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BLOOD | CHAPTER 11 (threadlike proteins that forms blood

FUNCTION OF BLOOD ● Serum – plasma without the clotting
● The heart pumps blood through blood factors
vessel that extend throughout the body. Water Acts as solvent and suspending medium I
Blood helps maintain homeostasis in blood components
several ways:
Proteins Maintains osmotic pressure, destroy
1. Transport of gases, nutrients, and foreign substances, transport molecules
waste product and form clots
2. Transport of processed molecules
3. Transport of regulatory molecules Ions Involved in osmotic pressure,
4. Regulation of pH and homeostasis membrane potentials, and
acid-base balance
5. Maintenance of body temperature
6. Protection against foreign Nutrients Source of energy and building block
7. Clot formation Gases Aerobic respiration (oxygen and
Waste Breakdown of protein metabolism
● Blood is a type of connective tissue that products and RBC
consist of a liquid matrix containing cells
Regulatory Catalyze chemical reaction and
and cell fragments substances stimulate or inhibit many body
● Plasma – liquid matrix; – 55% of the
total blood volume
● Formed elements – cell fragments;
● Total blood volume is about 4 to 5 ● Plasma volume and composition remain
liters in an average adult female relatively constant
● Total blood volume is about 5 to 6 ● Water intake through the digestive
liters in an average adult male matches water loss through kidney, lungs,
● Blood makes up to 8% of the total body digestive tract, and skin
weight ● Oxygen and CO2 are important gases;
oxygen enters blood in lungs and CO2
PLASMA enetr the blood in tissue
● Concentration of these substance in the
● Pale yellow fluid that consist of 91% of
blood is also regulated and maintained
water, 7% proteins, and 2% other
within narrow limit
components such as ions, nutrients, gases
and wastes. FORMED ELEMENTS 45% of total composition of
● Contains dissolve plasma; plasma proteins
includes albumin, globulins, and
▪ Albumin – 58% of the plasma protein;
plays a major role in stabilizing
extracellular fluid volume by HEMATOPOIESIS – process that produces formed
contributing to oncotic pressure elements; continuous process
(known also as colloid osmotic
pressure) of plasma. ▪ In fetus, it occurs in several tissues like
▪ Globulins – 38% of plasma protein; liver, thymus, spleen, lymph nodes and
such as antibodies and complement red bone marrow
are part of immune system. Transport ▪ After birth, it occurs primarily in red
molecules; protein plasma binds to bone marrow
molecules such as hormones and carry ● All formed elements of blood are derived
them in the blood throughout the from a single population of cells called
body. Clotting factors; formation of hematopoietic stem cells or
blood clot. hemocytoblast
▪ Stem cells differentiate to give 2 types:
▪ Fibrinogen – clotting factor that
● Myeloid stem cells – most formed
constitute 4%of plasma proteins.
elements are derived
● Lymphoid stem cells – rise of
● Activation of clotting factors result to lymphocytes
conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin
● CO2 is produced in tissues and
transported through blood to lungs,
it involves transport of bicarbonate
ions, hemoglobin and plasma.
● 70 % of Co2 in blood transported in
a form of bicarbonate ions; the
- Red blood cell/erythrocytes – the most enzyme carbonic anhydrase found
abundant which is the 95% of all inside the RBC, catalyzes a
formed elements reaction of CO2 and H2O into
▪ Disk shaped and biconcave; hydrogen ion and bicarbonate
biconcave shape of RBC increase cell ions
surface allowing gases to move into ● The remaining 30 % of CO2
and out of RBC transported in 2 ways: (1) bound to
▪ Move through capillaries, they change proteins and (2) dissolve in the
shape; they fold and bend around thin plasma. 23% of the CO2 in blood is
centers thereby decreasing in size and transported bound to hemoglobin
passing more easily through small or proteins. 7% of Co2 ids
vessel. Biconcave shape RBC improve transported dissolve in plasma
blood flow in larger capillaries
Life history of RBC
▪ During development, RBC lose nuclei
ad most organelles resulting to unable ● 2.5 million of RBC
to divide; anucleate destroyed every second
▪ RBC live for about 120 days in male and new RBC cells are
and 110 for females produce rapidly
▪ 1/3 of RBC volume is pimgmented ● Stem cell produce
protein hemoglobin, responsible for proerythroblasts, which
the cell’s red color give rise to the RBC line. It
involves a series of cell
Function division
● The process of cell
● Transport O2 from lungs to various tissues division that produces
and help transport of CO2 from tissues to new RBC requires B
the lungs vitamin folate and b12,
● Oxygen transport is accomplish necessary for the synthesis
when O2 enters RBC and binds to of DNA. Iron for
hemoglobin. Each hemoglobin production of
consist of 4 protein chains and 4 hemoglobin
heme groups. There are 2 alpha ● RBC regulated to
globin and 2 beta globin; each ensure homeostatic
globin associated with 1 heme levels; low blood O2
each. levels stimulate RBC
production by releasing
♦ Heme is a red pigmented
molecules; contains 1 iron atom
erythropoietin by kidneys
which reversibly bind to an
▪ Erythropoietin
oxygen molecule. stimulates red bone
● Hemoglobin picks O2 in lungs and marrow to produce more
release to other tissues RBC
♦ Hemoglobin that is bound to ▪ When blood
O2 is bright red O2 decreases, the
♦ Hemoglobin without bound to production of
O2 is dark red erythropoietin increase
● 98.5% of the O2 transported in which result to production
blood is bound to hemoglobin, of RBC production to red
1.5% of O2 is dissolved in plasma bone marrow.
● O2 is the primary molecule that ● Iron recycling
binds to hemoglobin but other ● When RBCs become old, abnormal and
molecules can be bind like carbon damaged, they are removed from the
blood by macrophages.
monoxide. Prolonged exposure to
● Within the macrophage, the globin is
carbon monoxide can cause
broken down into amino acids that are
nausea, headache,
reused to produce other proteins.
unconsciousness and death
● Iron released from the heme is transported (10-12 hrs) then move to other
to the red bone marrow and used to tissue and phagocytize
produce new hemoglobin. microorganism and foreign
● The heme molecules are converted into substance. Dead neutrophils, cell
bilubrin. debris, and fluid can accumulate
● Bilubrin – yellow pigment molecule;brown as pus at site of infection.
color ● Basophils - least common, contains
● If the liver is not functioning normally, or
large cytoplasmic granules. This
flow of bile is hindered = bilubrin builds up
release histamine and other
and produces jaundice
chemicals that promote
● Jaundice – yellowish color to the skin
● Converted bilubrin into other pigments = inflammation and release of
brown color in feces + yellow color in urine heparin prevents the formation of
- White blood cell/ leukocytes – 5% of the clots.
volume of formed elements ● Eosinophils - contains cytoplasmic
▪ Spherical cells that lack hemoglobin; granules and have 2 lobes of
WBC as well as platelets make up buffy nucleus. This involve in
coat, a thin white layer of cells inflammatory response in allergies
between plasma and RBC and asthma. Destroy worm
▪ WBC are larger than RBC and ithas parasites
nucleus ▪ There are two kinds of agranulocytes
▪ WBC are components of blood, blood ● Lymphocytes – smallest of WBC;
serves as primarily as a means of consist of only thin and
transporting these cells of other body imperceptible ring around the
tissues nucleus. There are a lot of varies
▪ WBC can leave the blood and travel types of lymphocytes which plays
by ameboid movement thru tissues, this an important role in body immune
process the cell projects a cytoplasmic system response. Antibodies and
extension that attaches in an object. other chemicals destroy
▪ 2 function of WBC microorganisms, contribute to
● to protect the body against allergic reaction, reject grafts,
invading microorganism and other control tumors, and regulate
pathogens immune system
● to remove dead cells and debris ● Monocytes - largest WBC; after
from the tissue by phagocytosis leaving the blood, they enter
▪ there are multiple types of WBC, tissues as they enlarge and
named according to its appearance became macrophages.
● granulocytes – large cytoplasmic phagocytize bacteria, dead cells,
granules cell fragments; can breakdown
● agranulocytes – very small granules phagocytized foreign substance
that cannot be seen easily ● Platelets/thrombocytes – cell fragments;
consist of small amount of cytoplasm
surrounded by a cell membrane. Produce
in red bone marrow from large cells called
▪ Small fragments break off from the
megakaryocytes and enter the blood
as platelets
▪ Platelets plays an important role in
preventing blood loss

