to her. She snatched the urn then
closed it.
Sabonkolo: Oh My God
Sabonkolo looked behind her trying to find
something to balance on. She had her hand on
her chest like she was having panick attack
Deliwe: I am sorry
Sabonkolo: No! wait a minute..... what are you
sorry for?
Ma Deliwe looked down nervous.
Sabonkolo: Answer me!!!
Deliwe: Okay ! okay! I saw this urn at her house
when I was cleaning. She looked nervous. She
cried and snapped at me when I asked who this
Deliwe said looking at the urn crying
Sabonkolo: What did she say?
Deliwe: She said it's Nomahelele's mother
Sabonkolo let out a sigh of relief
Sabonkolo: Oh Thank God
Deliwe: But....
Sabonkolo looked at Ma Deliwe..
Deliwe: When i told Notiniphu this she said
Nomahelele's mother is very much alive
Sabonkolo: Oh My Go.....
Sabonkolo collapsed
Deliwe: Oh My God! somebody help!!! Help me!
Oh Lord! Help!!!!!
No one could hear her. The bridge is in the
middle of no where. The houses are very far
from where they are.

< Nontorotyi >
It is about time this little girl knows why things
are going the way they are going. I love her she
is my daughter. I was trying to protect her that is
why I didn't tell her the truth but now, I feel like
she took it too far. I am ready to hurt her with
the truth. I need to be strong for her. I need to
pick up the pieces. I am not the kinda woman
who is all about the kids. My children are smart.
They become independent at a very young age. I
don't know what I will do when Ngejiwe can't
handle the truth she is so desperately wanna
hear. I don't know why this child wanna go
through this. She is not too strong to handle this.
I am really worried about her. I am even
worried about her driving. She is not in a state
to drive. When we get to the bridge she is going
to leave me there and drive home alone. I can't
be with her in the car. I love life. I cannot die
right now. I have a lot to live for. I have a solid
plan for my future. I can't wait to reveal it to
everyone else.
My life right now is messed up. I need something
positive that will make me happy and my plan
will do that. I will shift my mindset from having
killed my brother and her ashes under my car
seat. Speaking of Ashes. I need to take those
ashes to Zinyovile's house after the funeral of
her niece. I really need to keep them safe
somewhere far from here. No one can find out
about my brother's passing. They must believe
that he is just missing not dead. I have to make
sure of that. I have to make sure the ashes are
safe far from home.
" Start talking! "
I have to make sure I don't hurt my sister in law
and my sister. I don't think Sabonkolo would
forgive me for this. I don't think i can live with
myself knowing that they know. I can see the
look on my sister's face already if she were to
find out.
" Mother you said you know what my problem is
start talking! "
I hope the Ndengana ancestors won't expose me.
They can't do that. They must have some mercy
on my soul. They have to do that only thing for
me. I am their child. They protect their own
don't they? Then why can't they protect little old
" I am going to hit this car in a pothole or do
worse if you keep ignoring me!!! "
Ngejiwe: Mother!!!!
She said stepping on brakes. I almost hit the
windscreen with my forhead
Me: What the hell Ngejiwe!!!?
Ngejiwe: I have been talking alone mother
She looked at me. I quickily wiped my tears.
Me: I am sorry baby. I have a lot on my mind
I said looking out of the window avoiding eye
Ngejiwe: Are you crying ?
Me: No! I am not. You're driving too fast and the
wind and blowing
Ngejiwe: Good!
She got out of the car.
Me: Where are you going?
She walked to the infront of the car coming to
my side. What is this crazy girl doing? She
opened my door.
Ngejiwe: Out of the car mom!
Me: What !?
Ngejiwe: I am your child! I have problems. You
never notice anything about my life! I finally
took time to take care of this! what did you do?
you decided to barge in and disturb us when
that woman was about to tell me what is wrong
with me !
Me: Baby we are royalty. We don't just go to
anyone for help. We keep our business in the
Ngejiwe: Tell me what is wrong with me !
I looked at her. I started crying hard
Ngejiwe: Oh tears won't get you out of this one
mama. Tell me or I will turn this car around and
go back there!
She came closer to me and started breathing in
my face
Ngejiwe: And i promise you...... When you come
running with my father it will be too late. I
would already have found out what is wrong
with me!
Me: Oh Baby
Ngejiwe: Now mama stop beating by the bush.
Tell me what the hell is wrong with me! and the
truth for once woman!
Me: Okay!.... okay!.......
Ngejiwe: Talk mama
I started breathing trying to catch my breathe. I
breath in and out.
Me: Gedleza came to me and your father with
this but because the family is too busy we didn't
have time to cleanse you
Ngejiwe: Okay. What is wrong with me ?
I put my hands on her face.
Me: Oh i knew this was gonna hurt you
sweetheart. I knew you'd beat yourself up that is
why I didn't wanna tell you this
Ngejiwe: Say it already!
I took a deep breathe in and out
Me: The ancestors are angry
Ngejiwe: What have I done to them?
Me: Honey you broke your virginity before
marriage. They are livid
She put both her hands on her mouth crying
Me: I am sorry baby! Gedleza said we should
apologise to the ancestors and when we do that
everything will go well in your life. I am so
sorry I hid this from you
Ngejiwe: Thank you for telling me mom. This is
my fault. I should've known the ancestors
wouldn't let this lie down. I can't believe I let
Velezantsi take my virginity
She broke down. I pulled her into a hug and
cried with her.
Me: Oh honey



< Notaligana >
You don't know how painful it is to see someone
drown and asking for your help but you cannot
help them. I feel like I am in a dream. I feel like I
see my brother crying asking me to help him
and i can't reach for his hand. I really hate this. I
really hate when I can't get what I want. I have
been a PI for a long time. I have never dealt with
this. Clearly when you are investigating
someone who knows you are investigating them
you never get answers. I think because she
knows she makes sure she covers all her tracks.
The only thing that could save me right now is
her photo and Sdwedwe and it's impossible to
get both. I feel like my brother is desperately
asking for my help and I cannot do anything to
help him. I feel useless. I am giving up now but
not yet. I feel like I need to do something. I have
only one attempt to prove that This woman is
the one who killed my brother and She is
covering her tracks. If this one fails I wash my
hands. I will accept that my brother is dead and
I will never get justice for his murder. I am
useless and I need to just accept and move on.
Anyway I went to my house. I saw my children
then left them. I have to be at Hlalwini today. I
need to check what has been going on there. My
family called me. I need to go there and be there
for them and fix things with Nomaxabiso. I just
hope it's not too late. She seems to have
forgotten that she and i had a deal. She was
going there to find out what happened to her
mother. I don't understand why she is acting like
this now. Maybe I need to remind her our
original plan. I Just arrived in Mthatha. I am
with the detective I am working with.
Him: I have never seen you with sunglasses on
I took them off. He looked shocked. Who
wouldn't. My face is swollen. I have bruises in
my face and my ribs. I wasn't fighting another
woman. A man punched me
Detective: What happened to your face ?
Me: I.....
" you just got mugged! " Said a voice at backseat.
I looked at rearview mirror. What the hell is
Zinyovile doing here
Detective: Ms Zidenge
I looked at him and smiled.
Me: Oh i got mugged. I was walking on the
streets. They took my bag and money
Detective: Did you tell the police?
Me: Yeah my mistake was leaving my car . I
shouldn't have walked out of my car in a place I
don't even know
Detective: I am sorry. So why are we here ?
I took my phone. Zinyovile whispered in my ear
Zinyovile: Don't give him the phone give him the
Detective: Are you okay?
Me: Yeah Detective I want you to go trace this
phone number. I received a call. Someone was
just breathing. They didn't say anything
He copied the number
Him: I will check this out
Me: Please
He opened the door and walked out. He closed
the door
Me: Can you tell me what the hell is going on ?
Zinyovile: I don't know if Nomahelele did this or
not but that woman is prepared to kill you if you
act again trying to ruin her reputation!
Me: What?
Zinyovile: Let this go!
I can't lie i am scared. i started the engine. Who
are these people. It looks like I am dealing with a
dangerous woman. Maybe that is why Sdwedwe
was so scared. They got to her. I need to let this
go. I can't underestimate this Nomahelele. She is
a professional criminal.

< Nontorotyi >
My child is messed up. Imagine how she would
be like if she found out the truth. The real truth.
I mean Look at how messed up She was when i
told her a lie. Imagine if I told her the truth. I
was gonna end up losing her for good. I cannot
afford that. I can't lose my daughter over this.
She adores her father. She can't lose that. If she
finds out she will lose her relationship with her
father. Hlohlesakhe is her father. That man
raised this girl. She is not going to find out a
nobody is her father. I made a lot of sacrifices to
keep this from her. I don't have a brother
because of this. I am not giving up, Not yet, Not
Anyway I am still driving with Ngejiwe going
home. She is the one on the wheel. I hope they
are done with my Car. I need to get out of this
car. She is driving so fast. Ngejiwe's phone rang.
I looked at her
Me: Baby your phone is ringing
Ngejiwe: I am driving
I took it
Ngejiwe: Mom what are....
Me: It's Deliwe , Maybe something happened to
my car
I answered
Me: Deliwe we are on our wa....
Deliwe: My Queen help me! Your sister is here.
She saw the urn. She fainted
Me: Oh shit! I am on my way !
I hung up.
Ngejiwe: What is it mom?
Me: I need to get to my car at Mdumbi bridge
right away!!!
Ngejiwe: What happened?
Me: Nothing baby
Ngejiwe: Mom you are crying
Me: No! they want me to sign the papers that's it
Ngeji we: Mom take your time. Talk to dad!
I looked out of the window
Me: Yeah i will
I have to make my sister understand why I did
this. I had no choice. Xhalanga didn't leave me
no choice. This was never gonna stop. Every
blackmail never ends. The only time it ends is
when the blackmailer is killed and
unfortunately in this matter the blackmailer
happened to be my brother which makes me a
cruel person. That was not an easy decision. I
didn't sleep and woke up thinking of killing
him.. He pushed me to a corner. I had no choice.
Ngejiwe: What the hell! isn't that your car?
Me: I had a flat tyre it's taken care of. You will
drop me at the bridge and go home
I started praying. I hope Ngejiwe doesn't see a
body lying on that green grass. She is going to
ask Questions. I don't trust that Deliwe. That
woman doesn't seem like a woman who can
keep a secret. She has a loose tongue.
Ngejiwe: Okay
She stopped the car at the bridge. I let out a sigh
of relief when I didn't see a body. I only saw a
terrified Deliwe standing next to the car.
Me: Go home honey! I will find you there
Ngejiwe: Okay mom
She drove away. I stood there waiting for her to
be far. I looked at my car. I need to get my sister
to the clinic. I ran to Deliwe
Me: What happened! What did you tell her !?
Deliwe: I didn't tell her anything. She fainted
when she saw the ashes
Me: What was she doing here !?
Deliwe: She said she wanted to see you and she
seemed upset
I ran to the back of my car.
Me: Where is she ?
Deliwe: I put her inside. A part of me wanted to
throw her in the water hoping she'd wake up
Me: To Whom did you say the ashes belong to?
Deliwe: I didn't have to. Even if I did I don't
think she cares about Queen Nomahelele's
mother right ?
My eyes popped out. My lies! I even forgot that
was the lie. Wait. Why would my sister wanna
see me urgently? What is it that couldn't wait?
" The same card! " I heard that voice in my head
repeating the words
Me: No! Deliwee get in the car
I said jumping to the driver's seat. She ran to her
Me: She wouldn't do this would She?
Deliwe got in. She didn't close the door. She
looked at me.
Deliwe: Who are you talking about My Queen?
Me: Close the Damn door!!!
She slammed the door. I started the engine.
Me: Oh My God

< Narrated >
At the palace. We see River and Princess
Nomagampompo sitting in the living room. The
Queen was standing at a distance speaking on
the phone. She finished talking on the phone
then went to them
Nomakhosazana: That was The Wedding
Octavia. She says she purchased the big PVA tv
big screens. She was asking about
transportation. She says they easily gets broken
Nomagampompo: How are we going to get them
here. The Helicopter?
Nomakhosazana: She said Masixole mentioned
talking to May about bringing Cakes here on the
day of the wedding with her Private Jet. I have to
call May later
Nomahelele: We need to free up space at Store
Nomagampompo: I will get the servants to do
Siqalo walked in. He looked really freaked out.
The Queen stood up
Nomakhosazana: Is everything okay Siqalo?
Siqalo: Your majesties My wife collapsed. She is
at Lwandile clinic
River threw her car keys at Siqalo
Nomahelele: Oh My God take my car and go
check on her
Siqalo: Thank you my Queen
He ran out. River looked at The Queen and
started questioning herself "Is this about
Xhalanga? Oh God I hope she is okay "
Nomagampompo: I wonder what happened to
the poor woman...... ?
River looked at me then away
Nomahelele: Yeah.....I wonder too...... ?
The Queen folded her arms on her chest. She
looked concerned. She looked at her handbag.
The Queen took her handbag. River and princess
Nomagampompo looked at her
Nomakhosazana: I need to be somewhere
Nomagampompo: Where are you going? To see
Sabonkolo? I am comi...... ?
Nomakhosazana: No Sisi. I need to do this on my
own. I am not going there and you also don't
wanna to be in a room with that witch
The Queen attempted to walk to the door. River
stood up
Nomahelele: Then where are you going?
The Queen turned around and looked at River
and princess Nomagampompo
Nomakhosazana: My father in law's last born
son is going to sleep in a lion's den tonight. I
have to make sure no attack to Nomaxabiso
happens tonight or ever
Nomahelele: Oh My darling. He can't be on the
crossfire. I don't think i would live without him
Nomakhosazana: Don't worry cousin. I am
taking care of Business
Nomagampompo: My Queen thank you
The Queen smiled then headed to the door
looking angry

At Laila's house. Leila is in her bed room. She
heard a loud bang at The door. We see her runs
out of her room going to the door
Leila: Jesus I said I am coming!!!
She got to the door she tried to catch her breath,
The person knocked again. She opened the door
Leila: Claire ?
Claire started breathing heavily, her face was
red. She was livid and trembling. She was
shaking forming fists. Claire looked at her fists
then realised she is in trouble. She moved back

< Sonia De Villiers >
You know it is hard to keep this from Junaid. I
wish I could tell him that crazy woman didn't
change. How do I do that without betraying
Leila? I cannot hurt Leila. I can't do it. All i need
to do right now is to pray that she shows her
true colours in front of Junaid. I am really
counting on that. I am not going to be a reason
for that woman to be fired. I want her to ruin
her life herself. She is crazy. She got a second
chance. I don't know why she is doing this. I feel
like she dumped Elton because she was working
on this plan of making us revoke the retraining
order so she could get back together with my ex
husband. She is too late. My man and I are doing
so well. There is nothing that loony can do to
stop us. We are unstoppable now. She can't
touch us and most importantly, She can't cause
me no harm. I am protected. I need to keep my
bodyguard even closer now. I need that man
and I feel like he knows his job. Just what I need
at the moment.
Today we are spending a night with the Seputlas
that is why we don't care how much we drink.
We are not worried about driving and we
brought clothes. Anyway even though I don't
want to tell Junaid. I need to give him a call
about something. I can't betray Leila. I am not
ungrateful. I look out for those who look out for
me. Loyalty is earned and Leila long earned
ours. That is why she is our company cake
supplier. We trust her and it looks like she trusts
us and that is all we need right now. Someone
we can trust who is close to Claire and that bitch
Tasha Battlefield.
Me: Guys I need to make a phone call I will be
right back
Hunter: Okay baby
I stood up. Priscella stood up and followed me.
She knows me. I hate when she does this. I don't
want her to be part of this call. I don't know why
she is coming
Me: Can't someone get some privacy in this
Priscella: Ever since you got here all you're
thinking about Is your man's crazy ex. I hope
that call is not to betray Leila
Me: Of course Not! friend I am one grateful
woman. I wouldn't do her like that but you're
right this calls goes to Junaid
Priscella: Are you crazy!?
Me: Prissy calm down. I am not going to tell him
I dialled Junaid number. His phone rang. He
didn't waste time he answered.
Junaid: Hey you
Me: Hey how are you ?
Junaid: You disturbed me having sex I am sure
you know how I feel
Me: I am so sorry
Junaid: It's okay. This is a beast. We are going
again after this phone call. What's up girl ?
I smiled.
Me: Okay. I wanted to ask you a favour
I looked at Priscella who looked worried. I don't
know why she can't trust me to make right
Junaid: Yes?
Me: I want you to invite me when you have
Claire over. I just want to test if she is changed. I
just want to see the vibe when she is around me
Priscella smiled. I winked at her
Junaid: You know that is a good idea. I will see
what I will do next week when you come in to fit
the show stopper dress for the Africa fashion
week collection
Me: Great
Junaid: Bye now !
Me: Bye
I hung up
Priscella: I wonder who is that man
Me: Isaiah Maybe?
Priscella: Oh shit you're right
Me: These gay boys have one fast lives. Look at
Algebra for example. Him and Prince
Nomgcwabe are like this
Priscella looked at me shocked. Oh shit. She
whispered on my ear
Priscella: Prince Nomgcwabe?
Me: Oh shit I said that out loud?
Priscella: Did they tell You? Did you see them
kissing or something ?
Me: I don't know friend. I guess it was a slippery
of the tongue
I said walking away fast avoiding another
question. I don't know why i said what I said. I
just see something between them. I don't know
for sure maybe it's just friendship. My phone
rang. I have to turn arounf and go back to
Priscella for another interrogation great! just
great! I walked back to her answering
Me: Jerry ?
Jerry: Sonia any season has to have a vacation.
We have it on budget and we think we can
afford a trip to Durban. How about 2nd to 4th of
January ?
Oh My God at such short notice? Okay. This is
when I hate to be a housewife. I have never
went to a vacation without people I love. I don't
wanna spend time with those girls in a hotel
Me: Jerry I can't promise you anything.....
Jerry: Sonia come on! every season of
housewives has to have a vacation. We have to
do this
Me: Let's say I join them later there let's say on
the second day. I am such a busy person. I have
a magazine cover shoot and interview and I will
also need the crew to come cover and that will
be on the 3rd of January
Jerry: Okay. That also could cause drama it's
okay you come down to Durban after the photo
Me: Okay we will discuss this further tomorrow
Jerry: Okay later
Me: Bye
I hung up then exhaled. I went back
Priscella: Who was that?
Me: One of the ladies is inviting us to a vacation
in Durban from 2nd to 4th and i have work. I
can't go. I told him I will find them there.
Remember the magazine cover shoot and
Priscella: Oh yeah when is that ?
Me: 3rd girl
My phone rang. I looked at it. It's Elton. That boy
didn't call Priscella. She was complaining about
it. Why would he call me? I need to make sure
Priscella doesn't find out who is this. I have a
bad feeling about this call. I smiled at Priscella
Me: Excuse me
I walked away answering
Me: Hey
Elton: Sonia we have a problem
Oh no! please I dont want to know
Me: What ?
Elton: Mia found out about Claire. It's only a
matter of time until Priscella finds out
Me: I am a dead woman walking
" A dead woman walking? " Oh no! she is behind
me? When i walked away I didn't wanna speak
next to her. I turned around
Priscella: Care to explain ?
Me: Woman you're pregnant. Don't you get tired
of standing? Why are you sneaking up on me
like that?
Priscella: Sonia De Villiers What the hell is going
I smiled



< Sonia De Villiers >
Oh flip. She just overheard me say I am a dead
woman now she wanna know why I said that
?What do I tell her? What would make me say I
am a dead woman. I am busy thinking fast in my
mind. I know Priscella won't let this go. She is
going to keep asking me. Oh My God I hope she
never finds out about this. She would never
forgive me for what I did. I know how
dangerious Claire is. Priscella is very protective
with Elton. I am too but back then I was
desperate. I wanted to get back together with
Hunter but that doesn't justify What I did. I
betrayed the family. I pray this never comes out.
I am praying to God or if this gets to her ears I
am screwed. What was I thinking manipulating
that little boy to do this for me? I was supposed
to protect him not throw him under the bus. I
feel really bad and irresponsible. I have
disappointed Priscella before with Brendan. Mrs
R was by my side. If she would hear this I don't
think she would be in my corner this time.
I am looking at Prissy smiling trying to make her
see that there is nothing to worry about but she
doesn't see anything funny. She wants to eat me
alive. What is she gonna be like when She learns
about what I did ? I messed up so bad. I hope she
will buy this lie.
Me: Prissy you were not supposed to hear that!
Priscella: I am not going to ask you again
Me: Okay fine !
I walked passed her. Come on Sonia think! what
can you tell her that could make her believe
your story. I feel like I am burning up. I
unbuttoned another button of my blouse. I am
not good at lying
Priscella: I am listening ?
I turned around
Me: The girls are not happy with me not going to
Durban the same day. They call me the Queen B
of the group
Priscella laughed
Priscella: They must remember you're the boss
girl! Of course you're the Queen B! did they see
what happened to the first episode? It was all
about you
Thank God that wasn't so hard for her to believe.
Me: And they better !
Priscella: You need to show them who is boss ;)
Priscella winked at me then walked away. Shit!
that was close
Me: I hate lying to you woman. I just hope this
never comes out
I looked at my phone. I dialled Elton's number.
This time around I will make sure when I speak
to him I am facing the guys. They are too nosey.
Priscella to be more specific.
Elton: Hey
Me: EJ Please tell her Priscella can't know about
Elton: I did.....
Me: And?
Elton: And she agreed. I just wanted to give you
a heads up. If Mia don't talk that lunatic might
talk. She is the one who told Mia
Hunter looked at me. I blew him a kiss.
Me: That crazy girl is worse right now EJ. She is
stalking me !
Elton: Get a bodyguard sis. She is really crazy
Me: Already got one. Talk later
Elton: Sure
I hung up then went back to the others. Claire
you better pick your battles Girly. You mess with
me I get you fired. Junaid listens to me and I am
the one who is bringing him money not you.
< Judge NoMakhosazana >
I do not want to wake up to the news that
Nomaxabiso was found dead in her house. I
need to make sure she is safe. I am the one who
suggested what happened to that family. I am
not going to let them blame her. I killed her
mother. I need to do right by Nomfunzelo's
daughter. It is my duty as the Queen of
Sdabadabeni and as the guilty murderer to
protect her. Yes I said it. I am guilty for that
woman's passing. I put poison in her food. If i
didn't she would be alive now. I know she
wanted my head also. It was a matter of survival
and I survived. I am happy to be alive but killing
her was never my intension She pushed me to
do that to her and i took care of it. I got rid of
her the same way she wanted to get rid of me. I
still have the opportunity to live and to make
things right. That is why I make it my duty to do
this. I am paying Vathule a visit. If she wanna
retaliate, I am her woman. She must come after
me not that poor woman. Nomaxabiso saved my
life when Nontorotyi tried to kill me. I never
thanked her enough for that. The reason for that
was because of her mother and father. They
whispered nonsense in her ears that is why we
ended up not getting along.
Anyway I don't know how this is gonna go but I
am going in anyway. I need to speak to this
woman who lived with a cruel man for years
and after everything she is still on his side. I just
parked my car just outside their yard. I am not
sure I am welcomed there so I can't drive my car
into their property. I fixed my gloves. I slide my
hand in my hand bag. I felt my gun. I didn't take
it out. I smiled then walked out of my car. I
locked my car then headed to the gate. I saw a
boy playing inside
Me: Hey come open this gate
He ran to me. He opened the gate
Me: Thank you
I headed to the house. I knocked then moved
back. The door opened.
Dlezinye: What is this !?
Me: Excuse me? Are you referring to me when
you say this?
Dlezinye: Your sister in law laid murder charges
against my husband! I know you influenced that
decision. You're the law!
Me: I am happy you remember that fact
I said pushing her out of the way. I walked in. I
found all her kids inside including her step son.
They call him Junior
Me: Kids leave us you don't wanna hear this
Junior: We've heard a lot of bad. We are not
going anywhere
Me: great
I turned and looked at Dlezinye
Me: I am glad you remember that I am the law!
so that means if anything....
I started breathing heavily.
Me: I mean anything happens to Nomaxabiso
Mqhekezweni Gubhu Ndengana I will
personally arrest everything that lives under
this roof
I said looking around checking the wall,
Furniture and everything even the kids.
Junior: Why would we kill her ?
I looked at him
Me: Your step mama here went there to threaten
her for laying rape charges against that monster
Junior looked at Dlezinye who looked down
ashamed of what she did.
Me: It's funny you only went there to intimidate
that poor girl, When she needed you after the
funeral you were not there! do you know what
that makes you look like?
She looked away
Me: You're just like your husband that is why
you didn't see him for the monster that he is !!
She furiously turned around crying
Dlezinye: I am not like him! I am a woman of
God! and you're not going to come to my house
and insult me or my husband!
Me: I just did! What are you gonna do about it ?
Junior stood up.
Junior: Ma'am I would like you to leave
Me: Trust me I will but after I have said all I
came here to say !
Junior: I think you said enough
Me: I don't think so!
I looked at Dlezinye
Me: You should be ashamed of yourself for
being mad at women who are taking their
power back! Yes it was my idea!
Nomagampompo did that because of me! you
have no idea how important a royal blood is
because you have half royalty children and
you're a commoner! The child your husband
killed was a royal blood through out! There is no
way woman, I was gonna let that slide!
I furiously walked to the door then turned
Me: Oh one more thing
I am breathing fire now. I couldn't control my
breathing anymore. That is how angry I am.
They looked at me. .
Me: I filed for a protection order against you! If
something happens to Nomaxabiso you're gonna
pay all of you!
They all looked at me intimidated. That is
exactly what I wanted. I opened the door.
Me: As for the chieftaincy........
I walked out then looked at them
Me: Kiss that one goodbye. Who will want to be
led by a bunch of murderers!
Dlezinye: We are not murderers!!!
Me: You're defending a murderer! Drug dealer
and a rapist what does that make you ?
She didn't respond she was just crying.
Me: It makes you all of the above!
I looked at the kids
Me: Don't turn out to be your papa. He is a bad
I slammed the door after that then walked away
like I wasn't walking on the soul anymore. I
walked out of their property. I got to my car. I
started the engine.
Me: Morons!

< Narrated >
At Lwandile clinic. We see Nontorotyi, Deliwe
and Siqalo at the passage. Nontorotyi was pacing
up and down. The other two were sitting down.
The door opened. A nurse came out. They stood
Nontorotyi: Nurse how is She?
Nurse: Can I speak to family ?
Deliwe: We all brought her here. We care just
tell us child
Nontorotyi: I am her sister
Nurse: Did something happen? Her high blood
pressure caused this or something happened
that shocked her
Ma Deliwe side looked at Nontorotyi who looked
down nervous. Siqalo gave Nontorotyi a death
stare then looked at nurse
Siqalo: Nurse how is my wife?
Nurse: She is fine. You can all go in and see her
She is resting. I subcribed her some medication
Nontorotyi: Her husband should go first!
Siqalo walked in. Deliwe looked at Nontorotyi
Deliwe: Why don't you wanna see your sister?
Nontorotyi walked away
Nontorotyi: I didn't say that! He must talk to her
first. We can't all go in
Deliwe: But the nurse said we should.....
Nontorotyi: And i am saying we shouldn't!
Deliwe said down. Siqalo got to the ward.
Siqalo: Hey how are you ? you scared me
Sabonkolo: How did I get here ?
Siqalo: Deliwe and Nontorotyi brought you here
Sabonkolo looked away pissed off
Siqalo: Baby what is going on? I confronted the
Queen about your visit.....
Sabonkolo: You shouldn't have done that !
Siqalo: You left upset. I had to do it! she said you
were not angry with her. You were upset
because of the truth. What truth?
Sabonkolo turned around and looked at her
Sabonkolo: I don't remember anything. I don't
know how I got here. I don't remember anything
about today
Siqalo: It's okay baby
Siqalo said touching her hand.
Sabonkolo: Where is my sister now ?
Siqalo: She is outside with Deliwe
Sabonkolo smiled
Sabonkolo: Baby I am fine. Don't worry about
me okay ?
Siqalo smiled
Siqalo: Should I call your sister ? .
Sabonkolo: No!!!
Sabonkolo snapped
Siqalo: I am sorry I didn't mean to upset you
Sabonkolo smiled
Sabonkolo: Don't worry it's okay. I am not upset.
Can you do me a favour ?
Siqalo: Anything
Sabonkolo: I want you to go to a shop nearby
and buy me one egg
Siqalo: An egg? What are you gonna do with an
Sabonkolo: Please don't ask any Questions and
please don't tell my sister about the egg and
don't show her. Please go my love
Siqalo: O-kay......
Sabonkolo smiled then looked away
Sabonkolo: How come I don't remember
Siqalo looked at her feeling sorry for her. He
opened the door then walked out
Siqalo closed the door then turned around and
saw Nontorotyi and Ma Deliwe looking at him
Nontorotyi: And ?
Siqalo: She says she doesn't remember anything.
She says I should get her chewing gum from the
Nontorotyi smiled. Siqalo walked away.
Nontorotyi looked at Ma Deliwe.
Nontorotyi: She says she doesn't remember
Deliwe: That is impossible Madame Queen! This
girl wasn't shot in the head or fell hard and
dramatically. To think about it. I saw her go
down in slow motion. I got to her before she hit
the ground. A mere faint makes her lose
memory? I don't buy it my Queen and I wouldn't
be celebrating if I was you
Nontorotyi looked at Ma Deliwe.
Nontorotyi: Wait a minute Deliwe. Why would
you say that? How do you know I am in trouble?
Deliwe: I am sorry Madame Queen but how
come you're so happy and relieved that she
doesn't remember anything if you don't have
something to hide?
Nontorotyi's eyes popped out
Deliwe: Oh Damn I am so sorry my Queen I
didn't mean to speak like that. Forgive me your
Nontorotyi: Thank you for your apology! I need
to get some water
Nontorotyi walked away then stopped half way.
She turned around then looked at Ma Deliwe
who smiled faintly at her looking Nervous
Nontorotyi: Deliwe you know something don't
you ?
Deliwe: I.....
Nontorotyi: Don't lie to me!!
Deliwe: My Queen you're the one who lied.
Queen Nomahelele's mother is very much alive
and kicking
Nontorotyi looked down tears streaming down
her cheeks. She sat on a chair at passage. Ma
Deliwe went to her
Deliwe: Oh My Queen. Do you think Sabonkolo
might have figured out who is the person on that
tiny little tin?
Nontorotyi looked at Deliwe
Nontorotyi: Do you know who it is ?
Ma Deliwe shook her head no .
Deliwe: No one is dead at Sdabadabeni so I
wouldn't know
Nontorotyi: Exactly! no one is dead so that
means there is nothing to worry about
Deliwe: Okay my Queen
Nontorotyi put her hand on Deliwe's shoulder
Nontorotyi: Can I tell you who is in that Urn.
Please don't tell anyone
Ma Deliwe put her hand on her chest scared. She
already knows. She is just surprised that her
boss wanna come clean to her.
Deliwe: I won't tell a soul
Nontorotyi wiped her tears then looked around.
Nontorotyi: Do you remember Zinyovile?
Deliwe: She lived at the house next to the palace
how can I forget her ?
Nontorotyi: She lost her niece. Thalala Siwalala.
She cremated her then asked me to keep the
Ashes. She doesn't want people to know that
there won't be a body in that coffin. She said I
shouldn't tell a soul but now it's eating me
inside. I had to tell one person and that person is
you Deliwe. I can trust you. I trust you
Deliwe: your secret is safe with me My Queen
NontorotyI stood up smiling
Nontorotyi: Thank you Deliwe. Let me go drink
some water
Deliwe: Okay my Queen
Nontorotyi walked away smiling.
Deliwe: Liar!
She whispered then turned around and looked
the other way
Deliwe: Murderer!
She turned around and looked at Nontorotyi
who disappeared to get water outside. We see
Nontorotyi pouring water. She heard someone
chuckle. She turned around.
Nontorotyi: Zinyovile?
Zinyovile: You had to lie about me and make me
the most evil person on earth
Nontorotyi: Cremating someone is not evil but I
apologise for lying about you
Zinyovile: But you didn't have to go to all that
trouble. That woman already knows you killed
your brother
Nontorotyi let go of the glass with water. It fell
on the grass
Nontorotyi: How ?
Nontorotyi started pacing up and down
Zinyovile: Oh No! you're not going to kill the
maid because she is not the only one who
knows. In fact she didn't figure it out. Someone
told her and that someone who told her was told
by someone else. All i can say is all the people
who know about this Know about Ngejiwe and
her father
Nontorotyi: Oh My God this is a mess
Zinyovile: You kill one of them, The rest who
don't know are going to tell people what you did
Nontorotyi: Oh My God Deliwe knew about
Bhalisile all this time!
She looked at Zinyovile
Nontorotyi: Does My sister kno...... What am I
saying , She spoke to that bitch Nomahelele.........
Nontorotyi turned around attempting to look at
Zinyovile. She wasn't there. She vanished.
Nontorotyi sat down
Nontorotyi: I am going to have a heart attack! I
am going to puke
She was breathing heavily like someone who is
having panic attack
< Leila >
I know what i said. I know what I said to Tasha
about not being scared of this crazy girl but the
woman at my front door right now is going to
eat me alive. She is going to kill me. I need to
think of something fast. I can't die. I have to be
smart about this. I know Priscella. She would
snitch on me. The person I am not sure of is the
one i told. They promised they won't snitch on
me. Is Sonia capable of betrayal? Would she do
this to me? No! she promised. Even if she were
to think of doing it Hunter would stop her. I
helped Hunter get away from this monster. I
doubt he would let his wife do this to me. I can't
act like I know something. I have to deny
everything and be convincing about it or people
will find my body cold on the floor. This girl's
mind is made up. She came here with a plan and
if she planned to kill me I don't know what is
going to happen to me but I am not dying
without a fight. I will kill her if I have to. I guess
one of us is gonna die in here. I don't know what
she is capable of, I can't underestimate this
skinny girl. If she was able to leave me
unconscious after she attacked me imagine what
else she'd do. I am not taking chances.
Anyway I am in shock breathing heavily. I swear
my eyes are going to jump out of their socket. I
am very shocked to see her here. I didn't expect
to see her. She was the last person I expected
and knowing what I did I can't help but look
guilty and nervous because I know what I did
and she wouldn't be happy about it and she
doesn't look so happy now which means she
knows I snitched.
Me: Claire?
Claire: What? Are you scared Leila?
She smiled. I don't trust that smile.
Me: What? Why would I be scared ?
Oh she is Damn right. I am scared as hell. I
swear my heart is gonna jump out of my chest
from pounding. I moved backwards. She came
in and closed the door then locked it. Once she
locked my urine threatened to come out. I felt
the need to pee
Me: Okay Claire you're freaking me out! what
the hel.......
I can't show her that I am scared. I have to make
her see that I am not scared even though I am
about to pee in my pants. She pushed me. I fell
on my back then tried to stand up. She came to
me running. I put my hands in the air scared. Oh
My God this crazy bitch is gonna kill me. I
moved back dragging my ass on the floor. I
leaned on the wall scared. She slid her hands on
her pockets then came out with black gloves. Oh
MY god no
Me: What is going on?
Claire: You have no business in getting in my
business! You showed me that you want nothing
to do with me. I left your coloured ass alone!
what did you do?
She asked putting on gloves.
Me: Jesus Claire what is wrong with You!? I am
sorry for following you ! I was worried about
You! I wanted to put some sense into your head
Claire: You call telling Tasha What I was up to
Oh My God this Tasha girl will be the death of
me. How can she do this to me again! I am going
to die because of her. I saw her slid her hand in
her Hooty.
Me: Tasha?
Claire: Don't you dare act dump with Me! That
bitch confronted me about Following Sonia at a
restaurant with her boyfriend present!!
Oh My God she took out a syringe with yellowish
liquid in it
Me: Oh shit! Claire I can explain
Claire looked at the Syringe
Claire: It's a little bit too late now don't you
Me: Oh My God She overheard Me! I didn't tell
her I swear!
Claire: You're lying to Me!!!
She shouted coming to me with her syringe in
the air
Me: Oh My God I am not! I called my mom! I was
telling her that you're getting obsessed with
Hunter and I am worried about You! I told her I
wanted to help You! I told her I wanted to help
You get over Hunter before you get arrested! I
still love you Claire!!!
Oh shit I can't believe I just lied like this! I saw
her lower her hand. I let out a sigh of relief
Claire: What did you just say ?
Me: I said I love You! I want to help you get
I broke down. She looked behind her. I wanna
stand up and push her. What if I try then end up
injected by this? No! Let me wait for her next
She threw the Syringe on the floor. She turned
around and gave me her hand. I took her hand.
She helped me stand up
Claire: I am so sorry! I need your help
I hugged her
Me: We gonna get you help! We gonna make
phone calls and get you the best mental centre
in the countr........
I couldn't finish. She pushed me to the wall. I hit
the back of my head
Me: ouch
Claire: What did you just say to me ?
Me: I meant.....
Claire: You're dead Leila !
She ran and grabbed the Syringe. When i saw
her hand touch the Syringe i just knew I am
Me: Oh My God




< Leila >
This is do or die. Should I let her pick that
syringe or I should i jump on her and fight for
my life? I see my life infront of me. I am going to
die anyway. There is no use in fearing death
because if I stay sitting here she will pick it up
and inject me. If i jump up and attack her she
might kill me at least after I tried to save myself
which seems impossible. It seems like I am
dying either way. There is no way I am going to
save myself. It looks like I am going to die. Like I
said I am not dying without a fight. I saw her
pick up the Syringe. I jumped up then kicked her
so hard from behind. She flew and hit her head
on the wall hard then fainted. I can't trust her.
What if she is conscious. She is faking it to make
me believe she is out? I looked for the Syringe. I
saw it at a far distance I smiled. I know she
won't defeat me without a weapon. I kicked her
leg gently trying to see if she is really out. She
didn't move
Me: Oh My God! Claire?
I took off my boot. I took off shoe laces. I tied her
legs. I turned her around she was face down. I
took my other shoe lace. I tied her hands then
Ran to my phone. I called the police.
Police: Johannesburg police.......
Me: Officer there is an intruder in my house! she
was trying to inject me with some chemical. I
pushed her She hit the wall and passed out
Officer: Calm down ma'am. Where are you ?
Me: Counter building Room 16
Officer: Okay hang in there ma'am, we are
sending officers right away
Me: Please hurry. She is Dangerious but I tied
Officer: Good! we will be there!
I hung up. I dialled Priscella's number.
Priscella: Hey Leila
Me: I am sorry to call you. I didn't know who to
call. Claire broke into my house and tried to kill
Priscella: Oh My God Where are you ?
Leila: In my house waiting for the police
Priscella: I am on my way ! ..... ( Tu tu tu tu tu )
I sat down trying to catch my breath looking at
her lifeless body.
Me: Oh My God I almost died

< Nomaxabiso >
I understand blood is thicker than water but the
way my supposed family is treating me is not
fair. I know they are being loyal to Manyokonya
but none of them try to be on my shoes for once
and think about what I must be feeling. I know
what is happening to uncle is bad. Because this
happened years ago and he feels like He
shouldn't be punished for it because of how long
it's been. He is wrong. The fact is it happened
and it is ruining my life. Aunt Dlezinye and
Notaligana have a problem with me being loyal
to the Ndengana family. What did they expect?
They are the only people who show me that they
care. I mean I am going to marry a man who
already has two wives. One of them sacrificed
her time with her husband to make sure that I
am safe. Hlohlesakhe is going to sleep here
again. Those people care about me. If i ever
thought they hated me or wanted to cause me
any kinda harm then I was wrong. I trust them
and I will be by their side all the time. I choose
them because they chose me. They chose to
support me. How can I not love people who
were the only people who came through for me
when I needed them? I am not going to feel bad
for what I did. My mother wanted justice. That is
why She murdered the other men. If she knew
about uncle he would be dead right now. He
should be glad I didn't kill him. Jail is not what
he deserved. He deserves the same punishment
as others. I am not going to change my decision.
I am glad The Queen advised me to do this. I
won't withdraw the charges. They stick.
Anyway I heard my phone ring. I looked at it
then smiled. It's Nomahelele
Me: Hey
Nomahelele: Hey are you okay ?
Me: I am good thanks for asking
Nomahelele: I just wanted to make sure you're
okay. The chief will be there at Five. I am the
reason he is not there already but I promise he
will be there soon
Me: Okay no problem. I am still cooking anyway
Nomahelele: Hang in there and keep the doors
Me: All the time. Thank you for everything
Nomahelele: You're welcome sister
Me: Okay bye
I hung up. I looked out the window.
Me: Oh My God
The Queen is here. God do you see what I am
talking about? What can I do without this
family? I quickly went to the door. I unlocked
then opened the door.
Me: I feel so lucky. I just received a call from
Nomahelele a few minutes ago now you're here
The Queen smiling approaching me
Nomakhosazana: We are family you will see
more of us
I moved aside. She walked in .
Me: It's good to see someone coming here. I am
scared to be alone
I closed the door.
Nomakhosazana: Lock the doors or go to
Sdabadabeni when you don't feel safe. You're
welcome there. It's your home. The chief is
gonna be here soon
Me: Nomahelele told me. Can I get you
something to drink ?
Nomakhosazana: No thanks. I won't stay long
let's sit
We walked to the couch and sat down
Me: Is everything okay my Queen?
She smiled.
Nomakhosazana: Everything is perfect. I paid
Dlezinye a visit. I made it clear to them that if
anything happens to you they are going to pay. I
lied to them and said I filed for protection order.
They are not going to harm you
She took my hands
Me: Thank you so much
Nomakhosazana: Now you can be less worried
but what I did doesn't guarantee your safety. We
don't know what an angry woman can do but I
swear, If she tries anything she is dead or she is
going straight to prison
Me: Thank you so much for everything my
I stood up then looked away. She stood up.
Nomakhosazana: What is it Nomaxabiso?
Me: I don't think i deserve your kindness
I started crying hard
Nomakhosazana: Don't be silly! You saved my
life when Nontorotyi tried to kill me. I owe you
my life. You deserve everything I am doing for
you. I am alive because of you
Me: You don't understand
Nomakhosazana: What do you mean ?
Me: I am sorry
Nomakhosazana: Nomaxabiso what is going on?
Why are you apologising?
I looked at her.
Me: Gedleza was right. My mother was trying to
kill you and i knew about it. In fact I was on
board. She made me believe that if you're out of
the picture I might marry Masixole
Her eyes popped out
Me: I am so sorry My Queen. I feel so bad. I don't
know why i listened to her
She hugged me tight.
Her: It is okay. I am protected. Our ancestors are
always watching over me. Nothing can happen
to me. When you told me about Nontorotyi. It
was not you talking. The ancestors sent you.
Don't worry about everything. It's all forgiven
Me: Thank you my Queen
She broke the hug.
Her: You're welcome
She sat down
Nomakhosazana: Now I need a cup of tea
Me: Hihihi coming right up
I giggled running to the kitchen. I am glad I told
her everything. And for a second I was thinking
she doesn't wanna eat in my house. I am so
happy she wanna have tea. I will make this with
love. I hope she will love it.
" No sugar!!!! " She shouted from the living room
Me: I still remember my Queen

< Narrated >
In Johannesburg at Seputla House. We see
Priscella hanging up the phone. She looked
upset. It looks like she was speaking to Leila. She
looked at Sonia.
Priscella: I cannot believe this !
She furiously walked to the guys
Priscella: Sonia did you make another phone call
to Junaid or Claire behind my back ?
Sonia: What ? No! I called Junaid infront of you!
Masixole: What is going on guys?
Priscella: Sonia got a visit from Leila. She told
her Claire is stalking her. She said Sonia
shouldn't confront her because she is afraid
Claire might do something crazy to her
Sonia: Who just called you ?
Priscella started breathing heavily. A tear drop
escaped her eye
Masixole: Hey baby what's going on ?
Sonia: Cleopatra water!!!
Priscella: Claire found out Leila told you. She
went there and tried to kill Leila.....
Sonia: Oh My God
Masixole: What are we waiting for let's go there!
Baby are you sure you wanna go?
Priscella: She called me! I have to go. She says
she is waiting for the police at her house
Sonia: She is not going to die because of me !
Sonia ran to the elevator. She pressed the
button. Masixole took Priscella's hand. They
went to the elevator
Aaron dialled a number.
Aaron: Dude get a bigger car ready 5 people are
coming down. We are going somewhere. Make it
fast !
They all went in. Cleo came with water
Masixole: We are going to Chef Leila's house
make sure security is at front
Cleo: Okay Mr Ndengana
The Elevator closed.
Priscella: I wonder who told Her?
Sonia: If what I said is the reason for this I won't
forgive myself
Priscella: You didn't say anything incriminating
and you didn't say she was stalking you
Sonia: Oh My God this girl is crazy
Hunter: This is my fault
Masixole: Dude Claire is not written crazy in her
forehead! you didn't know she was crazy
Sonia: Masixole is right baby. It's not your fault
Masixole: And dude you're also not safe at your
office. When you go back make sure you give
security her picture they can't let her in
The Elevator opened. They all walked out. The
Chauffeur was standing in front of the elevator.
Chauffeur: The car is ready
Masixole: Thanks man We are going to Chef
Leila's house
They walked to the car. They got in. The
chauffeur drove them to Leila's house. They
arrived and saw an ambulance and a police car.
They ran out of the car. The paramedics were
running to the ambulance with Claire. She had
handcuffs on one hand and still unconscious
Paramedic1: She has a pulse. She is going to
wake up!
Priscella and Sonia ran to Leila
Priscella: Are you okay ?
Sonia: Oh My God I am so sorry Leila!
They both hugged Leila
Leila: I am okay thanks guys for coming
They broke the hug.
Priscella: You have been through so much this
Leila: And all that is caused by one person!
someone I call a friend
Sonia and Priscella looked at each other then at
Priscella: Who?
Leila: Tasha told Claire
Priscella: Oh My God that girl is a curse ! How
did she find out about this !?
Leila: I told her first. She said I shouldn't tell
Sonia: Why?
Leila: She said she was worried that She might
find out that I snitched and harm me. I told
Tasha you guys were trying to help us when I
got shot so I won't do that. I don't know why she
did exactly what she feared might happen
Sonia: That twisted little Bitch!
Sonia started pacing up and down
Sonia: I can't wait to get my hands on her !
Detective Corben went to them
Corben: Ms Seputla and everyone
Priscella: Hello Detective. What is going to
happen now ?
Corben: We gonna charge her with attempted
He looked at Leila
Corben: You were right Leila. The officer We
sent to Claire's house says he found the chemical
container in her dustbin
Sonia: She wanted to poison you ?
Leila: She wanted to inject it to me
Priscella: What !?
Corben raised the evidence with syringe
Corben: This is the Syringe.
Priscella: Oh My God
Sonia hugged Hunter then broke down. Hunter
looked terrified
Masixole: She is Dangerious
Aaron: Wow this girl
Priscella: Can you come spend a night with us.
You can't sleep alone here. Please say yes
Leila: I am working tomorrow so I will have to
get a few things
Sonia broke the hug from Hunter
Sonia: Of course we are going to help you get
your things let's go inside
Leila: Thanks
Priscella hold her hand. Sonia did on the other
side. They walked up the stairs leaving the guys.
Masixole: Getting back together with your wife
was the best thing dude. Your wife saved you
Hunter: Tell me about it..... i can't believe I
introduced my children to that monster
Aaron: Let's hope she stays in there for a long
Hunter: Yeah......

Back In Eastern Cape at the clinic. We see the
door open. Siqalo walked in then closed the door
and turned around. He looked at his wife.
Sabonkolo: You got it?
Siqalo walked to her bed
Siqalo: Yes. I still don't understand what you
need an egg for
Sabonkolo: You don't have to know
Siqalo gave her the egg. Sabonkolo put it next to
her pillow. She looked at Siqalo
Sabonkolo: They are still outside ?
Siqalo: Yeah. They are sitting there. You want
them to come in?
Sabonkolo: Yes please
Siqalo: Before I ask them to come in can you
please tell me what truth Queen River told you?
Sabonkolo: Like I said I don't remember
Siqalo: Are you sure ?
Sabonkolo looked at him
Sabonkolo: Are you calling my sister to come in
or should I stand up and ask her myself?
Siqalo went to the door. He opened it then
walked out.
Siqalo: Come in Sabonkolo wanna see you
Deliwe: Me too?
Siqalo: Yes
They walked in. Nontorotyi ran to Sabonkolo
Nontorotyi: Oh Sisi I came as fast as I could. You
scared me !
Sabonkolo smiled
Sabonkolo: I am sorry Sisi
Nontorotyi hugged Sabonkolo. They stayed in a
hug for a sweet while. Ma Deliwe was looking at
them tears threatening to come out of her eyes.
She knows what she knows and it is eating her
inside. She doesn't wanna believe Sabonkolo
doesn't remember anything. Nontorotyi broke
the hug
Nontorotyi: How are you feeling ?
Sabonkolo: I am okay
Nontorotyi: Are you sure you don't remember a
single thing about today ?
Sabonkolo shook her head no
Nontorotyi: Good
Siqalo: Good!? My wife fainted. I want to know
what happened to her. How can you say good.
Do you know what happened to her !?
Nontorotyi: I meant good..... it's good that she is
Sabonkolo smiled.
Nontorotyi took Sabonkolo's hand.
Nontorotyi: I am here for you sis. We are all we
have. The two of us
Sabonkolo: What about our brother?
Nontorotyi: I mean we girls. We need to take
care of each other. Xhalanga can take care of
Sabonkolo: Okay
She looked at her husband and Ma Deliwe
Sabonkolo: Can you guys leave me and my sister
alone please ?
Nontorotyi looked uneasy about this. She looked
nervous then looked at Ma Deliwe who also
looked nervous
Siqalo: Okay
He looked at Ma Deliwe
Siqalo: Ma Deliwe Let's leave them
Ma Deliwe looked at Nontorotyi then at
Deliwe: I am glad you're okay child
Sabonkolo: Thank you
Ma Deliwe looked at Nontorotyi for the last time
Siqalo: Let's go Ma Deliwe!
She ran out then looked back inside. Siqalo
closed the door.
Siqalo: Ma Deliwe you're hiding something.
What is it?
Deliwe: I am not hiding anything. I just don't
think your wife is being honest about her
Siqalo sat down
Siqalo: Honestly I think she is faking it too. The
question is what is she up to?
Deliwe: You don't wanna know Siqalo. You don't
wanna know too......
A tear escaped Ma Deliwe's eye.
Siqalo: What is going on Ma Deliwe? You know
Deliwe: Be patient..... Be patient Siqalo. When
your wife is ready, she is going to tell you
Back inside. Sabonkolo is looking at Nontorotyi
Sabonkolo: Thank you for saving my life
Nontorotyi: You should thank Deliwe for calling
Ngejiwe. If she didn't i don't know what could've
happened to you
Sabonkolo: I should thank both of you then
Nontorotyi: You're welcome Sisi
Sabonkolo opened her arms for a hug. She was
smiling. Nontorotyi went in for a hug
Sabonkolo lost her smile immediately when she
hugged her sister. She looked livid. She moved
her hand from the back to the neck. She grabbed
Nontorotyi's neck and strangled her
Nontorotyi: What ar.......
Nontorotyi's eyes popped out of their socket. She
had her mouth wide open. Sabonkolo pulled her
closer to her. She quickly reached for the egg.
She pushed it inside Nontorotyi's mouth
Sabonkolo: I just put an egg inside your mouth!
One Mistake or move it breaks!
Nontorotyi was silently crying trying to free
herself carefully holding the egg in her mouth
making sure it doesn't break
Sabonkolo: I know how much you hate the smell
of a raw egg. Imagine if it breaks inside your
She was talking and pressing her finger in her
throat and strangling her. Nontorotyi was
gasping for air.
Sabonkolo: Once it breaks. You will want to
vomit and I know how scared you are to puke.....
Nontorotyi: Ple........
Nontorotyi was trying to speak but she couldn't
because of the egg inside her mouth.
Sabonkolo: I know you won't break this egg! I
want you to die silently! I don't know how you
killed my brother but what I know is that you're
joining him right now!
Sabonkolo put so much pressure and power. She
strangled her sister. Nontorotyi was losing the
last energy she had. She was collapsing slowly
losing her soul
Sabonkolo: Die!!!



< Notaligana >
I am waiting for the detective to give me
feedback. I am hoping to get the results before
the end of today. I really need to know the
woman who is threatening my family. I know
who she is. I just want to have something as a
evidence that she is doing this. This is very
important to me. This is the last chance I have to
expose Nomahelele. If this fails then I am done. I
will just focus on Nomaxabiso. I need to remind
her why we are marrying her to that family. We
are doing this because We wanna find out what
happened to her parents. I know for a fact that
the Ndengana family is responsible for my
family's nightmare. I just can't prove it and it
looks like i won't be able to prove it. I am not
trying to cause trouble or anything. I saw
Nomahelele at Sdwedwe's house. She didn't
want me to see her and clearly she had
something to hide. I would be a fool to just
ignore it. I lost my brother. Shosholoza is my
blood. He can't die like an animal. Someone has
to pay for what happened to him. Anyone in my
position would make sure of that. It is just a pity
that I will have to let this go. It's not like I have a
Anyway I just arrived at Hlalwini village. It was
a long drive. I need to rest. I drove from Port
Elizabeth to Butterworth. From there to Mthatha
now I am in Ngqeleni. I had a very hectic day
today. I am very close to my brother's house. I
can see it. My phone rang. It's the detective. Oh i
hope he has good news for me. I answered.
Me: Hello Detective
Detective: Ms Zidenge the number takes us to
Durban. This person is at South Beach. You
know we can't use police resources because we
are doing this off record
Me: Yeah of course. Forget everything!
Him: I am sorry
Me: It's fine
I hung up
Me: So this is true. The woman is really
Oh My God. I was accusing a wrong woman.
Why did she act suspicious? Why didn't she
come to me and confront me? Why did she
refuse to take a picture? She was suspicious. She
was acting suspicious that is why i was
convinced that it was her. How can I go so far as
to go to her home city and make her look like
some criminal? and to make it worse, I can't
even look at her and apologise right now. How
could I when the last time i went there a gun
was pointed at me? I am not suicidal. I can't do
this. I can't go and apologise. Let me just give up
and forget I wanted to get her arrested. I need to
text Sdwedwe and tell her that indeed the
woman was from Durban. I pulled a car to the
side. I texted Sdwedwe.
Me: Sent
I started the engine then drove. In no time i was
in my yard. At least Nomaxabiso is home. I
parked the car. I took my handbag. I went to the
boot then took my luggage. I locked my car then
walked to the door. I knocked once then opened
the door. What the hell is going on here?
Hlohlesakhe is here. Nomakhosazana is here. Is
the Ndengana family moving in? I took off my
sun glasses.
Me: Hello
Nomakhosazana stood up. She looked shocked
to see me with bruises.
Nomakhosazana: Oh Girl what had happened to
you ?
Nomaxabiso came From the kitchen and looked
at me.
Nomaxabiso: Oh My God I didn't know it is this
Nomaxabiso: What happened aunt?
Me: I got mugged
Nomakhosazana: Where ?
I looked at her then at Hlohlesakhe. I see
Nomakhosazana is enjoying this.
Me: Hlohlesakhe what is happening here?
Hlohlesakhe: What do you mean ?
Nomaxabiso: Your sister in law came here to
threaten me for laying charges against Your
Me: What charges ?
Nomaxabiso: For raping my mother?
Me: Nomaxabiso he is in trouble as it is. You
didn't have to do that and besides your charges
are going to be ignored. You don't have evidence
Nomakhosazana: For a PI you're very slow.
Nomaxabiso is the evidence and there is a will,
your late brother's will. Shosholoza told
everyone what a monster your brother is !
Oh my God. I need to stop that man. He can't
give them the will. It will bury my brother. I
took my bags
Me: I need to go to my room !
Nomaxabiso: Auntie i did this for my mother. No
one wanted to know how I felt about this. All
everyone cares about is the man who raped my
mother. I am doing this for my mother!
Me: Okay
I smiled then walked away
Nomakhosazana: We have the will already. I
took it from Joko
I let go of my travel bag and stopped walking.
Oh My God it's over for Manyokonya
Nomaxabiso: Wait you were rushing to your
room to call him !?
I turned looked at her
Me: I should've known you didn't do this alone
Nomakhosazana: She did it with my sister in
law. Your brother terminated my sister in law's
child. That can't go unpunished and you should
be ashamed for standing up for a man who
abused women!
Me: That man is my brother. The only sibling I
Nomaxabiso: Aunt Maybe you should go live
with your family !
Me: Are you kicking me out of my brother's
house? ?
Nomaxabiso: Your sister in law was here to
shout at me. She threatened me! how can I trust
you when you're on that man's side!?
Me: You don't give up on Family. Manyokonya is
my brother. He has no one now. I don't want to
lose him and regret it later. I don't like what he
did but he is still my family. I have to be there
for him. He will give up in life if we don't
support him !
Nomaxabiso: Maybe you should go move in with
them !
Me: So that you can move in with Hlohlesakhe in
my brother's house!?
Hlohlesakhe stood up
Hlohlesakhe: Okay my Queen I might not see
you when you leave. I think Nomaxabiso and
her aunt need to talk
Nomakhosazana: Okay Chief. I am about to
leave also
Hlohlesakhe walked to the bedroom.
Nomaxabiso: You showed me which side you're
on. I am done with you. This is my house. I can't
live with someone who is working against me
Me: I am not working against you!
Nomaxabiso: You're on his side not mine!
She walked to the kitchen
Me: Nomaxabiso !
She ignored me. I looked at Nomakhosazana.
She smiled at me.
Me: Nomaxabiso needs her family. You need to
stop turning her against us! We love her. We just
want to do this as family!
Nomakhosazana: What happened to your face?
What have you been up to? Because I do not buy
this loyal sister act. You've been ignoring both
your family and Nomaxabiso!
I looked down
Nomakhosazana: What happened to your face?
Me: I got mugged! I told you already
She chuckled then looked away
Nomakhosazana: Snitches get stitches. Whatever
the American man said
Me: Excuse me ?
Nomakhosazana: Nothing

< Narrated >
Still at the clinic. We see Nontorotyi losing her
slowly soul. Sabonkolo was crying and
strangling Nontorotyi. We see the yellow egg
coming out of Nontorotyi's mouth. It looks like it
broke in her mouth. She started Vomiting.
Sabonkolo stood up from her bed. She pushed
Nontorotyi and fell on top of her. She was still
strangling her.
Sabonkolo: Die!!
The door opened
Nurse: Help!!!
The nurse said looking behind her then ran to
Sabonkolo. She pulled her up
Nurse: What are you doing!!
Siqalo and Ma Deliwe ran in
Sabonkolo: She killed my brother!! She is a
Ma Deliwe put both her hands on her mouth.
Another nurse ran in.
Nurse1: Bring water!!!
Nurse2: Okay!
She ran out.
Nurse1: Come on wake up !!
Nontorotyi started coughing
Deliwe: Oh Thank God
Sabonkolo: You deserve to Die! how did you kill
my brother ! did you strangle him like I did to
You! ?
Nontorotyi: I am sorr......
She started coughing
Siqalo: Wait? So it's true? She killed Xhalanga ?
Sabonkolo: And cremated him!!!
Siqalo: Oh My God
Nontorotyi: I didn't mean to I swear
Siqalo: How can you be so evil!!!
Nontorotyi: I was desperate
Siqalo: Is that good enough? You killed your
Nontorotyi: I am sorry. Please forgive
Sabonkolo: You have no shame! I can't believe
you ask me to do that! what did you think was
gonna happen when we find out? How could
you !?
Nontorotyi put both her hands on her mouth
The nurse came with water. Sabonkolo snatched
the glass and threw it at Nontorotyi then ran to
her ready to attack her again. Siqalo held
Sabonkolo back.
Deliwe: Madam Queen stand up and go!!
Nontorotyi stood up
Nontorotyi: Sisi what are you gonna do? Please
don't report me to the police. I can't humiliate
my family any further
Sabonkolo: Is that all you care about ? All you
think about is going to jail. You don't care about
our brother! how could You!!?
Nontorotyi: I think about him everyday
Sabonkolo fought Siqalo trying to get to
Sabonkolo: Let me go! Let me finish this witch!
Siqalo: Nontorotyi leave!!!
Sabonkolo was crying and trying to get to
Nontorotyi who was just standing silently crying
looking at her sister.
Sabonkolo: Nontorotyi you are dead to Me!
you're no longer my sister !!!
Nontorotyi: Please don't say that you're all I
Sabonkolo: You killed Xhalanga!!!
Sabonkolo was crying and shouting. Nontorotyi
was also crying. Sabonkolo looked at her
Sabonkolo: Take me home! I can't look at her
They walked to the door
Nontorotyi: I am sorry
Nontorotyi sat on the floor and broke down. Ma
Deliwe went to her. She attempted to comfort
her then stopped and breath in and out then
attempted to put her hand on her shoulder then
shook her head no tears streaming down her
cheeks. She looked up. We saw the two nurses
looking at her with teary eyes.
Deliwe: Madam they must be asking about you
at home. Let's go
Nontorotyi: I didn't mean to kill him. He was
blackmailing me. He wanted to tell Ngejiwe
about what I have been keeping. What kinda
brother blackmails his sister?
Deliwe: The kind who has a sister who is
capable of killing her own. With all due respect
Madam your parents did a terrible job in raising
Nontorotyi slowly stood up shamefully
Nontorotyi: I deserve that and you're right. We
are messed up
Nontorotyi walked out. Ma Deliwe looked at
Deliwe: I am sorry about that. Trust me I deal
with this everyday
Nurses didn't say anything. They looked
shocked. Ma Deliwe ran out and headed to the
car with her boss.

