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Improved solution for node location The GNA is a local and iterative optimisation method that can be pre-

multilateration algorithms in wireless sented as [2, 5]

sensor networks u(k+1) = u(k) + DT (k) (3)

C. Müller , D.I. Alves, B.F. Uchôa-Filho, R. Machado, with increment given as
L.L. de Oliveira and J.B.S. Martins  −1
D(k) = − JT (k) WJ (k) JT (k) Wf (k) (4)
A modification of the gradient descent method that can be used in mul- T
tilateration algorithms for node location in wireless sensor networks where f W [f1 (u ) · · · fn (u )] with fi (u ) as defined in (2), J is
(k) (k) (k) (k) (k)

(WSNs) is proposed. Through computer simulations, the proposed sol- the Jacobian matrix of f (k) with respect to u(k) , and W W wIn with
ution compares favourably in terms of computational complexity and w W [w1 · · · wn ]T and In is the n-dimensional identity matrix. It
convergence performance with respect to a multilateration method should be mentioned that (4) was also obtained in [6], but following
based on the Gauss–Newton algorithm is shown, which is commonly another procedure.
used for this purpose. The contribution can be useful for multilateration
tasks in real applications based on WSN that have hardware and/or
power constraints.

Introduction: Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have made a great pro- a1
gress in the last decade and are increasingly present in meaningful appli- u*
cations such as security, monitoring, medical, industrial, military, and
many others that due to recent technological developments have û
become much more visible [1, 2]. In several of these applications, a3
knowing the position of the nodes is very important. However, the net- a4
works considered in this kind of applications are usually composed of dˆ3
sensor nodes that have extremely limited resources, such as low proces-
sing and data storage capacities, relatively low transmission rate, and
reduced power supply, which should be taken into account in a
project requirement analysis [1]. Therefore, in networks with hundreds
or even thousands of nodes, it is impossible to have a global positioning
module in all of the units. This is an impracticable solution for node
Fig. 1 Multilateration scenario with four anchor nodes
localisation [2].
Current localisation algorithms used to estimate the unknown node
positions commonly have to perform a multilateration. As a minimum Proposed multilateration algorithm: We are interested in finding a sol-
requirement, a network must have at least three reference nodes, ution as simple as possible to solve the multilateration described before.
named anchor nodes, in order to estimate a position in a two- To this end, in this Letter, we propose a multilateration algorithm based
dimensional space. The multilateration requires the knowledge of the on the GDM, which is known by its simplicity [5]. Unfortunately, the
distances between the anchors and the unknown nodes. These distances GDM suffers from low speed of convergence. Therefore, we propose
can be estimated by following methods such as the ones based on the a modification of the GDM to increase the speed of convergence,
received signal strength indicator (RSSI) [3] and the ones based on making it more suitable for this application.
the propagation time of a radio frequency signal [4]. Due to the inaccur- As an iterative method, the GDM can also be presented as (3) but, in
acy inherent to the distance measurements, the multilateration processes contrast with the GNA, the increment follows the negative gradient
generally require the execution of a non-linear optimisation to obtain the direction of (1), which is given by
best solution. In this Letter, we propose a modification of the gradient D(k) = −aJT (k) Wf (k) (5)
descent method (GDM) for node location in WSNs to achieve a low
complexity (in terms of computational load) and an improved conver- where α is the step size, a real number that must be small enough to
gence performance. ensure that the value of the cost function will decrease after each iter-
ation, and the other variables in (5) are defined in the same way as in
(4). From (4) and (5), one can verify that the computational load per iter-
Problem statement: A multilateration, illustrated in Fig. 1, aims to
ation of the GNA is roughly twice that of the GDM.
provide an estimative (û = [ x̂ ŷ ]) of the unknown node location. To
The step size α in (5) can be optimised at each iteration. There are
this end, the unknown node needs information on the position
several methods to do that and they are usually highly complex [5].
(ai = [ xi yi ]) of n reference nodes and the measured (estimated) dis-
Generally speaking, it is more cost effective to use a less optimised α
tances (d̂i ) between these n anchors and the true location
and concentrate efforts on recalculating the gradient direction.
(u∗ = [ x∗ y∗ ]) of the unknown node. Since these distance measure-
Basically, we propose
ments are inaccurate, we can only obtain an estimated location of the
unknown node by considering a cost function. In this way, according h
a= n (6)
to [4], this multilateration can be calculated in the weighted least-squares i=1 wi
sense by
where η is a constant gain to be optimised. On the other hand, the
  denominator of (6) is dependent on the WSN configuration, and has