Red blood cell are 700 times more numerous that

white blood cell and 17 times more numerous
than the platelets


▪ There are three kinds of granulocytes
● Neutrophils – common type; have When blood vessel is damage, loss of blood is
small cytoplasmic granules. Their minimized by three processes:
nuclei are lobed with number of
lobes varying from 2 to 4. This - Vascular spasm
remains in blood for short time
▪ An immediate but temporary ● Prothrombinase production; it has 2
constriction of blood vessels ways: (A) Inactive clotting factors
▪ Constriction can close small vessels due to exposed connective tissue
completely and stop the flow of blood result to activate or (B)
through them Thromboplastin, release from
▪ Vascular spasm can stimulated by injured tissues causes activation.
chemicals released by cells of the ● Series of activation of clotting
damage blood vessel by platelets factors occurs.
● Platelets release Thromboxanes – ● Thombin production:
derived from certain Prothrombinase / Prothrombin
prostaglandins and Endothelin- activator is formed.
endothelial cells lining blood ● Prothrombinase converts
vessels. Both substance stimulate prothrombin (inactive CF) to
vascular spasm thrombin (active CF).
- Platelet plug formation ● Fibrin production; Thrombin
● An accumulation of platelets that converts fibrinogen (inactive CF) to
can seal up a small break in blood fibrin (active CF).
vessels ● Each CF activates many additional
● Maintains the integrity of the CF resulting in formation of a clot.
circulatory system ♦ Vitamin K & Ca – required for
I. Platelet adhesion – platelets stick to clot formation
the collagen exposed by blood vessel ♦ Sources of vit. K – diet +
damage bacteria within the large
● Von Willebrand factor – protein intestine
produced and secreted by blood
vessel endothelial cells; forms a bridge CONTROL OF CLOT FORMATION
bet. Collagen and platelets by binding - Without control, clotting would spread
to platelet surface receptors and from the point of its initiation throughout
collagen the blood vessel. Blood contains:
II. Platelet release reaction – platelets ▪ Anticoagulants – prevent CF from
release chemicals (ADP and forming clots under normal condition
thromboxane) that activate other ● Example, Antithrombin & Heparin
platelets inactivate thrombin. w/o thrombin,
● Fibrinogen receptors – surface fibrinogen not be converted to
receptors that bind to fibrinogen fibrin and no clots will form.
III. Platelet aggregation – fibrinogen forms ● Unwanted clots form, platelets
bridges be. The fibrinogen receptors of encounter damage or diseased
numerous platelets areas of blood vessel or heart wall,
- Blood clotting / Coagulation an attached clot called thrombus
▪ Blood vessel severely damage, blood and embolus moves through the
clotting results to formation of blood blood vessels until it reaches a
clot (Clot – traps blood cells, platelets, vessel that is too small, the blood
and fluid)( Fibrin – a network of flow is stopped may cause death.
threadlike protein fibers) ● Abnormal blood clotting may be
▪ Clotting factors - Formation of blood prevented by anticoagulant such
clot depends on number of proteins as heparin, warfarin and
found in plasma Coumadin
▪ Stages of clot formation

- Clot retraction – a clot begins to condense

into a more compact structure
- Fibrinolysis – process wherein clots are
♦ Plasminogen – inactive plasma
protein converted form Plasmin
♦ Tissue plasminogen activator
(t-PA) – stimulate the
conversion of plasminogen to
plasmin and plasmin slowly ▪ Antibodies in the donor’s blood can
breaks to fibrin react with antigens on the recipient’s
- Heart attack – results when a clot blocks RBCs
blood vessels that supply the heart ▪ Donor – person who gives blood
- Aspirin & Anticoagulant therapies – ▪ Recipient – person who receives blood
prevent heart attacks ▪ Universal Donor = type O blood –
- Plasmin activators – quickly dissolve the misleading
clot and restore blood flow to cardiac
- Streptokinase – a bacterial enzyme used - First studied in the rhesus monkey
to dissolve clots - Can occur through
BLOOD GROUPING ▪ Transfusion
▪ Transfer of blood across the placenta
- Transfusion (out) – transfer of blood/blood to a mother from her fetus
components form one individual to - Rh-positive – have Rh antigens on the
another surface of RBCs
- Infusion (in) – introduction of fluids other - Rh-negative – don’t have Rh antigens\
than blood (saline, glucose) into the blood - Antibodies against Rh Antigens may occur
- Transfusion reactions – clumping/rupture of depending to if Rh positive exposed to Rh
blood cells and clotting within blood Negative, vice-versa.
vessels; unsuccessful transfuse of blood - Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn (HDN)
- Antigen – molecules on the surfaces of Erythroblastosis fetalis
RBCs and Antibodies – proteins in plasma ▪ Pregnant person is Rh positive and her
- Antibodies binds to antigen; in a specific baby is an Rh negative fetus
or certain antigen only forms molecular ▪ Mother produces anti-Rh antibodies
bridges that connects RBC together that cross the placenta and cause
- As a result of Agglutination – clumping of agglutination and hemolysis of fetal
cells RBCs
- Combination of antibodies with antigen ▪ Doesn’t occur in first pregnancy
may initiate a reaction of Hemolysis – ▪ Arises in later pregnancies
rupture of blood cells; cause severe tissue - Rho (D) immune globulin (RhoGAM)
damage –prevention of HDN that contains
- Hemogloblin release from lysed RBC that antibodies against Rh antigens; inactivates
may cause damage to kidney the fetal Rh antigens and prevents
sensitization of the mother
Antigens on the surface of RBC have been
categorized into blood groups; ABO and Rh blood DIAGNOSTIC BLOOD TEST
groups – most important in transfusion reactions
- Blood typing – determines the ABO and Rh
blood groups of a blood sample
▪ Cells are separated from the plasma
and tested with known antibodies to
determine the type of antigen on the
cell surface.
- Crossmatch – donor’s blood cells are
mixed with the recipient’s serum + donor’s
serum is mixed with the recipient’s cells;
safe = no agglutination occurs in both


- Analysis of blood that provides useful info

▪ ABO blood group system used to
- Consists of RBC count, hemoglobin +
categorized human blood
hematocrit measurements, WBC count
▪ Antibodies are present in the plasma
of blood and part of the body defense
system and interact with specific
▪ Mismatching other blood groups can
1. Red Blood Count
cause transfusion reactions
- Can be performed electronically with
machine or manually by microscope
- Male – 4.6-6.2 M RBCs/microliter of blood 2. Prothrombin Time Measurement
- Female – 4.2-5.4 M/microliter - How long it takes for the blood to start
- Erythrocytosis – overabundance of RBCs clotting
- Erythrocytopenia – deficiency of RBCs ▪ Normally is 9-12 s
- Prothrombin time – determined by adding
2. Hemoglobin Measurement thromboplastin to whole plasma
- Male – 14-18 g/100 mL of blood - Thromboplastin – chemical released from
- Female – 12-16 g/100 Ml injured tissues that starts the process of
- Anemia – abnormally low hemoglobin clotting
measurement - International Normalized Ratio (INR)
▪ Aplastic Anemia – inability of red bone –standardizes time it takes to clot
marrow to produce RBCs BLOOD CHEMISTRY
▪ Iron-deficiency Anemia – deficiency
intake or excessive loss - High blood glucose levels – pancreas is not
▪ Folate deficiency – fewer cell division; producing enough insulin
neural tube defects - High blood urea nitrogen (BUN) – reduced
▪ Pernicious Anemia – inadequate kidney function
vit.B12 or intrinsic function - Increased bilirubin – indicate liver
3. Hematocrit Measurement - High cholesterol levels – risk of
- Through centrifuge cardiovascular disease
- Hematocrit – total blood volume that is
composed of RBCs
- Buffy coat – thin, whitish layer bet. the
plasma and RBCs
- Hematocrit measurement – affected by
no. and size of RBCs

4. White Blood Count

- 5000-9000 white cells per/microliter of
- Leukopenia – lower than normal WBC
- Leukocytosis – abnormally high WBC
- Leukemia – cancer of the red marrow;
abnormal production of one/more WBC
types; immature and can’t function


- Determines % of each of the 5 kinds of

- 60-70% Neutrophils
- 20-25% Lymphocytes
- 3-8% Monocytes
- 2-4% Eosinophils
- 0.5-1% Basophils


1. Platelet count
- 250K – 400K platelets/microliter of blood
- Thrombocytopenia – platelet count is
greatly reduced; caused by decreased
platelet prod. Causing chronic bleeding
It can be caused by decreased platelet
production as a result of hereditary
disorder, lack of vitamins b12, drug
therapy and radiation therapy.