< Priscella >
I cannot believe Tasha. How can this girl do
something like this to a girl who has been
nothing but the best to her. Leila was like her
sister. She took a bullet for her. She just
recovered. Tomorrow she is going to work.
Before she went to work another thing that
involves Tasha almost harmed her. It didn't take
long for Tasha to almost get this girl killed again.
She won't even concentrate at work tomorrow.
Why did Tasha do this? She was the one who
said Claire might do something. How can she be
the one who does this ? I am done with Tasha
and i hope if Leila knows what is good for her
she will never speak to her again. Tasha doesn't
deserve to have a friend. She doesn't know the
meaning of friendship. Sonia and I have been so
good to her even after she hurt us but still she
wants bad things to happen to us. I can't believe
she didn't want Sonia to know about this. After
everything we've done for her she is doing this?
She is going to be left alone. Hungani will be all
she has. He is already a pain in the ass as we
speak. When they fight again who will she run
to? As far as I know she and her family don't get
along. I really don't think Leila will forgive this
woman. Tasha deserves everything that is
coming her way.
Anyway we are back at home now. We are all
out of words. I can't imagine what Leila has
been through. Seeing a niddle looking at you like
that might have been traumatic. I can never
understand how Tasha's mind work. I am sure
maybe she didn't mean to do this but what I
don't understand is why would she speak to
Claire about it when she knows how Dangerious
she is ? This doesn't make sense at all. I saw
Masixole coming with a cocktail. He went to
Masixole: I am sure you need this after what
Leila: Thank you
Hunter: That woman is sick. I can't believe what
she almost did
Aaron: Do you think maybe she wanted to
kidnap Leila or kill her?
Leila: Looking her in the eyes I knew I was
gonna die. I doubt she wanted to kidnap me. I
swear what was in that injection was poison
Sonia stood up
Sonia: Let me call Junaid and tell him about this.
Claire is a danger to people. She can't be around
normal people anymore!
Junaid's phone rang. He was on speaker. He
Junaid: Hey Sonia
Sonia: Claire just got arrested
Junaid: What ? Why?
Sonia: She wanted to kill one of the
bridedmaids. Remember Leila
Junaid: Yes i know Leila. Oh My God is she okay
Sonia: Yes. She defended herself and called the
police. That crazy girl was following me
immediately after we revoked the restraining
order against her! she is sick !
Junaid: Oh My God! I need to find another model
for the fashion show. She is out of her Damn
Sonia: I know. Anyway talk later I just wanted to
tell you
Junaid: Thank you for letting me know
Sonia: Pleasure
Sonia hung up. Leila's phone rang. She looked at
her phone then at us
Leila: It's Detective Corben
She put her glass on the coffee table. I stood up
Me: Answer
She answered.
Leila: Hello Detective
Corben: Hello Leila the results are in
Everyone stood up curious to find out what
kinda poison was that.
Leila: O-kay ?
Corben: You're very lucky. It was a deadly
poison. It was gonna kill you the second it
entered your body
Me: Oh My God
I sat down crying. I saw tears running down
Leila's cheeks
Leila: Thank you Detective
Corben: It's attempted murder. She is going to be
inside for a long time
Leila: Okay thank you
Detective Corben hung up
Sonia: I am so sorry Leila
Leila: It's a good thing I overpowered her right?
Me: You're lucky to be alive. I am going to call
my lawyer. You need the best lawyer
Sonia: And don't worry about paying him. I got
it. You're in this mess because of me
Leila: I am in this mess because of Tasha and i
need to go see her right now. I am going to be
back guys
She attempted to go
Priscella: I am not letting you drive. I will ask
the driver to take you
Leila: Okay thanks Prissy
Masixole: Let me call him to wait for you next to
the elevator
Leila: Thank you
Hunter ran to the elevator and pressed it for
Me: Good luck Leila
She turned around and looked at me.
Leila: Thank you
She got to the elevator and left
Me: Guys can you believe it ?
Masixole: A deadly chemical wow
Sonia: What the hell is wrong with Tasha
Battlefield !?
Me: That one
Aaron: Damn this poor girl almost died today
Sonia: And to think she almost died trying to
protect me
Me: It's not your fault Sonia. You didn't tell
anyone. Tasha was the one who did this and i
fail to understand her way of thinking. I really
don't understand her
Masixole: I would say she didn't mean to if she
didn't say what she said to Leila about not
telling anyone. This girl knew the risk but she
went on and ran her mouth
My phone rang
Me: Excuse me it's Octavia
I walked away answering
Me: Hey Octavia
Octavia: Okay tomorrow I am thinking of taking
a few things to the palace and also bring a guy
who is going to do measurements. I need to
know how long will the red carpet be. I was
wondering if the helicopter will be available.....
Me: Of course it will be available! It's not busy
right now and this is also important
Octavia: Okay thanks. Please let the pilot know
we are leaving at 9
Me: I will call him right away
Octavia: Thank you
I hung up. I went back to the guys
Me: Baby can you call the pilot and tell him he is
taking Octavia to Sdabadabeni village tomorrow
Masixole: Okay. What is she doing there
tomorrow ?
Me: measurements for the long red carpet to the
Masixole: Oh yeah let me call him
Me: Thank you baby
He dialled his number. I think I am tired. I need
to rest after dinner.

< Nomahelele >
I really don't like being the person I was made to
be. I didn't mean to hurt anyone else. The only
person i wanted to hurt was My sister wife who
betrayed me but things never work like that.
When you hurt someone a few people get hurt
along the way. It is how life is. Take what
happened with the drugs for example. A few
kids took drugs. We didn't want that. All we
wanted was to set up that chief and we achieved
that even though a few kids were hospitalised.
We must be thankful that no one died. Siqalo
just got here. He told us what happened. I feel
sorry for his wife. I really do. She didn't deserve
to hear this like that. I feel resposible for all this.
Me: Siqalo let me go inside. I will give your wife
a call. I feel bad for telling her
Siqalo: My Queen if you didn't tell her she was
never gonna find out what happened to her
brother. Thank you
I smiled at him
Me: Let me call your wife
I dialled her number. Siqalo opened the door for
me. I saw the princess in the kitChen. I walked
up the stairs
Sabonkolo: Hello
Me: Hello dear. Siqalo told us what happened
are you okay ?
Sabonkolo: You were right! She killed him!
I put my hand on my chest as if she could see
me. I looked around then walked up the stairs
Me: Oh poor thing, so what do we do with the
Sabonkolo: Who ?
Me: Honey, The guilty party! what do we do with
her. Do we call the cops on her ?
She started crying hard
Sabonkolo: No! please don't. I lost my brother, I
don't wanna lose her too even though I wish I
could put a bullet in her head !
Me: You know! I could hook you up with a bullet
you know?
Sabonkolo: Ms Nomahelele my sister is all I
have. Please don't kill her
I opened the door of my room I walked in
Me: Oh no honey! I am not a killer. You were
gonna do it yourself if you were to kill her. I
don't even know how to hold a gun, Let alone to
pull a trigger
Sabonkolo: I just want her to get help. She is sick
Me: Okay fine. She is lucky to have a sister like
Sabonkolo: Oh I want nothing to do with her. I
just don't want her to die but she and i are done!
Me: We will talk soon. I am glad you're okay
Sabonkolo: Bye
I hung up
Me: At least you lost a sister. Your betrayal
didn't do me harm Nontorotyi.....
I sat on my bed then chuckled
Me: But my pay back sure did pay off
I heard my phone beep. I looked at it. It's a text
from Nontorotyi
does she wanna talk about? I texted her back
" LOOKING FORWARD TO IT " I pressed send
Me: sent
My phone rang. I shook My head. My phone is so
busy this afternoon. I answered. It's
Me: Cuz
Nomakhosazana: I just saw Notaligana. That boy
really roughed the poor woman up
Me: She deserved it
Nomakhosazana: I just remembered. The phone
you used to send those pictures! that woman is a
PI. She might get it Trac.....
I chuckled
Nomakhosazana: What is it ?
Me: Cuz I have about 5 cheap new smart phones
in my hand bag. Every time i sent a text or the
photos, I made sure one of your Chauffeurs take
the phone to Mthatha to a bus station. He sneaks
the phones in one of Greyhound passengers'
travel bags. Whenever she traces them the
phones are out of this province
Nomakhosazana: Who are you!?
I smiled looking at my closet. I stood up taking
off my jacket




< Notaligana >
My reason for coming back was to speak to my
niece and ask her to remember why she is
getting married to that family. I couldn't do that
today because Judge NoMakhosazana was there
and by the look of things Hlohlesakhe is going to
spend the night here it seems. Nomaxabiso
asked me to move out which was very shocking
for me. I didn't fight it. I respect her decision. I
am going to stay at my other brother's house. I
will visit her tomorrow though. We need to talk.
It looks like she is brainwashed. I have to speak
to her about the original plan she is forgetting. I
know talking to her about that is gonna be risky.
She trusts them now. She doesn't wanna listen to
anything I wanna say and I am afraid that she
might tell them what I will ask of her. It looks
like she is playing this game differently now. She
is playing It in her own way.
I couldn't even talk to Nomakhosazana about
accusing her cousin sister. I feel so bad but I
couldn't bring myself into doing it after I saw
her attitude. That woman is full of herself. I
didn't want to be ashamed more than I am. I
harrased the poor woman. I am prepared to just
forget it and never mention this to any soul. I
don't think i would hear the end of it if I were to
Anyway I just arrived at Manyokonya's house. I
hope I am Still welcome after I refused to come
home when they desperately asked me to. I
knocked then waited for someone to open the
door. I saw the door handle turn. The door
opened. It's my sister in law. She looks like a
Dlezinye: You should've called
She left me at the door. I walked in.
Me: I told you guys I would come home as soon
as I can but I had things to do
Dlezinye: We won't need you anymore Sisi
Me: Why is that ? I am still welcomed in my own
home right?
She turned around.
Dlezinye: You're no longer a princess Sisi. The
chieftaincy is being taken away and that is all
because of Nomaxabiso and The Ndengana royal
Me: Oh My God. Did they give you a reason at
least ?
Dlezinye: I just told you! they laid charges. They
laid serious charges against Your brother. Sis
Notaligana The rape case is reopened. Your
brother is gonna pay for raping Nomfunzelo and
he is going to pay for killing Nomagampompo's
unborn child
I heard all about this already. I just don't want to
act like I know. She just reminded me of
something. I need to call Joko. And find out for
myself if they really took the will.
Me: Let me call Joko and find out if he gave them
the will
Dlezinye: Don't bother. He did. I called him he
confirmed. I thought a will is a private thing. I
can't believe he betrayed this family like that.
We are nothing now! nothing! no one will ever
recognise us!
I sat down
Me: My brother made so many mistakes. My
father must be turning on his grave.
Manyokonya ruined our family. My father was a
good man. He never hurt anyone. He knew his
role as a royal man. My brother abused his
position as the Prince and destroyed all of us !
Dlezinye: Your other brother had a big mouth!
Me: You're not going to say bad things about
someone who is not here to defend himself! I
expect a lot from you Dlezinye. Don't turn to be
your husband ! Shosholoza did the rig....
Dlezinye: Shosholoza ruined our family! If he
was such a good person he would've told people
this! what he did just proved how much of a
coward he was. He left all of us in this mess!
Me: I am not going to sit here and listen to you
say these things about my brother!
Dlezinye: Then leave!
I stood up
Me: I am not going anywhere! this is not your
house! this is my home! Junior's house ! My late
sister in law's house! you should've built your
own house! I am not going anywhere!
She broke down
Dlezinye: I never expected this from you
Me: Someone had to tell you! you don't have a
right to kick me out of My father's house! build
your own Sisi! Your husband raped a woman!
He poisoned another woman! He couldn't
handle the truth. He ran to drugs! All of you
should accept that he messed up and stop
pointing fingers at other people. When you
commit a crime. You pay for it and your
husband is going to do exactly that!
Dlezinye: He is going to die in there
Me: You're very young. Find another man and
move on with your life!
Dlezinye: I am a saved Christian how can you
say that !?
I sat down
Me: Sisi this whole thing tested our faith in God.
We are defending a man who did bad things.
Nomaxabiso wants nothing to do with me now
because I chose my brother over her
Dlezinye: He is your brother! Nomaxabiso is not
Me: We can't be sure about that
She looked at me
Her: What do you mean?
Me: There were five of them! We don't know for
sure that Gubhu was the father and knowing my
brother. He could be the only one who slept with
Dlezinye: You have such little faith in your
Me: You don't know the younger Manyokonya I
know. When you met him he was already saved.
My brother was a feared young man. Every
young man around here praised him that is why
they took the fall for something they all did.
Believe me when I say he might have done it
She looked down.
Me: So what is the way forward?
Dlezinye: I have a job and we will continue with
his businesses
Me: Tell me when you need anything. Tomorrow
I wanna go back home and focus in my life. I
wanna go see my brother also
Dlezinye: I didn't ask, What happened to your
face ?
I looked away
Me: It's a long story
Dlezinye: You're keeping secrets like your
brother now ?
I looked at her.
Me: My brother came to Nomaxabiso in a
dream. He said she shouldn't trust Nomahelele. I
was so convinced that she is the one who killed
my brother. I went to Port Elizabeth and
investigated her background. I was a fool to
walk around in a place I don't know. I got
mugged and beat
Dlezinye: I am sorry. So did you find something?
I shook my head no.
Me: The person who shot my brother was a
woman. She is Zulu. She has been threatening
me to stop. I decided to stop
Dlezinye: Did you tell the police?
Me: They followed her. They couldn't find her. It
seems like they were too late
Dlezinye: Oh My God. Women are Dangerious
and why Nomaxabiso is so close to the family
brother in law warned her about ?
Me: Only she knows. She is going to be married
to them and it looks like she trusts them more
than she trusts us. I don't know why you did
what you did going there to threaten her
Dlezinye: I was upset. I didn't think she would
betray family
Me: She is a product of that rape. She has every
reason to be upset
Dlezinye: Well they have a protection order
against us. it's like we are monsters. I can't
believe she thought I could kill her
Me: We've been through a lot Sisi. Let's pray
She stood up
Dlezinye: I haven't been communicating with
the Lord lately and my kids want nothing to do
with him
Me: They will come around. Lets close our

< Judge NoMakhosazana >
The amount of secrets we are keeping is too
much. Sometimes there are things we keep with
Princess Nomagampompo then there are things
we keep from her also. I feel like one of these
days one of us might say something she
shouldn't say because of the trust we have in
each other. I feel like our relationship could also
be a poison to us that is why I have to make sure
we bury the Shosholoza matter once and for all.
It is one secret my sister in law can't find out.
We need to be careful and I have to speak to
River about this. I don't want this family to look
at me and River like we are these heartless
sisters who kill and betray the family. That I
can't let happen. We are good people who have
responsibilities to protect this family. Sometimes
we get carried away and end up doing things we
shouldn't do. We cannot afford to mess up. Me
being a judge might never work all the time. We
might lose the chieftaincy just like the Zidenge
family. I have to be extra careful.
Anyway it is almost six. We are about to go
down for dinner. I heard a knock at the door of
my bed room.
Me: Enter
She door opened. I looked up
Me: River
She smiled then walked in and closed the door.
Me: You wanna talk about something ?
Nomahelele: Nontorotyi wanna talk. She wanna
see me at my house
Me: River you have to be careful with that
woman. She is angry now. You betrayed her in
the worst way possible. She could do anything to
get you out of the way and if she could hire a
hitwoman for her brother imagine what she can
do to a woman who came and became a
sunshine in her husband's eyes
Nomahelele: Trust me I am well aware of what
she is capable of. I am not scared of her. I would
kill her and her hitman. You know me
Me: I know you but I don't wanna find you in
pool of blood. You can't always be lucky. All i
can say is be careful. Don't go if she is going
there with someone else. Are you the only one
who has keys to your house?
Nomahelele: Yes i changed the old locks. I have
new ones and I am the only one who has them
Me: Good. So when are you going?
Nomahelele: I have no idea. She just told me she
wanna see me. She didn't tell me the time
Me: Be careful
Nomahelele: Always. I spoke to Sabonkolo
Me: Poor woman. How is she ?
Nomahelele: Upset and she doesn't want anyone
to know about this
Me: Still protecting her sister. She must be lucky
to have Sabonkolo
Nomahelele: She is lucky to have everyone she
has but she doesn't appreciate the love this
family has for her
Me: She's always been ungrateful. Sabonkolo is
right. This could cause a lot of damage to the
I saw River looking at my Closet. I turned and
looked. Gedleza is standing looking away
Me: Gedleza?
He folded his arms on his chest
Gedleza: Your highness forgive me for coming to
your bedroom
Nomahelele: Is everything okay ?
Gedleza: Is it safe to turn around ?
Me: Yes we are all dressed for dinner. What is
going on ?
He turned around.
Gedleza: Your Majesties Today Princess Ngejiwe
went to see a healer. She wanted to know what
is wrong with her
Me: Something is wrong with her?
Nomahelele: I hope you stopped her ?
Gedleza looked at me.
Gedleza: My Queen she thinks she has bad luck
Me: This is about men?
Gedleza laughed then looked down
Gedleza: I am afraid my Queen
I shook my head in disbelief
Me: I wonder where she gets this thirst she has
for men!
Gedleza smiled then looked at River
Gedleza: I delayed the sangoma until Mrs
Ndengana got to her before she made a mistake
Me: Thank God. I hope she had a good
explanation for the girl. She must stop snooping!
Gedleza: That is what Mrs Ndengana is known
Nomahelele: Lying? Oh that is true
She looked away
Nomahelele: I wonder when will that woman
stop conniving !
She looked at Gedleza
Nomahelele: What did she say?
Gedleza: She said she is being punished for
sleeping with Velezantsi
River looked at me shaking her head.
Me: So I guess we should do a ceremony for her?
Gedleza: It's the only way to make her stop
beating herself up and for her to believe that it's
the problem she has
Me: Thank you Gedleza. We will do this after the
wedding or maybe before
Gedleza: Majesties About keeping the murder a
Me: Yes what do you and the ancestors think
about that ?
Gedleza: Make sure Deliwe, Chef Notiniphu and
Prince Phonqa keep their mouths shut
Me: Oh God no! they know ?
Gedleza looked at River
Gedleza: When you were speaking to Sabonkolo
Prince Phonqa was in a Box at study
Nomahelele: That child! So we have to check all
empty boxes when we wanna talk now ?
Me: And Deliwe and Chef?
Gedleza looked at River
Gedleza: Ma Deliwe was the one who found the
urn when she was cleaning. Mrs Ndengana said
the ashes were your mother's
Nomahelele: My mom is alive is this woman
Gedleza: Ma Deliwe told Chef. Notiniphu told
her your mother is alive. That's when they knew
something was wrong until today when Prince
Phonqa solved the mystery
Me: We need to get those three together and
make sure they don't sing
Gedleza vanished.
Nomahelele: You're right. You need to talk to the
two who live under this roof and call Deliwe
Me: I will do that

< Nontorotyi >
I always thought Nomahelele was cruel but I
never thought she was this cruel. Her caring act
towards me really fooled me. I thought she
would do anything to protect me. I was such a
fool to believe that. She was lying. All of that was
an act. She was acting. She made me believe that
she had my back and this family's back. How
can she do this to me. How could she tell my
sister that I killed my brother. She is the one
who killed Xhalanga. Where does she get the
nerve to tell on me? I never thought she would
do this. I knew she was capable of betrayal but I
never thought she would take it this far. She
betrayed me with my husband before. I don't
know why i thought she wouldn't do it again.
Today was very hectic. Today my sister found
out I am this monster who killed our brother.
She also tried to kill me. I was dying. I felt like
every joint in my body was failing me. If that
nurse didn't walk in I swear i would be dead
today. I am scared for my life. I am scared that
this might get to my husband and it will be over
for me. I am really scared. I sent Nomahelele a
text message. I want to confront her for doing
what she did to me. How could she do this. What
kinda monster does what she did? I hate her. I
don't think i would ever I mean ever forgive her
for this. From today on, She is my enemy. She is
my biggest enemy and I want absolutely nothing
to do with her after the talk I will have with her.
Anyway we are back. My sister said she wanted
nothing to do with me. I won't give up until I
win my sister back. I can't lose her. I lost my
brother. I can't lose her as well. Tomorrow I am
going to her house. I need to bring Deliwe with
me. I don't trust my sister. She is very angry
right now. Anything can happen there. I am not
taking chances. Tonight all I am gonna do is
drink alcohol and forget about the world. I will
face the world tomorrow. I saw Ngejiwe coming
from the kitchen. I smiled then stood up.
Me: Honey
Ngejiwe: Hey mom. I am sorry about earlier. I
just wanted to find out what is wrong with me
Me: It's all good. It's my fault. I should've told
She smiled then walked passed me. She stopped
then turned around.
Ngejiwe: Where is dad?
Me: I have no idea. Maybe with one of his
Ngejiwe: And how do you feel about that ?
I looked at her and smiled.
Me: At least he is not cheating right?
Ngejiwe: That's the spirit mom
She walked away
Me: It's good to see you smile honey!
She turned around and smiled.
Ngejiwe: At least I know what is wrong with me
I chuckled looking at her. I wish you knew
honey. I really wish you knew....
She attempted to walk away then looked at me.
Ngejiwe: Mom you told Ma Deliwe that the ashes
she saw in this house were Queen Nomahelele's
mother's ashes. why did you lie ?
What the hell is wrong with that old woman!
how can she tell my daughter this !
Ngejiwe: Mother!
I walked passed her. I went to the bottle of
Ngejiwe: Mama tell me before you take that!
I looked at her
Me: Okay I know you're gonna be angry but
people need to understand that I Don't have so
much friends and she is the only friend I have. I
am going to be honest with you. If you get mad
then I am never telling you anything again !
She didn't say anything. She just looked at me. I
sat down
Me: Saturday Zinyovile's niece is going to be
She looked shocked
Ngejiwe: O-kay ?
Me: She decided to cremate her because she
didn't get sick, She was killed. It was an accident
so the family doesn't know she cremated her.
She asked me to keep the Ashes for her. They are
going to bury just a coffin without the body
Ngejiwe: Oh Wow
Me: Yes and I knew if I told anyone in this house
that I am doing Zinyovile a favour everyone was
gonna remind me of the past. That is why I lied
NgejiWe: It's okay mom so when are you
planning to do the cleansing for me ?
Me: We need to talk to your father first and
make a date. We can do it before the wedding
Ngejiwe: Okay thanks. Tell Ma Deliwe I will be in
my room when dinner is ready
Me: Okay baby
She walked to her room. I looked at the kitchen.
Deliwe pretended like she wasn't looking at me.
Me: That traitor!
I said furiously heading to the kitchen
Me: Why did you tell Ngejiwe about the ashes!!!
She moved backwards and leaned on the
Deliwe: Because I didn't think it was a secret. I
really thought it was Queen River's mother's
ashes. I didn't think you were lying My Queen
Me: Are you scared of me?
Deliwe: You should see yourself My Queen.
You're very scary. More especially now that I
know what you're capable of
I looked behind me then pointed a finger at her.
Me: I swear if you tell anyone else about this I
am going to.....
Deliwe: My Queen I am not suicidal
I looked down. Why this woman is making me
look like a monster.
Me: Deliwe I am not a bad person! I am not a
monster! I am still your same boss. I was put in a
corner and besides I.......
" Didn't kill him yourself ? " Said a voice next to
Deliwe. I looked at her. It's Zinyovile. Only I can
see or hear her. By the look of things Deliwe
can't see her
Deliwe: I am sorry madam. I will go make sure
the dinner table is ready
She ran out of the kitchen. I turned with her.
This woman is scared of me. I felt a hand touch
my shoulder. I forgot Zinyovile is here.
Zinyovile: Are you going to betray that woman
I almost did. I am not going to answer that. I just
Zinyovile: You were gonna tell that woman that
you're not the one who pulled the trigger?
I was just crying
Zinyovile: Do you forget that you still have
another secret? a secret that was almost
revealed by that woman Mangqazula?
Zinyovile: If your sister wife can tell your sister
that about a murder, do you think she'd hesitate
to tell Ngejiwe about her father ?
Me: Oh No
Zinyovile: You texted that woman. What is this
about? a confrontation?
I pulled a chair from the kitchen table. I sat
Me: It was gonna be but not anymore. I think it's
time for me to apologise to her even though the
damage is already done
My phone rang. I took it out. It's Notaligana. I
Me: Hello
Notaligana: I am sorry for messing your life. The
woman I saw wasn't Nomahelele. Please forgive
Me: I can't believe this
I hung up
Zinyovile: And ?
Me: Notaligana says Nomahelele didn't do it! Do
you think she is telling the truth or she was
Zinyovile: She.....
She looked behind me. She looked shocked. I
turned around and looked. There is no one
behind me. I turned around and looked at her
Me: What is going on ?
Zinyovile: She was not threatened. She was
telling the truth. Nomahelele is innocent
She looked behind me again. I looked at her.
Why is she acting like someone who sees
someone. She looks nervous.
Me: What is it that you see behind me
I said turning around. No one again
Me: There is no......
Zinyovile Vanished.
Me: Great

< Tasha >
I am so happy for my man. Today we had to go
eat out to celebrate. I am so happy. I feel like
everything is going well for us. Life is good. I
wish my family was here to see it. I just hate
how distant they've become. I don't know how I
will make things right again with them. Both of
them are impossible. I can't even talk to one
without the other because they are just the
same. They are sturbbon. They have no idea
how hurting it is to be alone and pregnant. I
don't understand why they can't forgive me for
What I did to Elton. Was Elton that important to
them? If he was then why can't they forgive me
and let me be with someone I love. My
happiness should be what is important to them
not Elton. They didn't even show me that they
are fond of him. They only care about him when
he is gone. I feel like it's just an excuse to punish
me. I don't know why they treat me like this.
Anyway enough about them. I am just happy my
Fiancé got a job and is going to work soon. It will
be amazing to sit on the couch and watch my
handsome man on tv doing what he does best. I
used to watching him and drool over him on tv. I
didn't even know him then. I just admired him
on tv. It's amazing how things can change and
work out in your favour. Who knew I would
look at him and call him mine. I am so lucky and
I am not going to forget that.
I was so shocked to see Claire at that restaurant.
She made me angry when she started calling my
man handsome flirting with him. She has no
respect for other people's relationships. She
messed her own with Leila because of her
insecurities and anger. If she dares mess with
me. I will get her arrested. I am pregnant. She
would stay there for a long time. She thought I
wouldn't call her out for what she is doing? She
is such an unstable person. I saw Hungani
walking down. He left me to go take a bath.
Hungani: Baby we are invited to my brother's
house for new year's. The last time we were
with my family....
Me: Don't remind me I remember. I am so sorry
about that
Hungani: It's okay. This time they will see we
fixed things. Which is more reason we should go
Me: I can't wait
He came and sat down with me.
Hungani: Do you have an idea what you will say
to your parents? I was thinking how about you
just go there and just ask how their holiday
went. Don't confront them about leaving you
behind. You have to avoid conflict more
especially when you're about to tell them about
our wedding
Me: Baby it doesn't matter how I approach them.
Remember at the hospital. They were happy to
see me okay then you walked in and talked
about the baby. They walked out. I feel like they
blame you for what I did that night at the club
Hungani: We are having a baby and we are
getting married. They better accept us
Me: I can't wait for the day
We heard the door bell. I stood up
Me: Who could that be ?
Hungani: I am not expecting any.... It's Leila
I looked at the door then smiled. Bad timing
Leila. I am bonding with my man and it's six in
the evening. Couldn't this wait for tomorrow?
Hungani went to the door and opened for her.
She walked in
Me: Friend I didn't expect to se.....
Leila: Friend!?
Oh My God she is breathing fire. What have I
done this time?
Me: Is every....
Leila: Do you want me dead!?
Me: Friend what are you talking about ? I
Leila: How many times am I gonna escape death
because of you Tasha!?
Me: Oh My God what are you talking about.
You're scaring me right now
Hungani: Leila can you calm down...
Leila: Don't tell me to calm down! Let me speak
to this self centered girl you call Fiancé!
Me: Tasha !?
She came closer to me. I have never seen Leila
like this. She is always calm. She never raised
her voice to anyone. What did I do to make her
so angry
Leila: Didn't you ask me not to tell Sonia about
Claire following her because i might be in
Me: I did and I was selfish to say that. Sonia and
Priscella help.......
Leila: So it's not okay for me to tell Sonia but it is
okay for you to go to Claire and let her know
that I told you what she was up to!?
I looked at Hungani
Me: Oh My God! it was an honest mistake. She
just rubs me the wrong way I.....
Leila: Why everything is about you Tasha!!!
Me: I am sorry. I was just trying to protect her.
She was playing a Dangerious game. Priscilla
and Sonia don't play
Leila: How sweet! Tasha cares for Claire! When
did you realise that Priscella and Sonia don't
play? After you drugged their brother and slept
with him?
Me: Leila!
She said what she said pointing at Hungani. No!
Leila is not this disrespectful. Something might
have happened
Hungani: Leila she.....
Leila: I almost died today!
She broke down.
Me: Friend I am sorry. What happened?
Leila looked at Hunter
Leila: Check the news for yourself! your phone
Hungani quickly check his phone. I ran to him. I
looked with him.
Me: Oh My God
We saw a video of police and paramedics taking
Claire. I looked at Leila..
Me: Friend I am so.....
Leila: The first time i got shot you came out
unharmed! Today you're the one who pushed a
crazy woman into killing me. I am done with
you and this friendship
Me: Please don't say that! you're the only friend I
Leila: You should've thought about that before
you ran your mouth. When you care about
someone you think before you open your
mouth! You knew the danger you were putting
me into!
Me: I am sorry ! it was an honest mistake I
swear to God
Leila: Honest mistake that cost you another
person who cared about you! Goodbye Tasha
She walked to the door. I ran after her
Me: Please don't do this to me! think about this. I
am going to have you in my reality show!
Leila laughed. She was looking away. She turned
around . She wasn't laughing anymore..
Leila: And that supposed to make me forget
everything? I am not desperate to be famous
that's your thing! isn't that the reason why you
slept with him and Brendan O'Neal ?
I put both my hands on my mouth and broke
Leila: You're pathetic! just like your reality show
She walked out and slammed the door. I put
both my hands on my head in frustration. What
will I be without her?
Me: No!!!



< Tasha >
I don't know why I did what I did. I have no
explanation at all for it. I was stupid. I didn't
think at all. There is no excuse for it. When i saw
that woman that day I got mad. I don't
understand why would I risk Leila's life like
that. I love that girl. She is my best friend. I
wouldn't deliberately risk her life. I completely
forgot that what I did would do this. This is
happening for the second time. My friend's life
was at risk because of me. I hate myself for
doing that to her and I understand why she is
mad at me. I would be too if I were in her shoes
but throwing away our friendship is not the
way. I don't know why she doesn't want to
forgive me. I have been trying to contact her.
She doesn't take my calls. She doesn't answer my
messages. I have to go see her at her work. I
know her time for lunch. I hope she didn't
change shifts. That day Leila left I was in hot
water. Hungani didn't like that I told Leila about
the reality show. He made a big deal out of it but
then I understand. He is a celebrity. Celebrities
are Good at keeping secrets. I am still new in this
and Leila isn't just anyone. She is my best friend.
I couldn't keep that from her. I don't know what
I am going to do without Leila. Who is going to
help me with my wedding if she doesn't wanna
be my friend anymore? I will have to call varsity
fake friends and give them a spotlight in my
show when it should've been my best friend? I
don't like this that is why I am going to make
sure she is there. I am going to fix us. I will do
whatever it takes to fix this. I am just happy that
Hungani forgave me. Dinner with his family was
amazing. There was no drama. I am joining one
amazing family. I am very lucky.
Anyway I am ready to leave. My man is going to
stay at home till I come back from Seeing Leila.
Hungani: Good luck babe
He kissed me
Me: Thank you so much babe
I took the car keys. He borrowed me one of his
cars. I am driving it wherever I wanna go. I was
really scared that what happened with Leila
might ruin my relationship with Hungani. I am
glad it didn't
Me: I will see you later.
Hungani: Bye
I walked out and headed to the car. I have to see
Leila. I need her forgiveness. If she doesn't
forgive me. I will have to find other ways to get
her forgiveness. She is the only friend I have.
She knows that and I am sure she knows I didn't
mean to do that. Claire just rubs me the wrong
way. That is why I ended up doing this. Anyway
I just arrived at the Luxury hotel. I parked my
car. I walked to the door. By the way I am
starting work tomorrow. I am so excited. I
missed being on set. I can't wait I am excited to
be back. I walked in. I went to security. He
smiled. He knows me
Me: Hey Where is Leila ?
He smiled. He looked nervous. Don't tell me she
told this guy our business.
Me: She told you didn't she ?
Him: No she didn't tell me anything. What
Me: If she didn't tell you then why are you acting
Him: Because she was about to walk out. When
she saw you she went back. She said I should tell
you she is not here
I smiled
Me: Wow
Inside I am hurt. I am not going to show this guy
that I am hurt.
Him: What happened? You guys were best
Me: It's my fault. I did something stupid. I was
the reason for her attack
Him: The attack with her ex ?
Me: Yes
Him: I am sorry. I am sure you're going to fix
Me: I hope so too. Thank you for your time
Him: No problem
I walked out. Wow i don't know what to do now.
I need to find another ways to speak to Leila. I
am not going to give up. I am putting My pride
aside. This girl went through hell for me. I can't
give up on her now. I need to make sure I prove
myself to her. I know she insuited me and
everything. I know she did that out of anger.
When we are good she will apologise. I am
hoping she will apologise because she owes me

< Elton >
I just spoke to my sister on the phone. When she
said She wanted to tell me something about
Claire I almost peed on myself. I thought she
found out about what happened between me
and Claire. This girl is crazy. I am glad I got out
the time i did. Actually I should thank her for
this. She is the one who ended this between us. I
knew she was crazy. I only knew about her
beating. I didn't think she was capable of killing
as well. She is out of control. I need to speak to
Sonia. She almost got me in trouble. I can't
blame her though. I am old enough to make my
own decisions. I messed up. I just wanted to
mess with her to help her I didn't really think
about the outcome of all that. I didn't think
about my girl. I didn't think about Claire
catching feelings and starting with her physical
assault. But I am glad I was clear with her. if I
didn't I feel like she wouldn't have dumped me.
I was gonna end up harmed. Maybe my
threatening her intimidated her, that is why she
didn't try anything. It looks like She is not only
crazy. She is also a coward.
Oh by the way we are on our way back home. It
has been a great holiday. I thank mom and
Masixole for this. From now on i trust him with
making plans for a holiday. Whenever I wanna
go to a holiday with friends he must help me out
again. We had an amazing time there.
Me: I can't believe this..... ?
Mia: Is your sister okay?
Me: Yeah. She just told me that Wednesday
Claire went to kill Leila the chef
Mia: Oh My God is she dead ?
Me: No babe. She fought back. That crazy girl
had an injection with her. She wanted to kill her
using a Dangerious chemical. Leila fought back
and managed to tie her up
Mia: Thank God. Wow this Claire is really crazy
I looked at her. She contacted Claire. She has no
idea what she is done. What if she will be next?
Me: Baby tell me you didn't insult the woman.
She is Dangerious
Mia: I just asked her a question and she
answered that was it
I looked away
Me: Good. She is very Dangerious. I hear she was
following Sonia around. Leila found out and told
Sonia that is why she almost died
Mia: I showed you the conversation. We didn't
talk much. So is she arrested?
I nodded my head yes.
Mia: Thank God. I can't be sure she won't come
after me
I looked at her
Me: Looks like no one is safe. There is no telling
you didn't do something wrong to her. I am also
Mia: Yeah......
Me: Don't worry I will protect you
I kissed her
Mia: You just said you're scared
Me: That doesn't mean I CAN'T protect you
Mia: OkaY
Me: I love you
She put her hand on the side of my face
Mia: I do love you Elton
Me: Will be right back
I kissed her then walked away
Me: That again
I really need advice with this. I am going to
Algebra. I have to make sure he doesn't tell
Priscella about me and Claire. My sister and I we
good. I don't wanna mess that up.
Algebra: Hey
Me: Algebra promise me again you won't tell
Prissy about Claire. She would be more angry
now that she did something that crazy
Algabra: I take it she told you ?
Me: She just cold
Algebra: Trust me I know my boss more than
anyone. Don't worry I won't
Me: Thanks man
" Shit! " Said Prince Nomgcwabe behind us. We
looked at him
Algebra: Babe are you okay ?
He exhaled then looked away.
Nomgcwabe: The blackmail is still going on
Algebra: Prince Phonqa?
Me: What blackmail are you guys talking about?
Algebra: Prince Phonqa is suspicious. He knows
we are seeing each other but Nomgcwabe is
denying it to him.....
Me: As He should
Algebra: So Prince Phonqa said he must send
him one gigabytes data every month end
I laughed then looked at Prince Nomgcwabe
Me: Then what's the problem man? Give the kid
data. I can help you out
Nomgcwabe: Dude money is not a problem. I
just hate that my little brother is blackmailing
me. If i wasn't the person that I am I would just
come clean to my family but it's not that easy
I tapped his shoulder
Me: I know the feeling bro. You will be strong.
Let me go back to my girl ;)
I walked away leaving him. That little boy is
naughty. I didn't expect this from him.

< Nontorotyi >
These past few days have been hectic for me. I
don't understand Nomahelele. She hates me. She
hates everything about me after what I did but
she suggested that my husband spends more
time with me. The day after I was confronted by
Sabonkolo My husband slept here till today but
tonight he is spending a night with Nomahelele.
I have been asking myself why would
Nomahelele do something so kind for me but I
can't find the answer. When it comes to that
woman you really never know her motive to do
The last time i saw my sister was when i took
Deliwe with me. She refused to talk to me. She
talked to Deliwe and told her my husband can't
find out about what I did. I don't know why
people who hate me still protect me. This doen't
make sense at all. I am confused. This is one of
the things that make me feel so bad and cruel.
After everything I did my sister is still protecting
me. I am very grateful to her. I cannot go to jail
and my husband can't find out that is why I
have go make sure I behave. I know
Nomahelele. She showed me what she is capable
of. I can't underestimate her any longer that is
why I am not even meeting her anymore. I am
ashamed after the call from Notaligana. I am
sure she freaked out that is why she decided to
betray me. She was angry because we were
accusing her of something she didn't do. I
respect that woman. She showed me she can
risk it all but the question in my mind right now
is, Would she tell our husband that she had
killed before? She is a murderer. Yes She might
not have killed Shosholoza but she killed a few
people in Port Elizabeth that is why it is easy to
believe she did something. The dream of trying
to get rid of Nomahelele is no longer on the
cards. I can't win over that woman. She is a
bully who makes sure she makes everyone her
Anyway my husband told me I am no longer
welcomed at the royal house. I made peace with
that and I didn't even fight it but you know me. i
don't let people walk all over me. I wanted to say
something until Zinyovile stopped me. Soon they
will let me in and I know what will make them
want me. I am so bored. I have to go to the
kitchen and talk to Deliwe. She is my new friend.
Don't ask how come. I faced death when my
sister wanted to kill me. A lot has changed or has
it really?
Deliwe: My Queen that's divorce papers?
I have divorce papers in my hands. It's time.
Me: Mm-mm
Deliwe and I have became so close these past
few days. I tried to make her feel comfortable
around me and it worked. I have to talk to her
from now on not Zinyovile.
Deliwe: Just remember you're the first wife my
Queen. You're important but you have to know
that As the first wife you have to make sacrifices
too and this is one of them
I looked at the papers
Me: Yeah and another thing that I know is , A
first wife gets forgotten. I need to do something
that will make me visible to the family and i
think I know what
I smiled then picked up my cup of coffee She just
Deliwe: What is it?
I looked her
Me: Before I forget something I have a question
for you. I will answer yours later
She pulled a chair then sat down
Deliwe: What do you wanna know?
Me: Deliwe tell me why did Nomahelele let my
husband sleep here for like five days ?
Deliwe: Because she knows what you're going
through and I think she also wanted you to sign
this. I don't know but it's one of the two
Me: Yeah that woman cares in her own way......
Deliwe: She is a lovely lady. She is just like the
Queen. Anything to make the family happy
I raised my cup
Me: Yeah right.......Anything to make the family
I wish Deliwe knew them the way I know them.
She is right. They do whatever it takes to make
the family happy. They act innocent and they
are good at covering their dirt and good at
exposing others.
Deliwe: My Queen you said something about
making yourself visible. I want to know that
I put down my cup. I took the pen
Me: Let me sign these papers first
I signed the papers. I put the pen down then
took my cup and sipped
Deliwe: Wow i am very proud of you my Queen
Me: Thank you
Deliwe: Is that how you gonna make yourself
Me: Not really
Deliwe: Then what My Queen? tell me. I don't
want you to make a bad decision
Me: Deliwe today I was supposed to go take my
contraceptives. I am not going
Deliwe: O-kay...... ?
Me: I want my husband and I to try for a baby
Me: Yes from tomorrow. If i see the chief I might
get pregnant
I hope he could come back tomorrow and sleep
here but I know that's impossible. They gave me
so many days with him. It wouldn't be fair to
them. I am trying for a baby boy and I am
positive I will get him because the family and
the ancestors now know about Ngejiwe. I don't
see why they should continue punishing me.

< Narrated >
At The Royal house. Chef Notiniphu's phone
rings. She rinses her hands, Then go to her
phone. She smiles then pick up.
Notiniphu: Ma Deliwe?
Deliwe: Child My boss signed the divorce
Notiniphu: Wow! this is gonna make Queen
River very happy
Deliwe: Don't tell her!
Notiniphu: I won't! Thanks Ma Deliwe. Bye
Notiniphu hung up " What is gonna make me so
happy ? " said a voice behind Notiniphu. She
dropped her phone
Notiniphu: My Queen
River smiled
Nomahelele: I am sorry for scaring you. I didn't
mean to. So tell me ?
Notiniphu: You were not supposed to hear this
from me but Mrs Nontorotyi signed the divorce
River smiled She opened the fridge and took out
juice and poured it in a glass.
Nomahelele: Now that makes us junior wives
very happy
River put the juice in the fridge. She took her
Nomahelele: very happy
she walked out of the kitchen. Chef Notiniphu
shook her head laughing silently

Still at the royal palace. We see The Queen
laughing. She was on Video call. The princess
was sitting on the couch. River joined her at
living room .
NomaKhosazana: Good! I want you to come
back a different person. Bye !
She started laughing again.
Nomahelele: Who is she talking to?
Nomagampompo: I have no idea! she has been
laughing through out that call. I haven't seen her
laugh so hard in a long time
River smiled looking at her cousin.
Nomahelele: The Wedding is near. We want to
see people happy
Nomagampompo: True
Nomahelele: I hear Nontorotyi Signed the
Princess looked at River
Nomagampompo: Are you talking about my
sister in law ?
Nomahelele: The one and only. She signed the
The Queen Joined them
NomaKhosazana: Nontorotyi?
Nomahelele: Yes. Chef was just speaking to
Deliwe. She just signed the papers now
Nomakhosazana: She did the honourable thing
Nomagampompo: And who is the Comedian you
were speaking to ?
NomaKhosazana: Oh that was Refilwe
Nomahelele: When is She coming back ?
NomaKhosazana: She says she is planning to
come back
Prince Phonqa appeared up the stairs
Nomagampompo: That's good because I think
we need to talk to Refilwe about something
Prince Phonqa moved backwards then started
Eavesdropping. River and The Queen looked at
Princess Nomagampompo curious.
Nomagampompo: She must look for a girl from
her family in North West. Prince Nomgcwabe
has to find a wife from a good family and I think
Refilwe's family is good
Phonqa: Shit!
Prince Phonqa said moving backwards smiling.
He leaned on the wall
Phonqa: This is gonna be interesting
NomaKhosazana: That is true! but this is not the
time. River and Nomaxabiso have to get married
first. We gonna talk about this when Prince
Nomgcwabe is working which is in six months
from now
The Queen said taking her glass of wine from
the coffee table
Nomahelele: That is a perfect idea. It looks like
every year we will have a wedding here
Nomagampompo: I can't wait to find him a
perfect wife
Nomakhosazana: He is a lovely young man. He
deserves a good woman
Prince Phonqa put both his hands on his head
silently whistling
Phonqa: It looks like you have enough time to
come clean big brother.....



< Judge NomaKhosazana >
Days are passing by so fast. it's like it was just
yesterday when Refilwe left. We haven't talked
in a while. it was nice to get her call. She told me
she will be in the country 4th January. I cannot
wait for that. This is going to be the best
wedding ever. Most of the things already
arrived. The decor. The big screen televisions
are already here. May borrowed us her private
Jet. We are grateful to her. She actually came
here. She knows about the things that have been
going on but we begged her to let us deal with
this. I hope she doesn't do anything stupid. She
knows we are not under pressure. We call her
when we are. She doesn't have to do a thing
Princess Nomagampompo said something
important and I think it's a good idea. The
relationship we have with Refilwe is important
and they are the only family we know and trust.
We have to find another girl from her family for
Prince Nomgcwabe. Very soon he is going to
start working. He has to get married.
Anyway I am still with Princess
Nomagampompo and River. I didn't tell them
everything about that call. This Prince
Nomgcwabe thing kind of made me forget. I
have to tell them before I forget.
Me: Refilwe is coming back 4th January and the
next day she wants us to go to Johannesburg to
buy outfits for the wedding. We have to tell
Nontorotyi and May and her best friend
Nomagampompo: How are we going to tell
Nontorotyi? How are we even gonna travel with
her like everything is okay ?
Nomahelele: Nontorotyi must see that we are
nothing like her. We are not going to exclude
her. We are going to pretend like she didn't do
everything she did but we have to be extra
careful around her
Me: River is right and I also forgot to mention
Nomaxabiso. She is going to be part of this. I am
just worried......
Nomahelele: You think it's gonna be awkward?
She is with the Chief now. I know there is a
history between Priscella and her but this is not
about that. She moved on. She must show it by
being The bigger person. She is marrying
Masixole's uncle for God sake. She has to grow
Nomagampompo: We have to let her know. it's
up to her if she doesn't wanna go or she wanna
Me: alright I am giving that to you River. You
will tell her. I am going to call our cousin
Nomahelele: Okay
I looked at my sister in law
Me: Oh I was thinking......
Princess Nomagampompo and River looked at
Me: I don't want Nontorotyi to be the supervisor
again. She will be paid the salary she always got
but that post is not hers anymore. So I was
thinking how about we find a replacement ?
Sister in law sat up straight
Nomagampompo: Who do you have in mind ?
Nomahelele: I don't know anything about the
company but a few days ago the Chief said
Sabonkolo was at work alone when she was not
supposed to be there. I don't know her
capabilities but I think she is the kinda person
you can trust with the job
Me: You're right cuz. Sabonkolo is nothing like
Nontorotyi and she works hard
Nomagampompo: We are starting work
tomorrow. All the workers will be there. We
have to give her a call and ask her to come here
before she goes to work
Me: Great
Nomagampompo: This is gonna be good for their
family. She was paid less than her sister. The
raise is gonna make a difference
Me: That's good and don't worry about
Nontorotyi. I will deal with her. I am sure she
won't have a problem losing her job to her sister
Nomahelele: And she can't blame the family for
not trusting her after what she did
Nomagampompo: Yeah

< Sonia De Villiers >
Today is second of January. Tomorrow I have a
photo shoot and an interview with the
magazine. My day is going to be very busy and I
cannot wait. The girls today are heading to
Durban. I want to go with them but this is
important than some little vacation to Durban. I
will meet them there tomorrow. I just hope they
have something planned for the night
tomorrow. If they do something today then I
don't know. I will miss out. I just hope there
won't be unnecessary drama tomorrow when I
get there. This magazine interview is very
important to me. I am going to talk about serious
matters about my personal life and the things I
went through the past year. Last year was bitter
sweet for me. Good, The bad and the ugly
happened but my year ended with a bang when
it comes to business and the contracts I signed. I
am very happy with how things ended. I don't
regret one thing that happened. I finally got free
and went back to my normal self. Honestly the
person I was when Brendan was alive and the
person I am now are two different people. I am
so happy I ended up with Hunter. him and I
make sense. We are happier than ever right
Anyway Priscella accompanied me to meet my
assistant. I am so happy I have an assistant. I
have been doing everything myself. I am very
happy. Thalala was a good assistant. It's
unfortunate that she wasn't really an assistant.
She was just playing a game. Look where that
game got her.
Priscella: Here we are and he is late great!
Priscella said with sarcasm then sat down. I
laughed. We already ordered drinks
Me: I know you are helping me for the second
time. I understand why you're not patient with
me. Thalala was......
Priscella: A total disaster! Let's hope this one is
not a Xhosa from the Eastern Cape
I laughed
Me: Says a woman who is marrying one in 8
She smiled.
Priscella: You can't compare my Fiancé to
anyone. That man is the best man in the world
Me: Let's hope this one is the best as well
Priscella: He is Xhosa?
Me: I don't know. Let me check his CV. but his
name is Phili.....
We saw him coming to us
Philile: I am so sorry I was. The traffic in this
city is a nightmare
Priscella: That is why you have to be an hour
early. So where you from ?
Philile: I am from Durban but I live here. At
Me: Oh Nice. So you are Zulu?
Philele: Yes ma'am
I looked at Priscella and smiled. Waiter came
with our drinks
Me: Thank you
I looked at Philile
Me: What do you wanna have ?
Philile: Just water for me please
Priscella: He is nervous. Philile this is not an
interview. You got the job. Waiter get him your
expensive meal and put it in my tab
Waiter: Okay Ms Priscella
The waiter smiled then walked away
Philile: Wow thank you. So I got the job ?
I extended my hand
Me: From now on you are going to be on my
reality show. Congratulations you're a perfect
match for me here is my dairy it's your job to
remind me everything
I said pushing my diary to him
Philile: Oh My God! You're gonna be on Desire
Magazine as the cover girl?
Me: Yes dear. Tomorrow they are coming to my
house. From shooting at my house with my kids
we come to work
Philile: Wow so when do I start working?
Me: Right now. Tomorrow you're going to come
to this building, at 8am you should be in my
Philile: I will be early 7:50 i will be here
Me: We are going to give you a clock card
Waiter brought his food.
Philile: Thank you
My phone rang
Me: I have to take this
It's Junaid. I answered
Me: HI I was about to call you
Junaid: Yes ?
Me: Tomorrow I am going to do my interview
for Desire Magazine. I will be the Feb cover girl.
I want you to Dress me tomorrow
Junaid: Do you have to ask? Of course! I have
clothes for you but that is not why I called. I
want you to come fit the show stopper dress
then pick the clothes for tomorrow
Me: Thank you Junaid. I will be there in 45
Junaid: See you then babe
Me: Bye
I hung up then looked at Priscella then at My
Me: Okay Philile. My designer wants me to go fit
the show stopper dress. We will let Priscella go
home and you're coming with me
Priscella: That man is busy. He is doing our
dresses and also the collection?
Me: He knows what he does and he is passionate
about it
Priscella: I see that
She stood up
Priscella: Guys drive safely. I have to go up. I
need to call my mother in the next 15 minutes
and Octavia said she will stop by today
Me: Okay Bye
She kissed my cheek then walked away.
Me: Let's finish up our food and go I am getting
myself salad
Philile: Okay ma'am. If i may ask what happened
to the guy you chose ?
Me: Long story! That woman had an agenda to
destroy Prissy's relationship
Philile: I am so sorry to hear that
Me: Don't worry about it. Karma dealt with her
I took my juice then sipped
Philile: What do you mean ma'am ?
Me: She passed
He looked shocked
Me: We had nothing to do with it. She was
mugged at some shady place where she lived.
She got stabbed and died
Philile: Shame
Me: Yesterday it was her funeral
Philile: Poor girl

< Nontorotyi >
I know I was banished From going to the royal
house but I don't think they will throw me out
not when I brought them this. These divorce
papers are my ticket to get in there. Before you
throw insults at me. I have no agenda. I just
want to speak to them about my future at
Ndengana project that is why I need to get in
there. In a normal world I am supposed to serve
my husband with these papers not to bunch of
women. The reason i am not giving my husband,
oh trust me he is the only person i respect and
wanna give this to but the reason I am not is
because of what I mentioned. I need to see those
women. I need to speak to them about my future
at Ndengana project. I hate to make them feel so
important because I know giving them these
papers they will get it twisted and think i care or
respect them. I don't give a Damn. I wish I could
give them to the man I married for years not
Anyway about Ngejiwe, Gedleza did a little
ceremony for her. She is behaving normal again.
I just pray that she doesn't have problems in
future about her background. I cannot afford
that again. I can't afford to be freaked out like I
was when I found out My sister knew I killed
our brother. I can't go through that again. I just
got to the palace. I saw Siqalo coming to me.
Apparently he has been angry at me also like his
wife. I don't blame him. Xhalanga and Siqalo
were like brothers. Siqalo loved my brother and
I am sure Xhalanga conned him too. Xhalanga
was a lazy man. An opportunist but he didn't
deserve to die the way he did.
Siqalo: What the hell are you doing here !?
Me: Hello Brother in law
Siqalo: You were banished here! I don't even
know why your ex boyfri.....
Me: Don't you speak like that to me!!!
His eyes popped out.
Me: I am still your Queen! the family agreed that
we never mention Bhalisile again. What if
Ngejiwe heard you call him my ex? Do you want
me to tell the chief this?
Siqalo: I am sorry Sister in law
Me: I know he was your brother too and I am
Me: Forgive me
He got teary. I saw him look at the door then
wiped his tear
Siqalo: It's too soon. I can't. What do you want
here. You know you're not welcome here
Me: Tell them I am here. Announce my arrival.
If they don't wanna see me I will leave I promise
He looked at me then walked in. I waited. I saw
the door open again.
Siqalo: You can come in
Me: Thank you brother in law
I walked in. I saw the three of them sitting and
drinking wine. So early in the morning ?
Me: Your highnesses
Nomakhosazana: Good morning Nontorotyi.
Please have a seat
Me: Thank you for agreeing to see me
Before I sat down. I faked a smile at Nomahelele.
She smiled. I gave her the papers then sat down.
Me: Signed and delivered as promised
Nomahelele: Thank you sister wife. This means
immediately after the wedding we are planning
Nomaxabiso's wedding
I chuckled smiling
Me: I cannot wait
The princess looked at me. The Dlungane sisters
are smiling. She is not showing a single tooth. I
looked down then at Nomahelele
Me: Did Notaligana apologise to you?
Nomahelele: No, Why do you ask ?
Me: Because Thursday she apologised for using
me. She said you're not the woman she was
looking for. It's confirmed that the woman was
really from Durban
I looked at sister in law
Me: The real killer
The Queen and Nomahelele looked at each
NomaKhosazana: Is that so ?
Nomahelele took her glass of juice. She sipped.
Me: Yes my Queen She was wrong and what I
hate more is the fact that she never told me
what she wanted the pic for. She said she
wanted to see my sister wife
Nomagampompo: Now you see you're the
weakest leak to get to the family. You need to be
careful. I don't care who killed Shosholoza. I
want him to rest in peace. Whoever did will
answer to God
Nomahelele: To God be the glory
Nomakhosazana: Amen but I think River must
go demand her forgiveness if that woman can't
bring it here. She must go get it
Me: I agree
I don't agree at all. They love bullying people.
They love being in charge. They forget not
everyone lives here at Sdabadabeni. Out there
nobody cares about them. Only people from this
village kiss their feet.
Me: I wanted to talk to the family about
NomaKhosazana: We are listening?
Me: I know I owe the family a lot of money and i
am willing to pay all of it but I have a request.....
Nomagampompo: Yes ?
Me: I have to go back to health. I want to go back
to being a nurse. I can't depend on my husband's
money. I must have some money to be left with
when I pay ten thousand rands every month to
the family
Nomakhosazana: Do you have contacts to get in
already or you're still trying to get a job?
Me: I want to send my CV around....
NomaKhosazana: Don't bother. I will get you in.
I will use my influence and find you a job in a
hospital. Canzibe Hispital is looking for
experienced nurses. I will make a few calls
Wow i am happy I came here. I didn't expect
this. I am so happy. I really missed being a nurse
and I also missed the money
Me: Thank you so much My Queen. I don't
deserve your kindness
Nomakhosazana: You don't have to thank me.
Just make the family proud. Heal People
Me: That is what I am going to do
Nomagampompo: On the 5th we are flying to
Johannesburg to buy wedding dresses. Be ready
Me: Me ?
Nomahelele: All Royalty Queens and the
princess. Nomaxabiso will be there and you're
the Queen you should be there
Me: Thank you! I have to go now
NomaKhosazana: Oh okay. Thank you for
stopping by
Me: Thank you for the hospitality your majesty
She smiled. I stood up then walked to the door.
Siqalo opened the door. I walked out then lost
my smile.
Me: Hospitality? they didn't even offer me
Rooibos tea
Queen NomaKhosazana and Nomahelele sure
know how to fake smiles and pretend. My sister
in law is not like that. Right now she doesn't like
me and she can't even pretend. I must say I
admire that. I can't stand fake people .

< Priscella >
I like Sonia's assistant. He is a lovely young boy
like Algebra. I cannot wait for them to meet.
They will be best of friends. I am glad she found
a boy too. After Thalala I don't trust girls. I do
think a girl would work for Sonia but for me, I
don't think so. Maybe she would work since my
man will no longer work here. I just don't trust
these girls. They like seducing powerful men. I
don't like that. I can't let any girl near my man.
I left Sonia and Philile downstairs eating. I am
back in the house waiting for Octavia who is
coming up here. She hasn't called though. I think
she is running late.
Me: Baby earlier I called my brother telling him
about Claire
Masixole: We took long to tell him. This
happened Thursday
Me: I didn't wanna disturb them. At least now I
know they are on their way
Masixole: Yeah I just can't wait to hear what he
needs advise for when he arrives you know
Me: Me too
Masixole: Who is gonna tell you ?
Me: Baby you are not going to hide this from me
Masixole: You're not hearing it from me
Me: Wow
I saw Cleopetra coming to us after answering a
Cleo: Ma'am Ms Octavia is coming up
Me: Okay we are waiting for her. Make sure you
bring her a glass of wine when she arrives
Cleo: Okay ma'am
She walked away
Me: I can't believe our wedding is in Eight days
baby. I am so nervous now
He lied on the couch then pulled me closer. I lied
on his chest
Masixole: You better believe it. I am glad
everything is already there at home
Me: Yeah
We heard the elevator beep
Me: I wish I wouldn't move. It feels so good
sleeping on your chest
Masixole: It's yours for the rest of our lives. The
woman is here let's behave
I giggled sitting up straight. I saw her walking to
Octavia: Look at you love birds! I have never
met a couple so calm and stress free and in love
like you two few days before the wedding
Me: You deal with couples who are about to get
married what do you mean In love? All people
get married in love
She sat down
Octavia: Some always look tense. They go
through a lot of stress worrying about money
Me: Well then I guess i should be glad I am
marrying a king. I don't have to worry about a
I said smiling at Masixole. He kissed my cheek
We looked at Octavia
Octavia: Oh you two!
Me: So what's happening today?
Octavia: I am here to talk to you about the
dresses. Junaid wanna see all ladies tomorrow.
No excuses
Me: Why didn't he call me ?
Octavia: I told him from now on he has to deal
with me
Me: Oh okay. Tomorrow mine workers are
arriving from their holidays. We are going to
work But..... wait
Octavia: What ?
Me: Sonia is going away for work midday
tomorrow. I think we should go in the morning
Cleo came with Octavia drink
Octavia: Oh Thank you
Cleo smiled then walked away.
Octavia: Okay check with all of the girls then
come to me. The day after tomorrow I am taking
the boys
She looked at Masixole
Octavia: You said they are coming back
Masixole: They are on their way. They might
arrive late or tomorrow
Octavia: Great!
She looked at me.
Me: Let me text the girls in our WhatsApp group.
I just hope they are all active
Octavia: It's holidays. Most people are home
now. Preparing To go to work Tuesday
Me: Shouldn't they be doing that tomorrow ?
Octavia: Well I doubt they are out and about on
Me: Yeah
Octavia: Let's go to the song you're going to
dance to at the reception?
Masixole: Easy
Octavia: O-kay? What is the name of the song ?
" The night we met " I can't believe we said that
at the same time
Me: Wow
Octavia: Oh My God you guys are meant to be
together. Who sings the song? i have to check it
Masixole: Lord Huron
Octavia: I am listening to it on my way home. I
have to have it on my playlist
Me: It's a good song romantic song
Octavia stood up
Octavia: I think that is all for today
Masixole stood up
Masixole: Babe let me walk her out and go see
Aaron and the pilot
Me: Okay baby
They walked to the elevator. I watched them
walk in. The Elevator closed. I looked at my
phone. My mom promised to call. Why hasn't
She called already ? I took my phone and texted
" I knew you wouldn't wake up at 1am and call
me. Goodnight Ms Refilwe "
I smiled then sent the text.
I heard the elevator beep. I saw Cleopetra look
at me.
Me: Is that Masixole? That was Qui.....
I said standing up and stopped talking when I
saw the woman who just walked in. I walked to
the dinning area furious. What the hell?
The nerve. Where does this girl get the nerve to
come to my house after everything she's done? I
don't think i have the energy for this girl smiling
in front of me
Tasha: Hi




< Narrated >
At Seputla towers at first Floor. We see Aaron
walking in at the restaurant. The Elevator
opened. Octavia and Masixole walked out
talking. They said goodbyes. Octavia headed to
the parking lot. Masixole walked to the
Aaron: Hey man you come down when Tasha
just went up?
Masixole's eyes popped out..
Masixole: Tasha?
Aaron: Yeah. The offices are not yet openned for
the year. So I am assuming she is going to the
Masixole took his phone
Masixole: I don't think that is safe....
Aaron: Who are you calling ?
Masixole listened
Masixole: Calling Cleo
Aaron: Okay
Masixole: Hey Cleo should I be worried. I hear
there is uninvited guest there
Masixole: Okay. That's a relief
Masixole hung up
Aaron: And ?
Masixole: Cleo says they are walking to the
lounge talking
Aaron: Then you have nothing to worry about
Masixole: Yeah. Anyway I wanted to talk to you.
We must go check the suits when these boys
come back
Aaron: When are they coming back?
Masixole: Tonight or tomorrow... We are going
there 4th January
Aaron: Cool
Aaron's phone rang
Aaron: It's my lady
Masixole: Let me go speak to the pilot. I will find
you here?
Aaron: Yeah Go
Masixole left. Aaron answered
Aaron: Hey beautiful
Notiniphu: Hey how are you?
Aaron: I am good. how are you ?
Notiniphu: I am good thanks. I might see you
Aaron's face lightened up .
Aaron: You don't say ?
Notiniphu: I am coming there for my dress
Aaron: Wow i can't wait to see you
Notiniphu: Me too
Aaron: You made my day. I wish it was
tomorrow already
Notiniphu: Funny I feel the same
Aaron: I like the sound of that
Notiniphu giggled
Notiniphu: I have to go I love you
Aaron: I love you too Baby
He hung up. He saw Masixole talking to the pilot
coming to him
Masixole: Just check with Elton you will know
when to go....
Pilot: Sir I didn't take them to Durban. They took
the travelling bus. Shouldn't you be speaking to
the bus driver ?
Masixole: Oh shit you're right The helicopter
couldn't take all of them......
Pilot: Don't worry I will call him for you. He is
not here
Masixole: Thanks man
He smiled then walked away.
Aaron: I guess the helicopter is fetching my lady
and your annoying cousin
Masixole: When?
Aaron: She says they are coming for dresses
tomorrow ?
Masixole: Damn! everything is happening at
once. I don't think this dude knows he is flying
to the Eastern Cape and I am sure Prissy forgot
Aaron: Go tell him bro. I wanna see my girl
Masixole: Let's go
They stood up and followed the pilot.