the role of providing a compensation for the constancy of the numerator.
û = arg min w2i fi2 (u) (1)
u=[ x y ] i=1
Simulations and discussions: We evaluate by Monte Carlo simulations
the performance of the proposed multilateration algorithm and the GNA.
where For the simulations, we have considered a WSN scenario with a square
 region of side length 100 m, as shown in Fig. 2. The square area was
 2 filled with 100 randomly distributed anchor nodes (shown as large red
fi (u) = (x − xi )2 + y − yi − d̂i (2)
squares) and with a two-dimensional regular grid of unknown nodes
(shown as black dots) uniformly spaced by 2 m from each other. The
and wi are reliability weights associated with the measured distances. simulation results presented along this section were averaged over 100
Such multilateration/optimisation problem is commonly solved by the multilateration calculations performed by all of the unknown nodes.
Gauss–Newton algorithm (GNA) [2]. In effect, the GNA is a modifi- The following considerations were taken into account in our simu-
cation of the Newton’s method [5] particularised to the problem of mini- lations for both the GNA and the proposed algorithm. The number of
mising a sum of squared functions. It can achieve quadratic convergence anchor nodes seen by each unknown node is a parameter (n) that can
without requiring the complex second derivative of Newton’s method. be chosen. The particular anchor nodes participating in the location of

ELECTRONICS LETTERS 23rd June 2016 Vol. 52 No. 13 pp. 1179–1181

an unknown node are exactly those associated with the n lowest esti- for n = 3 and 10. As can be seen in the figure, unlike the GNA, the pro-
mated distances (d̂i ). These distances were estimated through the posed algorithm is quite robust to variations of the range error factor.
RSSI, thus d̂i typically assumes a Gaussian distribution [2]: Moreover, for moderate-to-high range error factor, the proposed algor-
d̂i = N (di , (rdi )2 ), where di is the exact distance between the ithm has a much better convergence performance.
unknown node and the ith anchor, and rdi is the standard deviation of Finally, Fig. 5 compares the ANI of the proposed and the GNA as a
d̂i with range error factor r. Under these considerations, the weight function of the range error factor, for n = 3 and 10. We can see that the
vector is formed by the inverse of the standard deviation (wi = 1/(rdi)) GNA requires fewer iterations for low-to-moderate values of the range
[6]. The stop criterion for the iterative process is: D(k) 2 , 0.01 m error factor. However, since the computational load per iteration of
[2] or a maximum number of iterations equal to 50. Finally, for simpli- the GNA is roughly twice as large as the one of the proposed algorithm,
city, the initial guess for the unknown node location is chosen as the we can conclude that the proposed algorithm has lower computational
geometrical centre of the three closest anchor nodes (according to the complexity for range error factor greater than 0.13.
estimated distances).

