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From the Novel by DUBOSE HEYWARD

First produced by The Theatre Guild at the Guild Theatre, New York City, on
October 10, 1927, with the following cast:

MARIA Georgette Harvey CROWN Jack Carter

JAKE Wesley Hill CROWN’S BESS Evelyn Ellis

LILY Dorothy Paul A DETECTIVE Stanley de Wolfe

MINGO Richard Huey TWO POLICEMEN . . Hugh Rennie, Maurice
ANNIE Ella Madison McRae
SPORTING LIFE . . . Percy Verwayne UNDERTAKER .... Leigh Whipper
SERENA . . . Rose MacClendon SCIPIO Melville Greene
ROBBINS Lloyd Gray SINN FRAZIER . . . . A. B. Comathiere
JIM Peter Clark WILSON G. Edward Brown
CLARA Marie Young ALAN ARCFIDALE Edward Fielding
PETER Hayes Pryor THE CRAB MAN Leigh Whipper
. . .

PORGY Frank Wilson THE CORONER .... Garrett Minturn

The action takes place in a Charleston, South Carolina tenement neighborhood known
as Catfish Row, and in a palmetto jungle near by.

Copyright, 1925, by DOUBLEDAY & COMPANY, INC.

Reprinted by permission of the publishers. All Rights Reserved.

None drama during the nineteen twenties reaped such attractive
of the efforts to create folk
and lasting results as the South Carolina Negro fable Porgy. For once, the folk spirit ap-
peared in our theatre without being spoiled by crudity, banality, or condescension toward
lowly characters. Like all good folk stories, it also contained ingredients of local color and
folk music of which the Theatre Guild and its director Rouben Mamoulian availed them-
selves generously. The singing and staging of the Negro spirituals in Porgy accounted to a
considerable degree for the warm feeling and charm, as well as the success, of the production.
When, later on, in 1935, Porgy was given musical treatment by George Gershwin, it became
the first successful folk opera in the American theatre. Its music, based on Negro song and
rhythm, discovered unexpected possibilities in the popular jazz music of the twenties for
which few people had entertained such high hopes as were realized in Porgy and Bess.
Porgy is the masterpiece of one of the theatre’s most admirable couples, the Heywards.
Du Bose Heyward, a native of Charleston, South Carolina, was born in 1885 and embarked
upon a career in literature after having achieved a successful one in the insurance business.
He established a Poetry Society of Charleston and published a volume of poems, Carolina
Chansons (1922), with Hervey Allen, who is most likely to be identified as the author of
Anthony Adverse. Another collection of Heyward’s poetry, Skylines and Horizons, appeared
in 1924; still A year later was published his affectionate novel
another, Jasbo Brown, in 1931.
of Negro Porgy, which Mrs. Heyward and he turned into a play noteworthy in itself and

later to be even better known as the basis for the George Gershwin folk opera Porgy and
Bess. Mr. Heyward wrote a number of other books before his death in 1940. Among them
were Peter Ashley (1932), a Civil War chronicle; Star Spangled Virgin (1939), a study of
the bewildered response of the Virgin Islanders to the New Deal; and another folk novel
about a devoted Negro mother, Mamba’s Daughters ( 1929).
Mrs. Heyward {nee Dorothy Hartzell Kuhns, born in Worcester, Ohio in 1890) completed
a dramatization of the last-mentioned book in 1939, and Ethel Waters distinguished herself
in the Broadway production. Educated at Radcliffe and a student of playwriting at Harvard
and Columbia Universities, Miss Kuhns married Du Bose Heyward in 1923. She won a prize
Harvard in 1924, and had her first production, Nancy Ann, in that year.
for play writing at
After her husband’s death she wrote, in addition to novels, a war play with anti-racialist
connotations, South Pacific (1944), in collaboration with Howard Rigsby, and Set My
People Free, a drama dealing with an early slave rebellion, which was produced by the
Theatre Guild in 1948.

P ORGY 403

ACT ONE ter right is seen serena’s wash bench, and

near right wall, well down front, is table
Scene I
on which maria serves her meals during
Before the rise of each curtain, the the warm weather.
bells of St. Michael’s, adjacent to the As the curtain rises, revealing Catfish
Negro quarter of old Charleston chime ,
Row on a summer evening, the court
the hour. The chimes are heard occasion- reechoes with African laughter and
ally throughout the play. friendly banter in “Gullah,” the language
Before the rise of first curtain, St. of the Charleston Negro, which still re-

Michael’s chimes the quarters and strides tains many African words. The audience
eight. understands none of it. Like the laughter
The curtain rises on the court of Cat- and movement, the twanging of a guitar
fish Row, now a Negro tenement in a from an upper window, the dancing of an
fallen quarter of Charleston, but in Colo- urchin with a loose, shuffling step, it is a
nial days one of the finest buildings of the part of the picture of Catfish Row as it
aristocracy . The walls rise around a court, really is —
an alien scene, a people as little
except a part of the rear wall of the old known to most Americans as the people
house, which breaks to leave a section of of the Congo.
lower wall pierced at its center by a mas- Gradually, it seems to the audience that
sive tvro ught-iron gate of great beauty they are beginning to understand this
which hangs unsteadily between brief pil- foreign language. In reality, the “ Gullah
larssurmounted by pineapples carved of is being tempered to their ears, spoI{en

Italian marble. more distinctly with the African words

By day, the walls of the entire structure omitted.
present a mottled color effect of varying It Saturday night, and most of the

pastel shades, caused by the atmospheric residents of Catfish Row are out in the
action of many layers of color wash. A court, sitting watching the crap shooters
brilliant note added by rows of bloom-
is or moving to and fro to visit with one
ing flame-colored geraniums in old vege- neighbor, then another. Among those pre-
table tins on narrow shelves attached to ent are:
each window sill. All of the windows are
equipped with dilapidated slat shutters, maria, matriarch of the court, massive in
some of which are open, others closed, but proportions and decisive in action.
with the slats turned so that any one in- annie, middle-aged, quiet, and sedate.
side could look out without being seen. lily, loud, good-natured, the court hoy-
The floor of the spacious court is paved den.
with large flagstones, and these gleam in clara, who has her baby in her arms. She
faintly varying colors under their accum- is scarcely more than a girl and has a
ulated grime. sweet, wistful face.
Beyond and above the wall,
the gate jake, clara’s husband. A successful cap-
one sees a cobbled street, an old
littered tain of the fishing fleet; good-looking,
gas street lamp, and, beyond that again, good-natured.
the blue expanse of the bay, with Fort “sporting life,” bootlegger to Catfish
Sumter showing on the horizon. Over the Row; a slender, overdressed, high-yel-
wall can be seen masts and spars of fishing low Negro.
boats lying on the beach. mingo, young and lazy.
By night, the court depends for its jim and nelson, fishermen.
illumination upon the wheezing gas lamp, scipio, a boy of twelve, one of the nu-
and the kerosene lamps and lanterns that merous offspring of robbins and serena.
come and go in the hands of the occu-
pants of the Row. robbins and serena are still in their
At left front is porgy’s room ( door and room on the second floor, serena is seen
window), and beyond it, an arch letting occasionally as she moves back and forth
on an inside yard. The pump stands past her lighted window. She is a self-
against the wall right back', then, on respecting “white folks” Negress, of about
around right wall, serena’s doorway, with thirty.
her window above it, two more doors, The men are gathering for their Satur-
then the door to maria’s coofshop. Cen- day-night crap game. They are grouped
between gate and porcy’s room, jake is I gots place fo’ n udder fishermans.
squatting right, mingo center rear, and jim. Dat suit me. Dis cotton hook hab
sporting life is left, forming triangle. A swung he las’ bale ob cotton. Here, Scipio,
smoking k erosenc lamp is in center of yo’ wants a cotton hook?
group, and the men arc tossing and retriev- {Throws the hook to scipio, who takes it

ing their dice in the circle of light. eagerly, fastens it at his waist, and goes
about court playing that he is a stevedore,
lifting objects with the hook an ^ pretend-
jake {rolling). Seems like dese bones ing that they are of tremendous weight.
don’t gib me nuttin’ but box cars tonight. clara passes the group, crooning softly.)
It was de same two weeks ago, an’ de CLARA.
game broke me. I ain’t likes dat luck. “Hush, li’l baby, don’ yo’ cry.
(sporting life produces his own dice, Fadder an’ mudder born to die.”
and throws with a loud grunt and snap of jake {standing up). Whut! dat chile
his fingers, mingo snatches the dice and ain’t ’sleep yit. Gib ’um to me. I’ll fix
balances them in his hand.) um fo’ yo’. {Takes baby from clara,
sporting life. Damn yu’, gib me dem rocks it in his arms, sings.)
bones. “My mammy tells me, long time ago,

(mingo holds him off with one hand Son, don’ yo’ marry no gal yo’ know.
while he hands the dice to jake.) Spen’ all yo’ money eat all yo’ bread, —
mingo. Whut yo’ say to dese, Jake? Gone to Savannah,yo’ fo’ dead.”

jake {examining them). Dem’s de {Several of the men join in on the last
same cock-eye bones whut clean de gang line, jake rocks the baby more violently
out las’ week. Ef dey rolls in dis game, I and begins to shuffle, clara watches anx-
rolls out. {Hands the dice bac\ to sport- iously.) “Spen all yo’ money. Steal all yo’
ing life.) Eberybody rolls de same bones clothes. Whut will become of yo’, Gawd
in dis game, Sportin’ Life take ’em or — only knows.” {The light leaves serena’s
leabe ’em. window, jake swings the baby back to
(robbins comes from door, rear right. He clara.) Dere now! Whut I tells yo’. He
isa well-set-up Negro of about thirty. The ’sleep already. {The baby wails. The men
window above him opens, and serena laugh, clara carries baby to her room.
leans from sill.) Closes door, serena comes from her door
serena {pleadingly). Honey-boy! with a lamp which she sets on her wash
robbins. Now, fuh Gawd’s sake, don’t bench. She sits beside it and looks anx-
start dat again.I goin’ play git dat. — iously toward crap players.)
serena. Ef yo’ didn’t hab licker in yo’ maria {to serena). Whut worryin’ yo’,
right now, yo’ wouldn’t talk like dat. Yo’ Serena? Yo’ gots one ob de bes’ mens in
know whut yo’ done promise’ me las’ Catfish Row. Why yo’ ain’t let um play
week. widout pickin’ on um?
robbins. All right, den, I wouldn’t shoot serena. Ele gots licker in um tonight,
no more dan fifty cents. {Joins the group.) an’ Robbins ain’t de same man wid
(clara paces up and down the court, licker.
singing softly to her baby.) Dat ole lady (mingo is rolling and retrieving the dice.
ob mine hell on joinin’ de buryin’ lodge. While he does so, he looks and laughs at
I um while yo’ is still alibe an’
says, spen’ robbins, then sings at him.)
kickin’. {Picks up dice. Throws them mingo {singing).
with a loud grunt.) I ain’t see no buz- “My mammy tel! me, long time ago,

zard ’round her yit. Son don’t yo’ marry no gal yo’ know.”
(jim, a big, strong-looking fellow, saun- {Speaking to robbins) Ought to be sin-
ters over to the group of crap players. A gle like Porgy an’ me. Den yo’ kin shoot
cotton hook swings from his belt.) bones without git pick on.
jim. Lor’, I is tire’ dis night. I’m robbins. Oh, my lady all right; only
t’inkin’ ob gettin’ out ob de cotton busi- ’cep’ she don’ like craps. She born a
Mebby it all
ness. right fo’ a nigger like w’ite folks nigger. She people b’long to
Crown dat Gawd start to make into a Gob’nor Rutledge. Ain’t yo’ see Miss Rut-
bull, den change He min’. But it ain’t ledge come to see she when she sick?
no work fo’ a man. maria {overhearing, to serena). Oh,
jake. Better come ’long on de Sea Gull. dat Miss Rutledge come to see yuh?

serena. Sho! yo’ ain’ know dat? with the almost purple blackness of un-
maria. She eber sell any ob she ole adulterated Congo blood.
clothes? scipio reluctantly interrupts his perform-
serena. Not she. But sometime she gib ance on a mouth organ, shuffles across
’em away to de nigger’. ami opens one side of the ponderous
maria {sighing). I wish I could git a gate.
dress of! she. She de firs’ pusson I eber see porgy drives through and pulls up beside
whut hipped an’ busted ’zac'ly like me. the crap ring.)
robbins {boasting). Yes, suh! my lady jake. Here de ole crap shark.
—Yo’ bes’ sabe yo’ talk fo’ dem dice. porgy. All right, Mingo! Jake! Gib’ me
Bones ain’t got no patience wid ’omen. a han’ out dis wagon. I gots a pocket full
mingo. Dat’s de truth Course dey can’t ob de buckra money, an’ he goin’ to any
git along togedder. Dey is all two atter man whut gots de guts fo’ shoot ’em off
de same nigger money. me!
jake. Annie dere likes de single life, (mingo and jake help porgy from wagon
ain’t it, Annie? Whut become ob dat ole to a seat on ground at left front of circle.
fisherman used to come fo’ see yo’? scipio leads goat away through arch at
annie. He ain’t fisherman. rear left.)
jake. Whut he do? (jim saunters to gate and loo\s out.)
annie. Him ain’t do nuttin’ mos’ all de robbins. All right, mens! Roll ’em! We
time. Odder time, him is a shoe car- done wait long ’nough.
penter. jim {returning to group). Yo bes’ wait
{The voice of peter, the old "honey for Crown. I seen um coinin’, takin’ de
man,” is heard in the street, drawing whole sidewalk, an’ he look like he ain’t
nearer and nearer.) goin’ stan’ no foolin’.
peter. Here comes de honey man. Yo’ porgy. Is Bess wid um?
gots honey? —Yes, ma’am, I gots honey. jake. Listen to Porgy! I t’ink he sof’ on
—Yo’ gotshoney in de comb? Yes, — Crown’s Bess! {All the men laugh.)
ma’am, I gots honey in de comb. Yo’ — porgy. Gawd make cripple to be lonely.
gots —
honey cheap? Yes, ma’am, my T’ain’t no use um
to be sof on a
honey cheap. ’oman.
(peter enters gate and closes it behind maria. Porgy gots too good sense to
him. He is a gentle, l(indly Negro, verg- look twice at dat licker-guzzlin’ slut.
ing on senility. A large wooden tray cov- lily. Licker-guzzlin’! It takes more’n
ered with a white cloth is balanced on his licker fo’ sati’fy Crown’s Bess.
head.) serena. Happy dus’! Dat’s what it take!
lily {going to meet him). Well, here Dat gal Bess ain’t fit for Gawd-fearin’
come my ole man. {Taf(es tray from his ladies to ’sociate wid!
head and shouts in his ear.) Now gimme sporting life. Sistuhs! You needn’t
de money. {He hands her some coins. She worry! Gawd-fearin’ ladies is de las’ t’ing
points to bench.) Now go sit an’ res’. on eart’ Bess is a-wantin’ for ’sociate wid.
{He does as he is told. She places tray in Can’t yo’ keep yo’ mout’ off
her room and returns to circle.) Bess! Between de Gawd-fearin’ ladies an’
maria. Yo’, Scipio! Here come Porgy! de Gawd-damnin’ men, dat gal ain’t gots
Open de gate fo’ uh! no chance.
(porgy drives up to the gate in his soap- jake. Ain’t I tells yo’ Porgy sof’ on um?
box chariot. He is a crippled beggar of the {Adore laughter.)
Charleston streets, who has done much to porgy. I ain’t neber swap one word wid
overcome his handicap of almost power- she.
less legs by supplying himself with a (crown and bess appear at gate, crown
patriarchal and very dirty goat, which is lurching slightly and bess is piloting
draws a cart made of an upturned soap him through the entrance.
box, on two lopsided wheels, which bears crown is a huge Negro of magnificent
the inscription, “wild rose soap, pure physique, a stevedore on the cotton
AND FRAGRANT.” wharfs. He is wearing blue denim pants
porgy is no longer young, and yet not and tan shirt with a bright bandanna
old. There is a suggestion of the mystic in about his iiec\. From his belt hangs a long
his thoughtful, sensitive face. He is blac\, gleaming cotton hool{.


bess is but sinewy; very black,
slender, bess (with a provocative look at SE "
wide nostrils, and large, but well-formed rena). Dat all right, Honey-boy, I’ll stake
mouth. She flaunts a typical, but debased, yo’ when yo’ four bits done gone.
Negro beauty. serena (to robbins). Go ahead an’ play,
From the occupants of Catfish Row there yo’ ain’t need no charity off no she-devils.
are cries of, ‘‘Here comes Big Boy!” bess (to robbins). See whut I git fuh
“ “
’Low, Crown!” ’Low Bess,” etc.) yo’. De she-gawds is easy when yo’
crown (to sporting life). All right, knows de way.
high stepper. Gib us a pint, an make it (crown claps his hand over bess’s mouth.)
damn’ quick, (sporting life pulls a flask crown. Shet yo’ damn mout’. Yo’ don’
from his hip poefet and hands it to gib Mingo no chance to talk to de bones.
crown, crown jerks out cork, and takes a (jake has cast and lost, and the dice are
long pull.) (To bess.) Pay um, Bess! now with mingo, who is swinging them
(bess settles for the bottle, then takes her back an(l forth in his hand. Sings.)
scat by crown, ignoring the women of the mingo. “Ole snake-eye, go off an’ die.
court. Ole man seben, come down from
crown hands her the flask, from which Heaben.” (Grunts, throws, and snaps fin-
she takes a long pull. She meets serena’s gers.) Seben! (Scoops up dice.)
eyes, laughs at their hostility, and at once crown. I ain’t see dat seben yit.
extends the bottle to robbins) (Snatches mingo’s hand and open fingers.
bess. Hab one to de Gawd-fearin’ Looks at dice.) Yo’ done tu’n um ober.
ladies. Dere’s nuttin’ else like ’em —t’ank mingo (to Circle). Whut I t’row?
Gawd! (Cries of "Seben,” ‘‘Jus’ as he says,” etc.
(robbins tries to resist, but the fumes of mingo pulls in pot.)
raw liquor are too much for him. He crown. Well, dere’s more’n one nigger
takes a deep drink done meet he Gawd fuh pullin’ ’em in
crown snatches the bottle from him, ’fore I reads ’em. See? An’ I’m a-sayin’ it

gulps the entire remaining contents, and ober tonight. (All ante again.)
shatters it on the fags behind him. mingo. Come home again to yo’ pappy.
The crap circle is now complete. The posi- (Shoots.) Four to make! Come four!
tions are as follows: (Shoots.)
(Cries of ‘‘Seben’,’ “ Crapped out,” etc.
mingo passes dice to crown.)
X BESS X CROWN crown. Come clean, yo’ little black-
X DADDY eyed bitches! (Shoots. Cries of "Six,” "Six
PETER to make,” etc. crown takes up bones and
X MINGO X SPORTING LIFE produces rabbit foot from pocket. He
X JAKE touches dice with it.) Kiss rabbit foot.
sporting life (reaching for dice).
Crapped out! Come to your pappy.
(crown throws coin down before him.) (crown extends a huge arm and brushes
crown. I’m talkin’ to yo’ mans. Any- him back He tries to focus his eyes on

body answerin’ me? dice.)