Sonia and Philile her assistant just got to J
fashions. We see them walking down the
hallway walking to Junaid office. Philile was
looking around. He seemed impressed by what
he was seeing.
Philile: Why this fashion house has your
pictures all over it ma'am ?
Sonia: Philile I am offended. You should Google
your boss. I am the face of J fashions darling
Philile: Wow ma'am that's amazing. I am not
really following such things. I just know you're a
business woman, A reality star and.....
He paused. Sonia looked at him
Sonia: And What ?
Philile: Mr Brendan's ex wife
Sonia smiled.
Sonia: Well now you know. This is my home
Sonia Knocked at Junaid's door then opened.
Junaid stood up
Junaid: Who is this hottie ?
Sonia: My assistant Philile. Philile this is Junaid
Mr J fashions. He is a designer. This is his studio
and office
Philile: Wow. Nice to meet you
They shook hands. Junaid looked at Sonia
Junaid: Where do You and Priscella get these
pretty boys ?
Sonia: The next time you need someone to work
for you please use your money and advertise the
post in newspapers. Or hire SM HR to do it for
you. They will find you your man
Junaid: Speaking of men
Junaid licked his lips looking at the door. Sonia
and Philile looked at the door. Isaiah was at the
Junaid: Come in baby
Isaiah walked in smiling
Isaiah: Hey Sonia long time
Sonia: I am mad at you for not visiting. No text
no phone call come on
Isaiah: After breaking up.....
Isaiah looked at Philile then at Sonia
Isaiah:..... with that boy i wanted to lay low. I am
sure he doesn't wanna see me
Sonia: I guess all of us have to suffer for that
Junaid went and stood next to Isaiah
Junaid: When he says lay low. He means lying
here honey hihihi
Junaid said brushing his own chest. Isaiah
Isaiah: I thought you said we'd have lunch
Junaid: Wait for me here. Let me take Sonia to
the studio. She will just jump into a dress then
Isaiah: Okay
Junaid kissed Isaiah then looked at Sonia
Junaid: Let's go !
He ran out. Sonia followed. Philile walked out
then turned around and looked at Isaiah, infact
they gazed at each other at the same time. They
smiled at each other. Philile walked away
following Sonia. They got to the studio. Junaid
brought the dress. Sonia changed into the dress.
She wore it and it was like it was made specially
for her. They didn't take long because Junaid
was rushing to lunch. After 15 minutes they
were done.
Sonia: Gosh i love this dress. I can't wait for
Africa Fashion week
Junaid: Me too dear! it was made for your body!
Sonia: I am very lucky
Junaid: I am the lucky one
Sonia smiled.
Junaid: See you tomorrow when the bride and
the bridesmaids come to fit their dresses
Sonia: Wait I didn't know that?
Junaid: That's what Octavia is telling Priscella
right now
Sonia: Junaid i also wanna fit my wedding dress.
I don't think i will come when the ladies come. I
have this interview and photo shoot and I have
to fly to Durban tomorrow
Junaid: Okay. Come this side !
They went to another side. The dresses were
behind a curtains

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
My brother in law's wife is very smart. She knew
if she signs the divorce papers and bring them
herself we will not be hard on her and she was
right. We were not. I was just shocked that
Hlohlesakhe didn't have to fight with her to sign.
I think the reason Nontorotyi signed these
divorce papers is not because she wanted to do
the right thing. She just wanted to be in our
presence and what a better way than doing the
right thing? She is very smart that one. I don't
know why she makes bad decisions with a brain
like hers. Maybe she is not smart. I think she is a
good manipulator. What she just did was
manipulation and we fell for it. I had a lot to say
but I chose not to fight that woman. I am
actually the nicest person when it comes to
dealing with her, and the funny thing is, I am
the One She hates more in this house. Or maybe
I come after River or she hates us equally. All i
know is she hates me a lot. Nothing nice I do for
her is good enough. I am sure even when I
offered to get her a job she had dirty things to
say about me in her head. That is just who she is.
I meant it when I said I am going to find her a
job. Nontorotyi is family. A Ndengana don't go
around begging. I am going to get her a job even
though I know that job won't change anything.
She will still hate me and go behind our backs
and make River and I Villains. I don't know what
is it that we've done to that woman.
River: That went well don't you think ?
Nomagampompo: I wouldn't know. I was
annoyed throughout. I wanted to run to my
brother's study and take his sjambok and whip
her. That woman is always pretending. She is
never sincere!
Me: i know what you mean Sisi
Nomagampompo: These divorce papers were
her ticket! she is poison to this family!
Nomahelele: It was very nice of you Queen to
offer to get her a job
Me: She is family. You don't turn on Family even
the crazy ones are still family
Nomahelele: True but she deserves tough love
that one. After the stunt She pulled i am never
nice to her. It's tough love all the way
Me: At least she signed divorce papers
Nomagampompo: I am glad you didn't tell her
about promoting Sabonkolo. I know She was
gonna be the first to go tell her
Nomahelele: And i am glad we didn't tell her
Me: I didn't forget. I knew she would go and tell
her acting like a hero
River stood up
Nomahelele: Let me go take a little nap. I have to
go see Nomaxabiso about Johannesburg then go
see her aunt. I deserve an apology from that
Nomagampompo: Did you tell Nomaxabiso she
is gonna get married first ?
Nomahelele: Yes Sisi and I told her the reason
Me: What did you tell her ?
Nomahelele: The bitter truth? I gave it to her like
She walked up the stairs. Princess
Nomagampompo looked at me.
Nomagampompo: What does that mean?
Me: That she is not royalty? and River is the only
royal princess in that marriage Maybe?
Nomagampompo: Yeah. Maybe she said that.
She wasn't lying. We learnt our lesson with
Nontorotyi. My brother married a crazy
commoner and made her first wife. Biggest
mistake !
Princess Nomagampompo stood up. I smiled.
She is really not feeling Nontorotyi right now
and Nontorotyi is to blame for that. She has
herself to blame. My sister in law doesn't want
anything that is playing with her lover's death.
What Nontorotyi said really hurt her. When
Princess came home and told me She washed
her hands on her I think she meant it judging by
how she was behaving when Nontorotyi was
here. She was so annoyed.
Nomagampompo: Let me go to work. There
were big supermarket deliveries to be made
today. I need to go check if everything went well
Me: Okay Sisi
She took her car keys. I saw Prince Phonqa
running down.
Phonqa: Mom where are you going?
Nomagampompo: Going to work. You wanna
Phonqa: Yes
Nomagampompo: Okay let's go
They walked out. I was left smiling at them.
Siqalo closed the door. Wait did I tell everyone
how it went at court? That bastard got 35 years
imprisonment. He is no longer in a holding cell
now. He is in prison serving his time. I don't
play. I buried him in court. He will remember
my face. He will never forget me. I am sure he
has nightmares seeing me in his sleep. Nobody
messes with my family and get away with it.
Anyway I heard my phone ring. I looked at it,
The king is calling
Me: Your highness
Masixole: My Queen I am trying to call Prince
Phonqa can I speak to him?
Me: He just left with Princess. Is everything
Masixole: He must come with the girls tomorrow
and bring clothes and toiletries. He is going to
sleep. Others will leave him here. On the 4th me
and boys we are going to check our suits
Me: Masixole why don't they all stay there and
wait till the fifth. Me and the royal ladies we are
coming there. May is going to send a private jet
to fetch us and it will bring us home. I just want
Notiniphu to spend some time with That boy.
Keeping her locked up here make her lose on a
lot of things
Masixole: Wow mom you don't know what
you've done. Aaron will be very happy. He is
next to me right now. I can't wait to tell him
Me: Say hello to him
Masixole: I will mom
Me: Bye bye
Masixole: I love you bye
Me: I love you too boy
I hung up then looked at the kitchen.
Me: Chef !
She came running
Notiniphu: My Queen ?
Me: Come sit
She smiled then came and sat opposite me.
Me: After dinner pack your things. You're going
to stay in Johannesburg until 5th. We will find
you there on the 5th and come back with you.
That gives you two days to get to know that
young man
Notiniphu put both her hands on her mouth. She
got emotional
Notiniphu: Thank you so much my Queen
Me: You're welcome
Her phone rang
Me: Go answer. I told Masixole I am sure that's
the boy
Notiniphu: Yes it's him
Me: Go
She ran back to the kitchen. I shook my head
Me: Young love

< Notaligana >
After my brother's trial Friday I was so angry
and hurt. My brother is good as dead right now.
He won't survive 35 years in prison. They buried
him in there. When i left court I couldn't come to
Ngqeleni. I drove back home to my children.
Today i am back to check on my sister in law. I
want to know how she is doing. I first went to
see her. She is doing okay. The real reason I am
here is because I want to speak to Nomaxabiso.
She and I had a deal. She seems to forget it. I am
here to remind her what we agreed on. This girl
kicked me out of my brother's house. She should
be ashamed of herself. I am sure my brother is
turning on his grave right now. What she did
was wrong. I am Shosholoza's sister. I am his
favorite sister. I don't think he would like this. I
know for a fact he hates it. Nomaxabiso will
have bad luck I am telling you. My brother's
home is turned into something I don't know. An
old man is sleeping in his house with his
daughter. That is wrong in so many ways.
Anyway I just got here. I knocked. I waited for
her to open the door. I saw the door open
Nomaxabiso: You said you were coming Friday.
Today it's Sunday
Me: Can I come in Nomaxabiso?
Nomaxabiso: Sure
I walked in
Me: You know Friday was my brother's trial. I
was tired from that and after I went home. I just
got back today
Nomaxabiso: Okay. Do you want tea ?
Me: No thanks. Let's talk
Nomaxabiso: Oh Boy
Me: I am not here to talk about Manyokonya. I
know he hurt you and many people. I am here to
talk about us and the plan we had
She let out a heavy sigh.
Nomaxabiso: Us...... There was once an us
Me: Nomaxabiso I was very busy. You know me
when I am focusing on a case I even abundan
my own kids. I am not proud of that but that's
how I am. I get obsessed with cases
Nomaxabiso: Have you ever thought of Joining
Police department? You'd make a good
I smiled. At least this is going well. She is also
Nomaxabiso: And I also think you'd make a
fearless journalist. You would do the two so well
I looked down
Me: Well i would make a bad detective or a
Nomaxabiso: Why do you say that ?
Me: I was wrong about Nomahelele. I accused
her of something she had nothing to do with
Nomaxabiso: When did you realise that ?
Me: The person who threatened my kids is really
from Durban. The person I saw at Sdwedwe's
house was indeed from Durban
Nomaxabiso: But your friend did say she spoke
I looked up. Unbelievable Shaking my head
Me: I don't know Nomaxabiso. I took your
dream and seeing the person who looked like
her. It made sense
Nomaxabiso: You made an enemy of such a nice
person. Nomahelele is a good caring person
Me: But my brother said you can't trust her
Nomaxabiso: River told me why my father said
Me: Wow you said your father? does that mean
you forgive him for everything?
She stood up
Nomaxabiso: He raised me. He is the only father
I know. As for forgiving him. I can't promise that
Me: I understand. So what did this woman say ?
Nomaxabiso smiled. She believes in these people
so much I don't like that.
Nomaxabiso: She said she is the one who asked
the chief to seduce me because she liked me and
wanted me to be her sister wife
That's weird. What kinda person who likes
another woman and wish her husband could
marry them? This is so unholy. I couldn't hide
my shock. I literally felt my eyes popped out of
their socket
Nomaxabiso: I know right
Me: I hope this love don't fool you
Nomaxabiso: What do you mean ?
Me: Remember our original plan? The reason
Why you are getting married to that man?
Nomaxabiso: Aunt I made this decision myself. I
didn't plan anything. I am in love with him
Me: Nomaxabiso love? girl you said you are
going there to make sure you find out exactly
what happened to my sister in law
Nomaxabiso: I am sorry Aunt. I am not going to
do that. Mom committed suicide. You and I
know that poison was hers !
Me: I don't know!
Nomaxabiso: Well I do know
She walked away. I stood up then folded my
arms on my chest
Me: What if I tell them the real reason you
agreed to marry Hlohlesakhe?
She paused then chuckled. She turned around
then clapped her hands.
Nomaxabiso: Nicely played Notaligana!
This girl is changed. It's always shocking to hear
her call me by my name.
Nomaxabiso: I always knew none of you in this
family is saved!
Me: What are you talking about?
Nomaxabiso: A Christian who blackmails
someone to get what they want?
I swallowed hard shamefully
Nomaxabiso: So no one in this family is a real
Christian? What a shame!
I furiously grabbed my handbag. I walked to the
door fuming with anger.
Nomaxabiso: See you never auntie
I put my hand on the door then glanced over my
shoulder then gazed at her. She is waving at me.
I furiously walked out tears running down my
Me: What is wrong with her!?

< Priscella >
Tasha has some nerve to show her face here
today. What the hell is she doing here ? I don't
remember the last time i saw her but what I
remember is we were not friends. Wait? I think I
do remember the last time i saw her. We had to
cut our meeting with Leila short because she
arrived at her place. She faked a smile when I
greeted her that day. She didn't even say hi back.
I really don't have any business with her. I really
don't know what she is doing here and I am
really not interested. If i was a rude person I
would throw her out but I won't and I am not
rude. I just hate being used. Tasha is the one
who messed her relationship with my family yet
I am the one who is supposed to act nice when
she is cold and giving me attitude. When she
needs something she comes here smiling and I
am expected to smile as well because I am a "
good " person. I hate that. People always take
advantage of good people because they know
they are unable to hold grudges. After
everything she is done and what she did to Leila
I should be pushing her to that elevator now.
Maybe I will who knows? I will have to give her
five minutes and hear what she has to say to me.
I am just wondering if her fiance knows she is
Anyway I am standing infront of her. We are
just next to the elevator. I am really shocked to
see her. I don't understand why my security
didn't call us and let us know she wanted to
come here.
Tasha: Hi
Me: How did you pass through security again?
Tasha: Wow that's cold. I thought you were okay
with me
Me: No don't get me wrong. It's just that
everyone who is not family first ask for
permission to get here and besides. When i said
Tasha at Leila you just showed your teeth. You
didn't say anything back. I thought maybe you
have something against me ?
Tasha: Something against you?
She laughed. What is funny ?
Tasha: Where do i get the nerve. You're a good
person Priscella. It's hard to pick a fight with
I chuckled then showed her to the lounge. We
walked for about a minute to get to the lounge. I
told you the front takes you into the dinning
area. The lounge is at far right. At left its the
kitchen then next to the way to the kitchen it's
the stairs to the bedrooms and the living room
upstairs. Anyway we got to the lounge.
Me: Have a seat. Do you want anything to drink?
Tasha: I will get to it. My Fiancé is waiting for
me at home
She stopped flipping her hair with her right
hand. She started flipping it with her left hand
showing off her beautiful diamond ring. I
smiled. It's beautiful I won't lie
Me: Congratulations on your engagement
Tasha: Thank you. It came as a shock. I mean in
less than a month dating already he put a ring
on it
Me: That shows love no doubt. When i met my
Fiancé I knew the first day that he was gonna be
my husband
Tasha: Yeah. Now I understand why you left
Hungani for him. I mean staying years without
an engagement ring. That sucks
Okay she is trying to provoke me now. Even that
comment about getting engaged in less than a
month I knew she was trying to say it's
something Hungani couldn't do for me. This
bitch needs to get out of my home now. I don't
give a Damn about her man. Leaving him was
the best decision ever. Anyway after she said
that I smiled. I do that when I want to correct
someone. I just don't wanna offend them.
Me: Let me correct you. I didn't leave him for
Masixole. I dumped him and stayed single for a
year then I met Masixole
Tasha: I see
Me: So can I help you with anything?
We are going to smile like this til she is gone. It's
so hard faking a smile. Your cheeks starts
hurting and that is what is happening to me
right now.
Tasha: I am sure you know what happened. I
saw Claire. I thought of what she is doing. I got
annoyed and pissed off. I confronted her
because I thought she would stop. I even said
she reminded me of myself. I was trouble last
year but things ended beautifully. I am an
actress now and soon to be a reality star. Life is
good. I wish she listened to me
Me: Did you think about your friend's safety?
Tasha: At the time no but after the incident
when she told me what happened. I realised
what I almost caused her. Please I want you to
speak to her and tell her I am sorry
Me: Me?
Tasha: Yes please. She respects you. She admires
you. She listens to what you say. If you tell her to
be my friend again she will
Me: Tasha I don't think i would forgive myself if
I do that then that girl dies. She almost died two
times because of you
Tasha: Is that my fault? I didn't ask Brianna to
shoot at us. I didn't mean to talk to Claire. Why
do you make this look like I did this on
She snapped. Cleo came running.
Cleo: Is everything okay ma'am?
I stood up looking at Tasha
Me: Yeah Cleo. She was just leaving
Tasha stood up. I didn't take my eyes off her.
Tasha: I came here in peace to ask for your help.
I didn't come here to be insulted!
Me: Nobody insulted you. Please leave. You even
entered this building uninvited
She looked at Cleo. Then walked approaching
the dinning room. Cleo and I walked behind her.
She got to the elevator them paused. She turned
Tasha: Priscella I want to know something.... ?
Me: Yes ?
Tasha: Is this you trying to stay out of Leila's
business or this is you trying to hurt me because
I ended up with the man?
Me: Excuse me ?
Tasha: No! I feel like this is more than what I
did. You have a problem with me marrying
I shook my head in disbelief pacing up and
down. I swear she is going to drive me crazy
Me: Cleo!
Cleopetra came closer running
Cleo: Ma'am
Me: Call Security !
Tasha: No need for that. I am leaving but think
about what I said. You need to ask yourself if......
Me: Get out of my home you miserable bitch!
She smiled then looked at Cloe
Tasha: Cleo
She walked to the elevator. She got in then
glanced over her shoulder and looked at me and
smiled. I wanted to throw my phone at her. The
Elevator closed.
Me: How dare she !?
Cleo: Should I tell security to never let her in
Me: What's the use Cleo? They never listen!
Maybe I should fire this security company and
find a new one. I recall telling them to never let
that bitch into my building ever again !




< Princess Ngejiwe >
The Queen summoned me. I hope i am not in
trouble. I always get so nervous when I am
summoned to the palace. I really hope i didn't do
anything wrong. I don't remember doing
anything and the last time i saw her We were
okay. I hope this is about my health. The Queen
heard what I did going to a sangoma that is not
working for the family. She was not happy that I
didn't trust Gedleza. I told her why I did it. After
the ceremony they did for me she suggested that
I see someone. I am seeing someone who works
at the hospital. I drive my dad's car all the way
there. The hospital is a bit far but she is the only
therapist close by. Maybe the Queen got a call
from the doctor about my first session. I hope i
didn't do anything wrong. I was doing well
there. The doctor had no problem with me.
Maybe this is about something else. I cannot
wait to find out.
Anyway I just arrived. I saw Uncle Siqalo. I
smiled at him. I saw him in the morning so I
don't have to say hi again. He opened the door
Me: Thank you uncle
He smiled. I walked in. The Queen looked at me
and smiled. Oh at least I am not in trouble..
Queen: Come sit
Me: Thank you my Queen
I sat down.
Queen: Tomorrow you and chef are going to
Johannesburg right?
Me: Yes my Queen, i got the message in our
WhatsApp group
Her: How do you feel about staying there till the
Me: My Queen?
Queen: On the 5th me your mom, River,
Nomaxabiso and the Princess are going there to
buy our dresses for the wedding. We just don't
want to bother Priscella's family and waste their
resources with this back and forth. The Seputla
house is your house. You guys will be taken care
of. You can also explore the city if you want. I
am sure my daughter in law wouldn't mind
giving you a driver to drive you around The city
I didn't expect this but when she mentions
exploring I kind of like the idea. I smiled.
Me: I don't see a problem My Queen. The plane
and the helicopter have been coming here
everyday I understand it can't be cheap
Queen: Exactly. Those people are generous. I
don't want us to take advantage
Me: I understand my Queen
Queen: That's what I called you here for. I am
sure you have to pack
I stood up
Me: Yes I do. Let me go say hi to Chef
She smiled. I walked to the kitchen. Notiniphu
looked at me. I have to apologise to her. We are
going to be where I will only know her. We can't
leave until we fix things. I know I am to blame
for everything That is why I want to apologise
Me: Hi
She continued with what she was doing. She is
chopping fruit. I washed my hands on the sink. I
took my knife. I went and help her. She looked
at me and smiled.
Me: I am sorry
She looked at me again.
Me: For everything. I was acting like a brat and I
was jealous because He chose you. Please
forgive me. Not only for that but for everything
She smiled.
Notiniphu: Thank you for apologising. I didn't
expect that. I forgive you
Me: Thank you
She smiled then continued chopping.
Me: Fruit salad?
Notiniphu: You know how much the QUEEN
loves it
Me: Trust me I know. This is a lot. Is the Yogurt
Notiniphu: Five litre
I smiled.
Me: When was the last time you heard from
Notiniphu: Last week. That one was blowing up
my phone I ignored him
Me: When was that exactly?
Notiniphu: Take out my phone It's in my pocket
and check the phone log. I don't remember
I rinsed my hands then took a table cloth and
wiped my hands. I took her phone. She gave me
the password.
Me: Oh My God he is unbelievable
Notiniphu: What?
Me: This bastard called you the second after I
dumped him
Notiniphu: I can't believe him
I put her phone on the counter.
Me: Wow I can't believe him. Which bowl are
you gonna use?
She pointed with the knife at the top of the
Notiniphu: We are going to use that small dish
Me: Okay
Notiniphu: So he thought I would open my arms
for him ?
Me: He didn't deserve us
Notiniphu: He is a jerk
I rinsed the dish.
Me: He is single now
Notiniphu: Are you sure ? It's always us struggle
to find guys. They bump into a girl wherever
they turn
Me: And you're right. So tell me are you official
with Aaron?
She smiled
Her: Yes. I am sorry I know you liked him.
Me: No! He saw you first and he loved you. I was
acting like a desperate bitch. I am sorry for all I
said that day
Notinphu: Thanks
Me: Ready for tomorrow?
She smiled
Me: That was a stupid question. You're going to
see your guy and we are staying till 5th girl
you're getting under his sheets this time
She laughed
Notiniphu: Not so loud !
She said looking at the living room. At kitchen
entrance we saw Prince Phonqa standing
looking amazed.
Phonqa: Are you two okay ? Should I bring first
aid kit?
Me: Don't be crazy! can't you see we are
Phonqa: Wow you're actually laughing. You're
not killing each other
Me: Was I that crazy these past few weeks?
Phonqa: You are even asking ? Welcome back
Me: Thank you Cuz
It feels so good to laugh again. I don't recognise
the girl I was few weeks ago. I have been cutting
myself. I started the day after the humiliation
with Elton and his family when they were here.
Ever since mom told me my problem, I stopped
and the therapist helps.

< Priscella >
I am so angry right now. I don't know why I let
Tasha go all over me like that. What got into me.
Why didn't I slap her in the face while she was
here. Who the hell does this girl think she is
coming to my house and throwing around
accusations. She doesn't know me. She doesn't
know me at all to act like she knows how I feel.
She came here to provoke me. I saw how she
was flashing her ring around. She was trying to
get reaction out of me. I don't know why she
thinks I would get jealous. This is ridiculous. She
is ridiculous. She is acting like an insecure little
Bitch. She is very pretty to have such a low self
Me: Ms actress nxa!
I clicked my tongue then walked back to the
living room leaving Cleo looking at me shocked
by what just happened. I am sure she was
shocked to hear Me use the B word. I don't use
that in this house. Anyway I got to the lounge. I
took my phone. I need to tell Leila about this.
You know for a second I was tempted to help
her. I am glad I said no, At least now I know for
a fact she came to use Me then go back to her
bitchy self when she got what she wanted..
Leila: Hello Prissy
Me: Hey Leila. Tasha was here and she said a lot
I sat down.
Me: She insulted me and accused me of being
jealous of her relationship !
Leila: She drove all the way there to say that!?
Me: No! She came here acting all nice and like a
innocent victim because she wants me to speak
to you for her. I refused that is when she started
accusing me of A lot of things and insulting me
Leila: I am going to call her and give her a piece
of my mind. Forgive me for this
Me: It's not your fault Leila and please don't call
her! call her only when you wanna talk about
your relationship. I don't want her to think i sent
you. I am not scared of that bitch I don't want
you fighting my battles
Leila: Then I am not calling her. She and I have
nothing to talk about
I heard the elevator beep. I wiped my tears. I
saw Masixole and Aaron walking in laughing. I
smiled at them
Me: Talk later Leila
Leila: Okay I am sorry again
Me: Don't worry about it dear
I hung up
Masixole: Hey baby what was Tasha doing here
Me: She wants me to speak to Leila for her. I said
Aaron: Hey Prissy
Me: Hey
Masixole: She is crazy! I am glad you said no.
Hey did you forget to tell the pilot to fetch
Notiniphu and Ngejiwe and Prince Phonqa
Me: Oh My God I forgot
Masixole: Don't worry Baby I sorted it out. We
will be at the bar
Me: Okay guys
They walked to the bar. I sat down. I am so
angry right now. How dare Tasha insult me like
that. The Elevator beeped again. I looked at it.
Sonia walked out. Thank God I need her advise.
Sonia: Cleo get me wine. Make sure it's cold
Cleo: Okay ma'am
She came to me
Sonia: And the long face ?
Me: Tasha was here
I sat down. She walked fast to me
Sonia: What was that Rug doing here ?
Me: She started flashing her ring like a
lightening. Saying She can't believe that she
made Hungani propose in just less than a month
dating. She kind of said it's something that I
couldn't make him do while he was with me
Sonia: What !?
Me: I am telling you then She had some nerve to
ask me to be a mediator between her and Leila. I
said no thank you that's when she said I don't
wanna help her fix her friendship because I am
jealous of her engagement to Hungani
Sonia: What ? Prissy this conversation went left
from the start. I am surprised you didn't kick her
out the moment she said you couldn't get a ring !
Me: I don't know. She caught me off guard but I
kicked her out
Sonia: Do you want me to fire her ?
Me: No! that's unprofessional. You have a
chance to put her bitchy ass on a seat when she
is on that show. Don't ruin that
Sonia: Oh i am going to deal with her
Me: Do you think I should tell Masixole what this
girl said ?
Sonia: Why do you see the need not to? Or the
need to tell him?
Me: Not to, Because I don't want him to start
believing this nonsense. And the reason to tell
him is to be honest to the man I am going to
Sonia: Then tell him tonight in the bedroom. He
is drinking with his friend now
Me: I can't believe she is still going on and on
about me wanting Hungani in 2020
Sonia: It feels like shooting for season 2 is not
coming. I am going to snatch her hair
extensions. She doesn't know me
I looked at her then burst into laughter
She looked at me.
Sonia: I can't believe you're still laughing after
that miserable bitch disrespected you in your
house !
Me: I just don't wanna think too much about it
I brushed my stomach
Me: I am protecting the Prince

< Tasha >
There is something that makes me lose it when I
see Priscella. She is always the one holding my
happiness in her hands. First it was Hungani all
over her. She was all he thought and talked
about and i know she was enjoying it. Now I
know she can help me speak or fix things with
Leila she doesn't wanna help me. I know if I
asked she was gonna say it's what I did to Elton.
God that is Old! it's 2020 now. People must move
on for goodness sake. I don't understand why
she is hiding behind that when we all know she
just hates me that I betrayed her and slept with
her hot ex and now that I am marrying him I am
sure she hates me even more. I hate Priscella.
She just showed me she will never move on. She
still want to be with Hungani. If i didn't work so
hard to get Hungani to forget her I would ask
him to go try her but I can't do that because I
love him and I am not prepared to lose him. I
cannot lose him. I love my man and there is
nothing that bitch can do about it. I got the man.
And he loves me. He didn't ask to marry her
when he was with her for years. He is going to
marry me. When did we start dating?
Yesterday? She must accept it and move on. I got
the man already. She must get over it.
Anyway I just got back. Hungani only knows I
went to see Leila. He doesn't know about me
going to see Priscella. I am so angry right now.
My emotions are sky high. I walked in. I threw
my handbag on the couch. Hungani stood up
Him: Hey what's wrong ?
Me: She doesn't wanna see me. She hates me
and she has new friends. Priscella and Sonia! I
went to see Priscella and asked her to speak to
Her for me. That bitch said no !
Hungani: Hey don't insult people! it's not their
fault !
Me: Are you defending her ?
Hungani: Tasha I don't wanna fight with you but
I won't let you blame people for your mistakes!
I sat down.
Me: She saw this ring. She got jealous that is why
she couldn't help Me!
Hungani: I thought......
He stood up. He looks upset. He can't be upset
with me. I was seeking help..
Hungani: You said we never talk about that
family. I respected your wishes and I stopped
and you never heard me talk about Priscella
again. What the hell were you doing there?
Me: I was desperate. I wanted her to help me
make peace with Leila. She acted bitchy! She
started acting bitchy when she saw my ring. She
is jealous!
Hungani shook his head.
Hungani: Do you realise that if you said
something upsetting to Priscella she will tell
Leila and make things worse for your
I swallowed hard. Oh My God I didn't think
about that.
Hungani: I guess you didn't think about that
He walked up the stairs
Me: Baby I swear i didn't say anything
disrespectful to....
He paused
Hungani: Then I guess you have no need to
worry about Leila getting upset for your visit to
the Seputla towers
He walked up. I sat down. I did say a lot of
disrespectful and upsetting things. Oh My God i
messed up. Leila will never forgive me for this.

< Narrated >
At Zidenge house. We see Nontorotyi park her
car. She got out of the car then fixed herself then
locked her car. She looked at the house then
smiled. She hanged her handbag on her arm
then walked to the house. She knocked then
moved away from the door.
The door opened. Nomaxabiso looked shocked
to see Nontorotyi at her house.
Nontorotyi: Sister wife. It was long overdue
don't you think?
Nomaxabiso smiled then chuckled. She moved
Nomaxabiso: It was, Come in
Nontorotyi walked in then looked around..
Nontorotyi: Nice. I like this house. You say it's
our house again?
Nomaxabiso: It is my house. Sit on the couch the
water just boiled. I will make tea
Me: Rooibos tea please
Nomaxabiso rolled her eyes walking to the
Nomaxabiso: That's the only one I have
Nomaxabiso sat down smiling. She was looking
around and touching the furniture
Nontorotyi: Old fashioned but fancy
She touched the couch wood then smelt it and
smiled. Nomaxabiso came with two cups
Nomaxabiso: Here you go
She gave Nontorotyi hers
Nontorotyi: Thank you
Nomaxabiso smiled then sat down
Nomaxabiso: I am surprised to see you here
Nontorotyi sat up straight smiling. You could tell
she is gonna enjoy saying what she is gonna say
Nontorotyi: On the 5th we are going to buy
wedding dresses. I know they won't invite you. I
am inviting you. I can't leave without you sister
Nomaxabiso: Wow thank you Where?
Nontorotyi: Johannesburg
Nomaxabiso: I see thanks
Nontorotyi: You're welcome. From now on we
do things together. If one of us is not included
we retaliate
Nomaxabiso raised her cup then smiled.
Nomaxabiso: Sounds like a deal sister wife
Nontorotyi: I knew you and I would get along so
well. I really like you Nomaxabiso
Nomaxabiso chuckled then took a long sip on
her tea. Nontorotyi smiled then looked at
Nontorotyi: How do you feel about Nomahelele
forcing you to be the second wife. Have you ever
asked yourself why she wanted to be beneath
you ?
Nomaxabiso sipped on her tea. Nontorotyi
smiled. She was happy that she could see
Nomaxabiso is starting to have reservations also
about this. Nomaxabiso put her cup on the
coffee table and smiled.
Nomaxabiso: Nontorotyi whether we like it or
not or we marry The CHIEF first or last we are
always gonna be beneath River
Nontorotyi: What do you mean? I am not
beneath her! I am the senior wife!
Nomaxabiso: Congratulations senior wife but
your being senior doesn't guarantee you power
at Ndengana family.....
Nontorotyi: I don't understand. I don't even
think you understand me
Nomaxabiso: Then let me break it down for you
sister wife
Nontorotyi looked angry when she started
calling her sister wife. She can see things are not
going as she hoped. Nomaxabiso took her cup of
Nomaxabiso: Royal blood guarantees you power.
River will always be more important than us. Do
you even know why she is doing what she is
Nontorotyi didn't answer. She could see
Nomaxabiso is not on her side already.
Nomaxabiso: Did you ask?
Nontorotyi: We all know why she is doing it! she
wanna act like she owns us because she is the
one who is legally married
Nomaxabiso: I asked River. She told me that she
is doing this because she is carrying a future
chief and between all of us she is the one with
royal blood. The sooner you accept that the
better Nontorotyi. I did too and how long I have
known I am not a royal princess ? An hour ago?
And someone who knew her entire life can't
accept it?
Nontorotyi swallowed hard then gulped her tea
Nomaxabiso: More tea?
Nontorotyi: Sure
Nomaxabiso smiled then stood up. She walked
to the kitchen. When she got to the kitchen. She
switched On the Gas then took her phone and
dialled her number
Nomahelele: Sister wife
Nomaxabiso: Did you send Nontorotyi to tell me
about The trip to Johannesburg?
Nomaxabiso asked looking annoyed. She was
watching Nontorotyi who was sitting at living
Nomahelele: Oh My God that woman! she can't
help herself. I was asked to come there specially
to tell you. I guess she beat me into it
Nomaxabiso: I knew it
Nomahelele: Gosh I wanted to sit down and talk
to you about this because I know how it's gonna
be like being at Priscella's home with your
history. Does this woman realise how sensitive
this is to you ?
Nomaxabiso: I am going to Johannesburg with
Nomahelele: Thank you very much.
Nomaxabiso: I will see you soon
The water boiled. She took the cattle then
walked back to the living room
Nomaxabiso: There you go
Nontorotyi took the cattle and poured herself
tea. She looked at Nomaxabiso. Nomaxabiso
smiled and raised her cup then sipped




< Narrated >
At police station. We see Junaid and Isaiah walk
in. At front desk, Bhembeha looks up. She was
busy taking a statement from someone. While at
that she saw Junaid, she smiled. Junaid went
straight to her.
Bhembeha: My designer!
An officer next to her looked at her then shook
his head
Officer: Since when you wear designer clothes?
Junaid: Hey Bhembeha !
Bhembeha smiled then gazed at her colleague
giving him the " What do you say now " Look
then smiled at Junaid
Bhembeha: I am surprized to see you here
Junaid: I am here to see some crazy white girl
who used to work for me. I am actually here to
fire her
Bhembeha: Who is that? Oh the model who was
brought in by the team and detective Corben?
What did she do ?
Junaid: Since you guys are friends. I assume you
know her. She is also the brides maid. Leila?
Bhembeha: I know her. What about Her?
Junaid: This stupid model was trying to kill her
Bhembeha: Shut up !?
Junaid. Can I see her ?
Bhembeha looked behind her.
Bhembeha: Molefe please take him to the
visiting area and call the new beautiful girl
Junaid: Her name is Claire
Molefe: Come with me
They followed him. Junaid paused then turned
Junaid: Are you aware that tomorrow I want all
the girls at J fashions?
Bhembeha: No one called me.....
Junaid: Sonia said she saw an announcement in
your WhatsApp group. Don't tell me you're not
in that WhatsApp group?
Me: I am. It's jus.....
Junaid: See you in my studio tomorrow at 12
He walked away. Bhembeha looked down and
finished what she was interrupted saying
Bhembeha: It's just that I don't have data
The officer next to Bhembeha whispered in her
Officer: You don't know this Leila girl do you?
Bhembeha looked around smiling then she
looked at her colleague
Bhembeha: Of course I don't know her. I just
wanted the juicy Gossip. I haven't met the girls.
When i went for measurements I was with the
bride to be. That's how Junaid knows me
Officer: I see
Bhembeha: Can you gift me data ?
Officer couldn't believe this judging by the look
on his face he was amazed by what Bhembeha
was asking him..
Officer: Woman you're a police Officer. What do
you do with your salary ?
Bhembeha: Don't judge. It's January, times are
tough dude
Officer shook his head in disbelief
Officer: I will get you WhatsApp bundles so you
can stop complaining
Bhembeha smiled
Bhembeha: If we were not at work I was gonna
kiss that cute face of yours
Officer: My wife is gonna kill you
Woman: Are you gonna help me or should I ask
another officer?
Bhembeha started writing down
Bhembeha: I am so sorry. I am a nice person. I
love talking
Woman: I am sure you are! I was saying this boy
lives next door. He was seen selling my TV and
my microwave
Bhembeha: We will find him and throw him in
the hole
The woman faked a smile then folded her arms

In a waiting area still at the station. We see
prisoners sitting with their loved ones. At far
back, We see Junaid and Isaiah sitting. Isaiah
pressed a recorder secretly. An officer brought
Claire. Isaiah was looking down. Claire got to
them. She sat down. Isaiah looked up. Claire
stood up
Junaid: And now?
Claire: How can you bring a journalist with you !
Junaid looked At Isaiah
Junaid: He is my boyfriend
Claire: And a journalist. If he doesn't leave, I
Junaid looked At Isaiah
Junaid: Sorry babe
Isaiah stood up
Isaiah: Nice to see you Claire
Claire: Whatever!
Isaiah walked out. Junaid looked at Claire
Junaid: Really !? After the second chance I gave
you this is the thanks I get? You mess up again.
How could you!
Claire: Don't worry. I gave my statement. I told
them Leila is my ex. She is just angry and bitter
that I left her. She is setting me up. Tomorrow
my lawyer is coming. This will be over
Junaid: You tried to kill that girl! stop lying !
Claire: I did no such thing. Besides who is gonna
believe her ? It's her word against mine. I didn't
try to kill her. She is crazy!
Junaid: They found a deadly chemical!
Claire: It was definitely not mine
Junaid: Anyway I don't care if you did it or not. I
am not a coward. I came to look at you in the
eyes and fire you. Claire you're fired!!!
Junaid stood up
Claire: You are wrong and you know it.
Tomorrow you will see me walk out of here free!
Junaid: You're crazy and unstable!
Junaid walked away leaving Claire fuming with
Claire: I will get out of here !
< Nontorotyi >
I don't know what was I thinking. That stupid
Zidenge bastard made it clear that she doesn't
wanna be on my side. I guess i was just trying
my luck. Unfortunately It didn't work. I tried my
best. I had to try again. I had such a good plan.
Going there to tell her about the trip making it
about me. I thought she would be excited but I
feel like she knew exactly what I went there to
do. She saw through me. This woman is team
Nomahelele. She even calls her River. I don't
know what is it that is wrong about me. I
thought she would hate that family after they
didn't let her marry Masixole. She loves that
family and Now she has all her claws deep in my
husband. Talk about a desperate girl. She sleeps
with King and go marry his uncle. What kinda
person is she ? She is a disgrace. She thinks she
is decent and better than me. She is not. She is a
miserable girl who is nothing but a product of a
Anyway I am home. I saw my Maid coming to
me. I am thirsty I hope she is offering me
Deliwe: Should I get you anything my Queen?
Me: Do you have a juice in the fridge? I could do
with a cold one. It is still early for me to drink
and besides I want to speak to my husband
about something. I don't want him to find me
Deliwe: Okay Madam Queen
I smiled. She walked to the kitchen. I sat down. I
have to tell my husband I am not going back to
the project. I have to go back to nursing. I can't
wait for Judge to get me this job. I really wanna
work. I saw Deliwe coming with my Juice.
Me: Thank you
Deliwe: You're welcome
She walked back to the kitchen. I sipped then
put my glass on the coffee table. The front door
opened. Ngejiwe walked in
Ngejiwe: Hey mom
Me: where were You?
Ngejiwe: At the palace. The Queen summoned
Me: Why?
Ngejiwe: Because Prince Phonqa, Notiniphu and
I are going to Jozi tomorrow and we are staying
there until the 5th when you guys go there
Me: Oh? Are you okay being there at that house
after everything that happened?
Ngejiwe: I have been there before. They forgot
about it. So should you mom. Anyway let me go
Me: Okay
She walked to her room. I shook my head. She is
happy. I like that. Ever since that ceremony her
attitude changed. I like this new Ngeji
I watched her get in her room. I smiled. I am
glad She is leaving. I hope she finds a man. A
rich man in that Johannesburg. My girl deserves
to be happy.
" You're doing it again! " I quicky turned around.
I saw Zinyovile standing. I looked around
making sure no one sees me then i looked at her
Me: Zinyovile. What do you want ?
Zinyovile: What the hell were you doing at
Zidenge house!?
I walked passed her
Me: Trying to form a friendship between me and
my sister wife?
Zinyovile: By Bad mouthing the other sister
I turned around
Me: Isn't that how it works ?
Zinyovile: You're doing it again!
Me: Zinyovile. I was showing my concern as a
sister wife. Why would she wanna marry last?
Her lobola was paid first. They haven't paid
anything for Nomaxabiso. Why would She force
her to get married first?
Zinyovile: Nomaxabiso told you
I sat down
Me: I know. All of that was an insult to me and
Nomaxabiso. What I don't understand is why
that stupid girl is not upset I mean Nomahelele
said it in her face!
Zinyovile: Nomaxabiso asked you a question.
She said, if she can accept being a commoner a
second after she found out why can't you when
you've known all your entire life !!
I looked down sulking
Me: I just don't like being pushed around
Zinyobile: Keep doing this. You might not fly to
I looked at her. My eyes popped out. I can't miss
that trip.I need to go see the billionaires house. I
need to smell their wealth. I need to be in their
presence and see how they live the fancy life.
Me: I forgot about that
Zinyovile: Nomahelele already knows You went
to turn Nomaxabiso against Her!
I jumped up and started panicking
Me: Oh My God. That woman is Dangerious. Her
revenge almost ruined my life. What is she
gonna do now What does she have up her
Zinyovile looked around then looked at me
Zinyovile: Tell Ngejiwe perhaps ?
I went down on my knees pleading with
Zinyovile to help me prevent this from
Me: No! please tell me she won't! I worked so
hard to make sure she doesn't know about this.
Ngejiwe is doing so well. Please don't let her
ruin this
Zinyovile: Don't worry. She is not gonna tell
I let out a sigh of relief
Me: Oh Thank God
Zinyovile: Yet!! Just keep provoking her. She is
going to and you know She will !
Me: Yes i do
Zinyovile: Good
She vanished. I felt someone shake me. I
snapped out of it. I am on my knees crying. I
looked up. Oh Thank God its Deliwe. She helped
me up
Me: What did you hear?
Deliwe: Ma'am are you okay?
Me: Deliwe!!!
Deliwe: I heard you say yes you do with your
hands put together like you were begging
I smiled.
Me: Don't worry about it. Don't tell anyone okay
Deliwe: Ma'am you must see someone
I smiled at her.
Me: I am fine......
I looked away
Me: I am just dealing with my demons all is well
I looked at Deliwe and smiled. She smiled back
giving me a concerned look.
< Nomahelele >
I am here to see Nomaxabiso. I feel like my visit
is useless when Nontorotyi already came here
and made everything about herself. I was asked
by the Queen to come here. I don't know who
gave her the right to come here and invite
Nomaxabiso herself. This is not her wedding or
her daughter's wedding. This is my nephew's
wedding. She had no business in doing this. I am
letting this one slide. The next time she does
something like this, Oh help me God . I am going
to make her pay ! Way more than I did when I
told her sister what she did. Even if she could
tell Sabonkolo that I pulled the trigger the gun
has her finger prints. Nontorotyi will never win.
She must just give up and accept things as they
Nomaxabiso: You didn't say you were coming
Me: After the meeting I had with Nontorotyi,
Princess and the Queen. I was asked to come tell
you about the trip. I was shocked when you said
she came here to tell you
Nomaxabiso: She came to make the family look
bad to me. She even asked if I don't have a
problem with you wanting to get married last to
be the one legally married. She was
disappointed when I asked her if she asked you
these questions before coming to me
Me: What did she say ?
Nomaxabiso: She didn't have anything to say. I
told her I asked you why you wanted that. I even
told her your reasons she said it's an insult to us
Me: You know this is about her right? Even if it
was you who was gonna be legally married she
was gonna have a problem. She wants to be the
one with entitlements. She thinks she is better
than everyone
Nomaxabiso: I asked her why can't she accept
that she is a commoner when she knew all her
life because it's been a week knowing I am a
commoner and already I made peace with it
Me: I am just glad you don't take everything she
says seriously. This woman is manipulative !
I heard a travel bag dragged from the bedroom.
I looked. Oh great this woman is here. She
looked shocked to see me. I want my apology
Nomaxabiso: Oh Sister wife remember my aunt?
She came to take the rest of her stuff
Notaligana looked at me then looked down
Notaligana: hi
Me: Don't you have something to say to me
Nomaxabiso looked at me confused.
Notaligana: Talk to you? Oh i am sorry for
Asking Nontorotyi to take your photo. I was just
Me: Just curious that's it ?
Notaligana: I am sorry
Me: For what ?
Notaligana: For what I just said I apologise for
Me: So you're not going to apologise to me for
accusing me of killing a man I didn't even know?
She looked at Nomaxabiso
Notaligana: You told her already !
Nomaxabiso: Told her what?
Me: She also knows you falsely accused me of
killing him ?
Nomaxabiso put her hand on her head
Nomaxabiso: Oh she just told me. Wait how did
you find out ?
Me: Gedleza told me
I looked at Notaligana
Notaligana: I am so sorry. That woman looked
like you. I just assumed it was you
Me: Let's look at it this way and say maybe it
was me. Why would seeing me somewhere
makes me the suspect?
Notaligana: Because that woman asked for
Thalala and Thalala is the prostitute who was
with my brother when he died
Me: Wait so from now on. Every woman who is
looking for Thalala will be a suspect?
Notaligana looked down.
Me: Some Private Investigator you are!
She remained looking down. I could see she was
offended by what I said.
Me: Listen here and I am saying this for the last
time. If the royal healer tells me again that
you're trying to get something on me again. I
swear and your niece is the witness. I am going
to kill you woman and I will make sure no one
will find your body and when you're dead........
I started breathing heavily. I could see they both
looked scared.
Me: I am going to make sure your soul never
rest! I will make sure your soul is wondering
around and i am sure you don't want that!
Notaligana: I am sorry
She was crying looking down. I heard a voice
whispering in my ear..
" Get out of there now! " I was breathing heavily
looking at her. The voice shouted " Now!!!!!" I
furiously walked out. I ran to my car and started
driving. I got to the main road. Immediately
when I got to the main road. A taxi parked on
the side. A woman walked out
Me: Oh My God
I was looking at her through the window. She
walked straight to Nomaxabiso's house. I drove
away fast. I heard someone clear their throat
behind me. I looked at reareview mirror
Me: Gedleza
Gedleza: I am sorry your majesty for shouting at
you. I had to get you out of there
I looked at him through the reareview mirror.
He pulled down the window then started
smoking a cigarette.
Me: Thank you
He just raised his cigarette and smoked looking
out the window
Me: What is Sdwadwa doing there! I told her
what will happen if she comes here!
Gedleza: ........
I looked up the mirror again hoping he'd say
something. No, This man is enjoying the wind
that is blowing his face. He doesn't even see the
dust coming in. This is a gravel road for God
sake. Can he close the window?

< Narrated >
In Johannesburg at Seputla Towers. Priscella is
still upset by the stunt Tasha pulled. She is
sitting with Sonia talking about it. It looks like
Tasha ruined her chances of being friends again
with Leila. It looks like Hungani was right
judging by Leila's response to Tasha's stunt. She
doesn't realise the damage She caused because
of her jealousy. How does one get jealous of
someone who is no longer with her man ? Too
insecure Maybe? It looks like Tasha is fitted for
the reality show. Drama is what she loves And
lives by. She is gonna deal with other drama
queens like Sonia. We have to wait and see if she
will keep up when she finally meets her match.
Sonia: Why don't you call Hungani and tell him
her floozy came here
Priscella looked at Sonia then rolled her eyes
Priscella: I am sure Hungani would love that
Sonia: Well you're right. You can't ask for
Priscella: He is an ex I don't wish to be friends
with. He is trouble
Sonia: Yeah...... I wish he finds out though.
Tasha has no right to come here and say the
things she said
Priscella: I agree but you and I are not calling
Hungani Oliphant. We are not gonna be the
reason for that couple's problems. I want them
to create problems for themselves which by the
way won't take long to happen, besides Ms
Television, Causing fight between them might
lead into their separation and that cannot be
good for your show
Sonia: You're right. My business adviser
Priscella: Oh Please
Priscella's phone rang.
Priscella: It's a video call from Algebra
She flipped her hair then answered.
Priscella: Hey
Algebra: Prissy please check Twitter handle of
Congratulations bye!......
Priscella: Wait......
Algebra hung up after he said that. Sonia and
Priscella quickly ran to their Twitter accounts
Sonia: Two Nominations? Business woman of
the year and the youngest business persons in
business awards?
Priscella: Oh My God this is amazing. Going with
mom to Africa and visiting shelters this year
really contributed in this
Sonia: Oh My God. I have been doing so well this
year! The accolades! and I got two properties. I
know you own few properties Priscella but not a
single Nomination for me ?
Priscella looked at Sonia. She couldn't believe
Priscella: Everything has to be about You? All
the time we have to congratulate you. This year I
have been happy and supportive of you
Sonia: No friend I....
Priscella: You've been getting a lot of deals And
endorsements this year. I have been
congratulating you And happy for you! We work
in the same company! my recognition is your
recognition. There are so many business
companies in the country. They picked one from
each company. The first thing you say when I get
a nomination is what about You? why
everything has to be about You De Villiers?
Sonia: Friend I am happy for y....
Priscella: Whatever !
She walked to the stairs
Sonia: Friend!
Priscella gave her a hand She was not even
looking at her. She walked up the stairs. Sonia
looked around shamefully then looked down
Sonia: Shit!
She stretched her head in frustration
Sonia: Really Sonia?




< Sonia De Villiers >
I need to apologise to Priscilla. That was totally
wrong of me to want to be nominated also. They
picked her. She is a CEO of this successful
company. It is only fair she is the one who get
recognised. Sometimes my ambitions get in the
way and I end up saying things i shouldn't.
Priscella is my biggest fan. She gives me so much
love. She supports everything that I do. That is
why I am going to walk up those stairs and
apologise to her. I won't let her walk away from
me. I don't think i would fall asleep with her
angry with me. She has to forgive me. I am
really happy for her. I need to do this but before
that, I need to do something. I have to post a
picture of us at work and congratulate her. I am
just doing everything I can to make the situation
less awkward. I really messed up and I feel so
bad. I posted the picture then wrote a caption
I put in love and heart emojs
Me: Posted
I looked up. I saw Masixole coming to me.
Masixole: What did you do to my wife I saw her
walk up upset
Me: She just got nominated for a business
awards. I did something stupid
Masixole: What did you do?
Me: I complained about not being nominated
before congratulating her
Masixole: That was dumb Sonia what were you
Me: I know I made it about me ! I am sorry......
Masixole: Let me go congratulate my woman
He attempted to walk to the stairs
Me: No!
He looked at me
Masixole: What?
Me: If i let you go up there you and Priscella will
have sex. I want to apologise to her. Go drink
I gently pushed him out of the way. He laughed
at me walking to the bar. I walked up the stairs
checking comments on my post. There are so
many already. one caught my attention. I read it
Me: " And you had to make it about you? You
should've posted her pic not one with you in it "
Wow I went through some
Me: " Okay Sonia, Next year we will remember
that you're also a business woman. Can we
congratulate the strong black woman next to
you now ? "
Oh my God these people are so brutal. Why
everyone is so mean on social media? I viewed
the picture
Me: This bitch ! it's one of the housewives. How
can she say this about Me? I thought she and i
made peace. What a bitch
I am tempted to delete the post then stopped. If i
do people will say I am a coward. I don't know
what to do anymore. I got to Priscella's room
and knocked. I am going to deal with that
woman in Durban when I get there tomorrow
" Sonia go away! I don't wanna see you "
Me: Come on friend. I am sorry
Priscella: .........
I am going in. She is not going to ignore me. I
turned the door handle. She locked. Great.
Me: Really Prissy ?
Priscella: .........
No response. I got a text from Hunter.
Hunter: Baby let's go get kids uniform you
Me: Oh flip!
I texted him
" On my way " I ran heading to the stairs. I ran
down. I need to be home. I forgot we were going
to the mall.

< Notaligana >
Nomahelele just walked out. That woman
insulted me. She threatened me. I am glad she
did it infront of my naive niece. This girl must
see these people for who they are. This woman
said she is going to kill me and get rid of my
body. That statement, Or threat is BOLD. She
made me listen to her. I am scared of that
woman. She is a real killer. I am sure she has
killed people before. No one can talk like that yet
they haven't done it. Nomahelele might be
innocent in my brother's murder but she is
definitely not an innocent person. She is a
murderer and i am scared of her.
Anyway the door closed. I turned and looked at
Me: You see what just happened! You still
wanna be associated with people who speak of
murder like it's nothing? She meant what she
said! she meant every word
Nomaxabiso stood up
Nomaxabiso: Great! I am glad you see she meant
it! I hope that makes you see you're going to put
yourself in danger. Go home and be with your
children and focus on your job!
Me: Nomaxabiso if they find out you're
investigating them they will kill you !
Nomaxabiso: I am not investigating them! I
never did! you're the one who want me to. I am
done I told you that! leave it or you will die! you
accused River of something she didn't do. Do you
really wanna do this again?
I swallowed hard
She came closer to me.
Nomaxabiso: Believe it or not. I love you. If you
don't stop obsessing. I will go to Google, find a
drug and Medicate you till you go crazy then
take you to a mental institution for your own
good !
Me: Oh My God. Who are you?
Nomaxabiso: Your niece. Someone who cares
about your children and who don't want them to
lose you! That's Who I am !
I broke down.
Nomaxabiso: You think it's easy for me to kick
you out of my home. This used to be your home.
I am just sick of your selfishness and your
obsession with the Ndengana family!
Me: I told you i am done
Nomaxabiso: But here you are telling me how
bad my family is!
Me: They are not your family!
Nomaxabiso: I am marrying Hlohlesakhe what
does that say to you?
I can't answer that but she knows what I mean.
Nomaxabiso: Stop playing with fire aunt stop it !
A knock came at the door. I wiped my tears. She
went to open.
Nomaxabiso: Great! this is a reunion. Your
friend is here
I stood up then looked at the door
Me: Sdwedwe?
She smiled.
Sdwedwe: Hello friend
Me: What are you doing here ?
She looked at Nomaxabiso.
Nomaxabiso: Remember what I said. I hope she
is not going to make you do this again!
She walked to the bedroom. I sat down
Me: So why are you here ?
Sdwedwe: You're my friend. I hated how I spoke
to you. I got your voice message. I had to come
and tell you that Nonzaba visited me pointing a
gun at me. She accused me of sending police to
follow her to Durban. She said I should cut all
ties. I came to tell you that please leave this. That
woman is Dangerious
Me: Yeah i know and like I told you in that voice
mail. I accused an innocent woman. I am sorry
for all this
Sdwedwe: It's okay and I am sorry for being
rude. I was scared. I still am
Me: I understand. I stopped all this. I am going
home to my kids tomorrow and go back to work
and take real cases
Sdwedwe: That's good
Me: I am happy to see you
I hugged her
Sdwedwe: Happy to see you too
I am glad we talked. I was surprised by her
sudden behavior. l am really happy she came to
see me.

< Nontorotyi >
My husband is at work. I don't think Sabonkolo
is there. I heard a normal work day will be
tomorrow. I am hoping I won't find her there.
Trust me I love my sister and I want to see her
everyday since she found out but I am not
having this in front of my husband. My husband
doesn't know I killed my brother. The Queen
and Sabonkolo decided that no one finds out
and i think it is a good idea. I don't want to lose
my husband for the second time. More
especially now that Nomahelele hates me. I
doubt she would help me, not after betrayal
after another. I cannot believe she found out
what I did. I am even ashamed to go to the royal
house to explain. I am sure they are all angry
right now. When i was there in the morning
only my sister in law was angry. After this stunt
I don't know. The only option I have right now is
a phone call. I have to call that woman and
make sure she doesn't come for revenge. I know
how brutal she can be.
Anyway I am on my way to the project right
now. I dialled Nomahelele's number. I hope she
picks up.
Nomahelele: What!?
Oh My God she is in a foul mood. What have I
Me: Hello River. I called to tell you that I spoke
to Nomaxabiso about you getting married last. I
didn't do it because I wanted her to question it . I
just wanted her opinion on the matter. And it
was my excuse to get to know her. I didn't go
there to talk about you
I can't believe I called her River. Calling her
Nomahelele gives me so much satisfaction. It's
like I am insulting her.
Nomahelele: You done ?
Wow. I don't know what to say. She is angry and
there is no changing her mind
Me: I am sorry
Nomahelele: You were inviting her to
Johannesburg because you knew we wouldn't
invite her? Really Nontorotyi?
Me: She qouted me ? Like I said I was trying to
make a conversation
Nomahelele: Stay in your lane senior wife. You
yourself were invited. Don't you dare mess with
me and the Queen again I am warning you for
the last time !
Me: I am sorry
Nomahelele:....... ( Tu tu tu tu tu tu tu )
She hung up
Me: Bitch!!!
I said hitting the steering wheel multiply times
Me: Bitch! bitch! bitch! bitch!!!
I can't believe how crazy this woman make me
feel. I got to the project. I wiped my tears. I got
out of the car then headed to the office. I
bumped into Sabonkolo oh my God she is here ?
Me: Sis
She paused. She looked at me for three seconds
Sabonkolo: Nxa!
She clicked her tongue then furiously walked
away. I looked up holding back my tears. I can't
cry when I am about to see my love. I fixed
myself then went in
Me: My love
He looked up then stood up closing his laptop
Hlohlesakhe: My love I didn't know you were
coming. I am late for a meeting
Me: Great I won't be long
I said pulling a chair. He sat down too
Hlohlesakhe: Okay ?
Me: This morning I went to see the Queen
Hlohlesakhe: You were banned from the Palace
Me: They let me in my love. I told them I don't
want to come back to work
Hlohlesakhe: You have to pay.....
Me: My love I am going back to nursing. The
Queen accepted my decision and she also
offered to help me find a job
Hlohlesakhe: That's wonderful my love
Me: I know
Hlohlesakhe: Come here I have to go
He kissed my cheek. Then ran to the door. I
followed him. I walked out. He locked the door.
Him: Bye
Me: Bye my love
He ran to the car. He drove out. I turned around
attempting to go to my car and I couldn't believe
who I saw when I turned around
Vathule: Sister in law
Oh my God. This is getting more awkward and
uncomfortable for me.
Me: Hey What are you doing here ?
I saw Sabonkolo from a distance giving me
death stare
Vathule: A lady. Her name is Cikizwa. She asked
me to come sign a few things. Thank you for the
job you guys got me
Me: You're welcome
I hugged her tight
Sabonkolo looked at me and shook her head
folding her arms on her chest looking at us. Is
she gonna judge me forever? She is the one who
said people should forget this. Why can't she?
Leaving the project was the best decision. I don't
think I was gonna survive seeing my brother's
wife here. I completely forgot she got a job here.
I cleared my throat then broke the hug
Vathule: I am starting tomorrow
Me: Wow that is amazing
Vathule: I can't wait for Xhalanga to come back
and hear this
I chuckled smiling
Me: Yeah
I tapped her shoulder
Me: Good to see you I have to go
I rushed to my car avoiding her saying another
word. I got in. I started the engine. My phone
rang. I looked at it. It's Deliwe. I answered
Me: Deliwe ?
Deliwe: Madam Queen Mangqazula is here......
Me: Oh My God
I felt a drop of urine come out
Deliwe: Luckily Princess Ngejiwe went to the
palace to Notiniphu. They are going to town to
do their hair Please get home and get rid of her
before Princess Ngejiwe comes back saying she
forgot something!
Me: On my way !!!
I hung up then stepped on the accelerator. I
drove out like a mad woman. What the hell is
this woman doing here now?
Me: Oh My God!
" For the first time i agree with you " Said a voice
behind me. I turned the rearview mirror.
Me: Gedleza what are you talking about?
Gedleza smiled
Gedleza: You know exactly what I am talking
about...... I know what you're thinking
I swallowed hard. You don't wanna know what I
am thinking and I am glad for once this man
Gedleza: Ready for our first crime together ?
I started crying tears streaming down my
cheeks. I don't think i have it in me..
Me: I......
Gedleza: Ssshhh......
He shushed me
Gedleza: It's Our little secret

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
River went to speak to Nomaxabiso about 50
minutes ago. She went there to tell her about the
trip even though that witch already did. She is
also hoping to find Notaligana and make her
apologise. I don't think she is supposed to be the
one finding her. That woman should've came
here when she found out. I don't understand
why my cousin has to be the one going there.
Maybe she doesn't think she owes her an
apology since she didn't accuse her of anything.
The fact is we know what she has been up to
and we know that she was accusing her and I
know she knows that we know. River might be
guilty but Notaligana doesn't know that and she
will never know. Taking cell phones to Mthatha
was a smart move on River's part. That woman
is more convinced now than ever that my cousin
had no hand in shooting Notaligana's brother.
And it should stay that way.
Anyway I saw Ngejiwe walks in. She left a few
minutes ago now she is back? I must say I am
glad that she and Notiniphu are getting along.
Ngejiwe: Your highnesses
Nomagampompo: Princess. You're back ?
Ngejiwe: Chef and I were talking and we want to
go do our hair. She will be back at four to make
dinner I promise
I saw Chef Notiniphu walking from her room
coming to the living room
Me: No problem you girls have fun. You must
show them in Johannesburg that you can also
look like them
Notiniphu: She already told you? I was gonna
Me: it's okay
Nomagampompo: Don't worry about dinner. I
am making my famous pasta tonight. You girls
have fun
Notiniphu: Thank you my Princess
Prince Phonqa ran down looking all handsome
Me: And him ?
Ngejiwe: He is coming with us
Princess Nomagampompo reached for her
Princess: Baby buy yourself something nice
She took out R500 rands
Phonqa: Wow thank you mom
They walked out.
Me: It's good to have Ngejiwe in and out of the
palace but it's risky at the same time
Nomagampompo: I was about to say that.
Having her here is nice but one mistake she sees
that man's birthMark we are all screwed. We
worked so hard to keep this secret
Me: And there is no royal family without secret.
This one has to stay that way till forever
Princess Nomagampompo looked at me
Princess: I have an idea. How about he goes
work at the Project until Ngejiwe goes to varsity.
When she is gone he will come back. And while
he is working at the project we take one of the
cleaners there to come clean here
Me: I like that. You need to talk to Cikizwa and
Bhalisile Cezu about this
Nomagampompo: I will just no.....
She attempted to stand up, The door opened and
hit the wall. River walked in She is livid. She
walked up the stairs. She wasn't walking. She
was literally running
Nomagampompo: Go check on her. She doesn't
look good at all..I will go speak to Bhalisile. He
will start at Project on the 6th
Me: Yeah
I ran to the stairs and ran up. I got to her room.
She is not there. I ran to my room. I found the
door opened. I walked in She was in my dresser
opening the drawers..I closed the door then
Me: River are you okay?
Nomahelele: I have to kill her!
Me: Who do you have to kill. River you're
pregnant. You can't be like this !
She kept searching. What is she looking for .
Nomahelele: I told that bitch to stay away! I said
if she contacts Notaligana or go see her she is
dead. I keep promises!!!
Me: Cuz You need to calm down
Nomahelele: Don't tell me to calm down!!
She snapped and snatched a drawer out and
threw it around, it hit the floor. I sat down on
the floor rug with my hands on my mouth
shocked and scared. I saw her looking at me. I
could see she regrets what she just did
Nomahelele: I am sorry
I was now crying looking at her
Me: What the hell is wrong with you ?
Nomahelele: I am sorry sis. But I am not sorry
for what I am about to do! Give me your gun. I
can't use mine it's evidence. I have to make sure
Nontorotyi is my bitch for the rest of her life !
Me: Cuz calm down and tell me what happened
Nomahelele: I spoke to Nomaxabiso and her
aunt apologised. While I was there Gedleza said
I should leave fast. I left. When i got to the main
road Sdwadwa got out of the van. The taxi van
I stood up
Me: Oh My God. Did she see you ?
Nomahelele: No she didn't!
I let out a heavy sigh
Me: Oh Thank God
Her phone rang
Me: Who is it?
Nomahelele: It's Nomaxabiso
Me: Answer it. Maybe it's about the woman
She answered and put her on speaker
Nomahelele: Talk to me
Nomaxabiso: Immediately when you left
Sdwedwe arrived. They asked me to leave them.
I put my phone on record then left it on the
couch. She came to apologise to her for being
rude when she went to see her.
River looked at me
Nomaxabiso: She said the woman from Durban
is Dangerious. She asked her to never contact
my aunt again. So she came to tell her that and
She advised her to let it go
Nomahelele: Is your aunt letting it go ?
Nomaxabiso: I will be your eyes and ears. But
she said she will. She said she already have
Nomahelele: Thank you
River hung up then looked away still angry
Me: At least she is letting it go
River shook her head no
Me: You don't buy it ?
She turned around.
Nomahelele: This woman Sdwadwa
Me: Sdwedwe. She said Sdwedwe
Nomahelele: She cares a lot about Notaligana.
The next thing She will come back and ask to
work with her and find me. Queen I have to kill
her tonight!
" She dies, Notaligana finds out and tell
Nomaxabiso..... " Said a voice behind us. We
looked. It's Gedleza
Gedleza: Nomaxabiso calls and tell you. The
woman dies. Don't you think Nomaxabiso will
suspect you did it?
River swallowed hard and looked at me
Me: Gedleza is right
Gedleza: If she betrays you again we will face
that when we get there. Let her live.....
He bowed then went down on his knees. He
kissed River's feet Then looked up
Gedleza: Let her live your majesty
River looked at me. I saw a tear escape her eye.
Gedleza stood up and bowed again.
Gedleza: Your Majesties
He vanished. I looked at River. I went to her
then hugged her. She broke the hug.
River: What will we say to Princess when she
asks why I was upset?
Me: Nontorityi went to speak to Nomaxabiso
behind your back
She smiled
Nomahelele: We always have something to say
don't we ?
Me: That's us
I pulled her into a hug then started thinking.
River scared me today.




