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Summary Statement

Paragraph number
A brief summary of how you in the career
Competency Element
have applied the element episode(s) where the
element is addressed
I initiated the project by carrying out CE 1.6
a detailed study about the topics
related to the project. I first learned
about the constraints in achieving an
uninterrupted supply of voltage
PE1.1 Comprehensive, theory-based across the circuit.
understanding of the underpinning I gathered information about various CE 2.6
natural and physical sciences and types of sensors and explored the
the engineering fundamentals operation of the temperature sensor in
applicable to the engineering detail.
discipline I researched and surveyed the existing CE 3.6
greenhouse system in the company. I
first understood the existing system
and its working mechanisms as the
automated technology has to be added
to it.
I acquired the skills required to CE 1.6
operate the simulation works for the
proposed system in Proteus using
PE1.2 Conceptual understanding of various online tutorials and sources.
the mathematics, numerical
analysis, statistics and computer and I had initially used the 433 MHz ISM CE 2.9
information sciences which band one way RD link for the
underpin the engineering discipline displaying of the fan status.
I provided the supply to the system CE 3.8
using SMPS type 12 V dc power
PE1.3 In-depth understanding of I learned about the phenomenon CE 1.6
specialist bodies of knowledge caused that occurred in the electrical
within the engineering discipline systems called Undervoltage and
I found out about the closed-loop CE 2.6
control system and its advantageous
features over the open-loop system.
I observed and considered the CE 3.6
humidity, moisture, temperature, and
sunlight factors inside the

I acquired information on techniques CE 1.6
to reduce the effects of under and
overcurrent and to achieve an
uninterrupted voltage at the load
during the abnormal power supply.
I further performed detailed research CE 2.6
PE1.4 Discernment of knowledge
about the heating problem in the
development and research directions
transformers and gained information
within the engineering discipline
regarding the available solution
measures for the cooling of
I connected the ULN2803 relay driver CE 3.8
to generate a high amount of current
for breaking or making the contact.
I acquired information on the working CE 1.6
mechanisms as well as several pin
interfaces of the PIC16F877A
I studied architecture and the CE 2.6
PE1.5 Knowledge of contextual functions of various pins used in the
factors impacting the engineering microcontroller. Also, I learned about
discipline the IoT system and its application
I selected a microcontroller to receive CE 3.7
the data from the sensor and compare
it with the standard data and execute
the system accordingly.
The chief motivation for performing CE 1.2
the project work was the design and
assembly of the protection scheme of
Overvoltage and Undervoltage of
UPS using microcontroller.
PE1.6 Understanding of the scope,
principles, norms, accountabilities The project aimed at the development CE 2.2
and bounds of contemporary of an oil monitoring system and
engineering practice in the specific cooling fan automation system for the
discipline transformer with the help of internet
of Things technology.
The prime objective was to add the CE 3.2
automatic sensors and control system
to the existing greenhouse system.

I supplied the load with setpoint CE 1.12
voltage with the help of a battery until
the power supply attains a constant
setpoint. I then reconnected the load
to the main supply by closing the
I decided to use some epoxy cement CE 2.12
PE2.1 Application of established
after drilling the hole to secure the
engineering methods to complex
sensor and then fixed the LM35
engineering problem solving
sensor inside which enabled the
operation of the system.
I connected EM filters and a power CE 3.11
cleaner consisting of bandpass filters
to mitigate the problem of generation
of garbage waveforms. I supplied the
system with SMPS type 12V DC.
I selected the Proteus software for the CE 1.7
development of a schematic diagram
for the required UPS design.
I chose Atmega 328P as the CE 2.7
microcontroller for the system and
PE2.2 Fluent application of selected Arduino IDE for developing
engineering techniques, tools and the codes necessary for the system's
resources functioning.
I picked an LCD to observe the status CE 3.7
of the load and the data read by the
sensor. I also picked the SIM900
GSM module for sending and
receiving messages.
I developed a block diagram for the CE 1.8
proposed system. I provided a 220V
as the ac supply to the devices. I
stepped down the voltage to 12V of
ac with the help of a step-down
transformer and then supplied it to the
PE2.3 Application of systematic
relay and the bridge rectifier unit.
engineering synthesis and design
I connected the +5V Vcc supply to CE 2.8
pin 1, pin7, and pin 22 and I
connected pin 8 and pin 22 are
connected to the ground. I joined a 16
MHz crystal between pin 9 and pin 10
of the controller to produce clock

I linked the output of the relay to the CE 3.8
PBT connectors having two
terminals. I connected the ULN2803
relay driver to generate a high amount
of current for breaking or making the
I noticed the technical difficulties CE 1.3
occurred. I consulted with team
members and the supervisor for the
solution. I solved the raised problems
and finalized the circuit model for
PE2.4 Application of systematic implementation.
approaches to the conduct and Being a senior electrical engineer of CE 2.15
management of engineering projects the company, I was involved in
implementing project management
I constantly supervised the work that CE 3.3
was carried out during the project.


I followed the professional conduct of CE 1.14
the organization for performing the
project activity.
I followed the ethical conduct of the CE 2.14
PE3.1 Ethical conduct and
organization to carry out the whole
professional accountability
project activities.
I followed the company’s ethical CE 3.13
conduct to perform the assigned
project effectively.
I spoke with my supervisor frequently CE 1.15
and kept him updated on the matter of
the project.
I made the required gathering and CE 2.15
PE3.2 Effective oral and written analysis for quick feedback on the
communication in professional and performed task. I trained my team in
lay domains time management, being result-
oriented, and self-awareness.
I communicated with client and CE 3.14
project manager for solving the
technical issue.
PE3.3 Creative innovative and I used a trip signal from the CE 1.12
proactive demeanour microcontroller and isolated the load
from the main supply with the help of
a relay. I supplied a constant voltage

to the load with the help of a battery.
I used optoisolators for the isolation CE 2.13
of controllers and relays. I performed
the testing of the designed and
fabricated system.
I provided the voltage source in a CE 3.12
range of the data given in the log
sheet of sensors along with the range
given by the boss of the greenhouse. I
also mitigated several technical
problems that occurred during the
I prepared a report by integrating the CE 1.13
necessary findings made during the
project work.
I assisted my team in finding faults CE 2.15
and making decisions which were
PE3.4 Professional use and essential for producing desirable
management of information outcomes.
I effectively planned the process and CE 3.14
utilized the resources sustainably. I
worked critically, creatively, and
cooperatively with my coworkers and
client for the fulfilment of the project.
I developed my interpersonal skills CE 1.17
and team working skills by
participating in this project work. I
enhanced my problem-solving
abilities as well as my logical
thinking skills through this project.
I excelled in my working ability as an CE 2.17
engineer. I further develop my
PE3.5 Orderly management of self,
knowledge of solving technical
and professional conduct

I obtained leadership skills by CE 3.16

successfully leading the team during
the project. I also obtained good
presentation skills by frequently
showing PowerPoint slides to the
clients on the progress of the project.
PE3.6 Effective team membership I divided the project into specific CE 1.15
and team leadership tasks and assigned work to each of
my partners in the project. I convened

numerous group meetings during the
project's execution to address issues
as they arose.
I motivated the team so that I CE 2.15
improved the efficiency of the
company. I collaborated with the
team and performed different
technical skills to complete the
I maintained the harmony inside the CE 3.14
team by creating a positive
environment to work and having
frequent meetings for the discussions
if some problems arise.

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