(They all throw down money.) , robbins. Crown too cock-eyed drunk to
robbins (to jake). An’ dem fine chillen read um. What he is say, Bess?
ob mine! bess. Seben.
crown. Shet yo’ damn mout’ an’ t’row. crown (scotvls at robbins, then turns to
robbin (taken aback ani^ tolling hast- sporting life). I ain’t drunk ’nough to
ily). Box cars again! (They all roar with read ’em, dat’s de trouble. Licker ain’t
laughter.) strong ’nough. Gimme a pinch ob happy
mingo, Cover ’em, brudder, cover ’em. dus’, Sportin’ Life.
robbins. Cover hell! I goin’ pass ’em (sporting life ta!{es from his pocket a
along an’ see ef I kin break my luck. small folded paper.)
mingo. He lady ain’t ’low um but fifty bess. Don’ gib’ um dat stuff, Sportin’
cent, an’ he can’t take no chance wid bad Life. Lie’s ugly drunk already.
luck. crown. Yo’ is a good one to talk! Pay
(All laugh at bobbins.) um and shut up.
P ORGY 407

Ta\es the paper from sporting life, un- (jake reaches briefibat and puts it in his
folds it, and inhales the powder. free hand, crown jer/{s his cotton hool{
BESS pays SPORTING LIFE. DADDY PETER out of his belt and lunges forward, bowl-
tal{es his pipe from his mouth and crowds ing robbins over, and \noc\mg bnc\
in between crown and sporting life, put- from his hand, crown then steps bacl{ and
ting a hand on the arm of each.) fiefs over lamp, extinguishing it.
peter. Frien’ an’ dice an’ happy dus’ The stage is now darf except for the
ain’t meant to ’sociate. Yo’ mens bes’ go small lamp at serena’s wash bench. This
slow. lights up the woman’s terrified face as
(crown draws bacl{ his fist. Cries of she strains her gaze into the darkness.
“Leabe Uncle Peter be!” ‘‘He ain't mean maria, clara and the others of her group
no harm!” etc. crown relaxes, sporting stand behind her.
up the dice.)
life pic/(s From the crap ring come cries and curses.
sporting life. Huh, seben! Huh, seben! Suddenly, shutters are thrown open in
Huh, seben! {Shoots.) ’Leben! Come rightand left walls of building, and forms
home, Fido! {Whistles, snaps fingers, and strainfrom the sills. As the shutters arc
pulls in pot.) banged open, shafts of light from them
{All ante.) flash across the court, latticing it with a
crown. Gawd damn it. I ain’t read urn cross play of light.
yet. crown and robbins are revealed facing
{All laugh at him. Cries of "Crown cock- each other: crown crouched for a spring
eye drun\.” " Can’t tell dice from water- with gleaming cotton hoof extended;
million',’ etc.) robbins defenceless, his bacf to the wall.
crown {growling). All right. I’m tellin’ Then robbins lunges under the hoof and
y° ’- they clinch. The fight proceeds with no
sporting life {shooting). Six to make! distinguishable words from the combat-
Get um again! {Shoots.) {Cries of "Seb- ants, but with growls and breath
en,” "Crapped out," etc. porgy ta\es up that sobs and catches in their throats. In
dice and commences to sway, with his and out of the cross-play of light they
eyes half closed. He apostrophizes dice in —
sway now revealed, now in darkness.
a sort of sing-song chant.) The watchers move bacf and stand
porgy. Oh, little stars, roll me some around the wall. T hey commence a weird,
light.{Shoots.) ’Leben little stars, come high-feyed moaning that rises as the
home. {Pulls in pot.) {All ante). Roll dis figures tafe the light, and subsides al-
poor beggar a sun an’ moon! {Shoots.) most to silence when they are obscured.
mingo. Snake eyes! Suddenly, out of the darf, crown swings
porgy. Dem ain’t no snake eyes. Dey robbins into a shaft of light, crown is
is a flock ob mornin’ an’ ebenin’ star. An’ facing the audience and is holding rob-
jus’ yo’ watch um rise for dis po’ beggar. bins at arms’ length. With a triumphant
{Shoots.) snarl, he swings the hoof downward.
{Cries of "Made um,” “ Dat’s he point," robbins drops bacf toward audience into
etc.porgy pulls in pot.) darkness, and crown stands in high light.
crown. Roll up dat nigger sleeve. There is dead silence now. In it crown
(porgy rolls up his sleeves.) Well, yo’ loofs down at his hands, opening and
gots dem damn dice conjer den. closing them. Then, he draws his arm
{All ante, porgy rolls. Cries of "Snafe across his eyes.
eyes’,’ "Crapped out!” All ante, robbins The silence is shattered by a piercing
tables up bones, whistles, shoots, snaps scream, and serena runs across the court
them bac\ up very rapidly.) and throws herself on the body.
robbins. Nine to make! {Whistles, bess appears in the light beside crown.
shoots, snaps fingers.) Read um! Nine She shades him violently by the arm.)
spot! {Sweeps them up, and reaches for bess. Wake up an’ hit it out. Yo’ ain’t
money, crown seizes his wrist.) got no time to lose.
crown. Tech dat money an’ meet yo’ crown {loofing stupidly into the gloom
Gawd. at serena and the body of her man.)
robbins. Take yo’ han’ off me, yo’ Whut de matter?
lousy houn’! {Turns to jake.) Han’ me bess {hysterically). Yo’ done kill Rob-
dat brick behin’ you’. bins, an’ de police’ll be cornin’. {She starts


to pullhim toward the gate.) gate.)
crown. Whar yo’ goin’ hide? Dey (bess loops desperately about for shelter.
knows you an’ me pulls togedder. '

She advances timidly and tapes up lamp

(In the half light, it can now be seen from the wash bench. She starts at rear
that the court has been deserted, except for left, and tries all of the doors as she goes.
serena, who sits beside the body with They slammed in her
are either locked, or
her head bowed, and sways from side to face she reaches out to them. She
side with a low, steady moaning. comes to maria’s shop door, and as she
A match isscratched and held in porgy’s reaches it, it is jerked open and maria
hand. He is crouched on his doorstep. He confronts her.)
loofs toward Robbins’s body, and his face maria (in a tense voice). Yo’ done bring
shows horror and fear. He gives a whim- trouble ’nough. Git out ’fore de police
pering moan, and as the match burns out, comes.
he drags himself over his threshold and bess. Yo’ wouldn’t hab’ a heart, an’ let

closes the door.) me in?

bess. Dey wouldn’t look fuh me here. maria. Not till hell freeze!
I’ll stay here an’ hide. Somebody always (A light is lit in porgy’s room, showing
willin’ to take care ob Bess. at window and cracp in door.)
crown ( now at gate). Well, git dis: bess (indicating porgy's room). Who
he’s temporary. I’se cornin’ back when de lib ober dere?
hell dies down. maria- He ain’t no use to yo’ kin’. Dat’s
bess. All right. Only git out now. Here, Porgy. He a cripple an’ a beggar.
take dis. (Thrusts the money into his (bess seems to agree with maria that
hand. She pushes him out of gate. He porgy is of no use to her. Crosses to gate,

disappears into the shadows. She turns hesitates. Then she turns slowly toward
around and faces the court. It is silent porgy’s room and crosses, shuddering
and empty except for the body and away from serena and the body, which
SERENA. SPORTING LIFE StCpS Ollt of the she must pass on the way. She reaches
shadows under serena’s steps, startling the door, puts her hand on the pnob,
her.) Dat yo’, Sportin’ Life? Fo’ Gawd’s hesitates, then slowly she opens it, enters,
sake, gib’ me a little touch happy dus’. I and closes it behind her.)
shakin’ so I can hardly stan’. (Suddenly
remembering.) Oh, I done gib’ all de
money to Crown. I can’t pay fo’ um. But,
Scene II
for Gawd’s sake, gib me jus’ a touch!
sporting life. Yo’ ain't needs to pay st. Michael’s chimes the quarters and
fo’ um, Bess. (Pours powder into her strides seven.
hand.) Sportin’ Life ain’t go back on a The curtain rises on serena’s room, a
frien’ in trouble like desc odder low-life second story room in Catfish Row, which
nigger’, (bess quickly inhales the powder. still bears traces of its ancient beauty in

Sighs with relief.) Listen! I’ll be goin’ its high panelled walls and tall, slender

back up to Noo Yo’k soon. All yo’ gots mantel with Grecian frieze and intricate
to do is to come wid me now. I’ll hide scroll worp. The door is in left wall at
yo’ out an’ take yo’ on wid me when I baep. Near the center of bacp wall a
go. Why, yo’ an’ me’ll be a swell t^am! window loops toward the sea. The f re-
Wid yo’ de frien’s I gots
looks an’ all place is m right wall. Over the mantel is

dere, it’ll be ebery night an’ all night a gaudy lithograph of Lincoln striding
licker, dus’, bright lights, an’ de sky de chains from the slaves.
limit! (He loofs apprehensively toward The room is vaguely lighted by several
gate. Ta/(cs her arm.) Come ’long! We p erosene lamps, and is scantily furnished:
gots to beat it while de beatin’s good. a bed against the bacp wall at left, and a
(bess draws away sharply from his grasp.) few chairs.
Nobody ’round here’s goin’ to take in Robbins’s body lies upon the bed, com-
Crown’s Bess. Yo’ bes’ go wid yo’ only pletely covered by a white sheet. On its

frien’. chest is a large Standing

blue saucer.
bess. I ain’t come to dat yet. about the bed or seated on the foor are
sporting life. Well, de cops ain't goin’ Negroes, all singing and swaying and
find me here fo’ no ’oman! (Slinks out patting with their large feet.

serena sits at the foot of the bed sway- peter. An’ he gots comfort fo’ de wid-
ing dismally to the rhythm. der.
They have been singing for hours. The serena. Oh, my Jedus!
monotony of the dirge and the steady peter. An’ food fo’ de fadderless.
beat of the patting has lulled several into serena. Yes, Lo’d!
a state of coma. peter. An’ he goin’ raise dis poor nig-
ger out de grabe.
jake. Allelujah!
“Deat’, ain’t yuh gots no shame, shame? peter. An’ set him in de seat of de
Deat’, ain’t yuh gots no shame, shame? righteous, Amen.
Deat’, ain’t yuh gots no shame, shame? serena. Amen, my brudder.
Deat’, ain’t yuh gots no shame? {They all sway in silence.)
annie {looking toward the door). What
“Teck dis man an’ gone, gone, dat?
Teck dis man an’ gone, gone, clara. I hear somebody cornin’ up de
Teck dis man an’ gone, gone, steps now bringing much penny fo’ de
Deat’, ain’t yuh gots no shame? saucer.
(maria opens the door and lool(s out.)
“Leabe ’oman lone, lone,
dis serena. Who dat?
Leabe dis ’oman lone, lone, maria. It’s Porgy cornin’ up de steps.
Leabe dis ’oman lone, lone, jake {starting to rise). Somebody bes’
Deat’, ain’t yuh gots no shame?” go help um.
maria. He gots help. Crown’s Bess is

(The door opens and peter comes in. a-helpin’ um.

Doffs his old hat, crosses, and puts coins in serena {spring to her feet). What’s she
saucer. The singing and swaying con- a-comin’ here fo’? {They are all silent,
tinue. He finds a seal at right front and looking toward door, porgy and bess
begins to sway and pat with the others. enter, porgy loo\s about; maizes a move-
serena reaches over, gets saucer, and ment toward corpse, bess starts to lead
counts coins. Replaces saucer with a hope- him across room, serena stands defiant,
less expression.) silent, till they have gone half the way.)
jake. How de saucer stan’, Sistuh? What yo’ bring dat ’oman here fo’?
{The singing dies gradually as, one by porgy. She want to come help sing.
one, the Negroes stop to listen, but the She’s a good shouter.
rhythm continues .) (bess, self-possessed, leads porgy on to-
serena {dully). Fourteen dolluh and ward saucer. He deposits his coins. Then
thirty-six cent. bess stretches her hand toward saucer.)
maria (
encouragingly ). Dat’s a-comin’ serena. I don’ need yo’ money fo’ bury
on, Sistuh. Yo’ can bury him soon. my man. (bess hesitates.) I ain’t takin’
serena. De Boa’d ob Healt’ say he gots money off he murderer.
to git buried tomorruh. porgy. Dat ain’t Crown’s money. I gib
clara. It cost thirty-four dolluh for bury um to Bess fo’ put in de saucer.
my grandmudder, but she gots de three serena. All right. Yo’ can put um in.
carriage’. (bess drops the money in saucer and leads
serena. What I goin’ to do ef I ain’t porcy to a place at left front. They sit

gots de money? side by side on the floor, serena stands

peter {understanding that they refer to glaring after them.)
saucer). Gawd gots plenty coin’ fo’ de peter {trying to ma\e peace). Sing,
saucer. Sistuh, sing! Time is passin’, an’ de saucer
serena. Bless de Lo’d. ain’t full.
peter. An’ He goin’ soften dese nigger serena {to porgy). She can sit ober
heart’ fo’ fill de saucer till he spill ober. dere in de corner, ef she want to. But she
serena. Amen, my Jedus! can’t sing!
peter. De Lord will provide a grabe (bess sits with quiet dignity; seeming
fo’His chillun. scarcely to notice serena’s tone and
clara. Bless de Lo’d! words.)
{The swaying gradually changes to the porgy. Dat all right. Bess don’ want fo’
rhythm of Peter’s prayer.) sing, anyway.


( The spiritual begins again.) detective (shouting). You’re sure you
“Leabe dese chillun starve, starve, saw him?
Leabe dese chillun starve, starve, peter. I swear to Gawd, boss. I was
Leabe dese chillun starve, starve, right dere, close beside um.
Dead, ain’t yuh gots no shame?” detective (with satisfied grunt). Umph!
mingo (looking upward). Dat rain on I thought as much. (Swings suddenly on
de roof? porgy and points the pistol in his face.)
jake. Yes, rainin’ hard out. You saw it, too! (porgy trembles but
porgy. Dat’s all right now fo’ Robbins. does not spea/{. He lowers his eyes.)
Gawd done send He rain already fo’ Come! Out with it! I don't want to have
wash he feetsteps offen dis eart’. toput the law on you! (porgy sits silent.
lily. Oh, yes, Brudder! The detective shouts with fury.) Look
serena. Amen, my Jedus! at me, you damned nigger!
( The spiritual continues. The swaying (porgy slotvly raises his eyes to the de-
and patting begin gradually and grow. tective’s face.)
Slowly bess begins to sway with the porgy. I ain’t know nuttin’ bout um,
no sound.
others, but she maizes boss.
The door is burst suddenly open and the detective (angrily). That’s your room
detective enters, two policemen wait in in the corner, isn’t it? (Points downward
the doorway. toward left.)
The spiritual ceases abruptly. All the porgy. Yes, boss. Dat’s my room.
Negroes' eyes are riveted on the white detective. The door opens on the court, J

man and filled with fear. He strides over don’t it?

to the corpse, loofis down at it.) porgy. Yes, boss, my door open on de
detective. Urn! A saucer-buried nigger, cou’t.
I see! (To serena.) You’re his widow? detective. And yet you didn't see or
serena. Yes, suh. hear anything?
detective. He didn’t leave any burial porgy. ain’t know nuttin’ ’bout um.

insurance? I been inside asleep on my bed wid de

serena. No, boss. He didn’t leabe door closed.
nuttin’. detective (exasperated.) You’re a I

detective. Well, see to it that he’s damned (Turns away disgusted.


buried to-morrow. (Turns away from her. Saunters toward door. To policemen, in-
Slowly circles room, looking fixedly at dicating peter.) He saw the killing. Take
each Negro in turn. Each quails under him along and lock him up as a material j
his gaze. He pauses abruptly before peter. witness.
Suddenly shouts at him.) You killed ( FIRST POLICEMAN CI OSSCS tO PETER.)
Robbins, and I’m going to hang you for FIRST POLICEMAN (helping PETER tO llis

it! feet). Come along, Chicle.

(peter is almost paralyzed by terror, his peter (shading with terror). I ain’t
panic heightened by the fact that he can- neber done um, boss.
not hear what the detective says. His policeman. Nobody says you did it. I

mouth opens and he cannot fnd his We re just taking you along as a witness.
voice.) ( But peter docs not understand .)
lily (to detective). He ain’t done um. serena. What yo’ goin’ to do wid um?
peter (helplessly). What he say? policeman. Lock him up. Come along.

lily (shouting in peter’s car). He say It ain't going to be so bad for you as for

yo’ kill Robbins. Crown, anyway.

detective (laying his hand on peter’s SECOND POLICEMAN (tO DETECTIVE). How
shoulder) Come along now! about the cripple?
peter. ’Fore Gawd, boss, I ain’t neber detective (sourly). He couldn't have
done um! helped seeing it, but I can’t make him
(The detective whips out his revolver come through. But it don't matter. One’s
and points it between peter’s eyes.) enough to hang Crown — ( With a short
detective. Who did
then? (Shout-
it, laugh .) — If we ever get him.
ing.) You heard me! Who did it? MARIA (to FIRST POLICEMAN’). How long
peter (wildly). Crown done um, boss. vo’ goin' lock um up fo’?
1 done see him do um. first policeman. Till we catch Crown,
) )

/‘ORGY 411

porgy (sadly). I reckon Crown done undertaker. How de saucer stan’ now,
loose now in de palmetto thickets, an’ my sistuh? (Glances appraisingly at
de rope ain’t neber made fo’ hang um. saucer.
detective. Then the old man's out of serena (in a flat, despairing voice).
luck. (To serena.) Remember! You’ve Dere ain’t but fifteen dollah.
got to bury that nigger tomorrow or the undertaker. Umph! Can’t bury um fo’

Board of Health will take him and turn fifteen dollah.

him over to the medical students. jake. He gots to git buried tomorruh or
peter. I ain’t neber done um, boss. de Boa’d ob Healt’ ’ll take um an’ gib um
DETECTIVE (tO FIRST POLICEMAN). Come to de students.
on! Get the old man in the wagon. serena (wildly). Oh, fo’ Gawd’s sake
(peter, shading in every limb, is led out. bury um in de grabeyahd. (She rises to
The detective and second policeman her nees and seizes the undertaker’s
follow. A moment of desolated silence.) hand in both hers. Imploringly.) Don’
maria. It sho’ pay nigger to go blin’ in let de students hab um. I goin’ to work
dis world. Monday, an’ I swear to Gawd I gon’ to
jake. Porgy ain’t got much leg, but he pay yo’ ebery cent.
sho’ got sense in dealin’ wid de w’ite folks. (Even the swaying ceases now. The Ne-
porgy (slowly, as though half to him- groes all wait tensely, their eyes riveted
self). I puzzle dis t’ing out. Peter
can’t on undertaker’s face, pleading si-
war a good man. An’ dat nigger Crown lently. After a moment’s hesitation, the
war a killer an’ fo’eber gettin’ into undertaker’s professional manner slips
trouble. But dere go Peter fo’ be lock from him.)
up like t’ief, an’ he’re lie Robbins wid undertaker (simply). All right, Sistuh.
he wife and fadderless chillun. An Crown Wid de box an’ one carriage, it’s cost me
done gone he was fo’ do de same t’ing more’n twenty-five. But I’ll see yo’t’rough.
ober again somewheres else. (An expression of vast relief sweeps into
(The Negroes begin to sway and moan? every face, serena silently relaxes across
clara. Gone fo’ true! Yes, Jedus! the foot of the bed, her head between
(A voice raises the spiritual, “What de her outstretched arms.) Yo’ can all be
Matter, Chillun?’’ It swells slowly. One ready at eight tomorruh. It’s a long trip
voice joins in after another. The swaying to de cemetery.
and patting begin and grow slowly in (The undertaker goes out door. The
tempo and emphasis. As before, bess Negroes gaze silently after him with eyes
sways in silence.) filled with gratitude. There is a moment
“What’ de mattuh, chillun? of silence after his departure. Then, car-
What’ de mattuh, chillun? ried out of herself by sympathy and
What’ de mattuh, chillun? gratitude, bess, forgetful of the ban laid
Yuh can’t stan’ still. upon her, lifts her strong, beautiful voice
Pain gots de body. triumphantly.)
Pain gots de body. bess. “Oh, I gots a little brudder in de
Pain gots de body. new grabeyahd
An’ I can’t stan’ still. What outshine de sun,
“What de mattuh, Sistuh? Outshine de sun,”
What de mattuh, Sistuh? (porgy’s voice joins hers.)
What de mattuh, Sistuh? “Outshine de sun.”
Yuh can’t stan’ still. (By the fourth line, many
of the Negro
Jedus gots our brudder, voices have joined in, and the song grows
Jedus gots our brudder, steadily in volume and fervor.)
Jedus gots our brudder, “Oh, I gots a little brudder in de new
An’ I can’t stan’ still.” grabeyahd
(The door opens and the undertaker What outshine de sun,
bustles into the room with an air of great An’ I’ll meet um in de Primus Lan’.”
importance. He is a short, yellow Negro (bess’s voice is heard again for one brief
with a low, oily voice. He is dressed en- moment alone as it rises high and clear on
tirely in blacfi. He crosses to serena. The the first line of the chorus.)
song dies away, but the swaying con- “I will meet um in de Primus Lan’!”
tinues to its rhythm .) (Then a full chorus, with deep basses pre-
dominating, crashes in on the second line mingo (an onloofer). Hear tell de Bu-
of the refrain, serena, last of all, joins fort mens bring in such a catch yesterday
enthusiastically in the chorus.) dat de boat look like he gots floor ob
“Oh, I’ll meet um in de Primus Lan’! silber.