< Priscella >
I am happy for the nominations but Sonia
ruined all of it. I am in the mood for celebrating
it. I don't know what got into her. She always
make everything about her. She can't be great in
everything. I am a head of this company. I
deserve those Nominations and through out the
year I donated a lot of money to different
organisations my father used to donate to. Even
the money I was supposed to give it to Elton. I
donated it. I am happy to be recognised. It's my
first time. My mother won it before. I am so
proud of myself for being one of the great
women in business. Sonia will have to forgive
me. She must allow me to be angry. I understand
maybe she didn't mean It the way it came out
but I am tired of her always making everything
about herself. The problem with her is that, She
always wanna shine in everything and She is
not used to me getting such recognitions. It's
always her and i am happy for everything she is
achieved in the past and still to achieve. I just
expected her to be happy for me not what she
did making this about her. I saw her Instagram
post. I am not going to like it. I want her to be
guilty all day today and I won't answer any of
her calls. I want to get rid of all that little
selfishness in her. I want it gone. I see a lot of
people are congratulating me in her post some
are commenting about her caption. I feel bad for
her. She didn't even do this for good reasons. It
was her way of apologising but she didn't do it
the right way. That is why I never share
anything on Socia media. Trolls are roasting her
Anyway I heard a knock at the door. I unlocked
when I noticed she is gone.
Me: Come in
The door opened. Masixole came in smiling. I
Me: Hey Aaron is gone ?
Masixole: He just left. I heard the news.
Congratulations baby
He kissed me. I broke the kiss then wiped my
lipstick off his lips
Me: Thank you baby
Masixole: And Sonia told me......
Me: I don't wanna talk about Hunter's wife right
now. How about we call Ms Refilwe and tell her
Masixole: Good idea
He took off his shoes. He jumped to bed. I took
my laptop. I called mom. She answered
Refilwe: Baby i just woke up. What is it so early ?
Me: I got two nominations for Business Awards
Mom: Wow congratulations baby that is
amazing! I am so happy for you and You know
your mom won too before?
Me: I know
Mom: I am very proud of you
Me: Thank you
Mom: Hello son in law
Masixole: Hello Ms Refilwe
Refilwe: Honey you're getting one of those
awards home
Masixole: Why not all of them ?
Refilwe: Right?
Me: We will see
We heard a knock at the door.
Me: There is a knock at the door talk later mom
Mom: I wonder why you're in the bedroom at
this time of the day in South Africa
Me: Wrapping up the holidays mom
She laughed
Mom: Bye
We waved at her. I closed the laptop
Me: Come in !
The door opened. Cleo walked in
Cleo: Sorry to disturb ma'am. Mr Junaid is here
to see you
I stood up
Me: I didn't know he was coming in. Baby let's
go hear what brings him here
Masixole stood up
Masixole: Thank you Cleo
Cleo smiled then walked out. Masixole took my
hand. We walked down. Indeed he is here with
Me: Hello Guys
Isaiah: Hey Prissy
Me: Long Time no see
Isaiah: I am around
Me: I see
I looked at Junaid then sat down. They are
sitting in the living room already.
Me: I didn't know you were coming here?
Junaid: I had to come see you. I just went to see
Me: And?
Junaid: I fired her. She is planning on using her
history with Leila
Me: The relationship?
Junaid nodded his head yes
Junaid: She said she will tell them she is her ex
and she is bitter blah blah blah. You should
warn Leila about this. Claire is crazy
I took my phone. I called Leila
Me: But I know this won't work. Leila has
evidence. My lawyer is confident
Leila: Hey Prissy
Me: Tell me in your statement you mentioned
that she is your ex ?
Leila: I did. They wanted to see My doctor's
report when she attacked me
Me: She is dead and buried then..Junaid went to
see her. She said she will use the history you
Leila: She won't win. The lawyer told me
Me: Grest! bye!
I hung up
Me: Sorted Junaid. Thank you for letting me
Junaid stood up
Junaid: Let's leave you guys we have dinner
reservations to prepare for
Me: Enjoy guys
They walked to the elevator.
Masixole: Claire is obviously calm down. I can't
believe she is still trying to manipulate the
Me: This shows how crazy this woman is
Masixole: Yeah......

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
I am glad River managed to calm down and I am
happy she is not thinking of killing anymore. I
don't want her to do this again. She is pregnant.
What if something goes wrong. I can't let her
take a risk of going to Mthatha to kill that pimp. I
am glad Gedleza intervened. I know I was not
gonna stop this woman. I could tell her mind
was already made up. She was angry. She
reminded me of our cousin sister. I have never
seen her like this ever. Our sister in law saw
how angry she was. I am just glad we have an
excuse to cover up why she was so angry when
she got in.
Anyway we talked. We are about to leave her
room and go tell the princess. That is if she is
back from speaking to Bhalisile about working
at the project.
Nomahelele: I am sorry about few minutes ago
Me: Don't worry about it. I understand why you
were like that. I would freak out too. I must say
this Sdwedwe woman is brave to come back
after your visit to her house
I opened the door. We walked out. We are going
Nomahelele: That is the reason i wanted to kill
her. That slut promised
We walked down the stairs. We saw Princess
stand up
Me: You spoke to him already?
Nomahelele: Who ?
Me: We think now that Ngejiwe and Notiniphu
made up she might spend more time here. So we
think from the 6th till February Bhalisile must
work at the Project
Nomahelele: They made up? Oh i saw them in a
car leaving the palace
Me: Yes they made up
Nomagampompo: He says it's a good idea
Nomahelele: Poor man. Seeing your child and
You can't do anything to let her know you're her
Nomagampompo: It's not the first time River. My
sons also suffered the same
Nomahelele: I know Sisi. Being royalty is no
child's play
Me: Yeah......
Nomagampompo: I will go check if we have
enough vegetables. I am cooking dinner tonight
She said walking away
Nomahelele: Lovely
Princess Nomagampompo paused, then turned
Nomagampompo: wait..... Why were you upset
River ?
I looked at River and smiled.
Nomahelele: After our meeting. Nontorotyi left
and went to see Nomaxabiso and asked her how
she feels about me wanting to be the one who is
married in paper
Nomagampompo: That woman always
conniving !
Me: She is unbelievable!
Nomahelele: I am going to confront her
Nomagampompo: You should !
She walked away heading to the kitchen.
Someone cleared their throat behind us. You
already know who it is by now. We turned
Gedleza: Your Majesties
Me: Yes Gedleza?
He looked at Queen River.
Gedleza: My Queen you have to go see this!
Nomahelele: What !?
Gedleza: Take your phone. And make sure you
have space to record
Nomahelele: I can take my video camera
Gedleza: Don't drive. Ask a driver to drive you.
Make sure He leaves you at Mdumbi River just
near the bridge. When you get there go to the
forest and just wait for my next instruction
Me: Isn't that Dangerious? I can come with her
Gedleza: My Queen no!
Me: Okay
I looked at River. She attempted to run up the
Gedleza: Your Majesty remember!
River turned around. We both looked at
Gedleza. What is going on?
Gedleza: The chauffeur drops you at Mdumbi
Bridge. He turns around and leave you there!
Nomahelele: Got it !
River ran up the stairs.
Me: What the hell is goi........
When I turned to look at Gedleza he was long
gone. I sat on the couch asking myself many
questions I had no answers to.
Me:......... ?

< Narrated >
In Johannesburg at the police station. We see a
woman who was in A black suit. She looked
presentable like a lawyer. There were few other
people speaking to inmates who are also in
holding cell. We see an officer coming with
Claire. She went straight to the woman who was
wearing a suit. She sat down
Claire: I thought you were not coming today ?
Lawyer: After some things i have discovered I
had to come see you
Claire: What is that ?
The lawyer exhaled.
Lawyer: Leila hired Botha Jnr
Claire: What !? That's the most brutal and
expensive lawyer in the country. Where did she
get the money to pay him? That man never loses.
I am not trying to undermine you but.....
Lawyer: I know what you mean and you're
right. I am looking up to that guy. Even what you
said about Leila won't work. If you say Leila
wanted to kill you then they should've found her
DNA in your gloves. Instead they found yours
Claire: I don't know how she did it but it was
her! She put those gloves in me. I don't know
those gloves
The lawyer looked down shaking her head
Lawyer: They found the container of the
chemical in your house !
Claire: Leila knows my house !
Lawyer: And the CCTV footage at Leila's house?
CLAIRE Swallowed hard.
Claire: A footage ?
Lawyer: You say she was your ex but you don't
know that at her front the landlord installed
cameras. They have evidence. your DNA. The
CCTV footage and that container which has your
Finger prints all over it. Claire it doesn't look
good. I wish you were honest with me
Claire: What now ?
Lawyer: We are waiting for the trial. There is
nothing I can do. You must confess if you don't
want this to go to trial
Claire: No!
LAWYER stood up
Lawyer: Then see you in court. I will tell the
judge we are going to court
Claire: Where did Leila get such a good lawyer
with what money
Lawyer: The lawyer was seen at Seputla Towers
Claire hit the table
Claire: That Priscella !

< Nontorotyi >
I went to that woman's house. I took my child.
Before I left I told her my daughter is royalty.
We don't consult to someone else. We only go to
a royal house healer. What is she doing here?
Why is she here today. Who the hell does she
think she is to rock up to my house looking for
my daughter. Does she know what she is trying
to do? She wanna break my family. I can't
believe she wanna do this to me, To the family!
she doesn't know the family she is dealing with.
I was so shocked to see Gedleza and I am so
happy he is on board. Now I know what I am
about to do is the right thing to do. I am going to
silence that witch. We did a ceremony. We
apologised to the ancestors and talked to
Bhalisile ancestors also. Who is she to interfere?
She wants to milk money from my daughter. I
see what she is trying to do. Anyway I got to my
house. I parked my car. I quickly opened the
door. I walked out then attempted to run to the
house. I felt someone grab my wrist. I turned
Gedleza: Make sure everything is ready first
before you go in there
I looked at him
Me: Why are you helping me ?
Gedleza walked to the back of my car
Gedleza: Because that woman is also
undermining my authority. You will see. She
will mention my name also. We are doing this
together. I am your accomplice
I smiled following behind him. When We got to
the back of the car. He opened the boot. He took
out a sledgehammer then looked at it fuming
with anger
I swallowed hard looking at him holding it. I
looked around then snatched the sledgehammer
from him. I quickly went to my door. I opened it.
I slid it at the door. Then glanced over my
shoulder looking at Gedleza smiling
Gedleza bowed. For the first time he bowed for
me. I pushed the door. It closed itself.
Gedleza: Go get her!
I looked at him for the last time. I looked at my
house then headed to the door. I opened the
door then walked in. I saw this witch sitting on
my couch. What if she can read my mind also ?
" She doesn't have the gift. She can only speak to
the dead through her bones " Said Zinyovile
whispering in my hear. I whispered looking at
the witch. She doesn't see me. She is having tea
watching tv
Me: So she is dumb?
Zinyovile: She is stupid !
I smiled then walked to the kitchen confidently.
This woman can't even see that I walked in. Her
eyes are fixed on tv. Trust rural people with no
electricity. You can't disturb them when they get
the opportunity to watch tv.
Deliwe: Thank God You're here Madam Queen. I
gave her tea and scones She has been sitting
there watching tv. I might have done something
What is this new thing Deliwe calling me? I am a
bit of both so I don't mind.
Me: What is that?
Deliwe looked nervous.
Deliwe: Please don't fire me. I was nervous. I
went to your room. I took your sleeping pills. I
took about two then put them in her coffee
I smiled
Me: You're worse than me
Deliwe: I thought Ngejiwe was gonna come back.
I wanted her to find that evil woman sleeping
but luckily for you madam Queen The princess
and Notiniphu are already gone, So get rid of
that smelly woman. I need to clean the couch!
I giggled then ran to Deliwe. I kissed her cheek
then put my hand on her shoulder
Me: Your loyalty means so much to me. I know
after everything you know I don't deserve it
Deliwe: Madam Queen workers of the royal
house are family. They protect and prevent
scandals from coming out. That is what the
Queen of Sdabadabeni taught us when she had a
meeting with me, Prince Phonqa and Notiniphu
Such kind and wise thing to say. I just wish she
didn't mention The Queen.
Me: Great !
I went to the refrigerator. I opened the door.
Me: How many are you in your house ?
Deliwe: Madam Queen it's me. My daughter and
her six children
Bare in mind. She is not married. Who will
marry a girl with six children? I smiled
Me: When you go home take 18 pieces of
Deliwe: Madam Queen Thank you !
She came for a hug. I attempted to hug her then
Zinyovile rudely ruined the moment
Zinyovile: Woman you're wasting time! Zinza-
Zenja's son is impatiently waiting!
Me: Deliwe let me get rid of her!
I said running out of the kitchen.
Deliwe: Madam Queen!!!
I paused then turned around.
Me: Yes ?
Deliwe: I hope you don't mean literally?
Me: When i say what ?
Deliwe looked out the window then covered her
Deliwe: Getting rid of her?
I swallowed hard then faintly smiled at her and
turned around and looked at Mangqazula
Me: You have no idea Deliwe
I quickly wiped my tear then walked to the
Me: Hi
She looked at me
Mangqazula: Oh hey! I am sorry! I feel sleepy
Me: That's what tv does to some people. So how
can I help you?
She stood up
Her: I am sorry to come here. It's just that I don't
like sleeping on something that is burning me
I smiled
Me: What is burning you inside?
Mangqazula: I need to speak to your daughter.
That boy? The Royal healer. That boy is hiding
something. I don't know why he is not telling the
child the truth and I am sure you know what
truth I am talking about !
Me: Mangqazula that boy is almost your age if
not older than you. He is this family healer for a
reason. You can't come here and do this !
She sat down
Mangqazula: Well i am sorry your highness. I
am not leaving until I am speaking to your
She folded her arms
Me: Something came up. She left for
Johannesburg a few minutes ago. If you don't
believe me go home and consult. Your ancestors
will tell you I am telling the truth
She stood up
Her: I will be back when she is home. This girl
has to know who she is
Me: I am going to Thaleni. Don't you need a lift?
She looked at me
Me: I am from Thaleni. From the Dimbaza
family. We are originally from Ntsimbini but we
moved there years ago
Her: I don't know many people from Thaleni.
Okay,You will help me let's go
I looked at Zinyovile who was standing behind
She winked and gave me thumbs up
Me: Let's go
She led the way. Once she walked passed me. I
lost my smile and looked at her fuming with
I saw Deliwe looking at me. I quickly smiled
She also gave me a thumbs up. We walked out. I
made sure I get to the car and walk in first. She
can't see the sledgehammer at the door. I got in.
She went to her side. I drove out.
Me: Oh it's so hot today it's like you'll hear that
someone is died
I said gazing at her. We actually did at the same
Mangqazula: It might rain later. I am tempted to
make thunderstorms and lightening just to
cause chaos for control
My eyes popped out.
Me: You can make it rain?
Mangqazula: I also know how to make it visit
someone and kill them or mess up their home
Me: Is that so ?
I could use her. Maybe what I am going to do is
not a good idea. I need this woman. I looked at
Rearview mirror. I saw Gedleza at backseat
Gedleza: You're crossing the line now. You know
I would never let you kill Queen River! instead i
would reverse that and not send it to this girl
sitting next to you, instead, I would send it to
you and I would make sure it bust your head
I got scared. I swallowed hard then looked at
Mangqazula. She smiled. I did too faintly
Gedleza: Stop the car!
I stopped the car. He walked out then looked at
Gedleza: Continue. I will catch up with you. I just
need to go buy paraffin
I smiled
Mangqazula: Why did you stop the car ?
Me: I am not a good driver
I drove away. A few minutes later I looked at
Gedleza. This man is here already?
Gedleza: Just before you cross the bridge you do
your thing
I took a look at him through the mirror. I looked
at Mangqazula
I wouldn't smile at me if I was her. I breathe in
and out then drove with my left hand. I slide my
right hand to my door. I felt tears streaming
down my cheeks uncontrollably
I made sure I let them go down. I didn't sniff. I
knew if I did that would sell me out to this
woman. I heard someone breathe next to my
ear. I know it's Zinyovile.
Zinyovile: I know you can do this you're close
I looked out the window. We are passing Ntsilini
store next to my sister's house. We are going
straight to the bridge now. There is no turning
back. I looked up to the rearview mirror.
Gedleza nodded his head smiling assuring me
that I got this and it's time. I can't believe the
witches are here. I am in a car with three
Gedleza: I am not a witch, they are
I looked at him. I saw Zonyovile sitting next to
Zinyovile: Says a man who cooked a plan that is
only beneficial to him!
Gedleza: Shut up witch!!!
I looked at them. What is Zinyovile talking
about? I am not going to benefit from this? I let
go of the sledgehammer
Me: What are you talking about?
Mangqazula: I didn't say anything, are you okay
Gedleza: Do it you're close to the bridge !
I am not going to do this. They must tell me first.
I looked at Mangqazula
Me: No! I thought out loud sorry
Mangqazula: That happens to me all the time....
She smiled looking out the window
Gedleza: Remember if you don't, She is coming
back to tell Ngejiwe!
I looked at Zinyovile for approval. She is not
saying anything. What am I gonna do. I am
about to cross the bridge
Gedleza: Do it!!
I don't want her to tell Ngejiwe. I slid my hand. I
came up with a sledgehammer. I hit her head so
hard I heard a painful sound of the
sledgehammer crashing her head, oh God. I saw
Zinyovile close her eyes. I hit her hard again.
There was blood everywhere I was crying
hitting her. After hitting her four time. I stopped
and looked away then broke down
Me: Oh My God
Gedleza: Check her pulse you're a nurse! If she is
not dead do it again!
Me: Are you kidding me?
He gave me a death stare. It looks like I have no
choice. I looked at him one more time. Zinyovile
couldn't watch this. She left. I would leave too if
I could. I felt her pulse crying hard. I had
hisccps. I have never done something like this
Me: Oh My God! She is dead
Gedleza: That was The plan wasn't it?
I nodded my head yes crying with my right hand
on my mouth. I can't believe this.
Gedleza: Now........
I looked at him. He took out all the tools to use to
dig a grave.
Me: Oh My God no!
Gedleza: You're going to dig her grave now
Me: God no! Can't we call River and ask her to
call her rich cousin to help me get rid of this one
Gedleza: You want her to have something on
you again?
I started breathing heavily. I wiped my tears
Me: I gave that bitch too much power! Not
Gedleza: That's the spirit!
Me: What do you want me to do ?
Gedleza: Drive over there. Take out the tools
start digging the grave. I am going to help you.
When we are done. You carry the dead body and
dispose it into the grave
I looked next to me. Oh My God I really killed
her and I have to carry her myself? This is
Me: Oh Little old me



< Nomahelele >
I am here. I don't know what I am here to do. I
am just here because I trust Gedleza. If i didn't
trust him I wouldn't be in the middle of this dark
forest waiting for God knows what. I just hope
this is worth it. I asked the chauffeur to leave me
as Gedleza instructed. I lied and told the
chauffeur I wanted to take pictures of the
Bridge, The big Mdumbi River and the forest. He
left. I am going to call him when i am done here.
I heard my phone ring. I looked at it then put it
back in my pocket
Me: Cuz You know I am not talking calls when I
am out of the palace
I looked out of the forest.
Me: Wait a minute?
I see Nontorotyi's car. I started rolling. I don't
want to miss any moment. I knew Gedleza
wouldn't bring me here for nothing. What is this
woman doing here? What is she up to? Now my
heart started beating so fast. She drove out of
the road. Where is she going? Why is she coming
my way with her car? I moved back. I used one
hand to record. I took out the gun. I put down
the video camera. I quicky cocked the gun. I
have to make sure this is not a set up. Nontorotyi
wanted to see me at my house. She didn't come
and she didn't even tell me why she wanted to
see me. I was surprised to see her at the house
bringing divorce papers. Anyway I continued
filming. My gun is nicely put in my waist.
Nontorotyi stopped the car. This woman is alone
in the car. Why is she coming here? She got out
of the car and ran to the back of the car. She
opened the boot then took out.... Oh My God. I
zoomed in. I have to see everything
Me: What is this woman gonna dig out? or bury
I chuckled then watched. It looks like I am
gonna be here for a long time. That's if what she
is gonna dig out isn't buried deeper which I hope
it isn't. All I want is to get out of here. I took my
phone. I put it on silent. This woman is talking
while digging. Why is she talking alone? I don't
see anyone she is with but I can tell She is with
someone. Maybe she is with that Nontsingizi
friend of hers. This woman never learns at all. I
am giving her a medal for that. Whatever she is
told it comes in from one ear and come out to
another. I am not really a patient woman. I am
very curious to find out how is all this gonna
end and what exactly I am looking for because
so far I haven't captured anything that I can call
a leverage against that woman. That is if that's
all this is about. I know Gedleza wouldn't get me
to this horrible place if I didn't have something
to get out of this. I am forced to be patient even
though I am not. I put my phone on silent in case
someone calls me. She can't hear that she is
being watched and besides. I don't don't how
Dangerious this person she is with is, I can't take
any chances.
Anyway I watched and watched her dig. She was
all sweaty. I wonder what is in there. I zoomed
in again
Me: No man, Nontorotyi has blood in her top. Is
this woman about to bury someone?
I put my right hand on my mouth shocked. If she
is then she is more Dangerious than I thought. I
underestimated her.
Me: Now I see why you got me here Gedleza, I
wonder who she murdered though? Her own
sister? Oh no!
I can't believe this. Why would this woman do
this when her sister made it clear that she
doesn't want her arrested. Maybe my mistake
was not telling Nontorotyi what that Sabonkolo
said. If I did she would've spared her life.
Anyway Nontorotyi started talking
Nontorotyi: This is too deep. I can get in and
stand, no one can see me. That's how deep this
is. Let's bring her here
Me: Oh My God! " her " ? Is this really
Anyway how come this woman dug such a deep
grave all by herself or her witch was invisible
helping? I saw her go to the car. She opened the
passenger seat. Immediately when it opened,
The body fell off
Me: Oh Lord
Nontorotyi: Hold the upper body. I will take the
legs. You're a man. You're tougher than me
Me: A man? Now I don't know. I am confused I
thought she had one healer and it's a woman.
Now a man ?
They lifted her up. Oh no! it's the sangoma.
Maybe she wanted to talk. I smiled. I got the
poor woman with the right angle. You can tell
it's a traditional healer in the video. My job is
done here. They threw her in. Nontorotyi ran to
the car. She took a 5 litre with liquid in it. I think
it's paraffin. She poured it in then lit the body on
Nontorotyi: I will leave you here covering this
up. I have to go wash my car in the River
She said running to her car. She started the
engine. I got all this on record. I finished
recording then smiled and whispered looking
Me: Got you!.....You little murderer

< Bhembeha >
I am that former classmate who was dumb in
Priscella's first year class. Call me too forward
but I feel like the ladies in the bridesmaid
WhatsApp group are my sisters. I don't know
Leila. I see her there but we don't talk. No one is
talking. We just read the announcements then
say "okay" that is it. This Claire girl hurt one of
us. If that Leila girl got hurt the wedding might
have been postponed. I take it she is Priscella's
friend? I feel like I need go to the holding cell
and speak to this girl about what she was trying
to do to Leila.
Anyway it's almost time for me to leave. I need
to go and speak to this girl before I knock off. I
went to her cell.
Me: Claire the famous girl
I saw a white girl stands up. She looked at me
then smiled.
Claire: Officer I have a visitor?
Me: You wish! get your skinny ass right here!
I said with both my hands holding the burglars.
She looked disappointed. She came to me.
Claire: So why are you here ?
Me: Lose that attitude girly
She folded her arms on her chest
Me: So why did you wanna kill that girl?
She smiled.
Claire: Officer she is my ex you know how bitter
exes can be. She was upset i left her
I swallowed hard then smiled.
Me: So she is Gay ?
Claire: Yeah Leila is a lesbian. I left her for a guy.
She can't stand that. Can you do me a little
Me: What is that ?
She looked behind her. She came closer then
Claire: Can you find me Sonia's number. If you
don't have a way to. You can ask for their office
numbers. They are going to work tomorrow
Me: Why do you want to speak to Sonia ?
She smiled then looked into space
Claire: I wanna pick a bone with her
Me: Have a good evening girly
I attempted to leave.
Claire: Are you gonna help me?
I looked at her
Me: I will see what I can do
Claire: Thank you
I rolled my eyes then walked away. I took out
my phone. I dialled Priscella's number.

< Judge NomaKhosazana >
After River left. I ran to my sister in law and told
her everything that just happened in the bed
room. I don't understand why I did that. Just a
few days ago I said I should be careful of what I
say because there are some secrets she can't
know about. What If this is about Shosholoza?
But I doubt it is. I think if it was about
Shosholoza Gedleza was gonna stop me. I don't
know I am nervous. I don't know why she is
taking so long to come back and she is doing her
annoying thing again. She doesn't take my calls.
I don't understand River and I am going to
confront her about this. She really likes to keep
me in suspense and I hate that! I heard footsteps
behind me. I turned around. I saw Sister in law
coming with a glass and a brand new bottle of
Nomagampompo: I know your nerves. Drink
this. I don't think Gedleza would throw River
into the lion's den if she'd get hurt
I took the glass. She poured me a drink
Me: Thanks
Nomagampompo: Gulp it and take another one
I did. She poured another one.
Her: Water boiled. I have to put the spaghetti in,
are you gonna be okay?
Me: I will be okay when my sister walks in on
that door Sisi. Go cook
I faked a smile. She smiled then walked away. I
sipped my drink. I am scared I won't lie.
I saw the door open.
Me: Oh Thank God!
I gulped my drink. I put the glass down then ran
to her. I hugged her. She looked shocked
Me: Are you okay ?
She broke the hug
Nomahelele: I will be
She looked at the kitchen. I did too. Sister in law
was looking at us.
Nomahelele: Sister in law come to the living
room. You got to see this too !
Me: What is going on. You look terrified!
I saw Princess Nomagampompo throw a table
cloth away running to the living room
Nomagampompo: Is everything okay? What is
going on ?
Nomahelele: You guys need to sit down for this.
We can't underestimate that woman anymore.
She is Dangerious and we can't trust her
anymore. None of us can be with her alone in a
Me: Who are you talking about?
She looked at our sister in law.
Nomahelele: I was upstairs with the Queen
when Gedleza instructed me to ask a driver to
drop me at Mdumbi River then Hide at the forest
Nomagampompo: O-kay.... The Queen told me.
What happened?
Nomahelele: I went there as I was asked. I
waited then then I saw Nontorotyi's car stops on
the side of the road just before the bridge. The
next thing I saw was her driving to where I was
Me: Did that woman hurt you? Was she alone?
Nomahelele: She didn't see me. Yes she was
alone but she was talking to someone like she
wasn't alone....
Me: Nontsingizi
Nomahelele: A man! When they got there they
took out tools to dig I am going to show you the
video. I don't have to talk
She took out the video recorder. We watched
She kept fast forwarding. Why is Nontorotyi
digging? We saw her taking out a body
Me: Oh My God! someone is carrying the upper
body and they are not visible to us to see
Nomahelele: It's a sangoma and I think it's the
one Ngejiwe went to. She left her mystery man
putting back in the soil covering the grave. She
left to clean the car because apparently it had
blood everywhere inside
Nomagampompo: Oh My God! She killed that
Me: You say you left her cleaning her car ?
Nomahelele: Yes. I jogged from the Bridge to a
far distance. I got a taxi. It took me here. I don't
think she is nearly done cleaning her mess
Me: You say the car was coming from this side
when she arrived at the bridge ?
Nomahelele: Yes. I think this woman maybe
came to her house
I stood up
Nomagampompo: Where are you going ?
Me: I am going to make tea for Deliwe....
I looked at River
Me: River call Deliwe to come here before that
woman comes back. Make sure she runs like a
little child to get here!
Nomahelele: Your highness
She said taking her phone. I walked to the
kitchen. My sister in law followed me
Nomagampompo: I almost over cooked my
I turned on the Cattle. I took out a cup. I rinsed it
then put tea bag and sugar in it. The water
boiled fast. " If that's Deliwe let her in Siqalo! "
That was River in the living room. I must say
that was fast
Nomagampompo: Let's go back. I will finish
after we talked to her. We headed to the living
room. We found her sitting with River
Me: Your tea Deliwe
She took it.
Deliwe: Thank you my Queen. I feel so
embarrassed and disrespectful to let you serve
me your highness
Me: Don't worry about it
Princess Nomagampompo looked at me then sat
down. I did too then looked at Deliwe.
Me: Deliwe when was the last time you saw a
female Sangoma....
Nomahelele: She had chicken feathers. It's right
on top of her Forehead
Deliwe: Oh That's Mangqazula!
Me: Yes her. Do you know her
Deliwe: Your Majesty the Sangoma was there at
the house. I made her tea and scones. She said
She came to speak to Princess Ngejiwe. She is
the sangoma she went to see and I think......
Deliwe looked around then covered her mouth
Deliwe: I think it's about the father
We looked at each other then back at her.
Nomagampompo: When did she leave. Did my
sister in law see her ?
Deliwe sipped her tea
Deliwe: Oh the poor woman. I had to call her,
because I knew this was not a right thing to do
Me: true
Deliwe: Madam Queen came as fast as she could.
She looked scared. She was so relieved when I
told her princess went to town
Nomahelele: Did she find the woman there?
Deliwe sipped her tea nervous.
Deliwe: I wasn't sure Princess Ngejiwe was gone
already so what I did was take madam Queen
sleeping pills and put them in that woman's
coffee. Madam Queen arrived and found her
drowsy on the couch watching tv. I hope i am
not in trouble your Majesties. You told us the
importance of keeping family secrets
Me: You did nothing wrong. In fact I think you
did a great thing because you didn't want
Ngejiwe to know and that secret cannot come
Deliwe: You told me that your highness
Me: So how did the woman leave ?
Deliwe: Madam said she is getting rid of her
We looked at each other nervous. She started
Deliwe: I remember I joked to her and said I
hope you don't mean literally. I was making sure
she doesn't kill her
We looked at each other again
Deliwe: Madam Queen left with her. She said
she was going to Thaleni. She gave the woman a
River took the cup of tea
Nomahelele: Deliwe I think you need to go back
before madam Queen comes back and don't tell
her we asked questions
Deliwe: Not a word your Majesties, Not a word
She walked to the door. River followed her. She
didn't want Siqalo to do it. She wanted to do it
herself. Oh My God so this woman killed that
woman? River opened the door. Deliwe walked
out. Princess Nomagampompo and i stood up
shocked looking at River. Nomahelele closed the
door then leaned on it.
Nomahelele: She killed the woman and she did it
herself I saw the blood on her shirt!
Me: Oh My God
Nomagampompo: She is prepared to stop at
nothing to make sure her daughter doesn't find
River came to the living room
Nomahelele: At least now we know what kinda
woman we are dealing with
I nodded my heard yes terrified.
Nomagampompo: Never be alone with
Nontorotyi again. The two of you she despise
Me: Oh Trust me I know.
Nomagampompo: Let me go check my pots
She ran to the kitchen. I looked at River
Nomahelele: All Chief Dubulingqanga's daughter
in laws are cold blooded Murderers?
I looked into space
Me: All of us
Nomahelele: Once Nomaxabiso's bride price is
I looked at her
Me: She is next in line to kill
River clapped once then folded her arms on her

< Narrated >
We see Ma Deliwe running home. She got to the
gate. She walked in. Immediately When she got
inside the yard Nontorotyi's car appeared from a
distance. Ma Deliwe started cleaning the yard
picking up papers. Nontorotyi drove in. She
didn't get out of the car. She looked at herself.
She had blood all over her clothes but the car
was stinky clean. She started breathing in and
out. She lowered the window. She tried to attar a
word her voice broke. She looked down
Nontorotyi: Come on Nontorotyi you can do this
She cleared her throat then wiped her tears. She
looked at Deliwe and smiled.
Nontorotyi: Deliwe you know you're taking
bread out of the mouth of the boy who cleans
the yard
Ma Deliwe looked up
Deliwe: Oh i am sorry Madam Queen
Nontorotyi giggled tears streaming down her
Nontorotyi: Hihihi Don't be silly go inside! go to
the kitchen
Ma Deliwe put the rubbish down then walked to
the door. She went in through the kitchen door.
Nontorotyi let out a sigh of relief. She looked
Nontorotyi: Thank God my little girls are at
She got out of the car then headed in. She went
in through the front door. She headed to the
laundry room. She took off all her clothes. She
threw them in the washing machine. She put
soap then went to the door. She looked around
then ran to her bathroom, She was in
underwear. She got in the shower and let water
run down her body. She broke down crying
painfully letting water fall on her. She stayed
there for about 20 minutes. She walked out then
took a towel. She dried her body then went to
her bed room. She got in. She didn't put lotion.
She ran for her morning gown. She put it on
then took the towel and wrapped it around her
head nicely. She wore morning shoes. It was like
someone was pushing her heading to the living
room. She took a glass from the wall unity. It
looks like she is gonna use it without even
rinsing it. She can't face Deliwe. It's like she
knows what she did. She took her half full bottle
of Vodka. She poured half a glass. She down it all
Nontorotyi: I am a murderer
She was whispering silently crying. She saw
Deliwe coming to her holding a plastic with the
kitchen she gave her. Nontorotyi quickly wiped
her tears. She smiled at Ma Deliwe
Deliwe: Madam Queen. it is time for me to leave.
Your Food is in the micro wave. Princess
Ngejiwe's and My chief food I put in the fridge
Nontorotyi: Thank you Deliwe
Deliwe bowed then walked out. Nontorotyi
broke down like she couldn't wait for Ma Deliwe
to leave. She cried so hard. She took the bottle
then drank from it. She then poured another
one. She stood up holding a glass. She looked at
her bed room
Nontorotyi: I am a murder! a cold blooded
" Oh that you are ! " Said a voice at the door.
Nontorotyi turned around. River closed the door
then approached Nontorotyi with a smirk on her
Nontorotyi: I am talking about killing my
brother. I killed him! I am responsible for his
Nomahelele: Well i am not talking about him
Nontorotyi: Who are you talking about? He is
the only person i killed and it didn't really kill
him. I asked you to !
River walked closer to her. She took out her
phone. She played a video
Nomahelele: I was there! I saw you get rid of the
Nontorotyi: Oh My God
Nontorotyi put her hands on her mouth shocked
Nomahelele: I must say the burning of the body
part was smart S'ntoro-ntoro ! so smart
Nontorotyi: How did........
River lost her smile. She looked livid
Nomahelele: I own you now! say another thing
about me to make me look bad, Be to our
husband or to all your little friends, I swear to
you...... I am going to tell the police what you did
to ........
She took her time to say her name, She started
breathing dramatically then snatched
Nontorotyi's drink. She attempted to drink it
then smiled. She put it on the coffee table then
gave Nontorotyi death stairs
Nomahelele: Nomgqabhuzo!
Nontorotyi: It's Mangqazula not Nomgqabozo
Nomahelele breathe heavily in Nontorotyi's face
Nomahelele: Whatever her name is !
Nontorotyi was crying and blinking her eyes
because River was talking in her face and she
might have dropped a few drops of saliva.
Nomahelele: Remember.......from now on you're
my bitch !
She breathe heavily in Nontorotyi's face. Their
noses were against each other. She moved away
then walked to the door. She opened the door
then walked out slamming the door.
Nontorotyi sat down crying. She felt someone
tap her shoulder. She jumped up
Zinyobile: Remember when I said it's beneficial
to Zinza-Zenja's son?
Nontorotyi: Oh my God he used me!
Zinyovile: No! The ancestors used you! They
were angry with you for what you did at
Nomaxabiso's house
I sat down again
Nontorotyi: They are so hard on me




< Priscella >
I can't believe this. This is hilarious. I wouldn't
laugh if this was done by someone who is
unemployed but a person who is working in
government do this? Oh My God what did I put
myself into? I stood up looking at my phone
smiling. I saw Cleo coming to me.
Cleo: Ma'am you're smiling alone
Me: I don't remember the last time i got a call
back from someone... Maybe the last time was
when I was in high school ?
Cleo: I get many of those everyday. From family
because I work here they think i have A lot of
I looked at her
Me: But you do! Cleopetra you're paid more than
any person who does your job but I get what you
say. Some people like taking advantage
Cleo: Oh ma'am you're talking about my cousins.
Some are older than me but they expect me to
send them money
I laughed. She took the glass
Me: Thank you
She smiled then walked away. Maybe this is an
emergency. I don't understand why This woman
wanna speak to me? Not that I have a problem
with her contacting me, I just don't know why
would she. I can't believe this. Why would
Bhembeha send me a please call me, Maybe this
is about tomorrow going to J fashions. She is an
officer. She doesn't have airtime. She can't even
afford a R5 to buy 15 minutes For calls ? She is
hilarious or maybe she is an opportunist I don't
know. Anyway I dialled her number.
Bhembeha: Thank God you called back!
Me: Bhembeha you don't have airtime?
Bhembeha: It's January. I had to buy my
nephews and nieces Christmas clothes last
month. I am broke
Me: Did you even see the post in our WhatsApp
Bhembeha: I did today. Tomorrow I will be there
I promi......
She paused
Me: I will send someone to fetch you
She giggled
Bhembeha: I always liked you for always being
Me: You're welcome Bhembeha. See you
tomorrow ?
Bhembeha: But I haven't said what I called to
say ?
Me: Oh?
I thought this was about her not having money
to go to J fashions. You'd laugh if you knew how
close Police station is to J fashions. I don't
understand why she can't walk. Well i am the
one who made her like this. I offered to take her
the first time. I guess she expects it again
Bhembeha: I paid Claire a visit at holding cell.
That woman wants Sonia's number. She
desperately wanna talk to her. You need to
speak to Sonia and tell her this
Me: Wow thank you. I will call her right away
What the hell does that psycho want from my
Bhembeha: You're welcome
I hung up.
Me: Great! now I have to swallow my pride and
call Sonia
I wanted to punish her till tomorrow now I am
forced to do this. We are talking about Claire
here. I have no choice. I have to let my friend
know. I dialled Sonia's number. She didn't waste
time. She answered
Sonia: Oh Thank God frie....
Me: Sonia this is not the time! Bhembeha says
Claire desperately wanna speak to you. She
wants your number. I thought I should tell you
Sonia: What the hell does she want from me ?
Me: Do you want me to accompany you to the
police station to ask her?
Sonia: No! I got this. Just be pregnant and take
care of yourself..... ( Tu tu tu tu tu tu tu )
She hung up after that. I looked at my phone. I
can't believe this.
Me: Ungrateful bitch!
I shook my head then sat down.
Me: Just be pregnant? What's that supposed to
The nerve on this woman. I heard the elevator
beep. I saw Uncle Kobus come in. He came
straight to me. I stood up..He has flowers
Me: Uncle
Kobus: Hello my dear. Congratulations I had to
come and do this in person
Me: Thank you so much uncle
I took the flowers then hugged him. I broke the
hug and smelt the flowers
Me: They are beautiful and smell Nice, thank
you uncle
Kobus: You're welcome. I am very proud of you
Me: Thank you so much
I looked at the kitchen
Me: Cleo come take the flowers
She came to me. She took the flowers
Me: What do you wanna drink uncle ?
Kobus: Nothing for me Cleo
Cleo smiled then walked away. I saw Masixole
walking down
Masixole: Uncle Kobus. Congratulations. I just
saw you're also nominated
Me: Oh my God what?
Uncle laughed
Me: Uncle I didn't go through the list. I got a call
from my Assistant I went to twitter and I saw I
was mentioned in two tweets that was it.
I hugged him again. I had no idea..
Uncle: Thank you
Me: At least we are not in the same categories
Uncle: Yeah
Wow I am so happy for him. Imagine if Sonia
was also Nominated? This was gonna be a
Seputla Mine awards show. I don't even think
Sonia knows about this. And i am worried about
her and this Claire situation. I can't even tell
Uncle. I don't wanna worry him. He just forgave
Hunter. I don't wanna give him another reason
to be mad at him and Hunter works for his
company so you can imagine how things would
be like at work.

< Nontorotyi >
Nomahelele is here to destroy me. What was this
woman doing there? How many people saw me
get rid of that body? Why does this woman have
everything to bury me. What have I ever done to
her. Why she wanna see me suffer? I am just a
woman She snatched a husband from. Why she
wanna bury me? I still cannot believe this
woman is that bored that she would follow me
around checking my every move. She needs to
get a job and stop spending the family money.
She needs to work like the rest of us. There is
nothing special about her. All of us we have to
work for the family money. They are taking
advantage of us because they are in charge and
my stupid sister in law let them do as they
please in a family business. God I can't get what
happened today off my head. I am a killer. I
attacked a woman and killed her. I saw her
bleed I didn't stop. I beat her till she died. This is
all Gedleza's fault. First it was Zinyovile. She
adviced me to kill my brother and I did. Now I
listened to someone who doesn't like me at all.
Why did I trust Gedleza? I should've known this
was a set up. That man set me up!
Anyway I am going to Gedleza. I hear what
Zinyovile says. She says it's not Gedleza's fault.
What is that supposed to mean? He is the one
who planned all this! The fact is Gedleza used
me. He found me vulnerable and desperate then
used that against me. He manipulated me to do
this. How can he do something like this to me?
Will I ever trust a traditional healer again? It
looks like from now on I will only listen to their
warnings. I am no longer taking advise from
them. They are manipulative and unreliable. I
do not trust them even my best friend Zinyovile.
Anyway I went to the door. I am not leaving
anyone in the house. Ngejiwe is not back from
town. I opened the door. Oh she is here?
Me: My Beautiful daughter
Ngejiwe walked in. I am a little drunk if not too
much drunk.
Ngejiwe: You were going somewhere ?
Me: Yeah. Just to the palace
I am lying. I am going to see Gedleza. I closed the
door then turned around. She threw the
shopping bags on the couch.
Ngejiwe: Mom we left. When we got to Mthatha I
received a R2000 rands from The Queen it was
for me, Prince and Notiniphu. We shopped til we
Me: Hihihi I am sure you did honey but I have to
go. How about I see your clothes when I come
Ngejiwe: You were drinking again?
Me: Stress of looking for a job honey! bye!
I opened the door then walked out. I headed to
Gedleza's hut. I can't drive in this state I am in. I
am walking there right now. In no time i was at
his door. I knocked.
Gedleza: It's open !
He shouted inside. I opened the door then
walked in
Gedleza: Oh hi. Please take off your shoes. Is the
girl still asking Quest......
Me: You don't get to tell me what to do!
Gedleza: Are you okay ?
Me: Okay!? How can i be Okay after you just
betrayed me !?
He looked at me confused
Me: Don't fuck with me Gedleza!!!
I ran to the door. I closed it. I ran back to him. I
sat down then whispered
Me: You made me murder a woman today!!!
He put both his hands on his mouth eyes popped
out of their socket. Wait a minute? I am a good
actor I know when someone is acting but this
man has no idea of what I am talking about does
Gedleza: You killed someone?
Me: Yes! Deliwe called me! She told me
Mangqazula was at my house. You told me I
should get to my house. Take her and kill her
before I get to the Bridge and I did that
He put his hands on his head.
Gedleza: They would do anything to keep a
secret won't they ?
Me: Who are they ?
Gedleza: The ancestors. I didn't know about this.
I knew she was going to your house but the
ancestors said I shouldn't worry ...
Me: You helped me carry him, You helped me
dig her grave. When we were at Ntsilini store
you asked me to go buy a lighter and a paraffin
to burn her body. Now I just found out
Gedleza: Queen!
I breath in and out.
Me: Queen Nomahelele was watching me. She
knows what I did
Gedleza smiled.
Me: Why are you smiling !?
Gedleza: Because she has something to control
you from making mistakes again! Queen River is
not your enemy. Ancestors make you go through
these traumatic incidents because they are
punishing you for always trying to put the
Queens down
Me: I am a Queen too you know !
Gedleza: Then start acting like one and you need
to know and accept that there are levels in this
family. Queen NomaKhosazana will be Queen
mother When Thee Queen get married, You and
your sisters are just the Queens
Me: Who is Thee Queen?
Gedleza: Priscella Seputla is Thee Queen of
Sdabadabeni and you all come after her
Me: Okay. Now tell me, Is Queen River going to
destroy me ?
Gedleza stood up. He went to the door and
opened it. Wow. He wants me to leave ? I stood
I walked passed him
Gedleza: To answer your question.....
I paused
Gedleza: That's all up to you Queen Nontorotyi,
That's all up to you. Everything is in your hands.
If she does it will be because you made her to
I glanced over my shoulders. I looked at him
then walked away like a crazy woman.

< Judge NomaKhosazana >
I am still shocked by what River showed us. I
still cannot believe this woman killed someone
herself. She is becoming someone I don't know
and I am scared of. I have to be more careful
around her from now on. I am one woman She
hates with all her life. I know she always wanted
me dead. Now that I know she is a killer. I have
to make sure I am careful. I have to make sure I
don't see her alone. I can't believe I am about to
say this. I have never thought I would ever say it
but I am scared of that woman. River is there to
see her. What if she does something to her? I
don't know why River always risks her life all
the time. Everyday I have to worry about her.
It's not cool at all. I hope she comes back
unharmed. I don't trust that woman.
Anyway I saw my sister in law coming to me.
Nomagampompo: What is taking River so long?
Where is my brother?
Me: The chief went to take a shower upstairs
Nomagampompo: Dinner will be ready in 15
minutes she better come back. As for those who
went to town I am not sure if they are hungry
Me: I will send one of our workers to go ask
Prince and Chef
Nomagampompo: Okay
She attempted to walk back to the kitchen. The
from door opened. River walked in. I stood up
Me: You're back
River: Yep
Nomagampompo: You don't sound excited?
River: She is a mess. You can tell She is
traumatised. There are bottles of alcohol
Me: Tell me you didn't kick her when she is
River: Cuz I had to tell her! Who knows what she
might do at night? That woman can't be trusted
we have to make sure she is neutralized at all
times !
Nomagampompo: River is right my Queen
Me: Well i hope she learnt her lesson. If she
keeps betraying this family more horror is
coming her way
River: This ends here now. My husband is under
this roof so shush
She walked up the stairs
Nomagampompo: Dinner will be ready in 15!!
River: We will be down in 10
We smiled watching her walking up the stairs.
< Narrated >
At the station. We see Sonia seated. It looks like
she is here to see Claire and she knows what
might have happened if she didn't come. That is
why she had no choice but visit her worst
enemy. A part of her suspects what Claire might
be up to. She knows she was arrested in a
mission to do something to her. She isn't
expecting to be friendly here. She knows she
might get more threats. That is why we see Sonia
put her phone on record. She is hoping what
happens here might help getting Claire into
more trouble with the law.
Sonia: Let's see how you gonna get out of this
one Claire
Sonia put her phone on the table. Claire and an
officer came to her. She had handcuffs on her
wrists. She was cuffed infront. Claire smiled
then sat down. She put her hands on the desk.
Sonia looked at Claire's hands
Sonia: If you accepted that he wanted to come
back to his family none of this would've
happened. You had no right to harm someone
because they told Someone else what you were
trying to do to m.... !
Claire: Shut up Sonia!
Sonia swallowed hard
Claire: I asked you to come here. You didn't miss
me so I am going to do the talking and you will
sit your skinny white ass on That chair! and shut
Sonia: You speak like you're not white yourself!
The different from this white woman sitting
opposite you is she is not crazy
Claire: You're such a dumb blond. You don't
know a difference between a native American
and a white person?
Sonia mumbled
Sonia: Are you gonna tell me why I am here ?
Claire: Of course
Sonia looked annoyed already
Claire: I want you to speak to Leila and ask her
to drop the charges and i know you will do it
with no questions asked or.....
Sonia: Or what ? you're gonna inject me with a
deadly chemical? How are you going to do that
here ?
Sonia started laughing
Claire: You're not funny!
Sonia: This sounds ridiculous don't judge me for
Claire: You asked or what........?
Sonia looked at her. She looked nervous
Claire stood up and put her hands on the table.
Claire: I am going to call Hunter and tell him you
asked Elton Seputla to seduce me so that I can
forget about him !
Sonia swallowed hard then gathered her
Sonia: You wouldn't dare ! besides Hunter
wouldn't believe you !
Claire: I guess we will have to find out about
Sonia: What the hell does that mean ?
Claire: The video that went viral.... ?
Claire: If you look closely. When Elton stands up
he leaves me on the table and go speak to Tasha
and Hungani. All i have to do is ask your man to
look closely in that video if he doesn't believe
She attempted to walk away then turned
Claire: By the way I know your man's number
by head...
Tears streamed down Sonia's cheeks
Claire: I was sleeping with him remember?
Claire walked away. Sonia quickly stood up
Sonia: Claire!
Claire paused then smiled..... She slowly glanced
over her shoulder and looked at Sonia
Sonia: I will help you !
Claire turned around and smiled
Claire: You have 24 hours to get those charges
She turned around. The officer took her back in

To be continued.............................



< Priscella >
I can't believe this. This is hilarious. I wouldn't
laugh if this was done by someone who is
unemployed but a person who is working in
government do this? Oh My God what did I put
myself into? I stood up looking at my phone
smiling. I saw Cleo coming to me.
Cleo: Ma'am you're smiling alone
Me: I don't remember the last time i got a call
back from someone... Maybe the last time was
when I was in high school ?
Cleo: I get many of those everyday. From family
because I work here they think i have A lot of
I looked at her
Me: But you do! Cleopetra you're paid more than
any person who does your job but I get what you
say. Some people like taking advantage
Cleo: Oh ma'am you're talking about my cousins.
Some are older than me but they expect me to
send them money
I laughed. She took the glass
Me: Thank you
She smiled then walked away. Maybe this is an
emergency. I don't understand why This woman
wanna speak to me? Not that I have a problem
with her contacting me, I just don't know why
would she. I can't believe this. Why would
Bhembeha send me a please call me, Maybe this
is about tomorrow going to J fashions. She is an
officer. She doesn't have airtime. She can't even
afford a R5 to buy 15 minutes For calls ? She is
hilarious or maybe she is an opportunist I don't
know. Anyway I dialled her number.
Bhembeha: Thank God you called back!
Me: Bhembeha you don't have airtime?
Bhembeha: It's January. I had to buy my
nephews and nieces Christmas clothes last
month. I am broke
Me: Did you even see the post in our WhatsApp
Bhembeha: I did today. Tomorrow I will be there
I promi......
She paused
Me: I will send someone to fetch you
She giggled
Bhembeha: I always liked you for always being
Me: You're welcome Bhembeha. See you
tomorrow ?
Bhembeha: But I haven't said what I called to
say ?
Me: Oh?
I thought this was about her not having money
to go to J fashions. You'd laugh if you knew how
close Police station is to J fashions. I don't
understand why she can't walk. Well i am the
one who made her like this. I offered to take her
the first time. I guess she expects it again
Bhembeha: I paid Claire a visit at holding cell.
That woman wants Sonia's number. She
desperately wanna talk to her. You need to
speak to Sonia and tell her this
Me: Wow thank you. I will call her right away
What the hell does that psycho want from my
Bhembeha: You're welcome
I hung up.
Me: Great! now I have to swallow my pride and
call Sonia
I wanted to punish her till tomorrow now I am
forced to do this. We are talking about Claire
here. I have no choice. I have to let my friend
know. I dialled Sonia's number. She didn't waste
time. She answered
Sonia: Oh Thank God frie....
Me: Sonia this is not the time! Bhembeha says
Claire desperately wanna speak to you. She
wants your number. I thought I should tell you
Sonia: What the hell does she want from me ?
Me: Do you want me to accompany you to the
police station to ask her?
Sonia: No! I got this. Just be pregnant and take
care of yourself..... ( Tu tu tu tu tu tu tu )
She hung up after that. I looked at my phone. I
can't believe this.
Me: Ungrateful bitch!
I shook my head then sat down.
Me: Just be pregnant? What's that supposed to
The nerve on this woman. I heard the elevator
beep. I saw Uncle Kobus come in. He came
straight to me. I stood up..He has flowers
Me: Uncle
Kobus: Hello my dear. Congratulations I had to
come and do this in person
Me: Thank you so much uncle
I took the flowers then hugged him. I broke the
hug and smelt the flowers
Me: They are beautiful and smell Nice, thank
you uncle
Kobus: You're welcome. I am very proud of you
Me: Thank you so much
I looked at the kitchen
Me: Cleo come take the flowers
She came to me. She took the flowers
Me: What do you wanna drink uncle ?
Kobus: Nothing for me Cleo
Cleo smiled then walked away. I saw Masixole
walking down
Masixole: Uncle Kobus. Congratulations. I just
saw you're also nominated
Me: Oh my God what?
Uncle laughed
Me: Uncle I didn't go through the list. I got a call
from my Assistant I went to twitter and I saw I
was mentioned in two tweets that was it.
I hugged him again. I had no idea..
Uncle: Thank you
Me: At least we are not in the same categories
Uncle: Yeah
Wow I am so happy for him. Imagine if Sonia
was also Nominated? This was gonna be a
Seputla Mine awards show. I don't even think
Sonia knows about this. And i am worried about
her and this Claire situation. I can't even tell
Uncle. I don't wanna worry him. He just forgave
Hunter. I don't wanna give him another reason
to be mad at him and Hunter works for his
company so you can imagine how things would
be like at work.
< Nontorotyi >
Nomahelele is here to destroy me. What was this
woman doing there? How many people saw me
get rid of that body? Why does this woman have
everything to bury me. What have I ever done to
her. Why she wanna see me suffer? I am just a
woman She snatched a husband from. Why she
wanna bury me? I still cannot believe this
woman is that bored that she would follow me
around checking my every move. She needs to
get a job and stop spending the family money.
She needs to work like the rest of us. There is
nothing special about her. All of us we have to
work for the family money. They are taking
advantage of us because they are in charge and
my stupid sister in law let them do as they
please in a family business. God I can't get what
happened today off my head. I am a killer. I
attacked a woman and killed her. I saw her
bleed I didn't stop. I beat her till she died. This is
all Gedleza's fault. First it was Zinyovile. She
adviced me to kill my brother and I did. Now I
listened to someone who doesn't like me at all.
Why did I trust Gedleza? I should've known this
was a set up. That man set me up!
Anyway I am going to Gedleza. I hear what
Zinyovile says. She says it's not Gedleza's fault.
What is that supposed to mean? He is the one
who planned all this! The fact is Gedleza used
me. He found me vulnerable and desperate then
used that against me. He manipulated me to do
this. How can he do something like this to me?
Will I ever trust a traditional healer again? It
looks like from now on I will only listen to their
warnings. I am no longer taking advise from
them. They are manipulative and unreliable. I
do not trust them even my best friend Zinyovile.
Anyway I went to the door. I am not leaving
anyone in the house. Ngejiwe is not back from
town. I opened the door. Oh she is here?
Me: My Beautiful daughter
Ngejiwe walked in. I am a little drunk if not too
much drunk.
Ngejiwe: You were going somewhere ?
Me: Yeah. Just to the palace
I am lying. I am going to see Gedleza. I closed the
door then turned around. She threw the
shopping bags on the couch.
Ngejiwe: Mom we left. When we got to Mthatha I
received a R2000 rands from The Queen it was
for me, Prince and Notiniphu. We shopped til we
Me: Hihihi I am sure you did honey but I have to
go. How about I see your clothes when I come
Ngejiwe: You were drinking again?
Me: Stress of looking for a job honey! bye!
I opened the door then walked out. I headed to
Gedleza's hut. I can't drive in this state I am in. I
am walking there right now. In no time i was at
his door. I knocked.
Gedleza: It's open !
He shouted inside. I opened the door then
walked in
Gedleza: Oh hi. Please take off your shoes. Is the
girl still asking Quest......
Me: You don't get to tell me what to do!
Gedleza: Are you okay ?
Me: Okay!? How can i be Okay after you just
betrayed me !?
He looked at me confused
Me: Don't fuck with me Gedleza!!!
I ran to the door. I closed it. I ran back to him. I
sat down then whispered
Me: You made me murder a woman today!!!
He put both his hands on his mouth eyes popped
out of their socket. Wait a minute? I am a good
actor I know when someone is acting but this
man has no idea of what I am talking about does
Gedleza: You killed someone?
Me: Yes! Deliwe called me! She told me
Mangqazula was at my house. You told me I
should get to my house. Take her and kill her
before I get to the Bridge and I did that
He put his hands on his head.
Gedleza: They would do anything to keep a
secret won't they ?
Me: Who are they ?
Gedleza: The ancestors. I didn't know about this.
I knew she was going to your house but the
ancestors said I shouldn't worry ...
Me: You helped me carry him, You helped me
dig her grave. When we were at Ntsilini store
you asked me to go buy a lighter and a paraffin
to burn her body. Now I just found out
Gedleza: Queen!
I breath in and out.
Me: Queen Nomahelele was watching me. She
knows what I did
Gedleza smiled.
Me: Why are you smiling !?
Gedleza: Because she has something to control
you from making mistakes again! Queen River is
not your enemy. Ancestors make you go through
these traumatic incidents because they are
punishing you for always trying to put the
Queens down
Me: I am a Queen too you know !
Gedleza: Then start acting like one and you need
to know and accept that there are levels in this
family. Queen NomaKhosazana will be Queen
mother When Thee Queen get married, You and
your sisters are just the Queens
Me: Who is Thee Queen?
Gedleza: Priscella Seputla is Thee Queen of
Sdabadabeni and you all come after her
Me: Okay. Now tell me, Is Queen River going to
destroy me ?
Gedleza stood up. He went to the door and
opened it. Wow. He wants me to leave ? I stood
I walked passed him
Gedleza: To answer your question.....
I paused
Gedleza: That's all up to you Queen Nontorotyi,
That's all up to you. Everything is in your hands.
If she does it will be because you made her to
I glanced over my shoulders. I looked at him
then walked away like a crazy woman.

