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TAEASS402 Assess Competence – Pre-Class Activity

To ensure the day run smoothly and your class can achieve all the assessment activities that must be
observed during the class we have noted some important information and instructions to make sure
you are fully prepared and ready!

1. Watch the lessons for the unit TAEASS402 – this will cover theory about conducting assessment
and ensure you are comfortable with many of the terms used and concepts that will be put into
practice on the day.
Note: The recorded assessment workbook tutorial also includes demonstrations of the actual
assessment activities you will carry out in class as well as guidance for you if you wish to complete
all the short answer questions in Task One before attending (as these will not be covered during the
class, the focus for the class is only on the practical activity of conducting your assessments).

2. You must attend a test session to ensure Adobe Connect can open on your computer and your
webcam and microphone in Adobe work suitably for you to be able to complete the activities in the
class. Information on how to access test sessions is in the Learner Portal (“Student Support”).

3. You must complete the Time Management Plan (overpage) before attending class. Once you have
completed this, please save this word document with your name added to the title. As you will be a
candidate for other fellow students as well as you assessing them you will need to have this file
electronically on the day so you can exchange1 this with other students. Note a sample of this plan
is demonstrated in the Assessment Workbook Tutorial (Task 2).
You are required to develop one time management plan using the template overpage for your current
work role. You must use a form of digital technology such as a computer, iPad etc to complete the
assessment, this must be presented in an electronic format. The time management template
contains all the steps that you need to complete. The plan must identify:
• Your work role and goals
• Clearly outline the tasks to be completed - minimum number of 5 job tasks should be
included in the plan
• Explain the job tasks that are a priority and why
• You should set timeframes to this and use where possible electronic tools to assist them
such as electronic calendar /diary (phone or computer) with reminders of dates and
• Make sure that the plan identifies any relevant organisational policies and procedures to
their own work role e.g., Standard operating procedures (SOPs)
• Make sure the time management plan is completed legibly, clearly and follows
appropriate spelling and punctuation and provided in a suitable format for the assessor
• Identifies at least one potential problem that may arise and indicates how this will be
• Once the plan is complete, you will discuss this draft plan with a
peer/colleague/supervisor or other appropriate person. You will then use this plan to
monitor and keep track of your progress and any adjustments you may need to make. (A
typical period for the plan to cover would be one week).

We can show you how to share the file in a test session and will also teach you this on the day – you simply locate the file on
your computer and ‘drop and drag” it into the file box.

PT-TAEASS402-RES3 - Rev. 1 Page 1 Copyright © 2021 Plenty Training

Your name Melanie Valent
I’m the learning and development leader for a premium chocolate brand. I support
the various functions of the business to develop training and assessment tools to
Describe your work role (minimum
ensure staff are set up for success in their role, working closely with subject
of 2 or 3 sentences)
matter experts to crate relevant training tools to support learning. I also am
responsible to develop and update e-learning and report on L&D metrics.
The goal is to create and provide up to date learning tools to equip staff in their
Describe the goal for your work role
role, whether it’s video content, posters, training manuals or evaluation and
(minimum of 2 or 3 sentences
assessment tools. These tools will support training managers and the learner
describing the purpose of the role)
succeed in their role.
Who have you discussed/agreed
this plan with (you must discuss and
I have discussed and agreed upon this with my supervisor, Eliza.R
agree on this with someone
Tasks (minimum of 5) Expected Started Completed Meet expected
completion1 time
1. Create Skills Evaluation template for training 12/05/23 08/05/23 12/05/23 ☒ Yes ☐ No
manager to evaluate a production operator

2. Create an SOP documenting the procedure for 05/05/23 02/05/23 05/05/23 ☒ Yes ☐ No
checking tempered chocolate.

3. Create Training Video on ‘How to Temper 26/05/23 15/05/23 26/05/23 ☒ Yes ☐ No


4. Formulate Questionnaire with 10 questions for 31/05/23 29/05/23 31/05/23 ☒ Yes ☐ No

production operator to complete once Training Video
on ‘How to temper Chocolate’ has been viewed.
5. Create Trainer Check List to ensure they cover all 02/06/23 01/06/23 02/06/23 ☒ Yes ☐ No
training and assessment for the production operator.

What are relevant organisational policies and Koko Black’s food safety policy, Koko Black’s general safety
procedures 2 to your work role (at least one must be policy, and Koko Black’s employee handbook.
Highest priority will be to meet with the head chocolatier to
Which of these task/s is the highest priority and develop and create the SOP for Chocolate Tempering. This
explain why? document will be a reference for all other training tools to
Andy the manufacturing manager will need to sign off on the
final training video. If he has other priorities, this may delay the
Identify at least one potential problem 3 that may arise
roll out of the training material. I will ensure to schedule a
and indicate how you could manage this if it happens
meeting on his calendar in advance, to ensure he makes the
time to meet and review the training video.
What is at least one digital tool that you will use and The training video will be uploaded into the LMS platform for
explain how this would be beneficial the relevant staff to access.

1 This can be either a date or a time – depending on the task and the period over which the plan runs, make sure this is
clear in your answer
2 For example do you have a job description, are the SOP’s you must follow, are there legal requirements you must comply

3 Some examples of problems could be a previous task taking longer than expected, internet or another resource being

unavailable, new tasks being added

PT-TAEASS402-RES3 - Rev. 1 Page 2 Copyright © 2021 Plenty Training

Organise to review this with a colleague and look for I will meet Pascal on the 29/05/2023
possible opportunities to improve your performance.
Who will you meet with and when?
Did you need to make any adjustments while Everything was able to be completed on time.
completing this – if so, what were they and why?

PT-TAEASS402-RES3 - Rev. 1 Page 3 Copyright © 2021 Plenty Training

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