I will meet um, meet um, meet um, jim. I hears dey gots to t’row away
I will meet um, meet um, meet um, half de catch so as not glut de market.
I will meet um in de Primus Land jake. Yes, suh! Fish runnin’ well, an’
“Oh, I gots a mansion up on high we mens bes’ make de mores ob it.
What ain’t make wid’ han’, jim. Dats de trut’. Dem Septembuh
Ain’t make wid han’, storm due soon, an’ fish don’ like eas’
Ain’t make wid han’, win’ an’ muddy watuh.
Oh, I gots a mansion up on high annie (calling across court). Mus’ be
What ain’t make wid’ han’, you mens forget ’bout picnic. Ain’t yo’
An’ I'll meet um in de Primus Land” know de parade start up de block at ten
( The beautiful old spiritual beats trium- o’clock?
phantly through the narrow room, stead- mingo. Dat’s de trut’, Sistuh.
ily gaining in speed. (The men begin to gather up their fish-
serena is the first to leap to her feet and ing gear.)
begin to "shout.” * One by one, as the porgy (at window. Solicitously). Bess,
spirit moves them, the Negroes follow her ain’t you wants to go to de picnic after
example till they are all on their feet, all? Yo’ know I is membuh in good
swaying, shuffling, clapping their hands. standin’ ob “De Sons and Daughters ob
bess leads the "shouting” as she has the Repent Ye Saith de Lord.”
singing, throwing her whole soul into an bess (unseen within room). I radder
intricate shuffle and complete turn. Each stay home wid yo’.
Negro “shouts” in his own individual porgy. Yo’ gots jus’ as much right to
way, some dancing in place, others merely go asany ’oman in Catfish Row.
swaying and patting their hands. bess (in unconvincing voice). I ain’t
" Allelujahs” and cries of "Yes, Lord” are care much ’bout picnic.
interjected into the singing. And the (porgy is troubled. Sits in silence.)
rhythm swells till the old walls seem to sporting life (who has sauntered over
rocf and surge with the sweep of it.) to group of fishermen). All yo’ mens
goin’ to de picnic?
CURTAIN jake. Goin’ sho’. How come
fo’ yo’
t’ink we ain’t goin’?
ACT TWO sporting life. I jus’ ask. Don’ hab no
picnic in Noo Yo’k. Yo’ folks still hab
Scene I
yo’ picnic on Kittiwah Islan’?
st. Michael’s chimes the quarters and jim. Listen to Sporting Life. He been
strifes one. Morning. six mont’ in Noo Yo’k, an’ he want to
The court is full of movement, the Ne- know ef we still hab we picnic on Kitti-
groes going about their tasfs. At right wah! (They laugh.)
front a group of fishermen are rigging (sporting life moves off. Sits at maria’s
their lines. They are working leisurely table, lily joins the group of men.)
with much noisy laughter and banter. Oc- jake. All right, mens. I’m all fuh ridin’
casionally, a snatch of song is heard. luck fur as he will tote me. Turn out at
porgy is sitting at his window. The four to-morruh mornin’, an’ we’ll push
soap-box car stands by his door, the goat de Sea Gull clean to de Blackfish Banks
is inside the room. Occasionally loofs out ’fore we wets de anchor. I gots a feelin’
door. we goin’ be gunnels under wid de pure
fish when we comes in at night.
lily. Yuh goin’ fuhtake de Sea Gull
jake. Fish runnin’ well outside de bar
out beyond bah? (She laughs. Calls out
dese days.
to nelson, who is on far side of court.)
* “Shouting”
is the term given by the Heah dis, Nelson. Dese mens aimin’ fuh
Carolina Negroes to the body rhythms take de Sea Gull to de Blackfish Banks!
and steps with which they accompany (nelson joins the group, clara, overhear-
their emotional songs. ing, slowly approaches, her baby her m
? ORGY 113

arms, lily turns to the others.) Yo’ mens serena {looking through bess). Porgy!
bes’ keep yo’ ole washtub close to home. (Secs him at window. Crosses to him.)
Wait till yo’ gets a good boat like de Oh, dere yo’ is. I gots news. I done been
Mosquito ’fore yo’ trabble. ( All the men to see my white folks ’bout Peter.
and lily laugh delightedly.) porcTy. What dey say?
jake. Mosquito born in de water, but serena. Dey say dey gots a white gen-
he can drown jus’ de same. tleman frien’, name ob Mistah Archdale,
(All laugh, lily slapping nelson’s shoul- who is lawyer an’ he can get um out. I
der in her appreciation, clara has stood tells um yo’ is de pusson fo’ um to talk

silentlybeside them with anxious eyes.) to ’cause yo’ gots so much sense when yo’
clara. Jake! Yo’ ain’t plannin’ to take talks to w’ite folks. An’ dey say he’ll come
de Sea Gull to de Blackfish Banks? It’s fo’ see yo’ ’cause he pass right by here
time fuh de Septembuh storms. ebery day, an’ yo’ is cripple. ( Turns away,
jake (
laughing reassuringly). Ain’t yo’ ignoring bess. Crosses, sits beside jake,
know we had one stiff gale las’ yeah, an’ ta\es out and lights her pipe, maria is
he nebber come two yeah han’ runnin’. serving a late breakfast to sporting life,
clara. Jake, I don’ want yo’ fuh go jim and mingo have joined him at table.
outside de bah! St. Michael’s chimes the quarter hour.
jake. How yo’ t’ink we goin’ gib dat maria crosses to pump to fill fettle. After
man child college edication? a few puffs, serena whispers loudly to
( They all laugh, except clara.) jake.) It’s a shame when good Christian
clara. Deys odder way fuh make ’omans got to lib under de same roof wid
money ’sides fish. a murderin’ she-debil like dat Crown’s
jake. Hear de ’oman! Mebbe yo’ like Bess.
me to be a cotton nigger! Huh? ( The jake. She don’ seem to harm nobody,
men laugh, scipio is playing about the an’ Porgy seem to like to hab she ’roun’.
court with a broad red sash pinned across maria. Porgy change since dat ’oman
his breast from shoulder to waist. It bears go to lib’ wid he.
the legend, “Repent Ye Saith the Lord.” serena. How he change?
From the boy’s breast flutters a yellow rib- maria. I tell yo’ dat nigger happy now.
bon with the word “Marshal.” He struts serena. Go ’long wid yo. Dat ’oman
about court leading an imaginary parade. ain’t de kin’ fo’ make cripple happy. It
jake, looking about for change of sub- take a killer like Crown to hoi’ she down.
ject, sees scipio and starts to his feet.) maria. Dat may be so, but Porgy don’t
Heah, Scipio! Who sash dat yo’ gots? know dat yet. An’, ’sides, ef a man is de
(scipio bac\s away, jake pursues.) Come kin’ what need a ’oman, he goin’ be
heah, yo’! Jus’ as I t’ought. Dat’s my happy regahdless.
sash! jake. Dat’s de trut’, Sistuh. Him dress
( Not watching where he going, scipio, is she up in he own eye, till she stan’ like
in his flight from jake, runs straight into de Queen ob Sheba to he.
maria, who delivers him to jake.) maria. Porgy t’ink right now dat he
maria. Heah yo’ is, Jake. gots a she-gawd in he room.
jake. T’ank yo’ kindly, Sistuh. (To serena. Well, dere is gawds and gawds,
scipio, while he rescues his sash and an’ Porgy sho’ got de kin’ what goin’
badge.) How yo’ t’ink I goin’ lead dis gib um hell. Much as I likes Porgy, I
picnic parade atter yo’ been ruin my sash? wouldn’t swap a word wid she.
( Pins ribbons on his own breast. Sits on maria. Dat all so, Sistuh. But yo’ keep
washing bench. Lights pipe.) yo’ eye on Porgy. He use to hate all dese
( The crowd begins to brea\ up with chillen, but now he nebber come home
noisy laughter and jolting, serena comes widout candy ball fuh de crowd.
in at gate, wearing a neat white apron jake. I tells yo’ dat ’oman
and a hat. Crosses to porgy’s door, greet- (bess crosses to pump with bucket.)
ing her friends as she passes them.) SERENA. Sh!
serena {to the men). Fine day fuh de ( The three are silent watching bess. She
picnic. is neatly dressed, wal\s with queenly dig-
jim. Fine fuh true, Sistuh. nity, passes them as though they did not
(serena \noc\s at porcy’s door, bess exist, fills her buc\et, swings it easily to
opens it. serena pays no attention to her.) her head, turns from them with an air


of cool scorn, and recrosses to her own sporting life. Dat’s all right, Auntie.
door. The three loo/{ after her with vary- Le’s you an’ me be frien’.
ing expressions: maria interested, sErena maria. Frien’ wid you’! One ob dese
indignant, jake admiring .) day I might lie down wid rattlesnake, an’
jake. Dat’s de t’ing. She sho’ ain’t when dat time come, yo’ kin come right
askin’ no visit ofen none ob she neigh- ’long an’ git in de bed. But till den,
bors. keep yo’ shiny carcass in Noo Yo’k til
serena. Yo’ poor sof’-headed nigger! de debble ready to take cha’ge ob um.
Ain’t yo’ shame to set dere ’fore me an’ (simon frazier, an elderly Negro dressed
talk sweet-mout’ ’bout dat murderin’ in blacfi froefi coat, comes in at the gate,
Crown’s Bess? (Maying eyes at him.) loo/^s -about, maria’s table.
crosses to
Now, ef I was a man, I’d sabe my sof’ maria is still glaring at sporting life so
wo’d fuh de God-fearin’ ’omans.
jake. Ef yo’ was a man — ( Pauses — ferociously that frazier hesitates, maria
loofis up and sees him. She is suddenly
looking thoughtfully at her, then shades all smiles.)
his head.) No, it ain’t no use. Yo’ maria. Mornin’, lawyer. Lookin’ fuh
wouldn’t understan’. Dat’s somethin’ she- somebody?
male sense ain’t goin’ help yo’ none wid. frazier. Porgy live here, don’t he?
(Knocks ashes from his pipe.) maria. Sho’ he do. Right ober dere he
(maria has turned toward her table. She room.
suddenly puts down
her fietlle, strides to frazier, T’ank yo’, Sistuh. (Crosses
the table, sporting life’s hand,
seizes toward porgy’s door.)
opens the fingers before he has time to lily (who is near porgy’s door). Porgy!
resist, and blows a white powder from Lawyer Frazier to see yo’.
his palm.) (maria gives sporting life final glare and
sporting life ( furiously ). What yo’ enters shop, bess helps porgy on to door-
t’ink yo’ doin’! Dat stuff cos’ money. step and returns to room.)
(maria stands bacf(, arms a/fimbo, staring frazier. Mornin’, Porgy.
down at him for a moment in silence. porgy. Mornin’, lawyer.
sporting life shifts uneasily in his chair.) frazier. I come to see yo’ on business
maria (in stentorian tones). Nigger! I fo’ one ob my w’ite client’.
jus’ tryin’ to figger out wedder I better porgy. Huh?
kill yuh decent now, wid yo’ frien’ about frazier. I been in to see Mistah Alan
yo’ —or leabe yo’ fuh de white folks to Archdale yesterday an’ he gib’ me mes-
hang atter a while. I ain’t say nuttin’ no sage fo’ yo’.
matter how drunk yo’ gets dese boys on porgy. Who he?
you’ whisky. But nobody ain’t
rot-gut Who he? Yo’
frazier (in disgust).
goin’ peddlehappy dus’ roun’ my shop. ain’t know who
Mistah Alan Archdale?

Yo’ heah what I say? He lawyer, same as me.

sporting life. Come now, ole lady, porgy (uneasily). Whut he wants wid
don’t talk like dese ole-fashioned, lamp- me?
oil niggers. Why, up in Noo Yo’k, where frazier. I been in to see um on pri-
I been waitin’ in a — hotel vate business like we lawyers always has
maria. Hotel, eh? I suppose dese gal’ togedder. An’ he say to me, “Mistah
yo’ tryin’ to get to go back to Noo Yo’k Frazier, do yo’ know dat black scoundrel
wid yo’ is goin’ to be bordahs! (Shout- dat hitches his goat outside my window
ing). Don’ any ob yo’ Noo Yo’kin’
yo’ try ebery mornin’?” I sez: “Yes, Misteh
roun’ dis town. Ef I had my way, I’d Archdale, I knows um.” An’ he say:
go down to dat Noo Yo’k boat an’ take “Well, when yo’ goes out, tell um to
ebery Gawd’s nigger what come up de mobe on.” When I comes out, yo’ is gone,
gangplank wid a Joseph coat on he back so I come heah fo’ tell yo’. Mobe on.
an’ a glass headlight on he buzzum an’ porgy. Why
he don’t tell me heself?
drap um to de catfish ’fore he foot hit frazier. Yo’ t’ink Misteh Alan Arch-
decent groun’. Yes! my belly fair ache wid dale gots time fo’ tell nigger to mobe on?
dis Noo Yo’k talk. No, suh! He put he case in my han’, an’
(Bangs table so violently with her fist that I is authorize fo’ tell yo’ yo’ gots to fin’
sporting life leaps from his chair and nudder hitchin’ place.
extends a propitiating hand toward her.) porgy (unhappily). I been hitch on dat


corner mos’ a mont’ now. Why he don’t bess. Bess.

want me ’roun’? (frazier makes note.)

frazier scratching his head). I ain’t frazier. Yo’ age?
quite make dat out. He say sompen ’bout bess. Twenty-six yeah.
de goat an’ de commodity advertise on frazier. Yo’ desire to be divorce from
de chariot. ( Pointing to cart.) “Pure an’ dis man Crown?
fragrant.” Dat’s soap, ain’t it? I gather bess. Yas, boss.
dat he t’ink yo’ goat need soap. frazier. Address de co’t as Yo’ Honor.
porgy {astonished) Whut a goat want bess. Yas, Yo’ Honor.
wid soap? frazier. When was yo’ an Crown
frazier {also puzzled). I ain’t know marry?
ezac’ly. (bess hesitates.)
(bess comes to doorway and stands be- bess. I don’ rightly ’member, boss —-Yo’
hind porgy. frazier resumes his authori- Honor.
tative tone.) All I knows is yuh gots to frazier. One yeah? Ten yeah?
tnobe on! (frazier loo\s up and sees bess. Ain’t I done tell yo’ I don’ re-
bess.) How do? {Looks at her, scru-
yo’ member?
tinizing.) Ain’t yo’ Crown’s Bess? lily. She ain’t neber been marry.
porgy. No, suh, she ain’t. She’s Porgy’s frazier. {to bess). Dat de trut’?
Bess. Yo’ Honor.
bess. Yas,
frazier {sensing business.) Oh! I guess frazier{triumphantly). Ah, dat’s a
den yo’ goin’ be wantin’ divorce. complication.
porgy. Huh? bess. I ain’t know dat mattered.
frazier. Ef de ’oman goin’ stay wid porcy. Yo’ can’t gib she divorce? Gib
yo’, she gots to hab divorce from Crown me back my dollah.
or else it ain’t legal. frazier. Who say I can’t gib she div-
{Takes legal-looking document front orce? But, under circumstances, dis div-
pocket. Shows it to porgy. porgy looks orce cos’ two dollah. It take expert fuh
at it,much impressed Passes it . to bess.) divorce ’oman whut ain’t marry.
porgy. How much it cos’? bess. Don’t yuh pay um no two dollah,
frazier. One dollah, ef dere ain’t no Porgy. It ain’t wuth it.
complications, (porgy looks dubious. frazier. Berry well, den, ef yo’ wants
frazier quickly ta\es huge seal from his to go on libin’ in sin. {Takes coins from
coat-tail pocket. Shows it to porgy.) poc\et and begins to count. Seeing that
frazier. When yo’ gits divorce, I puts they do not weaken, he pauses abruptly
dis seal on de paper to show you has in his counting.) Seein’ that we is ole
paid cash. frien’, I goin’ make dis divo’ce dollah an’
porgy. Bess, yo’ likes to hab divorce? er half.
bess {with longing). Whut yo’ t’ink, {Again takes out impressive seal, porgy
Porgy ? eyes seal, greatly impressed. Begins count-
{The other Negroes are gradually edging ing out more pennies, frazier affixes seal.
nearer to listen.) Hands it to porgy. Pockets extra money.)

porgy. I goin’ buy yo’ divorce. Bring frazier. Dat ain’t much money con-
me my pocketbook. siderin’ whut yo’ gets. One dollah an er
(bess goes into room and returns imme- half to change from a ’oman to a lady.
diately with a number of small coins tied bess {happily). T’ank yo’ kindly, Yo’
up in a rag, hands it to porgy. He labori- Honor.
ously counts out a dollar in nickels and frazier. Glad to serbe yo’. When yo’
pennies. In the meantime, frazier is fill- ready to buy license, come to me.
ing in document with fountain pen. porgy. Whut she want wid license?
Group of Negroes now listening frankly. She gots divorce, ain’t she?
frazier ta\es coins from porgy. Counts frazier. Well, yo’ ought to be stylish
them, bess holds out her hand for docu- like de white folks, an’ follow up divorce
ment.) wid marriage license, (porgy and bess
frazier {pocketing coins). Wait a look quite depressed at prospect of fur-
minute. ’Tain’t legal yet. {Holding paper ther complications.) Well, good mornin’,
in hands, lowers glasses on his nose. Be- Missus Porgy. {Turns to go. To maria.)
gins in solemn tones.) Yo’ name? Yo’ gots de cup coffee fo’ sweeten my


mout’? clara (polite, but utterly negative).
maria. Sho’ I is. Step right ober. Porgy? (Repeats the name slowly as
(She and frazier enter cook-shop. The though trying to remember.) No, boss,
court is alive with noisy laughter and I ain’t nebber heah ob nobody ’roun’ dese
action. A fish vendor is calling his wares. parts name Porgy.
St. Michael’s is chiming the half hour. archdale. Come, you must know him.
maria is bustling bacp and forth serving I am sure he lives in Catfish Row.

the men at her table, serena is pumping clara (raising her voice). Anybody
water and calling to her friends, annie heah know a man by de name Porgy?
is holding clara’s baby, rockfing and toss- (Several of the Negroes repeat the name
ing it. clara is rearranging sash with to one another, with shades of their
motto “Repent Ye Saith the Lord’’ across heads.)
jake’s breast, and consulting the others archdale (laughing reassuringly). I’m
The sash adjusted,
as to the proper angle. a friend of his,Mr. Alan Archdale, and
jake bursts into song. “Brer Rabbit, whut I want to help him.

yo’ da do dey!’’ lily answers with second (serena approaches. Loo\s keenly at
line of song. The duet continues, scipio archdale.)
runs in at gate. Runs to serena.) serena. Go ’long an’ wake Porgy. Can’t
scipio. Dey’s a buckra cornin’. I heah yo’ tell fol\s when yo’ see um?
um axin’ outside cf dis Catfish Row. (A light of understanding breads over
(The Negroes suddenly brca\ off in their clara’s face.)
lasf(s.jake ceases to sing.) clara. Oh, you means Porgy I ain’t
nelson (calling to serena). Whut he understan’ whut name yo’ say, boss.
say? (voices about the court: “Oh, de gen’-
serena (in guarded voice, but address- man mean Porgy. How come we ain’t
ing the court in general). W’ite gen’man. onderslan’!’’ clara crosses to porgy’s door,
(There is a sudden deep silence, contrast- all smiles.) A gen’man come fuh see
ing strangely with noise and movement Porgy (porgy appears to awa\e. archdale
that preceded it, annie gives clara her crosses to him.)
baby, goes quidfiy inside her own door. porgy. How yo’ does, boss?
jake removes sash, puts it in pocket. archdale. You’re Porgy? Oh, you’re
serena retreats behind her tubs. The men the fellow who rides in the goat cart.
at table give absorbed attention to their (Sits on step.)
food, maria serves them in silence with- porgy. Yes, boss, I gots goat.
out looking up. scipio becomes engrossed archdale. Tell me about your friend
in tinkering with an old barrel hoop. who got locked up on account of the
bess goes inside, porgy feigns sleep. Robbins murder.
alan archdale, a tall, Jfindly man in early porgy (his face inscrutable). How
middle age, whose bearing at once stamps come yo’ to care, boss?
him the aristocrat, enters the court, loof(s archdale. Why, I’m the Rutledge’s
about at the Negroes, all ostensibly oblivi- lawyer, and
look after their colored

ous of his presence.) folks for them. Serena Robbins is the

archdale (calling to scipio). Roy! daughter of their old coachman, and she
(scipio approaches, reluctant, shuffling.) asked them to help out her friend.
I’m looking for a man by the name ,of porgy (a shade of suspicion still m his
Porgy. Which is his room? (scipio shuf- voice). Peter ain’t gots no money, yo’
fles and is silent.) Don’t you know know, boss; an’ I jus’ begs from do’ to
Porgy ? do’!
scipio (his eyes on the ground). No, archdale (reassuringly). It will not
suh. take any money. At least, not much. And
archdale. He lives here, doesn’t he? I am sure that Mrs. Rutledge will take
scipio. I ain’t know, boss. care of that. So you can go right ahead
(clara is nearest, archdale crosses to and tell me all about it.

her. She listens submissively, her eyes (porgy’s suspicions vanish.)

lowered.) porgy. It like dis, boss. Crown kill
archdale. I’m looking foi a man Robbins, an’ Peter see um do it. Now
named Porgy. Can you direct me to his Crown gone he ways, an’ dey done gots
room ? ole Peter lock up.
— .