< Judge NomaKhosazana >
I am still shocked by what River showed us. I
still cannot believe this woman killed someone
herself. She is becoming someone I don't know
and I am scared of. I have to be more careful
around her from now on. I am one woman She
hates with all her life. I know she always wanted
me dead. Now that I know she is a killer. I have
to make sure I am careful. I have to make sure I
don't see her alone. I can't believe I am about to
say this. I have never thought I would ever say it
but I am scared of that woman. River is there to
see her. What if she does something to her? I
don't know why River always risks her life all
the time. Everyday I have to worry about her.
It's not cool at all. I hope she comes back
unharmed. I don't trust that woman.
Anyway I saw my sister in law coming to me.
Nomagampompo: What is taking River so long?
Where is my brother?
Me: The chief went to take a shower upstairs
Nomagampompo: Dinner will be ready in 15
minutes she better come back. As for those who
went to town I am not sure if they are hungry
Me: I will send one of our workers to go ask
Prince and Chef
Nomagampompo: Okay
She attempted to walk back to the kitchen. The
from door opened. River walked in. I stood up
Me: You're back
River: Yep
Nomagampompo: You don't sound excited?
River: She is a mess. You can tell She is
traumatised. There are bottles of alcohol
Me: Tell me you didn't kick her when she is
River: Cuz I had to tell her! Who knows what she
might do at night? That woman can't be trusted
we have to make sure she is neutralized at all
times !
Nomagampompo: River is right my Queen
Me: Well i hope she learnt her lesson. If she
keeps betraying this family more horror is
coming her way
River: This ends here now. My husband is under
this roof so shush
She walked up the stairs
Nomagampompo: Dinner will be ready in 15!!
River: We will be down in 10
We smiled watching her walking up the stairs.

< Narrated >
At the station. We see Sonia seated. It looks like
she is here to see Claire and she knows what
might have happened if she didn't come. That is
why she had no choice but visit her worst
enemy. A part of her suspects what Claire might
be up to. She knows she was arrested in a
mission to do something to her. She isn't
expecting to be friendly here. She knows she
might get more threats. That is why we see Sonia
put her phone on record. She is hoping what
happens here might help getting Claire into
more trouble with the law.
Sonia: Let's see how you gonna get out of this
one Claire
Sonia put her phone on the table. Claire and an
officer came to her. She had handcuffs on her
wrists. She was cuffed infront. Claire smiled
then sat down. She put her hands on the desk.
Sonia looked at Claire's hands
Sonia: If you accepted that he wanted to come
back to his family none of this would've
happened. You had no right to harm someone
because they told Someone else what you were
trying to do to m.... !
Claire: Shut up Sonia!
Sonia swallowed hard
Claire: I asked you to come here. You didn't miss
me so I am going to do the talking and you will
sit your skinny white ass on That chair! and shut
Sonia: You speak like you're not white yourself!
The different from this white woman sitting
opposite you is she is not crazy
Claire: You're such a dumb blond. You don't
know a difference between a native American
and a white person?
Sonia mumbled
Sonia: Are you gonna tell me why I am here ?
Claire: Of course
Sonia looked annoyed already
Claire: I want you to speak to Leila and ask her
to drop the charges and i know you will do it
with no questions asked or.....
Sonia: Or what ? you're gonna inject me with a
deadly chemical? How are you going to do that
here ?
Sonia started laughing
Claire: You're not funny!
Sonia: This sounds ridiculous don't judge me for
Claire: You asked or what........?
Sonia looked at her. She looked nervous
Claire stood up and put her hands on the table.
Claire: I am going to call Hunter and tell him you
asked Elton Seputla to seduce me so that I can
forget about him !
Sonia swallowed hard then gathered her
Sonia: You wouldn't dare ! besides Hunter
wouldn't believe you !
Claire: I guess we will have to find out about
Sonia: What the hell does that mean ?
Claire: The video that went viral.... ?
Claire: If you look closely. When Elton stands up
he leaves me on the table and go speak to Tasha
and Hungani. All i have to do is ask your man to
look closely in that video if he doesn't believe
She attempted to walk away then turned
Claire: By the way I know your man's number
by head...
Tears streamed down Sonia's cheeks
Claire: I was sleeping with him remember?
Claire walked away. Sonia quickly stood up
Sonia: Claire!
Claire paused then smiled..... She slowly glanced
over her shoulder and looked at Sonia
Sonia: I will help you !
Claire turned around and smiled
Claire: You have 24 hours to get those charges
She turned around. The officer took her back in

To be continued.............................



< Priscella >
I can't believe this. This is hilarious. I wouldn't
laugh if this was done by someone who is
unemployed but a person who is working in
government do this? Oh My God what did I put
myself into? I stood up looking at my phone
smiling. I saw Cleo coming to me.
Cleo: Ma'am you're smiling alone
Me: I don't remember the last time i got a call
back from someone... Maybe the last time was
when I was in high school ?
Cleo: I get many of those everyday. From family
because I work here they think i have A lot of
I looked at her
Me: But you do! Cleopetra you're paid more than
any person who does your job but I get what you
say. Some people like taking advantage
Cleo: Oh ma'am you're talking about my cousins.
Some are older than me but they expect me to
send them money
I laughed. She took the glass
Me: Thank you
She smiled then walked away. Maybe this is an
emergency. I don't understand why This woman
wanna speak to me? Not that I have a problem
with her contacting me, I just don't know why
would she. I can't believe this. Why would
Bhembeha send me a please call me, Maybe this
is about tomorrow going to J fashions. She is an
officer. She doesn't have airtime. She can't even
afford a R5 to buy 15 minutes For calls ? She is
hilarious or maybe she is an opportunist I don't
know. Anyway I dialled her number.
Bhembeha: Thank God you called back!
Me: Bhembeha you don't have airtime?
Bhembeha: It's January. I had to buy my
nephews and nieces Christmas clothes last
month. I am broke
Me: Did you even see the post in our WhatsApp
Bhembeha: I did today. Tomorrow I will be there
I promi......
She paused
Me: I will send someone to fetch you
She giggled
Bhembeha: I always liked you for always being
Me: You're welcome Bhembeha. See you
tomorrow ?
Bhembeha: But I haven't said what I called to
say ?
Me: Oh?
I thought this was about her not having money
to go to J fashions. You'd laugh if you knew how
close Police station is to J fashions. I don't
understand why she can't walk. Well i am the
one who made her like this. I offered to take her
the first time. I guess she expects it again
Bhembeha: I paid Claire a visit at holding cell.
That woman wants Sonia's number. She
desperately wanna talk to her. You need to
speak to Sonia and tell her this
Me: Wow thank you. I will call her right away
What the hell does that psycho want from my
Bhembeha: You're welcome
I hung up.
Me: Great! now I have to swallow my pride and
call Sonia
I wanted to punish her till tomorrow now I am
forced to do this. We are talking about Claire
here. I have no choice. I have to let my friend
know. I dialled Sonia's number. She didn't waste
time. She answered
Sonia: Oh Thank God frie....
Me: Sonia this is not the time! Bhembeha says
Claire desperately wanna speak to you. She
wants your number. I thought I should tell you
Sonia: What the hell does she want from me ?
Me: Do you want me to accompany you to the
police station to ask her?
Sonia: No! I got this. Just be pregnant and take
care of yourself..... ( Tu tu tu tu tu tu tu )
She hung up after that. I looked at my phone. I
can't believe this.
Me: Ungrateful bitch!
I shook my head then sat down.
Me: Just be pregnant? What's that supposed to
The nerve on this woman. I heard the elevator
beep. I saw Uncle Kobus come in. He came
straight to me. I stood up..He has flowers
Me: Uncle
Kobus: Hello my dear. Congratulations I had to
come and do this in person
Me: Thank you so much uncle
I took the flowers then hugged him. I broke the
hug and smelt the flowers
Me: They are beautiful and smell Nice, thank
you uncle
Kobus: You're welcome. I am very proud of you
Me: Thank you so much
I looked at the kitchen
Me: Cleo come take the flowers
She came to me. She took the flowers
Me: What do you wanna drink uncle ?
Kobus: Nothing for me Cleo
Cleo smiled then walked away. I saw Masixole
walking down
Masixole: Uncle Kobus. Congratulations. I just
saw you're also nominated
Me: Oh my God what?
Uncle laughed
Me: Uncle I didn't go through the list. I got a call
from my Assistant I went to twitter and I saw I
was mentioned in two tweets that was it.
I hugged him again. I had no idea..
Uncle: Thank you
Me: At least we are not in the same categories
Uncle: Yeah
Wow I am so happy for him. Imagine if Sonia
was also Nominated? This was gonna be a
Seputla Mine awards show. I don't even think
Sonia knows about this. And i am worried about
her and this Claire situation. I can't even tell
Uncle. I don't wanna worry him. He just forgave
Hunter. I don't wanna give him another reason
to be mad at him and Hunter works for his
company so you can imagine how things would
be like at work.

< Nontorotyi >
Nomahelele is here to destroy me. What was this
woman doing there? How many people saw me
get rid of that body? Why does this woman have
everything to bury me. What have I ever done to
her. Why she wanna see me suffer? I am just a
woman She snatched a husband from. Why she
wanna bury me? I still cannot believe this
woman is that bored that she would follow me
around checking my every move. She needs to
get a job and stop spending the family money.
She needs to work like the rest of us. There is
nothing special about her. All of us we have to
work for the family money. They are taking
advantage of us because they are in charge and
my stupid sister in law let them do as they
please in a family business. God I can't get what
happened today off my head. I am a killer. I
attacked a woman and killed her. I saw her
bleed I didn't stop. I beat her till she died. This is
all Gedleza's fault. First it was Zinyovile. She
adviced me to kill my brother and I did. Now I
listened to someone who doesn't like me at all.
Why did I trust Gedleza? I should've known this
was a set up. That man set me up!
Anyway I am going to Gedleza. I hear what
Zinyovile says. She says it's not Gedleza's fault.
What is that supposed to mean? He is the one
who planned all this! The fact is Gedleza used
me. He found me vulnerable and desperate then
used that against me. He manipulated me to do
this. How can he do something like this to me?
Will I ever trust a traditional healer again? It
looks like from now on I will only listen to their
warnings. I am no longer taking advise from
them. They are manipulative and unreliable. I
do not trust them even my best friend Zinyovile.
Anyway I went to the door. I am not leaving
anyone in the house. Ngejiwe is not back from
town. I opened the door. Oh she is here?
Me: My Beautiful daughter
Ngejiwe walked in. I am a little drunk if not too
much drunk.
Ngejiwe: You were going somewhere ?
Me: Yeah. Just to the palace
I am lying. I am going to see Gedleza. I closed the
door then turned around. She threw the
shopping bags on the couch.
Ngejiwe: Mom we left. When we got to Mthatha I
received a R2000 rands from The Queen it was
for me, Prince and Notiniphu. We shopped til we
Me: Hihihi I am sure you did honey but I have to
go. How about I see your clothes when I come
Ngejiwe: You were drinking again?
Me: Stress of looking for a job honey! bye!
I opened the door then walked out. I headed to
Gedleza's hut. I can't drive in this state I am in. I
am walking there right now. In no time i was at
his door. I knocked.
Gedleza: It's open !
He shouted inside. I opened the door then
walked in
Gedleza: Oh hi. Please take off your shoes. Is the
girl still asking Quest......
Me: You don't get to tell me what to do!
Gedleza: Are you okay ?
Me: Okay!? How can i be Okay after you just
betrayed me !?
He looked at me confused
Me: Don't fuck with me Gedleza!!!
I ran to the door. I closed it. I ran back to him. I
sat down then whispered
Me: You made me murder a woman today!!!
He put both his hands on his mouth eyes popped
out of their socket. Wait a minute? I am a good
actor I know when someone is acting but this
man has no idea of what I am talking about does
Gedleza: You killed someone?
Me: Yes! Deliwe called me! She told me
Mangqazula was at my house. You told me I
should get to my house. Take her and kill her
before I get to the Bridge and I did that
He put his hands on his head.
Gedleza: They would do anything to keep a
secret won't they ?
Me: Who are they ?
Gedleza: The ancestors. I didn't know about this.
I knew she was going to your house but the
ancestors said I shouldn't worry ...
Me: You helped me carry him, You helped me
dig her grave. When we were at Ntsilini store
you asked me to go buy a lighter and a paraffin
to burn her body. Now I just found out
Gedleza: Queen!
I breath in and out.
Me: Queen Nomahelele was watching me. She
knows what I did
Gedleza smiled.
Me: Why are you smiling !?
Gedleza: Because she has something to control
you from making mistakes again! Queen River is
not your enemy. Ancestors make you go through
these traumatic incidents because they are
punishing you for always trying to put the
Queens down
Me: I am a Queen too you know !
Gedleza: Then start acting like one and you need
to know and accept that there are levels in this
family. Queen NomaKhosazana will be Queen
mother When Thee Queen get married, You and
your sisters are just the Queens
Me: Who is Thee Queen?
Gedleza: Priscella Seputla is Thee Queen of
Sdabadabeni and you all come after her
Me: Okay. Now tell me, Is Queen River going to
destroy me ?
Gedleza stood up. He went to the door and
opened it. Wow. He wants me to leave ? I stood
I walked passed him
Gedleza: To answer your question.....
I paused
Gedleza: That's all up to you Queen Nontorotyi,
That's all up to you. Everything is in your hands.
If she does it will be because you made her to
I glanced over my shoulders. I looked at him
then walked away like a crazy woman.

< Judge NomaKhosazana >
I am still shocked by what River showed us. I
still cannot believe this woman killed someone
herself. She is becoming someone I don't know
and I am scared of. I have to be more careful
around her from now on. I am one woman She
hates with all her life. I know she always wanted
me dead. Now that I know she is a killer. I have
to make sure I am careful. I have to make sure I
don't see her alone. I can't believe I am about to
say this. I have never thought I would ever say it
but I am scared of that woman. River is there to
see her. What if she does something to her? I
don't know why River always risks her life all
the time. Everyday I have to worry about her.
It's not cool at all. I hope she comes back
unharmed. I don't trust that woman.
Anyway I saw my sister in law coming to me.
Nomagampompo: What is taking River so long?
Where is my brother?
Me: The chief went to take a shower upstairs
Nomagampompo: Dinner will be ready in 15
minutes she better come back. As for those who
went to town I am not sure if they are hungry
Me: I will send one of our workers to go ask
Prince and Chef
Nomagampompo: Okay
She attempted to walk back to the kitchen. The
from door opened. River walked in. I stood up
Me: You're back
River: Yep
Nomagampompo: You don't sound excited?
River: She is a mess. You can tell She is
traumatised. There are bottles of alcohol
Me: Tell me you didn't kick her when she is
River: Cuz I had to tell her! Who knows what she
might do at night? That woman can't be trusted
we have to make sure she is neutralized at all
times !
Nomagampompo: River is right my Queen
Me: Well i hope she learnt her lesson. If she
keeps betraying this family more horror is
coming her way
River: This ends here now. My husband is under
this roof so shush
She walked up the stairs
Nomagampompo: Dinner will be ready in 15!!
River: We will be down in 10
We smiled watching her walking up the stairs.

< Narrated >
At the station. We see Sonia seated. It looks like
she is here to see Claire and she knows what
might have happened if she didn't come. That is
why she had no choice but visit her worst
enemy. A part of her suspects what Claire might
be up to. She knows she was arrested in a
mission to do something to her. She isn't
expecting to be friendly here. She knows she
might get more threats. That is why we see Sonia
put her phone on record. She is hoping what
happens here might help getting Claire into
more trouble with the law.
Sonia: Let's see how you gonna get out of this
one Claire
Sonia put her phone on the table. Claire and an
officer came to her. She had handcuffs on her
wrists. She was cuffed infront. Claire smiled
then sat down. She put her hands on the desk.
Sonia looked at Claire's hands
Sonia: If you accepted that he wanted to come
back to his family none of this would've
happened. You had no right to harm someone
because they told Someone else what you were
trying to do to m.... !
Claire: Shut up Sonia!
Sonia swallowed hard
Claire: I asked you to come here. You didn't miss
me so I am going to do the talking and you will
sit your skinny white ass on That chair! and shut
Sonia: You speak like you're not white yourself!
The different from this white woman sitting
opposite you is she is not crazy
Claire: You're such a dumb blond. You don't
know a difference between a native American
and a white person?
Sonia mumbled
Sonia: Are you gonna tell me why I am here ?
Claire: Of course
Sonia looked annoyed already
Claire: I want you to speak to Leila and ask her
to drop the charges and i know you will do it
with no questions asked or.....
Sonia: Or what ? you're gonna inject me with a
deadly chemical? How are you going to do that
here ?
Sonia started laughing
Claire: You're not funny!
Sonia: This sounds ridiculous don't judge me for
Claire: You asked or what........?
Sonia looked at her. She looked nervous
Claire stood up and put her hands on the table.
Claire: I am going to call Hunter and tell him you
asked Elton Seputla to seduce me so that I can
forget about him !
Sonia swallowed hard then gathered her
Sonia: You wouldn't dare ! besides Hunter
wouldn't believe you !
Claire: I guess we will have to find out about
Sonia: What the hell does that mean ?
Claire: The video that went viral.... ?
Claire: If you look closely. When Elton stands up
he leaves me on the table and go speak to Tasha
and Hungani. All i have to do is ask your man to
look closely in that video if he doesn't believe
She attempted to walk away then turned
Claire: By the way I know your man's number
by head...
Tears streamed down Sonia's cheeks
Claire: I was sleeping with him remember?
Claire walked away. Sonia quickly stood up
Sonia: Claire!
Claire paused then smiled..... She slowly glanced
over her shoulder and looked at Sonia
Sonia: I will help you !
Claire turned around and smiled
Claire: You have 24 hours to get those charges
She turned around. The officer took her back in

To be continued.............................


< Priscella >
I can't believe this. This is hilarious. I wouldn't
laugh if this was done by someone who is
unemployed but a person who is working in
government do this? Oh My God what did I put
myself into? I stood up looking at my phone
smiling. I saw Cleo coming to me.
Cleo: Ma'am you're smiling alone
Me: I don't remember the last time i got a call
back from someone... Maybe the last time was
when I was in high school ?
Cleo: I get many of those everyday. From family
because I work here they think i have A lot of
I looked at her
Me: But you do! Cleopetra you're paid more than
any person who does your job but I get what you
say. Some people like taking advantage
Cleo: Oh ma'am you're talking about my cousins.
Some are older than me but they expect me to
send them money
I laughed. She took the glass
Me: Thank you
She smiled then walked away. Maybe this is an
emergency. I don't understand why This woman
wanna speak to me? Not that I have a problem
with her contacting me, I just don't know why
would she. I can't believe this. Why would
Bhembeha send me a please call me, Maybe this
is about tomorrow going to J fashions. She is an
officer. She doesn't have airtime. She can't even
afford a R5 to buy 15 minutes For calls ? She is
hilarious or maybe she is an opportunist I don't
know. Anyway I dialled her number.
Bhembeha: Thank God you called back!
Me: Bhembeha you don't have airtime?
Bhembeha: It's January. I had to buy my
nephews and nieces Christmas clothes last
month. I am broke
Me: Did you even see the post in our WhatsApp
Bhembeha: I did today. Tomorrow I will be there
I promi......
She paused
Me: I will send someone to fetch you
She giggled
Bhembeha: I always liked you for always being
Me: You're welcome Bhembeha. See you
tomorrow ?
Bhembeha: But I haven't said what I called to
say ?
Me: Oh?
I thought this was about her not having money
to go to J fashions. You'd laugh if you knew how
close Police station is to J fashions. I don't
understand why she can't walk. Well i am the
one who made her like this. I offered to take her
the first time. I guess she expects it again
Bhembeha: I paid Claire a visit at holding cell.
That woman wants Sonia's number. She
desperately wanna talk to her. You need to
speak to Sonia and tell her this
Me: Wow thank you. I will call her right away
What the hell does that psycho want from my
Bhembeha: You're welcome
I hung up.
Me: Great! now I have to swallow my pride and
call Sonia
I wanted to punish her till tomorrow now I am
forced to do this. We are talking about Claire
here. I have no choice. I have to let my friend
know. I dialled Sonia's number. She didn't waste
time. She answered
Sonia: Oh Thank God frie....
Me: Sonia this is not the time! Bhembeha says
Claire desperately wanna speak to you. She
wants your number. I thought I should tell you
Sonia: What the hell does she want from me ?
Me: Do you want me to accompany you to the
police station to ask her?
Sonia: No! I got this. Just be pregnant and take
care of yourself..... ( Tu tu tu tu tu tu tu )
She hung up after that. I looked at my phone. I
can't believe this.
Me: Ungrateful bitch!
I shook my head then sat down.
Me: Just be pregnant? What's that supposed to
The nerve on this woman. I heard the elevator
beep. I saw Uncle Kobus come in. He came
straight to me. I stood up..He has flowers
Me: Uncle
Kobus: Hello my dear. Congratulations I had to
come and do this in person
Me: Thank you so much uncle
I took the flowers then hugged him. I broke the
hug and smelt the flowers
Me: They are beautiful and smell Nice, thank
you uncle
Kobus: You're welcome. I am very proud of you
Me: Thank you so much
I looked at the kitchen
Me: Cleo come take the flowers
She came to me. She took the flowers
Me: What do you wanna drink uncle ?
Kobus: Nothing for me Cleo
Cleo smiled then walked away. I saw Masixole
walking down
Masixole: Uncle Kobus. Congratulations. I just
saw you're also nominated
Me: Oh my God what?
Uncle laughed
Me: Uncle I didn't go through the list. I got a call
from my Assistant I went to twitter and I saw I
was mentioned in two tweets that was it.
I hugged him again. I had no idea..
Uncle: Thank you
Me: At least we are not in the same categories
Uncle: Yeah
Wow I am so happy for him. Imagine if Sonia
was also Nominated? This was gonna be a
Seputla Mine awards show. I don't even think
Sonia knows about this. And i am worried about
her and this Claire situation. I can't even tell
Uncle. I don't wanna worry him. He just forgave
Hunter. I don't wanna give him another reason
to be mad at him and Hunter works for his
company so you can imagine how things would
be like at work.

< Nontorotyi >
Nomahelele is here to destroy me. What was this
woman doing there? How many people saw me
get rid of that body? Why does this woman have
everything to bury me. What have I ever done to
her. Why she wanna see me suffer? I am just a
woman She snatched a husband from. Why she
wanna bury me? I still cannot believe this
woman is that bored that she would follow me
around checking my every move. She needs to
get a job and stop spending the family money.
She needs to work like the rest of us. There is
nothing special about her. All of us we have to
work for the family money. They are taking
advantage of us because they are in charge and
my stupid sister in law let them do as they
please in a family business. God I can't get what
happened today off my head. I am a killer. I
attacked a woman and killed her. I saw her
bleed I didn't stop. I beat her till she died. This is
all Gedleza's fault. First it was Zinyovile. She
adviced me to kill my brother and I did. Now I
listened to someone who doesn't like me at all.
Why did I trust Gedleza? I should've known this
was a set up. That man set me up!
Anyway I am going to Gedleza. I hear what
Zinyovile says. She says it's not Gedleza's fault.
What is that supposed to mean? He is the one
who planned all this! The fact is Gedleza used
me. He found me vulnerable and desperate then
used that against me. He manipulated me to do
this. How can he do something like this to me?
Will I ever trust a traditional healer again? It
looks like from now on I will only listen to their
warnings. I am no longer taking advise from
them. They are manipulative and unreliable. I
do not trust them even my best friend Zinyovile.
Anyway I went to the door. I am not leaving
anyone in the house. Ngejiwe is not back from
town. I opened the door. Oh she is here?
Me: My Beautiful daughter
Ngejiwe walked in. I am a little drunk if not too
much drunk.
Ngejiwe: You were going somewhere ?
Me: Yeah. Just to the palace
I am lying. I am going to see Gedleza. I closed the
door then turned around. She threw the
shopping bags on the couch.
Ngejiwe: Mom we left. When we got to Mthatha I
received a R2000 rands from The Queen it was
for me, Prince and Notiniphu. We shopped til we
Me: Hihihi I am sure you did honey but I have to
go. How about I see your clothes when I come
Ngejiwe: You were drinking again?
Me: Stress of looking for a job honey! bye!
I opened the door then walked out. I headed to
Gedleza's hut. I can't drive in this state I am in. I
am walking there right now. In no time i was at
his door. I knocked.
Gedleza: It's open !
He shouted inside. I opened the door then
walked in
Gedleza: Oh hi. Please take off your shoes. Is the
girl still asking Quest......
Me: You don't get to tell me what to do!
Gedleza: Are you okay ?
Me: Okay!? How can i be Okay after you just
betrayed me !?
He looked at me confused
Me: Don't fuck with me Gedleza!!!
I ran to the door. I closed it. I ran back to him. I
sat down then whispered
Me: You made me murder a woman today!!!
He put both his hands on his mouth eyes popped
out of their socket. Wait a minute? I am a good
actor I know when someone is acting but this
man has no idea of what I am talking about does
Gedleza: You killed someone?
Me: Yes! Deliwe called me! She told me
Mangqazula was at my house. You told me I
should get to my house. Take her and kill her
before I get to the Bridge and I did that
He put his hands on his head.
Gedleza: They would do anything to keep a
secret won't they ?
Me: Who are they ?
Gedleza: The ancestors. I didn't know about this.
I knew she was going to your house but the
ancestors said I shouldn't worry ...
Me: You helped me carry him, You helped me
dig her grave. When we were at Ntsilini store
you asked me to go buy a lighter and a paraffin
to burn her body. Now I just found out
Gedleza: Queen!
I breath in and out.
Me: Queen Nomahelele was watching me. She
knows what I did
Gedleza smiled.
Me: Why are you smiling !?
Gedleza: Because she has something to control
you from making mistakes again! Queen River is
not your enemy. Ancestors make you go through
these traumatic incidents because they are
punishing you for always trying to put the
Queens down
Me: I am a Queen too you know !
Gedleza: Then start acting like one and you need
to know and accept that there are levels in this
family. Queen NomaKhosazana will be Queen
mother When Thee Queen get married, You and
your sisters are just the Queens
Me: Who is Thee Queen?
Gedleza: Priscella Seputla is Thee Queen of
Sdabadabeni and you all come after her
Me: Okay. Now tell me, Is Queen River going to
destroy me ?
Gedleza stood up. He went to the door and
opened it. Wow. He wants me to leave ? I stood
I walked passed him
Gedleza: To answer your question.....
I paused
Gedleza: That's all up to you Queen Nontorotyi,
That's all up to you. Everything is in your hands.
If she does it will be because you made her to
I glanced over my shoulders. I looked at him
then walked away like a crazy woman.

< Judge NomaKhosazana >
I am still shocked by what River showed us. I
still cannot believe this woman killed someone
herself. She is becoming someone I don't know
and I am scared of. I have to be more careful
around her from now on. I am one woman She
hates with all her life. I know she always wanted
me dead. Now that I know she is a killer. I have
to make sure I am careful. I have to make sure I
don't see her alone. I can't believe I am about to
say this. I have never thought I would ever say it
but I am scared of that woman. River is there to
see her. What if she does something to her? I
don't know why River always risks her life all
the time. Everyday I have to worry about her.
It's not cool at all. I hope she comes back
unharmed. I don't trust that woman.
Anyway I saw my sister in law coming to me.
Nomagampompo: What is taking River so long?
Where is my brother?
Me: The chief went to take a shower upstairs
Nomagampompo: Dinner will be ready in 15
minutes she better come back. As for those who
went to town I am not sure if they are hungry
Me: I will send one of our workers to go ask
Prince and Chef
Nomagampompo: Okay
She attempted to walk back to the kitchen. The
from door opened. River walked in. I stood up
Me: You're back
River: Yep
Nomagampompo: You don't sound excited?
River: She is a mess. You can tell She is
traumatised. There are bottles of alcohol
Me: Tell me you didn't kick her when she is
River: Cuz I had to tell her! Who knows what she
might do at night? That woman can't be trusted
we have to make sure she is neutralized at all
times !
Nomagampompo: River is right my Queen
Me: Well i hope she learnt her lesson. If she
keeps betraying this family more horror is
coming her way
River: This ends here now. My husband is under
this roof so shush
She walked up the stairs
Nomagampompo: Dinner will be ready in 15!!
River: We will be down in 10
We smiled watching her walking up the stairs.
< Narrated >
At the station. We see Sonia seated. It looks like
she is here to see Claire and she knows what
might have happened if she didn't come. That is
why she had no choice but visit her worst
enemy. A part of her suspects what Claire might
be up to. She knows she was arrested in a
mission to do something to her. She isn't
expecting to be friendly here. She knows she
might get more threats. That is why we see Sonia
put her phone on record. She is hoping what
happens here might help getting Claire into
more trouble with the law.
Sonia: Let's see how you gonna get out of this
one Claire
Sonia put her phone on the table. Claire and an
officer came to her. She had handcuffs on her
wrists. She was cuffed infront. Claire smiled
then sat down. She put her hands on the desk.
Sonia looked at Claire's hands
Sonia: If you accepted that he wanted to come
back to his family none of this would've
happened. You had no right to harm someone
because they told Someone else what you were
trying to do to m.... !
Claire: Shut up Sonia!
Sonia swallowed hard
Claire: I asked you to come here. You didn't miss
me so I am going to do the talking and you will
sit your skinny white ass on That chair! and shut
Sonia: You speak like you're not white yourself!
The different from this white woman sitting
opposite you is she is not crazy
Claire: You're such a dumb blond. You don't
know a difference between a native American
and a white person?
Sonia mumbled
Sonia: Are you gonna tell me why I am here ?
Claire: Of course
Sonia looked annoyed already
Claire: I want you to speak to Leila and ask her
to drop the charges and i know you will do it
with no questions asked or.....
Sonia: Or what ? you're gonna inject me with a
deadly chemical? How are you going to do that
here ?
Sonia started laughing
Claire: You're not funny!
Sonia: This sounds ridiculous don't judge me for
Claire: You asked or what........?
Sonia looked at her. She looked nervous
Claire stood up and put her hands on the table.
Claire: I am going to call Hunter and tell him you
asked Elton Seputla to seduce me so that I can
forget about him !
Sonia swallowed hard then gathered her
Sonia: You wouldn't dare ! besides Hunter
wouldn't believe you !
Claire: I guess we will have to find out about
Sonia: What the hell does that mean ?
Claire: The video that went viral.... ?
Claire: If you look closely. When Elton stands up
he leaves me on the table and go speak to Tasha
and Hungani. All i have to do is ask your man to
look closely in that video if he doesn't believe
She attempted to walk away then turned
Claire: By the way I know your man's number
by head...
Tears streamed down Sonia's cheeks
Claire: I was sleeping with him remember?
Claire walked away. Sonia quickly stood up
Sonia: Claire!
Claire paused then smiled..... She slowly glanced
over her shoulder and looked at Sonia
Sonia: I will help you !
Claire turned around and smiled
Claire: You have 24 hours to get those charges
She turned around. The officer took her back in



< Narrated >
Somewhere in Johannesburg it is a day of
Sonia's shoot. She is not at her house. The shoot
is at a studio somewhere in town. We see Junaid
busy dressing Sonia up. Her kids are here and
Hunter is here too. Everyone seemed busy. Sonia
was doing the interview in between her photo
Journalist: I see you're killing it there Sonia
Sonia sat down on a chair next to the journalist
from the magazine.
Sonia: Thank you. Coming back to modeling
made me realise how much i missed being in
front of the camera
J: So tell me about that. Doesn't that affect your
job at SM ?
Sonia: It affects me more than it affects my job. I
have to work a lot. I make sure the business
don't suffer that's why I work longer hours more
than the other people. Sometimes I have to leave
work to do interviews and meetings but I am
fortunate to have an understanding boss like
J: Speak of the devil!
The journalist stood up. Sonia looked behind
her. She saw Priscella standing with flowers She
stood up and put her hand on her mouth
shocked to see Priscella after what happened
between them.
Sonia: Oh My God friend you're here !
Priscella: I wouldn't miss this moment in your
life. This is a big deal. I just came to say
Sonia took the flowers then smelt them. She
hugged Priscella
Sonia: Thank you
Priscella: You're welcome. You look beautiful. I
like the make up
Sonia: I have the best team
Priscella smiled. Sonia looked At the lady who is
interviewing her.
Sonia: Can I get five minutes she is not staying
she is going back to the office
J: Of course
Priscella and Sonia walked away followed by
Sonia Cameras
Sonia: I didn't expect to see you here
Priscella: I came to congratulate you. We will
talk about other things at the office
Sonia: Okay. Thank you so much for coming
Priscella: You're welcome. So did you go see her
Sonia: who?
Priscella: Claire ?
Sonia smiled
Sonia: Yeah. She said she was not gonna do
anything to me and I should ask Leila to drop
charges. Can you believe it ?
Priscella: She is delusional!
Sonia: I know right ?
The journalist and the photographer went to
Journalist: Since I am gonna talk about your
friendship also. I was thinking how about we get
Priscella a dress. Junaid agreed to go look for
one at his studio. We wanna take few pictures of
you two together
Priscella: I am so sorry that won't be possible
J: I.....
Priscella: I came here to congratulate my friend.
This is all about her not me. If you insist on
having a picture of us then when you guys talk
about our friendship you will go to our social
media pages and find a picture. I really have to
go to a meeting
Priscella went to Sonia. She kissed her cheek
Priscella: Kill it sis
She walked away leaving the journalist and the
photographer disappointed
Sonia: It's a sister code. We don't steal each
other's shine
J: But it was gonna be just one picture
Sonia: My friend doesn't like spotlight you
should be happy she gave you a permission to
take one of our pictures online and I have great
pictures of us you can take them from my phone
J: Great
Sonia smiled then looked at where Priscella
disappeared to. She looked concerned and guilty
for what she did the previous day.

< Judge Nomakhosazana >
Chief Khabalandile slept here. This is a perfect
time to tell him about what we planned. This is
his company too. We can't make a decision
without him. We have to tell him that we think
Sabonkolo is a good candidate. We won't say we
already hired her. Even she doesn't know that
which is good. Hence we wanna run this as an
idea to my brother in law. We called Sabonkolo
already. I hope that won't make him think that
we made a decision without him which we did
but what he doesn't know won't kill him.
Hurting him is never our intention. Nontorotyi
resigned. We had to find someone fast.
Sabonkolo can't get here until we speak to him.
We don't want him to think we do things behind
his back again. Fighting with my brother in law
is the last thing I want. I am avoiding that by all
Anyway we just had breakfast. The kids left
already for Johannesburg. I hope they are
having a great flight to Johannesbury. Anyway I
saw Princess leaving the living room
Me: Sisi Can you sit for a second?
She looked at me
Nomagampompo: Yes what's on your mind ?
Me: We need to talk to the chief about
Nontorotyi's resignation
He looked at me And smiled. I thought this
would shock him or something.
Hlohlesakhe: She came by at work telling me
that. Thank you My Queen for helping her with
finding a job
Me: You're welcome. I called the President of the
hospital. I told him about her. He said he was
about to go to a meeting. I am waiting for his call
Hlohlesakhe: That's promising. I mean if he was
gonna say no I think he would've said that on
the spot ?
Me: We are hopeful. That's all we can do right
now. Stay hopeful
I looked at sister in law
Me: You wanna tell him about the person we
think is good for the job ?
She smiled then looked at her brother.
Nomagampompo: River told us you told her you
found Sabonkolo at work yesterday? Sabonkolo
is very dedicated to the project. I know her work
first hand. She is a fast learner and she gives it
her all. She is honest and trustworthy. I think
she is the right person for the job
The chief looked at me.
Hlohlesakhe: I couldn't agree more. We need
someone we trust and we can trust her. She is
nothing like her sister. She doesn't take rushed
and risky decisions
Me: Great! I called her to come. I knew you
wouldn't have a problem with her getting the
Hlohlesakhe: She is a great choice
River smiled. I saw Siqalo walk in. He closed the
door then came to us.
Siqalo: Your Majesties my wife is here
I smiled.
Me: Send her in Siqalo
Siqalo: My Queen
He bowed then walked To the door. He opened
the door. Sabonkolo walked in then came
striaght to us. She looks nervous. With a sister
like Nontorotyi you would be nervous when
you're summoned like this. More especially
when you're summoned by your bosses who
happen to be the family your troubled sister
married to.
Sabonkolo: Good morning your highnesses
Nomahelele: How are you doing Sabonkolo ?
Sabonkolo looked at all of us.
Sabonkolo: I am nervous. I think maybe I have
done something ?
Nomagampompo: You're right. You have done
Sabonkolo sat up straight. She got more nervous.
I saw her eyes getting glassy
Me: You proved yourself to be one of the most
hard working employees in this family company
She kind of relaxed a bit when she saw a smile
in my face.
Nomagampompo: Your sister resigned.....
Sabonkolo: Why ?
Me: She is going back to her calling. I am
working on getting her a nursing job at the
Sabonkolo folded her arms on her chest then
rested on the couch.
Sabonkolo: I hope she knows how lucky she is
Everyone's eyes popped out.
Nomahelele: Of course she does! She was very
happy when she left here. Right guys?
I can see what River is Doing. If Sabonkolo don't
pull herself together the chief will ask questions
we don't have answers to
Me: She was genuinely happy
Hlohlesakhe: You don't sound happy for your
sister Sabonkolo?
Oh God! This is what River was trying to avoid! I
gave Sabonkolo the " pull yourself towards
yourself " look. She smiled.
Sabonkolo: I am happy my chief It's just that
what she did to the company was wrong
We all smiled
Hlohlesakhe: And she is going to pay every cent
Nomagampompo: So with her leaving. We are
promoting you to be the supervisor.
Sabonkolo: What!?
The chief stood up then shook Sabonkolo hand..
Hlohlesakhe: Yes Congratulations sister in law. I
will speak to Cikizwa and talk about your new
Sabonkolo: Your highnesses I don't know what
to say. Thank you To you all
Me: Make us proud. Charm those clients. Make
them come for more stock
Sabonkolo: I promise you nothing less than a
great job. Thanks again
Me: You're welcome
Nomagampompo: Go to your sister and take all
Ndengana Project documents that she has with
Sabonkolo: Okay my princess. Have a good day
all of you
We smiled. She walked out.
Nomahelele: That went well
Hlohlesakhe: This is going to make a lot of
difference for her family. Let me go to work
He went to River and kissed her cheek then
walked to the door. I looked at River and smiled.
I am just thinking about what almost happened
here. Chief Khabalandile cannot know she has a
murderer for a wife. It looks like it's two of
them. My sister is a cold blooded killer as well.

< Priscella >
I don't want to be in the spotlight everyone
knows that. I hope Sonia didn't take offense to
what i did. Sonia is a jealous person. She doesn't
want anyone to steal her spotlight. Tell me one
model that wanna be outshine by someone. I
didn't want that. This is her thing. I want her to
shine and be happy after the backlash she got
with that post she posted yesterday. I did the
right thing to send flowers myself and go
congratulate her. Anyway I was so shocked to
find out Uncle Kobus is also Nominated. I am so
happy for him he deserves it. I am just
wondering if Sonia knows. I think she knows
though. I don't think uncle would hide this from
Anyway I am at work. I am so excited today. My
house will be full of people. My brother is
coming back. My assistant will be here working
with me and the guys from the Eastern Cape will
arrive soon. I am happy they will spend a few
days here. The Queen was very kind to suggest
this for Notiniphu. Aaron is so happy. He is
walking up and down the building working. I
am sure he is motivated by all this. I can't blame
him. I know how it feels like to be away from the
one you love..
Anyway I saw him at my door ..
Me: Come in!
He opened the door then walked in
Me: Mr COO
Aaron: Hey what's up ?
Me: I just got back from Sonia's shoot. I wanna
start with work. I am going home early today.
It's gonna be an interesting day
Aaron: It is
Me: And you ?
Aaron: Your husband and Mr Kobus are taking
me to this important business man. They will
introduce me because he will be dealing with
me from now on
Me: Oh Masixole told me. How do you feel about
that? Going to Centurion now ?
Aaron: It feels good but I am not happy My lady
will arrive and not find me here
Me: You will spend a night together you will
make it up to her
Aaron: That I cannot wait for
I smiled. I saw Sonia's Assistant come in
Me: Aaron this is Philile Sonia's Assistant. Philile
this is......
Philile: The new COO nice to meet you sir
Aaron looked at me
Aaron: He's done his home work. I wonder why
he wasn't hired the first time
Me: Don't go there !
Aaron: Nice to meet you P....
Philile: Philile sir
Aaron: Prissy I am late bye
He ran out.
Me: Bye
I looked at Philile
Philile: I came to tell you I am going to Ms De
Villiers house. They went there now
Me: If there is nothing much to do go
Him: Thank you Ma'am
He turned around and looked at the door. I saw
the elevator open. I stood up when I saw Elton
and Algebra
Me: Philile stay that's my brother! and my
Assistant. I wanna introduce you
They walked in
Elton: Hey sis
Me: Hey come here !
I hugged him tight. He broke the hug
Elton: Don't get emotional on me
Me: Funny
I went to Algebra
Me: My favorite person
Algebra: Hey Prissy
We hugged. I broke the hug then looked at
Philile then at Algebra
Me: Algebra, Elton.......
Philile: O-kay
I looked at them
Me: Algebra and Elton this is Philile Sonia's
Elton: Sure
Algebra: Nice to meet you
Philile: You too guys
Me: You have a friend now Algebra
They both laughed.
Me: Can you both leave me. I wanna speak to my
Algebra: Let's go new friend
I shook my head in disbelief watching them
walk out. Elton closed the door
Elton: What's up ?
I wanna tell him about Tasha
Me: Your ex came to our house flashing an
engagement ring. She said I couldn't get
Hungani to put a ring on it in those years we
were dating and to her He did in less than a
Elton: how did she get in?
Me: I spoke to security they won't let her in
again. She didn't say it like that. She said it in
her own way but I am not dumb. I figured what
she was saying anyway. She went there to ask
me to talk to Leila for her. When i said I can't
help her with her former friend she accused me
of being jealous of her relationship with
Hungani. She said I am pretending to hate her
for what she did to you When she knows it's not
about that. She says it's about Hungani
Elton: That bitch has some nerve! who does she
think she is ?
Me: I kicked her out. You don't have to confront
her. She is not worth it
Elton: when I see her I am going to tell her to
stay away from you and our house
Me: Don't stress about it! when are you starting
shooting the Netflix mini series?
Elton: Tomorrow. I know my lines already. I am
Me: And i am happy for you and I am happy
you're back. I missed you
Elton: Good to know
I smiled.

< Sonia De Villiers >
I am so happy Priscella came to my photo shoot.
This means a lot to me. I am happy she is no
longer mad at me after my stupid reaction to her
nomination. I feel really stupid for how I
behaved. I feel like things will be awkward
forever between us and I don't like that. She is
my sister. I am happy for her when She achieves
something. I feel like we have a long way to go
though. Even though she came we didn't talk
about it. You can't leave problems not fixed. We
have to fix this and move on. She refused to be
part of my shoot. I want to ask her about that. I
feel like it's because we are not okay that is why
she refused. I am going to ask her if I am right or
not. I know she is very honest. She will tell me
what is going on.
Wait...... Am I supposed to talk about Claire
again? That girl is sick in the head. She is right.
She can make my life hell even in that prison
cell. I could lose Hunter. I could lose my
friendship with Priscella. The people I just
mentioned are very important in my life. If i was
a man I would say She has me by the balls. Right
now she is calling the shots but one thing
everyone needs to know is I won't be pulled by a
nose by that woman. I don't think it would be
fair for me to go to a woman who was trying to
save me and tell her to drop charges against a
crazy girl like that who tried to kill her. What
would Leila say about me if I would go beg her
to do that? Leila almost died. It was partly my
fault. She got involved into something that was
not concerning her because she cares. The
reason she found out what was in store for me is
because she confronted Claire about following
me. I can't be the one to go to Leila, A girl I now
consider my friend and tell her to drop charges?
I am a big girl. I am going to make a plan. I have
few hours and they are enough to sort all this
mess out once and for all.
Anyway We are done at my house and interview
about my life. Now we are moving to my place
of work and we gonna talk about work and my
business. This is a great strategy to get the
business people noticing but before that. I have
a meeting with someone. I asked them to go up. I
said I had a serious business meeting that I have
to attend for 30 minutes. They have no problem
with that. Priscella and the girls went to J
fashions for fitting. Lucky for me I did all that
when I went to J fashions with Philile yesterday.
I am sitting at the restaurant at Seputla Towers
waiting for the person I am having a meeting
with. I saw her walk in. I smiled then stood up.
She came to me
Me: Universe
We hugged then sat down. She looked at me
Universe: Sonia
Me: Thank you for seeing me at such short
Universe: I was just at J fashions it was not a
problem really. So what's up ?
I took my glass of wine. I looked at her then



< Sonia De Villiers >
I don't have any other options at this point. Did
you really think I would go to Leila and slap her
in the face with her kindness? What kinda
person would that make me if I went to her and
begged her to drop the charges? Why would I
ask her to to drop the charges when that girl did
something I failed to do? Having Claire behind
bars means safety for my family. I am not going
to help her but not helping her comes with lot of
risks. She is threatening to tell Hunter about
what I did with Elton and I know if that happens
this will end up in Priscella's ears and I can't
take that. I haven't fixed things with Priscella.
She is still mad at me about the Nomination
thing. If she would find out about this I would be
in hot water.
I was left with one option and I feel like this is
the only option that can help me get rid of the
problem permanently. Universe said if Claire
bothers me again I should tell her. I took her up
on her offer and this is what this meeting is
about. I want Universe to kill that girl before the
end of the 24 hours she gave me. She is
expecting to come out of jail tomorrow. I don't
think i can help her with that. What would I say
to Leila when I get to her house? That I think
Claire is a saint and she doesn't deserve to stay
in jail? That would be a slap in the face to Leila
and it would be a big fat lie. Claire deserves
prison and worse. With this meeting. I am
hoping for worse. Anyway Universe just asked
me why I wanted to see her. As much as this is
evil but I will be so relieved if she makes it
Universe: Come on tell me
Me: I am sure you heard that Leila almost got
killed by Claire
Universe: Wait I heard, is this Claire your man's
crazy ex ? I remember she is the lady I said you
should call me if she bothers you again
Me: It's her
Universe: What did she do? Or you're just trying
to help Leila?
Me: She asked me to see her today. I went to see
her. She is blackmailing me and She wants me to
persuade Leila to drop the charges and if I don't
she is going to make a phone call to my man
Universe: Did you do something?
I looked around then at her.
Me: I asked Elton to seduce her so she could stop
obsessing over my ex husband. I think she
figured out my plan now she is threatening to
tell him. My fear is not about her telling Hunter.
I am scared Priscella might be very angry
because she knows how Dangerious Claire is.
She would say I put her brother's life in danger
and she wouldn't be lying. I just don't want to
fight with my friend. That bitch gave me 24
hours Universe
Universe: Oh 24 hours that's a long time
Wow this woman? I don't think i get that but it
kinda scares me.
Me: What do you mean?
Universe: Don't worry I will take care of it
Me: How? I want her......
I looked around and leaned forward
Me: I want her eliminated
Universe: I won't take care of it like we did with
Brianna, If i do the police will suspect you guys
I put my hand on my mouth
Me: It was you ?
She smiled.
Universe: I shouldn't have said that but no, It
was my mom, I took care of the cousin ;)
Me: Wow so did Priscella......
Universe: Oh no! The elders took care of it.
Brianna was gonna come for Priscella so they
prevented that from happening. Don't tell her
about this
Me: Of course
She stood up
Me: Thank you so much Universe. I will see you
at the house. Let me go back to my interview
Universe: I am not going to Prissy's. I am
heading straight home
Me: Okay thank you
I stood up. I gave her a hug. She broke the hug
then put her hand on my shoulder
Universe: Don't worry about Claire. She won't do
anything to you
Me: Thank you
She smiled then walked away. I watched her
heading to the parking lot. I looked around then
headed to the elevator. This girl left me no
choice. I cannot go to Leila with this nonsense. I
won't let her mess up my life. Her death will
benefit my marriage. I won't watch my back all
the time.

< Priscella >
Tomorrow my brother starts work. I am very
happy and proud of him. I can't wait for him to
be on that show and I can't wait to see how he
performs as an actor. I am really curious to find
out how he will be like playing someone else. It
is good to be at work again. I love working.
Sitting and eating all day is not really my thinh. I
will be really sad when I am in my maternity
leave. I love staying busy. I saw Sonia walk to
my office. I saw her people going to her office. It
is kind of busy in there. There is lot of people
and cameras. She turned a mining company
offices into a television production building.
Sometimes I worry that she might not be able to
handle all these things at the same time. She is
very busy I won't lie but it looks like she handles
all this just fine.
Anyway she smiled then opened the door and
walked in.
Sonia: Hey
Me: Hey, Your friends have been waiting there
are you sure you're not wasting their time ?
Sonia: I won't be long. Besides they know I am
busy. Do you have a minute?
Me: Sure
She closed the door then walked to the chair
opposite my desk. She sat down.I hope she won't
talk about yesterday. I am really not in the
Sonia: Earlier when they wanted you to join the
photo shoot you refused......
Me: That was your photo shoot and your
magazine interview. I didn't get why they
wanted me to part of it
Sonia: But they explained why. They wanted to
talk about our friendship
Me: I gave them an option
Sonia: Are you sure this is not about yesterday? I
am really sorry about....
Me: Sonia that had nothing to do with that. You
and I like different things. You're a competitive
person. You don't like someone stealing your
spotlight. I have known you since we were
young. I am not into this entertainment thing
and I would appreciate if things stay that way.....
Sonia: But having you there was gonna benefit
me. I wanted you to be part of it
I smiled then I closed my laptop. I want her to
get me. I want her to hear what I am about to
Me: Growing up there was something my father
always said to me all the time when he was
telling me about how he wanted to see me do
great things. My father said he wanted me to be
a different girl. He wanted me to work hard. He
said Priscella I don't want you to pose like a
trophy on the shelve. I want you to work hard
and be respected for what you do. I don't have a
problem with models and their jobs but it's not
me. My father never wanted me to pose like a
trophy on the shelve. That life is yours and I
respect it. You're a smart woman who is
versatile. You do everything effortlessly but that
is not me. I don't wanna smile for the camera I
am sorry
She smiled.
Sonia: It's okay. I have always known that about
you. I don't know why i keep thinking you would
like it eventually
Me: I am royalty. I love my boring life it suits me
and I am happy with it
She stood up
Sonia: I won't put you on the spot again. I
promise. My friend is a royal majesty
Me: Don't you forget that !
She laughed walking out.
Me: Oh that went well
I took my father's photo frame from my desk
Me: What do you think dad?
I kissed the photo then put it down. I opened my
laptop. I heard a knock.
Me: Come in Algebra
He walked in smiling. He is so happy these days.
Algebra: Prissy when did you find Philile ?
Me: What ? You don't like him ?
Algebra: No he is cool and nice
Me: We had to call one of the guys we
interviewed and we liked him
Algebra: Okay
Me: Do you like him ?
Algebra: As friends yes
Me: You seem happy. Do you have a boyfriend?
He looked down and blushed. Is what Sonia said
Me: Oh My God you're in love
Algebra: Remember the guy I liked?
Me: Yes ?
Algebra: We made it official. We love each other
Me: Do I know him ?
His eyes widened. I could see his thoughts went
far. He smiled then looked at me
Algebra: I don't think so
Me: Okay I hope i will meet him soon
He smiled
Algebra: I hope so too
Me: Great! Was there something else?
Algebra: No! let me go to my desk
Me: Are you sure you're not tired. You were
travelling all night
Algebra: I am great ma'am. I took a shower at
your house. I am great
Me: Okay
He walked out and closed the door. He looked at
me one more time. I smiled.
Me: Is he and Prince a thing........ ?

< Elton Junior >
I am sorry if my sister expected me to just sit
back after she told me what Tasha did. I am not
going to deal with that bitch now. I have to
speak to her boyfriend man to man. If it doesn't
go well I am going to speak to her straight. This
girl must stay away from my sister. I don't want
what happened the first time i confronted them
to happen again.You see I am not a bad guy. I
am so considerate. I just wish that loose girl was
too of my sister. Priscella has a big belly as a
pregnant girl I expected her to think like one not
like a stupid fool. Why the hell would she say
such hurtful things to my pregnant sister? I hope
Hungani behaves like a grown up or we gonna
have a problem.
Anyway I had so much fun at Mozambique. I
can't wait to go back in future. It was really fun
to be away for sometime. I really had amazing
time there. I can't wait to work though. If you
think getting this acting gig will make me say no
to that Radio internship you better think again. I
am taking all of them. I am not going to use my
family to get ahead. I want to work hard. If i
wanted to use my family I would've studied
Engineering, Accounting / Finance and all those
fancy things smart people study. I wanted to be
an entertainer and I am willing to do the hard
work to get there.
Anyway with my manager's help I found out
where Hungani is and I am meeting him not so
far from my building. Oh he is already here.
Hungani: Hey i was about to leave. I have to be
in the make up room in 30 minutes
Me: Oh you got another job. Congratulations
He looked surprised
Hungani: What is this ? Another public
Humiliation? I wouldn't have came here if you
didn't say it was life and death
Me: I am not here to humiliate you dude. I did
that already and you deserved it. The reason we
are meeting here is because I don't want to
upset your girl again. Look at me thinking about
her condition
I said smiling. He kept his straight face. Great!
Hungani: Why are we here ?
Me: I can't believe I care. it doesn't look like she
cares about my sister's condition. Do you know
that bitch went to see my sister ?
He looked around then at me
Hungani: Don't call my fiancé that boy. Yes she
told me!
Me: You can't blame me. Look at how you got
her, Anyway did she tell you she told my sister
that you couldn't put a ring on her when you
dated for years and with her it didn't even take a
His eyes popped out. He didn't know did He?
Hungani: She said that ?
Me: And more..... Now I want you to tell that
SLUT to stay aWay from my building or I am
going to punch her on her stomach and make
her lose that child that was conceived the night
you two drugged me
I stood up and took out my wallet
Me: Priscella is pregnant with a child of a decent
man. She doesn't need slay Queens walking in
and out of our home with their classless
I threw Two, Two hundred notes on the table
Me: Buy yourself a meal. I am sure that R400
rands is enough
I walked away. I jogged home. I got in. I Went to
the elevator. I saw Masixole about to walk into
the elevator.
Me: Brother in law why don't we go there sit and
grab a bite
Masixole: Our chef made a great breakfast I am
still full, besides I am about to go give Prince
Nomgcwabe a tour but I can spare you few
minutes What's up?
I scratched my head and smiled. I don't know
how I will put this.
Me: Eish let's sit
He looked at me and smiled. I went and pulled
my chair. I sat down.
Masixole: O-kay
He sat down too.
Masixole: This is about that call?
Me: Yeah
Masixole: Let's hear it
Me: A friend of mine is dating this girl....
Masixole: Sure ?
Me: Every time he says he loves this girl the
response is " I do love you Paul "
Masixole: This friend's name is Paul?
I smiled
Me: Yeah. One of the guys I left to Mozambique
Masixole: I don't see anything wrong with that I
mean she says it. She does love Paul
Me: Yeah man but it's how she says it. like she
says it all the time when he tells her. Can't she
says I love you too or I love you ? That " I do love
you Paul " is kind of weird
He stood up then brushed my back
Masixole: Tell your friend he must stop
worrying about nothing. The chick loves him. Do
you know how many times I tell your sister and
don't get it back? I can't be worried because she
kisses me sometimes and not tell me. He must
be grateful that chick actually say the four letter
Me: Yeah thanks man
He smiled then walked to the elevator. I called
my girl. I saw a waiter
Me: I want nothing
Waiter: Okay
Mia: Hey
Me: Hello babe. How are you feeling ?
Mia: Tired. I wanna take a long nap
Me: Okay we will talk later. I love you
She paused.
Mia: I do love you Elton
I hung up
Me: Great! I should be grateful for that ?
I stood up then went to the elevator.

< Nontorotyi >
Last night I went to confront Gedleza for using
me. Things didn't really go as I planned them to.
He told me the ancestors were behind that. The
poor man had no idea that he helped me do
what I did. I am not even sure if he is telling the
truth. Honestly I don't trust anyone who is close
to the palace. I feel like he is playing mind
games with me like he did when he helped me
kill a sangoma. I must say I am so relieved
Ngejiwe left this morning. I don't think I would
want her to see me look like this. I have been
drinking myself to sleep. Last night I drank to
sleep. My breakfast was had with a glass of
wine. When I finished it I went to my favourite. I
have been drinking Vodka all morning. I am a
mess. I don't know what I would do if Judge
would say I should go to work she got me the
job. I am falling apart as expected. I killed a
human being. I can't be normal after what I said.
In my language what I did is called "
Ubugebenga " I am a murderer! " Ndisisigebenga
" I attacked a woman until I killed her. Last night
I woke up from a dream. I was drowning in a
pool of blood which got me thinking. Is this my
new normal? When will my nightmares stop ?
Am I gonna dream about what I did for The rest
of my life ? This is crazy. I can't do this. I cannot
do this anymore. I do not think I am strong for
this. I feel like I need to talk to someone. I feel
like Nomahelele is the perfect person to talk to
about this but would that woman give me her
time after everything? Gedleza told me she is
livid. I don't think I can do this. I don't think I
can go to her and even if I do, I doubt she would
wanna help me.
Anyway someone is knocking at the door. I stood
up. I saw Deliwe coming.
Me: I got it Deliwe
Deliwe: Okay Madam Queen
I blinked twice then went to the door. I feel like I
am drunk. I hope it's not someone who will
make me feel embarrassed to be drunk in the
morning. I opened the door. Oh My God it's My
sister. I haven't seen her since, Okay I saw her
yesterday at her work. She was giving me
intimidating stares.
Me: Sisi? Thank you for coming. I think we do
Sabonkolo: You look like a mass
I smiled then looked at the coffee table. I ran
and took the bottle.
Me: I didn't drink all of it. It was a qouta not a
half or full. I am not an alcoholic
She was looking around.
Me: Take a seat
I said walking to the dustbin
Sabonkolo: I am not here to stay
I threw the bottle then turned around
Me: Oh ?
Sabonkolo: Nonto.....
Me: Thank you for coming to see....
Sabonkolo: I am not here to see you! I am here
to take the work files. I have just been promoted.
I am taking your job
Me: Wow. Congratulations sis....
I said running to her, She gave me a hand. I
paused then looked down shamefully
Sabonkolo: The Files Nontorotyi!
Me: Sis are you sure you're going to do this job
well? You didn't even pass.....
Sabonkolo: Woman Ndengana project files!!!!!
She screamed then broke down. I got so much
fright. I put my hands on my mouth
Me: I am so sorry.
Sabonkolo looked at the dustbin. Oh My God she
is tempted to attack me with that bottle I just
dropped there ?
Sabonkolo: I won't say files again
I attempted to run to my husband's study. I
heard a knock at the door. I wiped my tears. I
saw my sister quickly wiping her tears as well. I
opened the door. I saw two young Sangomas.
God tell me I am not crazy. Tell me I am not
seeing anymore Sangomas. What if they are
haunting me. I felt tears threatening to come out
of my eyes. I have to be strong or they will see I
am guilty.
Me: Hello
Sangoma1: Can we come in ?
Me: Yeah sure
They walked in. Sabonkolo looked at me. I
smiled then closed the door.
Me: This is a royalty house. Guests anncouce
their visit. Can I help you ?
Sangoma2: Mama came here yesterday. She
didn't come home
Me: Who is your mother?
Sangoma1: Mangqazula, We call her mama. She
is our teacher
Me: Oh she came here ?
Sangoma2: Yes yesterday in the afternoon
Me: No! We didn't see her. If She came maybe I
wasn't home
Sangoma1: That is strange. I wonder where she
is....? She said she had a message for your
Me: My daughter is in Johannesburg
Sangoma2: We apologise for coming here. We
are just worried
I went to the door and opened
Me: I understand but she is not here
I said walking away leaving the door open for
them to walk out. They walked out. I saw
Sabonkolo running to the door. She closed the
door then turned around and leaned on it.
Sabonkolo: You killed her didn't you ?
Me: Sis?
Sabonkolo: Don't sis me! Ngejiwe told me what
happened. You didn't want her to find out. If
that woman came back to finish what she
started that gives you enough reason to kill her
Me: Sisi
Sabonkolo: Oh My God! You did it! My brother
wanted to expose you. What did you do? You
killed him! What would stop you from killing
someone you don't care about?
I put both my hands on my mouth and broke
She opened the door. She ran out
Me: I didn't d....
She slammed the door behind her. " You did it
didn't you ? " said Deliwe behind me. Oh not her
too! I quickly turned around
Me: You scared me!
Deliwe: You meant literally when you said you'd
get rid of her. You killed her!
Me: I had no choice
Deliwe: But you promised?
I cried so hard.
Me: I know!