- A muscular organ that pumps blood Pericardium

through the body
- Pumps approx. 5L/min of blood
- Approx. the size of a closed fist
- The heart, blood vessel and the blood
make up the cardiovascular system
- Pulmonary circulation – right side of the
heart pumps blood to the lungs and back
to the left and back to the left side of the
- Systematic circulation – left side of the
heart pumps blood to all other tissue of the
body back to the right side of the heart.

FUNCTION OF THE HEART - Heart lies on pericardial cavity; formed by

pericardium or pericardial sac that
1. Generating Blood Pressure
surround the heart and anchors to
2. Routing blood; separates circulation to
ensure the blood flowing in the tissues has
- Pericardium has 2 layers:
adequate levels of O2
▪ Fibrous pericardium – the outer layer
3. Ensuring one-way blood flow
composed tough, fibrous connective
4. Regulating blood supply
SIZE, FORM, AND LOCATION OF THE HEART ▪ Serous pericardium – inner layer,
consist of epithelial cell
- Adult heart is shaped like a blunt cone and ● Parietal pericardium – blue/ lines
approximately the size of a closed fist the fibrous pericardium
- At the age of 65, heart decreases in size ● Visceral pericardium – red/ covers
- Apex – blunt, rounded point of the heart; surface of heart
directed to the left - Pericardial cavity located betw. Visceral
- Base – larger, flat part at the opposite end and parietal pericardia
of the heart ▪ Thin layer of pericardial fluid produce
- Heart is located in the thoracic cavity by serous pericardium
between two plural cavities that surround ❖ Disorder of pericardium
the lungs - Pericarditis – inflammation of serous
- Mediastinum – midline partition pericardium; cause infection, diseases of
- Pericardial cavity – surrounding cavity of connective tissues or damage due to
the heart (own cavity) radiation. has painful sensation can cause
- Importance of location and shape of the heart attack
Heart - Cardiac tamponade – fatal condition to
▪ To accurately place a stethoscope blood accumulates in the pericardial
▪ To place chest leads for ECG cavity; making heart hard to expand or
▪ To administer CPR (cardiopulmonary pump
External anatomy Heart valves

- Atria – entrance chamber; located at - 2 types of valve

base of heart ▪ Atrioventicular valves
- Left and right Ventricles – cavities; extend ● Located between each atrium
from the base of the heart towards apex and ventricle
- Coronary sulcus – Groove; separates the ● Betw, right atrium and ventricle is
atria from the ventricles tricuspid valve, composed of 3
▪ Anterior interventricular sulcus – cusps or flaps tissue
anterior surface ● Betw. Left atrium and ventricle is
▪ Posterior interventricular sulcus – bicuspid valve or mitral valve
posterior surface ● Allows blood to flow from the atria
- Superior & Inferior vena cava – carry blood into the ventricles;
to the Right Atrium ● Prevents it from flowing back into
- 4 Pulmonary veins – carry blood form the the atria
lungs to the Left Atrium ● Papillary muscles – cone-shaped,
- Pulmonary trunk & aorta – exit the heart muscular pillars; prevents the
- Pulmonary arteries – carry blood to the valves from opening into the atria
lungs ● Chordae tendineae – thin, strong,
- Aorta – carries blood to the rest of the connective tissue strings
body ▪ Semilunar valves
● Located betw. Each ventricle and
Heart Chamber and Internal Anatomy its associated great artery
Heart is a muscular pump consisting of four ● Pulmonary semilunar valves –
chambers: between right ventricle and
pulmonary trunk; blocks blood from
- Right and left atrium flowing back into the ventricles
▪ Receives blood from the veins ● Aortic semilunar valves – betw. Left
▪ Function as reservoirs; where blood ventricle and aorta
returning from veins collects before it ● Cardiac skeleton – a plate of
enter the ventricles connective tissue; electrical
▪ Receives blood in from 3 opening: (A) insulation bet. the atria and the
Superior vena cava (2) inferior vena ventricles; provides rigid
cava (3) coronary sinus attachment site for cardiac muscle
● Superior and inferior vena cava
drain blood most of the body Route of Blood Flow through the Heart
● Coronary sinus drain blood from 1. Deoxygenated blood enters the right
most of heart muscles atrium from systematic circulation through
▪ Interatrial septum – separator of the the superior and inferior vena cava, and
two atria from coronary sinus
- Right and left ventricles 2. Most of the blood that flow at right atrium
▪ Major pumping chambers flows through tricuspid valve and flows to
▪ Ejects blood into the arteries and relaxed right ventricle. Before the end of
forces it to flow through the CS ventricular relaxation, right atrium
▪ Right ventricle pumps blood into contracts enough to pushed blood to right
pulmonary trunk ventricle to complete right ventricular
▪ Left ventricle pumps blood into aorta filling
▪ Interventricular septum – separator of 3. Right atrial contraction, right ventricle
the two ventricles begins to contract pushing blood against
▪ LV ha sthicker wall than RV; LV tricuspid valve, forcing it to close. After
contracts more forcefully and pressure within the right ventricle
generates greater blood pressure (120 increases, the pulmonary semilunar valve
mm Hg);RV pressure increase up to 24 is forced open and blood flows into the
mm Hg. pulmonary trunk. As right ventricle relaxes,
▪ Left and right ventricle pumps blood the pressure in pulmonary trunk becomes
nearly same volume of blood greater resulting for pulmonary semilunar
valve to close.
4. Pulmonary trunk branches to form right - Epicardium/Visceral pericardium
and left pulmonary arteries which carries ▪ Thin, serous membrane forming the
blood to the lungs, where CO2 is release smooth outer surface
and O2 is picked. ▪ Consists of simple squamous epithelium
5. After the pulmonary circulation, overlaying a layer of loose connective
oxygenated blood flow to pulmonary tissue + adipose tissue
6. Most of the blood that flow at left atrium - Myocardium
flows through bicuspid valve and flows to ▪ Composed of cardiac muscles
relaxed left ventricle. Before the end of ▪ Responsible for contraction of the
ventricular relaxation, left atrium contracts heart chambers
enough to pushed blood to left ventricle
to complete left ventricular filling - Endocardium
7. left atrial contraction, left ventricle begins ▪ Simple squamous epithelium over a
to contract pushing blood against layer of connective tissue
bicuspid valve, forcing it to close. After ▪ Allows blood to move easily
pressure within the left ventricle increases, ▪ Forms the heart valves
the aortic semilunar valve is forced open
and blood flows into the aorta. - Trabeculae carneae – ridges and columns
8. Blood flowing through aorta is distributed of cardiac muscle
to all parts of the body except to those
part of lungs supplied by pulmonary blood Cardiac Muscle
vessel - Elongated, branching cells
Blood Supply to the Heart - Two, centrally located nuclei
- Contains actin and myosin myofilaments
- Coronary arteries – supply blood to the that form sarcomeres
wall of the heart; originated in the base of - Rich in mitochondria (produce ATP at
aorta above aortic semilunar valves rapid rate)
⮚ Left coronary artery – left side of aorta; - Relies on Ca2+ and ATP for contraction
supply much of anterior wall of heart and ▪ Actin & Myosin myofilaments –
most of left ventricle responsible for muscle contraction
▪ Anterior interventricular artery – lies in ▪ Organization of A&M myofilaments –
the arterior intreventicular sulcus; blood gives the cardiac muscle a striated
supply to the interventricular septum (banded) appearance
▪ Circumflex artery – extends around the ▪ Intercalated disks – specialized
coronary sulcus on the left to posterior cell-to-cell contacts; greatly increase
contact in between; prevents cells
surface of heart; blood supply to the
form pulling apart
outer side back of the heart.
▪ Gap junctions – specialized cell
▪ Left marginal artery – extends inferiorly
membrane structures; allow cytoplasm
a long lateral wall of the left ventricle
to flow freely bet. Cells
from the circumflex artery; blood
supply to the left side of the heart. Stimulation of The Heart
⮚ Right coronary artery – right side of aorta;
Muscle contraction do not occur unless the
supply most of the wall of right ventricle;
muscle has been stimulated. Cardiac muscle
extend around the coronary sulcus on the
must be stimulated before they contract.
right to posterior surface of heart and
Illustration of heart contraction.
gives rise to the Posterior interventricular
artery 1. Heart is at rest and all chambers are
⮚ Right marginal artery – extends inferiorly relaxed
along the lateral wall of right ventricle 2. Cardiac muscles cell in the atrial wall are
stimulated as action potential spread
Cardiac veins
across atrial wall and toward ventricles
- Drains blood from the cardiac muscle 3. Cardiac muscle cell in atrial wall contract,
- Parallel pathways are nearly to coronary pushing blood to ventricles
arteries and most of them drain blood into 4. Cardiac muscle cell in the ventricular wall
coronary sinus are stimulated as action potential spread
across the ventricular wall from apex of
Histology of the heart heart towards the base
5. Cardiac muscle in the ventricular wall the SA node; contract rapidly and
contract, pushing blood into great arteries independently