PO RGY 417

archdale. I see, as a witness. archdale. I see you know him. Well,

porgy. Till dey catch Crown, dey say, take him this ten dollars and tell him
but ef dey keep uni lock up till den, dat that you want him to go Peter’s bond.
ole man gots er life sentence. He hasn’t any money of his own, and his
archdale (
under his breath'). The dirty shop is in his wife’s name, but he has an
hounds! {He is silent for a moment, his arrangement with the magistrate that
face set and porgy waits, arciidale
stern, makes him entirely satisfactory. {Hands
turns wearily to him.) Of course, we can porgy a ten-dollar bill.) Do you under-
go to law about this, but it will take no stand?
end of time. There is an easier way. porgy. Yes, boss. T’ank yo’, boss.
( Across the sunlit walls of Catfish Row (archdale, about to go, hesitates, loofs
falls the shadow of a great bird fying at goat-cart.)
low, evidently just out of range of vision archdale. Porgy, there’s another little
of audience. There is a sudden great com- matter I want to speak to you about. The
motion in the court. Cries of “Drive um last few weeks you’ve been begging right

away’’ “Don’t let um light," “T’row dis under my office window. I wish you’d
bric/{.’’ Brooms are waved at the bird find another place. {Noticing porcy’s
overhead. Bricks thrown, porgy loofs up troubled expresion.) There are lots of
in anxiety, bess comes to door with other street corners.
broom, archdale rises in perplexity.) porgy {sadly). I done try all de oder
porgy. Dribe um off, Bess! Don’t let corner, boss. Ebery time I stop fo’ beg,
um light. somebody tell’ me to keep mobin’. But I

archdale. What is it? What’s the mat- been beggin’ under yo’ window fo’ t’ree
ter? week’ now, an’ I beginnin to say to my-
{The shadow rises high. The commotion self, “Porgy, yo’ is fix fo’ life. Mus’ be

diesdown.) yo’ is found a gentlemans whut got place

porgy. Dat’s a buzzard. Yo’ don’ know in de heart fo’ de poor cripple.”
dat bird like dead folks?
fo’ eat archdale. I have a place in my heart
archdale. But there’s no one dead here, for the cripple but not for the goat.
is there? porgy. Dis bery nice goat, boss. Lawyer
porgy. Boss, dat bird mean trouble. Frazier say yo’ t’ink he need soap. But
Once de buzzard fold he wing an’ light I don’t see how dat can be, boss. Two
ober yo’ do, yo’ know all yo’ happiness week han’ runnin’ now dat goat eat up
done dead. Serena’s washin’ soap.
{With relief, the Negroes stand watching archdale. He doesn’t need it inside.
the bird disappear in the distance, arch- porgy {mystified) Whut goat want
dale also looks after it.) wid soap outside? {Suddenly enlight-
serena {leaning from her window and ened.) Oh, yo’ don’ like to smell um?
surveying court). It sho’ make me (frazier comes from shop. Sees arch-
’shamed to see all dese superstitious nig- dale. Approaches. Stands waiting, hat in
ger’ makin’ spectacle ob demself befo’ de hand, porgy is now all smiles.) Dat all
w’ite gentlemans. Ain’t we all see dat right, boss. By tumorroh I goin’ hab’ dis
buzzard sit smack on Maria’s table day goat wash till um from one
yo’ can’t tell
fo’ yesterday? An’ whut happen? Nuttin’! ob dose rose bush in de park.
No bad luck ’tall. archdale. I’m sorry, Porgy. But you
maria {indignantly). Bad luck! Whut must find another place.
dat ’oman call bad luck? Ain’t I had more frazier. Good-morning’, Misteh Arch-
drunk customer’ yesterday dan any day dale. I done gib’ dis nigger yo’ message.
dis mont’? Dey fair bus’ up my shop. {Sternly to porgy.) ’Membuh what I tell

{Goes into shop muttering indignantly .) yo’ Mobe on!

arcfdale {turning back to porgy). archdale. All right, Frazier. {To
Now listen. Peter must have someone to porgy.) If Peter isn’t out in a week, let

go his bond. Do you know a man by me know. {Turning to take leave.) I sup-
the name of Huysenberg who keeps a pose you’re going to the picnic today.

corner shop over by the East End wharf? {The Negroes nod and smile, porgy looks
porgy ( his face darkening). Yes, boss, wistfully at bess, who stands behind him
I knows um. He rob ebery nigger he git m the doorway, arciidale is crossing
he han’ on. toward gate.)

jake. Yas, boss. We
goin’. goin’ t’ink twice ’fore he trabble.
porgy. Bess, ain’t yo’ change yo’ mind (archdale bleeps from laughing with dif-
’bout picnic now yo’ gots divo’ce? ficulty.)
(archdale catches word “divorce," turns.) bess. Ain’t mah divo’ce no good, boss?
archdale. Divorce P Porgy done pay one dolluh an’ er half fuh
porgy {proudly). Yas, boss, Misteh it.

Frazier jus’ sell my ’oman a divo’ce. She archdale {looking at paper). I could
an honest ’oman now. hardly say that it is legal.
archdale {sternly, to frazier, who is bess. Legal! Dat wo’d mean good?
looking guilty). Didn’t the judge tell you archdale. Well, sometimes.
that if you sold any more divorces he’d porgy. Plenty ob our frien’ is divo’ce’,
put you in jail? I’ve a good mind to re- boss.
port you. archdale {with accusing loo\ at
frazier. Mus’ be dat judge fergit dat I frazier, who cringes). So I hear. {Again
votes de Democratic ticket. consults paper.) You’ve left this man,
archdale. That won’t help you now. Crown, and intend to stay with Porgy?
The gentleman from the North, who has bess. Yes, suh.
come down to better moral conditions archdale. I suppose this makes a re-
among the Negroes, says you are a men- spectable woman of you. Um — on the
ace to morals. He’s going to have you in- whole — I’d keep
imagine that re-
it. I

dicted if you don’t quit. spectability at would be a bar-

porgy {suspiciously; handing paper to gain anywhere. {Hands paper to bess.
archdale). Ain’t dis no good as he stan’, Turns bac/{ to frazier.) But remember,
boss? ’Cause I ain’t goin’ pay um fo’ no Frazier: No more divorces! Or to jail

more complications. {As archdale glances you go. won’t report you this time.

over the paper, porgy glares vindictively {The goat sticks its head out door, porgy
at frazier.) Dat nigger come ’round heah throws his arm around its nec\. arch-
in he By-God coat, an’ fo’ yo’ can crack dale turns to go.) Good morning.
yo’ teet’, he gone wid yo’ las’ cent. {Crosses toward gate.)
arciidale {reading). “I, Simon Frazier, frazier {close by porgy’s door. Recover-
hereby divorce Bess and Crown for a ing from his emotion enough to speaf).
charge of one dollar and fifty cents cash. Gawd bless yo’, boss. Good mornin’, boss.
Signed, simon frazier.” Well, that’s sim- porgy {imitating frazier’s professional
ple enough. {Examines seal.) “Sealed manner). Mobe on, please. Mobe on! I
Charleston Steamboat Company.” Where gots er bery polite goat heah whut object
did you get this seal? to de smell ob de jail bird, (archdale,
frazier. I done buy um from de junk- overhearing, laughs suddenly. Goes out
shop Jew, boss. gate, his shoulders shading with laughter
archdale. Don’t you know that there is frazier moves off, tall^s to Negroes in
no such thing as divorce in this state? background, and soon leaves the court.
frazier. I heah tell dere ain’t no such bess sits by porgy on step.) Ain’t yo’ hear
er t’ing fuh de w’ite folks; but de nigger de boss laugh?
need um so bad, I ain’t see no reason why bess. Fo’ sho’ I heah um laugh.
I can’t make one up whut sattify de nig- porgy {hugging goat). No, no, brud-
ger. {His voice breads.) Dem divo’ce is dah, we ain’t goin’ mobe on. When de
keepin’ me alibe, boss, an’ whut mo) he nigger make de buckra laugh, he done
is keepin’ de nigger straight. win. We goin’ spend we life under Misteh
archdale. How’s that? Archdale’s window. Yo’ watch!
frazier. Dat jedge say de gots to lib {Draws himself up by door frame, goes
togedder anyhow till dey done dead. remains on step. St. Michael’s
inside, bess
Dat’s de law, he say. But nigger ain’t chimes the three-quarter hour. Prepara-
make dat way. I done get my black folks tions for the picnic are now at their
all properly moralize, an’ now he say he height. One by one the women, when
goin’ jail me. Ef I stops now de nigger not on stage, have changed to their most
leabe each odder anyway. Ef it don't cos’ gorgeously colored dresses. Men and
de nigger nuttin’ to leabe he wife, bet women arc now wearing sashes all bear-
ain’t goin’ keep she er mont’. But when ing the “Repent Ye Saith the
he gots fuh pay dolluh to get way, he Lord." The leaders have also badges de-

P 0RGY 419

noting their various ranfs: “Marshal,” Negroes, however, are untroubled by the
etc. Baskets are being assembled in the discords. One or another sings a line or
court. The court is full of bustle and con- two of the song. A jumble of voices rises
fusion. sporting life saunters over to above the music : “Here come de or-
bess, who is sitting on step wistfully phansl” “Dere de orphan band down de
watching the picnic preparations.) bloc\ “ Le’s we go!” etc.
sporting life. ’Lo, Bess! Coin’ to A man passes outside the gate, stopping
picnic? long enough lo call in to the occupants of
bess. No, guess I’ll stay home. Catfish Row: “Eberybody gettin in line
sporting life. Picnics all right fo’ dese up de blocf. You nigger be s’ hurry."
small-town nigger’, but we is used to de porgy comes out on doorstep to watch.
high life. Yo’ an’ me onderstan’ each Sits, bess stands beside him absorbed in
odder. I can’t see fo’ de life ob me what the gay scene, porgy loo/{s at her keenly,
yo’ hangin’ ’round dis place for! Wid yo’ troubled.)
looks, Bess, an’ yo’ way wid de boys, jake {in the midst of his preparations).
dere’s big money fo’ you’ an’ me in Noo Come long to de picnic, Bess! {Does not
Yo’k. wait for reply.)
bess {quietly). I can’t remembuh eber porgy {triumphantly) Dere! Don’ yo’
meet a nigger I likes less dan I does hear Jake ask yo’ to’ go? Go ’long!
yo’. bess. Plenty ob de mens ask me. Yo’
sporting life {laughingly). Oh, come ain’t hear none ob de ladies sayin’ nuttin’,
on, now! How ’bout a little touch happy porgy. Bess, yo’ can put on’ my lodge
dus’ fo’ de ole time’ sake? sash an’ be just as good as any ’oman in
bess. I t’rough wid dat stuff. dat crowd.
sporting life. Come on Gib me yo’ ! bess ( with a little laugh). Yo’ an’ me
hand. know it take more’n sash.
{Reaches out and ta\es her hand, draws it {The confusion grows. Picnickers once
toward him, and with other hand unfolds way come scurrying bac/{
started on their
paper ready to pour powder.) for forgotten bundles, scipio runs in at
bess {wavering). I tells yo’ I t’rough! gate in high excitement .)
sporting life. Jus’ a pinch. Not ’nough scipio {breathless; to serena). Ma, I

to hurt a flea. gots good news fo’ yo’.

(bess snatches her hand away.) serena. What dat?
bess. I up happy dus’.
done gib’ scipio. De bandmaster
say I can be a
sporting life. Tell dat to somebody orphan! {The song breads out in greater
else! Nobody eber gib’ up happy dus’. volume.)
{Again he ta\es her hand and she does “Ain’t it hahd to be a nigger!
not resist. Gazes fascinated at the powder. Ain’t it hahd to be a nigger!
porgv’s hand reaches suddenly into the Ain’t it hahd to be a nigger!
open space of the door; seizes sporting Cause yo’ can’t git yo’ rights when yo’ do.
life’s wrist in an iron grip, sporting I was sleepin’ on ob lumbah
a pile
life loo/^s at the hand in astonishment Jus’ as happy as a man could be
mixed with a sort of horror.) L.eggo, yo' When a w’ite man woke me from my
damn cripple! {The hand twists sporting slumbah
life’s wrist till he relinquishes bess’s hand An’ he say, ‘Yo’ gots fo’ work now cause

and grunts with pain. Then porgy’s hand yo’ free.’
is silently withdrawn
Gawd, what a {Other voices are calling bac\ and forth:
grip fo’ a piece ob a man! “ How dem little nigger’ can play!” “Ain’t
bess {rising). Go ’long now. yo ready! Time fo’ go!” “We of fo’ Kit-
sporting life {regaining his swagger). tiivah
All right! Yo’ men friend’ come an’ dey The band plays with more abandon, bess
go. But ’membuh, ole Sportin’ Life an’ wears the expression of a dreamer who
de happy dus’ here all along. {Saunters sees herself m
the midst of the merry-

along goes out gate.) makers. Her feet begin to shuffle in time
{From the distance is heard the blare of a to the music, porgy does not loof up, but
discordant band. It is playing “ Ain’t It his eyes watch the shuffling feet.)
Hard to Be a Nigger,” though the tune is porgy {mournfully). Yo’ can’t tell me
scarcely recognizable to the audience. The yo’ ain’t wants to go.
( The Negroes troop across the court all pipe.
carrying their baskets. In twos and threes The shadow hovers over his door; then
they go out at the gate. Among the last to falls across his face. He looks up sud-
go, maria comes hurrying from her shop denly and sees the bird. Swift terror
carrying a gigantic basket. Turns to fol- sweeps into his face.)
low the others. Sees porcy and bess. Hesi- porgy ( frantically ). Get out ob here!
tates. As though afraid of being left be- Don’ yo’ light! Lef’ it! Yo’ hear me! Lef’
hind, turns again toward gate. Then it! {He waves futile arms at it. The bird

resolutely sets down her basket.) continues to hover above him.) Get out!
maria. What de mattuh wid you’, Sis- Somebody bring broom! Don’ yo’ light on
tuh? Ain’t yo’ know yo’ late fo’ de my door, yo’ debil! Help! Somebody help
picnic? me! Oh, Gawd! {He struggles down the
( A sudden wave of happiness breads over steps and at last reaches the bricky. The
bess’s face. She is too surprised to an- shadow wings of the bird close as it comes
swer.') to rest directly over porgy’s door. Grasp-
porgy. Bess says she ain’t figgerin’ to ing the brick, he again looks up to take
g° - aim. His fingers slowly relax, and the
maria ( crosses rapidly to them). Sho’ brick falls to the ground.) ’Tain’t no use
she goin’! Eberybody goin’. She gots to now. ’Tain’t no use. He done lit.
help me wid my basket. I gots ’nough fo’ (porgy regains his seat on step and sits
six. Where Reaches hat fust in-
yo’ hat? ( looking up at the bird with an expression
side door dnd puts
on bess’s head.)
it of hopelessness as the curtain falls.)
porgy {taking sash from pocket and
holding it out to bess). Here my sash,
(maria unties bess’s apron. Throws it Scene II

through door. Takes sash from porgy, Kittiwah Island. Moonlight revealing a
pins it across bess’s breast,jerking her narrow strip of sand backed by a tangled
peremptorily about to save time. Then
palmetto thicket. In the distance {right)
starts for her basket.)
the band is playing “Ain’t It Hard to Be a
maria. Come ’long now! Nigger.” jake, mingo, and several others
bess hesitating ). I hate fo’ leabe yo,’
( troop across stage from left to right,
Porgy. swinging apparently empty baskets.
porgy {happily). I too happy fo’ hab’
y° ’ go-
maria. Ain’t yo’ goin’ help me wid dis mingo. Dis been some picnic, but, Lor’,
basket? (bess hurries to her and takes one I tired!
handle of basket.) See yo’ some mo’, jake {swinging his basket in a circle).
Porgy! (maria crosses rapidly to gate. To Dis basket some lighter fo’ carry dan
keep her hold on the basket, bess is forced when we come out.
to hurry.) {Looking back)- Good-bye, {Breaks into song: "Ain’t It Hard,” etc.
Porgy! The others join in. They go off right, their
(maria, apparently seeing the others far song growing fainter in distance, serena
ahead and anxious not to be left behind, and lily enter, followed a moment later
breads into a lumbering run, dragging by bess and maria, maria is puffing, out
bess after her. bess is waving to porgy as of breath.)
she goes. maria. I ain’t no han’ fo’ walk so fas’ on
The voices of the Negroes grow fainter. a full stomach. {Stops abruptly. Looks

Then the last distant crashes of the band about her on ground.)
are heard, and the court is quiet. serena. Yo’ goin’ miss de boat ef yo’
porgy sits on his doorstep dreaming, gaz- ain’t hurry, Sistuh.
ing happily into space, rocking a little. maria. It was jus’ about heah I los’ my
Ta\es pipe from his pocket, /{nocl(s out pipe. I ’membuh dere was palmetto sort
ashes ; lights it. ob twisted like dat.

Across the sunlit walls falls the shadow of lily. How come yo’ lose yo’ pipe?
the buzzard flying lazily over the court. maria {searching ground. The others
porgy remains in happy abstraction, ob- help her). I was sittin’ under de tree
livious of the bird. Puffs leisurely at his a-smokin’, an’ I see a Plat-eye ha’nt


a-lookin’ at me t’rough de palmetto leaf. crown. Yo’ know bery well dis Crown.
An’, ’fo yo’ can crack yo’ teet’, I is gone ( She turns and looks at him. He partly

from heah, but my pipe ain’t gone wid emerges from the thicket, naked to the
me. waist, his cotton trousers frayed away to
lily. Plat-eye ha’nt! What was he like? the k nees -) I seen y° ’ land, an’ I been
maria. Two big eye’ like fireball waitin’ all day fo’ yo’. I mos’ dead on dis
a-watchin’ me. damn island
serena scornfully ). Plat-eye ha’nt! Yo’ ( looks at him slowly). Yo’ ain’t
ain’t read nuttin’ in de Bible ’bout Plat- look mos’ dead. Yo’ bigger’n eber.
eye is yo’? crown. Oh, plenty bird’ egg, oyster, an’
maria. I ain’t needs to read ’bout ’em. t’ing. mos’ dead ob lonesome wid
But I

I sees ’em lookin’ at me t’rough de pal- not a Gawd’s person fo’ swap a word wid.

metto leaf. Lor’ I’se glad yo’ come!

serena. Jus’ like yo’ hab’ buzzard set bess. I can’t stay, Crown, or de boat go
on yo’ table two day ago, an’ yo’ hab’ widout me.
mighty ha’d time a-thinkin’ up some bad crown. Got any happy dus’ wid you’?
luck to lay to um. bess. No.
maria. Bad luck! Ain’t I lose my pipe crown. Come on! Ain’t yo’ gots jus’ a
dat I smoke dese twenty yeah’, an’ my little?

mudder smoke um befo’ me? bess. No, I ain’t. I done gib up dope.
lily. I ain’t partial to sleepin’ out wid (crown laughs loudly.)
de rattlesnake’. Les’ we go or de boat go crown. It sho’ do a lonesome man good
widout us. to hab’ he ’oman come an’ swap a couple
maria. Ef dat boat go without me, dey’s joke wid um.
goin’ to be some sick nigger’ in Catfish bess. Dat’s de Gawd’s trut’. An’ ’sides
Row when I gets back. Steamboat whis-
( I gotssompen fo’ tell yo’.

tles off right, maria answers it.) Hold yo’ crown. Yo’ bes’ listen to whut I gots fo’

halt! I ain’t goin’ till I gets my pipe. tell yo’. I waitin’ here til de cotton begin
bess. Yo’ bes’ go along, Maria, and le’s cornin’ in. Den libin’ ’ll be easy. Davy ’ll
we whut is de fas’ walker’ look fo’ um hide yo’ an’ me on de ribber boat fur as
a bit. Savannah. Who yo’ libin’ wid now?
maria (
pointing left). It might hab’ bess. I libin’ wid de cripple Porgy.
been a little farder back dat way I lose crown (laughing). Yo’ gots de funny
um. begins to search at left and
(bess tas’ in men. But dats yo’ business. I ain’t
wanders off left, her eyes combing the carewho yo’ takes up wid while I’m away.
ground.) An’ it might hab’ been a little But ’membuh whut I tol’ yo’! He’s tem-
farder dese way. ( Goes off right searching. porary! I guess it be jus’ couple ob week’
lily follows, serena continues her search now ’fo’ I comes fo’ yo’!
on stage.) bess (with an effort). Crown, I got
lily ( off right). I ain’t see um nowheres. sompen fo’ tell yo’.
Le’s we go. crown. What dat?
maria ( farther in distance). I goin’ fin’ bess. I — I sort ob change’ my way’.
um. crown. How yo’ change’?
( From the blackness of the thic\et two bess. I — I libin’ wid Porgy now —an’ I

eyes can be seen watching serena. As she libin’ decent.

turns in her quest, she sees them. For a '
crown. Yo’ heah whut I tol’ yo’? I say
moment, she is motionless; then her breath in couple week I coming’ fo’ yo’, an’ yo’
catches in a shuddering gasp of horror, goin’ tote fair less yo’ wants to meet yo’
and she flees swiftly off right. A snatch of Gawd. Yo’ gits dat?
the song rises suddenly in distance and Crown, I tells yo’ I change’. I
quickly dies down again, comes on wid Porgy fo’ good (He seizes her
from left, her head bent, still searching. by the arm and draws her savagely
A great black hand creeps slowly out toward him. The steamboat whistles.)
among the palmetto branches and draws Take yo’ han’ off me. I goin’ miss dat
them aside, bess hears the sound. Straight- boat!
ens, stands rigid, listening.) crown. Dere’s anudder boat day atter
bess (in a low, breathless voice). tomorruh.
Crown ? bess. I tells yo’ I means what I says.
Porgy my man now. shoulder muscles bulge and set. Slowly
crown ( jeering at her). I ain’t had a his giant hands close round her throat.
laugh in weeks. He brings his eyes still closer to hers. The
bess. Take yo’ hot han’ off me. I tells boat whistles long and loud, but neither
yo’ I stayin’ w id Porgy
for keeps. gives sign of hearing it. After a moment,
crown. Yo’ is tellin’ me yo’ radder crown laughs with satisfaction at what he
hab’ dat crawlin’ cripple dan Crown? sees in bess’s eyes.
bess (taking a propitiatory tone). It His hands leave her throat and clasp her
like dis, Crown —
de only ’oman Porgy I savagely by the shoulders, bess throws
eber hab’. An’ thinkin’ how it goin’ be
I back her head with a wild hysterical
if all dese odder nigger’ goes back to Cat- laugh.)
fishRow tonight, an’ I ain’t come home to crown. I knows yo’ ain’t change’! Wid
uin. He be like a little chil’ dat los’ its yo’ an’ me, it always goin' be de same.
ma. (crown, still holding her, throws See?
back, his head and laughs, bess begins to (He swings her about and hurls her face
be frightened .) Yo’ can laugh, but I tells forward through an opening in the thicket.
yo’ I change’! Then, with a low laugh, he follows her.
crown. Yo’ change’ all right. Yo’ ain’t She regains her balance and goes on ahead
neber been so funny. of him. The band is still playing, but
The boat whistles. She tries to pull away, growing faint in the distance.)
lie stops laughing and holds her tighter
with lowering look Draws her nearer.)
bess. Lemme go, Crown! Yo’ can get
plenty odder women. ACT THREE
crown. What I wants wid odder
Scene I
women? I gots a oman. An dats yo’.
See ? st. Michael’s chimes the half hour.
bess ( trying flattery). Yo’ know how it Curtain. The court before dawn. Lights
always been wid yo’, —
Crown yo’ ain’t in a few windows: maria’s, jake’s, porgy’s.
neber want for a ’oman. Look at dis chest, The fishermen arc preparing for an
an’ look at dcse arm’ yo’ got! Dere’s early departure.
plenty better-lookin’ gal dan me. Yo’
know how it always been wid yo’. Dese jake ( coming from his door). Dat
five year ’now been yo’ ’oman yo’ I
— all de breakfas’ I time to'. (Calls to men
could kick me in de street, an' den, when in maria’s shop.) Come on yo' mens! It
yo’ ready fo’ me back, yo’ could whistle almost light, (clara comes from then-
fo’ me, an’ dere was again a-lickin’ yo’ I room, the baby in her arms. Her eyes are
han’. What yo’ wants wid Bess? She anxious and reproachful, but she says noth-
gettin’ ole now. (She sees that her flat- ing.)
tery has failed and is terrified.) Dat boat jim (coining from maria's shop, wiping
goin’ widout me! Lemme go! Crown, his mouth). Yo’ ready, Jake? We bes’ Lie
(11 come back fo’ see yo’. I swear to off.