< Tasha >
Hungani and i happen to be working in the
same building today which is amazing because I
will see him so many times. I was worried that I
might see him in the morning and at night. You
know how damaging a soapie can be. You just
don't have time for social life as you have to
shoot five days a week and so many hours a day.
It is break time from shooting. He wants to see
me and he doesn't sound okay on the phone. I
wonder what happened. I really don't want to
fight with this man. We are doing so well at the
moment. I have been worried about what
Hungani said about Priscella telling Leila but I
feel like she didn't tell her. If she did I know
Leila would have came to my house or called
me. I haven't heard from her and that means
one thing. Priscella didn't tell her and that is
good for me because I am not ready to give up. I
will keep going to talk to her at her house or at
the job till she gives me time to explain. Leila is
my best friend. The only friend I have and the
only person I talk to when I have a problem. I
can't just give up on our friendship like that. I
know she almost died because of my big mouth.
I hope she will forgive me eventually.
Anyway like I said I am meeting Hungani for
lunch. I saw him sitting. I smiled then walked to
him. I went to his chair. I kissed his lips then sat
down. I see he already bought me lunch. How
sweet. But something is wrong. I can see the
intensity in his eyes. He is angry with me. I
wonder what I did this time.
Me: Hey baby
I sat down. He didn't even stand up to pull out a
chair. I sat down
Me: Thank you for lunch
Hungani: Sure
I smiled at him. Okay this is not funny. He is
cold. I have never seen him like this.
Me: Baby are you okay ?
Hungani: I got a visit from your ex
I took my juice then sipped on it. I can't
remember any ex. I don't think any of my exes
would have a gut to come and speak to my man
Me: I thought Elton was in Mozambique to a
Hungani: Oh look who is obsessed with that
family now
What's that supposed to mean now? I thought
we were done fighting. I almost died because I
was upset. I don't know why he is trying to upset
me again.
Me: I know because i was supposed to be part of
it until I messed up
Hungani: Your visit to Priscella. You insulted her
telling her she can't help you because she is
jealous of us. Really Tasha?
See what I am talking about? Priscella couldn't
wait to talk to Hungani! it looks like I brought
her back into our lives. Maybe going there
wasn't a good idea
Me: Priscella came running to you!?
Hungani: I told you it was your ex who came to
me and if you didn't go see Priscella we wouldn't
be here right now!
I looked down.
Me: I am sorry. I was desperate
Hungani: Someone who is desperate don't insult
people they need help from!
Me: Baby it was after she said no
Hungani: Priscella claims you insulted her the
minute you walked in by saying she couldn't get
a ring from me when she was with me for years
and you made me propose in less than a month
Oh My God she got that? I meant it but I thought
i did it in a smart way that she wasn't gonna get.
I was stupid to think such a smart woman would
not get what I was trying to say. I looked down
Hungani: This is a public place Tasha you can't
cry. You know what you did. I don't know why
you crying now as if you're being accused. You
know what you did !
Me: I am sorry
He stood up then walked away leaving me. Wow
every time we fight it has something to do with
the Seputlas. Why that family can't leave us
alone!!! They are ruining my relationship again.
I don't know why Elton is doing this. Priscella is
old enough to fight her battles. How can she do
something like this? She knew Elton was gonna
tell Hungani that is why she had to tell him all
the details.

< Nomahelele >
I am thinking about how I went to demand an
apology when I didn't even deserve it. This is
funny and it almost backfired. I don't know
what would've happened if Gedleza didn't ask
me to leave that house. If Sdwedwe found me
there, Notaligana and Nomaxabiso were gonna
know what I did to Shosholoza which was gonna
be bad for me. I love Nomaxabiso and what she
told me about Nontorotyi shows that she trusts
me and she will follow and respect all my orders
unlike our sister wife. I am really curious to find
out if Nontorotyi still has it in her to mess with
me when I have the information I have about
her. If she messes with me again I won't be
angry. I will be more worried than angry. There
is no sane woman would keep messing with a
woman who has so much incriminating
evidence of all her crimes and still mess with
her. If Nontorotyi don't kiss my feet from now
on then I don't know but one thing I can tell you
is that, the days of underestimating that woman
are over. She is as dangerous as I am. I can't
trust her. I can't trust her at all not after what I
saw at the bridge. She killed a woman and
buried her. She is not as innocent as I thought.
Anyway she was never innocent. I just didn't
think she was capable of murder.
Anyway I am with Princess Nomagampompo
and The Queen. I have been thinking. That
woman Nontorotyi killed might have said
something at her house. She must have told
them she is coming here. I just want us to talk
about what we will say. My husband knows
Nontorotyi went and stopped Ngejiwe from
speaking to that woman but he doesn't know she
killed the woman and it is going to stay that
way, at least I hope it does.
Me: Guys do you think That traditional healer
didn't tell anyone when she was coming here?
NomaKhosazana: I haven't thought about that, I
am sure they are worried about her because
Obviously she didn't get home yesterday
Me: Now what are we gonna say if that family
comes here looking for her ?
Nomagampompo: We say she came then left
that's it
Me: Yeah. Iet's hope they will take our word for
NomaKhosazana: Me too cuz.....
Nomagampompo: Actually I don't think we have
to get involved. We didn't see that woman and
that is a fact. I don't think they would have a
nerve to show their faces here
Me: You're right. Let's hope Nonto......
The door flew open. Sabonkolo ran in. Where is
Siqalo? I stood up so did the princess and the
Me: Sabonkolo isn't your husband out there?
This is A royal palace. You're not supposed to
just barge in dear!
Oh My God she is crying. I saw Siqalo running in
Siqalo: I apologise for my wife's behavior your
Majesties. She didn't wanna listen. Forgive her.
She is going through.....
NomaKhosazana: Siqalo you don't have go
explain we know
The Queen looked at the kitchen
Nomakhosazana: Someone in there bring water!
I looked at Siqalo
Me: Siqalo I think you need to leave us
Siqalo: Oh?
Nomagampompo: Yes Siqalo I think this is a
family matter. Your wfe will tell you at home
Siqalo bowed then walked out. A servant came
with water
NomaKhosazana: Drink and tell us what is
wrong. We are going to help
Sabonkolo gulped the glass of water. I took the
glass then sat down
Sabonkolo: Nontorotyi has to be committed to a
mental institution please help her
We looked at each other then at her.
Me: Did something happen?
Sabonkolo: When I left here I said I was going
there to get the files. I have A reason to believe
she killed the Sangoma who wanted to tell
Ngejiwe the truth
We all looked down
Sabonkolo: Oh My God you knew!? Did yo.....
Me: Oh no! We didn't do anything! After
everything She did and what she was trying to
do to me I made a commitment that I am going
to follow her wherever she goes
The Queen and The princess smiled. I got this
they must watch and learn.
Me: Yesterday I saw that woman leaving the
house with Nontorotyi. They got to her car and
drove out. I followed them. I parked at a
distance then walked to a near by forest at
Mdumbi river near the Bridge
I took out my phone.
Me: I don't know how she did this in her car but
when she walked out of the car she was carrying
a dead body
Sabonkolo watched
Sabonkolo: Oh My God
Princess looked at me and nodded yes. I looked
at my sister she also smiled.
Sabonkolo: She has to be stopped. My Queen she
hates you and Queen River. She might do this to
you and to me for being a threat. She knows I
hate what she did to our brother
NomaKhosazana: She knows you're protecting
her. She won't kill you
Me: Remember what you said to me Sabonkolo ?
She looked at me crying
Me: You said you don't want her dead or in jail.
We don't want that too. You were protecting
your sister. And I hope you understand when we
say Your sister is not sick and she won't be
Sabonkolo: Why ? I don't understand.
She said looking at all of us.
Me: She did that to protect a family secret. Her
secret became ours now. My darling is not
gonna be a laughing stock in this village! If this
comes out it's over. There is no man of mine that
will be lebelled as weak not when he is a leader
and a chief of this village. Remember if she can
kill her brother for this, A nobody like
Nomgqabhuzo is nothing to her!
Nomakhosazana laughed silently. Oh God I
probably said the name wrong. It doesn't matter
the point went across didn't it ?
Me: The same reason you wanted to protect
your sister. It is the same reason we want to
protect the Ndengana son, My husband
NomaKhosazana: Nontorotyi is not a danger to
us and you, trust me. We just made you a
supervisor. The ancestors are watching you and
Siqalo. Nothing will happen to you
Sabonkolo: You promise?
Nomagampompo: I swear on my father's grave.
Nothing will happen to you and your family
Sabonkolo: Thank you Guys. I need to go to work
and check on these files
Nomagampompo: You better go remember I am
your boss. I know you're supposed to be
working now
Sabonkolo: Hihihi bye your highnesses
She said giggling running out. We looked at each
other then put our hands together The three of
us. We saw Siqalo coming in
Siqalo: Your Majesties whatever you said to her
Thank you. I see a smile in her face again
Nomakhosazana: We are family Siqalo
Me: We got you
He bowed then walked out. Princess
Nomagampompo looked at me
Nomagampompo: My brother never made a
mistake by falling for you. You are the best
woman he has ever been with
Me: Thank you sister in law
I let out a heavy sigh. That went well didn't it?

< Narrated >
It is after the confrontation Nontorotyi had with
her sister and Deliwe. We see Deliwe in the
Kitchen sniffing cleaning. It looks like Deliwe is
scared. She doesn't trust her boss and she
doesn't feel safe around her. It looks like if she
didn't know so much she would just quit the job
but she knows a lot and she knows the family
would never let her go. Nontorotyi is in the
living room drinking. She stood up and headed
to the Kitchen. It looks like she wants to speak to
Ma Deliwe. We see her enter the Kitchen. Ma
Deliwe quickly started wiping the cabinet
avoiding eye contact. Nontorotyi breathe in and
Nontorotyi: Can we talk?
Deliwe: Madam you're changing and you're
letting the monster take over! I specifically said
don't do it!
Nontorotyi went to the kitchen table. She pulled
a chair then sat down.
Nontorotyi: I am going to tell you what
happened please stop what you're doing. You're
wasting my Handy Andy. We both know there is
no dirt on that cupboard
Ma Deliwe turned around. She wiped her tears
then sat down.
Deliwe: I know a lot. Sometimes I feel like I will
slip up and say things I shouldn't say
Nontorotyi touched her hand
Nontorotyi: I know, I know Deliwe but you need
to understand why things happen and why they
should be kept a secret
Deliwe: I don't want to tell anyone but
sometimes when someone offers you a cup of
tea or coffee you end up saying things. Where
would I end up if i tell someone then end up
ruining this family and end up without a job?
Nontorotyi: Deliwe our answers are powerful,
yes know they can be unfair sometimes.....
Nontorotyi started getting emotional
Nontorotyi: All the time these ancestors are hush
on me. They always have no mercy on me
Deliwe squeezed her hand
Deliwe: Oh Madam but that is no excuse to kill
Nontorotyi looked down then up
Nontorotyi: You said you keep so many secrets.
Do you really want me to tell you what
Deliwe: I already know what you did so you
might as well take me through it Madam Queen
Nontorotyi: Okay.......
She exhaled
Nontorotyi: When we left. We were talking in
the car. I told her we can't let her see my
daughter. She said she is going to send a
lightening to whoever is blocking her from
seeing my daughter. I was scared. I was very
very scared Deliwe
Deliwe: That is bad Madam Queen. So what did
you do ?
Nontorotyi stood up. Tears were running down
her cheeks.
Nontorotyi: The less you know, the better. All I
can say is.......
Ma Deliwe was looking at her scared
Nontorotyi: I still have nightmares. Alcohol
helps me forget just for the little while it's still in
my system. Once i get sober the nightmares
come back
Deliwe: I am a child of God. I don't think I
wanna know the details, Maybe you're right
madam Queen. I don't have an escape, I don't
think I would handle the Horror
Nontorotyi: That's exactly what I thought....
Good decision Deliwe and.....
Nontorotyi looked around
Deliwe: Yes Madam?
Nontorotyi: When someone comes here looking
or asking questions we tell them that sangoma
left alone before she could see me. I wasn't
Deliwe: Of course
Nontorotyi smiled then walked out of the
kitchen. She got to the living room. She took the
bottle then drank from it.

At Seputla mine in Priscella's office. She is busy
working. A telephone rings. She looks at it then
pick it up.
Priscella: Algebra?
Algebra: Ma'am Mr Ndengana is coming up. He
wanna know if you're free?
Priscella: Send him up I can spare him few
Algebra: Okay ma'am
Priscella hung up. She looked at her computer.
Her cell phone rang. She took it from her desk.
She looked at it then threw it away. She started
angry typing
Priscella: You have some nerve to show your
face in my house, Insult me and give me a call
after that !?
She heard a knock at the door. She looked up
then smiled.
Priscella: come on in
Masixole walked in
Masixole: Busy day ?
Priscella stood up
Priscella: Not really
They kissed
Priscella: What brings you here?
Masixole sat down. Priscella put her hands on
his shoulders and massaged him.
Masixole: Oh yes don't stop babe
Priscella: I will stop
Masixole: Okay I will keep quiet
Priscella: What are you talking about ? I want
you to tell me why you're here
Masixole: Oh, can I ask you a question?
Priscella walked to her chair
Priscella: Yes?
She sat down.
Masixole: I want to know this from a girl's
Priscella: Okay..........?
Masixole: There is this friend of ours, Whenever
he tells his girl that he loves her, The girl always
say " I do love you....," then say his name. He
says this girl always respond like this
Priscella: He must dump her
Masixole: What ?
Priscella didn't smile at all.
Priscella: I am serious baby! He must dump that
Masixole: But babe I don't understand why ?
Priscella: This girl does love the guy....
Masixole: Okay? Isn't that good enough?
Priscella: Baby There are three reasons and one
of them is the right one and all of the reasons
are gonna put the guy in danger
Masixole: What kinda danger ?
Priscella: depends. Anyway let me go through
the reasons I think she response like this
Masixole: O-kay?
Priscella: First one she might not have been with
him for the right reasons then along the way she
fell in love, Two she loves him and she feels bad
that She is gonna betray him and three. This
relationship won't last because this girl might
have done something that she thinks might not
be forgivable, something that might upset the
Masixole swallowed hard. He looked
Masixole: Baby that sounds scary
Priscella: Trust me that guy can't waste time
with this girl! she is poison
Masixole stood up then stole a kiss from
Masixole: Thank you my Doctor Eve. The love
expect ;)
He winked at her then ran to the door
Priscella: hey!
Masixole paused. He didn't turn around.
Masixole: I was hoping you won't ask and please
don't because I don't know who it is
Priscella: Who is it Masixole?
Masixole turned around
Masixole: That's what Elton wanted to ask me
Priscella stood up
Priscella: Oh my God!
Masixole: Before you get upset it's not him. He
said it's one of the guys he went to Mozambique
with. He said his name is John or Paul. I think
Paul yes
Priscella: Oh but do tell him to tell his friend
Masixole opened the door
Masixole: Can you not tell EJ that I told you? He
told me because he trusts me. I don't want him
to feel like he can't trust me anymore and you
know if....
Priscella didn't wait for him to finish
Priscella: If he knows you tell me everything
about what you guys talk about, he won't tell us
anything if he can't trust you I know. I won't say
a word but you better say something sir
Masixole smiled
Masixole: I will ;)
He winked then walked out. Priscella smiled
then sat down.
Priscella: Girls !
Her phone rang again. She took it. It's Tasha. She
declined then blocked her number
Priscella: Problem solved!
At Seputla house. We see Guys from the Eastern
Cape and Elton In the living room talking and
drinking. We see Prince Phonqa and Prince
Nomgcwabe going to the balcony. It looks like
Prince Phonqa wanna speak to his brother. You
can guess what this is about.......
Nomgcwabe: I was out of the country that is
why I couldn't send you the data
Phonqa: Send it now
Prince Nomgcwabe took out his phone. He
looked annoyed and Prince Phonqa seemed to
enjoy seeing his brother sweat
Nomgcwabe: You know that whatever you're
insinuating is not true. When I get tired of you
blackmailing me I am going to.....
Phonqa: Tell the Queen or Mom?
Prince Nomgcwabe sent the data bundles.
Phonqa received the data. He smiled
Phonqa: Thank you big br.....
Nomgcwabe: Enjoy it while it last, Because
you're not getting it again
He attempted to open the door
Phonqa: They are trying to find you a wife!
Prince Nomgcwabe paused, His hand e as
shaking holding the door. He then removed his
hand from the door. He turned around
Nomgcwabe: You're not funny
Phonqa: Prince they want Mrs Refilwe to find
you a girl from North something
Prince Nomgcwabe started panicking. He started
getting sweaty. Prince Phonqa went closer to
Phonqa: I have a plan or you can take it as an
advice. I swear it will help you escape this
Nomgcwabe: What is that?
Prince Phonqa looked at others through the
glass. He looked at his brother.
Nomgcwabe: I am listening ?
Phonqa: Convince mother and the family that
you're mommy's little boy......
Prince Nomgcwabe got angry looking at his
brother. He took that as an insult.
Nomgcwabe: Now you're speaking nonsense!
Phonqa: Show them that you're inspired by her
decision not to marry
Prince Nomgcwabe smiled and put his hand on
his mouth. He couldn't believe this, His face
relaxed a bit. He smiled
Nomgcwabe: You got my attention
Phonqa: Tell mama that you don't want to get
married. You think that what she did was
Nomgcwabe: You my little brother are a genius !
Phonqa: If mom says no which I know She and
the Queen will. You remind them that they owe
us a favour. You and I lived our whole lives not
knowing our dad only to find out later that he
was right under our noses
Phonqa: Or......
Prince Phonqa looked around
Nomgcwabe: Or what ?
Phonqa: Or you can just save yourself some
trouble and just tell them that you're a faggot
He said laughing Prince Nomgcwabe lost his
Phonqa: But I wouldn't encourage the second
advise because it will mean no more data for me
month end ;)
Prince Phonqa winked at his brother then
walked away leaving Prince Nomgcwabe with a
lot to think about
Nongcwabe:.......... ?
Phonqa: Am I good or am I good ?



< Sonia De Villiers >
I had to call Universe. I thought this would be
done by now. I want to know what is going on. I
am scared for my life. Ms Refilwe and Priscella
can't find out that I did what I did. It's way past
24 hours and I haven't received a call About
Claire. I know people must be asking themselves
why am I worried about Claire telling my
husband when I can deny and say why would I
set them up when Hunter already had a
restraining order as an assurance of his loyalty
to me. Trust me that came to mind but my
husband, Aaron and Masixole are friends. If he
shares this with them it will go straight to
Priscella. That woman knows when I am lying
besides, Even if I manage to convince her that
Claire's claims are not true she will still go to
Elton and shout at him asking him why he was
with Claire at the restaurant that day. I don't
want Elton to be in trouble because of me. I care
so much about him and I really appreciate that
he would do anything for me. He is like a
biological brother to me. We take care of each
other. We always did. That is why I don't want to
mess up our relationship. If Elton and Priscella
would cut ties with me I would be alone. I just
can't live without them that is why I want Claire
out of the picture before she hurts people I care
about. Again, I am never going to Leila and ask
her to do something like this. If she gets that girl
out, Claire is coming for me and Leila. No one
wants that. I don't want it. I don't want my
children hurt by that crazy lunatic woman. She
is unstable. We don't need people like her
around us.
Anyway I am calling Universe to ask what is
going on. She promised to take care of this. I
should be sitting this on the news right now but
there is nothing about Claire's passing.
Universe: Hey girl
Me: Hey
I heard a knock at my hotel room door. I am in
Durban. I have been here for two days. We are
leaving today thank God.
Me: Hold on a second
I went to the door and opened the door. It's the
other producer. Jerry
Jerry: We are leaving in thirty minutes. We have
to walk out together
Me: I will be down in 15
He smiled. I closed the door
Me: Hey thanks for holding. I want to know
what is going on. I haven't heard anything
Universe: You need to relax. I got this
Me: Friend it's been days now and no news
about her death. I am scared for my life! she has
something on me
Universe: She hasn't contacted you or your
husband yet right ?
Me: No and I am surprised she hasn't contacted
Universe: Sonia friend I told you we can't use
the same thing that happened to the other two. I
got This. I told you that I won't let her do this to
you. Just trust me. I am going to kill her but not
that way. I just need a way and in the meantime
you have to trust me
Me: It's way past the time she gave me. I am
worried she might act on....
Universe: Sonia Relax. If she didn't do anything
when her deadline passed then that means She
won't. I am making sure she doesn't do anything.
I know you want details but I I can't give you.
Just trust me
I smiled.
Me: Okay I trust you friend
Universe: Just enjoy yourself in Durban
Me: Thank you
I hung up. I need to call Bhembeha and find out
if this woman doesn't ask her anything. I am
nervous here. The girls can see I am not having
a good time. I don't like them and their
company. We just don't have anything in
common. I dialled Bhembeha's number then cut
it off before it rang. I need to call Elton just to
ask how everything is going. I don't want to tell
him that Claire threatened me though. If many
people know things might go bad. I can't afford
that. I dialled his number. Before I pressed the
Yes button my phone rang. It's The Radio DJ. I
smiled then answered
Me: Hey my friend
Him: Hey how are you?
Me: Great! I am about to leave Durban. How are
you ?
Him: I am good. I just saw an article. Elton
Junior is currently shooting a Netflix series. Do
you think he will still be on board to work with
us? That boy is already a star
I smiled. You know I didn't even think about
this. I hope he won't break my heart. I can't go
begging people to hire him only for him to pull
out now. I won't get favours from friends if I am
not reliable.
Me: How about I give him a call right now and
Him: Please come back to me immediately. I
kind of said something on air accidentally so I
don't wanna seem like a liar
Me: Don't worry I will call Him right away
Him: Okay
I hung up then dialled Elton's number
Elton: Hey
Me: You good ?
Elton: I am great yeah. What about you? How is
Me: Boring without Prissy. My friend, The DJ
called me. He is worried that you might not join
The show. He knows you're currently shooting a
Elton: No tell him nothing is changed. I am
looking forward to this
Me: Wow thank you! Elton you have no idea
how relieved I am. I was gonna hate
disappointing him. He seems excited to have you
on the show
Elton: Tell him I am still on board
Me: Okay bye !
I hung up then went to my WhatsApp. I texted
Me: he is As excited to work with you as you are
to work with him
I put my phone in my handbag then started
packing. I can't wait to go home. This trip was a
disaster for me but great for the show. And these
women had so much fun.

< Narrated >
In a luxury Boutique in Sandton. We see Ms
Refilwe, The Queen, River, Nomaxabiso, May,
Emily who is May's friend and a few other
ladies. They were sitting on the couch having
champagne. Shopping bags were in front of
them. It is four days before the wedding day. We
see River standing up. She went to the sales
person who was serving them drinks.
River: Can I get two bottles of water. Two of us
are pregnant
Lady: Wow congratulations! water coming right
The lady walked away. River turned around and
aaccidentally bumped into her cousin sister May
Nomahelele: MAY
May: I see you're Great at this polygamy thing
May Said sipping her drink.
River smiled.
Nomahelele: You know Me, I am good at
She attempted to walk away
May: Yeah....... We are good at everything. That's
River turned around
May: And also kind til we get to the point where
we can't take the disrespect anymore
Nomahelele: Who are we talking about now ?
May looked at Nontorotyi who was gulping a
glass of Champagne after another.
May: her! I think you need to stop her. She is not
drinking like a decent woman. She is in the
presence of wealthy women. She must at least
act like she has a thousand rands in her
River laughed
Nomahelele: I will be right back
River walked to Nontorotyi. She tapped her
shoulder. Nontorotyi looked at River
Nomahelele: Can we take a walk around ?
Nontorotyi stood up. They walked away from
Nomahelele: I want this to be a beautiful trip
with no drama
Nontorotyi: Me too that is why my mouth is only
drinking alcohol
Nomahelele: What if you get drunk and start
drama. I think you've had enough to drink.
You're in the presence of wealthy and decent
women. You can't drink like this. Everyone is in
their first glass and how many you had?
Nontorotyi gulped her drink then raised a glass.
Nontorotyi: I think this is the fourth one
Nomahelele: And that's the last one !
Nontorotyi looked away then broke down. River
looked around making sure no one sees this. She
looked at Nontorotyi
Nomahelele: What is wrong ?
Nontorotyi looked at her then around and back
at River.
Nontorotyi: The first time you killed someone......
River looked down looking guilty. Nontorotyi
wiped her tears then looked at River
Nontorotyi: How did you handle it?
River exhaled
Nomahelele: I kept reminding myself the
reasons why I did what I did
Nontorotyi: And the nightmares ?
Nomahelele: They go away eventually. You just
need to tell yourself that you did what you had
to do. What you did was brave and a lot of
people might say cruel but you were trying to
protect your daughter. I don't have a child but I
understand women who go the extra mile to
protect their children. Nontorotyi You need to be
Nontorotyi: Yeah.....I think I will be after another
Nomahelele: Not gonna happen !
River turned around and saw Nomaxabiso
approaching them with two bottles of water.
Nomahelele: This was supposed to be yours but I
think our sister wife need both these bottles
Nontorotyi: No, I need another drink!
Nomahelele: No you don't
River took one bottle and gave it to Nontorotyi
Nomahelele: Drink up
Nontorotyi took the bottle then drank water.
River and Nomaxabiso walked back to others.
The Queen stood up.
NomaKhosazana: How is she doing?
Nomahelele: She is a bit drunk nothing water
can't fix
NomaKhosazana: Great
Nomaxabiso: Is she okay though? This is not
only about Alcohol
NomaKhosazana: She is a drama Queen. You
know her. I am sure she will be fine
Nomaxabiso smiled then looked at Nontorotyi

At a distance, Nontorotyi is standing alone. Busy
on her phone. We see May smiling and walking
towards Nontorotyi
May: It's good to know that you are trying to like
my sisters
Nontorotyi: They are good women. I guess I was
intimidated by them. They have big
personalities and I see that in you too
May: Yeah......
May put her hand on Nontorotyi's shoulder then
May: And we have multiple lives. We die hard.
My mother died because she saw me getting
shot by my then Fiancé at my wedding.....
May: I am sure you're asking how I survived and
how did that son of a bitch die and trust me he
died. He is a father to my two amazing twin boys
but that didn't stop me from killing him. I ended
Nontorotyi looked scared and intimidated by
May Smiled and massaged Nontorotyi's shoulder
May: I lost count on how many lives I took.
Killing to me is easy
Nontorotyi got uncomfortable. She was scared.
May Smiled.
May: By the way, Whoever messes with my
family die a painful death
Nontorotyi: We do everything for family
May: True that, We even kill family to protect
family and whoever has a problem with those
two girls....
May Said pointing at The Queen and River who
were talking to Refilwe and laughing. Nontorotyi
looked at them
May: Has a problem with Me!
May walked to her cousins. Nontorotyi went to
the bottle of Champaign. She grabbed a glass
then poured for her. She gulped it
We see Nomaxabiso walking to Nontorotyi
Nomaxabiso: Are you okay ?
Nontorotyi: Why wouldn't I be? I am living the
life. Sipping expensive Champagne darling
She looked away, a tear escaped her eye.
We see River walking to them
Nomahelele: My sister wives !
Nontorotyi: I will just drink i won't speak I
promise you
Nomahelele: It's fine. At least we are leaving

< Tasha >
I called Priscella. She is not taking my calls and I
don't blame her. When I think about this I feel
like I crossed a line. But I feel like she and I
needed and I still think we still do, I think we
need to address the elephant in the room and
that elephant is Hungani. I need to know how
she feels about me and Hungani being together.
I desperately need an answer to that without
being labelled as this bad person. I want to
know how she feels about our relationship and
him. Speaking of Hungani. I haven't spoken to
him ever since he walked out on me at Lunch. I
am worried sick. What if I am going to lose him?
I brought drama in his life. Ever since we started
dating he is always fighting with Elton and that
is all my fault.
Anyway I just got to the hotel. I need to go back
to work. This couldn't wait. I need to speak to
Leila. I need to tell her that I didn't mean what I
said. I was not thinking straight when I
confronted Claire. It was just me trying to help
someone I see messing up her life. I messed up
mine. I was lucky to get out of it. I wanted the
same for Claire but clearly I couldn't get through
her crazy head and that cost me my best friend.
I will not give up on Leila. I am going to keep
coming to her work place until she agrees to see
me. I got in. I met the security guy. He didn't say
anything. He pointed out. I saw Leila walking to
the parking lot. I ran out of the hotel and ran
after her.
Me: Leila!
She turned around smiling. Once she saw me
her smile disappeared. She turned and looked at
her car
Me: Please
Leila: What do you want from me ?
Me: Friend Claire started flirting with my Fiancé
in front of me, Calling him handsome.....
Leila looked at me.
Leila: Making it about yourself again! so because
you wanted to hurt her you didn't care that you
were hurting me more as long you do what
makes you feel Good!
Me: That is not true. I got angry. I asked her to
stop messing with Sonia and Priscella because
they will ruin her life. I was looking out for her.
I didn't mean to say what She said to you I swear
Leila: Like you didn't mean what you said to
Priscella accusing her of being jealous of your
I looked down. Oh Great. She called her and told
her everything. I should've known she would do
this. She is determined to steal my best friend
from me.
Leila: Tasha where do you get the nerve to go to
a house of a boy You drugged? A boy who loved
you, Bought you clothes! took you to places only
to be betrayed and cheated on!
Me: I went there to ask Her to help me talk to
you. Leila you were ignoring me
Leila: So because she couldn't help You decided
to hurt her like you were trying to hurt Claire by
telling her what I told you!?
Me: Leila I am trying
Leila: Trying ? You call all these crazy things you
do trying ? You insulted Priscella. You insulted a
woman you never apologised to for the things
you did to her family !
Tasha: I lost my car. They sued me. Isn't that
Leila looked at me then shook her head
Leila: You think money fixed everything? That
was not about the money. You know they don't
need it! If you were a decent person you
would've Apologise to them. You owe them that
much. Elton loved you. Hungani was dating
Priscella and you were both there as their
partners. Do you really think what you did was a
good thing?
I folded my arms on my chest. I looked away.
Me: I tried calling her to apologise. She didn't
take my calls
Leila: When was that ?
Me: Today !
Leila: Let me guess..... Hungani found out and
asked you to apologise?
Me: No......
Leila: Or you thought about it and realised that
she might call me and tell me and you were
afraid that it will make things worse between us
I looked down. That one is correct but I won't
confirm it to her.
Leila: Unbelievable!
Me: I don't want Priscella and I fights affect us.
You know her through me. We can't le....
Leila: Wait..... Repeat what you said ?
Me: We can't le.....
Leila: No the second part! I know her through
You really !?
I started thinking then swallowed hard when I
realised I just lied.
Leila: Remember the first time I started baking
cakes for them? I took you there with me! That
was when you met Elton! don't you dare stand
there and lie here!
Me: Okay fine but You and I are friends !
Leila: You and I are not friends! we never were.
I was just your cheerleader! I can't believe it
took so long for me to see that I was just a fan
cheering you! I don't care about the life you're
starting in 2020. I am a chef. I don't care about
the shows you're gonna be in and I would rather
not have a celebrity for a friend if it means
being friends with you........
Me: Wow
Leila: And don't ever mess up the relationship I
have with the only friends I have right now. Stay
away from Priscella!
She opened the door of her car. She got in then
started the engine. I put my hand on another car
crying and breathing heavily. I cannot believe
this. I can't believe Leila said such ugly things to
me. How can she do this to me as if I hurt her
intentionally. First of all I didn't send Brianna to
shoot her and I didn't ask her crazy ex to try and
kill her. Why am I such a bad person to her. A
real friend wouldn't do what she is doing to me.

< Priscella >
A lot has happened the past few days. My dress
is done. The ladies dresses are almost done. The
boys have their suits already and they are here
at home. My mother is back in the country and
the Queen and the ladies are in Johannesburg to
buy their dresses. As we speak they went out
with mom to the boutique. I don't know why
they stayed so long though. The wedding is in
five days. This is really happening. In a few days
I will be Mrs Ndengana. That makes me happy. I
just cannot wait for the day and I am nervous
just by looking at the guest list.
I have been thinking about what my Fiancé told
me. I don't think this friend Paul exist. The guys
who went to Mozambique are here. I am going
to ask Algebra. He is knows everyone in the
room. He is a likable person. I am sure he knew
everyone's name in that trip. If there is no Paul
that means My brother is lying which I am more
certain he is. Mia is the girl with a secret. I am
not sure yet if she does but all the things
Masixole said to me make me rise eyebrows and
i am not comfortable with her dating my
brother. I am not going to act though or be nasty
to her. I can't accuse her of this until I am sure. I
can't fight with my brother. I know people who
are in love. They don't wanna listen. They lose
relationships with family and friends because
they don't wanna hear anything bad that is said
about their partners. That is why I have to make
sure I don't insinuate, I find the truth. I am going
to keep an eye on that girl. I was told she is on
her way back here.
Anyway I saw Elton coming to Masixole and I.
He is started working by the way. I am excited to
see him work
Elton: Hey guys. When is mom coming back ?
Masixole: You're back early
Elton: We started shooting at 6 am That's why I
wasn't at breakfast. I understand why they let us
go so early
Me: I am surprised You managed to wake up
Elton: I am a professional. It wasn't easy I should
thank the alarm
Masixole: So how is work?
Me: Let's go talk at lounge upstairs It's not quiet
We walked to the stairs.
Elton: Work is good. I am surprising myself
Me: Tell me you're not playing a rich kid
because you will be playing yourself
Elton: He is just an ordinary boy
Me: Good. I can't wait to watch it
Elton: Me too
We got upstairs. We sat down. Elton didn't sit
Elton: I should probably go down. Mia....
I saw her walking in
Me: Mia is here !
Elton looked then smiled.
Mia: Good afternoon
Me: Hey Mia how are you ?
Mia: I am good thanks. How are you?
Me: Good
Elton: Let's go dow.....
Me: Join us a little bit. Sit !
Mia looked at Elton. She sat down smiling.
Me: We haven't talked about your relationship
Elton: Is this really necessary sis
Masixole looked at me. I smiled .
Me: Yes it is. So are you guys a real thing?
Elton: I wouldn't have introduced her to you and
made her your bridesmaids if she wasn't my girl
Me: So you're a real thing. Tell me. Have you
said the " I love you's " Already?
Mia smiled and looked at Elton blushing
Elton: Of course. This is ridiculous. I wouldn't
date someone I don't love. I love Mia
Mia: Ahhh I love you too babe
Elton's eyes pooped out. He looked at us then
smiled. He kissed him then looked at me. Wait
why my brother looks surprised by that
response. Is it the first time this girl say it like
this? Is this girl the girl? Is my brother the " Paul
Elton: Can we go now ?
Me: Yes love birds
Mia stood up
Mia: See you later
Me: Bye girl
She smiled then walked away. I watched them
holding hands.
Masixolr: I see what you were trying to do. You
think Paul doesn't exist right? and this girl is....
Me: Did you see how surprised my brother was
when this girl said I love you too?
Masixole: Babe Elton Is not the guy he was
talking about. I am sure about it. Besides he said
the girl never say " I love you too" She says I do
love you Paul
Me: I....
I heard something fall behind us. We both
turned and looked. Oh My god
Masixole: Gedleza?
Gedleza: I apologise my King and my Queen but
I have a message from the ancestors
We both Jumped up. I knew it. Mia is bad news.
Gedleza has to confirm my suspicions
Me: Yes?
Gedleza looked at me. Yes this is about Mia! she
is bad news.
Gedleza: My Queen you have to stop Sonia!
Me: From doing what!?
Gedleza: Sonia Cannot kill Claire
Oh My God. He disappeared. I turned and looked
at Masixole
Me: Why would Sonia wanna kill Claire?
Masixole: Hunter?
Me: She went to see Claire before she went to
Durban. In fact it was Claire who wanted to see
her. I wonder what went down there......?
" Stop her now!!!" Said a voice that echoed in the
room. I heard the voice going away repeating
the same thing and fading
Me: Where is my phone ?



< Priscella >
I don't know why Sonia wants to do this. I feel
like she didn't tell me everything about her visit
to Claire. I feel like a lot happened but she
doesn't wanna tell me. I want to get to the
bottom of this. Sonia had known for a long time
that Claire doesn't like her but not a single day
she thought of murdering her. Something might
have happened at the police station. When I
visited Sonia at her photo shoot. I asked her
about her visit to Claire. She said Claire wanted
her to ask Leila to drop the charges. Claire
knows Sonia hates her, Why in the world would
Claire ask Sonia to help her? Sonia is hiding a lot
from me and I don't like it. I don't like it one bit.
She is my friend. I thought I could trust her.
Right now the only thing that can explain all this
is if Claire has something on Sonia and Sonia
doesn't want me to know. I just have a lot of
questions and I don't have answers. This is
crazy. My mind is all over the place. A lot doesn't
make sense. Why would The Ndengana or my
family Ancestors protect Claire from dying ?
Even though I would never kill her but She
doesn't deserve to be alive. What is going on?
What am I missing here? This is very confusing
for me. Why would my family care about that
woman who wouldn't think twice to kill me
when she finds out I got Leila my lawyer. I am
curious to know what is going on. I will find the
answers I am looking for.
Anyway I am shocked and scared. I still hear
these voices in the house pleading me to stop
her. I have to do this. I have no choice. This has
to happen. I hope this woman has a better
explanation for me.
Masixole: Baby you need to calm down first
before you call her
I sat down
Me: I know
I saw Elton walk in. He could see I am upset and
a bit terrified.
Elton: What is going on ?
Masixole: Gedleza just visited asking us to stop
Sonia from killing Claire
Elton: Huh?
Elton looked shocked. He sat down. He took
Masixole drink and sipped on it. My poor
brother has to be used to Gedleza coming here
once in a while. I can see he is as scared as I am.
Me: I need to call Sonia
Masixole: Call her baby
I walked away calling her
Sonia: Hey Prissy
Me: We need to talk
Sonia: Sounds serious ?
Me: Where are you ?
Sonia: At a hotel in Durban. I will be there later
Me: Whatever hit you called on Claire, Call it off
Sonia: What are you talking about?
Me: I am serious Sonia. If Claire dies I will tell
the police you did it!
Sonia: Fine! ........ ( tu tu tu tu tu )
She hung up on me. The nerve! when did she
become a murder?. I need to call Universe. I
walked back to Masixole and EJ
Masixole: And ?
Me: It looks like she really wanted to kill her.
She said fine then hung up
Masixole: I need to tell Hunte......
Elton: No!!!
I quickly looked at Elton. He smiled looking
nervous. Why so defensive? Yes he is right it's a
bad idea but My brother is acting weird, Really
weird if you ask me.
Elton: Hunter and Sonia just got back together.
We can't be the reason for their fight. Maybe
Hunter doesn't know about what Sonia planned.
Remember Hunter once cared about Claire. We
have to protect Sonia. She is out sister. Please
let's not tell him
I looked at Elton then Masixole
Me: Baby he is right. We can't do this
Masixole: Okay fine.....
Me: I need to call Universe
Masixole: Wait that day Universe joked about
helping Sonia. Do you think.....
Me: Yes I think she asked for her help
Elton: Sis you said Sonia said fine. She is the one
who will call Universe. Let's just trust her to do
the right thing. I am sure she doesn't wanna go
to jail
Masixole: He is right babe. We should trust
Sonia to deal with this. Now that she knows we
know what she is up to she won't do this
Me: You're both right
I smiled at them
Me: Thank you guys
They both smiled. But we have another problem
and I want to find out what is going on.
Me: Gedleza wanna protect a girl he doesn't
even know ?
Elton's eyes pooped out. He is really scared of
Gledleza. What will happen when Gedleza visit
him not one of us ?
Masixole: Why would Gedleza Protect Claire?
Me: Good question....... ?
I looked at Elton
Me: Are you okay? You look shocked, This is our
new normal now. Gedleza will appear out of no
Elton: Yeah
I looked at him. It's cute to see him out of words.
I hope that's all this is. He is acting really
strange. My brother is not scared of anything.

< Tasha >
I really lost my best friend this time. I tried
everything I can to win her back. I ran out of
options now. I am really not sure what to do.
After speaking to her today I lost all hopes of
becoming her friend again. Leila is done with
me. My heart is broken. I am really hurt by this.
She called them her best friends. She said I
should stay away from them because they are
her friends and she doesn't wanna lose more
friends because of me. When did she become
their friend? Is Leila doing this because she
doesn't need me anymore. Before me she had no
friends. Now that she is close to them she
doesn't need me anymore. She doesn't know
after the wedding they will forget her. When
they throw her out I will be here. I won't remind
her about the times she said ugly things to me. I
will love her and take her back as my friend. I
love her. She is my best friend. I want her to
make her own mistakes and learn from them. I
did too that is why I have a job, a baby coming
and a Fiancé. It sucks that whenever I see people
going through the things I went through but
when I try to help them they start unnecessary
fights with me. I tried to help Claire she took
offense from it. Now I want my friend back she
is obsessed with people who are going to leave
her after they are done with her. After the
wedding Priscella will go back to being her
spoilt rich girl self and as for Leila? She will go
back to being their cake supplier. I wish she
could listen to me.
" Cut! " well I am at work on set. I just finished
shooting some intense scene with my
boyfriend's wife on the show. Remember I play
a home wrecker.
Director: Let's take Thirty minutes. Julia, Vince
and Karla you will be next. Start looking at your
lines again. You got thirty
Julia: Okay
The director looked at me.
Director: Good Job Tasha. You are up in an hour
Me: Thanks
I walked off set. I took off the heels then took a
gown. I wore it on top of my dress then walked
out. I am going to see Hungani a few doors from
our studio. I need to talk to him. On my way out.
I saw him walking out
Me: Hey babe
He looked around. He saw people. He smiled at
them then came to me
Hungani: Hey babe
He kissed me Then looked angry. It looks like he
is good at this pretending thing. I want us to fix
things. He must stop being cold to me.
Hungani: What do you want? This is not the
place !
Me: I know. I just wanted to say I am sorry. You
know a jealous girlfriend is a faithful girlfriend.
I love you and I am scared to lose you. Priscella
is everything I wanna be. That woman smells
like money. She is perfect
He shook his head. I saw a smile on his face. We
are getting somewhere.
Hungani: Tasha no one is perfect. I loved
Priscella yes. She dumped me because I messed
up and that hurt me. It took me a while to forget
her. Can we forget her? Money is not everything.
I don't want money. I want love. You and our
baby is all I need. I don't know why you always
go back there !
Me: I am sorry baby. I am so sorry
Hungani: It's fine. I want you to promise me that
you will never talk to that family again
Me: I promise!
Hungani: Good
I kissed him then wiped his lips
Me: You were right you know
Hungani: About what?
Me: Leila knows what I did and she is mad at
me. I think our friendship is over
He hugged me.
Hungani: I expected that. I am so sorry. You guys
will be friends again. She is still angry. Just give
her time
Me: I don't think she will forgive me this time
Hungani: She will. Just give it time. She needs
Me: You're right
My phone rang. I broke the hug.
Me: Excuse me. I need to take this
I don't know this number. It's a landline.
Me: Tasha
Caller: Tasha You're speaking to NEVEREVER
from EVERY DAY NEWS tell me, Now that EJ
bagged a role from a Netflix mini series does
that mean you will leave Hungani since he has
no job and go back to EJ?
Wow, I didn't know Elton is going to be acting
too? Good for him but I don't have time for this
bitch and her insults
Me: Goodbye Neverever!
I hung up then started breathing heavily. I am
getting angry. She just insulted me. How dare
she call me a golddigger?
Hungani: Hey are you okay. What did that
annoying woman say ?
Me: She is asking if you and I are really dating or
it's a public stunt like the one with Brendan
Hungani: Don't mind her. She is really obsessed
with Brendan. Isn't she the one who broke the
story about Brendan's sexuality?
Me: It was her, That woman always break the
big stories
I looked at Hungani then smiled.
Me: But this time she is wrong baby
He kissed me then hugged me tight
Hungani: Pity we can't rub our wedding in her
face. We have to be sure the reality show is
really happening
I smiled then hugged him tight. I hope he is not
only marrying me for the show. Marriage is a
big deal. I don't want him to resent me later
because I dragged him into this show.
Me: Yeah baby
I am not proud to lie to Hungani. It's Just that he
asked me to promise him to never mention the
Seputla name. I am going to make sure they stay
out of my lips. This was just a little lie I am
prepared to get away with.

< Sonia De Villiers >
Oh My God! what is happening. what did I do
wrong. Why does it look like Priscella has to
know what I did no matter what? Why do I feel
like no matter how much I try to make sure this
doesn't come out I get closer to getting exposed.
God i can't upset the Seputla family. My father
will be very upset with me. What the hell is
wrong with me. What was i thinking risking
Elton's life like that ? God i don't know what to
do right now. I am lost. I am panicking. I hate
feeling like this. Hunter and I we great right
now. Any time soon he can propose again. I am
so messed up. I don't know what to do. After I
talked to Prissy I switched off my phone. I had to
leave. I just arrived in Johannesburg. I am at O.R
Tambo International airport right now. Thank
God I am back. I just need to think about what I
will say to Priscella when she asks me why I
wanted Claire dead. I am sure she knows I didn't
tell her everything that is why she is livid. If she
knew what is going on I don't think she would
blame me. She is going to hate me. I am
preventing a disaster from happening here. I
can't let anything happen to our families. We've
been family friends since forever. I cannot be
the one ruining it. Some people might not
understand why I am trying so hard to make
sure this doesn't come out. If they knew the
mess this could cause they wouldn't judge me. I
mean take the Brendan drama for example. I
fought with Priscella because of him and his
manipulations. I am always the one who is
messing things up. I am old. I am 28 years old.
Priscella is two years younger than me. I can't be
the one who is not using her head. The reason I
am doing this is because I am ashamed. I don't
want the family to be angry with me and lose
the little trust they have on me.
I have to call Universe right now and stop her
from killing Claire. I don't know who told
Priscella this. I doubt Universe told Priscella
about this. I am so curious to find out who told
her. The only people who knew was just me and
universe. Could Universe Betray me like this ?
No I don't know. Maybe she can answer this for
me. I dialled her number.
Universe: Hey
Me: Priscella knows and she doesn't want you to
continue with this. who told her?
Universe: I didn't! did you tell someone?
Me: No! this is strange......
Universe: I know right? Wow
Me: My only worry now is Claire calling my
Universe: She won't I made sure of it. We will
keep doing what I am doing
Me: Okay thank you for everything
Universe: Anytime but make sure you find out
who told her. She can't know something you told
only me. I didn't tell anyone
Me: I am heading there now. I will ask her
Universe: Later.....
Me: Bye
I hung up. My phone rang. I looked at it. it's
Elton. I answered
Me: Hey
Elton: We need to talk !
Me: I know. I am in a car from the airport to
Seputla Towers. Meet me at the restaurant in
Elton: Okay.
He hung up. I called a taxi. I am in no position of
taking advantage of Seputla transport and their
drivers. Not until I fix this mess I caused. God I
can't stay out of trouble. Anyway I got go SM. I
left my travel bags with our security. I went to
the restaurant. I found Elton there sitting. I went
to him
Me: Hey
He stood up and hugged me. I pulled a chair
then sat down.
Me: You sounded weird on the phone and
looking at you right now I can see you're
nervous what's up?
Elton: First you need to tell me what is going on
Me: I went to see Claire. She wanted to see me.
She was blackmailing Me, Asking me to force
Leila to drop the charges if I can't she is calling
Elton: That messed up but how would Hunter
believe her?
Me: That video of you , Tasha and Hungani that
went viral. Claire is in that video. She says she is
going to tell him that I asked you to seduce her
to forget Hunter. A part of me doesn't care about
that because I can deny it and say why would I
do that when Hunter had a restraining order
against her......
Elton: But......?
Me: Somehow it might get to Priscella and Mrs R.
I can't disappoint them
Elton: Me neither. They are happy with my
progress but I can lie to them like I did to Mia
and say She wanted me to speak to you and
Hunter about withdrawing the restraining order
I think that is a perfect idea but he has a " but "
and I still don't know who told Prissy about my
Me: But what?
He started scratching his head in frustration
Me: Elton I have never seen you so nervous in
over 11 years. Your father used to make you
look like this. What is going on ?
Elton: The Ancestors are involved. They are
protecting Claire
Sonia: What the Fuck ?
I said putting my head on my mouth shocked. I
felt tears running down.
Elton: Yes, Gedleza asked Priscella to stop you
from killing Claire
Me: Oh My God
Elton: Now I am trying to figure out why would
He, I am planning to call Gedleza but I need to
steal his number from mom or sis
Me: This is a mess. I need to go lie to Prissy
I said wiping my tears. It looks like this is deep.
My lies are catching up on me. I need to tell one
more lie. I swear it's the last one
Elton: What will you say ?
Me: I will tell her she threatened to kill us. I
asked Universe to help me because I was afraid
that girl was gonna come for me and Prissy
Elton: Good luck with that
I walked to the elevator looking down. I can't be
seen crying.

< Narrated >
When Prince Nomgcwabe found out his family
was trying to find him a wife He was nervous
until his little brother gave him a plan to make
his family reconsider their decision. Now the
question is, Will they listen to him and respect
his decision? Or will they have something to say
as always? Like Prince Phonqa said, Prince
Nomgcwabe have two choices. To go with his
brother's advice or just come clean to his family
and by the look of things it doesn't look like he is
ready to come clean. He is scared of his family.
He knows they have never dealt with a matter
like this before. He is the first Prince to be Gay.
He is not sure the family will accept it since they
follow tradition a lot.
Anyway at Priscella's house. We see Algebra and
Philile walk in coming out of the elevator. Prince
Nomgcwabe smiled. He went to them. He looked
at his wrist watch
Nomgcwabe: I didn't expect to see you here
Algebra: I just knocked off and Philile just got
back from the office to fix a few things for Ms De
Prince Nomgcwabe looked at Philile
Algebra: Oh Flip! I forgot you haven't met.
Prince Nomgcwabe this is Philile Sonia's
Nomgcwabe: Nice to meet you
Philile: You too
Nomgcwabe: Let me go get you guys glasses
Algebra: Thanks
Nomgcwabe walked away.
Philile: He is so handsome. If I haven't met
someone already I would go for him
Algebra smiled and looked guilty that he can't
tell him .
Algebra: You met someone?
Philile: Yeah we went to our second date
yesterday. I don't wanna talk about it. He is kind
of in a relationship but I can't help I am falling
Algebra: So how is it gonna work. I am sure you
don't wanna be the other guy ?
Philile: I don't know friend. I know this is gonna
be complicated. What makes it more
complicated is the fact that He knows I know he
is seeing someone and none of us is bringing it
up when we are together. We just have fun
Algebra: When you say fun.....?
Philile: We spent the night last night. It was
great but when I think of the other guy.....
Algebra: You need to address it though
Philile: Honestly I don't wanna do it
Algebra: why?
Philile: Because I am scared to hear the answer.
What if he doesn't choose me? I mean I am just
an assistant. His boyfriend is well known
Algebra's eyes pooped out.
Algebra: Who are we talking about here ?
Prince Nomgcwabe came with their drinks.
Philile: Oh thanks
He took his glass avoiding the question. He
sipped then looked at Algebra and smiled.
Algebra took his glass.
Algebra: Prince can we talk in private ?
Nomgcwabe looked at Prince Phonqa who was
sitting at the living room looking at them. Prince
Nomgcwabe smiled at Algebra
Nomgcwabe: Let's take this tray to the kitchen
They walked away
Nomgcwabe: Are you okay?
Algebra: I wanted to know if it's okay if I tell him
we are dating. I don't want him to hit on you. I
can see he already knows you're Gay
Algebra: You can tell him and also tell him my
family doesn't know
Algebra: Thanks
He turned around and went back. Prince
Nomgcwabe smiled then gave Cleo the tray
Cleo: Thanks
He walked out. The elevator opened. Elton
walked in. Ngejiwe and Philile walked to the
living from to join Prince Phonqa
Elton: Hey Algebra
Algebra: Hey
Elton looked at Prince Nomgcwabe
Elton: Where is Prissy ?
Nomgcwabe: She is not back from work. I
actually wanted to talk to you guys
Elton: What's up?
Nomgcwabe: My little brother told me my family
wanna find me a wife immediately after I finish
my degree
Algebra lost his smile.
Elton: Do you trust Prince?
Nomgcwabe: He wouldn't lie about that. He says
they wanna ask Your mom to look for a royal
girl in North west
Elton: Shit it's really happening
Algebra: What are you gonna do? You will let
them force you to get married at your age?
Nomgcwabe: Believe it or not my brother gave
me a good advice
Elton: You're smiling. I take it it's a good one?
Algebra: My mom never got married. When they
approach me about this. I will tell them I don't
wanna get married just like her
Algebra: You think it's gonna work ?
Nomgcwabe: I will make it work until I am
ready to come out
Elton: Good luck man
Nomgcwabe: I will need it

Still at Seputla house. We see everyone home
except the elders. Masixole and The kids were
drinking standing downstairs. The elevator
beeped and opened. Aaron and Chef Notiniphu
walked in. It looks like they have been together
since she got here judging by the travel bag
Aaron was pulling.
Masixole: Look who decided to join us
Ngejiwe stood up and ran to Notiniphu excited
to see her. They hugged
Ngejiwe: Look at you glowing and everything
Notiniphu: Oh please
Ngejiwe: For real. You're glowing girl
Notiniphu: Well thanks
Ngejiwe: So how was your two days with him?
Notiniphu: Has it been that long? Feels like it
was an hour ago time flies
Notiniphu said sulking. Ngejiwe bumped Chef
Notiniphu's shoulder with hers
Ngejiwe: Oh my God you got it bad girl
Chef Notiniphu smiled.
Notiniphu: I was treated like a princess it's sad
to leave, and your city exploring ?
Ngejiwe: A lot of shopping nothing exciting
Notiniphu: Maybe you need a break from dating
besides I am sure you don't wanna date
someone far ?
Ngejiwe: I am not looking
Notiniphu: The right guy will come to you.
You're a great girl
Ngejiwe: Thank you Chef
They smiled at each other. We see Masixole and
Elton walking away to talk.
Masixole: I asked Priscella about the girl who
says " I love you Paul "
Elton: Dude! you shouldn't have!
Masixole: Relax! I didn't say you told me about
it. I just wanted a girl's point of view
Elton: And ?
Masixole looked at Priscella then at his brother
in law
Masixole: She says the girl did something or if
she hasn't done it she is about to....
Elton laughed
Elton: Nah
Masixole: She says it might happen that the girl
is forced to do something she doesn't like to do
to Paul.......
Elton kinda looked worried then smiled and
went back to his denial self.
Elton: Nah ! Some people like to use full words
and sentences to express love
Masixole: You wouldn't have asked me or should
I say, Paul wouldn't have shared his concerns if
he didn't see something was wrong with the way
the girl respond
Elton swallowed hard. He looked worried
Masixole smiled.
Masixole: The good news is, The girl loves Paul.
She just doesn't have a choice but to do what she
is asked to do
Masixole tapped Elton's shoulder then walked
away. Elton spotted a glass of Champagne. He
took it then gulped the drink. He looked away




< Priscella >
Finally Sonia is on her way up. I want her to tell
me what the hell is going on and why she lied to
me when I asked her about her visit to Claire.
How can I trust her when she does things
behind my back. I didn't call Universe because I
didn't want her to think I am accusing her of
something. I am going to confront this one. I am
not scared of her. She is my sister. I am not
afraid to ask her anything. I don't know
Universe so well for me to call her accusing her
of attempting to kill someone. David Smith told
Sonia that she can't ask Universe to help her kill
because she would really do it. I guess my best
friend was very desperate. She really wanted
Claire dead which is surprising to me. I never
thought she would kill someone. I would never
think of that even for my worst enemy. I think
whatever that is going on is huge. It's way bigger
than me that is why she wanted to handle this
quietly. I don't know why Sonia wanna kill
Claire after she said she wanted to kill her in
front if Bhembeha a police woman. She is going
to jail if she is not using her head.
Anyway I hear everyone is at the house. Even
mother and our guests are back. I want to speak
to Sonia here in my office. I don't want us to
fight in front of people. I know for a fact that we
will fight. I have so many questions. For
example, Why our ancestors are protecting that
crazy girl? As much as I don't kill and never will.
If anyone deserve death it's Claire. She tried to
kill Leila. She is a danger to all of us. I got Leila
the best lawyer. What if she finds that out and
get mad and come for me ? One thing I know for
sure is she will never come for me because i
made sure She never get out of that place. If
anywhere she will go from there is a mental
institution. I heard a knock at the door. It's about
time. I stood up. She opened the door Then
walked in
Me: Finally
Sonia: Hey at least I see a smile
Me: I am trying not to be angry but trust me I
am. So you came straight here from the airport?
She hugged me.
Sonia: Yes from here I am not even going to your
house. I am going home my family is waiting for
me. They miss me
Me: Okay. I am sure you know I have so many
She pulled the chair then sat down. She exhaled.
Me: I want the truth friend. What you were
trying to do was very extreme
Sonia: Prissy I lied to you
Me: Why did you lie? I never lie to you. I always
tell you the truth. What did she say? Is she
threatening you ?
Sonia: She is threatening us
Me: What?
Sonia looked nervous. She is really scared of
Claire. I can see it in her eyes.
Sonia: She knows we got Leila a lawyer. She said
she'd deal with us. I had to do something.
Universe promised to help me. When that girl
disrespected me like that I got angry and met up
with Universe
Me: Well the ancestors don't like that. I know
you don't believe in them bu....
Sonia: Are you kidding me? After what I saw at
Mthatha Dam River you think I don't believe in
them? Remember they told me a witch used me
and hypnotized me to like Thalala. There is no
way I can sit here and say I don't believe their
Me: Good! They don't want you to kill her and
we have to respect that
Sonia: Okay...... I won't do anything. I called
Universe and stopped her
Me: Thank you friend
She smiled. I am glad we are on the same page. I
didn't wanna talk about ancestors and see her
look at me like I am being ridiculous. I am glad
she takes them seriously like I do. Anyway she
said her goodbyes and left. I started packing my
things. I received a text. I took my phone and
opened the message.
After I read the message I chuckled shaking my
head in disbelief.
Me: Delete.
I deleted the text then took my handbag and my
laptop. I walked out and locked my office. I don't
have to respond right? First of all his girlfriend
don't regret anything she said to me and I don't
believe a word Hungani is saying. It's been a
while not talking. We can't start now four days
before my wedding. I am not going to text back. I
know him too well to know when he is trying to
initiate a conversation. He is not getting that
from me. I don't mind being friends with an ex
but he is not the kinda ex you'd befriend I am
sorry. He and his Girlfriend put my family
through a lot. We will never be friends. He must
accept that.

< Narrated >
At Ndengana project. We see Sabonkolo in an
office. She was busy working. A knock came at
the door. She stood up then went to the door.
She opened the door and saw her sister in law at
the door.
Sabonkolo: Vathule
Vathule: Can I come in Sisi?
Sabonkolo moved aside..
Sabonkolo: Of course Sisi. Come in
Vathule walked in. She looked around the office.
Sabonkolo closed the door.
Sabonkolo: How do you find the job? Do you like
it here ?
Vathule smiled and looked at her
Vathule: It's good to look forward to something. I
don't remember the last time I had real money
in my hand. My children grant is not enough.
This will help a lot and when Xhalanga comes
back he must find a job too. I am not going to
support him. He is my husband. He is supposed
to support Me!
Sabonkolo looked down written guilty all over
her face. It's funny that Vathule only know now
When she got a job that a man has to work. Her
husband has been sitting at home all their lives.
Maybe if she forced him to get a job he would've
stopped blackmailing Nontorotyi.
Sabonkolo: Yeah.... I will help him find a job
Sabonkolo felt a tear drop. She looked away and
pretended to be sorting files on her desk.
Vathule: I wanted to leave early, I have to go
Sabonkolo quickly wiped her tear. She didn't
turn around. She looked at the time.
Sabonkolo: It's 13:16. You can go I don't think the
chief will have a problem but this can't happen
often. They helped you get a job. You just started
this job. We can't take advantage of these people
because Sisi is married to them. They have done
a lot for us
Vathule: I understand and I promise it's the last
Sabonkolo: Good. You can go
Vathule: Thank you sister in law
She walked out then closed the door. Sabonkolo
let out a sigh of relief. She sat down looking
upset thinking about what Nontorotyi did.
Outside. We see Vathule going to Chief
Khabalandile who was standing next to the car.
Chief Khabalandile took his wallet. He gave
Vathule R200 rands.
Vathule: Thank you my chief. I have to rush
Hlohlesakhe: Good luck
Vathule smiled.
Vathule: Thank you my chief
Chief Khabalandile smiled. Vathule walked
away rushing out.

AN HOUR EARLIER...........
The ladies who went to the boutique are back.
Everyone is in the living room old and young.
Nontorotyi looked better than she was at the
Boutique. She looked a bit sober.
May: Guys my friend and I have to leave. We
will see you All at the wedding in few days
Refilwe: Oh okay guys. Emily it was nice to meet
you. We will see each other at the wedding
Emily: Thank you Refilwe, It was nice to see you
They walked them to the elevator. May and
Emily hugged them then left.
Refilwe: Okay family. I am leaving with the
ladies. I am going to the Eastern Cape today
Elton: Why ?
Refilwe: I can't be surrounded by kids. I have to
be there and make sure I help where I can.
Remember the day before the wedding we have
to book The girls to a hotel so we will do the
booking and When you get there everything will
be taken care of
Priscella: Okay that sounds great
Refilwe: I am glad you are okay with that
Refilwe looked at The Queen
Refilwe: I need to go start packing
Ngejiwe: I need to fetch my luggage also
Ngejiwe ran up. Refilwe walked to the stairs. The
Queen followed her.
NomaKhosazana: Why didn't you tell me you're
coming with us ?
Refilwe: I just decided. As you can see my house
is crowded by young people. Besides I have to be
there and make sure I help around
NomaKhosazana: Let's go up. Maybe upstairs
you will tell me the real reason And don't get me
wrong. I am happy to have you at the palace. I
missed you but I feel like you're running from
Ms Refilwe smiled. They walked up .
Refilwe: It hasn't been long since I left. You
know the reason I had to leave. Things can't
change over night. Yes I forgot everything that
happened. I just don't want that boy to find out I
am back and wonder around my building
hoping to see me
NomaKhosazana: He hadn't contacted you after
you left right ?
Refilwe: No, I blocked him. I wouldn't know if he
tried but I doubt he did. I hear he is engaged to
my son's ex girlfriend
NomaKhosazana: He is my daughter in law's ex
and is dating Elton's ex? This boy is messed up
Refilwe: Or maybe he is just obsessed with my
NomaKhosazana: That Too
They got to Refilwe's room.
Refilwe: I don't know what to pack. What I know
is I need a lot of clothes to pack. I will stay there
for a few days
NomaKhosazana: You can bring your entire
closet. We are flying a Jet. May was Too kind to
offer it
Refilwe: She is very sweet. Let me get in there
and choose what to bring
NomaKhosazana: Okay
The Queen Sat. Ms Refilwe went to her closet.
Downstairs. We see Masixole walking to
Algebra. Algebra smiled at him..
Masixole: Algebra can I ask you something?
Algebra: Yes Mr Ndengana?
Masixole: Was there a Paul in Mozambique? I
mean from the guys you went there with. Was
there a guy by the name Paul?
Algebra: No! I remember all their names. There
was no Paul
Masixole smiled.
Masixole: Thank you
Algebra: You're welcome sir
Masixole turned around. He looked at Elton. He
saw him gulping a glass of whisky. Elton was
looking into space. He looked lost. Masixole
looked at Mia. She was busy talking and
laughing with Philile. Masixole walked to Elton.
Masixole: Hey
Elton turned around and smiled.
Masixole: Are you Okay?
Elton smiled.
Elton: Yeah sure
Masixole: At least this time she said she loves
Elton's eyes pooped out.
Masixole: I know there is no Paul EJ. It's her isn't
it ?
Elton looked At Mia. She smiled at EJ. Elton
smiled too. He looked at Masixole.
Elton: Yeah it's her. I don't know. I was shocked
when she said she loves Me too. I don't know
whether she did it because she was in Your and
my sister's presence...... or maybe she does love
me. It was just in my head that I found it weird, I
mean the way she says it
Masixole: Yeah.... I really don't know. I was
confused too. All I can say is just keep an eye on
her. Don't trust her too much or tell her a lot
about this family. I am not saying she is up to
something but we can't ignore wha....
Elton: I know trust me
Masixole smiled. He looked at Mia. She was just
happy talking with other guys. Masixole started
thinking. He doesn't see no harm in this girl. Mia
is innocent. Maybe she just loves saying that
when someone says they love her. Maybe it's a
way of assuring the partner that she loves them?
We don't know but Mia doesn't look like
someone shady.