average number of iterations

proposed, n = 3
6 GNA, n = 3
proposed, n = 10
60 4 GNA, n = 10
y-axis, m

0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30


Fig. 5 Average number of iterations required for convergence against range

error factor

Conclusion: We have proposed a modification of the gradient descent

0 method in order to obtain a low complexity and an accurate multilatera-
0 20 40 60 80 100 tion algorithm for node localisation in wireless sensor networks.
x-axis, m Through computer simulations, the proposed algorithm has been com-
pared to the well-known Gauss–Newton algorithm in terms of compu-
Fig. 2 Simulated scenario tational complexity and convergence performance. The simulations
revealed that the proposed algorithm has better convergence properties
Furthermore, in all simulations, we declared a convergence error and lower computational load in the presence of significant range
whenever the final estimated location deviated from the optimal location error, which is the case when the RSSI are used to estimate the distances
by more than 1 m. The optimal position was taken as the one produced between nodes. Therefore, we believe that the proposed multilateration
with the minimisation in (1), which can be obtained with the Matlab algorithm can be useful in node location applications, contributing to
function fminsearch. We should mention that, in the simulation results reduce power consumption while still maintaining a good location
of Figs. 3 and 5, the cases in which a convergence error occurred precision.
have been discarded.
Acknowledgment: The authors thank the Brazilian agencies CAPES and
26 CNPq for the financial support.
average number of iterations

n = 3, r = 0.05
n = 3, r = 0.3
22 n = 3, for all r
n = 10, r = 0.05 © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2016
n = 10, r = 0.3
18 n = 10, for all r Submitted: 11 March 2016 E-first: 16 May 2016
16 doi: 10.1049/el.2016.0688
14 One or more of the Figures in this Letter are available in colour online.
12 C. Müller and D.I. Alves (Federal University of PAMPA – UNIPAMPA,
Alegrete, RS, 97546-550, Brazil)
1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 ✉ E-mail:
B.F. Uchôa-Filho (Federal University of Santa Catarina – UFSC,
Fig. 3 Average number of iterations required for convergence against η Florianópolis, SC, 88040-900, Brazil)
R. Machado, L.L. de Oliveira and J.B.S. Martins (Federal University of
0.6 Santa Maria – UFSM, Santa Maria, RS, 97105-900, Brazil)
convergence error rate

proposed, n = 3
0.5 GNA, n = 3
0.4 proposed, n = 10 References
GNA, n = 10
0.3 1 Akyildiz, I.F., Weilian, S., Sankarasubramaniam, Y., and Cayirci, E.: ‘A
0.2 survey on sensor networks’, IEEE Commun. Mag., 2002, 40, (8),
0.1 pp. 102–124
0 2 Guo, H., Low, K.-S., and Nguyen, H.A.: ‘Optimizing the localization of a
0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 wireless sensor network in real time based on a low-cost microcontrol-
ler’, IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., 2011, 58, (3), pp. 741–749
3 Bahl, P., and Padmanabhan, V.N.: ‘RADAR: an in-building RF-based
Fig. 4 Convergence error rate against range error factor user location and tracking system’. Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, Tel Aviv,
Israel, March 2000, vol. 2, pp. 775–784
The first simulation result, in Fig. 3, considers the average number of 4 Turin, G.L., Jewell, W.S., and Johnston, T.L.: ‘Simulation of urban
iterations (ANI) required for convergence for the proposed method as a vehicle-monitoring systems’, IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., 1972, 21, (1),
function of the parameter η, for n = 3 and 10 and r ranging from 0.05 to pp. 9–16
0.3, in steps of 0.05 [2]. Only the extreme cases of r = 0.05 and r = 0.3 5 Bertsekas, D.P.: ‘Nonlinear programming’ (Athena Scientific, Belmont,
and the average over the entire range of r are shown in the figure. The MA, USA, 1999, 2nd edn.)
6 Niculescu, D., and Nath, B.: ‘Error characteristics of ad hoc positioning
results reveal that η = 1.5 is close to optimal regardless of the configur-
systems (APS)’. Proc. of MobiHoc, NY, USA, 2004, pp. 20–30
ation. So, this value is adopted in all upcoming simulations.
The second result, as shown in Fig. 4, compares the convergence error
rate of the proposed and the GNA as a function of the range error factor,

ELECTRONICS LETTERS 23rd June 2016 Vol. 52 No. 13 pp. 1179–1181

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