Gawd come on de Friday boat. Jus’

I’ll jake. Let's we go!
lemme go now! can’t stop out here I (maria appears in her doorway, wiping
all night. I ’f raid Dere’s t ings movin’ in hands on her apron.)

de t’icket an’ such! Lemme maria. Good-bye, boys! Hope yo’ has de
go, I tells yo’. Take yo’ han’ off me! same good luck today!
crown (holding her and looking stead- (jake quickly takes baby from clara’s
ily at her). No man ever take my oman arms, kisses it hurriedly, and returns it to
from me. It goin’ to be good joke on CLARA.)
Crown ef he lose um to one wid no leg’ jake. Bye, Dig boy!
an’ no gizzard. (Draws her closer.) So (bess’s voice is heard from her room, dron-
yo’ is change, is yo? (Grips her more ing in delirium. All the Negroes stop sud-
lightly. Looks straight into her eyes.) denly to listen.)
Whut now?
yo’ say bess. Eighteen mile to Kittiwah eight- —
bess (summoning the last of her resolu- —
een mile palmetto bush by de sho’ rat- —
tion). I stayin' wid Porgy fo’ good. tlesnake an’ such.
(His jaw shoots forward, and his huge (jake crosses to porcy's window.)

jake. How Bess dis mornin’? porgy’s door, peter, who has not heard,
(porgy appears at window.) is mystified by their expressions. His
porgy. She no better. words die away. He loofis questioningly
jake. She still out she head? from one to another, bess again tafies up
(porgy nods.) her monotonous refrain.)
bess. Bess goin’ fin’ um fo’ yo’. Dat all bess. Palmetto bush sort ob twisted like
right, Maria, Bess goin’ fin’ um . . .
—-rattlesnake an’ t ing . . .

(jake shades head sadly. Hurriedly

his peter. Whut
de mattuh?
recrosses to the other men. They go toward maria (shouting into his ear). Porgy’s
gate together, clara following.) ’oman bery sick.
jim. I bet dat catch we made yesterday lily (shouting). She out she head.
de bigges’ catch eber make ’round dese peter. How long she been like dat?
parts. maria. More’n a week now. Eber since
nelson. We bes’ make de mores ob to- we hab de picnic on Kittiwah.
day. Look to me like de las’ good day we serena. She wander off by sheself an’
goin’ hab’. Gots a wet tas’ to um. git lost in de palmetto t’icket. She ain’t
jake. Don’ yo’ know dat ain’t de kin’ come home fo’ two day.
ob talk to talk ’fore my ’oman? Ain’t yo’ bess. Dat’s right, Maria, I goin’ fin’
hears de raggin’ I gits ebery day? um —eighteen mile to Kittiwah eight- —
(Laughs.) But, see! I gots ’er trained now. een mile . . .

She ain’t sayin’ a word. So long, Clara! porgy (within room, soothingly). Das
(jake gives clara a hurried, affectionate all right, Bess. Yo’ here wid Porgy now.
pat and follows the other men as they bess (monotonously). Palmetto bush
troop out the gate, tallying and laughing. by de sho’ . . .

The gate clangs shut behind them, clara (maria, serena, and peter stand wide-
goes silently into her room, closes door.) eyed, loofiing in at the door. They do not
bess, Mus’ be right heah on de groun’. go too near.)
Bess goin’ fin’ um . . . (bess’s voice drones porgy. Yo’ right here wid Porgy an’
on.) nuttin’ can’t hurt yo’. Soon de cool wed-
(maria, in her doorway, listens a moment. der cornin’ an’ chill off dese febers.
Then crosses to porgy’s door; hesitates, peter (sha\iog his head). Dat ’oman
awed by the mystery of delirium, serena bery sick. (The women nod.)
silently crosses the court and joins maria. porgy. Ain’t yo’ remembuh how de cool
They listen a moment longer.) win’ come to town wid de smell ob pine
serena (in a low voice). She still out tree, an’ how de stars is all polishin’ up
she head? (maria nods. They stand si- like w’ite folks silber? Den eberybody
lent.) git well. Ain't yo’ know? Yo’ jus’ keep
bess (from the room). Eighteen mile to still an’ watch what Porgy say.

Kittiwah Palmetto bush by de sho’. (Silence in the room, clara comes from
Eighteen mile to Kittiwah . . . her door carrying her baby, crosses to the
(peter appears outside the gate. He seems gate and stands looking out toward the
older and feebler, but his face is joyful. sea.
Pushes gate open, comes into court, look- After a moment, porgy comes from his
ing eagerly about. Sees the two women door, softly closes it behind him.)
and crosses toward them.) porgy. I t’ink mebby she goin’ sleep
peter. How eberybody? now. (Sinks wearily on to step.) (Dully.)
(They turn and see him.) Dat yo’ Peter? A whole week gone, now,
maria (joyfully). Ef it ain’t ole Peter! an’ she ain’t no better! What I goin’ do?
serena. Heah Daddy Peter home again. (A moment of silence.)
Hey, yo’ Lily! Heah yo’ ole man. Lordy, peter. Ef yo’ wants to listen to me, I

we is glad fo’ see yo’! advise yo’ to send she to de w’ite folks’
(lily comes running from her door. Hur- hospital.
ries to peter and greets him joyfully.) (Blank consternation, maria is first to find
lily. Ef it ain’t my ole gran’daddy! her voice.)
peter. I begin fo’ t'ink mebby I ain’t maria (speaking into his ears). Fo’
eber see Catfish Row Gawd’s sake, Peter! Ain’t yo’ know dey
(bess’s voice rises in a sudden wail. The lets nigger’ die dere so dey can gib um
women turn awestricken faces toward to de student’? I say dey gib um to de
— - — —
student’. nods.) Den yo’ bes’ waste no time. Yd
peter. De student’ ain’t gits um till he go quick to Lody an’ gib she de two
done dead. Ain’t dat so? Den he can’t dollah an’ tell she to make conjur’ fo’ cas'

hurt um none. Ain’t dat so too? An’ I de debil out ob Bess.

gots dis to say. One ob my w’ite folks is (mingo has sauntered in and ta\en a seat
a nurse to de hospital. An’ dat lady is a at the table by maria’s door.)
pure angel wid de sick nigger. Ef I sick porgy. How I goin’ leabe Bess?
to-morruh I goin’ to she, an’ what she mingo. Hey, Marie! How ’bout a little
say is good wid me. I wants dis carcass serbice?
took care ob w’ile he is alibe. When he Here, yo’ Mingo, come here!
done dead, I ain’t keer. {He Yo’ do little job
crosses to them.)
lily {shouting). Yo’ ain’t keer wedder fo’ Porgy an’ I gib yo’ de free breakfas’

yo’ is cut up an’ scatter, ’stead ob bein’ when yo’ gits back. Yo’ know Lody, de
bury in Gawd’s own grabeyahd! conjur’ ’oman?
peter. Well, mebby I ain’t say I jus’ as mingo. Who don’t know Lody!
lief. But I t’ink Gawd onderstan’ de suc- maria. Yo’ go to Lody an’ tell she fo’

cumstance an’ make allowance. make conjur’ fo’ cas’ de debil out ob
porgy {moaning). Oh, Gawd! Don’t Porgy ’s Bess. He goin’ gib’ yo’ two dol-
let um take Bess to de hospital! lah fo’ she.
serena {in injured tone). Mus’ be yo’ (porgy has ta\en out his money bag and
is all fergit how I pray Clara’s baby out iscounting out pennies.)
ob de convulsion. Dey ain’t nebber been mingo. Dat long way to Lody’s ’fore
a sick pusson or corpse in Catfish Row dat breakfus’.
I has refuse’ my prayers. Dey is fo’ de maria. Listen to de nigger! Ef yo’
righteous an’ fo’ de sinner all two. wa’n’t dead on yo’ feet, yo’ could get dere
porgy. Dat’s right, Sistuh. Yo’ pray an’ back in ten minute.’
ober um. Dat can’t hurt um none. mingo. Whut yo’ gots fo’ breakfus’?
(serena closes her eye f and begins to maria. I gots de butts meat fo’ grease
sway.) yo’ mout’, an’ de corn bread an’ ’lasses fo’
serena. Oh, Jedus who done trouble sweet yo’ mout’.
de watuh in de Sea ob Gallerie mingo. How ’bout er little shark steak?
porgy. Amen! maria. Listen to me, nigger! I ain’t
serena. —an’ likewise who done de
cas’ serbe no free breakfus’ alley cat.
debil out ob de afflicted time an’ time mingo {belligerently). Who you callin’
again alley cat?
peter. Oh, Jedus! {Begins to sway.) maria {despairingly). Dis nigger ain’t
serena. — what make yo’ ain’t lay yo’ know nuttin’! Get dis! I decides fo’ my
han’ on dis sistuh’ head customer’ whut dey
goin’ hab’, but ain’t
lily. Oh,Fadder! my yo’ neber one ob dem stylish
been in
serena. —
an’ sen’ de debil out ob she, rest’rant where de name ob all de victual’
down a steep place into de sea, like yo’ is writ up on de wall, an’ you can pick

used to do, time an’ time again. an’ choose ’mong um? Dat’s alley cat.
porgy. Time an’ time again. porgy. I goin’ gib yo’ quarter fo’ goin’.

serena. Lif’ dis poor cripple up out ob mingo. Ah! He ain’t so far now!
tie dus’ — porgy {handing him money). Here de
peter. Allelujah! two dollah fo’ Lody an’ de quarter fo’
serena. —an’ lif’ up he ’oman an’ make yo’self.
she well, time an’ time again. (mingo starts for gale.)
{They sway a moment m silence. Then maria. Dat breakfas’ I promise yo’
serena silently rises and departs. After a goin’ be on de table in ten minute’.
Ef yo’
moment, peter and lily follow her.) ain’t hurry, he’ll be cold.
maria (in a low voice). Listen to me. mingo. I be back fo’ yo’ can crack yo’
Yo’ wants dat ’oman cure up, ain’t yo’? teet’.
porgy. Yo’ knows I does. {Goes out gate and off to left. St.
maria. Bery well, den. Why ain’t yo’ Michael's chimes the three-quarter hour.)
sen’ to Lody? maria. Quarter till five. F.ben dat lazy
porgy. Fo’ make conjur’? nipger can’t spend more’n ten minute’
maria. Yo’ gots two dollah? (porgy gittin to Lody’s. By fib o’clock sure, she


goin’ hab she conjur’ make. one handle of basket, serena lifts the
porgy (eagerly). Yo’ t’ink dat cure she? other. They carry it through serena’s
maria. I ain’t t’ink. know. Yo’ watch
I door, porgy sits on his doorstep, his face
what I say, my brudder. Bess good as cure tense, waiting, daddy peter comes from
right now. Yo’ gots jus’ a quartuh hour his door followed by lily, who carries
to wait. Come five o’clock, dat ’oman the honey tray. She places it on his head
well. ( Crosses to her shop. Goes about and returns to room, closing the door.
her work-) peter crosses toward gate, beginning in-
(serena has gone to work at her tubs. She stantly to chant.)
now calls to clara, who still stands gazing peter. I gots honey. Has yo’ — gots
out through gate.) —
honey. Yes, ma’am, I gots honey. —You
serena. What yo’ stan’ dere fo’, Clara? gots honey cheap?
Boats must be out ob sight by now. (A woman leans from an upper window
clara. Dey been out ob sight fo’ long and calls.)
time now. the woman. Oh, honey man! Honey
maria (wording at her table). Yo’ ain’t man!
gots no call fo’ worry ’bout yo’ man. Dis peter (going on). Yes, ma’am, my
goin’ be a fine day. honey cheap.
clara. I neber see de watuh look so the woman. Hey, dere! I wants some
black. honey!
maria. Well, has yo’ eber see it look so (peter goes out gate and off to the right.)
still? peter. You gots honey in de comb?
clara. No. He too still. An’ somet’ing Yes, ma’am, I gots honey in de comb.
in my head keep a-listenin’ fo’ dat hur- Heah comes de honey man! — I
ricane bell. ( Crosses to serena. Sits on honey.
bench.) Let me sit here wid yo’, an’ yo’ (porgy sits waiting. St. Michael’s begins
talk a lot. to chime the hour, porgy grows suddenly
maria (who has crossed to pump with rigid. As the chimes continue, maria
kettle). I got a feel in’ comes to her doorway and stands motion-
serena. What yo’ gots a feelin’ ’bout? less, also listening. She and porgy gaze

maria. I got a feelin’ when dat ’oman at each other across court with tense, ex-
of Porgy’s got lost on Kittiwah Islan’ she pectant faces. The chimes cease.)
done been wid Crown. porgy (in a low, vibrant voice). Now
serena (her face darkening). Yo’ t’ink de time! Oh, Gawd!
dat nigger on Kittiwah? (St. Michael’s strikes five. As porgy and
maria. I always figger he been dere in maria still wait motionless, bess’s voice is
dem deep palmettuhs, an’ when I hear de heard, weakly.)
t’ings dat ’oman keep sayin’ in she sick- Porgy! (porgy and maria are both
ness, I sure ob two t’ing’ one, dat he is — electrifiedby the sound. They gaze at each
dere, and two, dat she been wid um. other with joyful faces, but for a second
clara. Yo’ beliebe she still run wid dat neither moves.) Porgy! Dat yo’ dere, ain’t
nigger! it? Why yo’ ain’t talk to me?
maria. Dem sort ob mens ain’t need to porgy (with a half -laugh that breaks in
worry ’bout habin’ women. a sob). T’ank Gawd! T’ank Gawd!
serena. Bess goin’ stay wid Porgy ef (bess appears in the doorway in her white
she know what good fo’ she! nightgown. She is very weak-)
maria. She know all right, an’ she lobe bess. I lonesome here all by myself.
Porgy. But, ef dat nigger come after she, (maria crosses to her quickly. Gently as-
dey ain’t goin’ be nobody ’round here but sists her as she lowers herself to seat be-
Porgy an’ de goat. side PORGY.)
(As maria speaks, porcy comes from his bess. It hot in dere. Let me sit here a
door.The other women sign to maria to while in de cool.
be careful. Seeing porgy, she drops the maria. I’ll get yo’ blanket.
subject and returns to her shop.) porgy. Maria, ain’t she ought to go back
serena (piling clothes in basket). to bed?
Come on, Clara, lend me a ban’ wid dese maria (going past them into room).
clothes. Let she be. What I done tell yo’? Ain’t
(clara, holding baby on one arm, takes dat conjur’ cured she?
bess. I been sick, ain’t it? Crown, dat fo’ yo’ to say.
porgy. Oh, Bess! Bess! bess. I ain’t wants to go, Porgy.
bess. What
de mattuh? (porgy loops at her with hope.)
porgy ( almost sobbing with relief). Yo’ bess. But I ain’t yo’ kin’. When Crown
been bery sick! T’ank Gawd de conjur put he hand on me dat day, I run to he
cure yo’! (maria reappears with blanket, like watuh. Some day again he goin’ put
which she wraps about bess.) he han’ on my throat. It goin’ be like
maria. I ain’t goin’ let yo’ set here bery dyin’, den. But I gots to talk de trut' to
long. (
to her shop.) yo’. When dem time come, I goin’ to go.
porgy. got yo’ back, Bess!
I (Silence.)
bess. How long I been sick, Porgy? porgy (in a whisper). Ef dey wa’n’t no
porgy. Jus’ a week. Yo’ come back from Crown, Bess! Ef dey was only jus’ yo’ an’
Kittiwah wid eye like fireball, an’
yo’ Porgy, what den?
Maria git yo’ de bed. An’ yo’ ain’t
in (She loops into his face with an expres-
know me! (bess suddenly catches her sion of yearning. Then, suddenly, the
breath in a stifled sob). What de mattuh, weakness of her illness sweeps down upon
Bess ? her and she breaps out hysterically, trem- I guess I ain’t know nuttin’ wid bling with fear.)
de feber —or I ain’t come back at all! bess. Oh, fo’ Gawd’s sake, Porgy! Don’
porgy. Yo’ ain’t come back to Porgy? let dat man come
an’ handle me! Ef yo’
( She begins to moan hysterically.) is willin’keep me, den lemme stay!
bess. No, I ain’t ought to come back! (Her voice rises hysterically, bropen by
porgy ( soothingly ). Dat all right. Don’ sobs.) Ef he jus’ don’ put dem hot han’
yo’ worry none, Bess. I knows yo’ been on me, I can be good! I can ’membuh! I
wid Crown, (bess draws in her breath can be happy! (The sobs overcome her.)
sharply, then speaps in a whisper.) porgy. Dere, dere, Bess. (Pats her arm
bess. How yo’ know? soothingly, waiting for the storm to spend
porgy. Yo’ been talk ’bout um while itself. She grows suddenly quiet, except

yo’ out ob yo’ head. for occasional silent, rending sighs.) Yo’
bess. What I say? ain’tneed to be afraid. Ain’t yo’ gots yo’
porgy. Yo’ ain’t say nuttin’ ’cept crazy man? Ain't yo’ gots Porgy fo’ take care
stufi, but Gawd gib cripple to know many ob yo’? What
kin’ ob nigger yo’ tinks
t'ing’ he ain’t gib strong men. yo’ gots anyway, fo’ let anudder nigger
bess. Yo’ ain’t want me go away? carry he ’oman? No, suh! Yo’ gots yo’
porgy. No, I ain’t want yo’ go, Bess. man now! Yo’ gots Porgy! (bess has be-
( Loops at her pecnly.) ( A moment of si- come quiet. A pause.) Dere, now. Yo'
lence.) Yo’ neber lie to me, Bess. been set up too long. Let Porgy help yo'
bess. No, I neber lie to yo’. Yo’ gots to back to bed.
gib me dat. ( Another silence.) (He draws himself up by the door frame.
porcy. Plow t’ings stan’ ’tween yo’ an’ hand on
bess rises unsteadily and, with a
Crown? his arm, they mape their way into the
bess ( after a pause). He cornin’ for’ me room, porgy closes the door behind them.
when de cotton come to town. mingo appears outside the gate, steadies
porgy. Yo’ goin’? himself against it, then staggers through
bess. I tell um — yes. (porgy turns his and crosses to maria’s table. Slumps into
head from her and sits looking straight chair.Pounds on table, then buries head
before him. After a moment, bess reaches in his hands,maria comes to doorway.)
out timidly and lays her hand on his arm. maria. Oh, dat yo’, Mingo! Gawd
Then she tries to encircle it with her fin- A’mighty, how yo’ gits drunk so fas’!
gers.) Porgy! Gawd! Yo’ gets de arm like (Goes into shop and immediately returns
stebedore! Why yo’ muscle pulls up like with breapfast things on a tray. Begins
dat? (lie /oofs at her, his face set and putting them before him.) I bet yo’ drink
stern. She cowers, her hand still on his dat rot-gut stuff straight! Ain’t yo’ know
arm.) It makes me ’fraid! nuff to pollute yo’ whisky wid watuh?
(A pause.) mingo (pushing dishes away). Don’
porgy. Yo’ ain’t gots nuttin’ be ’fraid fo’ want dat stuff. Wants de shark steak.
of. I ain’t try to keep no ’oman what don’ maria (hands on hips). So yo’ don’
want to stay. Ef yo’ wants to go wid want dat stuff! Bery well! Yo’ wants de

r ORGY 427

shark steak! Yo’ t’ink I gibin’ shark steak ( For a moment, the court is empty and
wid tie free breakfas’? silent. Suddenly, the silence is broken by
Mingo. I tells yo’ I wants de shark the deep, ominous clang of a bell, very
steak. ( With uncertain movements draws ,
different from the silver tone of St.

a handful of change from pocket.) Michael’s.

maria ( mollified ). Ob course, ef yo’ instantly, every resident of Catfish Row,
goin’ pay fo’ um! (mingo spills the money excepting mingo and bess, is in the court
in a pile on table. It is all pennies, maria or leaning from his window. Having
stares at it, then at him. Her eyes are sud- come, they now stand motionless, scarcely
denly filled with suspicion ) Where yo’ breathing, listening to the bell.
gits dat money? (mingo looks up at her clara, with her baby, has come from ser-
stupidly. She speafs in a ferocious whis- ena’s door, her eyes bright with terror.)
per.) Where yo’ gits dat money? (mingo maiua. Mus’ be de bell fo’ a hot wave.
seems to try to recollect.) He all pennies Yo’ see! He ain’t goin’ ring more’n twelbe.
— jus’ Porgy gits fo’ beggin’! (She
like lily (who been counting half
suddenly seizes him, jerfs him to his — —
audibly ). ten eleben twelbe —
feet.) Dats Porgy’s money, I tells yo’, (For a moment no one breathes. Then the
what he gibe yo’ fo’ Lody! (mingo opens bell rings on. Every face is suddenly rigid
his mouth to protest, searching wildly for with horror.)
words.) clara (wildly). Twenty! (She runs to
maria. Don’ yo’ lie to me, nigger! the gate and looks off left.)
mingo. I jus’ take ’nough fo’ hT drink. serena (following and seeking to com-
(maria gives him a savage shake which fort her). Dat bell mus’ be mistake! Ain’t
seems to spill out further words.) I t'ink yo’ membuh de las’ hurricane? How he
Lody must habe move’. I can’t find she. take two day’ fo’ blow up?
( With wcafi bravado.) Leggo me, ole annie. Now eberyt ing quiet. Not a
lady! (Tries to shelve off her grip.) breaf ob air.