< Nontorotyi >
I am scared. I don't want it to be at night. I don't
want the sun to set. If it was for me. I would
make sure it stays a day till I don't know. I
cannot believe I didn't get to enjoy my trip to
Johannesburg. I was a mess there. I am glad I am
back home though. I didn't wanna make a fool
of myself in front of the billionairs and Judge's
sister. I am proud of myself for keeping it
together. I have made a fool of myself infront of
Refilwe before. I am not about to do that again. I
must swallow my pride and thank Nomahelele.
If she didn't keep talking to me maybe I
would've done something.
Anyway we are back from Johannesburg.
Nomahelele and Nomaxabiso came to my house
with me. I told them I am fine but they insisted
in coming to my house so I let them.
Nomaxabiso: I will have to leave you ladies. I am
going to see the chief first then go home
Nomahelele: I will walk out with you
Me: River can you stay. I need your advice on
Nomaxabiso: See you later guys
Nomahelele: Later
She walked out. I went to the kitchen.
Me: Deliwe can you rinse a glass for me please
Deliwe: Okay Madam Queen
She took the glass and rinsed it. She gave it to
me. I went to the living room. I took out my
Nomahelele: The alcohol again?
Me: I asked you how to deal with this. You didn't
tell me how
River smiled then went to Nontorotyi.
Nomahelele: S'ntoro-ntoro I don't have advise
for you. I can't tell you how to forget what
happened. You know me. I am cold and twisted.
I don't care. Sometimes I think I don't have
feelings. If someone upset me and the only way
to deal with them is killing them I just kill them
and move on with my life!
Me: I know it's easy for you
Nomahelele: It's not. I am not proud of the
things I have done. Remember what I told you in
Johannesburg. I said when I feel bad I think of
the reason that pushed me to do something.
When you think of it you start feeling better.
Think of how much you don't wanna hurt your
daughter. You did this for her, don't feel bad
Me: I hear you but I think alcohol is helping me
forget and I can't stop drinking you have to
forgive me on that one
Nomahelele: Do what you can to make yourself
forget but remember. When you get sober it will
come back. Alcohol helps you to escape for the
moment it's in your system. Once it's out you
think again
She took my hands
Nomahelele: I know you're strong! You killed
that woman because you're strong. Use that
strength to beat this. People will come looking
for that woman. You need to give them a
performance of your life. You have to make sure
they believe you when you say you didn't see
that woman !
I stood up. I wiped my tears
Nomahelele: Remember your husband is gonna
come home. He can't find you drinking alcohol
whenever he sees you. He spent two nights with
me. Two nights with Nomaxabiso and tonight he
might sleep here. My advice to you is just go take
a shower. Get some sleep. You will feel better
Me: Thank you
Nomahelele: I am going back to the palace now
Me: Okay
She walked out. Maybe sleeping is gonna do me
some good. Let me go take a shower and sleep. I
don't want Ngejiwe to come back from the
palace and see me like this.

< Narrated >
In the Eastern Cape at Ngqeleni police station.
It's a busy day as usual. People coming in and
out reporting crimes some visiting their loved
ones who are in the holding cell. At reception.
We see Vathule walking in. She was looking
around like someone who is scared. At the wall
she saw missing people pictures. A tear escaped
her eye. She quickly wiped it. In that list we see
a picture of Mangqazula. It looks like they
reported her to the police.
Officer: Ma'am can I help you ?
Vathule snapped out of it. She looked at the male
Vathule: Yes, My husband disappeared in
December. I thought maybe he was cheating on
me. I didn't report him sooner because I thought
maybe after Christmas he would come home but
he didn't. It's the 5th now
She was talking and crying at the same time.
Officer took the book and a pen. .
Officer: Come this side
Vathule went closer to the counter to give the
officer a statement.
Officer: What is the name of your husband ?
Vathule: His name is Xhalanga Dimbaza
Officer: Was it the first time he disappeared ?
Vathule: I have been married to him for 12
years. He has never done this before
Officer: Okay. Do you have his picture?
Vathule opened her handbag
Vathule: Yes
Officer: Great ! so when was the last time you
saw him and when he was leaving did he say
where he was going?
Vathule: I don't remember the day but it was
just before Christmas but after 20th of
December. He said he was going to Sdabadabeni
Village to take some money from his sister....
Vathule: Don't cry ma'am. We will do whatever
we can to find your husband
Vathule: Please
Officer: What is the name of his sister?
Vathule: Nontorotyi Ndengana
The officer's eyes pooped out. He quickly looked
behind him.
Officer: Constable come here!
Constable stopped what he was doing. He went
to him.
Constable: Is everything okay?
Officer: Remember two days ago we were
laughing at a name of the person the missing
Sangoma went to?
Constable started laughing
Constable: Yeah Nontorotyi
Officer: What was her surname ?
Constable: Let me check......
He went to his book and went through the
names. He looked up .
Constable: Nontorotyi Ndengana why?
Vathule looked shocked
Officer: This lady came here to report her
missing husband. He went to see this same
woman and never returned home
Constable put his hand on his mouth shocked..
Constable: Shit! who are we dealing with here ?
The officer looked at Vathule who's mind was
racing. She was now thinking about what
Nomahelele said. She started getting sweaty. She
started breathing heavily. She put her hand on
her mouth like she was about to puke..
Officer: Ma'am are you okay?
Vathule breathe in and out
Vathule: Yes
Officer: Tell me. Did your husband have a fight
with her. Tell us anything we can us
Vathule looked at the officer who was helping
her then at Constable.
Constable: Anything?
Vathule attempted to open her mouth. Gedleza
appeared out of no where.
Gedleza: Are you sure you wanna do this?
Vathule swallowed hard tears streaming down
her cheeks.
Officer: Ma'am!
Remember only Vathule could see Gedleza.
Vathule was just crying looking at Gedleza.
Gedleza disappeared.
Constable: Ma'am!
He was waving his hand on Vathule's face.
Vathule snapped out of it.
Vathule: I can't think of anything. They were
sister and brother. They loved each other
Officer: Okay but we will visit this woman
Vathule: Okay thank you for your time and
please find him
Constable: We will find him and that Sangoma
who is missing
He said pointing at the wall. Vathule went closer
to the wall. She saw the sangoma then
whispered with her hand on her mouth in
indication of shock
Vathule: Oh My God




< Tasha >
I am not proud of lying to Hungani about the
call I got from Neverever. We agreed that we
will stop talking about that family and I want
that too. I want to forget everything about them.
That is why I lied. I mean how am I supposed to
tell Hungani that Neverever called me a
golddigger who is gonna leave him because he
lost a job? I love Hungani. I would never leave
him for nothing. I am with him because I love
him. There is no material thing that can come
between us. I love that man and leaving Elton
for him showed that.
Anyway it's in the afternoon. I am surprised I
am done shooting for the day. It's still early in
the afternoon. I have to go straight home. If Leila
and I were still in good terms I was gonna go to
her place or work. I guess from now on my life is
going to be a bore. I thought I would shoot from
6 to 6 I guess I was wrong. I hate to think about
it but being or having a supporting role kind of
suck. I need to speak to Mandy about this. I need
to audition for other things if I won't have a
storyline everyday. Today it is the 5th. I don't
remember when my parents said they will be
back but I doubt they are back. I have made a
decision. I am going to blackmail them. I will
force them to be my parents again and I know
my plan is gonna work. I mean it has to work. I
am tired of them treating me like I have always
been a trouble child. I made one mistake at 25. I
don't know why they are making a big deal out
of this. South Africa forgave me, Why can't they?
I am going to force them to love me. I have been
too nice with them. I am going to be tough right
now. They leave me no choice.
Anyway I just got home. I am happy Hungani
and I managed to talk things through. I just get
so scared when he is mad. I can't afford
annoying this man. He might not marry me if I
keep making mistakes like this. I need to behave
just to save myself from Humiliation. I wouldn't
get this reality show gig if he would leave me. I
need him more than he needs me. I am so lucky
he borrowed me his other car. When I make
more money I will buy myself a car. I just drove
the car into the garage. I walked out. I locked it
then the garage. I walked to the door. My phone
rang. I looked at it. It's Hungani. I smiled.
Me: Hey baby
Hungani: Hey babe. After I am done at work. I
am going to my brother's house in Pretoria
wanna come with? It's my nephew's birthday
I don't wanna go. I can't be with his family all
the time. It gets awkward. I looked at my script
Me: Baby I have to learn my lines for tomorrow
and I am tired raincheck ?
Hungani: I will see you tonight then
Me: Okay love you
Hungani: I love you too
He hung up. I smiled then unlocked the door. I
walked in. I went to the couch. I sat down. I need
to take a nap. I switched on tv. I saw Rich kids
video in the channel shows promo. I thought of
Elton. I am sure he is livid. When he sees me he
is going to humiliate me for what I said to Prissy.
Speaking of Priscella. She blocked my number
I need to call Elton and ask to meet. I want to
apologise for what I said to Priscella. This is not
an easy thing to do but I have to. I breathe in
and out then dialled his number.
Elton: Yes ?
Me: Hi EJ. Can we meet?
Elton: You're not welcome in my building and I
think you know why. Meet me at the restaurant
across the street
Me: Please not public. If the journalists see us
together they will have something to talk about
Elton: You're right. My girlfriend won't like that.
Meet me at Luxury hotel, My family suite?
Me: Okay thank you for saying yes ?
He exhaled. I was listening to him breath on the
Elton:........ ( Tu tu tu tu tu )
He didn't say anything. He hung up on me.
Me: I guess I deserve that....
I stood up. I took my script and my handbag. I
ran to the stairs. I have to shower and change. I
am also hoping to bump into Leila. I don't know
why I can't give up after our last encounter. She
insulted me. She made me feel worthless.

< Claire >
I called Sonia to come see me. I achieved that.
She came here. I made myself clear to that bitch.
I told her what I will do if she doesn't come
through for me and I am still here in this place.
How can she defy me like this. I made my self
crystal clear to her. I told her I will make her life
a living hell. That little dream she has of a
second chance with Hunter, I said I will crash it.
I made sure she saw that i wasn't bluffing but
seeing myself here right now shows she didn't
take me seriously. I don't know why I was so
sure she would do what I tell her. I should've
known money speaks in this city. The De Villiers
and The Seputlas own this city. The call the
shots. They pay their way through the system. I
am still here. All the officers don't want to give
me a chance to make a phone call. Their excuse
is I am dangerous. I might call someone to harm
the people I tried to kill outside. Even when I
said I wanted to call my lawyer they called her
for me. I am hoping that when she gets here she
will take my message and go speak to Hunter. I
tried everything. 3rd january at night i already
had my mind made up. I knew the next day I
was exposing her to her ex husband but I failed.
That witch paid the while police department to
keep me from making phone calls. Sonia is evil
and vindictive. She is desperate to be with
Hunter. I don't know why she left him the first
time if she is willing to break the rules to get him
back. She is desperate. It looks like she doesn't
wanna stay single. I hate her. I hate her so much
and I don't know what I will do to her when I
see her again.
Anyway I am here. My lawyer just got here. I
don't know why she took days to visit me. She
abondaned me.
Her: You look upset ?
I looked down
Me: Do you blame me? You just left me here and
never came back. I had to ask you to come here!
Do you know how much I needed you here!
Her: Claire I work. The last time I was here. I
came to find out if you want this to go to trial or
not and you said you're not guilty which simple
means we are going to trial. Your trial is on the
13th of January now tell me what would I be
doing here?
Me: Visit me
Her: I said plead guilty and take whatever they
give you. I was gonna fight for a reduced
sentence. You didn't want that. I know they have
all the evidence to bury you. I am just out there
trying to find something that at least I will use to
argue. I can't look useless there. I have to fight
for you!
She took a deep breath then looked at me.
Her: Even though it's a losing battle
Me: It might not be, These charges might be
dropped. But that can only happen if you do One
thing for me
Her: What is that Claire ?
I looked around then at her.
Me: Go to Sonia and tell her I am losing my
patience. She will know what to do. We will wait
for two days. If she doesn't come see me then
you come to me. I will give you the last weapon
She stood up
Her: I will try this
Me: Thank you
Her: Stay out of trouble but if you have
something that will help you get out of here I
will use it
Me: Thanks advocate
She smiled then walked away. I saw Isaiah
walking in. While I was looking at that. I saw
Neverever walking in with cameras
Isaiah: Claire why did you do this to....
I didn't wait for him to finish. I looked at the
Me: TaKe me out of here!!
Neverever: Claire are you mentally unstable?
Shouldn't you be in a mental place
I ran down the hallway leaving the officer. What
are they doing here? Who told them I would be
out here today ? Who is the snitch?. They are
here to ruin my life. Tomorrow my name will be
dragged down the mud.

< Judge NomaKhosazana >
We are finally home. I don't think there is
something left in Johannesburg. Everything is
here. The material for decor, Red carpet and the
big screen tv's. River's house is done. It is
beautiful. One thing that is changed is the venue
of the wedding. We decided to have the wedding
at the community Hall. My living room will be
the reception. It was Priscella's idea and her
reasons make sense. She says when it is time for
reception people will be tired. It will be easy for
them to go sleep unlike when we were gonna
have the reception at Community Hall where
maybe at night we will have to transport them
to the palce. I am glad she came with this idea.
Some guests will sleep at the hotel. They have
cars which is good. We are doing this for those
who are going to sleep at the palace and the
house next door at River's house.
I am with Princess Nomagampompo in the living
room sitting. Ngejiwe went home and came
back. She is talking with chef Notiniphu at
Chef's room. River left with Nomaxabiso
accompanying Nontorotyi who was drunk. This
killing is not for her. I am really worried about
her. I saw River walk in
Me: How is she ?
Nomahelele: The same. I tried talking to her. I
asked her to take a shower and sleep. I just hope
she will do that and stop drinking
Nomagampompo: Yeah. She needs some sleep
River looked around.
Nomahelele: And Refilwe? Where is she ?
Me: Tired. She went to bed
Nomahelele: We were in the same flight. I am
not tired and you two also don't look tired
Nomagampompo: Remember two days ago she
was in a long flight from the US
Nomahelele: Well you're right. Poor woman. I
think coming here was a good idea. She will be
able to rest. I don't think she was gonna get that
in Johannesburg
Me: True and the board members and her
friends were gonna invite her or wanna see her
The front door opened. Siqalo walked in
Siqalo: Your highnesses
Me: Siqalo what is it ?
Siqalo: My Queen Gedleza is here to see your
Nomahelele: Finally he brings himself this time.
I missed the real him
We laughed.
Me: Send him in
Siqalo bowed
Siqalo: My Queen
He walked out. Gedleza walked in praising us.
Me: Siqalo you can leave us
He bowed then walked out.
Nomagampompo: Good to see you Gedleza. How
can we help you ?
Gedleza looked around nervous. He was
checking if there is no one eavesdropping
Gedleza: I am sorry your Majesties, I was the
one who made sure Mrs Seputla goes to bed
We all sat up straight curious. This might be
serious for him to get rid of REFILWE. It was
strange that Refilwe didn't sit for a second.
Nomahelele: O-kay Why?
Gedleza: Because we have to talk about
Mangqazula's soul. We have to move her soul as
soon as possible your Majesties
River, The princess and I stood up fast
Me: Where is her soul?
Gedleza looked around. He mumbled, Words
couldn't come out of his mouth
Nomahelele: Ngedle I see this is an emergency.
Start talking!!!
Gedleza looked at me.
Gedleza: It's in Queen Nontorotyi's car my
We all looked at each other. We were out of
Nomagampompo: How can we do that?
Gedleza: We are going to her car. I have herbs
with me. We gonna cleanse her car then we take
the soul and leave it far away from here and we
also have to make sure Nontorotyi's story and
Deliwe's story are the same
Nomahelele: Me and my sister wife we are going
with you Gedleza. You guys have to speak to
Deliwe. Nontorotyi's story was she didn't see
That Sangoma
Me: Good !
I looked at the door
Me: Siqalo!
Siqalo ran in praising me
Me: Siqalo Go summon Deliwe. We need to
speak to her
Siqalo: My Queen
He walked out. I looked at River.
Me: Gedleza and River go! make sure you take
another direction. This soul can't be traced back
to the palace or the house next door!
Nomahelele: On it!
She looked at Gedleza
Nomahelele: Let's go get rid of the evil spirit
They walked out. Princess Nomagampompo
looked at me
Nomagampompo: This is a mess !
I sat down. I tear escaped my eye
Me: Tell me about it

< Narrated >
In Johannesburg at Luxury hotel. We see Elton
and Leila approaching each other. They were
smiling, Remember they haven't seen each other
in a while. They hugged each other.
Elton: It's good to see you. I am sorry for what
almost happened to you. I heard it was bad
Leila: I almost died dude. If I didn't overpower
her I would be dead today. I can't believe my
own best friend caused all this
Elton chuckled shaking his head in disbelief.
Elton: I am meeting that demon in few minutes
Leila: What !? Elton you got so angry at your
house last month and almost harmed her child.
Do you think speaking to her is a good idea?. I
can see you're drunk
Elton: I am drunk because I am going through
some shit. A lot is going on in my life I don't
know how I am going to fix some mistakes.
Girlfriend is acting weird and on and on
Leila: What is going on?
Elton smiled.
Elton: I will tell you some other time. Can you
ask them to send a bottle of gin to my room and
put it in our family tab. I need to get there and
shower just to sober up
Leila: Sure you can go up. Wait you wanna sober
up but you're ordering alcohol?
Elton shrugged his shoulders
Elton: Don't forget lemon and salt
Leila: Okay
Elton walked to the elevator. Leila stood there
looking at him concerned. She went to the front
Leila: Riaana can you please send bottle of gin,
Ice, Salt and lemon maybe a cold drink also to
The Seputla suite and put that in their tab. EJ is
Riaana: Okay
Leila smiled then turned around saw Isaiah
approaching her
Isaiah: Hey friend. Sorry I didn't come check on
you sooner
Leila: Are you here as my friend or the
Isaiah smiled.
Isaiah: You know I have always been honest
with you. I am here because of both.
Tomorrow's paper will be my come back. I have
to come back with a bang you have to help me. I
am here to check on you as your friend and get
your side of the story as a journalist
Leila: I can't do this
Leila walked away
Isaiah: She gave me her side !
Leila paused. She turned around. Isaiah smiled
then walked closer to her
Isaiah: " Leila is a bitter ex who can't get over
me leaving her for Hunter. She did all this to
herself "
Leila: She said that !?
Isaiah: Mm-mm
Leila looked at the tables..
Leila: I have few minutes
Isaiah smiled. Did Isaiah just lie to his friend just
to get a scoop? Some friends we keep. Well no
one can blame him. This is his come back. He
has to earn readers trust and what a better way
than exposing a crazy model? Poor Claire. She
doesn't know what she is in for.
At Ndengana project. We see Sabonkolo in her
office working. She heard a knock at the door.
She stood up then went to the window. She
checked who it was. She exhaled then went to
the door and opened. Vathule was at the door. I
thought she called it a day earlier?
Sabonkolo: I didn't know you were coming back
Vathule: Didn't you say after festive we were
gonna go to the police?
Sabonkolo looked down then up smiling
Sabonkolo: The police?
Vathule: Your brother is missing!!!
Vathule snapped. Sabonkolo swallowed hard
Sabonkolo: Oh yeah We should pick a day and
go. I completely forgot with my promotion and
everything. I have been so busy
Vathule: Well no need, I already went to the
police and guess what ?
Sabonkolo: What ?
Vathule: Mangqazula the young and promising
Sangoma from Ndungunyeni is missing and she
was last seen coming to see my sister in law
Sabonkolo: How do you know this ?
Vathule: The police told me. They are shocked by
the co incident In both cases
Sabonkolo started panicking. She sat down with
her hand on her chest. She couldn't hold back
Vathule: Is it really a co incident sister in law?
Sabonkolo looked at Vathule
Sabonkolo: It is!.....
She looked at Vathule
Sabonkolo: It has to be right? I mean Xhalanga is
her brother and we both know how sweet my
sister is
Vathule looked away
Vathule: The police wanted to know what was
going on.....
Vathule started pacing up and down crying
Vathule: I was about to tell them about The
Sabonkolo stood up fast. Vathule turned around.
Sabonkolo: Then what happened?
Vathule: A man, a chubby man reappeared out
of no where. He asked me if I was sure I wanted
to do this
Sabonkolo put her hand on her mouth crying
Vathule: I lied to the police. I hope she deserved
to be protected because if she did something to
my husband she deserves to rot in jail
Vathule stormed out of the office. Sabonkolo sat
at the edge of the desk. Thinking about This
chubby man
Sabonkolo: It was Gedleza.... ?



< Narrated >
At luxury hotel. We see Leila and Isaiah sitting.
There was a recorder on the table. Isaiah
switched it off. It looks like he just got the scoop.
Isaiah: Leila you have my word. I am going to
destroy that lunatic bitch
Leila: I am just happy she is gonna stay in jail for
a long time. That girl almost murdered me
Isaiah: I heard. I swear to you. After tomorrow
no agency will want to be associated with her! I
am just happy that she is going to rot in there. I
know the lawyer you got. He is good
Leila: I need a favour though
Isaiah: After agreeing to speak to me anything
Leila: You can't quote me. You have to say you
heard this from a source. Remember she is not
charged yet. If you quote me you risk your life
and mine. Don't get me started with my case. It
would ruin things. If my case is ruined that can
give Claire a chance to come out. And when she
is out she is coming for all of us
Isaiah looked scared.
Isaiah: Oh my God I was gonna quote you!
Thank you for reminding me. She still has to
stand in court. I promise you. I will say it's a
source. I won't betray you and I wouldn't forgive
myself if this article ruined your case.You need
to get justice
Leila: Thank you
A pretty good looking boy joined them. Isaiah
stood up
Isaiah: Hey babe
Isaiah looked at Leila
Isaiah: Babe this is my friend Chef Leila. She
works here
He looked at Leila
Isaiah: Leila this is my boyfriend. We booked a
room here for three hours. I have to go
Leila: Okay nice to see you boyfriend
The boy smiled
Him: You too
They walked to the elevator. They got in then
turned around and waved at Leila. She did too.
The elevator closed. Leila stood up
Leila: I guess I will have my Salad in the Kitchen
it's time to go back
She attempted to walk to the kitchen. She looked
up and saw Junaid. They looked at each other at
the same time and smiled.
Junaid: Leila darling
Leila: Hey Junaid
Junaid: Ready for the wedding ?
Leila: And excited my dress is done. The only
thing that is left now is straightening up my hair
which will make me sad. I love my look
Junaid: Why are you doing it?
Leila: I want to look presentable and clean. I
wanna look like a lady for Priscella. That
wedding is a royal wedding. I have to look the
part. I am a bridesmaid
Junaid: True. Prissy is lucky to have such friends
who are making sacrifices for her day
Leila: She is a great person. She got me a lawyer.
How can you not do good by her ?
Junaid: That was very sweet of her wow
Leila: Now you see why I have to look great
Junaid: I can't wait for the day. Oh have you
seen Isaiah anywhere here. He is a journal......
Leila: I know him. We are actually friends. He
just got to the elevator with his boyfriend right
Junaid: Boyfriend?
Junaid kept a smile on. He didn't want Leila to
see that he is angry.
Leila: Yes. They booked a room
Junaid: Nice..... do you know the room number. I
wanna surprise them with drinks
Leila: Unfortunately they didn't tell me. Junaid I
have to go back to work. It was a pleasure to see
Leila kissed his cheek then ran to work. Junaid
lost his smile and started breathing heavily
Junaid: That son of a Bitch
He said that then walked to the guys at front
desk fuming with anger.

< Judge NomaKhosazana >
I don't know what is going on but what I know is
Nontorotyi is in trouble and as a family we are
going to stick together and fix this. We are going
to make sure She doesn't go to jail. This family
always stick together no matter what. We might
fight and hate each other but we always have
each other's backs but with Nontorotyi it's one
sided. We don't know if she has our backs. We
have her back though and we don't care if She
doesn't as long we do the right thing for her and
her kids.
What Gedleza did getting rid of Refilwe was
smart. The last time Refilwe was here I left them
and went to see Nomfunzelo. That day I was
honest. I told them what happened. I told them I
watched a woman die and I did nothing. This
time it is her second visit. We just cannot afford
to tell her that one of us killed another woman.
That would scare her off. That would give her
doubts about us. We want her to trust us with
her daughter. She can't be scared of us. We can't
afford to make her feel like we are bunch of
criminals. We are a respected royal family.
People know that. We can't give them any
reason to think otherwise. I will never allow
that. Not while I am still alive. We built a legacy
for our children. We changed our kids and
taught them leadership and promised them to
be these respected people. I can't disappoint
Masixole after the sacrifices he made to be a
king. It is already announced. Everyone knows
about the coronation. Imagine if something
would happen. He wouldn't be a king.
Anyway River went to Nontorotyi's house with
Gedleza to get rid of that woman's spirit. I asked
my sister in law to call Deliwe. She said she will
call her in the Kitchen while she is making tea
for her. Deliwe will never forget this year. She is
treated like royalty something that has never
happened in this family. I saw Princess
Nomagampompo coming to the living room
Nomagampompo: She is on her way. I just
brought biscuits. She loves them. When she
arrives I will fetch tea
Me: Okay. I just wish she doesn't stutter when
the police arrive asking questions
Princess sat down
Nomagampompo: Do you think the police might
come here?
Me: I don't know maybe, or a mob of traditional
healers. I mean why would Gedleza desperately
wanna get rid of the spirit from her car and
suggest they leave it somewhere far from here ?
Nomagampompo: Yeah.... I think something big
or some search Is coming but if there was
danger Gedleza would've warned us
Me: Yeah....I think the danger that was gonna
happen is the one he is trying to take care of
with River
Nomagampompo: You're right
The front door opened. Siqalo walked in, My
sister in law stood up
Nomagampompo: We are waiting for her
Siqalo: Okay my princess
He turned around then walked out. My sister in
law walked to the kitchen. Deliwe walked in.
Deliwe: My Queen
Me: Afternoon Deliwe come sit
Deliwe: Thank you My Queen. How was
Me: Great! we had a lot of fun
Deliwe: That's good
She looked at the plate with biscuits
Me: The princess put them here for you
Deliwe: Oh thank you my Queen. I love ginger
Me: Great
Princess Nomagampompo walked in and gave
her tea.
Deliwe: Thank you Your highness. I think your
Majesties summoned me here to talk about
Me: You're right Deliwe. We hate to be
predictable but we had to see you. We think
someone or some people will come looking for
that woman again. We want you to stick to what
Your boss told you. If anyone ask you about that
day. Tell them that woman found you alone in
the house. You told her your boss wasn't home.
She left
Deliwe: I will do that your Majesties
Nomagampompo: That is good. We just don't
wanna attract unnecessary attention. The king is
getting married in few days. We can't afford
drama Deliwe
Deliwe: I completely understand my princess
She stood up. She took the biscuits. She put them
in her apron pockets. She sipped tea for the last
Deliwe: I Will take this to the kitchen Your
Majesties. I have to cook dinner For madam
I smiled.
Me: Okay Deliwe. Thank you for everything
Deliwe: Anything for the royal house
She took a bite then walked away. Princess
Nomagampompo looked at me and smiled.
Nomagampompo: I am glad Refilwe's chef
cooked our dinner. Tonight We will just warm
up food and dish up
Me: I know and besides everyone is tired
Nomagampompo: Yeah. Now let's wait for this
hunt. Let's just hope nothing happens
I stood up. I poured whisky into two glasses. I
gave her hers then I sat down
Me: We won't let it happen. We never let
anything get in our way, More especially when
it's family related
Nomagampompo: And we are ready. Do you
think the people we hired can manage to
remove everything from this living room the
day before the wedding?
Me: They better. They come highly recommend

I had to come see Elton and apologise. I just pray
that one person out of all the people I wronged
forgives me. I have a good feeling about this. I
mean if he wanted to humiliate me. He wouldn't
have suggested his suite. I think he is willing to
listen. I hope when we finally get along he will
help me with Leila. He and Leila are great. I Am
not going to talk about that today, I don't want to
ruin it. I don't want him to think I am using him
to win Leila over. Today is about me and him.
When I left the house I only had one thing in my
head, apologising for going to speak to Priscella
only but I think it is time for me to apologise for
everything that I have done to Elton. I hurt him
so much. He didn't deserve that. All he did was
treat Me like a Queen. When Leila mentioned
that and him buying me clothes, it hurt me
because there was nothing Elton wouldn't do for
me. Every date we went to I wore a new dress.
Every party night we went shopping together
just like our last day together. Before we went
out went shopping. Anyway I thought about it
all and the things he is done for me. He deserve
an apology from me. I have to mean it. I am
even ashamed to think of the things I said to
Priscella the morning after I drugged Elton. He
never acted like a boy to me. He was always a
man and matured. Not a single day had I felt like
I was dating a 21 year old. I was 4 years older
than him but I never felt like that. I said what I
said because I was too excited that I finally spent
a night with a man of my dreams. I completely
forgot about how good Elton was to me. Now
that it sank in that I am with the man I love and
he is mine. I need to fix things with people I
wronged. The only person I ruined is this man. I
hope this goes well and Hungani never find out
about it. He said he wanted to forget the
Seputlas. I can't forget EJ until I know he forgave
Anyway I just got to the hotel. I want to see
Leila, Well I can't say I want to as if I will
request to see her, I am hoping that I see her by
accident. I am desperate I don't know why she
can't see that. I walked to the Elevator. Off I
went to the Seputla Suite. I got to the floor. I
walked out of the elevator. I looked at Seputla
Suite, A worker from the hotel walked out and
closed the door. Maybe Elton isn't there yet.
Me: Please don't clos......
The Worker turned around
Worker: Sorry I already did. You're coming here
Me: Yes I am meeting Elton Seputla. He said I
should come to his suite. I thought I would find
him here
Worker: He is here. He went to take a shower. I
have the master key. You can just go in
She said unlocking with her card.
Me: Thank you
I walked in. Indeed he is in the shower. Why
would Elton take a shower here? Unless he has
been living here? I put my handbag on the
couch. I looked around the suite. I smiled
thinking about the memories I have shared here
I spent my best and worst days here. It was our
escape place. When we didn't wanna be at the
house we'd come here. Order the most
expensive champagne and food.
" Oh you're here already ? " said a voice behind
me. I quickly wiped my one eye. I could feel a
tear there. I turned around. Oh My God really?
He is naked. He had the towel around his neck.
His body is naked. I covered my face.
Elton: Hi
Me: Can you put some clothes on
Elton: Now you're being dramatic. It's not like
you don't know all this
He walked to the table. He poured himself a
drink. Then attempted to pour to another one
Me: I am sorry I can't drink. You know I am
pregnant right ?
Elton: Yeah sure. I am sorry
Me: Elton are you okay? You don't seem okay ?
I can see he is drunk and he is still getting
drunk. I know him. I have known him for few
years. Something is bothering him. He gulped
his drink then looked at me. He smiled.
Me: Can you wear something please
Elton: I am sure you didn't come here to ask how
I am doing. We both know you don't care. Why
are you here ?
Me: That is not true. I do care
Elton: Tasha I don't wanna know how you feel. I
listened to that for so long and it was a lie
Me: It was.....
Elton: It wasn't a lie? Wow look where we ended
up up with your truth
I looked down. He wants to right. I am not here
to fight. Wait? whenever I wanted to talk about
what I did he always stopped me. Does this
mean he wanna talk now?
Me: I came to apologise to you for everything I
have done to you. You're right Elton. What I did
can mean one thing. I am a slut. Only a slut
would do that to her boyfriend to be with the
other guy
Elton: Tasha like i said so many times before, I
don't want to talk about what happened
between us. If that's the reason you came here.
Then Why apologise now?
Me: Actually it's not the only reason
He sat on his bed. He took a lotion and applied it
on his body
Elton: Then what ?
Me: I heard you spoke to Hungani. I want to
apologise for the things I said to your sister. She
didn't deserve that. I am dealing with my own
issues. I tried reaching out. She blocked me and I
don't blame her....
I walked around.
Me: I deserve it
Elton is awfully quiet. I turned and looked at
him. He looked away when I looked at him. Is he
checking me out ? He stood up then went to his
alcohol again
Elton: I thought you'd be big now
I smiled then looked down
Me: EJ I am not even 8 weeks pregnant yet......
Elton: I see
My eyes ran to his private part and what I was
avoiding is happening. He is getting excited. He
looked embarrassed. He turned around and
looked away. God I don't know what He is trying
to do. This is not funny. I am going go give him
his clothes. I know something is wrong with
him. I am not leaving until He tells me what is
wrong but first he has to dress up. I walked to
the right side of his bed where he is standing. I
am heading to his pants that were on the floor
just next to the headboard.
Me: Elton you hav......
He turned around, I tripped on his sneakers that
were lying down. Oh my God what if I get hurt. I
saw myself flying to the floor. I got light headed.
I couldn't remember anything. Oh My God. I
can't lose my baby. What am I gonna tell
Hungani? What will I say I was doing here ?
where? I should've told him where I was going. I
don't think he will forgive me for this. After
some time not knowing what is going on. I
opened my eyes.
Elton: Hey you're back
Oh my God. I am lying on his bed. He is on top of
me. He had his hand on my forehead just
playing with it there. I looked at him. I touched
my stomach. He was not really lying on me. He
was on his knees I guess he was trying to wake
me up. His legs were on the sides surounding
my body.
Me: Oh My God my bab......
Elton: Shhhhh......
He shushed me smiling. It's the first time seeing
his genuine smile. First it was when I opened
my eyes and now he smiles again.
Elton: You didn't fall, I catch you
Me: Thank you
He looked at Me straight in the eyes smiling. He
played with my hair.
Elton: You're still beautiful
Me: EJ
He let his lower body fall on mine.
Elton: It's okay, I know you're getting married
I closed my eyes. Tears streamed down my face.
I opened my eyes he was breathing in my face.
Elton: I forgive you......
I broke down
Elton: For everything......
I cried more harder
Elton: Don't cry
I put my hands on the sides of his head
Me: Thank you
He leaned down for a kiss. Oh My God what am I
doing? I pulled him. Our lips met. He kissed me
hard. I was doing the same. His Mr D was poking
me so hard and excited. He pulled up my dress. I
kept kissing him. He took off my panty. He lifted
my legs up. He kissed my neck. I pulled his face
up and whispered
Me: Not my neck
He smiled at me giving me the seductive look
that makes me weak. I smiled. I felt him playing
his D on my VJay
Me: Oh yeah
He kept doing that until I got so wet. I grabbed it.
He perked my lips
Me: Do me please
It was as if he was waiting for me to ask. I felt
him penetrate me more like pushing himself in.
I gasped
Me: Oh...
He started moving slowly. I was letting out sexy
moans playing with my fingers on his bald head.
He went in and out slowly. After about fifteen
minutes he upped the pace. I was calling his
name. I put my hands on his bum then helped
him go harder. We went on for 40 minutes
changing styles until he finally cum. I let out a
heavy sigh
Me: Oh My God
He kissed my ear then my lips
Elton: That was good
I looked down blushing. He got off me. I stood
up. I saw him bend over. He picked up my G-
string. I pulled down my dress. He gave it to me.
Me: Thank you
I went to my handbag. I put it in. He looked at
me then walked to the bathroom
Elton: Wanna join Me?
I flipped my hair
Me: I think I should leave
He turned around then smiled.
Elton: Don't worry. This didn't happen I promise
you. It will be our secret
Me: Thank you
Right now I don't want to think about what I just
did at all. Maybe I will later. But right now I am
embarrassed and I want to get out of here. He
came to me. He fixed my hair then kissed me. I
can't believe myself. I kissed him back. He broke
the kiss then smiled at me.
Elton: Goodbye for good Tasha
I looked at him in the eyes not saying anything
tears streaming down my face
Tasha: Goodbye EJ
He walked to the bathroom. I took out my
mirror. I looked at myself. I put it in then
carried my handbag and headed to the door. I
walked out then closed the door Then leaned on
it. I looked from the left to right
Me: I just cheated

< Nontorotyi >
Deliwe was summoned to the royal palace. I
wonder what is going on. While I was surprised
and curious about that. I saw Gedleza and
Nomahelele coming to my house. Iam glad I am
not drunk. That nap River suggested really
helped. When Deliwe left. I was about to start
drinking. When I saw Nomahelele and Gedleza
come. I decided to put my alcohol where I took
it. I don't want Nomahelele to think I am not
listening to her. I honestly don't want her to stop
helping me. I don't want to give her a reason for
her to give up on me. I want to drink at night
though. I want my husband out of this house. I
don't know why I am doing this. I am supposed
to be trying for the baby. Ever since I stopped
taking my contraceptives I haven't had sex with
my husband. Maybe it's better I deal with this
first then try for the baby later. Remember
when I am pregnant. I will have to quit alcohol. I
need my drink right now. I cannot afford that.
Anyway they knocked at the door. I went to
open the door.
Me: Hi
I saw Gedleza on his knees performing some
witchcraft. What is going on? I looked behind
Me: Gedleza what are you doing ?
Nomahelele: He is taking.....
She looked around and inside
Me: I am alone
She looked at me.
Nomahelele: We think something is gonna
happen. We are here to take her soul from here!
Tears ran down my cheeks. I had my hand on
my mouth
Me: Mangqazula?
Nomahelele nodded her head yes..
Gedleza: Your Majesties the soul is not here
Me: Oh My God where is it ?
He looked at my car Then pointed at it
Gedleza: It's in your car but we don't have time!
Me: Am I in trouble?
Nomahelele walked in. So did Gedleza
Nomahelele: Not yet
I looked at Gedleza
Gedleza: We have to take that soul and go leave
it somewhere far from here
Me: Okay let's go
Nomahelele: I think you need to stay here. I will
take care of this with Gedleza. We are afraid
that those students of that woman might come
and feel her soul. Give me Your car keys
I ran to my car keys. I took them then gave them
to her. Nomahelele looked at Gedleza
Nomahelele: You don't have a problem with
performing this on the way?
Gedleza: Not at all my Queen
Nomahelele: Great let's go!
They walked to the door.
Me: Queen River!
River paused then turned around
Nomahelele: Sister wife?
Me: Thank you, Thank you for everything
She smiled then nodded her head. She walked
out with Gedleza. I ran to the door. I watched
them running to my car. They got in. River drove
At a distance. I saw Sabonkolo walking fast
coming to my house. What is going on? Why
everyone is acting like this? Am I gonna get
arrested? Are the police on their way? I closed
the door. I leaned on it crying and scared. I ran
to my vodka. I poured myself a drink. I gulped it
. I poured another one. I heard a knock. I ran to
the door.
Me: Sis
Sabonkolo barged in
Sabonkolo: Vathule went to the police!
Me: What!?
Sabonkolo: I promised to go with her this month.
That was before I knew what happened. I don't
know why she went behind my back ! where is
Queen River and Gedleza going?
Me: They got here telling me that woman's soul
is in my car. They are about to cleanse the car
And take her soul else where
Sabonkolo paced up and down
Sabonkolo: Good! I am sure the police are on
their way. So what's the plan?
" We stick to the original plan....... " Said a voice
coming from the kitchen. We both looked at the
kitchen. it's Deliwe. Sabonkolo looked at me
Sabonkolo: She knows?
Deliwe: That doesn't matter now child. What
matters is your sister. We have to protect her
Me: Deliwe.....
Deliwe: Madam Queen The Queen summoned
me to the palace to tell me that we stick to that
and I am going to tell the police that I was alone
when that woman got here
Me: Thank you
Sabonkolo: Do you see where this family is
willing to go to save your behind ?
I sat down crying. She is right or they are trying
to protect their reputation.
Sabonkolo: You still think they hate you?
I looked down
Sabonkolo: They are helping you get away with
murder! Tell me something.... they know you
killed our brother?
Deliwe: They don't!!
Deliwe quickly answered. I looked at Deliwe,
She smiled.
Deliwe: Right Madam Queen?
I looked at Sabonkolo
Me: Right. They just suspect. That is why
Nomahelele went to you. She went there
because of assumptions
Sabonkolo: I just came to tell you that. I am
going back to work
She said walking to the door.
Me: Sis
Sabonkolo paused then turned around.
Me: Thank you
Sabonkolo: Don't thank Me! just don't kill my
brother's wife too! she doesn't know you killed
her husband!
I put both my hands on my mouth and broke
down. She opened the door, Walked out and
slammed it behind her. I looked at Deliwe. She
looked at me with pity eyes
Me: I am not a murder ! I wouldn't kill my sister
in law!
Deliwe swallowed hard then looked down
Me: You don't believe!?
Deliwe: I do Madam. Let's just make sure she
doesn't learn of the secret...
She looked away
Deliwe: We don't know who is safe when it
comes to that.....
What? The cut me deep in the heart. I sat down
on the couch. Wow. Deliwe just knows how to
throw a shade at someone and at like she didn't
just hurt my feelings.



< Nontorotyi >
Gedleza and Nomahelele coming here so
desperate to get rid of the evidence made me
realise that something is on the way. I had to
stop being selfish and think about this family
and my children. Me going to jail would ruin
this family. Everyone's life depends on me
keeping it together. I cannot be the reason for
this family's downfall. Everyone expects me to
be the one messing up. I can't be doing that. If I
get arrested. A lot is gonna fall apart. King
Zwelicacile is getting married. He might not get
married if I am arrested. I might lose everything.
My carreer and my husband. I can't let that
happen, that is why when Gedleza and
Nomahelele left all I wanted was to just sleep
and not drink. These people are coming. I have
to make sure I am ready and I am on the right
state of mind. A mind to protect myself and my
family. That is what I am going to do. I told
myself that I am going to drink tonight. I can't
afford to do it during the day not until I make
sure this mess is put to rest.
Sabonkolo and my maid don't think i wouldn't
kill my brother's wife if she were to learn about
the truth. That is something to be concerned
about because I, Myself don't know if I wouldn't
do it. I really don't know and that is an honest
truth. I mean I went so far to prevent this secret
from coming out. Vathule is just my late
brother's wife. That is all she is. If she knows
what is good for her she better work for our
company and keep her mouth shut. Her
husband was just a man who had no future. He
lived by blackmailing me. Xhalanga didn't
wanna work for himself all he wanted was to
milk money from me. He thought marrying into
Ndengana family was my ticket to success. He
had no idea that I had to work my ass off to be
where I am today. Everyone in this family is
educated and independent. Yes the family asked
me to stop working when my husband got to be
regent but that didn't mean I had everything. He
should've considered that before blackmailing
me. We all want to succeed here. I had to go to
nursing college. What did my brother have?
nothing! all He had was information to use
against me. That hurt me but he never cared. He
heard I was arrested. He never cared. I was
attacked in jail he never bothered to visit.
Xhalanga invited all this to himself.
Anyway I heard a knock coming from the door.
It kinda woke me up from my nap. I looked at
the door.
Me: It's open !
Deliwe walked in, She quickly closed the door
Then leaned on it. I jumped up. Something is
going on
Me: What is it ?
Deliwe: They are here. The police and a lot of
traditional healers
Me: Oh My God
Deliwe: Madam Queen at the palace I was told to
be strong. They said i shouldn't look nervous or
panic. Don't be the one who is gonna ruin your
life. Wipe those tears and follow me!
She opened the door Then walked out. I wiped
my tears. I went to the mirror then fixed myself.
I went to the door. I walked out and headed to
the living room.
Officer: Where is she?
Deliwe: I woke her up from a nap she is coming
Me: I am here ! What is going on here ?
The officers stood up. I looked out the window.
The sangomas were wondering around my yard
singing and playing a drum GoD they really
have to attract attention?
Me: Jesus this is a royal family! what circus is
this !? What will my people say ! l?
Officer: Ma'am sit down
I looked at him.
Me: Okay
I sat down.
Officer: When was the last time you saw this
man ?
He said giving me a photo. I took the photo.
Me: This is my brother. My missing brother. Did
you find him? please tell me he is alive
Officer: No, He is still missing
I quickly wiped my tears
Me: Oh, That's promising. He will come back
Officer: Ma'am when was the last time you saw
I took my phone. I unlocked it.
Me: I don't erase my call log. I last saw him last
month when he came here to get money for
Christmas. My brother is not working. I help him
and his wife however I can
Officer: Where did he go when he left here?
Me: Good question officer. We keep asking
ourselves that. To me he said he was rushing
home to send his wife to town to buy groceries.
You know how unemployed and uneducated
people are, All they think about when they see
money is food. I was surprised to hear he didn't
go home
Officer: Why didn't you report him as a missing
person ?
Me: As a family we agreed that we will report
him after festive. We all thought maybe He went
to some woman and spent the money with her.
You know how men are like in December
Officer: It's the 5th of January why haven't you
reported him?
Me: King Zwelicacile is getting married in five
days. We are very busy. Even today. We just
came back from Johannesburg the entire Village
can testify that a private Jet landed here on this
soul to bringing us home. I am such a busy
person. I was gonna follow it up after 10th. I
don't know I can feel it. My brother is well and
alive wherever he is
Officer: Let's talk about Mangqazula........
Me: Mangqazula?
Officer: The Sangoma who came looking for
your daughter
Me: Oh her..... I remember her some of those
guys outside came looking for her. Honestly I
didn't know what they were talking about
because I never saw that woman in my house
Officer: Those woman and Men outside say she
came to see your daughter
I looked at Deliwe
Me: Deliwe! come here!
Deliwe came
Me: Officers after those people left I asked my
maid. She said the woman came here but
unfortunately my daughter was not home. She
spent four days if not five in Johannesburg
Officer: Is that true ma'am ?
Deliwe: Yes she found me alone. The reason I
didn't tell anyone about it was because I was the
one who recommended Mangqazula to the girl.
And I knew what I did was wrong. This is a royal
family. We have our own Royal healer. We don't
go around telling strangers our affairs
You can't trust Deliwe to throw herself right in.
She is referring to her as loyalty now? Anyway
good job. She is going great. I was nodding my
head while Deliwe is talking. It looks like We got
This. The front door opened. One Sangoma
walked in
Sangoma: Her soul is not here. If she is dead She
didn't die here
Officer: Okay....
Me: Promise me this is the last time you barge
into my house like this. This is a royal house I
don't appreciate being treated like a criminal. I
am a protector and a pillar of these villagers.
This invasion that happened outside and here in
my living room is unacceptable!
Officer2: We just came to ask questions ma'am
Deliwe: Your highness! that's how you address
the Queen
Officer2: I apologise
He looked at his colleagues
Officer2: Let's go guys
Me: Bye and please find my brother
Officer1: We will do our best
I smiled. They walked out and closed the door.
Deliwe gave me high five we were not even
looking at each other.
Me: We did great
Deliwe: We did good Madam Queen. I doubt
they will come back
Me: They won't
I took out my phone. I called Nomahelele
Nomahelele: Sister wife?
Me: They were here, The police and the
Nomahelele: Oh My God and ?
Me: We did well. And you two guys did well. The
sangomas said her soul Is not here
Nomahelele: Fantastic! We just left her soul at
some River I have never been to
Me: What River is that ?
Nomahelele: Mthakatyi River ?
Me: Oh My God you're far
Nomahelele: I know but we are coming back.
Mission accomplished
Me: Thank you both. Tell Gedleza
Nomahelele: He can hear you
Me: Okay bye
I hung up. I heard someone clearing their throat
behind me. I turned around and saw Zinyovile
sitting on the couch.
Zinyovile: Hello little old you! You have new
friends now " Thank Gedleza for me "
Me: You need to leave Zinyovile! Every time you
come by things don't workout for me. Gedleza
helped me cause a mess and he wad willing to
help me through it unlike you. All you ever did
was tell me what's gonna happen then let me
drown and watch from the sidelines. You never
helped me out !!!
Zinyovile swallowed hard. Oh is she really out of
words? That's a first.
Me: You are what you call a witch. You celebrate
my suffering. Shouldn't you be helping me as a
friend or are you trying to tell me you've
became weak. You can't protect. You just see
things ?
Zinyovile: Zinza-Zenja's son is not better than
She snapped
Me: Then Prove it! From now on you are going
to help me
Zinyovile: How do you help someone who don't
wanna help themselves?
Me: Then to me.... You will always come last !
Zinyovile: I am going to make you pay for this
Me: What did I do? I only told you the truth.
Have you ever helped me?
Zinyovile: Goodbye
She vanished
Me: Witch!

< Narrated >
At Sdabadabeni village. We see Chief
Khabalandile's car driving to his house. It looked
like he was in a hurry judging by the dust he
was leaving behind. Someone might've told him
what was going on in his house. He got to his
house. He left his car unlocked. He ran to the
door. He didn't knock. He barged in. Nontorotyi
stood up then ran to him
Nontorotyi: My love
She hugged the chief. Wait ? Maybe Zinyovile
left because she felt The chief coming. Anyway
The chief broke the hug
Hlohlesakhe: I hear police and some traditional
healers were here?
Nontorotyi: Yes my love. Apparently the
sangoma Ngejiwe went to Is missing and they
say she said she was coming here to see Ngejiwe
Hlohlesakhe: That woman came here after you
told her she is not allowed to speak to my
daughter! ?
Nontorotyi looked around. She ran to the door
and closed it
Nontorotyi: Can you believe it my love? After I
told her we have a healer she came here! The
nerve my love! The nerve !
Hlohlesakhe: What did you do to her ?
Nontorotyi swallowed hard. She smiled then
walked passed her husband
Nontorotyi: I wish I was here when she arrived.
Maybe if I was I would've done something
Hlohlesakhe: Who was here ?
Nontorotyi turned around.
Nontorotyi: Deliwe was here. She told her my
daughter was out of town which was a lie
because she was just making sure she doesn't
come back. As you know Deliwe knows what is
going on
Hlohlesakhe: Yeah...... I wonder what happened
to her.... ?
Nontorotyi: Me too my love......
Hlohlesakhe looked at his wife.
Hlohlesakhe: For what she was trying to do. I
don't care where she is. She almost ruined my
reputation! I was gonna be a joke in this village
Nontorotyi walked to her husband. She hugged
him then brushed his back
Nontorotyi: I know my love, I know and I was
never gonna forgive myself because it would be
my fault. I lied to you
The chief hugged her tight. Nontorotyi smiled.
Nontorotyi: I love you my love
The chief kissed the side of Nontorotyi's face
while in the hug.
At Luxury hotel. Earlier Leila unintentionally
sold Isaiah out by telling Junaid that he went to
a room with his boyfriend. Leila had no idea
that Junaid and Isaiah had a thing. Leila had to
go to work. She left Junaid standing and angry
because of what he was told. Few minutes later
we see Junaid still at front. He walked to the
ladies at reception.
Junaid: Hi, My boyfriend booked a room for us.
His phone is off. Can I get his room number?
Lady: Surname?
Junaid started thinking. He doesn't know his
Lady: Sir the surname?
Junaid: You are going to find this funny. I don't
know his last name our relationship is new. I
Am not sure if you know him but he is a
journalist. He is a black man but he looks very
white like a milk. His eye lashes and eyebrows
Another lady interrupted them
Lady2: White like an a man with albinism. It's
Isaiah Norman. I served him he in room D 153
Junaid: Thank you so much. You said Room.......
Lady2: D153
Junaid thanked her again then walked away .
Lady2: Sir!
Junaid turned around.
Junaid: Yes Dear ?
Lady2: We are not allowed to do what we just
did, The reason i gave you his room number is
because I know you. If we find Mr Norman dead,
The police will go straight to J fashions
Junaid looked shocked by this
Lady2: Do enjoy your two hour stay
Junaid: Of course. Thank you okay
The ladies looked at each other.
Lady1: He said he is his boyfriend but he doesn't
even know his surname? Anyway J fashions?
What's that ?
Lady2: What makes it worse. They are both
celebrities. Isaiah is a journalist everyone knows
his name and surname. I wonder why Junaid
don't know his surname
The woman clapped once shaking her head
Lady2: Di Gays
Lady1: And what does this one do?
Lady2: You are so slow Chomie. He is a GREAT
fashion designer
Lady1 clapped once
Lady1: Wow
At fourth floor, We see Junaid standing infront
of Isaiah's hotel room. Inside. We see Isaiah
jumps off Philile. It looks like they just had sex.
Isaiah kissed him. Philile stood up naked.
Philile: Joining me ?
Philile said walking to the bathroom. Isaiah
looked at him licking his lower lip
Isaiah: Hell yea......
He stopped talking when he heard a knock at
the door. Isaiah looked at Philile
Isaiah: Go in. I will follow you
Philile walked in. He ran the shower. Junaid
knocked then leaned on the wall next to the
door. He didn't want Isaiah to see him before he
opens the door.
Junaid: Room service from our manager
appreciating your visit
Junaid said changing His voice. The door
opened. Junaid turned then stood at the door. He
found Isaiah only with a towel around his waist.
Isaiah's eyes pooped out.
Junaid: Hello boyfriend
Isaiah attempted to walk out. Junaid pushed
him. He walked in then closed the door.
Junaid: Why didn't you invite me baby
Isaiah: Are you following Me?
Junaid: Are you cheating on me?
Isaiah: You shouldn't be here !
He said looking at the bathroom.
Junaid: Why not ?
Isaiah looked angry. Junaid stripped off his
clothes. He was naked
Isaiah: What are you doin....
Junaid pushed Isaiah. He fell on the bed. He was
lying on his back
Isaiah: What are you doing?
Junaid forcefully kissed Isaiah.
Junaid: Make love to me
Isaiah: Are you Kidding Me?
Junaid: You're going to make love to me or I link
the video of us having sex. When it is out there,
You will lose your job and you know they won't
forgive you the second time doing the very same
thing you did the first time. It looks like sex
tapes love you Sweetheart
Isaiah: You wouldn't dare! I know you're
bluffing. There is no video !
Junaid: Are you sure about that ?
Isaiah looked at Junaid. He could see he was
Isaiah: Why are you doing this ?
Junaid: You cheated on me. I am giving you a
choice. Make love to me!
Isaiah pulled Junaid. He fell on top of him.
Water was making noise in the shower. Junaid
smiled while Isaiah kissing his neck. Junaid
Grabbed his Mr D. He went down on Isaiah. He
went on and on blowing him. Isaiah started
moaning enjoying this. After 15 minutes Junaid
went up. He sat on him then grabbed his Mr and
insert it inside him. He started riding him and
started moaning dramatically more like alerting
Philile in the bathroom. They went on for almost
another 15 minutes. The water stopped in the
Junaid: Oh Yeah Isaiah yeah fuck Me! Oh
Philile appeared from the bathroom. He put
both his hands on his mouth. Junaid looked at
him then winked at him
Junaid: Yeah baby tell me I am the only one you
love ;)
Isaiah: You know you are baby Damn shit oh
Junaid kissed Isaiah while riding him. He looked
at Philile again
Junaid: Care to join us ?
Isaiah stopped moving. He looked at Philile
Philile Ran approaching them. He picked up his
clothes. He ran to the door. Junaid jumped off
Isaiah. He grabbed Philile's neck. He turned him
Junaid: Where do you think you're going Bitch!?
Junaid punched Philile in the face.
Isaiah: Junaid stop!!!
Isaiah said running to them. Junaid turned
around and punched Isaiah. He fell and hit his
head on the edge of the bed. Junaid turned
Philile: I am so.....
Junaid punched Philile again
Junaid: You're not sorry bitch! You knew he was
mine! you came to JJohannesburg to whore or to
be a PA!?
Junaid punched him again. He grabbed him then
pushed Philile to the wall. Philile hit the wall
with his head then fell. Junaid turned around
with Isaiah attempting to grab him. Junaid
Grabbed Isaiah penis then pulled it
Isaiah: Please don't please
Junaid: Maybe I should cut it off
He said twisting his penis along with his balls
Isaiah: I am sorry baby. I won't cheat on you
Isaiah twisted his balls. He squeezed them.
Isaiah had his eyes popped out of their sockets
Junaid: How could you cheat on Me?
Isaiah: I.....
Junaid didn't wait for him to explain. He twisted
his balls. Isaiah fell on his knees. He was fading.
Junaid heard the door shut. He looked at the
door Then at Isaiah
Junaid: Your bitch left you all alone
Junaid pushed Isaiah. He fell on his back.
Junaid: Come back to life boyfriend. We have to
go again! it has only been 46 minutes. We have
an hour 14 minutes
Junaid got to bed then lie down waiting for
Isaiah to join him.