(filbrilation – reduces output of the heart to only

few ml of blood per min, occurs to ventricles;
defibrillation – applying strong electrical shock to
Action Potentials in Cardiac Muscles SA to recover and produce action potential. )

- Depolarization phase Electrocardiogram

- Plateau phase – period of slow
- Repolarization phase – achieves its
maximum degree of polarization; returns
to the resting membrane potential
- Refractory period
▪ Allows cardiac muscle to contract and
relax almost completely before
another action potential can be
▪ Prevents tetanic contractions from
▪ Different action potential to other
muscles Electrodes placed on the body surface and
▪ Last longer attached to a recording device can detect the
small electrical changes resulting from action
Conduction System of Heart potential of cardiac muscles
- Contraction of the atria and ventricles is - Normal ECG consist of P wave, QRS
coordinated by specialized cardiac complex and a T wave
muscles in the heart wall that form the - P wave – depolarization of the atrial
conduction system of heart myocardium
- Produce spontaneous action potential - QRS complex – depolarization of the
- It includes: ventricles
▪ Sinoatrial node (SA) – heart’s - T wave – repolarization of ventricles
pacemaker; initiates the contraction of - PQ interval – time bet. the beginning of
the heart; produce faster rate of the P wave and he beginning of the QRS
action potential in heart and with complex; atria contracts and begins to
larger Ca2+; myocardium relax
▪ Atrioventricular node (AV) – spreads ▪ PR interval – common name bcos the
action potential slowly; lower portion Q wave is very small
of right atrium - QT interval – represents the time req. for
● Slow rate of Action potential in AV ventricular depolarization and
node allows the atria to comple repolarization
contraction before action
potential delivered to ventricles Cardiac Cycle
▪ Atrioventricular bundle – a bundle of
- Repetitive pumping process of cardiac
specialized cardiac muscle located in
muscle contractions
intervertricular septum; divide into 2
- Pressure changes produce within the heart
chambers as a result of cardiac muscle
▪ Left & Right bundle branches – two
contraction move blood from areas higher
branches of conducting tissue
pressure to areas of lower pressure
● Action potential pass down the
▪ Atrial systole – refers to contraction of
bundle branches towards apex
▪ Purkinje fibers – conduct action
▪ Ventricular systole – refers to
potentials more rapidly than do other
contraction of ventricles
cardiac muscle fibers; from tips of left
▪ Atrial diastole – refers to relaxation of
and right bundles branches; pass to
the apex then extend to cardiac
▪ Ventricular diastole – refers to
muscle of ventricle.
relaxation of ventricles
▪ Ectopic beat – action potentials
originate in an area of the heart than
Heart sounds Effects of aging on the heart

- Stethoscope – used to listen to the sounds - Age of 70, cardiac output decreased by
of the lungs and the heart, and even one-third resulting to limited ability to respond
sounds of the body to emergencies, infection, blood loss and
- Lubb – closure of the AV valves stress
- Dupp – closure of the semilunar valves - Hypertrophy – enlargement of left ventricle
- Incompetent valve – heart valve does not - Resting and maximum cardiac output slowly
not completely close lower to 30-60%
- Murmurs – abnormal heart sounds; result of - Increase cardiac arrhymias occurs as
a faulty valve consequence of decreased number of
- Stenosed – when opening of a valve is cardiac cell
narrowed; swishing sound precedes - Coronary artery diseases and heart failure

Regulation of Heart Function

- Cardiac output (CO) – vol. of blood

pumped; 5 L/min
▪ CO = SV x HR
- Stroke volume (SV) – vol. of blood pumped
per ventricle per contraction; 70 mL/beat
- Heart rate (HR) – no. of times the heart
contracts per minute; 72 beats/min

Intrinsic Regulation of the Heart

- Mechanisms contained within the heart

- Venous return – amt. of blood that returns
to the heart
- Preload – degree to which the ventricular
walls are stretched at the end of diastole
- Starling’s Law of the Heart – relationship
bet. Preload and stroke volume
- Afterload – pressure against which the
ventricles must pump blood

Extrinsic Regulation of the Heart

- Mechanisms external to the heart

a. Nervous Regulation: Baroreceptor Reflex
▪ A mechanism of the nervous system in
regulating heart function
▪ Baroreceptors – stretch receptors that
monitor blood pressure
▪ Cardioregulatory center – receives
and integrates action potentials form
the baroreceptors
b. Chemical Regulation: Chemoreceptor
▪ Epinephrine & Norepinephrine – causes
increased Heart Rate and Stroke
blood flow when ventricle is