(maria holds him tighter and brings her (All the Negroes have gone to the gate
His eyes suddenly meet
face close to his. and are gazing off to left.)
hers, and he sees a look of such cold feroc- porgy (from his window). How de
ity that he quails and sobs with terror.) Custom House flag?
mingo. Oh, Jedus. serena. He right dcre on de pole, jus’
maria. Yo’ low, crawlin’ houn’! Yo’ like always.
drink up de conjur’ money ob a poor maria (seeing it too, relieved). Don'
dyin’ ’oman, an’ ain’t leabe she nuttin’ yo’ see dat flag dcre, Clara?
but de Christian prayers! You listen to serena (reassuringly to clara). Dat
me, nigger! (Slowly and impressively.) ain’t no hurricane signal, is it?
Fo’ yo’ own good, I goin’ lock yo’ up in maria. Ain’t yo’ know long as de
my coset till yo’ sober nuff to keep yo’ American flag wabin’ ober de Custom
mout’ shut. Den mebby I lets yo’ loose. House dat mean eberyt’ing all right, jus’
But I goin’ to where I can git my han’ on like —
yo’ again! Ef yo’ eber tell Porgy or any — (They are all gazing off left at the dis-
libin' pusson —
dat yo’ ain’t deliber dat new wave of horror
tant flag. Suddenly, a
message to Lody, I goin’ hab nigger sweeps simultaneousy over every face.
blood on my soul when I stan’ at de Jedg- maria’s speech breaks off with her lips
ment. Now, yo’, gots dat straight in yo’ still parted.)
head? (mingo, unable to speak, nods. She lily (in a low, awed voice). Gawd!
swings him suddenly about, hurls him Dey take um down! (They continue to
into her room, and closes the door on him. gaze, fascinated, but clara turns away,
Wipes her face on apron, lool(s with mys- back int0 the court. Her terror has given
tified expression toward porgy’s closed way to dull hopelessness.)
door. Baffled.) Mus’ hab’ been Jedus done clara. Dcy don hab to run up no hur-
cure Bess after all. (Considers a moment. ricane signal to tell me nuttin’. My head
Takes a few steps toward porgy’s door. stop listenin’ fo' um now.
Then stops, with decision.) No, be 1 porgy. De mens goin’ sec de signal an'
damn ef Ic did. He ain't gots it in um.
1 come home quick.
(Goes into her room. Bangs door behind clara. Dey can’t see dat signal from de
her.) Blackfish Banks, an’ dcy dcre by his time.
annie ( hysterically ). How dey goin’ time.
come back wid no win’ fo’ de sail? (In a sudden silence of the wind, a faint,
maria ( sternly silencing her). Dey can distantsound is heard.)
row in ’fo’ dis storm come. He ain’t here annie. What dat? Sound like a whinny.
yet, hep
is clara. Somebody’s poor horse in dc
porgy. No, he ain’t here yet. watuh.
lily. I ain’t fo’ worryin’ ’bout t’ing dat porgy. (moaning). My poor liT goat,
mightn’t happen ’tall. He goin’ to dead. Dat goat’s my leg, I
(There is a general babble of voices: can’t neber walk again!
“Time ’nough fo’ worry when de storm maria. Dat’s right sma’t goat, Porgy,
come!" “Mebby by to-morruh we habe He goin’ to climb on yo’ bed an’ keep he
li’l’ storm!" etc. head out ob de watuh. Yo’ watch whut
While they reassure themselves, the sea is I say!
darkening. The shutters of Catfish Row peter. Yo’ bes’ come sing wid me,
begin to flap back and forth in a sudden Clara. Dat make yo’ feel better.
wind, clara stands watching the swing- clara (suddenly hysterical). I mos’ lose
ing shutters.) my min’ wid yo’ singin’. Yo’ been singin’
de same speritual since daylight yester-
serena (severely). Ain’t we want to be
Scene II ready when de grabe gib up de dead an’
Gabriel sound he trumpet?
Before the rise of the curtain the
sporting life. I ain’t so sure dis de
sound of wind and water begins and
Jedgment Day. We hab bad storm ’fore.
swiftly swells and rises. Through the wind
serena. Not like dis.
the chimes and bell of St. Michael’s are
mingo. I ’membuh my ma tell me,
heard, sometimes rising clear and strong
when dey hab’ de earthquake here, all day
as the wind lulls, then lost completely in
de nigger’ sing dat Jedgment Day sperit-
a sudden gust.
ual,waiting fo’ de sound ob de trumpet.
The curtain rises on serena’s room, dim
But he ain’t de Jedgment Day den, an’
and shadowy in the light of guttering
mebby he ain’t now.
kerosene lamps. The Negroes are huddled
serena. Dat may be so, but dis ain’t no
together in groups. A few have found
time fo’ takin’ chances. (Bursts again into
seals on the chairs and bed. Others sit on
song. Her group joins her.)
the floor. A small group at right, includ-
(The shutters suddenly fly apart and flap
ing serena and peter, are on their knees,
violently in the wind, drowning out the
swaying and singing the monotonous
singing. The Negroes cower and draw
chant of “The Judgment Day Spiritual.”
closer together. Some of the men struggle
porgy and bess sit together on the floor
to capture the flying shutters, bess sits
at left front,clara stands motionless at
calm, gazing straight ahead of her. porgy
window, her baby in her arms. Every face
is watching her thoughtfully.)
is filled with fear. They shudder and
porgy (in a brief moment of quiet). Yo’
draw closer together as the wind rises.
ain’t ’fraid, Bess? (bess shakes her head.
A pause.) What make yo’ ain’t say
the singers. nuttin’?
“We will all sing togedduh on dat day, bess. I jus’ t’inkin’. (The men finally
We will all sing togedduh on dat day, lash the shutters together with rope.) Yo’
An’ I’ll fall upon my knees an’ face de know whut I t’inkin’ ’bout, Porgy.

risin’ sun, porgy. Yo’ t’inkin’ whut storm like dis

Oh, Lord, hab’ mercy on me!” mus’ be like out on de sea islands.
maria ( speaking above the monotonous (bess nods.)
chant). What
yo’ stand ere all de time bess. Wabe’ like dese mus’ wash clean
a-lookin’ out fo’, Clara? Yo’ can’t see across Kittiwah.
nuttin’ in de dark. (After a moment, she lays her hand on his
clara ( gazing out between slats of arm. porgy looks k ee,J ly mt0 her eyes.)
closed shutters; in a flat, dull voice). I porgy. Yo’ sorry?
t’ink I see a little light now
’round de bess. I sorry fo’ any man lef’ out in
edge ob dis storm. He mus’ be mos’ day- storm like dis. But I can stop a-listenin’


now fo’ his step a-comin’. ( Puts her hand knock.

in his.) I guess yo’ gots me fo’ keeps, lily. Yes, dey is! Somebody dere!
Porgy. peter. Death is knockin’ at de do’.
porgy. Ain’t I tells yo’ dat all long. maria. Open de do’ an’ show um no-
( A distant roar is heard, coming steadily body jyn’t dere.
nearer.) mingo. Open um yo’self.
lily ( terror-stricken ). Here he come (maria rises and starts toward door.)
now! lily {wildly). I tells yo’ dere is some-
serhna. Oh, Masteh! I is ready! body dere! An’ Peter can’t hear no libbin’
{The crash and roar sweep by.) person!
maria. Yo’ can see um, Clara? (maria hesitates. A loud fnoc\ is heard.
clara. He somebody’s roof goin’ by. The Negroes immediately burst into a
annie. Gawd A’mighty! pandemonium of terror. There are cries
peter. Oh, Jedus, hab’ a little pity! of “Oh, Gawd, hab’ me’ey!” “Don’t let
serena. Le’s we sing! um come in!"
(serena’s group begins to sing, but before The /{tioc\ is repeated, louder. Some be-
they have completed a single line clara gin to pray, but the more energetic begin
cries out loudly.) piling furniture in front of door. “Bring
clara. Fo’ Gawd’s sake, sing somet’ing dat dresser “Wedge um under de
else! \nob” The door is shaken violently.)
( The singers are startled into silence. A bess. Dat ain’t no use. Ef he death, he
blanl{ pause. Then bess begins to sing, comes in, anyway.
“Somebody's Knockin’ at de Door,” and maria {now the most terrified of all).
one by one the others join her till the Oh, Gawd! Gawd! Don’t let um in!
whole room is singing.) (
With a sucking sound of the wind, the
ALL. door slowly opens, pushing away the
“Dere’s somebody knockin’ at de do’. flimsy furniture. Shrieks of terror and
Dcre’s somebody knockin’ ai de do’. prayers fill the room.
Oh, Mary, oh, Mart’a, crown, bent double against the wind, en-
Somebody knockin’ at de do’. ters. As one by one they gain courage to
loo\ toward the door, the prayers die
It’s a-moaner, Lord, away. For a moment, the Negroes stare
Somebody knockin’ at de do’. at him m silence. Then there are cries of
“It’s a moaner, Lord, “Crown!” “Gawd, it’s Crown!” bess sits
Somebody knockin’ at de do’. silent, rigid, porgy gazes at her search-
Oh, Mary, oh, Mart’a, ingly.)
Somebody knockin’ at de do’. crown. Yo’ is a nice pa’cel ob nigger!
Shut a frien' out in a storm like dis!
“It’s a sinnuh, Lord,” etc. serena. Who’ frien’ is yo’?
“It’s my preachuh, Lord,” etc. crown. I yo’ frien’, Sistuh. Glad fo’ see
“It’s my Jedus, Lord,” etc. yo’! Still mopin’ or has yo’ got anudder
( The
spiritual swells and gains in tempo man?
the rhythm of the patting and swaying serena. I prayin’ Gawd to hold back
grows. A few begin to shout.) my han’.
peter. I hear death knockin’ at de door. crown {laughing). Well, he’ll hold it,
(Loofs fearfully at door.) all de police.
right. Better try
( His haunted expression draws the atten- maria. Yo’ know bery well Serena too
tion of the others. One by one, they stop decent to gib’ a nigger away to de w’ite
singing.) folks.
annie. What yo’ say, Daddy Peter? crown between yo’
{to serena). Well,
{The singing stops, but the rhythm con- Gawd an’manners, yo’ sho’ makes
tinues.) t’ings soft fo’ a hard nigger! (Sees bess).
peter. I hear death knockin’ at de do’. Oh, dere’s who I’m lookin’ fo’! Why ain’t
{A horrified silence. All eyes turn to yo’ come say hello to yo’ man?
door.) bess. Yo’ ain’t my man.
awed whisper). It mus’ be
lily {in an crown. It’s sho’ time I was cornin’
death, or Peter can’t hear um. back! Dere jus’ ain’t no ’oman a man can
mingo. He ain’t hear nuttin’. Nobody leabe! (Looking at porgy.) Yo’ ain’t done
— . . ———
much fo’ yo’self while I been gone. Ain’t sway for a moment uninterrupted.)
dere no whole ones left? crown ( above the sing-
his voice rising
bess (
rising and facing him). Keep yo’ ing). Yo’ folk mus’
de Lord bery t'ink
mout’ off Porgy! easy pleased ef yo’ t’ink he like to listen
crown. Well, fo’ Gawd’s sake! Deni to dat. {They sing on.) Ef it affec’ Him
humn-whiners got yo’ too? de way it do me, yo’ is gibin’ um de lone-
bess. I tol’ yo’ I ain’t goin’ wid yo’ no some blues. {They continue to sing.
more. I stayin’ wid Porgy fo’ good. crown shouts above singing.)
crown. ’Oman! Do yo’ want to meet crown. Here, here! Cut dat! I didn’t
yo’ Gawd? Come here! come all de way from Kittiwah to sit up
bess (
holding her ground). Porgy my wid no corpses! Dem as is in such a
man now. hurry fo’ de Jedgment, all dey gots fo’ do
crown {laughing). Yo’ call dat a man! is to kiss demselves good-bye an’ step out

Don’ yo’ min’.

I gots de forgivin’ nature, dat door. Yo’, Uncle Peter, here’s yo’
an’ 1 goin’ take yo’ hack. ( Reaches for her. chance. The Jim Crow’s leabin’ an’ yo’
bess violently repulses him.) don’ need no ticket! {Turning to serena.)
bess. Keep yo’ han’ off me! How ’bout yo’, Sistuh? All abo’d! What,
serena {to crown). Ef yo’ stick ’round dey ain't no trabbelers?
here, yo’ sure to get killed sooner or later. {A roar of wind.)
Den de w’ite folks goin’ figger I done crown. Dere go de train! An’ yo’ miss
um. Dey gots de writin’ now dat I
it in yo' chance! {The wind rises above the
been Robbins’ wife. An’ dey goin’ lock singing, crown shouts up at ceiling.)
me up fo’ um anyway. So I might as well Dat's right, drown um out! Don’ yo’ listen
do um. to um sing! Dey don’ gib’ yo’ credit fo’
(bess returns to her seat by porgy.) no taste in music. How ’bout dis one, Big
crown {laughing) What makes yo’ Frien’? (
t’ink goin’ get killed? Ef Gawd want
I “Rock in de mountain,
to kill me, he got plenty ob chance ’tween Fish in de sea,
here an’ Kittiwah Islan’. Me an’ Him Dere neber was a nigger
been havin’ it out all de way from Kitti- Take an oman from me.”
wah; first Him on top, den me. Dere lily. Jedus! He
goin’ call down Gawd’
ain’t nuttin’ He likes better’ll a scrap wid wrath on we {The wind rises to its

a man! Gawd an’ me Irien ! highest pitch. The Negroes huddle to-
{A terrific roar of wind.) gether in terror. They begin to sway and
serena {terror-stricken) Yo’ fool! Ain't moan, crown stands in middle of room,
yo’ gots more sense dan talk bout Gawd his arms thrown wide. His voice rises
like dat in a storm like dis! {Another above the wind.)
sudden gust.) crown. Don’ yo’ hear Gawd A’mighty
crown. Gawd’s laughin’ at yo’! — laughing up dere? Dat’s right, Ole
peter. Itbery dangerous fo’ we all to Frien’! Gawd laugh, an’ Crown laugh
hab’ dat blasphemin’ nigger ’mong us. back! {Throws bac/{ his head and laughs.
Le’s we sing unto de Lord! The wind shrieks above his laugh.) Dat’s
( A woman's voice leads the spiritual, right! Yo’ like um, Gawd? I'll gib’ yo’
"Got to Meet de fedgment.”) anudder verse! {Sings.)
the women. “All I know “I ain’t no doctor,
several men. got to meet de Jedg- I No’ doctor’ son.
ment. But I can cool yo’ feber
the women. “All I know Till de doctor come.”
the men. Got to meet de Jcdgment. ( While he is singing, the wind suddenly
the women. “All I know ceases. The Negroes loo/{ at one another,
the men. Got to meet de Jedgment. appalled by the suddenness of the change.)
together. All I know, All I know, All bess. Mus’ be de storm ober.
I know porgy. He jus’ takin’ a res’. When de
the women. “All I moan wind lull like dis, he come back soon,
the men. I got to meet de Jedg- worsc’n eber.
ment. . .
.” crown. Ain’t I tell yo’ Gawd like um?
{As the wind subsides, the spiritual rises lie quiet now fo’ listen. {He bursts again
strong and clear. The Negroes sing and into song.)
. ?


“I laugh in de country, (She breaks off suddenly with widening

I laugh in de town, eyes, clara cries out.)
’Cause a cripple t’ink he goin’ mingo. Gawd! It de Sea Gull fo’ true!
Take an oman from Crown.” clara (shaking off serena’s arm).
( Then begins to shuffle.) Come on, Bess! Lemnge go!
Yo’ ain’t one ob dese spiritual-whim- peter.What yo’ goin’ do?
perin’ niggers. What, ain’t yo’ got no serena (holding her). Yo’ wait now,
guts! Come ’long! Yo’ used to be de bes’ Clara!
dancer in Charleston. Ef yo’ don’ want to clara. Lemme go! (Breaks from ser-
dance wid Crown, mebby yo’ new man’ll ena’s hold. Runs frantically to the door.
dance wid yo’! (Roars with laughter. Then turns back suddenly to bess.) Bess,
bess is silent. He dances a few more yo’ keep my baby till I come back.
steps.) Come long, Maria! Yo’ can’t tell (Thrusts the baby into bess’s arms.
me dese Gawd-f’arin’ whiners has got Wrests the door open while the Negroes
yo’! (maria hesitates, crown dances on. call protests after her.)
Laughs.) Dis ole lady too fat fo’ dance! bess. Clara! Don’ go!
maria ( Indignantly ). Who say I’m too (clara rushes out. The door bangs shut
fat! behind her. A startled moment of silence.
(Gets lumberingly to her feet and begins They all stand looking at closed door.)
to shuffle,mingo begins to clap for them.) mingo. Dat ’oman t’ink she goin’ find
crown (dancing). How ’bout ole Jake alibel
Sportin’ Life? (sporting life joins in the bess. Clara oughtn’t to be out dere by
dancing, peter begins to clap.) sheself.
lily. Stop dat, yo’ ole fool! sporting life. Eberyt’ing quiet now.
crown (dancing near peter and shout- porgy. Dat storm cornin’ back any min-
ing in his ear). Dis nigger too ole fo’ ute.
dance! bess. Somebody go fo’ Clara. Don’ leabe
peter (indignant, puffing out his she out dere alone! (No one moves.)
chest). Who say I too ole! (Gets labor- sporting life. What de fool ’oman
iously to his feet and begins a feeble go fo’!

shuffle.) maria. Dey ain’t nobody in here got de

(A group are now forgetting their terror guts ob a chicken.
in song and dance in the middle of the mingo. Go ’long yo’self, Auntie. Dere
room. Another group, including serena, ain’tno wabe big nough fo’ drown yo’.
are looking on disapprovingly and with peter (starting for door). Who goin’
fear in their faces, clara pays no atten- wid me?
tion to it all, gazes steadily from window. bess (holding him back)- Yo’ ain’t
porgy and bess sit together, absorbed in goin’, Daddy (Looking
Peter! Yo’ too ole.
each other. Every now and then crown scornfully over the room.) Ain’t dere no
cuts a pigeon wing before bess. She ig- man ’round here?
nores him. He laughs and dances away. crown. Yes! Where all dem nigger been
A wild crescendo shriek cuts across the wantin’ to meet de Jedgment? Go ’long!
sound of merriment. The dancers stop in Yo' been askin’ fo’ somet’ing, an’ yo’ ain’t
their places. Everyone turns to clara, got de gizzards to go an’ get um. Now’s
who is pointing from the window, her yo’ chance. (Laughs. Goes and stands be-
eyes wild and horror-stricken. They all fore bess, looking sideways to see effect
rush to the window, serena and annie on her.) Porgy, what yo’ sittin’ dere fo’?
are already trying to comfort clara.) Ain’t yo’ hear yo’ ’oman calling fo’ a
annie. Course it’s a boat upside down, man Yes, looks to me like only one man
but ’tain’t de Sea Gull. ’round here! (Again glances toward bess;
clara. It got red gunnels same as Sea then runs to door, throwing up his arms
Gull. and calling. Calls the men by name: “ Go
serena. Don’ yo’ know Sea Gull gots 'long, Sam!” etc.) All right, Ole Frien’
bird wid spread wing on he bow. up dere! We’s on fo’ annudder bout!
mingo (pointing) He goin’ come up (Jerks door open and runs out.) (A mo-
ober dere now. ment of silence. The stage has grown per-
serena. You’ll see! He gots no bird! ceptibly lighter. All the Negroes crowd
Dere! Watch um! See he to the window, looking over each other s


shoulders through slats of the closed shut- baby’s chee\.
ters. ) The roar increases. The shutters fly bac\
peter. Dere Clara almost to de wharf and With fear-stricken eyes, the Ne-
already. groes sway and pat and sing, their voices
bess. De watuh deep? sometimes rising above the roar of the
serena. Almost to she waist. wind and sometimes drowned by it.
sporting life. Gawd! How Crown bess continues silent, looking straight
splash t’rough dat watuh! ahead of her, tenderness, yearning, and
(They watch a moment in silence. A roar awe in her face, porgy sits watching her.
of wind and water. The stage darkens The more violently. The
shutters crash
suddenly. With a swift, sucking sound, roar of wind and water increases. The
the shutters fly apart. Confused cries of Negroes huddle closer and sing on.)
"Oh, Jedus! Hah’ a little me’cy!” " Gawd
A’might’l De storm come bac\\” "Ain’t CURTAIN
1 tell yo he cornin’ worse/ n eber .’’)
serena ( kneeling center). Gawd an- ACT FOUR
swerin’ Crown!
Scene I
(Others !{neel with her, shrinking close
together, moaning with terror.) chimes, St. Michael’s strides one. Cur-
minco window, his
(at voice rising tain. The court, dar\ except for lights
high in horror). De wharf goin’! Gawd around the closed shutters of a second
A’mighty storyroom at bac\ left and the glow from
bess ( screaming futilely against the maria’s open door.
wind). Clara! Clara! porgy is at his window but is only
( Wild shrieks of horror from all the Ne- vaguely seen in the darkness. He holds
groes at window. Then a terrific roar, the shutters partly closed so as to screen
accompanied by the splintering of timber. himself, while he is able to loo\ out.
Then a sudden awed silence in the room. From the second-story room comes the
peter turns the women from the window, sound of a spiritual muffled by the closed
blocking further view. They huddle to- shutters.
gether in the center of the room around Door to stairway at bac\ left open and
serena’s group, bess crosses to porgy. Sits serena comes out. Through the open door
beside him, the baby in her arms. All the the spiritual is heard more plainly. It is
others fall upon their \necs as with one sung by women's voices a slow, mourn- —
accord they begin to sing the “ Jedgment ful dirge.
Day Spiritual."
bess does not sing, but sits holding the
baby with a rapt loof( in her eyes.)
close, “Nelson, Nelson, don’ let yo’ brudder con-
“We will all pray togedduh on dat day, demn yo’.

