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Problem 1: Students Association of CCSU v. Bar Association of UP


fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor
of law

Vaishnavi Sharma
Under the supervision of
Ms. Savitha Suresh
(Assistant prof. law)
BATCH:- 2022-27

1. Brief Facts

2. Issues

3. Arguments

4. Prayer
Problem 1: Students Association of CCSU v. Bar Association of UP

The ‘Law Colleges (Regulation) Act’ was passed to regulate the standards of Law Colleges
across the country. The Act allowed the State Bar Association to frame specific rules with
regard to these standards, not inconsistent with any rules framed by UGC in this regard, after
a 30-day pre-natal publication and a consultation with a board constituted of representatives
of all the law colleges in the State.
In February, 2019, the UGC framed the academic calendar and mandated that each semester
must be of a minimum period of four months, followed by a two-week study break, followed
by examinations for four weeks, followed by another two weeks of vacation break, before the
start of the new semester.
In November, 2022, the Bar Association of Uttar Pradesh framed rules stipulating that law
students are required to intern for a minimum period of six weeks every year, for the first four
years. These rules were framed after consultation with representatives of GGSIPU and
published in the Official Gazette. These rules were challenged by students of CCSU as ultra
vires the Parent Act.

Brief Facts

1. The Law Colleges (Regulation) Act was enacted to regulate standards of law colleges
2. The Act permits State Bar Associations to frame rules on standards, not inconsistent with
UGC regulations, after a consultation process.
3. In February 2019, UGC mandated a specific academic calendar for law colleges.
4. In November 2022, the Bar Association of Uttar Pradesh mandated a minimum six-week
annual internship for law students for the first four years.


1. Whether the rules framed by the Bar Association of Uttar Pradesh mandating a six-week
internship for law students are ultra vires the Law Colleges (Regulation) Act.
2. Whether the consultation process for framing the internship rules was conducted
appropriately, considering the representation of all law colleges in the state.
3. Whether the internship requirement conflicts with the UGC-mandated academic calendar,
creating inconsistency in the operation of law colleges.
Arguments in Favor of Bar Association of Uttar Pradesh (Defendant):

 Compliance with Parent Act: The Bar Association of Uttar Pradesh acted within its
authority granted by the Law Colleges (Regulation) Act to frame rules regarding
standards for law colleges. The Act specifically allows the State Bar Association to
frame rules not inconsistent with those of the UGC.
 Consultation and Publication: The rules regarding internships were formulated after
consultation with representatives of GGSIPU and published in the Official Gazette,
adhering to the procedures mandated by the Act. This ensures transparency and
accountability in the rule-making process.
 Educational Enrichment: Requiring law students to intern for a minimum period of
six weeks every year aims to enhance their practical skills and experiential learning,
which are essential components of legal education. This aligns with the broader
objective of producing competent and well-rounded legal professionals.
 Flexibility and Adaptability: The rules allow for flexibility in implementing
internship requirements, accommodating variations in academic calendars and
individual student schedules. This ensures that students have the opportunity to gain
real-world experience without compromising their academic obligations.


For the Bar Association of Uttar Pradesh:

 Dismissal of the challenge brought by students of CCSU against the internship rules.
 Confirmation of the validity of the internship rules framed by the Bar Association of
Uttar Pradesh.
 Costs and any other relief deemed just and proper by the court.

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