♦ MUSCULAR – medium-sized and

Blood Vessel and Circulation | CHAPTER 13 small diameter
- Blood vessel carry blood to within 2 or 3 cell ⮚ Wall thickness is from smooth
diameters of nearly all the trillions of cells that muscle
make up the body ⮚ Medium sized arteries called
- Blood vessel remain functional DISTRIBUTING ARTERY because it
- When blood vessel is damage, they can repair can control blood flow to diff.
themselves regions of the body
⮚ Vasoconstriction – contraction of
Blood flow outside the heart are divided into two: smooth muscle in blood vessel;
decrease blood flow and blood
- Pulmonary vessel – transport blood from right
vessel diameter
ventricle of heart to lungs and back to left
⮚ Vasodilation – relaxation of
smooth muscle in blood vessel;
- Systematic vessel - transport blood from left
increase of blood flow and
ventricle of heart to all the parts of the body
blood vessel diameter
and back to right atrium
⮚ Supplies blood to small arteries;
- Pulmonary and systematic vessel constitute
same structure except the
the circulatory system
diameter with small arteries
FUNCTIONS OF CIRCULATORY SYSTEM: ⮚ Smallest arteries has only 3-4
layer of smooth muscle wall
1. Carries blood ♦ ARTERIOLES – smallest artery;
2. Exchanges nutrients, wastes and gases transport blood from small artery to
3. Transports substances capillary
4. Helps regulate blood pressure ⮚ Site where exchange occurs
5. Directs blood flow to tissues between blood and tissue fluids;
has thinner walls
● Blood flows from arterioles into
- Three main types of blood vessel capillaries
▪ ARTERIES ● Exchange of substance such as O2,
● carry blood AWAY from the heart; nutrients, CO2, and other waste
oxygenated blood products; occurs betw. Blood and
● blood is pumped from ventricle into tissue fluid
large, elastics arteries, which ● Thinner walls than arteries; consist of
branched repeatedly to form endothelium. O.5-1 millimeter long
progressively smaller arteries ● Blood flow are more slowly
● As they become smaller, artery walls ● PRECAPILLARY SPHINCTERS – regulates
undergo gradual transition from blood flow; located at the origin of
elastic tissue than smooth muscle to branches of capillaries
more smooth muscle than elastic. ●
♦ ELASTIC – largest diameter and ● Blood flow from capillaries into veins
have the thickest walls (venules)
⮚ Greater proportion of their wall is ● Carry blood TOWARDS the heart;
composed of elastic tissue and a deoxygenated blood
smaller portion of smooth tissue ● thinner walls than arteries and contains
⮚ Example: aorta and pulmonary less elastic tissue and fewer smooth
trunk muscle tissue
⮚ Elastic recoil of these arteries ● from capillaries proceeding toward
prevents blood pressure from heart, small diameter veins come
falling rapidly and maintains together to form larger diameter veins
● veins increase in diameter and
decrease in number; as it progress
towards the heart, the walls increase in - Right and Left pulmonary arteries – branches
thickness of pulmonary trunk; carries deoxygenated
● CLASSIFICATION: blood (pulmonary capillaries in lungs, where
⮚ VENULES – tubes with a diameter blood takes O2 and release CO2) and
slightly larger than that of capillary deoxygenated blood (from lungs to the left
⮚ SMALL VEINS – slightly larger than atrium)
venules; has 3 tunics - Pulmonary veins – exits lungs and carries
⮚ MEDIUM-SIZED VEINS – collect oxygenated blood to the left atrium
blood from small veins and deliver
● Have diameter than 2 mm contains - SYTEMATIC CIRCULATION – system of blood
valves to ensure that blood flows vessel that carries blood from left ventricle to
toward heart but not in opposite tissues of the body.
direction. ⮚ Oxygenated blood from pulmonary veins
● Prevents blood flow towards feet in passes to left atrium into left ventricle into
response to pull of gravity aorta


- where all arteries of the systemic circulation

branch directly or indirectly
- 3 PARTS:
1. ASCENDING AORTA – passes superiorly from
LV; where R and L coronary arteries arise
from its base and supply blood to heart
2. AORTIC ARCH – aorta arches posteriorly
and to the left
▪ 3 major arteries that carry blood to the
head and upper limbs:
vessel consist of three layers or tunics 3. DESCENDING AORTA – longest part; from
1. TUNICA INTIMA – innermost; basement thorax and abdomen to upper pelvis
membrane; composed of Endothelium ▪ THORACIC AORTA – extends through
o Composed of simple squamous the thorax and diaphragm
epithelial cell and amount of ▪ ABDOMINAL AORTA – extends through
connective tissue the diaphragm; divide 2 common iliac
o Muscular arteries, it contains layer arteries
of thin elastic connective tissue ▪ ARTERIAL ANEURYSM – localized
2. TUNICA MEDIA – middle layer; smooth dilation of an artery that usually
muscles arranged circularly develops in response to trauma or a
o Contains variable amount of congenital weakness of the artery wall.
elastic and collagen fiber Rupture of a large aneurysm is fatal
o Muscular arteries, layer of elastic can cause death
connective tissue in outer margin
portion; dense connective tissue adjacent
to tunica media and become loose - BRACHIOCEPHALIC ARTERY – first vessel to
connective tissue toward the outer portion branch from the aortic arch (arm and head)
of the blood vessel wall ⮚ Right Common carotid artery and Right
Subclavian artery; Left Common carotid
⮚ No artery on the left side of the body; left
- Pulmonary circulation – system of blood vessel common carotid and subclavian branch
carries blood from right ventricle to lungs and directly aortic arch
back to left atrium - SUBCLAVIAN ARTERY – 2nd and 3rd branches;
- Pulmonary Trunk – blood from right ventricle is transport blood to head and neck
pumped into short vessel - COMMON CAROTID ARTERY – internal and
external; transport blood to upper limb
⮚ Extend superiorly along each side of neck ▪ INFERIOR MESENTRIC A. – remainder of
to mandible. the large intestines
⮚ Base of internal carotid is slightly dilated to - PARIETAL ARTERIES
carotid sinus; important in monitoring ⮚ INFERIOR PHRENIC ARTERIES – diaphragm
blood pressure; pass through carotid ⮚ LUMBAR A – lumbar vertebrae and back
canals and contribute to cerebral arterial muscles
circle (base of the brain) ⮚ MEDIAN SACRAL – inferior vertebrae
⮚ External carotid arteries have several
branches supplies the structure of neck, ARTERIES OF THE PELVIS
nose, face, and mouth Divides at the level of the fifth lumbar vertebra
- VERTEBRAL ARTERY – supply blood to the brain into two common iliac arteries:
and spinal cord
- BASILAR ARTERY – supply blood to the pons, - EXTERNAL ILIAC A – enters lower limbs
cerebellum and midbrain - INTERNAL ILIAC A – supplies the pelvic area
⮚ VISCERAL BRANCHES – supply urinary
ARTERIES OF UPPER LIMB bladder, rectum, uterus, vagina
- AXILLARY ARTERY – axilla (armpit) ⮚ PARIETAL BRANCHES – walls and floor of
- BRACHIAL ARTERY – arm; measurement of the pelvis; lumbar, gluteal and proximal
blood pressure thigh muscles; external genitalia
⮚ RADIAL A – commonly used for taking a - FEMORAL ARTERY – thigh
pulse - POLITEAL ARTERY – popliteal space, posterior
region of the knee
Thoracic aorta is divided into 2: (ankle)
⮚ POSTERIOR TIBIAL A. – fibular/peroneal A.
- VESCERAL ARTERY – supply the THORACIC (supply blood to the leg and foot)
WALL; major parietal arteries: VEINS
⮚ POSTERIOR INTERCOSTAL ARTERY – from - Deoxygenated blood from tissues of the body
thoracic aorta and extend bet the ribs; returns to heart through veins
supplies intercostal muscle, vertebrae, - SUPERIOR VENA CAVA – head, neck, thorax,
spinal cord and deep muscle at back upper Limbs
⮚ SUPERIOR PHRENIC ARTERY – supply the - INFERIOR VENA CAVA – abdomen, pelvis,
diaphragm lower limbs
along the internal surface of the anterior VEINS OF HEAD AND NECK
thoracic wall; branches of subclavian
External and internal jugular veins – 2 major veins
that drain blood from head and neck
bet ribs to supply the anterior chest wall - EXTERNAL – more superficial; carries blood
from posterior head and neck, empties the
subclavian veins.
Abdominal aorta is divided into 2: - INTERNAL – larger and deeper; carries blood
from brain, anterior head, face, and neck
- VISCERAL ARTERIES ⮚ Joins subclavian veins on each side to
⮚ PAIRED BRANCHES form brachiocephalic veins (under
▪ RENAL ARTERIES – kidneys superior vena cava)
▪ SUPRARENAL A. – adrenal glands
and ovaries
- DEEP VEINS – drain deep structure of upper
▪ CELIAC TRUNK – supply blood to
⮚ BRACHIAL VEIN – only noteworthy deep
stomach, pancreas, spleen, upper
vein which accompany the brachial
duodenum and liver
artery and empties the axillary vein
- SUPERFICIAL VEIN – drain the superficial
intestines and upper portion of the
structure of the upper limbs
large intestines
▪ CEPHALIC VEIN – empties in the axillary testes and ovaries
▪ BASILIC VEIN – becomes the axillary VEINS OF THE LOWER LIMBS
▪ MEDIAN CUBITAL VEIN – connects the ⮚ GREAT SAPHENOUS VEIN – dorsal and
Cephalic w/ Basilic vein medial side of foot
CUBITAL FOSSA – site for draining blood ⮚ SMALL SAPHENOUS VEIN – lateral side of
Three major veins return blood to superior vena