We will all pray togedduh on dat day, Nelson, Nelson, don’t let yo’ brudder
An’ I’ll fall upon my knees an’ face de condemn yo’.

risin’ sun. Nelson, Nelson, don’t let yo’ brudder

Oh, Lord, hab’ mercy on me! condemn yo’.
“We will drink wine togedduh on dat Way down in dat lonesome grabeyahd.”
day. (serena closes door, muffling the chant.
We will drink wine togedduh on dpt She crosses toward her room; sees the
day,” etc. light from maria’s door and pauses.)
“We will eat bread togedduh on dat day, serena. Yo’ still up, Maria? How come
We will eat bread togedduh on dat day, yo’ ain’t sing wid we women fo’ de dead
An’ I’ll fall upon my knees an’ face de in de storm?
risin’ sun. maria ( coming to her doorway). Some
Oh, Lord, hab’ mercy on me!” ob dose nigger’ liable to sing all night, I
daddy peter (in the midst of the sing- too tired clearin’ t’ing up. My stove been
ing). Allelujah! Gawd hab’ mercy on de wash’ clean ’cross de stieet. An’ ’sides, it
souls ob Clara an’ Crown! break my heart to hear dese ’omans
(bess turns and loo/(s directly at porgy. mourning fo’ de mens dat provide um wid
With an expression awe in his face, he
of bread and what was dey lover’ too. All
reaches out a timid hand and touches the dem fine, strong mens, dead in de storm!


(In lower voice.) It gib’ me c!e creeps, de poor chile gets a proper Christian
Serena, to t’ink how many ghost’ must be raisin’.

listenin’’round dis court to-night. bess. Clara ain’t say nuttin’ to me ’bout
serena (nervously). I ain’t no patience dat, an’, until she do, I goin’ stan’ on she
win yo’ talk ’bout ghost’. las’ libbin’ word an’ keep she baby for
(porgy softly moves his shutter, serena she till she do come back. (Again starts
What’s datP
starts.) toward her door. Again turns bad; im-
maria. Jus’ Porgy watchin’ at he win- pulsively.) Oh, let me be, Serena. Can’t
dow. (Draws serena farther from porgy’s yo’ see I ain’t de same ’oman what used
window and lowers her voice ominously.) to run wid Crown? Gawd wouldn’t ha’
What’s he watchin’ for? let Clara gib' me dis baby ifHe hadn’t
serena (impatiently). How I know? seen I was different inside. He wouldn’t
maria. He been dere all day. He ain’t ha’ gib’ me Porgy if he didn’t want to
gone out on de street to beg like he always gib me my chance. (Looking down at
does. An’ he ain’t gone up wid Bess to baby.) See! He t’ink already dat I he ma.
sing for de dead in de storm. I gots de big brightness all inside me to-

serena. What ob dat? day. I can’t stan’ not to hab’ eberybody

maria. Crown dead, ain’t he? (Lowers kind to me to-day! (Holds baby out to
voice still further.) Mus’ be he t’ink serena.) Look at um now, Serena hold —
Crown’ ghost is a-comin’ for trouble’, um a minute. Tell um he gots a good ma
Bess, (serena gives a scornful grunt.) what goin' stan' by um!
Bery well, Sistuh. But I knows dis (serena tables the baby reluctantly, but
Gawd gib’ dat cripple to see many *Yng responds when it touches her bosom. She
yo’ an’ me can’t see —an’ if he is watch rod;s it in her arms.)
for sompen, den dere is sompen for watch —
serena. Yes I reckon yo’ gots a good
for. ma now. She gots Gawd in she heart at
(bess, the baby in her arms, opens door at las’. Yo’ ain’t gots no cause for fret
left The spiritual is again heard
bad;. (Hands baby bad; to bess, who draws i\
clearly, bess does not close door, but close.)
stands listening, holding baby close. bess. Ain’t yo’ see, Serena, how he
maria and serena move over to listen.) scroogin’ down? Dis baby know already
women’s voices. dat he done git back home. (Turns to
“Jake, Jake, don’t let yo’ brudder con- g° -)
demn yo’ serena. Good-night, Sistuh.
Jake, Jake, don’ let yo’ brudder con- (bess pauses slightly, as though taken by
demn yo’ . .
.” surprise.)
bess. Dey singin’ for Jake an’ Clara bess. Good-night Sistuh. —
now. I couldn’t stay. (The three women (Goes into her room. A dim light appears
listen a moment in silence.) in the room. The shutters are closed from
voices. “Clara, Clara, don’t let yo’ within.
sistuh condemn yo’ serena goes to her room, maria begins
Way down in dat lonesome grabe- to shut up her shop for the night. Several
yahd . . women carrying lanterns come from the
(bess softly closes door, muffling the sing- funeral room, leaving the door open.
ing. Turns toward her own door.) They go out of the gate.
serena. What we all goin’ to do wid The spiritual is again heard.)
dat poor mudderless baby? the singers. “Ummmmm, Ummmmm,
bess (stopping short. Turns slowly yeddy ole Egypt duh yowlin’
bad;). Mus’ be Clara has come back al- Way down in dat lonesome grabeyahd.
ready. “Crown, Crown, don’t let yo’ brudder con-
serena (looI{s fearfully about her). demn yo’,
What yo’means? Crown, Crown, don’t let yo’ brudder con-
bess. Mus’ be Clara has come back an’ demn yo’ . .

say sompen to yo’ I ain’t hear. I ain’t (There is a sudden raucous laugh in the
hear her say nuttin’ ’bout “we.” She say, dar\ness. maria starts; then turns and
“Bess, yo’ keep dis baby for me till I peers into the shadows under serena’s
comes for urn.” stairs.)
serena. Somebody oughts to make sure maria. Yo’ low-live skunk! What yo’


hidin’ ’round here for? —
she gots two mens dere’s mighty apt to
sporting life ( sauntering into the light —
be carvin’! An’ de cops takes de leabin’s.
from maria’s window). Jus’ listenin’ to maria (warningly). Dere ain’t nobody
de singin’. Nice happy little tune dat. in dis court would gib’ a nigger ’way to
Now dey’s stowin’ my ole frien Crown. de cops.
(Laughs again.) sporting life. Oh, no, Auntie! But
(maria crosses quickly; closes the door, dem cops
bery smart, an’ dey gots it in

muffling the singing.) fo’ Crown, remembuh! An’, when dat

maria ( returning to sporting life). time comes, yo’ can tell Bess for me dat
Yo’ ain’t gots no shame laughin’ at dem — little ole Sportin' Life is still on de prem-
poor omans singin’ for dere dead mens! ises.

sporting life. I ain’t see no sense maria (starting for him). Well, he ain’t
makin’ such a fuss ober a man when he goin’ stay bery long on my premises!
dead. When a gal’s man done gone, dere’s sporting life (hurriedly withdrawing,
plenty mens still libin’ what likes good- but not forgeting his swagger). Dat’s all
lookin’ gals. right, ole lady! I was jus’ leabin’. (Saun-
maria. I know it ain’t dem gals yo’ is ters toward gate.)
atter. Ain’t yo’ see Bess gots no use for (maria turns back t0 closing of her
yo’? Ain’t yo’ see she gots a man? shop, sporting life glances at her over
sporting life. I see more’n dat, Auntie. his shoulder. Sees her engaged in barring
(Laughs as though at a joke all his her windows. Steps swiftly into the dark-
own.) ness under serena’s stairs, maria finishes
maria. What yo’ means? her work Looks about court. Sees it’s ap-
sporting life. I see she gots two mens parently empty. Goes into her shop. Locks
—an’ when a ’oman gots two mens— door. A child's whimper is heard from
pretty soon she ain’t got none at all! bess’s room, then bess’s voice singing in
maria (
threateningly ). What yo’ means the darkness.)

by dat Bess gots two mens? “Hush, little baby, don’ yo’ cry,
sporting life. What make yo’ all so Hush, little baby, don’ yo’ cry,
sure Crown dead? Hush, little baby, don’ yo’ cry,
maria. Ain’t wc see de wharf wash’ Mother an’ fadder born to die.
away under urn?
sporting life. Ain’t he tell yo’ Gawd “Heard a thunder in de sky,
an’ he frien’? Heard a thunder in de sky,
maria(alarmed) Yo’ is tellin’ . me Heard a thunder in de sky,
Crown ain’t dead? Mus’ be Jedus passin’ by.
sporting life (nonchalantly). I ain’t
tellin’ yo’ nuttin’, “Heard a rumblin’ in de groun’,
maria (advancing
on him threatcn- Heard a rumblin’ in de groun’,
eningly). Yes, yo’ is. Yo’ tellin’ me ebery- Heard a rumblin’ in de groun’,
t’ing yo’ knows, an’ damn quick! (Cor- Mus’ be Satan turnin’ ’roun’.
ners him.) “Hush, little baby, don’ yo’ cry,
sporting life. Ob course he dead! Mother an’ fadder born to die.”
Ain’t we hear um singin’ he funeral (Her voice trails of sleepily and is silent .

song ? During her lullaby, the last singers have

maria (grabbing his arm and bringing come from the funeral room and crossed
her face close to his). Yo’ has seen um? to their own rooms or gone out at gate.
sporting life. How can I seen um if The light in the funeral room goes out.
he dead? Mus’ be he ghos’ I seen hangin’ maria’s light goes out.
’round here. A moment of complete darkness and si-
maria (meditatively) So yo’ has seen lence mCatfsh Row; then the sudden
um. (Menacingly). Well, if Bess gots fash of a match in the darkness reveals
two mens, dat sho’ count’ yo’ out. sporting life about to light a cigarette.
(sporting life laughs at her. While they He hears something at gate and hurriedly
talk, porgy’s shutter opens inch by inch.) extinguishes match, with cigarette unlit.
sporting life. Dat jus’ where I comes Against the gray background beyond the
in. When a ’oman gots jus' one man, gate a gigantic figure can be seen. The
mebby she gots um for keep. But when gate opens very slowly and noiselessly.
rORGY 435

crown comes stealthily into court; very detective. Dead, hell! If you was on
gently closes gate behind him. Fiefs his the force, ’stead of sitting down in the
way slowly and silently across court. Stops coroner’s office, you’d know we don’t
to listen. Silence. Goes on to porcy’s door. make a move that isn’t watched by a
Again listens. Puts his hand on knob and hundred pair of eyes. {The coroner looks
softly tries door. Opens it very cautiously, exceedingly uncomfortable. Glances ap-
inch by inch. When
wide enough,
it is prehensively about him.) There! Did you
he stealthily slips through. Inch by inch, catch that? {Points at a window, coroner
the door closes. A full minute of absolute starts.) They’re gone now.
silence, maria is in her wrapper; opens coroner. Don’t know as I have much
her door and stands listening. Satisfied, business, after all. Just to get a witness
she is turning back- to identify the body at the inquest. Maybe
A muffled thud sounds from porcy’s you'll bring one along for me when you
room, maria stops short. Stands motion- come.
less. Suddenly porgy’s laugh is heard, detective. Like hell I will! You stay
deep, swelling, lustful. The baby cries and get your own witness, and I’ll learn
out.) you something about handling niggers,
bess ( within room. Horror in her too. —
Now, let’s see got several leads here!
The widow of Robbins, the fellow Crown
voice). Fo’ Gawd’ sake, Porgy! What yo’
laughin’ ’bout? killed. That’s her room there. And then
porgy (
triumphantly ). Dat all right, there’s the corpse’s woman. She’s living
honey. Don’ yo’ be worryin’. Yo’ gots with the cripple in there now.
Porgy now, an’ he look atter he ’oman. coroner. What makes you think the
Ain’t I don’ tell yo’? Yo’ gots a man buck was killed here?
now! detective (
pointing toward sea).
(maria crosses the court swiftly. Opens Found right out there.
porgy’s door, goes in, and closes it behind coroner. Found at flood tide. Might
her. have been washed in from miles out.
Again the flash of a match in the detective. A hell of a lot you know
shadows, sporting life lights his cigarette about niggers. Come on! I'll show you.
and continues his vigil.) (coroner nods and follows detective.
They stop at door hading to serena’s
curtain room, detective k‘ c K s lt open, and shouts
up the stairs.)

Scene II detective. Come on down, Serena Rob-

bins, and make it damn quick!
st. Michael’s chimes and strikes six. There is silence for a moment, then the
The curtain rises on the court, silent and shutters of serena’s window are slowly
apparently deserted. opened, and annif. looks out.)
After a moment, three white men ap- annie. Serena been sick in she bed
pears outside the gate. One is the detec- three day, an’ I been here wid she all
tive who arrested peter. The second is dat time.
the coroner, a fat, easy-going, florid man.
detective. The hell she has! Tell her,
The third is a policeman. if she don’t come down, I’ll get the wagon
and run her in.
annie. She bery sick, boss. She can’t
DETECTIVE ( tO POLICEMAN, pointing off leabe she bed.
right). Bring the wagon ’round to the detective. She’ll leave it damn quick
corner, Al, and wait for us there. ( The if knows what’s good for her. (annie
policeman goes off right. The detective disappears. A loud moaning is heard.
and coroner come This is the
in at gate.) Then annie reappears accompanied by
joint. I’d like to get something on it this another woman. Between them they sup-
time that would justify closing it up as port serena. She wears a voluminous
a public nuisance and turning the lot of white nightgown, and her face and head
’em into the street. It’s alive with crooked are bound in a towel. She collapses across
niggers. the window sill with a loud groan.) Drop
coroner ( looking around him). Looks that racket, (serena is silent.) Where
pretty dead to me. were you last night?

serena ( slowly and as though in great three women leave the window, closing
pain). I been sick in dis bed now three shutters.) Well, come along. Let’s see
day an’ night. what’s here. (Goes to lily’s and Peter’s
annie. We been sittin’ wid she an’ door. Throws it open.) Come on out
nursin’ she all dat time. here, you! (lily comes to door.) What’s
the other woman. Dat’s de Gawd’s your name?
trut’. lily (seeing coroner). Do, Lord! Ef
coroner. Would you swear to that? itain’t Mr. Jennings!
SERENA, ANNIE, AND OTHER WOMAN (in coroner. Well, Lily! So you live here?
unison, as though answer had been (To detective.) I’ll answer for this
learned by rote). Yes, boss, we swear to woman. She worked for us for years.
dat. detective. That don’t prove she don’t
coroner (to detective). There you are know anything about this murder, does
—an airtight alibi, (detective regards it? (To lily.) What’s your name?
coroner with scorn.) lily (stubbornly). I don’ know nuttin’
detective (to serena). You know ’bout um.
damn you were out yesterday. I’ve
well detective (shouting at her). I didn’t
a good mind to send for the wagon and ask you whether
carry you in. (The women are silent. coroner. Let me question her. (Kindly
detective waits, then shouts abruptly.) to lily.) What’s your name?
Well? lily. Do, Mr. Jennings! You ain’t
the three women (again unison). We ’membuh my name is Lily Holmes?
swear to Gawd we been in dis room three coroner. I know your name was Lily
day’. Holmes, but you left us to get married.
detective (bluffing). Ah-hh, that’s What’s your name now?
what I wanted! So you swear you were lily. Lord, Mr. Jennings! I de same
in last night, eh? (The women are fright- Lily Holmes. You ain’t t’ink I goin’ be
ened and silent.) And just two months responsible for no ole nigger’ name? No,
— —
ago right here Crown killed your hus- suh! An’ I ain’t gib’ um my name, ned-
band, didn’t he? (No answer.) Answer der!
me! (detective runs halfway upstairs.) detective (looking through door).
You’ll either talk here or in jail. Get That your husband? (Calling into room.)
that! Did Crown kill Robbins? Yes or no! Come on out here, you!
(serena nods her head.) Exactly. And lily. I’ll fetch um. (Goes into room.
last night Crown got his right here Returns with peter.)
didn’t he? (Women are silent except coroner. Why, it’s the old honey man!
serena, who groans as though in pain. (peter is terror-stricken at sight of de-
detective pretends to construe groan as tective.)
assent —
triumphantly.) Yes, and how do (recognizing him). Oh, so
you know he was killed if you didn’t it’s you, Well, Uncle, do you want
is it?

see it? to go back to jail or are you going to

women (in unison). We ain’t see nut- come clean?
tin’, boss. We been in here t’ree day an’ lily (appealing to coroner). Ain’t no
night, an’ dewindow been closed. use to ask him nuttin’. He deaf, an’
detective (shouting). Look at me, ’sides, he ain’t got good sense nohow.
Robbins! Do you mean to tell me that the coroner. But, Lily, you didn’t marry
man who killed your husband was the old honey man?
bumped off right here, under your win- lily (surveying peter). Whut wrong
dow, and you didn’t know? wid um?
women (in unison). We ain’t see nut- coroner. He’s not a suitable age.
tin’, boss. We been in here (puzzled). Whut he ain’t?
detective (interrupting). — three days coroner. Do you think he’s the right
and nights with the window closed. You age?
needn’t do that one again. (Turning lily. Sho he de right age. He eighty-
away disgustedly.) Oh, hell! You might two.
as argue with a parrot cage, but
well coroner. An old man like that’s apt to
you’ll never break them without your own lingeron your hands.
witnesses, and you'll never get ’em. (The (daddy peter, hearing nothing of con-


versation, but feeling that he is its sub- coroner. You could identify him, I
ject, is nodding and smiling with self- suppose, (porgy looks blank-) You’d
appreciation.) know him if you saw him again, I mean.
lily. No, boss. Ef I is marry to young porgy (slowly). Yes, boss, I’d know
man an’ he took sick, mebbe he linger um. (With dawning apprehension.) But
on my hand. —
But ( Points to peter, who I ain’t care none ’bout see um.
smiles more amiably.) He ain’t linger on (coroner laughs. Maizes note in note-
my He took sick he gone.
han’. — book^. Puts it in pocket. Calls to detec-
coroner. What did you marry him for? tive.)
lily. Why, yo’ see, boss, he like dis. coroner. Well, I’m through. Let’s pull
Ain’t yo’ ’membuh how used to I hab’ freight.
dein crazy ob misery in my stomach?
fits detective (appears in doorway; looks
I wake up de night wid ’em. De doc-
in knowingly at porgy and bess). Mighty
tor say to me, “Lily Holmes, one ob dese clean floor in there.Funny it got its first
nights yo’ goin’ dead in yo’ bed all by scrubbing in twenty years this morning.
yo’self.” So I t’ink I bes’ marry dat nigger bess. I scrubs my floor ebery week. You
so as I won’t go dead all by myself. But can ask these people here 'bout um.
since I marry um, I gets well ob my coroner (sneering). Oh, yes! More wit-
misery, an’ I ain’t got no furder use for nesses! (Thentriumphantly.) But you
’um. missed the blood under the bed this time.
detective coroner). Say, are you
( to (Jerks out his gun, covers porgy, shouts.)
investigating a murder or just paying so- Come, out with it! You killed Crown,
cial calls? (To lily and peter.) That’ll didn’t you? Speak up, or I'll hang you
do for you two. Get inside. sure as (porgy and bess sit silent,

