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TAREA N° 01 - PÁGINA 67- D

MAKE IT PERSONAL Write captions for potos 1-3. Write a warning

and a promise for each and share with the class. Whit is the best caption?


Be careful if you are
I promise to teach
going to cross the track,
you how to cross the
there are many cars that
track so that no car
pass through here, they
hits you.
can hit you.

Be careful, when playing If you do what I tell

the trumpet do it slowly. you, I promise to go
Don't do it near me, for a walk and eat ice
because it can affect my cream.
Be careful, stay away
If you listen to me, I
from there, don't play
promise to take you
with those cables, it's
to the park to play on
very dangerous. You can
the swings with your
get hurt.

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