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(Jenny) Yan Xin Zhu 300 192 123

Sarc 162 (Jenny) Yan Xin Zhu 300 192 123 July/ Aug. 2010

(Jenny) Yan Xin Zhu 300 192 123

Week 1

The plan presents a very clear methodical layout rooms and spaces in the building. However, to an average observer (i.e. myself, in this case), not all of these spaces are experienced or known to me. Thus Ive chosen to adapt the plan so it shows only the spaces I know of and explored, while blacking out the areas that is still unknown.

(Jenny) Yan Xin Zhu 300 192 123

(Jenny) Yan Xin Zhu 300 192 123

(Jenny) Yan Xin Zhu 300 192 123

Week 2

(Jenny) Yan Xin Zhu 300 192 123

One idea that struck me was how space and context could be suggested by very minimal gestures. The persons posture, their size relative other people in the composition, how much of them are seen; these can all invoke the distance between the spaces, and also objects within it.

(Jenny) Yan Xin Zhu 300 192 123

From a brief look at the works of Peter Zumthor in week 1, I was struck by his idea of lighting his buildings from the inside out, which is, in a way, is how I saw my explorative plan drawings. I decided to take this idea further, and tried to draw this physical movement/exploration through light paintings. An interesting aspect Ive found regarding this process is that the light not only created strokes from my movements, but it also lit up the surroundings. Which gave off the idea of coming to know your surroundings as you made your way through it.

Source: Zumthor, Peter. Lecture. Kunstscheune, Wendlinghausen Castle, Wege durch das Land Festival of Literature and Music in East-Westphalia-Lippe. 1 June 2003. Germany: Birkhauser. 2006

(Jenny) Yan Xin Zhu 300 192 123

I chose to develop the second idea and apply it into the space of the atrium.

(Jenny) Yan Xin Zhu 300 192 123

The movement of a persons walk essentially drew series of sine waves that were irregular in the third dimension. One aspect I found fascinating was how the light was picked up by the glass panes on the exhibition boxes, thus creating a series of planes. These two ideas I will explore further in week 3. Another concept I found that could be interesting is to attempt to map the a series of plans to show the progression into the known over time. This would be an interesting concept to incorporate into my week 5 drawing.

(Jenny) Yan Xin Zhu 300 192 123

(Jenny) Yan Xin Zhu 300 192 123

Week 3
I looked into cubism and 4th dimensional geometry as a foundation for this week. I found that the cubist idea of multiple planes of view in one drawing could be incorporated into my idea exploration and my current fascination with planes and movement. This weeks model was loosely based upon Tony Robins Quasicrystal in Denmark Technical University in 1994 (64). It is built up by various quadrilaterals lattices to create a form that appears radically different when viewed at different angles.

Source: Robbin, Tony. Shadows of Reality:The Fourth Dimension in Relativity, Cubism, and Modern Thought. New Haven:Yale University Press. 2006

(Jenny) Yan Xin Zhu 300 192 123

Despite being made up of lots of quadrilaterals, this form still has a sense of fluidity and directional movement. This is further highlighted by the use of OHP transparencies that has the light drawings from week 2 slotted into a few quadrilateral planes, the images upon it corresponds with which directional plane are you viewing the form from. The form is designed so that it appears to be only a segment of a movement cycle. Thus it could be repeated to show a continuous movement.

(Jenny) Yan Xin Zhu 300 192 123

(Jenny) Yan Xin Zhu 300 192 123

Week 4

(Jenny) Yan Xin Zhu 300 192 123

In this weeks exercise, I mapped out the journey between my residence to School of Architecture and Design Campus. I approached this by fragmenting the map into a series of zones and arranged them in the order of heights above sea level/relative steepness. Then highlighting points of interests that causes me to stop: e.g. stores and views.

(Jenny) Yan Xin Zhu 300 192 123

(Jenny) Yan Xin Zhu 300 192 123

Week 5

Week 1 Week 2

Week 3

(Jenny) Yan Xin Zhu 300 192 123

(Jenny) Yan Xin Zhu 300 192 123

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