(lily and peter hurriedly return to their with eyes lowered.) Well?
room.) bess. I ain’t understan’, boss. Dere ain’t
coroner. Well, seems to me I get as no blood dere, an’ nobody ain’t kill Crown
much out of them as you do. in our room.
detective. Come on, let’s put the crip- coroner (drawing detective aside).
ple and his woman through. I have a For God’s sake, Duggan, let’s call it a day.
hunch that’s where we ll find our bacon. The cripple couldn’t kill a two-hundred-
(Crosses toward porgy’s door, coroner pound buck and tote him a hundred
follows.) yards.
coroner. All right. Go ahead. I’m detective. You don’t know much about
watching you handle them. niggers,do you?
detective. You won’t find the cripple coroner (turning toward gate). Any-
much of a witness. I tried to break him way, I’m through, and I’ve got to get
in the Robbins case but he wouldn’t along. It’s ’most time for my inquest.
come through. (Kicks the door open with (bess and porgy go swiftly inside. Close
a bang.) Come on out, both you niggers. door.)
Step lively now! detective (following coroner reluct-
(bess helps porgy to seat on doorstep. antly). Got your witness?
Then she stands by him, the baby in her coroner. Yeh.
arms, detective enters room.) (They go out gate and of) to left.
coroner (to porgy). What is your Again the court is deserted and silent.
name? For a moment, there is no sound or move-
(porgy loo\s at him k^eenly, then, reas- ment. Then, in one of the rooms, a voice
sured, smiles.) is raised singing.)
porgy. Jus’ Porgy. You knows me, boss. voice. “Ain’t it hard to be a nigger!
Yo’ done gib’ me plenty ob pennies on Ain’t it hard to be a nigger!”
Meetin’ Street. (Another voice joins, then another. In a
coroner. Of course! You’re the goat moment, the empty court is ringing with
man. I didn’t know you without your the song, sung mockingly, triumphantly.
wagon. Now, this nigger Crown you — Another moment, and doors and shutters
knew him by sight, didn’t you? begin to fly open. The Negroes come from
porgy (as though remembering with their doors or lean from their windows,
difficulty) Yes, boss — I ’membuh um and the court is quickly filled with life
when he used to come here, long ago. and movement. They are all singing.
serena’s door flies open, and she comes policeman. you and Crown if you
Just —
out singing. She is fully dressed and car- still call him
Turns away.)
one. (

ries a great basket of clothes,which she porgy (scarcely able to speak for ter-
begins to hang on line while she sings. ror). Boss —
I couldn’ jus’ bring a ’oman

bess helps porgy on to the doorstep and wid me? I couldn’t eben carry my my —
sits beside him, the baby in
her arms. ’oman?
Both are singing, lily comes out carrying policeman ( slightly impatient). No,
the honey tray, peter follows. She bal- you can’t bring anyone. Say, you’re the
ances it on his head, scipio drives porgy’s cripple, aren’t you? I'll get the wagon and
goat carl in through archway. carry you down. And as soon as you've
Then someone breads into a wilder tunc, seen Crown, you can come home. (Starts
and all the others instantly change to the for gate.)
new song.) porgy (desperately). Boss
“Sit down! I can’t sit down! policeman. Now, listen, I’ve sum-
Sit down! I can’t sit down! moned you, and you’ve got to go, or it’s
My soul’s so happy dat 1 can’t sit down!” contempt of court. I’ll call the wagon for
( A Negro near the gate /oofs out, sud- you. (Goes out gate and off to left.)
denly gives a loud hiss and waves his arms (As soon as he has gone, doors open
—in a warning gesture. stealthily. The Negroes come out and
The song ceases abruptly, serena grabs gather about porgy, speaking in low,
her wash from the line. The Negroes re- frightened tones.)
turn swiftly and silently to their rooms. porgy. Oh, Gawd! Whut I goin’ to do?
Doors and shutters close stealthily. bess. Yo' got to go, Porgy. Mebby yo’
bess attempts to help porgy to his feet, can jus’ make like to look at um an’ keep
but, seeing that they have no time, he yo’ eye shut.
sinfs down again on his doorstep and maria. Yo’ goin’ be all right, Porgy. Yo’
pretends to doze, bi ss goes inside, closes jus' goin’ tobe a witness.
door, scipio drives the goat back through sporting life. I ain't so sure ob dat.
archway. (They all look at him m
alarm.) I don’
The court is again silent, and deserted by know who done de killin’. All I knows
all but porcy. is, when de man what done um goes in

A policeman enters from left. Comes in dat room, Crown’ wounds begin to bleed.
at gate. Loofs about court. Sees porgy, porgy (terror-stricken). Oh, Jedus!
who is apparently oblivious of him. sporting life. Dat’s one way de cops
Crosses to porgy.) got ob tell in’ who done um.
policeman. Hey, you! (porgy opens porgy (in a panic, moaning). I can’t
his eyes.)You’re Porgy, aren’t you : I’ve look on he face! Oh, Gawd! Whut I goin’
got something for you. (Holds out paper. to do!
porgy looks at it in alarm, policeman sporting life (taking command of the
speafs find/y.) You needn’t he afraid to situation). Listen to me! Yo’ do jus’ as I
take it. It’s just a summons as a witness say an’ yo’ won't hab’ to look on he face.
at the coroner’s inquest. All you’ve got porgy. What I do, Sporting Life?
to do is view the body and tell the coroner sporting life. Get busy, yo’ niggers.
who it is. We gots to get Porgy out ob here! Get
(porgy is suddenly terror-stridden. His de goat, Scipio. Here, Mingo! Yo’ stan’
voice shakes.) by to gib’ me a han’ wid Porgy.
porgy. I gots to go an' look on Crown’s bess. Don’ yo’ go, Porgy! He can’t get
face? away!
policeman. Yes, that’s all. He gots to get away or
sporting life.
porgy. Wid all dem w’ite iolks lookin’ dey’llhang um sure.
at me? porgy. Oh, Gawd!
Oh, cheer up! I reckon
policeman. (scipio has brought the goat cart, sport-
you’ve seen a dead nigger bciore. It 11 be ing life: and minco are lifting porgy in
all over in a few minutes. white he moans with terror and mutters
(bess appears in doorway, listening, her unintelligibly.)
eyes wide with horror.) sporting life. No, listen! Make straight
porgy. Derc ain’t goin’ to be no nigger for Bcdcns Alley. When yo’ gets dere, turn
in dat room ccpt me? in an' lie low.

P ORGY 439

mingo. Bedcns Alley too far. He'll neber doors.)

make it. first policeman. Racing the wagon!
sporting life. Shut up, Mingo. I’m That’s good!
runnin’ dis. All right, Porgy, light out! (They start toward gate.)
maria. Quick! Start um! second policeman (laying a hand on
bess. Make um run! the other’s arm). Say, let him get a start.
(The clang of the patrol wagon bell is (They double up with laughter.) This is
heard approaching rapidly. The Negroes going to be good!
stand as though paralyzed with terror.) first policeman. Here, you niggers!
mingo. Here dey is! Get away from the gate. (The Negroes
bess. Oh, Gawd! It’s too late now! stand bac\. He opens gate.) Come on
sporting life. No, it ain't. Here, yo’ now! We’re off!
niggers, get um in dere! (They run out gate, still shouting with
(Directs them to the archway. They drive laughter. They run off right. The Negroes
the goat through, then mass m front of press close about gate to watch.
archway, hiding porgy from view. The clang of the patrol wagon bell is

sporting life saunters across the court as heard as the vehicle sets off at top speed.)
though he had nothing to do with the af- annie. Oh, Gawd! Dey’ll get um!
fair, and awaits developments. maria. Ef he can jus’ git ’round de
The patrol bells rings more slowly as the corner!
wagon slows down, then comes to a stop lily. — Mebby dey won’t fin’ um.
at left of gate just out of view. bess (turning hopelessly away). ’Tain’t
The policeman again comes in at gale. no use. (The tension in the crowd of
Loo\s toward porcy’s door. Crosses to it watchers suddenly relaxes, and their faces
abruptly. Throws it open.) assume hopeless expressions.) Dey got
policeman. Hey, you there! (Runs to um?
gate. Calls.) Jim! The fool’s trying to lily. Yeh. Dey got um.
make a get-away! Come (Turns to on! serena. Dey putting him an’ de goat
the Negroes.) Where did he go? (They all two in de wasion.
loo!{ at him with blan/{ faces.) All right! (bess sits hopelessly on her doorstep. The
(Starts for porcy’s door.) (The second other Negroes return to their various
policeman enters from left.) You take rooms and tas/(s. sporting life saunters
that side, Jim. I'll take this. (Goes into across court and sits down on step by
porcy’s room.) BESS.
(second policeman goes through serena’s The stage is darkening. A light appears
door. As soon as both policemen are out in a window.)
of sight, the Negroes beckon to porgy, bess. Oh, Gawd! Dey goin’ carry um
who drives from archway and quickly to look on Crown’ face!
toward gate. sporting LIFE (laughing). Don’ yo’
The shutters of an upper window are worry none ’bout dat, Sistuh. Dat nigger
thrown open, and the first policeman ain’t a witness now. Dey goin’ lock um
lool(s out.) up in de jail.
policeman. Hey, you! What d'you mingo (at gate). Dat’s de truth Dey
think you’re doing? (porgy leans forward done turn tie wagon round toward de jail.
and wrings the goat’s tail. The astonished bess. Well, dat bettcr'n maltin’ um look
animal leaps forward and goes out gate on Crown. (Fearfully.) Not for long,
at a run.) Jim! (The second policeman Sportin’ Life?
throws open shutters of room opposite sporting LIFE (sympathetically). No,
and leans from window.) Look there! not for long. Jus’ a yeah, mebby.
(Points to porgy as he disappears off left.) A
(Both policemen burst itno peals of sporting life. Contempt ob court
laughter. dat’s a serious (bess drops her
The Negroes follow to gate, pushing it face into her hands.) Jus’ like I tol’ yo’.
shut, looking out through bars.) Nobody home now but Bess an’ ole
second policeman. He must want to Sportin’ Life.
have a race. bess.I ain’t gots no time fo’ yo’.

(The two policemen leave the windows sporting life (laughing). Fo’ sho’ yo’
and a minute later conic running from has. Yo jus’ gots nice little vacation now
fo’ play ’round wid yo’ ole frien’. Con- (sporting life watches her till she has
tempt ob court —dat serious offence. Dat reached her doorstep.)
nigger ain’t be back heah fo’ a yeah- sporting life {in a low voice, not in-
bess {alarmed). Sportin’ Life, yo’ ain’t tended for maria to hear). You don’ know
t’ink dey puts Porgy up fo’ a yeah? happy dus’.
sporting life. A
yeah for sho’. Cheer (maria' does not hear. Goes into shop;
up, Sistuh! Gib’ me yo’ han’. {He takes closes door, sporting life continues to
her hand. She is too preoccupied to resist.) wait. St. Michael’s chimes the half hour.)
Ole Sportin’ Life got de stuff fo’ scare
away de lonesome blues.
{Pours powder into her hand, bess loo\s
Scene III
down at it.)
bess. Happy dus’l {Gazes at the powder chimes. Two o’clock • The court is as
with fascinated horror.) I ain’t want none usual, except that porgy’s door and shut-
ob dat stuff, I tells yo’. ters are closed.Negroes are coming and
sporting life. Ain’t nuff ter hurt er going about their tasks-
flea. and mingo sit at maria’s
peter, lily,
bess. Take dat stuff away, nigger! {But table. She
busy serving them, scipio is

she continues to hold it in her hand.) playing near the gate, serena sits near
sporting life. Jus’ a little touch fo’ ole her door rocking a baby in her arms and
time’ sake, (bess suddenly claps her hand singing, “Hush little baby, don’t you cry."
over her face. When she ta/{es it away, maria goes into her shop.
it is empty, sporting life smiles with porgy drives up outside the gate and
satisfaction.) Dat de t’ing, ain’t it? An’ calls softly to scipio. His air is one of
’membuh, dere’s plenty more where dat mystery.
come from. Dere’s a boat to Noo Yo’k to- porgy. Here, Scipio! Here Porgy back
morruh an’ I’m goin’. {Pauses signifi- from jail. Open de gate an’ don’t make
cantly. bess says nothing.) Why yo’ such no noise.
a fool, Bess? What yo’ goin’ to do a (scipio goes reluctantly to gate, opens it,

whole yeah here by yo’self? Now’s yo’ and leads the goat serena looks up,
chance. sees porgy, stops singing in the middle of
(bess leaps to her feet, her eyes blazing. a bar, and hunches over the baby as though
She glares at sporting life with contempt to hide it. Various Negroes about the
and hatred.) court look U P> sce h im and go silently >

Yo’ low, crawlin’ houn’l Git ’way

bess. into their rooms.
from my door, I tell you’! Lef it, yo’! Rat- porgy is too preoccupied with his secret
tlesnake! Dat’s whut yo’ is! Rattlesnake! to notice anything. He drives over and
{While she berates him, sporting life stops beside maria’s table, lily, peter, and
lights a cigarette, continues to sit on mingo half rise, then see that it is too late
step.) to escape,and resume their seats.)
sporting life. Rave on, Sistuh! But I’ll porgy {in a joyous but guarded voice).
be right here when yo’ is wantin’ dat Shhh, don’t nobody let on yet dat I is
second shot. home again. I gots a surprise for Bess,
(bess runs suddenly past him into her an’ I ain’t want she to know till I gots
room. Slams door behind her. sporting eberyt’ing ready. {He
does not notice that
life sits smiling to himself and leisurely the others are silent and embarrassed and, ,

blowing smoke rings.) reaching into the wagon, commences to

(maria comes to her doorway. Sees him. remove packages, talking volubly all the
Crosses to him.) time. He unwraps
a harmonica and hands
maria{contemptuously). What yo’ it Here, boy. T’row away dat
to scipio.)
waitin’ ’round here for? ole mout’ organ you gots an’ start in on
sporting life. Jus’ waitin’. {Smol^es dis one. See, he gots picture ob brass band
contentedly.) on um. Work on dat, an’ fus’ t’ing dat
maria. What yo’ t’ink yo’ goin’ to get? yo’ know, be playin’ wid de orphans.

SPORTING LIFE {with shrug of sllOul- {He turns to lily.) Here, gal, hoi’ up
ders ). Uummmmmm —jus’ waitin’. yo’ head. Dat’s right. I nebber did like
maria {turning scornfully away). Yo’ dem ole funeral bonnet Peter buy fo’ yo’.

don’ know Bess. {Recrosses to her shop.) {Unwraps a gorgeous, feather-trimmed


hat and hands it to her.) Now get under- ain’t wants by weself.
to be jus’
neat’ dat, an’ make all de red bird and {They continue to withdraw. He looks
de blue jay jealous. about him in growing surprise, and dis-
(lily takes hat, but is unable to speak covers serena hunched up silently over
her than\s. porgy is hurrying on, and the baby.)
does not notice this. He opens a package Why, hello! Dere’s Serena. Yo’ sho’
and shades out a gay dress, then lays it work fas’, Sistuh. I ain’t been gone a
on the table.) week, an’ yo’ done gots a new baby.
Now, de style for Bess. She is one
dat’s (serena rises hurriedly exposing baby ,

gal what always look good in red. ( He for first time.) Here, hold on. Let me
opens a hat and places it beside the dress.) see dat chile. Dat’s Bess’s baby, ain’t it?
I reckon 1 is de ius’ nigger anybody roun’ Where yo’ get um? Where Bess, any-
here ebber see what go to jail po’, an’ how? She ain't answer me.
leabe dere rich. But Porgy’ luck ridin’ serena {calling). Maria, come out dat
high now. Ain’t nuttin’ can stop um. cookshop. Here Porgy come home. You
When de buckra search me in de jail, I gots to talk wid um.
all de time gots my lucky bones in my (porgy drives to his own door.)

mout’ see! an time I get settle’ in my porgy. Bess! Ain’t
dere, Bess? yo’
new boardin’ house, I start to go right (maria comes her doorway, porgy turns
t’rough dem odder crap-shootin’ nigger’ to her, his eyes wide with alarm.) Where’s
like Glory Hallelujah. Bess? (maria sits on her doorstep, porgy
{He takes a package from the cart, opens turns his goat and drives over to her.)
it, and holds up a baby dress.) Tell me quick. Where’s Bess? (maria
Now, ain’t dis de t’ing! Course, de baby does not answer.) Where? Where?
ain’t really big ’nough for wear dress yet, maria {trying to put on a bold face).
but he goin’ grow fas’. You watch, he Ain’t we tell yo’ all along, Porgy, dat
goin’ be in dat dress by de fus’ frost. ’oman ain’t fit for yo’?
{Continues his story.) Yes, suh! dere porgy {frantically). I ain’t ask yo’ opin
warn’t no stoppin’ dem bones. Dey jus’ ion. Where’s Bess? {They all shrink from
gone whoopin’ right though dat jail, telling him. Each evades, trying to leave
a-pullin’ me after ’em. And den, on de it to the others.)
las’ day, de big buckra guard hear ’bout maria. Dat dirty dog Sportin’ Life make
it, an’ he come an’ say I gots to gib up us all t’ink yo’ up for a yeah.
is lock
de bones. But I been seein’ um roll wid porgy. Won’t somebody tell me, where
de jailer in de watch house, an’ I know Bess?
he weakness. I ask dat buckra if he ain’t serena. Bess very low in she min’ ’cause
likes me to teach um how to sing lucky she t’ink yo’ is gone for a yeah. {Pauses,
to de bones ’fore I gib’ dem up, an’ ’fore unable to come to the point.)
he git ’way I done gone t’rough um for porgy. But I home now. I want to tell

t’ree dollar an’ seben cent an’ dis shirt. she I is here.
{He proudly exhibits shirt that he is wear- serena. She gone back to de happy dus’
ing. His purchases are now all spread out an’ de red eye. She been very drunk two
on the table, and he looks from them to day’.
the faces of the Negroes.) porgy. But where she now? I ain’t care
Now it time to call Bess. Oh, Bess. Here if she was drunk. I want she now.
Porgy come home. lily. Dat houn’ Sportin’ Life was for-
{There is a moment of absolute silence. eber hangin’ ’round and gettin’ she to take
lily gets to her feet, buries her face in her more dope.
hands, and runs to her room, peter starts porgy {driving again to his own door.
to follow, mingo rises and goes toward Calls). Bess! Bess! Won’t nobody tell

maria’s door.) me
Here, Lily, Peter, Mingo, where you all maria {following him). Ain’t we tell in’
goin’? What de hell kin’ ob a welcome yo’? Dat Houn’ Sportin’ Life
dis for a man what been in jail for a porgy {desperately). I ain’t ask ’bout
week, an’ for de contemp’ ob court at Sportin’ Life.Where Bess?
dat. Oh, now I see. Well, yo’ ain’t gots serena. She gone, Porgy. An’ I done
to min’ Bess an’ me. All de time we wants take dis chile to gib um a Christian
to hah we frien’ wid us. Eben now, we raisin’
porcy. Where she gone? hear we say yo’ can’t find um.
serena. Dat gal ain’t neber had Gawd annie. Ain’t yo’ know Noo Yo’k mos’ a
in she heart, an’ de debit get um at last. t’ousand mile’ from here?
maria. ’Tain’t de debil. De happy dus’ porgy. Which way dat?
done for um. lily (pointing). Up Nort’ past de —
porgy (wildly). You Bess? Yo’ — — ain’t Custom House.
means Bess dead? (porgy turns his goat and drives slowly
serena. She worse dan dead. with lowed head toward the gate.)
lily. Sportin’ Life carry she away on maria. Porgy, I tells yo’ it ain’t no use!
de Noo Yo'k boat. (
They are all silent, lily. Dat great big city. Yo’ can’t find
gazing at porgy. He, too, is silent for a um dere!
moment.) serena. Ain’t we tells you’
porgy. Where dat dey take she? (But porgy is going on toward gate as if
mingo. Noo Yo'k. he did not hear, and they cease to protest
maria. Dat’s way up Nort’. and stand motionless watching him. As
porgy (pointing). It dat way? porgy reaches the gate, scipio silently
maria. It take two days by de boat. Yo’ opens it. porgy drives through and turns
can’t find um. to left, as lily pointed. St. Michael’s
porgy. I ain’t say I can find um. I say, chimes the quarter hour. The gate clangs
where it is? shut.)
maria. Yo’ can’t go after she. Ain’t yo’ curtain

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