⮚ RIGHT BRACHIOCEPHALIC VEINS - To maintain adequate blood flow

⮚ LEFT BRACHIOCEPHALIC VEINS - Blood flows through arterial system
⮚ AZYGOS VEINS primarily as a result of the pressure
- These veins empties into internal thoracic produced by the contraction of the heart.
veins, which empty into the brachiocephalic BLOOD PRESSURE
- Blood from posterior thoracic wall collected – measure of the force of blood exerted
by posterior intercostal veins that empty into against the blood vessel walls
the azygos vein on right and hemiazygos vein ▪ SYSTOLIC PRESSURE – ventricle
or accessory hemiazygos veins on left contract; pressure reaches a maximum
- Blood from posterior abdominal wall returns pressure fall a minimum value
toward heart through ascending lumbar veins - millimeters of mercury or mmHg – standard
into the azygos vein. unit for BP
- Blood in abdomen, pelvis and lower limb - auscultator method – used by health
return to the heart through inferior vena cava professionals to determine blood pressure:
▪ INTERNAL ILIAC VEINS – drain the pelvis 1. Blood pressure cuff connected to
▪ EXTERNAL ILIAC VEINS – from lower limbs sphygmomanometer wrapped to
▪ COMMON ILIAC VEINS – combine to form patient’s arm and stethoscope placed
the IVC over brachial artery. The cuff is inflated
- Liver is major processing center for substances until the brachial artery is blocked
absorbed by intestinal tract. 2. No blood flow to constricted area, no
▪ PORTAL SYSTEM – Vascular system; has no sound can be heard
pumping mechanism 3. Pressure in the cuff is gradually
▪ HEPATIC PORTAL SYSTEM – begins w/ lowered. Soon as the cuff declines
capillaries in the viscera and ends w/ below systolic pressure, blood flow
capillaries in the liver through the constricted area each
▪ MAJOR TRIBUTARIES: time the left ventricle contracts. Blood
▪ SPLENIC VEIN – Carries blood from flow turbulence produce vibration in
the spleen and pancreas blood and surrounding tissue that can
▪ SUPERIOR MESENTRIC VEIN - be heard in stethoscope. Sound called
♦ SUPERIOR AND INFERIOR MV – korotkoff sound, pressure which the first
carry blood from intestines korotkoff sound is heard is the systolic
MV – enters the liver 4. As it the pressure is lowered, korotkoff
▪ Blood from liver flows to hepatic veins, joins sound change tone and loudness
inferior vena cava. 5. When pressure is dropped until
▪ Blood entering the liver thru hepatic portal brachial artery is no longer constricted
is rich in nutrients collected by intestines, and blood flow is no longer turbulent,
may also contain toxins; within liver, sound disappears and the pressure at
nutrients are taken up or stored to use by whicj korotkoff sound disappear is the
other cells diastolic pressure
▪ RENAL VEINS – drain the kidneys
▪ SUPRARENAL VEINS – adrenal gland
Blood flow in body tissues are highly controlled
and matched closely to the metabolic needs of
tissue. Mechanism that control blood flow through
tissue is classified as;

- LOCAL CONTROL – periodic contraction

and relaxation of pre-capillary sphincters

PRESSURE AND RESISTANCE – if blood vessels

constrict, resistance to blood flow increases and
blood flow decreases


– can be detected on large arteries near

body surface
– difference betw. Systolic and diastolic - NERVOUS CONTROL
pressure; 2 factors affect pilse pressure
▪ stroke volume ▪ SYMPATHETIC NERVE FIBERS – innervate
● systolic pressure increase more most blood vessels of the body
than diastolic pressure; leads high ▪ VASOMOTOR CENTER – controls blood
pulse pressure vessel diameter
▪ vascular compliance ▪ VASOMOTOR TONE – state of partial
● ability of a blood vessel wall to constriction of blood vessels
expand and contract passively
with changes in pressure is an
important function of large arteries
and veins.
● Arteriosclerosis – hardening of
● Blood ejected to into less elastic
artery higher result of systolic


– most exchange across the wall of the

capillary occurs by DIFFUSION
– major forces for moving fluid through the - Adequate blood pressure is required to
capillary wall are maintain blood flow through the blood
▪ blood pressure - fluid out the vessel
capillaries - MEAN ARTERIAL PRESSURE – controlled by
▪ osmosis – moves fluid into capillaries min. to min. basis by changes in heart rate,
- Edema/swelling – result of disruption in stoke vol and pulse rate
normal inwardly and outwardly directed ▪ Less than the average systolic and
pressure across the capillary walls diastolic pressures in aorta bcs diastole
- swelling that is caused by fluid trapped last longer than systole
in your body's tissues ▪ 70 mm Hg at birth; 95 mm Hg from
adolescence to middle age; 110 mm
Hg to health older person
▪ MAP is equal to cardiac output times
peripheral resistance (resistance to
▪ Also. Map is equal to heart rate times
stroke volume times peripheral
▪ Increase in response to greater HR,SV,
or PR
▪ Decrease in response to lower HR,SV,
or PR
stretch in arteries caused by an increased
in pressure; to keep the blood pressure
within normal range
changes in blood oxygen and CO2
concentration and pH; changes blood
concentratiom of O2 and CO2 as well as

HORMONAL MECHANISM – help to control blod



Adrenal medullary cells integrate neural,
hormonal, and immune signals. Changes
in adrenal cytokines during the progression
of hypertension may promote blood
pressure elevation by influencing
catecholamine biosynthesis
MECHANISM - a complex multi-organ
endocrine (hormone) system involved in
the regulation of blood pressure by
balancing fluid and electrolyte levels, as
well as regulating vascular resistance &
tone; regulates sodium and water
absorption in the kidney thus directly
having an impact on systemic blood
stimulates water reabsorbtion by
stimulating insertion of "water channels" or
aquaporins into the membranes of kidney
tubules. These channels transport
solute-free water through tubular cells and LYMPHATIC SYSTEM | CHAPTER 14
back into blood, leading to a decrease in
Pathogens – microorganism that cause diseases
plasma osmolarity and an increase
or damage to the tissues of the body
osmolarity of urine.; DECREASE URINE
VOLUME Lymphatic System – important protection of the
- ARTRIAL NATRIURETIC MECHANISM - a body. It function as:
cardiac hormone which gene and
receptors are widely present in the body. I. Maintenance of fluid balance
Its main function is to lower blood (1) Lymph - the fluid that flows through
pressure and to control electrolyte the lymphatic system, a system
homeostasis. composed of lymph vessels
(channels) and intervening lymph
EFFECTS OF AGING ON THE BLOOD VESSELS nodes whose function, like the
venous system, is to return fluid
ARTERIOSCLEROSIS – arteries become narrowed
from the tissues to the central
and blood flow decreases
ATHEROSCLEROSIS – type of arteriosclerosis (2) Lymph contains (a) substances in
plasma pass from blood capillaries
into interstitial spaces then to
lymphatic capillaries as to become ▪ Beaded appearance bcs they have one
part of lymph and (b) substances way valves
such as hormones, enzymes, and ▪ When compressed, valves prevent
waste product backward movement of lymph. 3 factors
II. Lipid absorption – cause compression:
(1) The system absorb lipids and other ● Contraction of surrounding skeletal
substances from digestive tract muscle during activity
through lymphatic vessels called ● Periodic contraction of smooth muscle
lacteals (lymphatic capillary that in the lymphatic vessel wall
absorbs dietary fats in the villi of ● Pressure changes in the thorax during
the small intestine.) breathing
III. Defense – pathogens are filtered by ● Lymphatic vessel converge and
lymph by lymph nodes and from blood eventually empty into blood at two
by spleen; involves fighting infections location in the body:
ANATOMY OF LYMPHATIC SYSTEM vessels from the right upper limb and
LYMPHATIC CAPILLARIES AND VESSSEL the right half of the head, neck and
- The lymphatic capillaries and vessel includes chest; empties into the right subclavian
▪ Lymph vein
▪ Lymphatic vessels ▪ THORACIC DUCT – lymphatic vessels
▪ Lymph nodes from the rest of the body; empties into
▪ Tonsils the left subclavian vein
▪ Thymus
- Does not circulate fluid in other tissue; carries Consist of tonsils, lymph nodes, spleen and thymus
fluid in one direction from tissue to circulatory
system - Lymphatic tissue - consists of many
- Fluid moves from blood capillaries into tissues lymphocytes (originate from red marrow) and
spaces. Most of the fluid returns to blood but other cells, such as macrophages; found
some of the fluids moves from the tissue within lymphatic organs. It has fine reticular
spaces into lymphatic capillaries and become tissue form an interlaced network that holds
lymph lymphocytes and other cell in place, It also
- Lymphatic capillaries – tiny, closed-ended traps pathogens. Number of lymphocytes is
vesssels consisting of simple squamous part of immune response
▪ More permeable than blood
capillaries bcs of lack of basement
membrane as fluids passes easily
▪ Tonsils
▪ Overlapping squamous cells act as
valves that prevent back flows; after
fluid pass through Lymphatic
Capillaries, flows towards thoracic
▪ Present in most tissue of the body
● Central nervous system
● Bone marrow and tissue lacking
blood vessel
● Epidermis and cartilage ▪ Three groups:
▪ Superficial group of lymphatic ● PALATINE TONSILS – located on
capillaries collects excess interstitial each side of the posterior opening
fluids from dermis and subcutaneous of the oral cavity; Usually referred
tissues to as “the tonsils”
▪ Deep group collects excess fluid from ● PHARYNGEAL TONSILS – located
muscle, viscera and other deep near the internal opening of the
structure nasal cavity
- Lymphatic vessel – resemble small veins; ♦ Adenoid – enlarged
formed when lymphatic capillaries join pharyngeal tonsil
● LINGUAL TONSIL – on the posterior
surface of the tongue; hard to
● Tonsils form protective ring of
lymphatic tissue around openings
between nasal and oral cavities and
the pharynx
● Protects from pathogens and harmful
material entering the nose and mouth
● Pharyngeal or palatine tonsils are
chronically infected and being
● Tonsillectomy – removal of palatine
● Adenoidectomy – removal of
pharyngeal tonsil
● In adults, tonsils decrease in size or
▪ Roughly the size of a clenched fist and
is located in the left, superior corner of
the abdominal cavity
▪ Has an outer capsule of dense CT and
a small amount of smooth muscle
▪ TRABECULAE – divide the spleen into
small, interconnected compartments
containing 2 specialized types of
lymphatic tissue:

