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Business Research

and Innovation Initiative

Fact sheet

Powering safe
drinking water for
Australian First
Nations remote

The Department of Climate

Change, Energy, the
Environment and Water
(DCCEEW) is seeking solutions
to create efficient, cost‑effective
water treatment systems
powered by renewable energy. The challenge
Can you improve access to drinking Conventional systems, relying
water for Australia’s remote communities? on treatment stages such as filtration
and disinfection, are energy intensive,
First Nations Peoples living in remote
noisy and expensive. They often
Opportunities regions of Australia face challenges
use diesel generators which are
in accessing clean drinking water.
• Access grant funding noisy and expensive. They also
of up to $1.1million These culturally-rich and diverse contribute to environmental damage
communities often lack the technologies and greenhouse gas emissions.
• Work with government
needed to treat water in the varied
• Keep ownership of all IP Systems must be able to operate
settings they call home. The varying
developed for the project continuously (even at night) in harsh
amount of water available, especially
conditions with little need for skilled
• Accelerate commercial in arid areas, compounds the complexity
maintenance. This is particularly
opportunities of the situation. Salts, heavy metals
necessary in areas where accessibility
• Potential for procurement and other contaminants in the water
is limited for parts of the year because
make specialised treatment processes
• Receive industry expertise of poor road conditions.
necessary to meet safe drinking standards.
and guidance
• Contribute to Australia’s Energy supply is also a significant barrier
Net Zero targets to water treatment. Reliable electricity
grids can face limits or be non-existent. | call 13 28 46
Potential themes
Solutions could consider:
• renewable energy integration
• solar-powered solutions
• water treatment
• contaminants
• weather resistant materials
• water treatment methodologies
• waste management
• atmospheric water solutions
• low-maintenance technologies
• scalable technologies.

Solution requirements
DCCEEW is open to a range of solutions
to address this challenge.

The challenge is to develop innovative,

integrated solutions that combine
renewable energy and water
treatment systems.

To ensure the long-term supply of safe

drinking water, it is critical to develop
systems that are:
• effective in meeting Australian
water quality standards
• low cost to set up and maintain
• have minimal maintenance needs Solution benefits
• hardy to withstand harsh Successful solutions will ensure remote Solutions will support environmental
weather conditions communities have reliable access to safe sustainability by reducing carbon
• able to operate continuously drinking water, enhancing their health emissions and integrating renewable
(even at night) and well-being. energy and water treatment technologies.

Where possible solutions should Solutions have the potential to be Innovations can lead to commercial
be scalable and show potential applied commercially across Australia’s benefits for water providers and
use in other scenarios. remote communities, as well as other have wider commercial benefits
applications and internationally. for applicants.
You must consider the different
Applicants will keep their intellectual
water quality challenges that remote
property (IP), so commercial application
communities face. For example, the
possibilities for new technologies
impact of heavy metals, excessive salt
are considerable.
or biological contaminants. Solutions
need to meet Australian safe drinking
water guidelines.

This challenge involves collaboration

with several partners, including the
National Indigenous Australians Agency
and state agencies. A critical part How to apply
of this challenge is to work closely with
First Nations communities to develop Have you got a great idea to solve this challenge?
solutions that are tailored to their
For more information or details on how to apply,
needs. DCCEEW can support applicants
to identify and engage appropriate visit or call 13 28 46.
First Nations partners. | call 13 28 46

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