< Mia >
My name is Mia Simelani. I am 25 years old and
I live in Soweto. Yes I know what you thinking.
To Elton I said I was 19 years old. I Don't know
how long will I keep up with the lie. I am really
worried about that. Elton thinks I am studying in
Cape town at University that is not true. I am
studying in a TVET college in Mpumalanga. The
reason I lied about my age and where I am
studying is because I was ashamed. I didn't think
he'd like me if I told him the truth. It's so
unattractive to be older than your boyfriend. I
have always been small. I knew he would
believe me when I say I am 19 years old and I
was right. I started talking to him after the
scandal with Tasha. I was there for him. He
didn't know me but I made sure out of all the
fans and other girls I stood out. I made him
notice me and it worked. I love Elton. There is
no agenda. It's just the lie about my age and
where I am studying. I lived in Cape town before
that is why it was so easy to lie about it. My aunt
lives there. I do visit once in a while. He saw
Pictures and bought my lies. I know lies always
catch up with you. I am worried that he might
find out and hate me for lying. I cannot lose him.
I really love him so much. I will say it again, I
can't lose him. I refuse to. I just hope no one will
tell him the truth about me. I am really crossing
Anyway Elton is not here. He left without telling
me anything. I don't know what is wrong with
him. Ever since we came back from the trip he
has been acting weird I don't know. Maybe I am
seeing things that are not there but I can't help
but have this feeling that he has a lot in his mind
and he doesn't wanna tell me. Who leaves his
girlfriend at his house with strangers and not
say where he is going? I am not complaining
though. His family and friends are cool and I
can't say I am angry when I have to drink
Alcohol I only see on t.v. Trust me I love alcohol
and I feel like i am not drinking as much as I
want to, Remember. I have to keep up with these
fancy people and act like a modern girl. It sucks
but It is worth it. I am dating the richest man in
Johannesburg how can I complain? I am not
even mad he left me. I just hope wherever he is
There is no girl who is trying to be me. I am not
prepared to let Elton go anytime soon. I want to
be his wife. I just hope by the time I turn thirty
he will think of marriage. I don't know how is
that gonna happen. I mean how old will he be
when I am thirty? He will be 25 going to 26.
Maybe I will have to wait a while longer to be
married. He is too young and even at 26 he will
be too young to think of marriage. I just pray we
last that long. Anyway I kept looking at the
Elevator. Algebra smiled at me.
Algebra: He will be back. I am sure he was
meeting some producer or his mother called and
asked him to go do something. only an
emergency can make Elton leave without telling
I smiled
Me: Yeah. I just miss him
Algebra: He is yours girl trust me. I mean you're
here. After what happened with Tasha. I never
thought he would bring a girl home again. You
being here shows how much he loves you
I smiled at Algebra
Me: I know
Algebra: Then cheer up. I am going to get you a
drink. What do you wanna drink ?
Me: Champagne
Algebra: Champagne coming right up
He walked away. I lost my smile. To be honest
with you. Champagne is not really what I
thought it tasted like. I just want Russian Bear or
4th street I will be good but I can't. I have to
keep up with them. While standing alone
waiting for my glass. I heard my phone ring. I
looked at it then at everyone smiling. I walked to
the balcony. I opened the door Then walked out.
I answered
Me: Hello
Caller: Why did he leave you behind. Where is
he going? Did he even tell you ?
I cannot believe this. I am tired of this now
Me: Are you following EJ? Really!?
Him: Answer the question!
Me: He didn't tell me. Elton is busy. He just got
home from shooting his show. I am sure Maybe
he is meeting his manager
Him: He went to the hotel, 30 minutes straight
after he got in, His ex arrived
My eyes pooped out. What ex? Is Elton capable
of cheating on me?
Him: That white girl who cheated on him is in
there with him. I told you we have to do this
now. That boy doesn't love you !
Me: I told you we have to wait until after the
wedding. His sister is getting married!
Him: In the meantime your mother is dying
I looked up. I wiped my tears. I looked around
Me: Dad mom has the whole year to live with
that liver. I am sure she can wait another month.
If this happens now I will miss out on the
opportunity to go to the US. Don't you want that
for your daughter?
Him: This boy is cheat....
" I thought I should bring your glass to you "
Dammit! it's Algebra. I quickly wiped my tears. I
hung up then turned around and smiled.
Me: How nice of you
Algebra: It's nothing dear
I smiled.
Me: Can I ask you something ?
Algebra: Sure ?
Me: What business Tasha has in that Hotel?
Luxury Hotel?
Algebra: Oh her best friend works there as a
Oh that's a relief. Maybe she is there to see her.
It's just a co incident that Elton happens to be
there. I know he wouldn't do that to me. He
loves me I know and what Algebra said assures
Me: Oh Leila?
Algebra: Yep
Me: Do you by any chance have Tasha's
Algebra: Not really but I would get it for you.
Why do you wanna call her ?
Me: Just to make sure there are no hard feelings.
I wanna make sure she has no problem with me
dating her ex
Algebra: It's none of her business. That bitch
Hurt Elton. He wouldn't want her even if she
tries to come back which I doubt because she is
Me: Yeah...... You're right
Algebra: Let's go back
He said walking back in
Me: Give me a sec.
I dialled a number.
Me: Don't do anything crazy. His ex has a friend
in that Hotel. Please respect my wishes!
Him: I am getting impatient!
Me: This is a great opportunity to travel and
taste this life
Him: You seem to forget I am renting those
fancy clothes with money we don't have. Your
mother needs a donor and money to bribe our
way to the front line of the waiting list and
money to do surgery. Don't expect me to be calm
about that. We are talking about your mother's
life. Feelings were not part of the plan!
Me: Just until after the wedding and The trip
Him: Fine!!! ....... ( Tutututututu)
He hung up. I started laughing turning around
so that no one notices that I am not okay. I
looked out the street away from people

< Narrated >
It looks like Elton continues adding secret after
secret. He is hiding two secrets from his family.
He is pretending to be Paul. He is lying to his
family about that. He is also keeping his and
Sonia's secret. An hour ago he made another
mistake. He made love to his ex. It looks like he
is not taking all this so well. He is busy drinking
his problems away.
Anyway At the house. The house is full. Algebra
is here, Prince Nomgcwabe is here. Mia is here.
Can you believe he left her and went to " Speak "
to Tasha at the hotel? Aaron, Priscella And King
Zwelicacile are also here. We see Algebra going
to Mia who was sitting having a drink.
Algebra: What is wrong with Elton. Don't you
think he is drinking too much?
Mia looked at Algebra. She stood up.
Mia: Let me go speak to him
Mia gave Algebra her drink. She walked to Elton.
She tapped his shoulder. Elton turned around
then kissed Mia
Mia: Stop!
She took his drink.
Mia: You've had enough anyway where did you
go ?
Elton smiled.
Mia: EJ I see something is going on. What is
going on? You know Alcohol won't fix anything
right ?
Elton looked around then at Mia
Elton: Claire is threatening Sonia. She wants her
to go speak to Leila and ask her to drop the
charges. I went to see that a bitch. I want her to
stay away from Sonia! oh I also went to see
someone about a work thing
Mia's eyes pooped out.
Mia: Okay baby calm down. So did you manage
to get to her ?
Elton: She doesn't wanna hear it. I just wish she
wasn't there. I swear I was gonna kill her myself
Mia swallowed hard. She looked scared.
Elton smiled.
Elton: I am not a killer. I am just angry
Mia smiled
Mia: I know
Elton hugged her. He broke the hug then looked
at her.
Elton: I love you baby
Mia smiled. She pulled Elton into a hug. She
hugged him. She looked nervous. She brushed
Elton's back looking into space. After about 30
seconds Elton told her he loves her. We see Mia
let out a heavy sigh
Mia: I do love you baby, I do......
Elton's eyes pooped out. In his head he was like "
She is doing it again " Elton looked pissed off. He
broke the hug. He didn't even looked at Mia. He
turned around then poured himself a drink. He
gulped it. Mia started talking with Priscella
Elton: That's the reason I cheated, You're up to
something Mia, I just have to figure it out what it
Masixole stood behind Elton.
Elton: Is everything okay?
Elton turned around. He looked at Masixole then
glanced at Priscella. He looked back at Masixole.
Masixole: Ever since I told you what Your sister
said and After we told you about what.....
Elton didn't let him finish. He pulled him aside.
They walked to the balcony.
Elton: Brother in law, Mia is smart. The reason
she said I love you too was because you guys
were present. She knew you guys were gonna be
suspicious. I don't know why she thinks I
wouldn't find this strange but you guys can.....
Masixole: Maybe She doesn't think you're smart?
Elton: Yeah..... She thinks I am stupid. She has no
idea that I am the one who noticed this. Earlier i
tested her, I said I loved her she said. I do love
you Elton. A few minutes later I received a call
from Tasha
Once Elton Mentioned Tasha's name he looked
pissed. He looked out checking the view.
Masixole went to him and looked him in the
Masixole: She called you ?
Elton looked at him
Elton: Can you believe it?
Elton started pacing up and down
Elton: I was like perfect timing. The woman I
love so much called me when I was angry at this
psycho that is in my living room
Elton called Mia a psycho looking at her through
the glass wall.
Masixole: Wait did you just say the woman you
love referring to Tasha ?
Elton: Funny right ?
He smiled then looked away and lost his smile.
Elton: She wanted to see me. I knew when I see
her I will make love to her
Masixole: When you were leaving......
Elton looked at him
Elton: I met Tasha. She wanted to apologise for
everything. I made love to her
Masixole: Jesus EJ She is marrying another dude
Elton: It was goodbye sex nothing more
Masixole: But you just said you love her.
Anyway I can't take that seriously because the
last time you said you loved her you had a plan.
What are you up to?
Elton: Back then I was angry. Now I love her but
I love her enough to let her go and be happy.....
He paused then talked away
Elton: I love her but I know we can't he together.
I will Find out what Mia is up to then if she is up
to no good I will move on
King Zwelicacile looked at him concerned
Masixole: And I take it you don't want me to tell
your sister about this....
Elton: Please don't
Masixole: Then let me leave you before she
notices we are having an intense conversation
Elton: Not until you give me Gedleza's number
Masixole: What are you gonna....
Elton: You have to leave before sis sees us
Masixole: I will share the number on WhatsApp
Elton: Thanks
Masixole Walked out. Elton took out his phone.
He sat down on the couch that is at balcony. He
started taking pictures of himself. He got a text
from the King. He stood up then saved Gedleza's
number. He called Gedleza.
Gedleza: Prince
Elton looked shocked to hear that Gedleza
knows it is him.
Elton: You have my number ?
Gedleza: I know it is you. How can I help you ?
Elton looked at the living room
Elton: Gedleza I want to know why the ancestors
wanna protect Claire?
Gedleza: Come clean to your sister
Elton: You know how she is. I don't think I can
Gedleza: The truth will set you free
Elton: I will think about it
Gedleza: Your next question?
Elton's eyes pooped out
Elton: How do you know ?
Gedleza chuckled. Elton looked at the living
room again just making sure no one is coming to
the balcony
Elton: Okay. Is Mia hiding something from me?
Mia is my girlfriend by the way
Gedleza paused. He was quiet for a moment.
Elton: Are you there ?
Gedleza: Sonia has to tell Priscella what she did,
That secret is blocking everything. I can't see
anything about that girl
Elton: Shit!
Gedleza: You're not the one who should come
clean, She is
Elton: I will tell Priscella it was all me. We don't
have to drag....
Gedleza: The Ancestors want Sonia to come
clean. She is the one who betrayed the family
Elton sat down then hung up. He started
breathing heavily. His phone rang again
Elton: Gedleza?
He answered then just breathe just to show him
he is listening
Gedleza: Go see Sonia
Elton hung up. A tear dropped from his eye. He
quickly wiped it.

At Sonia's house. She is with her husband and
her children. They are sitting. Hunter and his
son were playing video games. Sonia and Roxy
were just talking and watching the boys play.
Sonia switched off t.v.
Hunter: Ahhh come on one game !
Sonia: I just came back from Durban. Didn't you
guys miss me?
Hunter: We did babe. Tell us how was it?
Sonia smiled.
Sonia: I couldn't wait to come home. Those
ladies are boring
Roxy: They are your tv friends mom
Sonia: Fake friends baby. We are paid to be
friends sweetie
Hunter: Your mom is joking. She loves spending
time with those ladies
Sonia stood up
Sonia: They wish
She looked at Hunter.
Sonia: Baby can I get you a glass of wine?
Hunter: Yes please
Sonia attempted to go to the kitchen to fetch
glass. She heard a door bell. She turned around.
Sonia: Expecting someone love ?
Hunter: Nope
Sonia went to the door. She looked then got
excited. She looked at her family
Sonia: Boy it's Elton !
Sonia's son stood up excited. Sonia opened the
Sonia: EJ come on in
Elton Walked in. Boy ran and hugged him
Elton: what's up boy
Roxy came to him
Roxy: Hey EJ
He hugged them.
Elton: I forgot to bring your presents on
Christmas day. Go get them in my car
They ran out. Elton looked at Hunter
Elton: Brother in law
Hunter: Hey you good?
Elton: I am good thanks yourself?
Hunter: Good. I didn't expect to see you
Elton looked at Sonia. He saw her walking in
with three glasses.
Elton: I am here to see Sonia
Hunter: Okay
Elton: Can we talk in the Kitchen?
Sonia: Let me serve my man first
Sonia poured her man a drink then looked at
Sonia: Let's go
They walked to the kitchen. They got in.
Sonia: anything to drink? No you're driving
Elton: I can't drive this drunk. I came with my
Sonia looked at Elton. She noticed he is nervous
about something
Sonia: What is going on Elton ?
Elton: Before I get into it. I need your point of
view on something. Let's say you tell Hunter you
love him then his response is. " I do love you
Sonia "
Sonia: I would ask him but what ?
Elton: So you think that is not just I love you?
Sonia: No, That sounds like I do love you but..... I
wouldn't take that from someone I love. I feel
like the person is hiding something. Anyway
who are we talking about here?
Elton looked down
Sonia: EJ !
Elton: Mia! I think she is hiding something.
Priscella also said this but she doesn't know who
Masixole was talking about.....
Sonia: Oh My God where is that bitch we have to
deal with her. She must tell us what she is up to!
Elton: Please don't confront her
Sonia: Why not? That girl is up to something.
You know how Prissy gets when you bring girls
we can't trust
Elton: I know.....
Sonia: What are you gonna do? Do you have a
Elton looked at Sonia. He didn't say anything for
about 30 seconds.
Elton: I do but you won't like it
Sonia: Tell me !
Elton: I am afraid she will notice that I am not
myself. I can't pretend. I left her at my house
and went and slept with another girl
Sonia: What!? Who is that girl?
Elton: You don't wanna know
Sonia: Tell me!
Elton: I slept with Tasha
Sonia looked at the living room. She looked
angry. She turned and looked at Elton
Sonia: Are you crazy!?
Elton: I still love her!
Sonia: Elton what the hell is wrong with you!? I
am telling Priscella this! you need to move on!
Elton: Don't worry. It was the last time sleeping
with her. Take it as closure. It was our goodbye
and I told her
Sonia: I don't care what it was. What a bitch.
She is marrying another man! she is pregnant
how can she sleep with another man?
Elton: Yours truly isn't just any man. She
couldn't resist all of this
Sonia: Elton you're disgusting! how can you
sleep with someone who did done you like that!?
Elton: You're the last person to Judge sis
Sonia looked down
Sonia: I know that but Tasha?
Elton: She is the last of my worries. The only
person I am worried about is This Mia girl
Sonia: We have to corner her and find out what
is going on!
Elton: We won't do that! I spoke to Gedleza
asking what she is up to
Sonia: And?
Elton looked at Sonia
Elton: ..........
Sonia: What did he say?
Elton: He said the secret you and I are keeping is
blocking the truth about Mia
Sonia started pacing up and down
Sonia: No!
Elton: Yes and he said You have to tell my family
what you did. I wanted to take the fall and say it
was my plan you had nothing to do with it but
when Gedleza said we won't know if Mia is a
good person or not until you come clean I didn't
know what to do anymore
Sonia: So your safety depends on how soon I tell
the family ?
Elton: It looks that way
Sonia walked around shaking her head no.
Sonia: No! I can't do this. In five days it's the
wedding. I am Priscella's maid of honour! We
can't fight. How about we wait until after the
wedding please
Elton: It's okay we can wait. I am sorry about
Sonia wiped her tears. She started thinking
Elton: What is it ?
Sonia looked at Elton.
Sonia: What if she attacks before the wedding?
Whatever happens to you will be my fault
Elton: Let's not think like that. Whatever
Gedleza is gonna reveal might not be something
bad. Remember we have no Reason to think she
is up to something
Sonia: Except for that " I do love you Elton "...... ?
Elton: Yeah.....
Sonia looked away
Sonia: Sounds dangerous if you ask me........



< Elton Junior >
You might think I am stupid but I do understand
Sonia's reason. I would hate to see her cut out of
her friend's wedding. Sonia and Prissy grew up
together. They were friends at a very young age.
It would be selfish of me to think about myself
and force her to come clean to my sister. I know
my sister and I love her but she doesn't take
nonsense from anyone even from me her
brother, And when her mind is made up there is
not changing it and I know that first hand. She
always put me in my place Take that cheque
from Tasha's family for example. She said She
was giving that money to charity. I thought she
was joking. I was shocked to find out she wasn't.
My sister don't like irresponsible people. She is
very strict. She is more like my dad. As much as I
hate to admit but I am more like my mom. I
guess that is why I didn't have the same passion
my father had for business. My dad was very
hard on me. He tried to get me into business but
I wasn't feeling it and that made him angry. He
taught my sister business and to be honest I
loved that. When he started working with her.
He got off my back. All his focus was on my
sister. I don't have a problem wirh that because I
am the one who pushed him away. He had to
groam someone for the job at the end of the day
and that person turned out to be my sister. I am
glad he did. As much as I don't want anything to
do with boardrooms I do care about what is
happening in that business because it is our
Anyway for Sonia's sake I am willing to risk it all
and wait for the wedding to pass then after I
find out my girlfriend is a good person or she is
here for something else which I pray it's not true
because I love her. I would hate to find out she
didn't love me. She was just using me to get what
she wants. So you know what this means. If Mia
is a bad person and strikes before the wedding
then it's my bad luck and I know Sonia is going
to blame herself for that and I don't want that. I
agreed to wait because I know the situation and
we don't want to upset my sister a day before
her wedding. We can't afford that. I just hope
Sonia doesn't tell Priscella that I slept with Tasha
but it's been four days that only means she
didn't tell her and I hope she doesn't change her
mind because it's in her best interest that she
keeps quiet about it. I am also risking my life by
postponing and delaying Gedleza's orders. I just
pray there won't be consequences for that.
Today we are leaving for Eastern Cape. We are
waiting for a private Jet from Pretoria to come
down to Johannesburg. This wedding is really
happening now. My sister is gonna be a married
woman. I saw Priscella coming down.
Priscella: I made sure all the safes are locked. I
have the keys in my handbag. Elton you have to
go to the head of Security and make sure the lift
to our house doesn't work while we are gone.
We don't want people coming here. We can't
afford to lose all the furniture and the paintings
in the living room
Masixole: He should come here and make sure
we are gone then do that baby
Me: You're right brother in law. Let me ca....
Masixole: Don't worry about it. Let me call him
Me: Thanks
Priscella: Let me go check upstairs for the last
Masixole: Okay baby
They kissed. Priscella walked up. I walked to the
living room. Sonia followed me.
Sonia: Are you okay ?
Me: Yeah I am fine. At least the day after
tomorrow I will know if I chose the wrong or the
right girlfriend
Sonia cleared her throat
Sonia: About that......
I looked at her.
Me: About what ?
Sonia: Elton I promised my kids that I am taking
them to the USA. We have to do this when we
come back from the US
Me: You're joking right?
Sonia: I am not. What if Priscella don't want me
to go
Me: Sonia we can't delay this any longer. I have
to know why the ancestors are protecting Claire
and why Mia is acting strange
Sonia: Is she still acting strange ?
I looked around then at her.
Me: The last time I saw her was the day I slept
with Tasha At the hotel. She didn't wanna come
here. I asked her what's wrong she said she is
Sonia: She has to be at the wedding though
Me: I know and she knows. She is actually on
her way here
Sonia: That's good. I hope she didn't find out you
I laughed
Me: No way. I left her here when I went to
see...... Wait......
Sonia: What ?
Me: She asked me where I went. I told her I went
to meet up with the show producers. An hour
later she asked again if I didn't go anywhere
else. I suspected she knew something. I said I
met them at the hotel she smiled and stopped
asking Questions. Do you think........
Sonia: Maybe we are being paranoid. Just stick
to going there for a meeting. Like you said she
was here
Me: Yeah......
This whole thing makes me fall out of love with
Mia. I just can't figure her out. The reason I slept
with Tasha is not only because I still love her. It
was also because of the anger I have towards
Mia. I suspect her more now. I don't know what
to do. My love for Tasha is useless that is why I
don't think about her. We have an ugly past. She
is pregnant with a child of another dude. I can't
ruin her life. When you love someone you let
them be with people who make them happy. If
She is happy with him then I must accept that
and move on. I wish She was like that too but
unfortunately she is not. Tasha only thinks for
herself. She doesn't care about anyone's feelings.
I hope when she gives birth she will see the
wrong things she did and do better. People say
children change people. I hope it happens to her
too. She is too beautiful to be a bad person.

< Priscella >
I am happy Masixole decided to stay here until
the 9th. I thought he would leave first before us
but he stayed. I appreciate that. I hope
everything is in Order at Sdabadabeni village
but Octavia promised me that everything is in
Order. She can't lie. If this whole wedding fails it
will all be on her. She is the wedding planner. By
the way she is already there. Sonia's filming
crew just left with Helicopter also.
When I found out that Sonia wanted to kill
Claire I thought she was hiding something major
from me. I was angry. It was so sweet to find out
that she was protecting me from hearing about
this. I swear people think Pregnancy is sickness.
I can take a threat from Claire I don't know why
she is trying to protect me. That girl is crazy. She
is going to rot in jail. I am sad that I won't be in
the country when she is going to trial... Wait a
minute... I am glad Leila is here. Almost
everyone is here except Philile, Isaiah, Mia ,
Universe, Chase, David and Junaid. Junaid said
he is not coming to the wedding. He is angry
about something that happened between him,
Sonia's assistant and Isaiah. I don't know why
Junaid dated Isaiah in the first place. He knew
Isaiah was seeing my assistant. Them breaking
up doesn't mean he should date him or maybe
this city don't have too many of his kind.
Anyway I need to ask this. I don't think Leila is
going to the USA with us. This is not fair though.
Me: Leila your trial is on January 13th right ?
Leila: Yes
I looked at Sonia
Sonia: Wait It can't be?
Me: I just thought of that too
Leila: What ?
Me: After the wedding we are supposed to fly to
the USA
Masixole: Can't we do something ?
Sonia: Maybe leave 13th or 14 ?
Aaron: Impossible remember 20th it's
Coronation. We have to rush back to SA
Sonia: Shit! I completely forgot that. I need to
call Junaid to make a dress for me for that day
Masixole: Where is he? Isn't he supposed to be
here? He is coming with us right ?
Algebra looked at Isaiah giving him a deathstare
Algebra: Mr Ndengana you should ask his
Algebra said smiling looking at Isaiah
Isaiah: We are no longer dating i wouldn't know
Algebra: That didn't take long
Sonia looked down. She wanted to laugh.
Algebra: I hear you're dating Ms De Villiers
assistant now wow
Prince Nomgcwabe stood up
Nomgcwabe: I think he had too much wine.
Algebra let me take you to the kitchen. Tap
water will help you
He said pulling him up. Algebra stood up then
looked at Isaiah while Prince is pulling him
Algebra: Oh by the way. The designer of my boss
wedding dress is not going to the wedding
because of what you and Philile did you bunch
of whores !
Nomgcwabe: Okay that's enough!
Prince Nomgcwabe carried Algebra then ran
with him to the kitchen. I looked at Isaiah who
was surprisingly quiet.
Algebra: Sluts!
Me: I am sorry about that. He had too much to
Leila: I have never heard Algebra speak like that
Isaiah: I deserve it. I dated someone while I was
still in a relationship
Sonia: You made it worse. I went to your
boyfriend's studio with my assistant. He saw you
there and he knew you were dating. Both of you
are to blame for this!
Hunter: Is Algebra telling the truth when he says
he doesn't want to come because of you?
Isaiah looked at me. I looked at Sonia. She is the
one who was given an ultimatum
Sonia: Junaid want me to fire My assistant or he
won't come to the wedding
Elton: What ? That's not fair
Hunter: I hope you won't fire that boy because
of Junaid. That boy needs a job. His personal life
is none of your business
Sonia: That is Exactly why I didn't fire him but I
am worried because my relationship with
Junaid is way more important than mine with
my assistant. We have business dealings. He is
my boss and he pays but I won't choose money
over humanity
" Good! " Everyone said at the same time
Me: Hallelujah friend that's very kind of you
Elton: Hey these boys are loose too. Didn't this
Philile know Isaiah and Algebra dated before?
Isaiah: He didn't know. I am the one who knew
and I think I should've avoided the situation but
I couldn't
Leila: I take it you ended things with Philile?
Isaiah stood up then went to the whisky. Elton
shook his head in disbelief
Elton: Oh boy
Isaiah poured him a drink
Isaiah: A heart wants what it wants
Leila: Geez they are best friends. How is Algebra
and Philile are gonna work together. You can see
Algebra is still in love with you. He is just angry
you cheated on him and now you're dating his
best friend
Elton: Algebra is not in love with Isaiah
Isaiah: Tell them EJ
We looked at Elton
Me: And how do you know that? Algebra is not
the boy I just saw. There must be something that
made him go off at Isaiah like that
Elton: He despises him for what he did to him.
It's not easy to forget what someone did to you
and it's hard to forget someone you loved
Hunter: Are we still talking about this.....
Me: Or we are talking about Tasha now?
Elton: I have to call my Girlfriend. She is taking
too long
Elton walked to the balcony. We looked at each
Me: Don't tell me Elton is still in love with Tasha
because I won't buy it
Sonia looked down. Masixole cleared his throat
Me: You two know something! What is it?
Masixole stood up.
Masixole: I think our luggages should be
downstairs sweetheart
He kissed my cheek then walked away. I looked
at Sonia
Sonia: Look at me? I just finished my cocktail.
Cleo come help me with it. You made a great one
I want the same flavours you used
She said walking away
Hunter: They definitely know something
Me: Sonia lies so easily to me these days
Aaron: What about the man you are marrying
tomorrow ?
Me: That one will tell me his secrets with EJ have
nothing to do with me
Hunter: He is a loyal man He can't betray his
brother in law
Me: Elton can't tell me nothing
Hunter: That's because you're like Senior.
You're too strict
Me: I guess
Aaron: We didn't finish the Leila matter
Me: Oh yeah
I stood up
Leila: Maybe you guys can go without me
Me: Nonsense! It's Bridesmaids and grooms trip.
You're my bridesmaid
I walked to the balcony.
Elton: Okay babe we still have an hour but hurry
He hung up then smiled at me walking out. I
wonder where is Mandisa from HR? Is she still
part of my day?. I called my lawyer.
Him: Ms Seputla
Me: I need a huge favour from you
Him: I am listening
Me: After the wedding we have to go to
honeymoon and I didn't have bridal shower
planned and all Is expected to be done the night
before the wedding, so we decided to go to the
USA. The trip was planned before this incident.
Leila is part of that trip. Can you speak to the
judge and ask her to postpone until.... I don't
know. Any day after 20th?
Him: I don't want to be bit my head off By that
Me: I will write her a ten thousand cheque and
leave it with my head of Security. You will pick it
up. Let's call it compliments for the new year?
Him: That could work. I just hope she won't
think we are bribing her
Me: We are bribing her but she doesn't have to
know. I know you can make her agree to This.
Use your charm
Him: I will come fetch it this afternoon from
your security offices
Me: Thank you
I hung up then opened the door Then walked in.
Me: I asked my lawyer to speak to the judge to
postpone the case till after 20th. I am positive
the judge will agree to our request
Leila: Wow thank you Prissy
Me: Everyone is going to this trip
I saw Sonia coming to us
Sonia: Did you all wonder where Bhembeha
disappeared to?
Me: Good question. Where is she ?
Sonia: Drinking her life away at your bar
Elton: Wow
Me: Unbelievable!
I said furiously walking to the bar. I got in there
in. I found her singing and drinking
Me: Bhembeha who gave you permission to
come here!
Bhembeha: I have never seen something like
this. When Cleopatra said you're not selling this
alcohol. I had to drown in it
She said turning a bottle upside down drinking.
Me: What will my in laws say when you're this
drunk. We are leaving soon stand up !
I pulled her off the high chair. She stood up.. She
can't even walk
Me: We are out there talking why did you decide
to drink alone ?
Bhembeha: Because....
She tripped. I grabbed her up. I put it around my
shoulder. We slowly walked out
Bhembeha: Because I want to kiss Leila
Oh My God I looked at her then whispered
Me: You're a lesbian?
Bhembeha: No, I am a married woman. I have a
husband and two babies but we are separated
heading to one ugly divorce....
She started crying
Me: I am sorry, What happened?
Bhembeha: Nothing! absolutely nothing! that
bastard left me because I gambled all my money
and bet with my car. They took it. I got no care
Me: Okay. He definitely left you because of
something. That addiction is very serious
Bhembeha: I didn't sleep with a man! Till death
do us part right ?
She almost puked
Me: Okay we have to go to the bathroom! Boys
come help me. We have to help her sober up!
Hunter and Aaron came running
Me: She wants to vomit take her to the
bathroom. I will ask Cleo to bring glass.
Bhembeha looked at me
Bhembeha: I wanna try new things
I laughed at her then walked to the kitchen. This
woman has an addiction. That is why she can't
even afford airtime.

< Tasha >
I am tired of being mistreated by everyone. My
parents have been treating me like an outsider. I
tried my best to be a good daughter but nothing
I do makes them happy. They were angry with
me for sleeping with Hungani. They thought he
was using me for the night. We started a
relationship and i am pregnant with his child.
Hungani proved himself. When he found out
about my pregnancy he stepped up. My parents
saw him at the hospital but still, They are doing
this to me. They treat him as if he is a criminal. I
was the one who drugged Elton and alone.
Hungani had nothing to do with it. I don't know
why my parents are doing this. They don't have
a valid reason at all to hate my man. I really
hate what they are doing.
Today it is 9th January. My parents are back in
the city. As we speak I am driving to their house.
I am going to face them. I am going to confront
them then make sure they forgive me. I don't
care how I do that but I will make sure they
forgive me and they accept Hungani. He is going
to be their son in law this year. I can't marry
him without their blessings. Four days ago I did
something. Something I only have myself to
blame for. I always have people to blame but
what happened between Elton and I it's all my
fault. EJ didn't rape me. I wanted him to make
love to me. Seeing him naked made me excited. I
was very weak I won't lie. I acted like a cheap
woman. I am pregnant. I shouldn't have done
that. Elton and I had a lot of sex when we were
dating and it was good I won't lie. Maybe I
missed that and as embarrassing as this may
sound but he didn't disappoint this time as well.
He was so good and after I left I have been so
afraid that he might tell Hungani but he hasn't
yet. He doesn't talk to me. He didn't text me ever
since we had sex. How can he do that? Make
love to me then just go awol on me. I have to call
him later but right now I have to deal with my
parents. I just got home. I parked my car at
driveway. I got out. I locked the car then headed
to the door. I want them to see that I am doing so
well. I am driving the latest car. I have a job.
Even now I just got back from work. My work is
amazing. I am doing so great. I knocked. I was
ready for my parents but I am not sure I am
ready now that I am here at their front door. I
hope all the things I wanted to say to them I will
have the courage to say them. My mother and
dad have been mistreating me. They have to
know how I feel. The door opened. It's mom who
opened it.
Mom: Oh Tasha it's you...
She said that then left the door opened. She
went back in. The nerve on this woman? She
hasn't seen Me in weeks. All she says is " oh it's
you? " With a disappointment tone in her voice?
I walked in
Me: No happy New year my daughter? All you
have to say is " oh Tasha it's you " ? Really mom?
This is what we've become now ?
I saw dad sitting on the couch.
Dad: Are you here to fight?
Me: No I.....
Dad: Then stop yelling at your mother. The last
time you were here we kicked you out. You can't
come and cause drama
Me: Dad what have I done to you guys? You
didn't even update me about our trip. You went
to Cape town without me
Mom: Tasha you're a big girl. You live with a
man. You work. Why don't you take you to a
holiday? Ask that disgusting boy who sleeps
with multiple women at The Same time to take
you to Cape town
Me: Mom Hungani is changed. He is in love with
me. He loves us!
I said brushing My stomach
Dad: Are you talking about the same boy who
was running after that Seputla girl not so long
ago? That change was quick don't you think ?
Me: Hungani changed. He doesn't go there
anymore. He is working for us. He takes care of
Me and our baby
Mom: Tasha you started this relationship for the
wrong reasons. You hurt someone to be with
that boy. He left you. You got back together
because you're pregnant That also is the wrong
reason to be with someone. This is not gonna
end well. I hope you cancel your engagement
because he is gonna break your heart
Me: You know about our engagement?
Mom: Don't take pictures and show them to the
whole world if you don't want us to find out.
This is just a publicity stunt. He is not gonna
marry you
I smiled..
Me: Well you're wrong parents and thank you
for having so much faith in me and my
relationship. I came here to fix things with you
so that my fiance can come and ask for your
blessings to marry me
Dad: I would never give that boy My blessings !
Me: You are going to, Both of you. What kind of
parents want their daughter to be a single
Mom: We......
Me: Oh I forgot! you don't want that too! You
want me to kill your grandchild! Some parents
you are !
Mom looked down. I looked at Dad.
Me: I am tired of both of you judging me. I
messed up yes. People break up. I was not meant
to be with EJ you two need to accept that. I am
not the first person to make a mistake. I don't
see what I did as a mistake because I am
marrying the man. I am doing my best to make
you proud. In two months I will be in your
favourite soapie acting. In few months I will be
in another tv show working. All I ever wanted is
for you to be proud of me. You guys treat me like
I am a problematic child. I made one mistake!
I broke down. I see they kind of feel bad even
though they won't say it.
Dad: You humiliated us. I couldn't look at my
colleges and my students at University!
I stood up
Me: Well we will see how you gonna look at
them after I go to journalists and tell them how
you've been treating me. I swear I will make you
look like horrible parents. I will do it just after
My tv debut just to get country's support and
sympathy. I promise you when I am done with
you no one will look at you again!
Mom: You've changed
Me: I have been trying so hard to be your
daughter. You're treating me like garbage. I am
tired of that! I am giving you a week to think
about your behavior. If I don't see you knock at
Hungani's door trying to make things right, I will
go on with my plan. We will see you will be
professor This and professor that after I am
done with you!
I took my handbag. Then walked to the door
Dad: Tasha...
I gave him a hand.
Me: No dad! I think we've done enough talking
now. Just think about what I said
I opened the door Then walked out. He is willing
to talk now because I am threatening to ruin his
reputation. I knew a blackmail would work. I
am just waiting for them to reach out and tell
me they are willing to be my parents again. I
know they will reach out. They have no choice
and they should be ashamed of themselves. I
have to blackmail them to keep them in my life
what kinda parents are they?
Me: I guess the kind who have no heart

< Judge NomaKhosazana >
It's the day before the wedding. I don't know. I
am not nervous at all. This is gonna be a big
wedding ceremony. It was funded by the
government. Big names are gonna be here
tomorrow. Tomorrow seemed so far. I can't
believe it's finally here. We are not gonna
disappoint. We are going to give people the best
wedding. We are still waiting for the guys from
Gauteng. They are on their way. May and her
family are coming tomorrow and leave the same
day. Only her daughter and her son in law are
coming today. The girls are going to arrive here.
Later go to a hotel to stay there till tomorrow.
King and her groomsmen are going to sleep
here. They can't be together the night before the
wedding They all know that. My son was
supposed to get here first two days ago he didn't
come. Prince Nomgcwabe also stayed there. I
don't like that but King said he can't leave
Priscella alone there. She is nervous. I
understand that and besides everything is in
Order for tomorrow. So he wasn't needed but
the elders don't understand that. They wanted to
see him here. We had to lie so they can let this
Anyway we are sitting at the dinning room. The
living room is being cleaned and removed
furniture for the reception tomorrow.
Refilwe: Where is Nontorotyi?
Nomahelele: She said she is on her way
Refilwe: Okay. Does she always do things her
way? All you royal Queens bought suits. I
followed you too and did the same but she
bought a dress
Nomahelele: Nontorotyi always wanna stand
out. There is nothing we can do about that really
Nomagampompo: What River is trying to say is,
She is not royalty. She makes sure she shows
that every time
River laughed.
Nomahelele: I didn't wanna bad mouth My sister
We saw Chief Khabalandile and Nomaxabiso
walk in.
Hlohlesakhe: Family
Me: Hello Chief. I was starting to worry. Thank
you for bringing Nomaxabiso
Hlohlesakhe: No problem my Queen. I need to
check the boys. I don't want them to steal that
red meat. Anyway.......
He looked at his sister
Hlohlesakhe: Where is my nephew? We just
slaughtered two cows without him. He doesn't
have an excuse to stay in Johannesburg this long
Princess Nomagampompo looked at me.
Me: He....
Refilwe: I am sorry it's my fault. There was a
project that they were doing at the company. I
asked him to help since he is going to work for
us in few months. I got a call. He is going an
amazing job
Hlohlesakhe: Oh that's good
Nomagampompo: They are coming back in few
Hlohlesakhe: That's good. I will see you later
He walked away. I looked at Refilwe
Me: Thank you for saving us
Refilwe: The boy is enjoying himself there but
the chief wouldn't understand that
Nomahelele: I don't know why he has a problem
with him not being here. There are so many
male servants here. Prince was not gonna get his
hands dirty even if he was here
River kissed Nomaxabiso's cheek
Nomahelele: How are you and the little one
Nomaxabiso: We are getting lazy everyday. I
sleep a lot
We laughed. She hugged all of us. We saw
Nontorotyi walking in
Nontorotyi: I am so sorry for being late. Can you
believe I just came from the hospital?
Me: I thought you were starting work after the
Nontorotyi: I had to send some of my documents
the Hospital CEO requested. I had to rush there
Me: Oh okay. I hope everything went well?
Nontorotyi: Everything is going well Judge. I am
starting On the 12th
She will never stop calling me judge. Oh by the
way I got her the job. She is starting soon. I am
happy for her and I am happy that she is doing
so well. There is no more drinking. She drinks
normal. Well I think everyone will agree when I
say Nontorotyi's drinking was not caused by
this. She has always drank a lot. Remember
when she would come here and disrespect us.
She was drunk all those times. So drinking is not
something that was caused by that incident. I
am just glad she is doing okay. The police never
came here again which is great. We don't need
bad publicity not now.
Refilwe: Congratulations Nontorotyi
Nontorotyi: Thank you Princess Refilwe
Refilwe smiled.
Nomahelele: Nomaxabiso come. We have to
fetch drinks
Nontorotyi: The other Dlungane sister is not
here ?
River smiled and looked at me.
Me: May and Emily will arrive tomorrow
Nontorotyi: Oh okay
River and Nomaxabiso walked away to get
Refilwe: We will have only one round. We were
supposed to do this with Priscella. I don't know
why they didn't wake up early and come. Now
they will arrive and immediately after that they
will have to go to the hotel
Me: I am sure the others didn't come on time
besides. The Jet is a NDAMASE Constructions jet.
Maybe It had to do something for the company.
We are going to talk to Priscella when she
Nomagampompo: Besides There is nothing
much to say to Priscella. You raised a smart
woman. All we have to do is tell her how to be a
Queen that's it
Refilwe: Yeah. I might be royalty but I didn't live
at home with my family. I left that at North West
and lived with my husband since I was 19
Me: We are here for her. She will make a great
River and Nomaxabiso came back. They put the
Champagne on the table. I saw Princess Ngejiwe
come out of Chef Notiniphu's room running.
Me: What is it Princess?
Ngejiwe: My Queen Notiniphu is sick!
I stood up
Me: What do you mean she is sick?
Ngejiwe: She can't stand up. She has a pain in
her stomach. She says it's cramps. She is crying
my Queen it's bad !
Nomahelele: Oh My God! Siqalo!!!!!! bring the
car around!!
River said running to Notiniphu's room. We all
ran after her. Oh My God. This cannot be
happening now. We can't afford to be distracted
right now. I hope she is okay. I hope she will be
okay. River pushed the door. She ran in. We all
Nomahelele: Oh My God! she is bleeding!
Oh Lord. She is now on the floor. Did Princess
Ngejiwe leave her on the floor or she fell?
Me: She doesn't look conscious River check her
Ngejiwe: She was alive when I left her and she
was on the bed
River checked her pulse
Refilwe: Why is this happening now !
Nontorotyi ran to them. She carried Chef
Notiniphu while River is trying to check her
Nomaxabiso: Call an ambulance!!!
Me: River does she have a pulse or not!!!?
We all looked at River who was out of words.
She just used her head tears coming out of her
Me: No!




< Priscella >
Oh my God. The Jet is late. The Smith Jet is in
London. The NDAMASE Jet went to Cape Town
on business. We were told to wait. We are still
waiting. We can't leave by the Helicopter. We
want to arrive there together. We are waiting
for it. I don't care how long it will take us. I am
worried though. Mom keeps calling. I hate this.
We should be at Sdabadabeni right now. They
are going to kill us. I saw Masixole coming to me.
Masixole: That was Prince Phonqa. He says the
elders are not happy with me
Sonia: Maybe you should've left early using the
Me: I think we are late already. He doesn't have
to go
Masixole: We are leaving together okay. Nothing
needs me there. They are always trying to find a
fault in me. My mother is the only person I take
orders from. They know nothing. Our family is
where it is today because of one person. A
woman. They are just old men who feel entitled.
They had no say while my dad was alive. They
won't start now
My man is upset. I feel responsible. He stayed
here because of me. Anyway I heard my phone
ring ..
Me: Excuse me guys. It's my lawyer
I walked away answering..
Me: Hello Advocate
Him: You didn't tell me she was invited to your
wedding ?
Me: She was? Well my mother in law is a Judge
and my fiance is gonna be ordained King in few
weeks. They are kind of famous but I didn't
unvite her I swear
Him: Well I didn't even have to bride her. When
I said the girl is your bridesmaid She said she is
definitely postponing for 23rd
Me: Wonderful!!!
The guys looked at me.
Him: Yeah
Me: Thank you so much Advocate and the
cheque is already sent to my head of Security. I
think it's your lucky day. Take your wife and
kids to a holiday
Him: Wow thank you so much Ms Seputla
Me: Thank you for being a great negotiator
I hung up then walked to others.
Me: The trial is on 23rd this month
Leila jumped up
Leila: Oh My God Thank you
She hugged me.
Me: You're welcome
Masixole came to me
Masixole: Good Job babe
He kissed Me.
Me: I had to do something
Sonia: And we are glad you did something Prissy
but I know one person who is not gonna be
happy about this
Leila exhaled
Leila: Claire Sandoval
Me: She is a criminal. The longer we drag her
trial the better. She must stay there longer and
get the sentence she deserves later
I looked at Masixole .
Me: By the way Once our lawyer mentioned that
Leila is a bridesmaid at our wedding She had no
problem. She understood because apparently
she was invited?
Masixole: Judge NomaKhosazana or the
government invited her
Me: I thought of my mother in law
The elevator opened. Mandisa walked in
Me: Mandisa you're late. What if we left you ?
Mandisa: I am sorry ma'am. I was speaking to
Algebra. He is the one who was updating me
please forgive me
Me: No It's okay. I thought maybe you were late
and didn't know what is going on
She smiled. My phone rang
Me: Universe
I walked away answering.
Me: Hey what's up ?
Universe: The chauffeurs must take you to the
airport. We are here oh and don't worry about
Junaid. He is coming to the wedding but he
doesn't wanna sleep there. He will drive to
Pretoria and leave with mom and Emily
Me: Fantastic. We will see you in few
Universe: Bye babe
I hung up
Me: Guys let's go!
I looked at Sonia
Me: Don't feel bad. Junaid is coming to the
wedding tomorrow with May and Emily
Sonia: The poor man doesn't wanna be in the
presence of you Norman and my assistant here
Philile looked down. By the way Algebra and
Philile are no longer on speaking terms. This
friendship didn't last long.
Me: Mia looking good
Mia: Thank you
She looked at Elton.
Sonia looked away smiling. What am I missing
here ? Something smells a rat. No secret stays
hidden forever. I know it's gonna come out. Just
like the one that made Elton and Sonia run from
the living room. I am watching them. I don't
want to think that Elton is in love with Tasha. He
lied to us before and claimed to love her only to
find out later he was planning her murder. So I
doubt he is still in love with her unless there is
another ex I don't know of.

< Judge NomaKhosazana >
This is not happening. Not afternoon before my
son's wedding day. What could be causing this to
Chef Notiniphu? I am confused. She didn't show
any sign of sickness today. We were all busy
working and She was helping around. I don't
understand why this is happening now. This
doesn't make any sense. I would say she is
having a miscarriage but she was with Aaron
literally less than a week ago. What could be
causing this bleeding? I think only the doctors
can tell us what is going on with her. I am really
scared. This poor girl can't die. River scared us.
When we asked her about Notiniphu's pulse She
didn't tell us until we got to the car. She said she
has a pulse but it is weak. I guess her shaking
her head no meant she is critical. I am glad we
got to the Hospital while she still had the pulse
even though it was weak. I want them to do
everything they can to help her. I can't lose her.
She has no family. She is the only one living. She
can't die. I hope she didn't eat something.
Anyway Refilwe and Princess Nomagampompo
stayed behind. Nontorotyi, Nomaxabiso, River
and I came with Notiniphu. They wanted me to
stay behind and welcome guests but I can't do
that. Notiniphu is family. She is dying. I don't
want anyone who is going to call me and update
me. I am expecting only a doctor to tell me what
is going on. Anyway we are waiting for the
doctors and nurses to come out and tell us what
is wrong with her. Priscella is going to be hurt
when she hears about this. She is fond of her oh
don't get me started with Aaron. I don't know
what we will tell that poor man. Priscella
wanted to have 8 bridesmaids. Chef has to be
okay. If she is not okay Priscella won't enjoy her
wedding and I won't enjoy it too. Notiniphu is
like family to us. I love her like She is my own
daughter. This girl must've felt something. She
stayed strong and helped while she was feeling
the pain. This makes me feel so sad. I hope she
wasn't scared to tell me she was sick. I can't be
that scary. I try by all means to show her that I
am a nice person who is approachable.
Nomahelele: I hate waiting
Me: You're a doctor. I am sure you do exactly
what they are doing when you're with a patient
Nomahelele: Maybe. I just hate to be on the
other side. I am used to people waiting for me
not the other way around
Me: I understand
Nontorotyi: What will you be doing with yiur life
now that you don't work? Are you gonna work
for the project?
Nomahelele: I went to Med school because I
wanted to help people. I am starting work 12th
This month. I will be working for three hospitals
Nontorotyi: Wow
Nomahelele: Yes. I will be at Ntsilini Clinic
Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday I will be at
Lwandile clinic then Thurday and Friday
Ntibani Clinic
Nomaxabiso: Wow you will be busy. It looks like
We will hardly see you
Nontorotyi: At least she doesn't work on
Weekends. And you sister in law? What will you
be doing? I will be working here
River looked at me.
Me: Nomaxabiso is busy running the business.
With Princess Nomagampompo working for the
family business Nomaxabiso has to be hands on
Nontorotyi: Nomaxabiso gave the business to
the family ?
Nomahelele: No, Our sister in law has shares in
the business
Nomaxabiso looked at Nontorotyi
Nomaxabiso: My father left his sons the shares.
She is the majority share holder
Nontorotyi: Wow.... Sister in law is rich. I will
wash just below her at the river. I need all her
luck Or the sangoma she goes to
Me: It was the least Shosholoza could do . He
didn't raise the boys
Nomaxabiso exhaled.
Nomaxabiso: He raised me, I will forever be
I smiled at her.
Nontorotyi: Shame yo....
River quickly stood up
River: What is taking them so long
I know what she is doing. She knows Nontorotyi
is going to say something off line to Nomaxabiso.
Me: Let's wait a little. You know What? I didn't
thank the CEO of the Hospital in person. Let me
go find his office. Call me when the Doctor
comes out
Nomahelele: Will do
I walked away. I saw a nurse.
Me: Hello can you show me the CEO's office ?
" Depends who is asking. " Said a male voice
behind me. It's him I smiled then turned
Me: Mr CEO
We hugged.
Him: Long time
Me: I know. I wanted to see you
Him: I am a lucky man. A day before your son's
wedding you miss me ?
Me: Don't flatter yourself. My personal chef is
sick we brought her here
Him: Shame is she okay ?
Me: We are still waiting for the Doctor
He pointed to his office
Him: This way Judge NomaKhosazana
I didn't ask. I walked infront of him.
Him: I am sorry to hear about your chef
Me: Thank you
He quickly ran to the door Then opened it. I
walked in. He did too then pulled out a chair for
Me: Thank you
I sat down.
Him: You're welcome
He sat down
Me: I am afraid I can't stay. I just wanted to
thank you for helping my sister with a job
Him: You mean your brother in law's wife? It
was a pleasure
Me: Yes her
Him: I heard that you two don't get along I was
surprised to see her name in the application
Me: Don't listen to Rumours Doctor are you even
still a doctor?
Him: Being a CEO doesn't take away my
qualification. I studied hard. I will forever be a
surgent. I do help when there is someone who
needs to be helped but I will never be in your
cousin Sister's level but when She retires I will
be known as the best
He is talking about May. My cousin is the best in
the country.
Me: I doubt that one would wanna retire. She is
working for a private hospital for a reason. The
bosses like her. She doesn't have Government
people forcing her to do anything
Him: Yeah
I stood up
Me: It was nice seeing you
He stood up
Him: Can I take you out for dinner after the
wedding please
I looked at him. Typical of men. I am not that
kinda woman and he knows it. I don't
understand why he doesn't wanna give up.
Me: Why do you men help people expecting to
get something in return?
Him: Come on NomaKhosazana I always asked
you out on a date. This is not because I helped
your sister
Me: The answer is still no, I am a Queen. I don't
go out to dates with men
I walked to the door.
Him: So you can't be happy because you're a
Queen. NomaKhosazana you're young and
beautiful. Your husband die.....
I turned around fast
Me: Don't mention my husband in this. Don't
disrespect Chief Nkosesizwe
Him: What do you want me to do to get you to
agree to give me a chance?
I looked at him. I laughed shaking my head In
disbelief. Maybe I need to be firm so he can
understand what I am saying.
Me: Doctor Solwandle You're a married man. I
feel insulted to be asked out by you. I am a
respected woman. This is not going to happen
and I am saying this for the last time!
He looked down with his hand on his pocket. I
opened the door Then walked out. I closed the
door Then leaned on it. I closed my eyes then
breathe in and out
I walked away. Then heard The door " See you
tomorrow at the wedding " It's him. I am not
even gonna turn. I just paused then conyinuted
with my journey. I heard footsteps. Someone
was running after me. I turned around. It's that
nurse I spoke to..
Nurse: Ma'am Doctor Solwandle says he will see
you at the wedding.
I put my hand on her shoulder.
Me: Tell him I am looking forward to seeing his
gorgeous wife
Nurse: Okay ma'am
I walked away. By the way I don't know his wife.
I have never met her.

< Hlohlesakhe >
I am not happy with King Zwelicacile being in
Johannesburg at this time. Tomorrow it's his
wedding. Today we are slaughtering his cows. I
am really not happy with this. I am pretending
to be okay but I am not. Even earlier when I was
angry that Prince Nomgcwabe is not here it's not
him that I am angry at. It's the golden boy. I am
angry with my nephew who is gonna be a King
in weeks. I couldn't careless about where
Nomgcwabe is. That boy is always in doors
while we are busy doing men things. Prince
Phonqa is a better man than he is. I know if I
talk to these women about King Zwelicacile's
decision to stay in Johannesburg, They are going
to eat me alive. I am glad the elders are here. I
will raise this to them. I am glad all of the
women went to the Hospital. I can speak I freely.
Anyway I am praying for Notiniphu. She is a
respectful young woman. She is like family to
the royal family. I hope she will get better.
Older1: Where is this boy?
I shook my head then sat down
Me: Uncle They say they are on their way. They
said that in the morning I haven't seen him
Older2: How is he gonna be a king when he can't
respect us! and our traditions. He can't arrive
the day before. He should've been here for few
Older1: He is showing his true colours. Maybe
we should reconsider our decision.
Dubulingqanga's son is here. Chief Khabalandile
should be king !
I smiled
Older2: Now you're speaking out of turn
Brother. You know Zwelicacile is the rightful
king. I just said He doesn't respect our traditions.
It looks like he is not the only one
Older1: Are you saying Me too?
Me: Calm down my elders
Older2: Tomorrow is bigger than us. 20 January
is larger than us. We never thought this would
happen to our royal family but it's happening
and it's all because of Chief Nkosesizwe's wife.
The Queen put us in the map. We can't betray
her after everything she is done for us. One of us
will be king because of her! And the King
position you're talking about. It wouldn't be in
the cards without that The Queen
He looked at me
Him: Right Chief?
Me: Right uncle
Him: Then why did you smile when your uncle
was suggesting nonsense?
I looked down
Him: Hlohlesakhe you're the man. You need to
show your nephew the way and stop being
jealous of the boy!
Me: Uncle I am not jea.....
Uncle: Remember You are a chief today because
of your brother's wife. Today at 77 years old I
bow to you boy because you're a chief. Who
made that happen?
Me: Queen NomaKhosazana
Older2: Exactly! My brother respected his
daughter in law. We are not going to change that
when he is gone. You need to respect and protect
your brother's wife and her son. We are not
going to live forever. We are old son
Me: I know uncle
Older2: Now call your king. Ask him if two cows
are enough. There will be a lot of people here
Me: Okay Uncle
I stood up. He is my grandfather's brother, both
of them. I am supposed to call him grandfather
but we grew up people calling them uncle hence
we call them that. I made a phone call. I am not
calliing that boy. I am calling his mother.
NomaKhosazana: Hello Chief ?
Me: My Queen how is the girl?
NomaKhosazana: We are still waiting for the
doctors. We don't know yet......
Me: My Queen the elders wanna know if two
cows are enough?
NomaKhosazana: Didn't you slaughter 20 sheeps
as well?
Me: We did my Queen
NomaKhosazana: That's a lot of meat
I saw Prince Phonqa running to me.
Me: Hold on My Queen
I covered the speaker
Me: Yes Prince?
Phonqa: My Chief the chief of amaTshezi from
Mqanduli sent two men to bring 10 sheeps as a
contribution to the wedding
Me: Where are they now ?
Phonqa: They are waiting for you in the track
Me: Okay
I removed my hand from the Speaker
Me: My Queen I am sorry about that. Chief
YamaTshezi from Mqanduli just contributed
with 10 sheeps
NomaKhosazana: Wow! slaughter all of them. I
am sure my in law's will shut up now! That's a
lot of meat and Brother in law. Tell Prince
Phonqa to write that down. We have to know
who contributed so we can do the same when
they have something
Me: Alright my Queen
I hung up. I walked to the mansion. I saw
Me: Vathule who is at work ?
Vathule: Other workers. I came to talk to you. It
is an emergency my chief
Me: I am kind of busy right now
Vathule: I wouldn't have come if it wasn't
She started crying.
Me: Okay let's go talk behind my car
We walked to my car
Me: What is going on ?
Vathule: My Chief I don't know how to say this
Me: Like I said I am busy and you know I can do
anything to help you but I can't if you don't tell
Vathule: The two hundred rands you gave me I
didn't need it to buy paraffin. I wanted to go to
the police to report my husband as a missing
Me: O-Kay?
Vathule: My Chief when I got there I told them.
They asked me questions then they asked me
where did he go when he left my house. I told
them he came to see my sister in law. When I
told them her name they were shocked because
someone else reported a missing Sangoma who
came to see your wife
Me: That's why they came here? Why Nontorotyi
didn't tell Me? She only told me about The
Sangoma. She said nothing about Xhalanga.......
Vathule: That's because she knows what
happened to my husband
Me: No! my wife wouldn't kill her brother.
Vathule: I don't mean to disrespect you my chief
but Sabonkolo and your wife revealed to me
that my husband was blackmailing her.... When
I asked with what they didn't tell me. When my
husband left he came to get money from his
sister and that was a blackmail money. What if
she got tired of paying her brother and I don't
mean to pry but My sister in law was broke in
December right?. She was not working. Where
was she gonna get the money. I am sure she
never asked you for it or did she?
I looked away thinking. She is right but I hate to
think my wife is capable of such.
Vathule: My Chief tell me. What did that
Sangoma have on her. Did she have something
I turned around.
Me: She desperately wanted to tell my daughter
something but outsiders are not allowed to do
Vathule: So she was a threat to her like my
husband so she killed her too
I looked around.
Me: Not so loud! All we know this might be a co
incident. My wife is not capable of murder! let
me ask her okay ?
Vathule: Okay But My Chief just know this......
Me: Yes ?
Vathule: If you confront your wife or tell her I
had this conversation with You, I might be found
dead too
I swallowed hard. This doesn't look like my wife.
She attempted to walk away then turned
Vathule: Or maybe I wouldn't die because I don't
know this secret, and I feel like your wife was
trying to prevent it from coming out that is why
she killed my husband and Mangqazula
Me: My wife.....
Vathule: Is a murderer! Find that chubby male
Sangoma who visited me at police station. He
knows everything
Vathule walked away. I looked away
Me: A chubby Sangoma........ ?
Vathule: The police asked me if my husband
fought with your wife, I was about to tell them
he was blackmailing her. That chubby Man with
an animal skin around his wrists appeared out
of no where. I was the only one who could see
him. He asked if I was sure about what I was
about to say. I got scared
Me: What?
Vathule: Your wife is a murderer! Stop her
She walked away after She said that. I looked at
her while walking away. I can't believe this.
Who is this chubby man? Oh boy? I looked
around before I could speak to self. I don't want
someone to hear me.
Me: Gedleza?
It's him. He must tell me why he stopped her. He
knows everything!

< Narrated >
At Canzibe hospital. We see the family walking
in. The doctor finally let them in to see Chef
Notiniphu. Inside we see Notiniphu lying on bed.
She is awake.
NomaKhosazana: Thank God you're okay
She ran to her and stood next to her. She kissed
her forehead..
Notiniphu smiled.
Ngejiwe: You scared us
Notiniphu looked at Ngejiwe and smiled.
Notiniphu: I am sorry
Nomahelele: Doctor what is wrong with her?
Doctor: I am Doctor Ndlembe......
NomaKhosazana: Hello Doctor Ndlembe. So you
were about to say ?
The doctor smiled. He could see they are not
here for formalities.
Doctor: Okay She wanted you guys to be here
when I tell her. I haven't told her anything
NomaKhosazana: Okay?
Doctor: I would like to apologize for taking so
long. The reason for that is because she bled a
lot and we had to give her blood. She was lucky
we had blood with the same blood type. You
guys mentioned something about a wedding so I
wanted to make sure when you see her she is
Nomahelele: What caused the bleeding Doctor
The doctor smiled and looked down
Doctor: It's Doctor Ndlembe
River attempted to snatch the tablet from the
Doctor. The Queen stopped her. River fixed
Nomahelele: I am a doctor too you know and I
am a very impatient one. This girl is a big part of
the wedding and we have to make sure she is
Doctor: OKAY, She was pregnant
Notiniphu jumped
Notiniphu: What!?
Everyone looked shocked
Nomahelele: So she had a miscarriage?
River started getting emotional. She had her
hand on her stomach own stomach thinking
about her own child.
Doctor: I am afraid so Doc, But She didn't lose
the baby today
The Queen looked at him
NomaKhosazana: What are you talking about
Doctor: The Foetus died early days of her
pregnancy and the report I mean in the scan it
shows that ....
He said looking at his Tab then looked at
Doctor: Did you fall or bump into something
because there was internal bleeding and this
didn't happen today. We had to clean and
remove all that dirt inside you
Nomahelele: So she just had surgery?
The doctor nodded his head yes. Notiniphu
started thinking
NomaKhosazana: Do you remember anything
Chef ?
Doctor: Do you know what could've caused this
Ms Ngxibi?
Chef Notiniphu looked at Ngejiwe. Then at the
Notiniphu: Few weeks ago. I got into a fight
NomaKhosazana: A fight ? with whom?
Notiniphu looked at Ngejiwe
Notiniphu: With Princess Ngejiwe
The Queen put her hands on her mouth shocked.
A tear escaped the Queen's eye .
Ngejiwe: Oh My God what have I done?




< Narrated >
Still at the hospital. Everyone is shocked to hear
the cause of Notiniphu's delayed discovery
miscarriage. What made it worse was hearing
what/ who caused it. Ngejiwe couldn't hold back
tears when she heard What caused the
miscarriage. Even her mother who never shut
up didn't have words. She was left with her jaw
on the floor. Everyone had nothing to say. They
were quiet for almost a minute. All we heard
were sniffings on Notiniphu's side. The Queen
looked at Princess Ngejiwe who was silently
crying. Once Ngejiwe noticed the Queen was
looking at her. She looked at the door then ran
approaching the door.
Ngejiwe: Oh My God
Nontorotyi attempted to run after her the Queen
stopped her.
Nontorotyi: Ngeji !!!
NomaKhosazana: Madame Nontorotyi I got This
The Queen ran after Princess Ngejiwe.
Nontorotyi stood there with her hands on her
mouth crying. She turned around and looked at
Chef Notiniphu.
Nontorotyi: I apologize for what my daughter
did to you
River brushed Nontorotyi's shoulder. Outside we
see the Queen with Princess Ngejiwe who was
crying and beating herself up
Ngejiwe: My Queen I am a murderer!
NomaKhosazana: Hey don't say that! You're not
a murderer. Did you know she was pregnant
when you were beating her?
Ngejiwe: No but her....
NomaKhosazana: You didn't know she was
pregnant. You were not killing her child. You
were just a girl who was stupid to fight for a boy
who wasn't worth it!
Ngejiwe: My Queen Chef have become my
friend. She will never forgive me for this one
NomaKhosazana: Notiniphu is going to forgive
you. She knows you didn't know she was
pregnant. She knows you're not a bad person.
You wouldn't harm anyone. What we gonna do
right now is go in there. You're going to
apologise to her and tell her you didn't know she
was pregnant which is the truth
Princess Ngejiwe covered her face and broke
down. She was crying hard
NomaKhosazana: Ngejiwe!
Ngejiwe removed her hands
Ngejiwe: What if she can't get pregnant
anymore? My Queen She just found a great guy.
What if he leaves her when he finds out she
can't have children?
The Queen swallowed hard. Her eyes popped
out. She was thinking about it too. Then decided
She snap out of it. She knew she had to be strong
for Ngejiwe.
NomaKhosazana: Let's not think about that.
When we leave here I will make sure we get the
full report from the Doctor. I am sure he
examined her
The Queen pulled Ngejiwe up
NomaKhosazana: Come on let's go in
They walked in.
NomaKhosazana: Guys can you leave us for a
second please
River, Nontorotyi and Nomaxabiso walked out.
Refilwe was left at home with Princess
Nomagampompo. They are not here. The Queen
sat down next to Chef Notiniphu's bed. She took
her hand.
NomaKhosazana: How are you feeling?
A tear escaped Notiniphu's eye. She smiled.
Notiniphu: I feel better now that the dirt is not
in me. The doctor came back while you were
Outside. He said they cleaned me and I can
leave. I don't feel that pain anymore. I am just
dizzy from the pills
NomaKhosazana: That's good. Princess Ngejiwe
has something to say to you
Notiniphu looked at Ngejiwe
Notiniphu: You didn't know I was pregnant. It's
unfortunate that this happened but it's not your
Ngejiwe: But i caused this
Notiniphu: You didn't know I was pregnant
please don't beat yourself up. I forgive you
The Queen smiled.
Ngejiwe: Thank you and I am so sorry this
happened to you
Notiniphu: It's okay
NomaKhosazana: Ngejiwe can you tell River I
wanna see the Doctor before we go?
Ngejiwe: Okay my Queen
Ngejiwe walked out. The Queen looked at
NomaKhosazana: That was my grandchild
wasn't it?
Notiniphu closed her eyes. She cried hard.
Notiniphu: I am so sorry my Queen
The Queen went to the door. She closed it
NomaKhosazana: I thought you took that Pill. I
wanted to force you to take it in front of me but I
didn't wanna seem like a heartless woman. I
trusted you when you said you were going to the
bathroom to take it
Notiniphu: I did take it but not exactly when you
said I should. I went to the bathroom. I didn't
take it. I first washed Dishes and cleaned till
11pm. Then I took it. I think at 11pm it was
already over 72 hours because we delayed to get
the pill. The day we got it was the last day. We
were counting hours
The Queen looked up. She wiped her tears.
NomaKhosazana: I guess what everyone doesn't
know won't kill them. It was Velezantsi's child
Notiniphu: Thank you for not being mad
NomaKhosazana: I understand. At the time you
were still in love with my son. I knew it was
gonna be hard to do it since you loved him at the
time. You have A man who loves you now and I
am sure if you stay in that bed one more minute
we will miss his arrival
Notiniphu smiled between those tears. She
slowly tried to stand up from the bed. The
doctor walked in.
Doctor: She is not strong. We are getting her a
wheel chair that she will use today and for
tomorrow if she is not strong. Nurse Ndengana
can bring it when she starts work. She has a car
NomaKhosazana: She is a royal wife of course
she has a car
The doctor Smiled.
Doctor: Here are the release forms
NomaKhosazana: Thank you Doctor Ndlembe
Doctor: You're welcome Judge NomaKhosazana
The Queen smiled.

When the Queen asked everyone to excuse
them. Outside Nontorotyi left Nomaxabiso and
River claiming to go visit her new female nurse
friend who is working at the hospital. In a office
at the hospital. We see her with a white Doctor
talking. His name is Doctor Lucas. He has a
strange accent. Maybe he is a foreign doctor.
Doctor: I hope your family was not mad when
you were late for the meeting ?
Nontorotyi smiled
Nontorotyi: I said the CEO Wanted to see me.
They don't know he called me two days ago
Doctor: You're very naughty. Well I am glad he
called you. I mean I wouldn't have seen you
Nontorotyi: You were gonna see me. I will be
working here in few days
He kissed her.
Doctor: I am glad I saw you sooner
Nontorotyi looked down
Doctor: Let's lock the office and.....
He said pulling up Nontorotyi's dress
Nontorotyi: This morning we had sex. What if
my husband wanna spend a night with me?
Doctor: Okay
Nontorotyi's Phone rang
Nontorotyi: I have to go Doctor Lucas!
Nonto stole a kiss then ran out. The doctor was
left smiling alone.

At hallway we see The Queen and Notiniphu's
doctor walking.
NomaKhosazana: Doctor Ndlembe thank you for
seeing me. I am worried about my Chef
Doc: Oh She is a chef ?
NomaKhosazana: The best
Doctor: What is the problem Judge
NomaKhosazana ?
NomaKhosazana: I need to make sure she is
gonna be able to have kids again. My niece is
very worried and traumatised by this
Doctor Ndlembe stopped walking. He turned
and looked at The Queen
Doc: Don't worry. I checked that. It was the first
thing I checked. She was lucky. It happened like
a normal miscarriage but unfortunately it was
caused by that beating
NomaKhosazana: That was unfortunate indeed.
These kids have been on each other's throats
since I don't remember when. They were seeing

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