● WHITE PULP – surrounds the arteries
within the spleen; lymphocytes can
stimulated same manner as lymph
● RED PULP – associated with the
veins; consist of fibrous network
filled with macrophages and RBC
and enlarge capillaries that
▪ LYMPH NODES – rounded structures, vary in connect to the veins;
size of small seed; distributed a long macrophages remove foreign
various lymphatic vessel substances and worn our RBC
▪ Most lymph passes through at least through phagocytosis.
one lymph nodes before entering ▪ Spleen filters blood instead of lymph,
blood cells within spleen detect and respond
▪ Found throughout the body and to foreign substances in the blood and
classified superficial and deep destroy old and damage RBC
● 3 superficial aggregations of lymph ▪ Spleen function as blood reservoir
nodes: (a)inguinal nodes in the ▪ Although it is protected by the ribs, it
groin, (b) axillary nodes in axilla, often get ruptured in abdominal
and (3) cervical nodes in neck injuries, causing severe bleeding, shock
● CAPSULE – dense CT that surrounds and death
each lymph node ▪ Splenectomy – removal of spleen
● TRABECULAE – extensions of the ▪ Thymus
aggregations of tissue form from
lymphocytes and other cells
▪ LYMPHATIC SINUSES – spaces between
the lymphatic tissues that contain
macrophages on a network of fibers
▪ GERMINAL CENTERS – lymphatic
nodules containing the rapidly dividing
▪ Spleen
▪ Antibody-mediated immunity, involves
▪ Bilobed gland roughly triangular in B-cells
shape; located in superior ▪ Cell-mediated immunity, involves
mediastinum, divising thoracic cavity T-cells
into left and right parts Characteristics of adaptive immunity:
▪ Site for maturation of lymphocytes (T ▪ SPECIFICITY – ability of adaptive
Cells immunity to recognize a particular
▪ CAPSULE – thin CT that surrounds each substance
lobe ▪ MEMORY – ability of the adaptive
▪ TRABECULAE – divide each lobe into immunity to “remember” previous
lobules encounters with a particular substance
▪ CORTEX – dark-staining areas where - When bacteria are destroyed before any
lymphocytes are numerous symptoms develop, the person is said to be
▪ MEDULLA – lighter-staining, central immune
portion of the lobules; has fewer


● Prevent microorganisms and chemicals
- Plays an important role in maintaining body from entering the body in two ways:
homeostasis by regulating fluid balance and ▪ Skin and mucous membranes form
protecting body against diseases. barriers that prevent their entry
- Process: ▪ Tears, saliva, and urine wash these
1. Lymphatic capillaries and vessels remove substances from body surfaces
fluid from tissues - CHEMICAL MEDIATORS
2. Specialized lymphatic vessel called ● molecules responsible for many aspects of
lacteals absorb lipids at small intestines. innate immunity; Destroy pathogens and
Lymph in these vessels is referred as chyle prevent their entry like lysosomes in tears
due to high lipid content. that kills certain bacteria
3. Lymph nodes filters lymph by removing ● histamine, complement, prostaglandins,
pathogens and debris as the lymph flow and leukotrienes, promote inflammation as
toward thoracic cavity well as enhance phagocytosis by certain
4. Lymph passes into larger vessels or ducts WBC. Inferrons protect cells against viral
and enters the blood infections
5. Spleen filters blood, the site of ▪ COMPLEMENT – group of
lymphocytes as respond to infection approximately 20 proteins found in
6. Pre-T cells are produce in red marrow and plasma; complement proteins
migrate to thymus where mature T-cells circulate in blood as an inactive form,
come can be activated by combining with
7. B-cells produce and mature in red bone foreign substances. Once activation
marrow; T-cells from thymus circulate to begins it promote inflammation and
and populate in other lyphatic tissues phagocytosis of bacterial cells
▪ INTERFERONS – are proteins that
IMMUNITY protect the body against viral
- The ability to resist damage from foreign infections; they tell your immune
substances – such as microorganisms, harmful system that germs or cancer cells are
chemicals, and internal threats. Categorized in your body. And they trigger killer
in two system: immune cells to fight those invaders.
▪ INNATE IMMUNITY – nonspecific resistance; Interferons got their name because
the body recognizes and destroys certain they "interfere" with viruses and keep
foreign substances, but the response to them from multiplying.
them is the same each time the body is - WHITE BLOOD CELL
exposed. ● Most important cellular components of
▪ ADAPTIVE IMMUNITY – specific immunity; immunity; produce in red marrow and
the body recognizes and destroys certain lymphatic tissue as it release to blod
foreign substances, but the response to ● Important chemicals known to attract
them improves each time the foreign WBC: Complement, Leukotrienes, Kinins,
substance is encountered. It has 2 Histamine
subdivision: ● CHEMOTAXIS – movement of WBC toward
these chemicals

● PHAGOCYTOSIS – the ingestion and ● Type of lymphocyte produced in Red

destruction of particles by cells called Marrow, account up to 15% of
phagocytes. Most important phagocytes: lymphocytes
▪ NEUTROPHILS – small phagocytic cells ● Recognize classes of cells, such as tumor
that are usually the first cells to enter cells or virus-infected cells in general;
infected tissues, release chemical causes these cells to lyse
signal that increase inflammatory - INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE
response by recruiting and activating
immune cells; often die after
♦ PUS – accumulation of fluid,
dead neutrophils, and other
cells at a site of infection
▪ MACROPHAGES – monocytes that
leave the blood, enter tissues, and
enlarge about fivefold
SYSTEM – phagocytes with a
single (mono), unlobed
nucleus; combination of
monocytes and macrophages
- Dust cells – macrophages in
the lungs
- Kupffer cells – liver
- Microglia – central nervous
♦ Ingest more and larger irtems
than neutrophils; macrophages
appears in infected tissues after
neutrophils. Responsible for
phagocytic activity in late
stages of an infection including
♦ Also seen in non-infected tissue,
● Involves many chemicals and cells
incase pathogens entered
discussed; similar or vary depending on
non-infected tissues,
the intensity of the response and type of
macrophages easily
phagocytize it
● Chemicals release has several effects:
CELLS OF INFLAMMATION ▪ Vasodilation increase blood flow and
brings phagocytes and other WBC in
● BASOPHILS – derived from red bone the area
marrow; motile WBCs that can leave the ▪ Phagocytes leaves blood abd enter
blood and enter infected tissues tissue
▪ MAST CELLS – nonmotile cells in CT, ▪ Increased vascular permeability allow
esp. near capillaries; located at fibrinogen and complement enter
points where pathogen may enter tissue
like skin, lungs, gastrointestinal tract ▪ Inflammation can be:
and urogenital tract ● LOCAL INFLAMMATION – confined
▪ Can be activated through innate to a specific area of the body
immunity and adaptive immunity ♦ SYMPTOMS: redness, heat,
▪ Release chemicals such as histamine swelling, pain, and loss of
and leukotrienes that produce function
● EOSINOPHILS – produced in red bone generally distributed throughout
marrow; enter the blood, and within a few the body
minutes enter tissues. Associated with ♦ SYMPTOMS: increase in
allergies and asthma neutrophil numbers, fever, and
♦ PYROGENS – stimulate fever response. For AIR to be effective, two events
production; affects body must occur:
temperature ● Antigen recognition by lymphocytes
♦ Red marrow produces and ▪ ANTIGEN RECEPTORS – proteins of the
release large numbers of lymphocytes
neutrophils which produce ● B-CELL RECEPTORS – antigen
phagocytosis receptors on B cells
● T-CELL RECEPTORS – antigen
ADAPTIVE IMMUNITY receptors on T cells
ANTIGENS – substances that stimulate adaptive ● Once lymphocytes are activated,
immune responses adaptive immune response begins
● In many cases, antigens that are
i. FOREIGN ANTIGENS – introduced from outside activated lymphocytes are portion
the body (Ex: bacteria, viruses, chemicals of larger molecules.
released by microorganisms) ♦ T cells and b cells are recognize
▪ ALLERGIC REACTION – caused by foreign antigens after these large
antigens that produce an overreaction of molecules have been
the immune system processes or broken down into
ii. SELF-ANTIGENS – molecules of the body smaller fragments
produces to stimulate and immune system ♦ These large molecules can
response causing destruction of diseases originate from either (1) internal
▪ AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE – results when antigen – substance produce
self-antigens stimulate unwanted in a cell or (2) external antigen
destruction of normal tissue – foreign antigens that are
- Adaptive immunity divided into: phagocytized by
▪ Antibody-mediated immunity – involves macrophages
proteins called antibodies, which are ● Major histocompatibility complex
found and produce in the plasma (MHC) molecules – are
▪ B CELLS – lymphocyte that produces glycoproteins that have binding
antibodies sites for antigens. MHC molecules
▪ Cell-mediated immunity – involves the are a different group of receptors
actions of a second type of lymphocyte, found in membrane. Function as
called T cells serving tray that holds and present
▪ Cytotoxic T cells – produce effect of a processed antigen on outer
cell-mediated immunity surface of cell membrane.
▪ Helper T cells – promote or inhibit the Combine MHC molecule and
activities of both antibody and processed antigen can bind to a
cell-mediated immunity lymphocytes antigen receptor and
stimulate. It has 2 types:
♦ MHC class I – molecules found
cells and display internal
Clonal Selection of B Cells antigens
♦ MHC class II – molecules found
- HEMOPOIETIC STEM CELL – in red marrow
on the membrane of
capable of giving rise to all blood cells
antigen-presenting cell
▪ Both T cells and B cells originate in stem
(includes macrophages, B
cells in red marrow. Both circulate to other
lymphocytes and other
lymphatic tissue such as lymph nodes.
defense cells) and display
More t cells than B cells
external antigens
▪ B cells enter blood from red marrow
▪ T cells enter blood from thymus ACTIVATION AND PROLIFERATION OF HELPER T
- CLONES – small groups of identical B cells or T CELLS
cells that are form during embryonic
development 1. ANTIGEN PRESENTING CELL such as
macrophages, phagocytes, processes
ACTIVATION AND MULTIPLICATION OF and display an antigen on its membrane
2. Helper T cell interacts with macrophages
- Specialized B cells or T cells respond to
though its T-cell receptor
antigens and produce an adaptive immune
3. Constimulation occurs through other - Important process that generates the needed
chemical signalling such as interleukins defense cell to protect the body
secreted by macrophages and CD4 - Helper T Cells by macrophages, respond by
glycoproteins of the helper T cell producing interleukin-2 and interleukin-2
4. Helper T cel is activated and stimulated to receptors
divide through the action of interleukin-2, - interleukin-2 binds to the receptor and
producing daughter cells stimulate the helper T cell to divide
5. Newly formed daughter helper T cells can - daughter T cells produced by this division can
be stimulated to divide as well. These be presented by macrophages and
helper T cells can also stimulate B cells stimulated and divide again
and cytotoxic T cells - number of helper T cells is greatly increase
6. Some daughter cell will become memory and it is important bcs it is necessary for
T cells and may become active in the activation of B cells or cytotoxic T cells
- MHC molecule/antigen combination is usually A HELPER T CELLS STIMULATES B CELL TO DIVIDE
only the first signal necessary to produce AND DIFFERENTIATE INTO PLASMA CELLS WHICH
response from B or T cell PRODUCE ANTIBODIES
- Constimulation - second signal; can be 1. B-cell proliferation begins when a b cell
achieve by cytokinesis, which protein or takes in the same kind of antigen that
peptides secreted by one cell as regulator of stimulated the helper T cells
neighbouring cells. (ex. Interlukin-1 is a 2. The antigen is processed by the B cells
cytokine released by macrophages that can and presented on the b-cell surface by
stimulate helper t cells an MHC class II molecule
- Lymphocytes has other surface molecules 3. A helper T cell is stimulated when it binds
aside MHC to the MHC class II/antigen complex there
▪ Helper t cells have glycoprotein called is also constimulation involving CD4 and
CD4 which helps connect helper T cells to interleukins
the macrophage by binding to MHC class 4. As a result, B cell divides into two
11 daughter cells
▪ CD4 protein bound by the viruses that 5. One daughter cell differentiates to
causes AIDS plasma cell, which produce antibodies
▪ Cytotoxic T cells have a glycoprotein 6. Division process continue, increasing
called CD8 which helps cytotoxic T cells to number of cells capable of producing
cell diplaying MHC class I antibodies and resulting to sufficient

antibodies to destroy antigen

7. Daughter cell do not become plasma
LYMPHOCYTES PROLIFERATION cells, it become memory B cells and
become active in the future encounters
of same antigen


- Exposure to antigen can lead to activation of

B cells and production of antibodies
- Antibodies bind to antigens which destroyed
through different mechanism
- Antibodies are body fluid, antibody-mediated
immunity is effective against extracellular
antigens; it is also involve in allergic reactions

- Antibodies are proteins produced in response

to an antigen
- Y-shaped molecules consisting of four
polypeptide chains;
▪ Two identical heavy chains
▪ Two identical light chains
- End of each “arm” of the antibody is the
variable region, where the part of the
antibody that combines with the antigen. It is
also particular antibody can join only with a
particular antigen similar to lock-and-key of
- Rest of the antibody is constant region, it
function as it can activate complement or it
can attached the antibody to cells such as
macrophages, basophils and mast cells
- Antibodies make up a large portion of the
proteins in plasma ; most plasma proteins can
be separated into albumin and alpha, beta
and gamma globulin portions’
- Antibodies are called gamma globulins, bcs it
is found in gamma globulin part of plasma
- Antibodies are also called immunoglobulin,
bcs they are globulins proteins involve.


- Directly inactivate antigens or cause them to

clump together
- Indirectly destroy antigens by promoting
phagocytosis and inflammation


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